#hih drabbles
helpimhyperfixating · 2 years
A short drabble because I’m very much craving Jotaro with a stubble 👉👈
Word Count: 423
Sitting at the dining table, your eyes were barely open as you were nursing a mug of tea.
Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind. “Morning.”
“G’morning.” You mumbled back, feeling your husband’s arms tighten around your waist.
“Didn’t expect to see you out of bed.”
Jotaro’s voice was low as he spoke, the man pressing a soft kiss to your temple, bringing a soft smile to your face as you could smell the shampoo he freshly used, on top of the light scrape of his stubble on your skin.
“Haven’t shaved yet?” You hummed in question, reaching back behind yourself to cup his cheek, feeling the man lightly nuzzle into your hand as he kissed your palm gently.
“I’m not going out this weekend. I can’t be bothered to shave right now.”
Chuckling at his blunt answer, you stroked his cheek. “You know I like it.” Smiling, you finally turned around in his hold to look at him, seeing him stare fondly down at you with hair still slightly damp. “There’s hot water still in the pot.”
Humming softly, Jotaro grasped your hand that was on his face and brought it down before pressing one last kiss to your head, moving to the kitchen after to make himself a cup of tea as well.
- - - -
Nsfw under the cut-
Throwing your head back, you gasped as your hand in his hair tightened, Jotaro’s tongue expertly lapping at your folds, dragging from your entrance all the way to your clit, where he allowed his teeth to graze over it.
“F-Fuck-!” You moaned, the man wrapping his lips around the little bundle as he sucked, smirking as he felt the sharp tug in his hair, your thighs clenching around his face.
“Good girl.” His voice was husky as he spoke, his fingertips digging into the meat of your thighs as he pulled away from your cunt, instead biting at the junction where it met your inner thigh.
You gasped, his stubble tickling at your skin while his teeth dug into you.
“Please-“ You whimpered, your cunt clenching around nothing while your husband chuckled.
“Patience.” Leaning back in, he purposefully dragged his cheek and the stubble on it across your inner thigh, his tongue darting out as he wasted no time pushing the muscle into you.
For the next god knows how long, Jotaro ate you out. And every time you clenched your thighs around his head, that handsome as fuck stubble reminded you just who it was that was between your legs.
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^Art of oc’s made by my friend. Pfp made by @hoetaro-kujhoe
Hi! I’m Hih (Helpimhyperfixating)! I thought I’d make this just to make it easier for everyone ^^
Requests: Open (but slow because college)
Commissions: 1/3 Slots Open (you can DM me ^^)
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I’ll do pretty much anything sfw and nsfw! I especially love AU’s ;3.
Things I won’t do: age gap (sorry Price lovers 😔), hard degradation, extreme yandere (i.e. hurting darling), cheating (them on you, you on them), incest, non-con
Current fandoms:
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (specifically Price)
- Avatar (specifically recom!Quaritch)
- Spider-Man (I’m developing a love for Kraven)
🧸 - fluff , 🌒 - angst , 🔞 - nsfw (mdni)
CoD oneshots:
🔞 - Truth or Dare - Part 1 | Part 2 (nsfw)
🧸🔞 - Sfw & Nsfw headcanons | Part 2 sfw & nsfw
🧸 - Tattoo Blossom [Soulmate au] | Part 2 🌒
🧸🌒 - Nightmares - Part 1 | Part 2 -
🧸 - Price coming home from deployment drabble
🔞 - Neighbour (nsfw)
🔞🧸 - Cheating (nsfw)
🧸 - Theme Park
🔞Kinktober 2023 Masterlist [ended on day 24] 🔞 this Masterlist contains roughly 12 fics for Price! Just figured it’d be better to make a Masterlist within a Masterlist than list every single one ☺️
CoD Fics:
Wedded - Dragon! Price x Reader - Part 1 | Part 2
🧸🌒 Lost and Loved - Price x daughter!reader - coming
An AU I’m very excited for but too shy to share - coming
Dumb shit/drabble thoughts:
🧸 Price vs corner of the mouth kisses | 2 | 3 |
Meme post
Meme 2
Dragon Price drabble
Avatar Fics:
Changes in the Forest - R!Quaritch x Na’vi!Reader:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Coming- (on hiatus)
A Hunter’s Weakness - Kraven x Reader:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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fuckin-sick-bih · 9 months
I'm Your Rock, Baby. I won't back down.
Fandom: Stranger Things (honestly in my head I was thinking of Tattoo and Florist AU but it's kinky Eddie instead of kinky Steve this time? idk food for thought!) Summary: Steve's been sick and Eddie's been enjoying playing Caretaker. When Steve wakes up from a nap, they watch a movie together and cuddle. CW: cold sneezes, sneezing on partner's neck/shoulder, mention of nose blowing/wiping but really low mess fic for me! Word Count: 1,259 MINORS DNI Author Note: little drabble i did just writing in the tumblr text post thing bc for some reason writing in the tumblr text box makes it easier to write rn? idk, man, don't ask me how my brain works i just live with this traitorous electric meatball
Eddie swayed his hips to the beat of the song as he hand-washed the few items they had that weren't dishwasher safe in the sink, rings sitting on the counter beside him. His phone was softly spitting out one of his current favorites and he was mumbling along, trying to keep quiet so Steve could rest.
Poor Steve had been down for the count the last few days with a nasty cold that had left him utterly exhausted. He scrubbed at the pan he'd made breakfast this morning in as he mulled over the last few days of meds, tissues, sleeping, soup, meds, and more sleeping.
Of course, Eddie was over the moon at getting to take care of Steve. Anytime he got to take care of Steve was a win in his book. His boyfriend was like a walking poster child for hyper independence and Eddie secretly blamed the Harrington parents for that.
Pulling the drain and letting the sink water gurgle down into the abyss, Eddie sighed. He paused his music only to hear sniffling from back in the bedroom. Straining his ears, Eddie swore he heard a catch of breath just before-
"Don't stifle!" Eddie called out instantly, though his tone was fond as he dried his hands.
As he headed back to the bedroom, Eddie spoke again, "You want a sinus infection? That's how you get a sinus infection." He crossed his arms and admired the sight of Steve sitting up in bed with a tissue folded over his nose.
There was a light blush over Steve's face, skin still lightly tanned from summer. "Sorry. Habit. Snf! What were you doing out there? I thought you fell asleep with me?"
The quiet softness as well as how his voice seemed to grate against his throat, making Steve wince a little had Eddie moving over to the bed to sit with him. "Aw, I'm sorry. I woke up and started cleaning up a little is all. Thought I'd let you sleep as long as you could. Seemed like you needed it. How you feeling now, handsome?"
One of Eddie's hands was coming up to brush Steve's bangs back up out of his face, carding lovingly through his hair as well as pressing to his forehead. "Better than I was, honestly, but I th-hih-! ohh no... heh-ih!"
It was like Eddie's whole world was slowing down as he watched and felt Steve's expression crumple into a pre-sneeze show. His brows rose then collapsed into a pleading sort of pinch while his nostrils flared, mouth hovering open.
"E-ehhddieh-! EhX'TSHH! ID'SHuh! Hh...! ugh d'noh..." Steve collapsed forward, head jerking downward to sneeze towards their laps as his face flushed with color. He was scrambling for a tissue, but Eddie was already plucking and handing him several.
"Bless you, sweetheart, jeez." Eddie leaned forward to kiss Steve's forehead and then the top of his head. "You sure you're feeling better?" He teased, trying not to squirm as Steve blew his nose into the wad of tissues.
A little sniffle came from Steve as he finally pulled the tissues away from his face. "Uh-huh. Just think it's moved to my head. I'm all-" He gestured vaguely to his face and head with a pointed finger and sniffled again. "What's that word you use?"
Eddie made a strangled little sound and rested a hand on Steve's knee. "Stuffy?" He suggested helpfully, praying his boyfriend was searching for a more vanilla term.
"Sure. That." Steve replied with an amused little grin and Eddie knew right then and there that Steve was feeling better if he was getting one of those smiles.
