#his entire guild rn lol
autistic-fuckwad · 4 days
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pinned post cause my old one is fucking depressing!!! be 18+ to follow please! i dont post porn but i do post suggestive stuff.
hi im Anchor! im 19. im otherkin, autistic + adhd and a whole lot of other mental shit, physically disabled, and fall under the trans man and nonbinary umbrellas. im gay as hell ( i love men + nonbinary people!!! im both lol ) so youll see posts abt that. my gender is an enigma, but i am not a woman for sure! i only use he/they pronouns, but i heavily prefer he/him. i like to talk abt myself in the third person a lot bc autism. that's why i'm autistic-fuckwad!
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i make art! the guy above is me but like. a bunny version. i also have tons of fandoms that i like but dont really talk abt! idk i dont really know what to put here if you wanna check me out from other places, here's my carrd!
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Mine sideblogs: @commander-frostfang - Guild Wars 2 sideblog. Named after my first character, but holds both Zohar Frostfang and Hyacinth of Malvale as my commaders. I post my gw2 art there, if i make any, and reblog posts abt gw2. I currently have played through the entire story on Zohar.
@5h4rku8us4rt - Art blog! kinda disorganized, not tagged well, will fix up in the future. still badass as hell tho. i post my art here so you can follow this to see when i post art specifically cause i reblog so much on my main blog. 5H4RKU8US is generally my username on other sites, i just tagged art to the end in the same style. it's pronounced sharkubus. @5h4rkd0llz - doll blog. heavy wip, ive been depressed. i collect rainbow high and calico critters, i also sew doll clothes. might do customs, might not. idk.
@5h4rku8us - Had to claim my main username somehow! im honestly using this to store my sona's art and post abt vtubing stuff. once i start making videos, i plan on uploading links to them here! honestly, kind of dead rn. it will happen in the future tho!
@sharksimsss - sims 4 cc blog. i hardly use this one so its just for myself and my bff to grab cc from lol @chroxri-corner - my own original species and world building blog! currently dead but not abandoned. im just depressed
i dont use my fr blog anymore but i didnt delete it so im just not sharing it here lol
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I block heavily and I'm not interested in arguing about my core belief systems. i dont hold opinions on most things so dont come into my inbox just to ask abt if i support giggleshitfart68 or not for being twinklekin. i support intersex people and believe in breaking the sex and gender binary. do as ye will as long as ye bring no harm upon others.
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secondratefiction · 10 months
Hello! So, I was scrolling the bad batch tag and I read your post about your requests open and not having any requests (I feel that pain ;-;) so I decided to swing by and ask if you're interested to write Bounty Hunter!Crosshair?
I'm sorry if it seems unoriginal, I just got done with studying and I'm running off fumes rn LOL
Well, fortunately for you I've been living under an anatomy and pathology shaped rock for the past several months, so I haven't heard anything about Cross as a bounty hunter. But I can totally see it, so let's see how far this takes us...
So I'm not entirely sure how we get Crosshair off on his own, but sometime after 66, he has a wake up call and absconds from the empire. He has a very select set of skills and the exactly zero patience for most people around him so it's not exactly like he's running off to some obscure planet and getting a job as a bar back.
He falls back on what he knows. And the good news is that there are still a lot of people out there willing to pay a lot of money for that kind of stuff.
Not gonna lie though, the getting his foot in the door is the heard bit. But he did manage to work his way into the guild and a fairly steady pay check
I feel like since so much of clone culture was already tied by to Jango and his roots that it would be pretty easy for Cross to pass himself off as a displaced Mandalorian. That's gonna draw less attention than a deserter clone, and he looks significantly different from the regs anyways so it's believable.
The first couple of years he'd probably have to spend some time working with other hunters, mostly because he needs a mode of transport... and by the maker he has never missed the batch so much as when he's had to work with these people... as soon as he has enough to get his own ship, he never looks back.
The amount of repairs he has to make to this starfighter to keep it operable is ridiculous. But it's his, and it works, and it means he can finally keep to himself; and at the end of the day that's all that matters to him.
(And in the back of his mind, at least to himself, Cross can admit that he hopes Tech would be proud.)
Speaking of the batch... Cross has found them. He keeps tabs on them, but he's never fully been able to work himself up to making contact. At first he was sure they wouldn't want him back because of everything that happened. Now, he thinks it's been too long and they would be mad at him for not coming back sooner. Either way, he's convinced himself they'd just reject him, or worse, so why would he put himself through that?
But the galaxy is funny like that sometimes... who's to say that things aren't going to come up that are going to push them all back together again...
