#hey look it ends on a haiku
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 8 months
I think one of the biggest things that's helping me feel more certain in my transition is the realization that I am extremely good at enduring. I've learned to endure pretty much anything. I can be in a situation that I hate and just switch off and ride it out until it's over. When I was a kid it was because there was nothing I could ever do about it. I hate long loud boring gatherings but I'd have to stay until my parents took me home many hours later. I hate traveling but I'd have to endure it for weeks. It's taught me a great deal of patience, I do it all the time now. I endure long journeys, events I didn't want to attend, trips I didn't want to take, people I don't want to hang out with... It's an important skill to have. but the thing is, I was subconsciously planning on doing that with my gender dysphoria for the rest of my entire life. I WAS doing that for years, not even trying to explore what that horrible feeling was. I'm the endurer! I endure! I switch off and ride it out until it's... over.
Maybe this isn't one of those things I have to put up with. Maybe it's time to stop enduring my life and start enjoying it.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 2 months
i love reading your fics, they always give me 🦋🦋🦋 i love them so much, so, i want to make a request a angst-comfort where zoro and reader are dating but they got into a fight (*cough* zoro got jealous and starts to question reader's loyalty *cough*) but it ends happily because I don't want cry. n e way, continue writing stories, you write them so well... 😚
im so glad you like my work!! and thankyouu so much for sending in the request, let's get to itt <3
moss and towel ft. roronoa zoro!
set-up: in which, you and zoro have been dating for six months. but after one fight night and growing distances, he finds himself questioning everything you've built together.
warnings: (poor attempts at writing) angst, zoro acts like an idiot, profanities. yeah, that's about it.
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the winds were cruel tonight and even crueler were you. atleast there was some comfort in the cold gusts, some reason in the way they played against the swordsman's skin and left behind selfish goosebumps. atleast, he could attempt to understand it with nami's weather charts or whatnot.
but you. how could he attempt to understand you?
his eyebrows bunched as he stared up, fixing his gaze against the twinkling points. groaning, he put his hand over his eyes. maybe in a way, sure, it was his fault. he was never good with words or those fancy poems or haikus. he was never the one to resort to affection. but how was he supposed to fix this?
the first mate of the ship rested a fraction of his bodyweight against the wooden railing of the crow's nest. the wind tousled his unkempt hair and running a hand through his moss-green locks, he vaguely tried to remember how long it had been since nami dragged him into the bathroom and gave him a haircut again.
probably too long. he concluded with a sigh as the soft tresses caressed the mid-point of the back of his neck.
he was supposed to meet his girlfriend here. that's what had been decided. just you, him and the infinitely infinite night sky. the swordsman had even decided to talk about his feelings 'neath the dark abyss of the sky (even if he hated the mere idea of that).
but it had been 30 minutes and there were no signs of you anywhere.
life had been hectic for the both of you lately, whether it was because of the constant run-ins with the marines, zoro having to accompany luffy to side-quests or some other shit the sea sprouted every once in a while. either ways, it meant that you and him saw less and less of each-other as each day passed him by.
resigning himself to a tired sigh, zoro decided to climb downwards. you were not gonna come, that much was sure.
as his heavy feet planted against the wooden floor, he took a second to collect his thoughts. he started walking the stairs to go under the deck, to the common space where most of the crew lounged at the end of the day. descending, he thought of all possible explainations. maybe you had been caught by someone else and forced to listen to one of their anecdotes, maybe nami had asked you to help with the log pose calculations of the last island, or maybe chopper wanted you to help him grind some fresh medicine.
he stepped inside the common place with heavy footsteps and a heavier heart and immediately saw you. you, ever so beautiful with you soft smiles and your lame jokes. you with your flowing hair and unruly habits. you, that was currently laughing along to something that shit-cook was talking about.
he must have caught your gaze cause you immediately looked away from sanji and to your boyfriend, giving him a soft smile. but he left the room without returning that gesture and you found yourself on your feet, walking after him and confused.
you trailed after him, calling his name out sweetly till you reached his room and he shut the door before you could get in.
"hey!" you laughed playfully, twisting the handle with ease and stepping inside. you closed the door behind you and tucked your arms around your chest, sporting a lively pout.
but he seemed to have to reaction to your antics, instead, deciding to carefully lay his three swords on the bed behind him as if he was courting the swords and not you.
"what's up with you?" you raised an eyebrow at him, amused by the way the man sat at the edge of the bed with an annoyed huff. when he said nothing, you pressed again, this time a bit more direct, "why are you grumbling now?"
he's been like this for the past few days and now that he refused to elaborate, you found your patience slipping off of you like a thin overcoat, leaving you behind in your ugly, impatient skin.
today had been hard, like any other day. and for some reason or the other, instead of inviting you into his arms, this man had swore to make your life even more difficult.
"zorooo," groaning, you asked again, "can you stop being so dramatic?"
his head snapped up, eyes finding yours with wicked ease. his jaw was clenched tight, face red as if he was burning up, "i am being dramatic? me?"
"yeah? you're being so fucking weird." you sighed, "why?"
"i dunno, go ask that fucking cook maybe?" he grumbled.
if the exasperation on your face wasn't obvious until now, after that comment, it was surely on full display.
"what?" you hissed, "what is up with you and all these weird accusations?"
"as i said, i dunno. ask that fuckin' waiter instead, why don't you? i'm sure he'd have some answers lined up."
"why are you dragging sanji into this?"
"why are you defending him?" he stood up, his face mirroring your exasperation tenfold. he crossed his arms similarly to yours and the muscles shifted impatiently under his shirt.
you threw you hands upwards, "im not defending him! i am aski—"
"—yes you are defending him, don't even."
you were tired.
god knew you every inch of your muscles were alight with exhaustion, your head was pounding and if he wanted to fight you, you wouldn't even have it in you to fight back. these past few days had been enough on their own. so, you sighed, taking on a resigned tone, "i am so tired, zoro. can't we do it another day?"
"yeah, right." he grumbled again, his eyebrows bunching together in a characteristic manner, "everything needs to be pushed back with you, right?"
"what is that supposed to mean?" you were sure smoke was rising from the top of your head and your pupils were comically blown out, "i was tired and wanted to take some time off, so, i had sat down. and sanji found me to make some ideal chit-chat. god forbid i be tired for once-"
"i was waiting at the crow's nest for the past 30 minutes, where were you?"
"huh—" fuck. your eyes widened as the terrible realization set in. almost on instinct, your fingers reached out to touch him so as to makeup for the terrible deed you had committed. but your boyfriend pulled himself back, dodging your careful grasp before rasping out, "don't."
"zoro, i'm sorry! really, i genuinely cannot believe i forgot—"
"so, you forgot me over that fucking cook?"
"no!" you repeated, slower, "no, of course not. i was just tired and—"
"—and you decided to go off with him instead?" he scoffed, "i thought we were dating and yet, i think we've barely had any time to just spend together. every time it's someone or the other you have to rely on, not me."
"zoro..." you started carefully but he cut off you off, "don't zoro me. it's either nami or sanji or luffy or someone or the other. i wouldn't be surprised if you're fucking blondie behind my back too."
you stared at him, shocked. the wretched feeling gnawed at your insides till you looked at him in pure, utter disgust. the corners of your eyes burned up and you spat out, "don't fucking talk to me."
and you left the room, slamming the door shut behind you.
zoro stared at the place you were standing at and then slowly dragged his eyes at the door that you had slammed shut.
well into the night, when he finally had swallowed his pride and mentally beat himself enough, he walked out of his room.
his steps were slow, stride careful so to not panic the mostly sleeping crew. searching through the washroom and the kitchen, the supply closet and chopper's tiny, stashed-away office, he failed to find you. then, he stepped out onto the deck and in a clean sweep, found you at the port side. the wind blew ideally though your hair and you stood with your arms on the railing.
the swordsman silently walked up to you, choosing to stand beside you without saying much. and if he had hoped for you to start the conversation, he was in for a long, long night.
"hey" he finally started off.
"i think i told you to not talk to me."
your feet shifted and you balanced your bodyweight away from him and he pursed his lips. standing in silence, the sounds of waves crashing against the ship painted you both in a uncomfortable hues.
he tried again, "i- i am sorry, really."
"don't care, didn't ask."
roronoa zoro bit the inside of his cheek, savoring the taste of foul rejection in his mouth over and over. but he had never been the one to go out without a fight. hell, he was the king of hell.
"but i am sorry." he repeated and his calloused fingers inched closer to yours, a poor attempt to ghost his skimming touches over your hand. but you were quicker and you pulled your hands back to yourself and wrapped them around yourself.
he slowly withdrew his hand and his head hung low, "how long are you gonna be mad at me?"
"i don't know? probably till i want to."
"—don't babe me."
"i am sorry—"
"—to fuCKING HELL WITH YOUR SORRY!" your cool demeanor washed off and you bore daggers into his paper-like skin as you stared him down. your breath was laboured and you were sure your yells must have woken someone, if not the entire crew.
he stayed silent, ready to face the consequences of his actions. and although venom was a resident on your tongue, looking at his guilt-struck face, you were reduced to nothing but a dumbfounded, little girl.
whatever you had planned, whatever you had thought you'd call him, whatever accusations you had thrown you'd throw at him dissolved at the tip of your tongue. and instead, an ugly feeling stirred under your skin. the feeling sunk heavy in your chest and your stomach and your head and heart and every other crevice of you. bile crawled up your scratchy throat and the same waterworks made home on your lash line.
when you spoke, you were sure your voice sounded more like a desperate plea than a demand for apology.
"why? why did you say that? that was low."
he looked down at his feet, his fingers twiddling against the sword hilt of his wado ichimonji in an attempt to self-soothe, "i know it was wrong. i was just so angry."
"and that makes it okay for you to question my loyalty?" you sniffed, feeling the watery weight cascade down your cheeks.
"no!" he looked up, alarmed, "no! ofcourse it doesn't. i never was— i was just—" he paused, wincing, "—i was jealous of him."
he continued, agonized, "yes, the damn cook. and everyone else, i guess. you seemed to have time for everyone but me."
"zoro, why didn't you just say it out loud to me?" you whispered softly. inching closer to him, you rested your palm against his warm cheek. his growing stubble lightly tickled your skin. you hummed softly when he closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, pressing an easy kiss to your fingers. "because i- i just couldn't bring myself to. i'm sorry, i should have talked to you rather than being a prick, really."
"i am sorry too. i know we haven't spent any time for the past two weeks or so. i was so busy within myself that i didn't reach out to you." your fingers played gently against the scars on his face from years of training, "these past few days have been hard—"
"—they've been hell."
you laughed despite yourself, "yeah, i guess they've been hell."
his eyes swayed against yours in a guilt-ridden dance, "forgive me?"
you paused a beat, "do you trust me?"
his answer came more easily than breathing did, "more than i trust myself."
you hummed, "sure?"
and he just nodded. as moments passed you both by, he finally quipped up, "so, am i forgiven?"
