#highline hospital
sequinsmile-x · 11 months
Heartbeat on the Highline
She knew it was a fine line between being his wife and being his employee, and it was something she usually walked well. Balancing on it like it was a tightrope, a well-practised routine. But she felt like she’d tripped, like she was freefalling, and as much as she wanted him to catch her, to be the safety net she always claimed she didn’t need. 
AKA, the one in which Emily and Aaron get a call that their daughter has had to go to hospital whilst they are away on a case.
Hi besties <3
This is a fic I started a long time ago and never really got anywhere with beyond one particular scene, but I finally reopened the document today and finished it.
This fic brings my total word count to 1,736,161...which is more than the entire Game of Thrones book series (1,736,054) . Which is ridiculous and amazing and...just about everything in between. If George R. R. Martin ever actually releases the next book in A Song of Fire and Ice I guess I'll just have to beat him again!!
Thank you so much for your continued support of my writing, it means the absolute world. As long as y'all are here reading, I'll be here thinking of new things to put these two through!
Please let me know what you think <3
Warnings: Sick child, hospitals
Words: 4.3k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily grimaces as she takes a sip of her coffee, looking down at the mug in her hand with disdain as she swallows. 
“Leaves a lot to be desired, doesn’t it?” 
She smiles as she looks up at her husband, “It’s not the worst we’ve ever had,” she mumbles, taking another sip and grimacing at the bitterness, “But it’s up there.” 
It had been a long day that had started with a phone call from Penelope before dawn. They were dragged out of sleep and their bed for a case. Aaron had called Jessica to ask her to come over to look after the kids as Emily got ready for the day, distracted partway through her make-up routine by their toddler crying out for her. Ines had been grumpy, the 18-month-old’s usual happy demeanour nowhere to be found as she demanded her mother’s attention, her slightly too warm forehead against Emily’s neck as she refused to be put back down. 
As they’d left the house and she’d handed her little girl over to Jessica she explained that Ines had a bit of a temperature. Familiar guilt had lingered in her belly all day, the reality of balancing her love for her job and her love for her children something she was never sure she got right. Leaving behind her daughter when she wasn’t quite herself made her heart feel heavy, a weight in her chest that she knew wouldn’t lessen until she was home again. 
Aaron smiles at her and nods towards the front of the bullpen, “Come on, the sooner we deliver the profile, the sooner we catch this guy. And then we can go home.” 
She nods and downs the rest of her coffee, putting her mug down before she follows her husband. She stops as her phone rings from her pocket and she pulls it out, her momentary joy at her wallpaper, a picture of Jack and Ines cuddled together on the couch, is immediately squashed. She feels a sense of dread when she sees Jessica’s name appear on her cellphone screen. It roots her to the spot, her limbs heavy, her grip on her phone tightening as everything else around her fades out, the sound of the rest of the team delivering the profile muffled as if she was behind glass. 
They had a routine. If they were away on a case Jessica would always send a text to check if they were free before she called so Emily and Aaron could say goodnight to Jack and Ines when they were away on a case. They would step away from whatever they were doing, she and Aaron huddled together around one of their phones as they spoke to their children just before they went to bed, an ache in her chest that Emily learnt never quite went away when one of them told her they missed her. 
This was different. It was only 5.45 pm, too early for either of them to be going to bed, even Ines, the 18-month-old well known for being occasionally defiant for anyone other than Emily when it came to bedtime. 
She shakes her head at herself, ridding herself of thoughts she’s sure are an overreaction and she briefly looks up, her gaze catching Aaron’s. She tilts her head towards the hallway she’s near and holds up her phone to tell him she has to take a call. He nods, his smile as reassuring as it was subtle, something only she would ever be able to pick up on. She answers as she steps away, not wanting the call to ring out, her instincts that something was wrong still vibrating under her skin.
“Jess, hi,” she answers, looking back over her shoulder to make sure she’s far enough away from everyone else that she won’t be overheard, “Is everything ok? You don’t usually call this early.” 
“Emily,” Jessica replies, and Emily immediately knows she’s right, that something has happened. Her training and profession both a blessing and a curse as she picks up on the poorly concealed concern in the other woman’s voice, “I’m so sorry to have you call you and tell you this, but Ines is in the hospital.” 
Emily feels like all of the air has been stolen from her lungs. Her breath catches in her chest, hooking onto her ribs in a way thats painful. She leans against the wall she’d been standing near, suddenly not trusting her legs to hold her up. Her shoulders press into the plaster, the coolness of it through her shirt barely registering. 
Something was wrong with her little girl and she was hours away from her. “Wh…what?” She asks, her voice hoarse. “What happened, is she hurt?” 
“No, she didn’t hurt herself,” Jessica says, her voice calmer now, naturally falling into the role of the caretaker she often filled, clearly picking up on Emily’s unusual display of panic, “She spiked a fever and I couldn’t get it down with Tylenol or anything else and,” she pauses, blowing out a breath before she continues, “She had a seizure.”
Whatever she thought Jessica was going to say it wasn’t that. Her stomach churns and she immediately feels sick, the distance between herself and home further than it had ever felt, the guilt she felt for leaving, even for work, when she’d known Ines wasn’t entirely herself that morning overwhelming.
“Oh my God,” Emily exclaims, her hand coming to cover her mouth, her nausea climbing up her throat. Before she can say anything else Jessica continues, giving her more details she doesn’t know how to ask for. 
“The doctors said she’s okay, it was brought on by the fever. It seems to be an ear infection and they are treating it now, they are also going to do other tests to make sure it isn’t anything else.”
“Okay,” Emily says, her throat dry, all of her efforts channelled into not bursting into tears in the middle of a police precinct. She clears her throat and swallows thickly, pushing down the bile that feels like it’s climbing up her throat, “I’ll be there as soon as I can, can you stay with her until I get there?”
She knows she doesn’t have to ask, that Jessica considers Ines as her niece as much as Jack is her nephew, but she does because she can’t think of what else to say. 
“Of course,” Jessica says, “I’ll text you the details of where we are.” 
“Thank you,” Emily breathes out, trying to steady herself, her nerves frayed to the point where they might snap. She’s immediately hit by another thought, cursing herself for not thinking of her son sooner, “Fuck, is Jack ok? Was he there when she…” 
She drifts off, sure if she said outloud that her daughter, her baby, had had a seizure she would fall apart right there. That pieces of her would spill out onto the coffee-stained carpet beneath her feet, something she couldn’t let happen until she saw her little girl, until she made sure she was okay. 
“He saw it happen,” Jessica says carefully, “He was scared but he’s okay now Ines is ok, he’s in there now reading to her.” 
Emily chokes out a laugh that sounds strangled, caught in her throat in all of the fear lodged there, and she nods despite the fact Jessica cannot see her.
“Good, I’m glad he’s okay,” She blows out a steady breath and she looks up as she hears footsteps, her smile tight as she sees her husband enter the hallway she’d sought solitude in. 
Regret fills her chest at the thought of what she has to tell him and she turns her attention back to Jessica on the other end of the phone. “I should go, but let me know if anything else happens ok?” 
“Of course.” 
Emily later wouldn’t remember if she said goodbye to Jessica, or anything beyond turning so she’s looking at Aaron properly, his eyebrows creased as he picks up on her demeanour, how something was clearly wrong. 
“Em?” He asks, stepping closer to her. His hand reaches out and wraps around hers, linking their fingers together in a way he usually wouldn’t at work, instantly providing comfort that she never has to ask for. He was always there, ready and waiting, aware of her needs often before she was, “Is everything okay?” 
She shakes her head in response. “No,” she swallows thickly and squeezes his hand in return, “It isn’t,” she clenches her teeth and presses her lips together, determined not to lose her composure, “That was Jess, Ines is sick. She’s in hospital.” 
It feels like a jolt of electricity, a rush of adrenaline that makes him feel frozen in place, sending a shiver up his spine. His stomach churns, the mere mention of his little girl being unwell enough makes him feel sick. He looks at his wife and he knows he has to pull it together. She was always the strong one, always the glue that held him together, but he knew their family, their children, were her weak spot. The chink in her impenetrable armour. She was barely holding herself together, the emotions he can see she is desperately trying to hide showing through the cracks in her facade.
He could fall apart later when they knew their daughter was okay, when they were home and by her side. 
“What happened?” He asks, stepping closer, making sure he is providing all the comfort he can. 
“She has an ear infection, her fever spiked so high she had a seizure,” her voice cracks on the last word and she looks at the ceiling, willing the tears she can feel gathering in her eyes to disappear, “I need to go home, Aaron. I need to see my baby.” 
It had never been in any doubt, the logistics of everything already playing out in the back of his mind as he stood there with his wife, “Of course, sweetheart,” he says, cupping her cheek with the hand not linked with his and briefly resting his forehead against hers, “Dave can take point here, we can get a flight-”
She looks at him, moving so fast she feels something pull in her neck, the pain barely registering. 
“We can’t both leave,” she says, even though she wants him with her, her words contradicting everything she was feeling, “We’ve barely been here a day.”
She knew it was a fine line between being his wife and being his employee, and it was something she usually walked well. Balancing on it like it was a tightrope, a well-practised routine. But she felt like she’d tripped, like she was freefalling, and as much as she wanted him to catch her, to be the safety net she always claimed she didn’t need. 
“Emily,” he says firmly, pushing down the spark of irritation in his gut at the implication that anything was more important than their family. He knows it’s unfair, that she’s like a frayed nerve right now, so he ignores it, aware she isn’t necessarily thinking straight, “There is no way I’m staying here when our daughter is in hospital. I’m coming with you. Okay?” 
She pauses for a moment before she nods, “Okay,” she says, her lower lip trembling, “Can I…can I have a hug?” 
It feels pathetic, like a ridiculous thing to ask her husband, but she asks anyway. Unsure what to do in this situation, this collision of their personal and professional lives, any pretence that they weren’t together, their relationship usually a point of interest to local cops if they figured out they were married, shattered on the floor around them. 
“Oh Em,” he says, pulling her into a hug, his lips against her temple as she settles into his embrace, “You never have to ask,” he kisses the side of her head and then pulls back, “I’ll go speak to Dave and then we��ll go home to see our little girl.” 
She nods, smiling tightly at him as she pulls back, her arms tight across her chest to hold herself together until he can do it for her again.
It feels like the longest flight of her life. Longer than the one that had brought her back from Paris, the flight that had brought her back from the dead, out of the place she had been hiding in the shadows for months whilst she waited for her demons to find her. 
This is worse. Her fear not for herself, or coming face to face with the man who had torn through her life like it was made of something no stronger than paper, but for her little girl. For her son who had seen his sister get so sick so quickly. It was paralysing in a way she could never have anticipated, as if her heart was outside of her body. Walking around in the form of an 8-year-old boy and an 18-month-old little girl, a price she’d happily pay for the rest of her life in exchange for the joy she felt as a result of being their mother. 
As soon as Aaron has parked up outside the hospital she’s out of the car, walking towards the entrance with a determination in her step. Aaron catches up with her, his hand wrapping around hers when he makes it to her side. He squeezes her hand, his fingers linked through hers as they walk into the hospital. They approach the nurse's station, Emily’s shoulders feeling tighter by the second. 
“Excuse me,” Aaron says, his smile frustratingly polite despite the circumstances when one of the nurses looks up at him, “Our daughter was brought in earlier, Ines Hotchner?” 
The nurse nods, typing on the computer in front of her before she looks back up at them, “She’s been admitted for observation,” she says, smiling reassuringly at them, “Paediatrics is on the fourth floor. She's in room 4102, the elevators are just down the hall.”
“Thank you,” Aaron replies, nodding before he turns around, his arm around Emily’s shoulders as he leads her towards the elevators, “Let’s go see our little girl.” 
They take the stairs, both too anxious to wait for the elevator now they are so close. They give Ines’ details to the paediatrics desk, and for a moment Aaron is sure he’s going to have to stop his wife from yelling at a nurse for just doing his job when he asks for identification. 
Emily takes a moment outside of the room they are directed to, giving herself a second to collect herself, aware that neither Jack nor Ines needed her to be a mess in front of them. Aaron places his hand on his wife’s shoulder, reminding her that he’s there, that he always would be. She puts her hand over his, hoping she can press her gratefulness, her love, from her skin into his. 
She never quite had the words for how she felt about him, for how she felt about her life. She’d grown up surrounded by people who never said what they really thought, every word calculated and purposeful. It left her unable to always express herself in the way she desperately wanted to, the words I love you never feeling enough. Not even scratching the surface of how much she loved him and their children, how she would burn the world down to protect them. 
She blows out a breath as she walks in, her heart seizing in her chest as she sees Ines, the toddler seemingly smaller than she usually was in the large bed she was sleeping in. Jack was asleep on the couch in the corner of the room, a blanket pulled over him and his arms hugging a cushion to his chest. Jessica turns to face the door as it opens, a relieved smile spreading over her face as she sees Emily and Aaron, 
“Hi,” she says as she stands up, walking over and pulling Emily into a brief hug, “I’m so sorry, I should have brought her here sooner.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Emily says, hugging her back, “There’s no way you could have known what would happen.” 
