#hetalia bakery au
faintvibes · 2 years
Bakery AU: Electric Boogaloo
drops this
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Explanation under the cut!
Every now and then, as is the circle of life, I inevitably come back and redesign/generally remake my bakery au, so I humbly offer its latest reincarnation.
The general premise is that a bunch of dead nations (incl Prussia, because he doesn't live through the cold war this time round) try a risky experiment that's meant to bring them back to life- and it does! But they get reincarnated as humans, with no memory of their lives as nations. The remaining Nation Energy they have joins them together in their new lives through a telepathic link.
The story mostly centers around Beilschmidt Bakery- a business in Magdeburg that Almaric's (Germania's) parents decided to purchase above other candidates because of the coincidental (or so they thought) name match-up. In reality, this is a business Prussia established in the 1880s that he largely left up to locals to run, but would take Germany to as a young boy as an escape from politics. (Germany has not visited it since Prussia's death- but once he does, he's in for a surprise!)
Almaric and Gilbert work at the bakery full-time, with the plan being that Gilbert will one day inherit it. Kallisto, Navid, and Ixchel (Ancient Greece, Ancient Persia, and Thule- an Inuit culture originating in Alaska that spread across Canada for 600 years). Jules and Hazael (Knights Templar and Hospitaller) are Gil's friends from high school, who work part-time at the bakery to help pay for their education to become a music therapist and paramedic respectfully.
**I'm aware, by the way, that Ixchel isn't an Inuit name, but rather a Mayan one! There is a reason for this, both in her nation life and human one!! It's difficult to explain without going into my whole perspective on Indigenous Nations in the Americas- so I'll just say that in her human life, she's named after someone her parents were friends with but lost contact, and this is similar but not the same as the story about her name in her prior life. Hopefully that makes sense :)
Of those not working at the bakery: Romulus (Ancient Rome) is a Roman archaeologist and as a result travels a lot, Lotte (Ancient Gaul) is the Director of the Royal Archives in the Netherlands, and so lives in the Hague, Ephraim (Ancient Judea) works as a history conservator at the Jewish Museum Berlin, and Nermin (Ancient Egypt) travels the globe searching for answers on why they're Like That.
As for why Prussia dies: I'm running with the theory that Prussia becomes East Germany in canon- and that he does not in this au, but everyone assumes he does since he doesn't die/fade/whatever immediately upon becoming dissolved. In reality, his survival is due to being used to changing nature (another headcanon of mine, but I'm of the perspective- first of all, that Prussia was originally the Baltic Prussians- that the representative of the Baltic Prussians, rep of the Teutonic Knights, rep of the [independent] Prussia, and rep of the Prussia that's part of Germany all required reps of entirely different natures. Baltic Prussia/Old Prussia was a collection of tribes operating under one culture but never one organisation, meaning the representative would be more like the ancients typically were, residing over a culture but not one specific nation/tribe/organisation of people. Holy orders like the Teutonic Knights organised in small pockets within countries and territories, so being the representative of that is, again, different. And then, of course, being an independent, fully-fledged nation is another form of representative. And being a representative of territory within a nation is different again. So Prussia (the person) is clearly an adaptable little gremlin and hard to kill, even when he probably should have been- long aside over!) which means that even though he no longer represents a territory, people, or culture, he exists anyway because fuck you. Rather, he adapts to being your average everyday human, losing his immortality and boosted healing factor- but this isn't something immediately noticeable. It IS noticeable, however, when he dies and doesn't eventually get back up again. And starts decaying away.
Russia buried the body and never told a soul what happened. The rest of the world continued thinking Gilbert, as East Germany, was just trapped behind the iron curtain. This fell apart with the Berlin Wall, when Russia just would not cough him up. It became quite clear Russia did something- but no one knew what. Even the other Soviet states hadn't a clue, just that he'd disappeared years ago and no one ever saw him again. Most of them thought he probably escaped, though Russia didn't react as though he'd escaped, because it seemed like the most reasonable explanation. Now, it was clear that Russia had done something- and, they believed, still doing something, because it's not like nations die permanently when they still represent something. The reunification of Germany was partly out of the hope that it would put him out of his misery- though the thought that he might be alone and suffering, somehow managing to survive, continues to haunt Germany.
As a funky little bonus, here's the last time I made a reference for this au:
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Left most of the lads as heads this time because I knew that I don't have the energy to do all of them rn.
*Ixchel has the funky little aura thing going on because in this version they all had individual powers, and hers just happened to project outwardly. Mithridates (to memory) is Navid- except the name felt a bit too on the nose, and I didn't realise Ancient Persia had a rep until I came back to the project this time around, so a lot of changes on that front. (Same with Ancient Egypt!)
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reroscherries · 5 months
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Hey gaymers
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koolkat9 · 2 years
GerEng Week 2022: Day 7
Prompt: Baking/Bakery || Family
Pairing: GerEng
Rating: T
Word Count: 1020
Something Sweet
Ludwig never thought he’d see Arthur again. The two had gone to high school together, but Arthur had been two years older. Though age separated them, that hadn’t stopped Ludwig from falling for him in his second year while Arthur was in his final.
Ludwig had written it off as a childhood crush. Arthur was older, cooler, could sing, and was quite the charmer when he wanted to be. It was only natural Ludwig’s young heart fell for him. But after Arthur graduated, Ludwig never saw him again. He thought about him from time to time, but by the time Ludwig was graduating, Arthur was but a memory.
But here he was, behind the counter of a bakery of all places. His hair had long lost its green colour, showing the natural blond that had been underneath, but his eyes were still as bright and striking as the day Ludwig last saw him. His features had become sharp since then, and, in a moment, Ludwig fell hard for him again.
“Ludwig? Is that you?” Arthur asked when he spotted him.
A smile grew on Arthur's face. “How the hell are ya? You out of high school yet?”
“I just graduated last year.”
Arthur shook his head. “Good lord, time sure flies.”
Ludwig nodded along. His throat was dry, and he didn’t trust his voice right now.”
“So what can I get for you?”
“J-Just a coffee,” Ludwig stuttered out.
“Could I interest you in a pastry or cookie?” Arthur gestured to the array of baked goods on display.
Ludwig grimaced. Arthur was notorious for his poor cooking skills, burning everything he ever tried to make. But the baked goods looked edible. Good even. “Uh…I-I guess.”
“Okay.” Arthur threw him a grin. “And don’t worry about paying, it’s on the house.”
“Arthur I couldn’t–”
“For an old friend.”
Ludwig’s heart skipped a beat. Friend. He’d hardly call them that, but it was touching. “O-Okay.”
With his coffee and pastry in hand, he took a seat near the window. Arthur kept stealing glances at him but looked away whenever Ludwig met his eyes. It made Ludwig’s face heat up.
He cut off a piece of what looked like an apple crumble. Arthur was staring at him again, eyes shining. Cautiously, Ludwig took a bite. His eyes shot open. It was delicious. Warm, just the right amount of cinnamon, it was the closest crumble he’d called perfect. He turned back to Arthur and gave him a thumbs up.
Arthur quickly looked away, blushing and scowling. One of Arthur’s brothers had joined him. The youngest, if his stature and unruly red curls were anything to go by. He must have said something since Arthur shoved him back into the kitchen.
Ludwig snickered before going back to enjoy his coffee and crumble.
It wasn’t long before Ludwig became a regular at Arthur’s bakery and cafe. It wasn’t far from his university, so it was the perfect place to hang out between classes and get something to eat. And the company was even better.
Arthur and Ludwig were never friends, but the way Arthur always seemed to stop and chat made it seem like they had always been close. It was…nice actually. Arthur was just as awkward as him so they clicked. It also helped that they shared a lot of interests such as music and baking. Arthur had even invited him to come in one evening and he’d teach him a few recipes.
Everything was going well. Except for one thing. Whenever he and Arthur would be chatting, someone was always watching.
Dylan, the eldest of the Kirkland siblings and the only one Arthur seemed to get along with. He was also the cheeriest and kindest, not having the rough edges like the rest. But something just as troubling seemed to be lurking underneath that soft smile.
Whenever Ludwig caught him staring, a chill went up his spine as soon as their eyes met. It came to a head one day when Arthur had to excuse himself to receive a delivery. Dylan had come to join him at the table.
“You like him, don’t you?” Dylan asked, voice cool and low. Nothing like the warm gentleness he was known for.
“You like Arthur.” Ludwig felt his face burn.
“S-So what if I do?”
“He likes you too.”
“Yeah right.”
Dylan smiled, though something was clearly bubbling behind it. “He does. I’ve never seen him smile that much with anyone. Or eagerly talk like he does. He won’t shut up about you, but he doesn’t want to lose you.” He leaned in closer. “So…If you choose to pursue him, don’t you even think about hurting him because if you do–”
“Shut your trap Dylan,” Arthur hissed, smacking his brother on the back of the head. “Stop scaring my potential boyfriends.”
Dylan pouted up at his brother. But when Arthur glared at him, he trudged into the back, head hung low in shame.
Arthur turned back to Ludwig. “Don’t mind him. He likes to baby me.” Ludwig gave him a strained smile.
“It’s fine. My brother is the same way. Still…It’s a bit of a shock, I always saw him as the nicest out of you.”
“Rude,” Arthur scoffed.
“Ah…I-I’m sor–”
“I’m just teasing. I know Dylan is the nicest out of us, but he’s also the most overprotective, not just because he’s the eldest, but also because he’s not afraid to show how much he cares for us.”
