#high seas treaty
wachinyeya · 5 months
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
United Nations approves High Seas Treaty
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whozui · 1 month
in positive news, Monaco has ratified the High Seas Treaty.
they're the 5th out of 90 countries that signed the treaty that have actually ratified it.
the treaty exists to stop deep sea mining, which is highly destructive to the ocean and its ecosytem.
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pasquines · 1 year
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edouardstenger · 1 year
The United Nations' High Seas Treaty is a critical step to protecting our oceans
Earlier this month, nations finally agreed on the High Seas Treaty and it's hailed as an historical event. Let's see why.
Coming together to protect Nature is a key element to making sure we have a future as a species and that other species not only survive but thrive in the coming decades and centuries. This is why the United Nations have worked for almost 20 years on protecting the high seas, its biodiversity and providing oversight of international waters. Earlier this month, nations finally agreed on this and…
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kp777 · 2 years
‘Time has run out’: UN fails to reach agreement to protect marine life
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worldoceansday · 9 months
BBNJ Treaty - The Race for Ratification.
The race for ratification of the BBNJ Treaty is the perfect example of how, by working together around the world, we can accelerate action to deliver the SDGs. 
Side Event at the SDG Action Weekend organized by IUCN, Sierra Leone, European Union, Republic of Korea, Chile, Republic of Vanuatu, Birdlife International, Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA), High Seas Alliance, EarthEcho, Greenpeace.
To maximize the 2023 SDG Summit's impact, the Secretary General is convening an SDG Action Weekend, which will generate opportunities for stakeholders, United Nations entities, and Member States to convene inside the United Nations Headquarters and set out specific commitments and contributions to drive SDG transformation between now and 2030.
The SDG Action Weekend will consist of the SDG Mobilization Day on Saturday, 16 September, and the SDG Acceleration Day on Sunday, 17 September at UNHQ in New York.
The SDG Action Weekend includes a select number of high-level side-events identified through an open call that concluded in August. They are jointly organized by coalitions of Member States, UN agencies and other international organizations, and global stakeholder networks.
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phoward89 · 1 month
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Based on this ask
Obsessed!Coriolanus Snow x Innocent!Reader, Obsessed!Crassus Snow x Innocent!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Cussing, obsession, older man/younger woman, father & son both want the same girl, reader is just too sweet for this world and has no idea that the men in the Snow family are toxic...
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Part 1:
You've known Coriolanus Snow and his family ever since you were a little girl. When the war started, you were about 5, and Crassus, Coriolanus' father, helped you, your mother, and your brother get smuggled into the Capitol as a favor to your father, a Colonel who served under him in District 12 while he was a General; the Commander.
Sadly your father, Colonel Javanis Halvir, didn't survive the war. Tragically, Coriolanus' mother died during the first bombing strike on Capitol City. She died in the birthing bed, weeks before she was due, because the bombing had triggered off her labor. Coriolanus' little sister died too. Was stillborn.
But since your families knew one another and lived in the same building they huddled together during the war. Your mother wasn't too thrilled about having to receive help from Grandma’am Snow and a seedy neighbor that owned a nightclub, but she dealt with it in order to survive and protect her children: you and your older brother.
General Crassus Snow barely made it out of the war alive. He was nearly killed in the woods outside of 12. But, alas, he survived and returned home to Capitol City, Panem a war hero. He also came back with a heavily lined pocket although District 13 was destroyed and that's where all of his assets, factories, and science labs were located.
Your mother told you and your brother that Crassus was a cold, cunning, calculating man and that she's positive that he somehow brokered a deal to get paid for the loss of his assets.
What nobody knows, except for the higher powers that be of course, is that Crassus still has his factories and labs in District 13. They're nuclear weapons factories and, since 13 went underground as an independent nation via a hush hush backroom midnight deal between the leader of 13 and Panem's President Ravenstill, a deal that went into effect before the Districts surrender and the signing of the Treaty of Treason. Crassus is a black market arms dealer. He sells his nucs to neighboring countries. Countries that include Canada (yes, they never changed their name after the wars and natural disasters that drastically changed the geography of the world) and a small coalition of old world Eastern European countries that survived the rising sea levels that had eradicated some island countries and shoreline countries of old world Europe.
Crassus Snow takes a lot of out of town business trips to broker illegal arms deals between the underground District 13 and the countries that he's constructed alliances with. General Crassus Snow had no loyalties to Panem any more; his only loyalties were to himself and his family. He also had a sliver of a sense of honor when it came to his old comrade’s family and felt the need to watch over your family: the Halvir family.
But after being shot by rebels, left for dead in the woods, and barely being able to survive long enough to trek back to the PK Base D-12’s hospital, General Crassus Snow truly lost faith in the country that he was supposed to serve proudly. But did he ever truly have faith in Panem as a country since he was in the woods, sneaking like a thief in the night, to get to District 13 to check his assets and his alliances there?
Snow lands on top; Crassus was playing both sides of the war to ensure that his family came out winners. And then when his contacts in District 13 told him of the deal between the President and the Commander of 13, well…General Snow's career as an arms dealer was born.
It paid well and kept the Snow family living high off the hog. Crassus also supported your family with his endless money, much to your mother's dismay.
Your mother couldn't stand Crassus, out on a polite face for Grandma'am Snow, felt sorry for Tigris, and cringed with how you and Coriolanus were the best of friends.
And you remained best friends with Coriolanus Snow as the two of you grew up side by side. You always viewed the friendship as platonic, but a teenaged Coriolanus viewed it as more. He developed a crush on you that quickly turned into a dark, possessive obsession.
But Coriolanus was certain that what he felt for you was love.
And when it came to his father, who he was the spitting image of with the same tall, sinewy build, platinum blonde curls, striking icy blue eyes, chiseled jawline, and prominent nose, well…Crassus Snow had an obsession with you as well. But his obsession was rooted in a darker place than his son's.
The esteemed war here General Crassus Snow has a sick obsession with you because you favor your mother. And, well, when Crassus was a young grunt in 12, serving in the Peacekeepers under his father Xanthos who was the Commander of 12 at that time, he fell for your mother, but she didn't reciprocate his feelings. Instead she fell in love with his friend, Javanis Halvir. Thus the reason you and your older brother were born to Colonel Halvir and Mrs. Halvir.
Feeling jilted and betrayed by the object of his affection and obsession not loving him back, Crassus became a cold, cruel, cold, calculating, and cunning man. He put on his charming smile and wooed a young, pretty, naive girl from Capitol City. Demeter: Coriolanus’ mother.
But he never got over your mother, despite her hating him as the years went on. So you looking just like her once you hit your teenage years has Crassus falling down the rabbit hole into dark obsessive head spaces.
So, unknown to you, your platonic relationships with the men in the Snow family are anything, but that in their eyes. And they don't even know that the other has an obsession with you.
You know what they say…like father, like son.
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It's mid-May of your senior year at the Academy and you're so ready for the school year to end. You can't wait for graduation and for summer break. You also can't wait for the opportunity to spend your summer break hanging out with your best friend, Coryo.
Coriolanus Snow.
But you call him Coryo. Always have, always will.
But in the meantime you spend your weekends at the Snow penthouse; you also go home with him after school a couple of days during the week- much to your mother's dismay.
And this afternoon’s one of those days where you go home with Coryo after school.
