#and yes I know football doesn’t usually have cheerleaders but we came up with a backstory for that already hehe
fireandiceland · 1 year
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Anyone here sharing my taste in this role allocation??
Also when I made this a couple of days ago I wasn’t convinced about Arthur in a sporty role, but then my beloved tumblr husband and local ukus connoisseur @alifeasvivid pointed out that gruff football player Arthur x cheerleader Alfred make a great match.. so that just for additional consideration ;)
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sincerelyella · 3 years
It’s Your Love - happy birthday Burnsy!
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairings: Drake x OC (Alyssa); Liam x MC (Ella)
Song Inspiration: It’s Your Love by Tim McGraw & Faith Hill
Characters belong to Pixelberry; OC Alyssa Devereaux belongs to my sister @burnsoslow​; Ella Brooks belongs to me.
Summary: The gang coordinates a surprise for Alyssa’s birthday.
A/N: It’s my Burnsy’s birthday and I’m sure everything I’m going to say she already knows! Firstly, I’m so sorry I changed my mind about which AU and which song for this fic like 47545024 million trillion times. Burns just freaking gets me mmkay? She’s my nakie twin, my soul sister, my football bestie and my biggest cheerleader. GUYS! Idk how I could have gotten through this year without her checking in on me, our football conversations or her amazing (and haaawwwwt) fics. Some dialogue in this fic, btw, was taken from a conversation we really had (and as usual, she is hilarious).
Burns, you know that I love you a BUTT TON and I will fight ANYBODY for you (where’s my vaseline?!) Thank you for always being in my corner, for giving me SEVERAL pep talks this year (because I’m dramatic), for believing in me when I sometimes didn’t believe in myself, and for loving me SO HARD. I really hope you have an amazing day and you enjoy your bday dessert and that you like this little fic.
-> please note, this is a rereblog and I am adding this fic to my ML. Today is not actually our sweet Burnsy’s birthday even though we would all like it to be lol
A/N2: This is set in The Loft AU by the way! Check it out here if you haven’t seen these guys’ shenanigans.
Warnings: Adult language, sexual innuendos, and major fluff guys!! The birthday girl wanted to be swooned and I will do my damndest to give her whatever she wants today.
Thank you so much @alyssalauren​ for letting me vent and letting me harass you with my whining … and listening to me change my mind about this for WEEKS - and also prereading for me along with @ofpixelsandscribbles​. I love you guys so much!
Words: 3149 (oops)
Alyssa was not feeling well. The more she coughed, the more she felt like death. “Oh, God, I feel like my brain is going to explode into itty bitty pieces,” she moaned with her arm draped over her face.
Drake bit his lip in an effort to stop a chuckle. She’s so fucking cute, and whiny. But cute. “Baby, it’s just a cold, you’ll be fine.” He slid onto their large king-sized bed and began to rub her lower back.
“It’s not! It’s the plague! Those kids at school don’t cover their mouths and sneeze up into the air! Like, I can see particles of their spit, just wafting,” she complained as she waved her hand in the air, mimicking the particles. “I bet you it landed on me or I inhaled that shit and now, look at me!” Her cute nose was reddened slightly from blowing out copious amounts of snot. She was seriously thinking about shoving some tissue in each nostril just to make sure nothing dripped.
Drake moved his hands upward and massaged her shoulders gently. “I can make you some soup,” he nibbled on her earlobe. “And make you feel … relaxed.”
“Mmmm,” she shivered at his words and sniffled. “Yes, baby, make me feel relaxed!”
A little while later
After Drake’s impressive two hour session of making Alyssa feel better, loud knocks sounded at their bedroom door.
“Lyssa!” Ella bellowed. “Lyss, you’re not answering my phone calls! Are you dead?!”
“No,” she croaked from the bed and stifled a laugh when Drake tripped trying to put on his boxers. “I was just getting my back blown out by my hot boyfriend.”
“Ew, TMI! Okay, are you covered up? I’m coming in!”
“No!” Drake yelled as he hurriedly threw on his pants. “Do not come in here, Brooks! I’m fucking naked!”
“Like I haven’t seen a naked man before,” Ella pushed open the door and rolled her eyes at Drake. “You aren’t even naked, Walker, get a grip.”
“No damn privacy around here,” he grumbled as he looked for a shirt in the closet.
“Hi!” Alyssa called out hoarsely from the bed as she tucked her comforter around her naked body. “I didn’t go to work today, I felt like death was coming for me.”
“I could hear you coughing from the kitchen. So, your blood pressure and that gnarly cough you have are what’s concerning me.”
“Yeah,” Lyss frowned and sniffed. “The cough is rough.”
“And gunky huh? Are you spitting up weird colored stuff?”
“No, it's clear and phlegmy!”
Ella narrowed her eyes on her best friend. “Lyss, did you take your blood pressure today?”
“I … umm no, I don’t like the machine.”
Ella let out a sigh. “You have to babe!”
Lyss’s bottom lip quivered. “I get scared my arm will explode.”
The lip quiver always works with Drake. “… yes?”
“Your arm won’t explode.”
“If it malfunctions it could!”
Ella rubbed her hands over her face. “Alyssa!”
“In one of the Halloween movies, Michael Myers killed someone in the hospital by putting a BP cuff around their neck and pumping it until their head exploded!”
“What the fuck? Okay, no more Halloween movies for you!”
“It’s not going to explode, Alyssa. You need to take your blood pressure. Do I have to hogtie you?”
“No ma’am, I’m taller than you!”
“By ½ an inch!”
Ella switched tactics. “If you don’t do this, I’m going to get Drake on you.”
Lyss giggled. “That’s hardly a punishment.”
Ella’s eye twitched and Alyssa held back a laugh.
After another 10 minutes, Alyssa finally agreed to only check her blood pressure if Ella did it for her and Drake had to hold her hand. Once the numbers were acceptable to Ella, Alyssa added to her terms. “Also, I want chicken noodle soup and those little soup crackers” - she sniffled - “and coffee.”
“Why not tea? That’s better I think,” Ella brushed some hair off of her best friend’s forehead.
“Cream isn’t a good idea for-”
Drake gave Ella a look.
“I mean … sure!”
“I’ll get started on that, baby,” Drake leaned over to kiss his girlfriend on top of her head. “Be right back.”
Ella waited until he closed the bedroom door behind him. “Lyssa.”
“Hmm?” She was already settled into the fluffy pillow and her eyes fluttered shut.
“Do you have a fever?” Not waiting for an answer, Ella leaned forward and felt Alyssa’s forehead with the back of her hand.
“Nu-uh,” Lyss mumbled and coughed.
“Don’t you want to put on some clothes?”
“Mmm, nope, I’m good naked.”
Ella chuckled. “Okay.”
She stood and left Lyss alone to rest. Ella wandered into the kitchen to find Liam and Drake as they stared into a large pot of broth.
“Is she asleep?” Drake asked while he stirred.
“Yep, she’s passed out,” Ella peered into the pot. “You need to add more onions.”
Drake tasted the broth again and shrugged. “Okay, more onions it is.”
Liam handed Drake the bowl of green onions. “So, what do you have planned for her birthday? Are you proposing yet?”
“I had planned to take her to the park and have a picnic,” Drake paused as he tasted the broth again from the ladle. “But seeing as how she’s not wanting to leave the bedroom, I might have to rethink my plan.”
“Hmmm,” Liam tapped his fingers over his mouth. “Why don’t you just have a picnic in the bedroom with her?”
“I guess,” Drake frowned. “That’s not very romantic.”
“You’re trying to be romantic, Walker?” Leo said as he walked into the kitchen with Maxwell with several bags from Nordstrom.
“Yeah, I am, if you must know.”
“I can help you out!” Leo’s wide grin made Drake narrow his eyes.
“What’s in it for you, Rys?”
“Oh, I just love helping my friends! Let me put all my stuff down in the bedroom, I’ll be right back.”
As soon as Leo was out of earshot, Drake hissed. “I don’t trust him!”
“I know,” Max replied. “It’s Leo we’re talking about. After he saw the movie Titanic he started the Billy Zane fan club.”
Ella stopped washing the dishes in the sink and turned. “Wait, what?!”
“Yeah,” Liam added. “Look it up, they’re called the Zaniacs.”
“Why does that make me angrier than anything he’s ever done?!”
Liam shrugged. “He also roots for Billy Zabka’s character in The Karate Kid.”
“Alright, guys! It’s romance time!” Leo announced as he came back to the kitchen.
Three days later
Leo, Maxwell, and Liam were busy setting up things for Drake and Alyssa’s outing at the beach.
“Why is Ella not helping us?” Maxwell huffed as he and Leo carried large boxes of twinkling lights.
“She’s here for Lyss, and to make sure Walker doesn’t sweat too much and get dehydrated,” Leo laughed as all three looked at Drake in the kitchen pacing back and forth.
“Fuck you guys,” his chocolate brown hair a mess after running his fingers through them more times than he can count. “I’m just … nervous.”
“Yeah, we can see that,“ Leo cackled as they walked out into the hallway and waited for the elevator.
“It’s going to work,” Liam reassured his best friend as he grabbed the guitar by the door and followed Max and Leo out.
“Drake, it’s going to be fine,” Ella put her hands on his shoulders to stop him from wandering around the kitchen; it was making her dizzy. “Liam is the King of Romance. Don’t listen to Leo, Alyssa is going to say yes.”
“How do you know that?” He began to babble and couldn’t stop himself. “What if this is too soon? What if she hates my singing? What if she says no?”
“You should be worried about whether she’ll get out of bed,” Ella looked towards the bedroom door.
“Oh my God, is she still in bed?!” He inhaled too quickly and began to cough.
“Okay, Walker, I was kidding. You know she adores you. She said ‘I love you’ first for crying out loud,” she gave him a concerned look. “Are you getting sick?”
“No, I don’t … get sick,” he sputtered as he continued to cough.
“Well you are pretty delicate, maybe you should slow down.”
He waved off her comment as his coughs began to dissipate. “I’m not delicate, I’m just” - he lowered his voice to a whisper yell - “proposing to my girlfriend and I don’t even know if she’s going to like this damn plan!”
Ella rolled her eyes. “Okay, so let’s just forget that you got sick watching Frozen.”
Drake glared. “No. I did not.”
“You also got a nosebleed watching Up,” she smirked.
“Oh my God, will you ever let that go?!”
Ella let out a chuckle. “Okay, fine then, why don’t you go and take a shower?”
“I already did,” Drake looked down at his sweat-stained shirt.
“Yeah, why don’t you go and take another one.”
He nodded. “Be right back.”
30 minutes later
“El! I need help!”
“Lyssa? What’s wrong?” Ella let herself into the bedroom Alyssa and Drake shared.
“My sinuses hurt and I dropped my dress and my book on the floor.”
“Can you pick it up for me? It hurts to bend over.”
Ella hid a smile and bent to pick up Alyssa’s black dress and her book titled Remember Two Things. “I’ve been meaning to read this, how is it so far?”
“Oh it is so good,” Lyss put the book on her nightstand and pulled the dress over her head. “I’m at chapter 18 and these two have been in love since college-”
“No spoilers! I’m going to read it after you,” Ella found Lyss’ shoes under the bed and helped her put them on. “You take that medication I gave you?”
“The pill was too big.”
“I’m kidding, yes, I took it,” she dimpled. “It was a gel capsule.”
Ella let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, good. You don’t need your sinuses to act up while you’re out.”
“Where is he taking me?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“You know why.”
Alyssa pouted. “No, I don’t.”
Drake appeared in the doorway with a brand new shirt that was miraculously dry. “Ready baby?”
“Yeah, I’m ready,” she stood and wrapped her arms around her best friend. “Thank you for helping me!”
Ella shooed the couple out the door and quickly called Liam to let them know they were on their way.
“Baby, why did you take another shower?” Alyssa eyed Drake’s damp hair.
“I … slipped in something Max spilled on the floor in the kitchen.” Fuck, I suck at lying.
“Oh,” Lyss chewed on her bottom lip and studied Drake’s side profile as he drove his truck through the streets of Los Angeles. “I was thinking … you’ve taken such good care of me while I’ve been whiny and sick and I wanted to thank you.”
“Of course, I care about you.”
“I love you, baby, I feel like we’re so good together.”
“We are, Lyss, I love you too,” he reached over and intertwined his fingers with hers.
Drake slowly pulled the truck into a parking spot and turned off the engine. “Come on, I have something I want to show you.”
Alyssa nodded. She hopped out of the car and took Drake’s outstretched hand as he led her into a walkway with arching shrubs above them. “What is this place?”
“It used to be a secret spot I went to when I was single,” he glanced down at her while she stared up at the greenery in awe. “I would just come down here to be alone.”
Suddenly, the archway lit up in thousands of little twinkling lights that illuminated their way down to the end of the walkway. “Oh my God,” Alyssa squealed. “I love this so much, it’s beautiful!” They came to the end of the lights and began to walk onto sand.
“Only a little bit further,” Drake mumbled as he took in the ocean, then focused his gaze on the large purple blanket that was sprawled out on the sand a few yards in front of them.
“What’s that?”
“It’s a little picnic the guys set up for us,” he gave Alyssa a nervous smile. “Are you hungry?”
“Yes! What’s for dinner?”
“Taco pizza and for dessert,” Drake excitedly climbed onto the blanket after removing his shoes. “S’mores brownie pie.”
“S’mores?!” Alyssa peeked into the large basket that held the pie. “Can we eat dessert first?”
Drake let out a loud laugh. “Whatever you want, baby it’s your birthday.”
Lyss opened the box where the taco pizza sat and she inhaled deeply. “Oh, no, we’re eating this first.” She grabbed a plate and separated two pieces, one for her, one for Drake.
“Thank you.”
They settled into a comfortable silence as they watched the waves cascade over the sand; the sun was slowly fading, disappearing behind the ocean, leaving its yellow-orange coloring over the blue hue of the water. Alyssa was sitting in between Drake’s legs, her back against his chest.
“This hit the spot,” she patted her stomach. “Taco pizza just like in Remember Two Things.”
“That’s where I got the idea from,” he kissed her on top of her head. “You told me how taco pizza sounded amazing and I had to get that for you.”
“You are amazing,” she leaned her head back and touched her lips to his. “Is that a guitar? Why didn’t I notice that before?”
Drake’s face turned a bright shade of red. “Uh, yeah, I had Liam bring his guitar out here.”
“Do you” - she pulled away from him and turned all the way around with widened eyes - “do you play guitar, baby?”
He nervously scratched the back of his neck. “I … Well, sort of. Liam taught me when we were teenagers.”
“That is so hot,” Lyss mumbled and she bit her bottom lip. “Will you play for me?”
Drake nodded. “Hopefully I’m not too rusty, it’s been years.”
“I know I will love it.”
Drake picked up the acoustic guitar behind him and began to tune it. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he went through each string and turned the knobs in turn. Alyssa watched as he dug into his jean pocket and pulled out a guitar pick. How is a man with a guitar so sexy?
“Here goes nothing.”
He strummed the guitar and smiled when it didn’t sound off-key. He took in a deep breath and began to sing.
Dancing in the dark, Middle of the night
Taking your heart, And holding it tight
Emotional touch, Touching my skin
And askin' you to do, What you've been doing
All over again
Alyssa was taken aback. She had no idea he played guitar or sang a note until today. Drake Walker singing country music just did something to her; not to mention the fact that she loved this song.
Oh, it's a beautiful thing, Don't think I can keep it all in
I just gotta let you know, What it is that won't let me go
She couldn’t stop herself, she started to sing along with him. It was a duet anyway.
It's your love, It just does something to me
It sends a shock right through me, I can't get enough
And if you wonder, About the spell I'm under
Oh it's your love
Their eyes were locked as they sang together. Alyssa harmonizing with him made his stomach do flip flops. He was a nervous wreck just thinking about singing and playing this damn guitar in front of her. But once she started to sing, he wanted to stop so he could hear her angelic voice instead of his rough one.
Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I stopped.”
“That was so beautiful,” Lyss’ eyes were full of unshed tears. “I had no idea you could sing, baby.”
“I’m sorry I stopped, I wanted to hear your voice instead of mine.”
“Come on, let’s keep going!”
“I … I wanted to ask you something first.”
“Okay, what’s up?”
He set the guitar down on the blanket next to him and reached into his other pocket. “Lyssa,” he pulled out a black velvet box but didn’t open his hand just yet. “I wanted to make your birthday special, and I was so fucking nervous because I didn’t know if you’d like all this.”
“Anything we do together I love, baby,” she grasped his free hand with both of hers. “Don’t ever think I won’t like something you plan for us.”
Drake nodded. “I love you and I chose that song because it’s your love that keeps me wanting to wake up every morning,” he opened his left hand and she saw the box in his hand.
“Is that …”
“Alyssa Devereaux,” Drake opened the ring box and there sat three round diamonds on a gold setting. “Will you marry me?”
The tears were falling and one hand was clamped over her mouth in shock. She was crying so hard and overwhelmed with so much emotion that she struggled to speak. “Y-yes, Drake, yes!”
Drake’s entire face lit up at her words; he slid the ring on her finger and leaned over to kiss her. “Do you have any idea how happy you’ve made me?”
Cheers erupted from behind some bushes behind them, and the couple turned in surprise. Leo, Maxwell, Liam, and Ella jumped out, all with their phone cameras pointed in Drake and Lyss’s direction.
Drake scowled. “What the fuck?”
“Guys!” Alyssa jumped up and waved her left hand in the air. “We’re engaged!” Ella pulled her in for a big hug and the two of them began jumping up and down.
“Nice going, Walker,” Leo smirked as he shoved the last piece of taco pizza in his mouth. “You still sing real pretty too, just like in middle school.”
“Fuck off, Rys,” Drake snarled.
“You did good, brother,” Liam stepped forward and pulled his best friend in for a manly hug.
Drake gave him a half-smile. “Thanks for setting this up, and for all your help, Li. I know Twiddle-Dumb and Twiddle-Dee didn’t help much.”
Liam shrugged. “They picked up your pizza and pie. Got one for themselves while we were waiting for you to pop the question.”
“Taco pizza is the bomb,” Maxwell announced with a mouth full of food. “You guys are engaged! When’s the wedding?!”
“We’re still on cloud nine from being engaged, Max,” Alyssa chuckled. “We’ll all plan it out when we’re ready.”
“All of them?” Drake asked incredulously as the gang began to clean up the picnic area. “All of them are helping us plan?”
“You’re stuck with us forever, gorgeous,” Leo called out to Lyss. “You sure that’s what you want?”
Alyssa looked over at her fiancé, who just so happened to look at her. “I am so sure.”
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johnnys-coors · 4 years
Could you do one we’re tommy has a crush on the reader and so Johnny helps tommy by giving the reader 10 leaders (1 a day) and he like saying in the letter like how much they like the reader and some stuff abt them so facts etc. so when the last lettter came he tells the reader to meet him at the beach and soooo he standing there and stuff soooo then tommy asks the read out to like a diner and they end up going to a diner just of them and then they end up dating
Letters Made of Hand
Castles Made of Sand -Jimi Hendrix
Characters: Tommy, Johnny, and Y/N
Contains: fluff, kissing, and feelings
Y/N speeds up her walking, she is going to be late to Geometry. Passing by a row of lockers, she narrows her eyes to see '047D'. She rushes to her gray locker, hurriedly calculating her combination. “Ah, shit!” The lock has stopped moving, it's jammed. A few passerby's stares are felt on Y/N's back. The frustrated teenager’s cheeks grow red from the sudden attention. She glances at the clock right above a classroom next to her. Y/N has two minutes.
A raspy voice asks, "Do you need help?" Y/N whips her head to the right in surprise. Fluffy platinum hair reflects the fluorescent school lights hanging from above. The corners of his light blue eyes crinkle in a laugh, as Johnny finds Y/N’s distress hilarious. “Oh, shut up.” Y/N scoffs, frustrated with combination of her lock and the clock quickly running her out of time. 
“Say less.” Johnny ushers Y/N out of the way and pulls down on the stuck lock. The shiny metal unlatches with a snap. The boy grins, proud of his accomplishment. “Wow, you’re better than any janitor!” Y/N faux swoons, receiving a snort from her friend. She faces the locker and swings open its thin metal door. A white piece of paper floats down onto the beige tiling. Muttering a ‘What the..’, Y/N leans down to grab the note. Johnny notices this occurrence, becoming intrigued. “Is it a secret admirer?”
Opening the folded material, the letter is a page long. Y/N wouldn’t have enough time to read it now. She folds up the paper while grabbing her math supplies. Shoving two Anatomy books into her unorganized shelf, she slams her locker shut. “I gotta get to class, I’ll let you know what it’s about,” Johnny goes to protest, stating she has plenty of time. “See ya!” Y/N shouts over her shoulder, running to her Geometry class, leaving the tall boy behind. 
As soon as Y/N is inside the math class’ doorway, the bell rings. Sighing in relief, Y/N made it! The teacher looks over in disapproval, always expecting her students to be early and ready to learn. Ignoring the glare, Y/N bounces over to her seat, getting a few laughs from her classmates. Elated, and also flattered from a potential love interest, she giggles. Dutch, an aggressive blonde, elbows his desk neighbor. His bushy eyebrows furrow as he tries to keep his voice down. “Don’t tell me Johnny gave you my stash.” 
Jimmy grabs a hold of the broken lock at Y/N’s locker. “What’s this?” His tanned hands cradle the metal as he's kneeled on the ground. “Let’s just say I saved the day, Jim,” Johnny gloats, puffing out his chest. A familiar cocky smirk plays on the boy’s face while everyone rolls their eyes. Y/N lightly shoves the teenager, barely budging from his heroic stance. Bobby and Tommy smile playfully at their group of friends. “Let’s get some lunch.”
Cobra Kai saunters into the loud cafeteria. The typical cliques are in their usual spots. The Cheerleaders and Jocks in the center, the Goths in a corner near a large bulletin, the Nerds by the lunch line, and Cobra Kai next to the water fountains. Now don’t get the group wrong, they’re still studs even if they don’t mingle with the Jocks. Tommy just had to get one swing at the football team’s quarterback. 
