#hey haha remember when i said that there is absolutely going to be a devastating scene when harrow releases gideon from her service
unreachedgalaxy · 1 year
ohhhhh I just realized the point of the fucking coffee shop AU. like, there's many points to the coffee shop AU. but...harrow in the coffee shop AU proves definitively that she would fall for gideon in any life, regardless of their relationship. no matter the circumstance - harrow would love gideon if she were nobody, if she was nothing more than a cute barista with a flirty smile. gideon, on the other hand, is quite clearly under the impression that harrow only loves her because she is her cavalier. she places being harrow's cavalier as evidence of her importance to harrow. as long as harrow accepts her as her cavalier, then she can never be nothing to harrow, because one flesh, one end.
even as kiriona, she's just waiting for the day she can swear to be harrow's cavalier again (get in line, thou big slut!). but harrow doesn't care if gideon is her cavalier at all - she loves gideon, just gideon.
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crystalelemental · 2 years
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Alright, Kalos CS is live!  It's not Master Mode yet, which means we need to do that stupid thing where you have to bring as many types as possible, and don't get the extra Champion Spirits, ruining my EX plans.  Thanks for that.  Anyway, I opted to go with an F2P composition, because I hate myself.
Vs. Wikstrom I initially attempted this with Shauntal, who I expected would be okay.  She was not.  Lack of raw sync damage to truck center.  Her grid would've saved it for sure, but as it stood, no luck.  So I had to swap to Helena, whose sync nuke is stronger thanks to having a grid.  This was almost a disaster, though.  I wasn't sure she'd finish the job, what with side spamming Earthquake.  But her evasion buffs from trainer move actually saved her.  Nice.  Wikstrom himself seems...spooky here.  If you don't finish pre-sync, his trainer move is +3 attack +1 crit, and that crit stuff gets nasty.  Moreover, I never once saw him fail to land flinch.  I'm not sure if I'm just unlucky or what, but he hit every shot.  And this being match 1, it wasn't increased secondary effects.  I dunno.  The man seems dangerous.
Vs. Siebold I accidentally did a stupid, and used Lodge Elesa, meaning I couldn't use Electric against the guy weak to Electric.  It's just as well.  Hau is a consistent disappointment, and this asshole has Slo-Mo 9 and AoE attacks.  Every hit slowed us down, so there goes Inertia on Hau and Elesa, to say nothing of the horrific gauge issues that N will now suffer.  So instead, we stalled him.  Which it turns out is also a bad idea, because Razor Shell defense drops.  This guy...seems nasty.  Like, I kinda respect the attempt to slow down Dual Rats by making Electric-weak a difficult stage, but they're like the only ones who don't give a shit.  I highly doubt not having full gauge will impact Ash’s buddy move in a way that matters.
Vs. Malva Okay, really funny story.  We won this first try, but we didn't deserve to.  I brought Grant because Roark doesn't have his grid yet, and I needed weather to make this work, right?  So I brought Blaine, trying to cover a Fire-type.  Turns out, I'm fighting Malva, who is also Fire type and likes the Sun, but also sets it herself and seems to have extended duration, which is neat/nasty.  But hey, that means Grant's good, right?  Haha...no.  She buffs speed constantly.  You can't Cakewalk here for shit.  Worst of all, I brought Hop, who is weak to Fire.  I did not deserve to live.  But this was improved secondary effects, and if Grant is useful for anything, it's flinch.  So he flinch locked them.  Comedy gold.  Anyway, I’ve also been informed she apparently has Sentry Entry x2?  I missed that, but what’s funny about it is that I just assumed Grant dealing like 2000 damage on sync was normal.  Because he sucks for damage that badly.
Vs. Drasna I decided to try Clair on a whim.  Cyrus and Zinniquaza likely could've handled it, but with Flying required in the last fight, I didn't want to use Winona, and Gyarados matched the earlier Misty, so I was kinda out of weather.  So, Clair.  She can get a nice powerup based on paralysis instead of relying on the rain, so I brought our good friend Whitney, who can not only paralyze reliably, but also flinch lock the opponent at the end.  Lodge Cynthia helped with crit rate needs and did her tanking role well enough.
Vs. Diantha Nanu/Kahili is a known devastating combo in Master Mode.  You think base Diantha did anything to stand up against this?  Because we're not in Master Mode, even Maylene was sufficient to the task of "don't die."  Kahili exploded things for 34k damage.  I took increased secondary effect for Nanu's Bite flinch.  This was the easiest of the fights.
Final Thoughts It's always staggering to feel the difference between normal CS and Master Mode CS.  I had forgotten.  That said, I remember trying similar with Sinnoh when it came out, and getting absolutely hard-walled by Cynthia's evasion bullshit, so this is progress.  All but Wikstrom were first-try clears, so that does bode well for later success.
Wikstrom feels like he has a ton of HP, and the bonus crit rate that nearly demands getting rid of him before first sync is gonna be a problem.  The flinch rate feels like Aggravation definitely exists, which is going to be an unending nightmare.
Siebold has impeccable tools to handle a lot of Electric-types in the meta.  Outside of Dual Rats, this feels decisively damning.  Even Eevee Kris, who I love, will likely have issues with being constantly slowed down and having to spam a 3-gauge move.
Malva's anti-Cakewalk shenanigans makes every common Rock-type, barring Chad Roark when he gets his grid, basically useless.  But even Roark gets bopped by Sentry Entry x2.  This is a stage that’s demanding either Classic Blue or SS Diantha.  That said, she did seem flinchable.  I recognize that I had a bonus parameter, but I almost wonder if that isn’t part of the intent, given the extended duration weather.  It’s too hard to guarantee, so you’re probably better off changing weather outright, but...yeah.  This stage is probably the nastiest of the four in Master Mode.  Between blanking most Rock types by default, demanding weather changing shenanigans, and having ridiculous offensive power, this is one to watch for.
Drasna...okay, I don't remember her fight well.  Sorry, girl.  Clair’s just too good.
Diantha I think dropped special attack, which is really interesting.  Most flying types to my knowledge are special, so this feels like a strong gambit.  The physical options I can think of right now are Kahili (queen), Darach, the new Palentine’s Elesa, and Anni Steven.  With Anni Steven inverting those opening debuffs, shoutout to them for making a stage Anni Steven is optimal on.  But also shoutouts to 5/5 Lysandre’s Downside Up, which is now hilarious.
On the whole, I'd say they're about Hoenn-tier right now.  There are definitely some nasty tools that will become much worse in Master Mode, but they're not quite Sinnoh, stonewalling my progression with F2P even before Master Mode dropped.
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arhvste · 4 years
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❛ haikyuu sibling series hcs - general - part 1 ❜
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「 includes : kuroo, matsukawa, oikawa, and suna 」
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kuroo tetsurō
→ his parents got divorced at a young age and you can’t tell me otherwise
→ but before they did, himself and his older sister were close
→ she wasn’t as boisterous as him but she had a bit of a playful streak in her too
→ would absolutely go along with his scheming pranks on their parents and relatives
→ shes the one who got him into taking academics seriously
→ he always thought his big sister was cool and seeing her studious trait, he decided he wanted to be like her too
→ she’d help him with his own homework after school even if he insisted he didn’t need her help
→ everytime he’d score highly on a test, his sister would be the first person he’d show his little gold stars too
→ her praise meant the absolute world to him because from a young age he looked up to her and seeked some sort of approval from her that he was on the right track
→ when the fighting between his parents got bad, big sister kuroo would always leave her door open for her little brother to retreat into her room
→ she would hush the crying and distract his young fragile state of mind and make sure she did everything she could to stop him from focusing on the shouting
→ stories, board games, colouring, big sister kuroo did it all with him to ensure his mind was occupied with something other than the arguing downstairs
→ she’s his hero even if he doesn’t know it at such a young age yet
→ shes the one who taught him the trick with sticking two pillows against his ears just in case there were some nights she wasn’t at home
→ “see tetsu! it’s like having your head buried by sheep!”
→ when their parents did eventually split, he was beyond devastated
→ his best friend was being taken from him and there was nothing he could do about it
→ pleaded his parents to let them stay together but alas they decided it just wasn’t possible
→ kuroo took a handful of years to fully get over the separation from his sibling
→ hence his shy tendancies and hesitation to trust others at a young age
→ even to this day, the pillow habit stays prominent in his sleeping habits
→ while he was no longer in contact with his sister, kuroo would always think of her first whenever he received good grades or test results
→ would think of her during volleyball games
→ a source of motivation would be to ask himself if maybe his sister were here, would he being doing enough to make her proud?
→ after every accomplishment, his sister would linger at the back of his head
→ even now everyday when he goes to work
→ he can only do his best and hope it would be enough to be ‘cool’ like he always thought his sister was
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matsukawa issei
→ big brother mattsun 😼
→ growing up, he was so inclusive of his little siblings
→ he’d never tell his brother or sister to leave him alone or go away
→ mattsun was super considerate and laid back with his siblings
→ as long as they weren’t causing too much trouble, mattsun didn’t really care what they were doing
→ he played with them i know he did
→ hero’s and princesses? pirates? dragons and mermaids?
→ mattsuns played every single one of these and more
→ whenever his siblings would argue, they’d always argue over who gets mattsun on their side
→ whoever won him over was deemed the winner of whatever petty thing it was they were arguing about
→ this little shit played the fuck out of them 😹
→ “hm whoever gets me the leftover pasta from the fridge will get me on their side 😈”
→ “if you go empty the bin then i’ll be on your side.”
→ “issei that’s not fair! that’s your job!”
→ “is it? guess i have to join your sisters side then...”
→ “I’LL DO IT!”
→ makki woukd come over often and his brother and sister loved him
→ he was like mattsun but prettier and “less mean”
→ in fact, all the aoba johsai third years were popular with the matsukawa siblings
→ his little sister was ✨infactuated✨ with oikawa
→ oikawa was “her prince charming” according to her
→ “oi loser, since my sister likes you so much why don’t you babysit for me next week?”
→ “as if! i have better things to do any- -she likes me?! 🥺 yes of course i’ll babysit!”
→ his brother is the opposite tho haha
→ “stupid oikawa don’t come near my sister!”
→ little brother matsukawa was protective asf over his sister
→ would throw hands at the setters legs and waist
→ and you already know mattsun, makki and iwa are just gonna stand there and ignore it
→ all in all, mattsuns one of the best siblings
→ he looks out for his siblings but he’s not overbearing in the slightest
→ these days he often lets them visit him at work when he’s not as home as often
→ “whoever brings me lunch doesn’t get locked in the coffin room”
→ obviously his siblings are bigger now so they just roll their eyes and ignore him ahah
→ he’s still someone they know they can come to if they need to though
→ he’s a good big brother who will listen to them without judegement cause hey, he’s done some questionable things growing up too
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oikawa tooru
→ “you’re not allowed to have a boyfriend because i said so! nobody’s good enough for you! 😠”
→ “tooru, i’m older than you 🧍🏻”
→ over protective asf over his sister
→ insults boys that try it on with her to their face 😹
→ “you don’t seriously think she’ll go for you when you look like that do you? 😹 next caller!”
→ shes constantly apologising for his rude ass behaviour 😩
→ he does often seek advice from her though
→ especially when he started garnering attention from girls himself
→ “hair swept to the left or right?”
→ “neither. both are ugly.”
→ yes queen humble him 😈
→ okay but she would actually help him though
→ shes act like shes doing him a huge favour but she secretly likes the fact he comes to her for advice and feedback
→ shopping trips
→ she picks out his clothes because let’s face it
→ he can’t be trusted to be left to his own devices
→ she nearly threw up when she saw the plaid shorts fit 😖
→ she also picked out his glasses too because again, he can’t be trusted to be left to his own devices
→ he hypes his sister tf up !!
→ especially after shes having boy troubles of her own
→ “whatever! he was a loser anyway nii-chan! he would’ve ruined all the family photos if you ever got married to him because he was so ugly! you’re way out of his league!”
→ third year oikawa says it’s on sight if any boy messes with his sister regardless of the fact she’s older than him
→ iwaizumi was rather fond of oikawa’s sister too
→ therefore, he’d automatically part of her body guarding system alongside tooru
→ growing up, iwaizumi was awkward around her
→ shes a pretty older girl of course he’s gonna feel pressured !!
→ she found it endearing though
→ and shes often thank him for looking out for her little brother and keeping him in line when she couldn’t
→ rip iwaizumi 😔✋the boy has turned bright red and doesn’t know what to say
→ these days he’s a-okay talking to her!
→ they both lovingly bully oikawa now
→ but back to the point of her helping him with girls
→ oikawa is not a fuckboy and you know why?
→ because his sister told him those boys are the worst !!
→ he is a respectful boy and his sister will make sure of that !!
→ when he did get his first girlfriend, she had to tell him all the things to do to help
→ clichè films were the wrong source according to her she called them cringey and stopped oikawa from leaving the house at 2am to throw rocks at his girlfriends window to confess his love
→ “tooru please tell me you’re not doing what i think you’re about to do”
→ oikawa with his bag full of small stones and a rose in his mouth : 😳🌹
→ his first break up was rough but big sister oikawa was his hype woman this time
→ “she knew what she was getting into when she asked you out. remember, she wanted you tooru and if she can’t remember that herself then she’s not worth it.”
→ big sister oikawa had his back 100% and vice versa
→ and even now, she’s cheering him on the loudest
→ her little brothers a little brat but he’s the brat she’s overwhelmingly proud of
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suna rintarō
→ literally didn’t give a shit about his little sister for the longest time 😹
→ he knew it annoyed her when he didn’t pay attention so he did it just to test her limits at first
→ his parents scolded him time and time again and eventually he did start to acknowledge her
→ like mattsun, he’s laid back and not overly intrusive
→ but he is a little bit curious as to what’s going on in his little sisters life
→ “whos that? you’re not dating him are you? yikes.”
→ “rin? what do you mean ‘yikes’?!”
→ “he’s ugly.”
→ lowkey protective of his sister
→ he knows she can handle herself and whatnot but he still feels the need to look after her just a little
→ so if you’re a boy and you get on the wrong side of her i’m sorry
→ suna is pulling up with the miya’s
→ “oh? so you’re the little shit who thought you could mess with my sister?”
→ atsumu in towering over the boy next to suna : 😈
→ osamu towering over on the other side to suna : 🤨
→ suna : 😐
→ the boy : 😳
→ it’s always been like that though
→ in his own way, sunas always been there for his little sister whether he makes it known or not
→ “one day, yer sisters gonna be a pretty gal i can tell”
→ “i won’t hesitate to call child protection if you ever make a comment like that again 😐🔪”
→ “i-i was just tryin to be kind! it’s hard sometimes suna it’s hard! 😖”
→ his little sister will come to his games and he won’t care 😹
→ deadpan expression the whole time
→ she doesn’t care though because she’s not exactly thrilled to be there either
→ both siblings have their own interests and don’t tend to mix them
→ but he’ll still support her in whatever she wants to do and vice versa
→ but they prefer to do it from a distance
→ because i know suna only went to one of her ballet recitals and he didn’t even try to stop the strings of loud yawns the whole way through
→ the suna siblings remain hot and unbothered over everything
→ you could have beef with both siblings and neither of them are gonna give a fuck
→ but when you pick on little sister suna, rin is gonna give a fuck but he’ll be clever about it
→ easy going relationship
→ neither siblings are overly affectionate or overbearing but they’re both there for each other if needs be
→ they don’t talk about deep things and details together though
→ but they will slag other people off together 😹
→ if the suna siblings don’t like you i’m sorry
→ because both of them will come for your neck with no mercy and you’ll never know 😼
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ghostie-gengar · 3 years
Ok so i have had this idea of an AU where N has like an actual known mother for like so long and i just. i have to get it out i need to so here’s a very very watered down version of her story with events that are so unlikely but whatever i just (warning it’s really long despite being a summary so prepared to get smacked with mom lore)
so. Her name is helen and she is a very nice lady. like SUPER NICE like you could break into her house and she’d be like “oh hey :) would you like some cookies i can put on a pot of tea” but also not a doormat. she Would Not hesitate to tell ghetsis off or smack anyone who hurts her kids.
anyways helen and ghetsis met in their mid to late teens, became friends (somehow :/ ghetsis was quite the charismatic young guy i imagine) and got married in their 20s. after a couple years twins!! im sure i don’t need to tell you how that happened. anyways concordia and anthea popped up and they were quite the handful but helen absolutely adored them and ghetsis was just kinda like “ok whatever children”
oh also im not sure if i’ll keep this but helen can sooooort of understand pokemon and N got that ability from her
oh also btw helen and ghetsis formed team plasma together see helen’s idea was to create like a pokemon relief center kinda like a sanctuary idk and ghetsis’ branch of family was kinda like a cult that thought humans and pokemon should be separate and ghetsis wanted to use that for more power and saw helen and was like “i can use this :)” anyways moving on
One day helen and ghetsis were taking a lovely stroll and they came across these young triplets who were homeless and helen was like “mine” so they adopted them and ghetsis twisted it to make it seem like He was the cool one who saved them so they’d listen to him (shadow triad)
this is kinda where team plasma begins to seem more evil and helen is catching on but she’s like “noooo ghetsis wouldn’t do that” (girl you’re wrong)
anyways once concordia and anthea are like eight or nine a little natural harmonia gropius pops up!! and helen is overjoyed cuz like she secretly always wanted six kids and now one two three four five six!!!!
she and ghetsis are also quick to notice how much n looks like ghetsis and ghetsis is mentally like “haha yes mini me >:D”
Then team plasma is very clearly a cult like helen can’t even deny it anymore and she tries to bring it up to ghetstink but he just waves her off like “now now dear don’t be silly” and she’s like >:(
ghetsis starts taking about making n the king of team plasma and helen’s like “well only if he wants to right” and ghetsis is like “no”
he only wants to use N more when he figured out N could understand pokemon cuz like he’d babble to helen’s minccino (oh yeah btw helen has a minccino)
theeeeeeeeeeen helen walks in on ghetsis being mmmmmmmmmmmm not good to concordia and concordia and anthea are both crying and helen is like “DUDE” and makes him sit down and have a serious talk about proper parenting which ghetsis also brushes off
then after a couple of days, concordia and anthea run away and helen is obviously absolutely devastated and she and ghetsis look for weeks. months. And no sign of them. ghetsis is like “well i guess they’re dead nvm then” and helen is like “DUDE” and she looks in the girls’ bedroom and finds a note from the girls that tells her to keep n safe and not to worry about them
after thinking about all the crap stuff ghetsis has done lately helen takes n in the middle of the night and runs. no looking back. bye bye ghetstink :( and life is much better honestly
she lives in that trailer in lostlorn with lil baby n and her plan was to wait for him to be able to walk and fend for himself and then they’d both go look for concordia and anthea but until then peaceful forest life playing with pokemon
And ghetsis upon waking up and seeing his wife and kid is gone he’s very upset. after a few years however he’s walking in like white forest or something and stUmbles upon concordia and anthea and he’s like “frickin sweet man” and snatches them and they are Not Happy but when they get back to the castle and see helen and n are gone? they are So Relieved those two got away even if they had to stay there
Anyways once n was three or four he was fine he could walk and he loved to wander around and make pokemon friends and he’d always come back to the trailer
one day ghetsis was walking through lostlorn for no particular reason and he came across n playing and recognized him immediately and was like “Oh My God No Way” and committed grand theft natural right there on the spot
but before he left he left a note for helen to find that said “did you really think you could hide forever” just to rub salt in the wound
anyways helen is like man it’s getting late i wonder where little natural is and so she gets a pidove to go look for him and the pidove brings back the note and when she sees it. tears. literal tears and sobbing she’s like “oh my god he has him He Has Him” and then she’s like “k you know what? Imma go get him i will go GET my child from this stinky man watch me grab my coat and i will get back the boy and if he has the girls too i’ll take them too and”
and then!! The shadow triad appear in the trailer (they all have names that only helen bothered to learn) and they’re like “hey so we kinda have strict orders from ghetsis that if we see you in the castle or anywhere near team plasma we kinda have to tell ghetsis and he’ll hurt n so maayyybe don’t?”
and helen is like crap. like genuinely there is no good solution cuz if she goes and fails to get the n back ghetsis would hurt n and if she did get the n back ghetsis would hurt the shadow triad and so she’s stuck and she has no choice but to just let everything happen
But!!! This story has a happy ending!!!
so i didn’t mention this cuz my thoughts are all over the place but helen likes to paint and so in order to cope with everything she painted her kids and they’re like really good anyways
N meets her at some point after bw2 cuz he was in lostlorn and it was raining and zoroark ran into her trailer and he was like “zoroark you Cannot Be Here we need to go” and helen walked in and she recognized him immediately like she was internally like holy arceus above that is my son that is my son that is my
but N doesn’t remember her like at all so she doesn’t want to say anything in case she overwhelms him and N is like “i am so sorry for coming in here my zoroark just hey you know what i’ll just leave”
Meanwhile she’s trying not to cry and she’s looking from n to a painting of n she did and she’s like holy arceus and she’s like “nono you can stay for tea until the rain is over”
And n had also noticed the painting and he was like that’s literally me but didn’t want to say anything
So n stays for tea and they have a lovely chat and helen is like this is literally my son and he has no idea who i am and then the rain stops so n leaves and helen is just like. Sad
But then n comes back another day and stays for tea again cuz they kinda became buddies and n is about to leave but he stops. at the doorway and slowly turns around and is like “i feel like i know you from somewhere” and helen is like “???” about to cry again
And you can like see the gears turning in n’s brain and he just freezes. and he looks up. And he’s like “.......mom?”
tears. Everywhere and both of them are sobbing and hugging each other and helen’s like “omg you’re so tall look at you how you’ve grown” and more tears and they literally hug for like hours while helen tells the story and helen was like starting to calm down and n’s like “btw connie and anthy are alive” and she just starts crying again and then they go to the house in driftveil so helen can see the girls and everyone just starts crying the girls are freaking out cuz they never knew what happened to mom and rood was there and crying like “mistress helen you’re alive ma’am” and just. big group hug and the shadow triad probably teleport in there for like five minutes and helen will absolutely not let them go without hugs even if they still work for ghetsis and yeah. that’s the very long summary of n’s mom imagine how long it would have been if i like actually wrote it professionally ok bye
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readerxlit · 3 years
Surprise surprise Minato/Makoto has never left my heart all this time later so here's some headcanons
Headcanons for P3 protagonist with a male!s/o in an au where March 5th didn't devastate me
I will be using Minato as the name here because he's the one protag I refuse to use the Canon name for, for exactly 0 logical reason
(I actually realized how long this one is so theres a read more)
Now by the end of p3 his "I don't care " attitude is a big freaking lie
He cares a lot which is why he was willing to fight at the end and willing to die for it
But hey surprise, not dead. I've always thought he could have chronic fatigue and if he didn't before he sure does now
None of that is the relevant headcanons just points of reference for them so here we go:
Absolutely 100% has no problems with admitting his feelings or receiving a confession. Whichever happens first. This does not change due to you both being men. 0 relevance to his actions
This goes on into the relationship too:
Being into public together? Going on dates? Holding hands? No problem
Okay maybe a little problem with the hand holding but that's more because his default position is "hand in pocket" and he Will forget and pull you towards him without thinking
He won't even be bothered by this just..."oh, right" and continues on
If you're in public and anyone says something? Does not care their opinions don't matter.
