#hints of sasusaku
kcuf-ad · 4 months
When you ship a guy and a girl: "Eww. Why can't a guy and a girl be friends? They are besties, they are are like siblings."
When you ship a two dudes/chicks that have a close friendship and are like siblings or hate each other: "Yassss! The gays!"
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hellcifrogs · 7 months
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Plus these two pairs! I had to search deep in my memories and try to bring back how teen me thought these kids would be, back when the manga was being published, and I had no certainty these ships would actually be endgame. For their looks at least.
NaruHina girl is Kushina shaped Hinata colored. She's also lowkey a middle finger to Boruto's Naruto, who, in my heart would give up on his dream of being hokage with no hesitation if it meant making his child the happiest ever.
Sasusaku girl is a little Itachi copy, with a hint of Sakura's temper. The boy has the angsty Uchiha genes, and is a mama's boy.
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melancholy-queen26 · 5 months
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Don’t want to get expectations too high for borusara, have to wait and see through subtle hints in later chapters; that’s how naruhina and sasusaku became endgame over 9 years ago
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mayskalih · 14 days
Hello, talking again about Sasuke I agree with the previous anon, but I was talking about it with a friend eho loves Sasuke and the Sasusaku pair a lot. She told me I didn’t get the real meaning of the character, that Sasuke was fond of Sakura since the very beginning, but ee must detect it from very tiny hints, that he is nice inside, that Kishimoto wants to show us how a bad guy could turn in a lovely husband at the end (see Vegeta in Dragon Ball).
I felt a little bit confused because despite all her words I can’t change my mind….
Have you ever had the feeling that Sasusaku is canon because it is what Kishimoto wanted since the very begin and also many fans see them as a beautiful pair and it is canon, so… are we wrong?
Thank you!
Hey anon!
For me sasusaku is not beautiful, it's tragic. I'm pretty sure the definition of a good husband doesn't include 'leaving your wife and kid for 10 years'. You can't just come back and act like nothing happened and now be a 'good dad' (trust me, I experienced this and you never forgive such a thing, the best solution I've found was to erase this person from your life and never think about him again).
I've rewatched Naruto many many times, but couldn't see Sasuke expressing any interest in Sakura beyond 'you are my team member and we have to work/survive together'. Unless being fond of someone means completely ingnoring them. Naruto and Sasuke - yes, so much feelings on both sides. Sakura - purely one-sided.
So no, I people who are not into this ship are not wrong. I can agree Kishimoto wanted this from the begining but the execution sucked so.. We just appreciate different type of relationship dynamics and/or characters. That's it. There's no wrong or right answer.
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luffynamiblog · 9 months
I'm new to OP (relatively, I'm half way through Skypiea) but I'm far from new to shonen mangas, and the whole "Luffy and Nami are like siblings, Hancock is his real love interest" is giving me Ichigo/Orihime/Rukia vibes.
Besties, Ichihime was clear as a fresh pond of water since the very beginning and people just chose to look away because "they are FRIENDS ONLY SHE IS LIKE HIS SISTER".
Guess what?
Married with a kid.
When I started OP with my bf I was side eyeing LuNa since her first entry but then Arlong happened and I remember saying "oooooh so they're going to end up together!". Bf is in the "Oda doesn't do romance" and I believe that. Kubo also didn't do romance until the epilogue but gave away hints. Same hints I'm seeing in OP.
We are staying in the winning horse.
I won't comment on Naruto (the big three) because let's be honest: Sasusaku was clear from day 1 and whoever tried to deny that was simply living under a rock with their fingers in their ears scream LALALALALLALALA.
There's so much foreshadowing for LuNami! There was a color spread where Luffy was king and Nami was the queen. But people will still say they're like siblings lmao
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Sasusaku Confession Head Canon
For a while, he had been consumed by the thought. As they rested under the shade of a tree in the heart of the forest, he mustered the courage to ask the question that had been lingering in his mind. The anticipation had been coursing through his body, building up to this spontaneous moment. "Sakura?" She hums in response. "As kids-- why did you love me?" Sakura looks at him blushing, Why is he asking me this right now? She thought to herself. She chuckles inwardly, feeling the awkwardness creep up within her. "Why are you asking me that question?" She laughed, her face bright RED. "Like how did you know?" He pondered over whether the path that led others to fall in love was the same for him. Doubts lingered in his mind as he wondered if what he felt went beyond love. He needed to understand the depth of his emotions and for how long they had been present. Did he feel this way since childhood? "Well I'm not even sure, but the closest thing to an answer I can give you is as a kid I used to get bullied for being ugly, imagine as a child being told you're too ugly and then devoting too much on how you looked. Well great I was pretty partly thanks to Ino helping me out and giving my confidence, but then everyone thought I would be incompetent because I was pretty. I already studied hard and would get good grades. I studied even harder to get perfect grades and proved myself to everyone that I was smart. Then I got that I was a pushover, I am like a doormat, letting people treat me however they wanted. I let my inner thoughts take over and I hurt people in the process. I don't think I ever really liked me much because of the people I was around. But when I'm with you, I like myself. I don't care about how I look, if I have to prove myself to you, or change anything about me. That's why I've been in love with you--"
As he cupped her chin and leaned in, Sakura's mind raced with anticipation of what was about to happen. But as his lips met hers, she was surprised by his gentle and tender approach. With a hint of hesitation, she responded with a bit more pressure, deepening the kiss and igniting a rush of excitement she had longed for. It was a moment she had dreamed of for years, but what she didn't know was that Sasuke had wanted it just as much. Her love for him was boundless, and she never wanted to burden or rush him into anything. She respected his pace and allowed him to take his time, even if it meant she needed to exercise great patience.
Although Sasuke had always harbored a crush on Sakura, she was the only person he didn't recoil from physically. He valued his personal space greatly, but with her, he wished for her embrace to linger. At first, he attributed it to their time on the same team, but he soon realized it was simply her presence that drew him in. As he trailed his hand down her face, over her shoulder and arm, she felt a trail of goosebumps form in its wake. His thumb grazed hers, sending chills down her spine and eliciting a swarm of butterflies in her stomach. It was a gentleness she had never seen before from him, especially after witnessing him tear others apart with ease.
Breaking away from the kiss, they rested their foreheads against each other's, both a bit breathless from the intensity of the moment. Flush-faced, they knew it was the perfect place and time for them to finally acknowledge what they both felt deep down.
"I love you, Sakura," Sasuke whispered.
Her heart skipped a beat as she looked up at him, waiting to see if she had heard correctly.
