#hirako shinji x aizen
mikaela11037 · 2 years
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AiShin workk
Imma be honest I cannot for the life of me draw glasses so-
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katsuma6 · 2 months
Asking Bleach men if they have a crush on you while you're already dating.(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
♡ Grimmjow, Ichigo, Renji, Shinji, Urahara, Aizen.
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fangirlingpuggle · 10 months
Half asleep dumb Bleach AU where Quincy war goers really bad and they have to pull a time travel fix it but the only 2 strong enough to not die are Ichigo and Aizen.
The 2 ending up in the turn back the pendulum arc and Aizen instantly goes into full xanatos gambit mastermind planner mode... only to realize that is fucking impossible when you are working with Ichigo Kurosaki.
Every time he thinks he has found a way to create a long plan that will result in the Quincy end (And maybe himself as the soul king or all powerful) he turns around and Ichigo has already completely changed the time line AGAIN! Totally fucked up someones tragic backstory and he just takes a deep breath throws all his planning in the bin and has to go back to the drawing board (Since he can't actually murder Ichigo... he's tried)
Ichigo isn't trying to change much he doesn't have any grand plan just kill Yhwach, make sure his friends are safe and don't let Aizen do anything to Aizeny.
He ends up bonding with Gin, because Gin sees how powerful Ichigo is and more importantly how much he pisses off Aizen. He basically becomes Ichigo's shadow and just makes everything 10x more chaotic.
It becomes worse when Byakuya joins in he sees Ichigo shunpo at a speed that puts Yoruchi to shame and pretty much insists he teach him. And thus Ichigo has 2 shadows who mange to fuck up everything Aizen tries to plan.
(They disappear for a few days and Ichigo has somehow become king of Hucheo mundo no ones even sure how, there's also an adjuchas grimmjow following Ichigo around either trying to kill him or maybe court him no one can tell. Aizen takes one look at this pretty much throws months worth of planning in the bin and then goes and then just disappears into the Senkaimon to scream into the void)
Shinji is confused but he knows Aizen's planning something still he's sure of it and hasn't realized the plans have changed. Ichigo just watches the two for a bit and just turns to Aizen like 'So trying to murder and hollowify the guy you have a huge crush on is taking pigtail pulling to the extreme right?' Gin is dying laughing and Aizen is pissed and not happy because he has been doing fine with repressing and ignoring these feelings for centuries and can keep on doing it just fine thank you very much.
Thus begins Ichigo and Gin trying to match make him because that may make Aizen less crazy evil since Ichigo has watched the man stare all pinning and stupid after Shinji and stop staring at the many many maps and plans he have (most of them Ichigo thinks are plans for trying to murder him) and well it's fucking hilarious. Also he's pretty sure Shinji is just as bad since the man can ramble about Aizen for hours... literal hours Ichigo timed him and not all of it was how he's planning something evil...though a lot of it was.
Plus it's embarrassing to Aizen and hilarious.
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zmeitsssa · 23 days
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Happy Birthday my love
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brittscafe · 1 year
How they fall in love and confess to fem reader for gin, aizen, shinji, mayuri (seperately )
Maybe au where they are all alive
Fluff plz
I apologize for how long this took me to write, but I wanted it to be perfect 😭
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You're not scared of him like most people are.
He's super intrigued by you and the way you're not afraid of him at all.
His smile is always genuine when he's around you.
Gin is very flirty with you and loves it when you blush from his comments.
When he first starts to fall in love with you is when he lets you in on his pranks or you two can just sit in silence together, reading or something.
He feels super comfortable around you and loves the way that you make him feel.
When he confesses, he's actually playing a prank on you.
At the end of the prank, a bouquet of flowers show up in Gin's hands along with a letter that details his feelings.
All I gotta say is good luck once he realizes that he loves you.
When he's really in love with you, he's stalking you.
Not really in a creepy way (kind of), just watching you and making sure you're safe.
Sometimes, he'll even send Gin or Kaname to watch over you or escort you to places.
It shows in his actions that he loves you or when he has really deep conversations with you.
He loves cooking with you.
