#hes so strong if i had heard that i would be in jail rn
xampomi · 6 years
Exes & Angels | jjk
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• genre: high school au | romance | mystery
• pairing: ex!jungkook x y/n
• warnings: jungkook's not using underwear (there's a reasonable reason for that); ¿maybe jimin has a crush on Jungkook¿ ; trust issues; I dunno
• summary: jungkook’s rambling
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Jungkook was having a shitty day so far.
First, he forgot to wash his underwear in the weekend, so he just decided to go commando today bcs wtf was he gonna do at 6 in the morning?? Then, when running to class, he bumped into some weird guy.
"wtf man. Wanna fight?", the little guy said.
For a moment, Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks because he though he saw some fucking sparkling halo above boy's head. But Jungkook didn't sleep much that night anyway so.
"N-not now. Sorry. I'm running late.", which was technically true. The thing is Jungkook didn't care. And he didn't really wait for the sparkling guy's answer.
As soon as Jungkook entered the class he sat at his regular seat, the window's view being extremely appealing to him.
As all of us can imagine, Jungkook was a smart kid but he didnt really care since he knew he was also extremely hot. That thought came to his mind numerous times. He knew that he should probably quit high school and become a stripper. He was definitely done with this shit. In addition, that would bring a lot of fast easy money.
"Fuck, i forgot about breakfast.", he remembered, thanks to his body's noises. Then he try listening to class but that didn't worked that well for him since he has tendency to zone out real easily.
However, two knocks in the classroom's door echoed through Jungkook's ears and for some reason he was suddenly attentive to what was happening in the real world.
Soon after the knocking was heard, the teacher stood there like some earthquake emergency, in which he should tell the students to keep calm, keep calm but if you wanna come back to your mama, walk quickly.
Then he woke up. "Come in".
When the door opened, a dark-haired girl appeared She quickly smiled to the teacher as she entered the room. "Good morning. Sorry to interrupt your class", she said in a low, innocent voice, although something on him told him that she didn't really care about his class. But he was no more interested in what was happening so he just dropped his head again on the table.
"Don't worry. What do you need, y/n?", he couldn't see what was happening but Jungkook knew that the teacher's teeth were about to fall down if he kept smiling like that to the girl.
"Could I borrow... Jung Jungkook? He's from this class, right? Mr. Robert wants to talk to him", y/n kindly asked.
Something was wrong. Everyone knew Robert was done having conversations with Jungkook since what happened in the canteen 2 months ago. Or perhaps he decided to finally let that go of that. He hoped so. He didn't wanted to talk about that again. Besides, Namjoon deserved it.
Maybe this time Mr. Robert wants to finally have a real conversation. Maybe about last week's fire alarm's break out.
Oh well.
"Ah!", the teacher dropped too happily. Then he seemed kinda regretful. Yeah. Hide the excitement, you bastard. "Go talk to the principal, Jeon."
"Oh no, I can't What about your class? I was so excited about hearing about the... effect of.... molecular evidence on....the classification of...hm... organisms.", I said already reaching for the door. I don't know if you noticed but I was being extremely sarcastic.
"Ooooh, don't worry.", yeah, he prolonged that "oh" like that. He was also being sarcastic but I know that deep inside he would miss me. Everyone those.
"You know I always open an exception for you every time you need to do things outside my class, Jeon. C'mon. Go talk to the principal." He pointed to the door in a very nonsarcastic way.
"I will come back for you.", I didn't really said this. But it would be funny. Because I would never come back.
Now in the corridor, Jungkook felt real freedom. He could finally go home, eat pancakes and dress some sweatpants or something that wouldn't make his dick itchy.
"Ya. Where do you think you're going?"
"You know I'm really grateful that you let me out of there. Seriously." He made a dramatic pause. Then he decided to push him hair back and for a second, he though he saw her rolling her brown dark eyes. "But we broke up, y/n. You need to find yourself another man."
For a moment she looked kinda offended. Then remember she had more important things to discuss with him.
"lol that's what's i've been trying to do. I though it was pretty obvious I was trying to seduce Jimin. I mean, he's cute as hell. He just.... he doesn't look normal, okay? And not the "He's-just-too-good-to-be-true"type. I mean, it's obvious that a man like him could never be compared as a simple human. Have you ever had a good look at him? He's a God. He's just beautiful and kind, and talented,and sooo funny. Absolutely boyfriend material,ya know. And his buttcheks?? I could never think of a better--"
"Okay, okay. I get it. And?"
"He isn't normal, jungkook."
"As you've been telling me."
"He seriously isn't normal."
"Who is?", I smirked. "Just tell me who this Jimin guy is already bcs i think I've never heard of him."
She frozed a little. Then she slowly approached him.
"Buy you saw him, right? I know you did. I saw you this morning with him. That's why I came to you.", she had her eyes real open by now. "You're the living prove that I'm not crazy. You're the only one who always believes in me, right?"
Jungkook took a good at her. She no more looked like the shy, innocent girl that came for him in the middle of class. Sure, she still looked like the typical social butterfly. She was always the type of person that just loved to befriend people here and there. Now she just looked kinda exhausted. Still beautiful, but exhausted.
So yeah, jungkook was fricking out a little bit. Something was wrong with her. He needed to calm her down, so he could go home.
Then she suddenly went closer to him, her voice quieter than before. "I also need to tell you about the weirdest part, BUT you need to promise me to keep secret. Promise me."
"Okay, go on."
"I'm serious, kookie. "
"Don't call me that. I told you before, right?"
"Do it."
"I, Jeon Jungkook, promise that I will never tell whatever you're about to tell me."
"I think I killed him."
Jungkook frozed. For some reason his vision started getting blurry. He didn't eat anything since yesterday. He needed to eat.
"Sorry. Can you repeat that?"
"It was an accident, Jungkook. An accident." Her face has becomed red, her eyes watery and her body shaky. "C'mon. If you don't believe in me, who will?".
"But I talked to him this morning. He's not dead, y/n"
"He really is."
"That's so fucking impossible, y/n." He pushed his hair back, but not in a seductive way anymore. "You can only be lying to me rn. What the fuck happened?"
She avoid jungkook's eyes. "I don't know! One minute we were just making out inside the school depository and next one, he--"
Jungkook hoped he wouldnt regret his next words.
"Prove it."
"You still won't believe me, do you?"
"Y/n. Where's the body?"
"If I show it to you right now....will you believe in me? Will you promise to believe forever in me?"
Jungkook looked around. He was not in the right mood to see a dead body rn. But It was 14pm and for some reason he saw no one.
He should probably come back to class anyway.
"The body is still in there here, ya know."
"Don't worry. Obviously is hidden under some blankets I found in there. I can show it to you."
"Did you call the policy?"
Now she frozen on her feet. "No, ofc not. I can't go to jail. I can't. Please believe in me, Kookie. We could just go. As we talked about bef-"
Jungkook should definitely become a stripper after this. But for now, he needed to call someone. However, the phone was inside the classroom. He couldn't call the police without a crime. He needed to see for himself. Yeah, played with fire alarms but dont fucking mess with 911.
If that boy really was dead, y/n needed to be arrested. That's the truth. He will eventually need to discuss it with her. Just not now.
"Let's go, then", he finally decides.
"Yey", she said but not that excited - she even seemed a little disappointed?? - but took his arm between hers anyway and guided him from corridor to corridor.
When they first arrived the depository's door, Jungkook was expecting to her to free his arm but she didn't. She wasn't stopped trembling. She killed a man and can't stop shaking wtf. She was afraid. Well, Jungkook was the one who should be afraid. I mean she had a lot of time to get accustomed to the cadaver. But more than that, Jungkook was hungry. Poor Jungkook.
The next moment,he saw y/n taking from her pocket a metal key. How did she get that? The innocent shy girl who could never lie to anyone, was no more a good girl.
She unlocked the door. "You'll believe in me now, Kook." And they stepped inside.
"It's too dark", he said.
"I know, dummy. I'll search for the switch."
The light went on but he still couldnt see anything.
"Where the fuck is the body? Are you lying to me again?"
"What do you mean? He's right there. Look.", she started pointing weirdly to the floor in front of them. She looked mad. Almost like there was something there that only her could see.
'Y/n. Where's the body. I'm serious now."
"Right here, Kok. Come closer."
He did. He did come a little closer.
"I would never lie to you. He's right there. Right there."
Still searching for something , Jungkook collapsed on the floor after the strong sting he felt in his neck.
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thefudge · 6 years
Please, I need your thoughts on the Riverdale season premiere!
a) ghoulies + penny bore me, they need to go already. i am more interested in whatever true detective shit they’re gonna do with that gargoyle king. i know some folks think that this foray into quasi-supernatural is lame, but as long as they keep it creepy but still very much rooted in reality, i’ll be happy.  
b) jeronica small scenes for life!!! waitress veronica + voyeur jughead *heart eyes*
c) archie taking the deal was only done so that we’d see him a few episodes in jail and #drama. i wish his decision had been better built up. in fact, i wish there was a secret deal, like archie agreeing to go to jail as informant too. anything rly.
d) b*ghead is a wet blanket, but what else is new. try not to cringe whenever they have intimate scenes. the beanie scene itself will go down in history as the cringe of the cringe. 
e) sweet pea and josie have a lot of chemistry but im not pleased that they didnt bother to give us quality scenes of them hooking up in the first place. thx for telling but not showing ugh i hope this is remedied
f) i may be….a naysayer, but cheryl/toni is so goddamn tame and restrained. they barely allow these girls to touch, they’re so scared. i did like the fact that cheryl was genuinely upset about archie and still acknowledges that he saved her life
g) archie’s parents reacted FAR TOO WELL to archie taking the deal. my parents would’ve fuckin rioted. but ok. 
h) i loved molly ringwald’s updo 
i) hiram could be a great villain if they rly dug into his relationship with veronica or hermione, but they won’t, sigh. speaking of, hermione is such a tragic, underwhelming character. she started out strong in S1, and now i just honestly don’t care about her problems anymore 
j) did i mention i’m bored with penny? she’s gotta have a new take.
k) also the serpents are rly fucking dumb, going into her territory without serious back-up when they know what the ghoulies are capable of. like, lucky for them, cheryl brought her bow and arrows. and jughead afterwards saying cheryl is a loose cannon UMMM U ARE A DUMB CHILD, if she hadnt “loosened the cannon” you’d be dead rn 
l) which brings me to my next point; jughead shouldnt have been made serpent king. it’s too soon and it jumps the shark of plausibility. he is not a competent leader, even if he means well. ditto,and i mean FUCKIN DITTO, for betty as his “serpent queen” fckin let it die. cheryl and toni were side-eyeing her so much during her “warrior queen” speech. i kind of liked how in past seasons betty didnt have to be anything in order to fight for what she believed in. now everyone’s a serpent. no thx.
m) i will say i am pleased archie getting the serpent tattoo had actual practical reasons behind it
n) the cult subplot is going to be ridiculous, we knew that from the start, but idk if it’s going to be good ridiculous. we’ll have to wait and see. i dont buy that alice cooper would fall for some guru that fast when she’s also gettin dicked by FP on the down-low but ok 
o) why is polly just 100% evil now? is chic’s spirit possessing her?
p) also ya heard it here first, but since chic is supposed to return this season, i predict a “dark betty” moment where she will have some kind of intimate scene with him. maybe not sexual, but definitely inappropriate 
q) also the whole “i invented a shrink and am addicted to pills” thing needs to be layered better. maybe i missed something. 
r) this was an entertaining episode, notwithstanding the dumb stuff. riverdale can be gripping when it wants to. i just wonder if the various storylines they’ve planted this season will pay off or even be addressed (like, i have a bad feeling about the treatment of josie/sweet pea)
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drabbles-and-shit · 6 years
The Mailman is Really Attractive and Dean is Smitten
When Dean first saw the new mailman that Saturday afternoon, his body had such an immediate and visceral reaction, he had to excuse himself to his bedroom for a little quality time with his right hand.
