choujinx · 7 months
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EYESHIELD 21: BRAIN x BRAVE (2024) by inagaki riichirou & murata yuusuke
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eyeshields · 17 days
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Belated thank you gift for @gyroshrike - thanks again for helping with the gift exchange!
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jaybirdsketchbook · 9 months
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For @blaka-smoko hope you like it! When I saw crossdressing and HiruYukiMamo on your list I knew what I had to do.
Happy I got you for my gift, I'm not very in fandom but I recognized you from some old Yuki art you did (with that really nice parfait) and more recently some translation comparisons I think. Also while I was working on this I kept getting emails that there was new eyeshield stuff on myfigurelist and it was you adding to it. Thank you for uploading all the merch, it makes it so much easier for me to keep track of my own collection!
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ciaossu-imagines · 9 months
mini event - Eyeshield 21 with Retail Workers AU. Thank you sooo much
Oh, this was such a fun AU! Thank you, anon dear, for sending it in and I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons and the AU I came up with, though they are late getting to you!
Okay, I'm going to really show my age here, but I definitely grew up with mall culture of a sort, with malls being a pretty big deal and somewhere you went to hang out with your friends. Add to that the fact that as a Canadian teen, the show 6teen was a pretty big thing (anyone else remember that one?) for me. Hell, to this day, I still go to the mall and hang out and shop or window-shop with friends.
So, when thinking about this AU, I knew how I had to take this all. I mean, I have wayyyy too much retail sales experience and it probably would have been easier to really just focus on everyone working in, say, a Wal-Mart or an IKEA and all that, but I wanted to add a sort of extra layer.
So basically, I set this AU in a mega-mall. Basically, all of the teams sort of work in the different shops within the mall. Because of that, they're all really used to seeing each other, day in and day out, because they all are in the mall at least four to five days out of the week, they probably all eat in the food court for the most part and they all frequent each other's stores because it's just easier to do your shopping after work than go out and run errands on your days off. So everyone is at least surface familiar with everyone else and there's kind of fun little rivalries between the staff in the different stores within the mall, made even more so by the fact that the corporation that owns the mall holds a year-long contest for the 'best store in the mall', where the staff in whatever store has the best sales and customer service reviews on those stupid receipt surveys wins this grand prize. Last year, every staff member of Charms Diamond Center got a paid weekend trip to be used within the year. So the competition really ramps up that existing friendly rivalry and can actually turn it a lot less friendly at times.
So, we'll begin, most naturally with the canonical team of the Deimon Devil Bats. In this particular AU setting, I kind of see everyone as the staff in a sporting goods store…I'm such a dork that I actually based this mall and it's various stores on a map I pulled up of one of the mall's in my original province's major city malls, so for me, I'm kind of imagining it as a Cabela's on steroids, haha.
Anyway, for some reason that nobody at all can figure out, Hiruma is actually the store's manager. He scares most of the employees, especially since he seems to be able to dig up blackmail on most of them (and definitely stalks their social media) that he definitely uses to his advantage to get them to do what he wants them to do - which is whatever amuses him most, not really what the store actually needs. Add to that that Hiruma always schedules himself in the hunting section of the store, particularly behind the gun counter. The amount of knowledge that boy has with not only guns, but hunting knives, bow and arrows, and crossbows, and the ease with which he handles them kind of makes him all the more terrifying to the staff members.
The store's assistant store manager is Mamori and she's actually the one who ends up doing almost all the work, to be honest. Hiruma hates paperwork and boring things like keeping track of everyone's availability, so while he does create the schedule and decides where in the store everyone will be working any particular day, he leaves the human resources type stuff to Mamori, who double-checks the schedule, who makes sure everyone is getting their breaks properly, who deals with the customers who need to talk to a manager because those are all parts of the job Hiruma just does not give a shit about and honestly, she handles it wonderfully and is the first person the staff go to if they have actual issues or even just need a listening shoulder because working retail fucking sucks at times.
Sena is the newest staff member, only a few weeks fresh into his new job, and he is honestly both enjoying his new job and equally exhausted and terrified. The customers can be absolutely horrendous or the nicest people and that's not even going into how weird (and sort of wonderful) his coworkers are. Sena becomes one of the main three cashiers for the store and he's on the front lines of dealing with the customers. His work days are always hectic, always long, and sometimes incredibly brutal, especially if he gets a customer who wants to be a dick to him. Thank god he actually quite gets along with the other cashiers, because good coworkers can really make a shift so much better.
His fellow cashiers? Monta and Taki. Monta becomes Sena's work bestie and the two of them can get in some trouble from both Mamori and Hiruma for goofing off a little up by the cashes, especially if there's not a lot of customers around, because they should be tidying up and facing products up by the cashes but instead they're normally talking or playing around. And while Taki seems an unlikely fit for cash, or for the other boys to get along with him as well as they do, the fact of the matter is that Taki gives absolutely superb customer service and for some reason, even the most pissy of customers can't seem to stay mad at him. He always seems to be able to talk down angry customers and swoops in to save both Sena and Monta from rude customers often enough that the other boys really appreciate having Natsuhiko around, even despite the boy being a little loud and eccentric.
