#his hair is majestic af
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edgeray · 4 months
Hi Edge, it if possible and if you want to write it, could I request an Equestrian / Horse Girl AU about Arlecchino X Fem! Reader. To be more specific, it is a wholesome fluff scenario about Horseback-Rider! Fem! Reader and (Initially) Non-Equestrian Arlecchino.
Reader is a Dressage Rider who has a gorgeous Friesian horse that she rides and performs dressage techniques with. Her Friesian steed has a majestic mane and beautiful black fur coat. Also, the Friesian is clingy and super affectionate towards others, especially Arlecchino.
Reader really wants Arlecchino to start riding horses, but Arlecchino is unsure at first. Soon though, Arlecchino starts to ride Reader's Friesian and begins to adore horseback riding. Arlecchino and Fem! Reader's Friesian horse soon bond and start to get along together.
Reader is actually a bit jealous of the bond between her Friesian & Arlecchino at first, but gets over it rather quickly and is thankful that the two of them are getting along so well with each other. Arle is even thinking about practicing Dressage with your Friesian horse, which you approve of.
My apologies for the long ask; feel free to take as much time as you want to write this. Thank you, Ray!
How to (Horse)Ride Into Your Heart
(Arlecchino x Fem! Reader)
A/N - Hi anon! Thanks for the request. If you make another request make sure to give yourself a name/emoji so I can tell my anons apart! So this sounds really cute, the only problem is that I know nothing of horses or horse riding and I've never heard of Dressage so I had to call up my friend who is a horse girl lol. Also searched up a video of Dressage and it's actually kind of adorable to watch horses like do these tricks? Also Friesian horses are literally so 😍. Majestic af.  Cheesy ass title, I know, I couldn't think of anything better. Sorry if this isn't the best written because I know basically nothing besides basic research. I chose ‘Nyx’ based off of the Greek goddess of night since you wanted a Friesian horse specifically. Didn't know if you wanted Reader and Arlecchino to be already in a relationship, but I chose to have this start at pre-relationship. Lowkey, procrastination went hard while I was writing, I think I started at 12 or 1pm and it's 5:30 pm when I finished writing this lol. Hopefully you like this. May the longer word count make up for my lack of knowledge about horses.  🙏 Content warnings / info - author doesn't know what they're doing lmfao, afab reader, just some fluff, beginning and ending is a bit scuffed, 1.8k words
“Beautiful,” was the first thing that Arlecchino said to you when you first showcased dressage riding to her. At the time, you believed that she was regarding Nyx, your horse; while you weren't particularly wrong, her eyes were on you for the majority of the time.  
“Isn't she?” You inquired as the horse trotted towards her and stopped. You dismount Nyx, petting her black mane as the Friesian horse nudges back against you. You chuckle, carding your fingers through her hair. 
Arlecchino's gaze on you never leaves, and she only half-heartedly acknowledges your question with a short, approving hum. Her attention snaps to the Friesian when you glance back at her. 
“Can I…?” Arlecchino prompts as she raises a hand towards the horse, but stops a few inches before.
You nod, smiling encouragingly. You step aside to allow Arlecchino to approach her. “She likes the base of her mane the most.” Arlecchino does just that, scratching and rubbing the withers of Nyx. In return, Nyx dips her head down slightly, her ears pointed backwards but lax. A growing smile plays on the taller woman's lips as she continues the gesture for minutes, and the Friesian leans more towards her. 
“Is she typically like this with people? She's so calm,” Arlecchino notes, now combing through the black mane with gloved fingers. 
“Yes, but she especially likes you,” You state as you notice Nyx lean towards Arlecchino's palm. “I think she'd even let you ride her.”
Arlecchino pauses before softly shaking her head. “Maybe next time I visit. But thank you–for inviting me. It's been a while since we've seen each other, and it's nice to see that you're doing well. I can't believe we both had the same thoughts of moving back to our home town.” 
“Neither can I. You look like you're well too. But you know, you really should consider horseback riding a try. I think you'd be a really good rider, especially if you start off with a horse like Nyx.”
“You think so?” 
You nod. “You have the patience for it. You can definitely do it. And there's nothing to be scared about if I have you with Nyx. As you already know, she's very calm and gentle, so there's nothing to worry about.”
Arlecchino sighs, though you can tell there's no grievance behind it. “You aren't going to let this go anytime soon, are you?”
“How did you know?” You say cheekily. 
“Next time, then. Does that sound good? I should be on my way though…” Arlecchino murmurs to herself before turning to you, an amused glint in her eyes and her lips curl into the slightest, cunning grin. “Oh, one last thing.”
Arlecchino leans in, grazing her lips against your cheek, making you short-circuit then and there, feeling the heated plumpness against your skin. You sharply inhale while your heart soars. She pulls away, an unusual softness in her expression.
“It's been lovely seeing you. I'll see you soon.” She pivots on her heel and walks away, leaving you stunned with Nyx still beside you.
Standing frozen, you raise your hand to your cheek, smearing the red lipstick left on the pads of your fingers. You bring it up to your sight, flushing more and more as you begin to process what she had just done. 
“Stupid French people,” you mutter to yourself, the tips of your ears burning. 
Nyx snorts. If she were anything besides a horse, you would think she was teasing you.  
Arlecchino comes by the pasture exactly a week later while you groom Nyx. Too focused on humming to yourself as you comb through Nyx's mane, you don't notice Arlecchino until she knocks on the stable gate. You jerk in surprise, standing up and whipping your attention towards the guest.   
“O-oh, Arlecchino! I didn't know you were coming today,” you say after you were startled half to death by her abrupt and unannounced arrival.
“My apologies. I had texted you and called you a few hours ago asking if I could stop by, but I'm assuming you haven't seen it yet. There was a change of plans today so I found myself with about half a day of free time. I decided to drop by to see if you were busy. I can leave if you are.”