Without warning, Eddie leaned in to press a soft kiss to Steve's lips before pulling back. "Brat." He took a moment to pretend to examine him, going so far as to thoughtfully tap his chin for dramatic effect. "You feel up to watching a movie on the couch with me?"
Steve looked amused at first, but he was quickly looking more and more distracted. "Yeah, I... I think I can manage- that..." His eyes went unfocused as he tried to respond to Eddie's question and Eddie knew pretty quickly what was going on as his eyes flicked to Steve's cherry-red, chapped nostrils that twitched and flared.
"Hiih... IXX'TShhuh!" Steve lurched forward towards their laps again with his powerful sneeze that had tears springing to his eyes. "Ugh, sorry. That might end up happening... more- heh...ihh-hh! ISSHHuh! God, sorry." 
. . .
Twenty minutes later found Steve curled up in Eddie's lap on the couch with Princess Bride playing on their television. Eddie was playing with Steve's hair as his head rested on his shoulder, legs sprawled over his lap.
They were both covered in a blanket and Steve had the box of tissues in his lap, one in his hand which he kept dabbing at his nose with. Eddie was doing his best to pay attention to the movie, but if he was being honest with himself he could quote the whole thing from start to finish just by where in the musical score they were.
So instead he doted softly on Steve who was sleepily watching the movie. Not much energy to do anything else as Eddie pressed soft kisses to his forehead, hair, eyebrows, and even the bridge of his nose once.
Though that had made Steve's eyes well with ticklish tears and his nostrils flared as his breath hitched softly, "E-Ehhddie, that's gonna... huh-! m-make me s-sneeze..."
"Oh, is it?" Eddie practically purred as he lifted a hand to gently tap the pad of his pointer finger against the side of Steve's nose. "Hadn't noticed."
"IHIshhiiew! IXt'Hue!" Steve exploded moments after the tap like that was all he needed to be set off. Eyes watering, bright red nose twitching and shining ever so slightly around the chapped rim. "Ugh, snf! you're a menace, Munson. Absolute snff! menace. Those good for you? Or should I nix the tissues and use you instead?"
A shudder ran through Eddie at Steve's words and he groaned, letting his head tip back. "That's playing dirty, Stevie, and you know it. You can't dirty talk me while you're sick and sneezy." Then came the soft feeling of plump lips traveling over his throat and the subtle brush of a damp nose tip against his Adam's apple.
Eddie would deny at all costs the noise that garnered from him.
It did get Steve to chuckle, though. "Like you tapping my nose isn't playing dirty. You made me sneeze. That- hhh... oh h-hang on... gonna- hihh..."
This time Eddie didn't get to watch Steve's build up, but he could feel it. Every stuttering inhale pressed up against him, the way his fingers curled against Eddie's shirt ever so slightly, and how Steve tucked into his shoulder with a final wavering. "Hihh-ih!" Before finally pressing his face into Eddie's neck and shoulder as he sneezed, "IHHxT'Shuh! Ohh- snf! shit, I forget what I was saying." He admitted, chuckling a little again as he pressed a tissue to his running nose.
Meanwhile, Eddie was getting his heart rate under control and running his fingertips lovingly along Steve's back up and down. "Bless you, pumpkin. Okay, I promise-" And Eddie made a little X over his heart with his free hand. "No more teasing my poor boyfriend's nose unless he asks or he's all better, deal?"
And then Steve gave him a wicked smile. One that only meant one thing. "I never said it was a bad thing, Eds."
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softsnzstuff · 5 months
Steve prompt!!! Eddie is playing guitar and Steve is folding the laundry, while he’s fighting off a cold. It’s not too bad yet, but it’s annoying and it’s got him feeling sniffly and worn out.
Thanks Anon!! Here’s a lil drabble set in my streamer AU
It’s a quiet Sunday morning at the apartment. Saturdays were usually spent hanging out with friends, streaming/filming collabs, or doing conventions depending on the time of year.
Sundays have almost always been left for chores and a reset. Tidying up the apartment, doing excess dishes, any outstanding projects, and of course - laundry.
Eddie deep cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom earlier and was now taking a break, resting against the headboard of the shared bed - nothing but the rhythmic plucking of strings filling the silence.
The rhythmic plucking of strings… and Steve’s incessant sniffling. Eddie had spent the better part of this week watching his partner trying and failing to fight off a cold. It had finally taken up residence in Steve’s sinuses and left him more sniffly than he would prefer.
“Steve why don’t you take a break? I can fold that later.”
“N’do snff you already did the bathroom and SNF the kitchen’d.”
“Yeah but you’re sick and-”
“HAESSSSH! eh’KTCHiew!!”
“-you keep doing that…” Eddie mumbled. “Steve you’re sneezing all over the clean laundry!”
“I’b sorry. S’just so tickly… hhh HIH!”
Seeing his breath start to catch, Eddie picked a shirt up out of the laundry pile and threw it in Steve’s face. His boyfriend only just managed to press his face into it before the eruption came.
“G’SHiew! Hhh H’mfTSH!!”
Eddie grimaced as a watery noseblow escaped Steve. The younger man peered into the shirt and made a face of disgust, grabbing the rest of the laundry off the bed.
“I’b gonna throw these back in the wash…”
“Yeah good idea.” Eddie scoffed.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
With You
❥ Valentines Drabbles: Day 3
❥ Pairing: Scarlett x Sick Reader
❥ Wordcount: 810
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AN: this is poorly edited, ignore the mistakes I beg
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧���゚:* ✧・゚:
It had been a while since the two of you had time off to go on vacation together, and what made this time even more exciting was that Valentine's Day fell in the middle of the when you’d planned to go on your trip, allowing you to do something extra special for her. Everything seemed great at first; you'd chosen to and visit Italy since neither of you had gone there for reasons other than work and to be mindful of your carbon emission, the pair of you decided against flying privately and chose to take a commercial flight.
The only slight hiccup was that the lady in the adjacent seat to you seemed to have rather audible cold. The whole flight she was a sniffly mess - it was obvious the poor dear really shouldn’t have been flying in that condition. The lady offered to ask if she could move seats, but not wanting to seem rude, you told her that wasn't necessary. Luckily though, the flight itself wasn't too bad and you didn’t think much of it - not until a day or so later when you woke up to an annoying scratchiness at the back of your throat.
You had tried not to say anything, you didn’t disturb Scarlett’s time out just because you simply had a sore throat. You spend the day touring through Rome, to be honest it was really quite fun. However, as the day wore on, that aching throat only intensified, eventually being accompanied by repetitive sniffles and errant sneezes. To her credit, Scarlett had noticed something wasn't right with you – you were quieter than usual, but despite her politely asking whether everything was alright, you insisted that everything was fine.
That didn’t last long. Exhausted, you had fallen asleep in the taxi and instead of waking you up, Scarlett had chosen to just carry you back to the room. Maybe you could’ve just passed it off as fatigue but as Scarlett laid you down onto the bed, she leant down to press a kiss to your forehead but instead was instantly alarmed feeling of heat coming from your skin. The fever was a subtle one, but enough for Scarlett to fret. She'd been watching you for a while and her suspicions of you getting sick were confirmed.
You woke up after a few hours to Scarlett gently dabbing a tissue beneath your nose. Full of grogginess, you gave a very congested sounding groan as you slowly woke up.
“Your nose was running in your sleep.” Scarlett explained as she nodded down towards the tissue in her hand, frowning a little when a chill ran through your body leading to you shaking a little.
Scarlett pulled the blanket a little tighter around you, “You should’ve told me you weren’t feeling well,” she spoke lightly, her words holding no malice behind them, “You caught the plane lady’s cold, hm?”
You went to shake your head, a final attempt a denial but the action only served to irritate the burning tingle in your nose, “I di- Hh didn’t wan- Hih-h’Htshiiu! Sorry, s’cus me, what I meant to say was I didn't want to ruin your trip..." The words were barely comprehensible over your sore throat and a stuffed-up nose, “it was meant to be special...”
