#his face in the 3rd photo has me CACKLING
storydays · 7 months
Overture: Part 2
(3rd POV)
*With Charlie*
"Hello? Creepy..." Charlie called into the building as she looked around, walking towards the front desk. "Oh!" Charlie watched as a scroll and quill came in front of her. "Also, creepy." she smiled awkwardly, as she signed her name. A door opened up into a dark room, and Charlie walked in, calling out again, "Hello?" 
" 'Sup." A male voice startled the demoness, making her fall on the floor. "Holy shit!" She yelped. Light had came on to reveal two angels, one sitting and the other standing behind the first. 
Standing up, Charlie pushed her bangs back. "Hi! I'm Charlie, and my brother has sent me to meet you." "Yeah, I know." replied the yellow angel, lazily. "Okay, well, it is nice to meet you." Charlie held her hand out to shake, the angel leaning forward to shake it, "Totally, nice to meet you too." Charlie gasped when her hand passed through his. 
"Ha! I fuckin' got you! DId you fuckin' see that?!" He cackled to the grey angel beside him, who nodded at his answer. "Good shit." He laughed to himself. 
"Uh, so wait, you aren't here?" wondered Charlie. "No, you think I'd come down there?" He laughed again. 
"No, I mean, I love the vibe, totally; I love your tunes. Pretty fuckin' hardcore, don't get me wrong. But it's such a bummer, man. Everything down there, is so..eugh, ya know. Ew." He cringed at the thought. 
"Right..so I'm happy that we got this opportunity to meet! There's a project that I've been working on that I really want to talk to you about--" Charlie eyed the angel as he shushed her.
"Hey, hey, hey, slow down. We got time; how about we get to know each other, mm? How about some lunch? You hungry? I got you!" The yellow angel held up a plate of ribs, offering it to the demoness. "Here's my personal favorite. You'll love it."
Charlie smiled politely. "Um, thanks." As she reached for some, her hand went through it. The angel laughed loudly. "I got you again, bitch! Haha! Fuckin' hilarous! Haha!" The princess laughed sarcastically, annoyed by his childishness. 
*Back at the hotel*
Vaggie had gathered everyone in the main foyer. Angel had his legs on (Y/N)'s lap again, and was enjoying how flustered the prince looked. The blond tried to ignore the spider but was failing miserably. 
"Okay, Charlie's doing something very important, so while she's gone, we are making a new commercial." Vaggie smiled, thinking of her energetic girlfriend, before holding her hand out expectantly. "So, we need  a camera. Alastor?"
The deer demon snapped his fingers and an old fashioned camera meant for photos appeared. "A video camera." snapped the Latina woman. "Hmm." Alastor hummed before giving her the requested item. "Alright, let's do this." Vaggie grinned. 
"Aaand action!" 
" 'Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. Can I help you?' " Husk read from the script, from where he was standing behind the bar. 
"I've been a bad boy, and I need a big, strong Daddy to put me in my place....on the path to redemption." Angel started sultrily, purposely stretching his body out, showing himself off. (Y/N) snorted behind his own script; that spider was such an idiot sometimes. 
"Well, you come--" Husk started before being interrupted by Angel's moan of , "Oh yes!" (Y/N) started laughing harder, as Husk continued his lines through gritted teeth, "To the right place." 
"Cut!" Vaggie sighed, putting the camera down and turning towards the men. 
"Okay, Angel, I need you to be less horny, if possible.  (Y/N), stop encouraging him. And Husk, can you not have the script right in your face?" Vaggie commented. Husk bristled, clearly angry, "I ain't no act! I can't memorize this shit!" He slapped the paper in his hand as Angel leaned in closer. 
"Well, we could improve this shit, babycakes. Rawrr." The Italian spider purred seductively. 
Husk frowned and pushed the spider into (Y/N) who wasn't even paying attention, and sent both men to the floor. "Oof," grunted Angel as he landed on (Y/N), knocking his glasses off and--
"Fuck, my nuts!" groaned (Y/N), curling in a fetal position. 
 Angel had accidentally kneed him...right where the sun don't shine.
"Whoops." Husk winced; he'd only meant for the spider to get out of his personal space. (Y/N) was really one of the only people he'd gotten along with. "My bad, (Y/N)." 
"I could do something with your nuts, (Y/N)." Angel teased, but shivered when the prince shot a icy glare in his direction. "Or maybe later," he muttered, rubbing (Y/N)'s back soothingly as he waited for the pain to stop.
"Guys, come on." Vaggie sighed, as Husk picked up a bottle and started drinking again. 
*Back with Charlie*
"So I was playing this gig, and for some fucking reason, this virtue chick was diggin' on the drummer and it's like, do you know who I am? I'm fuckin' Adam! I'm the original dick. All dicks descend from me! You think you want drummer dick? No way! I'm the fuckin' dickmaster!" Adam obnoxiously slurped on his ribs before continuing his story. 
"So anyway, we fucked and it was awesome. What'd you do this weekend?" He asked a very bored looking Charlie. 
"Wait, your name is Adam? Like the first man, Adam? That means you--Ohhh, that explains so much." Charlie realized. "I know, I fuckin' rock." Adam sent the princess a 'rock on sign'. "Well, Adam, sir. Mr Adam, sir--" 
"Call me dickmaster." smirked the angel. 
"Adam," Charlie emphasized, clearly done with Adam. "You seem like a smart--well, stand up guy." 
"Uh-huh." Adam agreed as he picked his teeth. 
"And I know you are the leader of the Angel Army and you are a big thinker, a revolutionary, a--a genius," Charlie complimented. 
"I mean your words, babe." Adam was clearly enjoying the compliments. 
"Who would really love to put his name on something." Charlie kept revving Adam up. "Fuckin' love puttin' my name on shit!" Adam stood excitedly. "Shit's the best!" 
Charlie nodded along, "It's a solution to our biggest problem!" 
"Ohh, herpes! Yeah, that's a bitch." Adam cringed. 
"No! Our other biggest problem." The princess tried hinting at again. 
"Oh, uh, ugly people? Math? Global warming? Nah, wait, that's Earth's problem. Umm...." Charlie blinked at the Angel...there was no way he was this stupid, right?
*Back at the hotel*
Niffty giggled as she chased a bug with a giant needle in her hand. "Hehehe, stab, stab, stab!" "Alright, Niffty." Vaggie called before turning to kneel in front of the cyclops. "Niffty. Niffty? Niffty! Your line is, 'We have the cleanest rooms.' Okay?" Niffty nodded excitedly, "Got it! I'm ready!" Vaggie grabbed the camera and started to record. "And action."
Niffty's smile dropped immediately and she zoned out, her pupil shrinking to a little dot. Vaggie stopped recording and lowered the camera,as she, Angel and (Y/N) stared at the cyclops with wide eyes. "Uhh...cut." 
Niffty smiled, "How was that?" "Well Niffty, you have to actually say the line. Let's try again." 
Same results as last time. 
Angel leaned down to whisper in Vaggie's ear, "Yo're doing great Vagina." He whispered, mockingly.  "Cut! Alright, um, maybe we can try to fix it in post." Vaggie thought aloud. "Do you even know what that means?" asked (Y/N).  "I'll figure it out." the white haired woman snapped, not noticing the looks that the two men exchanged. 
Vaggie went into a room and groaned in annoyance as the TV showed a lot of static,and barely audible sound. "Seems like you're having a bit of trouble there, eh?" Alastor grinned as he watched Vaggie. 
"Ugh, este pendejo. " She cursed, before turning to the deer demon. "Why are you even here?"
Alastor sat on the opposite couch of Vaggie, his shadow crouching behind him with a sinister smile. "I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful and fail spectacularly, like you are doing now! Good job!" He mocked cheerfully. 
Scowling, Vaggie turned the camera on, and started recording, "And here is Alastor, an egocentric piece of shit--" She yelped as the camera shorted out from the demon's power. "I wouldn't try that, my dear. This face was made for radio." His eyes changed into radio dials, his mouth changed to a speaker,and  his body began changing in bendy ways, as voodoo symbols floated around him.
Vaggie narrowed her eye at him. "That's it! I don't care who or what you are. If you're staying here, you are going to make this work. Because it won't be so 'entertaining' to watch over a empty hotel, will it shitass?" She snapped, walking back to her chair. 
Alastor's eyes and smile narrowed before he shrugged. 
"Fair enough. I'll tell you what: let's make a deal." Scoffing, Vaggie flopped back into her seat. 
"You think I'm that stupid? Making a deal with a demon like you?"
"Not for your soul." The Radio Demon rolled his eyes before continuing, "Just a simple deal: I do this for you, and you never ask me to engage with this frivolous television technology again." He narrowed his eyes at the television. "Or...Charlie comes back to absolutely nothing!" The deer dropped the radio effect from his voice as he turned to smirk at Vaggie, "Your choice."
Sighing heavily, the purple demoness agreed. "Fine." She handed the video camera into Alastor's waiting hand, sealing the deal. 
"Now then!" Alastor clapped his hands, and the hotel occupants and a camera crew appeared with equipment. With another snap, the Hotel company were all dressed in outfits from the 1920's. 
"Alright, let's make a fucking commercial." 
*Back with Charlie*
"When you take her out for the fifth time, and she still expects you to pay the check, but you're like, 'Hey, I thought you want equality/'?" Adam mocked a woman's voice.  "NOO! Our shared problem of overpopulation in Hell!" Charlie snapped, a desperate look in her eye.  "Ohh! Well, that's not a problem. We've got that covered. Lute, how many demons did you kill this year?" Adam asked the silent lieutenant. 
"Got a good 275, sir." she replied, coldly. 
"275?! Woah, badass! Awesome job, danger tits! Pound it." The two angels shared a fist bump.  
"Uh, no, that's not awesome! Those are my people, you know that, right?" Charlie stood, worry written on her face. "Ohh, yeah....That must suck for you! Hahaha!" Adam laughed. 
"But these are souls. Human souls, just the same as you have in Heaven." the blonde frowned. "They are not the same." Lute said bluntly, "They had their chance and they earned damnation." 
"You're wrong!" Charlie disagreed. "Sinners made mistakes, sure, but everyone makes mistakes." "ANGELS don't make mistakes." hissed Lute. Charlie crossed her arms, "You really think that?" she raised an eyebrow. 
"I know that." replied the exorcist. 
"Yeah, I've never made a mistake in my fuckin' life." Adam agreed as Lute circled the princess. "The only reason you're still here, is because Daddy gave you and your Hellborn kind, a pardon from an exorcist blade. How's that you feel? To know how little you matter." Lute said coldly, returning to Adam's side. 
"Oops! Almost out of time. Guess we should get into it." Adam sighed lazily. 
"Oh fuck!" Charlie face palmed, and rushed closer to the two angels."Okay, I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time." Charlie summoned a stack of paperwork. "And I feel like you weren't hearing me before, so here it goes." 
"Awh, shit!" Charlie cursed banging on the door from where she was thrown out.
*Back at the hotel*
Charlie walked into the hotel sadly, before being greeted by her brother, who was sitting at the bar, with paperwork and a another strawberry Daiquiri in front of him, glasses perched on the edge of his nose. 
He looked up at the young woman and smiled, waving his hand to send the paper work away, and taking his drink in his hand, before going over to Charlie. "Hey, sis...how'd it go?" 
As he got closer, he noticed his sister's bubbly demeanor  was gone, "Hey, what's wrong?" 
Charlie opened her mouth before being interrupted by Vaggie hugging her. "Charlie! How'd it go? Did they listen?" Vaggie looked at Charlie hopefully. 
"They sure did...hear it. But um,--" "Oh! Come here! We have something exciting to show you!" Vaggie excitedly dragged Charlie to the living room where everyone was gathered.
"Alastor pulled a few limbs, and it's about to air." (Y/N) grinned as he came to stand in between Husk and the Radio Demon, as Charlie and Vaggie sat on the couch by Niffty and Angel Dust who lounged on the floor.
"I pulled a few limbs, too!" Alastor laughed. (Y/N) shook his head at his antics. 
"Wait, the commercial? You all made a new one?" Charlie asked. 
