#so suddenly hearing his dad scream about how his daughter was dying almost killed him on the spot
multishipper-baby · 2 years
This is pretty dark but with the whole health issues and complications, I like to think there was a moment (even if only a brief one) where baby Deya wasn't breathing when she was just born and it was horrifying for everyone.
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MK OC Randomness part 8... I think. Fuck it! We're going with it!
Welcome back to the shit show. Let's go!
also some of these jokes are from lamas with hats
Qiao Fu is my name for the Lin Kuei Grandmaster
Also some of these jokes are based off skits done by Moonkitti on YouTube. Just re-worded a bit
Nozomi: Hey uncle Shinnok! Do your old man voice!
Shinnok, in his normal voice: What old man voice?
Nozomi: Yeah! That one!
Nozomi: ooh who's this?
Qiao Fu: That's my old wife.
Nozomi: The one who died long ago?
Qiao Fu: The very same
Nozomi: *eyeing the picture* That's too bad. She looks really cute.
Qiao Fu: I'm sorry, do you find my old wife attractive?
Nozomi: Do you not!?
Nozomi: I wanna see my little boy!
Shang Tsung: *helping Meat walk* Here he comes!
Nozomi: *scooping Meat up and hugging him* I wanna see my little boy!
"Revenant" Michiko: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
"Rev" Reiki: Oh.
"Rev" Michiko: I don't understand how you keep forgetting that.
Shinnok: Shh, do you hear that?
Shinnok: That's the sound of forgiveness.
Melantha: That's the sound of people dying dad!
Shinnok: That is what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.
Shariah: How did you even do this!?
Meat: A dollop of fairy dust!
Shariah: Meat!
Meat: I ripped the tag off a mattress.
Shariah: This isn't funny Meat!
Meat: Who's laughing? Clearly not all the people that just exploded.
Shariah: I'm leaving! I've had enough of this!
Meat: But thank of all the perfectly roasted faces we get to munch on now.
Shariah: What? Why?
Meat: Because we're friends. And friendship is two pals munching on well cooked faces together.
"The bar was so low it was practically a tripping hazard in Hell! And yet, here you are limbo dancing with the devil!"- Melantha to Hotaru at a family dinner.
"Oh no. There are consequences to your actions? Who would've thought?" Krow to Raiden and Flamus, still pissed at them for completely destroying a village that housed the remaining nymphs and nymphlims their husband made.
Nozomi: I'm just here to collect Michiko
Qiao Fu: *tries to stab her*
Michiko: You are not my father!
Qiao Fu: Bring proof you are not my daughter!
Meixiu's ghost in the background: Bitch! You literally murdered her birth father!
Nyx: Get out
Reiko: Aww come on. Can't I check in on my favorite little sister?
Nyx: If you don't leave me my room Reiko, I will stab you. And when I do it won't look pretty.
Reiko: there's a pretty way to stab people? Like with a butterfly knife or something?
Nyx: yup. Handle and all.
Reiko: oh... OH!
Nemos: Greetings Thunder God!
Raiden: Eh? Nemos what are you doing here?
Nemos: I'm taking advantage of your guilt-ridden personality to get a head start on being a better realm protector while no one is looking.
Raiden: Nope. New timeline, new Raiden. Go- Go play with your sisters.
Nemos: I'll have you know I've lived 15 lives in which I've played with my sisters, and none of them have been consequential!
Raiden: *sighs* I'm trying to take you seriously. Really. But it just feels like an even smaller Shinnok is yelling at me right now.
Hotaru: *busting into the Sky Temple and picking up Nemos* My beautiful son, I am back from my epic battle of driving out the rebels!
Nemos: Tell me, man who sired me!
Hotaru: We were fighting when suddenly Soldier B produced a substance that burned through their skin!
Nozomi: That sounds like my poison...
Hotaru: Oh no! We'd never poison anyone. Only ambush them in the middle of the night, kill them through physical violence, and intimidate them in other wise orderly court proceedings. Poison is bad.
Nozomi: Have you considered maybe, asking him if he poisoned them?
Hotaru: Oh no, I trust him completely.
Melantha: *holding Discordia and Harmonia* But, what if he did?
Hotaru: *small whimper before glaring and shouting* Solider B! Come here and apologize to my wife for making her think about things immediately!
Solider B: Hi, what?
Hotaru: I said apologize to Melantha!
Solider B: Uh yeah, sorry for poisoning the rebels or something..
Melantha: Hey, has anyone seen Nemos?
Darrius: It seems one of the soldiers has summoned Melantha to their side.
Hotaru: *spying on the rebels* Gonna go see Melantha. I'm gonna see Melantha at the meeting. Gonna see Melantha. Melantha.
OB: I made a perfectly good Titan
Fuyuka: You fucked up my daughter is what you did!
Fuyuka: Look at her! She's traumatized!
Amara: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Leila: I think you mean cards.
Amara, pulling knives out of her sleeves: No, I do not.
Ermac: Bad things keep happening to us, like we have bad luck or something.
Zyta: Ermac, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
Zyta: You love me, right, Ermac?
Ermac: Normally, we’d say yes without hesitation, but we feel like this is going somewhere and we don’t like it.
Kristy: *steps on her glasses by accident*
Kristy: *inhales* If I knew that this would be the fate that befalls me and these damned glasses, I would've just let the fire reach my left eye and burn it out completely!
Megumi: I turned out perfectly fine!
Ayeka: Megumi, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
Zyta: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment!
Philomela: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
Discordia, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Harmonia: You did WHAT–
Nemos: William Snakepeare
Discordia: Hey Harmonia,
Harmonia: Yes?
Discordia: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Harmonia: Where’s Nemos?
Discordia: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Harmonia: Discordia no.
Nemos: Mistlefoe.
Harmonia: Please stop encouraging her.
Store Worker: Would a Ms. Philomela please come to the front desk?
Philomela, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: *points to Amara and Zyta*
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Amara and Zyta, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Philomela: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Erron, driving Ash and Kamden: So how was your day?
Ash: We almost got surprise adopted!
Erron: What?
Kamden: We almost got kidnapped.
Erron: Oh, okay.
Erron: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
Nozomi: Welcome, fellow idiots
Kung Lao: Hello, Nozomi
Nozomi: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Kung Lao: You underestimate me
Nozomi: What are your goals?
Kung Lao: To pet all the dogs.
Nozomi: No, fitness goals.
Kung Lao: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the dogs.
Liu Kang: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Nozomi: That's why I carry two swords.
Sareena: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Michiko's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get her out...
Sareena: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
Michiko: You mean literally or figuratively?
Sareena: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
Sareena: Michiko... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Michiko: Your text told me to Satanize the house before you returned.
Sareena: I wrote sanitize, Michiko.
Sareena: You kill people for money?!
Michiko: I can explain!
Sareena: And all this time I’ve been doing it for free like a chump!
@deepinthefog @merplderpl @yuvononik @dontunderestimatemypoison @feistyfandomthings @toomanyf4ndoms7 @daddydestrey @tora-lotus @calcium1790 @starneko123 @dinogoofy @bar10du @cyberbloodgoddess
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
For a request idk if this to vague but anything angsty is fine for me. I'm not feeling too well and think reading something like that would help. But do what's best for you as well.
RFA try to save their kidnapped child
Hey there, I know, this took ages to write but I finally did it. I hope that you are better by now and feel much better. I am sorry if I couldn’t reach out for you. Please DM me, I would like to support you, okay? 
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The only thing you could hear were voices from afar and a sniffing little voice next to you as darkness surrounded you.
What in the world just happened?
Suddenly, everything came back at you.
,,DADDY, MOMMY IS AWAKE!“ the snorting sound gasped, opening the door and letting the bright light come in again.
,,Mc!“ Jumin said before he entered the room a bit later, closing the door and turning on the light.
Luckily, it was a much dimmer light.
,,How are you, my love?“ he asked you.
You looked around as reality hit you. ,,Where is… my baby? Jumin, where is our son?“ you asked him.
Jumin stroked your head and began to tear up.
,,I know that this is hard on you, Mc, but you need to tell me what happened… My men are already working on finding him but… you need to tell me everything you remember…’’
And so you began to tell him how you walked hand in hand with your children and the bodyguards from the playground and how suddenly you heard the bodyguards yell.
,,Everything went by so fast… I took our daughter in one arm and grabbed our son to run away, but… someone grabbed him! And, I tried to pull him! I yelled for help but… I don’t know how, but I fell and he let go of my hand and… that’s all I remember…’’ you confessed, crying in your husbands arms.
,,We will find him, we will…’’
Days went by and no call came; no one who wanted money or anything.
But suddenly, a call arrived.
And so, you disappeared with a lot of money to the requested place on your own, leaving your daughter in Zen‘s care.
You didn’t even tell Jumin, who did his everything with his bodyguards.
But little did you know that Zen had already informed Seven, who continued to track you down and informed Jumin later on.
And indeed, when you arrived, Jumin and his bodyguards were already at the place, a few men in their care and a crying boy in his father’s arms.
,,My… baby!“ you hiccuped and jumped towards him, hugging him too.
,,I will never let anything happen to you again…!“
Jumin tightened the security and even found out that the kidnappers randomly decided to kidnap a kid, finding out later that they caught a rich kid.
Perhaps, a big mistake for their lives.
,,Hyun, don’t let her out of your sight,“ you warned him, stroking the head of the infant sleeping in your arms.
,,I won’t. I‘m her daddy,“ he whispered before kissing you and your sleeping daughter.
,,Princess, let‘s go to the mall!“ Zen said to your older daughter in a whisper as to not wake up the baby.
,,Why is mommy staying at home with the baby?“
,,Baby, she‘s staying at home with the baby,“ Zen corrected her and stroked her head.
,,Because your little sister has a fever and mommy needs to stay home to make her feel better,“ Zen explained.
The little girl accepted the explanation and walked happily together with her dad through the little street with the little shops on the side.
,,You didn‘t buy that much, Princess,“ Zen wondered after carrying four full bags of clothes, toys, chocolate, and decorating stuff for you.
,,Daddy! Mommy said a little!“ she lectured him.
Suddenly, a few girls began to yell and apparently spotted Zen, who became pretty famous in the last few years.
,,Seri-ah, stay with Daddy, okay?“ Zen told the little girl who nodded.
However, more and more fans arrived and saw Zen, which led to chaos.
,,Daddy! Daddy!” The girl screamed suddenly.
Zen’s heart was shattering when he saw how someone had his daughter on his back, carrying her away from him while she was trying to get off.
,,LET ME GO! MOVE! MOVE! MY DAUGHTER IS GETTING KIDNAPPED!’’ he cried and screamed into the crowd, trying to get away from the fans.
However, his screams got overturned by the fans and they stopped him from saving his daughter.
,,Mr Ryu, I need you to work with us,’’ the officer said to Zen, who was sitting on the cold ground.
The stuff his daughter bought all over the floor, broken, and ready to go to the trash after people stepped on it.
He was in a trance.
Only your voice could make him look up.
,,Mc… I’m sorry,’’ he sobbed and jumped up, hugging you.
Like a little baby, he cried into your chest as you let your tears fall onto his white hair.
Days went by and no one called.
Zen was getting questioned increasingly by the day, but it never led to anything. 
,,I can’t wait any longer,’’ he hissed, one day.
The RFA was currently at his house, Seven sitting at the table, trying to figure out where that man came from.
,,You don’t have to,’’ he said suddenly.
That’s how it began.
Instead of telling the police, Seven, Zen, and Yoosung went to where the GPS led them. With the help of Jumin’s closest bodyguards, they stormed the place.
,,Whatever your reason was,’’ Zen said while he was holding his bloody daughter, ,,as of today, you will regret ever thinking of harming her,’’ he whispered, handing Yoosung his weak daughter and beginning to torture the man who almost killed his daughter.
,,DADDY!’’ the blond man heard, jumping up from the couch and panting.
Cold sweat was dripping down his forehead.
A short glance over to your hospital bed showed him that you were still sleeping.
It was no wonder that after getting beaten up, everyone would sleep that long.
Slowly, without making a sound, Yoosung got up and stepped out of the white room, which was making him crazy.
Just when he closed the door, his phone rang in his pocket, making him fumble the gadget out as quickly as possible.
It was either the police or Seven, and no matter who it was, one of them had good or bad news about the whereabouts of his daughter.
,,Seven,’’ Yoosung said firmly over the phone.
,,I found her. Come out right now. I will pick you up and we will save her, but don’t tell Mc,’’ Seven shortly said and cut the call.
Of course Yoosung didn’t lose any time on going out of the hospital and running up and down in the parking lot where his red haired friend picked him up in one of his cars.
,,Take this and wear this,’’ he said, handing him a gun and bulletproof jacket.
Yoosung was prepared for the worst and just accepted the equipment.
A few moments later, which seemed like an eternity to him, they arrived.
,,The CCTV says that they’re here,’’ Seven showed him on a map of the building.
,,We will enter from down here,’’ he showed him the place, ,,and move this way,’’ he went on, making Yoosung follow his finger with his eyes.
And so they went. Not losing a single moment, both of them walked the way they agreed on.
,,Daddy… daddy….’’ he heard a faint voice sobbing.
The little voice he missed so much, was filled with pain. The single thought about her being in pain made his blood boil.
,,Wait till we have her and then you can shoot as much as you want,’’ Seven said, throwing something into the crowd and fetching the girl as quickly as possible.
,,Assholes,’’ Yoosung said, his violet eyes filled with hate as he hit the man once again and shot at him a third time.
,,Hope you survive with the pain,’’ he said and vanished with Seven from the bloody place, his daughter now in his arms.
,,I’m sorry, Mc. I couldn’t save him,’’ Jaehee said at your grave.
The last thing you begged of her was to save your son before you died in the hospital due to the injuries the kidnappers gave you.
However, Jaehee couldn’t save either you or her son.
Instead, both of you died right in front of her eyes. What did life matter anymore?’’
With this question, she sat down on your grave, her back leaned against your stone while she looked up to your smiling picture.
The last time you smiled went through her head.
How you begged her to save him, her son, and how much you cried the day he was pulled out of your embrace.
Just a few moments earlier, you guys were laughing in the shop, when men in black barged in, shooting in your coffee shop and yelling for money.
Of course, just as every mother would do, you tried to cover your son with your body while she gathered the money out of the cash drawer.
However, life never went like Jaehee wished and the men shot you.
The last thing Jaehee saw was then your bloody body over your crying son, who got pulled away from you and disappeared.
A few days later, when she finally got the call, the day she left you to go and catch your happiness again, just to see him dying in front of her.
Blood over his face, Jaehee couldn’t recognize him anymore if it wasn’t for his tiny voice begging her to run.
,,Baby… Mommy is here…’’ she whispered, stepping closer to the boy hanging. 
,,Run-’’ he begged.
A loud bang followed and his last scream was when everything turned even redder and darker.
,,Jaehee-’’ you gasped when you saw her entering your room with his dead body.
It was the last time she ever heard you before you died from a heart attack.
,,I killed you both,’’ Jaehee cried and held the gun at her temple.
,,At least, I will kill myself too now…’’ she sobbed louder.
The loud gunshot was almost a little noise below the pouring rain as blood dropped on the green grass surrounding your grave.
The fight was supposed to be over, he thought as he watched your lifeless figure on the bed.
The only thing that reminded him that you were alive were the sobs which left your mouth.
Nothing more.
You hadn’t eaten in days and you never got up either.
Saeyoung knew the next person he would lose would be you.
Suddenly Saeran called him, making him turn around in the big room and approach his brother who was sitting in front of a balck computer.
,,I think I got something. Let’s go and check it out,’’ he whispered.
Saeyoung was about to lose hope, but this last chance made his cold heart grow warmer.
Without telling you anything, he left, ready to fight once again. His father, the man who tried to once again destroy his happiness.
,,You guys finally arrived,’’ the white haired man laughed, him sitting on the chair, the lifeless body of his daughter on his lap.
,,You asshole. If she’s dead, I will-’’
,,Then do it,’’ he laughed, throwing her into the middle of the room as if she was an old bag.
,,You arrived too late,’’ he began.
,,You guys should have let the story die. If you would have done it like that, she would have survived,’’ he said while Saeyoung was still looking at her.
The face, which he only knew with a smile implanted on was pale and as white as the wall.
,,What did you do…?’’ he asked him, hate, despair and sadness in Saeyoung’s voice.
,,I played with her, just like a grand-’’
Saeyoung didn’t let him end his sentence and shot him there where he was the most vulnerable.
,,Asshole, you will go through much worse pain,’’ he hissed. Not even Saeran could recognize his brother while he began to beat up the man who killed his daughter and probably would make you die too...
19.02.2021// 11:29 MEST
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
Old Friends 9
 Part 1 of a series finale!!
Spencer Reid x Reader
I just wanna say thank you for all the love I’ve been getting :) the positivity is wonderful, so thank you and I love you !!
Please enjoy!
Chapter 9:
I groaned at the sound of the alarm clock screaming at me. “Spencer, time for work,” I said as I flopped out of bed. 
“Huh?” He flinched at me opening the drapes in my bedroom window, sunlight illuminating his sleepy eyes. 
“Get up, c’mon,” I pulled the covers off of him, and he jerked upright in his boxers. “Help me make the bed.”
There was something so entirely sweet about how domestic and loving getting ready together is. While he was brushing his teeth, I was standing there putting on makeup. When I was straightening my hair for work, he was making sure his hair fluffed in just the right way. 
I could easily see this being the rest of my life. 
“Breakfast will have to be on the run, we’re already late because you couldn’t get out of bed.” I poked him in the stomach as I passed him a breakfast bar. 
“We should just call in sick.” He spoke in the most serious tone, and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. 
“Yeah, if both of us called in sick, I think there would be some questions.” I giggled as I grabbed my keys and left the apartment, Spencer following close behind. 
Morgan gave me a look as I settled down at my desk. “Did the pretty girl get some loving last night?”
I tried to ignore him as I pulled out reports I needed to finish. “Morgan, what are you on about?”
He laughed out loud and patted Spencer on the back as he passed by our desks. “Go get em’ lovebirds.”
Hotch had already talked to us about keeping everything professional in the office, but that didn’t keep the team from teasing us endlessly. Just last week Emily asked me if we’ve ever had sex at work. 
“You would think he would have a little more manners than that?” Spencer chuckled without looking up from his work. “You look beautiful, stop checking your camera.”
I sighed as I put my phone back in my pocket. “I’m actually worried about something else…” There had never been a time where I showed up to work with a hickey, and I was worried last night had broken my streak. 
Spencer smiled sheepishly, and glanced over my neck. “I don’t see any, so you’re okay.”
Garcia trotted across the catwalk in her heels. “Hello wonderful people! You have a case!”
“You are headed to New York City my fine friends, where there have been three murders, all women in their twenties, with cause of death being a gunshot wound to the head and a… message, written on their stomachs.”
Garcia pointed to the screen, where the crime scene photos popped up. 
“The first message read ‘mine’, the second one said ‘sin’, and the most recent read ‘whore’.” JJ explained, looking in the case file. “The words were carved into their stomach antemortem, that’s torture.”
“But the gunshot to the head is a completely different MO than torture.” Spencer looked at me, clearly confused. 
I furrowed my eyebrows. “What if the gun is just to keep them still? ‘I cut you, don’t flinch or it’s the last thing that you do.’ Psychological and physical torture means he could be a sadist.”
“The women were shown to have been killed in a week’s period, and the unsub is speeding up his timetable. Wheels up in 20.” Hotch took a phone call and left the room.
On the plane, Hotch explained his phone call. “The NYPD found another body three miles from where the last dump site was. Victim had the word ‘love’ carved in her stomach. The unsub seems to mostly be operating in Queens, one body was found in Brooklyn.”
Garcia made a video call with information. “My pretties, with my all-knowing powers of tech I have been able to identify all four victims. Most recent is Hallie Jones, she was a high end prostitute. $10,000 dollars a night, kind of high end. Third was Macy Johnson, she was a street prostitute, not much on her. Second victim was Fiona Lamber, she was also a street prostitute and kinda the same, not much information. First victim was actually a well known woman, Jamie Lorretta. Her father owns an oil company and she has had problems with drugs since she was a teenager.” 
Morgan gave a puzzled look. “Why change victimology from a well known woman with money to street prostitutes to a high end call girl?”
“The victimology could mean that the unsub himself comes from money and power himself.” Spencer pointed to the case files. “The gunshot to the forehead is personal, as is the cutting on the stomach. Both of these things point towards a craving for total domination, just two different kinds. The cutting represents a need for possessions, marking his property, and execution style killing shows an already confident mindset.”
“Both of which are things people in power need, ambition for possessions and major confidence,” I added. 
“The key to solving this case is Jamie Lorretta. Find out everything you can about her Garcia!” Hotch called over the video camera. Garcia nodded firmly and hung up. “Morgan, Prentiss go to the ME to examine the bodies. Rossi, JJ go to the latest dump site and see what kind of attraction the unsub may have to the area. I will go to the first dump site and see where the killer’s head was at when he first started killing. YLN, go to the station and interview the families of the victims and Reid, go with her and work up a geographic profile.”
I nodded at him and looked back down at the case file. 
What did these women do to get themselves killed?
Spencer squeezed my hand reassuringly, reading me like a book. “We’re gonna get him.”
I gave him a side smile. “We always do.”
Macy Johnson and Fiona Lamber’s families were distraught for sure, but it soon became clear that they didn’t know anything about the case. 
Hallie Jones’ family was one of the most composed families I’ve seen. They had sad eyes, but not once during our conversation did either of her parents shed a tear. I finally couldn’t take it anymore. 
“How are you so… stoic? I’ve interviewed many grieving families before and you two seem extremely calm considering your daughter’s body was found this morning.” I hated to be so blunt, but neither of them were showing any sign of grief over their daughter’s murder. 
The parents just looked at each other, then back at me. Mr. Jones took a deep breath. 
“Hallie… did what she did. We offered to take care of her, but she chose to have sex with men to pay the bills. After we paid for her degree, the least she could do was use it.” Anger burned in her father’s eyes, and disgust curled in my stomach. His child is dead and he was thinking about money?
“We told her God would punish her for her actions,” Mrs. Jones blurted. “She deserved what was coming to her in the end. All in all, she was probably asking for it.”
I wanted to vomit. These parents blamed their dead child for her own murder? “No one asks for this, Mrs. Jones. And right now, it looks to me like I want to catch your daughter’s killer more than you do, so either give me something that I can use, or leave.”
Both of her parents glared at me. After a moment, Mrs. Jones stormed out of the room, her husband close on her heels. 
I rolled my eyes and approached the police chief. “Where’s the Lorretta family? They were supposed to be here at noon.”
The police chief made a face. “The Lorrettas are refusing to leave their home. ‘Don’t want the attention’ of the local press. They said if the FBI wants to ask questions, you’re going to have to go to them.”
I swallowed my annoyance. “Okay, I’ll head over there. I don’t think I’ll be much use here.”
Reid raised his chin. “I’ll come with you.”
I appreciated the company. Maybe around him I won’t flip my lid with these damn parents. 
What kind of families are these?
The Lorrettas’ home could give Rossi’s mansion a run for its money. We pulled up in the SUV to a long paved driveway and saw gardeners working in the large front lawn. The front door was made of opaque glass and I could almost smell the entitlement. 
Spencer knocked on the door, which was opened almost immediately. A woman with obvious dyed blonde hair and botox greeted us.
“You must be from the FBI! Come in please,” she said as she basically pulled Spencer and I into the house. Not exactly the demeanor of a grieving parent.
“We’re here to ask some…” my voice trailed off as I saw the massive chandeliers and luxurious couches. Money and possessions. 
“Are you from the FBI?” A girl about 10 approached me hesitantly. She had clearly been crying, and I got on my knees to talk to her. 
“Yeah, I’m YFN and this is Spencer. We’re here to ask some questions.” I glanced over at the Mrs. Lorretta, who had suddenly abandoned her politeness. 
The girl looked to her mom, who was giving her a death glare. The girl just turned and ran up the stairs. 
“Ma'am, we’re to ask you about Jamie.” Spencer put his hands in his pockets. “Mind if we sit?”
Mrs. Lorretta picked the politeness act right back where she left off. “Yes, yes. Please sit.”
After a few minutes of awkward small talk, I went with the hard questions. “How did Jamie’s drug habits influence her? Did she have any enemies?” 
Mrs. Lorretta’s mouth tightened in a straight line, and she looked between Spencer and I. “Well… um, I’m not sure. She wasn’t really home much… she’s always been distant with us. I never heard about any enemies, but she never talked to me much anyway.”
Over her shoulder, I saw the girl peeking behind the staircase. Spencer noticed it too, and tapped me on the leg. 
“Excuse me, where’s the bathroom?” I kept my tone light and cheery. She pointed down a long hallway to my right, and I made a small motion to the girl to follow. 
Once we were out of earshot, the little girl burst into quiet tears. 
