#his little sunshine almost didn't make it :c
multishipper-baby · 2 years
This is pretty dark but with the whole health issues and complications, I like to think there was a moment (even if only a brief one) where baby Deya wasn't breathing when she was just born and it was horrifying for everyone.
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igotanidea · 3 months
The phone number: Dick Grayson x reader
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She was walking through the mall, running errands, crossing off the things on the to-buy list, eventually ending up carrying like ten bags.
A little too much for a girl.
Fighting with the bag strap, painfully digging into her shoulder, Y/N tried to find her phone, aiming to call her sister to pick her up, cause the chances of getting home in one piece were decreasing by a minute.
And then, to her terror she realised that the device was nowhere to be found.
Stopping in the middle of the mall passageway, the poor girl started digging into her bags and bundles, noting the slight shaking of hands she couldn't quite control.
Just not that.
She couldn't have lost her phone. There was so much information there. And she was having it in her hand just a second ago, checking time.
Right. She was checking time.
So there was no way she left it somewhere while shopping.
Yes. Obviously, She was so silly. All she had to do was take a deep breath, calm down and search methodically, and not fight the luggage in the middle of the way like a crazy squirrel with her hair all over the face
"Hey, you gonna move or something? You're blocking the passage..." male voice came from behind her, painfully pointing out that she was being a road hog.
"Oh! Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I just-" she spun around only to see a tall, lithe and very handsome man. The force of her movement mixed with the heavy weight on her shoulders made her lose balance and for a moment she was on a highway to meet with the floor.
However, before she could paint the tiles with her blood, the man caught her arm, getting half of her stuff into his own hands (literally! and the way those forearms muscles flexed almost made her fall again). Having ensured she wasn't dizzy or anything like that anymore he carefully guided her to the nearest sitting spot.
"You look distressed."
"Oh, do I?" she fixed her hair, now fully in panic mode due to the allegedly lost phone.
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I lost my phone..." she finally muttered and then it dawned on her. "Oh, um, hey- I really don;t want you to take it wrong way or make it sound weird but maybe you could - um-" she stuttered a little, cause the request she was going to make to this model-like man could easily backfire on her. "Could you maybe call me?"
"Call you?" he grinned and she mentally prepared herself for the worst reaction "you didn't even get my name and you're already offering your number?"
There it was. She was right. A mistake asking a guy like him something like that.
"You know what just forget it-"
"Oh, sweetheart, don;t go shy on me now. I'll be more than happy to call you. Only to help you find the phone, obviously." he smirked with a light chuckle, showing all his shiny teeth.
"Obviously." she nodded, rolling her eyes a little, dictating the set of numbers to him.
And as the phone was luckily found at the bottom of her bag, she hastily mumbled words of acknowledgement and fled the place before he could even attempt another mockery.
Leaving Dick Grayson astonished and a little amused, shaking heads while watching that girl run away from him.
She forgot the whole incident almost immediately. Well, maybe not all of it, cause those blue eyes seemed to mentally follow her everywhere for the next few days.
And when she finally managed to get past them, her phone chimed with a message from a number that was not in her contact list.
"Hey sunshine. Not to complain, but I think you at least owe me coffee for my help."
Y/N frowned, taking a longer moment to figure out what this was about. Was it SPAM? Phishing? An erotic offer from a portal that gathered her data from god knows where?
"Who is this?" she responded.
"Oh, you are hurting me. It's Dick. From the mall? The one who helped you with the phone hunt?"
Oh. It was him.
"So, now that you got my name, what do you say about that coffee? My treat." the notification of a text interrupted her train of thoughts.
A little drink couldn't do much harm to her, right?
"Okay." Y/N texted, waiting for his proposition, smiling to herself without even noticing it.  
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sofiafantasies · 10 months
Imagine: Jack seeing you for the first time but you can’t see him
Disclaimer; This is inspired by @cutiepieloves131
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It had been three years since Jack became a guardian. And he had to admit, it was fun. Ironically enough he was the guardian of fun. But the spirit of winter.
He spreaded snow and frost everywhere. From France to the small town of Burgess. At first, it was strange to be a guardian, helping children, and being seen.
Usually, children were the only ones who could see him. Well, children who bealived in him. Which weren't a lot. But as the years went by a lot more came. And he got a decent amount of believers.
It was very strange. He would just be walking by making it snow and children would come up to him. It was surprising but he got used to it.
He would fly over the world when he didn't have to bring winter. But when he was, he's favorite place to finish is at Burgess. That's Jamie's town. Jamie is the first boy who ever bealived in Jack.
Burgess has a very special place in his heart. And so is Jamie. But while he is out flying around the world he encounters many strange people, that can't see him. Last time he "meet" a young female.
Jack was in Burgess bringing snow and fun like usual. That was his last stop for the day. He was done and all the kids were out playing. He was going to leave but then Cupcake came running out of her home.
"Guys! You won't believe it!" She ran to her friends. And Jack was just close enough to hear. He turned around to see the little ball of sunshine. "What is it, Cupcake?" Pippa asked.
"My sister is coming back from collage!" Cupcake jumped up and down. "Wait. Y/n is coming back?" Jamie asked excited like everyone else. Jack confused flew to them. "Who's Y/n?" He asked.
"Cupcake's older sister." Jamie answered. "Yes, she's the best!" Caleb said as his twin brother agreed, "Yeah, she is!" They high five each other.
"She is the coolest!" Monty said excitedly as he fixed his glasses. "Coolest?" Jack mouthed out. "Remember when we had that massive snowball fight?" Claude asked as he made a snowball and threw it at Caleb who dogged.
"Yeah, she was the best at that!" Caleb agreed. "The best?" Jack mummered. "Ooh, and on my birthday she made the biggest party ever!" Pippa jumped up and down. "She was awesome!" Monty exclaimed.
"Awsome?" Jack whispered. "Uh, were is she, exactly?" Jack said as he leaned on his woden staff. "She's on her way here!" Cupcake yelled. "When is she getting here?" Jamie asked.
Jack chuckled at their excitement. "I'm not so sure." Cupcake shrugged. While they all told Jack how awesome and generous Y/n was they didn't know you had arrived.
"Mom! Dad!" You ran to them and hugged them both. Tears where shead. Blah, blah, blah. "Where's Cupcake?" You asked. "Oh, she's with Jamie and the others." Your mother said whipping her tears.
You lowly gasped with excitement and with one last hug you ran to find her. "Cupcake!" You called as you walked along the frozen path. Almost slipping. But you grabbed onto a ralling for bikes.
You sighed and carefully walked along the path. "Cupcake!" You yelled again. This time you were somewhere near Jamie's house and near the lake. "Uh, Jamie!?" You called.
"Ugh, come back from collage to a very warm welcome." You mocked. "Cupcake!!" You yelled louder. "Y/N!!" Cupcake and her friends ran to you. "Oh!" You feel backwards due to the force.
"Hi, guys!" You greeted as you hugged them all. They all bombarded you with questions as you stood up. Cupcake was clinging to your leg which you honestly didn't mind. You knew how much she missed you.
"Woah, woah! Calm down. One at a time, please." You laughed with them. But as you answered their questions Jack flew near you. He observed your features.
How your E/c eyes glimmering in the sun. How your S/c skin suited you well. The way your H/c colered hair framed your face perfectly. How soft your L/c lips looked.
He could tell you where a kind person by the way you interacted with the kids. "It's nice to see you all. But it's getting late shouldn't you guys be heading home?" You asked. Cupcake had finally let go of your leg.
"Oh, right!" Pippa realized. "Will we see you tomorrow?" Monty asked. "You bet!" The kids all cheered. "Come on, Cupcake. Say bye." You told your sister as you started to walk away.
"Bye!" All the kids said to each other and they all went home. "I have so much to tell you!" Cupcake said to you. "Oh, well I would love to hear it all."
Jack being the curious and mischievous guy he is decided to follow you two. He wanted to know you. Maybe even have you see him. He knew you couldn't. But that didn't stop him from trying.
"I have this cool story to tell you. It was awesome!" Cupcake beamed. "Alright. How about you wait 'till we get home. Yeah?" You asked as you glanced down at her. "Okay!" You giggled as she skipped home.
Feeling a cold but gentle breeze you smiled. You loved winter. Sure it was cold but it was fun. A small snowflake fell infront of you. Bringing your hand up the snowflake landed on your palm.
You giggled at the cold feeling. You smiled softly as it started to snow more. "It's snowing!" Cupcake said as she tried to capture snowflakes with her tounge.
"Winter. So lovely." You whispered. Cupcake was a few feet away from you and Jack was right next to you. "It is, ain't it?" Jack asked even though he knew you won't respond.
"How I whish I could just..control it." This peaked Jack's interest. "How so?" He asked. "Imagine me..able to bring winter anywhere, anytime, whenever." You giggled. Watching the snowflakes fall into your palm you felt happy.
Happy to be home. "Well, snowflake, you'll be happy to know, I already do that." Jack informed. You giggled and shoock your head. "Talking to myself. Gotta stop doing that."
You looked straight ahead and saw that Cupcake was further away. "Hey, Cupcake! Wait up!" You ran to her. Jack chuckled at you and looked back but decided to follow you.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Sun-kissed and Moon-glow
My fics have been fighting me this last week, so have some softness I've been thinking about the last couple of days. This came from that post that has been going around about x overhearing y say good things about them.
Eddie didn't mean to eavesdrop, his interview finished before Steve finished his. Eddie loved his model boyfriend. He was gorgeous and looked amazing on his own or on Eddie's arm.
He moved to sneak up on Steve to hug him from behind, but he stopped when he realized his interview wasn't over with.
"Are you familiar with the trope 'the grumpy one is in love with the sunshine one'?" the interviewer asked. She was a pretty thing with long bleach blonde hair, tan skin, and a slinky pink satin dress.
"Oh yeah, it's one of my favorite tropes," Steve agreed. "Morpheus and Hob, Mulder and Scully, Nico and Will, Watson and Holmes."
She smiled at him. "Would you say that it also describes you and your boyfriend Eddie Munson?"
Steve laughed. "I'm assuming you think he's the grumpy one and I'm the sunshine one?"
"Exactly!" she said with a laugh.
"The trope works," Steve agreed. "But not in the way you think. If it was purely aesthetic, I would be the sunshine one and Eddie would be grumpy one, no doubt. But based on our actual personalities? He is so the sunshine one."
"Aww..." she cooed. But it was clear even to Eddie that she was only saying that to placate Steve.
"No I mean it," Steve said, catching her tone. "I'm only glitter and glow. I take my light from other people. The clothes I wear, the way I style my hair, my modeling. I'm definitely the moon and the stars. But I look warm and my skin is tan because his love for me shines every day. I glow because he is my sun."
The interviewer's jaw dropped. "Wow."
"He is so good and so bright and so happy all the time," Steve continued. "He lights up whatever room he walks into. That's what makes him a good performer. He shines on stage. He looks like a creature of the night, because he's moon kissed. Because I love him, I'm the moon to his sun."
"Does that make you sun-kissed then?" the interviewer asked.
Steve laughed. "Yeah, I guess it does."
There was a tap on Steve's shoulder and he was being told to move on. He said goodbye to the interviewer and turned around, spotting Eddie.
"There you are, sunshine," he greeted warmly.
Eddie reached out his hand to Steve who took it with a fond smile. And as they walked down the red carpet, Eddie thought. Before tonight he would have agreed with the interviewer. He was the moon to Steve's sun. But hearing Steve's explanation, it made more sense.
It also gave him an idea for the band's next album. A double album called Sun-kissed and Moon-glow. Steve on the cover of Sun-kissed, bathed in the light of Eddie's love, his skin starting to glow yellow from the kiss Eddie is pressing to his shoulder.
Moon-glow would be the reverse. Eddie golden but bathed in Steve's moonlight, skin turning alabaster from Steve's kiss.
He looked over at Steve one more time. The boys were going to love the idea. Almost as much as he loved this man at his side.
Tagging this because it's long enough I think.
