#hidekane new year
myndless88 · 9 months
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Happy New Year! HideKane ver.
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 2, Side B, Match 7
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propaganda under the cut!
"Submission 1 Let me tell you, when I say they should have been canon, they should have been canon! Let's start from the beginning, shall we? (Major spoilers for the whole series lmao)
Hide and Kaneki met as children, around the ages of 7-10. Kaneki has always been a big bookworm while Hide has always been a big extrovert. Unbeknown to anyone yet, Hide had recently lost his father and was just adopted and was having a hard time adjusting and fitting in at this new school despite his cheerful personality. He kinda just walked up to Kaneki and asked to be his friend and he said yes.
They grew up together, Hide being Kaneki's only salvation in the world as he lost his mother and was stuck in a neglectful, nearly abusive situation living with his aunt. They usually just talked about stupid stuff, but Hide's friendship meant everything to Kaneki. Eventually, they began attending the same university, Kamii. Kaneki took literature while Hide studied foreign languages, majoring in English. They were only in their first year when Kaneki was involved in an accident. In this world, creatures known as ghouls exist among humans, look and act just like them, but they eat human flesh. It's the only thing their bodies can digest, everything else tastes disgusting and makes them sick.
Kaneki went out with a girl, but found out she was actually a ghoul when she tried to eat him. He ran away into a construction zone where steel beams fell on the girl and he passed out. He was rushed to the hospital and needed a kidney transplant, but the hospital had none and so they used the girl's, or so the doctor said. In reality, the doctor transplanted the girl's kakuho, an organ unique to ghouls, into him. Slowly, Kaneki began to notice changes to his body. Food tasted gross and people started to sound appetizing (this all sounds off topic but trust me it's necessary to understand the depths of Kaneki and Hide's relationship).
While dealing with this revalation, Kaneki skipped out on quite a few days of class. Once he retuned, Hide immediately hugged him, saying that he's been lonely and that rabbits die of loneliness. Later in the day, Hide is attacked by a ghoul and knocked unconscious while Kaneki tries to fight the ghoul off. Kaneki is very weak at this point and can't do much, but tries to defend his friend until the bitter end. When it really looks like Hide is about to die and be eaten, Kaneki is able to unleash his kagune (a hunting limb/organ thing ghouls use to fight) to fight off the ghoul and save Hide. The two of them are saved and cared for, and Kaneki talks to another ghoul about how he's no longer human in the same room Hide is sleeping in but little does he know that Hide is actually awake.
They started drifting away because of this, with Kaneki wanting to keep Hide out of danger. At one point, Kaneki is kidnapped and goes missing and so Hide spends his time looking for him, tailing shady people, and joining the CCG (Comission of Counter Ghoul, aka the ghoul cops) as an intern to look for files on him. Eventually a few months later, they find each other again. Kaneki has changed a lot, having been tortured and been through a lot of other stuff. The CCG is on a mission called the Owl Execution Operation to locate and kill an extremely powerful ghoul known as the Owl with Kaneki fighting on the side of the ghouls and Hide (technically) with the CCG. Kaneki is beginning to lose his mind while struggling to regenerate a severe wound when Hide shows up. Kaneki freaks out because he doesn't want Hide to know that he's a ghoul, but Hide just pats him on the shoulder and says ""I knew all along man!"" There's a very strong CCG fighter blocking the only exit to the area and Kaneki needs to be at full strength to have a chance at winning so Hide tells Kaneki to eat him. Kaneki gives Hide one hell of a kiss, eating his lips and part of his cheek and neck.
Flash forward three/four years later, Kaneki had amnesia but regained his memories at this point. Kaneki is fighting an extremely strong adversary and is losing horribly. He is about to drown when Hide appears in his dreams. They talk about the situation, joking around a bit too. Kaneki cries, saying how much he misses him, with Hide responding ""what are you, a rabbit?"" Hide convinces Kaneki to keep fighting and not to throw his life away, saying ""it may not be stylish, but live."
Meanwhile, the real Hide has dedicated his life to finding help for Kaneki these last few years. After some really big stuff that I can't even begin to explain happens, Hide comes out from the shadows and takes the lead in helping Kaneki out of this shitshow of a situation. When one person asks ""why go this far for Ken Kaneki?"", Hide simply responds ""Because I love him.""
Submission 2
They're lifelong friends. Kaneki has a bad family history and Hide looks like a sunflower and has the personality of a golden retriever. When Kaneki gets turned into a ghoul, Hide figures it out pretty much immediately and doesn't say anything, because he's waiting for Kaneki to feel comfortable enough to confess. Even as Kaneki drifts away, Hide gets more and more involved in the world of ghouls so he can continue looking after him. At the end of the first series, Kaneki ends up starved for human flesh and on the brink of being captured. Hide, who has joined the enemy side because it's the only way to stay close, finds him in the sewers and offers himself to be eaten. Fade to black.
In the second series, when Kaneki regains his memories, he wants to die in style, like he thinks Hide did, protecting the people he loves. His hallucinations of Hide talk him out of this. He gets ghoul-married to another ghoul by leaving non-fatal bites on each other. This is relevant because Hide isn't dead; just heavily scarred (his jaw and throat are just gone, like a makeout session gone very badly), and he's been going around in disguise as a scarecrow for the past several years, manipulating things so that Kaneki will be as safe as possible.
Submission 1
they are the cutest thing ever with 5 books of slow burn
Submission 2
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hidewari · 4 years
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Kaneki as Odin: the one-eyed king of the Gods, and Hide as Heimdall: the guardian of the bridge that joins the realm of the Gods with humanity.