Seriously, it was insane; nothing like that had ever happened to Dean. He only figured out that he was attracted to both guys and guys about a year ago, but he’d never even had that sort of response to a girl. And what’s worse? It was one of the best experiences he’s ever had jacking off.
Like, no shit, that mailman was the hottest human Dean ever laid eyes on, and he wasn’t even Dean’s type! Dean had always gone for the petite guys, because you know, he was a dom. Well, with guys he was. He had actually started experimenting letting girls top him, and much to his own embarrassment, he actually really liked it. There was something about someone else being in control that was hot as fuck. But, just girls. He wanted nothing in his asshole, ever, thank you very much. But anyway, even though he only ever had pursued twink-types, the mailman was buff as fuck. He had looked like he was about Dean’s height, and the summer heat-induced sweat made for a uniform that clung to his body just so Dean could see rippling muscle underneath. And the shorts, no matter how silly looking for being as short as they were, let Dean see the legs of either a runner who swims in his spare time or just the legs of an actual Adonis. And his forearms! God, so strong and tanned and--Dean noticed he was developing another situation down south and forced himself to concentrate on gross things like old people making out or his brother Sam’s face. Good, good; the situation went back down.
An uneventful week later, and Dean was back looking out his front window, shamelessly watching and waiting for the new mailman. He had no idea if he was actually going to come around again; hell, he might have just been filling in that one day for the old guy that Dean normally saw bringing the mail.
But Dean’s curiosity was rewarded, because after about ten minutes of casual spying, he noticed the mailman walking up the sidewalk with his messenger bag over one shoulder, radiating sexual appeal. God, he was just as hot as last week.
Oh my god, wait, he walked by the mailbox and towards the door. He was coming to the door. He probably had a package or something. But not the porno kind. Shit, what if he saw Dean last week? Dean jumped behind his couch as fast as humanly possible and tried to not breathe, because nobody was home. No one. Was. Home.
The doorbell rang, and Dean sucked his breath in and froze. Shit, the TV was on. He had completely forgotten it, and now the sexy mailman was going to know he was hiding like a kid afraid of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and he was going to judge him ughhhh. Suffice to say, Dean was fucking embarrassed.
He waited a solid five minutes before sneaking back to the window and checking the mailman was gone before opening his front door and grabbing the package off the step. His embarrassment was forgotten quickly, because it was his Star Trek phaser from ThinkGeek! Charlie was going to be sooooo jealous, and he couldn’t fucking wait to gloat. He snapped a picture of it and shot it off to her.
Dean: Looks like I win the gayness contest, because I can set phasers to STUN #2fab4u
Charlie: Oh my god, it came!!
Charlie: You had better bring that to work Monday so I can play with it
Dean: Only if you promise to not break it
Charlie: Btw did you see the hottie today??
Dean: Duh where did you think the package came from?
Charlie: DID YOU TALK TO HIM?!?!
Dean: You kidding? No way, Jose
Charlie: Ugh you’re no fun
Charlie: Wait. I have an idea! You should write him a letter and put it in your mailbox so he can read it when he brings your mail!!
Dean: Do you even know me? Charmando, I wouldn’t do something like that if my life depended on it
Charlie: You’re such a scaredy cat, Winchester
Dean: And proud
Drunk Dean sometimes did things that Sober Dean had to pay for, especially when his best friend/arch nemesis Charlie was involved. They always went for drinks together after work on Fridays, and somehow Dean always ended up being the only one of the two of them that did stupid, drunk person stuff. He was beginning to suspect that maybe she didn’t actually even drink, just pretended to so that she could talk his more malleable alter ego into doing what she wanted him to. Like, just a random example, writing a note to the sexy mailman.
He was going to kill her. Saturday morning met him with a skull splitting headache, and more importantly, oodles of regret. Because yes, he could vaguely remember sitting down with a pen and a piece of paper last night and writing… something. God, he couldn’t remember what the hell he had written. Maybe he had enough time to run out to the mailbox and take it out before it was too late!
Dean pulled on his sweatpants and charged out into the painfully bright midday sun. Despite his body’s many protests, he made it to the mailbox in record time, but it was for nothing, because when he opened it up, the note was gone and had been replaced by what looked like a bill and some coupons for pizza. He couldn’t really be sure, because his eyes felt like he was stabbing them full of needles. He defeatedly walked back into his house and pulled out his phone.
Dean: Dude. What happened last night. Tell me or I’m going to send your girlfriend your prom photos
He waited for a response while chewed discontentedly on a piece of cold bacon from the fridge and sipping a glass of water. He didn’t have to wait for long though, and he soon heard the telltale R2-D2 beep that was Charlie’s text alert noise.
Charlie: You were so plastered, my man. It was wild.
Charlie: I take it you only just woke up and didn’t have time to get the letter out of the box?
Dean: Shit, so that really happened? Dear god, tell me I didn’t write anything too embarrassing?
Charlie: You politely told him you wanted to suck his dick
Dean: I’ve got the picture ready to send!
Charlie: Ugh, fine. No, all you said was that you thought he looked nice and were wondering what happened to the old guy who used to bring your mail. Tbh it was pretty cute. I love drunk you
Dean sighed in relief. It was still as embarrassing as balls, but maybe the guy will think Dean has a kid or something and they wrote it. He can only hope at this point.
When Dean got home from work Monday evening and opened up the mailbox, his hopes that the mailman would just ignore the letter were proven useless.
Sitting there in the box, on top of a classic car magazine he subscribed to, was a small blue envelope with no stamp and just his first name in rather lovely script in the middle. He ripped it open before he even got inside, because holy fuck, there’s no one who would drive by his house just to put a letter in my mail other than Mr. Sexypants. It read:
Dear Dean,
I’m guessing by your handwriting and subject matter that you’re either a child or a drunk man. If it’s the former, please tell your parents that I am not a pedophile. Please. If you’re an adult and just have terrible handwriting, I’m sorry for touching on a sore subject.
Anyway, Cain, your previous mail carrier, was only working your route temporarily. He actually is one of the higher-ups for the USPS and was delivering mail as a sort of extended vacation from management. Odd, I know.
I appreciate that you think I look nice, and if you’re the adult male who lives at this address, I think you do too. If you’re a child, I’m sure you look nice, but in a non-pedophilic way.
Oh my god, Dean was in love. Haha, just kidding. He’s not in love; what are you talking about? Totally not in love. Nope, not at all. He lunged inside, pulled off his jacket and tie, and began furiously debating whether or not to tell Charlie about this. On the one hand, she’s his only real friend besides his younger brother, who is constantly busy with lawyer-things. But on the other hand, she would totally gloat about this for the rest of her life. But fuck it, he needs to talk to someone about this, because he never has romance in his life!
Dean: Omg you’ll never believe what happened\\
Charlie: Ooh! What??!
Dean: Mr. Double Stuffed Hotness is named Castiel, and I might want to marry him
Charlie: HE WROTE BACK?!?! It’s fate, my young grasshopper
Dean: I’m gonna send you a pic of the letter he wrote back so you can help me figure out what to write back
Charlie: You had better let me be your best man!! AND let me officiate!!! I’m already planning my speech
Dean: Don’t get ahead of yourself… but I’m actually kind of psyched rn
And so the planning began. Eventually, they decided on a note that read the following:
Dear Castiel,
As you deduced, I was drunk. Don’t worry, I’ll tell my parents you aren’t a pedophile anyway, just in case. Of course, they’re both in their 60s and will probably also assume I’m drunk, but better safe than sorry.
Thank you for saying I look nice, though I can’t imagine when you’ve seen me. I’m normally at work when you bring the mail (around 1:30pm, right?), so have you seen me on a Saturday? Okay, you don’t need to answer, just in case you’re actually a stalker or something. It’s never good to confront the bad guy in horror movies, and I’ve learned my lesson.
Hey, is your name really Castiel, or is that a pseudonym? I googled it, and it’s the name of the Angel of Thursday? What’s so special about Thursdays?
Live long and prosper,
Dear Dean,
I’m very glad I won’t be going to jail for calling a child attractive. You can probably hear my sigh of relief from there.
I can neither confirm nor deny when/where I have seen you. Also, are you calling me the antagonist of a horror film? If so, please enlighten me on which one, because I’m rather a fan of being scared shitless, and I’m sure seeing myself as the murderer will make an horror viewing experience even more terrifying.
And yes, my name is really Castiel. Let’s just say my parents were hippies. Many people call me Cas, though, and my siblings call me Cassie. I don’t like my siblings very much.
What about you? Why are you named Dean? Did your parents hope you would create a list of exceptional people? Or perhaps they wanted you to grown up to resemble Dean Martin?
I’m sorry, I don’t know where all that rude sass came from; it’s been a long day.
Mr. Spock,
I had a girlfriend named Cassie once! Sort that information away for a future test, I suppose. How many siblings do you have? I one brother, and he can be such a bitch sometimes, so I definitely get where you’re coming from.
As it happens, I’m named after my grandmother, Deanna. And I swear to god, if you make fun of me for that, I will, um, do something… I don’t know exactly what yet, but I’ll figure it out, and it’ll be awful, I promise!
So, is it really that hard being a mailman? (You said it had been a rough day.) I’m a mechanic, by the way. If you ever need to know anything about cars, just hit me up, and I’ll be happy to help. For a price… Ha, just kidding. Maybe…
Dammit Cas, I’m a mechanic, not a doctor!
I find it slightly perturbing that my nickname is also the name of your ex. But I always ace tests, so I guess I’m glad to know it anyway.
I have 5 siblings. I know. Hippies don’t believe in birth control, I guess. But yes, family of 8, from Michael the oldest, down to Sam the youngest. Since I’m on the subject, I suppose I might as well list off all my siblings. There’s Mike, Gabe, Luce, me, Anna, and Sam, ranging in ages from 37 to 21. Oh, I’m the ripe old age of 29, by the way. Not that that matters. Jesus, this entire letter is me talking about my family, sorry.
And no, it’s not hard being a mailman, but it is hard having to take your beloved cat to the veterinarian because they’re refusing to eat, not having bowel movements, and rolling around on the floor, meowing in pain. The poor guy had a blockage and almost died. It was a tough day.
I might just take you up on your offer to help explain things about cars, because I am completely clueless about them. I drive an old clunker that eats gas money like nobody’s business, and I really need to get a new car as soon as possible.
Have you been at the Romulan ale again??
I know I signed my last note with a Bones reference, but make no mistake, I am 100% Kirk, and I would appreciate it if you referred to me as such. Thank you for not forcing me to pursue legal action.
Dude, my younger brother is named Sam! Well, technically he’s named Samuel, after our grandfather, but still. Weird. And I’m 32, so that’s cool I guess.
I’m sorry to hear about your cat; that sounds pretty awful. I’ve never really had pets, and I’m actually allergic to cats, but I remember when Sammy’s dog was hit by a car and how distraught he was. I’m guessing your cat is all right now, though? If so, I’m glad. If not, sorry for rubbing salt in the wound.
Dude, do not drive that car. Like, stop it now. Please, for the sake of car lovers everywhere. Take it down to Singer’s Auto Salvage Yard; Bobby is a friend of mine, and if you tell him I sent you, he’ll give you a good price for it, and then you can use that money to buy something that’s not a piece of shit.
*funny Star Trek reference here*
Captain James Tiberius Kirk
Can you sense me rolling my eyes? Because there’s some serious ocular oscillation going on right now in reference to your threats.
And I shortened my Sam’s name, too. His full name is Samandriel. Hippies, am I right?
Yes, my cat is fine, thank Talos. He is my best friend, and I don’t think I would be able to function properly if something happened to him. He’s a black shorthair named Toothless, by the way. Yes, I’m a basic bitch. Bite me.
I’ll try and take your advice about the car. I think my car is actually the automobile form of Sauron’s ring of power, because every time I’ve tried to get rid of it, it talks me into keeping it. I know in my heart that it needs to be torn apart for scraps, that it is taking advantage of me and should be destroyed before it does something terrible, but it’s mine. My own. My...precious…
Oh, my biggest problem is that if I sell her, I don’t know anything about buying cars, so I’m afraid someone will take advantage of my naivete and sell me an equally shitty car for a ridiculous price. Any suggestions?