Aaron stores the comment away, making a mental note of it to remind her later when she inevitably blames herself for this, forever holding herself to a standard she’d never use against anybody else. Her concerns about turning into her own mother, something he knew was impossible, always lingering just below the surface. Breaking free through barely healed skin, pushing up through an always festering wound, whenever she considered herself a failure as a parent. 
Emily disconnects from Jessica and walks over to the bed and sits on the edge of it. She looks at Ines, who, apart from the IV in the back of her hand, her soft skin bruised on her arm where she’d clearly had blood tests. Emily reaches out and brushes some of her unruly hair from her forehead, the softness of it against her fingers easing some of the tightness in her chest. 
“The doctor said she’s fine, she should be able to go home tomorrow,” Jessica says, and Emily turns to look at her. 
“Thank you, Jess. For looking after her and staying until we could get here,” Aaron says, pulling his former sister-in-law into a hug. 
“Of course I stayed,” Jess says, rolling her eyes at him as she pulls back, her voice incredulous, “She’s my niece.”
Emily is about to respond, about to tell Jess how grateful she is regardless, how nice it was to know that her daughter was with someone who loved her until she could be there, but she’s cut off by a tiny voice. 
She turns back to look at Ines, forcing a smile on her face as her eyes meet her daughters, “Hi sweet girl,” she says, stroking her hand over her hair again, “Mama is here,” she says, her voice shaking a little, “How are you feeling?”
Ines shrugs, “Icky.” 
Emily chokes on a sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh and she leans forward to kiss the toddler's forehead, “I’m sorry, baby. Mama is here now,” she says, not sure if she was reassuring herself more with the repetition of her assurance or her little girl. Ines grasps at the collar of her shirt, pulling her towards her with more force than she thought an 18-month-old should have. “Do you want me to snuggle with you?” 
“Snuggle,” Ines says, nodding as she tugs on Emily’s shirt even more, and Emily kisses her forehead before she stands, carefully rearranging the little girl in the bed before she joins her. More of the tension in her chest unfurls as Ines leans against her, curling up in her mother’s arms, the little girl releasing a sigh as she rests her forehead against Emily’s neck. Ines looks over at Aaron, her smile wide like it always was when she looked at her father, “Hi Dada.”
“Hi princess,” he says, closing the gap between him and the bed as he leans in to kiss his daughter’s forehead, “Are you feeling better than earlier? Aunt Jessie said you weren’t very well.” 
She shrugs, “Head hurt.” 
“It’s all better now, though?” Emily asks, lost in her own world with her daughter, her awareness reduced to just the two of them in the bed for a few moments. She smiles as Ines nods against her neck, and she kisses her forehead, “Good. Mama loves you.” 
Ines snuggles into her even further, getting heavier as she starts to fall asleep again, her words slurring together. 
“Love Mama.”
They convince Jack to go home with Jess when he wakes up. It takes a while, the boy resistant to leave his sister’s side, but he eventually relents when they promise he’ll see her tomorrow. Emily and Aaron both stay at the hospital, both of them not wanting to let their little girl out of their sight, the latter using his badge to convince the nurses to let them break the usual ‘one parent overnight’ rule. 
Aaron sits next to the bed, his focus on his wife as she watches their daughter sleep, her hand rubbing circles on her back. 
He remembered when they found out they were having a girl, the mix of excitement and fear that had crossed over his wife’s face as she asked the doctor to repeat herself something that was burned into his memory. She’d quietly admitted to him later that same day that she was worried history would repeat itself, that she was cursed to be the same as her mother. He’d assured her it wasn’t the case, that she was already a better mother than hers had ever been, that she had been since the moment she’d stepped into that role in Jack’s life. 
He knew moments like today she’d focus on the parts that seemingly confirmed her worst fears. That the distance between her and their daughter when she was sick was evidence that she was everything she hadn’t wanted to be. She wouldn’t acknowledge the fact that she’d got to her side as quickly as she could, that she’d glared at the air steward on the plane when he tried to make a joke about her nervous energy, or that she’d left work without even thinking about it. Her children her priority, the most important part of her life, which was something Elizabeth had never seemingly been capable of. 
“Are you okay sweetheart?” He asks, his voice low and quiet as he makes sure he doesn’t wake up Ines. 
Emily hums and looks up at him, her lips pressed together, “I…” she swallows thickly, “I don’t know,” she says honestly, closing her eyes in an attempt to stop herself from crying. She presses her lips together and her chin shakes, the emotions that had only been skin deep all evening finally starting to escape, “I wasn’t here, Aaron. She needed me and I wasn’t here.” 
It feels like her chest cracks open, the pressure of everything she’d stuffed in there breaking free, her ribs aching as she tries, and fails to suppress a sob. 
“Oh, Em,” he says softly, encouraging her to stand up, helping her lay Ines down on the bed so she stays asleep. He wraps his arms around his wife and leads her over to the couch, tugging her close and holding her tightly. She holds him back just as fiercely, her hands grasping fistfuls of his jacket as she sinks into him, her cheek against his chest as she keeps her eyes on Ines, her view of the little girl blurred by the constant stream of tears that didn’t seem to be going anywhere how they’d started, “She’s okay. She’s perfectly safe.” 
She pulls back to look at him, her eyebrows furrowed, “She had a seizure Aaron,” she says, biting the inside of her cheek to try to feel anything other than the tension in her chest, “Our little girl had a seizure and I wasn’t there. I was working. I knew she wasn’t well this morning, I knew it and I still went to work. What kind of mother does that make me?” 
“Sweetheart,” he says, his voice firm but kind as he cups her cheek, forcing her to look at him, “You could never have known that would happen. As soon as you knew something was wrong you were on your way here,” he says, stroking her skin, his calluses against her skin soothing, a reminder of his strength, of his love for her, “You’re an excellent mother.”
She sighs, “Honey-”
“I won’t argue with you about this,” he cuts over her, a soft smile on his face, “You’re an excellent mother,” he repeats, “And I know the two youngest Hotchners would agree.” 
She chokes out a sound, not sure what to call it herself, and she nods, too tired to argue with him, wanting nothing more than him to be right. She leans forward and presses her forehead into his shoulder, “Thank you for coming with me, I think I would have killed that air steward if you weren’t there.” 
“You definitely would have,” he quips, kissing the top of her head as he rubs his palm up and down her back, “And you don’t have to thank me,” he says, encouraging her to look at him, “Our family is always my priority too. No matter what.” 
She nods and leans forward, stamping her lips against his. It was moments like this that made her grateful to be the second person who was lucky enough to love him, to build a family with him. That he had learnt from his past, his complete lack of hesitation to come with her today all the proof she would ever need. It isn’t lost on her that he’s held back how he’s feeling, his own fear at their daughter being sick today buried deep in his chest whilst he helped her. 
She’d make sure she gave him the space as soon as he needed it, at the first sign that he was letting his well-constructed barriers down. 
“I love you,” she says, running her fingers through his hair. 
“I love you too,” he says, kissing her before he wipes tears from her cheeks, “Do you want to lay down with her again and try and get some sleep?” 
“God yes,” she replies, kissing him once more before she stands up, she looks at the bed and sighs, “I don’t think we’ll all fit.” 
“That’s okay,” he says, carefully lifting Ines so Emily can get back into the bed, her shoes kicked off and under the bed, “I’ll sleep on the couch.” 
She frowns at him as he settles Ines back onto her chest, “Honey, your back-”
“It will be okay for one night,” he says, even though they both know it’s not true, “Worth it so I can keep an eye on my girls.” 
She rolls her eyes at him as he tucks the sheet around them both, “You’re ridiculous,” she says, smiling softly as Ines shifts in her sleep, “Sweet, but ridiculous.” 
He presses a kiss against each of their foreheads and settles in the chair next to the bed, “Get some sleep, baby,” he says, “And tomorrow we’ll take her home and spoil her.”
“You always spoil her,” she murmurs, kissing the top of Ines’s head as she closes her eyes, the smell of her daughter’s hair soothing her. 
Aaron chuckles in response, watching as she falls asleep, their daughter safely curled up in her arms, “You’re one to talk.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florencremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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Highline Hospitality Partners acquires Homewood Suites by Hilton Eatontown https://hotels-accommodation.news-6.com/highline-hospitality-partners-acquires-homewood-suites-by-hilton-eatontown/
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pritydubey · 1 year
Prestige Highline Pallavaram: Comfortable and Luxurious Apartments
In the heart of Chennai, Prestige Highline Pallavaram offers lavish 2, 3 and 4 BHK homes. These spacious apartments have various amenities like a swimming pool, gym, clubhouse and landscaped gardens and have been built using the most modern architectural techniques. The contemporary furnishings, fittings and equipment of the flats create a comfortable and practical living environment. Owing to its excellent location, the residents enjoy quick access to important schools, hospitals, shopping malls and transportation hubs.
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jitenderkumarsingla · 2 years
Dubai Billionaire Jitender Kumar Singla takes over Regal Plaza Hotel in Bur Dubai will be renovated and Relaunched as "Six Seasons Hotel"
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Dubai: JK Group of companies founder Jitender Kumar Singla Indian Billionaire takes over the famous hotel Regal Plaza Bur Dubai, this is one more beautiful property in his kitty as he takes over 2nd 5-star hotel in Dubai. The hotel will be fully renovated and launched in the first week of June '23 as "Six Seasons Hotel" Jitender Kumar Singla is a close friend of Dr Jitendra Matlani Business tycoon and famous social icon of Dubai. Dr Jitendra Matlani told the press that Hotel will be fully renovated as new and will be inaugurated in June before that a soft launch will be done before EID in April '23.
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Hotel Regal Plaza is a legacy hotel of Dubai with a famous RockaFellas Club Situated at an appropriate location near Sharaf DG metro station Bur Dubai convenient for tourists will be inaugurated with a new Name Six Seasons Hotel this will be one of a kind luxurious experience.
We are delighted with our expanding Dubai hotel portfolio with Six Seasons Hotels. We are looking forward to the inauguration, said Mr Jitender Kumar Singla, the Indian Billionaire of Dubai.
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Abhishek Tripathi has been appointed as Managing Director of Six Seasons. Abhishek Trpathi said We believe that our guests will appreciate the ambience, location and modern-day entertainment we offer with our beautiful property and the combination of our expertise in hospitality and the stunning new design of Highline by SixSeasons will make an exceptional impression in Dubai.
Dr Jitendra Matlani Congratulated Jitender Kumar Singla Chairman of JK Group of Companies for one more feather in his cap and told us that during the announcement of the takeover of the property at a gala event many high-profile dignitaries were present along with many famous films and TV celebrities, Indian Actor Salman Khan's Bodyguard shri Gurmeet Singh Jolly (shera), Indian Actress Rakhi Sawant was joined on this special day.
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thelobbyist · 5 years
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In the centre of Manhattan’s ultra-trendy Meatpacking District, the Standard, High Line features a street-side beer garden packed, a thriving grill restaurant reminiscent of a Parisian bistro, and two LA-style roof-top lounges overlooking the Hudson. . Interior Design: Roman & Williams @rwguild . . #_thelobbyist #lobby #hotel #newyork #nyc #interiordesign #love #instagood #photography #hospitality #prime_square #architecture #design #thestandard #highline (at The Standard, High Line) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4df2ThlFbG/?igshid=r2p6s4ru4195
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longreads · 2 years
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The Top 5 Longreads of the Week
This week, our Top 5 sets an important and particularly sobering precedent. In the April 28th, 2017 edition of the Top 5, Jason Fagone's extraordinary Huffpost Highline piece, "What Bullets Do to Bodies" was selected as number one. In light of the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, this piece retains a startling relevance. It's our number one piece this week. Editor Seyward Darby explains why. 
1. What Bullets Do to Bodies
Jason Fagone | HuffPost Highline | April 26th, 2017 | 7,799 words
I’m breaking from tradition here and highlighting a story that’s already been in one of these newsletters, and as a top pick no less. The circumstances demand it. On Tuesday, a gunman armed with two legally purchased AR-style assault rifles slaughtered 19 children and two teachers in a single classroom at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. As authorities worked to identify the victims, they asked parents to provide DNA samples. What’s unspoken in this detail is that the dead children were unrecognizable, or so mangled that it would have been an unimaginable cruelty to ask their parents to look at them. I can’t get this fact out of my mind, and it prompted me to re-read one of the best pieces of explanatory journalism in recent memory. Almost exactly five years ago, Jason Fagone spent time with the head of trauma surgery at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia to understand the damage that bullets do to bodies. What Dr. Amy Goldberg had to say about the Sandy Hook massacre could be said today about the shooting in Uvalde: “As a country, we lost our teachable moment…. The fact that not a single one of those kids was able to be transported to a hospital, tells me that they were not just dead, but really really really really dead. Ten-year-old kids, riddled with bullets, dead as doornails.” America is a country where the mass murder of children is followed by mourning and forgetting, but never action: Congress hasn’t passed a single piece of gun control legislation since Sandy Hook. Until that changes, Goldberg’s comment will be relevant again in another community, at another school. It’s only a matter of time. —SD
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heretoinspire · 4 years
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the trouble with wanting (is i want you) - upstead two-shot
Hey guys! Back with something I started back in April when the season was cut short and Hailey was last seen in NYC. I just now got around to finishing it (finally!) and it has turned into two parts so be on the lookout for chapter two in the near future!
