#high end corporate gifts
giftsuite · 5 months
Elevate Your Business Relationships with the Best Corporate Gifts of 2024
With our carefully chosen collection of the best corporate gifts, you can leave a lasting impression on partners, clients, and staff. Find a selection of elegant and considerate gifts that surpass the norm, guaranteeing that your company is noticed. Our selection, which includes both opulent executive items and customisable digital gadgets, is made to enhance your professional relationships and have a long-lasting good influence. To improve business relationships and uphold your company's reputation, choose superior corporate giving. See our carefully chosen collection for the ideal fusion of style and functionality.
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xpertawards · 5 months
The Value of Trophies and Awards:
Trophies and awards are more than just ornamental items; they are effective mood enhancers and sources of motivation. These honors serve as a constant reminder of the work required to achieve a goal and serve as a sign of success in the workplace, sports arena, educational institutions, and community activities. Giving out awards is a means of encouraging a culture of excellence and commitment in addition to honoring the accomplishments of a person or group.
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wolfylch · 9 months
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✨️Newly Weds✨️
Their Doodle, POG, under the cut :
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leathertalks1 · 6 months
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angiehomes-home-decor · 10 months
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indigifts01 · 1 year
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atlasgroupme · 1 year
Atlas Printing Press has evolved into one of the foremost printing companies in Dubai and one of the leading multifaceted businesses within the UAE, providing a diverse range of solutions in print and digital media.For more information visit:https://www.atlasgroupme.com/
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A Big TB Announcement
Greetings from Washington D.C., where I spent the morning meeting with senators before joining a panel that included TB survivor Shaka Brown, Dr. Phil LoBue of the CDC, and Dr. Atul Gawande of USAID. Dr. Gawande announced a major new project to bring truly comprehensive tuberculosis care to regions in Ethiopia and the Philippines. Over the next four years, this project can bring over $80,000,000 in new money to fight TB in these two high-burden countries.
Our family is committing an additional $1,000,000 a year to help fund the project in the Philippines, which has the fourth highest burden of tuberculosis globally.
Here’s how it breaks down: The Department of Health in the Philippines has made TB reduction a major priority and has provided $11,000,0000 per year in matching funds to go alongside $10,000,000 contributed by USAID and an additional $1,000,000 donated by us. This $22,000,000 per year will fund everything from X-Ray machines, medications, and GeneXpert tests to training and employing a huge surge of community health workers, nurses, and doctors who are calling themselves TB Warriors. In an area that includes nearly 3,000,000 people, these TB Warriors will screen for TB, identify cases, provide curative treatment, and offer preventative therapy to close contacts of the ill. We know this Search-Treat-Prevent model is the key to ending tuberculosis, but we hope this project will be both a beacon and a blueprint to show that It’s possible to radically reduce the burden of TB in communities quickly and permanently. It will also, we believe, save many, many lives.
I believe we can’t end TB without these kinds of public/private partnerships. After all, that’s how we ended smallpox and radically reduced the global burden of polio. It’s also how we’ve driven down death from malaria and HIV. For too long, TB hasn’t had the kind of government or private support needed to accelerate the fight against the disease, but I really hope that’s starting to change. I’m grateful to USAID for spearheading this project, and also to the Philippine Ministry of Health for showing such commitment and prioritizing TB.
One reason this project is even possible: Both the cost of diagnosis (through GeneXpert tests) and the cost of treatment with bedaquiline are far lower than they were a year ago, and that is due to public pressure campaigns, many of which were organized by nerdfighteria. I’m not asking you for money (yet); Hank and I will be funding this in partnership with a few people in nerdfighteria who are making major gifts. But I am asking you to continue pressuring the corporations that profit from the world’s poorest people to lower their prices. I’ve seen some of the budgets, and it’s absolutely jaw-dropping how many more tests and pills are available because of what you’ve done as a community.
I don’t yet have the details on which region of the Philippines we’ll be working in, but it will be an area that includes millions of people–perhaps as many as 3 million. And it will include urban, suburban, and rural areas to see the different responses needed to provide comprehensive care in different communities. This will not (to start!) be a nationwide campaign, because even though $80,000,000 is a lot of money, it’s not enough to fund comprehensive care in a nation as large as the Philippines. But we hope that it will serve as a model–to the nation, to the region, and to the world–of what’s possible. 
I’m really excited (and grateful) that our community gets to have a front-row seat to see the challenges and hopefully the successes of implementing comprehensive care. Just in the planning, this project has involved so many contributors–NGOs in the Philippines, global organizations like the Partners in Health community, USAID, the national Ministry of Health in the Philippines, and regional health authorities as well. There are a lot of partners here, but they’ve been working together extremely well over the last few months to plan for this project, which will start more or less immediately thanks to their incredibly hard work.
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sttm99 · 5 months
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Bakugo understands that he spends a lot of money on you for just being his personal assistant. But he can't help it.
You honestly deserve it. You're smart, responsible, diligent. You're a hard worker with principles, and your work ethic is something he respects.
It didn't matter how many people were against him promoting you from secretary to PA so soon in your career. Your work was top notch, and you kept him organised.
Sure, you were pretty as well, a sight for sore eyes, really. But that wasn't his fault, was it? It wasn't your fault either.
It's not like you came into work every day with full glam, diamond earrings, or elaborate hairstyles.
It had pissed him off at first, when people demeaned you or underestimated your work because of your looks, especially when he knew you worked so hard so you wouldn't be considered some dumb corporate bimbo.
But now? Now he loved it. He loved when he had clients over, and they'd do a double take when he sent for you to take notes or deliver documents to his table.
He'd noticed the modesty with which you'd dressed when you first started working for him, how you tried to dim yourself with drab colours that obviously washed you out, or plain hairstyles.
Not like it stopped anybody from being able to tell how pretty you were.
But after, when you'd started garnering his attention and racking up more bonuses from your diligence, he began noticing you wearing nicer things.
Of course, you had to up your wardrobe once you were promoted to the role of Personal Assistant to one of the biggest heroes in Japan. But that wasn't it.
Bakugo loved seeing you walk in with a new shirt or new shoes or new earrings after he'd rewarded you a bonus or a pay increase. There was a sort of high he got, knowing that you took care of yourself with the money he gave you.
Oh, he spoilt you rotten.
Month end rewards became the norm for you. He just closed a hefty advertising deal? Best believe you were getting a cut out of that. He was given a bottle of champagne as a gift? You're drinking it with him in his office.
Sure, it may have seemed a bit inappropriate to some people; him locking the doors and closing the windows, and having you sit on his lap prettily whilst he poured it out into a flute for you.
