#hetalia soccer
glitchinnf · 2 years
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im starting to warm up to feliks :33
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fugso · 1 year
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A lil world cup drawing 🥅
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fireandiceland · 1 year
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Anyone here sharing my taste in this role allocation??
Also when I made this a couple of days ago I wasn’t convinced about Arthur in a sporty role, but then my beloved tumblr husband and local ukus connoisseur @alifeasvivid pointed out that gruff football player Arthur x cheerleader Alfred make a great match.. so that just for additional consideration ;)
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doueverwonder · 1 year
imagine with me; it’s the Viking age, Nor is standing on a boat looking over the sea towards the horizon he’s having his epic internal monologue, and then
Norway, internally: these frigid waters can be unforgiving, you become accustomed to the temper of the-
*arguing in the background*
Norway, sighs, then turns around: Faroe, Shetland so help me if you don’t stop arguing I WILL turn this boat around DONT TRY ME TODAY
Shetland: It’s not even our fault! Iceland started it!
Norway: I don’t care who “started it” I'm ending it!
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abnosome1 · 2 years
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hetalia-club · 1 month
Hetalia Olympics Drama
because it's very important that someone is documenting it.
England- was instructed by the British Olympic committee NOT to eat the meat at the Village.
Everyone- collectively hates the food and have said so in interviews and online DAILY. They have all been going out to do their own shopping and buying grills and flat tops to cook for themselves, because teh food is so retched. It has been given a 0/10 most days and on rare days a 2/10 by the Americans.
Norway- has gained the nickname 'muffin man' for commandeering the ONLY edible thing in the village, which may or may not be a hate crime, the beloved chocolate muffins. which they have all been fighting over. He was spotted the other day eating jelly toast, disgracing his name. Duolingo called it blasphemy. His team posted his shame for the world to see on tiktok. Scandalous
Australia, America, Canada, Greece, Italy, Denmark and England - Threw a fit until they were allowed to bring their own personal AC units to the village because the village has NONE, it is '79 degrease' in the rooms, how miserable. Australian and America made this possible by threatening not to come if they can’t have AC. I do not blame them at all. Could you imagine being outside playing tennis all day in 80 degree heat and then going back to your room to relax where it is STILL 80 degrees.
America- has brought his own mattress because the mattress is a thin piece of foam and everyone has been complaining of lack of sleep and back pain.
Canada- was caught cheating by using a drone to spy on New Zealand's soccer practice.
Hong Kong & Italy- Italy accused Hong Kong of fixing the fencing competition by paying off reffs (This is untrue and the fencing coaches are being sore losers, the athlete himself agrees with teh decision). Hong Kong has been taunting Italy with pictures of pineapple on pizza. Pizza Hut Hong Kong is offering FREE pineapple on any pizza for the next 2 days. Tragic. We don't know what this will do for his mental health I will try and keep you all posted.
England- Whilst mountain biking got a flat tire, had to carry his bike to get fixed and somehow still managed to get first after passing a French biker going around a tree in the forest. French spectators threw water bottles at him!? The fuck.
America- though not really drama but America has built their own “Team America” house for all their many athletes to come hang out in, it has AC and also it’s decorated like a frat house and looks like a frat house. They have ice cream, video games, iced coffee (extremely important!!) and clothing stores for merch, a big room like a movie theater where everyone can go to to both eat and watch the games together. If you’re not an American athlete it’s 300 bucks to go to for the day. This has angered other athletes who just want to go inside to see. Just import to note.
Belgium - Belgium got a gastrointestinal infection after swimming in the Seine river. Several atletes were seen vomiting after swimming in the water.
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itstokkii · 4 months
All these anons just make me want to talk about Turkey more. What are your favorite Turkey headcanons? Personally I love to think that Sadik writes poetry in his spare time, and is very, very good at it.
As someone who ships Turkfra because of how fascinating the history between France and the Ottoman Empire is (Franco-Ottoman alliance) I like to think that they would both really bond over each other’s rich poetry culture. Not to mention their rich cuisines. Maybe they cook together in the evenings, or take turns cooking and surprising each other with elaborate dinners.
Youre so right
aph turkey hcs
- physically he's around 180cm, perhaps he had visible muscles during the ottoman empire period but he's mellowed out now and let a little softness take over his form. He put on a little bit of weight bc he's a sweet tooth but it fluctuates from time to time.
