#hes not that skinny anymore . he doesnt have that jawline
should i give lemon a nicer profile pic or should i leave him with the crapy one .
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[ID: two toyhouse character icons. one is a shaded and semi-realistic drawing of a guy named Shittin Tim and the other is a quick scribbly line doodle of a guy named Lemon Provolone.]
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Steggy prompt, kind of a superman/lois lane/clark kent idea: skinny steve works for the ssr, secretly in love with agent carter. he has a magical shield and helmet. every time he puts them on, he turns into the tall beefy captain america. cap and peggy fight on the same, helping each other out and saving each other occasionally. she doesnt know his name nor face and skinny steve is the only one at work she trusts enough to talk to him about the mysterious captain
This concept is beautiful and I wanna do it justice, I am so sorry if I don’t.
Steve couldn’t help but to groan as his sore body jerked in an unpleasant manner as he sat down at the meeting table. Last night had been rough. If it was rough for him, it was worst for Peggy. The poor Agent had five guys on her last night by the time Steve arrived. A well placed kick to the kidneys had brought him down but before Peggy could question him or even help him, Steve was gone when he knew she was safe. 
She couldn’t know.
No one could.
Peggy was worst for wear as she watched Steve sit down, pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth when he made a pained noise. She had carefully applied makeup to try to hide the bruises, but nothing could hide the fact her arm was temporary in a sling. 
“Bad night?” Peggy asked, handing Steve a file and a coffee. “You look exhausted.”
Steve’s face flushed, running a hand over his face as he looked up at her. God, she was beautiful, even when hurt. He almost told her. He almost just admitted to everything last night and just right now. He wanted to pour his heart out about how he loved her but they were work buddies. That was it. 
“I could ask you the same thing. Nothing too bad, just slept wrong I guess,” he chuckled. “Are you alright? You look like you got beat up last night.”
“Me? Oh, yeah. I just fell down the stairs last night. Clumsy me, my heel broke.” Peggy forced a smile on her lips. “Don’t you worry about me, Agent Rogers. I’ll be fine.”
“No one said you wouldn’t be. I’m sorry about your heel. Maybe I can fix it or-or Jarvis. He seems to be good with his hands.” His face flushed a bright, embarrassing pink when Peggy looked at him. “Not like that! I-I...”
Thank God Jack had decided to come in, as acting Chief and start the meeting.
Peggy walked home with Steve, asking if they could discuss something in private. Steve instantly agreed, asking if she wanted to come over for dinner. As he cooked, he listened to her talk and apologized for the fifth time about what an attention whore his cat was.
Peggy just laughed it off, setting Mr. Sprinkles on the floor, refusing to believe Steve didn’t name him. “There’s...you won’t believe me when I say this, Steven.”
“I think after all we’ve witnesses at the office, I highly doubt that.” Steve gave her a pointed look, setting a plate of warm food in front of her.
“Fair point. Well...” Peggy took a forkful of sausage and sighed. “There’s this... I don’t even know how to describe it. Sometimes trouble finds me. Sometimes I can handle it. And it seems when I can’t, there’s always this...guy there. Calls himself Captain America. Ridiclous name. He carries this...Shield and wears a red, white, and blue uniform. He always manages to save me and I’ve returned the favor quite a bit.”
Steve’s heart jumped, thinking of how in the false back of his closet sat the helmet and shield. Given to him by a woman who said her name was Frigga when he first started the SSR, promising him that this would be of use in his goals of protecting people.
She was right. It led him right to Peggy. 
“Sounds like...quite the chap. Saving people. You haven’t told Jack or Sousa anything?” 
Peggy laughed. “Jack barely respects me. Sousa won’t meet my eyes. Besides, how do I explain this to them? They’ll think I’m crazy and demand an evaluation. Or worse, put me on rest for a few weeks. We can’t afford that.”
“No, we can’t afford to lose our best agent. But...why tell me? Not like I’m not grateful here, I just...” He shrugged, focusing on the steaming plate in front of him.
“Because I like to think you’re my friend, Steve...unless I”m mistaken?” There was tone to her voice Steve hadn’t heard before. Worry. Careful. 
“No, no. I mean...” Steve sighed, shaking his downy hair out of his face. “No, Pegs, of course I’m  your friend. I’m glad you told me. Just...don’t go putting yourself in danger for this Captain, just to meet him. I doubt he’d like that.”
“If only I could get to know him...”