“Oh,” you dumbly state, and you pull out your phone to check. Indeed, the first few notifications were a few text messages and a missed call saved under the contact ‘most gorg woman 😍.’ You shove back the phone into your pocket, embarrassed that you have forgotten that you had saved her under that name. “I-I'm sorry, I was just busy with Nyx–”
“No worries. I can always stop by another time if you'd–”
“No, no, I just meant that I was distracted, but I'm not busy.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes, come here,” you urge her, and she enters the stable. Nyx greets her with a snicker, notably relaxed. “Do you want to help me groom her?”
 Arlecchino approaches the Friesian, rubbing her by the mane to which the horse leans towards her. “If you'd allow me.” 
After briefly teaching her how to properly groom her, she takes to it like a natural, and you can tell that Nyx becomes more and more relaxed with each brush stroke. It's amazing, how quickly the horse grows to trust Arlecchino within two meetings, but you can't say you're quite surprised–Arlecchino seems to have this sort of charm to her, that's not easily describable. 
You can't deny the hint of jealousy that dwells within you from the fast bond, but you shake your head, ridding it away. Even though Arlecchino has gotten her trust faster, there's no reason to grow jealous; it's not like the two of you would be fighting over Nyx. 
You watch the tenderness she takes to your horse, and how Nyx responds back in earnest, and it nearly makes you melt at the mutual fondness between the two of them. The more you observe her, the more handsome Arlecchino becomes… the way she rolled up her sleeves, displaying the flex of her bicep muscles…
Your trance is quickly broken when Arlecchino addresses you. “Am I doing something wrong?” 
“N-no, you're doing fine! Nyx really likes it.” You respond back quickly, your voice cracking to which you chide yourself for. The other woman watches your expression for a moment longer before she looks back at the horse. 
Once you deem that Nyx had enough brushing, you suggest teaching her how to horse ride today. 
“I don't want to take up too much of your time…”
“I have all day, Arlecchino. Unless you have somewhere you have to go? Or are you just scared?” You verbally jab at her a bit. 
Arlecchino huffs. “Fine, fine… I suppose.” 
You first teach her how to mount and dismount. Nyx, of course, makes for an excellent demonstration partner, as you showcase how to use the stirrup and how you move your legs while getting up and off the Friesian. Mounting is always the easier part than dismounting, which requires a bit more balance. As she maneuvers both legs on the side of Nyx, Arlecchino nearly slides off the horse and tumbles onto the ground, if it weren't for you catching her. 
“Careful,” you say breathlessly, trying to ignore the proximity between the two of you, the way your hands found purchase on her hips, or how loud your heart is racing in your eardrums. 
Arlecchino meekly nods, uncharacteristic for someone so typically stoic. You swear that her cheeks were the smallest tinge of pink. She gets on top of Nyx without your help, and after a few more times, she's able to comfortably mount and dismount. 
Next, you teach her the correct riding positions and practice exercises, before moving onto walking and steering Nyx. That's the most that you're able to get to before the sun starts setting. 
“You’re getting used to this really quickly, huh?” You compliment with a proud grin, as you help her off Nyx. Warmth bleeds through from her skin and spreads onto you guys point of contact. You're swift to pull your hand away before it gets too sweaty. “I mean… you're always really fast at picking stuff up. I guess that's what made you such a genius in high school, right?”
Arlecchino chuckles, shaking her head. She brushes Nyx's mane as a silent gesture of gratitude. “It's only because I had a great instructor,” she says. “I didn't imagine that I would enjoy the experience as much as I did.” 
“I'm glad that you enjoyed it. But I think Nyx deserves a break.” You reward her with a pet on her muzzle. 
“You were such a good girl,” you coo. “Thank you, girlie.” 
“Say… how about I do something for you as a thank you for the free lessons?” Arlecchino proposes. “If you don't have anything to do for a few more hours.” 
“Sure, what is it?”
That night, you had the most amazing dinner at Arlecchino's place. And perhaps, you overstayed your time, well past midnight, by the time you returned back. Arlecchino showed you a number of her talents in the different rooms of her home. Crawling into your bed, your body still buzzed from your nighttime activities with her, and an excitement bubbles within you. You can't wait for the next horse riding lesson with her. 
Expectedly, Arlecchino was able to learn most of everything in the few months you started teaching her. Weekly lessons turned into twice a week, and then you were seeing her nearly everyday. Between that span of months, a few things had happened. Nyx had gotten to be as friendly with her as she is with you. At first, you were a bit frustrated at that ordeal, but your ire is quickly pushed aside at seeing the heartwarming growth between the two. Arlecchino loves Nyx as much as you do, and vice versa with the Friesian. 
Your relationship with Arlecchino also developed. The first night you had taught her, led you to a home-made dinner that was everything but explicitly romantic, but following afterwards, affections for one another were soon unveiled then, which then turned into… physical intimacy. Since then, the two of you have been together. 
After watching a dressage competition you participated in, Arlecchino comes up to your side, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. “You did great.”
You giggle. “It's all thanks to Nyx.” 
 “Hm… don't dismiss your own feats,” she lightly scolds, pressing her mouth against yours a tad more aggressively as a punishment. “I'm sure Nyx would agree.”
Giving a defeated hum, you pull away from her and bury your face into the nook of her neck as she strokes your back lightly.  
“Speaking of which. As I was watching you, I think I want to try out dressage riding myself.”
“Really? You do?” You murmur into her skin.
Your girlfriend nods. “Yes. Is that okay?”
“Of course it is.”
“Would you teach me?”
“It'd be my pleasure.” 
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daisychains111 · 8 months
incorrect chb camper quotes but it's actually just my sister's quotebook from Twitter
Disclaimer: This post is gonna be LONG AF
Percy: "Ahh, die quieter"
Clarisse to Silena: "Do I look majestic?"
