#hi guys guess who spontaneously found her words
kissingkiszka · 3 months
Choosing The Road - GVF x Reader
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Summary: Reader goes on a roadtrip with her lifelong best friends, and they are all after her heart.
CW: MDNI, 18+, fluff, drinking, cursing, can be viewed as both platonic &/or romantic, flirting i guess?, traveling idrk! Love triangle but all 4 of the boys are after reader (love pentagon?) not proofread
This is a bit of a short one I wasn’t actually going to post but here we are! I wrote this one on the way to my Starcatcher show :)
I may do a part 2 to this where reader ends up with one of them so lmk if you’d like to see that and who she’d end up with!
It was your second day on the road, and it was anything but boring, especially being with the guys. They had been your best friends for years now and a roadtrip with them was something you had always wanted to do, and now was the chance.
Everyone had pitched in a little bit to cover the cost of a rental RV, and everyone took turns driving, except you. You were more than happy to, however the boys wanted you to sit back and enjoy the ride. Sam even decided to bring Rosie with him, which led to even more fun.
Even though you had just gotten on the road yesterday, there were already countless trips to truck stops that had been made. It was always the same routine, too. Sam would get out to stretch his legs, play with Rosie, and photograph the surrounding area. Josh would hop out, take a short walk in the surrounding patches of grass and pick up any flowers, rocks, or sticks he had found nearby. He was really good at journaling and the pieces of nature he had found made for excellent journaling supplies. Danny always made a trip to the bathroom and made sure everyone had their snacks and enough water to last them to the next truck stop. Jake had recently taken up the hobby of writing poetry, so he would sit outside and take in as much scenery as possible to later write about. And for you, well you would join each of them in their respective activities depending on your mood.
“Let the good times roll!” Sam announced, putting the camper in reverse. He had just taken over for Jake as driver.
“Who wants to listen to some blues?” Jake asked, taking out his phone.
“You. Only you do, Jake.” Josh spat.
Jake plopped himself down in between you and Danny. Without a word, Danny handed him a water bottle and a small bag of crackers.
“Thanks bud.” Jake said, opening the bag.
Danny was definitely the mom friend, which made you laugh. The Kiszka boys always had a somewhat childish side. Although they were some of the most responsible and respectful men you knew, they always brought out your inner child, which was one of the reasons you were such great friends with them.
“This road trip is so fun. I can’t wait to make some more lifelong memories with my lifelong friends.” Danny smiled, picking his head up from the book he had been reading.
“I can’t wait to see where the road will take us. Bajabule!” Josh cheered, taking a beer can out of the mini fridge in the corner. “So many good vibes around us.”
This trip was so spontaneous, you didn’t even have a planned destination. You guys just wanted to drive around the country until you felt like going back to Nashville.
“Jake, could you hand me my water, please?” You ask sweetly.
“Of course, love.” He smiles before turning around to get your pink metal water bottle. Before he could grab it, Danny scoops it up and delivers it to you.
“Here you are, m'lady.” Danny says as you graciously accept the water.
“I was going to get it for her-” Jake begins.
“You snooze, you lose, buddy.” Danny lovingly pats him on the shoulder.
The various sights you had seen eventually turned into mountain tops that looked identical to one another.
After a few hours of driving straight, Sam finally pulled into a parking lot. You lifted your head out of a book you were reading to take in the new location.
“A truck stop? Another one?” Josh stands up with his hands on his hips.
“I have to pee!” Sam argued. “Plus, I don’t want Rosie pooping on the floor, or we might have to pay extra for that.”
“Good call.” Jake nodded, standing up.
“I need to stretch my legs anyways.” Danny added, walking towards the door.
Sam got Rosie on her leash and then made his way out of the RV, and everyone followed after him.
“You want any snacks?” Josh leaned in, asking you.
“Me? Uh, maybe a coffee would do me some good.” You smile.
“You got it.” He reciprocated the warm smile and went inside to get snacks.
You followed him at a distance, going to quickly use the restroom.
After you used the restroom, you wandered around the truckstop for a bit. You walked over to a huge map on the wall, examining it carefully.
You quickly grabbed a pamphlet that read ‘Arkansas’ across the top in big blue lettering. You were planning on making a scrapbook of the road trip and figured you would be collecting any sorts of materials for it.
Even though you had been on the road for the past day, and you had no idea where you were, it was good to find out that you had at least made it out of Tennessee.
“Arkansas? Huh.” Danny came up behind you and rested a firm hand on your shoulder.
You jump back, startled. You let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, I was worried we’d still be in Tennessee.”
“Don’t worry about that, Y/N.” Danny laughed. “I think we’re coming pretty close to Oklahoma by now. Maybe if Josh could drive better, we’d be there by now.”
You nodded with a giggle.
“Well, I’m gonna go get a quick snack. You want anything?”
“No thanks, Josh is already getting me something.” You smiled. “I’m gonna get some fresh air for a bit.”
You left the truck stop, heading over to the RV. Sam was now outside with Rose. You headed over to them, bending down and greeting Rose with a few pets.
“She loves you.” Sam smiled as he watched you play with his beloved pet. “But who doesn’t? You're easy to love.”
“I could say the same for you, Sam.” You look up at him and go to stand.
“Yeah, right.” He chuckles, giving Rose a treat.
“You are.”
“Really?” He asks, his eyes going wide.
“Duh. You’re my best friend. Everybody loves you.”
“Awh.” He sighs and smiles to himself. You even catch a glimpse of him blushing, but he turns away before you can point it out.
You turn around, making your way back to the camper and notice Jake stepping inside.
When you get inside, you notice Jake sitting down on one side of the couch. He pats the spot next to him, signaling for you to join him on the couch.
“Hey.” He smiles.
“Hey.” You reply, sitting down.
He has his leather bound journal placed open in his lap. You take notice of the many words accompanying the pages.
He notices you looking at the pages as he looks down. “I've been busy.”
“Looks like it.” You nod. “What are you writing?”
“I’ve been working on some stuff. Some concepts for a new album. Some poetry. Y’know.” He admits.
“I see you’ve gotten a lot done?”
He laughs and glances down at the journal once more. “You can say that.”
You lean in a bit closer, getting more interested in hearing his ideas. “Does sight seeing give you inspiration? Is that why you’re always writing stuff down?”
“Well, I actually get a lot of my inspiration from you. Believe it or not.” He gives you a sweet smile.
“Jake,” you grin. “That’s so nice. Can I-”
“I don’t want you to see it yet. Only when it’s perfect.” He softly closes his journal and moves it to the side. “I only want you to see my top notch work.”
“Jake, I think all your work is top notch.”
“Thank you, Darl-”
As he finishes his sentence, Josh comes sauntering back into the vehicle.
“Your coffee, madam.” He dramatically puts his hand out, you take the coffee from him. “And I also threw in a bag of chips for you.”
“Thank you, Joshy.” You accept the snacks with a cheeky smile.
“No need to thank me,” He sits himself down on the couch across from you and Jake. “Especially over a small bag of chips and a coffee. I’d do anything for you.”
You giggle before Danny and Sam come piling back onto the RV, with Rose following closely behind on her leash.
“Alright, so who’s driving now?” Sam claps his hands together.
“I’ll drive.” Danny stands up. “Haven’t driven for a bit now.”
“I know there's a rest stop in about…50 miles.” Jake told him.
“Maybe we stop there for the night? Get some rest?” You inquired.
“Yes ma’am.” Danny nodded, sitting down behind the wheel.
“Getting rest at the rest stop!” Josh chimed in.
That night, the RV was parked at a rest stop next to a huge pond. It was off the highway and very peaceful. The RV bunks were anything but comfortable. You had been tossing and turning, not able to get any sleep. You thought for a minute before deciding on reading your book. That always helped you fall asleep easier. As you walk into the sitting area to retrieve your book, you see Josh’s silhouette on one of the couches.
“Josh?” You ask in a whisper, blinking back your lack of sleep.
“Oh!” he jumped back, startled. “What’re you doing up?”
“Can’t sleep. How ‘bout you?”
“That makes two of us.”
“Have you seen my book?” You ask, squinting in the darkness trying to find it.
He shakes his head. “Can’t say I have.”
“Dammit.” You sigh under your breath.
“Why so sad? Come join me outside.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Just feel like it. A night underneath the stars…?” He says unsurely.
You oblige and follow him outside.
He finds a nearby picnic table and lays down on top of it, looking up at the night sky.
“Lay with me.”
“Lay with you?”
“Yeah, c’mon.” He pats the spot next to you.
You lay next to him and stare at the sky as well. It’s silent for a few moments, as both of you are just admiring the sky and wondering what to talk about.
“So many stars out tonight. They’re all so bright too.”
“You’re the brightest star, though.”
“Says you.” You chuckle, your cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. “You’re literally the brightest star out there.”
“So I’m the sun?” He asks.
“The sun is still a star.” You nod matter of factly.
“You know what? if you asked me to, I would go up there, and catch all the stars…I’d bring them back down for you.” He admits, laying his hands against his chest.
“That’d be one big feat.”
He chuckles. “For you, it’d be nothing.”
“Thanks Josh…”
“You know, I’d do anything for you. I’m sure all of us would. We love you so much.” He sits there for a minute before sitting up with wide eyes. “Oh my god. That’d make for a good album name.” He smiles to himself before looking over at you, who’s long asleep by now.
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A beautiful smile.
A @littlegremlinflower had the request of me writing a Sahed x fem! reader.
warnings: a little angst
word count: 2.9 k
Guys I did not proofread. So pleace act like english teachers in the comments.
"...And this was Sahed, our wonderful man, who just pulled this amazing stunt!", Tonny cheered, and so did the audience. Meanwhile, you were in the background, silently clapping along and being happy for him.
Your dear Sahed, who subtly stole your heart without even knowing it. You sighed. Maybe it was best to close off these feelings, because c'mon, how clichée can falling in love with your best friend be? And you also thought that he could have caught feelings for one of the two newbies, Julia.
She was...eccentric, to say the least. She was spontaneous, loud, ran around like a madwoman, and showed many feelings. She was a just a young girl who just wanted to get out of the circus, as she told you.
Julia was by no means a bad person, no, it was more the opposite. The only reason she was here was because of Kamille, her best friend, but Kamille didn't really acknowledge her best friend when she laid eyes on Rainah, Sahed's sister. And also no hate against Rainah, for she was also a good soul.
You just didn't like the feeling you got when Sahed talked or spoke to her. But could you really blame any of those two? They seemed to get along together just fine. Well, Sahed was continuously teasing her to no end and she just insulted him. But oh well.
And now, you wanted nothing more than to just be in your own room and stay far away from him. They were whispering to one another in a hushed matter, and once Julia even looked at you before diving back in to the conversation. Welp. Guess you could go then...
As you were leaving, Julia grew panicked and nudged Sahed. "Quick, she's going away! Ask her!", she rushed, and Sahed grew panicked as well. "W-what?! No way! I-"
"Sahed! This is what we've been discussing the whole time! Weren't you listening!?"
Sahed only looked at your retreating form and sighed defeatedly. No way you'd say yes. He was an A'hkon, after all.
"Hey hey, I know that look! Stop thinking like this of yourself, Sahed. I'm sure ____ likes you just the way you are. I mean, you've been friends for what, a few decades now?"
At that, the male sibling only laughed dryly. "Yeah, uhm...I think I should pack my things now. And you try to talk to Kamille again. Okay?"
Julia nodded, but couldn't help but grow concerned. She's never actually seen him like this. It was disturbing, somehow.
As Sahed was packing his things, his thoughts drifted to you. How old were you when you entered the circus? He couldn't remember. Maybe you were as old as Julia back then.
You showed no sign of fear when you made the contract. You showed no sign of fear when you saw him and Rainah for the first time. You formally introduced yourself and Sahed was surprised. Normally, people would run away or kill people like him. You were polite.
And you still are now. Somehow, you always kept a polite distance to him and his sister. Sure, you three grew close and you and him even closer, but that was it. You were masking your feelings so well that Sahed could never know whether you found his jokes really funny oor just laughed out of pity. You were so creative and efficient in whatever you did that it gave Sahed whiplash when you showed him some of your designs or instructed him how to appear and walk on the stage best.
And you yourself should also be on stage. I mean, nobody else had such an angelic voice like you. and whatever you wore, it always fitted you. and your hair always smelt like sweet memories and happiness. And-
wait. Why weren't you happy then?
Sahed stopped for a moment. He never had seen you smile when you weren't conversing with people or laughing at his jests. You always looked...solemn. Sad. depressed.
...was it because you couldn't return home anymore? No, you told him that you were the only survivor of your village, your brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and relatives all having been killed for they had believed in another religion. you still carried on your tradition and practiced your religion. and Sahed respected that. You. What you did and why you did it.
You were simply amazing.
"Julia? What are you doing here?"
The brown haired girl stood in front of- no, she buzzed, excitedly so, in front of you. She was also looking around. "You need ot- I mean, to h-help me! Yeah! Just a little something!", she claimed, a bead of sweat rolling down her cheek while she gave you a crooked smile.
Why are you lying?
You decided not to question her. And you also decided that you wanted to leave when she dragged you towards the bonfire. She just sat down and patted the spot next to her. As you gracefully sat down, Sahed came down next to Julia. Next to you was also an empty seat.
It can't be more obvious, can it?
"Soooo...uh, h-how was your day, ____?", she started, and she sweated even more. Was it because she sat closest to the fire?
"Julia, first of all, your sweating a lot. Either you sit back from the fire a little, or you take off your jacket, or I'll get you some medicine-"
"No!", Sahed and Rainah yelled in unison (she just came and sat down next to you), and you got more confused than ever. "She- she's just nervous!", Rainah helped. She quickly stood up and pulled Julia behind her.
"We'll be right back! We'll, uh, get some more marshmallows!"
And with that, it was just you two sitting on that dead tree- with an uncomfortable silence. You didn't feel like being here at the moment, or eating those ridiculous sweets. Sahed came closer slowly as you watched the flames, your mind being distant.
"Uhm, ____?" "Mm." "Can I tell you something?"
"The stage is open and the sudience is listening."
With a deep breath, Sahed began talking, no, he rambled ahead.
"You know, when I first met you, I thought you were just a snob, or some sissy princess because of how you acted."
"But now, I see that you're acting like a woman. You are graceful, humble, peaceful, and polite. And you're always a big help for me- for everyone!", he then took your hand in his and held it together with the both of his. and you couldn't stop your eyes from widening and your face from warming up and most likely to be redder than a tomato.
"What I want to say is,", he started, and he looked at you. And his breath hitched. You looked so etheral.
Beautiful. Amazing. Wow. Every single word in the lexikon which could describe your beauty. Gosh, he loved how he could see the bonfire in your eyes, or your hair swaying in the air softly, it reminded him of a painting.
You looked like you came out of a painting.
If only he could get a taste from these sweet, plumpy lips of yours-
"Sahed? What...did you want to say?", you asked, slowly getting uncomfortable with how long he stared at you with his three eyes. Was there something in your hair? Your face? ...is Julia behind me?
He suddenly seemed to regain his consciousness because he had quickly let go of your hand -he didn't miss your hurt expression- and rubbed his neck. "W-what I wanted to say was that you're my best friend and I couldn't imagine a better person than you to work for me, ahahaahah!"
You were just staring at him and then excused yourself, walked past Kamille, who was asking you were Rainah was but stopped mid sentence when she saw a tear flowing down your cheek and Sahed who was running after you.
But before he could reach you, you already slammed your door closed and locked it. You panted, and you broke down. Was this how Sahed saw you all these years? As his...best friend? Was it because he thought that you were still a snob? Still a princess? Was it because you were too serious? Not funny enough? Why did he take such a long pause at the bonfire to answer you?
Meanwhile, Sahed was knocking on your door. He knew that you wouldn't open the door. But he grew concerned. Was it because he saw your crying face before the shut and locked door? Was it because he referred you as his best friend? Was it because there was a small percentage that you liked him too but he messed up?
Sahed didn't know. He was a guy. But he knew he hurt you somehow when he heard your soft cries-the first time he's heard you cry actually- and his heart broke. He was such an idiot!
When he went back, Rainah, Julia and Kamille looked at him with expectations he would ruin. "I messed up", he said and sat down. Rainah groaned, Julia questioned his entire existence and Kamille sighed while shaking her head.
It was the next day, and you felt...good. yesterday, Sahed made it clear that he didn't really have any romantic feelings for you, and you were glad he did. I mean, although it broke your heart a little, it was good he told you. Now it meant no more thoughts wasted on how to act around him and what to answer or what to wear to impress him. The only things you'd be worrying over from now on were his performances and keeping your conversations more strict.
This'll help you. I'm a rich snob, after all.
As you were getting ready for the day, Rainah rang your doorbell. You had many people preferring different ways to singal their presence, so you had a doorbell, a doorknocker and a string which would lead to a beautiful melody. And Rainah wanted to press buttons (a little headcannon of mine).
As you opened the door, rainah looked at you with a smile, but you didn't smile back. "Good morning.", you only said.
Rainah's smile twitched and you figured she'd have expected you to smile back, but you didn't. "Good morning, ____! I think That we should make breakfast for the others, don't you think?"
"Rainah, love, it's barely past five, who would- AHh!"
Why did you let yourself get dragged away? Yesterday Julia, now you. Does Rainah also love dragging people around? "Ah, c'mon! You make the best dishes from us all!" "I could've just given you my cookbook, you know?"
"But don't you want to cook with me?", she asked and gave you a look which resembled the one of a kicked puppy. You cringed.
"I uh, had the plan to sort out my room and then help with the preparations for today. We'll be arriving to a new city soon."
"That can wait until eight, right?"
You gave up. "Sure..."
You guys should be arriving at nine o'clock.
As you were quickly preparing the meals, Sahed came in, rather pulled in by Jullia. So they're holding hands now? Good for them.
"____! Sahed wants to tell you something!", Julia exclaimed before she pushed Sahed to you. She was actually aiming for him to bump into you so that he could apologize and it being sweet and stuff, but you simply took a step back and he fell to the ground.
So much for it being sweet and stuff.
You frowned. "Why did you push him?", you asked while you gave him your hand, albeit hesitantly. Julia was sweating bullets, and Rainah was laughing nervously. "Ahahahah, uhm, it's just, Sahed called her short!"
You and Julia were the same height. And besides that, you couldn't get why she pushed him when he always teased her about her height until now.
When Sahed was standing back on his feet, you quickly retreated your hand and got back to work. "Guys. Tell me. What the hell is going on."
Your demand was working wonders, because they all started to speak incoherently over one another. It was actually just Julia and Rainah, while Sahed was looking at the food. He then looked at you and took your hand. You didn't understand why you were letting yourself get dragged around, why you were not retreating your hand from his. Why were your hands fitting so well, anyways?
He was leading you to his and Rainah's room. When you stepped inside, it was a all a big mess. Many of his sketches and papers were on the ground or somewhere where thy shouldn't be. The clothes were everywhere and many bowls and spoons were here too. He and Rainah and the others must have eaten ice cream...
You were disgusted. "How can you live like this?"
Sahed slapped his head. "Jeez, yeah, sorry. The others wanted to cheer me up.", he answered and started collecting the bowls. You took the clothes and folded them. But still, you were intrigued. "Cheer you up? What could've made you so miserable that you'd need people to cheer you up?"
After a long, exasperated sigh, he finally answered. "I wasn't able to confess my love to the lady I love. She just up and stormed away."
It could've been Julia. It must have been Julia. But you were the one who ran away. But they still celebrated. Maybe Sahed confessed to Julia after you went inside?
Alone the thought gave you a bad mood. And since you were still oblivious to where this was going, you spoke your pity. "Well, I feel sorry for the lady. You would've been a great lover."
"____, that lady was you."
Suddenly, your eyes burned and you got angry. "Don't joke with me, Sahed!", you scolded, and you hated your heart for pounding so rapidly.
Sahed quickly went over to you, pulled the clothes you were holding away and took your hands in his. "I am not joking. And I'm sorry for messing up yesterday. If you'd allow me, I would love to confess again. For real this time. And no going back."
You took a deep breath. Could this be a joke?
Sahed? Loving you? Dream on.
However, your strong inhale signalled it for him to start.
