#hi guys:3 screenshot redraw
ghosthoodie · 4 months
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mechaseraph · 1 month
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Taiya Boonboomger doodle. He's like a seal to me (the one with big eyes)
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biioniic-biiohazard · 11 months
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little bitty goofy minecraft screenshot redraw :3 gonna make a few more of these the more i play on this server with frens lol it's so fucking fun <3 currently just the three of us but thinking about letting more join at some point teehee
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raydays-swap-au · 2 months
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Finally tried my hand at redrawing a screenshot for my swap AU.
I did my best to mimic the style of the show in this one ( cuz, yes, usually I'm not trying to mimic the style of the show. You can tell by my hashing and colored lines. ) Though I can tell the lineweight is definitely off ( especially on Velvette, ) but I'd still say it's pretty good for my first attempt to mimic the show's style as much as I possibly can. The lineweight issue will prob be fixed the more I draw these, idk man.
Either way, I find it so funny that Vox, due to being pretty much entirely blue, just sticks out like a sore thumb. All the while Velvette being all red sorta blends in a lot.
Anyway, original screenshot and more info under the cut + unedited version of my swap!Vox cuz yes
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Honestly, while coloring in swap!Vox I was all like "man, this guy is too blue for this entirely red background" so I looked up the original episode. Turns out that there's a slight red hue put onto the characters ( in some episodes/scenes/locations ) and Cannibaltown is one of those places, with a really noticeable red hue. You can see it really well on Charlie in particular ( who shows up just a few seconds later in this scene due to the camera zooming out. ) Either way, that let me give Vox that same red hue to have him blend in more. With his actual colors he stuck out even more tbh lmao.
Also, Velvette is just so tiny. Like, Vox and Alastor ( and Rosie too ig, though in some scenes she's shorter than Alastor ) are around 7'0, ll the while Velvette goes to around right under Vox's TV head. Idk. I'm just glad I redraw the entire background to account for the stuff not seen, due to Rosie and Alastor blocking it.
Also the lineart in the background is mostly traced to make sure the perspective is accurate, though the characters themselves aren't traced obviously. Just thought I'd mention since I prefer to be transparent about when I trace or not ( even if it is extremely rare that I trace at all )
I also noticed how inconsistent the artist(s) are with Alastor's arm lengths. Idk maybe it's just to emulate perspective in regards to his forearm(s), but even his upperarms are uneven. Not that I mind as it means I can be more lax in that regard, but it's just something I noticed.
And yes, I edited this post cuz the first one had Vox be too red for my taste. Does he stick out more now? Yes. Does him being too red/muddy bother me less now? Also yes.
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Also, just because I really like how swap!Vox looks in this scene, here's a version with no background and red filter of him.
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Drawing swap!Vox like that is honestly the only reason I even decided to do a redraw of this specific screenshot. I just really like how Alastor looks in the original lol :3
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dismissivedestroyer · 2 months
Hi! So I want to make a Spooky Month OC but I suck at drawing, do you have any tips or advices about drawing characters in the Spooky Month artstyle?
Okay so, I might not be the right person for this, cause I also am not all that great at drawing in the Spooky Month artstyle, but I did some character design at school so I might be able to give a few tips! Please do take everything I say with a grain of salt tho!
Spooky Month's strong suit is definitely character design. It's SO expressive and well done it's genuinely unreal. You might want to know exactly what your character is gonna be doing, or how their personality is gonna be like, because character design in Spooky Month cares a lot about things like these. For example: Radford works at a cinema, so of course he's wearing 3D glasses, but also his HAIR IS LITERALLY SHAPED LIKE A POPCORN.
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So maybe decide on a job for your character, and try to start from there, get crazy with shapes and have fun! Spooky Month characters have designs that are both extremely simple to draw, since they use mostly basic shapes, but also are extremely thought out and meaningful. Another example of great character design is Pump
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Now, I have no idea if you already had an OC in mind, but make sure to choose the right shapes to represent it. Something I see around in the fandom is people making these OCs that are like, serial killers and dangerous people and stuff, but then give them the "Lila"-like oval head. And honestly, nothing wrong with that, that's a choice you can use! But still, shapes allow us to understand a lot about how a character is just by looking at them. So you might want to experiment around a bit!
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Ovals in Spooky Month are the "good" shape, let's just say. Most character with an oval head are sweet, helpful, kind-natured! It's often paired with oval eyes, so it's mostly a shape that's used for not villainous characters.
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Circles are a bit more complicated, because Spooky Month subvertes the Circle Characters. While yes, they're also used to draw children, such as Skid and Pump, so they may come off as unthreatening at first, most main villains, such as Eyes, Bob and Dexter Doll (which is meant to represent the likes of a child, so that's a nice contrast), are mostly circle-shaped.
