#hinted dragonborn/daedra
dalekofchaos · 4 days
Return of the Dwemer.
the Dwemer returning just as suddenly as they left. Maybe go to a city and find it overrun with Dwarves and you have to escape and get together a band of warriors from both sides of the civil war in order to save Skyrim from annihilation or join the Dwemer. As part of the dlc you would get the option of having up to four followers.
Another cool option for a small add-on would be a homebase for your followers like in fallout: New Vegas. A fort where you could send them and make it a thriving community of followers
Post-Civil War. We get to see what happens after you win the Civil War. How Skyrim thrives after Imperial or Stormcloak victory. You crush the last Imperial or Stormcloak hold outs and execute the remaining generals of the losing side. If you helped the Imperials win, you could stop a Thalmor plot attempting to put Elisif on the throne to be their puppet. You could have Elenwen removed from Skyrim and decide who ultimately becomes High King/Queen Of Skyrim. Ultimately it comes down to Balgruuf or Elisif. If you helped the Stormcloaks win. You help Ulfric eliminate all opposition to his ascension to High King and help the Stormcloaks kill the Thalmor Justiciars and eventually burn the Thalmor Embassy to the ground.
Thalmor invasion of Skyrim some time in the future. Set up for a massive battle. You go to help the Legion/Stormcloaks, you have to recruit the remaining enemy Legionnaires/Stormcloaks. Basically every follower you've had and given crazy good equipment to us there. The Blades are all there if you rebuilt them. For some plot reason you have Talos's actual personal amulet which reduces Shout cool down by 100%. You ride Odaahving over the Thalmor Flagship, followed by Duurnehviir. Storm Call. Become Ethereal and leap off your dragon, landing on the deck surrounded by the leaders of the Thalmor. Pull out Wuuthrad. Go to town.
End result is that the Thalmor invasion of Skyrim is utterly defeated and their ability to attack Cyrodiil is severely crippled.
giving the Bard's College a bigger, more fleshed-out quest and adding the ability to play instruments would be neat. You could play instruments, there could be skill books that level your bard skills or song books that would be like spelltomes where you learn new songs. For quests you could have to perform in front of various audiences.
The Forsworn. There are hints throughout the game that they are planning something big, letters found in several camps etc. But other than the forsworn conspiracy there’s not much there. A branching quest line that builds off of that quest, about retaking the Reach or fighting against the Forsworn would be cool. Could even maybe spill over into a hold of High Rock.
For the Forsworn, it depends on what you chose for the Forsworn conspiracy. If you killed Madanach(and everyone in the prison) then you hear reports of the Forsworn planning a massive attack on the Reach planning to avenge their king and retake the Reach. It's clear the Forsworn will not stop these constant attacks on the Reach, so you have to put them down.
If you sided with the Forsworn, you get to help the Forsworn retake the Reach. Displace the Nords, killing the Silverblood family and retake Markarth. Madanach replaces whomever the Jarl was but as king. The Imperials would work with the Forsworn ran Markarth, but The Stormcloaks would not, so better to only choose this path if the Imperials win the Civil War.
The Last of the Snow Elves: Lost tribe of Snow Elves seeks to rebuild their civilization. They seek out other healthy tribes, search for a solution to heal the afflicted Falmer, fight to reclaim their ancestral home, and they seek revenge on those factions still working to eradicate them. This could certainly be a fairly long and interesting DLC. We could get into political shit with the descendants of Nords who still hold a grudge, could get another Elder Scroll on the scene by finding out one of them has the ability to undo the tricks of the Dwemer, some weird time travel shit to find out more about that Elder Scroll, more about the motiviations of the Dwemer.
Post-Paarthurnax Dilemma. If you sided with Delphine, you will aid in re-establishing a new guild of warriors 'Dragonguard' by allocating resources and taking over forts across the province, and prepare an incursion into the heartlands against the false Empire and their Thalmor masters. If you sided with the Greybeards, you will start a new academy for teaching the voice, and train a league of dragon-riding warrior monks set out to extinguish the undead legions of a resurrected dragon priest - a master necromancer and the teacher of Vals Varen and Lu'ah Al-Skaven - who wants to use the buried and recently-dead of Skyrim to conquer the province for himself.
Akavari. An Akaviri expedition arrives on the shores of Eastmarch, having heard the cries of the return of the dragons. They've come searching for the Dragonborn and to join in the hunt for dragons. You venture across the province on dragon hunts with several key new characters, testing your mantle against new dangerous species of dragons in new and old re-vamped locations.
After several successful ventures and proving yourself to the Akaviri captains, they proclaim you as their new leader, and advise you to forge your own kingdom in Tamriel. If you sided with the Empire, you must now usurp their claim upon Skyrim and push the remanent of Tullius' legion out by force, for the Mede Dynasty refuses to acknowledge your new seat of power in Skyrim. If you sided with the Stormcloaks, you must usurp Ulfric's claim as high king before the moot, and convince each of the hold's Jarls, either through favour or battle, to submit to your righteous authority.
I feel like The Dragonborn becoming Emperor could be for Skyrim, what The Shivering Isles was for Oblivion. See this post on what a Dragonborn becoming Emperor could look like
The Psijic Order. Magic in skyrim doesn't really feel too fleshed out, There could be quests that give you entirely different spells instead of the usual 5 spells plus reskins. It could have you solve the mystery on why they never had much screentime.
And at the end, it could have you restoring winterhold
Dragonborn Conquest. Similar to my Dragonborn Emperor concept, but doing it for the good of the people of Skyrim.
The premise would be that the Dragonborn is sick to death of this wretched Civil War. One side is subservient to the true enemy and the other side is full of racists. The Imperials have literal criminals as Jarls(Maven and Siddgeir) Stormcloaks have paranoid lunatics and the corrupt as Jarls. Both sides have good arguments, but both cannot be allowed to control Skyrim. So the Dovahkiin decides it’s time for the people to open their eyes and take Skyrim back for the people. Nords, Imperials, Redguards, Elves, Argonians and the Khajit.
The Dragonborn’s promises
The Khajit caravans get to gain entry in the cities of Skyrim instead of being forced on the outskirts
Restoring Talos worship
Argonians gain entry into Windhelm instead of being forced on the docks
The Dunmer will receive better housing than the Grey Quarter
All citizens of Skyrim will be treated equally under the new High King
Proper Jarls to rule and govern their holds and to maintain stability, peace and justice to their people instead of ruling out of greed or power
An end to the Civil War by any means necessary
An end to corrupt families like the Black Briars and Silver-Bloods
Rebuilding Winterhold
Giving The Reach back to the Forsworn
The execution of Ulfric Stormcloak and expulsion of General Tullius and the Legion.
The final promise. An end to the Thalmor Justiciar witch hunts and kidnappings and the forced removal of the Thalmor from Skyrim
So yeah, The Dragonborn should’ve been able to become High King of Skyrim and rule for the good of the people of Skyrim. Be able to handpick the Jarls for the good of the land and been able to side against the Stormcloaks, Imperials and Thalmor.
The Dragonborn's death is inevitable, but the Daedra are scheming to keep the Dragonborn's soul after his death, while the Aedra want to reward the Dragonborn with Soverngarde.
Was inspired by this
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friend-of-giants · 1 year
Can I just... share a snippet that I am immensely happy with and want to share?? It's from Chapter 8 - What Guides Us, the first 1/4 of the chapter. I find myself thinking about this scene rather often and I hope you all enjoy it too.
Crickets filled the late evening air with their music, thousands and thousands of individual calls combining into a singular song that seemed to surround and envelop the listeners of the night. The torchbugs, too, were out in full force. Swarms of them floated lazily above the grasses along the shoreline, as if lighting the stage for the crickets below. Not a single coherent thought among all of them, they simply existed, oblivious to the world around them and its troubles.
Oh, the simple life of bugs.
It had been quite some time since Teldryn was able to just sit and enjoy such a peaceful setting, and bugs in particular, he thought, were quite interesting. Small little things with lives of their own, even if those lives were short and consisted only of eating and finding a mate and making even more bugs, but they seemed to be quite successful at it. The world could crumble around them and take all men and mer with it, and the bugs would continue on with their little lives as if it were just another day.
He leaned back in his chair that sat overlooking the lake and closed his eyes, taking in the peaceful night around him. It wasn’t too warm, nor was it too cool. The wind had died earlier in the evening and in its wake, a profound stillness was all that remained. The only things that might make this moment better would be a bottle of sujamma and someone to share it with.
Next to him, the balcony door opened and through it stepped the Dragonborn, back from wherever it was she had been most of the afternoon. She glanced around for a moment, perhaps taking in the sights the Gods had blessed them with, then dropped into the chair next to him with a heavy sigh.
Now if only he had some sujamma.
“Welcome back, outlander," Teldryn greeted, watching Wren as she tucked a wayward strand of iron gray hair behind her ear. He thought he saw a faint hint of a smile on her lips at his words. “Glad to see you decided to return."
He had been a bit worried, truthfully, though he wasn't about to tell her that. She had left shortly after unloading her troubles on him; they had made a quick breakfast of eggs and toast, then she had simply vanished without a word or even an indication as to where she had gone.
After everything she had admitted in the ruins, after what he had seen in Whiterun and after the weight of their talk just earlier that same morning, he feared she may have been pushed to a breaking point, but was relieved to see that his worries had been in vain.
“Teldryn,” she began hesitantly after some time had passed. He looked toward her curiously. “Do you ever speak with the Gods?”
“Probably not as often as I should. Why do you ask?”
Wren clasped her hands together tightly, and he saw her knuckles pale. “Do they ever listen to you?”
There were a thousand things to be said about his relationship with the Gods and Daedra, with Azura in particular. He hummed thoughtfully and gazed back out over the waters, to the torchbugs that still flickered and danced along the shores. Most people were small and insignificant in the eyes of the Gods, just as the bugs were to men and mer.
But as the mortal races would often catch an exceptional specimen in a jar and hold it dear, so had Azura chosen Teldryn, her champion, the savior of Morrowind and all of the Dunmer people. Through all of his trials, from the shining, glorious moments to the times where the darkness had surrounded and suffocated him until he had screamed for the merciful release of death, Azura was there. She always was, and always would be.
“Sometimes they do," was his simple response.
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gracien-system · 2 years
Faceless heroes are the best.