Aizen sets up a very nice and romantic dinner in his room where you help him cook.
As you're helping him cook, he'll say that he has feelings for you.
I feel like it's love at first sight for Shinji.
When he first lays eyes on you, he's super attracted to you physically.
Shinji is bold and comes up to talk to you, falling in love with your personality as well.
He spends every moment of his time with you, teasing you and being super playful with you.
As for Shinji confessing, he's very up front about it.
There are moments where he confesses to you straight up, but then tells you he's just kidding or joking around.
When Shinji sees that you can't handle the joking around anymore, he'll come up to you.
He'll just cup your face and press his lips on yours.
Since he spends all his time in his lab, I definitely think you have to be part of the same squad or always in the lab 24/7.
He first starts to notice you when you stay late and even help him out with his work.
Mayuri finds himself stealing glances over at you when you fast at work at your desk.
He'll even move your desk closer to his or pull your chair over to examine his work.
He likes that you accept who he is and how his work is really important to him.
I think Mayuri definitely takes time to confess to you and fall in love with you.
One night, you walk late into the lab to help Mayuri and you find the entire lab light up with candles.
You find Mayuri standing in the middle of the lab without any of his makeup or anything, just bare faced and vulnerable.
He wanted you to see who he really was when he confessed his feelings towards you.
I mean...your jaw drops open when you first see him.
Honestly, he doesn't have to say a single thing or confess, you can just read his mind.
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blueparadis · 11 months
❝ SAVE YOUR BREATH ❞ + SHINJI HIRAKO ❪ playing ⌗7, ⌗8 & ⌗9 ❫─── via radio line ❛ anatomy of emotions ❜〳 from this is what ____ feels like !
[ content and themes ]::f!reader x fwb!shinji hirako, angst, ex! boyfriend aizen souske, fluff; 1k word count. // [ tag index ]
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There has always been an awful connection between the monsoons and the morbids in Seireitei. It is the cold. It is the cold that stays after the downpour. It is the cold that makes one feel alone, helpless till sadness strikes your heart. Shinji is aware of this.
However, he can not understand why he feels lonely and helpless on such a bright sunny day. Perhaps in the world of fragile mortals, things work in a different manner. Being a Shinigami for centuries and floating amid the mundanity is an unending road of misery and darkness for him. Shinji does not remember, his memories of this world, but the trail of mishaps from Seireitei to Hueco Mundo he followed led back to the girl he dotes on.
You are sitting opposite to him in a peach-colored floral dress with different-sized roses embroidered on it. It is a delightful colour but you do not look happy. The cafe is crowded and your boyfriend, Hirako attracts every pair of eye that passes by him. His waist-length blonde fall of hair is tied by a strawberry rubber band you left at his place last time. He is wearing a simple full sleeves top with grey jeans.
Shinji speaks stretching one of his arms to keep the cup on the plate, “Do you remember when we first met? ” sustaining his inclined sitting posture. He does not sound sad, or angry. It is hard to pinpoint how exactly he is feeling. Maybe because he is too focused on yours, he worries that you might disintegrate into someone else.
You smile barely as your gaze remains intact, on your thighs. Sucking in a small breath you look up to your boyfriend nodding. “Yes.I do.” You take a sip of tea. “To be honest, of all the people I have met in this life probably yours is the oddest and hence, the most memorable.” Your voice trembles a little at the end.
Shinji asses the way you speak. He is calm, almost too calm. He thinks back on the question he just asked you. He can not say the same about you but that does not mean he has forgotten it, does not mean he holds no regard for all those memories he created with you. If he were to be honest he would say that he has too many options to choose from. He is unable to pick the best. Does he even need to? Can't he keep all of them safe in one place?
Every memory that he has shared with you, spent with you — all those lazy morning brunches that ended with sleeping during the warm afternoon being wrapped with each other under the futon, all those sleepless nights that he spent with you watching the stars, then watching you, kissing your moles and counting them like the stars. He would get bored if he counted the stars in the sky but never when it comes to counting the moles on your body. You kept him on his toes, invested with your cute little reactions to his habits and actions. Sometimes he would watch you cook and listen to how your day went and some other times he would wrap your legs around his waist with his cock shoved inside you, eliciting moans from you, drawing constellations on your skin with his lips and teeth so that when he leaves you think of him and only him.