If it bothers You though he'll probably focus on removing you from the source of your distress: so leaving the area and finding something else to do.
He has faced death in the face (and befriended him twice) so really nothing can faze him
This might honestly be frustrating like...please react more I have no idea what you're thinking Minato
It's also kind of difficult to tell how he feels about you. He's not super expressive Or talkative so it can sometimes feel like you're in the same place with him as before you got together
He does care, though. And he's getting better at noticing others emotions the older he gets
So if you tell him your concerns or he just notices on his own he will make sure to tell you- remind you- how he feels, verbally
That's not to say he doesn't show how he feels at all:
He's an action kind of person he just also happens to be Big Sleepy AND have fatigue so he's not doing a lot
But, again, he does care. He knows enough about cooking to make you food when he has the energy. And makes sure you're getting enough rest, regularly.
He'll play games you like or watch shows you like so he can understand when you talk about them and so that you Will talk to him about them
With most people he's a "I will listen and comment Maybe" and "if you say anymore I will pass out on command" kind of person
But with you he's a "I like hearing your thoughts " person
Now remember how I said he doesn't care about being in public with you? It doesn't bother him what others might think of you together?
Yeah well he also just... doesn't really care if people don't know you're together either
If you don't want people to know? Okay. Makes avoiding unwanted comments easier
Unfortunately if you are okay with people knowing but aren't a PDA person they probably won't anyway because he isn't actively one either
Minato doesn't mind it but he also isn't really going to initiate it often
He can be plenty physically affectionate privately, but just like your relationship isn't anyone else's business, your shared affection isn't either
He does initiate hand holding sometimes just to keep you close. Or will lean against the you when sitting but that's usually it
He is- however- a little shit and will pull you just out of others views to kiss you. Especially if this flusters you because "haha boyfriend cute dopamine"
You can't even get back at him he is nearly impossible to fluster or embarrass. You're best bet is annoyance but then no one's winning so why
Downside to the not making it super obvious your together is that if people think you're two single guy friends hanging out there the chance of being Approached By Suitors
But seriously: he's pretty and his default expression is the definition of neutral which can also read peaceful, so inevitably someone's bound to hit on him
Absolutely uses "sorry I'm gay" if its a girl. Easy solution leaves no space for further pushing the topic.
(He's bi or pan probably, but lol that wouldn't work to shut the down the pursuit)
Though that gets some immediate eyeing the two of you together but he's good at ignoring it. (Or if you're fine with people knowing and just aren't pda-prone he'll immediately take your hand)
On the off chance it's a guy who approaches him he does a hard shutdown. "Not interest, do not care, goodbye" (not an exact quote)
Now now if You are the one approached? Hello protective/slightly-possessive-but-not-a-worrying-amount Minato, rare of you to join us
(He's actually generally protective but you would be hard pressed to notice usually)
If you're openly together: immediate shutdown the sequel now staring "don't hit on my boyfriend " And the classic "go away"
Will not start a fight but is for some reason very good at rubbing people the wrong way and pissing them off
(don't worry he's not getting into fights)
((And if he was he'd win. He's fought nyx what does some random person have on that?))
If you're not openly together he won't say anything but leave you to reject the pursuit unless you're obviously struggling. Then he'll probably make an excuse for the two of you to leave
On the other side if the spectrum when you're alone and in private he is So physically affectionate.
Usually it's subtle: touching your hand, leaning closer, brushing your hair aside, patting your head (for some reason?) Stuff like that
He's a generally small person but he can and will hold you in his arms
Falls asleep on you a lot. Usually on accident but he absolutely can do it on purpose and will
(And then what do you do you can't get up it's like when a cat sleeps in your lap waking him is a crime)
He also just... smiles more when you're alone. The longer you've been together the more frequently you notice and man is that smile pretty
Stares a lot too. If you mention it he's just like "yeah? I love you so I like looking at you."
Absolutely dropped the first "love" so casually you do quadruple take before it sets in
Minato is just so unfazed like? Why Wouldn't he say it?
Very much enjoys your reaction, whatever that is. Also thinks that should be obvious since he spends all his free time with you
(Of which he has a lot as a standby shadow operative; which really just means he's on their payroll because hey: stopped the fall and is now not consistently able to work normally)
Speaking of the old sees members:
He keeps up with them and keeps You up to date on rare occasions he feels like talking
Also Minato has like 18 different totally unrelated hobbies and it is so confusing.
One day he just shows up with clothes as a gift that he apparently made with no warning
Has a folder on his phone dedicated to picture he's taken of you which you would think was sweet were it not for how many were bad angles and weird expressions you made
His name for you in said phone is regularly changed to something funny you said
Also he sometimes says the weirdest things, usually out if nowhere
"Potatoes but they have shells like eggs" "hey Minato what the fuck."
Can and will fight if someone hurts you. Like he looks calm but inside is a desire for violence- to protect
It's 1:30an so that's what I got future desktop me hopefully edited some if this <3
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literaphobe · 4 years
season three of she-ra rated by catradora content
the price of power: adora talks about how she thinks the others at the horde can change too and when u think about it in the “at this point in the story, she still hoped catra would change” way it’s like wow :’) we knew that but wow :’) it sucks tho that in this scenario she’s actually wondering specifically if shadow weaver can change, which :/ hm :/ bc shadow weaver sucks. adora really fucking called her out on her abuse tho which is so sexy, and yes that has nothing to do with catradora i just felt like i really wanted to mention it at least <3 shadow weaver is a loserrrr <3 but.... she does mention “catra betrayed me” which makes adora do her “oh, catra?👀” eyebrow raise. i swear she cannot keep a straight fucking face whenever someone mentions catra. it’s like. are you lgbt or something? :/ 2/10
huntara: no catra this episode, but adora’s reaction to huntara will forever go down as one of her stupidest gay moments. u think catra knew super huge buff ladies were adora’s type? how fucking funny would it be if catra thought she never stood a chance with adora not because of the internalized homophobia shadow weaver instilled in them but simply because she thought she was not tall and buff enough for adora’s taste. “adora doesn’t want me!!!!! not like i want her..... because i’m not swole😔” 0/10
once upon a time in the waste: very funny and sexy of catra 2 be like. hm. i was sent here to die. i have completely given up on my hopes and dreams. oh wait what did you say? she-ra?😏 and she was blonde?👀 she’s got a sword?😩 she was angry?😽 her name is adora?👅 and all of a sudden catra is like nope existential crisis over. i’m gay again. and also evil again. that mix culminates in her giving a sexy monologue. did you know that if you’re gay and evil you will give very sexy monologues? and also sword lesbians will fall in love with you despite your questionable morals? anyway, catra takes over the whole of the crimson waste. i won’t discuss how since technically it doesn’t involve catradora but it was really hot okay😔 also adora was being really hot and powerful and fearless (she did not even flinch as bats flew in her face. hello?) and Angery this ep but i will also not get into it😩 i will however remark upon how both catra and adora low key had meltdown monologues this ep, and it is :( but also hot and cool of them. now, i will move onto when they meet <3 catra starts slow clapping as her goons creep onto mara’s ship and poison dart the best friend squad. they only send three darts flying and the last one is blocked by huntara. we have to assume that catra only ordered her team to send three darts for huntara, bow, and glimmer, leaving adora for last because catra has to greet her with, and let’s say it all together—“hey, adora😼”. adora tries to make a run for her sword but catra uses her new sexy cool whip to take it away. “i think this might be the quickest i ever won a fight. always so dramatic with you, isn’t it, adora?” adora tells huntara to save bow and glimmer first, leaving adora as catra’s only prisoner. 👀👀👀👀 soon after, everyone is celebrating, and catra sits in the big chair on mara’s ship like it’s a throne, casually draped over with adora’s sword in her hand, the long blade just resting between her legs. and. hooooooooooooooo boooooooooooooiiiiii. let me just. let me just have a second over here okay folks? this is all very hard for my sexuality to take. i don’t think u all realize how hard it is to make these evaluations. every day i have a breakdown over how hot one of them is. it’s one thing to just watch the show but every time something gay happens (so like, every five seconds) i gotta pause it and take notes (by take notes i really mean start ranting about it like this) and then i gotta like rewind it and shit to double check and i have to force myself to just be repeatedly subjected to the gayness. starting to get a little homophobic tbh! okay back to the show. catra is so fucking sweet and makes everyone cheer scorpia on too. she breaks out into this beautiful giggle. oh my god her laugh. bitches falling for this catgirl left and right smh. catra grabs scorpia’s claw and drags her away from the party. we also find out this is when catra learns about what a party is. remember how adora didn’t know what a party was either? :( damn. they deserve to have absolute ragers ok. catra starts talking about how valued and cool she will be when they go back and show hordak the sword, etc, and scorpia is like. but what if we didn’t do that. what if we just stayed here and had a gay life. a good honest gay life filled with sick parties and gang leading. and catra is like oh right.... u have a point..... i do hate the horde...... wonder why that is.... and then scorpia makes a fatal mistake. she says “forget adora!” which is about the dumbest thing you can tell a self destructive catgirl who’s been in love with adora her whole life but also kinda resents her atm. and catra is like perhaps i don’t want to forget adora. did u consider that scorpia? did you not think about how i crave her lips upon my mouth every night? fuck u im gonna go uh... find adora n maybe tie her up even more idk >:( catra goes to “check on the prisoner”, according to her own words. what does that mean, catra. like what. ur gonna go see if adora wants some tea? something 2 eat?👅 someone to kiss? Fkskdjdjdj adora is obviously struggling against her restraints and trying to break free, and the second she sees her she goes “catra, you can’t do this! >:(“ and catra is like “well, hello to you, too.” because MANNERS, adora, like god damn it catra always puts in the tender loving care and effort to greet you and you can’t even say hello? :( catra dismisses the goon who was previously guarding adora, because when you.... talk to your..... best friend turned enemy who’s now your prisoner. ur gonna want some privacy ya know😌😩👀😔 anyway catra is like ok.... once again.... y can’t i do this. and adora is like more horde army might come in!!! which. adora baby i love you but maybe don’t make that the thesis statement of your sales pitch? to the person who was second in command at the horde?? not to nitpick but if i were u i would’ve just said “noooooo don’t open a portal that might destroy reality ur so sexy ahaha” OR “if u give me back my sword and decide NOT to rip apart the fabric of this dimension i’ll kiss you on the mouth❤️” i know that u think ur feelings are one sided and that catra isn’t in love with you and that you can’t seduce her to the bright side💔 but u actually could have 💔 fkdkdjdjdj moving on.... catra says “never a dull moment with you❤️” which is weirdly so romantic. like yeah they’re enemies but catra gets bored when adora isn’t around. life is always exciting when adora is there, in catra’s eyes :’( like damn bitch if you like her so much why don’t you just marry her haha. please? <3 adora continues to explain that we will ALL lose if hordak opens a portal, light hope and mara said that opening a portal will endanger everyone!! and catra says the funniest thing. “you’ll listen to anything weird old holograms tell you, won’t you? you should really try to get over that. :/“ LFKDKFKDKFKFKFJ GIRL YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING THIS FUNNY. but then adora says the wrong thing :( she brought up you know who and said “shadow weaver told me” and catra.... :( she’s like. how did. she tell you. and adora’s voice goes soft and it’s like “you didn’t know?” because from what she knows catra is allegedly the one who betrayed shadow weaver, not the other way around. and catra grabs adora by the collar and pulls her in and adora gets this gasp and. let me just scream for five minutes. okay. i’m back. so. catra pulls her in and she’s like HOW. and adora just very slowly and cautiously tells her the truth. that shadow weaver is in bright moon. and :( catra :( she lets go of adora and comes to this. very destructive realization that shadow weaver “left her” for adora and that all the pain she’s felt is all Because Of Adora. that, just by being adora, everything, all the happiness that catra could have had, has been taken away. which she is wrong about but that’s what she thinks :( and adora realizes that this is. not good. and she gently goes “catra?” because the look on her face must be worrying to adora, and catra starts to walk away and adora desperately calls out to her. “catra, please, you have to listen!” but...... it’s too late :( and catra is enveloped by the darkness. 9/10 for the collar grabbing shit and just the inherent gayness of their connection and interactions but also this is all so sad bros :( my bros are all devastated
moment of truth: catra walks back into the horde with her arm around adora’s shoulder. hm! Hm! HM! really doesn’t feel like she needs to do that! but she’s doing it anyway! later on, entrapta and adora are alone and talking. “catra would say anything to get whatever she wants.” true, but also not true, adora. she wants to be your gf, but has she said anything about it? no :/ that’s in like 2 seasons. and you were literally about to die so she low key had nothing to gain. so :/ think carefully next time. fjsjfjsjdjdjd entrapta pulls out the funniest cutest bar graphs of data, and there’s like four categories and for some reason catra has low scores for the first three but a really high score for the last one? i desperately want to know what that is. adora says “look, i understand. catra was my friend, too.” and she casts her eyes to the side when she says this. as if.... that statement is a lot more loaded than it seems. because yes catra was adora’s friend. but also wasn’t she, at the same time, so much more than that? yes <3 it was because they were best friends <3 gal pals <3 “but she makes bad decisions. this is one of them.” :( yeah i mean what am i supposed to do. disagree with that? it’s so wild to think about how even through all of this adora never hated catra. arguably, she never stopped loving her either. which. sigh😔 pour one out boys we are yearning tonight! entrapta leaves the room, asking adora if she’ll try to escape. and adora is like “no?👀” which is irrelevant but also really funny. another irrelevant thing i want to bring up is catra when she’s losing in a fight against shadow weaver. “so, what? you’re on the side of good now? you made me this way, and you get to be the good guy?” bro. fucking.... bro. catra’s lines istg.... also her being able to take on gang leaders and princesses and take those people down easily but to lose so quickly to shadow weaver... y’all know what that is right :( sigh. wait. i’m not done let’s sit very sadly on this next line for a bit. “do you know what happened to me after you escaped? do you even care?” i’m gonna cry okay. right. back to catradora. catra is. really unhinged and devastated and destructive right now :( and so she marches into entrapta’s lab and demands that they fire up the portal machine. entrapta says they can’t, because “adora was right” and immediately that sets catra off. she gives this barely restrained chuckle and is like “adora is right.....” and she’s just. having a full on breakdown. she’s just filled with so much anger and resentment.... i can’t even joke and call it a hate boner man, and that sucks because i would love to call it a hate boner :( “adora gets EVERYTHING she wants” no catra, you are wrong. she wants you. she does not have you. case closed. adora has literally only truly wanted one thing in her life, and she does not have it because you won’t give it to her 😔 in conclusion, adora p much never gets what she wants :( why don’t you go over and hug her and then maybe you’ll calm down. i know it’s more complicated than that but still😔 anyway, catra is very determined to not let adora win, so in order to beat adora, she decides they have to open the portal no matter what, because that’s the one thing adora seems to not want right now. some very not chill stuff happens, and catra runs into hordak’s lab and demands that he opens the portal. she lies to hordak and says “oh you can’t trust anyone, especially a PRINCESS” and she turns over to glare pointedly at adora. which is. SUCH a bitter ex thing to do. “they’ll just use you to get what they want” CATRA SHE LOVES YOU :( SHES IN LOVE WITH YOU SHE ONLY EVER WANTED TO BE WITH YOU :( and also she was raised to think she only had worth if she did what others expected of her and that everyone’s happiness and safety was somehow her responsibility. and that it would be better for her to die than for others to get hurt. she was never trying to use you :( you were the only thing that ever made her selfish :( bow, glimmer, and shadow weaver run in and fight with hordak and catra, and catra realizes she has to pull the lever now or it’ll be too late. adora desperately yells “catra, please, don’t!” and catra looks at her for a last time, evil smirking before she does it. roll credits. 8.5/10
remember: oh, we’re really in it now huh :( we hear the last lines from catra and adora from the last episode, and i think this is a part of adora’s dream. she is woken up by catra gently saying her name <3 then by catra a little bit angrily saying her name fjsjdjdjd adora wakes up with a shock and catra is sitting on top of her. HHHHHH. okay. adora shoves catra off and catra is like ???? damn what usually u pull me closer and hug me when i wake u up😔😔 wtf. but catra grabs adora’s wrists to calm her down anyway and gives her this pretty reassuring look, and she jokes “heh, since when do you sleep in? u usually wake up early to flirt with me!” as we all know adora gets nightmares even from her days in the horde so catra just treats this as normal and tries to make adora feel better as usual. ground her and say lighthearted things to make adora remember that she is safe. i mean technically the universe is collapsing in on itself rn so making adora feel safe isn’t the Best thing to do but catra also thinks the fake reality IS reality atm so that’s not her fault <3 adora is confused about how she got “here” and catra finds this strange because adora is in her room! she has her own room now, because she’s force captain! which makes u wonder whether catra and adora would sleep in the same bed if adora was force captain. would catra creep in and sleep in her bed still? would they lock the door and cuddle? oh well! guess we’ll never know! they... are so soft here, just smiling at each other, catra worried about adora, adora smiling back and deciding to just dismiss what happened as a weird dream. “there was something i needed to fix...” “of course you dream about work. there’s nothing to fix adora. everything’s perfect.” hhhh i know everyone in the fake reality thinks Everything’s Perfect too but can we just be gay for a second and think about how a perfect life for catra is just... to be with adora. can we just chomp down on that meaty thought for a sec? :( ok anyway, catra puts her hand on adora’s shoulder and adora smiles and is like wow ur right :) this does feel pretty perfect i mean catra and i are in bed together what could be so wrong💞😜😘👅😎😩 catra pulls adora up to her feet and says “come on, get up” and adora is perfectly happy to just chase after catra. it’s so fucking unfortunate tho that she decides at the last second to pick her ugly ass jacket up. like baby, no. u look perfectly hot as is in that white top. but she needs the jacket to see her force captain badge so she can get Visions or whatever. like goddamn i know the world was collapsing in on itself but imagine if shadow weaver had never been like abusive and the horde was just some chill ass ugly hangout spot instead of a fascist regime. catra and adora really could’ve just been happy huh? :( anyway catra gets kinda annoyed that her gf is not chasing after her any more and instead putting on her ugly ass jacket and looking at it in the mirror. so she’s like “adora! :(“ and adora goes running. she always comes when catra calls for her😌😌😌😌 and then the opening credits play, giving me whiplash. wow that was such a gay fucking cold open. adora walks side by side with catra and is a little weirded out by all the people saluting her and shit. and she’s like lmao wtf what are they all looking at and catra is like u u beautiful idiot. ur hot, and also the invasion of thaymor that u led went perfectly❤️ ur the hero of the hour i’m so proud of you babe❤️ catra is just a proud happy gf who smiles so beautifully and adora is getting more Visions and Flashbacks. but catra is so hot when she’s proud of her that adora decides that she’s gonna be like YEAH OMG I DID THAT WAR CRIME RIGHTS <3 and salutes people like a fucking idiot. and catra does the whole flirty “oh please, you couldn’t have done it without me ;)” bit and wraps her gay arm around gay adora who looks like she’s in heaven, hilariously pushing adora down a bit because catra is SHORT FJSJDJDJD and adora is like “rightttt ;) what would i ever do without you ;)” and man to be a horde soldier witnessing their flirting. i would start yelling slurs at them immediately. adora elbows catra with her arm and they both laugh, but the force causes catra to bump into a horde soldier. and the soldier makes the fatal mistake of reacting normally and being like HEY WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING TWERP and catra is not amused. adora puts her hands on her hips, glaring at the soldier, and he immediately gets so fucking scared. and the soldier is like UHUHUH FORCE CAPTAIN I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE— I’M SO SORRY. didn’t know she was what? DIDN’T KNOW SHE WAS WHAT???? gay????? banging this angry catgirl????? in the middle of flirting with her??????