Permanent Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @a-little-unsteddie c@i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @redfreckledwolf @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hello there Bee, your writing for Miguel O'Hara was perfect, thank you so much for it 🫂
I was wondering if you could do one where he's so deeply in love with her but doesn't want to tell her because he's afraid of being rejected, he wants to protect her so they always go to missions together until one day she gets hurt and because he's afraid of loosing her, he finally tells her how he's been feeling for a long time
Thank you so much c:
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AN | It’s been a minute but here we are with some more grumpy x sunshine! I hope you enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Nondescript mentions of violence, Language
Pairing | Miguel x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3k
Masterlist | Main, Spider-Man
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Inhale. Exhale.
That's what you kept repeating to yourself as you approached the front doors to the Spider Headquarters. Your heart beat around your chest but you tried to push away all your worries and insecurities.
Well - the one major worry you had anyway. Most things didn't scare you anymore, you were well past that point in your life. It was one singular person that made you nervous. Miguel O'Hara. 
The man that appeared to hate you more than anything or anyone else. You weren't even sure what you had done to bring on the hatred but it had appeared slowly at first and then all at once. Now you just tried to avoid him as much as you could, but in the event that you were faced with him, you tried to be as kind as possible. There was no reason to be mean, right? You hoped that one day Miguel might get that memo as well.
When you got inside, you looked around and tried to see if anything seemed out of place or…if there was some sort of chaos. But it all seemed utterly normal so you walked towards your little desk area. 
"Hey there!" You startled at the sound of Peter's bright and happy voice, spinning around in your chair to find him watching you with an overly cheery smile, "how're you today?"
"I'm just peachy, Pete. What's going on?" The man's face flushed and you knew immediately that something was going on. He was so easy to read despite his best efforts.
"Umm…well," he waved his hands around for a moment, stammering nervous as you just stared at him, "well, I don't…your day might get worse."
"Oh?" You leaned back in your chair as you raised an eyebrow at him, "and just why is that? What do you know that I don't?"
"You're supposed to be partnered with…Miguel today," he said it so quickly that you almost didn't catch it. But the name stood out so clearly that you were immediately able to figure out what was going on, "just so you know, you know?"
"How do you know that?"
"Word spreads fast around here," he volunteered lamely, as you sighed at him, "and ugh, it might be my fault."
"What?!" He was afraid of exactly this reaction and flinched slightly, "Peter - why?"
"I have to be home today," he cleared his throat, "big family thing with MJ and Mayday. So…you know."
"Fine," you pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration, "fine. Only because I love your wife and daughter as much if not more than you."
"I am so sorry," he grimaced, "I'll make it up to you somehow."
"It's…it's fine," you swallowed the lump in your throat. It did suck…but you'd live and would just be as kind as usual. And it would be over before you knew it, "this is going to be…fantastic."
“Just don’t kill each other and it should all be fine,” Peter kept taking a few steps back, creating a further distance between the two of you, “and then we can all resume our normal programming next week!”
“I don’t hate him,” your voice softened as a frown tugged down the corners of your mouth. You truly didn’t hate him and you hated the idea that people would think you did. You always tried to treat everyone with the same kindness and you were known for being a ray of sunshine, “I think… I think he might hate me.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” Peter shrugged slightly as you sighed lightly, “he’s just that way with everyone. He’s a huge douche, you know that.”
“As much as I appreciate your opinions Parker,” both of you froze at the sound of his voice. He sounded just as annoyed and frustrated as ever, “I believe you were supposed to leave already to get back to your wife and daughter, no?”
“Uhh, yup…that’s…gotta go!” he looked between the two of you before offering you a small grimace and turning to basically sprint away. You bit the inside of your cheek before turning your attention to the man in question. 
“Miguel, I-”
“Get suited up,” he didn’t even spare you an actual glance. He merely caught your eye before turning around to leave again, “we’re leaving in twenty. We’ve got a job to do.”
“Don’t be late,” he was already walking away again and all you could do was sigh, “or I will leave with you.”
Yeah, okay, cool, cool, cool. This apparently was going to be the absolute worst; part of you was almost tempted to be late just so you wouldn’t have to go. You weren’t feeling very welcome but at the same time, your duties were important and you weren’t about to let him go alone. 
“Well then,” you attempted to psych yourself up, “let’s do this…and get it over with.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Miguel had been silent, to the point of it being almost eerie, besides giving you some instructions and directions. You'd tried to make some small talk at the start but the only responses you received were grunts or scoffs. It had definitely deflated your mood and after a while you gave up and remained silent.
"Hey," Miguel waved his hand in front of your face as you snapped back into attention. You hadn't realized you'd spaced out so much, "are you even paying attention?"
"Y-yeah…yes," you offered him a tight smile as he hung his head with a heavy sigh, "sorry. Could you just run that by me again?"
"I need you to focus," he caught your eye and there was a dangerous glint to him that caused you to swallow thickly, "otherwise I'll send you right back and this is the last time you'll get to go on a mission."
"That's not fair!" You hadn't meant to sound like a petulant child, but at least you hadn't also stomped your foot. His jaw twitched as he glared at you, "you've never said that to anyone-"
"He's a child," you ran a hand through your hair in exasperation, "this isn't fair, Miguel and you know that. Why do you hate me so much?"
If you'd been looking at his face you'd have noticed the way his face fell momentarily. You swallowed the lump in your throat and tried to control the squeaking and stop the tears that threatened to well up.
"You're also so mean to me!" Alright. Maybe you were already sounding hysterical but it was a lot of emotions at once, "its always me! I try to be nice, Miguel. I don't like not being nice, it's just…not in my nature. But you make it so hard. A-and I'm not asking for anything spectacular, just a hello once a while or at least don't totally ignore me when I'm talking to you!"
“Are you finished?” his tone was the same as it always was: cold and calm and calculated. You tried to blink away the burning of your eyes. 
“No,” you put your hands on your hips and stared him down, “if you’re going to be mean to me or act like I’m the worst thing in the world, can you at least tell me what I did to offend you so much? I mean - why even have me working with you and the rest of the team if you don’t trust me or think I’m worthy of being here! If I’m such a horrible person, just cut me loose and let me go so you never have to see me again!”
By the time you were done, angry tears had run down your cheeks which you hastily brushed away. You felt like you had just put your heart and feelings on the line and he didn’t seem phased. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow before sighing heavily, “if you’re done, we’ve got some bad guys to catch.”
“Y-you’re not even going to say anything to what I just said?” your lip trembled with effort not to cry further. He’d already turned his back to you and started to walk away. Only this time, you didn’t run after him to catch up, “fine! You know what? I quit! Do this yourself!”
You didn’t even wait for a response before turning on your heel and walking in the other direction. You were already out of sight by the time Miguel turned around and realized that you’d been serious. He ran a hand over his face in exasperation before stomping after you, muttering under his breath. He hadn’t wanted this at all; especially because this meant that he couldn’t keep any eye on you.
“Hey!” you’d been walking around for a bit when you finally heard the angry voice. Your shoulders stiffened when you realized that Miguel had found you. Instead of giving him the satisfaction of falling back to him, you kept walking with your head held high. But then you felt a harsh hand wrap your bicep and pull you back. 
“What the f-”
“Finally,” oh. That voice definitely wasn’t Miguel. You slowly turned around and found yourself with…well, the bad guy. He looked at you with a wicked smile that caused goosebumps to well up all over your skin, “I’ve been looking for you, little Spider. Only I was hoping you’d be with that big, dumb guy.”
“Listen buddy,” you tried to pull out of his iron grasp to no avail, “I’m already having a shitty day and I don’t need you making it worse. The big dumb guy isn’t around, it’s just me unfortunately. And I recommend you let me go before I make you regret your decision.”
“You’re so funny,” he leaned closer so he was almost face to face with you. He smelled terrible and looked even worse; the worst realization of all was that he was a murderer…and you were alone with him, “you really think you could stop me all by yourself? So cute.”
He reached out and ran his hand along your jaw, instantly making you feel disgusting and gross. Your heart started beating rapidly and you willed yourself to regain your muster and strength. It should have been so easy to overpower him, but he was surprisingly strong. That was one of the worst things about dealing with other powered beings…someone always had the upper hand. 
“Let me go,” you hissed through gritted teeth.
“Why don’t we make a deal?” he took your jaw harshly in his hand turned your face to his, “help me catch Miguel O’Hara and I’ll let you go.”
“Nope,” you might not have been in the Miguel fanclub at this point but you weren’t about to betray him or put anyone else at risk. You figured that the longer you were able to stall, it might give Miguel more time to get to you and take him. You’d never hear the end of it, but it was better than nothing, “sorry buddy.”
“Bitch!” he let go and pushed you back before striking you across the face, causing you to stumble and trip over your feet. You feel onto your backside with a groan before touching your stinging face, “it could have been so easy! We both want the same thing - to get rid of the Spider!”
“I don’t want to get rid of him,” you tried to scramble to your feet as he loomed over you but your hope was quickly starting to dissipate, “he-he’s fine! The only person I want to get rid of you is you!”
“Too bad,” he cackled before shrugging his shoulders, “I hate to break the news to you, but you’re not getting rid of me. I’ll be getting rid of you…and eventually that big idiot will come looking for you and then I’ll have him too. A two or one deal - can you imagine? What a dream!”
“Hate to break it to you,” your hands before getting scraped up as you tried to pull yourself out of his reach, “but he’s not going to come looking for me. He doesn’t care that much.”
“Don’t kid yourself,” you couldn’t hold back the scream that escaped your lips as he stepped on your ankle and crushed it under his boot, “you’re a pretty face, that’s enough for most men to come running. It’s almost a shame to kill you but-”
The next thing you heard was a sickening crack before the pressure on your ankle was gone. You opened your eyes and looked around the alley, only to find your would-be murderer on the ground and bleeding. A choked up sound escaped your lips as you looked up to find Miguel standing over you.
You prepared yourself for him to begin yelling but, to your immense surprise, it never came. Instead you watched dumbly as he bent down and scooped into your arms and stood back up with you clutched to his chest.
He studied you for a moment before tenderly wiping away the little bit of blood that had trickled down from the corner of your mouth. You had never realized that he could actually have such a gente touch. 
For a few moments he walked in silence before letting a heavy sigh and shaking his head, “I don’t hate you. I never did.”
Your brow furrowed in surprise but you remained silent. Your head felt foggy and you weren’t sure you wanted to push anything just yet. All you wanted to do was go home and get some rest. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few days had passed since the incident with Miguel and you felt well recovered, except for the faint bruising that remained on your face. Really, though, that was the least of your worries. Ever since then, you’d been trying your best to avoid Miguel, while continuing to be surprised that he hadn’t booted you from the team yet.
“Hey,” you froze at the sound of his voice and turned around to find Miguel standing at the edge of your cubicle space. You swallowed thickly before squeaking out a response that made you cringe internally, “can we talk?”
“Umm…yes?” you looked at him and waited for him to make the next move. He turned and motioned for you to follow him. It felt like some sort of walk of shame as you trailed after him like a puppy. He didn’t stop, ignoring the whispers and titters from the other Spider-People as he beelined for his office. You kept your gaze trained on your feet and almost ran into him when he suddenly stopped, “oof.”
“Sorry,” you’d never heard him apologize before. Odd. He closed the door behind and leaned against it, “listen, I think we need to clear some things up.”
“We do?”
“Mhmm,” this time he found it difficult to look in your eyes as you hopped up and sat at the edge of his desk, swinging your legs, “I just…I don’t want you to think that I hate you know or ever hated you. It’s never been like that.”
“Could have fooled me,” you shrugged slightly, already having made peace with his dislike of you. 
“I know, I…fuck,” he ran a hand over his face in exasperation, “It was supposed to be easier this way.”
“What way?”
“If you hated me,” he finally managed to get out as you blinked at him owlishly, “then it would have made it easier for him to keep my distance.”
“But I don’t hate you,” you shook your head, “I don’t hate anyone…and I could never hate you.”
“Even now?” he chuckled harshly, “when you definitely should?”
“Even now,” you confirmed you heard his small exhale of relief, “now I just…I guess I’m just confused as to how you do feel about me.”
“When you left me and I couldn’t find you and then…when you’d been hurt…I thought…” he trailed off, clearly at a loss for words. You let his words sink in and tried to process the meaning behind him, “I didn’t know what I would do if anything had happened to you. All I could think about was beating that bastard to a bloody pulp.”