“You're staying for dinner tonight, darling. The cook’s making your absolute favorite and I'd hate for you to miss out on it.” Coryo told you on the elevator ride up to the 12th floor of your Corso building.
The elevator had been broken for a few years, but after General Snow slapped some money at the apartment building association maintenance fixed the elevator and Grandma'am Snow was able to leave the penthouse and go out into the world with the help of a can instead of being kept locked up inside like a recluse.
“I hope you didn't ask the cook to make my favorite meal just to get me to stay for dinner.”
“Of course not. They plan the menu, not me.” Coryo tells you, a lopsided lipped smile on his face.
What neither of you knew was that Coryo's father, Crassus, and told (more so demanded) that the cook make your favorite meal. He knew that you'd be easier to sway to eat dinner with him and his family if the smell of your favorite dish was wafting in the air as you hung out with his son in his room.
And that was something Crassus was going to be putting a stop to. He can't have you spending so much time alone in Coriolanus' bedroom. What if the two of you start to become curious about- things…
Ugh, Crassus can't imagine you with his son. He thinks Coriolanus is a sassy, whinny, bratty, weakling of an heir. Too bad he couldn't toughen that boy up; too bad he's too much like his mother. Has too much good in him, can be easily pushed and pulled by a pretty face and the promise of love.
Crassus would prefer it if Coriolanus was more like him. More cold, more cunning, more calculated, and didn't wear his feelings on his damn sleeves.
The elevator stops and the doors ding open, revealing the hallway of the 12th floor. A floor that was solely inhabited by the mighty Snow family. They had the upper level penthouse that took the entire floor. It was quite impressive. You love it, but your mother hates it.
And talk about your mother…
“I know you want me to stay for dinner, Coryo, but I really shouldn't. My mother's been getting on me lately about how much time I spend up here with you.” You tell the boy with the light golden curls as the two of you exit the elevator.
“Your mother needs to take a chill pill. You're my girl, darling. It's completely normal to be spending all of your free time up here.” Coryo tells you while leading you over to the front door of his penthouse, palm of his hand resting lazily on the small of your back.
“I know, Coryo, but my mother hates that we're besties and she wants me to meet new people.”
“Meet new people?” Coryo scoffed, brows furrowed in disdain, as he opened the door to his place. “There's nobody new in Capitol City our age to meet, darling. Not unless you go to the mission in the slums by the rail station and start introducing yourself to those District immigrants that conned their way into our grand Capitol.” The cerulean eyes boy told you while ushering you into his penthouse and down the entrance hallway.
Coriolanus was personally offended by your mother. How dare she tell you to meet new people? You belong to him. You're his girl.
Coriolanus was good at schooling his features, considering he's been doing it his entire life to keep from letting his father know how bad his harsh and hateful words affected him, so you didn't catch onto how upset he was with your mother. No, you thought he was fine. As cool as a cucumber as he led you past the kitchen, where the cook was starting on dinner, and into the main room of the penthouse to acknowledge Grandma’am, who's always sitting in her favorite chair watching her soaps on CapitolTV during this time of the late afternoon.
“Oh, Coriolanus, you're home and I see you brought Y/N over to visit with you.” Grandma'am Snow, who was dressed to the nines in her jeweled turbin, silk tunic, extravagant jeweled brooch, and long strand of pearls. She was the epitome of Old Guard aristocratic lady of fineries and class.
“Yes, Grandma'am I'm home and my darling’s staying for dinner tonight.” Coriolanus smiles at his grandmother.
Coryo silently nudges you forward to give Grandma'am a hug while greeting her. It's something you've done you years and he doesn't want you to stop doing it either since his Grandma’am adores you.
If only Grandma'am could persuade his father that you're a good match for him. The old lady gets it, why can't his father get it? You and Coriolanus belong together; make quite the pair.
But if the platinum haired boy with a halo of curls on his head only knew that he wasn't the only one obsessed and lusting after you- well…
“Good afternoon, Grandma'am. It's so good to see you.” You smile sweetly, hugging the regal old woman that you've come to love and think of as your own grandmother over the years.
“It's also so good to see you too, my dear.” Grandma'am replies, patting your back as she reciprocates the hug. “Has our Coriolanus asked you to the prom yet?” She inquired, as a way to push you and her grandson together, your hug broke apart.
“Not officially, but we have an understanding that we'll be going together since we go to all of the galas, balls, and dances together.” You tell Grandma’am while returning to Coryo's side.
Coryo’s fiddling with the strap of his satchel, that's currently across his chest, as he awaits Grandma'am’s reply. Or, a lecture aimed at him to properly ask you. A lecture she's been giving him daily since the beginning of the month.
And sure as shit, Coriolanus gets his prom lecture.
Grandma'am looks at her grandson, who's his father's spitting image, and firmly tell him, “Coriolanus, properly ask her. You're a Snow and as a Snow doesn't assume things, but makes them happen.” Cutting her eyes at her only grandchild, she orders in a grandmotherly way, “Now, properly as her as your prom date before somebody else tries to snatch her up from you.”
You felt a bit awkward. Grandma'am’s lecture was something you felt she should've given Coryo in private, not while you're by his side. It wasn't meant for your ears, or at least you don't think it was.
Coriolanus’ lips draw taunt into a tight line as he tells his grandmother, “Yes, Grandma'am.” He half nods at her before turning to you. Giving you a smile that shows too many teeth, like a wolf baring its fangs before its prey, he takes your hands in his and asks, “Y/N, my darling rose, will you do me the honor of going to prom with me?”
It felt more like a marriage proposal than a promposal. Aren't promposals supposed to be fun and exciting with songs, dances, and glittery handmade poster boards? Not so serious. Right?
You're already going to prom with Coryo, but since you've been out on the spot with a promposal you have to formally accept. All thanks to Grandma'am.
“Of course I'll go to prom with you, Coryo.” You answered your best friend, causing his icy eyes to sparkle with joy.
It all felt so surreal. A bit heavy too. Honestly, it felt like you were agreeing to give your best friend your hand in marriage right in front of his regal grandmother then agreeing to go to prom.
Unknown to you, you accepting Coryo's proposal was, in fact, you agreeing to a future marriage to him in the delusional minds of both Coriolanus and Grandma’am.
You just signed your freedom away by saying yes to prom and you don't even know it, all because you view your relationship as platonic. Too bad the platinum blonde boy with baby blue eyes and his sophisticated grandma view the relationship as something more.
Coryo's father, Crassus, also views your relationship with his son as platonic. But that's for an entirely different reason; one that would make you gasp from shock if you knew.
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After making Grandma’am Snow the happiest lady alive in Capitol City by accepting Coryo's proposal, you went to his bedroom to do homework with him. And when your class assignments were done, you two just laid on his bed while listening to music.
It was a new album that Coryo had to get the neighbor, Pluribus Bell, to smuggle to him because Crassus refused to give his son the money for the album. In fact the former General turned Minister of National Security, and black market arms dealer, hates the music you and his son listens to. Crassus is more of a classical music and soft jazz type, so he hates the poetic lyrics and the vibe of the beats of the alternative indie and pop you and Coryo enjoy so much.
The album was on its second playback while you cuddled into Coryo's side. His large, but lanky frame always made you feel so safe. So protected. And, your best friend's lanky, he does have solid muscles under his skin.