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There's a very wide range of Square characters in Spooky Month. Square characters are usually bulky, big and strong. They often come off as threatening (such as Moloch), but there are so many other fun things you can do with them. Like, take Frank. EVERYTHING in his design should alarm us, him being square-shaped, the black eyes, the wide smile. Yet, he has a shape of the eyes that's very relaxed and chill, so we end up trusting him. As for Dexter, he's a mix of circles and squares, so we can't really understand his intentions right away, because he's shaped in the most confusing way possible. He's just made to be unsettling and leaving us to wonder if he's a bad guy or just an oddball.
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You can do SO MANY fun things by mixing up shapes of faces and eyes it's INSANE. Also, you can mix up other characters' features to create a new one, if you're planning to do a fankid or stuff like that. Look at Ross, he's literally a mixture of all his parents' features!
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My main tips for drawing in the Spooky Month artstyle are mostly
1) Play around with shapes. Be as cartoony as possible.
2) Try to be consistent with proportions, because, based on personal experience, if you draw the pupils of the eyes slightly off it changes the whole character's expression drastically
3) don't worry too much about details, Spooky Month has a very simple artstyle. You don't have to draw a perfectly anatomically correct hand, just whip up some cartoony three-to-four fingers and you're good to go
4) try to redraw some pre-existing screenshots from the serie to get familiarity with the way Pelo draws expressions. It helps a bunch.
So yeah, that's all! Good luck with your oc :)
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samscartoonsofficial · 3 months
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*Waking up hungover* *checks gallery on phone*
Eggman voice: "Ugh..what the fuck happened last night??"
Hailey once again has BULLIED me /j/ I to more Shrike x Cephany content but with the mention of the movie thumbalina. Shrike and his ass would NOT be a charming prince...put on the Disney princess dress. You only won Hailey because I LET you *squints eyes*
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AND because I can show off your stuff as well hehehe >:) screenshot redraw wip by @haileybirdart
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And @houseofdoodles with THIS!! me and Hailey were screaming! Sparkl L my beloved. Shrikes face is awesome too lol.
But seriously Thank you guys again for a fun and great night I love talking to you guys on VC and doodling shenanigans.
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Also this as well! For @monoclairx the true Thumbalina couple :')) they're adorable your honor I love them.
Also had alot of fun with Clair last night doing readings and finding out our Deities too :3
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*closes everyones eyes*
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sageywageythesilly · 5 months
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would u make a deal with him (pls do hes a very kind-hearted and innocent guy)
yipeee lil gartersight doodle :3 might do more screenshot redraws with this au since this was pretty fun
also decided to change his bowtie marking color since i felt like the black was more accurate
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echodoesstuff62333 · 3 months
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(I love being a Leo fictive, guys you'll have to put up with me. Sorry not sorry<3)
Oh and the original screenshot ig
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zeldabf · 21 days
i just want u to know i rlly adore your style, and I have been unconsciously taking lil bits of it into my own. it scratches my brain in such a nice way and i always get giddy seeing it. im curious to see (any)ganondorf in your style! if not, though, then i'd also be enthralled to see a little minish. i love your stuff !!!!! - 🔆
hi there! 🔆💚 firstly, thank you so much — i’m absolutely flattered to know you enjoy my style enough to bring it into your own! i’m very happy to know my little bits of creativity are inspiring. unfortunately for this request i wasn’t able to do as much as i wanted, i’ve had to take art a bit more slowly this week due to wrist problems </3 however, i was able to get a TOTK ganon screenshot redraw as well as some minish cap doodles out today! i can’t resist drawing a little guy.
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i would absolutely like to try my hand at drawing more ganon in the future, as well as maybe some demise as i’m finding both are really growing on me haha. i should also get around to more minish cap gameplay, it’s such a wonderful title in the series. as always, thank you so much for the request and kind words! 💚💚 hopefully i can revisit this request in the future and maybe get something more fleshed out done, moreso for the minish portion.