It’s no ‘Heartbeat on the Highline’ by @fromiftowhen (which you should read if you haven’t), but it’s a juicy little New York scenario that I have had a lot of fun with! 
I also have to give a huge huge shoutout to @mashleighh​ for always being there to scream over upstead and fanfiction! Thanks for all the help and being a great listener, friend!
I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
Read on AO3
Five weeks. That’s how long Hailey has been gone.
It’s been five weeks since she’d shown up at his door at midnight to stiffly tell him she was going to New York to help out the FBI for a couple of weeks.
It was only for a couple of weeks. That’s what she’d told him.
He would be lying if he said that when Hailey told him she was leaving that his heart didn’t stop in his chest. And that when two weeks turned into three then four and then five, he didn’t feel like he’d been punched in the stomach? Well, he’d be lying then too.
Because the truth is, he feels like he’s been holding his breath ever since she’d stepped out of his house that night.
And despite her assurances that she’d be back as soon as the FBI would let her, he still couldn’t shake the nagging thoughts of maybe she would like it better in New York. That she did, in fact, like how the feds did things. That she did like the extra pay and the nice suits after all.
But when she’d called him a few nights ago and told him she was absolutely sure that she was on her last case with the FBI and would be home as soon as she was finished, he couldn’t seem to wipe the permanent grin off his face and the feeling of utter relief.
He isn’t going acknowledge how much longer the past few days have seemed; even longer than they did before, or the little voice in the back of his mind telling him that she still had time to decide to stay in New York because he knew she was good police—the best, and he knew Platt was right.
The feds did have a way of holding onto good people.
He doesn’t know what he would do if he lost Hailey to New York.
In the few weeks that Hailey’s been gone, he has come to realize exactly how much he relies on her, how much he craves for her presence and not only at work, when he’s off duty too. It took her being gone for him to understand how much she filled his every day.
His heart aches when he walks into the bullpen to see her chair empty, pushed under her desk with no coat hanging from the back. He feels strange only ordering one coffee instead of two and he doesn’t like how lonely it is in his truck without her in the passenger seat.
When he’s doing his paperwork, he looks up and expects to find blue eyes that aren’t there, and he feels cold sitting on her desk without her comforting presence beside him.
And he doesn’t much like the way Rojas keeps looking at him with knowing eyes ever since Hailey left and the officer filled her spot as his temporary partner. She’s quick on her feet and she provides him with sufficient backup, but it just isn’t the same. It isn’t Hailey.
He feels like a piece of him is missing. The piece that knows what he’s thinking without words. The piece that understands him with a single look. The solid feel of her right there next to him, watching his back literally and figuratively.
A few times he’d found himself driving towards her house to see if she wanted a drink or to watch some TV only to remember she wasn’t there.
She’s in New York. With the FBI.
And God, did he miss her.
When Jay woke that morning, something just hadn’t felt right. Things just felt off. It was the same feeling he’d gotten hundreds of times before; in Afghanistan, in Chicago, before shootouts and raids that didn’t go exactly according to plan.
He had that feeling that something bad had happened or was about to and he just couldn’t seem to shake it even though everything seemed normal.
But his skin still felt prickly and the hairs were still standing up on the back of neck and he still heard that little voice in the back of his head whispering that something wasn’t quite right.
He pushed it to the back of his mind as he went through his morning routine of running, working out and showering, hoping that it would go away before he got to work.
When he got to the district, nothing seemed amiss. Trudy was there to greet him with her usual no-nonsense attitude and a stack of paperwork, and his friends called out cheery ‘good morning’s’ as he walked into the bullpen. Adam had just gotten there too, slapping Jay on the back as a way to say ‘hello’ before they each joined the others at their respective desks to fill out paperwork from the case they’d finished the day before and Voight was holed away in his office as usual.
The only thing that was out of place was the empty chair across from him, missing the bright smile and sparkling blue eyes.
Sighing, Jay pulled out his chair, dropping the stack of paperwork on his desk as he sat down, reaching for one of Hailey’s pens because his were always missing. He was about half a page through his report when that bad feeling flared up again, Voight coming out of his office with a hint of worry on his face.
He wouldn’t have been able to tell that something was off if he didn’t know Voight so well or if he hadn’t been hyper-aware of everything this morning. That and the fact Voight stood at the head of the room, silently waiting till everyone’s attention was on him with his hands in his pockets and that look on his face. The one that said something was wrong.
Everyone pretty much immediately picked up on the change of atmosphere; the once comfortable silence turning into a tense one with alarmed looks quickly being shared.
Jay was about to say something when Kim beat him to it, “What’s wrong, sarge?”
“I just got a call from New York.”
Jay’s stomach dropped and his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. He couldn’t breathe.
No. This couldn’t be happening.
Voight glanced at him before addressing Intelligence as a whole, “It’s Hailey. She got hurt last night during an undercover assignment. She’s in the hospital.”
Blood was rushing through his ears and Jay felt like he was about to pass out.
Hailey was hurt. She was in the hospital. And he wasn’t there.
When Jay remembered to breathe, he felt like he was on the verge of hyperventilating.
He’d known something like this was going to happen. It was his job to protect her and he wasn’t there. He never should have let her go without him because if he had been there, he would’ve never let her get hurt.
She was his partner.
He clenched his fists, anger filling him alongside the worry and panic. Anger at whoever the hell was supposed to be looking out for her because they obviously hadn’t done a very good job.
How could anyone be so careless with her safety?
In the back of his mind, Jay knew that it probably wasn’t anyone’s fault. He knew better than most that getting injured on the job was just par the course, but he still couldn’t help the icy fear that gripped him and the need to blame someone and the feeling that she wouldn’t be hurt if he had been there.
Because if anything ever happened to her… He would never forgive himself.
“Hurt? What does that mean?” It was Vanessa’s slightly distressed voice speaking up that broke him out of the trance he’d been in.
Jay’s eyes quickly snapped to Voight’s face. His boss shook his head in uncharacteristic concern, “I don’t know. I didn’t get the details. Whoever called didn’t know, just that she was in the hospital, but I’ve got calls in with the Special Agent in Charge of the field team Hailey’s with. I’ll find out.”
He met all their worried gazes, “But in the meantime,” Voight turned to Jay, pausing, “I want you on the next plane out of here going to New York.”
He didn’t have to tell him twice. Jay was already standing up and grabbing his coat, fully intending to go straight to the airport when Voight caught his gaze again, a slightly strange expression on his face.
A protective look that Jay didn’t entirely understand passed between them.
“Go get our girl. Bring her home.”
“Jay?” Vanessa hesitantly poked her head around the corner of the row of lockers.
He looked up from where he was shoveling random clothes he happened to have in his locker into a duffel bag. He had no intentions of going back to his apartment because Platt was working on getting him on the next flight into JFK and he didn’t want to risk missing the plane.
“She’s gonna be okay. You know that, right?” Vanessa’s voice was small and vulnerable in a way that reminded Jay just how new she was to the life of being a cop. Especially a cop in Chicago; in Intelligence.
But this didn’t happen in Chicago. And it didn’t happen while she was working in Intelligence. Hailey got hurt in New York working with the FBI; Without them. Without him.
She was alone and that thought by itself was enough to make Jay panic because as tough as he knew Hailey was, he knew she didn’t like being vulnerable in front of others. Especially people she didn’t know.
“Yeah, of course. I know that.” It was more clipped than he’d wanted to sound. His voice was strained even to his own ears and he knew he wasn’t convincing either of them.
Because the truth was, they didn’t know if it was going to be okay. They had no idea exactly how injured she was. Who knew? Jay might be in New York for quite a while depending on her injuries.
Or very little time. Long enough for arrangements to be made.
Jay blinked, shaking that thought out of his head as quick as he could. He forced himself to control his breathing and he could feel Vanessa’s eyes on him. That same gaze she’d had ever since Hailey left.
He refrained from snapping at her because she knew he was just as worried as he was. Hailey was her friend, and he wagered the closest thing she had to a sister so he went about his business, shoving random things he might need into his bag.
“You love her, don’t you?” Her words stopped him in his tracks.
He worked his throat; his heart picking up speed. He looked at her, “Of course I love her. She’s my partner.”
An odd little grin sprung onto Vanessa’s face and if Jay hadn’t been so panicked about Hailey, he might have asked why she was looking at him like that. That, and the fact that Trudy just appeared in the doorway behind Rojas.
“You’re on the 10:15 flight out of O’Hare so you’d better get a move on,” Her face was set in her usual stoic mask, but Jay could detect just a hint of worry hiding behind the older woman’s eyes as she held out his printed plane ticket.
Jay reached for it before grabbing a few more things to shove in his duffel, zipping it up and throwing it over his shoulder. Platt and Vanessa moved out of the doorway so he could get by.
Platt grabbed his hand, catching his eyes in a steadfast gaze, “Jay.”
Jay swallowed hard at the rare emotions swimming in the older woman’s gaze, “Call us, okay.”
Giving a firm nod, Jay squeezed Trudy’s hand before quickly turning to practically sprint down the hallway, disappearing around the corner.
Vanessa and Trudy stood there for a few long seconds looking in the direction Jay had gone. There was a quiet sniff and Platt glanced over to the young officer standing beside her with tears in her eyes.
The Sargent placed an arm around the girl’s shoulders for a quick second, “Hailey’s strong. She’ll get through it, whatever it is. And she has Jay. She’ll be fine.”
The plane ride was torturous.
Gut-wrenching fear consumed him, his thoughts running through every scenario he could think of.
Had she been shot? Or was it another on-the-job related injury?
If she had been shot, then where?
Did she need surgery? Was she in surgery now?
Was she scared? Was she in pain? Was she lonely?
Did she need him? Did she want him?
Vanessa’s words took over his thoughts, echoing over and over in his head.
You love her, don’t you?
You love her…
You love her.
He loves her.
Of course, he loves her. All he cares about is her.
And somewhere along the line, he’s fallen in love with her. Somewhere between longing glances, tugging heartstrings and flying bullets.
He’s been in love with her for over a year now, but he hadn’t truly realized it until now.
Not until she’d left him. Not until she’d gotten hurt and he was eight hundred miles away. Not until Vanessa Rojas looked him straight into the eyes and voiced an irrevocable truth he had been scared of.
And now, he might be too late.
What if she dies? What if she’d already died?
He muffled a sob and his leg bounced even harder much to the consternation of the lady beside him, but he didn’t care. He didn’t even notice the strange look that she sent his way.
Because all he cared about was Hailey, and the very real possibility that he could lose her before he even had a chance to have her consumed his thoughts.
How could he have been so stupid? Why had he let his fears get in the way of him telling her how he felt when it was clear that she reciprocated the feelings at least to a point.
He’d noticed the way she had become clingier after he’d gotten shot. And when he’d gotten better, how brightly she beamed at him.
He hadn’t wanted to read too much into it or get his hopes up, but those fears seemed silly now when death was on the line.
When life was so fragile, especially in their line of work.
His heart pounded in his chest and he literally felt sick with worry as he hung his head, clenched his sweaty fists and prayed as hard as he could.
Please let her be okay.
I love her.
I need her.
I can’t live without her.
As soon as the plane touched down, Jay was practically jumping out of his seat and squeezing by the person sitting next to him before grabbing his duffle that he’d shoved in the overhead storage. He used his badge to bypass the deboarding procedure, practically running down the gangway as soon as it was connected to the plane.
Voight had texted him the name of the hospital Hailey was at right before he’d boarded, but that was the only thing he had managed to find out so far.
And that was what was so agonizing. The not knowing.
Part of him wanted to know exactly what he was walking into, but the other part of him was scared to find out because then he wouldn’t be able to pretend it wasn’t that bad if he found out otherwise.
But then his brain would manifest all of these terrifying scenarios and images and he thinks nothing could be worse than what he was imagining.
It was a never-ending cycle of panic that wouldn’t end until he knew Hailey’s condition. And even then, it might not be ending for a while.
Jay pushed a few bills at the taxi driver, sliding out of the backseat with an urgency that could rival most New Yorkers. Shouldering his duffle, he forced himself to walk calmly into the hospital and up to the front desk.
“What room is Hailey Upton in?” He didn’t mean to sound so abrupt, but he couldn’t waste a single second. Not when he was so close to seeing her.
The lady at the desk didn’t seem to be bothered by it though, probably used to worried family members demanding to know where their loved ones were.
In fact, she smiled at him kindly if not a little sympathetically and he briefly wondered if he looked as harried as he felt.
“Let me see here,” She trailed off, her fingers clacking at the keyboard as she focused her attention on the screen in front of her.
