#hi hylian i got carried away :]
Sending a headcannon and I got carried away:
Our Dragon-Parented Dragonslayers needed to learn modern Fioran (or whatever languages Earthland X777 had) after arriving in the future and Natsu's the one with the biggest grasp of it.
These kids were from 400 years in the past when there was a huge dragon-feud going on. If Nirvana and Dragnof are any indication, multiple civilizations fell during that time and with it the loss of several languages. Whatever language they had been taught (which was likely at least one form of dragonic at the time...because dragon parents), it's probably considered extinct in X777.
But thing is I think Natsu may have been the only one to get lessons on how to read and write Fioran.
Gajeel? He got stuck in Phantom Lord, which (to put it nicely) had a sink-or-swim philosophy towards it's members. He probably picked up on a bit on his own, but likely also struggles reading job assignments and won't let anyone know he is (side headcannon: our favorite linguist Levy helped him out once she found out he was struggling).
Wendy? The kid who first got adopted by a runaway prince from another dimension and then by a 400 year old ghost? I don't think either of them know Fioran themselves, much less could teach it. On the bright side, she probably also knows ancient Nirvit.
The Two Sabergoofs? Same case as Gajeel. Rogue's hit with a double whammy since he supposedly hung around Phantom Lord before getting yeeted to Sabertooth's guildmaster. Though this probably leads to a few complications once Sting is guildmaster and has to start filling out paperwork.
So much to everyone's surprise, out of all of them Natsu - who got seven-years worth of supportive family at the orphan daycare - is the one who can read/write in modern language best.
It's not a unique headcannon by any means but one of my favorites. Thoughts?
Y'see this is what im talkin bout, some good ol' analysis stuff.
I had a post aaaaagggeeees ago (if i find it back i may link it) bout like a crack situation where the team got forced to speak their first languages and natsu n wendy got stuck speaking their og ancient fioran languages and no one could understand wtf they were saying (and they couldnt understand each other neither bcus i had it that they were speakin different dialects of ancient fioran but details.). But i am gettin off track.
I always hc that most of the slayers didnt end up in Fiore when they got shot to the future, itd be kinda boring if they all ended up on the same continent. So Gajeel for me landed in Bosco so he learnt Boscan first as his modern language before he made his way to fiore to learn the language there by osmosis. I think Gajeel as a character especially to me with his spying skills and generally personality is super discerning with his desire to know information. So i think he's largely self taught with everything when he was on his own and knows 2 languages fully- Boscan and Fioran- but his fioran is weaker especially when it comes onto the writing part. And he vaguely knows phrases and terms from a bunch of diff languages.
Wendy landed closer to the border of Fiore and Seven before mystogan picked her up. I'd like to think that the language in Edolas and Earthland is largely the same orally (but it'd have a whole different written language) so he managed to teach her how to speak modern fioran but write in modern edolas. Which was a weird disconnect when the team found out down the line lmao. When he left her with cait shelter she picked up that additional language (which is a purely oral language) and is probs the only person left in modern fiore who can speak it (Levy loves her for it)
Sting got yote to Caelum before somehow making his way over to Minstrel then Fiore, he speaks a weird combo package of slangs from all 3 and he's not fully fluent in all of em (fioran is his best) and sometimes when he can't remember a word in one he'll supplement it with a word from another. He's ironically better at the written languages with them than speakin em.
Rogue met Sting in Minstrel briefly (didnt stick around with each other and then ran into each other again in fiore) but Rogue never picked up on Minstrel's language easily so he only picked up on fioran when he eventually made his way over. He knows brief smatterings and terms from other languages from his time hanging out with phantom lord but is only fluent in just the one.
Natsu's the only sucker who landed squarely in Fiore and was picked up by Makarov who had him fluent enough in speaking modern fiore before he got him back to the guild. He didn't get around to starting him with writing so that was a task for the others to teach and get him up to speed (to varying success. His handwriting sucks ass). I also like to think he hung around a decent amount with Levy when he was younger (he liked listening when she read her stories aloud) so he has a weird mixed bag of being able to read and understand a whole bunch of random language bits despite not actively trying to learn em.
Ok byyyyeeeeeeeeeee
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
When Another Finds Out About His Crush Part 1/3
Part 2 || Part 3
Pairings: Four, Hyrule, Legend x GN Reader
Overview: What happens when someone else in the Chain finds out about his feelings towards you?
 Zelda Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist
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How is it that today has been so peaceful? Seriously, when was the last time the group got a chance to breathe for a second, let alone actually take a moment to enjoy themselves like normal Hylians who don't have to constantly deal with the weight of the world upon their shoulders?
Maybe it's because of the last battle which left most of them pretty battered - too battered to dive head first back into another hoard of monsters right away. Perhaps the Old Man finally got tired of their constant whining and bickering which had grown in volume over the course of the last few days, leading him to pacify them with a quick break. It's probably a combination of those two things, but whatever the true reasoning for this blessing, Four plans to enjoy it - at least he's trying his best to.
He won't complain. It's nice getting to sit here in the sun, enjoying its warm beams that pair sweetly with the cool breeze that carries itself up from the spring where the majority of his traveling partners currently splash around, their joyful cheers making all sound right with the world. Of course, this scene of an early summer would be so much better if not broken every few seconds by Four's sneezing.
His nose is probably red and eyes possibly a bit puffy, but he tries not to care. He's too focused - too distracted with the many thoughts running through his head to begin fussing over some mild allergies.
'Loop over that...Now tie here...' 
'Maybe we should've chosen different flowers -'
'- No. We can't admit defeat to a stupid flower. We're seeing this through, damn it!'
'I wasn't suggesting that we give up. Only that we reevaluate our clearly flawed plan. This field is filled with flowers. We can take our pick.'
'Ooo, I like the poppies over there! Let's use those!'
'No! Poppies aren't good enough. Must I remind you why we're using daisies in the first place?!'
Four sighs heavily, his hands collapsing to his lap. The tangled flowers resting in his touch are a pathetic excuse for a 'craft'. If anything, they look no different from flowers that have been tugged from the ground then tossed around in a bag for a few shakes. It's rather shameful considering how long the minish took to teach him the careful art of weaving flower stems together. Are some watching him now, shaking their heads in confusion as to how someone can be struggling to this extent? Of course, it would be easier if he switched to practically any flower other than daisies, but he's committed to seeing this through as is, no changes. 
Four's harsh thoughts only break away temporarily when noticing the wolf that saunters through the meadow towards him, likely chased away from the cold shadows that have begun casting over his former resting place closer to the spring. Over here in the sun it’s much warmer, so there’s no surprise when the wolf invites himself to sit next to Four, giving a curious look to the flowers on his lap that asks the question without words being needed.
"I'm trying to make a crown," Four answers, lifting the string of stems up with one finger to let the wolf get a closer look which he does by leaning forward and taking a sniff. To him, the craft is impressive, looking far more detailed and put together compared to the flower crowns he's personally made with the children of his village, although it's clear that the Smith is having trouble accepting his own talent by the way he leans his cheek against the palm of his hand with a huff.
"Normally I can make them pretty quickly with fewer mistakes or tears in the stems and petals, but today I just can't get it right. No matter how many times I attempt one, it never looks good enough," Four explains further, his words drawing Wolfie's eyes to the several drafted flower crowns abandoned off to the hero's side. Then suddenly, the wolf's attention is drawn back to Four with a start when he sneezes loudly. 
Sniffing, he gives the slightly startled animal a pitiful look, "...Oh, and it doesn't help that I'm allergic to daisies..."
Wolfie tilts his head to the patch of poppies growing no more than two feet away from them.
"No, I can't...Daisies are easiest to make flower crowns with. They, um, have longer stems."
Woflie tilts his head further, showing doubt over Four's claim, yet in this form, it's not like he can truly call him out. All he can do is make himself comfortable, lying down among the tall grass where he can bare witness to the poor smith's torture as he goes back to weaving flowers into a circle, the only interruption to the silence between them being his repetitive sneezes and eventually a pair of footsteps approaching from the spring.
"Hey, we're missing you down at the water! Whatcha doing all the way up here by your lonesome?" It's no surprise that you're wearing a smile - Alright, it might've been a surprise a few hours ago when all you did was scowl or pout about your aching feet, but ever since Time allowed the group a break, you've been nothing but smiles and rainbows, a look Four prefers on you due to how contagious your enjoy never fails to be.
Immediately upon looking up, a smile pulls at his own lips and all of his muddled thoughts wash away into one. Even his voice is light as a feather without giving you any hint to his prior irritation; a complete contrast to how he had been seconds ago when Wolfie first joined him, "I'm not the biggest swimmer and even if I were, that scream Sky gave when jumping in was enough to convince me of my decision to stay up here."
"Yeah, it's ice water, but hey, anything beats sore feet at this point," You place your hands on your hips with a chuckle, sparing a quick glance back at the rest of the boys before your attention returns to Four, "Making flower crowns, I see?"
He nods, fiddling with the one in his hand which he seems to stare at for some time (truly it was only a few seconds for anyone except himself) before he holds the craft up towards you, "...I thought you'd like one."
"Really? For me?" The bashful smile he wears is easily missed as you awe over the flowers, delicately running your fingers over each petal. Like Wolfie, you see none of the flaws Four concerns himself with. Instead, you see a beautiful collection of near perfect daisies (only a few petals missing here and there) all weaved together in a strong pattern that keeps them from falling apart, "Oh, this is incredible…Wow, you truly are a talent to behold, aren’t you Smithy?"
He officially blushes, rubbing the back of his head with a wide smile he tries to maintain, "I can't take all the credit. I learned from the minish."
"You're too modest," You shake your head in mock annoyance, although the delight in your eyes never fades as you look over the flowers some more, "You know, daisies are actually my favorite, too."
"You don't say," Four picks at the petals on his lap, trying to act as casual as possible, "What a coincidence..."
You open your mouth to say something else, however you don't get the chance when a shout is suddenly heard from the spring followed by a loud splash. Four would've been curious to see what the commotion was, but he's currently in too much of a daze to follow where Wolfie and you look. Surely it's not that important judging on your calm sigh anyways. 
"Aaand I'm pretty sure that's the sound of Vet drowning the Captain. Seeing as I would like Time to keep giving us breaks in the future, I should probably go handle everything before he comes back," As disappointed as Four is to hear you’ll be leaving him so soon, he forgets all about that feeling when you place your flower crown on top of his head, your hands hovering there as you give him a gentle smile. He could’ve sworn he even felt your breath blow against his face given your close proximity, but maybe that was just the optimistic side of him, "Keep this safe for me, please? I’d hate for your hard work to get ruined."
"Uhhh...Y-Yeah. Yeah, I'll protect it with my life."
"Thanks. Now if you two will excuse me…" After patting Wolfie’s head goodbye and winking to them both, you race back down to the spring, shouting something to the other boys with a fierce tone that is the exact opposite to how sweetly you always speak to Four. He might've had a little nerve to either fear you or admire your anger (which can be kinda hot), although he merely sighs lovingly in distracted thought he only leaves when happening to catch that knowing stare Wolfie is giving him in the corner of his eyes. Now, wolf or not, Four can once again understand exactly what that type of smug look means without words.
Pushing Wolfie away halfheartedly, he huffs, "Don't say anything and we'll be even."
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"Do you think you could teach me how to cook this dish?"
Pour Four nearly chokes on his own spit when the question meets his ears. Teach Hyrule to cook? Now he knows all of his fellow heroes come equipped with many talents, but surely there's a line to be drawn! 
Of course, Wild has a much milder reaction to this 'challenge', in fact, he's actually happy to be granted something to do seeing as he's been grounded to camp after his latest 'stunt', as Twilight referred to it. So, raising his attention up from the supplies he’s been taking inventory of, he glances over the wobbly handwriting on the paper that Hyrule holds out towards him, the Traveler trying not to look either too hopeful or too nervous.
"...I mean, I'm willing to teach you to cook, but are you sure you want this recipe? It’s not intended for beginners...Not to mention we might not have all the ingredients..." Taking the paper into his own hands and whispering to himself in thought distracts him from Hyrule's gulp, "We might be better off trying something else -"
"- No!" Hyrule bites his lip when Four and Wild's gazes jump to him, clearly surprised by his tone. Shifting on his feet, Hyrule tries to clear his throat as a poor attempt at acting 'natural', "I, uh, would really like to try this recipe. It sounded pretty good when the baker explained it, plus we've been traveling for so long and it's not everyday that we get to try something like it - Oh! And I already have all the ingredients. 'bought them in the last town we went to."
Hyrule hopes he isn’t coming off as too pushy or, in the worst case scenario, desperate. This plan is nerve wracking as it is, thus the last thing he needs is anyone asking questions, after all, he already had a close call when you caught him leaving that bakery during your stay in town.
When you saw him leave without buying anything, you assumed he was being rupee-cautious and offered to buy him something sweet if that was what his heart desired. You’re kind like that, always keeping an eye on him and doing your best to hype him up as being just as worthy of the hero’s title as everyone else. That’s why he couldn’t possibly have told you then that you’re what his heart desires most. No, that would’ve been too weird and cliche, even he knows that. You deserve a better confession (whenever he finds the courage for that), but in the meantime, he can at least show you his gratitude through gifts which is why he currently stands here mentally praying for Wild’s help; he’s his only hope at this point!
The Champion looks inside the pouch Hyrule had quite literally tossed at him, the Smith also sneaking a peek from over his shoulder. Comparing the written ingredients to those in the pouch, they confirm that everything is there (surprisingly no weird foods that Hyrule somehow manages to find).
"...Well, the Traveler's right about one thing: we don't usually get a chance to eat sweets on the road, not to mention everyone's been a bit stressed since our last battle. Maybe a treat would be a good way to lift spirits," Four suggests, although the words feel as if they must be pushed through his teeth. Already, his stomach tosses and turns in memory of the last 'dish' Hyrule made which resulted in seven of the ten heroes getting food poisoning and Hyrule receiving a permanent ban from the kitchen ever since.
Wild hums in thought then, to Hyrule's joy, nods and hands him back the recipe, "Alright. Let's get started."
Thinking back to it now, the request seemed so easy to him. Unlike the others who usually see their lives flash before their eyes at the thought of Hyrule's cooking, Wild has actually enjoyed most of his meals including the one that made nearly everyone sick, his only complaint being the need for less salt (a critique that was drowned by out Wind's over the top gagging). With that said, he saw no issue with helping the Traveler complete the desired recipe, however it's always possible for someone to come around to reason, it just took a lot of smoke and heaving, but come around nevertheless.