It was two weeks later Peggy got to see the Captain again. This time she’d cornered him, her attacker dead on the ground through no fault of her own. The man had intense blue eyes that reminded her of Steve’s. He looked at her with heavy concern, his leather-clad hand trembling as he brushed a growing bruise along her jawline.
“You’re hurt. That seems to be the norm with me arriving.”
Peggy laughed, shaking her head. “No, the norm is one of us seeming to save the other.” She just looked more amused then annoyed. His touch made her heart flutter. “I’d ask who you are but you seem to always leave when I do, so I won’t.”
“Thank you. That means....it’s important you nor no one knows. I just want to help people. I don’t like bullies.” He kicked at the ribs of the dead man, flipping him over.
Funny. Steve said the same thing. “Then...tell me something about you? I want to get to know you.”
“You wouldn’t be interested in me. Boring story. I’m just a guy with a shield.”
“A guy with a shield who seems to be after the same organization that I am. No guy just carries a shield anymore, Captain. I’m afraid this isn’t the medieval ages.”
The Captain rolled his eyes, making her smirk. “A shield is useful. I don’t see you complaining about it when I-” He stopped and just smiled at her. She was trying to rile him up, he knew Peggy’s game. See what a true person was when they’re angry. “It’s good seeing you again, Agent. I hope we can meet on better terms.”
Peggy cursed as he left, taking her anger out on rifiling through the dead man’s pockets for that ID.
Later that evening, over tea with Steve, she told him about the Captain again. Steve’s heart clenched, trying to hide the fact his left side was killing him from that bullet. It healed by the time he got home but he was still sore. 
“I just wish I could talk to him. Get to know him.” Peggy huffed, frustrated. 
“Maybe he doesn’t want to get close. Some people have been burned too, Peggy.” Steve reminded her gently. “Maybe he doesn’t want people to get to know him.”
“Well I want to get to know him. I’m not the SSR, I’m not Howard. I’m not going to dissect this man and his brain. I want to talk to him. We seem to be fighting the same enemy here. Maybe...” Oh no, Steve didn’t like that look on Peggy’s face. She always got some idea and stuck to it with that look. “Maybe you could help me?”
Right, he had to play this smart. 
“First off, how would I even help? And second off, how do you know I won’t scare him away?” 
“You’re naturally likable and talkative,” she pointed out, making Steve blush. “You’ve just been cleared for field missions. Join me, just this once. I think you’d like him.”
“Pegs, what if this Captain doesn’t want to be found? If what you said is true, his fighting style, the shield, the healing when you tried to stop him bleeding out the other time, it’s not normal... People catch wind, they’ll want him. Just be careful.”
Steve was thankfully able to avoid the field missions for a while. Until he couldn’t.
Until Peggy’s life was in danger and Steve had to make a choice.
Reveal himself with the shield folded in his back pocket or let Peggy Carter die.
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hydatiid · 6 years
5-10 for the oc thing!!
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?masoto has a pretty basic wardrobe……..ull usually find him in either A. a black tank top, B. black crop top or C. black hoodie and then just paired with skinny jeans OR those like, dance pants? the low crotch ones? he loves those cause he loves to danceon special nights he again doesnt really own anything fancy….probably just the same as his casual wear, hes not into standing out that much
6. What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances?menacing. mainly cause he wears a lot of black, looks pissed off 90% of the time and has a lot of scars
akemi id say.....cat. hes very cat like for me
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?OOF i couldnt list all his scars!!!!!!!!! he has a WHOLE lot but some main ones that i ALWAYS include would be his face scars, (lip, right jawline, forehead + right eyebrow) his arm burns, back scars (6 evenly spaced along his back, 3 each side) and achilles scars.
8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?GOD i am ALWAYS trying to think of this!!!!!!!!!!! one of the closest i think i could come up with would maybe be junichi suwabe? mainly uhh archer from fate/night but it might change cause its pretty hard to find the kind of voice im looking for. like a deep voice that doesnt sound weird? idk. hard to find
9. What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?masoto and hisae dont really. have a house. so they dont have rooms? they mostly camp out or stay in inns. their childhood house is left pretty much abandoned after tala and akio “died” and cant bear being in that house anymore
10. What does your OC keep in a special drawer?again he doesnt really own much, BUT in a scroll he keeps mementos! for example he has one of his mothers blades in storage, and his brothers old headband. he’d die before parting with either of those cause of how much they mean to him.