“I see.” Honestly, the more Ludwig thought about the whole ordeal, the more this sounded like Gilbert whenever they discussed Ludwig’s romantic life.
“But I feel terrible,” Arthur went on, “How about I treat you to dinner for putting up with him?”
“I’d like that.”
Arthur smirked. “Then it’s a date.”
Ludwig swore he was going to die with the way his heart seized up. Luckily he was able to excuse himself for class before he combusted. But as he walked back to campus, he felt lighter, giddy and was looking forward to their date. But first, there was some planning to do.
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gerfraweek · 2 years
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Prompts for Gerfra week 2023
Day 1 : Enemies (to friends) to lovers / Language
Day 2 : Political/EU themed / Teasing
Day 3 : Historical hetalia / Pining
Day 4 : Coffee/flower/tattoo/bakery/etc shop / Dancing
Day 5 : Bodyswap / Confessions
Day 6 : Jealousy / Drunkness
Day 7 : Office AU/working together / Hurt/comfort / Free day
You can find the rules for the event here.
For any question you may have, feel free to contact us through our ask box !
@hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @nsfhetalia
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lord-of-tomatoes · 2 years
Hetalia bakery au.....
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gerswe · 3 months
2024 Events
Apr 7-13 : aphfrukweek | found here
Why can’t I hate you? | Roses & flowers
Anniversary | Memory lane
Please don’t say you love me | Vulnerability
Pirates | Outfits
Detectives | Domestic | Music
How to cheat death | Reunited
Apr 13- ? : hwsrazzledazzle 's historic hetalia anthology | found here (yet)
Apr 20-26 : spaus-week | found here
Cuddles | Bakery au | "Tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway"
Written in the stars | Lawyers au | "But none of those gems shine brighter than your eyes"
Frogs | Alice in Wonderland | "Wow, you're doing a great job. I almost thought that kiss was real"
Unspoken words | King & knight au | "When on earth was the last time you even fit into that?"
Pining | Mythology au | "I'll never forget what you looked like on that night"
Arrangement | Musicians au | "Bella gerunt alli, tu felix Austria nube"
Jun 24-30 : hetaberia-week | found here
Celebration | Food
Wine | Secret agents
Ocean | Flowers
Fate | Mythology
Coffee | Family
Fantasy | Historical
Warmth | Eternity
Free day to replace any prompt
Jun 30-Jul 6 : amechuweek | found here
Travel | Sightseeing | Explorers
Actors | Hollywood
Spies | Secret Agents
Family | Domestic
Classmates | College | Study abroad
Folk tales | Hero’s journey | Chance encounters
Jul 21-27 : summertalia-event | found here
Summer vacation in Brazil | "There's nothing better to heat things up than spicy food"
An underwater city | "I knew she was going to be the ruin of me...a mermaid"
Sand sculpting tournament | "Hurry! The fireworks are about to start!"
Turtle, sea otter, whale, parrot | "Captain! Something strange is caught in our net!"
Shipwreck after a battle | "He swears like a sailor"
Hiking trails | "I never say no to ice cream and piña coladas"
Jul 28 - Aug 3 : aphcardverse-week | found here
You Can't Fight Fate - oracle | prophecy | "I'm not supposed to be here."
You Should See Me In a Crown - coronation | celebration | chosen one
Someone Bless These Seeds I Sow - garden | fairies | rot
You Are the Peak and Art of My Universe - true love | hidden talents | "We can't always get what we want."
Baby, We Were Born to Run - chains | ritual | failure
Don't Tell Me 'Cause It Hurts - torn apart | heartbreak | "It was supposed to be you."
Aug 5-11 : usukweek | found here
Road trips | Fantasy | Fairytales
Time | Pirates | Mermaids
Early morning | Historical
Reversed tropes | Nyo
Arranged marriage | Cardverse
Music | Video games
Aug 11-17 : hetalia-rarepairweek | found here
History | Mythology
Royalty | Wedding
Apocalypse | Saying good night
Secret relationship | Love songs | Letters
Raising a family | Nature
Based on a movie | Flower language
Aug 18-24 : germanbrosweek | found here | overall theme as dark academia
Diary | "That's an invasion of privacy!"
Mentor and pupil | "I think you're finally ready to use what you've learned"
Studying | "I always feel like I'm being watched in here, and not cause of the other students”
Late night | "Did you hear that?"
Hidden | "Whoever hid this, hid it for a very good reason"
Experiments | "This is a mistake"
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noperopesaredope · 3 years
Fics That I Really Like A Lot
So, I just wanted to make a post uplifting some really great fics I’ve read/am subscribed to or still keeping up with. I like to let people know about other creators, and I just wanted to mention some works I think people should check out.
(Note, this post was made on Sep 2, 2021, so when I say something is recent, I mean compared to when I made this post)
Tangled the Series Fics (Mostly Varian Fics):
Walls of Stone (Finished)
Varian and Whumptober 2020 (Series) (Finished) (Sidenote; I really like this author in general, but there is just so much great whump and extreme angst in this series! Says they are but a humble freshman, but I say they are a very skilled freshman!)
How Pneumonia Stopped a Stubborn Alchemist from Descending into Villainy (Finished)
Screw Treasure, I got Trauma (Finished)
Tangled One-shots (Series) (Finished? I Think?)
Voluntary Manslaughter (Finished)
I’ll Always Lend an Ear (Finished)
Drown Your Past, Burn your Future (Series) (Unfinished, but still going strong)
Scars of a Child (Series) (Unfinished)
Unrelenting Silence (Finished)
Where was the happily ever after? (Finished? Unsure)
All our Dreams (Down the Drain) (Unfinished)
Not All Falling Stars Grant Wishes (Finished)
Alchemy Lullaby (Series) (Finished)
Insignificant (Finished)
Second Chances (Almost finished)
The Pawn Decides Its Fate (Finished)
Unsaid Emily (Finished)
Today, Today (Finished)
The Pride in Your Eyes (Unfinished, but still somewhat new)
Monster (Finished)
You Are Enough (Finished)
An Alchemist’s World (Unfinished, but the first four chapters could definitely work as a standalone fic, so, in my eyes it’s finished)
Too Smart for Your Own Good (Unfinished, going strong)
To find the Sundrop (Unfinished)
There’s More in You (Unfinished)
The Science of Love (Unfinished, going very strong)
Season 2 But Gayer (Unfinished, going strong-ish)
On My Honor (Series) (Unfinished, going extremely strong with consistant updates)
A Prince and His Bodyguard (Series) (Unfinished, going strong)
Rocks, Wolves, and the Moon (Series) (Unfinished, going strong)
Return to Me (Unfinished, going strong)
Perilous Night (Unfinished, possibly discontinued, but worth a bit of the read)
Nomad (Unfinished, author is working on multiple projects, so IDK)
No Reward for Second Place (Unfinished, but fairly new and somewhat well updated)
Oath of the Lawbreaker (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
New Quest for Varian (Unfinished, fairly new)
My Dear Son (Unfinished)
Insignificant (Finished)
Indentured (Unfinished, same author as Nomad)
Enter the mind, remove the sins (Unfinished, going pretty strong)
Darkness exists to make the light truely count (Unfinished, going strong. Updated about every month or two, with consistency)
Creeping Crystals (Unfinished, but going somewhat strong)
Blood of My Brother (Unfinished, going as one of the strongest in its fast updates)
Cyclorama (Finished) (Companion to Blood of My Brother)
Chemistry in Motion (Unfinished)
Away from Home (Unfinished)
Alone? (Unfinished-ish)
It’s just a mild inconvenience (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
Gauze in the Wound (Unfinished, pretty consistent last I checked)
Blood Makes the Knife Holy (Series) (Unfinished, but each part could work as their own fics, and it’s still going)
A Progression of Events (Unfinished)
He Needs Me (Unfinished, going strong)
Or So They Though (Unfinished, going pretty strong)
The Long Road Back to Home (Unfinished, hasn’t been updated in a bit, but is pretty long and each chapter could take about a couple months to finish, and even longer if the creator is stuck/has other fics. Still worth the read)
The Road Home (Different) (Unfinished)
Reunion at Sea (Unfinished, going strong)
Elements of Angst (Unfinished, probably updated soon)
Arson (Unfinished, every time it think that maybe it’s been discontinued, it comes back)
Unconventional Family (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
To find the Sundrop (Unfinished)
Wayward AU (Comic) (Unfinished, pretty consistent)
RWBY (Mainly Oscar Fics):
It’s Venomous (Finished)
Will you stand and be brave or be broken? (Finished)
Oscar Gets Himself a Coat (Finished)
Who You Belong To (Finished)
Imperfect Light (Finished)
Shell (Finished)
Blood on Both Hands (Finished)
Tell Me that I am a Fool (Finished)
If i believed in destiny i'd have to hunt it down and punch it in the face (Series) (Unfinished, can have the occasionally long hiatus, but the creator comes back)
Is Oscar okay? no but the answer is b (Finished)
Running From Memories (Finished)
Rescue Me (Unfinished)
Souls of Love and Bravery (Unfinished, relatively consistent updates)
Revert To Last Save File (but it's the wrong file) (Unfinished, but still going)