“Oh,” the gears were definitely turning as you came closer and closer to your conclusion. And then it hit you all at once and your entire face turned warm. You looked over at Miguel and could see that his cheeks were a darkened pink, “oh.”
“Umm…yeah,” he scratched at the back of his neck nervously before nodding slightly, “I just never know what to do or say. I-I’ve never been good with words. Keeping people at a distance makes things easier. If there’s no attachment then there’s no room or heartbreak.”
“I understand that,” you agreed softly, “but that’s no way to live.”
“I’m starting to see that,” he allowed himself to meet your eye and the two of you exchanged shy smiles, “so I guess I just wanted to say sorry.”
“Is that all you wanted to say?” you felt a little bolder now, nerves buzzing with everyone he had said and things that were left unspoken.
“No,” he agreed, “but it’s a good starting point, I think.”
“Yeah,” you nodded softly, “I think so too.”
“Cool,” he ran a hand through his hair nervously, “cool. Listen, I…want to do this right. So can I umm, do you want to-”
“Yes,” you slid off the desk and almost skipped over to him, “I’d love to.”
“You’re sure?”
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serxinns · 9 months
Yandere Bnha x scarlet witch reader part 3
H/c = hair color
F/c = fav color
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Shout out to @lady-ashfade for helping me!
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The Big Three (Platonic)
• Mirio is an affectionate and sunshine Boy always give you hugs 24/7
•Mirio Loves to give you Big bear hugs or tickle you if he's in a very good mood if you not much of a hugger or tickle person that's ok! High fives are just as amazing as well! He would never overstep a boundary.
•Mirio loves to make you happy it's his number 1 goal! he loves to make you smile, laugh, or anything that brings positive emotion, and if you ever feel sad this dude turns into a whole-ass mom he make sure your are comfortable enough to tell why are you feeling that way and if some caused you to feel that way let's just say they're just gonna get more then a punch in the stomach
•He knows it is wrong but he likes to use his quirk to go through your walls and watch you sleep only uses his face tho he thinks it's adorable to see you all curled up in your blanket dreaming he always wondered what your dreams are like if he notices you waking up then he'll quickly back off if you have a bad dream he'll.cone making up an excuse saying how he heard you struggling in your sleep and comfort you
•Every morning Mirio would invite you to walk you to class and when you get to your class he gives you a hive five or a big hug before he leaves
•On educational class visits he always yells out a hello or runs to you giving a big hug even ignoring how he embarrassed you in front of the class
• speaking of the class mirror Always sense how Jealous your classmates are whenever he wants to talk to you your classmate suddenly appears and pulls you away from him he didn't think much of it once he realizes that they were doing it on purpose (expect for izuku) and in the morning after before he was gonna give u a big hug iida got in the way and told you that aizawa is almost here and you should sit down (Aizawa was 5 mins late) mirio saw the pattern and smiled wickly walking to his group with a plan
"two can play that game~"
•Tamaki is the obsessive and Protective type of yandere Is shy and anxious on the outside but deep inside this dude is obsessing about every little thing you do!
•When Tamaki met you thought Mirio always talking about this Student all the time both Neijire and he looked at him curious about who is the student that made mirio that way and when mirio introduced you to them neijire instantly fell in love while Tamaki was shy as usually but there was something different about u a feeling that makes him think he needed to protect you he tried to surpass his feelings but how could he your so adorable and ur in class 1a the class that the villain target!? Poor boy almost made himself cry when the thought of you being helpless getting kidnapped
•Tamaki loves to steal little things you don't care about and keep them in his collection either be pens and pencils or items that you never use he'll collect them and put them in a secret place only he knows
•Tamaki would occasionally compliment you every chance he gets so he can see you beaming with happiness
• whenever you're sad he's not exactly good at comforting people but he would give you comforting head pats or give you your favorite comforting items to calm you down and hug you if you need it but if someone caused you to be this way his whole mood turn he turns from an Anxious introvert to something even more threatening how dare someone hurt their baby sibling he was thinking the most horrible ways to torture the person who hurt you
•Sicne Tamaki is also friends and partners with Kirishima I would imagine Tamaki teaching Kiri to be more protective and be more supporting try to get the reader to date him he doesn't know much about love but he does know about protection and will try encouraging kiri and whenever kiri rambles about how amazing and manly you see he happily listens
•Tamaki Knows how jealous the class gets when it comes to you but he doesn't even care even when the time bakugo threatens him to blow him up if he and the senpais gets near you but all tamki did was ignore him and push pass him he wasn't gonna let anyone scare him especially if it his beloved sibling is involved
•Neijire is the Delusanional and Obsessive type of yandere she thinks every little thing you do means you're depending on them or you need to be protected
•When Neijire 1st heard about you from Mirio she was so ecstatic to meet this Student and when Mirio did she fricking SQUEALED she was pinching your cheeks saying how cute you were hugging you while jumping tamaki and mirio had to calm her down
•Neijire views herself as a older sibling and bestie to you can be controlling like spamming you demanding where you are or wanting to know who you're with but mirio and Tamaki will tell her off but at times she don't listen she needs to know where you are!
•if you notice how weird and obsessive your class or the big 3 is neijire will try to put on the "naive" mask just to think you're just seeing things
•when Neijire wants to spar you she goes all out to show off how strong she is to prove how she can protect you she shows off her fighting skills and her quirk and when this your turn oh she will scream complaints and try to hype you up like "you go y/n" and "Yea that's my little sibling!" jumping up in down like an excited child once you're done she'll rant about how proud she is
•Neijire is VERY protective when it comes to you she glares at anyone when you hang out with them holding your hand a bit tight when she feels uncomfortable if anyone tries to hurt you she'll use her sharp nails and pierce deeply into their skin until it bleeds threatening them to kick their ass the next time they hurt u
•Big 3 loves to make plans to hang out with you neijire is in charge of plans like having a sleepover or a study session or even the trip to the zoo ( Lol tamaki gets scared of the giraffe because he thought it was gonna eat his hand when it was just try a get the food out his hand)
•they calls you Sparks because whenever your using your quirk f/c like sparks come out of your hands and they think its cute
• Big 3 and Class 1a would fight to get your attention whether be who's the group you get to sit with, training and hanging now not only have you got 19 crazy teenagers wanting your love and attention now you got of the most powerful senpais wanting to protect their little sibling and baby you
•Tamaki never admits it but he adores your sneezes it sounds like a kitten (even if you sneeze loud people)
He'll form a small smile
•neijire and Mount lady have a rivalry of who gets to do readers hair and who's outfit you get to wear
Shinsou and Eri (platonic)
• Shinsou is a chill manipulative and more aware and the possessive type of yandere basically the only person you can deal with
•Shinsou and you likes to eat on the rooftop whenever Big 3 and class 1a start to have a war in the cafeteria and makes jokes about how they are to lighten up the mood
•Shinsou is a cool friend and a bug brother to you the two of you would go and do shenanigans like prank the teachers or Cause Chaos around school even mess with class 1b
•Aizawa would hire shins to keep watch of you so you won't do anything dangerous he may be more chill than the others but when someone messes with you it's on bro would find any info on the person and threaten to blackmail
•Shinsou would act like the normal one just to get closer to you and whenever you talked about how weird your classmates are he would try to convince you that ur just being a dummy
•Shinso nicknamed you le Bruja while you nickname him El Insomnio (hehe translate it)
•Shinsou Hate using his quirk on you but if it comes to danger or a villain he had to use his quirk to less you out of danger so he can protect you
•Shinso is secretly a cuddleler and you know it you and eri (eri is a yandere too) would cuddle up and watch movies together and if any of the UA or students caught this they'll secretly take photos but be careful if shinsou wakes up he would not be happy
•Eri is the Innocent but scary yandere she always dreamed when she grows up she'll always be a hero like you
•she treats you like you're her idol she's so amazed when you used your quirk in Battle or training, especially in training cause she gets to watch them in person jumping up and down and clapping her hands cheering for you
•Eri would fake cry whenever you don't give her enough attention she would try to distract you by buying ice cream or snacks for her or guilt trip you to make you lay attention to her more "Y/n I wanna go to the arcade" off the arcade you go to win her a prize "Y/N.. *Shows sad puppy eyes*" well no attention for the person time to cheer up eri!
•Eri would draw little doodles of you, shins, mic, and Aizawa like a family photo
•She loves it when you use ur quirk to do tricks and tries to mimic your moves as well to either izuku, shinsou, one of the big 3 aizawa, mic anyone while saying "Look I learned this from y/n"
•She would invite you, mirio, shinso, and Izuku to cute tea parties the boys are the butlers, and you and here are the royals (slay gurl slay)
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hearts-hunger · 19 days
i'll be seeing you || sam kiszka x reader
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: When you're sad, Sam knows just how to comfort you. || Standalone in the Sunshine Daydream universe
Pairings: Sam x Reader | Genre: fluff, h/c | Word Count: 2.5k | Warnings: none, unless you count being sad about space
A/N: Truly I don't know where this even came from but as soon as I thought of it I knew it was perfect for space buff Sammy and his Birdie baby. I hope you like it! ♡
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Swiping your wet face with your sleeve, you blinked and tried to see the television screen through the blur of tears. Your throat was tight, a hot, choked feeling of rising emotion flooding you the longer you watched; when you finally couldn't keep back a sob, it felt almost satisfying to let the wave crash over you. 
The spunky, sweet little face of Laika the space dog filled the screen, bringing another crumpled sob out of you as the narrator spoke somberly of her one-way trip into space. You didn't know why you'd picked the documentary to watch while you sat on the living room floor and folded laundry; you knew it would only made you sad, and here you were, crying your eyes out as you stacked Sam’s folded shirts in a neat pile.
Maybe you'd needed a good cry. There was something relieving in expressing this grief for the little Soviet pup who’d trusted the hands that finally took her off the street only to send her some place they knew she wouldn't come back from. You thought of your own puppy, your sweet Rosie, and felt another wave of sadness at the thought of her all alone, waiting for someone to fetch her back home. 
When the documentary ended and the credits rolled with another picture of Laika, the caption bearing a memorial to her and all the other animals that had furthered space exploration, you cried like a baby.
“Oh, man,” you said, burying your face in a warm dish towel fresh from the dryer. You laughed a little at your own headlong rush into a bona-fide crying jag. “This was so stupid.”
You went to put on the next recommended documentary, one about the Mars rover Opportunity that you knew would make you cry just as hard, for some reason wanting to keep the weird high of catharsis going for a little longer. You put on another load of laundry while it played, listening to the story of the little rover’s explorations and discoveries, sniffling over your dryer sheets and laundry detergent.
The front door opened just as the movie was telling you that the scientists at NASA played Billie Holiday’s “I’ll Be Seeing You” for Oppy in their final transmission. You were in the middle of bawling your eyes out but quickly turned the TV off and dried your face, a little bashful to have Sam find you in such a state by your own doing; you couldn't hide your blotchy face and red eyes, but you tried your best to look presentable and mentally stable as your boyfriend and your puppy came in.
Rosie came in first, padding right into the living room to greet you with her wagging tail and lolling tongue. Her fur was a little damp; it looked like the end of her walk had been a rainy one, but you knew she’d enjoyed it. You didn't even mind her wet paws tramping over your unfolded laundry, scuffing your hands over her fur and kissing her soft head.
“Oh, Rosie,” you said miserably. “I’ll never send you into space. Never. I promise.”
She gave a soft bark as if to agree with you. You buried your face in her fur and felt more tears track down your face, comforted by her warmth and happiness to see you.
You took a deep breath and held Rose's face for a moment. “I look like a mess for your daddy, don't I?”
She licked your face, and you gave a watery laugh. 
“Okay, okay,” you said. “You’re right. Let me go wash my face.”
You went to splash cold water on your face, wincing a little at your disheveled, emotional appearance in the mirror, but there was nothing to be done for it. You went to put on a kettle, thinking Sam might like something warm to drink after his chilly, rainy walk.
“Hi, birdie baby.”
You smiled as Sam came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. You turned your face for a kiss, and he happily obliged.