Sure, it was inappropriate for him to have his hands up your skirt as you recounted the month end figures for him, but you were comfortable that way. He was, too. Oh, so comfortable with your hands inside his trousers and his teasing at the lining of your panties.
He was just taking care of his best employee.
And maybe he did spend a lot of money on you, but you had to keep up appearances. He needed you looking your best when you were next to him.
It wasn't his fault you were so beautiful that brands reached out to him to get you to model for then after seeing you appear in some pictures by his side.
It wasn't his fault that he couldn't get anyone else to come with him to the Hero Gala. Besides, you're meant to be with him during these things to take notes for him. So having you as his date was basically killing two birds with one stone.
"Your assistant's fucking sexy," Kaminari whispered into Bakugo's ear, both of them watching you go to order a drink for your boss.
Bakugo smirked to himself, his eyes raking over your body, clad in the tight fitting dress he'd bought for you to wear. He'd also bought the earrings you had on, and the shoes and the necklace. Sure, it cost him quite a lot, but he just couldn't help it when you looked so good.
"She's single, isn't she?"
Now, that had him snapping his head in Kaminari's direction. "Don't even fucking think about."
Kaminari whined, "But why? She's your assistant, not your sister or your girlfriend."
"She's my assistant," Bakugo seethed, standing up from his seat. "She's my employee, and I won't have you lowering her efficiency." He murmured as he made his way to where you were.
You smiled brightly as you turned around to see him, handing him the second glass of champagne in your hands. "You look like you'd rather be somewhere else." You laughed softly.
He grinned down at you before downing the drink quickly. "I would," he said before dropping his glass back on the bar. "Come on."
He spoilt you rotten, but he couldn't help it. You looked so beautiful in your tight dress and pretty hair and beautiful face.
Sure, being seated on the sink and having your legs spread before his lips in the bathroom at the Hero Gala may have been a tad inappropriate, but how could he stop himself?
You were quivering for him, thighs pressing down and shaking on either side of his head, and your fingers gripping harshly at his hair, pulling him even closer as you rutted your heat against his lips.
He let out a desperate groan, burying his face deeper into your cunt, eating you out shamelessly, hungrily.
"Fuuck..." He growled into you.
You'd been so shy the first time he had his way with you, refusing to touch him, grind on him, behaving so meek and cute.
Now look at you, so selfish and desperate, almost suffocating him as he feasted. He spoilt you rotten, sure, but you deserved every morsel of it.
"Katsuki..." You whined desperately, your back arching off the mirror, the hand not pulling at his hair tightly gripping the edge of the counter. "Katsuki, I'm so close... I'm so fucking close, baby-"
His hands dug into the flesh of your ass, pulling your harsher into him, your clit pressing against his nose as his tongue made a meal of you. He was always so desperate for it, digging the wet muscle so far into your pussy you saw stars.
And he was messy too, his saliva and your arousal staying your thighs, dripping from the marble counter unto the ground as he ate from you.
Anyone who came in after would probably be able to tell from the smell of the bathroom alone. The cum leaking unto the floor would only solidify it.
But the thought of someone finding out that your boss had his face buried deep in your pussy wasn't exactly what you were thinking about when you came for him, hard and rough, your hips shaking and raising off the counter as you rode out your high.
"We shouldn't be doing such during events, sir." You whispered to him as you both walked down the corridors back into the hall where the gala was being held.
He had his large palm over your ass, groping you just in the dark of the hallway, letting go just as you stepped into the crowded hall.
"Just be a good girl and wait for me to fuck you on the way home, hm?" He smirked at you, a small sheen still visible on his lips.
He never cleaned his mouth properly after eating you out during such events. It was inappropriate, sure, but he just couldn't help himself.
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giftsuite · 5 months
Elevate Your Business Presence with Thoughtful Branded Corporate Gifts
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Use our carefully chosen collection of branded business gifts to leave a memorable impression on partners, clients, and staff. Our assortment, which includes cutting-edge tech devices and fashionable personalized attire, combines sophistication and functionality to make your business stand out. Build ties, promote kindness, and leave a lasting impression on those you help. Boost your corporate gifting approach and demonstrate your dedication to excellence and quality. Examine our selection now to find out how these distinctive presents can strengthen the identity of your company and establish enduring relationships in the business sector.
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souvnirsgift · 2 years
Physical VS Digital Gifts: A Complete Comparison
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From a caveman handing a woman a sparkling rock to today's digital gifts, the practice of gifting—the most exquisite expression of gratitude, love, and respect—has come a long way.
Corporate gifting hasn't escaped this norm of concomitance. Digital presents have a rising influence on the personal and professional worlds.
Numbers, the holy grail of mathematicians and statisticians, support this statement.
When you compare the acceptability and growth of digital gifts to traditional gift cards — 6% — all question about the former's reign vanishes like smoke. What makes corporate and non-corporate digital gift cards so popular?
Digital gift cards have been around since the early 2000s. The lack of technology at the time slowed their progress.
In the early days of digital gift cards, dynamic QR codes were rare.
It claimed that digital gift cards, which give digital gifts, must be manually inserted at registers, making them difficult for the sender and receiver. HRs didn't want to send gift cards that took too long to redeem, ruining the gifting experience.
Smartphones and a more connected digital environment have revitalized digital gifts. Receivers can now receive and exchange digital gift cards from their phones.
The portability and convenience of phones allow recipients to redeem their gift ANYTIME and ANYWHERE.
Why is giving a digital gift better than giving a physical gift?
Huge customizability
Personalization is the cornerstone of gifting, like shipping. Numerous studies support the idea that a gift's perceived worth stems from the human connection it elicits. Digital gifts and gift cards are crucial cogs in the gifting wheel that organizations can't miss.
With the option to pick their values and not have to conform to a fixed quantity, senders can personalize virtual gifts to the greatest extent possible.
Instant gratification eliminates geographical barriers
Digital gift cards are sent via SMS, email, or applications. Digital gift cards guarantee rapid delivery, making them the greatest solution for remote employees or clients. It doesn't merely prevent cross-border delays. You also eliminate the need for clients and staff to stand in long lines to redeem gifts.
With a few clicks, their gift arrives. Digital gifting sites like Plum offer global options, so you can build a personalized present and message without the risk of mistranslation.
Low-cost, high-impact
Imagine providing 1,000 physical presents to 10,000 employees/clients.
The cost is written everywhere, from collecting gifts that fit each persona to placing them in inventory to guaranteeing the appropriate last-mile transportation through third-party distribution partners to processing returns if the address is erroneous or out-of-date.