"My dear ____,
In my whole life have I never met a more beautiful, a more graceful woman like you. I have fallen in love with the way you dress or speak or act. I am always bamboozled by every single hairstyle you muster up, or how you like to wear your make up. To me, you are the most beautiful woman who walked on this earth and I can call myself the luckiest man to be a witness of such an extraordinary beauty like you with my own three eyes.
I could never grow tired of the many stories you'd read to me from your endless rows of books. Down to Shakespeare or Goethe. Crime or Fantasy. Novel or Biography. I would love for you to read every single book to me, ____ - over and over and over again. And I'd also try to purchase every single one you have not taken claim of, only for your voice to hear, for your voice to tell me those stories.
I am captivated by the way on how you handle the hardest tasks so easily. From making a soufflee to preparing the stage and designing my customs, you are the most efficient worker I know. And you never even seem to grow tired! Like, take a break, will ya?!
And also...
...I can not fathom as to why you'd still want to be seen with an A'hkon like me, but I am selfish. And utterly so. I am so selfish that I want all your love to myself, but tell me; can you blame me? When my heart wants to leave its cage of bones to be taken by you and you only?
Am I selfish for wanting to hear your voice at any given hour? Am I selfish for wanting to have you by my side the whole time? To watch sunrise and sunset? Am I selfish for wanting to comb and braid your wonderful hair?
...Am I too selfish for wanting to be together with you, ____?"
God, this was too much.
this was the most -and only- romantic confession you've ever heard. No other novel or book you've read has made you feel this way the man in front of you did.
"...Sahed, if you're thinking of me like this...then I'm a hundred times more selfish than you.", you said.
Sahed furrowed his brows. "What do you- mpf!"
He couldn't even finish his question before you interrupted him with a kiss. "You are not too selfish for that. I want to be together with you too, Sahed.", you answered after you two parted. When you looked at him, you couldn't help but burst out laughing.
Sahed had the stupidest grin on and a heavy blush nestled itself upon his cheeks. And then you smiled. Sahed felt like he fell in love with you all over again. You had a beautiful smile. You two hugged each other and swayed from side to side.
However, your sweet moment got interrupted by the three girls who fell on top of each other. The door was not closed, it seemed. "Finally!", Julia yelled and Rainah and Kamille cheered.
"That's why you three have been acting so weird yesterday!", you exclaimed and everyone laughed while Sahed kissed your cheek.
Hey hey hey! How did you guys like this story? Too long, too short, not angsty enough maybe? I dunno.
Read you in the next post!
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hi! I got a Pomni x reader prompt:
Imagine if the reader and Pomni both have crushes on each other (something that everyone else in the  circus is aware of and doesn’t stop teasing Pomni cause of it) and at some point, the reader gives Pomni a quick kiss on the cheek spontaneously leaving Pomni in an incredibly stunned silence and the reader instantly embarrassed. The two avoiding each other out of fear of possible rejection and losing their friendship with it only taking everyone forcing them together for Pomni to actually saying the words to ask the reader out but they get there
Pomni x reader where theyre both losers!!! in love!!!
no clue what i wanted to name this one so uh uh uh uh !!! last request of this batch, gonna stretch my legs real quick then get right back to writing!! making pretty steady work of the remaining requests, me thinks
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the gif above is more or less the face pomni makes when you kiss her on the cheek before running off... except her face is all pink, from blushing... and its not exactly a face of dread or anxiety, rather one of pure shock
i mean she had been crushing on you for how long exactly? it was hard to tell time in the digital world but it had been quite some time... oh jeez was she that obvious about it..? the though that you returned her feelings doesnt even cross her mind for a while, until later that night when ragatha found her still standing in the hallway with that look
ragatha, god bless her heart, manages to snap pomni back to reality and gets her to speak... she has this... look on her face when pomni says that you kissed her cheek
a "about time" look
"so are you two finally together?" or something in that vein, i dont think ragatha would word it like that but! you know?
meanwhile youre in your room cursing yourself for your actions
words gets out about what happened; mostly because jax entered the conversation between ragatha and pomni
and of course, jax told everyone about what happened
that everyone included caine
oh, you two were really in for it now, because caine decides to play match maker!
you guys ever seen the owl house, that one episode in season 2 where hooty makes a tunnel of love to try to get luz to confess her feelings to amity? thats basically what caine does; makes something thats really really lovey dovey and cute under the guise of it being for an in house adventure
except caine is not subtle about it, probably congratulates you for finally spilling your heart out to pomni
except... you didnt...
but hey at least the IHA forces you two to pair up
in a tunnel, while cheesy romance music plays... so.. maybe in another heat of the moment thing, you both spill your guts to each other at the same time
wow you guys have a crush on each other? who would have guessed!
^jax, probably
bonus if the tunnel of love thing has a camera and it takes a few pictures but instead of you two kissing n stuff its just both of you beat red, hands lightly raised as you guys take turn talking lightning fast to try to salvage the friendship out of that whole... fear of rejection thing... only for the shock on both of yalls faces to be captured as you confirm to one another that the feelings are mutual
caine feels... particularly proud of himself after this
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skylarstarlight · 7 months
More prompt ideas.
But this one is special, it’s from, yours truly; AN AUSTIN UPCOMING FIC!!
It’s a small little excerpt, and I hope you like it! It’s inspired by all of my asks about Jouno’s Autopilot!
Jouno has a weird…thing.
He doesn’t know what it is, or how to quite explain it but it’s there, nonetheless.
The best way he can call it is “Autopilot.”
Say for instance; have you ever forgotten your phone? When did you realize you had forgotten it? It didn’t dawn on you spontaneously, you probably reached into your pocket and realized it wasn’t there.
Autopilot is the term of a certain brain mechanism when you have a habit or a routine. Once the routine is triggered, there’s really not much a person can do to really stop it. Say you’re about to do the routine, but something small yet important slightly disrupts it. Not a problem, you fix it, infraction forgotten, routine started.
Autopilot engaged.
When this happens, there’s a specific part of your brain that deals with the routine once it’s triggered, so your brain is thinking of other things. When Jouno is at the cafe, he isn’t thinking of moving the latte through his intestines, he’s thinking of that one time Tecchou gave him a food combination with this specific latte, one which Jouno was washing his mouth out for hours.
When he’s brushing his teeth in the morning, Jouno doesn't think of making sure he’s standing and keeping his balance or to breathing. He’s probably thinking about what he's gonna eat for breakfast today, what he’s gonna wear, what Tachihara is doing around now.
It’s almost like a trigger system too. A few words can trigger old routines he hasn’t done in almost forever. He guessed it’s like PTSD too but not quite.
All it takes is a simple title he hasn’t heard in a while, and all of the sudden it’s; Autopilot engaged.
And it’s frustrating, because it’s not like he can fully control it either.
Like that time almost all of the Hunting Dogs, except for Jouno and Fukuchi were kidnapped.
It involved some old bad blood at the mafia he used to work at. His mom screwed some people over, died, and left him with the baggage of it. And even if he only joined just to get off death row, he guessed he…cares for the Hunting Dogs. In his own way, of course.
It was the one time he decided to call out for a mission and his team and captain suffered for it. He remembered when he found the commander, almost immobilized and the stench of blood filled his senses.
“Well, if they were going to the East for that investigation,” Jouno began, his nose scrunched at the memories of that guy’s face, his scent. Old and expensive cologne with alcohol and just pheromones of an uncle your parents told you not to talk to. “They would have to go into the woods. If anyone knows where they are, it’s that beaded eyed perverted motherfucker.”
Fukuchi sighed on the infirmary bed, and Jouno could hear the anxiety pounding in his heart, the way the commander bawled up his fist, how he was barely breathing. Jouno didn’t think he'd ever heard him so anxious, maybe the commander viewed them as his own. It’s almost the same heart rate as a parent who’s lost their kid under rubble of a coming down building.
“Jouno,” He began. “Bring them back. By all means necessary.”
Woah, what?
The white-haired male paused, replaying those words almost a thousand times in his head, hell even he stopped breathing. His brows were furrowed, his posture stiff as his body remembered something or knew something his mind didn’t and was trying to stop it. There was an odd uncomfortable comfortable familiarity with those words. By all means necessary. Where had he heard that before?
“Jouno,” His mother had cooed, putting her hands on his face. “Remember: you can't screw this up. Complete this mission,”
“By all means necessary.”
All means necessary.
Autopilot engaged.
apjaiajajajajajab *gives you this and runs away like the gremlin I am*
*frames it on my wall*
Also screw Jouno's mom all my homies hate Jouno's mom (my au Jouno mom ALSO sucks rah)
Keep writing it I have a gun to your head you better /j
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miammey · 7 months
A prompt idea!
But this one is special, it’s from, yours truly; AN AUSTIN UPCOMING FIC!!
It’s a small little excerpt, and I hope you like it! It’s inspired by all of my comments and basically my take about Jouno’s Autopilot!
Jouno has a weird…thing.
He doesn’t know what it is, or how to quite explain it but it’s there, nonetheless.
The best way he can call it is “Autopilot.”
Say for instance; have you ever forgotten your phone? When did you realize you had forgotten it? It didn’t dawn on you spontaneously, you probably reached into your pocket and realized it wasn’t there.
Autopilot is the term of a certain brain mechanism when you have a habit or a routine. Once the routine is triggered, there’s really not much a person can do to really stop it. Say you’re about to do the routine, but something small yet important slightly disrupts it. Not a problem, you fix it, infraction forgotten, routine started.
Autopilot engaged.
When this happens, there’s a specific part of your brain that deals with the routine once it’s triggered, so your brain is thinking of other things. When Jouno is at the cafe, he isn’t thinking of moving the latte through his intestines, he’s thinking of that one time Tecchou gave him a food combination with this specific latte, one which Jouno was washing his mouth out for hours.
When he’s brushing his teeth in the morning, Jouno doesn't think of making sure he’s standing and keeping his balance or to breathing. He’s probably thinking about what he's gonna eat for breakfast today, what he’s gonna wear, what Tachihara is doing around now.
It’s almost like a trigger system too. A few words can trigger old routines he hasn’t done in almost forever. He guessed it’s like PTSD too but not quite.
All it takes is a simple title he hasn���t heard in a while, and all of the sudden it’s; Autopilot engaged.
And it’s frustrating, because it’s not like he can fully control it either.
Like that time almost all of the Hunting Dogs, except for Jouno and Fukuchi were kidnapped.
It involved some old bad blood at the mafia he used to work at. His mom screwed some people over, died, and left him with the baggage of it. And even if he only joined just to get off death row, he guessed he…cares for the Hunting Dogs. In his own way, of course.
It was the one time he decided to call out for a mission and his team and captain suffered for it. He remembered when he found the commander, almost immobilized and the stench of blood filled his senses.
“Well, if they were going to the East for that investigation,” Jouno began, his nose scrunched at the memories of that guy’s face, his scent. Old and expensive cologne with alcohol and just pheromones of an uncle your parents told you not to talk to. “They would have to go into the woods of Yokohama. If anyone knows where they are, it’s that beaded eyed perverted motherfucker.”
Fukuchi sighed on the infirmary bed, and Jouno could hear the anxiety pounding in his heart, the way the commander bawled up his fist, how he was barely breathing. Jouno didn’t think he'd ever heard him so anxious, maybe the commander viewed them as his own. It’s almost the same heart rate as a parent who’s lost their kid under rubble of a coming down building.
“Jouno,” He began. “Bring them back. By all means necessary.”
Woah, what?
The white-haired male paused, replaying those words almost a thousand times in his head, hell even he stopped breathing. His brows were furrowed, his posture stiff as his body remembered something or knew something his mind didn’t and was trying to stop it. There was an odd uncomfortable comfortable familiarity with those words. By all means necessary. Where had he heard that before?
“Jouno,” His mother had cooed, putting her hands on his face. “Remember: you can't screw this up. Complete this mission,”
“By all means necessary.”
All means necessary.
Autopilot engaged.
apjaiajajajajajab *gives you this and runs away like the gremlin I am*
ANXKSKDJA THIS IS SO GOOD!!! I love the description you gave of the “autopilot” too!!! I can’t wait to read the rest of it, please feel free to tag me or message me when it’s done!!!!
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The Chateau
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TW: Smut. Language. 
SUMMARY: Your friendship with Rudy takes a romantic turn during a winter getaway to A Chateau over Christmas…
The Chateau
You had been a part of the cast for the last year, having been welcomed with open arms since you had embodied the role expected of you. But of the closeness you’d created with each and everyone who had greeted you with such kindness, none had been quite as noticeable as Rudy. A glance spent a moment ot long to strictly remain platonic, conversations spent through texts that were between romantic and even sultry, but never crossing that line between the two of you, and finally, the hands-on teasing you’d make on and off set that left all those in sight of you rather annoyed you two were just too stubborn to see what was right in front of you. But all of that would change as you crossed the threshold of The Chateau bought in the group effort from the cast as everyone rushed to their rooms. But once again, you and Rudy were in no rush to distance yourselves from each other. Instead, you made polite conversation of the details of the architecture before Madelyn insisted you share a room with her. Your eyes remained on Rudy as they always had for that second too long, before a kind smile would offer an apology as you were taken apart. 
“Here…” Madelyn offered you your own suit from your bag as you had begun to unpack. “If you won’t do it, I’m going to make it so he can’t help himself- You chuckled, taking it back before shaking your head. 
“We’re friends, Maddy…”
“Bullshit. The way you two look at each other…I’m not buying it. Nice try. Try someone else. So get your little ass in that bikini and meet me by the hot tub…Because I have my own intentions.” She winked, leaving you to change as you removed your shirt as she’d left, turning back in the nick of time to find how Rudy had unintentionally managed to sneak a peek of you. The curve of his Adam's apple having risen and fallen from the evidence of a deep swallow. But as his foot had advanced to finally act on the tension accumulated from the last ten months, the door would close to divide you once again as you blushed at the idea of what would have happened if he was a step closer or you were bold enough to make up the distance he was too nervous to. 
Leaving the bedroom and moving out to the hot tub, you found everyone almost in wait for you as Drew was quick to pick you up and drag you into the large tub to join everyone else. For a moment, you saw Rudy’s jaw clench in jealousy before he would tease Drew about his choice of trunks while you watched Madelyn raise a brow as if to hold some silent conversation with you in the process of an “I told you so’ and you quickly dismissing it. But you couldn’t ignore the way that Rudy caught your eyes from across the tub, up until the moment where everyone became bored with the conversation and the contrasting chill in the air, while you were left grinning widely at the ideas rushing through your mind. 
A rather uneventful afternoon would send your gazes in lock, as you would make the journey to the ski lodge via a car having awaited you, keeping apart without the intention to do so, but longing to be near one another. 
“You know he isn’t going to be the one to make a move, right?” JD asked as you happened to be paired with him within the ski lift. 
“We may be actors and all, but you guys suck at it for yourselves. You might as well act on it…”
“It will change things, JD…it’s…complicated…”
“Not everything is destined to crash and burn…and even if they are…doesn’t mean it isn’t worth the ride..”
“Very philosophical there, Mister Daviss…” He smirked. 
“Guess I’m taking a page out of Pope’s book…might want to do the same and act on it before one of you spontaneously combusts.” You chuckled, but weren’t allowed the chance as he had become too immersed in Austin and Drew’s snowboarding invitations to pay much of a mind to you. At least, for what you hadn’t seen to be his eyes reaching you from across the snow. 
Hours later, after you were all collectively exhausted from a day of lounging and fun exercise, you prepared for dinner. 
“What are you waiting for?” Madison asked as she helped finish curling your hair as you let out a sigh. 
“What if it isn’t the same for him? What if he wants less or-”
“The way he looks at you and you’re asking if he wants LESS? You two could literally melt a glacier with the heat between you…but you’re tormenting all of us.”
“It just needs to happen…organically…”
“Ready to go?” Laci asked with an excited pep in her step as you nodded. But as Rudy would comment how you could ‘clean up nice’, you taunted him with a similar tease, before Madison and Madelyn would suddenly gasp. 
“You know the drill…” They mocked as you looked at each other before finally looking upwards to find mistletoe hung over the door. 
“Funny…wasn’t there when we got here…” Rudy noted to Madison as she shrugged. 
“Guess it grew there….organically…” Your cheeks blushed as you looked at Rudy, who was already staring at your lips. Your heart was beating at least a million miles as you’d longed for this, having built it up so much in your mind, that you were afraid it would be a let down for him. But as he shrugged, taking a gentle hand to the curve of your back, you would be surprised by the gentle rush suddenly making you forget you weren’t alone. Your fingers ran up the bend of his arms that came when cradling your face. For the collected tension, it was a well worthy pay out that only ended when the sound of laughter would remind you both of who else had been present. 
“Let’s eat!” Chase exclaimed, clasping his hands together with excitement as you and Rudy made your way into the Uber, his pinky finger teasing your own as if to test if anything had changed between you. And with a nervous pull of your hair behind your ear, you had validated that it had-but only for the better. 
All throughout dinner, his eyes hadn't left yours, with the exception of blinking of course. Over the rim of his drinks and through every bite, it was obvious that the threshold of being friends had been obliterated with that kiss. It was one both of you had been desperate to repeat and lengthen, but found obstacle after excuse between you. If it wasn’t Austin pulling Rudy to the bar or one of the girls taking you to the dance floor, then it would be strangers literally barreling between you or even fans asking for pictures and autographs. It had been enough to make you nearly manic for one another with even the gazes acting as ‘come hither’ looks and even the gentlest of traces acting as enough to chill you to your core, with the addition of your thighs pressing together as he weakened any defenses by just his voice alone. 
“Dance with me?” He asked as more of a command, but you obeyed anyhow, the entire room turning into a secluded space of muffled music with the only tempo existing now being that of your erratic heartbeats. 
“Tell me to stop-”
“No…” You spoke slowly as his hands moved lower to your hips, turning you against him as you grinded and motioned in such a way that acted as a confession with each sway. Secrets and reservations exposed as sweat developed through those movements. 
“Okay you two dirty dancers…The club is literally kicking us out.” You were both desperate to have an excuse to remain intertwined as you feared the change that could happen once no longer in public. There was almost a comfort in remaining in the public eye, even if it was forgotten at times as it meant there remained a lack of that risk of venturing forward. The ‘forward’ that meant no more covering being nerves, and it was this same future tense that pulled you together in desperation as he couldn't keep his hands from you as you made your way back into the car, his flirtatious words having made you blush and cower into him as his breath alone tickled your skin. 
“Goodnight lovebirds!” Drew teased, joined in by the remainder of your friends, before you were left alone with Rudy. You would stand just long enough for him to assess your nerves before he led you by your hand and up to his room as it had been the only one without a roommate. But you wouldn’t even make it out of the living room before his arms were around your waist and his lips were trained on your shoulder and neck. 
“I’ve waited for this for so long…But if you want to stop-” You reached behind yourself, running your fingers through his hair before shaking your head. You could feel his smirk against your cheek before you were forced to part from the incline of the steps, the second you crested the top, his hands turning you to face him. 
“You have one chance to walk back down those steps and we go back to being friends…Because after tonight, the things I’m going to do to you…that won’t be possible again…”
“Good.” You met his lips halfway through the part he had made before feeling him rush you against the wall. 
“I’ve been wanting to get you out of this dress all fucking night…” He explained with a groan as you bit his bottom lip, his thumbs having moved beneath the skirt and pulled it upright just enough so you could wrap yourself easily around his waist as he lifted you against the wall. 
“Goddamn, you taste so sweet…” He cursed while slipping down to your neck. “Sweet and salty…so perfect…” He sucked on your skin while your fingers pulled his shirt from his torso, buttons discarded in every direction, before he finally took you into the room. But he didn’t force you against the door with a slam or take you immediately to the bed. Instead, he set you back onto your feet before sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“Turn around…” He guided you to stand between his legs before you would feel him pull your zipper in a steady decline until nothing but your lingerie remained. 
“Fuck…” He breathed deeply. “You look…Damn…Come sit…” He motioned for the space between his legs as he brushed your hair over your shoulder and began softly kissing your neck as his fingers made lines up your thighs and to your panties. His thumbs teased the parameters of the lace as your body chilled beneath him,a  smirk developing against your cheek as he spoke a single word to your ear that sent your eyes pulling into a roll. 
“Wider.” Breathing deeply, you licked your lips before obeying. 
“You don’t even need me to touch you, do you?” You quickly turned to face him. 