Will: "I live in America. Cultures?... casserole"
Nico: "At-home lobotomy"
Baby Nico to Clarisse: "You look like Harry Potter, You just need a scar black hair, different clothes, and to be a boy. "
Annabeth:"I don't know if I have enough sanity for 2 Holy books"
Leo: "I've seen titties before....not really in person, but yk"
Annabeth: "Do you have ears?"
Jason: "I kinda wanna work at Taco Bell"
Piper: "I've never been passive-aggressive in my life"
Will to Apollo: "There's no batteries in my butt Dad I'm not a robot"
Clarisse: "I'm not upset I don't hold grudges"
Ares to Clarisse: "I don't like your clothes it forces me to look at you"
Frank to Leo: "It's not 'drip' it's stupid"
Travis to the whole Hermes Cabin: "I'm the Rizzington bear... like Paddington bear but Rizz" (after his 1st date with Katie)
Nico: "I love Olive Garden, I wish Italians were real"
Rachel: "Come on, you guys stop trying to cockblock the view"
Katie: "If people can smoke weed in the middle of the day, then I can drink chamomile tea"
Rachel: "You don't want to piss me off I'm witewally a werewolf"
Piper about Jason: "All my friends are boys, and one just died... he would have made a great bridesmaid"
Frank: "I was doing a silly but the funny didn’t land"
Jason: "Why am I white"
Rachel: "I am not a whore, I am a celibate queen!"
Drew: "It's not the fashion statement that you think it is"
Nico about the Ares Cabin: "They're gonna call you a slur, but they're gonna be really nice about it"
Piper to Annabeth: "If we both think it, it's not bitchy"
Grover: "I'm just gonna write a paragraph or two about global warming"
Annabeth"I have like a 7th-grade reading level!!! (this is impressive when you're dyslexic)
Jason: "Dude I love yoga"
Will: "They say that Utah is the promise land"
Kayla: *explains what a text-fic is to grandparents (Apollo)*
Clarisse: "Put that on your Twitter!" *points knife at me*
Travis: "Do you eat?"
Katie: "...um yes?"
Travis: "Oh, I mean do you want to eat." (when he asked Katie out the first time)
Hazel: "That's not gonna change my heart. That's just gonna make me cry!"
Alabaster: "I wanna find someone somewhere to impregnate and then steal the baby......Where's your Twitter, that was kinda funny"
Percy about Leo: "I would spoon that man so hard"
Frank: "The closer I get to nature, the closer I get to being a werewolf"
Apollo: "I feel like Jaba the Hut"
Rachel: "It's because you ate girl dinner"
Apollo (same convo^)"I fell asleep, and I woke up, and I ate a girl dinner, and I didn't feel that good"
Percy: Don't mind me just cleaning the ocean" *hand angrily on hip*
Will to the Stolls: "Although my bellybutton was once my mouth I don't want soda in it!!"
Connor: "Look at how majestic I am"
Clarisse: *gasps* *throws uno cards* "This is communism at its finest, and I hate your life." *Is losing* "All I'm doing is humoring you now. There is no reason for me to play anymore." *throws cards* *again*
Nico: *passes out*
Will: "We need to take you to the doctor like right now."
Nico: "No fireworks are more important than my health"
Leo about Percy: "That's a pretty boy right there... if we were in prison, it's over."
Kayla when Will came out to her: "Slay motherfucker"
Annabeth: "I hope to not run over any old ladies...old men are fair game tho."
Percy: "Main characters get bullied, Jesus....yep!"
Leo: "What if I was an astronaut!!!!"
Travis: "Banana, Banana, Meatball"
Clarisse: "I am going to break your toe shut the hell up"
Katie to Connor: "I hope you get bullied in high school."
Clarisse about Leo: "This guy's a fuckin goober"
Clarisse: "What did you do to your sweatshirt? Did you get hungry?"-Grover: *sighs*
Nyssa (Hephaestus kid) to Leo: "Dont hurt me. I'm Batman!.... You better not tweet that"
Kayla to Apollo: "It's called multi-tasking Apollo! "
Apollo: "It's mother to you"
Clarisse: "I could fight God and win"
Percy: "So you wanna fight rn"
Clarisse: "No, I'm good"
Jason; "You look gang"
Leo: "What? I look gay!?!?!"
Jason: "You look straight, but nice"
Leo: "Oh... thanks!"
Apollo to Rachel"Lie, deny, cry, and for good measure be a raging slut."
Silena: "There's all kinds of nature out here"
Katie: "Live, laugh, love, low iron"
Annabeth to Piper: "Keep backing up...Cuz you have a fear of commitment
Lou Ellen to Katie: "Does your knee affect your shoe size... or are your feet just that small??"
Travis: "The amount of testosterone in me, peanuts are allergic to me!"
Leo: "I'm cracked up on feeling sexy"
Connor to the whole Hermes Cabin: "The "10" of us? our parents sp*rm pets"
Apollo about Athena: "OH gods, a single mom"
Apollo about Kayla's dad: "I cheated on myself with a man"
Malcolm about Athena: "She's a mom boogie woogie woogie"
Nico: "I cried at Chick-fil-A the other day"
Nico: "Live, laugh, lobotomy."
Drew about Thalia: "She has no friends and a dead brother."
Katie: "I wrote fanfiction on my i-pod touch"
Lacy to Leo: "Was it a tech? or was it a human?"
Will: "Live, laugh, love, tampons"
Kayla: "Die, cry, hate, condoms"
Aphrodite to Clarisse: "Do you like being a girl? You just always wear pants"
Percy: "Chill I know how to make conversations I have Rizz"
Will: "What! no! cow!"
Frank: "Fvcking knock it off seriously you guys are acting like children!!"
Travis to Lou Ellen: "Yesss pussy-pop you slayed"
Ashlyn (Hermes kid): "Chick-fil-A is mid, Taco bell is where it's at"
Percy during tlt: "You couldn't even buy a gumball with that shit (drachmas)"
Percy (same convo ^): "A quarter? You could buy a gumball with that shit"
Nico: "Your soul and your money!"