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN. what does it ALL mean?????? and adora is just like YEAH U BETTER BE >:( disMISSED >:( like fucking WHAT?????? yeah how dare u get mad at my gf for bumping into you. it is YOUR fault for existing while we were roughhousing as part of a very intricate ritual. u ruined the FLOW of our flirting u jackass. u fucking bitch. now we gotta start all over again :( and then like the soldier leaves while v terrified and keeps bowing at them and catra and adora just bursts out laughing at each other. they’re that lesbian couple who will bully u in school and feel zero remorse for it. that is so fucking sexy. i wish that were me. catra proceeds to make fun of the soldier she bumped into and didn’t even apologize to all “oh, force captain, don’t hurt me! UHAHASHUAH” and adora plays along with the re-enactment by posing and acting tough. catra really do be flexing her privilege as gf of everyone’s boss huh. she’s that secretary who WILL spit in your coffee and kick you in the shin all because the CEO is in love with her and they’re like slamming ass. catra is like. just straight up rubbing it in everyone’s faces that she’s untouchable because adora is in love with her. that’s just. that’s just greaaat. they both start laughing again at their own jokes. and yeah they’re both pretty funny people but like ok lesbians. have fun being happy or whatever. catra is like “too good” and adora is like hehehe baby!!!! where are we going again and catra is like to the locker room!! there’s something i wanna show you😘😘😘 because you know they’re in love. them just walking down a corridor together feels like a straight up date. adora thinks they’re taking The Long Way instead of this shortcut she knows with a side door but that door is gone and suddenly this throws Doubt again. and i guess that door got swallowed up by the reality-collapsing portal but damn adora :/ what’s wrong with taking the long way? :/ too good to spend some quality time w ur gf? :/ JFJSJDJ anyway catra is like what? no this way is the right way :) the scene can be read as cute gfs who argue about directions even tho it’s just a walk to the locker room ❤️ i wouldn’t say it’s the right way to read the scene bc the point is that parts of reality as adora knows it is disappearing but shhh. i am gay <3 catra immediately starts worrying about adora again and she’s like DO U HAVE A CONCUSSION :( and like grabs adora’s face which is so cute. she also accidentally shoves adora towards her chest so adora has No Choice but to stare :) good for you adora “i know you get hit on the head a lot” JFKSKDKSJDJD man but catra gf goals tho :( get u a girl who will check if u have a concussion because you get hit on the head a lot, most of it accidents 😩😩😩 “but i figured your dumb little hair poof would cushion the blow” HDHJSSHAHSHSHSH GET YOU A GIRLFRIEND WHO WILL LOVE YOU EVEN THO UR HAIR POOF IS DUMB😳😳😳 adora is a tiny bit >:( about being roasted for her hair choices and also a bit >:) because catra touched her and she’s like LMAOOO IM ALL CHILL M8 😩👌🏻💅🏻😎 “don’t make me kick your butt” as she shoves catra. wow adora! watch where you’re putting your hands! jk i know i know :) you simply have no choice because the only place to shove someone is to push their tiddies :) i understand and approve :) catra responds to adora’s threats with “pft ;) as if you could” which is just yet another invitation for them to “fight” :). u know how i feel about catradora and their roughhousing? it’s like. u know how people talk about men fighting each other as an excuse to touch? i feel like catradora said yeah that’s ours now. and they’re right. it’s theirs. they literally. they fucking giggle and shit as they start shoving and hitting each other all the way to the locker room. and lonnie is like SURPRISE and adora’s reaction is so funny she legit looks like she got mad p*ssy blocked and she’s like the FUCK. and catra isn’t as mad bc she kind of like planned this cute like i love you adora❤️ surprise party. because it’s a surprise party! for adora! adora is like damn whats this?? grey ration bar cake w my face drawn on it? also from the looks of the drawing i feel like catra definitely drew it. isn’t that so fucking cute. adora hugs lonnie (yay) and kyle (what the fuck gross???) and she’s like u guys 😩😩😩u got the gray kind.... that’s way better than the brown kind.... lonnie is like “hey, it was catra’s idea!” implying that catra definitely specifically told them to make the cake out of the gray ration bars, not the brown ones. and adora. let’s all take a deep breath. she goes. “oh yeah? ;)” in the most. insufferably flirty way ever. like in that Wow This Was All You Huh ;) way, with her stupid hands on her stupid hips giving catra this 😏😏😏😏😏😏 look. and catra is like ;) casually leaning against the wall, her arms all crossed. it is interesting to note that adora keeps putting her hands on her hips and catra keeps crossing her arms. i think that’s really cute. catra says “eh, whatever, don’t make a big deal about it” but it is a big deal catra. u don’t just plan cute surprise parties for anyone. and the fact that this is YOU we’re talking about? for catra planning a thoughtful surprise party catered to adora’s tastes all because she’s proud of her accomplishments..... is on par with proposing marriage. adora won’t let catra live this down tho. “wow, i can’t believe you like me ;) that is so embarrassing for you!” and she grabs catra for head scratches. catra giggles and pushes against adora saying “stop it😳😳(no don’t stop bro don’t stop😩😩) get off 🙄🙄 (wait actually don’t get off😩😩) this is not 😡 because i like you😳😳(it’s because i love you💞)” and she shoves adora off only to IMMEDIATELY pounce on adora, making adora laugh so fucking happily. kyle is secretly a lesbophobe tho so when he sees this gay display he’s like WUUUUOHOH I DROP CAKE :( and we get this VERY quick frame of catra and adora with their fingers interlocked before they pull apart at the crash and look at kyle. that is so fucking rude of u kyle. we could’ve gotten a few more seconds of catra and adora interlacing their fingers but NO. fuck u. thankfully, the euphoria of being gay is still burning strong for catra and adora, so they laugh happily instead of beating the shit out of kyle. how sweet <3 adora sees the word MARA in one of the cake pieces, and she’s very thrown off right before catra holds her shoulder and is like “hang on, you got something right... THERE!” and she like throws grey bar sludge into adora’s face ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 u know? how you pal around with your gals? adora rubs the grey cake stuff off her face, and then.... ugh i don’t even wanna say her name. we were all having such a good gay time :( [redacted] walks in and tells adora to get off the floor, and tells catra to get herself cleaned up. and [redacted] tells adora to come with her. adora gazes gayly upon catra’s face who gives her a reassuring smile that tells adora she’s okay, so adora runs along. catra looks lovingly at adora while she walks away. shadow weaver praises adora’s successful war crime and adora is like i couldn’t have done it without the others aka catra <3 and in this fake reality she succeeded in persuading shadow weaver to let catra come with her! adora goes to the force captain briefing and gets roasted by scorpia because scorpia is still like. jealous of adora because you know..... you know how you hate the person your crush is in love with? yeah <3 adora freaks out because the universe is falling apart and she keeps getting visions from her real life. and then catra appears, and all the weirdness stops for a moment. i think it is so interesting how the world starts falling apart faster when catra isn’t there, but when catra is there things in the fake reality start to look and feel a little more normal. it’s like.... catra and adora’s connection is so strong that when they’re together... they can stabilize the collapse of a reality. just for a little while. just to have a little more time together. their gay levels are THAT strong. they’re like level 5000 lesbians. and they just keep leveling up as the show goes on which is why by s5 they can defeat an intergalactic conquerer just by making out LMAOOOOO anyway. catra is very worried about her wife. she’s all “adora, what is wrong?” yeah she’s so worried she doesn’t even use a contraction. adora takes out the slip of paper and shows it to catra. “did you write this?????” and catra looks at it and is like “did i write a blank piece of paper? i’m gonna go with no.” which. KFKDKFKDKFKDKFFJ BROOOO WHY IS THAT SO FUNNY. it’s like not supposed to be funny because adora is having a meltdown but it’s so fucking funny i—moving on. adora starts properly freaking out and catra is like hey :( u ok omg :( calm down :( and she puts her hand on adora’s shoulder but adora swats it away like I CAN’T CALM DOWN :( and she starts rambling and referencing stuff that happened and this vision of catra betraying adora in promise shows up (i think it’s catra’s memory?????) and catra slaps adora. which. HEY :( but also it’s like very funny. and adora is like ow :( what was that? :( and catra is like sowwy!!!! :( u were freaking out!!!! and it was freaking me out!!!!! :( and adora is like well u didn’t have to Slap Me :(((((( and is like why would my evil catgirl gf do this. have i not loved her enough :( is this the thanks i get for loving her with my entire heart :( and catra grabs her arm and is like come on!!!! let’s get you outside!!!! you need some air :) and oh. oh man. oh to have my hand/arm lovingly held by a girl as she giggles and excitedly drags me somewhere. the fucking dream. adora protests against getting air which (??????) u don’t want air? but u need air? to breathe? i know adora is just trying to say she doesn’t need to like go to her and catra’s secret place at the highest edge of the horde but then oh guess what? she’s there with catra. and adora is like how did we get here.... and catra looks depressed because her gf is losing it and that’s so sad 😔 she’s like how did we get here? we climbed up :( like we always do :( or am i the only one who remembers that :( and adora is like idk what’s happening to me :( it’s like i’m losing my mind..... and catra is like you just need to relax <3 by hanging out with me <3 and adora is like ur probs right :( am fine :( everything fine :( and she gets this glimpse of catra and catra smiling evilly at her but catra gets up and is like huh! ofc im right! Everything’s Perfect! soon, the two of us are gonna be ruling etheria together, just like we always planned 😺😸😹😻😼😽😾🙀 and quietly, adora goes “is that what you really want? to rule the world?” and catra gets this UHHHHH look akin to when someone asks u “hey, do you like apples? or are you just gay for me?” and you gotta awkwardly answer “what.... nooooo..... i’m not gay i fucking love apples” and so catra gets the exact face that expresses this sentiment and she’s like “i mean, yeah, obviously. isn’t that what you want too?” and it’s like UGHHHH because clearly neither of them want to rule the world! ruling the world was just an excuse for catra to be with adora, and when adora inevitably says “hey maybe we shouldn’t rule the world” catra will take it to mean “i don’t want to be with you” instead of “ruling the world is bad” and it’s just. it really tears me the fuck up bros! when catra says don’t you want to rule the world too? she really means don’t you want to be with me? and it’s just. HHHHHHHHH. i can NOT. i have had it up to HERE. adora says “i don’t know (re ruling the world lmao i went on a tangent earlier)” and catra is like “don’t flake out on me now!” like ruling the world is meeting up for lunch and suddenly adora texted at 11:30 am that she’s not really feeling up to it today :/ “this is what we always wanted”, catra continues to say, and we all know that “this” is..... the freedom to be with each other, without everything else getting in the way. “everything will be perfect as long as we stay together”. and she is right about that. but also catra’s current definition of them “staying together” isn’t right. adora and catra were always supposed to meet halfway. they will both have to grow to do that. but let’s not get 2 deep😩 i am here to have meltdowns and make gay jokes only😌 and then adora says “what if we don’t stay together? what if it all goes wrong?” which is like. damn that’s the show right there KFKSJDJSJDJ and adora sees lightning again and she gets upset because why can’t catra see the reality-cracking lightning too!!!! why can’t catra see the light!!!!! why can’t she see that she should be doing good things and not evil things!!!!! why can’t she see that she should be coming with me, running away with me, being with me in a place that’s safe!!!!! and catra grabs her hand and is like “adora!!! stay with me, okay? :( you’re just seeing things. it’s all in your head” and it is all so terribly tragic and sad. ah, the age old argument. come with me, stay with me. i will be whispering this in decades’ time, spreading gay tales to my loved ones. after this, lonnie is calling for adora and catra. “thought we’d find you up there” FJSJDJSJDJD the way it’s just like an open secret that catra and adora are gay and have a gay hangout spot where they do gay things. incredible. adora finds out an entire week has passed all of a sudden and she grips her head in frustration and catra is like adora? :( and holds her in concern. and adora is like ranting about how there’s something wrong with space and time!! and catra is just freaked out and begging her to stop because adora please! please stop finding the destruction of reality weird and hold my hand! i haven’t been happy since the day you left! and.... hoo okay sadness. catra’s holding her arm and adora’s like we’re not supposed to be here!!! catra holds her upper arms and goes “adora, everything’s okay!” and adora snaps and tells her to stop saying that! because this isn’t right! because she will lose everything, including catra, if she does not fix this. “everyone keeps telling me everything is perfect but it’s not! everyone except... scorpia” so she runs away to find her and catra is like adora!!! adora, where are you going? please don’t go. don’t go where i can’t follow😔😔 but adora is gone. we get this whole thing with scorpia and adora and adora is straight up just so petty. about scorpia hating her. which mood because i want everyone to like me. all the time. but also adora in scorpia’s defense she has a crush on a certain catgirl who will Not Shut Up about you :/ adora gets flashbacks about catra and realizes that the girl she’s been inappropriately touching for the past.... day? is the one who did the thing that is destroying reality❤️ LMAOOOOO this would be like... hm actually not many situations available to describe this. except. have you been flirting with the thing that’s been trying to kill us? have you been in love with the thing that’s been trying to kill us? yeah stuff like that <3 “catra did this. she captured me, she took... the sword. she activated the portal!” LFKSKDKSKDKDK you know what? this would be 58384848484 times funnier if they had canonically banged during the fake reality before adora realized the world as they all knew it was about to end <3 and you know what? they did bone. but it was cut for time <3 KFKDKDKDK JKJK god i need to like shut up for once in my life. but if i did that, these evaluations which no one asked for would not exist❤️ adora loses scorpia and razz (temporarily) and lonnie and she finds catra again! even tho she now remembers that catra kidnapped her and took her sword and used it for the portal and activated her portal.... she immediately grabs catra and pulls her along with her. despite knowing all that..... for the moment she is acting on instinct and doesn’t care. she just wants to keep catra with her and keep catra safe because the portal is swallowing up so many people and she cannot lose catra. adora drags her to this weapons closet that closes behind them and catra, instead of kissing her in this enclosed space (WIMP), shakes her and is like hey! you’ve officially lost it, haven’t you? and adora is like listen, we have to go. now! scorpia, lonnie, kyle, rogelio, they’re all gone! but catra is like what are you talking about? who’s gone? and adora’s all they’re gone. there’s nothing left. and we’ll be next if we don’t get out of here right now. and she’s so firm about it putting her entire foot down because No. not catra. she Cannot lose her. but catra is so stuck in wanting some part of all this to be real that she’s arguing with adora that she’s not making sense and Everything Is Fine. and adora goes “don’t say it’s Perfect. i know it’s not perfect and so do you!” because... she just knows catra that well. and she knows catra is smart enough to see what’s going on if scorpia did that too. catra’s choosing to repress it all, but adora’s words snap catra into memory for a moment, and she remembers it, maybe even remembers it all, and i think.... it all just hurts too much and she’d rather not be in that reality so she acts like she doesn’t know a thing and tells adora she’s not going anywhere. frustrated because she can’t convince catra, adora picks up one of the stun barons and... tases catra KFKSKDKDKDKSKDK and i can’t help but think of when catra tased adora back in sword part 2 (1x02) and man that is not good but also so funny that they’ve both tased each other. there’s this desperation there in both instances that we should definitely not romanticize at all but they just. deep down they will just do close to anything to keep the other with them. and it is messed up! and i’m glad that a little ways down the road they unlearn this but also.... wow. adora catches catra tenderly in her arms as she slumps against her, literally fucking BRIDAL CARRYING catra out and running away from the crumbling horde. literally IMAGINE IF LIKE. catra did not wake up and fight with adora. imagine if catra had stayed passed out longer and adora had fixed the portal without anyone getting left behind. and catra was still unconscious and she like walks out of the portal back into where they all were with catra in her arms like that. just like hey i fixed the portal :) all of us nearly died and it was kind of partially this catgirl’s fault but i’m like low key desperately in love with her so can we keep her? lmao :-) anyway. adora steals a skiff again (lmao first ep throw back! remember their date) and flies her and catra out of the crumbling world. catra wakes up, watching adora’s determined face as she flies them out and catra’s like WAIT WTF DIDN’T U TASE ME and is like hypocritically fighting adora trying to grab the stun baton. bad idea! adora’s DRIVING you don’t attack the driver!! but catra does not often make good decisions </3 the skiff crashes and they both fall off. they get up, look at each other angrily and run after the stun baton. catra grabs it first but adora hits it out of her hand and grapples catra who continues to keep reaching for the weapon. “catra, you can’t. we need to get as far from the fright zone as possible or we’ll be completely erased along with everything else.” “you think you can convince me by kidnapping me?” well no but goddamn the world is COLLAPSING catra PLEASE :( also is the power of love not enough? catra she loves you she’s in love with you she would pull you from the depths of hell even if you threw everyone in there in the first place!!!!!! that’s how deep this runs because that’s not even a metaphor adora has identified you as the main party who brought upon this reality ripping portal and still!!! she wants you saved. is that not fucking hot? :/ is that not sexy enough for you? :/ KFKSKDKSKDK jkjk okay catra continues with “what is wrong with you?!” and throws adora over her shoulder. not to like. ruin a very heated and serious moment in the show. but catra throwing adora like it’s nothing is like... very strong..... and when you remember how adora likes strong girls........ KFKDKDKDKDKDKDJ adora b like ow that hurts 😔 u free next friday? 😳 catra goes up to the stun baton again and adora kicks it away. “i won’t leave you behind again.” “why can’t you just stay? we have everything we ever wanted.” BITCH THE WORLD IS COLLAPSING IN ON ITSELF. THERE’S A PORTAL EATING UP REALITY. STAY WHERE? “it’s not real, catra.” YES. save the world first, and then after this you can play rock paper scissors and the loser will go with the winner❤️ wouldn’t it be so funny if they did that. if they decided to leave it up to chance. if adora was like well the horde is evil but if you beat me in rock paper scissors i guess i will follow you wherever you go. and then they like fix the portal and everyone is like yay hey adora lets go back to bright moon! and she’s like yeah uh i gotta hash out this situation with my gf real quick uh just a little heads up i might be bringing the horde’s best strategist and leader over to our side OR i might be fighting for the bad people again :/ so wish me luck and everyone just had to stand there and watch as adora and catra held their hands out and went ROCK PAPER SCISSORS SHOOT anyway. “as much as i wish that things could be simple the way they used to be, there’s no going back.” and she holds catra gently and in many ways i think she’s sort of acknowledging that she really, really just wants that light hearted playful dynamic with catra back. they both just experienced it again. they both just threw themselves back into it again. and adora really wants to be happy with catra, she would stay with catra if she could, but she has overwhelming responsibilities and an overwhelming sense of responsibility that was instilled in her from a young age. and she thinks she shouldn’t get to choose her happiness, to put herself first. also like. THE HORDE IS EVIL DJSJDJSNDNSJS like. that’s a really important part too. it’s kind of hard for catra to distinguish that though because she’s had very. evil things done to her all her life. and she held on for so long because she thought adora would always be there with her but then adora walks away and makes it seem like. it could have been that easy. but it can’t have been that easy because if it was so easy why did catra have to suffer so much for? also adora didn’t run away to save catra. she had this destiny thrust upon her, and she chose to leave the horde before inviting catra along, which is not wrong of her at all, but it inevitably made catra feel like an afterthought. and now... things are kind of damaged. and catra just wants to run if adora won’t stay, so she shoves adora and takes off and adora lunges after her, tackling her, and adora decides to confront catra about the big elephant in the room, the thing she’s not said a thing about to catra until now when they’re fighting because she was so desperate to save catra before. “why did you do it?” “i don’t know what you’re talking about!” which is a lie but now that she really gets to see the consequences of her rage and anguish filled actions, i don’t think catra can properly explain it either. she was just so angry and she had built this narrative in her head that it was adora’s fault, and so she just wanted to do everything that adora didn’t want her to do. except u failed catra😔 adora wants you to love her and you do, you do love her😔 oopsie😔 you just don’t show it in healthy ways most of the time because your relationship is fraught with tragedy and abusive upbringings💔 adora gives up questioning catra for the moment because “there’s no time. we have to go.” catra grunts as adora’s childhood promise plays in her mind and it is overlaid with the adora of the present telling her “i promise, everything will be okay if we just stay together.” and goddamn adora really means it. she’s literally willing to patch everything up together even after everything if catra will just Decide right here, right now, to go with her. right then, the memory of adora first asking catra to come with her plays and adora is asking her, “help me fix this, please, this can’t be what you wanted” because adora knows! she knows how caught up catra was, in her pain and anger and desperation to win, to overcome all the times she lost growing up. she believed that catra, with her loving heart that saved adora everyday they knew each other growing up, could not have wanted to erase all of reality. to erase what they had. but just because adora knows that doesn’t mean catra does. all the rage and pain and resentment that led to her opening the portal, it is still there, and it is still affecting her judgement in a bad way, and by reminding her that she cannot just repress it all, that she cannot just play pretend with adora until their time is up,,,, this leads her to lash out again :( :( :( “don’t you get it? i am never going to go with you.” i wanna be like sad but also this bitch straight up LYING remember that other time she said “don’t you get it?” remember what came after that? so maybe catra in this moment is too angry and consumed by self hatred, too proud to admit she wants adora when she thinks adora doesn’t want her the way she wants her.... but “never”? lmaooooo ok :/ catra evil gay laughs and goes “you always have to go and ruin it, don’t you?” ruin what???? the illusion????? the pretenses you work so hard to keep to cover up how deep the feelings you both have run??? catra lunges for adora and fights with her, scratching and missing because adora is dodging and catra’s heart is too.... sigh..... she’s too fucking gay to really bring it ok? no matter how angry she is she still loves adora too much to give it her best. adora doesn’t fight back, mostly defending and pushing catra away. “catra, look what’s happening. you’re going to destroy everything!” catra stomped on her heart and she still wants to Convince her, which is really sad, for now, for both of them. and catra goes feral and is like “i don’t care! i won’t let you win. i’d rather see the whole world end than let that happen.” :( bro? this song is so sad. can we change it? sigh. catra is too far gone at the moment. everything, even the slightest concession to adora, even at the expense of existence, is like admitting defeat to catra. and when catra says she’d rather see the whole world end than let adora win, she’s also saying she’d let herself... die. and that is just so sad. bro who gave season three the right. like... i am so exhausted. i am just trying to call some bitches out for being gay, i did not sign up for all this pain. i am so exhausted. this episode is twenty odd minutes or so. you know how many hours i’ve spent writing this? it’s not anyone’s fault but mine for being extra, but man i am so tired. i love seeing catradora interact, but god, at what cost? the portal rips up the ground between them, and catra grabs at adora, clutching onto her badge. i cannot tell if she was just trying to take it off or she wanted to grab adora and pull her close too. “catra, no!” adora grabs catra’s wrist but the badge falls off and catra falls too. “catra!” catra is on some rock in the falling heap, and adora reaches for her but she’s too far away. still, she keeps her hand outstretched. but catra, who’s hanging on by a rock at this point, gives her this look of... almost helplessness. that then hardens into resentment and anger and she just. lets go. and adora, who has tears in her eyes, is just. she absolutely crumbles here. and she runs a good distance away and falls to her knees and just starts SOBBING. she is just crying so hard over losing catra AGAIN and it’s just. That’s Too Much, Man! thankfully, razz shows up and is like stop crying bitch u can still save her ❤️ so adora decides to stop crying for all time and gets to work❤️ 10/10 but also did i ask? :/ yes i did and i am in so much pain right now. my god what an episode