“Hey, what’s your name?” My voice was soft and I rubbed her shoulders. 
“Lily,” she hiccuped through her sobs. “My dad was always so mean to Jamie…”
“What do you mean?”
Lily squeezed her eyes shut. “He would always go into her room… and I could hear him hitting her. They would fight all the time. He’s why she did drugs… she needed to escape from him.”
I lowered my voice even more. “Do you know who did this to her?”
She opened her eyes and sniffled softly. “I wasn’t surprised when the police found her body. It was only a matter of time before he… and I heard screaming coming from our shed in the backyard.”
“What’s going on here?” 
Mr. Lorretta stood behind me, a smile looking like plastic on his face. 
Money, power, ambition. 
I smiled sweetly, patting Lily’s shoulder. “Oh nothing. I was looking for the bathroom and I just saw that she was upset. Your wife is answering some questions of my colleague’s, come join. I’m sure she’s being very helpful.”
In his eyes I saw an evilness that said that he would tear me to shreds given the chance. I turned away from him, beginning to walk down the long hallway back to Spencer. 
I felt him pull my gun from its holster behind me, and he wrapped a strong arm around both of mine, his other hand pressing the cold barrel against my temple. “Move.” He growled in my ear. 
Lily had taken off running, and as we moved closer, Mrs. Lorretta had taken hold of Lily in her arms. 
Mr. Lorretta hissed at Spencer, who had his gun drawn at this point. “Think about this, Agent. Don’t want the blood of two people on your hands.”
I looked at Spencer, begging him to lower his gun. Not for me, but for Lily, who was still in her mother’s firm hold, a kitchen knife pressed to her throat. 
The cold barrel of my own gun pressed into my temple, and all I wanted to do was kiss Spencer when he finally dropped his weapon. 
“Honey, they’re federal agents. We can’t kill them,” the wife reminded her husband, who seemed torn on what to do now. 
“Why did you carve ‘mine’ into your daughter’s skin?” I blurted. 
He laughed softly in my ear, and I wanted to throw up. “Because she needed to know her place before I put her out of her misery. That was the only way she would understand. Do you know your place, Agent YLN?”
“You are in complete control here, Mr. Lorretta.”
“Damn right I am.” I felt him beat the barrel of the gun against my head, and I was out cold. 
TAG LIST: @itsarayofsunshine @thesailbells @squirrellover1967 @softpeteparker @parkeroffline
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hpdabbles · 4 years
YOU MADE ME SHIP REGULUS AND HARRY. WHY. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND THAT SHIP!? Please may I have this ship plus being really tired parents to a pair of twins and Harry suddenly understanding Molly's pain?
Suffer. Suffer with me. Welcome to Harry/Regulus hell (Does this ship have a name? Can we call them Lion’s Heart? Since one is the Leo consultation and the other is a Gryfindor???) 
Harry wanted to pull his hair out and it was only ten in the morning. He loved his kids, Magic In All Living he loved them, but there were days when they just tested every limit he had.
And Harry fought two magical wars, lived through two killing curses, traveled through time, and put up with Draco Malfoy who annoyed him more than Voldemort on some days. 
In highsight traveling through time was one of the best things to ever happen to him, because he was able to save his family from all the heartache, managed to give his friends a life of peace and meet the love of his life.
Regulus Black was everything he wanted. His husband understood being the overlooked child in the house, understood not living up to people’s expectations, and understood the fear and the shyness that made it hard to be in front of new people.  He is, in a lot of ways, just like Harry. 
He was also the one who Harry turned to during the darkest first days in the past, the one who got him to smile and laugh and helped him take down the Death Eaters. Who was silly, nerdy and yet still had the elegance of a pureblood lord. 
Add to the fact Regulus looks like Adonis dyed his hair black and had a brain that was equally impressive as his physical features? The man was eighteen when he figured out what Voldemort had done to the Slytherin locket and find it. Harry knows it took Albus Dumbledore a decade to get an idea of its location, meanwhile, Regulus took six months to learn of them and then another six to write that giant “Fuck you” letter to stick inside the locket. 
He’s husband is the whole damn package and Harry would fist fight anyone who tries to say otherwise (He did fight Sirius that one time luckily his in-law no longer holds it against him).
That is why it only made sense that he asked this perfect wonderful man who was just a flawed and broken as Harry to marry him a year after they killed Voldemort together. The marriage of the Men-Who-conquered was the biggest event in modern magical history- or that was until the two successfully blood adopt a year and a half later.
Blood adopting, a valid way to allow same-sex magical couples to have children by blood, but with a high risk.  Not only did they have to find magical newborns for any child above a month would fail, but they also had to be able to transfer their core’s magic and fuse it into the child. 
Usually, the parents died from over draining their cores or they just couldn’t recover the amount they gave away and in a sense, crippled themselves to squibs.  
That’s why most blood adopting was rarely done, and it was even less common to attempt more than one child. 
Of course, Harry Potter always challenges the norm, and thus he along with his husband managed to get a pair of twins; a boy, and a girl. The day after the ritual Harry had been so tired it took everything he had just to stay awake, with Regulus fighting for his life in the bed next to him, and yet the sounds of the newborns cooing in the crib had made it all worth it.
One was named the Heir of the Ancient and Noble  House Of Black- since Regulus keep the title since he stayed alive- and the other the Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin- since Harry couldn’t keep the last name Potter and he sort of won the title through the right of conquest in the future. 
Harry loved them so much, even if it was surprising to everyone- none more so to Harry who could argue that they had a  lot of Slytherin in them since he was almost a snake himself-  when his kids were sorted and they were not wearing red or green but yellow and blue. 
After the shock of knowing the family had all four houses, it became clear why they sorted this way. Harry should have seen his son’s thirst for knowledge was obvious the moment he learned the dreaded word “why?” at age three, while his precious girl was loyal to a fault as she would often take the fall for her brother who’s curiosity led to him trying his own experiments that ended more in injuries then proven hypothesis.  
The problem was they represented their Hogwarts houses too well.
Standing as stern as he, a thirty-four-year-old man could besides his equally as stern thirty-two-year-old husband, clash in a battle of wills against a thirteen-year-old girl who’s loyalty and puberty made them bugs beneath her shoes, while unwilling to sell out her brother. 
The fact they found their son’s possible broom design blueprints made it all the worst. His son was one of the brightest wizards to ever walk Hogwarts having to earn the brightest Wizard Award three years in a roll and yet he lack so much common sense. Honestly, it was Hermione all over again.
While his daughter would defend him to the end of the world, she gave her loyalty too forcefully and fiercely. Once he would marvel and love this trait in Ron, now as a parent it just worried him how far she would go for those she trusted. 
Harry called this the dark side of the Hufflepuffs. But they had to get her to see the light before her brother breaks his neck on another of his hair-brained ideas. 
Regulus took the initiative and stared down his daughter "Ursa Lily Slytherin Black, I will not ask again. Is your brother on the roof with a dangerous broom he made himself right now?" 
Ursa folded her hands before her in the proper manner a lady of her standard should, having the rules of high society drilled into her by Regulus since before she could speak. There were days where she was more graceful then Harry ever could be. 
The light of the large window she stood in front of made her dark wavy hair and emerald green eyes all that more striking. She is a very beautiful young lady, taking more after Regulus in looks alongside her brother, and Harry knew he would be beating suitors back in just a few years.
"Father, I am absolutely certain that my brother, Gemini Regulus Slytherin Black, is-" suddenly a figure dropped down screaming in a flash of expensive robes bypassing the window before Regulus or Harry could process it.
 "-not on the roof"  She finished without so much as a blink. "I would check the front yard. On a completely unrelated note is our floo connected to St. Mungo’s emergency room?”
Harry opens his mouth but an explosion goes off somewhere down the hall shaking the whole house to its foundations. Ursa stares at him as if though she is daring him to comment on it. He reaches up to grab onto his hair fighting the urge to rip it out, as he turns away, leaving the pair alone.
Harry barely loses any speed as he rushes down the stairs into the front hall and out into the front yard where Gemini is laying on his back, tracing mathematical equations in the air with his wand and legs bent in the wrong direction.  
Regulus can handle the explosion he needs to get the Black Heir to St. Mungo’s. Why is that his boy inherited his lack of fear for death while his daughter took after her Father in his defiant till the end tendencies?   
“Hi Dad!” Gemini chirps at him the moment Harry’s shadow falls onto his face. The boy has the audacity to be smiling like a loon. Fred’s and George’s mischief rests in the curve of his lips.  “Guess what? I almost figured out the charms they use on brooms. Soon I’ll be charming everything to fly just like Uncle Sirius’s motorbike! And Professor Flitwick said it was too advanced for me, pffff, I’m sure showing him huh?”
“Why are you like this?”
“That’s a good question. I read that Muggles think it’s due to how we are raised or treated by our parents that manifest into personality traits and they have a whole field of study in it. It’s call psychology-oh that reminds me. Dad, can I go to a summer school for psychology in the muggle college? Hermione invited me and Luna, it sounds fun!”
He loved his kids but they were going to led him to an early grave. He wondered how Molly would react to the Lord Slytherin sending her a gift basket as an apology for all the stress he put her through the first go about, even if in this timeline the families weren’t close. 
For some reason, Ursa was closer to Draco Malfoy and Gemini was best friends with Luna Lovegood. The last one wasn’t a big stretched when he thought about it but still, it was wild to think about. 
“You are grounded-”
“Yes that’s why he’s on the floor” 
Harry whirl around to give Ursa a glare “Is that backtalk I hear young lady?”
“That’s how conversations tend to work Dad.”
Regulus snorts “My how the tables have turned. But your both grounded. Now let’s get to St. Mungo’s I’m sure the healers have missed us since the last time we were there....two days ago.”
His husband releases a sigh like he’s dealing with the madness in this house in that one exhale of breath. Harry might be a little mad himself because he finds he really wants to kiss the sigh off those lips even with the stress he’s never been happier. 
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Something We’d Never Have
Jasper x Vampire!Reader
Warning - none
Summary - The news of Bella and Edwards baby makes the family tensions grow.
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Two solid weeks have passed since the magical Edward and Bella wedding. Everything on our side had gone normally until Alice after a vision gathered the whole family. Mumbling and stuttering about some vision. Our resident Alice translator was gone meaning we all were left to attempt to decipher the panic jumbles. All we've managed to get was something was wrong with Bella.
"Here Ali," I say as I dial Edwards number then hand the phone to her, "call him to check on them." She nods taking the phone. After a minute she starts to talk.
"Bella? Are you all right?" Alice asks frantically over the phone.
"I'm not 100% sure," I hear Bella on the line as I move closer to the girl. I'm practically on top of Alice trying to here.
"Why? What's wrong?" Alice asks frantically.
"I just..."
"You just what? Alice, what did you see?" Bella asks harshly. Alice hands off the phone then looks over to me. 
"Here's Carlisle," She says.
"Bella, what's going on?" Carlisle asks.
"l don't know. I'm a little worried. Can vampires go into shock?" Bella asks. We all listen carefully.
"Has Edward been harmed?"
"No," Bella says, "l know that it's impossible, but l think that I'm pregnant." The entire room on our side goes completely silent. There is no way that can be possible I mean its absolutely insane. "Whoa! Carlisle, l swear, something just moved inside me." Suddenly Edward's voice replaces hers.
"ls this even possible?"
"I don't know," Carlisle says, "The sooner Bella's here, the sooner we can find out what it is. I need you to get to the mainland at once."
"Yeah, yeah, l will."
With that, the whole family went into a panic. Carefully we were waiting for them to return to learn what the hell is happening. At the end of the day whatever they do directly affects our ability to live. The panic separated us into groups. Ones who wanted to help Bella keep the baby and ones who were against her letting her throw away her human life for the chance of the baby surviving. Tensions were growing high and everyone was walking on thin ice. Only for it all to be set off when dog breath came to our house.
We all were sitting together in the living room. Watching the figure of the girl as she mumbles nervously. Her features were sunken in all besides her protruding bruised Belly.
"Jake, is that you?" She calls. With loud stomping suddenly the dog is amongst our group. Rose stands firmly between Bella and Jacob. A harsh look is exchanged between them. Jasper clutches me tightly sensing the anger radiating off me. "I'm glad you came."
"Close enough," Rosalie says harshly.
"What's your problem?" Jacob asks harshly.
"Rose, it's okay," Bella says. Rose moves away revealing the terrible looking girl to her old friend. He sits across from her. I can tell by his demeanor he is relieved to see her alive but of course, is worried about her appearance.
"You look terrible," Jacob says chucklingly lightly. Bella does the same.
"Yeah, it's nice to see you, too," Bella says. 
"So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?"  Jacob asks her.
"Rose, you wanna help me up?" Bella says. Rose moves to Bella's side helping her up. Suddenly her belly is exposed to the group and I force myself to look away. She looks awful. Anger fills Jacobs aura. Jas sense's this and nudges me. 
"You did this!" Jacob growls lunging towards Edward. I lift my hand thrusting a table between the two as Emmet grabs Jacobs shoulder.
"We didn't know it was even possible," Carlisle says trying to calm Jacob down.
"What is it?" Jacob says harshly.
"I'm not sure," Carlisle says, "Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac."
"l can't see it, either. And l can't see Bella's future anymore," Alice admits.
"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on," Carlisle explains, "What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing."
"Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!" Jacob says harshly.
"This is none of your business, dog," Rosalie says harshly.
"Rose! All this fighting isn't good for Bella," Esme adds.
"The fetus isn't good for Bella," Alice snaps.
"Say the word, Alice," Rose says harshly, "'Baby.' it's just a little baby."
"Possibly," Jasper says from behind me.
"Who cares what you call it? Baby, fetus," I snap, "it doesn't change the fact that it's not our decision to make."
"Carlisle, you've gotta do something," Jacob says almost begging Carlisle.
"No it's not his decision," Bella says, "it's not any of yours."
"Jacob I need to talk to you," Edward says. The two move out leaving the rest of us with Bella. I move away from my mate to her side. 
"I know you want a baby," I say to her, "I'll respect whatever decision you'll make Bella but I need it to be an informed one. It's an emotional subject I know but it's your life at stake. And that's not just your human life." She nods. I place my hand on her shoulder supportively as I see my mate's harsh glance. I know he's against this. But I can't help but feel for the girl I mean she's getting something that I've always wanted. I'm jealous and I want her to have this baby but I do understand what it means. 
"Thanks for the support," She says to me. I nod smiling lightly at her. Alice scoffs harshly at me.
"You are supposed to have more sense than this," She huffs, "I mean it could kill Bella. The Voltari could kill us all for it." I sigh lightly looking away from them "I know you have some emotional attachment to the idea of having a baby but don't be selfish."
"I'm sorry that I want Bella to have something none of us can," I say harshly, "I know what it's like to have your options ripped from you. I just want her to have a choice."
"A choice to die!" Alice yells.
"A choice on how she lives her life!" I yell back, "she'll be the only one of us that gets to have this. To have a baby. Do you know how long Rose and I have wanted to have kids? I grew up with the dream to have a family and I got that ripped away from me when some freaky pervert bit me because of some grudge he had on my dad. I lost my choice. I just want to make sure she does."
"Don't get emotional about this," Jasper says, "I know why you want to help her but she'll suffer."
"But at least she gets what she wants," I say harshly, "she'll get her happy ending. While the rest of us are stuck here looking on wishing that even for another moment we could feel alive!"
"You're being selfish!"
"So are you!"
"Girls!" Esme yells.
"Why can't you just understand that this isn't about your mother fantasies!" Alice yells, "you lost your chance it's in the past this is about Bella dying."
"Alice we all lost our chance," Rose growls, "but that doesn't mean we can take away Bella's!"
"If she's dying then we should!" Alice screams.
"We can't force her to do anything," Carlise says.
"Why not?" Jasper adds harshly, "she'll die before she can even have the baby."
"Jasper," I say to him trying to get him to not be as harsh. 
"Its the truth," He says at once. I scoff.
"Why can't you guys just understand?"
"Understand what?" Alice asks harshly, "that you are using Bella as a way to get some sick fantasy of yours filled." I move attempting to jump at Alice but Jasper grabs me stopping me. Emmet moves between Alice and I to further keep me from moving forward.
"Darlin think about this," He cautions me. He uses his power to calm me down. I pull back as I growl at Alice. "Let's take a walk." I move with him out of the house. We move sitting down on the stairs. "Do you really want a baby that bad?" I scoff looking down to the gravel.
"Yeah," I say to him, "I've always wanted to be a mom. But that's not what this is about. I want Bella to have the choice of what she gets to do. I didn't get one. Rose didn't get one. Neither did you. She is the only one who does I want her to cherish it. To have a chance to enjoy it." He sighs looking down at me. "I didn't think that would become an argument. I'm sorry." He moves his hand to cup my cheek. "Jas do you ever think about what it would be like? Us having kids?"
"Two little bloodsuckers running around?" He asks jokingly.
"No no like if we met before-"
"Before we were vampires?" He asks me. I nod smiling lightly.
"Like somehow we met before you got sent off to war when I was a simple noblemen's daughter," I say to him, "and we fell in love without having to become vampires." He smiles as his hand moves from my cheek to my hand gripping it tightly. 
"Well we could have a couple of cute babies," He says to me, "lived in a nice house. Had a family. Watch them grow old."
"Elizabeth and William," I say to him, "those would be their names." He chuckles the nods.
"Sounds good darlin," He says to me, "watch them start their own families while you and I grow old together." I layer of sadness falls over me. "Is this upsetting you?"
"No," I say to him, "no I'm enjoying this. William would be our oldest. Ans Elizabeth would always have her dad and her big brother to protect her."
"Oh she'd have her mother too," He says, "you'd make sure she'd be safe. You'd give them both such amazing lives." 
"We'd teach them how to live and love," I say to him, "we'd be amazing parents." A feel my eyes burning as if I'd cry if I was able to. I move into Jasper's arms. He tightens his grip on me as we both feel remorse for something we'd never have.  
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russian-romanova · 5 years
hill house
title: hill house
pairing: none, female crain!reader
word count: 9.1K (longest one yet bbysssss)
warnings: spoilers, mentions of death, suicide, intense scenes and images, language, mature themes explored by ‘the haunting of hill house’, also timelines that don’t match up that great.
notes: thank you so much to anyone who reads this. i’m sure the audience is going to be very small, but i absolutely poured my soul into this for a while and you simply looking at this fills me with joy. feedback is appreciated!  
summary: to the remaining five crain siblings and their father, the death of a close family member seems to bring a renewed remembrance of the nightmarish hill house that haunted their childhoods. 
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She was the youngest. This was one of those indisputable facts that Y/N was forced to cling to in life, such as the intangible fact that she would never be mature as Shirley or as smooth as Theo, but she was the best listener out of all of them. 
She was the youngest, and she would always be the youngest. What Y/N Crain never expected, however, was that she would become the youngest of five Crain siblings. 
There was supposed to be six of them, eight with their parents. Mom, Dad, Steven, Shirley, Theo, Luke, Nell, and Y/N. Eight was the magic number, she had been sure of it all 32 years of her life. She would use eight to brag about how big her family was in elementary school (counting Aunt Janet instead of Mom, but no one needed to know that), just as Luke would find himself counting to eight every time he got too anxious or scared. It was supposed to be six siblings, at least until Hugh Crain had called his youngest daughter to tell her the news, to tell her that her sister was gone. Y/N hadn’t understood him at first, but she found out later how normal that was. 
It had been late at night, and Y/N had found herself restless and annoyed. She had shot up at three o’clock in the fucking morning, feeling like she couldn’t breathe. For the smallest moment, after her eyes had opened, the air just wouldn’t move into her mouth and she worried she was dying. Less than a second passed before it rushed in, and her lungs filled up and let it out. Maybe she had been having some sort of a nightmare, Y/N had reasoned to herself in the cold emptiness of her apartment room. Like the ones that Nell would get about the Bent-Neck Lady. A shiver ran through her just thinking about it, and she suddenly became more aware of her surroundings than she had been. The moonlight from the window pierced her view, bringing her back to earth and leading her to her bedroom door. Slippers on her feet, Y/N Crain made her way away from her warm bed and into the unknown. 
She had put on water for tea, a trick her aunt had taught her what felt like forever ago and moved slowly to her counter in search of something to do. She hadn’t brought her cell phone with her from her bedroom and didn’t see much point in going back to get it. ‘Phones make it harder to sleep,’ Theo had pointed out to some degree of what Y/N suspected must have been hypocritical. ‘Something about the lights and radiation and shit like that.’ 
Her eyes fell on already opened mail, a copy of a magazine she had been meaning to read, ads for windows and preschools to potentially work at in the area, her ongoing shopping list, and other various papers she didn’t have the energy to sort through. Halfheartedly, she picked up the magazine and flipped through the pages.
From behind her, the tea kettle began to already let out a growing whistle, the sound coming much sooner than she had expected it to. Pulling her robe closer, she shuffled towards the sound and pulled the kettle off, the sound dying down and the steam dispersing. For some unknown reason, she thought back to her middle school science classes. 
The cup was light blue and warm. Her mind was fuzzy as she moved to her spot at the table, pushing aside the unchosen reading materials and placing her teacup and magazine down. 
Then she was awake. Blinking, she felt the feeling of blind confusion for the second time that night, realizing that the hard surface under her arms and head wasn’t her pillow, but the table. She had fallen asleep, and the cup of tea remained practically untouched. 
Some asshole outside was playing music, she thought as she turned to glance out the window. It was loud. It was loud and it was coming from inside her house. Murderer? Kidnapper? Pop-up DJ? Clarity came and with it a single word: phone. 
Who the hell was going to be calling her at this hour? Sighing, she pushed the chair away from the table and made her way to her bedroom. Sure enough, the screen was lit up and the phone itself was buzzing in place. ‘Dad,’ it read in bolded white letters, and Y/N felt the instinctual drop in her stomach that accompanies a late-night call, especially one from her quiet father.
Her hands were already shaking when she picked it up. “Dad?” The word came out less calm than she had intended. For a minute, Hugh Crain was silent on the opposite end and Y/N hoped that it was a mistake, that her father had never meant to call her. She was close to hanging up when his voice buzzed from the other end.
“Are you sitting down?” 
“Yes,” Y/N lied. “Yeah, Dad, what’s up?”
“Y/N, honey,” The other end filled with breathing for a moment. “Nell’s gone.” 
“Gone? I-” Any fear in her mind froze for a moment as she processed his words. “What do you mean gone, Daddy?” The younger woman’s voice was small and childlike. 
“She killed herself. Nellie’s dead.” His voice cracked, and Y/N found her own voice couldn’t do even do that. It was completely gone. Somehow, this seemed worse than the numerous endings she had seen in her head. Nothing specific ever came to mind, but visions of horrible accidents and even death floated in the back of her mind. Y/N couldn’t have imagined this. Never, not in a million years. 
“No,” The word broke the silence that had accompanied the confirmation. She wished she had sat down and her feet stumbled for footing. Landing on her bed, her hands moved to her mouth. “No, no. Nell. Nellie. Not Nell.”
It was too much at that moment. Y/N felt like she was going to explode, but she couldn’t breathe enough to do so. Her breath caught in her throat, her eyes began rapidly blinking away tears. Her father said something to her from far away, but she couldn’t hear him. She couldn’t hear anything past the buzzing in her ears that seemed to want to block out all other sounds, leaving her feeling small and alone. She could feel the distinctive lump in her throat growing, urging her to a complete breakdown. “Dad, I have to go,” Y/N spoke, though unable to hear herself talk. Hanging up before he could respond seemed the only way to save both of them from Y/N’s breakdown, and she opted to instead have it alone on the floor next to her bed. 
Nell had fallen into the role of big sister so quickly and so perfectly. It was as if she was born for it, possibly even more than Shirley or Theo had been. Any minutes she could spend watching Y/N were minutes Nell considered a success, although Y/N never knew this. All that she knew, and all she needed to know, was that Eleanor Crain had loved her so much, and now she was gone.
Y/N didn’t remember when her mother had died, but if she did she would know that how much she cried then was nothing compared to her screams now. Perhaps she hadn’t understood it as a small child, with her h/c hair still in the braids her mother had done them in before she had gone to bed. Her pajamas wrinkled and warm, her eyes sore with sleep as she rubbed them. She had been sleeping with Theo that night, at least when it all happened. It was a strange pull that brought her to Theo that night and not Nell as she had gone to often times before, but it seemed to make sense to Y/N in her young age. 
That brought about another thing Y/N Crain didn’t know, nor would she understand, was that she would have been in the Red Room with her siblings if she hadn’t had a nightmare, one where they sat around their mother’s coffin as it rained and that her nightmare had effectively saved her. 
If not Nell, Theo was the one Y/N went to when she was scared. This lingered in her mind, somewhere behind all of the pain, and she grappled for the phone. Y/N knew Theo’s number by heart, as she knew all of their numbers, but she went first for the contact containing it and paused. What would she say? Y/N didn’t think she actually wanted to talk, and she was almost positive Theo didn’t either. It would be nice to not be alone, but if she called Theo she would have to be alone after anyway. The pain of hanging up from that call might have been worse than she felt now. 