Tyson: "You've seen fishes, fishes move fast"
Leo to Frank: "What the fvck is a kilometer"
Leo making fun of Frank: "Mua ha ha ha I'm Canadian"
Percy: "Jesus didn't give up his life he gave up his weekend"
*as seen at 2am in the Apollo Cabin*
Gracie: "You're discriminating against me"
April (the token straight): "It's cuz she's gay"
Will: "We're all gay."
Nico: You don't have any slurs about you."
Leo: "No because I'm perfect"
this was fun to make lol....there will probably be a part 2 but like far in the future. if you made it this far I love you....also if you don't recognize names it's bc I deep-dived Wiki to find canon names for each cabin.
If y'all want one-shots based on these TELL ME I NEED STUFF TO WRITE ABOUT
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zumbieve · 2 months
Ok- so regarding this post , i tried thinking of few hcs but they were all messy, but some stood out to me a lot and one of them is in modern aus Scara is well- called Scaramouche.
And it makes sense because modern scara did not go through what wanderer went through. So Wanderer would NOT like being called Scara/Scaramouche or any of his other past names.
Modern Kazuha and Heizou would be confused because the scara they know doesn’t mind at all. Still this is still a version of the person they know and care about and he’s in a place he isn’t familiar with so they respect his wishes and call him what he wants to be called and it’s just Wanderer.
To me, ingame heikazuscara are aware of their feelings but they’re not together yet and they’re taking things slowly, modern heikazuscara are a thing and are domestic af and makes you wanna shit rainbows.
Because Wanderer is a puppet, Kazuha and Heizou (who already think their bf is beautiful) can tell his beauty is uncanny, as if he’s perfect. And the wanderer tells them straight away that he’s not human.
Heikazu asking wanderer about the weird gem on his chest(heart) and where he got it from, and Wanderer realises they don’t have visions in this world.
Wanderer being mean af to anyone who tries to hit on him or any of the two.
“Know your place, peasant!”
“Sc— Wanderer you really didn’t have to-“
“Shut up I’m defending you, idiot.”
Wanderer doing a sword dance for them when they ask because he’s soft for these two weak humans, kazuha trying to dance like him but fails miserably.
Maybe it’s just me being a simp, but i feel like because how different Scara and Wanderer are, scara comes off as shy, and while Wanderer is a fucking tsundere, he would do some bold things that to heikazu they think Scara would NEVER do.
Like, wanderer and Kazuha talking about similarities and differences between their worlds, Wanderer would randomly touch his ponytail and occasionally says “huh, you’re fond of this silly hair style too” with the most soft and open look and kazuha being a blushing mess would ask if he wants him to change it and Wanderer replies that he thinks it’s cute.
Or wanderer makes them something to eat and while heizou is messily eating, wanderer reaches out and wipes leftovers that are on the corner of his mouth, and tells him to stop eating like a child and begins to to lick it, and Heizou will lose his shit because Scara would rather die than do something as bold as this??? And usually Kazuha or heizou are the ones doing it.
Wanderer would fondly talk about Nahida and when asked if he sees her as a friend he’ll deny it immediately and say he’s her prisoner, and kazuha would say “i don’t think a prisoner would talk fondly about someone who holds them as such” and wanderer would just stutter and try to defend himself.
Heikazu helping Wanderer to get used to the outside world.
Wanderer showing them his elemental powers and easily picking them up as if they weigh nothing to him and flying around.
I felt that i made Wanderer too majestic.
So he doesn’t know jack shit about technology obviously so Heikazu use this to their advantage by quoting every meme and slang possible.
Ig that’s all for now? If anyone wants to add a hc of their own, feel free to do so! These hcs are all over the place and aren’t organised so who knows maybe at some point I will add more or change some hcs who knows.
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o-o-lover-o-o · 4 months
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It's been 7 years ago, when my obsession started. I heard about the anime called ‘hunter x hunter’. This caught my interest and the way the story is delivered is hella good. Then, the first time I saw Illumi Zoldyck in the first arc, I didn't have any reaction because he looks like a dead person and a red flag. But then in the election arc. He appeared and he's hella fine~ 💜, he is now a dead sexy good-looking person and a hot flaming red flag.
Years passed, I've become more obsessed with this character knowing it will not give me any acknowledgement or recognition from this guy because he never existed but if he did, he'll probably kill me LOL because I'm useless AF to be a pawn. I know he exists in a different dimension or universe. Let me be delulu 🙄. I'll probably kms and hope that ill reincarnated to the hxh
Loving a fictional character that has a very questionable personality and morality. Is very common among people who have bad taste in men (like me). He might be fictional but I'm willing to die for him. I love him so much because of his appearance, personality and traits. I wonder why I am so drawn to him. Is it because he's very obsessive and possessive in nature that it gives me security that would probably won't leave me if he gets a chance to love me?(a normal yandere enjoyer)Or I just read many fictional stories about him that my brain always thinks about only him? (I'm brainwashing myself lol).
I am mediocre about everything but if I get obsessed about something, I will dig for its information till the end and the center of the earth. So I can just find a way just to seek what I want to know, even if it's something small or big, it doesn't matter as long it's him. Everything that I'm obsessed about, is essential for my obsession. I must know things that I don't know and I must find answers to these questions that linger in my head and heart.
I love the way his hair drapes down from his shoulder to his waist. It gives a mysterious and majestic effect that caught my interest in every single detail of his features. I'm willingly wrapped myself in his hair and suffocated myself even though it would hurt or might take my life away. His sharp features that make him intimidating is smooch 😘🤌 a masterpiece. he has this big eyes that are filled with emptiness that I'm willing to be swallowed by darkness and will not go up again to see the light, his nose is straight i want to sit on it and, lips that i can kiss till my lung oxygen runs out and die in his arms. His pale skin that illuminates in the darkness from the moonlight, it could light up my life. His aura is so cold and menacing that I want to hug him and never let him go. I like cold stuff because my body is always naturally warm, he can set me on fire to warm himself, I'll be happy to keep him warm. He puts all the spices and gives flavors to my tongue and I would savor the taste of his odd behavior.
