#hilda Matilda pilqvist
kiki-draws-things · 1 year
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Tildy know dwelling on it will only make it worse
Got the idea from @the-hilda-librarians-wife
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blaithnne · 28 days
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Picture me saying “okay just one more” about ten times and you have this post
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foolsfrogg · 7 months
Life or bath for dry Tontu?
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phopollo · 7 months
Does this mean anything to anyone other than me
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Original post by _Ochacon24 on Twitter
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thesealanterns · 6 months
This lady needs more love
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If Tildy’s familiar really is a weather spirit, then I think there’s something really interesting to be said about the parallels between the two people who have had such spirits in their homes. Victoria keeping one there forcefully wanting to control nature. Tildy having one choose her and (presumably) being the person who taught Kaisa that magic is about knowing and not manipulating. The way that Victoria wanted to use her “power” to actually help the community. The way Tildy isn’t really welcome in hers because she doesn’t want to play the power game. How Tildy’s hair looks like a fluffy sunny day cloud. How Victoria’s looks like the ones you see during thunderstorms. Hm. Somebody smarter than me should write the essay.
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jetcat-14 · 10 days
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I am in this Boat of .....I believe Tildy may have raised Kaisa for some part of her life .
Leading to Kaisa feeling like she disappointed her when she didn't live up to the witch she thought Tildy wanted her to be.
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rogue-command · 28 days
2s ago
*wakes up at 3am in a cold sweat*
Witches AU where the Committee of Three is Tildy, Astrid, and Victoria.
Or they got fed up with the official one and made their own.
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stereochromatic404 · 1 year
An Extra Final Chapter, with Super Transformations, no less!
I hope you enjoy it!
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helgafolk618 · 6 months
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🪴Hilda and the Grass Sword AU🗡
[Hildelion approaches Twig, petting him]
Hidelion: This impostor keeps saying she's me. Why don't you set things straight and tell her who the real Hilda is?
[Twig quickly runs up to Hilda and hides behind her, looking at Hildelion waringly]
Hildelion: What?
Hilda: Yeah, I don't know who you are...
More info about this AU:
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As Hilda, Frida, and Kaisa ventured into the labyrinthine first chamber of Matilda Pilqvist's maze, they encountered an unexpected adversary. A plant creature loomed before them, prompting Hilda to grasp a sword she discovered in the vicinity. In this AU, the weapon in question is none other than the Grass Sword. With a swift motion, Hilda cleaved through the lock that barred their way, all without the help of Frida. "That's a really freakish sword," Kaisa said, eyeing the blade with a mix of awe and apprehension.
The Grass Sword was abandoned in the room as the trio pressed on, the episode unfolding as normal.
In the aftermath of their adventure, Hilda lauded Tildy for her exceptional magical prowess, particularly in the creation of the Grass Sword. Tildy, however, confessed to no recollection of such a feat, but she attributed the lapse to her old age. Hilda, ever respectful, returned the sword to Tildy, who intended to restore it to its rightful place within her maze.
That night, Hilda's sleep was deep and undisturbed. Yet, next morning revealed a curious anomaly: blades of grass encircled her wrist. It seemed the Grass Sword had claimed her as its new master. The thought of her Mum's potential reaction sent a shiver down her spine—Johanna would surely ground her indefinitely. Thus, Hilda resolved to conceal the sword, which is easy for her since she usually wears long sleeves anyways. She signed a confidentiality form with Alfur, permitting him to document the sword's existence, albeit discreetly.
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When the Kraken incident led to Hilda getting grounded, she breathed a sigh of relief; atleast Johanna had not noticed her Grass Sword. Unbeknownst to Hilda, it would be a long time before the sword would grace her presence again.
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S2E8, "The Fifty-Year Night," found Hilda meddling with the fabric of time. Her goal was simple: to cement the love between Ostenfeld and Tildy in that one fateful night. Alas, Time Worms hate deviations from set-in-stone time. As one such creature wreaked havoc in the nightclub, devouring alternate realities of Ostenfeld, it also targeted the past incarnation of Hilda. Defying the warnings of her future self, Hilda unsheathed the Grass Sword and lunged at the Time Worm. The ensuing struggle saw the sword expand, enveloping her arm in a desperate bid to subdue the beast (like Finn not letting his father escape in "Escape From The Citadel").
The attempt failed. The Grass Sword loosened its grip, severing from Hilda's arm (her arm itself is fine though). The future Hilda met her end within the maw of the Time Worm, which then consumed the remains of the Grass Sword and then turned its appetite towards the present Hilda. In a leap of faith, she plunged into a time portal, narrowly escaping the same fate.
The episode, and subsequently Season 2 and the movie, progressses and finishes as normal, yet what was happening to the Time Worm was far from that at all.
The Ostenfeld and Hilda alternates, trapped within the Time Worm, oscillated between being and non-being, ultimately glitching out to oblivion. The Grass Sword, once a formidable mass, reverted to its original form and impaled the past Hilda. It thought that it had found its way back to their master, but they were confronted with a duplicate of itself. The Grass Demon within the sword emerged, intent on eradicating the doppelgänger. It enveloped past Hilda in a cocoon, initiating a metamorphosis.