There is one additional cashier. Kind of. Yukimitsu mans the store's customer service desk, where customers go to process returns, to escalate complaints, or just because they're too lazy and entitled to bear standing in line for more than one minute. Honestly, Yukimitsu should be anywhere else in the store. He really should. He's not the greatest at customer service and he's always a nervous wreck but he also works so incredibly hard and his nearly encyclopedic knowledge of the store's policies, procedures, return processes, layout, and stock actually means that, while the customer's might not always like his answers, he never gives them the wrong answer and offers them every possibility in place.
Kurita and Komusubi act as the store's main receiving and inventory team. Everything being ordered into the store, everything going in and out, it all goes through these two. Jolly and good-natured, Kurita tends to be a favourite of every staff member in the store. He's one of the few that never gets bullied by Hiruma, not really, and he's actually known to be really good friends with both Hiruma and Musashi outside of the store, often seen eating or hanging out with them.
Speaking of Musashi, he really only works part-time. Most of the time he's busy helping out his family's construction business and his job at the store is really only to help him earn some extra money so that he can save up for things he wants or needs. He gets a lot of leeway from the management with how picky he is about his schedule, especially because, when he is at work, Musashi works hard and always steps in to help any of the other departments with issues. He's also the staff member who really doesn't seem to care at all about any rivalries with the staff from the other stores and who doesn't seem to give two spits about any competition.
Getting those goods out onto the shelves and the floor? It's the responsibility of the Ha-Ha Bros, three best friends from childhood who all joined the staff around the same time. These guys really just focus on getting stuff out on the floor and Mamori has actually asked all three of them, several times over, to find a sales associate from one of the departments should a customer ever so much as speak to one of the bros, because all three of them deliver the worst customer service ever. Kuroki in particular has actually had a full on fist fight with a customer he thought was being rude to him.
Taki, the cashier? His younger sister also works at the store with him…and asks that she not be assigned the same area or shifts as him because boy, though they love each other, those two can bicker and they can't seem to concentrate on their jobs with the other around to distract them. Suzuna gets assigned as floor support and sale in the outdoor recreation section, especially with the bikes, roller skates, and such.
Satake, Yamaoka, and Omosadake all work as floor support and sale in the Home & Décor section. Satake specializes in outdoor toys and recreation…a little too much. He'll sometimes unbox stuff and set it up, playing it with coworkers and even sometimes with customers that seem cool, much to Mamori's displeasure and Hiruma's amusement (because Hiruma is definitely playing and rubbing Satake's face in it when Hiruma beats him, which he does, every time). Yamaoka seems to have to deal with outdoor home decor most often and he frequently complains about how tiresome, boring, and dumb that section is, especially when he has to build and accessorize floor displays of the products. Omosadake, meanwhile, loves the decor section. He'll go to the back to grab overstock, especially for bedding, and hours later someone will find him asleep with his head on a throw pillow or one of those bed in a bags. Nobody's quite sure why he hasn't been fired yet, but he hasn't.
Ishimaru exists. Literally, he is a staff member but almost everyone forgets him, including his own coworkers and his managers, so he just kind of chills over in the hunting section, where he helps a surprising amount of customers build their blinds and suggests camouflaging techniques.
I won't get as into the ins and outs of how each person functions in their workplace and all the little interconnected relationships for the other teams, but definitely want to kind of talk about how each of them fit into the mall, where they all work and such.
So, along with the fast-food places in the main food court, this mall has a couple sit-down restaurants as well. One's a sports bar that serves food, probably like a Don Cherry's or some shit like that. But the other one is one of those 'fun' themed restaurants, where the staff have to dress up like knights or in medieval style dress while serving the customers. If your guess as to who works there were the Ojo White Knights members, you're absolutely correct. Sakuraba is the most popular waiter they have because of his looks, because honestly, he's not the greatest at his job and gets flustered and stressed easily, though he does try hard. Takami really manages the floor, while also helping serve, man the hostess section and whatever else needs to be done. Shin, in contrast to Sakuraba, is the least popular waiter because he's really not great at being friendly, but is actually exceptional at his job - everyone gets their food in a speedy manner, everyone's orders are correct, everything is perfect as far as the order and speed of service goes…he just really sucks at dealing with people. Ootawara and Ikari are part of the kitchen staff, for those wondering.
Okay, I admit that this placement makes no fucking sense whatsoever and is done just because the very idea of it makes me so very, very amused. The Shinryuji Naga team from canon work at a Spencer's. Just full stop, they all do. It's hit or miss if Agon shows up for his shift and he really just uses his job as an excuse to hit on women, particularly hanging around the sex toy section of the store and pretending to need to stock stuff around there or provide customer service to someone in that area. Unsui is just horrified by almost everything the store sells, doesn't much care for the customers, and is miserable but he needs the money to save for a car and college so he does the job and does it so well that he gets promoted to supervisor. The Saiyuki brigade and Yamabushi really do most of the floor work and Ikkyu is the other cashier and sales person really, a kind of happy medium between Agon and Unsui in terms of work ethic and how good he actually is at the job.