“But I want you to…”
“I’ll do more than touch, sweetheart…” His hand slipped into your panties, your sex effortless in slick as he was able to motion you in perfect circulation against him. Meanwhile your fingers made their way into his thighs or craned around him while pulling him into deep kisses. 
“I don’t know how to have you first…I’ve thought about this so many times, I want it every way with you…So tell me how you want it-” You arched your back against him, too invested in the bliss he offered to grant a counter or a thought of cessation, before he would leave you in a whimper as he withdrew his fingers. 
“Every way.”
“That isn’t exactly helping me decide, sweetheart…”
“Whatever you do, Rudy…” You explained, moving to where you almost bowed over him, hands on his shoulders, as you straddled him. “Just don’t stop touching me.”
“Now that, I can do.” He swept you onto the bed, your eager fingers removing the remainder of his clothing until you could bask in his physique. The same muscles and sun kissed skin that had tormented you on set for months. He smirked when realizing you favored them before setting your hands gently above your head, kissing down your neck and chest, before looking up from his exploration. 
“Just because our friends are a floor beneath us…I don’t want you to hold back from me. I’ve thought of how you’d sound when you moan for me…and I’m not letting anyone ruin that.” He grinned, dimples disappearing as he moved between your thighs, panties removed completely, before he made that first line between your folds. 
“Fuck-” You gasped, a skilled tongue quick to make its imprint throughout your folds as his forearm kept you flat against the bed. 
“Mmm…MMM!” He groaned, devouring you in every sense as his hands wrapped to your breasts, sourcing for your nipples beneath your bra as you gripped around his wrists. 
“Fuck, I could come already!”
“Then come…”
“But I don’t want it to stop-” He peeked from between your legs, mouth stained in your slick as he wore it with pride as he spoke. 
“It doesn’t stop because you come. It stops when you can’t take it anymore…So this would just be one of many…” He returned to you, your eyes shooting into a screwed close as you began to tremble. 
“I”m-I’m gonna come, Rudy…Fuck!” He nodded, endorsing you before that rush became too much, the edge was too close, and you nearly drowned him with how much he had made you relinquish yourself onto him. 
“Even sweeter than I imagined.” You were quick to reciprocate on your knees, guiding him to hold your hair before stroking him following a single drizzle of saliva to lubricate him. 
“You’re so big, Rudy…”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this fucking hard in my life…Not even watching you on set…even dancing with you…shit…knowing how you taste…how you feel…what you’re about to do…”
“What AM I about to do?” He grinned. 
“You’re about to blow my mind, aren’t you sweetheart?”
You cocked a brow before taking him immediately to the curve of your throat. 
“You don’t have to go so-” You silenced him by repeating the process as you were expertly in care of his cock. Every inch of skin from base to tip was lathered in your saliva and his precum as he would feel you motion around him, screwing a hand in twists of perfect pleasure as he groaned for you.
“F-f-f-FUCK! Slow down, baby, I don’t wanna come yet.” You would slow, but not to ease him, to torment him further. Presenting a hand to his balls, you lowered your tongue to their heavy weight, nursing them into further tightness as he suddenly pulled you back over his lap. 
“I’ve already made you come once, baby-”
“And I want it again, Rudy…” You pushed him back onto the bed as he smirked, hands quick to prepare him in alignment to your sex, “But this time, with you inside of me.” 
“Then take it, baby, it’s your cock to-” He was silenced by you sinking onto him. A clench of his teeth quickly fading into a chuckle would prompt him to sit upright as he guided you over him. 
“Slow, baby…I want it to last.”
The snow behind you continued in broadcast as time seemed to still in his arms. Late night exchanged for early morning until sweat over skin and aches between your thighs would send him to prompt you onto your back. 
“Sore enough yet for me to come, baby?” You couldn’t speak, your throat raw from calling out for him as the headboard would rut up against the wall as he took hold of it in an attempt to steady. But you would only lead his hand back to your hip. 
“I love the sound of how rough it is.”
“Then you’re about to be fucking ecstatic.” He grunted, hovering over you as he gripped the sheets, using every ounce of remaining strength to pour himself into you, your own body almost withering away if not for the way he kept you in place. Overstimulation and countless orgasms made you nearly numb, but conscious enough to know that this was well worth the wait as you felt him prepare his release. 
“FUCK!” He belted, your name coming between the repetition of this curse as he bowed his head into your shoulder. Something erotic about the sweat on your skin and the way he was whimpering at your neck had you edged for yet another orgasm, clenching around him as it prompted his final release. 
“SHIT!” He grunted, submitting to those aftershocks of cum now worn between your thighs as he pulled out from you. 
“Once I can walk again, I am taking you to that shower and cleaning every bit of you off…only to do this all over again…Looks like they’ll have to continue the excursions without us tomorrow-”
“Or the rest of the trip?” He feigned consideration as you teasingly hit his chest. 
“Eventually we will have to get food or-” He pulled his upper thigh between your legs as you narrowed your eyes against him. 
“Got all I need to eat right here…Got a shower in there…got the sunlight there…Got all I need.”
“I told you, you’re not going anywhere…” He pulled you back into him with a tender kiss as you fell asleep in his arms, completely exhausted until he would make good on his promise of the shower once you had awoken. Aside from the teasing from your shared friends, nothing could ruin this high you found together as these memories would always be attributed to the vacation of this Christmas at The Chateau.
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @camilynn @sweetestdesire @pankhoeforlife @pankowperfection @onmykneesforrafe @drews1love @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916
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generationlostexe · 10 months
Tw: panic attack, spiraling
Ranboo woke up in a cold sweat. Their blanket had been thrown onto the floor, and their stuffed animal Niki got them fell down as well.
Ranboo had a nightmare. Right? He must've, his heart beating so quickly and the sweat drenching his back and the adrenaline in his veins.
What was the nightmare about? They couldn't remember. Shouldn't that be a good thing? But if they can't remember this, what else were they forgetting?
Okay, okay -- it's fine. Just, go over what he knows! His name is Ranboo. He worked with-- no, he escaped from Showfall Media. He got out with Charlie, and Sneeg. He found Niki, who is living with him. Niki, who's alive.
Alive? Why wouldn't she be alive?
Shot, shot, shot-- how was Niki alive? She got shot point blank, directly into her chest. They watched her bleed out and die. They watched Niki get shot by the Puzzler.
The Puzzler. He's still alive, right? But there were charred marks in the chair he was at, and in the mall there was a shine put up for him.
Ranboo grabbed his hair, curling up into himself. He didn't know what was real, spiraling as he went further and further down. His body shook without his will, breathing getting quicker and quicker.
Where was he? How does he know if any of this is real?
Is he back? Did Hetch finally find him and Charlie and Sneeg? What about Niki? Is she okay? She was shot, she wouldn't be able to use all of her strength to defend herself.
Static filled Ranboo's ears along with a high pitched ringing. Something warm ran down his fingers from where they grabbed his hair.
His vision felt blurry. He didn't know what was happening. He couldn't feel anything besides warm warm blood run down his hands and the wires inside of his mouth and in his skin and they were in his neck and Hetch is controlling him and---
Ranboo passes out.
Ranboo wakes back up. His back and neck are stiffer than they regularly are, and he yawns as he opens his eyes. Ah. That explains the back pain, he was in the living room. How did he get here?
They see that the kitchen light is on, and they can faintly hear talking but they're unable to make out the words. Slowly sitting up from their torn up couch, Ranboo carefully makes their way down to the kitchen.
"Oh, Ranboo!" Charlie's voice was unexpected, but Ranboo took that familiarity. "Go uh, go sit back down. I'll get you some water, man."
"What happened?" Ranboo yawned. He took a seat at the kitchen table and leaned against it. "What time is it?"
"It is, um, around four a.m. right now," Niki said with a small smile. "I don't really know what happened? You just started to scream, and you kept hurting yourself. And then you just passed out, and I called Charlie."
"I tried calling Sneeg, too, but he didn’t pick up his phone.” Charlie smiled softly. “But are you okay?”
Was he? He felt okay. Well, his head hurt and the ends of his fingers hurt. The back of his neck was stinging a bit, but that was normal, wasn’t it?
Ranboo stayed silent, staring at their hands. After a few seconds, Niki spoke up. “Charlie, you still have that uh, that… advil?”
“Oh, yeah!” Charlie perked up and instantly started ruffling through his pockets. He handed Ranboo one of the pills of medication, silently gesturing to a glass of water that got set down on the table. Ranboo quickly downs the medication along with the water.
“I’m… okay, I think. A few things hurt, a bit, but, like… y’know,” Ranboo rambled off, rubbing his neck and wincing when his hand brushed over the Showfall Media branding on his body. “Was just a bad dream, I guess. Sorry for waking you guys up over it…”
“It’s fine, Ranboo! We care about you, we’re not just people who will stand around and watch when you’re obviously going through something.”
“Exactly what Niki said. And I don’t mind a sleepover sometimes, even if it’s spontaneous,” Charlie laughed quietly. “C’mon, let's get back into your living room. We’ll get stuff set up.”
Eventually the three of them moved into the living room, sitting on various blankets and pillows and cushions. Ranboo sat down, with Niki on their left and Charlie on their right. Surrounded by people who care about them. The only person missing was Sneeg.
Warmth surrounded them, as a tear falls from Ranboo’s eyes. “I just really love you guys,” they whispered, “and I’m glad we were able to get out of that hell.”
Ranboo’s eyes shut, and he dreams of burning Showfall Media to the ground with Niki on his left, Charlie on his right, and Sneeg in front of him. All of them together. Safe.
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justin-hammers · 2 years
October/Early November Story 2 Prompt: Shower Time with some Praise Kink
Warning: A lot Degradation and Self-hatred with a slur. It's based on how I feel about myself. It's depressing, but there's a happy ending. Also some attempts of German language.
Words: 1,132
Ship: Erik Heller/Second Person POV F!Reader
The story is also down below 👇🏽
I closed the bathroom door behind me, and began to undress.
I was enjoying a lazy Sunday morning solo although I found it hard to enjoy anything this morning as something was bugging me.
Erik was still out of the country for yet another mission. I personally wish he didn’t go, but I knew it was for the best. It's what he likes to do I guess.
Trying to do a long distance relationship is rough, and he hardly calls or messages, especially at night before bed.
I'm worried about whether our relationship will still be what it used to be when he gets back.
I've been sleeping during much of the day and I hadn’t done anything even remotely fun other than masturbating. Plus, I got in a really stupid shouting fight yesterday on the phone. I realized that he was probably just tired and cranky since he was still on his mission.
We hadn’t had sex for a while too. While he was away, I thought the first thing we’d do when he returned was rip our clothes off and do it until we passed out, but those chances are just as low as the relationship itself.
I checked to see if the water was warm enough, and I stepped into the shower.
Does he not find me attractive anymore? Am I too ugly for him?
When we first met, he used to call me "ein schön frau." I was very flattered with his comment, and we just hit it off with our relationship. I have to admit that it was pretty fast, but he loved me regardless, but my self-esteem was lower than the deep end of the sea.
I always see myself ugly and unattractive as sin. People say my body looks so small, but I always think I look fat like my stomach needs toning and my thighs are so wide. My face looks man-ish and shitty looking, and I always have unnecessary body hair in other areas of the body. I still have scars on my wrist from the constant self-harming I have done when I have really bad days. I look so stubby and short that I could be mistaken as a middle schooler. Been exercising, cleaning myself up like always, and doing my best at trying to eat healthy and do less stressful stuff, but I feel like it's not enough to make me feel better, look good and attractive.
'Maybe he only likes girls who are fine with how they look regardless? Fucking doubt it. He ain't gonna want a Monkey Hyena hybrid looking girlfriend with stupid scars on her wrist and in need to be put down,' I thought to myself as I let the warm water wash over me.
I soaped up my top half of my body as I looked at my puny breasts. Maybe I really do look like a child.
Erik probably fell for some super smart sexy foreign model cunt or some hot prostitute with nice curves. Hell, maybe he likes hot fat chicks with a pin-up look. Maybe they all talk really fucking sexy too. I just don't fucking know! How can I compete against such good looking women?! I'm just a hideous midget from Texas!
I always felt like Erik was out of my league. A cute down to earth guy from Germany who was also an Operative? I failed to understand why he was ever interested in me.
"Maybe I was right. I should've killed myself," I admitted to myself as I started to burst into tears.
I kept on crying as I failed to hear the bathroom door open. The shower curtain slid open, but I didn't turn around. I suddenly felt some tapping on my shoulder.
“Is there room for two?”
I turned around to see who it was.
It was Erik, standing in the nude.
He still had that beautiful big grin on his face. I didn't know what to say as I was so surprised by the spontaneity of the moment.
“Oh-uh, y-yeah okay,” I finally responded, backing closer to the end of the shower.
The shower in their apartment was pretty old and small, but at least it's pretty roomy for the both of us.
“Excuse me,” he said as he went in.
My head was pressed between his abdomen and chest.
“I thought you were still on your mission,” I asked.
“Not all my missions were going to be long and complicated. The only thing I don’t want to leave is you,” Erik answered as he leaned over and began kissing my neck.
It was corny as shit, but his response made me smile. My cheeks turned rosy red and another “shower” had begun in between my legs.
“Oh Erik, I was so worried. I was beginning to think that you weren’t attracted to me anymore, and that you were meeting other girls that are probably so much cooler than me and I…”
He suddenly interrupted me by locking their lips together in a passionate kiss.
They continued to makeout in the shower as Erik's hand traveled the surface of my puny wet body. Eventually, he massages my small breasts as he breaks away from the kiss for a moment.
"You know you are such a schön frau. Your body is like a wonderland for me to explore. Your smallness makes me wanna eat you, and carry you everywhere. Your eyebrows are very natural like nature itself. Your Beige skin reminds me of my favorite season being Fall. My god, baby, you are phänomenal!"
I was blushing really hard now as I was slightly confused by his statement. I broke away from the kissing to respond.
“Ugh, I just feel so yucky everywhere," I confessed as I desperately wondered what Erik would say.
“Oh liebling,” he answered as he leaned in for another quick peck. “You’re never ugly. Not at all you are. You're as beautiful as the landscape of my country. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, meine geliebte. Don't ever push yourself to be perfect for me."
He then cups my face as his thumbs wipes my tears away.
"I'll always love you, liebling. Always."
He then leaned in for more shower kissing.
I was feeling so much relief and joy to know that my boyfriend liked me for who I am.
He put his arms around me, and pressed his muscle tits and abdomen into me. I shivered at the pleasurable feeling of my boyfriend’s slick body. I felt Erik’s member rise and poke my vagina. He began to giggle as I did too. We looked right into each other’s eyes with wide grins on our faces.
That Sunday we finally had sex for the first (and for the second) time since he was gone.
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scarletooyoroi · 1 year
"Thoma, Thoma, Thomaaaaa!"
Any other may believe the shouts unnecessary in such a tight knit space, though any turned heads weren't given consideration.
"Have you ever been to Sumeru?! Becaaaause you'd never guess whoooo is headed that way!" if the skip in her step spoiled anything, well - Yoimiya wasn't always the best at keeping secrets under lock and key. "And! And! Aaaand, I wanted to ask - I know you have a responsibility as a retainer and all, but I wanted to see if you'd like to tag along! Trust me, you won't want to miss it! ButifyouhavetoItotallyunderstand--"
Thoma's duties were a plethora, whether it was contained to the Kamisato Estate or otherwise. The hopeful shimmer in her gaze believed that, maybe, even a busy guy such as himself was afforded a vacation here and there, especially if Ayaka's fleeting comments said anything.
"If not, I'll make sure to pick up a souvenir for you! But I'd really really super love it if you could! There's so many fun things to do there, have you seen how huge their mushrooms can get?!"
Shouts like that were similar to her craft, bright, spontaneous and so welcoming in their charm. Inazuma found itself in sore need for the sort of fresh breath such actions were. Hearing that voice bounce from the walls, knowing full well it'd bristle some of the staff while amusing others with that youthful vigor. He certainly had to work in keeping his expression still, letting mirth wash over it entirely!
Attention would be garnered and catching the honeyed eyes and shining view of Yoimiya solidifies that a surprise is in store. Outside of deliveries, there were few reasons that could create this level of boldness.
"Ah, Yoimiya!" A moment's pause transpires at the unique question aimed his way. Briefly thrown off, it doesn't take long for the now ex-outlaw to gradually process her question. His mouth, ever considerate, carefully picks the words from the valley of truth. "Indirectly if that counts.. Their wares, the unique inventions, I'm no stranger of seeing Sumeru through its people and scholars." Yet, he doubts that's truly good enough.
"As for the land firsthand? I can't say I've ever found myself in that region. Mondstadt and Liyue so far are the ones I have under my belt." And even then, not fully explored. Did a pinch of inspiration suddenly lead to this curiosity? Thinking upon it a touch harder, no doubt they'd have the means to have improved her craft...
What follows is an element he truly couldn't see coming.
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"You'd like for us to journey forth?" Just reflecting the thought happens to create an invigorating step her intent here, the way her eyes practically sparkle being an endearing sight. There's the natural pause that follows as she draws along a modest back up plan, one less fire filled but considerate, an aspect that made Nagonahara Yomiya one of the most beloved in Hanamizaka as a whole. A soft breath exudes from him as it's considered.
"It has been awfully long since I've taken a journey beyond the borders.." The considerate lingers like the most delectable after taste. Memories flood through his mind, supportive nudges from the Kamisato's, the particular change of the climate when it comes to his existence.. Both the positive and the glaring negatives. Thoma rarely depends on ignorance to offer him peace of mine.
Inazuma is changing, as it should've forever ago, and the opportunity to join within that element almost feels foreign as the momentary seconds of mulling over thought feels like genuine hours.
Just what could the Thoma of a new day experience by seeing more of Teyvat? By joining alongside companions who clearly earned a more intimate line of trust, and for them to bask in both the wonder and the desire to leave things brighter a little more than they were before? The old duster within his hand was returned back to its particular wall fixture.
"I don't believe I have.. The Lady and Lord have been a bit more particular in giving me stories on the outside. If I didn't know any better, you'd almost think they were goading me.. To depend on them a lil more on how well things can be held here." Thoma truly couldn't be more proud of them. All of them, including himself.
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"Looks like I'll have to experience that firsthand then, no? When do you plan on departing, captain? I'll have my share of preparation and packing to do."
Maybe this truly was long overdue.
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snaamagica · 4 years
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i think there’s an important aspect to madoka’s wish at the end of madoka magica that is commonly misunderstood. i’ve seen both the show and her character criticized because of her wish — it’s been pointed out by many, many voices that madoka didn’t end the system that exploits the girls who are brought into it, when they felt she should have
and that’s true. madoka could have wished to end the universe’s entropy problem; she could have wished the incubators came up with a kinder method, or that they cared at all about magical girls; she could have made a wish that removed the existence of the magical girl system — there are so many different ways she could have put an end to the entire thing, instead of sacrificing herself to simply prevent them from becoming witches
it’s very easy to look at the setting for puella magi and think the best, most thematic and appropriate solution to the majority of the conflicts in the series would be to eliminate the exploitative system. it makes a lot of sense, since that very system is, of course, representative of the many many many societal systems that takes advantage of girls and punishes them for being themselves and for having hope and dreams. these systems should be dismantled; so, the magical girl system must be dismantled, too, right?
but here’s the thing: madoka didn’t want to conceive of a world without magical girls. and this is something that not only makes sense, but works, for both her character and for the narrative
she wanted those girls to be given the power to make their wishes reality, and for them to not be punished for it. their wishes are granted by magic; their wishes are miracles. it’s true that by removing the magical girl system, these girls might have lived and found other ways to make their wishes real. but for many, their wishes were not things that could be achieved through believing in themselves, their friends, their families. they couldn’t be achieved through kindness, friendship, hard work, or even good luck
just in the lives that madoka knew: kyousuke was never going to play violin again. mami would have died in that car accident with her parents. madoka herself, and mami, and countless other people would have died to walpurgisnacht and that simply would have been the end of the story if homura hadn’t been able to turn back time. their wishes changed reality. their wishes were miracles
the magical girl system exploits the girls, sets them up so they can fall harder to profit off of their despair — but while it can represent real life societal systems, that isn’t ALL it does. puella magi madoka magica is full of layers upon layers of meaning and symbolism; why would this be any different? 
in the end, the magical girl system... is still about magical girls. it is still about girls, of all kinds, all personalities and backgrounds, and the power they have inside them. it is still about their relationships and the power they hold between them
madoka could have made a wish that got rid of the magical girl system. but she didn’t want to take these girls’ wishes, their miracles, their power, away from them
madoka’s wish isn’t about dismantling a horrible system — while far from a perfect solution, it’s about taking action to change it, reclaim it, keep the best parts of it, and turn it into something better
which is why i think that magia record truly honors the original show, because it is very much within that same spirit. it takes that concept and puts it in the hands of even more magical girls, so that it isn’t down to one girl’s experiences, her sacrifice, her decision. it’s up to everyone in the community the system affects to analyze, discuss, and consider what they can do with it, what they SHOULD do with it. and, of course, it’s a very messy thing, because what’s right for some people isn’t right for others. but it all still revolves around that one question presented at the end of madoka magica:
how can we take this system meant to exploit us, and turn it into something that makes everyone’s lives better?
madoka magica, on its own, without the rest of the series, can definitely be taken as a complete story. it was originally intended to be, after all; it ties each of its many layers together with such care it's very clear it was meant to be able to stand on its own. and, yes, the show never sees the exploitative system dismantled — and yes, that’s most certainly worth examination and discussion. (obviously, i have a lot to say about it.) but i don’t think it should be treated like a nail in the coffin, evidence of the show’s failing — there’s just so much more to it than that
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violetarks · 3 years
going to bed after an argument
anime: cowboy bebop
characters: spike spiegel, jet black
summary: it's time for bed and you and your lover haven't quite settled on your little fight from earlier.
warnings: afab! reader, she/her pronouns used, kinda of hc that spike doesnt use 'i love you' in words that much
↣ spike spiegel:
He loved sleeping. It was a time where he could worry about nothing and just let himself rest.