I already did a lot of stuff to feed my obsession everyday; reading fanfiction, character analysis, and talking to bots that I made lol. I go far, like making myself hallucinate to see him, and doing reality shifting and I still haven't succeeded yet. I'm happy, everytime i get sleep paralysis and it means I can control my dream. I also lucid dream and encounter illumi a lot in it. Sometimes he appear in my dream 😏 very randomly… and one time we held hands and I got too excited, I woke up. or the way he kissed my neck but I woke up because my mother screamed my name. Or the way he tries to kill me but I'm fine because I'm able to see him. Hehe~💜
My friends call me obsessive and delusional, I'm actually not. I'm just.. Devoted to this relationship, to him. Also I'm manifesting the reality I want. I keep myself virgin for him, even my first kiss. I am willing to be his sacrificial lamb.
I'm willing to follow him all day and pick up all his hair strands on the ground and make a crochet out of it, then create some sweater or something cute that I can give him or something I can keep it myself. If he has dandruff, I'm willing to sprinkle it in my mouth and eat it like parmesan cheese and I can do it like a snack and dessert everyday.
I'm willing to consume everything that comes out in his body, everything he touches is holy and sacred for me. I will build an altar to worship him from head to toe, from his dead skin to his bone marrow. I am willing to fight the Gods and Goddesses or The Devil for illumi, just to see him.
If he existed in this world, I'll probably be his stalker, I'll end up being his slave or I'll be dead lol. But that's fine, as long as the last thing I would see is him. If I get reincarnated to an object, I don't mind being his soap, not in a perverted way but I would love to feel him against mine. Thinking that my only purpose is to serve him then I'll die slowly, melting down to the drainage till I'm nothing. If I don't turn to soap, I'll be okay to be anything, as long as I am his object. If I become a hair blower, I still don't mind. It'll be lovely to witness his hair flowing to the wind. I would not be mad if I became his tissue. But if I turn into a pet, I would be ecstatic.
He smells like every dark thought I ever had. Keeps me awake at night and keeps me thinking about him. I might not have any needles in my head but I act like one. I am drowning in the thought of him everyday that it becomes unhealthy and there's no day that there's no him in my mind. My head will subconsciously start thinking about him to the point of obsession that I can't start my day without staring at my phone with his face in it, scrolling through my gallery and reading fanfiction or anything that is related to him.
I am aware of his flaws but that makes him more attractive in my eyes. He's such an interesting person. I am hella fine with his current personality, to be honest, i would like to be abused by him. He can torture me all day and all night, just to see him and breathe the same air as him. If I really did breathe the same air as him, I would be willing to let him rip open my ribs and offer him my heart or organs. I would kill for him and I would let him kill me if he wanted to.
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littlecarnet · 1 year
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Arceus's human form went through a lot of designs, mainly the hair and clothing. It went from long to short to even looking a bit like Damo's style with the long side whisps around the face. I didn't think this looked enough like Arceus though, so went right back to the longer hair, but it made me wonder if the hair wouldnt just get everywhere and his face. Im sure hed hate the maintenance of that. XD I needed some inspiration from the anime itself...
This lead me to pokemon fashion in general.
It's kind of crazy how much the humans sometimes look like pokemon themselves in the anime. To the point its a guessing game on what pokemon they're trying to emulate. I wanted that for Archer too, but not too on the nose. After all, Volo was still around. Arceus's true nature had to be hinted at through accessories. I got rid of the ring in the hair and turned it into a pendant similar to the ones seen on Baraz and Meray from the movie, Hoopa and the Clash of Ages.
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What resulted was a more practical travel friendly look. His hair is tied back, he wears layers, including a scarf, and his pendant is really the only thing tying him to his true nature. He looks very unassuming...which is absolutely perfect for a god in disguise. The layers underneath aren't always visible, but this art captures what's under it. It is heavily inspired by the clothing of ancient Michina, especially the embroidery on the sleeves and lapel, but with a modern twist.
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And before I forget, I actually had no idea what Arceus's gender would be prior to the second chapter. I hadn't planned that far yet. Since the look of long hair and the clothes were very unisex. I actually flipped a coin a few times to see if Arceus would be male or female or whatever. It landed on male more than a few times, so I settled on that, but here's a design for a female Arceus I played around with, based on the scene where they first transformed, but is wearing very ancient looking clothing aka looking like an absolute goddess. Delia would've instantly been smitten with her from the get go. Lol
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Looking majestic as AF...until she tries to walk on two legs.
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Somewhere, Giratina is laughing their ass off.
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
Making like the hamburgler and stealing this idea from @thewolfisawake. Since I came to the painful realization that all my fae would qualify as "important to political goings ons" I will probably do this in parts. Oh I signed myself up for this.
Part 1
A cheat sheet for the fae's views on:
Names - On their true names and if they have any other names
Glamor/Nature - Usage of their glamor and what their nature aspect(s) is (are)
Glamored Humans - A hot topic at least in the Seelie but is present within the Unseelie as well
Seelie/Unseelie Specifics - For Seelie this is more about the opening of the Seelie. Or anything that only happened because they are in the Seelie. For the Unseelie this is more about 'reversion,' or losing oneself to their nature. As well as where they are from in the Unseelie. Both also cover any thought about the opposite court.
Other Races and Worlds - If they have any particular thoughts about contact with other beings (usually nonhumans) and getting to know or visiting other worlds
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Names - He has no real thoughts or feelings on his true name in particular and he hasn't shared it with anyone. When he woke up as an amnesiac in the mortal plane, he was granted the name "Aur" by Tannim ( one of @thewolfisawake's muses). It's a placeholder name, the Welsh word for gold since Aur A. woke up in Wales and B. I mean, look at his hair. He started going by Camhlaidh again once he regained his memories and returned to Seelie, but those who know him from those days spent working with the Bastion of the Veil may still call him Aur.