Jay refrained from tapping his fingers on the desk even though he desperately wanted too, his fingers twitching for something to do.
A rifle in his hands or Hailey by his side; the two things that calmed him down the most effectively.
“She’s in room 308,” The words were barely out of her mouth before Jay tossed a breathy ‘thank you’ over his shoulder, following the signs pointing him in the direction of the stairs. He slammed into the push-door, bounding up the stairs three at a time.
The erratic beating of his heart had nothing to do with exerting himself, but with the thought of what he might find when he got to room 308. He was running now, passing a couple of nurse’s stations till he found the hospital rooms. His eyes scanned the room numbers, finding 308 and his breath was knocked right out of his chest.
Because there she was. And it was the most beautiful sight in the world.
The curtain was pushed to the side so he could clearly see into her room. She was sitting up in the bed, her face was a little pale and her hair looked a little disheveled, but none of that mattered.
All that mattered was that she was alive. Awake. Talking. And it didn’t matter that she was in a hospital bed, hooked up to various machines. She was still the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen.
There were a few people in standing in the room, talking to her and Jay assumed they were part of the FBI team she’d been working with, but the only person he had eyes for was Hailey.
After letting the initial relief course through his body at the sight of Hailey sitting up, Jay snapped out of it, taking long strides towards her room.
He was in the sliding glass door frame before anyone noticed him. Hailey turned her head and they locked gazes. Jay felt tears spring into his eyes at the sight of her sparkling blue irises. He dropped his duffle, taking a few short steps to be at her bedside, “God, Hailey,” Was the only thing he managed to whisper.
He desperately wanted to scoop her up in his embrace, or maybe even kiss her, but he didn’t know the extent of her injuries and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her, so he settled for rubbing a hand over his eyes.
Hailey blinked hard, wondering if she’d maybe hit her head last night or if the anesthesia was possibly making her hallucinate, but when she opened her eyes again, her partner who she hadn’t seen in over a month was still standing beside her, his face drawn with worry and relief.
She opened her mouth to say something, but the words got stuck in her throat when Jay met her gaze again, tears clearly swimming in his green eyes, “What happened, Hailey? When we got the word, we called and texted, but we didn’t know anything other than you got hurt last night.”
Hailey was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Jay was here, in the flesh and standing beside her, his familiar presence comforting. She didn’t know how many times she’d craved for his warm, solid form beside her over her time in New York and even more so since last night and he was here.
Tears started pooling in her own eyes and she didn’t know if it was the fact that she’d just had a brush with death or if she’d just missed him so much or if it was all the drugs pumping through her veins, but she reached out to grab his elbow and tugged him closer to her as hard as she could even though OA, Emily and Kristen were watching.
Jay was clearly not expecting it, his arm automatically reaching out to brace himself on the bed so he didn’t fall on top of her, but Hailey didn’t care. She threw her arms around him, clutching onto his well-worn, black jacket desperately.
She hated hospitals as much as he did. The only difference was that she wasn’t a pain about it (or at least she tried very hard not to be).
But more than that, it had been five weeks. And she had missed him.
While that hadn’t been too surprising given her growing feelings towards him, she wasn’t entirely prepared for the unexpected shift in their relationship. Being gone had almost drawn them closer in a way with sleepy facetime calls and frequent texts that walked the very thin line of partners to something more.
The closer she got to being sent home the more she had been anticipating a warm reunion and a long overdue talk with Jay. A talk that she could sense Jay wanted to have in the subtle ways he let her know how much her being gone from him meant.
Hailey supposed it was true. Distance really does make the heart grow fonder.
But then she’d gotten hurt and she’d seen the scary possibility that she may never get to tell him how she feels flash before her eyes. That they may never have more than what they had been cultivating over her five week-long absence.
And then she’d woken up in a strange hospital with strange doctors and nurses and the wrong person at her side.
She didn’t think she’d ever wanted Jay as much as she had in those hazy drugged up moments and it wasn’t a lusty want. It wasn’t that at all. She wanted—no, she needed his comforting, sure presence beside her. It was like she didn’t know how to function, how to breathe, how to live without him and she’d almost had a panic attack as her foggy mind registered what had happened.
Promptly, she’d been given something to help her calm down that had put her to sleep before she’d had the chance to demand to see her phone so she could call Jay. She just needed to hear his voice, that was all.
When she’d woken back up for the second time, she felt much more in control of her facilities. She didn’t freak out at being in a hospital—one that was just as unfamiliar as the FBI office she’d been sent to. She forced herself to stay calm when she opened her eyes to find a team that she’d only met five weeks ago. And she forced herself not to show how desperately she needed her partner who was 800 miles away.
So, she’d smiled wanly as she pushed herself to sit up on the bed; OA, Kristen and Emily rushing to help her as she tried to hide a wince at the pain searing her torso. She’d even made a few jokes, playing off the fact that she felt like she was drowning because she was injured in a strange city, confined to a strange hospital and away from the people she loved.
But before she had a chance to ask if anyone had contacted her team or ask for her phone so she could call Jay—at least so she could feel like he was close to her, she’d looked up and he was there.
She’d never seen anything more beautiful.
And then she was hugging him, and she couldn’t care less that she was clutching onto him for dear life in front of OA, Kristen and Emily.
It was a shorter hug then either one of them really wanted but Hailey could feel her stitches pulling and she was having to breathe shallowly in order to avoid too much pain, so she pulled back. Her eyes instantly met green, overflowing with a number of emotions that made her already shallow breathing speed up.
Jay seemed to realize that there were other people in the hospital room at about the same time Hailey remembered a few members of her NYC team were still there.
He glanced between their slightly confused expressions and her a few times before he finally broke the awkward silence that was starting to descend upon the group, “What happened?”
Hailey could tell by the way he glanced in the direction of Emily, Kristen and OA (or more specifically OA) that he wasn’t too sure about their involvement and why they had let her land in the hospital. She gave him a look that told him it wasn’t their fault and after a brief battle of the eyes, he accepted it, but she could still detect a suspicious glint in his gaze.
“Nothing, really,” Hailey tried to smile convincingly enough to make Jay’s concerned expression disappear but when it didn’t, she added, “I’m fine. I promise.”
He was still staring her down when OA cleared his throat and Jay turned to him, slowly grasping OA’s outstretched hand in a firm handshake.
OA glanced at her before raising his eyebrows and addressing Jay as he withdrew his hand, “Uh, yeah. I wouldn’t say that she’s fine. She got shot last night and she literally just got out of surgery like an hour ago.”
Hailey frowned, shooting her temporary partner a look before meeting her actual partner’s openly distressed expression, “But I’m fine,” She stressed.
Jay shook his head, running a hand over his face, “Hailey, you scared the crap out of me.”
Not that she’d ever admit it, but her heart skipped a couple of beats at hearing that.
Recovering quickly, she fired back, “Well, now you know how it feels.”
Jay’s eyebrow furrowed as he frowned, “That’s not funny.”
“Maybe you’ll remember that the next time you go and get yourself shot,” Hailey responded smartly with a raised eyebrow.
Their eyes locked again, silently communicating as if they were the only two people in the world.
A throat clearing drew them out of the trance they’d fallen into, Hailey glancing over to a sheepish looking OA while Kristen and Emily traded a raised eyebrow.
“I’m OA and this,” He gestured to the girls standing beside him, “is Kristen and Emily.”
Hailey supposed that was her cue to introduce Jay so before he could do it himself, Hailey looked at her FBI team, nodding to the man that flew all the way from Chicago to be there, “This is Jay. My partner.”
Wow. She let that thought sink in. He flew all the way from Chicago just to see her. She felt tears prick her eyes and she wanted to just chalk it up to being overly tired and doped up on pain killers, but she knew it was more than that.
Turning her head so no one would notice her slightly wet eyes, she heard OA give Jay a warm greeting and he responded mostly in kind if not a little icy. She blinked a few times, returning her gaze to the people in her slightly crowded hospital room.
After a brief conversation of friendly banter, Kristen made a show of looking at her phone, “Looks like we’re needed back at HQ.”
OA nodded before looking between Hailey and Jay then settling his gaze on Hailey, “You get some rest, okay? We’ll talk later.”
She gave him a nod as Emily and Kristen made their way out of the small room, OA behind them and then suddenly, it was just her and Jay.
The room seemed even smaller somehow and had it always been this warm?
Slowly, she slid her gaze to the man standing beside her bed, not surprised to find his green eyes already trained on her. Green met blue and, in that moment, it felt like everything was right in the world again.
Because that ache for home, the longing in their souls; it’s funny how they were eight-hundred miles from their houses and yet it felt like they were finally coming home. That they were where they belonged.
Once again, unexpected tears pricked Hailey’s eyes and it hit her that she could have never seen him ever again. She could have died, and she would have never seen him looking at her with something that looked a lot like love.
She opened her mouth to say something. What, she didn’t know; how much she missed him while she was here, how when she’d gotten shot all she wanted was him, maybe even an ‘I love you’, but before any of that could leave her mouth, an enthusiastic nurse bustled through the door.
“Hi there, dear! My name’s Jeanie and I’ll be your nurse for the next little while,” The older lady chirped to Hailey in greeting, totally oblivious that she’d just interrupted a charged moment between the two detectives.
“How’s the pain level?” She continued brightly, messing with the computer in the corner of the room before turning her attention towards Hailey and that’s when she noticed Jay.
A mega-watt smile broke out on Jeanie’s face, “You must be the husband!” She declared cheerfully.
Hailey’s eyes went wide, and she tried not to choak on her own spit, expecting to hear Jay quickly correcting her, but he didn’t say anything. Before she could splutter out an interjection of her own, Jeanie turned her attention back to her.
The nurse gave her a wink and in a not so quiet whisper, she said, “What a hunk! If I weren’t so old, I’d jump his bones! What fun you two must have!”
She felt her cheeks flush at that, and she didn’t have to look to know that Jay’s ears were probably turning pink.
Jeanie opened her mouth to continue and Hailey wished that Jay would open his mouth to refute the claim he was her husband before the nurse had the chance to keep talking, but she wasn’t that lucky.
Giving her an impressed look, Jeanie nodded conspiratorially the grin still plastered on her face, “Well done for landing such a hottie.”
Hailey was starting to hope that a hole would open up and swallow her whole when there was a knock on the doorframe. Hailey’s head snapped towards the sound and was relieved to see a doctor entering the room, a tablet in hand.
“Detective Upton,” The man in surgical scrubs greeted her warmly. He noticed Jay and extended an arm to shake his hand before turning to address them both, “I’m Doctor Nunez.”
He looked at Jay, clearly waiting for an introduction. Hailey glanced over at him for the first time since Jeanie interrupted them.
She watched as he seemed to realize what Doctor Nunez was asking for, rubbing his hands on his jeans before answering, “My name’s Jay,” He paused, giving his head a little jerk in her direction, “I’m, uh…I’m her husband.”
Hailey blinked in shock. That was the last thing she thought he’d say.
She caught his gaze, giving him a ‘what the hell’ expression. He gave her a little shrug and looked almost as confused as she was as to why he went along with Jeanie’s assumption.
Dr. Nunez continued on, not noticing their silent exchange, “I performed your wife’s surgery, and I was hoping that we could discuss the extent of Detective Upton’s injuries with both of you and go over what I did to repair them.”
For the next half hour, Hailey and Jay listened to the doctor’s recount of removing the bullet that had lodged itself in Hailey’s side last night. The good news was that she would be discharged from the hospital in a couple of days, the bad news was that she was recommended not to fly for at least 8-10.
But for some reason, Hailey didn’t really mind the delay in getting back.
Yesterday, she was anxious and counting down the days till she could hop on a plane bound for Chicago. Today, sitting in a hospital bed, sore and tired from being shot, looking over at her partner who was hanging onto every word Dr. Nunez was saying about her recovery, she suddenly couldn’t care less about getting home.
Sure, she missed Chicago. She missed her apartment. And she missed her team, but that wasn’t what she’d been craving ever since landing in New York five weeks ago.
She’d been homesick, but not for a place because when she looked at Jay, she knew she was home even if she was still eight-hundred miles away from the only city she’d known.
Part two coming soon! Comment if you’d like a tag!
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vintagedolan · 4 years
mixtape | track fourteen
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| masterlist | faceclaims | playlist |
“Today’s lecture is on end of life. Death. Passing. However you want to refer to it, it’s about the process of a human being who was here, not being here anymore. And it’s particularly about your role in helping them go peacefully.”
Indy swallowed hard. 
The wound was still fresh. It didn’t matter that it was May. Bekah’s funeral could have been just yesterday. She could see the wood grain of the podium she’d delivered the eulogy at in front of her if she closed her eyes for a few seconds too long. 
Instead, she looked forward, found her professor in the front of the lecture hall. Dr. Ginn. A quirky woman, who seemed determined to live up to Indy’s first impression as she climbed onto her desk and sat with her clicker in her hand, legs criss-cross. 
“Now. Doctors and death, they don’t mix. If I had to guess, a doctor’s worst fear is death. They spend their whole lives fighting it. But nurses? We’re different.”
Indy liked the sound of we.
