#hes gotta be unnecessary
wynautwai · 4 months
With Infinity Nikki I think the question we should ALL be asking is:
What is baby's first hell/lifetime suit Star Sea gonna look like, because you KNOW it's coming back
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camellcat · 6 months
just recently rewatched the end of time specials, and I can't stop thinking about the way the master caught the doctor only to let him drop anyway. hey guys. what the fuck? I like had a visceral reaction to that and I don't even know why. that's. what. why'd he do that. do it again
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cactiaintracist · 9 months
the only correct way to write proper high-stake sci-fi finale is to get 3 very gay men and ask them to improvise the most camp, slutty and intense game of catch (also helps if one is trouser-less)
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look, they knew exactly what they were doing
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the tension, oh gawd the tension
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15's face kills me everytime
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honestly show me a scene with a better sequence of events (bet you can't), I'll wait right here
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 months
There are only two episodes left in The Boys S4, but having seen the leaks and with what we got, I have some opinions.
My conspiracy theory is that they got too many cooks in the kitchen (writers in the writer’s room)—plus the writer’s strike and pandemic happening during this time—and it’s starting to make sense how they dropped the ball with this season.
#the boys#the boys tv#the boys amazon#the boys season 4#the boys season four#S1-3 is like a sharp honed blade (with occasional misses) whereas S4 swings a lot but misses their target#I like a handful of things (Antony Starr and Karl Urban are CARRYING the season for me)#God; Antony’s back must hurt from carrying the show so hard (give the man an Emmy)#but there are so many more moments in the show that falls flat for me#my interest in the secondary cast is virtually nonexistent (and this is coming from a person who likes them all)#I do not care about Joe; I do not care about the Frenchie & Colin B-plot; I do not care about Annie’s randomly thrown in abortion (???)#there’s a lotta wasted character moments and unnecessary fluff they should’ve cut out to laser focus in on the main plot#the character moments do not hit as hard as the writers hoped they did (it feels like they just threw random darts & hoped they hit)#this season feels like a waste of time :/ which is unfortunate#I like edgy dark humor & satire as the next guy—but it’s gotta advance the plot or be used for a purpose other than shock value#it doesn’t help that you get the sense a couple script decisions is a result of Kripke wanting to work with ppl he wants to work with again#which—fair enough; it’s his show—he can do whatever he wants#but I get a weird feeling when he throws in celebrity cameos & their B-plots instead laserfocusing on the main characters#I hope they tighten the story in the final season 5#they focused too much on the wrong things and not on the right things (seriously?? not showing Butcher taking the V??? making it offscreen?)#and the tentacles instead of making Butcher’s powers ironically parallel the very man he hates :/#the obvious Venom symbiote parody is not as funny or cool as you think it is (when you had a VERY cool premise before)
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triglycercule · 2 months
thinking about dumb stuff like mtt phone percentages in a modern au (because what type of fan are you if you don't think of the most random headcanons possible.)
dust would carry around a portable charger at all times to ensure his phone was at 100%. not because he likes it but i feel he'd have one of those phones that instantly drop to 4% if not constantly plugged in
horror doesn't keep track of his phone battery at all he just makes sure it's not below 10% (because it just feels right.) horror would have a streak for how long he's gotten close to his phone dying and then get pissed off when he loses the streak (real)
killer's one of those people to immediately plug his phone in when it reaches 20% because he really doesn't want his phone to die (a modern au killer would be ADDICTED to his phone TRUST i was the 20% notification)
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virgothozul · 1 year
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solargeist · 4 months
grian we will keep u AWAY from flora after that 😭
Right 💥💥💥 she is not able to gauge how weak or strong players are, she’s very much like, I can do it, why can’t you do it ? 🤔🤔🤔
not a good mindset to have..
she comes from a twilight forest server, shes survived on her own for a long time as a player, but grian comes from a community of friends, so there’s an obvious difference in their abilities.
she’s not gonna kill him or cause ~severe physical harm, but they don’t get along, u can see Why 😭
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glamrock-freddy · 10 months
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Hmgnhm coughing up an au. Have some undercooked doodles
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padfootastic · 2 years
sirius @ james for this one: “what can i get you? do you need water? a hug? space?”
anon we have the same brain fr because i looked at this and had the same thought. (and so did others because i have 2 more asks w this exact premise)
i hope u like this! personally, it’s one of my favs 🙈
Sirius cut his way through the post-dinner throng of students as swiftly and efficiently as he could, resisting the urge to case a wide-area Blasting Charm to clear the route faster. His destination was the large gathering of students in the middle of the courtyard, jeering and chanting.