"well..." you pondered for a second, "technically, i did fuck up too. so, yeah, you're forgiven." you glared at him, "just never say that kinda shit again."
he smiled and when he spoke, he offered a kind explaination, "i didn't actually mean you were fucking the cook. i just- just kinda said it."
"eh," you waved off his comment, "i don't wanna fuck blondes, anyways. to be honest, not really my type."
"huh?!" his eyes widened in play-pretend, "so his hair colour is holding you back?"
"i mean i'm more into idiots who grow slowly on me. like moss does on a wet towel."
roronoa zoro— bounty hunter, pirate, first mate to a terrifying crew, kind of hell, demon, whatever— looked appalled. "are you comparing me to moss?"
"i am comparing how you grew on me to the lowest form of moss that even grows on the stupidest surfaces."
"don't call yourself stupid, now."
you huffed and turned around, walking towards the stairways that led to the rooms, "i am gonna stop talking to you again!"
he laughed, taking in easy strides to walk after you, "just kidding. i promise. your moss, ever and forever more."
he met your pace, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. you gave him a wayward grin, "good."
he gave you one right back, "great."
"i'm tired."
"me too."
as you both disappeared back into your room, hand in hand, you made a comment about how much his hair grew and he responded with "like moss grows on a wet towel?". next morning you found yourself waking up to the swordsman's heavy snores and heavier body against you.
stupid moss-head.
a/n: i think i like how this turned out lol. hope it's okay @rkiveinmarvel and as always, thank you to anyone else who reads this <3
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biboomerangboi · 3 months
This is absolutely nothing to do with the Netflix show I haven’t even watched that thing but I’m once again thinking about Sokka and Sokkas Master again and going insane.
Especially with how Sokka was never supposed to be a warrior. Like fundamentally he’s just not built for that kind of life. He was born into war and has been basically been told and trained to believe that one day he is going to die for his tribe and especially for his sister and that’s his destiny and he’s like okay that’s my job that’s what I do and everyone in the tribe knows this and sees this as my role as I am the only man left. (I sincerely doubt a bunch of woman and old people were actually looking at this kid as the last warrior seriously until he went to fight the fire nation BY HIMSELF but that’s not the point, the point is he was doing it)
But but the thing about Sokka is he’s not a fighter, he’s a scholar to his core. He doesn’t win hand to hand against Zuko but he does get a hit in with his boomerang that takes an insane amount of math to do perfectly and even though he loses the fight we realise already that Sokka is coming at this war from a different angle that anyone else is.
Like Sokka knows when he joins Aang he doesn’t have as much to bring to the team, he basically assigns himself the role of provider and bodyguard and is now willing to die for both of them because they are two of the most important people in the world and he could have been cynical the entire time. He was prepared to be cynical. Until he goes to Kyoshi gets his shit rocked by a girl and is like oh damn there’s different ways to go about fighting and war and I actually don’t know a lot of it can you super pretty warrior lady teach me your ways and from that moment on Sokka becomes a student.
He gets the mark of the wise with Bato, he figures out how to get Katara on that prison ship and that the fortune teller is a hoax and gets the water bending scroll all through thinking things through not fighting them head on. He invents the fricken war ballon and it’s so clear that all his thinking is now coming at things from an angle no one expects which is so perfect for this war in particular considering it’s been basically a slow tug of war between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation for decades. He’s looking at these things and he’s like hey I’m not a bender but I do know how benders think and how a lot of people think because I’m trying to figure out how the world works. Like by the time he gets to North he isn’t as great with the weapons because again HES NOT A FIGHTER AT HEART but he is a thinker and he points out all the holes in the Norths strategy with full confidence.
Like in book 2 all his thoughts are about winning and out thinking the enemy. He learns about the library and gets so genuine excited about it but he can’t be a true nerd cause of his responsibilities but he basically plans a way to win the war, learns haikus, try’s art, gets into wrestling and learns so much about other cultures and skills he’s always thinking and winning and no longer doing things on impulse.
But of course he still feels insecure about that and doesn’t see his brain as his true weapon because he was supposed to be the warrior. That’s his role.
So he goes to Piandao who sees all of that and sees how Sokka is so so smart and eager to learn and think in ways that no one expects and he nurtures that. He teaches him art and calligraphy and gives him a Jian! He gives Sokka a Jian "The Gentleman of Weapons" not Dao even though Dao are made for soilders and Jian are for scholars, nobels and people who have time for proper sword craft. (Not to mention the fact they are primarily used for Tai Chi which is also the base for water bending which is just a detail I love). Like the Jian is a sword for scholars it’s for scholars!!!
Sokkas a thinker not a fighter and that’s so amazing to me.
Like he starts as the boy that took on a fire nation ship by himself then ends the series as the guy who’s strategies won the war, a trusted advisor for basically anyone of importance because they know he’s smart and are willing to listen to his ideas and with such a happy future for him to grow without the weight of having to be a fighter weighing him down cause that’s not who he’s supposed to be.
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izzuku · 2 years
「If I try my hardest, would look my way?」
summary: while searching the Golden Apple Archipelago with Kazuha, he realises how hard he's fallen for you over time. Once you're alone, the wind tells him it's time to confess.
characters: kazuha x gn reader
c/w: just pure fluff, kazuha has fallen hard, love confessions and 2.8 event spoilers(? Like, the location and that's it (probably short)
a/n: exploring the islands on the new event made me imagine a ton shit of scenarios and one of those was really cute. I won't tell anything until you read it but yeah, just imagine kazuha seeing you laugh and shine under the sun and he's like: "yeah, I'm deeply in love with them"
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While Mona and Fischl were having a competition, Xinyan explained she would be preparing the camp. For your surprise she asked for Paimon's help so she had to stay.
“I'm going to explore a little bit, (name) , would like to accompany me?”
Kazuha's voice grabbed your attention. As always, he was so gentle with everything, even with the way he talked.
“Sure, it'll be better to go together in case you stumble across danger.” You returned his gesture with the same soft smile.
After some time using the Waverider you stumble upon some rocks in the middle of the ocean. These were a little bit far from the other islands but not enough to get lost. As you approached them, you got an idea.
“Hey Kazuha, let's stop there for a bit. I want to try something”
“Are you sure? These rocks are kind of big and pointy. I'll gladly help you reach up but please be careful”
“Don't worry, come on, it'll be fun I promise.” You reassured him with a smile. “Can you try and climb the waverider? I think you'll see me better from there.”
After getting out of the boat, he pushed himself on top while you started climbing up the rocks. He didn't notice how you were taking off your boots and socks and checking out the distance between the rock and the sea.
“Hey Kazu check this out!” His eyes darted to your figure jumping off the rock into the water, a big splash blocking his view until your head popped out of the bright blue sea.
A small yet sweet smile crept up his face when he saw you climbing up again. Oh how much he adored the sound of your laughter through his ears. He could only look at you like a lovesick wanderer.
“As bright as the own sun, dove. You always make me laugh with the cutest things.” His smile didn't falter when you walked up to him with the loveliest smile on your lips.
“Stop with that come on...you always come up with the right words...” You chuckled as Kazuha's fingers intertwined with yours, both faces really close to each other. You took one glance to the red of his eyes when he suddenly spoke.
“I've been trying...to express my own emotions through paper and ink...making haikus day and night. But I don't think words will be enough to express how I feel about you”. Your heart started pounding even harder when he took a hold of your cheek.
“If I try my hardest...would you look my way? Would you accept these strong feelings of someone who once thought that he couldn't love anymore?” His words stumbled a bit but it was clear enough that he felt the same way you felt about him.
Getting part of his clothes wet, you took a step closer, trying to close the space in between with a soft kiss yet full of adoration. It took a couple of seconds for both of you to end it but it was worth it when he saw you smile again.
“I think that you've tried hard enough since the first time we met.”
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beiq2y · 2 years
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: ̗̀➛includes : childe, kaeya, diluc, zhongli, Fischl, razor, Bennet, Kazuha, venti and xiao!
: ̗̀➛warnings : none! Js as usual, horrible attempts of humour by me 😭
: ̗̀➛not proofread! May contain a lot of typos :’) ✮———————————✮————————————✮
the bad boy SLAYYY
he’s always getting into fights, but somehow his grades are still so perfect?? according to the people closer to him, he’s actually really nice and u lowkey didn’t believe them.
that is until well.. he saved u frm some creeps in his grade. 
and u found out that hey, he actually isn’t half bad!
u’ve met his siblings and he’s spoiled them absolutely rotten, but in a good way, they’re still the sweetest bundles of joy. (especially teucer!)
while childe’s the type to always get into fights and be simped over, kaeya is the cliche flirt and womaniser. He’s not.a playboy however, man has never cheated on anyone and always tries his best not to lead people on, insisting he’s simply “praising the gift of the archons that is women” 
he normally doesn’t participate in fights but, u’ve seen how violent he can get with your own 2 eyes. something about his father and brother, diluc and the fatui.. and what even is the fatui? u’re not sure u want to know. but either way, u’ve decided to stay on his good side for now.
the 2 of them have made it a point to visit you randomly during sch hours and it’s alw so chaotic lawd 😭
another hot senior, but he always seems so.. tired. literally whenever u see him, he looks like he’s running on 2h of sleep and a cup of black coffee. 
but.. that doesn’t change the fact that he is LITERALLY ONE OF THE HOTTEST MFS U’VE EVER SEEN.
he’s also pretty smart, and apparently owns some big wine company, so he’s got the cash as well.
U’ve heard rumours about something about him and kaeya going on and if you hadn’t witnessed their little outburst, you doubt you would believe those 2 were ever brothers.