*I can do this too*
Spock Spock Spock-ity Spock
God, I wish my parents had been hippies. Instead they were hippos. Yep, I was adopted by a pair of hippopotami at the age of four. Don’t believe me? Ask the Topeka Zoo, and they’ll corroborate my story. (Please don’t actually do that; they might remember me from when I was a teenager and broke in there to try and pet the giraffes.)
And I will never judge anyone for loving How To Train Your Dragon, because that movie was legendary. Toothless is the cutest dragon probably ever, and Hiccup is such a dreamboat.
Um, we definitely need to get rid of that car. Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks! I’m trying to help you. And speaking of helping you, if you find a car and want to know just how swindled you’re going to be, just send me the information, and I can let you know if you should buy it or not!
So… what kind of music do you like? I’m a big classic rock fan, and if you aren’t I will become determined to change that about you.
Can we up switch references? Maybe Princess Bride or something?
Princess Buttercup
I find your story inconceivable. But did you truly grow up in Kansas? Personally, I grew up in the wilds of Washington; Seattle, actually.
And good; I would be very upset with you if you didn’t love Toothless and Hiccup, though I must say Hiccup is not exactly my type. I like my men a little older than he (recall that I’m not a pedophile), and I think any man I may date should definitely be my size or larger, or else I might kill them accidentally in bed. Huh, I guess we haven’t really talked about sexuality ever, so sorry if that made you uncomfortable.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would actually send me your phone number or email or something, so I could send you the information on a car I’m seriously considering buying. If you’d rather not hand out such personal information, I completely understand though.
I confess I haven’t listened to much classic rock. I mostly listen to classical music, though I’ve been delving into the genre of lofi hiphop, and I actually really enjoy it.
As you wish,
You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means…
Yes, I grew up in Kansas, a little town called Lawrence to be precise. And the bit about breaking into the zoo was real too, so please don’t report me.
And honestly, I’m kind of in a weird experimental stage with my sexuality right now. I know, that’s supposed to happen during college, but maybe I’m just not a normal guy, all right? Anyway, I think I’ve officially decided I’m bisexual, but who knows? Romance is tiring, but sex is fun, and I don’t really mind who the hole belongs to. Jesus, that sounded awful and disgusting; sorry. I’m not even really like that any more. I haven’t had a hookup for like three months, which has got to be some kind of record. Sorry, this I should stop writing while I have the chance.
Totally send me the deets about the car, man. My number is 1-866-907-3235
Dude, I’m going to indoctrinate you. You fucking need to listen to classic rock; it’s the stuff of gods. Maybe I’ll make you a mixtape or something so you can listen to all the best songs. Weird question: do you have a tape player? I’m kind of old fashioned, so yeah, I’m going to make you a cassette tape with my favorite Zepp tracks on it.
Mahwage, dah bwessed awangment,
The Dread Pirate Roberts
For some reason, it was taking Cas a long time to get back to Dean. They had kind of worked out an unspoken schedule by this point; one of them put a letter in the box Monday, the other responded by Wednesday, and then the first sent back a response the Friday of the same week. Basically three letter a week for the past month or so. No, that’s not weird or creepy for two adult men to do at all.
Dean had dropped off that last letter on a Monday, but no reply came on Wednesday. He tried to not let it bother him, thinking Cas was probably busy or something. But then there wasn’t a reply Thursday or Friday either, and he started to get a little miffed. The least Cas could have done was to text him now that he had his number, but noooo. Unfortunately, Dean had to be out of town that Saturday, so no confrontation could happen over the 1:30 mail delivery.
The next Saturday rolled around with no word from Cas again, and Dean was starting to get legitimately worried. He would have understood if the guy took some time off maybe for being sick or something, but two weeks? Nobody takes two weeks off, especially without telling their… friend? Suddenly, Dean’s ridiculous number of insecurities started blaring at him. What if he and Cas weren’t friends? What if he didn’t actually mean anything to Cas at all? He probably was just another drain on Cas’ time, and Cas had finally decided he’d had enough and didn’t want to talk to Dean anymore. Hell, he might have requested a different route because Dean was harassing him. Shit, of course all this was too good to be true. Dean never made friends; Charlie was the only acception to that painful trend, and he had no idea why she still hung out with him.
Dean knew those thoughts too well; he knew his own self-loathing always came around and wouldn’t leave until he started thinking about other things. So, he thought about Cas. It was almost 1:30, two weeks since he’d heard from him last, and he decided to camp out at the mailbox and wait for whoever came. He had to know if Cas was all right, at least. The guy was his friend, even if maybe Cas didn’t see him as one.
He didn’t have long to wait before seeing his old mailman (Cain, was it?) peddling a sleek bicycle down the sidewalk with a messenger bag slung over his shoulder.
“Um, hey, sorry to bother you. Cain, is it?” Dean fidgeted, feeling awkward as fuck.
“Yes, that’s me. Can I help you with something?” Huh, okay, Cain seemed like a pretty chill guy. Maybe Dean could actually avoid a panic attack from doing something this wild.
“Uh, yeah. Do you know Castiel? He brought mail on this route for a while? I just haven’t seen him in a while, and I was worried that something happened.” Dean was talking too fast, but he couldn’t help it, okay?
“I know Castiel, and I know he took off a few weeks. Don’t know why though; maybe a vacation or something. I wouldn’t worry about it though, if I were you.”
Oh Dean was gonna worry about it, no doubt about that. Because wow, he was glad Cas was all right and not dead somewhere, but Jesus, what kind of douchebag friend goes on an extended vacation without so much as a goodbye?? So yeah, Dean was going to worry about what he did wrong and why he never could keep friends, and why he was such a fucked up excuse for a human being. Awesome.
Dean was depressed. Charlie tried cheering him up but to no avail. He was just depressed. He actually took the day off on Monday, because he was such a fucking sissy who couldn’t deal with anything. God, no wonder Cas didn’t care about him. No one should care about him; he was so pathetic.
The doorbell rang. Dean lifted his head from the pillow it had been buried in for the entire first half of the day and decided he probably ought to answer the door, seeing as there was a 98% chance it was Charlie with pie and beer and a chick flick to make him feel better. God, she was too good for him; he didn’t deserve such a good friend.
He pulled the door open and was greeted by the invisible man; wait no, there was a package and a pile of mail on the front step. He sighed and picked it all up, then promptly dropped it all on the floor, shut the door, and collapsed on the couch. He didn’t feel like looking at the mail. He didn’t feel like doing anything except for sleeping. Ugh.
But maybe that package would cheer him up. He rolled his eyes at the tiny optimistic voice in his head and then rolled right off the couch and crawled to the pile of mail. He grabbed package without so much as glancing over the letters, probably all bills, and violently tore it open. Ooh, it was those custom leather-bound journals he ordered off Etsy. One was embroidered with his Hogwarts House logo (Hufflepuff and proud!) and the other matched it but had Charlie’s House (Ravenclaw, more like Raven...dumb! Good one). One of the few things he was ashamed of about being a sissy was doing things like buying matching things for himself and his best friend, or having sleepovers with his best friend, or planning his future wedding with his best friend. ANYway.
Okay, cool, the opening the package plan had worked! Dean was feeling better already. But then he saw it. Underneath the topmost bill was a little blue envelope. Dean’s hand had never moved so fast (yes, never).
Sure enough, it was from Cas. But unlike all the other letters Dean had gotten from him, this one was stamped and had both mailing and return addresses on it. Without stopping to think about what the fuck that could possibly mean, Dean ripped open the letter and read:
Dear Dean,
I am so sorry I haven’t written you in so long. To put it succinctly, my father had a heart attack, and I had to go to to Washington to be with him. The past two weeks have been about family and rekindling our relationships with each other. My father passed away two nights ago, and the funeral was yesterday. I know we never really talk about serious things, but I hope you won’t mind if I tell you this.
Honestly, as heartbroken as I am to see my father pass, I’m grateful that it has brought my family back together. All of us were there with him at the end, all of us were gathered around his bedside as he breathed his last. And he went peacefully, so I’m also grateful for that. I’ll be staying up here for another few days before flying back, and then I’ll be back to work as normal. I put my address that I’m staying at while I’m in Seattle as the return address, but I’ll add my home address too at the bottom of the page; it only feels fair that since I know where you live, you should know where I do too.
Again, I’m sorry if I made you worry at all. I know you might not see me the same way, but you’ve actually become one of my closest friends over the past month. What that says about my personal life? That I’m very awkward and antisocial, that’s what it says.
I hope to talk to you soon,
Thank the fucking lord. Dean let go of a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and grabbed his phone.
Dean: Cas is okay!! His dad died but he’ll be back soon
Charlie: Wait, his dad died, but he’ll be back soon? Who is he, god? I mean, Jesus. Whatever, I’m not required to make good religious jokes
Dean: Haha, very funny
Charlie: But yay!! I’m so glad for you!! Maybe now you’ll stop sulking like a little lost puppy
Dean: I make no promises
As promised, Cas was back by the end of the week, and Dean couldn’t stop grinning when he looked out his window Saturday to see Cas walking up to his mailbox.
He pulled the door open and ran out, unprecedented behavior from the man afraid to make eye contact with girl scouts selling cookies outside the front of the grocery store.
“Cas! It’s good to see you, man!” He went in for a hug, but then it got a little too real, so it ended up being one of those awkward side-hugs that no one really likes but everyone has to deal with.
Cas smiled back widely, and Dean got a little lost in his eyes. Wow, he’d never actually seen Cas up close, and now that he did, he could tell that Cas was actually the most attractive man alive. His ocean blue eyes drew Dean in, and he found himself completely phasing out to the point that Cas had to repeat a question three times before he could respond.
“Sorry, um, what was that?” Was the response. Classic.
“I asked if you were all right; you look a little phased.” No shit, Sherlock.
“Uh yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired.”
“I was a little worried I’d scared you off with my last letter, seeing as how you didn’t write back.” Shit, Dean had forgotten to.
“Fuck, I totally forgot that I had your address. I guess I’m not used to actually properly sending letters, not just putting them in the mailbox.” They shared a quiet laugh before Dean went on, somberly. “I’m really sorry about your dad. My mom passed a few years back, and I know how painful it is.”
Cas smiles sadly. “Yeah, it was rough, but like I said in the letter, it really brought my family together, and I’m sure dad would have been happy to see the impact he had on us.” He paused, and Dean could there was something more rolling around in his mind, so he decided to stay silent and let Cas finish his thought. “It’s funny, he was such an absent father when we were growing up. I know he was different when he and my mom were first married; I think he was a carpenter or something, and he was always at home with Mike and Luce when they were little. But then his business took off, and by the time I was in diapers, he was hardly ever around. Business trips, late nights working, early morning meetings, it never ended. It kind of tore our family apart, bit by bit. First, Gabe ran away when he was 16. He didn’t get in touch with any of us for almost a whole year. Later, he told me he just couldn’t stand to see all the arguing and pain in our family. Then it was Luce, angrily storming off to college and refusing to answer our calls or emails. He loved all of us, his siblings so much, and I think watching dad’s absence affect us younger kids really took a toll on him.”
Suddenly, Cas’ eyes flashed up, and his cheeks grew pink. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I’ve just been standing here, telling you my life’s story. And fuck, I’m on the clock; I really need to run.”
Before Cas could move, Dean grabbed his wrist. “Wait, can you give me your phone number? I put mine in my last letter to you, but I’m guessing you didn’t get that.”
They exchanged numbers as quickly as possible, and Cas ran off towards the next house on his route. Dean grinned as he watched his run away and immediately send him a trial-run text.
Dean: If you gave me a fake number, I’m going to go to your house and shave your cat
Off in the distance (only about 200 feet, to be perfectly honest), Cas stopped and looked down at his phone, and Dean could not hold back a huge laugh.
Castiel: Toothless would kill your sorry ass
Regina George,
Oh my god, you’re so fetch.