- definitely keeps cat treats in his pocket for the stray cats of istanbul!! and when he fishes he leaves a portion for the cats to eat!
- while he is a cat person and owns cats(one of them is named tombili 🥺), he also owns a few dogs too! he probably gets along with germany on that part(maybe korea? though korea owns the cute fluffy tiny dogs that feel the need to eat your face off when it makes eye contact with you).
- is a man of the kitchen. aside from cooking the most banger meals, he dabbles in tweaking recipes or creating new ones altogether! ive seen enough turkish dessert accounts on instagram to know he'd make a bomber cake with coconut shavings, or a pretty good custard.
- the coconut shavings are important btw they're like on every single homemade turkish chocolate cake for some reason??(source: baby tokki grew up with a lot of turkish family friends)
- sorry i have to do this but...he has mediocre drip 🥲 sometimes he dresses like your average old man or middle aged dad and then sometimes it's so obvious that he's trying to dress like the youngsters.. he def has his knockoff Adidas tracksuits and they always come in clutch
- he's not an old man however. he was born as one of the many tribes running around in the seljuk era before he eventually became the ottoman empire. physically...around his mid 20s to early 30s?
- and cuz he has turkish dad vibes...he regularly watches soccer games. like he lays down on the couch elbow propped up eating pistachios as he watches soccer in a Galatasaray shirt(actually turkish fans of hetalia pls tell me who hed be a fan of bc I don't regularly watch turkish soccer)
- regularly plays volleyball!
- life of the party at weddings tbh, especially those rural ones
- very hospitable! he'll arrange a table full of treats and black tea for you and won't take no for an answer as he brags about how hospitable he is.
- when you're at his house DO NOT EVER suggest getting takeout. he will stare at you with a >:0 face
- WILL spill the tea over tea. man's got enough connections to tell you abt who's cheating on who etc. while he has his whole spread of treats and black tea out he'll keep you up on everything. when he goes "Ok so basically" that's when you brace yourself because OH BOY is someone in a secret relationship with someone else and that person you'd always assumed was super shy actually sprinkled salt on their ex's backyard
- the ac in his istanbul apartment keeps breaking(good luck with that man 😔)
- that's why in the summer he spends a big chunk of his paycheck on icecream. bro makes sure to always have icecream stocked on him at all times(just like me fr !!). he'd even eat it in the winter he loves it that much.
- also at the same time he drinks hot tea in the 40-50 degree summer as well, another win for the turkuzbek fans !
- big into architecture, and back in the day it was custom to write a poem to commemorate a new building. he definitely wrote a few but spent forever thinking about how to write it and pissed a lot of people off because they were waiting for the poem lol
- i actually really like fraturk's dynamic! because theyve got a lot of history together, it would be terrible to ignore. i think they have definitely gotten together during the Franco-Ottoman alliance lol.
- one time the french wanted to flex on austria × spain by going "oh yeah??? well we got turkey!!" and commissioned a huge super ornate crown to gift to suleiman the great. see the funny part about this is um. the turks didn't wear crowns. so suleiman never wore it lol
turkey, holding the crown: uhmmmm... wall decoration I guess?? this is awkward
- the name "turquoise" comes from the French "turkish" to describe the gem. i guess that's a fraturk win??? since we all associate that color with turkey now
- they'd probably try to one up each other with the dinners they cook! (can france handle lahmacun??? tune in later today at 11pm to find out !!)
- coffee guy x tea guy with the whole parisian coffee culture and turkish tea culture thing. (except I mean. turkish coffee also exists so)
- I wanna think france tries to help turkey with his drip situation but. turkey always got that inner middle aged dad in him it's not going anywhere
- bulgaria likes going to turkeys place cuz the stuff there is dirt cheap ~~~~!!! rip the lira you would have loved economic stability
- speaking of bulgaria, bulgaria greece and turkey argue a lot over who invented yogurt. turkey thinks he's got a stake in it because of the etymology of yogurt(yoğurtmak), but like the bacteria to make yogurt is called lactobacillius bulgaricus, but everyone thinks of greek yogurt...yeah you can see why they're all arguing
- speaking of arguing he's ratioed saudi a couple times on twitter lol
- he also posts those ironic turk/turan copy pastas as well
- egypt kinda doesn't like him. during the ottoman empire turkey launched egypt to suppress arab revolts like a pokemon.