One minute everything was cooking as it should with a wonderful aroma filling the camp. All Wild did was turn his back. It was only seconds - that's it, seconds - before the cooking pot exploded into a puff of smoke and sparks. Since then, it's been utter havoc which is normally the word everyone else uses whenever Wild and Hyrule get paired, but today, Wild's admitting it himself. Is this usually how stressed Twilight feels?! If so, then he's sorry! He doesn't have time to actually apologize and will most likely forget by the time he sees his mentor again, but dear Hylia, he's sorry!
It's by the grace of the goddesses that no one comes running back to camp to find the scene that would await them if they did: Wild and Hyrule working together to frantically stomp out the flames before they reach any supplies or burn down the entire forest. Even then, evidence of their crimes remains in the form of charred grass and the coat of soot that covers Hyrule's face, stretching his bangs to the sky as his eyes carry a certain daze to them. Maybe now that he's literally had his work blow in his face, he can finally admit that his cooking might not be the best in the group's.
"What did you do?!" 
"I didn't do anything!" Hyrule meets Wild's shout, however he soon falters and pokes his fingers together innocently with a mumble, "...I thought you said that monster parts can give dishes effects..."
“Yeah, some…” Wild's face drops, his eyes wide with realization yet he still finds himself asking with a hint of fear to his voice, "What did you add?"
"Please don't tell me..."
"...Red chuchu jelly..."
"Dear Hylia!"
"I was curious to see what effect it would have!"
“It blows up! That’s the effect it has!”
"Do I even want to know what's going on here?"
Oh Goddesses, please kill him now...Hyrule had hoped if anyone, it would be the Old Man or maybe even the Captain who came running back to scold them, but you? Oh, you’re the last person he wanted to see this!
To be fair, you still aren't as bad as one of the stricter adults who would’ve immediately accessed the situation and started handing out punishments.  Instead, you plan to let them plead their case. Actually, you don't even look that angry, mainly confused and tired as you stand at the edge of camp, arms crossed with an expression that's anything except amused (probably because you had the unfortunate fate of being one of the seven who got food poisoning from Hyrule's last ‘cooking’ attempt).
Before either boy can begin explaining themselves, you sniff the air and immediately scrunch your nose as a reaction to the awful smell that burns it. Hyrule swears you even gag, although it's hard to tell because of how fast you shoot a hand up to cover the whole lower part of your face.
"What in Hylia's name were you trying to make? It smells like bokoblin guts!"
Hyrule shrinks even further into his embarrassment, "...It was supposed to be a fruit cake..."
"A fruit cake?"
"Hyrule wanted to learn how to cook and had the recipe for one. It just...didn't go as planned," Wild rubs the back of his neck, sparing a pitiful glance at the smoldering gunk that sticks to the cooking pot. It'll be a pain to clean later, that's for sure.
"Obviously,” You roll your eyes followed by a frown as you look to the cooking pot yourself with more sympathy than pity, "...But it’s a shame. I love fruit cake."
Wild blinks, his eyes shifting from you to Hyrule as the gears inside his head begin to turn. Meanwhile Hyrule tries to clear away the soot from his face with a quick drag of his sleeve, however he only makes matters worse by smearing it, "I'm sorry. I really wanted it to turn out right for you, but…I guess I should’ve just bought a cake at that bakery, huh? …I’m not cut out for cooking myself…”
Your frown remains as does that look of sympathy. Stepping forward, you take your canteen from your hip and dump a little water over the very edge of your cloak. By the time it's properly soaked, you're standing in front of Hyrule and using the cloth to wipe away the scoot from his face. Your attempts are far more successful than his, getting most of the gray off at the cost of your clock taking on the shade itself, not that you show any care.
"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it some day, 'rule. It's something that requires practice and patience. After all, I'm sure Wild wasn't as good of a cook from the start as he is now.”
"Umm -"
"- Shush." 
And with that, Wild immediately puts his hand down with a pout.
"Start out with some simple dishes first, then whenever you get the basic skills of cooking down, I'll teach you how to properly make fruit cake. How about that?" 
Hyrule's eyes nearly sparkle at the offer. Sure, Wild is his partner in crime when it comes to getting into unnecessary trouble, however he'd much rather have you as his cooking partner (and maybe his partner in everything else, too, if he can one day get that far). That's likely why he nods too quickly, his bangs still being stuck upright which prevents them from bobbing with the movement for once. 
You chuckle at his excitement and go to leave camp to return to whatever you had been doing before, although you do stop to ruffle his hair, reminding him to wash it when he gets a chance (words he doesn't hear because he’s too busy obsessing over the feeling of your hand running through his hair).
"You know -" Hyrule jolts out of his trance, cheeks red at the realization that he had forgotten all about Wild who stands with most his wait shifted to the side, arms crossed and a smirk pulling at his lips, "- Usually when you like someone, the best thing to do is to try not poisoning them."
"I-I wasn't - That's not what I -"
"- We still have some ingredients left over. Let's start from the top," Wild merely shakes off Hyrule’s rambling, something the Traveler is thankful for as he begins to trail after his friend back to the cooking pot, however he stops dead in his tracks when Wild suddenly spins around to point a wooden spoon at him, "BUT, no more adding anything that isn't in the recipe when I turn my back or else I'm warning (Y/n) that they'll have to be doing all the cooking in your relationship…Hylia knows I can’t afford getting in trouble again with Twilight...”
Hyrule gulps and nods more timidly than he had with you, "W-Will do."
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This was a mistake and the worst part is that Legend knew it before he even committed to the decision. He knew it would be a bad idea to 'invite' nine others into his home, even if it was to be a temporary trip, yet he opened the doors to mayhem anyway. 
He blames his own tiredness, if anything. He didn't really feel like presenting a good argument as to why everyone should remain outside, which would've been especially difficult to pull off given the blazing sun above. No one wanted to just ‘wait outside’, not when their curiosity was overflowing at the thought of all the cool things the Vet must be hiding inside his home. So ever so foolishly, he let them in, underestimating the exact extent of annoyance he'd be instantly cursing himself with.
"Don't touch that!"
"Get away from there!"
"Hey, those are delicate! Put them down!"
"No, I am not playing any music! I'm just here to switch out my weapons. Just - STOP SHIFTING THROUGH MY STUFF! HAVEN’T YOU EVER HEARD OF SOMETHING CALLED ‘PRIVACY’?!"
"...You can borrow that if you want."
Surely some of the heroes snapped their necks by how quickly they turned towards Legend, surprised to hear him speak in a tone not laced with vexation nor raised in a shout. Actually, his words are rather soft - soft for him, at least. 
Even you're surprised, although it's not for the same reason as the others. Hearing the Vet's voice behind you, you practically leaped out of your skin and prepared yourself for the same harsh scolding as everyone else has received, so it takes you a second to process what he had really said instead. 
You blink once then twice (the rest of the group does, too) before glancing down at the ring you have pinched between your fingers. There's a small chest filled with them in front of you, each somehow different from the other whether that's because of the color of the band or the types of gems decorating them. Of course, you only planned on looking over them with your eyes, not wanting to disrespect Legend's privacy (and not wanting to be shouted at either), but that was before one ring in particular caught your eye. Your interest couldn't be tamed at that point, leading you to pick up the piece of jewelry for closer inspection which lands you in your current situation.
Turning to face Legend, who only boredly glances at the ring in your hand before going back to his own business, you open your mouth to say something - perhaps ask if he's serious because you most definitely misheard, right? He's going to let you borrow something of his? After getting so peeved about everyone else simply touching his stuff? You aim to be safe and confirm permission, yet the question doesn't have a chance to leave your lips before someone else beats you to it:
"What?! How come they get to take something? I wanna ring!" It's Wind and his objection makes sense seeing as he had just been looking over the same jewelry box moments ago only for Legend to swat his hands away. He isn't the only one to see the hypocrisy either.
"Can I borrow this?" Wild asks, holding up a boomerang with a hopeful smile that nearly distracts from the glimmer of mischief in his eyes.
"No, you can't!" Legend hisses, quick to rip his tornado rod out of Warrior's hands while he's at it much to the Captain's offense.
"Oh come on! What makes (Y/n) so special, eh?!"
"They're responsible," Legend dismisses stubbornly with a wave of his hand as he turns his back to them again. The others merely roll their eyes in annoyance, Warrior mumbling something under his breath that sounded a lot like 'simp' much to Legend's frustration, but before he can bite back, he mostly forgets all about them when you finally get a chance to speak up for yourself.
"You're sure it's no trouble?"
Legends fears he might have stared at you a bit too long - not that you would've noticed seeing as you keep your eyes focused on the ring you fiddle with. Despite how much you try to act neutral as to not get your hopes up, there's a giddy joy to your eyes at the thought of getting to keep this ring even if just for a little while, after all, it's so beautifully crafted and the red rubies attached to the golden band remind you of Legend in a way you'd prefer not to explain in front of everyone else, let alone with him present.
"...Yeah, it's no problem," He looks away quickly, blowing some air which fixes his bangs out of his view. If anyone were to spend more time studying his behavior (Hylia forbid it), they might notice how awfully red his face has suddenly gotten, "...Just don't lose it."
Truthfully, he doesn't care. If it were just the two of you, he'd actually tell you to keep it since he has plenty of rings anyways, not to mention it would give him some peace of mind for you to always have a protection ring handy, but he can't risk saying that here. The others are already questioning him too much and the last thing he needs is either Wild or Warrior picking up on the hint. Maybe he’ll just wait for when you try to return the ring so that he can play it off better by simply pushing it back towards you and giving some excuse like ‘I didn’t even miss it’ or ‘I actually don’t need any more junk now that I think about it’. You wouldn’t suspect a thing then nor would anyone who overhears. 
"Thank you! I promise to take really good care of it!" At last, you take no shame in letting your delight show and waste no more time sliding the ring over your finger. 
Legend just nods, burning through all of his willpower to not keep stealing glances your way. Fortunately, it doesn't take him much longer to locate the weapons of his desire, allowing him to finally herd everyone out of his house while continuing to deny their requests to borrow some items for themselves. Hyrule is the last straggler, something Legend originally wouldn't have thought much of since the Traveler isn't one to usually cause him trouble, although there's a first time for everything as it would seem.
"Congrats on the engagement," It's such a smug comment to come from someone who looks nothing but innocent as he saunters by, in fact it takes Legend's brain several seconds of spinning before he understands the implication and with it, his confusion instantly melts into a mix of fury and embarrassment (which one is at the head could be anyone's guess).
"T-They asked and I have plenty of rings, so there was no point in me turning them down! It's not an 'engagement'!"
Hyrule merely chuckles in the face of Legend's anger, "Don't worry. I won't say anything."
Legend huffs, taking it upon himself to push Hyrule towards the exit so that he can sooner leave this mess behind, however before he can begin to feel too comfortable, the Traveler speaks up again while casually picking up a gauntlet off the nearby table Legend leads them by, "This is cool.”
Legend glares; a deadly look Hyrule once again meets with too much innocence - mocked innocence, the Vet is now convinced - nothing but an act!
"You know, it would be a shame if someone like Warrior or Wild realized why you only do nice things for (Y/n). If they connect the dots for themselves -"
"- You can borrow it," Legend cuts Hyrule off in a hurry, pushing the gauntlet into his hands while shoving him out the door, "But I want it back in one week, you hear? That's all the time you've bought yourself with, you rat!"
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monpalace · 1 year
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ships .. (skyward sword) link/reader, (linked universe) sky/reader
content .. what sky is like when he's in love, skyloftian culture regarding romance, and how miscommunication is inevitable when the two involved are from two differing cultures.
warnings .. miscommunication, but not in a dramatized way. written with linked universe in mind. they/them pronouns used for reader. i came back to this at different levels of tiredness, so a few thoughts left me and never came back (including the ending). not beta-read. remember the original ramble? ignore that.
notes .. based off this request, but i've never touched skyward sword aside from tauberpa's abridged videos, plus i wrote that original proposal thoughts while sleep deprived, so inaccuracies may or may not be present?? i focused on the romance/relationship culture of skyloft since i'm so unfamiliar with the game
but on the subject of feather proposal i think i got the original idea from cloudninetonine??? i truthfully don't remember because when it was first put in my head it felt like a fever dream
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Sky had always been, and will always be, a hopeless romantic.
His Zelda, Sun, had shown him more than enough stories that included romance as they grew up. She had exposed him to just enough that it had molded and cast what he thought the perfect romance would, permeating his dreams with his other half and the blank spaces of his papers with what he could remember they looked like.
(For some time, Sun was all that he coveted. They had spent so much time together, he had felt as though she was The One, but after years of exploring his tastes, he had learned better.)
Loftwings had a large influence on Skyloft. Even someone taking their first step on the sky islands could tell.
Not only were they said to be borne from their rider's soul, destined to carry their Hylian counterpart through the waves of the wind; but they also mated for life, until the flames of their conjoined souls finally diminished.
Of course that would bear heavily on Sky's interpretation of romance (— alongside how a Loftwing's choice in mate more often than not influenced who their rider would choose to spend the rest of their days with, and how divorce between riders was often seen as taboo).
(But who was he to comment on that? He's soundly sure he and his other half would never part.)
On Skyloft, disposing all but one of a Loftwing's shed feathers was to be expected from residents once they hit puberty lest someone pick one up and get the wrong idea. Even those in relationships need to keep the habit to keep away suspicions of adultery.
Sky kept two of Crimson's feathers on his person at all times since he was a child.
One had been plucked from the plume of his head when they had first bonded as a sign that their souls were one and the same. It's always within sight of both himself and others, dangling freely from his left ear with the same amount of pride Crimson has when he soars through the air.
The other had naturally fallen from Crimson's breast not long after they had both matured. He keeps it close to his heart, tucked underneath his layers and layers of clothes, kept overtop his chest where his heart beats strongest by a form-fitting undershirt or a prick of his skin if it's something looser.
Because he's much better at working with wood rather than metal, Sky would always keep his whittling kit on him. It's not as large or extravagant as the one he keeps in his room on Skyloft, but it's small enough to fit alongside his other utilities without issue and he's able to use it just fine without any issue aside from the usual knick or two.
He always keeps the kit and a piece of raw wood on him in the event he meets his other half on his travels. He knows he wouldn't pop the question right after meeting them, but he doesn't want to be ill-prepared in case they ask for something.
Whether it be practical or for aesthetics, he's always willing to deliver the highest quality product.
Upon meeting the one he wants to spend the rest of his days with, Sky is a mess by his standards.
(It takes him weeks to determine whether or not he really wants to dive into the deep end and give his all to someone who may or may not like him— in a non-creepy way, of course. He knows better than to do most of what characters do when pursuing someone.)