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vacantgodling · 2 years
🖊🖊🖊, Julissa, San and Chidori !
thank youuuu 🥺🥺
juls my baby haha you deserve so much better 😭 some random factoids about juls: she loves the color yellow (has a yellow phone case, yellow amp, yellow guitar—you get the idea) bc of a near death experience in her childhood involving a yellow elevator. if i say anymore it’s spoilers but she holds that color close for a reason lol. she’s also very bi. the narrative does focus a lot on her attraction to joaquin (bc he’s hot like 😭) but i know from Meta she is attracted to pretty much all the friends she has except rene bc rene has a gf and he’s not really her type lmao. but saul, andres, daisy & joaquin she’s 👀. honestly when i write draft two i think im gonna try to make it More obvious that she’s attracted to all of them lol. in the “it never happened” au they’re a polycue to me. she adores her older sister juvia and would fight tooth and nail for her, but she has an estranged relationship from both of her parents. her original goal at the start of the book is to become a famous recording artist but her dream quickly shifts to i just want to be a one hit wonder. make one great song, get money and fame, then disappear from the public eye. she’s both headstrong and cowardly at the same time—just a girl full of juxtapositions lol
san 🤌🏾🤌🏾 SHE. so, san is a hunter—hunters are the first specialized fighting class that ever came into being in terrae (came about around 450-470 but i cant be assed to pull out the timeline rn) as a response to the decimation and overrun of the first capital city of terrae, argos. hunters are very proud of their heritage and it’s pretty unusual for them to enter guilds but san (and her sister moira by proxy) are some of the few exceptions. hunters are ALL ABOUT DAMAGE BABY. armor? who needs that we die like men. they tend to wear revealing, hardly armored clothes made of leather and hides, decorated with furs, spikes and belts (this goes for all genders—it came about bc when hunters came into being there was a huuuuge shortage on materials to make armor so they just went without and it’s become a tradition at this point). san herself uses a short sword and a whip, usually in tandem. she’s the youngest of the mc bunch, and it kind of shows in her temper 😅. she has a huge grudge against her elder sister (aforementioned moira) and hates being seen as weak. she’s very argumentative and untrusting, which isn’t unusual for someone from eros however san does take it to an extreme. it does eventually mellow out for her as she learns to trust her team but MAN she has them all going through it for awhile lmao
chidorkyyyyy. i’ve rambled about him so much already tbh lol but something i do wanna draw attention to is despite how fun loving, energetic, clumsy etc that he is, he’s extremely good at his job as a train master. it’s like he was born for it in many ways. i get the whole thing of having mcs who are incompetent bc they have to learn and they’re underdogs but i don’t really want that for chidorky? like he’s quite skilled and it’s hard to tell Why bc he’s never done this before yknow! he also has great chemistry with his weapon, torment, which is embedded with cool ass glowing pink gems btw. but i haven’t figured out the entire weapon system i just know it’s one of those “your weapon chooses you” situations. he can be very serious when he needs to be and it throws people off guard tho basically lol
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teaandinanity · 2 years
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I’m really enjoying Emberfate so far, so I drew my character (Sunita) and her Emberfate avatar.
The in-game avatar is an homage to Many Things From My MMO Past;
The ponytail is a callback to the high elf on the box art for the original EverQuest, some of her aesthetic is because I tried VERY hard to make a dark elf character work in EQ (I was young and stupid so I lost my corpse somewhere with impossibly high-level enemies and had to abandon her), the lich elf thing is because I spent A While very sad we didn’t have playable Dark Rangers in WoW (and yes that’s why her ears are Like That). She’s a Lich Enchanter spec’d into support for entirely sentimental reasons, because I’m still emotionally invested in my Forsaken Disc Priest even though I have not enjoyed Disc mechanically since Cataclysm was current content.
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l1l1l1l1 · 3 years
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Fairy Tail season 1 review
Debated whether to wait until I finish the entire show but since I know I'll have a lot to say, I decided to do it by season. No comment on the fan service btw LOL, I'm a girl and don't see the pleasure in it, but to each their own I guess.
There aren't enough words to explain how much I enjoyed Fairy Tail. I love a found family trope, it's dysfunctional but it works. I love that Fairy Tail is the guild with the best bond, in my opinion. They care about their own as family. Guilds like Sabertooth are only there to be strong, where every man is for themselves and it's a pity that they joined a guild for that reason, ironic, but fair.
I love Lucy so much, she grew on my quite a lot. She may be one of my favorites in the show, surprisingly, I thought it would've been someone else. I just love how she doesn't give up and cares so much about the people around her. I appreciate how Lucy's clothes were different every now and then. Her relationship with everyone in the guild is so sweet, especially with Natsu. Natsu is a bundle of joy, I love how empathetic he is and is always willing to fight for the ones he loves. His motion sickness has me dead, like how you gonna be the strongest and have this be your weak point lmao. His and Happy's bond boosts my serotonin level +100 when they're on screen.
Erza is a queen. I'm not gonna go into it further, and there is no need to cause it's self explanatory. Gray is just as amazing, I love how close he and Lucy have become throughout the show. I wish I have more pics of everyone's friendship but this is the only one I have rn but it's just too cute!!
My favorite arc would have to be the Tenrou Island arc. That arc had different pairings to pass the S Class exam and it was so good to see them interact and fight with members they normally wouldn't. The next ones that I liked a lot were Oracion Seis and Grand Magic Games arc. As you can tell, I love when the teams come together to fight a common enemy. There's just something about it that brings me joy. The first few episodes of the Grand Magic Games had me heated cause of Raven Tail and Sabertooth.