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Some time after "The Fifty Year Night," the Time Worm, disoriented by the Grass Demon's transformation, flitted erratically across epochs. It traveled to a future that was the timeskip/epilogue of the movie, and close to the onset of Season 3.
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Out in the wilderness, the Time Worm fainted on a clearing in the Great Forest. Within the creature, a mysterious force cleaved its way to freedom, leading to the creature's demise. From its remains emerged a figure of grass, gradually assuming a more familiar form—a form that has a beret, a scarf, and an insatiable thirst for adventure.
Thus, Hildelion came into being.
Thanks for reading! I don't have a fanfic in mind at the moment; this AU was just for fun. I'll make a part two soon focusing on Hildelion herself. 💙
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ghostofcinders · 1 year
Chapter Opening Quotes for They Came from Witchford Academy!
They Came from Witchford Academy!, our Magical School RPG supplement for Onyx Path's They Came from the Cyclops's Cave! I pitched and developed, is currently going through the Editing stage. I don't have the permission to share previews yet, but I still want to give you all something since it's been a while since I talked about it (the development phase took tons of my attention!) So, here are the various chapter opening quotes, each citing one of the many piece of media that inspired us all during the project:
“The well-being of our students is our top priority. Which is why we send all our troublemakers to our new and improved detention pit.”
— Principal Bump of Hexside School of Magic & Demonics, The Owl House (2020 — 2023)
“I don't care about ancient history, I didn't come here to become one of those moldy old witches. It's no fun at all. I wanna be a cool witch like Shiny Chariot.”
— Atsuko “Akko” Kagari, Little Witch Academia (2013)
“This looks like a job for inadvisably applied magic if ever I saw one.”
—Terry Pratchett, Making Money (2007)
“It was only when Shona, in sheer fury, turned the carnivorous sheep among them that they moved. They ran, some of them with charming little white sheep attached to their legs or backsides and the rest shouting about monsters.”
—Diana Wynne Jones, Dark Lord of Derkholm (1998)
“Arch-sorceress Matilda Pilqvist. Enchanter of Livelihoods, Grand Alchemist of the Dark Communion of Halgar, First Bloodsister of the Order of the Black Candle, tormentor of the…”
“Yeah, okay, we get it. She’s accomplished and scary”
— Frida and Hilda, Hilda (2018 — 2023)
“I’m not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism.”
— Wednesday Addams, Wednesday (2022) This is barely a taste of the actual book, but I still think it gives off the right impressions!
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Tildy 10 16 and 23 pls. Im curious
Send a character and a number/several numbers, and i'll answer:
10. Describe the character in one sentence:
The grandma every young witch needs XD
16. A childhood headcanon:
Tildy caused quite a stir as a young witch. She was similar to Frida; studious and determined enough to make herself a prodigy, which threw a lot of her peers for a loop because her parents were perfectly ordinary. Her mother worked in a garment factory and her father was a doorman, and neither of them could get their heads around magic, but they were incredibly supportive of their child.
Most powerful witches, even today, come from long families where studies are encouraged from a young age and magic runs deep. So to have a complete outsider upset that was a pretty big deal at the time, and, some would argue, is the root cause of why Tildy has never gotten on with the witching establishment.
23. Future headcanon:
She ends up second-guessing herself, and reaches out to Mr. Ostenfeld after all. Without the magazine, he hasn't been able to stew quite as much, but he does still regret that night deeply and is happy to try again. They take things slow, and both become very good at keeping their significant other from thinking too much about what might-have-been :))
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blaithnne · 10 months
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mazoomlec · 4 years
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what kind of lesbian are you?
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phopollo · 8 months
Baby Kaisa from that one post & younger Tildy warm up doodle,,,
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Awkward little freak teenage Kaisa I love you so much,,,,,,,,,,
I wanna know more about Kaisa's time as Tildy's student I wanna know more about their relationship too, they seem like such a fun dynamic,,,,
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furashuban · 3 years
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So while rewatching The Witch episode, I had this idea when I saved this frame of Tildy and then thought about her familiar.
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For a while now I’ve always thought Cornelius might be a domesticated weather spirit even though it’s never said to be the case in the show.
And while I do think it’s wholesome to assume that an intimidating persona like Tildy in the portrait has always had a sluggish ball of puff as her familiar, I ALSO think that Cornelius was, at first, like other weather spirits we’ve seen in the show, being huge sentient clouds capable of sheer rage/aggression and it’d fit the powerful aura of the decorated arch sorceress to have around. Just that over time, Tildy and Cornelius became a more hushed and unassuming duo like they are now.
So anyway, imagine This accompanying young Tildy wherever she went about, how frightening yet awesome would that be O__O :
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The only thing I’ve yet to figure out though is how Cornelius even became Tildy’s familiar to begin with.
(im afraid that im overthinking this a little, but it’s still fun to think about sdfgsd)
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