the portal: it’s so fucking refreshing not seeing catradora for a bit <3 i spent hours watching remember ok. here i am now starting the last ep at least a full week later because of how much it was. sometimes this show is too gay <3 i love it tho! i do <3 it’s just hard having to pause and replay every five seconds and write an essay about the tiniest thing <3 and i know what you’re thinking <3 no one asked me to do this <3 no one asked me to be so extra <3 and yet <3 anyway, more than half of the ep passes with adora losing bow and glimmer in the end, but as she’s crying on her knees again she lifts her head up and corrupted!catra touches her forehead with one finger. oh <3 that’s gay <3 anyway, catra’s here because she died but she’s got like nine lives so she’s back now and infected by the collapsing portal. oh great! we get what is probably the most cursed ḩ̵͕̺̯͚̞͈̰̤͎̥̗̳͂̽̃̄͌̎̅̈́̏̎͘͝͝ẻ̷͇͚͈̤̪̖̜̥̥̱̼̅̒͌͗͝y̴̥̺̓͌͊͌̊͒͌̏̔̕͝ ̶̧̟̤̠̯̱̳͕̙̯̔ͅá̶̤͉͕̱̰̮̺̮̝̗̱̲͓̺̯̒͐͐d̵̈̑̄̌͝��̨̟̖̦̍̆̀̾̊̑̽͗ȏ̷̊��̧̢̨̞̮͇̟̘̘̠̼͆̐̉̉̀̌̿ͅŗ̴̢̬͚͉̦̘̪̜̥̑̔̈́̀̒͂͗͜͠ͅą̸̡̡͕͈͚͕̼͔̳͔̖̙̯̱̓͗̊́. the look on adora’s face when she’s greeted with this is very interesting. she gives catra this little once over. on one hand, catra isn’t gone like adora thought when she had lost her into the collapsing portal, but also something about this catra definitely doesn’t look right. catra then proceeds to slam adora into another dimension. flat against the bar table in the crimson waste... and ngl it looks like. catra slammed her on the table for :/ stuff :/ that’s like :/ you know :/ banging :/ and adora even looks around for a moment because catra isn’t there and adora’s thinking damn where u at catra? :/ so you didn’t slam me against this table for... no? :( we aren’t gonna slam ass? :( but then surprise surprise! catra straddles her at the last moment! adora gasps and catra is like oh... where are your friends? in that unsettling corrupted tone. notice how adora has been silent this entire time. so horny you couldn’t speak bitch? :/ sadly, catra lunges for adora and adora realizes that catra is still evil and that she isn’t going to kiss her gently on the lips after all 😔 adora grabs catra by the arm and pulls her close. she puts her other hand on catra’s shoulder. adora baby.... you don’t need to touch her with both hands. are you that gay? yes. why am i even asking that question. “catra, stop. you have to–“ catra pushes her face aside. “it’s always the same with you, adora. i have to do this, oh we have to do that!” and then they’re like gay struggling against each other? and catra pulls adora up and holds her tight against her, adora’s arm bent over catra’s shoulder to keep her there. then with her other arm she wraps her elbow around adora’s other arm to further restrain her? and then she puts her face right against adora’s cheek. i don’t know how to explain this. it’s just. homoerotic. damn the gays fight like this? catra then tosses adora aside and they land somewhere else. catra says like things to adora that are about her insecurities and stuff. but i’m not gonna get into those <3 isn’t that so sexy of me? instead i will say this. catra kind of like fights one sidedly with adora a lot in this segment where they go through various locations we’ve seen in the show, and she like talks a lot of shit. but let’s focus on how adora’s feeling <3 she goes through it like this. 1) not horny anymore! i’m scared/insecure/angry with catra now 2) catra throws adora into the big chair on mara’s ship and catra slams her hand against it next to adora’s face like how someone might do before you kiss them in movies 3) horny again 4) catra doesn’t say sorry for the mean things corrupted her said and she didn’t kiss her gently on the lips so adora gets her shit together and realizes all the things evil corrupted catra is saying is not her fault! she pushes catra away and is like “i didn’t make you pull the switch. i didn’t make you do anything! i didn’t break the world, but i am gonna fix it. and you? you made your choice. now live with it!” and in between all that she fights back against catra and at the end she does you know that punch we all know about. but after the punch she calms down from that emotional breakthrough high and gets this :( face. at the end of the day... no matter how far gone catra went, no matter how right she was in setting those boundaries and making it clear catra has to be responsible for her actions, adora cares. adora loves her, it’s the one thing she can’t help. and to see catra sink so deep into the darkness... it hurts her. adora watches catra disintegrate when they fall into the wormhole thing that the portal caused, and she has this like. >:( :( look because adora’s planning to fix everything anyway, the upsetting thing here for her is that she failed to make catra see sense. catra’s likely going back to the horde when all of this is over and there’s nothing adora can do about it. and at the moment i don’t think adora wants to try anymore after failing so many times... which is good for her! but also they are both going to be so sad after this </3 after the whole angella scene (miss that milf) adora gets the sword back and becomes she ra again. we go back to the scene in the horde and catra clutches the side of her face, so we know that was her but it also wasn’t Her, you know? like part of her face got corrupted by the portal and she just had to make sure she was real and whole again. adora comes back as she-ra and destroys the portal, prompting catra to escape. but she looks back at the last moment, looks back angrily, and adora gives her an equally hard stare. she’s done with catra, for the moment, and catra realizes this, and it kind of hits her that this adora is different now. and for a moment she is sad and afraid, but she pulls it together to make a mean face again, before running away. 9/10
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Hi, there dear Colour! Hope you've been good! I've been thinking about what you said about Dani's love languages, and here's the thing: physical touch is definitely one of hers because of the restaurant scene where she's glued to Jamie and is stroking her thigh under the table. Also, the scene in their bedroom where she's watching an old movie and Jamie is reading a book and she does the legs thing. She's also like that with the kids and even Hannah. She holds Eddie's hand whilst breaking up with him to show him that she still cares about him deeply. She looks absolutely devastated when he pulls away.
However, I feel like Dani struggles a lot expressing her feelings and what's exactly going on in her head bc she's a people pleaser. This is probably bc of her shitty childhood (she talks about it with Miles on ep. 4) and having to be good all the time and agree to things to please others and say she's fine when she's not. And then there's the selfless trait that aggravates all of this even more. I can only remember three times (correct me if I'm wrong) where she conveyed her feelings candidly: first, when she's on the phone with her mom "it hurts me when you say that"; second, on the beast in the jungle speech; third, when she asks Jamie to marry her. She often talks refined for fear of rejection/conflict which really doesn't sit well with Jamie.
In the scene where Jamie goes back to work after days of not showing up and after their first kiss, Jay is not impressed at all by Dani's attempts of courtship bc she skirts around the issue and tries to act as if what happened didn't shatter their entire world. So when Jamie calls her out on it she finally acquiesces and tells her how she feels about it in an almost childish way "I don't like the way we left it". She's surprisingly inarticulate here, I don't think she prepared for that part at all. Feels like she prepared to do and say all the other things in that scene but this. She had articulated this whole plan to win the girl back but wasn't expecting to be dragged first thing in the morning lol.
My point is: words of affirmation as one of her love languages is not entirely accurate but it's also not wrong! Hear me out. I think she acquired this particular habit from Jamie. Jay can be quite blunt. It's not a lack of politeness or that's she's crude (except when she's trying to be funny haha). It's like she sees no point in trying to circumvent what she really wants to convey. She tells Dani several times throughout their relationship how she feels about her. Hell, she makes a little speech on bonfire night like, girl? Did she even try to be smooth? Haha. They hadn't even kissed yet! That entire episode she's trying to flirt with Dani with absolutely no reciprocity bc our girl is going through some shit, and Jamie is trying to understand really. Gets her alone to try and talk about what's troubling Dani. Then feels bad for kissing her bc she should know better than to chase after a vulnerable "straight girl" (also Dani's reaction to the kiss was pretty humiliating to her).
Anyway, Dani learns how to express herself better with Jamie and in turn, Jamie learns being easily intimate with someone doesn't mean they want something from her or that they're trying to fuck with her. And that's one of the incredibly magnificent things about their relationship right? The way they grow from each other and how well they complement one another. Do you think any of this makes sense? 😅 Haha. What do you think their other love languages are? I feel like people usually have at least two.
What are your plans for the weekend? Hope you have a good one!
Hey yeah I've been great thanks hope you have too!! I 100% agree that Dani has a love language of touch because were see her do so much of it in the show, always reaching out for people, or just looking for little signs of touch in any way she can with all of the people she cares about. Now when I say that Dani's other love language is words of affirmation what I mean by that is she loves to HEAR those things, not that she particularly does it to others. I feel like she constantly likes being told these amazing things because she didn't have much of that in her childhood and even as she got older with how her mother was with her. I think she responds so well to OTHER people saying nice things about her and she knows that's how they really care about her because she never heard much of it growing up with her dad dying and her mother being distant. The reason I say this again is because that's how my two love languages work. I am so much of a physical person and often reach out to people or hug them or anything- the other day at work one of my new work friends was crying and the first thing I did was pull her into a hug. I'm not much of a talker when it comes to feelings and would rather be there for someone hugging them or holding their hand or anything over talking... however... I do LOVE being told nice things about me when I am with someone or want comfort. Being told that someone is proud of me, or that I did a good job, or that I look nice or anything is so huge for me and I feel like maybe Dani responds the same way. To others she is way more physical but when it comes to herself I think she really loves being told these great things about her, especially from someone like Jamie. I totally agree with you that Jamie learns to be more intimate and Dani learns to be more open through being with each other. I am firm in my beliefs of Dani's love languages being physical touch and words of affirmation... for the reasons stated you're free to disagree obviously But I think Jamie's could be Quality time and ... I don't know about the other. I feel like quality time because she never really had that with anyone so to Jamie wanting to be around someone all the time is a true mark of how she feels about them and how they feel about her. We know she had a pretty lonely childhood and that she kept to herself a lot but I think when she truly loves someone she just wants to spend time with them like she did with Dani. I think quality time for Jamie is a huge one... but I don't know about the second one for her... what do you think? I am spending a little bit of the day tomorrow with one of my sister's her husband and their daughter (my niece that is a little mini me) and then on Sunday I am spending the day with one of my brother's his wife and their 4 kids so gonna be a pretty busy weekend but it'll be a good one... what about your plans for the weekend?
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let-it-raines · 5 years
another kind of green (10/10)
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Emma Swan spends her days in pretty white dresses and heavy layers of makeup. Day after day and dress after dress, she poses for pictures and acts like she’s in love and having the happiest day of her life with the man standing next to her.
It’s not. This is all a gig, and at the end of the day, she’s no longer the girl in the pretty dress who’s faking getting married for a magazine cover or a wedding convention. Instead, she’s the girl who probably never wants to get married.
Little does she know, she already is.
Rating: Mature
a/n: I’m going to post this a few days early per a few requests, and I hope you all enjoy the ending! To those who were waiting to binge read the entire thing, now’s your opportunity! haha. 
Thanks to @xemmaloveskillianx​ choosing | forgotten first meeting + accidentally married | as her fic giveaway choice! It was difficult to figure out at first, but I had a great time writing it for you 💚 
ao3: beginning | current
Tumblr: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
“So,” he starts as Emma clasps her bra and adjusts the straps until they’re in place, “that was – ”
“A one-time thing,” she quickly says, not allowing him to finish. “I’m not interested in anything more.” “Aye, neither am I.”
It’s been awhile since a had a one-night stand. They used to be more common for him, even if they did usually turn into month-long flings, but not so much lately. Tonight is an outlier, a what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas kind of cliché, and no matter how much he’d like to pull Emma back into bed with him for another round, she seems ready to go.
Good. That’s likely for the best for both of them.
No strings attached.
“Good. We’re in agreement then. Thanks for the – ”
“The best orgasm of your life?” 
Emma throws her head back with laughter, her tangled hair cascading down, and she quickly brushes through it with her fingers. God, her hair was soft. “Don’t flatter yourself. It was good, but I’m not giving you the best title.”
She reaches down and grabs her leggings, and he decides he should get dressed, too, pulling his jeans back on. “You going to give me another chance to try to take that top spot?”
“Huh. You wish.”
“I obviously do.”
She’s got to be one more cheeky statement away from slapping him.
They both keep getting dressed, falling silent in their conversation, and then all of the sudden they’re standing in front of his hotel room door. When did they move? Maybe the champagne affected him a little more than he thought if time is blurring together like that.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Emma rasps.
“Going down to the casino.”
“You can’t go to the casino. I’m going to the casino.”
“It’s a big city, love. I imagine we can both go. There is quite the selection of casinos.”
“I’m going to this one, though. I do not want to have to go to another hotel when I have a bed here.”
“Well, then, I guess we’ll have to manage to share the same space. We’ve been sharing a rather close space for the past hour, so I think we’ll be right as rain.”
Her eyes roll, and she quickly turns away, grabbing the rest of her belongings and opening his door. Killian follows, keeping his distance behind her, but they easily fall in step with each other. It’s weird walking with her now, hostility running between the two of them in the very hallway where she practically had her hand down his pants an hour ago. Killian tries not to think about it, to think about how damn good that felt and how frustrating it is to have Emma be so put off by him now.
This woman doesn’t make any sense.
Then again, who spends time together after a one-night stand? You either get up and leave right afterward, sneak away in the middle of the night, or have awkward conversation in the morning. Or possibly morning sex, but that’s the best case scenario.
They’re having awkward conversation right now. He should have stayed in the room. Instead he’s standing in an elevator with the woman he just fucked, and he’s never felt quite so claustrophobic.
As soon as the doors open, he’s going in the opposite direction of her. That’ll fix all of these problems.
“Hey,” someone yells when the doors open, “you two got married earlier!”
“Wrong people,” Emma mumbles as she steps out of the elevator.
“No, no, it was the two of you,” another girl says. It’s an entire group of them, all in matching outfits. Bloody hell. It’s a bachelorette party. Why do women insist on dressing alike when someone is getting married? “You had on the most gorgeous dress. It made me want to throw out my dress and buy a new one.”
“Oh, don’t say that. Your dress is gorgeous.”
“But it wasn’t like hers!”
“Yours is better. No offence.”
“None taken,” Emma laughs, looking over at him and smiling before quickly turning away and crossing her arms over her chest. Well, at least she smiled. “I’m sure your dress is gorgeous.”
“Thank you. I’m Anna, by the way. Can we buy you two some drinks? We’ve got a package with the hotel, and I’d just love to hear a little about the wedding.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Emma begins, nibbling on her lip. “I, we – ”
“That sounds great, Anna,” he interrupts. “Emma and I would love that.”
He knows Emma is shooting daggers at him with her eyes, and honestly, he doesn’t blame her. He’s just roped them into spending more time together as well as spending time with an overenthusiastic bachelorette party. If the woman didn’t already dislike him for everything outside of sex, she’d hate him now.
But honestly, it’s not bad. The women are nice, if not a bit loud, and he and Emma manage to string together some kind of fake story about their wedding and their courtship. Neither of them discussed actually telling them the truth, but he has a feeling they would all be absolutely devastated if they learned the truth. They’re very much a group who are in love with love, and if the drinks they’re getting weren’t so damn strong, he’d be bitter about it and say something about being engaged not being all it’s cracked up to be.
He couldn’t tell anyone what marriage is like. But engagement? He knows enough about that, and his certainly wasn’t like this.
“Do you want another one?” Emma asks him.
She raises her hand over the bar, her sweater rising to show off her toned stomach, and orders them two more drinks. They might as well take advantage of the free drinks while they’re here.
“So, how long are we going to keep telling these women that we’re married?” she asks as she takes another sip of her drink. It’s mostly ice now, but she can’t seem to stop. “As long as we’re getting free drinks? Does that make us horrible people?”
“It makes us opportunists.”
Her eyes roll. “If it wasn’t one in the morning, I would probably protest.”
“It’s a good thing it’s one in the morning then, isn’t it, love?”
The drinks keep flowing as they move away from the bar and move toward the casino, spreading out to slot machines and poker tables. It’s been awhile since he played. Liam used to love the game, and everything Killian knows about it is from him. That’s a good thing when Killian starts winning a little money. It’s not such a great thing when security comes over because they suspect he might be counting cards.
His brain is not functional enough to count cards right now.
He’s definitely drunk. He knows that he is, and at some point today he should have had a little more water. This has not been his most well thought through day.
“Who knew you were such a rebel, nearly getting kicked out of a casino?” Emma asks, walking up to him and poking him in the chest after security finally lets him go. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“Darling, you barely know me.”
“True,” she slurs. “What do you say we get out of here since I don’t think security is going to let you keep playing?”
She stumbles, just briefly, and Killian grabs her waist, squeezing her hips. “I thought you said you didn’t want to leave the hotel.”
“Did I?”
“I think so.”
“Huh. Well, I’ve never been to Vegas. I’d like to explore. C’mon, Jones. Let’s go. It’s not like you have anything better to do.”
“No, love, I suppose I don’t.”
One minute he’s standing in the middle of the casino floor only inches away from Emma, and the next they’re walking hand in hand around the Venetian as Killian weaves some kind of story about how they’d tell Anna and her friends that they honeymooned in Italy and how they would absolutely eat that story up. He keeps thinking this isn’t real, that Emma shouldn’t still be standing next to him and that this is all a dream fueled by their sex, but she feels real.
She is definitely real.
And he’s very aware of how she’s clinging onto him in the small room that they’re in.
Wait. Weren’t they just outside? They were. They were also thinking about getting a gondola to ride, but now all of the sudden they’re in a room with the two of them, a few other people, and an Elvis impersonator.
What the fuck?
“You may now kiss your bride.”
Killian looks at Elvis before looking at Emma, and all the sudden he remembers walking into this chapel and remembers that he and Emma are getting married. She’s so pretty like this, her smile so bright, and he can’t quite believe she agreed to marry him. He thought he already had the one woman who would say yes to marrying him, but she eventually changed her mind. Now he’s got another chance.
This is a bloody brilliant idea.
Quickly, Killian bends his knees and dips his head down until his mouth is pressing against Emma’s.