I don't wanna go into ALL the characters that I liked, cause I pretty much love them all except for the bad guys. They got me attached. Not to mention a lot of these characters developed so well. Laxus is also super dope!! I was sad to see him go the first time, but so glad he's a part of the guild again. Seeing him come to their aide during the fight against Hades had me so fcking hyped AND when he defeated Raven Tail!! Also Gajeel, hated the guy for what he did, but now I love him!!!
So excited to continue on to the next season!! A bit scared cause it ended on a cliffhanger and there seems to be some dark stuff underway.
Rate: 10/10
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yloiseconeillants · 3 years
going through my old caps again while my work continues to be a clownfestival
i may have gone mad with power (lmao) when i realized that gpose was a thing i could in fact do on a console and there are a couple of really early quests in arr where the npcs are much more obliging to pose than in other scenarios and the very first thing i did with erasmus before even loading into the rest of balmung is take some couples photography w/ wymond? EDIT: MY GOD THAT IS THE SAKURA PARTICLE EFFECT I WAS OUT OF CONTROL.
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idk why not - he saw erasmus off at the airship after all
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my notes are a huge wreck rn with cramming for febhyurary, which i don’t think is going to be a thing after all (on this blog anyway, as mentioned, i simply do not have the content volume) BUT i do have an entire backstory plotted out for erasmus which came together really quickly and i have to wonder if i’m getting better at this or if i’m going to scrap it all in like two weeks (Yloise’s backstory literally went through at least three MAJOR alterations - I mean, like, she was a pirate at some point lmao).
Erasmus comes from a mining family who were just starting to reach a point of financial stability before the Calamity. He had already been apprenticing at the Goldsmith’s Guild for a few years at that point, but when his youngest brother is injured in an accident, he takes up adventuring to help support his family.
He’s got a close working relationship with an older Roegadyn merchant (or perhaps mentor goldsmith? whose name is still pending but I know what he looks like) who he absolutely ends up having an affair with until the merchant/goldsmith goes missing one day (UL’DAH MAFIA PLOT). This may have happened A While Ago, but it keeps Erasmus wary of doing any business as a sellsword outside of the Adventurer’s Guild.
He does have the Echo and I think he is also a WoL (in addition to Frederyk the Monk - my partner’s character, who is gonna stay up tonight and see if they can transfer into Mateus lol - and Yloise, Zezesu the Black Mage is not, which means I need to find some other DPS to join their adventuring party at some point). Fred and Erasmus were definitely part of an adventuring party together (and members of the Scions) before Yloise joined, and I think they defeated Ifrit without her (and lost their healer, who was tempered, in the process).
Joining the Scions went almost exactly the way it happened in the game - Thancred’s like ‘oh nice Echo there, go visit Momodi pls” whereas with Yloise, it’s a more formal process where Y’shtola petitioned Minfilia on Yloise’s behalf (so Yloise doesn’t do any of the early ARR dungeons, except maybe Sastasha, as a Maelstrom recruit on loan to the Adventurer’s Guild).
I think his eye injury is just a corneal abrasion, he’ll be fine in like a week. Scar’s gonna take a while though.
I have written THREE COMPLETELY SEPARATE AND UNRELATED DEATH SCENES for Erasmus and ended up scrapping every single one so I think my brain has given him plot armor. I may... make this into a whole thing with him, honestly. 
(if everyone else gets the death scene fakeouts, my WoLs certainly can)
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juvellita · 4 years
Genshin Impact theory
So this topic kind of digresses from what I usually post, but I felt the urge to make this post bcs i am too lazy to do my assignments rn.  Jokes aside, I wanted to make this post on tumbler bcs not many ppl posted genshin theory on tumblr ( from what i seen). 
While everyone has been shipping different characters and fangirling/fanboying over them, my friend and I talk way more about the story line and make guesses/theories about what might happen in the future stories. Yes, I have read several theory posts online, and a lot of character related things to come up with my own theory (mixed with what I have read of course).
Spoiler warnings under cut. If you are under AR 29, I suggest you to scroll through unless you want to be spoiled.
Long post below.
Okay this is going to be a hella of messy post. I have made so many theories about the game itself and I am going to organize as I go. 
First things first, lets first talk about twins origin. 
From what has been told so far, it is rather hard to guess what really happened after unknown god (sustainer of heavens) separated them. Who are twins exactly? Well, we don’t know for sure but we can theorize from what we know so far. Let’s list out things that we already know about the twins.
1. Your twin is the ruler of abyss order
2. Your character (MC) possess special power, where you can basically change any element you want 
3. There is a BIG time gap after you got separated from your twin, and before you fish Paimon out of water.
4. MC does not remember what happened during that time gap
Don’t these information raise any questions? 
How did your twin fall “bad” and what is his/her goal? Is she just playing along to achieve whatever her/his goal is or did she/he actually fall bad? 
Why can your character change element? Who is your character exactly?
What happened during those timeframe? 
