#hex don't look
lim-i-nal · 4 months
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I'm tired.
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tevinterdays · 3 months
full approval on wewh time to die
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mythtakens · 3 months
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Angel - Epiphany (2.16) + 9-1-1 - Dumb Luck (5.14)
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seleneprince · 6 months
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Contrary to popular belief, Snape does know how to laugh (and it's quite a contagious sound) and her Slytherin friends aren't just a bunch of snobby, arrogant rich brats that only make fun of others. They all have a soft side that only comes out with each other and would leave a lot of people in shock.
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aries-of-spades · 2 months
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You made me dance in the kitchen with you.
Practicing two of my least favorite things(interractive poses and backgrounds[especially house interiors]) with HEX. 'Cause why not?
I'm actually really proud of how it came out.
also, not sure how to figure out the layout of a kitchen? Just use your own as a reference. No one will know... unless you tell them of course, like I'm doing now...
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
What does Konig look like to you? Colonel and younger. Do his looks change depending on whatever story you’re writing?
Oh this may sound weird but I don't have a hc for what König looks like under the hood 🥺 I just have some vague "vibes" and they change quite a lot depending on the story.
Such as: yandere and young recruit König have bleak, listless eyes that turn magnetic and intense the minute he sees you. They also have feral, nasty smiles, I bet they're smiling under their hoods when the'yre about to shoot someone (or tease and chase you).
Most of the time König just looks like he hasn't had a good night's sleep in ages. But his eyes always either soften or "turn on" when he sees you. Colonel König has a softer smile and more body fat and he probably has a short hair because it's easier to maintain.
And then!!! In Roman and Greek au's König turns wayyy more hairy. Like I'm seeing this dark bearish beast who has a soft, dumb stare and a boner when he forgets he's not supposed to stare. Perhaps a wider jaw and bigger hands, heavy balls, things like that. Yeah, no face headcanons, but a lot of body hair and genital headcanons I have...
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babygirlalaura · 4 months
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I wanted to join a collab about ghosts on NG and thought Hex Maniac having a tea party would be cute :'>
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ghostlyheart · 11 months
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I love you... I know The Empire Strikes Back - Our Flag Means Death 2x8 "Mermen"
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the-raging-tempest · 6 months
OC Meme
Full name: Lariel Aldonlel
Gender: Cis woman
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: Twin Brother: Zrise Aldonlel, Mother: Ordielau Ellvesem, Half Brother: Valondriel Ellvesem, Step Father: Thohan Ellvesem, Grandfather: Ianthos Aldonlel. Family they don't know. Father: Banom, Half Sister: Nelka, Half Brother: Korek, Step Mother: Desha, Half Sister: Elowen
Birthplace: Nerosyan; Mendev
Job: Noble Lady
Phobias: Crowds, Public Speaking, Large Dogs
Guilty Pleasures: Eating sweets, long baths, romance novels, buying expensive luxuries
Hobbies: Playing the harp, painting, drawing, embroidery
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sins: Pride, Sloth
Virtues: Charity, Kindness
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert / In between
Organized / Disorganized / In between
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Un-empathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy / In between
OTP: NA (Hard to describe, but I consider their Commander as Companion more canon than either of them as Commander at this point so idk man)
Acceptable Ships: I simply can't list the friend oc's. So for canon characters: Lariel/Woljif, Lariel/Lann, Lariel/Seelah, Lariel/Arue, Lariel/KC
Brotp: Lariel/Seelah, Lariel/Woljif, Lariel/Lann, Lariel/Arue, Lariel/Aivu, Lariel/Ember, Lariel/KC
Full name: Zrise Aldonlel
Gender: Cis man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Family: Twin Sister: Lariel Aldonlel, Mother: Ordielau Ellvesem, Half Brother: Valondriel Ellvesem, Step Father: Thohan Ellvesem, Grandfather: Ianthos Aldonlel. Family they don't know. Father: Banom, Half Sister: Nelka, Half Brother: Korek, Step Mother: Desha, Half Sister: Elowen
Birthplace: Nerosyan; Mendev
Job: Inquisitor of Calistria
Phobias: Deep water, confined spaces, the afterlife
Guilty Pleasures: Drinking alcohol alone, people watching, returning to old books, procrastinating
Hobbies: Working out/Training, gardening (He works too much for real hobbies...) Worshipping his Goddess
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sins: Wrath, Envy, Lust
Virtues: Diligence
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert / In between
Organized / Disorganized / In between
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Un-empathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy / In between
OTP: NA (Hard to describe but I consider their Commander as Companion more canon than either of them as Commander at this point so idk man)
Acceptable Ships: I simply can't list the friend oc's. So for canon characters: Zrise/Camellia, Zrise/Daeran, Zrise/Wenduag, Zrise/KC (mostly as a joke but Zrise/Ramien)
Brotp: Zrise/Greybor, Zrise/Nenio, Zrise/KC
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beast-feast · 7 months
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endversewinchester · 2 years
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The Bad Batch: 2x12 - The Outpost headers (3/3) Like/reblog if you take any!