Shinji has not spoken for almost two minutes. He is falling, drowning in a pool of memories he was never supposed to. He is as silent as a pond. You are like a pebble to him. You have created ripples in his soul that went beyond his imagination. And now those ripples are turning into waves; a pond now slowly distorts into a river. You were just a mission to him, but here he is sitting at a cafe with you, so desperate to find a reason for himself not to go away or to leave you alone. He does not even know if he is getting attached or dependent on you or if is it the other way around. Those tears in your eyes are what confused him.
And that is the very reason why it is so hard to forget, to heal the hurt in you. Shinji has no complaints. He could take away your memories and act like nothing ever happened between you two but would he really be okay with you having to forget him? Probably he saw it coming or a tiny part of him always knew that his relationship with you will not thrive forever. Ever since you saw Souske last week at work you knew you had to end this arrangement with Shinji. This odd arrangement of 'playing boyfriend' to plug the cleft that Souske left behind.
Aizen being back in town changed everything. Shinji realized that he can not keep playing boyfriend for you. He forgot he was here to protect the vessel holding one of the seven keys to open Pandora's box. You might be lying to him by saying the reason for your break up is just you need space and a short break but Shinji knows he deserves it. At least he thinks he does because he had been lying to you all the time about so many things, about the fact that he knows Souske or about the part where he is interested in you just because Souske choose you to be one of his vessels. Shinji exhales deeply. His slouched posture finally breaks as he leans forward, tucking some stray strands behind his ear he admits, “There’s nothing you could have done. I understand. It's okay.”
It is anything but not okay. How could it be? How could he be so serene and inert? You look around the cafe, seeing different types of people — teenagers, elders, couples- and realize how everyone is living entirely different lives from one another, having their own waves. Sonder, they call it, is the realization that everyone has a story.
You press your teeth lines against each other, your vision blurs for a second and your breathing hitches. “It wasn’t supposed to end like this.” You mumble. “why does it feel like this is goodbye?”
Shinji tucks a few hair strands behind your earlobes. His lips parted. “because it is one.”
“Here is your order ma'am.” The waiter remarks keeping a pastry in front of you shooting you a quick smile. You look at the waiter for a few seconds and then shift it in front of you. There is no one sitting opposite to you now. You check your phone. There are still five minutes left for the blind date to arrive, the best way to not be tense about it is to eat and what could be better than trying different flavors of pastries?
@underratedcharactercorner @angelshub
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cha-r4 · 2 years
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from twt
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suukidraw · 1 year
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Mayuri being nice for once in his life time :)
Mayuri x oc
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For shinji and auzen(seperately) how you fall in love and how he confesses? Fluff plz
I did this more like… realizing they've fallen in love, hope that's okay!
Shinji realizes he is in love with you because he can no longer do anything without thinking that sharing it with you would be a thousand times better. From listening to music to teasing Hiyori, everything always feels better when you're around.
His confession would be clumsy and quite embarrassing, but that only shows that what he feels for you is real and not just another one of his empty conquests or flirtations.
When he begins to see in you the possibility of an equal, whether it be due to your power or intellect, that's when Aizen's hopes of finally calming the loneliness in his heart rise. He may test you multiple times, and if you manage to pass them, consider him smitten.
It would be a rather toxic type of love in which you can be certain he will try to manipulate you into never trying to leave him, but hey, the guy is attractive enough to overlook the red flags.
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chiffiorra · 2 years
Aizen and shinji (seperately ) x female Latina reader who is oblivious to them liking her. Fluff plz
In this au aizen succeeded and is now the soul king and is looking for a queen and he chooses reader who is a oblivious idiot .
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╰┈➤ Aizen and Shinji with an Oblivious S/O
➜ This Headcanon Scenario Contains the Following: noooone just some sweet fluff, a little bit of crack, Aizen and Shinji being so lost, Hiyori being so done
➜ Note: but of course, fam~
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- At last he finally won. He had everything he desired and with the title "Soul King" to his name too. He couldn't be any more proud of himself.