Broken Body and Souls (Finished)
Camp Camp:
David’s Family (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
Horror Camp (A little too much child whump for me, but it’s very whumpy) (Unfinished)
Inconvenience (Unfinished)
Still Here (One of my favs) (Finished)
Hetalia (Mainly America and Canada Centric):
Recovering the Broken Pieces (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
Hetalia 2020 - WWIII and more (Unfinished)
(More fics in the crossover section)
She-ra (Quite a few Kyle ones):
The Chronicles of Kyle (Unfinished)
Sunflowers (Finished)
She-Ra: In the Wake (Unfinished)
Princesses and co. work through their issues (Unfinished)
What is Heard (Cannot be Unheard) (Finished)
Long Way Home (Unfinished)
The Hollowed of Etheria (Discontinued. For now at least. Author might revamp it)
Hordak and the Orphans of the Horde (Unfinished)
Big Sis (Finished)
Ex-Horde (Finished? Pretty good on its own though)
Prisoner of Conscience (Unfinished, still going strong)
Tales of Arcadia (Mostly Douxie Fics):
The Immortal Bonds (Unfinished, going strong)
I Can Make RotT So Much Worse (Unfinished, going strong)
Not After 900 Years (Finished)
A Different Path (Finished)
Half-Remembered (Finished)
Shattered Timelines (Unfinished, going strong)
In the Fullness of Time (Unfinished, updated recently)
One Last Time (Unfinished, updated recently)
Tales of Arcadia Watch Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans (Unfinished)
Crossover Fics:
Sold (TTS/HtTYD) (Finished) (Author is really good at angsty oneshots that should be made into full fics)
Varian’s Mysterious Transport (TTS/Infinity Train) (Unfinished, unexpected updates)
Of Rocks and Robots (TTS/Big Hero Six) (Series) (Unfinished, very consistent)
(Like the moon) I'll sway the tide and lead you astray (TTS/HtTYD) (Unfinished, haven’t read in a while)
Heathers and other fandoms react to stuff (Multifandom Crossover Fanfiction) (Unfinished, confusing update schedule, not every fandom gets much spotlight, still incredibly fun)
Chemistry in Motion (TTS/Big Hero Six) (Unfinished)
The Weight of Both Worlds (Hetalia/RWBY) (Series) (Finished) (My favorite fic ever)
Infinity (Hetalia/BNHA) (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
G8 china in UA, 1-S class! (Hetalia/BNHA) (Unifinished, possibly dicontinued)
That Which Makes Up This Land (Hetalia/ATLA) (Unfinished, author is editing and reposting all their series, which could take about a year, but it will be back)
A Waterbending Quirk (ATLA/BNHA) (Unfinished, going strong)
Other Fics:
Earth is Odd Enough (Sanders Sides) (Unfinished)
UA Faculty Tiktok OCs (BNHA) (Webtoon) (Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63lWYueDsek&t=208s, she’s amazing) (Unfinished. The Tiktoks, on the otherhand, are very much still going)
Harry Potter and the Lack of Lambsauce (Harry Potter) (Finished)
Grinch x Tony the Tiger (You know) (Unfinished)
Flowey is Not a Good Life Coach (Undertale) (Finished)
It Wears a Mask (MCU Spiderman) (Finished)
A Different Fate (Harry Potter) (Finished)
A crack in the glass (eye) (ATLA) (Finished)
Identity Saga (MCU Spiderman) (Series) (Unfinished, author is very dedicated to fic and is incredibly determined to finish it, so highly unlikely to be discontinued)
Bakery Enemies AU (Miraculous Ladybug) (Comic) (Unfinished, going strong)
Authors I Like:
AquaQuadrant aka @aquaquadrant (probably know them if you’re in the Varian fandom. Ridiculously talented)
bethhigdon (in the TTS fandom and the Big Hero Six fandom, but also other stuff)
Cate_9xBlue aka @cate-9xblue (known best for their TTS fics)
Royalsciencenerd (Writes amazing TTS Varian fics)
HoneyxMonkey aka @honeyxmonkey (Writes TTS fics and talks a lot about Tales of Arcadia on their blog. Has some great ideas)
Sand_wolf579 (Has a large and varied catalogue)
ExploretheEcccentricities aka @exploretheeccentricities (Lots of TTS fics)
ShadowSnowdapple aka @shadowsnowdapple (RWBY Oscar fics that are amazing)
Widowfics (Great TTS writer)
AMax76 (Wrote the amazing Blood of My Brother)
violetsaren_tblue (has some great TTS fics I like)
Time Traverser (Excellent Hetalia America and Canada Fics)
Aloneintherain aka @captainkirkk (Just started reading their stuff, SO many excellent Spider-Man fics)
So yeah, just giving some appreciation for all the fic creators out there and their creations!
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fizzycherrycola · 3 years
[Hetalia] Grocery Market AU!
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I couldn’t focus, so I wrote out this Hetalia AU idea that’s been living in my head rent-free. If I missed your fave, I’m sorry! My insomnia has been acting up lately. Send an ask if you want me to explain my reasoning, have questions, etc. 🍞 Bakery: France, Belgium 🍅 Produce: Cuba, Spain, Romano, Indonesia 🍛 Hot Food Counter: China, Turkey, India, Italy 🍖 Meat & Deli: America 🐟 Seafood Counter: Greece, Japan, Portugal 🌼 Garden Center: England, Macau 🥫 Shelf Stockers: Ukraine, Russia, Indonesia (2nd shift), Slovakia 💵 Cashiers: Poland, Hong Kong, Liechtenstein, Malaysia ✨ Lottery Desk: Seychelles, Taiwan, Vietnam, Monaco 🙂 Free Samples: Canada, Thailand 🧹 Custodians: Lithuania, Latvia  🚚 Shipping: Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland 🛒 Parking Lot: Cameroon, Australia, New Zealand 🚨 Security: Switzerland 💻 Computer Systems: Estonia 🌙 Night Shift: Romania, Bulgaria, Egypt 🔊 Music & Announcements: Korea 📝 HR: Hungary, Czechia, Luxembourg 📸 Marketing: Philippines, Singapore 💼 Legal: Austria 💰 Payroll & Finances: Netherlands 👔 General Manager: Germany 🐻 Store Mascot: Sealand ❓ No one knows what he actually does: Prussia
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{Hetalia Family Week 2021} Day 2: Fluff - RoBul + Moldova
A/N: Submission #2 for @hetafamilyweek!
This is just gonna be a human AU, with Aurel (Moldova) as a cute kindergarten student, and Vladimir (Romania) and Georgi (Bulgaria) as his guardians :)
I hope you enjoy!
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Vladimir and his boyfriend, Georgi, silently waited by the front doors of Vladimir's little brother's school, waiting for said child to emerge from them after his short day at kindergarten.
After a while, the two saw a turf of brunet hair emerging from the doors, with the blonde kindergarten teacher leading little Aurel to his big brothers, who waved happily at him.
"Vladdy! Georgi!" Aurel shouted in glee as he raced into both of their arms, hugging them each.
Georgi laughed delightfully at the small, energetic child, while Vladimir smiled and patted his brother's small head. "Aurel!" he exclaimed. "Did you have fun at kindergarten today?"
Aurel pulled away a little and nodded vigorously. "Yeah! Ooo, ooo!—" He then plopped his red backpack onto the ground and began to rummage through it. "I made another drawing today! Wanna see it?"
"Sure!" Georgi responded.
Aurel dug through the backpack for a few more seconds before pulling out a piece of paper; he handed it to Vladimir. He looked at it, with Georgi glancing over his shoulder. It was a picture of all three of them—Vladimir to the right, Aurel in the middle, and Georgi to the left—holding hands; Vladimir and Aurel both had overexaggerated long fangs, while Georgi had...something...in his hand. Vladimir couldn't tell what it was until he saw the arrow pointed at the thing, and yogert written above it. He let out a small snort at this, but then looked down at his brother and smiled. "Wow, I love this drawing, Aurel! You think me and Georgi should hang it up in our bedroom?"
Aurel nearly squealed at this. "Yeah!"
Georgi looked over at Vladimir and laughed. The Romanian laughed back, and then glanced back down at his brother. "Okay! We will then."
"Yay!" was Aurel's response. The little boy then grasped one hand with Vladimir and the other with Georgi and the trio began to walk back to the car.
Once they were all there, Georgi helped Aurel into his car seat while Vladimir started up the car; Georgi took his seat next to his boyfriend, who soon began to drive. "Hey," Georgi said to Vladimir, "do you want me to tell him now?"
Aurel must've overheard this. "Tell me what?!" he asked excitedly.
"Sure," Vladimir answered, chuckling.
Georgi turned half of his body around to face the little boy. "Well, me and Vlad decided that since you were such a good boy this whole week, we’re gonna take you to get..." He paused for a few moments for added dramatic effect. "...Ice cream!"
Aurel gasped with delight and his eyes seemed to glisten over. "Really?! Yay!" he exclaimed, beyond happy now. He began to clap and jump around in his seat.
Georgi laughed happily at this. He and Vladimir both knew how much the boy enjoyed sweets. Usually, he was limited to just one dessert after dinner per day since of course, they couldn't have his little teeth rotting with cavities. But, on either Friday or the weekends, they both tried to treat Aurel, typically either taking him to the candy store or the bakery, or sometimes even the ice cream shop twenty minutes outside of their town—though the latter was only reserved for when he was especially good. And Aurel had been, all week. He ate all his veggies at mealtimes, got good notes from his teachers, and tried his best in school. So, to say the least, he deserved the treat.