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quibbs126 · 1 month
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So I’ve been drawing this today
It’s a redraw of this picture I made a good 3 or so years ago
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Funny enough, this isn't technically the origin of the picture either, as I made a pose base for it that I just ended up reusing with these two, which was originally taken from a Pokémon anime screenshot that featured Jesse and Steven in wedding outfits (I don't think I have a picture of that original)
Anyways, so I made this because I was drawing these guys again, as you already know, and I just wanted to redraw this piece, seeing as how I was already redesigning them. This also gave me a good time to figure out Rasmus' green design
Also note I ended up asking my friend for ideas with the trio's new names, and she suggested Cinder for Rasmus. The name fits his theme, but I don't know if I'm personally sold yet. Personally, I like Cedar but upon looking it up, cedar isn't really a dark brown color, if anything it's more red, so
I did end up changing his colors to a more yellowish hue, which made me think of olives. So I think I might make his birth name Olive
I feel like Olive is seen as a more feminine name, while Basil would be more masculine, when it's the opposite here. Ah well
I tried to give them more "western" style outfits, but I really did end up just making something up. I think it turned out fine though
The flower in Periwinkle's hair is supposed to be like a rose, but I don't actually know how to draw roses, and can only vaguely remember how a super cartoony rose I saw was drawn, so have a flower that's kind of just...something
Also, she doesn't normally wear a flower in her hair, but the depicted scene is supposed to be when they got married, so it's a special occasion. They eloped to be together, so their marriage wasn't really much of anything other than paperwork and a nice dinner, but it was still a very happy day for them
I was originally going to give them the normal colored outlines I give characters, but I got this dark blue and was like "screw it, make that the whole outline color" and so I did. Gives me a blue ballpoint feel and I like it. I did do Olive's horns a different color, but I usually draw those horns like that, it just doesn't look right with normal line colors
And I just realized I forgot their tails. They do have them, but I keep forgetting they exist when I draw them. I mean I suppose they aren't that important, but still
Also, while I wasn't able to portray it, Olive is supposed to be very fluffy. It didn't feel entirely right to have his chest fur be out so you can see it, and I was struggling with giving the characters chin fur prior, so I didn't put that. I do have to come up with a solution to that. Also, while Olive was fluffy and soft, after his transformation his fur basically singed off and he hasn't been able to grow any more than short, rough fur. It is something he mourns but isn't that pressing in the grand scheme of the disaster he found himself in
Also while we're here, I might as well explain some backstory between these two
So Periwinkle comes from a rich, aristocratic family while Olive came from a somewhat poor one, where he and his mother worked at the local tavern. Olive's parents had him young and on accident, and a few years in his dad dipped due to his rising music career (though he did regularly send them some of his earnings), and Basil's pretty bitter about the whole situation
Anyways, so Perri and Olive eventually met and fell in love. However, Perri's family disapproved of their romance due to Olive's status, and Basil disapproved because this was exactly how she got into her situation (it wasn't exact, the two couples had very different relationships, but it was close enough for Basil to see their relationship as rubbish). So they eventually decided to run away so they could be together, with some help coming from Perri's sisters, who thought that Olive's status also didn't matter and they knew he was a good guy
Things would end up going horribly for them, but at least for a couple years, they were happy together
And yeah, that's this. Legit, I'm really proud of how this redraw came out, and I like looking at the clear improvement
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thatgirlissopeculiar · 10 months
Dream’s dnf fanart likes
August 23rd
George and Dream bts of the Everest music video, George wearing the too big cat ear beanie
two different versions of baby!Dream telling the moon to wake up and kid!George waking up
various doodles of behind the scenes of the Everest music video, top left: George and Dream, George wearing the too big cat ear beanie, bottom left: Dream putting a lei around George's neck, right: the DTeam looking at Mt Everest
three versions of itt!dnf hanging from a dandelion
itt!Dream looking at itt!George, who is upside down from the top of the image (plus a tweet Dream liked of the artist celebrating him retweeting the art)
itt!George getting flustered while taking a picture of itt!Dream
Dream laying in the snow, George on top of him from the bts of the Everest music video
itt!George calling the the spectral fish they're riding on 'beautiful', itt!Dream looking at him and agreeing
George and Dream looking at each other, in black and white
a pencil drawing of George and Dream from the Everest music video bts, George in the too big cat ear beanie
Dream leaning his chin on George's shoulder, both wearing star cat ear beanies
soup!George and roll!Dream
itt!Dream and itt!George holding hands
Dream and George bts of the Everest music video, George in Dream's cat ear beanie
soup guy and cinnamon roll guy
a gif of 'Dream' and 'George' in front of the Eiffel Tower, 'DNF' and blue and green hearts above them, a big subscribe button below them
Dream holding an umbrella out over George
blob!dnf in a field, under a rainbow
close ups of band au dnf, George with blue in his hair and blue make up in a star around one eye, Dream with green in his hair and green make up in streaks under his eyes
Dream, mask on, ruffling George's hair, hearts above his head
itt!Dream and itt!George reaching out to each other
George and Dream, George wearing the too big cat ear beanie
cinnamon roll!Dream and soup!George
c!George in a mushroom hat, c!Dream in a green hoodie
a puppy and their green and blue art &lt;3
various little blob!dnf doodles
a redraw of a screenshot of George and Dream from the DTeam Santa Monica Pier stream
tiny!dnf standing beneath some mushrooms, holding hands
various Everest music video bts moments, including Dream leaning super close behind George
Manager Ken and Dream in the studio, Dream sitting on the floor writing in a book, Ken holding a guitar and telling Dream to tell 'him' how he feels
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litta-jpg · 11 months
HI! for the wip ask game, i'd love to know more about chanel 1, chanel 2, hooves (fashion cowboys?), believe in batman, and adult tim 👀
so much stupider that fashion cowboys lmao this is a longer post so im putting the screenshots under read more
chanel and hooves are all about tim's robin boots so it's a redraw of that devil wears prada scene and those are his hooves meme ....... one of my fav wips actually <3
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believe in batman is just a redraw of THE tim panel <3 (can you tell i love redraws....) it's almost finished so i think im just gonna post it today or tomorrow!!