Another big question is, do you think your character is going to stay “good” until the end? I actually have not thought too much about this until I came across this one vid:
(watch it with captions) 
If this vid is really referring to the the twins, maybe it is foreshadowing the future route for our mc. It hints that our mc might turn bad like the other twin (does that mean, the other twin is being brainwashed like what they did with Dvalin?). Was our mc evil before she/he lost memory? or are we just being toyed with?
Characters /Storyline (so far)
There are several character I want to talk about.
1. Paimon
Theres SOOOOO many discussion posts about Paimon and theories about her. The most theory thinks that Paimon is actually that unknown goddess (whom we meet in the beginning) in its weakest form. If this is true, big chances are she is just fooling mc and waiting for the right moment to take over the world. Another theory I read was that maybe she actually forgot all her memories too and she doesn’t know who she is. 
While I think all of these are very convincing theories, I want to put my own version of theory out there: what if Paimon is the Pearl from the video, the one who is trying to make mc walk in the path, believing she is the queen/king of darkness?
Paimon might actually turn out to be good, but who knows? She might be our biggest plot twist. 
2. Childe
Not much of a theory for this guy, but do you guys think this guy can be trusted? After ar 29 story, I started believing this guy has ulterior motive.
There weren’t that many theory about this dude so I will come up with my own:
Theory 1: In lvl 23 story, Childe helps you because he wants you to believe him. It would be way easier for him if there were someone he can “use” , especially when the entire city suspects you (bcs he is a Fatui). He urges you to go tell your version of story to 3 guardian mtn birds (idk what to call them) so that they will listen to your story, before Qixing members got to explain their version (If they believed in Qixing’s story, it would trouble fatui so much). 
Skip to lvl 29, Childe’s actual goal is to take Geo Archon’s Vision (how La Signora took Venti’s). Knowing this, Ningguang and Geo Archon related ppl (adepti) or maybe ever geo god himself, plan to fake death- so that Childe/fatui will give up 
Theory 2. Childe is actually a double spy- he got into Fatui to find their ulterior motives and their goal. 
3. Ningguang (Geo mage)
At first, I thought Ning was a bad person. However, reading about herself, she is just a big business person. I think she is working closely with adepti from Liyue (in secret of course). She knows too well about how letting things out in public is not always good. 
4. Zhong Li
Geo Archon yet to be revealed. Do I need to say more? 
5. Katheryne (Adventure Guild Receptionist)
Theory: she is actually a robot:
*Mondstat and Liyue has exactly same looking Katheryne 
*If you chill out in front of her for long, she murmurs “error” or “rebooting”.
Is someone spying on MC using Katheryn? or are we in a “virtual world” within the virtual world? Is everything in this game “fake”?
Fatui and Abyss Order
My biggest question rn is... Who are fatui?? What are their goals? What do they want to achieve? Are they related Abyss Order? 
One theory is that, Fatui and Abyss Order ARE related (fatui working under Abyss Order). Thats probably why La Signora left MC unharmed, while she attacked Venti. Either mc is/was someone important to Abyss Order (eventually), or maybe the other twin ordered them NOT to harm his/her twin in any way. 
But then this is JUST a theory. 
Well, this is pretty much it. We could go on about different characters too, but that would take forever lol
But what are YOUR thoughts? 
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Of Jellicle Worldbuilding pt. ?????/??????????
beyond ye olde cutte is the beginning of spitballing lore for the new world in which the Jellicle Tribe is a part of. 
this is literally just spitballin and i assure you this may or not make sense, but either way, i hope y’all dig it LOL
as it develops i’ll just slap everything up here and see where it goes lmao
now for some assorted information such as humanoid/anthro (idk i like ‘anthro’ call me old fashioned) animal status/territory information and number of tribes/society information and rehash on Tugger’s storyteller/bard status as well as his shocking decision to groom himself as he did/Jellicle Junkyard territorial map/And More
the tribal society that takes over New York State is considered “upscale” for the lack of a better word rn and probably one of the oldest and most respected societies.
there are roughly 50 tribes in the whole state. they are somewhat ranked and they have fluctuated throughout the years, of course.
tribal territories vary as being very close together and very far apart.
for the Staten Island Society, there are 3 tribes.
for the Manhattan Society, there are 4 tribes.
for the Brooklyn Society, there are 4 tribes.
for the Queens Society, there are 9 tribes.
the Jellicles have been highly ranked in the top 15 for the past 60 years or so, as Deut’s leadership has gotten stranger. whereas they’ve been solidly in the top 3 - 6 for decades, they’ve been lingering around 9 - 12 and have even dipped to 14 since Macavity’s exile. this does have many repercussions.
tribal territory varies. the Jellicle Junkyard is considered one of the more medium-sized types.
tribal territory are essentially towns, or even cities if they’re large enough. the tribe that occupies Central Park is one of the smaller tribes, of course, but have a damningly incredible location. that tribe also hosts a guard that’s nearly unmatched. they also offer training there and a market that’s very, very highly sought. they are known for their rugs, woven items like bags/baskets and even clothes
(this was a ballsy idea and when he did it, Deut raised hell about it. Tugger very well could have destroyed the Jellicles’ social standing even more, and there was a huge uproar and the Jellicles were embarrassed. however, Tugger has proved himself - since this grooming was so revolutionary and rebellious that they expected him to be like Macavity in the way of a turncoat. it even affected his ambassador duties, since some tribes turned him away, refusing to have him amongst their people like that.
