#hes so funny n entertaining i could watch him all the damn time n he always looks so good too đŸ«¶đŸ«¶đŸ˜ł that one clip of him chopping while being
myork · 2 years
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seokjinies cooking vlog🧑‍🍳 | 11/50 days of ksj ☜
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bvidzsoo · 4 months
Sweeter than honey
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TW: none, just so much fluff I'm dead
Word count: 1, 3k
A/N:....guys, it's Pisces season and I'm going crazy, don't mind me if I pump out little blurbs this whole month (someone save me). So, this is a little bullet point like scenario, I hope you enjoy it! (I got inspired in THE MOST randomest way this time, it's embarrassing.) I hope you enjoy and feedback is very much appreciated! Enjoy now!
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where do I even begin...
there was not one boring day with your husband, Yunho, and your little girl
those two were like little rascals when nobody was watching them
and yes, you loved both to death, but there were times when they got to you
their energy levels were unmatched, and at times you don't know whether you should cry or laugh that your little one takes after her father
a miniature copy of Yunho
the same smile, same happy and playful aura, same mischievous look on her face when she's up to no good, and same devastating puppy eyes when she wants something
you blame partially Yunho for teaching her how to manipulate those around her, mainly you, but you also know that even if it weren't for Yunho, you'd give in to your sweet daughter, unable to say no to her adorable face
and there were times when it was a blessing that Yunho had more free time than you as he was able to stay at home and watch your little one, entertaining her, and tiring her out by the time you got home
she'd be peacefully sleeping in her little bed, thumb in her mouth and cheeks lightly flushed as the blanket was up to her chin, so you'd pull it slightly down and make a mental note to tell Yunho that your daughter wouldn't freeze in the middle of summer
but all thoughts would fly out the window when you'd enter the kitchen, feet aching from wearing high heels all day, only to find your husband, Yunho, wearing his printed pajamas, socks mismatched, and apron tied tightly around his built form as he was humming a song while he cooked diligently dinner
you could only grin and bite your lip to stop yourself from bursting out laughing as in the middle of flipping the pancake Yunho would bust out dancing, rocking his hips left and right as he banged his head to the music only he could hear in his mind
it was an endearing sight, but way too amusing for your tired brain as you'd lean against the middle counter, placing your chin in your palm while watching him, wondering when he'd finally sense your presence
but Yunho would be too focused on cooking those pancakes, with a few already burnt, to feel your amused eyes on his back, and his humming would break out into a quiet singing, trying to keep quiet in order to not wake your little sunshine
and so, in order to not disturb your husband, you'd stand there quietly, just watching him and quietly snickering to yourself when his voice would crack, but he'd continue on like nothing happened, holding the spatula up to his mouth and belting out those high notes as silently as he could
but then finally he would turn around and almost screech at the sight of you, eyes bulged and spatula clutched to his chest as his heart would race from the fright you had just given him, making you burst out laughing
if what you had witnessed so far wasn't funny enough, the damn unnaturally red cheeks and suspiciously purple lips definitely tipped you off, belly hurting from laughing so hard at the sight of your husband
it seems like your little girl had a make-up session with Yunho, showcasing her skills well as your husband looked ridiculous with the make-up on, lips forming a pout when you wouldn't stop laughing at him
"hey, stop it!", he'd say, making you cover your mouth with your hands, "this masterpiece was done by our little sunshine and I didn't take it off, because she insisted I show it to you."
and so, you would finally settle down and shake your head at your husband as you'd walk around the counter and up to him, circle your arms around his shoulders as you leaned into him
he'd smell like home, sweet like vanilla with a tinge of pine, and of course, the pancake dough he'd made not long ago
and your heart would flutter despite being with this dork for almost ten years now
things never got boring with him, you never got used to the thought of having married your best friend and love of life, your three years old daughter a treasure you both cherished dearly
Yunho would smile at you fondly, his teeth showing due to his wide grin, slightly protruding at the front, making you lean up on your tippy toes to press a soft kiss against his purple lips
they would taste like grape, hence the lipstick your daughter very obviously borrowed from your vanity, and Yunho would wrap his arms around your middle as he playfully would lift you off of your feet while pressing his lips just a little harder against yours
"how was work?", he'd ask as he'd place you down again and then you would stay hugging, telling him about your day, until the burnt smell of the pancake he was making would catch your attention and send the both of you into a frenzy to quickly take it off the stove before the fire alarm could blare through your house and wake up your little girl
Yunho would giggle and blame you for the incident, making you shake your head as you'd make to leave for you bedroom to change into something more comfortable after having checked the time
because you were expecting Hongjoong and his fiancé to come over not even in half an hour
and almost as if your daughter sensed this, she'd wake up from her nap, full of energy despite her being supposed to sleep through the evening until the morning
but she loved her aunt too much to miss seeing her
and once the pancakes were done and Hongjoong and his fiancé had come over, you'd gather in the living room and enjoy the delicacy Yunho had made for you, listening to your daughter blabber on about to her aunt and Hongjoong about the little boy she met at the park earlier today
after that you'd gather the table, with the help of Hongjoong, the two of you would settle into a small conversation about work and Hongjoong's upcoming fashion collection, when you'd suddenly hear loud cheers coming from the living room
curious, you two would walk to the threshold and watch as Yunho and your best friend were bundled up together in front of Yunho's gamer set up, with your daughter in the middle, of course, staring up at the two adults in wonder and awe
you'd shake your head as Hongjoong would chuckle, amused at the sight
of course, your best friend and Yunho had gotten on well from the very first meeting, both gamers and sharing many hobbies
it was a given that they would exclude you from the conversation at some point, making you shake your head at them as you knew almost nothing about computer games
"hey, Yuyu, it's too late for her to be sitting in front of the computer", you'd try to pull your husband and daughter away from the gadget, but fail as your best friend would look at you with a grin and puppy eyes at the same time
"ten minutes, I want to show Yunho something, and then I promise we'll join you and Hongjoong", of course, it was always ten minutes turned into two hours
so, with a sigh, Hongjoong and you would return to the kitchen to grab a bottle of red wine and two tall glasses, chuckling to yourselves as you'd hear Yunho and your best friend yell out in excitement or disappointment, your little one following in tow as she'd imitate the two adults
it was amusing hearing them
and once settled across from each other at the middle counter, Hongjoong and you would go over the wedding plans he and your best friend had, the date coming closer and closer as days went by
the wine and the conversation with Hongjoong helped you relax, hearing your husband, daughter, and best friend from the living room made you feel content and happy with the way your life had turned out to be
and you knew you were lucky to have such a loving, sweet, and hilarious husband like Yunho
and a small little replica of his, a daughter that never failed to make you smile and laugh until your belly hurt
you were surrounded by your loved ones, and nothing could've made you happier in that exact moment
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chochuuya · 7 months
manga genres.
matsuno chifuyu x fem!reader
disclaimer/note: lots of bickering, chifuyu is a hardcore, he called you a dork and actually roasts you bad but.. finally breaks his christmas curse? (ïœĄ- .‱)
wc: 1.6k [1668]
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you both can never get along when it comes to your manga preferences.
“shut up.” chifuyu sneers.
“no, you shut up!” you say in return.
it’s been about 30 minutes since you first started arguing. chifuyu is a softie at heart, and enjoyed the romance genre. while you were a person of action, enjoying the thriller genre much more.
“the art style is so much better. i don’t even know how you can read a story with such bad flow!” he argued.
you scoffed, turning your head away for a second before looking back at him.
“bad story flow? how dare you. as if your fav isn’t so predictable and mundane, chifuyu. trust me, action is sooo much better than romance.”
“well at least my favourite doesn’t have bad character development! at least they have likeable characters with diverse personalities, compared to your fav show where everyone is plain and boring.” chifuyu says, clearly not going to budge.
“oh, and your fav also has shitty romance.” he adds with a smirk.
he’s getting annoying, you swear you could punch his dumb face but you decided against it.
“well, at least my manga has plot twists and actually keeps their audience wanting for more! your romance? twelve episodes and we’re done. you can just read another of the same genre and you’ll get same plot every time.”
“oh no plot twists, huh?” chifuyu retorts gleefully.
“like who died in the latest chapter or some other bullcrap like that? i rather read and watch something where i can relax and enjoy.” the blond says, “you know, something that doesn't overstimulate your brain.”
“and plus, with romance i get to enjoy some sweet and spicy scenes that i like so much.”
he adds cheekily, “besides, i hate waiting a week for the next chapter. romance is much better than that.”
you scoffed in disbelief. the audacity and ego of his is something else.
“maybe your attention span is just too short to be watching or reading action, chifuyu!”
“and maybe your brain is a bit too simple compared to mine.” he retorts snarkily, “maybe you need constant action and stimulation to keep you entertained, because you get bored too easily.”
“and, it doesn’t matter how long a manga or anime is, it’s the enjoyment and the quality of it that counts. and clearly romance does it best.” he adds smugly, knowing he’s won in his eyes.
you actually rolled your eyes at his reasoning.
“maybe your authors keep dragging the story because they know romance and slice of life is just too simple without any action in it! yeah, what about that?”
“not to mention some of your favourites are quite questionable, chifuyu. what was it again.. oshi no ko? fruits basket? yuck!” you added.
chifuyu chuckles in amusement at your annoyance.
“you know what else is funny? i bet you can’t watch a romantic comedy without feeling cringe or getting embarrassed. and i mean real romcoms, like wotakoi and kaguya-sama.”
"and yeah, they’re my favourites, the anime just elevated them more. i mean come on, they’re cute and funny! and oshi no ko’s mystery and drama, even the comedy at times! how can you hate them?!” he states, annoyed.
“you bet i do, i don’t know how you feel all giddy inside when watching or reading them. maybe you’re just a hopeless romantic!”
you laughed wholeheartedly at your own remark.
“kaguya-sama? even i know better romances than you, ao haru ride and kimi ni todoke is so much better.”
“you know nothing, (y/n).” chifuyu says, amused.
“i admit kaguya-sama has its flaws, but it’s so damn good too. and ao haru ride is nothing but a sad, slow-burn romance that is painfully boring." he says, feeling a bit annoyed at your remark.
“and kimi ni todoke? again, slow-burn that is a bit too clichĂ©.” he adds before saying, “i’d rather read or watch wotakoi. that’s a much better romance manga.”
you sighed in defeat. just hurts your throat trying to even get your argument against him.
chifuyu laughs, “told you! you clearly don’t know enough about manga and anime. you should learn from me, (y/n)!”
“and maybe, just maybe, if you try to change your tastes in manga and anime, you’d start attracting people who like the same thing as you.” he smirks, knowing he hit a nerve with that last comment of his.
you nudged him.
“you say that as if i don’t hear you complaining every christmas that you can’t get a girl, chifuyu. shut up!”
he goes silent, a slight redness creeping into his skin, “h-hey, c’mon! you didn’t have to point that out!” he says, trying to defend himself.
“besides, one day i’ll get a girlfriend.. just you wait—” he grumbles, looking away.
“yeah, whatever. i would probably be dead before you even can get yourself a girl.”
he goes silent again. his face seems to get redder, his annoyance clear.
“what’s that supposed to mean? you think i can’t have a girlfriend?” chifuyu retorts, annoyed.
he didn’t appreciate you mocking him like that.
“um, yeah. every time a girl talks to you, you chicken out. be grateful that i stayed.”
his face turns to disbelief at your words, still red with anger.
“i chicken out? chicken out?! that’s rich coming from you, who’s too scared to ask anyone out on a date.” he says, not backing down.
“and at least i’m not an introvert who gets anxiety whenever they meet new people, scared of embarrassing themselves and avoiding any and all social situations.” he adds, being as brutal as he can be.
your jaw dropped but you quickly compose yourself. don’t let him get to you just yet!
“h-huh? what do you even know about dating?! i bet i have more chance than you do, chifuyu.”
he chuckles in amusement at your outburst.
“oh you’re just all bark, no bite, (y/n). i’ve been on a few dates, sure maybe none of them really lasted, but at least i’ve been on some. you can’t say the same, can you?”
“and i doubt anyone would wanna go out with a dork like you anyway,” he adds with a smirk.
you had enough. you stood up from the floor of his room and exited the door. wow, so much of a hangout!
“hey hey hey, where do you think you’re going, (y/n)?” chifuyu taunts, standing up and walking towards you.
“the conversation isn’t over yet, now is it?” he adds.
“i’m going home.” you said plainly as you walk down the hallway.
“no, you’re not," he says, grabbing you by the arm and stopping you from continuing your walk.
“who says you can leave now?” he asks, annoyed and determined to carry on with his argument.
you nudged your shoulder, removing your arm from his grasp as you continue to ignore him.
coincidentally, baji came and opened the door. poor guy must be confused to see you leave right after. he stepped aside as chifuyu tried to chase after you.
“hey! what gives you the right to ignore me like that?!” chifuyu shouts, watching you walk out of the front door.
“damn it!” he yells angrily at you as you walk away with your nose in the air.
“way to go, chifuyu.”
“kindly shut up, baji-san.”
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the next day at school, you were not in the mood. maybe his words got to you yesterday.
you stare into the void of your locker as you got your books out slowly.
chifuyu notices something is off with you. he decides to walk up to you as he sees you get your books out slowly, looking at you with a concerned expression.
he decides not to bring up the argument you had yesterday, for he knows his words can cut deep sometimes.