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and adult tim is me trying to figure out tim's design for a future au! the amount of tims in that file grows every day and none of them look like what i imagine future tim is going to look like so this one is STAYING in the wip folder.... ONE DAY i'll get this guy but for now he remains elusive
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harpycartoons · 1 year
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Daffy Duck!!! I did some screenshot redraws from the Looney Tunes Show just for fun :3 Was really easy to replicate his poses and hes such a fun guy to draw
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Metalbeard the mechanic :D
yes, he a mechanic and not a pirate
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here are some stuff that i drew, one is a screenshot redraw from lego monkie kid and one is Metalbeard featuring Rem by @brickowskibois
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here's some lore for the big guy (it's a bit long so get ready)
long story short, Metalbeard is kinda like the Engineer from tf2, when he goes to fighting/helping the others do hero work, he builds up a sentry gun, and health dispenser and other chet
so yeah, he's a mechanic, but he's mostly a mechanic for vehicles,, and it's connected to his backstory (yes, this guy has a backstory)
so, before he became a mechanic, and a cyborg, he has a family, a wife and 2 kids (a boy and a girl), he was once fully human and a soldier, and he just got back from war after,, maybe 3-5 years
when he got back, he planned a vacation to hang out with the fam, when they're now on the road, they got in a big car accident, the brake wasn't working and the vehicle he's driving lost control
he's the only survivor and his body needed to be replaced with robot parts, thus becoming a cyborg
thus him also becoming a mechanic for vehicles, he doesn't want anyone to have a car accident and lose everything like he does
but before he became a mechanic, when he's now used to being a cyborg, he went back to becoming a soldier 24/7 for like, a few more years just to like, maybe clear his mind from losing his family
but after a few missions and losing more and more of his team and having new ones and losing them and repeat, he's not having a great time anymore, he's just too hurt to see them dying and he's almost always the last one standing, so he retired and became a mechanic
also, Metalbeard is like, a 100+ years old.. how is he still alive? well, his robot body is why, idk how to explain how his half human self doesn't look a day old after the accident but yeah
the car accident is the reason why he has an eye patch, he doesn't want to replace it with a robotic or artificial eye
random info, Metalbeard has always wanted to grow a beard, but since he's in the military, he's not really allowed to have one, and ever since he became a cyborg, it's impossible for his to grow one, so when he retired, he added that metal beard and now he's called as Metalbeard.. his real name is Nick (yes, he's named as his voice actor cuz why not) but he doesn't have a last name anymore, it just makes him remember his family and it hurts him, so he just calls himself Metalbeard until everyone also called him Metalbeard
aaannndd i think that's it ⚰️
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gothamcityhistory · 5 months
Detective Comics #27
Where it all began
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This is a great cover to start things out! It's iconic!! I always love seeing the redraws of this!
I got this screenshot of the cover from the Batman: The Golden Age Vol. 1 which you can tell from the fact that the words "THE BATMAN!" on the cover are black and not red like the original cover from 1939. For the rest of this post I will be using screenshots from an old digitization of the comic except for a few which I got from The Golden Age Vol 1. which I use at the end. Even though it says "64 pages of action" on the cover, The "Bat-Man" story is only 9 pages long and I will only be focusing on that. (Sorry Slam Bradley fans!) Now to get into the issue.
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It starts off with this title page where they introduce the "Bat-Man" to the reader. It's very nice!
It's very strange to see him labeled at the "Bat-Man". I'm just not used to it but anyways they drop it fully Detective Comics #30. (Also note that I read it like "Bat Dash Man")
It's also very sad to see The Batman only credited to Bob Kane. Bill Finger did mostly everything and didn't get recognition for it until 2015.