Sorry Cas, I don’t know why, but I really felt like I had to change our theme to Mean Girls. Sue me. (Also, you better have fucking watched Mean Girls, or there will be hell to pay.)
So, my friend Charlie talked me into this, but I guess I kind of agreed with her that I ought to do it. And you can totally say no thanks, not interested, and it’ll be completely fine! But, I was wondering if maybe you’d be interesting in going on a date with me sometime…?
Wow, I am a child. Well, a teenage girl, to be precise. Oh shit, and you keep telling me you’re not a pedophile, so you’re definitely not going to want to go out with me now that you know my true identity. Well this is a fine mess I’ve gotten myself into.
Have you sold that car yet? You should really get on that.
Yours forever,
Amy Poehler
Of course I’ve seen Mean Girls, I’m not that out of the proverbial loop.
And would you please thank your friend Charlie for me? I’ll admit, I’ve wanted to go on a date with you for a quite a while now, but ye ole’ social ineptitude wouldn’t let me ask. Maybe text me when you get this, and we can work out a time/place? Saturday nights are usually best for me, considering I’m always off Sundays.
Please Dean, if you’re a teenage girl, then I am too, and then it’s not pedophilia.
And no, I haven’t sold it yet, because I haven’t decided on a new one to buy yet, because in case you hadn’t noticed, my life has been a little hectic lately. I’ll try and text you the details on the car I’m looking at soon, though.
Fours yorever,
Saturday night is there before Dean can get his shit together. He had frantically texted Charlie minutes after making the date with Cas asking her what he should wear and how he should act and whether he should just run away and never come back. You know, normal stuff.
In the end, he and Cas had decided on meeting an a small burger place near Cas’ place, so Dean knew he shouldn’t wear something too fancy. But he didn’t want to wear just his every minute of every day bluejeans, t-shirt, and flannel combo. So, with some sagely advice from Charlie, he’s decided on his most flattering pair of grey jeans and a button down maroon shirt, freshly ironed. Honestly, not half bad, even by his self-degrading standards. He toyed with the idea of a grey tie with the top two buttons of his collar undone, and decided it was too snazzy for him to refuse.
A 15-minute drive later, he was walking into the restaurant and looking around for Cas. And boy, did he find him. Cas was wearing a tight pair of black jeans, an Egyptian blue button down, and a black waistcoat, and holy fuck, Dean was having another southward situation just at the sight. He repeated the words ‘puss, flesh, old-people skin,’ in his head for half a minute until everything was hunky dory again, then made his way to the bar where Cas was standing.
“You look great, Cas.” Dean grinned when he saw Cas blatantly checking his ass. The good old grey jeans never fail.
“As do you, Dean,” Cas responded, his pupils mildly larger than probably normal.
They made their way over to a small corner booth and waived down a waitress. Adorably enough, they both ordered the same bacon cheeseburger, and in the time it took for their food to arrive, they discussed possible future heart health and how they were both going to die eventually, so it might as well be from eating delicious food.
“Dude, if bacon’s what gets me, I win,” Dean remarked right before taking a huge bite into his burger.
Cas harrumphed in agreement, then moaned around the first bite of his own burger.
Uh oh. Turned out, visual Cas is nothing compared to audible Cas in terms of making Dean’s nether regions all kinds of interested. To put it simply, Dean was sitting at a booth, on a first date, a burger in his mouth, almost completely hard. Awesome.
“Dean, are you okay?” Shit, Cas apparently noticed the panicked look on Dean’s face, and Dean’s face burned red.
“Um, yeah, I’m fine. I, um, just kinda have a little… situation. Downstairs. God this is so embarrassing; I’m soooooo, so sorry. Please don’t hate me.”
Cas was quiet for a second, then burst out with infectious laughter, and Dean couldn’t help but join in. “Oh my god, that’s hilarious. Was it become of the groan I just made or…?”
Dean ran a hand through his hair before responding, “Um, yeah. Fuck. Look, I haven’t gotten
laid in close to three months, so cut me a little slack. And honestly, I’m really sorry. I wanted this
to be a really special first date, but I feel like I kind of ruined it.” Like Dean ruined everything.
“Oh, no no no! Really, I understand much better than you’d think,” Cas assuaged his fear and sorrow with a comforting pat on the back on the hand. “It’s honestly fine. Now, do you need to go to take a trip to the bathroom, or are you all right now?”
Dean informed Cas that apparently humiliation was not one of his kinks, and the situation had resolved itself, and they were able to go on with their dinner like it had never happened.
But you know, it did happen, and Dean hadn’t had sex in months, and Cas was the hottest date Dean had ever had. SO yeah. Things happen.
After an amazing evening of burgers, pie, beer, and literal hours of conversation, they decided it was definitely time for them to part ways. Cas had walked to the restaurant, so Dean offered to drop him off on his way home, and Cas gratefully accepted.
The car ride was normal, if slightly tense. They were both slightly buzzed and totally attracted to each other, after all. But it was chill.
Dean pulled up to Cas’ home, a cozy-looking apartment complex, and parked his car in one of the visitor spots. They both climbed out and walked together up to Cas’ door.
“So, I had an awesome time tonight,” Dean half-mumbled, really trying his best to appear like he wasn’t desperate to go out with Cas again as soon as possible. “You think you might want to do this again sometime? I mean, really, I totally get it if like I’m not your type or you’re just not into me or you think I’m too--”
Cas slammed their faces (particularly their lips) together, effectively cutting off Dean’s self-abusive train of thought and filling his mind with only the pure bliss of Cas’ warm mouth on his, their tongues fighting for dominance. Cas’ mouth tasted amazing, like apple pie and happiness. Dean hungrily chased the flavour, and he couldn’t get enough. They broke for air for just a minute before Cas wheeled Dean around and up against his apartment door, weaving one hand into his hair and grabbing Dean’s own hand with the other, pinning it up against the door above his head.
Dean had never felt less in control, and it was amazing. He could feel the strength in Cas’ body shoved up against his own. He felt vulnerable, but for once in his life, he was okay with that vulnerability.
Cas moved his mouth down from Dean’s mouth to his neck, peppering the skin with hot, wet kisses. He settled on one spot, the meaty place between Dean’s neck and right shoulder and assaulted it with licks, kisses, nibbles, and sucks. He was driving Dean crazy, and Dean honestly couldn’t stop himself from moaning out, “Uhhhh, Cas…”
Maybe it was something about how he broke the silence, but Cas suddenly stilled and looked up at Dean, alarm filling his eyes. “Oh my god, Dean, I’m sorry. I’ve never done this before; I don’t know what came over me.” He stepped back from Dean and rubbed his hands over his face.
“What? Why’d you stop?” Dean replied, feeling suddenly abandoned.
Cas locked eyes with Dean and said very seriously, “I have no idea what I’m doing, Dean. I’ve never had sex; hell, I’ve never been in a relationship that lasted longer than a week. And you’re this amazing, attractive man who has had so much sex and knows all about it, and I’m just going to embarrass myself and it’ll be terrible and--”
This time, Dean satisfies the cliche, cutting off Cas’ river of doubts with a kiss into which he poured all the words he wanted to say but didn’t know how: that Cas made him feel safe and comfortable and like he could be himself and still feel appreciated and cared for and special and important.
Cas seemed to get the message, and he quickly took control once again, holding Dean tight in his arms and kissing him with more passion than is in an entire episode of Casa Erotica.
Dean had been hard for a while now, and as Cas clung to him, he could feel that Cas was in about the same spot as he was. But shit, if Cas was a virgin, that would put a lot of weight on Dean’s shoulders, right? He wanted to make it perfect for Cas, because that’s what Cas deserved.
But apparently, Cas had a completely different idea. He pulled away from Dean, and with his pupils completely blown wide and dark, moved his mouth to Dean’s ear and whispered, “I’m going to make you feel so good.”
Huh, well, Dean realized at that moment he was completely, 100%, no doubt about it, a bottom. And apparently, Cas’ self-confidence boosted itself threefold when he was horny, so yeah. That was pretty sweet.
Cas fumbled with his apartment keys and opened the front door before pushing Dean inside and slamming the door behind them. He kiss-walked (that thing where people are joined at the mouth but still manage to move around, that’s honestly kind of impressive if you think about it) Dean to what Dean assumed could only be his bedroom and shoved him onto the bed before climbing on top of waist and resuming kissing him like a man dying of dehydration and Dean’s mouth was a fucking water fountain.
Without breaking their lip lock, Cas scrambled to get Dean’s tie off, and Dean did his best to help with the clothing removal process, but his efforts were mostly futile.
Finally, after a  pathetically long and unromantic struggle, they were both naked, and Dean was basically drooling at the sight of Cas’ dick. Like, holy hell, it’s not like Dean himself was small, but Jesus, he was embarrassed of his own length in the presence of Cas’ massiveness.
Cas grinned with a hungry look in his eye as he took Dean in, and Dean felt suddenly self conscious as Cas scanned him so carefully.
Cas noticed the change in Dean’s demeanor and guessed the source quickly. “Dean, you are so beautiful,” his husky voice reassured before leaning in and capturing Dean’s lips once again, this time with a contrastingly gentle and loving kiss, and for once in his life, Dean let himself actually believe that about himself.
The kiss soon got more heated, and Cas’ hands began exploring Dean’s body, starting in his hair, traveling down his chest, over his hips, and down his thighs. Dean moaned and realized that, much to his embarrassment, he was actually close.
Fortunately, Cas seemed to sense he should advance things, and he trailed his hands back up to Dean’s throbbing cock. Dean let out a punched groan at the first touch to his hot member, squeezed his eyes shut tight, and clenched his fists behind Cas’ back. “So good, Cas…”
Cas’ hand left his cock for a minute, and Dean heard the telltale sounds of someone spitting before the hand returned, slick and tight. Just a couple tugs and Dean was coming with a shout. “Oh, Cas, oh fuck, Cas!”
He had never come so quickly in his entire life, but Dean couldn’t even find it in himself to be ashamed, especially as he heard Cas grunting as he followed directly behind him.
“Cas, that was…”
A sudden worried look fell over Cas’ face. “Was it bad? I’m sorry, I know we both came really fast.”
Dean laughed and tried his best kiss the pouting look off of Cas. “No, it was amazing, Cas. Jesus, that was the most vanilla shit I’ve ever done, but it was perfect.” Dean sighed and steeled himself before continuing. “And actually, I think the reason it was perfect was because, well, it was with you, Cas.”
“Honeybee, I’m home!” Dean stripped off his big winter coat and hung it on the hook by the front door.
“I’m in the kitchen, Dean!” Dean stalked through the house and up behind his husband, snaking his arms around the other man’s broad chest and leaning over his shoulder to give him a peck on the cheek.
“How was work today?” Dean asked, glancing around the kitchen and noticing with a grin what looked suspiciously like the mess left after someone has baked an apple pie.
“Work was lovely, thank you. Of course, that was mostly because of the letter I got from my favorite stop on my favorite route.” Cas grinned and spun around to give Dean a proper kiss.
“I’m your favorite?!” Dean grinned and pulled back before Cas could kiss him
Cas rolled his eyes, “No, I’m talking about our neighbor, Mrs. Tran.”
“I love you too, babe.” Dean finally let himself be pulled into his husband’s eager arms and smiled into the kiss. Fate was kind of awesome.  
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
The Great Ace Attorney Replay: Dual Destinies, Case 5, Part 1
Trucy and Phoenix are off to prove Athena’s innocence! aw yeah father-daughter investigations! I really like how Athena and Trucy believe really hard in each other, I want more of their relationship.
Starbuck: As I was coming out of the Detention Center, I saw Miss Cykes.
I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say to the poor girl. And then, you know what? She flashed a peace sign at me. "Congratulations on your acquittal," she said. "Now you can go back into space someday."
Phoenix: (Yeah, that sounds like Athena. I can just picture it.)
Starbuck: But I saw her eyes. They were red and swollen from crying. She's gotta be suffering! She must be so worried! And yet she went out of her way to be nice and give me that big smile!