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hideyoshineki · 7 years
If you start watching Tokyo Ghoul Root A Episode 12 at exactly 11:51:14 on New Year's Eve, Hide will tell Kaneki "Let's go home" at exactly midnight. Start off your new year right.
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jasontoddiefor · 3 years
nobody's keeping score
Ship: HideKane
Summary: In a world where ink stains the white papers of constitutions, damning the lives of ghouls, their existence is no secret or rumor, but a topic of heated debate, protests, and anonymous organ donations in shady alleys. No matter how bright the CCG appears in their white coats, their light cannot reach the dark tunnels where ghouls and sympathizers alike are plotting. And when Hide, after hours of sitting at his best friend’s hospital bed, sees him wake with one eye black and red, the difficult question is not how to get him help, but how to avoid him becoming the figurehead of a conflict threatening to turn into a bloody revolution.
AN: Notes: You ever just take a 4-year break from a fandom and return with spite fic because you remembered how much you hated canon? Yeah. This fanfic is my attempt at corralling the TG worldbuilding into something coherent that makes sense. I will keep some elements of canon, others I will throw out of the window straight away. This is utterly self-indulgent.
“And with the developments in synthetic meat production—”
Hide wanted to groan. They’d been discussing the same question for the last three hours of class and he was, frankly speaking, done with it. People were running out of arguments and circling back to topics that didn’t contribute anything to the conversation they were supposed to be having. From the way their lecturer was glaring at the latest speaker, Hide would say that she was also very done.
“Yoshimura, as stated before, we are not discussing possibilities for ghoul integration, but the mere premise of whether they even deserve the rights needed to legalize their status as citizens. The right of existence of an individual should not be dependent on what modifications would have to be made to accommodate them, but whether they deserve to live regardless.”
Hide had zoned out about an hour ago. His opinion on ghouls had always felt rather clinical, mathematically detached, despite Hide’s history. Maybe too much time had passed since he’d looked at the bloody remains of his father to really hammer home the fear-motivated rejection so many people fell to. Perhaps the CCG investigators, who had dragged him away from his father’s corpse, should have allowed him to get a little more traumatized before the kindness of his new parents had become enough to dull those painful memories.
Some ghouls were no different than brutal serial killers, and they had to be taken down, but the rest seemed to be getting by just fine. If a new legislation would make it even easier for them to go about their everyday lives, perhaps the number of violent ghoul attacks would go down as well. Hide was well aware that this was the view of a privileged person. Growing up in the 20th ward meant that you needn’t be scared of leaving your house when it was already dark. Kamii University prided itself on the fact that it could safely offer evening classes such as the one Hide was attending now. The same certainly couldn’t be said for the other wards. Any citizen between the 9th and 13th wards would probably advocate vocally for the extermination of ghouls. The 11th especially resembled a warzone even during the daylight. Ghoul sightings were nothing unusual there, and investigators’ mutilated bodies were displayed as trophies and warnings alike. Meanwhile, nobody had died in the 20th war for something like ten odd years. Sometimes it felt like waiting for the other shoe to drop, but most of the time, Hide didn’t even think about ghouls.
By the time class was finally over, Hide had taken only one or two more bullet points. They hadn’t really said anything of interest and it reflected in his writing. Usually, Hide would be sending rapid-fire texts to Kaneki now, but his friend was still on his date and Hide didn’t want to bother him. It had taken more than just a bit of teasing and probing to get Kaneki to ask that girl out and he wouldn’t self-sabotage his hard work.
It was good that Kaneki was connecting to people that weren’t just Hide.
And it would be awesome if Hide could do the same.
Codependence needed two people to work and Kaneki was definitely not the only one struggling with independence. Hide had yet to figure out how to let go of Kaneki when his relationship to the other boy had been the only stable thing in his world for the longest time. Nothing said mental health like latching onto an abused child to escape the stifling air of his brand-new foster fathers’ home.
The next time he visited his parents, he’d bring them some flowers to make up for how troublesome he’d been as a child.
Glancing at his phone again, Hide realized he had to hurry if he wanted to take the early bus home. He was just about to plug in his headphones when an unknown number flashed up on the display. Who would call him at this time? Hide was definitely someone who preferred texting. Even his parents knew better than to call unless it was serious. The only person he ever actually called was Kaneki, and that was only because his friend sometimes got so lost in a book, he forgot to text back or didn’t even hear the phone buzz. Hide contemplated picking up for another ring, then gave in and accepted. “Nagachika Hideyoshi speaking, who’s calling?”
“Hello, I am Tanaka Akako, a nurse of the Kanou General Hospital. You are Nagachika Hideyoshi, Kaneki Ken’s emergency contact?”
The blood in Hide’s veins froze.
“Yes, I am. Has— has anything happened? Is Kaneki alright!?”
The nurse’s voice was so calm, steady, and pleasant as if this was a chat between friends. Somewhere Hide knew that it probably helped most people, but it just put him on edge. “Nagachika-san, your friend and another young woman were involved in an accident. Dr. Kanou is preparing him for surgery, but as his emergency contact, we have to discuss the possible options before we can proceed.”
Hide didn’t want to discuss any options. There shouldn’t be any besides Kaneki’s survival. Hide wanted to rush into the operation hall and hold Kaneki’s hand, wishing he could turn back time, tell his friend to remain at his side and consider that girl out of his league so he’d spent the evening with him and not getting sent to ER. This couldn’t be real; he was sick to his stomach.
“What are the options?” Hide asked, panic threatening to strangle him as he rushed to the street, trying to find a taxi to take him to Kanou General straightaway.