Johnny leads them to the lunch line, reaching forward to snatch a plastic tray for himself. Y/N grabs one along with a shiny spoon and fork. The smell of pizza meets Y/N’s nose. Her stomach grumbles, a hunger rippling through her. “Pizza or salad?” The lunch man grumbles, he'd rather be doing anything else than serving food to rude high schoolers. “Uh, pizza, please.” Y/N requests, waiting for the oven-hot rectangular flatbread to slide onto her tray. And it does, nearly staining the fabric of her white shirt. 
Moving her tray to the end of the line, Y/N takes a cup of mandarin oranges and sets it down on her tray. She starts to walk to her seat while her friends pass by her on both sides. The white and gray tiles stick to her shoes as God knows what's been on the floor. Placing down her food, she opens her water bottle she snagged from her locker. The Cobras talk among themselves, laughing about a prank they pulled. Y/N twists her left wrist to open the blue bottle cap. She leans back and begins to take a sip. Cool water hits her parched mouth.
"Y/N, why don't you show us what you found in your locker today?" Johnny questions, more demanding than suggestive. She nearly chokes on her water in excitement. Placing the plastic cap back on, she sets the bottle back down onto the red table. "Sure thing." Y/N reaches her index and middle fingers into her front jean pocket. Her eyes flick up to watch her friend's reactions.
Johnny's eyes glow in anticipation, seemingly more blue then before. Bobby nods her on, his long wispy hair framing his olive complexion. Jimmy leans on Dutch, who could care less, while a small smile is in the making. Tommy fixates on his food, sawing off his pizza with a metal knife. The utensil shines as it reflects the school’s overhead lights. He seems off, really off. Squinting, Y/N makes out a slight hue of pink on the loudmouth's cheeks. He's blushing?
"Are you gonna let us see?" Dutch quips, impatient as ever. Finally pulling out the folded paper, it crinkles as Y/N smoothes it out with her palm. Clearing her throat, she begins to read the letter aloud. "'Dear Y/N, I hope I don't come across as a stalker when I write this. Here goes nothing: You may be surprised when you figure out the person behind this handwriting, maybe even shocked. But let me just say that you are the only person that makes me feel like doing a roundhouse kick to the moon and back'," Tommy laughs, saying how bad ass the scenario sounds. This earns a shove from Bobby to quiet him down.
Y/N continues, "'Yes, I'm that thrilled about you. I guess your smile adds to the feeling. No, I think it's your laugh. I remember when we were at the same showing for a movie and hearing your giggle. What I would do to hear it again! Signing off, Hendrix.'" Silence carries through the group, letting the love letter sink into their minds. Bobby breaks the quietness. "What do they mean by 'Hendrix'?" His forehead creases in thought. "I think it's code." Jimmy pipes, the only Cobra with a decent GPA.
"Well, Jimi Hendrix was a rock artist." Tommy suggests, after being quiet for so long. "Right, but who listens to him anymore? I only have cassettes of Boston and Motley Crue." Johnny's hand comes up to comb through his floppy hair. His mouth full of pizza, Dutch grumbles, "MJ is all the rage now." He imitates Michael Jackson, singing an off key 'Billie Jean'. "Okay, I think we get it," Y/N laughs, as an idea pops into her head. "Does anyone have the last name 'Hendrix' in our school?"
In the library for study hall, Jimmy and Bobby help Y/N flip through yearbooks. A stack of them lay off to the right of the wooden table's edge, about to crash to ground. Her eyes scan the names of people, as her eyes become tired from staring. She closes the book's black cover from 1982, giving up. "I found him!" Jimmy exclaims, as Bobby and Y/N crane their necks to see. The librarian hushes the teenagers, adjusting her glasses that sat on her nose. The fuzzy black and white picture showed an attractive Matthew Hendrix. The glossy page reflected dark hair and a white smile.
"I know this kid! He's by my locker." Y/N pieces together, the puzzle falling into place. Bobby glances up at her yearbook in her hands. "Is he in our grade?" He asks. The teenager doesn't want a guy older than the Cobras, he'll just mess around with them. "No Hendrix is in our grade, he does football." At the mention of the ill-fated sport, Jimmy quickly inquires, "Wait, it's not the guy Tommy punched, right?" Y/N shook her head in confusion. Everyone was either too drunk or high to remember who was in the party's fight.
The next day's events were rather quite interesting. Y/N got another letter from this 'Hendrix'. She opened the note hurriedly. It would be embarrassing for her if any of her friends found out. This second paper gave more details about how much they liked Y/N, but they also gave a reference she picked up on. It mentioned going to a summer camp in '83. Y/N went with the Cobra Kais, but other guys tagged along too.
So far, none of her friends had waltzed up to her, pressing more about the topic. Dutch definitely wouldn't, he scoffs at the slightest mention of romance. It's a wonder that he even dated, let alone lost his virginity. Johnny and Tommy have been far too quiet about these occurrences. Jimmy and Bobby have been the only ones willing to help Y/N find more about this secret lover.
The note only fueled a desire for Y/N to ask Matthew if he was writing her letters. She waits, leaning on her locker, awaiting the moment the said boy would roll around. The beginning of the school hours always dragged slow, as if in mud. Y/N hopes this event would bring her some newfound excitement. The first bell rang, signaling to students they had five minutes till class. A breeze blew on her shoulders as a tall figure slowed down their pace. Matthew slung a dark bag over his right bicep, shoving it into his locker.
"Hey, Matthew, is it?" Y/N's voice inquires, raising in pitch with giddiness. The teenager’s brown hazel eyes sweep over her figure, deciding if he should pick up the conversation. With a light sigh, Matthew nods his head. “Yeah, whatcha want?” Y/N holds up the notes that were slipped into her locker from the past two days. “Have you been writing these to me?” She extends the papers for Matthew to take. A look of curiosity takes over the boy as he accepts the letters. His eyes move back and forth as he scanned the writings. 
“I didn’t write these,” Y/N’s heart sank as this encounter did not go as planned. “But the handwriting looks familiar.” Matthew swears he saw this specific printing before, maybe written on his car in red spray paint? Reliving the memory, the red warning scribbled out a ‘NO MERCY’ on his beloved Dodge Turbo’s side. The faraway look in Matthew’s eyes causes Y/N to wave her hand in front of his line of vision. Coming back to his senses, Matthew shakes his head in disbelief. 
“Here are your papers.” Matthew presses the letters back to Y/N. She's positive that she nibbled onto the bait of this fishhook. She goes to ask him more questions, but he slammed his locker abruptly. Grumbling something about getting payback, Matthew heads down the hallway, turning the corner. He deserts Y/N, who's left with more questions than answers. 
For the next few days, each note gave more and more hints about the writer. So far, with the help of Jimmy and Bobby, she figured out that they like soccer and enjoy running on the beach. It’s not a grand discovery, but Jimmy assured her that every clue counted. Besides, the final note would be delivered today. Y/N is thrilled, she hopes the anonymous lover would reveal who they are. 
The Cobra Kai boys have been drifting in and out the letter drama, scrapping up details here and there. She walks into the lunch line by herself, as she chooses a salad today. Y/N decides to walk alone, she's packed with a lot of tests and doesn't have time to wait for the others. “Heya, Y/N.” Johnny greets, changing out his cassette tape in his Walkman. Tommy’s bruised hand covers one of the cassettes nearest to him, its taped title unable to be seen. 
“What’re you doing?” Y/N asks, as the boy seems to be moving the tape closer to himself. Caught in the act, Tommy stops moving the cassette. He lifts his head to meet his friend’s eyes. A nasty shiner around his right eye stands out against his smooth skin. The boy mentioned he fell down a flight of stairs at a party and tried to catch himself. Hence his purple knuckles. 
“Oh, I was just helping Johnny change out his Walkman.” Tommy comes up with, flipping the cassette so it was standing upright, the tape side away from Y/N. Her narrowed eyes dart between Johnny, who fakes a shit eating smile, and Tommy, who doesn't dare move until Y/N lets go of the subject. She sits down, letting the topic dissipate on its own. Her brain's tired enough as is. 
“Do you have the final note?” Bobby leans in, his long hair tickling Y/N’s cheek as he questions her. Y/N reaches into her trapper keeper, laying the letter between her and Bobby, reading silently. ‘Meet me at the beach after school, around eight. Bring your swimsuit!’ She almost jumped out of her seat at the butterflies overtaking her stomach. Bobby pats the back of Y/N, lightly laughing. “Well, there you have it. You’ll meet them after all!” 
The purr of the Firebird rumbles Y/N’s passenger side seat. The smell of the seawater fills her nose with her window cracked open. Johnny’s bright headlights gives way that they're traveling down the dark road. The whistle of the wind and the thumping of REO Speedwagon hum her ears. It's surprising that she didn’t bribe Johnny to take her, he usually would grumble about it for a while. This time he acted almost glad to take Y/N. 
Johnny pulls the car forward and parks it in the beach’s parking lot. She scans her surroundings ahead of her through the glass. The silhouette of a figure is down in the sand, facing the waves. “I think that’s my person. Thanks, Johnny.” Y/N unbuckles her seatbelt, ready to open the door and greet her writer. A tan arm swung out in front of her, holding a piece of paper. This stops her from continuing her motions. “What’s this?” Grabbing the note, she opens it. 
The infamous handwriting is there but another one is visible. A more hurried, scratchy one. ‘You weren’t expecting another letter? Calm your tits, it’s just a note from your letter carrier: Make sure kick ass when you meet ‘Hendrix’. He’s really an amazing dude.’ Johnny laughs, slapping his large hands together in amusement. Y/N mouth drops, the charade coming to a close in front of her eyes. 
“Wait, so you were the one dropping off the letters in my locker?” Y/N asked, her eyes shining in amusement. Johnny nods frantically, his hair reflecting the moonlight coming in on the dashboard. “Hey, it wasn’t hard to put superglue on the lock. It was pretty sick!” Laughing, she opens the car door, leaving the paper on her seat. “You jerk!” Y/N slams the door shut, leaving an emphasis on her words. 
The grainy white sand slows her walking as she approaches the figure. “Hello?” She calls, anticipating rising. Everything has came to this moment, it better be worth it. Brunette hair gently moves in the breeze, as goosebumps rise on her arms. No answer is given. The person’s ears are covered by a certain black foam, connected with wire. Sighing, she nears even closer. 
As if expecting the visitor, or listening intensely, an index finger presses pause on their Walkman. Turning their head, Y/N’s eyes widen and she covers her mouth in surprise. A set of brown eyes watch her reaction while they remove their Walkman, setting it down on their blue towel. A smile forms the longer the person watches Y/N. “It’s me.” The voice was bubbly and unapologetically loud. 
“Tommy? Oh my god.” Y/N’s face pales as she sets herself down next to the writer. The male leans over to the left and makes a show of taking out his cassette tape. ‘Jimi Hendrix- Electric Ladyland’ is written on the brown Scotch tape. “I’m ‘Hendrix’, Y/N.” She blushes, her face turning a shade of pink. “I figured that out by now, doofus.” Tommy quietly laughs, turning towards her. Silence commences.
Y/N’s heartbeat bangs loudly against her ribcage as she leans in. She pauses, just short of kissing him. Y/N wants to make sure he is okay with going further. Fortunately, hesitation is not in Tommy’s vocabulary. Her eyes close once she feels his lips on her own. His warm hand cusps her face, gently stroking his thumb on her cheek. His abs contract as he rests his back on his towel, his left arm propping up his head.
She lays to left of him, her face creating contact with his. Her hair falls over to the side, moving slightly with the ocean wind. Tommy’s hand rests on the small of Y/N’s back, as the warmth of his body pulls her in further. Running her hands through his hair, she gently pulls. A small groan is released from Tommy throat, rumbling Y/N’s chest. An innocent gesture but not so innocent reaction. 
Tommy smiles warmly when the kisses end, fireworks going off in his stomach. Y/N pulls herself up and sits facing the black waves, turning shy with the shared intimate moment. “Come on, let’s go for a swim.” Tommy proposes, rising to his feet and pulling off his gray sweatshirt. His toned stomach pales in moonlight, his crucifix necklace dangling down over his chest. His orange swim trunks are loosely draped over his prominent hip bones. 
“Like what you see?” Tommy teases, flexing his biceps. “As if, loverboy.” Y/N retorts with faux annoyance. She grips the bottom hem of her black top as she reveals her swimsuit, shedding her pants. It’s now Tommy’s turn to gawk. He stands like a little kid, with his hands relaxed at his side, his jaw slack. Y/N takes this as an opportunity to rush into the waves, splashing Tommy with the lukewarm water. 
“Hey! Come here!” Y/N giggles as he rushes over to lift her up off the ground. He spins her around once, laughing. Her eyes widen in thrill as he lifts her up even higher, getting ready to toss her into the water. Her legs kick in excitement as she grips onto his shoulders. “Ah, Tommy!” She giggles, not wanting him to let go of her. Her eyes lock with his own once again. 
Her laughter fades as they gaze at each other. Tommy’s adam apple bobs when he swallows thickly. He’s nervous. She feels herself being let down by the taller. Y/N stands now confused by the change in mood. “Y/N,” Tommy calls, more declarative than interrogative. “Can you be mine?” The water around her ankles feel colder than before. 
She nods, gradually getting faster with her confidence. “Yes, yes, yes,” Wrapping her hands around Tommy’s waist she pulls him in for a quick peck. “A thousand times yes.” She turns to exit the water and put her clothes back on. Her boyfriend follows, now noticing the Firebird that’s been there for over an hour. “Are you kidding me? Johnny’s here?” He whines, falling to his knees, his fists pounding the soft sand. 
Y/N giggles, amused by his dramatic ways. “Hey, let’s get some fries downtown? Johnny can take us.” Tommy gets up off the ground, grabbing his towel and Walkman. “Fine, it’s a deal. Race you to the car!” 
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
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N.J (2k)
A/N• this is purely indulgent. It also has quite heavy themes, but at this point are any of us surprised. I want to make something clear, the reader doesn’t do what she does bc of what happens with her and Jaemin (I’m trying not to spoil). I mean, that’s just a tip of the iceberg type situation. That being said, if you are having similar thoughts as our dear reader, please call your countries suicide hotline, and/or talk to someone you trust in your life. ALSO, I am not trying to romanticize any of the topics I wrote about, I’m trying to show that even the people that seem to have it all can be just as lost and broken as the rest of us, also that the most important thing you could be to a person is someone who asks them if they’re okay. Sometimes, that’s all a person needs - Someone to listen.
READ!⚠️angst, suicide,character death, drugs, heavy self-hating words, depiction of depression/mental illness, not specified, but insinuates⚠️
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{🎵SOTS☁️; Lifeboat, Elle McLemore}
The world seemed to close in on you as you stared at the boy who stood before you with a hardened gaze in his eyes. While you only stood a good 3 feet away from him, you could feel the anger and helplessness radiating off of him, transferring itself onto you in sadness and heartbreak.
“Why?” Was the only thing you could manage to get past your lips.
“Y/n, it’s not that I don’t like you, of course I do. We’ve been dating for 2 years, but I’ve just been... uncomfortable almost the whole time. It’s not your fault, it’s just, your life. I can’t handle being with one of the most popular girls in school. You seem to have it all figured out, and everyone loves you, and I feel pushed to the side sometimes.” You didn’t understand why Jaemin was mad, but the small space under the bleachers where you both stood was enough to suffocate you to the point where you didn’t care to ask.
He didn’t understand.
They never understood.
No one.
You wanted to fight to save your relationship, but the words choked into the back of your throat, just like they did when Soojin would bully people in front of you, and you wanted to scream at her and pull the other person into your arms and whisper that it will all be okay and apologize apologize apologize, but you stayed rigid on her flank, silently trying to survive until you could get to Jaemins arms, or to the bottom of a beer bottle at yet another house party you were constantly forced to attend with your other two friends.
You choose to swallow your spit, and ask him, “is this because of soojin? Did she say something to you?” You knew your “dear” friend had a certain distaste for your long term boyfriend, because - as she had worded it - his kind doesn’t belong next to someone that Soojin had deemed acceptable enough to befriend (you); “His kind” being not necessarily the most popular. Him and his other friends were amazing people, and you wished you would have befriended them on the first day of freshman year, instead of the blonde girl in your Art 1 class that always had a red scrunchie. When Jaemin introduced you to them, you could tell they were hesitate to let you into their life - what with your position within your schools hierarchy system. You honestly didn’t blame them. However, after a while they warmed up to you, and you felt like you finally fit in with people. You thought these people would become your life long friends; long after you’ve left high school and forgotten all about the life you unwillingly lead.
You suppose that is no longer the case.
“No, yes, god I don’t know, y/n. It’s just, everything! You have friends that are bitches, and I never know when you’re just going to leave me and spread some terrible rumor about me!” He was silently yelling now. It was after school, and the football team was on the field - the other side of where you stood - practicing. There were people running on the track, cheerleaders practicing next to the field, leftover students wondering the grounds. Everyone was living, moving on with their lives and turning along with the Earth - why did you feel frozen? Why did you feel like nothing was ever going to keep moving and be okay and the world was never going to be beautiful again?
“Is that what you expect me to do, Jaemin? After two years of knowing me, is that what you think of me?”
“God, y/n, maybe! I see who you align yourself with so I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a bitch just like them!” You understood he was just hurting, like you, but that didn’t make the words hurt any less. You took a couple steps back from his figure with slow nods, before turning around fully and booking your way to your car.
Jaemin watched your retreating figure with tears curling into his eyes. He left not long after you did, still thinking about you on the way home. He didn’t know this at the time, but that was the last time he ever saw you. His first love, his first heartache.
You felt guilty.
You always did. You always had this insistent chewing at your intestines; this constant voice in your head telling you that everyone was better than you, and that you didn’t deserve the praise you got for being a good person.
You tried to fight the words and the icky feelings off with trips to the volunteer center - usually with Jaemin. You went that night, hoping that this constant pain in your heart after hearing jaemins smooth, venom-filled words would choke back and leave your system, like the terrible feelings usually did when you helped people. However, no matter how many people smiled at you, and no matter how many lives you got to help, the feeling only grew more and more.
You are worthless, y/n.
You only do charity work for your own need.
No one likes you.
You’ll never be loved.
Not even Jaemin loves you.
These ill thoughts were a normal occurrence for you. Usually, Jaemin would lay you down, rub your stomach, and whisper in your ear how beautiful you were to him, inside and out.
You were a nuisance and a waste to him, y/n.
The feelings never left, and you could tell people knew something was wrong with you, so you chose to leave the center early. On your way out, a familiar face had asked you where Jaemin was. You pretended you didn’t hear them.
Your room was dark. Usually, if you couldn’t have Jaemin, you would go to your parents. However, they were away at a dinner event for your mother’s work. You would never go to Soojin, and while you loved Haeyong, she had a tendency to tell Soojin about what you two privately talked about; always trying to get brownie points with the blonde girl who seemed to secretly hate her. You figured there was someone you could go to, and it didn’t hurt to try.
Y/n [10:57pm] u up???? I kinda need someone to talk to rn hAha. Read
Y/n [10:59pm] hello? 👉👈 Read
Y/n [11:02pm] Haechan why r you leaving me on read bro?? Ik he’s your best friend, but we don’t have to talk about him, I just need someone to talk to pLS pls. Read
Haechan [11:03pm] listen y/n we shouldn’t talk anymore, I’m sorry. You were a good friend, but Jaemin was and always will be first to me. And he’s right, we never know when you’re going to do a 180 on us and tell all of our secrets to everyone. We can’t - and never have been able to - trust you. I’m sorry, really. You’re a popular girl. You don’t need us, you’ll forget. When we became friends with you, we didn’t really want to, Jaemin kinda forced us to, I hope u understand. :/ we’ll forget about u, u forget about us. Deal? Read
Y/n [11:04pm] um ok. Sorry for bothering you all, have a good night Read
Y/n [11:03pm] when will u be home?Read
Mom [11:06pm] not for a while, ask Jaemin to come over if you’re scared of being alone. Read
Y/n [11:06pm] mom i hate to be annoying but can u and dad come home rn??? I need u Read
Mom [11:08pm] are you dying? Has someone broken in? Are you unsafe?Read
Y/n [11:08pm] um,,,,no Read
Mom [11:10pm] well then no y/n. You know how much this award means to me, I’ve been constantly working lately and finally might get recognized for it. If I leave now, I might not get it. Can whatever you need wait? Read
Y/n [11:11pm] Um yeah. I love u Read
Mom [11:12pm] u too💖 Read
Why were you never first?
Why was there no one who asked you if you were okay?
If there was, what would you say?
See y/n? No one likes you.
You’re a bother to them.
Maybe you should fix that.
Maybe if you made their lives easier, they would love you.
You didn’t deserve their love, but maybe?
Maybe the pills could love you.
They were always there for you.
Maybe, they could help others love you too.
Love love love love.
They say your parents found you in bed.
They thought you were sleeping. I mean, all your lights were off, it was late.
But in the morning, when your mother came to wake you up and saw that your eyes were wide open, well....
They found the note on your desk across the room.
It was dated a year before.
You had written it a year before.
Everyone admitted that it was such a beautiful note. Heartbreaking? Yes. gut-wrenching? Of course. But beautiful, absolutely beautiful.
They gathered everyone into the gym the next day in intervals. Freshman, who didn’t understand what was really happening, but had heard your name and definitely knew who you were, and could put two and two together.
Next, the sophomores. Like the freshman, they only had heard of you. Some had met you, some cried. You were kind, they knew.
After them, the juniors. Chenle and Jisung were sitting in the corner. Jisung was sobbing into Chenle’s lap, while silent tears fell down the olders’ face. You had always been willing to play video games with them, and were such a kind hearted person. They remember last night, when they were all sitting together and haechan had read your texts you sent out loud, and all of them were so busy feeling for Jaemin, that they blindly informed Haechan on what he should say. On how to break your heart. Chenle wished Haechan had called her.
