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stevierogersbabygirl · 8 months
What No One Sees (pt.2)
(Dark?)Professor!Steve Rogers x reader
Run-through: Steve was that one popular professor that everyone liked, and you were closest to him. You'd never predict that he'd be the father of your future child.
Chapter themes: smut, breeding, pregnancy, angst, fluff
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It's a few weeks in, and you were very sure you were carrying Steve's baby. You texted Steve about it, but for weeks he had not replied or even seen your messages. Not to mention the fact there are rumors he resigned from the campus and moved to another state.
You could not believe he'd just run away like that, and you were also in a state of denial that the perfect man you had known for a long time was in reality an ignorant coward.
You decided to keep your mind off it, to focus on your pregnancy.
You were 2 months pregnant.
Because you had the pregnancy symptoms, you've skipped so many days of college, and luckily your college allows you to make up the work that you missed while you were out. Your closest friends were also helping you out with everything.
One day, one of them suggested you to make the court order Steve to take a paternity test, to which you agreed to.
5 days later, it came back positive. Steve is indeed the father of your child.
Knowing that he somewhat communicated with you by taking the test, you'd wonder if he finally read your texts.
Your eyes widened when it says he finally read it, but there weren't any replies.
Frustrated with Steve, you decided to confront him in person, by finding his current location, through online stalking.
It was a Tuesday night and you were in your pajamas, laptop on your desk as you tried to find Steve's online profiles.
You soon got to his Facebook account, "Steven Grant Rogers" and you saw something you'd never expect.
Steve was married.
He was apparently married to this woman named Margaret Elizabeth Carter.
You were in pure shock, eyes widened and mouth gaped to the realization that you unknowingly contributed to an affair.
As you scrolled further down your mouth gaped even bigger.
Steve also has children.
You not only unknowingly contributed to an affair, but your affair partner also has children.
Steve had such a perfect persona and it made you even harder to believe all of this.
You were shocked, angry, upset, and confused, all at the same time.
He cheated on his wife, and betrayed his children to have sex with you.
Steve is a terrible man.
Despite the shocking revelation, it only fueled your curiosity even more about the entire situation, making you want to stalk him even more.
You needed answers.
He has not recently posted, making it harder for you to find his location, until you saw his friends list, hoping they recently posted him.
That's when you saw his friend, James Buchanan Barnes' story from a few minutes ago, of the two of them sitting outside of a cafe, it's full location on display.
You successfully convinced one of your closest friends to take you to the location, which was in the state right next to where you lived.
Adrenaline was pumping as you prepared yourself to confront the man.
Anger, sadness, confusion were all filling your head as you mentally prepared to confront the man.
But you tried to calm yourself down because stress during pregnancy could've chronically affected your little one's health.
In 2 hours, you've arrived at the cafe and see Steve and his friend sitting at a table infront of it.
There he fucking was.
Months of anger, sadness, and confusion, it will all soon come out, he can't hide anymore.
You went up to him and Steve turned his head to look at you, his face instantly panicked.
"Where the fuck have you been?" You said loudly in anger, making the other customers sitting outside turn their heads towards you.
Steve sighed, and dragged your hand into the restaurant and into the restaurant bathroom. Everyone watched.
His face made it look like you were an annoyance to him. You didn't like his audacity to drag you like that, which fueled your anger even further.
You were both inside the bathroom now, and Steve locked the door.
At that point, your eyes were full of tears and you wanted to choke him on the wall.
He turned to face you, a hint of sadness in his eyes, a tense atmosphere was forming.
You took a deep breath and yelled out, "What is wrong with you?! You got me pregnant and you decide to just leave like that? And then I find out you have a wife and kids and you made me contribute to an affair? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?"
Steve walked forward which made you subconsciously walk backwards, and soon enough, you were trapped between him and the wall. You immediately looked down, not wanting to see that face.
"I don't like your tone, Y/N." He said, slowly raising his hand to lift your chin.
You slapped his hand away and said, "You think this shit still works, Steve? I know who you fucking are now. I know your true colors. You are just an ignorant, absent father of a man who's also a shitty person! Not just to our child, but to James and Sarah too."
Steve had a hint of sadness in his eyes as he heard those words come out of your mouth. You were still looking down.
You weren't even sure the bathroom's walls were shout-proof.
Steve said gently, "Look at me."
You lifted your head to look at him. You hated how you just obeyed him like that.
Steve took a deep breath, and started talking in his signature soft voice, "I am going through a divorce with my wife because I found out that she has been cheating with me since our marriage started, so roughly 12 years ago. I know doing the same thing does not make me any better, but sometimes bad things have to be done to get a good result, and that good result is you."
You looked into his eyes, your tense emotions disappearing greatly after hearing what he said. You then said, "Then why did you leave?"
"Because I wasn't ready to be a father to our child, Y/N. I also didn't want people to find out about us. I know it's wrong, but I felt that this wasn't good for my family's image. I also don't want our child to hate me after finding out what we did together, and how I cheated." Steve said, holding your hands.
You sighed, the tears finally going down your face as you said, "Can't we just be together, Steve? Why can't you just let her go. You can be with the woman whom you truly love, Steve."
Steve gave you his signature soft smile, and put a hair strand behind your ear. "I also wish for it to be that way. I'm going through a divorce right now, and I promise if it's all over, I'll return to you, and we will raise our child together." He put his hand on your womb, as you both turned to look at it, smiling warmingly.
"And I'm sorry for being a coward, Y/N. It was irresponsible of me. We will be together, I promise." He said, caressing your cheek.
It ended with a big hug and a deep kiss.
And he kept his promise.
Three years later, you've graduated from college and got a high-paying job, while Steve worked a new occupation which was also high-paying.
You guys were newlyweds with your toddler daughter, whom you collectively agreed on naming Stephanie.
Stephanie Anne Rogers.
The wedding day included a ceremony where both of your friends and families were invited. It took a while for both sides of family and friends to accept the fact that it all started as professor-student.
The wedding consisted of happy tears, funny photographs, and delicious food.
It was a day after the wedding, and you both reminisced about it, laughing at the memories of the wedding.
You, Steve and Stephanie were sat on the couch in comfy clothing, looking at the wedding pictures' book.
"Look at Bucky in this picture!" You said, pointing and giggling at his dancing pose. Steve turned to look at him and decided to stand up and impersonate him, making you laugh even more. Stephanie, with no clue what is happening also started laughing, way harder than you did. You and Steve looked at her with smiles as she couldn't stop. Kids being kids.
When it was finally night, you and Steve planned something intimate for the both of you, so you both dropped Stephanie at one of Steve's friends', Natasha's house to initiate it.
This was the first time you both were intimate as husband and wife.
You two were finally alone in the master bedroom. He held you tight to him as you both started kissing.
While you were kissing, you both started to undress slowly, until you were both naked.
You smirked and instantly got onto your knees and softly placed your hand on his shaft, stroking in gently. Steve moaned at the contact as he looked down at you.
You'd look up into his eyes, then placed your lips onto his tip and used your tongue to pleasure him greatly, and judging by Steve's frown of pleasure you knew you were doing something right.
You slowly started bobbing your head up and down his cock, toying with his balls, and in no time you sucked faster and Steve also thrusted his hips faster in your mouth.
You then went onto the bed and laid on it back-first, letting Steve finger you as he simultaneously stroked his cock. He'd start with one finger and gradually add more, fingering you with increasing pace and in no time, his tip would be at your entrance.
You both moaned as his cock went in, and you grasped the sheets tighter when you felt the size. He'd first go with slow thrusts, making you adjust to his size, and you'd beg more and more until he went harder and faster, as you rubbed your clitoris while doing so.
You came first, violently cumming around him, and he came next, filling your womb with his sperm.
He'd slow down his thrusting, and leaned forward to kiss you deeply, his cock not wanting to leave you.
"I love you, Y/N." He said, giving you a kiss on your forehead, then looking down to look at you with a soft smile and love in his eyes.
"I love you too, Steve." You said, also with love on your face, lifting your hands to adjust his head to kiss you deeply.
You eventually got pregnant, again.
Stephanie was going to be a big sister!
The baby was a boy, and you eventually decided named him Scott.
Scott William Rogers.
Your life has become so beautiful.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Green Devil with Nico Hischier
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A/N: I’m feeling a lil angsty Nico RN. Like I love fluff, but I wanted a little bit of sass from him. 
This is part of What My World Spins Around AU. Catch the rest on my masterlist here.
Word Count: 1.4k
Warning: Swearing, jealousy, lil angsty, hinting at smut cause it’s me.
Tonight, I’m living.
Someone bought my coffee in line at the drive thru this morning. Nico is home, and my best friend from high school, Connor, is in town for work. I’ve been dying for Nico and Connor to meet since we started dating, but the timing never seemed to work until Connor texted me last week that he had some time on his next trip. Once I saw Nico was in town, I jumped at the offer.
“I’m really excited for you to meet Connor!” I bubble to Nico as we walk down the sidewalk towards a trendy, Tapas bar.
“Me too.” Nico responds as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I shiver, clutching his side to try and suck some of the warmth from his body. “Remember I need to leave by 9 though. If you want to stay later, that’s cool with me.” He grasps the handle of the door, opening it for me to walk in. He gives my ass a discreet slap as I go in front of him. I toss a suggestive look over my shoulder that he receives while biting his lip.
If I wasn’t so caught up in myself, I would have taken note of the immediate change in Nico when Connor and I rush to embrace each other. Connor wraps me in a tight hug that causes me to miss the irked expression on Nico’s face about how close his hands are to my ass.
“You look incredible.” Connor smiles widely, taking me in from head to toe. I pose for a second as a joke while he keeps his hands on my hips.
“Find a NHL captain and you too can be this happy.” I turn to Nico who has pasted a polite smile on his face that doesn’t quiet meet his eyes.  “Babe, this is Connor. Connor, Nico.”
“Hey man, nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Nico extends a hand. They shake firmly. Connor breaks first. 
“You too, man.” Connor juts his chin out in acknowledgment at Nico, then crosses his arms over his chest. “They’re just getting our table cleaned.”
“Oh, okay.” I nod. “So tell me all about Miami. I am dying to hear about your new condo.”
“Unreal views. You should come down next month. We can have a fun weekend together. Get wasted on expensive tequila like Cabo.”
“Oh my god, no.” I hide my face. 
“She legally cannot step foot in that resort again.” Connor says to Nico, snickering.
“Long story.” I shake my head, red tinging my cheeks. I’ve never told Nico about it because it’s still so cringy and embarrassing. Connor motions like he’s spewing vomiting. I slap his bicep to give him a warning. “Stop. Seriously.” 
Luckily, the host is ready to show us to our table. We spend the rest of the night chatting. Connor and I reminisce about our old high school friends we have lost touch with. We stalk their Facebook pages and Instagrams, laughing at how the more things change the more they stay the same in our hometown. Nico is quiet, but that’s normal with people he doesn’t know well. He seems to be content with fading into the background. At least I thought so.
“I think I’m going to head out.” Nico begins to put his jacket on as Connor and I look over the dessert drink menu. I turn to him, surprised. I check my Apple Watch, seeing it’s barely 8pm.
“Oh okay. Are you okay?” I ask, lowering my voice while I examining him for signs of distress. He seems fine. Maybe he’s just tired?
“Yep. Have a good night, baby.” He barely presses his lips to mine before he pulls away, leaving me with unsatisfied, puckered lips. He tells Connor it was great meeting him as he tosses a few hundred dollar bills on the table for the bill. When his body moves from beneath my fingers, I feel an uneasy chill from his absence. Something doesn’t feel right about this. Connor doesn’t notice and dives back into his persistence of me coming to visit him in Miami next month.
“Um…” I cut him off. “Sorry. I’ll be right back.” I say abruptly, grabbing my coat and purse before rushing to the front of the restaurant. The cold air blasts me, stealing my breath as I look to the left where Nico is about to turn into the parking lot.
“Nico.” I call after him, hustling to catch up with his long strides. “What is up with you?” I ask him breathlessly, reaching for his hand and pulling him to a stop. “And what was that kiss?” I wrinkle my nose in displeasure.
“I’m just tired. It’s been a long week.” His shoulders are rolled inwards as he talks to me, grimacing against the cold wind whipping down at us. I sigh, not liking the way he looks above my head.
“Neeks, you seem upset with me.”
“I’m not.” He shrugs, licking his lips and continuing to avoid eye contact. I cross my arms at his chilly attitude. A realization comes over me at the slight scowl on his face.
“Are you… jealous?” I ask with a small smile.
“No, just… have fun with your friend.” He scoffs, shoving his hands in his pockets. He looks away from me and down the street. I can see his jaw tense as he grits his teeth.