- However, he still had one more goal in mind that seemed so far out of reach. Just one more so he would finally feel complete.
- You, a mere civilian. One who had no part in his goal to become king.
- But there was one problem: you rejected his advances, or rather, you never noticed them. This confused him a lot.
- It was like no matter what he did, you were just so… oblivious in his attempts to court you. Any other Arrancar would have a field day watching the scene unfold in the background.
- Aizen just couldn't comprehend why you're not understanding his interest in you. Was this you mocking him???
- Either way, the reward of having you by his side was well earned. …Even if your oblivious would still give him a facepalm sometimes.
- When he said that you were his first love, you either did not understand or paid no attention as you were friendly towards him during your first meeting.
- Man was like "Huh? No reaction???" while Hiyori was impressed with you but greatly annoyed with his nonsense.
- Shinji liked to think he could get anyone if he really tried, and yet, he couldn't get with you.
- This made his head hurt just thinking about it, wondering why weren't you putting any attention to his attempts to win you over. His mind couldn't comprehend this fuckery at all.
- As for you, you just thought that Shinji was just so friendly and was the sweetest! Hiyori and Lisa didn't have the heart to tell you the truth, but Hiyori secretly enjoyed the struggle that Shinji was going through.
- He refused to give up though, this was the one "first love" he didn't want to let go. If anything, he saw this as a challenge.
- Once he won you over after so long, he was ready to tell this story to the rest. And rub it in Hiyori's face, the sandal was worth it.
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Dating aizen and shinji(seperately ) headcannons ? Plz
Ah yes two very fun boys! Also two very different kinds of partners.
Depending on the type of person you are dating Aizen can be either the best of times or some of the most frustrating
Aizen starts the relationship with a lie and that can't be avoided but you're also someone that can get him to tell you anything after a bit of time
There's a high chance you met Aizen back when he was captain maybe even lieutenant so when you start dating it comes as a shock to most people but Aizen will brush them off
He always praises you and will get somewhat angry when and if people talk badly about you in anyway
Gin is almost always around even after he becomes a captain so expect to have to deal with him as Aizen's partner….Dont worry too much, he'll be nice
Aizen is a devoted partner, he's caring and smart enough to always be able to read you and in turn he'll want you to understand him as well
Dates don't really happen often but during those time they do happen they're always well thought out and planned so nothing ruins them
He also doesn't really give gifts, he sees no need for them most the time but any he does give be it for holidays or celebrations are always so meaningful and more often than not are handmade
Dating Shinji is like a roller coaster but not in a bad way he's just a handful
He's very impulsive at times and can get cocky if not kept in check but he really is a nice boyfriend
Dates are plentiful and somewhat spontaneous. At times with nothing major happening Shinji might just jolt up and ask to go to the park or get something to eat together
Shinji plays it off the he's the kind of guy to forget important dates but in reality he has them all marked down and often has things planned months in advance
He gives you nicknames and you can't avoid them. Sweetheart, baby, sweetcheeks, honeybear, idiot ( always said in a dreamy tone) and many others
Shinji tends to hide when things bother him and honestly after what happened in the soul society he's a little hesitant to trust people but that's how you know when his love runs deep
Nights are sometimes spent talking about anything Shinji can think of from his past to the future he wants with you and his friends things he would almost never speak of to others
He can be rash, sometimes really blunt but he's honest about his love and he loves to show it off whenever given a chance
Alright! I will hopefully have another request done by the end of the month! But until then I hope you enjoyed this. A little note since I'm not the most happy with how this came out is I'm not great at general headcanons but I do hope it was still good. Thank you for requesting and reading. Have a good day or night. ~ Lilly
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fangirlingpuggle · 9 months
So a few more thoughts on my super dumb Bleach AU where Quincy war goes bad and Aizen and Ichigo go back in time. (Links to previous posts here and here)
This is just arrancar all ending up in soul society. Like Ichigo somehow finds a way to get them to evolve to arrancar form (Residuals of the Hogyokus powers? Ichigo somehow ended up becoming the soul king without anyone realizing? Aizen has no idea and a t this point has given up trying to figure anything out about Ichigo and his powers all it does is give him a headache and have hs office turn into that always sunny meme)
So Ichigo ends up smuggling Grimmjow in and tries to hide him... it's actually the disaster trio of Byakuya, Soi Fon and Gin who start the mess. (Because they've followed Ichigo on trips to Hucheo mundo and know all the arrancar it's a little hard for their sensei/surrogate big brother to hide his maybe a boyfriend from them)
Someone catches them when Ulquiorra is with them in soul society and Byakuya starts it all when he just turns to the freaking out Shinigami and says completely calmly 'This is my cousin' and of course all the Shinigami are like 'No...No we can sense hollow reiatsu' and Byakuya just stares back 'no he's my cousin, can't you see he's clearly a Kuchiki'
And no one can quite argue with that. Also they don't exactly look like a normal hollow. (When asked about the mask and Hollow hole Byakuya and co just answer 'it's a skin condition')
This leads to Soi Fon ad Gin joining in and all three of them coming up with dumber and dumber excuses for the arrancar that they smuggle in, just to see how dumb they can get.
