#hints at klance
coolnonsenseworld · 2 months
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Everybody has voting power! I have my own preference, but I'm really curious what would you chose! Let me know in the poll and don't forget to share so we reach 40 bundles sales! We are not that far!! If anything is unclear just let me know <3 Also, I imagine the button pin would do great on a grocery bag, I think it would associate for me with the calendar bundle, and therefore remind me to take the grocery list (written on the Klance seasonal to-do lists XD) mmezzy.bigcartel.com
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thebetterbrogane · 3 months
the most dumbass conversation
Lance, walking behind Keith: “The leather bell-bottoms are really something.”
Keith, channeling his inner fem queen: “Mm, yes? Do you like?”
L: “Yeah, ‘specially around the ass.”
K, wide-eyed and mouth agape: “WOAH, buddy! You can keep that to yourself next time!”
(literally everyone started laughing)
K: “Sharing is not caring!”
(even more laughing)
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callmelyc · 9 months
Just gonna start cross posting every single bit of Twitter nonsense soooo
Lance joining Keith on blade missions post war and calling him "Captain" in the most flirty tone. He does this during meetings and such just to make Keith blush or stutter in his words.
The first time lance does this it catches Keith so far off guard his reaction isn't at all subtle.
"Excuse me, Captain~" Lance all but purrs the title in that lovely lilting tone of his and Keith damn near chokes on his own spit right in front of a room of BOM personel.
He clears his throat best he can trying to gather himself- because what the fuck- "y...yes Lance?"
"What if we went in teams of two? That way at least two people could tackle that northern section there."
Keith turns to look at the map, fluster momentarily forgotten, and sees Lance is right it would make more sense.
So plans are changed with unanimous agreement and things move on.
The flirtatious captain is forgotten until it happens again, this time in the halls.
Keith is talking to a commander for one of the resistance outpost when he feels a presence slide into his side so smooth and efficiently he nearly ignores it.
He knows it's lance, it always was, and he's more surprised by the fact Lance stays so silent.
It's not until the Commander, a man named Zyre, starts to comment on lack of trust that Lance speaks up before Keith can even get a word.
"Excuse me Commander but I can assure you Captain Kogane has it all under control" he says it with a charming smile that seems to ease all of Zyres worries.
Keith never knows how he managed it with such ease and simplicity, to calm someone's worries as if it's his living purpose.
He watches as the two talk, ending with a light laugh and a kind goodbye.
As the commander leaves Lance turns to look at him, blue eyes sparkling like the ocean "what's wrong Captain?" And there it is again that flirtatious sing song of his title that makes Keith gulp. A tanned hand smoothly slides up Keiths arm making his mouth run dry "cat got your tongue?"
Keith fights the flaming blush rising up his cheeks, he turns to rush away in place of a reply knowing it was far more incriminating thid way.
If he hears Lances twinkling laughter as he turns the corner Keith makes nothing of it.
The third time is, unfortunately for Keith, during a joint BOM and Atlas meeting.
Griffin was arguing the benefit of using some of his crew alongside one of the other branches of the resistance and it was draining Keith's patience to no end.
Sure they get along now, somewhat, but that didn't mean he found James particularly pleasant to listen to.
He drones on and on about the efficiency and things he'd already covered in his pitch but despite a good amount of the room being a tad annoyed no one seemed willing to stop him...yet
That's when Keith sees It, the look™ on Lances face and he knows oh God does he know.
Lance smiles when he notices he's caught Keiths eye and tosses him a knowing wink.
Keith fights everything in him not to groan as Lance shifts to cut Griffin off without even looking at the guy. Those blue eyes zeroing in on Keith from across the room with terrifying accuracy and focus.
"Captain Kogane" he says oh so sweetly it shuts everyone up in an instant. Lance even bats his lashes for extra effect because his new favorite thing to do is apparently publicly torture Keith.
"I-" Keith starts far too distracted to even notice the way some have started giggling at his demise. Too far gone for this boy that his loss for words is so heavy for something so small.
"You had a contact in that Sector didn't you? Why not utilize them?"
It's not until after the meeting that Keith realizes others have taken notice to Lances....well, whatever it is he's doing.
Keith tries to ignore the look, the whispers, the focus. He really does. But then Shiro has that shit eating grin on his face as he walks up next to him and Keith would rather be literally anywhere else.
"So Captain Kogane huh?" Shiro asks smugly.
Keith glares at him "shut it grandpa, he's just being respectful."
That makes shiro snort "yeah sure respectful is definitely the word for that."
Keith reserved to say nothing as they walked to the cafeteria and did his best to ignore every giggle and whisper thrown as he passes.
If he thought that was bad he wasn't ready for the way people mockingly called him Captain at lunch. They'd say it with that same flirty lit and over the top gestures that made his skin crawl. Its not in a mean way, he knows. It's more in the they were clearly mocking Lances tone kind of way and Keith found that unacceptable.
It irked him to no end. If they were gonna poke fun at him fine! But don't bring lance into it.
So Keith did the only rational thing left. He left the cafeteria.
He tracked down Lance because even if he was the cause of the teasing Lance was still far better company than anyone else on this god forsaken ship.
He found him in the ships artificial courtyard humming to himself as he played with the vines.
He sits next to Lance enjoying the simplicity of the moment since they usually don't get much time like this and returns the smile Lance throws his way. It's comforting when they're together like this. Just the two of them with no prying eyes or mission discussions.
"What brings you here Samurai? I would've thought you'd eat lunch with Shiro."
Keith huffs a bit "with everyone jokingly calling me Captain I'd rather sit somewhere relaxing."
Lance frowns "do...do you not like being called Captain?"
Keith looks at lance dumfounded, he's unable to reply before lance continues "should I stop?"
The two look at eachother wide eyed for a moment.
A beat pases.
Lances surprise fades into a small smirk, a dangerous understanding filling his eyes "oh so you do like it when I call you Captain?"
"I- well..." He stutters trying to fight the rising heat on his ears. Keith wouldn't dare admit it out loud he can't. He can't give lance a weapon like this, his heart wouldn't survive.
But despite the lack of voicing his agreement Lance picks up on it anyways. Those sharp eyes always on target, lazer focused, and amused much to Keiths dismay.
Lance chuckles standing to leave "well, I'll see you around then Captain~"
And Keith has never wanted to smack himself more for being such an oblivious idiot.
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lefty-draws02 · 1 year
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Keithtober Day 6 - Samurai
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burritello3000 · 15 days
Klance Launch Date
Basically Launch Date, but with Klance instead of Allurance :))))))))
Lance sat at a cafeteria table, absentmindedly stirring his coffee. He didn’t normally drink coffee at this time of day, but he found it helped to calm his nerves. 
Hunk sat down across from him, a smile on his face. “Launching tomorrow. The big day.” Lance zoned out as his best friend continued. “Oh, it seems like it was forever ago when we piled into the Blue Lion and blasted out into space. Man, we had no idea what we were getting into!” 
“Yeah,” Lance agreed, still not really listening.
“But now it’s different,” Hunk said. “We’ve seen it all. We’re rugged veterans now, going back into battle one last time.”
Lance hummed. “Yup.” 
“Guess that makes us heroes or something? … Like the type of heroes that would have their own TV show!” The yellow paladin chuckled, clasping his hands together. “Did you watch it, Lance? Ah, it’s so cool! It’s so cool. They got you spot-on, but Coran is like…” Hunk made a face. “He’s all super serious and stuff. 
“And Allura is a little… I don’t know, she’s different. Keith is friendly!” Hunk laughed like that was the funniest thing he’d ever heard. Keith’s name caught Lance’s attention. “He’s happy all the time. I mean, they got it so wrong.” 
Lance frowned. Keith could be friendly with people he liked! There just… wasn’t a lot of people that he really liked.
Before he could interrupt, Hunk kept talking. “Plus, I think they’re hinting at some romance between him and Allura.”