With a click, the phone’s screen went black. Y/N sighed a rough and uncomfortable sigh that bounced around in her throat as tears pushed against it. There was nothing left to do except cry, because what else can you do? After losing someone so close, so suddenly, and so horribly, there’s no way to process that. This must have been what Nellie felt like after her husband died, Y/N thought, before the picture of Nell she formed in her mind brought tears to her eyes once more. 
She would have to book a flight. It hurt, but one could only spend so much time wallowing before you have to move on. Isn’t this what being an adult was like? When Olivia had died, Y/N couldn’t remember seeing her dad cry at all. Granted, there wasn’t much she could remember about that day, but Y/N remembered how every single Crain around her had been so strong. And now, even she had to be strong. 
• • • 
Y/N Crain remembered very little about leaving Hill House, but she remembered almost all of the day they had arrived. The days in between blurred, and her four-year-old memory struggled to keep straight what was important and unnecessary. She remembered the buttons that Nell loved and cared for with such insistence, the time the siblings had all shown up to breakfast with their shirts backward to see if Mom and Dad would notice (Y/N was too giggly and practically gave it away), or the dresses that their mother would wear. No matter how hard Y/N had tried, however, she could never remember the warning signs towards her mother’s death, the horrible storm that shook Hill House, or the day Luke thought he saw a zombie in the cellar.
The wallpaper in the hallways was etched into your mind, the greens and blues that resonated and showed up in your most vivid dreams. ‘One could lose themselves in the memories of that house,’ Y/N reasoned, and yet she remembered almost nothing at all. 
As a child, she had followed Theo around through the dingy halls of Hill House. Theo had always been vocally annoyed by the younger Crain and the constant shuffle of her feet behind her, but secretly Theodora Crain was incredibly proud. And who could blame her? The twins had each other, Steven and Shirl seemed to get each other, and Theo liked to keep to herself, but where would that put Y/N? Nowhere fair, surely. So Theo was the obvious answer, she would just have to sacrifice her free time for a while. 
“Theo,” She remembered asking her from a yard or so behind her, Theo’s gloved hands swinging back and forth in her view. “Why can’t we get a puppy?” 
“Mom’s allergic,” She replied in the way that only Theo seemed to be able to do, without pause or thought but lathered in confidence. “Besides, I think a dog would be kind of annoying.” 
“Annoying?” Y/N repeated, turning the word over in her mind. “Why would it be annoying?”
“I don't know. They’re loud and get mud everywhere.”
“Daddy said they do poop a lot,” She added, ever eager to please Theo. Agreeing with her point seemed like the easiest way to do so.
Theo huffed. “I guess,” Y/N supposed that Theo did a lot of huffing, at least from her experience with the sound. Sometimes her huff was more of a sigh, but Y/N didn’t understand the difference yet, so she assumed they were all huffs. 
“We could get a fish,” Y/N continued with the idea. “Stevie said he wanted a fish, ‘member?” The word ‘remember’ was long for Y/N to say when she was excited or nervous, the times when her voice sped up and words blurred together, so it came out more like ‘membeh’.
“Fish are dumb,” Theo said, walking towards the black, spiraling staircase. “They don’t do much.”
With her dreams crushed, Y/N nodded solemnly. “I guess.” She joined Theo on the staircase, her small hand gripping to the railing. She would never admit it, but this staircase scared her, at least slightly. With its steps painted black and the handrails always feeling cold, Y/N could swear she felt like she was a single misstep away from falling every time. Theo seemed unnerved, skipping up the staircase with such speed that Y/N struggled to keep up. With a final huff, Y/N reached the top steps after her sister, although the two went in different ways. While Theo turned to the left, Y/N’s eyes spotted the younger children’s biggest mystery of Hill House: The Red Room.
The name encompassed most of what they knew about the mysterious room. The door was a vibrant red, with the same lion on the handle that the other rooms had. Hugh, even with the help of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, had failed to produce a key that could open the door. It hadn’t admittedly been high on his list of priorities, and the younger children seemed to be having a good time guessing what was inside. They would get there eventually and likely be disappointed, so their father had figured there was no rush. 
The locked door had confused Y/N. Sure, she had encountered things that wouldn’t open before, but then she would just ask her parents or Steve and it would open eventually. She understood the concept of not being allowed into a room, but she knew that they were allowed in here. 
Her legs brought her to the right. “Let’s go in,” Y/N urged her older sister, her hand jittering the door. “Help me open it.”
“It’s locked, Y/N. We don’t know what’s in there. We can’t open it.” Theo said from a distance. 
Y/N frowned. “Mommy was in there.”
“No, she wasn’t. It’s locked.”
The younger of the two turned to look at Theo, her own stubbornness coming out to match Theo’s. “Yes, she was. I saw her in there. Luke and Nellie, too.” 
“Okay, well go ask her. She wasn’t in there.” Theo crossed her arms, her eyebrows raised. This was one of the many times she was right -- she was sure of it. Y/N liked to be stubborn lots, but she wasn’t usually right. Theo, on the other hand, seemed to have an ‘intuition’ (a big word that she had caught from a book Olivia was reading to her) when it came to these types of things. As if to drive this point, she added: “I know what I’m talking about.” 
Y/N paused before walking towards the staircase. “Mommy?” She called out, unsure of where Olivia had planted herself in the large house. Her mother responded that she was working on somethings, but Y/N knew that was just an answer to let the young girl follow her voice. 
They arrived in one of the bedrooms, their mother with her back facing the door as she scrubbed furiously at a stain in the corner of the hardwood floor. “Mom, Y/N thinks that you were in the Red Room,” The name felt natural as if she had been saying it as long as she had known colors. “But it’s locked.”
Olivia paused, turning to look at her two daughters. They stood in the doorway, Y/N squished against her older sister’s legs as they fought for space. It took their mother a moment to realize what Theo was talking about, but when she did, a laugh crept out of her lips. “No, I haven’t been in there,” She meant to continue, telling her daughters about how the moment that she or Hugh got in there, they would all get a proper look around and see that it was probably nothing to get nervous over. Before she could, Theo muttered something to Y/N about being right and walked away, probably to hide away so she could read in peace. 
“But Mommy, I know you were in there,” Y/N tilted her head, and Olivia smiled at the action. It would be years before Y/N would grow out of it, moving her head left and right whenever she was confused. “I know it. I saw you with Luke and with Nell. You were having a tea party, ‘member?” 
Olivia Crain looked into her daughter’s eyes, watching with curiosity as she insisted. The ‘special’ talk she had given Theo remained fresh in her mind, and Y/N’s ‘again?’ played in the back of her mind. “Can I give you another really big word?” She spoke softly, gesturing for Y/N to come closer. Her daughter complied with a nod. “Okay, this one is déjà vu.” 
“Dé-jà-vu,” Y/N repeated slowly. 
Olivia smiled. “Déjà vu is just a way of saying that something you see, or hear, or experience, is something you remember, but you just don’t know how,” Y/N nodded, her eyes not leaving her mother’s. It was these images that Y/N would cling onto later in life when Olivia was long gone. Her dark brown hair, practically black, falling in waves over her shoulders. Eyes bright and soft, her face aged but perfectly so. Her mother was perfect. “I think-” Olivia began slowly and hesitantly. “I think that when you walked into Hill House for the first time, you felt déjà vu, right?”
“I think so.”
“Well, I think that’s because you’re special.” 
Y/N was conflicted by the word. Her parents used it with such praise, but sometimes Steve or Theo would say it sarcastically, with a negative connotation as they teased their siblings. She repeated it, feeling stupid as she continued to say the same things her mother had said but unsure of what else to say. Looking back, Y/N remembered so many of the vivid points her mother had brought up as the two of them crouched in the corner. They had blown her mind; sent her reeling. The reason why Nell always seemed to understand things the others didn’t, how Theo had to start wearing gloves, her mother’s headaches and Shirley’s sleep talking. Special. There was no other way to describe it without sounding dumb, and Y/N appreciated her mother giving it a word so many years back. Y/N was special, just as her sisters were, and just as her mother was. 
Whatever Olivia was, Y/N was fine with being. “I think we’re going to get into the Red Room, and to celebrate we’ll have a tea party. I think your déjà vu just gave us hope, huh?” Olivia’s voice finished in a pleasant whisper, and Y/N nodded without even thinking about it. When her mother looked at her like that, with so much love and pride, how could you not?
Politely, Y/N said thank you before moving out of the room to look for better things. Olivia watched her daughter leave, her small bare feet leaving momentary prints on the wooden floor before vanishing like mist. Her youngest was growing up so quickly, she realized. Moments like this confused Olivia so much, the mixture of joy and pain as she thought of how only yesterday it was Steven being born, and tomorrow they would all be gone and through college. ‘We have to enjoy the time we are in now,’ Olivia reminded herself before turning back to the stained carpet. ‘No one knows if we’ll ever get to come back.’
• • • 
Y/N Crain did a lot of thinking on the plane, trying to distance herself from the woman and her toddler to her immediate right, and the man who kept moving from his seat to the bathroom in the aisle next to her left side. In all of those thoughts, Y/N came to this conclusion: 
The house had always wanted Nell. From the moment the family had laid its eyes on it, it knew it would be her. But it could never get the young girl, not then, because she had all of them. Her family. Their poor mother, in her beautiful green and blue dresses and sun hats was vulnerable. Y/N was there, and all of your siblings were there, but the burden of motherhood was too much for Olivia. She was weak, though none of them would ever know it, and the house took her before it could ever get to Nell. 
But it did get to her, and now Eleanor Crain was gone. Y/N’s beautiful older sister, with her buttons and long hair, her converse and sweaters, her visions and her worrying. Y/N didn’t realize this until later, much later, but every time she ‘dreamed’ of the house, Nell was there too. Sometimes the others would be there — Shirley leading the way or Steve telling her to be careful. But Nell was always there, watching Y/N with smiling and empty eyes. 
She had been thirty-one, six months before Nell would die and she had fallen asleep into Hill House. It was crazy how much Y/N dreamed about it, about the details that she unknowingly got correct, down to the number of patterns in the carpet under her feet. In these dreams, she was never younger than her own age. Y/N floated somewhere between who she was then and who she could grow into, but her siblings were always adults. They would act like children sometimes, and Y/N’s mind seemed to blend fiction with reality. 
This time was different.
She had arrived at an empty exterior. It was an empty shell of a nightmare, the windows dark and the door opened just enough for her to see it was dark in there too. In this dream world, it never occurred to Y/N that she may have been in danger. She was only curious, so she kept walking. Her feet froze at the entrance. The door pushed out winds somehow colder than her surroundings. Every bone in her body urged her to run away from the door, telling her that she wouldn’t like what was inside. With cold hands, Y/N pushed the door open and stepped inside.
It was like walking into a different house entirely. Where Hill House had looked dark and intense from the outside, the interior was warm and well-lit. Her eyes traced the staircase, the ceilings that seemed to blend into the sky. Slowly, her feet brought her along towards the center of the room. Her siblings were standing there, Y/N realized once she had leveled her vision. Steven, Shirley, Theo, Luke, all standing in one line that blurred near the end. There were more people, she just couldn’t make out faces. 
All of the Crains were dressed in white. White dresses, white suits, white shoes. Y/N’s own outfit, if she had thought to look at it, was a faded white as well. They smiled at her warmly, and she felt comfortable. Y/N always felt comfortable in these dreams, never frightened or unsure. She was confident in her actions, walking her to greet her eldest brother at the head of the line. His hands were crossed in front of him, his whole face smiling. The bags under his eyes were gone, and he had seemingly left the tired author look behind him. 
“I saw her,” Steven smiled at his sister. “I saw her.” He leaned down to give her a hug, warm and comforting. Y/N secretly thought that Steve gave the best hugs, although Nell had been a close runner-up. Steve just had that very loving and caring feel that came from a lifetime of being the older brother. ‘He was never the youngest,’ she realized. ‘He never got to be me.’
From next to her, Shirley pulled her sister in for a warm hug, her eyes smiling in the way Y/N hadn’t see them do for quite some time. As they embraced, Shirley leaned into her ear. “Nellie’s in the red room,” Her voice was soft and comfortable, alright with the unusual statement. Y/N nodded as if she understood, moving onto Theo. 
The dark-haired sister paused when Y/N moved in front of her. After looking Y/N over, Theo seemed satisfied enough and pulled her in for a hug as the other two had done. “Oh, Y/N,” Breaking away from her, Theo took Y/N’s hands in her own pale, gloveless ones. She never wore gloves in these dreams. “I touched her. I touched Nell, and I touched death.” Her blinks were slow and calm, her voice as jovial as everyone else’s.
“I knew it,” Luke admitted from next to them. “I never thought about it, but I knew it without touching her or hearing her or seeing her.” Y/N nodded and pulled her brother in for a hug, wrapping her arms firmly around his. His face was clean, his hair brushed. Luke’s words were terrified, but his eyes smiled at her. Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the dream of her older brother, almost too sad to know she would move on again. 
“Y/N, honey,” The voice of her father spoke from next to the two women, and Y/N turned in the direction of the older man. When she saw him, however, Hugh Crain wasn’t older at all. He was the same age as the rest of the Crains, the age that the house remembered him as, and he looked brighter than Y/N had ever seen him look before. He extended a hand to her shoulder, his lips turning up in a soft smile on both sides. He looked calm, all-knowing. So much like her father, but a foreign being all the same. “Nell’s gone.” Y/N nodded, smiling softly back to him. 
In that second, it was if she understood it all. They would see Nell in her casket, in the same autumn-colored dress she would find herself in over ten years later. It wasn’t sad: they were all smiling. It wasn’t sad because it was a dream, it wasn’t real. “Y/N,” A voice floated down from next to them, a voice like a song if it could talk. Y/N Crain gave her father one more smile before turning her head and letting her feet walk. 
Their mother stood at the end, smiling. Y/N’s breaths continued on normally as if her dead mother wasn’t in front of her. It was a dream, Y/N reminded herself. Only a dream.
Olivia Crain smiled at her youngest daughter. “She came home,” She whispered softly and simply, although Y/N heard every sound. 
“She came home,” Y/N echoed, mesmerized by this dream of a mother. 
“You have to see Nell,” They spoke from behind her, their voices in unison. When she turned back to look at them, her siblings were all children. She guessed that they must have ranged from young teens down to kindergarten ages, although her parents remained the same. Her mother with her soft dark hair, never to be cut. Her father with his blue eyes that seemed to have dulled from this young man to her current image of him. “You have to see Nell.” 
“I have to see Nell,” Y/N turned around slowly, the smile painted on her face. She didn’t know where Nell was, yet she wasn’t lost. There was no rush as her feet moved slowly, her family wordlessly trailing behind her. She walked right of the staircase, the short hallway lit with white Christmas lights, twinkling on and off in rotating sequences. On the other side, they shot off in both directions, lining the top of the room and twirling around the statues that kept her sister company. 
Nell Crain lay in a bed in front of all of them, the white sheets neatly made under her body. She was dressed in red, starkly contrasting against the monotone white of your sibling’s outfits. She could have very well been asleep, but her chest was still. She looked fake like a doll would after she was lovingly dressed and her hair brushed. 
This was not her sister, but she smiled despite herself. “Nell,” Y/N whispered. The body before her didn’t move to answer, but she hadn’t expected that it would. The younger of the two reached down a hand -- a shaking hand, although she hardly remembered this -- and touched Nell’s shoulder, wrapping her grip around it as if it could wake her up with a squeeze. 
“She’s not sleeping,” A young Theo spoke from behind Y/N, suddenly closer than the others had been. Y/N turned to look at her, although her sister’s eyes fixed on Nell. 
Olivia stepped closer. “She’s awake now. Nellie’s awake.” In the fleeting moments of a dream, Y/N looked at her mother. It was when she saw her here that she realized the extent to which she missed her. Y/N had grown up motherless for the better part of thirty-two years, and she spent every moment of that time missing Olivia. She hardly remembered the last few days, when Olivia hadn’t been herself but some evil version of their mother, brought on by the wicked house. The memories Y/N had of Olivia Crain, although few, were all good. This was chiefly because she was a good mother. A great mother. 
She stood before Y/N now, her dress spilling out in folds of cloth across her legs and onto the floor, the sleeves flaring out only to tighten around her wrists. Her dark hair starkly contrasted the outfit, falling across her shoulders and back as if it was carefully placed there. Her mouth moved, repeating the last phrase Y/N had heard her utter, although no sound came out. Turning to where Nell had been, Y/N saw only darkness. It surrounded her, as it always did near the end, and Y/N woke up.
• • • 
Y/N had landed late at night, and gone straight to get a rental car. Shirley had called her the night before, to talk and check-in, and also to tell her that she had a room she could stay in at her house. It was an extremely nice, extremely Shirley thing to do, and Y/N appreciated it more than words could say. The rain that had been falling as she landed turned quickly to a storm and Y/N arrived at her sister’s house wet. She waited in the car for what felt like minutes, scared of going inside. Shirley had warned her that they would be setting everything up -- including Nell. She didn’t want to see her sister, not like this. It was a little funny, in a dark way, that Shirley was the one with a funeral home. She had been the one so scared to see their mom in her casket, which Y/N remembered so vividly because her sister being scared had scared her. Y/N had been attached to Hugh every moment she could since they left Hill House, and she had been holding her father’s hand as he had tried to convince Shirley to go up. They had all been scared, but none of them as much as Shirley. 
Once she got out of the car, she found herself hurrying more than she had been to get inside. The rain was coming down in bullets now, pounding against her jacket with such forces she felt she was practically soaked. Y/N hadn’t thought of bringing an umbrella, so she would just have to push through it. 
She rung the doorbell, thankfully waiting now under the cover of a porch. Shirley opened the door, Theo standing not too far behind her. Y/N sniffed from the cold, smiling at her older sisters. Her only sisters.   
“Y/N, hey,” Shirley spoke Y/N’s name first, her voice pleasantly surprised at the younger Crain’s appearance. Her mouth moved as if to habitually ask how Y/N was doing, before realizing the situation and moving in only for a hug. It was Y/N’s first hug since she had found out, she realized as Shirley wrapped her arms around her. They stood there for a moment, and Y/N had to remind herself to take deep breaths as her eyes watered. In the presence of her siblings, she felt younger than she did every other day, and she had to push to not fall into the role of younger sister waiting to be comforted. “Steve’s going to be here soon. He’s bringing Dad and Luke.” 
“How is Luke?” Y/N asked, voicing the worry she had been carrying for Nell’s twin. 
Shirley paused. “He wasn’t in rehab when they found him.” She said simply, her eyes darting between her sister’s to gauge her reaction.  
Y/N’s mouth formed an ‘o’, silently realizing what that meant. Nell had fucking died, and Luke had been off shooting himself up. She couldn’t help but feel bad for her brother, though. Nell and Luke always had their special connection; their ‘twin thing’. 
From out of the corner of her eye, Y/N saw Theo step closer. Y/N moved to her next, Theo forced to balance her almost empty drink as she was met with a hug from Y/N. It wasn’t nearly as warm or as long as the one she had shared with Shirley, but that was what she had expected from Theo. “Hey, kid,” Her voice was warm as she stepped back, crossing her arms enough to balance her drink. “How was your flight?” “Fine,” Y/N said, looking around at her surroundings. It was dimly lit, the blue walls making the room feel big enough that she almost didn’t see the front of the room, the shiny casket balanced near the wall. 
Shirley had followed Y/N’s gaze, and said softly, “You should go see her.” 
“Who?” Y/N said dumbly, before muttering that she was sorry. Who else would she be talking about, who else could she be talking about? These were the female Crains now, Y/N realized. Shirl, Theo, and her. No Mom, no Nell. Slowly, her body turned the direction of her dead sister, seeing the top of her face peeking out from above the edge. “Oh, God. Fuck.” 
She wished that either of her sisters would say something, keep her away from the casket. If she saw it, especially if she saw it as she had in her dream, that would make it true. More than anything, Y/N was praying that it was anything but. There hadn’t been much to say, however, and they all knew it was time for Y/N to do as they had done. “She looks really nice,” Shirley tried to ease her forwards, using the voice that she would bring forward when the small children were scared of the funerals. “You’ll feel better when you do.”
“I know,” Y/N brushed her sister off, taking her first step forward. “I have to see Nell,” The five words were uttered unconsciously, and only to herself. Her walk was slow and deliberate as if she could see it happening in some cheesy movie. Nell came more into the view as Y/N walked, scared to see what she knew was in there. Nell was in there, she saw when she reached the edge. Oh God, that was her Nellie. The same one who would give her two dozen hugs every time they saw each other, the same one that Y/N thought of every time she saw a button. “Shirley, I-” Y/N began, but her voice faltered. Her vision clouded, and she turned around blindly. “Shirley, I wanna go. I don’t wanna see her,” Y/N’s fragile voice echoed in her sister’s ears. Y/N walked clunkily away from her dead sister and towards the two remaining sisters, clutching her own torso as she cried. Shirley met her halfway, catching Y/N in a hug. The younger began to cry harder, Nell echoing in her mind. There was no reason to look at her any longer than she had; Y/N not only knew her sister’s face but she knew the situation. 
Shirley held her sister for what felt like five minutes. She had looked to Theo three times, but the first two the middle sister had been too engulfed with the bottom of her drink, and the third time Shirley Crain had realized there was nothing she could say or do to make it better. It was one of the hardest things as an older sister, having to assess the situation and leave it as it was. She held her sister because that was all she could do. 
By the time Steve and Luke entered, the three had sat down. Y/N had calmed down, her eyes still red and puffy but her voice steady. Shirley stayed next to her, letting Kevin fuss over the minor details of Nell’s appearance. They were discussing their father softly, the three sisters realizing that he had never been to the funeral home before. The doorbell broke the bubble the three had created, although Kevin jumped to get it. He was taking the reins, Y/N noticed. That was good. Shirley needed that break. 
None of them stood up. No one was eager to anything, which she had understood. “It’s funny, Nellie was always trying to get us together in one place,” Shirley spoke in her still voice, clearly uncaring at the familial appearance. “Even Dad tried for years,” Steve said something from the doorway, and the sisters stood up. They would face this burden together, they had agreed silently. 
Theo, who was the last to rise, said something from behind Y/N that she could hardly hear.  Her eyes were focused on Luke and Steve, their coats wet from the rain. Shirley made small talk, and Y/N could tell it was more forced than any conversation the two of them had shared that day. She was still mad at Steve for the book, Y/N reasoned. The younger patiently waited for a little behind her sister as Steve gave her a hug, fiddling with the sleeve of her jacket. She was nervous and hardly understood why. 
“Hey,” Steve moved to her next. “You okay?” It was clear that he had noticed her tear-stained eyes, although she couldn’t blame him. 
Hugging her oldest brother, she answered honestly, “No.”
Steve softly chuckled. “Fair enough.” He moved towards Theo, who walked past him.
Luke was next. He didn’t look high, you had noticed cautiously. In fact, he looked only as bad as the rest of the siblings, which was alright by Luke Crain standards. “Lukey,” Y/N extended your arms out and embraced him. He was cold under her grasp, and she wished that she could make him warm at that moment. Words left her brain, unsure of what to say as they hugged. They released, and Y/N could already tell his eyes were on Nell. She could watch him but refused to follow his gaze any further than when the chairs began. 
There was nothing that dictated who should go first between twins. For the rest of life, it’s supposed to be the oldest. Steve used to always joke about the five younger Crains planning his funeral, and it’s a worldwide regret when a child dies before the parent. Steve especially could see this in Hugh’s eyes, no matter how much he tried to brush it off or hide it. But Luke and Nell were twins. How were they supposed to know who ended in the coffin first?
Certainly not like this, Luke realized as he stared at his sister. Nell looked so serene, not like she was sleeping necessarily, but as if she was at peace. The harder he looked, the less she looked like Nell, however. Maybe the Nell lying there looked like the hundreds of pictures they had of her, but that wasn’t Nell. She was never some picture, and she wasn’t supposed to be some memory. She was Nell, and this was not Nell. Maybe it was better that way, for her to look like a memory of Nell and not his dead twin sister. 
From somewhere far behind him, lost in the emotions of it all, Shirley cleared her throat. “Dad’s not with you?” 
Steve nodded. “Uh, he’s still at the hotel. He told us to go ahead. He, uh, kept changing his clothes.”
Y/N joined her siblings. “He’s nervous.” 
“Yeah.” Steve looked at his sister. She looked more tired than he had ever remembered her seeming, her hair still damp from coming inside. His author’s mind formulated the words to match these pictures, the adjectives coming out sad and forlorn. Watching his siblings hurt like this was painful to Steve. He could hardly bring himself to look over at Luke, he wanted to tell Y/N to go take a needed nap, to tell Theo to try some water instead of the drink she was pouring herself. Steve even wanted to hug Shirley, who he hadn’t been on the best of terms with, and tell her it was going to be okay. 