Trucy: She held back her own tears so she could give someone else a smile. That's... so Athena
Athena is an ANGEL. A strong and pure angel and anyone who doesn’t see how wonderful she is is WRONG. I love her so much.
Starbuck’s sighing may be annoying but he wins a lot of points for offering to take Athena’s place in jail just bc he cares so much. I feel ya bro.
Never forget that Trucy is such an expert knifethrower she was able to stop a moving vehicle by piercing its tire. Bamf.
Junie’s so worried about her girlfriend she’s here to give us some classified Athena Info. I wonder how mad Junie would be if she ran into Apollo and found out how harshly he was suspecting Athena right now. I bet if they had a conversation while Apollo was in his darkandedgy state, he’d say something about Athena that would KILL JUNIPER’S CRUSH DEAD. In fact, I’m gonna headcanon that this happened and bookmark it for a fic. ANYTHING THAT CONTRADICTS IT LATER IN THE GAME WILL BE HEADCANONED AWAY.
Athena’s backstory was when I realized she has a permanent place in my heart. The fact that she was originally very quiet and just read and painted and hated going outside resonates a lot with me. Her energy and cheer and zest for life is something she had to work very, very hard over the years to cultivate. I wonder how much of it is still something she has to force herself to do. The fact that she managed to become so enthusiastic and tough despite the fact she was naturally withdrawn and dealing with so much fear and trauma- it’s inspiring. It makes me hope that I can open up a little more in the future too. 
It also makes her fasinating as a character- it’s hard to know how hard she’s forcing herself or what she went through to undergo this transformation. Athena may seem like a open book, and she can get other people to open up- but she’s also very closed off. I find that duality fascinating- she loves analyzing emotions but has a hard time dealing with her own. There’s a lot to explore there.
Juniper:  Because of her special ability, Thena couldn't handle being in school very often. And I was always out sick because of my weak constitution. Maybe that's why we became such good friends. We used to play together here at the Space Center a lot. It brings back memories.
I love that even though they’re complete opposites nowadays, it was actually Junie and Athena’s similarities that bough them together, Athena gets Junie’s shyness and sensitivity because she’s been there. Maybe she’s still even like that deep down. I’d love to see that aspect of their bond explored.
Anyway, Phoenix and Trucy head over to the attention center and we talk to the bomber who hurt Apollo. Phoenix is PISSED. I know I like to tease about the tension in their relationship (which could stand to be explored more) but I do think Phoenix does care about Apollo even with all the weird stuff between them, and it’s adorable how protective he is here. I mean:
(Are you here to laugh at me?)
Phoenix: (Like I'd waste my breath on you. After all, you're the one who assaulted Apollo and put him in the hospital!)
At which point Phoenix looks mad enough that Tonate seems genuinely scared he’s going to attack him and pleads.
Phoenix: "No violence"?! Too bad Apollo didn't get a chance to say that before you attacked him!
Do not mess with people in Phoenix’s circle, he’s not gonna forgive you.
I forgot Apollo and Aura kind of bonded. Well they both are mourning their dead lovers. IN FACT THE GAME BASICALLY SAYS THAT:
Apollo:I get the feeling Dr. Cykes loved her robots almost as much as she loved her daughter... ...and almost as much as she loved you.
Aura: ...Ha ha ha ha ha! What are you talking about? Don't make me laugh! But you lost someone, too, didn't you, Apollo? Your friend Clay... I guess you and I are pretty much in the same boat. *sigh*
You heard it here, Apollo has special knowledge of how Aura feels because he too has a dead love and Aura thinks their situations are the same.  btw Clonco mistaking Apollo for his dead bf is pretty creepy. he sure is going through a lot rn.
Trucy getting pissed at Apollo on Athena’s behalf- yes. give me that sibling drama.
In fact, she even goes back in to talk to him- Id’ve liked to see that. He must have left before her though, since she got caught up in the kidnapping and he didn’t. Maybe she made him storm out? I wonder why she hung around afterwards?
The way Phoenix is like TRUCY NO DON’T LEAVE ME and gets really depressed the SECOND he is alone, never fails to crack me up. like literally it is one second and he is like WOE IS ME I AM SO ALONE. Fortunately a letter from Maya perks him up. FUNNY HOW SHE FAILS TO MENTION SHE’S IN ANOTHER COUNTRY they so obviously hadn’t thought of that yet.
 I do like that this game actually bothers to address what Maya and Miles were doing during the hobo years and reassures us they were there in some capacity.
~To be Continuedddd
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solopeppermint · 7 years
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
End of the day (cos it’s my ringtone/alarm heh), Despacito (cos it’s playing everywhere), Perfect, Happier, Two Ghosts, MMITH
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
I only have notebooks on my table. pg 23 line 17 is blank haha
4: What do you think about most?
hm I think food
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
Nak withdraw duit.
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
depends on the weather? but usually with. unless really cannot tahan one
7: What’s your strangest talent?
er speed reading? 
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
prolly listening to Kiwi i think. 
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
er phobia towards taugeh
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
my finger? haha
13: What’s your religion?
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
people watching. counting vezels. thinking of my bed.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind cos i awkward turtle
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
17: What was the last lie you told?
later can do.
18: Do you believe in karma?
the concept of it yeah
19: What does your URL mean?
smiley... sharks...
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
being anti social
i think i am a good listening ear to my closest friends :’)
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
H. H. H.
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
going for a loong run
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
books. friends & tbbt dvds
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
ok with both
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
kids crying
the voice of my loved ones
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if i cannot do this
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
bedside table
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
air lol
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?’
can’t think of any rn
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
local context,
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
H *heartshape eyes emoji*
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
life.....is a journey haha shit idk
36: Define Art.
one’s creativity
37: Do you believe in luck?
everything happens for a reason ;)
38: What’s the weather like right now?
39: What time is it?
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
No. Cos scared run people over. or animals.
41: What was the last book you read?
Love & Happiness
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
(That’s gasoline right? lolol)
43: Do you have any nicknames?
44: What was the last film you saw?
at the movies - FF8
online - boss baby
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
just minor scraps here and there never anythg serious thank god
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
ah straight?
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
no i guess?
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
try not to. 
but we’re onlyyyy huumaaaaaaan
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
well both
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
yoghurt for sahur
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
haha yes no maybe i dont knooooow
57: How many relationships have you had?
um 3
but seeerious, one
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
no :(
59: Where were you yesterday?
at work. then tampines TO BUY FOOD
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yess my pillow!
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
don’t NEED any1 to like me bye
64: Where is your best friend?
don’t really have one
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
prolly all H update/related ones.
66: What is your heritage?
err? malay? javanese?
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping. cos i old lady liao hahaha
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
setan gondol
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
i would think so 
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
but i cannot touch dogs.......................
ok la shout for help and let someone else save it/touch it
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. 
a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? 
b) What do you do with your remaining days? 
be a better muslim
tie up lose ends, so to speak
c) Would you be afraid?
after trying my best to be better, no i guess?
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
bcos what’s love without trust?
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
when two people trust each other 
and are honest with each other
and are best friends above all
77: How can I win your heart?
be funny. but not the offensive kind.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
I guess
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
deciding on pursuing my line of work
80: What size shoes do you wear?
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
see you soon
82: What is your favourite word?
does HAHA count?
yes. (bcos I cannot say no one)
if at work it is silent clap. hahhaa ok that’s 2 words
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
H’s anatomical heart tattoo
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
everything happens for a reason
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
night changes
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
yellow. and turquoise. and black 
87: What is your current desktop picture?
lyrics frm SOTT
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
noone. tak baik tu. macam equivalent to bunuh orang
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
do i look fat?
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
take a selfie with them and go back to sleep hahaha
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
none. everything ‘bad’ that ever happened taught me something, one way or another 
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
sleep like innocent one ok. cuddle cuddle hahaha 
you guess ah who
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Bosnia, Sarajevo
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
when I was little i guess yeah like we were on a road trip or smetg
98: Ever been on a plane?
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
where is the loveee? So many bad things are happening everywhere.
always remember that He is watching. Whatever you do to others, you will be held accountable for it.
and to the people suffering at their hands, stay strong and have faith that He is the best of all planners. This world is only temporary :’)
0 notes
allofbeercom · 6 years
‘Are You The One?’ Recap: Murder On The AYTO Express
HELLO AND WELCOME to without a doubt the most lit episode in history with the most fucking braindead bunch of degenerate fuckpoles you’ve ever seen. Seriously, the casting this season is A-1. And by A-1, I mean that half of these castmates will probably end up in jail one day.
As someone who thrives on the drama of others appreciates good reality TV, this episode brought me more joy than I could have hoped, and I actually learned a thing or two in the process. For instance, did you know that behind the creatures that live on Geles’ eyelashes, there is actually a genuinely fucking insane monster-woman?
Also, in exciting news and by request, my betchy Jewish mom has decided to return the world of and I’ll be featuring some of her commentary. This show is such a great bonding experience for us because I can consistently say “see mom, I at least I’m not throwing bananas at people on National TV” and honestly, I think that’s all a parent really wants to hear from their kid <3
They got 4 beams and party like crazy, because nothing is more exciting than being drastically behind in life.
Keith celebrates by lifting weights in overalls, and watching him do so is as close as I’ll ever get to the Midwest. He’s talking to Alexis about how the best way to handle not being a perfect match is to have a threesome with whomever their perfect match actually is. Alexis is like “seems like a legit solution” and this kids, is why our country is in shambles. 
They both eventually promise not to hook up with their perfect match. Psh, sure, Jan.
Kareem and Alivia are considering pulling their heads out of their asses and accepting the fact that they are almost certainly a no-match. Alivia is like “Keith is literally what I asked for in this game” and it’s like, soooooooo, wanna tell us what you’re doing with poor man’s mobster over there?
Keyana apparently got way too lit while celebrating and sprained her foot. Because it’s Keyana and the only athletic thing she’s ever done in her life is run in whatever direction Michael is in, she is in crutches with a full fucking cast. *cough, cough* pussy *cough*
It’s officially the best challenge of the year: The exes are hereeeeee! And hey, there is Taylor from last season? Hun, if you wanted another 15 minutes of fame, shoot for the stars and audition for . 
Apparently she’s Joe’s ex and color me shocked. I honestly never pegged Taylor as Joe’s type (and vice-versa) but I think it’s so cute that they can cut costs and share hair products. Lord knows everyone from season five needs to save as much money as possible.
The game is speed dating like and the castmates have to hang out with their ex while other castmates come and interview them. One time my boyfriend and I saw my ex at a bagel shop and I legit hid behind a trashcan, so honestly I’m cringing forever.
Here’s a couple things about the exes (sorry, you’re not safe from this either):
UCHE’S EX: My mom and I both agree that either she met him at Church or she helped him when he had fallen and couldn’t get up. Seriously, how old is this dude?
SHAD’S EX: If Shad was as good of a boyfriend as she said he was, he should have kindly pointed her to the nearest hair salon.
CLINTON’S EX: Poor girl got the fucking FBI shakedown from Uche, but I don’t trust anyone who calls fooling around “sexual encounters.” Who let the narc on this show?
DD’S EX: Is from her junior year of high school. Damn, the desperation levels are strong with this one.
MICHAEL’S EX: Looks like she probably has the personality of cardboard. So very obviously still into Michael, which makes me think she probably has the brain cells to match her shining personality.
MALCOLM’S EX: “Well… she’s not what I expected.” – Mom. That’s putting it kindly.
ANYWAYS, Geles and Taylor seem to be hitting it off in the way only two fame-hungry, moderately hot girls can: fucking screaming at each other over a dude with a man bun and chipmunk teeth. It’s not a good look for Taylor, but as the professional drama expert here at Betches (please see my LinkedIn for more), I’m putting my money down that Geles probably came in more crooked than her left eyelash atm.