Lance jumped out of his seat, slamming his hands on the table. “What?! Keith and Allura? No! It should be Keith and Lance!” He sat down, realizing what he’d just said. He lowered his voice. “Uh, I mean it should be Lance and Allura. Saying it should be Keith and Lance would imply that I have a crush on him. Which I don’t… And besides, Keith is gay! Like, everyone knows that.”
His friend raised an eyebrow. “Uh huh, sure. Anyways, a love triangle?” He pointed a finger gun at Lance. “I like where you’re taking this.” 
The blue paladin sighed. “No, no. It’s not about that…” 
“Wait, that’s right. You said you were going to invite Keith to dinner at your house.” Hunk’s voice started to grow louder. “Oh, you asked him, didn’t you? Ah, and he said no. Oh. Oh, man. And here I am, rubbing your face in it. Sorry, buddy—”
Lance cut him off. “Keep your voice down! He didn’t say no. I… Well, I haven’t asked him yet. And I’m scared to…” 
“You chickened out?” 
“I didn’t chicken out!” Lance growled, putting his face in his hands. “I just… My family doesn’t know I’m bisexual. I know they’ll support me,” he added. “But I’ve got a good thing going with Keith right now! We’re finally friends, and I don’t want to ruin that if he doesn’t like me back. Maybe this just isn’t the right time…”
Hunk frowned. “No, Lance. What? It’s the only time. After tomorrow, we’re back in space fighting the Galra. There is no other time, literally. And I can’t believe how oblivious you are!” His voice softened. “Keith has clearly had a crush on you since, like, forever. Also, you two already bicker like an old married couple, so you’re already one step there! You’re asking him today, and that is final, young man.” 
Lance thought about it. Maybe Keith did like him, and he’d just pushed him away with his stupid made up rivalry. “… Thanks, man,” he said, standing up. I’ll ask him after the meeting today!” 
As Lance walked away, he suddenly realized something. Wait… do we really fight like an old married couple?
Keith strood through the hallway, going through his mental checklist. Alright. I’ve packed my stuff. Maybe I should take Kosmo for a walk? Yeah, he would like that. I should also spend some time with Black tonight. I think Kosmo needs a bath. Would Black like a wash, too? Do the Lions even need cleaning? I’ll ask her lat—
“Hey, uh, Keith?” 
He stopped, Lance’s voice cutting through his thoughts. Keith smiled. “Hey, Lance. What’s up?” 
Lance ran up to him, panting. He stopped, leaning over and trying to catch his breath. “Dude, why do you walk so fast?”
“I don’t walk fast. Maybe you’re just slow.”
The blue paladin glared at him, spluttering. “I-I’m not slow, Mullet! I like to stroll. You on the other hand…” Lance ran a hand down his face. “Oh god, we do argue like an old married couple.”
Keith's eyes widened. Had he heard that right? “What?” 
“Nothing!” the Cuban boy yelped, straightening his posture. “Anyways, I was just, uh, checking in. So, how are…  things?” 
“Um.” Lance looked sweaty and nervous. Why is he acting so weird? “Yeah, things are fine. Are you okay?” 
“Oh, yeah, I’m good,” Lance said. He put his hands behind his back. “Just, are you busy tonight?” 
Keith bit his lip. “Well, I was thinking about giving Kosmo a walk and a bath. Why?”
“O-Oh, um,” the blue paladin stammered. “If you’re busy, it’s nothing.” 
Lance looked so downcast. Keith’s heart felt like it was being squeezed. He didn’t like seeing a frown on his friend’s face. “But, Kosmo can wait,” Keith said, trying to salvage the situation. “What did you have in mind?” 
Lance clasped his hands together. “Um, actually, I was wondering…” Keith’s pulse quickened. A little part of his mind whispered ‘Is Lance going to ask me out on a date?’ Woah, where did that come from? The blue paladin continued. “If, maybe, if you want to, you could have dinner with me tonight?”
A weird feeling warmed his heart, and he found himself blushing. “A-And my family,” Lance said. “Dinner with me and my family? My mom’s cooking for our last night together. I-I just thought you could join us.” 
Keith pretended to think for a moment. “Will there be the famous garlic knots I have heard so much about?”
Lance nodded, looking sad again. “Yeah. I’ll ask her to make them, she usually does.” 
“Lance!” Keith grabbed his hand. “I was just joking. Of course I’ll come.” He suddenly hesitated. “You’re… asking me out on a date, right?”
The blue paladin blushed, looking down at their intertwined hands. “Yes, I am. I really like you, Keith.” 
He let go of Lance’s hand, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “I really like you too, Lance. Sorry I was such a jerk when we first met. I’m not good with people.” He was already nervous about meeting Lance’s big family. “And I can take Kosmo, too. You’re an uncle, right? There should be kids?” 
Lance gave him a big smile. “Yeah, Silvio and Nadia would love Kosmo!”
There was a few seconds of awkward silence as they stared at each other. Keith started to chew on his lip again. How do boyfriends-who-aren’t-officially-boyfriends-because-they-haven’t gone-on-a-date-yet act around each other? 
Lance also looked unsure. Thankfully, Hunk saved them. He came up and put a hand on Lance’s shoulder, slowly pulling him away. “Okay, Loverboy Lance. Now walk away before he changes his mind.” 
Keith tried not to snicker at the nickname. He watched them go, a dreamy smile spreading unknowingly across his face. I can’t believe I finally have a date with Lance! He had actually had a crush on him at the Garrison long ago, but Lance had always thought there was a rivalry between them, so they never got close.
“Ohoho,” someone purred behind him, startling him out of his thoughts. “Finally! I thought for sure he would never ask you.”
The red paladin whipped around. He was met by a sneaky smile and glittering brown eyes. He tried not to sigh. “Hello, Rizavi.”
The girl took a step back. “Call me Nadia. Oh, I’ve been waiting for one of you to ask the other out. I literally cannot believe how oblivious you both are.”
Keith frowned. “What? Me and Lance? How did you know?”
“It’s hard not to notice with all the romantic tension between you two.”
“W-What?” he spluttered. “We don’t have any romantic tension! What are you talking about?”
“Um, yes you do.” She gestured at him. “There’s tons of it. Well, not right now, since he asked you out to dinner.” 
“Were you listening to our whole conversation?” Keith hissed. 
Nadia flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Yeah, pretty much. And I saw your face. You seem like a guy that’s pretty socially challenged. Which means you’ll probably need help choosing what to wear!” 
“What’s wrong with my usual outfit?” Keith asked, feeling slightly embarrassed. He had been planning to wear what he usually wore instead of his uniform or armor.
She scoffed. “Everything. You need something more fancy, and I’m your gal. We could go shopping!” 
“No,” he said. “I can handle this myself.” 
“No you can’t.” She wagged a finger at him. “I’m going to help you, but we need more input. I was thinking we can grab Allura?” Nadia’s eyes suddenly sparkled with concern. “She’s been spending all her time in the Med Bay lately. It’d be good for her to get out.” 
Keith crossed his arms. “… Fine. But only if Allura agrees.”
Nadia rubbed her hands together, an evil look on her face. “We need more opinions… and I know just the people to bring along.” 
Keith was starting to regret his decision.
Nadia’s first target was Allura. They headed to her usual place, the Med Bay. Allura and Romelle were looking through the window, watching the unconscious Altean. They were whispering to each other softly.
“Hey!” Nadia called, jogging up to the pair. “Allura! Romelle!” Keith followed her quickly. 
The two Alteans looked up. “Rizavi,” Allura said. “Hello. What is it?” 
“Keith has a date with Lance!” Nadia squealed. “And we were thinking that you could help us pick out his outfit!”
Allura simply frowned. “That sounds wonderful, but I can’t. I’m sorry, but we must keep an eye on Luca.” Her gaze strayed back to the window. “She could wake up any day now.”
“Pleeeaaaase, Allura.” Nadia’s eyes were wide and pleading. “It would be good for you to get out, and we could really use your help. Right, Keith?” 