"Yeah, one of my better performances if I do say so myself." Angel smiled lazily as Charlie teared up, holding her hands over her heart. 
"That's amazing." She said, tearfully, before Angel shushed her. "SHH! It's startin'" He growled. 
On screen, we see the hotel members dressed up; Angel blowing kisses to the camera and at (Y/N) ,who was fighting the urge to blush, before sending smirk at the spider followed by a playful middle finger. Husk was drinking his cheap booze, Niffty staring at the camera, and Alastor wasn't even facing the camera, and glitching slightly.
Vaggie smiled at the camera, "Welcome to the Hazbin Hot-" Suddenly, it was cut off to reveal a news story. 
Vaggie and Angel both shouted in their native languages at the TV and the royal demons' eyes changed to their demon form eyes, both barring their teeth in anger. 
"Breaking news in Hell today! We have just received  word from the Heaven Embassy that the next extermination is happening sooner than ever before! Do you know what that means, Tom" asked the female reporter, turning to her co-host. 
"What does that mean, Katie?" Tom asked with a head tilt. 
"It means we are all royally fucked." Katie replied as the screen showed the clock changing the days to 176. 
"Wait, what? Why" demanded Angel.
"Charlie...." (Y/N) turned towards his sister, "That'd be the kind of thing that's important for me to know before hand." "Sorry, got distracted by the commercial." Charlie sighed, placing her head in her hands in dismay.
A angelic hovercraft was scanning over the rummage of the remains of the extermination. 
"We found the body, sir. They've never managed to kill one of us before. We should just go down there now and destroy them!" Lute hissed, her wings fluttering in anger. 
"No,no. We can't risk them catching on. But don't worry, when we come back, there won't be a demon alive to pull a stunt like this again!" Adam yelled, smashing the projector, before smiling wickedly.
*With (Y/N)*
With a groan, the prince of Hell flopped back onto a couch. Bending over paperwork for hours on end, did nothing for his back. 
Fuck, he was only 225, why did his back hurt so much?
(Y/N) sighed, closing his eyes as the little cat from earlier came over, and curled up on his arms, purring loudly. 
"Hey, KeeKee. Hey pretty girl," he cooed, running his hands over the cat's soft fur.
"Ugh, my back." He groaned, feeling his muscles protest at the movement.
"Hey, sweetcheeks." A voice purred in his ear, making him lazily open his violet eye to peek at the spider who grinned widen seeing he had his attention. 
"Mm, not now, Angel, my back his killing me."
"Oh, as much as I'd love to take you in position, big daddy, I was actually coming to offer another one of my services." Angel held up a bottle of oil. "Being bent over something for a long time can really be hard on the back. Lemme help?" 
(Y/N) eyed the spider, looking for any of his usual antics, but found sincerity. "Okay, let's go to my office. I have a spare bed, for nights I don't feel like going to my room." He used his magic to transport himself and the spider, before lazily walking to the space bed.
Angel looked around the office, smiling softly at all the photos of the prince and his family. "Take your shirt off, and lay on your belly. Don't worry, I'll be careful with your wings." He waited patiently for (Y/N) to take his shirt off, smiling as he took in the view of the blond's body, clearly he took care of himself.
"No funny business." (Y/N) said, groaning softly at the pain in his back. "No funny business," agreed Angel before he straddled (Y/N)'s butt, causing him to blush slightly. "Um, what--" "I won't be able to properly massage you from the side. I swear, no funny business. Just wanted to help ya," Angel waited until (Y/N) nodded. 
Angel poured the massage oil in his ungloved hands, all four, and warmed it up in his hands, before getting to work.
(Y/N) sighed softly, enjoying as the Italian spider worked out his sore muscles, being sure to include the demon's wings as well. 
"Thanks, Angel."
"Qualunque costa per te, bambola." 
(Y/N) smiled to himself, deciding to keep the fact that he knows every language in the world to himself as Angel hummed an old song from his childhood. 
The two sat in silence as unaware as Charlie closed the door, smiling, letting the two be.
'They would be so cute.' she grinned to herself. 
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base0h · 2 years
This is my 3rd request so far and my apologies but you're not getting rid of me anytime soon 💀
So can I get some Sabo , Shanks and Kid hcs (ik the Kid requests are getting quite a lot but I'm just another simp 😅😅) finding a drawing of themselves in their artist s/o's room that they have drawn secretly (*¯ ³¯*)♡ also if they would tell their s/o that they found it and make some *stupid* comment abt it
Gosh this turned out longer than I expected, I hope it's not too complicated (*ノωノ)
Anyways feel free to ignore this if you don't like it, love ya <3
a/n - hi error!! I’m so so sorry this took so long- I feel bad- 😭 omg Sabo with an artist s/o is so perfect 🥺✨ ily too error ty for requesting again- I love seeing your requests!!! 💜💜💜
Warnings ⚠️ - I bully kid so- 💀, g/n reader
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- kid isn’t really- artsy
- He doesn’t understand most of it, but he lets you do your thing, and you let him do his
- He had to grab something from the basement which is where you usually painted, you were gone at this time of day, most likely out and about, exploring around
- He grabbed the metallic object from the floor, lifting it over his shoulder before running into something from behind
- He growled, “The fuck??” He asked, looking at what his ass just ran into
- His eyes widened, it was obviously one of your paintings, but it was the subject of said painting which surprised him
- Was that- him??
- he grinned, laughing silently
- The picture captured quite a good angle of Kid, and he became more proud of it, maybe that should be his new wanted poster photo!
- He started to walk up the stairs, seeing you coming back onto the ship with Killer carrying some ingredients for pasta later
- “I’ll set it down in the kitchen.” Killer mentioned before walking off, leaving Kid and you alone
- Kid smirked, looking straight at you with the biggest shit eating grin
- “…?” -you
- “That painting down there? Good job, made me look good.” He said with a laugh, kissing your cheek before starting to walk back towards what he was working on before
- At first, you were embarrassed- he saw the painting?!
- But then, you looked at an odd splatter of color on Kid’s pants, specifically his ass
- Why was it- stained with the same paint you used as the background of the painting-? (We don’t talk abt how you remember the specific shade of red)
- oh kid you dumbass 💀
- You stifled a laugh, struggling to not burst out laughing
- “K-kid.. Did you run into that painting of you-?” You asked, desperately begging yourself to not start cackling right then and there
- He looked confused, “Yeah? Why-“
- You looked away, but your face said it all, the absolute effort in your facial muscles to try not to laugh
- “Your ass- it’s- oh god-“
- Nope you couldn’t take it, you died on the floor, wheezing, banging the floor like an asthmatic trying to breathe
- Kid looked behind him, trying to look at his ass, but unfortunately, the man wasn’t that flexible
- (his tiddies are too big so they’re in the way 💀)
- “Make sure you- wash those pants-!” You said in between cackles, clutching your chest and wiping the tears from your eyes from how hard you were laughing
- The paint perfectly stained Kid’s pants to look like he shit his pants but in red-
- (wow I’m such a 90s bully. 🗿)
- “FUCKIN-“ Kid yelled angrily, continuously trying to turn around to see what exactly you were laughing at
- It was like a dog chasing it’s tail, and god it was funny to you 💀
- You only felt bad that Killer wasn’t here to witness this masterpiece
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- unlike kid, this man has the decency and brains to appreciate art!
- He loves seeing the projects your working on, they really bring him joy to see
- Seeing you so focused on making sure each proportion, color, and subject of the painting was just to your liking made him feel oddly happy
- He wanted to ask you something, he was headed towards your studio workplace to ask you if you wanted to go and see the town with him since it was a newer place
- He knocked and opened the door only to find that your studio was lacking the one who made the art
- You were gone?? Maybe with koala…
- He looked around at your paintings with a smile, lifting his hat up to get a better view of them
- He saw the empty cups of water that fueled your endless days of painting- so he decided to try and clean some of it up for you
- Just so you didn’t feel overwhelmed with the clutter of dishes and trash
- He then laid eyes on a painting of him, he’d never seen you paint him before, so this was quite a surprise!
- He looked amazed, it was a very- flattering angle??
- You had painted Sabo during a battle, using his devilfruit, so he was surrounded by beautifully colored flames
- He blushed, was this how you saw him?
- He dropped the dishes in his hand, he was too flattered-
- You walked through the door with a yawn, you had just finished talking with Koala about some future plans
- “Oh hey Sabo- wait wh- WHOA WHOA WHOA NO NO NO THAT’S NOT FOR YOU TO SEE- oh shit.” You sighed, realizing that you had blown your cover
- He snapped out of it, staring at the broken dishes at his feet, he then tripped over the pieces in order to go towards you
- You were so embarrassed- this wasn’t supposed to be for Sabo to see-!
- He looked flustered, “Y/n- do I really look that cool??”
- You looked surprised, but then you laughed, how could Sabo be so cute??
- “Yes Sabo, you’re that cool. And cute.” You said, pinching his cheeks as he grumbled, putting his hands on your cheeks as well
- This man loves you so much, and to see you paint such a fucking awesome looking piece of him made his heart give in even more to you
- “Love you Sabo. But seriously don’t come in here without me saying so- just so- this doesn’t happen again.”
- “Wait you paint more of me?! Can I see?!”
- “NO-“
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- This red haired drunk isn’t the most artsy person ever, but that doesn’t mean he can’t understand and appreciate it!
- Sometimes, he’ll sit in the room and just watch you paint, it’s really calming for him
- “Shanks- please stop staring at me- it’s been 3 hours..”
- “But baby, you’re just so gorgeous-“
- “Go help Benn with something-!”
- You needed space
- your creative mind can’t work when someone’s literally just staring at you with a gaze like his
- “Noooooo- please-??”
- “…”
- “🥺” -shanks
- “… Fine. Baby.”
- Shanks loves you lmao
- when you were gone for the day, out somewhere with Benn, Shanks was holding a bottle of alcohol as usual as he walked around the ship
- He was looking for the newspaper he was reading before, but he stumbled into your studio instead
- when he found the newspaper, he might’ve “accidentally” found a painting of him
- when I say accidentally, we all know he was looking for it in the first place 🙃
- Shanks stared at the painting of him, you seemed to have drawn him with his crew, standing tall and proud, over looking the ocean full of sea kings before them
- He looked somewhat like- a king!
- shanks grinned, so maybe you did think he wasn’t just a drunk pirate…
- Shanks made it his personal goal to find you and ask you the most embarrassing questions about this
- bec he’s a fucking tease 💀
- You could tell just by the shit eating grin across his face, that he was going to say something that wasn’t going to make you feel happy
- “Hey baby.. So I saw something in your studio when I was looking for something, aaaaand, I found a painting of me. You did that right?”
- You stopped in your tracks, shit, did he see that painting??
- You tried switching the subject, saying you had to go down and do something, but your boyfriend was quick to stop you, setting you down on his lap
- His arm wrapped tightly around your torso, you definitely couldn’t escape from Shanks’ grip now
- He leaned close to your ear, his red locks tickling the side of your face
- “C’mon, tell me about it.” He said with a smirk as you finally gave in
- “Hmmm- so maybe I’m not just a red haired drunk pirate to you?” He asked with a smile, leaving you struggling with the reddest cheeks ever
- “Shanks.. You said you were- ‘looking’ for something right? You knew I was painting it all along huh..?”
- he laughed, “Maybe.”
- “You’re so- Ugh.” You grumbled, crossing your arms as he kissed your cheek repeatedly, trailing his hand up and down your torso
- “Love you too y/n.”
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a/n - god this took too long- I’m so sorry error! I hope you like it :)
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astrochemstry · 3 years
@erwinsmithsworld asked:
reki invited his girlfriend to sleepover at his house and his mother and sisters embraced him because they talk about reki when his younger 🤣 make it oneshot please cuddle and fluff 🥺🙏🏻
I think im terrible with oneshots but i hope this is good for ya!! Kinda short tho since im doing this with piled up math homework mJKAHSJDHF
POV: 3rd pov?? 2nd pov?? iDKK
I also made it G/N reader since I wanted everyone to feel included and tried my best to make the reader as vague as possible
You’re walking to Reiki’s house since he invited you to have a sleep over, crossing the street and walking up a steep road.
