#hetalia gods au
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Ocean has the ability to reflect the colours of other gods when in close proximity, but only uses it to reflect the colours of his lovers.
Thank you to AdorkaStock for the reference
In reality the ocean doesn't exactly reflect the sky, it has to do with light scatter, but this is mythology so idc
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forsoobado137 · 4 days
There probably exists a website in the Hetalia universe titled Florida Man or AFJ, where a random crazy headline appears and people guess whether it was some guy from Florida that did the stupid thing or Alfred F. Jones. The correct answer is usually Alfred because he's been alive so long and done so much reckless shit
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romatito · 9 days
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practice is going well 🫢😬
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royaltea000 · 16 days
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Just like in a dream
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lindonwald · 2 years
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zurück nach Westerland?
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maplesunflowers · 2 years
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Please I’m just a humble veteran trying to catch up on AUs I’ve missed out on.
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shroomyart404 · 3 months
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A god and his devoted mortal <3
me and a friend coming up with a spuk/frain/fruk au, so be prepared for that
(higher quality on Patreon!! I think i made the image quality too low...sorry)
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ego-meliorem-esse · 2 years
Public Figures AU
The fantastic and very fuckin funny @sunnylolli reminded me of my own au where the countries are public knowledge and people have known about them for a while.
In my au the countries have been public knowledge forever. In my humble opinion it's very hard to hide immortal being from humans. There would be too many questions, too many stories and too much effort in hiding such a thing. The public is used to them and treats them like any B-list celebrity
ALFRED IS MADE FOR THE SPOTLIGHT! That boy is so comfortable in the spotlight its actually an issue. He posts so regularly on social media that one could consider that one of his hobbies. Being that famous of course, he can't really work for NASA or have a normal engineering job (like in my regular universe) so he has a big social media presence. Be that instagram, twitter, tiktok, youtube or even twitch.
Alfred streams on twitch with Gilbert. They play some FPS and talk about some historical event completely unrelated to the game.
Arthur has a personal instagram account where he only posts pictures of his garden, his books an his kids. Every once in a while he posts a picture of Zee or Jack while they were younger during the victorian era in those frilly dresses and one of them will just be like: "dad delete this or im rebelling"
Arthur is active on facebook and so is Francis
Francis only follows cooking channels, fashion blogs and philosophical content. He constantly endorses brands and takes part in commercials for Vogue, LV, Dior... He is a sort of sponsor/face for some brands and is asked to promote them online. You'll see his face in every third magazine and fashion articles follow him on a regular basis.
Matt is the one who avoids the spotlight the most. He will answer interview questions and do a QnA on tv or youtube but will hybernate for the rest of the year afterwards. He is also the one who is most secretive about where he lives. De has a huge fear of doxing himself and wants more than anything to keep his privacy. In my universe Matt is still a doctor and has a clinical doctorate in medicine but can't work as one due to being a sort-of celebrity. That's why he still gives lectures on college campuses and publishes papers regularly but doesn't work in any clinic or hospital.
Smaller countries have an easier time with fame and being public knowledge. They can walk around in their own countries on the street and pass of as a normal human being while, for example, Alfred has a harder time doing the same. Being himself, he is lucky he hasn't doxed himself yet and doesn't have paparazzi follow him from his home to work.
There are some meetings held by personifications that are broadcasted to the world to see and people online make compilations of cringe and funny moments during those meetings. (That would be my fat ass in that au)
"10 minutes of Francis being himself at the UN" the youtube video
Countries are often asked to help and aide with the makings of history books and are often cited as a source at the end.
Countries are legal citizens and have rights. Not all rights but the ones that the do have include: right to life, right to freedom from torture and inhumane treatment, the right to equal treatment before the law, the right to privacy, the right to freedom of thought (religion, opinion and expression), the right to work, the right to education, the right to social services... While not having certain rights like the right to marry but all the while having a right to have a family.
Gilberts diaries are considered a valid source of historical information unfortunately for us
I have so many more hcs for this au holy shit
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Happy belated lunar new year!
Moon is excited to be running around earth in his rabbit form for the festivities.