Except now, he stood there with Y/N on the other side of the bed, looking right back at him. She had her arms crossed over her chest, contemplating what the two of them should do. None of them had apologised for earlier that night. They thought the other one was being inconsiderate and childish, which led to no end of the argument and no 'sorry' being said.
He then huffs out, trying to make light of the situation, "Rock, Paper, Scissors for the bed?"
She glares at him a little more before shifting into the bed, on her own side as she faces away from her boyfriend. Still so childish. Sometimes he could be unbearable, not thinking about anything and how it would effect them later. It made her crazy. But he was always this spontaneous. A factor of himself that she had to learn to deal with.
"Then... can I sleep here with you?" He inquires, placing a testing hand on the bed.
In return, Y/N mumbles out quietly, "I don't care what you do."
But she really did. Which had sparked this whole argument anyway. Spike knows this himself, so he waits for her to say more before deciding for himself.
Spike gives a sigh, moving under the covers himself and facing the ceiling. As much as he loved sleeping, Spike would find himself unable to do so without talking with Y/N for a few minutes. It was something he picked up on right after they began dating. Wasn't easy, but he managed.
"Are you still mad at me?" He questions, looking over to his side to see Y/N stay unmoving. He waits for an answer, but receives none from her. But he knows. "I guess you are."
A part of him aches because he knows that they're both wrong. He went wild and cut off all communication with the others. And Y/N went following after him without a plan. The two of them being so reckless. But he knows that he started it, so he needed to face that.
"I didn't mean to scare you like that." He claims, scrunching the blankets beneath his palms, "It was stupid, but we really needed the money for that bounty. Runnin' low on fuel and food... just don't want you to regret coming with us."
They met while he was in the middle of a job. She was enticed by both of the guys and he found that she got along well with Jet, who in return was that little bit nicer to Spike. But if she had ever decided that she made the bad choice by staying with them, Spike wouldn't be able to forgive himself. He wants her to stay with him. Even if he shows it in the most weirdest ways.
"I don't regret anything." She retorts, Spike finally hearing her voice after parting ways right after the mission, "I just... I wish you'd tell me when you're about to do something crazy."
Spike scoffs back, a smirk on his lips, "You're just as crazy, following me in there, guns blazing." He turns his head to see that she's lifting her shoulders, as if a little embarrassed. "It was cute, don't get me wrong. You were all 'give me back my boyfriend or else you're all going to Hell!'."
She can't help but chuckle at that. Y/N rolls onto her back, turning her head to the side. Her eyes meet with his, and she sees just how much that bounty meant to him. Or to the both of them through his mind.
She reaches out her hand and holds his cheek. "Spike, I just don't want you constantly coming back here with so many bruises and cuts." She claims, watching him lean into her, "Sorry that I ran after you so carelessly... I didn't have a plan, I just wanted to see you again."
"As if i could stay mad at someone as lovely as you, my dear. So brave, comin' after me like that." Spike chuckles out, pressing a kiss to her palm. She gives a small smile as he stares. "Let's just agree we're both dumb, aye?"
She nods her head, wrapping an arm around his neck and leaning her forehead against his. "I guess. We should both apologise to Jet tomorrow morning." She suggests, earning a hesitant nod from her boyfriend, "Good. I love you, Spike."
He gently presses his lips against hers, holding the back of her neck as support. He hums against her, "Right back at cha', sweetheart."
With that, she closes her eyes and lets herself fall to sleep, head against Spike's shoulder as he laid on his back. He watches the ceiling, rubbing the other side of her shoulder as she snoozed away. Spike was awake for a little longer.
He should really watch out better for themselves.
"Sorry for worrying you, Y/N."
↣ jet black:
She was already in bed by the time Jet came back to the ship.
Y/N was all cleaned up and swapped clothes, laying nicely on her side of the bed. Jet watched as she shifted in her spot as soon as the door opened. That meant she was still awake, seems like she hadn't fallen asleep at all.
Jet puts his things down on the dresser, taking off his vest. He wants to ask her about their disagreement before, but that's somehow stopped from speaking. He just silently puts away his belongings, even pushing his shoes under the bed.
He doesn't say another word as he grabs his pillow and heads to the door.
He hears her shuffle again, this time she's sitting up.
"Where are you going?" Y/N asks quietly, hugging her knees to her chest.
She never liked sleeping by herself, not ever since she began sharing a room with Jet.
Spike had made a joke about her sleeping with him, to which Jet had hit him for.
Jet stops at the door, lifting his hand from the metal. "Gonna' go sleep in the guest room." He states, looking over to her, "Don't want to force you to sleep with me when we're... fighting."
Eyes puffy and looking small, all alone on the bed. He never liked it when she ended up like this, in any occasion. Once she cried at a sad movie, and Jet felt his heart break into a million pieces.
She turns to the blankets over her lap, mumbling out to her boyfriend, "You can have the bed. I'll sleep in the spare room."
He's widened his eyes a little at that. She's already out of bed and picking up her pillow. "What?" He scoffs, furrowed brows as he holds tighter onto his own pillow, "No you're not. You were already in bed."
"I already ruined your day, I'll take the guest room." Y/N states, now standing in front of Jet with her pillow clutched to her chest, "Plus, that bed's always... cold. You won't sleep properly."
He clicks his tongue at that. "You won't either." He says back to her. She didn't really ruin his day, they had just lost a bounty because of their lack of communication. It was both of their faults. "Just stay here."
She glared at him a little more before huffing, moving back to the bed in defeat, "Don't like sleeping here without you." It's quietly said, but Jet heard all of it.
She doesn't like being alone.
That makes him sigh and walk back to the bed. He puts his pillow back in its place and sits on his side of the bed. Y/N feels a bit more relieved when she feels the mattress dent. She watches the wall.
"Hey..." Jet speaks out, looking over his shoulder to her, "I'm sorry for yelling at you before. Should remember that I'm not out on the field with you, so I don't know what's going on." He watches as she slouches her shoulders, which meant she was listening to him. "Just wanna' know you're safe."
She sits up now, fingers linked together on her lap. "I'm sorry as well. I got mad that I lost the target and took it out on you." She admits, playing with the pads of her fingers. He places a gentle hand over hers, stopping her little movements. Y/N finally looks back to him. "You're not sleeping out there, are you?"
He shakes his head at the question, crossing his arms over his chest. "No, you're right. The other bed is way too cold." He states.
He freezes once he feels Y/N slip her arms around his, burying her head into his shoulder. She held on tight. Jet chuckles, wrapping his other arm around her, "Tired?" She nods her head. "Okay. Let's get some rest for tomorrow."
She gives a slight hum as he allows them to lay down. He lets her head slot against his chest, her arms snaking around his waist. He keeps his own around her shoulders, holding her closer to him.
"Night, Y/N." He whispers out.
"Goodnight." She responds, hugging her boyfriend tighter.
He smiles, closing his eyes. He never liked fighting with her.
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whiteqnn · 3 years
PURE [5] - Corpse Husband x Fem!Reader
A/N: It’s been a while.  
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
PURE [5]
“Did you guys find anybody?” Felix’s voice sounded out when the man repeated the same question for what seemed like the third time since he joined the call. The number of players showed 7 of them, which meant that they were still missing three people. Sure, they could start the game now, but it would be way more enjoyable and funny with a full lobby. 
“Yeah, Toast will be here any moment. “Sykkuno replied right away. “He just texted me; he should join us in a few.”
“Cool. Anyone else?” 
“I think Corpse was also supposed to join us, right? Not sure though why he isn’t here yet.” 
“Oh, yeah, Corpse will be here soon too!” Jack suddenly chimed in with an explanation. “He said he needed to take care of something first, but he’ll be here before we start.” 
“Great. But that means we’re still one person short.” Felix hummed when Toast’s little astronaut appeared in the lobby “Hey Toast."
“Hey man.”
“Do you have anyone coming?”
“I’m afraid not. I asked MrBeast, but he’s busy, so...”
“Well then, we can just start when Corpse is here, and maybe we’ll find someone in the meantime?” Dave suggested, earning a few hums of approval from the other players. 
“Yeah, I think that’s the best option...” Jack agreed. But then his voice blared out in everyone’s headphones with excitement. “Ha! Corpse is bringing someone!” 
“I dunno, he just texted me he has one coming and that’s all.” 
“Hm, all right. Let’s wait then.”
Corpse fidgeted with his phone, glancing between its screen and the chat in his stream. People were already asking countless questions, but rather than answering them, he was waiting for Y/N to call him. He was nervous - the girl still hadn’t commented on his request. 
The idea to invite her to the lobby wasn’t spontaneous. In fact, he’d been thinking about it for quite some time now, but never found the courage to actually ask if she would like to join them for the game.
It’s been almost a month now since that memorable phone call. A month since Y/N last played with her friends; a month since she considerably reduced her social media usage. 
Sure, she was still active on her youtube channel, but not as much as before the whole haters situation. No matter how hard she tried to just ignore them and simply continue her career, she just couldn’t. There were still these nagging thoughts at the back of her mind, reminding her of all those people and their comments, their messages. It seemed like a good idea to take a short break and sort everything out.
Her fans understood it. They were obviously sad that her videos weren’t as frequent as before, but everyone knew what the situation looked like and that Y/N needed some time for herself. 
Her audience knew it, and so did her friends. Especially Corpse. 
The man kept his word and talked to the girl whenever she wanted to. Which, in the end, was almost everyday. Although at the beginning their conversations mostly focused on her current problem and dealing with it, their topics broadened over the time. 
At one point though, Y/N started worrying that maybe she’s annoying him with her so frequent calls. She thought that she shouldn’t bother him that much - even if talking to him was what really helped her cope with her problems. He already had enough on his plate, and sharing her own concerns with him suddenly seemed like a very selfish thing to do.
But she quickly realized how wrong she was for thinking like that. When one day she didn’t call, figuring out that she should stop troubling him with her own issues, she was very surprised when Corpse reached out to her himself. He expressed how worried he got when she didn’t call, and when she explained what was the reason, he spent the next fifteen minutes lecturing her that she should never think she’s bothering him. 
From that day on, they talked every single day. And they talked about almost everything.
Corpse enjoyed their late night-talks more than anything. He liked to listen to Y/N talk about the things she finds exciting, her hobbies, and her dreams. Hell, she could talk about what she ate for breakfast, and he would still listen with interest. 
And even though they haven’t seen each other in person, even though she still hasn’t seen his face, they managed to get really close during those past weeks. For an outside observer (who also didn’t have access to Twitter) they would seem like a couple of very good friends.
But not for Corpse.
He couldn’t pinpoint when exactly did it happen. They were talking one evening and Y/N was telling him about the TV series she had finished watching recently. He listened intently and watched as her facial expressions changed from excited to frustrated, as she was enumerating everything she liked and disliked about the series finale.
And then he suddenly got this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach, and simply couldn’t take his eyes off her. 
He tried to play it off and act as if nothing changed, but he couldn’t stop his heart from doing backflips whenever she laughed at one of his dumb jokes or called him partner. It was still a running joke between them and among the group of their friends, but there was something in the way she said it that made him instantly smile like an idiot. 
He also started paying more attention to the hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. #PartnersInCrime was still rather popular, even though it was a month since anyone last used this phrase on stream. Corpse also found out that #Y/Nforthebride was trending for some time; he even managed to stumble across a few fanarts. 
There was this urge to send them to Y/N, but he was too nervous that it would make things awkward between them... After all, he didn’t know how she felt about that whole shipping thing. 
That’s why he decided to just leave things between them as they are, and be happy that he’s at least her friend.  
Corpse nearly jumped out of his skin, when he was brought back to reality by the sound of an upcoming FaceTime call. Y/N’s photo appeared on his screen, her smiley face which he had assigned as her contact photo. His lips corners curled up in a smile almost unwittingly. 
“Hey Y/N/N” he said after answering the call. 
“Hi Corpse” she smiled softly upon hearing his voice. Although the screen on her side was dark, she didn’t mind not seeing Corpse’s face. She respected his wish to remain faceless and enjoyed their conversations anyway. 
“Whatcha doin’?”
“Just editing the new video. I guess I’ll upload it in the morning... but I’m not sure yet.”
“Well let me know then, I wanna be the first one to see it.” 
“Sure thing, Corpse” she chuckled, lowering her gaze bashfully. Corpse just looked at her face for a moment, unable to stop smiling to himself. Then he remembered why they were talking in the first place.
“So... have you seen my text?” Y/N sighed at his question but nodded her head slowly. “And what do you think?”
“I don’t know, Corpse...” she ran a hand through her hair in a nervous gesture. “...if that’s a good idea, I mean.”
“Well, it’s been a while. No pressure though, if you don’t wanna play then it’s totally fine.” he quickly clarified. “I just thought it would be fun if you joined us, even if just for a moment. I’m sure everyone would go crazy.” 
Her smile widened slightly at his words, but she still didn’t look convinced. Sure, it was tempting to join them. She wanted to do it each time Sean or Felix bombarded her with messages and codes to the lobby, both inviting her to join the group in the game. But then she remembered how people reacted to her appearance in their streams... and suddenly it didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore.
“We’re gonna play on Polus...” he added after a moment when she still didn’t say anything. “That one map with the planetary base... there’s a lava pit, y’know. Just saying...”
She laughed wholeheartedly at his words, remembering their last game when Corpse jumped into the lava for her. 
“Sykkuno’s gonna be there as well” Corpse continued. “And I promise I won’t kill you this time.”
“Even if I’m the last player alive?” she joked.
“Even then, Y/N.”
Corpse stifled a laugh, as she cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes slightly as if trying to spot him in the darkness. 
“Are you streaming, Corpse?” she then asked.
“Not yet. I’m gonna start the stream as soon as you say yes, though.”
“Oh c’mon” she laughed at his words “That’s emotional blackmail!” 
“Maybe. Is it working?” he asked.
Y/N let out a heavy breath and ran a hand down her face. Corpse watched in anticipation as she seemed to have some internal battle with herself. He hoped that she’s gonna agree, he really missed playing with her. 
“All right, then.” she suddenly said, and his breath hitched in his throat. “I’m gonna stay for a few rounds I guess...”
“Wait, really?” he asked, a smile on his face only widening. 
“Well, yeah, partner.” she replied, which made his cheeks go warm “Your imposter techniques haven’t been very effective lately... Someone needs to help you out, or you’re gonna lose your title of the king of the Imposters.” 
“Oh, is that’s how it is now?” he laughed in fake shock. “I wouldn’t have to worry about losing the title if my accomplice hadn’t left me all alone!” 
“All right, all right.” she giggled at his accusations. “Your accomplice is on her way to support you.” 
Corpse smiled even wider at the sound of her laughter. Her eyes shined with happiness when she was giggling, which only brought out their E/C color. The fact that his stupid babbling was the reason for her smile was making him feel extremely proud of himself.  
“But just so you know... I still have no idea how this map works, so I’m afraid I’m gonna need you to guide me around it...”
“Y’know you could as well just say you want to hang out with me...”
“Corpse!” she laughed, her cheeks blushing in embarrassment. 
“Just kidding Y/N” he chuckled at her reaction. “Of course I’m gonna guide you, don’t worry.”
“Okay then...” she said after a moment, looking at the screen again. “I’ll be there in a few minutes. Will you send me the code, please?”
“Sure I will, Y/N” 
“Okay. See you later, partner” she smiled brightly. 
“See you, partner.” 
When Y/N ended the call, Corpse let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He sighed in relief and ran a hand through his hair, before moving to sit behind his desk.
It was only after he started the stream that he realized he was blushing. Not only because Y/N would join them, but because there was also another thing he wanted to ask her about, but didn’t find the courage to yet... 
By the time Y/N turned on her computer and started the game, Corpse has already sent her the code, and there was a Discord invite waiting for her as well. She bit her lip nervously as her heartbeat quickened. 
Was she nervous? As hell. 
She did everything she could to avoid being in unnecessary spotlight since she started receiving those hate messages. Perhaps escaping the problem wasn’t the best solution, but it definitely was a comfortable one. People wouldn’t have a reason to hate on her if she disappeared. 
But then she couldn’t say no to Corpse. And truth to be said - she really missed playing with her friends. From what she’d seen on Twitter, the lobby would be filled with those she’d already played with, so she wasn’t that nervous before the game. What she was nervous about though, was how people would react.
Accepting Corpse’s request was something she did due to the sudden rush of courage. And now there was no coming back.
She knew Corpse would understand if she changed her mind... but she heard how excited he was when she had agreed. She couldn’t do it to him. 
So, once she’d taken a deep breath and put her headphones on, Y/N accepted the invite and braced herself for the inevitable chaos that was bound to take place in the call. She decided to wait with joining the lobby though - at least until they realize she’s with them. 
“..the fuck you’re talking about?!” Felix’s voice was the first thing she heard, which made her roll her eyes with a smile. “It’s not my fault I sound like that! At least I don’t have a liar voice like Rae!” 
“HEY!” the girl yelled “I don’t have a liar voice!”
“You do, you’re using it even now!” Jack argued, much to Rae’s dismay. 
“What is going on here” Corpse’s deep voice sounded out suddenly. 
“Oh, you’re here! Finally” Sykkuno immediately welcomed him with his always happy voice. 
“Yeah, sorry that I’m late guys.”
“No worries, man” Pewdiepie spoke up again. “We were just talking about playing the voice card and that you’re basically the only one who can do it.” 
“Not fair at all!” Rae chimed in, making Corpse chuckle. 
“The voice card...” he hummed after a moment, before adding. “I wouldn’t really say I’m the only one though...”
“Well who else then? Everyone else either starts laughing or have a liar voice” Dave asked, and Rae scoffed at the last words.
“Well what about my guest?”
Y/N inhaled sharply, realizing that now she should probably reveal herself. 
“Oh, right! Who you’re bringing man?” Sean asked with curiosity.
That’s when Y/N typed in the game code, and her white astronaut appeared in the lobby. 
“Wait, who’s- HOLY SHIT” Sean all but yelled, when realization hit him. Y/N laughed loudly at his reaction, and her voice only seemed to prove to everyone that she really was there. 
“KIDDO WHAT THE FUCK” Felix reflected Jack’s response, yelling over his friend.
“Oh my god, hi!”
“What a surprise!” Y/N managed to catch Sykkuno’s words. “It’s so amazing to have you here, Y/N/N!” 
“As I live and breathe.” another voice spoke up, and Toast’s little astronaut came face to face with her white bean. “My lifelong nemesis. Back here snap my neck again, huh?”