Emma Swan is kissing him.
Emma. Swan. Is. Kissing. Him.
Killian knows how she kisses. He remembers how she moves her lips and how she knows how to perfectly move between aggressive and careful, and he knows that’s exactly what she’s doing right now.
The thing is, he can’t quite believe it’s real.
That she’s real.
He hasn’t seen her in two weeks. The Academy has been kicking his ass six ways to Sunday, and all he’s done is go to training, come home to eat and study, fall asleep, and then wake up and do it all again. He’s been awful at keeping up with his relationships and with his runs with Emma, and he kept meaning to call her. It was killing him that he kept blowing her off, but then he’d get called away and the thought would slip his mind.
How could Emma Swan have ever slipped his mind?
That’s something he’s been asking himself for months now as he desperately tries to remember every single detail of the day they met and the hours following. Only bits and pieces have come back after they slept together, and as much as he wants to know what happened, maybe it’s better if he never remembers.
Maybe it’s better if he leaves in the here and now because Emma is doing this particularly delicious thing with her tongue that has his heart pounding.  
This is about the last thing he ever expected to happen when he told her they were married and that they’d need an annulment.
God, they were supposed to go out to celebrate the annulment.
Emma starts to move away, her mouth fleetingly leaving his, but he doesn’t let her, wrapping one arm around her back and pulling her toward him while his other hand grabs onto her ponytail and gently tilts her head in the way that he wants to. She got to kiss him the way she wanted, and he damn well intends to get the same opportunity.
Now that the initial shock of her being here is over, now that he knows with complete certainty that this is real, he can feel the softness of her lips and the glorious way that her breasts press into his chest. He’s felt all of these things before, but it wasn’t like this. The last time was different. It was in a buzzed haze of lust and champagne, and while he feels the slightest buzz now, it’s nothing that would make him forget.
How could he ever again?
“Emma,” he whispers as he pulls back, resting his forehead against hers while they both pant, trying to catch their breaths, “what’s happening?”
And then he’s being shoved backward until he’s stumbling back into his apartment and Emma is following behind him. She’s strong, but she shouldn’t have been able to shove him backward as much as she did. Then again, showing up and kissing the holy hell out of him is the exact way to catch him off guard so that he’d stumble over practically anything.
What the hell is happening?
Now that he’s looking at her, he can see the fury in her eyes and the way that her hair is falling out of her ponytail. She’s covered in a light sheen of sweat, and when he looks down at her feet, he sees that she’s in her running shoes.
In the weirdest way, he’s missed those shoes.
She ran here.
“It takes five seconds to text,” Emma pants. His body is having a difficult time ignoring the rasp of her voice and the sweat on her skin, especially as it trickles down between her breasts. “It takes five seconds for you to tell me whatever the hell has been going on that you haven’t been able to go on our runs or get dinner or do whatever the hell it is that we do. Because do you know how it looks to me when I tell you about how shitty people have treated me only for you to practically disappear the next day? Do you know how shitty it felt to get our annulment papers and then have you disappear? Because I thought – I thought we – ”
“We did. We do.”
Her brows shoot to her hairline. “We what?”
Killian takes a step forward, close enough to grab Emma’s hand, but he doesn’t. “We were friends. Are. We are friends, love. I also thought that we might possibly be more. You kissing me kind of confirms that for me.”
Her cheeks turn the prettiest shade of red, and the corners of Killian’s lips tug up. He bets she hates herself for blushing right now. “I’ve kissed you before. You don’t know that it means something.”
Impossible. She’s absolutely impossible.
He rather likes that about her. Quite a lot actually. Definitely more than he ever expected to when he met her.
Definitely more than he ever expected to like anyone again.
“I do.”
He braves the next step and moves closer to her, tucking a lose strand of her hair behind her ear. She doesn’t move away, and he has to hold in his exhale of relief.
“Don’t you know, Emma? It’s you. You make me sure of things I’d otherwise be unsure of, and you give me hope I haven’t felt in a long time.”
Her eyes are wider than he’s ever seen them, and unlike so many other days in his life where there’s nothing extraordinary happening, he knows that this is one that could change so much. “Your eyes are so beautiful, sweetheart. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like them before.”
“Do lines like that work on all of the girls?”
“I really only care if they work on you.” Emma huffs, and Killian dips his head down to hover his lips directly over Emma’s. He can feel her breath and the heat of her body. He can feel everything. “I’ve been having my ass kicked by training. I’m so exhausted day in and day out that I barely remember to eat. Not being able to run with you, not being able to have you take the piss out of me over my smoothie choices, has been torture. I didn’t want to leave you when the papers came in. I – ”
For the second time in five minutes, Emma slams her lips into his. She’s a force of nature, this one, and he’s not sure what to do.
Well, besides kiss her.
He’s completely blindsided by her being here, by her doing this, and somewhere in a small corner of his mind, he knows they should talk. He’s been burned enough times by physical relationships that he knows exactly how things like this go, but this isn’t that. This is a bloody confusing relationship that he couldn’t put into words if he tried.
“Are we – ”
“Do you – ”
Killian laughs into Emma’s mouth as she pushes him back into his apartment, his feet nearly tripping over Will’s bloody out of place shoes. “You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”
Emma stops kissing him, pulling back as he chases her lips, but he stops right before he captures them once more. “You were going to ask if we were going to have sex.”
“I was going to ask if you wanted to get dinner. A man likes to be courted.”
Her brow raises. “Are you serious?”
It’s nearly impossible for him to hold back his laugh. “Swan, there is literally nothing in the world I want more right now than to have you, but I need you to know that this isn’t going to be just sex for me, not like it was the first time. I know you now. I know the sound of your laugh and how you act when you don’t have coffee or food. I know, well, I know you more than I think either of us expected to get to know each other, and I don’t want this to be a one-time thing.”
He knows Emma well enough to know there’s a chance she’s about to walk back out his front door, but saying that was worth the risk. He doesn’t want to start something that’s going to end up hurting them both.
God, he should have found the time to call her this week. And last week. He’s got to apologize to her again.
Her chest heaves, the sweat there beginning to dry, and she opens her mouth only to snap it closed. “It’s not going to be a one-time thing. It means more to me now, too.”
He can’t seem to stray far from Emma, his hands running along the sides of her neck before falling down to her arms, and the way she’s working a spot on his neck is absolutely divine. She’s intoxicating, and every breath is not enough. That should terrify him. Hell, it should have him running out his own front door. This spark that runs hotly between them isn’t entirely new to him, and the last time it blew up in his face.
This has all the potential to do the same.
Or not.
“Is Will home?” Emma murmurs as they walk back toward his bedroom.
“At work.”
“Good. Wouldn’t want him walking out of his room and seeing this.” “It’d be quite the show.”
Emma pushes against his chest, but he easily grabs her waist and turns her around until he’s the one guiding her. She didn’t know where they were going anyway, was simply aimlessly guiding him until his back hit a wall and until her sweatshirt was left on the hallway floor. There’s so much happening right now that reminds him of their night in Vegas – the fumbling with clothes and heated kisses against walls as heat continues to simmer below his skin – but he knows this is different.
She knows it, too, which may be the best part of all.
A lifetime ago, he’d have despised himself for thinking things like that when a woman was undressing in front of him, but that was the past. This here and now? It’s better.
They’ve made it to his bedroom now, and his heart beats in a heavy pattern while his erection is tenting his sweatpants. It’s incredibly uncomfortable at this point, but he doesn’t intend to rush this. Not when things are so tentative and not when he’s been waiting for this moment.
“Oh my God,” Emma groans.
“Darling, I don’t think that’s the way you’re supposed to say those words in this particular situation. It’s supposed to sound a tad more…pleasant.”
“I can’t get my damn sports bra off.” “What?” Killian laughs, backing away from her to look at her as she tugs on her bra.
“I’m sweaty. Or, like, I was. I literally ran here. I can’t fucking get it off.”
His laughter keeps bubbling in his chest, mixing in with the heat between his legs and his focus on getting some kind of relief, but Emma is standing in his bedroom, half-naked, and she can’t get her damn bra off.
“I am probably the sexiest woman you’ve ever slept with, right?”
“Aye,” Killian says, completely serious. He steps forward and leans down to press his lips to her collarbone as he tugs the material of her bra up. It is stuck, but with a little willpower, he pulls it up and off of Emma until it’s falling to the ground so that she’s bare to him. “You are.”
Her cheeks flush red, and that flush moves down toward her breasts. It’s a beautiful sight with which he cannot wait to become more acquainted.  
“Shut up and get on the bed.”
“So demanding, lass.”
She rolls her eyes. “I don’t know about you, but I ran a few miles to get here, and I think I’m running on limited time before my body decides to stop working.”
“I haven’t slept more than four hours a night in two weeks.”
“So this is about to be really good sex then?”
“Aye, absolutely.”
Emma falls back onto the bed, and Killian cages her in, moving his mouth of hers and licking into her mouth while his fingers trail down her body, one hand palming her breast while the other finds the slickness between her thighs. He groans at the feeling, at knowing this is for him, and it doesn’t take long before her thighs are quivering from his ministrations. She’s very nearly there, her back arched off the bed, and this is better than any and all of his memories.
“Condom,” Emma pants. “Get a fucking condom.”
“I – ”
“Please do not make the joke I know you’re going to make.”
Killian huffs and curls his fingers inside of her once more before pulling out and leaving a soft kiss to her inner thigh, watching as her skin twitches with his touch. He quickly gets the condom from the box in his bedside drawer, rolling it on and wondering why the hell that takes so long, before he moves to hover over Emma again. She doesn’t let him, though, encouraging him to lay on his back as she straddles his hips and curls her fingers into his chest hair.
“This is a new side of you, love.”
“I’ve got a few of those.”
He arches a brow. “Really, now?”
“Hold your horses, tiger. One at a time. I’m not some kind of contortionist energizer bunny.”
He bites his cheek, a comeback on the tip of his tongue, but then Emma is guiding him into her, the warmth of her surrounding him, and all of the breath leaves his body at the feel of her.
Bloody hell.
He can already feel his release licking at his spine, but it’s too soon. There’s so much left to be done, and he’s not some teenage boy who’s going to fall apart at first touch.
Emma looks ethereal above him, even under the harsh lighting of his bedroom, and he watches as her eyelashes flutter against her cheeks and a smile curves at her lips. And then she starts moving. It’s slow and steady at first, the both of them testing each other out, but then his hands grab onto her hips and she really starts moving.
It’s like nothing he’s ever experienced before. “You’re absolutely everything,” he breathes. “Bloody magnificent.”
“Killian, I – ”
He nods and leans up to wrap his arms around her back, pulling her toward him so their chests brush together, and then he’s carefully flipping them around, slipping out of her for a moment before slamming back in. They’re both almost there, bodies shaking and breaths gone, and he’s purposeful with his thrusts and with the way he moves his hand where they’re joined until Emma sucks in a sharp breath and begins to fall, becoming more glorious by the second. He works her through it, letting her wide out the waves, but then he starts fucking her in earnest until his own release is thrumming at the base of his spine and working through him.
Killian collapses on top of her, crushing her with his weight before propping himself up on his elbows so he can look down at her and the absolutely goofy grin on her face. He’d like to see that more often.
“Better than the first time, aye?”
Emma laughs and reaches up to push his sweat-soaked hair off his forehead. “It’s not a competition, but yeah, better than the first.”
Killian huffs and falls to her side, quickly pulling off the condom and tying it before dumping it into the trash. “You should show up to my apartment more often then.”
Emma turns on the bed and reaches around to pull the comforter up over her. He grabs it and helps tug it up over both of them while Emma inches closer to him, leaning down and kissing his collarbone. He could go again if his body would let him, the adrenaline giving him more energy than he’s had in weeks, but it’s not going to last long.
“Was it really just that you were busy?” Emma asks. “It wasn’t – ”
Killian adjusts his arm under her shoulder and trails his fingers down her back while his other hand tries to smooth back some of her hair. “I should have made time for you. I wanted to. I will from now on. Love, I promise that it wasn’t because the annulment papers came in. I, well…”
“I was happy when they came in. It felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders, but a part of me was also terrified that you’d have nothing to do with me now that we had no reason to still be talking.”
Emma’s lips fall open before snapping shut. “I felt the same way.” 
She nods her head, looking at him with a small smile, before letting her head fall back against the pillow. Their noses are so close they’re almost touching.
The freckles on her cheeks are mesmerizing.
“If you haven’t worn me out, because I definitely plan on the two of us doing that again, I will go running with you in the morning.”
“What about training? Aren’t you exhausted?”
“Aye, but I think I’ll be able to survive. I’m a survivor, Swan. I also think I owe you a smoothie.”
“You owe me about ten smoothies.”
Killian chuckles and closes his eyes before opening them back up to the brilliant shade of green of Emma’s eyes. “I think I can handle that.”
“So, Jones,” she whispers, her own lips threatening to turn into a smile far brighter than the small one she’s been keeping since they started talking in the afterglow of it all, “I think we should go on a date.”
His brow arches. He wasn’t expecting that. He should have been, but they’re all sorts of messy right now. He’s not even exactly sure what he should be expecting when it comes to Emma.
He can’t wait to find out.
“Aren’t I supposed to be the one asking you out?”
“You are so old-fashioned.”
“Now, darling, I believe I fucked you, married you, annulled that marriage, fucked you again, and then agreed to date you. In that order. What could possibly be old-fashioned about that?”
Emma chuckles and leans forward to kiss him again. He wants to get used to that. “Did you agree to me asking you out? I don’t remember hearing that.”
Her eyes roll. She’s exasperated by him, but it’s not like it was at the beginning. It’s not true annoyance. It’s something entirely different.
Definitely, definitely better.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Emma Swan.”
They get married three years later.
It’s pouring down rain, a July storm coming in and surprising everyone, and Killian can barely hear David officiating the ceremony over the sound of the water hitting the ground around him and flooding into the Charles river. They wanted to do it by the damn bench that’s paint was messed up from the man sitting on wet paint all those years ago, had planned on it for a few weeks now, only to show up today and find that the city had finally fixed the bench after three years of it being messed up.
All of the signs were there for them to cancel these plans. There’s no special meaning to today, simply a date they picked on the calendar that was close enough to the day they met and fit their schedules, and they could have changed it when they found out it was going to rain.
Emma didn’t want to.
He didn’t either.
Killian’s wearing his dress uniform, and Emma has on a short, emerald green dress that hugs her curves and is driving him mad every time he looks at her. They were already dressed when it started pouring, and they both pretty much said what the hell. Why not? That’s kind of been their motto through the whole thing.  
They’re both wearing wellies.  
As are all of their friends.
They look ridiculous. He knows that they do, but he wouldn’t have it any other way when it comes to the love of his life and her happiness.
Neither of them ever wanted to legitimately get married, not after everything, but it’s funny how things change when you find the right person who’s willing to wade deep into the waters of life with you.
It’s funny how things change when you meet a woman whose eyes are another kind of green.
tag list: @xemmaloveskillianx​ @therealstartraveller776​ @stahlop @shardminds @carpedzem @captainsjedi  @galaxyzxstark @thejollyroger-writer @kmomof4 @tiganasummertree @xellewoods @idristardis @karenfrommisthaven @shireness-says @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @a-faekindagirl @ultimiflos @jamif @dreameronarooftop15 @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke  @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @teamhook @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @superchocovian @ultraluckycatnd @cs-forlife @andiirivera @qualitycoffeethings @jonirobinson64 @mariakov81 @spartanguard @snowbellewells  @onepunintendid​ @bluewildcatfanatic​
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writingsteph · 5 years
USWNT one shot
So I just have been writing this on my way to and from work...it’s been stuck in my head and I had to get it out haha...please withhold your harsher judgements!!
“You are not going out, Mal. You worked really hard during training today love and what you need is rest, not a night out.”
Mallory rolled her eyes at her maternal figure. Long gone were the days when Christen was a friend, in fact she wondered if there were ever a time when that was the case. Since that moment at 17 when she found her crying at training camp, Christen always cared for her... and hovered over her like a fucking vulture. Jesus Fucking Christ.
“Besides -” Christen continued, cutting the younger forward’s thoughts short, “You are 18, I’m not exactly sure what you’ll be able to do going out with the older girls anyways.”
Mallory felt her eyes water. She knew she was the youngest and she hated it when she was reminded it of it like this.
“Lindsay said they were going to the movies first before they go to a bar. I can go to the movies with them Chris.”
Christen looked at the beggar eyes the tiny girl was giving her. All the women on the team seemed to have accepted that Mallory needed a lot of guidance and that because of the bond her and Christen developed, it would be the older forward to do so. Christen was in all intents and purposes Mallory Pugh’s guardian during the season.
“What time is the movie?”
Mallory’s eyes immediately moved to the floor. Should she lie? Last time she lied to Press about where she was she got 5 swift spanks to her bottom, which really hurt! Thank God the only person that saw it was Tobin. She’d be devastated if her friends knew that Press occasionally spanked her bum.
Although, most of the veteran women on the team already knew.
“Bug.” Christen crossed her arms across her chest. “What time?” She had a feeling it would be something she wouldn’t agree to.
“Ten.” Mallory mumbled whilst looking down at the floor.
The woman sighed, knowing how Mallory would react, but being the girls guardian meant so much more than making her happy, “I think you know my answer Mal. You’re going to be coming back way too late and you know tomorrow is a travel and media day. I’m sorry honey but you’re staying in tonight. I want you to get out of your training clothes, shower, and you and I can watch a movie if you’d like.”
Christen was well aware of how obstinate and cranky Mal was when running on little sleep, and they did not need that on a day like tomorrow.
The teenager balled her hands into fists, “You’re so unfair!! What if I go out anyway? You can’t stop me!”
Christen took a step forward that made Mallory gulp in fear. “Oh little girl you have another thing coming if-“
Her tirade stopped when someone stepped into the room.
“Hey you twooooo—-ohhhh what did I walk into?”
Tobin saw a clear standoff between the girl and woman. Christen looked at her best friend for a quick second before going back to glowering at Mallory.
“She won’t let me go watch a dumb movie because it starts at 10. It’s so stupid and she can’t make me!” Mallory stomped her foot to make her point. But she knew that Christen could absolutely make her do this, which is why she was so upset about it in the first place.
Mallory looked towards Christen, “I wanna go out with Lindsay and Emily! I don’t wanna stay here and watch a movie with you, mom!”
Tobin looked at her best friend who looked like she was ready to put little Mal Pal in her place.
Tobin put a hand on Mallory’s shoulder, “Mal you know that what mom says goes. Your parents, the coaches, every player here have agreed to that, and so did you. Right?”
Mallory huffed, refusing to look at any of the two women.
“Yes or no Mally?”
Mallory swallowed hard, unable to handle the two women glaring down at her. Plus, having all of her emotions coming close to the surface was not helping. She felt ready to just be alone so she finally nodded with a small sniffle.
“You’re staying bub.” Tobin spoke gently, “and that is that.”
Both women saw all the fight leaving her. Christen could see the frustrated tears well up in her little bug’s eyes. She frowned. God, sometimes this was just so hard. And lately, Mallory would agree. The past week the teen had been fighting Christen, it seemed like, at every turn. The girl didn’t want to admit it but the stress of her performing at everyone’s expectations was really getting to her. Everywhere she turned someone was asking her about her performance as the youngest player. But what would happen the day she didn’t perform? The day she royally fucked up? Would everyone still love her? Would mama still love her? What about her aunty Tobs?
“I-I’m gonna go shower.” The teenager said through more sniffles. She didn’t want Christen to see her cry because the woman would want to comfort her and Mallory would not be able to say no because she loved snuggles with her soccer mom. Even when Christen was upset at Mallory she could never not hold their tiniest player when she cried.
But that’s exactly what she was trying to avoid at the moment. She feared she wouldn’t be able to hold on her deepest fears. She feared she’d slip.
When Christen heard the bathroom door completely close she flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling fan, “I think she’s gonna be the death of me Tobs.”
Tobin laughed and laid next to her friend, “Well if she kills you, I’ll have to kill her.”
“And if you kill her I’ll come back from the dead and kill you for hurting my baby girl.”
“There’s mama Press.” Tobin chuckled, rubbing Christen’s arm soothingly.
“She’s gonna be so grumpy the rest of the night.” Christen commiserated in a whisper.
“I can take her.” Tobin offered, “Her and I can finish binging the Office, you know Mallie loves it.”
“She’s so damn stubborn sometimes.”
“Come on Press, she’s kinda like you in that way.”
Press looked right at her friend and couldn’t help but laugh, “Yeah. I guess so.”
“So will you let me take her?”
Press sighed. She wished that Mallory would stay with her that night and they could have some mother daughter time. Christen could tell how much the teen needed it.
Mallory needed to destress, else it get the better of her either personally or on the pitch. And the mother knew that a certain 18 year old was fighting hard against her coping mechanism. Christen remembered the first time she had realized the way Mal needed to relax and forget the world. She remembered how she held her and let the teenager be young. Let her relax without inhibition.
But the more experienced forward also knew that Mallory was mad at her currently and she would not force it, “Of course, if she’s okay with it.”