“Kaneki-san sustained serious injuries. Dr. Kanou is willing to transplant the deceased Kamishiro-san’s organs into your friend to save his life even if her family hasn’t consented yet. The only consent we can ask for in Kaneki-san’s case is yours and—”
“Do it,” Hide replied immediately. He didn’t know Kaneki’s date, and as much as Hide loved people, argued for a baseline acceptance every day in class, he couldn’t bring himself to care about the wishes of a family whose daughter was already dead. The only thing they were still good for once their hearts stopped beating was serving the living with their remains.
Kaneki might survive because of her; what else could matter? “Do it, whatever you need to save him— you have my full permission.”
Finally, a taxi approached and stopped right when Hide waved for it. He quickly climbed inside and, paying no attention to the driver, told him to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.
“And in case he doesn’t survive, may his organs—”
“He will survive,” Hide pressed because he didn’t know what he’d do with himself if he were to lose Kaneki. He’d built a life around his best friend and how much they meant to one another. Hide couldn’t give up on that, couldn’t let it slip past his fingers. “He’ll survive. I know it.”
Organ transplants took place every day without any complications—
Hide’s eyes widened. “Kaneki has recessive ROS!” he all but shouted at the nurse, startling the taxi driver.
Kaneki’s father had died because of it. If Kaneki got the wrong blood transfusions or anything, his RC cells were suddenly pushed to start acting up, the dormant sickness could turn on and what if Hide had just damned him to a life of wasting away—
Stay positive. Don’t freak out even more. They hadn’t done anything yet, merely asked for Hide’s permission to help Kaneki at all. He was saving his friend’s life; he wasn’t cursing him.
“Thank you for telling me, Nagachika-san. I will pass that on to Dr. Kanou. You have just contributed immensely to the safety of the procedure.”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Hide said. “Just— he has to hold on. Tell Kaneki he has to hold on until I’m there.”
“We will, Nagachika-san, don’t worry. Dr. Kanou will do his best.”
His best.
The words echoed in Hide’s mind. How was he ever supposed to know if Kanou’s best would be enough for his friend? Hide excelled at being optimistic, could see the positive side of most things in life, had learned how to be hopeful at the funerals of people he’d loathed. He just couldn’t allow himself to drown in any negative possibilities.
The rest of the drive passed in the blur, either because the driver had known to speed up after listening in on the phone call, or because Hide was so out of it that he didn’t really register the streetlamps flickering by until the taxi had reached its destination. Hide passed the driver a couple bills, probably more than the transport had actually cost, but he didn’t care. What were one or two skipped meals compared to being there before it was too late? Hide rushed inside the sterile white hospital, eyes immediately set on the front desk.
“My friend,” Hide stuttered as he clung to the counter, holding it as if it were his lifeline. “He was brought in— an accident. He was on a date and there was an accident. Dr. Kanou is operating him?”
The receptionist seemed confused, needing a moment to make something coherent out of Hide’s rambles. “I need your identification before I can tell you anything about our patients.”
“Yes, yes, of course.” Hide fumbled for his student ID card and put it on the counter with shaky hands. “Nagachika Hideyoshi, I’m Kaneki Ken’s emergency contact.”
“Of course, your friend is still in the operating room. You can wait here.”
Hide didn’t want to wait, but what else was there he could do? He hated feeling useless like this, unable to contribute anything productive. The receptionist sent him a kind look and, defeated, Hide crossed the entrance hall to the waiting room where he remained together with other worried family members and patients, clutching his phone so he wouldn’t start screaming. He couldn’t stop moving his legs, stress keeping him wide awake even as the hospital emptied and less and less people sat around him. How long did such an operation take? An hour? Two? Hide had absolutely no idea. He didn’t study anything like this. His major was English literature, which was about as helpful as hot air at this moment.
He could quote enough books concerned with some medical drama and family members in the hospital, but none of them brought him any comfort.
Hide looked up into the kind face of an elderly man wearing a pristine white coat.
“Y- yes?” Hide replied and quickly stood up, brushing imaginary dust from his pants. “Are you Dr. Kanou? Is my friend alright? Can I see him?”
“I am sorry to have caused you such worries. The operation went well. Your friend is resting in intensive care right now. He is still asleep, but you may visit him. The presence of loved ones is often very beneficial to the healing process.”
A sob shook Hide’s shoulders. Kaneki was alive. He hadn’t died.
“Thank you,” he managed to say in between his sobs. “Thank you, thank you for saving his life.”
The doctor only kept on smiling and kindly put his hand on Hide’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly in what was meant to be comforting. “It is my job, young man. You don’t have to thank me. Nothing is more important to me than saving innocent lives. If you follow one of the nurses, you can see your friend immediately.”
Hide thanked the doctor once more, relief slowly filling the pits anxiety had hollowed out. He followed the nurse through the labyrinth of death, decay, healing, and salvation up to the intensive care station. Quietly, he was led to a room. The door opened, revealing one lone figure on a bed.
From a distance, hooked up with so many tubes and wires, Kaneki was nothing like the person who took up half of Hide’s life. He seemed so much smaller and looked like just one push could snap his connection to life.
“Please remain quiet,” the nurse told him. “And don’t move him.” Glancing at his still trembling fingers, she added, “but you may hold his hand.”
Hide nodded, then quickly crossed the room to Kaneki’s bed and sat down on the chair next to it. Kaneki didn’t move at all; not even a single muscle twitched. Hide would assume they had led him to view his friend’s corpse if not for the steady rise and fall of his chest. Pushing up the sleeves of his jacket, Hide took Kaneki’s hand in his own.
“Hey, Ken,” he muttered, pressing his eye close so no tears would escape them. “You scared me there. Don’t ever do that again.”