"I have always loved you. I will always love you." he repeated, sealing their connection with a promise of forever.
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r3dlif3 · 4 months
People can hate other characters all they want obviously but when sakura stans (mainly on tiktok) hate on karin of all people its so weird to me because both of their characters are obsessed with sasuke its just that karins reason makes far more sense in the story than sakuras. Karin is in love with Sasuke because he's the first man to show genuine compassion and kindness towards her something she never got beforehand because of how she was used for her chakra bite ability.
Sasuke does use the ability himself but Karin willingly lets him instead of her being forced to do so because of how she cares for him and loves him. But with Sakura I cant think of a genuine reason for why Sakura loves Sasuke except for their minimual amount of time a in team 7, where Sasuke cared for her and naruto as his closest friends and teamates, and how every girl in their class also liked him. At the start of shippuden it's even hinted that she now likes naruto in a romantic sense and not sasuke and she just wants to bring him back; becoming stronger so she's not seen as a burden or a damsel in distress whilst they're focused on retrieving sasuke back to konoha
I love both of these characters but when you claim a character whos story is a metaphor for sa/rape has attempted to sa another character it's so disgusting. Karin acknowledges that Sasuke doesn't love her near the end and is fine with it so i have no idea where this constant hatred for her comes from except for maybe her being a 'love rival' for sakura and even then sasusaku stans got their ideal ending of them being married so thats a really dumb reason.
karin and sakura should of just made out in the last movie to end this argument tbh because it's still going on years later
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watermelonsloth · 7 months
Alternative Canon Ships
I think something that annoys me and a lot of other people about the canon ships is that they weren’t the only options by a country mile. So I wanted to finally put my money where my mouth is and take a crack at pairing the Konoha 12 without changing the manga.
Anyone I didn’t mention here should be presumed single in my AU because I either think they’re better single or I don’t care about who they end up with.
Option 1
Naruto and Sasuke - The entire series is about them learning to understand each other and ending the cycle of hatred by coming together (in holy matrimony). Naruto wouldn’t have a character arc without Sasuke and Sasuke’s character arc is incomplete without Naruto. I don’t think I need to explain how they act as foils and compliments for each other or how they’re willing to go to great lengths for each other or how they show time and time again how much they value each other.
Sakura and Rock Lee - We really went through the chunin exams for nothing. They have very little screen time together, but what we have is good enough for it to at least make sense. Rock Lee is clearly willing to both wait and die for her and Sakura has a mini arc about learning not to judge people on appearances and to respect him that culminates in her giving him flowers in the hospital. Worst case scenario it needs to get the NaruHina treatment and have a movie made about why they came together in the end.
Shikamaru and Choji - I’ve already said that I don’t care for any of the inter-Ino-Shika-Cho ships, but they interact with too few characters for me not to bring them up here. They’re childhood friends, they obviously care for and respect each other, they have complimentary personalities, and Shikamaru stands up for Choji on multiple occasions. They don’t get too much attention in shippuden because Choji and Ino were shafted, but they at least continue to support each other when they are shown interacting.
(This is where we start losing a sturdy foundation because the characters don’t have enough screen time spent interacting with anyone unmentioned. From here on out the bar is in hell and I’m only pairing the characters off because it would’ve been expected.)
Ino and Sai - A lot of people shit on this ship and I get why (Ino is caught in Sakura’s shadow and Sai was literally Sasuke’s replacement in team 7, so it’s easy to see them as discount SasuSaku). However, the ship isn’t the most unbelievable in canon. Ino has shown that she has genuine feelings for Sai and they at least interact with each other.
Hinata and Shino - Hinata would make sense with either of her teammates, but I’m choosing Shino because he makes more sense. They’re similarly introverted types, they get along, Shino has been shown to have faith in her abilities (I’m not saying Kiba doesn’t, but Shino’s more consistent about it), and I think it would be fitting for Shino (who’s insecure about being unnoticeable) to end up with someone who would prioritize him if he ends up with anyone at all.
Option 2
Naruto and Sakura - These two would’ve made more sense, “red herring” and “pursued her for rivalry” my ass. Both are ready and willing to make sacrifices for each other, they interact a lot and most of it is positive (we aren’t mentioning the slapstick because I’m not having that asinine argument), there were hints throughout shippuden of Sakura returning his feelings, they have complimentary personalities, Sakura ending up with Naruto is beneficial to her character, Naruto ending up with Sakura is in-line with his character arc and theme, both stop to consider each other’s feelings on multiple occasions, Sakura attempts to help Naruto in any way she can on a regular basis, (even if I hate how often this is mentioned) Sakura is explicitly compared to Kushina, there are more hints at their relationship than I care to list here, and there’s symbolism for a flower under the sun/heaven and earth.
Sasuke and Karin - SasuKarin is the sister ship to Naruto and Sakura because of its parallels (the Uzumaki has feelings first, the girls are both compared to Kushina, the girls both act as support and medics to the boys who take on leadership roles, the Uzumaki wants to protect/see their love interest’s smile, etc). As for reasons: Sasuke has been shown to respect Karin and her abilities, Karin loves Sasuke because he was the first person to show her kindness, Karin has put her life on the line for Sasuke on multiple occasions, both are willing to go to great length for the other, and both unlocked abilities for the sake of saving the other.
Ino and Sai - I’ve already explained this.
Shikamaru and Temari - This ship isn’t perfect, but I think it makes enough sense for most people to not be upset (the only people I’ve seen complaining about it are people who hate Shikamaru or ship something else). They always share at least one scene when Temari enters the story, there are hints about it being romantic, and makes more sense in canon than many of the other options.
Choji and Hinata - This is, admittedly, a stretch, but it isn’t as much as a stretch as ChoKaru so I’m considering this still in the safe zone. The two both have shy and sweet personalities that make it easy to imagine them getting along, both struggle with overcoming their low self-esteem and taking action themselves, both care deeply for their friends, Hinata fits with what Choji wanted romantically in his infinite tsukuyomi dream, and both have the shared idea of maintaining kindness even in a ruthless shinobi world.
Naruto and Hinata - This ship was fine, even with its lack of screen time, but the Last and Boruto ruined it, so we’ll just pretend that didn’t happen. Naruto learned to not judge and respect Hinata, Hinata has multiple scenes where she snaps Naruto out of spiraling (the proud failure speech is still peak NaruHina), Naruto stands up for Hinata, Hinata takes a lot of inspiration from Naruto and his determination, and Hinata cares about Naruto’s wellbeing and feelings so much it’s a near irrevocable part of her character. With nothing changed it would still be just as flawed and clumsy as in canon, but it wouldn’t be unforgivable.