She grabbed his arm, pulling him forward. He shot a glare at the obnoxious girl. “Yes, Allura, I could use your help. Because apparently I have no fashion sense.”
“Hmm,” Allura hummed, looking unsure. “I should really stay here…”
Romelle put a hand on her friend's shoulder. “Allura, I know you’re worried about Luca, but we’re worried about you. It’ll be good to get away for a night and clear your head.” They stared at each other for a few seconds, a soft look on both their faces. 
Is that how me and Lance look when talking about each other? Keith wondered.
“Okay, lovebirds,” Nadia interrupted, crossing her arms. “Don’t worry, Romelle can come too.”
Allura raised an eyebrow. “Love… birds? Wait…” Her cheeks darkened. “What! W-We don’t— We’re not. Ugh, fine. Maybe taking a break is a good idea.”
Nadia clapped her hands. “Perfect! I’ll get Ina too, but right now, I know just the person to ask!” 
Pidge was next. He followed Nadia, as she entered the ship’s greenhouse, Allura and Romelle right behind him. “Hey, Pidge. Do you have a sec?” 
She looked up from her tablet, putting it down. “Sure. What’s up?” 
Beezer was suddenly looking very interesting right now. Keith busied his attention on the little robot. Nadia smiled. “Well, Keith has—”
Romelle butted in, her voice shrill with excitement. “A date… with pointy chin!”
“Wait.” Pidge’s eyes widened in surprise. “A date? With Lance?” Beezer squealed, an exclamation mark on his screen. “Weird. Well, I’m glad you guys worked it out.”
“It’s not weird,” he muttered in protest. 
Nadia ignored him, clasping her hands together with excitement. “And we were thinking, you could help us choose Keith’s outfit!” 
Colleen laughed from a few rows over, her eyes still on her screen. “Katie? Fashion? That’s a good one.” 
Pidge glared at her mom, then hugged her tablet to her chest. “Well, I heard the mall has reopened. I’ve been wanting to check it out,” her golden-brown eyes flicked towards Colleen, “but I’m grounded.” 
“Grounded?” Romelle asked, sounding confused. “I wasn’t aware humans could float.” 
Keith sighed. “No, Romelle, we can’t float. It just means that Pidge isn’t allowed to go anywhere without her mom’s supervision. It’s a punishment.” 
“What are you grounded for?” Allura questioned, her eyebrows furrowed.
Colleen spoke up, not even looking up from her tablet. “She’s grounded because apparently my daughter thinks that running away from home and gallivanting off into space without her mother’s permission is an acceptable activity for a fifteen year old.” 
There was a moment of silence as the green paladin hunched her shoulders. She then turned around and started yelling at her mom. “Well, apparently, finding my brother and saving my father from an intergalactic space tyrant doesn’t get me a pass!” 
Colleen’s eyes glimmered as she replied. “Not on your life, young lady.” 
Beezer beeped, panicked, and ran out of the room. Keith was tempted to do the same. The air literally crackled with tension as the two stared each other down. He winced. He could see where Pidge got her ruthlessness from. 
Romelle hid behind Allura as Nadia tried to calm the situation. “Please, Mrs. Holt, we could really use her help.” 
“We will not let her leave the ground once,” Romelle added.
Pidge’s mother studied them, one eyebrow raised. After a moment of silence, she closed her eyes. “All right.” She glanced at her daughter. “But only because I know how much Katie hates shopping for clothing.” 
Pidge let out a low growl as Keith pulled on her arm to lead her out of the room. “Thank you, Colleen. And humans don’t float,” he grumbled to Romelle as she passed him.
There were a lot of people at the mall. More than Keith had expected. The entire mall was actually bigger than he had thought it was going to be. To be honest, Keith had never really been to an actual mall before. There were too many people, and he’d basically been living alone in a shack for a good chunk of his life, so there was no need to go to one.
There were aliens and humans alike shopping everywhere. They had grabbed Ina, and everyone had changed into their normal clothes before heading out. 
Nadia put her hands on her hips, turning to the five of them. “Okay. ‘Operation Find Keith a Date Outfit’ is go! We’re going to take it one store at a time until we come out of this place successful.” She pointed out to the mall. “Let the hunt begin!”
Keith smirked as they started to make their way around. An operation, huh? We’re going to need a battle strategy…
He smashed a fist against the inside of his palm, cracking his fingers. “All right, team. We need a plan. Leifsdotter, Rizavi, Pidge, you three take the north side. Me, Allura, and Romelle will cover the south. Then, if yo—”
“Oh, Keith,” Nadia sighed, looking over her shoulder at him with a tsk. “Sweet, naive, beautiful, Keith. Haven’t you ever been shopping before? We can’t split up.” 
His face turned red. “I’ve been clothes shopping! I’ve just… only done it by myself.” 
“Suuure,” Pidge drawled from next to him. “Anyways, Rizavi is right. We need your opinion on everything, so we can’t split up.” 
Keith's shoulders slumped. I hate shopping. Allura and Romelle led the pack, whispering quietly to each other. Ina and Nadia walked in front of him and Pidge. They were talking loudly. Mostly Nadia.
As they walked past a stall, Pidge suddenly stopped, rushing back to the stall and crouching down. “Killbot Phantasm 26: Revengifiance! This is out?” Her voice was shrill with excitement.
Nadia joined her, her mouth gaping open with shock. “Oh my gosh! It came out just a few days before the Galra invaded. No one was ever able to reach the end!” 
Keith rolled his eyes. “That’s right,” the stall owner said, his voice soft. “I have one of the few undamaged units left.”
“WE’LL TAKE IT!” Pidge and Nadia yelled, leaning in close. 
The poor seller gave them a nervous look, glancing back and forth. “Okay. Great to meet such passionate KBP fans. What have you got to trade?”
There were a few beats of silence. “Trade?” Pidge said, her voice small. She looked at Rizavi, then looked back at them.
Keith groaned and facepalmed as Ina showed them her empty pockets. Did we really forget to bring money? Or something to trade? Now how will we get something for me to wear for our date? That actually upset him more than he had expected. 
“I-I, uh…,” Pidge stammered. “I don’t… really have anything.” 
He really wanted to punch the easygoing smile off of the shopkeeper’s face. “I’m sorry, but no trade, no game.” 
His friend groaned in defeat, lowering her head. Keith took a step forward. Maybe he could negotiate. Maybe trade his jacket or belt? 
Before he could get closer to them, Nadia stood up, gesturing to Pidge. “Well, that’s some way to treat a Paladin of Voltron.” 
The stall owner’s eyes widened. “Wait, what? You mean, like, from the show?”
“Show? Well, kind of,” Pidge said. “It was based off me.” She glanced back at Keith. “And him.” 
“My kid loves that show!” the man said, leaning back. “The game is yours if I could just get an autograph for my daughter.” 
Pidge shot up, a strange smile on her face. “Sure thing!” she exclaimed in a higher, squeakier voice. “Anything for the kids!” 
She pulled out a pencil from nowhere and drew a mini version of her face on a paper the man handed her. She gave the paper to him. “Come on, Keith! Autograph time!”
Keith reluctantly took the pencil and wrote his name in big, blocky letters. She snatched the paper and gave it back to the man, in exchange for the video game. 
As Pidge turned around, she flashed him a sneaky smile, an evil glint in her eyes. They proceeded to go around, trading stuff for his and Pidge’s autographs. Soon, the green paladin had traded enough clothes to dress up as her character in the show. She had even tried to get Keith to wear a costume too, but he had loudly disagreed.
Lance took a deep breath. This was fine, everything was fine. He wouldn’t get mad at him for asking Keith out. 
He entered the bridge, clearing his throat. “Uh, Shiro?”
The captain of the Atlas paused, looking up from his screen. “Yes, Lance?” 
“Could I, uh, talk to you?”
“Sure. In private, or…”
“Y-Yeah. In private, thanks.” 
Shiro nodded, stepping down from his captain spot and coming up to Lance. The blue paladin led him down the hall and to his room, nervously fidgeting.