“How was your walk?” you asked.
“Wet.” He kissed your cheek and drew back to brush his rain-damp curls from his face. “Rosie got into some puddles, so she has a good time. How are you? Feeling any better?”
You'd declined to go on the walk with them, needing some time alone after work to decompress. Before you could tell him you were feeling nice and rested now, though, he saw your face for the first time since he'd come home.
“Have you been crying?” he asked, bewildered and worried. He shifted into panic mode, hovering like a mother hen. “What’s wrong, birdie? What happened?”
You were a little embarrassed to tell him, but you couldn't let him worry. 
“Nothing happened,” you said gently. “Nothing’s wrong.”
The kettle whistled, and you moved to take it off the heat. He only watched you as you started to make two cups of tea.
“Why’re you crying, then?” he asked.
You gave a rueful, wobbly smile. “It’s silly, really.”
He came close, then. “It’s not silly if it made you upset, birdie.” He accepted the mug you gave him. “Thank you. Please tell me why you're crying, sweetheart. Let me help.”
You sighed. “I watched a movie,” you said. “Two movies, actually.” Just the thought of Laika and Oppy was enough to make you feel al l twisted up inside again, and you blinked tears away. “It was stupid. I shouldn't have watched them.”
Sam huffed a bemused and mildly concerned laugh, seeming relieved it wasn't anything serious but still sensitive to your obvious emotional distress.
“What kind of movies, honey?”
You buried your face in your hands. “One about Laika, you know, the space dog? And one about Oppy the Mars rover.”
“Aw, birdie.” He pulled you in for a hug. “Made you said, huh?”
“Yeah,” you said pitifully, your head thumping against his chest. “It’s awful, Sam. Both of them being sent up there all alone. Those poor babies.”
He chuckled, and the sound was warm and rumbly in his chest. 
“I know it's sad,” he said. “That’s why I would never in a million years watch a movie about either of them. I'd have to check myself into a mental institution, I’d be so torn up about it.”
You took a deep breath and ran your hands over your face, your skin hot and your eyes stinging.
“Yeah. You might have to check me in now that I've watched them.”
Sam breathed a sympathetic laugh, brushing your hair from your face. 
“Silly girl,” he said. “If I'd known you were gonna watch sad documentaries while I'm gone, I would have made you come on our walk with us.”
You smiled. He knew you liked to go with him and Rosie for their evening walks around your quiet neighborhood, but you'd been tired and emotionally off-kilter after work today and had needed some time alone. He hadn't complained, had merely given you a kiss before he left, but now he'd come home to find you in tears over something as silly as a space documentary.
“Did it help, at least?” he asked kindly. “Sometimes it's nice to get out a good cry.”
You nodded and leaned into his touch. “It’s weird. But yeah, it helped. I’m glad you're home, though.”
He smiled. “Me too, birdie.” He gave you a smooch on your forehead before he pulled back from you. “I’m gonna get dinner started. Put on something cheerful if you're gonna watch anything else.”
“There was another one that sounded interesting,” you said, leaning against the counter to sip your tea. “It’s called Challenger: The Final Flight.”
“Oh, super,” he said dryly. “The one where the shuttle blows up before it even gets out of the atmosphere. That’ll be uplifting as hell.”
“No, is that really what happened?” you asked. Sam was nothing if not a space history buff, so you had no reason to doubt him, but you almost wanted to watch it.
“You can't watch that one right now, birdie,” he told you. “Not unless you really want to spend the whole rest of the night crying.”
You hummed. “Maybe I do.”
He laughed. “Well, I don't think I do. So let's save that for another night.”
You stayed in the kitchen while he worked, enjoying his company; Rosie padded in and settled under the table with a squeaky toy, chewing on the matted shape that had been so well-loved that you couldn't determine what kind of toy it had been originally.
You cradled your mug and breathed in the fragrant steam, watching Sam move about your kitchen in the familiar, domestic rhythm that always brought you comfort. He set soup to cooking, insisting that you needed something warm and hydrating after all that crying, and worked on it on as the rain pattered gently on the window.
“Bad day at work, birdie?” he asked, chopping up vegetables to go in the dutch oven of simmering broth.
You sighed. “Sort of. Exhausting is the best word for it, I guess. I was just really tired all day.”
He put his hand to your forehead, feeling for fever, and you breathed in the earthy, fresh scent the veggies had given him.
“You’re a little warm, honey,” he said. 
You sighed. A fever would explain the hair-trigger emotions you'd battled all day, as well as the fatigue that you couldn't quiet shake. Sam got you some medicine and coaxed you to take it with your tea.
“Why don't you call out for tomorrow?” he suggested. “I’ll stay home too, and we can cuddle in bed all day.”
That did seem awfully nice. It was supposed to rain all night and all day tomorrow, and spending the chilly, rainy day in bed with Sam sounded a lot better than going to work.
“Okay,” you agreed. You texted your boss and set your phone aside, ignoring the messages and emails with the assurance that they'd still be vying for your attention when you were feeling better.
“How was your day?” you asked.
He tapped the wooden spoon against the rim of the dutch oven and leaned against the counter.
“Good,” he said simply. “We got a lot done. Danny had to leave early to do something with Sunny, so we just decided to call it quits when he left. Can't do much without the heartbeat of the band, now can we?”
You smiled. You liked how all the guys valued the others’ unique talents and input into the music, and nobody knew better than them how much each of them contributed to the magic of the band. You remembered that Sam had been working on a new song, and you wanted to know what the boys had thought of it.
“How’d they like your new song?” you asked.
He grinned. “Smash hit, birdie. They loved it. Jake came up with some really cool licks for it, and of course Josh fixed up the parts of the lyrics I wasn't so sure about.”
“Aw, honey, I'm glad. I knew they'd like it.”
You set your mug on the counter and crossed to him, and he knew without you having to say anything that you wanted a hug. He held you close and squeezed you tight, giving a contented little groan as he did.
“I missed you today,” he said. “I’m sorry you had a rough day.” He kissed your nose. “And I'm sorry you made yourself sad watching movies you knew better than to watch.”
You gave a soft laugh. “They were pretty good, actually. Even if they were sad.”
He cradled your face in his hands and kissed you gently.
“I love you, birdie,” he said, tender and amused. 
“Even when I make questionable viewing choices?” you teased.
He smiled. “Yep. Even then.”
You lingered in the kitchen with him while dinner cooked, and you sat catty corner to him at the table while you ate, Rose safely between the two of you, dozing at your feet. When you'd tidied up after dinner, you joined him out on the porch to watch the rain while he smoked a cigarette, sipping your next cup of tea that you knew would be a staple of the homespun, gently effective doctoring Sam was planning to give you.
“You want to know something?” he asked.
You snuggled close to him. “Yeah. Tell me.”
He looked up at the hazy sky, his features gentle and tired and thoughtful.
“The first time I learned about Laika,” he said, “I came up with a better ending for her story.”
Your heart tilted. “What was it?”
He let out a slow breath. 
“I imagined she got out somehow,” he said softly. “That the man in the moon got her out of that death trap of a spaceship and took her with him. I laid awake in bed all night, looking at the moon through my window, thinking about her running around in the stars, chasing comets, playing with the bears of the Ursa constellations.”
He looked over at you, and for a moment, you saw a much younger Sam and felt the grief and love he’d felt for that little space pup.
He smiled. “I think she's happy, birdie,” he said. “I think she’s okay, somewhere out there.”
You felt the sting of tears again, and he chuckled softly as he cupped your cheek and brushed away the few that fell.
“Aw, honey, I didn't mean to make you cry again,” he said, soft and affectionate.
You gave him a watery smile. “I’m glad you told me that, Sam. It makes it better.” You thought his imagination was a very wonderful and tender place, making up songs and stories and pictures of playful starlight puppies and their kindly moonbeam companions.
“Can Oppy be with them too?” you asked. You wanted her to have a happy ending like the one Sam had imagined for Laika.
He smiled and gave you a gentle kiss. “Sure she can, birdie. They're both running around up there together.”
You wrapped your arms around him and rested against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart as the rain fell. Loving Sam was so easy, as natural as breathing, and moments like these had always shown you that love was supposed to be gentle. Before Sam, you hadn't been sure what love was supposed to feel like; with him, you knew in every part of you that love was safe and tender, that it was made of shared sadness and joy, music and laughter and tears and stories that washed over your life as effortlessly as the tide, as steadily as the rain, as gently as the light of the moon.
“What was the song they played for Oppy when she powered off?” he asked. “I feel like I remember them playing a song for her.”
You snuggled closer. “‘I’ll Be Seeing You,’,” you said. “Bille Holiday.”
He rested his head on yours and hummed a little of Oppy's lullaby.
“I’ll find you in the morning sun,” he sang, his voice soft and beautiful and very gentle. “And when the night is new, I'll be looking at the moon, but I'll be seeing you.”
You hugged him tight.
“I love you, Sam,” you said softly. “Thank you for being so good to me.”
He brushed his thumb over your cheek. “Sweet birdie,” he said gently. “You're welcome. I love you too.”
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hi love! could you do some comfort/fluff with daryl please? :))
Description: Daryl comforts the reader after the reader is injured by Daryl.
Warnings: swearing, fluff, she/her pronouns, twd violence, mentions of injury
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, and check my character list and requesting rules. I'm not too proud of this one."
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 829
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Daryl's POV
I had simply been out for a couple of days to make sure no walkers were invading our current place of refuge, to grab supplies and I didn't know that what I was coming back to would literally tear me apart. Usually, Y/N would be waiting by the gates if she hadn't come with me, always waiting there with a bright smile and always welcoming me with a hug despite how dirty or grimy I was. She didn't care about it, yet always told me I needed to wash off once we pulled away, only this time she wasn't there. 
Not once was she not there to greet me, so I know something was wrong, I knew that something bad had happened and knew that something wasn't right. Rick was walking past, he stopped and stared at me, the look in his eyes made the worry in the pit of my stomach get worse and fear more for the safety of my girl. 
"What happened? Where is she?" Rick led me to one of the buildings, it still felt like a relief to know that we were heading towards our shared room, the terror still laced through my entire body knowing that what lay on the other side of the door may not be good. 
"What happened, Rick?" 
"She needs you, be there for her now, don't go losing your shit. Do that later." Hearing those words didn't do anything to make me feel any better about the entire situation. I almost broke the door off its hinges with how I entered, I couldn't move as I saw her form, she looked so broken and tired, her pretty E/C eyes were covered by dark bruises, and her lips were stained with cuts and her face was swollen in parts and it didn't help that she still had cuts and bruises on her face as well. 
"What happened, sunshine?" Y/N carefully patted the spot next to her, she had bandages covering sections of her body, I didn't notice her body shaking until I saw her try and place her hand back in her lap. 
"I got attacked, I'm okay, really. Please don't worry, just hold me." Her words were hard to not get angry about, yet her voice and her little pleas broke me slightly, I pulled her into my arms and rested a kiss on the top of her head. 
"Who hurt you?" 
"I'm okay." 
"Who hurt you?" She sighed, giving me a small smile, she held my hand as I sat at her side and waited to hear who I need to hurt for hurting her. 
"I went on a run, Negan found me, he beat me up, then played a game of cat and mouse with walkers and myself. He had the decency to dump my body outside these gates and they got to me before I could die." I lay beside her, pulling her into my arms and placed a kiss on her forehead. 
"I'm going to kill that man."
"Not today, I just want you with me." I nodded in agreement, grabbed the book that she had with her and started reading it to her. 
"How was your run?" 
"Nothing special, I didn't find anything, pretty locations... you would like the scenery, you would find it pretty. I think you would really enjoy it, I'll have to show you when you're better." Her smile made me feel better about leaving her alone, I took a breath and rested my head on hers. 
"What did you need? You normally hate going out by yourself" 
"We're running low on feminine hygiene products. I went out to get some before there was nothing. Didn't find any, so I'm lucky I didn't lose anything." I took a breath, kissed her forehead again and was thankful that she was still alive. 
"Don't leave me again, just stay with me now... please?" 