Hinata and Rock Lee - Again, I’m stretching canon for a Hinata ship, but I think there’s enough ground to stand on to at least mention it. That ground being a weird amount of parallels. They both have experience being in Neji’s shadow, both of them are untalented and make up for their shortcomings through hard work, both care about the people they love to a self-sacrificial degree, both are true to their word, both of them admire Naruto (join the club), both of them has a teacher that acts as a parental figure, and both of them have unrequited love because the target of their affection has feelings for someone more conventionally attractive than them(though Hinata gets more conventionally attractive as the series goes on so…).
Ino and Choji - It’s not perfect, but it gets the job done. They support each other as teammates, Ino could help Choji be more confident, Ino getting with Choji could symbolize her getting past her superficiality, and they don’t have opposing personalities or beliefs as far as I can tell.
Sasuke and No One - I’m just putting this here to remind everyone that there’s an argument to be made about Sasuke being better off without a relationship. I absolutely get why he was paired off and I probably would too if I was in charge of the epilogue (it can be an indicator of him and the clan healing, plus an Uchiha child/the sharingan is a fun idea to mess around with), but him remaining single also makes sense. He states how he’s disinterested in romance and he just doesn’t have that many working potential love interests in canon. Yes, there’s Sakura but more than a movie could cover would have to change before the two of them could reasonably work together and it might still ruin her character.
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atqh16 · 4 months
Everytime someone tries to cling to retsuden or the last movie as proof of naruhina or sasusaku I try so hard not to combust.
Because it’s just sad. The manga had 700 chapters and the only thing you have to go on is one singular movie and one book. With the later coming 3 years after the sequel as if they’re trying to justify their decisions in said sequel. It’s just depressing. Especially when there’s a million pages in the original that disprove of them ever forming a romantic relationship.
It just makes me sad when readers develop better comprehension of the source material than a creator because most of the time it hints that the creator has lost their love of their work. And anything else they create about it afterward feels like a betrayal because it’s usually a character assassination. It’s the same with people who hold onto fanon as canon
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eternal-echoes · 1 month
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I think one of the reasons why I abandoned Naruto back then is because the romance stories were pushed to the side so much it was hard to hope for any of them becoming endgame, even though there were a lot of ships in the series. I wasn't really into SasuSaku back then, it was hard to imagine NaruHina developing at all considering how little screen time they had together in the beginning (though in the second viewing I started to be on board with their ship), and there were some hints of NaruSaku but love triangles just divides up and scatters away emotional investments on the ship rather than having it pooled into one.
I was into NejiTen back then. I've drawn a few fan arts (that I can't find anymore) and read a bunch of fanfics but they were such side characters it was hard to look forward to them
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I later learned that Kishimoto killed off Neji the fandom must have been really disappointed.
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cheyreia-lafae · 1 year
Thanks again Sh*tretsuden for showing how fake SasuSaku is
I love how they still got Ino hinting she still likes Sasuke and still thinks he is as handsome as ever, rather than her own damn husband Sai 🤣🤣  
Sai really is a rebound and a Sasuke replacement  
Makes sense when you consider Sarada's birthday (March 31) and Inojin's birthday (December 5), and don’t tell me Ino did not love Sasuke, the kid was pretty much born 9 months after Sarada, that alone proves Ino was still waiting for Sasuke until Sakura came back to the village with a baby in arms.
It sounds to me, Ino had a one-night stand with Sai, after finding out Sasuke knocked up Sakura with a baby, and then her coming home with it, Ino knew she lost because of the damn lie, and then getting drunk because of hurt feelings, and then ended knocked up with Sai's baby which resulted in them both ending up marrying for the sake of Inojin.
Then you got Kishimoto’s Gaiden, the guy who pretty much made out Sarada is a DNA test tube baby, that was born from Karin, plus Sasuke looking pretty much unhappy and miserable in this fake marriage, to the point Sh*tretsuden had to change Kishimoto‘s canon 🤣  
And once again Sh*tretsuden pointed out Sakura has not had the 🍆 and her still fangirling and thinking about how hot Sasuke is, when they are supposed to be married. Ino even pointed out that Sakura had been married for how many years, it is like they are not married and she still waiting for that kiss that Sh*tretsuden retcon  🥴
Don’t give me the crap about the novels being canon, the novels that are not even written by Kishimoto 🤣🤣 and written by people who made them look like bad fanfiction
The only canon is Gaiden, where Sasuke is miserable as hell and could not be bothered to be home with his child and his fake marriage
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stopthebig3 · 11 months
The Naruhina fans are getting quite bitter recently because sasusaku has had more content (despite said content not being good, it’s still content.) recently. They keep saying how bad restuden is and yet they’re saying they’d be okay with a novel of Naruhina because it’s a completely different case if it’s about their favorites.
NH and SS are both hypocritical and at constant war with each other, we know this. They can't see how bad their ship and its content is, but can detect it for the other ship. Selective reading at play.
SS will mock NH for the fact Hinata got massacred by Pain and was useless, while ignoring the fact Sakura admitted she hasn't been able to do anything for Sasuke, and Sasuke admitting only Naruto saved him, thus making Sakura useless as well. They complain the other girl is obsessed and can't take a hint, while their fave girl is the exact same. It's pretty pitiful to watch how blind they are to their own behavior.
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lovelymoira · 3 years
Sasusaku headcanons
Sasuke's the type of guy to literally get emotional about anything and everything. Like sakura will literally be standing around and he'll deadass be in tears like "omg??? Shes mine??? I've been through sm ugh"
Sakura is so smart so whenever sasuke just vaguely hints that he's upset she'll get it immediately and come up with a whole therapy plan for him and he's just like "i secretly planned this out <3"
Sakura will give everyone free therapy but herself #girlboss
Sasuke definitely cried when sarada was born.
Also sakura definitely tops him!
When they travel together, sasuke always likes to stop by towns because he knows sakura is a people person and just to let her recharge and stuff.
Sasuke's always smirking when saku is fighting like I rmbr in the manga he was full on evil smiling like "that's my girl" when sakura activated her seal during the war arc but he's like this all the time now and definitely more prominent lmfaoo.
He has apologized to her sm times like he still feels guilty for everything he put her through and its wholesome and sad.
Sasuke and his brainwashed ass doesn't enjoy coming to konoha here.
Sakura and sasuke tell each other EVERYTHING and when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. They've gotten so comfortable with each other to the point where even sasuke will readily talk about his emotions. Only with her though, only with her.