Y/N spun out of his view as Luke rushed by, unable to even look at his twin sister in this state. No one moved to help him, because no one knew how. Luke needed to be on his own, and that was okay. Shirley brought the attention away from the awkward moment. “He seems a lot better than I expected.”
“Yeah,” Y/N agreed. “I don’t know what I expected, but I guess... higher?” 
“I know,” Steve said, nodding. “I think he’s actually clean a little while now.”
“So what was with the jailbreak?” Shirley asked. 
Steve shook his head. “Long story.” Not sure he wanted to tell it, he moved away to follow his brother. Y/N moved almost in sync with him, as if his movement had triggered her feet instantly. 
She let Steve do the talking. Everyone seemed to form in a circle around the two as they talked for a little, finishing with a hug. He knew how to do it, and all of the other Crain siblings recognized that.
• • • 
Hugh Crain arrived a little later, and things didn’t go as smoothly as Y/N or any of the others had hoped. Steve and Hugh were fighting it out, Shirley had just found at that Kevin had accepted the book money, and Theo seemed to be along for the ride. Someone had put buttons over Nell’s eyes, Steve had blamed Hugh, and the power chose the perfect time to go out. 
Things had only gotten worse from these, with Steve telling his father that the wrong parent had died, and Nell’s coffin came tumbling down. It took a moment like this, one so powerful and heartbreaking, to stop their fighting. Nell never liked it when they fought. 
Y/N had taken the silence to speak. “ I need to tell you something,” Y/N spoke quietly, but loud enough for her family to hear.
“Y/N-” Shirley began, her voice cracking. 
“I see things,” Y/N blurted out, and all five Crains looked towards the younger woman. “Future things.” She glanced from face to face, examining their reactions. Shirl’s eyes widened and her gaze seemed to focus like a camera at her sister as if she could see into her mind if she tried hard enough. Luke seemed to sit up a little straighter, his shoulders tensed and his head pushing forward. Steven looked as Y/N had expected him too — eyebrows raised, his position shifting to balance on both of his feet. If the circumstances had been altered, she almost would have giggled as his hands moved into big-brother-lecture-position on his hips. Theo just stared at her, face unmoving as she took a swig of her liquor. It was brought down with careful precision, her body swaying a little with the movement as she looked at Y/N, almost as Shirley had done. Theo’s gaze was more assertive, more final. Where Shirley wanted to see what was inside Y/N’s head, Theo was reading it. Hugh’s face remained focused and kind, nodding slowly. It was nice to look at him, unusually calming.  
“Future things,” Shirley repeated slowly. It took a momentary pause for Y/N to realize that this had been a question, and she nodded. “What kind of future things?” 
The h/c woman was stunned for a moment. For some stupid reason, she hadn’t expected they would ask what you saw. “Lots of things. Um, somethings are pointless. Like I saw Theo falling asleep during an AP exam a while back, or us picking out bridesmaids dresses with Nell.” She swallowed. “But then there’s... bigger things.” 
“What do you mean? What is this supposed to mean?” Steve scoffed, his voice confused and brotherly. 
“What kind of things, Y/N?” Luke asked softly. For a moment, Y/N looked to him without being as sure as she had been before. Unsure if she wanted to tell them, unsure if she wanted to reveal thirty-two years of safekeeping to anyone, even her siblings. 
Oh well. 
“I saw Steve’s book.” She gestured in his direction. “I saw Shirley get married. I saw Nell,” Y/N froze, suddenly too scared to say what she had really seen. In their eyes she could see that they all knew, however, but she looked down and croaked out, “I've seen Nell’s funeral.” 
What Y/N Crain had neglected to mention that when she walked into Hill House for the first time, she had said “Again?” firmly and distinctively. Olivia had smiled, although you didn’t see it, as if she knew something secret. She did, of course, but this was something Y/N would never find out from her, never find out at all for a long time. ‘It was as if she had been there before,’ Olivia had explained to Theo later on. ‘As if she knew the house from somewhere else.’ 
The siblings looked stunned. Theo was the only sibling to regain her cool composure, but even her face focused more on Y/N as she breathed heavily for a moment. 
“You what?” Luke’s voice was cracked, and Y/N almost heard the echo of the boy he had been. 
Closing her eyes for a moment, Y/N continued. “It was different, but we were all there. Mom was there.” She opened her eyes, glancing from person to person. “Nellie was lying down, and no one was sad. But it was a funeral. It had to have been.” 
Silence fell for a moment. They were all processing, thinking of the implications brought with the news. “When?” Theo spoke finally.
“When did you see it?” Her voice was soft, the cold softness that only Theo could produce. 
“Um, a few months ago?” You guessed, struggling to remember. “Half a year, maybe. At most.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Shirley’s voice, which had been harsh and bitter minutes earlier was now kind again. She had sat up a little straighter, her shoulders pushed back and her face a little paler than it had been before. Y/N never thought it would be this easy, never in the millions of minutes she had thought about telling them. Maybe they all knew, deep down, just as Y/N suspected they all knew about Theo. 
“I was scared,” Y/N admitted. “I had hoped it wasn’t true. But they always are.” 
“Always?” Luke repeated. 
Y/N nodded. “I’ve had these ever since Hill House. I don’t know, I hoped that maybe this time I-I was wrong.” 
“I think that’s one hell of a coincidence,” Steve said.
“It’s not a coincidence,” Hugh spoke up, and Steve rolled his eyes as he looked towards his father. “Your mother didn’t think it ever was, at least. She was hardly ever wrong.” 
Y/N jumped back in to prevent another father-son argument. “I know it’s hard to believe. I’m sorry. I just needed to tell you guys. I thought you should know.” 
Theo nodded. “We knew.” No one argued or said anything. 
• • • 
It was of the most stressful nights of both Y/N and Theo’s lives. The two had gone over to Theo’s place, bringing a few bottles of alcohol with them. Y/N Crain didn’t drink often, but when she did it was hard liquor. She supposed it was because when she needed it, she often really needed it. And with her mind flashing back to the fall of Nell’s coffin, the same moment she had felt her own chest fall.
“I feel like I shouldn’t have said that, not then.” Y/N admitted to her sister. The two were sat in chairs, practically side by side as they held clear cups in their hands. “It was stupid.”
“It wasn’t stupid,” Theo said. “What’s stupid is that you felt an obligation to tell them at all.” 
Y/N chuckled. “Easy for you to say. You’ve already sworn off telling anyone.” 
“No, I haven’t sworn off telling anyone. I’m just not ready.”
“When will you be ready?” Y/N asked, looking towards her sister.
Theo paused. “I don’t know. I’ll know when I need to.” She met her sister’s gaze before adding, “You did.”
Y/N chuckled slightly. There was a comfortable lull in the conversation, the air filled with silence and the soft scent of booze. “I feel like I’m drowning,” Y/N admitted out of the silence. “In all of it, all of this shit.”
“It’s okay to feel overwhelmed.” 
“No, no, I know that. It’s just-” The words froze on her tongue and she sighed. “I miss Mom.” The admittance was soft. “Maybe she was an asshole and maybe she wasn’t, but I love her and I miss her.”
Theo nodded. “None of that was her fault.” 
“It wasn’t.” Y/N said confidently. “I mean, we don’t even know what shit went down in there. We may never know, Theo. And you know, I think I’m okay with that.” 
“Ignorance is bliss.” Theo nodded, her silky glove rubbing circles on the glass. “Fucking bliss.” 
“Fucking bliss,” Y/N repeated, mocking the action like a small child. “Not always, though. I’m glad I’m not ignorant about Mom. I’m glad I remember her, at least a little.” Y/N coughed after downing her drink.
“It’s good to remember,” Theo said, the way Y/N used to say ‘member’ lingering in her mind. 
“Yeah,” Y/N chuckled, looking down at her legs as she crossed them. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
Theo nodded as if expecting more. “Got anything?”
“I remember this one time when we were all going somewhere, on a trip or something,” Y/N began, twirling the bourbon in your glass to watch it swirl. “Mom was sick and we were all so confused. Why can’t Mom come? Why does she have to stay at home? We were so angry and so confused and Dad -- poor Dad! -- he had to explain that we would be fine without her, that it was time for us to go and that she was sick. God, I can only hope we calmed down.”
Theo Crain froze but said nothing. Her youngest sister, Theo realized, had misremembered the most disturbing night of their lives, and perhaps she was better for it. Maybe it was better as a trip that they all took, hidden in a place where Mom’s problems were the flu or a cold, and Hill House was only a house. 
Only a house. she had told herself for years that it was only a house, just wood and concrete, and glass. The wallpaper was just a fresh covering, the paint a disguise. That there was nothing in those bedrooms, nothing in the cellar, nothing in the dark that could hurt her. And if it could, she had her family there. Her brothers would calm her down and her sisters would surely be able to take on whatever was intending her harm. In her parents’ eyes, she saw that they would never let it come to that, not willingly. And it never was willingly, not with their mother and certainly not with Nell.
There was some hidden comfort in that thought, Y/N supposed before smiling softly to herself. They had gone away, yes. Even though it had been at their own hands, she knew that it was never their intention to hurt everyone like this. She hoped it wasn’t their intention -- especially Nell’s -- to bring them all together in some twisted way. She would never admit it, but she was going to hug her siblings a little tighter and a little longer when they said goodbye again. 
They were Crains, and Crains were as strong as hell. That didn’t take much thinking. You could look to any one of your siblings and see time after time when they had overcome, both individually and as a family. When it felt like it was going to be too much, because it would certainly come to that, Y/N made sure she would be there a little sooner and a little longer. 
Looking up at Theo, Y/N smiled. “What?” The older woman said, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing,” Y/N remarked softly, her eyes turning to the table. She looked back up, adding, “I love you.”
Theo gave her a curious smile. “I love you, too.”
Y/N knew that when her sister spoke, it was final and for all of them. They all loved her, she knew that. It was nice to hear it, to know for sure that she was loved by these people she gave her heart and soul to every day of her life. They loved her, and at that moment, that was all she needed. 
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She is dying either way Part 3
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Teen Wolf
Characters: Stiles, Theo, Derek, Mellisa, Scott, Liam, Hayden, the Dread doctors, Kira, Allison
Pairing: Stiles Stelinski/ Theo Reaken X Reader Argent
Summary: Being Allisons big sister you swore to protect her. Always. After she died by the hands of an Oni you start blaming yourself for it. Separating yourself from the pack you throw yourself in fights you know you can’t handle. Becoming a stranger to your friends fighting the supernatural alone. A human against the creatures of the night.
One night you find yourself fighting for your life, ending up nearly killed and in a coma. Waking up left you with severe amnesia. Not even remembering your own name. The pack changes your last name so you can start over. Keeping their distance to protect you from a far. Theo take advantages of the situation and grows close to you. Betraying you, leaving you vulnerable.
Warnings: none so far. But it would be nice to know that the story isn’t at all accurate with the shows time line from season 3.
Word count: chapter word count: 3,220                     total word count 10,370
part 1: here and 2 here 
Panic struck Theo when he had found out. One of them visited him informing him on my condition. ''Her condition is promising.'' he had said. ''Her, who is her?'' He didn't realise they were talking about me. ''Your friend.'' he said before disappearing again.  
Running around his room trying to find some clothes and shoes, he ran to the one person he knew would help, Scott, even if that means coming clean.  
Walking up his door step he knocked hastily on his door. A sleepy Scott opened the door. ''Theo don't you know what time it is.'' he said annoyed. ''It's the Dread Doctors, they took her.'' Suddenly wide awake, Scott let him in.
Pacing impatiently he walked trough the kitchen. ''Can you stop and take a seat?'' Scott was getting impatient. ''How did you know she was taken by the Dread Doctors?'' This was the moment to tell the truth. ''The reason why I knew so much about them was because I was working with them to get to you. The needed someone strong to pass their experiment and once I learned that Y/N was a perfect contestant I tried to win her trust and lead her to them but then I fell in love.''  
Scott walked over to Theo beyond pissed and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. ''If Stiles doesn't kill you after saving her, she will.'' Scott knew that the pack needed Theo alive in order to save me, he was useless dead.
He let go of Theo and walked upstairs most likely to get dressed and call the other. When Stiles heard the news about my disappearing he was furious. He had stormed into Scott's home looking for Theo, finding him in the kitchen. ''Stiles,'' he started but Stile didn't want to hear it and it him square in the face. ''You son of a bitch. I knew you were trouble and now MY girlfriend is missing because of you. I will kill you after we found her.'' Stiles was holding his fist, covered in Theo's blood. For a few minutes Theo had a broken nose which healed a little later.
Laying bound on the operation table, I waited for my faith to meet up with me. Three figurers were hovering over my body. One was holding a rather large injection needle. ''What are you gonna do with that.'' my voice was shaky.
The figurers didn't respond, two were holding me down while the third injected me with a silvery substance.  The liquid felt strangely warm, I could feel it spread to my body, flowing to the ends of my fingertips and toes.
However, it did burn in my face, my cheeks felt fiery and a silver haze cover my eyes, blinded by the liquid for who knows how long I started to hear voices. It started out as a scream but later tuned down to people talking.
Images started to form in my head, at first it felt surreal and a dream but soon I realized it was a memory in staid.  
''Oke Allison, now shoot the apple on my head, I trust you.'' I was looking at a young girl with a bow and arrow. She was nervous and her hands were shaky. ''But what if I hit you.'' she said, scared. ''You won't.'' I assured her. She took a deep breath and then released the string of her bow, launching the arrow trough the air, hitting the apple on my head. ''I told you, you could do it.''  
The scene disappeared and I entered a new one, in each memory there was the same girl, Allison, present. She was my sister, my little sister. Each memory got darker and darker until I remembered every thing.
Walking trough the gates of Oak Creek with the pack to save our best friend. Kira's mother was waiting for us, in the hope to stop is. She tolled us it wasn't our fight but hers. What she didn't realise was that when the Nogitsune took the form of our friend, my boyfriend, it became our fight too.
Scott and Stiles, the real one, ran inside looking for Lydia. She was taken by the Nogitsune and was now trapped. The Oni that she had with her for protection were sent to find the Nogitsune. Little did she knew he was one step ahead.
The Nogitsune had the last of her tail pieces. Once the Oni's where close he broke the tail piece, and they were no longer bound the miss Yukimura. The firefly that gave life to them went out and went up in smoke.
Holding out her hand to see what was going on, everyone, including me, looked puzzled. ''Mom?'' Kira asked worried. ''What is that?'' asked Isaac sensing there was something wrong. ''What does that mean?'' Was my follow-up question.
It was answered, but not by Miss Yukimura. ''It means, there is a change in ownership, now they belong to me.'' It was the Nogitsune, who still had the appearance of stiles. It was sickening to look at, knowing that the loving and familiar face was anything but.
The Oni were now standing behind him, waiting for his command to attack. Allison drew her arrow back and I drew my sword. With a twitch of the corner of his mouth he gave the sign. The Oni now attacked us.
Swords clanking and screams filled the night. Every one fighting one or more of the Oni. It wasn't looking good for us, we all had cuts all over our bodies, one by one we fell to the ground. One of them hovered over Isaac who was sitting on the ground, heavily injured. Allison shot the Oni and a moment later it exploded. She managed to kill one. She figured out how.
Every one was shocked even the Nogitsune. But our victory wasn't for long because right after another Oni pierced his sword into her stomach. A faint scream was heard from inside the building, it was the scream of a banshee.
I turned back around and saw the Oni withdraw his sword from my sister. ''No!'' I screamed as I slashed the Oni but before I could do any damage they all disappeared.
Scott exited the building and caught her before she could hit the ground. Minutes later she was gone. My legs gave in and I fell to the ground sobbing and screaming. Our dad just entered the premises, only to discover one of his daughters had died.
The same silvery haze covered my vision and soon I was back in the dirty room. My body hurt  like hell and it felt like things were growing. With a new-found strength I ripped the restraints that were holding me open and fell to the ground.
I could see my fingernails growing. Screaming out in pain I noticed my teeth growing as well, I now had fangs.
My car accident wasn't real, there wasn't even a car accident to begin with. After the death of my sister, I went completely haywire. I took my anger out on the supernatural, just because I failed as a sister. It was my job to protect her, it was my job to protect my little sister.
When the Deadpool started I fixated my whole life on stopping all the hunters and the very Deadpool itself, it nearly costed my life.  I dedicated my life to protect other packs and all other supernatural creatures. The cuts and bruises I sustained took a toll on my health, I was only human after all. It left me comatose in a hospital.
I tried to relax my body and change back into my human form. My head was pounding and the cold cement floor felt nice against my for head.
I was scared, I didn't know what to do and if I would ever get out of here. Left with mixed feelings about the two boys who were basically my boyfriends. I couldn't deny the feelings I had for Theo, but in reality I was still with Stiles.
Scott had gathered the pack,  they split in two groups. Theo led Stiles and Scott to the hide out from the Dread doctors while Liam and Hayden went looking for a way to spot Theo by using Kira's sword. But for their plan to work they needed Kira.
Taking yet another turn in the underground tunnels. ''Theo we have been walking for almost an hour, we already have searched this entire tunnel system, its not here.'' Stiles was getting even more agitated than he already was. ''Trust me it is here.'' Theo was looking for something on the walls.
It was a symbol of a snake that eat its own tail. ''Here. She is here.'' Theo stepped aside so the boys could see. ''And how do we get in there?'' Scott asked worried. ''We break down the wall if we have too.'' Stiles said and that was exactly what they were going to do.
Scott and Theo wolved out and started pounding on the walls. Cracks started to form in the stone wall and then broke apart, leaving a hole where they could walk trough.
Stiles was the first to run trough, looking for me. In panic, he looked over me on the ground and it was Theo who found me.  He placed his hands on my shoulders and in shock I jerked up. Afraid it was one of the Dread doctors.
Once I saw who it was my body allowed itself to relax. I flung my self in his arms, happy I was safe. ''You came.'' I whispered in his ear. ''I didn't come alone.'' he whispered back. I looked over his shoulder and saw Scott and Stiles.  
Letting go of Theo, I stood up and walked over to Stiles. Hugging him immediately. ''I remember.'' I said to him. ''Everything.'' The smile on my face could be heard in my voice.  ''You do?'' his voice was shaky. I pulled away from the embrace and looked at him nodding. Both happiness and sadness were visible on his face.
Theo didn't know where to look, so he just stood there. Scott was the first to speak up about him. ''Theo, why don't you tell why she is here.'' Confused I looked from Scott to Theo. ''What does he mean by that Theo?'' Theo looked at me scared, he was shaking slightly. ''Tell her Theo.'' It was now Stiles who spoke. ''Or I will.''
The situation was perplexed, I was waiting for someone to tell me what was going on. ''Theo?'' I asked again hoping he would say something, but he didn't. ''Theo has been working with the very same man who brought you here, it was his plan all along.'' It was Stiles who tolled the story, with a bitter tone. ''What?'' Tears started to fill my eyes but I ignored them.
Scott stepped forward and continued. ''Trying to be apart of my pack he gained certain information about you and your amnesia, he tried to use that in his advantage to turn you into a Chimera to.'' So that is what I was.
The tears made place for anger, emotion took over and my teeth started growing and my eyes lid a silvery blue. ''You did this to me!'' I screamed and showed him my claws. My words echoed trough the room. ''Yes. At first, it was my plan but then I fell in love. I tried to stop them from taking you that night at school, but they took you anyway'' he was now crying, I almost believed him.
The reality of him working for the Dread doctors was surreal. All this time that we were dating, he was looking for the perfect opportunity to hand me over to them, and he succeeded. ''I really thought that what ever we had been real, but all this time you had other plans for my future.'' my voice was shaky yet it was clear as ice.
With pleading eyes Theo looked at me. ''Please, babe,'' Immediately I interrupted him. ''You lost the right to call me that Theo.'' I could see the hurt in his eyes but I didn't care. Not any more.  ''You took advantage of me when I didn't even know who I was. We are over.'' I turned my back to him and walked to Stiles. ''I want go home.'' I whispered, while tears where filling my eyes.
I didn't want to care but I did. After all I did loved him. I was already heading toward the exit of the room. Eager to get out of here, all I wanted to do was forget this night.
On my way out to the tunnels Liam and Haydan come running toward us. ''Y/N! they found you!'' Both of them sounded relieved after seeing me walking. ''Yeah, they did.'' I said softly, while looking back. Noticing that the boys hadn't follow me out.  
Walking back to the room I was held captive in I came on to view with a new nightmare. Stiles was lying on the ground with a cut on his head and probably unconscious and Theo was in a fight with Scott.
Without thinking, I jumped between the two. ''What are you doing?!'' I shouted to Theo. ''If I can't be with you, I will follow my old plan to kill Scott and take his pack.'' There was something sinister in his voice, as if he became psychotic. ''If Scott dies I will take his place as pack leader and you will have to fight me too!'' I treated Theo, hoping to scare him off.
It did not scare him as much as I hoped it would.  ''If you survive the transmission.'' Taken back by what he said, I let his words sink in. If I survived, what did he mean by if.  
Liam and Hayden came running in with the sword still in hand. My guess was that he told Scott the new or already known plan while I kept Theo busy. ''If?! So there is a change I might die?'' With pain in his eyes he looked at me. ''Yes.'' The world seemed to spin around me, his words echoing in my head. ''If you've ever loved me, how could you let this happen to me?'' my voice was cracked and it hurt Theo in a way he never imagined it would.
I didn't notice that Scott was standing next to me. ''We know how to stop Theo.'' His words didn't make it to my acknowledgement. Carefully he grabbed my hand to bring me back to heart. ''Uh?'' I briefly looked at him.  ''We know how to stop Theo, go to Stiles.'' I simply nodded and walked over to Stiles who was now sitting on the ground with his head in his hands.
Kneeling besides him I placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with blurry eyes. ''Are you oke?'' I asked him softly, not wanting to shout in case he had a concussion. ''Yeah.'' It sounded more like a sigh than a word.
For the plan to work, Liam tried to sneak up behind Theo. Only Theo was to smart and noticed. He wanted to attack Liam but Scott stopped him. A new fight between them arose, giving Liam time enough to get behind him.
From where I was sitting it looked like Scott was loosing. He got thrown across the room and landed next to Stiles and me.  ''He is too strong, we need to weaken him for this plan to work.'' Scott informed me. Both Scott and I stood up and walked to Theo, neither knowing each others plans.
Somehow it all started with me, so I was the one to end it for once and for all.  I couldn't save my sister, so I made sure I could save my friends. By a couple steps Scott walked in front of me. Just as Theo was about to lace out I extended my claws and jumped in the middle, digging my claws in his stomach.  
With my claws embedded in his stomach he looked at me, blood dripping from the wounds and a small stream from his lips. ''Why?'' He asked in tears. ''You used me, you manipulated me so it's only fair that you die by my hand. Enjoy your life in hell Theo.'' I pulled away my hand and Theo stumbled back clutching his stomach.  
That was Liam's cue to take action. He stabbed the sword into the ground opening up a portal. The floor cracked all the way to where Theo was standing. With one last look he fell. Theo was no longer.
When the portal disappeared I fell to my knees, feeling weak. My body was in pain and couldn't help but cough. In staid of blood or spit I coughed up a silvery substance. ''What is happening to me?'' Tears filling my eyes, I searched for Stiles.
He came rushing to my side. ''No no no.'' was all he said, clearly knowing what was going on. ''Scott you need to save her.'' Ignoring me, he looked pleadingly at his friend. ''It could kill her.'' Hurt was written all over his face. ''She is dying either way!'' Stiles was now shouting and tears were streaming down his face, I was about to die.
You could almost hear Scott think. ''What if she looses her memory again?'' as if that was the least of my problems. ''I will take that risk, and if that is the case then I will be there for her this time. We all will.'' Stiles looked around the room. All knowing that abandon me was the wrong thing to do and that they wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
My mind was running a mile an hour trying to process everything that was going on. The fact that I just killed Theo, that I was dying but there was a way to cure me with the change of dying.
Stiles who was now in tears begging Scott. ''Please Scott, I am not asking you to do this for me, but do this for her.'' Even Scott couldn't fight back the tears any more and gave in. ''Only if she wants it.'' Both boys were looking at me. ''Do it.'' I said hallow, it was a fifty-fifty chance, a gamble I was willing to make.
Nodding he took place next to me on the ground, gently grabbing my arm and rolling up my sleeve. ''It might hurt, a lot.'' Scott warned me. With my other hand I held Stiles'. Scott transformed into his alpha state and bit my arm. I expected it to hurt but it only stung a little. Nothing could have been more painful than what the Dread doctors had done to me.
The bite itself was quick, it was the process that took time. It felt like my body was on fire, similar to my transformation to a Chimera but this time it felt like a warm summers breeze in staid of walking trough a ring of fire.