A demigod in mortal form, wearing armor head to toe, nothing but metal and fury to identify by.
They rush through the battlefield, decimating legions, without anyone ever knowing their true identity, only knowing them by title.
A rogue in the night, covered in a cowl, face blocked out by an ornate mask. The only hint you'll ever get is the knife in your back moments before your own death.
The archmage who wears a hood enchanted with darkness, so that the only glimpse ever gained by looking towards them is of a void, from which their voice calls forth power to rend the very fabric of reality.
We love them. They are great. Whenever we play a game like Skyrim we will never wear armor which reveals our face. We will be the Dragonborn, and only the Dragonborn. None will remember us by anything else, for we are nothing else. Avatar of Akatosh, slayer of Alduin, Mirrak, and Harkon, savior of Solsteim, champion of the Daedra, and seer of Dragons, Blood, and The Sun.
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babiesgotbackbacon · 2 years
Tag, You’re It: Skyrim OC edition
I was tagged by @kiir-do-faal-rahhe. If you wanna do it, by all means go for it. 
The OC: Aleaksi Medici, Dragonborn. Go read about her.
What’s your OCs favorite tavern? The Bannered Mare, you know before being labeled a public nuisance. But in her defense, there was a lot of alcohol and drug use involved.
What about their favorite beverage? Beer – or more specifically Ale. Cyrodillic Brandy for special occasions and wine when she’s trying to impress someone. Aleaksi has been called out on this several times and struggles to understand that the ‘nose’ of a wine does not hint at the presence of a mouth or eyes.
Who do they travel with? Well, it was Lydia but that didn’t last long (something about ‘burdens’). Then there was Erik until he was made a steward, really more for his own protection. And now, it’s just Miraak aka Mister “Stop staring at me like that” or “Did you bath today? Are you sure?”. A well balanced and healthy relationship.
Are they wealthy? How do they make money? HA no. Well, not really anymore. Granted Aleaksi isn’t broke but she can be a bit spendy which has led to some interesting situations.
Do they worship any aedra or daedra? That’s a complicated question. Do Aedra/Daedra exist? Of course, but is she willing to worship them? Eh, no but that doesn’t stop them from trying to make her their champion. Meridia is still butt-hurt about that.
What is their biggest fear? The stereotypical fear of failure. But in this case, failure really does mean the literal end of existence.
Any pet peeves? Several. Miraak has made it his singular goal of finding each and every single of them. In turn, Aleaksi discreetly rearranges a different section of his study every day. She hasn’t been caught yet but it won’t be long.
Do they like being Dragonborn? Or do they see it as a burden? It was fun at first and then people wanted her to do things. Where is the joy in that? Although, the fame and shop discounts are nice.
Favorite Skyrim faction? That is a tough one. The college has a grudging respect after what happened most recently. The Thieves Guild is completely neutral but who knows how long that will last. The Companions gave up recruitment attempts after too many “good doggy” jokes. So, none?
Any object they carry with high sentimental value? An amulet stamped with the Kvatch insignia on one side, and her family’s crest on the other. It’s far older than it appears.
What about hobbies? Drinking, brawling every now and then (usually after drinking), unearthing barrows after being chased out for picking fights. Antiquing.  She might be a little bit of a hoarder.
Favorite Skyrim city? Solitude for…reasons.
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opaquemasque · 4 years
Three main thoughts went into this:
1. What would happen in the afterlife if the Dragonborn really did become the champion of every Daedric Prince he encountered?
2. If one Dragonborn could ascend to Godhood, why can’t another descend to Demonhood?
3. I would totally flirt with every Daedra if I had the chance to do so without being murdered.
Hope you enjoy!
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drabblesforsanguine · 4 years
Letting Go - Oneshot
Summary: Miraak lets go of the past and looks towards his future.
Pairing: Miraak/f!LDB
Warnings: fluff, flirting, light angst, brief descriptions of ptsd, mentions of violence, possible thalassophobia triggers
Word Count: 1879
Prompt: none
A/N: this is the first oneshot I've ever posted on this site, so pls be gentle lol. Also I'm on mobile, so sorry about any spelling/grammatical errors. Find me on ao3 
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The only sound to be heard was the soft splash of the oars cutting through the water. No sound of waves crashing against the shore or the cry of seagulls, for even they didn't fly out this far.
If he squinted hard enough, Miraak could just barely make out the rocky outline of the northern coast far behind the Last Dragonborn.
The midday sky above was overcast and the ocean breeze was bitter. More than once he'd seen her shiver from a particularly harsh gale only to pretend that she didn't. A storm was brewing on the sea behind him, though with luck it would be many hours before it reached them.
"Not much further, now." Her eyes were fixed on the dark waves as she spoke.
"You've been saying that for the past hour." He grumbled, his arms starting to feel sore from this seemingly endless amount of rowing.
She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, a faint teasing smirk on her lips.
"Well, this time I mean it."
His gaze flickered down to the wooden chest resting by her feet, his curiosity still piqued as to its contents and purpose for being here.
He'd asked about it at the beginning of their voyage, among many other questions, but of course she'd just shrugged him off like she always does and said he'd find out once they were far out at sea. Well, they were far out enough.
He stopped rowing and fixed her with a hard stare.
"I'm not rowing another inch until you tell me what we're doing out here."
She finally turned and faced him fully, one of her dark eyebrows arched upwards. With a dead serious look in her eyes, she spoke.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to kill you, lock your corpse in this chest and dump it in the sea."
He blinked at her once, twice.
"Is it impossible for you not to act like a child all the time?"
She rolled her eyes then, with a sigh, she leaned over the chest and lifted the lid. Miraak peered inside with curiosity. His eyes narrowed at what he saw.
"Are those..."
"The Black Books, yes." She said, wrapping her arms around herself as another breeze rolled by.
True to her word, inside the confines of the chest were all seven of Hermaeus Mora's forbidden tomes, each individually wrapped in animal skins and tightly bound with rope.
"He will not be happy if we do this." Miraak cautioned after a short pause, his eyes still fixed on the evil books before him.
The books that had brought him nothing but suffering. Just looking at them made him feel... uneasy, for lack of a better word. It was the same feeling he always had in Apocrypha: alone, yet constantly under watch by an unseen entity.
She just shrugged nonchalantly. "He's not exactly thrilled with me anyways."
He stared at her, his brows pinched together. "Why?"
For a moment she appeared confused. "For starters, I shot him with Auriels bow, temporarily destroyed his plane of Oblivion and stole his favorite champion?"
He rolled his eyes and huffed out a breath. "No. I mean, why are you doing this?" He gestured towards the chest to make his meaning clear.
"Oh," she mumbled, suddenly avoiding eye contact with him. When she finally focused back on him, it was with a seriousness he'd rarely seen from her before.
"These books have brought us nothing but misery -- you most of all." He winced involuntarily at her words, but she continued. "Maybe doing this will give you- us, some closure. If not, then at least it'll piss Hermaeus Mora off, which is good enough for me."
He scoffed, "He is probably laughing at us as we speak, you know."
"Yeah. Well, he can choke on his own tentacles for all I care. Now, are you gonna keep rowing or what?" She asked, feigning irritation as she shut the lid of the chest.
He rolled his eyes but seeing as she revealed why they were there, he stayed true to his word and continued pushing the boat further out to sea.
"You are too eager to defy the Daedra." He admonished lightheartedly.
She shrugged, "We defeated him once. We can do it again."
He gave no response, though there were many things he wanted to say. Most notably that she was naive to think they could defeat a Daedric Prince twice. They'd merely gotten lucky the first time. He wanted to say that, but he didn't.
After a brief silence, she spoke again.
"How long has it been now?"
"Nine months, 14 days." He answered without skipping a beat.
"How time flies," she mused. "It feels like only yesterday that I was nursing you back from the brink of death."
"Don't remind me."
She smirked at his sour tone.
"Come on, I wasn't that bad of a caretaker."
Again, he didn't respond.
Miraak would much rather forget those first few weeks after he was freed from Apocrypha -- after she freed him from Apocrypha -- when he was so weak and ill that he couldn't even walk by himself, and he was forced to rely on the Dovahkiin's good will to help him.
He hated feeling so powerless. So vulnerable.
He'd learned from an young age how to take care of himself, but all those years trapped in Oblivion made him forget. For a long time it pained him to admit how much he needed her in the beginning, to help him remember how to be human. It wasn't quite as painful to admit now, but he'd still rather not be reminded of it.
"Is it such a bad thing to let others take care of you from time to time?" She asked, as if reading his thoughts.
"In my time, relying too much on others was a good way to get yourself killed."
"You're not in that time anymore."
She looked at him with a sincerity that made his insides ache. He almost couldn't stand it -- these feelings she aroused in him.
He looked down at the chest again, just so he didn't have to bear that look anymore.
"This should be far enough." She said suddenly.
Miraak stopped rowing and secured the oars in place. He watched curiously as she reached into her satchel laying on the bench beside her and withdrew an iron padlock. She paused for a split second before reaching out towards him with the padlock.
With little hesitation on his part, he took it from her open palm, his fingers lightly grazing against her skin. He saw goosebumps raise on her arm as he withdrew his fingers, but chalked it up to the cold. For a Nord, she didn't handle the cold very well.
His hands felt heavier than usual as he reached forward and snapped the lock shut around the latch, sealing the chest.
When he looked up at her, there was a hint of relief in her eyes. Like a huge weight had already been lifted from her shoulders. He felt it too.
He nodded, unwavering.
They both stood carefully as to not tip the small rowboat over, each grabbing one side of the chest, and leveraged it precariously on the boats edge. Kneeling side by side, they shared one last look of determination then, after a deep breath, they pushed the chest overboard. Together they peered over the edge and watched it sink into the dark water below. With all luck, it will remain lost to the depths of the Sea of Ghosts forever.
Then they waited.
A minute passed, two minutes. For what felt like forever they remained there, holding their breaths as they stared into the icy water. Nothing ever happened. No mass of angry, slimy tentacles appeared over them, threatening to disembowel them for desecrating his precious tomes.
When it finally felt safe to do so, they each exhaled their long held breaths. Relief finally settled in his bones.
She spoke after another significant pause, if only to break the ice.
"When I 'won' the Oghma Infinium, the first thing I did with it was drop it into the sea. At least now it's wretched cousins can keep it company."