And so Mallory held on to her anger throughout the rest of the night. She stayed with Tobin and only mumbled out a thanks when Press brought her stuffed giraffe and blankie around ten o clock. Though secretly she was so relieved because she didn’t want to ask if her aunt Tobin could get them for her at the risk of sounding far too juvenile. Her mother coming to drop her beloved items off was a much better option.
The teenager restrained an eye roll when she heard Christen mention to Tobin to not have her stay up past eleven.
Christen walked back around to Mallory and pressed a kiss on her forehead, “Goodnight baby. If you want to come back to our room and lay with me, you can. Love you.”
“Love you too.” Mallory conceded.
But despite that love the young girl still ignored her mother at breakfast and chose to sit with her friends. The teen had strategically taken all her things to Tobin’s room so she didn’t have to worry about facing the woman in the morning. She eyed her mother’s table, where Tobin and Alex were also sitting.
“Why does Press keep looking over here?” Rose asked.
Mallory shrugged, “I dunno.”
“She’s you’re mama, Mal Pal. She probably wants you.”
Mallory rolled her eyes, “Yeah, well, whatever.”
“Morning girls.” Came Christen’s voice a few moments later.
Well so much for avoiding her.
“Can you give me a moment with Mallie?”
“Yeah, yeah”
“Umm sure.”
Came the simultaneous answers from the table.
Mallory frowned as her mother took a seat by her. “You’re still mad at me, bubba?”
Mallory shrugged. Christen shook her head at her young charge’s antics. She slipped a bowl of yogurt, granola, and cut up fruit towards her.
“You need to eat more than just that sugary cereal Tobin told me you ate just now. We’re having a late lunch and I don’t want you complaining about being hungry.”
Mallory finally met her mother’s eyes and nodded, taking the yogurt and lazily putting a fork into the bowl. Her eyes lasering onto her food.
“Mal, hon?”
The sweetness in her mother’s voice forced her to look back up. The older striker could see that Mal hadn’t slept very well that night either. She tried to hide her worry.
Christen grabbed her daughter’s hands in hers, “I know we haven’t been seeing eye to eye lately. And I think we should talk about it tonight.”
Mallory groaned, “Mmmaaammmmaaa.” She whined, then immediately blushed realizing she’d fallen back to old patterns. She was trying to be tough damn it!
Christen bit back her smile. There was a part of the little girl she missed hearing.
“Yes, Mallory Diane. We’re talking. You’ve been out of sorts and it’s affecting you in more ways than one. Now finish eating that up. We’re loading the bus in fifteen minutes. Do you want me to bring down blankie or Steve? The ride is long.”
Mallory always fell asleep on long bus rides and her cuddle buddies kept her cozy and comfortable. Anyone on that bus could tell you that it was as if Mallory transformed from their star forward to their sweet baby girl in seconds when her blanket or stuffed animals
came into the picture.
Mallory’s eyes dashed around. Could Press be any louder?! Nobody needed to know what she called them!! ….everybody knew.
She nodded almost imperceptibly, “J-just blankie.”
Christen leaned in and smoothed the girls hair down, “okay, bug. I’ll see you on the bus.”
Christen looked at her phone’s time impatiently. Where was her child? They were about to head out and she didn’t want for Mallory to be the reason they were waiting.
“Where’s the kiddo?” Alex leaned over from behind Christen’s chair.
“Somewhere with Rose, making us late probably.” Christen murmured.
“Time to hold her hand again?” Alex half joked.
There was a one week time period when Mal was 17 where she was made to hold either Christen or Tobin’s hand wherever they went as a team.
The girl had previously lost track of time and lost the team members she was out with while they were in Europe and Jill was not happy about it. They had come to the decision to be mire intentional about watching Mal between the coaching staff and Christen. Needless to say Mal had learned her lesson. Or so they thought.
Christen chuckled, “Hey, Rose is with her too it’s not just my kiddo.”
Alex agreed, “Maybe I should hold hers too.”
Both women laughed at the prospect. Rose would buck and kick at that with all her strength. Mallory, although not always a fan at being treated the way she was, the youngest still thrived off the love and care that the women gave her. She needed it. She really did.
Rose and Mal came running towards the bus 5 minutes later.
“Sorry! Sorry!” They both said coming onto the bus and jumping into their usual seats next to each other a few rows behind Christen and Tobin.
Both had purposely avoided looking at the older women’s eyes, especially Christen’s.
“You know she keeps looking over here.” Tobin mentioned once they were on the road.
“Oh, I know. I might have Rose switch with me when we hit our first rest stop, by then she’ll be lulled by the ride enough to warrant a nap anyways.”
Tobin laughed, “you’re right.”
An hour later the bus hit a gas station and the chatter of the bus had died down to murmurs. Some of the women got out to use the restroom. Christen stood up and went over to Mallory who hadn't moved from her seat.
Christen looked down at her child. God, she looked so terribly young and so terribly tired.The woman was afraid the teenager might break down right there.
“You don’t have to potty, bug?”
Mallory shook her head trying to hide how her eyes widened at the phrase. She knew what her mom was trying to do. She didn’t want to slip!! Not now! Sometimes she did on the bus rides because nobody could really tell since she would just cuddle into Christen and fall asleep, but no, no, no!
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, geez.”
Christen bit her tongue not wanting to bait the girl into an argument, and saddened that her clearly exhausted child wasn’t allowing herself to be comforted.
She took in a deep breath and turned a bit more serious, “That’s the third time you end up late to the bus.”
The 18 years olds eyes made their way quickly to her mother’s. She frowned, “I know. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want to have to go back to holding your hand sweetheart, but if that’s what I have to do-“
“Mom no! I don’t wanna!” Mal whispered, losing her nerve at her mother’s soft but stern tone and letting her instinct to talk childishly with Christen take over.
She wanted to be snuggled so bad by her mom right now, it almost hurt.
Press raised an eyebrow before schooling her features and leaning over to kiss her pouting child’s forehead, “Okay, okay. Shhhh. I’m warning you, that’s all. Just be mindful of time, alright?”
Mallory nodded, not wanting to speak. She’d probably burst out crying if she did.
“Do you want to sit next to me the rest of the way?”
Mallory’s eyes pleaded yes, but her response was a weak shake of the head. A shake that her mother read right through.
The woman would not push it though. Mallory needed to come to her. She turned behind her and grabbed the girl’s soft light yellow blanket. “Here bubba, take them just in case you want a nap and if you want to sit with me just come over and we can kick Aunty Tobs out her seat.”
The mother beamed when she was successful at making her kiddo giggle.
“You wanna sit with Mal?” Came Rose’s voice from next to Chrsiten.
“No, I was just talking to her. Go for it Rosie.” She gave Mallory a peck on the cheek and a gentle smile before moving back to her seat.
Mallory watched her mother go and sighed. Why hadn’t she said yes?
God, this was going to be a long day.
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creatingnikki · 5 years
Dearest Shayori,
I must ask, and I apologise in advance for the same, but being 22 years old, have you heard Taylor Swift’s song 22? Last year most of my friends turned 22 – 1997 born – and I made it a point to send them that song because the part where it goes like “We’re happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time. It’s miserable and magical oh yeah…” is the most accurate description of how it feels like to be 22. Or at least it did for me. How about you?
Spending time with someone without particularly doing something with them…I haven’t had that for a while. Makes me long for school days when my friends and I would hang out in my room but do our own thing daily. I would be on Facebook chatting with some guy I had a crush on. One of my friends would be going through my books. The other would be playing music and being our DJ. We would talk only when it came naturally and when we had something to say, which would be every 5 minutes haha. My mom getting us snacks – fresh cut fruits, sandwiches, juice – and making us all feel loved by genuinely asking us how everything was going in our life. We did the same thing every day but it was never once boring or dull. It was sweet, simple and real. Do we ever experience such simplicity and joy again? I know, I haven’t since then but I do hope you experience it occasionally.
9th grade. Let’s talk about that for a bit, shall we? I wonder what absolutely shattered your heart back then. Who shattered it. I know even though it’s been years since, it can be difficult to completely get over such devastating times. And I also know many don’t understand it. 9th grade was a particularly shit year for me too. It was the first time that I had a moment that made me question my sanity. I was particularly emotional, lonely and sad that whole academic year. My family had moved to a new city in which not only did I not fit in but starkly stood out and became a target for everyone. My friends had turned against me and I was finding solace in older men who only wanted to hurt me. I remember that day vividly. It was the last lecture in school and it was games. Everyone except a few people were down in the playground. I, along with some others, was up in class trying to finish our science journals for submission or just talk to our friends and not be out in the sun.
I had a silly fight with a friend and rushed to my desk, put my head down and started to cry. Another friend, who was busy trying to finish her science journal, and who clearly saw me cry, was sitting next to me. She approached me a few minutes later and she asked, ‘Hey, do you have an eraser?’ I lifted my head and looked at her in disbelief while tears continued to stream down my eyes. Really? Is that really what she wanted to ask me at that point? I was already hurt, felt unloved and miserable and this question just further strengthened that horrible mix of emotions. While crying I suddenly started to…laugh. I was laughing and crying at the same time and I couldn’t control this madness. Looking back now, of course I know it was a breakdown. And I have had similar breakdowns 3-4 times since but for a 9th grade student that was a bit too much to deal with. People say that all the horrible things that happened to us helped us become who we are. BULLSHIT. We became who we are despite the horrible things that happened to us. And I hope you know that.
It really lowered my spirits to hear that you can’t remember ever feeling absolutely loved. You said you like sitting in front of water bodies for a long time while there’s a lot of wind. My love, the wind…it plays with your hair, the water soothes your soul…how can you ever feel unloved? To connect with nature, to connect with the elements we are made of is a beautiful, rare thing that most people live their whole lives without ever experiencing. You are not one of them and you are precious.
As for expressing how you feel…I think you’ll do more of that when you’re surrounded by people who make you feel comfortable and safe. And the more you do that, I strongly believe that you’ll meet more people who make you feel that way. I know it isn’t easy for everyone, but once you do start trying to express yourself more honestly, you will feel liberated and courageous – all in good time.
For now, let me express something to you – I know I don’t know you and that a few answers can’t possibly make me think that I do. And I don’t. But I do know how reading them and how writing this letter to you made me feel. It made me feel like part in me understood and connected to a part in you. And to that part I want to say – you are doing good. You will feel better. Things change and so will you. And one day it won’t all be so hard anymore. Until then, take good care of yourself and keep spending time with nature because it gets us and our peculiar souls.
Sending you so much love,
Guys, February is 29 days of love letters. I’m writing love letters, as part of The Love Project, and if you’d like me to write one to you, drop me an email at [email protected]
I wrote this letter to Shayori based on some questions she answered. You can read them and her answers here. 
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tournesolia · 5 years
Chaos Lineage Yuma Chapter 7 Translation
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Place : Scarlet mansion – Garden
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Yui : (There was no signs of his memories returning, in the end...)
(Ruki-kun is the key to unlock Yuma-kun's memories...)
(But what should I do to make Yuma-kun remember Ruki-kun ?)
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Yuma : Hey, don't just stand here holding the stick. 'Cause I need it as a support
Yui : Ah, yes, I got it !
Yuma : That's fine then. Hm ? We can harvest the cherry tomatoes over here now
We can use them for salad or soup. What do you think ?
Yui : Yes, you're right. They're ripe and look delicious so I think it'll be good
… ? What's the matter, Yuma-kun ?
Yuma : Hey... The one who's always cooking at home is Reiji, right ?
Yui : Eh ? I heard this is the case but... Is it wrong ?
Yuma : No, it's not wrong but I'm somewhat suspicious. Like there was someone else who cook...
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Yui : (Is he talking about Ruki-kun from the time they were at the Mukami house ?)
(He shows many signs of remembering, and yet... He doesn't remember at all)
(What should I do ? What should I do to get Yuma-kun back to normal ?)
(I feel like it would be too limited to make him remember by sucking my blood. But what else can I do...?)
Yuma : What's with that annoyed look ? C'mon, eat that !
*Yuma shoves a cherry tomato into Yui's mouth
Yui : Hmph... !?
Yuma : Haha... What a weird look. It's a freshly picked cherry tomato. Good, huh ?
Yui : Hm, it's delicious but... You surprised me by shoving it into my mouth so suddenly
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Yuma : Aah ? I made you eat a vegetable I raised. You should say “Thank you very much”
Yui : Geez... Thank you very much
(It's as if we came back at the times when we were lovers)
(It would be easier to spend time together without thinking of anything. But...)
(I can't stand still. I'll definitely try to get your memories back, Yuma-kun...)
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Living room and dining room
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Kino : Huh ? Where are Yuma and Eve ?
Reiji : It seems they're at the garden
Kino : Are they working in the fields again ? What's fun about covering yourself with mud ?
Reiji : They harvest valuable food in the vegetable garden. As long as there's no disturbing movements, you should let them do what they want
Shu : Anyway, Yuma is getting along with that weird woman--
… ! Reiji, Kino, lie down !!
Reiji : … !?
*loud noise
Reiji : … ! This is... !
Kino : Heeh, what a devastating entrance
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Shin : Good evening. So... Hand Eve over to us
Reiji : The Oranges... So you came
This is convenient for me. Now that the Violets are sealed away, you are the only ones left
Shin : That's my line. It hasn't been decided you'll become the supreme ruler yet, you know ?
So... Let's start this fun fight
*swords colliding
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Garden
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Yuma : !? What's that noise ? It's coming from the mansion... ?
Yui : Don't tell me... we're attacked... ?
Yuma : Shit... Let's go check !
Yui : Y-Yes... !
Scene change : Scarlet mansion – Corridor
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Yui : What is this... ?
(The mansion is messed up... Is everyone alright !?)
Yuma : The Oranges came to attack us...
Yui : Where are Shu-san and the others !?
Yuma : Those guys won't die so easily. I'll go join them quick ! You go hide somewhere !
Yui : B-But...
Yuma : No buts. You can't fight, right !?
You'll just end up breaking that stick you've been swinging around !
Yui : (Ah... ! I took it with me from the vegetable garden)
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Yuma : Go hide yourself in an empty room. I'll beat the shit out of those guys right now !
??? : And you think I would let you do that ?
Yui : (… !)
Yuma : Tch... He's already coming
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Ruki : I found you, Eve. You will come with us
*Ruki pulls out his sword
Yui : Ruki-kun...
(There's not a change in his manner of speaking and behaviour. This is the Ruki-kun I know. But--)
(His eyes are as cold as ice. Much more than his blade pointing at us...)
Yuma : We can't run away from that guy, huh...
Ruki : Hand Eve over obediently
Yuma : Hah... Hell no ! Try to steal her by force if you can !
*Yuma pulls out his sword
Yui : No, Yuma-kun ! Don't point your sword at Ruki-kun !
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Yuma : Don't worry. I'm not gonna lose to that self-loving bastard
Yui : (No way, it's different from that time with Kou-kun and Azusa-kun... He shows no signs of remembering at all !)
Ruki : Your bark is bigger than your bite. With my power, I will immediately slice you off
Yuma : That's my line. I won't hold back. TAAAAAAAH !
*Yuma charges at Ruki and Ruki blocks the hit
Yuma : Hah, what's wrong ? Stopping the blow with all your might !?
Ruki : … Nothing, I was a little lost in thought
Yuma : What the heck ? Don't play it so damn cool !
*they attack again. Yuma gets injured
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Ruki : Heh, what coarse movements
Yui : No, you two... Stop... !!
Yuma : Stay back !
Yui : But... !
(Real swords... Real blades... They can inflige a fatal wound to your opponent)
(That's why it's wrong for the two of them to fight each other...!)
*sword colliding
Ruki : What's the matter ? Your movements are slow
Yuma : Move your arms instead of your mouth !
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Yui : (My words don't reach them. I can't come between them. I can't stop them anymore...)
(Can I just watch one of them fall...?)
Ruki : … How naive
*sword colliding
Ruki : You're like a beast. You only use brute force, there's not any strategies
Yuma : Oh, shut up ! You cocky snobby bastard !
Ruki : It is said the beast that specializes in hunting pray has an excellent front vision. However--
At this rate, the dead angles are generated in the rear parts... Look at Eve behind you
Yuma : Haaa !?
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Yui : Yuma-kun, no !!
(He's looking back at me--)
Ruki : As expected, you are a beast that can't think straight
Yuma : Wha... !
*Ruki attackes Yuma and injures him
Yuma : Guh... !
Yui : (Yuma-kun dropped his sword...!)
Ruki : The game is over. Give up, now
Yuma : A foul play, huh... You're acting like a coward !
Don't fuck with m-- Guuh...
Again... at such a time... !
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Yui : (Yuma-kun ? Don't tell me it's the dizziness !?)
Ruki : This ends here
Yui : N... NOOOOOOO !!
*Yui runs to get between them
Yuma : Wha... !
Yui : N-No more... Stop it !!
Ruki : … I never thought you would jump out in front of me
However, this is reckless. You think you can stop me with that stick ?
Yui : Ruki-kun... stop it now !
I don't want Yuma-kun to die... I don't want him to get hurt !
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Yuma : … You...
Ruki : What a foolish thing... It is our fate to fight each other to get you, Eve
Yui : That's wrong ! Please, listen... !
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Choice 1 : Tell them they're brothers (white roses)
Yui : Yuma-kun is your precious brother !
Ruki : My brother... ?
Yui : You all have your memories altered ! In reality, you're brothers !
Yuma : Idiot... What are you saying at such a time... !?
Yui : It's because this is the time ! If you fight and hurt each other... you will surely regret it !
Choice 2 : Tell them their memories have been altered (black roses)
Yui : You all have your memories altered ! Don't you recall something when you look at Yuma-kun ? Please, remember !
Ruki : Are you trying to buy time ? If that's the case, you failed
If you appear to waste my time with your thoughless remarks, I can only say this is pathetic
Yui : But... !
Yuma : Idiot, what the hell are you doing !? Get back !
– End of choices
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Ruki : Eve, get out of the way. In order to become the supreme ruler, I can't just kill you
However, if you keep getting in my way, I will have to take appropriate measures
Yui : (… ! He's pointing his sword at me...)
(My body shrinks just by looking into Ruki-kun's eyes... My legs are shaking)
(But, nethertheless--)
I-I... won't move out of the way. I won't move, no matter what...
Yuma : … ! Why...
Yui : Please, both of you, remember. You used to have meals together...
Yuma-kun harvested vegetables with me... And when we returned to the living room, Kou-kun, Azusa-kun and Ruki-kun were here...
Yuma : Living room... ? Kou, Azusa and Ruki... ?
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Ruki : I'm afraid to say I don't remember sitting around the same table as that man
Yui : But I do remember. Even if you all forgot, I absolutely didn't
I won't let you pretend like nothing happened... I can't afford to lose that bond you two... no, you four share !
Yuma : … Us four...
… !? Uuh... Gaaah... !
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Kou : You're late, Yuma-kun. I'm starving !
Yuma : If you're that hungry, help me out !
Azusa : Eve, I'll carry the basket as well...
Yui : Thank you, Azusa-kun
Yuma : Heeey, let's make vegetable soup today !
??? : Yes, this isn't bad. You're always helping... Yuma
*end of flashback
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Yuma : Who... ? Who is that ? I was sure he sat there...
Yui : Yuma-kun... ?
Ruki : What... ?
Yuma : Who is that !? How did he know my name !? Damn it... !
Why can't I remember !!?
Ruki : I have no idea what you're shouting, but...
It is foolish to fall to your knees in front of the enemy... Yuma
*white flash
Yuma : … !
Yui : Yuma-kun !?
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Ruki : … Did he go mad ? Whatever, if I get my hands on Eve, I will be done with everything else
Yui : N... No ! I won't let you get any closer to Yuma-kun !!
Ruki : So you still stand in the way. I didn't want to do it at first, but... you leave me no choice
I will hurt you to the extent that you won't die
Yui : … Ah...
(He's coming. If I get cut--)
(Is this over ? At this rate...)
*Yui closes her eyes
Yui : (…!)
(… ? I'm... not hurt...?)
*Yui opens her eyes
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Yui : Yu... Yuma-kun !?
(His hand is bleeding...!)
Ruki : Kuh... I can't believe you stopped it with your bare hand. Have you lost your mind ?
Yuma : You're the one... who lost your mind, Ruki...
Ruki : What ?
Yuma : What are hell are you doing... ?
What were you trying to do !? Who were you trying to kill !?
Do you know who's right here !!?
Yui : Yuma... kun... ?
Ruki : It's needless to say. The Eve of tradition. Is there any other answer ?
Yuma : Of course there is... She's surely Eve. But not in that way...
Cut it out and open your eyes !!
*Yuma punches Ruki
Ruki : Guh !?
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Yui : (Yuma-kun... hit Ruki-kun...)
Yuma : What the hell is wrong with you, Ruki ? What happened ?
And it's not just you, me as well. We were almost about to lose our important ones...
What the fuck is happening !? Damn it !!
Yui : Yuma-kun... Have you by any chance--
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Reiji : This ends now
Yui : Reiji-san ! Kino-san and Shu-san... !
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Ruki : … You guys...
Shin : Sorry, big brother... We screwed up...
Reiji : The situation is has he said. You're the only one left. Will you still try to struggle ?