Tugger’s storytelling/bard abilities are highly valued in this society (and such talent is valuable elsewhere, too; the ? Festival in which he goes to compete against other storytellers across the country is two weeks long. it’s extremely competitive and even semi-finalists are treated with high honors. he made wild waves showing up to the Festival looking like that, as grooming is a mixed bag in other societies.
either way, his placing second that year was HUGE in his representing the Jellicles and the NY/NJ societies so that really softened opinions (but didn’t stop grumbling). he was invited back to tribes that had turned him away and the Jellicles’s ranking was saved - and improved.
however, his enormous steel balls are influencing society more and more, not just locally but across the country, since the Festival is bi-annual, and storytellers are the highest level of celebrity, considered extremely valuable and even revered. not many are bards as well as storytellers, and Tugger being both, as well as placing #1 at the Festival three years running, is doing stupid amounts of good for the society he’s a part of.
that should have been keeping the Jellicles high in their ranking in itself, but Deut and Macavity’s exile/leadership of the Syndicate/Outliers Clan is doing continuous damage.)
(the Outliers Clan is only one piece of many under the Syndicate ofc, and his leadership of the Syndicate actually spans past NY/NJ, and this is an enormous deal, as the Outliers are growing in numbers and territory and this naturally makes A Lot Of People Mad).
landmarks are often named after their human (probably a new word for them) names (Old Times Square, Old Portland Bay, Old Jersey City, etc) though some have gotten new names.
for NY, the Empire State and Chrysler Building are destroyed.
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THE PROWL is a HIGH HONOR and HIGH RANKING patrol/guard within The New York Tribal Protection Collective (NYTPC). the Prowl itself consists of Protectors from each tribe, sometimes two or three representing. they patrol their own section (Manhattan, etc) and will move across lines.
Munkustrap and Alonzo are members of the Prowl. there’re talks to promote Plato, too.
subways are used as pathways between areas obv and defunct train cars have been disassembled and they’ve basically unfolded them for easy walking across the rails, it’s very good merchant space and actually well air conditioned and heated as necessary.
electricity does exist and it’s constantly being updated and worked on; outages are a risk and there are electricians and engineers working 24/7 in shifts
Skimbleshanks is called the Railway Cat because he’s pretty much always on the railways as an electrician/engineer. he’s helping build and improve a facility in hopes of better transportation/making trains work again. he is a HIGHLY VALUABLE member of the Jellicles and society (across the entire country) and is a part of a coalition/guild for engineers/electricians/etc that are working to improve cross-country as well as local transportation and electrical advances.
other worldbuilding posts: 
the first one i did lmao
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cometkins · 4 years
random ravnica dnd thots kozy you can read if you want
just thinking about ilya and his romantic relationships As Usual and i just kinda wanted to talk at the air about them to organize my own thoughts bc i care about One Thing. kozy if you’re reading this it will be stream of consciousness and good luck getting anything out of this lmao
obvs i know what i want as endgame which is for ilya and danny to get together bc i very much enjoy the idea of two very traumatized people working together so they can heal past it with a level of understanding that people who haven’t been through the same things won’t have bc like. yeah we love mutual growth and understanding in relationships. pretty poggers
their traumas are not the same and are awful in different ways but i would say they’re both like. equally fucked up from it. ilya is barely fresh off of years of awful physical abuse (not to mention the continued verbal/emotional abuse at the hands of his mother and guild at large) and danny isn’t even out of the hospital last we checked on him with the barest hint of a will to live after losing all of his life’s work and his job and also being paralyzed and like.