“Yeah, happy to hear you too, Toast” Y/N giggled at his words, then she adressed the whole group. “Hi guys.”
“Okay I did not expect that in the slightest” Sean laughed happily “You’re here kiddo!” 
“I am” she smiled from ear to ear, even though they couldn’t see her. 
“Wait- Corpse, is that the thing you had to take care of?” her best friend asked Corpse with suspicious voice. 
“Well...” he trailed off and cleared his throat, making everyone laugh.
“That’s so great Y/N! We missed you so much!” Rae thundered over the bickering of the boys. “The game hasn’t been the same without you...”
“Agreed. I suddenly stopped dying.” Toast commented, making her roll her eyes with a laugh. 
“I don’t know if I should be happy or fucking scared right now.” Felix laughed nervously. “With Corpse and Y/N? We’re fucked now, guys.”
“I promise I’ll go easy on you, I haven’t played in so long I think I forgot all my strategies...” 
“Yeah, sure.” Toast’s forever suspicious voice made her smile wider. “Just don’t kill me in the first roung, okay? I won’t vote you off just stay the fuck away from me you little murderer.” 
“Okay, I promise I won’t kill you...” 
She couldn’t stop herself from laughing, and the smile remained on her face even when they started the game. It only seemed to widen, when she saw the sign Imposter on her screen. 
Only to giggle hysterically when she realized that Toast was the other imposter...
And so the game went on with Y/N and Toast cooperating like perfect serial killers. Corpse did as he promised and guided her through the map, both of them being closely followed by Sykkuno. Because of that she’d just sabotage the map most of the time to give Toast opportunities to kill their friends, but eventually managed to sneak out when her two fellow crewmates were doing their tasks. It just so happen that Pewds was walking past her, and she might’ve accidentally snapped his neck... 
“Goddamnit! I knew it! I fucking knew it was you!” Sean yelled once the game was over and Y/N saw the sign VICTORY on her screen, her small character standing next to Toast’s one. He was ejected at some point because Poki managed to walk in on him killing Rae, but Y/N remained undetected until the very end. Perhaps the fact that Corpse was one of the two crewmates who were left alive had something to do wtih it...
“That was rude” Pewds said in a whiny voice, clearly referring to their encounter which led to his death. “I was just happily walking around, doing my tasks like a good crewmate, and then boom! Y/N happened” 
“I would say I’m sorry... but I’m really not” she laughed, making Felix gasp in shock.
“That’s what happens when you work with Toast!” 
“Good game, Y/N. That was amazing” the man in question said appreciatively. 
“Will you finally forgive me for killing you that one time if I say that being imposters with you was cool?” she laughed nervously. 
“Actually... Yeah, I guess we can bury the hatchet now. AND we should team up more in the future.”
“Excuse me, what?” Corpse’s voice made the whole lobby laugh. “I don’t remember us cancelling our partnership, Y/N.”
“Are you trying to steal my accomplice from me Toast?” 
“Well she’s a great partner in crime after all...” Toast deliberately used the phrase, making Corpse gasp.
“Hey! She’s my partner! Find yourself your own, Toast” Corpse joked, making Y/N laugh bashfully, her cheeks warming up at his words. 
“Yeah yeah, I remember, don’t worry man. No one’s gonna take your partner in crime away from you...” Toast’s teasing voice made them all laugh, Corpse and Y/N included. 
For the next few rounds Y/N played as a crewmate, running around the map with either Corpse or Sykkuno and doing her tasks. During meetings they joked and laughed, and for a moment, she stopped thinking about what people watching her friend’s streams might think about her presence. After all, there was at least a small chance that they didn’t think about it at all, and simply enjoyed watching their favoirte youtubers. Just as she enjoyed playing with her friends. 
Oh, and by the way, Corpse kept his promise and didn’t kill her even when she was the last player alive...
It was soon time when everyone started slowly leaving the lobby, having played for over three hours. Y/N also said her goodbyes to the others and promised that she’d join them to play a game called Raft next week. 
When she turned her computer off and threw herself on her bed, Y/N immediately grabbed her phone to call Corpse. He answered right away. 
“Well hello, partner...” she rolled her eyes with a smile when he accented the last word. “Or should I say, traitor, instead?” 
“Corpse... you know I would never betray you...” 
“Well how can I be so sure, now that I know how cool it is to be imposters with Toast?” she knew he was joking, she could almost hear the smile in his voice.
“Not nearly as cool as it is with you, Corpse” Y/N grinned from ear to ear when Corpse scoffed. 
“I spare your life so many times and that’s what I get in return? You cheat on me with Toast?” he said in disbelief “I’m disappointed, Y/N, I really am.”
“I would never!” she laughed through her words, even though her cheeks were now red because of Corpse’s words. “You’re the best partner in crime, Corpse, I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else!” 
Not only in the game, she thought.
“Hmm, alright. Let’s say I believe you.” he said after a moment of thinking. 
“I mean it, Corpse...” Y/N said after calming down from her laughter. “I... I really wanted to thank you.”
“Thank me? For what?” he asked, genuinely surprised. 
“Well, first of all for inviting me to today’s game... I really had lots of fun, it was great to play and talk with the others. And I wouldn’t be in the lobby if not for you...” Y/N mumbled, before verbalizing her previous thoughts. “And I also wanted to thank you for just... you know... being my friend. My real life partner in crime. I just wanted you to know I’m really glad I met you...” 
Corpse was silent for a good few moments, and Y/N started panicking that maybe she said something wrong, or maybe he found her spontaneous confession funny, or worse, dumb. She was almost ready to somehow laugh it all off, when his voice cut her off.
“Thank you, Y/N. It really means a lot to me too.” he sounded like he had some troubles with speaking, which made Y/N furrow her brows in worry.
“Is everything okay, Corpse?” 
“Yeah, I...” he stuttered, then laughed nervously. “I just didn’t expect that and... yeah. It’s not something I hear on a daily basis, especially from someone like you.”
Someone like me? 
 “But what you said... it’s mutual.” he said after a moment, and Y/N couldn’t stop herself from grinning like an idiot. “You’re the best partner in crime I could ask for. And not only in the game.” 
She could as well just pass out there and there...
“So uhm... there was one thing I wanted to ask you...”
“I was wondering if maybe... you know, if you’d have some time... and if you’d want to of course... would you maybe like to visit me here in San Diego?”
Yeah, passing out seems like a good idea. 
This is not the last part. 
@golden-chan @pillowjj @afuckingunicornn @love-and-virtues @ignooynim @crapimahuman @hannahjsworld @laugh-like-the-moon @fallengoddess772 @kingric03 @dolphinpink310 @paigeyisme @bunnychano3o @dxrtygxrl28 @z-nyx @baby-iyania @trashygeek @qmalley @yn-dreamlife @queenshadow142003 @daughterofsmokeandbone23 @my-little-art-world99 @yoongi-holland @rinarecommends @psychoticunicornsblog @goldensunshinestyle @unstableye @pastelvixenbeauty @weallneednamjesus @benakenalove @corpsesimpp @xenos-sonex @jellicorn05 @must-be-a-weasley-92 @keijikunn @infinitely-kate @thisshitisfuckingdifficult @summerbbygirl @mygirlviolet @eat-your-veggies @evans-dejong @jeffxx @weepingdonuthumancookie @myinnergayistakingover @i-love-scott-mccall @thecanterburywitch @annshit @blood-of-fandoms @namjoons-crabssss @guadu-chan @harleyharleycrow @stormyskys13 @soft4kei @ukai-hoe @that-chick212 @campcampie @cookiewhoree @ukiyolixx @princess-skate @newtaholic-staygold @unknown-and-invisible @cherry-piee @marvelenthusiast3000 @apples-of-february @lovelybrit @wineandionysus @faepetersen @vincent-stargogh @idalinette @ggsmashgg @browneyespinkhair @uwucorpse @fluffylittellama-blog @yoshigguk @queentorresstuff @becihadshawn @winged-reader @x3musicismylife @musubipost @missdox @honeyames @dark-o-room @izthefangirl @l0verl0ser @laurenfangirlsout @asianfrustration13 @hopelessfluff @sacrifice-me-please @stopicouldhaavedroppedmycrossant @sleepingalaska @strangenerdsstuff @otakuartist05 @blossom-702 @astream-ofconsciousness @mythicalamphitrite @infinitelycharmed23 @ s1utforfictionalcharacters @ abrokenlink  @ lestrangeesme  @laazullii @ avesagittarius @ smiithys @zenx2003 @vintagexparker @write-from-the-heart @goalexis123 @ trrcelovesyou @rebloggingeverything @homosexualjohnwayne @xprettyqueenx @just-a-stan @tenebrisirae
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studiojeon · 3 years
use me | jjk
this is part of my troubled outsiders series. i think you can read this by itself though :)
| summary | -   Jungkook was not someone to establish relationships and bonds out of interest, you knew that. Or maybe not, truth be told, he was an authentic enigma, so open yet so closed and shielded from others to see through, and that didn’t exclude you.
warnings: language (?), mentions of hook ups and situationships. mentions of emotional trauma.
contents: a compilation of moments that contributed to the growth of their relationship, jungkook is hard to read, jungkook is hard to read, jungkook is hard to read and sus. oc is kinda whipped and scared af. chaeryeong knows who you are and where you live. jk and oc are scared to let each other in. friends to lovers, idol!jungkook x student!oc.
author’s note: i hate this, but i have to get it off my chest. (the narration is off af but if i keep it in my drafts for longer this will never see the light of the day). p.s. thank u so much for the support on the last drabble <3
playlist: rain by trey songz (feat. swae lee). 
words: 4.75k
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“JK?” as his broad back faces you, you call out his name timidly, not missing the way he swiftly turns around as soon as he hears his name come from your lips. Hair wet and darker than usual, a very big sweat stain at the center of his hoodie. He had just gotten out of practice, you assumed. 
“___?” he replied with the initials of your name as well, one of his tired grins plastered on his face, he must have been exhausted. You had caught on to him just as he walked out of the practice room in front of the elevator on your way to your office, right when you needed him, but now you weren’t so sure if it was a good idea to pester him. Even so, you didn’t know anyone else you could ask for help, aside from Linh who was currently in her own office doing other tasks you had assigned to her.
“Are you busy right now?” your eyes stare at him shyly, in hopes that he was willing to help you out, because you wanted to be around him, so maybe he could share a bit of his positive energy with you, the past week had been hellish.  “Could use some help returning all those heavy stacks of paper in my office”.
“Of course! Why didn’t you give me a call earlier though? It’s pretty late” he walked by your side and you enter the elevator, beginning your adventure around the company.
Jungkook was fun. Always bubbly and reciprocative, constantly trying his best to make you laugh and make the absolute best of your situation, even if he could be a bit stubborn at times. You liked the spontaneity he provided though, the way he would switch from one topic to another and how he would make silly faces at you whenever you locked eyes. 
He didn’t know, but in pure ignorance, he had just made your day ten times better. 
In the past week, you had received a lot of counterarguments, one by one, on how useless your management tactics were. Granted, you hadn’t expected for your ideas to be welcomed with open arms, but at least you had hoped they would take them into consideration. You had also been assigned a team, in charge of social media management, who worked monotonously and with little to no insertion in the actual target audience… your logic was: how can you advertise products to an audience you don’t even have the mere interest to know? You had designed a strategy, presented it, and no one paid any mind to you. 
But for the most part, you felt lonely. Had no one to talk to, nor go to whenever you needed your spirits to be lifted up.
Chaeryeong was busy busy with group projects and work. To the extent where she would get up at seven in the morning and come back at 12 pm. It wasn’t always like that, so you didn’t worry too much, but the fear she would wear herself off like usual still crowded your mind.
You close your office door with a sigh. Tired from everything, but somehow, your heart a little fuller, knowing that maybe you could use Jungkook in the future to give you a lift. Both figuratively and literally because he had offered to drive you home, being the gentleman he was.
“Why do you look like a sad puppy?” he asked you once you were sitting by his side in his very expensive and luxurious mercedes. Tinted windows and jet black shiny paint covered the outside of his car, the smell of air refresher and pinecone filling the inside. Mans was getting hotter by the minute.
“It’s friday night after the longest week of work. How can I not?” you put on your seat belt and lean back against the leather cushions. He pouts in response to you, with a concerned look on his face. 
For a second you wonder if he did this with most coworkers… being nice to them and offering them drives after having met them just a few times before. Kinda risky behviour, considering his position and squeaky clean reputation. You figure this would only last a bit before he realized he had more important things to be focusing on.
“Do you ever get chased home?” you ask randomly. 
With one hand on the wheel and the other leaned against his door he meditated on his response. “It happened once… And then I moved out, got a new car and everything. Shit was wild” he chuckles and you think that was the first time you had heard him curse, like ever. Jungkook, friendly and everything, wasn’t too big of a talker, but with you he found himself spilling, without giving it much thought. It felt refreshing to hear his voice and listen to his stories and the way he expressed himself. He was more interesting than he seemed, apparently. “Aren’t you hungry, by the way? We can have something to eat before i drop you off”
Traffic was hellish in Seoul everyday at every hour, and choosing to drive through Itaewon on a friday night wasn’t the smartest decision on Jungkook’s behalf, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him that. Considering the demands of his job, he probably didn’t know his way around the city that well. You conclude taking a detour wouldn’t hurt. “I’m starving actually.”
He ends up taking you to a restaurant near your neighborhood you had mentioned being good and not crowded at all, the latter catching his attention immediately. It was a modest but nice place owned by a very funny and loud ahjussi. The man had lost count of how many times you had come down from your apartment at 11 pm and asked him to make you vegetarian tteokguk, but they were enough so that he could memorize your five orders by heart and the amount of saewoo mandu you could down by yourself in five minutes. You were making him rich at that point so the least he could do was comply when you gently asked him to shut the place down for you. Jungkook hadn’t asked you, but you knew how things could get awkward and dangerous quickly if too many people found out about him being there. “Ahjussi, you don’t have to” the boy protested as he noticed that the man had shut the blinds for him.
“It’s okay, boy. _____ has been single handedly paying the remnants of my mortgage for over a year now, I don't mind doing this for her.” he joked in his usual nature. already writing down your order and patiently waiting for Jungkook in front of you to voice out what he wanted for a meal. “And well, you and your friends are making our country proud, it’s the least i can do to thank you”
“Ah, thank you.” Jungkook bows to the older man. Your heart softened in your chest, seeing how considerate he was towards other people. He must be great with parents, you think. “Do you really not get that many people around here?” he asked worriedly once he sat back down on the wooden chair.
“We do! But she’s the one who comes the most often” he nods toward you and Jungkook smiles once he found your gaze, a glint of playfulness in his eyes. 
“Can you recommend me anything, miss?”
“Of course, sir. Yeol-ah, double up my order. Drinks are on me today.” You yell at the man’s son in the kitchen, who was still a bit older than you, but also close to enough to let you order him around shamelessly. You knew him quite well, actually. He was Chaeryeong’s boyfriend after all.
The tall boy pokes his head out of the kitchen door with a very confused expression plastered on his face. “Aren’t we supposed to close in like, an hour?” Chanyeol asks his dad in front of you.
“Just go cook, I'll explain later”.
The two men go back into the kitchen and Jungkook looks at you with an amused expression on his face. “What was that?” he laughs.
“I’m very popular, you know?” it probably wasn’t a good idea to go there, but you felt a little drunk on his voice that night, and you also knew your friend didn’t mind. “In fact, Chaereyong from ITZY is my best friend, who would have guessed?”
“Yeah and my son is her boyfriend, who cares?” Byung-ho yells back at you from the cashier, pulling a hiss from your lips. 
Jungkook still continued to stare at the both of you with confusion and intrigue, you guess he thought you were both joking.
“Wait, really?” he utters after a few seconds with big doe eyes and a pout on his lips, a combination that appeared when he was either confused or lying, which wasn’t the case then.
“Yes, my guy.” you laugh. “That juicy legged shortie is indeed my wife”
Jungkook loved the food, to say the least. It was all vegetarian and korean as fuck, a combination he never throught was possible, but downed like thristy camel. He was a loud eater, which was fitting of him and his politeness, something else you had noticed that night. You were the opposite, and actually despised the sounds of other people eating, yet, looking at him enjoying his meal so much made you feel full yourself. He made you feel like a kid in some ways too, brought back the times when being around others wasn’t so hard, and you still could have a sense of security around you. Talking to him was rather easy, maybe because of his welcoming nature, or because in fact he actually was interested in whatever stupid shit you were saying, something most people around you didn’t do. He also, amongst other things, seemed very interested in your job and the likes, always asking questions and absorbing information like a five year old. You had explained to him the five key steps of process design and the psychological effects on marketing in society to which he always responded with wide gentle eyes and attentive nods, not once looking bored or… annoyed in any way. 
Was he like that, with every girl? Because you weren’t anything special, there were many other girls who worked with him everyday and even if you hadn’t seen him in his work space, you could guess by the way most women in your company look at him whenever he passes by that either they were just as captivated as you by his beauty or that he had fucked them. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was just trying to get into your pants either, it wouldn’t be the first time it happened to you nonetheless.
“I can walk from here, JK” you mention once you found yourselves walking towards the parking lot. A bit sad about the expense you had just made on food, it was your fault for trying to seem cool and rich, neither of which you were. 
“Oh no, I’m not letting you do that, girlie” he unlocks the door and gets in, not even letting you finish or allowing you to fight back.
“My apartment is literally a block away” you protest in the car anyways. You fear you had been too much of a bother, and deep down, didn’t want him to feel like you were seeking his presence unnecessarily.
“Well, good for you. But, you paid for the food, which was a lot, and i don’t want my sugar mommy walking by herself at 12 pm on a friday night” you first freeze, and then burst a very loud giggle.
“Whatever” you slap his bicep and roll your eyes. “ Next time you can pay if it bothers you so much.”
“So there will be a next time?” wide eyes stare back at you. “Count me in. I´ll pick where we will be going, just lemme know when so i can plan ahead” he rambles, a little too excited about your suggestion. 
He drops you off with a smile on his face and hopefulness in his eyes, promising to see you around the company. You, on the other hand, feel a tad confused as you enter your apartment building. What was going on? 
You had overthought things so much your entire life that it suddenly became too tiring to do. During the past few years you had to learn how to detach yourself and just ride the wave sometimes. Once you had turned eighteen, everything started moving at a very fast pace, the pressure of adulthood fell upon you like a brick and everything was so overwhelming that you started to simply let the course of your existence take you wherever it needed to.
That’s how you ended up going out with Jungkook at least once a week for dinner or a drive around the city for more than two months. Without even noticing, he became so engraved in your everyday life that whenever he’d cancel plans because of work, you’d find yourself with a void in your heart and a rush of boredom filling your senses. Even if you found yourself in your living room with the company of your best friend whom you had seen at most four times in the past two months, you were still wishing you could share that intimate space with him instead, willing to let him a bit more into your life, in hopes that maybe he would do the same. Sue you, you were curious over the most intricate details about his personality, how his personal sanctuary looked and if the smell of his room is just as good as his car’s. You could bet a thousand dollars (maybe a little less, considering the unconventionalism that characterizes him) that he also had a few plants that only remembered to water three out of seven days of the week. 
Hopefully life would draw you closer to more people like him.
"How's your boyfriend doing?" Chaeryeong asks you from the kitchen counter, sweet popcorn cooking in you popcorn-maker. 
You sigh. "What boyfriend?"
She was a lot of things but oblivious, and you weren't either, just when you chose to be. "Cut the bullshit, you know who i'm talking about". The fake red head waits for your response as she pours the snack into a big bowl, and you on the other hand take this as an advange to search around the room for answers.
"He's just a friend" you say. "And he's fine, i guess… He doesn't really talk much about himself" you mention, matter of factly.
Chaeryeong nods beside you, understanding what you meant. Then, proceeds to tell a tale about her experience meeting the dark haired boy. "He's literally so quiet, but like, so incredibly kind. Once he tripped over and fucked up some of the decoration at an award show" she grabs a popcorn and continues her story. "He looked so panicked I thought his eyes were about to jump out their sockets — His eyes are huge, by the way." 
"I know" you smile.
"My point is, he started to help the staff put everything back in order again. I think he's the only idol I've ever seen do something like that… i decided i liked him then" her beautiful features light up with mischief. "I bet he fucks great too."
