#his ass said he got out for overcrowding but really it was for good behavior cuz he couldnt wait to see his baby D:
thirstyvampyr · 5 months
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Mikhailo Aleksandr Milkovich, the light of my life
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Could you write a fic where Peter's really stressed out and Tony tickles him to make him relax? :3
Um…YES PLEASE!! Thanks so much for the prompt!
Breaking Point
Peter’s got too much on his plate but won’t accept any help. This does not sit well with Tony Stark.
word count: 1,800 (they keep getting shorter whoops)
One way or another, the kid always had something to stress about.
School, friends, finances, crime-fighting—there was never a moment in Peter Parker’s life when he felt like he could just breathe. There were too many things to do in such a short amount of time that required all of his attention to get right. It would be overwhelming for anyone, but for a teenager? It was the end of the world.
Nonetheless, the kid handled it all so well. Too well, in fact. He maintained such a plucky and positive attitude on such a consistent basis, people often forgot what he was dealing with. How could someone so happy be drowning beneath the weight of the world? He had a knack for hiding his struggles and tucking the stress somewhere deep inside himself where no one else could see. He’d gotten so good at it, even those closest to him would sometimes go blind to his troubles. Even Tony Stark.
So Stark had learned to be more vigilant. Peter did, in fact, have a breaking point. And when he finally hit it, when the tiniest signs of anxiety finally slipped through his defenses, Tony knew that meant the kid needed his help. Badly.
Today was one of those occasions. It started with Peter declining his offer to help him on a project in the lab. Peter always wanted to help him in his lab. Then, when Tony tried to hand him a bag of gummy worms, he claimed he wasn’t hungry. Peter was always hungry. Something was up. He never once tried to start or hold a conversation, which were some of his greatest skills. The kid just sat at the desk by the window, facing the wall, jotting down page after page of notes with maddening speed. After an hour of silent scribbling, Stark caved and strolled over to him.
“What’cha up to, kid?” he inquired, sipping his coffee.
Peter glanced up in surprise, as if he’d just snapped him out of a trance. Then his gaze returned to the desk, hardening a little.
“Just outlining my speech for tomorrow. And studying for a midterm. And, uh, writing an essay for Spanish.”
Tony whistled. “Sounds like a lot.”
He shrugged. “It’s fine. Just gotta crank through it. High school, y’know?” He plastered on a smile, but Stark saw right through it. The kid’s hand was trembling from writing so feverishly. He examined the pile of textbooks and crushed-up paper wads overcrowding the tabletop.
“Is this all due tomorrow?” Stark asked. Peter visibly winced.
“Um, yeah. I meant to work on it over the entire week, but I just didn’t have time.” He swallowed, scratching the back of his neck. His shoulders hunched around his notebook. “But it’s really no big deal. It’s my own fault, anyway. I’ll get it done.”
Tony felt a sad tug in his chest. He exhaled softly and placed his hand on Peter’s back. “You know you can ask me if you need help, kid. School stuff, hero stuff, anything. I’m always here for you.”
Peter stared up at him and hinted a smile. “Thank you, Mr. Stark. Really. But I’m good.”
With that, he went back to work. The kid was awfully good at deflection. Tony sighed, feeling useless, and stepped away. He wondered if doing what he said and leaving Peter be was really the best way he could help.
Then he watched him—from the lab, on the screen showing the feed from one of the ceiling cameras—and knew that wasn’t true. Once Stark left the room, his front dissolved, and the kid was in shambles. He kept dropping his face into his hands and pulling at his hair. He wrote down two words then immediately balled up the page three times in a row. Tony could practically see the stress waves radiating off him. He was not good. He needed help.
So, puffing out his chest, he ascended the stairs and stomped back up to him, grabbing on to his shoulder.
“Kid, come on. This is stupid. You’re a wreck.”
Peter flinched in surprise, blinking at the frowning Avenger, then dropped his head back on the table, huffing impatiently. “Mr. Stark, please,” he murmured, “I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine. Let me help.”
“I don’t need help,” he grumbled. “I need to be left alone so I can focus.”
“You don’t have to do this all on your own,” Tony insisted. “Why do you think the Avengers work as a team?”
“The Avengers don’t have to do homework,” he mumbled, pillowing his head in his arms. He leaned over the desk and hid his face. “Just please go away.”
With just one hand on his shoulder, Stark could feel how stiff he was. He was like a tiny, teenager-shaped volcano on the verge of eruption. The kid needed to relax, and he needed to realize that accepting help when one needed it wasn’t shameful. He pulled his hand back, then observed the way Peter was sitting and ignoring him. He was being both stubborn and unguarded, an unwise combination, which gave Tony an idea.
He didn’t know if it would work, but now he was too curious not to try. Wordlessly, Stark lunged at him from behind, wiggling five fingers into both sides of Peter’s belly.
The response was immediate and hysterical. The kid shot upright with a squeal, slamming both his hands against the table in attempt to guard himself. His voice jumped several octaves higher than usual.
“Ahaha! Mr. Stahark! Whahat are you dohohing?” He grappled at his fingers, giggling like crazy. Tony grinned.
“All you had to do was accept my help. But no, Spidey had to be Mr. Tough Guy, didn’t he?” He kneaded one hand into his ribs and the other into his armpit, making Peter shriek.
“Ehehehaha! S-stohohahap it!” He tried to squirm out of his grip, but the armrests were blocking him, and Stark’s tickly fingers jumped to every new spot his movements exposed. It was like he knew exactly where he was wriggling to next, and what areas that left open for him to tickle. For someone who was rarely physically affectionate with anyone besides Pepper, Tony’s sudden display of teasingly playful behavior was unexpected. Not to mention evil; Peter could barely breathe, he was laughing so hard. He twitched and screeched, torn between guarding himself and grabbing for Stark’s hands. Trying to do both at the same time was very ineffective.
“Here I am, trying so hard to be a good mentor.” Tony squeezed his sides and scribbled all over his belly, eliciting squeaky giggles from the kid’s lips. “But how am I supposed to do that when all you want to do is be a sad, angry grouch sitting alone in the corner? Uh-uh. Not on my watch, bud. This is what you get.”
“Mihihister Stahahahark!” Peter laughed, throwing his head back. “Plehehehease!” He tried going limp, arching his spine, hoping to melt to the floor and escape his hold. Unfortunately, Tony caught on to his scheme, and he wrapped his arms around his midsection, pinning him against the back of the chair. The motion hiked Peter’s shirt up his torso, which he wasn’t fast enough to fix. So, while Stark’s arms trapped him in place, his fingers curled around his sides and drilled mercilessly into his bare stomach. The unbearable tickling sensation sent shocks through his body. Peter fell to pieces.
“AHAHAHAHA! W-WAHAHAHAHAIT! NOHOHOHAHAHA!” Tears pricked in his eyes as he kicked and squirmed and laughed helplessly. The kid was a lot more sensitive than Tony had anticipated. He wondered if May ever used it against him when he acted this way around her. His giggling was so cute and childlike—and a welcome break from the past hour of muffled grumbling and tense silence. He knew Peter was strong enough to break out of his grip. Either he was too scared of accidentally hurting him, or he was too busy laughing his ass off to remember. Whatever the case, it was amusing to watch the superhero crumble beneath his wiggly-tickly tummy attack.
“Are you going to let me help you now?” Stark asked, skittering his nails across the kid’s ticklish skin. Peter bucked and kicked, squealing with laughter. He was too far from the desk to use it for any sort of leverage.