The Seibu Wild Gunmen work in a western wear store inside the mall. Kid is technically the store's supervisor and don't get me wrong, he doesn't mind doing his job, but as soon as his job is done, he just kind of wants to take it easy for the rest of his shift. Given that between Tetsuma, Riku, and Ushijima, most of the work is really taken care of in a quick and efficient manner, it's not too much of a stretch for Kid to be able to sneak an afternoon nap here and there in back in the office. They're also not really an overly busy store, since it is really a very niche store and overall, Riku's really the only one who cares a lot about the competition so they're probably the most chill about the whole rivalry thing.
The Taiyo Sphinx all work at a tanning salon. Harao, the supervisor, works mostly shirtless and oiled up as a way to advertise how great the salon's products work and how good they can make you look, just a personal headcanon I had for this one.
The Nasa Aliens actually work in a major grocery store chain in the mall. Panther actually works both there part-time and in another chain in the mall part-time, on top of being a student because honestly, he's not from a real well-off family and needs to work hard to survive. It makes the whole competition between stores thing a little harder on him because he loves his coworkers and doesn't mind his job at either place so he can't really figure out which one to stay completely loyal to and he really does just try to do his best while working at either place. Apollo is the store manager, he's not super well-liked among the staff and he's the only one really super into the rivalries, like the one to be mean and nasty and cut-throat about it all. The Gonzales brothers are stock boys, Jeremy works back in the office handling inventory and receiving, while Homer is one of the cashiers.
Another choice done simply because it really amuses me but the Kyoshin Poseidon…they all work at a Wal-Mart. Every single one of them actually hate their day to day jobs, but they're all kind of competitive people and while they never make the rivalries into some mean or cut-throat like the grocery store's manager, they all start putting a lot more effort into their jobs when the competition between stores start in earnest.
Okay, it only makes sense that the Bando Spiders are working in a Sunrise Records, right? Kotaro and Akaba really spend a lot of their shifts together fighting amongst themselves (and Akaba can be more than a little judgey about what the customers are buying) and the supervisor, Juri, really ends up having to make those two shut up, do their work, and be nice to the customers while trying to do her own job. They're not really a huge contender for best store because they just cannot seem to get their own shit together, but it doesn't stop them all from believing they can win it.
The Hakushu Dinosaurs, for again, no reason than that it amuses me, all work in a movie theatre chain located in the mall. Marco and Maria met through work and started dating and she really wishes that he'd stop taking her to the movies for dates because they get enough of that at work. Kisaragi mans the ticket booths more times than not and really gets the major brunt of rude or upset customers, poor guy. Gaou does most of the cleaning, while Tengu is mainly on concession duty.
The Teikoku Alexanders? The all work at a major chain book store, something like a Chapters or along those lines. Yamato is the front store supervisor and he's excellent at both finding good recommendations for people and providing exceptional customer service. There's really not a part of that store that he doesn't know like the back of his hand. Honjo is good at his job, but honestly, he kind of gets distracted and sucked into reading whatever book catches his interest that day and can ignore customers until he finishes whatever page he's on. Karin's specialty is in the graphic novels and manga sections and she's always called whenever people have questions regarding those. Overall, the book store is always one of the most popular places in the mall, helped along by the fact that the Starbucks is located inside the bookstore and they always have fantastic monthly numbers and seem to be the front-runners for winning the competition.
The Pentagram, including Panther in his other part time job, work as tellers in a local banking chain located within the mall. All the staff, with the exception of Panther, really kind of consider themselves above the rest of the mall staff, as they're bank employees and not just lousy retail slaves or janitors or mall security. While the chain in the mall is very popular and has amazing numbers, they're too cocky about winning and it's really just all agreed upon by everyone else in the mall that it would suck to lose, yeah, but it would suck even more to lose to the douches at the bank so they have to at least beat them.
To finish it off with some just random headcanons - Hatsujou works at a Charms Diamond Centre, Rui and Megu work at a Harley Davidson outlet in the mall, Munakata and Aoyanagi work at a natural wellness store, Sasuke Kanagushi works at a Hot Topic, Onihei is supervisor at Bath and Body Works, Kamiya works at the Dairy Queen while Chuubou works at the Starbucks. Riku and Riko Kumabukuro and Machine Gun Sanada work at the Apple Store, Miracle Ito runs a small photography studio located in the mall, Torikichi works part time at Lush, while Rodchenko works security and Henrich Schultz works as a janitor in the mall.
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yelpfic · 2 years
Apocalypse When
Fandom: Eyeshield 21
Pairing: Mamori & Hiruma & Yukimitsu
Rating: T
Status: Complete (3k words)
Summary: Hiruma has a secret.
Despite his demonic looks, devilish persona, and captaining a team called the Deimon Devilbats, he’s actually—
Well no, actually, he’s the literal Antichrist, destined to bring about the end of the world as we know it.
(Mamori and Yukimitsu find out, and only panic a reasonable amount.)
Apocalypse When
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astraeasilvers · 4 months
Deimon Devilbat Headcanons
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Hiruma Yōichi:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay or Omnisexual
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender, but he couldn't care less about gender norms
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Sena will always be my main, but I can also see Hiruma/Musashi
A random headcanon: The black around his eyes? Eyeliner. Soon to become a tattoo.
General Opinion over said character: I love this psychotic boy
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Sena Kobayakawa:
Sexuality Headcanon: GAY BOI
Gender Headcanon: Libramasculine (It means to be primarily Agender with some hints of masculine)
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Sena FOREVER but Shin/Sena, Riku/Sena, Juumonji/Sena and a few other more minor ships (Kakei/Sena and Yamato/Sena) are some casual likes of mine.