Having you tucked into his side while lying on his bed listening to the new album that an artist the both of you loves just dropped is like being in heaven for Coriolanus. Growing up the platinum blonde boy with a head full of soft curls and striking baby blue eyes always had you by his side. You're his one constant. No matter what, you're always there for him.
It's what makes Coryo crave you like Dean Casca Highbottom craves his morphling fix every 15 minutes. You always being there for him, being by his side for better or worse during your childhood friendship, is what caused him to grow obsessively in love with you.
But the problem is, in his delusional mind, Coriolanus thinks that you're in love with him too. All because of how you're always letting him cuddle you, hug you, and touch you. Letting him call you darling while you often call him ‘my Coryo' while talking about him to others also has him thinking that your feelings for him mirrors the ones he has for you.
You and Coryo are talking about small things, silly things really, whenever the bedroom door opens with a loud band followed by the deep bellowing of Crassus Snow. “Why're you two alone in here listening to this trash?”
“She's not a trashy singer, father. She's one of the best.” Coriolanus retorted, causing his imposing and stern father to fill his icy eyes at him. “Y/N and I were doing homework and decided to listen to some music afterwards.” Your best friend added in, to answer his father's stupid question about why you're in his room.
“General Snow, if me being alone in Coryo's room with him gets him in trouble with you then I'm sorry; I'll just go.” You apologized to the Snow patriarch while making to pull away from Coryo and sit up.
But your best friend wouldn't let you leave his side. No. Actually, his hold around you tightened.
And that made Crassus pissed. His sniveling brat of a son didn't deserve you. You deserved a real man to care for you; to guide you on your journey of womanhood.
Crassus felt that he's the Snow for you. The only man that can mold you into the perfect Capitolite lady you're meant to be. And when he successfully gets rid of old President Ravenstill and wins the next presidential election, well, he plans on making you his wife and his First Lady.
Whether you like it or not.
With a devious smirk painting his lips, the middle-aged man with slicked back platinum blonde hair and cold, hard, bitter icy eyes tells you, “Please, call me Crassus. After all, petal, with as much time as you spend here you're practically a part of the family.”
General Snow's remark went right over your head. You just nodded and simply said, “Okay.”
You honestly didn't think anything of it. If General Snow wanted you to call him Crassus because of all the time you spent around his son, Coriolanus, then so be it.
But Coryo knew that his father had just become, as fucked up as it sounds, his romantic rival for you. As soon as he heard him call you petal he knew, oh he just knew, that his father's lusting after you.
Coriolanus is his father's son after all. Despite being told time and time again by Crassus that he's too much like his mother, too soft and eager for affection- for love. But what Crassus didn't grasp was that Coriolanus didn't just have his father's looks, but his dark tendencies for obsession and over ‘loving’ his intended lover.
And the son just knew that his father was head over heels obsessed with you because, in fact, he was too. Coriolanus saw the way his father looked at you, as if you're a piece of meat ready to be carved and served, and it disgusts him. You belong to the younger Snow, not the older one.
Giving Crassus a cutting look with his icy eyes, Coriolanus announced in a smug baritone, “Father, my darling rose is going to prom with me as my date.” And then he twisted the knife in his father's black, soulless heart by adding in the three simple but damning words of, “As my girl.”
Crassus’ face turned to stone. Of course, you'd agree to go to prom with Coriolanus. The former general's seething with jealousy. He wants you, why does his son get to take you to prom? Ugh, why can't you just go to prom with a group of girls? Go stag, like single girls do. But no…
You just have to go to prom with Coriolanus. And as his girl too!
Crassus' blood is boiling in his veins. Hearing Coriolanus reveal that he’s made you his girl and is taking you to prom makes him want to tear his son apart limb by limb.
Well, he needs to nip that in the bud.
Perhaps he'll talk to his old, estranged friend Dean Casca Highbottom about being a chaperone at the prom. That way he can keep an eye on you, socialize with you, and keep you from spending the night dancing with his son.
Dancing at prom can lead to other things in hotel rooms after prom. Things that Crassus certainly doesn't want you doing with Coriolanus.
Although Crassus is having an internal meltdown, his appearance stays stern and calm. “I'll make sure your mother has enough money to take you dress shopping.” The middle-aged platinum blonde man assured you.
Cocking his head to the side, Crassus flashes you a savvy smile before looking at his son and giving him a look that rivaled that of Medusa herself. “This door stays open while you two are in here. Only one of you can be on the bed and the other must be at the desk.” Crassus instructed in a stern, authoritarian baritone. “And turn off this music. It's giving me a headache.” He adds in an ordering snap before pivoting on his heel and matching off.
Shaking his head, Coriolanus darkly chuckled, “My father's so pathetic. Having a crush on you.”
“He doesn't have a crush on me, Coryo.” You’re quick to tell your beat friend, writing off his remark as you break your contact with him by sitting up. “He's your father and he's old enough to be mine.” You remind Coryo while making to get off the bed.
Coryo stops you by reaching out and wrapping his hand around your arm. “Just stay on the bed with me. Father’ll never know.” He tells you as you look at him, worrying your lip. But after a few moments, you slowly nod your head and take up your spot nestled into his side once again. “And trust me, from the way he was looking at you, my father likes you.”
“I don't think he does, but if you say so…” You sigh, letting your sentence hang in the air.
But Coryo's right, his father does like you. He likes you a little too much. Just like how his son, your best friend, likes you a little too much.
The million dollar ticket is who’ll snag you up and make you theirs? That's a question only the ancient gods of old know and they're not sharing the answer until the time's right. But until then, father and son will be competing for your heart. A heart that you can only give to one Snow.
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lawsofchaos1 · 5 months
Malec Promptlet: Royal AU
Asmodeus is the High King of Edom, a brutal and immoral overlord.
Edom conquered Idris two years ago after a long and protracted war, ended by the public execution of the King and Queen, Robert and Maryse Lightwood.
Alexander Lightwood, the Crown Prince and High General, is spared by Asmodeus, but only with the intention of having him serve as a living symbol of Idris' defeat by becoming the personal servant of Edom's own Crown Prince, Magnus Bane.
Prior to the war's end, Alec was able to send his siblings to safety in a neutral country across the sea, DuMort, even though he had to all but beg his sister and his shield-brother, Jace, to go. Alec had known that they were losing, the magic of Edom too powerful to fight much longer, and he'd played every emotional trick he could to make sure Jace and Izzy left their country and him behind. Max would need both of them with him to survive as a legitimate blood heir of a fallen kingdom.
Alec hadn't expected to survive himself.
But, when Asmodeus demands he bend the knee in the same room as his parent's bodies, Alec understands the trade at hand - his dignity for his remaining people's survival.
It's an easy decision for Alec to make.
The journey from Idris to Edom is hard, but Alec holds fast and eventually they make it to Edom's capital and he is thrown to the mercy of the Crown Prince's household. Every so often Asmodeus trots Alec out for some public humiliation, to prove Edom's superiority in front of visiting rulers wondering whether to take the offered treaty terms or risk negotiation, but for the most part everything is ... fine.
Magnus, as it turns out, is a kind master and Alec has no complaints.