Sakura adopted a cat once for sasuke, might I add she's also a cat person so she actually did it for herself; but she continues to tell sasuke she brought it for him and he thought it was the sweetest thing ever. (He still doesn't know the truth <3)
Sasuke refused to play cards with sakura at one point because she would literally always beat him and she could tell when he was cheating so he just gave up, as he should though.
Sakura has a temper, but not around sasuke, most of the time. So when she does yell sasuke feels like his whole world is torn apart and he gets so ANGSTY about it. Its so funny. My bb.
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SasuSaku: Sacrificed To The Banished Prince Ch. 25-Mature Content Warning!
Sakura couldn’t sleep. Just a few hours ago, she and Sasuke almost took a very important step in their relationship. If Akuma hadn’t begun to take over the prince’s body, they definitely would’ve gone through with it. It was the way the Uchiha man had been more honest because of his slight fever that gave her the courage to face her fear. Now that his curse had successfully gained control, that charming sincerity was easy to forget. As a result, the anxiety had returned. 
Akuma suddenly turned onto his side to cuddle the pinkette, running a hand up her back and into her hair, where he gently massaged her scalp. His deep voice hinted that he was acutely aware of her current state, “Flowers need rest or they’re susceptible to wilting.” 
She closed her eyes and took a calming breath while enjoying the sensation, “Akuma….” 
They were both quiet for a moment before the curse ceased his massage and grunted. He slid his arms around the princess and pulled her close so her back was pressed to his front. His face was buried in her hair as he grumbled almost begrudgingly, “You’re afraid of the prince.” 
“No!” Sakura said quickly. “Sasuke would never hurt me. I know that. It’s just….”  
Another long pause occurred. Eventually, Akuma broke it, “You’re concerned you won’t be able to withstand it.” 
Tears welled in the woman’s eyes as she sniffled, pulling her husband’s hand from her stomach up to her face to study it in the dark room, “I want to make him happy, but I’m worried I won’t be able to overcome my memories.” 
“A scarred goddess you may be, but a goddess you are, nonetheless.” Sakura closed her eyes when his large hand gently cupped her jaw, her lips pressing to his palm. Akuma whispered uncharacteristically comfortingly, his thumb brushing against her cheek, “A great demon such as myself needs no magic to confirm that idiot prince has unending patience for this princess.”
The pinkette allowed his words and gestures to calm her a bit. A bittersweet emotion flooded her heart as she realized the situation they were in. She nuzzled her face into his palm with a frown, earning a sound of approval from the demon. “I-I’m sorry, Akuma. This must be difficult for you.” 
“You insult me, Pet,” he replied half-amusedly, “As if comforting a weeping damsel would burden something of my strength.” 
Sakura had to remind herself then that Sasuke was able to hear and see all that occurred while Akuma was in control. She gritted her teeth and said nothing for a long time. Eventually, her overwhelmed mind had her lips moving again, “Of all the things I’ve attempted in my life, this is one thing I cannot fail. Sasuke deserves better than someone like me.” 
The hand against her lips swiftly moved down to clasp firmly around her neck, not tight enough to cut off air flow but enough to shock her. “You will not utter such nonsense, understood?” She couldn’t respond because she was too surprised. The hand loosened when Akuma appeared to realize that, “The affections, much less the embrace, of something so pure is something of which I consider no being worthy.” 
Warmth met Sakura’s face, her brow furrowing as she bashfully forced herself to be sincere, “A-Akuma…. Please give me advice. I’m scared.” 
Suddenly, she was on her back, the demon glaring down at her with Sasuke’s handsome face, “You dare ask me to instruct you on how to please another man? I may have accepted my fate but don’t mistake that for complete surrender.” Before the woman could even come up with a reply, his expression mysteriously changed to one of realization, then he was changing his response, “Though, who am I to deny an ill-fated princess pleasure in her final days?” 
‘What is going through his mind? Why did he change his mind so quickly?’ 
Confused, Sakura nodded. 
Akuma lifted her chin to claim her gaze firmly, his tone low and sensual as though he was barely controlling himself, “Weaker demons would take advantage of this situation to claim you for themselves.” The blush on Sakura’s face heated further. She was too stunned to react. “If I offer physical instruction, you’ll endanger yourself, so words will have to suffice.” 
Awkwardly, the woman waited for him to begin giving her advice, only for him to smile and lay down at her side. She turns to face him, unsure of what was happening. 
“There is no advice that pertains to every man and woman other than doing what feels pleasurable. Tell that idiot prince when you like or dislike something, and he’ll do the rest, I’m sure.” 
‘He keeps getting upset and then calming down so quickly tonight. Is he alright?’ 
The air had obviously tensed, so the princess hesitantly asked, “Are you angry?” 
Akuma’s eyes closed as he placed his hands behind his head, “Does the fact that I’m not the one with the privilege of exploring every inch of your skin leave me unsettled?” He needn’t answer such a question because the truth was evident. 
Feeling guilty, somehow, Sakura turned onto her back, too, and tried to fall asleep once more. She wasn’t sure if she felt more reassured after that conversation or not. All she knew was that she was determined to be brave for her husband’s sake. 
In the morning, Sakura awoke to a surprising sight. Sasuke was still asleep at her side. She was half-cuddled into his side, so she studied his relaxed face while she had the chance. Akuma almost always discarded the prince’s shirt, so his warm skin was bare. The softest hint of morning light slid through the curtains to provide vision enough to admire Sasuke’s beautiful body. The woman had never been comfortable with physical touch with anyone, much less men, but that was a fading fact the closer she became with the prince. He didn’t like it even more than her most of the time, but he’d never once pushed her away, even when it was obvious he wanted to. 
‘He’s so considerate of me,’ she thought, eyes drifting down to his neck and shoulders. 
Warmth and affection fluttered in the pit of her stomach. She appreciated everything he’d done for her since their meeting. Reminiscing in their time together reminded her of why she was willing to lay her life on the line for his happiness. Sasuke Uchiha was a wonderful person. He deserved the freedom he’d unfairly been denied all these years. 
He suddenly groaned, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. His brow furrowed. With the hand not connected to the arm around Sakura, he reached up to rub his eyes. The fingers at the small of her back twitched as the man seemed to notice her presence. Then, he froze, slowly moving his fingers from his eyes to glance at her with tired eyes. 
She nervously averted her gaze, lowering her head and tightening her hold around his waist while waiting for him to say something. ‘Will he be angry at me for asking Akuma for advice, or that I cuddled with him?’ 
Another groan left him moments later, and his hand ran up her back to hold her more firmly, “I’m not upset.” 