After a while the entire soul society is full of arrancar, and a lot are in multiple divisions 11th love them! these guys are awesome at fighting, we will protect them at all costs, 6th, 3rd and 2nd for obvious reasons, 4th because Unohana thinks this is hilarious. Then 5th because Shinji thinks this is part of Aizen's plan and wants to see what he's planning. He still thinks Aizen has an evil scheme going on... when in reality Aizen is trying not have an aneurysm and screaming into the void.
So anytime central 46 tries to do execution orders or be like 'WHY ARE THERE HOLLOWS EVERYWHERE' everyone else just goes 'What hollows? Those are just Shinigami with a skin condition'.
Shinji is still doing the keeping your enemy close thing... at this point there's a betting pool of how long it takes him to figure out Aizen's no longer planning the whole evil take over plan and just how close he'll get to him...as they're basically currently dating most bets are like 10 years after they're married
The Captain commander knows whats going on but after dealing with Ichigo and his chaotic trio of students he's just given up at this point
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zmeitsssa · 1 month
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Я заметила однажды, Как зимой кусты сирени Расцвели, как будто в мае – Ты мне веришь или нет? Веришь мне или нет?
Я тебе, конечно, верю, Разве могут быть сомненья? Я и сам всё это видел – Это наш с тобой секрет, Наш с тобою секрет! //
-Once I saw As the lilac bushes in Winter Bloomed up like in May- Do you believe me or not? Do you believe me or not?
-Of course I believe you, How can there be any doubt? I saw that all myself too- Our own secret! Do you believe me or not - Natasha Koroleva
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For aizen and shinji(seperately ) how they propose x fem reader
Maybe for aizen he never betrayed the soul society or he is the soul king ?
Fluff plz
Shinji Hirako
“Geh….I forgot how hot these dumb robes were.” Shinji complained as he fluttered his new captain’s haori to get some air.
You smirk to yourself at his complaint. Knowing they were hollow. You knew Shinji was happier than he had ever been to be back in the Seireitei, in the Gotei 13, and back at his old post. It had been a long time. One neither of you thought would ever come. When you saw Shinji again after all this time, presumed dead, you’d burst into tears and clung to him for dear life as if to never let him go again.
That was almost a year ago, and now you were settling into your regular lives.
“Well, you look very handsome.”
“I always look handsome.” Shinji corrected of your compliment. Gritting his teeth when you set some new paperwork down on his desk. “Give ‘at the Hinamori.”
“It’s not Hinamori-san’s responsibility.” You retort with a grumble.
“ ‘course it is. ‘s what lieutenants and seated officers is for. Taken work off their poor capt’ins so they can focus on more important things.”
“Let me guess? Like your naps?”
“To name a few.” Shinji choked on his words when you wacked him in the head for his intolerance. Not appreciating your efforts to the division marginalized like this; even if it was a joke.
“Please see that these are completed by this afternoon.”