DEFO BFFS WITH DILUC. they are the stressed study buddies. whenever u see them, they’re always having some kind of highly intellectual conversations, that you struggle to keep up. 
he gives off like top student vibes, definitely top in his level and the model student. 
he also gives off tired dad vibes tbh, like the amt of times u’ve seen him chasing after hu tao, xiao, ganyu and all the other is too many to count 
fischl razor and bennet;
so how did they end up here again? 
bennet was hell bent on joining some “adventure team” but well, that clearly did not exist and since razor’s only plan was to follow bennet around, their friend fischl(with a vv vivid imagination, you must say) just decided to write down poetry for the 2 of them, since that’s the club that she would be joining.
fischl is amazing at poetry, although the words she chooses can be.. complicated at times.
as for bennet and razor, they’re a little confused, but they’re got the spirit!
u always try ur best to help them with ur senior kazuha, and u’ve honestly developed a bit of a soft spot for them
“meat is good, meat is yummy,” razor starts
“OH OH I GOT IT!“ bennet interrupts
“meat is the most spectacular delicacy ever presented-“ 
“meat is good, meat is yummy, meat always fills my tummy!” benny and razor say at the same time while u and kazu are js watching with LITERAL TEARS IN YOUR EYES.
so like,, yea. that’s it. he’s ur super cute, kind and sweet senior in poetry and his haikus ARE HEAVENLY. 
he’s always helping u out with ur poems and every single piece of work he guides you on turns out as a masterpiece. 
heck, it’s so good, it could even be counted as free literature tuition! you wouldn’t be surprised if the reason for that A was solely due to him. 
he’s chairperson of the club, and all the teachers love him
another member of your beloved poetry club! or should i say.. ghost member? he’s never really present during club hours anyways. however, according to kazuha, his audition was one of the best by far?? he’s in your class and is always seen slacking, but his grades are so?? good?? during cca one time u were going to the toilet and caught him singing a song with his lyre, a pretty unique one at rhat and, let’s js say, you got the hype.
i have another headcanon that he would be in choir, but again, ghost member. bro disappears during every single practice but in the middle of every official performance/showcase, he has a slight tendency to well.. drop down from the ceiling hanging from a rope and start singing the chorus at the top of his lungs. 
in fact, this is such a common occurrence that the choir teachers have literally starting planning when he’s going to drop down, and incorporating it in their performance plan !
however, venti (this little shit), unfortunately, found out about this and now drops in at the most randomest of times, sometimes even more than once, and sometimes, with the wrong lyrics too,,
the quiet emo kid at the back of the class! he’s that one emo yk, window seat, earpiece(wired ones.) he’s surprisingly smart, tho u doubt he even pays attention during class. 
venti is always seen around him, but you’re kinda starting to doubt if they’re even friends, since it’s usually a one-sided thing, with venti talking while xiao js looks out of the window looking well, emo.
he’s always clinging onto zhongli too, and when u asked him abt it once, he said that he admires zhongli a lot and wishes to be like him!
a/n : LAWD I WROTE THIS SO LONG AGO AND THE JOKES R SO BAD 😭 also I was thinking of turning this into like a sort of otome (?) as in i write romantic headcanons for each character! (Excluding the minors ofc) what do y’all think abt that? Also feel free to req some characters for part 2 in my ask box!
also I hate the pictures for this but like I couldn’t turn them blue idk I feel like it ruins my theme but wtv
©beiq2y on Tumblr 2022, pls do not copy or repost my works!
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siriuslysatorusimping · 2 months
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Seeing Double (Another Level - Installment 5)
“Empty compliments only serve as a balm to the egos of the weak,” he stated. “I wouldn’t be wasting my time with you if I thought you were weak.” - She pressed on when she noticed that he was hesitating. Which meant he couldn’t always tell which one of her was real. “Oh shit,” he laughed. “I actually thought you were the double!” His laughter brought no comfort, her body trying to cave in on itself in pain. She hadn’t been expecting a hit that hard. He’d filled it with enough cursed energy to kill a low-level curse instantly. It felt like her insides were shriveling up slowly, and he began patting her back lightly. “Hey, hey, breathe,” he urged, watching as she gasped for air. “I got you.”
AN: Guess who passed her probationary period as a Semi-Grade 1 👀 I'm obsessing way too much with these headers but I'm too proud of them to stop...
Prev - Semi-Grade | Another Level Masterlist | Kiko's Masterlist
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Seeing Double 2011
“That really all you’ve got, Rinko-chan?”
Gojo’s voice was playful as she leaned her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.
He’d found his way to really pay her back for all her teasing: beating the shit out of her.
To be fair, he only started after she asked him to help her hone a technique she’d been working on. But the fact still stood that he was enjoying what had turned essentially Rinko into a punching bag way too much.
She hadn’t thought too much of it when he’d enthusiastically agreed to help her when she explained what technique she was working on. Now, she realized why he’d been excited.
“I need a break,” she gasped, her entire body protesting each breath she took.
A few of her fingers were broken from barely deflecting a few of his harder hits, and she knew that if she looked in the mirror, she’d already have bruises forming all across her body. She was grateful she was in Tokyo this week. Shoko's proximity and ease of access gave her peace of mind.
She collapsed unceremoniously to the ground when he gave a slight nod at her plea. Another thing she’d learned was that unless he gave her an actual response to her requests to pause, he wasn’t agreeing and would attack her at any given moment.
That was how she’d ended up with what Shoko had scolded her for as a concussion.
A water bottle smacked into the back of her head now, pulling a yelp of pain as she sat straight up to glare at Gojo’s smug grin. His hands were held up in an exceedingly mocking gesture of apology.
It was like fighting a stronger version of his teenage self. His pent-up frustration with her for how she’d messed with him years ago came out in cheap hits and unbridled laughter. She’d noted, to his face, that he sounded like a lunatic when he laughed at her pain like that.
His only answer was to laugh harder.
“Stay hydrated,” he called, appearing above her and dumping a full bottle of water over her head. “And cool off. You’re getting too angry, and it’s making you sloppy.”
She spluttered through the ice-cold water running down her face, feeling like a drowned rat as she groaned in pain.
“You are enjoying this way too much,” she moaned, feeling her muscles stiffening thanks to his impromptu ice shower. He’d done it on purpose to slow her down, giving her another obstacle to work past. “My everything hurts. How is this supposed to help me with my technique again?”
Lying back, she took a deep breath to try to relax her body.
“Because you need to be able to activate it under duress,” he said, standing above her and staring at her in amusement. “A curse isn’t gonna just stand around while you gather your thoughts and compose it a damn haiku.”
“Fuck off,” she grumbled, knowing he meant the only time she’d activated it during a fight successfully. He’d been distracted taunting her, giving her a chance to concentrate and she’d been able to get a single hit in because of it. Which he’d had the nerve to call cheating because he wasn’t paying attention.
He took a seat next to her, resting back on his hands and stretching his legs out in front of him.
“You’re doing well,” he stated, his voice serious. “You’ve already gotten it to where you can instantly activate Shadow Step. And your decoys are looking great. Cursed energy output is almost identical to yours.”
It was true. She barely had to think to have Shadow Step going, and she had at least two decoys ready to use at all times now. It was like breathing, barely needing any thought to activate them and use them as she needed.
His blindfold was off, and he nodded towards the corner where her duplicate was waiting to manifest as a decoy when she needed it.
“If you weren’t sitting next to me, it would take me a second to realize that energy isn’t you.”
What was giving her trouble was her newest variation of duplicate, which was a near-perfect copy. It was essentially taking her decoy and being able to control it. Make it move individually—independently. Make it work with her and fight alongside her if she needed.
Or be in two places at once, which was why she’d had the idea to begin with.
“But my new double is still absolute dogshit,” she moaned, giving into her self-pity for a moment. “It makes me feel like I’m going to die when I activate it. Like my brain is being split in half.”
He flicked her forehead, hard, and she scowled up at him as she rubbed the sore spot.
“You’re getting there,” he said, voice losing just a bit of its edge. “Focus a bit less on your thoughts and more on your energy.”
Praise wasn’t something he gave lightly. In fact, he gave praise even more sparingly to his friends, which he’d informed her none too gently when she’d deadpanned about him placating her the first day they trained together.
“Empty compliments do nothing,” he’d said, his voice serious. His arms were crossed as he frowned at her. “They serve as a balm to the fragile egos of the weak. I wouldn’t be wasting my time with you if I thought you were weak.”
The way he’d said it somehow made it feel like a backhanded compliment. A thought she forced from her mind as she tried following his advice now, focusing on the energy.
It felt different.
But something about it felt so natural. And while it still felt excruciating, it was more manageable.
The split-screen vision would take a long time to get used to. She felt like she was trying to play two different perspectives of a video game at the same time. It was nauseating, and she already felt it weighing her down.
But she pressed on when she noticed that Gojo was hesitating. Which meant he couldn’t always tell which one of her was real. His blindfold was still in place today, and she knew that was the main reason he was struggling, but she would take what she could get.
As she closed in behind him, trying to distract him with her double, he feinted and turned at the last minute, halting her movement with a punch that she swore made her see sound.
“Oh shit,” he laughed, catching her when she collapsed against him. “I actually thought you were the double!”
His laughter brought no comfort, her body trying to cave in on itself in pain. She hadn’t been expecting a hit that hard. He’d filled it with enough cursed energy to kill a low-level curse instantly. She’d just barely reinforced that spot with her own energy in time, but it had done little against his overpowered punch. It felt like her insides were shriveling up slowly, and he began patting her back lightly.
“Hey, hey, breathe,” he urged, watching as she gasped for air. “I got you.”
She swore she could see the waves in the air from the noises she heard. The swirls from his excited laughter that was the absolute opposite of comforting while she tried and failed to pull air into her lungs. Her body refused to listen.
“Fuck,” she wheezed, clutching her stomach as her legs gave out. “That- fucking- hurt-”
“But you did it,” he said, a grin on his face as he sank to the ground with her. “I actually couldn’t tell there for a minute. I turned because I thought you were doing the opposite of what you were planning. Thought you were gonna sneak attack with the double.”
“Great,” she rasped, finally feeling air entering her lungs at a semi-normal rate. “Still fuck- ing hurts-”
“Yeah,” he chuckled, his hand now rubbing her back. “I mighta put a bit of extra into that one. Wanted to destroy the double to force you to make another.”
“Cool,” she replied, giving him an unimpressed look. “I think my spleen is in my throat.”
Letting out another laugh, he settled on the ground, stretching his legs out in front of them and pulling her into his arms. Rubbing her arms now, he continued to grin as she let out a pained groan.
“That’s impossible, silly,” he teased. “Your spleen is just fine. You blocked with enough cursed energy that you just had the breath knocked outta you.”
It didn’t feel like it. She still felt like she was going to throw up. That sounded like a great idea. Maybe whatever organ had decided to lodge itself in her throat would come up as well-
“In through your nose and out through your mouth,” he instructed, watching as she squeezed her eyes shut. His tone was still entirely too excited for her liking. “You’re okay.”
“You’re- too-” she paused, coughing as the blood that had been climbing her throat finally surfaced, “-happy about this.”
“Rinko-chan,” he drawled, pulling his blindfold up to meet her eyes seriously. “I know the pain is kinda clouding your mind, but you did it. That’s why I’m excited. So focus on catching your breath and then we’re going again.”
The noise of pain she released was inhuman, turning squinting her eyes up at him in disdain.
“You’re a sadist,” she stated drily. “I’ve decided that you have to be a sadist.”
Again, he only grinned down at her affectionately, and she rolled her eyes. Pushing herself back to her feet, she took a breath when the world spun.
Trying to summon her energy and concentrate it into a double, she felt herself tilt, and Gojo caught her again when she tipped forward.
“Okay, maybe that’s enough for the day, then.”
He was still amused, tucking his shoulder under her arm to keep her standing.
“Let’s go get yelled at by Shoko,” he said cheerfully, laughing when Rinko groaned in pain again.
