#hey dad I'm bi and have known for 6 years
illgiveyouahint · 1 year
The strategy for talking to my dad on the phone goes like this:
He asks how I am. I start telling him something absolutely meaningless, either about my job or about my flat. He at some point hooks on some detail of it all and starts rambling about his own experiences, and I know the next 20 minutes I can just tune out until it's time to say goodbye.
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salientseraph · 7 months
GIV'US THE LIST!!! Genuinely curious about your heinous taste in men
OKAY ANON?1??1?1
I'm gonna try to go in somewhat chronological order. Some are fictional, some are non fictional, it should make sense :)
My first crush ever......drum roll......
(gonna be using gifs so i don't hit a photo limit)
1) Mike Nesmith!!! (The Monkees)
He's one of my earliest memories, I had to be around three years old. First crush started off strong. The first episode I ever saw was fairytale, and it was absolutely AMAZING because this beautiful princess was also a beautiful MAN??? It was like hitting the jackpot! I loved his Texan accent SOOO much but had somehow convinced myself that it was embarrassing so I didn't tell anyone?? At 3 years old. But now I'm living my truth👍🏻
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2) Michael Jackson (all eras)
I'm almost positive he was my first hyperfixaction when I was around 5. I listened to his music EVERY DAY and SHAMELESSLY wore a sparkly glove despite it being a sensory nightmare. When my mom had told me he died it was like my entire world ended, and I had gained a new catchphrase whenever my parents introduced me to something new, "Are they dead?"
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3) Christopher Reeve's Superman (and Lois)
I don't particularly remember how old I was, but it was around the same time methinks. Absolutely melted every time he smiled. And was extremely confused as to why I wanted to be around Lois so much. Couldn't ever decide who I wanted to look at more. (Partly a biromantic awakening)
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4) Sam Beckett (Quantum Leap)
If you couldn't tell, growing up in the early 2000's with musicians as parents led to little 5 year old me having so many old interests I couldn't really relate to younger kids, but that was okay because I had variety! I'm not quite sure how old I was when Netflix was a postal service, but every week or so we'd get a new episode of Quantum Leap, and I LOVED Sam. (And of course my favorite episodes were when he had to be a girl. I am a creature of habit)
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5) Obi Wan Kenobi (and Padme) (Star Wars)
Yet another one I was REALLY embarrassed about for some reason. All of my (2 neighbor friends) thought Anakin was soooo hot and I was like.....haha yeah....
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6) Chuck Bartowski (and Sarah Walker) (Chuck)
I sort of grew up watching the show Chuck, I'm pretty sure we had rented most of the seasons from our local block buster, lol. Anyway, another case of bi panic, because good GOD. I mean seriously. Just look at them. ALSO I have to mention Scott Bakula (actor for Sam Beckett) is Chuck's DAD so um. Do with that information what you will.
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7) The Doctor (11) (Doctor who)
I'm 6 years old. I'm over at my mom's friends house and I am subjected to the first modern show I had really ever paid attention to, and I see this beautiful man holding a baby. And I'm like wait hey...maybe I should sit and watch this instead of wasting 2 hours on the sims 2. So I sit my ass down and it is love at first sight. Later I go to watch the show on my own and the first episode he's with a kid MY AGE?!?! I ate that shit UP. Still madly in love with the raggedy man.
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8) 2016 youtuber phase (sigh)
OKAY OKAY EVERYONE ON FANDOM TUMBLR don't boo me, everyone had a youtuber phase in middle school. Everyone also had an undertale phase in middle school. It was the thing to do, (aside from superwholock of course) Had to mention it because we're going in chronological order of things, bear with me. Although these are real people, everyone who was in the depths of insanity at the time knows they were all very...fanonized. Pewdiepie, Jackscepticeye, and Dan Howell (known at the time as danisnotonfire). Yes I am a little ashamed. But I do stand by the fact they are all very cute. I think this is also around the time I got into the Flash series, which brings us...
9) Cisco (The Flash)
Okay girl no one wanted him like I did. Everyone was so focused on the flash they did NOT notice my mans, and that was okay because I didn't have to fight over him with anyone lmao- but yes, he was the light of my life in middle school. Promptly stopped watching the show when he left. Around that time I got into Steven Universe all the way until my sophmore (?) year of highschool which brings us to....
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10) Loki (Marvel Media)
Okay look, after being a mild marvel hater for a low-key (pun intended) long time, the loki series came out and I was like okay sure I'll watch it. And henceforth 2021 was the year of Lokimania. Or more fitting, Hiddleston mania. Watched everything I could get my hands on. But I always came back to Loki. (I was 16/17 I think?)
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11) Castiel (Supernatural)
Avoided watching the show for a long time because of....the superwholock plague LOL. So 2022 rolls around and my mom is like "hey btw this show is actually really good" and I'm like okay whatever.