As they continue to insult each other, I realize this might be the fight I never knew I needed? TBH watching people sink to their low really has got me thriving. Either way, putting on my expert hat again, editing is a fickle bitch and I’m going to explore the ever-loving fuck out of Twitter (or employ the detectives on the AYTO subreddit) to find out EXACTLY what happened.
Oh also, I forgot to mention that Shad apparently lasts for like, three seconds in bed. Just a heads up!
Overall, Keith and Alexis win the challenge. Say what you will about these redneck trash bags, but those fuckers know how to win. Take notes, Democratic Party. Anyways, Keith picks Alivia. Alexis, in a form of petty that is honestly inspiring, picks Kareem.
MOM: Alexis and Kareem need to reroute their date to the nearest asylum. 
Anthony decides DD might be his match and wants to get to know her better. Cute, stupid Anthony. Anyways, he sets up a drinking/20 questions game on the balcony of the boom boom room.
Malcolm, the perpetual cheater, gets super mad that they even looked in the direction of the boom boom room and is like “WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THE BOOM BOOM ROOM!” Of course, in a move that MTV def made happen was exceptionally dramatic, he runs and tells Geles too.
Geles is like “DD is easy and I want to throw her down a flight of stairs.” Well that’s not cause for alarm. Maybe Kareem and Geles should give love a shot. Also, that’s pretty tough talk coming from a girl who is like 85% silicone. DD would beat some ass, so I’m pretty excited about this possibility.
What’s even worse is that this game Anthony and DD are playing is totally innocent. He even asks her if he can kiss her and she says that “she has too much respect for Malcolm to do that.”
Meanwhile, in probable-domestic-violence land, Alivia tells Keith that Kareem is like pushing her away by being the most controlling and shitty human ever. Huh, what a weird concept.
She tells Keith that she’s afraid of Kareem and Keith’s like “I’m not afraid of Kareem.” Okay, so suddenly the whole fanbase (me, the subreddit and six teenage girls in Brazil) want to fuck Keith. This episode has so many twists.
Keith and Alivia start kissing and Alivia immediately does what she ALWAYS does and runs her ass to Kareem to tell him. She’s like “I’m sorry, I wanted to be honest.” Whoever told you honesty is the best policy was seriously disturbed. Of course, Kareem feels so betrayed, which is crazy because I didn’t know psychopaths could feel any emotion.
When DD leaves the date with Anthony, Malcolm immediately calls her a “dick rider.” Which would be okay if you were starring in a superhero porno, but otherwise it’s like, the most insulting shit I have ever heard. DD rightfully flips out because that’s just like, the rules of feminism.
MOM: Well, this explains his ex. — That’s like, way harsh Tai. REAL PIC OF MY MOM AND I:
They go to a palm reading and tarot cards reading date. Really MTV, y’all take Kareem’s and Alexis’ crazy asses into a witch shop? This is the lamest episode of ever.
Alexis is like “I’m super into witchcraft” and I’m honestly afraid for Keith rn. She’s got little white bread voodoo dolls in her eyes.
Alivia and Keith have a pretty real chemistry so they start making out again, obviously. Nothing gets Keith’s dick harder than the fact it’s probably going to be chopped off by Alexis within the next few hours.
Kareem and Alexis, meanwhile, are bonding over their shared mental instability. Kareem decides to tell Alexis about Keith and Alivia’s kiss and they rile each other up faster than a Disney Channel movie basketball team hearing an inspiring speech in the locker room at halftime.
They are like “just because we fucked up and did the same thing doesn’t mean that anyone else can!” Republicans have the weirdest logic.
Alexis and Kareem do the mature thing and confront Keith and Alivia on their date. Alexis yells at Keith for not telling her and how they agreed not to hook up with their matches. Keith is stuck in the age-old predicament where he tries to decipher what “hooking up” means.
Alexis thinks it’s a kiss and Keith thinks it’s anal. Tale as old as time.
If you think Alexis is crazy, Kareem is like, hold my beer. He’s hitting shit and yelling at Alivia while Keith stares on, wondering how this dude escaped his padded cell. Of course, Kareem has to fucking throw a table at Alivia and now MTV brings in producers, because maybe, just they have a problem here.
The only thing I have seen Geles do in this house is shit talk, apply makeup and pine over a very average-looking dude named Anthony. Geles is basically every sorority sister I have ever had.
Geles and Malcolm team up to belittle DD for doing nothing wrong, and DD is not having it. She and Audrey start yelling back at Malcolm/Geles and it’s a mess.
TYLER: I hate this place, but it’s great.

DD and Anthony explain exactly what happened and Malcolm is like “everyone knows what happens in the boom boom room.” Everyone knows there is money in the banana stand.
Terrence J is like, “you know the boom boom room is like, the only room with a door, right? Maybe they just wanted to get away for a second.” Malcolm acts like someone just explained quantum physics to him.
This show should just be called “twentysomethings considering basic concepts.”
Nurys and DD, bonded over the fact that Malcolm ain’t shit, make up and become friends. There is no stronger friendship than one bonded through mutual hate. That’s like, the only friends I have.
Keith word vomits that he and Alivia kissed again and of course Alexis and Kareem flip the fuck out.
Alexis tells Keith “to go die” and is two seconds away from asking her murderer cousin for a repeat performance. Terrence J is like “damn that’s harsh”, which is a weird way of saying “YOU ARE A FUCKING CRAZY PERSON.”
Alivia calls out the hypocrisy of this whole thing and tells the house about Kareem throwing a table and everyone in the house is like “what, Kareem?! No way!”
Shad’s like “hey, if I was a girl I would not want him to be my perfect match.” As a girl I also want sex to last longer than two seconds, but sometimes dreams are meant for when we are sleeping.
Zoe is like “I thought Kareem was my match but he’s getting a little too domestic violence-y for me.” Oh, did you not tell the matchmakers you wanted that?
MY MOM: You know poor Alivia’s mother is somewhere praying on her rosary that Kareem is not her match.
Kareem stands up, starts yelling, and leaves the room. He swears that Keith and Alivia are not a match and now he hates Alivia and is going to start the smallest chapter of the He-Man-Woman-Haters Club in the boom boom room.
Of course, Keith and Alivia go to the Truth Booth. They like, want this to help them win the money, but more importantly they want this so they can tell Kareem to take his perfectly sculpted facial hair and fuck right off.
The episode is about to end, and if it ends on a cliffhanger I will throw my laptop across the room. Kareem is obviously affecting me.
Because there is no such thing as happiness on reality TV, they are a NO MATCH. Gotta say, this bummed me out.
Kareem and Alexis start laughing their asses off, while Alivia and Keith make their walk of shame towards two people who legit want to murder them.
MY MOM: Is this going to turn into a murder mystery show? I actually really like that angle. — Your move, MTV.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/are-you-the-one-recap-murder-on-the-ayto-express/
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a-memoir-of-me-blog · 7 years
more system things lol. fuck. matrix is real
my first true love: boys will be boys and good thing I'm not in that convo cause I know I'm ok with no abortions and cause I'm so against that or funding for that
-Me: but like at least have condoms and birth control easy access. Because then the kids being born to underage parents and/or parents who cannot afford good care for them, they'll grow up in harsh environments because the parents simply cannot get out of the system. All their hard work goes straight to just caring for what they have now. And if they're in school, it's even harder. If they're at work. It's even harder. This has a huge toll on a child's behavior. And that's why inner city schools need to be better. They need to rlly be there and feel like a community for the kid and prepare them for their success because that's what they're lacking at home. And very important for counseling for them. Teaching them about interpersonal and personal skills and negotiating for not just their gain, but their counterpart. We should donate to these kids who can't afford much because of the situation their parents are in. Or else there's a rlly high risk for them to act out in criminal ways. Like selling sex, selling drugs, robberies, gang activity all just to provide for themselves and their family. And they're just going to be jailed. And who suffers? Tax payers. Their families. That's why we need to PREVENT this. But private funded prisons will want to keep it because they want to profit off of the people who simply are not aware. And again. School. Community. Etc. and that creates less STD’s and unwanted pregnancies etc. and that would help hone down those issues. The services wouldn't be used as much because of the programs installed to help prevent that. And yes...all those services, are tax payers! And yes! We are giving them the profits! So instead! Let's do stuff to PREVENT this!
-Him: condoms and birth control and education should be enforced and made easy access because then it prevents unwanted pregnancies and spread of diseases. And most of the time they do grow up in tough situations but education (resources) only do so much and guide, but it's up to the individual to take it and own it and their own responsibilities when it comes to taking the smart way and benefit from that or disregard all of that and go the “alternative” way that media flaunts. Both males and females gotta start being aware of themselves and how they affect things around them and also to stop fucking everything and be smarter about their shit.
-Me: so we should help the inner city/low income kids have better ways to resolve issues. create more businesses within those area for them to get money in a civil way and at least help stay afloat with their family and not have to resort in uncivil ways to get money, in means of getting things to survive. this can also help keep gang activity down too. help keep pimping and prostitution down (STD’s and pregnancy down). drug dealers down. drug use down. honestly it all starts from 1) birth 2) growing up with proper education and good behaviors enforced and community connection
like they need to realize they're in a bad situation and we're born into this but it's not their fault. BUT it's THEY. it is YOU who can provide something better for yourself and your future and your community and the uprising generations. they should realize and be empowered that they can get out of the position they were born into.
that's also where discrimination comes in (being stuck in one area and letting power go to one), and learn to make ppl like them instead of reacting bad when bad happens to them. they need to let ppl see that all they want is a better life for themselves and those around them and not let their hopes and dreams go down because they're the minority and/or the targeted ones and the low income ones. the low educated ones. etc. they need to not act out when they're not being heard and/or given chances. the first chance is the first and last. so always try to make it good. if we installed a rlly strong emphasis on how important education is, self control and proper behavior to not hurt another and not one another, and come together as a community to be taken seriously and be seen as ppl who are rlly just trying to get things to be better for themselves and the community and the future. doing illegal shit will just make a lot of people want to them against them because they doesn't help them nor anyone else around them. but they also don't wanna fix it because they wanna lock those ppl up. and that's private prisons. and obv then the remainder need to go to public prisons and that's so much tax money, which could've went to education to prevent that stuff from happening.