"First of all, bless you cutie, and special? This is special." Scarlett smiles and brings a cup of water to your mouth, helping you sip it before handing you a packet of tissues, gently stroking your hair as you rested your head against her chest. There was heat rising through her shirt, but it was no matter. She was warm in a comforting way. "If anyone can help you feel better, I can."  
“That’s sweet love, but I wanted it to be special for us. We’re in Italy on Valentines. It's meant to be romantic.” You couldn’t help but whine a little as you spoke, feeling a little guilty that you’d ruined her time.
"You want romance, hm?" She looks down at you, still with that gentle smile, she ran her hand down your exposed arm, “I think it’s pretty romantic that I get to be here with you. Valentine’s is about being around those you love, and all I need is you. I just need to be with you, the rest doesn’t matter.”
"You're right. You're right, love," You mumbled as you tried to listen to the steady thrum and slow heartbeat of her heart, the sound of her breathing lulling you into a comfortable peace. The world drifts away and her touch calms your discomfort, you could feel your eyelids growing heavy quickly.
“Of course, I’m right, now you try and get some sleep darling. I’ll be here the whole time and tomorrow, we can spend the whole day cuddling up and making you feeling better. I’ll be right here with you.”
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silentsneezes · 1 month
thinking about a chronic stifler /finally/ sneezing unrestrained around their partner because they trust them enough
This as a Remus (wolfstar) fanfic?
i actually had remus in mind when i posted that lol, so i loved getting this request! thank you anon :)
here’s a little 600 word wolfstar drabble, i hopw you enjoy!
As the morning sunrise shines through the window, Remus Lupin stirs, his eyes fluttering open as he lays beside his husband Sirius Black. Their bedroom is a cozy nook, their presence felt in every corner with books and clothes strewn about. Remus’s eyes are heavy with fatigue, but his body wills him awake as his nose twitches. He pulls the covers around him, staying tucked against Sirius as he braces himself for an inevitable sneezing fit.
The days leading up to the full moon always start like this: he wakes with a persistent itch in his nose and eventually succumbs to a sneezing fit- an annoying, but relatively tame side effect of his lycanthropy. Remus rubs the bridge of his nose, trying to hold back quiet, hitching breaths building in his chest. He pinches his nose shut in a futile effort not to wake Sirius, who’s always been a light sleeper. His shoulders shudder as he stifles three sneezes with practiced silence. He feels Sirius stir at the movement, but he’s too busy stifling another torrent of sneezes to care.
“h’ngsxh! hh’gx’t! hh… hngxt!”
“Bless you love,” Sirius murmurs, shifting and looking at Remus with a knowing smile as he acknowledges the inevitable. "Ah, the early morning sneezes," he teases lightly, his voice laced with sleep. "Just nature's way of reminding us that even werewolves are not immune to the joys of spring."
Sirius wraps an arm around Remus’s waist, pulling him closer and feeling a rush of affection for his husband as he notices Remus’s blush.
“Sorry to- ngk! n’xch! to wake you.” Remus is interrupted by two quick stifles, pressing his pointer finger to the base of his nose in an effort to silence them.
“Bless, I don’t mind love.” Sirius yawns, burying his face in Remus’s neck and closing his eyes sleepily. He can feel as Remus’s breath starts hitching again, his chest rising and falling with quick, dramatic gasps. Remus surrenders to the overwhelming itch, pulling his shirt collar over his nose and muffling a series of rapid sneezes against the fabric.
“hh’tSHh- hm’DTSChu! hih- hidT’SHHh! ‘idtHhiew- hTSchh!”
Sirius feels an odd sense of pride at hearing Remus’s unstifled sneezes, even if they were muffled against his shirt. For years, even after relentless teasing, Remus had only ever stifled his sneezes around Sirius, as he did with everyone else. But eventually, Remus started letting sneezes out occasionally as he became more comfortable around Sirius.
It’s an admittedly small change, sure, but Sirius considers it a success. He enjoys being the only person to ever hear Remus Lupin sneeze, as silly as that sounds. It was a sign of Remus’s trust, an admittance of vulnerability reserved solely for his husband.
“Bless you love”
“Tha-hh-hhtSHhew! Thanks”
Sirius rubs Remus’s back gently as his breath starts hitching again, stuck in a cycle of sneezing and hitching. He brushes Remus’s hair out of his eyes, sitting up in bed and wrapping his arms around his husband’s waist.
“Poor thing,” Sirius murmurs quietly, holding Remus comfortingly as he rides out the sneezing fit.
“hHMPtCH! hKSHhiew! hh-hehHDSCHew! F-heh-fuck… hhGN’knt! gX-tsch!”
Sirius grabs a handkerchief from the nightstand, pressing it into Remus’s hand and murmuring, “Bless you Rem.”
Remus gratefully accepts the handkerchief, giving his nose a little blow and leaning back against Sirius’s chest. Sirius runs his fingers through his husband’s hair gently, still half asleep as he holds Remus close.
After a few minutes and many soft “hhM’ptsch!”s muffled into the handkerchief, the fit dies out. Remus eventually drifts back to sleep as Sirius holds him, his nose temporarily giving him some relief.
any comments or tags are appreciated :)
i’m not super happy with how it turned out so i might rewrite it at some point /lh
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hockeynoses · 1 year
A snz drabble (Ste/ddie)
600 words. Steve is sick and attempts to do the dishes. H/C fluff!
Steve’s hands are buried in soapy water, the sleeves of his hoodie rolled up and out of the way. He feels a tell-tale prickle building in the back of his sinuses and scrunches his nose back and forth in an attempt to dispel the itch. His breath hitches and he gives in, twisting away from the counter as his body is racked by a – “hah-EERSSHOO!” openly spraying the empty space beside him. He sniffs and does his best to wipe his nose on his shoulder. Returning to scrubbing one of the bowls in the sink, he hears Eddie’s keys jingling in the front door.
“Hey babe, I’m back!” Eddie calls from the foyer, toeing his shoes off.
“Hey.” Steve greets him with a smile, and a watery sniff he can’t contain. “Thaggs.”
“No problem,” Eddie says as he sets the bag full of tissues, meds, and snacks on the counter. His hand sneaks into Steve’s hair, giving it a gentle ruffle. “I seem to remember you were on the couch when I left…”
Before Steve can respond, he’s overtaken by a shaky inhale, and his eyes start to squint closed. “It’s – hih – it’s – heh’AEEESSH’IUE!” He turns at the last second, burying his face into his elbow as he narrowly misses showering the pile of clean dishes on the counter.  He groans, wiping his face on the sleeve of his hoodie before saying, “It’s just dishes, Eddie.”
Eddie gives him a flat look of disapproval. “Alright, we don’t need you sneezing all over our clean dishes.” He throws a towel at Steve so he can dry his hands before grabbing him by the shoulders and steering him toward the couch.  Steve goes willingly, his aching body tired and longing to sit down, plopping down gracelessly into the welcoming couch cushions.
“S-sorry-iihh – hih’ESSSHHuh!” He uses the dishtowel in his hands to cover this time, breathing a quiet, “Oops…” once he realizes what he’s done.
Eddie’s torn between pity and amusement. “If you really wanna show me how sorry you are, you’ll park your ass on the couch and stay there.”
“But you hate doing the dishes, that’s why it’s mby chore.” Steve’s big, tired eyes look up at Eddie, pleading his case for him.
“Yeah, well, I also hate seeing you push yourself when you’re sick and clearly need to rest.” Eddie gives him a soft smile, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch and tossing it in Steve’s lap. “Just relax, sweetheart. I’ll take care of it.”
“Ogkay… tha-ahhh – iih’TTTISHHH!” He releases the spraying sneeze into the already contaminated towel still in his hands, punctuated by a cold-ridden sniffle. “Thaggs.”
“Of course,” Eddie says lightly, heading back into the kitchen. The rustling of the plastic bag fills the room as Eddie unpacks the items he bought. Steve’s clogged nose is buzzing again, leaving him no choice but to surrender to it. “Hey, heads up!” Eddie calls from the kitchen, making sure Steve sees him before throwing him the box of tissues.