“Alright, Lance,” Shiro said as the door slid shut behind him. “What do you need?” 
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Um, it’s about Keith.” He kept going before Shiro could interrupt. “I know that Krolia is his actual mother but you’re like a father or big brother to him.”
“And please don’t get mad at me, but I asked him out on a date and I just wanted you to know about it.”
“I also wanted advice about what to do because you know him better than I do an—”
“Lance!” Shiro yelled, cutting him off. “Lance, calm down. I’m not mad.”
He wet his lips nervously. “… You aren’t?”
“No.” Shiro smiled. “Quite the opposite. I’m glad you guys worked it out. I was hoping you would before we left.”
“Oh,” Lance murmured. Are we really that obvious? “Okay, cool. Cool. So, can you give me any advice? Like what does he like? I invited him to dinner with my family, but now I’m not sure.” He started rambling. “We could probably do something after. Like take a walk, maybe? No, that’s not good enough. Who am I kidding! Nothing I could come up with is good enough for Keith Kogane! He deserves the best, and I don’t—”
“Lance!” Shiro put a steady hand on his shoulder, grounding him. “If Keith is going out with you, it’s because he likes you.”
Lance sighed. “I know, but—”
“No,” Shiro stopped him. “No, buts. Keith likes you for you. So the best advice I can give is to be yourself.” His gaze suddenly darkened. “Just… be patient with Keith. He’s been hurt before, and isn’t used to being loved. And if you hurt him, I’ll have some choice words for you.”
Lance held up his hands. “Okay, okay, should have expected the shovel talk. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt him.” He poured all his emotion into those few words. “And I won’t let anyone hurt him ever again.” 
Shiro smiled again, ruffling his hair. “Good. Everything will be fine. Now go get ready, Loverboy Lance.”
The group was walking around some more, laden with bags full of junk that they had bought. Rizavi suddenly stopped them in front of a store. “Oh, I’ve got a good feeling about this place. Keith, leave this to me. Ladies, divide and conquer!”
Pidge sat in the corner, reading a comic book, while Allura and Romelle looked at the shiny jewelry. He followed Nadia as she started browsing, looking through the men’s clothes. “You’re the last person I would trust to pick an outfit,” Keith grumbled. 
She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “You’ll just have to deal with it sweetheart.” 
He ignored her, turning around to a rack of assorted clothing. They spent a few minutes searching. He picked up a cool black jacket with crimson highlights. It probably wasn’t fancy enough. 
Ina and Nadia ran up to him, mischievous looks on their faces. The black-haired girl started pushing him towards the dressing rooms. “Keith! Try on these outfits!”
As soon as he looked at the outfits they had chosen, he knew they were all wrong, but he decided to humor them. Nadia had picked out a yellow and white sporty outfit for him. “Ta da!” she yelled, showing it off. Ina, Allura, Romelle, and Pidge all gave it a dubious look. Keith silently agreed with them.
Ina had picked out a really baggy light red and white suit, with short white pants. That one got the same reaction as before. 
Romelle’s choice was almost indescribable, and not in a good way. It was super colorful and looked like she had grabbed random things and thrown them together. His patience was starting to wear thin.
Same reaction. Allura smiled and gave her an encouraging thumbs up. “Good try, Romelle!” Pidge facepalmed.
The green paladin’s outfit was the same thing Keith’s character wears in the new show. He had refused to even try it.
He hoped Allura’s outfit was better. She had always seemed the most fashionable out of all of them. It was the best out of all the others so far. She had chosen a white dress shirt with a red tie and black slacks. 
As he stepped out, Nadia’s eyes sparkled. “Wow, Allura! That looks amazing! It really suits you, Keith.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, it looks good. Thanks, Allura, but… something feels off. One second.” 
Keith got to work, going through the aisles and grabbing items that he had seen earlier. He went back into the dressing room. He came out again, enjoying the looks on everyone’s faces. 
Nadia sighed happily, putting her hands on her hips. “I think we’ve done it.” 
“More like I did it,” Keith corrected. “And Allura. Thanks again.” 
The princess smiled. “My pleasure. Shall we go?”
They went up to the counter and set the clothes down. The four-armed alien turned around giving them a pleasant smile. “Why, hello there. Is this everything?” Keith frowned. Something felt off about this guy. He didn’t trust him. 
“Yep,” Rizavi said. “Mission complete!” 
The alien held up a calculator in one hand, and looked through the clothes with another. “Let’s see, what have we got?” He cracked his knuckles and went to work punching numbers in. “Two decorative tarps with casing, one foot container and its mirror match, and a pair of damaged leg coverings. That’ll be… one phoeb of servitude from your small friend there.”
Nadia’s eyes grew to the size of golfballs. “What? A year?” 
“A month,” Pidge said, glancing back at her. “I got this.” She spun around, ruffling up her hair to look like her character, and turned back to the counter, putting on her nasally voice. “How about you give us all this and I give you an autograph from a world-famous Paladin of Voltron.” Her eyes sparkled convincingly.
The alien had a confused, and slightly disgusted, look on his face, an eyebrow raised. “No! Price just went up to three phoebs.”
Pidge took a step back as Allura spoke up. “I could give you a royal decree of service from the Crown Princess of Alte—” She suddenly stopped, and looked at the ground with a sigh. “Oh, right, I, um…” 
Romelle gave her concerned look, then clasped her hands together. “I can make you a deca-phoebs’ worth of blomfruit pies! I just need blomfruits. You wouldn’t happen to sell any, would you?” 
“Shipping will cost you ten phoebs of servitude alone!” the alien yelled, leaning forward. 
Keith scowled at the alien behind the counter, putting a hand on Allura’s shoulder. “Maybe this was a bad idea. I don’t need the clothes. Let’s just go.” If he was being honest, he really wanted the clothes. They looked good and made him feel good, but he wasn’t going to put up with this shopkeeper any longer.
He turned around and started to walk away, everyone following him. The four-armed alien suddenly gasped. “Wait!” he called, reaching out towards them. “I’ll give you a friendly deal. You can have all this… for Killbot Phantasm 26: Revengifiance.” Pidge’s eyes widened with surprise. 
“No deal!” Nadia growled, narrowing her eyes. “What could you possibly need it for?” 
“I’ve been looking to get my claws on that game for deca-phoebs.” A slightly dreamy expression appeared on his face. “I’m a huge KBP fan.” 
He noticed the thoughtful way Pidge was looking at the game. As Rizavi vehemently denied his offer, Keith put an arm around his friend’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Pidge. I don't need them. This guy is shady anyways.” He pushed down his reluctance at giving up the clothes. 
She shook her head, holding it out to the alien. “It’s fine. You can have it. We don’t have any time to play it anyway.” 
As she turned around, Keith, who was usually not one for physical touch, bent down and hugged her. “Thank you,” he whispered in her ear. 
He let her go, and Pidge gave him a happy smile and a thumbs up. “Anytime. Now, let’s get you ready!”
Keith hesitantly rang the doorbell, trying to smooth down his hair for the tenth time. Even after Rizavi tried tackling it with a hairbrush and gel, it still stuck up defiantly. It was fine though, Keith liked it this way.
Komso brushed against him reassuringly. He ruffled the wolf’s mane affectionately, and straightened as the front door swung open. 
Standing on the other side was a woman. Keith could immediately tell this was Lance’s mother. They both had the same bright smile and chocolate-brown hair. 
“Come in, come in, my dear!” she said. Even though he was bad at reading people, Keith detected a slight strain in her voice. She looked over her shoulder, swinging the door open wider. “Oh, you look wonderful! Doesn’t he look wonderful, Lance?”
Lance, who had been walking down the stairs, paused, his mouth gaping. “Wow!” he breathed, his eyes sparkling. “You look amazing.”
Keith glanced away, blushing. He nervously ran a hand through his hair, messing it up again. Rizavi would be so mad right now. 
He brushed a piece of Kosmo’s fur off his sweater. He had picked out a loose red sweater to put on over the white dress shirt Allura had found, with ripped black jeans and black combat boots to complete the look.