Digital gift senders can ignore the number of recipients. Sending codes or links costs the company nothing.
Last-minute gift idea
Despite how well-planned your corporate gifting program is, you may need last-minute gifts. Your sales staff might have made a sizeable profit off of a warm lead that wasn't all that promising, or your prestigious client's organization might have been on stage accepting a prestigious business award.
These accomplishments deserve a gift from you. You hadn't considered this eventuality in your gifting plans, putting you in danger of missing a great present opportunity.
In this scenario, digital gift vouchers are the true salvation. Digital gift cards arrive in 24 hours, while traditional ones take 6 to 8 days. A planner helps you avoid missing gift-worthy activities.
Digital gift certificates are unlosable. They remain in emails and messages. Your employees/clients who worry about losing cards or cash would appreciate it.
Easily scalable
Since most digital present systems are API-based, introducing a new gift category and vendor is less time- and money-consuming. Developers and system professionals can integrate in days, decreasing go-to-market time.
The main benefit of this time management is that you may adjust your present profile while keeping an eye on gifting trends and what your clients and employees want from corporate gifts. This makes your present relevant and desired.
Reduce fraud and abuse
Digital gift cards are less likely to be skimmed because the information is produced at the point of purchase and transmitted straight to you or the receiver.
You only pay for redeemed gifts, and all transactions are in real time. Discrepancies can be resolved by contacting the digital gift platform's customer care.
It’s eco-friendly
Preserving natural resources is crucial to our planet's survival as climate change and natural disasters become reality. By analyzing these environmental requirements, digital gift cards' benefits can be recognized.
End Note: Corporate gifters saw a Midas touch in these quick-to-send and redeem digital gifts. Digital gift cards work like traditional ones. Depending on the card merchant, this code can be used online and in-store. It's a cash substitute.
Digital gift cards add significant value to both senders (businesses) and receivers (employees, customers, partners.) The following are only some value properties.
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luvwestwood · 5 months
"Working Overtime" - Toji Fushiguro
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4,469 words.
warnings. nsfw (18+), toji is your boss, escort reader, thigh riding, p in v, spitting, toji rails you on a balcony, exhibitionism?, toji fucks you on a pile of money, mention of size difference, hair pulling, eye contact, oral sex (f receiving), creampie, praising, light aftercare
notes. corporate girlie by day, escorting by night. out of all people, who knew your own boss had to be tonights client? (ok but wealthy toji is such a refreshing experience from broke homeless smelly ass toji.)
art used is by @/yunonoai
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Being able to say you work under Mr. Fushiguro meant that you were gifted of some kind. Just having the privilege to do so puts you on top of others in society.
Toji Fushiguro himself possessed a different category of wealth. Any high-rise building you walk into in the whole of New York, you could be 99.9% sure that he owns it.
Five star hotels, bars of any kind, and award-winning Michelin restaurants. Oh, you name it. This was his world and we were just living in it.
On the other hand, the Fushiguro company's pay was decent. Working conditions were way above standard. It was a luxury to work in his office, but knowing you, it just wasn't enough.
You needed more than that. Which is why you took up escorting, suggested by your best-friend one night while the two of you were intoxicated by liquor. She told you that you had the looks, the bod, and a personality anyone would die for. And lastly, you were captivating - you could have anything your way.
At first you took it as a joke. Thinking she was just being a lick ass. But surprisingly you had tried it out not long after the idea was proposed, and you ended up making almost double your annual net salary in just four months. This night job was a secret that only you and your best-friend knows about.
Of course, you worked on the weekends. Choosing to work Monday to Thursday would’ve been self sabotage.
You had more than enough money to buy whatever you want, send your mom on holiday, and you were always on top of rent. Your corporate job was just something to get through the day with rather than rotting at home.
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During shifts, you and the other escorts would hang around in the night club changing rooms. Most of the girls were also strippers in the same club, but that wasn’t really your thing. So you just stayed with escorting. Your manager would just assign each of you clients, unless someone has personally booked you in.
Speaking of which, a voice came from the door frame. “Star, you have a client tonight. 9PM.” Star wasn’t your real name, it was just a fake one that you used while you escorted. It was safer, and most of the other girls did the same.
You look at Geto, your boss, in the reflection of the vanity mirror. Busy polishing up your eyeliner, you try your best not to poke yourself in the eye. “Name? And did he obey my no-home rule?”
As an escort, you did have some rules for your own service. You figured you’ve been doing this for quite a reasonable amount of time, so you made a personal rule where you’d refuse to go to a clients house. For safety reasons.
“Goes by the name.. uh… Eznin? And he did indeed. Seems like he booked in for the Ritz Carlton on 25 West. Think he’s a first time client too.” He reads the details off his tablet.
Of course, it just had to be one of Fushiguros hotels. You literally couldn’t escape that man.
The other girls in the room purred, “Aren’t you lucky.. Seems like he has money, don’t ya think?” Meimei takes a puff of her cigarette, looking at you in the mirror aswell for a response. “Maybe check for an expensive watch? I’d take it if I were you.”
“Not funny, Meimei.” She was known for stealing from her clients, you never knew how she got away with it. It even got so bad to the point that she sp¡ked a client, taking his wallet afterwards.
Getting up from the chair, you made your way behind the dressing divider, shimmying your robe off to slide on a dark blue lingerie set. Over it, you wore a simple black dress. I mean, you could never go wrong with a little black dress.
Throwing on some matching strappy heels, you stuffed your purse with some condoms and lube. And a plan B, of course.
“Your rides sorted,” Geto stood back from the door frame. “I’ll text you any further details.”
“Copy,” after spritzing on some perfume, you made your way out of the club.
An all-black SUV was waiting for you outside the entrance. Your favourite driver, Todo was standing beside the car door, smiling as you approached him.
“Hi, Todo.” You smiled as he held the door open.
“You look wonderful miss.” Todo smiles back before closing the door, walking around to the drivers side.
The car drives on, and as you were securing a secret mic in your purse, (for safety reasons but the client never knows) Todo speaks.
“Ah- Miss, not sure if I should disclose this information but your client tonight is.. very wealthy.” His leather covered hands clutch onto the wheel. “I’d be more demanding if I were you, make the most of it.”
Breaking out into a laugh, you stop fiddling with your bag, to look at him in the rear view mirror. “..Is that so?”
“Yeah… thought I might let you know.” He grins, bringing the car to a stop. Todo quickly scurries out of the vehicle before you could, opening the door for you.
“Thanks for the ride, Todo.” You slipped a $20 bill in his hand. “I’ll text you when I’m finished.”