Thankfully, Steve’s reflexes from years of playing basketball don’t desert him. He catches the box with both hands just as he’s seized by a full-bodied, “hah’AEETSSHOO! Ihh…heh-tch’IIISHHH!” covering the unopened box in his hands in a fine mist in the process.
“Dude,” Eddie says from the kitchen as Steve waits for his head to stop swimming.
“Sorry.” Steve sniffles wetly, pulling the top off the box of kleenex.
“It’s fine,” Eddie says with a laugh in his voice. “I’ll finish these. You get that nose under control and take a nap, big boy.” He rolls up his sleeves before starting on the dishes. Steve rolls his eyes but does as he’s told.
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snormynight · 9 months
Last night I binged all of OF//MD. I cannot believe what I was missing out on. But now I get a short wait time for S2 heehee. Anyway please accept my drabble.
The Salt in the air dips down and swirls around on the deck with the wind, and the deck in turn creaks in time with the gentle bob of the sea. The ocean is void of activity, lucky for the crew who lay about with their various activities and luckier for their captains, who are nestled together in the berth below.
The air wafts in through the open window, entangling itself with Ed’s bountiful locks. He’s propped up on the bed, supporting his head with one hand while the other runs through his boyfriend's own tufts of hair. Stede Bonnet is laid out flat on his back, chest rising and falling with a low crackle in his breath. He sleeps with a small pout to his lips and a crease between his eyebrows. He's waxy and sallow, and yet, Ed’s own breath catches at his beauty. He's worried, really he is, but there's something so peaceful here, hidden away from the rest of the crew. Ed is almost grateful for the excuse. Almost.
He's broken out of his lovesick daze when Stede starts to squirm against the sheets, inhaling a shaky breath through his mouth. He groans pitifully, bringing a hand up to rub at his eyes. The other fumbles around for something. Ed catches it, rubbing a thumb across Stedes hand gently. Stede rolls over toward him, longing to be close and places it in Ed’s lap. The man smiles down at the poorly one.
“How are we then, Stede?” 
Stede is rarely silent, but he almost considers a vow today. He feels like he's drowning, in his head at least, and he tries to sniff to alleviate the pressure there. It's soupy and thick; does nothing for him except grate along the walls of his nostrils. He lugs himself into an upright position and his nose starts to run. He only gets a squinty, too-bright-to-see glance at his boyfriend before his eyes snap shut, and he gasps for another breath, this time involuntarily.
“eh-hih! HeHnxt! Hep-chuh!!”
He thinks he's done and sniffs long and hard, only to gurgle as the pressure builds again. Surely he's setting himself up for failure later.
“I'm fine,” he says, struggling to sound even remotely chipper. “I reckon i'll be right as rain soon enough.”
Ed smirks, doubting the validity in that statement and brings his cool thumbs up to rest on top of Stede’s sore eyelids,rubbing his temples gently with his other appendages. Stede sighs, mouth going slack and the pressure in his head recedes a little. He brings his shaky hands up to rest on the sturdy wrists there. 
His nose starts to quiver once more and Stede tries to scrunch his face up to stave off a sneeze. His grip tightens on Ed's wrists as his chest heaves and he ultimately has to duck his head down away from Ed's fingers to avoid drenching the man’s face.
 “ehttcheh-huh! Htchssh! hah-achshiew!”
Stede moans and slumps down, anchored by the weight of his sickness. Ed grips his biceps gently, straightening him into a more upright position, eyeing him fondly.
“Yeah, I'm thinking later rather than sooner” he tsks.
Stede just shivers in response. He's extra cognizant of Ed's hands on his arms and it's taking all his strength to not just collapse into him, begging to be held. He knows Ed needs to divert attention to more pirat-ey things. What those things are? He doesn't know. Just that this can't be the most pressing matter to him now.
The words are tumbling out of him before he can stop himself, “don't you have a crew to tend to?”
Ed shrugs. “silence, while worrying, doesn’t have to mean anything. Unless you make it something. Then I suppose it is.”
Stede swallows. Neediness and drowsiness crash into each other like waves on the sea. “Am I something?”
Ed blinks languidly. He acts so Stede doesn't have to, pulling him in and cradling him to his chest. Stede lets out a puff of air as he utterly deflates in Ed’s arms. He wants to bring his arms up to hold him, to meet him halfway, but he's beginning to melt, lulling himself with the ocean again and Ed’s heartbeat. Ed’s fingers are threading through his hair once more. 
“You're everything.”
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helpimhyperfixating · 2 years
Heavy petting session with 4taro? 🥵
So, I had to look up what petting was. You learn something new every day. Also should I be writing other requests? Yes. Am I doing this one? Yes and no one can stop me.
So, this one doesn’t really constitute as smoot so it also doesn’t really warrant a CW, but it is notsfw-ish. It’s a lime not a lemon, to go back to those terms ;3
It’s just sweet touches with a spicy flavour to it
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Word Count: 1309
Breathing out softly against your skin, Jotaro’s breath was hot as it hitched.
The two of you were laying on the bed after a long and intensive day of your honeymoon. Both laying on your sides, you faced each other while Jotaro’s face was buried in against your throat, the man placing soft kisses there.
“I… I don’t know if I have the energy for it tonight.” You breathed softly, feeling the way your whole body was already starting to turn sore from the time spent snorkelling and hiking today.
Humming softly, Jotaro leaned up, rolling you on your back as he caged you in his arms only, hovering his upper body over you. “I wasn’t planning on it. I just want to feel you. I want to feel my wife.”
With those words, he leaned down and pushed his lips against yours, his hands landing on your hips as he squeezed your flesh, his mouth instantly opening as he rolled his tongue against the seam of your lips, asking for entrance.
Breathing in deeply through your nose, you parted your lips while your hands landed on the sides of his torso, directly feeling the warmth of his skin since he didn’t sleep with a shirt on. “Jot-“ You breathed softly in the middle of the kiss, only for him to push his mouth even further into yours, his tongue pushing deeper and moving with yours.
Carefully, his hands started to wander over your body, running up your sides as he took your pyjama shirt with him, bunching it up as his thumbs traced a path up your bare skin.
“Mhm-“ Humming into the kiss, Jotaro managed to push your shirt all the way up to your sternum, exposing your breasts while his hands continued to move up, cupping your shoulders as he started rubbing circles, softly squeezing.
“Just take it off at this point.” You muttered against his lips after he pulled back for air, only disconnecting your bottom lips so that you could breathe, never backing up.
Not needing to be told twice, however, Jotaro took off your pyjama shirt, placing it on the bed beside you as he then put his hands back on the curve of your shoulders as he pushed his lips back into yours, the kiss a little more timid though no less intense.
Mirroring his hands, you held onto his shoulders, bringing one leg up to have your knee gently pressed against his side.
Breaking the kiss again, Jotaro made sure to keep his forehead pressed against yours, his eyes closed as he just breathed and let his hand roam down, tracing down your arms, past your elbows and up to your hands holding onto his own shoulders. He briefly squeezed the tops of your hands and you moved your hands up to rest against the sides of his neck.
“Mmh.” Humming softly as he felt your fingertips caressing the hair at the back of his neck, he used his hands holding onto your wrists to push them more into his hair, immediately putting his own palms back on your waist after.
“Use your words to tell me what you want, Jotaro.” You whispered softly, your own eyes closed as he still held his face pushed against yours, so close, seeing only by the mapping of each other’s bodies.
“I don’t feel like talking. And you know what I want.” Jotaro lowly spoke back, almost a whisper but not entirely, more like he was breathless as he squeezed your waist.
Grinning softly, Jotaro could sense it as he pushed his lips into yours to stop you, right as you closed your fist in his hair and raked your nails over his scalp with the other.
Instantly, he groaned out softly and broke the kiss, instead starting to slowly move his lips down your jawline and into your neck.
The evidences of the other nights in your honeymoon still littered your skin but Jotaro was uncaring, latching on and sucking hard; forming hickey after hickey, only briefly giving respite by pressing kisses in between.
“Jotaro…” You sighed out softly, tightening your fist in his hair and tugging slightly while your nails scratched, only encouraging the man.