“Thanks,” Keith said, meeting Lance’s eyes. The Cuban boy was wearing a tight white sweater with gray arms that looked adorable on him. “You look good, too.”
Lance smirked, making his way down the stairs and stopping in front of him. “Wow, a rare compliment by the amazing Keith Kogane. Who would have thought it was possible?” 
“Remind me why I like you again?” Keith asked teasingly, crossing his arms. 
Kosmo chuffed in greeting, bounding up to Lance. The blue paladin kneeled on the ground, allowing the wolf to jump up and lick his face. “Hey, buddy!” He laughed as Kosmo licked his cheek again, his tail wagging. God, who given this boy the right to look so damn cute. Lance looked up. “Maybe it’s because of my charming personality and dashing looks?”
“No, it’s because Kosmo likes you. Otherwise, you’d be kicked off the team.”
Lance’s face darkened, but it was so quick that maybe he had imagined it. “Yeah, yeah, I know.” He stood up, putting a hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Anyways, Keith, this is my mom and Pop-pop.” He went through everyone, pointing at each person as he named them. “You know Veronica. That’s Rachel, my brother Marco, my other brother Luis, his wife Lisa, and their kids, Silvio and Nadia.” 
The two kids weren’t even looking at him, their eyes were fixed on Kosmo. “Puppy!” the little girl shrieked. 
Luis put a hand on Nadia’s shoulder, a nervous look on his face. “I knew you were bringing your pet, but… is it safe?”
Keith tried not to frown, instead forcing a smile. “Yes,” he said through gritted teeth. “Kosmo may be a space wolf, but he is well trained.” Kosmo gave him a look like ‘Seriously?’ At least he hoped he was. 
“Don’t worry, guys,” Lance said, reaching down and patting the wolf’s head. “Kosmo is pretty chill.” 
Luis let go of Nadia’s shoulder, and with that, the young girl ran up to Kosmo, throwing her arms around him. “Good puppy!” 
The wolf sat patiently, his tail thumping on the ground as Nadia ran her fingers through his fur. Silvio slowly approached them, holding out his hand. Kosmo stood up, Nadia still practically hanging on him, and sniffed the boy’s hand. The space wolf licked his hand, making him giggle.
Rachel was giving him a suspicious look, but didn’t say anything. Now that Keith thought about it, everyone looked slightly uncomfortable. Is it because I’m a boy? he wondered. Did Lance’s family not know that he is bi? As the children started to play with Kosmo, Lance grabbed his hand. “Come on, Keith! Let’s go set the table.”
He allowed Lance to lead him to the dining room, a light blush dusting across his cheeks. They set the table, talking and laughing. His heart fluttered everytime Lance brushed against him.
They joined everyone in the living room after setting the table as Lance’s mother and Pop-pop went to the kitchen to finish dinner. The tension that Keith had noticed disappeared throughout the evening. 
The kids had fun playing with Kosmo, who was preening under all the attention, and all of Lance’s family was really nice. Even Rachel eventually warmed up to him. 
At one point, Nadia had run up to him and Lance, a curious expression on her face. “Uncle Lance, you’re a boy, and Keith is a boy, but you’re in love, right?”
They exchanged an awkward glance. “Yeah, kiddo,” Lance eventually said, ruffling her hair. “Why?”
She had a thoughtful look on her face. “So, is it okay if a girl likes a girl?”
“Of course.” Lance smiled. “Anyone can like anyone they want to.” 
“Okay!” Nadia said, her face lighting up. “Thanks, Uncle Lance!” 
Keith’s heart felt warm as he watched her run off. 
When dinner was ready, they sat at the table, Lance pulling out Keith’s chair for him and sitting next to him. A headache that had started to plague him was chased away by the sensation of Lance holding his hand under the table. 
The food was really good, especially the garlic knots. Even Kosmo had gotten bits of food slipped under the table from Silvio and Nadia. Eventually, Lance’s family started to tell embarrassing stories about his childhood. 
“Or the time when we were kids,” Marco was saying, twiddling with his fork. “And Veronica mixed dirt with water and told Lance it was chocolate milk.” Keith chuckled along with everyone else, enjoying the annoyed look on his boyfriend’s face. Woah, when had he started thinking of Lance as his boyfriend?
“Oh, yeah!” Veronica exclaimed. “I still can’t believe he fell for it.”
Keith shook his head. “Oh God, I’m dating an idiot. What did he do?” The strange tension from before suddenly flooded the room again. Why did I say that?!
Lance blushed at his words as his sister continued. “He told on me, of course. Then Pop-pop gave him ice cream and I got none.”
“Yeah, Lance was always the baby of the family,” Marco said, a gleam in his eyes. “It only took you coming to dinner to graduate him to the adult table.” 
Keith could feel Rachel’s eyes glaring daggers into his back. He put a smirk on his face. “That’s not surprising.”
Lance squawked in protest. “What?! What’s that supposed to mean, babe?”
He couldn’t help but blush at the nickname. That meant Lance wanted to be boyfriends, too. They would talk about it later. 
Keith put his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder. “You know exactly what I mean, Lance.”
After he sat up straight again, there was a beat of awkward silence. Then, Lance’s mother spoke up. 
Her next words were kind, but for some reason, it made Keith’s mental hackles raise. “Lance never brings girls, or boys, home. You must really mean something to him.”
Girls, or boys… 
“That’s strange.” Keith had meant the words to be teasing, but they came out sharper than intended. “Lance gave off the impression of being really popular with women.” 
There was an even longer moment of silence, only the kids still obliviously talking. 
Then Veronica rose, clearing her throat. She held up a glass of water. “A toast… to family. Though we may be apart after tomorrow, we’ll always remain close at heart. Family is forever.” She glanced at him, her eyes raking over the table. “And to Keith, the newest member of our family.” 
Everyone held up their glasses. “To family!”
He put down his glass, staring into the water. Family… Keith had never really had a permanent family before. His father had died when he was young, and his mother had left. He now knew why Krolia had to leave, but it still didn’t change the past. Then Shiro had become his father figure. Then he had also left, presumed dead on the Kerberos mission. 
Then the paladins had come, and he had felt like part of a family again. Pidge had felt like a little sister. Hunk the big brother he had never had. Coran had turned into the weird, crazy uncle. Allura had become almost like a mother, and now their sister. Lance… Lance didn’t really have a family title in Keith’s eyes. Now he knew it was because he had a crush on the blue paladin. 
Even with Krolia back, Keith still felt like he was missing something. Maybe it had come from visiting his father’s grave when they came back to earth? Or maybe it was seeing Lance, Hunk, and Pidge with their families… Another reminder that he would never fit in.
Keith stayed quiet the rest of the evening. After it was over, he thanked Lance’s mother for the wonderful dinner, and said a quick goodbye to Lance. Then, the moment he was out of sight, had Kosmo teleport him back to the Garrison.
After getting back, he made his way to the lions, Kosmo following him. He sat on Black’s head, stroking the wolf’s fur. Since it was summer, the sun was going down later, allowing Keith to catch the last of its rays as it dipped below the horizon. 
The wolf suddenly teleported out from under his fingers, a rush of cold air greeting his hand. He sighed. Even Kosmo doesn’t want to hang out with me right now…
A few seconds later, Kosmo appeared. He had a passenger. The wolf gave him a pointed look before disappearing again.
Lance sat there, blinking in confusion. “Wha— Oh, hey, Keith.”
“Hey, Lance,” he muttered, avoiding eye contact. 
“Sooo,” Lance said. “You’re watching the sunset?”
There was a few seconds of silence, before they both spoke at the same time. 
“I’m sorry for ruining your dinner!”
“I’m sorry for being a bad boyfriend!” 
Keith was the first to speak. “What? You’re not a bad boyfriend! Why would you even think that, Lance?”
The blue paladin scowled. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I forced you into having dinner with my family? And what about you? You didn’t ruin anything, Keith!” 