*putting down fingers* "the greeks don't like us, egypt doesn't like us, saudi definitely doesn't like us....bulgaria likes us cuz we're a cheap travel destination for them..." - my turkish business teacher in highschool, 2023
- gets along well with korea(uhoh BIAS incoming !!!) due to their history beginning from the korean war. the turkish brigade was the only military unit that built a school for korean orphans. there's a story of a soldier taking care of a korean orphan, but he wasn't able to adopt her. they were separated for years after that until one day they reunited. they'd also suffered the third most losses in the war. that's why we call turkey our "older brother country."
- there's even a turkish culture center in seoul(which baby tokki went to a lot lol). recently turkish kaymak has been trending since one of the top korean celebrity chefs paik joongwon visited turkey a while back to try food. people have been traveling to turkey to go to the exact stores and try those foods as well. there's a lot of kebab shops in korea! the turkish presence in korea was the starting point to accommodate muslims in korea as well.
- all of this to say korea and turkey have a mutual admiration and korea definitely calls turkey oppa or hyung. korea also tries to get him to change his drip but NOTHJNG CAN DEFEAT THE STEADFAST TURKISH MIDDLE AGED MAN RAAAH 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
- I've said it before I'll say it again: turkey cannot hold a normal conversation with mongolia because he'll always go "OH MY FELLOW NOMAD STEPPE ALTAIC BROTHER HOW ARE YOU DOING!!!" what???
- same with the central asians tbh given their nomadic history as well. he was the first nation to recognize all of their indepences fom russia. he gets along with turkmenistan a lot because they're the closest languages to each other(both in oghuz family) and a lot of turkmens go to turkey to study at their universities! the governments quite stagnant with their policies however, so turkey's having a hard time convincing her to join the turkic council as a full time member. they give me a gojo and megumi vibe for some reason lol
- kazakhstan 🤝 turkey: both having the asian/european identity crisis
- in terms of first meetings, the kazakh khanate and ottoman empire first established diplomatic relations in 1713, and along with uzbekistan, tried to seek turkey's help in the face of an expanding russian empire.
- nowadays, turkey and kazakhstan are the ones to both try to stir up that regional/turkic unity among the central asians. they've gained some small wins along the way lol. in fact, turkey, kazakhstan, and kyrgyzstan were the founding members of the turkic council! kazakhstan admires all that turkey's doing for them but sometimes thinks he's too cocky. actually all the central asians think he's cocky to certain extents lol
- bro gets along a little better with hungary now and that could be because of the whole "huns=turkic?" debate resurfacing in hungary which is why they somehow landed a spot in the turkic council as well???
uzb kaz kyrg turk azer @ hungary: white woman jumpscare,
- he and hungary regularly bother prussia whenever they're in germany lol
- scraps w the netherlands bc tulips come from him!!! not from Licorice Man!!!!!
- fluctuating relationship with iran over the years
- was a fanboy of iran during the seljuk empire until she joined the khwarazmian empire(uzb's mom lol) and then he hated her
- also close with: azerbaijan(who may or may not be his number one fanboy), japan
Here's everything I could squeeze out of my brain lol hope you like it!!
a good chunk of these hcs are by @peonycats and @hetalia-fannn btw!! sorry for not initially crediting u guys i forgot 😭
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eylicelover · 2 months
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This is my art! Hetalia ft. Nyotalia Characters in Opening Ceremony Uniform in Olympics 2024 Paris, France (the host). Congratulations! and I love drawing soccer players and my favorite anime, Hetalia.
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pendragonsgallery · 2 years
Still not in the Hetalia fandom, but this is fun to do
Here’s more Hetalia headcanons from someone who hasn’t watched the show and only has a vague idea of what’s happening:
- When Sealand got candy stuck in the vending machine, Alfred went to help him out and got his hand stuck in the machine. Matthew came to help, laughed at his brother for a solid ten minutes, and then did the exact same thing. England and France were met with the sight of both Al and Matt with their hands stuck in the vending tray.
- China would be that person at Disney World with the ten pound lanyard absolutely stacked with collectible pins. He always tries to get discounts by saying “well they’re FROM China”. One time, mid fight with the underpaid store clerk, he called a very confused Alfred and told him to “talk to the mouse for me. I want that fucking discount”.