-him: nine of that will stop tho. the system has made it this way and to try to stabilize low income communities with businesses and store fronts 1) no one wants to open a store in a high risk area 2) no one wants to fund a company in that location that's bound to be vandalized
-me: that's where social media and pop culture and selfishness comes into play. priorities are fucked up. they all wanna seem cool and above one another. like yo. you're in section 8. but u wanna stack on j’s? that won't mean shit when you're older? no one will care when you're older about what you had. you're gonna waste on drugs and kill your body slowly? you wanna “flex” and feel better than each other? tryna be like fake ass rappers who give off a fake make believe reality? and you're brainwashed into it? like….stop being brainwashed into thinking that's cool
And yeah, but that's where I think education needs to reform. I am all for education bruh. All for communities coming together to realize their internal issues and going to the root. All for changing their priorities. All for coming together for a better come up for all these shit areas. But yo. Education!!!!!! Like really man. Education. Being aware of the system so it doesn't chew them up and shit them out even worse But. I think if we open businesses there and let them realize. This is for the betterment of the WHOLE community. This isn't just for a profit. This is to offer u more jobs. Offer u a responsibility and a sense of importance. Because let's be honest. All these ppl just want to feel like they're doing something to get attention. And why would they wanna vandalize their own shit that's gonna help them? U know? Like. I think they should learn some ways to build more businesses. Businesses not just for themselves. But for their whole community and for their brothers and sisters all struggling. Like. They also need to stop being selfish and killing other ppl out of like idk. Jealousy? Wanting more money? But they're the ones making it hard for everyone in their community struggle. Ppl who are drug dealers or gang bangers always end up staying in their shit beginnings because as a WHOLE, they're making it harder for themselves. I guess u can say those ppl are the bad 1% of the low incomers lol. They create holes. Make other holes even bigger And how can this be avoided??? Education!!!!!!! Like. It sucks to say. But rn, there's like separate economies (high, middle, low). And they're all equally corrupt and that's why they all can't work well together rn and we're all like burdens to one another lol. But u know what helps ALL of them? Education and better Also. We should have more programs for kids. Let them socialize with kids their age. Have people to look up to as a good role model. Help them with any personal issues. Therefore they won't act out because they know there's help for them. Also it can be good because we can let their parents work while we watch their kids and help them with hw, do arts and crafts, socialize with friends, maybe play instruments, just dance. Be themselves. Let loose. :) "Hendren, along with Harvard economists Katz and Raj Chetty, now at Stanford University, looked at the lasting effects of moving children to better neighborhoods as part of Moving to Opportunity, a short-lived federal housing program from the '90s. Their analysis, published in May, found that the longer children are exposed to better environments, the better they do economically in the future. Whichever city or state children grow up in also radically affects whether they'll move out of poverty, he said"* And what did I say? Trying to improve inner city / low income neighborhoods? Like. They can improve it by themselves if they wanted to. If they're wise enough and more woke. "It's definitely been a strategy" to justify starving government of resources, which in turn weakens it and makes it less attractive as a tool to accomplish big things, said Skocpol. "In an everybody-for-themselves situation, it is the better-educated and the wealthy who can protect themselves."* And that's why we can't rely on the government. We must make the changes ourselves. We must educate ourselves. Educate our communities. Help the children. "I think it is naïve of most individuals to think that for everything there is something that government can legislate and regulate and impose that makes life better for everybody," she said. "That's just not the case."* While it's clear that investing in children and their education pays lifelong dividends for them, those gains take 20 years to be realized, said Katz. That's why it's critical that their parents get help and live in less vulnerable situations.* Of course industry needs to run its businesses productively and profitably, but it can do so without harming "the commons," Rivkin said. "Business has been very effective at pursuing its narrow self-interest in looking for special tax breaks. I think that kind of behavior just needs to stop." Drawing on an idea from Harvard Business School finance Professor Mihir Desai, Rivkin suggests that businesses treat their tax responsibilities as a compliance function rather than as a profit center. That money could then go back into investment in "the commons," where "lots of common ground" exists among business, labor, policymakers, educators and others.* "The businesses should be working with the local community college to train the workers whom they would love to hire; the university should be getting together with policymakers to figure out how to get innovations out of the research lab into startups faster; business should work with educators to reinvent the school system," said Rivkin.* Putnam suggests more widespread mentoring of low-income children who lack the social safety net that upper- and middle-class children enjoy, a topic he explored in "Our Kids."* Adam Smith, perhaps the first true economist, gave some answers in “An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.” That treatise is sometimes thought of as a capitalist bible. It is at least partly about the achieving of greatness through the pursuit of wealth in free markets. But Smith didn’t believe that money alone assured national stature. He also wrote disapprovingly of the single-minded impulse to secure wealth, saying it was “the most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.” Instead, he emphasized that decent people should seek real achievement — “not only praise, but praiseworthiness.”** Strikingly, national greatness was a central issue in a previous presidential election campaign: Lyndon B. Johnson, in 1964, called for the creation of a Great Society, not merely a rich society or a powerful society. Instead, he spoke of achieving equal opportunity and fulfillment. “The Great Society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents,” he said. “It is a place where leisure is a welcome chance to build and reflect, not a feared cause of boredom and restlessness.”** All of which is to say that government intervention to enhance greatness will not be a simple matter. There is a risk that well-meaning change may make matters worse. Protectionist policies and penalties for exporters of jobs may not increase long-term opportunities for Americans who have been left behind. Large-scale reduction of environmental or social regulations or in health care benefits, or in America’s involvement in the wider world may increase our consumption, yet leave all of us with a sense of deeper loss. Greatness reflects not only prosperity, but it is also linked with an atmosphere, a social environment that makes life meaningful. In President Johnson’s words, greatness requires meeting not just “the needs of the body and the demands of commerce but the desire for beauty and the hunger for community.”** The solution to this puzzle is to realize that economic inequality is not just one thing. It consists of some things that are very bad, like kids with no chance of reaching their potential, and others that are good, like Larry Page and Sergey Brin starting the company you use to find things online.*** And while some of the growth in economic inequality we've seen since then has been due to bad behavior of various kinds, there has simultaneously been a huge increase in individuals' ability to create wealth*** (refer back to my English essay about the bad 1% of the 1%. The stealers. The manipulators. Compared to the other .99% of the 1% who actually create stuff, and therefore create wealth in return for their creation) There are lots of things wrong with the US that have economic inequality as a symptom. We should fix those things. In the process we may decrease economic inequality. But we can't start from the symptom and hope to fix the underlying causes. [7]*** Closely related to poverty is lack of social mobility. I've seen this myself: you don't have to grow up rich or even upper middle class to get rich as a startup founder, but few successful founders grew up desperately poor. But again, the problem here is not simply economic inequality. There is an enormous difference in wealth between the household Larry Page grew up in and that of a successful startup founder, but that didn't prevent him from joining their ranks. It's not economic inequality per se that's blocking social mobility, but some specific combination of things that go wrong when kids grow up sufficiently poor.*** One of the most important principles in Silicon Valley is that "you make what you measure." It means that if you pick some number to focus on, it will tend to improve, but that you have to choose the right number, because only the one you choose will improve; another that seems conceptually adjacent might not. For example, if you're a university president and you decide to focus on graduation rates, then you'll improve graduation rates. But only graduation rates, not how much students learn. Students could learn less, if to improve graduation rates you made classes easier. Economic inequality is sufficiently far from identical with the various problems that have it as a symptom that we'll probably only hit whichever of the two we aim at. If we aim at economic inequality, we won't fix these problems. So I say let's aim at the problems.*** If we want to fix the world behind the statistics, we have to understand it, and focus our efforts where they'll do the most good.*** Rather, the focus should be on disrupting the cycle of poverty in which social decay in one generation inhibits the development of the next, individuals ill-prepared for life and work face limited opportunity, and their ensuing struggles cause further social decay.**** Better-educated parents place far more emphasis on encouragement and on the value of self-reliance, while less educated ones more frequently deliver discouragement and emphasize obedience.**** Children in the lower class face stresses and traumas that impair learning and the development of concentration, self-discipline, and problem-solving.**** Putnam explains that children in the lower class face stresses and traumas foreign to the upper class. They are up to five times more likely to face abuse and violence, addiction, and the death or imprisonment of a parent. Those experiences, along with ineffective and unstable caregiving, impair learning and the development of “executive functions” such as concentration, self-discipline, and problem-solving. All these consequences occur independently of public schooling and, largely, before public schooling has even begun**** These problems in turn perpetuate the cycle by diminishing opportunity and career prospects. Between 1960 and 2010, Murray reports, the percentage of upper-class households with a full-time worker declined from 90 percent to 87 percent, while the lower-class decline was from 81 percent to 53 percent. And so, as the next generation starts its own families in its own communities, one can only hope the lower class will manage to hold the eroding ground on which their parents stood. The trends, unfortunately, suggest they have little chance even of that; as the cycle spirals downward and decay engenders yet more decay.**** But elements in Edwards’s upbringing that might have mitigated his economic hardship — a two-parent family instilling strong values, a community filled with hard-working role models committed to the betterment of their children — are exactly what have now gone missing in lower-class America. Social inequality is insidious because it transmits itself across generations by interfering with opportunity.**** Can we conclude that social conditions in the lower class unfairly impair opportunity? If we do, it should affect what outcomes we consider just and what level of government intervention we demand. But the situation is not only a fundamental challenge to some conservative assumptions; it also reinforces conservatives’ emphasis on family and community and traditional values as social bedrocks that a government program or check can never replace. Conservatives are uniquely capable of understanding the problem and should lead the way toward solutions.**** For better and worse, you can’t legislate social change. Social programs — especially if delivered through local organizations — can provide real help to individuals. But programs alone cannot counter the momentum of a free society barreling in the opposite direction. Instead, broader public policy must seek to alter the basic incentives and conditions fueling the negative trends.**** *https://www.google.com/amp/www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2016-02-09/the-costs-of-inequality-the-rich-and-the-rest%3Fcontext%3Damp* **https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/01/12/upshot/make-america-great-again-isnt-just-about-money-and-power.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FIncome%20Inequality&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=8&pgtype=collection&_r=0&referer= ***http://paulgraham.com/ineq.html ****https://www.google.com/amp/s/bc.marfeel.com/amp/www.nationalreview.com/article/425746/social-inequality-matters-much-or-more-economic-inequality-oren-cass?client=safari https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=RIghbrn5yfI http://www.scilearn.com/blog/ten-facts-about-how-poverty-impacts-education https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2013/10/17/public-educations-biggest-problem-keeps-getting-worse/?utm_term=.d4f232debd33 https://www.google.com/amp/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2016/7/22/12254046/myths-higher-education-crisis-debt-loans-free-tuition This ties into my weed ideas!!!!!
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Domestic Violence Colunm
Domestic Violence occurs every minute of every day. It has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S October is only the month dedicated to the Awareness. It is a cause which I am truly passionate about. It is because of domestic violence that I lost my daughter and granddaughter. I will never forget that tragic day, or the emotions I felt the days, weeks and maybe even months after I received the phone call informing me my girls had been brutally murdered. I will forever carry them with me in my heart.  I would like to take the focus off myself to share the stories of two other victims in the area, stories that have made a huge impact in my life and touched my heart at the deepest level. Tammy Parker is both a victim and survivor. Her story is one of the most horrific cases of domestic violence I have ever heard.  Immediately upon hearing it, I knew I had to interview this courageous woman for this piece and get to know how she dealt with the atrocities, first hand. The director of a local Victim’s Resource Center, placed me in contact with Tammy and she graciously agreed to meet with me. Suffice to say I liked her the instant we greeted one another. Surprisingly, Tammy was candid, weaving a graphic tale of assault and battery. In the winter of 2005, Tammy was beaten mercilessly by the man who vowed to love, honor and cherish her. Married less than two years, however, wedded bliss faded. On a cold, February afternoon, Tammy’s husband became angered over a trivial ‘offense’. Anger quickly turned to rage. Tammy never knew what hit her. The man she loved threw her to the basement floor, then proceeded to smash her face repeatedly onto the concrete. Mercifully she blacked out. It wasn’t until seven months after her husband was arrested that the full details of the event came to light. Tammy was initially rushed to Clifton Springs Hospital by the very person who inflicted her life-threatening injuries. Due to the massive amount of trauma she sustained, Tammy was transferred to Strong Memorial Hospital, in Rochester.  The injuries were extensive: broken jaw, cheekbone, crushed nose, broken teeth, several herniated discs in her cervical spine, and fractured socket of her right eye. Since that tragic day, Tammy Parker has undergone upwards of twenty-two reconstructive surgeries to her neck and face.   Even though she was near death’s door, amazingly Tammy’s husband was granted an astronomically low bail. It was set at five-thousand dollars, which he quickly posted using their joint credit card.   How does something of this graphic nature and life-altering affect a victim?  Like many violent acts, it will depend on the one living it. I can honestly say Tammy is a fighter. She refuses to be viewed as a victim.  In her words… “I am a survivor, and I will stand up and make it.” Does that mean every new day is better than the previous? That is unrealistic. She still has days where it is extremely difficult to get out of bed in the morning. But, talking with this resilient, kindhearted woman, one would not believe anything was wrong. What I saw before me was a remarkably strong individual having tremendous courage and fortitude. Tammy chooses not to let what has happened define who she is but uses those negative experiences to educate others to not become victims like herself. From 1983 until that tragic event, Tammy worked in a busy pediatrics office. In 2007 she went back to earn a degree as an RN. This was between the many, extensive surgeries. Today, she works closely with the local domestic violence agency; speaking at colleges, tech and rehabilitation centers, churches, jails, and anyone with a willing ear to listen. Truly she is a remarkable woman.   Shannon Pepper’s story is equally tragic. Over a two-day period, she was severely beaten. Her head swelled to twice the normal size. Shannon’s injuries included eight broken ribs, upper and lower jaws, both eye sockets, punctured lung, and severe trauma to her brain. To illustrate the sheer brutality, her attacker nearly ripped the lips off her face. She remained in a coma for three full weeks. The only recognizable feature by which her parents could identify her was the tattoo on her arm.  Ironically, Shannon once told her mother she may need that someday to identify her. Miraculously, Shannon pulled through. A short time after She was released from the hospital, still struggling with her injuries, she called Senator Cathy Young and was told about Brittany’s Law. Shannon wasted no time. She immediately petitioned, getting as many signatures as she could to get the bill passed.