You slap her leg. Hard.
"I'm only telling you this now so you don't get caught of guard when he actually manages to fuck you," her soft hands run through your messy hair, motherly touches easing the fluster in your body. "You know he's a big whore, right?" She adds after a while. 
You didn't. According to Chaeryeong, who seemed to keep tabs on every single colleague of hers, Jungkook had quite the body count, not that you didn't have your suspicions before. Frankly, she only knew of two girls inside her company who had had some sort of situationship with him, but for the same reason, she also knew he had some history with other girls from different groups. "Yikes" you laugh nervously, in admiration of their ability to remain calm and collected without giving anything away to the public.
Thanks to your friend, you had heard lots of tea about other singers in the korean industry before, most of which were not as sweet or kind as they portrayed themselves to be, some even using their social status to get their way with girls. But for some reason, Jungkook had never made his way to your gossipping sessions, nor any other of his band mates (except for Jimin, who, if you remember correctly, used to have some sort of beef with one of Chaeryeong's company members). You guess it was because of his unproblematic nature that people chose to give him a pass for his sexual endeavors, not that they were of anyone's concern either. 
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A knock is heard against your office door. "Miss _____?" A girl with a brown bob cut pokes her head through it, the dim lights of your office shining upon her incredibly healthy locks. "Jungkook asked me to deliver this to you" sliding completely into the room, she places a box with a note on it on your desk.
"Thank you so much" you wave her off as she walks right out. 
The package had a strawberry flavored canned tea and a bento box inside. 
"I remember you telling me you'd never tried tofu pancakes before, so I made some for you last night. Hope you enjoy! - JK
P.S. Text me when you're done, maybe we can hang out tonight."
You felt like crying, in all honesty. The pancakes were heavenly, and he even added some slices of avocado and a few scoops of rice for you, despite not being the biggest fan of the fruit himself. With a warm heart and relief washing over your body because you wouldn't have to waste money on lunch that day, you had had half of your meal before said boy gave you a call.
"Did you like them?" He said almost immediately. "My assistant told me she already delivered them to you" he adds in a rush.
"Jesus boy, calm down." You giggle at his excitement. "Let me eat in peace".
"No, tell me right now." he demands with a fake angry voice. Cutie.
"They're alright".
"Figured… you have no sense of taste anyways" the hangs up. A giggle escapes your lips. Boy was something else.
Later that day, the weekend started it's course. Jungkook had offered to drive you to the Han River, careful to mention the fact he prepared a bunch of snacks for you two just about five times during your call. The place was almost empty, given that the rest of the city was doing something else more fun than staring at the night sky while sitting on itchy grass. Yet, you wouldn't change the setting for anything else. Usually, when you and Jungkook were out, he'd be in silent wary of your surroundings and the people who could be watching you. It broke your heart, knowing that most of the time he couldn't frequent places most regular people had the pleasure of enjoying, like the movies, for example, or a food stand in the middle of the street. Still, in that moment, the handsome man in front of you seemed as relaxed as ever, munching on grapes and strawberries as he sat in silence beside you. 
"This blanket is so soft, isn't it?" he commented all of a sudden, caressing the fabric with his hand. The thing was made out of polar fleece, no shit. You just nodded and grabbed a piece of fruit from his container. "One of my friends gifted it to me on my birthday" he adds.
"I know. It was me".
"Well, maybe you do have a sense of taste after all" he complies as he lays down on the surface, eyes facing the night sky above you.
"Says the one who uses toe socks" you say back, poking his weak spot.
Instead of going back and forth with you as he usually would, he just winks and closes his eyes. He looked so peaceful and serene beneath you, features carefully carved on his face and slightly blushed cheeks from the cold wind. Jungkook was like that, randomly over confident and flirty with you, but just as quickly would refrain from even disagreeing with you in the first place, scared that you would snap at him. He hadn't told you this, but the way you saw thoughts hidden in his eyes whenever you made a statement let you know his true intentions, leaving you to wonder where that came from.
"Are you tired?" You ask after a few minutes. Still with his eyes closed, Jungkook denies.
"I just don't want to look at you right now," he turns to the side, back facing you as an offended expression finds its way to your face.
"Yah" you slap his back playfully, not letting him finish.
"Because you look too pretty." he mumbles the remnants of  his statement.
Your breath catches in your throat as a shiver climbs its way down your spine. Why was he like that? He had no right tugging on your heart strings like that (if he was being serious in the first place because you never knew with him). You sigh, the blush his words provoked stinging your cheeks.
"You're supposed to say I'm pretty too" he turns around with a playful smile, expectant.
"You just go around giving compliments so you can get them back?" you hiss. "Why so insecure?"
"I'm not insecure, at all." He sits up again, ready to fight you and anyone who dares question the grandiosity of the confidence he had worked so hard for. "You can ask Linh about that".
To say you looked horrified was an understatement, hopeful that what you thought he meant was not it. "You fucked Linh?"
"Well, that's not for you to know". 
What a gentleman, you think. And at the same time, ouch. He had just slammed a door on your face.
"That would explain the way she looks at you whenever you come by the office" you realize. Frankly, the girl looked a bit too panicked whenever Jungkook decided to barge into your space, usually bored out of his mind during his english lessons, laptop and notebook in hand, or struggling to get the questions right. 
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"Well good afternoon to you too" you ironically greeted once he sat in front of you, frustration written on his face. Linh, who stood by your side, suddenly fidgeting with the papers in her hand.
"Not the time, _____" he slammed both hands on your desk, startling you and your friend beside you. "Why the fuck did you make me enroll into this in the first place?" 
"I did not make you do anything, dude. I just gave you an idea" you excused yourself, eyes back on your computer. You didn't miss the way Jungkook's eyes briefly followed Linh out the room, though. 
His eyes looked back at you, leg bouncing impatiently on the floor as he leaned back with a pissed off expression on his face. You'd never seen him this way, so you took that as a cue to enter under paid therapist mode. "What's wrong?" You questioned gently.
"I feel incredibly incompetent right now." His hands roamed across his face with frustration. A sigh escaped his lips as he held tears back. "School's always been this way for me, always trying my best and constantly underachieving" he explained.
He was obsessed with winning, you’d even go as far to say more than he was with his job (which was a lot). It didn’t root from narcissistic behaviour though, but rather out of external pressure to constantly overachieve and exceed expectations. He was mostly good at doing that, but everyone had an achilles heel, yours was reading for example, his was studying and school.
"Jungkook, you passed most of your classes with more than 90%, what are you talking about?" a fact he had brought up to you randomly when you mentioned absolutely nearly failing most of your literature classes.
"Yeah, except for English." he shook his head in the way he would when he'd feel conflicted or insecure. "I don't know what i'm doing wrong".
"Did you fail something?" you tried to get some more insight into the situation, still unsure of where all his worries came from.
"No, there's just this sentence I can't properly put together" he turned his notebook towards you. "Ah, just look"
There were some words he had to conjugate and properly place in order to form a grammatically correct sentence, more than five attempts written in neat penmanship on the page evidenced the boy's battle with the assignment. He missed one very important aspect of it, though. "There's a fucking word that's missing, dude" you explain, grabbing the pen from his hand and showing him where the mistake was. "It's not your fault, it's the teacher's".
Jungkook's serious expression didn't go away though. "Well, damn".
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You had some sort of emotional trauma with having people ask you for help, it made you think that they didn’t actually care for you as a person but rather just your skills. That was the way you’d grown up and what your position in society seemed to be as well, the one you could butter up and taste when you got bored. Heart had been broken many times too, whenever you’d realize what you thought to be a genuine connection was merely pure interest. Those thoughts clouded your head when Jungkook would randomly enter your office with a frustrated expression on his face, yet, that occurred less often than it didn’t. 
Jungkook was not someone to establish relationships and bonds out of interest, you knew that. Or maybe not, truth be told, he was an authentic enigma, so open yet so closed and shielded from others to see through, and that didn’t exclude you most of the time, hence your wish for him to let you in a bit more before you could allow yourself to free fall into whatever was going on between you both.
You reach for the fabric of his hoodie, tugging his sleeve with your fingers just because you really liked the color of it, and maybe because you wanted to feel closer to him. He doesn’t react to your touch, just looks at your hands briefly as they play with the edges of his clothing. “Where did you get this from?”
“An online store, I think.” he replies softly, reaching for your hand on his arm, caressing the surface of your nails. “It’s a unisex brand, i can send you their link afterwards.”
“Is it too expensive?” you inquire, not only to keep the moment afloat, but because you genuinely liked most of his pieces of clothing, especially his hoodies and shoes. Jungkook laughs at your question and looks at you with a smile.
“I don’t think i would know, ____. I’m rich.” he says, playfully. And he was right, what was expensive for you might just be cheap as fuck for him, you wonder if when a lot of money is in your hands you start to become very tuned out from what’s affordable or not anymore.
“I can buy you one, though. I don’t mind.” he adds. Soft look in his eyes, a pure and genuine offer that you had to deny.
“I didn’t say i wanted one” you lie, only partially, because although you’d not mentioned it, you did actually want it. “I just think it’s pretty” you finally let go of him.
“Or do you think I look pretty in it?” he pushes, a sucker for compliments.
“Yeah, that might be it.” you admit, because there was no point in denying your irrefutable attraction to the man, as much as you hated to be vulnerable, especially in front of him.
“I think it would look prettier on you”.
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Don´t copy or repost please. by studiojeon on tumblr.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 13 - Trouble [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Fights can be inevitable.
Series Masterlist
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Oh God damn it.
This mission was not supposed to include anything from your real life, and it certainly was not supposed to include your real life ex-boyfriend.
Not only was this going to make things very, very complicated, it also put the entire operation in danger. No part of the background that was specifically created for your cover had any details on your ex relationships and you didn’t think you would have to come up with something now.
Well. For what it was worth, you weren’t the one who came up with it.
“Just joking man. I’m her ex-boyfriend but no worries, I pose no danger.”
Bucky didn’t even dignify that with an answer and you heaved a sigh, trying to control the anger bubbling in your stomach.
“Yeah,” you managed to say, “Yeah, we used to—um, we used to date.”
Bucky frowned, “Didn’t you say you moved here two months ago?”
“I did move here two months ago.”
“We used to date back in Oregon,” Julian explained and Bucky huhed.
“Yet here you are.”
“Yeah you know, the big apple,” Julian motioned around you, “I just got a job here and I figured I could come and see Y/N. Small town people have to look out for each other, you see.”
You gritted your teeth, watching him with narrowed eyes.
“She took you there yet?” Julian asked Bucky “Cannon Beach?”
“No,” you answered on his behalf and Julian clicked his tongue.
“I guess you could take him with you when you visit next month,” he said, “Surely you are visiting next month?”
“I don’t think I am.”
“Come on, no way.” he said, his voice filled with disbelief. “It’s sand castles contest time, you love that contest!”
Julian had always been the best at playing the civilian and memorizing the back story of any cover. He was great at lying and that was why every mission you had gone on with him was that easy, he could fool anyone.
Including you.
“She came in fourth place two years ago, she made this dragon castle, you should’ve seen it.” He told Bucky, and you rolled your eyes.
Fourth place.
Easy enough to make someone believe, hard enough to find a trace of on the internet.
Julian was an asshole for sure, but he was a great spy and now you were beginning to remember why though every mission with him was a success, you had still avoided it even before your break up.
This was what he did, he took over every single assignment, no matter who was the leader.
Not this time. This was your mission and your mission only.
“Y/N, did you….” Julian let out a chuckle, “Did you tell him about the time your grandma caught us at the—“
“It was good so see you,” you cut him off, glaring at him “But you should probably go now, I’m kind of busy.”
Julian paused only for a moment before holding up his hands, gesturing surrender.
“Okay,” he said, “It was nice to see you too. Again.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“It was nice to meet you Bucky,” he said, “Take care of yourself, Y/N.”
He walked away from you and you closed your eyes for a moment, leaning your head back to the wall.
“Fuck this shit,” you murmured under your breath without even realizing it wasn’t something your cover would say, and opened your eyes to look up at Bucky.
“Was he bothering you or something?” he asked you and you scoffed.
“Please,” you muttered but then pulled yourself together. “He’s not…that type no. Just annoying, that’s all.”
“Are you sure? Because I can—“
“No,” you shook your head fervently, “No, please don’t. It’s fine, it’s just— who he is.”
How dare he?
How dare he try to take over your mission? You had put so much thought into this, coming up with multiple strategies, trying to convince yourself that-
That you were doing the right thing. Even if you felt yourself getting lost in this cover, it didn’t mean that Julian could swoop in and take this over as if you were a rookie agent in need of help.
This whole assignment belonged to you, not to anyone else.
If you were going to betray Bucky’s trust and feel like the most terrible person in the world, the least you could do was not let Julian take the credit.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” you attempted to change the subject and Bucky tilted his head.
“Come on Y/N, don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“You don’t have to pretend like it’s fine,” he shrugged his shoulders, “I mean you don’t have to pretend, ever.”
Okay, this was too much. You could almost feel your defenses going up, the whole hangover and stress and anger and now Bucky being able to tell you were faking something, it was all getting the best of you and if you weren’t careful, you would say something you would regret later.
“I’m sorry?”
“I just,” he took a deep breath, “Sometimes you’re like…too good to be true, you know? And Sam has this theory that you’re—you’re somehow you’re doing this for me or the people around you but you don’t have to.”
“You think I’m pretending?” you asked, your voice coming out way too defensive for your own cover but you could hardly care.
You were slipping, and you didn’t have the luxury to slip. It seemed to take Bucky by surprise because for the first time since you had met, you were-
Aggressive. That was the word. Less like your cover and more like your real self.
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” he said and you let out a bitter chuckle, nodding.
“Yeah,” you said, “Okay. I’m kind of busy you see, I have so much to do at the shop so I should probably go back inside.”
“Y/N—“ he started but you pushed yourself off the wall.
“No it’s fine,” you managed to say, “This is me not pretending, for the record. I’ll see you later I guess.”
With that, you walked past him and went back to the milkshake shop, fury still poisoning your insides.
You could hardly wait until you could go back to the base. Even though you thought that by then you would have calmed down, that didn’t seem to be the case.
You were fucking good at your job, and you were going to prove it to anyone and everyone. Without any help.
“Is he here yet?” you asked Chloe who rushed to greet you as soon as you stepped out of the elevator into the base and she cleared her throat.
“Don’t even, I know you heard what happened,” you cut her off and she shifted her weight.
“Yeah. I read his report.”
“Exactly. Where is he?”
“Okay, before I tell you where he is I feel like it’s important that you remember we’re not supposed to kill our own agents,” she said, “The paper work is a nightmare.”
“Where is he?”
“Keith says it’s considered rude to kill your team members.”
“Chloe,” you looked her in the eye “Where is he?”
She heaved a sigh, “In the training room.”
“Great, more weapons to use,” you muttered as you walked away from her to walk downstairs to the training room. Anger was pulsing through your veins and you kicked the door open, making the pair currently trying to hit each other stop.
“Get out,” you nodded at the other agent and Julian let out a small chuckle before he wiped his face with the towel. The agent rushed out of the room and you narrowed your eyes at Julian.
“You look upset,” he commented, “Want to exercise it out of your system?”
“What the fuck was that?”
Julian uncapped his water bottle to take a huge sip. “Come on, I saw an opening-“
“You made that opening,” you cut him off, “And crossed the line.”
“Oh please,” he waved a hand in the air, “It worked out perfectly fine.”
You could barely control your voice now, “You almost blew my fucking cover!”
“I would never,” he said, “Trust me, if anything I did you a favor.”
You dug your fingernails into your palms, “A favor?”
“Yeah. Guys love competition, an ex-boyfriend being in the picture will even speed up the process.”
“This is my mission.” You said through your teeth, “You don’t get to make spontaneous decisions without running them by me first.”
“When was the last time you had a proper fight?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You always get cranky if you haven’t had a good challenge in a while,” he stated, “A good fight. I take it your boyfriend doesn’t tire you out enough?”
The innuendo wasn’t lost on you and you let out a small chuckle.
“You couldn’t tire me out if you tried.”
He tilted his head, “Is that a promise?”
You shot him a look and lunged but he easily dodged you, scowling.
“Come on Y/N,” he taunted you, “I won’t hold back, you shouldn’t either.”
“Oh don’t worry, I won’t hold back.” you grinned at him and darted to grab at him but he twisted your hand to push you back, making your back hit the wall. You pulled your hair into a ponytail and jumped to wrap your legs around his neck, spinning in the air to shove him to the ground. As soon as you both fell, you straddled him and pulled the dagger out of your boots to raise it and slam it to the ground right next to his head. A sly grin pulled at his lips as if he was having the time of his life.
“Look at you babe,” he said, “You got even better.”
You were very, very aware of the position you had both found yourself in. You used to find this whole thing hot, it was like foreplay to you. Mock fighting, training, all of it -especially with Julian- it used to be your second favorite activity.
Now, all you could think about was just how much more fun it would be with Bucky.
Maybe Julian was right. Maybe you were just a wild card.
A smirk curled your lips and you leaned in slightly to lock your eyes with his, looking down at him.
“My mission,” you growled. “Not yours. The next time you try to control what’s mine, I won’t be so nice.”
You pushed the dagger into your boot again and got off of him before storming out of the training room, still trying to keep your anger in check.
For some reason, you had a feeling it wouldn’t work.
No matter what you did for the rest of the evening, it just wasn’t enough to calm you down. Now to think of it, it wasn’t even completely about Julian and his nonsense, it was because—
You didn’t want Bucky to think you were pretending, even if you were.
Just because it was a cover, didn’t mean your reactions and the happiness you felt with him was fake as well. But he could still tell something was off— Sam could still tell something was off despite your best efforts.
You poured wine into your glass and changed the channel, trying to decide whether you should go and bug Keith or not. You heaved a sigh and tore your eyes from the screen to lean your head back, nibbling on your lip.
Dealing with feelings was much more difficult than taking down a target.
You groaned to yourself and took a huge sip of your wine, but before you could grab your phone you heard the doorbell ring. Your head shot up and you grabbed your gun to walk to the door, but as soon as you looked through the peephole to avoid yet another mistake like actually opening the door to Julian, you froze.
“Um- just a second!” you called out before rushing to your room to hide your gun, then quickly looked around the apartment to see if there was anything that could tip him off. Overall, it looked perfectly civilian and you ran a hand over your face to pull yourself together.
Your cover was supposed to be angry at him.
You threw your shoulders back and walked to the door to open it, then leaned sideways to the doorframe, your lips pulled into a slight pout.
“Hi,” you murmured and his gaze lingered on your shorts and flimsy tank top before he looked away for a moment.
Compared to 1940s, it was almost the same as you opening the door in your underwear.
“Hey,” he said and held up a small box of bagels. “Listen, I know you’re angry but um…I was hoping we could talk?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Keith’s door opening and he stepped out but as soon as he caught the sight of Bucky on your doorstep, his eyes widened and he froze. He quickly fixed his jacket so that it would cover his gun tucked into the back of the waistband of his jeans and gawked at you.
“What the fuck?” he mouthed and you got momentarily distracted, causing Bucky to follow your gaze over his shoulder to Keith.
And Keith, the badass spy, probably the only spy in the whole division who could give you a hard time in a fight, whom you had seen take down five armed soldier by himself with no weapons-
He waved at Bucky.
“Hi- hi neighbor,” he stammered as he turned to you and you shot him a forced smile.
“Thanks for the cookies, I was going to bring you your plate the other day,” he said, “Do you need it now?”
Translation: Do you need back up?
“No, no,” you shook your head, “No worries, it’s fine.”
“Alright then. See you later.”
You cleared your throat and took the box from Bucky.
“Come in,” you turned around to walk to the living room, hearing him close the door behind him. It didn’t take him long to step into the living room and his eyes darted around as if trying to take in as much as he could. You figured it was natural, homes always gave clues about who their owners were.
Not to mention, as an ex-assassin he was automatically finding the nearest exits and things to use as weapons.
You would know. You did the same thing whenever you were in a new place.
You peeked into the box and frowned.
“What is this?”
“To be honest with you, I have no idea,” Bucky admitted, “It’s supposed to be a bagel. I just asked the guy to give me the most modern and weirdest combination.”