Finally, the seniors. Soojin and Haeyong sat in the back, as always. They were both upset because you had not been answering their texts.
Renjun, Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin were sitting on the other side. They had not been told what the assembly was about, but when the teacher got the call about it, halfway through math, she sat at her desk for a couple of seconds with her head in her hands. They knew whatever the assembly was about was not good.
Haechan was the first to react out of the four.
He whispered your name silently with wide eyes rounded on his face. His mind went to the first time you met him. You played him in a round of Overwatch to get him to warm up to you, and easily beat him. Besides Jaemin, he was probably the one you were closest to.
Jeno just kept looking at his lap with evident tears denting dark spots onto his jeans. Renjun, who was sitting next to Jaemin, couldn’t take his eyes off the boy to his right, terrified that he would faint.
Jaemin felt sick. He knew he looked pale, and his head felt a bit dizzy. He tasted metallic in his mouth, and finally registered that he was biting the inside of his cheek so hard, he was drawing blood. He wanted to leave, but he was too far up on the risers to get down.
Soojin cried. It was uncharacteristic of her, but at this point she didn’t care. How had she not seen it? Was she that self centered that she had really not seen it on you? Her best friend?
Haeyong wished you had called her, wished you had told her. But why would you? She knew she didn’t deserve to hear your heartache, but she still wished.
They read out your note. Your beautiful, heartbreaking, gut-wrenching note. They read it. And the student body listened.
I float in a boat
In a raging black ocean
Low in the water
And no where to go
The tiniest lifeboat
With people I know
Clammy and crowded
The people smell desperate
We’ll sink any minute
So someone must go
The tiniest lifeboat
With people I know
Everyone’s pushing
Everyone’s fighting
Storms are approaching, there’s no where to hide
If I say the wrong thing
Or I wear the wrong outfit
They’ll throw me right over the side
I’m hugging my knees
And the captain is pointing
Well who made her captain?
Still, the weakest must go
The tiniest lifeboat
Full of people I know
The tiniest lifeboat
Full of people I know
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Lemme know if you’d like a part two? Idk. Like I said this is purely indulgent so it’s not that good sorry :///
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
College au! Doyoung (>,<)
Okay I am in the mood for some domestic boyfriend Doyoung! 
Fluff! Doyoung x reader
I open the door to my small shared apartment. I've just finished studying in the library for finals. It's snowing outside and I forgot my umbrella. Therefore, I am drenched in the snow after walking from the bus station near our flat. The lights are on and a pair of shoes greets me over the welcome mattress. I smile to myself as I quickly enter the flat and lock the door. I drop my belongings on the floor (quite a commotion. It made a loud bang!) Quickly, while jumping over my feet I fumbled with my jacket zipper as my mouth mumbles "Cold cold cold cold" . A frustrated groan slips when my frozen fingers can't cooperate to unzip my jacket. Just as I was about to call help, the shower door opens and a steamy hot air escapes along with a man in a comfortable pajamas.
"You're home!" he grins and walks to greet me.
"Gosh! You're frozen." He said when he saw how my lips and body trembles.
"The zipper, help" I control my breath when the urge of sneezing tickles my nose.
"There." He gets it off in one go, and takes me out of the thick jacket.
"Go shower first. You need that. I'll make hot cocoa. Have you eaten yet?" his voice comes from the pantry.
I yelled my answers back to him after grabbing my towel and clothes.
"Yeah just a sandwich," And shut the toilet door.
The man with his damp hair and round eye glasses walks to the refrigerator. He checks and grimaces when he realizes they have to go shopping. There's not even a single egg and milk. All they have is a bottle of soju and two packs of Yakult; those two and nothing else.
He feels bad but he has to feed her. So, he boils a pot of water and pick out two packs of ramyeon.
He hums his favorite song as he took out two mugs and fills them with water. He place both into the microwave and picks out a sachet of hot cocoa and coffee.
His hum and cooking come to an end just as the girl who has been singing under the shower opens the door and appears in a better condition.
I return in a couple pajamas and my body is not as shaky as before.
"I can smell it from the bathroom. Ramyeon! Gosh you know what I've been craving!" I walk excitedly to the kitchen.
The table was set and two bowls of ramyeon and two mugs of hot drinks are steaming before our eyes.
"Thank you Doyoung! Let's dig in" I pick up my chopsticks and start savoring each taste of this wonderful mankind discovery.
"I'm sorry we only have ramyeon. We ran out of kimchi and eggs." Doyoung said after they finish their bowl.
"My bad, I forgot to check them. I should've gone to the supermarket." I gulp down the hot chocolate liquid and hold the glass between my hands to keep them warm.
"We can go shopping tomorrow. It's Sunday and I'm free." Doyoung gulps his coffee.
"Is that coffee?" I ask when I notice the different color and fragrant.
Doyoung nods and smiles his bunny smile, "I haven't drunk one today. And I need my caffeine."
I shrug my shoulder and focus on him in front of me.
"How's studying? Is the library crowded?" He starts asking about my day.
I nod my head, "it's two weeks to finals. Every corner of the library is filled."
"Were you alone earlier?" Doyoung asks carefully. Well he's the type who needs to know if his girl is safe.
"I'm with my friends. We studied together for the Korean studies. You know I'm still foreign with the idioms." I said. Well being born Korean and raised in USA was great, but then when I return and start college here, I struggle with the Korean language studies.
Lucky me, Doyoung, my boyfriend for two and a half year is best at teaching me all the hard Korean test.
"Ah! You could have gone home and study with me." He picks his glass up to drink some more coffee.
"You're going to have finals too! And I know you need to focus well. That's why I asked Jaehyun's help to teach me. Don't worry; I completely understand the test materials now." I place my hand over his free palm on the table and gave it a small squeeze.
Yes I saw the spark of jealousy in his eyes, and I realize maybe I shouldn't have mentioned his name. Jaehyun is a big no no in Doyoung's dictionary. And I happen to forgot that today.
"Sorry, but there are other friends too: like Yuta, Mark, Claire, and Scarlet." I tried to make the situation brighter.
The air is too thick now, as I mentally curse myself for letting Jaehyun's name slipped. But how can I not? That guy saw me struggling and offers me help. I who was completely clueless and hopeless gratefully said yes and thank him tons of time.
"Good. That means you'll ace your Korean test right? Guess that Jaehyun is a nice guy." Doyoung's sinister sound launches from his tongue.
He stands up, grabs the dirty plates and empty glasses.
"I'll wash them. How's your day hm?" I get hold of the washing glove and sponge faster than him. I ask him question while washing.
"I'm dismissed early. Class ends by five when the weather forecast warned there will be heavy snow coming at seven. That's why my professor dismissed the class earlier when he saw most of us did not carry umbrella or drive a car." Doyoung helps me drying them and putting them on the drying rack.
"Oof lucky you. Wish my professor thinks like that too. But no, he told us he has to finish the lecture. I got soaked under the last drops of snow. Not that heavy, but you saw my jacket." I glance to my jacket.
Doyoung has hung it nicely beside his.
Upon remembering how I shivered and got drenched under snow just to have extra lesson to not disturb him, Doyoung feels soft and grateful. He's lucky to find himself a girl, as simple, loving, caring, cheerful, and cute like what he wished in his girl friend list.
She's not the type to fuzz over small things, thus they rarely fought. She doesn't get jealous easily, while Doyoung is especially jealous of Jaehyun (just him). We get along well because some times they can comfort one another in silence. We find peace in our quiet times, only exchanging small quick gazes, we laugh over the same jokes. Enjoy the same type of music and likes singing to it. And many more!
"Come, let's stay warm. I turned the heater on already before and it's starting to feel toasty. Let's stay under the warm covers." He leads me to our room and turns the lights out.
"The stove is off right?" I ask him while I charge my phone and do my night skin care routine.
"Uhum. I turned it off. Don't worry. Now quick! It's starting to feel so empty." He attempts aegyo and succeeds
"How cute," I jump to the bed and dive under the cover. He quickly pulls me by my waist and tangles his long legs over mine.
"Cold," He mimics me while snuggling deep into me.
"You want to be the little spoon tonight?" I chuckle. Doyoung always wants to be the big spoon, and yes he fits that better. My body fits perfectly in his.
"Nope, of course I will return to being the big spoon after this. You can't even wrap me completely with your petite figure." He leans in for a quick kiss.
"I'm tired. I need sleep." I yawn
"I can't sleep."
"Who told you to have coffee at this hour?" I stuck my tongue out.
"Just sleep. Tomorrow we have the whole day to fight." He giggles and brings me into his arms.
Doyoung plants a soft kiss on my forehead and plays with my hair.
He hums me a melodious lullaby and I drifted to dream land.
We dated for about two years already. I met him on my freshman year. Unlike the usual science geek gets attracted to another science geek, or a cheerleader who loves their team's football captain, or name any other expected couples! No. Doyoung is from another faculty plus he's a year older than me. He's majoring in arts and culture, while I'm pursuing my dream to become a doctor. How do we meet? We did not bump each other in the hallway, nor did he started as a bully and fell for me, no one set us up, and our first meeting happens to be a coincidence. Not an accident.
We were participating in the campus' annual athletic championship and both of us happen to be a team for the archery game. I'm one of the aces in archery and Doyoung is someone I never heard of during practices. He looks like someone who doesn't do sports. I'm surprised when my coach told me he will be my partner.
At first I almost gave up on the competition. From the first glance, I had a feeling he only participated here to attract the female students attention. He's cute and attractive. Don't get me wrong, I only judge him by his first look.
He's not like Baekhyun, my fellow doctor classmate who happens to be my best friend though he is loud af (I often question myself how I can keep up with him.) Doyoung is more of the cold and short-answers guy.
True enough, within 30 minutes of preparation and warming up. I only got his name and faculty. We never met before, we don't know how good our partner is, and my ego tells me to not practice here. I just feel like using all my potentials directly in the field. He seems relaxed and I, even though I won several competitions before, am feeling nervous. This is my first game and the whole school is rooting on us. The game is held between schools; today's match came from our top three rivals.
I touched my bow and closed my eyes, calming down myself on the waiting bench and anxiously bounced one of my leg.
"Nervous?" his voice suddenly enters my ear; a gentle low voice.
I jumped a bit from my daze and stop moving my legs. "No, it's just a bit loud here." I let out a weak reply. My sound's shaky though.
He patted my shoulder and gazed into the field, where the other players were aiming their arrows. "You'll do great. The field is always loud."
I tried to control my heart beat. What's this feeling? No. I should not fall for him this soon. I don't even know his class and I don't even know him for more than an hour.
We were called to enter the arena, I pull myself together and we walked side by side.
I turned to see the score board and smiled when I saw the scores our competitors earned.
Doyoung started first and as he took his stance, the whole audience gets even louder. I grimaced at the deafening sound but he doesn't seem bothered at all.
He launches his arrow neatly and hit the 8 points.
A good start I thought. The other teams started with a 6 or 7.
He finished his part perfectly with a ten twice in a row.
The game requires each member to shoot 5 times and combine the total point for 10 shoots.
Doyoung scored a total of 46. He bowed to the audiences and judges then switched place with me. He threw me a smile and nothing else.
I waited for the property team to pluck out the arrow and I prepared myself.
Let me show you who I am. Well, like I said I'm very good in archery. Not to brag but I caught everyone's attention and breath away when my first arrow hits the center point. I smiled satisfied and gain my confidence. The next four arrows all hit a 9 and 10. I won over Doyoung's 46 with a 49.
He seemed surprised, but his face showed no readable emotion. We won the game and I won his attention.
No we did not exchange number or emails, we both left one another just knowing each other's name and faculty. I even got the information that he's a year older than me from Baekhyun.
I skipped my archery routines during the final exam weeks. I spent most of my time in the library with my fellow striver. And after that sleepless and busy month, I return to the club.
That's when I met Doyoung for the second time. And that's where he got my phone number and my interest.
He brought me to lots of quick coffee dates and accompanies me in the library whenever I have exams tomorrow. He's also busy with his laptops. Typing in essays and presentations.Sharing the same hobby, liking the same style of music and dance, enjoying peace and quietness over loud atmosphere, helped us get along well.
After a good four months of knowing one another, he gets down on one knee and asks me if I'm interested to be his. He did this after we finish our archery routine
Well, I said "Only if my arrow hits the 10 points it'll be a yes."
He almost complains, but seeing how I'm enjoying my time teasing him, he reluctantly agreed.
I pull my arrow without much focus and doubt. I just launch it quick and I knew it'll be his happiest day.
He totally lost his cool. He screamed and jumped to me when the answer means yes.
I kind of regret knowing he can be this loud and so Baekhyun-like. But we'll see how this goes. That's what is in my mind.
On our first anniversary, I agreed to move in to his apartment. He said his room mate graduated and move out. So I started sharing the same roof with my boyfriend.
Things sometimes gets rough, but trust is our foundation, and through our trust we finish our little fights well and get all lovey-dovey in the next 1 hour.
Doyoung is always busy with his laptop. Be it typing an essay, editing videos, doing covers, and writing scripts. Well, he's in the main committee for our school's theatre club. Every three months they hold a small musical show, romance, comedy, or a classical play. I tried my best to come and support him whenever the musical takes place. There are one timewhen Doyoung returns to the apartment with several clothing that needs modification. I was watching my favorite TV show when he and one of his friend, Suho-if I'm not mistaken, brought two packs of costumes.
I remembered what happened that night.
"Hey you're back!" I stood from the sofa and rush to greet him.
He looks tired, but returns my hug with a kiss.
"What are those?" My curiosity can't wait any longer; I kneel on the floor and open the boxes. My eyes lighten up when I see the costumes.
"Are we playing dress up tonight?" I tease him a bit, and it successfully brought a smile to his face.
"Actually.. I have to make some modifications. We kind of went over the budget for this upcoming show. But it will be the best! I can feel it. We tried to cut down the costs, but ended up having to modify the clothes by our self." He explains.
"Oh! I thought you have a team for the costume department?"
"There used to be, but the last one graduated last year and the freshmen are not interested in entering the costume department. So, I asked around for help and no body is brave enough to take the responsibility." He huffs and slackens his shoulder.
I consoled him with a pat on his thigh, "Hey, it is hard being in the committee. It is also hard to take the responsibilities. But seeing that these babies are now in our house, you know what I'll do."
He smiles, "You sure?"
"Nah. I'm going to support you on the side. I thought you're the one responsible. Come on start! I can fetch you needles and thread." I grin
His face goes white and he's about to cry and faint right then and there, but I failed to hide my laughter and bursts laughing out loud
"Silly! You know I'll help you eventually. Besides there's nothing your girl friend can't do." I winked and stand up to fetch all of my sewing kit.
I return to a living room full of colorful costumes and Doyoung in the middle with his papers.
"Here are the designs. It'll be simple. We only add things and glue some gems here and there."
"We better start now. We still have Saturday and Sunday to finish and rest." I cheer him up and we both spend our night chatting and telling stories while our hand works nimbly.
"2 down! 6 more to go!" Doyoung screams joyfully when we finished the main characters garments.
"I will make sure to mention your name by the end of the credit."
"You don't have to. I like doing this. Besides my anatomy book is quite killing me, this sewing session calms me down."
Just as we thought our boat can sail a smooth journey, things got worse when my studies requires me more time learning and thus going back home late. Doyoung who frequently text me what I am doing and where am I, suddenly vanished. I no longer receive simple caring text from him. I think he sometimes did not realize I'm not homed yet.
I heard from my friends that Doyoung has been close with a younger girl from the arts faculty. I know he has the right to befriend anyone, same way where he allows me to be friend with other guys. But still, I lately feel I've been distance from him.
I forgot what it feels like to clean my mind from everything for a while and just relax in his embrace. I forgot how a simple dish can taste like a 5 star restaurant dish. I forgot what it's like to have a 2 am laundry session because we ran out of fresh clothes. While I am suffering from the big gap between us, he seems fine and happy. Heck he checks his phone every minutes and smile stupidly as his fingers dance over the keyboards. Gosh had he given me that smile in the last few months?
"Hey," he tapped on my back.
I glanced over my book and raised a brow.
"I need to go out for a while. I planned to go for a night out with the boys, want to join?" he asks me.. I think he dare offers me to join since he knew I'm studying for a test tomorrow.
"gosh.. out of all nights.. why does it have to be today." I sighed at my fate.
Doyoung seems a bit sad, well the night out is a routine he and his best friends held since freshmen and I've been joining every single one of it. Except today, the test tomorrow is a hard one and I badly have to pass this or I'll flunk my GPA.
"Is it okay if I go?" he feels bad asking me this.
"Can't you skip this one?" I pleaded
"Is that what you want?"
"Fine. You can go." My mood is ruined. Of course he will try to go his secret girl is there.
"You're not mad are you?"
"I'm not wasting my time for a useless argument. Just go. You're not even helping me with my studies. Have fun." I turn my body to face my book and heard him close the door.
He left.
He freaking left.
I close my book and silent sobs escaped my lips tears stream down my face.
Doyoung fucking left, He doesn't even hesitate to be by my side during this horrid night. Plus who goes to a night out with boys all dressed up?! I mean he usually wears his favorite blue sweater and cap. But tonight? He dressed up nicely. Even his hair is on point!
There's no use in studying anymore. My brain will not be able to stick anything. Instead I took my laundry basket which surprisingly is full and walk my way to the laundry room downstairs.
That's when I accidentally met Mark, who happens to bring his laundry in to.
"Mark?" I utter his name in a confused tone.
"Hey! Didn't see you there.. Where's Doyoung?" he asks while putting in his clothes and soaps.
"I thought you were having your night out. He told me he's leaving for the routine.. and I skipped this one to study for a test tomorrow." I explained while turning on the washing machine.
"Hey it's the third week of the month. Our night is on the fourth right... we're doing it next week and you must join!" Mark said in his astonishing voice.
"Oh.. Right. Then where is he?" I ask myself, but I think Mark heard me.
"Then where is he?"
"Don't know. Probably hanging out with somebody else, I happen to be busy lately and Doyoung seems to find some business to do too."
We talk and talk, Mark consoling me and telling me to look at the bright side: focusing for my test better.
We tell jokes and talk about the upcoming gathering, what we should do and others.
I return back to my room after I dried my clothes with a better mood. Laughing with Mark over some corny jokes really ease my stress. I come back right at the same time Doyoung hugs a girl good bye. He seems surprised seeing me doing the laundry by myself. Usually we go together.
"Oh, good evening eonni." She greets when I reach the front door.
I gave her a small nod. Dark round eyes, smooth long hair, petite figure, and a sweet voice! No wonder Doyoung enjoys his time with her.
"You are Doyoung's roommate?" she asks curiously.
I look at Doyoung, and he did not flinch nor reacts.
"Yes, she is my room mate. Now, please step aside so she can go in first, I'm sure those laundries are pretty heavy." Doyoung pulls the girl to step aside from the door and I enter the room. He closes the door and stayed outside with her.
I put my clothes in my room and walks to the kitchen. Actually I just want to see Doyoung again. After all, Mark told me maybe I've ignored him too long and I need to reach back to him.
After some minutes the door opens and Doyoung rushed inside with a small smile. He looks ashamed being caughtlying.
"Night out with the boys huh? I met mark earlier in the wash room."
Doyoung stares at his feet.
"It's next week babe. You miscounted. Anyways, she's an interesting girl. Who's she? You never told me... Right?" I ask him nicely. No, there's no reason for me to be angry. He's not cheating; he's only hanging out with a girl not the gang.
"I've mentioned her before, but you're too busy with your books. Sorry, she's my junior. She just moved from Japan and she needs a lot of helps. She called me earlier to accompany her to the library." Doyoung steps closer to me and reaches for my hands.
"It's not that I'm cheating on you.. I have to lie because.. I don't know.. I'm afraid you will think I cheated on you and your head will hurt then you won't study to the max and it'll hurt me if I see you cry while holding your grades. I will feel bad. Sorry for lying." He explains (ironically) sweetly.
My heart softens at his remarks. Even when most people cannot relate, I am really relieved and thankful for his explanation. Gosh the stress of these finals really impacts my mood and hormones. If I lose my temper earlier, I might blame him for something he did not do and this might end with a big fight.
I laugh and hug the man who has been my reason to smile. "Yak you should've told me the truth like now, that way we'll both feel good and have no doubt or silly ideas about one another."
"I'm sorry.. it's because Yuta is supposed to be the one taking care of her. He's from Japan, but he's sick for the whole week; thus leaving me in charge. Since the other guys can't speak Japanese."
"It's okay Doyoung. I get it. Don't make this a big deal. I'm fine. Besides I trust you. I trust you that you're not the silly type to play with fire behind my back. Also lately I ignored you so much.. I'll make it up to you." I snuggle into his embrace.
He tightens the hug, "Hell yeah, you forgot I exist for a good two weeks. You've been ignoring my words my texts; those are why I stop sending them fearing it'll disturb you and you even slept on the couch or table. Do you know how tiring it is for me to bring you to bed and tidy up everything?" He rants out while still hugging me tight.
"But you love me right. You love me for always falling asleep in the middle of learning... You love me for trusting you... you love me for my panic actions when things don't go as I planned and I love you for everything you do that suits me and understands me. Thank you babe."
"I like that you are the type to think rationally and not emotionally drive. Gosh I was afraid before that you might lose control and things ended. Oh such horror!"
"Lucky you. Now, I have to return to my desk and cramp everything." I pout as I let go the hug.
Doyoung pats my hair and shoulder then pushes me lightly to my room. "Let's go. I'll accompany you tonight. We'll sleep by 10. You need your 8 hours bed. No buts."
I smile knowing that tonight the gap is slowly disappearing and I know I have my sweetheart back and he gets his girl back.
Because in a relationship, you bicker, you fight, but mostly you trust, you forgive, and you move on with the blooming love.