Then season 4 hits. And I see this ANGEL. And I am in love. 2022 was the year of supernatural, along with FINALLY getting all of the in-jokes of superwholock.
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12) Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
I am now 18. I found myself delving back into my old "watch jacksepticeye while I eat lunch bc I want to be non-verbal" habit and stumbled across his dbh playthrough. I watched it literally ANY time I could. Took two days but it was life changing, so much so that I had literally convinced my mom to buy a cheap ps4 and I played the game. Got so much into the fandom I started watching Bryan Decharts streams, and one thing lead to another and HE COMMENTED ON MY FANART!! Anyway live laugh love Connor Anderson (he is hanks son)
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13) Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Piggy-backing off of the high of dbh, I finally got around to purchasing red dead 2 (because like 5 of my friends recommended it to me, including my older brother) so I got it, and BOY I did not expect to fall in love with a cowboy, but I suppose it is deeply rooted in me to like fellas of that sort. I cried my eyes out and couldn't eat for a whole day when he died in my first playthrough.
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14) Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
Look do I even need to explain myself here. Its the same old story of girl sees beautiful man from media she has no idea about, obsesses over thousands of videos of him, buys game and romances him, the rest is history. 2023 was definitely my videogame year.
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15) Jerma probably
Look we all know he isn't real but look at how cute he is ^v^'!!
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Supremely Honorable Mention: Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)
I would have put him in the list but I literally have no memory of watching the first movie, when I did it, how I felt, nothing. Its just a blip and then all of a sudden this human embodiment of a shy giggle consumed my brain (and this was before I was a fan of anything harry potter, again I avoided all the media all together because of the cringe millennial fandom stuff I had seen, no hate to y'all now though cause I'm one of you)
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There you have it! I've had a ton of mini crushes in-between these but none compare to this list I think :) I love them very very much and I need to make a giant fanart with all of my silly funky quirky little dudes all being friends <3
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smolfrogi · 4 years
Love amongst the himbos
Chapter 2: Oh
TWs: extremely mild homophobia towards the end, micro aggression towards the Fire Nation, etc. Nothing too extreme
Here we gooo
"Zuko! How was school today?" Zuko's uncle always had a hopeful smile on his face.
"Good." Zuko sighed, fire lacing his breath. He hung up his backpack and sat at the table with him.
"Did you make any new friends?" Iroh asked, pouring a cup of tea.
"Yeah. Sokka, I think."
"He sounds wonderful."
"No yeah, he's great." Zuko looked up. "What happened to my mother?" Iroh clenched the teapot tightly. "How did the war even end? It seems like everything just stopped and the Fire Nation fell."
"She ran away, Zuko, and the Fire Nation fell apart when Azulon and Ozai died. You know that."
Zuko narrowed his eyes, well, eye. "What aren't you telling me?" Iroh set down the teapot. "Are you lying?" They both sat in silence for a moment.
".....yes," Iroh sighed. "I don't think you want to know."
"I knew it! I knew she wouldn't just leave me!" Zuko smiled subtly. "Of course I want to know. She left, I can't imagine why."
"You can't?"
"What happened the year before she vanished, Prince Zuko?"
"She ran away."
"...And while she was gone, I got-" Zuko paused. "What does this have to do with anything?"
Iroh sighed. "You must figure it out yourself or be patient."
"I have a lot of homework." Zuko sighed. Iroh frowned, but didn't protest.
"Do what you must to succeed." Zuko nodded, closing the door of his room.
"Ursa....of..the..fire....nation.." Zuko muttered. "6 results? Are you kidding me?" Zuko slammed his head on his desk. He opened his laptop and found the assignment.
'What caused the Fire Nation to collapse? What scared off the residents?' Zuko stared at the screen. "This seems like it goes against several exposure laws."
Zuko's phone dinged.
Sokka💙🏳️‍🌈 is typing...
Sokka💙🏳️‍🌈: Hi
Zuko👁👄💥: Hi
Sokka💙🏳️‍🌈 is typing...
Zuko's heart was in his throat. He wasn't sure what would happen. What if he'd already said the wrong thing? What if... What if he-
Sokka💙🏳️‍🌈: I can't remember the english word for like-
Sokka💙🏳️‍🌈: okay so when something isnt cold so it hurts??
Zuko👁👄💥: Hot? Burn?
Sokka💙🏳️‍🌈: yeah thanks
oh, okay.
Sokka pov
Nice save, dumbass. Sokka thought.
"Ohhhh! $2, Aang!" Toph laughed.
"What!?" Sokka looked up at them from the floor.
"I bet her $2 you wouldn't chicken out of flirting with him." Aang sighed, passing two dollar bills to Toph. Sokka sighed.
"Guys, I've known him for a day." Sokka grumbled.
"True, but $2 is $2." Toph shrugged.
"Katara!" Sokka shouted. "Tell your boyfriend and your friend to get out of my room!"
"Wowwww." Aang mumbled as he dragged Toph out of the room.
Sokka sighed.