He nods, getting back into the car as you made your way inside of the hotel.
Checking your phone for updates, Geto sent you a text with all the details around five minutes ago.
Eznin Caln 30 years old, Net worth- $307,473,297 Floor number 43, he’ll let you in.
You walked over to the elevators, luckily one was already open. Taking a look at the buttons panel, you looked for a 43. Noticing it was the last highest button, you raised an eyebrow before pressing it.
Clutching onto the straps of your purse, the doors closed. You could only look at yourself in the metal reflection, taking a few deep breaths. Of course, you made sure to send a text back to Geto to let him know you were at the hotel.
Although you were decently experienced in this job, you’d still get nervous each time you were about to meet your clients.
Setting down the fly aways in your hair, the elevator came to a halt.
The metal doors opened before your eyes. Hesitant, you walked inside, the bottom of your heels tapping against the wooden floors.
“..Hello?” You peeked inside the other rooms in the penthouse, one being a mini office that seemed like someone was just there, the other being a bedroom with big windows and a balcony, overlooking the city.
A deep voice spoke behind you. “Can I help you?”
You gasp, clutching onto your chest as you turned around. “I’m so sorr- Mr. Fushiguro?!”
Your eyes widened, and his mouth wide open. He was only in a towel wrapped around his waist, his dark hair wet from a fresh shower. You couldn’t help but ogle the drops of water that decorated his muscular body.
“…Are you.. the escort?”
Unable to form words, you swallowed your spit before speaking. “I.. I am.” You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, looking down at the ground.
“Alright, make yourself comfortable.” He eyed you up and down, a mini towel in his hand to dry his hair. “Sorry you have to see me like this, excuse me while I put some clothes on.”
Is he not going to question anything?..
Your breath hitched, God, did he know I was eyeing him? “Okay..”
He turned around to go back to the bathroom, but looked over his shoulder as he was doing so. “Just call me Toji, we’re outside of work.”
You watched as Toji continued to walk away, “Well.. I’m basically working, aren’t I.” you muttered under your breath, making sure he doesn’t hear.
Looking around, you remembered that he owned this hotel. I should’ve known when I was going to the 43rd floor, he doesn’t let anyone in here.
You walked over to his bedroom, it was bigger than your own apartment. The sheets were neatly made, and a bottle of Malbec sat on a table near the window.
Placing your purse on small sofa, you removed your jacket, neatly folding it over the arm rest aswell.
You made your way to his closet, in search for a white robe. There was a robe on the hanger beside his freshly dry cleaned suits. You took it out, tracing your fingers over “The Ritz-Carlton” that was embroidered onto the front in cursive.
Sliding your dress off, you covered yourself in the robe, only the dark blue lingerie set underneath. Afterwards you tied a knot around your waist with the belt. Kicking off your heels, you placed them inside the closet, along with your dress that was neatly folded.
Although you were an escort, you made sure to clean up after yourself. You hated leaving a mess around, so you respected your clients by making sure to leave the place clean.
You could hear Toji walk into the bedroom. Closing the doors of the closet, you turned to him, and he was already busy getting the wine bottle open with a corkscrew.
Taking a seat on the armchair in front of him, causing you to be at crotch level with Toji. You watched as his arms flex each time he handled the bottle.
You noticed Toji was in a more relaxed outfit. He wore a dark grey cotton longsleeve that sculpted over his muscles like paint, with bottoms in a matching colour and fabric.
“Toji,” you called out his name.
The pouring of the wine stopped, his fingers gently pushing the glass towards you. “Hmm?”
Taking the glass by the stem, you twisted it between your fingers. “Do you regularly hire escorts?”
Toji walked over to the edge of the bed, sitting down. He sighed, looking at the city view in front of him. “No,” taking a sip, he continued. “This is my first time, actually.”
You did the same, but taking a tinier sip. You didn’t want to be tipsy while carrying out your service. It was too dangerous. “..Oh.”
Looking back at Toji, he was busy staring at the red liquid swirling around in the glass. “I dont even really know how they work.”
As you were about to take another sip, you paused. Your eyes looked at him over the rim of the glass, before placing it back down on the table.
“You can just do whatever you want with me, really.” You crossed your legs, exposing the bare skin on your thigh to him.
"I see," he nods, slightly leaning back onto the bed, using his hands for support.
"So, you made up your mind yet?" you got up from the arm chair, making your way to Toji who was on the bed. "What you wanna do?" You stood yourself between his legs, as he tried his best to hold himself back from pulling on the knot that was holding your entire robe together.
Toji's hands rested on your hips on top the robe, dangerously close to your ass. He made sure to bring you closer to him, almost pressing your chest to his face at this point. "I don't know," His free hand tugged on the knot of the belt, slowly unraveling it until the robe slid off your body. "Maybe you, if that's an option."
He could feel his cock strain against his pants as he took in the sight of you in nothing but lingerie, it felt like he was opening a present on his birthday. Blue was his favorite color.
You choked on your words at his response, he sure did have a way with his words. "I don't usually allow that, but maybe I'll let it slide tonight."
Toji caressed your wet lip with his thumb, gradually sliding it inside of your mouth as you sucked on it gently. He stops and moves you to the side by the waist, getting up from the bed.
Confused, you stay standing in front of the bed, watching Toji as he grabs something from the drawer. He eventually makes his way back onto the bed, but this time, leaning his head back against the head-board.
Toji takes out his wallet, pulling a $20 bill out and placing it on the nightstand beside him. "..Crawl over to me."
Your lashes flutter as you watched him place the bill on the night stand, you could only obey what he asked you to do. 'I'm just doing my job.. this doesn't mean anything. He will forget about this.' You constantly chanted this in your thoughts, completely disregarding the fact that he was your boss.
You crawled onto the bed, and slowly to him. Toji's eyes watched you closely making sure to tell you, "Stop," as you were just about to crawl onto his lap.
He takes out another $20 bill from his wallet, this time, two. Toji gently raised his knee, just enough for it to rub against your warm cunt that was covered by the lace panties. "Ride my leg, until I tell you to stop."
Aroused, which you are not meant to be, you couldn't help but sink yourself down onto his leg. Part of you wanted this, but you did at good job at not showing it.
You slowly started to move your hips back and forth on his lower thigh, placing both of your hands down in front of you for support. Toji's hardened cock begging to come out as he watched you closely.
If you were to lift up his top, you’d be able to see his leaking top peeking out of his waistband. The straps of your bra slowly fell down off your shoulders. Toji could almost groan at this lewd sight in front of him.
"Good girl," He did his best to hold himself back from holding onto your hips, "Keep going."