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choicest · 4 years
Fate is in Our Hands
Author’s Note: Hello there, guys. This fic is inspired by Pixelberry’s My Two First Loves. I know that most of us just wanted MC to choose between the guys already and I feel bad because we’re both hurting Mason and Noah's feelings so here I am writing about what I want to happen after today’s chapter. I will also include here what I think is causing MC’s confusion. This is a Noah and MC fic and this also contains both of their point of views to explore their feelings. This is longer than what I had in mind but I think it’s worth it. Thank you so much for being here!
Warning: There is a little intimate part at the end but not too much.
Pairing: Noah x MC
MC walks straight into her room when she gets home. She's exhausted but in a good kind of way. Just last week she didn't know if she could attend the dance and now here she is after the night she will never forget. She looks herself in the mirror and immediately see the mark Noah has left in her. A small smile forms in her lips just by looking at it.
She flops on the bed and close her eyes. The guilt in her heart is too much to handle. She willed herself not to think about it because she's convinced she's already tired but she knows she can never really rest with the weight it has.
"MC, I’m crazy about you, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m rushing you, but I can't wait forever. I deserve to be someone's first choice too."
MC keeps hearing Noah's voice inside her head. She's hurting him. Even if Noah always says that he understands, MC can see and feel that he's also hurting. She is causing him pain. Noah is not the type of person who easily opens up but he tries his best for her. He does things he doesn't usually do because of her and that speaks volume. She doesn't want to hurt him but it doesn't matter now because she already has.
As MC is about to go to the bathroom to change, a piece of paper in her desk catches her eyes. Even if the paper is folded, she knows what it is. It's Noah’s homecoming invitation. Yes, these past few months she was confused but now, things are much clearer. Maybe the uncertainty in her is caused by her lack of experience but she knows deep down, that no matter how much she convince herself that Mason is as important, she knows it's not true, maybe he is but not in that way.
MC always envisions it would be her and Mason and she knows that is the reason why they are all here. She was too comfortable with the idea she has for them so when Noah came, she was surprised and became confused. But that confusion ends tonight. She needs to stop playing with their feelings and Noah was right, both of the guys deserve to be someone’s first choice. And she knows who her first choice is. She could only hope that she hasn’t blew her chance completely.
MC wakes up really early the next day. She needs time with what she has on mind and she’s determined. Before she heads to school, she stops at Noah’s favorite restaurant. As she enters, the smell of freshly made meals envelops her. She looks at her left and saw the table they sat in a few days ago, memories come flashing back and all she could think of is how lucky she is to have Noah by her side. How he cared for her when she fell of the pyramid, the look on his face when he fetched MC and her sister at jail, how he stood by her side when the whole school judged her, how gentle and patient he is with her and God knows what else he is capable of doing just for her. MC is surprise when a crew greets at her “Good morning, ma’am!” and immediately, she’s back to the present.
She smiles as she approaches the man in the cash register. “Hey, I’m looking for Ms. Evans. Is she already here?” as if on cue, Ms. Evans emerges from the back. “What do we have here, Noah’s girlfriend?” she smiles teasingly at her. MC doesn’t know if she should correct her. The last time she claimed they’re together was when they are at the bar, how she wanted to let everyone know they are together but she knows she have to be honest since she’s going to need her help.
“We’re not together.” MC says, focusing on everything except her face.
“I think you mean to say not yet. I know my Noah. And the way he looks at you? Hon, you’re one lucky girl.”
MC knows it. She really is. Nodding, MC starts saying her business. “Listen, Ms. Evans, I know you don’t know me but I need to do something for Noah. Something that could at least give him any idea how much I care about him but I still don’t know enough about him and that makes you my last hope. Can you please, please, help me cook Noah’s favorite meals from here? I know it’s a lot, I-I…”
MC is cut when Ms. Evans holds her hand. “What’s your name again, honey?” she asks her.
“It’s MC.” she looks at her hopeful.
“MC, you must really care about him for coming here this early to ask me that.”
“I do.”
“Say no more. Go here right after your classes, I’ll make all the arrangements. Let’s cook my favorite boy’s favorite meal.”
MC goes across the counter to hug her, a big smile on her face. “Thank you so much Ms. Evans. I owe you a lot!”
“Just promise me one thing, MC. You’ll always be there for him no matter what happens.”
MC looks straight into her eyes. “I will, Ms. Evans. I promise.”
MC goes back to school after cooking with Ms. Evans. She heard from her schoolmates that the football team are going to have a small celebration on the field with the cheerleaders and she’s thankful, it’s like fate is on her side, but now she is done depending on it. Just like what Noah always does, she’s also going to make sure she deserves him.
She started calling Mackenzie to ask for a favor. If she’s going to surprise Noah, she has to be as smooth as possible and not give him any clue. When Mackenzie meet her on the parking lot, she doesn’t look so excited.
“What, MC?”
“Mac, I need you to do something.” she hands her the paper bag of foods and a piece of paper where the hills are located.
“Go here and put this bag by the tree. Noah and I will be there shortly.” MC still doesn’t know where Noah is right now and that makes this plan 50% fail already but she’s looking up.
Mackenzie feel that the bag is still warm so she opens it. “MC, can I have something? Promise just a bite.”
“Mac, no. You can’t. I promise I’ll treat you there next time but not this one. This is for Noah.”
Finally getting the point, Mackenzie looks at her sister with an amazed look. “MC, you don’t cook!”
“I know that’s why I asked for help. And it’s edible I promise!”
“You really care about him, huh?”
“Yes, I do. So please, little sis?”
“MC, after everything you’ve done for me? Of course! Go get him.” she says as she walks away.
He hasn’t seen her the whole day and it makes him think that maybe what he said last night is the reason. Maybe she already has decided and he’s not her first choice. Noah dismisses the idea as he walks towards the field. He doesn’t really want to celebrate with these guys so he comes late but right now, there is no space for his wants, even though he doesn’t like to come, he knows he needs to, after all he is the quarterback and he’s looking forward to have a conversation with the coach about the scholarship update.
The thought about MC and Mason occupies his mind again. If she made her choice and she didn’t choose him, he has to be ready to see them together and he knows he won’t be. He won’t ever be. Noah feels dejected when he notices that both MC and Mason are nowhere to be seen. Maybe right now, they are having their own celebration.
Before she proceeds to her plan, she wants to talk to Mason first. She doesn’t have any idea how she will say it but it’s okay. She’s ready for this talk now more than ever. MC dials her best friend’s number, the person she thought she’d end up with and the same person she’s now ready to let go.
Mason looks so happy when he sees her. “Hey, MC. Where have you been? And why are we here, we should be celebrating with the guys on the field.”
“Well, I’ve been busy. Listen, Mason I have something important to say…”
“It’s him, isn’t it?” Mason says forlornly.
MC is shocked that his best friend already knows. “H-how… do you know?”
“I can see the way you look at him. I guess, I’ve known it even before you realize it. I will be okay. Don’t worry.”
MC nods slowly taking what Mason just told her. She sense that Mason is about to walk away and she’s not yet done so she stops him.
“Mason, it’s not just that. I want you to know that I am all in with Noah. I want us as much as he wants it. And I need you to give that to us. I know I have been an asshole and you guys deserve better and I will be better. I will be better for all of us, especially him. I understand your feelings, Mason, trust me I do, because I always thought that it’s going to be us, you know? I liked you for so long.” MC says replaying every memory in her mind.
“I understand your feelings that’s why we are here, Mason. I let you, but from now on, I won’t. I’m hurting Noah and I don’t want to cause him any more pain. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry, Mason.” words continually flow. She didn’t know she would be capable of doing this and she’s kind of proud because for her, it’s step one of deserving Noah.
“This is what I have been waiting for, you know? You telling me all of these. I’m sorry for being a jerk. I just thought that you haven’t made a choice yet so I’ll do everything for me to be your choice. But I overstepped, many times. I’m sorry. We’re still friends thought, right?” Mason says.
“Of course, Mason.”
“Good. Noah’s a lucky guy. Take care, MC.”
With that, Mason turns his back and never look back.
After the celebration Noah go straight to the parking lot to go home. “MC and Mason are together nothing big, everything’s okay.” he thought to himself pathetically. He fishes his keys in his pocket and is shock when he looks up. Leaning into his motorcycle with a big smile on her face is MC, waiting for him.
“Hey, Jeff Goldblum.”
Noah chuckles at the remark. He missed her today, he willed himself not to go and hug her but his body betrays him. He goes to her side, holds her waist and hugs her tightly.
“Don’t tell me I’m turning you into a marshmallow.” MC said as she hugs Noah back.
“Only around you.” Noah whispers as he plants a small kiss on her head.
“Let’s go.” she says confidently as she gets the helmets in the compartment.
“Where to?” Noah asks confused.
“It’s a secret. All you have to know is I have a surprise for you.” MC winks and tugs at his arm.
They settled on his motorcycle, MC closes her eyes as she hugs Noah and lean into his back. “She looks so beautiful” Noah says to himself. A few seconds later, Noah speaks.
“Hey, MC? You realize you need to tell me where we’re going, do you?” Noah says smirking.
“Oh, yeah. Right, oh God. I-I…”
Noah senses that she’s nervous so he holds her gaze. “Hey, relax. It’s okay. I promise I’ll act surprise when we get there.”
MC laughs and hugs him tighter this time. “To the hills. Your favorite spot.”
Noah starts the engine and start driving. She’s acting different. She shamelessly cuddled him in the parking lot where a lot of people could see them which is so not like them. As much as they want people to see them together, Noah likes that MC also respects privacy. Something both of them have in common. Just awhile ago he’s convinced that MC and Mason are already together but something in her today makes him think otherwise and he’s about to find out.
They sat on the hill and enjoy the fresh air for a while. She looks so relax and Noah like it. MC suddenly speaks. “I’m hungry.”
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier? We could have brought something before we went here.”
MC just smiles at him, goes to the other side of the tree and grabs the bag. She opens it and shows him what’s inside.
“No way! This is your surprise?” Noah looks at her stunned. This is so thoughtful of her.
“A part of it. Here.” MC feeds him and waits for his reaction.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“How does it taste?” MC looks at him curiously.
Noah is confused but he still answers her question. “Well, it’s really delicious but I don’t know, it tastes a little different, it’s saltier than how it usually tastes like. They must have adjusted something. But still, it’s delicious. Come on, eat with me. I thought you’re hungry.”
“Yeah, Ms. Evans said a pinch of salt. I’m not sure how much a pinch is.”
Noah stops immediately. Putting down the food, he gives her a surprise look. “You cooked this?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t get the exact taste. I asked Ms. Evans for help.” MC says shyly.
Noah cannot believe it. MC waited for him by the parking lot, cooked him his favorite meal and led him to his favorite spot. He smiles at her. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him. And it’s MC who does it. The girl he cares so much about.
“M-MC…” Noah is speechless. He is deeply touch by the gesture.
“We can grab something else. I-I… I’m sorry I ruined your favorite meal.”
Noah wants to stop her doubting and he cannot think of a better way so he drapes his arm around her waist, touches her cheek and kisses her with all he got to offer.
MC is surprise when he feels Noah’s lips on her. Everything happened so fast and she’s not about to complain. His kiss is sure and gentle and MC swear she could melt right away. He nips at her lower lip and she let him in. Exploring her mouth, MC moans holding his neck tighter.
“Noah, I need to tell you something.”
He lets her go and holds her face between his hands. As they pant, Noah fixes her hair. “I’m all ears.”
“Noah, I’m ready. I want to see where this takes us.” MC says, almost crying.
“M-MC… don’t…” Noah cannot believe what he’s hearing. A tear fall as he looks into her eyes which he instantly wipes with his thumb.
“Let me finish please. Noah, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for everything. But I’m ready now. I’m all yours. If you still want to be with me.” MC hold his gaze as she waits for his response.
“What about Mason?” Noah asks, afraid he still have to compete with him.
“It’s okay now. I already talked to him. He’s not happy but he received the message. It’s you, Noah. Only you.”
“MC.” Noah whispers her name and kisses her again. He can feel his body tensing so he takes comfort into her touch. His MC. He feels MC gently rubbing his back as they deepen the kiss and he slowly relaxes. This is it. The war has ended and they won, together. They are finally together and Noah couldn’t ask for more. Noah feels her smile through the kiss which makes him smile also.
“Noah, I won’t ever complain when you surprise me with a kiss but I need an answer.”
Noah chuckles as he hugs her. Tipping her chin, he looks into her eyes and says “I have always been yours, MC.”
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petekaos · 4 years
What did you think about the last episode!!
hi hi! so uhhh... this is going to get long and i’ve combined like 10 other asks i want to address, so your ask may be answered here! if you want Rahul’s Take On The 2gether Finale, then brace yourself.
...I didn't really like the last episode, I feel like it could've been a lot better/more emotional
I dunno if it's because I didn't like the last 2 episodes but even though the show literally finished I'm not emotional? The last episode I felt actually really happy watching was ep 9 but now I'm just 'ok, that show finished.' I'm sad bc I thought I would have a stronger reaction to the ending and them getting back together but I'm just meh :/
Really don't want to sound like those annoying people but damn really no kiss scene
I liked the ending, it was okay I guess but gmmtv better prepare for a shitstorm bc so many people didn't lololol
Honestly the best and well written episodes were ones where they still weren't a couple, like 8 and 9 were amazing
Although the finale was good, I feel llke in the future when I want to rewatch my favorite moments from this series, I will go for the first 10 or so episodes more often than not. It kinda feels like 2gether peaked around episodes 7-10, which is perfectly fine!! It was all in all a great series that did what it wanted to do and I’ll always cherish it but, I probably won’t rewatch much of the last two episodes
They made pam even worse!! Before she had her talk with tine anyway!!
My thoughts on the finale: could've been a lot better, could've been a lot worse
2Gether really felt like a giant inflatable castle that was carefully blown up for the past 12 weeks only to let it rapidly and poorly deflate in the end
The ending was fine and was expected but for me it's underwhelming in the sense that the past episodes, especially 4, 8 and 9 were really written in comparison so the finale is kinda meh bc I knew there was gonna be a happy ending. But still the YouTube comments and what some people on tumblr are saying is ridiculous, I don't want to even think about Twitter but imo I don't think any of gmmtvs other shows can top dbks ending like that ending was perfect,
i honestly love that 2gether focused so much on the story and the emotion and became so successful without all the usual fan service. i hope the whole industry takes something away from that! but i still felt like the finale was a little emotionally stunted when it came to tine/sarawat. i just wanted a big YES, I CHOOSE YOU moment, and tine's reappearance and the bracelet scene just didn't do it for me. you know what would have, though? a kiss. or a hug, or holding hands, or something sweet
okay, my friends! here is my opinion on the 2gether finale first, and then i’m gonna address what i personally hold of the more negative response the fandom has shown. i generally thought the finale had... a solid ending. i went into it with absolutely no expectations apart from sarawat’s song and a happy ending, because i knew it would be messy and not as good as ep 4 or 9 etc, considering the sheer amount of open storylines that were left to be resolved in one episode. i knew it would polarise the fandom--but i personally thought the ending was fine! a bit cliche, a bit rushed, but it was okay and it was a good enough ending for me to put 2gether behind me, the first season at least. the bracelet scenes and shots were amazing, the song was incredible (although i wish they would have had sarawat sing a bit more), the conversation pam and tine had was solid as well! there were a lot of things i liked about the finale and bright and win killed their solo acting as always. however, there are some things i wanna get into more detail about that i feel could have been done better, not only as a finale but as a show itself.
time allocated for the storylines. or: plotlines in general. this has been my bone to pick ever since episode 10. not gonna lie, this wasn’t good, especially from ep 10 onwards. there were so many storylines and plotlines that were dragged out further than necessary, and so many plotlines that should have started earlier. best example for this is mil and phukong, the mil redemption storyline should have started in ep 10 and should have had him be sincere for once, and the mil/phukong storyline should have actually made sense from the beginning and started in ep 11 at the latest. the mantype storyline should have also started a bit earlier than that and given us an explanation as to why type was crying at the retreat. however, mantype did pull it off!
writing! this ties in with the first point. the writing felt a bit inconsistent in the last two episodes and it’s a pity, really, that this is one of the downfalls :/ all the actors in this series, from the mains (bright, win, mike, toptap, frank, drake) to the side characters (gunsmile, love, gigie, film, etc.) are such good actors and it’s unfortunate that the last three episodes were a bit :// in terms of writing and plotlines. they all did the best they could with what was written and that... yeah.
conflict. this has to do with the first two points. the finale felt rushed. that’s something that i don’t think anyone really can argue? and i expected that, so i wasn’t too disappointed by it or anything. obviously it would have felt rushed considering the fact that they had to wrap up 3 or 4 episodes’ worth of storylines in one episode, which was a blunder on the writers’ part. the conflict fell flat, then. if they had had pam come in earlier and had tine and sarawat spend more time away from each other, we would have gotten an explosive reaction. i really do think that after they got together for real, the writers struggled to find conflict to keep the story going, jumping from tine’s insecurities to mil to pam for no reason whatever. i think it would have been much better done if we had mil as an antagonist wrapped up and on the road to redemption in ep 10 and had pam come in there, with tine’s insecurities as a b plot. i feel that would have been a bit more gripping. but, hey, guess that’s just me!
order of filming. this has to do with people saying that brightwin’s chemistry was off in the finale. i don’t think it was off, per se, but it was definitely lacking when we compare it to their chemistry in ep 4 or 9 or 10, y’know? that’s because i believe the finale was filmed earlier, when bright and win were still getting to know each other and figuring out how well they could improv. and they can improv, from what we’ve seen! so there really is nothing i can say apart from the fact that it’s a bit disappointing that they decided to film such a pivotal scene at the beginning. if it had been filmed in the end, it would have definitely been better!
flashbacks. the finale needed all the time it was gonna get, and i am disappointed by the amount of flashbacks they used, honestly. i would have cut down on the number of sarawatine flashbacks and used them sparingly when they reunited, because that just... makes sense and evokes emotion in the viewer, you know? the only flashbacks that served well were type’s view of everything and phukong and mil, because they were new. it just... felt a bit inauthentic.
pam. or: the girls in general. there is nothing i can do here but SCREAM. pam should have come in way earlier and replaced mil as the centre point of conflict for ep 11 and 12 to have been as good as the rest of the show, or ep 4 and 9 at least. her character fell so flat and the conflict she brought with her fell so flat as well, honestly. the girls should have been done better--more of earn and sarawat! more of pear! they could have tied into the plot effortlessly!
mil and phukong x mil. yeah this is a... whole ass bulletpoint, unfortunately. call me a clown all you want for expecting him to have at least a half assed redemption arc in the finale but goddamn was that... not good. really bitter over the fact phukong was straight up okay with being a “replacement” for tine even though... that doesn’t even make sense. i just... yeah, this wasn’t good. i feel super bad for frank and drake because they deserve a well written show or at the very least a well written storyline for all of their chemistry and work they put in, considering the fact that they are so so young. i could go on about a good mil arc for ages but i just... yeah i’m writing a fic, so y’all will see.
the reunion. this stems from the flat conflict and the rushed-ness of it all, but yeah. it wasn’t particularly hard-hitting, but i still enjoyed it because it’s sarawat and tine. this has to do with when they filmed as well, and just... because the angst didn’t start early enough for it to hit home. and i really do wish we’d had a scene after that with the both of them, alone. a lot of their things happen with a lot of people around them... and nah.
one year later. bro. bro. bro. the music club thing was cute! but i would have just... loved to see them alone, y’know? a scene of them being alone and intimate, just sitting next to each other on the couch or at a football game or sarawat continuing bringing the cheerleaders snacks, even a year later. them going to another concert. anything where they were just... alone. i wanted to see them together! we got that with mantype and we even got that fucking... scene on the roof where mil and phukong were just fuckin around? yeah? i would have loved to see that with sarawat and tine so much. (also btw pretty sure the rooftop scenes with mil and phukong is also where drake and frank took this photo and it made me so happy dhsndh like... the shot where mil took his hand off phukong’s eyes? i called it immediately and my partner was like ???)
intimacy. chemistry. the biggest thing everyone is talking about. now comes the part that y’all all wanted to know if you’ve been reading this far lmfao, my take on the fact that was no kiss in the finale! and my take is... i expected there to be no kiss in the finale somewhere deep within, and honestly i’m fine with not having a kiss. my only problems with all of this are first of all, that we didn’t get a proper kiss in the entire series and had sarawat kissing tine one-sidedly. secondly, i would have loved verbal intimacy as well! an i love you, or y’know, some hand holding, anything! this is also due to the fact that i believe the series was filmed relatively early on. i just wish... again, that they would have been alone one year later and we could have just seen them being domestic, as we have already seen them!
so those are some of my thoughts on the finale. considering the fandom’s response... i can see why people are upset or disappointed but i don’t think it’s, like, that justified to throw the whole show away as well. yeah, the ending wasn’t perfect, but if you’ve enjoyed the show as a whole... maybe it’s okay, y’know? like, personally, i don’t think i’m ever going to rewatch the finale. but i do love the earlier episodes and i am gonna watch them back at some point, probably! it’s all well and good and valid to criticise the lack of intimacy and kissing in the finale i guess, but if you’re a straight girl then maybe... watch your words. 2gether has portrayed a wonderful love story between two men and to see straight people throw it away as “bromance” or say it’s the “straightest bl of all time” or whatever because of the lack of kisses is kind of hurtful. i am completely open to discussing this with lgbt people, mlm specifically, and you can come talk to me about your thoughts if you’re a straight woman as well. all i’m asking for is that you maybe show a little bit of empathy and respect, y’know? i also do think 2gether peaked around episode 9/10 and i’m fine with that! it gave me so much more than characters and relationships--it gave me the fandom and everyone here and words cannot express how grateful i am for all of you. maybe the last few episodes were poorly written and the finale wasn’t everything y’all hoped for... but i did and do love this show. i cannot wait to see where brightwin go next.