Predictably, Kaneki didn’t reply. Nevertheless, Hide imagined that just for a moment, he squeezed Hide’s hand back. Slowly, the tension bled from Hides’s shoulders and he made himself comfortable in the hard plastic chair. This was bound to be a long night and he was starting to feel his exhaustion catch up to him. He tried to keep his eyes trained on his friend for as long as possible, remaining alert for a change to his condition, but it was getting more and more difficult to keep them open.
Eventually, the darkness caught him as he fell. Hide knew he stirred a couple more times during the night, likely when the nurses came to check on Kaneki. Nobody asked him to move and leave, something he was immensely thankful for. He wouldn’t have been able to let go. By the time the sun began to chase away the shadows again, Hide wasn’t sure how much he had slept, only that it had definitely not been enough. But that was alright, he could catch up on sleep sometime later. It was far more important that Kaneki was going to be alright.
Hide turned to look at Kaneki’s face and found his friend awake, staring back at him.
One eye gray like a stormy cloud before the morning rainfall.
The other was blood-red against the night sky.
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veganweeb · 3 years
Earlier today I was remembering how fun it was for me when this blog was in its prime era, when I was posting so much hidekane and kawoshin everyday…. I miss it, I literally grew up with this blog 🥲 I used to go by lancinant instead of veganweeb because of a vocaloid song.
I am still very active but I mainly just lurk and don’t really have the energy to interact with the fandoms anymore, tbh I don’t think many people remember me anyway lol almost everyone from that time probably already left.
but yeah.. happy 2022 to all my followers! stay safe 🥳🎉✨
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
Hi hi hi!!!! Still doing headcanons? Any chance we could have a hidekane headcanon where they found themselves taking care of orphaned ghoul and human kids alike? Like they thought it’s just temporary but turned out they cared for these kids? Takes place after root a but everyone survived the anteiku raid please? I need them found family alive! And be the extended family of these kids.
Bonus if they call kaneki maman and hide papa or something.... thank you so much for indulging me!
C H I L D R E N! I’ll be putting this in The Ghouls Are Alright AU to better flesh out how I plan on eventually writing it
This all goes down when Hide and Kaneki are about 27, they’re more stable and ghouls are in the process of being decriminalized, but it’s still such a shaky peace and there are still ghoul and human groups fighting eachother. A vaccine that can alter ghoul diets to accommodate most human foods is out, but many ghouls stay away from it, fearing it being a trap
It’s actually Banjou who brought the kids to Anteiku. He shows up with two seven year olds and explains that one is the son of a member of what’s left of Aogiri that was killed and the other is the daughter of some humans that were eaten. He rightfully doesn’t trust the foster system with a ghoul kid or Aogiri with the human kid, but somehow the two bonded a bit at the Aogiri base and shouldn’t be separated. Yoshimura took them in and was supposed to be the one raising them
Hide, now a peace keeper and Kaneki, now a teacher, are still extremely close with the Anteiku ghouls and take some time off to help the kids get adjusted. The cafe has never had kids this young there before, much less a human one, and they want to make sure they’re alright.
The human girl and the ghoul boy are distrustful of the group. They hide out in their room and don’t really talk to the ghouls who ask them questions, so Hide tries. It takes about a week for them to open up, but they end up latching onto Hide first as Single Adult They Will Accept Food, Help, And Affection From. When Hide introduces Ken to them, they open up to him too since if he’s this guy’s husband he must be nice too
It starts out as babysitting. Hide and Kaneki keep the kids clean and entertained and get the ghoul boy to get his Lets Not Eat People vaccine. The two of them end up sleeping over at Anteiku most nights to comfort the kids if they have nightmares. After awhile of this, they realize that they’re practically already their parents and don’t want to imagine a future where they aren’t, so they ask the kids if they’d like to be adopted, to which they wholeheartedly agree
Hide’s dads help them with adjusting the kids to a new home since they had done the same for their son. Stuff like getting them a therapist and a plan for school that lets them call their dads when they need to. They also get help from other ghouls since neither of them know what raising a ghoul kid entails
They thought the ghoul would be difficult, but he’s actually pretty calm. Aside from eating raw beef, hanging from tree branches by his Bikaku, and climbing everything in sight, the boy isn’t much different from human kids. In fact he’s probably the easier kid since he can be calmed down with kagune cuddles and purrs from Kaneki
The girl is more chaotic. Her favorite thing to do seems to be chasing lizards and throwing rocks at cars. Many people mix up which kid is the ghoul and which is human because she bites people constantly
Aunts Touka and Yoriko will babysit from time to time. The kids are always dropped off with new clothes and a new toy since they have lots of money and no children of their own. The only downside is that Touka taught them all the curse words
Kaneki works at the school they go to, so he can keep an eye on them. He makes sure that their teachers do not allow the boy to be bullied for being a ghoul
When the family is out Ken will wrap kagune tendrils around the kid’s waists like built in child leashes to keep them from scaling buildings as they’ve shown several times, they can absolutely do
Since the boy is used to playing games with other ghoul children using kagune, they made the girl a sort of plastic shell she can clip onto her shoulder and manuever with handhold at the end. With the fake Koukakou she can play them with him
Hide already Wears terrible caps and Cargo shorts, he was born to be a dad. They call him papa and ABSOLUTELY call Kaneki mom, earning Ken the title “honorary milf” from his friends
They’re trying so hard to get the girl to stop eating grass. Nothing is working. Why is she doing that.
Hide keeps a little shrinky dink the kids made him in his pocket when he goes on dangerous jobs for good luck
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pxe · 3 years
ofc tyler reblogs hidekane on new years.
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hidekaneweek · 5 years
That’s a wrap 🌟
It was a quieter year for Hidekane Week, but I just want to thank each and every one of you for not only participating but for also showing love and support after all these years! (6 years!!! I mean seriously, that’s ridiculous, I love y’all.) You guys truly make the hidekane fandom shine <3
If there was any work that I missed, please let me know so I can reblog it! Doesn’t matter that the event is over...hidekane is forever.