Of course, I cannot guarantee their survival in that case
Ayato : Shit ! You wicked-glasses ! Let me go !
Shin : Big brother, Eve's more important than us ! Kill them all and steal Eve !
Ruki : … Don't say such foolish things
Yui : (He dropped his sword...)
Shin : Big brother... No way...
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Ruki : This is my decision. I won't allow any rebuttal from you guys
Yui : Ruki-kun...
Reiji : A wise decision
Ruki : Let me say this in advance. I'm the one holding informations amongst the Oranges. The others won't talk
However, I won't open my mouth at all if a single one of my brothers is missing
Reiji : A negociation this late in the game ? “Don't lay a hand on my brothers”, you say... Well, I'm fine with it
Let us all guide these people to the dungeon. Eve, treat Yuma's wounds
Yui : Y-Yes... !
(For Ruki-kun to follow Reiji-san's orders and go to the dungeon...)
(In order for Shin-kun, Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun, who he sees as his brothers, to not get killed...)
*Ruki leaves
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Yuma : Hey, wait ! I said wait ! Ruki !!
Ruki : …
*Reiji, Kino and Shu leaves with the other oranges
Yuma : … Ruki...
Yui : … Yuma-kun, we have to treat your hand's wound... What a terrible injury
I'm sorry... You did it to protect me...
Yuma : … That doesn't count as an injury. I'm a vampire. It will immediately heal
Yui : Yes...
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Yuma : I was more miserable when I lived in the slums. And when I was at the orphanage that looked like a piece of trash
Yui : … Eh... ?
Yuma : I got shot once and was dying. So those wounds don't hurt or itch that much
More importantly--
*Yuma hugs Yui very tightly
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Yui : … I-It hurts...
Yuma : … Sorry. I only gave you a rough time
Yui : … !
(I'm not imagining things, right ? Could it be his memories really...?)
D-Do you remember... me... ?
Yuma : Yeah, I remember
I've been late... Yui
Yui : Ah...
(His memories... His memories returned...)
… Yuma-kun
Yuma-kun !!
*Yui hugs Yuma
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Yuma : Woops... Hey, you jumped at me like a dog
Yui : It's because... because you finally remember...
I'm so glad... really...
(My vision is blurred, I can't see well. I have to stop the tears... I have so many things to tell him)
Yuma : It's fine if you cry now. I made you cry after all
*licks... As expected, your tears are salty. Even if there are moments they taste sweet
Yui : You really remembered everything ?
Yuma : I do. I remember you, I remember my real brothers
… You always supported me alone, when I lost my memories...
I won't lose my memories again. I won't make you cry either
I swear it here and now. *kisses her
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Our overlapped lips tasted like tears.
The emotions I held back up until now
spilled like a torrent.
Still, Yuma-kun hugged me as if
he accepted everything.
With his gentle kiss and
his arms wrapping me softly,
I was incredibly relieved.
Yuma-kun's large body kept
enveloping me all the time,
while I couldn't help sobbing--
Chapter 7 : End
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swimmingseafish · 4 years
Chapter 3: Your Best Friend
The next chapter of Sanderstale is out!
tagged: @hideyseek​ @shrimpangie​ @ironwoman359​
(let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist!)
summary: In which Flowey appears, Chara remembers some things, and Thomas is too selfless.
CW: traumatic memories and vague mentions of abuse.
Read it on ao3!
Chara was alone in a grassy field.
They had a feeling that being alone wasn’t a new experience. The bigger problem here was that they shouldn’t be alone right now. They should have Thomas. They didn’t quite know what to think of him, but he was oddly kind, and he was the only person they knew or could remember.
“Thomas?” they called, spinning around in a circle. “Thomas? Thomas?!”
But nobody came.
They sat down and put their head in their hands. Just their luck. Why had they tried to be optimistic? Nothing good ever came of that.
Then, a hand tapped their shoulder, and they nearly shrieked.
Instead, though, they jerked their head up as fast as they could. A blurry, fuzzy figure was standing above them. Chara couldn’t make out the figure’s face, but surprisingly, they weren’t scared at all. When Chara stood up, they realized the figure was just slightly taller than them.
The figure waved and held up a black object.
“Howdy, Chara! Smile for the camera!”
Suddenly, they were in a kitchen made of grey bricks. A different, taller figure wearing a purple tunic stood at the counter. The room smelled like cinnamon.
“Hey, kiddo. Did you want to help me bake?”
Their location changed again, this time to a garden filled with flowers. The largest figure yet bent over the flowerbeds but turned to Chara as they stepped forward.
“Howdy, Chara! Would you care for a cup of tea?”
The field.
“Haha, I got you! I left the cap on…on PURPOSE!”
The kitchen.
“Of course you can have more pie, Chara! But you must finish cleaning your room first.”
The garden.
“It’s too cold? I shall heat it up for you right away!”
“Now you’re smiling for NOOOOO reason!”
“I love you too, Chara.”
“Nothing but the best for the future of humans and monsters!”
It cycled, fast and then faster. Chara was completely lost in a sea of vague memories, but they were happy. They felt loved here, not lost and adrift with only a strange human boy for company. However nice he might seem, Thomas was not family. These memory-monsters felt like family.
“Thomas? Thomas? Thomas?!”
“Chara? Chara, I’m right here!” Thomas cried, reaching his hands out to his friend before remembering that he couldn’t touch them. He felt devastated as they sat down and put their face in their hands. What happened? Why can’t they see me?
“What?” asked another voice.
Thomas turned to the flower, who had moved closer, head cocked to the side. “Who’re you talking to?”
Thomas thought very quickly.
The flower—the monster—can’t see Chara? Why not? Should I tell them about Chara? No! I don’t know them. I don’t know anything about monsters, really, except that Chara thinks they’re better than humans. I’ll go with the safe option. Maybe they’ll leave it alone.
“I—um—I—it’s a human thing!” babbled Thomas. “I have an imaginary friend! Don’t worry about it!” He couldn’t help but follow Chara as best he could out of the corner of his eye and was astonished when he saw that they were wandering around the cave, looking at things he couldn’t see—unless they were just admiring the walls, which he supposed was a possibility. And…they were…smiling?
The flower tilted their head the opposite direction, then returned it to the center. Thomas had a feeling that they would be shrugging if they could. “Well, that’s not suspicious at all… let’s get back to business. I’m Flowey! Flowey the flower. He/him, if you want to know.”
“H-hi,” Thomas said. He was about to introduce himself, but Flowey didn’t give him enough time before chiming back in.
“You’re new to the Underground, huh, kiddo?” The flower started grinning manically, and Thomas noticed that he didn’t appear to have pupils. “Maybe little old me could help you out.”
There was an abrupt clicking noise, and Thomas felt an odd pulling sensation in his chest. A red glow filled the cave, Flowey’s grin only growing.
“W-what did you just do?” Thomas’ hands went to his chest. He touched something in the shape of a cartoon heart. It pulsed gently in rhythm with his heartbeat.
“That’s your SOUL!” Flowey said gleefully. “The very—”
Thomas jumped and looked wildly around the cave. His eyes landed on Chara, curled up in a ball on the floor with their hands over their ears. Flowey continued his speech, but Thomas was no longer listening.
He ran over to Chara and called their name.
Chara continued to watch as the happy feelings and monsters flew by them. Field. Kitchen. Garden. Field, kitchen, garden, field-kitchen-garden-fieldkitchengarden—
The scenes sped up, moving faster and faster and faster until they became a blur. Chara felt like they were being lifted up by cinnamon and hugs and laughter and love and joy and HOME, and it was both alien and nostalgic. They never wanted to leave.
They floated up higher and higher, high enough that they should have hit the ceiling of the kitchen, but they never did, spinning around in circles, laughing. They felt free. They felt like a child. They felt safe.
And then they fell.
They were still incorporeal, but, somehow, they hit the ground extremely hard, red light radiating from the impact point. They figured they would have gotten a bruise if they were alive, but they didn’t dwell on that long because they were extremely miffed that they’d been kicked out of…whatever that had been.
“HEY!” they screamed, leaping to their feet. They grasped at their side for a weapon but found nothing. “That…that was RUDE! VERY RUDE!!!”
The room was silent.
The room continued to be silent.
“I want to see them again!!” they shouted, tears forming in the corners of their eyes.
Still nothing.
“I…I miss them…” Tears ran down their cheeks, and they gave into sadness for a split second before driving their emotions back towards anger.
“And I can’t even really REMEMBER them! Is that YOUR fault? What’s WRONG WITH YOU?! I HATE YOU! I HATE THIS! YOU’RE HORRIBLE!”
A new voice spoke out of the darkness, and Chara froze.
“Would it be too much to ask you to behave for once? Speak properly! And do NOT call me names, you insufferable, horrible, BRAT!”
Chara couldn’t move.
“If you refuse to talk, why should you be outside at all? You are clearly not fit to interact with society if you cannot speak like a normal person.”
“What is this nonsense you keep bringing up? That does not exist. You are being silly.”
“St-stop it!”
“Do NOT tell anyone about this, do you understand me? Or you will regret it.”
“Shut UP!” Chara jammed their hands over their ears, though it did nothing to block out the sound. “BE QUIET!”
The room didn’t listen. Instead, it shifted voices and timeframes as rapidly as the locations had shifted, overlapping them into a chaotic discord in Chara’s head.
“Oh, sweetheart…I’ll give you back the knife later. It’s not safe right now.”
*cough* “What did you children put in this pie?”
“Turn off the camera? Okay.”
“Chara! What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“Children…you must be more careful when baking.”
“I don’t like this plan, Chara…”
“Please wake up!”
“You are the future of humans and monsters!”
“Six, right? We just have to get six…”
“Chara…we love you.”
“Please…stay determined.”
“I’m sorry, Chara. I wasn’t strong enough.”
“I hate this I hate this I hate this I HATE THIS!” Chara screamed at the top of their lungs, drowning out the other voices. “STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!!” Too overwhelmed, they collapsed into a tiny ball on the ground, hands still over their ears, eyes shut tight, screaming “STOP!!!” until their voice was hoarse.
When they finally had to pause for breath, they heard a new voice. “Chara?”
The constant barrage of memories stopped dead. They opened their eyes and uncurled just a tiny bit, seeing a familiar human face and a hand outstretched in their direction. “T-Thomas?”
He smiled, but Chara could tell he was worried about…them? No, they must have gotten that wrong.
“Yeah. Are you okay?” he asked, bending down slightly.
“I…will live,” Chara said, rubbing their eyes with the heels of their hands. Then, they looked back up at Thomas and blinked. “Thomas, your chest is glowing.”
Thomas had nearly forgotten about the whole Flowey situation. Screaming friends would always overrule strange flowers, even if said flowers were being extremely threatening.
“Oh. Yeah. Flowey said that this was my SOUL.”
“Flowey?” Chara asked.
Thomas pointed to the flower, who was still smiling, and randomly wondered if Flowey’s face hurt. “I was going to ask you if you knew what was going on, but…”
“I do not,” Chara said, climbing to their feet. They brushed nonexistent dust off of their pants. “But—”
“HEY!” Flowey shouted, having finally noticed that Thomas was distracted. Both Thomas and Chara flinched. “Stop talking to your imaginary friend and listen to ME!”
Thomas snapped to attention, his arm darting out defensively in front of Chara. They looked incredibly taken aback, but Thomas barely noticed. He was now laser-focused on Flowey, who appeared to have spontaneously generated eyebrows solely to show his irritation.
“I’m trying to teach you something here,” said Flowey, drawing out the “ee” sound for just slightly too long. It grated on Thomas’ eardrums. “The least you could do is fu—freaking listen!”
“Sorry sorry sorry sorry,” Thomas said quickly, holding up his left hand. His right arm remained in front of Chara. “Could you maybe say that again?”
Flowey’s eyebrows disappeared, and his smile returned. “Absolutely!”
Thomas realized he was shaking and took a couple deep breaths to calm down. He turned to look at Chara and saw that they were just staring at him. He wanted to ask them if they were okay, but he was afraid of Flowey getting angry again, so he gave them a small smile. They blinked once, but didn’t say anything, so Thomas turned back towards the flower, resolving to check on them as soon as it was safe.
“So, short version!” Flowey said cheerfully. “That red heart? That’s your SOUL. It’s pretty weak, but it gets stronger the more LV you gain.”
Thomas heard Chara inhale sharply beside him. He glanced to the side, and they had one hand on their head and their face scrunched up. He started to ask, “What—”
Flowey interrupted him. “LV stands for LOVE!”
“No it doesn’t, no it doesn’t, no it doesn’t,” Chara whispered, over and over.
“And it’s your lucky day, because I can give you some! You want some LOVE, don’t you?”
Five small white dots appeared around Flowey’s head, and Thomas felt like someone dumped a bucket of ice water down his back. Flowey’s grin grew impossibly larger, and Thomas could swear he’d somehow grown fangs. All the while, Chara was still whispering, “No, no, no, no, no—”
“LOVE is shared through little white…friendliness pellets!” Flowey trilled. “All you have to do is catch them!”
Thomas was confused and scared and didn’t think that this was a good idea, but he had no clue how to get out of this any other way.
“Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!”
I’ll…maybe I’ll just catch one.
Thomas took two steps to his right so that he was standing in front of Chara. To their quiet one-person chorus of “No,” he reached a hand up and caught just one of the “friendliness pellets.”
Instantly, the pellet vanished, and Thomas dropped to the ground, gasping. He felt like he’d been punched in the stomach, but REALLY hard. (Or maybe kicked? He wasn’t sure.) At the same time, Chara’s voice stopped abruptly. Thomas wanted to turn around and see if they were okay, but his lungs didn’t seem to be working. He couldn’t get enough air, and the pulsing of his SOUL and heart had gone into overdrive. With an immense amount of effort, he lifted his head.
Flowey was still there, but his face had changed yet again. His eyes were giant black holes, and he definitely had fangs this time. His face was stretched wider than should have been possible with an open-mouthed smile that, despite its size, somehow didn’t really look happy at all.
“You IDIOT. In this world, it’s kill or BE killed.”
Desperately trying to breathe, Thomas managed to gasp out, “Chara…”
Flowey froze for a split second, his grin vanishing before reappearing two-fold.
“Shut up. D I E.”
A ring of “friendliness pellets” surrounded Thomas, slowly closing in, but he had a more pressing concern. “CHARA!”
“Shut UP!” Flowey shrieked, the smile still stuck on his face. “This is supposed to be FUN! You’re ruining it!”
A quiet, sad, and bemused voice spoke right next to Thomas’ ear. “I am all right, Thomas.”
Thomas let out a small sigh, the tension dropping from his body for a split second and then immediately returning. “No, you’re not! We’re kind of about to die!”
“I am already dead, I think,” Chara said. “I would worry about yourself—wait, what are you doing?”
Thomas had maneuvered himself onto his knees, groaning, and put his arms around Chara, though it was more like making a large circle around them than giving them a hug.
“I…do not understand.”
Thomas laughed, just a little. “I’m protecting you. The pellets will hit me, not you.”
Chara’s jaw dropped, and they tried to shove him away. Their hands went straight through his arms. “No! Thomas, I am dead already, stop it!” They glanced around, but save moving through the bullets, there was nowhere else to go.
Thomas smiled at them, tears running down his cheeks. “No, I won’t. And no, you’re not.”
He shut his eyes tight and thought of Joan and Talyn. He hoped as hard as he could that they’d be safe and okay someday and not miss him too much. He’d wanted to go back for them so badly, but he wouldn’t be able to now.
They’d run away, maybe, and find a nice home with somebody like Nurse Adri. They’d be happy, and go to school, and pet lots of kittens, and always have enough to eat. They’d love and be loved, and someday, they’d get everyone else out of that orphanage too.
They’d have a future, and maybe Chara would too.
That was worth it.
And then, because the universe could not stop jump-scaring him, apparently, a crash and a shriek forced his eyes open. Flowey was gone, as were the pellets. Standing in Flowey’s place was a new monster. This one was tall and fluffy and had short, curved horns on top of their head. They wore a purple tunic emblazoned with a strange symbol—a circle with wings above three triangles. Their arm was stretched out, and their hand was smoking faintly.
“What a terrible creature, torturing a poor, innocent child,” the monster said, disgust clear in their voice. They closed their hand, and the smoke disappeared.
“Who are you?” Thomas asked, his voice trembling.
The monster turned to him, a gentle smile on their face. Their eyes were bright sky blue. “Please don’t be afraid, kiddo. My name’s Patton. I’m the caretaker of the Ruins.”
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smallcowplant · 5 years
Hi! I'm curious what your thoughts and issues are with chapter 2? I just saw it last night myself! I completely agree with all the positive things you said! I left the theater feeling dissatisfied though, and I can't quite put my finger on why.
Alrighty, this is gonna be a doozy, so strap in folks!
Disclaimer: This is all my opinion, and it’s cool if any of you disagree w/ me! Just don’t be too mad at me, lol. ALSO, BIG SPOILERS FOR IT: CHAPTER 2.
So, in my humble opinion, I think the one thing that hinders IT: Chapter 2 the most is something inherent to the very structure of the story—-the source material. Oop! 
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love me some Stephen King. He is an absolutely phenomenal writer and has a knack for writing some of the most poignantly horrific scenes in modern lit—-he greatly inspired me as writer and I love him for it! He’s my favorite creepy uncle of the lit world and I adore him. (In a way, TSS is a total love letter to his works, as they impacted me so much.)
HOWEVER (and this is a big however with me), I strongly believe that Steve’s strongest characterization and writing is in his Tortured Middle Aged Straight White Guy Writer With a Vaguely Dissatisfied Marriage and Drinking Problem™ characters. 
He’s very good at writing this one character, and this one character only. 
Ask him to write a female/lgbt+ character and he falters hard. I would even go as far as to say that his female characters often blend into this one colorful curvy blur of nothingness (wendy/audra/jessie/bev)….unless they’re the villain, and then they get an ounce more of Decidedly Female™ Evil (Carrie, Annie). 
This is of course, a personal opinion, and one that I’ve come to realize through years of reading SK. 
Bev feels very much like a vague character in IT: Chapter 2, so I don’t have much to say about that. I like Jessica Chastain in the role, yadda yadda.(The Bev/Ben/Bill shit is dumb af, but I’ve thought this since I read the book so what can you do.)
My biggest issue is in the handling of Richie, and the gay characters in the film as whole. There’s a bunch of hammy weird scenes meant to wink-wink-nudge-nudge at the audience that just rubbed me all the wrong way.
The closet behind the “Very Scary” door.
The not-so-subtle parallel of the hate crime against Don and Adrian and Richie’s response to Eddie’s death. “He has asthma, you fucker!” Or some line somewhat similar….who else has asthma? Who else dies while the man who loves him watches horrified, screaming his name over and over again? Yeah. That was definitely on purpose.
The last scene of everyone ‘After’, wherein we see that Bev and Ben are happily together and have a dog (???), while Richie approaches the bridge, completely emotionally broken, to re-carve the R + E into the bridge. 
Just……..boi. Lmao. Now, these are not problems that the film has alone—-this is all due to the faithfulness to the novel. This is mostly all pulled from the novel/directly in line with the canon. 
Personally, the Bury Your Gay/The Gay Character Faces The Deepest Trauma trope is one of my most hated tropes. 
It’s just….very disappointing to see everyone else get this very hopeful ending, and see Richie just…..completely devastated. I love seeing representation, and I’m glad that they made Richie/Eddie more explicitly gay (even though it was never…..actually…..said……), but……killing off your gays and making them sad is the most tired “haha gotcha!” trope and I really dislike it. 
This is a problem I have with Steve, and IT, inherently. It colors my opinion of the movie/book greatly, and I can’t escape it.
Now, for Less Me™ Problems:
The pacing feels….off. I honestly think that if they had included more slower-paced scenes/introspective scenes, the impact of the final battle would’ve been stronger. (Now, once again, just my opinion! My bf thought the movie was way too long, but then again, he never read the book.) It really felt as if they just jumped from jump-scare to jump-scare to jump-scare for shits and giggles sometimes, tbh.
On that note, the fuckin’ JUMP SCARES. One of my favorite things about the first movie was how it didn’t rely on jump-scares to be scary—-I can remember a singular one (when Pennywise catches Bev in her apartment), and that WORKED because the tension was there. For me, things that are eerie—-or slightly off—-are scarier than in-your-face ‘BOOM GOTCHA’ crap. I was a bit disappointed by the over reliance on them, tbh.
I honestly believe that they played too much of their hand with the trailers. It gave away a lot of the scares and emotional bits. (The scene with them looking into the storefront absolutely SHOULD NOT have been included, as it totally took away any emotional weight that the scene was going for.)
to end on a positive note tho!
Things I Really Liked:
The BANTER was great. The restaurant scene was hilarious and morbid and I LOVED it.
I also genuinely can’t stop raving on how amazing the casting was?? It was literally so on-point?? I’ve never seen a film ACTUALLY cast actors who reasonably resemble and act like their younger versions??? That you can wholeheartedly believe actually are them grown up?? I was SHOOK.
I really hope that what I thought was shade @ st*nley k*brick was actually shade @ st*nley k*brick. Because if so that was fcken devastating jfc.