As you walk upwards, you can hear whooping and laughs. You turn to your left and see Reiki with Langa skating towards you-- actually, it looks like they'll crash into you.
They did.
"(Name)!" Reiki launched up and goes to your side, helping you up. You groan and rub your hip, "Hi, Reiki. Having fun?"
He nods, "Are you okay?"
You nod and get up, you wave at Langa who dusts off some dirt on his clothes. "Hey (Name), what are you doing here?" He asks.
"Oh! Im going to Reiki's house, we'll be having a sleep over!"
Langa's eyes sparkled, "A sleep over? Its been a while since I've had one. Reiki, can we have one?"
Reiki chuckles, "Sure! But this time I wanna spend time with my lover. We can invite Miya when we have ours!" Langa smiles, nodding and picking up his board.
"Ah- Langa, where are you going?"
"Home. You're gonna spend time with your lover, right? We can hang out tomorrow. Bye."
Langa jumps on his board, skating away and out of sight as Reiki and you wave.
"You're both close, aren't you?" You giggle. Reiki grins and hugs you, "C'mon, lets go home. Its getting dark." You both walk to his home with his arm wrapped around your hip.
He suggested playing 'I spy' and you're both having a competitive game of a classic childrens game.
"I spy something Red."
"Your hair."
"I cant see my hair, (Name)."
"I spy.. something blue."
"Langa isn't here, Reiki."
"Hey!- Its not Langa- okay, at first it was-" He rubs the back of his neck as you laugh, "Its that car over there!- C'mon stop laughing!" he pouts.
The game was that exciting that you both didnt realise you've made it to his home. Where, his family, was peeking through a half opened door.
"Thats Reiki's lover?" His sister, Koyomi, asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Ahh!! my son has someone to call his own!" His mom, Masae,  gushes.
"Yeah, Finally." Koyomi scoffs with a tiny smirk.
Meanwhile, Reiki's tickling you with a goofy grin on his face.
"L-let me go!" unable to form a sentence, you cackle with laughter. "Never!!" Reiki stops and holds you tight, you can feel his smile when he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck.
"Hey! The Dinner's getting cold, why don't you hug it instead to make it warmer?" Koyomi teases with a hand on her hip.
"Hey-  we're you watching this whole time?"  Reiki pouts, grabbing your hand and walking to his sister.
"Mm.. Maybe. Mama, Nanaka and Chihiro saw and they're waiting with food at the table!"
"Haha, very funny Koyomi." Koyomi shrugs with a cheeky smile, walking away.
"Reiki, I don't think she's kidding-" "Well, at least they know I love you lots!"
Afterwards, you eat dinner with them. Masae next to You and Reiki, Koyomi, Nanaka, Chihiro at the opposite end. Well, not just eat.. Talk about each other which led to the topic of Reiki in the past.
"Oooh! has Reiki shown you pictures of him in the past?"
"Mama-" "I haven't. Can you show me?" Reiki nudges you and you can see a light blush on his cheeks, you grin in response.
Masae who's clapping her hands and rushing to another room to find the photo books. She comes back with starry eyes and a smile similar with Reiki when he's excited.
She flips through the pages and presents a couple of photos of a tiny Reiki, one with him smiling beside a tree. He's wearing a shirt of a super-hero you don't know, a couple of bandages on his knees and arms and he's holding a stick. Its cute.
She sits beside you as Koyomi squeezes herself between you and Reiki. Reiki narrows his eyes with a raised eyebrow but Koyomi sticks out her tongue at him with a smirk. He rolls his eyes and ruffles her hair, "Hey, I just combed it!"
You watch with a smile forming on your lips. Its such a nice sight to see their family loving and supporting each other.
"And here, this is when he joined his first school play!"
Reiki yelps, "Mama! don't show them!!"
"Show what, Reiki?" you and Koyomi ask in unison, with grins-- mischievous grins.
He smiles slowly, "nothing. We can check the- uh, time I became a boy scout!" he responds with a shaky voice.
You didnt get to see the photo, sadly. The rest of the night was looking through the rest of the pictures and playing a couple of board games. Now its time to go to bed.
You're laying on the bed and waiting for Reiki to finish brushing his teeth. You're humming a song you heard on the way to his home, He finishes and comes out the bathroom with a sweat shirt on. Usually, he wears these when he's gonna make a board.
"Oh, are you going to make some boards?"
Reiki raises his eyebrows with widened eyes, "Huh? no? we're having a sleep over. Why would I do that?"
You shrug and make a gesture to forget about it. Reiki stares at you for a while and then he snaps his fingers as it clicks, he looks at his sweat shirt and back at you.
"Ah! right. Im sorry, I just love this shirt and I wanted you to see it." you shake your head.  "Oh don't be sorry Reiki, Im sorry as well, its just you always wear shirts like that when you're gonna work."
He lays next to you, looking at the ceiling with you.
"You know?"
"Once I visited you and your mom said you're making boards. So I went and saw you sleeping on an unfinished board, wearing a sweatshirt. You looked pretty cute."
Even if it's pretty dark, you can tell he's blushing through the silence. He is. with a huge grin.
"Thanks. You look awesome."
"Flattery doesn't work on me, Kyan." You joke. He chuckles and brings you closer to cuddle. "By the way, you should wear that costume during your school play again. You look awesome."
"You and Koyomi found it, huh?"
"Your work shed isn't a good place to hide things like that, Reiki."
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zenixcazh · 4 years
Self Indulgence
"Self-indulgence!!" I scream into my mind, furiously scribbling down another sketch of Zangetsu from the fantasized version of Bleach within my brain. I flip to the next blank page, the previous one filled with various sketches of characters. I take a moment to count the pages left in my sketchbook. 5 left.
Inside my mind, a trio has taken the throne, triumphant in their conquest of the mind. Sat right on the throne's seat is Ichigo Kurosaki, iconic scowl plastered onto his face. To his right is a smirking Zangetsu Shiro, cross legged on the arm of the throne, arm thrown over his King's shoulders. On the far left is Zangetsu Ossan, a standing shadow of expressionlessness as he surveys the aftermath of the headspace.
Motivation lays bound on the ground in front of them, finally tied up after her 4th attempt at getting to the academic section. Such section is battered and cobwebbed, untouched for weeks ever since the trio had come in unannounced and chose to stay. Procrastination and daydream stand off to the side, relieved that they were spared from the might of the trio, if only because they help to keep Bleach on my mind.
I finish the sketch that I was drawing, pulling out my phone to take a photo so I can draw it digitally later. Then, an idea forms in my mind and I smile with all the sleep deprivation I can muster. Motivation has come back even stronger, with a new fic idea, and I scramble for my laptop.
Ichigo smiles, holding onto Motivation's bound arms as she sighs in resignation, accepting the fact that she will not be helping with school anytime soon. Shiro cackles, high and hysterical, and a smirk twitches onto Ossan's resting face. They have pulled me further into their grasp, and I happily accept as a piece from my academic section falls off.
The website of my student account flashed on screen for a moment, and there is a second that I stop in my endeavor, but the window is quickly minimized for next morning. I open my personal account, quickly pulling up an empty good doc to write.
I pull out my phone, the group chat with my friends open, fingers flying over the keyboard as I type out 'Guess who's writing a new Bleach fanfic 🤭😳🥴' for the 3rd time in 4 weeks. Motivation hits me once more, building open the idea that was given and I smile once more. After I finish the fic, I will finish the drawings that I want, and will draw something for this fanfic as well.
Within my mind, someone from the academic section screeches in frustration. There are missing assignments and assignment I have to do, but I am far too gone by this point.
As one, the trio smiles in succession. They have succeeded in taking over. It is over for me. I can only smile in euphoria, happy and content in that very moment.
Self-indulgence, I remind myself.
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bangtan-madi · 5 years
Hi! Is it okay if I make another request? I think it would be a reaction.. or scenario...? I'm still unsure about the categories. What would be Zen's reaction after finding fanfics his fans have wrote about him? Like, he was checking tripter to see what photos Seven's bot have posted recently and ended up seeing a link to said fanfics... Or something like that. Please?
Sooo, I went a little overboard with this one, but I just had way too much fun xD Hope you enjoy, lovely!!
The camera clicks on, black screen illuminating to life. Though the picture is shaky at first, MC comes into view within the first few seconds. Once her hand steadies enough, she holds the camera up high so the frame focuses properly on her face. 
“Hell, I hope you’re focusing, you piece of s–”
MC’s hand slips, and a curse emanates from her mouth. “Shit! Don’t fall, don’t fall.” Both hands grasp the device, and her wide grin returns once again. “There  we go.”
MC turns to glance behind her, silently listening for the other person wandering somewhere in the house. When she hears his laugh from the other room, she turns back to the camera and giggles.
“Zen is in his bedroom doing some work on his laptop, I think. Or…something like that.” She waves her hand nonchalantly at the end of the sentence. “Point is…I have a really great idea on how to get him back for scaring the living hell out of me the other day. He caught that on camera, and somehow, it ended up on Instagram…and now it’s viral.”
Zen laughs again, and a huge, evil grin spreads across MC’s face. “But this is gonna be sweet revenge. Here I come, babe. Get ready to be scared shitless.”
MC gives a quiet–yet animated–evil laugh as she disappears from the frame. 
She carries the camera in front of her, the door to the next room now visible. Her hand pushes the surface, and she continues to walk down the hallway, towards the bedroom.
Zen sits on a floor cushion in front of the tiny coffee table, a place that acts as a desk space when he needs it. His back it turned to MC, and both the camera and it’s owner creep closer. On eerily silent feet, the stagnant space between MC and her boyfriend closes.
As MC closes the distance to less than a foot, she takes a deep breath in, preparing to let out the loudest scream she can muster. 
Just as the sound collects in her vocal cords, Zen throws his hands up excitedly and shouts, at an extraordinarily high volume, “HEY, MC! Come check this out!”
The camera slips from her fingers and falls to the floor with a loud thud, in tandem with the loudest screech Zen has ever heard. 
Both he and MC, still in the frame, jump away from each other in surprise. Zen tumbles over, foot catching on the low coffee table. He hits the ground with a groan of pain. As she screams, MC falls backward into the basket of clean laundry, spilling the contents all over her and the floor. 
A beat of silence follows the screams, groans, and crashes as both people clutch their chests in fear and confusion. MC breathes heavily, and Zen stares at her with wide eyes.
“MC! What the fuck!”
Though MC is still startled and petrified, a small laugh starts to slip from her lips. The look on Zen’s face is priceless. His hair is askew, scarlet eyes are wider than she’s ever seen, and a hand is still clutching tightly to the white t-shirt covering his chest.
Eventually, as the shock passes, MC bursts out into louder laughter, a sound that fills the room and echos down the hall. 
“Oh my gosh, you should see your face!” she cackles, unable to control herself. 
Zen gives her a scowl, though it’s an expression to hide his own amusement. “This isn’t funny! I could’ve broken my ankle again!”
MC falls backward onto the pile of laundry, the garments covering her head and shoulders slipping to the floor. She curls up on herself, laughter shaking her entire body.
Zen stands on shaky feet and snatches the laptop from the table, an object that luckily did not fall with him.
“Fine, keep laughing! I won’t tell you what I found through Seven’s tripter bot.”
Instantly, MC recovers enough to pull herself into a sitting position. “Whaaat, nooo! Show meee.”
Zen shakes his head, and like a spoiled brat, sits on the mattress with his back to her. “Nope. Sorry, babe. You lost your chance.”
MC crawls over to the camera, picks it up, and holds it as she wanders over to the mattress. She places the device on the dresser, still aiming the lens at the bed. Despite Zen’s grumpy attitude towards her scaring him, MC wraps her arms around his shoulders and rests her chin against the curve of his neck.
“I’ll be honest, I totally came in here to scare you.”
Zen scoffs and nods his head towards the camera. “Is that why you brought that thing along?”
“Hey, it was payback for scaring me the other day! And posting it!”
The white-haired male grins at the memory. “Yeah, that was pretty damn funny.”
MC pinches his arm, earning a slight, “Ow!” from him.
“But, if it makes you feel better, I’m still shaking…so we both got scared.”