He sleeps less, he and his items are constantly in order, and his usual appearance that screams “just got out of bed,” is cleaned up.
He strikes himself with the question of whether or not he should be this out of sorts when in love (no one in the stories he read was), but he accepts it.
If he were to find his dream person in his Hyrule where everyone knows him, it'd be obvious to everyone that he's interested in that certain someone.
If he were to find his dream person outside of his Hyrule with the other Links, it'd still be very obvious he was in love regardless of how long they'd been traveling together.
Prior to his supposed proposal, Sky would court his love interest with at least a gift a day; one every week or so if he's busy. It's always more intricate the longer he takes to finish.
The gifts are never something they have to imply they want. He takes what he hears from the grapevine and from what he's heard his interest said in passing and takes it from there.
On Skyloft, physical affection (both platonic and romantic) is an accepted practice because of how open Loftwings are to giving and receiving it with their riders.
Naturally, it carries on outside of the sky islands.
Sky had always slept closer to others than what was typically deemed acceptable. He gingerly knocks his head against those he considers family, grooms others when they have a leaf in their hair or wipes away a smudge on their cheek, presses kisses to their face when they look like they need it, and covers most of their body with his own when they speak of being cold.
Physical affection comes first nature to Sky, so he wouldn't put it past who he's interested in to think of it as them being good friends only.
The only thing is; he can't help but wonder whether or not he and the one he's been courting can consider each other more than friends.
There was no point in time either Sky or his interest ask to date or whether they were dating.
Eventually, their kisses drifted closer and closer to their lips, their hugs got longer and longer, and they had begun pressing against each other when sleeping to the point where almost melded as one.
When the time came Sky felt it was appropriate to propose, your response was lackluster, in his opinion.
You had said your thanks, held it up to yourself and asked if he thought it looked good on your person, kissed him on the cheek, and then went off to Wind because he usually had a colorful assortment of knick-knacks to decorate with.
Nothing else changes after that.
You still hold each other while asleep, you still walk shoulder-to-shoulder with each other with intertwined hands, you still press kisses to the other without shame, and you still accept any type of affection the other offers.
The only new thing is that, from his perspective, you're engaged and he doesn't know whether to feel giddy (you're engaged!) or anxious (did you even know?).
Whenever the topics of significant others, marriage, proposals, ideal type, and anything else relating to romance, during nights when everyone was tired and curiosity ran rampant, Sky's eyes are consistently drifting to you during the conversation.
When he brings up how riders present the feathers from their Loftwing's breast during one of those nights when the campfire is flickering down and it's hard to make out anyone's facial expressions, he knows something clicks when your eyes lighten and widen before relaxing.
You pull him away when the topic changes to Warriors and his stories of a younger Time (who swears none of them are true).
"You proposed?"
Sky has to lean in when you speak. Your voice is so low as though you were scared of the others hearing even though you were far enough you couldn't hear the belly laughs from the others.
And he returns the same energy.
"Not if you didn't want me to."
"I thought we were dating. Was the feather not supposed to be us making it official?"
"Dating?" It was a foreign concept in Skyloft. Most relationships went from courting to marriage. "Do you want to date?"
When you bite the inside of your cheek and shake your head, Sky watches as you finger the feather that hung loosely from your person. "We're already this far in. I don't see why we have to now; I just have a few questions of my own."
Sky answers all questions to the best of his ability. He's shocked that you aren't mad he swindled himself into a relationship (no less, a relationship), but he'll easily give you confusion.
Most of the other Links are asleep by the time you both return (Sky's halfway there himself) and those who are still awake know better than to say anything when they see the way you both wear your feathers in matching styles.
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May I request fluff with Ganondorf x reader where the reader is his husband?
You, my friend, have some wonderful taste~
Tumblr media
Title: Late Nights
Characters: Ganondorf x m!reader
Contains: fluff <3, pet names(love, dear)
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
MINORS, FEM ALIGNED, AGELESS/BLANK BLOGS DNI (This may not be smut, but I still want the above to be followed)
Reblogs > likes
The bed was cold, and much too big for one person.
You sat up with a yawn, stretching as the moonlight trickled into the room. You noticed your shared bed was void of its other half, leaving you to wonder.
Though you wouldn't have to wonder long, as you could see the large gerudo man sitting in the large off side room, his eyes intently focused on something on the table. Sliding off of the bed, you shuffled over to him, noting that the thing he was staring at was a marked up map of Hyrule.
"Ganon...you're up late again," you spoke tiredly as you rubbed your eyes.
"I'm planning..." he simply responded, circling an area of the map with a pencil before erasing it. "Mm..."
"And this is the third night you've done this." You weren't mad with him, but rather worried. A king needed his rest, but ever since a failed takeover, he's been at this map for a new nights straight. Admittedly, you've been quite lonely at night.
"Well once I have a plan, I'll join you."
You didn't think that was good enough, so as he sat up to stretch, you made yourself comfy on his lap, your legs swinging over one knee, and your head resting on his chest as you closed your eyes.
"...Love..." Ganon let out a sigh. "Please get off of me. I have to finish this."
"Mm-mm." You hummed your rejection, getting comfy on him. "If you're going to be staying up like this, I wanna be here."
"I promise I'll be back in bed. Once I get a good plan to conquer one of the regions then--"
"--then you'll be back in bed, and we can snuggle. You said that last time..."
Things were silent between you two for a moment, save for the sound of the torch on the wall with its quiet crackles. It was only tolerable for a couple moments.
"Hyrule can wait...There's no rush, dear." You gazed up at him with saddened eyes. "Besides...look at you. The strongest warrior I've ever seen~" You gently caressed his face, your expression changing to one of admiration. "So you had one bad defeat. But who's the man that sweeped an army in minutes?"
"Who's the most feared man in all of Hyrule?"
Ganon could't fight you on this, so he simply let out a huffed chuckle. "I am."
"These hylians fear you every day, and if they found out you sat here, slaving away at making a plan, well they wouldn't be shaking in their shoes." You stretched up to kiss his cheek, nuzzling into his neck after before setting yourself back down again. "You'll have them bowing to you in no time, but to do that..." You trailed off, expecting him to finish.
"...then I need to sleep."
You smiled, resting yourself against him again. "That's right. Now...king's orders. Get to bed."
Ganon quirked a brow at you before scooping you up into his arms. "King's order's, huh?"
You let out a small squeak as you were lifted, but you quickly recovered as he carried you to the bed. "Damn, right! I became a king when we got married, so I say king's orders!"
Ganon let out a small chuckle as he lowered you onto the center of the large bed, carefully joining you at your side. "You're lucky you're cute."
"And you're lucky you married me at all," you teased.
"Aiming for the heart, aren't you?" As you started to slowly succumb to sleep thanks to the soft bed and blankets, Ganon picked up your hand, pressing the back of your fingers to his lips in a gentle kiss.
"I'm very lucky I married you...~"
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milkyplier · 8 months
Anybody want some Rescue Ranch AU Time and Malon?
Malon is on the couch reading when she hears the familiar whinny. Her heart clatters to a stop in her chest and she freezes, carefully reigning in her emotions even though she can’t breathe. She’d know that whinny anywhere, but she’s imagined things before. For a full tense minute, there’s nothing, and Malon internally scolds herself for being so foolish in an effort to fight back the disappointment.
That is, until she hears the faint, tell-tale sound of footsteps on the porch, and then a thump on the door. The sound of Malon’s book hitting the floor mingles with Wolfie’s muffled barking as Malon gets up and sprints for the door. Her shoulder throbs as she slams it against the door to break her momentum, simultaneously unlocking it. She swings it open with abandon, considering a second too late that it might be a monster or some dirty scavenger, but none of it matters anyway when she looks outside and Link is standing there.
She knows immediately that something is wrong by the grim, exhausted expression on his face. Coupled, of course, with the fact that he is carrying a disturbingly Hylian-shaped bundle. The couple stand there for a minute, shell-shocked and caught between the urgency to attend to the boy in Time’s arms, and the need to properly greet each other after four years apart.
The urgency wins when Malon meets her husband’s eyes and sees the plea in them, and she steps aside.
“What happened?” She asks.
“I found him lying on a battlefield about six hours northeast of here. It’s been about ten minutes since I checked his pulse, he might already be dead.”
Only ten minutes? Malon knows a person can die in mere seconds, but the way her husband says that makes it ultimately more depressing.
“How badly is he hurt?”
“I think he got caught a bomb blast, his whole left side’s pretty jacked up, and covered in mud.”
“Hot water, alcohol, and towels. Got it.” Malon sprints away, and she sees Twilight running down the stairs to meet them.
“Is that D—“
“Yes, now I need you to get every clean towel on the property!” She cuts her son off, as much as it pains her, with the order and she’s grateful that he trusts her enough to listen without too much hesitation.
It takes a second for the water to heat up, but in that time Malon procures the rubbing alcohol and every towel in the kitchen. She very quickly disinfects the kitchen island, which Time is waiting to place the boy on, and as soon as he does so she washes her hands and begins to help her husband clean the boy up.
Time had been lenient with saying his left side was “pretty jacked up.” The boy’s skin was practically shredded and, as they wash the mud and dried blood away, begins to bleed sluggishly. They pull out countless pieces of shrapnel from it all, and Malon has to force the tears down because she knows he will probably die. He’s undoubtedly lost too much blood, and it’s been hours since he received the wound. She doesn’t know why it hurts so much. She barely knows the boy (and he is a boy, at least to her, at around the same age as her own son) and yet, she knows that if he dies she will take a very long while to get over it.
Time is entirely lost to Malon as she and Time work in tandem, as quickly and gently as possible. It seems they’ve only just begun when Malon looks up and realizes Time is wrapping up the last of the boy’s exposed wounds. She glances around at the carnage that us the kitchen, bloody and muddy towels discarded everywhere and multiple bowls of dirty water and washcloths sitting on whatever free space of counter was available. When she turns back to her husband, whatever words she might have intended to say to him are stolen right off her lips when he wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her. She’s shocked, at first, but quickly returns it, and suddenly she feels like a newlywed again. They break off, eventually, and Malon giggles uncontrollably.
“What took you so long?” She says breathlessly. For one brilliant second, Time smiles brightly at her, eyes bright and playful and looking at her like she’s made of gold. And in the very next second, she watches it all crumble. His smile fades and he closes his eyes, resting his forehead against hers. He leans a lot of his weight on her, and she’s fast to hold him. He doesn’t say anything, but suddenly Malon is terrified. She’d known as soon as the door opened that something was wrong, and she’d assumed it was the injured boy. But in the moment she saw the smile disappear from his face, she realizes it wasn’t the boy at all.
It was Time.
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st0rmyskies · 2 months
HI HELLO Any directors commentary for Sky specifically in The Brave? Blorbo
When I started writing the HSH series, I didn't know a damn thing about Sky. I had no idea how to write him beyond his tendency to sleep. One of my friends mentioned that he was a knight, which I had no idea of at the time, and thus his unlikely association with Warriors and Wild was born.
In The Brave, Time picks Sky's brain a bit about his relationship with one of the princesses, and we already know that Sky is head-over-heels for Sun from previous mentions of her. They met while he was in the Guard--although Sky fails to mention in his stammering explanation that Sun was a Guard member, herself, which is a whole nother bit of narrative to address--and Sky completely writes off his own charm and likeability by saying that he 'must be lucky.'
Time continues to press the line of conversation along a vein that makes Sky uncomfortable:
“I’ve always found some of the rules of the Royal Guard to be a bit antiquated,” [Time] spoke as he crossed his study toward the window. Sky relaxed somewhat without Time’s eye on him. “The rule of discharge from the Guard for fraternization or initiating a relationship with one of the royal family dates back centuries, to a time of arranged marriages.” Sky’s palms were beginning to sweat. “That was also well before the Guard was expanded and divided into different sections, including the Airborne Unit.” Time parted the curtains to look out toward the horizon where Hyrule Castle was silhouetted against the afternoon sky. He didn’t need to be looking directly at Sky to keep him pinned to the spot. “They’ve become a bit more lenient over time, though, and I believe that rule is now limited to those Guard members who are a part of the royal family’s close personal detail[...] Members of the Loftwings don’t fit that description, do they.”
Someday, by the end of the story, one might read their exchange over again and realize that Time was going for a different angle than Sky (reasonably) took all this from, and that the man is truly abysmal at communication.
My favorite part of Sky's by far, and probably my favorite part in the entire Townhouse series, is the punch heard round the world:
Time didn’t get the chance to look up before a heavy fist connected with his jaw. The hit knocked him senseless for a few terrifying seconds. He sprawled on his back on the porch as shouting erupted from inside the house, and he lifted his arms to protect his face from a second and third strike. [...] “Not here,” Warriors repeated, hissing through his teeth. His voice was farther away now as he stumbled back across the porch.  Disoriented, Time opened his eye to see that Legend stood over him protectively, that Warriors still held his assailant by the arms— And that Sky probably would have kept going if his friends hadn’t intervened. 
It's the first time I got to write HSH Sky being frightening (LMTCOY moments concerning Volga aside), and boy was it worth it. The fact that sweet-natured Sky felt enough anger to spit at Time will forever make me squeal.
Sky gets to flex some of his skills on the road to Vah Naboris alongside the other guard boys, and then again during the Hylian Waltz scene at the gala where he proves to be one of the more decisive and deadly of the boys. Now that I've played Skyward Sword (more than once, I really do love it), I just knew that Sky needed to be the one to do 'Impa' in.
And she lurched with a grunt, dropping her weapons as the glint of metal burst through her chest from behind. The sword was much stockier than the ceremonial sabres that the honor guard carried, its blade straight and true, and the cross-guard flared out like wings at the base of its purple hilt. It protected Sky’s white gloves from the blood that poured down the steel as Impa’s disguise started to melt away. The traditional grays and blues of her Sheikah suit melted to reveal the bright crimson and black, the uniform of those worshippers of the Calamity: the Yiga. Sky jerked his sword out of the imposter’s chest and let her crumple to the floor. “How late am I now?” he sneered, flicking blood off of the end of his sword.
Sky has plenty more moments to shine in the climax, too. From current draft iterations...