A spot on the fabric of his pants turned into a darker grey than before, your slick making its way through your panties. Nothing can be done.
Breathy moans started to crawl out of your throat, Toji noticing as you started to grind on his leg harder and slightly faster. "Stop."
You whimpered quietly as Toji retracted his leg from underneath you, observing the newly made wet spot on his pants. "Look at this mess you made all over me.."
Speechless, and breathless, you fell back onto your heels in front of Toji, he took another bill out, but this time $50.
"..I want that bra off." He slaps the bill onto the growing pile on the nightstand, followed by another 50. But he doesn't take his eyes off you. "And the panties. They're kinda annoying me now."
Doing exactly as he said, Toji's hand rested on his crotch, aching to palm himself through his pants. You slowly, but teasingly unclasped your bra, Toji clearing his throat by the time your tits were finally on display to him.
Followed by your soaked underwear, which at this point was no use. They managed to fly across the bedroom, hanging off a small statue that was on top of a console table.
He just wanted to wrap his mouth around each of them, or even motorboat your titties.
Toji propped himself up in a less relaxed position. "Lie down on your back, legs spread."
Your last sight was him before you fell back on to the bed, your head nearly hanging off the edge. Toji noticed your nipples hardened as soon as your skin made contact with the cold satin sheets. You felt the weight of the bed shift around, as Toji grabbed both of your legs by the thighs, positioning his head between them.
Squirming about, Toji peppered kisses on your inner thighs, his large hand wrapped around one of them. Wasting no time, he went straight to sucking and softly biting on your folds, using his tongue to lap at your bud until it was swollen. Moaning into your pussy, he softly massaged the flesh of your thigh, the vibrations from his grunts adding more to your stimulation.
Busy sucking away, wet noises from his tongue and the slick of your dripping pussy echoing throughout the bedroom. His hand reached behind him, then slowly went back over his shoulder. It was a $100 bill, tucked between his index and middle finger.
You were too busy hanging your head off the edge of the bed in pleasure, grabbing the sheets beside you and wrinkling them as Toji devoured you like he hasn't eaten for weeks.
The paper bill fell onto your stomach, tickling you slightly. You could feel Toji spit onto your pussy, the saliva trickling down almost into your hole before he slurped it back up, sticking his fingers in there instead. You felt them slide into you with ease, Toji swirling his warm tongue around on your clit.
"O-oh God.. To..ji." You managed to choke out a moan, your manicured hands clawing at his hair and eventually messing it up.
Letting go of your thigh, he used his now free hand to fondle with your breasts eagerly, twisting your nipples between his fingertips before giving them a slap.
One last lick on your clit, Toji removed his head between your legs, this time his whole body kneeling between them. You sneakily push up against him, his bulge through his pants grazing against your bare cunt.
Using your strength to lift your head from the edge of the bed, you watched as he took off his shirt, letting it fall onto the floor. Its neckline was soaked from eating you out earlier, but we don't talk about that.
Panting, his hands frantically rummage through his wallet. You noticed it was still bulky, as if the previous cash he pulled out didn't make any difference to the amount he had now.
Toji pulled out $1000 all in 20 bills, your eyes widening, wondering if he was serious.
"Please.. let me fuck you." Toji also sat back on his heels, $1000 in his hands as you were underneath him, fully naked. He just wanted to indulge himself in you, and if he could, he'd make this night last forever.
You slowly nodded, honestly begging to having his cock inside of you too. Before you knew it, your vision was filled with the $1000 raining down onto your body, and by your sides on the bed. He quickly pulled his bottoms down to his knees, before realising they were too annoying. He proceeds to fully kick them off.
Toji glances around the room for a condom, before you stopped him. "..Is it okay if we don't use one? ..I want to feel every inch of you."
You read his mind. "Anything you want, gorgeous."
His large hands shuffled through the pile of cash that was over your body, making sure that he could still see your tits and your beautiful face.
One hand grabbed onto your waist, and the other was used to align the tip of his cock with your hole. As soon as he slightly pushed the tip in, both of his hands were on your waist now.
Toji carefully slid in, making sure you take every inch of him. He closes his eyes in pleasure as he feels your plush walls clench around him, Tojis grip on your waist intensifying.
And, god was he big. In both cock, and Toji in general, he could destroy you if he decided to use full stength tonight.
"Y-you're too.. big," Toji not even halfway, you cry out, only wrinkling the sheets more to the point they weren't tucked into the frame hotel-style anymore.
You could feel both of his thumbs caress the soft skin of your sides as he cooed, "I know baby, I know," Toji let out a grunt as he tried to move in and out of you.
The difference of size between you and Toji made you throb, at this point he could just use his hands to fuck you on his cock back and forth like a doll in his grasp.
Toji starts to pant as he picked up the pace of his ruts, your tits bouncing, only adding to the pornographic sight in front of him.
Covering your face with your hands, you moan into them, the feeling of being full with Tojis cock was driving you mad. You could feel one hand let go of your waist, bringing it to your wrist to pull it away from covering your face.
The rustling of the cash beneath you and the sound of skin slapping echoed out into the living room from the bedroom. "Look at me when I fuck you," Toji says sternly, causing you to whimper in agitation as you did your best to keep your eyes on his.
"To..Toji.." You moan out, choking on your words as your hand grabbed onto his that was wrapped around on your waist.
"Come on doll, say my name." Turning feral, Toji pounds into you like a fleshlight. Voice shaking as you try to moan out his name, and by tomorrow you wouldn't be surprised if you lost your voice.
He comes to a halt, completely. Toji slides his cock out of you, a creamy white ring formed at the base. You whine before he hushes you. "Y'know what," He picks you up, cradling you in his arms.
You switch positions, instead you lock your legs around his waist, as the two of you made your way to the balcony door of the bedroom. Is he..
Toji slid the glass door open, the two of you stepping out into the balcony. It wasn't cold, and you could see the still busy city carrying on with life underneath the hotel.
Suddenly, Toji peeled your legs off his waist, making you face the railing, and the city in front of you. You gasp as he roughly positioned your body, placing one leg up onto the rail, your two hands clutching onto the cold metal.
He slides into you again, but this time not allowing you to adjust. Toji immediately goes in with brutal force, your ass ripping against his pelvis as he drilled into you. On the balcony. For anyone to watch.
Toji spits again, his saliva falling onto your asshole and soon enough drips onto his cock that was continuously pounding in and out of you.
Your moans broke out into a giggle due to the ticklish feeling, Toji couldn’t help but smile at your reaction.