“For us, the priorities shift. As nurses, your job is just as much to push epi as it is to hold someone’s hand. And you are the one that makes that call. You are the last comfort that a lot of people have in their lives. You are the backbone for the family, for the friends who are there to say goodbye. And you are there to make sure your patient goes as peacefully as they can. That is the most important part of your job, hands down. And if that’s not something you can see yourself doing, then you need to rethink and probably change your career.”
The hall was silent apart from the clicking of laptop keys.
“Now. On that lovely note, let’s get started. A code blue, or as I call it, an ‘oh shit’...” 
A message notification appeared on the right corner of Indy’s screen as she opened her notes.
Coffee after class?
Indy smiled, and in lieu of listening for a moment, she let her mind wander back to February...
Grayson was really trying. But it was hard to break habits that he’d been so comfortable with since the first day that he met Indiana. It took so much mental effort to not hold her hand, to not brush her hair behind her ear - so much that Indy nudged him in the side as they walked.
“Where’d you go?”
“Sorry, just thinking.”
She had a good guess of what he was thinking about, or more specifically what he was waiting for.
An answer.
Indy could hear Nicole in her mind, telling her to be careful, to be careful with her heart. She thought of what her mother would say if she met Grayson as she walked beside him on the sidewalk. It kept her mind busy until they got to the familiar door that Grayson pulled open for her. If nothing else made sense, at least there was always Jet’s, with it’s comforting constant vanilla smell and that favorite blue chair that Indy beelined for while Gray went to the counter. 
Patrick looked ready to commit murder when he realized who was ordering, but Indy shot him a smile from across the store that softened him up just enough for Grayson to make it out with their coffees unscathed. 
“So he definitely hates my guts,” Gray mumbled as he sat down, making sure his back was to the bar. 
“He’s a protective one, you know this,” Indy teased as she sipped her coffee. 
“How soon did you start working here again after… after I left.”
“I gave myself a couple days. I definitely wasn’t at my peak on my first day if that’s what you’re asking.” She let out a dry chuckle. 
“Did you start here or the hospital first?”
“Same time. The tech job kinda fell in my lap, and I needed the money for rent. I only really came back here so I could afford therapy. They have a benefits package for all their employees.”
Grayson froze, but his cup quivered in his hand as he shook.
“I… because of…”
“No, no no, not because of you. I mean, I did talk about the stuff going on with her cause we’ve been having sessions but I was planning on going since graduation. I wanted to get a handle on the whole flying thing.”
The reason went unspoken, and Grayson’s hands didn’t stop shaking, though his breathing came a bit easier. 
“Is it going okay?”
“Yeah, I think so. I mean, haven’t really been on a plane to test anything out. But I did better than I thought I would when you were flying out, considering. So that’s a good sign. And my therapist is really nice, we’re a pretty good match.” 
“Good. That’s good.” It wasn’t lost on him what it meant that she still cared that he was on a plane. Hope riled in his belly and he beat it back down as best he could. 
There was a lull that was filled with the sounds of coffee beans grinding until Indy spoke up again.
“What have you been up to out in LA?”
Grayson swallowed. He looked at her quickly, her soft smile that made him feel like he could tell her anything, no matter how embarrassing it was.
“Honestly? I did fuck all. I mean, I did the basics I guess, with the companies and stuff. But I kinda let the misery have me. You did a hell of a lot better than me, that’s for damn sure.”
“I wasn’t doing great, believe me.”
“But at least you were trying,” he sighed, running a hand over his face. “And I caused all this, I didn’t really have an excuse.”
“It’s in the past now. Nothing we can do to change it.”
“For the record, I wish I could. More than anything.”
“I know.”
“I really am sorry Dee. I know it’s not enough, but I am.”
“I know that too.”
The next beat of silence was painful, and it took a moment for Grayson to realize that it was now or never. 
“Remember how bad our first date went? How I had that whole plan that just totally didn’t work?”
“The thunderstorm. I remember.” It made her smile, and she could picture every frame of it, from the ocean hallway to the remnants of apple juice on his lips.
“And I told you I was gonna save the real date for later.”
Indy nodded.
“Could we… can I do it now? Can I take you on a date?”
The thought brought butterflies to Indy’s stomach, but she blamed it on the coffee.
“Yeah. Yeah, that would be nice. What did you have in mind?”
“I’ll show you. Technically Jet’s was first on the list anyways, but the next part is a surprise.”
With that, she stood up and followed him out into the street.
They started their walk separate, but it only took a moment for Indy to grab onto Grayson’s hand. He told himself it was out of necessity so they didn’t get split up in a feeble attempt to keep his hopes from getting away from him. Still, his stomach fluttered high above the pavement as they enjoyed the setting sun and willfully ignored the chill of the wind whipping around the buildings of the city. Eventually, his plan unfolded when they reached the entrance of the Highline. It was one of Indy’s favorite places in the city, but she knew she’d never told Grayson that. He just knew her well enough it seemed. 
They walked in peaceful silence for a while, hands squeezed tight against one another’s despite the lull in the foot traffic.
Indy smiled at their luck when they finally found an empty bench with a nice view of the skyline. She tugged Grayson over to it and kept her eyes forward for a moment before she looked over at him. His eyes were on the sky, skin flushed pink from the pigment on the clouds or the chill of the wind, she couldn’t tell. It didn’t matter. He was beautiful, and he was hers if she wanted him.
Across the walkway, a young girl walked with her mom, who had a baby carrier strapped to her chest with a head of fuzzy hair just visible within it. The mom was rushing it seemed, and Indy realized the baby was crying loudly, sharp wails that became more audible as they passed by. The girl was dragging a small lion stuffed animal behind her, and Grayson watched as it slipped out of her hands and onto the concrete. 
“Joey! Momma, momma I dropped Joey! Joey!” The girl cried out, but her mom continued to tug her along as she reached back for her lion. 
Grayson was on his feet before Indy could say a word, jogging by and scooping up the small stuffed animal. He politely tapped the mother on the shoulder to get her to stop, then squatted down to the girl.
“Is this Joey?”
She nodded, her eyes brimming with tears as she held her hand out for her toy. He passed it over slowly with a smile.
“Hold on tight to him okay?”
“Okay mister,” she said, voice high and quiet.
And right then, Indy saw everything she ever wanted. She saw her kids, with Grayson’s hair and Grayson’s eyes and Grayson’s laugh, she could see him carrying them up to bed, see him dancing with a little girl standing on his toes in their kitchen somewhere, see him passing her a little stuffed animal. She could see him in every facet of the future she hadn’t let herself imagine since he’d left, but her fantasies came rushing back so fast it felt like she was floating.
As if she could ever want anyone else.
She reached over for his hand as he walked back over, intertwining their fingers and letting him sit down before she finally spoke.
“I love this city. I love this city so much. It’s always been all I really needed.” 
Grayson felt lightheaded as he prepared himself for what she was going to say. 
“I know,” was all he could say.
Indy took a deep breath and turned towards Grayson with a soft smile. She could see the apprehension in his eyes as he waited for her to say something else.
“Did I tell you that Devin came to see me while you were gone?”
He shook his head. 
“He came to check on me, since I wasn’t answering anyone.”
Grayson’s throat was tight as he pictured it in his head, the guilt overwhelming him. He reached over and squeezed her knee - a silent apology. 
“He helped me figure out that I want to go into nursing, helped me get my head on straight.”
“He’s a smart guy,” Grayson said quietly. 
“He told me I need to go for what I want. ‘Ask yourself what you really want the rest of your life to look like, and then do whatever you have to to get there’. That’s what he said. And I thought that’s what I was doing. I was going after a PhD, and my life in New York, and all these things I always wanted. Things I thought were really important. But they aren’t.”
He frowned. “Dee, your dreams are important.” 
“I know, I know, and I’m not saying I’m giving up on that. I just mean my priorities I guess. I had them twisted, and I was missing the most important thing.” 
She smiled his favorite smile as he tried to swallow.
He couldn’t make himself ask, just in case he was wrong, but she put him out of his misery after a moment.
“You. You’re the most important thing.” 
She was suddenly blurry as his eyes filled with tears.
“I’ve never been good at change, but you’re worth it to me. If being with you means spending less time in New York, then it’s worth it. And I’m sorry if I ever made it seem like you weren’t.” She was crying too, and Grayson lifted his free hand to her cheek, wiping each tear with his thumb.
“Never. You never made me feel like that. I was the one that ran, because I never wanted you to feel like you ever had to give up anything for me.” 
“Because you don’t realize that you’re worth giving things up for. You don’t realize how worth loving you are.”
He was fully crying now, a broken laugh making it’s way past his lips.
“Does that mean you still love me?”
She smiled.
“Never stopped.”
And she kissed him, and all was right in the world again for a moment. It didn’t matter that there were people walking by, and that their cheeks were wet from their tears. They were kissing and that meant that everything would be okay.
Any stranger that walked by surely had to feel the relief in the air when they pulled back and realized they could lean right back in without a single care in the world. He let go of her hand only to move it to her other cheek, to hold her steady there cradled in his palms as she kissed him between smiles - his whole world in his hands.
In that moment, he wanted more than anything to love her loud. 
He pulled back just enough to bring her up to her feet and then his arms were wrapped around her waist, spinning her around until she was breathless and the city was a blur behind both their eyes. And for the first time that he could remember in too many years to count, he didn’t care who could hear him, and he didn’t care who was watching. 
“I love you,” he said. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too. I missed you.”
Being back in each other’s arms was as easy as breathing. She didn’t stray an inch from his side, soaking in the warmth of his body next to hers as they made their way down from the highline as the city started to light up. By the time they made it home her toes were numb from the cold but her cheeks were still warm, seeing that every time they had to wait for a crosswalk Grayson ducked down to kiss her again.
When they got to the lobby, Grayson squeezed her hand.
“I gotta get something out of the truck, I’ll be right back.”
“You want me to wait here or head on up?”
He pondered it for a minute.
“Wait for me.”
She nodded. She always waited for him, after all. 
He disappeared out of the glass doors at a jog and Indy heard a chuckle from the side of the lobby. She looked over to see the receptionist smiling down at her computer. Indy prided herself on being a very low maintenance tenant, but she still smiled and waved to the woman behind the counter whenever she passed by. Her name tag read Cara in neat white letters. 
“Sorry if we were loud,” Indy said sheepishly. Cara laughed. 
“Just happy to see you smiling that’s all. I’m glad he’s back.”
Indy blushed bright red before she answered. “Yeah. Me too.”
Grayson was slightly winded when he came back, and he was grateful for the long elevator ride as he held the small gift bag in his hand. Indy pretended she didn’t see it like her mom had always taught her to when she received a gift. Still, her eyes flickered to it each time she knew she could get away with it, her curiosity getting the better of her. 
When they finally got inside the apartment he led her over to the living room by the hand and passed her the bag.
“I didn’t know how today was going to go, but I wanted you to have this either way. Figured you could put it on your shelf. When you’re ready.”
Indy pulled the tissue paper out and saw the rose gold edge of a picture frame. She pulled it out and her breath caught in her throat.
Bekah was smiling. 
It warmed the whole image in a way that had Indy’s eyes burning as she tried to place the day. She was curled up on the bed next to Beks, but she wasn’t looking at the camera. Instead, she was looking at the girl beside her. Her little sister in a way, who was tucked away under her halloween blanket. 
“That’s the night we had the word search tournament, and you both schooled me,” Grayson explained quietly, wrapping an arm around her waist and squeezing at her hip under her sweatshirt. She remembered then, noticed the activity book in the corner of the picture. 
“I didn’t even know you took this.”
“I know you like pictures, I meant to take more of you guys. But I like her smile in this one. Yours too.”
Indy sniffled and leaned her head back onto Grayson’s shoulder. “You’ve made me cry twice now you know.”
He kissed her temple and moved a hand to her forearm.
He drew a heart afterwards, and even invisible on her skin she could tell it was lopsided. It made her smile, and she soaked in the feeling of him next to her for a moment before she spun around to kiss him. 
“Thank you,” she whispered against his lips before pulling him in for a tight hug that had her up on her tiptoes when he wrapped her up. They held each other for a moment before Indy got an idea.
“I have something for you too. Wait here.”
Grayson kept his hands on her waist, thumbs rubbing over her skin underneath her sweatshirt. 
“Stay,” he pouted.
“It’ll just take a second, I promise. Just wait here.”
She kissed him quickly just because she could and disappeared into the bedroom, pulling the door closed behind her. 
He lasted about 45 seconds before he was picking at his fingernails. Then he was taking a few steps towards the door, fighting the urge to stick his ear up to it to see if he could get a hint at what she was doing. 
Another minute passed, and he felt like he was going to lose it.
“Indyyyy,” he whined. “You’re killin’ me babe.”
“You’re so dramatic oh my god it’s been like a minute tops.”
“One minute too long,” he teased just in hopes of making her laugh. It warmed his heart to hear it, even muffled through the door. It still felt like an eternity before she finally reappeared with her hands behind her back. 