“Wow….” I trail off with a breezy laugh. I step closer, biting my bottom lip. “You look pretty green for red being your team’s color.” I set my hands on his hips, wrapping my arms around his back. I secure myself to him tightly, resting my chin on his chest so I’m looking up at his face. “Babe, look at me.” I soften my voice so he knows I’m done teasing. He licks his lips exasperatedly, then turns his sour, scrunched face to me. I raise my eyebrows, signaling I’m waiting.
“Fuck yeah I’m jealous.” He finally scoffs out. At least he wraps his hands around me, pushing me tighter to him.
“Why?” I can’t even begin to fathom why he feels that way. He’s the sweetest, handsomest, dreamiest man I have ever laid eyes on.  
“I feel like he knows you better than me. And I hate that.” I snort, leaning forward to press my forehead to his chest. Nico silently watches me when I pull back.
“Every one of those jokes and stories are from before you.” I pause, waiting for him to soften. When he doesn’t, I continue. “He knows nothing about me anymore. You’re my life now. Not high school football games and Applebee’s late night happy hour.”
“But Miami?” He rolls his eyes.
“I won’t go. It’s obviously bothering you, so it’s not worth it. You’re my priority.”
We stare at each other until Nico finally sighs, looking away at the busy street behind me. I get closer, onto my tip toes, then tenderly pressing my lips on his throat. People pass around us, the world continuing on as we hold each other. I work my mouth up to the nook of his shoulder and neck. I open my mouth a little more, sucking his skin into my mouth. His shoulders relax, head meeting mine as his hands grip my back tighter. I pull away just before I mark him, pressing my nose to the wet spot. I run my hand across his shoulder to the back of his neck and cradle his head. A heavy exhale from him ends our hug.
“Will you come back with me?” 
“No, but you should stay. For real. Spend time with him… then come home to me.” His eyes darken with hunger as he brushes my hair behind my ear, holding my cheek. I watch as he closes his eyes, then leans down to capture our lips together. This is the kiss I needed from him earlier. He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, running his tongue along the plumped skin. I’m intoxicated when we pull apart. I stare at the lapels of his jacket.
“Maybe… I wanna come home now.” He smirks at me as I pull my phone out and text Connor a quick lie. “I’m suddenly soooo sick.” Nico leans his head back to laugh towards the sky.
“Let’s go needy girl.”
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mynameismckenziemae · 9 months
She’s a Fire-Chapter XXII
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x OFC/Reader (no use of y/n)
Send your mind spinning
(previous chapter here, next chapter here)
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI, fluff, orgasm delay/denial, m masturbation, fingering, etc.
“Oh God, don’t ever let me drink again,” Bradley whines behind you the next morning.
“Can’t handle your liquor anymore, old man?” You tease.
“No, I don’t think I can,” he grumbles against your neck, “but I’m not old.”
“Says the man turning 34 next month.”
“I’m only 3 years older than you!” He argues. “Fuck, my head hurts.”
“You poor thing,I’ll get you some ibuprofen and food.”
Sunny feels about the same as Bradley but they’re both much less green once they’ve eaten.
Once everything is packed, you say your temporary goodbyes as Jake and Nat are delaying their honeymoon until next winter since they will be back in a few days too for another deployment.
The plane ride home is uneventful and finally, the Uber drops you both off at home.
The next few days are busy with getting back to work, you both unpacking, and Bradley packing for the deployment.
Too soon it’s 5:45 in the morning-the day he departs. You see him off at the door.
“I’m gonna miss you,” you murmur against his lips.
“I’ll miss you too,” he replies after he pulls off from your kiss.
“I’m going to tell you now since I don’t know when we’ll talk next. No getting off the week before your birthday.” You smile as you watch his eyes widen.
“The entire week? I don’t know if I can do it,” he whines.
“You can, and you will. Don’t make me ask Bob to keep an eye on you.”
He shudders and a flush rises to his cheeks. “Yes ma’am.”
“Good boy,” you purr, cupping his erection through his service khakis. “Just that week though, it’s a free-for-all all before then.”
“Thank God,” he breathes and gives you a quick peck. “I love you, Row. I’ll talk to you as soon as I can.”
“Can’t wait. I love you too. Be safe, okay?”
He nods and waves as he drives off.
Not only was this going to be Bradley’s longest deployment yet at 4-5 weeks, it was the first actual mission, not just training. Even though he said it shouldn’t be anything dangerous, you were still going to worry. And you really hope he’ll be back in time for his birthday.
3 weeks pass (thankfully) quicker than you thought they would. Work keeps you busy during the week and Sunny’s occupied 1 out of the 3 weekends.
Bradley’s only been able to talk twice—briefly while you were at work, and a longer, more satisfying call the previous weekend.
He warned you at the end of his last call he might not be able to talk again before he’s home, but he’s optimistic that he’ll be home for his birthday—just over a week away.
You scroll Facebook from home on your lunch break and your heart nearly breaks when you come across a picture of a beautiful young dog with the saddest brown eyes you’ve ever seen.
This is Lola.
Lola is roughly a year old and is a big girl at 90 lbs, but is full-grown. We think she’s a Newfoundland mix with her long, black and white coat. Lola was tied outside the shelter last week with a note that she’s “untrainable” and other not-Facebook-appropriate words.
We need help. She is not handling shelter life well—she’s not eating or drinking; just curls herself in the corner, shaking and hiding her head under her bed.
Lola has not shown any aggression towards people or other animals.
Please either send us a message or give us a call if you want to give Lola a home.
The shelter answers before you even realize you’re calling and a few minutes later, you’re set up to meet her after work.
You call Sunny on the way back to work who squeals when you tell her what’s going on.
“Don’t get too excited yet. Maybe it won’t work out,” you laugh but you’re just as excited (and a little nervous).
She gives you the information for the vet they take Steve to and begs you to call her back afterward.
Next, you call the vet and give them the rundown. Thankfully they’re accepting new ‘patients’ and will take Lola.
5 hours later, Lola is lying in the back of your car with her head on the center console.
It was fate. As soon as you opened the door to her kennel, she stood up and walked over with a little wag in her tail, nuzzling your legs with her head.
The shelter gave you more information too. Her fur was a bit dull and chopped in areas because it had been matted and filthy when they found her but was otherwise in good health, probably because she was so young. According to the note, she wasn’t house trained but they’d worked with her and she had only had one accident since she’d been there, and that was the first day. They’d given you a few days worth of food and the blanket that was on her bed, which was enough to get you through the next day or two—you didn’t want to overwhelm her more by taking her more places.
“We’re home, sweetheart.” You murmur as you pull in the drive.
You praise her when she goes potty right away before going inside and you follow her around while you call Sunny as she tentatively explores.
“Did you get her?!” Sunny asks before saying hello.
“I did. Oh Sun, she is so sweet, she came right up to me when I got there. The shelter said she might not be potty trained but she only had one accident there and just went potty for me. I just hope Bradley’s okay with this. We’ve talked about getting a dog before but I probably should’ve okayed it with him first…” you cringe as you trail off.
“He’ll be so excited! Seriously. I can’t imagine any scenario where he wouldn’t love her, especially with how miserable she was at the shelter.”
“I hope so. Can we move in with you, Bob, and Steve if he kicks us out?” You joke.
“Of course!” She laughs, “Let me know when you both are ready for some company and I’ll bring Steve over.”
“Sounds good. We’ll see how she does tonight and tomorrow and I’ll let you know. I’m so glad I have Fridays off in the summer.”
The company you work for changes the hours to four 10-hour days in the summer, giving you a 3-day weekend from May through September.
“Quit rubbing it in,” she laughs. “Let me know if you need anything. Good luck tonight!”
“I will, thanks Sun.”
You coax her to eat by holding some food in your hand, then holding the bowl, eventually letting you set it down. She then eats like she’s never had a meal in her life, as long as you don’t stop petting her.
The rest of the night goes better than expected, the only hiccup is she refuses to go up the steps.
It’s not worth stressing her out over though, so you make a bed on the couch, and push the ottoman next to it, but she curls up on the floor and you fall asleep stroking her fur.
There’s a warmth against your front when you wake up and for a split second, you think Bradley’s home. But the sight you open your eyes to is almost as good. Lola’s tail timidly thumps when you smile at her.
“You’re such a sweet girl. I think Sunny’s right, Bradley’s gonna love you.”
While she does her business, you get her food ready and check the rooms downstairs—no accidents.
You spend the morning getting to know each other and by the afternoon, you’ve taught her some tricks (untrainable, huh?) and she’s made it to the third stair.
Sunny texts you on the way home from a PetSmart haul, which she did great at too.
Sunny: Just got off work. How’s it going?
Rowan: Really good! No accidents, I taught her some tricks, and I woke up with her next to me on the couch (she’s scared of the stairs). She was fine with the other dogs at PetSmart. Do you want to bring Steve over tomorrow?
Sunny: That’s great! Yes! I want to meet her!
Rowan: Sounds good! 10 work?
Sunny: Perfect, I’ll bring coffee.
Lola only makes it to the fourth step that night but you don’t mind spending it on the couch again.
When Sunny arrives, Lola barks but then cowers and your heart breaks.
“It’s okay, mama doesn’t mind when you tell me someone’s here. You can bark,” you murmur, bending down to her level.
She perks up when Steve’s tippy-taps are heard on the front porch.
You open the door and Steve comes flying in, faster than you’d think possible on 3 legs. You crack up as Lola takes off after him. Once they get their zoomies out, they sniff each other’s bottoms and are instant best friends.
The day is spent helping her with wedding preparations and hanging out with the pups. You make plans for next weekend to take them to the beach, hoping the guys are back.
You start losing that hope though as the week passes with no word. Even Penny with her ‘sources’ doesn’t know when they’ll be back.
The first thing you do is check your phone when you wake up on Friday (the day before his birthday) but set it back down with a sigh. Still nothing.
“Should we treat ourselves with a coffee and pupcup? Hmm? Think it’ll cheer us up?” You ask Lola, who’s snuggled into your side on the couch.
Her tail thumps.
“I think so too.”
After a walk and shower, you feel a little better. Once the coffee hits your tongue, you’re almost back to normal.
But seeing the Bronco in the driveway when you get back brings a smile and tears to your eyes.
Lola races you to the door, feeding off your excitement.
No response.
Lola quiets as she starts to sniff the bag he left by the door and you hear the shower running.
“Be right back, I’m gonna go get your daddy,” You whisper, bending down to place a kiss on her head.
You hurry up the stairs and just as you’re about to push open the bathroom door, a deep groan and the lewd sound of him jerking himself off stops you in your tracks, arousal pooling between your legs.
You watch him through the cracked door in the reflection of the mirror, his back to you. His left hand is pressed against the wall, holding himself up as his right fists his cock. Water sluices down his back and over the flexing globes of his ass.
“Fuck,” he curses lowly. You can tell by his tone he’s getting close.
“Oh fuck, Row—“ he gasps as he finishes, hips slowing.
You’re soaked and want nothing more than to jump his bones. But, he should meet Lola first.
He jumps when you push open the door a minute later.
“Sorry,” you laugh, “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m so glad you’re here. I really didn’t think you were gonna make it back before your birthday.”
“I didn’t think so either, they kept everything hush-hush until last night when we were almost stateside,” he replies. You almost laugh at the relief in his voice. He pops his head out for a kiss. “Wanna join me?”
You shake your head. “I’d love to but I’ve got a surprise for you downstairs I want you to check out first.”
He nods before returning to the spray. “I’m almost done. Be down in a few.”
“Sounds good. Oh, and Bradley?”
“Yeah, babe?”
“Did you really think I’d forget?”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing as his shoulders tense behind the fogged glass. Busted.
“Your birthday isn’t until tomorrow, right?” You ask lowly, leaning against the door frame.
“Right, ma’am.”
“What did I tell you before you deployed?”
“No getting off the week before my birthday, ma’am,” he sighs.
“That’s right, Bradley. And what did you do before I came in here?”
“I got myself off, ma’am. I’m sorry, I thought—“
“You thought wrong.” You interrupt him. “I’m going downstairs to think about what I’m going to do with you. Meet me down there when you’re done.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replies. You smile as you see his cock twitch before turning to head down the steps.
Lola is perched on the ottoman when you enter the living room.
“So where’s this surprise?” Bradley asks a few minutes as he comes down the stairs.
Lola’s ears perk up and her head tilts as she listens. “In the living room.”
“It better not be a new toy to spank me with—oh, who’s this?”
You smile. “This is Lola.”
“Hi Lola,” he says softly, crouching as he offers his hand for her to sniff.
Her tail starts to thump wildly as she begins to recognize his smell from the other parts of the house.