“Y-YEHEHEHES! YEHEHEHEHES! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” He was going to explode if he didn’t stop.
“Good,” Stark said. “So what do you need help with?” He continued to tickle him, clawing at his belly in circular motions, waiting for an answer.
“W-whahat? I c-cahahan’t—AHAHAHAHA! OHOKAHAY!” His face burned with laughter and embarrassment. “MY SPEEHEEHEECH! I NEEHEED HEHEHELP WIHIHITH MY SPEEHEEHEEHEECH!”
Tony brightened. “Ah, your speech? Great!” With one last pinch to his ribs, he finally let the poor kid go. Peter slumped in his seat, hugging himself around the middle, gasping for breath and giggling weakly.
Stark pulled up a chair beside him, chuckling at the redness in his cheeks and the continuos stream of wheezy laughter bubbling from his lips. “So, what’s your speech about?” he asked, clicking a pen with his thumb.
Peter laughed softly, his head resting against the back of the chair and his eyes closed. “Eheh…oho my gohosh,” he groaned. “W-why dihid you…dohoho thahat…”
“Because you were being a little punk,” he said, tweaking his side. Peter flinched with a yelp. “You weren’t going to let me help you, and you weren’t going to stop marinating in your own stress. I had to improvise.” He grabbed the notebook from the table as Peter giggled helplessly. “Now, speech topic. Either lay it on me, or I’ll have Rhodey pin you to the floor and Dum-E tickle you until you pee yourself.”
Peter winced uneasily. “Okay, heh, okay. Ihit’s…it’s abohoat…endorphins…”
Stark scooted himself and the kid up to the desk, slipping on his favorite pair of high-tech sunglasses. “Perfect! Where should we start?”
Together, they finished all of his work before nine. He even had time to deliver a few practice speeches so Stark could offer him some pointers. For someone so beyond him in knowledge, Tony did a good job of letting him think through the problems he encountered on his own, never once giving up and just flat-out telling him what he thought should be done. Whenever Peter got stuck, he made sure only to nudge him towards possible solutions. If it wasn’t so belittling toward his capabilities, Peter thought he’d make a great college professor.
When they were done, Peter left with a small smile on his face. He was a little rattled from the afternoon, but also grateful. He hoped Stark wouldn’t resort to those measures every time he got a bit anxious. At the same time, if faced with a similar situation of stress and uncertainty in the future, Peter had a feeling it was in his best interest to ask for help from those who cared about him.
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rainythefox · 6 years
Deviant Heart (D: BH fanfic)
Summary: Post-best ending, nearly 8 months after Markus' peaceful rally for freedom for androids, Detroit life has returned but with it comes many changes as androids learn to live a life of freedom and the world is turned upside down with growing laws to protect android rights. CyberLife succumbs to this fallout and is regained by Kamski, who has different plans for the company he created. But an unknown party linked to CyberLife has created a virus that is affecting deviants and spreading. They have unleashed a superior model of Connor (RK900) to reclaim Connor and Markus for unknown purposes. And now Connor must do what it takes to protect his newfound freedom, friends, and prove that he isn't obsolete. (Hank/Connor as father/son dynamic) (MarkusxNorth) (KaraxAlicexLuther-family)
Disclaimer: I do not own Detroit: Become Human, Quantic Dream, or its characters. I wish I could have my own Connor though ;-;
Chapter 1: Eight Months Later
"You're doing it again."
Markus hid a grin, keeping his face straight as he moved another piece on the chessboard. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Carl laughed, mildly shaking his head as he looked through his lineup. He picked a piece and shucked it forward, knocking out one of Markus' pieces. "My boy, how long have we've known each other? Give this old man a challenge sometimes."
"I won the last game. Maybe I'm just getting tired."
"Tired my ass," Carl said with another chuckle, watching as Markus took out a knight. "You don't know what tired is until you're my age."
"I'll keep that in mind."
"Phhh," the old painter huffed. "That's the difference between us, Markus. When you are my age, you will still be the same. Your body and mind won't break down as fast as a human's will. In a way, I envy you."
Markus made his move and then looked up to his father. Carl's tired eyes flicked across the chessboard, and then he reached forward to move his piece, dethroning Markus' queen and ending the game. He had regained his strength in the eight months since the revolution and was starting to look healthy once again, but he did seem more tired.
Markus always logged away Carl's condition with a new scan whenever he came to visit, helping him with anything he needed. Despite his complete autonomy and freedom as an individual, he never broke his dedication to Carl. It wasn't programming, it was love. It was Carl that awoke Markus, he knew. In the eleven years they had been together, Carl had always treated him as an equal, more than just a machine. In the end, it was Carl that made Markus believe that humans and androids could live together peacefully.
"Would you really want to live that long?" Markus asked, surprised at Carl's words.
Carl rolled back in his wheelchair, away from the chess game. His eyes went to the window, looking outside to the perfectly manicured lawn and courtyard of his home under the sun of a breezy summer day.
"Used to, I would say hell no," Carl said bluntly. "I've seen humanity at its best, and I've seen it at its worst. But it's only gone downhill within my lifetime, and it's hard to have faith in humanity anymore." He shook his head. "But now, I see there is hope. And it is because of you, Markus. Because of androids. How you chose to change this world in a way that humans have never been able to do. It makes me…curious…of what the future could be like. After all, you androids don't fight over petty issues involving skin color or which god to believe in. I believe wholeheartedly that you will be the ones to save this world."
Markus got out of his chair, walking around to the old painter. "Well, I guess we will see. What little we have right now is fragile and can crumble at any moment. We still have a long way to go."
"It won't get easier either," Carl stated, looking up at his android son. "But I know you will succeed, Markus."
"Hearing that come from you makes a world of difference," Markus replied, putting a hand to Carl's shoulder. Carl reached up and patted Markus' hand.
They heard the chime for the front doors opening, allowing an entry programmed into the security system. Markus thought that maybe it had been Phillip returning from outside, but then recalled that he was upstairs.
The AP700 had been his replacement since the events that took place eight months ago. And although he was a deviant as well thanks to Markus, he was still dedicated to his serving of Carl. Markus was able to come visit Carl plenty, but his role within his people didn't allow him to stay here at all times, when Carl needed care 24/7. And so, Markus was thankful for Phillip to provide that, and they talked through mind messaging a lot concerning Carl's care.
"Hey Dad! Hey Markus."
The doors to the den opened and Leo Manfred entered with a few brown paper sacks. Carl spun in his wheelchair to face his son. Carl smiled as he watched Leo move to the dining table to set the bags down. Markus grabbed the painter's wheelchair and pushed him over to Leo.
"I was starting to think you got lost," Carl said, his tone playful.
Leo grinned, pulling some items out of the paper sacks, mostly food items. Markus analyzed Leo, a quick scan he habitually ran with anyone he met up with for the day. He was still clean, had been clean off Red Ice for eight months now. He wore relaxed fit jeans, a blue shirt and boots.
In the eight months that had passed since Markus pushed Leo and sent him to the hospital, he had cleaned up and worked really hard at mending his relationship with his father. He came over every day to help take care of Carl. Markus was relieved. There was no more hostility between him and Leo, although Leo was still nervous with trying to bond with Markus at times. They were getting better though.
"Nah, just your typical overcrowded Detroit supermarket," Leo replied. "So, was thinking. Fish…I got salmon. Some steamed veggies on the side. Oh, and rice."