“hey (y/n), are you alright?” he asks quietly.
“hm.” you simply hummed in response as you shove your books into your backpack. you adjusted the straps before closing the locker and walks towards your class.
chifuyu follows you. he decides not to follow up with his previous question, and instead makes an attempt at being friendly.
“can i walk with you?”
he walks alongside you, feeling quite uncomfortable with your silence.
“so, um, do you mind if i ask what’s got you so down?” he asks, as he walks with you to class.
“was it that argument we had? or something else..?” he asks again, genuinely curious.
“maybe next time don’t call me a dork when you know i dislike it, chifuyu. i get it, i’m sensitive sometimes but—”
“that was yesterday, is that why you’re pissed at me still?” he asks, not fully understanding the situation.
“besides, i wasn’t being serious, (y/n)! we’re friends, you’re no dork.. i’m sorry okay?” he says, feeling a bit saddened.
“and besides, i like it when you’re sensitive. it’s adorable.” chifuyu says with a small smile. he felt that admitting that is rather embarrassing, but he wanted to reconcile with you.
you paused on your tracks as you look up to him. “did he just.. call me adorable?”
“come again?”
“you heard me.” he smirked.
“you being overly sensitive is such an adorable trait to have. not to mention, i would prefer my future girlfriend to be somewhat sensitive, instead of being a cold and mean person.”
he said it all so boldly that makes your mouth hangs open slightly. your cheeks are betraying you already.
he can see your cheeks getting slightly red tinted now. he was getting flustered himself.
“i.. uh..” he stammers.
“i mean, everyone would want their future partner to be someone they like. and i like you, (y/n).”
“plus, what i said is the truth. people do think you’re cute and adorable whenever you’re overly sensitive. even your anger is adorable.” he adds, giving it his all to persuade you into admitting you like him.
he’s clearly into you now.
and, you have no choice but to answer.
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please do not steal, copy, translate, repost to other sites or claim my writings as your own. plagiarism is real!
chifuyu is so cute (i am biased) and a fluffy fluff is what he deserves (àž‡ ˃ Âł ˂)àž§ âŒÂłâ‚Œâ‚ƒâŒÂł i hope you like this one~ all reblogs & likes are vv appreciated!
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tiyanasfantasy · 13 days
He’s Mine ❩.
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wussupp đŸ˜Œ!
i’m bored and i was watching this tiktok and it had this sound and i wanted to write something for it soo, yea
im still getting used to writing again so don’t expect nothing too good, ALSO TY FOR THE LOVE ON MY LAST POST đŸ„č!
i jus wan đŸ‘©đŸœâ€â€ïžâ€đŸ’‹â€đŸ‘©đŸœđŸ‘©đŸœâ€â€ïžâ€đŸ’‹â€đŸ‘©đŸœđŸ‘©đŸœâ€â€ïžâ€đŸ’‹â€đŸ‘©đŸœ..
EREN x Blackfem!Reader ❊.
Warnings: Language, not proofread,Yall a lil toxic,
enjoy ❊.
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you and connie broke up everyday, this was nothing new.
y’all had got into an argument today because some girl had responded to his story on instagram saying “#NeedThat” and this boy thought it was funny and started entertaining it, even tho he was mostly trolling and you and him both know he’d never cheat it still made you mad cause
“bro yn you overreacting, you know ion want that btc, you actin like i was asking her on a date or sum shii, ian even say nothing that indicated i wanted her.” he said while he was waving the phone around in your face trying to show you he had blocked her.
“ion gaf bout you blocking her, why tfk you texting her back and entertaining her anyways?? you know how embarrassing ts is for me?”
eren lowk knew he was wrong and that he should just give in and tell you he’s sorry, but the nga so stubborn and sassy that he just had to win the argument.
“you know what yn, ionc no more you wanna be mad, be mad, im tired of yo shii.”
he walked over to the dresser and put on a shirt, then grabbed his keys and started walking towards the front door.
“so you just leaving ? like you always do when you know you wrong, it’s not that fucking hard to apologize instead of acting like a lil btc about it.”
one thing about eren, he don’t play that b wrd shii.
he turned around and looked at you (he was muggin real hard 2)
“bro, keep running yo fkin mouth, see what happen” idk who he was feelin like, but he was pointing all in yo face n shii.
“boy you better gtf outta my face”
he scoffed and started walking to the door again, before he left out he said “we done” you rolled your eyes and said “type shii”
like i said before, this wasn’t nothing new. you knew he was gone be back in the next 24 hours (or less)
time skip: 4 hours later, it’s 8:30.
eren was at a party (hoin, ofc) and you seen on his story that he out was showin out?? he had girls dancing all on him and shii, ouu girll.
so ofc, you bein you, had to show him how to really act bad. you fixed yo hair, made sure the lace was melted honey, did yo makeup and got dressed, you called sasha, mikasa, zar, and jatavia and told them what the move was.
when yall got to the party, first thing you see, this ho ass boy getting twerked on, you ain’t really care tho, he wasn’t really touching her so you didn’t mind that bad, but that was still yo nga so it pyo a little bit, but once again, you bein you, you went yo to jean and started throwin downnn.
Jatavia started laughing “Girl he gone getcho lil ass” “he doin the the shit, idc.”
girl lemme tell you, when eren looked up and seen ts he was ready to crash out damn near, but him, bein the sassy lil princess he is, had to 1 up you.
he grabbed this this girl byyyy her neck and kissed her??? not only that he was making eye contact with you while he did it.
then then he pulled away from the kiss and lead the ho out the door ..
ts blew yo whole mood, but you didn’t let it show ofc, you left the party like 20 mins later tho.
the next day
you were getting ready to go to another party ony was throwing, you and Jatavia were getting ready to meet sasha, mikasa, and zar there.
15 minutes later yall get there, yall having a good time, you really only went out tn to get yesterdays events out of your head.
sure yall not together “technically” and eren could do what he wanted but that’s wasn’t the point. it’s the principle of the situation.
after dancing for a bit you went into the kitchen to get something to drink, when you walked in you seen Eren, Armin, Connie, Ony, and Jean passing the splif around.
“hey yn” connie said nodding his head up at you smirking as he looked back and forth between you and eren.
“don’t piss me off rn” you said while you were digging through the fridge. “ony where all yo good drinks at damn?” you pulled a capri sun out then leaned again the fridge.
“fuck is you staring at” you looked at eren and mugged him when you seen him staring at you.
“i’m sorry ma, you straight?” you rolled your eyes “you kissed that ho infront me and everybody else, then proceeded to take the bitch hand and go somewhere and fuck her? you dead to me.”
Ony, Armin, Jean and Connie was sitting there being messy sayin shii like “he said her shii was trash” “he miss you tho” “ok but he diddd say sorry”
“first off” he walked in front of you, leaning on the island.
“i didn’t touch her, i was just doin that to get a reaction out of you, then you was twerking on jean??”
“only cause you was letting that bitch twerk on you”
as you were talking, that same lil ho walked into the kitchen.
“girl you just mad i took yo nga, everytime yall into it he be with me, beating shii down.” she stood next to eren and crossed her arms, you looked at him with that “dpmo” look then back at her.
“ma, she lyin i swear, only thing i ever did with her was kiss, and i only did it once, which was yesterday.” eren said while moving away from her and going next to you.
the girl rolled her eyes “you just gone sit there and lie?, tell her the truth.”
(this story alr corny but here come the cornier part 😂)
before eren could defend himself you spoke up

“He might be doing you, but he's thinkin' about me so, baby, think about another lover, and go find another brother”
then here go connie “Period sis, clock it.”
the girl rolled her eyes “girl boo, that’s not yo nga. he fa me.”
“I know he's my man, he's all in my hands, It feels good when he calls my name, Don't you wish you had the same? Feeling disgust working your stuff 'Til he thinks about mine, Now he's feeling real high, You ask why? cause he's mine.”
she was getting a lil mad too, then connie and them in the back being messy tb “she clocking you boo” lil sassy tails. then eren just sitting there laughing at them.
“that’s not what he saying last not tho. “ooo to shii so fye, the bets i ever had.” he love me suh, i love him too.” she said with a petty smile on her face.
erens eyes widen at this, this was really delusional?? “nihh wtfk?? on everything i love i wasn’t witchu last night, after i took you outside i got in my car, by myself, and went to connie shii.”
“Tell you something that just ain't cool, Never fall in love with a man who don't love you, oh, I wouldn't waste my time telling you something wrong,You've been with him one night, and now he's coming home.”
connie:”I know that’s right”
He's mine, you may have had him once, But I got him all the time, Went out on a date, wasn't out too late, Took you to a room, and you gave it up too soon, Played you like a trick 'cause you let him hit, Now he's coming home to a lover that is strong, I got all his love, baby, don't try to take it, You wanted a piece, you were mistaken, 'Cause he belongs to me, Baby, can't you see?
eren pulled in you for a kiss making eye contact with the girl, “i’m sorry ma, shoulda never did that. i love you.” the girl shook her head and walked away.
“you fucked her eren?” he sucked his teeth “you know ian fuck her, this to dck, i promise ian touch her.”
you looked up at him, you know he didn’t do nothing with her. you pecked his lips.
“let’s go home.”
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YALL this so cornyyy wtf 😭
 also i rushed the end cause i got bored + i ran out of ideas so sorry if it seemed rushed or youn like it .
but ty for reading!
gimme some requests on some songs yall wanttt !!
bye bye
kisses 💋. gn ilyy ❩.
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jesterwriting · 8 months
empty inbox ya say? Don't mind if I show up!
So, I am a lover of the grumpy x sunshine kinda trope, but I want to hear your thoughts of crocodile having an caotic partner? Always having some kind of prank or stupid joke, just to see crocodile crack a smirk or something, but no matter how much they try, they always fail to so. So, after one day that the little sunshine tried so hard of trying they just pout around croc, and he just to try to cheer up his darling just a little, try to crack one of his own stupid joke just to see them laugh a little and go back into being his sunshine
(if you are not comfortable/don't find the prompt as entertaining, you can skip it tho, okay?)
pairing: crocodile x gn!reader
contents: established relationship, fluff, bad jokes, sunshine!reader, crocodile and his soft spot for you, he acts annoyed but hes entirely smitten i promise
word count: 1.1k words
note: OMG this was such a cute idea!! grumpy x sunshine is one of the best tropes ever, im such a sucker for it. im not particularly good at writing chaotic reader, though i definitely tried to make them quite silly. thank you so much for your request anon <33
playlist: dance the night by dua lipa
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To an outsider, your relationship with Crocodile could, very easily, be one of the most confounding relationships one had ever seen. Of course, there had been more ill fitting partnerships out there, but you and Crocodile were close runners up. He was a large, intimidating man, with a harsh expression, and an even harsher tone. When he was displeased, his words alone were enough to rip apart an idiot’s flimsy confidence. Crocodile was a man of wealth and status. The only thing that ran deeper than the promise of violence, was the sand he was made of.
You, on the other hand, were the exact opposite. Bright and full of sunshine, you practically glowed against Crocodile’s side. With a smile so wide, it almost hurt to look at you. There was a softness to you that was absent in Crocodile. There had been more than one occasion where you were seen helping a wayward insect back outside, cupped gently against your palm, or offering directions to a lost couple who ran off in terror when your infamous husband approached. The crowd watched in horror when you scolded him with an elbow to the ribs. Crocodile did nothing but roll his eyes.
When you weren’t helping the lost, with your terrifying husband looming over your shoulder, you were a whirlwind of chaos. Prank after prank on unsuspecting visitors to the casino were done in your name. Nothing too egregious, you never aimed to harm, all you wanted was to make people laugh. A task you succeeded in, at least when you were alone. Crocodile’s unamused expression as he carted you away, laughing uproariously, did little for the mood.
It was only in the privacy of your shared abode did those pranks find a target in Crocodile. You respected your husband’s boundaries. Not once did you consider making a fool of him in public — not that it was your intention, you simply knew Crocodile well enough to know that was how he would take it — nor did you even consider any pranks that involved water. It was a damn shame. A bucket of water over the door was truly the prank of all time. Just imagining Crocodile, soaked to the bone, cigar wet and limp against his lips as he stared at you with such crushing annoyance, was enough to make you snicker out loud.
However funny it may be, your bits weren’t worth losing Crocodile’s trust. Such a thing was a rare gift from your husband, very few people alive had the honor to receive it. With a hint of pride, you considered the possibility that you were the only person alive to say that Crocodile felt safe enough to confide in them. Boy, if that didn’t make your heart absolutely swell.
Your only regret was, no matter how many jokes you played, you never got Crocodile to crack a smile. Even when you covered his desk with sticky notes — “Y/N, you realize you’re cleaning this up.” — or that stupid crank call you did a few weeks ago — “No, my refrigerator is not running, don’t call this number again.” — were not enough to get the barest huff of a laugh.
That was how you found yourself in Crocodile’s office, hanging upside down in the chair in front of his desk. It was normally reserved for when he had a private meeting, but today he was stuck doing paperwork. It was silent, save for the scribble of his pen against top secret documents you weren’t supposed to see, but would be able to look at with a single ‘please.’