i am trying to figure out how to get them to even bond in the first place bc while i as the player know what i want i don’t think ilya as a character does yet. like. ilya currently cares about danny and spending time with him if only bc he feels responsible for convincing him to jump out of his spaceship to try and be saved and seeing how despondent he is rn has him feeling some level of guilt and compulsion to try and comfort him. it’s weird to remember sometimes since ilya is such a selfish asshole most of the time but he is a healer and likes being a healer and it’s in his nature to do so. as much as orzhov is a very black magic guild it is still also a white magic guild, you know. the white magic part of ilya wants to help danny be better, even if right now it’s very motivated by guilt over something deeper. i just think it can be deeper
but anyway, ilya has spent the past 4-ish years wanting to escape his shitty abusive marriage to the point of being ready to jump out a window before father alexei yanked him off the sill and dragged him fully outside the church so he couldn’t do it and the only thought in his head that gave him any reason or will to live was the potential of seeing sarren again and being with him because it was way better than being choked out every day of his life
so ngl him being pretty much banned from seeing or interacting with sarren has him doing Very Bad but having the new goal of torturing and killing nikolai and having people thank him for it is what’s helping him deal with THAT but anyway
ilya is still (currently) very much of the mind that he wants to try and make things work with sarren again because he still genuinely loves him a lot but i think after years and years of abuse and building up this past relationship in his mind he kind of has rose tinted glasses on wrt sarren in general. sarren not seeming to remember how he treated ilya already has ilya slipping back into old feelings of resentment and the fact that he’s not putting in enough effort (in ilya’s mind) to see him again and spend time with him has him feeling hurt. we haven’t rp’d the scene out yet but the fact that sarren even showed up to their secret meeting probably shocked ilya a lot. i think ilya would’ve been willing to wait the entire day and night to see sarren but he wouldn’t have been very happy about it. i think (whether true or not) ilya feels like sarren is ashamed to be seen with him to some degree, since he’s poor and a pariah within his guild and sarren prioritizes his work and keeping up appearances. being seen with ilya is almost shameful despite the fact that they were married
but regardless, his relationship with and marriage to sarren was ilya’s first glimpse into the idea that people could treat him well and actually genuinely care about him but he also still feels like he can’t really hope to ask for more than the neglect sarren gave him? ilya feels ugly and worthless most days and the fact that sarren was ever interested in him still shocks him. i imagine a lot of marriages in the orzhov are political/arranged ones like the one he had with nikolai so the idea of having a loving relationship is already super foreign as a concept to him.
idk how he and danny might end up but i like to think it’s one that could be better than what he had with sarren even in small ways.
im still trying to figure out how ilya might get danny to even begin to warm up to him and rn he’s kind of just hanging out in his hospital room reading and bringing him food and books so he has anything else to eat or do and so he knows that at least somebody seems to care about him enough to be around him? but i think i might have ilya bring him cigarettes next time he can visit to really get him to crack. i don’t think ilya likes them from a healer perspective but if it’ll help danny cope that’s fine enough for now.
will prob go with celeste to make sure he can get his job back or at least be able to work in celeste’s lab bc if she’s leading shit why can’t she pick her own employees damn fuck u zir wackass ableist bitch
but yeah. idk man i go back and forth on if ilya will really be happy with either man and sometimes i wonder if maybe he couldn’t just be with both bc he has two hands but i also do think that unless ilya and sarren can really have the time to make up and be together ilya will pull back, esp if sarren doesn’t vastly improve from how he was before, and that’s hard when they can’t even be with each other in a meaningful capacity rn. i tend to feel that if your relationship was super bad before that unless there’s been major growth between the both of you that it won’t work if you try to get back together. idk if ilya has exactly done any growing but he wasn’t necessarily why the marriage fell apart in the first place so. big shrug.
danny and ilya haven’t really interacted enough for me to say what will be good and bad, i just have Ideas for how i’d like them to be and envision how things could go but what i expect and what happens almost never lines up so. we’ll see w them. i don’t think they’ll make much progress until they like. talk. i’ve joked about how they’re two people that would be comfortable spending entire days together in utter and complete silence like utter crazy men and i do think that can still be true when they’re actually together but yknow. they need to get to know each other more first lol.....
it’s hard to plan for how i want to try and have them interact when i’m getting hit with a brick wall but i’m stubborn and persistent and will not be swayed from my efforts :’))) it’ll happen
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 4 years
I talk about random things part 5
Heyo guys sorry for the hiatus I am just not vibing rn but S2E66 awoke me from my grave I said what the hell is this anyways (spoilers)
-He lost his hand????? like his whole hand??? Will he get it back???? (His WHOLE hand?) (When like hands are his main weapon technically?) (BRO? WHY ARE YOU SO CHILL YOU LOST A HAND?) (It’s his right hand as well…) (Probably his dominant hand too, since he wields swords with his right hand)
-I have no idea why author decided to put “I thought you were just some idiot” (referring to MSM) into the “reflection-thoughts-internal dialogue” thing, they’ve been in guild together for months? Years? There’s no way… he could have thought that. If there was one person who would appreciate MSM the most it would definitely be Choco Bibi.
-^^I might be reading too much into this though and it might just be like a more fond tone instead of “I thought you were dumb lol”
-“At this rate I’ll just hold everyone back” !!!!!!!!!!!
-Man really was ready to just go into battle with one hand, his non-dominant one, wielding a sword despite being a support mage…… I stan
-The glasses thing was so random but i accept it if it means red hat back
-The teleport nerves thing is kinda hardcore (If the translation is right + I’m reading right… he just teleports the WHOLE nerve out? Ok bro)
embodiment of space: just do the brain
bibi: no entire head
embodiment of space: but mana-
bibi: haha head go **teleport noises**
embodiment of space: yo-
enemy: uno card
bibi: FUCK
-This was kinda ooc imo, the characteristics I’ve associated with him are laid-back and protective of friends. He’s one of hclw’s smartest characters, I seriously don’t get why this happened. In the moon temple nightmare fight, he got impaled by some mana rocks and stuff and didn’t complain. He was more worried about the mission than his wellbeing. I have no idea what happened here, there was no reason for him to do such a drastic move especially since 1. the embodiment of his POWER was talking to him and 2. no one else was involved (revenge for himself??? real sus)
Thanks for reading me say random shit I will now die again
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imaginegladions · 7 years
FairyTail au please please please (Okay, yeah, I'm kind of a huge FairyTail nerd)
But like consider this!!!