For a second I felt weak, I felt like all the life was sucked out of me and I may have been dead for a second, but soon after I woke up with glowing yellow eyes.
The end! 
Thank you for reading, feel free to give feed back to help me to improve my future works
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thesoundofnat · 5 years
After the second or third snap
Tony/Pepper, Peter, Morgan, Rhodey, Harley, Nebula, aka his family
Summary: Tony wakes up after the second or third snap and finds himself with a prosthetic arm and four kids.
A/N: A super self-indulgent post Endgame fix it fic where that one thing didn’t happen and Tony suddenly has four kids. Enjoy!
Warnings: Endgame spoilers, nightmares, hints at trauma and PTSD.
Words: 2 258
So you’d saved the universe, almost died, gotten resurrected and were now living your life with a mechanic arm like some sort of Winter Soldier 2.0 and also found yourself with four children instead of the one you’d had before? Yeah, Tony had had a busy year.
He’d woken up at the hospital a week after the snap. The second snap, that is. Or was it the third? The one that had fixed it all, anyway.
(He still couldn’t believe it had worked.)
No one was leaving him out of their sight and apparently hadn’t since he’d ended up there. He wasn’t complaining, though. He had a hard time believing they were real and that this wasn’t an elaborate prank Thanos was pulling off. Despite being dead. They were telling him he was dead. That Tony’s snap had killed him, or whatever being turned to dust meant.
“Can you stand?”
Tony wanted to roll his eyes so badly, but truth be told he wasn’t entirely sure he could. He looked at Rhodey for a moment, unblinking, jaw working. Rhodey got the hint and took a step closer, letting Tony hold onto him as he slowly moved off the hospital bed, the two of them pulling him upright. His body would most likely never be the same again. He could probably use his prosthetic arm just as well as he’d used his flesh one - once he’d figured out all the quirks because it wasn’t as easy as it looked - but the rest?
He groaned, every muscle straining, screaming, as he and Rhodey put more and more weight onto his legs. They’d been doing this for the past week, slowly testing his body and preparing it for the eventual separation from the bed. Tony was weak, but he was getting restless. Needed to get out of here as soon as possible.
“Don’t overwork yourself, Tones,” Rhodey said, a gentle reprimand. They all knew Tony would break his own legs in an attempt to seem strong enough to leave.
He deflated, suddenly falling back onto the mattress. “Shit.”
“You shouldn’t even be alive and you’re mad your body hasn’t recovered in a month?”
“God, I hate it when you’re right.”
Rhodey let out a laugh. He’d been doing that more often recently.
The door pushed open slowly, a face peeking in. “Mr Stark?”
They all ignored the heart monitor acting up. It always did that when Peter walked into the room; his mere presence always a surprise. His existence still not something Tony was used to. Could barely believe.
Tony sent him a tired smile. “School let you out early?”
“It’s Saturday,” he said and opened the door fully to pull a dimpled Morgan in with him.
It still got to him, seeing his kids together, after thinking he’d never be able to introduce them. It still made him tear up so violently he sometimes actually shed tears. No one - but Morgan - ever commented on that either.
“Hi, kiddo,” he said as she bounced over, careful not to touch him like she’d been instructed. God, Tony couldn’t wait to hug her so tightly they became one. “Did you have fun with Peter?”
She nodded. “Uh huh.”
“What did you do?”
“Got ice cream.”
“Ice cream, huh.” He ran his palm over her cheek. “He’s a nice babysitter.”
He also had nightmares, but Tony only found that out several months later.
Peter had stayed over so many times after Tony was able to go back home that they installed a whole new room for him.
“That way you won’t have to fight everyone over the couch,” Tony had said and used all his strength to punch him lightly on the shoulder.
Peter had been beaming for days.
On most nights, Tony slept well, if only because he was constantly exhausted. But on the occasional restless neverending turning and tossing fest, he would wander the house just to remind himself of the people who occupied it. Remind himself that they were all there, safe, asleep.
It was a night like such that he first heard Peter crying.
He paused, ears straining, practically pushing himself against Peter’s door in order to hear him better. It wasn’t necessary. It was the type of sobbing that you couldn’t really muffle.
He entered, panicked. “Pete.”
Peter untangled from the heap beneath the covers. “Tony.”
“Kid, what’s wrong?”
Peter wore his emotions on his sleeve. Tony had always admired that about him, but he’d never seen him break down like this before. Not even his panicked rambling before the snap was on this level of hysteria.
Tony held him as he cried that night. Reassured him that everything was fine and he was here and Tony was here and everyone was all right. In the end he almost believed it himself.
“I’m sorry,” Peter said once he was calm, his breathing regular.
“Don’t,” Tony said, running his thumb over Peter’s cheek to wipe the tears away. “Don’t apologize for feeling.”
“I don’t really feel as if I have the right to feel like this.”
“Stop that.”
“You’re here, right? You made it. We’re all back. I don’t know why I’m so-”
Peter leaned forward, pressing his face into Tony’s chest. “I’m sorry.”
Tony wrapped his arms around him. “Please stop.” Stop repeating the last sentence you’d said before vanishing. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Morgan found them like that, eyes blinking in a way that told him the noise had woken her up. “Daddy?”
Peter tried to push away from Tony’s embrace, something he often did whenever Morgan was around. Assuring her he wasn’t stealing her father.
Tony almost rolled his eyes. “Come here, bean,” he said, opening one of his arms to let her crawl into the hug. “There’s plenty of space.”
He noticed Morgan seemed much more attached to him now after his hospital stay. Every morning she would wrap her hand around the fingers of his uninjured hand, hold them for a moment, before allowing him to continue making breakfast. As if she, too, needed to remind herself that he was real. That little mind and heart of hers. They were bigger than all of them.
“I can’t regret anything that’s happened,” he told Pepper one evening, the two of them curled up on the couch, alone for once thanks to Happy taking Morgan to the movies. “Not when it brought her to us.”
Pepper hummed, her fingers in his hair in that soothing manner of hers. “I know what you mean.” A pause, and, “I’m happy you can finally have some peace of mind, now that they’re all back.”
He squeezed her. “On a scale of one to ten, how angry are you at me for doing the snap?”
Her lips twitched. “I would’ve been angrier had you not survived.”
“Well, I’m glad I’m around to face it then.”
She laughed. He laughed. The topic slowly getting easier to talk about, as did everything.
Pepper kissed his prosthetic knuckles and said, “So when are we inviting Nebula over for dinner again?”
Nebula. Tony had been worried that they would only remind each other of the time stuck in space, starving and hopeless, but they didn’t. In fact, he felt even more protective of her once they were on Earth. She’d been one of the few people who semi regularly visited him after Morgan was born. She respected his choice to lead a quiet life and never asked anything of him. Rhodey had once called her his second daughter, which was ridiculous but… well, he couldn’t deny it. She was in such obvious need of a good parental figure, after everything.
“You don’t have to adopt everyone, you know,” Pepper had once said, but there was no malice in her voice. Only fond amusement.
“I know,” he’d replied, bouncing one year old Morgan in his lap. “But I know all too well what it means to not have that kind of support in your life.”
That had been the last time Pepper had brought it up.
Nebula told him she wasn’t on Earth when he called, but that she’d come over as soon as she was back. Tony asked her to be careful, and she rolled her eyes.
“You’re such a dad,” Peter told him, having been sitting quietly on the couch doing homework during Tony’s call.
Tony snorted, giving him a poke to the ribs. “I’ve never heard you complain.”
Peter grinned. “Oh, I’m sure I’ve complained. Remember the baby monitor?”
“I don’t regret that one a bit.”
“Of course not, pops.”
When Tony had nightmares, he dreamt of Peter and Morgan and Pepper being torn to pieces. Not dust. Pieces. The time Harley appeared in one of those dreams, was the first time he called him in five years. He’d tried to, after the first snap, but he’d been one of the victims. His world felt so small after everything, and he had a hard time imagining people having lives outside of his bubble. People being back when he couldn’t see them.
Harley told him he’d heard Tony had saved everyone, after he’d returned. He was about Peter’s age now, both of them teens even though they should’ve been in their 20s by now.
“You wanna come over?” Tony asked. “Or can I come see you?”
“I’ll come over. Old men like you shouldn’t travel.”
Harley was laughing on the other end, and Tony felt his heart soar. He’d missed their phone calls.
No one questioned Tony flying a kid they’d never met over. They’d heard of him, of course, but Tony had a feeling he could bring just about anyone to the lakehouse and no one would say a word. Saving the world - and almost dying - had its perks.
“Peter offered you to have his room for the weekend,” Tony said.
Harley, taller than Tony now that bastard, put his bag down. “Is Peter your son?”
“Something like that. But don’t you worry.” Tony nudged him in the ribs. “You were my first born pain in the ass.”
Morgan adored him, just like she’d adored Peter and Nebula. They all had an obvious soft spot for her too, but Harley fell in love. For two whole days, he wouldn’t stop carrying her. Tony jokingly asked if he was gonna try to sneak her into his bag before leaving.
“Don’t tempt me,” Harley had said, giving Morgan a squeeze.
His weekend turned into a week, which just so happened to be the same week Nebula was coming over. Suddenly their lakehouse felt a bit smaller, but his heart so much fuller.
“I can sleep with Harley and Nebula can have Peter’s room and Peter can sleep with you,” Morgan was saying, and Tony had to laugh at Peter’s scandalized face as he said, “The couch works just fine, really.”
They compromised. Morgan slept with him and Pepper, Nebula got Morgan’s room and Harley stayed in Peter’s while Peter took the couch, stating that he could just go home but chose to stay, therefore he wasn’t forced to sleep on the couch.
Despite all the love in the house, Tony had a nightmare that night. He woke up trembling, heart beating so wildly that he was scared he was dying. He wasn’t dying. Not anymore. He was merely reliving it; dying.
He rolled over to find Pepper and Morgan asleep, breathing calmly. Unaware of his breaking heart. He watched them for a moment, willing the sight to fix it, before he left the bed, left the room, and let his feet steer him to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass of water, he walked to the living room and watched Peter sleep, mumbling something, but it didn’t seem to be because of a nightmare. Tony hadn’t caught him crying again, but he knew it didn’t mean he never did. He himself was a living example of people not always noticing when you were cracking.
He took a sip of his water and moved on, toward the room were Harley was sleeping. He stopped before the door, listening. Opening it just a crack to find him curled up, back toward him, but breathing deeply enough that Tony knew he was asleep. He had no idea how Harley actually felt. If the snap had been traumatic. If he felt like he’d missed out on things. They hadn’t talked about it. Maybe they had to.
Another sip. He closed the door.
It took him longer to enter Nebula’s room. He felt that, out of everyone, she was the most likely one to be lying awake, thinking and overthinking. Maybe that was why he should enter. Give her some sense of peace in not being alone in that.
He cracked the door open, sticking his head in. She’d never looked so calm as she currently did. Her ever present frown all smoothed out, her mouth half open. Tony left immediately. Couldn’t bare the thought of accidentally waking her.
He took another sip and by the time he re-entered the kitchen his water was gone. He felt better. His heart felt more whole.
He was aware it would always be like this, but for once his reality was enough to make it worth it. He had his wife, best friends, and four kids. He’d saved the world for them and was grateful for it every single day. Life after the second or third snap was more than he could’ve asked for, really.
He went back to bed, Morgan claiming his prosthetic arm immediately.
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Look at you (alternate!)
Steve Harrington x Hopper! Reader
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Summary: ok But what if you Don't necessarily make it back to the mall to see el and steve with just a twisted ankle?
Warning: angst! Angst for days/ death!/probably Not good/ swearing?
You've had a very long and exhausting day with your father and joyce and  For a moment everything that had happened before felt like a fever dream, the fight between you and your dad, the mice Russian scientists, the weird man murray, who you vaguely remembered getting along with.
    It was all there but fuzzy kinda how your vision was right now. You could see your dad and joyce looking over you worriedly but there faces kept slipping in and out of focus and their voices were so so far away. 
    You where certain it was a dream. "Y/n sweetie this is gonna hurt...Just Stay with us!" You blinked a few times really trying to register everything in your mind. Suddenly you let out a blood curdling scream, almost  snapping you out of your dizzy state.
  And instantly everything came back so quickly it hurt your head, almost as much as the pain in your side. 
    You remembered arriving to the fair agreeing with joyce that you would stay with murray and alexie until the found everyone. You had stuck by alexie while murray went to grab food. 
 Alexie had won a giant stuffed woody woodpecker doll and a smaller prize for yourself. 
   You remembered how you both happily started making your way to Murray with prizes in hand. 
Then you saw him, it was like he just appeared out of thin air. The Russian terminator, the one who beat the shit out of your dad at hawkin lab, the one who chased you from the house you found Alexie and now the one who was pulling out a gun ready to kill him. 
   In a swift and sudden movement you put all your strength into pushing alexie out of the way, as soon as you did so you felt the bullet pierce your side. 
Then everything went hazy the voices went distant and your vision blurred. 
  Now You cried out in pain, tears starting to roll down your face. 
   You felt Joyce's hand in your and instinctily squeezed down on it. 
"Stop! Stop!" 
"Hop! Stop it!" Hopper quickly stopped pushing his finger into your bullet wound in an attempt to fish it out. 
   "If we can get her to the others we can keep her alive murray suggested. 
"Is she going to make it?"
    You felt yourself be lifted off the ground into hoppers arms. 
"I'm sorry for yelling at you...I know you love me and El both."
 He shook his head and quickly started making his way through the fair. "I know sweetie I'm sorry too...but right now I just need you to work on staying awake.Ok? We need to get you to the mall...they'll have stuff to help you I'm sure…" you nodded. 
   Hopper sat in the back of the Todd father with you as joyce raced down the street, murray in the front and alexie on the other side of you. 
"I wanna...I wanna see steve and...and El before i-" 
   "Don't worry you're gonna see them...I promise and you aren't going to die…but in order to do that you need to stay awake ok? Please stay awake..." hopper wrapped his arms around you tightly. And despite everything being hazy you could see tears building in his eyes. And You somehow managed to wrap your arms around him. 
  He could see you where dozing off. 
"C'mon kid stay with me!" you lay your head back against the car door and look up at him. You could feel his hand press hard against your side causing you to whimper out.      
    "Uh...remember...remember the time..where you had Steve over without me knowing? I came to check on you and you pushed him off the bed?" 
   You chuckled half heartedly and breathless. "He...he fell so hard.. He sprained his wrist." you added. 
 Joyce bit her lip, hearing the sadness in hoppers voice as he tried so desperately to keep you awake, she started driving a little bit faster. Everyone in the car was silent holding, very obviously on edge. 
    "How about Halloween? Huh?" you smiled shutting your eyes. "You told el she couldn't go trick or treating...but I took her anyways...she was so happy and later that night...that night we watched Charlie Brown...and ate all our candy.." tears slipped down hoppers face. "Yea…You always did whatever it took to make people happy...and safe…I always told you not to be a hero...and that still never stopped you..." 
 You hummed in response watching the stars pass over your head, even those where starting to blur, "how could it?...I for everything I know from you…"  
       Suddenly the night sky was interrupted with hues of electric pink light.
    "We made it!" 
Hopper quickly  lifted you up and raced you into the mall. 
  "Hop?" You heard el's voice very faintly as the five of you ran into the mall. "Holy shit! Y/n!?" 
   You looked up upon hearing Steve's voice. "Harrington?" Steve ran toward you right alongside eleven. You reached out to Steve with both arms and he was quick to take you into his just like hopper had you. 
   "Y/n?" You looked at him half lidded. "God, look at you…" you reached your hand up to touch his bruised cheek. He chuckled feeling worried years build in his eyes too. "Look at me? Look at you…" 
"Keep pressure on her side!" steve looked around  for a place to set you in order to do so. 
  "Steve!" el pulled the both of you to the platform that surrounded the plants in the center of the mall. He pulled you onto it resting you between his legs, so your back was against him. He pressed his hand against your wound causing you to wince. 
   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he kept his other arm securely wrapped around your shoulders. "It'll be ok…" 
You rested your head against his shoulder. Closing your eyes. 
   "Yes, Steve?" 
"I'm making sure you aren't dying." You chuckled followed by a cough. 
El came up beside You taking your hand tears streaming down her face. 
   "El...don't...Don't cry...I'll...I'll be…" You took a shaky breath. "I'll be ok...who's gonna take you to do things dad won't let you huh? Can't do that if I'm dead…" 
You felt her jump up and hug you, you could feel her tears hitting your neck and shoulder. "El..please…" You hadn't cried until this point, you didn't want to worry your dad or Joyce. But seeing el crying like this broke you. 
  "Bring her here!" 
"Hop, she's lost a lot of blood do you think-" 
   "It has too! It has to work, joyce! I am not going to lose one of my daughters."
Steve picked you up and carried you over to where they were setting up. 
  After he laid you down you grabbed his hand. "Steve please..please Don't leave!" 
   "Hey I'm not going anywhere." 
You coughed out a sob. "Promise me that you'll take me on a trip? Somewhere nice? Just for a whole?" 
 "Yea i...I Promise...where did you have in mind?" 
You thought a moment as murray, joyce, johnathan and hopper all worked to help you. "Rus-" You grind your teeth in pain. 
   "Russia might be nice?..." Steve laughed through his tears. And You squeezed his hand, not that he really minded or noticed, not in this particular moment anyways. 
   " I love you Harrington." 
"I love you too..." You cried out again squeezing his hand harder. 
   "It's ok...almost over…" Steve tried his best to reassure but the look on murray and Joyce's face said otherwise.
   Robin sat next steve, and despite not really knowing you as much as she liked her eyes where red and puffy matching everyone in the room, the room was not quite enough to hear a pin drop or anything like that because instead it was filled with hushed murmurs from friends whispering things about what had happened, and choking sobs from every direction you looked.
El was still sitting over you her body shaking with ever sob she let out. Hopper sat next to her and pulled her into his arms.
     Steve was curled up his knees brought to his chest and his head hidden inside.  "Hey…" there was a beat of silents. Robin was convinced That he wasn't going to say anything. 
   "That was...that was the first time...the first time we said to each other... and in all the times I imagined it...I never once thought it would be the last time too…" Robin looked down defeated by his words. "And I promised her...I would take her away from here so many times...before I got this stupid job, before we finished school, I always told her we would run away from Hawkens...leave it all behind and start new in some foreign and new place...I promised her!" 
   "Steve…"  he tucked his head back onto his knees his body shaking with sobs. She didnt say anything else she just sat next to him in scilents letting her own tears fall. 
   "Harrington…" He looked up again to see hopper standing there looking worse than he had. "Here I think...I think she'd want you to have this.." hopper tossed him something before sitting down. 
   Steve caught it and examined it. "Her necklace?..." 
   "It's not just a necklace, shit head...just open it." 
Steve did as he was told and piped it open finding the insides to have two pictures. One being him and you, it made him smile he remembered that day. Hopper was out and you had him come over to watch a movie, but instead You two had ended up laying on the floor just talking, he asked about different things in your room and you happily explained the story behind them, before finally getting up and grabbing your camera and laying back in your spot on the floor. 
   He had begged you not to take that picture but you did, it was slightly fuzzy but just clear enough to make out what was happening. 
   You had your face turned to him and his to you as he attempted to push you away. You where both so happy there. 
   "I remember she told me it was awful...I can't believe she kept it.." 
   "Yea that was taken...the day after I brought el home…" it was a silly picture, you and el where looking behind You as hopper angrily looked at them ready to take the camera from them. 
  "I think you should have it…" 
Hopper shook his head. "I have plenty to remember her by…"
Steve nodded looking at the picture letting another tear fall onto it.
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justmewoo · 5 years
Tony's Big Brother [ Male Reader x Avengers] A Wish.
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A/N: This idea came to me last night and I had to write it out. This story is my first time writing one of avengers and my grammar sucks cause english isnt my first language so if people would like me to continue it please let me know :)
I was always my father's favorite son until his last breath, after all, I was the oldest. But did I enjoy that feeling of growing up? The answer is no, I did not enjoy being my father's favorite son because it hurt my younger brother Tony.
The fact he always compared us to one another and saying how Tony should be more like me, made my blood boil every time he would do that in front of everybody. Growing up, the distance grew between us making it difficult to communicate with one another. 
Whenever I wanted to spend time with him, he would move or avoid me. He didn't want to play or do anything with me. Mom tried talking with him saying how "we are siblings and need to get along." But that phrase went in one ear and out the other, Tony simply did not care what so ever. 
At six years old I made a promise to myself that I would protect Tony from the moment he was born. 
I was born in New York City 1964. I was told by my mother that father was happy and excited about being a father. My name was chosen by him as [Male Name] Howard Stark. So you can say that's another reason why Tony could never like me. I had grown up as an only child, it was a lot of fun because I truly enjoyed all of his inventions and how he got to meet Captain America. Also watching war documentaries, something that Tony didn't like much. 
We also had a butler named Jarvis, he always spent a lot of time with my brother. He was a lot closer to him than our father but he was more of a father figure to him than our own dad. When I was at the age of 15 my father would take the both of us to Stark Industries to know about the family business. But I just couldn't really find interest in the industry, my thing was learning how to build cars. Which also caused me a few problems with him. 
When I hit my last year of high school I had made it into a top university where they would teach you to learn everything about Automotive Tech and Car. Yet, the second I got the scholarship, my father talked with the school informing them that I was going to stick to the "family business" and that I didn't need to learn any other thing besides the Stark Industries. 
My mother was a very caring and loving woman if it wasn't for her I had no idea how we three would have survived. She was the opposite of my father and I only wish she would have lived a bit longer. It was my fault that both my mother and father died in that car accident. 
We had gotten into a bit of an argument that night on December 16, 1991. It was my fault if only I hadn't had been so weak then maybe they would have still been alive. That night we were in the car, I had joined boot camp to enlist into the military but they both didn't want me going so they picked me up and were taking me home. But when we were on our way there, a motorcycle had been following us for the last five minutes until it cornered us, causing my father to crash the car in the middle of the road. A guy wearing black clothing and long raven hair who had a long silver metal like arm opened my father's door throwing him on to the ground and beating him to death...he then banged the back of his head against the car killing him in an instant. "Howard" my mother yelled in a low voice with pain. "You bastard!" I yelled in anger. My mother was seriously injured and couldn't move. I had to get her out of the car but I wasn’t able to move my body felt like it was paralyzed by the pain I felt. "Don't worry m-mom I will get you out of here." I looked down at my left thigh to see I had a few pieces of glass stuck into my skin that was creating a small puddle of blood. I clenched my fist in anger and made an attempt at moving my body but I had to little no avail. 
I looked at the long raven man, he then began to move towards my mother's side and slowly grabbed her by the neck suffocating her. I closed my eyes trying not to picture her pain but it became impossible. Hearing her painful screams made me feel weak, she gasping for air until there were no more sounds. She was dead.
I bit my tongue trying to open the door, after much push and trying to swallow the screams of pain that wanted to erupt, I had opened it grabbing his attention. The man’s eyes then looked in mine, even with the small lamp post that was illuminating the street, it wasn’t enough to reach his eyes. It made my body freeze from just his stare alone- I dragged myself on to the ground, landing on my face. The pieces of glass were going in deeper making the small pool of blood to become bigger.
I tried getting up to fight him but he was too strong. He had managed to grab me from my back and throw me against the car. My bones then made a cracking sound with every hit I received. By the time he was gone, I had fallen unconscious. My body was covered in blood and cuts along with dirt. But to this day watching my parents being murdered in front of me is something I will never forget. All I could think about that night was Tony and the fear of dying.
But when I had opened my eyes it wasn't 1991 anymore. Somehow the world around me looked differently. Nothing looked like how I knew it used to be instead everything looked advanced. When I woke up I was in what seemed to be a room, with walls painted light green along with picture frames of a young woman with brown hair and blue eyes wearing a summer dress. Behind her was a tall male who seemed to be around my age and had all my features his hands where wrapped around her. My eyes widen when I noticed that guy was me and she was pregnant. The rest of the picture frames were of the two of us.
There was a picture of us on our wedding day. In the middle of the wall were about nine brown pictures that seemed to be a baby? There ultrasound pictures and if they are nine that could only mean that.... 
Crying sounds could be heard coming from inside the next room. I gulped when I heard the sounds of footsteps coming to this room. I looked down at myself to realize I wasn't wearing the same clothes anymore but that also sorta freaked me out. But I failed to notice the wedding ring on my left hand. Anyway, the doorknob twisted and opened revealing the girl from the picture holding a pink blanket and the crying noises were coming from that. 
"I'm sorry did she wake you up. Maria hasn't stopped crying all morning since you last put her to sleep I, think she wants her daddy." She said walking around the bed and over to me, then handed me the baby girl. She opened her eyes and those brown eyes stared back at me, she stopped whimpering. 'She has my mother's name.' I thought inside my head. 