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bannerswife · 7 years
A Well Deserved Holiday - Bucky x Reader
Title: A Well Deserved Holiday
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Well i wouldn't classify it smut but there is a make out session & language
Word Count: 2268
Requested by @headcannonqueen
a bucky  fic where the reader is a mermaid an only tony knows but she turns when she touches salt water. She bathes in salt water and refuses to eat seafood. She has water powers and sealife.  Tasha decides to make us all go on a trip to a beach in Hawaii and reader doesnt go in water. Until she goes in the sea late at night skinny dipping and bucky comes not knowing and he finds out shes a mermaid...
Authors Note: i’m so sorry its not exactly what you requested but i did try m best. Again sorry if bucky is out of character, as well as tony eek
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You pulled yourself into the large bathtub that was currently filled with warm salt water, it was something you had to do on a daily, being a mermaid and all. If you didnt you would begin to get migraines and nauseated, really something you avoided at all costs. For your whole life you had been gifted the ability to not only grow a tail when in contact with water, but to be able to control the sea life and the water itself. You knew you were special the moment you hit puberty, things started changing within yourself (and not the normal way) and you had found yourself constantly being drawn in such a way to the beach. Completely mesmerized by it.
You soon found out from your mother that in fact your deceased father was a merman, at the time you simply laughed off the idea telling her that there was no such thing and that she was crazy, but little did you know as soon as you stepped back into the ocean the next day your legs weren't in fact legs anymore but a long beautiful f/c scaly tail. It really was something you could never explain how you exactly felt in that moment.
As you slowly and softly sunk into the relaxing bath you felt every single tense muscle in your body simply fade away, and the tight feeling in your legs relaxing as it became a long tail. You were thankful that Tony had specifically designed a bath just for you,  it had everything you needed to help with your ability. Tony was indeed the only one (aside your mother) that knew what you were. He was your lifelong best friend after all. There wasn't one secret the two of you kept from each other. He was your rock, and you were his.
So of course as soon as he heard of the recent passing of your mother he was quick to action to help you out and let you stay with him, and so that meant living in the Avengers Tower. You honestly thought it was ridiculous, you didn't deserve the right to live amongst all the heroes. You weren't really anyone special, but everyone loved you and kept you under their wing. Considering you one of their own.
“Y/n? You in here?” Tony asked, as he strided on into your bathroom where you were currently topless.
“TONY!” You yelped, quick to cover your bare chest hopeful that he didn't catch a glance of any of it.
“Woah! Sorry! I should’ve knocked, JARVIS, please remind me next time so i don't do that again,” Tony asked bashfully, as he rubbed his hand over his face, through his hair.
Your cheeks flustered a deep red, god that was something you were hoping would never happen again. Even if you had known Tony your whole life, it was just… weird.
“What is it, Tony?” You squeaked, your cheeks still red hot.  
“The team is having a meeting, so get your scaly ass out of the bath-”
“But im not apart of the team?” You asked confusingly, since when were you an avenger? You hadn't even been on one mission, let alone even know how to fight.
“Yes you are, now come on. Let’s go,”
You raised your eyebrows, your mouth forming a giant toothy grin. Quickly you pushed a button that drained the water from the bath and with your powers evaporated the water right off of your body, your tail now gone to form two human legs.
“So do you know why we’re having this meeting? Is it for a mission? Cause you know i can't fight, i literally have no skills or experience in fighting. I’m hopeless on my feet-” You rambled on, the adrenaline kicking in like the first day you were in the tower.
“I don't know, Nat wanted us all to meet up, didn't say why but must be important,” Tony simply shrugged and smiled upon your form, as the two of you made your way down the halls.
“Is Bucky going to be at the meeting?” You asked, you weren’t going to be apart of anything if he wasn’t.
You had been dating him for nearly 6 months and honestly you didn’t think you deserved a man like him. He was everything you would expect in a man, but more. But of course, you hadn’t told him what you were. It was something you were planning to do, but you always chickened out on the last second. You couldn’t handle the feeling of him maybe breaking up with you or not being able to handle such news. Him dating a mermaid? How would you react to such news?
But you knew the time was nearing to tell him. And that scared you.
“Yes, your little boyfriend will be there too, don't worry,” He chuckled.
The meeting wasn’t exactly what any one had expected coming from Natasha but everyone had very much agreed to her plans. Humming at the ideas that everyone was proposing, fantasizing what everyone would do.