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The Princess and the Half Bloods Part Two
Annabeth sighed. “Look Chiron, they’re good. Just give them a chance, would you?” She didn’t actually know if the Half Bloods were any good because she’d never actually heard them play, but she wasn’t about to tell Chiron that. She’d heard Percy play, and for now that was good enough.
“I’ve never even heard of them. They’re just a high school garage band. And punk music doesn’t really fit the atmosphere of my place. We’re not a dive. Our customers probably aren’t going to be interested in them,” Chiron said, wiping down his counter. “Shouldn’t you be in school?”
“Free period. I’ll be back in plenty of time. And that’s your problem, Chiron, you need something with an edge that will appeal to a younger demographic. Namely the college kids around here. Have the band play on the weekends. That’s when the college kids are out anyway and you can take advantage of that, you just need something to bring them in. The Half-Bloods can give you that.” She had already gone through the list of the arguments she thought he would bring up and thought of counters for all of them on the ride over.
“The Big House already has a reputation that doesn’t include punk. Nobody is going to expect a rock show here and I don’t have money for advertising. The best I can do is put up a sign on the door saying that they’re going to play. I don’t think that’s going to pull in many people, kid.”
Okay, every argument except that one.
Annabeth laughed it off anyway, lying smoothly. “You’re worried about PR? Please, I’ve got that covered. Just let them come in and audition this afternoon and you’ll see how good they are. Let me handle everything else. You know me Chiron, have I ever steered you wrong when it came to money?”
Chiron thought for a moment, then finally relented. “Yeah, you were a pretty big help with the remodeling on my budget. Fine, kid. Bring them in after school and we’ll see. Now get going. Can’t have you being late to school because you were hanging around in my bar,” he chuckled.
“Thank you! You won’t regret it,” she promised, hugging the much taller man.
She allowed herself a moment of brief celebration when she reached her car. She was already pulling her weight as manager. Percy would be thrilled.
The minute she arrived at school, she went searching for her friends. She found them quickly in front of her locker, apparently waiting for her.
“Hey,” they said in unison as Annabeth approached. Hazel was covered in paint and marker spots, which wasn’t out of the ordinary, but Piper was dressed in her uniform, indicating that there would be a football game tonight. Hazel’s boyfriend, Frank, was a linebacker for the football team as per his father’s wishes, so Hazel was among the few that painted banners and posters that hung all around the halls to build school spirit before the game. They also did face paintings of the team mascot, a pegasus, at the game to raise money for the art program. Piper was a cheerleader, but she was probably one of the least cheerful people Annabeth had ever met. She was only doing it for her college resume, not that she really needed it. Her father honestly could’ve just paid any college to take her, but she wanted to get in on her own merit. Annabeth admired her greatly for that.
“Hey,” Annabeth responded, slightly out of breath. “I have an emergency.”
“What’s up?” Hazel asked worriedly.
“No time to explain everything, class starts in four minutes. Short version: I’m Percy Jackson’s band manager. I got him an audition at The Big House but I need to get the word out about his band so people will actually show up to see them perform,” she said in a rush, barely breathing.
“A public relations problem you say?” Piper smiled mischievously .
“I think we could probably do something about that,” Hazel said. “But I thought you hated Percy?”
“I do. Not the point. I’ll tell you guys about it later. Two minutes to class.” With that, she hurried off to her Engineering and Design class.
Not ten minutes into it, she got a message from Piper in the group chat. Party at my house after the game. Bring the band. No later than 10. Now explain yourself.
Annabeth smiled to herself and began explaining her predicament.
When the school finally broke for lunch, she went to her locker to put away her books and wait for Piper. Hazel was going out to lunch with Frank, so Annabeth wouldn’t see her again until after the game. Annabeth had been planning to go to support her friends, but she’d be too busy prepping the band for the party.
Piper walked up and bumped Annabeth’s hip with her own. “You ready to deliver the exciting news?” she asked sarcastically. “I can’t believe you got roped into this. I can’t believe you roped me in.” Piper wasn’t as ecstatic as Percy had been last night about Annabeth accepting the position of band manager. She handed Annabeth a key. “To the house. You can set up before everybody shows up for the party. You know how the speakers work better than I do.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes and smiled but didn’t respond as they walked outside to the grassy area behind the school where some students chose to eat their lunches when the weather was warm, including Percy, Jason, and Leo.
She looked around, searching for the boys. She found two of them, Percy and Leo, sitting in the shade of one of the trailers that housed extra classrooms, looking up as though they expected to find something other than clouds in the sky. Jason was nowhere to be found.
“You ready?” a disembodied voice called.
“Yes, just do it already!” Leo yelled back at the sky.
Annabeth looked around, bewildered, until she saw a shadow on top of the trailer. Before she had a chance to yell for him to stop or for the boys to move, Jason took a running start and vaulted off the roof, doing a flip. She heard Piper mutter, “Wow,” under her breath. Annabeth was not as impressed, watching in abject horror as Jason went end over end off the roof, landing squarely on Percy and Leo.
She ran toward the boys to make sure they were all okay. Everybody was staring at them all, thanks to Jason’s stunt. She felt slightly embarrassed to be seen with them, the assumed valedictorian and a cheerleader talking to the burnouts. No doubt there would be rumors following this.
Annabeth shook the thought off. It was wrong to be embarrassed by them just because they were different from her usual crowd. If she was going to manage them, she was obviously going to be seen around them. She made herself focus on the dog pile in front of her.
With a lot of grunting, yelling, punching, and wiggling, the boys finally managed to disentangle themselves. They finally noticed the girls watching them and straightened up. Both Leo and Jason were blatantly checking Piper over, but Percy had eyes only for Annabeth. She would have blushed, but then she remembered Rachel and realized he was probably just still grateful for her help.
“Are you done now, Superman?” Annabeth said to cover any redness that might have snuck into her cheeks.
“Yes,” Jason said sheepishly. Piper smirked at him, and he was the one blushing now.
“Good, try not to mess yourselves up before tonight. I believe we all know each other vaguely, but I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Annabeth, and this is Piper. Percy told me you might be interested in me as a manager,” she said in a no nonsense tone of voice, holding her hand out to shake theirs.
“Oh yeah, Percy mentioned that,” Jason said, shaking her hand and then Piper’s. He held hers just a beat too long before tearing his gaze from her to look back at Annabeth. “I’m Jason, bass and back up singer.”
“Leo. The drummer, obviously,” the short boy said, shaking her hand just a little too enthusiastically. “Percy says you’re going to help us with some gigs. And that you walk on water.”
“I did not,” Percy said indignantly.
“Whatever, you wouldn’t stop talking about her,” Leo snorted.
“That is an exaggeration,” he protested, then quickly changed the topic. “Why tonight, is something happening?
“We have a few things on the to-do list today.” Annabeth looked at Percy, because he was the only one she really knew. “You have an audition tonight at The Big House. Be there by 4:30. At 11, you’ll be doing a couple sets at Piper’s post-game party for publicity so people know you’re good and will actually come watch you at The Big House, assuming you get the gig. You will be there, you will not be late.” Annabeth looked at the other two now. “All of you.”
They were clearly impressed she had managed to book them twice in one day, her first day as manager. They stood in silence, just gaping at her. Percy was the one to recover first. “See, I told you guys. She’ll be a great manager.”
“I’ll say,” Leo muttered. Piper laughed, clearly delighted to see they had underestimated Annabeth.
“I need to talk to Percy real quick, will you be okay for a minute?” she asked Piper.
Piper scoffed. “Of course. Go ahead, I’ll wait.”
Annabeth walked a little ways away, putting them in the sun. She heard a soft gasp from behind her. She turned back around. “Are you okay, Percy?” He stood behind her, not moving, just looking at her. “Do I have something stuck to me?”
“No, no,” he assured her. “Just a pain spasm from Jason. Don’t worry about it. What did you need to talk to me about?”
She was skeptical, but instead of pressing, she asked, “How many original songs do you have?”
Percy thought for a minute. “We have the whole album plus a couple others that were finished after the recording. About twenty in all. That are ready, anyway. We have a few that haven’t been finished yet.”
“That’s perfect. At the audition, play one cover and one original song. The cover will be used to compare to the original to show that you are as good as a band that’s made it big, and the original will show that you’re creative enough and good enough to be able to come up with it and display your own style. At the party you’ll be playing your own songs the whole time, unless you have any songs memorized that you can cover.”
“Got it. I think we might have a few we could reasonably cover,” he agreed. “You really are good at this.”
This time, Annabeth did blush. “Just doing my job.” They both stood there awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. “Well great then. I’ll see you at the bar.” She started to turn back to where their friends were sitting and talking.
“Wait.” She pivoted back. “Thank you again. You’re really helping us out, getting us where we need to go. Thanks, princess.”
She felt her stomach tighten a little, but she put on an annoyed face and glared at him. “Don’t let anybody else hear you call me that.”
“Naturally,” he replied. “That’s just an us thing.” He winked and walked backwards to the other three, smiling widely as he did so.
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cozy-the-overlord · 5 years
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
A/N: Based on the Taylor Swift song of the same name. MAATHP is my favorite song off of Lover, and ever since I heard it this is what I saw in my head. I don’t know what that says about me, but here we go. This is my first time posting on Tumblr, so I’m sorry if this absolutely sucks.....
She came to the school when she was young.
They all do. They arrive as children and leave as adults, marching through the arched gateway with crowns on their heads and smiles on their faces as they turn their sights onto the world at large. And above them, their queen of kings, watching over them all in her sparkling gown and prom picture smile.
Miss Americana.
The girl knew from the moment that she stepped through those doors that someday she would be that woman, that pure and powerful figure who stood above the rest, raised to a pedestal by her doting peers to represent them as a class and as a people. Here, on the ground, she was no one, voiceless, meaningless… up there, she would be everything.
To get her classmates to adore her was critical, and yet it was so simple. She went to games and rallies, plays and parties, cementing her face and figure firmly at the core of school spirit so that they could not think ok one without the other. She danced on the football field with the other cheerleaders as the boys plowed through the enemy and skipped over the line, ball in hand. She relished in the roar that echoed through the stadium and beyond, the sound of screams, of chants, of victory.
She sat stick straight at the desk in the front of the room, making a show of how attentive and responsible she was by scribbling down notes every time the teachers opened their mouths. Classes didn’t matter as much, though—people looked for devotion, not intelligence.
And so, she rose through the ranks. The Future Majesty, they called her. The Best of All of Us. They clapped for her as she walked through the halls, patted her on the back while telling her she was destined for great things, and she smiled and thanked them because she knew it was true. She basked in the glory of their worship and bathed in the validation that was their love.
They weren’t completely devoted, however. There was one, one boy who sat next to her in the front of the room, who said nothing. He sat at his desk and wrote in his notebook and slunk out of the room with his head down, never sparing her a second glance. She didn’t spare him many glances either. It wasn’t that he didn’t like her. Many girls had looked at him with hearts in their eyes and hope in their chest, but he looked past all of them. He was weird, one weird boy in a class of a hundred normal ones, and he didn’t matter.  
Still, she wondered about him. Outside of class, she never saw him. Not at the football games, not at the theater troupe’s performances, not at the many dances throughout the year. She had never known a fellow student to have so little spirit. He was an oddity, a challenge. Miss Americana was meant to inspire spirit—surely she could stoke up the fire of patriotism within him?
And so, one day, she leaned over to whisper in his ear.
“Are you excited for this Friday’s ceremony?” she asked.
He looked up at her. Looking at his face, she could see why so many fell for him. His eyes were deep and promising, the sparkling shade of a glacier.
“What’s happening this Friday?” he asked, his voice low and disinterested.
“Why, the End of Year Ceremony! You know, when this year’s Miss Americana is crowned and a football game is played in her honor? It’s going to be fabulous, I just know! I can’t wait to see who Miss Americana will be!”
He turned back to his notebook. “You will.”
She smiled and gave her well-practiced soft giggle. “Do you really think so? I’m not sure. There are so many girls who are worthy of it, you know--”
“You will,” He scratched out a mark on the paper as he spoke. “They’ll call your name and put a crown on your head and everyone will clap and lose their minds over it.”
She frowned. “You’re speaking as though you won’t be there.”
“I won’t.”
“Oh, but you must come!” She wrapped her hands around his arm, resting her head on his shoulder. “It’s our last big hurrah before we graduate! Don’t you want to savor every moment of it before we leave forever?”
He pulled his arm free and pushed her away. “No. I’m counting the seconds until I can leave and never come back.”
This wasn’t working. How could someone be so stubborn, so cold? “But… why? This is your home, it’s been your home for years--”
“Just because I’ve lived here doesn’t mean it’s home.”
“But it’s been such a wonderful home--”
“Are you really that blind?” He stood up abruptly, snatching his books from his desk. “Do you honestly believe that this is heaven on Earth? Open your eyes. We’re losing.”
She prickled. “We’re undefeated in all of our sports--”
“No. We’re losing to ourselves. We’ve been losing for a long time.” He turned to leave the classroom. “It’s about time you saw that.”
She huffed, her face burning in embarrassment. If that was the way he felt, fine. She didn’t need his support. She didn’t need his love. She didn’t need anything from him. She already had everything.
They crowned her just as he predicted they would. She was all smiles and waves as she ascended to her throne, the picture of grace as she lifted the red silk of her gown oh so slightly to walk up the steps. They cheered, her subjects, her peers, her friends; they all cheered and clapped and roared for her as the crown was placed atop her curls.
“Thank you!” she said. “Thank you so very much! I love you all!”
And then the game began.
It felt odd to watch the cheerleaders run onto the field, waving their red and blue pom poms as they danced to the band’s chant. She was so used to being there, on the grass, welcoming the players herself. It looked a bit different from up here on the podium. Everyone seemed angrier, rougher than usual. But what did it matter? She was Miss Americana.
Until the first snap, and the players rushed at each other. She screamed when boy attacked boy, the football lying forgotten in the grass as players pounded their opponents to the ground, bashing their ribs, their shoulders, their skulls into the dirt, staining the field with splashes of red.
“What are they doing?” she yelled. “Stop them, somebody stop them!”
Everyone else was yelling too, standing on their feet, jumping up and down as they clapped and cheered.
On the sidelines, the cheerleaders screamed.
She stood up, whipped around to the wizened old man who stood next to her, the one who had crowned her only moments before. “What’s wrong with them? You have to stop them!”
He gave her a quizzical look. “They’re just playing the game.”
“No, they’re not! They’re killing each other!” A new set of players lined up on the field for the next snap, kicking aside the lifeless bodies on the bloodstained grass.
The whistle blew, and the ball went flying, the sound of crushing bones and mangled cries drowned out by the frenzied applause. The man nodded. “They’re winning.”
“Are you blind?” she shrieked. “That’s not winning! They’re hurting each other!”
“My dear, that’s football. It’s fine. The referee will call a foul if things get too bad.”
The referee stood on the sidelines, whistle resting languidly against his chest.
“Are you crazy?” she hissed.
“GO! FIGHT! WIN!” The cheerleaders danced across corpses, their white shoes stained red.
Someone on the sidelines hurtled a rock at one of the players. It struck him in the shoulder, causing him to drop the boy he had been throttling. With a roar, the player rushed at the guilty party, ripping off his helmet to beat his opponent with it. The audience whooped and cheered.
She was shaking. “This isn’t my school.”
The old man smiled. “Yes, it is. We’re winners here. Can’t you see that we’re winning?”
She ran.
She ran away from the screams and the cheers, tripping on her heels as she tumbled down the stairway. The hem of her gown, her gorgeous red gown on which they had spent hours sewing every tiny red sequin, caught between her foot and the floor, and she winced as fabric ripped and sent her sprawling.
Behind her, they were screaming. Were they coming for her? Did they thirst for her blood as well? She was afraid to look behind her. Kicking off her shoes, she scrambled down the hallway barefoot.
The floor was slick and wet. Blood? How? How could it be here? Lockers flew by her, dented doors barely hanging on to their hinges.
It couldn’t be. She panted as she rushed down the hallway, skidding to avoid the shards of glass that littered the bloodstained floor. It couldn’t be like this. Her school was beautiful, kind, a beacon meant to make the world a better place. Her classmates weren’t savages; they loved and cared for each other and wanted the best for everyone. They elected her to represent that to the rest of the country. This wasn’t right!
Open your eyes. We’re losing.
She tripped, her lips kissing blood as she hit the tile. Frantically, she tried to stand, but the floor was so slippery, there was nothing to hold on to, there was nothing—
Arms wrapped around her waist and she shrieked, writhing like a feral animal as they hauled her to her feet. She whipped around, ready to fight for her life….
The boy from class stood behind her. He cocked his head as he studied her, his glacier eyes piercing deep into her soul. She grabbed his wrist.
“We’ve got to get out of here—out there, did you see? It’s a massacre—”
“I know.” His voice was low and quiet, his eyes never leaving hers as he spoke. He tucked a piece of loose hair behind her ear.
“Has it always been like this?” she asked. “Every game?”
He nodded. “And the rallies. And parties. And everything else.”
She inhaled. “How did I never see?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “Nobody seems to see. I thought I was the only one.” He offered a hand. “We should go… It’s not safe here. Probably never was.”
Her eyes followed his hand, but she didn’t take it. “Why are you here?” she finally asked. “If you could see everything, the whole time, why did you stay?”
“I don’t know.” His eyes seemed to be clouded, the glaciers obscured by a fog. “I hated it here. But leaving… never felt right.”
“But it does now?”
“Yes. It does now.” He lifted his gaze back to hers and let out a breath of a laugh, the tiniest smile cracking across his lips. “Maybe I was waiting for you.”
She laughed too.
He thrust his hand towards her again, as if to emphasize its existence. “Well… shall we?”
The girl smiled, the shouts and screams of the field melting away into nothingness. “Lead the way.”
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Lightning in a Bottle
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 9: Turbulence
Love. It could be messy and complicated. It could be wonderful and bring heartache. It could and often did strengthen over time, but it could also fade over time as well. But once in a lifetime, there was a love that shined brighter than most and rose above other loves. Once in a generation, there is a love that's like lightning in a bottle. It happens once and it strikes, giving way to the creation of something extraordinary. And Margaret had always known that her love with David was extraordinary and destined to be. It had started when they were very young and blossomed over the course of their lives into an all encompassing, soul searing true love that defied logic and reality. It would transcend to something eternal. She knew that wholeheartedly and she thanked whatever power out there that had brought him back to her, for their love was unbreakable, even by death.
She pressed her forehead against his, as she rode the throes of passion with him. His lips on her body drove her to places of ecstasy that were unimaginable.
"David…" she breathed, as kissed at the tops of her breasts.
"So beautiful…" he rasped, as he made love to her. It had always been like this for them. Their love had always been all consuming, yet perfectly balanced. They became each other's home at a very young age. Her hand had been in his since they were very small and it had created waves among their peers.
"So...who are you inviting to your party?" one girl, about twelve, asked.
"Well...all of you, of course and some of the other girls from the neighborhood," Victoria said.
"Uh...is this your list?" another girl, Isla, asked.
"Yeah, why?" Victoria asked.
"Uh...because you have a freak on it," Isla replied in a nasty tone.
"Yeah, why are you inviting Mary Margaret Blanchard?" another girl, Sera, asked. Victoria sighed.
"Mother said I have to, because her father is very important and influential," she replied.
"Ugh...she's so odd though. She's always hanging out with those Nolan urchins," Isla said distastefully.
"Mary Margaret is very nice," Abigail said, defending her friend.
"Oh please Abby...if her father wasn't who he was, there is no way any of our parents would want us playing with her. She's a weirdo and always holding hands with that Nolan boy. Mother says it's very improper at our age," Isla said. Mary Margaret, having been sitting near them at the park, walked away sadly. She didn't really like any of them either, except Abigail, but it hurt to hear those things said about her. She slipped away and collapsed on one of the swings, but didn't really feel like swinging.
"MM?" Emma called, as her shadow was suddenly over the other girl.
"Oh...hi Ems," she said sadly.
"What's wrong? Why are you sad?" she asked, as David got there and she looked up at them.
"Do you think I'm a weirdo?" she asked.
"No way!" Emma exclaimed.
"Of course not...why would you think that?" David asked.
"That's what Victoria and Isla think. Victoria is only inviting me to her birthday party, cause her Mom said she had to because of who my dad is," MM replied.
"Ugh...they're the worst. Did you even want to go to her party?" David asked.
"Well, no...but it didn't feel good hearing that," she murmured, as he knelt down beside her.
"They're wrong and they're just jealous," he said.
"Why would they be jealous?" she asked.
"Because you're prettier than them and smarter and sweet," he said.
"Yeah, Isla and Victoria suck," Emma chimed in.
"You're not supposed to use that word, Emmy," David chided.
"Why? You say it all the time and other bad words," she pointed out.
"Well, I'm older," he argued, making Margaret smile.
"Thanks guys," she said, as she took his hand when he offered it and stood up.
"But Isla and Victoria are the prettiest girls in school," Margaret pointed out, as Emma slipped away for a moment.
"No way...you're the prettiest girl in school, at least to me," he replied and she blushed.
"Oh David…" she gushed, as she kissed his cheek.
"You're always my Prince Charming," she said, making him blush.
"Well, I really like being your Prince Charming," he replied, as they heard some screaming. Emma had gone over to the pond and fished out a couple frogs and some earthworms, never one afraid to get dirty, and promptly went over to share her finds with the snobby group of girls.
"Ugh...you little freak!" Isla cried, while Emma laughed.
"You don't like my frog?" the blonde asked, as she pushed it toward her again and then threw a worm in her face, making her scream more.
"Uh oh…" David said, as they hurried over to pull Emma away, before the other mother's could get involved. The three of them joined hands and laughed the whole way home.