- France doesn’t know how to turn his phone volume off, so every notification plays at full volume.
- The Nordic nations go ham for Christmas. They buy out stores. They are FIRST in line to meet Santa. Norway can and will push children out of the way to tell mall Santa what he wants.
- Matt has convinced every single country that the plural for moose is “meese”, and he has no intention of letting them know otherwise.
- Hong Kong has used the phrase “discord kitten” unironically.
- Chad has the reputation of sending the most deep-fried, toe-curling rancid memes on the African Continent group chat, and will regularly send them in the middle of meetings. It has since become a battle of endurance for who can keep a straight face during the meetings. Côte d'Ivoire once passed out trying not to laugh.
- Austria will never admit that his top artist on Spotify is Lizzo.
- Ireland and Scotland regularly have finger soccer games during world meetings, and one time, Scotland accidentally flicked the paper too hard, and it hit England square in the forehead. From then on, the game became “England is the target”.
- Gilbert wholeheartedly believes every single Buzzfeed quiz result he’s ever gotten.
- One time Alfred forgot to bring lunch to an all-day meeting, and eventually he got so hungry he just started tearing off pieces of the paperwork and eating them.
- France is a notoriously bad driver. He insists he’s fantastic, but Matthew wrote his will on a napkin the first time Francis tried to parallel park. There is an imprint of his grip on the grab handle of France’s car.
- Many of the countries still actively go trick or treating and have intense candy-trading meetings afterwards.
- Alfred hates the taste of mint with a passion. He describes it as “created by dentists to manipulate kids into thinking toothpaste tastes good.”
- No one has told Denmark that you’re not supposed to swallow toothpaste.
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yeoldehetalian · 1 year
💘 - What's the most obscure pairing you've got a soft spot for?
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Hetalia Rarepair Week 2023
Day 7 – Free day
Cameroon and Macau!
(the above is just a simple edit with canon art by Himaruya, the meat of the post is below:)
So, “Macaroon” eh? – more than just a dessert item, it could also be a delightfully obscure Hetalia rarepair! I've never seen anything with this pair before (maybe I just missed it), so I made them a bit of an introductory post.
There may be controversy over macaroons vs macarons, which word to use for which exact dessert, but here’s what shouldn’t be controversial – how good these two look together!   Aren't they just so handsome? 
But a ship should have more than just looks, right?  Of course! Let’s start off with some things they have in common:
-described as being like a “big brother”
-described as being easy to get along with/easy going
-both seem fairly relaxed, personality-wise
-despite the above, both have serious sides that can come out
-are tall
-wear glasses
-would be close to the same age
-both nations got their current English names via Portuguese traders/explorers in the 1400s-1500s
Other things I would like to bring to your attention:
Due to the Portugal connection, they may have been aware of each other for some time before they actually met in person. Maybe Porgutal introduced them to each other some how. Macau is much more closely tied to Portugal, though, I don’t think Cameroon has much of a tie except the history of his name – but I could be wrong.
I feel that these two would get along well even if they don’t share all the same interests. Some compelling contrasts here could be – Macau is expert at tourism with his economy almost solely dependent on it, and Cameroon is looking to increase tourism, so there could be some collaboration there.  Likewise, Cameroon has much more land, with a diversity of beautiful landscapes, lots of farming, animals, etc, something that Macau lacks (Macau is tiny, land-wise, despite his height!) so he might like to go visit there to relax in nature.
Cameroon seems like he is great with kids – he is seen playing football (soccer) with kids and seems to have a fun-loving side.  He also seems to be good with animals.  Macau was described as doing some toy manufacture (though in reality this seems to be declining) and being very hospitable, and he seems to get along pretty well with his neighboring nations/family. And both seem chill and easy going.  This all adds up to: potential to be a super domestic!  I mean, whatever you do, don’t envision Macau bringing out some delicious treats and drinks for Cameroon and all the random kids he was playing with outside all afternoon. It is just too adorable! Don’t think about Cameroon taking Macau out into his nature for a secluded picnic in the shade of a tree on a sunny day.  Surely you would not want to consider them just having the most chillax relationship ever simply because they are naturally so easy to get along with and have zero reason to interact in kind of antagonistic way as nations.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a huge amount of canon material for either of these two (You can find most of it by going to https://hetarchive.net/ and typing in a name in the search bar).  So I have a lot of unanswered questions, like what does Macau enjoy doing for fun/relaxation?  What are Cameroon’s interactions with his neighbor nations like?  What were they both like as young nations? Do either of them have “human” names?