“Sky!!” Hyrule glanced up from where he worked with the Zora hooking up monitors and getting a second catheter in place. Sun stood just behind the ambulance, one hand on the door and the other gripping Sky's jacket. “You are coming!” she shouted at him, her voice just on the edge of panic.  “Sunny,” Sky’s voice was soft as he gently unwound her fingers from his lapel, “I have to stay here.” “You have to come!!” she cried, “What will I–” “I’m sorry.” Once he was able to coax her hand into his, he held it between his gloved hands. “I might not be in the Guard anymore, but I still have a job to do.” “So I’ll go with–” “You need to go with your sister.” Sky nodded toward the back of the ambulance. “We don’t know what’s about to happen. The two of you need to get out of here, get as far away as you can. Where you’ll be safe.” “Promise me you’ll be okay.” Sun took a step toward him, gripping Sky’s face in her hands, her voice wet. “Promise me.” Sky took her wrists, easing her hands down and away from his face.  And before she could open her mouth to argue, Sky leaned in to kiss her, impropriety be damned.  "... I'll see you when it's all over, sunshine."
To say nothing of when the fight takes to the sky over Castle Town.
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asterias-corner · 10 months
eeeeee ok so i decided to write a lil oneshot of the chain as cryptids au, with a little bit of self projection onto wild- (i made him autistic and use they/them - slighting non binary coded on accident🙏 which i hope is ok, i just got carried away)
Gift giving
Cryptid!wild + Cryptid!hyrule bonding <3
Wild was, well- wild. He didn’t take kindly to being forced into a box, some would call them a man because he looked like it, when in reality wild was just wild. Not a ‘man’ or ‘woman’- just wild. He was also told by strangers, whenever in one of their brothers hyrules, they would get caught into conversations somehow and were told that they were rude for not making eye contact and moving around- when in reality that just meant they were paying attention! Hylians were just weird! When wild joined the chain of strange heroes, he felt like an outcast in some ways, these were all beings who knew how to interact with each other, wild liked cooking for them, it was wilds way of showing they cared and did want to be friends, which was not something he normally did, but you know- when your forced to travel with people Sometimes, they would find a stream, and practice facial expressions and giving eye contact, but they’d get lost focusing on the fish darting into their reflection. The stream was going at a slow pace, but the sounds of it rippling through itself was nice. The sounds of the forest creatures coming by to drink the cold water and leaving just as quick made the atmosphere just as good. Eventually sky had came by, probably to come get me to make dinner. 
“Everything alright?”
He chirped, crouching beside me. His wings folded in on himself as to not hit me into the river, since he did have past accidents of doing so. I nodded, my antennas swaying in the wind, i watched the stream carefully, picking out the patterns in the way it moved downstream, i think wind would’ve liked to sink into the water, it was deep enough to sit in. Sky was probably going to say something else, but i saw the sun hit something just right in the water that made it sparkle. I immediately dunked my hand in, making sky jump at my sudden movement, i got whatever it was, and tugged it out of the soil. I shook my hand dry, and found that i had grabbed a bracelet, with sea patterns, strange runes on it, and opal gemstones engraved into it.
“Ohh cool! I wonder what it does! We should ask legend! He might know since it seems ocean themed and he’s a merman of sorts”
Sky ecstatically ushered me to follow him back to camp, so when we got back, sky darted to legend. He had dragged him over, and legend carefully examined the metal bracelet.
“Looks like something to keep you from getting wet, the bracelet i assume is something that can absorb water into the opal gems that would originally get in your clothes or skin and keeps it dry.”
He explained, handing the bracelet back to me. I nodded, smiling softly. If there was one thing i knew, is that hyrule didn’t like getting wet in his fairy form, and he was the few people I’d yet to truly interact with for longer than a few conversations. I knew he was out and about, but i didn’t know where- i decided to wait, sitting patiently in a tree as i swung back and forth repeatedly by my legs on a sturdy branch. Hyrule came back a couple minutes later, with wood in his arms. He set them down and sat next to legend, sparking up a conversation. I didn’t want to interrupt, but hyrule needed to have it! Even if wild did really want it, hyrule would like it more and find better use for it. I hopped down, small bells and chimes sounding from no where as i basically bounced over to where hyrule was sitting. I stood near his field of view, trying to find a pause in their conversation to make movement and get his attention. For a couple seconds, it was quiet between them, and hyrule looked to me. 
“What’s up?”
He softly questioned me, raising a brow. My antennas flicked as i registered his question, and i remembered why I’d been standing there. I extended the bracelet to him, he was a bit taken aback, but smiled and took it. 
“Thank you wild! What is it?”
He tilted his head, looking to me again. I waved a hand to legend, trying to ask him to explain- which he got the memo. 
“Oh! Wild gave you a bracelet that helps keep you dry, it seems the opal and runes engraved on it give it magical properties to keep water off your skin and clothes.”
He explained once more, pointing to the engravings and opal gems he was talking about. Hyrules wings fluttered slightly, in which i hoped was joy, he turned to me and smiled even wider than before. 
“Thank you! This means a lot, since i know you like to hoard things like this, and you’re willingly giving it up for me.”
He sounded slightly guilty in his tone, which i managed to pick out based off his head bowing. I waved a hand in front of his face to get his attention, my antennae’s flattened as i scowled at him.
‘Give you, make me happy, you happy’
I signed to the best of my ability, getting my whole gesture across. He nodded, smiling again. 
“Thank you, again-“
He laughed softly, it sounded energetic, which meant he was happy. That cheered me up, Hyrule hopefully knew i wanted to be best friends now, maybe even brothers! Like how he would refer to legend or wind. Wild knew he would’ve liked the bracelet, but this was a better choice.
This AU belongs to @sapphicseasapphire
I wanted to write somethin and this AU scratches the blupee coded part of my brain :3 i love the art you make and it always makes me happy stim seeing it!!!
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skyward-floored · 2 months
More totk things I did/saw yesterday:
Sticky lizards. Sticky lizards sticky lizards sticky lizards. Sticky lizards. Did I mention sticky lizards.
The glowing cave fish are so pretty, I love their colors. I just love all the glowing stuff in the caves, and the caves in general, they were a superb decision on nintendo’s part
I fought some of those crazy monkey bokoblin things. I forget what they’re called. I maybe screamed a little because they startled me. But also something about them reminds me of the Mogmas in skyward sword and that worries me a little (even though I’m sure it’s a coincidence).
Penn is the best. He’s so silly goofy. I love his little salute he does as he leaves and “soar long” abshdbdjdbd. I really hope he carries stuff in his beak at some point (letters would be REALLY funny).
Since when can the trees attack by the way? what happened to those trees. Who hurt you. Ents gone rogue. Rebellious teenage Ents maybe.
Didn’t expect to find Impa in the middle of a field but okay! why not. Thought I’d have to hike all the way over to Kakariko to see her. I was also surprised she isn’t dead but I guess Sheikah just live longer. She’s gotta be pushing 130 at least...
(The rest is a little long so it goes under the cut):
The geoglyphs are really cool. Part of time is thinking they’re just a way for the developers to take up space without having to put anything but eh I’m forgiving.
The geoglyph of Rauru looks like he’s in a wheelchair. I don’t have anything further to say about that I just think it’s interesting.
Dragon tears... mysterious dragon... dragon people... hmmmmmm. hm.
Zelda: *wakes up to see a lady with poofy hair and a literal dragon dude standing over her* oh it’s going to be one of those days isn’t it
Jokes aside I’m glad Zelda isn’t alone at least? Even if she’s ten bajillion years in the past or however long it is. At least she didn’t wake up basically alone like Link did. Plus Sonia and Rauru are funny hehe
Got three game overs from a battle talus thing and then ran away 😔
Zelda sounds really into the blood moon thing tbh. Like in botw it sounds like a tired warning, but in totk it’s like HERE COME THE MONSTERS BABE *cue the you better watch out vine*
Second geoglyph memory tear thing was very interesting. That view from the great plateau is incredible, I want to look around hyrule from a bajillion years ago. How come only Zelda got to go... anyway interesting how Sonia could sense she and Zelda were related. And also if they are indeed related and therefore Rauru is too then how come Zelda just looks... Hylian? Are Zonai genes just extremely recessive or something? Or has it just been so long with so many Hylian genes that they’re just all gone. I have Questions.
Also Rauru has a big sister? Little brother Rauru?? hehehe
I feel bad for thinking it but the blizzard situation is kinda fun ngl. I know the Rito are struggling but I LOVE snowy areas. I LOVE THEM.
And the music is different in rito village aaaaaaaa. Again I feel real sorry for the Rito. But I love the vibes. I love the snow. I love it here.
KASS’S GIRLS ARE OLDER aww!! I got a little burst of pride seeing them they’re all so responsible now *squeals*
Side note it’s weird that the botw shrines are gone. It’s like I know something should be there but it’s missing. And nobody acts like it’s even gone. But I know it is. It’s missing and it should be there but it isn’t.
...Is this what Link feels like all the time?
Tulin sounds like Spike the dragon from mlp but honestly that just makes me love him more. He’s a cute little responsible and rebellious teenager now!! And Teba is dealing with that haha. Also a promotion!! I’m sure it’s rough being village elder, but I think you’re doing a good job Teba.
Oh I forgot to mention the newspaper place, that looks like it’s going to be a fun sidequest! And the music is great there too (also Penn again!!! Beloved!!!).
And I think that’s all :)
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candy8448 · 7 months
Photo (for the one word prompt)
Used a fic idea i had since i basically joined this fandom but never wrote so i got carried away and wrote 1580 words 0.0
This fic idea came to me when playing totk for the first time when it first came out, i took a photo of the old champions photo and put it in the gallery of my new house
Get ready for some fluff! (From me? I know, shocking!)
Send me a one word writing prompt
"And this room, i actually made with you guys in mind... i didn't have space for full beds but those mattresses are a lot comfier than a sleeping roll. Sometimes i even prefered sleeping in here than in my own bedroom," imagining that i was still with you lot, he left out. Wild turned back to the chain as he finished showing them around his new home. Twilight glanced around, noting something,
"Where is the champions photo? I thought of all things you would want to bring, it would be that?"
Wild tried to hide his upset expression, "well, Zelda kept it... and she is the one with all the real memories of them... so its okay"
He tried not to think about losing the champions photo, but he couldnt help but think it was like loosing them all over again. Still, nothing would come from burdening the chain with his emotions.
The next day, while Wild was out running errands, Legend burst into their shared room on the top floor, canvas and paints in his arms, dumping them on the table in the center of the room,
"We're painting him a new one."
"You saw how sad he looked when he didn't have the champion's photo; we are repainting him a new one"
Warriors grinned at the vet, "wow, didn't know you were soft, collector."
That earned a glare, "You never know when you could lose someone, sometimes you need something to keep their memory alive, like a song, or a picture."
A few of them nodded in agreement.
"Right, who's doing what?" Time said as they all gathered around the table.
Wind's hand shot up first, "ooh, OOH! I can draw! Let me draw it!"
Legend looked at him, "okay, you do the sketch and i do the painting, BUT im gonna check over the sketch before we're done" ever the perfectionist.
Sky nudged Four, "bet we can make a pretty good frame eh?" Four grinned back and nodded, running off to find somewhere he could start.
Roles were assigned to each member: Four and Sky would work on a frame, Wind would sketch and Legend would paint, Warriors would find Flora and ask to borrow the original photo as reference, Time would also go with him to learn more about the champions, and finally, Hyrule and Twilight, having no artistic skill and being the closest to their cook would distract Wild until the painting was finished. It was a good plan, and they began too work.
Legend and Wind sat in the top room all day, Wind was getting frustrated at how the sketch was just not looking right, Legend came to pull the pencil away,
"No you do it like this!" He said, rubbing out a piece of the drawing and sketching it on himself. Wind's eyes widened in understanding, and he grabbed the pencil again, fixing up other similar mistakes. Legend noted that the rito happened to look the best and he had to wonder if that was because it was the only race outside of hylians he had a lot of experience with. Wind noticed the same thing. He almost felt the spirit of the rito looking smug as he pridefully gloated on the others, and Wind giggled.
"It's really nice you're doing this for him, i wasn't aware that he would feel upset that i kept the photo. I thought he would come and tell me if something was upsetting him," Flora said as they sat around the table in her own house in Hateno village. Warriors and Time had told Wild that they wanted to speak to her and Wild, being unsuspecting at the two 'leaders' of the group wanting to gather information, called Zelda over with the Purah Pad. She had teleported to them with the old Sheika Slate and Warriors couldn't help but gape at the glowing blue antlers and her purple and blue eyes. Zelda then proceded to take them to her house once they told her they wanted to speak to her in private, much to the displeasure of Wild, who wanted her nearby to make sure she was safe, not that anyone could blame him.
Time smiled at her, "well, hiding one's emotions do seem to come with the hero's spirit"
She nodded uncertainly.
Wars drew the girl's attention, "Can you tell us about the champions? Our friends Sky and Four would like to make a frame and were hoping to make it something special."
Wild excitedly showed them around Tarrey town and was pulling Twilight and Hyrule along with him. When wild came running back to the house, Twilight first asked to have help with Epona, but because the house stable was already occupied, they had to go to the nearest stable. Hyrule also tagged along, hoping to use up time exploring once Wild's attention would eventually shift from horses to something else. Twilight was currently just following behind them, trying to catch up to the duo and making sure they didn't get hurt.
Wild had decided that it was a good idea to dive off the side of the town and into the water to reach the construction grounds. Twilight tried to stop him but the champion, as slippery as he is, got past him, already with his shirt off and shouting as he went down, followed by a massive splash that almost reached up to them. Twilight sighed and turned around, only to see Hyrule missing from his side. The traveler's laughter joined Wild's own as he knelt on the moving tracks platform and waved at him, Wild waving back as he swam to shore. Twilight sighed harder but smiled, at least his brother seemed in a better mood.
Sky hummed to the rythm of Four's hammer hitting metal. The skyloftian had decided to join the smithy in the forge to spend time with him. The carving in his hands would theoretically slot into what four was making, the metal to hold the canvas in place and the wood for the details. Sky used what Warriors and the old man had relayed to them from Flora to create intricate markings which he hoped represented the champions. Four hammered away, joining his humming with his own layer to the tune until he stopped hammering and looked at his work, "how does that look?" He asked, sky stood up, halfing his unfinished piece nearby and comparing the two, looking at the but where the two would slide in together, "it looks great!"
Hyrule excitedly dragged Wild to the top room by his arms. When the champion saw everyone in the room he looked confused, waiting for an answer. "We made something for you" Wind said, ushering him to the table.
Wild walked up to the table to see a canvas resting on it, one with a very familiar image. His breath hitched in his throat as he silently.