“You know, you didn’t need to get me anything. Having you back is more than I deserve already.”
Indy’s laugh was louder this time since she was right in front of him.
“Who knew a Jersey boy could be so damn sappy,” she teased. “I don’t have a frame or anything, but here.”
She pulled out a piece of paper and passed it to him quickly, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet while she waited for him to read it. It felt like an eternity while she watched his eyes scan over the letters, seemingly missing the UCLA logo in the top corner.
“Did you… are you reading? Did you see it?”
Grayson looked up with a smile and drew a circle in the air around his face.
“Dyslexic,” he reminded her gently.
She bit her lip and tried her hardest to be patient, waiting until his brows furrowed in confusion.
“Wait… wait. What is this? UCLA? Nursing?” He looked up at her cautiously, trying to keep his excitement in check in case he’d misread. “What is this?”
“Well. There’s a lot of good nursing programs out there. And LA has some top notch hospitals too. Especially pediatric ones. Figured it couldn’t hurt to apply, and they’ve got a pretty good tuition coverage package, it’s close to your house, and-”
Grayson’s lips were on hers, his excitement palpable.
She kissed him back with a smile, relieved to finally tell someone about the grand plan she’d made in her head now that all the pieces had come together. 
“You’re sure?”
Indiana smiled. “You’re worth it. You’re what I want, forever.”
He kissed her again, making up for lost time and telling her everything he couldn’t find the words for. They walked backwards until the back of his legs hit the couch and she ended up crawling onto his lap, beaming down at him when they finally broke apart.
“You’re actually coming to LA. We’re gonna live there.”
“Guess I gotta start apartment shopping,” she mused.
Grayson rolled his eyes. “Shut up and c’mere.” 
He bailed them to the side until Indy was fully on top of him.
“I’ll build you a shelf for our bedroom. Fuck, I’ll build you 50 shelves as soon as we get there. Wait when do classes start, when do you have to move?”
“You’re cute when you’re excited,” she hummed, leaning down to kiss him again. It was slow and purposeful, warm in that familiar way as they remembered each other fully. “We’ll figure it all out,” Indy said eventually, scooting down his torso until her head could rest comfortably on his chest. She listened to his heart beat, a bit fast from either her presence or the coffee, she couldn’t tell. Either way, it was still her favorite sound, and as his hand moved through her hair gently, she knew she’d made the right choice, no matter where it took her. 
3 months later, the place it took her was the passenger seat of Grayson’s brand new tesla, which was delightfully cool despite the warmth of the incoming summer making the LA air dry and warm. Grayson held out a hand for her to pass her backpack, tossing it into the backseat as if it wasn’t weighed down with three textbooks. She pulled the door closed behind her and let her head rest back against the seat for a moment before she turned to him.
He beamed, leaning over the console to give her a quick kiss. “Hey. Good day?”
“Long day, but yeah, it was fine. Got a shit ton of assignments per usual.”
“Hey, three day weekend next week though, and we’re going to New York. What’d you learn?”
“Oh you know, the usual. Meds, codes, diseases, death. Truly uplifting stuff.”
He reached his hand over to her thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb as his other hand moved the wheel effortlessly, pulling back out onto the road.
“Still want coffee? You didn’t answer.”
“Do I ever say no to coffee?”
“Fair points. Text E squared and see if they want anything.”
“They weren’t home?”
“No, they ran to the store, but they should be back by the time we get there.”
“If Eden went to Target without me I’m gonna be pissed,” Indy mumbled halfheartedly, typing out the text in their group chat quickly. “You know she’s gonna say she wants Jet’s.”
“Believe me I know, just ask Ethan. You’ve created a monster. We’ve gotta start asking Patrick to send beans in bulk or something, we go through them so fast now that she drinks it too.”
Indy just laughed and turned up the radio, unsurprised to hear Cudi from Grayson’s playlist he’d made for their car rides. It was routine now for him to pick her up from class, save her from the hassle of trying to find parking on campus. And it gave them some more alone time considering they lived with Ethan and Eden at the house. So, it wasn’t abnormal for Grayson to happily add 20 minutes to the drive to pick up coffee on the way home. Purdy’s was right down the street after all, and though their lattes weren’t quite as perfect as Jet’s, they held their own. 
“We should buy Patrick some fancy beans somewhere and take them with us next weekend,” Grayson mused. 
“You’re such a suck up, it’s not like he’s giving us free coffee,” Indy laughed. “You’re just still scared of him.”
“Fuck yeah I am! Every time we’ve gone home he looks like he wants to straight up murder me.”
She reached over to hold his cheek for a moment as she bit back her laugh.
“Baby. Patrick can barely lift a 50 pound box of syrup. Believe it or not, I think you could take him.”
He rolled his eyes but the comment wasn’t lost on his ego, especially when his girl leaned over to wrap her arm around his bicep and rest her cheek on it, enjoying the feeling of his bare skin left behind by his tank top. They ordered through the drive thru, surprised when neither Eden or Ethan responded to them. The car was peaceful, even more so when Grayson put it on autopilot and gave Indy more of his attention, trying to ease the stress he could feel coming off of her like it always did when she got out of class. 
“Tell me about your lecture,” he said, hoping talking it through would help her.
She sipped on her coffee as she spoke, starting without many details but eventually going more in depth as she got more excited. It was one of Grayson’s favorite parts of listening to her talk about the things she cared about, and even though half of the information went right over his head he listened intently anyways, tried to take it all in as the car drove them home.
By the time they pulled into the driveway, Indy’s coffee was gone along with her stress, and Grayson knew all the steps to running a code blue. He hopped out first, grabbing her bag from the backseat and slinging it over his shoulder as they headed to the front door.
The first sign that something was different was the quiet of the house. Any other time that E squared was left alone, Grayson and Indy would come back to the speakers blaring, a scary movie on the living room TV, or the distant sound of a headboard knocking against the wall. 
But it was dead silent, and the pair looked at each other before they scanned the room. 
“They’re up to something,” Indy muttered, peaking around the wall to make sure Ethan wasn’t going to scare them. 
“For sure. Something is off with Ethan, just don’t know what it is.”
“Oh, you got a feeling huh?” Indy teased, bumping him with her elbow. He took her waist in his hands and pulled her back against him, making her laugh as he tickled her and buried his face in her neck. He never got tired of having her so close - it was just as intoxicating as the first time. 
“Sorry you don’t understand the twin connection.” 
“Well, use your psychic powers to figure out where the fuck they are then.”
He closed his eyes for dramatic effect, smiling when it got the laugh he wanted out of her. Just as he lifted his fingers to his temple, a bang sounded from the backdoor, making Indy squeal and cling onto Grayson. He went to move her behind him until he saw the culprit - a tennis ball bouncing away across the yard.
“You’re okay, it’s just E,” Grayson breathed, relaxing and moving towards the door to find where his brother was hiding. They walked into the backyard hand in hand, following the sound of music coming from the pool, which was finally finished in the back corner of the property. 
Ethan was at the entrance, his biggest smile on his face as he waited for them to get closer. Impatient as ever, he started walking towards them, meeting them halfway across the grass. 
“Took you guys long enough to get home. We bought new stuff for the pool, come look at it.”
“E, bro, I told you not to buy random shit on your own,” Grayson grumbled, obviously weary of his brother’s interior design skills.
“Eden was with him,” Indy reminded him at a whisper.
“Just come on,” Ethan said, grabbing onto his brother’s hand and starting to drag him towards the pool.
“Jesus bro, calm down.”
Ethan ignored him, looking to make sure Grayson was bringing Indy along too until they made it around the corner where the small pool was in view.
“Surprise!” Ethan beamed, holding his hand out towards the water. Beside it on the concrete were some new additions.
Four loungers, a beautiful teal color with rounded contour that looked perfect for tanning. In fact, Eden was on one of them sprawled out in her bathing suit, and she looked so comfortable that Indy barely noticed the miniature fifth chair next to her at the end of the line up. 
Brain fried from class, it took Indy a moment to piece it together.
5 chairs. 4 people. One smaller than the rest.
“No way,” she gasped, hand coming up to cover her mouth. “Eden no way!”
Indy was already moving towards her best friend before she could get to her feet, ignoring Grayson’s confused calls of “what? huh?” from behind her.
“Yes way,” Eden sniffled, a nervous laugh coming through as she put a hand over her stomach.
“How far along? When did you find out?”
“A couple days ago, we went to the doctor to find out for sure this morning. She said we’re about 7 weeks.”
Indy pulled her in for a hug. 
“Wait. Wait.” Grayson was yelling now, catching on with no doubt a few hints from Ethan. “Holy fuck. Holy fuck, you’re pregnant?! She’s PREGNANT?!” He grabbed his brother’s face with both hands and shook him just barely. 
“I’m gonna be a fucking dad,” Ethan said, and Indy melted when she realized he was about to cry.
“You’re gonna be a fucking dad,” Grayson repeated, shaking him twice more before he pulled him in for the tightest hug Indy had ever seen them share. The girls watched them for a moment before Indy turned her attention back to Eden.
“How are you feeling with all this?”
“Well I’ve just started having morning sickness, my appetite has been super weird, vegan cheese makes me want to straight up die…”
“Right right, but I mean like… mentally. You okay? This is a big change.”
Even just standing there, the boy's excitement was slightly overwhelming, especially with Grayson literally running around yelling about being an uncle. She was sure that Ethan had been excited from the moment of a positive test.
“A very big change that we weren’t really expecting,” Eden said quietly, looking down at her manicured toes. 
“How are you feeling about it?” Indy asked again, reaching out to hold her hand. Eden squeezed tightly.
“Honestly? I’m fucking terrified,” she admitted. “And Ethan’s been great, it’s not that, it’s just… there’s a human in me. Right now. Just chillin’ in there.”
“Yep, there do be a human in there,” Indy laughed at her bluntness. “What are you scared about?”
“Everything. I’m afraid I’m gonna do something that’s gonna hurt them. I don’t know shit about pregnancy, like real pregnancy, and don’t even get me started on trying to push this thing out of me.”
“We’ve got a while to figure all that out. And you aren’t going to do anything that’s going to hurt them. You’re a good mom.”
“Jesus, a mom. Ethan keeps saying that but it sounds different coming from a woman. A fucking mom. You’re gonna have to teach me all the medical stuff… wait actually no I don’t think I even want to know what’s going on in there. I’ll just focus on figuring out how the fuck I’m gonna be a mom.”
“You’ll be great. And you’ll have Ethan too. Those two were pretty much born to be dads,” Indy said. They turned and looked to see Grayson hauling Ethan up to sit on his shoulders before running what she assumed was a victory lap around the backyard.
“Yeah… remind me of that for the next nine months. Regularly.” 
They both started laughing and pulled in for another hug.
“I’m so happy for you,” Indy sighed with the warmest smile, images of baby showers and Eden’s bump and the office as a nursery already spinning through her mind. 
“Love you aunt… Indiana? Indy?”
Indy scrunched her nose. “We’ll have to work on that one,” she teased, taking her hand and leading her over to their boys, who were still somehow yelling.
They both came running, but Grayson was faster, scooping Eden up and spinning her around so fast that Ethan was immediately scolding him, urging him to be careful.
“She’s not that delicate bub, it’s okay,” Indy reassured him, getting up on her tiptoes to give Ethan a hug. He squeezed her tight and whispered in her ear.
“She okay? You guys are the first ones we’ve told.”
“Just a little scared, like all pregnant people are. Totally normal.”
“Good. I’m glad you know, she’s been dying to tell a girl. Only so much I can do.”
She leaned back with a smile. “You’re doing great already.” 
Those words meant more to Ethan than she would ever know, but all he could do was smile and head back over to Eden, a hand across her tummy when she leaned up against his side. 
“We’re gonna tell Li when we’re all home next weekend, but Eden’s parents are coming over for dinner in a little while and we’re gonna tell them now so we can do it in person,” Ethan explained, pressing a kiss to Eden’s hair. 
“We’ll make ourselves scarce for the evening,” Indy offered, sensing the nerves already rising for Eden. She’d have enough of an audience. 
“Okay but first we gotta get a picture of everybody, we’re gonna make an album of telling everybody.” Ethan was already moving as he spoke, setting his phone up on the patio table with the timer on. They all posed with Ethan pointing excitedly to Eden’s non-existent bump before they all headed back inside, still buzzing with excitement. 
Grayson stayed particularly close as they gathered around the island, his hand resting on Indy’s hip as they all settled after a few moments. They all helped to straighten up the house in preparation for Eden’s family’s arrival, and Grayson appeared behind Indiana with a smile as she placed a blanket over the back of the couch.
“Date night?”
Indy had lost count of how many dates they’d been on, but those words never failed to make her stomach swirl.
“What’d you have in mind?”
“Well, I know you said you have homework so… Monty’s, secret beach… with flashcards?”
“You truly know the way to my heart.” She kissed him softly and followed him to their room to change into beach clothes. As she sifted through the drawers, she couldn’t help but look at the shelf. It was bigger than the one she’d had in New York, more sturdy with thicker wood and longer, able to hold more frames. 