Zen pushes the laptop aside and turns to glance at MC over his shoulder. The smirk is back, and he turns enough to wrap an arm around her waist. 
“Fine, I’ll show you what I found. Get the camera, though. You’re gonna want to see this up close. It’s freaking hilarious.”
MC jumps up with a giggle, then grabs the camera and returns to her spot behind Zen. “Whatcha got there, Zenny?”
Zen, instantly in I’m-on-camera mode, gestures to the images on the screen. “Seven’s tripter bot has been scouring the internet all day, and I had no idea why. When it finished running the search, this is what it pulled up." 
He gestures to each site and link on the screen. Titles such as "Dating Zen Would Include…” and “Zen Relationship Headcanons” fill the screen. When he scrolls down a bit, more links appear. “Zen Smut,” “Fifty Shades of Zen,” and “Zen’s Kinks” are among the many, many listed.
This sends both MC and Zen into another fit of laughter. “This is great!” he exclaims. “Look at it! It just keeps going, and going, and…oh! There’s stuff with the other members of the RFA!”
Sure enough, MC starts to see things like, “Seven x Zen” and “Jumin x Zen,” along with basically every other pairing with the others in the RFA. Even “Jaehee x Zen” makes an entrance, as well as “Human!Elizabeth the 3rd x Zen.”
MC groans and covers her face with her hand, trying to decide whether to laugh or cry. “Your fans are the worst,” she mutters behind her palm. “The absolute worst!”
Zen chortles at her comment and shows a different page of fan fiction results. “Hey, they’re not all that bad!”
“You’ve read some!”
“What’s your definition of ‘some,’ MC?”
He points to a result in the queue as a defense. “Look! They’ve written some pretty sweet stuff about us!”
Rolling her eyes, MC takes a closer look. As he scrolls through the synopsis, she finds herself intrigued by the alternative universe setting, interesting plot, and near-perfect grammar. 
“Hmmm, maybe not all of them are that bad.”
Zen grins over his shoulder. “This one’s actually great! We fight human-eating monsters and make out a lot.”
MC plops onto the bed beside him with a scoff. “I thought that was our regular lives?”
The pale-haired man smirks at her and cocks an eyebrow suggestively. “Wanna read it together?”
MC’s smile widens. “Hell yes." 
As MC gets settled on the bed, Zen leaps up and crosses the distance between him and the camera. After his signature wink and wave, he shuts the camera off, and the picture fades to black.
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commander-yinello · 7 years
The Day before Christmas
Tis the season to be late with Christmas falalalalala~ This took a little longer than we anticipated. xD I got the massive honor to team up with the talented @cheebsrtd​ to create a fic with 5 gorgeous pieces of art! ♥‿♥ You will find them in between the story, to see them separately check out @cheebsrtd​ blog! This chatroom has juzen in it (duh) but also a whole bunch of other ships ;) All under the cut because this fic is really long. We hope you enjoy! Merry late Christmas and happy holidays <3333
10:04 - Yoosung★, ZEN, 707, Jaehee Kang, MC, Jumin Han, Saeran, Mary Vanderwood
Jumin Han: Hmm, V is late. Assistant Kang, you were certain he was on his way? Jaehee Kang: You asked me 5 minutes ago Mr. Han ;;; ZEN: Lay off jerkwad! (ಠ_ಠ) ZEN: Can’t believe you’re making her work on Christmas day -.- Jumin Han: That is why I pay her, Zen, you would understand if you weren’t so dramatic. Yoosung★: Aren’t we all working today actually? Mary Vanderwood: If a party can be called work. Yoosung★: It definitely can Jaehee Kang: Agreed... MC: Remember, it’s for a good cause ;;;; 707: Ah a bickering family, it’s truly like Christmas <3 Right Saeran? Saeran: I thought you said you wanted to stay at home buried under Honey Buddha Chips 707: Don’t reveal my secret after-party plans!
- V has entered the chatroom -
ZEN: See, there he is! V: Sorry for being late - had to figure out how to use our own RFA cloud storage V: As requested, I sent everyone a copy of all the pictures I made yesterday. ZEN: Opening my inbox as I type ~_^ V: Thanks for helping me sort them out. Jumin Han: Of course V, we know you’re just as busy as we are. Yoosung★: Wow there are a lot of pictures of the same thing V: Yes, I wanted to capture just the right moment. Jumin Han: Every moment would have been perfect if Elizabeth the 3rd had been there. ZEN: Urgh!!! Not the fleaball! Jumin Han: Elizabeth, get it right. MC: I hope we can find a few good ones to put on the site! Jaehee Kang: I would like to remind everyone the RFA has an image to uphold so nothing odd please. Looking at you Seven. (¬_¬) 707: What in the world do you meannnnnnnnnn Saeran: I’ll keep an eye on him, don’t worry Yoosung★: There are a lot of interesting ones! Yoosung★: I’m at the part where Vanderwood and Zen brought in the tree! ZEN: Man, that thing was heavy af. My beautiful nose nearly fell off from the cold while carrying it T_T Jaehee Kang: I’m still impressed you two managed to bring it in ZEN: Thanks Jaehee! No thanks to trust fund jerk Jumin Han: You never asked my help. ZEN: You could have offered! -.- Yoosung★: Oh, Vanderwood is in this picture! V: Haha, I asked him to pose because we have no photos of our newest member. Mary Vanderwood: Ah, that was embarrassing 707: Eyyyyyyy Mary looking good!~!~!*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: * Mary Vanderwood: Please stop ;;; Yoosung★: Oh right, this will be your first RFA party! Saeran: Don’t worry, you will never get used to the weirdness Mary Vanderwood: Didn’t expect to 707: WAIT HOLD THE PHONE MC: ?
707: ZOOM IN 707: ENHANCE Saeran: Can you not 707: BOOM
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Jaehee Kang: Oh MC: OH Saeran: Huh V: Heh ZEN: SHIT Yoosung★: AH I THOUGHT I SAW THAT YESTERDAY Saeran: You did? Why didn’t you tell us? Yoosung★: I thought I was imagining it ;; 707: Awww you guys are so kyuuuuute~ (◕‿◕✿) ZEN: IT ISNT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE ASSHOLE Jaehee Kang: So this isn’t Mr. Han giving you a kiss on the nose? ZEN: HE ZEN: WAS JUST ZEN: ... Jumin Han: Zen was complaining about his face burning from the winter chill. Jumin Han: So I was helping him warm up. Mary Vanderwood: With your face? Jumin Han: Well Jumin Han: … ZEN: Oh FML Yoosung★: lol and no reply followed for 2 minutes Saeran: For an actor and a CEO, you both are terrible at lying Saeran: In a chatroom of all places 707: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) V: Come now Zen, we all pretty much knew about you two already. Yoosung★: We did? MC: You did? Jumin Han: V, how did you…? V: I know you two longer than today. ZEN: Seriously? Jaehee Kang: I suspected from the increasing office visits. One can only claim to work for a commercial so many times when there’s no contract on my desk. Jaehee Kang: I respect your privacy Zen, but you are going to need to work on subtlety. You have a public reputation to uphold. Saeran: Yeah I give them two weeks tops before all of Seoul knows MC: Aww have a bit more faith Saeran ;;; Mary Vanderwood: Tbh I’m not shocked. ZEN: What?! At least pretend to be!! Jumin Han: Hm. ZEN: Damn it Jumin, doesn’t it bother you a little bit?! ZEN: All this time acting like I hate you for nothing -.- Jumin Han: Isn’t this better Zen? Everyone is allowed to see that I love you. ZEN: Gah!! MC: Awww!! Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han, calm down!! Yoosung★: Ewww get a room ZEN: I’m blushing and that jerk knows it Jumin Han: (ᵔᴥᵔ) 707: Only blushing? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ZEN: Fuck off into the sun Saeyoung! Saeran: ...let’s go back to the photos 707: But this is fun!!! ZEN: Oh, is it now? ZEN: Because I’ve been scrolling ahead and I found something much more fun~ V: ?? MC: Uh oh MC: Zen, wait ZEN: See, it would be a crime to deprive the world of my beauty ZEN: But someone needs to be taught a lesson in humility Saeran: Is he talking about a selfie?
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Jumin Han: Zen, I did not realize my actions would cause you to mess up a photo like this ZEN: No you weirdo, I cropped it on purpose (as much as it hurt to do so). Look at the side! Jaehee Kang: Wait, is that Saeyoung? Saeran: Pfffff Yoosung★: ?? wasn’t there a picture just now? 707: HA 707: NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS 707: GOOD JOKE ZEN Saeran: You know there’s no point in deleting the photo right? Saeran: And I know you - don’t go hacking into everyone’s phone to erase every copy 707: Saeran nooooooooooooo why do you betray me like this T____T Saeran: I’m just being realistic V: You do realize I have back ups on the camera itself. Mary Vanderwood: Did… you get yourself entangled in lights? 707: DAMN IT MARY I CAN HEAR YOU LAUGHING 707: GO BACK TO YOUR MOP Yoosung★: Ahahaha OMG Saeyoung V: Saeyoung, MC, what happened? MC: Ah ;;;; MC: Well, somehow he got trapped and I cut him free 707: MC is my savior! <3 Jumin Han: You mean he wanted to prank someone, failed, and asked you to cut him down quick so no one would notice 707: That’s grossly wrong and mean of you to assume! Mary Vanderwood: Something tells me Jumin’s right. ZEN: Too bad for you I’m fantastic with the camera and picking up on your shit 707: Aaargh, go back to hating each other! 707: All versus one is not fair!! MC: Sorry Saeyoung, I wasn’t fast enough x.x Mary Vanderwood: Payback is an inappropriate 5-letter word Yoosung★: Get rekt bro 707: ;__; Yoosung★: Who was the prank for anyway? V: Whoever would fall for it I guess. Saeran: in other words, Yoosung Yoosung★: Me????? (!!˚☐˚) Saeran: Saeyoung, this wouldn’t have happened if I helped 707: Good point! Next one we can do together! Saeran: ^_^ ZEN: wait what next one Saeran: Just not Yoosung, he deserves a break Yoosung★: Saeran T_T <3 thank youuuuu ZEN: what next one???? Jaehee Kang: Can we please get back to the normal photos =.= Jumin Han: Yoosung, you do often fall for his obvious pranks Yoosung★: Oh come onnnnn Yoosung★: Lately I’ve been doing better Jumin Han: Lately Saeyoung’s been pranking you less Yoosung★: ;_; You guys are mean V: For what it’s worth, I believe you Yoosung Jaehee Kang: And really Saeyoung, you’re too old to keep doing this 707: Don’t tell me what to do mom! Jaehee Kang: M-mom?? Mary Vanderwood: Does that mean V is dad? Yoosung★: Wait, what??? (!!!!˚☐˚) Jaehee Kang: Excuse me?? ZEN: Vanderwood, what...