It was almost identical to the original image, the champions photo, but newer. Everone in the image looked perfect, careful strokes of paint marking out their individual features. Wild sniffled as he inspected the frame. Wood and metal worked into eachother. The metal sides of the frame had the words "champions ballad" indented in his hylian. The wooden sides had carvings, depicting the four regions the champions came from, it also had things which he knew the champions loved from his scattered memories. There were indentations of more things, and Wild wondered where they got this information from. The frame was detailed, he could also see where the wood and metal intertwined with one another. There were no carvings of the divine beasts, Wild noticed suddenly, no marks of duty; just six friends, together and happy.
Wild worlessly looked up at his traveling companions, and only now noticed the river of tears running down his face.
Twilight stepped forwards, offering Wild a tissue, "legend was the one who suggested we do this because we saw how sad you were about not having the original. He and Wind sketched and painted it. Wars and Time got the original image from Flora and learned about the champions for the details on the frame, which Sky and Four both made. Hyrule and I were distracting you so it could be a surprise"
Wild sniffed, happy tears overflowing him, "th-thank you guys, it really means a lot" his voice cracked, "i-um... can we take a new one? With all of us? If you dont mind" he stuttered.
Flora held the Purah Pad, looking through the lens. She called out, telling everyone to move around and making sure they were in shot, "Time, move down, yeah like Warriors, you might not be that tall but you are still out of shot" laugheter errupted out of the others, the old man deadpanned before his face returned to his smile. Flora decided to take advantage of everyone's laughing faces, "Ready?" She giggled, borrowing Purah's iconic phrase "Click-" Twilight grinned mischieviously, "-snap!" And pulled everyone in suddenly with his strong arms.
The image was put up next to the champions painting on the top floor where they all slept. Wild took a step back, smiling softly. Everyone had a mixture of shocked and laughing faces, Wild himself, in the middle with a beaming smile and a tear running down his cheek...
Ao3 (oneshot collection)
Ao3 (the fic on its own)
I have notes and headcanons featured in this fic in the end notes of both of the Ao3 versions
Hope you enjoyed! :)
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spaceless-vacuum · 8 months
For the earlier cat ask and the idea reader has a cat mind when their cat body
When ever adult cat is nearby wind reader hisses at it and maybe start a fight if none of the chain or zeldas or anyone reader trust take them first as they are very protective towards who they consider their kittin and that's wind, Aril and tetra so when ever there is cold nights reader tries to snuggle with them and if their in different places than too bad reader is getting them one place and that's next to them. Wolfie is the only known dog/wolf cat reader allows to be affectionate with them if it's some random dog that finds cat reader, cat reader would start like the stereotypical unwanting affection cat and start running behind any nearby link that's not wind or just go behind or top of wolfie to the pleasure to twilight. When reader starts to notice any of the yanderes showing signs of distress reader will flop on them and start purring and meowing as if talking to them (got that from finding out cats don't show affection or meow to other animals just humans because they know) and for extra measures reader will start snuggling to them as to get their attention. Reader somewhat half aware what fairies are as when ever hearing that jingle they just watch them as if trying not to spook them especially if they can tell its hyrule by his smell and so letting them snuggle on their fur.
I like this idea of the reader being fully cat-like when transformed because we have two members of the chain (possibly three if you count that one version of Time) who can transform into animals.
There's Twilight who is still aware of who and what he is when he's transformed. Yeah he's influenced by his wolf form but he's saware he's a hylian even if the thought escapes his mind from time to time. Even in hylian form he has wolf like tendencies- such as heightened senses and occasional growling- but he knows who and what he is at heart.
Then theres Legend and his rabbit form. Legend is always aware of who he is and doesn't notice any rabbit-like qualities. He had his rabbit like traits before he got his transformation and if it made any traits of his stronger he did not equate it to the newfound transformation. Yeah he stomps his foot, tears things apart for play or when he's upset, and gets into trouble for the fun of it but that was before his transformation as well so what's the big deal?
The bunny in him does not like it when the cat comes over and throws themselves on top of him. Biting his neck, kicking and trying to drag him down. Your claws are sheathed and it's all for good fun but he does wish you wouldn't scare him like that. At least you're not attacking him while he's a rabbit. That'd be embarrassing and terrifying.
Twilight is happy for more littermates. You and the pup get along so well. You're always there following behind him and it reminds Twilight of when he first met the champion as Wolfie. He has a theory that the champ has a way with animals that makes them feel safer with him, like the stable dogs he feeds or the horses who warm up to him so quickly- but Wild assures him it's just because he knows his way around wild animals and not some strange ability.
When you're not stuck by the Wild’s side, catching a nap with Sky, or bothering Time you're over with Wind. Walking a few steps behind him on standby should he need any extra protection. The curious teen has little experience with cats but is always trying to play games with you. Running around so you have to chase him is always fun, especially when you get fussy because he's nullifying your protection by running away from you.
The one time a dog in town saw you and chased you because they thought it was a game you wound up jumping into Time’s arms. The man happily carried you around all day. Petting youto calm you down while Twilight chased the offender down. He chose to take you with him on his shopping trip. Letting you charm the owners while he did some bargain shopping. You sniffed each fruit he bought just to make sure nothing was wrong with it, Wolfie would have done a better job but Time trusts your judgement.
After an excruciating nightmare you'll curl around the boys. Keeping them safe while they try to wake back up. Purring and making biscuits to give them a distraction. They're always so wound up after having a nightmare. Crowded visions of past mistakes and failures all fade away as you help them come back to reality. They smile brightest the morning after as they give you whatever cat suitable treats they have before getting ready for the next day.
Hyrule sneaks out of camp in fairy form from time to time. He likes to find the most relaxing flower to sleep in. Waking up to find you nosing the flower was a bit strange. The vision of a cat startled him at first as most cats tend to chase fairies and minish around. This cat was friendly however. Just trying to catch the scent of their friend a bit better.
Later when he got back into camp you watched him perched in a tree with perfectly curated feline eyes. The melodic ringing of bells is always a sure fire way to tell that fairies are around. He pretended he didn't see you and changed back to a hylian, another such night he skipped the change and just went over to lay on you. The warm fur of your outstretched back made for a fine sleeping roll.
The group stops by a fairy fountain in Wind's era. It's so close to his home they couldn't resist the detour. You are following Wind through the forest when he stops by the spring. The melodic hum of music fills your ears and you can see soft glowing lights surround the warriors.
Your gaze bounces from one fairy orb to another as they all flow so happily around each Link. Stopping to give thanks and blessings for a safe journey. The lights fill your vision and movement in the corner of your eyes just keeps drawing you to more and more of them. The forest is full of these amazing lights that captivate you.
Taglist: @wife-of-magic-monkeys
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Whumptober day 15- makeshift bandages
Sorry I’m a little late, I slept in fhsksbkssbsk. Anyways this one is kinda silly, idk what I’m doing with whumptober but I’ve had this idea in my head where Legend meets the dads so here’s this silly lil thing dbsksbsksbk.
Warning for a bloody stab wound.
Legend stared out at the ocean, listening to the waves as they crashed against the beach he was on. He breathed in the salty breeze, several old memories flooding his mind from the smell and sounds. He had mixed feelings about the ocean. On one hand, it reminded him of the pain and loss he had to endure, but on the other hand, he had the best memories at the beach. Whenever he got overwhelmed he would try to find a beach area to unwind, occasionally humming his song…
He was lucky that he was close enough to a beach in this world. The other heroes were great, but they would always burst into arguments and overwhelm Legend. In order to keep himself from getting riled up, he’d walk away, and so he found a beautiful beach to think about all that’s happened to him. He stared out at the horizon, watching the land across from him. But something was strange about it when he really studied it. He narrowed his eyes and noticed that there was a boat traveling to where he was.
A boat?
If Legend recalled correctly, they were the only ones here. So who was on that boat? And why were they heading towards them? He stood up and watched the boat closely. He didn’t know what that was, but he might as well figure it out before it got too close. Legend took off his clothes and took a deep breath, praying that no one could see him now, and he jumped into the water. He felt the familiar magic twisting his bones around and fusing his legs together into a beautiful pink fish tail, and he pushed against the water towards the boat. When he got close he kept his distance, but stared at the bottom of the boat. He didn’t know what he was expecting, he couldn’t see the people on the boat so he didn’t know if they were a threat. He circled the boat for a little bit, finally popping out of the water to get a good look at the people onboard. He only saw one person, but from what he could tell, they weren’t a monster. Was that the puppeteer? Legend narrowed his eyes, but he couldn’t see the person very clearly. Truthfully he didn’t know what the puppeteer looked like. But he was from either Sheikah, Hylian, or Gerudo from what he heard, so he should be on this boat, right?
The person Legend was watching suddenly looked at him, and Legend quickly dove back into the water, panicking. He wasn’t supposed to be seen.
Legend quickly swam underneath the boat, trying to head back to shore to report on what he saw. Just when he was out in the open, a sharp pain went through his tail, and he let out a scream. Legend sunk to the ocean floor as his tail throbbed, and he looked at it to see a spear straight through his tail. Blood was mixing in with the water, and the pain was so bad that he couldn’t move his tail. He quickly reached for the spear, trying to gather up the courage to pull it out, but the pain was too much. A shadow went over him, and Legend noticed that the boat was on top of him. They’re after him, he thought in horror. He was going to get captured and possibly tortured for information on the other heroes, or he was going to get murdered for being a mermaid or for being a hero or something. He needed to get out now, but he couldn’t move his tail, he was stuck. He turned and saw a net coming towards him, and he gasped as he was scooped off the ocean floor, his tail throbbing as he folded up in the net. The net pulled up quickly, and Legend broke the surface coughing.
“Let me go! Let me go!” He started yelling as the net pulled him closer to the boat. He weakly punched the air, trying to land a hit on his captors.
“Woah woah woah! Hey it’s ok, it’s ok!” He heard a man yell out, and he was cut free from the net and was carried out gently, which surprised Legend. Was he not a captive?
Legend let out a yelp when he slipped out of the man’s hold, and he fell to the ground harshly. He heard the man curse under his breath and he was leaned up against him.
“Nice going Rusl.”
“I didn’t think he’d be so slippery!”
“He’s part fish, what did you expect?”
“I—I don’t know! Leave me alone!”
Legend looked up at the man he was leaned up against, who he assumed was named Rusl. He had dirty blonde hair that reached to the middle of his neck, with some scruffy facial hair on his chin and an interesting mustache around his mouth. He had light blue eyes and had a gentle expression when he looked down at Legend. He frowned apologetically and rubbed Legend’s arm.
“That got you good,” he muttered, looking at Legend’s injured tail, where another man with reddish-blonde hair looked over. “How… how does it look, Leon?”
Leon gave Rusl a look before returning to his tail.
“Well, the spear went right through his tail so, I can’t imagine it’s anything good,” he answered, grabbing the spear which caused Legend to whimper. “Linebeck, look away,” he said, and Legend noticed a tall man with dark brunette hair turn away, looking nauseous. Rusl held onto Legend’s hand as Leon broke the spear in half, pulling it through his tail. Legend hissed at the pain and felt his tail go numb.
“Hey Leon, did you ever consider that doing that would cause splinters?” A very short man who looked a lot like Hyrule stepped up, staring at the broken spear concerned.
“He’ll be fine.”
“Not if he has splinters.”
“He’ll be fine.”
Legend gulped and looked at his bleeding tail, feeling dizzy from the sight as Leon put pressure on the wound. He felt the magic twisting through his legs and he groaned in pain as his tail split back into two legs. Leon yelped at the sight, throwing his red cape over Legend before continuing to deal with his legs.
“Woah,” he heard Rusl mumble at the sight. “You can turn into a… fish?”
Legend let out a pained breath, smiling at the kind man. “A mermaid.”
“I see. I’ve never heard of mermaids before…”
“Yeah, well, I’m not really a mermaid, it’s just an item that I use whenever I get into water.”
Rusl stared at him blankly, and Legend chuckled at his confusion.
“It’s weird I know.”
Rusl smiled as Leon sat up and turned behind him. “Oy, Talon,” he called out, “bring me some bandages!”
“We don’t have any bandages!” He heard the man named Talon yell back. He sounded like he was inside the boat.
“Then bring me something that can be used as a bandage for Din’s sake!”
“Ok ok, don’t cuss at me!”
Legend took a deep breath, trying not to pass out from the pain and the blood, and Rusl rubbed his arm again.
“I’m so sorry about this,” he mumbled, and Legend waved it away.
“It’s ok, thank you for taking care of me—“ Legend was interrupted when he saw a man walk up to Leon with bandages. He felt his heart stop when he nearly recognized him, and he sat up, almost hitting Rusl’s chin with his head. “T-Tarin?” He blurted out, and the man looked at him in surprise. He looked behind him and looked back with confusion plastered on his face.
“Are ya talkin’ to me?” He asked, and Legend felt disappointment and embarrassment when he realized that he was definitely not Tarin. His hair was thinning at the top, his facial hair connected all the way to his sideburns, and his blue eyes did not match Tarin’s dark brown eyes. Legend looked down, tears uncontrollably welling up.
“I-I’m so s-sorry—I thought you were someone else,” he stammered.
“Oh, it’s ok kid, no harm done,” Talon said softly, handing a shirt to Leon. While Leon tore the shirt apart and began wrapping his leg, Legend stared at Talon. He had such a kind face, and now that he was looking at him more, he was looking a lot like his uncle. A lump formed in his throat and he looked away.
“So, uh, what’s your name?” Talon asked, breaking the silence.
“I’m Link,” Legend said without thinking. He probably should’ve kept his identity a secret, but these men were all so kind that he didn’t think about it. Leon froze and looked at him intensely.
“You’re Link? Are you traveling with other Links?”
“Um…” Legend stopped himself this time. They were all looking for the group… was it smart to say yes? “I… uh… I don’t know.”
“… you don’t know?”
“Uh… well I…” Legend looked around, panic beginning to bubble up in his chest. Rusl cleared his throat and Legend looked up at him.
“We’re only asking because we’re looking for our respective Links,” he explained. “Y’see, my son is Link, and most of us here also have a son named Link, we were hoping that our Links would all be together.”
Legend narrowed his eyes. Rusl’s son was Link? Which Link was he the father to? He honestly looked nothing like them. Not to mention his ears were rounded, not pointed. Was his son Sky? Sky had very small ears, but so did Warriors, maybe Warriors was his son…
“Hey,” Leon interrupted Legend’s thoughts. “It’s a simple question, are you traveling with Links?”
“Leon he’s overwhelmed, be patient with him,” Talon muttered, and Leon sighed.
“I-I’m sorry, Link,” he muttered, and Legend smiled.
“Hey, it’s ok. Who’s your son?”