As he got closer, the voices floating from the centre of the circle became more distinct, making his face twist into a grimace.
“Think you’re so much better than us, don’t you, Potter?” An unfortunately familiar voice was taunting, though it sounded a bit funny, muffled. A part of Sirius knew, even before he pushed through the crowd, that it would just be Snape putting his nose somewhere it had no business being. Usually, it wouldn’t be such a big deal for Sirius who couldn’t care less about him if he was held at wand-point. But today, today he’d decided to go needle James.
Who was already in a terrible mood this week. It was a combination of everything—Effie and Flea’s declining health, the constant chatter in the castle, the pressure from the Quidditch Cup, Lily’s taunts, McGonagall’s nagging—all of it building and building and building until it reached a boiling point. Sirius had been waiting for him to blow this entire week; it’s only unfortunate that it happened the one day they’re in different classes, on opposite ends of the castle, and at the hands of Snape at that. Sirius had heard that something was going down in the courtyard, could only catch James’ name in between the gasps and giggles before promptly booking it out of there.
And sure enough, he got there just in time to see James send his fist into Snape’s jaw with a ridiculous ‘crack’ that Sirius can hear all the way to where he’s standing, making him wince slightly. Clearly, this isn’t his first, because there’s a stream of blood running down Snape’s nose, pooling over and around his mouth. There’s a scratch-bruise situation on one of his cheekbones that he’s guessing is from James’ Potter Ring.
James is…not entirely blemish free—there’s a wicked bruise blooming on his temple—but in comparison? He looks practically untouched.
It’s no wonder, though, because despite Snape’s mouthing off, it’s clearly an act, put upon for his own sake just as much as for others. Now that Sirius is right in front of them, he can see exactly how terrified the guy looks, though he’s made a valiant effort to hide it. One look at James and he immediately understood why.
James had Snape lifted up against the wall by his collar, teeth bared and a feral tinge to his eyes. His hazel eyes were almost black as he said, “Say something like that again, Snape, I dare you.”
Clearly, the Slytherin had lost the few brain cells he had left because he actually opened his mouth to answer. James didn’t give him the chance, only pushing him harder into the granite. “I will end you, Snivellus, don’t try me. Stop fucking running your mouth if you can’t deal with the consequences of it.”
That was the point Sirius decided to step in. It didn’t seem like anyone else would—Remus and the other prefects were standing on the far end of the hallway, huddled and whispering furiously; no teachers were present—and judging by Snape’s rapidly reddening face, he was less than a minute away from getting his face fully bashed in. Sirius didn’t want James to deal with the aftermath of that in his current state if he actually went through with it. There were too many people around, anyway.
“James,” he called, stepping forward. He could’ve sworn he heard at least three different sighs of relief but all his attention was now fixed on the way James’ fists clenched harder at the sound of his voice. He sighed—so it was like that, was it?
He stepped up to the two of them and placed a hand on James’ forearm. It was taut with tension, like steel to the touch, almost blazing hot. Ignoring the fact that James was deliberately ignoring looking at him, he started massaging his arm with a light touch, gently working his way down from his elbow to wrist, feeling the muscles loosen with each second. Once he’d repeated the action a couple times, he started rubbing circles with his thumb on the bottom of his palm, increasing the pressure with each rotation.
Eventually, it didn’t take more than a minute before James’ shoulders sagged, almost imperceptibly, and his fists unclenched. Snape, who’d been uncharacteristically silent so far—perhaps showing some of that Slytherin self preservation and realising Sirius was his best bet to getting out here without further harm?—quickly slid out from under his arm, going to stand a safe distance away. He opened his mouth, forgetting that distance meant nothing when James was as good with a wand as he was, but Sirius quickly put a pin in that one.
“Piss off, Sniv,” he muttered, not even bothering to look in his direction.
“Black you—“
“I said, piss off,” Sirius growled, arm moving so fast that Snape couldn’t track the wand now pointed between his eyes if he’d tried. “Now.”