“C’mon, you think I’m funny.”
Crocodile didn’t look up from his work as he responded, “I think you’re foolish.”
“Yeah, but I’m your fool.” Flipping around in your chair, you swung your legs over one arm and hung your head off the other. Boredom was not an uncommon foe during quiet afternoons with Crocodile. You needed near constant stimulation to keep yourself in check, and for all the reasons you loved him, Crocodile did, in fact, have a massive stick up his ass. “You’re a king and I’m your jingling little fool. Let me tell you a joke.”
Crocodile grumbled under his breath, but he didn’t tell you to stop. With a grin, you said, “Why did the egg hide?”
With a sigh, he dropped his pen to run a hand through his hair. “Why did the egg hide, Y/N?”
Patting a drumroll against your thighs, you paused for dramatic effect. Seconds passed in silence, save for your palms’ rhythmic song against your thighs, Crocodile’s eyebrows furrowing deeper and deeper the longer you continued. Finally, you blurted,
“It was a little chicken!”
Crickets. Your husband didn’t even spare you a response before his pen was in his hand again, signing who knew what. With a roll of your eyes, you flopped from the chair and onto the floor. The carpet was soft against your palms.
“Okay, that was bad, but you could have at least said something.”
“You’re going to have to say something funny to get a response out of me,” Crocodile rumbled, not even bothering to glance at you while you laid on the floor.
This sucked. You could make everyone laugh, all except for the one who mattered to you the most. A part of you wondered why you didn’t give up. You were sure you were being at least a little annoying — though the smaller voice in your head reminded you that Crocodile was one to request time alone when he was in a bad mood.
“Fine. No more jokes, spoilsport.”
No response. Fine then, at least the floor was comfortable.
For the next twenty minutes, you kept yourself busy by counting ceiling tiles, or by fighting the urge to reach under Crocodile’s desk and steal his shoes. No more pranks, remember, you told yourself. Not until you stopped feeling like a big ol’ pile of poo, at least.
“How do you make a plumber cry?” Crocodile’s voice surprised you after going so long without hearing it. (It’d been thirty minutes, maximum, though it felt like an eternity)
You wet your lips before you responded, already feeling a giggle bubbling in your chest. “How?”
“Kill his family.”
You burst out laughing. Curling your fingers against the edge of the desk, you popped your head into his view, positively beaming. While Crocodile was never one for grandiose displays of emotion, he graced you with one of his rare, honest smiles.
“That’s more like it, doll.”
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novaonhere · 11 months
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Buddy System
Relationship: Cal Kestis x f!reader
Summary: Cal wanted to go out on his own, but after not being by his side for quite some time, you bring up something you learned back at the Temple when you were just a youngling.
Word Count: 880
Warnings: Nah, sexy time proposed in a funny way
A/N: Bored at work so clearing through my drafts, here’s a quick blurb
Prompt: "Then why did you even come along?" "Because someone has to save your ass if this inevitably goes wrong."
(gif not mine)
The crew, such to Cal’s disappointment, wanted to take a day break on Koboh at the cantina. After a few weeks hunting down bounty hunters, everyone was exhausted. Cal finally caved when you fell over after standing for a few minutes from pure exhaustion.
Cal was restless. He wanted to keep the go-go-go mentality, and keep hitting them when they thought they could take a breather. He wasn’t used to breaks; he was used to running, fighting, pushing through.
He sat outside the cantina, tinkering with his saber with BD-1 at his side. He watched the people come and go, wanting to follow one that started their journey outside the city. BD-1 tries to entertain him, chirping some songs that he picked up from Greez and yourself. It only worked for ten minutes.
You’ve kept an eye on Cal as soon as you landed. You knew he wouldn’t be able to sit in one spot for longer than a few hours. Staying aboard the Mantis, you used this time to lay on the boarding ramp, using the ship as shade to read a few books. Every so often, you peeled over your book to see if Cal was still there, which he was.
You got to a good part of the book and hyper focused for a bit too long. Finally, after you flipped to the next chapter, you peered over to see your boyfriend gone. Aw crap, there he goes. You should’ve done more to help him relax, but he’s an adult he can manage. Well, apparently not. Throwing your book inside, you hop to your feet and take a better look. There goes the red head, following a raider towards their base. Something’s up.
You manage to find a balance of quickly walking and slowly jogging to catch up and hopefully not be suspicious. Cal flicks his head back and notices you making your way up. He doesn’t make a face as you look your arm into his.
“I watched him leave someone’s home with that bag, I have a bad feeling. The owner of the house was also crying.” Cal whispers, pointing to the large bag that the raider had in his hand. You nod.
“Now or later?” You ask, Cal shaking his head.
“I want to see where he’s going, see if there’s more stuff they’ve stolen.” The raider turns around to see us, but we wave and continue walking past him, coming up with a story to seem less suspicious. You both walk slow, causing the raider to groan and bump through you too to continue on.
“Well I’m coming with, obviously.” You smile, using your free arm to pat his arm. Cal seems annoyed.
“No, today was your rest day.” He whisper argues with you, causing you to raise an eyebrow.
“And to you, and you know that we don’t like others dipping by themselves.” You roll your eyes. “Do you know remember what we learned at the Temple?” Cal blinks blankly, obviously confused.
“The buddy system?” You ask, Cal shaking his head. “Seriously? Damn, we didn’t like that lesson as much so I figured you didn’t like it as much.”
“If you don’t like the buddy system, then why did you even come along?” Cal grumbles, not wanting their cover to be blown. You could care less about the raider and trying to talk to your boyfriend.
"Because someone has to save your ass if this inevitably goes wrong." You scowl, just too loud. The raider finally turns around, shoving his weapon to your chin.
“We are out of town, what business do you folks have with my team?” He hisses as you throw your hands up.
“Sir, we were told to follow a raider heading out of town to pay someone back.” You explain, the raider slowly lowering his weapon.
“You all look the same.” You state blankly, Cal holding in a scoff of laughter. The raider doesn’t seem amused.
“I’m not going anywhere,” The raider stands facing you two, crossing his arms. “You’ll have to wait for the correct man.” You and Cal look at each other, coming to the same agreement. Cal flings into action, bashing the raider back with the butt of his saber. Stunned, the raider drops the bag, giving you time to grab it and run. Cal follows, leaving the raider gasping for breath, laying on the ground.
“When we return this, you are going to properly rest.” You shout at him as you both run into town.
“Oh yeah? How?” He scowls, catching up to you.
“You look pretty relaxed after an hour in the bedroom.” You smile, shocking Cal. He smiles widely like a happy boy on Christmas morning.
“Give me the bag, and meet me on the ship.” He exclaims, slowing down as you reach town. You both stop and you give him a quick peck on the cheek. He rushes into the house, startling the owner.
Giggling, you make your way towards the Mantis. Before you get too far, you feel a pair of hands snake around you, turning you around. Cal places a sweet kiss to your lips before throwing you over his shoulders. You shriek in delight as he takes off to the launch pad, a few passer byers giggling at your shenanigans.
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
[ 3:00 AM ]
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prologue- “How about you sit and look pretty for me instead.” + “Maybe
support me underneath and i might win.”
tw- gamer hyuck! x bored girlfriend y/n. established relationship. fluff. suggestive (extremely suggestive). Ahem y/n is terrible at gaming đŸ„Č
You never felt so bored in your life. Usually you’d have something entertaining you, wether that would be your phone, watching kdramas alone or simply having someone next to you to chat with.
Now you don’t have any of those. Your body feels so active and in need to burn energy. Your brain was running a whole ted talk to yourself because you really had no one to speak with currently.
Thing is you could have someone to speak with, if he wasn’t so damn busy playing overwatch.
Your boyfriend Haechan is a gamer, there was no denying that his hobby was games. His love for games was pulsing high and the passion to win drove him crazy. he was naturally competitive, so playing such high risk games was perfect for him and his mischievous sly demure. He heard you whine, calling him for about the hundredth time in over an hour.
But he would rather focus on the intense battle happening right on the front screen, as if it was brainwashing him to never look away despite the fact that you were a literal magnet to pull him away from anything and fully turn his attention to you.
“Hyuck please I’m so bored, at least let me join your game so I can play with you.”
You slur hanging your head over your shared bed’s edge, rolling from the left to the right in driving motion. haechan pulls down his headphone sets, swirling his head to look at you laying on your stomach with your head lifting to stare back.
“You can’t join the game, y/n.” He puts back on the headphone sets with the game noises running through very muffle, the boy simply goes back to playing. You groan loudly.
“Why can’t i play with you?” You would ask again, standing up. You slowly approach your boyfriend’s chair from behind and wrap arms round him where your head is lurking behind his soft locks. Your nostrils start to flare, inhaling his scent, shampoo he uses on his beautiful dyed hair.
it was probably one of your favourite scents that you wish you could smell forever. You’d wish this was the smell of the oxygen you breathe in. He was your oxygen intake.
“Don’t you remember what happened the last time i let you play on my team?” he softly trails warningly as his eyes never left the pc screen. you murmur softly into his neck. “No
little did you know you were very much aware of what you did. But in your defence, it wasn’t your fault! He lightly scoffs.
“You killed me thinking I was the enemy y/n
with a grenade.”
You shiver in embarrassment as you whine again, replaying flashbacks of the moment that happened not too long ago. You joined the boys in another game and your boyfriend promised to teach you how to use ever weapon and defend yourself, but when he was teaching you, you happened to be distracted with a green icon that was the grenade leading hyuck to his death doom.
And ever since then he vows to never let you play with games that at least involve fighting and grenades. He was caught by surprise too and he was obviously a bit upset, in the end you did make him lose the important HP levels he was close to levelling up a grade of his avatar.
Moreover, the dreamies teased haechan because of his reaction. it was quite funny, hearing him go suddenly really silent and blinking in the camera. Watching all the stages of grief.
“But- i, okay personally that was my first time playing that game.”
“That hurt my feelings though. So no, you cannot play with me. Plus I already have my teammates baby.” Hyuck shot. He felt you move away from his body as you crawl and sit on his lap where he sat on the comfortable gaming chair with red and black colour scheme, perfectly matching with his hair. He didn’t react much, but you felt a slight stiff air in his chest when he felt you curl on his lap and rest your beautiful endearing face on his chest.
You were like a prying predator watching him like he was your dinner. In all honesty you don’t need much attention, as long as he’s close to you. Haechan doesn’t need to be speaking to you, touching you, he wouldn’t even need to be a massive attentive seeker for you. You felt entertained and much better on his lap sitting there doing nothing but just

Watching him. As if he was the most interesting, fascinating and extraordinary thing you ever laid your eyes.
He flashes you a gentle smile finally acknowledging your presence as he may have realised he was a bit harsh earlier, though that was because you distracted him. But he can’t blame you for his little mean words. Your boyfriend wraps arms around you, embracing you as he kisses your forehead.
“Hmm I’m sorry. Jeno and Jaemin took your place in the game already. But how about you sit and look pretty for me instead?”
“I reckon this is so much better than being on my team.”
your ears perk at the rasp deep voice. Usually this was the voice only he would use around you, his natural speaking voice where he doesn’t need to put up a front image for other people. Sometimes the other dreamies would hear it, but mostly, it was just you.
You hum against the sweet lingering forehead kiss, whispering. “Shouldn’t i at least support you in some way that you win the game?”
In many ways you still want to partake in his hobby to maybe even bond with him a little more. Your boyfriend lightly smirks watching down at you, he leans closer hovering over your lips as his thumb brushed past the chin lifting you to face him. You were so helplessly under his sly fox charm.
He feels your lips seal tight, eyeing him up and down until they lay on his heartshape lips. You knew he was having an idea strike him faster than lightning ever could, in his eyes there was a dangerous spark of fire burning in it, watching you as he was going to reveal his perfect definition of what you could do to help.
support me underneath and i might win.”
He leans closer bringing a loving kiss, feeling the way your smile forms in the kiss. He breaks apart quick, when his two friends speaking through the headphone sets; jeno and jaemin, unmute to bring haechan back to start the next round game.
But before he unmutes himself to get back on the gaming grind. He needs a little boost from you. If you know what I mean

@onyourhyuck please refer from translating, copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu <3 reblog this fic and follow me for more updates bc it helps a girl out a ton!
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trashland-llamas · 5 days
I'll Stay
Sequel to Exsanguination
x female reader
‘I’d like to stay with you.’ Astarion’s heart fluttered at y/n’s response. Having waited through the night as she recovered from being the tavern’s feeding bag. Astarion checked over her bandages, freshly clean ones replaced the blood crusted old ones. Fingers light so she wouldn’t wince. The bruises hadn’t gone down in the slightest. ‘
okay then.’ Clapping his hands, he set off to pack up camp, wanting to introduce y/n to the rest of his party. ‘We might end up doing odd jobs here and there, you good with that?’
‘As long as I don’t have to be a blood bag again, I’m fine.’ Comfortable voicing her opinion. ‘No offense.’ Having forgotten in the moment that Astarion used to be a vampire. ‘Oh, none taken sweets. Plus with the way they treated you, I’m not surprised.’ Astarion how she would have to return to tavern that morning to pick up her last paycheck and essentially give her 2 week notice. Not that Astarion would let her even entertain staying around for said 2 weeks.