“She’s ours?” He asks, tears heavy in his voice.
“Yeah, I hope that’s okay. I know I should’ve waited until you were back but she was dumped at the shelter, and not handling it well. I didn’t even think I just called and her whole demeanor changed when she met me and then all of a sudden I had a dog and—“
He interrupts your rambling with a kiss. “It’s okay, Row. I’ve wanted a dog for a long time. I’m glad you brought her home.”
You smile and kiss him back, pulling away with a laugh when Lola sighs dramatically.
You tell him everything you know about her and he praises her when she executes her tricks perfectly.
“I bet she feels like she’s going to slip on the wooden steps. I’ll have to put some tread or carpet down, I was thinking about doing it anyway after the last time I slipped.” Bradley says after you explain her fear of the stairs.
You snort at the memory. It was only funny because he was okay.
You wake up an hour later, squished between Lola and Bradley on the couch. Lola stretches before getting down in search of a toy.
Bradley stirs a few minutes later, his cock hot and hard against your ass.
You press back and smile at his sharp intake of breath. He’s so desperate, even after getting off in the shower earlier.
You take his hand and guide it down the front of your pants. A breathy moan escapes as his fingers gather your arousal before circling your clit.
His hips grind into your ass as he plunges two fingers into your wet heat, his palm grinding against your bundle of nerves.
You cry out as your orgasm hits you, and he groans as your pussy flutters around his fingers, wishing it was his cock.
He grunts as you reach behind you, stroking him through his pants.
“I want you so bad,” he whines into the back of your neck.
“Mmmm,” you hum. “Are you close?”
He nods, gasping as he almost reaches his peak…but you pull away.
“That’s…that’s fucking mean,” he pants, his hard-on straining against his sweats.
You smirk as you straddle him, pinning his arms above his head, and lean down for a kiss, nipping his lip when you pull back.
“We both know you like being edged, so don’t lie to me, you’re in enough trouble already.”
He nods, “Yes ma’am.”
A/N: Sorry, this was supposed to be the birthday smex chapter but Lola stole the show. It will be the next chapter though.
Also, my part of the Midwest is supposed to get 11+ inches of snow in the next 24-36 hours. Maybe I’ll get a snow day and can write alllllll day long 🤞🏻
As always, I love to hear your thoughts.
Tagging (please let me know if you want me to take you off or add you!):
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anathemaspeaks · 5 months
anna's prompt list
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navi. -> anna's prompt list
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welcome to my blog! request the prompt number and category you'd like, and i'll write a scenario for it! you can pick multiple prompts from multiple categories, too.
go ahead and flood my inbox 💋
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"can i borrow your sweater?"
"falling in love with you wasn't a part of my life plan, but i don't regret that i did."
"it's okay, i couldn't sleep anyway."
"you're blushing." "am not!"
"i wish you were here with me."
"dance with me!"
"is that my shirt?"
"i didn't know you're ticklish."
"your lips are really warm."
"why are you looking at me like that?"
"can i count your freckles?"
"you're home."
"delete that! i look disgusting."
"your flirting is so bad it's adorable."
"would you just shut up and kiss me already?"
"no, i’m not letting you go. it’s too early to get out of bed."
"i really wanna kiss you right now."
"you look so cute when you laugh."
"can i at least shut the door before you decide to pounce on me the moment i come home."
"i'll keep you warm. hold me closer."
“when do you think help will come?” “not for a while. i guess we’re stranded here alone for the time being.”
"apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together."
"quit looking at me, you’re making me nervous."
"do you know how to knock?"
"if we get caught, its your fault!”
"do you know you snore?"
"stop threatening me with a good time!”
"because i'm in love with you, dumbass!"
or send me your own!
"were you ever going to tell me?"
"i'm done trying to help you."
"sorry doesn't fix everything."
"you didn't call. you didn't text. nothing."
"i can't do this anymore."
"you said you'd always be there for me..."
"did it ever occur to you that you're hurting me, too?"
"i guess we just weren't meant to be."
"i never stopped loving you."
"it's me - please don't hang up!"
"please don't leave me, not again."
"do you even still love me?"
"don't worry, because i'm not coming back!"
"you can go to hell."
"i know you still love me."
"hey, look at me."
"don't do this here."
"can you kiss me? one last time?"
"am i too late?"
"i wish i never met you."
or send me your own!
"do you trust me?"
high school sweethearts who broke up but then he shows up in town again.
you need a hot date for this wedding.
hiding during a mission and he pulls you so close you're almost kissing.
you call at 3 am because you need him.
"i've been in love with you for years."
you're stubborn and won't take your jacket, so he gives you his.
you choose to wear your heels but they're uncomfortable and you refuse to admit it.
he catches you stalking his mom's facebook.
having a pillow fight and it ends in a makeout.
he steals your panties and you catch him.
or send me your own!
"i'm not wearing any panties."
"not here. do you wanna get caught?"
"add another finger."
"you're so cold. lemme warm you up."
"aw, don't worry baby. i'll make it fit."
"you're so pretty like this."
"what are you gonna do about it?"
"sorry! i didn't know you were changing."
"i can't tell whether i want to make you bleed or moan."
"i hate that you're mad at me, but you look so hot right now."
"i don't bite... unless you're into that."
"spank me. please."
"say my name. louder."
"you have to be quiet if you want to cum tonight."
"just shut up and fuck me."
or send me your own!
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hellfire--cult · 1 year
So I just finish reading second chance at Cupid and I gotta say I love it and I would love to hear more about those two .
I would like to think Eddie took her to see the place where he grew up and told the reader everything about his past including his band .
And the reader bought Eddie his guitar so he could play for her..
And I just got to say it was perfectly written and a really unique story ..
OMG my first request!
Thank you so much for your words I really appreciate it! I am so happy you liked it! I got a little carried away with the Returning to Hawkins request, so here we go! Prepare you tissues!
SCAC ❤️ - Back to Hawkins
Read Second Chance at Cupid
WC: 4.4K
Warnings: +18 angst, mentions of suicide, depression, nostalgia, mentions of death and anguish, fluff, overall, crying for Eddie.
Summary: Eddie introduces you into his past, but you don't think you would encounter certain people along the trip, and Eddie finally brings closure to his long life.
A/N: I cried while writing this, I am so sorry...
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“Seriously, this takes away the fun of driving darling.” Eddie exclaimed for the tenth time this afternoon. You were on your way to Hawkins, his home town before becoming cupid himself. He had never returned to that place, saying that only bad memories reside in it. 
“Don’t bash on my automatic car Eddie!” You say with a giggle as you look into your gps, signaling that you were close. He scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“In my days, you drove with a stick, manually, like a man.” He says and you can’t help but laugh at his words. You sometimes forget that he is actually like 60 years old, but looks 23. You were afraid that time would get to him, as if it was lost in some space and dimension and he would look 60 instantly. 
But it didn’t. It was as if his life cycle had a pause and now it started once again. 
“Sure thing grandpa.” 
“What did you just call me?” He jabbed a finger to the side of your rib, causing you to giggle and he smiled at you, to then get his eyes on the road again. The GPS signaled to turn right, and as Eddie did, he could see the ‘Welcome to Hawkins’ sign coming up ahead. He clenched tightly onto the steering wheel as regret started filling his insides. He didn’t want to face his past, but you lit up so much when he told you about his birthplace, excited to see it one day.
And now here you both are.
But Eddie was anything but excited. He was the whole other spectrum of it. He was anxious, nervous, sad, and nostalgic. Everything all at once. You noticed the whiteness of his knuckles and you looked at him with a frown to your eyebrows. You reached out and put a hand on top of his over the wheel and he shot you a small smile as a thanks.
The first thing you noticed was the amount of woods that were in the area, looking all around. Thank god you didn't bring Dorito with you, because he was such an indoor cat that you were afraid of him getting lost easily. Gladly, Steve offered to take care of him while you were gone, but that's another story for another time.
“In 1983, a little boy called Will Byers disappeared into the woods.” Oh, you heard that story, your dad told it to you so you wouldn’t go running alone through the trees. “It was a fucking mess, people searching everywhere, knocking at every door, and stuff. Turns out, the boy had a broken ankle and couldn’t walk, near the shore of one of the lakes. He was actually very bright, hiding in between bushes in case a predator would come up.” 
“You sound like you met him.”
“I did! Back in 1986, when he entered freshman year with his friends. I had a club, Hellfire Club, and it was only for DnD campaigns!” Eddie had already told you about his dungeon master days, telling you he has an itch to play that can’t possibly compare to anything else. You were sad that you couldn’t play with him, since you have no knowledge of it, but you did indulge him into Facebook groups that organize meetings. He could make friends and make his own guild if that goes well.
But he didn’t want to. He wanted to play, but he said , in a very sad tone, that it’s not the same without his friends.
“Yeah I remember that… I wonder if your club still stands!” You said excitedly and he laughed, shaking his head.
“We were treated like freaks sweetheart, they called us satan worshippers, just because we played a fantasy roleplaying game. It was all over the newspapers too! How Dungeons & Dragons induced homicidal thoughts.” He snickered at that, making you shake your head at how close minded people were back then. Your eyes lit up as you passed the trees, seeing a parking lot.
“Oh my god, stop, it’s your school!” He grimaced at that, but slowed down, pulling into the parking lot of the high school he once attended. He parked on a spot, and you checked your watch, realizing that it’s still school hours and everyone was in class. 
“You know darling, I don’t have the best of memories of this place.” He says to you and you sigh, looking at him. 
“I’ll go in! I want to check something first!” You got out of the passenger’s seat, and he was calling you out to stop you, but you didn’t. You ran into the school’s doors, looking at all the green decorations of the place, looking in awe at all the lockers as you walked through the halls. You looked at the pictures on the walls, looking for something in particular.
You turned the hall and that’s when you found all the pictures of active clubs that were in the school. You scanned all around, basketball team, tennis club, art club, history club, newspaper club, computing club… A smile broke on your face as you stared at one picture in particular. 
“At least this place is much cleaner than the last time I was here.” You heard Eddie turn the corner to finally meet up with you and you beamed at him with a smile on your face.
“Eddie, look!” You pointed at a picture and he frowned, following your finger and then his face softened, his mouth falling agape slightly. He couldn’t believe it.
There, in a nice frame, stood a picture of 10 boys and girls, wearing the Hellfire shirt, his logo, his signature mark. Under it, it read, ‘Hellfire Club, Founded in 1980.’. They even got the date right. He didn’t fund it of course, but he cannot believe that after all these years his club actually got acknowledgement. 
“Excuse me, why are you pointing at our picture?” Someone calls to your side and you look to see a boy, your size almost, probably a senior, wearing a hellfire shirt. Eddie looked at the boy, and stared at him for a long while. A cap on his head, curls all around and he couldn’t stop himself before he talked.
“Henderson?” The boy’s eyes widened and he tilted his head with a sheepish smile on his face.
“You know me?” You knew that this couldn’t really be happening, but you didn’t really know what to say. You were looking back and forth at the both of them and that’s when Eddie snapped out as he felt his stomach turn slightly.
“Um, not you precisely?” Eddie continued, trying to save the situation and then the teenager made an ‘ah’ sound as if understanding.
“You must mean my dad, Dustin Henderson. We really look alike, don’t we?” Eddie’s eyes widened, and that’s when he realized that Dustin must be 51 years old now. He had a family, a future, and part of Eddie was saddened he didn’t even try to see him, how he was doing or anything at all. “I’m Chris!” 
“Nice to meet you Chris!” You beamed and cleared your throat to dissolve the situation. “We were just looking at your picture because Eddie here was part of Hellfire just the year he came as a freshman here. He wanted to know if the club was still up and running, you know.” At that Chris smiled excitedly and nodded.
“Oh! You’re an old Hellfire Club member?! Well, welcome back you brave warrior. What was your role?” He asked excitedly and Eddie almost choked up in tears as he tried to talk, but he gulped the lump down, giving him a small smile.
“Yeah, I was a Dungeon Master.” At that Chris beamed, pointing at himself.
“I am one too! Like my dad was, although I have to say my aunt, Erica? She’s a fucking badass.” Eddie smiled at that widely, now knowing that the Sinclairs are still friends with the Hendersons, and that means that Mike and Will are in the picture too. 
“Can I ask you a question?” At that Chris nodded and Eddie stuttered a bit before continuing. “Don’t you get bullied? For playing this? I remember getting bullied here and there by a few at the time.” Chris chuckled and shook his head at Eddie, making him stand straighter, paying attention to the young boy.
“Nah man, that shit is long gone thankfully. We know about the bullying years of Hellfire, and you know, we put our foot down to the jocks. It was in 2009. My cousin, Elena Byers, was like super done with all the jocks mocking us, so she trained herself in Karate, and chopped their dicks, almost.” He said with a laugh and your eyes widened at that, looking at Eddie’s reaction.