“I think we’re in need of a holiday, somewhere we can completely relax and not have to stress at all.” She had firstly stated.
The conversation had begun on where exactly the team should go, there was talk about Australia, Fiji, Thailand and more, but everyone had finally settled on the idea of Hawaii.
You smiled widely at the idea of actually coming along to such a significant thing, this was a time where the avengers could finally relax and not have to stress about anything in the world. And a time for you and Bucky to be together. You were only lucky enough to had been invited.
“Alright i'll book flights and accommodations now, we’ll be leaving first thing tomorrow so everyone get packing.” Tony said before walking off out of sight.
“Are you excited?” You asked when you jumped to your boyfriend side, holding his hands in yours.
“Yeah, Natasha is right, I think it will be good for the team, but most importantly. Finally a time just for us,” he stated, with a soft smile as he pulled you close as you made your way back to your flat of the facility.
The second the two of you entered Bucky was all over you in a second. His mouth on yours, not too roughly but enough to make you know he had been craving this moment. Every time you had kissed Bucky it was always like the first, as though sparks shot through and around your body, it really was exhilarting.
Bucky pulled you in with a strong tug so the two of you had no space left between, You could feel the heat of his body radiating onto you. You brought your hands to his long hair and raked through it while he ran his hands up and down your back and over your waist, exploring every curve of your body.
In a second Bucky had pulled you into bridal style, walking you to the bed you both shared. As he walked you over you moved your kisses to his jawline, cupping his cheeks into your hands. You couldn't help but leave marks behind.
He softly placed you onto the bed, his body hovering on top of yours, looking deeply into your bright hungry e/c eyes.
Slowly he took of his clothes, You enjoying every single bit of his body he was currently unclothing. God he was fucking perfect everywhere.
You hooked your legs around his now fully unclothed body and pulled him closer to you, your lips latching onto his once again.
“Maybe we should start packing,” You huffed, placing your hand on his bare chest.
“Fuck packing, I want you,” Bucky said, you softly chuckling.
“Alright, babe,” And with that Bucky tugged the clothes off of your body.
...this wasn’t the first time you and Bucky had fucked but god damn it was always a new experience, just like his kisses. Sometimes it’d be fast and rough or slow and passionate, it always varied. Today was a little bit of both, and you loved it.
There had definitely been a lot of moaning and you didn’t really care if anyone in the whole bloody building could hear it. You both were enjoying this moment and wanted to live it out as long as you could.
You loved Bucky with everything you had and honestly you didn’t know why you doubted him if he found out what you were. He loved you. And you knew you could trust him with your life and trust.
When morning came the two of you had to shove whatever your hands lied upon in your draws and cupboard. You didn’t pack yesterday afternoon like instructed so you had only little time before Tony left without you both.
“I told you we should of started packing yesterday,” Bucky sarcastical commented chuckling, knowing full well that he would of never even finished before he went back to you on the bed.
“I’m sure you would’ve wayyyy rathered that,” you smirked before grabbing your suitcase and walking out of the door.
“Bye, bye house,” Bucky said before closing the door behind him, ready for the holidays.
On the flight to Hawaii you mostly slept trying to limit the amount of jet lag you will experience once landed. You snuggled close into Bucky craving the warmth he radiated, while he rested his head upon yours.
“Aren’t they just the cutest,” Tony commented, smirking at the sight of you two.
At first Tony was a bit hesitant at the announcement of the two of you dating but he knew that if you loved someone it was for all the right reasons. And as long as Bucky treated you with enough love and respect, tony would be fine.
“Indeed they are,” Thor replied, before he found a comfortable position to get some sleep himself.
Swiftly Tony got out his phone, snapping a quick photo of the two of you, his smirk still playing on his face.
Hawaii was just beautiful. From the way the tall green palm trees blew in the winds to the crash of the crystal blue waters you could hear from your room in the night. This was exactly the whole team and been needing, a time to finally relax and think about nothing but themselves. Not a worry in the world.
It was late at night, Bucky sleeping soundly next to you, snoring ever so slightly. You hadn’t had your daily swim yet, and these past previous days you had been sneaking off to the beach at night where you would be alone.
So quietly you got up from bed and opened the screen door and walked down the hill to the moonlit beach. You pulled your clothes off and jumped in, thankful to be back into the salted water once again.