Glamor/Nature - He glamoured himself when in the mortal plane, but now is generally fully unglamoured. It's sort of a strategic move on his part since all of his fae features look, as Kirei once put it, 'majestic af', and he's actually sort of trying to create a more imposing, austere, and overall "I'm a powerful king who knows what he's doing please believe me don't I look regal?" impression. Bless his heart.
Glamored Humans - Previously thought nothing of them, but his opinion has since changed since his time spent living among mortals. Funny how interacting with people at length makes you realize that they're complex beings who maybe shouldn't be subjugated cruelly. Weird! Anyways, Aur's first order of business upon taking the crown was outlawing the use of glamoured humans as servants. He's basically been working to enforce that, and also working out logistics for the previously glamoured mortals but I'll put that in its own post.
Seelie/Unseelie Specifics - Haha, opening Seelie. He totally doesn't regret it. Jokes aside, it is something he feels passionate about. Aur is basically that kid who went on a vacation to Europe during his gap year and came back talking about all the ways they do X and Y differently, but less annoying. He thinks Seelie can grow so much from interacting with others, and he ultimately wants the best for his land and his people. Even if opening up Seelie has, ahahahaha, caused more problems than it's solved at the current moment.
Other Races and Worlds - Going to the above point, he would like to create more alliances with other lands. As for how well that's going currently...? Well, he's still learning, and his advisor isn't very helpful. Aur would also like to be able to see more lands but he understands he can't be everywhere at once, and due to how busy he is (and the fact that he's both king and actually can't be away from Seelie for too long), he's accepted he'll have to live vicariously through the ambassadors he sends out. Once he gets around to that.
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Names - Fitting on one part, ironic surely on the other. He hasn't shared it with anyone.
Glamor/Nature - Ruaidhri only begrudgingly glamours himself when in the mortal plane, but other than that she remains fully unglamoured. He's absolutely gorgeous, why would he cover that up?
Glamored Humans - He has no thoughts on them. After all, he's had his fair share of fun toying with silly little mortals and glamouring them in the past too.
Seelie/Unseelie Specifics - Also very little thoughts on Seelie opening, other than wondering why on earth Camhlaidh would put such a big, annoying headache like that on his plate. He'd think not to fix something if it wasn't broken, and everything worked just fine previously with Seelie keeping to itself. But it's whatever, so long as Camhlaidh doesn't keep giving him work to do because of it. He has no thoughts on the Unseelie, other than the fact that their ruler and his generals are absolutely gorgeous.
Other Races and Worlds - Nnnnnnope, yeah, no thoughts. He also doesn't particularly care about other beings, although he does have the Seelie-bred bit of revulsion to vampires, demons, and any undead or "unnatural" or "against nature" beings.
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Names - Loves her true name. Loves it in conjunction with the meaning of her given name too. She hasn't shared her true name with anyone.
Glamor/Nature - It is only because her parents, greatly stressed, impressed upon her when she was younger that mortals will freak out and try to kill her if they see her unglamoured that she even bothers. Even then, she still forgets every now and then and has absolutely started plenty a local legend and ghost story. Creepypasta too. She's always fully unglamoured when in Seelie.
Glamored Humans - Also no thoughts. They blend into the background for her since she finds them pretty boring. She's played pranks on them a time or two, but it's not as amusing when the subject of your prank doesn't even realize that they've been pranked.
Seelie/Unseelie Specifics - 'Why does Camhlaidh hate himself?' But seriously, she'll give him props at least because the old guard among the gentry can be real nuisances who love keeping the status quo, and Seelie being left to its own devices was a real big status quo. She had no thoughts about Seelie opening, that was, until she realized she could get into more mischief with more interactions between nations happening.
Other Races and Worlds - Eilidh is oddly among one of the few fae that doesn't have an issue with vampires, demons, etc. like most other fae. A lot of people chalked that up as just another one of her eccentricities, which is true I guess. She likewise hadn't thought anything of traveling abroad or meeting other beings......until she realized the mischief she could get into with that.
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thenerdcommander · 3 days
I wish there was an actual science to making your hair grow in thicker and darker bc my mustache was majestic af but it was light blond and blended in with my skin and everywhere on the internet said to shave it and it would come back in darker......it's been months and he has yet to return to his former glory 😔
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universaln0b0dy · 24 days
Behold, all of my Yuus in one Corner
But this time it's all of them in picrew
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That's Lydia Yuina Rune, she is also called Yuu, because she uses that to make sure no one assumes she is a girl from the get go. That girl is tired af and depressed Af
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Pretty.. idk, you can call them he, she, they, it, cat, Kind mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (kid with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to NCR rumours that is the first thing Lydia said about them, but there is no proof of this). Their name is Robin Christofson and they are based on Christopher Robin.
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That's Abeeku uhh, I am still working on a last name so here is the place holder Tuslemem (you pronounce it Tous le memes, my creation lol) He is as close to the "Yuu is a typical guy" trope as he can be. According to Lydia and Robin he has majestic hair, but Vil has yet to style his hair. He is also the one with Amnesia.
So next question:
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pet1teyn · 1 year
chapter two: an invitation calls to us
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Y/N smiled as she watched her appa leave her room. She felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulder after confiding with her daddy.
But soon her attention turned to something else as her conversation with her dad was long forgotten. 
Leaping up from her bed, Y/N scrambled to her bathroom to redo her makeup and hair before leaving her room.
She raced down the stairs and grabbed her keys before bolting out the door. She unlocked the door of her bubblegum pink Tesla and slid into her hot pink leather seats. Y/N put her hands on her rhinestone-studded flamingo-pink fluffy steering wheel and backed out of the driveway. 
All of a sudden, she felt her car hit something.