"Mora will not let this go unpunished. Sooner or later he will have his revenge." He hated that his voice wavered ever so slightly. He was never one to show fear. He could feel it, yes, but he certainly never showed it.
If she noticed, she gave no indication.
"Yes, he will," she said, her tone not lacking in surety. "And when he does, we will face him together."
Then she turned towards him, a faint smile on her face. His stomach nearly jumped out of his throat when her hand slowly slid over to rest atop of his own. Strangely though, he didn't move away. He should've moved away, but he found that he didn't want to.
Even before he'd been imprisoned for thousands of years, Miraak had gone out of his way to avoid intimacy. It was nothing but a weakness to be used against him. After being completely devoid of the touch of others for so long, he'd forgotten how nice it could feel.
Seeming to act on a will of it's own, his hand turned upwards and sought her own significantly smaller one. Her ice cold skin immediately warmed at his touch.
"Together." He repeated with a nod.
Her smile grew a little bit brighter, her cheeks turning a faint pink. It was only due to the cold air, or so he told himself.
"But until then," he continued, "let's get somewhere warm. You're freezing out here."
She gave his hand a little squeeze before pulling away, much to his disappointment. He tried not to let it show, but the way her smirk grew even more told him he was not as stoic as he thought.
His disappointment quickly faded, however, as he watched her take a seat on the bench he'd previously occupied. Still smiling, she crossed one leg over the other and pat the empty space next to her.
"Yes, let's go home."
Home. She'd never called it that before. It was always 'my house' or 'the house', but never 'home'.
Struggling to contain his own smile, he sat down next to her and started unfastening the oars. Before he could react, she scooted closer to him and huddled against his side, digging her hands into his robes for warmth.
She was shivering worse than he'd realized.
He wrapped one of his arms around her to grab the other oar. She angled her body in a way that allowed him to row while still being close enough to absorb his warmth. With a tranquil sigh, she rested her cheek on his chest, the peek of her head stopping just below his chin.
He tried to tell himself she was just cold, but he knew better. He'd always known better.
It was in that moment, with his ferocious little Dragonborn cuddled against his body for warmth, he realized that she was his home, and to his surprise, that wasn't such a scary thought.
For the first time in a long time, he had something worth holding onto and he never planned on letting go.
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curechocolattymilk · 3 years
TES V OC Thingie
[Got tagged by @jessaryss​ ! ]
Pause your game! Wherever your OC is in their game currently, tell me about their story so far.
✧✧✧ General
Current Level: 56
Name: Jeer-Tei Perdes
Name Meaning: Literally got it from a name generator lol. But lore wise it was a name gifted to them in honor of an Argonian who served beside Tei’s mother during the Great War
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: Early 30s where they are story wise???
Race(s): Argonian
Place of Origin: Hammerfell
Pick A Theme Song For Them: oof that's tough... From a Crowded Wound or maybe even Firstwake? If you really played around w personal interpretation/the lyrics that is haha
✧✧✧ Locations
Where Did You Begin Their Game?: Argonian Assemblage, Windhelm (Alternative Start)
Where Are They Currently In Your Game?: Whiterun
What Are They Doing There?: Just finished attending a party held in their honor (Post Blood of Kings)
Homes?: Breezehome, Proudspire, Lakeview & Autmnwatch
# of Locations Discovered?: 274
Dungeons Cleared: 104
Misc. Quests Completed: 87
Favorite Areas and/or Locations: Falkreath / Lakewview Manor. Both areas are where Tei heads off to in order to collect their thoughts/feel some sense of calm.
✧✧✧ Main Quest
Are They Dragonborn / Do They Know It At This Point?: Yes & yes
How Do They Feel About Being Dragonborn: It's...complicated, being thrust into the role of savior by gods of the Cult, which in turn are followed by the folk who see you lesser than them. Tei already has a dislike towards the Divines, this doesn't really help lol
Main Quests Completed: 21
Where Are They In The Main Story Line: Alduin's dead, currently trying to ignore the Civil War as long as they can before the Empire forces its hand into forcing them to join their ranks
Dragon Souls Absorbed: In total overall? 147. The amount currently stored in Tei? 45
Words of Power Learned: 64
Shouts Mastered: 21
Favorite Shout: Firebreath / Dragonrend
✧✧✧ Combat
Most Used Weapon(s): Daedric war axe OR Dragonbone battle axe. Tei technically has both on them at all times during adventuring, alongside a shield, so which they used depends on the situation/which they grab fastest.
Combat Style: Two/One-handed tank. Main tactic is to rush in, cause as much damage/chaos as possible to shake up the opponent, & clean up what the ranged attackers of the party (usually Rumarin, Inigo and/or Lucien) weren't able to deal with.
Armor Type / Level In It: HEAVY ARMOR BABYYYYY (Level 100 + 35 extra points via enchantments)
# of Training Sessions: 99 in-game, lore wise its a lot of self-teaching/keeping their skills learned from Hammerfell sharp. Some of these are magic but lore-wise this doesn't happen cus Tei is not a magic user, save for shouts. I just did those in-game for exp OR so I can help Lucien raise his magic skills :'D
Who Taught Them?: In-game?? Fuuuck so many npcs. Lore-wise? They learned this from their schooling in Hammerfell, going off the canon-lore that it's p much expected for everyone to have a grasp on combat & weaponry! Though they did learn a few things from Kaidan & Anum-La.
Favorite Enemy Type: Dragons! Despite the fact Tei does not have the best magic resistance, it's one hell of a challenge they love to meet.
Least Favorite Enemy Type: Automatons, because of a bad experience with them as a child. Also Undead, because they were raised not to disturb them & it just feels so wrong having to fight them/go into tombs.
People Killed: 945
Animals Killed: 749 (Hunterborn makes hunting fun lol)
Undead Killed: 766
Automatons Killed: 105
Daedra Killed: 136
✧✧✧ Magic
Favorite School(s): None, actually. Destruction is okay though....they guess
Most Used Spell(s): Firebreath or Dragon Aspect. Tei doesn't consider shouts spells though. It's totally different guys shut up they ain't no smelly mage gods
Spells Learned: 9 in-game, mainly due to the spells you're kinda forced to learn for some quests/the ones you automatically know
Items Enchanted: 19 (Tei technically doesn't enchant, and wont next playthrough for sure I wont give in this time >:[ )
College of Winterhold Quests Completed: 8
Where Are They At In The Questline?: Main quest is done bcus i dont like seeing unfinished quests in my journal lmao. Tei's involvement is completely different from canon though in my take. Moreso was hired as a guard for the expedition & was, unwillingly, dragged into the rest of the mess. Is not offered the Archmage position, that went straight to Tolfdir.
Opinions on Magical Guilds (Arcane University, Winterhold, Psijics, Synod, Radiant Dark, etc.): As they get older, they tolerate the guild & magic users more n more, BUT, Tei grew up in an environment that frowns upon the practice of magic, & it shows. They mainly mistrust necromancers/illusionists & still hold onto that belief that reliance on magic, especially for combat, is a weakness.
Bold words for someone with shit magic resistance.
✧✧✧ Crime
Current Gold: 10,640
How Did They Acquire Their Gold?: Odd jobs, selling a lot of the items they made/harvested from smithing & hunting (jewelers are their go-to hirers bcus Tei is great at getting things like ivory), Dwemer ruin diving (they refuse to loot the tombs), also yknow....being part of the Dark Brotherhood helps
Largest Bounty On Their Head: 11,240
For...?: Unfortunately they did not stand down when they were being falsely accused of murder in Markarth. First time Tei called down dragons (Sahrotaar, specifically, Tei managed to get command of Miraak's dragons post-Dragonborn) to absolutely smite some fools.
Current Bounty: None! They're good at not getting caught/threatening and/or bribing guards. :)
Locks Picked: 15 i think?
Jail Time: 1, Cidhna Mine
Jail Escapes: 1, teamed up w the Forsworn lol
Murders: 28
Assaults: 307....In their defense people keep getting in their way during dragon attacks
Items Stolen: 37, most of them from the nobles of Windhelm
Thieves Guild Quests Completed: N/A (wont be doing this storyline unless i cant find a mod that'll let me get the shouts locked behind it)
Dark Brotherhood Quests Completed: 20
Where Are They At In Those Questlines?: DB is completed main arc wise!
✧✧✧ Relationships
Relationship Status: Married to two lovely fellas
Current Companions: atm? none
Housecarls: Lydia & Rayya
Friends (outside of party): Zora Fair-Child, Inigo, Lucien, Anum-La, Morndas, Aela the Huntress, Nazir, Babette, Scouts-Many-Marshes, Isobel, Madesi
Children: Khash, Chases-Starlight, Ram-Ku. (going of where Tei is now - Otero & Mei come around later on in Tei's story!)
Romantic Interest(s): Kaidan & Rumarin.
Sexual Orientation:
✧✧✧ Religion
Pantheon: Yokudan, with a hint of Hircine worship in there
Patron Deity(ies): From the Yokudan pantheon: Tei mainly views HoonDing as their main patron, but also prays to/pays respect to Satakal.
They are also Hircine's champion.
Daedric Quests Completed: 3 (Hircine, Vile, Dagon - the last Tei didn't really help, moreso pissed off)
Aedric Quests Completed: 1 if you count the whole Alduin thing I guess?
How Devout Are They?: Tei is rather devout, esp to their Yokudan patrons, praying or making offerings daily. They aren't the type to really push it in your face though, but have no issues answering questions one might have.
How Do They Feel About Talos Worship?: Deep down they acknowledge & admit trying to ban worship is terrible, but....Tei also lets their bias/experience with Windhelm, the Stormcloaks & especially Ulfric kinda cloud over this. If the Nords want their old ways so damn much, why fight for a divine from the Imperial Cult? Why not go back to the actual old ways? No, this isn't about worship, not to the men leading this so-called rebellion, they just needed something other than their racist bullshit to fool the common man into throwing their lives away for the nobles sitting comfortable in their thrones.
Also during their whole thing of getting into their role of dragonborn, they get a bonus 'fuck this dude actually' towards Talos, Ysmir, whatever the fuck he calls himself. (tldr; it sucks but good luck hearing Tei say that fully)
✧✧✧ Politics
Gray-Mane or Battle-Born?: Neither, ask them again they will punch you for the love of Ruptga they get asked that every time they enter Whiterun.