A little drive and about ten cheesy pop songs later (to which the trio all sang along to happily), they arrived at the shop. They all got out, with Georgi helping Aurel out of his car seat, and went up to the stand. Aurel ran ahead of Vladimir and Georgi, his arms swinging, a big grin on his face. Once at the stand, Vladimir and Georgi ordered a banana split to share and got Aurel a kid-sized chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone.
Carrying their ice creams, the three went to sit at a bench. As he dug his spoon into his banana split, Vladimir glanced down at Aurel out of the corner of his eye, taking a big lick of his ice cream, his eyes lighting up. Vladimir chuckled at this. "Taste good?"
Aurel looked at his older brother and flashed a wide grin and a thumbs up. "Yes!" he tried to say, though he was muffled by all the ice cream that was still in his mouth, which made Vladimir, as well as Georgi, laugh.
The three continued to eat and talk, with Aurel snuggling up close to his brother. He finished his treat rather quickly and, afterward, he crawled into his brother's lap fully, his amber eyes half-closing tiredly. Vladimir wrapped an arm around the little boy as he ate his own dessert and talked with his boyfriend. Once they were done, Georgi went to throw the banana split away. Vladimir looked down again at his little brother, a bit surprised to see him fast asleep. Aurel's eyelashes fluttered lightly as he slept, as if he were having a pleasant dream, and he held onto his big brother's arm tightly, sort of like a little koala. Vladimir smiled sweetly at this sight.
"Hey, Georgi," Vladimir called as the Bulgarian man walked back. Once Georgi laid eyes on him, Vladimir pointed down in his lap at the sleeping Aurel.
Georgi instantly shared the same grin as Vladimir. He sat down and carefully ruffled the top of Aurel's brunet head. "Awww," he sighed out. "Now isn't that something—usually chocolate makes kids hyper," he joked.
Vladimir chuckled and shrugged. "Ah, kid must've had a long day at school." He paused for a moment to give Aurel a kiss on the forehead—the Romanian could've sworn he saw a tiny grin flash on his brother's face as he did that. He turned toward his boyfriend again. "C'mon, we should get going now."
Georgi nodded his head in agreement and stood up. Vladimir did as well, slowly, his arms wrapped tightly around his small brother. The family of three walked back to the car, bellies filled with sweet desserts, all of them feeling very happy indeed on that sunny Friday afternoon.
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years
Paracosm: Honey Love Love ☕( Masterpost/Aesthetic/ Intro)
(While reminiscing about my Hetalia days I came across this Hetalia dating sim I used to be obsessed with and I decided to turn into a paracosm/au!) Here's the game its based in question: (Click ME)
(I don't have a moodboard or trailer for this yet, but I'll prolly edit in one soon..)
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(This based on a rough translation, my Japanese is okay but its not that good but I feel like got a good understanding of the story anyways)
The story:
"Indigo graduated from a vocational school dreaming of becoming a pastry chef, but she couldn't find a job. The staff at the cafe "Regenbogen", who are rich in individuality and nationality, are seeing if she changes her mind about helping out at the cafe. The unfortunate handsome owner Gilbert. Ludwig, a quiet and strong cook. Arthur, a gentleman's tea wholesaler (whose popular with the ladies ohh~), and his younger brother, Alfred, a college student working part-time at Regenbogen, And the extremely mysterious extremely handsome and extremely chaotic, Antonio ... When she meets them, she'll be smitten.  
Can Indigo focus on making sweets or will her heart melt for one of the guys like chocolate?
Who knows where this story will go?"
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Ludwig (Germany)- "The younger brother of the owner, Gilbert. He started making Kuchen, a german sweet, and it really caught on later becoming the selling point of "Regenbogen". Ludwig has gone on to learn more recipes and sweets from his diverse group of friends and hopes to make the bakery a place where one can travel the world one plate at a time. While Ludwig has a sizeable friend group, he's really bad at talking to women, which is why he keeps mostly to himself at work and works in the kitchen in the back, but when Indigo arrives and starts spending just as much time in the kitchen as him, things begin to change."
Gilbert (Prussia)- "The owner of the cafe "Regenbogen", and he's also the face of the cafe as well. The complete opposite of his quiet brother. Gilbert is very loud and boisterous, he's mainly in charge of customer service at the counter, he meets Indigo in a pinch as she just moved to town and is now the cafe's benefactor and has come to save it, because of this action Glibert is very grateful and treats Indigo like the sister he never had. Gilbert always seems to be up to something and cruses regularly, but is his bravado just a mask to hide his true intentions?"
Arthur (England)-"An old friend of Gilbert and Ludwig. He's not officially part of the cafe staff, but he's the one who buys "Regenbogen" tea, and he's even assigned shopkeeper. He's a true gentleman and is very smart. He treats indigo like any other lady he encounters, but when he gets closer, he starts to let his emotional side show a little bit more... "
Alfred (America )-Arthur's younger brother, (to Arthur's embarrassment), He's an active college student, and working at "Regenbogen" is just ONE of his MANY part-time jobs. He was as excited as a young puppy to know that a new person would be joining the staff, Alfred finds Indigo to be cute and likes to tease her about her height and carry her around princess style. While he's a goofy guy, he's willing to protect and defend Indigo at all costs like a true hero!"
Antoño  (Spain) "A mysterious Spaniard, who shows up from time to time when Indigo needs him the most. He's been helping her out ever since she moved to town,  he comes out of nowhere and takes care of her problems in any way that he can. He's a very strange guy and super unpredictable and whenever it seems like indigo is getting to know him a little bit more, he vanishes again!"
Kiku (Japan)-The landlord of the house that Indigo rents from Sadiq. He is an old friend of Sadiq, and cares for  Indigo who lives alone while Sadiq is away on a business trip. No one seems to know how old he is.."
Feliciano ( Italy)- "Old friend of Gilbert and Ludwig. He is a helper in the kitchen of Regenbogen only during busy hours. He is friendly and especially good with women. She has a good sense of cooking in general and gives Indigo advice on everything."
Sadiq (Turkey)- "An old friend of  Indigo's father, whom Indigo has called "Uncle" since she was a child. He advised Indigo, who was lost in her future, to move out and offered her his vacant house as her new home. He is currently on a business trip overseas."
Indigo (Parame)-A young woman who dreamed of becoming a pastry chef, (she even went to school for it too) , despite her small appearance and seemingly soft-spoken nature, she's a hard worker and is super creative. She's pretty patient when comes to making sweets but she's also a perfectionist and will keep making a sweet over and over again until she gets it right! she can be her own worst critic as well and also has a serious presence to her. When not stressed about her baking skills, Indigo's actually quite the jokester in the right mood, in her downtime when she's not practicing her skills, she can be found drawing up ideas for cute sweets (or just drawing in general), she's also a big nerd for anime, manga and video games (mostly visual novels and dating sims, but she does love playing a horror RPG game even now and then), she's also a sucker for cute animals and children, and likes to sit at home and watch cheesy teen dramas while eating a tub of her fave ice cream, cake batter."
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"Regenbogen" which is the German word from Rainbow, the cafe got its name from for all of the vast and wonderful variety of sweet treats it holds from around the country, or at least that's how the owner and staff would like it to be. While Regenbogen does have delicious sweets, its also know to be a very slow cafe since they only have one chef in the kitchen on a regular day, the waiter, while he is friendly, can become easily distracted and sometimes lack tack in the way he starts conversations with guest, while the place does have customer service its not very good,  the owner can be very insensitive to customer's issues and will boast about how awesome he is, instead of actually helping and listening to their problems, he's also known to be very rude and blunt and customers can often hear him spouting inappropriate jokes and cursing. Good looking staff and well-made delicious food doesn't seem to be enough to keep business afloat, it's as if Regenbogen is missing something or more likely missing someone...."
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⁂ That Kind of World (Germany/Ludwig)
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Genre: Fluff, Slice of Life, AU
Word Count: 1,001
Pairing: Reader x Germany
World: Hetalia
Author’s Note: I once saw a picture of Germany in an apron holding a spatula and that’s what inspired this. If you know the original source for the picture, please let me know! I’d love to add a link here c:
You walked down the street towards the new bakery that had just recently opened up in your town. It was rare for you, but you were in the mood for something sweet and, even though the bakery had only been open for a few weeks, it was supposed to carry the best sweets the world had ever tasted.
The bell above the door jingled as you entered and you were happy to find only a few people inside, quietly talking amongst themselves. The bakery wasn’t small, nor was it large, but it couldn’t be considered medium, either. It was probably a bit between small and medium, but it was cozy and warm.
Sugar and freshly baked cake filled the air, swirling with the icing and chocolate chips and various other sugar-filled products. The only unnerving thing was that almost everything was pink, a color you strongly hated. The floors were a marble white, and the tables and chairs were a dark gray. The walls, as pink as most everything else, bore white polka dots.
Just as you reached the counter, a man came out of the back with two plates of cake in his hands. He smiled at you as he passed. “Just one moment.”
You nodded, carefully inspecting the male. He was tall and built, with slicked back blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. His muscles were clearly visible beneath the tight white shirt he wore underneath the red and white plaid apron. He was not the kind of man you’d expect to find in a bakery. In your opinion, he looked more like a solider than a baker.
The man returned to the other side of the counter. “What can I get you?”
You blinked, surprised. You had been so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of pink that you hadn’t noticed his thick German accent. Your dark eyes shifted to the glass case as you inspected the treats. Without looking at him, you spoke. “I’m not big on sweets, so I’m not too sure what’s good. Can you recommend something?”