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hexiewrites · 2 years
you can keep your boots on baby (I'm a woman not a lady)
explicit | robin buckley / chrissy cunningham | read it on ao3
inspired by @riality-check's brilliant "save a horse, ride an ex-jock"
“Okay, Eddie,” Chrissy says, for probably the hundredth time that night, as she paces Eddie’s apartment. “So, you know the plan-”
“Chris,” he says, with a sigh, as he reaches out to grab her shoulders to stop the pacing. “I know the plan. And I’m telling you, if everything you’ve told me about this coworker of yours is correct you aren’t going to need a plan at all. You just need to show up and make a few flirty remarks and she is going to be putty in your hands.”
Chrissy nods, because as much as she hates when this happens, Eddie’s probably right. “Okay,” she says, with an exhale of breath. “You’re totally right. I’ve got this. It’s not like I don’t know how to flirt, right? I mean, hello, I’m Queen Chrissy. Right? It can’t be that much harder just because she’s a girl. Right Eddie?”
Eddie nods back, sagely, completely false bravado as Chrissy well knows. “You got it, doll!” he teases, his accent starting to slide back the more they talk, and claps her on the back a few times. “Now, how’s this?”
He steps back and turns to show off his outfit, and it’s definitely… country adjacent. For Eddie, it’s probably the best it’s going to be, with combat boots instead of cowboy and black jeans instead of light wash, and he’s torn the sleeves clean off his flannel.
“Very good,” Chrissy says with a nod. “If country-metal was a genre, you’d be at the very top.”
“That’s the worst thing you’ve ever said to me,” Eddie grumbles, as he gestures to her. “Now you.”
keep reading on ao3
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greyias · 1 year
Shar stole my party's radiant damage bonus!
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thatlittledandere · 3 months
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I realized I can in fact draw over photos and delete them leaving only the lineart on my notes app,, this is a game changer for shitty art
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wiccanblood · 2 months
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livehexmoments · 1 year
I am going to write entire hc lists for the main hex characters and none of you can stop me >:)
I’m thinking about doing most of the characters as individual posts just to keep it separate and not to make anyone read 20 pages. 
Starting with Weasel Kid!! My boy <3 (it’s under keep reading cause its a very long list DWADWEG)
ADHD AF!! Constantly has to be doing something or he will be miserable. Which is why he constantly pesters his fellow game characters
ESPECIALLY FPP. Because FPP can’t talk back or tell Weasel to shut up, they’re the perfect person to just sit down and talk at. Although, it’s not like FPP minds too much (at least Weasel lets them talk back).
I am in full support of the FPP and Weasel friendship. Literally these two probably get into some type of situation at least twice a week.
When it comes to the other characters, well… He gets along with Lazarus pretty well. Weasel does come to him asking about stories of Vicious Galaxy and maybe advice but the poor guy looks constantly stressed out, Weasel tends to back off when Lazarus finally tells him to leave him alone.