You never get the chance to go out into the beach anymore as it was too risky to get caught, so to be out in the open water was amazing and thrilling.
It finally gave you the chance to conjure sea life to interact with, you met so many different types of animals here and had even made a friend with a dolphin, Squeaky, you called her. Thinking it suited with the sounds she always made.
As you jumped in, you called out to your dolphin friend, she was quick to your side practically jumping into you.
“Awah, I missed you too, girl,” you giggled.
You knew it was a bad idea to get attached to an animal as you had to leave it once you left to go back home, but honestly you could not have. It was such an amazing experience and you wanted to take every chance of finally doing something you rarely get to do.
You swam around and about for a couple of minutes until you jumped out of the water to a rock on shore.
You puffed, smiling upon the dolphins head that stuck out from the water. Squeaky called out to you, wanting you back into the water to play but you shook your head.
“I’m sorry but I can’t be out for too long, just in case-“
“Y/n?” You heard an all too familiar voice call out from behind, your heart practically leaping out of your chest.
“Oh shit,”
And this was the moment you had feared.
Bucky walked over to you, you could hear the crunch of the sand get closer and closer until it stopped.
“Wow,” He marveled, his eyes growing wide.
“When were you going to tell me you were a- a-“ he stuttered as he took upon your form, you couldn’t really tell what was going on in his head. But you could see the gears turning all too quickly in his head, trying to understand.
“A freak? Uh well, I had been tossing up about it for a while now but I guess I’d been afraid of how you would think of me,”
“I would never stop loving you because of who you are y/n. You’re not a freak, not even close, you’re- you’re beautiful,” He said as he walked upon the rock.
He took a close look at your new form, taking in the way your beach wavy hair fell from your shoulders covering your breasts, and your long f/c tail.
Your cheeks flushed a warm red, when did you ever deserve a man like this?
“I love you so much Bucky Barnes,”
“And i love you, y/n l/n,”
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Alright I'll try it again XD my AU idea was skinny steve is working for the ssr and is in love with his colleague peggy. he finds(?) a magical shield and helmet and when he puts them on, he turns into beefy captain america. cap and peggy meet and work together, save each other and kinda flirt. she doesnt know cap's name nor face. and she trusts only skinny steve and tells him about cap. a superman/lois lane/clark kent scenario
Oh hang on I did do this!! Let me see if I can find it. FOUND IT --
Steve couldn’t help but to groan as his sore body jerked in an unpleasant manner as he sat down at the meeting table. Last night had been rough. If it was rough for him, it was worst for Peggy. The poor Agent had five guys on her last night by the time Steve arrived. A well placed kick to the kidneys had brought him down but before Peggy could question him or even help him, Steve was gone when he knew she was safe.
She couldn’t know.
No one could.
Peggy was worst for wear as she watched Steve sit down, pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth when he made a pained noise. She had carefully applied makeup to try to hide the bruises, but nothing could hide the fact her arm was temporary in a sling.
“Bad night?” Peggy asked, handing Steve a file and a coffee. “You look exhausted.”
Steve’s face flushed, running a hand over his face as he looked up at her. God, she was beautiful, even when hurt. He almost told her. He almost just admitted to everything last night and just right now. He wanted to pour his heart out about how he loved her but they were work buddies. That was it.
“I could ask you the same thing. Nothing too bad, just slept wrong I guess,” he chuckled. “Are you alright? You look like you got beat up last night.”
“Me? Oh, yeah. I just fell down the stairs last night. Clumsy me, my heel broke.” Peggy forced a smile on her lips. “Don’t you worry about me, Agent Rogers. I’ll be fine.”
“No one said you wouldn’t be. I’m sorry about your heel. Maybe I can fix it or-or Jarvis. He seems to be good with his hands.” His face flushed a bright, embarrassing pink when Peggy looked at him. “Not like that! I-I…”
Thank God Jack had decided to come in, as acting Chief and start the meeting.
Peggy walked home with Steve, asking if they could discuss something in private. Steve instantly agreed, asking if she wanted to come over for dinner. As he cooked, he listened to her talk and apologized for the fifth time about what an attention whore his cat was.
Peggy just laughed it off, setting Mr. Sprinkles on the floor, refusing to believe Steve didn’t name him. “There’s…you won’t believe me when I say this, Steven.”
“I think after all we’ve witnesses at the office, I highly doubt that.” Steve gave her a pointed look, setting a plate of warm food in front of her.