After Shoko had finished lecturing Gojo about how hard he was pushing Rinko, she healed her injuries. Making a loud note of the internal bleeding that his last punch had caused, she shook her head when Rinko smiled at her guiltily.
“Remember your limits,” she ordered, her eyes narrowing. “For fuck’s sake, it’s like you don’t know how to dodge.”
While Shoko had a point, Rinko bristled slightly at her accusation.
“You try to dodge his hits when he’s moving that fast,” she countered, crossing her arms.
“Touche,” Shoko admitted, smirking as she lit a cigarette. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m sure.”
As they exited the infirmary now, Gojo draped his right arm over her shoulder lazily.
“Dinner?” he asked cheerily, grinning when her stomach growled. “Thought so. So what do you-”
Her phone pinged insistently in her pocket, and she pulled it out to see Nanami’s name flashing across the screen.
“Tell Nanamin I say ‘hi!’” Gojo said, pressing a kiss to her sweaty temple before releasing her and leaving her to take the call alone.
Holding the phone to her ear, she grinned when she heard Nanami’s quiet sigh as he heard the last bit of Gojo’s voice fading.
“I’d say I don’t know how you tolerate him so much,” he said, his monotone voice lilting just slightly to tell her he was teasing her. “But you’re just as crazy as he is.”
“That’s rude,” she replied, taking a seat on the steps. “We both know I’m nowhere near his level of insanity.”
The sarcastic hum Nanami gave made her scowl.
“Alright, if you called just to bully me, I’m hanging up,” she said, feeling her stomach growl again. “I just had my organs rearranged twice, so I’d like to be able to get some rest.”
“Your fault for asking him to help you,” Nanami replied, no sympathy in his voice. “But I have news. I just heard from Mei and Yaga. You’ve passed the first portion of your Grade 1 probationary period.”
He said it so casually that she thought she’d misheard him for a moment.
“I-” she struggled to breathe again. “I- what? Really?”
Doing the math in her head, she knew it had been a little over seven months, but she still didn’t expect it so soon. Even without the barriers she had, she knew there were some who were stuck at Semi-Grade 1 for years.
“Your solo Grade 1 will be scheduled soon,” Nanami said, sounding amused. “You can expect to hear from Yaga soon with more details.”
She stayed silent, still unable to believe what she was hearing.
“I’m- when is it going to be?”
“Not yet determined,” Nanami replied. “Good job, Rinko. You’ve done really well.”
“I- thank you, Kento,” she whispered. “I mean it. Thank you.”
“It’s not over yet,” he said calmly. “But I’m confident you’ll be fine. I still expect you to tell me why it took you so long to get here when you’ve clearly been capable.”
“Tell you what,” she said, feeling her confidence surge. “I’ll tell you if I pass my solo Grade 1.”
“When you pass your solo Grade 1,” he countered, chuckling. “It’s a deal. I’ll talk to you soon, Rinko. Get some rest.”
Hanging up, she let out the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding.
“You got some news?” Gojo asked, his voice at her ear. “Sounded like some good news.”
“I knew you’d be lurking,” she replied, turning to stare at him over her shoulder. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you that it’s rude to eavesdrop?”
His half-hearted shrug caused her to roll her eyes, dropping down onto the stairs next to her.
There was a barely contained smile on his face, his eyebrows raised expectantly.
“I’ve- I’ve passed the probationary period,” she whispered, feeling a grin tug at her lips. “They’re gonna schedule my solo Grade 1. I- I’m so fucking close to Grade 1 I swear I can fucking taste it.”
He was grinning now, leaning over to capture her lips with his. Grasping the side of her neck, he angled her so he could lick into her mouth. Humming against her, he tightened his grip when she tried to pull away slightly.
“I knew you’d do it,” he whispered, finally releasing her. “Not a damn doubt in my mind.”
When he leaned back down, she turned away and laughed when he growled.
“Not here,” she scolded, smacking his hands away. “Quit it!”
His pout made her laugh, her eyes shining as the reality of the news from Nanami finally began setting in.
“Tease,” he grumbled, adjusting his pants. His smirk returned immediately though, and he knocked his shoulder against hers. “You did good.”
She couldn’t hold in her giggle, feeling like she was on top of the world. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins like fire. It felt like nothing could bring her down-
The shrill shriek of her phone seemed to be sent to remind her that she would never get anything for free. Looking down, she felt her heart stutter at the number displayed.
Immediately, she was plummeting down from the high she’d been at moments earlier.
Answering the call shakily, she listened as the voice on the other end spoke. The words were distant, her eyes glazing over as she felt the breath leave her lungs.
Time stopped. The words “turn for the worse” and “you should come as quickly as you can” registered in her mind enough before she felt her eyes welling with tears.
Next - I Say “Sayonara”
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emo-gremlin · 9 months
Hey, you're cool! *hands you more MFN as memes/vines*
Lenard: what's cooler than being cool?
Gordon: financial stability
Lilianna: an octopus is just a wet spider
George: end on December 21, 2012. I bought all this fucking pasta as a way to celebrate the end of the world and now I'm $10,000 in debt, my taxi got towed and I have wet pasta everywhere in my house
Lenard: ...I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
Ricky: swear words are illegal now, say one and you'll be fined
Handy: heck
Ricky: you're on thin fucking ice
Ricky: oh no
Lenard: what if mayonnaise came in cans?
Lilianna: that would suck because you can't microwave metal...
Noir: *walking by drinking coffee* good morning to everyone except you people
Noir: anyone wanna get into an argument with me?
Ricky: ok cream cheese isn't that good
Noir: I was kidding but you know what fuck you for real
Unfriendly Lenard: I hate being high, why I hear footsteps?
Craig: are you walking?
Unfriendly Lenard: oh shit
Junebug: vanilla soy latte is just 3 bean soup
Gordon: why must you do this at 5am
George: a haiku for the bus drive who deliberately cut me off
George: *clears throat*
George: I swear to God bruh, let me catch you in the streets, bruh I swear to God
Unfriendly Lilianna: I find the fact I will never experience a sword fight in my entire life terribly tragic
Lenard: sorry, liberals, there's only 0 genders
Junebug: there's one gender ad we have to share
Craig: Gordon said its my turn on the gender
Norman: I wanna jump off a building and not die. Just relieve stress by slamming into the sidewalk and then get up and go get a slurpee or something
Ricky: Norman are you ok
Norman: no ❤️
Norman: *screams into jar* everything is fine :)
Gordon: I saw your last report card
Noir: *not even looking up from his phone* congrats you can see
Gordon: oh so you wanna be smart?
Noir: that's why I go to school
Gordon: hey Junebug how are you today?
Junebug: I swallowed a golf ball!
Gordon: uh- are you ok?
Junebug: I can't poop! :D
Ricky: hey Lillianna
Lillianna: can you get in the oven and clean it?
Ricky: bye Lillianna
Junebug: if it weren't illegal I would eat cereal for every meal of the day
Gordon: I have some wonderful news for you
Gordon: Noir asked everyone at dinner what color Norman's new shirt was. After we all said grey, he turned to him and said, "Now tell them what color you think it is." And Norman just quietly replied, "Dark white."
Lilianna: Lasagna is just spaghetti flavored cake
Fritz: I will pay you money to never speak again
George: fellas is it gay to fall in love with another man and spend your life with him
Gordon: that is the literal definition of gay
George: :0
Gordon: *texting the puppets* At airport! Bye guys! Love ya to the moon and back, you're the best! Bust a nut!
Noir: I'm not sure Gordon knows what that means
Tax: I Physically cannot breathe
Lilianna: God released me into the wild and now he's hunting me for sport
Fritz: where can I order a pretty face
George: from your mirror
Lenard: 2023: the year the Neighborhood learned how to flirt
Norman: oh my
Noir: 1 universe, 9 planets, 7 seas, 7 continents, 809 islands, 204 countries, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you
Gordon: I'm pretty sure 'viva la Pluto fuck you' is the best sentence I've ever heard
Craig, Fritz and UF Fritz belong to: @gayfraggle
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grotesque--cooties · 1 month
"Is That Your Blood?"
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The Narrator(Jack) x Gn!Reader WARNINGS: Fight Club (just the movie), mention of blood, mention of violence, the readers a little shit WORD COUNT: 2.4k Bro I know his name was never mentioned in the movie but I’ve never seen a dude that looks more Jack-like than him so we’re sticking with Jack(JACKIN OFF THIS DI-)
Day 327. It’s been 327 days since beginning this dead-end job, 327 days of staring at a barely working computer screen, dull-grey walls, taking ludicrous phone calls…
The motivation to work is gone, my body barely moving and my mind barely functioning. I can't even form a thought, let alone be bothered to fill out one more damn report on a car brand that barely even works. I rub my face with my hands, trying to find the motivation to keep on going but the minute I look back at my screen my mind blanks. I sigh deeply and lean back into my chair, my eyes looking up at the ceiling hoping for something, anything to happen that will give me the nudge I need to start working. But I blank…
That is until I hear the chime of my email notifications going off. I lean my head back down, my eyes finding my opened email tab and skimming over the first few words believing it to be a work email. However, the shortness of it and the indentations make me quickly realize that this isn’t a work email. I rub my eyes with the palms of my hands, quickly sitting up and leaning forward to read it better.
“Worker bees can leave….what?” I read over it quickly, quietly mouthing out the apparent Haiku my coworker sent with confusion laced in my voice.
I work too damn hard, stare at nothingness the entire day, and watch mind-numbing antique sales on tv at home and now my coworker is sending me not only emails with nothing important but haikus about consumerism. I let out a small chuckle at the absurdness of it all, haikus? Really? I looked to see who sent out the email and noticed it was Jack. Jack….that Jack? The ones who are always on the verge of falling asleep, the ones who can barely zone in for a conversation? I couldn't hold it in anymore and let out a loud laugh, some heads turned to see what was happening but I didn't care. Sleepy-boy Jack was sending “deep” haikus to us and when you do nothing all day, anything out of the norm is hilarious.
My laughter dies down and I look at the clock, 12 pm. I need my afternoon coffee now, the drowsiness of the day is getting to me. I stood up from my seat and cracked my back, groaning a bit loudly. I turned around to go near the coffee pot and slowly walked to it. Usually, when I get my afternoon coffee I just ignore everything around me and focus only on getting to the community pot, but today I focused on something different. Jack. To get to the coffee pot you'd have to pass his desk, and usually, I'd only sneak in a few glances at him but I wanted to see what he was doing. That haiku he sent all of us is still stuck in my head, the “deep” message it's trying to convey when in reality it just kinda looks like some 14-year-old boy writing his feelings out after getting told ‘no’ by his parents…or maybe I'm just to dumb to understand haikus, I never really liked them to begin with so I might be biased. Maybe I'll start a conversation with him, see what's going on inside that head of his now. I've talked to Jack before, mostly about the weather and how our days were going--nothing life-changing. Sometimes I'll try to make more interesting conversations with him by retelling some stories but he doesn't really interact, just listens. I was lost in thought and didn't realize I had already made it to his desk. Damn, I'm a fast walker!