Unfortunately, tragedy struck, again. In her ensuing depression, Shannon turned to alcohol. Like many victims, she could not cope with what had happened. The attack had left the beautiful, young woman disfigured. Shannon passed out with a lit cigarette in her hand and died in the ensuing apartment fire. Shannon wasn’t concerned with how she looked when canvassing neighborhoods for signatures. She was determined to see the bill become law, especially after hearing what had happened to my granddaughter. Her parents, Linda and Thomas Randolph are just as committed as Shannon was. Although she didn’t die directly at the hands of Anthony Navone, the Randolph’s and I believe Shannon’s death was indirectly the result of the initial attack and injuries inflicted. Had “Brittany’s Law” been passed, we believe she would be alive, today. Shannon had recently gotten out of an abusive relationship and there is no doubt she would have checked into Navone’s background. Linda and Thomas Randolph have since picked up with the fight where Shannon left off in her memory. More of Shannon’s story can be found on the Brittany’s Law website. See the link at the end of the article. These are just two of the ‘cases’ of many involving domestic violence. Thousands of women visit emergency rooms across America, each year at the hands of their abusive partners. Out of fear and shame, a great deal go undocumented.  
Some important Red Flags to look for considering domestic violence: When your dating partner … Believes in male/female roles Was violent before you met Is often angry and or has a bad temper Blames others for what he or she has done Deflects to take steer the focus away from them self and place blame on another Grew up in a violent/abusive home Is jealous Lies compulsively Is highly possessive Violent mood swings
Some vital statistics: • While domestic violence also affects men, for obvious reasons eighty-five percent of the victims are women. • Every nine seconds in the US a woman is assaulted. • Globally, one in every three women is beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused during their lifetime. Often, the abuser is a member of woman’s own family. • Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women - more than auto accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.                                                                                                                                                       • Studies suggest that up to ten million children witness some form of domestic violence annually. • Nearly one in five teenage girls who have been in a relationship stated a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup. • On average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends.  **Waiting to hear from Ramona • Annually, domestic violence victims lose nearly 8 million days of paid work in the US alone -the equivalent of thirty-two thousand full-time jobs. Many ask why women stay in such volatile relationships?  It is essential to stop blaming the victims of abuse. Victim blaming only makes the abused feel more ashamed and afraid to seek help. We must remember every situation is different. Abuse usually starts gradually. Many reasons exist as to why victims do not leave their abusive partners: financial, children involved, thinking how to provide for them, isolation from family and friends, and, most importantly, fear of retaliation. Some victims also believe they can do no better than whom they are with. It is long overdue. We need to hold abusers accountable for their actions. No one deserves to be abused: verbally, mentally or physically. So, where does Brittany’s Law fit in? Currently, it is the only bill introduced offering preventive measures against domestic violence. Most laws and programs in place help victims once abuses have taken place. In other words, the damage has already been done. Nine states have similar laws in place. What is Brittany’s Law? --- A bill which would create a registry stating any man or woman convicted of a crime relating directly to domestic violence. Once paroled, the newly released felon would be placed into an electronic database. Similar to Megan’s Law, the registry would have three tiers: third being reserved for the worst offenders. The level of the offense would determine the length of time the offender must be registered.
Many know that I have been working diligently with Senator Mike Nozzolio and Assemblyman Brian Kolb   the past 7 years trying to get Brittany’s Law / Domestic Violence Prevention Act become law. I have also worked on occasion with Assemblyman Bob Oaks, Senator Cathy Young, and other key legislators in Albany. The bill has made it through the senate six years straight with overwhelming support only to see it stall in committee in the State Assembly. What prompted me to pursue this legislation? In November 2009, my thirty-four-year-old daughter, Helen Buchel, and twelve-year-old granddaughter, Brittany Passalacqua, were brutally murdered by Helen’s boyfriend John Brown. Significant flaws were exposed. Had the laws which initially governed parolees been enforced, this tragic event may not have occurred. For example, parole officers had been told by their superiors not to re-violate parolees. This practice was implemented to alleviate overcrowding in prisons and save tax dollars. This at the expense of Helen, Brittany, and countless others. I was informed that John Brown was not allowed anywhere near his biological children from a previous marriage. Yet he was allowed to move in with my daughter and her underage children. Had the system performed the way it was initially intended, my girls. Were their lives less precious in the eyes of the division of parole? This has been a question that kept nagging at me! John Brown went before his parole officer, the day before he killed Helen and Brittany to discuss his continued violations. On this visit, it had been decided John would be given a “Get-out-of-jail-free” card if he were to work for them as an informant once his parole had been completed. In my opinion, something was seriously wrong with the system. Drastic changes needed to be made. I decided to act.  After a few emails, Senator Nozzolio contacted me to discuss the details of what had taken place.   Knowledge is power. The Senator and I both felt that the citizens have the right to know all sex offenders around us, therefore, we need to have the tools to access a felon’s violent history as well.  Some suggest that these felons have served their time, but victims and family members never get that opportunity. Those injured and or who have perished at the hands of violent felons do not get the luxury of parole. Their fate is permanent. This past legislative session, we honestly believed there was a good chance of finally getting this bill to the assembly floor for a vote. As this was Senator Nozzolios last year in office, he was finally given a reason for the constant stall in the assembly.  The Democrat majority believed the term “violent felon” was too broad. To appease them, we decided to go with their wording of the bill they were pushing. The original bill from 7 years prior had been was chopped considerably.  The bill, as written now, pertains to anyone who committing a crime directly related to domestic violence, even though the percentage of violent offenders to abuse their partners is in the high seventy percentile rate. If this is what it took to get this law on the books we would settle with what the Democrats wanted, anything to get this law on the books. It is often mentioned by State Legislators that citizens are already able to access a felon’s history on the New York States Department of Corrections website under” Inmate Lookup.” In order to accomplish this, you will need not only their name but their date of birth. Once accessed the information is vague. In my daughter, Helen’s case, when she sought information on John Brown the description only stated “Felony in the 2nd “.  There was no mention made of what the charge or felony conviction was.  John Brown told Helen he was in prison for getting into a bar-room brawl protecting a woman. He made it sound as if it were a commendable act; a protector of woman.  It was a blatant lie to make himself look good in the eyes of my daughter. While in prison felons become masters at lying and manipulation.  I know of two others who have used the same line.  They know the right buzz words to use.  The actual offense John Brown was convicted of was throwing his infant child into a wall causing irreparable brain damage. There was no mention of child abuse either. Had she have had the tools to be privy to this information, my daughter would never have dated this vile individual. Senator Nozzolio and I were confident that Brittany’s Law was going to get passed into law. It was his last year in office, and six and half tireless years of making necessary and unnecessary adjustments, Brittany’s Law was finally going to be law. Then the unthinkable happened…
An official memo was released by the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence. (NYSCAD). In bold letters it stated… Protect Rights. Promote Justice. Prevent Domestic Violence. The memo went on to state why they were against Brittany’s Law and were lobbying against its passage. Why after all this time were they speaking out against it? Why would they not want to join forces and get Brittany’s Law on the books?  Not only was it the first time the coalition spoke against the bill, it was also the year Speaker Sheldon Silver was no longer there to block it from going to the Assembly floor for a vote.  Without his power and influence, it would seem NYSCADV was nervous about getting their funding cut. NYSCADV gets taxpayer dollars from the State of New York to house and care for victims of abuse once the abuse takes place.  It then redistributes funding to various counties, according to needs.  It is an organization which deals with victims after the fact. It does not prevent them from occurring.  From the memo, I will quote two of the main reasons given for not wanting Brittany’s Law passed. 1st quote: “Strongly oppose the Senate’s proposal for the creation of a domestic violence offender registry.  A registry would create harmful unintended consequences for the victims and their families and would DIVERT FUNDING away from survivor support systems.” We called the members of the Senate that voted no on the bill, with the drastic change in the bill the members could no longer say the bill was too broad, this year everyone who voted no quoted this line “A registry would create harmful unintended consequences for the victims and their families” except for the clause “Divert Funding”. What the NYSCADV failed to mention to the members of the assembly is that the threat already exists for the victim.  Any time a victim calls 911 or requests an order of protection the victim fears retaliation. Fear of being beaten or even death.  For this reason, I proposed to Senator Cathy Young, who will be taking over the bill in the 2016-2017 session, that we make an amendment to the bill to enforce stiff penalties for any type of retaliation upon the victim. 2nd quote: “Support the Assembly’s proposal to create a NYC family eviction prevention housing supplement program that includes survivors of domestic violence.”   New York City was mentioned twice in their memo.  They seem to have forgotten Upstate NY even exists. I’m not suggesting the NYSCADV does not do good things for victims of abuse. What I am saying is that all their programs are for post abuse, not preventative.  Housing victims of abuse are commendable, however, there isn’t enough being done to prevent it from happening in the first place. Education and tougher laws are key to ending domestic violence. Also, the NYSCADV has asked the State of New York for fifty million dollars for supportive housing projects.  Will most of these taxpayer’s dollars be applied to downstate projects? Is it that the NYSCADV is afraid of losing funding if Brittany’s Law passes?  Most, if not all shelters in the state are only able to house victims for up to three months. That is not enough time to break the cycle of abuse in a woman’s life. After the time is up, where is she likely to go? Back to the abuser she left, especially if children are involved and she has no car and no sustaining employment.  The only thing some woman accomplish after three months away is angering their attacker. The vicious cycle worsens. To read Senator Nozzolio’s response to NYSCADV click here: Where does the bill stand in this new legislative year? As in previous years, we must start from square one all over again. In the Senate, it must pass through both the Codes and Finance committees before going before the full Senate for a vote.  Unfortunately, because of the additional committees, it’s usually early June before it gets the vote of the Senate. It isn’t unheard if a bill is voted on after the session closes, but the Assembly Speaker would have to surpass the committee where the bill always stalls. How may you help? Below is a list of Assembly members to contact to voice your support for the bill.   If there are victims out there that would like their story told, please email me at the link below.  Your name would never be released without your consent!
Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie                                               [email protected]                                       718-654-6539 – NYC 518-455-3791 – ALB
Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell [email protected] 212-866-3970 – NYC 518-455-5603 – ALB
Assemblyman Brian Kolb [email protected] 315-781-2030 – GVA 518-455-3751 – ALB
Assemblyman Bob Oaks [email protected] 315-946-5166 – Lyons 518-455-5688 - ALB
For more information, please visit our website. The website will give you more information and another view on the response from NYSCADV. You can click here to go to Brittany’s Law website.
I would like to thank Senator Mike Nozzolio and Assembly Brian Kolb for the unyielding work they have done to bring this bill to law.  Mike’s determination has been relentless and everlasting, and no matter when it gets passed he will be considered an integral part of the passage of the bill.  As Senator of our region, he will be missed greatly. Even though his term is near to the end for him, he is still in contact with his colleagues about this bill.  Because of a recent conversation he had with Wayne County Sheriff Barry Virts, we now have Wayne County Sheriff’s Department on board with our fight. I would also like to thank Sheriff Barry Virts, and Brittany’s Paternal grandmother, Joan Tandle for all the help she has given, and Thomas and Linda Randolph for all the work they have done for the past two years and Chris and Kevin Retzer. There are too many members on social media who have stood by me and pushed me along when at times I felt like giving up.  To all of you, thank you doesn’t seem adequate. For the hotline number of your local domestic violence program call the New York State Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-942-6906. This is a multi-language number.  For the hard of hearing or deaf call 711.
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