“Fair point. Well…” Peggy took a forkful of sausage and sighed. “There’s this… I don’t even know how to describe it. Sometimes trouble finds me. Sometimes I can handle it. And it seems when I can’t, there’s always this…guy there. Calls himself Captain America. Ridiclous name. He carries this…Shield and wears a red, white, and blue uniform. He always manages to save me and I’ve returned the favor quite a bit.”
Steve’s heart jumped, thinking of how in the false back of his closet sat the helmet and shield. Given to him by a woman who said her name was Frigga when he first started the SSR, promising him that this would be of use in his goals of protecting people.
She was right. It led him right to Peggy.
“Sounds like…quite the chap. Saving people. You haven’t told Jack or Sousa anything?”
Peggy laughed. “Jack barely respects me. Sousa won’t meet my eyes. Besides, how do I explain this to them? They’ll think I’m crazy and demand an evaluation. Or worse, put me on rest for a few weeks. We can’t afford that.”
“No, we can’t afford to lose our best agent. But…why tell me? Not like I’m not grateful here, I just…” He shrugged, focusing on the steaming plate in front of him.
“Because I like to think you’re my friend, Steve…unless I”m mistaken?” There was tone to her voice Steve hadn’t heard before. Worry. Careful.
“No, no. I mean…” Steve sighed, shaking his downy hair out of his face. “No, Pegs, of course I’m  your friend. I’m glad you told me. Just…don’t go putting yourself in danger for this Captain, just to meet him. I doubt he’d like that.”
“If only I could get to know him…”
It was two weeks later Peggy got to see the Captain again. This time she’d cornered him, her attacker dead on the ground through no fault of her own. The man had intense blue eyes that reminded her of Steve’s. He looked at her with heavy concern, his leather-clad hand trembling as he brushed a growing bruise along her jawline.
“You’re hurt. That seems to be the norm with me arriving.”
Peggy laughed, shaking her head. “No, the norm is one of us seeming to save the other.” She just looked more amused than annoyed. His touch made her heart flutter. “I’d ask who you are but you seem to always leave when I do, so I won’t.”
“Thank you. That means….it’s important you nor no one knows. I just want to help people. I don’t like bullies.” He kicked at the ribs of the dead man, flipping him over.
Funny. Steve said the same thing. “Then…tell me something about you? I want to get to know you.”
“You wouldn’t be interested in me. Boring story. I’m just a guy with a shield.”
“A guy with a shield who seems to be after the same organization that I am. No guy just carries a shield anymore, Captain. I’m afraid this isn’t the medieval ages.”
The Captain rolled his eyes, making her smirk. “A shield is useful. I don’t see you complaining about it when I-” He stopped and just smiled at her. She was trying to rile him up, he knew Peggy’s game. See what a true person was when they’re angry. “It’s good seeing you again, Agent. I hope we can meet on better terms.”
Peggy cursed as he left, taking her anger out on rifling through the dead man’s pockets for that ID.
Later that evening, over tea with Steve, she told him about the Captain again. Steve’s heart clenched, trying to hide the fact his left side was killing him from that bullet. It healed by the time he got home but he was still sore.
“I just wish I could talk to him. Get to know him.” Peggy huffed, frustrated.
“Maybe he doesn’t want to get close. Some people have been burned too, Peggy.” Steve reminded her gently. “Maybe he doesn’t want people to get to know him.”
“Well I want to get to know him. I’m not the SSR, I’m not Howard. I’m not going to dissect this man and his brain. I want to talk to him. We seem to be fighting the same enemy here. Maybe…” Oh no, Steve didn’t like that look on Peggy’s face. She always got some idea and stuck to it with that look. “Maybe you could help me?”
Right, he had to play this smart.
“First off, how would I even help? And second off, how do you know I won’t scare him away?”
“You’re naturally likable and talkative,” she pointed out, making Steve blush. “You’ve just been cleared for field missions. Join me, just this once. I think you’d like him.”
“Pegs, what if this Captain doesn’t want to be found? If what you said is true, his fighting style, the shield, the healing when you tried to stop him bleeding out the other time, it’s not normal… People catch the wind, they’ll want him. Just be careful.”
Steve was thankfully able to avoid the field missions for a while. Until he couldn’t.
Until Peggy’s life was in danger and Steve had to make a choice.
Reveal himself with the shield folded in his back pocket or let Peggy Carter die.
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