Stormcloaks or Imperials?: Also neither, Tei hates em both n think they can all choke. Unfortunately they were forced to join the latter due to, yknow, calling dragons & causing massive damage in Imperial territories during isolated fits of rage and the group being more aggressive in wanting something in return for "letting it slide"....oops
Opinion on the Thalmor?: Oh absolutely despises them, they loudly complained having to work with them during the CW & would go out their way to disrupt their plans/piss them off. Sneaking was an option they did not take during the Embassy quest, if it helps paint the picture.
Opinion Of Ulfric Stormcloak?: Tei doens't say they hate people often...but they sure as hell hate Ulfric. Again, their experience in Windhelm added to this heavily, how both the Dunmer & Argonians were treated like shit, with no help whatsoever from the Jarl or guards when the local Nords targeted them. It's still up in the air if I keep this for Tei's story, but I have it where they knew Chases-Starlight's parents, who were killed. When Tei went up & demanded justice/an investigation, only to be brushed off because it "wasn't a priority," it completely destroyed what little empathy or hope they had left for Windhelm as a whole.
Opinion of The Empire?: Cowards too weak to continue fighting back against the Thalmor, in their opinion, & holds these views they grew up with even when being strong-armed into aiding them. If anything they're at least attempting to use their influence to hint towards a rebellion against the Thalmor, but the Empire could also full-on dissolve & they could give less of a shit.
Civil War Quests Completed: 0
✧✧✧ Personal
How Are They Doing? Need Some Juice? A Nap? A Hug?: The whole event of Blood of Kings has fucked with their head, to say the least. It's the starting point of Tei's eventual spiral. So uh...yeah they're not sure how they're doing everything they knew about reality was kinda challenged & they don't rlly have anyone to talk to about it so its cool, its fine, its all good.
A nap is probably needed, not sure about a hug theough they're super flinchy rn
Days Past In Game: 196
Hours of Sleep: 846
Food Items Consumed: 1833
How Many Playthroughs Have You Done With This Character: Tei actually is an older character from the 360 days so uh...maybe 5 at most? This playthrough & their S:EC one coming up when the mod releases being the main ones focusing on their story
Overall How's Your Level Of Fun: Alright I would say! I just been stepping away from Skyrim more often lately to avoid burning out from it
Must Have Mods To Play This Character (for story or other reasons): Ordinator, Wintersun Faiths, Immersive Armors, Sarcastic Player Dialogue, 3DNPC, Inigo, Lucien Flavius, Kaidan 2, Khash the Argonian, Alternative Start, Leviathan Animations, Beast Race Body Paints, Beast HHBB, Apocalypse Magic, Deadly Dragons, Growl: Werewolf Overhaul, Pronouns, uhhh....idk what else without actually listing my current modlist lmao
And that's it for Tei! Anyone who wants to do this go on ahead!
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tinylittletv · 5 years
A Rift Between Miraak/reader
Okay! So I was hit with some inspiration so I guess this will be my first post here! I don't know if this will continue but here we go :)
Warnings: None
Word count: 1,247
It was just you and your father. It's always just been you and him, for as long as you can remember. And life for you has been simple enough. You work on your father's farm while he goes off on adventures. So it was more or less your farm since you do most of the work there but it doesn't bother you. It's something to do and it brings in money. Unfortunately, the closest city is miles off so you have to wait for your father to return home so you can venture to the big cities and sell your wares. But, he's never gone for too long. Weeks maybe but never longer than that. 
You are an adult after all. You can take care of yourself.
But this last trip, you didn't like.
He came back mumbling to himself. Writing stuff down during the night just to rip it all up in the morning. You haven't made this months sales yet, but you don't know what is wrong with your dear father. When he sleeps you check up on him. Feeling if his skin is burning or if he has any wounds. It's at times like these you wished you could see. To see if he was pale, thinner, if he looks tired or dirty. But, all you have to rely on your other senses. But tonight, tonight had you very worried. In the dead of night he shook you awake before dropping something heavy into your lap. You could hear him scratching at his bearded chin. "This…..this THING has been crawling around in my head with it's long black fingers!" He babbled as he tapped the heavy object on your lap. "Look at it! It's filled with secrets! Dark slimy black secrets!" You wanted to get up, to drag him to someone who you can only hope to help but no. You can only run your hands along the surface of what he has given you. It had an odd but elegant design. A little rough too. It was a book. A big book. "Look at it! Can't you see what I see" Your father sounded to be in great distress, he sounded mad! "Why do your eyes focus on nothing! Look at the blasted secrets!" You jumped when you felt your father hands grab the back of your head and forced you to face down. You yelped before swatting his hand away. "Father!" You shouted at him. Your worry spilling out in your voice. 
He gasped. Like he has just been hit with realization. That right, you can't see. "Oh. Oh! I'm sorry my little darling!" He tossed the book to the side, freeing you from it's weight before he trapped you in a hug. You could hear his quiet sobs and feel the wetness of his tears as they soaked your sleepwear. Of course you hugged him back. Wrapping your arms around him the best you could. What was wrong with him? Why was he acting this way! Oh divines! Please help!
He slowly pulled away. A heavy sigh leaving him before he dragged himself back to his room. Doors closing behind him. You jumped up from your bed. Landing on your feet, you took a few good steps to go after him before your foot meet with the book he had tossed. Sending you to the ground with a thud. You gave a sound of strong annoyance as you sat up. Facing where you knew the book was. That book. It had been causing your father such madness! Sheogorath crossed your mind, perhaps that damned daedra has chosen to scramble to father's head.
The mere thought of a daedra using your hard working father as a toy made your blood boil. So you grabbed the heavy book and tossed it open to a random page.
You'll tear this book to shreds!
To hell if a punishment awaits you! No being has such a right to do as they please to the innocent! Your hands shook with anger as you grabbed a page of the book. Pumped with anger and hate when something suddenly grabbed you back. Wrapping around your arms, wrists, and neck. Quickly you struggled. Daring to even bite at what dares grab at you when just as soon as it appeared it disappeared.
You felt like you had fallen, hitting the hard floor when the sound of fluttering paper caught your ear. And the feeling of a soft breeze. A breeze? But you were inside your room, there should not be a breeze. You stood up, noticing how the book was no longer in your hands. At that you carefully stepped around, seeing if it has fallen around you but nothing. This place, it was much bigger than your room. Hell, you had a feeling it was bigger than your little farm. This was a strange place, it smelled like an old library mixed with old mead. You scrunched up your nose, annoyed at this situation, but still determined.
"MORTAL, YOU DARE TRY TO RID THE WORLD OF ONE OF MY PRECIOUS VESSELS OF KNOWLEDGE?" A voice suddenly booms out, drawing your attention as you faced the source. "The ugly book has driven my father mad! I shall burn it if I so please!" Your voice may not be as booming but it held a fire in it.
"NOT ANY MORTAL CAN HANDLE SUCH A WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE ONE IS NOT MEANT TO KNOW." The voice retorted. You could just hear how smug this person thought they were. "Then rid my father of the madness you have unrightfully caused!" He laughed at your words. Like he was amused by you. Like you weren't a threat. That only made your blood boil hotter. "Name yourself!" You demanded, daring to take a step closer. "HERMAEUS MORA. THOUGH YOU HAVE NOT EARNED THE RIGHT TO KNOW SO EASILY. YOU ARE WITHIN MY REALM LITTLE MORTAL. YOU SHALL DO WELL TO HOLD YOUR TONGUE." Hermaeus Mora? That sent a chill down your spine. At least you know who your dealing with and where you are. "I shall not! Rid my father of madness or I will strike you down!" A white lie. You knew this, he knew this. Yet, you heard him give a hum of thought. 
You felt something thick and long wrap around your waist as you were lifted up with ease. Only spending a few moments up before you were placed back down, you could hear voices. One voice you recognized, but the other, not so much. It had a heavy accent, and had a hint of charm to it. But as soon as your feet hit the ground you took to the voice you recognized. Schooling both men who were just talking. "DragonBorn!" The DragonBorn has helped you in the past when you had a little skeever problem. He's also made a few stops to buy food directly from you. But, you never got to reach your dear friend. The other man grabbing the back of your sleepwear. "Y/N!" Was the only thing you heard from the DragonBorn before they went dead silent. Having been forced out from this realm. "Who are you? Who do you get here!?" The other person demanded. They yanked you back to them. Obviously not happy about you suddenly appearing.
"THEY ARE HERE ON MY TERMS MIRAAK. SEE TO IT THEY DON'T ESCAPE." Mora chimed in. Sounding pleased with himself. 
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theskyrimlibrary · 4 years
The Book of the Dragonborn
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The Book of the Dragonborn
by Prior Emelene Madrine Order of Talos Weynon Priory
Year 360 of the Third Era, Twenty-First of the Reign of his Majesty Pelagius IV
Many people have heard the term “Dragonborn” - we are of course ruled by the “Dragonborn Emperors” - but the true meaning of the term is not commonly understood. For those of us in the Order of Talos, this is a subject near and dear to our hearts, and in this book I will attempt to illuminate the history and significance of those known as Dragonborn down through the ages.
Most scholars agree that the term was first used in connection with the Covenant of Akatosh, when the blessed St. Alessia was given the Amulet of Kings and the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One were first lit. “Akatosh, looking with pity upon the plight of men, drew precious blood from his own heart, and blessed St. Alessia with this blood of Dragons, and made a Covenant that so long as Alessia’s generations were true to the dragon blood, Akatosh would endeavor to seal tight the Gates of Oblivion, and to deny the armies of daedra and undead to their enemies, the Daedra-loving Ayleids.” Those blessed by Akatosh with “the dragon blood” became known more simply as Dragonborn.
The connection with the rulers of the Empire was thus there from the beginning - only those of the dragon blood were able to wear the Amulet of Kings and light the Dragonfires. All the legitimate rulers of the Empire have been Dragonborn - the Emperors and Empresses of the first Cyrodilic Empire founded by Alessia; Reman Cyrodiil and his heirs; and of course Tiber Septim and his heirs, down to our current Emperor, his Majesty Pelagius Septim IV.