“FUCK MY LIFE!” she gasped. “WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST RUN OVER! I LITERALLY CANNOT PAY FOR INSURANCE. I DON’T WANNA GO TO JAIL,” Y/N wailed as she blinked her long curly eyelashes repeatedly. 
Hesitantly, she opened the door of her bubblegum pink car and stepped outside. She slowly walked to the front of her car, her tiny fists ready to punch anything that might jump at her. 
She jumped back 3 feet as her eyes laid on a peculiar sight. 
Dirty blonde locks caressed a beautiful, but unconscious, face from the man underneath her car. His features were angular, yet delicate. He had thick and straight eyebrows that framed his doe-like eyes and complimented his high-set nose. He had beauty marks on his face but instead of detracting from his beauty, they only added to it. His lips looked soft and contrasted with his razor-sharp jawline that looked like it could cut diamond.
The only thing that tainted his near perfect face was the crimson red blood running down his forehead. 
Y/N took a moment to examine the ethereal being that laid in front of her. For a moment she forgot the emergency at hand. 
Suddenly, she snapped out of her trance and began pacing in front of her car trying to think of what to do.
The beautiful man groaned and rolled over. Y/N gasped and fumbled her phone out of her pink crocodile leather handbag.
“Wait,” the man said, staring deeply into her eyes as his hand gently grasped her wrist. His voice was smooth, rich, and velvety. It drew Y/N in, like a moth to a flame, helpless in the face of subtle seduction.
“Omo!” She gasped, trying to break away from his iron grasp. But he held her there, staring deeply into her cerulean orbs.
“Were you the bitch that ran over me,” the man in front of her growled.
“I-I-I-I’m s-so ss-sorry, sir-nim-oppa-nim,” Y/N stuttered adorably.
But that only angered the man in front of her more as he yanked Y/N towards him until their faces were millimeters apart.
Y/N felt his warm breath fanning her face and she almost sighed at how nice he smelled. He smelled minty and floral, with rich lemony undertones but a strange irony tang.
Suddenly, Y/N yelped as she forcefully tugged her tiny wrists away from the strange but majestic man in front of her. She bolted back to her bubblegum pink car and drove away gripping her rhinestone studded steering wheel in fear as her knuckles turned white.
“Oh my god. What a freak. Like, he’s hot, but still weird af,” Y/N muttered to herself, chewing on her lip, as she drove to the Chanel store.
When she got there, she stepped out of her car and sashayed to the store. 
“Hello, mistress Y/N,” growled the man who opened the door for her. 
Y/N ignored him and strutted to the designer dress aisle.
“Hmmmm. How about no,” she said, tossing aside a velvet burgundy floor-length ball gown. “Too tacky.”
Y/N continued looking through the rack before giving up. There’s like, nothing good here, she thought, throwing a silk sheath dress to the floor. Suddenly, she had an idea. 
She walked over to the fitting rooms and flashed a pearly-white smile at the man in charge of it. 
“Hi there! I’m Y/N. I don’t suppose you have any new party dresses in stock?”
Y/N looked the man up and down. He was kind of hot but looked a little too young for her. Risking another glance, Y/N thought that there was something familiar about the man. 
He was tall, dark, and handsome. His black hair contrasted with his pale skin and scarlet eyes gazed at her from underneath long eyelashes. Wait a second, Y/N thought, red eyes? That freak from earlier had red eyes too!
Y/N had an idea. “Hey,” she called, “do you know anyone with red eyes?”
The man looked at her and raised a single eyebrow imperiously before looking her up and down. He scoffed, seemingly unimpressed with what he found. He beckoned for her to follow him with a wave of his elegant hand.
He led her to the back of the store, which was dimly lit but like, in a romantic kind of way. Pulling down a box from the shelf, the man gestured for Y/N to move back. He set the box down on the floor and opened it, shaking out the most beautiful dress that Y/N had ever seen. It was love at first sight.
She tugged the dress out of the man’s hands and dashed back to the dressing room, slamming the door shut behind her. Inside the dressing room, Y/N zipped up the dress and smoothed it out over her curves.
She was gorgeous. 
The dress was, of course, blush pink and made of delicate, skin tight silk with holographic glitter in an ombre pattern from the bottom of the skirt. It was sleeveless and low cut, daringly exposing some cleavage, while the mid-thigh skirt had a large slit, almost up to her waist.
I have to buy this dress, Y/N thought as she examined herself in front of the floor length mirror while running her hands down her waist.  She quickly stripped the dress off of her and ran to the counter to check it out with her daddy’s credit card. 
Finally content, she grabbed the bag and walked back to her car, not missing to glance at the strange red eyed man.
Dismissing her thoughts, Y/N walked back to her bubblegum pink car and drove back home. A chill ran down her spine as she recounted the events that happened earlier in the day. The face of the strange boy underneath her car flashed in her mind as she quickly tried to push it aside and focus on the party.
Y/N reached home, quickly throwing on the dress, redoing her hair and makeup and tripping over her feet as she stumbled into her Barbie pink stilettos.
Y/N grabbed her hot pink makeup bag as she fumbled through it to find her neon pink lip gloss and quickly slapped it on. Checking over her face one more time in the mirror, Y/N gave herself a satisfied glance as she swiped on her glittery pink eyeshadow.
As she closed the door to her house, she felt her phone vibrating in her hand.
“HEY BESTIE, ARE U COMING OR WHAT?!” Yuna yelled through the phone.
“STFU Yuna, I'm on my way” Y/N giggled as she flipped her hair and twirled it around her finger.
Quickly throwing her phone into her rose pink purse, Y/N walked to her car and drove off to Jackson Wang’s party. 
As she pulled up to Jackson’s house she could hear the dulcet tones of Twice booming through the house as What is Love was blaring through the speakers. 
Y/N made her way inside, slipping her body through the sweaty crowd and sashaying to Yuna, who was smiling and waving at her enthusiastically.