Both hands on your waist, Toji groans in pleasure and praises you non-stop for taking him like a good girl. His hand wrapped around your lower stomach as he felt you give in, your legs unable to support yourself. "You're doing so good for me," he whispers in to your ear, only to leave a trail of wet kisses down your back afterwards,
You moan continuously, for sure, everyone below could hear. Your hand made its way to Toji's nape, bringing him closer to you as he repeatedly fucked into your sweet spot.
"I’d do anything to be able to see a view like this one for the rest of my life," his left hand made its way down to your clit, lazily rubbing circles.
This just did it for you, lowly moaning, you let go of Tojis neck. Leaning forward, you rest your chin on the metal rail ontop of your same hands that were grabbing onto it. But a certain someone didn't let you do that.
Toji immediately grabbed you by your hair, pulling you back against his chest, taking your leg off the rail. You felt him interlock his hands around your inner elbow, suddenly fucking into you upwards as you grab onto his bicep for support.
"G-o-d Toji, please just f-u-ck your c-um into me." The enunciation of your words came out in bits, as Toji drilled up into you at a brutal pace.
He grinned against your necks skin, leaning further to plant kisses on your jaw."You want me to fill you with my cum, huh?"
You frantically nod, but that wasn't enough of an answer for a man like Toji.
"Oh baby, use your words." He purred into your ear, holding his orgasm to make sure you get it when you deserve it.
"I need it- I need it so ba-ad." You whimpered out, squeezing onto his bicep. "Please, Toji."
He whined, balls tightening as he heard you beg for him. You already drove him crazy, and that only drove him crazier. With one deep thrust, his movements come to a halt, allowing his warm, thick seed to fill you up completely.
Toji placed more kisses onto your back and your neck, making sure to never lose grip of you in case you go all jelly. Followed by him, slowly pulling his cock out of you, his load dripping out of your hole and onto the balcony flooring.
He stuck two of his fingers back into you, slowly fucking the load inside of you to make sure it stays inside. With his cum covered fingers, he slid the two of them past your lips and into your mouth. You sucked on them, humming as it covered your taste buds, and eventually swallowing.
Toji slapped your ass, and you yelped, giving him a glare. He chuckled before picking you back up bridal style, carrying you back inside the penthouse.
He gently and carefully placed you on the bed, quickly cleaning a bit of the mess you two made around the room.
"How about I go run us a nice bath, hmm?"
Fiddling with your thumbs, you watched as Toji neatly fold the pile of money together alongside the one on the night stand. Of course, it’s still yours. "That sounds good," You smiled as he walked over to give you a peck on the forehead.
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The dripping of water from the bath tap rang throughout the room, Toji leaning back against you as the two of you were in the tub. You squeezed a sponge over his abs, the hot water dripping down his skin as he closed his eyes.
"..Toji," you called out his name, and he hums back in response.
You gently rubbed the sponge up and down his arm, "Would you say this counts as me working overtime for you?"
He smiles, opening his eyes to look up at you. "I'll add another $500 bonus and a shopping spree if you ride me in this tub."
You scoff, letting go of the sponge as you sulk against the marble of the tub. "I'm literally stuffed with your cum. I think you had enough, thank you very much."
Toji only laughs, "Aren't you forgetting you got an asshole and that throat of yours? We can easily squeeze in three more rounds."
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ ⤳ © luvwestwood ‘24. all works are owned by me, and originally come from my own head. please do not re-post on a third party platform without my permission!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ⤳ as always, thank you for the love on each and every one of my posts. 🎀🩷
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god-monsters · 11 months
How Lookism Guys Fall in Love with YOU + personal hc
Requested. If you can't tell how repetitive I am from my masterlist, here it is all side by side to show you exactly the sort of tropes I like a LOT. Sorta hc, sorta the storylines-ish I like to write.
Strangers to Lovers
Johan Seong
Meeting Johan and bonding through his pups. You don't even need to show him kindness. Show Eden and Miro kindness and you will enter his thoughts regardless.
A cliched way to a man's heart is his stomach. Feed Johan up too to up the relationship.
Lots of emotional maturing needed for Johan to understand what the hell is going on. Pulls away to get some distance yet always ends up by your side. He can't help it. Eventually just gives in.
Goo Kim
While I personally dislike the love at first sight trope, this guy would absolutely double take if there was something that caught his eye and then he would be his normal extroverted and clingy self to get to know you.
This fucking charmer. Yes he's annoying, but even then he gets under your skin and you can't help falling for him too.
Also a fan of the hot-and-cold-casual-fuck-buddies dynamic. He'll see you every day for a week, wake up in your bed then ghost you for a month. Rinse and repeat. After a little while - oh. Goo realises he misses you.
Samuel Seo
Ah the oh-shit-I-caught-feelings-when-we-were-just-casually-fucking-and-no-strings-attached pining.
Meeting at somewhere like a corporate event or even in a club.
Lots of inner turmoil as he gets to grips with his emotions and how to deal with you. A little bit of push and pull before he eventually admits how he feels.
Ryuhei Kuroda/Xiaolong
Just meeting someone, anyone who is the opposite of Mitsuki and Vivi. Showing them what a normal healthy person, with normal healthy interests looks like. Show them kindness, show them your sweet smile, show them you don't want anything apart from just them and they will fall for you.
Ryuhei - Not really much guilt with moving on from Mitsuki because face it. They weren't exactly anything.
Xiaolong - oof. The most angsty hurt/comfort you can think of.
Friends (classmates) to Lovers
Zack Lee
Long-ish time friend, but nothing progressed due to his feelings for Mira. Gradually circumstances bring you both closer together. Tending to his wounds, school projects, maybe even shopping for a gift for Mira.
Start to see you in a new light. Deals with a lot of denial at first and then later, guilt. Unsurprisingly, it's Mira that notices the change in Zack and encourages him to pursue you.
Vasco Tabasco/Jace Park
Classmate of theirs through J-high or knew them from middle school. Help to tutor Vasco or just generally up to some shit with Jace. Maybe playing detective.
Not involved with Burn Knuckles, but you might as well be. With Vasco or Jace, the rest of the crew treats you with the same level of respect as their No.1/2 and will protect you at all costs.
Relatively straightforward friends to lovers, with all the worries of gang shit.
Vin Jin
Love the idea of Vin Jin, Mary and You being best buds together. Either from Cheonliang or you getting closer to Vin through Mary once they attend J-High.
An absolute asshole though he is a little softer towards you. Takes him a while to fall for you and see you in a new light. Is so used to you as a friend that it will take someone else interfering or an event.