Sting!Lillie and Rogue!Gladion!!!
Let’s say Lusamine is actually a strong mage who used dark magic in order to protect her family from a huge army trying to invade the country.
Like, in the middle of a giant war, Lusamine is part of the Mage Guild named Alolan Forme. She uses the dark magic as a last ditch effort to win.
When she gets back to the guild, she ends up being cursed (like Zeref) and accidentally kills her husband Mohn in the process.
She immediately leaves the guild and her two kids.
In Alolan Forme, Hala - the guild master - takes custody of Lusamine’s two kiddies and so Gladion and Lillie end up growing up with Hau. 
One day, when they were out and about, Gladion and Lillie got lost in the woods and Hala sent out the whole guild to look for them. 
In actuality, Gladion wanted to leave the guild because he felt bad that he didn’t have magic and was the most useless in the guild compared to their mom who was the strongest mage ever.
Lillie tags along and they both end up getting a lot a bit lost.
After half a year of searching, Gladion and Lillie return claiming that two dragons named Solgaleo and Lunala gifted them with amazing magic power.
TANANANANANANA! Lillie and Glads become like, the most powerful magic duo ever. 
Lillie doesn’t like fighting, though. She likes to stay back and heal people instead.
Lol, she’s more like Wendy (?).
Hau, on the other hand, gets some legit Fire Dragon Slaying magic. 
His dad became a Fire Dragon and eventually left to hide away from the world so his power doesn’t fall into the wrong hands after the dragons become extinct. 
You are a Celestial Spirit mage who enters Alolan Forme when you and the gang are young adults basically.
At this point, you’ve got a couple of spirits on your belt.
You inherit Gemini (Sina and Dexio) from your own parents and you met Sagittarius (Kahili) on one of your parents’ jobs for their own mage guild. They kindly gave both keys to you so you can start your own journey.
Ironically, Lusamine was inspirational to many young mages and you are one of them so entering Alolan Forme is your dream.
The image of Z Moves is the Guild Tattoo!
*cough* Sun has Ice Make powers and strips a lot ironically.
Moon is like… the Erza, she has Requip powers but she’s still learning more from Olivia.
Gladion doesn’t really think you’re that powerful so he doesn’t pay you much mind.
He does start paying attention when you and Hau form a team together.
He minds a lot when Lillie asks his permission to go on a job with them. 
Gladion is forced to tag along just cause he doesn’t want Lillie to be alone with Hau.
Everyone you go up against is more afraid of Hau/Gladion/Lillie because they’re all Dragon Slayers.
In a fit of determination, you go off on a seven year job alone and return with Seven!!! More!!! Zodiac!!! Keys!!!
As soon as you get back, you challenge Gladion to a one on one fight which… well, shocks everyone.
Everyone challenges people to fights in this guild but no one has challenged Gladion except Hau and they always end up in a Draw. 
Gladion accepts.
Which is almost weirder than you asking, since he barely speaks to you.
You tell him to wait a bit and stroll right up to Molayne telling him to tell you why he was banned from the Spirit Realm.
“Hahaha, did Kahili tell you?”
“Sophocles told me.”
“Oh… so he’s in a contract with you.”
“You saved him from a bad master, didn’t you?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to the Spirit King about your sentence!”
You have that cool Lucy moment where she convinces the Spirit King to let Loke back into the Spirit World.
As soon as you’re done with Molayne you look at Kukui, resident light mage, and smirk.
“And you?”
Hala looks on in amusement as Hau’s jaw hits the ground.
“I married a human. She holds a contract with me.”
“Ah, yes. Your wife. Burnet.”
“However, I admire your tenacity!!! I will help you sometimes.”
“Hahaha, alright. I won’t take your key from your wife. I wasn’t planning to.”
Protagonist is so savage and OP you basically own 10 out of 12 Zodiacs rn. *shakes head*
You and Gladion prepare for battle but Hala stops you both.
“Need I remind you that Gladion is an S-Class mage.”
“Whuuuut? You passed the test while I was gone?”
“Impressive! I’ll have to pass this year’s test!”
You and Team Alola entering the Grand Magic Games together!
“This sucks, I still want to fight you.”
“Focus on the other guilds, you idiot.”
At this point everyone in the guild ships it like pls kiss already.
Gladion is absolutely enraged when one of the other guilds cheats and cancels out your attack he’s tempted to drag the entire audience into Shadow until he finds the cheater.
A lot of ladies from other guilds wants Gladion. :”>
He’s only got eyes for you, though. 
Eventually, he will confess.
Although, it will likely be because the guild has had enough of your flirting. XD
Knowing Gladion, it’ll be the day you two finally fight head to head. He just, suddenly confesses right in the middle of the fight and you lose because of it.