“[Y/N]-chan is so meeeeannn…..” Shinji whined. “Hey, wait a minute.” He called when he saw you were actually leaving.
You turn around, still in a huff, to see what he wanted and have to act fast to catch the small parcel tossed at you. “What’s this?”
“It’s a present.”
“This isn’t going to get you out of paperwork.” You grumble. Then open the box to see a small ring inside. It took you a moment to process what it meant before you looked up at Shinji in alarm. Who looked remarkably serious, and more vulnerable, than you had ever seen him before.
“I’m a pretty lucky guy.” He stood from his desk and walked over to you. “ ‘m back at my old job. I got my revenge. Lived a buncha years in the human world just amblin’ by like I always wanted to. But there wan’t a day that went by that I didn’t think of you.” He took the ring out of your hands, and then slipped it on your finger. “Haven you back…it almost makes all that crap worth it. So, will ya make me the luckiet guy in the universe and marry me [Y/N]?”
“Yes!” You answer immediately. Wrapping your arms around Shinji and kissing him fiercely.
You both hold on to each other for a while. By the time you break apart you had to wipe happy tears from your face. “I’m so happy. I can’t wait to tell everyone. Wait, we should tell them together. I’ll be back later when you’re done, and we can do that.”
“Wait? I still have to do paperwork?!”
“Yes Shinji,” moment over. “You better not have done this just so you could slack off. No take backs anyway. You’re stuck with me forever now.”
Shinji smirked and moved back to his desk. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Sosuke Aizen
*I know what you said, but.....BUT.....hear me out*
You laid in bed, waiting for Aizen to return after his shower. He’d been a little off today. Not enough for anyone to notice; to the untrained observer he looked like the typical, good-natured captain everyone knew and loved. But you were his lover. So you noticed things in him that were not as keenly aware.
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” You look up from the futon matting. Aizen walking in with a thin bathrobe on and still toweling his hair. “You have a big day tomorrow.”
“Is something wrong?” You asked him outright.
Whenever you wanted to get to the bottom of something with Aizen, you had to ask him outright. If you danced around the topic, he would dance with you, and suddenly you couldn’t remember what it was you had originally asked him about. “You’ve been acting odd all day.”
A soft chuckle left the captain. “Leave it to you to notice something.” He tossed the towel aside and reveled his handsome face, now that his hair was wet & pushed back without his glasses.
He came over to the bed and sat beside you. Gently taking your hand, which was for once not comforting. “You know I love and trust you more than anything, yes?” He said with a soft sort of smile. “So I’m going to tell you something I hope you’ll be pleased with. In 6 days, after Rukia Kuchiki’s execution, I’m going to overthrow to Soul King.”
Shock rang out through your body at Aizen’s words. You barely hear him over the ringing in your ears on how it will be done, the other captain’s betraying the Seireitei with him, when all this started.
“W…Why are you telling me this?”
“Because I want you to come with me.” He explained cheerfully. As if you had just planned some fun trip to the country. “The universe needs balance. And I intend to give it. With this new power I gain, I will create the world anew. The Seireitei and Gotei 13 will no longer be needed as they will be obsolete in this new world of order. An order we talked about.”
Yes, you had talked about how corrupt the Seireitei could be sometimes. How it seemed unjust that somewhere born into high states of privilege after their death, while others were forced to suffer. Who decided that? Didn’t all men die equally? But this seemed…..extreme.
Aizen then lifted your hand and kissed your ring finger. “I need you to come with me. Gin and Tosen are competent candidates, but they lack the vision you and I share. I cannot complete this on my own. A king needs his queen.” You were embarrassed to say that your heart fluttered.
Although you feared what Aizen was suggesting, what this may lead to, you still couldn’t imagine being without him. Not at his side. “Yes,” you whisper quietly as a single tear slid down your cheek, “yes I’ll go with you.”
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brittscafe · 1 year
Could we see a "reaction to finding you asleep" for the rest of the 13 court guard captains? 👀
-@dragon-anon 🐉
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Jushiro: He honestly melts inside when he walks into your shared bedroom and you're curled up with his pillow, fast asleep. Jushiro will make sure that the covers are over you and he places a soft kiss on your lips.