'Quick in and out, yea? Think you can do that?' Astarion tried hyping y/n up to face her boss. Tailing behind as a shadow since worrying about her safety. If there was no oversight the first time they met except for the bartenders who only looked out for themselves. Astarion wasn't annoyed at them for such self preservation, rather that there was no one to protect an employee that was put in such a vulnerable position day in and night out. Especially when in a job position that definitely brought heaps of profit to the establishment. Hiding his sneer when y/n gave him one last glance for reassurance.
'Ah, y/n! Nice to see your stellar face again, what can I do for you?' It was all a facade. Shown by the vice grip of his handshake and the tight lipped smile. 'Uh...I want to put in my resignation today.'
'Well, it's sad to see you go but if you insist. What date do you plan to be your last?'
‘While I appreciate it, you didn’t need to do that,’ Y/n felt guilty, his bruised wrist gripping the reins. Bestowed with a constant viewpoint of it, sat in front of him. Arms sandwiched her in place. Astarion had punched her boss in the face after he had the audacity to try and get away with not paying her. ‘Don’t sweat it, the guy was a scumbag.’ Biting through the pain that was his knuckles throbbing. Surrounded by dried blood. ‘Seems like it hurts.’ It wasn’t the worst injury he’d endured but he wasn’t used to the healing process that came with wounds. It all annoyed Astarion to no end. One of the few things that he missed about being a vampire. 'It'll heal back up in no time. You didn't force me to punch him. Did it out of my own free will.' She could sense the heaviness that accompanied his words, a hidden meaning that she wasn't yet privy to.
‘What was it like, being a vampire?’ Hearing how long the horse ride was estimated to take, y/n wanted to learn more about him. ‘Hungry,’ remembering how lethargic he’d get when he wasn’t able to find animals to feed on, never really feeling satiated. ‘And oh so lonely. More of a pawn that someone used to lure others to their death. Thought he was my savior for the longest time.’ Averting his gaze from her neck. ‘Never longing?’ Not wanting to ascertain exactly how long. ‘No, too much fear to even dare.’
‘You don’t have to answer, but did anyone try any
 funny business? When I spotted you last night, you were so out of it. Damn near loopy.’ Astarion worried while he kept watch over her sleeping form, double checking that she was still breathing at multiple points. His tomes unable to stave it, barely concentrating on the words. ‘I’ll admit that there were some close calls here and there. A few ‘patrons’ over the years tried to suck me dry. The hangovers were downright terrible.’
Astarion held onto y/n’s waist as he helped her off the horse, hands braced upon his shoulders. ‘Should I be aware of anything before meeting your friends?’ Letting out a laugh, ‘They’re an eccentric bunch, can be overwhelming at first. Interacting with all them at once. But they mean well,’ he answered honestly, not wanting to scare her off. Giving her a rundown of all their quirks. 
'Fangs! Oh, who is this? And what adventure did you get up to?’' Karlach greeted the duo. The tiefling’s second question being a nod to their small injuries. ‘Y/n, think you could say Astarion rescued me for a bleak life at a tavern.’ Withholding some details, cognizant of the fact that she’d have to introduce herself a dozen times over. Waving Astarion off, Karlach takes over, guiding you around camp. 
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rafecameronsmistress · 1 year
I Won’t Share You
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[description] fem reader x rafe cameron
[summary] your fwb turns jealous
[cw + tw] 18+ CONTENT MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, smut, strong language, possessive behavior
[authors note] one can only wish Rafe Cameron becomes jealous over you LOL ✹ feedback & requests always welcome
enjoy đŸ–€
“who’s that?” Rafe asks tipping your phone toward him while he sits in across from you at the restaurant
“no one” your cheeks instantly flush as you lock your phone
“no really, who is it? must be someone important if they feel the need to text you a hundred times in a row” he rolls his eyes turning himself to the side in his chair
he shouldn’t care, he said he wouldn’t, he knew what this was before it ever started
we’re friends that have sex, no strings attached
Rafe sits in silence watching the basketball game on the TV at the bar completely ignoring your existence
you pull out your phone since he doesn’t want to entertain you, you had 3 texts from some boy you met at the last bonfire, he’s asking to hang out
right now anything is better than getting the cold shoulder from Rafe, you reply to the text, not realizing the giant smile that’s been painted across your face
“what are you smiling about?” he scoffs
“who is he?”
“oh my god Rafe, why do you even care?” your words slicing through his ears
“why do i care y/n, really?” his eyes grow wide “grab your shit we’re leaving” he says standing up and finishing the rest of his drink
“you can leave, i’ll get picked up” you say sternly in attempt to get under his skin knowing damn well you’re leaving with him
“ohhhhh okay so it’s like that now?” he adjusts his hat nodding his head in annoyance “well, you tell your little boyfriend if i ever catch you two together i’m going to fucking kill him” he laughs to himself walking out of the restaurant
you look around slightly embarrassed at how many people just witnessed that, witnessed someone who said he’d never date you.. get jealous over another guy
you would’ve dated Rafe, you would’ve said yes a million times but he’s the one that didn’t want a relationship and you were okay with it
you trail behind him to the truck hopping in the passenger seat
the tension is so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife “my boyfriend is on his way i figured i could just hang with you til he gets here” you joke trying to lighten the mood
“yeah, ha-ha real funny” Rafe mocks, starting his truck “put on your seatbelt” he takes off
you hide your smile, you’ve never seen Rafe like this, jealous, and you like it
“so say i did have a boyfriend-“ you tease
he cuts you off “will you shut up already?”
“is Rafe Cameron jealous?” you say taking his free hand into yours
he pulls the truck over on the side of the road, the dust kicks up behind the tires
“no, i’m not jealous, i just don’t want to hear about you with other guys” he sneers
“that’s exactly what jealous means” you laugh
“lose the attitude” he says raising his eye brows at you
“don’t have one” you kiss his hand
he pulls the truck back onto the road making his way toward your house
your driveway is lit up, your parents aren’t home
undoing your seatbelt to get out Rafe grabs your wrist “so are you going to tell me who was texting you?” he asks
and at the worst time possible you get a call from “Jake (bonfire)”
you look down at your phone and back at Rafe “nope, gotta go” you say hopping down from the truck and running to your front door
before you can get the it unlocked he catches up to you taking you by the shoulders and turning your back to the door
he towers over you with his hand on the door frame, just the way you like it
“give me your phone” he demands
“absolutely not” you shake your head “why are you acting like this? like a jealous boyfriend?”
“i already told you, i’m not jealous”
“yeah totally no jealousy at all” you say sarcastically
the cool summer night breeze flows over your skin, you shiver a bit
“my parents aren’t home, come inside and we can talk”
you open the front door and he follows you to your bedroom, he kicks off his shoes and lays in your bed facing the wall
you take off your sandals and change into an oversized tee, you get into bed, sitting up next to him
“clearly we need to have a conversation” you say
Rafe stays silent, his back toward you
you grab his shoulder making him look at you “hello.. are you going to say anything or?”
“i dont know what you want me to say” he vocalizes “we agreed that whatever this is between us is only sex and that’s totally fine with me”
“Rafe” you drop your head to the side knowing he’s lying “talk to me”
another long bout of silence
he sits up against your head board “i dont know what’s wrong with me, us just having sex has been fine this whole time but after last weekend when i saw you talking to that kid at the bonfire and then i saw him text you a million times tonight at dinner” he shakes his head “i dont like it, it’s driving me crazy, i know we’re not supposed to catch feelings but-“ he pauses “i can’t share you, i won’t share you”
you’ve been dying to hear this for a long time, you would’ve accepted just being fuck buddies for the rest of your life but there was always a glimmer of hope somewhere in your heart that prayed Rafe wanted more
you crawl onto his lap straddling him, you take his face into your hands “you don’t have to share me” his eyes widen and a smile breaks across his lips “yeah?” he asks, you nod your head
“so i can do this?” he dips his head into your neck giving you a love bite, you nod your head, “and this?” he sucks hard on the same spot leaving his mark
one of the rules was no hickeys, no leaving marks because we didn’t belong to each other
you moan feeling his lips kiss and nip your neck for the first time
his hands travel to your ass and he squeezes “all mine” he kisses your jaw “no one else’s”
you melt listening to his voice, your head falls back as he explores your body
he slides your shirt up and over your head and cups your breasts “and these are mine” he kisses the top of each one “and these” he brings his mouth to your nipple giving it a quick swirl with his tongue
“Rafe” you whimper
he lays you on your back, pulling your underwear off
hovering over you his necklace dangles in your face, he kisses you and then your forehead before disappearing below your waist
Rafe spreads your legs and lowers his face toward your heat “this is all mine, this pussy is mine” he asserts before licking the length of your slit, your hips hitch into his mouth, he kisses your clit before circling with his tongue
“fuck” you moan breathlessly
he lightly laughs then continues to suck and swirl your throbbing bundle of nerves
he pushes his middle and ring finger into your cunt, slowly pumping them in and out matching the rhythm of his tongue
“oh god- dont stop-“ you beg, your tight hole clenching his fingers
he stops right before you orgasm, you let out a frustrated cry
“i’ll make you cum, don’t worry” he wipes his face “grab your phone”
“why?” you ask
“i want you to take a video”
you press record and watch him make love to your clit, sliding his fingers back in
the tingling sensation building in your stomach
he looks up at you, still finger fucking you
“who’s pussy is this?” he smiles
“it’s you-“ he slides another finger in, you lose your breath
“who’s is it baby?” staring directly into the camera
“it’s yours” you whine “it’s your Rafe” your head falls back onto your pillow, you’re still recording him
“that’s right, it’s mine” he breaks eye contact with the camera and indulges in your sex
his tongue flicks rapidly at your clit, his fingers caressing your sweet spot
you moan loudly, your hips pushing into his face
“i’m cumming please don’t stop” you cry
euphoria washes over your body, your legs tremble, small whimpers escape your lips
Rafe takes the phone from your shaky hands and points the camera at himself, he wipes his mouth and smiles, then stops recording
he lays next to you and holds you while you come down, he pushes hair from your face and places gentle kisses all over
“you sure you wanna be my girl?” he asks running his fingers up and down your arm
“mhm” you nod, barely able to speak
“do me a favor?” the tone in his voice changes “give me your phone”
you’re still trying to recover, your brain fogged from an intense orgasm
you hand him your phone, he goes to your text messages with Jake “aaaaaand send” he laughs
“RAFE” you say in shock snapping out of your daze
“he needs to know not to fuck with what’s mine” he grabs your face and kisses you hard “and you’re mine”
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thegreencanary · 2 years
Karen Wheeler Hate Club
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Based on this request!
Paring: Billy Hargrove and Female Reader (established relationship)
TW: Cursing, Smoking, ADULTS BEING FUCKING GROSS. Minors this is a DNI cuz the adults are nasty. So go find Joyce and Hopper and get a story from them. A good safe bedtime story that doesn’t involve bored suburban moms who need to be in jail.
A/N: This is my work and I give no one the permission to post it on other sites or claim it as their own or do both of those things. Also Karen is gross for hitting on Billy and I will not take any questions at this time.
Also please take the Trigger Warnings seriously!Mental health first babes.
It’s a short one, just a little one shot!
Fuming wasn't a word that would describe you often, but today it fit perfectly. The sun was out but the fact that Karen Wheeler was trying to pick up your boyfriend was making you burn. Billy didn't mind, and at first he really liked it but once the two of you started dating he had backed off the flirting. Sure he was older and hotter than the high school boys at Hawkins, but Nancy was literally his age and she even got on her mom about it. You huffed as Karen tossed her head back laughing at something Billy said. He was just being nice, which means he was being a huge flirt. That boy had two settings, mad as hell and flirty as fuck. .The past few months you'd seen a different side to him with the Upside Down showing you different things about all your friends, you eventually developed feelings for Billy. No matter how sweet he was to you, he knew how much you hated Karen Wheeler. Grabbing your bag you almost jumped out of your lawn chair when you saw Steve enter the pool. He could take over watching the kids, you weren't going to stick around and watch someones MOM hit on your freaking boyfriend.
"Hey Y/N! Wh--"
"El is in the bathroom, everyone else is in the deep end. Have fun. Bye."
You cut Steve off and he looked so confused. His eyes followed yours and the sight of Karen looking up at Billy while he was on the lifeguard chair was all he needed to understand.
"See you later."
There was some commotion behind you as you stormed out, only to feel a strong hand on your arm; stopping you.
"Where are you going babe?"
"Home...or maybe to Nancy's house to tell her dad that his wife is a pervert."
Billy sighed, he thought your jealousy was funny and a little cute but now it was clear that you didn't find it either of those things. He lit a cigarette and tried to talk to you.
"I get it, I can't exactly tell her to fuck off at work thought."
"It's fine Billy. I get it. Hot mom and everyone wants her. Well you can fucking have her then."