I knocked my fist on his desk three times, trying to get his attention. “Hey Jack, I saw that ha- WOOOOAAAAHH!!!!” I shouted by accident. When he turned around to look at me a cigarette was hanging from his lips. Never in my life did I expect to see Jack smoking, especially at work.
“Good girl gone bad?” I giggle out, leaning my body on his desk now.
“Hm?” He grunts out. I flick his cigarette lightly, chuckling when he pulls back from the unexpected action.
“You smoke now?” I questioned, never expecting the guy who always refused a cigarette to start randomly smoking.
“Yeah…I picked it up recently.” He said quietly, turning his body towards me now.
“Writing haikus AND smoking??? You're getting more emo by the day.” I say, pushing his arm lightly.
The corners of his mouth move up slightly, his cigarette moving with his lips. I quickly glance down to the area where I hit him, now realizing that there was some blood on his shirt. I gasp, sitting up quickly and grabbing the area where the blood is. I lean in, analyzing the area for any injuries on him.
“Are you okay? What happened? Is this your blood?” I asked quickly, my worried questions spewing out of my mouth. He took hold of my hands a little aggressively, his grip tight and unexpected.
“Some of it, but I'm fine.” He calmly said, like it wasn't out of the norm to have blood on your shirt.
“Wa-wait…some of it? This is someone else's blood too?” I urged him to explain. What the hell is happening to this guy?
“Don't worry about it, I'm fine.” He placed my hands down, placing his own on his lap. “Yeah sure ya are, people that have blood on their shirts are fine.” I sarcastically replay, crossing my arms over my chest. He shrugs his shoulders and just blankly stares up at me.
“Jesus Christ…” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I place my hands on my lap and they make a loud sound at the impact, startling Jack a bit.
“Welp…if you won't let me help you then can I at least wash it out for you?” I offer, worry written all over my face. “Mr. Boss-man will literally shit his pants in anger if he sees that.” I point at the blood stain.
He lets out a small laugh at that, his eyes meeting mine and I see the tension leave his body. His shoulders slump and relax, his body looking exhausted from holding all that in. I grab his shoulder and quickly pull him up from his seat, his eyes widening as I start to walk with him to the breakroom. “R-right now?” He yelps out, not expecting to go on a journey.
“Yeah, I know I can't get the entire stain out but I can help lift it so It’s barely noticeable,” I explained, holding onto his shoulder still as we walked to the break room.
As we entered the break room I let go of his shoulder and quickly walked to the tiny, run-down refrigerator we had. It’s a miracle that this thing even ran still, the temperature barely rising to cool inside of that thing. As I looked through the fridge, trying to find the ingredient I needed Jack slowly walked over to the fridge, looking inside of it with me.
“What are we trying to find?” He inquiries.
I froze for a moment, his body being so unexpectedly close to mine made me feel somewhat anxious. Sure, I found him to be attractive but I’ve never felt anxious around him before. Before I could dwell on that thought though he repeated his question.
“(Y/N)? What are we looking for?” His eyes sharpened in confusion.
“Hm? Oh sorry! Uuumm….” I quickly looked back in the fridge, finding the item I needed. I move aside some of the lunches and reach inside to grab my item.
“Lemon Juice!” My hand brings the bottle out, holding it near my face as I show it off to him.
“Lemon Juice?”
“Yeah, the acid makes it easier to rinse out the blood. I used to use this whenever my sister needed help with cleaning her clothes and we didn’t have any stain remover or hydrogen peroxide in the house.” I explained, looking at the bottle to see how much of it was left.
As I was examining the fullness of it, Jack cleared his throat making me look back at him. “Alright emo-boy, let's get you cleaned up!” I smile up at him, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him out of the room.
“Wha-what…what are you doing???” He spews out, his feet tripping a bit from the unexpected grab. As I sped-walked with him I brought us to the men's bathroom, opening the door harshly to let us both in. As I got close to the sinks I let go of Jack, turning to him fully now.
“C’mon, take your shirt off,” I demand, placing my hand out. He looks at me like I’m the one with someone else's blood on my shirt, his eyes widen so much they might as well pop out.
“What? How did you think I was gonna clean it out? Pour the lemon juice on you?” I chuckle, finding his shocked face adorable. As he stuttered for an explanation I interrupted him, “Listen, if you don’t want me to get it out that's fine, I can leave if you want?” I questioned, my face frowning slightly. While his confusion was adorable, I didn’t realize that he might not want this and I was making him uncomfortable. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable if he didn’t want me here I would gladly leave…but I really don’t want to go.
Before I could dwell on my thoughts any further he sputtered out: “It’s fine.” I leaned my head up and smiled at him, my fingers working the screw off of the bottle as quickly as I could. As I got the lid off I placed my hand out for him again, giving him a “come-hither” motion so he would take his shirt off. As he unbuttoned his shirt I noticed large amounts of bruising on his torso. His skin, while already pale, was enhanced by the deep purple scattering his torso painting a scene of pain.
I gapped slightly at the sight of it, not knowing what to make of it. I decided to keep shut about it, if he has someone else's blood on his shirt who knows what he did to get so many bruises on his perfect skin.
Perfect?… I need to control myself better.
As he placed his shirt in my hand, I quickly averted my eyes from his body and looked at the blood on the shirt. As I was analyzing, he stood there, rocking back and forth on his heels. I decided that to not be too awkward I would try to make some more conversation.
“So…” I dragged out, pouring a little bit of the lemon juice on the spots of blood. “You wanna explain those haiku’s you're sending to everyone?” I scoff a bit, remembering that stupid haiku he sent this morning and I shake my head, a smile pulling at my lips.
As he looked at me through the mirror, I grabbed a nearby paper towel and started rubbing the acid in, having to make do with the materials I had.
“No…They’re just something I want to write. Thoughts I don’t care if others hear about anymore.” He explained, his eyes following my hands every movement now. I stop my scrubbing and turn my head to look at him fully, a smirk playing on my lips.
“Oh~ you think about queen bee’s often? Okay, Winnie.” I scoff out the last part, a laugh escaping me. I turn my head back down to the shirt quickly as he stares blankly at me, a laugh threatening to leave me once more. I just can’t take the haikus seriously, they’ve always been a silly subject for me. Ever since having to write them in 7th grade I have found that no one has been able to make a serious haiku, they always just sound like “deep” poems except they ran out of ideas 2 lines in. Somehow, that comment got a small laugh out of him. His laugh was raspy, a little airy but gods was it perfect sounding…
Perfect sounding?……oh…oh fuck…..I like him.
I’ve always found him to be an attractive man but I never really got far with him in conversation, he just seemed so closed off. He would sometimes doze off in our discussions or wouldn’t respond, giving me a blank look. Yet, I still tried. Something inside of me just wants his attention, I’m yearning for it at this point. As I continue to try and clean the blood off, I notice Jack stepping closer to me–looking at his shirt. I felt my cheeks heat up, my eyes refusing to look over in his direction or up at the mirror, just focusing on the blood coming out. After a few more minutes of continuous scrubbing, I turn the water off and place the shirt down on the edge of the sink. I throw the paper towel away and turn around, facing Jack now.
God damn is he good-looking!….. I really need to control myself.
I lean back on the sink, both my hands behind me as I nod my head down at the shirt.
“Got what I could out, you’ll probably need to clean it longer and with actual hydrogen peroxide though.” I expressed, my fingers nervously tapping against the sink. As Jack picked the shirt back up, shaking it out a bit, I swayed my way over to him. I looked over at him as he examined the shirt, nodding a bit when he saw the improvement of the stains.
“You know…” I dragged out, his eyes focusing on me now.
“You could come over to my place later, help you really clean out those stains and who knows…maybe you can explain that haiku to me.” I offer, my face unable to contain my smile. I just really want to talk to him some more, and who knows, maybe something else could happen too while we’re at my place.
As I stood there, waiting for his response he turned his body to face mine, his eyes not breaking contact. “Okay, I’ll come over.”
Notes: GUYS DID I EAT OR WHAT!?!?!?!?!? (there is a full plate of crumbs left) I know he’s ooc in this, I’ve never written for him before though so I think this is a good first try.
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dcrewatch · 11 months
Detective Conan Rewatch: Episode 1091
Episode 1091: "Girls Day Mystery”
Before watching this episode, on a scale of 1-10, how much are you looking forward to seeing it again?
Favorite screencap:
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Ran: "I learned this from Lupin!"
Favorite Moment:
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Honestly it was kinda nice just seeing the girls just chat and hang out. While Conan and Agasa are off doing their own thing.
Least Favorite Moment:
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Only in DCMK would a thief think to even try hang gliding to their mark. I originally was thinking, "Why would anyone even think to try this?" only to remind myself that Kaitou Kid is a thing in this universe and Kid is not bound to the laws of "this would make sense to try". :D;; That said, find it weird just three random pro wrestling guys were able to successfully hang glide over to this building.
What’s one thing you noticed/realized about this episode that you hadn’t before?
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The TV show’s art style's use of shadows reminded me of the artwork in The World Ends With You so I guess Nomura-esque.
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Could be a Domino's reference, but interesting theming a pizza chain around music.
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Sooo, the background walking characters are CG, but what actually caught my eye was the advertising for Fusae Campbell's goods on the left hand side.
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Oh hey, a Cat's Eye reference.
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Using a vacuum cleaner to get jewels is probably meant to be a Lupin III reference.
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this episode?
Not bad, but not amazing either. 5!
Celebrate it!
Here’s a (not exactly) summary haiku:
Girls have a day out
And see suspicious people
What are they up to?
Next Episode: Episode 1092
Previous Episode: Episode 1090
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icypenguin · 10 months
★~ Kazuha Headcanons
hi guys! im trying to post daily or atleast 4 times a week! i hope you guys enjoy my creations 💗💗💗
Teyvat au
- whenever he’s gone, he will write notes to you daily! beidou always catch him writing notes for you on the crownest and teases him for it.
- when he sees you waiting for him at the docks, his face will immediately brighten up and he’s filled with joy.
- if he went to a nation that you’ve both never been to or literally anywhere, he will always get you a small gift that reminds him of you.
- hugs? cheeks kisses? suprise kisses? YES! YES! YES! your favourite spot with him is under the sakura/maple tree. you both often cuddle or just hangout there and enjoy the view.
- sometimes he will ask you if you want to join him on his next adventure! you will definitely cuddle and stargaze with him on the crownest. (don’t let beidou find out about this or she’s going to tease you both nonstop!)
- he will absolutely introduce you to alll the crux members and now when they see you both together theres no way to escape the teasing…
- petnames: dear, darling, maple. sweetheart, love.