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Lists of my Au's
Fic/fic idea's that will become Au's
Immortal Leo Valdez - Hera turned him immortal when she put him in the fire place (tag: Hera adopts a traumatized child)
Crossover fic with hetalia and PJO, Leo Valdez as Mexico - the fates send Leo to another world and in this world Leo is the personification of Mexico (tag: I was leo valdez now I'm mexico)
Mexico's first world meeting
I'm Leo Valdez and you?
Crossover fic with KOTLC and PJO where Leo Valdez is Jensi (tag: Leo valdez and the elves)
To sleep and fire the world must fall - Leo X Clovis fic, where Clovis joins the 7 (making it the 8) (tag: To sleep and fire the world must fall)
Second time round - Leo, Conner, Clovis, Meg and Apollo/Lester are the only surviving people after the war with Tartarus and are sent back in time by the fates (tag: Second time round)
Starlight - A au where Leo is the son of Nyx and Hepheastus and is the personifcation of starlight but was raised as a mortal (tag: Go supernova, starlight)
The Lab - an Au where some nations get kidnapped and turned into monsters it's one of the two main Au's I'm working on (Tag: Some nations got kidnapped and now they're monsters)
The Lab
Echos of the past - where Echo joins the crew of the Argos 2 (tag: echoes of the past)
Made of clay - Hepheastus kids are made from clay and they have magma instead of blood, and Pandora is their older sister, watch as chaos ensues (tag: Made of clay)
Son of Tartarus - Leo is the son of Tartarus and joins camp half blood during The Titans Curse (tag: Son of Tartarus)
I made friends with Death - The Fates think their little brother needs more friends so they send him to another universe where he's Makoto neagi, only he still a god, I guess the fates couldn't take that part away without big consequences (Tag: I Made Friends With Death)
Miraculous Thanatos - After getting into an argument with Nyx Thanatos is sent to the world of Lady Bug and Cat Noir where Thanatos get's the Raven Miraculous, I can't give him the butterfly which is what he's most commonly associated with, because HawkMoth has it, DESPITE THE FACT THAT MOTHS AND BUTTERFLYS ARENT THE SAME THING (Also fun fact, Hawk moths or Humming bird moths are the fastest type of moth and bug to exist) (tag: Miraculous Thanatos)
______ as an SCP - A huge crossover series I'm planning on making with many different characters, (Fandoms so far: Hetalia, PJO universe, MLB, MHA, KNY, Danganronpa, KOTLC, and FNAF) as SCPs (tag: ______ as an SCP)
Hephaestus and Aphrodite pay child support - basically Hephaestus and Aphrodite actually parent their kids and are full time parents to the kids whose parent's died. They do it together so the kids are raised like siblings (Yes I know Hephaestus remarried but in this AU they got divorced because Hera and Zeus forced Hepheastus and Aphordite back into a marrige) how will this change the plot, idk (tag: Hephaestus and Aphrodite pay child support)
Gods, Demigods and Nations, oh my - This is the second main AU I'm working on, it's a hetalia Crossover AU but you don't need to know anything about Hetalia for the first arcs of the AU (Tag: Gods, Demigods and Nations, oh my)
Leo in the Titan war - Leo joins camp half blood during The Titans Curse, this is part of the Gods, Demigods and Nations, Oh my series, but no knowledge of Hetalia is required (Tag: Leo in the Titan war)
Leo In The Titan's Curse
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atsushis-fangs · 3 months
North: adults are the most insanely stupid people I have the displeasure of interacting with. Ian, referring to himself and the Clan: even us? North: especially you guys. Hamish: petition to kick Killough out so he stops insulting us. Malcolm: seconded.
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so i had a thought/request thing: prussia x reader sound of music au?
Oh I absolutely LOVE that thought!
I took a little creative license in this fic (which I will elaborate on in the after-notes), but ultimately I directly referenced some of my favorite scenes from the film.
Thank you for sending me the ask, and I hope you enjoy!
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The children were finally asleep.
A spring storm had rolled in- a welcome relief to the dry heat which had plagued the city for several long days- but the thunder had troubled them.
You were hardly surprised when first a timid Ludvig came to your room, followed only moments later by Monika. It took a few more claps of thunder and flickering lights for Friedrich to appear, claiming with false bravado that he had come to make sure that you were safe.
You had distracted them from their fears, though some- such as the loud protests which continued with each passing day, the strange men seen lurking outside the house, and the current absence of their guardian- Some fears couldn't be assuaged.