With whatever was left of his tattered dignity, Snape tucked tail and fled. Good riddance. Without sparing a single glance towards the rapidly growing crowd of students, he tucked his wand back in its holster and wrapped a hand around James’ wrist, pulling him away from the courtyard and into one of their hidden alcoves on the ground floor. It was quite removed from the rest of the castle and the most traffic it saw was when the Bloody Baron and Grey Lady decided to rehash some centuries old fight.
Once they were properly inside, he dropped his bag to the floor and pushed James agains the wall, pressing as tightly against him as physically possible, not willing to let a single inch of space between them. For a few minutes, they did nothing except look at each other, James’ breaths sounding like heavy pants in the empty room.
Sirius held James’ face with both hands, hard enough that his fingers pressed indents into his skin, knowing the pressure grounded him. “What can I get you, James? Do you need water? A hug? Some space?”
James stared at him as if seeing through him, eyes unfocused and far, far away. Sirius pressed harder, curling his fingers for his nails to dig in, willing James to come back to him. And of course, James did.
“I need you.” Rough hands grabbed the front of his robes, pulling him forward abruptly and with a little too much force. Sirius had to grab onto James’ shoulders—not that he was complaining—just so he didn’t topple them both sideways. Gently, he shifted his grip until one arm was curled around James’ and the other was buried in his hair, cradling the back of his head. He tucked James’ head under his chin, trapping his hands between them, holding him as tightly as he could.
He knew James needed to be clutched when he was like this, that he loved being surrounded on all sides—as if someone was holding all of him, refusing to let any part of him go. He craved safety, comfort, when he got overwhelmed and this was the best way Sirius knew to give it to him.
They stood like that until the sun set and the air cooled, but all that Sirius cared about was his James—his breathing easier, eyes less frantic, and face much more relaxed. If all he had to do was hold tight for a while to get him there, then well, he’d be the happiest man on earth.
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kissmethroughthebone · 3 months
it's been three dates and this dude is already asking me about marriage and kids as a potential option in the future, that's crazy since i am hardly even finally remembering his name
"i like you a lot and i really enjoy talking to you, i think about you a lot" that's crazy because you genuinely mansplained drug psychosis to me as if i didnt tell you my own experiences AND script surrounding it the date before
like he's talked more about his ex with emotion than he has me so far (excluding me talking about moissanite at the Bloomingdale's counter)
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molliemoo3 · 7 days
I knew it was crazy to think we'd be free of Ferrucci next year, but I did have hope
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spring-ephemeral · 8 months
slowly but surely moving wyll further and further up my favorite character list out of sheer spite. leave him alone
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teethofthedeeps · 3 months
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Despite his inherent ferocity, it's not hard to get Stoplight to like you if you're the right sort of person. Silver-tongued tricksters who offer gratuitous promises of power in exchange for working for them are more likely to be blown off or, given how hungry he happens to be feeling in that particular moment, likely to be eaten whereas somebody who gets straight to point with a simple food offering is way more likely to curry favour with the beast.
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
its not that i work best under pressure its just that im visually impaired even when it comes to this so if i cant see a reason to do something (even if i know its just there a bit too far) i dont see point to it. Anyway back to drawing moneky
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soulsxng · 1 year
One of the many reasons why I love Kade so much, is because he's one of the few muses that, when shit hits the fan, he's sitting back with bangers like:
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"...Really? This again? Can we not have two fuckin' months where all this dramatic shit don' happen?"
"Y'all 're really gonna start a big fight over petty personal shit like tha', 'n 'nstead'a dealin' with it one on one, ya go draggin' other people int' it t' fight your battle for ya? Nah, count me out."
"So 'nstead'a mindin' your own business, ya jus' decided t'...not do that. Oh. 'Cause ya wanted t' help when ya weren' asked. Right. Huh? Oh, nah, 's nothin'. Jus' gettin' the story straight."
"Look, I was born too old 'n tired t' wanna deal with this kinda shit."
"Aight sure, but...why 're we wantin' to do this, again?"
or in the case of the drabble I'm writing now
"Lemme guess, existence as we know it 's fucked, yeah? Real big surprise-- tha' def'nitely ain't somethin' tha's happened b'fore."
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every day i mourn my wife (edo period mack) who was lost to the war ('''''unnecessary fanservice''''')
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