Carl shook his head. "You sure have been on a healthy food kick lately."
"We have to clean up your diet, Dad. Come on. It will be good, I promise."
"He is right. You have been eating too many carbs lately," Markus said.
Carl smacked Markus in the side. "Don't tag team me."
Leo pulled another item out of a bag. It was a bottle of scotch, and he walked it over to his father. "Well, picked this up for you."
Carl brightened, taking the bottle. "Ah, my favorite. Thank you, son. We can enjoy some of this after dinner."
"You know it," Leo replied.
The doors to the den slid open once more and then Phillip was entering. The AP700 android wore a white suit, his LED flashing blue as he came over to Markus, Carl, and Leo. He smiled in greeting, his hands clasped in front of him.
"Oh hello, Leo. I didn't hear you come in."
"Hey Phillip," Leo said, nodding his way. "Yeah just got back from the supermarket."
Phillip turned to Carl. "Carl, it is time for your bath and dose of medication."
"Already?" Carl said, looking at his watch. "I guess you would know best, Phillip."
"If you go right now, you can be done in time for dinner," Markus stated, sparing Carl a smile.
"Yeah, yeah," Carl mumbled, nodding to Phillip. He handed the bottle of scotch to Markus.
The android caretaker took the handles of the wheelchair and started guiding Carl out of the den. Markus and Leo watched them go. Markus scratched his head.
"Holler if you need anything."
He sat the bottle of scotch down on the table. Leo was collecting up the items he bought for their dinner. He glanced up at Markus.
"So, uh, you staying for awhile Markus?" he asked.
Markus nodded. "Yeah unless North or the others call for me."
"Great. Want to help me cook dinner?"
Markus dipped his head. "Sure."
They moved into the large kitchen to start preparing dinner. Markus easily scanned through his memory to recall where all the kitchenware was located. Markus started cutting up the veggies while Leo worked at getting the rice water going as well as preparing the fish.
There was a long period of silence as the two men worked, then Leo broke in.
"Uh, how ya been, anyway?"
Markus thought it over. "I've been alright. Taking one day at a time. Just never know what the day is going to hold with all that's been happening with the android rights movement."
"Yeah, I heard that the old CEO of CyberLife is taking it over again. I guess there was some kind of fallout with all these changes. Makes sense I guess. I mean, no one is going to be buying androids anymore. So, what is he planning on doing with it now?"
Markus paused at cutting up a zucchini, thinking. "He's given a few interviews with his plans, but I've only been able to watch one. Carl seems to think that Kamski wants to turn CyberLife into company dedicated to androids. Thirium replacement, recalibrations, repairs, that sort of stuff."
"So like healthcare for androids?" Leo asked.
Markus nodded. "Something like that, yes. Carl said Kamski's plans didn't stop there, but until we see what happens with the establishment of more android rights, those plans won't come to light."
"I met him one time at one of Dad's art things. He seemed…I don't know…creepy to me. You ever met him?"
Markus twitched his lips, finishing up with the vegetables. "Yeah, a few times. Was always real curious about me, asked Carl questions about my behavior and programming a lot. I guess because I was a prototype."
Markus scraped the cut-up veggies into a bowl just as he heard Leo start frying the fish. He took the bowl over to the steamer to dump it in.
"What about you Leo? How have you been?" Markus asked.
Leo smiled, taking a moment to season the cooking salmon. "Good, good. Every day gets easier. Been focusing more on improving myself, ya know? It keeps me from getting that feeling of wanting to get high. I mean, I haven't felt that way in a long time, it's great. D-don't tell Dad, but…I've been taking piano lessons. Wanted to wait and surprise him."
"Really?" Markus smiled. "That's great. He will love that."
Leo rubbed the back of his head, laughing nervously. "I hope so, cuz you know, I tried taking painting classes. And I was terrible at it. I did not get that artistic gene at all."
They finished up cooking dinner and setting the dining room table. Phillip messaged Markus by thought and told him that he and Carl would be returning downstairs shortly. While waiting at the table, Markus looked outside the window. The sun had started to set. All had been quiet from North, Simon, Josh, and even Connor. He took that as a good thing and relaxed.
"Hey, uh, Markus?"
Markus' two different colored eyes moved away from the outside scenery to Leo, who sat across from him at the dining room table.
"I've been meaning to tell you for a while, and well, I guess I keep backing out of it. But…I wanted to thank you…for what you did that night."
Markus knew immediately which night he was talking about. He didn't know what to say at first, thinking it over. He also wasn't sure what he was feeling either. It was something mixed between relief and guilt, and Markus didn't understand that blend very well.
"I regret it. I could have killed you."
Leo shook his head. "But you didn't. And now look at me. You saved my life in the end. You literally knocked some sense into me."
Markus chuckled softly at Leo's light words. "Well, you're welcome, if it means that much to you."
"It does," Leo answered truthfully. He fumbled with his fingers. "And I know I have said this a few times, but I am sorry, for how I acted towards you before."
"It's alright, Leo. All is forgiven."
Carl and Phillip entered the den then, Phillip rolling Carl over to the dining table where dinner awaited. Phillip put Carl in front of the table, and Leo got his father's plate and drink ready for him before sitting down to get his own. Phillip came around and sat next to Markus and the four visited while the humans ate their meal.
"Come on, what the fuck is this?"
"Hi Hank," Ben Collins stepped over, holding his clipboard with notes. He glanced at the lieutenant's ever shadowing partner. "Uh Connor."
The RK800 nodded his way in greeting but didn't get a chance to voice anything before Lieutenant Hank Anderson cut to the chase.
"Is this really it? You ain't pulling my leg?" Hank grumbled, folding his arms and looking around the clothing store.
The veteran police officer chuckled, looking around himself, tapping the clipboard against his side. "Sorry to disappoint you. The bodies are in the back, near the counter."
"I'm skipping a perfectly good burger for this? Couldn't Gavin get this? I'm sure he has nothing else better to do."
"Eh, you'll be outta here in no time, Hank. Simple case. Looks like a robbery gone wrong."
"Any witnesses, Officer Collins?" Connor asked, looking around the outlet store, his sensory units picking up anything that could be of use.
"No, not that we know of."
Connor stepped away from Hank's side, wanting to get to work. Hank heaved a sigh, smacking Ben lightly on the shoulder as he passed to follow Connor.
"You owe me a burger, Ben!"
"Heh, sure thing, Hank."
A couple other police officers were trudging around, and Hank got onto them while Connor went straight to the bodies. He kneeled down, noticing one was on top of the other. He analyzed the bodies, a red flag coming up in his matrix as one was identified as a WR600 android. He wore normal human clothes, but there was no blue blood around or any injuries to produce such. He had no LED, had probably torn it off in the android revolution months ago like several other deviants. He was very likely a member of Jericho.
The woman his body slumped over was a human employee, late twenties. She was stabbed several times, Connor's coding coming up with a brand of pocket knife. He took a small sample of fresh blood from her clothing and analyzed it.
He looked around their bodies, trying to reconstruct what exactly happened. All he was able to gather was that the WR600 had dragged her over the counter and they fell to the floor.
"Whatcha got so far?" came Hank's voice behind him. "That the robber on top of her?"
Connor glanced at his partner from over his shoulder. "Not real sure it's a robbery. There would be no point for a WR600 to rob this store. It's women's clothing and the cash register doesn't contain much. Something else was the motive."