~ small drabble ~
the night was chilly as i was cuddling on the crownest with kazuha. blanket covering out body from the cold wind. when all of the sudden he whispers something in my ear “The deep rolling waves, Are attracted by the moon, Our love never dies”. “did you just whisper a haiku to me?” i asked as my cheeks burns, showing a red-ish colour. “oh kazuha, how could i ever return the sweet talks you gave me?” i lay my head on his shoulder as we stare at the ocean, the waves we’re calm i could listen to it until i sleep… kazuha looks at me with a passionate gaze. he looks like he wanted to ask me something. “say, dear, would you like to come with me on my next adventure?” as i heard what he said i felt like i want to jump as high as i can. i’ve been wanting to hear him ask that question as day by day my life got even dull than before. “oh kazuha! i would love to!” i answer him while hugging him. kazuha chuckled and said “glad to hear, ill inform captain beidou later.” he then looked at my direction and kissed me on the cheeks, forhead and lips. we continue cuddling until a voice interupts us “i see loverboy reunited with his dearest, huh?”. oh, i could immediately recognise that voice! the brown haired captain was looking at us with a smirk on her face… what could go so wrong…?
Modern au (college au)
- you and him are neighbours so everyday he will wait for you at your front door so you can walk together.
- if youre ending the class later than him, he will buy you strawberry or banana milk so that you get more nutrients!
- his and your friends always tease you both. even though you both say ‘we’re just friends’ oh they clearly know you’re more than that!
- your parents knows him as he always hangoug with you almost everyday! either if its doing homework together or just chilling together.
- he will totally confess to you at prom! with bouquet and chocolates~
- he will hold your hand whenever you’re walking together. and hugs are appreciated too.
- petnames: darling, sweetheart, love. if he’s feeling a bit silly: cinnamonbun, maplesyrup, cupcake, sweetie pie.
~ small drabble ~
last week, school just announced prom is about to come. i was excited but also nervous as im not sure who i would like to go with. i mean.. it’s obviously kazuha but well- he’s been receiving many people that’s asking him out! with this problem im a bit afraid he will accept one of them.. i supose if im not going with him then i won’t go to prom! at lunch, kazuha looked a bit nervous. i didn’t know what’s going on as he was more quiet than he usually is. so i decide to ask him “kazuha? is anything bothering you?”. kazuha looked at me and replied “oh no, its nothing”. i didn’t believe what he said but i decide to slide that answer. i was peacefully eating my lunch when all of the sudden he told me “hey uh- could you meet me at the school garden after school? i want to ask you something..”. i said “oh suree! ill meet you under the big tree ok?” he only nods his head as a respond.
*time skip to after school hehe*
the bell rang signaling that school is over. i quickly went under the big tee at the school garden and kazuha was already there. “hey kazzz! sooo what do you want to ask mee?” i asked in curiosity. i’ve been waiting for this momet since the time he told me to meet him after school. “oh- hey.. i didn’t see you coming.. um-“ he looked nervous and he was avoiding eye contact. i gave him some time to process what he wants to say “um.. w-ould you like to go to prom with me, y/n?”. i can see his ears going red and he pulled out a bouquet and a heart shaped container thats filled with chocolate. hearing this question made my heart go crazy! i quickly replied “OH YES! YES! uh- i-i mean mhm! i would love tooo!” i can feel my face getting a lot warmer as heat rushes through it. i accept the bouquet and chocolates from him and tackle him into a hug. we both ended up falling on the grass, laughing.
OMG MY GRAMMAR SUCKS SOOO MUCH IM SO SORRY 😭😭😭 kazuha is my fav but idk im not that proud with this oneeee ill prob make something like this later on… idk if im just not feeling it or what but i hope u guys enjoy this and advices are appreciated thankyouu!
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pluviatrix · 1 year
AUTHOR ADDENDUM: ASTCB playlist analysis
hello and welcome 2 the playlist post! for those coming from the published fic hello and thank you for your curiosity and i hope my music taste is up to your standards. for those seeing this before the fic is published i would like to apologize for the abject confusion
when people have playlists with their fics i always wanna know why exactly they included those songs and i figured this would be a fun kind of fic extra like they used to include on movie CDs
lets go! playlist link here for the uninitiated
"Õhtu Ilu" -- Kammerkoor Head Ööd Vend
I don't speak Estonian. A quick google tells me this song is probably about desperately wanting the night to end so the sun will come out, which, given the naming pattern of the actual comic recently and the themes of depression in ASTCB, is surprisingly fitting. this was NOT intentional LKDSDFSDF
this song is really more of a mood setter if you get me. It has this quiet ethereal sound that's a little hopeful and a lot peaceful. i chose this song mainly to coincide with how I characterize wild + my whole experience w/ BOTW
2. "Anchor" -- Novo Amor
"Took the breath from my open mouth/Never known how it broke me down/I went in circles somewhere else/Shook the best when your love was home/Storing up on your summer glow/You went in search of someone else"
midna . cuz twi is super sad
also the whole ethereal quiet sound of this song makes it a moodsetter song. this playlist is split up into two parts, with a blend in the middle. twi with the others but without that intense connection yet, and twi healing. this song is securely in the former.
3. "Already Gone" -- Sleeping At Last
"And I want you to know, you couldn't have loved me better"
a haiku:
god god god god god
god god god god god god god
god god god god fuck
4. "Light" -- Sleeping At Last
"I will always hold you close/But I will learn to let you go/I promise I'll do better/I will soften every edge/I'll hold the world to its best"
"'Cause you are loved, you are loved more than you know/I hereby pledge all of my days to prove it so/Though your heart is far too young to realize/The unimaginable light you hold inside"
Hey look at me. Sit down. Imagine we are sitting at the most comfortable couch in the world. look at me in my eyes. do u see? do you see the love here? the love that burns? that love that unmakes and remakes again, the love that rips your heart from your chest? the hope? that love which makes you better, that which gives you the last puzzle piece of what is you? that love that makes vows and verse and song of itself? you sit at their side and something incredible and divine clicks into place while you're just doing laundry and taxes. wild holds a heart in his hands and he doesn't even know it.
5. "Roslyn" -- Bon Iver, St. Vincent
this song is on this playlist cuz it fucks, end of.
ok actually it sounds really woodsy and i love the mood of it. but upon googling it the story of the song rings horribly appropriately.
6. "Tomorrow Will Be Kinder " -- The Secret Sisters
i chose this song for two reasons: its folksy almost-bluegrass feel (because of twilight's whole. gestures vaguely. yeehaw) and it's kind of a lullaby.
"Sorrow weighs my shoulders down/And trouble haunts my mind/But I know the present will not last/And tomorrow will be kinder"
Something about the sadness of the narrator and their unflinching hope. I don't know.
7. "Agoraphobia" -- Autoheart
this song marks the transition period. you'll see the energy ramp up and the mood get brighter from here on out.
"I know I’m getting older/But I’m told that I’m not/Momentarily out of my mind"
two words: Mentol illinois
8. "Sun Bleached Flies" -- Ethel Cain
"God loves you, but not enough to save you" and the other lyric "The more it hurts, the less it shows/But I still feel like they all know/And that's why I could never go back home/And I spend my life/Watching it go by from the sidelines/And God, I've tried/But I think it's about time I put up a fight"
this is probably obvious but im gonna say it anyway. yadda yadda link and the crushing expectations laid on the shoulders of a boy-saint, something something isolated from loved ones, something something leaving Ordon, something something depression, something something healing yourself kicking and screaming. idk
9. "Georgia" -- Phoebe Bridgers
sorry for the phoebe bridgers but it's a requirement to get full credit on the assignment of 'sad fic playlist.' this song could not be more clearly about romantic love but it is my gravest duty and strongest desire to twist songs about romantic love into my platonic found family schemes
"Georgia, Georgia, I love your son..../Georgia, Georgia, he has beautiful bones.../And sometimes in the pouring rain/He'll fall in the mud and get back up again.../He came up through the water without a sound/With my back to the shoreline, I dreamt that he drowned/I dreamt that he drowned"
can you see it?? can you see the BOTW Link connections i'm making here??? part of the reason this song is here is cuz of the absolutely heartrending BOTW animatic set to this song. please watch it it is so much. also the song is definitely about romantic love but the bittersweet tragedy of it all, the sense that it physically hurts the narrator..... yeah.
10. "Brothers" -- Penny and Sparrow
if you have ever in your entire life consumed fullmetal alchemist media and you know me in passing you know why this is on here. if youve read the fic even more so. for the uninformed's sake, though, here you go:
"If you cut your hand/I'm gonna cut mine/And then when we shake 'em/We'll be the same color and type"
"My skin still looks see-through/And I feel underneath like a fake.../Don't give up/Don't you quit on me"
this is such a cheap song to use here because. brothers. but the 'feeling like a fake,' the narrator getting talked down, etc. also the song is about brothers in bond and not blood so like double points
11. "Lament of Eustace Scrubb" -- The Oh Hellos
YEAH, YEAH I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT. same thing here. fullmetal alchemist people know what I'm fuckin ABOUT!!
"Brother, forgive me.../I know that I have gone astray/'Cause when I saw my reflection/It was a stranger beneath my face"
Twi doesn't feel like much of a hero. he feels like a failure, washed up at the ripe old age of twenty-five, trying his best, clawing his way out of a six-foot hole for the sake of the heroes he feels obligated to protect. and he loves. and he loves. and he loves. and he cries. because emotions and love bleed from twi like sweat in summer and tears come easy.
12. "Turning Page" -- Sleeping At Last
can you tell i like sleeping at last yet. more romantic love songs but this is MY CITY NOW. these are now about loving ur good bro(s) a whole lot
"I've waited a hundred years/But I'd wait a million more for you/Nothing prepared me for/What the privilege of being yours would do"
"If I had only seen how you smile when you blush/Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough/I would have known what I was living for all along"
"Your love is my turning page/Where only the sweetest words remain.../I surrender who I've been for who you are/For nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart"
gestures at this trying to say stuff but i'm sobbing and snotting and sniffling so much that you can't understand me. they. wild n twi but also twi w everybody
13. "Roll Away Your Stone" -- Mumford & Sons
double sorry for the mumford and sons.
""Darkness" is a harsh term, don't you think?/And yet it dominates the things I seek/It seems that all my bridges have been burned/But, you say that's exactly how this grace thing works/It's not the long walk home/That will change this heart/But the welcome I receive with the restart"
and this is the line that got it added:
"Stars, hide your fires!/These here are my desires.../Marking its territory of this newly impassioned soul"
once again, twi healing again, letting people in, letting people help him, and letting himself want. "Stars, hide your fires" is also a reference to my favorite shakespeare play, macbeth.
14. "Rivers and Roads" -- The Head and the Heart
"A year from now, we'll all be gone/All our friends will move away/And they're goin' to better places/But our friends will be gone away.../Nothin' is as it has been/And I miss your face like hell"
...they have to say goodbye eventually. they all have their own families and lives. but they'll stay with each other in spirit.