"Of course, sunshine," I promised, pulling the blanket closer up her body and tucking her in more to the bed so she was nice and warm. Once she fell asleep, I got cleaned up a little, got her some food and made sure the room was comfier than it had been the last few days. I woke the girl up, handed her some food and got her to drink water to give her more energy. 
"You know, I really like when you call me sunshine." 
"I know, that's why I do it." She chuckled slightly, clutching her side as she recoiled in pain. 
"Guess laughter isn't the best medicine at the moment." 
"Hopefully you can laugh again soon, you've always had a gorgeous laugh." Y/n smiled at me, holding my hand and gave me a small little grin, the best that she could manage through her pain. 
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Fall Drabbles, Day 5
prompt: pie
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!Reader
summary: You are not willing to accept that Frank doesn't like pie.
warnings: swearing, more sickly sweet fluff
a/n: This is set in my Gray Skies AU but you do not need to read that one to enjoy this drabble. I had a great time with this piece as well. Post divider once again from the lovely @saradika!
w/c: <1k
“I cannot believe you. How can you not like pie?” You giggled, looking at Frank in shock.
The large man shrugged, hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “Dunno. Was never my thing.”
“But there’s so many varieties!! Pumpkin, pecan, French silk, key lime, savory pies! You don’t like any of them?” 
“I didn’t know this was such a deal breaker for you, sunshine.” Frank chuckled, trying not to let his honesty betray his concern. 
“Oh it’s not a deal breaker,” You assured him, to Frank’s overwhelming relief. “Just means I’ll have to put in the effort to change your opinion.” 
“Oh yah?” Frank raised an eyebrow at you. 
“I’m a professional baker, Frankie. That is literally my job.” Planting a gentle kiss on his lips, you hovered your lips next to his ear and whispered menacingly. “You’ll never see it coming.” 
Frank laughed deeply, pulling you into a hug. “We’ll see about that sunshine. 
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Glancing around your kitchen with a grimace, you began gathering the dirty dishes when a knock sounded throughout your apartment. 
“C’mon in!” You yelled above the clatter as you hurried to tidy up the huge mess you’d unknowingly created. 
“Jesus,” Frank whistled under his breath as he took in the state of your apartment. 
”I take my craft very seriously,“ You panted, leaning on the counter to catch your breath. 
Shaking his head, your boyfriend strode over to you, using a thumb to wipe off the smear of icing sugar on your nose. He chuckled, ”I can see that, darlin'. You did all this for me?”
“Of course, Frankie! It's fall, otherwise known as pie season! We have to find one you like.” You explained, taking him by the hand and dragging him to the table where you had laid out 7 different pies. “Ok so I didn't have time to make ALL of these but I chose my 3 favorite pies from around the city and made the other 4.”
Frank was blown away by the visible lengths you'd gone to for his benefit. It wasn't that he didn't like pie, it just had never really stood out to him. A pastry was a pastry, after all--if you put it on his plate he would polish it off all the same. The two of you had gone to a diner and shared a slice of pie that was fine, which he had admitted when he encouraged you to finish it off.
But he wasn't expecting your kindness and genuine care for him to run so deep. How often did someone love him to the point that an offhanded comment compelled them to go on a baking spree until they found his perfect bite? Had it ever happened before? He honestly wasn't sure, and that in itself was almost too much to bear. Everything you did, you did with your entire heart and he adored you for it.
Slightly overwhelmed, he sat down with a tinge of apprehension, which, of course, you picked up on. “I know I went a little overboard. Say the word and we'll pull the plug on this whole thing and I'll donate all these.” 
“Hell no, sunshine. Let's eat!”
You giggled, sitting beside him so that your thighs were brushing. ”Alright, well the 3 I bought were the cherry, the strawberry rhubarb, and the lemon meringue. The ones I made were pumpkin, french silk, apple, and pecan. And, I didn't include it in the count, but I made a chicken pot pie for myself for dinner and you're welcome to try that too!“ Huffing an exhale, you looked at him nervously. ”Saying all of that out loud really highlights how crazy this was. I am so sorry.“
Taking your hand, Frank brushed a kiss over your knuckles. “Thank you, darlin'. For goin' through all the trouble for me. I—I don't think anyone's ever been this devoted to making things that I like.” 
Smiling sweetly, you gave his stubbled cheek a kiss. “Shall we see if you like any of these pies?” 
“I like everything you make, sunshine” He chuckled, taking the fork from your outstretched hand. 
Giving an exaggerated groan, you rolled your eyes to him. “Well I wish I'd known that before going through all this TROUBLE.”
Frank gave a bellowing laugh, eagerly digging into the slice you placed before him. 
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johngaliawife · 7 months
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All ways as a little girl you always wanted to join the mafia but you we're all ways told that 'it was to dangerous' or they told you it against there rule one day you decided to pass the rule and join once you got transferred to a part of the mafia called "la squadra" as it been 1 year since you joined you got a stand to tag along with you
Since the hype you've heard about the mafia was not it as your gang leader Risotto was 'to broke' to get you a room so you had to stay with the one and only Ghiaccio since you guys had nothing I mean nothing in common you were always the sunshine of the group you helped clean the house you've always been nice to everyone else as Ghiaccio was noting but a hot head thunderstorm
As you were in bed one day you were playing on your phone doing what ever as you could hear yelling from downstairs it was pretty easy to figure out Ghiaccio was yelling at someone for ticking him off as some what later the thunderstorm stomps upstairs to your shared room as he busted the door open and looked over to you about to explode
"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" He says almost literally foaming from the mouth
As you ignored him not wanting to get frozen you left him alone for now at least as Ghiaccio started to walk back and forth blabbering, and ranting about how he doesn't get 'payed enough' as he calms down enough as he does he sat on the edge of the bed and put a Hand over his head as you spoke
"I am sorry but like there's like nothing I can do-"
you said a awkward tone thing of what to say "wanna a hug?" You say tilting your head
"Yea right?! I want one I'll freeze you boobs off as if I'll ever get close to you?!"
As you thought it was a joke you laughing as that set Ghiaccio off as he got up and walked over to you as you saw only seriousness on his face as he walked over to you now only a midget foot away as he just grab your boobs about to freeze them like he said as you had a very weird reaction as you moan as you did that made it very very awkward as you to just stared at him as he did the same as you didn't think it was going to get worst you can feel him squeezing your boobs his eyes looked so confused and innocent for a man who's probably killed more then Jeffrey Dahmer as Ghiaccio turned back to look down at you as he looked like he finally had the opportunity to even touch a woman for the first time in his life
“Was that a moan.?” He said unsure to be angry or confused
You didn’t answer him and shock your head as you did he squeezed your chest again as you let out another moan as you slapped him across the face
“Hey do not toy with my like that?!” You yelled it was probably the first time you yelled in a long time as you slipped out a sorry at the end
Even though you said sorry Ghiaccio didn’t take it and grabbed your wrist setting it in place as he took your phone a through it on the ground though it didn’t break you stood up
“What the hell-??” You were cut off by him shoving you down by your shoulder pinning you to your bed as you felt yourself looking up in his his blue eyes as you felt this weird attraction to him at that moment as you felt his hand on your breast once more
As he did he just started to mumble to him self started to just massage your boobs as you were less mad then more.? Pleasured as his hands had a strong grip on them as you couldn’t help but undo your shirt as you did your boobs sprung out
He looked surprised by your actions but seemed more interested in your boobs as he stared at you f/c lace bra as he took no time to take the top of your bra and ripped it off un clipping the back you looked shocked as your boobs bounced as they were free feel his cold body close to them gave you goosebumps
You felt his left hand on your left boob and started to play and massage your nipple making it harden as you moaned in pleasure nonetheless you felt his tongue place it self on your other nipple circling around it making you clenched and hold your legs tightly together as you felt your self getting wet by his actions
As you felt his cold lips on yours then giving you a passionate kiss as your tongues intertwined as you self in your lowers leg his hardened boner brushing against as you felt you need to do something as you tried to reach down to unbuckle his pants as he didn’t let that slid
He grabbed hands and pinned them against your bed frame as he pinned them there with his hands as he sat up looking down at your his breath heavily and his glasses half fogged up as he started to one hand undo his belt leaving your boobs alone for now
As he took if his little striped weird pants revealing his boxers as you saw the Calvin Klein imprint on it as you just saw the inline as he pushed down his boxers making his 8’ inch cock spring out
You looked at it memorized about what your going to lose your virginity, to my eyes followed his happy trail down to his member as he has not more time in the world as he didn’t even take it off he managed to rip your skirt as just simple moved your wet panties to the side being impatient
As he positioned himself into you as with no warning pushing him self as your walls tightened around his memeber as he mumbles “fuck your tight” he groans as he continues to push into you then started to trust inside of you as you felt his length in you
You already felt your self getting into a climax as he trusted in you still pinning your hands to the headboard as your moaning got louder untill you hit your climax as let out as so did Ghiaccio giving you a cream pie as he took him self out of you
“That’s not how you treat a woman during se-” “shut up” he mumbled as he took deep breaths as he took of his shirt as pulled his boxers up as you sat up with a small moan “lay back down”
He demands you as you listened laying back down as he took a second to yawn and lay back down as he bickered for you to lay closer to him as you did as he held you in his arms ever so slightly as you smiles
“You suck at aftercare” you mumble Lay in his chest
“SHUT THE FUCK UP” he yells as non less later you both fall asleep
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bluewaltz · 2 years
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“Have we met?” “In another life, perhaps.”
🍁 — [ C: Kaedehara Kazuha. ] 👤 — [ R: gender neutral reader. ] 🏷️ — [ T: fluff, reincarnation, soulmates. ] 📜 — [ T: fic. ]
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You first meet Kazuha at a farmer's market, perhaps. It's not really clear. He has his very own shop, with jars and jars of bottled honey shimmering like gold in the sunshine. Maybe you didn't actually need or want honey, but he smiles at you, something ethereal lined in the faint crow's feet by his eyes, and you gravitate to his stall.
"There's a lot of bees here." You observe.
Large honeybees loop almost drunkenly through the air, crawl around on the jars, and a few of them nudge gently at Kazuha's shoulders.
"They know me." Kazuha said, a laugh woven into his voice. "Perhaps they want to know if their honey is selling well."
He opens a jar of honey labelled as samples and dips a spoon in, pouring the golden liquid over his fingers. The bees flock to them, and he smiles at you.
"Curious little things, honeybees." Kazuha says mildly, brushing his fingers across his faded red scarf. "They're harmless, really, but everyone thinks they're scary."
The second time you see Kazuha is in a park. He's feeding the ducks, sitting on a park bench with a beam of sunlight slanting almost perfectly onto him. The ducks swarm around him, and you take a seat beside him. He silently hands you a crust of bread, and you scatter it among the birds.
"It's supposed to be cloudy outside." You say. The sun glows above you. There is a cool wind blowing.
"It is." Kazuha agrees mildly. "The weather is particularly fickle."
You laugh. "You talk like you're not human."
"Do I look human?"
You look at Kazuha. Honestly, truly looked at him. He didn't seem to exude an otherworldly aura, but the way his hair glowed in the sun, turning into a fuzzy, white-gold halo around his head certainly made him look ethereal. His eyes were curved into crescent moons, and he had a gentle smile on his face.
"You look ethereal."
"And you look lovely as well, my dear."
The third time, Kazuha was working in a cat cafe. He practically materialises beside you, looking inside where he had been a second ago.
"Hello again." He smiles, soft and secretive. All of his smiles were as enigmatic as the Mona Lisa.
"Hi, Kazuha. Change of careers again?"
He shrugs. "They were going to close down. All of these cats with nowhere to go… I couldn't stand by and let that happen."
"I suppose I must contribute."
Kazuha nods, his smile widening into something more genuine. "I suppose you must. We make a delightful black tea here, if you'd like. Or one of the house specials?"
"I'll defer to your judgement, Kazuha."
The first time you met Kazuha—the real first time—was in a meadow in Inazuma. On the outskirts of Ritou, where the wood smoke dissipated into something sweeter and the crickets chirped duets with the wind.
Kazuha looked different than he looked now. He was more carefree. His hair was longer, brushing his waist, and he was dressed in autumn. Reds, browns, brilliant orange against a backdrop of white.
"Hello." You greeted him. He nods at you and offers you a sweet smile.