Sakura cautiously lifted her head to meet his gaze. He seemed as awkward as usual, but he didn’t appear irritated in any way. His lips remained in a tense frown as he searched her face. “But….” 
“Though it might not always be under my control, this body is still your husband’s. So long as certain lines aren’t crossed, I won’t blame you for needing attention.” 
Sakura blushed, ‘I never thought I’d be someone who required affection, but he’s right. If Akuma wasn’t there to comfort me last night, I wouldn’t have gotten any sleep and might’ve even had a panic attack in my anxiety.’ 
She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she mumbled nervously, “Just as you’ve corrected me, I can’t accept having rights to your body simply because we’re wed. If you’re uncomfortable, please don’t hesitate to tell me. I want to properly respect you.”
As though he responded on autopilot, barely a second could pass before the prince spoke, also sitting up so that the blanket fell to his hips and left his bare torso open to the cold air, “You’re not just my wife but my lover. The Demon’s advice wasn’t incorrect.” He rolled his neck, with a grimace before rubbing his shoulder almost shyly, avoiding Sakura’s wide-eyed gaze, “If there’s something you want or need, if it’s within my abilities, you’ll have it.” 
‘I never expected him to be so direct!’ She also averted her gaze bashfully, “Likewise. If there’s anything I can do for you, please tell me.” 
Things were a bit tense between the couple as they took turns bathing and freshening up before Sakura prepared a late breakfast. Then, after the meal, both appeared unsure of what to say or do. 
The pinkette glanced between her husband’s rigid frame as he stoked the fireplace, the doorway to the bedroom, and the door to the cabin itself while trying to figure out how to ease the situation. She noticed the massive horse eating some hay in the stable outside and an idea popped into her head, “Um, Sasuke?” 
He made an acknowledging sound without turning to look her way. “Shall we go for a ride to get some fresh air?” 
That seemed to garner his full attention because he looked over his shoulder with a guarded expression. After searching her face for a moment, he nodded curtly, “Dress warmly.” 
So, a while later, the duo was out in the stables. Sakura was still wary of the large beast and remained a step behind her husband as they approached it. When it noticed them, it didn’t hesitate to walk up to Sasuke, who smoothly ran a hand up its face to its neck, where he patted it almost affectionately. Sakura watched in awe as the man’s eyes softened while speaking quietly to the horse. 
‘He likes horses, doesn’t he?’ Seeing him being gentle with an animal made her heart flutter. She studied the warmth in his expression, ‘Will he ever look at me like that? I think I’d melt if he did.’ 
“Don’t be afraid. Come here.” 
The woman jumped in surprise, blushing at having been caught staring as she accepted Sasuke’s outreached hand and allowed him to guide her closer. Her fingers trembled as she cautiously touched the animal’s mane. 
“His name is Shadow.” 
A smile tugged at the pinkette’s lips as she gradually became more comfortable since Shadow seemed to enjoy her caresses, “...He seems so powerful.” To Sakura’s surprise, a chuckle met her ears. She looked at Sasuke’s face in confusion, blushing brightly when she saw he had a hand to his mouth to muffle the sound. 
He shook his head moments later and forced his face to become passive again, “He’s essentially a big dog.” She was confused until he picked up some hay and offered it to the beast, who eagerly took it with a chuffing sound. “He’ll obey just about anyone who feeds him something tasty.” 
The pair accidentally met gazes before looking away. 
“Let’s get going, then,” the prince said without delay. 
Sakura nodded, watching him expertly mount the horse. He then reached down to offer her a hand, caution evident in his dark eyes. Recalling how he’d kept her safe during their travels on the way to this cabin, she gave him her trust and allowed him to pull her up with stunning ease. The air left her lungs when her back brushed against his front. She tensed as the horse began walking out of the stable and into the snow-covered path leading into the woods surrounding the cabin. 
At first, she struggled to remember how to relax her hips into the horse’s movements. That changed when a snow rabbit suddenly darted across the path they were galloping along on, causing Shadow to suddenly rear up onto his hind legs, neighing in surprise. 
Sakura yelped, only for a strong arm to wrap around her middle, holding her firmly to her husband so that she wouldn’t fall off while the beast came back down and began trotting along again. Little puffs of clouds left both her and Sasuke’s mouths as they breathed heavily. The heat from his body was bleeding into her skin from between their clothes because of how close they were. 
‘...He hasn’t let go.’ Indeed, his arm was around her middle, his hand gripping her opposite waist tightly as though he was concerned she’d faint if he moved an inch. 
The only sound other than Shadow’s hoofs hitting the ground was their breathing. She prayed she wouldn’t make a fool of herself or panic as she recalled Akuma’s advice. ‘I’m scared, but it’s not the fear I’m used to. Do I…? Yes, I think I might like it when he holds me like this.’ Shivering with anxiety and cold, Sakura bravely forced her body to relax against Sasuke’s, a hand cupping his on her waist. His breath noticeably hitched, but neither said a word as the ride continued. 
Sakura’s heart was pounding so loudly she was sure her husband could hear it. She felt small against his larger frame. It was as though she was a child compared to his muscular body. The fact was intimidating, but it also stirred something inside her she’d never felt. It was an almost anxious feeling but not so uncomfortable. She didn’t know how to identify it, but her body sure wanted her to do something about it. She just wasn’t sure what that was. A shiver ran down her spine as she realized she could feel every breath Sasuke made against her. 
He evidently took that as her becoming too cold because he guided Shadow to turn around, “Let’s go back.” 
A tiny sound of confirmation left her lips, but she couldn’t possibly form words in her bewildered state. 
The entire ride back to the stables was silent. By the time they arrived, Sakura was nearly sweating. Sasuke climbed off the horse first, then turned to offer her a hand. She took it, unable to meet his gaze. Something, she didn’t know what, would happen if she did. 
‘I should excuse myself to freshen up once we’re inside so I can calm down and catch my breath.’ 
That was the woman’s plan, but her legs nearly gave out when she tried to take a step toward the stable’s exit. An increasingly familiar, strong arm wrapped around her waist, turning her naturally toward its owner so her hands pressed against Sasuke’s chest. Their eyes met and the duo froze. The heat in Sakura’s entire body rose, only to flush down into the pit of her stomach. Without realizing what she was doing, the woman gently tugged on her husband’s shirt so he’d come closer. Then, the newlyweds were kissing. 
It was soft, cautious, at first. Her eyes had closed on instinct, but they crept open when Sasuke pulled away a bit. The man searched her face with a serious expression as though waiting for her to reject him. When it didn’t happen, his eyes danced down to her lips and back up before he kissed her again, more deeply this time. Sasuke’s lips were soft and warm until Sakura felt a wet heat slip past her teeth. 