But what you found was pure adoration with a wide smile to his face. They weren’t the small little group like before. They stood up for themselves, marking their territory, their right to be a club, to be considered people and not freaks for liking something different. But now, he felt like crying, he was glad to know his old friends were doing okay, and his children were doing fine too so it seems.
“Well, I’m glad man… We gotta go now–” Eddie started but Chris stopped him, jumping up as if he remembered something.
“One second!!!” He rushed away in a comical fashion, you and Eddie looking at eachother once as you waited for him to return. It literally took two seconds as you saw him getting out of a classroom, heavy breathing from the sudden run. “Ah, shit, this is why I am bad at PE… Here.” He handed something to Eddie, and the older man looked at it with a confused frown in his eyebrows, opening it up to reveal a brand new Hellfire Shirt, all black, with his logo in the middle.
“Oh, wow…” You say, eyes widened at the gesture but Chris just smiled widely, nodding in Eddie’s direction.
“There’s for some reason this uh… tradition in Hellfire Club, made by my own father actually, back in 1986. He said that there should always be a spare T-Shirt in the club. Not for one of the members, not even if they lose theirs. He never knew the reasoning for the tradition, he just felt that it belonged to someone, and they might pick it up someday.” At that mention, Chris’s smile fell slightly and did a shrug with his shoulders. “For some reason, I felt like giving it to you.”
Eddie was speechless, looking at the shirt in his hands. In the stretch of time and space, there is one part, one small minuscule part, where everyone holds his memory. They always held it there, and embraced it, and this was proof of it. His eyes watered as his throat closed up, biting onto his bottom lip to try to suppress his tears.
“Thank you… This means a lot…” He muttered under his breath, holding back tears and Chris smiled at him while you stared at Eddie with your own tears filling your eyes. He was remembered, in some strange way, people remembered him. “You happen to know the Wheelers?”
“Oh, Aunt Mike and Aunt Nancy? Yeah! Well, Mike doesn’t go by Wheeler, he goes by Byers, but it’s the same thing.” Chris said with a chuckle and Eddie smiled still looking at the shirt, now knowing Mike and Will were married, and they even adopted a kid.
“That’s great… Really great… Thank you for this, really. And send my greetings to your dad.”
“Oh, sure! Your name?”
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As you got in the car, Eddie didn’t shed one single tear. You knew he was holding back from it all, but you still got a long weekend ahead of you, and you knew this part was just the very start of going back into his past.
You can pick him up later on. You’ll just let him have his own pace. 
“That over there, I used that spot to do most of my dealings, now for some reason it has turned into an amazing botanical garden.” He said with a chuckle, pointing at his right side to show you it. You looked on, and there it was, a nice kept greenhouse, with various plants and flowers, carefully treated for different seasons of the year. He continued driving, finally reaching the town of Hawkins and he was glancing at everything in awe.
“For being a small town it sure does have nice shit.” You say out loud looking at all the stores and food chains as well as restaurants. He was stunned to see the amount of lights and how modern everything was. Even his old record store was changed into a more modern one and he was slightly saddened at that thought. 
There’s one place he wanted to see unchanged. One place he really wished nothing had turned modern. He kept driving as the afternoon son started hiding itself, leaving a pink hue in the sky for the both of you. You didn’t question where he was going, you fully trusted him, even after two months of being with him, you felt like you’ve known him your whole life, and even in past lives. 
This trip was all about Eddie.
After 10 minutes of driving, he finally parked in front of a bar. It looked rather vintage to you, rustic even, and the bouncer at front didn’t even give a second glance to you as you both walked in. 
Eddie’s eyes widened when all that’s changed of his old bar, was the fact a few led TV’s hang from the corners, some AC was put up, and the leather has been reupholstered. The rest was all the same. 
“Holy shit…” He walked on into the bar, sitting on one of the stools of the bar, and you sat right next to him as he looked around. You took out your phone and snapped a picture of him without him noticing at all, and smiled as the expression he wore in the photo was that of a five year old seeing Santa. 
“Looks the same?” You asked him, putting your phone on the counter. 
“Yeah… This is where my band and I played on Tuesday nights.” He explains to you as he looks onto the stage, you following his gaze. You could just imagine Eddie playing his guitar on that small stage with his best friends, having the time of his life, and you cannot even have a picture of it.
Eddie explained that when one becomes cupid, all memory of them is gone. That meant, the pictures were also gone or any image format where his face may have appeared. The bartender came up to you both and you took the order since Eddie was still looking around.
“Two beers please.” You say with a smile and the man simply nodded at you, popping two bottles from under the counter and taking the caps off in one swift movement. You thanked him and gave him the money for your drinks. You slid one bottle in front of Eddie and he finally snapped out of his trance, looking at the drink, and then back at you. You were wearing a smile, lifting your bottle up to him.
“To Corroded Coffin.” You said with a smile and he gulped the lump that formed in his throat, smiling back at you, and grabbing his bottle to clink it to you. You both took a sip of your drinks as the bar started filling with people. 
Eddie told you stories about all the shows they played there, how their fanbase was just three to five drunks and if they were lucky they would turn to seven. He also told you about the fights that broke in this bar, and how he partook in a few of them just for the hell of it. You shook your head in disapproval at that and he just laughed and kissed your cheek, telling you that now he would only fight if it’s in your honor.
“I can defend myself, thank you very much.” You say as you take a swig out of your beer and he raises an eyebrow at you.
“Oh really? What if a big mean man comes right now and chokeholds you? Whatcha gonna do?” He asks with a snicker and you were about to reply to him, but Eddie was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder, making him turn around, facing a man with brown hair, a few gray hairs here and there, and with a beard on his face. Eddie squinted as he looked at him, and the man also looked confused himself.
“Excuse me young man… Do I know you?” The man asks and you were baffled at the interaction. Eddie too was surprised by this, but there was a part of him that knew who this person was, but he didn’t look like him, so it cannot possibly be him.
“Um, no sir… I don’t think we’ve ever met.” Eddie replied and the man scoffed, scratching his head slightly.
“I’m sorry, I just… really thought you looked familiar but for some reason I don’t even know who you look familiar to.” He replied with a soft chuckle and that’s when Eddie’s throat closed, swallowing thickly as he continued talking.
“Maybe… What’s your name Sir?” 
“I’m Gareth.” He replied with a smile and Eddie felt like crying right then and there, feeling his chest just crumple into itself as seeing how old his friend is, and imagining how old he was supposed to be now. 
“H-Hi Gareth… I’m Eddie, and this is my girlfriend.” He introduced you too and you were trying to hold your own lump, knowing very well who Gareth was in Eddie’s life. Eddie had described him as a brunette, wild hair, rosy plump cheeks, but the person before you was an aged man, around 55 years old. 
“Nice to meet you both. Are you both new in town or just visiting?” He asked, his eyes never leaving Eddie’s as he talked. Eddie cleared his throat and shook his head.
“Just visiting… My uncle came here a lot. Listened to a band in particular but I believe they’re long gone now.” Eddie say with a sad smile and Gareth's interest peaks.
“Really? Which band?”
“Corroded Coffin.” At that, Gareth’s eyes widen and he almost jumps in excitement as if he were a thirteen year old and patted Eddie on the shoulder.
“Well, I’ve got news for you! You’re looking at the drummer of the former band Corroded Coffin.” He says with a wide smile and Eddie’s eyes twinkle at his joy, a smile forming on his lips as well as tears already burning their way out.
“Really?” He says as if surprised, but Gareth kept smiling, nodding wildly. 
“Yep! Jeff is still on the bass, and Freak on the second guitar!” He says with excitement spilling out of his lips. You were watching the interaction fondly, taking short sips of beer as the two men interacted, but you decided to intervene at that.
“Second? Who’s first?” You asked and Eddie looked at you and then back at Gareth, who’s smile fell and turned into a confused one, with the hint of sadness behind it.
“I… I don’t know really, I knew there was someone… I knew that there was a point where we sounded amazing, excellent even, and then… It just wasn’t the same… We still play at my garage, my kids hate it, but we always try to reach that sound again.” He finished with a shrug and Eddie straightened up in his seat, his voice cracking as he talked back to Gareth.
“I– I uh, live an hour away. I play guitar… If you guys have the open spot I can do a tryout?” He asks, hopeful at the question and your eyes widened looking at him. Gareth’s smile returned and his eyes became full of life as he looked at his old best friend.
“Really? A young lad like you wants to play with old men like us?” Eddie chuckled at that, swallowing the lump in his throat and nodded. 
“It would be an honor to my uncle.” He says and Gareth nodded at that, satisfied as he took his cellphone out of his pocket.
“Who’s your uncle by the way, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Wayne… Wayne Munson.”
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And finally, you came to your last stop. Eddie showed you what once was Forest Hills, his old trailer park, now filled with suburban houses and he scoffed at how everything was done for the rich now. 
And now here you stood. Flowers you thought of buying before hand in your left hand as you held onto Eddie’s right hand, tightly, fingers intertwined. The moonlight illuminates both of you perfectly as well as the engraved stone before you.
Wayne Munson
1942 - 1989
A friend, an Uncle, a Father.
“1989. Three months later after Wayne’s death, I really didn’t have a purpose in life any longer. I didn’t think anything was worth living for, and I felt utterly and completely alone. I thought that there was no harm in me leaving as well, because no one would miss me, no one would care if I left… The chance of becoming cupid, and to keep living while being forgotten, felt exactly the same, without the dying part.” Your tears were flowing down your cheeks at his words, feeling the despair in the deep center of your gut as he talked.
You cannot even begin to think how he felt, all alone in that trailer park, succumbing himself to drugs and starvation, waiting for the darkness to simply consume him at a point. 
“He would be disappointed in me.” Eddie said through a wet chuckle and then sniffled as he wiped his face with his free hand. “He would go ‘I taught you better than that, I never taught you to quit!’” He tried to say in a lower voice to then end up in a choke as a sob tried to come through.
In all honesty, Eddie had never once cried for his uncle. For his father figure. He just became hollow, void of emotions, feelings completely gone from his heart and his mind, but now, he felt like crying, like a little kid that just got hurt. 
So he did. His sobs could be heard through the cemetery as he dropped to his knees, his hands over Wayne’s name. You bit your lip as you tried to keep your sobbing down, be there for him, bending down to press your hand on his back as he cried out, yelled it all out, years and years of keeping his emotions inside, intact, never once letting a tear out of his eyes.
His shoulders shook as minutes passed, and he finally felt air being thrown into his lungs. A long hidden weight being lifted off his shoulders as his heart felt calm, steady, even with the pumping thanks to his crying. He looked at Wayne’s name and gave him a nod, sighing.
“I don’t know if you remember me in the afterlife. But, it’s me, Eddie… I’m sorry I was never here to visit you. I’m sorry for not keeping you updated… I’m actually here with my girlfriend.” Your heart warmed when he presented you to his uncle and you kneeled down next to him, with a wet smile on your lips, stained rosy cheeks as you looked at him. “I promise I’ll visit soon. I’m aging now, so I better use the most of my time.” He said to the grave stone with a smile to his face as you felt a warm breeze caress the side of your ear.
You placed the flowers on his grave as Eddie told him about his life until now, and you simply sat there, listening intently, letting Eddie talk to his uncle once again. 
Once you both bid your goodbyes, you were walking back to the car, hand in hand. You turned around towards the cemetery and then forward again.
“You know… I can ask for a remote position at work.” You say out loud, catching Eddie’s attention.
“What do you mean?”
“I can work from home… Maybe get a nice house in Forest Hills, saw a few ‘In Sale’ signs up.” You said with a smile. It would take a loan for you to buy a house, but your happiness depended on his. And you knew this was the right choice. Eddie stopped on his tracks and looked at you, turning around to face him worriedly.
“You don’t… You already did so much for me, I can’t possibly–” 
“I want to. I want to, Eddie… I want to be near your family too.” Eddie’s eyes glistened again as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you in a tight hug, embracing you in warmth, in his love, in his adoration for you, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, gripping onto his back with the same devotion.
“I am glad… I am glad I decided to become cupid… If I didn’t do it, I wouldn’t have ever met you…” He said into your ear, the hint of a sob hidden behind his lips as he nuzzled into your neck. A tear rolled down your cheek as you giggled softly.
“Don’t know… I am kind of into the whole sugar daddy thing.” A wet laugh could be heard onto your neck, Eddie pulling away from you with stained cheeks, looking down at you.
