#hhhh god i just
domifucker · 1 year
if anyone needs me i'll be over here being abnormal about shoresy season 2, keeso really decided i was going to feel the whole spectrum of human emotion
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cangrellesteponme · 3 months
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truly living up to my username rn
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inkclover · 10 months
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uh oh! they seem to be stuck 🟨🫢
nightmo here is hella inspired by me buddy - cropc’s design on human nightmo, who made such wonderful work with his outfit and accessories!
(credit and sketches under the cut)
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me and cropc (and several other mad lads…you know who y’all are) have been playing around with a self indulgent human au and VOILÀ! chaos!
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amelia-yap · 8 months
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GOSH I love her design so so much,,, the silly <3333
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stormofdefiance · 4 months
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I wanted to share some wee thoughts about Ratio’s E6 art & why I believe it is a symbolic parallel to Michelangelo’s David. This speaks to both Ratio’s humanist beliefs and possible future plot points.
Ratio’s E6 is Vincit Omnia Veritas or Truth Conquers All. I’ve heard it claimed (although I have no idea if it’s explicitly stated anywhere?) that the character’s E6 art represents them at their innermost core, an honest and deeply vulnerable shard of themselves. Evoking David here is an interesting choice; the biblical figure who, using nothing but a stone and sling, took down the tyrannical Goliath. The parallel is perhaps as simple as this: Ratio views himself - and by extension the truth - as the underdog, someone never accepted into the Genius society, forever to be kept from Nous and THEIR gaze, but nonetheless will, in the end, prove himself the final victor. Truth will topple the seemingly unconquerable, whatever that might be.
But I also think Michelangelo’s David is a specifically interesting parallel to draw on from a historical perspective. Ratio is pretty much the textbook definition of a renaissance man - he is a philosopher, a scholar, interested in medicine and science and the vast array of human achievement. He speaks in Latin (the language of education during the renaissance in Europe that allowed the transmission of information without having to rely on translation) while heavily styling himself on Ancient Greek symbols and drawing from Greek philosophy (often seen at the time as more ‘sophisticated’ and interested in ‘wisdom’ than the contemporary ‘militaristic’ Romans).
Michelangelo’s David was the first colossal marble statue to be carved since antiquity, and it came to be a symbol of the renaissance itself. This is interesting to me for Ratio and what I believe are his humanist beliefs. Humanism was an ideal that propagated during the renaissance that championed the belief that man had beauty, dignity and worth that deserved as much respect and adoration as any deity. Keep in mind this philosophy was emerging following the Middle Ages and at a time where religious institutions across Europe held exorbitant and sometimes absolute power. David as a statue is an ode to the sublime beauty of the human body, completely unashamed and uninhibited in his gigantic nakedness (Doctor! You’re huge!) retaliating against the idea that prominent idea at the time that man’s body is inherently sinful. The humanists sought to recenter humanity, and David became a symbol of man’s independence against the seemingly unconquerable might of the Church.
Consider how Ratio centres humanity in his Simulated Universe project, how he values every life, how interested he is in constant self-improvement. How this symbol - of not just the renaissance but of the re-centring of humanity itself - becomes an echo of an effigy fixed in the centre of his soul.
Ratio has never - as far as I’m aware? - stated or hinted at any desire to overthrow the Aeons or even disparage or rubbish them, but it is clear to me that he believes in the strength man can draw on despite them, through sheer force of intelligence and clever planning and fiercely independent thought, the weak can ultimately overcome, or at least stand shoulder to shoulder with, the strong. Perhaps this will become a more pertinent plot point in the future - who knows? - but this was fun to chew through nonetheless 🫶
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simpingforcys · 5 days
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Oh how I love this man. I adore every part of this man.
I won't lie, my 5-year ago self would be screaming if she saw me now on her knees crying 'why' and all I could be saying is "he silly"
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i would do anything
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yk even if i was on time when it came out, IT'D NEVER GO TO MY COUNTRY GRRAAAAAAAA
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merry-andrews · 11 months
Ok BUT WHAT if Johnny and Kenshi different first meeting (warning for mentioning drugs);
when Johnny's visiting Japan (Kenshi is a Yakuza member in this au!) And this superstar, this gorgeous man approaches him in one of fancy clubs (also belongs to gangsters) and flirts with him openly, he buys Johnny drinks and before he knows, Johnny drags him in bathroom, makes two lines of cocains, Johnny gets high so fast (you never get used to drugs) while Kenshi's still sober (he's a criminal after all, it takes more than one line to get him high) and they make out in the bathroom, Johnny pulls him in one of stalls and drop on his knees as Kenshi caresses his face, runs fingers through soft, brown strands of hair...💕
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zhongrin · 6 months
torn between telling the truth and asking to push tomorrow's date to sunday and risking him being grossed out, or soldiering through tomorrow and forcing myself to attend and risk having the worst date ever from all the pain.
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can-of-slorgs · 7 months
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Local owlbear, what she gonna explodee✨
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xcosmicsans · 10 months
Thinking again about the difference in size between rbg arc kangaskahn vs xy arc kangaskahn…….
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mieiri · 6 days
i never want to art again (will die and rot in agony and despair if i don’t create anything at all)
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sweetlywingedcreation · 7 months
going wacky crazy mode.
Tried to get into Minecraft Story Mode a year or two ago but found I hated watching choice-based games cause it infuriated me when they'd do it wrong. so I just kinda gave up
I'm trying again but...
Remembered they had at least some of it on Netflix. It's gone off Netflix now!!!! I'm so mad about it.
These mfs have made it literally impossible to play it aside from pirating it (which I'm too nervous to do rn) or pay like 200 bucks for a copy but only on xbox, ps4 and switch. Pc is its own whole can of worms.
Cmon man. I just wanna give the funny block game one more honest chance
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kayvsworld · 2 months
Fully blaming you for my intense urge to start reading the captain america comics for bubky
DO IT HE'S SO SMALL bubky buggy buck he's the world's most important boy...captain america is there with his SMALL FRIEND and they're saving the day and it's cute. perfect ideal no notes. some notes
a note: i would maybe caution against reading the old timey 1940s ones unless you like old timey comic nonsense and can stomach like. insane 1940s wartime racism ldfkjhgkjhf
but the newer stuff i was posting about, the captain america and bucky (2011) one with samnee art was really good a lot of it's REALLY GOOD there's a lot of good bucky out there he's so cute...join me.....
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lialox · 2 months
*deep breath in*
((Because I've been stuck on the events of my chapter 28 since february if you can believe it))
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stormofdefiance · 5 months
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Being so caught up,
So mastered by the brute blood of the air,
Did he put on his knowledge with his power
Before the indifferent beak could let him drop?
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