But children were easy enough to sway from their dark thoughts, and you always had a gift for embellishing the truth. 
This time, you chose not to rely on the ditty you had taught them several weeks prior (though you could hear Ludvig repeating 'whiskers on kittens' to himself), but instead crafted a tale of heroism about their big brother, one that soon worked its magic, all three falling asleep by the time the storm had settled into gentle rainfall, curled together atop your blankets.
Unfortunately, their restless energy had passed onto you, and after several moments of staring at the ceiling, you carefully, quietly, slipped out from beneath the covers, tugging on a nearby robe, and sliding on a pair of slippers before making your way to the library.
Time passed without your knowledge; you had found an old disc of American singers to play on the gramophone, and quickly tucked yourself into a novella that had caught your interest several days prior. It was a pleasant distraction, almost successful in keeping your frazzled thoughts from running wild. 
Had his work run late? Had there been an accident? Had one of those radicals done something that was meant to look like an accident? Had-
The distant, sudden sound of the front door closing had you glancing towards the grandfather clock, that flicker of worry sparking to life once more as you noted the lateness of the hour.
His work often brought with it long hours, but this, even by his standards, was alarming.
You were relieved to hear his footsteps, and knew you must content yourself with the knowledge that he had at least made it home safely. He had, after all, made it perfectly clear some time ago that his welfare was none of your concern.
In vain, you tried to return to your book, but to your chagrin the combination of the gramophone's crackling, the tapping of raindrops on the windowpanes, and the nearing, shuffling footsteps kept you from falling back into the story. You feigned interest however as a familiar figure entered the doorway.
For a moment, he said nothing, silently studying you. You were hyper-aware of his gaze, were certain he could hear the panicked rush of your heartbeat, could see the heat dancing on your cheeks.
Finally, he spoke, your given name tumbling out almost as a sigh, and to your embarrassment it caused you to jump, startled by its presence in your already frenzied state.
You turned to face him directly, seeing his hand hanging uselessly in the air, looking for everything like a guilty schoolboy. In another circumstance, you could have laughed, seeing the normally rigid Captain so timid and unsure of himself. "Sorry! Sorry, I..." His words trailed off, the hand falling back to his side, all emotion gone from his features once more. "May I join you?"
No, you wanted to say, I'm not sure I could trust myself if you stay.
But your voice was welcoming him in, and you straightened your posture as he took the chair opposite you.
You tried once more to feign interest in your book, but your eyes kept straying from the page, unable to stop yourself from studying his features in the warm light, taken in by the vulnerability, small as it was, he was granting you, clearly beyond weary.
Your curiosity could no longer be helped. "Are you well, Herr Beilschmidt?"
A small smile flickered to life, half-formed and fragile, those peculiar scarlet eyes finding yours, your name once more slipping past his lips. "I thought we agreed you would call me Gilbert when we were alone?"
For a moment, he was no longer a Captain, not Herr Beilschmidt, but any other man, a man who could even become-
But that could not be, and you wouldn't allow your fantasies to jeopardize your work, couldn't bear the thought of being parted from the children. "I agreed to no such thing, Herr Beilschmidt."
He released a pained sort of sound, reminiscent of a scoff, and it prompted just enough of your ire for you to press onward with your curiosity. "You were out late this evening."
You couldn't fully conceal your concern, and it was clear that he had detected it, those eyes somber once more, studious and strategic.
Fearful of what he may find, you spoke once more, hiding the inconvenient truth with another, sweeter one. "The children missed you at dinner."
His study lingered, lips parting as if he were going to speak, before he dismissed it, a sadness surrounded him in its absence. "How were they today?"
This was neutral territory, familiar ground, and you breathed a silent sigh of relief. You began a retelling of the day's adventures, embellishing your words with a whimsy that had often earned you others' disdain. But G- Herr Beilschmidt- was amused, laughing at your failed attempt to mimic Friedrich's angered voice at Monika for daring to stick a frog in his pocket.
"And Luddy?"
Your smile softened at thoughts of the youngest Beilschmidt. "A dear as always. He insisted upon baking a cake with me earlier." The words triggered another memory, a more urgent one, and you rose with a suddenness that caused him to jump. "Pardon me; I forgot that we saved a slice for you! Excuse me for a moment?"