That’s about all I have for you now, please give Macaroon some consideration!  Maybe you can add some headcanons in the tags.  Or send me some :D  Go for it!
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atom-writings · 2 years
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(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) Ballet Dancer S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N whoopsies this one is shorter sorry </3
Trigger Warning: Fem adjective used once, other than that none!
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Alfred has never been one for the more traditional arts, but he can still appreciate the effort you put into your dancing!
He’s not gonna understand though. He’ll come to your performances and his only takeaway is “wow, you looked real pretty in that outfit :)”
But he’s still gonna go to every one of them. Very, very proud of you! Constantly showing you off and bragging about you.
Constantly reminding you to take care of yourself.  He sees how hard it can be, and will do anything to make up for it.
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Like Alfred, Arthur does not really understand ballet. But after watching you, he completely understands the appeal.
Frankly he wishes that the other dancers weren’t there. Watching you is absolutely entrancing, and everyone else is just a distraction!
Eventually, you’ll have to ask him to stop coming because he always brings way too many flowers for you-
He just can’t help but be overly supportive! He sees how much effort you put in, and it blows him away every time.
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Francis would absolutely adore a ballet dancer S/O! Anyone whose in the arts immediately has his respect and admiration.
He acts like a soccer mom for you lmao. Bringing water, snacks, keeping track of your costumes, and always coming to every rehearsal and performance. It’s a little overbearing, but he’s just trying to show his support-
Shows you off SO MUCH. He just can’t stop gushing about how talented you are!
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Yao loves all kinds of dance! Throughout history, he’s seen styles come and go, and whatever style you love, he’s totally in for.
Insists that you teach him everything you can about it, even if he can’t replicate it.
One of the only ones who knows how to act normal about. He’s very proud of you! But he won’t embarrass you about it.
He’ll take care of you after rehearsal if you ask, but he mostly gripes at you about taking care of yourself (like a dad would-)
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Oh, Ivan would absolutely adore this! His country is known for ballet, so he’s always had a love for it. He’s ecstatic that you love it too!
VERY enthusiastic! He’s taken a few lessons himself, so he would love to get better with your guidance.
Comes to a lot of your rehearsals, just to admire you. He says it's to make sure you get home safe, but really he just loves watching you dance.
He knows how to act at performances, but his support is still a little overwhelming... he's just so crazy in love with you and everything you do!
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Feliciano loves the arts, but ballet has always been a little confusing to him. He loves your performances, but most of it is lost on him.
That doesn’t mean he’s not willing to learn! And seeing how hard you work, he gains a new respect for the medium.
At every performance, he’s SO obnoxious. Cheering for you when it’s not appropriate, taking a million pictures, gushing about how well you did, telling everyone how perfect you did. It’s nice, but… wow. 
Don’t worry though, he’ll pamper you once you get home.
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Ludwig is going to be a little intimidated at first. In his mind, ballet dancers are the pinnacle of human aesthetics. And now he’s dating one? Oh boy…
But he’s very supportive! Goes to every single one of your performances, even if he doesn’t know the appropriate level of excitement he’s supposed to have at first.
He’s not an athlete in the same way you are, but he’d still love to exercise together! You two can teach each other some things. For you, strength, for him, endurance!
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He doesn’t know much about ballet, but if it makes you happy, it makes him happy!
After he learns more about it, he might start engaging more. Coming to your rehearsals, helping with costumes, and stuff like that! He’s very supportive, but he struggles to tell you in words how much he admires you <3
But he does worry a lot about you wearing yourself out. He’ll take care of you after every rehearsal and constantly remind you to not push yourself too much.
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doueverwonder · 1 year
Yes I’m still thinking about this;
Lars bragging that Mason (what I’ve decided to call Molossia) is going to “one day carry the Netherlands through a World Cup”
and every other parents is just,,, sir this is the YMCA Preschool soccer team calm down. They don’t even keep points, your son is four and doesn’t know what a yellow card is.