His hands now started to wander again as well, caressing up and down your sides, squeezing your flesh appreciatively. His head remained buried in your neck, his mouth never stopping.
Shifting your hips a little, you bit your lip as you felt him start to touch and squeeze your breasts, slowly starting to move your hand not holding his hair, down the nape of his neck before pushing into the muscles of his back, feeling his shoulder blades and spine so prominently - especially when he moved his lower body to rest in between your legs.
“My wife.” Murmured between kisses, Jotaro briefly stopped, revelling in the feel of your palms digging into his back, the thrum of pleasure he felt for all of this flaring. Not enough to make him push over the edge and take it further, but enough to make him crave more.
Letting go of your breasts, Jotaro shifted his hands down your skin and body, simultaneously moving his head up to properly kiss you again, feeling you smile into the kiss which was so infectious, making the corners of his lips turn up as he reached the swell of your hips.
Breathing out hard through his nose, he felt you tug his hair a little, making him deepen the kiss as he pushed in his tongue, his hands simultaneously diving below the waistband of your pyjama pants.
“I thought you-“
“I’m not.” Placating you softly when you pulled back from the kiss, Jotaro leaned back down, his eyes closing as he held the meat of your thighs.
His eyes rolling back a little behind his closed eyelids, he continued to kiss you, his tongue moving lazily against yours as his mind was on his hands, squeezing and stroking the back of your thighs from under the fabric of your pyjama pants. Unable to stop himself, his hands wandered up, taking hold of your ass as he leaned forward, laying his chest fully against yours as he caressed and kissed.
Panting softly against his mouth, you barely got a chance to breathe before his lips closed on yours again and your hands dug into his back, tracing his muscles down his spine, flaring out to the side as you followed his V-line before going up. Every groove and dip of his muscles and abs served to make you melt more into him, pressing hard and making the man’s breathing more erratic.
Eventually Jotaro broke the kiss, panting softly as he pushed his forehead into yours, gently lowering your hips down to the bed from where he had lifted them against himself, pulling his hands back as he instead put his palms on your waist, opening his eyes to look at you.
“You’re beautiful.”
Opening your eyes at his words, you instantly felt your face heat up at the unusually soft compliment, your hands moving up to rest against his chest.
“What ever did I do?” You wondered softly, making Jotaro’s gaze soften as he leaned his head down once more, kissing you ever so softly - just a flutter before he already pulled back again.
“Shut up. You know what.”
Smiling softly, you sighed happily and Jotaro took that as his queue to move, briefly kissing your forehead before moving away from on top of you and instead laying down besides you.
“Sleep. Tomorrow is another day.”
“A day we will spend together, from now until our end.” You smiled as you spoke, shuffling into his arms as you closed your eyes, basking in his warmth and feeling happier than ever, the newly added jewellery on your finger feeling heavy in the best of ways.
- - - - - - - -
Tags: @momokujo
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Hey if ur up to it a prompt or small Drabble maybe about a tiny going into a giant’s nose? Nothing too fancy I just…really like that sort of thing haha
Well, that makes two of us, Anon! I’ve always loved a good tiny up the schnoz, but it only took me until now to actually write anything that had to do with it. Let’s just say it has opened many, many doors that were previously closed for me.
But enough about me! Here’s a little something not too fancy for you.
“Come on, big guy, just a little longer!”
“I-hih-t t-tickles…”
“I know, I know, just…hold on, okay?”
A tried their best not to touch B’s nasal walls as they stumbled through their sinuses. But even breathing in the wrong direction would cause so much twitching and quivering that A could barely keep their balance.
“Almost there, buddy! Don’t sneeze!”
“I’m trah…hah-!”
A stumbles as B’s nose shifts yet again, sending them almost tumbling into B’s nasal wall.
And there, tucked between a few nose hairs, is the culprit of B’s hitching and twitching - a bright yellow dandelion, its being shaken off as B’s nose quiver.
A gingerly takes the dandelion by the stem, knocking off more pollen as he does so.
“Gah-! HAH-!”
“Nononono, h-hold on, don’t-”
It doesn’t take long to realize that A doesn’t have a choice in the matter. They try to run towards B’s flaring nostrils, but it’s too late.
A is thrown out of B’s nose, and into a waiting hand below. They are still gripping the dandelion, which has now lost all of its petals.
“You okay?” B asks, stroking A’s head with a finger.
“I’m fih…hhhh’TCHU!”
The dandelion may have lost its petals, but not its pollen. B laughs and rubs A’s hair.
“Bless ya.”
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sneezyminniejo · 1 year
Live Stream Sneezes
I decided to write a quick drabble for an ask that @snifflyjoonie put up for grabs a couple of days ago
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Jimin had woken up feeling rather congested with a little bit of a scratchy throat. If it weren’t for the fact that the air quality index was very poor along with the pollen count being absurdly high, he’d think he had gotten sick overnight. He had slipped a mask over his face right before heading to the Hybe practice rooms. When he arrived he decided against doing dance practice and instead decided to do a live stream. He found himself rubbing his nose below the mask just before he turned on the camera.
“Hello” He started as he waved to the camera. Jimin spent a couple of minutes just waving to the camera as Army joined the chat. Once he was satisfied that enough people joined he began talking.
“Hey guys. I had a free day and I thought I’d spend some time with Army.” Jimin found himself sniffling a little when he finished speaking. Apparently his voice sounded a bit congested or something, because the comment section was full of comments such as, ‘get well soon’, ‘feel better.’, and ‘Are you sick?’
“I’m not sick, guys. I promise.” Jimin said, only to sniffle again immediately after. “Anyway I thought I’d just chat today. Yesterday I went to the zoo.” Jimin began talking about all the animals he had seen at the zoo before going into another topic.
After a couple minutes of talking, Jimin moved his hands up to his ears to remove his mask. However the singer hadn’t realized that his nose had apparently been getting itchy. When began to remove the mask, the slight tension he had put on the straps had moved the mask just enough for it to irritate his nose. He quickly moved his hands away from his face and turned to the side.
“Hihstshhh, hehstnxgtshhh, hihstngxt, hehstshhhh, heh-hih-hehstshhh-nxgtshhh.” Jimin sniffled again hoping that he was done sneezing. Unfortunately, he sneezed another eight times in a row. By the time he was done sneezing, he could feel the snot spread all over the lower half of his face. He also desperately needed a tissue and wasn’t entirely sure he was done sneezing. Amidst all of the ‘bless you’ comments flying over the screen, Jimin’s face blushed bright red. “Sorry Army, I need to go.” Jimin quickly turned off the live stream and booked it for the tissue box in the corner of the room he was in.
Jimin took his mask off and was currently thankful that the mask he was wearing was black. He’s certain that the moisture from his sneezing fit would have been otherwise visible. He threw the mask in the garbage before grabbing several tissues and blowing his nose. He blew his nose several times, and also sneezed a couple more times. He sighed once he was finally done and decided to go back to his apartment. As soon as he got back to his apartment, he took some allergy medicine, which he probably should have taken earlier, but oh well. He then went to his couch and turned weverse live back on to continue talking to Army and once again explain that he wasn’t sick. It was just all the pollen and pollutants in the air affecting his nose and sinuses.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
A Little Bit Cliché
❥ Valentines Drabbles: Day 12
❥ Pairing: Sick Yelena x Reader
❥ Wordcount: 425
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:  
“This isn’t fair! Why did this have to happen now.” Came the congested whine from Yelena as padded back into your bedroom carrying a small tray of items.
“I know, it really does suck.” You agreed as you planted the tray down ontop of your drawers as you unpacked each item off. You’d made her soup, hot chocolate as well as getting her some tissues and more medicine.
“I mean who actually gets a cold from being in the rain,” She continued her whine, “like, how cliché is that! And it happens the day before Valentines too, how is that fair?”
"That's what you get for having fun in the rain, I guess?" You teased lightly, “I guess the universe saw how much you were enjoying yourself and decided that you needed humbling.”
“That’s not fair either! You were out in the rain too and you’re not sick.” She huffed and crossed her arms causing you to chuckle a little as you shrugged.