A random headcanon: He would 110% be the first out of all them to get a tattoo
General Opinion over said character: Precious cinnamon roll (who is not a cinnamon roll)
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Gen “Musashi” Takekura:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: FtM Trans Icon and you can’t tell me otherwise
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Musashi
A random headcanon: He is 100% taller than Hiruma. He gives me tall vibes. Also, he can read Hiruma pretty well.
General Opinion over said character: Good Boi
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Kurita Ryokan:
Sexuality Headcanon: He gives me many vibes, but primarily Gay/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Masc Nonbinary
A ship I have with said character: I honestly can’t think of a ship for this cinnamon roll. Maybe Kurita/Gaou, but idk
A random headcanon: He’s not as naive or innocent as he looks and when his friends start in on more interesting conversations, he is very much interested in listening LOL
General Opinion over said character: Cinnamon roll
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Raimon “Monta” Tarou:
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight. That’s all I have to say about him on this front
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender, but possibly Demiboy
General Opinion over said character: Funny Monkey
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Mamori Anezaki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, possibly Lesbian
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender
A random headcanon: Her type is Milfs and Buff women
General Opinion over said character: Sometimes brothers me, but she’s silly and fun
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Suzuna Taki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Demigirl
A random headcanon: She has a sixth sense, and knows when her friends start dating/get crushes
General Opinion over said character: Cute, silly, and fun
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Kazuki Juumonji:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay, possibly Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: Juumonji/Sena
A random headcanon: He would hurt anyone who harasses his friends. Said friends are well aware of him being gay, but since he doesn't want the whole world knowing, they make an effort to make sure people don’t find out (but do a bad job of it)
General Opinion over said character: He protecc
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Koji Kuroki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: He’s cis, but people keep expecting him to come out as something -anything really- at some point
A random headcanon: He’s well aware Juumonij is gay and doesn't want people to know, so he tries to throw people off that thought whenever it’s brought up.
General Opinion over said character: Game Addict (mood)
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Shozo Togano:
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight
Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary
A random headcanon: He’s the one that gets the most angry over any bigotry directed at his friends. Kuroki and Juumonji have had to forcefully take the bat from his hands a few times. He's especially bad at hiding Juumonji's sexuality, but that's just because he's a doofus
General Opinion over said character: Manga Nerd (mood)
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Daikichi Komusubi:
A random headcanon: He can speak normally, he just likes to watch people’s confusion when he doesn’t
General Opinion over said character: Mini cinnamon roll
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Manabu Yukimitsu:
Sexuality Headcanon: Aro/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Questioning
A random headcanon: After graduation, he made it a hobby of his to help his friends analyze their matches
General Opinion over said character: Dude, can I have some of that determination? I’ve lost mine.
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Natsuhiko Taki:
Sexuality Headcanon: You’ve undoubtedly heard of “Flamboyant Gay” but he somehow accomplishes being “Flamboyant Straight”
Gender Headcanon: Cis, but people wouldn’t be surprised if he came out at some point.
A random headcanon: He’s not good at flirting, simply because he has no idea how to be subtle, nor does he even really know what flirting consists of.
General Opinion over said character: Silly boi lacks braincells
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Tetsuo Ishimaru:
A random headcanon: His soul has withered up long ago. Look in his eyes. You can’t deny that.
General Opinion over said character: Poor bastard just got dragged into this mess and went along with it… Admirable
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Doburoku Sakaki:
A random headcanon: He’s incredibly confused how so many people on the team are queer, but just rolls with it
General Opinion over said character: Drunk but has some wisdom somewhere in that alcohol-clouded brain of his
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ducksandknights · 9 months
Eyeshield 21: Winter 2023 Gift Exchange
This is my piece for @eyeshields! I was working with the prompts winter vacation + getting cozy, and to me there’s nothing more warm and close during winter break than baking together.
I really hope that you like it! 🎄🏈
The door to the kitchen bursts open with a force that rattles the walls, and Kurita drops the scoop of flour he’s been measuring. A cloud of white rises into the air before settling on his face and shirt like a layer of dust.
“Hiruma!” Kurita swipes at his eyes with the back of his hand, which only pushes the flour further into his eyelashes, eyebrows, and even his hairline. “Are you here to help with the cookies?”
Hiruma stares at him, then glances at the mass of dough on the countertop that’s nearly twice the size of Kurita’s head. With a snort, he jabs the barrel of his machine gun into it. “They not feeding you enough over vacation, fucking fatty?”
Actually, Kurita could go for a light snack about now. It had been almost two hours since breakfast.
He shrugs and begins counting on his fingers. “I just want to say thank you to Sena-kun, and Monta-kun, and Yukimitsu-kun, and Mamori-chan, and everyone who joined the Devil Bats.”
Kurita pauses, weighing everything he’s feeling and everything he wishes he could tell Hiruma. That he’s so grateful. That he’s so happy. That he wants to win, and more than anything, he wants to win with this team and these friends.
But Hiruma likely won’t put up with all that mushy feelings talk, and so finally Kurita just says, “I want to say thank you to them for making our dream… possible.”