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abnosome1 · 2 years
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For USUK lovers in any form. This match IS coming soon. 😎
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council-of-beetroot · 16 days
What do i think about when a country is mentioned or what do I associate it with
Algeria - Sahara desert
Angola - thumb pianos, Luanda being an incredibly expensive place to live
Benin - dahomey, voodoo
Botswana - diamonds and the fact that it has been called the success story of Africa
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou formerly called upper volta.
Burundi - drums used during a revolution there. Gorillas
Cabo Verde - the shape of the country is like a ring of islands all around another island
Cameroon - soccer, limnically active lakes
Central African Republic - the French language
Chad - Lake Chad, Taureg People particularly the blue headscarves
Comoros - Anjouan Moheli and Grand Comore. Has had lots of coups
Congo DRC - my sister is into epidemiology so she talks about it a lot.
Congo - across a river from Brazzaville is Kinsasha
Cote d'Ivoire - Chocolate and the flag is the reverse of ireland
Djibouti - Lake Assal
Egypt - the pyramids
Equatorial Guinea - Spanish speaking, usually the country I use to explain why GDP per capita can be skewed.
Eritrea - architecture influenced by italy
Eswatini - I once got it confused with Switzerland, there's a holiday called Incwala
Ethiopia - a book I read a kid called "children just like me" also pizza hut, weddings, raw beef.
Gabon - oil and the fact that they have places called ogooue
Gambia - the shape and Yaya Jammeh
Ghana - also soccer, Elmina Castle
Guinea - One of the countries my sister knows a lot about
Guinea-Bissau - hippos
Kenya - Jeff
Lesotho - mountains
Liberia - my sister does a great impression of the I'm Liberian meme. Ebola, Ebola in town, don't touch your friend
Libya - Gaddafi, Has a much better flag now. A transit point in human smuggling.
Madagascar - vanilla
Malawi - perch
Mali - Houses built out of mud, west African Islamic architecture.
Mauritania - slavery, I watched a lot of videos during quarantine about modern day slavery.
Mauritius - hinduism
Morocco - markets and tangines
Mozambique - Cabo Delgado
Namibia - San People
Niger - The coup, the orange dot on the flag
Nigeria - Boko Haram
Rwanda - Rwandan Genocide
Sao Tome and Principe - water access for some reason
Senegal - I think this one YouTuber I watch is from there
Seychelles - Hetalia
Sierra Leone - Civil War
Somalia - it's shaped like a music note
South Africa - Vuvuzelas
South Sudan - Francis Bok
Sudan - There are more pyramids here than in Egypt
Tanzania - zanzibar
Togo - for here or Togo meme. I'm sorry Togo I know nothing about you
Tunisia - Arab spring
Uganda - Mr. Moseby
Zambia - the shape of the country reminds me of a fetus. There is also some really cool waterfalls I think, not sure.
Zimbabwe - Mugabe
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jackce · 2 years
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The past year I participated in a Fifatalia (Futbol-soccer Hetalia) Fanzine! ⚽
Please check it out, you can purchase the PDF for only $5 and it entirely support the LGBT+ community 💚
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matinagere · 1 month
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intro post!
hello!!! welcome to my agere blog, you can call me riri! my prns are he/she!
⏰ english isn't my first language (im brazillian)
⏰ im autistic and i have dyscalculia
⏰ my little age is 4-6 and my big age is 14
⏰ this blog is strictly sfw, please do not interact if you're cgl / abdl / ddlg / ageplay / petplay + any nsfw/kink blog , & anti age/petre
⏰ my current interests are martin matin, transformers rescue bots, o menino maluquinho, homestuck, hiveswap, dave & bambi, turma da mônica, soccer teams, the eltingville club, hetalia, mostly 90's cartoons in general
⏰ my non-agere blog is @bettycrockr
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my tags!
📍 — stolen by the one and only riri™️ = reblogs
🥞 — breakfast = textposts
⌛️ — everyday gets a new thing! = my requests
📙 — today's schoolwork = headcanon posts (very rare)
🧮 — STIMULATION! = my stimboards
✏️ — scribbles = my art
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i also take stimboard/art/headcanon requests! the list below means fandoms i will NOT do.
hazbin hotel/helluva boss
fnf (will make exceptions 4 dave & bambi)
world cup mascots (will only do olympara mascots)
kpop/any real people
south park
if you request please send source of the character(s) you want it from! thank you ( also must specify if you want it to have agere/petre themes or not! ;) )
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