Leon sat up straight, a hopeful gleam in his eye. “Um, his name is also Link… and uh… he has long blonde hair, he’s kind of braided it on one side though, and he’s very young…”
Legend hummed. “That sounds like Four.”
Leon nearly jumped up at that, causing Talon to yelp slightly.
“Four? As in the Four sword?”
“Uh, y-yes. We had to give each other nicknames so… he’s known as Four, mostly ‘cause of his eyes but also because of his four sword.”
Leon smiled slightly, then looked down. “He’s alright?”
“Last time I checked, yeah. He’s safe and sound.”
Leon sat back, running a hand through his hair, looking relieved. Legend smiled and sat up away from Rusl.
“Really, all the Links I’m traveling with are fine. I’m sure they’d be happy to see you.”
The men all made different sounds of relief at that, but Legend couldn’t help but notice the Linebeck man watching him strangely. Leon finished tying his bandages and gave his knee a pat.
“We'll take you inside, and maybe we’ll find you some clothes you can put on.”
Legend wrapped the red cape around him tighter in embarrassment. “Um… it’s ok my clothes are all on the beach.”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with,” Leon said, standing up. “Ok Linebeck you’re safe to look.”
“No, no you are not safe to look, Linebeck. There’s blood everywhere,” The short brown haired man stopped the tall man.
“Oh come on, his leg isn’t bleeding,” Leon muttered.
“There’s still blood everywhere!”
Legend chuckled at the men bantering, they reminded him of his own group. Rusl gave a small sigh and pulled Legend closer to him.
“Let me take you inside then,” he said softly. “I am… so sorry about this.”
Legend wrapped his arms around his neck as he was lifted off the ground. “Hey, it’s ok. I’m sure it wasn’t your fault anyways.”
Legend heard the others snort.
“No it was definitely his fault,” Leon said.
“I said that I saw a mermaid,” Linebeck started up, “and Rusl wasted no time to grab a spear and chuck it into the water.”
“He was so fast I didn’t have time to process what was going on!” The short brunette chuckled.
“He has a good aim I must admit.” Legend saw a different man with strikingly blue eyes leaning against a strange bird man. “It’s not easy to throw spears into the water, I’ve definitely tried.”
Rusl looked down ashamed. “Guys, enough.”
Talon picked up on his mood and stood up. “Alright y’all, let Rusl put Link inside. Leave him alone.”
The other men stopped and Rusl quickly turned to enter the inside of the boat. Legend watched him quietly as he was settled down in a bed. Rusl grabbed some blankets and set them down on top of Legend, and before he could leave, Legend grabbed his arm.
“Hey… it’s ok,” he said firmly. Rusl stared at him for a moment but smiled.
“Get some rest. We’ll get you once we reach the beach.”
Legend nodded and watched as Rusl left the bottom deck. He sighed and laid down, happily letting himself get rest.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 6 months
Mask Off 🍌
Traysi, head editor of the Lucky Clover Gazette, has been kidnapped by the Yiga Clan! Will Link be able to save his friend before she falls victim to his not-greatest-but-still-somewhat-frustrating enemies?
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Chapter 1/? (2096 words)
“It’s those guys,” Penn mutters, more to himself than anyone else. He motions to his own face. “You know, the ones with the…” “Noses?” asks the stablehand. “No, the masks! They all wear masks!” Link’s blood goes cold. The Yiga Clan has kidnapped Traysi. What in Hyrule did she write?
Read the rest on ao3 or under the cut:
Rumor Mill: Volume 2
Greetings from Traysi—your source for the best gossip and news!
Have you been hearing any good stories on your travels? I've got a great one for you today!
The Sword that Seals the Darkness
The only one who can wield this sword carries the blood of the hero in their veins.
That's what they say about this special blade! Rumor has it the blade has been hidden away in a forest somewhere...
I have to admit that this rumor really has me interested, but sometimes you have to face reality.
My reality is... There isn't any hero in my bloodline, so this sword would just be a big paperweight to me...
Traysi's Recommendation: ★☆☆☆☆
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Link pockets a brightbloom seed and sighs. That voice is unmistakable—there must be trouble up above. His journalistic partner Penn has a knack for placing himself in newsworthy situations.
He raises his hand towards the ceiling and ascends to the surface, right beside the cooking pot and a light brown Hylian Retriever. Penn, an unusual-looking Rito, speaks frantically to the stable attendant Kenyo.
“She’s gone!” Penn exclaims, waving his wings in the air. “The boss, she’s been kidnapped!”
Link’s frown deepens. Penn’s boss is also technically his boss, and she’s not the kind of boss that leaves a heart container when she’s killed. If Traysi, lead editor of the Lucky Clover Gazette, is really in danger… well, she isn’t exactly a castle knight. He’s not even sure she knows how to use a sword.
Wait. Kidnapped?
“I’m sorry, sir,” says Kenyo, “but I’m not sure how I can help.”
Penn groans. “Where’s a hero when you need one?”
Link isn’t surprised by Penn’s obliviousness. He tends to go relatively unnoticed while traveling, due to his small stature and typically casual dress. Sure, some people recognize the sword on his back and his magical arm, but they’re few and far between. And in Penn’s case, their boss has intentionally kept him in the dark about Link—for ‘journalistic objectivity,’ she’d once privately explained.
“It’s those guys,” Penn mutters, more to himself than anyone else. He motions to his own face. “You know, the ones with the…”
“No, the masks! They all wear masks!”
Link’s blood goes cold. The Yiga Clan has kidnapped Traysi.
What in Hyrule did she write?
He clears his throat, but Penn remains fixed on Kenyo. Link sighs, grabs a nearby wooden spoon, and hits it against the side of the cooking pot.
“Link!” Penn exclaims, darting over to the familiar face. “My faithful reporting assistant! Something absolutely terrible has happened to our esteemed editor.”
Link nods. Penn glances behind his back, suddenly suspicious. “Do you know a place we can talk… privately? They could be anywhere. I trust you with the details, but everyone else…”
Penn eyes the Hylian Retriever suspiciously. Link would find his wariness rather silly, if not for the fact that the Yiga Clans regularly disguise themselves as random Hylians, cuccos, and even trees just to ruin his day.
He leads Penn to the well and climbs over the edge.
“Wait!” Penn whisper-yells. “You expect me to go down there?!”
Link meets his eyes, willing him to understand. Our friend is in danger. We don’t have time to waste.
Before the Calamity, Link had restrained himself from speaking out of duty. He’d been a rather gregarious child, but took a voluntary vow of silence just before his assignment as Princess Zelda’s knight. Over time, he’d grown comfortable enough in her presence, and her presence alone, to occasionally speak. But it usually felt like a favor to her, more than anything else. As a very vocal person herself, it made sense that she’d see his speech as a sign of growth.
After his century of restoration, Link had traveled the world for nearly a year. Not with his father, not with the knights or Champions, not even with Zelda herself—just him, alone. And he didn’t really have a reason to speak. Most things were on a strictly need-to-know basis, and he’d ultimately freed the Divine Beasts alone. He’d found other ways to communicate with his newfound allies, people from a time that wasn’t even his. He was a visitor in their world, send from the past to save them all.
So he did save them all, and Princess Zelda too. But then time... just kept passing. And they all just kept living. Distant allies became close and treasured friends, and all the places he used to just visit became his home.
These days, Link occasionally does talk, mostly to keep other people safe and informed. The fact that he can do this without issue is a great improvement to the way he’d silenced himself before the Calamity. Especially after the Upheaval, his voice has served him well.
But mostly, when he is given the choice, Link still prefers to remain silent. He often finds that words only complicate the world’s simple truths anyway. His friends do their best to respect his unique communicative habits, although it occasionally causes some frustration. Eventually, even Zelda came to understand that his silence is a choice, rather than a limitation. Link has always admired that quality of hers—the willingness to change.
He pictures the Light Dragon soaring through Hyrule’s skies and winces at his own poor choice of words. Yet another reason he prefers silence.
“Fine,” Penn groans, glaring distastefully down the well. “But only because the boss is in trouble.”
Link gives him a thumbs-up and slides himself inside. The fall is brief and broken by a small pool of water. Several hot-footed frogs scatter as he wades over to dry land.
Penn drifts downward into the small cave, skipping the water entirely. He regards the moss and lichen with mild disgust. “Do you spend a lot of your time in these kinds of places, partner?”
Link shrugs. He rather enjoys the sound of rushing water, and the quiet stable music from above. A sticky lizard falls onto him from the ceiling and he doesn’t even flinch.
“What was that?!” Penn exclaims, as the yellow creature skitters away. “Oh, forget it.”
Link gestures to an imaginary mask on his face. Mimicry, he’s found, can be an incredibly effective method of communication.
“Right,” says Penn, nodding his determination. “Okay, I’ll give you the scoop.”
Link plucks a nearby brightcap and bites into it like an apple.
“Ever since the Princess Zelda case went cold,” Penn tells him, “the boss has been searching for new leads to follow. First it was the disappearance of the Guardians and Sheikah technology, but when we sent investigators to Kakariko Village they were all turned away. But we both know that Traysi never gives up, so she kept digging on her own.”
Link raises an eyebrow and points to himself. Why didn’t she ask me?
Penn bursts out laughing. “Sorry, pal, but I think all that Sheikah stuff might be a little above your pay grade.”
Penn may be oblivious to Link’s true identity, but Traysi isn’t. She knows exactly who he is, although he supposes he’s not exactly the easiest person to track down. He should visit the Gazette more often, to give her the opportunity to check in. He still enjoys her company, even though he’s already earned the Froggy Armor and learned Zelda’s fate.
Which… maybe that’s why Traysi hasn’t asked him for help. When she’d asked what happened to Zelda, Link just teleported himself away, hoping that she’d run with the Demon King story instead.
“And there’s always the Demon King,” Penn continues, “but all we have on him is history. Traysi says people don’t care about history, they want current events. And we can only run the headline ’Demonic Demagogue Does Dastardly Deeds in Desolate Depths’ so many times before people start to complain. Although maybe it’s the alliteration, not the repetition, that really gets under their skin…”
Link takes another loud bite out of the raw mushroom.
“Anyway,” Penn continues, “the Guardian stuff was a no-go. But she found something else while looking into the Sheikah, a story she seemed even more excited to chase: the Yiga Clan.”
That surprises Link. He had no idea that the Yiga were connected to the Sheikah—although in retrospect, their symbol literally being the upside-down Sheikah symbol isn’t exactly subtle.
“We’ve mentioned them before in the Gazette,” Penn explains, “but only while debunking rumors about the Princess. They do like to disguise themselves as Zelda, huh?”
That, they do. The worst time was on the Great Plateau, where a not-Zelda had been waiting for Link at a fire near the Cave of Resurrection. For just a second, he’d let his guard down and hoped it was her. But then he looked up at the sky and saw the Light Dragon overhead.
Like all Yiga footsoldiers, not-Zelda had managed to teleport away before Link could land a final blow. Normally Link is fine with that—he’s not exactly eager to take Hylian lives—but in that specific instance he would have been very tempted to make an exception.
“I’m sure it drives her swordsman crazy,” says Penn. “Poor guy.”
Link nods sympathetically. Penn proceeds.
“After learning about the Yiga Clan’s history, Traysi started digging into their present operations. She sent a few brave reporters to the Great Plateau, but they all returned empty-handed. All they found were some perfectly nice travelers and researchers and a few weird frog statues.”
Link points to Penn. Why didn’t you go?
Penn shake his head. “Way too dangerous, partner. We’re writers, not fighters. I have no idea how you managed to survive so many scuffles while we were in the field. And Traysi… she’s mentioned looking after herself during the Rumor Mill days, but it’s been years since she’s been on the beat.”
Link remembers meeting Traysi during his post-Calamity adventures, when she’d been kept out of Gerudo town despite her gender very much being female. From the conversations he overheard between Traysi and the guard, it seemed that they’d simply found her annoying.
“I came into work today and she was gone,” Penn recalls. “I searched the entire stabl—uh, base of operations—but the only thing I found was…”
He pulls a familiar red talisman out of his messenger bag. Link is all-too-familiar with the Yiga Clan’s literal calling card.
He points to his own eyes. Did anyone else see anything?
“Juannelle spent the night in Rito Village and Douma is chasing down a lead in Goron City,” Penn reports. “Really, what’s the point of running a newspaper with your sisters if they can’t even save you from kidnapping?”
Link wonders if anyone in the history of Hyrule has ever said those words in that order before.
“Oh, and Galli’s on paid leave because he threw out his back chopping wood.”
Link finishes his mushroom and takes the Yiga talisman from Penn.
“Good idea,” says Penn. “Find a hero and pass that on to them. It might be a hard ask, though—it seems like most people are completely unaware of the Yiga Clan.”
Penn might be surprised that most Hylians haven’t noticed the Yiga Clan, but after eight years in this post-Calamity world Link has accepted that most people experience life in a very different way from himself. They have no reason to pay attention to mysterious assassins or giant bleeding chasms, because those things aren’t their duty to confront. Most normal Hylians spend their time thinking about what to make for breakfast, or admiring the sunset over the sea.
Link often reminds himself that he, too, deserves to indulge in life’s simplicities. It’s why he took the job at the Lucky Clover Gazette, instead of simply investigating Princess Zelda’s disappearance on his own. It’s why he spends hours a week transporting koroks to their friends, even though Hestu has already fully upgraded his weapons capacity. And it’s why even now, long after he solved the mystery of Zelda’s fate, he still occasionally stops by the Gazette’s headquarters in the old Rito stable. Because Penn and Traysi are his friends, and he likes to make sure they’re okay.
It’s nice to remind himself that most of his friends are okay.
“I’ll hold down the fort while you search,” Penn tells Link. He seems quite relieved to have someone else on this specific case. “SOAR LOOOOOONG!”
Penn salutes, as he always does, and then he flies directly into the ceiling. Link offers him a mushroom to offset the damage.