Chandrelle and Weasel have this “bitchy older sister/annoying younger brother” vibes that I just keep thinking about. He LOVES to mess with her and call her out on stuff for fun. She constantly gets annoyed at him and one of these days she’s gonna cast a curse on him.
But she also manipulates him into dumb shit because he is very insecure and has a fragile ego like any young teen would so it’s kind of balanced.
Weasel likes Bryce just fine! Really enjoy his cooking/baking very much. So much so that he’s banned from the kitchen because he keeps stealing the food and hoarding it (Also he can’t cook and no one trusts him around the knives).
I remember seeing someone else made this hc but I love the idea of Rust being a father figure for Weasel. Both of them had experienced a great loss to their son/father so bonding and being like “You’ll never be him but I don’t need you to be, I just want to experience something similar again” means so much to me.
Weasel’s relationship with Reginald is a bit complicated due to how his game is technically part of the reason why Rootbeer Tender was hidden away and Reggie was…well y'know
Weasel blames himself a bit for the whole incident even though Reggie has reassured him that it had nothing to do with him
I do think that their relationship does in some way mirror a younger Lionel’s relationship with his grandpa, meaning it’s pretty wholesome even with some complicated aspects involved
I mean c'mon, Reggie literally told Weasel “You’re the only one I trust here”. I know it could just be part of the script but really?? I think he meant it a little.
I honestly think that Weasel does help Reggie out at times because of how old he looks and due to him being crippled. The line “You should take better care of Mr. Shrewd. He’s getting older.” really did stick with him and is one of his biggest regrets. 
For that reason, he’s not the biggest fan of Jeremiah. Sure, Jeremiah ultimately did warn him about what’s to come but the fact that he knew and didn’t do anything to stop it pisses him off (not realizing there was nothing Jeremiah could have done)
Also Jeremiah did antagonize and stalked him a lot so it does make Weasel uncomfortable knowing that he has to share a living space with the “freak” who supposedly does not like him very much
Weasel Kid is a dumbass angsty teen who looks like he’s super cocky and only cares about looking good, is actually someone who cares too much about people’s opinions and is very insecure
He constantly looks for validation and attention from everyone because he can’t handle being left alone again
Even moreso, he really does care for everyone at the inn. Even if he can be an ass to them or pretend not to care, he does and if anything were to happen, he will defend them (or cry, depending on the scenario)
Constantly hides his emotions under his sunglasses btw
He’s the classic case study of child star syndrome and how it can fuck up even a video game character’s life 
Moving away from the fucked up hcs, Weasel is a skater kid!! He does know how to skate with a skateboard and is pretty good at it!! Unfortunately, this kid thinks he’s Tony Hawk a lot and will try to pull off impossible tricks that result in him breaking an arm or leg
Weasel doesn��t have a room in the inn (lmao), instead he sleeps in the alcove in the hallway that they made into a little home for him (shoutouts to one fanfic Scoverva wrote for inspiring that idea). 
He’s a little prankster. Because his “room” is the alcove, he found a way to get into everyone’s rooms and sometimes steals their stuff for fun (ESPECIALLY Chandrelle’s). Sometimes he’ll set up a prank for them, but avoids doing so with Rust and Lazarus. Those two are apparently fucking terrifying when they’re angry.
Even when he was a young kid, he was a bit mischievous but was still generally naive and outgoing. He used to follow Mr. Shrewd a lot when he wasn’t active in the game and loved to run around in the fields and be a kid with a lot of energy (it didn't last ofc :pensiveemoji:) 
One of the few characters that actually held no grudge against Irving. It wasn’t that he didn’t know Irving, he actually knew him pretty well. All of his interactions were actually nice and Irving did treat him with some respect and decency. Irving gave him the sunglasses actually.
Not to say he feels super bad for him, he definitely got what was coming. Still, Weasel sometimes feels bad for Irving but ultimately doesn’t think about too hard and thinks Lazarus was justified in killing him (especially hearing about what he did to Reggie and stuff)
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