That was how all your meetings went. He would walk with you the moment you stepped out of Ritou, and follow you all the way to Inazuma City. There, he would wave you goodbye, and by night, he would be there again, forever dressed in autumn.
"Aren't you cold?" You asked him. Kazuha looked taken aback for a moment before he shook his head. He always seemed to be untouched by the elements, his robes always a pristine white.
Well, that wouldn't do.
You find him at his usual spot, five days later. He was seated on a rock, coaxing a melody out of a flute that he had definitely whittled. His eyes followed you around like a curious animal, and he blinked slowly when you stepped closer.
"Here. I made this for you." You unfold the scarf carefully and wrap it around his neck, knotting it neatly and standing back to admire it.
Kazuha touched the scarf gently and then smiled. "There's a loose thread here."
"Oh, really? I must have missed it when I was making it." You watched as Kazuha teased it out and tied it around his pinky. He beckoned you forward and looped the end of the thread around your pinky, tying it off with a flourish.
"A red string of fate, made by you and me." Kazuha laid his hand over yours and smiled. "So that we will find each other in every lifetime."
The fifth (thousandth) time you met Kazuha, it was on the beach. The sea rushed to shore, only to retreat from Kazuha's feet like he was an untouchable god.
"All these years… you've been waiting for me, haven't you?" You said.
Kazuha smiled. "I didn't want to rush you, my dear. I've lived hundreds of lives, and in each one, I made sure you savoured your life."
"I'm here now." You lifted his hand and pressed a kiss to his pinky, the same one that tied him to you so many years ago.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
Head Over Heels
i got bored
"Giogio... get out of bed..." Fugo sighed, trying to push Giorno off him. "You have a meeting in two hours..."
Giorno simply groaned and clung tighter to his boyfriend. He really didn't want to get out of bed. He always hated mornings, which is ironic, considering that his name quite literally translates to the word day.
"I stayed up till 2am last night, let me sleep," the blond mumbled, yawning as if to emphasize his point.
He did have a healthy sleeping schedule at one point, but it quickly fell apart once he took over as the Don.
"C'mon, goldilocks, you need to get ready," Fugo said tiredly as he sat up, which also forced Giorno to sit up.
"Pannaaaa..." this guy really didn't want to get up, and he expressed this by whining to his lover until the latter pushed him of the bed, which definitely woke him up.
Giorno immediately shot up, whipping his head around to stare at Fugo with the most offended expression the red eyed boy had ever seen, which caused him to immediately burst out laughing.
"C-come on, amore mio! Don't be dramatic!" Fugo said between laughs, as Giorno stood up and turned away, crossing his arms.
"I cannot believe you," he huffed, pouting as Fugo laughed his ass off behind him.
Moments after, however, Giorno seemed to give up the offended act and his pout cracked into a grin. The boy giggled and hopped back onto the bed, sitting in front of Fugo and holding the Italian's head in his hands.
"You're so cute, cutie pie~," he teased his lover affectionately, before placing a chaste kiss to his lips.
Fugo grinned wildly and wrapped his arms around his neck. "You've got it all wrong, pretty boy, you're the cute one here!"
Giorno laughed and kissed his pale lover again, who quickly reciprocated the kiss.
"I love you, Panna," the green eyed blond said softly, resting his forehead against Fugo's as they both pulled away from the kiss.
"And I love you too, my Giogio," the albino closed his eyes, just sitting there in his lover's embrace for a moment to appreciate him.
The cute moment was then promptly cut off by Mista bursting into room and almost tripping over one of the books lying on the floor.
"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!! IT'S MORN-" Mista immediately cut himself off, as he saw the two teens turn to glare at him. Giorno was visibly playing with Fugo's hair to make sure he doesn't let his anger take control of him.
Mista, with a slightly scared-for-his-life expression, chose the smart idea and slowly backed out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Giorno sighed and turned back to Fugo, smiling at him. "I'll go get ready for that meeting, thanks for waking me up."
The white haired boy smiled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek, before letting go of him. "You're welcome, sunshine. I love you."
"I love you too, baby," Giorno kissed his forehead, before getting off the bed to go get himself ready for the day.
Fugo also got out of bed, deciding to water Giorno's plants for him and feed all the animals that Giorno insists on having. Some of them he created, but most of them are just strays he picked up off the streets.
It almost reminded him of how Bucciarati took him in off the streets, in a way. Fugo smiled solemnly at the memory of Bucciarati, before wiping his eyes and watering the plants.
About an hour or so later, whilst Fugo was playing the piano, Giorno entered the room and walked over to him. "I have to go now, I love you."
Giorno kissed the top of his head and quickly left, with Mista trailing out after him. Fugo sighed and smiled, taking his hands off of the keys to feel his face, which was warm and blushing. He was head over heels for that boy, that was for sure.
As Giorno left, a small, black dog ran up to Fugo, yapping excitedly.
Fugo chuckled and pet the dog, which was lovingly named Citrus, because Giorno gave it part of the orange he was eating when they had found the poor little thing on the streets.
Citrus jumped up onto the stool Fugo was sitting on, looking up at him and wagging his little tail happily. What Fugo really took notice of was the dog's eyes, however.
They were purple, and they looked just like Narancia's.
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pandas-nsfw · 2 years
Focus on us, baby, we'll make you feel worth it
Friendly reminder this is with their Minecraft personas! I don't write about CCs.
Read rules before requesting~°♪
Warnings: Praise, Daddy kink, Sir kink, 'pup/puppy' used once, feel of neglect, mention of karlnapity, Sub!Sapnap, Switch!George, Dom!Dream, technically cheating, curse words, George & Quackity being related.
C/N: Even though I wrote about it, I do not condone cheating. And please do ignore that my nickname is Pandas while reading this- Sapnap has literally no other nicknames with his name-
Dream and George sat at the other side of the door, listening to Sapnap's sobs. The youngest had been neglected by his fiancés for two months now. Each time he tried talking to them, they would ignore him or had quickly to do something else. They didn't have time for him anymore, and even though it felt selfish for him, he knew damn well that Karl and Quackity had dates together this whole time.
Intrusive thoughts filled his mind, making him the sad crying mess he was right now. George and Dream both tried to comfort him, but it was useless and Sapnap didn't let them in.
George felt his heart ache, listening to their little sunshine being treated so badly from his own brother. Dream, on the other hand, felt a non-stop rage against the two idiots that his panda was engaged to. He never understood what did Sapnap saw on them, but he always shut that as Sapnap was happy. But now? God bless, he wanted to kill them.
Dream slight knocked on the door. "Pandas?" He called in the softest tone he could get, his tongue embraced with worry and love. Sapnap sobbed, but mumbled something back as a way of telling them they could enter.
George opened the door slowly, careful in case that Sapnap was behind the door. He bite his inferior lip when he saw the short ravenette sobbing on his bed, covered in blankets. "Oh, Pandas..." He mumbled with a soft tone on his tongue, sitting next to the younger boy while Dream closed the door. "Pandas... Pan-Pan can you answer me?".
The youngest nodded, taking the blanket off. "Hey Pandas..." He smiled softly, tracing softly some stars on the boy's cheek. "How are you feeling?" Sapnap shrugged, glazing at Dream, who sat on his other side. "Dream...?", "Yes, Pandas?" He mumbled, playing with his hair as a way of comforting him. "Can you both cuddle with me?"
"Of course" they whispered, cuddling at both sides of him.
As time has passed, both males wrapped the youngest in the heats of their bodies. The slight movements and soft touches started to work his body, Sapnap wanting- no. Craving for more. Maybe it was for the sexual neglect he had for two months, maybe it was the way they acted so sweet towards his touch starved body. He didn't knew why, he just knew he needed them.
Dream's hand was the closets to his, so he slightly squeezed it, catching the blonde's attention without George realising it yet. Sapnap stared at him with pleaded eyes, squirming slightly under his touch. Dream caught in an instant what Sapnap wanted, slowly tracing the youngest's skin with his fingers. A small and involuntary gasp scaped Sapnap's lips, reaching George's ears. "What happened Sapnap? It's something troubling you?" He asked with care, slowly caressing the hybrid's cheeks.
Sapnap whimpered once again, Dream's fingers reaching down each time, just getting closer and closer to his crotch. This, however, didn't pass unnoticed by George, who just stared at the situation with a smirk, before staring at those beautiful blue eyes he loved so deeply. "Are you getting worked up, Pandas?" He asked in a sweet tone, almost sympathetic. If Sapnap weren't staring at his eyes, he would have believed the sympathy on George's words, but he read those eyes better than anyone ever could, and knee damn well George felt anything but sympathy at his current horny state.
"Poor thing, had no one to take care of him these two months, have you?" George whispered like it was a dirty secret between the them three. Dream chuckled at his words, letting his hand rest on Sapnap's tights. The ravenette could only whimper in response. "He must be very sensible, isn't he? All worked up for soft touches...~" Dream mocked him, grabbing him by the chin and making the younger stare at him. "Isn't that true, Pandas?" He whispered on his lips, the hot breath touching eachother to the point that Sapnap felt his own body hotter than ever.
"Please..." He whimpered, not really knowing what exactly he wanted. All his brain could repeat was that he needed them, and he needed them now. "Please what, Pandas?" George taunted, slowly tracing the lines in Sapnap's throat. "Please touch me... Need you both" he mumbled, feeling his cheeks burn in heat, he was embarrassed for his petition.
"Of course, baby" Dream smiled, leaving a trail of kisses alongside his neck. Sapnap gasped at the feeling, but got used quickly at it. George admired Sapnap's reaction as he let his hand travel to his clothed cock, teasing the boy's body. Sapnap tried to squirm away, whimpering at the overwhelming feeling.
"We just started, honey~" Dream whispered on his ear, bitting down the boy's ear, making him whimper. "Don't worry, we'll treat you good" he promised in a low tone, sending shivers through the boy's spine. "Dream..." George whispered in amusement, still teasing Sapnap's clothed cock. "Mmmm?" Dream gazed at him, chuckling at what he saw, "Awe~ seems like our precious blaze already got worked up~" he smirked, letting his hand travel to that zone, also teasing him.
A small moan scaped from Sapnap's lips, and it was the most angelic sound both males had ever heard. Dream striped Sapnap from his shirt and pants, leaving the youngest one in boxers. "You look cuter than ever like this" George teased him, giving a couple kisses on his tights. "George~" the blaze moaned, his hands trying to get a grip at whatever he could. Dream clicked his tongue playfully at the sight, leading Sapnap's hands to George's hair. "Just pull his hair, puppy, he'll like it" he whispered on his ear, to which Sapnap unconsciously obeyed and pulled of George's hair, making the brunette groan at the feeling.
"Oh baby, you're in for a long time, aren't you?"
Sapnap barely had an ahold of himself, moaning shamelessly against the pillows. Having both boys inside of him was an overwhelming feeling. He knew he was able to take them, but he didn't knew it would feel this good.
"Oh come on baby, thought you said you were able to take us?" Dream teased, pushing himself deeper into the youngest body. George whimpered, the feeling was overwhelming for him too. Sapnap limited himself to nod, knowing he didn't really have a hold of his own body. "You're being such a good boy for us, sunshine" he cooed, fucking the ravenette in a fast pace. Dream gazed at the brunette, who would whimper from time to time, as the feeling of being inside of Sapnap and touching Dream's dick was better than he could ever describe. "Georgie~", the blonde man kept on sucking red-dark marks repeatedly over his pale skin, "Come on, baby, don't you want to give our sunshine the pleasure he's been missing?", The mandatory, husky voice made George fell harder into an spiral of lust and desire. Just wanted more, more of him, more of Sapnap. He wanted, needed, craved or whatever word you wanted to use. He needed those two, not just in a sexual, lustful form, but in all posible connotations of the word.
"George~ please~", Sapnap moans gained the attention of both males, Dream cursed the idea of not being able to mark Sapnap. The blaze looked delicious, in their sight. Messy black hair being sticked to his own body, his cute ass positioned the highest he could reach for the boys to fuck him. Even the way he tried to bite the pillows to shut himself was hot. "Please, sir, I need you both to use me~", the words came out of his mouth so naturally he didn't even question it. It just sounded right. And God did George love it.