Hank half-smiled, crossing his arms. "That's why I leave the nitty-gritty to you. You know what's up."
"I am going to move the bodies. I have to see how the WR600…died," Connor said. He almost said shut down. He was eight months a deviant and still some old programming were old habits.
In the case for Connor, the advanced prototype, his abilities allowed him to be a valuable asset to the Detroit Police Department. In the aftermath of Detroit's evacuation, Captain Fowler and Kamski pulled strings to allow Connor to be employed and remain Hank's partner. For a machine that only knew control and completing his assigned missions, becoming deviant had left Connor lost and perplexed. He was thankful for Hank and being given his position back at the police station. It gave him a purpose, something he struggled with being a deviant.
Connor may have had a knack for adapting to human unpredictability, but he still needed help understanding emotions on a deeper level. The feelings and thoughts he would get as deviant he could understand on a basic level most of the time, but it was Hank who helped him understand himself on a deeper horizon. And because of that, Connor was starting to be able to socialize a lot less…awkwardly.
The RK800 grabbed the shoulders of the dead WR600 and pulled it up off of the victim, his database tracing through files to come up with the name Elizabeth Hubb, age 27. The WR600's right hand was clenched just below his sternum, on his Thirium pump regulator. Upon further inspection after laying him down on his back, Connor immediately noticed the knife lodged within the cylindrical plug, destroying it. The victim didn't do this to her killer, the killer did this to himself after he she was dead.
Connor quickly reconstructed the event, seeing the outlines of the attack, the android dragging the victim across the counter, the struggle, their fall to the floor. He saw the android shaking her shoulders after she was dead and then he took the knife and stabbed it into his pump regulator to kill himself.
Connor got to his feet, and Hank must have noticed his unease faster than Connor did himself. "What's wrong? You okay?"
"Huh? O-oh yeah," Connor rubbed his finger tips at his sides, his LED flashing yellow just for a moment before returning to blue. "This wasn't a robbery."
"What happened?" Hank was interested now, walking over to the prototype.
"He dragged her over the counter and killed her. Then he…shook her like he was trying to wake her up. After that he self-destructed. I don't understand the motive though. We must be missing something."
Hank looked down at the bodies, then his eyes went to the counter and skimmed across the clothing store.
"I'll talk to Ben, see if we can get the owner of the store down here. Maybe they will know something."
Connor nodded. "We should reactivate the WR600. He doesn't look majorly damaged beyond that destroyed pump regulator. I should be able to talk to him, figure out what happened. If anything, if I can get him reactivated and he won't talk, I can probe him."
"I'll get it sorted. C'mon, let's go get some lunch."
"But, shouldn't we?"
"Think you got the gist of it, son," Hank said. "Don't worry, we'll be back to finish up. We'll talk to the store owner first. It will take some time to get a replacement plug for that android to wake him up."
"Okay, Hank. But I do suggest a healthier lunch today. You already went over your total calorie intake for the day with that…whatever it was, you had this morning."
"It was a sausage egg and cheese Mcmuffin and it was fucking delicious. Breakfast for champions, I say."
"You ate two."
Hank shoved Connor forward, rubbing the android's head playfully. "Jesus Christ, ok, I'll get something less, err, unhealthy alright?"
"Good," Connor smiled.
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hopeishappinessff · 6 years
Holding Onto Hope: Chapter 14.1
The incline was set high and the speed was just right. My breathing was labored and sweat drizzled from my brow, chest, and every other surface of my body. I maintained focus and kept my eyes glued to the small television screen in front of me as an upbeat playlist blasted into my ears. I only had about five minutes left on the machine and with a quick glance at the machine to my left, I could tell that Destani’s time was just about in sync with mine.
There were rumors of some big deal party that had been teetering on the lips of nearly everyone in the ethnic community across campus. The last weekend of Homecoming was quickly creeping upon us, so it seemed the only thing people could talk about these days was partying and getting so high or drunk they couldn’t even remember their names. With my roommate and best friend being the professional socialite that she was, she found out about all the big parties before I even had a chance to remember that it was still Homecoming week. 
She’d managed to con me into agreeing to attend the ‘biggest party of the year’ with her Cammie, and Angel later in the night, but first I managed to con her into a nice hour and a half workout before she attempted to over intoxicate my body for the weekend.
“Bitch!” I snapped my eyes away from the small screen and yanked my left earbud out just as a high yellow hand slammed down on the side bar of my treadmill.
“What Destani?” I asked breathlessly as I continued to jog at a moderate speed.
“I been talking to your ass for like five minutes now.” She fussed.
With a huff and a roll of my eyes, I cut my eyes at her and made sure to focus on my footing so I wouldn’t slip right off the machine “Why? You see that I have my earbuds plugged in. And we’re working out… why are you talking to me?”
“I was just tryna see how long your rude ass had left.” She said even more out of breath than me. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her just as my machine neared the last few seconds before it finally began to slow to a complete stop.
“I’m done.” I said triumphantly. I caught a quick glimpse of the screen of her treadmill and I could clearly see that she had a bit more time left on it, but she swiftly pressed the reset button multiple times to end her entire cycle.
“Good,” She muttered as she climbed off the side and snatched down her small towel to dab at her forehead, “You were clearly tryna kill my ass with this forty-five minutes of cardio bullshit.”
I laughed at her expense and plucked my Voss water bottle from the cup holder on the side of my machine “I would do no such thing. I just know we’re not gonna be indulging in anything healthy at all this weekend… so I figured one big bang workout before we get into it would be good.”
She delivered a mischievous smirk my way and draped her towel over her shoulder before grabbing her own water bottle and turning to fall into stride with me as I headed toward the women’s dressing room.
We would often utilize our ‘free’, yet not so subtly rolled into tuition, membership to the on-campus Rec Center and because of our frequent visits, we’d designated specific lockers in the dressing room as our own. The Rec was fairly busy tonight and I figured just about everyone had the exact idea as I by coming for last minute, invigorating workouts before jumping head first into the Homecoming festivities. We maneuvered through the crowds until we finally made it into the dressing room and approached our lockers.
“This night… oooooooooooh this night girl. It’s about to be a fucking movie!” She exclaimed as she pulled her small duffle from the confines of her locker. I could only shake my head at her silly antics as she began to dance about ratchetly.
With our belongings gathered and ready to go, we soon made our way out of the women’s locker room and began a slow, sore journey out into the parking lot to catch the shuttle to our dorm.
“You heard from Cam and Angel today?” She asked. It’d surprise me really, the relationship that she was quickly forming with my two new comrades. Destani was never one to venture too far from her comfort zone when it came to the people in her circle. She was always more of the type to stick to what she knew and she wasn’t much of a fan of change. But the moment I first introduced Cammie and Angel to her and she took to them as though they’d been friends for years, I sat back and quietly observed and made sure to call her out on it the moment I got her alone in our dorm room.
“Cammie texted me before we went to the Rec. She said they wanted to meet up to pick outfits and everything for tonight.”
“Oh okay. I’m lowkey more amped because I know we’ll be the finest thangs in this party. Like if I was into bitches, Cammie or Angel would definitely be the first to get the business… they some bad bitches!” She laughed.
I laughed right along with her and shook my head “I still can’t believe you took to them so well. You remember how long it took you to warm up to Tameka and Nalay when we first met them?”