Because of this connection with the Emperors, however, the other significance of the Dragonborn has been obscured and largely forgotten by all but scholars and those of us dedicated to the service of the blessed Talos, Who Was Tiber Septim. Very few realize that being Dragonborn is not a simple matter of heredity - being the blessing of Akatosh himself, it is beyond our understanding exactly how and why it is bestowed. Those who become Emperor and light the Dragonfires are surely Dragonborn - the proof is in the wearing of the Amulet and the lighting of the Fires. But were they Dragonborn and thus able to do these things - or was the doing the sign of the blessing of Akatosh descending upon them? All that we can say is that it is both, and neither - a divine mystery.
The line of Septims have all been Dragonborn, of course, which is one reason the simplistic notion of it being hereditary has become so commonplace. But we know for certain that the early Cyrodilic rulers were not all related. There is also no evidence that Reman Cyrodiil was descended from Alessia, although there are many legends that would make it so, most of them dating from the time of Reman and likely attempts to legitimize his rule. We know that the Blades, usually thought of as the Emperor’s bodyguards, originated in Akaviri crusaders who invaded Tamriel for obscure reasons in the late First Era. They appear to have been searching for a Dragonborn - the events at Pale Pass bear this out - and the Akaviri were the first to proclaim Reman Cyrodiil as Dragonborn. In fact it was the Akaviri who did the most to promote his standing as Emperor (although Reman himself never took that title in his lifetime). And of course there is no known hereditary connection between Tiber Septim and any of the previous Dragonborn rulers of Tamriel.
Whether there can be more than one Dragonborn at any time is another mystery. The Emperors have done their best to dismiss this notion, but of course the Imperial succession itself means that at the very least there are two or more potential Dragonborn at any time: the current ruler and his or her heirs. The history of the Blades also hints at this - although little is known of their activities during the Interregnum between Reman’s Empire and the rise of Tiber Septim, many believe that the Blades continued to search out and guard those they believed were (or might be) Dragonborn during this time.
Lastly, we come to the question of the true meaning of being Dragonborn. The connection with dragons is so obvious that it has almost been forgotten - in these days when dragons are a distant memory, we forget that in the early days being Dragonborn meant having “the dragon blood”. Some scholars believe that was meant quite literally, although the exact significance is not known. The Nords tell tales of Dragonborn heroes who were great dragonslayers, able to steal the power of the dragons they killed. Indeed, it is well known that the Akaviri sought out and killed many dragons during their invasion, and there is some evidence that this continued after they became Reman Cyrodiil’s Dragonguard (again, the connection to dragons) - the direct predecessor to the Blades of today.
I leave you with what is known as “The Prophecy of the Dragonborn”. It often said to originate in an Elder Scroll, although it is sometimes also attributed to the ancient Akaviri. Many have attempted to decipher it, and many have also believed that its omens had been fulfilled and that the advent of the “Last Dragonborn” was at hand. I make no claims as an interpreter of prophecy, but it does suggest that the true significance of Akatosh’s gift to mortalkind has yet to be fully understood.
When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world
When the Brass Tower walks and Time is reshaped
When the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Tower trembles
When the Dragonborn Ruler loses his throne, and the White Tower falls
When the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding
The World-Eater wakes, and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn.
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bethesdatodd · 5 years
Skyrim Asks
🥬: Favourite Bethesda game? (hint: it’s Skyrim)
🥬: What do you think about when you look up at the night skyrim?
🥬: Have you ever taken moon sugar?
🥬: Which stronghold would you be the Jarl of?
🥬: Empire or Stormcloak?
🥬: As a celebrity (Dragonborn), how does it feel when people don’t recognise you?
🥬: Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?
🥬: Hermaeus Mora or Alduin?
🥬: How do you feel about jesters?
🥬: Have you ever seen a necromancer?
🥬: Favorite follower?
🥬: What do you do when you’re anxious?
🥬: Did you used to be an adventurer?
🥬: Favorite armor?
🥬: Which Daedra would you most like to be?
🥬: Have you ever tried to fast travel when there were enemies nearby?
🥬: Are you worthy of Sovngaarde?
🥬: What if I wore the Amulet of Mara around you and we were both boys?
🐉: Who is better? Elon Musk or Todd howard?
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yffresbeard · 5 years
Hi I'm big stupid and don't know how to make emojis work but I'd llike to know what Mathilde Flannel is all about because I don't know her -Will
ask and i shall scream at you. be warned, its VERY long
send me an emoji + a question about that OC!
Mathilde Flamel is a half-Nord Breton from High Rock, the bastard child of her mother’s affair with a Legionnaire deserter. Her family were once revered mages, but an old ancestor, a renowned alchemist who sought the alchemical solution to eternal life and eventually went mad shamed the family into giving up magic and turning to commerce to make their living. Several family members have split off to go back to magic - Mathilde is the latest of these black sheep.
She leaves High Rock for Skyrim specifically to attend the College of Winterhold, but gets waylaid on the way there by a coven of witches who promise they can teach her more. When she realizes that they’re just novices and apprentices themselves, she leaves and keeps going, though a couple months late.
In the course of her studies at the College (during the college quests), she comes across a wall with writing in an unfamiliar looking language, but she can understand it perfectly and even hears the words in her mind. She abandons her regular studies to try and find any information to help her, but the Arcaneum proves fruitless, none of the professors know anything helpful - the Augur of Dunlain warns her against her pursuit of knowledge, a warning she ignores. Over several months the events of the college questline play out and she defeats Morokei who hints at her nature when she can understand his messages. She becomes Arch-mage and uses her new resources and time to try and learn more, going on more trips to Nord ruins and finding more of those strange walls that give her a feeling of power.
Being from High Rock, she’s largely ignorant about Nord politics aside from the plight of the Reachmen - who she’s grown up hearing words against from most residents of her home. Figuring that the Arch-Mage of the College should have some knowledge of current events in the province, she plans to attend an execution to learn more about the raging civil war - but the town had already been destroyed by… something. Buildings razed and burned...
She finds two poor souls in a cavern below the Keep, and planned to save both - but a large part of the cavern collapsed as she was going to help the blonde nord who’d collapsed nearby. The legionnaire she managed to save told her of a dragon - well, that couldn’t be right, a dragon? But he insists.
She warns the Jarl of Whiterun of the coming danger, and he begs her assistance - an accomplished mage would surely be of help against dragons. She recovers the Dragonstone and returns to a very real threat. After a long, grueling battle, the beast falls, and a power unlike anything she’d ever felt rushes to her, makes her feel invincible, indomitable… and she understands the word ‘Force’ like never before.
Some crusty guys in robes want her to embrace her Destiny, whatever that means - weren’t the Septim emperors Dragonborn? - holy shit am I part of the Septim bloodline? - no that’s ridiculous I’m just the bastard of a Legionnaire - the World Eater? But it explains those Words, it’s Dovahzu’ul.
She immediately shuns her Big Important Destiny because there’s no way she’s strong enough to fight an evil demi-god. She becomes obsessed with becoming more powerful, with gathering more knowledge to help her fight against her destiny. Know who has power and knowledge? Daedric Lords.
She falls into Daedra worship - Hermaeus Mora and Mephala, mostly, since they deal in knowledge and secrets, but she also becomes Meridia and Azura’s champion for their boon - the sword Dawnbreaker and Azura’s Star, which she turns into the Black Star - and Clavicus Vile to attempt and make a deal with him. Only when she finds herself before a shrine of Molag Bal as a Vigilant of Stendarr bleeds out above her does she stop and see what she has become. She leaves the Altar behind and never returns to Markarth.
She spends a few weeks locked in her quarters at the College, mentally preparing before she heads for High Hrothgar to train with The Greybeards like she feels she should’ve done ages ago. She figures facing Alduin down will be the beginning her penance for the awful things she’s done in the name of the Daedra.
Paarthurnax offers her great wisdom, she respects him greatly, to the disdain of the Blades. She no longer considers herself human - joore she may be, but she is dov before all else. Alduin falls, eventually; she’s saved the world, but she’s not happy about it. She recognizes Alduin’s rebellion as her own, as a desire for freedom. She cannot celebrate his fall. Destiny is its own prison, however grand it might disguise itself.
She figures she can live the rest of her days peaceably at the College, but she feels a strange pull in her zi'i - her spirit - to the East, toward Solstheim. She seeks Paarthurnax’s guidance, and he urges her to resist, but the pull is simply too great. She boards the only ship that will take her to Solstheim from Windhelm and leaves Tolfdir in charge permanently, abandoning her position as arch-mage.
Determined to keep making up for her dark past, she decides to help the people of Solstheim and starts by descending into the depths of Raven Rock Mine for an old man approaching death, and at the end she is greeted by a familiar presence - Hermaeus Mora. Unable to resist the temptation, she opens the book-
-and finds herself in Apocrypha. Tomes of ancient knowledge surround her and she forgets herself for a while, eagerly seeking out more of the Black Books to gain the boons of Mora, desperate for the sheer power they give her. She knows it is her dovah zi'i that craves this power, this feeling, but she is helpless against its hunger. Inside the labyrinth of tomes and books, pulsing at its core is the unmistakable thrum of another dovah soul. But who?
Seeing the residents of Solstheim stuck as thralls of this invisible force pains her greatly, and she’s determined to free them from whatever is controlling them. The residents don’t seem to know, but it’s somewhere just at the surface of their minds. There’s a huge temple right in the middle of the island - she figures that might be the likeliest place for answers. She meets Frea of the Skaal, a reclusive village of Nords who wish to be one with the land. She promises to help her village and the rest of Solstheim from this nightmare.
Neloth is… well, he’s Neloth. But he knows there’s a fifth Black Book on Solstheim, so she’ll put up with it. She hates Dwemer ruins, but she’s finally got the damn book.
Hermaeus Mora wants the secrets of the Skaal, and that’s all. She suspicious, because it’s Mora and he’s got no reason to be honest. And Miraak. A dragonborn? Like her? The being she’s sensed in Apocrypha before? The words that make up his name are unfamiliar on her tongue, but she recognizes them as Allegiance and Guide from her studies with the Greybeards.
He’s confident, on the surface, but that is because he’s not facing Mora. He is millennia old, facing a wisp of a half-Nord Breton who’s felled far fewer dragons, even if one of them was Alduin. He expresses his admiration for this feat, and although he has her on her knees - a position her dovah zi’i greatly resents - his admiration makes her heart quicken.