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Mary Vanderwood: I’m talking about this. Yoosung★: Hey that’s me! Yoosung★: I remember this -.- Jaehee and V wouldn’t leave me alone because I spilled some mustard ZEN: Oh so that’s what Vanderwood meant ZEN: For a moment I thought he had gone mad ZEN: Wait. Did Vanderwood just make a joke? Mary Vanderwood: I do have a sense of humor, even if Saeyoung denies it. Saeran: Well you are kinda my brother’s mom sometimes Mary Vanderwood: Hey! Jaehee Kang: Am… Am I a mom? V: I was only trying to help. I’m sorry if that upset you, Yoosung. Yoosung★: To be honest, it didn’t upset me *that* much Yoosung★: I just don’t like the insinuation that I’m a kid >.< V: Of course not V: And Jaehee - you’re more a friend to all in the RFA. MC: V speaks the truth! You truly are the best Jaehee! <3 Jaehee Kang: Ah, that’s kinds of you V,  and MC, th-thank you (〃∀〃)ゞ 707: What are you all talking about? All I see is an adorable brother who got wrongfully cut off! <3 Saeran: … Saeyoung, stop… MC: So cute ZEN: No guesses who took the photo Jumin Han: V, please warn me if you plan to marry my assistant or future intern so I can plan ahead. Jaehee Kang: what V: what ZEN: OMG Jumin what. the. Hell. Yoosung★: WHAT?! Intenr!?? ZEN: Oi, typos Saeran: Really, that’s the thing that bothers you more? 707: BWAHAHAHA 707: I’m cackling Jumin out-trolled everyone Mary Vanderwood: And now things just got too weird Mary Vanderwood: I have regrets Jaehee Kang: You’ll never get used to it. ZEN: Jumin, I told you, your humor is too weird 707: Admit it Zen, you laughed 707: Jumin, did Zen laugh? ZEN: What makes you think I’m with him right now? Jumin Han: Why does everyone think I’m joking? Jumin Han: And he did ZEN: Jumin!!! V: Haha Jaehee Kang: Saeyoung, at this rate Zen is going to try to find more embarrassing photos of you to take revenge 707: Too bad, I’ve become immune now! 707: Bring on the embarrassing photos! Wanna see me in a virgin killing sweater? MC: OMG YES ♥‿♥ Yoosung★: Aaaah not here! Mary Vanderwood: See this is why no one takes you seriously. Saeran: Bro no please ಠ╭╮ಠ 707: ~(˘▾˘~) ZEN: Riiiiight, I’m going to ignore that and carry on Yoosung★: Also I don’t have time to be an intern, I’m studying to be a vet! Hmpf! 707: Study hard Yoosungie, you’ll escape Jumin’s clutches for sure!! Yoosung★: Thank you Saeyoung… I think Jumin Han: It’s an opportunity, not a requirement. ZEN: What Jumin means is that Yoosung can choose to take it, but he doesn't have to MC: This is the first time you’ve defended Jumin, Zen ZEN: It’s weird, I admit 707: Aaaand I’ve seen them all! Good job V and co~ V: Already? 707: I can easily multitask /╲/\╭( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )╮/\╱\ ZEN: V, it’s so hard to choose - I want all of them with my beautiful visage in it! Jumin Han: Same. Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han, we really need to have a meeting to discuss subtlety… Yoosung★: I’ve always been bad in multiple choice Mary Vanderwood: I’m not really sure how valuable my opinion is seeing I don’t know what image the RFA seeks to put up V: You used to be a professional bodyguard, right? I’m sure you know what feels right. Mary Vanderwood: Bodyguard? V: That’s what Saeran and Saeyoung told me? Mary Vanderwood: Oh, right. Yes. Yes, I used to be. Saeran: And now he’s a security guard. Jumin Han: That’s an odd response, Vanderwood. 707: Of course 707: he wasn’t a bodyguard 707: He was my maid (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: * lololololol Mary Vanderwood: The worst part is I can’t even deny it. Jaehee Kang: I can relate Yoosung★: Oh I accidentally made a photo as well Yoosung★: V, remember when you asked me to switch off your camera just before we all left to go home? V: Yes?
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Yoosung★: I can’t believe Saeyoung missed this hehe Jaehee Kang: Vanderwood? Jumin Han: Saeran? 707: OMG Mary Vanderwood: What? It isn’t what it looks like! ZEN: Isn’t that literally what I said earlier? 707: WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU TWO WERE DATINGGGG Mary Vanderwood: ajkdjkhkjs we’re not!! MC: Then what were you doing? Mary Vanderwood: He was only wearing a skimpy jacket! If he were to walk out into the snowfall, he’d catch a horrible cold. Mary Vanderwood: So I gave him my scarf. V: I thought it was odd he had a leopard-printed scarf out of nowhere ZEN: That *is* rather romantic, Vandy Mary Vanderwood: It is? Jumin Han: Even I knew this. Saeran: I simply forgot my winter coat. But I liked it, it was warm Saeran: I’ll give it back to you at the party Vanderwood Mary Vanderwood: You… can keep it if you want. Saeran: Ah… thanks MC: This is so adorable I’m dying 707: Hehehe I know Mary’s blushing like crazy 707: You two have my blessing (◕‿◕✿) Yoosung★: And mine too! (⌒▽⌒) Mary Vanderwood: >.< The fact that I’m communicating here instead of real life because the twins are up to God knows what is bad enough Mary Vanderwood: I’m not Zen, stop prying into my private affairs. ZEN: Hey! But touché Jaehee Kang: This is a mess, we haven’t even selected our favorites yet. ZEN: If it wasn’t for Saeyoung, we would have - damn trickster! 707: The camera was the one who caught it all, someone else would have pointed it out anyway~! Jumin Han: Some people have the decency to do that discreet. Yoosung★: Well I don’t blame Saeyoung or the camera, you all are easily riled up Saeran: Yoosung, so are you! MC: Is it really that bad though? Who cares if we know of current and/or upcoming relationships MC: Let’s all focus now V: I’m sorry for causing such chaos, but I did find one picture that I thought was the best.
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Jaehee Kang: Oh yes, the group picture! ♥‿♥ MC: Aaaah look at all of us! ZEN: Ah I’m radiant as always~ Mary Vanderwood: Posing twice for a photo in a day, what is this life Saeran: Welcome to the RFA. Yoosung★: We hope you will enjoy your stay! 707: And if you are in trouble you can call us night and day! ~_^ Jaehee Kang: Rhyming? V: Heh, they have impeccable timing. MC: Pfff you guys. This is definitely one to put on the site ZEN: Agreed! And if you think that was good, wait till you hear me sing! Yoosung★: How often have you sung for Jumin already? Jumin Han: Plenty. ZEN: Why are you so dreadfully honest?! Jaehee Kang: I give up. Saeran: Two weeks was too generous MC: Knowing you Saeran, you wouldn’t even hide two minutes Saeran: Of course not, I’ve wasted too much time to hide now Jumin Han: I’ll be off, time to get ready for tonight’s party. 707: Tonight will definitely be interesting Mary Vanderwood: Why does that worry me when you say that? V: ^_^ With you guys, it will be awesome. Jaehee Kang: Until tonight!
- V has left the chatroom - - Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom - - ZEN has left the chatroom - - Jumin Han has left the chatroom - - 707 has left the chatroom - - Yoosung★ has left the chatroom - - MC has left the chatroom -
Saeran: Wait, I wanted to say Saeran: … Saeran: Ah well, it doesn’t matter, we’ll see each other soon Saeran: ...Thank you all for your support <3 Saeran: Merry Christmas!
- Saeran has left the chatroom -
Mary Vanderwood: And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, happy holidays~
This conversation will be archived in the RFA records.
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The Little Ningyo Chapter 2: You Could Find Her in a Polaroid Picture
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It was always difficult for Amane to pay attention in class. That’s not to say he wasn’t a smart kid; he loved to learn about the world, and had quite the wild and cunning mind. Sadly, the way he learned best was through visual observation and hands-on experiences… which were rarely given to him in class. The only things he could actually stand to read were either manga, magazines (not the dirty kind, I promise), or astronomy books—all because they had pictures that helped him better understand the messages. 
Today he was even more of a space cadet than usual, staring down at the red shell in his hand and feeling the ridges within it. It was the same red as her eyes, her kind eyes that were so full of expression and emotion. He hadn’t seen any eyes like those in a long time. He smiled to himself, unaware that his teacher loomed over him, a thick textbook in hand. 
A slight bop on the head snapped the boy out of his daze, and he immediately straightened to look up at his homeroom teacher, a tall, lanky man with spiky black and white-fringed hair. Despite his tired, purple eyes, he looked at the boy gently. “Mr. Yugi, are you done looking at your little souvenir?”
Amane felt his face heat up and freeze at the same time, everyone in his class watching him. He shoved the shell back into his pocket, frantically nodding. “Yes sir!”
The teacher chuckled. “Good, I wanted to make sure I have everyone’s attention. This week is our class’s turn for cleaning one the track and field, pool, and other fitness areas. I have a chart specifying who does what up on the board, so be sure to look at it before heading to your clubs. If you’re unable to do your task today, you must be able to complete your tasks by the end of the week, or else your grades will be deducted.” 
With the protests and whines of other students trying to be settled down, Amane squinted at the board ahead of him, looking for his name. Once he found it, he zoomed out to see where and with whom he would work. 
Drain pool: Yugi Amane, Mitsuba Sousuke
Ah. Mitsuba. Speak of the devil, that nut case was totally glaring at him. Amane turned to look at his seat-neighbor and new chore partner in the eye: a slender, more androgynous adolescent gave a stink eye—literally, because his moppy, coral pink hair covered one of his matching salmon colored eyes. To outsiders, this sort of cruel look seemed a complete 180 from the more polite and considerate boy he appeared as with other classmates… but Amane was different. Amane figured out his friendly facade immediately… and he was a bit of a delinquent. Who’s to say he wouldn’t let out the truth that the sweet, adorable Mitsuba was actually sour and foul-mouthed?! 
“Just so you know, I can’t drain the pool today.” Mitsuba huffed, crossing his arms. “I have a photography club meeting, and it’s for an urgent project.” 
Amane smirked. “Mhm. Does this project have to do with wandering around the school and doing heaven knows what, like your other club mates?”
“I actually take photos! The others… ugh, I could care less what they do.” The pink haired boy winced in disgust at the very thought. “But even then, I’d rather have to put up with those idiots instead of working with you.”
“Well I’m not excited to work with you much either, but I don’t think there’s much of a choice.” Amane said. “If we don’t do our task soon, it’ll keep everyone else who’s supposed to actually clean the pool waiting, and if I do all the work, you’ll get your grades reduced.”
Mitsuba pursed his lips, hating how right his classmate was. Instead of putting up more struggle, he surprisingly sighed. “Alright. Fine. We can do it after school. But I’m not going to be the one who swims down and drains it.”
“I’m not sure if that’s even necessary.” Amane laughed slightly.
When he agreed to help drain the pool with one of the Yugi twins… he didn’t expect the other to linger around too!! 
“Is it ok if Tsukasa comes with us? He’s not on cleaning duty but he’s not really in any clubs either.” Amane asked, his brother eagerly swinging his arms back and forth beside him. 
Mitsuba hesitantly nodded. “I-I mean I don’t think there’s much of a choice there.” He tried to avoid Tsukasa’s curious eyes staring at him. The younger twin stepped closer, trying to see the camera bag Mitsuba always carried with him. 
Amane raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean by that?”
“Y-y’know!! You brother is… he has a crazy reputation!!” Mitsuba stuttered as he tried to dodge Tsukasa’s curious stares to no avail. Wherever he moved, the younger twin followed. “He tackled a 3rd year high schooler by the neck without a scratch!”
“That’s because that 3rd year accidentally took my notebook, and he was walking away by the time I realized it.” Amane chuckled sheepishly. “I’ll admit Tsukasa’s methods surprise me often… but he usually means well,” he said in a softer voice as Mitsuba scurried behind him. 
Tsukasa blinked. “Oh yeah! I remember that! It was the notebook with all of those doodles of stars in it, right?” He asked, looking over his brother’s shoulder. “How come your friend won’t show me the bag?”
Mitsuba stepped away with an offended scoff. “Just because I’m in the same class does NOT mean I’m friends with your brother, and definitely not with you!” He exclaimed before drawing back his finger as Tsukasa began to tear up. “B-but if you really want to know—it’s just a camera!! Nothing that special, I promise!” He frantically opened up the bag to show the camera snugly packed inside to the twins. 
“Are you gonna take pictures while we’re at the pool?” Tsukasa asked, his fake tears completely gone. 
“You mean like pictures of you or your brother? Ugh, no. Portraits and shots of people are overrated.” The pink haired boy rolled his eyes, closing the bag once more. “A photographer always keeps a camera on hand! You never know when a good photo opportunity will appear after all. And besides, my weekly prompt for our club projects revolves around the school anyways.” 
Both twins looked at each other, then to Mitsuba. “A prompt?
Mitsuba immediately clenched his mouth shut. Dangit! He hated bringing up his club activities to total strangers! Especially ones that were as mischievous as the Yugi twins!! But… well they didn’t call him the photo-freak for nothing. “I’m supposed to find things relating to our school’s supernatural ‘rumors.’ I have no idea what or where those rumors specifically are, just that our school is full of weird, creepy things and people.” 
Tsukasa’s honey colored eyes began to sparkle. “I know a rumor you can photograph! One of the school's seven mysteries!!!” 