The baby well Maria had some of her features but definitely had my mother's eyes. I rocked her with my arms back and forth carefully. "She's definitely daddy's girl. Told you she missed you its such a shame you have to go back to work at the office Mr. President of [Last Name] Cars." 
I looked at her confused. 'Who's [Last Name] is that?"
I continued to stare down at her as she slowly closed her eyes falling into a deep sleep. The woman came closer to me and took the baby in her arms but not before planting a kiss on my cheek. She got up from the bed and exited the room leaving me alone in my own thoughts. "What the hell is going on here? Who is she and where am I? I need to get out of here." I stood up from the bed quickly exiting the room without making a sound. I went down the stairs only to bump right into her.
"I’m sorry I didn’t see you." I apologized grabbing her gently from her wrist. She suddenly hugged my side and wrapped her arms around my waist burying her face into my chest. I didn't hug her back and thats when I noticed the ring on my left hand. I just stood there awkwardly, "Thank you for changing [Male Reader] it means a lot now that we have our daughter. I just hope your parents love her as much as we do. Speaking of them, they called saying they might come to visit for Christmas next week." 
I moved away to the side turning around taking a deep breath. I felt like my head was going to explode. None of this is making any sense at all. First I'm on the ground dying next to my parents and suddenly I wake up to a home in a different year with a wife and daughter and now my parents are alive. And who the heck is [Last Name] Car thing. I shook my head pinching myself hoping to wake up. 
"None of this is making sense." I murmured. 
"Are you alright [Male Name] why are you pinching yourself." She asked walking near me placing her hand on my shoulder. "Are you remembering the accident. The doctor did say some things wouldn't make any sense and that you might be confused." 
An accident? The only way of knowing what's going on is if she explains it to me. I clear my throat. "Yea, can.... can you explain to me." I asked looking into her eyes. 
"It was about a month ago when you got into a car accident when you were operating a new invention for a car. The brakes weren't functioning well so you crashed against another car. The doctor said it might had caused an impact in your head and memory." I shook my head. That can't be possible I suddenly looked around the living room looking for a date. 
"What day is it today? What year are we in?" I asked as she ran a hand over my cheek looking at me with concerned eyes.
"It's December 17, 2015 hun don't you remember it's almost going to be christmas." She said planting a kiss on my lips, spinning around and taking my hand in hers guiding me to the other side of the living room to see a big Christmas tree in the corner with lights and gifts under the tree. 'It's almost Christmas?' She guided me to another side of the room to see more pictures with tons of people. 
The people in the picture frames looked nothing like me. A man who seems to be in his late fourthies was standing next to a lady who appeared to be his wife because they where kissing each other. Next to them was me and a girl who looked older than me probably in her thirties. She had two kids and a guy standing with her. "Are these my parents?" I asked her. Nodding her head. 
"Yes there your parents and sister along with your brother in law and two kids. Alice is your mother, Stuart is your father, Jane is your sister, Alex is your brother in law and the two kids are Anthony and Alexandra. And in case you forgot your wife's name which is me my name's Jennifer." She smiled at me. 
"Right... I remember now thank you for telling me their names and yours. I guess I still have some recovering to do." I smiled at her acting normal but in the inside I was still freaking out.
"Thats what am here for to help you recover. Now that you know all the information do you think we can get ready to go out and shop for my parent's gifts?" 
I smiled gently at her nodding and wrapped my arms around her placing my head on top of hers. 'Tony where are you.' was the only thought that came crossed my mind.
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controloffandoms · 5 years
Heart Breakers (P.P./S.M.)
Prompt: I’m still on my Endgame fics….But this one is with a twist. Your soulmate feels everything you do, emotions, pain, etc. 
Pairing: Spiderman x Stark!reader
Words: 4528
Warnings: Major character deaths, Endgame spoilers (kinda), violence, depressed reader
Notes: In this, after the characters turn to ash, they continue to age so that they come out as they would have already been five years later.
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Seven Years Ago
You trailed after the spider boy. Your father was currently dealing with another problem. The ‘Spider Man’ was fighting a man who called himself ‘The Vulture’. You winced as you saw the ship split in two. You hurried over, grabbing the ship and pulling to keep it together. Peter was still a whiles away from the ship. “Any time now, Parker,” you muttered. 
Once he swung into the ship and began to hold it together, you worked on melting the metal back together. You groaned slightly as your arms twinged in pain, but brushed it off as you holding the boat together as long as you did. Once the ship was relatively back together, you and Parker got back to the city. “Seriously, why have you been following me around all day? It doesn’t mean anything unless you’re actually in that suit, Mr. Stark.”
You rolled your eyes, letting your helmet fold down into the suit. “Dad told me to make sure you were okay while he was gone. That’s what I’m doing. And, if you didn’t notice, I kept that ship together long enough for you to get there and hold it together while I welded it back together. If I hadn’t been there, that ship would have gone down.”
Peter just looked at you before he rolled his eyes. “I don’t need a watchdog.”
“I never said I was a watchdog. I’m simply here for when you need help. I’m not going to involve myself in every single thing you do. Most people would be happy to have me watching their back,” you rolled your eyes with a sigh. 
Peter shook his head. “I don’t need your help. I’m doing fin-”
The wind was knocked out of you at the same time Peter was hit dead on by vulture. It took you a second to regain your breath, another second to process that you hadn’t been hit, and another second to go chasing after the Vulture. “Hey, birdbrain!” You knocked him off Peter, grabbing Peter’s arm so he wouldn’t fall. 
You set Peter on a roof top to allow him to do his thing. You continued after Vulture. You lost sight of him and slowed your flying down to be able to properly look for him. A yell from your left caught you off guard. The Vulture pounced on you, causing you to freefall, hitting the ground with enough force to jar your head. You groaned as the Vulture’s claws found a weaker part in the arm piece. It was beginning to cut into your skin. You raised your other arm, blasting him off of you.
Peter was behind the Vulture, attacking him. You took a second to get a breath and got up. You rushed Vulture, kicking him into the side of a building. With both you and Peter working together, you were able to subdue the Vulture. You put in a call to Fury to have him pick up the man that Peter had webbed up snugly to a light post. “Are you alright,” Peter asked, motioning to your arm. You could see the blood slowly seeping out from the broken metal. 
“This is going to be a bitch to get off, but I’ll be fine. Hazard of the job.” You wanted to ask if he felt it too, but you didn’t want to be too hopeful. “Are you alright? Vulture plowed into you at full speed earlier.”
“I heal pretty quickly.”
You nodded. You sighed before letting the helmet down again. “Would you like to come back to the tower with me? I think we both need to talk.”
Five Years Ago
You watched as the metal wheel thing descended from the sky. “What the hell is that,” you asked your dad. 
“I don’t know.” You both raced off towards it. 
You let the suit disassemble into the jewelry you wore as your father talked with Bruce and some wizard guy you didn’t know. You felt a sense of calm envelop you and smiled slightly, knowing it was Peter sending it to you. You had no doubt that he’d seen the alien ship and would be on his way. 
You stepped closer to the ship...it was interesting tech from what you could see. You didn’t see the alien that stepped out of the ship, nor did you hear his voice...you were too interested in the alien tech. You realized your mistake too late, grunting at the impact of the wall. You got up, glaring at the one that had hit you. “That was rude.” You let your suit form around you again, “let me return the favor.” 
You blasted the alien’s ass to kingdom come. “Jackass,” you muttered as you landed beside your father and the others. The helmet retracted and you glared at the alien in front of you. “Are you going to be a jackass as well? I’ll happily kick your ass if that’s the case.” 
You don’t know how long you and the others had been fighting the aliens from the metal wheel, but suddenly it was taking off and you couldn’t breathe. You clasped a hand to your throat, collapsing to your knees. Bruce was by your side in seconds trying to talk to you, but you couldn’t hear him over your panic. Peter couldn’t breathe. Peter couldn’t breathe. Peter couldn’t breathe.
Then, Peter could breathe. You could breathe again. “He’s lucky I made a suit for him,” your father called through the coms.
“Sorry about that, Love,” Peter stated. 
“It’s okay. I’ll head up to the ship and-”
“No, I’ve already got one teenager to look after, I don’t want to be worried about you. Stay with Bruce.” 
“I need you down there because I know you can make the tech they need. I need you to trust me.”
“And we’ll be back before you know it, (Y/N/N),” Peter added. 
You sighed. “Stay safe, both of you. And I love you both,” it felt awkward to say it, but you didn’t know when you’d see them again...or if you’d see them again.
“I love you,” Peter immediately responded.
“I love you too, kid,” your father added.
You watched Thanos’ forces hitting the barrier around Wakanda. You’d already given all the tech you’d made out to its rightful owners. It was now about time for the battle. You looked at the person who was gripping your arm. Steve Rogers, one of your dad’s best friends. “You alright, (Y/N)?” 
“Thanos’ army is trying to find ways into Wakanda, we’re about to go through the fight of our lives, I have no idea where Peter and my father are, and no idea where Thanos is. Not to mention that Vision wants us to kill him if we can’t get the mind stone out of his head in time to protect it.” You let out a shaky breath, “I’m just peachy.”
“We’re not going to let him win easily.”
You nodded. “Rig-ugh,” you clutch your stomach. “I think Peter found Thanos,” you mumbled. You were finally able to get a full breath in. You stood back up, rubbing a hand over your sore stomach. “I hope everyone here that has soulmates that aren’t heroes are happy about the fact. Because it really fucking sucks sometimes,” you stated as your head began to pound. 
Steve’s hand clutched your shoulder in sympathy. “If you need to, you can go watch Shuri and Vision to ensure their safety and we’ll deal with the army.”
You shook your head. “No, I can do this.”
With that, the games begin. You had never seen so many adversaries in one place. You took to the skies, taking the alien creatures down one by one. You and Sam tag teamed a group of the aliens before getting separated again. “Watch your back, Stark,” T’challa called. You turned in time to deflect the alien. 
That left you open from the front, and you went tumbling down. The impact with the added weight of the alien caused the metal around your abdomen to crush inward, causing you to bite back a scream. You blasted the alien, instantly killing him. You were thrown back into the trees from another attack. Then you were pushed further back into a clearing. 
You moved in time to miss the next attack. With a couple of well placed blasts, you took care of the alien. “Everyone alright,” Cap asked those that were gathered in the clearing by this point. 
Mumbles of ‘yeahs’ and ‘mostly’ went up through the group. You all turned to the portal that opened, letting Thanos through. You didn’t pay attention to what was said. You had to take him down before he could get to Vision. He couldn’t get the last stone. 
Pushing the pain away, you charged Thanos from the back, picking the titan up before unibeaming him back into the Earth. As you went in for another hit, Thanos grabbed your boot, throwing you into the ground multiple times before pulling you to face him. “So you’re Stark’s daughter. He kept telling me that no matter if I defeated him, you would defeat me. I don’t see how you could.” 
He ripped away at your suit. “You are nothing more than a human in a power suit.” He used a piece of your suit as a sword, burying it deep within you abdomen. You couldn’t control the scream that ripped from your throat at the pain that followed it. Thanos threw you to the side, no longer worried about you. 
You must have blacked out for a little while because when you woke up, Vision was dead, his mind stone on the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos was talking to Thor who’s ax was protruding from Thanos’ chest. “You should...you...you should have gone for the head,” it was like it was all in slow motion as Thanos snapped his fingers.
It was the most unimaginable pain you’d ever felt. You could tell Peter’s ‘spidey sense’ was picking up that he was going to die. It was agonizing. During this time, you had pulled yourself into a sitting position, clutching the piece of metal stuck in your body. You couldn’t hear anything, all you could focus on was Peter and how he was dying. 
It was like the whole world just stopped. Tears were flowing down your face and your mouth was open, but you couldn’t tell if you were screaming or not...your hearing hadn’t come back to you yet. You gripped the metal in your body tighter, pulling it from your abdomen. You stood, determined. Peter was dead, and it was Thanos’ fault. 
The world came back to you almost as quickly as it had left. Thor was screaming at Thanos...it was a good distraction. “He’s dead because of you,” you shouted, jumping and shoving the metal through Thanos’ neck. He sputtered, looking at you with wider eyes. You shoved the metal even further in. You couldn’t stop him as he closed his fist and teleported away, but that didn’t stop you from trying. 
Thor pulled you away once he realized what was going to happen. He didn’t want you to teleport with him, you were hurt. You fought against him, even when Thanos was gone. Finally, you collapsed on yourself, sobs leaving your broken body. “Peter’s dead,” you kept muttering over and over. 
Present Day
Since Peter’s death, you’d distanced yourself from everyone. There was a time where you had hope that you would all figure out how to bring everyone back, but that had long since passed. Every day you woke up, thinking Peter would be making breakfast or would run through the door and apologize for being away for so long. Your mood would only darken from there. Most days you didn’t leave the bed.
You got up slowly and cleaned up a bit. After a shower, you pushed yourself to get something to eat. You don’t think you’ve eaten in three days and you knew that Peter would want you to take care of yourself. As you finished the meager breakfast you’d made, you were going to go back to your room but someone knocked at your door. You thought about ignoring it, but with the persistent knocking, you knew they wouldn’t leave any time soon.
You opened the door, not bothering to look up at the person standing in the doorway. You turned and walked back into the apartment. “Kid, you can’t live like this.”
You rolled your eyes, deciding to clean the dishes in the sink while your father walked around the apartment. “You have a family. You have a-” you cleared your throat, willing the tears away, “you have a soulmate. You don’t get to judge my life since you don’t know what it’s like losing the person you’re meant to be with.” Your voice cracked a lot from not being used and probably from some of the emotions you were feeling.
“I know I can’t relate to that, but you have to take care of yourself. Peter’s not going to want to see you withered away when we bring him back.” The plate you had been holding clattered into the sink, breaking. Your back was tense. “We came up with a plan...but we need your help. You know tech better than I do sometimes. I need your help to build a machine to help us get our friends and family back.”
You took a deep breath, willing your heart not to hope. If this wasn’t true, you couldn’t be hurt again. “Don’t play on my emotions like that,” you ground out. 
“We’re not. We think we can at least get everyone that turned to ash back, (Y/N),” you hadn’t seen Steve come in. 
You finally looked at the small group that stood in your apartment. Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, and your father, Tony Stark. Their faces were a mix of hope and determination. You bit your lip, shaking your head. “What do you need me to build?”
You took a deep breath, messing one last time with the wires to make sure everything was correct. You didn’t want to end up doing damage to anyone that tested the machine. You’d run the calculations hundreds of times, went over the wiring even more, and you were still a nervous mess. “Okay...this is as ready as it’s ever going to be.” 
Tony came over to you, pulling you into a hug. “It’s going to work. You built it. I have all the faith in the world in you...so have faith in yourself.” 
You nodded. After Peter had died, all your Stark charm was gone. You just couldn’t find it in yourself to care about anything. How could you go on with your old life without Peter being there? You dipped into that Stark charm to put on a brave face. You were going to get everyone back. “Alright. Two minutes and I’m pulling you back.” 
“See you when we get back,” Steve stated to everyone as he took his place. 
You sent them through, worry eating at your insides. This plan was crazy. As the two minutes ended, you hit a couple of buttons on the machine, sighing as you saw everyone start to reemerge. You did a head count, eyes narrowing as you saw one was missing. “Where’s Nat, did I lose her,” you asked, trying again and again to get her signal on the machine, but getting nothing.
Clint just shook his head. “Sacrificed herself for the Soul stone.”
It was silent as everyone took in the information. “Then we need to make damn sure we get everyone else back. She didn’t die for us to fail,” you stated. “Bruce, you’re going to wield the gauntlet. With the Hulk on your side, you should be able to survive if you snap.” You started to ramble on about the logistics and calculations you had done to ensure that he was the only one who could snap and survive, but a hand on your shoulder had you close your mouth. 
“I understand the logic, (Y/N). I’ll do it.” You handed him a gauntlet, nodding to the others to put the stones in the gauntlet. “Alright, let’s get everyone back.”
You walked over to your dad...you really hoped this worked. If it did...Peter would come back to you. He placed an arm over your shoulders before pressing a bracelet into your hand. You looked down, noticing the colors of your suit. You slipped the bracelet on and warily watched Bruce as he used the power of the gauntlet. 
Did it work? You suited up as you saw Bruce go down, grabbing the gauntlet and pulling it from his hand. You dropped it almost immediately as the power started to flow through you, weakening you. You dropped down the Bruce as Steve asked him if he was alright. He asked if it worked. “I-I think so.”
The next few moments were filled with confusion and you weren’t clear on exactly what happened. You winced as you stood up. The suit had retracted back into the bracelet. You coughed, placing your hand on the wall as the dust started to settle. What the hell happened? 
You made your way towards the light of the outside world. You winced, trying to get your eyes to adjust. Once they did, you zoned in on Thanos. He beat down your father, Steve, and Thor easily. Oh he was yours. The suit formed around you and you took off, aiming directly for Thanos and hitting your mark, making you both fly several yards in the direction you were going. 
You placed both hands on either side of his head and blasted your repulsors, rendering him momentarily out of commission as he couldn’t see or hear. You brought your metallic fist down on his face, over and over for how much pain he had caused you over the past five years. Just as your fist was going to meet his face again, his hand shot up and grabbed it. 
He threw you around like it was nothing, putting dents in your armor. He even started to tear parts of it away before Thor was on him again. Some time in the fight with Thanos, you’d lost your helmet and part of your torso armor. You took a few deep breaths as you took stock of the situation. Thanos’ army was pouring from the sky, Thanos was occupied with getting the infinity stones, and everyone besides Thor was fighting the army.
As Thor was thrown away from Thanos and bombarded by the alien army, you went for Thanos again. You wouldn’t let him win again. You were so focused on Thanos that you didn’t even notice the orange circles in the distance that let more warriors through to fight the army. “You honestly think you can defeat me. That’s laughable. I am the most powerful being in the universe, you are nothing but an ant beneath my feet.”
“I never said that I was the one that would defeat you. I’m just one of those ‘ants’ that will lead to your downfall.” You gave it everything you had, landing quite a few good hits. Thanos, on the other hand, landed a lot more punches than you did. 
Blood dripped down from a couple of head lacerations you had acquired. You wouldn’t give up though. You began to push yourself up again but Thanos put his foot on your already crushed chest plate and raised his sword. “I’ll admit you gave me a good workout. But I’m through with your games.” As he brought the sword down, it was intercepted by Sam Wilson.
You stared at Sam as he pushed Thanos away from you. “You-You’re back.”
“Damn right I am,” he responded before taking off again. It took a second to sink in. If Sam was back, then so was Peter. 
When you came back to your senses, you could feel his worry through the soul bond. He was worried for you. At your sudden spike of happiness, you could feel his confusion. Your Peter was back. You got up, looking around you. You didn’t see Thanos, you didn’t see Peter, but you knew he was there. 
You sent all your love through the bond as you got back into the battle, taking down alien after alien with renewed vigor. 
Finally you spotted Peter. You landed in front of him, blasting the aliens that surrounded him to pieces. Not seeing anymore aliens coming towards you, you turned to Peter. You were lost for words. He looked older than the last time you’d seen him. It was like he had aged while he’d been dusted. “It worked,” you whispered, reaching out to place a hesitant hand on his cheek.
He nuzzled into your hand, eyes closing in content. Your other hand went to his other cheek and you brought him into a bruising kiss. You didn’t realize that you’d started crying until Peter’s thumbs were wiping them away after you’d separated. “I missed you so much,” you cried.
Feeling your pain through the bond, he hugged you tighter, placing gentle kisses across your face. “I’m so sorry. I am so sorry I left you. It won’t ever happen again.” He placed a kiss on your lips again. “I love you.”
“I love you so much more,” you responded. 
At the sound of aliens being fought off near the both of you, you both broke out of your haze. “I’m glad you two have reunited, but can the rest of your makeout session wait until we’ve taken care of Thanos and his army,” Steve asked. 
You and Peter looked at each other, giving a quick kiss and getting back to the battle at hand.
You don’t know what caught your attention first: Thanos or your father. Everything was in slow motion as you raced to get to your father. He wouldn’t be able to wield the stones and survive. “And I. Am. Iron Man,” he snaps his fingers and the army starts to turn to dust. 
Seconds later, you land next to him, panicking. “Dad-why did you-why did you do that? We could have...please don’t go,” you cried, hands shaking as Tony took them. 
“It’s okay. I-I know you can make it. You and-You and Morgan are my greatest legacy, I know you’ll teach her everything she needs to know.” You couldn’t stop the tears, body shaking. “I love you, Squeaky.”
You buried your face in his neck. “I love you, Iron Dad.”
Peter was now by your side, and he didn’t look much better than you. You couldn’t pay attention to what they were saying to each other. The feeling in your chest nearly knocked the breath out of your body. You held your father’s hand until you could see his chest stop moving. 
Your hands shook as you released the hand you’d been holding. You needed something to break. You needed something to take your mind off of the fact that your father was dead. You needed to hurt so you could forget what the pain in your chest feels like. It was a pain you’d been living with for the past five years, you couldn’t handle feeling it a second longer. 
You ignored the people that reached out for you as you flew back to the trashed Avenger’s compound. It wasn’t long before you were doing enough damage that it could easily be seen from where the group was surrounding Tony. It didn’t take a person with super hearing to hear your screams as you continued to demolish the already crumbling building with your suit. 
From the expression on Peter’s face, the group knew he was feeling all of the pain you were. Steve placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder, squeezing slightly. As the damage started to die down, they thought you would come out. When you didn’t, they looked to Peter for an explanation. 
Peter rubbed his hands that were starting to sting. He decided to stop you before you seriously hurt yourself. He webbed himself to the compound and quickly found you. Your suit had run out of power, and now you were using your bare hands to let all the emotions out. 
Peter gripped your hands in his before you could go back to hitting the wall. You struggled against him, trying to get free. He brought you into his embrace as you fought it, hitting his chest. Slowly, you started to settle down, sobbing into Peter’s chest. His own tears fell with the combination of what you were feeling along with his own pain at watching the father figure he’d come to love die after just reuniting with him.
“We’ll get through this together. Don’t shut me out.” He held you tighter as you did the same.
Ten Months Later
You sent a text to Peter telling him to finally bring the surviving Avengers and their families to your secret project. You had been working this since your father’s funeral. You made sure you had all of the snacks and drinks out...it was the grand opening of the new Avenger’s compound and you couldn’t have a grand opening without snacks and drinks.
You quickly walked outside, seeing the cover still over the monument and smiling slightly. You hoped everyone liked it. You had taken it from a photo that the group had taken before Thanos was ever a problem for anyone. You’d even gotten a picture of Loki from Thor after hearing what Loki did for him. 
You watched as the cars started to pull in. You smirked at their wowed expressions...they hadn’t even seen the best part yet. Peter walked over to you, pressing a kiss to your head. You gave Morgan a hug as she walked over to you excitedly. “I would like to introduce you to the Avengers Memorial Headquarters. I figured we all needed a place we could come to talk, train, debrief, et cetera.”
You felt you suit spread across your body. “I would also like to introduce our Memorial...for all the brave and heroic things they did for us and the world.” You pulled the cover off from the top of the statue. Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, and Loki all stared back at the group. 
You landed next to Peter, the suit retracting. You leaned into his embrace as those assembled walked closer to the memorial. “This is amazing, (Y/N),” Pepper stated. 
“Thank you, Lady (Y/N),” Thor gave you a bone crushing hug. 
You laughed lightly. “I know nothing can top that reveal, but I have a whole facility to show you guys. There are also some light snacks and refreshments set up.”
It still hurt to think of the people you’d lost because of Thanos...but it was becoming easier to cope with. Everything you were to do in the future, you did because of them...and you weren’t going to let their sacrifices be in vain.
Forever Tags
@miraclesoflove @way-ward-whale @avengersss-assembleee @nocturnalherb16
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daisyxbuckley · 5 years
Chapter One (Madness//Book One in the Calliope Kane series)  Find the rest of the story on my page. 
"Callie....Callie." The redhead turned around at the voice and saw the woman standing in front of her. Flashing a smile so Abby wouldn't worry, Callie moved away from the window. "Sorry, apparently my mind has been other places." She said laughing slightly.
"It's alright dear. I just wanted to tell you that we have another patient and then you're allowed to go." Red brows shot up in surprise when she heard that there was yet ANOTHER patient. They had been overrun for the last week with kids that were coming down with something. And unfortunately they didn't have enough medication to treat them all. It broke Callie's heart to basically go to the parents and say that they were only able to keep them comfortable.
"Kids shouldn't live like this." She muttered to herself. Callie had hardened a lot in the last year since she had seen Octavia Blake thrown in the skybox for just being born. Bellamy had barely talked to her and whenever she went to find him on his shift, he always had an excuse and walked away. She wished he would just talk to her, but she also knew that she needed to give him space. She just didn't expect to be ignored for an entire year.
Checking the clock, Callie knew she had a job to do so she shook all thoughts of the dark haired boy from her mind. "Abby do you mind if I sit this one out. It's starting to get to me.." The girl trailed off hoping that she would be able to leave.