You ripped your arm away from Billy and stormed off. You heard him cussing behind you and saying you were over reacting but you didn't care. Later that night you got a phone call from Billy. He wasn't one for apologizing but he talked to you a bit about everything and you explained your side as well. The two of you made up under the rule that he wouldn't entertain Mrs. Wheeler at all. That was what was supposed to happen, yet Karen didn't seem to get the message that he wasn't interested. Every damn day she was at the pool waiting for Billy, wearing new swim suits and makeup...who fucking wears makeup to go swimming? You reached your limit when you went on your lunch break from work to eat with Billy and there she was, standing too close to Billy and trying to put her nasty hands all over her. The rage you felt carried your feet to Billy and you stepped in front of Karen, placing a big kiss on Billy's lips. He smirked and wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you in tighter.
A moment or two passed and you separated, looking at Karen with spite in your eyes.
"I'm sorry, was I interrupting?"
"Not at all baby, Mrs. Wheeler was just asking about swim lessons."
That fucking bitch.
"Huh. Mike and Nancy swim great, just like their mom!"
A deviously innocent smile crawled across your face as you saw Karen step back in defeat.
"Yeah...its for a friend. She never really learned..."
"I'm sure she would fit right in to the group classes. After all, it's a little weird for someone your age to be spending alone time with teenagers, isn't it?"
Billy squeezed your side playfully. The smile on this face was of pure awe. You were a force to be reckoned with and he fucking loved it.
"I...I suppose so. Thank you for the information Billy. I'll see you around."
"I'm always at work."
He responded nicely but it was clear there was NOTHING more to feed the delusional Karen Wheeler. Once she was out of sight, Billy picked up where you two left off from the kiss and a blush reached your toes.
"Billy! People can see..."
"That didn't stop you before baby. You're so fucking hot when you're mad."
"Well don't make me mad like that again or you'll be the one I'm bitching at."
"You're cute when you think you can scare me."
He smirked and grabbed your ass. This lunch was going to be very quick.
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tubbypeddle · 21 days
Have any headcannons for how Kaeya would interact with a traveler who's eerily like Gyro Zeppeli from Steel Ball Run? Like Traveler has a similar background and ability but with the exact same personality as him.
THIS!!!! WAS ACTUALLY SO CREATIVE????? I was actually so excited to work on this one, especially since I recently got back into playing genshin.
and with one of my favorite boys from the game đŸ€­
(author's note: i'll be using they/them pronouns for the traveler in this one, just in case you want to use specifically aether or lumine in your imaginations. also, I haven't read part 7 in a very long time, so my remembering of gyro might be a little off, I apologize if that's the case
I also apologize for the slight hiatus in posts, I was a little busy with personal stuffs, but i'm back!
gyro zeppeli!traveler x Kaeya Alberich
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-their pathological need for helping people is something he greatly appreciates about them. It's certainly made life easier for him, since they're so ever eager to help him out
-he does wish they were a little reckless with it though...
-for example, they can't just be rushing off to save him if he's in a bit of trouble with treasure hoarders!! stupid traveler!! he's got everything under control!!!
-how easy they are to irritate is also very amusing...
The traveler seems upset as Kaeya leads them by their horse away from the horse race, much to his amusement.
"Kaeya," they huff. "They cut me off."
"You're not a part of the race, Honorary Knight," he laughs in reply.
"Tell them to eat shit, Kaeya."
"Tell them yourself."
The traveler seems a little too excited at that. Immediately, they turn towards the race, cup their hands around their mouth, and holler, "Eat shit, asshole! Fall off your horse!"
-yeah, that was...quite the incident. Kaeya hadn't laughed that hard in what was probably years, and he damn near fell off his own horse
-they definitely named their horse Valkyrie
-they probably flirt back with him when he gets sensual with them, and Kaeya's never had someone entertain his flirting before. it definitely caught him off guard the first time. and the second. And third...Kaeya will never get used to the traveler flirting back, really
-the two of them never run out of small little competitions. Kaeya thought he was competitive, from a childhood raised alongside Diluc. But the traveler was a whole other level.
-while the traveler didn't really openly cheat, they certainly played dirty. they are willing to do anything if it means they can win.
-he does find their tendency to quote old folktales as life lessons pretty cute, even if he has no idea who the hell Aristotle is.
-your gags, and your puns, and your little skits are so fucking funny to him, but not because he actually finds them funny, you know?
-your little skits and stuff are so funny because he finds them so unfunny. like, he likes you n all, but you look so dumb, he just can't.
-it's partly the reason he accompanies them on their travel across Teyvat, because he finds them so unfunnily funny
-but the main reason he travels with them is because they're good company. they're funny, and they're protective, and they're a good friend to have while on the road.
"What...what is this? What are you doing?" Kaeya's eye was trained on the Traveler as they started making odd little...motions, with their hands. Nodded their head, as if they were dancing to a tune only they could hear.
"Shut up, you're throwing me off my groove," the Traveler huffed. Started nodding their head rhythmically again. "Okay. Okay, I got it."
"You got it?" Kaeya snorted. "What did you get?"
Before he could say anything else, the Traveler started humming a tune he's never heard before. Just where did this Traveler even come from?
"Pizza mozza~rella! Pizza mozza~rella! Lela, lela, lela, lela, lela, lela, lee~!" they sang, in an off key tune.
Kaeya could only watch as the Traveler danced in circles as they sung at the top of their lungs. He couldn't help the fierce surge of fondness in his chest as he laughed at how stupid they looked.
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triplesilverstar · 5 months
The best desserts are savored slowly
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The best desserts are savored slowly
Rating: 18+ Minors DNI 
Pairing: Knives X F!Reader
CW: Dom/Sub undertones, office sex, phone calls, slight voyeurism 
Word count: Roughly 1.8K
A/N: Chapter seventeen of the series, A Date Night with Nai that doesn't end as you expected. Or does it?
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Giggling over the rim of your martini glass, while Nai rolled his eyes at you tapping the napkin to the edge of his lips. “Enjoy your laughter Pet, it may be your last of the evening.” 
“Oh, come on Mr. Saverem, you have to admit it’s not often the waiters hit on you.” It had been funny to hear the waiter when Nai had declined dessert to utter that he could think of a better dessert for the handsome businessman. 
“Perhaps I would have considered his offer, if I was so inclined.” His tone is clearly one of disbelief. “Now Pet what sh-” Interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing, nodding at you in apology before grabbing the device. 
One thing that had changed as your relationship developed was Nai taking business phone calls with you nearby. Kissing your fingers once while you had been snuggled against his broad form on his couch “I trust you to keep my secrets Pet.” 
Finishing your drink you watch the briefest tick of the vein in his forehead, he’s pissed off with something. Teal eyes going across your form as he ends the call. “It appears I am required in my office. A mistake was made in coordinating timings and I have a business phone call.” 
“It’s alright Nai. These things happen.” You shrug, certain it won’t be the last of your dates to be interrupted. 
While you smile in understanding at him, something flashes across his face, before he sends you a bone chilling grin. “I wonder, Pet. Would you like to accompany me?” His tone is seductive and it sends a signal from your brain straight to your core, lighting a fire in your belly. 
“Of course Nai.” Happy to accept his hand as he leaves more than enough to cover your bill on the table. 
It’s a short car ride back to his office, watching the lights of the city sparkle in the night as you ride in the elevator. While the world becomes smaller, Nai is right behind you one of his warm palms kneading the flesh of your inner thigh under your skirt to touch the bare skin. 
His breath warm against your neck, his head tilted forward to mouth at the soft kiss he knows is there and you feel a very distinct hardness pressing against your backside. 
You might have an idea what he has planned for the two of you once he gets to his office, his mouth and hand pulling away from your skin as you near the top of the elevator shaft. Standing to his full height, as while he only expects Legato to be waiting outside of his office it wouldn’t do for any of the other staff members to see him all over you. Not because he would be worried about being seen with you, more he doesn’t want anyone in his damn personal business. 
As the musical chime of the elevator door’s opening ring in the small metal room, you follow Nai once more heels clicking on the polished marble tiles as the blue haired bastard known as Legato appears behind the secretary desk. 
He’s been waiting for Nai without a doubt.
“Good evening Master. Again I apologize for the inconvenience of this, I will ensure the staff are made aware to coordinate that the timings are for your convenience not our overseas partners.” Legato gives the smallest of bows to Nai, voice carrying his usual lilt of disinterest. At least until his gaze lands on you, and your joined hands. 
“Shall I provide entertainment for your little Pet while you’re otherwise engaged Master?” A thinly veiled sneer of displeasure on his face even if his tone remains the same. One you return as his eyes flash with hatred in those burning golden eyes. 
“That shall not be required Legato. She’s going to accompany me.” Brushing past his chief of staff as if he means nothing and pushing open the large wooden doors of his office. You know Nai cares for the man far more than he lets on, but as of late he’s been letting his own displeasure towards the blue haired man’s attitude when it came to your person known. 
A quick step has you right behind the broad blond man. Something about Nai’s office always makes you feel small, well aware it’s designed to have that effect on anyone who enters your gruff lover's domain. Designed so that the desk he resides behind is framed by the large glass panels, a small sitting area off to the side of the room as well as a conference table. 
Both areas are just far enough from the door that Nai would be able to watch like a predator from his desk. The king of his kingdom reigning over it as he so decides, and while you aren’t as far into the underbelly as he is, you do know his business is growing at a steady rate. Enough that he’s no longer considered a small fish in a large pond. 
Sure steps, and Nai is behind his desk and sitting in his office chair leaving you standing while he sets up his work space as he needs for the meeting before setting his sights on you. A lick of his lips and a hand though his normally slicked back hair resulting in some of the tufts breaking away from the hardened mass. 
“Now Pet. I’m going to require you to be silent for this meeting, so will I need to have your lips wrapped around my cock? Or can you find another way to remain silent so you can keep me nice and warm another way?” A little surprised Nai is leaving the choice up to you, a nagging suspicion that whichever one you don’t take you’ll still end up doing tonight. 
“I think” you tease, biting into your plush lower lip and letting a dainty hand reach for his belt buckle and beginning to undo it “I would like to warm that nice cock of yours up if that’s ok? I can be quiet since you asked me so nicely.” Keeping your own voice seductive while Nai grins in response, lifting his butt just enough to help you work his pants and boxers down enough for his throbbing cock to spring free. 
A quick snap of his wrist and Nai has your jaw grasped in his hand, forcing you to open your mouth so he can kiss you his tongue exploring your mouth at his leisure keeping the pressure there so you remember who’s in control. 
When his hand releases you, the lingering warmth from his fingers radiates along your skin, almost breathless. “Now. I do require you to be silent, Pet, this call will be on speaker phone.” A second softer kiss to the corner of your mouth before leaning back in his office chair and patting his thighs. Helping you get into position so you’re straddling him chest to chest, the fabric of your underwear pushed to the side so Nai’s cock can slide into your slick pussy. 
One thing you’ve noticed since dating him, you don’t need a lot of prep anymore when it comes to even the thought of having Nai inside your core. With your legs hanging through the gap under the arm rests and your chin resting on his shoulder enjoying the feeling as he fills you. Another brief kiss pressed into your hair and one of his palms on your lower back. 
“Silent safe signals.” A long exhale as your body tightens ever so slightly. You should have expected that, to Nai, everything is a game of some kind. As he starts his teleconference you don’t miss the subtle twitching of his hips under yours, the smallest of movements as his cock shifts just enough inside of your walls to elicit a response from your muscles. 
Most of the call is more of the same, while Nai is actively participating in his phone conversation you focus on breathing while using some kegel exercises to keep his cock nice and hard inside of you. On occasion Nai would lift your hips before dropping you, or pressing his warm palm to your lower back to get you to roll your hips more against his making him throb inside of you. 
Focusing on filling your lungs slowly before exhaling again, feeling the expansion of your chest pressing against the hard muscular chest of your lover, hidden beneath the fabric of his shirt and suit jacket. 
At what you can only assume is near the end of the call, things change as Nai places one of his hands between your bodies, placing his thumb on your clit and starting to rub feather light circles against the nerve cluster. 
You respond almost instantly as it makes your core clench, immediately shoving your hand into your mouth and sinking your teeth into the base of your thumb to try and stifle the moan that almost slipped from you. 
From the corner of your eye you watch the lazy grin that spreads across Nai’s face, the speed and pressure of his thumb slowly building. Your own reaction instantaneous, hips jerking to seek more friction, inner walls clamping and unclamping around him. 
Shutting your eyes as Nai presses harder, faster, and you know what he’s trying to do, to try and make you cry out so you’ll break his little rule. Instead you bite harder on your thumb, certain there’s an indent of your teeth into your flesh, tears forming on your closed eyes. 
“If that concludes our meeting, I bid you a goodnight. My chief of staff will handle the formal contract in the coming days.” Hearing the call disconnect you finally crack your eyes open once more, still doing your best to remain silent since you don’t have permission to make a noise yet. 
“You’ve done well tonight, Pet. Do you think you deserve a reward?” You keep silent even as Nai removes your hand from between your teeth, while you didn’t break your skin the area is red and tender. “Good girl, games over.” A press of his dry lips to the area and the pressure against your clit relents for a while. 
Tilting your head so your forehead is pressed against the warm skin of his neck, you empty your lungs before answering. “I think I do, you started playing dirty at the end.” Snickering lightly while Nai keeps a gentle hold of your hand. 
“Then shall we have you cum on my cock before we depart” Grabbing the back of your neck and smashing his lips to yours, tongue plundering your mouth while the hand at your sex starts to dance along your sensitive skin once more. It doesn’t take long, the rough pad of his thumb working your quickly since you had been hovering at that edge for a while. 