“I don’t know if I would have had a lot of money Sweetheart…” He says and you just smiled at him, tip toeing to catch his lips in a soft, wet, yet deep kiss, that said so many words in just one simple touch, a simple grace of skin. I love you, I adore you, I can’t live without you, but one thing you had to tell him.
“I would have chosen you either way, just the way you are, the way you’ve always been.”
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A/N: I am so sorry... At least he gets to play with his friends again, right?
Would love to get more requests for SCAC! ❤️ I enjoyed writing this, even if it was too painful to do so
Remember that if you get inspired or anything, you can always message me with blurbs, or imagines, or you can also tag me in it!
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tooruswhre · 2 years
feat. ushijima wakatoshi , satori tendou + kotaro bokuto .
genre + tw. fluff ! thats it . not proofread .
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USHIJIMA despite his dense personality at times, he has a strong soft spot for the kids. he always goes to their school events with you by his side, plans family outings and always brings back a gifts or two when he travels out of town for games. he is also very protective and wants to ensure you and their safety, like baby-proofing the sides of cabinets, drawers and tables and whatnot. he also watches a plethora of parenting videos daily and saves several of those parenthood sites and facebook groups too. communication is key to him and tries to brew up random conversations with them while their young, listening to their babbles creating conversations, its adorable to you watching ushijima make their chatter into something humorous. when they are older now, he can’t seem to tell them no, he’d give the world and more to them if he could.
TENDOU is quite known for being a handful with how loud and cheerful he may be to come across to others. but the day he became a father and welcomed his sweet bundle of joy in his arms, he calmed down a bit and became more mature. he loves to dress them up in cute outfits to take pictures and small videos that he sends to you when you’re away, might even make a whole scene to dress them up in dinosaur costumes and make tiny skits of them demolishing their playpens. as they get older he’s able to do more festivities with them, taking them to tourist attractions and more. though he can get carried away sometimes with these crazy little adventures and tasks he does— he wants to be the fun parent and wants no time to waste in making these times memorable.
BOKUTO are the kid’s favorite, the best for cheering them up and lightening the moods with his playful characteristics, he can almost pass off as a kid if he tried hard enough. he’s a sucker for the quality time, introducing them to more games and the newest gaming systems. he’ll join the kids when they are drawing, or even play a few games of hide and seek [ he’s such an expert that they would eventually give up in finding him and do something else! ]. he’s also really good with advice when he wants to be, they can ask him anything and be completely comfortable and honest with him cause he’s not one to judge and will always make conversations the best ones. he also loves when the kids tag along with him, weather thats going to the store or running boring errands that they soon regret to join in, he loves their company— he’ll even make little events with the kids friends inviting them over for movie nights and going to the arcades.
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reblogs are always appreciated and thank you for waiting a while. <3
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thehiccupingbanana · 14 days
Sweet Treats
PAIRING/FANDOM: Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon (The Mentalist) GENRE: fluff WORD COUNT: 1,134 WARNINGS: food SUMMARY: “How much do I owe you?” Teresa asked. “I was thinking… five?” “Five?” “Yeah.” Patrick responded before turning back to his wife. “Five what? Five hundred?” Teresa laughed. “No. Not five hundred.” Patrick started, before smirking, “Five dozen.” “And.” Patrick interrupted, taking a step closer to Teresa, “I get to eat every- last- one.” Teresa furrows her eyebrows, “You want me to bake you cookies?” or Jane fixes the sink while Lisbon makes cupcakes for Charlotte's class bake sale and fluff happens. ADDITIONAL TAGS: Charlotte is alive, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Established Patrick Jane and Teresa Lisbon, Married Patrick Jane and Teresa Lisbon, Post-Season/Series Finale A/N: Inspired by this Facebook post Thank you @sleepywriter00 for help with the title and looking this over for me 💟 [READ ON AO3]
“Jane, how’s the sink repair going?” Teresa asked as she pulled the last batch of cupcakes from the oven. “We can’t let the bowls with batter sit overnight.”
“It’s-” Patrick started, tightening one last bit, “-done.”
Patrick sighed and stood up, patting away the invisible dust on his jeans. Teresa couldn’t help but do a once over Jane in his white t-shirt and dark denim jeans. He decided to ditch the suit as his every-day outfit once their toddler decided it was fun to run away from their parents at the age of eighteen months.
Teresa finally looked up and saw a smirk plastered to Patrick’s face.
“Like what you see?” Patrick half joked.
‘Two can play at that game.’ Teresa thought.
“How much do I owe you?” Teresa asked, with a smirk of her own.
Patrick hummed in response, turning around to check the water was flowing from the tap without any leakage from the pipe below, before turning back around. “I was thinking… five?”
Teresa furrowed her eyebrows, “Five?”
“Yeah.” Patrick responded wiping his hands dry on a cup towel hanging from the oven door, standing close to his wife.
“Five what? Five hundred?” Teresa laughed at her own joke. “What do you want with five hundred dollars? You would just spend on the girls anyway.”
“No. Not five hundred.” Patrick started, before smirking, “Five dozen.”
Teresa blamed their youngest, Emilie, keeping them both up all night lately for not understanding a word out of Jane’s mouth.
“What are you on about, Jane?” Teresa asked.
“And they have to be sugar with those little dehydrated strawberries I like.” Patrick continued.
“Patrick, what are you—” Teresa started.
“And.” Patrick interrupted, taking a step closer to Teresa, Lisbon standing her ground. “I get to eat every-” Jane takes another step towards his wife, pressing Teresa against the counter, “-last-” Jane puts his hands on the counter on either side of Lisbon’s hips, “-one.”
Teresa furrows her eyebrows at her husband’s words again, “You want me to bake you cookies?”
“Yes.” Patrick nods, leaving a soft kiss against Teresa’s cheek.
“We just made 3 batches of cupcakes; eat some of those.” Teresa said, lightly pushing Jane back so she could cover the cupcakes.
Teresa watched as Patrick silently left the kitchen, keeping an eye on him as he rounded the corner, knowing he was up to something.
Lisbon started washing the dirty mixing bowls so Jane could make dinner in a semi-clean kitchen that night, when their youngest, Emilie came toddling into the kitchen.
“Mama.” Emilie stated.
“Yes, sweetie?” Lisbon asked, crouching down slightly to be eye level to her daughter.
“Staw-bewie cookies?” Emilie asked.
Teresa glanced to the archway of the kitchen to see Patrick “hiding” behind the wall watching the interaction, quickly moving back behind the wall when he caught Teresa’s eye.
“Pweese?” Emilie asked, looking at Teresa with eyes that matched her own.
Teresa pursed her lips before replying, “Daddy will make some tomorrow, and you can have one then.”
Teresa listened to the juxtaposition of Emilie cheering and Jane groaning as he walked towards them, trying to hold in her own laughter.
“Go on.” Jane chuckled, lightly tickling his daughter as her cheers turned into giggles. “Go ask Charlotte to come down and help with the cupcakes.”
“Okay!” Emilie replied, jumping from her dad’s hands to run across the house to her older sister.
“I can’t believe you told her that I would make strawberry cookies tomorrow.” Jane faux pouted.
“I can’t believe you sent our toddler in here to manipulate me into making cookies.” Lisbon started, “No wait, I actually can.”
Jane responded with an exaggerated gasp, “I never!”
“Jane, I worked with you for several years, it is exactly the thing you do!” Teresa laughed, not actually mad at her husband, then asking hopefully, “But you’ll make the cookies once we get back tomorrow?”
“Yes, dear.” Jane responded, knowing that he signed himself up for that when he got Emilie in on his little plan.
“Em said you needed me?” Charlotte asked, walking into the kitchen.
“Can you help ice the cupcakes for your class bake sale tomorrow?” Teresa asked her step daughter that she loved as her own.
“Is it the-?” Charlotte started to ask.
“Yes.” Teresa interrupted, setting down the plastic containers of pre-made cupcake frosting.
“Perfect!” Charlotte smiled, grabbing a couple of piping bags from the pantry. “Dad, are you helping?”
“Hand one over.” Jane replied, watching as Emilie sat in the living room playing with her toys. “Bet that I can do this dozen faster than y’all.”
“You’re adapting to the Texas language well, Patrick.” Teresa laughed.
“Howdy.” Jane said, tipping an invisible cowboy hat.
“Kind of.” Charlotte giggled to Teresa.
The three spent the next several minutes removing the cupcakes from the pans and frosting them, while joking around with one another. After they were done, they packed the cupcakes up in the carrier bin to bring to the bake sale the next morning.
Once they were done, Teresa took Emilie to get cleaned up after noticing how her daughter was dirty in only the way a toddler can be. Charlotte washed the piping bags, only making the mistake once to let frosting sit in them overnight, while Jane was preparing a casserole for dinner.
“Go wash up, I just need to heat up dinner and then it’ll be ready. Say, 20 minutes?” Jane told Charlotte, as he put the last of the toppings on the casserole.
“Sounds good to me.” Charlotte shrugged, as a hyper Emilie ran up to her sister asking to play blocks with her, Teresa trailing back into the kitchen.
“We’re not going to buy anything at that bake sale tomorrow, right?” Teresa asked, eyeing their own cupcakes.
“Oh no. Already have a check wrote out with a donation.” Jane responded, leaning against the island counter as Teresa walked towards him.
“Good.” Teresa sighed with relief, playing with the fabric of Jane’s t-shirt between her fingers, “I didn’t know how we would have those strawberry cookies you promised to make tomorrow along with a bunch of baked goods from the sale.”
“I promised?” Patrick laughed.
“Yep. You can’t let Emilie down.” Teresa reasoned. “And Charlotte likes those dehydrated strawberries too.”
“Okay. Only because I love you.” Jane said, kissing Lisbon once on her lips.
“I love you too.” Teresa smiled, returning a small kiss to Jane.
“Gross.” Charlotte laughed as Emilie shrieked, “Eww! Cooties!”
Teresa turned to look at the two girls with faux astonishment while Patrick laughed and grabbed Emilie, peppering her face with kisses while she laughed.
Teresa shook her head, chuckling to herself, never knowing what she would hear in a household with a teenager and a toddler, but knowing she wouldn’t change one thing about it.
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metalmonki · 2 years
Supernatural, Hunting, Living and Love (Revisited)
Dean Winchester x fem!reader
3k word count
summary While exploring a haunted house your friend told you about, you have a chance encounter with a pair of brothers who give you a crash introduction to their world.
fluff, idiots in love, friends to lovers
warnings mention of grave desecration (this is illegal don't do it!)
Note So I remembered my Mibba log-in and found this embarrassment of a story along with a long list of other equally embarrassing stories. I decided to challenge myself to edit and rewrite the stories and post them here. I will also include a link to the original story so you can read it in all it's cringy glory. This was a story from 2009 that I wrote with 2 friends of mine that we never completed. Once I have decringed the story I will finish it here. Enjoy I guess.
Original / Next Chapter
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For some dumb reason, I had decided it would be fun to check out the creepy abandoned house down the road from my friend Linsey's house. At the time, it had seemed like a great idea. Everyone was always talking about how the house was haunted. The neighbourhood rumour was that the father had annihilated the last family to live in the house. But, of course, there was no proof of this. Linsey refused to go anywhere near the house and had chosen to stay home. I, however, convinced my friend Theresa to join me for this stupid adventure. Things had started out okay. Getting entry to the house was easy enough. We pulled out our phones, giggled, and recorded as we walked through a place frozen in time, joking about how this would make us Facebook famous. After we made our way to the second floor, things changed. The air upstairs was icy cold compared to the blistering heat outside. A large bang came from downstairs. Theresa noped out and took off from the house, to my best guess. All I know is she took off running down the stairs before I even had a chance to process the bang. Instead of following, I froze. I stood in the doorway to what looked to be a bedroom staring wide-eyed at the staircase, trying to gain the courage to run downstairs.
"Quick in here," said a voice breaking me from my trans.
I ran towards the voice. I saw two guys, clearly brothers, hiding in the small closet in the room. I squeezed into the closet with them. I took a moment to look at them in the light of a flashlight one of them was holding. The one I guest to be the older one had short dark blonde hair and a small amount of stubble. I guessed him to be around 6’1’; meanwhile, the one I took to be the younger brother had longer, fluffy light brown hair and was clean-shaven. He was easy 6’4 pushing 6’5. You know what they say the older sibling is always the shortest sibling.
“What are you doing in here?” The shorter one asked.
“I was exploring with my friend. We just heard the rumours about the place being haunted and wanted to check it out,” I said, throwing my arms about in frustration as much as possible in the small space. “What are you doing here?”
“Uh, exploring just like you,” The tall one said, looking nervously between his brother and me.