If he has time, he'll usually cuddle you in his arms.
Shunsui: A smirk tugs on his face as you're laying on top of him and he notices that you've gone quiet and fallen asleep on him. He'll run his fingers through your hair and stays perfectly still.
He wouldn't dare to move an inch or let anybody disturb you in this state.
Shinji: At first, he definitely thinks about waking you up with a cruel joke, but he decides not to. His eyes rake over you asleep in his white captain's cape and his heart just melts.
He lets out a tiny scoff and walks over to you. Your fingers are wrapped around the cape tightly and your lips are slightly parted open.
"I knew I forget something. You can keep it for now, Y/N," Shinji whispers, placing a kiss on your forehead before heading back to his squad.
Rojuro: His eyes glance down at you, your head resting in his lap with your eyes closed. He places his hand on your cheek and hums quietly.
The sound of his voice makes sure that your sleep is not disturbed and he stands guard, carefully watching the door.
Toshiro: Stops in his tracks when his eyes lock onto you, asleep on the ground on top of a pile of books.
"Oh, captain!" Rangiku's voice rings through Toshiro's ears and his eyes fill with annoyance. Rangiku leaps into the room and Toshiro quickly spins around.
"Shut up," he retorts harshly and Rangiku pouts heavily. Her eyes glance over Toshiro's shoulder and catch a glimpse of you.
"Oh, I see," she nods her head, exiting the room and running down the hall to bother another. Toshiro marches over to you and easily scoops you up in his arms.
"You ought to find more comfortable places to fall asleep," Toshiro whispers, shaking his head with amusement.
Kenpachi: Puts his arm over the wall and just hangs there as he admires you.
"Look, Kenny! Y/N is fast asleep. Do you think she'll wake up?" Yachiru asks, peeking over Kenny's shoulder.
"How the hell am I suppose to know, kid?" Kenpachi scoffs quietly and Yachiru hops down from his tall shoulder. Her feet hit the ground and she walks up to you.
She pokes your nose and Kenpachi's eyes widen.
"Hey, scram kid," Kenpachi demands and Yachiru lets out a tiny giggle, hopping out of the room. Kenpachi walks over to you and sits down next to you.
The bed sinks down underneath his weight and he runs his fingers through your hair. He lets out a tiny sigh and admires you one last time before getting back to training.
Gin: The playfully smirk that always seems to be on his face drops and his eyes widen. His feet freeze to the ground and he gulps.
This is the first time Gin's found you dead asleep. Of course, he's seen you when you're vulnerable, but this was different. You were so soft and at peace in your shared bed.
He enjoyed moments like this with you, so he crawls into the bed with you. His wraps his arms around your torso and rest his head on your stomach, basking in your warmth.
Aizen: A smile dances along his face as he steps into his room and finds you hunched over a desk, face down. He tries to best not to chuckle at the sight of you, but a fit of chuckles leaves his lips.
He marches over towards you and pats the top of your head. Aizen grabs a pillow and props it underneath your head. He also wraps a blanket around your shoulders and places a kiss on your shoulder.
Sure, your back was going to be killing you tomorrow, but that gave you another reason to engage in a playful fight with your boyfriend.
Mayuri: He had come home late from working in the lab and found you asleep, waiting for him. You were sprawled out on the bed, limbs covering every inch of the bed and Mayuri lets out a tiny chuckle.
Mayuri decides to take off his face paint and takes a quick shower. He steps out of the bathroom to find you still asleep. He crawls into bed and wraps his arms around your waist.
He easily pulls you into his arms and rests his chin on your shoulder.
Sajin: It was one of the times, he didn't turn himself into his human form for you. He was explaining how bad he felt when you had to see him like this.
You shoot him a warm smile and wrap yourself around his arm, snuggling into his side.
"I like you. Just the way you are," you reassure him, before shutting your heavy eyelids. Sajin's breath hitches in his throat and he opens his mouth, but he can't seem to find the words.
Honestly, it brought tears to his eyes, knowing you felt comfortable with him, no matter what form he was in.