As they grew, Emma remained her best friend and might as well have been her sister by then. They were very close and equally protective of one another. Margaret had seen Emma through a lot of rough patches in her teen years. She had never been as lucky as Margaret when it came to men and Margaret had done her best to guide her through those years and several rough break ups. While her relationship with Emma developed into a strong, sisterly bond, her relationship with David had evolved as well. It had gone from sweet, innocent puppy love to true and deep love as they progressed through their teens years.
By their teen years, they were deeply in love and still seen as the oddity by their peers and inappropriate by adults. But it never bothered them. They had weathered the criticism from their peers and adults alike, remaining unbreakable.
David parked the old, brown truck at school that afternoon. Emma was hanging out with Lily and Margaret had stayed behind to wait for him. He saw her hurrying toward him excitedly with her backpack and smiled at her. She always took his breath away.
"You got it!" she said excitedly, as he caught her in his arms.
"I did...it's not much to look at, but it's wheels," he replied.
"Are you kidding? I love it," she said.
"Really?" he asked.
"Yes...it's so us," she replied.
"What? Old?" he joked and she playfully smacked his chest.
"No...it's classic and has history," she replied, as they shared a smile.
"Hey Nolan...nice piece of junk," one of the jocks commented, as they went by on their way to football practice with the cheerleaders. But he ignored them, as usual.
"Forget him...he's an ass," Margaret said, as she glared at the stuck up jerk.
"That jerk drives a BMW convertible. Girls seem to like that," he pointed out.
"Not this girl," she corrected, as she slipped her arms around his neck.
"This girl doesn't want to ride in anything that doesn't come with you," she assured, making him blush shyly, as she kissed him tenderly and they got into the truck together.
As they lay together in the afterglow, with her head resting against his chest, she thought about everything that had happened. Those five and a half long years without him and her son. She had done her best to pull herself together and be there for Olive, but during that time, a smile rarely reached her eyes. It sounded dramatic, but it literally felt like half her heart was gone without him. She was whole again now and she had almost forgotten what that felt like. There were still the unanswered questions in her mind, but she had him back and was ready to brave whatever they had to face.
"So…I know I was distracted today helping Marco, but I didn't forget about that incident you mentioned," he said. She lifted her head and looked at him.
"It was nothing...just some nut. You know how this city can be," she replied.
"I do...but I also know that the attention on us isn't going away, especially after that passenger spoke out," he said, as he kissed the back of her hand.
"It was just some lady that focused on Henry. She kept repeating...he is risen. He is risen," she told him. He sighed.
"I should have been with you...I was supposed to be," he lamented.
"No...you were exactly where you should have been," she admonished.
"David...you helped reunite another family and I can say from experience that getting mine back is the most wonderful gift that I will ever get. The fact that you gave that to another person makes me so proud," she said, as she kissed him gently.
"I just want you to be careful…" he pleaded. She kissed his cheek.
"I will," she promised, as they settled down in each other's arms and sleep finally took them.
Regina took the vial of blood, belonging to Henry Nolan,and placed a small amount on the slide. After seeing something odd, she put it through the DNA synthesizer and waited for the results to come out. As she went to check some e-mails, she heard a knock at her lab door and saw that it was her mother.
"Hello mother…" she greeted coolly.
"Not exactly the greeting I was hoping for," Cora complained.
"I'm sorry...I'm just very busy," Regina apologized.
"Sweetheart...you just returned on a plane that's been missing for more than five years. Are you sure you should even be working yet?" Cora questioned.
"I love my work and I happen to have a pediatric case that I need to monitor very closely. He just started the treatment," Regina replied.
"Yes...your treatment. It's quite something, but I was hoping we could have lunch," Cora said.
"I suppose I could pop out to the cafeteria for a little bit," Regina agreed.
"Uh no, dear...I meant lunch at my house. I'm having a little gathering and there are many people eager to see you now that you're back," she corrected. Regina sighed.
"You mean all the people in your uppity circle, including all the potential bachelors you're dying to fix me up with," Regina said.
"Is that so bad, sweetheart?" Cora asked.
"Mother...I do not need to be fixed up with a date, especially not some tool from your circle," Regina replied.
"Regina…" she started to chide.
"Mother…" Regina sighed, as they started to argue and Henry's file slipped off the table. Cora saw the photo of the boy and picked it up.
"Henry Nolan...is this the boy?" she asked, as Regina snatched the file away.
"Yes…" Regina snapped.
"He was on the plane, wasn't he? Nolan...he and his father, right?" Cora asked curiously.
"Yes...he was one the plane and his cancer was terminal, but he's responding well to the treatment. His parents are overjoyed," Regina replied. Cora smiled.
"I'm sure they are. I'll let you to it...but please, stop by soon. Leopold is eager to meet you," she replied. Regina forced a smile.
"I'm sure...goodbye mother," she cooed, as Cora got the hint and left, but not without a pensive look on her face. Her daughter had no idea that she was treating Leopold's grandson, the grandson that he had never met, thanks to his foolish, unruly daughter. Cora smirked. Perhaps it was time to meet the Nolans at last.
"Ha...beat that kid," Emma said, as she and Henry played a game with the magnets on the fridge that morning.
"Oh…I will," Henry insisted, as he took his turn, while David cooked breakfast. He called them to the table and the game was forgotten, leaving the magnets to spell out "own your truth."
"Mmm...it smells delicious in here. Pancakes again on a weekday?" Margaret asked with an impressed tone.
"No job...the least I can do is make sure my family has an amazing breakfast," David said, as she pecked him on the lips.
"You'll find something, baby...and no pressure. We're fine," she assured him.
"I know...but you know me," he said. She giggled and got the orange juice out.
"Oh I know...can't sit still," she teased, as she pinched his rear and they sat down to breakfast.
"I'll get you back for that later," he whispered in her ear.
"Mmm...you better, handsome," she purred back.
As they were finishing up, they flipped the television on to get the weather forecast, but it seemed that the morning news was occupied with something else altogether.
"And if you're just joining us, we're at the scene of a homicide in an affluent neighborhood. The victim is Tisbe Tayor, a passenger on the mysterious returned flight eight-two-eight that disappeared more than five years ago. Ms. Taylor recently defied the NSA order of a media blackout and spoke to us just yesterday in an exclusive interview," the reporter said, as they flashed to the interview.
"She...she was murdered?" Margaret asked.
"Do you think it's connected?" she asked her sister-in-law.
"Not necessarily," Emma replied.
"Em...the passenger that defied the order to not speak to the press is dead. You don't think that's suspicious?" he asked.
"A little...but it's not my jurisdiction," she argued.
"Still...don't you think we should check it out?" he asked.
"We?" she asked. He sighed.
"Yesterday a woman accosted Margaret and Henry about him coming back and now we have a dead passenger? If there's a threat to our family...then we need to investigate this," he said.
"He's right...but be careful," Margaret pleaded, as she kissed him.
"I didn't agree to any of this!" Emma protested.
"Let's just go drive by and since you're a cop...maybe you can glean some information from the other officers," he suggested. She groaned and rolled her eyes.
"Fine...but you're staying in the car, you big pain in the ass," she complained. David smirked and kissed his wife and kids again, before following her out. Margaret smiled, as they went and put the dishes in the dishwasher quickly.
"Okay...backpacks and lunches. Let's roll," she called, as they got their stuff and left for the day as well.
Emma pulled up the house that was the scene of the crime and parked.
"Okay...I'll see what information I can get. You stay here," she told him.
"No way…" he protested.
"David...I can't take you into an active crime scene," she argued.
"You can if this murder has something to do with the fact that she was a passenger," he argued back. She sighed.
"We don't know that it is," Emma reminded him.
"What does your gut tell you?" he questioned.
"Dammit…" she complained.
"Fine...but you follow my lead and not a damn word," she warned, as they got out of the car. She flashed her badge to the officer on duty.
"Emma Nolan...detective with the twenty-eighth precinct," she said.
"You're a little out of your jurisdiction, detective," the officer replied.
"Yeah...we heard it on the scanner and thought we'd take a look. You can never have too many eyes on a murder investigation," she said. Obviously the officer was green, because her excuse was crap, and he motioned her in.
"Can't believe he bought that," David muttered.
"Shut up," Emma grumbled in irritation, as they went inside. It was a gruesome scene. Tisbe had taken a bullet to the back of the head and she noticed that there was a gathering outside the house of people holding a daylight vigil with signs reading things like the returned and other things that suggested worship of the passengers. And Emma knew from experience that the people obsessed with them could be as dangerous as the ones that seemed to hate them.
"It looks like a robbery gone bad," the officer on duty said.
"What makes you say that?" Emma asked.
"She's missing a gold necklace that she was wearing in her interview and it's not in the house. We think the killer stole the jewelry and climbed out the back window. It was open," he explained. But that didn't sit right with Emma. This didn't seem like a random robbery and she was beginning to think David was right, though she refused to tell him that yet. Before she could ask anymore questions though, Vance arrived and he looked none too happy about them being there.
"Crap…" she muttered.
"Officer...are you aware that you've admitted a detective and her civilian brother to this crime scene. A detective that was on flight eight-two-eight with the victim?" Vance questioned. The officer stammered through an apology to the director, as he looked at the siblings.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't detain you both?" he asked.
"Because we didn't do anything wrong. If passengers are being targeted, then we have a right to know. I have to know if my family might be in danger," David argued. The director sighed.
"Detective Nolan...get your brother out of here, before I change my mind and take you both in," he ordered. They both exited the house and got back to the car, even as the people holding vigil outside started chanting at them, as they were recognized.
"Looks like the same kind of people that approached Margaret and Henry," David mentioned, as they spotted Tisbe Taylor's husband, Jacob Taylor. David gave her a look and she sighed, as they approached him.
"Mr. Taylor?" Emma asked the distraught man.
"Uh yes?" he asked, seeing her shield.
"I'm Detective Emma Nolan and this is my brother David. We were on the flight with Tisbe," she explained.
"Oh…" he said.
"We're sorry for your loss," David offered and he nodded his thanks.
"I tried to stop her from speaking out on television, but she wouldn't listen. She just kept repeating that it was her calling to do so," he said. Something about that phrase pricked Emma's mind, but Mr. Taylor was whisked away by the medics before they could ask him more questions.
"See...even he isn't buying that this was a robbery gone bad," David mentioned.
"That still doesn't mean that this has anything to do with the passengers," Emma chided. He gave her a waning look.
"Okay...it's suspicious, but I'm not ready to jump on the conspiracy train with you," she argued.
"I'm not on the conspiracy train, Ems...I just want to protect us," David said, as he drove them away, but not before seeing that the NSA was taking custody of the body.
"Is the NSA taking custody of a body standard procedure?" he asked, though she could tell by his tone that he knew the answer. She sighed.
"No...it's weird and a complete overreach, but they're the NSA and all they have to do is say that they think she was a threat to National Security," she replied.
"Which means they think that about all of us," David said. She didn't deny that, because she couldn't.
"For the record, I'm trying to protect us too," she pointed out. He sighed.
"I know," he relented.
"I'll do some digging...can you drop me at the station?" she asked.
"Yeah, but you know Dad left you a car, right?" he questioned.
"Yes…I'm just not ready," she muttered. He sighed.
"Okay," he relented, knowing that it was best to drop that subject. If Emma didn't want to drive yet, then he wasn't going to force it. He pulled up to the precinct and dropped her off.
"Do me a favor and stay out of this until we know more," she urged.
"Hey…I'm job hunting today. I promise," he assured. She nodded and he drove off, as she went inside to work. The case was in the early developments, but she would be keeping an eye on it. She hated it, but she knew there was more to it. This passenger wasn't just a random murder.
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noreasonjustbored · 5 years
Fall In Fake Love With Me
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Henry scanned the hallway for a head full of dark curls until he located Charlotte standing by her locker talking to some people from L.I.M.P.
“Char!” Henry yelled while power walking towards her.
Deeply engrossed in her conversation, Charlotte didn’t hear Henry until he was right behind her. “Charlotte Marie Page!” he practically screamed in her ear.
Jumping slightly from the unexpected volume, Charlotte turned around with a glare. “First of all, that’s not my middle name. Second, why are you yelling?”
Her L.I.M.P. colleagues slowly walked away, knowing from experience that she was unlikely to return to their conversation now that Henry was there.
“That’s not the point! Listen, I want you to be my girlfriend.”
Charlotte’s brain short-circuits. He wants me to WHAT? Be his girlfriend? I don’t really see him like that. I mean I can’t deny that he’s attractive but- dating? Since when does he have feelings for me? This could ruin our entire friendship!
“Ummm... Henry I don’t think that-“ she starts to protest. Henry puts a finger over Charlotte’s lips and frantically whispers, “Shhhhhh she’s coming!”
“Who’s coming?” Charlotte asks confusedly. Her question was answered a moment later when Bianca strolled over to them with a smirk on her face.
“Henry. Hi. I see you’re looking...taller since we last saw each other” she says while giving him a slow once over and biting her bottom lip.
“Yeah well, time will do that to you. Puberty and all that.” Henry laughs uncomfortably.
A small snort of amusement comes from Charlotte, causing both to look over at her.
“Henry’s friend! I didn’t see you there!”
Char fights the urge to roll her eyes, “Brittney! I didn’t know you were back in Swellview! How are you doing after the show?” she asks in a falsely sympathetic tone.
Bianca plastered on a tight smile. “I’m fine, we’re just on hiatus right now.”
“Oh? I heard that Kids in the Woods was cancelled?”
Bianca clenched her teeth and Charlotte could see a muscle in her jaw moving.
“Technically...but it’s only a matter of time before it’s picked up by another network. There’s a Change.org petition and everything. We have such loyal fans. I’m sure Netflix or Hulu will probably snatch it up real soon.”
“How optimistic. Good for you, keep hope alive.”
Bianca’s left eye twitched in annoyance as she swiveled her head in Henry’s direction. “Hey, I’ve been reaching out to you on Insta, have you gotten my messages?” Bianca asked while twirling a piece of hair around her finger.
“I don’t really check Instagram like that.”
“Oh. Well anyway” Bianca plows forward, “Since I’m back in town, I was wondering if you wanted to catch up over frozen yogurt sometime?”
“Can’t. Sorry.”
“I didn’t even give you a date or time.” Bianca narrows her eyes at him.
“Uh- I’m uh...Charlotte! We always have plans. You know, booked and busy. Right babe?”
She gives him an exasperated look as understanding dawned on her. Oh! You want me to pretend to be your girlfriend in front of Bianca. Ugh, why do you always get me into these situations Henry? Going with the program, Charlotte wraps a hand around Henry’s bicep and leans into his side. “That’s right. Babe.”
Henry glances at Charlotte who is now looking up at him through her eyelashes and he looses his train of thought for a second. Whoa, Charlotte’s like really cute. When did that happen?
Bianca looks between both of them with squinted eyes, “Wait. Are you guys dating or something?”
“Or something” Char mumbles only loud enough for Henry to hear.
He snaps out of his daze when Charlotte widens her eyes at him, signaling that he still needs to respond to her question. “Yeah we’re deeeeeeep in love” Henry awkwardly says then clears his throat.
“Sure you are.” Bianca scoffs. “Henry, let me know if your schedule...clears up.”
She gives Charlotte a dirty look before turning on her heels and flouncing away.
Once she was out of sight, Char turns to her friend and hits him on the arm. “What was that?”
“I asked you to be my girlfriend!”
“Yeah but I didn’t agree! You forced my hand!”
“Forced your ha- what are you from the 1600s?”
“Whatever! I’m not being your fake girlfriend.”
“Why not?!?” Henry whines.
“Why not? Why would I?” Char asks incredulously.
“Because Bianca won’t leave me alone! I keep letting her down easy but she doesn’t take the hint. Look at what she calls ‘reaching out’, Henry says while pulling up Instagram on his Pear Phone. He goes to his DMs and clicks on Bianca’s picture. He scrolls through to show at least thirty to forty messages with no response from his end.
“Well that’s creepy. But how is it my problem?”
“Because you’re my best friend!”
“Why don’t you ask Jasper? He’s also your best friend and I’m sure he would pretend to be your boyfriend.”
“Yeah he would usually but he just asked out Taylor, how is he supposed to date me and go out with them? Plus I already asked and he said no.”
“Wow so I’m not even your first choice? Hard pass.” Charlotte replies as the bell rings.
As she walks away Henry shouts down the hallway, “You’re my first choice sometimes! Char! Char!”
That was definitely the wrong thing to say. Henry sighs and then heads to his own class.
At work they were lounging around when Henry noticed everyone else was gone. Just he and Char were left alone in the ManCave. Getting up from his seat at the console he walks over to Charlotte, who is laying upside down on the couch looking at her phone.
Standing over her for a few moments he contemplates what to say to broach the subject again.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Charlotte quips.
Henry pulls out his phone and she looks up right as he snaps a photo.
“I was joking, you weirdo” she replies while sitting up.
“Well I wasn’t.”
“About the fake dating thing.” Henry sits down next to her on the couch.
“Ugh” Char groans and leans her head against the back of the couch.
“Just hear me out, okay?”
She didn’t respond at all and Henry took that as his cue to continue.
“Listen, Bianca has been trying to get back together with me ever since the end of last year. I was talking to her online AS FRIENDS when she started subtly and then not so subtly hitting on me. After a while, I just stopped responding. Now that’s she back in Swellville, it’s like she’s trying ten times harder. She keeps “happening to run into me” everywhere and blowing up my phone. It’s hella uncomfortable. I just need her to get off my back.”
“I’m sorry that you have a high-key stalker but honestly this situation only benefits you. What do I get out of it?”
“Ummmmmm...oh! You’re always complaining about your family constantly ragging
on you for not having a significant other. I’m significant! I can be your other.”
“They want me to have a real partner, not someone dating me to keep a 115 pound girl at bay.”
“Yeah but they won’t know that it’s not real. Come on Char! Didn’t you tell me the other day how you weren’t looking forward to your family reunion? Because of all the slick comments that you’d get about being single?”
“I mean true but-“
“See! Exactly!” Henry stood in excitement.
“Yeah but how would it work? Would we have to like...kiss?”
“Ummm...possibly? I didn’t really think about that.” Henry sits back down slowly.
“I just don’t want it to be awkward between us.”
“I get what you mean, but we can still do this! It’s not like we have to make out or anything. I doubt we’ll even have to kiss on the lips. Cheek kisses, forehead kisses. That’s cute right?”
“I guess.” Charlotte stated.
“Don’t you want to see the look on your cousins’ faces when you stroll in there with me on your arm?”
“Alyssa does always have the most to say and she probably wouldn’t expect that we would ever get together. I could finally get her to stop throwing shade.” Char contemplates.
“Soooooooooooo...you’ll do it?”
Charlotte sighs, “I know I’m going to regret this immediately.”
“Yes! You’re the best girlfriend in the world!”
“FAKE girlfriend.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever. So where do we start?”
“I don’t know, wasn’t this YOUR plan?”
“Uh yeah but you’re the planner in this relationship.”
“Man are you annoying.”
“You love me.” Henry grins cheekily and leans his head on her shoulder.
“Sometimes” came her response as she pushed his head away.
“Ok we already know that I’m going to go to the family reunion with you that’s a no-brainer. When is that happening?”
“Two weeks.” Char readily supplies.
“Perfect, and as for Bianca. We gotta go somewhere where we could flaunt our relationship in front of her.”
“Yeah but more than that. Somewhere outside of campus so she knows I wasn’t lying about being busy with you all the time.”
“But where could we go that she was guaranteed to see us?”
“Hmmm...what about the football game this Friday? Bianca joined the cheerleading team so we know she’ll be there.”
“Wow, she’s really dedicated to her trope huh?”
Henry gives her a confused look in reply.
“Bitchy, popular girl is also a cheerleader? How one dimensional.”
“Oh she’s got dimensions, and all of them are crazy.”
“Whatever. Let’s set some ground rules.”
“Rules? You sure know how to suck the life out of something.”
She glares in retaliation.
“Ok ok, what are these rules?”
“Rule number 1. Whatever happens, this will not ruin our friendship.”
“Nothing bad is gonna happen Char, relax.”
“Just agree.”
“Alright, I agree. We will always stay friends. Anything else?”
“Yeah, we only do this for a month, two tops. That’s enough time for me to get my family to stop breathing down my neck about “gettin a man” and hopefully enough time for Bianca to move on to her next victim.”
“Seems fair. I have a rule.”
“We can’t tell anyone that it’s not real.”
“What, why? Not even Jasper?”
“Especially not Jasper! He can’t keep a secret to save his life.”
“I just don’t want to risk this getting back to Bianca and she figures out I’m actually single. Plus, it’ll make it seem more authentic if everyone around us believes it. Lastly, we’ll look super lame if anyone found out.”
“You made several points. Any other rules?”
“Don’t fall in love with me” Henry smirks jokingly.
“You wish.”
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lilnasxvevo · 4 years
To continue a train of thought from yesterday, here is the thing about hobbies and gender:
When you are growing up as whatever gender you were assigned as, every person in your life looks at you and they know which hobbies kids of your gender are expected to be involved in. They know which ones are and are not appropriate for your gender in your social context. Football for boys but cheerleading for girls. Legos for boys and dolls for girls. Math for boys and art for girls. The list does change based on your social context—your country or state or city or school or family might have different ideas about what a boy or girl can do from the rest of the world—but there’s always a list. Sometimes someone will make an effort to deviate from the list. While it wasn’t gender-“inappropriate,” my dad was aware that things like power tools and house-painting and fishing are generally reserved for boy-children, he decided what he thought were his girl-children (it turns out he has one boy-child and one girl-child) should learn these things because why not.
But for the most part, there is a list. And everyone knows the list, and you know the list starting from when you are very little. And working from that list, people will consciously or unconsciously try to get you involved in ONLY the hobbies that are appropriate for your gender and steer you away from ones your gender aren’t supposed to be involved in.
When you experience pressure from literally every person in your life to behave a certain way, people usually do it. They have to want something very badly or just have a lot of natural defiance to do something almost everyone says they can’t or shouldn’t do. Have you seen Billy Elliot? Yeah, like that. He has to fight really hard to get to do ballet, but the thing is, he would never have learned he loved ballet if he hadn’t gotten the secret opportunity to learn ballet in the first place.