You didn't wait for his reply, already sweeping towards the open doorway, forgetting in your rush to grab a candle, the electric having gone down several hours ago.
The corridor loomed before you, quiet and filled with the darkness of the midnight hour. In the face of that alien light, your footsteps faltered, suddenly uncertain of a path you had tread dozens of times.
A warm presence appeared at your side, a gentle hand pressing to your lower back, as he fell into step beside you, carrying one of the candles. "Allow me?"
Your skin burned beneath the weight of his hand, memories of the party several nights before now dancing to the surface at his nearness.
How you wished you could turn him away now, but fear of the ghosts still haunting these ancients halls and nameless monsters lurking in the shadows far overpowered your fears of revealing your heart.
Slowly, quietly, you charted the course to the kitchen, and you were grateful to finally be able to step away, allowing yourself a moment to breathe, reign in your traitorous thoughts.
The ghost of his touch still remained however, and you busied yourself with pulling the cake from the ice box, pleasantly surprised to discover some remaining cream as well.
He had taken a seat at the small table often used by the house staff, several more candles lit in front of him. You were surprised to see he had pulled out two forks, standing and gesturing to the empty chair beside him. "Please; join me."
You should have taken your leave.
You should have made your excuses and retired for the evening.
But there was something so hopeful in his expression, and you couldn't resist the sway he held over you.
For a time, there were no words shared between you, the only sound the symphony of the falling rain, the distant notes of the gramophone, and the irregularity of silver tines clinking against porcelain.
"We should discuss what happened at the party."
His voice was unexpected, words hanging in the air with a tension you were loathe to acknowledge.
There was nothing to discuss, not to your mind.
He was betrothed to another, and he was your employer.
It could never be anything more, even if you should so desperately wish for it.
Still, you would always have those memories, safely locked away into your heart: Monika sighing, fondly watching the sparkling couples gliding across the ballroom floor, Ludvig pestering you with questions about the musicians, and Friedrich earnestly trying to master the Allemande with you, before Gilbert was unexpectedly cutting in, offering the children a brief history lesson even as he fell perfectly into step, words soon falling away, sparkling burgundy eyes locking with your own.
With each step, you felt your fragile defenses weakening, was certain he was drawing you nearer with every turn. Each clasp of hands sent a spark through your pulse, every point of contact buzzing with restless energy. As you took your final turn in a dance meant for four, you were met with a warm smile which stole the little breath you had left, and you were drowning in a wine-dark sea.
The spell was broken with Julchen's applause, surprise to see her home from university enough to distract the others, though Gilbert was slow to release your hand, lingering, before he finally drifted over to join his younger siblings.
You couldn't fathom why he should wish to discuss the ordeal now of all times, though to say it hadn't been on your mind, replaying in your thoughts for the past several weeks, would be a lie.
"You hired me to watch over your brothers and sisters, and I care for them dearly."
Your focus remained on the chocolate crumbs remaining on the plate, dark flecks against the otherwise pristine, pastel pink petals.
Even as he spoke your name once more, you did not turn to him, unable to face him. "Only the children?"
"No," you admitted, before you recognized your slip and quickly tried to rectify it. "Yes!" Trying to redirect his thoughts, you interrupted him before he could speak. "Isn't it right that I should care for them?"
You finally turned to him, praying your mask would hold, even as you once again found yourself the subject of his scrutiny. He was bewildered, clearly not expecting this turn.
"Of course it's right."
You saw another opening, one that could perhaps save you from his suspicions. "You invited me into your home, and I am grateful to you. I'll miss them very much when you and the Baroness-"
Oh, you couldn't even speak it, for goodness sake!
But this excuse was convenient, a simple shroud, disguising your feelings behind the implication that your true worries were being parted from the children, that you only dreaded his betrothed becoming his wife because-
You could face him no longer, your attention once more drawn back to the scene in front of you, candlelight dancing in refractions on the cutlery. 
He let out a stray sound of bemusement, your given name yet again slipping from his lips in a fond murmur. "There isn't going to be a baroness."
Your attention flickered back to him almost immediately, disbelieving and concerned. "There isn't?"
"No," he hummed. There was a slant to his brow, a twist to his features which puzzled you.
"I don't understand."