“Is this—is this glitter?”
“He said it was edible glitter, yeah. With lavender and cheese with honey.”
“Why is there two of them?”
He put his hands into his pockets. “I figured I could try one.”
You blinked a couple of times, “You want to try a lavender cheese honey bagel with edible glitter.”
Even the sound of it seemed to be painful for him but he pressed his lips together and nodded fervently. “Mm hm.”
You tried to stop the smile threatening to warm your face and put the box on the coffee table before looking up at him.
“Bucky, listen—“
“I’m sorry,” he cut you off, “That comment back there, it was so uncalled for.”
You crossed your arms, “Why did you say that though?” you asked, “Is that—is that what you think?”
“No,” he shook his head fervently, “Of course not.”
“I don’t know if I can give an explanation without it sounding incredibly weird to you.”
“Try me.”
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” he said “It’s like— the way you are, it’s like someone somehow looked into my whole life back in 40s before everything and saw every single detail of what I wanted and made you.”
Yeah. That was exactly what you and the division had done.
“I’m not used to…” he motioned at you, “This. It’s like you’re too good to be true, like you’re perfect, does that make sense?”
A dull pain flipped your stomach and you stared up at him, trying to ignore your throat tightening before you went to sit down on the couch.
“I’m not,” you rasped out, “I’m not perfect. You’ll see it sooner or later.”
That right there was as honest as you could be with him. You rubbed at your eyes and grabbed the wine glass to take a huge sip as he sat down beside you, his gaze fixated on you.
“I’m sorry too,” you said, “It was an overreaction, it’s just… Julian’s effect on me.”
He stayed silent for a couple of seconds as if he had no idea how to approach the topic.
“Rough break up?”
“You could say that,” you scoffed a laugh, looking down at your glass, “I mean….you think you know a person, right? And they have no problem with proving you otherwise, prove that you didn’t know them at all. They—they betray your trust and everything was a lie all along and—“
And just like that, the realization hit you like a ton of bricks, making you stop talking.
You were doing exactly the same. It was just another version of the betrayal you had seen from Julian, and you were doing the same thing to Bucky.
He thought he knew you, and you would prove him otherwise, and betray his trust and walk away when this mission was over. In fact, by the time it was over, he would hate you even more than you hated Julian.
You cursed under your breath and took another sip of your wine, trying to ease the crushing guilt making you feel almost breathless.
“Sorry,” you managed to say, “I didn’t mean to unleash it on you, I just don’t want him anywhere near me.”
“I could pay him a visit if you want?”
You pulled your brows together, distracted for a moment before you tilted your head to the side.
“To warn him to stay away from you.”
“Uh, I appreciate the chivalry,” you said, “But I can take care of myself.”
“Never said you couldn’t,” he pointed out, “It’s just the old-fashioned thing.”
“Oh the old-fashioned thing?” you repeated with a smile and he shrugged his shoulders.
“Yeah,” he said, “You know, taking care of my girl.”
You thought your heart would leap out of your throat as the warmth spread through you before the idea of betraying him hit you once again. The words felt like they were trying to escape from your mouth, the urge to come clean getting heavier and heavier before you leaned in to brush your lips against his, making him wrap his arms tight around you to pull you closer. You settled in his embrace, the back of your eyes burning but you blinked a couple of times to get rid of tears. He nuzzled into your hair, inhaling your scent.
“Can we stay like this for a while?” you asked and he smiled, pressing a kiss on top of your head.
“Sure thing,” he said and nodded at the TV screen, “What is this movie about?”
“I don’t know, it has cars and criminals,” you said, the guilt making you feel almost nauseous, “Bucky?”
He would never understand what your confession actually meant, but you felt as if you would choke if you didn’t say it.
“I like who I am when I’m with you.”
A chuckle rumbled in his chest before he reached out to caress your cheekbone.
“Makes two of us darling,” he murmured, “I like who I am when I’m with you too.”
A bitter smile curled your lips and you bit inside your cheek to control yourself, sniffling inaudibly before you closed your eyes, enjoying his warmth.
Chapter 14
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wannabe-fic-writer · 3 years
Moment In Time
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Just when you've gotten out, you’re given a reason to come back.
Warnings: Nothing for now unless I missed something.
Chapter 1
* * * * * * *
Music plays in your ears as the surrounding area blurs past you. Taking yet another lap around the overly large fountain, you feel the smallest drop of sweat trickle down the side of your head.
Running for two and a half hours seems to finally be yielding results.
You slow down some and a quiet, sarcastic, chuckle falls from your lips when another group of joggers passes by. They’d gotten here an hour ago and they were practically dripping sweat.
With a shake of your head you finish the lap in a matter of minutes, stopping afterwards and taking your headphones out. You take a few deep breaths as you look around.
The New York sky is as blue as it always is this time of year. People stroll by about a yard from where you stand, the streets and sidewalks bustling as usual, a few other runners on the same trail you just took.
A contented sigh leaves your lips.
For the first time in years, a calm peace washes over you. It’d taken you years to come to the decision to stop working, followed by a few months to mentally settle into your “retirement” as you’d been told it was.
The world doesn’t exactly need you anymore, earth’s mightiest heroes are doing all the saving and protecting now. Some of them you trust with your life while others you haven’t even met. All in all, you believe they’ve been getting the job done fairly well. Which made your retirement all the more easy.
If not working feels like this, you take another deep breath, you could get used to it.
Adjusting your headphones back into your ears, you barely jog three feet into your next lap when your phone rings. Fishing it out of your pocket, you sigh at the name displayed at the top and answer.
“Agent Y/Ln,” Fury’s voice floats into your ears,“ I need a favor.”
Just like that, you get the feeling you aren’t going to have the chance to get used to retirement.
* * * * * * *
Another uniformed guard walks by, his eyes glancing over at the two people in the cell, before he continues his leisure stroll down the hall.
The brunette archer runs his tongue across his bottom lip, eyes narrowing just barely before yet another pebble flicks across the cell and bounces off the wall right beside the ear of an already agitated ex-assassin.
“Barton, I swear to god if another rock comes within a foot of my face I will kill you before these morons even have the chance to consider it.” Natasha seethes, jaw clenching in frustration.
Clint snorts to hold in a laugh, raising his hands in surrender.“ My bad.”
Sighing heavily for the millionth time today, Natasha leans her head back against the cement wall, fingers gingerly running over the uncomfortable matching cement floor.
“You sure you don’t wanna play finger football with me?” He asks, flicking a triangular piece of paper towards his friend.
“Clint what the h-” she glares from him to the paper then back,“ where did you even get that?”
Letting his amused smile show, he answers,“ my pocket,” with a casual shrug,“ never know when you’re gonna get captured by psychotic evil German scientists.”
Pinching the bridge of her nose, the red head holds in every noise of frustration and foul word in her arsenal. She already can’t believe she allowed herself to get captured, Clint’s incessantly childish behavior is only adding to her bad mood.
A mere eight hours ago she’d been on a very easy mission with her team. Infiltration and intel gathering was a form of work she was overly familiar with, having done it before and during her time with SHIELD and the Avengers.
But with a new recruit on the team, and this having been his first infiltration mission, figuratively communicative wires got crossed.
A simple “payload secure” came across as something different in Sam’s ears, what he heard she can’t even try to guess, but it led to him coming her way with a shit load of guards. Disgruntled sounds of fighting drew Clint to their location but even then the amount of enemies was overwhelming.
Distress calls were cut short and staticy through the short communication devices they had. So, being the only one with a clear and easy route out of the chaos, Sam was given the task to get out while he could and to send back up.
The seconds after he left, Natasha and Clint were taken, blinded, stripped of their weapons and comms, and brought to this cell.
While they were aware of the rescue coming for them, they still looked for a way out but found none. Especially not with the rotation of guards that patrolled by every half hour. Like clockwork, another was headed their way.
The whistling of an all too American song rang through the halls, slipping into the cell and grabbing the attention of both agents.
Clint’s eyebrows pinch together when the guard stops in front of the cell, then turns to face them. His calculating gaze trails over their body while an equally observant Natasha looks as well.
She stares at the guard, a stone cold expression masking her face as she commits your appearance to memory. Your eyes, hair, the build of your body currently clad in the same blue uniform as the other guards. Something was different though.
While the guards came off as exactly what they are, lackeys for whoever is running this show, you are much bigger. The look on your face isn’t as submissive and blank as the others.
Clint scoffs, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, eyes scanning over you,“ what’re you? A new hire?” He asks sarcastically, deciding to speak as he knows Natasha won’t say a word.“ Send you in to intimidate us?”
A silent moment passes.
“Buddy, you think I’m the bad guy?” You tilt your head with a raised eyebrow. A little chuckle leaves your lips at the confused expression he pulls and the one Natasha tries to hide.
Taking a step closer to the cage, you slip your arms between the cast iron bars and lace your fingers together.“ I’m here to save your asses. Since you went and got yourselves captured.”
For the first time Natasha speaks, a velvety soft voice flowing from the cement box into your ears,“ who sent you?”
Her green eyes look into yours and that, coupled with her voice, intrigues you even more. Seeing as you are more than aware of who Black Widow is. But you know now isn’t the time to fall into a gay panic over a gorgeous woman.
“Fury.” You answer,“ it’s not often Nick calls in a favor so I had to come. Now, let’s say we get out of here yeah?” They both watch as you grab hold of the bars, pulling one good time, arms flexing as you easily break the lock and send the door sliding open and slamming into the wall.
Clint and Natasha share a look as you step inside, walking over to Clint and breaking his chains first, then going to do the same to Natasha.
You raise an eyebrow at her expression after breaking the first chain,“ listen red, you don’t have to trust me.” She stands up and looks down at you, until you rise up and look down at her.“ But you do need to trust Fury. Got any complaints, take it up with him after you’re not surrounded by a bunch of lunatics with guns.”
With that she watches you exit the cell, looking left and right, then waving them forward as you go left down the corridor.
The two agents follow you as you silently incapacitate every guard in your path, sharing a look for the third time today.
As you’re taking down your tenth guard, Clint looks from you to Natasha.“ Are we really supposed to believe they’re on our side? Cause,” he takes a deep breath and releases it.
“They’re trusted by Fury.” Natasha looks at her friend,“ and that’s all I need to know for now.”
Stopping in front of a door, you peek through the glass, then take a step back. You square your shoulders and adjust the cap on your head, smiling dazzlingly at the two.
“Do me a favor, wait around that corner,” you point to the opposite side of them where a dark empty pocket sits in the hallway,“ and try not to get captured again.” You wink and step into the room without another word.
They stare at the door you disappeared into, long enough to hear you speak.
“Wo sind die Gefangenen in Zelle 4 hingegangen?”
Natasha understood your words perfectly fine but Clint was a little lost. The short silence followed your continued shout of,“ Finde sie! Jetzt! Eile!”
Eyes wide Natasha grabs Clint’s hand and pulls them into the dark just before a slew of guards pour out of the room and down the same way you’d all just come from.
Clint and Natasha barely have a chance to blink before the door beside them opens. Sunlight streams through the door, followed by you coming out of the room.
“Figured you might want these back,” you say as you stop in front of them and hold their confiscated weapons out to them.
Clint is quick to sling his quiver around his shoulders, extending his bow and hugging it, a quiet ‘I missed you’ muttered under his breath toward the inanimate object.
A snort of a laugh leaves your lips before Natasha takes her batons from you and holsters them at her sides.
Taking your cap off, you toss it aside and smooth your hand through your hair.“ Cover was blown about thirty seconds ago so,” you nod to the outside,“ let’s get to that fancy jet you’ve got a few miles out before the fireworks start.”
Flashing another confident smirk, you slip out the door. The two agents follow closely behind you. All three of you work almost flawlessly in taking down the guards in your path to the jet.
It comes into view and you stop to let them run ahead of you, turning to look at the building as it seemingly spontaneously combusts in three specific locations.
Satisfied with your work, you nod and turn around. Almost all eyes are on you as you jog up the ramp into the jet. A silent crunch is heard before you toss crumpled plastic and wires out of your hand.
“Can’t have them tracing that back to us.” You say, stepping fully into the jet and looking around as the door closes behind you.
Stern blue eyes stare into yours, an almost upset march carrying him to stand in front of you.“ If there’s anyone alive.” He says angrily.“ Did you stop to think how many people you may have just killed?”
Your eyebrow quirks up at his tone of voice. Trailing your eyes down his body you mentally purse your lips and nod. Admittedly you could see why Peggy was so smitten. Assuming he didn’t take this type of attitude with her.
However you can’t say you’re taken with the Captain America. His already condescending attitude wasn’t something you liked and while you know it’s a possibility he’s just this way cause you don’t know each other, it’s also possible he’s just an ass. Either way he isn’t why you’re here.
“Captain,” you nod,“ always thought our first meeting would be more pleasant than this. But aye, they say you’re never supposed to meet your idols right.” You shrug and step around him, making to head to the front of the jet.
Only his hand grips your arm and he spins you around with a glare now on his flawless looking face.
Glancing down at the offending hand on your arm, you figure he’s nonverbally demanding an explanation so you give it.“ There were charges at both entrances and the security room. I made sure to send everyone away from those areas before I blew it up. There may be some minor injuries, if that. But next time I’ll just leave and give them every opportunity to come after us, Captain.” You tell him, gripping his hand in yours and prying it from your arm.
His glare turns to a slight look of surprise. While his grip hadn’t been enough to hurt an ordinary human, yours was equal to, if not potentially stronger, than his true strength. Enough force to have broken anyone else’s hand in multiple places.
“Who are you?” He asks, maintaining his attitude.
Not one for dealing with that, you mumble your name to him and go to the front of the jet.
Your blank face morphs into a smile at the sight of the man in the pilot's seat.“ Never was one to give up control huh?” You ask teasingly as you drop your hand on his shoulder.
His gaze lands on you with a quick snap of his head towards you. The smirk on your face and the fact that it was actually you, made him snicker.
Making quick work of throwing the jet on autopilot, he moved his chair back and stood up to pull you into a hug, to the shock and surprise of every member of his team.
“Good to see you T.” You pat his back before pulling away.
A smile tugs on his lips and he nods.“ Ditto. This doesn’t count by the way.” He points a finger at you as you clap your hand on his shoulder.
“It definitely counts. A save is a save. Might not have been you exactly but-”
Waving you off he mumbles,“ yeah yeah.” Then looks at his teammates, his arm wrapping around your shoulders despite the height difference.“ I take it you met the team.” He says to which you nod.
“Can’t say they’re all that fond of me.” You chuckle softly, eyes scanning over the still agitated Captain America, a man in a modified flight suit, and the two people you just saved.“ Are they always so annoyed when they get their asses saved or is it me?”
Tony shrugs,“ Capsicle always been a little icy.” He jokes and you laugh, shaking your head and pushing him away from you.“ Nat is- well she’s Nat. I think she’s starting to warm up to me but that’s taken quite a bit of time hasn’t it Romanoff?”
His gaze directs to the redhead and you follow it. Your eyebrow raises at the mocking smile she gives Tony followed by her asking,“ who exactly is Y/n and how do you know each other?”
Both you and Tony glance at each other and you take the liberty of answering her question. Speaking to her directly gives you the chance to truly look into her green eyes, which you must admit you find very beautiful.
A range of emotions flicker over everyone’s faces as you dip your toe into your long complicated past. You simplify your back story, only telling them that you met Tony his family, that you’re a super soldier, created after Steve went into the ice, and that you’ve been a part of SHIELD for a while.
There were many questions thrown your way and you heavily debated with yourself whether or not you wanted to tell them everything. You didn’t think it’d hurt to be a little mysterious. But there’s also the thought that you won’t be seeing these people much anyway so does it truly matter if they know who you are.
Whatever decision you’d come to ceased to matter as the jet landed. The door opened and your eyes raised to read the words written across the top of the building.
“Avengers?” You mumble, glancing at your long time friend/brother. He makes that face, that “what’re you gonna do” nonchalant face Tony always makes. With a shake of your head, you follow him inside, but instead of going with him towards the hallway, you b-line for the elevators.
Tony’s voice calls out to you, effectively grabbing the attention of his teammates,“ not joinin us Y/nn?”
You look back over towards him, your eyes landing on Natasha’s green ones first then on Tony. Smiling a little you shake your head,“ debriefing isn’t for retirees, Stark.”
Natasha frowns at your words and Tony shakes his head with a breathy chuckle.
All of you turn away from each other, them heading to the meeting room and you facing the elevator as the doors slide open.
“Agent, glad you could stick around for the debrief.” Fury says, making you frown and shake your head.
“No no,” you raise a finger, essentially telling him to hold up.“ I’m not an agent. Retired, remember.”
He stops walking to look back at you. Tilting his head, he raises his eyebrow,“ that was until today. I believe you did some work, seeing as Natasha and Clint are back.”
A heavy sigh leaves your lips and you drop your head, groaning lowly,“ Nick please. You know-”
“That you’re on your way to the meeting room. Glad to hear it.” Leaving no more room to talk, he turns and walks away, breezing past the few Avengers who’d stayed behind to watch the interaction.
Grumbling under your breath, you follow after the man. Tony slaps his hand onto your shoulder, a small amused smirk on his lips as he guides you to the meeting room.
With a, in your opinion, justified glare directed at Fury, you plop down into a chair. The man snorts at the huff you let out, averting his eyes to everyone else who comes in.
To your surprise and silent pleasure, Natasha ends up occupying the chair on your other side. When her eyes land on you, you give a small smile and wiggle your fingers in a short wave.
Her eyes narrow at you and you wink. She just barely lifts a brow at the way your face morphs from one of amusement to a no nonsense expression.
You straighten up in your seat, fingers lacing together and resting on the table as your gaze focuses on Fury.
Natasha finds it a bit of a struggle to take her eyes off of you. Since the second she saw you back in Berlin she hasn’t been able to get a clear read on you.
“Romanoff, can I have your attention?” Fury tilts his head and looks directly into Natasha’s eyes.“ Or is that too much to ask?” His tone takes a sassy turn and the redhead rolls her eyes, focusing on him.
The debriefing goes exactly how everyone is used to it going. They go over the original objective of the mission, then everyone gives a run down of what happened: the part they played, how they contributed to the objective, and in this case how things went south.
“Y/Ln,” Fury says, making Natasha’s gaze snap over to you. Had you been looking at her, you would’ve seen the surprise flicker through those green orbs.
“Director,” you nod in reply before going into detail about your infiltration into the German base and the extraction of Natasha and Clint.
All while you talk, Natasha looks at you. You, Agent Y/n Y/Ln. She can’t believe she didn’t connect the dots. Fury sent you in. You’d told her your name. She should’ve seen it. Everyone at SHIELD knows who you are. A lot of people outside of SHIELD know about you as well.
Your explanation of who you were in the quinjet wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg. She didn’t think this often of someone but: you are a legend.
“- things considered,” Natasha regains focus on the conversation, looking away from you to Fury as you speak,“ the mission could’ve gone off flawlessly.”
The man crosses his arms and shifts his weight,“ and what would you say the problem is Agent?”
“Underestimation sir. Or maybe misinformation.” Your response is a bit of a shock to everyone. You take their silence as an opportunity to further explain. You thought it was simple.
The mission was to grab intel from a science lab. As to be expected, the scientists and information there would be guarded. The underestimation or misinformation came in how heavily guarded the place was. Whatever surveillance or recon they had done wasn’t enough. So when they went in to collect they were overwhelmed or caught off guard which resulted in Natasha’s and Clint’s capture.
Everyone takes your words in stride, majority of them processing it and storing it for a time in which they’ll need to use it.
Shortly after that the debriefing ends with a few, what you know is meant to be taken as, encouraging words from Fury. Everyone stands after he’s left, starting to file out.
Once again as you make to leave, Tony stops you. He slaps your arm and you know he’d used as much force as he could behind the action.
Used to this from him, you sigh and shake your head, a small amused smirk on your lips as you look at him.“ What is it now Tony?”
He smiles at you,“ why don’t you hang out for a bit. Haven’t seen the tower yet.” You raise your eyebrow at him, gaze flicking to the redhead that walks past behind him, her eyes on you for a second before she looks away. Smile turning into a smirk he adds,“ you might just find a reason to stick around.”
* * * * * * *
Taglist: @owloftheshadows @natasha-danvers @yumusak-yastik
326 notes · View notes
buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Count the Shadows - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where Bucky wants you to sit on his face.