The woman nodded and put a hand on Callie's shoulder, her hazel eyes full of tears. "Yes sweetie. I understand, this is the part of the job that never comes easy." Giving Callie a hug Abby turned and walked out of the room while Callie felt the guilt creeping in. She always did when she was about to steal from the medical supply. But she had been doing it for about two months now, trying to help as many people as she could. And she couldn't stop now.
Heading over to the case where the medications were kept, Callie quickly picked the lock and got it to open in no time. Grabbing one of the vials, she shut the case and put the vial in her back pocket. She only had a little bit of time before she had people back in there with her. Grabbing her jacket, Callie shrugged it on before heading out of the infirmary. Quickly making her way down the hall, the redhead almost fell over when she ran smack dab into her parents. "Hey guys, whats up?" Callie asked flashing a grin. Her mother looked worried though as she grabbed her daughters hands in hers.
"Calliope. Please tell me it's not true. Please tell me that you haven't been stealing medical supplies." Amara said quietly, the worry in her eyes and in her voice causing her to grip her daughters hands tight.
Callie kept the blank face as to not give away the fear that she was feeling. "W-what are you talking about." She said quietly.
Her father looked around as he started to speak. His voice heavy with regret. "Jaha came to us...said someone had seen you swiping medical supplies. Callie please, if you have you need to tell me so we can fix it."
Callie wrenched her hands from her mother's as she shook her head. "No...no..I was careful. No one was supposed to see me." She whispered her voice growing frantic. Pulling the vial out of her back pocket, Calliope heard her mom gasp as she saw it.
"Oh no baby...no." Amara said. She could hear the panic and sadness in her voice and it made Callie want to just take everything back. Only before she could, she heard a voice being her.
"Calliope Kane. You have been accused of theft of medical supplies. An action that leads to death on the Ark." The redhead set her face of stone before turning around to the man that was about to tear her life apart. "How do you plead?"
Callie could hear her parents arguing behind her as she chewed on her lip, trying to figure out what she wanted to say. No matter what she was screwed, if she lied she would die. If she told the truth then she would die.
Opening her mouth to speak, Callie never got a word out before her mother stepped forward. "She was doing it for me. I was trying to help some of the kids on the Ark that needed it. She was just doing what I asked."
Callie's eyes went wide as she heard what came out of her mother's mouth. Seeing her open her hand and show them the vial she just stole and the guards step forward to grab her made Callie's knees almost buckle. Lurching forward, she tried to grab her mother's hand when she felt arms wrap around her. Her father had tears in his eyes as he was trying to tell her to stay quiet That they had a plan.
"No..no..it was my fault. Please, don't kill her it's my fault!" Callie yelled, her voice already thick with the tears that were starting to fall. Trying to free herself from her father's grasp, Callie fell to the floor screaming. But no one was listening to her as her mother was being led away.
"Dad no..she doesn't need to die for this. I'm going to die already, don't let her die too." She said turning towards her father, tears streaming down her face.
"You're not going to die baby, she's doing this FOR you. We have a plan to keep you alive." Marcus said holding his daughter close. In this moment she was no longer his adult daughter. She was his child and he needed to protect her. "You're mother and I love you so much, and we know that you were just trying to help. But it's time to put that skill somewhere else"
Callie looked at him with a confused look on her face as he lifted her up. "Don't worry, it will all be revealed." Marcus said walking with her down the hall.
It was time Callie said goodbye to her mother.
"You are going to do great things Calliope Grace. I am so proud of you and what you have done with your life. I always will be." Amara Kane gripped the sides of her daughters face as she cried quiet tears. Callie was holding on to her mother hoping that if she held on tight enough she wouldn't go. Feeling something slide around her neck, Callie opened her eyes and saw that she had her mother's locket around her neck. "Whenever you're lonely, just look at this and know i'm not far away." Amara whispered to her daughter.
Pulling her into a tight hug, she kissed the side of Callie's head as she cried into her shoulder "Mom, please don't do this. Just say it was all me." The young girl sobbed. Shaking her head with a sad smile, Amara stepped back and nodded to her husband. Feeling arms go around her, Callie felt herself be pulled back by a guard as her mother and father said goodbye.
"No, no NO mom please. Don't leave me." Callie yelled collapsing on the ground. Feeling her father come over and hug her close, Callie sobbed into his chest. Watching her mother step into the pod, she kept her eyes on her mother as she held her hand up to the glass. Whispering "I love you" Amara closed her eyes and smiled as the door opened and she was gone forever.
Callie crouched on the ground screaming for her mother as her dad rocked her and tried to calm her. "Marcus, we don't have much time." Jaha's voice cut through the pain and Callie glared at him.
"What, in a rush to float me too?" She sneered. The man sadly shook his head as he glanced at her father and Callie felt the pit in her stomach deepen.
"Dad what's going on." She whispered. Marcus moved hair from his daughters face as he looked at her sadly. "You're saved because your mother took the blame. Instead you're going to be going to earth...we are sending 100 of you to see if it's habitable. We are running out of air up here Callie, we need to do something and this is our only option."
Callie's green eyes widened in fear and she recoiled back from her father. "No..earth isn't habitable...we could DIE." She hissed. "Then you will die up here if you don't choose to go." Kane said Helping her stand up..
"Here put this on." Macus said showing her a metal wristband. "It's going to monitor your vitals and tell us how you're doing. If everything goes well then we will be down there in two months. That's it Callie. And you'll be pardoned." Nodding, Callie watched as the guard attached the bracelet and looked back at her dad.
"I'm scared..." She whispered. Feeling him wrap her in a hug, Callie gripped his shirt afraid to let go. "I know baby... but you're strong. And I'll be there soon." He said giving her a kiss on the forehead.
With his arm over her shoulder, Callie walked with her dad to the door of the dropship. They were already leading kids inside and suddenly the girl didn't want to go. She didn't want to say goodbye to everything familiar. Before she could turn around though she felt strong arms grip on to her and start dragging her towards the door.
Looking back at her dad, Callie felt her heart breaking as she saw the tears in his eyes. She was never going to see her dad again and it was her fault. The guard set Callie in a chair and started strapping the seatbelt over her. "Don't take this off till you land. It won't be pretty." He said gruffly. The redhead just nodded as she looked around at all the kids. Some of them as young as 14. After seeing a girl with dirty blonde hair be brought in and strapped up, the ship started up and Callie felt it pulling away from the Arc. Closing her eyes she had hoped that if they did end up dying at least it would happen quickly.
Callie felt the movement and the shakiness from the drop ship and hoped that it was normal. As she was quietly saying a prayer that she would make it through this, a face appeared on the screen in front of her.
"Prisoners of the Ark, here me now. You've been given a second chance for all of us." Calie rolled her eyes at how confident he sounded. Even though he was most likely sending kids to their deaths. Shaking her head, she looked around as she noticed the blonde girl waking up. Clarke...Callie couldn't believe that Abby had let her daughter on here.
"We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, then we would of sent others. But because of your crimes, you have been made expendable." Callie was about to say something when someone beat her to it. "Your dads a dick Wells!"
"If, however, you do survive, then you will be pardoned for your crimes. Your records wiped clean. If it is safe then we will join you in a few months. Good luck." He said as his image blipped out from the screen.
Looking around, Callie noticed three boys floating around. One of them was over by Clarke making her frown. Callie had to laugh a moment because she knew he was trying to hit on her. "Hey, you guys need to strap back in! It's not safe." Callie barley got the words out of her mouth when the drop ship hit gravity. The two boys flew against the wall unmoving as the one by Clarke fell in front of her. Holding on to her seatbelt, the redhead was praying that they would make it out of this alive.
All of sudden, everything was quiet. Opening her eyes the girl could see everyone rushing to get their seatbelts off and standing up.
"Hey, do you hear that?" One kid asked. "No humming." All the kids scrambled over each other to get down to the bottom of the drop ship as Callie moved over to the boys. The shaggy haired kid that was floating around was next to her as Clarke was asking if they were alive.
"No..." Callie said quietly before standing up. It took a second before Clarke realized who it was. "Oh my god...Calliope. Why are you here?" She asked and before the girl could answer a blonde head was shooting itself at her. Hugging on to her, Callie tried to fight back the tears that she had coming. "Long story. But i'm here...and I know that you're mom would love to know that you're safe." She said smiling.
Clarkes smile dropped from her face as they heard people talking about opening the door. "If they open the door we are all going to die."
She said running off and moving down the stairs. Calliope sighed and started to follow her. "Guys stop! The air could be toxic. If we open that door we could die." Clarke yelled as she moved to stand in front of the door.
"If it's toxic we are dead anyways." A voice said. Callie's eyes darted around the ship looking for the source. She knew that voice...she fell in love with that voice.
"Bellamy." The voice that spoke out next confirmed everything that she needed to know. Watching the little brunette bounce over to him and the smile that landed on the boys face, Callie couldn't help but smile himself.
Turning away and looking around as he spoke quietly to her, she caught Clarkes eye who shot her a curious look. "Why don't you have a wrist band." The blonde asked walking over to him.
Callie's eyes narrowed as she realized he didn't have one and for the first time that he was in a guards uniform. Oh Bell...what did you get yourself into Callie thought to herself.
"Do you mind? Im trying to catch up with my brother that I haven't seen in a year." Octavia threw Clarke a glare before turning back to Bellamy.
"Brother? But siblings are forbidden on the ark"
"That's Octavia Blake. The same girl who was found under the floor!"
The murmurs that surrounded the Blake siblings made Octavia spin around and glare at everyone. Launching her body towards the guys speaking, she was stopped when Bellamy grabbed her. "Why don't we give them something else to remember you by." He said as he opened the door.
Callie looked around and tried to figure out what the hell they were going to do as the Arc just sent a bunch of hormonal teenagers to a new place with no supplies. She realized that almost everyone had cleared out. Sighing, the redhead figured that no time was the right time to start checking everything out.
Stepping outside of the door, the first thing Callie noticed was how full her lungs felt when she breathed in. To say it was beautiful was an understatement. The feeling of the wind on her face, the vibrant colors all around and the sun on her skin was enough to make her smile wide. Closing her eyes she just stood there taking everything in. Feeling a hand on her shoulder Callie opened her eyes and spun around. Her breath caught her in throat when she realized who had got her attention.
"Calliope..what the hell are you doing down here?" Bellamy asked in a worried tone.
"Apparently I can't stay out of trouble." She said quietly holding her arm up. "Why are you here?"
Before he could answer, Octavia came bounding up with a smile on her face. "So I don't even have to ask you who you are, the look on my brothers face says enough." The brunette said looking at Callie. "I'm Octavia. It's about damn time we meet."
Callie laughed before her smile faltered a bit at Bellamy's face. "Callie..you really shouldn't be here." He said quietly.
"Why...so you don't have to be around me?" She asked before turning around and heading back towards the drop ship.
Walking up behind Clarke and looking at the map with her, Wells came up to us with a worried look on his face. "We have problems. The communication system is dead. I went to the roof and a dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires."
Callie chewed on her lip and looked at Clarke as the blonde shot her a worried look. "Well all that matters is that we get to Mount Weather." Callie heard her say before turning around. It was such an open space but it was suffocating and the redhead started to worry now that they were on the ground. Turning around at the sound of raised voices, the girl noticed that more people had gathered around.
"Look, we are just trying to figure out where we are." Wells said looking at a few of the boys that had gathered around.
"We are on the ground. Isn't that good enough for you?" Bellamy said with a look on his face that made Callie want to punch him. Going over to stand next to Wells, Callie shot Bellamy a look that basically told him to shut up.
"Look you heard my father. We need to get to Mount Weather to survive." Wells said looking at the crowd.
"Screw your father. Do you think you're in charge? You and your little princess?" Octavia sneered.
Callie sighed and stepped forward. It was time to try and take control of a situation that was starting to spiral out of control. "Do you think we care about whose in charge? If we don't get to Mount Weather we are all going to starve. We will not survive." Callie said her eyes flicking to Bellamy. In the year since she saw him he changed.
"We are looking at a 20 mile treck, and if we want to survive we will need to leave now." Clarke said stepping in.
"I've got a better idea. How about you three go get it for us." Bellmay said quietly looking at them. It took Callie all she had to not let her emotions show on her face as she tried to hide the hurt.
"You're not listening." Wells said stepping forward. "We all need to go."
A dark haired boy stepped forward. His face was defiant and Callie tried to remember where she placed him. "Oh look Chancellor of earth." He said.
"What you think that's funny." Callie quipped back at him as she rolled her eyes.
"No, but this is." The boy said shoving Wells. "Hey, leave him alone!" Callie sprang forward trying to stop him. Grabbing his arm, she shoved it behind his back far enough that his toes were coming up off the ground so she wouldn't break it. Before either of them could do anything though, Callie felt arms wrap around her waist and looked into the eyes of John Mgabe. Trying to get out of his grasp, she realized he had an iron hold on her and it was no use, she couldn't move.
"Get him Murphy!'
Shouts followed as Murphy circled Wells, the boy leaning on his non injured leg. The dark haired boy, Finn hopped down before anyone could do anything though. "He's got a bum leg. Wait till it's a fair fight." He told Murphy putting his hands up.
Callie finally was able to get free from the grip holding her and ran over to Wells as Clarke got there. "Is he okay?" The girl murmured.
Clarke nodded "Yeah, just sprained." She said quietly. Looking up, Callie saw Bellamy and Octavia walk away with a worried look on his face.
"How do you think he got down here without a bracelet?" Callie as the other two as Clarke tended to Wells's leg. Shrugging her shoulders, the blonde snuck a glance back at the dark haired boy. "I don't know, but I don't think it's good."
Callie stood up and started walking over to where the Blake siblings were standing. "Hey Octavia, can I talk to your brother for a second?" The redhead grinned at the girl as she beamed back. She could see Bellamy's smile in her and for a second Callie's heart stopped.
"Yeah! I'm going to check some things out." Watching her walk away, Callie brought her eyes back to Bellamy. She saw a look of concern pass across his eyes before his face locked down. "Bellamy, you need to do something. We have about 100 hormonal teenagers down here that aren't thinking rationally. But they listen to you." Callie said quietly.
Shaking his head, Bellamy had the smirk fall across his face that Callie had started falling in love with. "I don't have to do anything Calliope." He said gruffly before turning away. Feeling a hand on his arm, Bellamy turned around. Calliope had a look on her face that he had only seen a few times before. And as much as it killed him to not have her in his arms, he knew that with everything about to happen it was for the best.
"No. YOU need to stop this. If not we are going to lose more kids." Callie said letting go of him and turning around. She noticed that a group was starting to get together to go find supplies.
"I'll stay with Wells, you guys go ahead." Callie said looking at Clarke. "He will be safe." Sneaking a glance at Murphy, Callie noticed that he was looking at her. Actually more like leering. It set Callie's skin on edge. Helping Wells up, she noticed that Octavia had joined the group that was going to Mount Weather.
Watching them walk away, she felt someone's breath on the back up her neck and spun around. "What, little Miss Perfect think she's too good to go get supplies." Murphy said licking his lips. "I know who you are Kane. The perfect daughter, meant to follow in her father's footsteps."
Callie stood up to her full height even though Murphy towered over her. She refused to show him that he affected her. "No, I figured I would stay behind to help the people that actually want to live." She said without breaking eye contact. Turning away from him, Callie followed Wells into the drop ship so she could do inventory.
It had been a few hours that they had been working and Callie was starting to worry about food for everyone and supplies. Bellamy told her not to worry about it, but as it got darker, and the noise outside got louder the redhead wondered what was going on.
Walking out to the fire that was started outside, Callie noticed everyone that was around it and cheering. "What are you doing?" She said running up to the kids as she saw Murphy and his goons taking their wristbands off.
Bellamy looked around with that smirk and waved his arm towards the fire. "What does it look like we are doing? We are liberating ourselves." Calliope stared at him for a minute trying to figure out where the hell this person came from, because he certainly wasn't Bellamy Blake.
Before she could say anything else, she felt Wells come down and stand beside her. "It looks like you're trying to get us all killed. The communication systems are dead, if you take those off then they wont know that it's safe to come down."
Bellamy glared at Wells standing so close to Callie. The redhead had her arms crossed and was glaring at him so intensely that if looks could kill he would probably be dead. "That's the point Chancoller. We can take care of ourselves can't we?" He said smirking, the hatred in Callies eyes only got worse when he did that and though his heart hurt, he knew that if she hated him it would be easier for him to leave her when the time came.
Callie stepped forward so she was so close to him that heat rose through his body. She could feel it too, but she fought it with the anger that she was feeling.
"Do you think this is a game?" She hissed. "Those aren't just our friends and family up there. Those are our doctors, our farmers and our engineers." Turning away from Bell and toward the group, Callie raised her voice. "I don't care what he says, we CAN'T survive out here on our own. And besides, if it's safe don't you want our people to come down?" She asked the crowd.
She could see the thoughts that were flashing across their faces. Callie knew that she was about to get through to them when Bellamy grabbed her arm and spun her to face him. "My people are already down here. Those people locked my people up. Those people killed my mother for the crime of having a second child." He looked over at Wells and sneered "YOUR father did that."
Callie looked at him with a shocked look on his face as he looked over the crowd. "My father didn't write the laws." Wells said quietly. "No, but he enforced him. And down here there are no rules. We can do whatever the hell we want." The kids around started chanting as Murphy kept repeating it. Bellamys eyes rolled back over to Callie, her arm still in his grip.
Wrenching it free she stepped close enough that they were nose to nose. "You have no idea what you are starting." She whispered as she started to walk away. Before she got more than a few feet though, thunder cracked and rain started falling down. Closing her eyes Callie laughed out loud and smiled, feeling the water fall down her skin. She had never felt anything like it and it was amazing.
Bellamy stood there and watched her as she put her arms out and closed her eyes. That laugh she had, that laugh that he had missed hearing over the last year. The smile on her face that made her light up in a way that wasn't possible for anyone else. All he wanted to do was reach out and hold her. And he almost did. Till Callie opened her eyes and looked at him, recognition coming across her face as she realized what had just passed between them. The smile faded and she turned and headed towards the drop ship. Bellamy watching as she walked away.
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bert-thefrog · 5 years
The Funeral: An Edenbrook Fic - Part 2
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*Part 1 Here*
Ines Delarosa’s POV
Every night this week I have woken up crying, tonight is no different. “Hey it’s okay.” Zaid stirs beside me, pulling me into his arms and stroking my hair, shushing me softly as I sob into his chest. “It’s not okay, this all my fault.” I cry harder, remember the gunshots and blood that haunt my every nightmare and honestly, my every waking moment too. “It’s because of me that Bryce is dead.” I finally choke out, Zaid pulls away, looking down at me in confusion. “I may not have been in that room, but somehow I doubt that’s true.”
“No you don’t understand, that man, his daughter died on the table, and he went to grab me. I thought my number was up, but Bryce, he launched himself at him, checked him into the shelves trying to wrestle the gun away, that’s when it went off.”
“You didn’t kill Lahela, that bastard with a gun did.” Zaid strokes my back as I break down in tears again. “I wish it had been me, not him.”
“Don’t say that, Bryce wouldn’t want you thinking like that.”
“But it’s true, he deserved to live!”
“So do you Ines, Bryce would have wanted you to use the gift he’s given you. Not spend all your time crying.”
“You shouldn’t even be here. I’m sorry, I know you and Jeremy just moved in together.”
“He’s worried about you too, and I’m right where I’m supposed to be, I’ll be here until you don’t need me.”
“I’ll always need you.” I confess to my best friend and he gives me a half-smile.
“I know.”
Harper Emery’s POV
It’s not typically the done thing for an administrator to attend the funeral of a surgical intern, especially when the funeral is a plane ride away in Hawaii. Then again, it’s not the done thing to allow your surgical intern to be shot and bleed out on hospital property. I know doctor Valentine is here somewhere, but I’d prefer not to seek her out. Too late. I spy a head of red hair in the church, way down the front as I lurk in the back pews. Watching her cry into her lap, I feel a twinge of pity, but it dissipates into the familiar sense of rage and jealousy I’ve come to know in this last week. Why did he ask for her in his last moments? Were they sleeping together? Did I really mean that little to him? I mentally slap myself for thinking like this, the man was dying in front of me and all I can do is feel sorry for myself that I wasn’t the one he wanted to hold him as he did. I stare blankly at the coffin at the top of the room, he’s not really in there, his ashes are already in an urn, ready to be scattered to the waves according to his parents. His parents are so cold, so clinical about the loss of their only son, I wonder if they’re really just aliens sent to pose as his mom and dad. Bryce often joked about that, that his parents were from another planet entirely. I bite my tongue to subdue the cry that wants to break free from my chest at the thought of him, I’ve grown used to the pain, that makes me want to scream as it builds; only released when I’m finally alone at night and am free to sob hysterically into a pillow, cradling it to myself as I remember him, my skin burning along every inch of my body he touched, and believe me; he touched all of them. The way he bit his lip when he looked at me, made me feel like I was the only woman he’d ever see, ever want again. Involuntarily, my head snaps up to stare at Casey Valentine as I realize that one may not have been entirely true. The pastor steps up to the pulpit, beginning her sermon and I force myself to focus, I want to say goodbye properly, I have to let go of him. For both our sakes.
I don’t know what possesses me, as I march up to Casey after the funeral though I am on a mission. She’s alone, hands in her pockets as she watches everyone leave. “How long were you sleeping together?”
“Excuse me?” She spins to face me, eyes alight.
“You and Lahela. How long?” I grit my teeth. She doesn’t reply, standing there silently fuming as we stare one another down.
“Count yourself lucky you’re my boss, otherwise you’d be getting such a slap right now.” She glares at me, hands balled into fists at her sides. “I’m sorry.” I deflate, finally realizing what I’m saying, what I’m doing and back away slowly. “I’m so sorry.” I whisper again, running away down the church path and out into the road below. Casey watches me go, her face creased with confusion. How many girls did he sleep with? When he was spending the night with me, waking up to eat breakfast in my apartment, was there another woman waiting for her turn? Harper Emery, you may just be the woman who tames me. He’d winked at me as I got dressed one morning, watching from my bed with his arms anchored behind his head and a lazy smirk dancing round his lips. God I was so stupid.
Casey Valentine’s POV
That bitch. How dare she come up to me at Bryce’s funeral of all places, to accuse me of sleeping with him. It was none of her business. None. I almost wish I’d said yes, just to see the look on her face, but the truth was we hadn’t been together, not for a long time. Eventually we were just best friends, I was focused on winning the competition and he, I don’t know what he was focused on. I think there was another woman. Watching Chief Emery flee down the steep slope from the church I have to wonder. Is she the mystery woman? I almost burst out laughing, no way. Bryce was good, but there was no way he’d seduced Dr Harper Emery of all people, not to the point she’d behave like a jealous schoolgirl. It feels good, to smile even for the briefest of seconds, but suddenly my grief swings back heavily, almost knocking the wind from my chest, as though punishing me for feeling the slightest bit of happiness now Bryce is dead.
Ethan Ramsey’s POV
Harper texted me she’d be home tonight. That means Casey will be home soon too. The interns have been withdrawn lately, shut down and closed off to one another since Lahela’s death. Not that I blame them. It’s just, it’s a lot. I blame myself, if I hadn’t ordered him to come with me, if he hadn’t been in that room, he’d still be alive. But what’s done is done, I think to myself regretfully, pouring another glass of scotch, watching the amber liquid flow against the cut crystal before raising it to the empty apartment. Here’s to you, Bryce Lahela. I take a swig, only to be interrupted by an insistent knocking on the door. Harper Emery stands before me, hunched up and small, her arms wound tightly around herself as though that’s the only way she can hold herself together. “Are you okay?” I let her in, guiding her to the couch before she can collapse.
“I was sleeping with him you know?”
“You what?” I nearly drop my glass as she rocks back and forward, gazing across the room with a vacant expression. I am not hearing this.
“I honestly thought he loved me back, how stupid is that?” She laughs bitterly.
“You’re talking about..”
“Dr. Lahela yes.”
“Harper he was an intern, what were you thinking?” I snap at her, only to stop when she begins to cry. In all my years of knowing her, Harper Emery has rarely cried.
“Why didn’t he want me to hold him Ethan? I didn’t get to say goodbye.” She draws her knees to her chest, weeping like a child as I stand there helplessly.
“I’ll get you a drink.” I move towards the kitchen, not good with this kind of discussion.
“I can’t drink.” She watches me carefully, as I stop, sitting down beside her.
“Why not?” I watch her as her hands flutter to her stomach without thinking, I already know the answer as she cradles a nonexistent bump tenderly.