As the seasons turn and begin to repeat, Magnus and Alec grow to be friends, confidantes even, though Alec is never truly able to forget the precariousness of his situation. Magnus desperately wants to be more, but he also knows that Alec doesn't have the power to say no, so he contents himself as they are. 
Magnus dreams of Alec being confident enough in their firm friendship and trust to perhaps want to be together as well, dreams even more secretly of the two of them ruling one day together as fully equal partners.
(Alec refuses to admit, even to himself, that he often dreams of similar tidings.) 
One night, however, Asmodeus calls Alec to serve him in his private rooms with a group of counselors and visiting officials from their southern neighbor. Magnus sadly watches Alec go, knowing exactly why Asmodeus wants Alec tonight of all nights. Negotiation begins tomorrow on a trade treaty, and watching Idris' fallen prince kneel to an enemy king is a powerful reminder of what it can cost to refuse Asmodeus' wishes.
Magnus goes to sleep, wishing futilely he was able to help without making things infinitely worse, hoping Alec will be well and whole in the morning.
It seems like his head has just touched the pillow when Magnus is woken up, suddenly and shockingly, the embers of the previous evening's fire providing just enough light to see by. Jolting up, heart racing, Magnus' mouth drops open to see Alec kneeling prostrate at the side of his bed.
Alec is frantic, broken apologies mixing in with barely intelligible explanations of something Magnus can't even begin to understand, so frantic and terrified is his friend. Magnus doesn't know what to do because Alec is shaking and trembling, and, even in those first days when Alec had thought he was to be executed and his people punished at the first mistake he'd made, he'd never been like this.
Magnus tries to comfort him, making calming sounds and promising that everything will be okay, but Alec doesn't seem to hear him. Alec won't rise and Magnus hates it because this is how servants react to his father, so he slips to his knees at Alec's side.
Thanking all the gods that Alec doesn't flinch at his touch - Magnus doesn't know what he would do if Alec did - the story finally comes tumbling out, Alec still refusing to meet his eyes.
Asmodeus and his retinue had been drunk, but Alec is well enough used to that. The casual slurs and violence they throw his way are what Alec has come to expect when he is called to serve the King.
(Magnus is livid at this unthinking confirmation. Alec is too quiet, too resigned to complain, has never mentioned this to him before - though Magnus had certainly suspected - and Magnus can do nothing but seethe helplessly as Alec mentions it as though it is nothing.)
But something had changed midway through the evening - there'd been a new horror lurking in the glint of Asmodeus' eyes. He'd grabbed Alec the next time he'd been close enough and forced him on his lap, laughing and wondering to the crowd exactly how well the Crown Prince of Idris would warm his bed.
Alec had panicked.
He keeps apologizing to Magnus and Magnus has a sudden, horrified image of Alec having grabbed a knife and slit his father's throat and the two of them having to run to escape charges of attempted regicide (because obviously Magnus isn't letting Alec run away by himself), but Alec keeps going and finally Magnus understands what had happened.
Alec claimed himself to be Magnus' bed slave instead- the only thing the King would have accepted as a reason for Alec to say no. Alec has no rights of his own in Edom. Only if Alec already belonged to Magnus, a possession that would irritate Magnus if someone else used it, could he refuse.
But Asmodeus won't hide this.
Asmodeus will think it hilarious, and Magnus heart stutters in his chest because he can't deny it without condemning Alec to the executioner's block now that it's been said.
Everyone will believe that Magnus cares not for consent and has chosen to use a former Prince and defeated enemy in the basest way possible.
And he cannot deny it.
But Magnus swallows his horror and holds Alec to his chest, running his hand soothingly across Alec's back until the trembling subsides and his exhausted friend is nearly falling asleep in his arms.
Tomorrow will be one of the hardest days of Magnus' life, but he will do anything to spare Alec from his father.
[Insert Happy Malec Ending]
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So it may just be me and my personal interpretation, but one thing that absolutely infuriates me is the "Cardan is a genius for his banishment plan and Jude did a dumb dumb by not returning" idea that some readers have.
Because that plan, as it was, would only work if, and only if, Jude was fae.
In fact, Jude even thinks about pardoning herself, and how that would not work (given the current situation as she knows it).
(I will illustrate my points with extracts of Queen of Nothing (QoN), and The Wicked King (TWK) of the Folk of the Air series by Holly Black)
recap: the plan was to exile Jude, and have her return via her pardoning herself a bit later when the coast was clear (lol unintentional sea pun) of the wrath of the Undersea disturbing negotiations.
"I exile Jude Duarte to the mortal world. Until and unless she is pardoned by the crown. (...) Meaning by the King of Faerie. Or it's queen. You could have returned anytime you wanted." (QoN chap 18)
Here is where the issue lies. Jude is High Queen of Elfhame, but has literally no way to prove it. She doesn't have the powers conferred to her as queen yet, she doesn't have the trust of the people, and she doesn't have the magical inability to lie that the fae have.
Now if Cardan had proclaimed her queen, she could, but he didn't. In fact, when he first exiles her, she proclaims that he can't do that on account of her being queen, which no one believes:
"But I am the Queen of Faerie," I shout, and for a moment, there is silence. Then everyone around me begins the laugh. (...) "Deny it, then," I yell. "Deny me!" He cannot, of course, so he does not. (TWK chap 30)
Which leads to Jude seeing through the plan and pushing it away because she could not trust Cardan to do what would be needed for it:
It occurs to me that maybe he made a mistake with that phrasing. Maybe I can pardon myself. But then I remember when I insisted I was the Queen of Faerie, and the guards laughed. Cardan didn't need to deny me. He only had to say nothing. And if I pardoned myself, he would only have to say nothing again. (QoN chap 6)
Meaning for her to actually pardon herself, she would have needed to illegally enter Faerie, not get caught, get into presence of Cadan so he could confirm the claim she is rightful queen, and then pardon herself publicly. Of course many of those steps are dangerous, and she has no reason trust Cardan.
If at any point she was caught in Faerie before being pardoned and confirmed queen by Cardan, well, it pretty much almost happens in the book.
"Clap her in chains," says Randalin. Never have I so wished there was a way for me to show I was telling the truth. But there isn't. No oath of mine carries any weight. (QoN chap 16)
The only thing that stops them from trying to arrest or kill her?
"Whatever do you mean?" Randalin says. "She's-" "She is my wife," Cardan says, his voice carrying over the crowd. "The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile." (QoN chap 16)
Cardan even seems to be aware of it at one point (a couple hours before he names her queen in fact):
"Since you're mortal, Jude, I cannot hold you to your promises . But you can hold me to mine: I guarantee you safe passage. Come back to Elfhame with me and I will give you the means to end your exile." (QoN chap 13)
Okay, so the plan was flawed, but why make it then?
"Let me remind you that I didn't know you'd murdered my brother, the ambassador to the Undersea, until that very morning," he says. "My plans were made in haste. And perhaps I was a little annoyed. I thought it would pacify Queen Orlagh, at least until all promises were finalized in the treaty. By the time you guessed the answer, the negotiations would be over." (QoN chap 18)
So we get the entire picture: the entire thing was a hastily made plan with expected flaws (Cardan's lack of undertanding of the treatment of mortals and the consequences thereof on Jude's decisions), born from the miscommunication and lack of communication between them, that ultimately worked, only with a couple hiccups.
It makes sense to their characters, to where they are in their character growth, individually and as a couple, to their understanding of each other.