Warnings: smut, a more dominant reader than I’m used to writing, pining!Bucky, all of the good stuff, second hand embarassment
A/N: so... this is a gift to @navegandoaciegas. She gave me the idea for the Graveyard series ending, and that actually inspired me to keep working on that fic that was supposed to only be a oneshot and then became the pride of my eye. I hope you don’t mind that I’m dedicating this to her 😅 It also allowed me to explore some new kinks that might be appearing thanks to her writing and so really, I felt like this had to see the light of day. But really, if it weren’t for @world-of-aus, @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ and @awesomerextyphoon​‘s support, I probably never would have had the courage to publish it, so thank you guys so much!
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
Friday nights at Stark tower meant that something out of the ordinary was about to happen, and I’d already grown used to it, after being a part of the Avengers for the last two months. However, that didn’t mean that the prospect of a night planned by Tony Stark didn’t bring me a hell of a lot of anxiety, to the point where sometimes I’d catch myself wishing for a simple recon mission to take me away for the weekend. 
Despite all of my fears and discomfort, I’d been lucky so far. Not once had his attentions turned towards me, and he never even so much as called me to dance with him during one of the raves he liked to organize, so I was able to slip by unnoticed, seizing the opportunity to drink the good (expensive) booze and talk to my friends before retiring for the night.
By Wednesday that week, it was clear that the same couldn’t be said about the next event he’d be hosting.
“Say, Y/L/N, have I thrown you a welcome party?” Was my rude awakening on that fateful morning. Until his arrival, I’d been happily whipping up some pancakes for the supersoldiers and Sam, my morning run partners. The moment his question was processed in my brain however, I froze on my spot, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Oh, now, don’t give me that look. When have I ever thrown a bad party?”
Bucky choked on his coffee, and I immediately was by his side, lightly tapping his back to help him. “I guess this answers your question,” I joked, but with a serious face. Unfortunately, Tony simply rolled his eyes, too used to Bucky and I’s “antisocial behavior”, like he usually described, to give us any attention. “Okay, so maybe not bad, but if you’re going to throw a party using me as an excuse, I have at least one request. And it’s a dealbreaker for me.”
Something in my words truly interested Tony, because instead of brushing me off he actually turned to face me, raising his eyebrows in expectation. “So what you mean is that if I don’t give you what you want, you won’t join the party?”
I nodded, standing my ground. “That’s right.” Next to me, Bucky stood straighter in his chair. 
“Neither will I.” That brought a smile to my lips, and I turned to hug him quickly. 
“Thanks Buck,” I whispered in his ear, relishing in the way he always held onto my embrace just a second longer than I expected. It was always like this with us. Ever since I first noticed just how touch-starved the super soldier was, I’d find little excuses to touch him. And if I ever doubted my first assumption, the way he always chased away my warmth for just a second longer was enough to prove to me that I was doing something right.
“Very well,” Tony said after clearing his throat to regain my attention. “What’s your request?”
“Only the people who live in this tower can be invited.” I was expecting a lot of fuss from the billionaire, but surprisingly, all I got was a disappointed sigh.
“Figured as much. Okay, big shot. But here’s the deal: you’ll have to stay the entire night and participate in every game we decide to play.” I shrugged, taking a sip of my coffee. That sounded fair. “It’s a deal then! All you have to do is be here on Friday night, capisce? Don’t be late.”
I should have known something was up back then, but as it were, I was just happy that I was able to stop him from filling the Tower with people I didn’t know. Not only would it help to keep Bucky relaxed (and perhaps even allow him to enjoy himself for once!), it’d also help to keep myself relaxed. 
I’d never been one to enjoy big crowds, and I especially didn’t want to celebrate joining the team with people who weren’t even a part of it. It made sense. So when Friday night rolled around, it found me in a way better mood than I expected. I even accepted Nat’s suggestion and let her pick my clothes. I was feeling so great, in fact, that I felt bolder, brave enough to accept to wear a satin red dress with a deep neckline that seemed to be able to attract every man’s attention upon seeing me. 
Even Bucky seemed drawn to it. And I couldn’t deny that knowing I held that sort of power even to a man of his caliber, a man that attractive, made me feel even braver. But with braveness comes stupidity, and I was brutally reminded of that fact by Tony’s smug face when I heard the dare he had for me.
Listen, I would have never accepted the idea of fucking truth or dare if it wasn’t for this stupidly sexy dress. I mean, the powers that clothing can have… They can make you blind with clout. That’s the only way I could justify what happened next.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I argued, much to Tony’s (and the rest of the team’s) amusement. Each and every single one of them looked at me with barely contained laughter, with the exception of Bucky, apparently.
“Careful, sweetheart… The dare’s already on and that wasn’t very sexy of you.” Narrowing my eyes at him, I very carefully thought out my gameplay here. I could very well retreat to my bedroom and go to sleep. But then again, this whole night had been so fun, and Tony had been really nice to abide by my wishes to only invite people that I knew…
“Fine. I’ll spend the rest of the night being as blunt as possible as I hit on you guys. After all, this is probably the only way you’ll ever get to hear me talking dirty, huh?” And with a wink in Tony’s direction, I resigned myself to face the challenge ahead. “So, let’s get on with this orgy, shall we?”
Bucky’s P.O.V.
It’s not that I was jealous. Of course, I wasn’t jealous. It’s just… hearing her say those things in front of everyone else made my blood boil like nothing else. I knew it wasn’t my place to feel this way. It’s not like she owed me anything, much less attention. As much as I wanted, she wasn’t mine, or even close to that.
Despite being head over heels in love with her, I still hadn’t gathered enough courage to even ask her out for a cup of coffee - or anything else, for that matter. And the worst part was that everyone but her seemed to know about my feelings. Which made this whole night even worse, since I was pretty sure Tony had done all of this on purpose.
So I had to sit through a lot of “Oh, please fuck me”, and “I wouldn’t kick you out of bed,” none of which were addressed to me - and those were the least graphic ones. I couldn’t really blame her, since I hadn’t spoken a single word from the second this whole dare started, but still, I was sulking, and I knew it.
In fact, I was so lost inside my own head, that I didn’t even realize what had happened when she asked “Do you want me to sit on your face or what?” (which I’m pretty sure was directed to Sam) until a heavy silence took the place of the animated chatter that had been going on. Imagine my surprise when I realized everyone was staring at me.
“What?” I asked, my heart already beating out of control, looking from one face to the other in the hopes of grasping what I had lost in the conversation.
“You just said you wanted Y/N to sit on your face,” was the response I got, from no other than Sam himself, and if my heart had been pounding on my chest only seconds before, now it felt as if it had stopped altogether.
“You’re crazy,” I tried to joke, trying with all of my might not to look at the woman who was staring at me. I could feel her gaze on my face. It burned and I ached to look, to see what sort of expression she was wearing, but my anxiety was just too strong - stronger than my curiosity ever could be.
“I wish I was, man. But you literally just answered ‘Please sit on mine’ when she asked if she could sit on my face.” I was going to die. I was sure of it. My face felt so warm, there was no way I wouldn’t just spontaneously combust any second now.
The worst part was, I knew Sam was telling the truth. Because those were the precise words I thought the second that I heard the offer leave her beautiful lips. And now I didn’t know what to do.
“Fine, your room or mine?” She broke me out of my self-deprecating thoughts, surprising me so much that I automatically raised my eyes to meet hers, finding her looking down at me with a mischievous smirk on her lips. Was she joking? Was this part of the dare?
The room erupted on laughs and I forced myself to join them, praying to whoever was available up in the heavens that they would let me be and thankfully, soon enough, the conversation smoothly transitioned away from me and my stupid malfunctioning. Y/N didn’t look in my direction again, which helped with my task of trying to get my breathing pattern into a normal one once more, and in a half hour people were breaking up into small groups and going back into their own rooms for the night.
I figured it was safe to do the same. So I got back to my bedroom’s floor with my hands buried deep in my pocket, trying to figure out what the hell had happened that night, when the door to my room suddenly opened and a tiny hand wrapped around my wrist, hauling me as best as they could into my own living quarters.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Bucky looked beyond surprised as he stared down at me with his mouth hanging open. I was tempted to tease him about letting flies in if he stayed like that, but I didn’t want to make this any more difficult for him than it clearly already would be. To be honest, I also had no idea how I’d been able to move that mountain of a man.
“What are you doing in my room?” Oh, right. That’s what he was concerned about. Fair enough.
“I wanted to show you something.” By the way he opened and closed his mouth a few times before finally being able to say anything else, it was clear that it wasn’t the answer he was expecting, but then again, he obviously wasn’t expecting me to be in his room. 
I grinned, immediately curling my fingers on the edge of my dress before promptly pulling it over my head and sending it flying across the room. Bucky’s jaw dropped, and it only made my smile grow bigger as I quickly got rid of my bra before finally doing the same to my underwear.
“What? Did you think I would let you suffer?” The poor thing, he didn’t seem capable of answering at all, eyes the size of plates as he stared at my naked body, practically drooling. I ran my hands over my breasts, cupping them slightly before trailing further down.
“Did you think I’d let Sam learn what my pussy tasted like? Or Steve? No, no, no, James. This is for you and you only.” Burying a finger inside of me, I made sure to let out my loudest, most pornographic moan as I slowly thrusted it once inside of me before raising it to his face.
“See how I’m soaked? I always get like this when I’m near you.” Bucky actually whimpered, knees faltering for a second as he reached out to grab a hold of himself with the wall next to us, and I laughed before raising a challenging eyebrow in his direction. “What are you waiting for? Get on your knees.”
My breath hitched as I watched the mountain of a man before me literally do exactly that, hypnotizingly staring at the space between my legs before slowly meeting my eyes with a look of pure need in his perfect face. Jesus. How the fuck was I supposed to control myself when he was looking at me like that?
I had gathered the sense that Bucky wanted me, that much became clear tonight, but I had no idea the extent of his desire until just then. Until he looked at me with pupils dilated from under his stupidly long eyelashes, breath coming out from his open mouth like he was desperate for me, desperate to taste what I had to offer.
He looked like he would do anything I asked him to in that second, and the feeling of power that thought gave me left me horny as nothing else. So my first order of business was to command, “Eat me.”
The second the words were out, it was clear that was all he was waiting to do what both of us so clearly wanted. Two strong hands grabbed me from behind and with that grasp of my ass, he pulled me to him until I was in fact seated on his face, wholly dependent on his muscular body to keep me up.
“Oh God,” he was the one to whisper, and a shiver ran through my body as he licked my pussy from clit to hole before diving in as if he was determined to rid me of all of my wetness - knowing fully well it was an impossible task.
Bucky Barnes didn’t need any guidance in the art of eating pussy, that quickly became clear to me, but I still felt the need to grab a hold of his hair just to help keep myself grounded into the reality of this moment. The way he moaned against my cunt at the action, the vibrations running through my body and making me tremble on top of him, certainly didn’t make me regret any part of my decision. It was clear he liked that sting of pain.
Bucky’s P.O.V.
I was having a hard time believing this was really happening, even though I had Y/N’s completely naked body on top of me, her cunt spread open by my own tongue, her juices covering every inch of my tongue. I couldn’t even convince myself to close my eyes to fully enjoy her taste, too preoccupied with memorizing every little thing about this moment. 
And the second she opened her eyes to find me already looking up at her, I was particularly glad for my decision, if only because I got to witness the delicious smile that took over her beautiful face before she grinded her pussy against my lips.
“Fuck, you look so good like this. I could get used to this.” A jolt ran through my body at the implications of what she was saying. Before I could even fully process it, I was already responding with the only thing that occupied my mind then, “Please do.”
If I thought I would scare her away with my desperation, a delighted giggle immediately managed to calm my nerves. “Do you always say what you’re thinking?” She asked, still rubbing herself against me, so it took me a while to be able to moan against her wetness an honest, “Yes.” When I did though, the vibrations managed to be exactly what she needed to gush her release onto my waiting mouth, making me growl in excitement. She was so fucking sweet. My cock was so fucking hard it hurt, but all I could think about was how much I wanted to pleasure her, how much I never wanted this night to end.
Unfortunately for my plans, she decided to climb down from me, eyes drinking my kneeling position while she caught her breath for a bit before she threw herself on my bed, feet on the mattress so I’d get a perfect vision of her perfect pussy. Hypnotized, I didn’t even notice I’d gotten up and approached her until her voice broke me out of my reverie.
“Would you like to take a picture?” I knew she was joking, but there was no way I’d miss the slightest possibility of getting at least a permanent reminder of this night, so I answered as truthfully as possible yet again, “Of course. Would you let me take one?”
I was expecting her to laugh it off and move this along, but once more her answer surprised me. “Only if you promise me you won’t use it to jerk off to.” The confusion must have been clear in my expression, because she quickly added, “That’s what I’m here for.”
My heartbeat picked up as I struggled to process her words. “D-Does this mean you’ll want to do this again?” I watched as a small smile grew on her lips and she sat up on the mattress before reaching out to me.
“Every night, if you’ll have me.”
Another moment of silence as I struggled to accept that this was real, that this was really happening. 
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I couldn’t contain my delighted giggles at the lovestruck expression on Bucky’s eyes. But my need for him was growing deeper every second, so while he stared I reached out for his jeans, quickly managing to unzip them and push them down until I could wrap my hands around his member.
“Jesus, you’re so hard.” Even without any actual stimulation, apparently just giving me pleasure was enough to get him ready for me. I could barely wait to feel his cock inside of my pussy.
“I-I can’t believe this is happening,” he whispered while climbing on the bed and settling between my thighs. “I’ve been dreaming about this for the longest time.” Gosh, could he be any more perfect?
“Well, it’s happening now, James. Please, please, fuck me. I need your cock in me.” His lips looked wet from our earlier activities, and my gaze immediately fell on them when he gasped at my words and the feeling of his cock rubbing on my pussy. When I positioned the head and pulled him closer to me, signaling what I wanted, he followed without any resistance, his entire body trembling as he struggled to keep himself up with both hands on either side of my head.
“You’re doing so great, baby. God, it feels so good to be with you like this.” Apparently, Bucky grew tired of fighting against his own body, since he allowed his massive frame to fall just over mine, resting his forehead on mine.
“Fuck.” Hearing the word whispered so close to me, his warm breath dancing over my skin, while he was effectively about to do just that, felt incredibly arousing for something so small. “It’s like I can’t get close enough to you.”
In the search to feel more connected to me, he finally started thrusting, and then it was like I’d forgotten to speak altogether. Only able to hold tight to those shoulders that tempted me for so long, I struggled to keep the moans and whimpers inside so I could continue to hear the little breathless whispers that he was releasing, almost like he was speaking to himself…
“So wet…” It all only made me more desperate for the enchanting man on top of me, so beautiful, and yet so insecure of his own allure. I hoped after tonight he’d start understanding just how attractive he truly was, at least to me.
“Bucky…” I managed to whisper, calling out for his attention and earning it when his eyes snapped open to meet mine. “Bucky, kiss me.” I needed to feel those lips against mine, to have that one sweet gesture of entwinement that we still hadn’t shared. Apparently, he felt the same need, because in a second, he was onto me, mouth slowly prying mine open so his tongue could explore yet another part of my body that now belonged to him.
By then, he couldn’t contain his moans anymore, and I was grateful that I was still able to keep mine low so I wouldn’t miss the symphony of whimpers and whines, especially after he pulled away to catch his breath and his eyes met mine.
“Fuck, darling…” Each sound from his lips made my pulse grow quicker, my body warmer, that incredible high closer and closer to me. And still, because I needed to tease him, I found myself saying, “For someone who was so embarrassed about the team knowing you wanted me, you surely can be loud.”
Bucky hid his head on the crook of my neck, making goosebumps rise all over my body as he rubbed his nose against my skin, breathing me in. If I thought it was a gesture of shyness, his next words assured me that wasn’t the case at all.
“I want them to hear. I want them to know I’m yours.” The confession had the fire of desire burning brighter inside of me, and my hands slipped around his back, certainly leaving nailprints behind.
“Oh, is that it? You’re mine now, James?” The thought thrilled me to no end, but I needed him to say it, not only because I wanted to be sure there was no uncertainty in his feelings for me, but also because it made me even weaker for the soldier and the dominance he had over my body.
“C-Can I be? Please?” There was so much vulnerability in his beautiful blue eyes that the only answer I managed to give at first was the connection between our lips again, pulling him down to me so our bodies were completely glued to one another once more. My fingers buried in his locks, I pulled on them when I needed to gather some air, and finally give him an actual answer.
Bucky’s P.O.V.
“Hell fucking yes. We’ll be the hottest couple on Earth.” A shiver went through my body at the realization that she truly wanted this, that she truly wanted me. A sound escaped my lips before I could realize, and in fact, I only noticed it because she broke me out of my reverie by saying, “You know, everytime you whine, I have the overwhelming urge to just tie you down to this bed and give you a reason to do so.”
Shit. This woman made me weak. And the moment I lost control of my own weight, she took advantage of it, inverting our positions so she was the one on top, while managing to keep my cock nestled deep inside of her.
“Do you want to cum, sweetheart?” Hearing the filthiness that spilled out of her lips only made me hotter and hotter, my hands flying up to hold her waist as she began to ride me. “Tell me just how badly you want it. Say it, or I’ll leave you right here, right on the edge of bliss, and I’ll cum on your thigh instead.”
I heaved loudly, trying to force my own tongue to work, but the sight of her breasts bouncing with her movements was too hypnotizing. I would never regain full control of my body again, I realized, for as long as she wanted to keep me around. But instead of feeling lost, like I did when the Winter Soldier took over, all I could feel was peace.
She wanted me. She wanted my body, my soul, every part of me. Despite every missing piece, every scar. Everything anyone had ever done to me, everything I’d done to so many. And I’d gladly give it all to her, forever.
“Please, please let me cum, ma’am.” The name left my lips before I could realize, but it made her smile. And right then, I knew I’d done the right thing. Her movements picked up, her hand searching mine to guide my thumb to meet her nub, and as soon as I started rubbing it, she gasped in the most melodic of sounds.
“Cum for me, James. I wanna feel you cumming inside of me.” Jesus fucking christ. I didn’t have a choice, my body reacting to her calling like she was a siren and I was helpless. I felt helpless. It wasn’t difficult to see that I liked it, though. I liked being under her control. I liked how she pulled me apart and held me in place all at the same time.
“If you don’t take your thumb away, so help me God.” Her voice broke me out of my thoughts, realizing her chest was heaving with the effort to breathe properly now that she’d reached her climax with me. I smiled sheepishly before adjusting on the bed, right when she climbed down from my body, and a whine escaped my chest despite my better wishes, making her look at me with an amused smile.
“I’m sorry, I just… I kinda miss you already.” Her smile grew bigger, her eyes twinkling under the moonlight as she leaned over me to kiss me, and I couldn’t help it. I just had to hug her closer, have her falling on top of my chest just so I could invert our positions and kiss her some more.
“I want something that’ll show them I’m yours.” I admitted once she pulled away to gather her breath, and her eyebrows rose in surprise, but also interest, I could tell.
“Like a collar?”
“I was thinking more like a love bite, but I don’t mind.” Her giggle was the most adorable sound in the universe, I was sure of it. 
“Baby, I’ll let you fuck me in front of them, if it’ll help your insecurity,” she soothed me, and the thought of having everyone see us together, fully understand that I belonged to her, electrified me. “You’re mine now. You can be damn sure if anyone tries to flirt with you, they’ll have to deal with me. And I’ll make sure they know I’m yours and only yours if they try to chat me up.”
The thought made me smile, and I laid back on the bed and pulled her to rest against my chest, my hand instinctively coming up to play with her hair. “I can get used to that.” We stayed like that for a while, just breathing in each other’s presences, relishing in the comfortable silence between us, until I felt the need to break it.
“Can I kiss you again?” I felt her smile against my skin, before she pushed away to reach for me and connect our lips once more. God, I don’t think I’d ever get used to knowing I could have this anytime I wanted. “One more,” I begged when she pulled away, and she pretended to think for a moment before shooting me a mischievous grin. 
“Only if you come fuck me in the shower.”
The only thing I could think to say in response, as I watched her strut in the direction of the bathroom, was “Fuck, you’re sexy.”
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