She’s always felt a kind of kinship with the dov - the REAL dov, the great ancient beasts with wings and scales - but this is different, this is another dovahkiin. Have two of the dragon’s blood ever met before? Faced each other in battle? She feels his yearning to be free, she knows it as well as her own.
Mora kills Storn. She expected it, to be honest, but she’s still saddened by it - the Skaal had expected her to help, and here all she’s done is get their shaman killed and get absorbed into Mora’s clutches once more.
She doesn’t understand their anger at Miraak - it’s Mora who’s hurt them so, not the dovahkiin trapped in his realm, clawing his way to freedom. She will enter Apocrypha once more, but she goes to face Mora - not Miraak. The First and the Last will not fight to the death - no one else is dying.
The last trek through Apocrypha is trying, but she must get to the summit and face Mora. But Miraak strikes her first. They exchange blows, and each time one is close to death, they fade into the aether and recover and it begins again. She pleads with him to stop, saying they can face Mora together, escape back to Solstheim together, but he doesn’t relent. For four thousand years, Mora’s told him that his fate, his destiny, his only way out is to face and defeat the Last Dragonborn. Destiny is its own prison.
But Mathilde has had it with anyone but herself deciding her what her destiny is. When Mora impales Miraak and waxes poetic about how he’s won, how he has a new dragonborn to serve him. She’s not about to do so willingly.
The raw power behind the Bend Will shout either affects Mora or startles him at least, and it drops Miraak to the ground unceremoniously, and Mathilde uses the Black Book as quickly as she can to get them out of Apocrypha.
She can deal with him once he’s recovered.
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For the TES character questions: 2, 6, 14, 20? ( I love this list of questions & gearing about other people's characters!)
Oh man thank you so much!!! I love babbling about my characters lol you didn’t specify anyone, so I hope you don’t mind if I pick randomly! I talked about Ae and Ev yesterday, so, not having looked at the questions yet, I’m gonna do Tam for 2, Lara for 6, Z for 14, and Rae for 20. If you had someone specific in mind I’m more than happy to go back and answer more questions ^^
2. How educated is your oc? Did their parents teach them, did they have a tutor or were they apprenticed to a master, or did they attend a university? What university? What are they educated in? How long did their education take? (Learned skills like blacksmithing count here too!)
Tamera is, uh, pretty uneducated, to put it bluntly. Comes with being raised in a secluded temple in the middle of the mountains rather than a proper town with actual teachers. It was pretty useful in terms of learning practical skills, though - she knows how to hunt and cook, how to sew and how to tend a wound. Her magic is also sort of interesting, because she didn’t really learn the traditional way. There were a few other members of her cult who could use magic and who taught her the basics, but she only became proficient when Meridia began to work through her. So a lot of her magic is inherently tied to her special bond with the Daedra, and would probably disappear if she were ever to do something that really angered her. (Thankfully for her, she’d pretty much rather pull off her own nails than make Meridia upset, so she probably won’t lose it anytime soon.)
6. Does your oc have a family of origin? How many members of their FoO are still living? Do they have a good relationship? How much contact does your oc have with their FoO? How in-the-loop is your oc’s FoO about your oc’s being Dragonborn/HoK/Nerevarine?
Ha... ha... ha. Larandel hates her family. She was born to a Great House (still taking guesses on which one it is! she’s hid the records pretty well though) that practiced slavery, and it wasn’t very long before she grew to despise the practice. She became friends with an older Khajitti slave when she was a child, and in order to teach her child the ways of the world, her mother had the slave beaten and then killed. Her mother was not a nice person. (Neither was her father, but he was more distant than her mother was.) So as soon as she was old enough, she ran away and joined the Morag Tong to spite her family. They disowned her, but still keep tabs on her. She tries to avoid them as much as possible. So, uh, yeah, they don’t really keep in contact or get along very well.
14. How well-liked is your oc? What is their reputation, if they’re well-known? Are they simply liked/disliked, or are they respected but feared, or personally liked but not taken seriously, etc? Do major factions consider your oc an important player? 
Z isn’t well known at all, and she likes it that way. Mostly because if anyone knew who she was and her origins they might well have her arrested or worse. The people who know her well mostly like her (or at least like having her on their side), if they find her between somewhat and extremely unsettling. (I, personally, cannot blame them. She’s a small elf who could and would disembowel you in your sleep.) She also just prefers being able to operate without having any eyes on her, and it’s far easier to do that when no one from opposing factions (or even her own for the most part) consider her to be of any importance.
20. What does your oc wear in the city/settlements? In the house? When travelling, but not adventuring or expecting combat? Do they vary their clothes depending on what hold/city they’re in? If they don’t, why not (e.g., if your oc wears the same outfit to tend their garden or lounge around the house as they did to meet Ulfric or Elisif, why?) Does your oc have a good or bad sense of fashion? How many clothes does your oc have?
Raewyn is definitely the most fashion-conscious of my characters. Part of this comes from the fact that her moms ran a clothing store in the Imperial City (Umbara was a tailor, and Octavia pretty wicked with numbers and sales pitches), but she also just has the infuriating quality of looking good in almost anything. Around the town, it’s usually something simple with her hair just tied back and out of the way (for reference, the pic of her on the character page is pretty typical for her), but she’ll actually do her hair and wear a nice dress if it’s an important occasion. She has... more clothes than anyone could possibly need, tbh. There’s definitely a hint of vanity in there.
Thank you again for asking and I hope you enjoyed the answers! I really appreciate the ask and as always, feel free to ask more or tell me about your own characters! :D
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mundusarchitect · 5 years
--// While I greatly enjoy entertaining the small theory a few fans came up with, claiming Mehrunes is actually a corruption of a weaker offshoot of Magnus, some things they consider evidence can be easily attributed to something else, albeit still related to the Magna Ge. 
Now, we'll have to start at the beginning, including not officially canon lore written by the devil MK. You see, according to Skaal legend, Mehrunes Dagon did not, in fact, start out as Mehrunes Dagon at all. Dagon, old elven for destruction, was a name thrusted upon him by Alduin when he cursed him to collect the parts of the world he stole in an attempt to end the cycles he was always the last to survive. You know, like the dragonborn tries to do, only more successful because of the use of elder scrolls and time magic. The leaper demon king, as Mehrunes Dagon was referred to before his curse, was a kindly demon whose only ability was to "leap" or "jump". No detail is given as to what that means. He could very well have been of a race of interplanar giants. That, or he was a great high jumper. We'll never know. Anyway, he had no time magic. He only had apparently spatial magic enough to hide parts of the world from the world eater himself, with the help of the Greedy Man. Do we know who the greedy man is? An aspect of the Adversary in Skaal myth, the antithesis of the All-Maker. Some assume it was Lorkhan, due to Aevar Stone Singer, The Seven Fights of the Aldudagga, and Heart of the World. That, and the Adversary takes delight in tormenting and testing the Skaal people. 
The Adversary and All-Maker thing is said to resemble Padomay and Anu in their conflicting natures. Lorkhan is of the void, of Padomay, so him being the Greedy Man checks out well enough. Furthermore, removing the limitation of Mundus' cycle by exploiting the limitations of the end of time(Alduin), which ends poorly for the people he's convinced, is very much befitting Lorkhan as well. Furthermore, only Mehrunes is left over from the race, leaper demons, meaning he somehow escaped the limitation of death. 
Now, of course, some might think this parallels Magnus being tricked by Lorkhan and the leaping parallels Magnus and the Magna Ge fleeing Mundus before their eventual deaths could befall them, making them and their magic limitless according to the Altmer. If Lorkhan is seen as a trickster by many, however, all of his aspects would trick others with similar links to his sphere. The leaping? Well, I got nothing on that. 
Anyway, Alduin cursed the leaper demon king to be Dagon, destruction, and collect all of the world he hid from him to break the curse. Obviously, that was impossible. The Greedy Man would continue to collect and hide parts of the world, and Dagon knew that. He had an ambitious task ahead of him. However, this does not fall in line with Magnus being an observer. A creator, maybe, since Dagon wanted to craft a longer and more perfect world before becoming his own antithesis. Still, it's not entirely convincing.  
In the second fight in the seven fights of the Aldudagga, Mehrunes convinced the elves to attack Saarthal, where the Eye of Magnus so happens to be. Granted, he also needed the bloodshed to be able to enter Mundus without issue, and the Eye of Magnus is an incredibly powerful relic regardless of who you are. As such, I will dismiss this. We will next be discussing another hard to trust narrator, Mankar Camoran.
It is said that Mehrunes Dagon’s "mistress is the blazing sun." It's in reverse, in the 16 acceptable blasphemies section of the Pocket Guide to Empire, 1st Edition/Invocation.
In the Mythic Dawn commentaries, Mehrunes is said to reference a type of Magna Ge. Mnemoli, which is the untime that appears at a dragon break and are called keepers of the Elder Scrolls. Their spectrum makes them appear as a blue sun. They write the Elder Scrolls based on the songs produced by the music of Nirn. They shape them into various realities and place them into the Elder Scrolls. Though, this is a point of contention, as the Pension of the Ancestor Moth states the Elder Scrolls as exceeding both Aedra and Daedra, but in the previously noted theory these Magna Ge took part in creation, Making them Aedra, and thus unable to write the Elder Scrolls. 
Anyway, Mehrunes supposedly says that those who are the gone-forlorn are to be "eaten" or bled dry to gain that small will that led them to walk the path of Godhead at first. Assumed to mean those who partake in something grand but then back out, like creation? Now, he says spit out or burn to the side that which made them delay and to know them as Mnemoli. A type of Magna-Ge who read the songs of Nirn to foretell events before they've occured. Could it be in reference to concerns one may have upon starting a grand endeavor? However, the Mythic Dawn don’t feel negatively towards the Magna Ge, so it may be that Mehrunes considers the Mnemoli as separate from other Magna Ge or he’s referencing Aedra and Mnemoli are, in fact, Aedra. That, or Mankar fucked up Mehrunes’ words again. 
Mankar calls himself... Mankar of the stars... And makes reference to tower traitors who will hang. (The Aedra? Who knows?) Now, Mundus is in possession of towers holding reality in place. It says the Mnemoli "run blue, through noise, and shine only when the earth trembles with the eruption of the newly mantled." 
Anyway, Mankar continues to speak of the Ada Mantia(towers), CHIM, Paradise, and that faltering will make you one with the wayside orphans that feed him. He says, "Starlight is you mantle, brother." Another reference to the sun and stars, the Magna Ge. 