Anyway, Back to the comic-
Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Gordon are chilling out at Gordon's place when suddenly Gordon gets a call about a recent murder. They need him there right away and in the most laid-back way, he's like, "Hey, Bruce, buddy, pal, chum, they need me at a murder scene... Wanna come with?"
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and Bruce is deadass like "Eh sure. Why not"
Everything was so casual in the 30s god damn.
Anyway, They rush over to the scene of the crime
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and after "a thorough examination of the scene of the crime" they decide to talk to the victims son, who is the current murder suspect.
He's like, "I didn't do it, I only grabbed the knife when I pulled it out of my dad's chest!" And, weirdly, Gordon doesn't press any further on it. He's just like "Yep okay."
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Also, he could've stayed alive if you didn't pull the knife out dummy. But I digress
He then responds to Gordon's question like "Dunno, Except these 3 guys"
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Also the comedic timing of that- I made a joke to my friend when I first read this comic that the reason why Steve Crane was excited was because he bet Lambert a hundred bucks in 1939 dollars that the threat on his life was real- I know excited back then meant having excessive emotions but I just thought it was funny.
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You sus mf. I SEE you Bruce. If that even is your real name.
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I also love this panel.
After Crane gets shot the murderer/robber escapes with a piece of paper.
When Suddenly...
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The Bat-Man shows up and beats the hell out of them and takes the paper. Then Gordon and the police arrive to Steven Crane's house as the Bat-Man runs away. Gordon then finds out Crane has been killed and decides to go to Paul Rogers house
Also look at my little man
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He's so proud of himself.
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I also love the fact that he drives off in Bruce Wayne's car from earlier in the issue. He's so silly
Meanwhile, Rogers goes to his friend's, Alfred Stryker's, neighboring Laboratory where he encounters Strykers assistant, Jennings, and gets smacked and trapped by him.
I thought this panel was hilarious.
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Like Boi! What kind of guinea pigs are you experimenting with that you need to a jar that can fit a human inside and also why are you gassing guinea pigs???
He then seals the chamber but not before the "Bat-Man" enters, plugs the gas-jet and breaks Rogers out.
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Speaks for itself really. Styker then finds out his assistant failed at killing Rogers and tries to kill him himself but the Bat-Man, who had hidden, jumps out and prevents the Stryker from killing Roger. The Bat-Man explains why Stryker like Velma at the end of an episode and then Stryker breaks out of The Bat-Mans hold and then
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The Bat-Man straight up kills him and is like "Good."
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Bro is so sus. No one acts this way. And then what's more is that Gordon is like "Man. bro is so bored all the time."
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Look at my silly dressing up in his bat fursuit!!
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Can't wait for next month!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry I basically recapped the whole story. It was very short but every panel had something interesting happening!! I definitely recommend it!!
Things I liked and found interesting!!
I found it interesting how they have text explaining the situation instead of just letting the photos do the talking.
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Thought It's probably like that because they only had 9 pages to tell the story.
I liked Commissioner Gordon's fit in this issue.
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It's a very nice Zebra-like suit that would allow him to fit in with the the weirdo 248 issues from now. It's just so snazzy!
I also like how Gordon takes things at face value and doesn't do some deeper thinking like how I'd assume a police commissioner would. "Well obviously he didn't kill his father. He literally just said he didn't". "I just told Bruce something amazing and he looks like he had heard it before. He must lead a boring life"
I also love The Bat-Man costume in this issue
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Purple glove Batman... My beloved <3
The art in this issue is great too!! I'll pick out a few of my favourite panels to show.
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Thank you all for reading my first blog post!!
Come back whenever! Rarely the same Bat-Time but always the same Bat-Blog
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info + masterpost
paul, pat and tord live together
red army never existed, tord was the one who created it
paul served in the uk army until he was dismissed due to his negligence in the moving targets eddisode
there are some headcanons to their childhoods
their personalities are mostly made up (except for tord's)
the au was created BEFORE the eddisode with tord came out, so whatever's gonna be in it, will not influence the au in any way
you can read about me in my carrd :]
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most important posts:
scars guide
tordpaupat playlist
side profiles + lyrics i associate with each ship
plot relevant:
it begins (pt. 1)
it begins (pt. 2)
it begins (pt. 3)
it begins (pt. 4)
bro, what happened to your face
just a silly funny post
future au stuff + the guys go to a gig :]
more drunk sketches
pride month post
ask: "i want to eat paul's nose"
bet by rio romeo but it's future paultryck
random meme redraws
love letter to a smoker on the bus stop
screenshot redraw with their future designs
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