There may be a 2020 event, but until then, happy Hidekane’ing and happy new year 💕
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torika-ryosxke-blog · 6 years
Hello! im new here UwU, I have been using tumblr for years but idk why i never thought of posting my art here, But im here now soo... YAy. Cuz i heard tumblr is also the home of all artists  aside instagram so :D, also if you wanna message me ill be glad to answer cuz i need sum friends loL
alright thats the link of my Instagram account, i started to share my art there from the start so yeah!
im so glad to be back on tumblr, ive been using vpn cuz apparently in where i live tumblr is blocked but now ITS BACK so its a celebration woohoo
ok heres sum facts bout me for An introduction :
1. Call me tori uwu
2. Im a self taught artist  ( started drawing may 2018)
4. Im obsessed with Animes and Mangas
5. My fav animes (and mangas) are Owari no seraph, Tokyo ghoul, Seishun buta yarou, Bakemonogatari and Kakegurui
5. My fav ships are Mikayuu, and Hidekane
6. My fav characters are Mikaela hyakuya, Yuuichirou hyakuya, Ayato kirishima, Haise sasaki, Yumeko jabami, Senjougahara hitagi and Sakuta azusagawa
7. I do commisions! feel free to message me:)
8. Im actually considered fun to talk to so00 HAHA idk th0
Ok thats enough bout me UwU, ill be reposting my art this weekend sooo prepare for heaps of posts lol
glad to be back on tumblr <3
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myndless88 · 1 year
Artist ask... Very curious about 2, 21 and 26. 😇
Sorry for responding to this late, but here you go! :D
2. who is your favorite character to draw? Over the years, it has varied: the Sailor Scouts, Omi Tsukiyono (Weiß Kreuz), Shuichi Shindou (Gravitation) just to name a few. Nowadays it's the HideKane and KagaKuro ships.
21. draw one of your original characters. I haven't drawn her in quite some time, but this is Mei, my OC for Yu Yu Hakusho but also the mother of a few anime characters (Kuroko being one of them) when it comes to my fictional families idea. She's actually the second OC I've created (over 20 years ago). If I were to have her voiced by someone I want it to be Yui Horie.
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I'm usually a little leery about posting pics of my OCs because I was always worried someone would steal my character. But then I realized that I've already posted some of my other OCs (the HideKane triplets and KagaKuro twins), so it's really no different. 😅
26. draw urself! (it doesn’t have to be detailed) I was too lazy to make a new drawing of myself, so have my avatar pic but in GIF form.
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Ask Me
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side B, Match 29
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propaganda under the cut!
Submission 1:
Let me tell you, when I say they should have been canon, they should have been canon! Let's start from the beginning, shall we? (Major spoilers for the whole series lmao)
Hide and Kaneki met as children, around the ages of 7-10. Kaneki has always been a big bookworm while Hide has always been a big extrovert. Unbeknown to anyone yet, Hide had recently lost his father and was just adopted and was having a hard time adjusting and fitting in at this new school despite his cheerful personality. He kinda just walked up to Kaneki and asked to be his friend and he said yes.
They grew up together, Hide being Kaneki's only salvation in the world as he lost his mother and was stuck in a neglectful, nearly abusive situation living with his aunt. They usually just talked about stupid stuff, but Hide's friendship meant everything to Kaneki.
Eventually, they began attending the same university, Kamii. Kaneki took literature while Hide studied foreign languages, majoring in English. They were only in their first year when Kaneki was involved in an accident. In this world, creatures known as ghouls exist among humans, look and act just like them, but they eat human flesh. It's the only thing their bodies can digest, everything else tastes disgusting and makes them sick. 
Kaneki went out with a girl, but found out she was actually a ghoul when she tried to eat him. He ran away into a construction zone where steel beams fell on the girl and he passed out. He was rushed to the hospital and needed a kidney transplant, but the hospital had none and so they used the girl's, or so the doctor said. In reality, the doctor transplanted the girl's kakuho, an organ unique to ghouls, into him. Slowly, Kaneki began to notice changes to his body. Food tasted gross and people started to sound appetizing (this all sounds off topic but trust me it's necessary to understand the depths of Kaneki and Hide's relationship). 
While dealing with this revalation, Kaneki skipped out on quite a few days of class. Once he retuned, Hide immediately hugged him, saying that he's been lonely and that rabbits die of loneliness. Later in the day, Hide is attacked by a ghoul and knocked unconscious while Kaneki tries to fight the ghoul off. Kaneki is very weak at this point and can't do much, but tries to defend his friend until the bitter end. When it really looks like Hide is about to die and be eaten, Kaneki is able to unleash his kagune (a hunting limb/organ thing ghouls use to fight) to fight off the ghoul and save Hide. The two of them are saved and cared for, and Kaneki talks to another ghoul about how he's no longer human in the same room Hide is sleeping in but little does he know that Hide is actually awake.
They started drifting away because of this, with Kaneki wanting to keep Hide out of danger. At one point, Kaneki is kidnapped and goes missing and so Hide spends his time looking for him, tailing shady people, and joining the CCG (Comission of Counter Ghoul, aka the ghoul cops) as an intern to look for files on him. Eventually a few months later, they find each other again. Kaneki has changed a lot, having been tortured and been through a lot of other stuff. The CCG is on a mission called the Owl Execution Operation to locate and kill an extremely powerful ghoul known as the Owl with Kaneki fighting on the side of the ghouls and Hide (technically) with the CCG. Kaneki is beginning to lose his mind while struggling to regenerate a severe wound when Hide shows up. Kaneki freaks out because he doesn't want Hide to know that he's a ghoul, but Hide just pats him on the shoulder and says "I knew all along man!" There's a very strong CCG fighter blocking the only exit to the area and Kaneki needs to be at full strength to have a chance at winning so Hide tells Kaneki to eat him. Kaneki gives Hide one hell of a kiss, eating his lips and part of his cheek and neck.