Now, the name Mythic Dawn may be a reference to wanting to restore Mehrunes back to Mundus as when he still walked the lands in the mythic era, or merethic era, predating time as mortals know it and the existence of Malacath. This fits into Mehrunes being cursed and all that jazz, because he wants to walk his home, Mundus, again. 
"You did not expect to see me again, did you? You have no grasp of the power that my father has at his command. You think you can stop us? Mehrunes Dagon will walk upon Tamriel for the first time since the Mythic Age, and our victory will be complete. Come, my father is waiting to welcome you to Carac Agaialor." - Ruma Camoran.
They also see the divines as traitors who killed Lorkhan and Nirn as Lorkhan's realm, which I suppose it could be seen as. Camoran makes so many mistakes when discussing other people’s realms, so… What does he know? It is true that the aedra betrayed Lorkhan, however, and Nirn was made to satisfy him. It was his plan to make the realm, and the Aedra turned on him. The Mythic Dawn also revere the Magna Ge who created "Mehrunes the Razor" in the bowls of Lyg. The Magna Ge are diverse but all serve to create hope, something they imbued a hopeless Dagon with.  
Then we get to the sun emblem Mehrunes/house Dagon and his follows sport. Why a sun? Seeing as both Magnus and Auri-El are associated with the sun, the “blazing sun” could be either, no? It's pocket guide to the Empire, so one could be inclined to assume it is Akatosh, since Magnus isn't popular among humans. They have Julianos/Jhunal, for magic. They don't need Magnus. In fact, Magnus isn't even mentioned by name in the pocket guide to the Empire. But why link Akatosh to Mehrunes? Maybe, it's because he's cursed by Alduin, making him effectively a puppet of Akatosh by extension? 
Nay, the sun is his emblem in reference to the Magna Ge who sharpened him into a weapon that would strike down the dreugh king, or the Ruddy Man, so hard that he split the face of Lyg itself. 
Besides, Akatosh is not commonly associated with the sun, as far as I have seen. Auri-El, the soul of Anui-El, is. They are and are not one and the same. They shine in similar wavelengths, but Auri-El is the elven and original aspect, who showed the elves how to escape the Mundus when he ascended to Aetherius or Heaven.
Now, the fans also noted that the Ayleid revered the sun, choosing not to use fire for lighting and instead shards of Aetherius, deeming fire as a weaker form of light. Mehrunes is associated with fire, Magnus is associated with light. Magnus is the elder god of magic. Magic is energy. Mehrunes has energy in his sphere of influence. Mehrunes also has revolution as sphere, and Magnus did sort of start a type of revolution and leave, unlike the other Aedra. Mehrunes is often seen as a betrayer, and Nords see Magnus as a betrayer. That being said, there are many other daedra and non-daedra associated with fire and revolution/rebellion, and Meridia hasn’t said anything hinting at Mehrunes being related to a Magna Ge chief. Granted, she fled to the Void rather than Aetherius and wouldn’t know what the Aetherial Magna Ge get up to in her absence.
Do I have a conclusion? Maybe. Is Mehrunes actually a lesser aspect of Magnus? I do not think he is. Yes, it is likely that Magnus left parts of himself behind in Mundus, like he left behind his artefacts and reflections/mirrors/echoes of his past presence, but Kynareth was on the warpath against these mirrors in Shor Son of Shor until Shor told her they were indeed but remnants of Magnus, or Jarl Magnar, whom the Nords to not name because he is unworthy of having his name on their lips, being used against them by the other chieftains. Then again… if she stopped killing his remnants after that first one, several others could have lived on and become one being when time solidified. 
The real answer could be anything, and most claims of proof are a reach. It would be very amusing if I was wrong and I welcome it with open arms. Anyway, Dagon was moulded into Mehrunes the Razor by Magna Ge after he was cast into the void by Alduin, and that’s all we’ve got. I think…
Heck, we can’t even trust the Imperial Library. Maybe he wasn’t cursed by Alduin at all, and he was just a creation of the Magna Ge to free Lyg of the Ruddy Man’s influence. Also, if the LDK thing is indeed canon, it could be that the Skaal are one of the parts of previous cycles the LDK preserved. I will always enjoy playing with the Magnus is linked to Mehrunes Dagon theory, and may make reference to it, but I won’t take it as full canon unlike some people. There is just too little to go on.
Someone else tried to argue with anagrams, but… uh... By that logic, Jyggalag is Jaal. Well, if we only go by Jaal’s first name.
Anyway, this is long and makes no sense. Bye.
Also, whoever wrote the commentaries (Mankar himself) is into Dagon's feet, evidently. He’s calls Dagon’s feet golden. That is the only solid canon to be gotten from this. Mankar camoran is a monster foot fetishist.  ))
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afkmercymain-blog · 7 years
Symbra Week fic for Day 2:  Fantasy AU (Skyrim AU to be exact)  | ao3
Sombra, the one and only Dragonborn, is terrible at completing quests for the wonderful people of Skyrim.  Can her new traveling companion, Satya Vaswani, get her back on track towards saving the land from dragons and stuff?  Probably not...
Satya Vaswani was pleased with her former life; a rising star among the Scholars at the College of Winterhold and a master Conjurer without peer.  Why did she give up that life to spend most of her days following the Dragonborn into damp, dark caves all throughout Skyrim?  She wasn't entirely sure of that herself.
A few months ago, Satya found herself in dire need of assistance.  She misplaced some of her summoning scrolls in an old Dwemer structure located south of the College. Satya always loved studying these ruins—their technology and architecture absolutely fascinated her with its intricacies.  Of course, she didn't have time to trek all the way down to the ruins herself.  As a former mentor once advised her, these are the times you wait for some plucky adventurer to arrive at your door one day, looking for a grand quest.  Luckily for Satya, this adventurer showed herself sooner rather than later.  
This woman, who appeared at her door one fateful evening, wasn't just your typical adventurer but The Dragonborn; the alleged chosen one who would save Skyrim from the dragon menace, unite the warring political factions, etc. This woman referred to herself as “Sombra”; not her birth name, Satya assumed, but likely one she chose for herself.
Satya normally turned away random strangers knocking on her door but she heard rumors how this particular stranger gained admittance to the College without even knowing how to cast the most simple of spells.  It was most curious.
She had to be the one.
The one who would risk life and limb to finally retrieve her stack of summoning scrolls from the Alftand ruins.  Granted, Satya could have easily created a replacement for all these scrolls but remember, she was <i>very busy</i>. Additionally, the adventurer was without a doubt the most beautiful woman she had ever gazed upon in all of Skyrim, in spite of her picking out the worst hair style imaginable.  Satya hated to admit it, but that only added to her charm in an odd way.  One could say, she had extra motivation for wanting to keep the rogue around as long as possible.
It was no surprise Sombra returned with the scrolls in relatively short time.  It was surprising that Satya agreed to join The Dragonborn as a traveling companion when offered the role.  She was happy at the College and yet, she accepted. Sombra somehow managed to infiltrate Satya's heart in just a short time.    
Now here they were, in a damp, dark cave somewhere south Dawnstar.  Why did they decide to enter this cave again?  That's right, Sombra wished to explore it because, her exact words were, “It's a cave.  It probably has stuff in it.”
Satya sighed, remembering how they entered this cave for literally no justifiable reason at all; placing themselves in unnecessary danger.  She watched as Sombra crouched low to the ground near a giant spider.  The woman would slowly approach the monstrous creature in a hunched down position and then retreat again, repeating the motion over and over...  
“Might I ask what you're hoping to accomplish by repeating this activity?”  Satya finally had enough.
“Shhhh...I'm training my stealth skills,” Sombra replied in a whisper.
Satya chuckled, “Yet, you've dyed the leather on your armor bright purple.”
“That...that doesn't make you easier to detect, okay.  Trust me, I'm the high-ranking stealth expert, here.”
Satya rolled her eyes.  “Perhaps I'll practice some of my own skills.  Considering how much of my day is spent standing around in caves...”  She waved her magical staff in the air until it glowed a bright white at the tip, “...I  need it.”
The spell created a large portal to Oblivion.  Shortly before it closed, a Storm Atronach appeared and exited out into the cave.  “Or, perhaps not,” Satya added smugly. She was quite proud to have summoned such a powerful Daedra.  
Lightning swirled around the creature and the crackling noise caught the attention of the giant spider.  Of course, the spider attacked and the Storm Atronach killed it swiftly.
“Damn!  Now how am I going to practice sneaking?” Sombra cried out in frustration.
“I'm sure you have more important things in need of your attention,” Satya replied, holding up the Sombra's battered journal inches from the woman's annoyed face.
Satya's first task as companion to the Dragonborn involved organizing her journal.  It was an utter mess and it grated on her nerves trying to make any sense of it.  Eventually, she organized each of the quests by region, city, person, and then by completion status.  By her estimate, eighty-seven percent of the quests in the journal remained unfinished.  She tried to get Sombra to set a schedule or even create a rough plan in an attempt to complete most of these quests.  But here they were, in a cave with a dead spider, not progressing a single quest in the journal.  Sombra even wrote the word “Importante” next to one of the quests and included a large number of exclamation points all over the page.  Satya tried (and failed) numerous times to convince the Dragonborn to finish at least this quest, considering it seemed so vital at one point.
“Not this again,” Sombra groaned. “Oh, and could you get rid of this guy.  He's staring at us and starting to creep me out,” she pointed her thumb towards the summoned Storm Atronach. 
Satya snapped her fingers and the creature returned to Oblivion.
“Thanks,” Sombra replied.
“My reward?” Satya asked and crossed her arms.
“Oh, what would you like me to do for you, dear Satya?” Sombra smirked, drawing closer and flirting with her eyes.
Satya opened the journal to the page she had bookmarked weeks ago, “You could finish this quest for me.”  It was the quest on the page with all the exclamation marks.
Sombra made a disgusted face, “Ugh, no.  I hate meeting with those Greybearded guys on that damn mountain.  It's cold and it takes forever to get up there.  And...I lost that horse I stole in Riften.”
“I can easily create a teleport from here to High Hrothgar.  However, I may need a stronger magic staff to channel a spell of that power,” Satya suggested.