Hiruma narrows his eyes and plants a strong, solidly aimed kick into Kurita’s backside. “We haven’t achieved anything yet, idiot. And you can say thank you by winning our next game.”
But unasked, he slings his machine gun off his shoulder and begins rolling up his sleeves.
Kurita’s smile is so wide his cheeks hurt. Turning to the recipe, he double-checks it to make sure the oven is preheating at the right temperature, and then pulls out a second cookie sheet for Hiruma to use.
“So what are we making?” Hiruma rips off a hunk of dough and starts to shape it between his long fingers. “Fat fucking beardies in suits? Little toy-making slaves? AK-47s that say ‘Win, Devil Bats!’ on them?”
Kurita is not about to give out cookies with icing threats as a way to say thank-you to his friends, but it is a very Hiruma-like idea.
“We have to roll the dough out first,” Kurita reads. “After that we can cut it into shapes. I thought we could make everyone’s faces as a way to cheer them on?”
As Kurita reaches for a rolling pin, Hiruma pulls out another gun—from where, Kurita can’t begin to imagine—and rests the cylindrical barrel on top of the dough. They both roll out their respective halves back and forth, back and forth until two thin and more or less even sheets of dough have taken up the entire counter.
Kurita begins humming a cheery and festive tune that he can’t quite remember the name of, and the two get to work cutting and lining up dozens of raw cookies onto the baking sheets. While Kurita finds it easier for his large hands to work with cookie cutters, Hiruma has enough skill and dexterity to carve shapes out of the dough with a knife. Every so often a nasty-sounding kekeke cuts through Kurita’s song, and he smiles thinking his very best friend is having just as much fun as he is.
Though his progress is slower than Hiruma’s—about one in four raw cookies end up in Kurita’s mouth before they can make it onto the tray—eventually everything is ready to bake.
Kurita sits on the floor in front of the oven, silently cheering the cookies on as they cook. Maybe it’s because they’re shaped like his friends, but in a silly way he feels like if they turn out well then so will the team. So as he waits, he wills them not to burn, and Hiruma comes over to rest his gun-slash-rolling-pin atop his friend’s head and begin cleaning it.
“There’s a tradition in some countries,” Hiruma begins casually, which is enough of a red flag for Kurita to know that what’s coming out of his mouth isn’t about to be casual at all. “It’s called a king cake. They hide a coin or a plastic baby inside for good luck.”
He cackles and leans against Kurita’s back, popping a stick of gum into his mouth. “Fucking stupid tradition, if you ask me. Devil Bats don’t rely on luck. So I put something else in a few of the cookies instead.”
Kurita glances at the butt of the gun jutting out beside his head, then looks up. “Hiruma!”
“It’s a reminder from their captain—they better be ready to work their asses off!”
The laugh from his body is raucous, and Kurita can feel the vibrations of it. It’s enough to end his protests before they really start.
A bullet isn’t enough to crack anyone’s teeth, is it? It will probably be fine—after all, Hiruma wouldn’t do anything to seriously get in the way of their teammates’ playing.
Kurita makes one more wish for his friends’ safety and good health.
Once the cookies have come out of the oven and cooled, the icing can begin. Kurita looks at their blank forms, trying to imagine iced hair and eyes, but something is missing.
“We should draw Santa hats on everyone, too!” he exclaims suddenly. Why didn’t it occur to him before? “I want everyone to think of the Christmas Bowl when they see their cookies.”
Hiruma snaps a piece off one and pops it into his mouth. “Tastes disgustingly sweet,” he says, wrinkling his nose up in distaste. “Last thing they need is extra icing.”
Hiruma watches over Kurita’s shoulder as the lineman clumsily begins outlining faces and hats. His hand isn’t steady, and the icing tube is hard to control—it comes out in a thin line at first, and then all at once, and Kurita has to scrape some of it off into the sink. By the time he’s done with Eyeshield’s mask, it’s nothing but a green smear with a few wobbly white lines running across the bottom.
Mamori’s turns out particularly rough, one eye practically off the cookie entirely and a crooked, toothy smile that could rival Hiruma’s. Her hat looks more like a horn has sprouted from her head rather than any sort of Christmas accessory.
Hiruma snatches the cookie off the counter and howls with laughter, twisting and turning it under the light.
“This,” he says between breaths, “this is some real blackmail material. She pulls that fucking ogre face exactly when someone steals the last cream puff!”
Kurita scrambles to take the cookie back, knowing Hiruma is near impossible to steal from both on the field and off it—and knowing that somehow, magically, it’s already been immortalized in Hiruma’s book.
“Please put Mamori-chan down,” Kurita begs, making a dive as Hiruma dances nimbly out of the way. He looks up from the floor. “She’s supposed to feel like giving her all when she receives it!”
Hiruma squats down in front of him and dangles the cookie over his head. “You offering a deal?”
Kurita nods so vigorously that his head brushes against the floor. “Anything!”
Dropping Mamori’s face into Kurita’s outstretched hands, Hiruma stands and brushes his hands off on his pants. “Then you’re icing my cookie next, and when I see it, it has better make me feel like we made it to the Christmas Bowl.”