That was a good thing, because there had been some new additions. The picture of Nicole, the baby picture of her and Charlie, and the engagement picture with them and Devin all stood tall beside each other. Down the line came the picture of Indy and Grayson at her graduation, the one where he was dipping her back slightly and wearing her cap. Then was Bekah in her hospital bed - it still made Indy’s chest tight when she looked at it. There were two new ones since then - one of the four of them taken by Lisa in front of their tiny homes, and another of all of them at thanksgiving that they’d finally gotten printed.
“We need to get that picture we just took from Ethan, I wanna put it on the shelf.”
“I’m gonna have to build you another shelf,” he teased as he pulled his swim trunks up.
“Think you’ll probably be building stuff for the nursery first.”
“Shut up, do you really think they’ll let me?” His eyes lit up and Indy laughed as she pulled her New York sweatshirt down over her bikini top.
“I don’t see why not.”
“Fuck yeah, that’s gonna be so much fun! What all do you need in a nursery though? I mean a crib, obviously. A dresser? Do you need a dresser for baby clothes or can you just stack them up cause they’re so tiny?”
“We can talk about it while we drive,” Indy redirected him, taking his hand and leading him out of their room, down the hall and out to the car before he could bombard the other couple of the house with questions. 
The excitement was palpable for the whole drive, buzzing within the cab as they made their way to Monty’s, ordered their vegan burgers and raspberry lemonades and snuck away to their secret place on the beach. 
Considering it was a Wednesday evening, they didn’t expect it to be busy, but they were particularly excited to see that it was completely empty apart from a few stray crabs that went scurrying away at the sound of their footsteps. 
Grayson set out the blanket that was always in the back of the tesla for trips like this and Indy set down their bags and drinks, getting everything settled so they could simply sit down and enjoy their meal.
It was peaceful, calm as the ocean lapped up against the sand gently and they filled their tummies. Grayson was done before Indy, per usual, and he basked in the last remnants of the sun while she finished her fries.
“Wanna swim?” Indy asked.
“Thought we were supposed to wait 30 minutes.”
“That’s a myth,” she teased, standing up to her feet and helping him to his. They walked down to the water quickly, gasping a bit at the cold of the water. Still, there was nothing that compared to the feeling of being in the waves, and Indy braved it. Grayson had every muscle tensed against the cold, but he’d follow her anywhere. Soon enough they were up to shoulder height water, kicking gently to get over the waves when they needed to, arms wrapped around each other to keep warm.
“I can’t believe they’re gonna have a kid. Were gonna be Aunt Dee and Uncle Grayson. What the fuck,” Grayson murmured, half distracted by the way the orange of the sky was starting to reflect off of Indy’s eyes. 
“It’s gonna be so much fun to have a little one around. They’re gonna be such good parents.”
“You know who would be even better parents? Us,” he beamed. He looked so beautiful when he smiled, and Indy ran her thumb along his jaw.
“Let me finish school and find a job before you go putting a baby in me,” Indy laughed, but her heart warmed at the thought. She remembered the little girl on the highline, and she wanted it for the two of them.
“You’re done in like a year and a half.”
“Correct,” Indy confirmed it. 
“I always thought I’d be married before I had a kid,” Grayson said, trying to bite back his excitement. 
She wasn’t sure if it was the bliss of the water around them, or the steadiness of his arms, or the fact that she always felt like she was home when she was with him, but in that moment, she knew.
“Okay. Then let’s get married.”
“Are you serious? You aren’t fucking with me? You really wanna get married?”
“Did I ever give you the impression that I didn’t want to marry you someday?” She teased.
Grayson could only laugh, and look up towards the skies and thank whatever angels were listening and watching for all that he’d been given.
He was pretty sure he knew at least three that were there with him. 
“I love you. I love you so fucking much. Don’t know what I ever did to deserve you.”
Indy kissed him. The feeling was mutual in the most effortless way, and there was a sense of peace that she wasn’t used to in that moment, knowing that everything would somehow work itself out and she would have him with her for the rest of her life. 
And for once, the timeline of her life wasn’t her priority anymore. She didn’t care what date she’d finish school, or when she’d get her job. And she didn’t care when he would propose, or when they’d find out they were having a child of their own. Because in all those moments, whenever they happened, he would be there, and that was all that really mattered at the end of the day. 
They kissed slow, quiet for a while, and as the sun dipped below the horizon Grayson carried her back out onto the sand. They wrapped themselves up in the same towel and found each other’s lips again, warm and familiar and safe as they lost themselves within one another over and over again. 
Her lips were chapped by the time they pulled away, both giddy at the realizations that they’d always know finally being said out loud. 
“How much homework do you have?” 
“Just studying, I can do it in the morning. What’s the plan?” She knew he wouldn’t have asked if there wasn’t something he wanted to do.
“I’ll show you. Just trust me.”
“Okay,” she answered without a second thought. 
Twenty minutes later, with salty hair and big smiles, they pulled up to a tattoo parlor. 
“I thought you got all yours from Alexis now?” 
“Gotta get this one tonight. Special day.” 
Indy looked at the neon signs, and the artwork on the walls through the window. She pondered it for a minute, and something in her told her to go for it.
“I think I’m gonna get one too.”
Grayson perked up at that. “Really?” He knew every inch of her body, knew it would be her first one.
“Something small. Something for Beks.”
He smiled and kissed her temple before he got out to open her door.
Indy went first. A small lightning bolt, like the one on Bekah’s headscarf. And, the thunderstorm of their first date in the city. She got it tucked away behind her ear, in the same place of Grayson’s triple threes. His angel number, and her reminder of both of hers. It didn’t hurt as badly as she thought it would, but Grayson sat beside her anyways, rubbed soothing circles on the back of her hand while he held it.
D-O-I-N-G G-O-O-D he wrote. 
“Thanks,” she smiled softly. “Bet you won’t even flinch during yours.”
“That's the idea. You can study while I get mine, I want it to be a surprise.”
Hers only took a few minutes, and her lecture material was at the back of her mind once the artist cleaned her up and moved over the Grayson. He grabbed his wallet from her backpack where he’d stowed it and Indy took a seat in one of the chairs in the lobby, occasionally turning her head towards the mirror so she could see her new ink. 
Across the shop, Grayson took his shirt off. 
“You can pull the letters from these, and I want it right here.” He passed over the stack of flashcards he’d snagged, sure that they’d be able to find what they needed. 
“Bitch of a spot,” the artist said quietly as he prepped over his ribs, but he just laughed. From the view of Grayson’s covered legs, he wasn’t sure there was any spot too painful for him. 
“She’s worth it,” Grayson said, closing his eyes and waiting. The sting of the needle was familiar, and it did hurt as he moved over each bone. But when he looked in the mirror, it was all worth it. He didn’t even bother putting his shirt on as he paid the artist in cash, including a big tip, and headed out to the lobby. 
Indy was sifting through her bag. 
“Looking for these?” Grayson held up a small stack of flashcards with a devious grin. “Sorry, had to borrow them for my tat.”
Indy’s brows furrowed, and she stood up, moving closer as he lifted his arm and showed her his ribcage.
In small handwriting, her handwriting, was the word ‘forever’.
“Right where you always trace it.”
To her surprise, her eyes started to burn.
“Gray…” She knew how important his tattoos were to him, what each and every one of them meant. 
“Consider it a promise. I’m with you. Forever.”
He ducked down to kiss her, and she smiled against him, hand resting on his torso right below his promise.
She liked the sound of forever.
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nunuxhoho · 3 years
what happened to wonho??
at today's live while singing he suddenly collapsed... holding his chest and made pain noise. then was taken to a medical treatment backstage. after 20 horrible min of praying we got a notice he is awake and insisted to go back on stage. (of course only this stubborn boy wouldn't want to give up.) he got back on stage looked ok but until the stage ended I didn't know rest. I'm hoping it happend from the over excitement of not performing after 2 years live (not something TOO serious )
after that highline uploaded a note saying that he had an hyperventilation and they apologize and will take care of their artist health in the future and such.
I personally got traumatize. I'm not exaggerating. I'm glad he is ok now and he said he will take care of himself better and that we shouldn't worry but what happened isn't very normal. he should have got to the hospital right away to check himself properly (I hope he is doing it now and won't work at the near time)
he just have those bad habits of over-doing so that keeps me lingering and worried on the matter .
I'm feeling better than I was this morning. I'm hoping for the best. and he is a grown man that have friend family and us that worries for him and continue to remind him that. seems like in his last note it got his attention. so I'll try to stop worrying too much, (not like I can do anything too)
edit: just heard he was a whole hour backstage, I guess I lost track of time over the panic sorry.
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yeslordmyking · 3 years
Hi. I want to complain very loudly about the amount of top notch disgusting absolutely filthy things I've been exposed to trying to protect Wonho. Things I can't unsee just because I follow protection accounts. It makes me nauseous. I literally want to baptize my eyeballs. I hope to high heaven he doesn't see these disgusting edits and gross comments people are posting. I hope he's bulit stronger than me, because I would delete everything and become a nun if anybody said or did that stuff to me, Jesus fix it.
If you are one of these base feral underlings that treat him like a piece of meat, I will breathe fire and scorch your eyebrows off your face! I will knock you out with a bible. Hardcover copy. And when you wake up in the hospital, I will be at your bedside, reading you said hardcover bible to make sure you get your spiritual healing in with your physical recovery. Don't even worry about it, I've got you covered.
Because literally how vile and messed up in your soul are you to publicly dehumanize a man who's already been through so much and disturb his fans (its me I'm fans I AM DISTURBED) when all he wants is to make music and get supported for it? Like, what is wrong with you? Go heal. Go cleanse. Or go to the actual hundreds of services that would be more suited for your carnal preferences because they do not belong anywhere in kpop. This is music. They are here to sing and dance.
Get sued by Highline for sexual harassment for all I care!
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Hello! You ever noticed how the number 20 is always mentioned in T's recent albums? (Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years/20 questions, we tell the truth/I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night/your hearybeat on the highline, once in 20 lifetimes) It also only make an appearance in love songs (whether it's sad or happy). Do you think it has a special meaning to Taylor? Or it just sounds good for T? The line from OOTW also shows the number (20 stitches in the hospital room)
I was thinking about this today while driving and listening to Cardigan. The once in 20 lifetimes line reminded me of One Direction's Once in a Lifetime, and I'm still trying to figure out if that could be intentional or not. Also, in The 1 Taylor writes "roaring 20s tossing pennies in the pool" is it referring to their ages? Also have to wonder if Betty in Cardigan is actually a teenager or 20. Is it his favourite number? I need answers, damnit
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newlifefori · 6 years
Not all things are B&W. A little story about me.
Roel Williams
The healing process can differentiate depending on how you look at it. It can be meeting a new person that teaches you necessary lessons. It can look like accomplishing the goals you set out for yourself and sometimes it can be the complete opposite. Pure chaos, a total change of everything in front of you. Having everything destroyed and forced to rise again like the phoenix. That, personally, is the healing process, to me. We are all trying to reach the next level or just improve to be the best we can be. We strive to reach our highest potential. And sometimes, when we do not follow our calling, our bodies have a way of letting us know. That is what happened to me a couple years ago.
The street was faintly lit when I left my best friends house. I stumbled a little due to the alcohol circulating through my veins. A night of celebration because in my mind I deserved it. Anyone would after acceptance into the program I was in. I took a couple steps north towards the 7-11 so conveniently placed and open all hours of the night. Ready for anyone to walk in even at 2am. It was a couple blocks away. As I walked, I could see my breath but I didn't feel the drop in temperature until about 5 seconds later. I didn't have my ipod like I usually would so I was observant of the sounds around me. Footsteps walking up is what caught my ear. I turned to the direction of the sound and two males were in proximity. I knew what was going on but they were nice enough to clarify. “Give me all your fuckin shit right now!”. I was staring right into the barrel of a 9mm pistol but I had no signs of intimidation so they acted upon my arrogance. I felt a solid object hit the back of my head with great force. I fell to the ground. When your adrenaline is pumping you don't really feel pain. You kind of just know what's going on with what seems like subtle contact. It was all just a process until someone grabbed my head and slammed it into the cement of a worn down sidewalk forgetting by the city. Blackout.
I was recently accepted into a program that I had an 8-percent chance of getting into. The the program was called YearUp. A year long program that would teach me professional skills as well as technical. 6 months would be schooling and the other 6 months would be the intership at a very big company in the area. YearUp had a very extensive application process. If you happen to make it past the first phase you would be subjected to multiple meetings and interviews regarding your background, financial situation, living conditions, extra curricular activities and much more.  It was a very accomplished moment for me. Here I was in a program that promised me a career in Information Technology. A field that is booming here in the pacific northwest. With this opportunity I tried my hardest and put my heart into it. When it began I was off to the races. I was strong in everything. I excelled in all my classes and I even represented the school when they were trying to score grants. I did so well I earned professional of the week the second week I was there. With all this success I thought IT was the thing I wanted to do as a career. After 6 months of being in the program I was finally sent off to my internship. Seattle Children's Hospital: Research Institute. All was well. I had a badge, access to many different buildings, and on the verge of getting hired on. This was the big reason why I felt the need to celebrate.