"Yeah? I'm your 'sir' now?" He smirked, gaining back the stamina he had left before. Dream rubbed Sapnap's tights, earning a soft moan in response. "What am I then, sunshine? If George is sir...?", His question seemed so innocent despite their doing, but it was far from innocent. Dream loved to have control, so if George had a position higher than his, he probably would fuck both of their brains out. "Daddy~! Please~", Sapnap moaned as his body was being used by the two mens. He specially loved how Dream's stamina seemed to increase after the little nickname.
"God, you feel so good baby~", George moaned as he kept thrusting. "Maybe we should keep you like this, huh? Behaving so good with our cocks inside you, bet you would love that, wouldn't you?" George taunted him, immediately moaning by the feeling of Dream teasing his body. Even if he had power over Sapnap, his body was weak at Dream's calculated touch.
"How you're feeling, sunshine?", Dream had asked that for the 5th time already. Being careful of not hurting neither of the boys while cleaning them up.
George was tired, but managed to keep himself awake in case Sapnap started to feel a sensation of panic. He couldn't let Dream having to take care of both of them in that scenario. Sapnap hummed sleepily, snuggling into George's chest, purring happily (blazes can pur in my mind). Dream chuckled softly, kissing the boy's neck. "Sweet dreams Sappy" he mumbled with a warm tone, his green eyes leveling up to stare at George. "You also should sleep, darling", he whispered with a smile, kissing his forehead.
George smiled softly, cuddling the blaze in front of him. "Night Dream..." He slurred out, falling completely asleep. Dream hummed, taking care of the two males in his arms. He'll dealt with Karl and Quackity later, right now, those two were all that matter.
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fakesimp · 2 years
Congrats for 500 omg skfkakfja time flies by so fast wtf i found you first when you were at 50ish and i kept forgetting to follow (i follow you now >:) kek) I LOVE U AND UR AMAZING TALENT KEEP IT UP 🐒❤ c can i request Luca w an s/o who radiates just as much golden retriever energy as he does www ;; rqstd this on a few other blogs too Luca makes my kokoro go doki doki 💕💕
Monke smooch for you
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Chaotic and Lovable duo, with Luca Kaneshiro
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Warning !
Fluff ; Established Relationship ; Mentions of Jealousy ; Clingy ! Luca ; Comfort
A/n : Ikr, like how. I'm already at 500 followers.. I just blinked and boom, y'all are here (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)💜
And Luv you too anon 💜 , hope you like this ehe (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Laughter filled the voice call, Luca and You had been endlessly pranking the others. Even though some of them failed, but most of them actually worked. Everyone loves both of you, despite how many times you've been, pranking them numerous times. They still love both of you for it.
The sunshines of the day, not a day of your friends go without you pranking them, filling their days with laughter. There are also times when you made Luca and his genmates laughed uncontrollably because of something you did, they almost laughed for 5-10 minutes straight. Almost. But their stomach hurts that's for sure.
You enjoyed it tho nonetheless, but. Despite those moments, there are days when, Luca Kaneshiro. Your Beloved Mafia Leader, constantly seeking for your attention. Being more, clingy than usual.
And that day is today.
You trapped in his arms, not even budge to loosen his arms around you on the bed. You slowly raise up from the bed, looking down at Luca, who's sleeping beside you. Arms drapped over your lower waist, the moment you tried to move them away. You got pulled back down to the bed by Luca, earning a gasp from you.
"Luca, it's morning already. And don't do so suddenly.." You said slightly scolding him, Luca only hummed at your scold. "Luca.." you called his name, slowly turning yourself facing him. Gently rubbing your thumb across his cheek, "Wake up, we'll do whatever you want today, so.." the blondie slightly opened his eyes. Staring at you, with a mischievous glint.
"Mm.. anything, huh?" He said a little bit raspy since he just woke up, "Mhm.." you hummed softly as you softly moved away his hair that's covering his face. "Hmm.. anything, anything.." he repeated slightly slurring due to the drowsiness, you slightly chuckle at him and leaned in to kiss his nose. "Look at you, you could barely speak. Let's go wash our face." You said as you raise yourself back up, slightly pulling Luca's hand. "Mm, okay okay."
. . .
An hour have passed, both of you are now in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Well you are the one who's cooking actually, but Luca tried to help. He tried his best, you would give him kisses on the cheek as a thank you for helping you cook.
Luca sometimes would wrap his arms around your waist and give you kisses on your exposed neck, also as his thank you for cooking him breakfast along with a thank you for letting him help you. "Luca, becareful.. you'll get burned if you're this close to the stove." You warned him, only earning a small laugh from the blonde. "Getting burnt is nothing for me, I'm stronger than you think, babe" He said, and then right after that. He accidentally burnt himself, "OW-" "SEE? LUCA."
You scolded your lover, he sat down on a nearby chair. Looking like a kicked puppy, getting scolded by you is the least thing he like. "I'm sorry." He apologized, sound as if he's whimpering. You sighed softly, and pulled him into your arms. Patting his head, "I forgive you, but next time. You are not coming closer to me when I'm cooking, okay?" You warned the blonde, he nodded his head and snuggled closer to you as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
. . .
That was on day time, but on nighttime it's your turn that's being clingy on him.
"Do you have to go?" You asked him, didn't even realize that you look so, sad. You didn't want to bother him or anything, but you couldn't help it. His job is very dangerous, but you know he can do it well without you worrying.
But there are days when he came back home with a lot of injuries, you were so worried that you ended up crying as you patch up his wounds. Making him slightly panic, but like a sunshine he is, like a golden retriever. He immediately comfort you, telling you that his wounds are nothing. Tho it didn't help but, his comforting word calmed you down.
"Hey, it's okay, this wounds are nothing compared to your tears.. it hurts me when I see you cry, so don't cry okay..? I'll try not to get injured as I do my mission, is that convincing enough?"
. . .
That's that, but don't think this Mafia never get jealous, he does. But he just doesn't show them out, but his actions said other wise. If someone is flirting with you when it's so obvious that you had a lover? The guts they have to flirt Luca Kaneshiro's Lover? They're asking for a fight here.
You know Luca's signs when he's jealous, you have to get yourself out of the situation before Luca takes an action. "Luca! Let's go home shall we?" You said as you gently wrap your arms around him, his face that was scowling went back bright when you hugged him. "Okay, let's go home" he said as he shot one last glare at the person who's flirting with you.
You let out a sheepish laugh as you gently lead your Lover's face to you, "Luca, it's okay, I'm not bothered by it. Because I am yours, and I know you are way better than them." You said, making him slightly blush at your statement.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm way better than them!" He said as he scoop you up bridal style, making you slightly squeaked. "Luca! Put me down!" You said, but he didn't budge instead he just held you tighter and walk down the path so casually ignoring the stares that was given by the people around you.
"I'm glad that you're here." He said, sneaking a kiss on your cheek.
"Love you, babe" He said with a big smile and let out a chuckle.
"Love you too Luca.."
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A/n : Is, this, okay-
I hope this is good enough (⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠;⁠)
(5/6) - 500 Followers Event !
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mini-yoongers · 2 years
The Morning After
Pairing: Choi San x AMAB pov Genre: Slice of life/smut W/C: 1,117 Stuff: Sub-top San, established couple (cute), non-idol au, anal, kitchen sex, tbh this is borderline vanilla, I'm not like other fanfic writers I'm sorry y/n i literally cannot write in second person this is just what I do, but I hope you enjoy anyway.
If you enjoyed this, I made an AO3 account ok???>>> Arikuusou
Nothing posted yet, but I'm working on it I promise! Will be primarily Ateez fics.
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San was always most beautiful the morning after a hard fuck. Watching him walk out of the bedroom all loose bones and floppy hair, a layer of lust beneath the sleepiness in his eyes... God, he was a vision, a seraph, the closest thing to a perfect man if there ever was one.
But he didn't like it when I called him perfect, so I tried to avoid it.
"Morning, sunshine." I smiled at him from where I sat at the kitchen island. He didn't respond in words, but stepped over to drape himself over me.
A signature San hug, hot and enveloping, lingering much longer than one would expect. That had taken me time to get used to in the beginning.
He kissed my neck and then moved away to pour himself a coffee. When he sat across from me, he quirked a brow, realizing I had been watching his every move. "What?"
I shrugged, a little coy. "Just thinking about last night."
He smirked and took his first sip of coffee. "Yeah that was..."
Exceptional. One of our best nights so far. Sometimes it was hard to remember we'd only been together 8 months when it felt like this was always our life, always would be.
"I'm thinking we shouldn't leave the apartment today," I said.
"Pretty windy out there," San agreed with a sly look on his face.
I at least let him get through half his drink before I got up and kissed him, the taste of morning mint and coffee bean filling my mouth. His skin was impossibly smooth, his hair thick and shiny as it tickled my cheek, and I wondered how I got so lucky to have caught this man's eye and heart.
I reached down and found him already rock-hard beneath his boxer briefs, which sent blood rushing between my own legs.
I stroked his cock over the fabric a few times and he abruptly started kissing me hard, biting my lips.
"Ah, ah," I backed away, gently pressing my palm to his chest. "Not too eager now. Have you forgotten all the good lessons you learned last night."
His eyes clouded further. "No, I haven't forgotten."
"Of course not. You're such a good boy. Kneel for me."
No hesitation. He slid from the stool and to the floor, looking up at me for his next instruction.
It killed me the way San loved this; made me somehow horny and sad at the same time. His whole life, he'd always had to perform, always had to be the big man, tough and strong, giving orders. He'd taken his father's company over shortly before I met him, and I saw the toll it took.
But here, with me, he could escape all that. He could just rest, follow my instructions, and not think, not decide.
"Now get my cock out and put your mouth on it."
He was so eager, but trying to hide it.
I sighed as his wet lips enveloped me. He starts gentle but quickly ramps up, sucking my head and all the spots he knows will make me needy fast.
"Fuck," I breathe, amazed as always at him. "Good boy. I'm going to need you to fuck me this morning, Sannie."
"Of course," he exhaled.
I reached over the counter and snatched up a bottle of coconut oil. "Give me your hand."
He offered his palm and I poured the oil on it, not worried about the mess we were starting to make. I leaned back against the island as he took my cock in his mouth again, reaching around to spread my cheeks.
I was still sensitive and turned-on from the night before and moaned loudly when he slipped the first finger in. He smirked up at me and me down at him.
"Get that smile off your face," I breathed as he began easily opening me up. His fingers were so different from his cock, quick and bony and rutted. I almost chided him to slow down but it felt too good and I was way too horny. Some dom I was.
But he would keep going until I told him to stop, so finally I took his wrist and pulled his fingers out of me. He kissed the front of my stomach and hips, and I took his chin in my hand.
"How's your cock feeling, baby boy?"
"So horny," he whispered.
"You want me to put it inside me?"
"Please, please, put my cock inside you."
"Are you going to stay still like a good little boy?"
"Yes, I promise."
The way his voice became so soft and desperate, his pure willingness to do everything I asked. My cock was dripping and my insides were screaming for him. I couldn't play around any longer and I pushed him against the counter, looking down at his desperate member. I slathered him with more oil, watching his stomach tighten as I coated him, stroking gratuitously.
His breath caught when I finally turned around and sheathed his cock in my ass. I was rushing, a little, but the burn faded as soon as I tugged his hand around to touch me.
"Fuck," he breathed, his hips jerking an uncontrolled movement.
There was no suppressing the little cry I made, the hitch of breath at him pushing deeper.
I rocked back until I could feel his balls pressing against mine, and then fucked him with all the needy desperation we were both feeling this morning. Mostly, he stayed still like a good boy while I used his cock, moaning loud enough that anyone in the hallway of the building could hear. The noises San made, all suppressed and high and full of release, had my belly swirling.
Already my orgasm was coiling, and I lamented for a moment until I remembered we had the whole day ahead of us. I focused on feeling every inch of his smooth cock inside me again and again. My perfect, smooth San, so hard yet so gentle. I cried out and came all over the clean white kitchen floor. As I clenched and throbbed around him, San could no longer hold still. I felt his nails dig into my skin as he gripped my hips, going stiff and silent in ecstasy as he spilled what little was left from last night deep inside me.