“Oh, that’s a lie. You are a terrible liar. What are your names?" I asked as the older brother snickered behind me. "I'm Dean, and this is my brother Sam," said the older one. "I'm Y/n," I said. “Now, what are you really doing here?” I asked looking between them.
“Hunting a ghost”, Dean blurted out.
“Dean” Sam looked at him, frustrated.
“What? She walked herself into this. She should know what's going on. We can’t get her out of here safely otherwise” Dean pointed his open hand at me. “Uh, hello right here. Would you care to explain” I huffed, putting my hands on my hips.
Dean sighed, getting frustrated looks from Sam, but he explained everything. It sounded like the ramblings of a crazy man, or men in this case. Dean explained that people had been reporting getting attacked and followed home. Some people had even been reportedly killed in the house. This was nothing I had ever heard before nor had it come up in my research. Truthfully, my research was a 20 minute google search. I wasn’t from the area and wouldn’t know about the place if it wasn’t for Linsey. We lived 5 suburbs apart, so there was no reason for me to be anywhere near this house. Dean explained what they do and how they ended up in Sydney, Australia. I would have said he was lying and crazy, but he seemed honest. He truly believed everything he was saying. And it felt like I should give him the benefit of the doubt.
“Okay, so if everything you're saying is true, what do we do?” I asked
“You don’t do anything. We need to figure out where the body is and burn it,” Dean said pointing a finger between himself and Sam.
“The whole family who lived here last is buried in the local cemetery in a family tomb,” I said like it was common knowledge.
“Wait, how did you find that out?” Sam asked
“I googled it”, I shrugged. “I just want to know if the rumours were true, so I googled. Their burial place was like the first google result” I shrugged.
“Rumours?” Dean asked
“That the father murdered his whole family,” I said. “I couldn’t find anything, but they all died in this house the same night.”
“So, there is a chance daddy dearest ganked them all,” Dean said
“Well, that’s what the police were thinking, but they didn’t have enough proof,” I said
“Well, looks like we need to burn dear old Dad”, Dean smirked at Sam.
“First, we need to get out of the house,” Sam said
The whole time we had been standing around talking I could feel a cool breeze from what was supposed to be the solid wardrobe wall behind us. I turned to face the wall of the closet and ran a finger along the seem where I could feel the air. I pressed along the wall praying it was in fact what I thought it was, a hidden door. Thankfully it popped open, revealing a hidden stairs case. Most likely a servant staircase. I silently cheered and led the way down the stairs. At the bottom was a door that led into the kitchen, and in the kitchen was a backdoor. Once we were somewhat safe in the yard, I let Dean and Sam lead the way to wherever they were going. They walked out into a back alley behind the house. Sitting in the alley was a beautiful looking 67 Chevy Impala. I giggled to myself before hearing another person squealing from the other side of the car.
"Theresa" I questioned, peaking around the car. "Y/n," she said, running over to me pulling me into a hug. "Are you okay?" I asked looking her over. "I'm fine," Theresa said. "Thank god," I sighed. “Where the hell did you go? And why did you abandon me?”
“Outside, duh, I ran out through the kitchen and then was going to run down the alley to Linsey’s, but I spotted this beauty. Can you believe there is another one identical to yours?” Theresa squealed “Oh and yeah so sorry about leaving you behind, autopilot you know”.
“No, I can’t”, I smiled “Also your forgiven just don’t do it again”.
“Okay, enough with the weirdness”, Dean spoke up. “Who is she, and why is she looking at baby?”
“Oh, this is my friend Theresa the one I was exploring with.” I said, “Theresa, this is Sam and Dean. Who is baby?” Dean waved a hand at the car like it was obvious.
“Oh great, so she was in the house too,” Sam said completely ignoring everything else.
“Well, Theresa looks like you're coming with us,” Dean said, hoping in the car.
“Can we go get my car before we take off?” I asked while getting into the car.
“Where is it?” Dean asked.
“Parked out the front of the house,” I said.
Dean sighed, put the Impala in drive and drove around the front of the house. As soon as we rounded the corner, Dean spotted my Impala. He smirked and chuckled, almost surprised that I had the same car as him. We pulled up in front of my car just long enough for Theresa and me to jump out of Deans car and into mine. Dean motioned out his window for me to lead the way. The late afternoon sky bled into twilight as we reached the cemetery. A thrill, tinged with defiance, shot through me as I saw the locked gates. Nighttime visits were strictly forbidden, and the council was none too happy about the recent wave of skateboarders and trill seekers. But the gate seemed to be a normal hindrance to the boys. With practiced ease, they vaulted the gate, their laughter echoing off the ancient stones. I scanned the perimeter, spotting a hidden gap in the fence, and followed them through, a hint of apprehension mixed with the excitement.
 I walked the boys over to the family tomb. The tomb was opened, the door clearly having been broken in a long time ago. They asked us to wait outside while they set to working inside. The boys had a worn duffle with them, out of which they pulled out salt, petrol and a crowbar. The family had been placed in their coffins into the wall with a limestone name plate marking each person’s final resting place. Dean managed to pry the nameplate for the father off the wall exposing the coffin which was quite decayed. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t impressed by Deans strength. Sam covered the casket in petrol while Dean covered it in salt as best they could through the small opening. Once the casket was covered as it could be, Dean threw a lit matchbook into the hole. The coffin burst into flame quickly heating the small mausoleum.  
“Well, that should be all done,” Dean said. “But to be safe, we should return to the house and check. You two, however, will go to our hotel and wait for us.” Dean tossed us the keys
I caught them in one hand turning them over to read the hotel name off the tag and chose not to argue. I nodded at him and headed back towards the cars. Theresa and I drove straight to the hotel. I was silently ruminating over the day’s events while Theresa was hardly managing to sit still and rambling on about Sam. We found their room and let ourselves in. The room was basic, 2 queen beds, a lounge, table, chair and tv on one of those hotels’ typical built-in stands. The first thought through my head was I hope to God we don’t have to spend the night because I was not one to share a bed with a complete stranger and the lounge looked uninviting.
“Hay, which do you think is Sam's bed?” Theresa broke me from my thoughts.
“I don’t know. Why do you want to know?” I asked confused.
“I don’t know, I just want to lay on Sam's bed. He so cute, uh, I think I’m in love,” Theresa swooned, dropping into the chair.
“Oh, dear god, woman, you fall in love too quickly.” I rolled my eyes.
“I can’t help it. Did you see him? That man clearly looks after himself.” Theresa giggled.
“Yeah, and so does Dean, but you don’t see me swooning over him. I really don’t get you sometimes”.
I flopped onto the bed, squeezing my eyes shut against the relentless drone of Theresa's voice. Every syllable about Sam felt like a grating record needle stuck on repeat. All I craved was escape, the sweet oblivion of a normal life. Finish my acting degree, build a portfolio, disappear into the anonymity of a bustling city. A sharp rap on the door jolted me awake. Theresa, mid-sentence, pivoted toward the sound. Her smile faltered for a fleeting moment before she plastered it back on and cautiously cracked the door open. A hushed exchange followed, punctuated by muffled figures I couldn't quite see. Relief washed over me when I saw Dean and Sam enter the room. Their presence was a familiar anchor in this storm of emotions.
“You comfortable on my bed?” Dean asked a smirked on his face as he shed his leather jacket onto the foot of said bed.
“Very. I was having a nice little nap before you so rudely woke me up” I stretched out on the bed.
“Well, sorry, ma’am.” Dean laughed, giving a goofy salute.
“On to more serious things, we saw scorch marks at the house indicating that we may have gotten rid of this thing, but we would like you to stay here overnight just in case” Sam looked between us. Definitely the serious brother, I noted.
“Oh yeah, and where are we supposed to sleep?” I raised an eyebrow at him.
“You girls, take my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch,” Dean smiled.
“Are you sure?” I asked not wanting to be rude.
“Not the first time I slept in a chair won’t be the last” Dean shrugged “It’s kind of part of the job description”.
“You have a job description?” I joked.
“Not really we kind of just making it up as we go” Dean shrugged giving me a wink.
Theresa, ever the optimist, quickly engaged Sam in conversation. Her laughter, a welcome sound, filled the room. It was a stark contrast to the turmoil within me.
"Alright everyone, hold that thought," Dean boomed, his voice a welcome interruption. His stomach let out a loud rumble, punctuating his statement. "We all must be starving after that little...adventure. I'm gonna hit the shops for some supplies. Anything in particular tickle your fancy, y/n?"
“Buyers choice” I smiled at him, he winked back before leaving the room.
I rolled my eyes playfully as Theresa bombarded Sam with questions. Their easy banter was a testament to her ability to move on. "What happened, happened," she'd always say. Maybe she was right. Dwelling on it wouldn't change anything. I wrapped myself in Dean's blanket, the scent of his cologne and laundry detergent a strangely comforting reminder of normalcy. The weariness in my bones finally won over my racing thoughts, and I drifted back to sleep, the gentle murmur of conversation a lullaby in the background.
“Just making yourself right at home now, aren’t you?” Dean chuckled, walking in the door, startling me awake again.
“I’m tired. It’s been a long day, and part of me is hoping this is all a bad dream,” I groaned looking at the ceiling.
“Sorry, sweetheart, this pretty face is as real as it gets”, Dean shot me a cheesy grin. “Now get up and eat. Grubs getting cold.”
Dean dropped four bags of McDonalds on the table and almost immediately went to complaining about the tiny size of the burgers here and he had to order an obscene amount of them just to fill himself up. Sam just shook his head clearly; this was a complaint Sam had heard a few times too many. I on the other hand just pointed out that he could have gone to any of the fish and chip shops he had gone past on his way to McDonalds and brought a single burger like 4 times the size of the McDonalds ones. Dean being oh so mature put on a high-pitched voice mocking what I had said before murmuring shut-up and starting on the first of a stack of 6 burgers he had brought himself. I begrudgingly pulled myself out of the bed and made my way to the table. Dean had ordered burgers for me and Theresa and a salad for Sam. I gave Sam a questioning look as he murmured something about it being the healthier choice before walking away. Sam and Theresa went back to his bed where they continued their conversation while Dean and I ate in silence. I had taken a seat on the lounge and occasionally glanced up at Dean who would just smile at me with a mouth full of food. I would also catch him watching Sam and Theresa a small smile etched on his face like he was happy to see his brother happy. When Dean had finished the last of his burgers he stood up and started walking towards the bathroom.
“I’m going to shower and get ready to turn in it’s been a long day” Dean rubbed his face in exhaustion.
“Okay well Theresa did you want to catch a movie or something?” Sam asked looking at Theresa.
“Sure” Theresa bounced of the bed and practically ran at the door.
I followed Sam and Theresa out of the room so I could get the spare clothes out of my car that I carried around in there. It became a habit I picked up running from audition to audition to have a go bag in my car with anything in it I might need. I went back into the room and took the chance while Dean was in the bathroom to quickly change into a comfy pair of shorts and a loose shirt. I sat back on Dean's bed, but instead of laying down, I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the carpet as I continued to think about everything. Theresa seemed so comfortable and at home with the boys, but I just wanted this whole thing over. But the more I thought, the more I felt like I would never be able to go back to things as they were. Knowing what could be out there, I would always be a little on edge. If ghosts were real, then what else possibly existed? Vampires? Werewolves? What about all the silly kid stories like Bloody Mary and Candyman? Could they be real? I wanted to pretend that none of this had happened, but it’s not exactly something you can forget like a footnote. Like yeah, that shit happened, but let's just pack up and move on. At some point during my inner struggle Dean had finished his shower and made himself comfortable on the lounge. It wasn’t until Dean cleared his throat that I was snapped out of my thoughts.
“Okay, I’m not going to be able to sleep with you sitting on the edge of the bed like that. It’s kinda creepy. What's on your mind, kid?” Dean asked, sitting up on the lounge.
“Kid? I’ll have you know I’m 22, not exactly a kid anymore” I tried to joke looking over at Dean, noticing he was in nothing but a black t-shirt and black boxer briefs.
“Okay, sweetheart, doesn’t answer my question, though”, Dean smirked.
“How am I supposed to go back to life as it was knowing ghosts, and who knows what else is real?” I looked back at the floor. “What exactly does exist Dean? Vampires? Werewolves? Demons? Angels?” I rattled off a list of things randomly looking back up at him.
“Yeah, those and more” Dean chuckled dryly. “As for moving on the simple answer is you don’t. You just go on and try to live as normal as possible, knowing people like Sammy and I are out here hunting these things to keep you safe. Hopefully, that helps you sleep a little better at night.”
“Can you talk to me while we go to sleep?” I asked sheepishly.
“Of course, sweetheart”, He groaned as he laid back on the lounge. I finally laid down on the bed. Both of us staring at the ceiling as we talked.