“You do?” Mitsuba raised an eyebrow as Amane rapidly waved his own hands around his throat to his brother… who ignored the signs of don’t bring it up!!!
“There’s a mermaid in the deep end of the school pool!!” The younger twin chirped before his brother’s hand slammed over his mouth. Despite the muffles and attempts to nip the hand away, Amane wouldn’t budge. 
He nervously laughed. “That’s what they say, anyways! But that would be really hard to take a picture of, right?”
“Not if we tell her we’re up here! Unless you made those goo-goo eyes at her for nothing, Amane!” Tsukasa shouted as he pried his brother’s hands away. He smirked at his brother's reddening face. 
“I-I did not make goo-goo eyes!!”
“You totally did!!” 
“You mean you’ve actually seen it?” Mitsuba asked, interrupting the banter between brothers. He clutched his camera tightly. It’s a pathetic chance… but the smallest, slightest chance to meet a legitimate mermaid… “I want to meet her too! If she’s real, that is.” 
Tsukasa grinned. “Well, lucky for you she’s where you’re going to clean anyways!! C’mon!” He grabbed Mitsuba’s arm, pulling him along towards the pool. 
“Tsukasa!!” Amane ran after them. Two people knowing about a mystery is one thing… but 3 could be too much of a crowd. Would the secret slip out too much then?? 
Well. Maybe seeing a mermaid in the pool wouldn’t be so immediate, but man were those brothers taking their time to whisper with each other. The pink haired photographer fidgeted with the strap of his camera back, concentrating as hard as he could to listen in on the Yugi twins' conversation. 
“This wasn’t part of the plan, you know that!” 
“He’s already here, and he seems interested! Might as well give him the sight of a lifetime, right?” 
A plan? The sight of a lifetime?! Why Mitsuba began to tread down a darker rabbit hole of thoughts, the world may never know; Maybe hormones, or his blatant distrust of the brothers. Regardless, a smaller, colder voice came out from the young photographer. 
“I get it now. This was all a set up.” 
Amane and Tsukasa turned around to see their third companion standing with clenched fists. 
“You probably made up the mermaid story didn’t you? To lure me out here sooner so you’d have more time to have your way with me!”
“Have your way with you?” Amane repeated, absolutely confused about what that meant. 
Mitsuba looked the twins in the eye—his own eyes were filled with tears but that’s besides the point! “Just like in porn! You wanted to get me in nothing but swimming trunks so you could rough up a cutie like me! Well I won’t let you! That’s assault to the highest degree!! I’ll have evidence to use against you!!” He whipped out his camera like a gun, fully loaded to start shooting. 
The twins simply looked at him with blank expressions. 
“Why… would you think something that gross?” Amane cringed at the very thought. “The last thing I would want to do is… act like that. Especially with you.” He shook his hands to get the gross feeling off of them. “What even made you think that?!” 
Mitsuba blinked, lowering his camera. “You were mumbling about me being interested and trying to stick to a plan! Giving me the sight of a lifetime!”
Tsukasa couldn’t help but start laughing. “We were talking about the mermaid!!” He cackled, holding his stomach. “Did—did you seriously think we’d re-enact a porno with you?! PFFT! That makes you the dirty minded one, doesn’t it?” 
Humiliated squeals and sounds akin to a dying whale erupted from the coral pink haired boy… whose face began to match in color. Amane sighed, taking out the shell in his shirt pocket and showing it in his hand. He waited for Mitsuba to stop his screeching before motioning him to see the shell. 
“Weird assumptions aside, I was nervous about letting another person in on the secret. But I guess since you told us… that… we need to be even somehow.” The older twin turned to Mitsuba with a stern look in his eyes. “Just promise me you won’t tell anyone else about this, ok?”
“I won’t.” Mitsuba nodded. Not like there was anybody he wanted to tell. Especially with a photo opportunity so rare!! Like hell he’d let his club mates copy him. 
Amane turned to face the pool, shell in his hand; he crouched closer, dropping the shell in the water. The red shell floated on the water for a moment before slowly beginning to grow. Instead of being the size of his palm—the shell became about the size of the boys’ heads! With grandeur, it opened up to reveal a reflective, coral pink interior. As the clam glistened in the light, the three boys waited for… something else to happen. 
“Uh…” Tsukasa inched closer to the shell. “Do we mark it? Ask to see her?” 
“I don’t know.” Amane answered, watching the shell bob in the water. The reflective interior’s pink glimmers began to change to purple, then to blue. Much like the deep blue sea of the 7th boundary. A vision soon twisted within the mirror-shell, presenting a cozy cavern similar but different than the one he saw before. It looked similar to a bedroom in a way: various nets covered in shells covering the rocky walls; an old boat sitting up as a shelf holding various little bottles and trinkets; a gigantic clamshell was in the back of the room, topped with a mattress, blanket, and various pillows; small lights that were either shaped like jellyfish or were actual jellyfish gave a stronger glow to the otherwise oddly lit area. In the center of their view was none other than Nene, humming to herself as she appeared to tie something into her hair.
Once the second magatama bead was tied in just as she wanted, the ningyo glanced down to see the red shell on her rocky tabletop, larger and open to show the twins she met before. “Amane! Tsukasa!” She smiled, picking up the shell-mirror in her hands. “I’m so glad you figured out how to call me! Hopefully it wasn’t too difficult!” 
“It really wasn’t.” Amane said, sheepishly looking to the side. He was nervous about seeing a girl’s room, even as cool as the room looked. Not to mention the mermaid’s torso was seen at an up close angle—yes he had seen her much closer in person but something about looking up to her whole face and shoulders felt far more mesmerizing. 
While his brother continued to be a blushing, nervous wreck, Tsukasa continued to talk. “You wanna come up to see us? We brought another friend for you!!” 
Nene blinked. “A friend?” 
“I’m not anybody’s friend until I say so!!” A third voice shouted, pushing their way between the twins. Slightly taller than the Yugi brothers stood a much more lanky but absolutely gorgeous boy with moppy pink hair. He paused, taking in a clearer look at the ningyo with awe. She existed after all. 
An absolute prince was looking right at her!!! Nene sprung up, heart already pounding with excitement. “I’ll be right there!!” She shouted before quickly closing her own shell-mirror, the one in the pool immediately shutting and shrinking back to its original size soon after. 
Tsukasa grabbed the shell and handed it back to Amane—who stared at Mitsuba with furrowed brows and cringed confusion. Almost like he was trying to pick apart how anyone could find this pink-clad boy attractive. Mitsuba simply looked Amane in the eye, gradually getting more self-conscious. Tsukasa blinked, not a clue to the cause of sudden tension. “So, what do ya think? She’s definitely real, right?” He asked Mitsuba, shoving the shell at Amane’s cheek. 
“I believe you, if that’s what you want me to admit.” Mitsuba crossed his arms, desperately looking at Tsukasa to avoid Amane’s staring. “I’m not sure what I was expecting a mermaid to look like, but I guess I’m not disappointed with how she looks.” 
Amane’s honey orange eyes grew wide, practically offended. “Disappointed?!”
“I mean she’s not like ugly or scary or anything!!” Cardigan-covered hands instantly went up in defense. “She looks pretty, but like how paintings and photos are pretty. You don’t have to worry about if we’re now rivals over a fish. Even though I would absolutely win.” Mitsuba smirked. 
The older Yugi twin opened his mouth to start some kind of argument, but Nene thankfully popped out of the pool before that could happen. 
Her ruby red eyes blinked in slight confusion. “Uh—am I interrupting something?” 
Mitsuba shook his head, waving Amane away with his sleeve before walking to the edge of the pool. “No, don’t worry about it!” He reassured her as he sat on his knees. “So you’re a real mermaid.”
Such a pretty face up close!! Blue-gray scales instantly reddened. “A-a ningyo to be more specific!! But you can call me the Nenegyo, or Nene for short! I’m one of your school's seven mysteries… so you must be one of the school’s princes.” 
“Well, you’re as handsome as a prince.” 
Mitsuba’s surprised expression turned to a smug, confident grin. “Well, I am pretty cute, aren’t I? Glad to have someone finally notice that.” He chuckled, hands on his hips. He looked back down to the admiring ningyo, not quite sure what to do next. “So… has anyone ever tried to take your picture as a school mystery before?” 
Nene’s face scrunched up as she tried to remember. “Mmm. I don’t think so? Not to my knowledge at least.” 
“Then today is your lucky day!” He opened his bag to show his camera. “I’ve decided you’re gonna be my model!” 
“Model??!” Nene’s eyes sparkled with excitement and admiration for the pink haired photographer. No one ever thought she could be a model before!! 
As Mitsuba explained his project, Tsukasa was struggling to prevent Amane from tackling Mitsuba into the pool—a rare reversal in the twins’ dynamic. “Shouldn’t you and Amane work on draining the pool first?” Tsukasa asked as he tried to sink his brother onto his knees. “That’s what you came here to do after all.” 
The pink haired boy and ningyo both looked at the twins, surprised at the slow, struggling wrestling between them. “Uh, sure, that probably makes sense. You got the directions, right Amane?” 
The said boy looked up at Mitsuba with deadpan eyes. With his brother no longer pinning him down, he dug into his back pocket and unfolded a piece of paper. “So the first thing we need to do is get the sump-pump and hose and everything set up.” Amane read before furrowing his eyebrows. “I think it’d be in one of the gym closets, right?” He glanced at Tsukasa, who already ran off to scavenge those said gym closets. Amane stood up and looked at Mitsuba, trying to avoid Nene’s big, ruby eyes. “You wanna help us carry everything out?” 
Mitsuba sighed. “I just got her to agree to be my model!”
“You can take pictures of her after we’re done.”
“But she’s a mermaid. Mermaids normally reside in water, and I want to get that water in the setting of her photos.” 
Amane realized something. “Nene, if we drain the pool will you be ok? Like getting back to your boundary and everything?”
The ningyo nodded. “I’ll be fine! I can float just about anywhere on the school grounds, and I can get back to my boundary with other water sources too. It’s just like going through a back door.” 
He sighed with relief. “Ok… I guess if you wanna get the pictures over with, Tsu and I can bring things out. But once you’re done, you have to help, ok?” It’s not like Mitsuba could probably carry a whole bunch anyways… or could he? He lugged that camera around almost everywhere. Amane shook his head as he ran to find his brother. 
“I know, I know,” Mitsuba shooed the boy away with his hand before taking out his camera from the bag and placing its strap around its neck. When it comes to describing said camera, it was your standard kind, Nikomi brand, and about the size of his head. “Ok, so I guess to start, I want to see if I can get a good shot of your scales, since that’s probably what makes you different from most perceptions of a mermaid.” He rambled as he placed the camera up to his eye, moving around the lens for proper focus. “You can just leave your arms out, maybe laying on the side.”
“Ok,” Nene obediently placed her arms on the pool side, watching as the camera inched closer to her arms. Mitsuba’s face was also incredibly close!! His hair really was a coral colored pink-- and also a little greasy. As soon as she heard a small stuttering click, Mitsuba sat back up to inspect the photo he took. 
His whole face scrunched up as he looked at the picture. “Mmm… not horrible, but the furthest thing from clear.” He mumbled. “It looks like I took a picture of someone with hypothermia instead of mermaid scales.” 
Nene tilted her head. “Can I see?” 
Mitsuba hesitated, but turned the camera around with the photo inside it’s screen. He wasn’t kidding. Her hand blurred into the floor, maintaining it’s blue-gray color but without any of the shine her scales had in light. The mermaid made a sad “Oh. That might be because I'm supernatural. Getting caught on film isn’t really possible.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that to begin with?!” Mitsuba asked in a voice about to burst into tears. 
“I-I was super excited to be a model that I forgot!!” Nene frantically explained. “I think they can still work pretty well, and it’s just the first photo. I’m sure the more you take, the easier it’ll be for people to put two and two together.” She placed a webbed hand on his knee for reassurance. 
The young photographer slowly smiled, once more motivated. “Ok, then how about we get a close up of your face next! You can just stay in that same spot you’re in now.” He lifted the camera to his face again, focusing on the mermaid’s ruby red eyes and silvery white hair. Before he pressed the button, he leaned to make clearer eye contact. “Are you sure it’s ok I keep taking them?”