He stepped forward to lean on top of the case, his blue eyes looking down at the treats in thought. “The strawberry cake is good, just a simple yellow cake with vanilla icing and a couple strawberries on top. The red velvet cake is one of our top sellers at the moment, but the devil’s food cake is not too far behind. What are you in the mood for?”
“Hmmm, devil’s food sounds good. Can you add some extra vanilla icing?” you glanced up at him and felt your heart skip a beat. ‘God this guy is gorgeous.’
He smiled, nodding his head and pushing away from the counter. “Have a seat, I’ll bring it to you.”
You watched as he disappeared into the backroom before taking a seat across from the counter, next to the window. Not even five minutes passed before the blonde appeared at your table, setting down a rather hearty piece of devil’s food cake and a glass of milk.
“Let me know what you think, ja?”
“Sure,” you murmured, watching him once again as he returned to the counter. He grabbed a rag, gently cleaning the counters and re-arranging some of the items behind the case that you couldn’t see. Shaking your head, you picked up the elegantly shaped fork and stabbed the dark treat, shoving it into your mouth.
You nearly groaned. Was this what heaven in the form of food tasted like? You had tasted devil’s food before, but it was nothing compared to this. You glanced at the male again, “Can I ask you something?”
The blonde glanced up from the glass he was drying. “Ja?”
You assumed that meant yes and continued, turning slightly in your chair. “Did you make this yourself?”
He nodded, his lips pulling up into a grin. “Ja, I did. Do you like it?”
“It’s… incredible? No, that’s not it. Amazing? No, no. Hmm,” you looked down at the tabletop, scratching the back of your head. Once you found the words you were searching for, you returned your eyes to his curious blue ones. “To be completely honest here, there are no words to describe how incredible this cake really is. You’re really good at what you do.”
A small line of pink streaked across his cheeks and he looked down, clearing his throat. “T-Thank you.”
“No problem.”
Silence filled the bakery as you continued eating the cake, texting back and forth with your friend as you did so. The blonde kept himself busy with small tasks, but he found himself glancing over at you every few minutes. He couldn’t lie and say that you weren’t interesting. He was drawn to you, curious about you, and wanted to get to know you, but he wouldn’t overstep his boundaries.
The two of you had just met, after all.
“How much is it?” your voice broke the silence and he looked over at you. Your plate was empty, minus a few crumbs and your glass only had a small amount of milk left. You stood in front of the counter, wallet in one hand and the empty plate in the other.
“On the house.”
“Eh?” you blinked in surprise.
“You can pay next time you come for a visit,” he hinted, a small tinge of pink on his cheeks as he sent you a soft smile.
You shrugged, returning his smile. “I have a friend who’s obsessed with cake. I’m sure he’d love to try some of yours. He’s been dying to try this place.” He smiled as you headed for the door, but then you paused and looked over your shoulder. “My name is Y/N.”
“Ludwig,” the named rolled off his tongue, encased in his thick and, in your opinion, sexy accent.
“Ludwig,” you repeated as you walked down the street. Your dislike of sweets had just preformed a three-sixty; you now had a reason to love sweet things – as long as they were products of his creation.
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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ladyinfierno · 4 years
That last one was delightful thank you I 100% would've sent one sooner if I could make up my mind on what to send in, but yay here I am! However..I don't know what ship to pair with this so good luck: 4[/ 5] and 94 (bonus points for lesbians)
Ahhh thank you! ;w; Don't worry, I'm a bit slow filling these prompts anyway :) Also I'm assuming this is for Hetalia, by the timing of the ask
Coffee shop/Bar/Restaurant AU + Hair brushing/Braiding - SpAus
I've been slowly falling in love with this pairing and they came to mind instantly.
Note 1: I know the fandom has Isabel as Spain's name but I'll call her Antonia too because I want people to call her Toña affectionately, there's no other reason behind this decision, please and thank you. María Isabel Antonia Fernández Carriedo, ajúa :v
Note 2: I know Austria has names from Anneliesse to Lieselotte, I'll call her Ro because I'm not well versed in Austrian names and don't want to spend two hours in baby name pages trying to decide.
- First of all: I always imagine Spain making killer desserts in whatever universe there is, so of course we'll start with Antonia being the proud owner of Malagueña, a small bakery/coffee shop that has the best hot chocolate and torrejas combo in the city. Probably the only one, but still.
- The place is small, with a couple tables outside and a lot of potted flowers. It opens early and the owner can be seen sweeping the front of the store still half asleep but dedicatedly. It's only a matter of time until a small line starts forming at the counter, from all those other working souls seeking caffeine to go through their days.
- There's three other people working there divided on morning and afternoon shifts, since the three of them are students and Antonia is flexible with schedules. A Belgian girl studying photography, a Belarusian maths student whose recipe for nalistniki landed her in cooking duty immediately and the high school punk girl with green eyes and big eyebrows that’s really good with beverages.
- Lunch is always the busiest hour of the day, since they're surrounded by small companies and some schools, so she takes cashier duty while helping make orders between customers.
- Then, like clockwork, through the door enters the most beautiful woman Antonia has ever seen. The dark suit is always a different shade between blue and purple, sometimes pants, sometimes pencil skirt and black thighs, and the click-clack of her modest high heels make the Spanish woman's heart speed up.
- Ro, the music teacher at one of the schools surrounding the café, always with that "better than you" kind of attitude that in reality is just a lot of well ingrained manners and etiquette. Her long hair is always braided in some way, small braids at the top, a big one in a bun, one way or another, her hair is always adorned by them.
- By the time she reaches the counter Antonia is already picking out the pastry of the day and the freshly made vanilla coffee she will order, no doubt. Because the best way to get to someone's heart is through their stomachs, right?
- Ro always smiles gently at her and takes her sweet lunch to a corner table by the window. Cue Antonia smiling stupidly at everyone and everything for the next thirty minutes, and sighing longingly after that when Ro leaves, always thanking and smiling at her before returning to school.
- Everyone knows. Everyone and their mother know how head over heels Antonia is, not only her employees or the regular clients, whoever steps in the café and sees that look of absolute adoration in her face can't really deny it.
- But they have to wonder if the other woman feels the same.
- Hint: in this house we don't do unilateral pining.
- Antonia has a brother, who at some point visits her from Portugal and ends up meeting this beautiful Austrian woman who always comes in at the same time, is very polite to his sister and smiles fondly at her from her corner table, her gaze softening... He just has to smack her little sister in the head for not only being obvious, but oblivious.
- Then one day, as every other day, Julchen is there, eating a hot cuernito and leaving crumbs everywhere while waiting for her girlfriend's shift to end. Alice meanwhile is complaining about the blatant stage of denial her boss is in. (If you thought I couldn't slip pruk in this you're wrong.)
- "Just the other day, she came in, took her lunch, and before going back to her table she asked Tonia if she wanted to go to a music concert, something or another about her school's orchestra, and you know what the boss did? She went all 'Ohh, that sounds nice! I'll make sure to spread the word!' Agh! She even asked the lady if she had pamphlets!"
- And in the middle of her laughing (and making an even bigger mess with her food) Julchen stops and asks: "Wait, like the concert my school's orchestra is doing next week?"
- OF COURSE, Julchen who is also a high school student and plays the flute has Ro as her teacher so YES Austria is teaching Prussia how to play and they still bicker like old ladies but one is 17 and the other is 29, please let me have this.
- So she spends the next twenty minutes talking about her very much lovestruck music teacher, who always seemed to be in a better mood after lunch and how she always attributed that to eating pastries (which is not entirely wrong btw) but now she knows is because of Antonia.
- "Look, I'm not even exaggerating. Once I failed every note of a piece on purpose, so I'm waiting there for rage and thunder, and instead she sighs and tells me to take a break, 'go eat something sweet', and dismisses me from practice for ten minutes. She was smiling, everyone was terrified."
- And... they don't know what to do with this new information. Like, should they help two almost-thirty-year-old women get together? The answer is, most likely, yes. But I don't really see them needing a complicated plan, just casual comments like "Oh, Miss Edelstein? Yeah, she's Jules' music teacher, she told me she loves Edelweiss flowers" or "Yeah, my girlfriend works at that lovely coffee shop down the street, I think the owner loves turtle themed things?" Like... not really subtle but they help.
- The day they finally go on a date everyone cries a bit inside of happiness.
- Everything stays almost the same, with the teacher still coming in for lunch and leaving with a soft smile, the busy boss waving animatedly from her place behind the counter, but now, at the end of the shift, there the teacher is again, waiting to "be escorted to her house", as it was previously agreed, apparently. Natalya is the one recounting this the next day to her fellow baristas.
- Final scene: Warm light comes through half opened curtains, the day begins as any other, and the only sound is the content humming of Antonia while her fingers card through thin dark hair, being careful not to tug too hard while keeping the braid in place; today is a neat, thin one in the middle of a half ponytail. She kisses it once it's finished, to make sure it's made with love, and Ro just rolls her eyes and pulls her down for a proper kiss.
On a final note, I made myself hungry while writing this and can't go buy any of the pastries here, hope it goes better for you :'v
Also wanted to put Francis in here but I kept getting war flashbacks from this trio relationship so, maybe he’s the best friend who offers advice or something.