Flash forward three/four years later, Kaneki had amnesia but regained his memories at this point. Kaneki is fighting an extremely strong adversary and is losing horribly. He is about to drown when Hide appears in his dreams. They talk about the situation, joking around a bit too. Kaneki cries, saying how much he misses him, with Hide responding "what are you, a rabbit?" Hide convinces Kaneki to keep fighting and not to throw his life away, saying "it may not be stylish, but live."
Meanwhile, the real Hide has dedicated his life to finding help for Kaneki these last few years. After some really big stuff that I can't even begin to explain happens, Hide comes out from the shadows and takes the lead in helping Kaneki out of this shitshow of a situation. When one person asks "why go this far for Ken Kaneki?", Hide simply responds "Because I love him."
Submission 2:
They're lifelong friends. Kaneki has a bad family history and Hide looks like a sunflower and has the personality of a golden retriever. When Kaneki gets turned into a ghoul, Hide figures it out pretty much immediately and doesn't say anything, because he's waiting for Kaneki to feel comfortable enough to confess. Even as Kaneki drifts away, Hide gets more and more involved in the world of ghouls so he can continue looking after him. At the end of the first series, Kaneki ends up starved for human flesh and on the brink of being captured. Hide, who has joined the enemy side because it's the only way to stay close, finds him in the sewers and offers himself to be eaten. Fade to black.
In the second series, when Kaneki regains his memories, he wants to die in style, like he thinks Hide did, protecting the people he loves. His hallucinations of Hide talk him out of this. He gets ghoul-married to another ghoul by leaving non-fatal bites on each other. This is relevant because Hide isn't dead; just heavily scarred (his jaw and throat are just gone, like a makeout session gone very badly), and he's been going around in disguise as a scarecrow for the past several years, manipulating things so that Kaneki will be as safe as possible.
Two best friends that grew up together in a small village! 
At the end of Drawn to Life, they have their own vocal song about their budding romantic relationship! Jowee is offered to go adventuring around the world, which is his dream. But he chooses to stay behind with Mari! It's very sweet. 
Earlier in the game, Jowee goes on a dangerous quest just to find Mari a pretty flower to give her. 
In the second game, Jowee (using a magic promise conch that binds any promise) promises Mari that he'll always do his best to support and protect her. He then throws the conch into the ocean, making his promise unbreakable. 
ALSO! They get engaged at the end of the newest game!
Some quotes for you: 
“. . .And when it's done, we'll have another crazy story to tell our ki- Umm...” -Jowee 
“So... Hero what do you think of Mari? She's a cool Rapo eh? ... forget I said anything.” -Jowee 
“I'm glad we're together.” -Mari 
“You remember our secret beach? We used to stare out to the sea... You were obsessed with leaving, and I was obsessed with keeping everyone happy. I'm glad you came back... When I saw that ship sailing off, I thought I had lost the one thing I couldn't live without...” -Mari
 “Jowee… I... I will. There isn't a greater adventure I'd rather be on... Than this one, with you.” -Mari
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pseudocitrus · 7 years
[hidekane] hc where, sometime later, after hide adjusts the scarf back up again, after a pause, kaneki says it. “i, um. i...got married.”
there are many things that have happened to him, of course, but this one seems to be thing most worth saying. the news that he imagined sharing differently. hide doesn’t say anything immediately, and kaneki risks a glance sideways. hide’s eyes are narrow. his voice, through the speaker, is flat and sharp, every word an angle sharper than the last. “i guess it didn’t matter after all that i asked her first, huh?”
kaneki stammers. “well, no, i — i didn’t — of course i wasn’t trying to — i mean —“
“stop! i’m teasing you.” hide’s eyes narrow further, and now kaneki can tell that he had been smiling, the entire time. hide leans back, and adjusts the scarf, smug. his voice crackles out again. “told you she was cute, didn’t i?”
“y-yeah…” kaneki smiles, relieved, somehow. “you did.”
“so this probably means you aren’t a virgin anymore either, huh?” a sound emerges from him, a laugh, when kaneki turns away to cover his face. “yup. that’s what i thought.”
“maybe you two are better suited for each other after all,” kaneki mutters, with a dryness his voice hasn’t had in years. it’s the kind of voice that’s good for making problems out of things that don’t really matter. a voice that comes from a time when things were much simpler. it’s…unbelievable. it’s just…
“i really thought things would turn out differently,” hide says, and when kaneki blinks up at him, he sees that hide is looking straight back at him.
there was a certain time, before. when they’d been perched not on a rooftop, but on playground equipment increasingly too small for them to share in any way except side by side, crowded, touching. the worst part was knowing eventually that he’d have to leave, separate, peel away into the cold. one night it had been so chilly, and his aunt so cruel, and hide so especially kind, that kaneki was overwhelmed. even in the depths of his misery hide had said something that cracked him open, made him laugh, and after the laughter, something else had spilled out. kaneki had looked over, and then, without thinking, leaned.