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🥺🥺🥺 Of course, Anon. Oh gosh, the big lug would be so worried about you too. Okay, okay, I got you. Daruk taking care of sick reader (and getting some help from his friends along the way!):
A large hand descended gently on your forehead. He always ran warm, but the way you shivered and shook under those pelts he thought was normally reserved for cold weather responses - and yet here you were, burning up even on his skin. Daruk's long, white eyebrows turned up in concern. His biology being so different from yours, he didn't understand what exactly what was wrong at first. Thankfully some travelling Hylians managed to clarify once Daruk explained to them how you were feeling. You were dealing with a really bad cold - which would make sense to you having just come from the Hebra mountainside two days ago and running out of spicy elixirs about halfway through your trip. The temperature swap from bone-chilling cold to sweltering heat within that timeframe had caused you to get pretty sick. So much so that you were reduced to a weak mess, groaning from the febrile chills and body aches that plagued you. A message had been sent out to Princess Mipha, directly from Daruk, asking for a healing potion that would hopefully fix you right up; having seen her heal people constantly, Daruk figured she was the best person to ask. Upon feeling his hand on your forehead, you stirred at the contact, a pained wince escaping you. Daruk didn't mean to wake you, but seeing as you were now, he carefully rummaged through your pack. Pouring some water into a small bowl, he kneeled next to you, "Up you go, sweetheart," as his hand came behind your head to prop you up. Your whole body felt akin to lead and ice, but you did your best to lift your head regardless. Daruk touched the bowl to your lips, gently leaning it back as you drank. When you'd had enough, you settled back under the pelts, shivers wracking your entire body in horrid waves. The Goron champion made his way to your kitchen, pulling a rag from your pack on the way; he doused it with water, remembering the words of those Hylian travelers who explicitly mentioned that cool cloths would help bring your temperature down. Before long you felt the touch of a cool, damp cloth lay across your forehead. An involuntary whine escaped you, "Shhh, I know, I know, I'm sorry," Daruk cooed, gingerly dragging his thumb down to carefully caress your warmed cheek. The soft strokes on your skin were comforting, and even though you couldn't see him because your eyes refused to open, you knew his touch meant 'I'm here'. The stoney stalwart was admittedly terrified to see you in a such a state. Gorons weren't prone to getting sick like this, and with his knowledge being next to nothing on Hylian illness, he felt almost helpless. Knowing what he does now, he was determined to stay by your side until you were completely better. He'd learned to make some porridges as an easy meal to help you build your strength back up. At one point he'd heard your weakened voice call for him, "Daruk..." you croaked through your shivering, eyes barely half open. His worried expression carried over in his voice, "What's wrong? Are you in pain?" Try as you might, you couldn't find the words to ask him what it was you wanted, so instead you used the very little strength you had to push yourself into his arms - which in actuality ended up with you barely being able to drape your arms over his crossed legs. However, Daruk had caught onto what you wanted, picking you up as gently as he could, and holding your tired frame close in his arms. You snuggled into his chest, relishing the heat his body gave off. He pressed his lips to your temple, frowning at how warm your body still was - but he understood that what you wanted was comfort. Daruk held you that way for a while, rubbing your back as you shook in his hold and kissing away any of your pained whines and moans. When he finally got you back to your bed so you could rest some more, he'd heard a gentle knock at the door. The airy woosh of wings sounded outside of your bedroom before Daruk had finally made his way to answer the commotion. A blue scarf, much like his own, had caught Daruk’s eye. "I assume this little bottle isn't for you, is it?" came the smooth voice of Revali, his Rito champion companion. "’Fraid not," answered Daruk, who quickly looked back at your bedroom door, just as you groaned from your aching. Revali held out his wing, “You’re lucky, I happened to be at Zora’s Domain picking up some fish - Mipha had asked me to drop this off,” he dropped the bottle into Daruk’s hand, “She said to add some of the hot spring water you have here in the mountains.” Daruk slowly curled his fist around the glass, a grateful smile gracing his face, the spring water would be perfect to help you feel better, that he was sure of!  Turning on his talons, Revali gave a short ‘hmph’, “Normally I wouldn’t waste my time to go out of my way to Eldin,” he turned halfway toward his comrade, a small smile barely peeking through his beak, “...But I suppose it’s different when it’s your friends that are in need.”  His Goron cohort chuckled, “Yer alright, Revali,” Daruk swiped at his nose, “And ya have my thanks.” Wordlessly the Rito champion took off with Daruk shortly making his way to the nearest hot spring to gather a bit of it into the bottle and shake up the concoction. It turned an earthy red, a familiar color he’d seen on the battlefield before when training with his fellow champions not too long ago. He wasted no time waking you once more to sip the potion, your face screwing up in disgust from the aftertaste. But as soon as you did, you felt your shivering start to diminish, the pelts covering you comfortably now instead of barely keeping in the warmth you constantly sought.  Large fingers held to your forehead once more, a rumbly sigh of solace sounding just above you. Your eyes fluttered open, “Daruk...?”  His smile was warm, dark blue eyes filled with relief and contentment. A hand cradled your back as he helped you sit upright, “Ya almost had me in a panic there, sweetheart...never seen ya that sick before.” You eased yourself into his big arms, “I’m sorry, hunny, I didn’t mean to make you worry so much.”  Kisses were pressed into your cheek and forehead as he held you tight against him, “I’m just glad you’re feelin’ better.” It was your turn to give him a kiss, though yours was one of gratitude.  “Knowing I’ve got the great Daruk to take care of me, I was bound to be better in no time.” Daruk couldn’t stop the wide grin that stretched across his face, happy as ever to see you feeling like yourself already. He’d have to remember to thank his friends for the timely assistance. 
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artemistorm · 10 months
Avalanche rescue pt 5
Haha JK this isn't the last chapter in this story XD, got at least 1 more cuz I had to split this chapter up.
Tw - hypothermia, mention of blood, unconsciousness
Other parts if you haven't read them yet:
[Pt 1] [Pt 2] [Pt 3] [Pt 4]
******* (947 words)
Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig Wolfie and Bunny pup quick dig around Special Cub, but cub buried deep. Cub tried help dig, but hands shake, too cold. Wolfie mouth-grab spade, took away.
“Cub no dig!” He woofed.  Wolfie borrowed blanket from blanket pile around Smallest pup, gave to Special cub. “Cub be still, warm up!”
“Th-thanks Wolfie.“ Wild said taking the blanket and wrapping it around his head and shoulders. ”I can still help be part of my own rescue you know. My hands do still work.”
“Too slow! In the way!” Wolfie told him. Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig--
 “It's not like you were making very much progress on your own with that tiny spade,” Legend said. “Don't worry about it; we got it.”
Dig dig dig dig... sniff sniff listen... noisy snow-walking noises, big Hylian smell... rest of pack coming!
“Here! We're HEEEERRREEEE!!!!” Wolfie howled, tail wagging. Pack almost together again!
Wolfie took off chasing the smell and the noise. Bring pack to camp-den.
“I smell you! Come here!” Wolfie called.
“There's Wolfie again, we must be almost there!” Wind exclaimed.
“Hi! Hi! Hi!” Wolfie rubbed against Baby pup. “Come on!”
“Yep, there they are!” Hyrule pointed. “Come on Sky, we're almost there.”
“Heyyyy! There you guys are!” Legend smiled as the rest of the Chain emerged from the trees. “Are you all okay?”
“No major injuries, but Sky's having trouble breathing again and Wars is probably hypothermic,” Hyrule reported importantly. “Are you guys alright?” He glanced quickly from Legend to Wild to Four sleeping in the ground, his eyes lingering on Four.
“The two of us are just peachy,” Legend answered. “Four's had a rough time of it, but he'll be fine with some rest and potions.”
“Give me a minute... to catch my breath... but I've got some digging mitts... I can help dig up Wild,” Sky huffed.
“Nope!” Wolfie yipped. “Sky pup rest!” Wolfie block Sky pup and lean into legs. “Sky pup sit!”
“Wolfie!” Sky teeted against the weight pressing against his legs before falling back into the snow.
“Hehehehe Wolfie says no,” Wind laughed. “Pass me your mitts! I wanna try them out!”
Yes! Baby pup use digger claws to help dig up Special Cub!  Wolfie quick-lick Sky pup's face, went back to Special cub.
Hole around Special cub deep and steep, hard for Wolfie to get in and dig around. Front legs tired from deep-snow running and dig dig digging. But almost done. Only Special Pup left stuck. Wolfie rest soon but not yet! Time to dig!
Dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig--
“Hyrule, why don't you start making a pot of something hot to drink?“ Time said. ”Warriors, do you mind checking on Four? Make sure he's warm enough?”
“Sure, I can do that,” Hyrule said cheerily.
“I have ssome safflina in my pouch you cann use,” Wild said patting his belt pouch. “Just unburied.”
“Nah, I have some I stole from you last week while you were sleeping,” Hyrule dismissed him.
“I'll do it, but I see what you're trying to do Old Man,” Warriors said.
“You should change out... of your wet clothes,” Sky said, his breathing starting to calm down.
“You BOTH should,” Hyrule said.
Pack work together to dig up Special Cub--Bunny Pup and shovel, Old Father and extra shovel, Baby pup and digger claws, and Wolfie digging paws. Special Cub wiggle wiggle wiggle and Wolfie dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig--knees free!
“I'm going to lift you out, okay? Try to slip out of your boots,” Time said.
“Okay.” Special cub nodded, held up his arms to Old Father. Old Father grab Special Cub around middle, lifted and pulled. Wolfie grab Special cub pants and pulled too! Together pull Special Cub free!
Old Father carried Special cub to other cold pups. Wolfie stayed right beside. Old Father set down cub on blanket.
“Yay! Yay! Special cub free!” Wolfie whined, rubbed against Special cub sides and back, licked face.
“Wolfie, he'll be fine,” Old Father pulled Wolfie away. “The others are taking care of him. Can you help me get his boots out of the snow and fill in the big hole?”
“NoOoOoOo,” Wolfie whined. “Fine. I help,” Wolfie huffed. Wolfie wanted to snuggle with cold pups. Wolfie was tired puppy.
“Wolfie's done a lot for us today. Why don't you let him rest?” Sky said.
“I'll take over for him,” Warriors volunteered. ”As long as there's another shovel somewhere.”
“You should be warming up near the fire,” Time shook his head. “You were buried for a long time.”
“I've changed clothes and the physical labor will warm me up,” Warriors said.
“...alright then. You hear that Wolfie? You're off the hook.”
“Just take it easy with your bad shoulder,” Hyrule told Warriors. “Don't make me heal it again.”
“It's fine, Rule, don't worry about it.”
Wolfie curl around Special cub, nuzzle hair, lick cold ear, happy whine and tail wag.
“Thanks for digging me up Wolfie,” Wild grinned and leaned into Wolfie.
“Let's get you out of those wet clothes,” Sky said. “Wolfie why don't you go sit with Four for now?”
That's right! Smallest pup hurt cold. Need Wolfie to lick face and wake pup up. Wolfie went to Smallest pup, curled around head, lay down. Feel good to lay down, rest tired limbs. Slow sniff Smallest pup fur--blood and snow and wet fur and healing light. Fur messy. Pup need grooming. Lick lick lick lick lick...
To be continued! Almost there! :D
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Whumptober Day1
(“How many fingers am I holding up?”)
Fair warning: I do not have all of the prompts done. I did what I could (:
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“Yes, I can fly,” Wild put another spoon of food in his mouth.
Warriors saw Twilight’s hand frantically passing his neck. Don’t ask! “With like a giant bird? Or is it one of those “rune” things?” Warriors still asked.
Wild smirked and Twilight gave up on his warning, sighing in annoyance. “Well, if you must know, I don’t need anything but a shield and an arrow. I can show you during the next monster attack.” Twilight felt relief flush through him before Wild spoke again and after a long pause. “Or, I could show you now…”
“How about we not show them now. The first option is much safer than the later.” Twilight pleaded.
Time was away with Legend, probably washing themselves off in the river nearby instead of actually getting firewood. That being said, the next three oldest were the only lines of defense.
“Maybe you should just explain it and not do it?” Sky suggested, nervousness evident in his voice.
“Fuck that, I wanna see!” Wind cheered with Four at his side. They started chanting after that, “Do it, do it, do it, do it!”
“No!” Twilight protested.
“Alrighty! I’ll show you,” Wild set his bowl down and reached for the Sheikah Slate. Twilight got to it first and started waving it in the air. Being close to average height was an asset on Twilight’s part.
“You will not be blowing yourself up!” Twilight screeched. Wild ran after him. You could tell that it was a dead sprint. “Sky!” Twilight threw it as hard as he could in the Skyloftian’s direction. It landed on the ground ten feet away from Sky. Sky made a dash for it. Wild was chasing him now. Sky could see that Wild was starting to slow down, but he was still going far too fast for Sky’s liking.
“Sky! Pass it!” Hyrule shouted. Sky looked back, Wild was catching up to him and he was starting to get tired. But Sky knew better. Hyrule would promote Wild blowing himself up.
“Captain!” Warriors caught the Slate and made an effort to climb a tree. He made it to the top, but Wild was already there. Wild snatched the Slate back and kicked Warriors off the tree. It was a smaller tree. Only seven to ten feet high. He’d be fine.
“Champion, no!” Sky and Twilight shouted, making a dash for that tree. It didn’t help that they were across the entire camp.
“I have some nice elevation here! Who’s ready?” Wind, Four, and Hyrule cheered. The Captain was still laying on the ground, groaning and shaking. “Alright!”
“Champion, please!” Wild realized that they were too close. Wild smirked and jumped off the tree, taking his bow and a bomb out at the same time. He switched to his square bombs and dropped one. He waited for the two bombs to align and when they did, he detonated the sphere bomb. The cube bomb hit him and he flew.
“No!” Twilight watched as his protégé disappeared and wasted no time morphing into his wolf form to find him.
“Wait!” Sky called out. “I’m coming too!” Sky followed Wolfie through the surrounding woods until they found a laid out Champion. The two stood over his unconscious body and sighed.
Twilight morphed back into his Hylian form and shook Wild. He groaned and rolled over. He had a delirious smile on his face. “…Was fun.”
“Was stupid,” Twilight countered, putting Wild in a sitting position. “How are you feeling?”
“Big tree…” Sky looked up. Indeed, there was a big tree.
“You ran into it, didn’t you?” Wild giggled at Sky’s question. Sky looked at Twilight. “This must be a serious concussion…”
Twilight hummed, a frown on his face. Sky shifted slightly, getting his body in front of Wild’s. He held six fingers up. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Wild hummed and then giggled. “One hundred years.”
“He’s too far gone,” Sky sighed. “I’ll carry him back.”
Twilight chuckled for the first time in almost an hour. “No offense to you, Skyloftian, but your stamina is dwarfed in comparison to mine as a wolf.”
“As a wolf,” Sky repeated, a challenging smile on his face. “How about we race as Hylians when we get him settled?”
Twilight chuckled. “As you wish,” he turned back to the giggling Wild. “After we get him settled.”
Twilight turned back into a wolf. Sky helped put Wild on Wolfie’s back. After Wild was secured, Wolfie took off running.
“Wow!” Sky yelled. “This is what we’re doing?” Sky tried to catch up to them. “I see how it is!” He used the last of his energy to scream.