Sokka💙🏳️‍🌈: How's homework for you?
Zuko👁👄💥: what the fuck is math
Sokka: yikes
Sokka: you want some help?
Zuko: alright I guess
Zuko pov
Does this count as a date? I think it does? Is a study-date still a real date? Zuko thought about everything while he walked downtown. This area of the city was different. Then again, Zuko and Iroh lived above their tea shop. This area was more residential.
"Watch it scarboy!" Zuko swerved to avoid someone hitting his shoulder. Fuck you, stranger. He kept walking.
Zuko took out his found and stared at the address. Sokka's bitmoji thing popped up. Fucking snapchat. Now I have to say something.
Zuko: I'll be there in five minutes
sokka: k thanks
Zuko sighed. "Just breathe, you've got this." Just take a step and drop it, compliment her hair or- now is now the time for songs.
Zuko knocked on the door. Sokka answered almost immediately. "Hi!" He smiled. Zuko smiled back, it was like he couldn't help it. "Come on in!"
"Oh, he's- okay." Hakoda glanced around. Sokka practically growled.
"That's my dad, Hakoda. Let's go upstairs?" Sokka grabbed his wrist, not tightly enough for the bad type of panic, but still panic.
"Hey! Is that Zuko?" Katara asked as they walked past his room.
"Yup! This is my sister, Katara, and her friend, Toph. Oh, and her boyfriend, Aang."
"It's nice to meet you all." Zuko looked uncomfortable, so they took a few more steps into Sokka's room.
His bed was like a bunk bed with a couch instead of a bottom bunk. A TV sat on his dresser, which was across from the bed. Next to the dresser was a corner desk covered in papers and books.
"Alright, which question are you on?" Sokka interrupted his thoughts.
"Oof." Sokka beckoned him towards the desk. Zuko walked over. "Alright so the formula is y2-y1 over x2-x1."
"I thought it was x1-x2 over y1-y2."
"Well you were wrong." Sokka smiled. Zuko sighed. "So, the first y coordinate is at the y-intercept, which is at what point?"
"So it's the y coordinate of the other point- 7-6=1 so the numerator is 1! Ya got all that?"
"Yup, and I cant believe I'm struggling with 9th grade math."
"You're in your Junior year."
"Yeah. I'm just that bad." Zuko chuckled. Sokka explained more of the math and helped with science, Zuko finally got to help him with French.
"I speak like...." Zuko stopped and pulled out his hand, mumbling while he counted on his fingers. "English, French, Japanese, Russian, Italian, uhh I know a tiny bit of Khoisan. I'm still a beginner in Vietnamese, at least according to the placement test of duolingo."
"Wow...I only know English and Inuktiut! Plus one phrase in Irish." Sokka was in awe.
"What phrase? How come only one?"
"Buachaill maith. Good boy. I learned the phrase a while back, the manager of the store I work at was fluent."
"So do you want me to teach you all the swear words in every language I speak? I can also teach you how to call someone a dumb bitch in sign language."
"Please do."
So they spent 3 hours learning cuss words in their respective languages. They are 16 years old, what do you expect?
"I have to get going. It's gonna be time for dinner." Zuko sighed, suddenly unable to remake his smile from a moment ago.
"You could stay here for dinner?" Sokka pleaded.
"Thanks, but no. I didn't even tell my uncle where I was going. He's probably worried." Zuko sighed.
Sokka stood up and they walked out. Gran Gran was walking about the kitchen, in the middle of making dinner. Zuko was still thanking Sokka for the help. Gran Gran narrowed her eyes.
"Sokka, who is this?" She didn't even pretend to smile. Sokka glared at her.
"Zuko. He's my friend." Sokka answered.
"He's Fire Nation."
"What an astute observation." Sokka snarled, walking Zuko to the door. "Get home safe!"
"I will!" He responded. Zuko sighed in defeat, as soon as he left he could hear Sokka snapping. Of course people hate the Fire Nation. Why wouldn't they? Shootout to the non-bender nations for staying out of the war. They hardly had any territory yet they fought amongst themselves. Every nation had nonbenders, but the non-bender nations had no benders at all.
Zuko walked across the half-empty side walk. Thoughts were racing in his head. Why did it feel so amazing being around Sokka? Why was Sokka so defensive of him? Why did Sokka's room look like heaven? Is Sokka gay or bi? What's the difference between bread and cake? Am I gay?
Am I gay?
Am I gay?
Am I gay?
Zuko shook his head, trying to shake off the thought. "I'm straight, right? I'm straight." He sighed. His dad would kill him if he knew. He was completely sunken in thought when his phone started vibrating.
'Pick up your phone. Do it!' 'Do it or we'll kill you!' 'NO!' Zuko picked up his phone and swiped up, gulping at the thought of it. He hadn't heard that tone in years.
"Hello, brother."
Alright you'll get to finish the cliffhanger in about 2-3 weeks. I'm not a fast writer.
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