‘Is that….Is that his tongue?!’ 
It was her first time kissing someone so deeply, but she didn’t outwardly panic and hesitantly allowed him to take the lead. A tiny squeak escaped from between them as the woman’s back hit the stable wall, Sasuke’s hand coming to cup her cheek as he angled his head to deepen the kiss even further. Her fingers clutched his shirt like her life depended on it as she did her best to reciprocate what he was doing. It was…hot, his tongue. The sensation of it swirling intimately with her own, not to mention the taste of his saliva, made Sakura’s knees weak once more. 
Sasuke pulled back after a few moments, his lips moving against hers as they stared at one another through half-lidded eyes, “Are you alright?” 
She kissed him with a flushed face, unable to get enough of his affection, “Mhm.” 
A strange expression she didn’t recognize met his handsome features, and then he was picking her up like a princess and carrying her toward the cabin. She was startled, looking between his focused face and the nearing doorway. Her blood was rushing with anticipation. 
Before she knew it, she was laying on her back amidst pillows and blankets spread out in front of the burning fireplace, Sasuke kissing her just as eagerly as he had outside. Her fingers trembled as she nervously released his shirt to flatten her palms to his chest. Sasuke was everywhere, everything. His heat chased away every bit of the cold along with the warmth of the fireplace. If it wasn’t his lips and tongue possessively moving amidst hers, it was the way his calloused fingers would brush against her cheek, her neck, her hands. 
Never, not once, did he move swiftly or become too rough. Though it was only in the back of Sakura’s mind in her extremely preoccupied mind, she didn’t take for granted how concerned he was with scaring her. The prince was going at an extremely slow pace for her sake. He was giving her the constant ability to stop him. 
Minutes of passionate kissing passed before the woman had to come up for air. Sasuke picked up on it and naturally dipped down to press slow, sensual kisses into her neck. He spoke between presses of his lips to her damp skin, “Go ahead.” 
‘Is he able to read my mind or has he come to understand me so easily after all the time we’ve spent together?’ 
Sakura wasn’t sure about that, but she deemed it a question for later. Instead, she unbuttoned her husband’s shirt with fumbling fingers. Once it was entirely undone, he made short work of sliding it off his arms and tossing it aside before coming back down to reclaim her lips. 
The heat in the pit of the woman’s stomach was gradually moving even lower, and she was clueless on what to do about that. Her legs squeezed together instinctually, a soft moan becoming lost between their mouths. Sasuke was usually a bit awkward, having to often ask for clarity on matters others might deem simple. Today, though, he seemed more confident than usual. The hand on her cheek left to grab hers and press it to his bare chest. He carefully slowed their kiss. Sakura’s eyes opened again as he slid his tongue from hers. 
Both were breathing more heavily than usual. They said nothing as he put his weight on his knees so he could free his other hand. With the movement, the princess’s hand slid to his abdomen, her pulse skyrocketing further as she felt the muscles beneath his pale skin. 
“I’ll undress you.” 
Her eyes heatedly met his and she nodded, watching silently as Sasuke took his time unbuttoning her dress’s front. Though her confidence faltered, Sakura didn’t stop him and even aided him in slipping the garment off over her head. His eyes didn’t leave hers when he then unzipped her skirts and slid them down her legs. The unbearable heat in the woman’s loins faltered. 
‘My scars! I forgot he’ll see them! Will he find me ugly because of them?’ 
To her confusion, the man didn’t even look at her body as he dipped down to give her a chaste kiss. He held himself up with one hand and used the other to guide her back into an arch so he could unhook her brassiere. 
She bashfully averted her gaze with her hands on his shoulder. ‘I don’t want to see the disappointment on his face when he realizes how plain and unsightly my body is. It might just break my heart.’ 
The prince said nothing, but dipped down to press gentle kisses to her neck, her shoulder, down her chest, to her stomach where he reached up to cup one of her breasts. Sakura’s breath hitched and she looked down to see the prince’s heated gaze studying her slim figure. Now, the inexperienced woman had never willingly been in such a situation, but somehow she just knew what that expression meant. She blushed, bashfully reaching down to run her fingers through his hair. She shivered excitedly when his calloused hand gently squeezed her breast. 
Soon, Sasuke sat back on his knees again, this time studying his wife’s face as he removed the remainder of her undergarments, parted her legs, and angled them around his hips. When he unbuttoned his own pants, the woman covered her face, “I-I’m afraid….” 
The man stopped what he was doing. After a brief pause, he ran a hand up her hip to hold her waist. His voice was gentle in a way she’d only heard a few times before, “You’re safe. I promise.” 
Tears welled in her eyes as she squeezed them closed. Her voice wavered, “Can I… Can I keep my eyes open? If I can’t see you, I can’t help but remember-” “Look at me.” 
Sakura peeked between her fingers, to see him watching her patiently. He was entirely unclothed, but she didn’t dare look below his torso. She was much too intimidated by the situation. When she couldn’t bring herself to move, Sasuke carefully took her hands in his and moved them from her face before coming down to kiss her. He spoke between presses of his lips to hers, “Keep your eyes on me.” 
Sakura’s terror melted with her husband’s kisses and small, reassuring remarks until he felt it was time to try continuing where they’d left off. While the Uchiha prince’s tongue flirted with the idea of slipping into her mouth again, he slid his hand from her waist downward, between her legs. A great shiver ran down her spine when she felt him hesitantly massage her most sensitive area. Dark eyes remained locked on hers the entire time. 
He spoke against her lips as he began feeling about for a sweet spot, “This is also my first time willingly, so we’ll learn together, alright?” 
The woman hadn’t known that. She nodded quickly, her back arching as a strange sensation arose from where he was touching. He pulled back a bit, glancing between them. Gently, he repeated what he’d done, making Sakura’s breath hitch and drawing his attention back to her reddening face. 
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. Some of the tension in his shoulders appeared to ease as his fingers moved more confidently, “Does that feel good?” 
“I-I think so, yes,” Sakura mumbled, too scared to move or look away from his face. 
“You’re wet,” he whispered into her skin, dipping down to kiss her chest. 
The pinkette bit back some kind of sound that tried to escape her as the prince began focusing all his motions on that one spot that sent odd, exciting sensations up her body, “Is that bad?” She was embarrassed. 
Sasuke made a negative sound, glancing up warmly, “It means that your body likes my body.” He continued what he was doing while gradually decreasing his hesitance. His low voice rumbled against Sakura’s skin as he explained, “If you aren’t wet, it hurts when you have sex.” 