Too many people were laughing when the three came back. It was unsettling. Especially when Time decided to stare Twilight down from across the fire.
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catreginae · 11 months
Thou Shalt Not Fall: The Past - Return to the Castle
Link might be a vampire now, but he still had a role to fulfill.
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View the Master Post here!
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Being at the castle again felt odd and almost wrong. That wasn’t to say Link wasn't happy to be with his friends again, people who actually enjoyed his presence even though they knew he was a vampire, but his condition made him anxious and he knew everybody else was feeling it too. He wasn't sure if he could trust himself. He was convinced he would somehow blow his new secret without the other vampires watching his back all the time. Zelda, thankfully, had no expectations that he was good for duty just because he returned, so his first goal was to get used to being at the castle again.
Tune was surprisingly helpful. He never expected the kid to be so knowledgeable about vampires. If vampires were such a closely held secret, how come Tune knew so much about them? How did Tune always manage to figure out what he needed or what he was concerned about? Link was sure that if he had a moment to sit down and think about it, he could come up with some theories, but as it was, Link was currently distracted with trying to pretend that he was a normal Hylian.
“What did Zelda even tell everybody anyway?” he asked as he rubbed his eyes. Mask and Tune took to sleeping in his room, sometimes sleeping in temporary cots that they set up while he was gone, or sometimes sneaking into his bed sometime during the night. It was their way of letting him know that they were still there for him, but they also used the fact that were in the same room to literally drag him out of bed in the morning. He was beginning to get used to it but he still hated waking up every morning, especially if he woke up because his body hit the floor.
“Just that you had a family emergency to take care of and you were given leave for it... so don’t be surprised if people ask you how your family is.”
Well, it was a good thing there wasn’t a lot of people who knew about his family to question the excuse. He supposed that Zelda wasn’t too far off the mark considering how easily Elena took him in though. He was sure she wouldn’t mind being called family.
“It’s time for breakfast and I’m starving. We can talk and eat,” Mask mumbled.
Link smiled, mostly to himself. He couldn’t believe that they were acting like nothing really changed. He appreciated that. “Okay, fine. You don’t have to pout.”
“I don’t pout.”
“Sure you don’t.”
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It was a few months later when Zelda and Impa called him and Proxi for an emergency meeting and he knew before stepping into Zelda’s office that the news wasn’t good. If there was good news, Zelda tended to come to him, not the other way around.
Link sort of expected what Zelda said, or at least he considered the events a possibly. Ganondorf resurfaced – Link was waiting for him. He knew the man would come back, just not when or where. Lana was requesting help as Ganondorf was approaching, according to a note that Zelda miraculously got from a small gate. It was too bad that Lana could summon creatures and move other people through her gates but she couldn’t move herself through them to get away. Lana could generally take care of herself but against Ganondorf? The fact that she asked for help was enough of an answer.
“We have to help her!” Proxi called out. Link merely nodded as Proxi, who always knew him so well, already said what he wanted to say. He would help her even if she didn’t carry precious cargo. He didn’t need a reason other than the fact they were friends to go and rush to her aid. It just helped that Ganondorf was the man he was looking for too. If he could kill Ganondorf, then they wouldn’t have to worry about him coming to the castle.
“We’ll send whatever help we can,” Impa stated. “I will personally go and lend her whatever aid I can. However, I think the two of you should stay here.”
“With all due respect, General -”
“Link, you’re still adjusting,” Zelda said quietly. “Besides, should Impa and Lana fail, we’ll be needed here. We can’t leave our people undefended. It’ll be up to us to launch a counterattack.”
Link chewed on his lips. He hated what they were saying but he knew he probably wasn’t going to convince them otherwise. Deep down inside, he knew he wasn’t quite ready to fight him just yet. He wouldn’t be a slouch on the battlefield but he didn’t feel like he was at the skill level he was at before he became a vampire. Swordplay used to come easily to him but for some reason, having a sword in his hand didn’t feel quite as right as it did before.
And as nice as it would be if his vampire powers were enough to make sure Ganondorf was no longer a threat, he doubted that his life would be so easy. He had to regain his skills. No, he had to surpass the skills he had previously.
“Isn’t it dangerous to let him come to the castle too? We should be taking the battle to him.”
“Link...” Proxi mumbled.
Zelda looked away, her mouth settled into a frown. Impa didn’t look away but her gaze held no warmth, only calculations.
“I don’t know what the best answer is, Link. All I know is that I can’t bare the thought of leaving Lana alone and I can’t bare the thought of leaving my people either.”
“Okay,” was all he could say as he left. He knew it was inappropriate to just walk out on Impa and Zelda, at least by military standards, but he knew there wasn’t any point in him staying any longer. The decision was already made after all. He didn’t even know why he was called for the meeting if they didn’t actually care about what he had to say.
He would stay if that was what Zelda wanted but he wouldn’t like it.
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Link thought that they were as ready as they possibly could be for Ganondorf’s arrival. Link decided to do his best to prepare the surrounding defenses and drill the troops through exercises just in case Impa and Lana couldn’t repel his attack. He was grateful that he did, even as Ganondorf and his army tore through whatever defense he and Zelda set up. It would have been worse had they not tried at all.
Or at least, that was what he was telling himself as he down a potion that Tune handed him before shoving the empty bottle back into his hands. At least potions seemed to work on him the same, instantly healing the worst of his wounds even before the regeneration kicked in. “Wait, where do you thinking you’re going?” Tune asked.
“Ganondorf is still out there! I can’t just leave Zelda to fight him alone. If we lose today, Hyrule falls. We don’t have a choice.”
“You’re injured. You should rest just a bit longer.”
“I’m fine.”
Proxi hovered between him and Tune for a moment before flying to his side.
“Link, I think you should listen to Tune. You’re just going to lose to Ganondorf again if you go back to fight in that state.”
“I’ll be fine. Besides, we’re going in with a change of plans.”
One of the things that Link and Zelda practiced together once Link returned to the castle was calling upon the power of their pieces of the Triforce whenever they needed it. Before, Link was only able to use it in the heat of the moment, like how he used it to defend Impa and himself against Volga’s flames. He had more control of it now. He didn’t want to use its power if he could help it. Both he and Zelda agreed that it was a last resort.
He couldn’t afford to lose to Ganondorf.
“What does that even mean?” Tune asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” Link mumbled as he left one their remaining forts to charge right back into battle. If he could just use the Triforce to regain the fort Ganondorf was using as his headquarters, then they could potentially trap him and his forces in the middle. They could even sabotage Ganondorf’s ability to plan, organize, and retreat. Without a base of operations, an army could definitely fall.
Link considered using his vampire powers to rush to the gate but instead, he went as fast as his Hylian legs could take him. He had better control of where he was going – the tree was still fresh in his mind – and it didn’t hurt that he was able to take out more of the monsters that Ganondorf was controlling as he got there.
He got to the fort but he wasn’t able to do much of anything before he could sense Ganondorf’s looming and foreboding presence follow him inside. He only had the chance to turn around and raise his sword before Ganondorf closed the distance between them with a long stride – damn his height – and wrapped a hand around his neck and raised him in the air. His sword clattered to the ground.
Link resisted the urge to bare his fangs and hiss. Ganondorf’s presence set him on edge just from the other side of the battlefield, but for Ganondorf to be right in front of him, hands around his neck, made his nerves go haywire. Link tried in vain to pry his fingers off and he knew that if he forced his fangs out, he would have more than enough strength to free himself but he didn’t dare to. He tried to kick but his legs were too short to reach the man. Link didn’t think of himself as short but he was definitely short in comparison to Ganondorf.
“You don’t have to hide anything from me, boy,” Ganondorf chuckled with a smirk. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice the corruption? Did you really think I wouldn’t know what the sorceress did to you? Though, I suppose there is a good reason why you don’t hold the piece of wisdom.”
He wasn’t going to give into his taunts. Anger was boiling in his veins but he wasn’t going to give in, dammit! He wasn’t going to give Ganondorf an inch. He tried to focus his power and he could feel warmth rush in his blood as his piece activated but Ganondorf’s simply grabbed his wrist with his free hand and the feeling instantly died down.
Suddenly, there was a shout from just outside of the fort. He didn’t need his superior hearing to hear Zelda’s voice calling out his name.
“Oh? You’re just going to pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about?” he asked, pulling Link closer so that their faces were just a couple of inches apart. “Tch, just as well. I don’t need you to admit to anything. In fact, let me to test out my theory.”
Link raised an eyebrow when suddenly, the world spun and Link was face to face with one of Zelda’s arrows, imbued with light magic, flying right for him. Ganondorf was holding him in place, and even if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to move fast enough, not even with his vampire powers.
He was blinded by pain when the arrow hit. It felt like his entire body was on fire, spreading from his right shoulder, down his arm, and across his chest. It felt like he was being torn from the inside out. If he screamed, he didn’t hear it over the buzzing in his head. If Ganondorf let him go, he didn’t feel it. He couldn’t feel anything other than his soul being set ablaze and he couldn’t hear anything but the static in his head.
Somehow, he stayed conscious. His vision cleared a little, so he could tell that he was on the ground and that he was probably staring at Ganondorf’s feet, but that was about it. He tried to move but all he could do was twitch his fingers and even that felt completely agonizing.
Ganondorf bent down beside him, grabbing his wrist and pulling his unresponsive body up. Link didn’t even have it in him to hiss or lift his head.
Suddenly, his body was burning with pain again, this time radiating from his left hand. It took his groggy mind a second to realize what this meant, but even if he picked up on it quicker, he was in no shape to stop Ganondorf from taking his piece of the Triforce. He knew the kingdom would be doomed if Ganondorf managed to get his hands on it, but getting hit with one of Zelda’s light arrows made his head spin and quite frankly, it was a miracle Link knew what was happening at all.
The pain didn’t last long at least. Ganondorf let him go, and he passed out as soon as his body hit the ground.
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Tune wished that he watched Wild extract blood from dead monsters more often because he always made it seem so easy. Wild could harvest anything from a monster with an ease and grace that most people didn’t have. Granted, Tune didn’t know he had to study or take notes because he was completely unaware of the fact that he was part of the same war that Time and Warriors spoke of. He didn’t blame them from keeping it a secret because thinking about how he was probably the source of all the knowledge Time had – the knowledge that Tune relied on in the past – was headache inducing. However, the point still stood. He didn’t know there was going to be a test, so he didn’t know he should have been studying the fine art of extracting blood from dead monsters.
But he had the general idea, at least. He knew Wild used gravity to make blood pool, then he would make an incision to collect it.
Tune made it a point to carry rope on him at all times since Link was now a vampire. He doubt he would lose control again, at least not until Link became Warriors, but he was glad his habit of bringing ropes with him meant he could tie a dead bokoblin to a tree and make a cut on its foot. He filled a couple of the bottles, untied the bokoblin, stuffed the bottles into a bag so they were out of sight, and returned to camp.
The mood at the camp was abysmal. Without the chaos of a retreat, all that was left was the misery and the anxiety. Tune didn’t blame anybody for the mood – they did lose a very important battle and both their princess and their captain were sidelined. Obviously, they were in for a happier ending if Link would eventually earn the name Warriors and go on another journey that involved time travel, but it wasn’t like he could tell them that. Tune ignored the chill and walked into the tent he knew Link was recovering in, which was guarded by a Sheikah outside.
The tent was sparse. It was mostly just Link resting on a rickety cot, with a couple of stools around it. Mask was sitting on one of those stools, hands resting on his knees. There was an extra, thinner blanket thrown on top of Link to protect him from the little bit of sunlight that passed through the tent during the day. Even though it wasn’t day time now, the blanket was barely pulled back, so Tune couldn’t see his face until he much closer to the cot.
He pulled one of the bottles out, catching the attention of Mask – a little baby Time, he would never get used to it.
“I have a couple of these,” Tune started as he popped the cap off. “One bottle should make him feel pretty full, but it won’t be enough to heal him.”
“How many more of those will we need?” Impa asked, coming to join him by the way of Link’s cot.
“I don’t know for sure.” They weren’t the worst wounds Tune ever saw him with but it was pretty bad – the skin around his right collar bone was completely charred, along with the upper half of his bicep. He still had burns down the right side of his body, stretching slightly over his chest, and down the rest of his arm, but those burns were thankfully mostly first degree burns. He obtained worse burns after donning the name Warriors. “We’ll see how he feels after this first bottle.”
One of the other things that Tune learned in his past was the fact that young vampires were pretty reactive to the smell of blood as long as they weren’t completely unconscious or in a deep sleep. He was hopeful that Link was just sleeping as held the open bottle of blood under Link’s nose. After about half a minute, Link cracked his eyes open, revealing yellow and red. He didn’t seem to be entirely awake and aware but as long as his eyes were open, Tune knew he would drink blood.
“That’s normal,” Tune said when Mask’s eyes widened. “The fangs come out when vampires are hurt badly. Let’s get him up.”
Together, all three of them moved Link into a more comfortable position by propping up the pillows underneath him, which was enough of an angle for Link to comfortably drink at. Thankfully, aside from holding the bottle in place, Link didn’t need any help to drink and the more he drank, the more he perked up. Once he emptied the bottle, Link settled back into his pillows, his eyes scanning the room.
“Fuck, it hurts...” he muttered. “What’s the situation?”
“Just focus on getting better. There’s no point in getting worked up when there’s nothing you can do about it,” Impa answered simply. “Rest assured though, we’re safe for the time being.”
“What about Zelda?”
“She’s still injured but she’s only has to take it easy, so she’s still helping where she can. She’s next door making plans with Lana, in fact.”
Link frowned but Mask tapped him in one of the burn free places of his arm before Link could say anything. “I know you’re an idiot so you’re not going to listen,” he started, earning a hiss in response, “but right now, the only person you gotta worry about yourself. You have the most injuries out of everybody in the camp right now.”
“And they’re burns, so regeneration will take some time,” Tune added. “You really have to take it easy for now so you can repay the favour, got it? We lost the battle but we haven’t lost the war.”
“Haven’t lost the war huh,” Link mumbled. “I guess that’s true.”
“It is. Get better so we can put our heads together. We’ll win back Hyrule if it’s the last thing we do, got it? At any rate, I have to go check in on the princess. Tune and Mask are in charge of you,” she said in her General Impa voice before leaving the tent. Link rolled his eyes.
“I’m doomed,” Link mumbled.
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Okay, so there's a lot more I could have included but I really only wrote this chapter - and this arc as a whole - for the friendly fire scene. That being said, this is the end of The Past Arc and we'll return to the present in the next chapter!
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