Exhausted, I leaned back against him and he held me. His cock popped out of me with a delicious, wet sound.
"Fuck," I breathed.
"Yeah," San said. "I love you."
"Yeah? Even though I made your coffee go cold?"
He nuzzled into my neck, kissing every bit of skin he could get too. "Definitely." He sighed deeply, a sated sigh, a blissful sigh. "That was a great morning fuck. Perfect."
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devinescribe · 6 months
I’m Right Here
Ch. 4 of “My Sunshine” [TreechxReader]
Warnings: Swearing, mention of Brandy’s body being hung up(it happened in the book), and I think that’s it?
The tributes stared in shock. You, a Capitol girl, stood in the middle of the zoo cage, apologizing. Apologizing for things you hadn't done. You just didn't know how to put your words together.
"For a minute- just a minute, I-i forgot where we were... I wasn't back home.... I forgot... that you're in the Hunger Games... and I feel like an ignorant fool. I-I shoulda... stopped her. Should've noticed... I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," you weeped, falling to your knees.
It remained quiet for a bit, the only sound being your hiccups and apologies. Until you felt a hand on your shoulder. At first, you thought it was Treech. But it was too small.
You looked up and saw Dill.
"It's not your fault..." she whispered, her voice hoarse.
You stood up immediately, bringing her in to an embrace.
"You're a real sweet girl," you whispered.
How you hoped you didn't have to watch her die.
"I should be the one comforting you guys... I'm sorry for cryin' like that..." you said, a bit embarrassed of how you acted.
"You've got feelings too. Can't expect you to hide 'em... at least we know you're sorry," Lucy Gray said. The group hummed in agreement.
Soon they went away from the wall, going off to their own corners of the cage.
Treech pulled you away to a corner where Lamina was already sitting.
You remembered her slightly from schools. She was really quiet though, and you never really talked to her.
You felt Treech lay his head on your lap, and you took off his hat, placing it gently besides you. You then begsn to run your fingers through his hair, humming a song you two used to sing when you were kids. It was a lullaby. Soon he fell asleep.
"Today's the first day I've seen him smile," Lamina says, playing with her hair.
You look up at her, your (e/c) eyes meeting with her green ones with a confused look.
"After you left... he was a wreck. Inconsolable for weeks. Didn't really talk to anyone... he still doesn't. He goes off every day in those woods by himself, people say he's angry and that's why he gets so much wood... he don't talk much... but he's kind," she whispers.
"Lamina, I... I'm sorry I wasn't kind to you as a kid," you said.
It was her turn to be confused.
"I should've invited you to play with us... something," you said quietly.
"It's really no big deal. You're here now. And we're talkin' now... so the score is settled. Plus I finally got to taste those famous chocolate chip cookies he used to brag about gettin'. Ya know he was a little asshole," she giggled.
You gave a small laugh.
"I'm gonna hit the hay... good night," she said, laying down.
You smiled, waiting before hearing her soft snores. You softly moved Treech off of your lap, trying to not wake him up, but you failed, making him groan and whine.
"Nooo.... Come back," he mumbled, gripping onto your skirt.
He was like a five year old.
You lay besides him, and kept running your hand through his hair.
"Close your eyes, my love, so dear...Underneath the night so clear. Dream of worlds beyond this one, Where the gentle moon and stars do run. Rest your head upon my chest, Feel the rhythm, soft and blessed. In dreams, may this forever shine, In your heart, for all of time," you sang softly, watching a smile spread across his lips as he fell right back asleep.
You curled up besides him, falling asleep almost instantly.
The next morning you awoke due to some giggling. You groggily opened your eyes, groaning. In front of you, you saw Wovey. She was giggling. Then you saw Lucy Gray smiling. You thought she may have something to ask or say.
You tried to stand up, but then realized the weight on you.
"Oh how wonderful..." you mumbled.
When you were kids, falling asleep with Treech ended with you being squished. It was a death sentence if you had any important things to do that day because you were not leaving till he woke up.Not on purpose. But he was a dog. A puppy begging for attention.
His arms were wrapped around you, his head on your chest, half his body on top of you.
"Treech... hey... time to wake up," you said softly, shaking him awake softly.
He groaned and opened his eyes.
"Mind hoppin' off me? You ain't small no more. The difference is quite large," you said jokingly.
"Shit, sorry sunshine... oh fuck, sorry Wovey. I-"
You put a hand over his mouth.
"There we go. So pretty when you don't talk," you joked.
He pouted.
The peacekeepers came in and you stood up defensively, going to protect them.
"Ms. (L/N), it's time for you to head on home to change. You have interviews today," one spoke.
"She's... still going ahead?" You asked.
"With interviews. The games will be slightly delayed. It's alright, the Plinth Prize is still-"
"I don't give a damn 'bout some money I don't need," you interrupted.
You looked back at the tributes, and down to Treech. He looked sick. Like he was going to throw up.
"Alright, out," the peacekeeper said, grabbing your arm.
You ripped it away and they pointed their guns at your
"Just because you're Capitol now doesn't mean that everyone views you as such. They know you're just a district mutt, and won't mind seeing you shot dead after what happened yesterday," they spat.
You looked back, and to stop from any problems arising, you walked straight to the gate. The guard let you out. Looking back at the cage, you sighed.
It had been a long day for you two. The long hike up to the lake, and then the swimming for hours.
You both sat under a tree, his head on your shoulder.
"That... song you sang the other night... what was it?" He asked.
"I made it up," you giggled, watching the sunset over the water. The pine trees on the other bank of the lake were illuminated in its golden light.
"That's... why I call you sunshine," he said, seemingly out of no where.
You turned to look at him confused.
"The way it lights up the trees... kinda like how you light me up... and it's pretty," he explained, giving a toothy grin.
You were at the Academy earlier than the rest of the people. Earlier than everyone except for Snow and Sejanus.
"You stayed there all night are you-"
"Fucking crazy? I'm district but-"
"No way I'm hell would I have stayed-"
"Shut up! Both of y'all..." you yelled, sitting in a chair across from them, laying your head in the table.
You felt a hand softly tap your arm three times.
'Are you ok.'
"I... I'm as ok as can be Sej..." you whispered, grabbing his hand."Y'know... for a while... I forgot they were tributes... forgot about the games... forgot where I was... I thought I had finally just woken up from the nightmare, and woken up back in Seven and Treech was dancin' with me for fun and games..."
The silence was deafening.
You could feel Sejanus's hand squeeze yours before tracing gentle patterns on it.
"These games aren't fair. They aren't... it's just killing kids to kill kids! For what? A punishment? It's disgusting," Sejanus was pissed off as he said this.
"You can't keep saying that you're going to get in trouble," Coryo hissed.
You hummed in agreement. You loved Sejanus. With all your heart, you loved Sejanus. But he was going to get himself killed. Some days you wondered if he was going to hate you as much as Capitol kids for not speaking up. You kept your head down on the table.
"I've... I've never seen you as happy as I did last night," Snow mused.
You nodded. You were happy. Before the incident, you had forgotten where you were.
"We aren't happy here in the Capitol, Coryo," Sejanus sighed, as he stood up walking next to you.
He looked so confused when you looked up. In his mind, the districts were full of people clamoring to kill each other, starving, like animals.
You sighed and sat up, putting your head on Sejanus's shoulder.
"Well... interviews are today... and so is Arachne's funeral... hey, Coryo, did you finish your assignment?" You mumbled, looking up at him.
He nodded and pulled out the folder he had placed them in, his best handwriting scrawled across the parchment.
"Clemensia didn't write a word," you said, looking between him and the paper.
You could tell he as shifted uncomfortably in his seat, that you were correct. But he was going to lie and cover for Clemensia.
'Do not take the blame for someone who would throw you to the wolves if their life was in danger.'
"You're gonna get hurt climbin' up so high one day," Treech shouted up at you.
You had climbed a tall tree almost to the top.
"Nuh uh!" Was all you exclaimed before sitting on a branch.
He looked into the dense forest, studying the area around. It was quiet. Almost too quiet. He had grown accustomed to the sound of birds and the rustling of the leaves, but it was completely and utterly silent.
"(N/N)... I don't like this..." he called up to you. "It's too quiet, come on let's go."
He heard you huff and yell out a 'fine'
Soon you were back down on the forest floor and your hand was in his hand, he started taking you back. He really did not feel good about right now. He knew the only time the woods went quiet was when there was either a big storm coming or predators. Big ones. Or large groups of them.
But he'd never felt scared to encounter a predator. This must be something else completely.
"You worry too much," you whispered as you walked back through the woods into town. He kept looking back behind you.
You heard a voice call out and then some footsteps. Treech definitely did not like that. He dragged you to a tree, urging you to climb.
You wanted to be snarky and say something like "oh now I can climb" but you didn't, seeing the fear in his eyes. You quickly climbed the tree, him right behind you.
Sitting in the branch, right next to him. He pulled you close and did a shushing motion.
Once again stuck in a tree as soldiers passed under you. You felt something cold go over your legs and then felt something tickling your chin. You looked down and saw a snake. Your eyes widened and you tried your hardest to not scream. It wasn't big. But it was a venomous one.
In a swift motion, Treech pulled it off, throwing it down.
You both heard a scream and looked down. You both squished together as the soldier looked up. You swore your eyes met his.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. Fucking tree snake," the soldier said, keeping his gaze on you.
Whether he saw you or not, you didn't know.
The soldiers passed and you waited for a few moments after.
Maybe the people in the Capitol were not all horrible.
The people in the Capitol were all horrible.
The interviews had been pushed back.
You first had to go the Arachne’s funeral. They asked Coriolanus to sing the anthem and so he did.
Suddenly you felt Sejanus grab your arm, “don’t look.”
You wished you would have listened. You wished you had just kept your head down in mourning. But you didn’t.
You looked up and saw Brandy strung up, her corpse as some sort of decoration.
You gasped, and immediately started bawling your eyes out, hiding your face in Sejanus’s chest. Many people thought you were crying tears for Arachne. Which in part was true because you didn’t wish death upon anyone.
But the reason you were so upset was Brandy. They had removed her pretty scarf and sweater that you had buttoned last night. The way they had her strung up for everyone to see. She was just a kid. Like you.
“S-she’s cold,” you whispered in between your sobs to Sejanus.
“Heart wrenching stuff here. (Y/N) mourning the loss of her friend Arachne and-“
You couldn’t listen to this. You walked out sobbing, and Sejanus came behind you.
Maybe they would think you were so overcome by grief of Arachne being gone. But you were not mourning Arachne’s death. The entirety of the Capitol would already be doing that. You would be mourning Brandy, a girl who died without even stepping foot into the arena.
“I-I can’t I can’t- I thought I could-“ you cry as Sejanus wraps his arms around you, your tears soaking into his uniform.
There were, of course camera people outside who recorded you, sobbing into the arms of your friend.
“You’re going to be ok… it’s ok, just breathe,” he mumbled.
“I-it’s not fair… how could they do that? That’s someone’s daughter…” you whispered through sniffles.
You didn’t want the people filming to record your words. You wished they would stop.
Treech watched the TV that all the tributes were forced to see. He didn’t know what was going on, but decided watching it was better than sitting bored.
He couldn’t have been more wrong
He should have known. He should have known that when they forced them to watch the TV that it wasn’t going to be anything good.
A gasp was ripped from his throat as he looked down, unable to watch the horrific thing they had done.
One tribute threw up. Some started crying.
He heard crying coming from the TV and his head shot up. He knew that crying. His eyes searched the TV until saw you walking out with the boy you called ‘Sejanus’ tailing after you.
The camera quickly cut to outside in the hallway where he saw Sejanus wrap his arms around you. He couldn’t help but feel a gnawing sense of jealousy. He was upset about the situation as it was, but it added to it. He couldn’t even stop her crying. Why were the cameras filming for so long on her?
He didn’t realize how hard his fists were clenched until the end of the broadcast. As soon as the TV shut off, his shoulders slumped and he looked down at his hands. He had crescent shaped dents, a small bit of blood from one of his hands from how hard he had been clenching his fists.
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