“I’m telling you, the universe decided to humble you for being too cool.” You insisted, realistically you probably hadn’t gotten sick because like most sane people you actually wore weather appropriate clothes unlike the sniffling blonde over there.
Yelena rolled her eyes at your smirk, “I’ll humble you in a minute,” despite her sarcastic threats, she looks so very small and sick in her baggy, soft pjs and it's enough to make you wish you could scoop her up and hold her, "If you don't stop teasing me, I’ll throw a tissue at you.”
“Will you now?” You smiled at her, raising an eyebrow. If Yelena even managed to sit up enough to actually be able to throw something at you then you would’ve been impressed. To your surprise, she actually shuffled round to grab a new tissue from her almost empty box, only it wasn’t to threaten you with. You could see the way her nose twitched and how her eyelashes fluttered pre-emptively.
“Heh’kshuu! Hih..iih'ttshuu!”
"There. There," You whisper as you take her into your arms and cradle her, easily slipping into the open spot beside her on the bed. Her forehead is drenched with sweat, but she's freezing. "It's okay. I've got you now. Cmon, have some of this soup. It’ll warm you abit up.”
"I'd kiss you if I wasn't afraid of getting you sick." Yelena sniffled as you gratefully accepted the bowl steaming down of soul you were offering out to her.
“Well, I guess its lucky for you that I’m not afraid of that.”
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗@sayah13 @scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve @shin-conan-kun @bloomingflowersthings @kathleenmikaelson @shamelessbearunknown @inluvwithfictionalwomen @ceiestiaie  @fluffyblanketgecko @kljhsong @santana1437
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I was wondering if there might be a possibility of a drabble or fic with Taehoon where it's like the first day of the group having all the pets at home and he wasn't sure how much allergy meds to take since there are so many new animals, that he doesn't quite get the dosage right and so everyone suspects his allergies but he doesn't seem bothered etc.
And or if there could be a drabble or fic where the guys finally say something to Jasper about his sensitivity to the animals or where it's turns into an actually allergy after being around them so long?
I know you are super busy with your main, and I'm a huge fan! Just wanted to know if these could possibly happen? Thanks!!
Here it is. Hope you enjoy
Prompt 1
Today was the day. The members of Zodiac had spent the past week visiting shelters to look for some animals to adopt. Today was the day that the animals would be moving into their dorm. It was actually a little bit peculiar, the three cats and two dogs they had decided to adopt were actually grouped together. They had apparently developed a bond and the employees had told them that when they had tried to put them in separate areas, hunger strikes and behavior issues occured. Ultimately the shelter decided to try their best to get the five animals adopted together if possible. Jehyuk, Wonjae, Woong, and Junseok went to go pick up the group’s new pets while the rest of the group finished making sure they had everything they needed. Taehoon was currently locked in the bathroom looking at the bottle of antihistamines he picked up from the drugstore the other day.
He knew that he needed to start taking them everyday since he is VERY allergic to animal fur, but he wasn’t sure how much would be the correct dosage to counteract his allergies. He had seen an allergist years ago when he was still in elementary school. His family had been dogsitting for some friends and they had thought that he had caught a particularly bad cold until the dog returned to its owners and his symptoms went away. The allergist had told him that he was basically allergic to anything with fur and his family had decided to stop watching friend’s pets and also decided that they weren’t going to adopt any furry friends. Taehoon ultimately decided to go with a half dose, because surely his allergies to fur can't be that bad.
Taehoon was sitting in the living room with the rest of his members while the animals explored their new home. It has barely been ten minutes since the animals were brought into the dorm and Taehoon's nose was getting increasingly itchy. He's pretty sure he's already rubbed his nose at least five times. He was doing his best to will himself not to sneeze because he didn't want the newly adopted animals to get returned.
"Hih-stschhh, heh-stschhh, heh-stschhh." Taehoon abruptly sneezed into his hands as he had been trying to rub the most recent itchy sensation away. He grabbed some tissues from one of the many boxes they keep lying around and blew his nose. He then excused himself to the bathroom to wash his hands. While he was in the bathroom, Taehoon wound up stifling a couple more sneezes. He sighed as he realized he definitely didn’t take enough medication and that he was going to be sneezing for a while. Taehoon blew his nose again before leaving the bathroom.
Taehoon returned to the living room, not realizing that his nose had taken on a pink tinge from all the rubbing he'd been doing. He found himself subconsciously sniffling as he sat back down. Almost as soon as he sat down, one of the cats decided to investigate Taehoon's lap. He was extremely excited at the fact that one of the cats was now climbing into his lap. But, he was also now a little more concerned, as there was now a direct source of animal dander just a few inches from his nose. He wasn't sure if the current itch in his sinuses was psychosomatic or not, but he brought his hand up to his nose and rubbed anyway.
Over the course of the next twenty or so minutes, the frequency of Taehoon's sniffling increased. There were also some wetter sounding sniffles where you could hear mucous getting sucked back. It also definitely did not help that the cat that decided to explore Taehoon's lap had gotten herself comfy and had fallen asleep. Fortunately for Taehoon, he was ecstatic because the cat had settled extremely quickly and he was now able to give her head scritches. Unfortunately for Taehoon, he felt like he was going to explode soon and he couldn't get up.
"Can soh-someone pass me the tih-issue please?" Taehoon's breathing was beginning to hitch and he needed something to cover with fast. Merlin passed him the nearest box of tissues. Unfortunately, Taehoon's nose passed its breaking point just as he had grabbed the box.
"Heh-nxgt, heh-nxgtshhh, heh-stschhh, heh-stschhh, hih-stschhh, HEH-NGstiewww."
The fit had been very rapid fire, and hadn’t really allowed Taehoon any time to pull any tissues out of the box. This resulted in him half covering the fit that had come out as he tried to get the tissues he so desperately needed. Taehoon pulled several tissues from the box as soon as he was done sneezing and blew his nose.
"Bless you times six. You good Tae?" Merlin asked. Taehoon nodded as he sneezed again into the tissues.
"I'm great, hyung. Just a bit…sneezy." Taehoon said. He finished blowing his nose. He then somewhat instinctively rubbed at his nose, trying to make sure he was currently rid of the itch.
Over the next hour Taehoon continued to sneeze. After one particularly bad fit of twelve sneezes, Taehoon became a bit fed up. "I'm going to get some fresh air." He said as he sniffled. Taehoon carefully moved the cat that was on his lap and grabbed his phone before leaving the dorm.
After Taehoon left the room, the eleven other men exchanged glances. "Anybody else think that hyung isn't okay?" Jihoon asked. A lot of the members nodded in agreement.
"Looked like allergies to me, and since I'm an allergic mess ninety nine percent of the time, I'm pretty sure that's what's affecting Taehoon." Daehyun said.
"Do you think hyung knows he's allergic to the pets we just adopted? Woong asked.
"If Hyung doesn't know he's allergic to animals, he's in for a rude awakening."Junseok said.
"That's assuming it's allergies and that he's not aware of it. He could have come down with a very intense sneezy cold all of a sudden. Or he might know he's allergic and is simply choosing to suffer." Arthur replied. The conversation got dropped after that because Arthur did have a point.
Taehoon returned about an hour later carrying a couple of doughnut boxes. "I went for a walk then decided to get snacks for everyone." Taehoon said as he placed the boxes in the kitchen. The eleven other men all went up to grab a doughnut and went back to the living room. While Taehoon had been out on his walk, the others had started watching a drama..
It wasn’t even fifteen minutes later that Taehoon’s nose began bothering him again. Taehoon found himself rapidly grabbing a towel that Jehyuk had laid out for the doughnuts and putting it over his mouth.
“heh-stieshh, hih-stieshhhh, heh-stieshhhieghhh.” Taehoon wiped his mouth and made a disgusted face as he looked at the paper towel before throwing it away. Taehoon sat back down with the group, audibly sniffling. After another hour and a half, Taehoon, who was still very much sniffly, stood up and grabbed one of the boxes of tissues they keep around and went to his room. He unintentionally slammed the door behind him and shouted sorry right after. The other could hear a prolonged sneezing fit coming from the room, and it sounded like Taehoon was just letting the sneezes out instead of covering in any way shape or form.