“Yes, I did,” he bit out. “My very presence ruined it! It’s obvious that your family doesn’t want us dating. They probably want a future daughter-in-law. Not a son.”
He didn't look at Lance. “… What?” The boy’s voice was confused. “Keith… it’s not you. My family loves you. Everyone wouldn’t shut up about it afterwards.” He finally turned to look. Lance’s eyes were soft. “It was my fault. I only told them I was bi and that I had invited my boyfriend to dinner only after I had asked you. They aren’t against us, they just still need to get used to me dating a boy.” He grabbed his hands. “Keith, you didn’t do anything wrong. You are fucking amazing. It was my fault. It’s always my fault…”
Keith squeezed his hands in return, concern for his boyfriend washing over him. “What do you mean, Lance?”
“You know what I mean.” His voice was surprisingly bitter. “I can never get things right. I’d be amazed if you even considered going on another date with me. I just keep messing up. I’m not a good paladin, I’m not a good friend, and I’m definitely not a good boyfriend.”
It hurt Keith to hear the usually bright, funny boy talk about himself that way. He grabbed his shoulders. “Lance, that’s not true.”
He shook him off. “It’s true and you know it. Nobody needs me, I’m expendable. And I don’t want to—”
“Lance!” Keith grabbed his shoulders again, leaning in so close that their lips were almost brushing against each other. “Shut the fuck up.” Then, he kissed him.
Lance immediately buried his fingers in Keith’s hair, letting out a little gasp as their lips met. Keith’s hands trailed down to the blue paladin’s hips. One hand rested on his thigh, while the other wrapped around his waist.
They pulled away after a few seconds, resting their foreheads together. “You’re not expendable, Lance,” Keith breathed, reaching up to cup his face in his hands. “You’re amazing. You're loving. You’re kind. You’re sweet. You’re funny. You’re important, to your family, and to me. 
“I swear, Lance. We’re going to end this war, and we’ll do it with the Lance that’s the Paladin of the Red Lion. The Lance that’s always got my back. And the Lance who knows exactly who he is and what he’s got to offer.”  
Lance played with his hair. “How am I supposed to one-up that speech? And who knew you were such a sap, Mullet? Speaking of which, your hair is really soft.” Keith snorted with laughter as he continued. “Keith… I know this is our first date, but I love you.” 
“I love you too, Lance.” Raw emotion filled his voice. “With all my fucking heart.” 
Lance pulled him into another kiss as the sun sank below the horizon.
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ashippingpotato · 8 months
Just a little fluff to go with my klance head canon
Keith p.o.v
We just got back from a mission to find an abandoned galra ship, sadly it was just a trap. We got out with minimal damage but hunk got two big gashes in his right arm, and Shiro has a small one on his leg
Hunk is currently in a pod, Shiro refused to go inside saying “Relax it’s just a scratch” but Allura forced him to rest a at least a little.
Everyone else is a little stressed out but other than that it seems fine. We got off the rest of the day so we could calm down from the failed mission.
I’m currently in my room, sharpening my knife when I hear a familiar voice from the room next door. It’s one of Shakira’s songs, you know the one where it says “my hips don’t lie”.
I stand up, getting ready to be a human sized pillow. I put my knife in its sheathe, knowing I’ll probably be there for the rest of the day.
I slowly walk up to my door to wait for it to open up by itself. I step out into the hallway and go right, just to stop a few steps later in front of Lances door
(Sorry about that back to the story)
I knock on his door three times, three seconds in between each one. We made it so he knows if it’s me or someone else knocking.
I hear a few footsteps and a soft “swoosh” of the door. He silently lets me in knowing there’s no point in arguing about how he’s “fine”.
I sit down on the bed, the soft music playing in the background. He sits down next to me, not making eye contact.
I turn to my left were he’s sitting on the bed, silently holding my arms out, inviting him in for a hug (that will probably turn into cuddles later)
He leans into my body not even trying to return the hug. “What’s wrong” I ask even though I already know the answer.
“What if they died” he asked quietly. There it is Lance is constantly overthinking everything, though most of the time he covers it up.
“Lance…..,they didn’t” I said in an equally soft tone. “I know but what if they did” a little desperation in his voice. He sat up slightly and looked me in the eye. His eyes were shiny with tears.
“I don’t know I said honestly, I’m not usually good with words but I try my best. “But I do know that they didn’t and that they are ok”
“Bu” “Lance. I said stopping him from saying anything more. “Don’t let your mind get ahead of you”. I said a sadness seeping through my voice.
“They are alive and are healing”. “They aren’t dead”. I said a little sterner. “They aren’t dead” I whispered a few more times.
I slowly pull him back into my embrace, trying to be as gentle as I can. He falls into me easily sticking his head into the crook of my neck.
His copper hair tickling my cheek, his shoulders relax falling into the embrace more. I hear him sniffle, not to long after feeling tears on my collar.
“T-thank you” he shakily says, his crying slowly takes over his voice as he softly sobs into my collar. I start to tear up slightly as well,so relieved that Lance trusts me with these feelings.
LA END!!!!! (For now)
Tell me if you want more of this or a skip to the future
Anyway sorry for spelling and/or grammar mistakes
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Sorry... (I’m not sorry)
Ok guys, I'm an absolute Camila Cabello simp, which means by default I'm also obsessed with Fifth Harmony and Little Mix. Anyway, Sledgehammer by Fifth harmony just started playing. I literally asthmatic-dino-shrieked with joy. And then 2 seconds later I had this mental image of Lance hearing this and immediately jumping onto the nearest surface and absolutely SREAMING the lyrics. It would be in the middle of some important meeting with aliens and he has one earbud in because he's one of those teens that can't go 5 seconds without his music. I think it would be one of those holo-tables that they have that project little buildings or whatever. Everyone stares at him for a second before Shiro joins in because he obviously loves crappy pop music by girls that are too pretty for one to meet in day-to-day life. And then Keith would join in because EVERYONE has had a at least 2 month long phase in which they're completely obsessed with overenthusiastic girl groups. (DON'T LIE TO YOURSELF) And Allura starts singing too because Lance decided to infest her brain with pop music before and of the others get to her. And everyone else is just staring, the aliens just deadpanning because they've seen their fair share of random crap from foreign travelers. Lance has disconnected the earbuds from his paladin tablet thingy. And when the song changes, its Shower by Becky G, and EVERYONE (except for the aliens of course) starts scream-singing along. Keith and Lance start singing to each other with dramatic hand gestures. Lance ends up on his knees in from of Keith with his hand stretched out as he sings, AND IT IS JUST CHAOS. (Even the aliens who have never met them before today think that Keith and Lance are being really gay.)
Sorry. I had to write that. I'm a pop child. Haters gonna hate (...hate hate hate hate hate ha-a-ate, Shake it of, shake it off~)
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Hehe a couple chapters ago I had Keith and Lance go on am aquarium date in my roommates fic. Guess what I'm doing tomorrow
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xplr-myrddin · 7 months
Klance; Lance trying to hint hes likes keith (early seasons prob)
Lance: Hey Mullet, You smell like trash, can-
Keith: Excuse you?? For your information, its the stupid altean shampoo and stuff that, oh yeah, you use too!!
Lance: wha- nono Keith I-
Keith: *already walked away*
Hunk: Dude, you genuinely can do better than that.
Keith: *Training probably idk*
Lance: Hey mullet!! Is your dad a boxer?
Keith: ...no he's dead?
Lance: oh..shit....I'm really sorry man
Shiro: Nothing’s wrong with you, it's probably only because you like him so much?
Lance: Maybe? Ugh, this is so stupid. Maybe I should just be straightforward.
Pidge: *appears from nowhere* Ask him out in spanish, he knows it.
Lance: Bet, thanks. *Leaves to find keith*
Shiro: What? Keith doesn't know Spanish?
Pidge: I know.
Lance: Keith..?
Keith: hm?
Lance: *Smiles softly* Te amo...
Keith: did...you just call me an emo tea, in spanish???
