#hes sitting down what the fuck
typhoonstrikes · 1 year
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“even if they hunt me, i'll just run away! i'll run, run, run, and keep running as far as i have to!” “and when things calm down, i'll quietly settle by their side again.“ “i’m vash the stampede.”
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brother-emperors · 9 months
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this is about the spolia opima that crassus was robbed of lmao. like, yeah okay octavian could've asked him not to claim it, but nevertheless. a kind of theft happened there.
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Fact and Fiction: Crassus, Augustus, and the Spolia Opima, Catherine McPherson
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imthursdaysyme · 1 year
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Installment 1/3 of wrestlers: Eddie pushed Steve off the couch and Steve brought Eddie with him
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insomnya777 · 2 months
do you guys know that youtube dating show called the button. because i was watching it with my friend the other day bc we were bored and we were like this seems funny and i somehow got a boat boys fic idea based off of it. so if i make a fic about the button dating show will people underdtand or is it too niche
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kendallroygf · 1 year
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btw this is probably one of the most insane and telling scenes in regards to stewy nd kendall. like the stewy-marcia interaction first off. the way it’s so clearly paralleling kenstewy with logan and marcia. stewy and marcia literally watch their respective persons in silence. also important to note that stewy was one of the first ppl to greet logan when he arrived probably bc he knew that one of the first things logan was going to do was approach kendall and he wanted to get in there first to gauge the situation + logan. but stewy’s concern for kendall in regards to what could happen when he’s in close proximity to logan is so clear and almost synonymous with marcia’s own concern/love for logan at this point. like it seems intentional that they were shown to be like. logan and kendall’s respective partners here
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blamemma · 2 months
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Daniel Ricciardo discussing the new chassis he will receive at the Chinese Grand Prix
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justwannabecat · 1 year
Danny is the Ghost King.
About 99% of ghosts see him as the Savior, the Liberator, the one who defeated Pariah Dark. They see him as the Balance and the Guardian and the one Chosen by the Realms itself.
Basically, they hang onto his every word, praise his every action, because they believe that even if they don’t understand why he’s doing it, it is all part of a larger plan.
This has made Danny even more of a little shit, as it’s the only thing that makes his job as Ghost King tolerable. As a result, he starts to play into it a lot, saying and doing increasingly ridiculous things to try and figure out when they catch on.
(They haven’t yet. To be fair, it’s been a slow escalation.)
Danny gets so into this little game of his that when he’s suddenly gained an audience of a few people who claimed they were lost, he doesn’t stop. He points out landmarks in opposite directions of the Realms, he spins around and points in different directions as he talks, he floats and dashes all around the room.
And then he suddenly stops, looks at them again. “Wait. You’re living. Not. Not ghosts. That explains why-why you aren’t…” He shakes himself and suddenly there’s very embarrassed, very serious, but much more straightforward Danny taking charge.
(The JL were scared of this unknown. They had been trying to investigate the rumors of a new ghost king when they fell into a natural portal. They stumbled their way to the palace and realize very quickly that this is a kid.
Negotiations between dimensions aren’t that nerve-wracking once they figure that part out.)
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silverskye13 · 10 months
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He is a creature to me do you understand?
@lindentree @helsknight-daily
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designernishiki · 11 months
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ladies and gentlemen. we got em
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anyoldfandom · 2 months
Sometimes I remember that line in S3 meant to show how BK keeps up appearances of running Providence more humanely than WK where Rex says WK was so cheap that he didn't even buy individual stalls for the bathroom and then I remember that Rex got his own basketball court and locker room and Providence was constantly canonically paying for repairs for damages caused by Rex fighting EVOs and fighting EVOs rather than just immediately collaring them and paying for food and cages and such for incurables and EVOs waiting for Rex to cure them and paying to keep Paradise/Purgatory base afloat and then I think maybe. Maybe there is another reason WK was cheap.
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dovalore · 1 year
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worm on string (stormblood)
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to-the-all-blue · 7 months
On my walk home from the cafe I was thinking about Sanji (as one does) and how every influence in his life for 19 years screamed at him to hunker down, stay silent, and never appear weak.
As much as I love Zeff and know he loved Sanji, it's clear he has such a straight-laced and unflinching view of masculinity and what it means to be a man. The environment on the Baratie was an extension of that.
It was a machismo world where affection was hidden behind kicks to the head and insults. The kind of environment where cutting your hand or something gets a response of "what? You call that an injury? Don't cry over nothing". Where outright kindness has to be dragged out of people, and then immediately covered up with a half-baked insult.
Throw into that environmemt a little boy who is desperate to prove he's not the failure he was told he was, and out pops a man who wears his heart on his sleeve for "acceptable manly emotions" but who hides real emotions behind anger, and hides pain (physical or emotional) altogether so as not to seem weak.
Tack onto that the idea that the only surefire way to show love is through self sacrifice (his mom + Zeff), then of course Sanji will be all sorts of jacked up.
We see throughout the series how Sanji is so unwilling to be vulnerable or to even admit he's feeling hurt at all. Plaster a smile on, make some comment about loving women, and voila! He's the man's man everyone expects. No need to worry about him. After all: he's strong.
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haunted-plush · 2 months
Ocean Eyes: ooo I love the ocean and the sea and the stars at night :]
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shima-draws · 7 months
Actually genuinely started crying when Luffy almost said he wanted Usopp off the ship and then Sanji interrupted and yelled at him. What the hell. This shit is so sad what the FUCK bro
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fayzart136 · 3 months
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It has been.... many, many moons since I read the Gone series.
But sometimes I still think about Hunter and get sad. You deserved better, microwave boy.
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wigglebox · 22 days
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