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katemarley · 6 years
fanfiction: a kidnapping at the fair
Fandom: Hetalia - Axis Powers Pairing: PruAus Characters: Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland Rating: T
Summary: Roderich is able to read other people’s minds when he touches their temples. A childhood friend of King Sebastian, he has become a powerful courtier and royal adviser. At the evening of the annual summer fair, he witnesses the kidnapping of Sebastian’s half-sister Erika and tries to prevent it. Gilbert, the royal field marshal, comes to the rescue. Magical/fantasy AU written for Joëlle as part of Creators of Hetalia Discord’s Back to School Exchange.
Also available on my AO3 and fanfiction.net.
Roderich was strolling through rows of busy market stalls with a piece of rolled spit cake with sugar and cinnamon topping in his hand. It was one of his favourite bakeries at this fair and always the first thing he bought. People who recognised his face moved out of his way when he approached. Those who didn’t usually followed suit. They assumed correctly he was a courtier at King Sebastian’s palace from the way he was dressed.
Basch, as he was allowed to call him, his younger sister Erika and Roderich had grown up together. Roderich’s parents were wealthy nobles who lived in the countryside. They had sent their son to the court so he could keep the young prince company. The two of them had always been very different: One a fighter; a serious and diligent squire; always eager to learn everything that seemed useful to govern his kingdom in his later life. The other had been a bookish boy with a special interest in the fine arts. Roderich had always been fairly good with lighter swords but had also been willing to skip any lesson if it meant he could dedicate more time to teaching himself how to play a musical instrument. Music was considered part of a princely education too, but for Roderich, it was what he lived for.
Surprisingly, these two different boys had been able to get along fairly well. Of course there had been arguments and misunderstandings, but overall, Basch was always there to protect Roderich, and Roderich was always there to tell Basch about the things he had learned during a day and to give him a private concert on the instrument he was currently attempting to master.
There was another thing Roderich had discovered about himself while growing up—something that distinguished him from most of the other courtiers. He only realised it the day Basch and Erika got into an argument about a vase. Both insisted they had broken it, almost starting an argument with each other. Roderich had stepped in between in order to calm them, but the moment his hands touched them, he saw how Erika had accidentally pushed the vase to the ground. He also knew Basch was trying to spare her a scolding even though he had no idea why he suddenly had this knowledge.
Now, Roderich wondered if the reaction of those at the fair who recognised him had something to do with the fact that he was known to be a magician—a mind reader. He wondered if they assumed he was able to read their thoughts just as he passed them by and if this was why they kept such a distance between themselves and him.
Roderich shook his head in order to get rid of that thought. He’d better stop over-interpreting their behaviour. They treated any courtier like this, not just him. Well ... anybody except for...
And there he was, kneeling in front of a small pond next to a group of joyful children. His silverish hair almost touched the water as he bowed over the pond with a ladle, trying to catch some fish. The short trousers he was wearing off duty were riding dangerously low, baring half of his round butt. Roderich found himself staring at it for a little too long, mouth dry and definitely interested.
Unfortunately, Gilbert Beilschmidt, King Sebastian’s field marshal, was an obnoxious lout. He let no opportunity pass by to annoy Roderich who, in turn, found it difficult to hold a civil conversation with him that didn’t end in them throwing insults at each other.
Seemingly sensing he was watched, Gilbert made a casual half-turn, grinning at his spectators. Sure enough, there was a freshly caught fish in his ladle. When he spotted Roderich in the group of people watching the game, he raised the ladle with his catch and waved it.
“Hey, Specs! Wanna try it too? Not sure if you’ll manage, though. It’s not as easy as it looks!”
“Thanks kindly, but I’ll give this surely unique opportunity a pass,” Roderich replied, pushing up the pair of glasses on his nose Gilbert had been referring to with his nickname. He didn’t even want to snap at him, but somehow, Gilbert’s whole demeanour provoked this reaction in him.
“Ooh, you’re just afraid to lose against my awesome self in a simple children’s game!” Gilbert cooed. Roderich tsked haughtily, shook his head and turned away. It was a shame that Gilbert was like this as soon as he was in a group of people. He always needed to show off.
In rare moments when they were alone, Roderich had seen a different Gilbert. A Gilbert, for example, who had taught him how to distinguish constellations and what their positions in the sky told them about directions and seasons. Roderich hadn’t been able to memorise all he had learned. He had been distracted by Gilbert’s cool hand on his arm and the warm, fuzzy feeling that had spread through his body as a result. But nothing had come of it. That was, nothing but this annoying little crush on Roderich’s part that resurfaced in the most inappropriate moments.
“Brother!” A broad hand patted him on the shoulder.
“Theodor!” He turned around to his older brother, a general in the royal army. Theo was also wearing off-duty clothes; brown trousers and a white shirt he had opened at the collar. His flaxen hair was tousled and there was a broad grin on his face.
“I heard the food in the main marquee is delicious this year,” Theo told him. “They have excellent beer and even wine!”
“You’re going to get fat!” Roderich scolded, poking at the muffin top around his brother’s waist. Theo swatted his hand away.
“Oh, come on! Summer fair is only once a year! And besides, one of the waitresses is said to be exceptionally pretty...”
“Very well,” Roderich sighed. “Let’s go there and get some food. But let me finish eating my spit cake first.”
“Now, what do you say?” Theodor boxed Roderich lightly. “Isn’t she pretty?” Roderich glanced up with mild disinterest, following the waitress Theo had pointed out to him earlier with his eyes. She had shoulder-length brown hair woven into an elegant chignon hairstyle.
“Yes, she is,” he replied, sighing into the glass of red wine in front of him.
“Come on, what’s the matter?” Theo laid an arm around him with affection. “She’s graceful and pretty. I know she must be your type, but you’re barely even looking at her. Are you lovesick?”
Roderich emptied the glass in front of him in one long gulp. He really didn’t want to talk that over with his brother now, especially not when Theo’s beer breath was unpleasantly wafting towards him. They were already sitting in the marquee for longer than he had intended.
“I thought she was supposed to be your type,” he said eventually.
“And she is,” Theo said. For the shortest moment, Roderich hoped he had distracted his brother, but he continued: “Doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be attracted to her as well. If there wasn’t someone else on your mind already, that is.” He patted Roderich on the shoulder. “Come on, little one. Tell me who it is.” Towards the waitress, he called: “Hello, sweetie, my baby brother needs another glass of wine!”
“It’s someone who isn’t invading my personal space the way you do,” Roderich grumbled. He tried to shake Theodor’s arm off in a half-hearted attempt to gain more space. There was a part of him, however, who craved a little physical support.
“But you wish this someone would get a bit more under your skin,” Theodor guessed.
“Too late for that.” Roderich snorted. “Already got under my skin alright, and it’s so frustrating.” He heard how the little lilt in his tone had become stronger. Time to stop drinking, my friend, he thought to himself. Theo was regarding him with curiosity, waiting for Roderich to tell him more. Roderich hated how willing he had become to spill his secret. A little drowsiness sufficed and he was readily giving away information he managed to stash away safely in his mind for the rest of the time. And this is why I take care never to get drunk, he mused.
“So what’s your problem?” Theo asked. “You look good and you’re smart. Shouldn’t be that difficult to get you laid, should it?”
“But we never even manage to have a meaningful conversation!” Roderich whined. Oh dear, shut up, shut up! You’re going to tell him everything.
“Then get laid first and talk it over second.” Theo shrugged. “Still don’t see where your problem is.”
“Of course not.” Roderich sighed and got up. “I think I’d rather go home now.”
“Oh, Rodi!” Theodor wailed. “It just started to get interesting!”
That’s precisely why I’d rather go now, Roderich thought. But he said nothing.
Oh his way back to the palace grounds, Roderich felt the effects of too much wine wear down on him. Ironically, he rarely ever got drunk but wine made him easily tired. It was the kind of tiredness you might feel while making yourself comfortable before getting to sleep in your own bed. He was fairly sure this was also the reason why it tended to loosen his tongue.
Normally, Roderich wouldn’t even have considered resting outdoors without a blanket to sit on, but his tiredness made taking a short nap under the moonlight seem very appealing. He made himself comfortable under an old oak tree within sight of the palace gates, resting his back against its bark.
Robbers? Wild animals? Roderich was usually overly careful when it came to potential dangers, might they be ever so small. This time, however, he only saw an opportunity to rest at a place that would keep him fairly safe because its large canopy would hide his form in the darkness.
You can’t see the stars from under this tree, he thought drowsily. Dozing, he imagined Gilbert taking him by the hand, guiding him to a spot nearby where you could actually see them. He would point constellations out as he had done the day Roderich had realised the actual Gilbert was no obnoxious show-off. He was passionate about things that interested him; he was able to be serious and responsible; he was … Actually quite sweet, thought Roderich and fell asleep.
“Shhh! Don’t be so loud!”
Roderich stirred. There was noise. Footsteps. A horse was snorting.
He opened his eyes. There were two men carrying what looked like a wool bag. Then one of them tripped and lost his grip on the item he was carrying. He caught himself but part of his load slipped loose.
A leg. Barefoot. Suddenly Roderich was wide awake.
Are they … abducting someone?
“You fool!” someone hissed. “The girl is dazed but not dead! Keep it that way!”
Girl? No, that couldn’t be. This couldn’t be…
And what if it is?
“What are you doing here? State your name and your concerns!”
Roderich hardly recognised his own voice. He hadn’t been thinking this through; otherwise he wouldn’t confront these two individuals. In the end, he was rather cowardly. But…
“Who are you, eh?” The man who hadn’t tripped took one step closer. Now Roderich was able to recognise the person he was holding by the shoulders.