15. "Almost (Sweet Music)" -- Hozier
i can't copy paste the whole song here, so i'm just gonna include this:
"Be still, my foolish heart/Don't ruin this on me"
he loves and cherishes them so much oh my god. he doesn't wanna ruin it. he's so scared of ruining it. theres some lines about 'getting your color back' but i'm not gonna retread the theme of healing again.
16. "Learn Me Right" -- Birdy, Mumford & Sons
ONE. justice for Brave (2012). TWO. didn't know this had mumford and sons. i included this because the whole brave soundtrack is intertwined with botw link and the world of botw. and also, this song is about platonic love specifically!! merida and her mom, not brothers, but still.
"We will run and scream/You will dance with me/We'll fulfill our dreams and we'll be free.../We will be who we are/And they'll heal our scars/Sadness will be far away/So I had done wrong but you put me right"
love love love, freedom freedom freedom, healing healing healing. Bettering each other. Realizing you're happy, especially when you're around each other. also the run and scream and dancing bit reminds me of wolf link and botw link shenanigans.
17. "Brother" -- Madds Buckley
you are gonna shit ur gd pants when you figure out what characters the artist wrote this song for.
"Oh brother, I see/You burn like me/The singes on our skin like a brand"
A lot of this song doesn't quite fit the sweet, all-forgiving relationship twi n wild have, but this line does. seeing each other in your own pains, recognizing each other, etc.
18. "The Last Goodbye" -- Billy Boyd
that's the guy from the lord of the rings! i don't have any lyrics to copy paste here, because all of them fit exactly. this song was selected specifically because of how it fits the goodbye scene(s). once again, they have to leave, but stick with each other forever.
19. "Of Everlong" -- The Crane Wives
this song isn't really here for the lyrics. i conceived it as a sort of credits song. its a peaceful little bookend that othu ilu started, and i love the folksy, peaceful feel.
the end <3
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awlumii · 2 years
fellow-crewmate-kazuha teasingly calling you cuddlebug because you're the first one to be affectionate in your friendship until it becomes a routine and boom you're his comfort cuddle person now.
it probably starts with you leaning your head on his shoulder whenever you two are sitting beside each other, right? it was probably an accident — at the end of the day, the crew often sits in a circle and chats about the events of the day, and you and kazuha sort of already gravitate to each other's sides. you often grow sleepy during these times, so more often than not, you're dropping your head on his shoulder and snoozing until kazuha nudges you to usher you to bed. eventually, you sorta got used to resting your head there, even while awake, and he just... let you. (and somehow, his arm finds its way over your shoulders, keeping you pressed close.)
he calls you cuddly (or cuddlebug, in this case) as a joke, and it was a joke, really! he wants to call you cuddly? oh, you'll show him cuddly.
you retaliate by hugging him close whenever you're seated next to each other, and to your surprise, he lets you. even better, he'll wrap either one or both of his arms around you, so you two are just.. hugging most of the time. and hey, it's comfy, so neither of you really make an effort to stop.
eventually, you end up in his bed. the plan was originally to just kill time with him — and you did, don't misunderstand, but... you did so in his arms. and you two usually kill time together a lot. so most days, you've got your legs tangled with kazuha's; his face would be buried in your chest and your fingers would be woven in his hair, and neither of you would speak much besides the occasional sleepy murmur from kazuha.
then, he shows up in the middle of the night with a deep frown on his face and his bandaged hand trembling at his side. you don't ask questions — you lead him to your bed and assume your usual position, only speaking to ask if he's comfortable as you adjust yourself properly. you don't comment on his shaky breathing or the fact that he's squeezing you so tight that you think you're going to pop; you just act as his lifeline, cozy and secure. he thanks you in the morning and you dismiss him, saying that you're always going to be here for him and that he needn't thank you for anything.
after that, the skinship only increases. he'll take your hand whenever it's free and sometimes, you'll kiss his hand just to see the ever-composed kazuha fluster. he'll nose at your neck whenever he can, huffing soft chuckles against your skin when you shiver. you'll kiss his cheek when he does something sweet (and he'll start hiding his ears under his hair to avoid your teasing).
and one day, he kisses you. or you kiss him. you're not quite sure who kisses who. it sorta just... happens. neither of you question it. it feels so natural — like you two have been doing it for a long time. you were in his arms that afternoon, the two of you thinking up haikus (though it was mostly him laughing at your horrible attempts to be poetic). you tilt your head up to look at kazuha and he looks down at you and... suddenly you're kissing. it's kinda weird, really, just how natural it feels.
and when you part, neither of you say a word. you can see the adoration in kazuha's eyes and he can see the love in yours. you don't need to say a thing — you both know that something’s changed, and neither of you are against it. you keep joking around after that, falling right back into your little routine.
(and you don't tell kazuha this, but with your head so close to his chest, you can almost hear his heart picking up speed whenever you laugh. his content sighs tell you all you need to know about how he feels about you.)
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citrusreadstoa · 1 year
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 40 (SPOILERS)
"Shakespeare, don't bring that / Iambic pentameter" Either the Dodona screaming arrow starts spouting poetry or Meg does. Is the ultimate goal of this series to teach kids poetry?
"'A little warning, perhaps?' Jamie called." Yeah, the greatest danger a person falling out of a window poses is to the people below they may crush. How high up is it, anyway?
"We didn't see him." Oh, so he did fall into the void. Wtf?
"He Lityerses-ly flew out the window." Leo, you pull a muscle from that stretch? A for effort, though. I'll cut him some slack for the hostage situation he was just in.
"The two bumped fists as if they hadn't just spent the last few days talking about how much they wanted to kill each other. They would have made fine Olympian gods." Omg that's literally my family! We'd make great Olympian gods!
"[Thalia's] new gray highlights from my solar blast looked quite fetching." Did anyone else get gray highlights? Do Hunters' hair grow out? And again, skin cancer?
"We're going to need a bigger notepad." Why? Is iambic pentameter usually long?
"must the Lester go;" I'm fucking sorry? That caught me so off guard. I didn't expect his name to be so bluntly stated in the prophecy.
"Apollo starts to jive." Does jive mean something different here than I'm used to? I thought it meant to be on the same page as someone. JIVE (v.): 1. perform the jive or a similar dance to popular music 2. (Informal, US) taunt or sneer at 3. (Informal, US) talk nonsense
"But a full Shakespearean sonnet, complete with ABAB rhyme scheme, ending couplet, and iambic pentameter?" Oh, the horror! Not the couplets! These prophecies and chapterly haikus are slowly convincing me this whole series was an excuse for Rick Riordan to stretch his poetry-writing muscles.
"We will parse our doom later" PARSE (v.): analyze (a sentence) into its parts and describe their syntactic roles / examine or analyze minutely
"It kept me from thinking too much about the lines of the Dark Prophecy." Ay, he said the thing!
"I redesigned him so he's like a Lego kit, built for quick assembly!" Thank-freaking-goodness! He knows Festus is gonna get crunched, so he plans ahead!
"dissolving them into light. Could a quasi-deity such as Commodus do something like that to himself?" We haven't seen much of any of the Triumvirate's godly powers yet. This could be one. I'd be surprised if he died so easily. Anyway, important thing is that the triple-threat battle is still possible!
Hey, wait, why aren't Hades, Persephone, or Thanatos on the Triumvirate's case yet? They're escaped souls! I know we've established that souls escape all the time, but this should be pretty high on the ghost-wrangling list!
"Their bodies desiccate when their spirits pass on" DESICCATE (v.): remove the moisture from (something); cause to become completely dry "Heloise's body crumbled to dust." Okay, so it was just holding together for the funeral. Maybe that means she'll regenerate eventually? Let me cling onto that hope.
"Made this for you. You can take it with you when you go away." Noooo I just know they're gonna pull at our heartstrings with this little doll later down the line.
"if you ever want to talk--" "No, I'm good." Mood.
"Yet I could no longer feel annoyed with her for giving up my gift of divinity." Yeahhhhhh he's understanding
"hide his bald pate." Probably means head or scalp. PATE (n.): a person's head
"What of the Dark Prophecy?" Did everyone just unanimously agree to call it the Dark Prophecy? Do they all just hate it because it's too long?
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i-am-still-bb · 2 years
Hurtless: a Britchell fic in three parts
“The stones are from Asgard,” Olaf said, gesturing to the engraved stones in a circle on the ground with the sword.
“Where ‘gard?” Axl asked.
“Norse god home.”
Axl took a deep breath that sounded like he was trying to prevent himself from rolling his eyes and started to step into the ring.
“Oh, take off your clothes,” Anders interrupted.
“What?” Axl asked, incredulous with a disbelieving laugh.
“Look, you don’t have to,” Olaf said assuringingly to Axl who was now backing away from the circle.
Anders repeated himself, “Trust me, take off your clothes.”
“Gayest god ever,” Ty quipped.
“I loved that jacket, it was totally ruined,” Anders replied bitterly.
“Hey, Andy!” Mat chirped as Anders pushed open the employee’s entrance of Bean of the Gods.
“It’s Anders.” Anders had little hope that Mat would listen. It had been 6 days a week for 3 weeks. Anders corrected him each time. And each time it made no difference.
He hung his denim jacket on a hook. He looked at the patches sewn onto the fabric and a faint smile. He checked the stitching on the most recent one, a blue and white CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) circle patch. He’d only had red thread and it stood out against the solid white border on the patch. But it was secure.
“It’s nearly 7.”
“I know, I know,” Anders grumbled and reached for the golden apron hanging in his locket. At least his name tag had the right name.
“Why doesn’t anyone just get a black coffee with sugar or cream? Or a tea?” Anders was wiping down the counter after the pre-work rush of men and women in suits with thin ties and shoes that pinched.
“Would you pay $3 for a black coffee when you could just make it at home?”
“I do!” Anders gestured toward his cardboard cup of coffee by the register.
“And on our wages at that…”
Anders shrugged and took a sip of his quickly cooling coffee.
With everything clean and put away and the mid-morning pick-me-up rush still a little over 30 minutes away Anders pulled a book from his locket and leaned over the counter reading the yellowed pages of Herman Hesse’s Siddartha.
“I forgot this.”
“Your balls?” Anders asked without looking up.
“Rude,” Mat said. “This.” He dropped an envelope next to Anders’ elbow. “Someone bought one of those,” he gestured to the poems and scattered drawings that were clipped to a length of clothesline running along the wall.
“Really?” The book flopped shut. Anders opened the envelope to find a crisp $50 bill, far more than the hopefully optimistic $10 price tag he had put on it. “Who? When?”
Mat shrugged. “Some dude. Before you came in this morning. It was still dark.”
Anders stuffed the envelope into the pocket of his jeans. He looked at the line of papers—some his own, but others belonging to other employees or to regular patrons, often art students from UChicago—and tried to pick out what the man had bought.