So if you’re a child being raised as a girl who wants to try something but it’s a boy thing and no one will let you, well, you think it seems like fun but you’re not super invested so you let go of it. You were never given the opportunity to try it and learn you love it and get really invested in it, and it’s only that level of passion that makes most people think that it might be worth it to fight for something.
A lot of people don’t think about it like this. They assume that girls are naturally drawn to some things and boys are naturally drawn to other things. They don’t see the social forces at work to make sure that boys and girls take up the “right” hobbies. They themselves have probably thought “that looks like fun” over more than one “gender-inappropriate” hobby but casually banished the thought because people of their gender don’t do those things. Inherently.
And so we think there are male and female personalities and male and female interests that are inherent to gender identity itself but they are really just “inherent” to the social pressures we receive—people tend to go in the direction they are pushed unless they have a really strong reason not to.
And yes, if you can’t tell from the careful language I’m using, on this occasion the reason I am talking about this issue is because of how it pertains to trans people. People who transition anytime later in life than early childhood (and I’m pretty sure that’s most trans people) have spent a big chunk of their lives being told this or that about what they’re allowed to be interested in. Girls aren’t good at math, so you aren’t good at math. Boys like watching football, so you should like watching football. Girls like nurturing and making pretty things so you should do those things. Boys should learn how cars work so come on, your old man’s gonna teach you.
So this affects not only what a person thinks is appropriate for them to be doing, but what they had access to learning and doing and experiencing. A trans man might not know how cars work because his dad taught these things to his cis brother but never offered him the same opportunity. A trans man might know how to knit because his mom taught him because it’s something she thought would be appropriate for him to know. Since this hypothetical trans man doesn’t know how cars work but does know how to knit, which hobby is he going to be more passionate about? Answer: The one he knows how to do. Duh. And the same goes for sewing or for watching sports (dude you have to know so many things to watch sports and have a coherent experience, you can’t just learn the rules of the game you have to know things about everyone on the field and the players who came before them and yadda yadda YADDA it’s EXHAUSTING) or math or drawing or whatever other gendered pastimes you can think of.
If a cis boy is taught how to knit but not taught about how cars work, it is more likely he will be more passionate about the hobby he knows how to do. If a cis girl is taught how to code but not how to sew, it is more likely that she will be more passionate about the hobby that she knows how to do.
So it’s not about inherent male and female preferences. It is about access, and the access can either be due to shame or pressure, like that a child thinks about signing up for a class but doesn’t because their parents would kill them because that’s not something kids of their gender should be doing according to them, or it’s a more concrete version of access, like literally not being offered the opportunity to learn how to do it. Access can look like boys getting more individual teacher attention in math class but girls getting more teacher attention in literature class. All of these forms of access lead to most people being forced towards getting involved only in the kinds of things their gender is expected to get involved in. It is insidious and everywhere, and it makes it look like boys and girls inherently gravitate towards certain things, but that is a lie.
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presleepthoughts · 5 years
How about a spider Beca au? For bechloe?
I literally have had this draft on my computer for over a year now. Didn’t plan on releasing it until I completed it but if you’d like to read it, here it is 😬😀
I planned this to be multi-chapter fanfic so there’s not much Bechloe in the first chapter so excuse me 😂 
If you don’t like it, we can just pretend it never happened. 
but if you are interested in more, just let me know and I’ll show you the rest.
Powerless - Chapter 1
Sheflexed her muscles trying to break out of the straps that trapped her limbsdown on the bed. A middle-age man stood beside her in a white lab coat with aneedle in his hand filled with blue liquid. Beca’s eyes widened in panic and fearas she struggled to fight for her freedom. She couldn’t go through this again.This was the fifth time this week.
“Subjectis ready for the injection. Third attempt. 5-milliliter dosage.” He listed hisactions as he grabbed Beca’s IV tube and placed the needle inside, pushing theliquid into her veins.
Becapanted, preparing her body and mind for the virus to hit her immune system. Shefelt the pain slowly spread through her forearm all the way to the top of hershoulder and her body shot down. She started shaking violently, trashing backand forth as the venom spread through her body. Her body was rigid to the pointwhere she feared her spine was going to snap at any moment.
Unbearablepain attacked her heart and she let out a scream.
Thedoctor observed her reaction, ready to step in at any moment. “Her heart rate’sincreasing. Vitals are low.” He watched her heart monitor as it started to beepfrequently. “We’re losing her.”
Anautomatic voice rang through the room from the speakers. “Give it a minute.”
Thedoctor obeyed and stayed put. Beca felt tears sliding down her cheeks becauseof the pain that she was powerless to stop. Her eyes rolled back into her headas her body finally lost the battle and she fainted. Her heart monitor sloweddown to normal rate.
“Thirdattempt failed. Subject unconscious.”
Thedoor opened suddenly and another professor walked in. “Give me the chart.” Hedemanded and flipped through the pages, mumbling under his breath. “It’s stillmissing something. But what?”
Hesighed and took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes. “I need to go back to thelab. When is she gonna wake up? We need to keep trying.”
“Shecan’t take anymore. Her heart is going to fail and she’ll die. She needs therest.” The doctor said, releasing her wrists from the handcuffs. “Let’scontinue tomorrow when she’s recovered.”
“Fine.”The professor said nonchalantly and disappeared through the door.
Shewoke up in a white room the next morning, vision slightly blurred. She scannedaround her and glanced down her arm, finding three glowing red dots on herwrist. She sighed; she’ll have a hard time covering them up. It’s no wonder whyeverybody in school thought she was a drug addict.
Carefullysitting up, she grabbed her phone from the bedside table and checked the time.School started in an hour. She needed to get going if she wanted to be on time.
Shegathered her strength and pushed herself off the bed and immediately grabbedher stomach, feeling the nausea coming full force. She reached for the emptybucket placed beside her bed and dry heaved for a couple of minutes. She hadn’teaten since yesterday morning when she was whisked away to the lab.
Dr.Harris peaked his head through the door.
“CanI come in?”
Becagroaned in pain as another wave rolled through her body. The doctor took thatas a ‘yes’ and walked inside with a clipboard.
“Howare you feeling? Aside the nausea. Headaches? Pain in the limbs?” He scrabbleddown something on the paper, unconcerned about the girl on the floor.
“What’s– what’s happening?” Beca weekly coughed out, finally able to take a breath as herstomach relaxed.
“Yourimmune system is trying to reject the venom but it is too powerful. So, theonly other way to get rid of it is by vomiting. It’s natural. You should befine once every drop of toxic left your body.”
Becawanted to snicker and throw something at him but she opted to use that energyto stand up slowly. “How many times?” She asked exhaustedly.
Withoutany context the doctor understood her. “3. It wasn’t safe for us to continuewith the treatment.”
Us. Beca shook her head with alifeless smile. Like she wasn’t the one who almost died yesterday. “That mustbe a record.”
“Hesent me to examine you and determine when are you ready for the next trial.”
Becacollapsed down on the bed. “Great. Awesome. Can you hurry up because I have togo to school.”
Becahurried down the corridor as fast as her body allowed her. The check-up ranlater than she thought and she missed the school bus, making her walk fifteenminutes to the school. Normally it wouldn’t be a problem but she still felt theeffect of yesterday, heavily in her body.
Shetucked down her sweatshirt to cover her wrist and knocked on the classroomdoor. Mrs. Andrews looked at her pointedly but continued the lecture, allowingBeca to slip in the back row without a verbal confrontation. Dropping her bagon the ground, she pulled out a notepad and a pen, blinking rapidly to not fallasleep.
Aftercopping down everything on the board, Beca quickly became bored. Twirling thepen between her thumb and index finger, she looked around the classroom. It wasfilled with the almost entire football team, including the cheerleaders aswell. Beca saw two IT kids from the Tech Club and two lead singers in DramaClub. Front and center sat the cheerleader captain, Aubrey Posen and her secondin command Chloe Beale.
Becatilted her head in wonder.
WhileAubrey embodied every single stereotype of a cheerleader, Chloe was different. Becanoticed her talking to strangers nicely, treating everybody with respect andkindness.
“Ms.Mitchell, you were late and now you don’t even pay attention to the lesson.”Mrs. Andrews’ voice rang out loud, shocking Beca out of her thoughts.
“I’msorry, Mrs. Andrews. I’m listening.” Beca spoke out, shrinking in her seat asthe classroom turned to her. She briefly caught Chloe’s ocean blue eyes beforethe cheerleader turned back around.
“Wonderful.As I was saying…”
Afterthat Beca tuned out, slowly progressing to lay her head down on her desk. Shefought to keep her eyes open but were unable to and she fell asleep.
Theschool bell woke her up violently as she swung her head up and saw peoplegathering their stuff and leaving the classroom.
“Ms.Mitchell, a word please.” Mrs. Andrews’ were sitting at her desk, staring atBeca disapprovingly.
Staciewere waiting for her outside the room, leaning against the wall.
“Whattook you so long?” Stacie questioned, holding her books to her chest.
Becashowed her the pink note in her hands with the words DETENTION splattered onit. Stacie winced as they made their way to the next class that they shared.
“Ouch.What did you do? Mrs. Andrews is really cool usually. It’s hard to piss heroff.”
“Well,I succeeded apparently. I ran late, didn’t pay attention and to top it all off,I fell asleep.” Beca listed bitterly, coming up to her locker. “It’s a miracleshe didn’t send me to the principle.”
Thelast thing she needed was her father to be called in school. She shuddered justthinking about it.
“Whathappened yesterday that made you so tired?” Stacie’s mouth opened wide. “Didyou pick up some hot girl? Oh, tell me everything. I wanna hear all about it.With details.”
Becasnickered as she opened her locker and pulled her history book out. “Like Icould do that. Please. I’m the only lesbian in this school. Who would I pickup?”
“Justbecause they are not out, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t any girl to choosefrom. Believe me, you are not the only one. Plus, it’s a small town, noteverybody is as brave as you.” Stacie stated shrugging.
“Yousure do know a lot about closeted lesbians here. Are you trying to tell mesomething?” Beca smirked jokingly and Stacie rolled her eyes.
“Please,you know I fell in love with people. Not gender.”
Becalaughed. “How poetic of you.” She lifted her arm to grab the strap of her bagbut her sweatshirt shifted down, revealing the evidence of yesterday’s trial.Stacie’s eyes immediately zeroed on the three angry dots and she sucked in adeep breath.
“Whatare those?” Her tone was controlled as she pointed at Beca’s wrist.
Beca’seyes widen as she quickly lowered her arm, pulling the material down, hidingthe marks again.
“No- nothing. I – I just doodled on my hand. It’s ink.” Beca would’ve been proudof her quick thinking if Stacie’s expression hadn’t hardened. She didn’tbelieve her.  
“Don’tlie to me. Beca you said you weren’t doing that anymore! Are you stupid?”Stacie asked strongly, taking a step forward.
Becastepped back. “I’m not doing anything.” She said defensively. As the firstrumors started going around school that she was a drug addict, Beca hadn’tbother to come clean to Stacie. It was easier to let the girl believe thatthose marks came from herself when in reality he was the cause of them.  
“Itdoesn’t look like it! Beca, are you using again?” Stacie in her anger grabbedBeca by the shoulder, squeezing tightly, trapping the girl between herself andthe lockers.
Suddenly,Beca was back in the lab as the assistant strapped her down forcefully onto thehospital bed. No matter how hard she fought, he held her down strongly as hestabbed the needle in her arm and pushed the medicine that made her so woozy,she couldn’t tell from up and down.
Herbreathing picked up as her heart beat out of her chest. Acting on pure panic,she pushed Stacie away by her shoulders, watching as she stumbled backwardswith her eyes wide open in shock.
Bothfrozen to the spot, Beca was aware of the growing crowd around them, curiouslywaiting for something to happen, phone ready in hand to record. She pushed downthe tears threatening to escape and ran down the hall, away from prying eyes,away from Stacie and out the door.
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lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Is Everything Okay? Ch. 4
"Does it still look real?" Danny questioned, anxiety filling him as he looked at his friends. "Will it rub off? Do you think anyone will notice? What am I going to do? I have Lancer today!"
"Danny! Calm down." Sam snapped, rubbing her temple.
"Yea dude, she has a point." Tucker piped in. "Sam knows her makeup and ignore Lancer. He should expect you to be pissed."
"I know…" Danny sighed, rubbing the non-makeup side of his face. "I just, what if someone finds out that the bruised healed? What if Vlad kills me for this?!"
"He's not going to do anything" Sam placed a soft hand on her distressed friends shoulder. "It would be stupid for him to disappear, and if you suddenly showed up dead, I'm pretty sure people would blame him." The trio stopped a little ways away from the school, noticing Daniel's face paling. Sam and Tucker shared a sad look.
"Do you think they know?" Danny questioned. He knew they knew, it was all over the news. Vlad Masters after all is the Mayor of Amity Park. The sullen looks his friends gave him told him there wasn't a chance that gossip wasn't going around the school about it.
"Don't worry Danny." Sam and Tucker positioned themselves on either side of the teen. "We'll keep the vultures away." Sam gave a small smile, motioning to her steel toed boots. Her smile grew when a chuckle left her friend.
"Where did you stay last night?" Tucker asked, as the trio began walking to school was surprised to be showing on school on time for once, no ghost had bother him since CPS showed up and it's just adding to his anxiety, but he's going to try and enjoy it.
"A holding home." Danny sighed, running a hand through his unruly hair. "I still can't stay with my parents. Smith and Anderson think there's more going on then I am letting on…"
"Are they going to move you to another house?" Sam asked, sending her infamous death glare to everyone who stared and gossiped. "You should see if they'll let you stay at Tuckers. I'd say mine, but my parents hate you." Danny nodded, keeping his eyes downcasted to keep from seeing everyone's eyes on him.
"Their probably going to look for a third party." Danny opened his locker,shoving his face inside to hide for the moment. "Smith said they'll try to find a student's parent who wouldn't mind taking me. Can you imagine if they send me to Dash, or Kwan?"
"Aw man dude." Tucker sympathized. "I doubt they would, or you could tell them they bully you?"
"Nah, I'd rather stay with one of those two then another night at that house." Danny pulled away from his locker with a shiver, seeing his friends shocked faces. "I know. I think the guy who runs the house is a pedophile honestly" Danny shook his head, turning to his friends. "Sadly, this isn't Freshman year and we don't have all the same classes. Don't worry guys, I'll be fine."
The two teens shared a look before threatening Daniel that if he didn't come to them if something does happen then he was going to have a personal meeting with Sam's boots. Danny agreed, preferring who ever messed with him to be kicked then himself. Hey, his hero complex doesn't always apply.
Danny's day was relatively okay. Aside from the stares, and mumbles around him, and the teacher's constant concerned looks. Some even stopped him on the way out of class to tell him if he needed anything they were there. Danny would just smile, thank them, and leave. It pissed him off that now when they heard something 'tragic' happened are they 'worrying about him'.
Yes, he was mad at Lancer. Lancer shouldn't have called unless Daniel told him he could, but Danny also knew that he was just worried and cared. It touched Danny through the fog of vexation, that someone (aside from Sam and Tucker) cared enough to make sure he was okay.
Regardless of that, Danny could still feel the growing anxiety as he walked his way to the last class of the day… Lancer's English class. Danny popped into the bathroom, texting Sam and Tuck to meet him at the door. All he did was stand in front of the sink, he had originally planned to splash water on his face but froze when he remembered the makeup bruise, leaving the water running instead.
He didn't get it. Something that the ghosts are doing is reducing the healing for those wounds. The one on his face seemed to be the only one that healed faster than normal, and he got that from being thrown head first into the ground. He needed to figure out what it is, but right now he can't risk his healing going back to normal. Who knows if they want to take a look at it all again.
The sound of the bathroom door opened, caused Danny to shove his hand into the sink, trying not to look like he was just standing there. He felt eyes on him and in the mirror, what he saw caused his whole body to tense, dropping his gaze back to the sink. It was none other than Dash Baxter. What unnerved him more was that the football player just stood by the door and watched him.
He quickly dried off his hands, and started walking out, keeping his gaze down. He figured if he ignored Dash, he wouldn't have to deal with anything. He just wasn't in the mood. Again, life just couldn't go his way for once. Dash had shoot out and grabbed Danny's arm before he could leave.
"Dash, I-"
"Listen." Dash cut him off, turning to try and look into the tense teen's eyes. "Can you meet me at the park later tonight?'
"I don't know…"
"I just want to talk." Dash's sudden out of characterness only helped to fuel Daniel's anxiety. "Can you just meet me there, around 10? Please…" Dash never said please, shocked Danny met eyes with the Jock. Before he nodded, Dash's eyes held nothing but pleading and honesty. Dash offered a smile before letting go of Danny who rushed to his class.
That wasn't any better than the incident in the bathroom. Taking his friends advice, Danny just walked in and sat down, not sparing a glance at Lancer. Class didn't start for another two minutes. Not long after Danny, Dash entered, sparing a look and smile at Danny. That didn't go unnoticed by his friends.
"Danny, what was that?" Sam whispered, leaning closer, as did Tucker.
"Dash ran into me in the bathroom…"Danny sighed. "He wants to meet up at the park to talk."
"You said no right?" The look Danny gave Sam caused her to scowl. "Danny he's your bully! Who knows what he has planned!"
"Yea man." Tucker chimed, sparing a glance to the group of Jocks and cheerleaders. "It could be a trap."
"Guy don't worry. I'll be fine." Danny spoke, his word was finally because the bell rang,signaling the start of class.
Class was not fun. Danny wasn't as clueless as people thought, well not anymore after all the ghosts he has dealt with. He could feel Lancer's eyes on him. He could hear the whispers that still fluttered around the room, half of which mentioned Danny or Vlad. It was getting too much, Danny didn't like this attention. He just wanted to run. Luckily, his prays received an answer.
In the middle of reading yet another excerpt from the book, the phone rang out. Lancer stood, facing away from the class, and spoke into the phone. No one could really make out what he was saying beside Danny who tensed and paled.
"Dude?" Tucker questioned, poking his friend's arm.
"Fenton, please report to the front office." Lancer spoke, after placing his phone back down, a grim look on his face. "You may take your things."
Danny nodded, and quickly got up, swinging his bag over his shoulders. He usually brought it with him to last class so he wouldn't have to stop by his locker afterwards. The moment he heard Vlad's and Danny's name in the same sentence, he stopped listening, mind reeling with all the possible things that they could want. When he entered the Principal's office, only the two CPS agents were there, they too had grim looks across their features.
"Hey Danny." Smith attempted to smile, but it came out more of a grimace. She shared a look with Anderson before releasing a sigh. "Vlad was able to talk the judge, and our superior into allowing him to talk to you." Danny's face paled, his palms became clammy.
"In a private session…" Anderson added, the remorse clear on his features. When he noticed Danny's hands shake, he continued. "He will be handcuffed to the table, he won't be able to hurt you."
Daniel felt tears prick at his eyes, his vision blurring slightly. God knows why Vlad wanted to see him, but he wouldn't be surprised if Vlad beat the living crap out of him. Danny bit the inside of his cheek to keep the tears and questions at bay.
"If it gets too much, you can leave the room. I will be unlock, and we'll be just a shout away with a few officers." Anderson gave a small smile and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's going to be hard, and if you absolutely can't do it, than we can see if we could arrange it for another time."
"Now?" Danny asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "He wants to meet now?"
"School is almost over, we figured we'd let him have the half hour meeting and then you can spend the day how'd you like." Smith responded. "You'll be staying at the group home again tonight. We haven't found a student's whose parents are willing to take you in yet."
"O-okay…" Danny nodded, following the two agents to the car. "I still can't stay with Tucker… or Sam?" He asked again. He knew he couldn't stay with Sam, but Tucker's parents didn't hate him.
"Not yet, I'm sorry." Anderson glanced over at Danny from the passenger seat. "We need to make sure we clear all our bases." Danny nodded, picking at the brace around his fractured wrist.
Danny was lost in thought, wonder just how much things went downhill in only a few days. It all started because he couldn't stay awake in class. He need to be a whole lot more careful now, he needed to stay awake, and do his work. Act like everything was better, so people leave him alone… But what about Vlad? Vlad did beat the crap out of him on an almost weekly basis, so the abuse allegations weren't a complete lie. But how was he going to prove all this without revealing his and Vlad's secret? Did he even want them to even take this to trial? Vlad could easily escape, why not go through with it?
There were so many questions and things Danny needed to figure out but he couldn't think. The emotions he's been pushing down since he became Phantom were all resurfacing. It increased with the knowledge that Danny can't have his breakdown, he can't cry or throw a fit because who know knows what would surface from that. So, he'll suck it up. He'll hold back the tears until he's alone, or never release them.
He had to show people he was strong, needed Sam and Tucker to believe him when he says he's fine. Even if he was breaking on the inside, he wasn't going to let people know. He couldn't… He wasn't sure why, but he knew no one could really know how he felt,
"Here you go." Anderson smiled, handing Danny a can of coke. Daniel offered him a smile, taking opened can. "They'll prep the room, and then you'll go in. You don't have to do the whole thirty minutes if it's too much, okay?" Danny nodded, taking a gulp of the pop.
"I didn't know we had a build for you guys here." Danny changed the topic of conversation, not wanting to think too much about anything that can happen. "It's hard to think that something like that would happen here."
"Really? It happened to you." Anderson spoke, a look crossed his face that Danny couldn't quite make out what is meant. A soft blush filled Danny's features as he turned to stare the can in his hands.
"You know what I mean." Danny grumbled. Before Anderson could respond, Smith walked over.
"It's time." Smith gave Danny a melancholy smile. "After this, you won't have to do this again." Danny nodded, swallowing thickly around the lump in his throat. He followed Smith to a plain black door without a window.