Jude, who has figured out, manipulated, and maneuvered entire coups to take the throne and subsequently took one of the highest political positions did not suddenly become an idiot ignorant of political maneuvering. And Cardan, who did not expect, want, or even took over the functions of the throne if he didn't absolutely have to, did not suddenly become a political genius.
Instead, Jude, who often works alone, trusts only herself, and consequently does not report everything to Cardan, accidentally put him in a difficult position, and Candan, who has yet to really work with Jude and take into account her limitations and differences, did not take them into consideration in the plan he had to come up with on the fly. And then the complete lack of communication (and trust) aggravated the problem.
Lo and behold, what happens after their reunion? They start working together, communicating better, and developing trust.
Character development stemming from an incident caused and aggravated from their flaws. Aka good storytelling.
I.e. when the political fantasy book with a sprinkle of romance in the background actually brings the romance to the foreground and starts working on the couple.
This is of course, my own interpretation at the end of the day.
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heavenlyakin · 7 months
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Part 1: Somebody Else
Summary: Your life is forever changed when your most trusted advisor arrives home with an engagement treaty. As Queen of your Kingdom, you knew there would be sacrifices but little did you know how much the cost of these sacrifices would be. What do you do when your mind wants one thing but your heart longs for another?
Characters: Reader (some descriptions), Suguru Geto, Satoru Gojo (only mentioned), Camilla (oc advisor), Callus (oc advisor)
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Royalty AU, reader is 24, Geto and Gojo are 31 so age gap I guess.
Length: 1.5k words
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The night he showed up at the castle gates it was raining. It had been raining since he left weeks before. Suguru Geto has left to seek out a treaty with the neighboring nation on your order, but you hadn’t expected him to return so soon. When word reached you, you changed into the closest gown to you. Griping at your chambermaids to hurry with the corset and lace you into the dress's bodice, you began to feel bad. They were awoken from their sleep, not used to dressing their Queen so late into the night. 
The walk to the throne room felt like an eternity. Your heeled steps rang through the quiet halls, the candles burning low. The Queen’s guard followed behind you as you entered the room to your throne. As you sat, you glanced at Suguru’s face, desperate to read any sort of clue from him. Nothing could be read from that look, all emotion had been erased from his face as if he knew others would be looking for the same thing. 
“Speak,” you spoke, looking directly at him. 
“Your Highness,” Suguru kneeled, his head down. “I have returned with an answer to your proposal.” 
“Do not make your Queen wait any longer,” you ordered. 
He looked up to you, face still unreadable as he sighed. “They will not agree to your terms as is. They have sent a counteroffer, an amendment if you will.” 
Chatter erupted around you, giving you a chance to look at Sugur, really look at him. The circles around his dark eyes hinted at little sleep, his hair in much need of a wash, and his clothes a cleaning. Had he traveled there and returned immediately after receiving the news? 
“Quiet,” you ordered. “We will hear the amendment.” 
Suguru swallowed, his eyes giving away the pain that echoed in his voice. “Your hand in marriage to their King, Satoru Gojo.” 
You could not quiet the explosion of noise that followed. 
Picking at a loose piece of skin near your cuticle, you notice a droplet of blood forming at the base. You cease, folding your hand into the other to conceal it. The council is too busy arguing about King Gojo’s terms of the treaty from the week before. It had been like this since, you sitting at the head of the table, watching men bark at each other over who was right and who was wrong. 
Suguru has not been present since recovering from an illness acquired from traveling in such poor conditions. You blame yourself, for sending him out during the cold rainy season. Too many times have your thoughts wandered to him, but a visit more than once every few days would look suspicious. You have had to rely on your eyes in the castle, letting them report news back to you as they ready you for bed each night. 
“Your Highness, I’m begging for your attention,” Callus, the oldest member of the council, begs. 
You nod, allowing him to speak to you directly. 
“If King Gojo is serious about the amendment, the country wins a victory without having to go to war. Controlling not only our harbor but having his country’s navy, we would no longer have to fear attacks from across the sea.” Callus moves boats from Gojo’s country to your harbor. “We would bolster our defenses and increase trade tenfold.” 
You sigh, nodding. He is correct. “What have others to say?” The rest of the council begins to speak at once, but you raise your hand, stopping them. 
“Camilla,” you speak to the only woman on your council. She had been appointed by your mother, the first Queen in three generations of male heirs. She is the youngest on the council, closest to your age, making her opinions matter more to you emotionally. She’s always been a warm light in your life, like an older sister. 
The others had been appointed by your grandfather, months before he died. So they’ve stuck around, unfortunately. At least they know everything there is to know about the kingdom, but they only have their interests at heart. 
“Yes, my Queen,” she speaks, her voice making you smile. 
“What do you think about King Gojo’s offer?” 
“Test him.” She suggests, a grin on her cheeks. “Invite him here,” she brushes her strawberry blonde hair off her shoulder. “Introduce him to court, show him around, see if we can get inside that cruel brain of his.” 
“Cruel?” You furrow your brows. 
She nods. “Don’t you remember him pulling your hair when you were a child?” 
The memory escapes you. However, you do recall the visit he made to the palace with his father, the former King. Satoru was a teenager at the time, you were only 9 years of age. They visited for a time, many parties and feasts had taken place, scattering your memories around those. 
“He is no longer a child,” you reply. “Draft the invitation. I’ll sign it and have it sent tomorrow. Make sure Suguru sees it before I do. He may be ill, but that does not excuse him from doing this favor for me.” 
You stand, leaving the room as quiet chatter lingers behind you. 
The royal chambers are on the other side of the castle, making it annoying to walk back and forth without being stopped by members of the court. On your way, three ladies and two noblemen stop you with requests, most of them inquiring about marriage blessings. The courting season has yet to begin, but this isn’t surprising. When members spend the winter at court, they often seek out proposals. 
By the time you enter your chambers, you’re exhausted mentally. Since last summer’s drought, the kingdom has needed more attention than normal. For the most part, you’ve managed to keep everyone fed, even those hit the hardest by the drought. Trade has been stable as well as fishing. Now, there’s been flooding everywhere since the rain started, and it has not let up since. You wonder if this is the Gods’ cruel way of making up for the drought; by drowning you all. 
At only 24 years of age, you have so little time and experience under your belt. You’ve reigned for two years, since your mother’s passing. She fell ill and passed quickly, leaving you alone with the Kingdom in need of a strong Queen to lead. 
You’re not so sure you’ve been that. 
You begin to walk towards your dressing chamber, ready to change into something comfortable for reading before dinner, when a voice scares you. 
“I’ve not seen you look this unhappy since your mother passed,” Suguru’s familiar voice speaks from your bed. 
“Suguru,” you turn to face him from across the room. He’s lying on your bed as if it's his, dressed in black pants and a deep burgundy tunic. His hair isn’t tied back, but instead falling around his face and shoulders. “I believed you ill.” 
He shrugs, sitting up and swinging his legs off the bed, showing he’s not in shoes but just socks. Thank god, you don’t want to have to sleep in dirty bedding. He approaches you, reaching his hand out towards your face. 
You allow him to caress your cheek, placing your hand over his and leaning into his touch. Suguru has been your main advisor since you ascended the throne, appointed by you and you alone. When you were younger, you always knew you wanted him on your side when it came time. He was so much older and wiser than you. 