See masterlist for someone asking you on a date or Vin seeing you in his Cheonliang jacket heh (the latter really breaks his brain).
Jake Kim
Childhood friend to lovers. You knew him before he joined Big Deal and/or while he was a tall lanky middle school kid.
Always had a soft spot for you. Walking you home from school, spending evenings in the library messing around, hanging in the park. Once he joined Big Deal and you started high school, it added some distance between you but Jake still could never get you off his mind.
Eventually reconciling and slow burn into lovers. Dealing with all the usual angst of Jake putting you in danger and risking your safety by being with him. Hint: he gets over it eventually. Or else it turns into angsty regret (my personal fave!).
DG/James Lee
You know him from his James Lee days and go way back. Either classmates together or another very typical show-him-a-little-kindness and then wormed your way into his heart.
Sees you more and more, and no matter what, you're never judgemental of him and you're able to talk to him like a normal human being - which is a rarity. Growing closer together until he starts to confide in you. One day, James just realises you're the closest person to him and he likes you. You have grown and grown on him until it's obvious and completely hits him over the head with it.
Progress into lovers is very straightforward. You stick with him through thick and thin. Even with his transition into DG, you're the one constant in his life that he keeps close by and protects.
Eli Jang
Know Eli from his J-high days and always been good buddies with you. Sure you could tell he's good looking but you didn't put him on a pedestal.
Eventually growing closer to him and also meeting Yenna. Which is a huge step, by the way. Eli is so goddamn protective of her and when you are both introduced he thinks 'huh? this is? nice??'. Loves the idea of a happy family.
Bit of angst dealing with the death of Heather and moving on with you.
+ Daniel Park, Jay Hong, Warren Chae, Hudson Ahn, Kwak bros
Colleague/Crew Member to Lovers
Gun Park/Goo Kim
The third partner and completing the Gun/Goo/You trifecta. Teaming up with Goo to piss off Gun or with Gun to become the sassiest, most fearsome duo and a headache for the blonde.
Eugene/Samuel Seo
Working alongside and rising through the ranks, impressing them with your competency that they have no choice but to take notice of you. They struggle treading the line between professionalism and falling for you.
Jake Kim/Sinu Han
Big Deal crew member, joining and working your way into the Boss's heart. Another one for lots of pining and slow burn as they try not to fall for you because they feel it's pretty inappropriate.
Another favourite little scenario: you working on Big Deal street. Either taking up an empty premise or working in a store or restaurant and catching their eye. Flirtation abound especially when they visit you when you should be working and prove to be an awful distraction.
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flwrstqr · 4 months
enhypen and their love tropes
pairings: enhypen x fem!reader *some idols may be referenced in here* | genre: fluff, different types of tropes | wc: 2400+ | prompt: enhypen and their different love tropes | warnings: not proofread, kind of not smooth in some of the members... | an: i wrote a little too much i think but this is my little gift for my 200 follower milestone!! | LIBRARY FOR MORE...
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이희승 (lhs) - brother's best friend
you, yeonjun's younger sister, are also heeseung's number one crush. ever since he visited your house (technically also yeonjun's), he fell in love. the way your hair was in a loose ponytail and your outfit, just a simple spaghetti top with grey shorts, captivated him. heeseung found you effortlessly gorgeous, noticing the difference between your demeanor at school and at home. he personally admired this natural and sweet side of you. eventually, he mustered the courage to confess his feelings to you, fully aware that it could strain his friendship. despite the risk, he was willing to pursue his love. fortunately, your brother accepted their relationship, and now you two are happily dating
박종성 (pjy) - arranged marriage
daughter of the ceo, of course you hold so much responsibilities. such as taking hands of the company, controlling the company, making arrangements, and the list can go on forever. but one thing on the list you hated was you had to marry the son of the ceo of park corporation. when you met jay on your first "arranged" date, you did quite found him cute but of course both of you guys had a bit of a cold demeanor. later on, you slowly end up falling in love with jay as you learn more things. your cold like personality slowly melts away and ever since then, for once you were excited to marry him. for jay, he was quite similar, it was hard for him to accept the arrangement his parents made for him. but after talking to you and numerous of dates, he saw the good side of you and both of you are now officially married!!
심재윤 (sjy) - opposites attract
jake, the golden retriever type, has a playful, friendly, and bright personality. then there's you, the black cat type, with a smart, quiet, and introverted personality—polar opposites, for sure. one day, your teacher assigns the whole class a project, and to your surprise, pairs you up with jake. great... on the first day of working together, you mainly handle the tasks (because you're the smart one). the next day, you hope it'll be less awkward, and thankfully, it is. jake becomes closer to you with each passing day, and before you know it, you're falling for him. It turns out, jake actually liked you from the beginning, ever since you were in his class and caught his eye. after completing the project, you assume your relationship with jake is over, but then you find yourselves IN a relationship together! :)
박성훈 (psh) - fake dating
so basically, you're single af + broke, currently in university. your friends force you on blind dates so you go to a dating app and after over 48 dates, you meet park sunghoon, who's not at all interested in dating (ironic isn't it). sunghoon gives you a deal to fake date you for $1,000 (rich kid he is) since his parents expect him to have a girlfriend. which you hesitantly accept since you had to pay for your dorm and bills + you were incredibly broke. after meeting his parent and going on dates to figure more about his, both of you guys are like deep in love. he is so whipped for you but he's obviously scared that you don't take this relationship seriously which you do and to admit he was in love. after the whole fake dating is over, you confess how much you fell in love with him which takes a couple of days to accept. later, he accepts your love and now hes so happy he accepted it cause your the best gf he could ever ask for.
김선우 (ksn) - love triangle
kim sunoo has a crush on you. strong statement, right? guess who else does? kim mingyu, your senior at the high school you attend. it's a love triangle, not cute. sunoo feels hopeless since mingyu, one of the most popular kids, likes you. who wouldn't want a popular bf? you didn't really like mingyu; he wasn't your type. so, sunoo hoped you would like him. he left anonymous love notes at your locker, a lollipop on your desk, and more. after months, you realized sunoo was behind these actions. it was time for you to do a little more investigation about him. you knew sunoo because you were science lab partners with his friend, jungwon. later, you found yourself thinking about sunoo constantly. finally, your extroverted self greeted sunoo, and 3 seconds later, you were best friends (easy to befriend). sunoo wanted to be close to you since he liked you. what about mingyu? a couple of months later, mingyu asked you out. you rejected him because you liked sunoo. this led to a fight, and when mingyu learned you liked sunoo, he was furious. it escalated into a physical fight, but you stopped it and confessed your feelings to sunoo.