“You’re a cheater, Gladion. You should never cheat on your s/o. That’s bad boyfriend behaviour.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“You’re lucky you have such a kind and powerful s/o!”
“That I am.”
Lets not discuss the whole Acnologia thing lets let them be happy hohoho.
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gffa · 8 years
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I ACTIVATED LEIA AND HERA THIS MORNING, I AM PLEASED WITH THIS PROGRESS.  ♥ ♥ ♥  I’m also making solid progress on several other characters, not bad for my ~third day or so!
updiddlyupup said: Also kinda addicted to this game. Lvl 68, but still a way from having any 7* characters. haven’t joined a guild tho, so it’s unfamiliar territory. I too really want General Kenobi.
iamfirestarter said: I do so raids with my guild, but its weak and raids are long and not so interesting - you need find powerful guild with many daily players to win something huge like Kenobi)))
iamfirestarter said: hi, I got 73 lvl, daily player since… november? Ahsoka is cool (play cantina fights to get her!), and I recommend Ventress - they can heal themselves through attack. Vader is pretty strong too, and, oh, for dark side you need Fett - he can resurect))
bencannolikenobi said: also again (damn I need to stop replying in chunks) Ahsoka started off kinda a slow character for me but she’s now at a level 76 and all 7 stars and gear level 9 and OMFGS I ADORE HER IN MY LINEUP MY DREAMS CAME TRUE.
bencannolikenobi said: also it depends entirely on the raids. In my guild we do raids primarily with 6 star characters and above, and I suck at it b/c the only characters I have 6 stars and above are a handful of Jedi and Vader. I’m about to be able to have that with a lot of my rebel characters, though. Which takes entirely too much work and so I probably WON’T e able to upgrade Palps to 6 anytime soon either.
bencannolikenobi said: I am at level 85 rn lol. Barriss has a better heal ability but doesn’t have nearly as strong of a blow as Luminara does. Mace, when fully upgraded, IS FUCKING BADASS.
laurelseas said: You said you welcomed advice so I hope you realize I'm going to keep offering it. Someone should learn from my mistakes xD Yeah, it's a time sink in the beginning, but right now I really only need to spend 30mins or so most days. I recommend spending crystals to buy extra cantina energy 2 times a day if possible and farming characters there instead of buying a pack of cards, as this also helps you buy Ahsoka shards. It's your choice of course, and cards are more useful in the beginning
laurelseas said: Guilds have 50 players max, and the raids can be hard - just the general Kenobi raid requires 6*, nevermind the heroic. The rancor raid is easier tho because you can do it with 4* charries and it's meant for 4* charries. Non-heroic raids will run endlessly, so even if you don't do much damage, and neither does your guild, you'll eventually kill it. (Is there somewhere else I could write this? The character limit here is not fun *eyes it* I could take questions on my tumblr, I guess?)
laureas76 said: I’ve been playing ‘Galaxy of Heroes’ for almost a year now. I’m a level 85 player and I’m glad to see more people involved from Tumblr. I’m also thinking of starting a new guild. So drop me a pm if you want to team up!
MORE USEFUL ADVICE.  Which I am putting all together so that I can reference it as I continue to play!  I’m glad to see there’s interest in the game/that a lot of players have been around for awhile!  I’m envious of you lv70+ people--even assuming I can get 1, maybe 2 levels per day (which I doubt I can keep that pace up), it’ll take me at least a month to get there. I know from playing Marvel Puzzle Quest that Guilds/Alliances can be tricky, because not everyone is going to have the interest to stick things out for months and months at a time.  Which is totally fine, these games are meant to be casual!  And even I can’t say for sure--I think I’ll be playing months from now, because it’s a pretty quick play after the initial major time sink and I can do it while I’m out shopping or whatever, but it’s hard to know who else will want to stick it out that long.  (So I’m interested in forming a new Guild, but I don’t want to pressure others away from Guilds that may already be working for them/I’m not sure how useful I would be for months yet, if even then!) Right now, I mostly am focused on getting a team together that I can use, so it’s a lot of farming for gear (SO BORING but SO USEFUL, it really makes a major difference with their power levels) and spending all my Catina energy on getting Old Ben (I HAVE MY PRIORITIES, OKAY), but also I really want to work towards Ahsoka and then Mace next.  (Good to know they’re useful!  ♥  I mean, I probably would have gotten them anyway because I love the prequel characters and I’m definitely going in with biases, but I’m glad that they’re going to be useful when I get them!) I’ve been spending my ally points on Bronzium cards because I don’t think there’s really much other use for ally points other than that? I’ve joined a Guild, but I’m not sure how much use I am to them/use they are to me at this point.  It sounds like Guilds are mostly useful for high level raids and requesting gear, as far as I can tell? ALSO BLESS ALL OF YOU HIGH LEVEL PLAYERS THAT HAVE FRIENDED ME, you’ve helped me get through some of the tougher-for-me-still Light/Dark Side battles.  Now I just have to hit level 42 so I can unlock level 5, finish it, and then GUESS WHO’S GOING TO BE FARMING FOR JEDI KNIGHT ANAKIN.  *rubs hands eagerly*
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