Despite being a decade and some older than you, he always made time for you when you were a child. His father was your mother and grandfather's most trusted advisor, so it makes sense that he would fill those shoes for you after his father died during your mother’s reign. When you asked, he answered before you could even finish the question. He remained by your side from coronation day on. 
“Suguru,” you whisper and his eyes burn into yours. 
I want you. I need you. I love you. 
It all goes through your mind but you choke it down. 
“You shouldn’t be here.” You pull away from him, turning your back to him so you don’t have to see that disappointed look in his eyes again. “Go rest in your rooms. The council will be sending you an invitation to review soon. It’d be suspicious if you weren’t present when it arrived.” 
“-----,” your name sounds foreign from the lips of anyone but him. 
“Your Highness,” you correct. 
“Understood,” he disappears through the door behind your tapestry by your bed. 
You fall to your knees as the door shuts, disappointed in yourself. An overwhelming feeling of grief washes through your body, aching in your chest and spreading to your limbs. 
Why can’t you let him love you? 
Whatever the reason, you know it's for the best of your kingdom. Shaking your head of those thoughts, you call for your chambermaids, undress, and settle in for some reading before dinner. Time passes by and before you know it they’re back to dress you again.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - March 6, 2023
🐎 - News That'll Make You Say "Neigh" to Negativity: My Weekly Positive Roundup
1. Drugmaker Eli Lilly caps the cost of insulin at $35 a month, bringing relief for millions
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Eli Lilly will cap the out-of-pocket cost of its insulin at $35 a month, the drugmaker said Wednesday. The move could prompt other insulin makers in the U.S. to follow suit.
The change, which Eli Lilly said takes effect immediately, puts the drugmaker in line with a provision in the Inflation Reduction Act, which in January imposed a $35 monthly cap on the out-of-pocket cost of insulin for seniors enrolled in Medicare.
2. Over 7,500 Pot Convictions Expunged in Missouri
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More than 7,500 individuals in Missouri have had their prior marijuana-related convictions expunged with recreational cannabis now legal in the state.
The expungement is the latest byproduct of the constitutional amendment that was approved by Missouri voters last fall, which legalized pot for adults and cleared the way for Missourians to have their records cleared.
3. Scientists cure 22 year old former race horse's behavioral disorders after 15 years of symptoms
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A team of international researchers from Italy and Brazil published findings earlier this month in the science publication Veterinary and Animal Science in which they reported a “successful outcome of four weeks-therapy with CBD” in a clinical case involving a 22-year-old Quarter horse that was experiencing behavioral disorders.
The clinical case study was a collaboration between investigators from the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences at the University of Bologna in Italy and the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences at the University Metodista of São Paulo in Brazil. At the heart of the study was a 22-year-old mare subject that was reportedly suffering from “chronic crib-biting and wind-sucking,” which are common behavioral disorders in horses for various reasons, including but not limited to poor welfare
4. Clean energy record: More than 40% of US electricity now comes from carbon-free sources
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Power from zero-carbon sources made up a full 41% of the U.S. electricity mix in 2022, a record-breaking number that has increased almost every year since 1990.
That mix includes power from nuclear plants, hydroelectric dams, solar and wind. With nuclear and hydropower relatively unchanged for years at about 19% and 10% respectively, the majority of the increase has come from the rapid build-out of solar and wind power, whose costs have plummeted in the past two decades. 
5. ‘Cruelty-free’ circus replaced animals with holograms
Holograms of horses run in circles. The Circus Roncalli stopped using wild animals in its shows in the 1990s. Circus Roncalli was among the first circus acts in Europe to stop using animals in acts.
6. New UN brokered High Seas Treaty Places 30% of Ocean into protected areas by 2030 after decades of talks
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The High Seas Treaty places 30% of the seas into protected areas by 2030, aiming to safeguard and recuperate marine nature.
The agreement was reached on Saturday evening, after 38 hours of talks, at UN headquarters in New York. The negotiations had been held up for years over disagreements on funding and fishing rights.
7. 'Heroic' Wirral student rescues dog from Manchester canal
Watch the video here:
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Lastly, I opened a Youtube account. Subscribe for more wholesome videos. That's it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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copperbadge · 1 year
A very important question about the history of Askazer-Shivadlakia has just occured to me. Have they ever found themselves at war with the Duchy of Grand Fenwick, and if so, who won? (Since I'm not allowed to post links in here, look up "The Mouse That Roared" on Wikipedia if you need context.)
I desperately want to take this ask seriously but first I have to say that all I can think about is Jerry saying scornfully, "Grand Fenwick isn't real, it's from that book," while folding his hands in his lap and looking slightly smug that he has read The Mouse That Roared. "It's not like Askazer-Shivadlakia or Ruritania."
I did look it up and the Duchy of Grand Fenwick is only three miles by five, making it as wide as Galveston Island but about one-fifth of its length (hello BOIs and IBCs). Now, when I was inventing Askazer-Shivadlakia I didn't have a super strong handle on just how small European micronations tend to be, so I actually made it kinda large. Monaco, on which it was meant to be based, is about half the size of my neighborhood in Chicago (0.78 square miles to 1.58 square miles). Askazer-Shivadlakia stretches from Menton in France to Ventimiglia in Italy along the coast, and from the Ligurian sea up the French-Italian border, tapering to a point just south of Geneva. I think it might actually be bigger than some European countries (well, bigger than Vatican City and Monaco for sure) but shh.
Wikipedia says the Duchy of Grand Fenwick lies in the Northern Alps, so I like to think they share a disputed border with Askazer-Shivadlakia and have been at war with them for centuries over it without either side ever sending an army to fight said war. Grand Fenwick says Askazer-Shivadlakia is too cowardly to invade and the Shivadh reply that they'd invade but it's so small and remote they can't find it. The actual border dispute is entirely between Francois Jones, a Shivadh dairy farmer, and John Belotti, a sheep farmer from the Duchy. The fence between these two farms demarcates the entire Fenwick-Shivadh border, and Jones and Belotti have been fighting over the ten-foot span of grazing land on said border for fifty years. If they could each raise an army they would.
At some point when he feels everyone could use a nice party or an excuse to go touring, Gregory is going to call up whoever is ruling the Duchy now (who he was definitely at school with in Switzerland) and suggest they formally broker peace and have a peace-signing treaty at a beautiful chalet-spa he knows of in the area. Make a weekend out of it, hold a parade, maybe co-sponsor some sort of feast. Gregory is a serious young man with an MBA and a high political office but he also knows what his people want, which is to be entertained and amused.
(This novel: definitely Gregory and Eddie uncovering a star-crossed romance between the children of the two farmers, who have secretly been teaching each other to spin wool and make cheese.)
Anyway once the peace treaty is signed and Gregory and Eddie return to Fons-Askaz they are greeted with a banner informing them that the people of Fons-Askaz in their absence have consulted with Prince Noah and Princeps Ioanna and declared His Majesty "King Gregory the Peaceable". Gregory immediately has a commemorative coin minted (Gregory also knows his people want to sell useless tchochkes to clueless tourists).
An unofficial side poll declared Eddie "King Theophile the Friend of Farmers" because there is not a dairy farmer in the country that Eddie hasn't bought cheese from. Eddie, on discovering this, is so touched he cries a little.