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klcosmiczine · 3 months
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In this week’s retrospective, we revisit an essay that compiled all potential hints to Klance in canon. This fan created dissertation used to be well known within the fandom, but have you read it?
If you’re interested, you can still access it HERE.
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coolnonsenseworld · 7 months
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BeEn feeling like sharing one of the sketches I drew in exchange for NSFW posts from 52woK, and this was it. I could draw them interacting for eternity, uhh 😩
They are a lil bit changed from the original page, btw, but they are on the 100th page of 2022 (23rd Dec). 😌 The ribbons are a hint what was in the original post haha. Shirts project not mine 💙❤️
52 weeks of KICK  - what is it? It's 3 PDFs made out of my Patreon content where I published Klance each Friday (KICK Fridays) since 2020. You can buy them by lowest price Patrons could pay each year to see it (1/month) in my shop (payhip.com/mezzy) I publish something for each sold PDF 💞 new or old
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callmelyc · 10 months
Whatever you do don't think about lance being flung out into space with a small gold locket he religiously wears that holds the smallest family photos
The locket matches the ones every McClain gets when they join the family
Oval with a center starburst pattern on a delicate but sturdy chain
It shines so bright in any light just like a star and on the back each locket has a family nickname etched into the gold
Lances says "little star" and he'll run his fingers across the engraving when stressed to remind him of home
Through the years of war that same engraving starts to rub off with all his nervous touching
Pidge offers to fix it but he can't bring himself to do so
Not yet
Not when the engraving done by his dad still lingers, not when it's in his hand writing, not when it reminds him of his proud smile
Lance will hold that locket and wonder what his family would think of him now
Of what he's done
Of what he's had to become
And in moments where he thinks "this is it" and he's bleeding out on the floor he'll use all his strength to get one last look for the pictures inside
Lance will try his best to keep the blood from smearing on their happy faces
He'll gift them one last smile before he loses the battle to stay conscious
& Everytime when he wakes up that same blood will be carefully cleaned off their image and the locket placed cozily In a velvet box waiting for lance to put it back on
The team will handle it so softly every time one of them finds it in lances hands after battle, Keith is usually the one to place it somewhere safe
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
oooo can I request angst w keith? Maybe unrequited love ? Like reader and keith are childhood friends or sthm.
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I ACTUALLY HATE WRITING ANGST. but it has to be done. i'm finishing writing a smut for him so 🙏I'LL TAKE THIS ONE. hint of klance?? really implied klance??. tbh i might make a second part if enough people want it
not proofread/really short because im ass at anything other than romance and smut
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today was the day.
you straightened up from where you were sitting on your bed, holding a little letter in your hand. a letter you would give to keith if you were too scared to even say it straight to his face.
"i like you." it read. you slightly cringed at how it sounded like a middle schooler's confession letter.
but it was straightforward and got the point across. if it backfired, you could always make up some crazy backstory to the note, but you were sure it wasn't going to get to that point.
you were hoping it wouldn't.
you and keith have been basically tied together for as long as you could remember. you went through elementary school, middle school, and even the garrison academy, until he eventually dropped out.
somehow you had managed to follow him into space. a chance of fate, that one night you managed to follow lance and hunk and pidge.
now basically a medic, since you weren't meant to be a paladin and this was the best job you could fit into. and so far, you've been having the time of your life for the past few months.
of course, that didn't mean you were entirely relaxed all the time. it seemed way too often that one of the paladins have to come to you to fix up an injury they had received, either on a mission or even just practicing. keith was your most normal visitor, and you definitely weren't complaining. (but you were always worried for him.)
letting out a huge sigh, you stand up from your bed and make your way to the door, it sliding open once you were in close proximity. you began sweating as thoughts raced through your mind.
what if he genuinely doesn't like you like that?
what if this ruins what you guys have been building up for years?
what if this disgusts him and he never talks to you again?
what if he does something worse than him saying "no"?
you shook your head. you weren't too confident, but you also weren't going to dampen your mood. all you have to do is go up to him, hand him the note, and wait.
you were about to go search for keith, when it turns out you didn't have to move at all. he was making it down the hallway, and he perked up a little when he saw you standing there.
"hey, i have a question," he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck when he had finished jogging towards you.
he noticed the envelope in your hands, but paid no mind to it as you gestured for him to come inside your room.
"so, what do you want to talk about?" you held off on confessing, opting to hear him out first since he did come looking for you, and you were curious. you placed the envelope on the drawer, right next to a picture of you and keith as kids that you had always kept on you.
he slumped onto your bed, letting out a big sigh as you could see he was struggling to find words for what he wanted to say.
"i don't know what to tell lance."
"tell lance?" you questioned. maybe he needed your advice to just talk to lance about something important.
"well. . ." he hesitated.
"you can tell me anything, keith," you made your way over to him and sat next to him.
"i don't know how to tell lance i like him."
you sure as fuck weren't expecting that.
your jaw dropped, and keith watched as you turned away from, not wanting him to see your glossy eyes.
"w-well." your voice cracked, you quickly covering it up with a cough. "sorry, allergies."
when you finally faced him again, you saw him looking at you questioningly. "you alright?"
"yeah, yeah." you rubbed your eyes as if they were itchy, playing into the 'allergies' cover-up. at least he won't ask why your eyes were red and teary.
(but you knew he was smarter than that.)
"hm, well." you tried not to think about it too hard, lest you start tearing up again. "just be bold and do it. you miss all the shots you don't take."
very ironic.
he grunted as he sat up. "as if i haven't been telling myself that for months.
you've been pinning for a man who's liked someone else for months. all those years of childish infatuation down the drain. all the years of thinking about a future with him.
you wished you never met him.
quickly standing up so he wouldn't see the tears threatening to fall, you excused yourself.
"i have to use the bathroom. sorry keith, i'll see you later." right before you left, you turned your head at an angle so you could see him from the corner of your eyes.
"and remember, what could go wrong?" everything went wrong for you.
but you couldn't be mad at him. you were mad you didn't see the signs. it's not his fault he wasn't in love with you, and there was nothing you could do to change that. the most you could do out of love for him is hope that him and lance get together.
the door shut behind you, leaving a very confused keith on your bed.
he also made his way to the door, trying to build up confidence to ask lance out. his eyes trailed to the picture of you and him, and he smiled. he loved you like a sister, and couldn't imagine losing you, although you did seem a bit more distant after he. . .
he realized.
looking at the letter you left on the drawer, he saw that it was addressed to him.
he didn't bother opening it, because he already knew what was in it.
"fuck," he ran a hand through his hair. you were the last person he should've asked for advice. rushing, he went looking for you.
you on the other hand were in a random hallway, rubbing your wet face to make it look as presentable as possible before you went to the training deck to work out all your feelings. is it a healthy coping mechanism? probably not. but you didn't care.
how did you not see the way the two of them interacted? they were obviously a lot closer than with the other paladins. you were stupid.
never would you ever be blinded by hopeless love ever agai-
"something wrong?" you lifted your head to see shiro gazing at you worriedly.
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part 2 with shiro!?!?!?
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ultfreakme · 7 months
idk of it's just me but i don't understand, the atla fandom, from all ships existing would just slander zukka out of nowhere. like mf i just want to see my boys being silly and in love in fanwork, why they need to be so mean lmao
I think it's because for close to 20 years, Kataang and Zutara were reining supreme in ship wars and fandom space. Jetko was the main mlm ship before but it didn't have nearly the same popularity. No other ship could even touch those two and those two continued arguing about what's best for canon.
Now though? Zukka's the second most popular ship on ao3- all of those fics and content showed up in 3 years. And suddenly the Netflix actors are pushing for Zukka practically every interview while actively dissuading Zutara(and hinting strongly at Kataang- thanks Gordon & Kiawentiio going "he/she's my.....family, yeah let's say family *wink* *wink*"). They're getting extremely popular and now fucking Netflix, Entertainment Weekly and Deadline are tagging #zukka in the year of our lord 2024(thank you for your service Dallas Liu, braver than the marines). Popular ships unfortunately get hate, especially queer ships, like just as a baseline regardless of if it's a canonically supported or unsupported ship, if it's "morally correct or incorrect".