After several minutes, the sneezing fit coming from Taehoon seemed to stop. Or at least the sneezing was no longer audible through the wall. The others exchanged semi worried glances while continuing to watch the drama and pet their new pets.
Eventually Taehoon comes out of his room with tissues pressed to his nose. “Wonjae hyung, Can you help with something at the company please?” Wonjae nodded and stood up. As the duo left, Wonjae grabbed one of the disposable masks the group keeps next to the door.
“What do you need help with Tae?” Wonjae asked as the duo began walking to the company. Taehoon suddenly sneezed into his ball of soiled tissues and siffled wetly. Wonjae couldn’t help but flinch a little at the sneeze. Especially because he was able to see a little bit of spray.
“I’m sorry hyung. I know that was gross.” Taehoon sniffled again. “I didn’t realize I was so allergic to animals.I don’t really know what to do. I mean I only took a half dose of medication, but if my allergies are that bad with only a half dose, I can’t imagine m-y sym-heh-stieshhh, hih-stieshhh, symptoms improving much on a full dose. I also really don’t want to  bring them back to the shelter just because my immune system is over reacting.”
Wonjae listened as Taehoon rambled. “So you already knew that you’re allergic to animals, just not how badly?” Taehoon nodded.
“I’d recommend a nasal rinse to help clear your sinuses and then start taking a full dose of your meds. Assuming you're currently taking some over the counter stuff, I’d also suggest going to an allergist to see if they do anything.” Wonjae advised. “Let’s head to the pharmacy and see what we can find.
Wonjae took Taehoon to the pharmacy and the older helped the younger look at the potentially allergy relief items they had.
“One more thing hyung, can you please not tell the others about how severely allergic I am to animals? As I said before,  I don’t want our new pets to be returned to the shelter.” Wonjae responded with a nod and a pinky swear. “You should know Tae, the others all already think you’re allergic to the animals, they just don’t want to bring it up.” “That makes sense. I still want to keep it between us though.” Wonjae nodded his head again and they finished getting their things at the pharmacy.
Prompt 2
It’s been almost a year since Zodiac debuted, and almost ten months since the members adopted their five pets. All twelve members have had the past few days off, but no one has really been leaving the dorm at all. It’s either been hot and muggy, or it’s been raining. Wonjae was really the only one that left. But he had left for his own apartment to spend some quality time with his boyfriend.
This left the other eleven men to bond a bit. Sure they had all left for at least a little bit to spend time with their own families, which Arthur and Merlin spent cuddling on the couch. But for the most part, they just stayed in the dorm. 
Being in close quarters for an extended period was interesting. Sure the members live and work together, but they still get space from each other throughout the day. However, with not having any schedules and the weather not really allowing a desire to go out, the eleven members had been sequestered together for three days now.
The eleven men had just finished breakfast and were sitting down in the living room for a movie marathon. Specifically The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. They had just barely started the first movie when there was a mini outburst from the maknae.
“Hihktchh, heh-ktschhh, hih-ktchhh, heh-ktchhh.” Jasper kept his hand over his nose because some amount of snot had been released. Merlin passed him a tissue box. “Are you feeling okay Jas? You’ve been sneezing a lot the past couple of days.” The older inquired. It’s true. Normally Jasper only sneezes a couple of times, but lately, he’s been having small fits fairly frequently.
Jasper nodded. “I’m fine hyung. I think my rhinitis is acting up.” He says as he blows his nose “You have rhinitis?” Jehyuk asks.
Once again, Jasper nods. “Yes. Or at least I’m pretty sure I do hyung. I can’t really think of another reason for my increased sneezing and early morning stuffiness other than rhinitis.” A few of the others exchange looks.
“And do you recall when you started sneezing more frequently and waking up with a stuffy nose?” Woong asked.
“I think I developed rhinitis shortly after we got our pets.” As if summoned, Sagwa hops up on Jasper’s lap and gets comfortable. Fifteen seconds later, Jasper sneezes five more times.
“Dude, I think you’re allergic to animals.” Arthur said
“What makes you say that?” Jasper said, sounding a little offended.
“You just said that your nose started giving you problems around the time we got the pets. Add that to the fact that you’ve been completely cooped up inside with them as opposed to leaving for several hours throughout the day means symptoms are worse. Especially if you aren’t taking any medication.” Daehyun said, only to rapidly take a couple of tissues for himself and sneezed six times.
Jasper thought for a couple of moments. “I suppose that could be true.” He paused to sniffle and blow his nose again. “But what about Taehoon hyung? He’s way worse than me and you’re not confronting him about possibly being allergic to pets.” Jasper said this a bit defensively.
“Oh, I’m definitely highly allergic to animals. To the point my meds don’t always work. Wonjae hyung already knows and helps me out on really bad days. I never said anything to the rest of you mainly because I was afraid that all of you would insist on bringing them back to the shelter. Also, none of you ever asked.” Taehoon disappeared to his room and came back with a medicine box.
“Here, try one of these. It’s just over the counter stuff I take when my prescription runs out before I’ve had a chance to get an appointment with my allergist.” Taehoon said as he popped a pill out of the package and handed it to Jasper. Jihoon had gone to get a glass of water. Jasper thought for a second before accepting the pill and swallowing it down with water.
As the next hour passes, Jasper’s condition improves greatly. The amount of sneezing decreased and so did the sniffling. “You think I need to start seeing an allergist too?” He asks, wiping his nose with his wrist, more out of instinct than anything else.
“Only if you want to. It would probably be a good idea, bare minimum to confirm the animals are what you’re allergic to. But again, it’s up to you.” Youngbin says. Jasper ponders for several moments. “I think I’ll schedule an allergy test, but I don’t think anything else is necessary.”
The group went back to watching the movie. Some of them fell asleep after only an hour, so the movie got turned off.
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
I love your writing and I'm glad you're part of this little corner of snzblr where I live.
Eddissy Headcanon. Chrissy thinks it's cute how sneezy Eddie gets during ragweed season and always carries an extra pack of tissues for him. She also pets his hair and massages away sinus headaches.
❤️ Bewitchedfeathers
Aww thanks for reaching out! This idea is so cute!!! Please enjoy this Edissy Drabble ❤️
Chrissy arrived at the Munson trailer wearing her cream sweater and red skirt. She had a pumpkin patch date with Eddie today and was so excited. She knocked on the door and waited.
She heard a muffled, “h’MPTCH!” Before the door swung open, “Hey babe! I- hitchiew!! snF tsschiew! I’m so happy to see you!”
Eddie brought her into a hug as he rubbed at his eyes with the sleeve of his flannel.
“Me too, Bless you! Ready to go?”
“Yeah!” Eddie nodded and hopped in his van, Chrissy sitting in the passenger seat. “What kind of pumpkin are you looking for Chris?”
“I want a cute one.” She pictured a perfect, smooth pumpkin with a small stump.
Eddie chuckled, “A cute one” he mimicked. “I wanna find one that’s snFF the best for carving! I think I want to carve some bahhh b- H’tsssciew! Issshew! H’Nxxt! Bats…”
The strawberry blonde reached over and squeezed his shoulder. “Bless you. Bad allergy day?”
The older boy didn’t move his wrist from in front of his nose, “yeah, the ragweed is killing m’be today.”
Chrissy rummaged around in her purse and pulled out the travel sized pack of tissues she kept on hand for her boyfriend. She plucked one from the small pack and turned to hand it to him.
Eddie’s eyes were watering and his breath started to hitch. She pressed the tissue into his hand just in time.
“HIH’TSCHMpt! HNNGtchew!” He blew his nose, one hand still on the wheel, and coughed slightly.
“Poor guy. Are you sure you want to do this today?” She knew his allergies would only get worse once they got out to the pumpkin patch.
“Yeah! Of course. A few sneezes won’t stop Eddie the Banished!”
A few minutes later they were pulling up to the field. Kids were running around picking pumpkins, lining up for the hay rides, and trying their hand at the corn maze.