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xxoxobree · 1 year
Chosen Pt.1
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Lo’ak x Fem!reader
This will be a series 🙃 so here’s Pt.1
Warmings- None 💖 arraigned marriage.
Word Count - 3.06k
In the center of the room adorned with ritual garments. I knelt before my mother with my eyes closed and my hands clasped together. She stood in front of me,murmuring a prayer to Eywa, the great mother spirit of our people. With her other hand, she anointed my head with oil, marking me as the chosen one, the one to unite two tribes.
I've been trained for this role my whole life and now that it is here, I'm not sure how to feel. I don't feel anything if I'm being honest.
My mother finished her prayer, reaching for my hand, leading me to stand up. "My beautiful daughter, wonderfully chosen to unite two tribes."
I looked at her smiling before deeply bowing. "Now come on we must present you to the clan."
Together, we walked out of the room and into the clearing where the entire clan awaited. They all stood hands linked together singing beautifully in harmony to Eywa thanking her that this day had finally arrived.
My dad stood at the center, his eyes locked on me in a stare of pride. I walked toward my dad and the center of the clan, my dad's hands lifted for me to take. He lifted my hands high.
"My daughter chosen to unite the tribes."
I frowned slightly, swallowing. All the emotions I hadn't felt earlier came to me in a flood all at once. I could feel the onset of my anxiety, but I breathed deeply, trying my best to calm myself.
I looked out at the sea of faces, feeling incredibly small and insignificant, yet somehow, powerful at the same time. This was my destiny, my duty to bring peace among the tribes and prosperity to mine.
I closed my eyes for a moment, focusing on the beautiful harmony of their song. When I opened them, I felt more confident than ever before.
I took a deep breath and spoke with strength and conviction. "My people, I am honored and humbled by this responsibility that was bestowed upon me. It is my hope that we will find a way to unite and work towards a common goal. We must put aside our differences and work together to ensure the prosperity of our people."
The words flowed effortlessly from my lips, and I could feel the energy of the crowd lifting me up. My dad's grin grew wider as he watched on with pride.
The ceremony was beautiful, and as it came to a close, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction and a renewed sense of purpose. I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey to bring peace among the tribes, but I was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.
As the crowd dispersed, my dad approached me, his hand on my shoulder. "You did well, my daughter," he said with a smile. "I am proud to call you my own."
I smiled back at him, feeling grateful for his support. Together, we left the clearing, ready to face Toruk Makto and his clan.
I was to wed one of his sons in a few hours. A treaty that was agreed upon prior to my birth, a necessary measure my mother called it for the longevity of both our clans.
As we walked through the forest, my mind raced with anticipation and nervousness. What if my mate turned out to be someone I couldn't love? Or worse, what if he was cruel and indifferent to me? I had never met him, but I had spent years imagining what he would look like, what color his eyes would be, and whether his skin was the same color as mine. I hoped he would like me, and I wondered whether I was good enough to be his wife.
I chewed on my lips with nervousness as we neared our Ikrans. I took one last glance at my childhood home and bid it a silent farewell before hopping onto my Ikran.
It was a bittersweet feeling as I looked back at the place I had always known, the place where I had grown up. But it was time.
Most of the ride to my new home, I focused on controlling my emotions and clearing my head. I needed to put my best foot forward and make a good impression on my soon-to-be mate.
Hours passed by as we rode to the Omaticaya clan, but we were finally here. Anxiety filled my body as we finally touched the ground. I looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of this new place. The lush forest, the exotic plants, and the strange creatures that scurried around. It was all too overwhelming , very different from our home in the mountains but I knew I had to be strong.
I got off my Ikran, the blades of grass tickling my feet, and looked up at the crowd that had gathered. My father and I were immediately surrounded by curious eyes and murmuring from the clan members that were close by. I searched every face that surrounded me, trying to find some familiarity, some connection that would make this place less alien.
I'm not sure what I was expecting, but everyone looked very similar to us, exactly like us. I sighed in relief, knowing that I wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb.
A female voice sounded, echoing through the clearing, and the entire crowd parted ways. An elder woman of the clan walked forward towards my father and I, wearing garments that indicated she was The Tsahik.
I immediately bowed my head, bringing my hands to my forehead. "I see you," I greeted her, as was customary among our people.
She stared at me silently, circling and examining my body. I tried my best not to fidget or move, but I couldn't help feeling nervous.
"What is your name, child?" The Tsahik asked me, examining me and tapping my shoulders.
"My name is Y/n," I replied nervously, she looked at my father, nodding her head before whisking me away toward a nearby tent.
As I entered the tent, I saw an array of objects laid out in front of me. "My name is Mo'at, Tsahik of the Omaticaya," the woman said, gesturing to the task in front of me. "You will complete these tasks for me to see if you will be an appropriate mate for my grandson, as well as a useful member of this clan. Your time starts now."
My heart raced as I sat down to begin. I took in a deep breath, calming my nerves and calling back my memories. This was it. The moment I had been working towards for years. I had trained for this relentlessly, putting in countless hours of practice and dedication.
Finally done, I stood up, feeling confident and ready. I presented my work to Mo'at. She studied my work carefully, her eyes scanning every inch of the intricate tasks.
As I stood there, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. I had poured my heart and soul into these tasks, and now it was all coming to fruition. I had honed my skills, trusted in my abilities, and let my passion guide me.
Mo'at looked up at me, nodding in approval. With her blessing, I knew that I had succeeded. I had proven myself worthy of this moment, to be apart of this clan , a suitable mate .
I sat down, letting out a sigh of relief as Mo'at left the tent for a moment. My mind raced with thoughts of what would come next.
As Mo'at returned, she was not alone. Two other Na'vi, a female and a male, followed behind her. I stood up onto my feet and greeted them.
"Hello Y/n, it is nice to see you. I'm Tsyeyk," said the male Na'vi.
"Oh, Toruk Makto, it is nice to meet you," I said excitedly, starstruck, and smiling at him.
"And you must be Neytiri," I said, turning to the female Na'vi.
She nodded, smiling back at me and pulling me into a warm embrace. "It will be so nice having you in our family," Neytiri said.
Her words warmed my heart as I finally felt a sense of acceptance from my new family. My eyes glistened with tears of joy as Neytiri, my new mother, took me by the hand and led me towards her tent.
As we entered the tent, Neytiri pulled out a beautiful beaded top from a chest. "This was mine when I first met Jake," she said with a smile. "Now it is yours, It's time for you to become part of our family."
I felt a sense of belonging as she helped me into the top.
Maybe the transition will be easy I thought . It fit me perfectly, as if it had been made for me. Neytiri then took my hand and led me outside.
We walked through the village until we reached a large tent at the center. "It is time my child ,This is where you will meet Lo'ak".
As we approached the tent, my nerves began to get the best of me. It is time to meet the man I will spend the rest of my life with , and I didn't want to make a bad impression. Neytiri must have sensed my anxiety because she gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
Neytiri gave me one more reassuring nod before opening the flap to the tent. I swallowed thickly before placing one foot inside followed by the other. My eyes fell upon Him. He stood tall and confident, with beaded braids that fell above his shoulders and a strong jawline. I couldn't help but scan his whole body, taking in every detail.