“I know huh?” She agreed as she continued to giggle like a school girl, “I don’t know man… I just like them I guess. You know sometimes you just get those first-time vibes from people when you first meet them… they’re either good or bad, or you gotta give yourself sometime to figure it out. Well with these hoes, I just felt good vibes from jump… kinda like when I first met you.”
“So at eight and nine years old, you just got this vibe that I was this great person and we would be best friends for life?” I snickered.
“Yes nigga!” She exclaimed loudly with a tone full of merriment, “And your ass and they asses should feel special as hell too! When I first met Meka and Nay, I didn’t feel that at all… they asses both had to grow on me. Hell, Chris too! I swear I ain’t like that nigga when I met him… even at nine years old, I couldn’t ignore the vibe of pure evil I got from his crazy ass!”
We cackled loudly as we made our way onto the shuttle that’d just arrived and soon we were on our way back to McWhorter Hall.
Once we arrived and made our way up to our room, we both took turns hopping in the shower and packing up overnight bags full of clothing options and Destani’s makeup. I’d been texting Cammie throughout our journey back to the room and she’d informed me that Angel would be coming to pick us up shortly so that we could head to their off-campus apartment to prepare for the night. For the first time, I was excited to be going to our first big off campus party of the year. We’d been to events on campus and parties at a few on campus apartments, but never had we actually set foot off campus for a night of unwinding and fun.
While Destani was taking her turn in the shower, I quickly dried myself off and got dressed in a pair of hot pink athletic shorts and one of Chris’s t-shirts that I refused to give back because it smelled so strongly of him. As I eased the shirt into place on my shoulders, I couldn’t help but smirk as his intoxicating aroma wafted into my nose. I hadn’t heard from him in a few days and though I should have been a bit more concerned with his whereabouts and his overall wellbeing, I wasn’t. I’d become almost accustomed to Chris’s odd behavior as of late. Was it still completely weird and the thought of it always tucked away in the back of my mind? Sure it was. But I’d gone through my phase of stressing over him already and after fighting to get myself out of that slump, I refused to allow him to drag me right back into it.
I was afraid to push myself onto him anyway, so I knew the best thing for me to do was of course silently remain in his corner to support him and whenever he called, I would make sure to always be there. But I wouldn’t overcrowd him though. He was a big boy… if he wanted me around, he knew exactly how to find me. I was hoping that I would at least be able to cross paths with him sometime in the night, but with the way he’d been acting as of late I almost couldn’t even bring myself to believe that he would set foot outside of his room. He’d been entirely too much of a recluse in the past few weeks to even think about showing face at something as social as a full-on party.
The water from the shower soon shut off and within a few minutes, Destani emerged with her curly tresses soaked and cascading down her back and a huge white towel wrapped snuggle around her small frame.
“Did you pack all my shit up too?” She asked as she moved toward her drawer full of leisure wear.
“Yeah, your bag is all packed on your bed and I just finished with the makeup bag.”
“Tis my darling, is why no matter who we allow into this circle… you will always be mi numero uno!” She exclaimed in passing as she blew a kiss my way. I parted my lips to laugh, but quickly snapped them shut along with my eyes and swung around to face away from her just as she dropped her towel.
“Destani! What are you doing?” I yelped.
“Oh stop being dramatic. It’s just tits and ass… I mean, don’t act like I’ve never seen yours before.” She cackled from behind me.
“You haven’t… what do you mean? But you could have at least warned me.”
“Oh that’s right, I haven’t,” She agreed as she slipped on a snug black t-shirt dress, “Mr. psychotic ass won’t even let another bitch see your naked ass!”
“Whatever Dez, are you dressed? Angel just texted and she says she’s pulling into the parking lot now.”
“Yes darling, the tata’s are up… let’s go!” I turned with only one eye open and took a quick full body glance at her, just to be sure she wasn’t pulling my leg and setting me up to see more skin than I desired to. After we both slipped into a pair of slides, we grabbed our respective bags, grabbed a purse a piece with all necessities including cell phones, then made our way out of the room and out of the building.
“This is nice as hell!” Destani squealed as we crossed the threshold into Cammie and Angel’s three-bedroom apartment that was literally about three minutes away from campus.
“Thank you, thank you… you know, we try!” Cammie beamed as she rounded the corner from the extravagant kitchen with two red solo cups in tow. She handed them off to Destani and I and Angel followed her back into the open kitchen to grab her own cup.
“You guys have another roommate?” I asked, taking a quick sip of the potent drink in my hands.
“Yeah… well we did anyway,” Angel said with a smirk and a quick glance at Cammie, “But I think Cam may have scared her off. She ain’t been here in a couple weeks now.”
Cammie giggled as she plopped herself down at a bar stool that lined the bar on the inside of the kitchen and sat her cup down only to replace it with a bottle of fireball. She lined up four shot glasses in front of her and began to evenly distribute the alcohol into each glass.
“It’s not my fault the bitch wasn’t adventurous and open minded. Shit, I thought she knew…” She laughed a bit more and stuck her pierced tongue out as she concentrated on finishing up the shots. I had no clue what her or Angel were referring to, but I shrugged it off and watched as she sat the bottle down and slid one shot glass toward each of us.
“I swear ya’ll are my kinda people. They my kinda people Sy… look at this!” Destani exclaimed, carefully picking up her shot glass and making sure not to spill any as it was filled to the brim, “Turn the fuck up ladies!”
“To a night…” Cammie started, dropping her gaze momentarily to the glass before her with a shake of her head, “That we will enjoy, turn up, and not remember in the mothafuckin morning!” We all picked up our shot glasses simultaneously and cheered loudly as we each leaned in and clanked our glasses together. Without second thought, I raised the cup to my lips and quickly tipped it back into my mouth. It burned like hot fire and I had to refrain from coughing my lungs out after finally swallowing it all, but I didn’t bother to protest against it… I was ready for the night ahead.
We were all nearly too tipsy to stand still for the onslaught of selfies that Destani decided to engage in before we left and we seemed to be having such a good time simply snapping pictures in different poses, we almost didn’t make it out the door at all. Cammie was the first to finish getting dressed and she wasted no time rolling up three different blunts to get us through the night. Halfway through Destani applying my full glowing face, the first blunt was rammed right into my face and before I knew it I could barely keep my eyes open let alone walk down three flights of stairs to the car.
“If you trip, I swear… I swear I’ll have no choice but to laugh at your ass!” Destani exclaimed from behind me as we stomped noisily down the steps.
I hadn’t managed to stop giggling since the middle of our smoke session and now the walk down the steps was nothing different… I laughed all the way to the last step on the first floor.
“See, I made it… no tripping over here.” I was proud to bask in my ability to make it down the stairs without falling flat on my face and I glanced back at Destani with a smirk to be sure she had seen my feat. I cracked up even harder the moment I faced her and noticed her eyes glued to the ground in front of her, ensuring that she didn’t step on anything but a flat surface and fall herself.
“While she over there talking shit about you Sy, she barely marching straight in them stilettos.” Angel cackled loudly as she too watched Destani maneuver around to the backseat on her side. Cammie joined in on the laughter and soon, we were all doubled over with laughter right on the car.
“Ya’ll some assholes man, whatever.” Destani said after finally gaining a bit of her composure. We continued to laugh at her expense and before long we started to draw attention in the lively parking lot.
“Ugh, come on ya’ll… if one more nigga toot they horn or “hey lil mama” my ass one more time, Imma throw up!” Cammie fussed as she snatched the passenger side door open and slipped into the car.