His focus shifted away from you, a small smile once more flickering to life, not fading away this time but lingering, its lightness echoing in his voice. "We've called off our engagement-"
"Oh, I'm sorry," you whispered sincerely, not meaning to interrupt, but he was stunned nonetheless.
"You are?"
You nodded, unwilling to trust your voice in this moment.
His smile softened to something unreadable then, something which made your heart melt. "We both agreed that, well..." He suddenly was looking away from you, bashful in a way you didn't recognize, taking a steadying breath before he seemingly found the courage to face you once more, though his words were barely a whisper. "You can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else."
At first, you were unable to comprehend his words, desperate for confirmation. "Surely you don't mean-?"
His hand found yours, gentle and insistent. "I do. I've come to love you in a way... quite unexpected. And I," he paused, his eyes seeking your own with a tremulous yearning, one which carried in his words. "Is it foolish for me to hope that you love me, too?"
You thought back to the journey which had led you here: the arguments, the compromises, the love growing ever stronger with each passing day. This house had been a cold tomb when you had first arrived, specters haunting every square meter.
But now it was your home.
The children were your home.
Gilbert was your home.
He was still waiting for your answer, both despondent and eager, and you finally allowed your mask to fall away, smiling as you raised your free hand to gently cup his cheek, your vision hazing through tears.
It was uncertain who moved first, but the kiss was all you could hope it to be: gentle, loving, with an added sweetness from the lingering tastes of cake and cream.
He sighed as you slowly drew away, the candlelight dancing in his eyes, a bright smile creasing his features.
You had made many mistakes in this life, taken many missteps, but to be blessed with this life, to find such love and a place to call home?
Somewhere along the way, you must have done something good.
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One of the most notable changes was directly adjusting Gil's role compared to Captain von Trapp's. The Sound of Music carries an inherent antifascist message, which allowed me to explore more of my belief that Gilbert was a Prussian Social Democrat, a member of one of the most influential political parties directly challenging the rising fascist ideals of the growing Nazi Party. Several assassination attempts were made on members of the Social Democrats, before, ultimately, tragically, their work against the Nazi Party was overruled by vote.
I opted to keep Gil as a big brother instead of a father; I cherish the relationship they have already, and the thought of them not only losing a parent, but watching their beloved, bright brother fade away into someone they barely know- It was too good.
I spent quite sometime trying to finding a traditional German couple's dance, and even the Allemande, from the Baroque period, was intended for a group of four.
I wish this could have been longer, but at over 2000 words already. I am content.
Thank you again for the ask, and thank you so much to everyone for reading!
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rosesandalfazemas · 11 months
Thoughts on the pirate nations as Steampunk Pirates? :D
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Just I wish I could have more commissions about this topic
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pink-hyu · 1 year
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Enough about England, lets talk about the lost puppy.... 🥺
I wanted to explore a little bit America vision of the matter, of England "hating" him, and i hope i can explore him more!
I hope y'all like it :)
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hetagrammy · 1 year
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Back at it with the Regency AU! Here we have Francis' daughters, Genevieve and Michelle. They are the apples of his eye, and he dotes on them incessantly when he's not out at sea.
Genevieve (Monaco) is Francis' elder daughter and his only child with his late wife, Jeanne. She was born in 1801, so she's roughly nine when the story begins. Being without a maternal figure, she tends to emulate Francis, though more reserved than him. She also tries to act more grown up than she is largely because of Francis' military absences.
Michelle (Seychelles) is Francis' younger daughter. He had her out of wedlock with a free Seychellois woman living in France. She was born in 1806, more of an age with Arthur's children. She's very bubbly and sweet, and she hates it when Francis has to leave. She relies heavily on her older sister for guidance and emotional support.
Francis adores them both and when he's not spiting Arthur, much of what he does is to preserve his daughters' status and prospects. Having been through the turmoil of the French Revolution, and been a refugee, he only wants the best for them in everything. If increasing his own status and pushing for France's expansion can do that for them, then by God he will do it.
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paperuniverse · 6 months
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It's the eclipse today and I'm so excited!! So I revisited an older au of Prussia as the god of the sun and Germany as the god of the moon.
Originally in the lore I had eclipses as dances between Sun and Moon as a show for the mortals, but now I'm thinking maybe I should have it as just a raw show of their power to remind everyone what they'll be facing if they challenge either 👀
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