Pulling your mouth away as you cum while sitting on his lap, head thrown back as you scream his name, walls fluttering around his cock while Kni watches you with a grin as you come undone for him. 
A sight he’ll never get tired of, as you slump forward after your high panting softly in his ear. Resting his hand on your lower back, you’re his, and he’s not going to let you go.
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cringemesstickles · 1 year
Play With Me, De!
Summary: Sam wants to play but Dean is doing something so he breaks out the puppy dog eyes and Dean caves. [Weechesters]
Pairings: None (obviously)
Word Count: 1,253
A/N: this is one of my favorites because idk it’s just soft and they’re smol and don’t have any big problems yet. đŸ„Č
Dean sat at the kitchen table in their current motel room, cleaning the guns.
John was off on a hunting trip, leaving Dean to take care of Sam as usual.
Sam was pretty mellow for most of the day; watching Scooby Doo or Looney Tunes or whatever was on, Dean wasn’t really paying attention, only looking up every now and then to make sure Sam wasn’t dying.
However, he knew that the silence wouldn’t last forever; cartoons could only entertain his little brother for so long.
He knew the time was up when he heard the pitter patter of little feet approaching the kitchen table before Sam was in front of him with an energetic smile.
He looked down at his little brother and set down the gun that he was cleaning.
“What’s up, Sammy?”
“Play with me, De!” Sam bounced on the balls of his feet.
“Sorry Sammy, but I’m kind of busy right now.”
The youngest pouted, the sparkle in his eye disappearing instantly.
“Please De?..”
He tried clinging to the fabric of his older brother’s jeans, giving him the best puppy eyes he could muster.
Dean took one look and could already feel his heart melting.
Surely he could make some time for his brother; especially if he was gonna keep giving him that sad puppy look.
Sam could get Dean to do whatever he wanted as long as he had those damn puppy dog eyes;
they were Dean’s biggest weakness and Sam knew it.
“Come on Sam
Don’t make that face..” He tried his best to look away but found it nearly impossible.
“Please play with me, De..”
And just like that, Dean caved.
“Okay okay
 I’ll play with you Sammy.”
The sparkle in Sam’s eyes returned as he grabbed Dean’s hand and dragged him to the living room.
“Alright Sammy, what do you wanna play?” He watched his little brother think, concentration clear in his face.
Eventually, all Sam said was - “I don’t know.” - with a slight shrug.
Dean raised a brow.
“You’re telling me you broke out the puppy dog eyes and you don’t even know what you want to play?”
The exasperation in his voice made Sam giggle.
Upon hearing the adorable sound, Dean knew exactly what he wanted to do.
“Oh you think this is funny, Sam? Pulling your big brother away from his work? Is that funny to you, Sammy?”
Sam giggled even more, shaking his head and trying to cover his mouth.
Dean growled playfully, scooping his little brother up in his arms and dumping him on one of the nearby beds; heart melting at the childish giggles that fell from the younger’s mouth, despite not being tickled yet.
“Well Sammy, since you like to laugh so much, how about we pay a visit to an old friend~”
The elder growled in the crook of his brother’s neck, making him squeal and giggle helplessly.
“Sorry Sammy, De’s not here, but d’you know who is?”
Sam’s giggles raised in volume and he shook his head.
“Well get ready Sammy, it’s..”
He paused for dramatic effect.
“The tickle monster!” He roared, raising his hands and making claws before digging into his brother’s sides.
Sam squealed, giggles turning to loud bubbly laughter.
“De, noho tihihihickles!” He pushed at the offending hands, a bright smile and rosy cheeks decorating his face.
Dean felt his big brother heart swell with love and affection for his precious little brother;
the brother he would give his life to protect.
“Yes tickles!” He tweaked his brother’s ribs, eliciting yelps and squeaks.
Sam kicked his little legs and squirmed about, unable to escape his brother’s clutches.
“What’s so funny Sammy? Does this tickle? I bet it does!” Dean teased and switched to spidering, smile widening at the little snort that escaped the younger’s mouth.
“DEHEHE!! N-NOT THEHERE!!” The little boy shrieked at the ticklish feelings crawling on his skin, his face reddening from all the laughing.
“The tickle monster tickles wherever he wants!”
Dean growled playfully.
“Lucky for you though, he’s bored of this spot and will in fact be tickling elsewhere
He looked at the sliver of exposed skin where the kids shirt had ridden up from the squirming and he grinned.
“How about
here?” He poked Sam’s tummy repeatedly and watched the kid squeak with each poke.
“EEK- It t-tihihickles!” Sam squirmed and batted at the hands.
Dean snorted. “No way, really? That’s crazy, Sammy.”
He stopped poking and formed claws with his hands, wiggling his fingers just over the sensitive spot.
Sam’s eyes widened comically and his laughter became more frantic.
The older Winchester laughed with his brother, finding the reactions adorable.
“Sammy, I’m not touching you.” Dean laughed fondly.
He dove his fingers down and retracted them at the last minute making Sam fall into helpless laughter.
“I’m gonna get your tummy, Sammy~” He sang teasingly, knowing just how to get his little brother worked up.
Sam covered his face with his hands, a snort escaping him as he squirmed helplessly.
“De, plehehease!”
Having decided that he shouldn’t keep the kid waiting any longer, he dug both claw shaped hands into the soft tummy, eliciting a loud squeal followed by bright bubbly laughter.
Sam bucked and squirmed instinctively.
His tummy had always been extremely sensitive; Dean loves to tickle him there because it always gets the cutest reactions.
Dean knew Sam loved getting his tummy tickled as much as Dean loved tickling it, so it was a win win.
“Aww, Sammy~” He rucked Sam’s shirt up to his ribs so his belly was completely exposed.
The older Winchester leaned down and nuzzled the boy’s stomach, growling against the sensitive skin while Sam screeched at the ticklish vibrations.
“Uh oh Sammy
I think the tickle monster is hungry.” Dean could hardly hold back his own soft chuckling, finding his brother’s bright laughter to be quite infectious.
“The tickle monsters gonna eat your tummy, Sammy!”
The younger brother’s squirming increased at the playful threat, anticipation growing in the pit of his stomach.
The eldest started nibbling along his brother’s sensitive tummy, heart swelling at the loud happy laughter.
“Mm.. ticklish bellies are my favorite snack! NomNomNom~”
Sam squealed happily, arching his back, kicking his little legs, and wiggling about in his big brothers grasp.
Dean smiled against the little boy’s skin. He loved being able to play around with the younger.
Being 5, Sam didn’t fully understand why their lives were this way;
why they moved around so much, why they salted the doors and windows every night, why their dad was almost always gone, why they didn’t have a mom

Dean at least understood most of it, but poor Sammy probably just thinks that it’s all for no reason.
Still, it’s better than if he were to know the truth.
Dean was just happy that he could be the one to put that sweet smile on the boy’s face.
When Sam’s laughter went silent, Dean pulled away, admiring the rosy cheeks and dimpled smile.
He leaned down and bumped their noses, nuzzling affectionately.
“Hehe!” Sam giggled.
Dean laughed and gave Sam a kiss on the nose, watching him scrunch it up momentarily.
Sam curled up in his big brothers lap, snuggling against his chest with a content sigh.
“I love you, De
” He yawned, tuckered out from the tickling.
Dean carded his hands through the soft brown locks, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Love you too, Sammy.”
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honestlywtfisgoingon · 2 years
Woman About Town — Catcher Block
description: catcher couldn’t be your lover so he settled for being your friend. now that you’re looking for someone to fill that spot, he can’t stand for it to be anyone but him.
warnings: language, spice idk if it’s considered smut but there’s use of the word “core” in that way lmao, alcohol, drinking and driving do NOT do that, written in about an hour and completely UNEDITED
a/n: sexy suit ewan is the best ewan (actually all ewans are the best) but srsly cmon im swooning
words: 3,252
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catcher block: ladies man, mans man, man about town, your boss
and nothing more.
he had tried to change that multiple times int he beginning sure, but now he was your best friend. When you first started working for him you had a boyfriend. it didn’t make much of a difference to him as it wasn’t the first time someone had dropped everything, including a relationship, for a single night with him.
after a while, he realized that it just wasn’t going to happen with you, and usually he would have looked for a new secretary instead, except for the fact that you were a damn good one. you knew what he wanted before he did, ready with a cup of coffee and a fully prepped agenda for the week, even including flexibility for his
flings, not to mention you were an incredibly fast typer, and catch appreciated not having to wait.
you made his life a lot easier, so much so to where he found you indispensable and took you with him whenever he had to travel for one of his famous exposes. you made quite a pair, arriving at places like coco beach after a long flight of joking together and enjoying each other’s company, then splitting up as he searched for a new conquest and you went off on your own, content to simply enjoy the drinks and other perks that came with your job. your boyfriend and his insecurities had a problem with that.
he didn’t like how much time you were spending with catcher. even if he was a serial womanizer, he should’ve known you well enough to trust you, and that lack of trust was what damaged your relationship the most. he even went so far as to insinuate that you were actively having an affair with your boss. it was immediately after that you threw him out of your apartment and your life.
catcher wasn’t perturbed by it in the least, in fact, he was overjoyed. he had adjusted to just being friends with you a while ago, close friends, but you were back in the game now, and he would be fool not to try again with you, his idea of the perfect woman. funny, smart, absolutely gorgeous, and always kept him on his toes. once or twice he had pictured you underneath him instead of some woman he had met 20 minutes ago. it always freaked him out, the possibility that he actually liked you, but that thought wasn’t anything a glass of scotch couldn’t make disappear.
You had expected it of course, knowing your friend well enough by now, and you were very entertained watching your friend try moves on you that you’d seen him use a thousand times over, only to see him shocked when they didn’t work.
“arent you a pretty little thing today? must be the earrings i sent you,” catcher toyed with the dangly jewelry hanging on your ear. he was standing closely behind you, his breath fanning across your neck.
“you can borrow them if you like. maybe it’ll make you pretty too,”
“darling im not pretty enough for you?”
“of course you are catch, how could i forget.”
eventually he lost all hope in seducing you, and he was back to being your best friend once more. he was just as happy that way too. you were the only girl friend, friend who was a girl, that he had ever had, and he valued you for it very much. he found that he enjoyed the company of a woman, even if they happened to be fully clothed. he also appreciated that, out fo his two best friends, you and peter, that he wasn’t worried would die of a heart attack at 40.
so catcher went back to being your friend, and as your friend, he was always there to give you advice when you asked. this time you wanted guy advice.
“you want to get back out there?”
“that’s what i said.” you handed him his drink before plopping down on the couch next to him. you had invited him over to your apartment, something you’d done a million times before.
“what do you mean why?”
“we’ll it’s just
why are you asking me?”
“you’re joking right? you’re king out there.” at first he liked that you were in the field, but then he realized there where other men in the field besides him, and he didn’t like it. they weren’t good enough for tou.
“i don’t think that’s a good idea,”
“why not?”
“we’ll look at your options, what’s the point anyway?”
“what just cause they’re not all you?” even if it was sarcastic, you had a backwards way of stroking his ego. you never outright complimented him, humbling him as the one woman in new york who wouldn’t, but he also knew that you partially believed your jokes. you did think he was the shit, and any approval from you was worth more than all his past flings put together. “cmon. you’re a man about town. teach me to be a woman about town.” he gave you a look of hesitation. “if you don’t teach me i’m still gonna go ahead without your wisdom.” you poked his forehead and he swatted your hand away.
“well we need to see what you already know, but for that you’d have to come here and show me.” he patted his lap, “for academic purposes of course,”
“ha ha catch.” you fake laughed, “besides, even if it really was for academic purposes, i’d still say no. i care about you way too much to have sex with you,”
catcher was at a loss. what does that mean? you wouldn’t sleep with him because you cared about him? how does that even make sense? then he realized that also meant you weren’t rejecting him because you weren’t attracted to him, it was for whatever weird reason you just offered.
“fine,” he rolled his eyes and began to explain to you the inner workings of the human male while you listened intently.
armed with your new knowledge, you successfully landed a date only days after. you would say you had catch to thank, but he insisted that he had nothing to do with it.
“you’ve always been an absolute knockout, even without my help,” he said as he watched you fix your hair in the mirror. you blushed at the compliment. he had told you things like that before, but it was rare for him to say that outside of flirting. he was being genuine this time, and your heart fluttered. you blamed it on being nervous about your date, but you repeated his words in your mind once more.
you ran around feverishly, primping yourself until catcher had to get up and put his hand on your shoulders to stop you before you wore out the carpet. it was ridiculous that you should go through all this and get worked up over someone who wasn’t even worth it. he placed his hands on your cheeks and held you to look on him.
“y/n. you look fine, and he’s the lucky one,” you and him stared into each other’s eyes. you couldn’t help but realize jsut how beautiful his were. suddenly the telephone rang and your trance was broken.