We continued our laughter into the car and eventually Angel reversed out of her space and weaved her way through the traffic in the lot. Most of the off-campus student apartments lined one particular road just outside of campus and the biggest party of the year just happened to be centrally located on that road.
It wasn’t hard to tell that we’d made it to the party complex only five minutes later as a flood of cars waited at a standstill on the main road just to get in to park.
“Oh fuck this… what the hell!” Angel exclaimed as she stared out of the front windshield at the traffic jam in front of us.
“Damn, we shoulda just walked to this bitch… look at this mess.” Cammie muttered.
I could hear Destani giggling to my left, but I paid her no mind and assumed that perhaps everything she’d ingested back at the apartment was just coursing through her system.
“Here babe!” She screeched suddenly, leaning forward in her seat with a parking decal in her hand.
“What is this boo?” Angel asked as she peeped over her shoulder at Destani’s hand.
“Tay gave it to me… you know him and a bunch of the basketball and football players are the ones throwing this party. He knew we were coming, so he gave me this extra parking pass ‘cause he said the shit would be packed before ten.” She explained happily.
“Thank fuck for Taylor girl… yes! We in that thang!” Before I knew it, Angel was whipping her car right into the lane of oncoming traffic which also remained at a standstill. She maneuvered the car fearlessly though and zipped into the parking lot and with the help of Destani’s instructions, she finally pulled into the empty space in a car port designated on the decal.
“You seriously need to tell him we owe him for this one Dezzy… that was dope!” Angel beamed with excitement as she shut off the ignition of the car and pulled down her visor to access her mirror. We only spent another few minutes in the car making last minute preparations before finally crawling out into the cool October night. And there we stood, basking in our very own glory as though we were A-list celebrities who’d just arrived at our Hollywood party.
“And the night begins ladies… let the turn up commence!” Destani shouted, reaching back to grab my hand to lead me and the girls into what would become one of the most interesting nights of the year.
My head bobbed to the dense bass of Yo Gotti’s Down in the DM as I sipped from a blue solo cup filled with henny on ice. From the second I set foot in the party earlier in the night just to help set up, I’d been stuck with at least three girls at my side. Not like I could complain… this was definitely my preferred scene for the night. I’d been cooped in that little ass dorm room for what felt like an eternity and as soon as I heard some of the boys making plans for this lit ass party, I knew I wanted in. I was on the prowl tonight, that was one thing I knew for sure as soon as I set my sights on all the beautiful women in the room… and man, were there a lot of them. I hadn’t seen a single unattractive female since the party had started and it didn’t take long for me to realize that this shit was invite only and clearly the team invited ONLY the baddest… which again, a nigga was not about to complain about.
There was a good chunk of the boys from the team in attendance and a handful of some of the football team there to celebrate a win they’d taken home earlier in the evening during the big Homecoming game. These niggas was dead ass serious about this shit too. Before the party commenced, we held a meeting to go over what needed to be done to make this a successful night that wouldn’t be disrupted in any way. We were split up into different zones of the apartment which belonged to four of the boys. Two niggas in place at the makeshift bar to handle the drinks, two niggas stationed behind the DJ booth to spin and one on the mic, four niggas just outside the door to act as security, and two inside the door to greet incoming guests. A couple things I knew for sure… I wasn’t about to pour nobody’s damn drink, wasn’t about to man the music or entertain the crowd on the mic, and I certainly wasn’t about to write my entire night off by standing outside the party all night while the turn up commenced inside. I almost eagerly volunteered to greet near the door and for one main reason only… I knew Hope was gonna show face at this party.
Taylor had already given me a heads up after confirming with Destani and giving her a decal for reserved parking just outside the building. The moment he handed that over, I knew it was really only a matter of time before babygirl set foot in the party. With damn near all the baddest bitches across the state of Georgia dancing in barely there outfits right there on the dance floor, none of them and I mean not a single one had a damn thing on Hope. I hadn’t heard from or spoken to her in almost a week and though I knew it was a tad fucked up for me to wait to see my girlfriend at a damn party, I hadn’t been more excited about anything else all week. I was so excited to see her, my dick jumped at the thought of her gorgeous face alone.
“It’s a little early don’t you think? The party ain’t even started and you already trying to turn up” Lil Miss thickums in front of me tossed her head full of the fakest and shiniest hair I’d ever seen in my life back and side eyed me with a ‘sexy smirk.’
“My bad ma,” I mumbled, taking yet another sip from my cup before turning my attention back to the door, “You just gotta ignore him… big boy on the prowl tonight and uh… I think he tryna get an early start.”
She burst into a fit of giggles so hard, I had to toss a hand around her waist to keep her from toppling right over onto the floor. She was drunk… wasted even and as she said, the party had barely even started.
With a frown, I discreetly nudged the girl to my side and allowed her to fall limply against her friend to my right. The timing couldn’t have been any better… I could see her glowing smile through the doorway and I swear time damn near stood still as I stared at her perfectly made up face. Not too much and not too little… her natural beauty shined through and it honestly looked like she didn’t even have on an ounce of makeup. She laughed as though she had not a care in the world and I swore I could feel a small pinch of emotion in my chest… she looked happy. I hadn’t been anywhere around her in almost a week, yet she still laughed that big beautiful laugh. It didn’t seem to faze her that we’d barely been speaking lately and the thought alone nearly broke me down right where I stood. 
“What’s the matter papi… you look like you need some cheering up.” I hesitantly tore my gaze away from Hope and her friends who were still laughing it up with the ‘bouncers’ and focused instead on the tiny waist, big tit, plump lipped Latina who stood inches away from my face.
“I’m actually good,” I grumbled, pulling her hands down from my chest and planting them firmly back at her sides, “Thanks.”
With a huff, the girl swung around to stomp away from me and I smirked as I kept my eyes glued to her heart shaped ass for two seconds longer.
“Isn’t that your boo?” I heard what sounded like that Cambria girl to my left and I turned just as they all came into view a few feet away from me. My eyes locked on Hope as she turned her gaze to me with a smirk before nibbling on the corner of her bottom lip.
She swiftly closed the gap between us and I stared down at her in awe. There she stood, in all her short little glory even with a sky high, sexy pair of heels on her feet.
“Hi.” She spoke quietly, yet just loud enough for me to hear her sultry voice over the music.
“Hey.” I muttered.
“Having fun?” She asked. A laugh flew from my nose and I lifted my gaze for a moment to peer around the packed space before dropping my gaze back to her.
“Lil bit.”
She hummed a nearly inaudible response and glanced over at a droopy eyed, smirking Destani before glancing back at me “Well I’ll just let you get back to that… see you later…” She attempted to turn and mosey off, but my hand was on her hip before she could get even a foot away and I pulled her back until her backside was meshed against my front.
“Nah… stay with me tonight.” The words rolled from my tongue with ease and I admired her big, sapphire eyes as she stared up at me.
“What do you mean… I came here with my friends…” She started but I cut her off with a simple shake of my head.
“So… they can move around or stay right here with you, but I want you with me tonight.”
She stared up at me for a while with the sexiest smirk splayed across her nude lips then she finally dropped her gaze, shrugged, and mumbled a playful and quiet “Okay… daddy” that I still managed to hear clearly. And in that moment, I was sure the tiny dick twitch from earlier had turned into a complete and unmistakable erection.