This 'crackship' that no one took seriously suddenly feels...like a threat to these people??? Like we can joke about hahaha zukka gayyyy but we all know that's just silly gobbledygook right? (Not saying Zukka should or could be canon, but just the fact that people are seriously considering it as a ship option in fandom makes people act weird)
A lot of the the points made for "why Zukka is bad actually" are so funny though, that my initial irritation is fading and I'm just laughing at it. Some highlights that made me actually lose it:
Zukka is misogynist to Katara because, and I shit you not, they think that we think Katara is homophobic sdjfhbbgvh. I was shook when I discovered this was a thing.
Zukka bad because Klance bad (war flashbacks to Voltron)
"Everyone just wants a gay ship smh the chronically ONLINE FANDOM BRAIN HAS ROTTED THE SANCTITY OF HETEROSEXUAL-[EXPLODES]"
Zuko is a colonizer who's oppressing Sokka by dating him (i have no stats but this sounds like a white person trying very hard to sound like they're super inclusive and understand the plights of the colonized and oppressed. and the best way to do it is shit on a fake ship about lines on a page)
Zukka bad because it makes no canon sense
I think people who are Big Mad don't get that we're genuinely just chilling and making silly stuff without thinking too much about what SHOULD happen in canon. Everyone in ATLA fandom takes the show and the fandom far too seriously, like losing a fan discussion is somehow a slight upon their personal morals.
We coasted along without much hate for a good while but the increasing popularity means Zukka as a ship is going to get bashed ;_; I think the best we can do is block and ignore instead of engaging(very hypocritcal of me rn tbh, I'll try to stop).
I don't think you expected this....giant wall of text but thanks for sending me the ask and I totally get your frustration" Just let us enjoy our silly hcs and content!!!
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pseudophan · 24 days
From an ex voltron fan (fuck that show now) yes it was queerbaiting. Even if you don't wanna address the stuff that happened in canon, Lance's VA pleased and hinted at KLance. I remember he said that allurance was not endgame and that we would "like what's going to happen wink wink nudge" and then allurance was endgame, except she died or whatever, and Lance ended up all alone on a farm.
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yeah i did see a lot of that mess when voltron was at its most popular.. i suppose my biggest question was always just like, how did you end up here in the first place. but then again i'm no stranger to shipping random ass characters for no reason so i suppose it makes sense in a way
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ashippingpotato · 8 months
Short Klance fanfic
Lances pov
“Alright everyone” Allura’s voice comes from the coms “ we have landed on planet exsplareus. Feel free to explore, me and Caran have to attend meeting with the planet’s inhabitants but it will only take a few vargas (hours)”
I step up from my place on my bed. I was just about to try and get a nap in, sense I haven’t gotten enough sleep because of the nightmares I had been having for a few months. But I know that will almost be impossible because of the thoughts swirling in my mind. I get dressed in better clothes then my pj’s including my white and blue long sleeve my normal green jacket and some blue jeans. I walk out my door just to immediately step back before I can run into the Keith that’s walking past my door. (Yes I wrote it like that on purpose) He also stops in his tracks and looks at me before muttering a quick “watch were your going” And heading off. I can’t help admiring as his mullet bounces slightly, reflecting the castle lights.
I decided to not pay too much attention to it and keep on my way. (I don’t know much of the castle’s anatomy so I’m just going to start off when he stepped outside sorry) I slowly step into what can be considered the planet’s grass. It’s a light turquoise color. I bend down and slowly wave my hand in the unusually soft surface.
I set out on a slow walk taking in the planet for all its glory. As I walk further away from the castle I start to see a few dips that come up later in the land like hills. In the distance to my right I see a few tree like shapes coming out of the ground. Only a tad of a shade darker turquoise then the grass.
I suddenly stumble on a little rock. Just to see a hill taller than the rest of the ones that I have seen. I start to climb the noticeably steeper ground. As I start to get to the top of the small grassy mountain I start to see a flower like things, slightly blowing in the nice breeze.
As I reach the top of the hill, I get a better look at them. The stem is a normal earth stem green that slowly fades into a dark purple that almost completely covers the leaves. The actual flower part is a striking black and white stripe pattern,it kinda reminds me of the zebras on earth.
I sit down criss cross to examine the plant further when I hear a small yelp that stops my train of thought. It came from my left side, it was soft but just loud enough to hear it. I lean to the side to try to see where the small sound came from.
I look just a bit over the top of the hill to see an almost fox like creature. It had the body at a fox but instead of bright orange it was more on the red side. Its tail was made up of small feathers that have small yellow oval spots with a black center, And small rabbit like ears.
It looked like he also stumbled over a small rock, and was trying to regain its balance. When it stood up fully it looked me straight in the eye. It had big forest green eyes and if you looked into them long enough you could probably get lost. I just stayed still not really knowing what to do. As we stared at each other the softer its eyes became. It slowly got closer to me, more comfortable but still weary.
I simultaneously started to raise my hand to the creature. Right before I come in contact with the soft looking fur. It’s ear twitch, right after it does I start to hear footsteps, becoming louder and louder by the second. The creature then proceeds to run away. I lean back to my original spot, looking to my right I see a very recognizable messy black mullet.
I look down from the top of his head to his eyes, he in return sends me a piercing gaze. “Hey” I said quietly, not wanting to disturb anymore wild life. His gaze softens and he looks down at all of the unusually colored flowers that lay peacefully perched on the soft surface of the grass.
“Hi” he said softly, bending down to sit beside me. I look forward again “whatcha doing all the way over here” I asked I had figured he would be training like he always does. Maybe he came to check on me, I smiled at the thought. “Just taking a brake” he answered grimly, obviously upset about something. Any smile I had before now gone. I stared at the sky, this planet did not have an atmosphere that changes the color of the sky so it was all just darkness and stars.
Keith let out a shaky breath. “You ok” I asked the slightly shorter boy, concern dripping from my words. “Y-yeah” he answered, a little to quick for my liking. Suddenly a small subtle tear slips down his face. He quickly wipes it away with a red sleeve just for a few more to come out of the other eye.
He quickly turned to the right, hoping to hide the tears. I slowly reach my hand out to him, slightly jumping when he flinched away from the touch. I usually know how to handle sad people, but this was not just anyone this was Keith. The boy who didn’t know how to handle his feelings. The boy can easily take down six galra soldiers on his own with just a simple knife. The boy who makes my heart flutter every time, every time he yells at me, every time he fights, every time he gets too grumpy and stops out of the room. Every single time, no matter how much I try to stop it I just can’t and it’s killing me.
He starts to stand up but before he can start to walk away I grab his wrist. He looks back at me with the most devastating tear stained expression I have ever seen and it breaks my heart.
I stand up and take a few step towards him. I wipe away a stray tear that slipped past the walls protecting his heart. I slowly caress the scar on his right cheek. “I’m sorry” he says quietly ”for what?” I ask “everything” he answers simply. “Hey, hey, hey it’s ok ….. I forgave you a long time ago.”
I bend down, slowly dragging him with me. He does as shown and drops to the ground, still wiping some of the other tears. I open my arms wide inviting him into a warm hug. He hesitates at first but then starts to move into the touch.
“It’s ok to cry you know” I tell him trying to make him feel more comfortable. He nods slowly “c-can we s-stay here…. for a-awhile” he asked trying to make his voice stop shaking. “Yeah I would like that”
(A few Vargas (hours) later)
“Hey guys…….were are Lance and Keith?
THE END!!!!!!!
Let’s just say pidge went out to find them, she did indeed find them but before she woke them up she took pictures for blackmailing and of course to give to Allura because she is shipping master. And she (pidge) will never admit that she actually thought they were pretty cute together
Anyway sorry far any spelling and/or grammar mistakes (it is currently 1:57)
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