Isshin: After getting Karin and Yuzu to bed, you were supposed to finish the movie together. Your body had another plans as you were lulled into a deep sleep.
Isshin walks into the living room to find you slumped over on the arm of the couch, passed out. At first, a frown tugs on his face, but then a warm smile replaces the frown.
So, he sits down next to you, draping a blanket over you and resting his hand on your thigh, finishing the movie by himself.
Let's just say when you woke up, Isshin regrets his choice to finish the movie by himself...
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snowflakeanimelover · 2 years
Your Smile
Relationship: Shinji Hirako x Female Reader
Fandom: Bleach
Warnings: Fluff :), reader was a soul reaper, friends to lovers?, cute, protective Shinji
SPOILERS: Arrancar Arc/Aizen Arc
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It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the city so beautiful. The windows of each building reflected the bright orange light coming from the sunset. Small stars made their way across the sky as they push the daylight away. 
The breeze was quiet and cool on the rooftop from where I stood. My body shivered out of spite. And suddenly, I felt it.  A familiar presence that I was expecting to join me on this lovely sunset. I didn’t have to look at the man who stood behind me, knowing he was listening. 
“I heard about the war,” I say calmly. I gave him time to respond, but he only gave me silence. “Are you going?”
His long strides take him to my side. I could tell he was smiling. He always did around me to keep my hopes up. The hopes I hardly held on to. 
“Of course. I have some business to take care of with Sosuke.” 
The name sent a shiver down my spine. After hearing about what happened more than one hundred years ago, and half witnessing it, I was right in the long run about the guy. I wasn’t strong enough back then to take care of him myself, so I took my time watching over my best friend. Even with my weak self, I was so strong-willed and wanted to take Aizen down. But, Kisuke Urahara held me back. He refused to let me kill myself from fighting against Aizen.
A sigh escapes my lips, my eyes finally meeting his. He had his favorite grid-patterned hat on his head, his blond hair being pushed by the wind. Shinji’s smile soon disappeared when he saw the look in my eyes. 
“Don’t worry,” he nervously chuckles, “I’ll be back before you know it.” I didn’t respond to his joking manner. I knew he was coming back. He always does. But there was something else on my mind, and I knew he knew what I was thinking. He looked back at the sunset, his smile disappearing. “You know you can’t come with me. Not with your soul reaper powers gone.”
And of course, he had to say it out loud. I flinched at the words falling out of his mouth. I hated the thought of myself without my soul-reaper powers. I’ve been without them for a long time now, but it still doesn’t help with the weakness I felt. Saying it out loud only makes me feel even more powerless. I was unable to help my best friend in a war that was long to come.
“Do me a favor, (Y/N),” He says, meeting my eyes once more, “and stay with Kisuke. He’ll protect you if needed.”
My fists clench together, blood boiling at the mere mention of someone having to protect me. “I’m not some child, Shinji!” The blond didn’t even flinch at my outburst. His frown only deepened as he watched me avoid eye contact, allowing me to le tout my anger. “I know how to protect myself. I’m not hopeless, you know!”
His shoulders sink at each word spilling out of my mouth. When I’m finished with my outburst, I shake my head and look away. “I’m…sorry. I just…”
“I know. But don’t worry about it. You’re not part of this fight anyway. Don’t go ripping yourself apart when you aren’t involved in it.” He says calmly.
The sunset seemed to have long been gone, the moon now showing itself to the world. “When are you leaving?”
“In the morning.”
“Just…come back alive, alright?”
“You know I will.” He smiles, tipping his hat as he walks away. “Don’t miss me too much.” I smile at his comment. He turns back around to give me one more glance when he reaches the end of the rooftop. “Careful.”
My smile disappears, wondering what he was talking about. “What?”
“Your smile,” he clarifies, “You look like you’re about to fall in love.” He doesn’t give me time to respond when he flash-steps away. It’s as if he was never there in the first place.
My cheeks began to warm, and I knew it wasn’t from the cold winds brushing by. “Maybe I am…” I remark, knowing it was too late for his ears to hear.
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