Without thinking, the woman began to ask, “Is that why it-!” She clamped her mouth shut, and the man ceased his actions. Her brow furrowed as she immediately began apologizing, “I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-” “It’s fine.” 
He kissed her with a serious frown, “As much as I wish this was your first experience, I can’t change history.” He kissed her again, “I’ll replace those memories with new ones, alright?”
Sakura nodded, cupping his cheek with watery eyes. He returned to what he was doing before until the mood had returned to how it was before her slip-up. Soon, he was pressed against her with studious eyes searching for any sign of trouble. 
“I’ll try putting it in,” the prince said. One of his hands was on his wife’s lower abdomen while the other was between her legs so he could guide himself. 
She still couldn’t bring herself to look away from his face and became tense with fear when she felt a terrifyingly familiar pressure against her entrance. Tears flooded her vision immediately, her teeth gritting. The prince stopped, causing her pulse to quicken in panic. She shook her head while blinking to clear her vision, “N-No, don’t stop.” 
It took a moment for Sasuke to respond. When he did, he pressed inside only slightly more before coming down to wipe at his wife’s falling tears, “You don’t have to if you’re not ready.” Sakura leaned into one of his hands’ touch, “I want you to have my body. Please keep going.” 
A warm sound rumbled from Sasuke’s chest. He took a deep breath, “Then open your eyes.” When he began pressing further into Sakura, his voice became forced, but he didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he made the woman’s heart flutter by saying, “When you feel scared, say my name to remind yourself that it’s me, not him. As many times as you need.” 
Feeling unsure, Sakura shakily asked, “Will you say my name back?” 
‘When he talks, I feel a little calmer.’ 
The man kissed her with an affirming sound. 
So, after taking a moment to gather themselves, Sasuke pulled back to slide himself the rest of the way inside. Sakura winced when she felt him press against her walls, ‘He’s bigger than Hihara was. It stings a little….’ 
The prince’s name left her lips as she reached for his shoulders again. Like an echo, Sasuke whispered hers right back. He intertwined their fingers on one hand, kissed the tip of her nose, and then began moving. His jaw flexed as he did. 
For a bit, neither made much noise as they figured out how things worked and what felt good. It surprised Sakura, but the small ache faded rather quickly. What she thought she’d never enjoy after her terrible first encounter soon began to feel not-uncomfortable. 
Her breath hitched when a cramped feeling met the small of her back. Sasuke released her hand to run his fingers down her chest to her waist, where he gripped. His gaze was warm and lustful, as was his voice as he breathed the words, “Relax you hips. Like when we’re riding Shadow.” 
“Okay…!” She gasped while following his advice.
Then she lost control of her eyes. They traveled down her husband’s torso to his lower abdomen. Her stomach flipped as she watched his muscles flex as his hips ground into hers at a steady pace. She could feel him watching her and shyly met his gaze again. 
‘I’m okay. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do this, but I can, so long as it’s Sasuke.’ 
His jaw flexed, a small, attractive sound rumbling his chest. A rasp met his tone that was new, “Don’t squeeze like that if you want me to last.” Sakura gasped as she felt him twitch inside her, his tempo stuttering.
She blushed, “Sorry.” 
He shook his head with a tiny smirk, coming down to kiss her over and over. 
It wasn’t long before something unfamiliar began to happen to Sakura’s body. A tight, electric feeling began to coil in her lower regions. It’d flare with each thrust of Sasuke’s hips. By this point, both had a thin sheen of sweat coating their hot skin. Though her body clearly wanted to continue toward this new sensation, Sakura became unsure because it was something she’d never experienced before. Honestly, she wasn’t sure what it was. Her sexual knowledge was still very much lacking. 
A tiny moan escaped her when Sasuke hit something inside her for the first time. Her back arched and her hands fumbled to grab onto whatever part of him she could, “S-Sasuke, that-!” 
Sasuke allowed her to cling to him, looking between them with his forehead against her shoulder, “Stay relaxed, Sakura. Don’t tense up.” He breathed heavily when the woman naturally squeezed him again, “God, you’re close. I can feel it.” 
The tightness heightened at the sound of his breathy voice, causing a louder moan to leave the woman. She released him, instead reaching up to hold handfuls of pillows. The Uchiha man’s eyes widened as he watched her back arch and her head fall back in pleasure. She whined in an unexpectedly sexual voice, her brow furrowed and eyes heavy-lidded, “Close? Close to what?” 
‘He knows what’s about to happen? That means it’s okay, right? He wouldn’t keep going if it was a bad thing.’ 
A low moan left the prince’s lips. He held Sakura’s waist with both hands, pressed his hips more firmly against hers so her legs would part further, and settled into a better tempo with a face that said he was in for the long haul if need be. 
Sakura had no idea what had come over her. Her body wasn’t obeying her, and sounds she’d never made were leaving her lips. One moment, she realized whatever was going to happen was seconds away, and then she was enveloped entirely with a heavenly pleasure she never imagined she’d feel. Hell, she wasn’t sure how the body could comprehend such a thing. 
Sasuke let out a relieved sound, pressing into her fully and breathing heavily while bending over to study her face, “There you go. It feels good, doesn’t it?” He twitched and pulsed within her, but he didn’t stop trying to comfort her, “You’re okay. We did it.” 
An odd, heated sensation pooled within her on the tail end of whatever brilliant thing was happening to her body. Finally, she was able to breathe again and panted for air, tears slowly rolling down the sides of her face to drip into her hair, “Sasu…ke….” 
The tiniest hint of a smile met the prince’s lips and then he was kissing her again.
 ‘We actually did it.’ 
The reality of the situation suddenly hit Sakura and a sob got caught in her throat. Sasuke acted unsurprised and freed her lips to kiss her forehead, brushing sweaty strands of pink hair from his wife’s face. All she could do was hug him and repeat the words “Thank you,” over and over. 
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{SasuSaku Head Canon: Naruto upon hearing of SasuSaku getting married}
As Sasuke announced his engagement to Sakura and their upcoming marriage, Naruto couldn't help but pace around his Shinobi Union office, murmuring, "I wonder how Kakashi will take the news!"
"I'm barely taking it," he added, still fidgeting around the room.
Sasuke, on the other hand, remained seated, his demeanor as stoic as ever. "I don't understand the commotion, really," he said. "And what would Kakashi have to say? Sakura and I are adults."
"Adults, huh?" Naruto replied, his tone somewhat skeptical.
"Naruto...you're married already," Sasuke pointed out.