“Hmmm...hold on, I might have a stronger one in my bag.”  Sombra removed a magical leather pack from her back and placed it on the ground before both of them.  It could hold a surprisingly large amount of equipment.  Satya suspected the Dragonborn had already looted a better magical staff earlier in their travels but forgot to hand the upgrade to her.  She couldn't even manage her journal let alone her inventory.
Sombra reached in and pulled out a loaf of bread.  She sniffed it before tossing it to the side, then dug her hand into the bag again.
“Hey, I found some nice armor in here!  Where did I even get this from?  No, wait, you don't wear heavy armor.”  Sombra continued digging until she finally found something.  “Ah!  This one looks good, right?” she pulled out a wooden magical staff that looked similar to the one Satya already carried and held it up for the mage to inspect.
“It's definitely more powerful.  I can sense it.”  Satya discarded her old staff onto the cave floor and grabbed the one in Sombra's hand.  She could feel the magic coursing through her body when she focused her magicka through the staff.  The sensation quickly became overwhelming so she cut off her focus.
“Hey, look what I found in here!” Sombra held up a large, ugly looking amulet in front of Satya.
“What is that?”
“It's an Amulet of Mara!  I guess that means we have to get married now,” Sombra beamed.
“I don't think so,” Satya replied dryly.
“Aw, why not?  You said I was cute and charming and ... a disorganized mess but you could still love me in spite of that,” Sombra flashed her a big toothy grin.  “On top of that, I completed your quest, at least.  If that doesn't show how much I care, I don't know what else I can do, Satya.  You know how much I suck at finishing them.”
“True.  However, the scroll retrieval quest only met the minimum requirement for joining you as a traveling companion but not for marriage.”
“Aw, don't say it Satya...” Sombra closed her eyes and placed her right palm over her forehead.
“If you want marriage, you'll need to complete another quest for me.”
“Ugh, okay fine.  What is it?  And can you jot it down in the journal for me, please?”
“No.  I'm not adding it to the journal, Sombra.  We're finishing it now.”
“You haven't even told me what it is yet.”
It occurred to Satya that she didn't actually have a quest to give Sombra.  Since leaving the College, her life became much simpler in a sense.  She no longer required items such as rare ingredients for magical experiments or ancient spell scrolls.  Still, she needed to come up with some task for Sombra as a prerequisite for accepting the marriage proposal.  This is just how romance worked in Skyrim.  To do otherwise would be unheard of. Satya tapped her index finger against her chin, thinking...
She could give Sombra a ridiculously impossible task.  While humorous, it would also mean delaying both their wedding and completing the “important” quest in High Hrothgar.  Unacceptable, I'll give her something menial, Satya reasoned.
“For your quest, I require one giant spider leg.”  It couldn't get easier than this.  There was dead, giant spider meters away from them.
“A giant spider leg?  Hmmm...” Sombra concentrated, rubbing her chin.  Satya tilted her head towards the dead spider on the cave floor.
“Right,” Sombra rushed over to the spider and cut off one of its legs.  She handed the grotesque thing to Satya, who grabbed the leg but immediately dropped it onto the ground.
“You've done as I asked,” Satya replied with a hint of disgust in her voice.  This is the last time she'll be asking anyone to retrieve her spider legs.  “I accept your marriage proposal.  Where's the nearest Temple of Mara?”
Sombra smiled, “That's great!” she leaned in and kissed Satya on the lips.  “Um, the nearest Temple of Mara is in Riften—which is the only Temple of Mara in all of Skyrim.  Don't ask me why they make everyone go to one town to get married...”
“Portal?” Satya suggested.
“Yeah, let's do it!”
They arrived in Riften shortly after Satya created the portal leading to the middle of town.  Thankfully, her calculations were correct and they didn't end up in the middle of a dragon lair or in Morrowind.  Sombra mentioned she needed to find a 'fence' after their wedding so she could finally sell some items in her bag.  Satya wasn't sure what she meant by that but they could fit this in, surely.    
The pair found the Temple of Mara and presented themselves to a Priest of Mara named Hanzo.  The man was rather taciturn and kept the ceremony short.  Satya thought his demeanor odd for a servant of the Goddess of Love, but then again, having to preform weddings for every idiotic, love-struck adventurer that finds an amulet would take its toll.  After the ceremony, Hanzo quickly shooed them out the temple door.  Outside, they smiled lovingly at each other and Sombra warmly embraced Satya.  They kissed for the first time as Mrs. and Mrs. Dragonborn.  They finally pulled apart shortly after Priest Hanzo yelled for them to get of the temple lawn.
“By the way, do you have a home?” Satya asked her new wife.  
“Well...no,” Sombra laughed nervously.  “Didn't get around to it yet.”
“I'm not surprised,” Satya sighed.
“Hold on a sec,” Sombra swiped her hand at the air in front of her.  Satya initially thought the woman swatted at an insect but a transparent purple square-shaped object appeared out of thin air.  Sombra rapidly poked her fingers at it for a short moment before swiping it out of the air.
“I've never seen a Conjuration spell quite like that one.  What was it?” Satya asked her after the object disappeared.
“Conjuration spell?  Oh yeah, that’s a...  It's a secret one I learned myself.  I can't teach it to you because—well, I forgot to write down the steps.  Anyway...” she wrapped her left arm around Satya's waist, “...the good news is, we now have a house in Riften!  And, one in Whiterun and Solitude and Windhelm, but who's counting?  Let's check out our new home, mi amor.”  Satya laughed and placed her right arm over Sombra's shoulder and the two walked off into the sunset, towards their new home and a bright future together...
...and maybe finally completing a quest or two.
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cryblueofzamorak · 6 years
Can I make a GIANT mod Suggestion for Skyrim SE on Xbox One?
I was just thinking up cool Skyrim mods that don’t exist (yet){while listening to video game OSTs}, and Since I started playing Dragon Quest Builders on my Switch; I came up with a cool idea
I call it.... I don’t have a name yet
But it has to do with
Tumblr media
DovAhKiin Vs DracoLord
huh huh?
Did I get your attention? BECAUSE I HOPE I DID!!!
Sorry Channeled a bit of Sheo-senpai there
well back to what I was Saying:
you will Have to start a new Character for this mod to truly take effect but I TELL YOU THE STORY WILL BE WORTH IT
heh heh
after you finish with you’re new Character and complete the quest(s) Unbounded(Vanilla starting quest) or Live another Life quest (with the Alternate Start - Live Another life Mod) just are you leave RiverWood you will be approached by a character who is Simply Known “Strange Argonian”. He will ask you where he is. 
You can Answer with
1 “Skyrim...” this is your normal everyday answer
2 “hit your Head? you’re in Skyrim” this is your annoyed smart ass answer
3 “Sorry I can’t Help you I’m in a Hurry” this is your answer to speed up dialog and get to
His Answers:
1 “Tis Strange..” this will be said under his breath
2 “there is no need for such an foul Attitude... I just I’ll just ask some else” he say this with a hint of a growing Smirk
3 “well then be on your way” He will say this will starting to walk away from you
ether answer you choose the conversion will end after his answer
you be switched to 3rd person and you see he will have disappeared
now contenue on with the main quests of Skyrim, and the DLCs Dawnguard, and Dragonborn, along with the Companions, Mage’s College, Thieves Guild, and the Dark Brotherhood all while hearing of rumors of a strange new Island that appeared out of no where, monsters never seen before, and a force darker then the Daedra themselves.
okay I’m now going to talk about what is going to be required for entering the “island”
you need to max one Skill in Thief, Mage, and Warrior areas, those not included are
Speech, Pickpocket, Lockpicking Light armor
Alchemy, Illusion, Restoration, Alteration, Enchanting
Smithing, Heavy Armor
Archery, One-handed, Two-handed, Conjuration, Destruction
Sneak with be more passive.
after finishing the main story, DLC stories, and the faction stories
when you enter a Hold you will be Appeared by a frightened Priest of Akatosh
PoAk: Dragonborn I FINALLY FOUND YOU! Akatosh, Dragon god of Time calls for you aid!
You can only answer with
PoAk: He only told me to find you and where you can speak with him
“where then?”
PoAk: at the Temple of the Divines
Head to Solitude and go to the temple, once in you will see a ghost Known as Agent of Akatosh.....
Sorry....I’m going to have to finish this tomorrow
I’m about kill over while typing this
by Sithis I have Typed this much since College
0 notes
yffresbeard · 6 years
But how could Miraak possibly have been saved? Even if the Dragonborn could have somehow talked him down from his desire to kill them (not likely as he’s had Mora whispering in his ear for millennia), what next? Fight a Daedric Prince in their own realm? And even if somehow you could get Miraak out, should you? Is Miraak really that trustworthy? No disrespect intended by this, just curious.
There’s a mod that allows you to use Bend Will [you’re techncially using it on Miraak, but in my Headcanon you’re using it on the tendril of Herma Mora that’s impaled him] and you fight waves of daedra until you can escape using the book. He’s then available as a fully-voiced follower.
Then, in the overworld, Mora sends daedra after you both from time to time.
Look, a lot of this is personal opinion. I don’t think Miraak is beyond reason, and the main reason is that in multiple instances [and in some cut dialogue] he infers that he doesn’t WANT to kill you, or that if there were another way, he’d do that instead.
He doesn’t sound like a power-hungry, bloodthirsty lunatic - he sounds like a man who was so desperate to win his freedom from the Dragons that he made a pact with a Daedric Prince, only to end up enslaved by him after the fact. He wants out - he wants his freedom.
That cut dialogue I mentioned hints very strongly that there was SUPPOSED to be an option where you could team up with Miraak, but instead they pushed up the release date of the DLC. (Thanks, Todd.)
Herma Mora’s been telling him that Fate and Destiny say he must kill The Last at the summit - but Mora’s the Daedric Prince of Fate, he can say whatever the fuck he wants.
The Daedric Princes are strong, to be sure, but not invulnerable (Mehrunes and Jyggalag). Maybe one Dovahkiin couldn’t take him on, but two might have a chance at weakening him and escaping.
And no, Miraak is absolutely NOT trustworthy, but he would owe LDB big time and that’s a big thing for the dov. Despite Alduin’s rebelling against Akatosh, Paarthurnax doesn’t want him to die. Bonds between dov are strong, and I refuse to believe that on such a rare occasion that two dovahkiin should meet, that they could callously throw away the other’s life.
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