“Was he a regular?”
Mat shrugged again. “Why? Looking for a sugar daddy?” he teased. “I think you’d be out of luck with that one. I nearly just told him to leave because he looked homeless. Who wears combat boots with tracksuit bottoms?”
The L was pretty empty this early in the morning.
He was normally still burrowed deep in his blanket in the “room” that he rented in a house far from the city center. He still was not convinced that it hadn’t been a coat closet that someone had punched a hole into to add a window—a legal requirement for something to be a bedroom. It was barely large enough for the twin sized mattress on the floor and an upturned milk crate for a table and several in another that held his clothes and the odds and ends that he had acquired since landing at O’Hare a month ago.
But he was curious about the person that had bought his sketch. It had to be the one of the eyes looking out of the darkness with an almost-Haiku scratched into the dark charcoal with an eraser.
He had to see who had bought it. Even if just for a moment.
“You’re early,” Mat accused.
Anders shrugged and moved to make himself a pour over.
“Money then coffee,” Mat held out his hand.
Anders fished two crumbled dollar bills and some coins from his pocket.
“I’ll get that.”
Anders and Mat both looked up sharply. They had not heard the bell over the door ring when the man entered. Anders would later swear that it had not.
“And I’ll get a caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream.”
Mat moved quickly after ringing the order up.
“Thanks.” Anders dropped his money back into his pocket.
“Would you be the “A. Johnson” that draw some of those pictures?”
Anders nearly inhaled some of his coffee. “Yeah. That’d be me. But I think you misread the price,” he fumbles with one hand for the envelope still in his back pocket, “it was only supposed to be $10.”
“I know.”
They looked at each other in silence. There was the hum of machinery as Mat made the man’s drink. Anders boldly took in the man’s appearance, the boots and tracksuit bottoms, the bomber jacket over a very worn graphic t-shirt, the long hair, pale skin, and the red lips. Anders felt uncomfortably warm, but he did not stop staring. There was a small smirk on the man’s face, like he knew that he was being ogled and he didn’t mind at all.
“Ireland?” Anders asked to break the silence.
A nod. “New Zealand?”
“Mitchell,” the man offered his hand.
Anders’ automatically took it, his other hand burning the the heat of his coffee through the cardboard. “Anders.”
Mat put the drink down on the counter and looked at them both.
Mitchell released Anders’ hand and took the drink with its obscene mound of whipped cream.
“Wait!” Anders said, rounding the counter, nearly spilling his drink with his quick movements. “When will you be back?”
The man turned, an amused expression on his face. “Maybe tonight, maybe this same time tomorrow, maybe never.” He reached out and fixed the collar of Anders’ denim jacket. “Nice jacket, Anders.”
This time it was Anders’ turn to be consumed by someone’s eyes. He flushed, but he boldly stared back.
Mitchell’s smirk was back.
And then he was gone.
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a-hobit · 2 years
Y’all I used to watch Danny Phantom over and over for years I loved that shit so much and so I thought “oh a trip through my nostalgia! Blorbo!”
Not as deep as I remember it being and I think my opinion on Bitch Hartman actually kind of sours a lot of my enjoyment sometimes (sexist and homophobic jokes my detested) but otherwise if anyone was thinking about rewatching it I recommend it! It’s pretty fun for most of the time and while I didn’t love a few episodes (*COUGH COUGH* IDENTITY CRISIS *COUGH COUGH*) flanderization is really apparent in DP (Skulker, Vlad, Jazz, Sam, Danny andTucker all kind of suck in their own special ways toward the end of the series) and the way that you can pick on the writing errors pretty easy is annoying it doesn’t detract from how good it is!
Other news when Danny is not out of character and horrendously down bad he is so cute I might die. Also Sam? Not as bad as I remembered her for being towards other women! She’s typically supportive but slightly judgmental rather than outright being a killjoy. It mostly frustrates me that the writing for the other women who aren’t main characters is so shallow that it makes Sam seem like the only sane one in a room often. Buuuut to be perfectly honest idk a woman born around 1995-2005 that didn’t have a not like the other girls phase sooo
But god damn does this show make me laugh! It’s so well done — so here’s a list of some of the jokes that made me actually laugh out loud!
(In no particular order)
“Dude. You are one jacked up crazy frootloop. That will never happen.”
“But back in our college days she was just Harry — Harry CHIN!? GET IT??!”
“Agh who cares about who you were in your college days? It’s who you grow into that counts. If you can be that crazy back then and turn into a super cool ghost hunter…maybe there’s hope for me yet.
Aww thanks son…but your curfew is still ten.
Awww man!” 
“Does anyone want a cookie?
*shakes head no*
“The reason why Danny feels like you don’t relate to him is because you never talk to him about when you were younger!
When you went to college— had your first date —
“I know your little secret Danny.
YoU dO?!
The lying — the sweatiness — you have a girlfrie—!
“*in Walkers jail looking at past enemies*
Wow a table full of people who hate me…Just like high-school.”
“I’m perfectly happy Maddie—JACK FENTON DONT YOU DARE WIZZ ON MY RUBARB! Perfectly happy…”
“A party?? For me? ‘A decade of devoice’! You all remembered!!
Of course! And we even convinced your ex husband to come!”
“*Danny staring at Sam all lovesick*
Uhhh can you watch something other than me??
*pulls out a picture of Sam*
*continues staring lovesick*”
“*in a gaming lab with Tucker and Danny — Sam walks in*
What are you doing here? (To Danny) She can’t be here to play…
Oh because I’m a girl? And us girls are lacking in what? Opposable thumbs? One track minds? Stupid berets?
“*Danny Sam and Tucker walking though school (Danny with his shirt covering his mouth)*
Is anybody looking at me funny?!
Yeah…but that’s because you look like you’re trying to eat your way through your shirt.”
“Spooky hospital…ghosts guarding the joint…still no sign that Danny is in any real danger yet!
(Danny from inside the hospital about to be dissected)
Let me go!
Still…technically not a cry for help!
Well—not a cry for me!
“*Danny Sam and Tucker are talking in the highschool about Danny pranking Dash*
He’s going to find out it’s you.
(Danny and Tucker) Have you seen his grades? Never gonna happen!
(Dash) Hey! This iS FENTON WIPE!
(Sam) ‘Never’ is karma’s doorbell! Ding dong it’s for you!”
“I’m Sam Manson and my happy princess talent is…(glances over at Dora who looks threatening)…
Goth haiku.
(Pushed off stage)”
“I’m afraid I’ll have to take it upon myself to keep Danny safe and calm until you complete the task.
Me stay with you?! Forget it!
*manifests a little thunderstorm that electrocutes Vlad*
Look on the bright side Danny! Until we get back he’s going to have to cater to your every whim and desire…
Yeah! He wouldn’t want to make you angry…
(Vlad stares at them blankly)
(Danny smiles) This pleases me!”
“*Danny is manifesting himself in Tucker’s dream and is watching Tucker live out a fantasy where he’s a billionaire spending time with two girls who look like star*
(Tucker to janitor) That will be all Fenton.
(Dream Danny) Yes sir.
(Real Danny) Wait…I’m the janitor?!?
By the way Tucker? I don’t do windows”
“*Danny is being impersonated by Morpho and is chasing ‘Danny Fenton’ though the house as the alarms blare”
The ghost defenses! That means—!
*Fentons bust in guns blazing*
Bingo Maddie!! Putrid protoplasm straight ahead!!
And he’s after our boy!
(Morpho as DF) Ah—? Oh that’s right I’m your boy—Billy!!
“*after being on a cooking show with Pamela Manson*
(Maddie to Sam) I can’t believe your mother said I had bad meal presentation— so I didn’t use a parsley sprig is that a crime?!!?”
Hope you all enjoy! I’m rewatching Gravity Falls next!
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tropicalfreckles · 1 year
Time to ramble about my ocs again
(kahlia edition)
honestly I've thought about this a lot and whenever I get to revamping chapters 1&2 and reposting them for her intro fic, I'll play it out more.
But I think Kahlia would absolutely not like Lupin in any fashion the first time she meets him. Brief history, she's descendant from her great grandpa who has this whole family black sheep thing going on with something he did in the past but he also was pretty damn rich before shit hit the fan and hid all his treasures (along with his shame) in a giant vault outside of Japan somewhere (her grandpa was a japanese inventor and businessman) and left clues to finding the vault one day for a family member who was smart enough to find it to have.
The first clue to the treasure vault is a haiku, which kahlia finally tracked down and had transferred out of japan to be on loan for a japanese art exhibit in the US. Her and Fujiko had been teaming up on this for a while (she was on the run for 4 years from someone who wanted her family's vault along with the thing her grandpa hid away, tried to kill kahlia for her half of the vault's key but she got away and went into hiding. had to become a thief because she couldn't have a normal day job anymore with the person who was after her having a lot of shady business practices and a wallet big enough to send mercenaries after her), the plan was 4 years in the making but her and fujiko had only been working together for 2 years, Fujiko honing Kahlia's skills since she was a quick learner.
Fujiko also being Fujiko, while she wanted to keep most of the cut of the vault for herself (Kahlia offered her a big cut because she wasn't interested in the money, she only wanted two things out of her family vault. one is to destroy the family shame inside, the other is a jewel encrusted butterfly hair clip that was made for her dead grandma when she was a young woman), recruits Lupin without telling Kahlia by just casually dropping info about the haiku. His grandpa also happened to have tried to find the vault in his youth but gave up because no one in Kahlia's family wanted to help him (he needed one of them to help at least, partly because two members originally held two halves of the key, plus only the Mizuno family would be able to decipher the clues because they were personal thoughts of her great grandpa.), so he lost interest in it.
The day before Kahlia was planning on stealing the haiku, Lupin comes to steal it (she had been working as the museum's security chief for a year as a cover) and she literally chases this man down and fist fights him for it lol. He gets away with it obviously, she's pissed about it and asks Fujiko later if she had anything to do about it the next day, and Fujiko is like whoops gotta go bye. Lupin breaks into her apartment because Fujiko hints that she might be useful and Lia is about to clock this man with her cheap ass can of beer. Decides against it, but basically the whole beginning of the fic she's like I can't Stand this asshole.
Later on though watching how crazy this bastard is and how he works she warms up to him and begins thinking he's a hoot and his stupid vulgar humor to her is funny as hell. The two become bros at the end of the fic before she goes off to have a 'normal' life again but he pops back into her life a year later and then it just goes on from there.
The first dialogue exchange between the two upon meeting basically goes like this lmao
(kind of a more in depth look of Lia here)
Kahlia: *throws an artistic vase display at Lupin* Lupin: *catches it* Hey! Careful, this stuff is all priceless history, you know! *puts it down and keeps running* Kahlia: YOU'RE GONNA BE HISTORY WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU-
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