“hide,” kaneki says, and then he swallows.
he can’t remember, the last real time they were together. he wonders if hide does, with any clarity — with any nightmares — if hide even now, under the scarf, is making some terrible expression as kaneki comes closer, carefully, crawling his way through the months he desperately avoided seeing him, and then through the months he desperately avoided seeing his own loneliness.
hide watches him, silent. the speaker emits not even a flutter of static when kaneki rests his hand against the scarf, against the part that seemed would hurt the least to touch. hide is the one person in the world who deserves the most to push him away, to cringe when kaneki, after some thought, leans.
just as before, his mouth brushes, gently, on hide’s brow. just like before, hide sighs, and the simple sound of his breath, unmechanized, makes kaneki think for an instant that maybe, when he opens his eyes, as usual, all the terrible things will be gone — leaving only hide, smiling, brightly, telling him that everything will be alright.
but the night is still cold, and a wind blows, with a splatter of rain, threatening colder. kaneki looks down and hide looks back up at him, with narrow eyes.
so many things change. and so many things stay the same.
“everything will be alright,” hide says, and kaneki takes in a deep breath, and nods.
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nagachiika · 7 years
Hello this is a very late @tgvalentine2018 gift for @amiboshi234, whose valentine dropped out of the exchange! I hope you enjoy it and sorry for making you wait so long!!
hidekane, 1000~ words, a bit angsty
Hide was really good at first impressions of other people. He had a knack for looking at someone and thinking, “Oh, they’re nice. I want to be their friend.” and being completely right. When he moved to Tokyo as a kid, as soon as he was led into his new classroom and saw Kaneki, he was smacked in the face with that feeling.
He spent his first day in class enthralled with the quiet boy who had his nose buried in a book, even though in comparison to the other rowdy students, he really wasn’t doing much. When recess began, Hide decided he wanted to ask Kaneki to be his friend. To his surprise and for the first time that he could remember, he felt nervous about talking to someone new. The turn of his stomach as he approached Kaneki, who was sitting on the hill outside the school and reading by himself, was something he’d never experienced. The cute, shocked look on Kaneki’s face when Hide startled him just by saying hello gave Hide an unfamiliar comfort. The way he fumbled with his bookmark as he closed his book, his eyes still trained on Hide. Turning the book over and over in his hands, tracing the edges with his fingers, blushing as he listened to Hide’s proposal of friendship. Kaneki’s small, soft, bruised hand in his own as he received the weakest handshake. The first time Hide ever saw him smile…
Hide wakes up suddenly, an aching feeling in his chest and his mask sticking to his damp, tearstained face. His scars throbbed, something that always seemed to happen after Kaneki made an appearance in his dreams. He sat up abruptly and looked around the darkened room while his eyes adjusted from underneath his scratchy burlap sack of a mask. No sign of Marude. Alarmed, he felt around him for his notepad and hoped he’d left a note.
“There was an emergency. Will be back before sunrise. Don’t do anything stupid.”
His stomach dropped. Marude didn’t like to leave him alone for extended periods of time, so it must have been something important. He and Marude had taken up residence in some rundown shack in the rural outskirts of Tokyo. It was dusty, dull, and small, but it provided a suitable place for them to hide out. It was a decent enough situation, but one thing always caused trouble for Hide.
Hide loved Kaneki. It was as simple as that.
Everytime he was left alone, his willpower was tested. He was tempted to risk everything and anything to talk to Kaneki again. To see him up close. To help him.
He’d been granted very few opportunities to do any of these coveted things since going into hiding. He’d gotten away with it once, making it look like an accident when he hit a button that broadcasted Kane- Sasaki’s screams of pain to everyone in the building and alerted his squad to his location.
Thanks to his skill with technology, as well as his and Marude’s connections, Hide was able to know vaguely where Kaneki had been lately, though this made it even harder to keep himself from going to him. He was completely drawn to him, just like the first day he met him so many years ago. He did his best to talk himself out of it. After all, he’d be no use to Kaneki if he were to die, if he got captured or killed by the Washuu’s. He didn’t survive Kaneki eating from his face for nothing.
He winced at the memory, the last proper conversation he’d had with Kaneki, over four years ago. Even then, he wasn’t in the right state of mind. It was likely Kaneki didn’t remember any of it anyway. He didn’t even remember his own identity, and he probably didn’t remember Hide.
His breathing became more rapid and he yanked off his mask. He felt his way through the dark room over to the tiny sink in the corner and splashed water on his face, like he always did after crying. It was a comfort thing. Without trying to or wanting to, he felt the subtly raised scars that Kaneki had left him as he gently cleaned his face.
With Marude gone, and having just woken up from a painful dream about Kaneki, Hide felt vulnerable and downright sick. Every instinct he had was screaming at him to go, go now, while he had the chance. It was so difficult to be his own voice of reason after wanting nothing more than to do the same simple thing every single day for years now.
All he wanted was to be with Kaneki. Just to see him, if being with him was too much. He knew Kaneki had changed, he had more of a life as a ghoul now than as a human, and he would understand if he didn’t have a place beside him anymore, he really would… But he needed to see him. Regardless. No matter what he had to do, he would see Kaneki again.
He leaned over the sink, a white-knuckled grip on the edges as he tried to focus on anything besides how badly he wanted to go to him. He heard the creak of the door open and his heart began to race.
“Hide?” It was Marude. There was noticeable concern in his voice. He was well aware of the urges that Hide suffered and the risk he’d taken by leaving him alone for so long.
In a second Marude was behind him and let out a dramatic sigh of relief.
“You had me worried, kid,” he muttered. Hide didn’t move. “You alright? Should I get your notebook?”
Hide lowered himself to his knees, feeling so stupid for crying. He was glad Marude came back before he could let himself make such a huge mistake, but he still felt so bad.
He could never get used to the lack of sound when he sobbed. All that came out was ragged breathing and a lot of tears. It was embarrassing. Marude kneeled beside him and placed a firm hand on his shoulder, and he cried harder.
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verratensduo · 7 years
25 days of Christmas Drabbles/Day 24 Christmas Eve.