“Erika,” he whispered. Basch’s sister. So it really was her.
“So you know her, eh?” The other man seemed thoroughly unimpressed.
“Your bad,” a third voice said, and his world went black.
The first thing he registered through his daze was that someone—something?—was shaking him. Movement. A carriage? Then his memories were crashing in on him and so was a dull pain at the back of his head. He groaned.
“Oh, thank God, you’re coming back!” Roderich blinked. That was Gilbert’s voice. But what was he doing here—and for how long had Roderich been unconscious?
“What happened?” he asked just to be sure. He hated how weak his voice sounded.
“There was a third guy who hit you over the head with a club. You dropped like a sack of spuds. Then they tied you up and threw you into this cart. Took a lot more care handling the girl, I must say. Guess they just didn’t want blood or a dead body on the road.” Roderich registered how softly Gilbert was speaking, perhaps in case he had a headache. The more the black dots in his field of vision subsided, the more conscious of his surroundings he became. His head was resting in Gilbert’s lap, turned to the side and held in place by warm, dry hands.
How nice this could be under different circumstances, he thought. But as it was, there were no butterflies in his stomach, just a vague feeling of nausea that became stronger the more his consciousness came back.
“I think I’m going to vomit soon.” Wonderful. Those are the words you want to tell your crush, he thought sarcastically.
“That’s okay.” Gilbert pushed his hair back, wiping away cold sweat on Roderich’s front with a handkerchief. “I thought you might.” Roderich would have rolled his eyes if he hadn’t felt so weak. Seemed like he needed to be a little more explicit.
“By that I mean: Can you please help me up and drag me someplace so I don’t throw up inside the cart? Heaven knows for how long we need to stay in here, and I don’t think the smell of my vomit will be such a pleasant companion on our journey.”
“I don’t know if it’s such a good idea for me to move y—” He fell silent. Roderich was already dragging himself into a sitting position which did nothing to calm the sickness in his stomach. Gilbert sighed, pushing back the tarpaulin at the rear end of the cart, allowing moonlight to flicker inside.
“Hold me, please, so I don’t fall off,” he told Gilbert before leaning over the edge of the carriage. Two strong arms wrapped around his chest. Once more, Roderich lamented the circumstances. This could have been so nice if he didn’t feel so sick.
“I’m amazed at your determination to preserve your self-image,” he heard Gilbert’s voice in his ear.
“Honestly,” Roderich said weakly when he was able to speak again. “If I could be as determined about that as I wanted, I wouldn’t be sick in front of other people.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Gilbert produced a flask and a little wooden mug. “It’s just water mixed with beer, but you can rinse your mouth with it.”
“Thank you.” Roderich was touched. How did he never notice Gilbert was such an angel? He knew his feelings were exaggerated, probably, but he was grateful for the basic medical care Gilbert granted him.
“How is Erika?” he asked as soon as his nausea had subsided enough to allow him to think about other people.
“Still unconscious,” Gilbert replied. “Think they drugged her with something that made her fall asleep.” Roderich nodded. He didn’t think this was the time to enlighten Gilbert Beilschmidt that being asleep and being unconscious were two different things.
“And how did you come here in the first place?” Roderich hadn’t thought about this before. Truth be told, he hadn’t questioned much, gaining consciousness in Gilbert’s lap.
“Saw you two get hauled into the cart and needed to check on you.” Gilbert shrugged. “I just jumped into it when it went past me.”
“Do you think we could get off of it in the same way?”
“In your state of health?” Gilbert raised an eyebrow. “Only if you want to break your neck. And not with her while she is still unconscious.” He gestured at Erika with his chin.
“Then I suppose the next step would be to help her gain consciousness,” Roderich replied and leaned over the wool bag that still held Erika. “
He searched his pockets for aromatic salt, a necessity of which he should have thought earlier but didn’t, ironically because he had felt too sick. He held it under Erika’s nose and waited.
“Do you really think that works?” Gilbert sounded doubtful.
“Do you have a better idea?” Roderich raised an eyebrow.
“I have, actually,” Gilbert’s voice said next to his ear again, and he was handed another jar.
“Is that a snuff box, Gilbert?” Roderich’s eyebrow wandered higher.
“Just try it.” Roderich sighed, but he did as he was told and held the snuff under Erika’s nose.
At first there was a short intake of breath. Then several. And then Erika sneezed. Her green eyes opened and started to blink in confusion.
“Woken up by one’s own sneezing,” Roderich said, only half sarcastically. “You’re a genius, Gilbert.”
“I know,” Gilbert said smugly. Roderich didn’t know whether he should slap him or hug him. In the end, he did neither.
“How are you?” he asked Erika.
“I ... don’t know?” She still seemed dazed. “Where am I? What has happened?”
“You’re in a cart,” he explained. “You were abducted.”
“We’re your rescue team.” That was Gilbert, of course.
“Oh?” She sat up. Roderich was worried she would get sick just like him, but she didn’t show any signs of nausea.
“Do you remember what happened?” Roderich asked. “How did you get abducted?”
“I don’t know,” she replied again. “I just sat down to drink my evening tea ... and then I don’t remember anything anymore.”
“Maybe the tea was poisoned,” Gilbert suggested.
“I suggest we use the term ‘drugged’”, Roderich said. Let’s be glad she wasn’t actually poisoned with a lethal drug, he thought. That would have been horrible. Basch would have been devastated.
“Yeah, whatever.” Gilbert dismissed Roderich’s words with a careless gesture. Roderich was reminded why he deemed him insufferable most of the time. “We need to get the two of you out of this carriage without breaking your bones.”
“That would be favourable,” Roderich agreed. Gilbert started to creep around in the carriage, half feeling and half seeing the objects in it in the moonlight.
“Here are some wooden boards,” he said after a while. “We could try to make a slide with them. It’s a bit risky, but it’s our best chance as I see it.”
“Do you think you can do it?” Roderich was watching Erika closely.
“I will.” There was determination in her voice. “I must protect my brother. That’s why I cannot allow anyone to abduct me.” Roderich gave an appreciatory nod. That was Basch’s sister.
“Very well,” said Gilbert. “I’m gonna hold a board out of the carriage and you two are gonna roll off of it one after the other. Can you do that?” Erika nodded firmly. Roderich did the same. He wasn’t so sure he could actually do this without breaking his bones, but he didn’t see any other option either. What was more, his pride wouldn’t allow him to show weakness while Erika was so brave.
Gilbert lifted the board and held it so it formed a makeshift ramp. He gestured at Roderich to go first, but Erika lifted a hand.
“No,” she said. “I’ll go first. I can’t risk us getting noticed before I’m able to escape.” Her tone did not allow any objections, so Gilbert yielded.
Roderich did his best not to show any signs of worry on his face while the girl climbed onto the board, dress flapping gently in the moving cart’s airstream. She lowered herself bit by bit, waiting until her feet scrapped on the ground before she protected her face with her arms and rolled off onto the ground.
Gilbert’s breath was ragged. Holding the board was almost more than his strength could muster, even with a light person such as Erika on it.
“You need to get off faster than her”, he told Roderich. “I can’t hold the board for much longer before I let it scrap on the ground, and that’s when they will hear us for sure.” Roderich nodded. He climbed to the edge of the carriage, tumbling down from the plank with an abrupt forward roll.
Hitting the ground hurt. It left him in a daze—that was until his nausea returned with the abruptness and force of a wave crashing against a rock. He barely managed to get on his knees, throwing up with an already empty stomach. The feeling of acidic bile made his throat sore and black dots were dancing in his field of vision again.
“Rodi...” Erika’s worried voice; a concerned hand at his shoulder blade. He rolled to the side, feeling weak and sick and, most of all, humiliated. It was bad enough he had vomited in Gilbert’s presence. Doing the same in Erika’s was ten times worse.
 “Hey.” That was Gilbert’s voice. It was surprisingly soft. “Can you get up? I just jumped out of the carriage and let myself drop, but I’m not sure they didn’t hear me. We need to get off this road as fast as possible.”
“Of course.” Roderich barely recognised his own voice. His field of vision was turning when he pushed himself to his knees. You have to, he told himself, gritting his teeth and dragging himself up to his feet with sheer willpower. That was when his field of vision went black.
When he came to himself, he found his head upside down against Gilbert’s back. The soldier had thrown Roderich over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Roderich felt the bones of Gilbert’s shoulder against his stomach. For a moment he was worried he would be nauseous once again, but for the time being, Roderich’s stomach didn’t revolt.
“But what is with him?” he heard Erika’s concerned voice.
“Don’t worry,” Gilbert said tersely. “Those ass—sorry, criminals hit him over the head. That sometimes makes people get sick for a while afterwards, but it usually gets better after they rest for a day or so.”
“I think I can walk again,” Roderich told Gilbert. His voice slurred as if he was drunk.
“No, you can’t.” Gilbert’s tone brooked no dissent.
“But you carrying me makes us so much slower...”
“Not as slow as if you’d throw up and faint again.”
Roderich accepted defeat. He busied himself with gloomy thoughts while Gilbert was carrying him to safety.
Now he will think I’m disgusting, he thought. I might as well abandon hope. Worst of all was that he had only now realised what a sweet and caring person Gilbert could be.
They walked until daybreak. That was when they met a farmer heading to the market with a handcart. He agreed to take Erika and Roderich with him if Gilbert helped him pull the cart. That was how they returned to the castle grounds.