All the scenes with the Losers as kids!!
If you’ve read the book, it’s genuinely v creepy to know that Bev was literally drinking sewer water out of that teacup, even though the movie doesn’t explicitly say it (the cut to her holding the cup in a way so you could see the brown liquid SENT ME) 
VERY glad that they dropped the whole pointless plot of Audra coming to Derry and getting captured bc I think I would’ve fallen asleep 
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introvert-with-ink · 5 years
Updated SU canon 👀..
Before the events of Pink and the Garden?:
I truly did love the garden and the flowers it held. I knew all the best hiding spots, and loved looking at the stars and flowers. The butterflys were a joy to watch and chase, their wings were astounding. I thank Blue for her wonderful choices. They also had little worms and caterpillars there, which really interested me. I love those little things even now. Pink and I played for hours and hours, sometimes even days with me. To see her smile and hear her laugh, to be able to see her eyes light up and hold her hand, she was so kind and lovely, a wonderful gem to be around. I don't think I was ever allowed to leave the garden though, it's all I'd ever known.
As for when Pink left? Haha, well. I handled it for 2,000 years. After that however, I'd get a little jittery and start talking, just to hear another voice. Of course, that doesn't work. It wasn't swell. In able to stop the silence, I'd listen to the wind or hum soft tunes. I remember once, a meteor had crashed into the outer chunks of the broken chunk of land the garden was on, and it scared me, but I stood still, hoping for her to return. I had waiting, wondering.
I wondered if I hadn't said enough or played entertaining games with her, I started to wonder if I was even good enough, if she even liked me in the first place. Had she always hated me? Was she just pretending to like me all those thousands of years we'd spent together? What did I do wrong? I should have offered more even if I'd offered everything I could. I felt as if I wasn't good enough, just. Not good enough. Haha. But hey, I can't dwell on that.
Once I heard the broadcast that she well, no longer existed, I was broken. I struggled to get the vines off of my legs, (they had grown all the way up to my torso) that was a pain. I grabbed onto one of the towers from afar and pulled, breaking free and bringing myself closer to the broadcast. By then, it had ended and I'd heard everything. Of course as anybody would be, I was devastated. I'd spent a few days sitting there, which by then had let Steven have a longer time of peace. Throughout those days, I would cry and try and shatter my gem (typical, I'm guessing.) It only resulted in a long crack through the side and middle of my gem. I'm not sure if Steven had ever healed my gem or not, but he certainly did notice it.
I was both very touch starved and touch averse which kind of got on people's and gems nerves..
Another event I remember was when me and Steven were on top of the injector, he unbubbled his hand and grabbed mine which resulted in me freezing before grabbing him and throwing him up in the air. It was certainly surprising. He tried talking it out moments before but I wouldn't listen ;;..
Me and the diamonds loved being around eachother, especially me and Blue. Yellow and I were also very close, and White seemed a little too clingy to both me and Steven whenever he would visit me. However, that wouldn't mean it was a bad thing to meet them all again! Though it did seem a but unhealthy with me and White, don't let that discourage you, I'd still love to meet and talk to you again ^^! Though when I first moved in with the Diamonds, it was a bit... Overwhelming.
Bismuth and Lapis were alright with me hanging around on Earth, and Peridot and I were like friends. Amethyst too, Pearl and I were on good terms but not entirely over the past, but Garnet eventually helped with that (Garnet kinnies you are soooo Valid 💕 stay strong).
Me and Steven eventually ended up getting close, and I may or may not have had troubles leaving him alone sometimes (which I'm still very sorry about if I've ever annoyed you ;;...)
Weird thing was, I loved hugging him and holding hands. A little too much where I wouldn't let go,
My abandonment issues mellowed out, but not to a good healing point. It was hard to try and heal, it definitely took some time.
I remember Yellow and Blue arguing, I can't remember why though. It's definitely scary hearing big loud voices when you're chilling with the pearls. They were kinda used to it :')..
I loved wearing hats and hoodies! (and still do!) The hoodies Steven had in his closet were stylish and absolutely adorable. He'd love it when I'd try on new things.
I'll update this once SUF comes out, I'm sure to remember more things about Jasper and White eventually!... Which makes me a bit hesitant.
If you have any questions on any other characters, or need new information of already mentioned gems and humans, don't be afraid to comment! This can be considered as a canoncall since I'm missing you all so very much (Especially the Diamonds, Steven, Amethyst and Peridot)
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addicitedtowriting · 5 years
True Luck
Author: @addicitedtowriting
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki, Yuri Plisetsly, True Mates, Arranged Marriage
Summary:  It is the day of Alpha King Viktor’s wedding. He is to marry Yuuri Katsuki, an Omega chosen by his advisors, for the benefit of his country. What he doesn’t know, is that there is a surprise in store for him at the altar.
ao3 link
Words count: 2421
True mates that found each other were lucky.
Viktor couldn't help but think as he watched his younger Omega cousin, Yuri, laughing with his Alpha, Lord Otabek Altin. They had found each other after the late Lord Altin had brought his oldest son and heir to the castle to be introduced to the royal family. The two boys, still quite young had accidentally knocked into each other and the whole room had lit up with a blinding light.
It was the most beautiful thing Viktor had ever witnessed.
It did not happen a lot. Most people chose to settle down and have families with other people. Viktor knew many couples, his late parents, Yurio's parents and their grandparents, who had all been happy with their partners.
On the other hand, there were Yakov and Lilia, Beta True Mates who had not worked out. They still cared for each other and were a formidable team and yet their marriage had ended in a huge pile of ash.
So, yes, most people were happy with the partners they found themselves. Those who found their True Mates were not guaranteed a romantic or even a happy ending with them.
Still. Most children dreamed and told stories of finding their True Mates someday.
Viktor had never been one of those children.
As the heir to the throne of a small country still recovering from the civil wars from his great grandfather's time, he always knew his marriage would be arranged for the good for his country.
Which was today. In a few hours, Viktor would stand at the altar and vow to cherish an omega chosen by for him by Yakov and Lilia.
"Hey," said Yuri, "What are you moping about?"
"I am not moping little Yuri," said Viktor, smiling, "I am contemplating,"
"Contemplating what, old man?"
Viktor shrugged, used to Yuri's mannerisms, "Life,"
Yuri snorted.
"Being dramatic as usual I see. You should probably pull yourself together. You're getting married and that poor omega is going to have to-"
"Alright Yura," said Otabek, gently, "We should leave Viktor alone for some time. You have to get ready too, my love,"
Yuri huffed but nodded. As Viktor's only living family member, he would be walking the young King down the aisle. Despite his rough language, Viktor knew Yuri took the responsibility seriously, just as Viktor had taken the responsibility of walking Yuri down the aisle two years ago.
Georgi slipped into the room just as the other two slipped out. His arms were filled with clothes and different things needed to get ready for a wedding.
"Hello there love, How are you today?"
"I'm well Georgi. You?"
"Good. Good. Well, it's time darling. Let's dress you up,"
Viktor smiled at his longtime friend and per his instructions, got up to stand on the small podium. Georgi must have sensed his mood because he put on some music and got to work silently.
As he mindlessly followed instructions to move, bring up his arm and so forth, Viktor's mind wandered to the Omega he would be marrying.
Yuuri Katsuki.
Besides sharing the name of his cousin, much to Yura's chagrin, he was also the second royal baby born to a vast empire. His parents presided over at least five countries directly and had a strong influence in three other, something they would soon have in Viktor's home country too.
What Viktor did not understand why they were marrying their son to a small devastated country.
He had only seen the omega from afar and had small conversations from a distance while being chaperoned. Per tradition, they had refrained from touching each other.
However, from what he had learned about him, the omega had a shy demeanour that masked a great understanding of politics and deep intelligence. The soft-spoken omega, that put everyone at ease with his gentle words, could become very firm and tall when needed. Not traits needed for a King or First Queen, but perfect for a Queen or a second King and Queen. According to reports, Yuuri Katsuki had attracted the eyes of many of his family's allies, powerful allies, and yet his parents had chosen to send him here. To a King who had lost most of his family and a country that still remembered the devastation of war and illness.
It is not as if they needed the marriage for the alliance. Viktor's country had metal that they could not sell themselves and needed the help of wealthier transporters. They were desperate enough that they would have agreed to the Katsuki family's terms even without the marriage and their son could have made his home in a much more comfortable place and yet here they were.
It did not make sense. Yakov and Lilia had been sceptical too but after extensive research, they could not find any ulterior motives. Yuuri himself was known to be kind by the common people and nobles alike and his parents needed nothing from Viktor. In the end, Viktor, Yuri and their advisors and friends had decided to put the matter to rest and celebrate their good fortune. The Katsuki family, after all, could not turn on them if their own son became part of the royal family. Marriage was the best way to solidify any alliance.
It would also be good to have someone like Yuuri by his side as he continued the work of his grandfather and mother. Both who had died too early. Grandfather had been assassinated by those who had not liked the outcome of the war and both his parents and Yuri's had fallen victim to an illness that had spread throughout the country.
Viktor had been young and Yakov had taken the reins but it was his turn now and Yuuri would make the perfect partner as he continued rebuilding. Maybe they could learn to care for each other too, the way his parents had.
Georgi tapped him gently, startling him out of his thoughts.
"It's almost time darling. Mila will be here with some snacks before the wedding. Don't want you to feel peckish when you get up there,"
"Thank you, Georgi, You're a godsend,"
Georgi smiled, "It's always been a pleasure, you know that Vitya,"
Viktor smiled at him, "I know,"
Georgi took his hand pulled him into a hug, "You know we all love you,"
Viktor nodded and buried his face into the other Alpha's shoulder, inhaling the calming scent.
"We, Mila and I, have met you your future Second King. We took him out a few times. He seems like a lovely person and we hope he will make you happy,"
Viktor smiled and pulled away, "Thank you,"
Georgi kissed his cheek softly and exited the room, leaving Viktor to inspect himself in the mirror.
The was a white shirt and a white coat embroidered with gold. The pants were in the same shade of gold. There were a few rings and bracelets signifying different things. Georgi had covered his face to hide any small blemishes and the blush made his cheekbones stand out. Looking himself in the mirror, he found that he was excited to see what Yuuri looked like. The Omega was a beautiful person after all.
"Well, don't you look dashing, King,"
Viktor grinned and turned around, "Mila!"
Mila out down the patter of cheeses and pastries, "Spin for me Vitya,"
Viktor grinned and did a little spin, "Presentable?"
"Absolutely," said Mila, "Here. Eat this. Yakov had them make your favourite,"
"God, I love you, people,"
"Oh, We know. You tell us all the time," said Mila, grinning, "Speaking of Love, we had a talk with Yuuri,"
"Oh yes, Georgi- wait! A talk?! Please tell that is not what it sounds like!"
"Nothing extensive. We just told him to take care of you,"
And then the curiosity got the better of him, "What did he say?"
"He took it quite well, very good with words that one. Has quite a backbone too, wouldn't know it if you saw him though. Perfect for you and your dramatics,"
"Now I have to go slip into my dress. You wait here. Yuri will probably be here soon,"
"Alright," said Viktor, "See you out there,"
Mila blew him a kiss before leaving him alone once again. He turned back to the mirror. After a little while, Yuri slipped in and came to stand beside him. His clothes were the same as Viktor's but without any of the gold.
"Hey," he said, softly, "It's almost time,"
"You look good,"
"You too little one," said Viktor
Yuri grumbled, "Wish you would stop calling me that,"
Viktor smiled and tucked the other's hair, "Never,"
Yuri opened his mouth to say something but Lilia chose the moment to peep in.
"Five Minutes, you two. Remember your dance lessons Vitya. You too Yura. We do not need you two to trip out there,"
"Yes Lilia," said both boys, ever obedient
As soon as she stepped back out, they both burst out laughing.
"You would think she would stop that now," Said Yuri
"I know. It's been so many years and so many dances," said Viktor
"Your feet Yura!" said Yuri, doing an impression of Lilia
"Arms straighter Vitya," said Viktor and they both burst into giggles again.
"She is pretty wonderful though," said Viktor
"I know. We would be nowhere without her and Yakov,"
Viktor smiled sadly at the wistful look on Yuri's face. Viktor at least remembered their parents. Yuri had been too young to remember any of them. He had only gotten to meet his father's father. But then Nikolai had been taken from him too. It really wasn't fair.
"Anyway," said Yuri, standing a bit straighter, "It's time to get you out there,"
Yuri took his arm and lead him through the door and into the hall. From there it was a short walk to the wedding hall.
"Are you ready?"
"As I will ever be,"
The music began and the servants opened the huge wooden doors. Yuri took Viktor's arm once again started walking him down the row of outer seats. Yuuri would be coming in from the other side. The two of them would only become visible to each other once they reached the stairs to the elevated balcony.
As they got near to the stairs, Yuri gestured to one of the Katuki guests waiting on the balcony alongside Yakov and the minister.
"That is Yuuko. They say she is a type of seer and can sense True Mates. The only condition is that she has to have met both of them,"
Viktor remembered Yuuko. He had met her only once at the beginning of the negotiations but she had left an impression. She was also one of Yuuri's closest friends.
He didn't know why Yuri was telling him this though. His cousin usually did not believe in such things. But then again, once upon a time, Yuri had not believed in True Mates either.
When they got to the bottom of the stairs, the other groom came into view along with all the guests. They were all looking at them, murmuring amongst themselves about their clothes and how they looked.
Viktor could only watch Yuuri though. The Omega looked beautiful. He was wearing the same suit as Viktor, only the colours were swapped. The Golden suit fit him perfectly and made him look like a glowing being from the old tales.
When Yuuri smiled at him shyly, Yura had to tug at his arm to keep him from tripping over the stairs. He could tell his cousin was silently laughing at him.
"Get yourself together, you fool," said Yuri, all with mirth in his eyes, "You can ogle him later. Get through this first,"
"Yeah. Yeah,"
When they got to the intended place on the balcony, Viktor took a peek at the audience. Seeing, Mile, Georgi and the rest of his friends he smiled and turned his attention back to the minister.
"Who is standing with the grooms today?"
"I am Yakov. Viktor's guardian between the age of ten to the say he became a man,"
"I am Yuri, Viktor's blood cousin,"
"I am Mari, Yuuri's sister,"
"I am Yuuko, Yuuri's advisor and friend,"
"Wonderful. Let us begin. Yuri, Mari please extend the grooms' hands toward each other so they might clasp them,"
Mari took Yuuri's right hand while Yuri took Viktor's. Viktor's hand went palm up and Yuuri's hand was placed on top of his palm down.
Viktor was not expecting what happened next.
A gasp went through the room as a blinding white light emitted from their hands surrounding the two grooms until it felt to Viktor that they were the only two people there.
Viktor and Yuuri stared at each other for a few seconds before the light was dying down and they were plunged back into a room filled with shocked murmurs and movements.
Through his daze and surprise, Viktor noticed that while Yuuri looked dazed too, he did not look that surprised by them being True Mates. A glance around showed that neither did Yuuko and Mari. But how-
They had known.
What had Yuri said? Yuuko had to meet both mates to know. Now that he thought about it, the marriage had not been a suggestion until after he had shaken hands with Yuuko.
They had known.
When he looked back to Yuuri, there was a sheepish and apologetic look on his face. Well, that confirmed it.
But why had they waited so long to test it?
Why not tell him beforehand and get it over with?
Why wait? Did that want a spectacle?
Were they trying to keep Yuulo's power a secret?
So many questions. So few answers.
However, as gazed at Yuuri, his soft brown eyes filled with intelligence and kindness, his flushed cheeks and gentle smile, only one question came out.
"Can I kiss you Yuuri?"
In response, Yuuri surged up and locked their lips together in a passionate kiss.
Viktor could not help the full body shudder that resulted.
Finding your True Mate did not guarantee you a romantic or even a happy ending.
True mates that found each other were lucky.
Viktor certainly felt lucky.
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ryoshan · 5 years
after the fall spoilers /
when u wanna liveblog but ur the first person you know to start/finish reading: a collection of disorganised and contextless thoughts by an excitable brit
book: mentions weiss and ruby 
fox is from vacuo!!!!!! i am VINDICATED 
split point of view per chapter is sososososososoososos GOOD SO GOOD DO GOOD 
nothing will beat novels for their ability to drop explicit details in a short period of time 
coco adele? was that a typo? or is adele her middle name? stylistic choice? hmm 
what a fucking show off our boy fox is 
tiny criticism: pls stop knocking on about coco’s fashion sense we get it you’re doing that thing where you boil her down to one trait, hopefully this will happen less as the book goes on 
this initiation is some juicy fucking lore my guys 
y.. yatsuhashi CAN FUCK WITH MEMORIES???
dyou think when fox stutters over a word in team cfvy’s mental group chat, coco, yatsuhashi and velvet repeat his mistake back at him 
i am supremely interested to know how fox’s semblance interacts with rens
i literally fucking winded myself at the start of chapter 5 gasping so hard 
“she looked like she had a mortal wound in her side” OH HAHA VERY FUNNY I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE 
coco mentoring ruby has given me more life than anything so far
oh im not comfortable with weiss calling fox red that sounds very weird and not at all in character it sounds too much like torchwick and im not about making that association 
i really did forget how much of an ego weiss has right in the beginning ive been writing her post development for too long 
BLAKE N VELVET BLAKE N VELVE T once again i gasped so hard my lungs hurt 
wow huh okay blake being violent is..... a surprise 
“I don’t believe in fighting prejudice with violence” jess is vindicated im so proud of my wife
COCO WAS GOING TO LIKE HER, VELVET THOUGHT you’re damn right she does
i dont like velvet and coco fighting ):
fox as the hardcore realist i am once again, VINDICATED
velvet employing the same words to gus as blake did to her..... aaa.....
yatsuhashi’s semblance makes me sad cause imagine if he made someone he thought cared about him forget him and it turned out to be really easy
fox and ruby interacted...... thank you for my life............
the inclusion of not only yatsu asking velvet to guide him so he can be better in terms of his language but also an active example of this happening is really pleasing to me 
as the player of a dnd character who always splits off from the group i can say with complete confidence fox splitting off from team cfvy in the sands of vacuo will almost certainly not go well
“she kept waiting for the others to see it” ;___;
PYRRHAAAA ;____________;
literally all it takes is her name and i am sad . 
this TEAM make my heart SURGE 
coco genuinely is the big explicit wlw i’ve been hoping for 
jesus christ coco hold urself together. 
fox vc alexa play darude: sandstorm 
- as long as her remembered to charge his scroll. i knew it, boy’s gonna run out of battery . 
i love when things connect with canon i love it i love it 
why is coco of all people picking on velvet ): 
VELVET BITING BACK THO aaaaaa yay but also ):
uhg i love this fuck ign fami ly 
im.... emotional,,,,,
the cairn mission......... no wonder it was so hard..... im ): 
also im getting serious shadow of the colossus vibes
i love my son he’s so strong and smart 
theres so many death flags here i dont even know who they’re on anymore
lol jk he’s fine
i really love how sure of himself fox is and so he should be he’s fought really hard to be confident
it is REALLY cool seeing an actual scene from the show written from velvet’s perspective, im all about this 
moro is gonna be happy about glynda i know it she’s fab 
“we just need you to tell us everything” “ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING” ozpin still putting tremendous amounts of pressure on teenagers i see
“we prefer to speak with you individually so we can separate you from your support system while tugging on your vulnerabilities” 
yatsu getting mad ):
im not too fond on how blithely ‘coco never picked up on that’ regarding the finer points of velvet’s tendencies when coco has been established already as a people watcher and observational thinker.,
what the FUCK these adults???? hello????? “i deserved that” NO YOU DIDNT???? what did glynda think he was gonna do, stab ozpin??? 
“haha we broguth her here alone to TEST you!!! you passed because you came to her!!!! hahahahahah!!!!!!” fuck you ozpin 
no explanation as to WHY she had to be brought alone as if her ‘keen observational skills’ couldnt have been asked about in the presence of her team or indeed pulled fro the written report she’ll be making 
this is such a formative mission for them and i like it but damn ozpin really up here ruining it all 
the death flags were yatsu’s ALL ALONG 
oh god the impact of velvet using some of these weapons has not been lost on me and it must be devastating for her 
“if this didnt qualify, what did?” me when i get to the end of a game with 3468758976495 different things hoarded and dropping them all on the final boss
why are coco and velvet having a conversation like they’re about to die noones dying NOONES DYING 
thumbelina peach...? really???? but hey looks like beacon has more than 4 professors now
“noone knew what had frozen that beast there” interesting . 
its interesting to me that so far its been atlas thats been shown to be the least accepting of faunus but now its becoming clear mistral is worse, worse enough that velvet wont even consider going there
“velvet waited for someone to ask her what she wanted, but they never did” :( 
anyway i cant wait to see how coco is gonna make the blind worm her bitch
yatsu is so shy about his semblance im sad for him, 
coco getting edward to help ;_____;
its both funny and depressing that sssn are here and sage and scarlet are still yet to have any actual fuckin lines or DESCRIPTORS for that matter 
fox tapping that @ everyone command and getting chewed out for it 
u kno whats getting me most? 
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BOOK #2 WHEN???????????
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