This special challenge is by @cherrytrinkets and can be found here.
This comes from a almost long since lost rp with a partner back from my short stint in the Tokyo Ghoul fandom where I did Hide with a friend’s Kaneki, I still have no forgotten that story and am very much so attached to it. Special thanks to my friend Ash @pastel-anime-lover for this inspiration even almost two years after this rp ended.
Also tagging my friend @leonhart-ani, thanks for sticking with me through this challenge.
Drabble Challenge: Yes 25 days of Christmas Day: 24/25 Fandom: Tokyo Ghoul Pairing: KanekixHide/Hidekane/Kenhide (IDK which it is so all three) Setting: Canon divergent au
Here he was, unfortunately working on Christmas eve. His boss really did have no soul, at least that is what it felt like. Hide just wanted to get home to his boyfriend Kaneki and their adoptive son Akihiko. This would be little Akihiko’s third Christmas with them, and their third Christmas together thanks to that special little boy they had been blessed with that Kaneki found just three years earlier.  That little boy had brought them together and much closer than either could have ever imagined, even through a few ups and downs, which really did help them in a long run of everything. He looked towards the clock on the wall, still another two hours of work. He sighed. He wanted to be home to tuck his little boy in and read him things such as “The Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore. That was everything he wanted to do, but could not do while waiting for his shift to finally end and to be able to go home and spend this night with his family.
He shot Kaneki a quick text for the millionth time that day apologizing for not being home on what was supposed to be one of two amazing days off that he had been expecting to get. He always got back, “It’s fine Hide, really” of course Hide did not agree with that. He was always feeling guilty about things like this. Though he would be home to at least help slide the additional presents under the tree for Akihiko, and to stuff the stockings, but he wanted to do so much more with and for the boy. He really wanted to make each and every Christmas special for the kid, and his definition of special was to  be there at bed time to read him a story and to tuck him and promise that he would make sure the milk and cookies were placed out for Santa. He wanted to do all of this with his son the way his parents used to do for him. This always provided some frustration when he could not be there the way he wanted.
That is when his boss walked by.  The usual stone cold face seemed a bit sad. He looked around, then shockingly gave everyone permission to go home as no customers had really come in for half an hour. After a quick clock out, Hide jumped into his car and went off into Tokyo traffic. He played the Christmas music loudly, but it was not the same without his family in the car. He had grown used to hearing Akihiko as he sang along with the music, and Kaneki encouraging the boy as best as he could, even singing on a little himself, and then poking and prodding Hide until he finally gave in and joined in the singing fun. Of course he never really sang alone. He hated his singing voice. He wound up just driving awkwardly home, though it took an hour thanks to the traffic of Tokyo.
Once he finally got parked he was flying out of the car and into the building. The elevator ride was insufferable to say the least, but he managed to get up there and was flying down the hall within minutes. He managed to get right in the door and called out, “I’m home!”
That is when his and Kaneki’s three year old son Akhiko came running at him from the bathroom, already in his PJs. Hide’s heart broke a little. That meant not only had he missed the Christmas movie, but he had missed making the cookies. He managed to get a smile on his face and drop to a knee bringing the boy into his arms and spinning him around before just hugging him there.
“Hey baby boy.” Was all he said before nuzzling his hair and looking over to Kaneki, exchanging a quick kiss before he went over and set Akihiko down on the couch. “I didn’t mean to miss so much of Christmas eve, but I am here to at least read you a story before you go to bed.”
With that he pulled out the book and sat down, allowing Akihiko to find his way into his lap before he started.
“ 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds; While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads; And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave a lustre of midday to objects below, When what to my wondering eyes did appear, But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny rein-deer, With a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment he must be St. Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name: "Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donner and Blitzen! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!" As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky; So up to the housetop the coursers they flew With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too— And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot; A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a pedler just opening his pack. His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples, how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard on his chin was as white as the snow; The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath; He had a broad face and a little round belly That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself; A wink of his eye and a twist of his head Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread; He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose; He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight— “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!’“
When he finished reading the story, he noticed Akihiko had fallen asleep. “Darn, oh well, it is time for the all the good little boys and girls to be asleep.” He sighed and kissed his head before moving him to bed and going back to Kaneki.
“I guess we better get everything else ready, I’ll eat the cookies, I know it’s hard on you to eat regular human food now.” Hide said stealing a kiss when he pulled Kaneki under the mistletoe with him.
“Thanks, let’s just get this all out of the way, the sooner we sleep, the sooner we can see that smile on Akihiko’s face tomorrow morning.” Kaneki’s voice was soft, and neither of them really did stay up long after Akihiko was in bed anyways, often having school or work the following morning.
Hide quickly ate the cookies and drank the milk before stuffing Kaneki and Akihiko’s stockings. He then helped Kaneki stuff the extra gifts under the tree before they headed to bed. Kaneki had stayed behind to stuff Hide’s stalking, everything was supposed to be a surprise.
When Kaneki’s body finally feel next to his he rolled over. “You are going to give me Cuddles now Kaneki. Until morning.” He stole a kiss when Kaneki finally rolled over after whining.
“You are so demanding.” Kaneki joked a little and returned the kiss, settling into a cuddle at long last as they headed towards sleep.
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hidewari · 7 years
merry christmas Robin :) may our lord Hide bless you with tons of toe vore and nsfw peenut arts. I really enjoy your blog, quality content amiright, you art is also amazing, in fact when you noticed one of mine I legit fangirled so hard man, hope you have a hella awesome day :3
Aaw, thank you so much (’’: I love your drawings too, man! You put so much effort into them and you bless all of us with great hidekane art 🙏 Happy Christmas and I hope you have a great new year (’:
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