“HEY BITCH U MADE IT I THOUGHT U WERE DEAD” Yuna shouted over the music.
Y/N simply smiled and shrugged as she grabbed a bottle of vodka from the counter and sexily downed the whole thing and shoved the entire bottle into her mouth, ignoring the burning sensation radiating in her throat. A few drops of the alcohol dripped down the side of her mouth, but without a care, she wiped it with the sleeve of her expensive Chanel dress. 
All of a sudden, her breath hitched as her own orbs met a familiar pair of eyes. Eyes blood red and promising danger, the man who she ran over glared at her from across the room.
Without breaking eye contact, he began to stalk his way over, pushing his way through the crowd. As he drew near, Y/N felt a cold fear sink to the bottom of her stomach. Her eyes flitted through the room, frantically scanning for a way out. No luck, she was trapped. Desperately, Y/N tried to shove through the crowd.
An ice-cold hand shot out from behind and grasped her wrist. Y/N’s vision began to blur and she regretted drinking all of that vodka. She felt something sharp on her neck and before she blacked out, she faintly heard Yuna’s voice.
“Sunghoonie-oppa! Do you like my present for you? I promise she’ll be very tasty,” Yuna chirped.
Through the fog swirling through her head, Y/N could only wonder what Yuna was saying to the man as her eyes began to close. 
Y/N’s world went black, leaving only a faint feeling of betrayal.
Author’s notes:
What a plot twist🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢
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I had this random idea on discord of Remy with the Phoenix Force and this happened (plus a version without fire because I’m proud of the gold and I want y’all to see all of it) and surprisingly this was meant to be a simple doodle-
I don’t have a solid idea as to how he might’ve gotten it, but I’ve bounced off the idea of him absorbing it completely by accident and trying his best to control it until it has to get (literally) knocked out of him sjbdvjk
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seekingthestars · 3 years
good morning to hoshi x studio choom and hoshi x studio choom ONLY
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fictional-loves · 6 years
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So Sam Winchester is the fictional character I’m attracted to that’s like played by an actual person and not like an video game character or anime character, this is a first for me. Like I’m not sure how to feel about this, odd? I think, I usually write fanfic for the characters I like but I’m not sure how I feel about writing about a character isn’t just an avatar or two dimensional. None the less he is adorable, very tall, and like not a bad guy (that’s weird for me). Also I started binge watching supernatural a few weeks ago, I’m almost through season 9 (just a sidenote).
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gffa · 3 years
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qalma-e-azadi · 3 years
(disclaimer: please don't take this as stereotyping this is just for prompts besties)
the lukhnawi lover boi: loves cats would die for cats would kill for cats, will tell their mom about you, rings 👀, pinching their nose bridge, a tight black kurta they can't let go of, makes the best maggi you can think of, raises eyebrows teasingly whenever you give them a compliment, plays gully cricket with kids, *scrunches nose*, can't talk about you without blushing uncontrollably, tapri ki chai™, plays atleast one instrument, pleading puppy face, gifted you jhumkas once hasn't recovered from the precious look on your face yet, will nuzzle in your neck after a hard day, "let's compare hands na"
the bande bula dunga behenchod: old delhi, or as they put it "shahjahanabad hota hai yaar", chicken kadhi ka kurta, scribbled post-it notes with little hearts for you, kulhad koffee go brrrrr, is best friend with the vegetable vendor, kebab dates, *massages jaw very segsy*, black denim, partner & low-key bully, whistles when you check yourself out in an fit, middle finger, pro at dumb charades, calls you their gulab jamun, very politely asks you at 4 in the morning to come with him for a highway ride (you say yes obviously), gives you cute messy pottery mugs, says behenchod a LOT. *loosens tie*, kisses your tears away, will get into a fight with their parents for you
the bhai coolers are way better than acs okay: probably from west india, listens to rag artists makes you listen you raag artists now you love raag artists, runs on terrace dances on terrace type, you have a bandhani chunni, lehriya chunni, malmal chunni at this point you think they're a chunni smuggler, PANI PURI DATES, manically tells pani puri bhaiyya "aur teekha banao maza nai aaya", dozes off in your lap, has a cute pout, rubs his eyes like a schoolboy after waking up, makes fruit salad for you, "my clothes are your clothes only", aloo bhujia enthusiast, makes you rethink life choices when they wink at you, bakes you cupcakes,
the did you put four pleats in the saree or five because like i wanna match: gives you forehead massages, "istg if you say lungi dance is your favourite south indian song one more time even as a joke i will literally break up with you", probably smokes but in a cool vintage poet way, long hugs, *launches themselves into the bed stomach first*, the softest cotton shirts you can think off, leaves rice on balcony for pigeons, park dates, thumb caresses, sleeps on your shoulder on bus rides, will cradle you like a baby after a hard day, bought a gajra for you one day and almost fainted from the smile on your lips, plays uno with you till 2 a.m. looses majestically, *touches toes under the family dinner table*
the thand lag jaayegi tumhe: holds a hand out for you, dirty jokes while almost going to sleep that cause you to snort and literally die from laughing, big fat sibling bully, a yellow light bulb lamp on their desk, braids your hair even if it's not long enough to braid, rogue-ish smile, squishes your face together just because, pastel mufflers, warm hands but cold af feet, loves to play cards, always looses in cards, gently moves your hair out of your eyes, lots of flannel and joggers pants, *cries in can't eat softies without getting a throat itch*, human embodiment "jhatak kar zulf jab tum tauliye se baarishein aazaad karti ho, accha lagta hai", makes you flustered very easily, god complex AND insecure, pakode, palm kisses, wears this watch you gifted him everywhere, "i love you very much jaan but if you eat my oreos again i'll push you off a cliff"
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rainbowkisses31 · 2 years
You know what? His hair is so sexy! Let me play with them, I don't care about the dress
That hair is majestic AF!! 😍
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