"Fair point," Naruto halts his pacing abruptly and takes a seat across from Sasuke, leaning back in his chair. "But it's different. My two closest friends are getting married...and to each other, at that!"
"I'm not particularly looking for your blessings--" Sasuke began.
"No shit that would be ridiculous. But since Kakashi hasn't said anything, let me be the one to say it." His eyes gleam with a mischievous glint as Sasuke's expression slightly widens, unsure of what to expect.
With a sudden shift in tone and demeanor, Naruto leans in and locks eyes with Sasuke, his voice dropping low and serious. "Sasuke, if you ever hurt Sakura or make her cry just one more time, I will find out and come after you." He punctuates his statement with a stern finger pointing at Sasuke's chest.
Sasuke takes a deep breath before responding with conviction, "If I ever make Sakura cry again, I will lock myself away in a cell in isolation." He pauses for a beat, his gaze unwavering. "There are fates worse than death, and I don't think killing me would be the solution. It would break Sakura's heart forever, and we both don't want that, given the fact that I love her, and you care for her deeply as well."
Sasuke's stoic expression lingers for a few seconds before Naruto breaks the silence. "Damn, I was just making your typical overprotective joke, but you took it to a dark place. Shit, I actually believe you," Naruto exclaims, still appalled by Sasuke's intensity.
Naruto leans back in his chair and puts his elbows on his head, folding his hands and propping his chin on them. He tilts his face and smiles widely, his whole demeanor changing. "But you said you loved her," he remarks, amusement lacing his voice.
Sasuke lowers his head, a soft smile gracing his lips. "I want to be the husband she deserves," he admits sincerely.
Naruto's tension eases further, a sense of reassurance settling in. He nods approvingly. "Alright, fair enough. I guess I can trust you to take care of her." With a contented expression, he leans back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips. "But you know, I'll still be keeping an eye on you."
Sasuke stands up, ready to leave. "Ah, I know, I know," he responds, glancing over his shoulder while making his way to the door.
As Sasuke reaches for the doorknob, Naruto's excitement gets the better of him. "Can I tell everyone?" he asks eagerly, his voice filled with giddiness.
Sasuke turns slightly, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Only the relevant people for Sakura," he replies, emphasizing the importance of keeping the news within a select circle, namely Sakura's circle. "Wonderful!" Naruto exclaims from his desk. "Oh, Sasuke... congratulations, I'm happy for the both of you." He says with sincerity. Sasuke smiles as he turns the doorknob, "Thank you." He exited the room.
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ayysyah707 · 10 months
Sasusaku Blank Period Headcanons #2
As an introvert, Sasuke prefers to keep his thoughts to himself most of the time. that's why he got a travel journaling book. He likes to document his journey while travelling. Although, a large part of it filled with his feelings and and thoughts about Sakura.
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It's not like the complete and complicated journaling book that the healthcare industry is currently developing to improve one's mental health. Sakura told him a bit about those tools, she's a therapy clinic founder after all. However, Sasuke just can't imagine if he has to use all the mental health tools all the time, especially not when he's working. Because he's just used to all of his occupational struggles and pressures.
There's a section in the journal that looks more like a collection of love letters. Sasuke usually just pour his beating heart out without thinking much about grammatical errors. It's filled with thoughts about the people he loved, unfiltered without the worry of getting embarrassed. Unless of course someone caught him writing those, or simply read the content.
There's one night when Sasuke and Sakura had to stop inside of a cave because the weather in the Land of Water mostly consist of rain. They spent a peaceful night there, with Sakura fell asleep fast. Sasuke sat beside her, and after his lone hand brushed over her hair to gesture her good night affectionately, he reached for his travel book.
He flicked open a page where a small pink tab sticked on it. There's a large title called "For Sakura - 1" on the very first page of the section. Sasuke flipped again, to one, two, three, five pages later. He was then marking down the sixth page, a blank page yet to be filled. He wrote down the same title that he wrote 5 times from the previous 5 filled pages. Sasuke then also wrote current date on the top right of the page.
For Sakura - 6
Tuesday, August 16.
Today we have reached the Land of Water. It feels like spring here. The weather somehow always has the hint of humidity and gentle breeze. It's always remind me of you, Sakura. You're such a gentle person. A kind and gentle woman that I took for granted. I can't imagine how much of a fool I was to reject your love. If I could meet the younger version of me, I would scold him and forced him to beg for your forgiveness.
The world is more colorful with you in it, Sakura. It's the same thing with how I will never realized how blue the sky is without looking at usuratonkachi Naruto's eyes. When I look at you, I see a peaceful morning with a little bit of fogs around, I hear the sound of birds chirping, and I could smell the peaceful smell of morning dew. I hope you can imagine what I imagined.
I am stunned of how your eyes reminds me of the majestic crystal cave I once visited near Iwagakure. I should take you there when we reach the Land of Earth. I am also always wondering of how your hair could be a simple reminder that eventually the winter will pass; and the spring will follow suit. The flowers in the Land of Flowers are nothing compared to your beautiful locks. Fuck it sounds so cheesy now.
I want to hold your hand forever. I have planned a wedding proposal for you when we're inside the crystal cave. that would be so memorable for you, would it?
The sea, the mountains, the sky. You're the one who pointed of how beautiful they're, Sakura. I never noticed such things. For me they're just... environmental stuff. But from your perspective, everything seems so beautiful. I guess beautiful eyes can see beautiful things. That's what my Sharingan isn't capable of.
Should I ask your hands right here, right now, Sakura? I could give you the Uchiha crest patch that my mother used to sew on the back of my father's clothes. It's my family heirloom, Sakura. Should I sew it on your spare clothes and surprise you?
Tell me how to propose you, Sakura. If I should kneel down and kiss the ground you walked on to prove my devotion, I would. Tell me, what I can do to show and prove myself to you? Kiss you? Make love to you? Hug you until my hand carved permanently on your back?
Whatever it is, whatever you want, I am here, Sakura. Besides you. I love you.
Sasuke closed his book and tugged it below his bag. He snuggled closer to Sakura and slowly closed his eyes.
Little did Sasuke know, a pair of green eyes opened a few hours after he drifted to the dream world. Sakura opened her eyes, and were surprised because Sasuke's bag nudged a little bit closer to the makeshift campfire. Worried it would burn the bag down, her much slender hands reached for the bag. She didn't know there was a book beneath it so the book fell down near her knees. Out of curiosity, she read the content when her eyes catched her name on one of its pages.
Sakura then tried to muffled her tears after reading it, trying to not wake the light sleeper Sasuke.
I was inspired by this song
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