“Of course! It can help my rumors gain more attention, after all.” 
By the time the Yugi twins returned with the sump-pump, plug, and hose they found in the gym closet, they arrived to see Mitsuba face down on the floor, Nene trying to comfort him with headpats. 
“After all my years of experience… I can’t get a single one to look good! I’m a failure, an utter sham of a photographer!”
“That’s the furthest thing from the truth!! The photos look different than most you have, probably, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad!” In all honesty, the ningyo now felt as if Mitsuba’s disappointment was her fault. She glanced up to see the twins, and quickly motioned them over. “Amane and Tsukasa think so too, right?” 
The said brothers looked at each other before setting down the supplies they retrieved and walking over to Mitsuba and Nene. 
Tsukasa poked at Mitsuba’s ponytail. “C’mon, Mitsu! You seem to really like taking photos, so they gotta turn out pretty good!” He chirped. “Can we see ‘em? Pretty pleeeeeeaaaase?”
Pink eyes turned to the twins completely dejected. “I guess, if you want. They’re far from my best work though.” Mitsuba mumbled, sitting up and reaching for his camera back-- which Amane had already opened and was looking at the photos with Nene. That only caused a slight heart attack! Nothing too huge. 
“I don’t think these are bad at all, Mitsuba. Especially compared to most photos of ghosts and bigfoot and other stuff.” Amane said with a smile. 
Tsukasa crawled over and squished his face against his brother’s for his own view. About 20 or so photos of the mermaid were in the camera’s gallery; most of them were close ups of her face, side profiles, and shots of her sitting on the concrete with her tail still in the water in various poses. Like Nene mentioned, her supernatural-ness sadly messed with every picture, making it near impossible for a clean look at her in all her mermaid intrigue. Pictures of her eyes turned into the eyes of a fish; her hair appeared like dead coral, drained of color except at the tips; even full body shots of her clouded her poses in a blurry bluish-purple haze. “The ones with all the weird fog in the shape of her look really cool!!! How’d you get that?”
“It… just happened.” Mitsuba answered blankly. “Y-you really like them?”
Nene giggled. “I told you they would, didn’t I?” She hummed as Amane scrolled further to more photos, probably taken at earlier times. Artistic angles of dogs sitting in a park, birds perched on the school’s rooftop, and even Mitsuba’s own, shadowy reflection in a lake had all three making small “ooh” and “aah” sounds. 
Just from those small reactions it was obvious they weren’t looking at the mermaid photos anymore. “C-can I have my camera back? I don’t like people looking through all of my photos without my permission.” Mitsuba’s arms twisted up uncomfortably.
Amane jolted, immediately handing the camera back. “Right. Sorry! I shouldn’t have done that… but you really are good at photography.” 
“Seriously! Magazines and family album-makers are gonna love you!” Tsukasa practically tackled the pink haired boy in a hug. “You’ll be so stinking rich, especially with Nene’s photos!”
“Ah—thank you?” Mitsuba attempted to pry the clingy boy away from him to no avail. “I would love to do photography as a career, but not really because of the money. I’d be happy to even take photos of the world and everything in it for free.” He shyly explained. 
“Aren’t you going to submit these for your prompt or whatever?” Amane asked. 
Mitsuba shrugged. “I might, but they may not make the most sense. You two know what Nene looks like, so you can easily tell when the photo’s supposed to show her hand or face. Most people really won’t. I might want to try and find another thing for the school mysteries to take photos of as a back-up.” 
The older twin brother nodded while standing up. “Well, you can figure that out after we actually drain the pool. We can even help you brainstorm.”
Tsukasa nodded as he bounced back on his feet. “Nene can tell us all about her other mystery friends, too!” 
“Ah—actually… I haven’t interacted much with the other mysteries.” Nene admitted, twiddling her hands sheepishly. 
“You don’t? You’re not their leader or anything?” Tsukasa asked, a little disappointed.
The ningyo shook her head. “No, not really. But if you really want me to help, could try to see what I remember, or even let the pool drain go a little easier too!” 
Mitsuba blinked in realization. “Oh yeah!! She can take the pump thingy underwater for us!” He sighed in relief. His hands and precious camera didn’t have to get wet today!
Thus, the four soon got to work setting up the sump-pump, plugging it in, and taking it down in the pool to drain. Amane, Tsukasa, and Mitsuba made sure the hose water stayed up properly as Nene moved it underwater from the shallow to deep deep ends; Mitsuba also read the directions for Amane to properly secure the pump-- a very necessary part of the job, of course. Eventually, all that remained in the pool was very little water, and so much algae and other gunk on the pool’s floor and sides it was almost nauseating. 
By then, the three boys could notice Nene floating a few metres above the ground despite the lack of water. Her white tail with turquoise fins swayed as Nene swam up in the air to bring the pump back up to the pool’s edge. As she set it on the ground, she noticed their staring. With a small, confident smile, she raised up her arms to stretch and give a more sultry pose. “You like what you see?” 
Mitsuba awkwardly blinked. “We were looking at your tail.”
Tsukasa nodded. “It looks like a radish.”
Oh no. Not again. Amane groaned with a face palm. “She doesn’t like that comparison, guys. Believe me, I know.”
“So you thought so too?” Tsu smiled, further proving the point. 
“That doesn’t matter!” Amane sputtered before standing up and walking closer to the teary eyed ningyo. “See? You made her cry!”
“We did?” Both boys gave reactions along the lines of oh no we screwed up. 
Mitsuba frantically defended himself. “It’s not like we said it’s ugly! We just noticed that it looks like a radish!” 
“Is my tail ugly?!” Nene wailed. 
Tsukasa shook his head. “No! It’s pretty! And radishes can be pretty too!” 
That didn’t help the ningyo stop sulking. Amane’s face soured in disapproval. “Are you two actually gonna apologize?” 
The other boys glanced at each other before bowing deeply. “We’re sorry we called you a radish.” 
Nene whimpered, crossing her arms. “You’re forgiven… just don’t say anything like that again,” she said as authoritatively as possible. Slightly awkward silence followed as no one knew how to best transition into a new conversation, so the mermaid simply got to work trying to unplug the pump on her own. 
Amane chuckled, crouching on his knees to help her. “Y’know, you’re super lucky as a supernatural or ghost or whatever.” 
“What do you mean?”
“You can float! Gravity doesn’t way you down, and you can just move however you want. Like you’re in space, y’know?” 
Nene blinked. She never thought of it like that before. “You really like space?” 
“He’s a massive nerd about it!” Tsukasa answered for his brother before Mitsuba covered his mouth with his sleeve. Doesn’t he know when to not interrupt chemistry like this? 
Amane scratched his head sheepishly. “Tsu’s not completely wrong. I really like knowing about stars and planets and the moon and everything—there’s so much we don’t know but now we can actually explore it! Japan isn’t huge on astronauts these days, but I’m hoping they become more interested by the time I’m an adult. If not, I guess I’ll go to America.”
The mermaid nodded as the boy continued to talk. Deep in the back of her mind, a memory flickered. “A man reached the moon in 1969 or so, right? Have more men and women traveled to the moon since then?”
“Oh totally!! That was Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon… Well, one of the first. Buzz Adair also went on the mission with him.” Amane answered before drooping in sympathy for the ningyo girl beside him. “So far, only 24 American men have actually been to the moon. Nobody’s even worked to set up more missions to the moon since the end of the 1970s,” the boy explained, soon perking up with a more positive topic. “But tons of women and different ethnicities have become astronauts and joined groups to study more about space! Like sending probes to the moon and even Mars!” 
Amane’s passion for astronomy dripped with every exciting word he spoke. His smile and eyes became brilliant, shining stars. Nene couldn’t help but smile right back. “I’m sure you’ll get to help with all sorts of cool projects like that! In the meantime, though…” she offered out her hands. “It’s not really like space, but I can try to show you what floating is like.”
Orange-golden eyes widened. “Really?” 
“Of course! You just have to hold on really tightly.” 
Amane soon gave her an eager grin, grabbing hold to both of her hands. However, before Nene could try pulling him up, her tail began to glow with a strange, bright white light. The light only showed itself for a few seconds; before any of the four could process what happened, Nene suddenly realized she felt gravity pulling right on her. 
“Wh-whaaaa!!!” She fell right onto Amane, who toppled to the ground. Mitsuba and Tsukasa immediately ran over. 
“Are you guys ok?”
Amane groaned, sitting up slightly and holding his head. “I might’ve hit my head… but not on concrete.” He turned behind him to see scaly, blue gray arms looped around his neck on the floor. A quick whip forward and there she was: Nene breathing heavily with relief, laying right on top of him. Not only were her eyes red, but speckles of magenta blossomed around her pupils; a pristine, white shine allowed her scales to glimmer even brighter up close; small magatama clips perfectly framed her hair out of her face, except for one strand that flipped over from the back of her head. 
Amane’s cheeks fumed blood red, his mouth open wide but only stammers escaping. “Ah—uh—y-you’re…” Beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous and adorable and oh my gosh why does his heartbeat have to be whirling around right in his throat?! 
Nene blinked naively, still looking at the boy’s face below her. As much as she wanted to say something or move, she couldn’t bring herself to. The lower half of her body felt completely numb, but she could care less. He really wasn’t a typical pretty boy, though that’s not to say he wasn’t completely unattractive either. Just—not her type, right? Even though his smile shone so brightly and his eyes held such a warm, gentle glow. 
After what felt like eternity, Mitsuba finally broke the silence (except for a muffled Tsukasa trying to sound like a saxophone). “Should we leave you two alone before you start making out or something?” 
That snapped both of them out of the shoujo-manga like scene. Both Nene and Amane looked at Mitsuba, then at each other, and the reality of their position hit them harder than any truck or train. The ningyo jerked completely to her side, rolling off of the boy and not stopping until they were at least a meter apart. “I’m sO SORRY!!” She shouted, her face hidden by her hands. 
Amane simply folded his legs together in embarrassment. “You’re fine! I’m just glad you’re not hurt!!” He quickly bowed as best he could while sitting. 
Nene squealed in slight humiliation. “Aaaah I don’t even know what happened??! I just fell and now—“ she paused, realizing she couldn’t feel her tail. Instead, two limbs the same size as her tail took its place, some sort of soft fabric on top of them. “Did—did my tail get split in half?” 
Mitsuba finally let go of Tsukasa’s mouth, then Tsukasa made sure Amane didn’t die from overheating. All three boys took in this new sight. The mermaid looked exactly the same from the waist up, but instead of a tail, a white skirt covered new, scaly legs to about her knees; her feet were covered by teal green ballet flats matching her original fins.
“Uh—if by that you mean your tail is now a pair of legs fully covered in new clothes, then yes.” The pink haired photographer answered. “I would also say you’ve become more human-like, but you still have scaly skin and stuff so… maybe not.” 
Amane looked down at his own hands—she fell once she touched them, after all. Was this his fault? “Have you ever gotten legs before?” 
Nene felt the skirt with her hands, rubbing soft, airy and thin cotton between her fingers. “As a ningyo? No, not at all. This is the first time anything like this has happened… but that’s not to say I’ve never had legs before.” 
Tsukasa inched closer, finger on his chin as he analyzed the ningyo’s new legs. Maybe it was because she was more fish-like before, but a key detail about these new legs was how… well… 
“Your ankles are huge.” 
Mitsuba’s mouth formed a perfect “o.” “You’re right!! I guess the radish motif for your lower half is consistent.”
She had fat, radish-looking ankles?!? “I thought I told you not to bring that up again!!!” Nene whined, flailing her legs around in a fit. 
“Right! Right! Sorry, sorry!” Tsukasa clapped his hands and bowed. “You don’t have to think of it as a bad thing, though! Lots of guys like when girls are a little more thick anyways—aah!!”
Amane bopped his brother on the head, red in the face from exasperated embarrassment. Why, why did Tsu say the weirdest things at the worst possible time??! “More importantly… how could she even get legs in the first place?” he asked.
Mitsuba crossed his arms, thinking for a moment before snapping his fingers with a realization. “Because now she found her prince!” 