“You never told me your last name,” I said it was a random question but anything to keep the conversation going and my mind busy.
“Winchester and yours?”.
“Well, now I know who to look up next time I’m in town”, Dean chuckled.
“How old are you anyway I mean clearly you’re the old sibling”
“Not too old to hit on a hottie like you” I could feel Dean's eyes on me as he spoke.
“Smooth Winchester” I tried to laugh, but it just sounded like an awkward giggle.
“You’re a real ladies' man, aren’t you, Dean Winchester” I smiled to the ceiling, getting taken by his charm.
“Yeah, well, when you have my lifestyle, you don’t exactly have the option of settling down, so you take what you can get.”
“No judgement here”
Dean and I laughed for what felt like hours. Under his tough exterior, he was adorable. I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t be sad to say goodbye tomorrow. My eyes could no longer fight to stay open, and I drifted to sleep listening to Dean singing Highway To Hell. The following morning, I woke to find the room completely empty. I got up and changed into something else from my go bag. Nothing fancy, just plain black jeans and a white tank top. I pulled on my boots and headed outside to check for the cars. My car was sitting where I parked it right before the door. Dean's car was gone, though. I pulled out my phone and rang Theresa guessing she was with them. I mean where else would she be, she couldn’t exactly get home without me. Rather than answer the phone she shot me a text message. Busy talking to Sam, we’re just down the road at the all you can eat. I rolled my eyes allowing myself to have a genuine laugh at her. I knew the place she was talking about. It was only 2 blocks away so who knows why Dean decided to drive. I left my car where it was and made the 5-minute walk. I felt a lot better than I had the night before. As much as it felt weird to put my trust in strangers, I really did trust Sam and Dean. Once I was outside the restaurant it didn’t take me long to spot them. Dean gave me a goofy wave through the window while sending me a ‘, please save me’ look. I giggled making my way into the restaurant and over to their table. "Hey guys," I said as I took a seat at the table. "Hey, sleepy head," Dean gave a big cheesy smile. "Hey", Theresa and Sam said in unison. "So, whose food can I steal," I said, tummy grumbling looking between the plates. "I made sure we paid for you too, you know just in case you decided to grace us with your presence” Dean smirked giving me a wink. "Thank you, such a gentleman" I gave him a wink back before heading to the food.
Dean followed me over with his almost empty plate. I could hear Sam call after him “Dude seriously are you still hungry”. I chuckled and shook my head at the brothers. Dean came to stand beside me as we loaded up our plates.
“So,” Dean said, putting way too much bacon on his plate “, I guess after this, we go our separate ways,” He said more of a statement than a question.
“I guess so”, I smiled at him. “But hey, you said you’d look me up next time you were in town, so don’t be a stranger now, you hear.”
“Yes, ma’am”, Dean chuckled “Just promise me you’ll go back to your normal life”.
“I promise” I smiled at him.
We had an excellent breakfast filled with conversation about what came next for Sam and Dean. They were headed back home to the US now the job was done. It seemed like this was goodbye forever. We finished our breakfast, and Dean drove us back to the hotel. Theresa and I packed up our things before giving them a heartfelt goodbye. We hopped in my car, going home back to life before the Winchesters. But we knew things would never be the same, not now. Some small piece of me hoped I would see the Winchesters again.
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I Will never Forget He Never Did Either....
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TRIGGER Warnings: death of a parent mentioned grieving sadness other than that angst and fluff and cake. Pick your Chris (pay attention to the cutie above)COMMENTS &REBLOGS WELCOME do not post or republish or translate anywhere
It seemed like everyone forgot, including my dad who ignored the day ...everyone...everyone except Chris.
Sure I never marked it on Facebook or social anymore it hurt too much (I dont care about social anymore anyway im never in it) but still... to have my dad pretend like it wasn't anything was heartbreaking seeing everyone forget wondering if that always how or if sometimes its not.
But it didnt change the fact that like I said everyone seemed to forget....everyone except Chris. He didn't say anything to me or text when he was away on this take hed never call or text about it but he was extra sweet. Extra caring.
To be honest I thought he forgot just like everyone else does a year so after someone looses someone. Thier birth stories are forgotten thier births are forgotten. But today Chris was extra sweet we both knew new why he was so cuddly in between shooting scene pulling me in his arms.
"Thank you."
I muttered one time in between shoots. He shook his head.
"You never have to thank me."
He was done shooting at a decent time. We got some takeout and went back to his place. I dont know how that man could be so sneaky but he could. He had a cake and we, well he cut two slices one for him and one for me I assumed, but we only took one out of the cake that we were sharing playing war with with our forks and I dont know how he did it or when but I suddenly saw the candle was lit. He silently got up and opened the window in the room. It was on the otberside, but still it was a nice night still and there isn't eally any breeze just a perfect light coolness. In the air but no breeze at all.
"Do you like the cake?"
"Mhm," I said putting some in my mouth.
" I wasn't sure what to get."
" To be honest I wouldn't either. I think my mom always got whatever she thought I'd like. She always put me first for everything."
"Well she raised an amazing daughter."
I couldnt help the tears that came to my eyes.
"And I bet you she always knew, and is so proud"
He bumped my shoulder playfully to try and get me to smile
"I wish I could've met her."
"Me too."
"But I know she is proud of you and I'd tell her I'd take the best care of her daughter I possibly could and how much I love you. Did she ever say if she liked my movies or no?"
"You know I dont know. One movie ai thought you were such an ass. She did say that I learn to love chest hair on men."
"Oh yeah? Is there a verdict?"
"I love you how you are."
"What a coincidence I love you too." He was leaning into kiss me (so was I to be honest) when there was a sudden woosh we looked up both of us confused. Then he put a smile on.
"I guess someone approves of us."
He was leaning into kiss me(so was I to be honest) when there was a sudden woosh we looked up both of us confused. Then he put a smile on. "I guess someone approves of us."
P.O.V. change
Chris wondered if the person or thing that blew out the candle on a still night knew about the engagement ring he was hiding on his sock drawer.... and if that was thier permission to him...
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit
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I Will Never Forget. He Never Did Either
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TRIGGER Warnings: death of a parent mentioned grieving sadness other than that angst and fluff and cake.
Pick your Chris (pay attention to the cutie above)
COMMENTS &REBLOGS WELCOME do not post or republish or translate anywhere
It seemed like everyone forgot, including my dad who ignored the day ...everyone...everyone except Chris
Sure I never marked it on Facebook or social anymore (I dont care about social barely on it) but still... to have my dad pretend like it wasn't anything was heartbreaking seeing everyone forget wondering if that always how or if sometimes its not. But it didnt change the fact that like I said everyone seemed to forget....everyone except Chris
He didn't say anything to me or text when he was away on this take hed never call or text about it but he was extra sweet. Extra careing. To be honest I thought he forgot just like everyone else does a year so after someone looses someone. Thier birth stories are forgotten thier births are forgotten. But today Chris was extra sweet we both knew new why he was so cuddly in between shooting scene pulling me in his arms.
"Thank you." I muttered one time in between shoots.
He shook his head.
"You never have to thank me."
He was done shooting at a decent time. We got some takeout and went back to his place. I dont know how that man could be so sneaky but he could. He had a cake and we, well he cut two slices one for him and one for me I assumed, but we only took one out of the cake that we were sharing playing war with with our forks and I dont know how he did it or when but I suddenly saw the candle was lit. He silently got up and opened the window in the room. It was on the otberside, but still.n I was a nice night still and not really any breeze with a perfect light coolness. In the air but no breeze at all.
Do you like the cake? Mhm I said putting some in my mouth.
I was told sure what to get.
To be honest I wouldn't either. I think my mom always got whatever she thought I'd like. She always put me first for everything.
"Well she raised an amazing daughter."
I couldnt help the tears that came to my eyes.
"And I bet you she always knew," He bumped my shoulder playfully. "I wish I could've met her."
"Me too."
"I'd tell her I'd take the best care of her daughter I possibly could and how much I love you. Did she ever say if she liked my movies or no?"
"You know I dont know. One movie ai thought you were such an ass. She did say that I learn to love chest hair on men."
"Oh yeah is there a verdict."
"I love you how you are."
"What a coincidence I love you too."
He was leaning into kiss me(so was I to be honest) when there was a sudden woosh we looked up both of us confused. Then he put a smile on.
"I guess someone approves of us."
P.O.V. change
Chris wondered if the person or thing that blew out the candle knew about the engagement ring he was hiding on his sock drawer....
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Need You Now
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For @supernatural-jackles tell me a story bingo 
Squared Filled: Quote E: I'm here like I promised
MusicProducer!Jared! x Artist!Reader
Warnings: Insecurities, Mention of Bullying Mutual Pinning, Fluff
Summary: Jared falls in love with a musician's voice online. One thing about her is she never shows her face. On a whim, he invites her down to his studio. When they meet there is something oddly familiar about her. 
Inspired by Lady A's Need You Now
It's a quarter after one. I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control. And I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without. I just need you now. 
Jared's P.O.V. 
Scrolling through Facebook trying to find a new artist. 
Invierno Records is doing well but we need some new talents.
Her voice was so raw and full of emotion.
Let me send her a dm for the company's profile to see if she wants to meet.
It doesn't take her long to respond. To my utter joy, she says she wants to meet. She's a mystery with no face or name.
We are meeting tomorrow at the studio. I quickly gave the info to our security guard to let her in. Clif can let her in when she gets there.
The next few hours I spent writing up a temporary contract for her. She'll get a full one once her first album is done. It's time for me to call it a day.
I think tomorrow will be a tomorrow.
1 day later…
Y/N's P.O.V.
Here I go driving to my meeting with Invierno Records. I’m trying my best to let my nerves get to me. It was a delightful surprise when they agreed to meet me. No one knows my name because they teased me in school and I didn't want those bullies to find me.
I picked a simple black dress with black shoes. My bluebell choker is one of my favourite pieces. My mom gave it to me. I've always loved blue and always loved music. She gave me the nickname bluebell because of it.
Here's the studio. It's gorgeous even on the outside. Red bricked and polished wood motif on the outside with the title of the company. I take a deep breath in. Here we go. 
Clif their guard is there to meet me.
“You must be Bluebell. Jared will be along shortly. Make yourself comfortable.” Clif said.
I set up the audio just the way I like it. Having experience with audio boards sure comes in handy. I took a media course in college.
I plug my phone into the board and pick out the instrumental to Lady A's I need You now.
Jared's P.O.V.
A beautifully emotional voice greets me as soon as I open the door. 
It's her as I take a step closer I immediately recognize her Y/N.
Those Y/E/C and Y/H/C. That black dress and blue choker just enhances her beauty.
I haven't seen her since high school. She's even more beautiful than I remember. She took my breath away. The truth is I've always had a crush on her.   
I get on my headset and talk to her through the intercom.
"Y/N I'm here just like I promised. That was beautiful. Can you come out here and talk to me? We have much to discuss." I said.
Y/N's P.O.V 
I feel the air has been sucked out of my lungs when I see who it is Jared Padalecki. I've never forgotten those gorgeous multi-spectrum hazel eyes of his. Jared was always so kind to me.
I did not know he owned this studio.
He wraps me up in a hug. Jared has always been a hugger.
He pulls away to speak to me.
“Your voice is gorgeous. Where have you been hiding it? It's so good to see you again. I'd like to hear more. Then we'll talk about your contract.” Jared said.
I feel like my heart is in my throat. I'm barely able to speak.
"Thank you so much Jared and it's good to see you too," I replied with a smile.
He guides me back into the booth.
“From the top and then we'll go to dinner to discuss your contract,” Jared said.
He kisses me on the cheek before returning to the mixing board.
I feel the heat rising in my cheek at the gesture.
Y/N focus your career on the line. As the music starts, it brings me back into focus. I get lost in the music.
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whoviancumberbunny · 2 years
Part Four: Rhythm Of Life - Scanlan Fluff Fic
Part one: Tentative Love  
Part Two: Small Miracles
Part Three: Leave A Tender Moment Alone
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Sidenote Image for the Shorthalt house is from a small homes facebook page i follow
Scanlan is supposed to be playing this song
Rhythm Of Life
Scanlan Shorthalt and Other Vox Machina characters Created by Critical Role
 Lucy Collins-Shorthalt and the Shorthalt Children Created By Melissa C. Scraper @whoviancumberbunny
 It was hard to believe that they had been married almost ten years, but at this moment Lucy was standing in front of their, house that was created for them by Keylith, and inside a tree as her husband attempted to get their Daughter’s Lyre out of the Squirrel nest “Damn it, I don’t get how Elijah can put it in there without  these little dipsticks biting him.” The mother squirrel defending her babies suddenly jumped at his face he lost control of Scanlan’s hand and fell to the ground “Elijah! This is the third time this week you have taken your sister’s Lyre and hidden it.” He hit the ground stood up “I am alive.”