“hello? alright i’ll be down,” you set the phone down on the receiver and turned to catcher, jumping up and down a little to get your nervous excitement out. he smiled at how adorable you were, but there was an ache in his heart when he remembered your reaction was for someone else. he was lost in his thoughts until you ran up to him for a quick goodbye. “bye catch! your the best!” you gave him a quick kiss ont he cheek without even thinking and then ran out the door with your coat.
his hand reached up to where you kissed him, and suddenly he felt hot. he was frozen for a moment, processing your actions, then ran over to your balcony to try and catch you walking out the front. you hadn’t made it out yet, but he spotted who he presumed to be your date. he was checking himself out in the car mirror, running his hand through his hair and throwing finger guns to himself once he was satisfied with his appearance. he sneered even though it was an action he had done many times.
what a prick.
then, he saw you walking out in your mini dress and kitten heels, hair all done up, and looking far to good for wherever this idiot was going to take you. he saw your discarded glass in the corner of his eye and picked it up, downing what alcohol was left in it. he looked down at the bottom of the glass and contemplated what to do now. your home was as good as his, so he figured he would just stay up and wait till you got home.
muscle memory led him yo where you kept the drinks and he poured himself another one before taking a seat on the couch. it was after his third glass that he got up to get the whole bottle. there was just something off that he could place his finger on. he was worried about you, something he didn’t usually need to be.
in all his time knowing you, he had never even had to think about what you were doing with another man, and now that he did, he absolutely did not like it. it was what was causing his knee to bounc up and down rapidly, his brows furrowing at the same time. he had to do something. at least that’s what the alcohol began to tell him.
he hated it. he hated seeing you with another man. even at the beginning he didn’t lowly hat you had a boyfriend, but he got over it. it also helped that you and your boyfriend had made it past the hoensympon stage and you rarely even talked about him. what was different now that he was seeing you all smitten and in the brand new stages of romance. you should be getting giddy about him. he should be taking you to dinner. that’s when it clicked.
catched wasted no time in rushing down the elevator and getting in his car. he started it, and then realized he didn’t even know where you were.
“dammit,” he whispered angrily. you had mentioned it before, but he was paying more attention to your lips than to what was actually coming out to them.
andy, and
the second the restaurant came to his mind, he was speeding there. it was a miracle he made it there in one piece, especially considering his buzz, but he was on a mission and nothing was going to stop him.
he tossed the keys to the valet and fixed his jacket before walking in. if he was going to tell you that you should be with him, he was going to look good for you.
“did you happen to see the most beautiful girl walk in here? black dress, ugly blonde date?” the hostess looked extremely confused, but hesitantly pointed to the table that fit his description the most, a girl in a black dress with a blonde man. the second he caught sight of you, he was over there.
“hello y/n,”
“catcher block what are you doing here.” you said, using his full name as though he was in trouble, but truly you were relieved. your date was absolutely boring, and you found yourself counting the minutes until you could go home, partially hoping he stayed over.
“catcher block? the catcher block? ladies man? man’s man? man about—“ apparently your date was not in the least bit bothered. in fact, he seemed rather starstruck.
“yes, town. we get it,” you rolled your eyes at his fanboying. “what are you doing here?” you looked up at him.
“could i steal y/n away for a moment?”
“of—of course mr. block,” your date stuttered out, but you were already out of your seat and following catcher to the coat check area.
“as grateful as i am, you still need to explain our self.”
“grateful? did i really rescue you?”
“yes, completely” he couldn’t help but puff his chest up a bit, “explain,” you poked him in the chest, then smelled the alcohol on his breath, “are you drunk?”
“not the point—“
“you could’ve gotten into an accident! don’t ever—“
“not. the point.” he lowered his voice and pulled you close. your breath hitched in your throat. it was different this time. he wasn’t being smooth, you could hear the quiet pleading in his voice for you to listen. you nodded.
“i couldn’t do it. i couldn’t let you go out with some guy,” you opened your mouth to speak, but he continued, “not when it should be me taking you out,”
you sighed. “we’ve been through this. i’m not going to sleep with you,”
“no! that’s not what i’m talking about. i mean i should be taking you out on dates, walking you home, kissing you goodnight,”
“the deluxe package huh? i just, i don’t want to be another one of your conquests. goodnight catch.” you turned to leave.
“your not a conquest. you’re it.” he spun you back around and you ended up almost chest to chest.
“what are you saying?” it came out as a whisper.
“i’m saying i care about you too much to have sex with you too. i care about you to where i want to call you mine,”
“i won’t be one of your one night stands,”
“how bout an every night stand?”he made you laugh.
“you really mean it?”
“let me put it this way, i—i love you,” it just tumbled out, but he knew it to be true. you had loved him too. for a very long time, but you didn’t realize it until he said it. when you actually saw it was a possibility, you let all of your walls and denial break down, and you kissed him.
“i love you too,” you mumbled against his lips, and you could feel him smile. he pressed his lips against yours harder, and you found yourself tugging at his hair. what was meant to be a single kiss turned into many heated ones, and he had slowly backed you into the door of the coat closet while you were distracted by all the attention he was giving your neck, placing needy kisses all over.
“i have a date,” you suddenly remembered, but made no move to stop the man you had wanted for so long, too afraid to admit it.
“no you don’t,”
“no i don’t,” you laughed as he turned the knob behind you and you tumbled into the closet.
“do you know how long i’ve wanted this? to be able to love you? now that i can i don’t need anything else,”
“no you don’t,” you joked, but your laugh was cut off when he sucked on a sensitive spot on your neck. your knees felt weak, and somehow he knew. maybe it was from experience, but it also might have had something to do with the way you were a perfect match. absolutely connected, and knew each other like no one else. he grabbed the back of your thighs and gave you a little boost to wrap your legs around his waist. he pressed you against the wall and you reflexively reached up to grab a hanger rod when he grinded against you, needed something to steady yourself. he grinned and only did it again. you began to breath heave as he hiked up your dress and you loosened his bow tie.
“catch. oh catch!” you mumbled as he lifted one of your legs higher in order to press directly against your core. he nipped at your neck, causing you to shut your eyes, forgetting where you were.
the sudden bright light that invaded the small space immediately reminded you.
“oh!” it was your date, looking for his coat. apparently you had taken too long and he had decided to leave. catcher was not embarassed to be in this position with you, and was happy to hold you in place, no doubt enjoying how obvious it was that you had chosen him. you were not so used to being found in situations like this, and had to swat him until he let go of your legs and let your dress fall from your waist.
“we were just, uh,” you looked at catch in panic.
“we were in the middle of something so if you’d like to take your coat and go.” your date was completely in shock, nodding and reaching for his coat presumably in autopilot. it was a bit awkward as you had to squish to the side, pressed into against catch even further. once again, he seemed to be enjoying this far too much.
once your date left you began to swat catcher again.
“ow ow! you were rather fond of me a few minutes ago,” you stopped and pulled his face it for a hard kiss, effectively shutting him up.
“i still am,” you whispered in his ear. he grinned and opened the door, offering you his arm once you both stepped out. you both got into his car, giggling like kids. you were on such a high that you didn’t even realize where he was taking you until about 10 minutes into the drive.
“if i’m going to take to bed the woman i love, it’s going to be special.” he pulled up to a decadent hotel, tall marble columns and walls of ivy, rare in new york. there were so many ornate details to stare at while he checked you in, hand not leaving your waist for a moment. it was like another world. it all went so quickly, as the concierge already kne catcher and gave him his “usual” you looked at him with a little frown. “darling i know my history, but i’ve only been here once and it wasn’t with anyone. your the first and the last,”
you smiled and kissed him. you opened the hotel door and were greeted by high ceilings and a large canopy bed. champagne was on a rolling tray put away in the corner, no doubt by the staff who knew catcher, and a large gilded fireplace was in the wall. you gasped and catcher watched as you ran out on the balcony, admiring you. you and catcher had been to many nice hotels, and his apartment was nice in and of itself, but nothing like this. it wasn’t very new york either, it was like a castle, and you were reacting just as he hoped you would. as much as he loved seeing you, he couldn’t bear to be anywhere but on top of you anymore, and he came up behind you, scooping you up bridal style as you let out a little squeak. he laid you gently on the bed, taking his time like never before.
“god it’s like a honeymoon catch.”
“would you like it to be?” he was serious. you thought about it, but didn’t know what to say.
“someday.” catcher didn’t mind, he knew you loved him, and that was enough. he would marry you someday, and he was content to wait.
“come here.”
“anything you say mrs. catcher block,”
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
THAAAAAT’S RIIIIGHT! It’s everyone’s favourite time! Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!
This is for season 1, episode 9: Convoy.
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
Also, I’ll warn, I don’t have a lot to say. (Not compared to other episodes)
00:03 - beautiful scenery- for fucks sake, Fowler.
00:05 - ✹walk cycles✹ I Will never not love the way the bots walk and I will never stop reminding you.
00:12 - hehe, height difference.
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00:16 - good. (I don’t like Fowler, he’s unnecessarily rude.)
00:21 - hehe Dingus.
00:49 - Raf’s got his priorities straight.
00:52 - Miko’s reaction
01:14 - you already know that a bunch of children had to ask their parents what Propagate means.
01:28 - Optimus knows Fowler would be a reckless driver. But I can also imagine that it’s just generally very uncomfortable and unnecessary stressful for the boys whenever someone else is driving. If not, then I’m making it a hc.
03:07 - Optimus uses that T.H.I.N.K acronym and I will not hear otherwise.
03:18 - if the yellow dot is where the D.N.G.S is, why is it placed between two orange dots? Bee hadn’t moved in front of Optimus yet.
03:22 - I mean.. the truck’s obviously being escorted by two other cars. Why would they assume that all three are unarmed?
03:42 - that’s rich.
03:48 - damn right, Optimus! Shut him dooown! Also Bee, Get back in the lane.
03:55 - translation, ‘a worse evil’
04:15 - Bulkhead said that, but Stan decided Ratchet did.
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04:29 - From what we know, most of the cons are greys, black and purples. These are green. The decepticons have a colour scheme going, why would there all of a sudden be a bunch of green cons??
04:54 - that was what Bee did in the first episode.
05:09 - why.. why was his window open?
06:33 - someone that knows transformers lore, could you tell me.. would Optimus be able to feel that?? At the end of the day, that’s still apart of his body.
07:04 - that made me laugh, ngl.
08:23 - Bee really ain’t doing anything, huh? Like they’re breaking in from behind and Bulkhead can’t do anything.
08:41 - oh yeah, forgot about Arcee.
09:03 - makes the whole thing a lot more twisted.
10:51 - that’s what it’s like rocking up at school wearing your uniform.
12:23 - Transformers Running well never not be funny.
12:26 - they look like frogs on two feet.
12:37 - specifically watching Bee fight is so entertaining (not just because he’s a favourite, also because he’s really bouncy during his fight scenes.)
12:42 - Optimus moving as though the punch was a minor inconvenience.
12:43 - then he just destroys the con.
13:25 - the big eyes and the cute wave, I caaaan’t!!
14:01 - “I understand-” d o n k
14:12 - Isn’t Fowler able to.. see the fight? Wouldn’t he have seen Optimus get dinked off the cliff.
14:16 - he was taken down by some wood. If you know, you know.
14:25 - Arcee and Bee jumping is the strangest visuals ever.
14:27 - that’s just a group hug in a buttshell.
14:34 - I would love to hear the bloopers for this. How did the VAs manage to say ‘DNGS’ without dying of laughter.
14:37 - you’re telling me that they didn’t have a backup plan??
14:53 - It’s strange hearing ‘suicide’ in a show that probably has a large child audience.
15:00 - How Ratchet pronounced ‘yours’ sounds so out of character that it made me cry. He cares so much he forgot to be an old man.
15:01 - When you watch this scene, watch how Ratchet moves. Like it’s so appealing the way he doesn’t stop moving.
15:54 - did they seriously only have one person in the cart with the D.N.G.S? Seems very flawed.
16:58 - to be fair
 yes. He’s right.
17:14 - I’m so confused as to why they went on the train in the first place. Yes it was a bad idea- OF COURSE IT WAS A BAD IDEA AND IT DID NOTHING!
17:15 - BIG TALK, MIKO! Raf was working remotely and managed to give them more time. (I don’t understand how, though, because it seems that they went a different route)
17:32 - quick shoutout to character design. Look at the detail on Optimus’s helm here.
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17:55 - I’m pretty sure that the using a fire extinguisher the normal way is going to prove more useful than whatever Jack is planning on doing.
19:38 - Excuse me, but
 what?. Just
 what??? Also does anyone else see any parallel between Miko and Jack and Optimus and Arcee? Where Miko’s trying to think of different ideas of how to get out while Jack’s like ‘we may die, but I’m just gonna accept that’. And in Scrap heap Arcee was trying to think of different ways to stay alive and Optimus is just like ‘if I stay here and relax there will be an outcome. The outcome may be death, but I’m alright with that.’
20:09 - Optiman, Optiman, does whatever an Optimus can. Can he swing from a web? No he can’t, but he can stop a fraggin train. Look oooooout, Optimus aboooout.
20:28 - I may have laughed loudly when I noticed the unconscious guy.
20:49 - Silas really went ‘GG but-’
20:53 - no. What. The. Actual. Fuck?. When and where did he get that??
So that was Convoy. Because the episode was more focused around the humans than the bots I always found the episode kind of boring.
But considering the episode is mainly about introducing MECH, it’s one that I would watch in a binge, but not one that stands out.