When he turned to face me, my heart skipped a beat. I mustered up the courage to smile warmly and gestured, saying "I see you." But he remained expressionless and didn't return the gesture.
Feeling rejected, I introduced myself as Y/n. He nodded and gave a small smile before brushing past me and walking out of the tent. Confused and disheartened, I looked back as he left.
I walked further into the tent taking a seat. Why did he leave? Did he not like my hair or my clothes? Was I not good enough for him? My eyes glossed over with tears threatening to fall. Was the wedding even still on? Did I fail my people?
My head spun with a thousand questions that I didn't notice that someone entered the tent until they stood in front of me. I looked up quickly, standing up. I gestured to the young man that stood in front of me, he did back, smiling warmly. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Neteyam."
"Hello Neteyam." I waved shyly.
He chuckled at me. "No need to be shy, you'll be seeing a lot more of me." I looked at him slightly confused, not sure who he is supposed to be. I guess he caught on, telling me he is the eldest of Toruk's kids, brother to my soon to be mate.
Neteyam sat down across from me. He knew I was feeling nervous and tried to put me at ease, telling me stories of his clan and how he knows where to get the most beautiful stones and beads if I ever want to make jewelry. I listened attentively, feeling much calmer as I laughed at some of his jokes.
“I’m gonna go now, leave you to get ready for your big day.” Neteyam said standing up “it was nice meeting you.” He smiled before disappearing, leaving me alone again.
My mind started racing again. I was a bit frustrated, if I was being honest. Was I just to wait all day alone until Lo’ak decided he’s ready to speak to me?
I couldn't bear the thought of waiting for hours, so I got up and made my way toward the door, trying to find someone who could give me answers. As I walked, I heard footsteps approaching from the opposite direction, and in he walked.
My heart raced and my legs threatened to fail me, but I stood tall, determined not to show any weakness. Our eyes locked, and we stood there for what felt like an eternity, but was likely only a few seconds.
I couldn't help but stare and drink in his beauty. My heart fluttered at the attraction I felt for him. His braids looked freshly done, a few beads here and there. As I approached him, I noticed he had hair above his eyes, that was peculiar to me. Is that a special trait of the Omaticaya?
I finally broke the silence, “Lo’ak, what’s going on? Why am I here? Aren’t we?”
He sighed, “I apologize for the wait. I needed some time to think about things.”
I was taken aback. “What things?” I bit the inside of my cheeks.
“Things that concern your future, our future, he answered cryptically.
I could feel the tears boiling up inside my eyes. “What do you mean? I need answers, Lo’ak.”
Lo’ak grabbed my hand gently and led me to sit with him. “Don’t worry about it now , how about we get to know eachother?”
Oh okay ...” I said nervously, looking at him. He was sitting there, silent and distant, not even bothering to acknowledge me. “I’m very skilled in healing” . I smiled proudly, trying to make myself feel better.
“Mhm,” he said, still not looking at me. I could feel my heart sinking. Was he not interested in me at all?
But I didn't give up. “Yes, I would make a good Tsahik someday,” I continued, speaking softer than I originally spoke and shifting my body in an attempt to catch his attention.
“What about you, Ma Lo’ak?” I asked, hoping to draw him out of his shell. “You probably know everything there is to know about me.”
He finally looked up at me with a deep, intense gaze. “Oh, maybe I do,” he said in a low, rumbling voice that sent shivers down my spine.
I felt so small sitting there, trying to make conversation with someone who seemed so closed off.
We sat in awkward silence for what seemed like forever. His gaze never met mine again. It was painfully obvious that he was less than happy with our oncoming union. I wasn't mad, though; we had only met mere moments ago. But on the other hand, I couldn't help feeling irked, for I was trying to make this work, even if it meant forcing some semblance of a conversation out of thin air.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke up, apologizing for his lack of enthusiasm. "I'm not used to this kind of thing," he admitted, avoiding my eyes yet again.
I nodded, albeit a little stiffly. I knew all too well the discomfort of being a fish out of water in social situations. "It's alright," I said, a thin smile on my face. "I get it. But we're here now, so we might as well make the best of it, right?"
He nodded, finally meeting my gaze. My heart fluttered; he had barely spoken to me, but I couldn't help but fall deeply for him already. I shuffled closer to him, smiling warmly.
"I notice you have hair above your eyes, is that a trait of the Omaticaya?" I asked, trying to start another conversation.
He chuckled before shaking his head no. "Just something I got from my dad, along with this." He raised up his hand, showing me the extra finger.
I stared inquisitively, "Oh, that's unique," I said with a smile.
"You're not gonna say I'm a freak?" he asked, his eyes filled with insecurity.
I gasped at his words, "Why would I say that, Ma Lo'ak?" I asked, concern written all over my face.
He laughed, and I found myself laughing with him. We talked for what seemed like hours, and he started to warm up to me. Maybe we would have a happy union, I thought to myself, as we continued to bond over our unique features and backgrounds.
Mo’at, entered the room, interrupting our conversation.
“It is time,” she announced.
Lo’ak got up from his seat and extended his hand towards me, I took it a sense of nervous excitement filled me. As we followed Mo’at, I couldn't help but feel Lo'ak's warm grip on my hand, giving me comfort.
Upon arriving at a clearing, I saw that the Omaticaya had gathered in a circle, with both our fathers standing at the centre. My heart was pounding with anticipation as we joined them at the center.
As the sun began to set, the two tribes gathered on the edge of the forest. Jake stepped forward to address the crowd, his voice strong and sure. "This is history," he said, "two tribes bonded together by love. May Eywa bless my son and his union."
Mo'at stepped forward and took hold of our hands, murmuring a prayer to Eywa as the tribe sang.
I looked over at Lo'ak and our eyes locked. He could tell I was nervous and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
The ceremony was finally over, and Lo’ak led me to Eywa knows where. I didn't say anything, just followed, watching as his braids swayed with every step he took. His steps halted, and I looked up at the beautiful glowing tree that stood before us, lighting up everything around us. I watched as the atokirina floated around us.
I held my hand out as one floated near me, landing right in my palm, causing me to giggle. "Look, Lo’ak," I said, looking up at him, seeing that he was already looking at me, a smile on his face. "This is Utraya Mokri, Tree of Voices." He told me
"It's beautiful,"
He grabbed my hand, sitting me down in front of him. He slowly brought his queue bringing it in front of him. I did the same, holding it up, a small smile on my face as I watched the tendrils dance. We slowly brought them together.
As they entangled together, I closed my eyes before opening them, pupils blown at the new sensation.
Lo’ak and I were now one.
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres hailed as a "historic achievement" the treaty that will establish a legal framework to extend swathes of environmental protections to international waters, which make up more than 60 percent of the world's oceans. "The ocean is the lifeblood of our planet and today you have pumped new life and hope to give the ocean a fighting chance," he told delegates. Following more than 15 years of discussions, including four years of formal negotiations, UN member states finally agreed on the text for the treaty in March after a flurry of final, marathon talks. The text, since frozen, has been pored over by the UN's lawyers and translators to make sure it matches in the body's six official languages. "Countries must now ratify it as quickly as possible to bring it into force so that we can protect our ocean, build our resilience to climate change and safeguard the lives and livelihoods of billions of people," said Rebecca Hubbard of the High Seas Alliance.
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