Kurita blinks, caught off-guard. For as long as he can remember, Hiruma had set his jaw over winter vacation and simply run their practices harder and longer. It made Kurita sad to see his friend like that, determined but a little bit ragged, pushing himself harder and harder while watching his goal stay just out of reach.
But this year—this year was different. Wasn’t this the first time Hiruma had participated in something really feeling like winter spirit?
And Kurita has been waiting for this joy, this spark, for a long time.
Trying not to feel too embarrassed, he shuffles around to the other side of the counter. “Actually… I made yours already. Though I know you don’t like sweets.”
Now it’s Hiruma’s turn to be surprised. Kurita is pulling out a celophane gift bag with a snowflake ribbon tied around it, inside which is a stack of messy cookies that have something resembling his own face iced on.
They’re all smiling, eyes drawn arching upward as little crescent moons, and it’s quite possibly the least malicious Hiruma has ever looked in his life.
He laughs again, realizing how easy it’s been to do tonight, and takes the bag from Kurita’s hand.
“I’ll eat them,” Hiruma declares, stomach turning a little at the thought. “No matter how fucking disgusting they are, I’ll eat them all. No fucking cookie is going to get in the way of giving my all for the Christmas Bowl.”
Kurita beams at him. True, he’s not 100% sure what that means, but it’s definitely good.
It’s definitely how Hiruma should feel over winter vacation.
“Actually…” Kurita starts, and when Hiruma looks up the fucking fatty’s arms are full to the brim with bags and bags of holiday cookies. “I made a few test batches of you, too…?”
Hiruma reaches for his machine gun.
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deesfanfictionkin · 1 year
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NAME: Sena Kobayakawa
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Sena was born with the ability of super speed. Through extensive training, he's built up his stamina and reflexes to allow his body to better keep up with this speed of his, but it does still leave him drained and he can't go overly long distances.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Hiruma Yoichi
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Hiruma was born with the ability to hear people's thoughts. Through careful training and control, he's been able to train himself to hone in on one person or one thought as needed, but it's generally just a constant chatter from those around him in his head.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kurita Ryokan
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kurita was born with the ability to store food as power in his body, gaining more potential strength the fatter he grows. When he uses up all that stored power, it's a guaranteed win for him, though his body mass instantly shrinks and he's very weak and powerless afterward.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Gen 'Musashi' Takekura
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Musashi has the ability to manipulate wood and anything made out of wood. He most often uses this as a means of shelter, since any shelter he builds magically becomes impenetrable.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Suzuna Taki
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Suzuna has the ability to charm people, to make them want to give her her own way and to make that person desperately want to make her happy.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Mamori Anezaki
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Mamori was born with the unique ability to grant wishes. She can choose the wishes to grant, but she can only grant one wish per day without burning through her own life energy at quite a high rate.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Raimon 'Monta' Taro
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Monta was born a half-human, half-monkey. He has a prehensile tail but largely looks humanoid other than that, though he has the abilities and enhanced sense of a monkey.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Tetsuo Ishimaru
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Ishimaru was born with the ability to become invisible at will. However, he has a hard time controlling his ability and often ends up being mostly invisible all of the time.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Kazuki Jumonji
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Jumonji was born with an ability several say is low-down or nasty, as he can effectively steal something from someone he comes into even the briefest of contact with without them ever realizing it until much later. He has to know what it is that he's after, has to visualize it, and has to establish even the lightest of physical contact and - poof - the item just seems to appear in his hand or up his sleeve or in his pockets.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kuroki Koji
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kuroki has the ability to trap people inside a pocket dimension that only he can create, where they need to beat him at his game of choice before they can escape.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Shozo Togano
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Togano has the ability to copy other abilities. However, to do so, he must have seen the power at least once and he can only copy one ability at any given time.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Daikichi Komusubi
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Komusubi was born with the ability of unstoppable momentum. Once he starts moving, if he so wishes it, he cannot be stopped or brought down until he purposefully stops himself.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Yukimitsu Manabu
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Yukimitsu was born with the ability to hide his own presence, and those he wishes to hide of the presence of, if they're in his immediate vicinity, from any means of physical or magical tracking or spying.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Natsuhiko Taki
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Natsuhiko was born with an ability to make others dance. Once he starts dancing, others find themselves unable to resist dancing along with him, losing themselves in music they hear in their own head, in the joy of dancing...but should they lose sight of Natsuhiko, the joy turns to fear as the only way for a person to stop dancing is for them to see Natsuhiko stop.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Shin Seijuro
FACTION: The Knights of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Shin was born with the ability to make other people or objects around him move in slow-motion. However, he must be able to see that person or object to be able to activate his ability.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Sakuraba Haruto
FACTION: The Knights of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Sakuraba is, for all extents and purposes, an incubi who both inspires lust in others and who can drain others powers through intimate contact. How intimate the contact is depends on how much is drained from the other person. The power he drains out of the other person becomes his own power as a result.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Ichiro Takami
FACTION: The Knights of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Takami has the ability to make flawless, perfect strategies and plans. They just fall instinctively into his mind and they always work out the way they are supposed to.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Agon Kongo