 “I sent a message to Kiki to see if she could help us. Since she can talk to animals.” Lucy knelt down “Come here.”  She kisses him gently on the lips  “Elijah spends lot of time with his godparents they probably taught him now to be calm enough to not startle animals.”
 “Are you saying our son is a ranger?”
 “I am not saying he’s anything he’s just our son.  Oddly enough Quentin ended up being more astute and laid back than I expected.”  
 “are you saying our son is a nerd.” An hour later  
 Kiki “The Mother squirrel thought you were trying to steal her babies.”  She hands them Daphne’s Lyre
 “Thanks, Kiki.”  Lucy smiled “are you and Vax available to watch the kids. I know normally they stay with Vex and Percy. But just like my husband. Percy tends to get himself hurt trying to make his kids happy. This time he broke his leg.”  She grins at  Scanlan
 “I think we are.  But Vax gets so broody once in a while.”
 “There is full moon tomorrow night, kiki. Full moons are when the veil between us and world of the dead are weakest. Scanlan’s mother usually visits  on full moons.”
“What?” Scanlan says
 “Don’t you ever wonder why once in while you discover little things that make you think of your mom.  She leaves them for you to find.”  Everyone in vox had just gotten accustomed to the idea that Lucy tended to casually mentions spirits. But She and Scanlan both knew Daphne could see them as well.
 “It is hard to believe Daphne is almost 10, and the boys are six.”
 “Gods help us when Daphne is old enough to date. Scanlan is going to make sure she doesn’t spend time around horny bards.”
 “I was such a dick when I was younger.  We  need to assign some kind of shore to Eli as penance for hiding his sister’s stuff three times this week.”  
 “See you if you can find Quentin, he’s likely hiding somewhere reading.  it is his turn to water the garden.”
Gilmore walks “the most handsome of godfathers is here. I have finished daphne’s dress for the showcase next weekend.  it is simple and will do really well with her beret.”   He looks at Scanlan “I see my little godson is causing trouble again.” He hands lucy package
 Lucy “Just because we are business partners, Shaun, you just made me new outfit last week.” Just then Daphne, Quentin and Eli come running our and all pile on Gilmore
“Uncle Gilmore!” Eli yells  “Sorry I accidentally made you burn your book with the people kissing on the cover.”
 Lucy raises an eye brow “Were you reading a Romance novel last time you watched them?”
 The wizard blushes “Maybe!” ?” he says as he dusts himself off “I am looking forward to the music showcase this is the first time since the school opened three years ago that there has been an event there.”
 “I wanted to make sure there were plenty of BITs.” Scanlan said
“Bards in training.” Lucy says when Gilmore looks at Scanlan.
 Gilmore “Quentin, you are not getting your present until you water the garden like your mother wants you to.”  Quentin   runs off to water the garden “that boy is special.  I am not saying that because I am his Godfather.”
 All three of the Shorthalt children were special, it was just hard to place what Quentin’s skill set exactly was because he had always be the one who was intentionally walking several steps behind his brother and studying the terrain.
 “The other day when we were camping,  he managed to push Daphne out of the way before a branch would have hit her on the head and he jumped back just in time to keep it from hitting himself.”
 A few days later Annie visits Scanlan is playing a piano and he’s been writing this song that he has no idea where the melody came from “You are writing lyrics to the melody of the song my dad never finished. It is the melody we heard in the house that.”
 “Really, I have been waking up for months with this melody on my head. I just felt like it deserved words.”   He ads the name Quentin Charles Collins just above his on the parchment he’s been writing the music on “It is only right.”  He absent mindedly  played with the small silver compass that she had given him
She sits next to him “Play it from the beginning.  I want to hear it.”   She said as placed her hand on his thigh “I love you. I hope you never forget that.” as he played she started humming along , she looks up as half elf woman with blue eyes entered. “Genevieve, you  never told me you were coming for visit.” She ran over to hug her
 Genevieve hugs her “I thought I would surprise you. I wanted to be town for the music showcase I love seeing your daughter and husband playing.” On a family vacation they had tumbled upon the hometown of one of the mistresses of Quentin Collins.  When it would become apparent that Lucy wasn’t only one attracted to pointy eared people. “ she looks at her “You have only been married ten months and that husband of yours already got you pregnant.” She says smiling
 “I got tired of being in  the house he’s so paranoid something bad will happen to the both of us. While he is vasselheim on business I came here. I do apologize for my mother assuming you were the enemy when we first met  four years ago, sister.”  
 “No need the collins family always had a habit of breeding resentment.  Come on we were about to get something to eat.”
 “Looked more like you were about take him to his office to things under the desk.”  She said
 “we’ve never done things under the desk. In the water closet, on the fainting couch,  in the wardrobe.”
 Lucy “I am sure Gena doesn’t want to know every place we’ve ever, you know. in your office. Though it was kind of funny when you nearly fell out of the hey loft, In the stables, and your pants fell out the window.”
 :You know how to make me excited, Mrs Shorthalt.” Scanlan said winking as he put the scroll with the music on it, in his bag.  “thank you for being patient enough to stay with me.”
 “Scanlan, was I really the first to see that gentle part of you. Not just the obnoxious way you tended to act.” She said they had just developed compfrtable rhyth, to how they lived their lives eventhough Percy and Scanlan had founded the Whitestone Music academy and the library/ they mostly went on diplomatic traps. But Lucy and Scanlan always made time to be by themselves together
 “Yes. I…never thanked you for suggesting I teach here.”
 “Music is the pirest form of magic. Even if you weren’t a user of arcane magic you would still be magician.” She looks at him as get food in the school dining hall and sit down
 “You two are so cute/ Sometimes my husband treats me like someone who should never leave the house.”
 Annie places her hand on her sisters hand “Listen to me, little sister if that husband of yours every harms you tell me and I can send Vax and grog to deal with him.”  After All vax was still the champion of  her lady of ravens.  
 “He hasn’t done anything yet he doesn’t even act happy about the baby.”
 Scanlan slides under the table and goes over to Gena’s side “You are family and family comes first. If he doesn’t respect you should leave his ass and raise the baby on your own. That’s what my mother did when she found out she was pregnant with me.  We always have your back, Genevive.”
 Gena “Thank you both.” She says  as Scanlan goes back to the seat by lucy and she puts the desert on her tray on his
 Lucy “Now stop looking at me like a sad little puppy I got it for you because I know it is your favorite and you usually can’t see the deserts in the back row without using magic in the building.” She looks at her sister “believe it or not. Before I met my handsome, gnomeo here. I didn’t think I deserved love from anyone.”
 Gena “I will keep that in mind.” she had been thinking she was paranoid but she sensed her husband had only married her to have an heir
 When everyone meets up outside the Music Academy before the showcase “Vax’ildan, I have favor to ask.”   Lucy explains to him after everyone else goes in “I am not saying I want him dead. I want him followed to see if he is cheating on my sister.  I want her to be happy, and she isn’t happy with him.”
 Vax’ildan  looks at her “Okay I can just observe him for a while. Then you can decide how to deal with him later.”  He looked at her “Last time Kiki and I were watching Daphne, Eli and Quentin. Quentin was talking in his sleep.”
 Lucy “I think he’s a vessel for my brother’s soul he’s been acting different since he got sick during that thunderstorm six months ago. He Called me Lulu-Bell. And the children don’t even know about that.” she sighed “He will leave once he is able to tell me why he’s here.”
 To Be Continued
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
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my moms been trying to train her facebook algorithm for the past two weeks to stop hiding family’s posts, but here on tumblr i liked 1 (one) johnmartin post when the teaser dropped and this bitch here has been suggesting to me nothing but TMA fluff since. locked onto my brain waves like “okay so this for the rest of autumn, gotcha”. bless this fucked website
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thenightling · 7 months
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There was a conversation in my The Sandman Facebook group where we discussed quality over quantity when writing a description.
I admit to being guilty of type-babbling.
There was an annoying fad, a few years ago, among online role players (particularly on IMVU) of Para RP, which was mostly excessive purple prose in these giant walls of text to show how much of a "real writer" these players are.
A friend of mine (Jennifer Carroll) was / is a brilliant RPer and she could write a vivid description in just two sentences but the snobs into para RP often ignored her posts for being "Too short" and "not serious" even though her short posts said a lot more than their thirty sentences of fluff and filler.
Now me, I admit to being guilty of using too many words to say very little.
I wish I could write more like the late, great, Ray Bradbury.
Take for example his description here from the narration of the animated movie version of his The Halloween Tree.
"The ravine. The ravine was filled with varieties of darkness, night, shadows, toad eyes and raven beaks. The ravine, the birthplace of mushrooms and pale toad stools, whispers and drippings that called 'come, stay, linger and hide, hide here forever, never go, stay, stay'."
Look how gorgeously vivid this description is and he wrote it for a 1993 animated TV movie based on his novel of the same name. It's so simple and concise yet descriptive and atmospheric. Now THAT is quality over quantity! I know Ray Bradbury can be guilty of Purple Prose but that's why I chose the short burst narrations from The Halloween Tree animated movie, because they are vividly detailed but not excessive.
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heymarketeer · 1 year
5 Dos and Don’ts of Organic Reach on Facebook
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Facebook has made it increasingly difficult for business pages to be seen over the last few months. That even includes the people already following your page. Just because you make a post does not mean they will see it. That is, unless you pay to promote your posts.
Do not think that’s your only option.
Your organic reach, as in the kind you don’t pay for, can be increased if you encourage better engagement from your followers. If people are liking, commenting, and sharing your posts, Facebook will reward you by showing those posts to more people. Just follow a few basic rules.
Facebook Post DOs
Do: Go Live on Facebook
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Do: Shoot for more than just “Likes”
Another recently added feature on Facebook is the wide selection of reactions on each post. A “Like” is still the default, but earning a “HaHa” or a “Wow” implies that your content is more interesting and better quality. Bam! More organic reach.
Do: Encourage your staff to share posts
Your post will see more newsfeeds if someone shares it than it will directly from your page. Come up with a system to monitor and reward your employees for engaging and sharing your brand on their own feeds to build your network from within. This is a strategy that can work across all social media channels, not just Facebook.
Facebook Post Don’ts
Don’t: Post pages full of ads
Clickbait articles and fake news sites are full of pages with 2 sentences of content and 16 ads on each page. Facebook has an algorithm to identify and downgrade the exposure of these types of links because NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THEM. Do not share links like this to your page, and if your website looks like this, fix it immediately.
Don’t: Beg for Likes
Posts that say “Like for A, Share for B” do nothing to add value to your page. You are better off sharing quality content less often than fluffing your page with these sorts of posts. You also risk having followers start hiding your page from their newsfeeds, which is worse than no engagement at all.
Facebook is still about people connecting with people. Connect with your people with quality content and be careful not to torpedo your own efforts with fluff. It is still possible to reach new followers without spending your money!
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snnydcysarchivee · 1 year
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name : lumi
pronouns :  she/her
preference of communication : dms if you don't have my discord! but if you do have my discord, definitely there!
most active muse :  oooff, even though i have 6 accounts with soooo many muses.. i would say sonny is the most active. she is my first child <3 kate is second!
experience / how many years : fucking hell, way too fucking long. from youtube, facebook, twitter, to here.. lawd. it's been a ride.
best experience : best experience? hmmm... i would say being able to write sonny munroe for the first time. i've been wanting to write her for so long. when i finally got to, i have never gone back.
rp pet peeves : fuck. when people can't separate mun and muse. that shit bugs me to NO END. if you can't separate it, then you need a reality check. don't use your muse to hide behind. if you have a problem, then say it. or when people steal from other people. there's one thing of being inspired by someone, but stealing?? no. just stop. don't get me started on people being soooo possessive. if you rp on indie, everyone is going to write with everyone, everyone is going to ship with everyone, and that's okay. if you can't handle that, then indie rp is not for you. when people expect a fast reply and attack people on their activity?? tumblr is a hobby and not a jobby, so people need to know that. WHEN PEOPLE DECIDE TO BE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE THROUGH THEIR MUSES or even irl. no. bye. racial bending and white washing? common sense. don't do it.
fluff, angst, or smut : gimmie ALL
plots or memes : as much as i love plotting, i suck at it sooo bad kjrbeksjgbj but when i do plot it is FUN. but memes are the best way to reach out to me and start things!
long or short replies : it definitely depends on the thread and my muse for sure!
time to write : can't really pin point cause it always depends on my muse! i can go from all day or not at all.
are you like your muses : i would probably say i'm most like sonny and kate!
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