"No one will know what happens in there, you don't have to tell us if you don't want to." Smith informed, her hand grasping the doorknob but not opening it. "Just know, if things become too much you can walk out. If anything, Anderson and I will be right over there, just a shout away with officer Brady and Jackson, Okay?"
"Yea, thanks" Danny mumbled numbly, missing the worried look on Smith's face as he stared at the door. When it pushed open, Danny bit his lip to stop any words from leaving him. He slowly walked in, eyes trained on the man handcuffed to the table, the door closed behind with a soft click as he sat down.
"What happened." Vlad Masters demanded, his hard eyes trained on the obviously distressed teen before him.
"I panicked…" Danny sighed, shaking his head. "Mr. Lancer called them, I couldn't let them blame it on my parents. I figured…"
"You figured what Daniel!" Vlad snapped. "That I would just go to jail to help you? Or I would disappear and live my life on the run?"
"It's not like I lied!" Danny respond with just as much venom as Vlad spoke with. "You attack me on a weekly basis! You try to kill my dad on a monthly one! You were the first person I can think of that actually does hurt me. I wasn't just going to let them serve me to you on a silver platter."
"I will not tarnish my reputation for you, Daniel" Vlad's glare intensified. "Retract your statement. Tell them you called me out because you dislike me."
"No." Danny shook his head, eyes flashing a green for a moment from the storm of emotions he felt. "All the heat will fall onto my parents. I'm not doing that."
"I'll tell them your father helped." A malicious smirk laced his lips, he thought he had Danny in a corner. "I go down, so does that oaf." Daniel froze for a moment, fear gripping at his stomach. Vlad's smirk falter when Danny had one of his own, arms crossing in front of his chest.
"I'll tell them our secret." Danny threatened, the fear of Vlad beginning to diminish. Daniel realized it was irrational, he had people who would come running in at a yell. "I'll be okay, after all I am the town hero. But you're the wisconsin ghost, you're evil. The GIW would be on you immediately, I have the town to back me up." Danny was right, and Vlad knew it. Vlad's face hardened, a silence lapped between the two. Each staring at the other, challenging each other.
Danny jumped when his the handcuffs clinked onto the table. The anxiety and fear he felt before entering slowly trickled back in. He kept his eyes on the man before him, as Vlad rubbed his slightly red wrists. Vlad smoothed the silver hair on the top of his head, smirking slightly at the way Danny tensed.
"Are you ready for the world to know you're a freak of nature?" Vlad questioned, folding his hands on the table. "Your parents to know that you are the thing that they hate? Let's say they do accept you, do you realize how much it's going to tear them apart knowing that they have been hurting their own son for this long?" Danny clinched his teeth, wrappings his arm around his midriff.
"Don't test me." Danny's word didn't come out as hard as he wanted them too. A slight quiver in his voice on the word 'test' gave Vlad all the ammunition he needed. A sly smirk making its way back onto his aging features.
"Don't make empty threats, little Badger." Vlad cocked his head. "I suggest you retract your statement."
Before Vlad even finished his sentence, Danny was already rushing out the door. Anger, anxiety, fear, self hatred filling him to the brim. Where were ghosts when he needed them?
"Danny?" Smith stopped him before he made it out of the building, her eyes gleaming with concern. "What happened?" Anderson helped her keep the boy still as Danny tried to walk past him. Daniel gave up, keeping his eyes on the floor as silent tears slid from his eyes.
"Danny?" Anderson tried, leaning down to make eye contact with the crying teen. Smith walked off to see the room the meeting had taken place in. "Talk to me, I just want to help." Danny shook his head, swallowing.
"Can I please just go…" Danny's voice was shaky and unsteady. "Can we just talk later?" Anderson paused for a moment, searching the teen's features before releasing a defeated sigh and nodded. Danny immediately made it out of the building, jumping behind to an area that didn't have any cameras and flew off.
He couldn't retract his statement, but he also couldn't let Vlad try to drag his dad through the dirt. Slowly the tears stopped, Danny taking a seat on the roof of the nasty burger, out of sight. He was going to meet Sam and Tuck there, but he needed to calm down first. Dropping his head into his head , he sighed. When did things have to get so complicated? Why can't things just work out for him in the end?
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crazedlunatic · 5 years
Blaine and Nick’s Day Out
 “YAY YAY YAY! I hate being stuck in the house!” Nick cheered, clambering into the back seat of Blaine’s car. “This is the longest summer ever, Dad.”
“Well, once school starts back you’ll be saying it was he quickest summer ever.” Blaine said, turning and watching to make sure Nick buckled his seat belt.
“I’m gonna do it.” Nick said impatiently.
“I know but I’m verifying.” Blaine said—this was their routine. Nick would protest, huff that he didn’t need to be observed, but would eventually do it.
Nick clicked his belt in and then blinked at Blaine with big hazel eyes. “Can we go now?”
“Where do you want to go? Taylor’s bookstore first?”
“I dunno. Maybe last because Grampa bought me and Zachy books last weekend when we were out with him. Something better might come up.”
Blaine snorted. “We can still go to the bookstore even if we do something better first.”
“YAY!” Nick clapped.
“I wish he’d take me and buy me all the books.” Blaine pouted—teasingly, of course.
Sweetly enough, any time Blaine took a vacation from work Bob always did give him a gift card to a bookstore… or even if it was just a Visa one, Blaine always knew what it was for (and that Bob probably hadn’t had time to make it to an actual bookstore). Whether flying or driving to the spot, Kurt never let him drive… so books were helpful. Especially when the kids were asleep and he could actually concentrate.
“He says he spends enough on you at work on your lunches, Dad.” Nick giggled and kicked out his legs. “Did you know Gramma and Grampa are taking Zachy and I to see a soccer game with Miles?”
“Did you know Brady used to play soccer?”
“Yeah! You did too! And Sammy played baseball and Grampa played basketball and Daddy was a cheerleader and did football.”
“Well Daddy didn’t do either very long.” Blaine corrected. “Remember? He mostly sang at glee club.”
“Oh yeah! His voice is pretty.” Nick tilted his head. “Ryan says boys voices don’t usually sound pretty but he likes Daddy’s voice and thinks it’s pretty too. And Ryan’s mommy and daddy are really nice to me and Zach and I got confused.”
“What did you get confused about?” Blaine laughed.
“Well we were talking about soccer and now we’re talking about this and this happens to me a lot.” Nick rambled.
“You told me about Gramma and Grampa taking you to a soccer game. I think he did tell me. That’s very nice of him.” Blaine said although he knew for a fact that it was happening—Bob always ran stuff by he and Kurt before mentioning it to the boys (even though they had both assured him he didn’t need to do that).
“Yeah it’s ‘cause he’s a grampa.” Nick nodded.
“So… what do you want to do today?”
“Uhmmm…” Nick looked thoughtful. “Did you know Matt is my teacher? You did, right?”
“Yes.” Blaine laughed. Because Nick was always distracted—although he didn’t have ADHD supposedly. Kurt and Blaine weren’t so sure they believed that. “He has been for three months, Pooh Bear.”
“Yeah. I like him as a Matt and as a teacher Matt.” Nick shrugged. “He even has a little couch and we all take turns sitting on it when he reads and then we do art and at recess he’ll play with everyone too. Even the mean kids. Oooh, and Adrian made us all cookies and read a book once. It was awesome.”
Blaine turned in his seat to look back at him and smiled. “Decided where we’re going first yet?”
“Fire museum ‘cause I wanna be a fireman!” Nick exclaimed, bouncing in his seat. “Fire museum!”
“We went a couple of months ago. Are you sure you don’t want to do something new?”
“No! Fire Museum and… and then the ferry because I love it so muuuuch and then the art museum and then Auntie Taylor!” Nick clapped and then added slowly, “Please?”
“That might be a tall order. It’s a good thing I know you and left at eight in the morning for this very reason.” Blaine laughed.
“So don’t forget we have to see how many Snoopy and Charlie Brown’s we can find.” Blaine said, leading Nick into the Children’s Museum of the Arts.
Zach wasn’t too much into art but on Daddy Day Outs, Nick and Sophie both asked often to go. Not only could you see other children’s art and cool exhibits (which Sophie loved), you could also make your own art and do your own projects (which Nick loved).
Mostly, Blaine got a kick out of seeing some ridiculous art that you could only love because it came from a kid.
“Dad, what does that say?” Nick asked, pointing of a mural of Snoopy and a tall yellow figure behind a red box.
“It says ‘Psychiatric help % cents’ on the top and says ‘The doctor is out’ on the bottom.”
“But, Dad, Snoopy is there. So he’s not out.” Nick pointed out.
“Maybe Lucy is the doctor today?”
“So, he’s the fake doctor?” Nick asked, looking confused. He then exclaimed, “LEGOS!”
Blaine smiled as a few of the worker’s laughed. Nick was always making people crack up in public—and in private, too. “Look at all of those postcards kids drew. Want to see?”
“Nah. I just want to get messy.” Nick shrugged. “Can we go to the clay bar? And the south booth? But not the quiet room because it’s scary.”
Blaine laughed loudly. “They won’t even let you step in there anymore, Nicky.”
“Yeah but Zachy likes it in there.”
“Do you still love soccer?” Blaine asked.
“Duh. I’m gonna be like you only better ‘cause I’m not going to quit after school. I’m gonna do it forever!” Nick nodded eagerly.
“That’s a lot of soccer but you’re really good, so I’m sure you can do it.” Blaine smiled, steering him into the clay room.
There were already a couple of kids in there, but Nick went to a spot where there weren’t people and struggled to get onto the bench.
Blaine scooped him up, placed him in the seat, and then sat next to him.
“I don’t think Zachy likes it as much as I do.”
“No. I think you’re right but he still wants to play for now.” Blaine nodded as Nick pulled over several colors of clay, beginning to create… something?
“Sometimes people are mean to him and it’s stupid. Just ‘cause he’s quiet doesn’t mean it’s bad.” Nick said. “That’s what Grampa said… and Grandpa.”
“But you take up for him.”
“Yeah ‘cause he and Ryan are my best friends.” Nick nodded eagerly.
“Ryan’s nice to him?” Blaine asked—he assumed, but it never hurt to ask.
“Duh!” Nick gave him a very ‘Kurt’ look. “Dad, if Zach looks like you and Sophie looks like Daddy, why do I look like me?”
“Because not everybody can look the same or it’d be pretty boring.” Blaine shrugged.
“Sometimes kids ask me and I don’t know what to say.” Nick mimicked his shrug. “I look like my mom, don’t I?”
“Yeah.” Blaine said after hesitating.
“Ryan says we probably know her. Do we?”
“Why don’t we talk about that when you’re a little bit older?” Blaine asked. “You do know her but she’s not really your mom. Remember? She helped carry you so Daddy and I could have and love you.”
“Does she not love me?” Nick looked confused.
“Not in the way Daddy and I love you.” Blaine said, grabbing some clay of his own.
“And she can’t take me away?”
“No. No, no, no.” Blaine shook his head. “You are mine and Daddy’s. Same with Zachy and Sophie… but this day is supposed to be all about you. Nobody else.”
“Is it kinda like you and Grampa?”
“Mmmmh…. Well, not exactly.” Blaine said. “Because Grampa and Gramma adopted me but the person who carried you just did that for us. So, you’re ours. It’s a little different from adoption.”
“But you get to keep us all, right?”
“If someone tried to take you away, Nicky, they would bring you back.” Blaine laughed. “Sorry to break it to you.”
“That’s rude.” Nick pouted. “Can we go see Auntie Taylor now? And can we get cheesecake and not tell Daddy?”
“What? Do you want him to kill me? Blaine laughed, setting the clay he’d been messing with back on the table and standing.
“No! It’ll be our secret!” Nick looked at him like he was insane. (Try and tell Blaine that Nick didn’t take after Kurt—he dared you.)
“You don’t know what a secret is, Nicky.” Blaine laughed, leading him out of the museum.
“Fine. Just don’t tell Sophie either, okay? I don’t know what it is with Hummels.”
“Can you not tell Daddy that I asked about our mom?” Nick asked as Blaine held open the back door of his car for Nick to climb into.
“I think we’ll all have a talk about it soon, okay?” Blaine asked, bending and kissing the top of his head.
“You guys never keep secrets.” Nick sighed.
“Nope. Sorry.” Blaine smiled. “But you knew that when you told me.”
“Yeah.” Nick nodded. “Can I at least get an extra book for my trouble?”
“Are you sure you aren’t Kurt’s?”
Nick giggled.
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Klaine one-shot - “Sparking Joy” (Rated G)
Kurt wants to Marie Kondo their home, but Blaine is struggling with how to deal with things that 'spark joy'. In the end, Kurt discovers that Blaine's method might be the best. (1966 words)
Read on AO3.
Blaine startles in his seat when an object drops out of nowhere and lands heavily on the living room floor. He’d been spending a relaxing morning and most of the early afternoon catching up on the latest issues of Variety!, his daughter Tracy hanging out with him, watching re-runs of Total Drama Island on her phone. He’s embarrassed to admit that, till that moment, he didn’t know what his husband was up to. Kurt usually spends his weekends designing new outfits or hitting up second hand stores, searching for inspiration.
Seeing Kurt standing in front of him, hands on hips, staring as if expecting an answer to an unasked question, Blaine realizes - not this weekend.
At Kurt’s feet sits a large cardboard box, edges white, corners worn from age, lopsided due to a decade sinking into the carpet at the bottom of a closet.
Blaine looks at the box, then at his husband, eyes glued to Blaine’s face.
“Uh … what’s going on, honey?” Blaine asks.
“It’s April 6th, darling.”
“Yes, it is,” Blaine agrees, looking over at his pre-teen daughter, who shrugs and goes back to her iPhone screen. “And that means …?”
“Today is the day we said we’d Marie Kondo the heck out of this place!”
“Oh.” Blaine nods, recognizing the reference vaguely in his confusion. “Yeah. Right. We’re … Kondo-ing our condo.”
“I knew you’d forget!”
“I didn’t forget. I just … didn’t exactly remember until now.”
“You promised you’d help me with this! This place is turning into a hoarder’s paradise! Lifetime is going to break down our door any day now and put us on TV!”
Blaine scans their stylish but minimally decorated living room – an impressive space that contains two sofas, a coffee table, and a piano. But aside from a slew of family photos on the walls (organized by date in color coordinated frames), there’s little else, definitely nothing that would warrant the label ‘hoarder’. Other rooms are much the same: clothes and shoes in closets categorized by use, subcategorized by season and color; with bookcases and cubbies to handle everything else. “What? Where are you getting that from?”
“I get that from your stack of magazines by the toilet in the master bathroom and our combined army of boxes in the top and bottom of every closet.”
“That’s it? That’s your definition of hoarder?”
“This is box number one of fifteen that you are responsible for going through,” Kurt continues. “Just follow the KonMari method: go through the box and touch every object. If it sparks joy and you can visualize a place to put it, set it aside. If not, thank it and put it back in the box. Once you’re done, put the box in the hall with the rest of our donations and move on to another box.”
“Got it.” Blaine moves from his comfy spot on the sofa to the hard wood floor. “I’ll get on it.”
“See that you do.” Kurt pivots on the ball of his foot and shuffles back to the master bedroom, where he’s been going through his own fair share of boxes to see what sparks joy. Blaine honestly forgot, but he remembers now – he and Kurt watching Marie Kondo explain her method on Ellen, and them reminiscing how they had boxes in their closet they hadn’t opened since high school. In the moment, Blaine was as excited as Kurt to begin. But after giving it thought, he wasn’t sure he wanted to part with anything from his past.
Plus, the whole process seemed incredibly overwhelming.
“Welp, one box at a time,” he mutters, opening the soft flaps. “What do we have in here? Oh … my … God …”
“What is that?” Tracy takes a seat beside her father on the floor as he pulls a thick gold chain with a circular amulet hanging off it from the top of the box.
“It’s part of a costume I wore for an ABBA routine the Glee Club did back in high school.” Blaine shakes his head, a slow smile spreading across his lips. “It was kind of a bittersweet time because your dad and I weren’t together, but I always knew we’d end up this way in the end. I can’t believe he’d expect me to give this up.”
“Desperate times call for desperate measures, Daddy. Can I have it?”
Blaine stares at his daughter, hand already extended to receive. “Just like your mother,” he says, handing the necklace over since he can’t imagine when he’d ever wear it again. “Subtle as a sledgehammer.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she says, slipping the chain over her head. “What else is in there?”
“I think these are … yeah …” Blaine laughs as he pulls out what looks like a fighter pilot’s helmet “… these are all parts of old costumes I wore back in high school.”
“How many musicals did you guys put on?” Tracy asks, rifling through the contents of the box.
“Two. But a lot of impromptu stuff went on in the choir room.”
“I guess.”
“Look at these! My yellow sunglasses! Oh, and my Dalton blazer!”
“Were you a cheerleader?” Tracy snickers, holding up a white and red shirt for her father to see.
“Yes,” he says, snatching it away. “Don’t judge. So was your father.”
“Yes, ma’am. He was also on the football team.”
“My Papa? Sorry. Can’t see it.”
Blaine spots a copy of their school yearbook from his junior/Kurt’s senior year. Kurt’s father had purchased a two page spread with pictures of Kurt from kindergarten through graduation. He knows there’s a pic of Kurt in his football uniform in there somewhere. He flips to the back and finds it. “See for yourself …”
Tracy takes the book and squints at the page, looking for any resemblance between the boy in the photograph, so thin that his protective gear amounts for two-thirds of his body, and her Papa. “Awww! He’s so cute!”
“Yes,” Blaine says, pulling out another yearbook and flipping through the pages, searching for another picture of Kurt, this time as a member of the Warblers. He grins, and adds under his breath: “Dirty cute.”
Kurt slides another box down the hallway and tetrises it into place. He stands up straight, stretching his sore back as he surveys the boxes he has compiled by the front door. He runs a hand through his hair, wincing when he feels it weighed down by dust. He’s going to have to take a shower before he makes dinner. He’s too hungry to shower, and too exhausted to cook. He could order in, but by the looks of those boxes, he may have accidentally blocked the door. He could ask Blaine to cook, or to move the boxes for the delivery guy, but he’s too bitter to do either. Kurt has spent the whole day tackling the job they were supposed to do together. By Kurt’s calculations, he’s pared down a metric ton of junk.
Blaine has possibly rearranged the contents of one large box. Kurt won’t know until he checks in on him.
Kurt should give his husband a chance to prove him wrong. They haven’t spoken for hours, so he doesn’t know what Blaine has or hasn’t done. But considering he never voluntarily came to the bedroom in search of a second box, he has his doubts.
Kurt trudges down the hall towards the living room. He hears Blaine talking and Tracy giggling, but he can’t make out what they’re saying. When he turns the corner, he’s pleasantly surprised to find Blaine’s box closed up and waiting patiently to take its place by the front door. Kurt smiles, relieved. Blaine did take this seriously after all. Good! But Kurt feels a small pang of guilt. He should have given Blaine a bit more credit. He should apologize.
He hears Tracy giggle again and decides to take a break from working to see what’s so funny. Both his husband and his daughter are sitting on the floor, hidden from view by the sofa. Kurt tiptoes in, but a few steps closer, he stops, crosses his arms, and sighs a long, exasperated sigh. Without saying a word, Kurt goes back to Blaine’s box and picks it up. It’s light as a feather. He gives it a shake to confirm his suspicions, then tosses it aside.
It’s empty.
“Blaine!” he groans, storming back into the living room to confront the man sitting amid a pile of every single item that had been packed in that box, and wearing most of it. “We talked about this!”
“I know,” Blaine says, putting up his hands in surrender and huddling closer to his daughter, hoping for the protection that comes from hiding behind an innocent child, “but I can’t help it, Kurt! Everything in that box sparked joy! It was from one of the best times in my life!”
“Blaine! Those things were from high school!”
“A-ha …”
“No one in the world thinks that high school is one of the best times in their lives!”
“I do!”
“How!? You got jumped outside a school dance, remember?”
“Yeah, but it’s also when I met you!”
Kurt stops ranting. He can’t argue with that. He’s often said that only a handful of good came from having to suffer the hell that was high school, and one of those was meeting Blaine. He has to admit, giving away mementos from that time was excruciating for him. But it had to be done. They have way too much stuff sitting in boxes. Kurt isn’t throwing them in the trash or sending them off to Goodwill. They’re not even giving them away away. The majority of his old costumes and props are being re-homed to the theater arts program at Tracy’s school. The next time the Harvey Milk School puts on a performance of West Side Story or Grease, Kurt will be able to revisit his old costumes and remember the good times.
Obviously, Blaine doesn’t feel the same way.
Kurt can’t be mad. He knows how sentimental his husband is. That’s one of the reasons he loves him.
Kurt looks at his ridiculous husband and their daughter, both decked out in everything Kurt had seen in that box – feather boas, a furry red jacket, Blaine’s old cheerleading top, a black top hat. Spread out around them are the only things he thought Blaine might keep – yearbooks, scrapbooks, journals, all open to various pages, displaying pictures from “the good old” days … and days Kurt didn’t think were so good at the time.
The New Directions the year they won Nationals.
Kurt as Officer Krupke tucked beside a picture of Blaine as Tony.
A candid of Blaine dressed in his cheerleading uniform, hula hooping with Tina in the school gymnasium.
Kurt and Blaine at prom the year Kurt was crowned queen.
Seeing these years of their lives spread out in the open on the living room floor, Tracy’s giggling makes sense. Not only was Blaine rescuing the things he felt sparked joy, he was sharing that joy with their daughter … something Kurt, in his haste to clean before the end of the weekend, had neglected to do.
Kurt steps around the sofa, picks his way through the books and the costumes, and joins Blaine and Tracy on the floor.
“I’m sorry, Kurt. I guess I’m not good at the KonMari method,” Blaine says, offering a hand to help his tired husband to the ground.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Didn’t you find anything that sparked joy?”
Kurt puts a hand on his husband’s knee and rests his head on his shoulder. He peeks up at Blaine’s face and smiles. “I sure did.”
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