FACTION: The Serpent Brigade of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Agon, along with his twin Unsui, can combine themselves to create an almost God-like, powerful being. By himself, Agon has enhanced physical abilities, such as enhanced strength, speed, stamina, agility, and reflexes.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Unsui Kongo
FACTION: The Serpent Brigade of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Unsui, along with his twin Agon, can combine themselves to create an almost God-like, powerful being. By himself, Unsui has enhanced mental and emotional abilities, with enhanced intelligence, the ability to pick up on patterns and human behaviours, and so on.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Ikkyu Hosokawa
FACTION: The Serpent Brigade of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Ikkyu has eyes in the back of his head...not literally, but he might as well have. He has eyesight several times greater than that of most people, as well as the ability to see through solid surfaces, including the back of his own head.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: Shien 'Kid' Mushanokoji
FACTION: The Cowboys of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kid was born with the ability to produce two guns, at will, that shoot magical bullets. When he hits someone with one of those bullets - and believe me, with his insane marksmanship, he will hit them - that person falls into a deep, dreamless sleep for quite a long while.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: Riku Kaitani
FACTION: The Cowboys of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Riku was born with the ability to move and run along any surface as if it was solid ground. Water, air, glass, metal, quicksand - it doesn't matter, it's all just the same as running across dirt or roads to him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Tetsuma Jo
FACTION: The Cowboys of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Tetsuma was born with the ability to turn his skin into metal at will, making him quite difficult to harm.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Shun Kakei
FACTION: The Fish Faction of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kakei was born with the ability to duplicate his own body parts. He needs an extra hand? He just grows and then retracts an entirely new arm. He needs better vision? He just grows another set of eyes somewhere on his body.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Kengo Mizumachi
FACTION: The Fish Faction of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Mizumachi has the ability to turn into a merman if he fully submerges himself in water, though he regains human form on land.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Kotaro Sasaki
FACTION: The Spider Team of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kotaro was born with the ability to channel his will and energy into any item that he kicks, enhancing its speed and power by tremendous amounts.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Akaba Hayato
FACTION: The Spider Team of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Akaba was born with the ability to produce a magical guitar from a pocket dimension only he can access. Depending on the song played, he can control people through his music into feeling and behaving certain ways.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Reiji 'Marco' Maruko
FACTION: The Dinosaur Clan of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Marco was born with the ability to steal and then erase from a person's mind any memories he wants that they have.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Rikiya Gaou
FACTION: The Dinosaur Clan of The Anatawi
ABILITY: This behemoth of a man was born with the ability of super-strength and currently has a grip strength of one ton.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: Hiromi Kisaragi
FACTION: The Dinosaur Clan of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kisaragi was born with the ability to make his body elastic, allowing him to stretch various body parts or manipulate his body in various ways.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Takeru Yamato
FACTION: The Alexander Group of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Yamato was born with the ability to create multiple clones of himself. All of his clones are intelligent, perfect copies of himself that he can reabsorb back into himself to gain their experiences. However, he cannot have the clones out for more than a sunset before it starts exerting a large drain on his own life-force.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: Taka Honjo
FACTION: The Alexander Group of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Taka has the ability of flight. He can fly with no problems. However, because he doesn't have the ability to breathe at high altitudes, there is a limit as to how high into the air he can actually fly.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: Karin Koizumi
FACTION: The Alexander Group of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Karin has the ability to create magical tattoos on both herself and other people, using ink created from her own blood. The different designs and the amount of ink used determines the magical ability granted and the amount of uses given.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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katabay · 2 years
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hiruma and yukimitsu, tossing the ball around 🏈🏈
yukimitsu’s character arc genuinely gets to my emotions, but the hiruma-yukimitsu dynamic is something that can also be so personal tbqh
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featuring some QB scribbles on the side while I try to remember how football works again
society6 | twitter | deviantart
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cringeyvanillamilk · 3 years
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Finally finished the drawing! I was in the mood to finish this piece so I’m happy with how it turned out! 
I provided both versions: Final and Sketch.
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gyroshrike · 3 years
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Hiruma needs to be sure that Yukimitsu is ready to dance with the devil himself.
My part for the Eyeshield 2021 gift exchange for @blaka-smoko​! I’m so glad I got you as my giftee! Happy Holidays!
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persona-dee · 5 years
Third Person Point of View, A HiruMamo Fanfic
Hiruma Youichi was the incarnation of the devil, while Anezaki Mamori was the embodiment of the angel. Due to their differences, people believed the two of them wouldn't even want to get ten meters near each other.
The Deimon Devil Bats team believed it too once upon a time. However, seeing the two's interactions over time made them not so sure anymore. They started pondering: were they actually dating?
Part 1: Yukimitsu Manabu’s point of view
Note: This fic takes place around early fall, after they came home from the Death March, but before the fall tournament began.
There were many ways to describe Hiruma Youichi, but a listener wasn't one of them. He was a terrifying high school boy who had an extensive information network and a tad too much love for firearms and blackmailing. Precisely because of that, people tended to think that the intimidating boy never listened.
Imagine Yukimitsu's surprise when he witnessed that the said boy was actually willing to listen to a request. And he complied with it without much resistance, to boot.
It happened when most of Deimon Devil Bats' team members had gone home on one evening in early fall. He was carrying practice equipment back to the club room when he noticed that there were occupants inside.
"I know that you know that Honjou is Monta-kun's idol. Think about how he will feel if he sees these articles."