I felt the grappling of wires around me, in fact in me. I was turned to my side when I finally awoke. I could see that I wasn't in my street clothes, as I could easily slide back to laying in a position where I faced the bright white lights in the ceiling. I focused my eyes as much as I could and I realized I was in the hospital. As I ��focused my eyes a little more I took a glimpse at the foot of my bed. There I saw my mother Donna with her head down. She looked down and out. I softly called out: “Mom”. The moment she heard the sound of words escape my mouth she jumped up and ran to me, being careful to not put any weight of my frail body. She wrapped her arms around me and cried out: “Honey, please don't ever scare me like that again.”. I tried to comfort her by telling her I'm alright but she continued to hold me. I Couldn't blame her. She saw everything and I just saw the aftermath. A few moments later a male wearing white came in. He had a clipboard so I knew he was the doctor. He asked if he could sit down and talk to me. I said yes. He grabbed a stool and sat next to my bedside. That's when he let me in on what happened. “Roel, we almost lost you bud. But you're getting better now. You were in a coma for about 4 days. You really need to thank your mom because she got you here in due time.” I then looked at my mom and saw that she was starting to tear up again, I grabbed her hand. “We’re going to keep you here for a couple more days so that you can heal up a little more. Get some rest ok.” He proceeded to walk out of the room and then he stopped. He turned around, looked at me and said: “You're strong Roel. Get some rest.”. It was a lot to take in and all the medication didn't help either. I needed some clarification. I turned to my mom and asked her what happened. She said: “Honey when I arrived at your friend's house you were unconscious. So I rushed you to Highline Hospital. When they got you into the ER they told me you were blind in your left eye so they had to transport you to Harborview. When you got here you were still unconscious. They started to operate on you and that's when….” She began to cry. “That's when you...flatlined honey. They resuscitated you and you flatlined another time. They were finally able to stabilize for about five mins and for some reason you flatlined again.” I asked: “Mom? Did I die?”  she softly said: “Yes... but you kept fighting honey. You are here now and that's all that matters ok. Just please, don't scare me like that again.” I sat there in disbelief. But I sat there indeed, alive. So, even under the circumstances I was thankful.
When I was finally healthy enough I returned to my internship. It was a drastic change. Every day that I was there I felt like I wasn't supposed to be. I didn't feel fulfilled anymore and that I was wasting my time. Changing printer paper, installing software, taking monitors out of boxes and being around people that seem to be pursuing their dreams, drained me. Just a year prior I had my first keynote speech in front of a crowd of 500 people. I raised up a lot of money for the people that needed it. I felt like I could fly. Being in front of all those people, telling my story and receiving a standing ovation was the most exhilarating thing I have ever done. That was the vivid daydream I would partake in while I was dealing with people's technical issues.
A week later I had my review regarding my internship. They sat me down and told me that they were really happy with my work as well as my customer service when it came to meeting with people for their computer problems. They also said that they were going to hire me on as soon as the internship ended starting off at about 35/hr. The manager asked: “Well, how do you feel?” I replied: “I actually quit. Thank you for the opportunity but I quit.” Those near death experiences really put my life into perspective. Life can be taken away so quickly, for nothing sometimes.  And that forced me to switch my focus to my true calling. To help others find their voice by using mine.
I am a person damaged in many ways. So I will never claim to be fully healed, nor will I ever. I grew up not having a father. I also went through about 16 different foster placements because I lost my mother a day before my 7th birthday. Being 100% will never be an option for me but I can choose to live within the healing process. I believe that I can do that by following my heart and helping as many people as I can.  Because of that, I have set many goals to accomplish. On the surface they may seem to only benefit me, but deep down those goals have my community, the world, and the people ingrained within them. A goal I set for myself, that is a part of my healing process was to find stable housing for the first time in my life. People need basics necessities. Food, love, and shelter. Without those you cannot fully start to develop oneself or even begin to think about assisting someone else in the development of themselves. Shelter was always the one that got away. I've only lived in couple homes where the stay was more than a year. Trust was never established because I never knew when I would be forced to up and leave again.  So I never put up posters, bought furniture. and I sure in the hell never psychologically settled. It wasn't until a 1 ½ ago that I found a place. I was definitely skeptical about it for months but my roommate and I really connected. I could tell she really cared about me and in the process she became another mother to me. Till this day I am still in that place with a big ol poster in my room. From there, I set a really big goal for myself. To earn an opportunity to have a second keynote speech. I had one a couple years ago advocating for the foster care system and the homeless community. I wanted to do it again. I wanted to see how much more I could help my community just by using my voice. And I wanted to know for sure that giving up that job wasn't in vain. I prayed and prayed, worked hard and one day I got an email from someone claiming they had an opportunity for me. It happen to be an event coordinator speaking on behalf of this organization called Amara. Amara is an agency that promotes adoption of Foster children. They also provide resources to any youth transitioning into Foster Care. She asked me to be the keynote speaker of their event. I said: “Yes! Of course! I gladly accept” I knew then the universe was listening to my wishes and that I was on the right path. This meant the world to me because by using my voice and my story, I raised $432,000.00 for Foster Children. Kids that don't know the power of their voice, yet. Then I set a main goal back in April. It was to get back into college. With all the good things that have come from public speaking my dream revealed itself. I want to be a world renowned public speaker that changes the world in a positive way. I know that college is the first step, so here I am, pursuing my dream. And looking back, I can only be thankful for the events that occurred because without them, I wouldn't be where I am today.
I know that “Healing” doesn't occur overnight and sometimes even years. It is up to you to define what healing means and what is needed to be done in order to accomplish that. I also know that there are some things you can't fully heal. Traumas, terrible things you've seen and things you've dealt with. There is no remedy or cure for that. It just becomes fuel that, if you let it, will launch you to the end goal. Personally, I define my healing as trying my hardest to better myself and the lives of people around me. I believe that, it will be the key that unlocks the door to a place where I feel content with what's happened and what is happening. Overall, I believe in my heart, that we are all here to help one another. We’re not here to take what we can take, but here to give all that we can give. That's how I think you heal. You recover when you assist someone along the road of healing. Even if you're there for just a moment or a glimpse in time. Whether it's a smile you put on someone's face or a simple “Hello” that makes the forgotten feel remembered. You are helping someone get through the healing process. And when you do, you are also helping yourself get through it as well.
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drewconte · 6 years
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HIGHLINE SHOP // NYC . . . #nyc #nyny #newyork #travel #aesthetic #architecture #vsco #photography #hospitality #travelblog #travelphotography #explore #blog #restaurant #photographer (at The High Line) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpGNq8jBpk2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6xmc8daqo5wi
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floorinsite · 3 years
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THE MARMOROSCH: A premium Marriott Hotel shrouded in smooth perfection
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The luxury brand Autograph Collection by Marriott offers distinctive hotel experiences designed to leave a lasting impression. Aimed at the high-end segment of extraordinary hospitality experiences, the Autograph Collection includes over 200 independent hotels worldwide with exclusive benefits. Apex Alliance, who own and operate 4 hotels in Bucharest, decided to convert the spectacular premises into this 5-star hotel and officially opened the Marmorosch in August 2021.
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A thrilling interior design
The hotel is located in the former Marmorosch-Blank Bank palace in Bucharest’s Old Town, close to Romania’s National Bank palace. The building’s transformation into a hotel involved a 42 million euro investment and 3 years of continuous work to reawaken its Art Deco and Art Nouveau heritage. Naturally, the rich architecture reflects in the interior design concept that tells the story of the era’s progressive ideas while evoking a thrilling sense of historical importance and optimism. The Marmorosch includes 217 rooms from standard category to suites.
Glamorous variety with harmony
For the Carpet&More team, the Marmorosch was the 5th hospitality project to be realised with Apex Alliance. Led by the costumer’s architects and designers the entire team committed to create a glamorous environment to fit the building’s history, architecture and reputation. More specifically, the creative brief revolved around creating a luxurious atmosphere throughout the building while ensuring a high degree of harmonious variety between all spaces.
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The starting point for the bespoke carpet patterns was a marble theme inspired by the dramatic look of this precious material, an exquisite work of art created by nature, to be found in palaces and castles around the world. Considering the gradient complexity of marble patterns, the wish was to transfer the visual impact and similarity of a genuine marble slab into bespoke carpet patterns. Other spaces such as rooms and corridors were fitted with carpet in rich and sated unicolours.
Carpet is synonymous with comfort. We specified carpet for the atmosphere it creates and to meet the demand for versatility in relation to spaces and moods – Andreea Orhei Sorescu, Carpet&More.
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Noise dampening beauty
Fully aware that acoustics have a major impact on the hotel atmosphere, effective noise dampening materials were considered important to the interior design. For example, the large public spaces such as the reception areas, lounges and meeting rooms needed significant noise dampening due to the hard surfaces and high ceilings. To help meet this challenge and for visual reasons as well, natural wood panels were fitted into several public spaces in combination with large rugs, to define specific areas, for instance lounges, while bringing a pleasant atmosphere.
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Due to its specific and more personal use, the hallway and room architecture demanded a more delicate yet effective approach to raise comfort and improve acoustics, which made plush carpet the natural choice. Bottle green and aubergine tones add a calm yet warm look and feel to these specific spaces.
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Exactly like nothing else
The creative team aimed at combining a natural flow of colours from room to room with the perfect blend of materials. The wall-to-wall carpets and many generously sized rugs perfectly match the interior and help to meet this objective. The carpets are useful and comfortable contributors to the atmosphere and some of them act as individual pieces of art.
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Right after Carpet&More finished working on site, they were asked to start exploring the 6th project for Apex Alliance indicating that the expectations for the Marmorosch were at least accomplished, if not exceeded.
Want to create your own bespoke luxury?
This 5-star hospitality project features our exquisite 80/20 wool/nylon quality from the Highline concept with complete freedom of design. Click to explore your bespoke design options and learn how to create your very own work of art carpets. We gladly support you throughout the entire process, so feel free to reach out to your local consultant at any time.
For more information, samples and catalogues please click below: https://www.egecarpets.com/catalogues-and-sample-folders
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naikas · 3 years
Hotel and Hospitality Led Lighting Supplier
Lighting in hotels and resorts can impact how guests feel about their stay. HIGHLINE LED offers a vast selection of hotel LED lighting and Hospitality lighting solutions, including new LED hospitality lighting fixtures as well as LED retrofits for existing hotel light fixtures. Our LED lights serve the varied needs of hotels, motels and commercials while providing substantial cost savings. Choose from a wide variety of LED lighting options, including LED panel lights, tube lights, wall packs, canopy lights, parking lot lights and emergency lights, as well as LED light bulbs and retrofits.
Outdoor Lighting
HIGHLINE LED Outdoor lighting not only looks fantastic but is also durable and weatherproof thanks to its high-quality materials and IP65 rating LED chips. The knowledge that spring will come again and your outdoor lighting will be waiting is guaranteed to help you through even the harshest of winter weather. Safe handling and easy fitting mean that even amateurs can achieve results worthy of an experienced wireman when installing our outdoor lights.
Our outdoor lighting has mean well driver and a 5-year warranty for integrated LED modules. They need less maintenance than the other lights – a great way to ensure that your time outdoors is as pleasurable as possible.
Indoor Lighting
Designed with spaces in mind, we are providing the latest design, trend, and style ideas to help you envision your perfect look. Whether you are updating your living room, dining room, bathroom, or office space then we will provide the indoor lighting solution you are looking for. We have Recessed Ceiling, Retrofit LED, Linear Lights, Track Light, Exhaust Fan with led light, Under Cabinet Light, Light Bulb, Stair Well Light, Wrap Light, Flush mount ceiling lights, Exit & Emergency Lights, Led Tube Lights, Sign Tube Lights, Wall Sconce, Vanity Lighting, Led Mirrors and Head-Board Light that will enhance all your interior.
Commercial Lighting
HIGHLINE LED’s Commercial lighting variation consists of innovative lighting solutions offering Energy saving-based products with high efficiency & energy star certified thus it gives bright lighting with fewer energy consumptions. We will provide all range of panel lights, linear lights, under-cabinet lights, Led Tube Lights, vapor tight lights, Flush mount Ceiling lights and High bay Lights.
In-Room Lighting
When it comes to setting the right mood, lighting is everything. And this is true in just about every space you enter, but casting the right light is especially important in the bedroom. As with any room in your home, your bedroom lighting should never be just an afterthought. The right lighting can take a drab space and turn it into a beautifully illuminated place that has an impact on your mood and wellbeing. Stimulate your sense of style with decorative, yet functional room lights from HIGHLINE LED. Whether you’re looking for a nice floor lamp, table lamp or headboard lights for nighttime reading, or wall sconces and corridor lights to enhance the look of your pathway, or illuminated mirror & vanity lights to décor your bathroom we have the lighting options you’re looking for. Take your pick from our large selection of In-Room lights in all the latest on-trend styles and finishes.
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