“Prince?!” The other three repeated, the only one not flushed at the idea being Tsukasa. 
“You know how in the Little Mermaid story, Ariel gets legs in order to be with the prince she saved?” 
Tsukasa nodded eagerly as more pieces clicked together. “Oh yeah!! And she saved Amane from drowning!! That means he’s the prince and she gets legs to be with him! No sea witches required!!” 
That didn’t help Nene or Amane’s faces cool down—they only flared up brighter hues of pink and red. Amane averted his eyes from just about everyone, crossing his arms and muttering to himself how Mitsuba and Tsukasa were just implanting this idea to taunt him. 
“I guess… that does make sense.” 
He glanced over his shoulder at the ningyo, who gave him a small smile. “You’re one of the first people I’ve interacted with person to person for a long time. Not only that, but you introduced me to your brother and Mitsuba. If I’m completely honest I’ve wanted to find more actual people to talk to… and I’m honored you’ve already done so much for me.”
Amane rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t really do anything about you meeting new people. That’s all on Tsukasa, really,” he muttered. 
“I might’ve pushed you in the pool and let Mitsuba know about her, but you made friends with Nene first, and you’re not usually the type to do that.” Tsukasa patted his brother’s head. “And don’t try to say you’re not officially friends yet. It’s clear Nenegyo thinks so already, right?” He looked at the ningyo, who happily nodded. 
“I never said I was friends with any of you, but…” Mitsuba scoffed before fidgeting with his sleeves. “I’m not opposed to the idea.” 
Amane’s shoulders loosened as he began to laugh. “Alright, if you say so!” He slapped Mitsuba on the back before crouching to offer Nene a hand. “I guess we need to get you to another place with water? So you can go back home.” 
Nene blinked, pursing her lips together. “Actually… would you guys want to give me a bit of a tour of the school? I know I said I could float around and see rooms and hallways and stuff but I don’t know for sure where or what everything is, y’know?” So much has changed the last time she wandered through the building anyways. 
“I don’t see why not.” Mitsuba shrugged. “We also need to look for the next cleaning group, right?” 
Amane nodded. “Are you sure you can walk?” He asked Nene as she pulled herself up. 
“I had legs back when I was alive, so it shouldn’t be that difficu—AAALT!!” Her new legs immediately trembled as soon as she stood on them, Amane catching her hand and placing one of her arms around his shoulder for more balance. 
Tsukasa blinked. “How long has it been since you died?” 
Nene glanced at the younger twin before looking back down at her quivering legs. “Uh… it’s hard to remember exactly.” 
Time passed at an even stranger rate for the supernatural; sometimes a year would pass and it would only feel like a day, other times it could feel like a century passed instead of a decade. Without exact calendars and watches, the only way to really keep track of time was through normal routine and whatever events interrupted that routine. Of course, there was also the fact that very few supernaturals like to discuss their past, let alone how and when they died if they used to be mortal. 
Awkward silence fell upon the pool area until Mitsuba patted Nene’s head. “I’m sure you’ll be able to walk again in just a little. In the meantime, you’ll just have to figure it out again. Like a baby learning how to walk, right?”
“I-I’m not a baby!! I’m definitely older than all of you.” Nene pouted. 
Tsukasa leaned in, moving on to more questions. “You mean by how long you’ve been a ghost? Is that your actual age? Or is it more like you stay a teenager forever?” 
The ningyo blinked, obviously overwhelmed by all of the interviewing. “I-I guess more like staying the same age forever? I dunno.” 
Amane sighed, passing a stern look to his brother. “While I’m sure we’d all love to stay here and keep chatting, a school tour isn’t gonna get itself moving if we all keep standing around.” He glanced at Nene, speaking softer. “You sure you’re ok with walking?”
“Mhm. I’ll be ok.” She smiled.
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logan-after-dark · 7 years
March 3rd 2018
I feel like I had someone else’s lucid dream last night. Many weird and wonderful details below the cut (trigger warning: a character in this dream was molested as a child, and I experienced some vague flashbacks of it/associated trauma):
The first thing I think I remember doing is floating around a place that was familiar to me, although the ‘me’ in this dream wasn’t really me, I don’t think. The elementary school I floated by was familiar to me, in that in my mind I called it Fallingbrook Elementary (which was a school I went to for a few years as a kid, grades 3-6 I believe), but then I turned around to see this castle monument thing (that doesn’t exist near Fallingbrook elementary school), and overheard some tourists nearby talking about how “the King” put a magical barrier around it to keep people out of the vicinity, so that the castle will always be in pristine condition. There’s supposedly a sign on the front of it talking about it, but nobody can get close enough because of the barrier.
I remembered hearing about that as a kid growing up in the area (once again, not me - whoever I was supposed to be in the dream, this girl), and I thought that, since I’m floating around having an out-of-body experience, might as well get a closer look.
Sure enough, there was a sign. Well, more like white letters protruding from the stonework on the front of the small castle, declaring the spell’s intent, the King’s name, and the date it went up. I suppose the sign had to be done first before the barrier spell was cast, which may’ve been a little pre-emptive on their parts, but what can you do when you’re lucid dreaming someone else’s life XD
Anyways, I start floating/flying around this hometown and night is falling, and I find, well, myself. I find myself asleep in bed next to my boyfriend, I guess, and she wakes up in a panic as I start looking through things in her room. See, this girl had a very traumatized past - I believe it was implied that she was sexually abused as a child by a man. The details of the horrible experience started to overwhelm me, and I started to fade out like I was going to wake up, but I struggled through the haunting ‘memories’ and stuck with it. That’s why I started opening drawers. I wanted to take away the last memories of her attacker and get rid of them for her (and for myself) once and for all.
I’m not entirely sure why I, in an out-of-body experience/lucid dream/astral adventure, was able to not only find my conscious and sentient body as if it was a different person, nor why I was able to interact with her environment so directly as to open her dresser drawers and a cupboard, but there I was XD And it woke her and startled her as if there was a ghost in the room, and her boyfriend, whom I knew to be very sensitive and supportive, woke up to hold her shoulders and try to calm her down. At that point I decided to stop haunting her, and decided to let myself be seen by her, instead of remaining as some invisible creepy ghost.
The familiarity in her eyes told me it was like looking into a mirror for her. I explained to her, very calmly, what I was trying to do for her, for both of us. I told her to let me take care of the last remnants of that time, to let me destroy the last few things of him that she had left, and to let me bear that burden. She started crying and hugged me. Her boyfriend left for a couple glasses of water, and when he got back and we both explained what was going on, he held her and encouraged my search.
I found some photos of him, and the memories they provoked made me feel so sick it was nigh unbearable. But I took care of them anyways. Next I found some notes and letters I had written to him, explaining that I didn’t like what was happening. Those were hard to look at. I couldn’t read them, I just couldn’t. I showed them to her and told her ‘I’m taking these to get rid of them, okay?’ She agreed uneasily. But she seemed to be faring a lot better. Her boyfriend held her by the shoulders and she savoured that glass of water as she watched what I was doing.
I purged it all. Anything that I could find that connected me/this poor girl to him.
Now I just had to make sure he was rotting in jail like he should.
I floated through the town to find the small police station and the lockup. I don’t know why he wasn’t in a bigger prison out of town, but that’s where I found him. He was rotting in some concrete cell at the back of the station, and I found him asleep, dressed in a ragged grey jumpsuit, on the can.
He woke up. And he could see me.
And he was silent.
And, somehow, I realized that this wasn’t like him.
There was something off about his demeanor, his mannerisms, everything. He didn’t gloat, didn’t have some one-liner prepped to torment me with, he didn’t even seem to recognize me. This horrible man was someone that I knew very well and at a vulnerable time of my (again, her) life. And he was just sitting in this cell, lifeless.
I quickly realized that I didn’t really have anything to say to him, not in this state. So I left. Phased through the walls and just left him to rot.
I’m not sure how this transition occurred, but the next thing I remember doing was searching this guy’s apartment with my family - mother, father, sister, little brother. They weren’t at all like my family in real life, but I recognized them in the dream as my family. Anyways, we’re digging through his stuff, and someone finds this catalogue of masks, sort of? Long face masks like a founded sheet of paper printed to look like different characters from a video game I (apparently) recognized and enjoyed as a kid. Think sort of like League of Legends meets Team Fortress - big, buff, burly guys in a whole bunch of different roles and with different weapons and abilities. We left the apartment somewhat empty-handed. The place was a complete mess, but whatever we were looking for (evidence the abuse happened, maybe? Validation?), we didn’t really find it there.
As we’re leaving, dusk has fallen and there are very few people out on the streets. This town is old-fashioned, with interlocking brick sidewalks and old stone buildings and churches. So much so that there’s an older lady out lighting the lamps alongside the street and sidewalk. My father greets her and offers her some coin, for which she thanks him, and then I get a look at her face.
It’s not a her. It’s him, in disguise.
I recognize the eyes instantly - one grey eye, one blue - and that wicked smile. He’s out of jail and roaming the streets in a big heavy coat and a long curled wig of dark hair. We were just about to cross the empty street as a group, but I’m frozen in my tracks and have stopped breathing. I’m actually struggling for air, to make any kind of sound to alert my family, but I just can’t. At least, not until my dad comes to check on me, putting a hand on my shoulder once he sees that I’ve stopped.
“HIM,” I gasp. “IT’S HIM.”
He knows exactly what I mean, and my family leaps into action. This guy wasn’t just an average joe, I find out too late, as my family begins to fight him while I stay out of the line of fire and try to support. He cackled and gloated as he manifested some sort of pale white vine weapons from his body, all four taking down each of my family members, knocking them unconscious and putting their lives at risk. I was able to use my dream powers to push him back, to literally will the vines away from my family, rouse them, and heal whatever damage had been done. I barely understood how they were injured, I just willed them better, and I overpowered him as I did so. This caused him to panic a bit and flee, but not before my family’s own powers came into play. My adult sister (who had blonde hair and colourful leggings with a tank top) kicked him in the face from meters away. I think my dad had super strength, and I don’t know what my mom or brother had (yes, it was very reminiscent of The Incredibles - I watched a trailer for the new one recently so that probably inspired this part of the dream XD).
This asshole still managed to get away, despite the fight and effort we all put into it. Instead of chase him down though, my dad said we ought to come up with a plan and find some help.
So that’s what we did. Next thing I know we’re sitting around a table with a map of town, with a bunch of big, burly men. It turns out, these guys from the video game from earlier are also real in this dream, apparently? I definitely felt awestruck that they not only existed, but came to help me with hunting down this monster. The first thing we discovered was that the catalogue of masks that we saw at his apartment, were actually disguise masks that could change your whole appearance if you wear them. He had ordered quite a number of them through this catalogue, and even had one custom-made to look like himself, which was what the poor guy in jail had been stuck with wearing. This created a new problem though, in that the very people who came to help us couldn’t be trusted, because he could literally look like any of them anytime he wanted. Yeah. Great way to start things off.
These guys were very supportive of me though - they dwarfed me in size with their military gear and broad chests, and they were all holding my shoulder, clapping me on the back or hugging me. It felt nice to have that positive attention from a man, after everything I’d gone through in the past, and I felt warm and safe amoung them, in spite of the whole mask issue.
The characters in the game that I remembered were listed alphabetically I remember, with the first guy being caucasian with blue eyes and brown hair just long enough to have waves in it. He had a headset with a small blue screen suspended in front of one eye, and red and white body armour. His codename was Atllas I think. The next guy down on the list had a surname that started with B I believe, who was dark-skinned and looked fairly similar to TF2′s Demoman, except with both eyes, more wrinkles in his face, big broad chest, and no Scottish accent. He actually remarked at one point in the meeting that he thought the game was ridiculous, and he didn’t understand why anyone ever played it. I said “Well, here I was about to tell you that you were my favourite character to play,” and he looked abashed while Atllas had a good laugh.
The meeting left off on a rather positive note despite everything else that happened in the dream, and after that we started searching for that asshole, but after some brief confrontations that I barely recall and him switching masks a whole bunch, my memory of the dream itself gets quite fuzzy, and I don’t know whether we actually managed to catch him in the end.
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