Although being a human focused episode, I thought that they came off either annoying, dumb and/or punchable (with the exception of Raf, he did a good job), particularly Agent Fowler. I hate him in this.
Also, could someone tell me if I should put screenshots before or after their related timestamp. Thanks!
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thevampirearchive · 2 years
Commentary on Interview With The Vampire - Episode 1 (Spoilers)
Shorter thoughts vers
Barely fully in and it already looks beautiful. Was the budget in the billions because this shit is so crisp, fuck!
Hannah Baker was out-fucking performed. TAPES RO HARRASS A DYING MAN WHO DIDNT USE YOUR VAMPIRE SECRET? Lestat would be so proud!
I am so happy this is the direction they chose — brining us to modern time, the only time I wanna hear about the pandemic in entertainment media. And all while humanity does, Louis is stuck in his high tower with some high tech ass Dubai apartment? Purr.
Nvm, Mans seem sick of it lmao. Stuck there in his own personal house-coffin (I’d still prefer a coffin, and I feel like Lestat would have never chosen a place penthouse. He’s too French for modern builds. “Louis? NO QUALITY WOODEN COFFIN?” He’d say, in a French accent, in disgust.
I am a whore for period piece and they’re taking us to 1910 AND New Orleans? Spoiled. We’ve been spoiled.
Gosh the vulgar language, I am shaking from excitement! Pls!
I know a lot of black folks hate it when they have the white say the n-word, but that ‘unhand me nigger’ comment killed me, that white man forgot where he was for a second
I too agree, anal without consent is against god (I screamed, the whores are funny)
Not Paul tryna play captain save a Ho, man’s brough a Bible Too — I love him.
THE BRAWL! And this whole time Lestat is watching like it’s forplay for later.
HE PULLED A SWORD ON HIS OWN BROTHER? That’s cold Lou, but I respect it, gotta do what you gotta do.
Lestat watching, BRICKED UP, and I cannot believe nobody’s falling in love like this ANYMORE. WE USED RO BE A SOCIETY! (How I imagine Lestat internally, as he watch his man pull a whole sword out of his Pimp 3000 Cain)
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Pls not the disgusted faces on the white men watching Louis walk in!!! Fighting for their lives to not say sum — TRY IT :^b
The lines should have been “damn so they just letting anybody in” so I could have really lost it. His racism wasn’t racist enough — I predicted they’d make him a proper French (racist) but they didn’t drive it all the way, and I get why. Can’t have the protagonist calling the other protagonist a nigger after all (well I haven’t seen Ep. 2 so perhaps) but it would be accurate. I just don’t believe white ppl weren’t racist, even the DOCTOR was sliming it around and that’s the homie, y’a know?
Awww Lestat is like a tarot girlie after watching one Tiktok reading and suddenly she sees 11.11 everywhere. “Ah Louis?! I was heading to St. Louis? Hahah so you’re my saint haha”, Lestat pls you look desperate pls breath baby breath (same tho)
His French is so good! ïżŒ Ça m’a pris par surprise! Qu’est-ce qu’il est français ou il est juste un bon acteur? I could Google it, but how else will I flex that I too, speak French. Lestat is actually my cousins neighbor, oui oui baguette.
ïżŒïżŒLMAOOOO “that explains the attire” SHOTS FIRED. Man’s came for his whole fit, and Lestat laughed it off cuz he’s in love, wow.
Lestat is such a scorpio sun libra Mercury scorpio mars because who tells a story, LEANS FOR A SLUTTY KISS and continues with the same elegance? He’s such a slut, I love it!
The way he just had foreplay and the whole time Louis fighting for his life to not bust. Cuz what? Watching a man touch a woman that way with their gaze fixed on you only? He’s playing with you Lou! RUN (not to fast tho, make it clap as you go tihi)
Am I wrong for thinking Louis was not just mad that Lestat froze him but that he knows without much effort? He knows Louis a raging homosexual and it’s been what? Minutes? Pls!
“I’ve emptied a bank volt to sample” LESTAT! He’s a whore but I’m still shocked, I knew this BUT IM STILL SHCOKED!
He really saw Louis in the act for seconds and decided to not just stay but get a home, furnish it, get a wardrobe, ignore that it’s basically a red light district (sure there’s buisness but he comes off too french to ever accept to live near the sound of cheeks being clapped) JUST cuz Louis is there. When will it be me god?
“You are his destiny Louis”— istfg if I do not experience this soon I will combust. PlS!
The bidding war was so hot and then he placed his ring and I felt it in every fiber of my being. Can’t beleive Lilly didn’t say ‘just get y’a cocks out and let’s do it the proper way’ the way they were slinging
Louis’ idk if I wanna be him, beat him or fuck him moment was real, man’s was fighting gay thoughts with all his might (and looses, later)
His mind filled with just Lestat huh? So the gay thought’s won? I wonder if he tells Lestat that? If he does I think lestat’s head will grow too big for his hats.
ThĂ© poker game was smooth and I love how Louis just went meh, and didn’t question the time freezing, the voice in his mind or the enormous compliment — you are worth more, king. Big ups.
Pls Not them having put and Louis bring smt to read, he’s such a weirdo bro we know you know he’s basically taking you out on dates and you love it! PUT THE BOOK DOWN AND FLIRT BACK *holds up a gun*
THE CINEMA! Such cultured lads! I love them. Out here watching while Lestat watching his snack, I MEAN HIS MAN, I MEAN HIS BUISNESS PARTNER
‘He’s not white he’s French’ — this is what all white Man’a whore tell themsleves. Didn’t I fucking predict they’d say that? Lmaoo I did!
NOT HIM CALLING HIS MOM MAMMA DU LAC! He’s tryna fit in and Paul fighting back from saying sum (not too hard tho cuz now he’s going in lmao GET HIM LIL BRO)
“What’s the nature of your relationship with my brother” All my mind can think off is ‘everybody knows
 everybody knows that he fucks you’. Cuz why would he ask that? Clearly that’s your future brother in law AND PAUL KNEW! The voices told him he was amongst the gays tihi
Okay Lestat pls don’t trauma dump on Paul lmao, answer the question or politely ignore it cuz I feel like Paul has some ‘you’ve got the wrong time but the right bitch’-him and just swing cuz what? But I think he’s being pulled in so he couldn’t even move if he wanted to.
NOT LOUIS SETTING IT STREIGHT! Idk why I thought he’d be a pushover after all the dreamy stairs Lestat has given him:)
This is all I can imagine Lestat thinking as he dinned with black ppl probably for the first time ever — rich and educated at that.
Please! A Lilly for his front pocket and a Lilly for Louis to do nothing with but entertain him, tihi
Not her revealing he’s gay, girl, bffr. “It’s okay” this strange white man now knows too fucking much babes but whatever
THE ALMOST TOUCH! I had to close the screen sorry I am used to fluff only (no I am not, but that yanked me)
now he’s in his head, fucking his mind and eyes and watching him get hard for him cuz Lilly ain’t doing shit but be a buffer. A pretty buffer getting a taste of Lestats man FOR NOW! Good *gets closer to screen* IS THAT FINGER SUCKING? Even pulling away in disgust was not convincing babes, !BE WHO YOU ARE!
THE FIGHT FOR DOMINANCE! MY GOSH AND THE RELEASE! It’s like he was pretending before going full ‘yeah now after we’ve kissed and touched titties, you know I’m into it so let me chill’ and he went lax, and now they floating, fucking and sucking. Gosh, this better win an award.
No because I fully beleive being drank from by a vampire is the closest thing humans will ever get to experience true euphoria and that’s why I will not simply be turned immediately. MAKE ME YOUR BLOODBAG FOR AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS AND SEVEN NIGHTS PLS I need to feel the THRILL
That was the most romantic, tender yet agressive love making bloodsucking scene I’ve ever witnessed. I’m bricked up, down there and up here (holds heart)
The wedding! This about to be good cuz y’all know black ppl know how to celebrate!
Thé dancing! Arghhhh this show is so freaking black, I love it! Anne is probably rolling in her grave, arguing with Satan to be resurrected so she can sue. Love it here
THE THROWN MONEY! YAAAAAAAS! Y’all don’t understand! This how we really be!!!! Black folks RISE! This one’s for us!
Now they climbing a whole roof just to 
 see the sunset? Babes
Awww “I love you-“ why did that sound like a Goodby! Where is HEGOING NO-
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Noooooooo! I’m fenna cry, PLEASE NOT PAUL! (I knew he dies but I also forgot but I also was just enjoying myself and they caught me slipping. Now I’m pausing to take deep breaths
And that was his last sunrise? Yeah, cuz the fucking cameras.
Pls not death is boring
 Speak for yourself, some of us have yet to try >:( ( but I’ll probably agree. It’s so inevitable like boo, give us smt fresh, smt unexpected!)
Not his mama tryna blame him
 pushed? Babes be fucking Fr rn. Fuck sakes. And his sister not defending or nun. She probably wanted him gone and now she got it.
I just feel bad cuz suicide is a sin and still he did it :/ sad.
MANS PULLED UP TO THE FUNERAL! Lestat you are sick (I love it). PLEASE NOT HIM ACTUALLY NOT GAF! Didn’t even wear black, even tho I know that wardrobe fully stocked!
“Not here” Louis says and Lestat is on sims ‘I texted, I called, I send a pigeon and nothing, ignoring me huh?
THE GASP THAT LEFT ME! NO LESTAT YOU CANT SAY THAT AT THE WALK TO THE FUNERAL! All in attempt to ‘pick me, choose me, love me’ into Louis’ heart, now Louis ready to fist fight you in the same streets you fell for him tsk me tsk tsk. Maybe y’all should step to the side and kiss. Cuz clearly Lestat was NOT leaving 

This is the lvl of toxic and possessiveness I thought I’d see in twilight
 y’all fooled me. Cuz Bella would have loved this ngl and I’d have loved it more but Edward is a runner and a track star. Lestat tho? He’d probably kill the whole town for Louis to notice him.
This man went to the burial, didn’t even wait for his obsessive fangirl behavior, AND he killed Lilly leaving nobody for Louis to turn to. Now man’s fighting for his life and all I’m wondering is why no other vampire in history has ever been this obsessive so I’d know this is how fucked up I am (derogatory) wow. Went to every fucking limits just so Louis wouldn’t know peace.
NOT THE CONFESSIONAL WITH THE PRIEST! Louis you don’t even beleive! It’s giving “Ariana! What are you doing here!”
Did Lestat not think of the priest? Tsktsk didn’t even eliminate all sources of outlet! Should have burnt the church, house, brothers and had every townsman flee just to get a text back. For legal reasons I am joking

Nvm, he barely got into the juicy bits before man’s was dragged out and is now being devoured. (Kinda hot. Didn’t even let Louis finish)
At this point, whenever Louis doesn’t breath is Lestat direction it’s PICK ME CHOOSE ME LOVE ME. He’s so obsessive *plays obsessed by Mariah Carey*
All I see is Lestat being so angry and hurt that Louis went to confess to a god he does not beleive in before he came to Lestat. Like damn. You’d rather come here then come to me ? “Do I mean that little to you-“ type of hurt. :( Aww babes, he’s just afraid cuz once he comes to you, it’s over. That’s the beginning of a life he doesn’t beleive he can have and he’s want all of you 
 can’t be gay and black in these parts (time + place) I fear
Please not the stabbing! 😭 babes pls you know this man isn’t a regular man, he drank from you and you decided to never speak to him again for a reason.
Pls not the slowmo! It looks so fucking cool! Even when he eats ppl it’s so agressive and looks so painfull! Love messy eater vampires.
“I’m not the devil- but I can give you death-“ Pls why has nobody offered me this ?? It’s not fair! “I love you Louis, you are loved.” Nawl I’m fenna cry. (And I am crying)
Envious that this is not my character arch, I am stuck consuming it rather then being CONSUMED! He wanted to create an infinity Between them. Remove death AND life from the equation!
That was the most beautiful asking ever. The way their just :’) This is such a tender, romantic, loving moment. That moment was 
 beautiful. I have no words! I too forgot the barbaric scene (lmao as did Louis ofc)
AND THEN CAME THE NOD! THE KISS AND THE BITE! The way he kissed him, alone, I could tell he released all fears and pain he had in this life. Fear of loving a man, of being who he was, pain of being at fault for things — for his role as a pimp, him as a son, a brother to his brother, a provider for his family. The one who promised his father strength without truly ever wanting it but doing it because he was good at it. He was hurting so much and Lestat just liberated him (too bad Louis doenst realize this too is a prison, but with a nice view, unhinged love of your life and a future daughter, have fun)
That was perfect. The description of the transformation — THE HAARTBEATS! Gosh I wanna be able to have senses heightened this much! ImGAINE!
I am SCREAMING it was so quick! I’m a whore for varsity in transformations! Some vampires die and require burials. Some are dead for much longer! EVERYYING! EVERYTHING
This was dead ass the best vampire tv show I’ve ever seen. They gave me black ass moments and I am living! TENDERNESS, POSSESSION! OBSESSION, trauma, laughter, depth! Script was INCREIDBLE! These are really good writers! What a team! And the actors? Give those two their fucking awards RIGHT NOW!
I cannot believe we’re witnessing the best vampire show unfold right before us.
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