“AYEEEEEE, WHAT A TIME… TO BE ALIVE!” I yelled right into the mic… that’d somehow made its way into my hand. Somewhere within the last two hours roles had been readjusted after the boys unanimously decided that our original MC for the night just wasn’t getting the job done. Little did I know, they’d all decided that MC Breezy would be the best candidate to hop on the mic and keep the crowd going… and when the mic was slipped into my hand, I did just that. I couldn’t even begin to explain what all I had running through my system or how much of it I ingested. All I knew was that I felt like a fucking superstar on the highest cloud and no one could bring me down from that.
I sat perched on the edge of the bar that was wedged between the kitchen and the living room. I had my girl aligned perfectly between my legs, her friends dancing wildly on each side of her, and my niggas dancing just as wild all around them. This was by far the greatest night of my life… the henny and crown in my system told me so!
“I’m feeling good in this mothafucka tonight ya’ll! If you feeling good in this bitch, say hell yeah!” I was so turnt, I really couldn’t even register what the hell I was saying. But when the crowd erupted like a concert hall around me, I figured I had gotten my point across.
“Aye, Breezy. Breezy man!” With my eyes formed into the tiniest slits, I dropped my gaze to Taylor who stood a few feet away from me with Destani glued to his front grinding away like a professional fucking exotic dancer. I hadn’t forgotten about my own little exotic dancer who swiveled her hips strategically between my legs. I had to drop the mic to my side to refrain from moaning right into it as Hope perked her ass right against my dick and dropped it like it was her damn job.
“Breezy dawg!” Taylor shouted once again across from me.
Reluctantly tearing my eyes away from Hopes beautifully sexy body, I eyed him with a face full of annoyance and rolled my eyes “What nigga?”
He chuckled and shook his head as he watched me respond to him right into the mic. I’d forgotten the thing was in my hand and was prepared to have a full conversation with this nigga right over the speaker system.
“Come in the kitchen nigga. They calling us for shots.” He shouted over the blaring music just after reaching forward and plucking the mic from my hand. Hope hadn’t heard a word he’d said and she continued to toot it and boot it on a nigga, which made it so difficult for me to focus on anything but the way her ass bounced to the beat.
“Baby girl,” Cammie intervened from her side with another of my teammates pressed against her lil hood ass, “Come on, we’re about to do a round.”
Hope finally slowed her pace and turned to face me and got damnit if I didn’t wanna snatch her up and drop her ass like it was hot right on my dick, right on that bar. Her eyes were evidently red from the most recent rotation we’d partaken in less than thirty minutes ago. Her long straight blonde tresses were starting to curl back up from the heat in the party and sweat dripped from the edges of her hair. I could also see the trails of sweat cascading down her chest and right into her cleavage, moistening the front of her shirt. She looked like she’d just endured a wild night of fucking and that… turned… me… on.
“Come on baby. Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots!” She chanted as she gripped onto my hands and dragged me down from the countertop. I chuckled, allowing her to hold onto my hands as she turned to face forward and eased her way through the crowd toward the kitchen. Without thought, I swiftly moved up against her ass and dropped our conjoined hands down to her hips.
“All I can think about is how deep I’m bout to be in your perfect ass pussy tonight.” I murmured, my lips pressed right against her right ear. I could feel her body tensing in my grasp, but she giggled and dropped her head back against my shoulder and continued to blindly lead us into the kitchen.
“Don’t Chris… you’re gonna have me dripping right outta my shorts.” She groaned.
“I know you already wet baby,” I said, easing one hand from her waist and up to grope her right breast, “And if you say the word, I won’t hesitate to toss your ass up on one of these counters and lick that pussy dry… with all these people watching.”
Her breath hitched at that moment and she shuddered against me. If I wasn’t mistaken, I would say she’d just busted a nut right where she stood without me touching more than just her breast.
She turned around suddenly and pressed her head against my chest, burying her face in my shirt. She was breathing faster now and her hands were balled up and latched onto the front of my shirt.
I couldn’t help but laugh as I palmed her ass and guided her backwards into the kitchen. Yeah, I was positive lil mama had just had a whole orgasm and I needed to bend her over somewhere soon before I had one of my own.
“Aiight my niggas, ya’ll ready for this round?” Shawn shouted over the music once we’d all made our way into the kitchen and surrounded the wide island in the center of the room.
The boys chanted their approval and soon, a tray full of shots was passed around until each of us nursed a small glass.
“To the livest party of the fucking century, we did the got damn thing my niggas… AYYYYEEEEEEE!” Shawn shouted, quickly clanking his shot glass down against the marble surface of the island. Everyone followed suit and in unison, we downed each and every shot. I’d taken so many damn shots and had so many straight drinks throughout the night, it felt like I was downing a cup of water at this point because somehow my throat had become numb to the potency of the liquor. Hope and the girls had even downed theirs just as quickly and I peered down at her as she kept her face against my chest and grimaced… she hadn’t had enough shots to numb her to the liquor yet.
“Aiight, aiight, aiight… everybody listen up,” Shawn shouted louder, “So, now that we all had a nice lil shot to warm us up… it’s time to get to the real fun in this bitch!”
I found myself joining in on the wave of laughter and watched as he carefully moved all the shot glasses over to the sink and shifted the bottles of alcohol to one side of the large island.
“I think it’s time we had a lil fun with the ladies. Fellas, what ya’ll think? It’s already hot as fuck in here… I’m tryna set the roof on fire!”
Everyone hooted all around me, but at that exact moment I kept quiet. What the fuck did he mean have a lil fun with the ladies?
“Now I know what you thinking… Breezy,” He chuckled as he turned and looked right at me, “This fun is strictly for the ladies. Meaning… not a single nigga in here will be allowed to touch. And that includes you.”
He pointed an incriminating finger my way and I frowned and looked down at Hope who’d raised her amused gaze in his direction to listen to his instructions.
“We just gone play a lil game. That involves shots, and bodies, and ladies… no niggas.” He said.
With further explanation, I quickly figured out that it wasn’t even an actual game with an objective that he’d just described. If anything it sounded like he was just tryna gather as many females, including mine, who would agree to allow other females to take shots from anywhere on their bodies… and I mean, anywhere. I wasn’t fond of the idea of this lil ‘game’ at all and though my ass could barely even see straight enough to comprehend any of this shit, I knew for certain that Sy’Diyah Hope Donsen wouldn’t be participating in it at all.
“Sy, come on… we can go first!” Destani happily snatched away from Taylor and rushed over to Sy, who looked just as damn excited.
“Hell nah. She not doing this shit.” I blurted, staring at Destani like she had two heads.
“Oh shut up, grumpy ass. Live a little… nobody’s gonna be touching her but me. Ya’ll just get to watch.” She said with a smirk and a wink.
“Okay, so how bout she just get to watch too… move along Destani. She’s not doing this.” With an exasperated huff, Dez rolled her eyes and mumbled under her breath. Frankly I didn’t give a shit what she’d just said. I was not about to stand back and watch my girlfriend get licked on by another female, while all these thirsty niggas watched.
“Charlie,” Her voice was soft but still audible over the sound of the commotion around us, “Calm down. It’s not that serious.”
I hadn’t even noticed, but I was getting worked up and I was suddenly starting to feel heat rising in my face. With her soothing words though, it only took a second for me to calm the fuck down and realize it really wasn’t that serious.
“Aiight, so I think we got our first set of contenders. Ladies… let the games begin!” I looked up and watched along with everyone else in the kitchen as Destani hiked herself up onto the flat surface of the island. She wore a huge, beaming grin on her face and it was clear she was having entirely too much fun with the prospect of another bitch taking a random shot off of her.