When they had arrived, Roderich managed to walk to his chamber on his own, leaving it to Gilbert and Erika to explain what had happened. Basch later sent the court physician to him who strictly commanded him to rest.
The following one and a half days passed in a blur. The next time someone other than the physician knocked at Roderich’s door was when the chamberlain commanded him to come to the throne room in order to identify the criminals who had abducted Erika. Roderich had only seen them at night, but his special abilities would allow him to ascertain if Basch’s soldiers had found the actual culprits.
He was too pale when he arrived in the throne room, but he was feeling considerably better than twenty-four hours earlier. Erika, sitting next to her brother, regarded him with a worried expression at first, but her facial features relaxed once she realised he was able to stride into the room with the effortless elegance she was wont to see.
Basch didn’t speak much. He simply gestured to three bound men kneeling in front of his throne. Three soldiers held a bayonet against their necks, with Gilbert Beilschmidt standing close by as their commander. At Gilbert’s command, the soldier to the left wrenched his prisoner into a standing position.
Roderich stepped closer, placing his hands at the prisoner’s temple. In his mind’s eye, he saw images of people inside an inn, toying with hypothetic ideas of gaining riches.
What if we abduct someone important? one of them said, and Roderich could watch a plan unravel in the mind’s eye of the person in front of him...
“He is their leader,” he told Basch. Then he stepped to the person in the middle. The man was pulled up as well while the one whose thoughts he had read at first was pushed back into a kneeling position.
The thoughts of violence Roderich received were appalling. They didn’t only involve clubbing and killing him, but also thoughts about Erika Roderich would rather have kept to himself.
“Be careful,” Roderich said. “He is a violent person. Don’t let him near women and children.”
“So he was involved in the kidnapping?” Basch inquired.
“He was the one who hit me over the head,” Roderich said, giving the man a hostile glance. Then he moved to the third person. Reading his thoughts, what he found was admiration for the first abductor as well as shame for his inability to carry Erika as safely as the other man had ordered.
“This one is just a follower,” Roderich explained to Basch. “He never meant to harm your sister. I’d suggest treating him more leniently than the others.”
“Thank you for your insights,” Basch said. Addressing the soldiers, he added: “Take them back to the dungeon. I’m going to decide later what their respective punishments will be.”
The soldiers guided their prisoners out of the throne room, Gilbert following in their wake.
“Oh, Beilschmidt,” Basch halted him,. When he was the only soldier left, the king added: “There is a thing I need to find out about you as well. I mean your motive to come to my sister’s help. Roderich...” He gestured at his friend, indicating he should read the commander’s thoughts as well.
Roderich was a little nervous when he stepped up to Gilbert. They had rarely been as physically close as when he put his fingers to the sides of Gilbert’s head.
The first mental image that entered his mind was the thought of them kissing. He blinked. No, these were, in fact, Gilbert’s thoughts, not his own.
Pushing past the foremost layer of his thoughts, Roderich saw the cart and the criminals; saw himself get struck and go down. He could feel Gilbert’s emotional turmoil; traced his rash decision to get into the cart as it drove past the stone wall that had hid him from view.
Roderich’s hands slid from Gilbert’s temples. Gilbert looked to the side, avoiding to look at him directly. Roderich wanted to tell him how touched he was, but Gilbert turned away from him, leaving the throne room hastily.
“Hey!” Basch yelled. “I didn’t give you permission to retire!”
“Just leave it be,” Roderich said softly. “And excuse me for following him now.” He rushed behind Gilbert.
“Hey!” Basch yelled again. “Tell me what you found out!” Roderich ignored him. The last thing he heard before the doors closed behind him was Erika’s voice.
“Do you really not understand, brother?”
“Gilbert! Wait!” Roderich was rushing after him.
“And why should I do that?” Gilbert didn’t slow down. “You don’t like me anyway!”
“That’s not true!” Gilbert stopped abruptly. He turned to Roderich.
“Like Hell it is true.”
“No.” Roderich caught up to him, feeling a little breathless. “What I don’t like is the way you act in front of others. That ... bragging. That is annoying.”
“See?” Gilbert wanted to turn and walk away, but Roderich caught his arm.
“But there’s a different Gilbert. The Gilbert who taught me about constellations. And the Gilbert who took care of me while I was ill.” The soldier was still looking away, not daring to look into Roderich’s eyes.
“I really like that Gilbert,” Roderich went on softly. “I just wish I’d see him more often.” He cupped the soldier’s face in his hands, ignoring the confused thoughts that were, once again, storming in on him.
“That’s because I’m in love with him.” Roderich leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on Gilbert’s lips.
In Gilbert’s mind, he saw the two of them kissing roughly, grinding against each other and tearing on each other’s clothes. The discrepancy between these images and the shy kiss he received in return was so strong it made Roderich giggle.
“What is it?” Gilbert’s tone was still defiant.
“I can read your thoughts, remember?” Roderich grinned.
“Well.” Gilbert brushed over his hair in a nervous gesture. “Before we get to that, we should maybe ... talk ... I guess?”
“Yes. Yes, we should.” Roderich smiled. “You’re a good person, Gilbert Beilschmidt. I guess I should also thank you for not finding me disgusting after ... well, you know.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Gilbert returned Roderich’s smile. “I’m used to taking care of injuries like that. It’s just ... a thing that happens, especially with young recruits falling off their warhorses during training.”
“Thanks regardless,” Roderich said sincerely. “I thought you’d think I was disgusting now.”
“You’re an idiot,” Gilbert said with a tiny smile. “I could never think you were disgusting.”
“I guess the both of us are idiots then.” Roderich grinned. “But let’s continue our talk someplace where we’re less likely to be overheard.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Gilbert agreed. “Perhaps at the observatory?”
Roderich nodded, and they walked off in silence.
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ask-aph-dc · 8 years
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(( @ask--gerbelg​ , here it is, dude!))
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pastel-paws-cafe · 7 years
Hetalia Group Au
Welcome to Pastel Paws Cafe/Bakery! This lovely au is about human hetalia characters working in a animal cafe. There's a range of animals from dogs and cats to reptiles and snakes. The cafe is designed to calm people and to help with disorders, it's mainly a nice place to come, chat with the animals and trainers, and get a bite to eat!
Apply here to join!
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Hetalia Fantasy Kingdom au 2
So I made a post about this a while back I’m not sure I’m entirely happy with it. I decided to make a new one that’s ship neutral with a few changes. It might be similar for some characters and completely changed for others.
Germany: Starting out as a blacksmith and then becoming the head of the Knights. He’d train the army and lead them but he’d also have a passion for weapon making and the time and delicacy that goes into each one.
Italy: He could be the royal jester who tries hard to make everyone laugh. He goes out of his way to lighten the mood and is also a cooking prodigy. He’d also be a thief with his brother in secret.
Japan: He could be a Prince from a foreign kingdom who came for an arranged marriage. He’d be fascinated with the culture of the kingdom and have fighting styles that no one has seen before.
America: The eager town hero who’s always looking for an adventure. He’s they guy who’ll fight monsters to save the town but is also probably the reason the monster was there in the first place.
England: The scary wizard the whole kingdom is afraid of who actually turns out to be a huge dork. He’s obsessed with magic but he’s not dangerous. Magic is looked down on so he would probably be in hiding.
France: He’d be the rich, popular Prince. The kingdom would be in love with him and he’d have tons of suitors. Most people like him for his looks and charm but he’d always be looking for someone who liked him for him, not his image.
Canada: He’d be the medic for the army. He knows how to treat a womb and he knows how to do it good. It comes in handy as his brother is an adventurer prone to injury. He’s good at fixing up remedies.
China: I want him to be this mystical dragon tamer who lives far away from the kingdom on a mountain with the dragons. Everyone thinks he’s this all powerful tamer but he’s actually just a big dork who likes dragons and doesn’t know how to talk to people.
Russia: Another foreign Prince who secretly uses dark magic. Everyone is suspicious of him at first but he’s actually there to get away from his past.
Prussia. He’d be the dark knight who’s always craving a fight or battle. He’s the first one out on the field but he has a soft spot for cute and small things. He’d probably stop in the middle of a fight to held a baby bird or something.
Romano: A servant at the castle who is secretly a thief. His family is poor so he and his brother are professionals at stealing. They only steal from the wealthy though who he’d have a strong disliking for until he got to know them.
Spain: A commoner at first until he found a treasure that made him rich. He’s a mysterious man who’d be the one to randomly save someone in an unexpected place. He’d travel around a lot, never wanting to stay somewhere for too long.
Austria: Royal musician who’s a musical prodigy. He’s legend with his talent but he doesn’t play for fame. He wants to send a message with his music. He hates war and wants to send peace with his music.
Hungary: She’d be a servant who secretly wants to join the Knights. She’d alway sneak into training with them and is always trying to prove herself.
Denmark: The big, hulking knight who’s super friendly most of the time but not the guy who’s bad side you want to be on.
Norway: A magic user who is a master at magical creatures. He cares about his creatures more than anything and just wants to live in a world where they can be free. He doesn’t really know how to talk to people and always comes across as cold.
Sweden: A traveller who everyone thinks is a bandit going to mug them but is actually a very laid back guy.
Finland: Owns a bakery in the kingdom but is secretly part of a mercenary gang that’ll take out any target for the right price.
Iceland: Awkward teenager who has a passion for magic but has never used it. He feels like an outcast and is shunned for his fascination with magic.
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