양정원 (yjw) - academic rivals
jungwon and you were the definition of perfect. you both possessed drop-dead gorgeous visuals, excelled academically, were kind, skilled in arts and music, and extremely athletic. being "perfect," naturally led to a competition between you. although jungwon always took the lead, you were a close second. you couldn't stand each other. every class turned into a new competition, as usual. until one day, both of you ended up in detention (surprisingly shocking). in the silent room, with no talking allowed, when the teacher stepped out, jungwon saw it as a chance to talk. surprisingly, as you conversed, you both began to feel like friends, something neither of you could have imagined. days passed, and your dislike for jungwon seemed to diminish. for jungwon, he discovered a whole new side of you that he practically fell in love with. on the last day of school, jungwon finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings to you on the rooftop (after practicing for 3 months straight). and before you knew it, you spent the entire summer holding hands with jungwon.
西村力 (nsr) - enemies to lovers
riki, the number 1 person you absolute hated. you had a whole list with 100 reasons why you hated that man. ever since you were in elementary, riki teased you nonstop. while walking to school he would tease you, while you got drinks from the vending machine he would tease you. he would tease you everywhere. no matter the time or situation, he would bully you. but in reality, riki liked you a lot. he founded cute every time you would scrunch your nose when you see him. far away, he would see your adorable smile light up the whole room. it was when your parents brought riki and his parents home for dinner, thats when you saw the different side of him. his polite, calm, and cute side of him. for the first time, you felt your stomach have butterflies every time you saw him. and a couple of weeks later, thats when you accidentally confessed to him. he founded a sticky note that you dropped on the way to your next class which turned out to be a whole love letter to him. then after school, he would ask you to meet in the rooftop and spill his whole love confession to you <3
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Nanami x Reader
A Gift of the Magi inspired AU
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Nanami and you met in college and fell in love fast. With his quick dry wit and your intellect, you got along and were a perfect match for each other.
Nanami proposed with his mother's ring. A simple gold band, tiny scratches all over standing testament to what was a long covenant.
You got married in a second hand dress, the lace of which you carefully repaired yourself. The hemline reached your ankles, and the bodice, pulled together with alteration after alteration sat snug on your body.
He wore his better suit, a cream carefully maintained over the years and his shoes polished till you could see your face in it.
The wedding party was small, family, and your closest friends. And when everything wrapped up and everyone said their goodbyes, Nanami knelt before you, taking your hand in his, and promised you that he would become a man worthy of being called your husband.
You knelt to meet his eye and whispered "You already are, my heart..."
But the recession hit and layoffs found you without a job. You desperately scoured the internet for work and looked through your contacts for any opportunity.
Meanwhile Nanami's company also downsized. Reducing both in a workforce and remuneration.
With paycuts and a lack of employment he worked twice as hard to provide. Making sure his pretty little wife would never have to do more than that which is necessary.
You took up a job in a convenience store, managing and selling people what they'd need.
And at night when you came home you'd come home to him, haggerd and sagging shoulders but your eyes lit up seeing the other.
Seeing you walking towards the apartment you made a life in, Nanami physically felt his shoulders lift. His spirit soar. There you were, an angel among the mundane. Your hair shone in the street lights. Your eyes twinkled like lanterns.
You felt a spring bloom in your step and ran into his outstretched arms as he enveloped you in the biggest hug.
"How was your day, my flower?"
"A little tedious but better now, my heart"
You walked up to your flat, in each other's arms. He nuzzled his nose against your head and kissed your hair. Dinner was an intimate affair. Rice, fish, miso soup with a generous sprinkle of kisses and hugs. Nanami felt you wrap your arms around his waist as he stirred the soup and fried the fish – your lips against his back, and turned around to softly press his lips against yours. Your hands reached up to his hair ruffling the corporate alignment away. His hands found home on the curves of your ass as he lifted you closer to him, deepening the kiss.
Nanami drank you in. So many years after, but he still felt the butterflies he had when he first asked to kiss you.
When dinner was finished, and the plates cleared away, you both wasted no time in crawling into bed. The city lights illuminated the room, barely kept at bay by the thin curtains. And you found yourself being loved by your husband.
Fingers intertwined, he pushed into you, swallowing your soft moans and cries. His lips were hot against yours, tongues exploring. Your bodies moved in tandem, he knew yours so well. Your twitches, your shudders, every jerk leading to your climax. And when you did, he helped you ride it out on his cock, gently bringing you down from your high and finishing himself off outside you.
Nanami and you didn't have much, but you had each other, and at the end of the day that's really all that you needed...
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A big thank you to @uchihasanctuary for hearing me out. When I had these thots in the first place.
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sohamdigi · 1 year
Corporate Gifts and Packaging Solutions in Dubai: Enhancing Your Business Image
Introduction: Corporate gifting is an essential practice in the business world, allowing companies to express their appreciation to clients and employees while building long-lasting relationships. With Dubai's growing economy and diverse business landscape, it's no surprise that corporate gifting has become a critical part of business culture. In this blog post, we'll explore the top suppliers for corporate gifts in Dubai and various packaging solutions available to ensure your gift stands out.
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Corporate Gifts Suppliers in Dubai: Dubai is home to numerous corporate gift suppliers that offer an array of items suitable for any occasion. From luxury gift sets to practical gifts, companies in Dubai can find a wide variety of options that will leave a lasting impression on recipients.
High-End Shopping Bags: First impressions matter, and a beautifully designed shopping bag can elevate your brand's image. In Dubai, high-end shopping bags are a popular choice for corporate gifting, as they are stylish and reusable, making them a practical and eco-friendly option.
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Bottle Bags: Bottle bags are an excellent gift option for corporate events or special occasions. They come in different shapes, sizes, and materials, and can be customized to fit your brand's image. With the right design, bottle bags can make your brand stand out and leave a lasting impression on recipients.
Food Packaging: Food is an excellent gift option for corporate events, and packaging plays a crucial role in its presentation. In Dubai, several packaging companies offer customized food packaging solutions that are not only visually appealing but also functional and practical.
Packaging Companies: In addition to corporate gifting, packaging plays a significant role in product presentation. The right packaging can increase the perceived value of your product and attract potential customers. In Dubai, several packaging companies offer innovative and customized packaging solutions that can help your product stand out from the competition.
Conclusion: Corporate gifting and packaging solutions are essential aspects of business marketing and image building. With a plethora of suppliers and options available in Dubai, companies can find the right gift and packaging solutions to suit their brand image and budget. The right gift and packaging can make a lasting impression on clients and employees, thereby enhancing your business image and increasing brand awareness.
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