Yukimitsu stopped himself from grabbing the club room's door. It was Mamori's voice. What was she talking about? What articles?
Whoever it was Mamori was talking to stayed quiet. Who was it? Maybe it would be better if he stayed there and not come barging in when they were in the middle of a conversation. It would be rude and awkward to interrupt them, anyway.
So, she was talking to Hiruma? She is brave, Yukimitsu thought. Well, he had known that she was. She had to since becoming their club's manager meant she had to see and talk to Hiruma on a daily basis. Not everyone could do it. But he didn't know she was brave enough to try persuading their captain about something like protecting a team member’s feelings. As far as he knew, the captain didn’t really give a damn about things like people’s feelings. People called him the incarnation of the devil for a reason, after all.
Yukimitsu had to admit he was rather curious about Hiruma's reaction. Came to think of it, the captain actually listened to people sometimes, but to follow what people told him is another story altogether. Up until this point, he had never seen Hiruma following anyone's request, especially if the said request didn't make their chance of winning increase in particular.
"I'm just asking you to remove every article about Honjou Taka from Monthly American Football magazine. I know you read it and bring it to the club room every month. It's not that hard, is it? There aren't many articles about him, anyway."
Yukimitsu could hear the pop of bubble gum. Hiruma must be contemplating the pros and cons of her suggestion in his mind. Still, there was no response from him. It seemed her persuasion didn't work. Even their manager couldn't convince him to do something, huh?
He didn't like prying into people's lives, but ever since the team went to America for their training camp, he couldn't help but notice that the two of them were a lot closer than people thought they were. He even started assuming that they were more than just a captain and manager since they understood each other so well. She could handle Hiruma nicely, too. If there was someone who could soften their captain, he assumed it would be her. However, now he thought maybe he was wrong, after all.
"I think seeing these articles would only bring his morale down. You don't want that, do you? Since victory is your number one priority."
"I get your point, fucking manager, so shut up already."
From behind the door, Yukimitsu could hear Hiruma's response. Even though he sounded irritated, there was no actual bite in his words. The next moment, he could practically hear Mamori's smile as she asked, "So you're going to do it?"
"Yeah," he sounded nonchalant, but Yukimitsu knew the captain meant it.
"Thank you, Hiruma-kun."
This time, Hiruma didn't reply.
That was... relatively easy. He had thought it would be a lot harder to convince Hiruma Youichi to do something. Was it because Mamori was the one who did it?
He could hear some shuffling from inside and he decided it would probably be okay if he came in now since their conversation had ended.
Mamori greeted him with a smile and a "good work for today!" when he entered the club room. She offered him a water bottle which he accepted with a mumble of thanks. After that, she grabbed a broom and started cleaning up the club room. On the other side of the room, Hiruma was sitting with his legs propped up on the table, a laptop on his lap. They didn't look like they just had a conversation.
Yukimitsu was heading off to his locker when Hiruma said, "Fucking baldy, don't tell anyone about what you heard just now."
He turned his head, but Hiruma had already focused back on his laptop. He didn't know which one Hiruma wanted him to keep secret. Was it the fact that he would cut articles off of a monthly sports magazine for one of his team members or the fact that he complied so easily with Mamori's request?
Both were really sweet of him, though. He never knew their demonic captain had this side as well. He wondered if Mamori knew about it since they seemed to know each other so well. If she did... well, he wondered if they were indeed dating.
I got the idea from chapter 277. In that chapter, Mamori told Kurita about the cut off articles. She said that she asked Hiruma to do it so Monta wouldn’t see it. I think it’s one of their sweet “moments” even tho it’s so implicit you have to squint to see it :’)
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eyeshields · 2 years
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Post-sports festival outfit swap -- a Winter Gift Exchange gift for @blaka-smoko! Happy Holidays!
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missgoldnweek · 5 years
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ciaossu-imagines · 4 months
Bonus - anytime I talk about KHR and Dungeons & Dragon's...the group changes based on how available everyone is but the group consists of Irie, Spanner, Gokudera, Byakuran, Fran, Mukuro, Longchamp, Levi, Reborn, Julie and Haru. The group only works because it's agreed that no real life interpersonal stuff gets brought into the room when they meet - it's solely Dungeons & Dragons time and they should just treat the others as fellow players and a DM and act as if they've never met them outside of that.
Extra Bonus - if I was going to do crossover, Bandou, Eric & Enomoto from K Project, Hugh, Mikuni, Jun, Yukimitsu, Tsurugi, Kuro, and Misono from Servamp, Dazai, Ranpo, Tachibara, Akutagawa, and Tanizaki from BSD, Reki and Cherry from Sk8, and Hiruma, Riku, Monta, Suzuna, and Ikkyu from Eyeshield 21 would all be added to the group of D&D players.
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yelpfic · 4 years
Like Submarines
Happy holidays to @time-to-change-away, from your ES21 Secret Santa! With many thanks to @darknebulablader for organizing this wonderful event!
Title: Like Submarines
Rating: T
Pairing: Hiruma/Yukimitsu
Summary: When Yukimitsu is grounded and can no longer sneak off to practice, he thinks his football dreams are over. Hiruma thinks otherwise. 
Read at AO3
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