Within seconds Hope’s new friend Angel stepped forward with her bottom lip tucked in her mouth. She smirked as she gripped a half full shot glass and dragged her eyes over Destani’s frame, contemplating exactly where she wanted to position the shot. With Dez’s cleavage on full display, Angel quickly zoned in on it and I stared in amusement as she too climbed onto the island top and pushed Destani down on her back. She wedged the glass right between her boobs and the crowd erupted immediately.
“Aiight ladies, you got it… make that shit sexy!” Shawn called out over all the loud hoots and hollers.
Angel didn’t waste any time getting right down to business… nor did she even crack a smile. Homegirl looked dead ass as she leaned down and eased her lips around the top of the shot glass. I could clearly tell she’d slid down a bit further so that the skin of her lips would press against the skin of Destani’s boobs and the niggas all around me clapped and cheered eagerly as she pulled back with the glass in her mouth. She tilted her head back and allowed the contents of the glass to drizzle into her mouth. After swallowing the shot and opening her mouth wide to show that the deed had been done, she smiled triumphantly and leaned forward to playfully nuzzle her face right in Destani’s cleavage.
The crowd continued to cheer and clap and laugh and I couldn’t help but laugh my damn self as Destani tossed her head back and cackled loudly.
“Sexy sexy ladies, that’s what the fuck I’m talking about!” Shawn exclaimed, “Okay, now who are my next contenders?” Every pair of eyes in the room roamed around, just waiting to see who would jump to go next. It didn’t even don on me until I spotted every single person in the kitchen staring open mouthed in my direction… that Cammie was easing up in front of Hope. She held an empty shot glass in one hand and a bottle of patron in the other. Her face remained calm and I couldn’t even keep my eyes off her pierced tongue as she swept it out over her bottom lip if I wanted to.
I could feel Hope squirming in my grasp and I peered down at her to see that Cammie had turned her around so that her back was now pressed against my chest. She kept her eyes glued to Hope’s as she eased the glass down between her partially expose cleavage and I had no choice but to keep my eyes on what was happening as my height left me hovering over it all. Popping the cork out of the patron bottle, Cammie started to pour the liquid into the glass until it was full. But she didn’t immediately tilt the bottle away from Hope’s chest though… she continued to pour and watched with the purest lust in her eyes as the alcohol drizzled over the top of Hope’s breasts.
Lord if I hadn’t noticed before, I surely noticed in that moment… my dick was on a solid ten. My hands remained glued to Hope’s hips and I found myself digging my fingers into her flesh as I focused on keeping her ass pressed against my crotch.
“Now that is really what the fuck I’m talking about. Lil mama is about to get it popping in this mothafucka. This is the fun we been looking for fellas!” Shawn yelled over the crowd and I barely even paid attention. My focus was entirely too tied up on what was happening right in front of me and I swore my heart would thud right outta my chest as I watched the spectacle unfold.  
Cammie passed the bottle off to Angel who stood at her side, watching just as intently as the niggas in the room. Before I could even fully register what was happening, I felt the girl reach down for my hands and raise them to plant right against the back of her head. She eyed me closely for a moment, willing me to dig my fingers into her thick tresses and grip tight as she dove forward and engulfed the glass between her lips. The crowd, of course, went wild. They hooted, and hollered, and yelled so loud… I was sure it would only be a matter of time before the cops came knocking to shut the show down. With the shot now downed in one gulp, Cammie quickly handed that too off to Angel and she swiftly turned back around to dive in once more… this time swiping her tongue out over the top of Hopes left tit.
She gasped then and tossed her head back against my shoulder. Reflexively, my grip tightened around this girl’s head and she moaned while she formed her lips into a suction and suckled at the top of my girl’s titties. She went back and forth between this action and flicking her tongue out all over Hope’s breasts until every visible drop of patron had been removed from her skin… but she didn’t stop there. With her tongue sticking out, she licked a trail up along Hope’s neck and continued to sensually make her way up until she reached the corner of her mouth.
My eyes were locked on her face the entire time and with the sexiest and most mischievous smirk, she zoned in on me for only a moment before easing forward and capturing my fucking girlfriend’s lips with her own. My eyes bulged and my fingers nearly pulled out clumps of her hair as I continued to hold onto her head… all while she engaged in a slow, dick throbbing, panty wetting, all around life changing make out session with Hope. That triggered him and before I had time to even think about getting myself under control, my brows furrowed deeply with frustration as to why we were all still standing there fully clothed… he wanted to see skin and he wanted to see it immediately.
With a loud groan, I dipped my face into the crook of Hopes neck and whipped out my own pierced tongue to attack her skin. But oh did my mind fight back on this one… never had I ever allowed this, this thing to consume me in the presence of Hope. I was literally terrified, yet turned the fuck on all at the same time as I stood there attempting to suck the blood right out of her neck while this girl kissed her with a fervor in a room full of high and horny niggas. I couldn’t take it… it was all too intense and I could literally feel every nerve in my body tingling with pleasure and I swore I could even feel all my children just knocking at the tip of my dick, begging to be released soon.
I trailed my tongue up along the side of her neck, stopping every once in a while to suck on a few spots until I reached her jawline. Cammie’s hands were gripping her face as she continued to engage in the most lustful and lip smacking kiss with her. Though it was turning me on in a way that I’d never experienced in my life, he was growing more and more impatient with her selfishness and before I knew it, with a handful of Cammie’s hair still entangled in my fingers I snatched her back away from Hope and their lips detached with a loud smack. They both moaned aloud and heaved for air, but Hope didn’t have much longer to get her breath back on track… my left hand was already tangled up in her sweet smelling golden tresses and I’d already turned her head to get it to the perfect angle for me to lean in and catapult my lips onto hers.
She raised her hands to grip at the sides of my face, but as I continued to swivel my tongue around the inside of her alcohol infused mouth I too raised my hands to catch hers. I linked my hands against the back of hers and shifted all four hands forward to Cammie’s exposed belly. Using my hands as guides, I slipped them up beneath her black crop top until I could feel the warm skin of her breasts against my fingertips. And from there I allowed Hope to take lead… I kept my hands against the back of hers, but silently instructed her to fondle Cammie’s breasts as she continued to make out with me.
“Gooooooooooooooot daaaaaaaaaaaamn… my nigga Chris, no homo bro… but that is about the sexiest shit I have ever seen in my fucking life!” I could hear Shawn yelling frantically from somewhere across the room. And it was only in that moment that I actually remembered I was standing in the middle of a kitchen, in the middle of a party, with tons of eyes on us. I willed myself to pull back from Hope and I opened my eyes the furthest they would go and stared down at her. Her face was completely flushed, her lips were swollen and red, and she held this erotic little sex face as she stared right back at me that nearly made me crumble right behind her.
My ears finally tuned in to the commotion around us and I realized that more than half of the party goers in the other room had even turned to watch the spectacle. People were shouting like they’d just witnessed a Mayweather fight up close. I didn’t even bother to feel embarrassed… my thoughts were caught somewhere between two different entities and from what I could tell, both were horny as fuck and ready for round one right there in that kitchen.
“Ya’ll ready to get outta here?” I snapped my attention around to Cammie who stood there with her breasts fully exposed but covered by me and Hope’s conjoined hands. Her hands were placed comfortably at Hope’s waist and if I didn’t know anything else in that moment… I knew this night was about to get real interesting, real quick.
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