“Chris, we HAVE to do this corn maze!” Eddie shouted, grabbing her by the hand and running. “You try first!”
Chrissy started to walk through, looking for open paths. 9 times out of 10 though, she was met with a ten foot tall wall of corn stalks. She heard a rustle behind her and jumped slightly, turning around to be met with an empty wall of corn.
“GOTCHA!” Eddie jumped out and grabbed her from behind, leaning back and lifting her up as she kicked her legs.
“Eddie!!” They both laughed as he put her down.
The two exited the maze, Eddie only stopping to stifle into his shoulder twice. Once they reached the pumpkin patch, they took off looking for the perfect pumpkin. Eddie found his quite fast, a very big pumpkin with a twisty stem and warts on the side.
“Babe this one’s perfect!” He laughed as he made his way over to Chrissy who was looking at a few different small options.
She knelt down and picked one up. “What do you think of this one Eddie?” She called over her shoulder. No response. “Eddie?”
She turned around to see that Eddie had put his pumpkin on the ground and was fighting back a sneeze. He pitched forward suddenly, one hand on his knee and the other a fist in front of his mouth.
“Heh Nxxt! Nxxt! Hih H’NXXT!”
Chrissy lay her hand on his back rubbing circles as he bobbed with each near silent sneeze. “Eddie I-”
He held up a finger to pause her. “Hehh Not dhhh- done. NGtsschiew! AGKtssiew!”
He straightened up but swayed on his feet slightly. Chrissy wrapped an arm around his waist and used her other hand at his elbow to steady him. “Here, sit for a minute. I’m gonna go buy our pumpkins and we can leave. I’ll drive.”
She sat her boyfriend down on a small wooden bench that was up against the fence bordering the pumpkin patch. Eddie felt the small pick of tissues being pressed into his hand as she jogged off to pay. He thought it was so cute how she carried these on her 24/7, just for him.
Chrissy made it back in record time, finding Eddie with his elbows resting on his knees, punching the bridge of his nose. “You okay, Eds?”
He looked up at her and grabbed one of her hands. “Yeah. Just a sin’dus headache.”
“Well let’s get you and your cool pumpkin home then and I’ll give you a massage for that headache.” She smiled and he smiled back.
“You’re too good to m’be, Chrissy Cuddinghab.” He swiped at his nose with his one free hand and stood up.
Still holding hands, they made their way back to the van with the pumpkins, Chrissy taking the wheel. “Do you need anything?” She asked Eddie.
Eddie turned to her with red eyes and nose swollen. He held up the small pack of tissues and kissed her forehead. “I’ve got everything I need right here.”
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sleptwithinthesun · 2 years
Heard you're taking Eddie Munson prompts and bursts to your inbox. Hi, hello, I'm here.
Eddie Munson x Steve (or Chrissy)
Eddie has been sneezing all day which isn't unusual but his new boyfriend/girlfriend hasn't seen him with his allergies at his worst yet. They fuss over him or dote on him which normally he prefers people ignore his allergies but he kinda likes it when it's them
❤️ Bewitchedfeathers
okay yes. this is fantastic. thank you for the request and here is a small 0.4K drabble of allergic e/ddie because i am tired :)
"Another one?"
Eddie nods breathlessly in response to Steve's not-question, both of them already fully aware of what the answer's going to be. As of late, Eddie can tell he's absolutely, completely, totally fucked the second his breath starts hitching. Still, he manages to squeeze in a verbal response the second before the triple hits, closing his eyes as he does. He's too tired to even try to stifle, just buries the whole thing in his elbow and ignores how gross it makes him feel. "Y-hih-yeah... h'kTSch! it'sHuhh! tssh'uu!"
"Bless you," Steve says, a worried crease appearing between his brows. "Are you sure this is normal?"
"I've been doing the same routine for nine years of my life, Steve," Eddie says with a humorless smirk, sniffing back the congestion fighting to make itself known. "Believe me, it's normal."
He's been sneezing all day, and, seeing as it's the middle of spring, he's not all that surprised. But Steve? They've only been dating for a couple weeks, meaning that his boyfriend hasn't really had the chance to see his allergies in full swing. Even now, when he's on what has to be his seventeenth little fit of the morning, Eddie can't even bring himself to consider them to be at their worst yet. He's still at the point where they're just annoying, but not quite bad enough to qualify as actually being bad.
"Okay," Steve says, dragging out the first syllable. The worried crease doesn't disappear just yet, though, and he reaches over to the side of his bed to grab a box of tissues. "Here, kitten, blow your nose."
Eddie hides a smile behind the small bundle he pulls out. "You're never going to stop teasing me about that, are you?"
"Never." Steve runs a hand down Eddie's back, rubbing gently as he drops the used tissues into his lap, currently lacking a wastebasket. "Is this okay?"
"It's perfect," Eddie tells him, leaning into his boyfriend's touch. Normally, he hates drawing attention to his allergies, preferring that most people just ignore them. It's what everyone in Hellfire does, anyway; there's no time to focus on your allergic DM when you're in the middle of a battle against a bugbear. With Steve, though, it all feels different. Like they're something worth paying attention to, and showing genuine concern for.
He sniffles, rubbing his nose against his shoulder to try and relieve the itch buried deep in his sinuses. Steve's arm moves upwards, winding gently around his shoulder, and pulls him closer.
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asecretlesbian · 22 days
here you go!!
i'm actually surprised people answered the poll!! This is a sneeze Drabble !! if you dont like that stuff then dont read the story, minors DNI.
tw; M allergies
Stargazer lilies
Connor filed out of the truck, slamming the door as he landed on the apparatus floor. Luckly, Catherine, and Joseph were okay, just shaken from the Ambulances crash, the vehicle wasn’t wrecked from the fire ignited by the collision. The two had gotten out, unharmed. Though now he looked Connor could see the lieutenant of squad was glowering at him; his soot covered face not masking his fury. Yes, Connor may have wedged himself under some debris to get Joseph out, maybe the debris was on fire. Just a little!  Connor striped off his turnout coat, everything was silent. You could cut the tension with a knife. While heading back to the common space Marlyin grabbed Sharpfurrow’s shoulder, tugging him back. “What the fuck was that!” he demanded, his finger pointing at the mans face. “I did what was mandatory! What do you want them to die?” Reeve threw his hands up in the air, exasperated. All they did was bicker; it was a wonder the chief hadn’t appeared out of thin air to growl at them. The arguing was only punctured by Connors liquid sniffles, his knuckles rubbed his septum. Something was setting him off. Reeve had taken a hot second to collect himself. While he waited Connor gazed around; he was not in the mood to look at his fellow rank member. His wandering eyes landed on a brown vase, one that hadn’t been there before the call. Bursting out of it were stargazer lilies. Sharpfurrow cursed, no wonder his nose was twitching... every part of his nose itching, the burning sensation coating his nostrils. With that tickly thought in mind he pitched to the side, pinching his nostrils shut. The puffs of air were high-pitched and tight. “Hih- gnkt... huh...hih! hnkt!” He took a moment to regain composure still stuck with that irritable feeling of buzzing in his appendage. “Wow, trying to get out of it now...” Reeve snorts, arms crossed as he rocks on the tips of his toes. But thus, the fits didn’t let up, so Connor continued the itchy fits all Marlyin did was comment on how sneezy Connor, so suddenly. Sharpfurrows was tricked by a heartbeat of his nose allowing him to breathe. Before wrenching to the side with a “igottasneeze, fuckigg hell-.. hhih – hah h’ktch! hh-hih! Hiihh - tch! Sndff..” a hand rubbed his back; he looked up at his fellow lieutenant... tears welling in his eyes. Red embarrassment covered his face, and his nose itched... so badly... “Is it the lilies?” Reeve stood by his side, tissues in hand. He extended them out to Connor, a peace offering. All the lieutenant could do is nod before he lost his last inch of self-control and fell into a fit of squeaky sneezes once more, he was breathless; trying not to pass out. “Jun! get these flowers out of the firehouse. Lark! I’ll need your help hauling his arse to the bunker room.”
i'm posting this and running !!
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