“I found out last night. Ethan what do I do?” She follows my gaze, realizing what I’ve seen, that I know what she’s confessing to. I’m speechless, for once I, Ethan Ramsey do not have a solution. Instead I wind my arms around her, letting her get tears and snot down my good cashmere sweater as I console her. “Why didn’t he let me hold him Ethan?” She hiccups, but I can’t say anything, just hold her harder, my boss, my former lover, all of that disappears as I realize what she needs more than anything is her friend right now. “I’ll be there.” I promise her, covering her own hands with my own. “For both of you.”
*Tagging: @lilyofchoices @jax-matsuo-clan @msjpuddleduck let me know if anyone else wants tagging if I do a part 3*
*I wrote this hungover in like half an hour this morning so if you’ve any suggestions or criticism, load ‘em up*
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panda-noosh · 6 years
Hiraeth {part nine}{demigod!Lance x reader}
Words: 5k
Summary: Your life changed forever that day in the forest. The day the voices got too much. The day that single word brought you to what felt like the very brink of death - that was until Lance McClain, son of Poseidon, arrived to take you home.
Genre: percyjackson!au - angst
Notes: part 1 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8 - epilogue
Hiraeth - (n) a homesickness for a place you can’t return to, or that never was.
Chapter 9
   “Okay, okay, okay,” you panted. “Oh gods, Lance, please don't do this. Please wake up.”
   But he wasn't waking up. He wasn't moving. His eyes were open, his cheek pressed against your shoulder as blood oozed from the front of his shirt. You pressed your hands to it desperately, trying to stop the blood from escaping but it was no use.
   His heart had already stopped.
   The stillness of his chest seeped into your senses, but you couldn't bring yourself to believe it. You couldn't bring yourself to think that he had died right in front of you, that you had been on the ground in pain whilst Lotor was standing behind him with a direct view of the very place that would end his life. You wouldn't believe it. You couldn't.
    “Please, please, please,” you whispered, pushing his lifeless body onto its back in the dirt. “You've gotta help me out here, Lance.” You pulled his jacket off of him, grabbed a dagger from your belt and slashed open his orange shirt to reveal the immense wound beneath. “You've gotta help me. You've gotta – gotta – you've gotta help me out.”
   Your speech was becoming desperate now, mere pants that sounded more forced than anything else.
    “Tell me if – if I start to hurt you,” you said. “Gods, please help me out. I don't know what I'm doing! I don't know how to help you!” The tears were streaming by now, racing down your face and dripping off onto Lance's bare torso. You watched them disappear in his tan skin, and yet he still didn't move; he just lay there, staring up at the night sky with the black veins making his precious features almost unrecognisable.
   “You are not dead,” you demanded through gritted teeth. “You are alive, and you're playing a joke again. Another joke. I don't get it, Lance. You don't have to keep doing it. I don't understand it, so it's not working. It's not working-”   A hand clamped down on your shoulder.
   You screamed, spinning around and swinging your fist into the face of your father; he was quicker than you, and he managed to catch a hold of your flying hand before it made contact with his chiselled face.
    “He's alive!” you yelled out before you had even greeted the two people standing behind him – one was Romelle, the other, a man with curly brown hair and bright, baby blue eyes that had suddenly turned expressionless as he gazed down at the body of Lance on the floor.
   Hades wrapped a loose arm around your shoulders and tried tugging you away. You fought in his grip, but one touch to your forehead and you were suddenly immobile in your fathers grip. He held you upright as the curly haired man stepped forward hesitantly.
    “What happened?” he demanded.
   “We both know what happened, Poseidon!” Hades snapped. “He's been killed!”
   “No!” you screamed. The thing that was once binding your body suddenly seemed to snap away, and you were shaking and thrashing around in your dads grip once again; Hades gasped, looking at you in shock, but you paid him no attention. “Let go of me! I was just about to – to help him! He was going to be okay!”
   “Oh, my sweet,” Romelle whispered, stepping forward and placing a warm hand on your shoulder. “Love has meddled with your brain. It's putting you into a state of delusion-”
  “Would you let go of me?” you roared, slamming your hands fully into Hades' shoulders. You could tell the hit had very little to do with it, but he released you anyway. Immediately you crumbled to Lance's side again, wheezing on what little air you could breathe into your lungs. Poseidon stood over his sons dying body, completely still, face draining of colour.
    “Somebody needs to inform Chiron of what has happened,” said Hades, and Romelle was immediately bustling away with the task given. “Y/N, I need you to tell us what happened-”
   “It was Lotor,” you spat out. “Lotor did it. He – he stabbed him with that sword of his whenever Lance had his back turned-”
   “A coward,” Poseidon spat. “You just wait until I get my hands on Ares – I'd be a fool to believe he wasn't aware of what his son was doing.”
    “No, no, no, wait,” you groaned out, irritated that nobody was paying attention – he couldn't be dead. Yeah, sure, he wasn't breathing, but he was Lance. He couldn't be dead. It didn't make any sense.
   It's putting you in a state of delusion.
   “He's alive,” you choked out, looking up at Poseidon desperately. The god looked utterly speechless, looking down at you with his mouth slightly open. “He's alive! I can – I can help him.”
   “We do not bring back the dead, Y/N,” Hades drawled. “That is a power we cannot abuse.”
   You froze. Your body was numb. You felt as if static was running through your entire body. Your hands clenched at the fabric of Lance's ripped t-shirt, mind whirling at a million piles per hour.
    “You mean – You mean we can bring them back if we wanted to?” you asked.
    Hades' eyes flashed. “Get that idea out of your head right now, young-”
   “You can,” said Poseidon. “That is a power the kids of the underworld possess, but it is punishable by death in Olympus-”
    “How do I do it?” you demanded.
   Hades' eyes widened. He turned to Poseidon swiftly. “You just couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?”
   “She would have figured it out on her own anyway. I was saving her the-”
   “How do I do it?” you yelled.
   Hades inhaled deeply, turning to look at you with his gaze sharp in warning; he looked almost like a father, but you refused to let that break the idea you had whirling around in your head – it was your only option. To hell with the consequences; you refused to let Lance die in front of you whenever you had everything in your power to stop it.
    “I will not let you,” Hades whispered. “The risk is too great.”
    “I'll figure it out on my own, then,” you said. “I will – I will! He isn't – He has so much left to do, Dad!”
   Hades' faltered at the word 'Dad' and you abruptly realised you had never called him such a thing to his face before. His lower lip trembled, hands clenching at his side as if he was trying to haul back his restraint.
   You were desperate. The blood was no longer oozing from Lance's chest, a definite sign that his heart had stopped. He was a corpse in front of you now, but you refused to let this be his final form – you were right when you had said he had so much to do – so much more than you. He made people in the camp happy. He knew how to handle his powers, had kindly shown you around camp and given you friendship whenever it felt like every other person was completely against you.
    How could you just let him die like this?
    Hades inhaled deeply and opened his mouth to speak, but it was Poseidon whose voice you heard first.
    “Let her do it.” His voice was a gravel, barely audible over the sound of the lapping waves behind you, which had gotten increasingly more rowdier now that the god of the sea was standing before them.
   Hades' head snapped around. “Poseidon-”
   “This is my son,” Poseidon snarled. “My innocent little boy with whom does not deserve this ending – if Zeus chooses to punish her for the crime, then I will personally step forward and fight your daughters corner. But I want you to let her do it – let her save my sons life.”
   Tears dribbled into your mouth. The silence was overwhelming as Hades pondered on the options, staring into Poseidon's face with a look of disbelief shadowing his features.
   You reached out before you could stop yourself, fingers weakly curling around your dads wrist. He stiffened beneath your touch, closing his eyes and inhaling sharply.
    “Please,” you croaked out. “If you have one ounce of love for your daughter, you'll tell me how to bring him back.”
  That did it.
   You watched Hades' wall crumble. He dropped to his knees before you, took your hand in his own and stared directly into your eyes. He traced the dribble of tears racing down your face before meeting your eyes once again.
    “This is going to take a lot out of you,” he said. “A whole lot. It might very well kill you-”
   “Please,” you sobbed out. “I don't want to hear the warnings. I just want to bring him back.”
   Hades nodded slowly. He took your hand in his, curled his long fingers over your fist and closed his eyes. You followed his lead, closing your eyes and feeling a sudden surge of power dart through you at a thousand miles per hour – you felt your chest lurch at the energy, the bond that seemed to zap between you and Hades all of a sudden.
   And as if you were a puppet on strings, your free hand slowly reached out and placed itself upon the wound gaping in Lance's chest.
   That was it. That was the moment everything snapped.
   The world screamed. It burned and roared and the water exploded behind you. White, bone-made hands clawed up from the dirt, grabbed for your knees and your elbows and your throat. A finger punched itself through your lips and you choked back on the cry of surprise and terror that was filling you at the sudden explosion of everything. Water rained down upon you. Fire burned in a circle around you. Your body was shaking, hands of dead people clawing at every limb they could reach.
    “Stay with me!” Hades yelled. “Hang on!”
   Your chest was searing. Your mind had detached itself from the situation completely, flashing up with images of you and Lance; him appearing in the woods on the first day you had met him, him making jokes, him joining you in the Hades cabin for the first time where he merely lay down on the bed and took a nap. You remembered the way he had stood up for you against Lotor whenever the first body had been found, remembered how he had stayed by your side through it all – until you had shattered that trust and left him feeling like he could no longer be by your side.
     Something popped in the back of your mind and you screamed – at least, you thought you had. At this point, you could have been dead. Everything could have failed, the power too overwhelming-
   But then you were opening your eyes and gasping for air – you were still at the lake. Water drenched you, and you had only just opened your eyes long enough to see the skeletal hands dip themselves back into the soil. Blood was pooling out of the corner of your mouth. You fell forward, slumped against your fathers chest. He wrapped his strong arms around you, tugged you into him as he whispered in your ear soothing words of comfort.
   “You did amazing, my sweet girl. I'm so proud of you. It's all okay.”
   You broke down into tears before you even knew why.
   Hades held you a little tighter, running his fingers through your hair – but then you heard the rustling behind you. Poseidon had cried out, but you had barely registered such a noise. It was the rustling of the leaves, as if a leg had moved in a pile of shed leaves.
   You broke free from your fathers grip and whirled around.
   Lance's eyes were open.
   They were open and darting around, still looking mildly hazy. His chest had completely healed, nothing but a harsh looking scar left behind as evidence to what had happened on this gods forsaken night.
   Poseidon crumbled to his sons side and grabbed a hold of him. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
   “D-Dad?” Lance croaked out. “What are you – What are you doing here? Where's Y/N? Did she get up to the infirmary? She didn't look so healthy whenever-”
   “Oh Lance!” you cried out and threw yourself at him.
   His eyes widened, but he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around you and pull you into him. You flung your arms over his shoulders, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck and allowing the pure relief of the moment overtake you – you had done this. You and your father had worked together to bring an innocent man back from the dead, and nothing had ever made you feel happier. Despite what little energy you had, you truly felt as if you could have ran laps with the glee currently coursing through you.
   “Hey, hey, hey,” Lance chuckled, running his hands through your hair. “What's with the tears? I know my abs are good, but it's a little too much to have you crying over them.”
    You only held him tighter, too afraid to let go.
   “Hey,” he repeated, feeling your arms tighten. “I'm serious now, hey. Look at me.” He tugged you away from him, and it was truly as if there wasn't two immortal gods standing behind you. It was just you and Lance and the moonlight, the water billowing behind you.
   Lance raised a brow, baby blues scanning your face. His thumb flicked over the corner of your mouth, swiping the blood away.
   “What happened?” he asked.
   Your lower lip trembled. “You died, Lance.”
   He froze. His thumb was still hovering over your lip, though it trembled now as he stared at you. “I – I what?”
   “Died,” you repeated, voice still hoarse. “Lotor killed you. Lotor killed Slav and Coran as well – but I – I brought you back. Dad and I brought you back.”
    Lance's face paled. Even in the darkness you could see the colour leeching itself from his face, the utter terror that overtook his features at the news you had just told him. You weren't entirely sure what you had expected to happen – perhaps, because it was Lance, he would find something to brag about in the fact that he had died and been resurrected, even though resurrection was most definitely illegal. Perhaps he would have been thankful, would have thrown himself into your arms and thanked you again and again for what you had done for him.
   But those hopeful thoughts had been foolish, because he seemed very far from happy.
   He let his hands drop into his lap. “You didn't.”
    “Lance, it was the only choice-”
   “Do you know what the punishment for resurrection is?” he suddenly yelled, making you flinch away from him. “It's death, Y/N! Zeus is going to summon you up to Olympus now, and he's going to have you kicked into Tartarus!”
   “My boy, I need you to calm-” Poseidon tried, but Lance raised a daring hand in his fathers face, quietening him almost immediately. You very nearly gasped, eyes darting from Lance to Poseidon – had he genuinely just told a god to stop talking?
   Lance didn't take his burning gaze off of you though. He seemed most unbothered by his fathers suddenly offended expression.
    “You've probably exhausted yourself, haven't you?” He continued on as if Poseidon hadn't spoken. You could hear Hades trying to stifle a laugh behind you. “Come on. I'm taking you to the infirmary, making sure you've got a bed, and then I need to have a word with Zeus.”
   He shot a glance towards Poseidon, who still seemed much too shocked to say anything. Lance snatched your hand, stumbled up onto his own two feet and started dragging you, weakly, up the path.
   “Lance. Lance, wait,” you said, pulling your hand free out of his grip. He grunted at the sudden motion, doubling over with one arm wound around his middle. You darted to his side, immediately gripping his arms and helping him to lean against a nearby tree. “You're too weak to be moving. We need to get Chiron over-”
   “What is going on here?” Chiron bellowed as he and Romelle emerged from the top of the hill.
  Poseidon and Hades were both by your side in an instant. Chiron's eyes widened, darting between the gods in shock.
    He bowed as best as he could in his centaur slippers and dressing gown. “Poseidon. Hades. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
   “You, my good man,” Poseidon began, his voice a deep snarl, “are to find Lotor, son of Ares, and bring him directly to Olympus. I want him in front of my throne as soon as his cowardly little self is found, do you understand my orders?”
   Chiron shot a glance in your direction. You shrugged, a way of telling him that a lot had happened during the time between dinner and now.
   Chiron looked towards Lance. “And what is the reasoning behind it? Please, do not take offence, but I do not appreciate the idea of you startling my campers purely because of-”
   “Lotor killed Coran and Slav,” you croaked out, still holding Lance upright.
   Chiron faltered. “What?”
   “You heard her,” said Hades. “He killed them – he killed Lance, as well. If it wasn't for my daughter and I taking matters into our own hands, you would have lost another camper. So, if I were you, Chiron, I'd follow Poseidon's orders.”
    You so desperately wanted to jump in, to tell Hades and Poseidon to back off of Chiron, but your focus was entirely on Lance at the moment. He had started coughing, wincing with every heave of his body.
   “This is – This is absurd,” stammered Chiron. Romelle reached out, placing a comforting hand on his arm. Her gaze was firm on you, though, regarding you with a look of shock at the news that you had managed to resurrect someone and was still alive to tell the tale. “Lotor was – He helped with the investigation!”
  “You foolish mule!” Hades barked. He stepped forward. You risked taking a hand off of Lance to slam it into your dads chest, stopping him from throwing himself towards Chiron. “You ask no more questions. My daughter and Lance have suffered enough for one night. I do not want you to bring this night up to them until they are ready to talk about it with you, do you understand?”
   Chiron didn't nod. He didn't need to. His gaze was seeping into the soil at his feet, an almost ashamed look on his features.
    Hades scoffed, spat on the ground before wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “You two will have a rest in the infirmary for the night whilst we track down Lotor. Get some sleep. It's a surprise the exhaustion hasn't killed you.”
    Neither you nor Lance slept.
   You lay side by side in the infirmary, hands loosely intertwined as they hung off the edge of the beds. You were gazing idly up at the ceiling, unsure of what to say, of what to think, of how to approach the situation that was currently weighing heavy on the both of you.
   Lance didn't seem to know what to say, either. He continued to stare into dead space, coughing every now and then but he was alive – he was alive, and that was all that mattered to you at the end of the day.
   The darkness soon faded into daylight. You must have drifted off at some point, but it wasn't for long. Whenever you opened your eyes, it felt as if you had merely blinked. Your bones were still weak and stiff, head still throbbing, dried blood still crusting on the corner of your mouth that you had been too sore to wipe away.
   Your fingers were still intertwined with Lance's.
   You sat up straight and glanced around. Lance was asleep, though he shifted slightly whenever you tugged your hand out of his own. His hair was a mess, draped over one of his eyes – his shirt was still ripped, revealing his scarred chest. It was this sight that brought it all back to you – it felt like it had only happened minutes before, and yet the daylight spoke of hours that had passed. Hours since you had brought somebody back to life. Hours since Lance had died in your arms.
   You closed your eyes and shuddered just as the door to the infirmary burst open and Mr D was striding in with a glass of wine held high above his head – a genuine glass of wine which he seemed delighted to have in his hands.
   “I could truly kiss you both right now!” he yelled without a greeting to accompany his words.
   “Oh, Dionysus, would you give it a rest?” Romelle exclaimed, bustling into the room after him and grabbing his arm. “I told you that they both need their sleep!”
    “Not until I thank them,” Mr D said before turning back to you; you could hear Lance groaning into consciousness behind you. “Thanks to you two, Zeus has become distracted and is no longer monitoring every single drink I take! This is my first swig of wine in months, and it's all because that little idiot got himself killed for a few minutes! Here here!” And with that, Mr D threw back the contents of his mug so fast that some sloshed down his front. He didn't seem to care; once the mug was pulled away from his lips, he was still grinning from ear to ear. “Oh, that is good.”
   Romelle rolled her eyes and shoved Mr D out of the infirmary. You merely stared at the place he had once stood, head still throbbing, muscles too sore to really do much else; you had barely registered what his drunken babblings consisted of, but now Romelle was standing in front of you, her soft fingers idly tracing the sides of your face to make sure no damage had taken place overnight.
   “Is your mouth still bleeding?” she asked, voice soft.
   “Is your head still hurting?”
  “No,” you lied.
   “And what about-”
   “Just check on Lance,” you mumbled, shoving her hands off of your face. She raised a brow at you, but did as you had requested. You heard Lance groan in protest whenever Romelle prodded him in the side in her attempts to wake him up again – apparently Mr D's outbursts of victory were a common thing, as Lance had taken one glance at the yelling man, grumbled something incoherent before falling back onto the mattress and going back to sleep.
    You watched him with your breath held – what if Romelle found something? What if you and Hades had done wrong, had somehow twisted his insides around or made him into a walking weapon? What if you had brought him back as a completely different person and-
    “You seem perfectly fine,” said Romelle.
   You covered your face with both hands, leaving just enough room for you to see Lance smile through your fingertips. You smiled back, weakly, but it was a smile nonetheless.
    “Yes,” Romelle hummed. “Definitely fine.” She smirked to herself, turned elegantly before she said, “If you two feel up to it, breakfast is going on in the dining hall. But I think you have a lot to talk about before food becomes a priority.”
   And with that snide comment, she winked at you and exited the tent.
   Lance groaned as he stretched, pushing his hands into the air and dipping his chin into his collar bones; you watched him, one eyebrow raised. He creaked open an eye, as if sensing your gaze, and smiled lazily at you.
   “Now that is a sight I could get used to seeing every morning,” he said.
  You scoffed. “I'm sure Romelle will be pleased to hear it.”
   “Not Romelle, you idiot. You. Seeing you every morning is something I could get used to.”
   Your heart thundered in your chest; the air in the room had changed. It was still all of a sudden, giving you time to ponder over his words.
   Only a day ago you two had been completely ignoring each other. Only a few weeks ago, you had completely shattered his trust and had kissed him before watching him walk away from you with so much anger in his stance. Only last night you had brought him back to life, willing to risk your own life just so he could thrive amongst his people for a little bit longer.
   You were smiling before you could stop yourself, tears pooling out of your eyes.
   Lance's own eyes widened and he stumbled off of his bed, throwing himself onto your own. His knee bashed against yours, the springs creaking to the point where you were fairly certain the mattress was about to give in.
   “Oh, no, don't cry,” he said. “I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! If you think – Gods, what is it girls think? I didn't mean it as in a one night kind of thing – that's not – that wasn't what I wanted-”
   “I meant – I basically meant to say I forgive you, and I missed you, and I don't exactly regret that kiss we had at the lake. Being away from you has been awful, and I stooped so low as to hang around with Lotor, because-”
  “Wow, this is all really sudden isn't it? You probably think I just want a girlfriend, but that's really not what this is. You actually mean a lot to me, and-”
   “You talk far too much.”
   His gaze softened, cheeks flushing bright red as he realised that he had just babbled on once again. He coughed awkwardly and said, “I'm sure you've told me that before.”
   You chuckled, reaching forward and winding your arms over his shoulders. He stiffened beneath your touch, eyes snapping up to your own in a panicked frenzy. You raised a brow at his expression, gently messing with the sweat-stained hairs at the back at his neck.
    “You can put your hands on me if you want,” you whispered. “Nobody is here but us two.”
   He swallowed thickly. “If your dad walks in...” But even as he said this, even as his voice shook with fear at the idea, he was winding his arms around your waist and pulling you towards him, shifting the covers messily.
   “He won't,” you promised. “It's just us two.”
   “You saved my life yesterday,” he whispered. “You knew the risks, and you still did it.”
   “Of course I did. I'm offended you would have thought I would do anything else.”
   “I was already dead, Y/N. Most people would draw the line at that.”
   “And most people don't have someone like you to lose,” you whispered.
   Lance's eyes fluttered closed, his breathing fanning your face with how close he was to you – but not close enough. By far, not close enough. Your hands tightened around his shoulders and you tugged him towards you, leaning your head against his forehead and sighing in content as you felt his skin beneath your own.
    “You're incredible, you are,” he mumbled.
   You chuckled. “Always the tone of surprise.”
   And then he growled, kissing you.
   It was desperate. It wasn't soft or gentle, didn't scream romance by any definition. His hands fell away from your waist, clamped down on your thigh where he rubbed at the skin, leaving goosebumps in his wake. You groaned into his mouth – it was such a simple touch, such a simple flicker of skin against your own, but it made your brain explode. It made you want more, need more. You clawed at the edges of his ripped shirt – the shirt you had ripped in your attempts to save his life only hours prior – and tugged him closer to you. He stumbled slightly, catching himself by pressing his free hand against the bed post next to your head, encasing you.
      Not like you wanted to move anyway.
    The hand that had once been pressed upon your thigh now travelled up until he was cupping your jaw, controlling your movements in a most professional way – you had half a mind to pull away and ask him where he had learned such skills in the kissing department, but you thought better of it – that would mean pulling away, and that was the last thing you wanted to do.
    “I missed you,” he snarled against you, his teeth brushing against your lower lip as he spoke. “I missed you, and I was stupid to be with Lotor-”
   “Don't talk about him,” you panted, before seizing control of the situation. Lance grunted as you lifted yourself onto your knees and pushed him back into the place you had once been sitting. His back crashed against the headboard, and he looked up at you as if you were a goddess, and you could have sworn you had never felt more alive than you did in this moment.
   You straddled his legs and gently pressed your lips to his jaw. His eyes fluttered closed, hand reflexively winding around your waist to tug you closer to him. You smirked, letting your lips leave fluttered kisses against his skin.
    “Y/N,” he growled. “Don't do this. I won't be able to -” He swallowed. “- to hold back.”
   “Is that such a bad thing?”
   “We need to get out of this damn infirmary first,” he said, before he groaned and tilted his head back as your lips finally made contact with his neck.
   You knew he was right – at any given moment, a visitor or a nurse would walk in and you and Lance couldn't afford to be seen in such suggestive positions – but for a moment, you let yourself bask in the feel of him beneath you, bask in the heat which was emitting from his body, bask in the sound of his pleasured groans which you had gotten so close to losing only a few hours prior.
    “I love you,” Lance whispered suddenly. His eyes were still closed, head still tilted back. “I bloody love you. Did I forget to mention that?”
   You kissed his lips this time. When you pulled away, you pressed your forehead to his own and whispered, “I love you.”
    Lance smiled weakly, one hand reaching up to rub at the place on his neck where your lips had once grazed, as if he was basking in the memory of them.  
   And then the tent flap opened and Mr D came rushing back into the room, waving a half empty mug of hot chocolate.
   “So it seems like the big mans caught on!” he yelled, not even paying attention to the fact that you were currently straddling Lance in the hospital bed. Instead, he snarled at his cup of hot chocolate and threw it across the room, letting the contents splatter across the far wall. “Useless git!”
   Lance groaned, leaned forward and pressed his forehead to your collar bone. You giggled, leaning your cheek against his head and watching Mr D have a rage fit over his lack of wine – and despite everything going on, you knew you wouldn't change a thing.
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kz-i-co · 6 years
Boss's Daughter (Part 2)
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Summary: After hooking up with Wonho, things begin to get difficult at work, meaning it's hard to control yourself.
Pairing: Shin Hoseok/ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) /Reader
Genre: smut
Words: 1.9k
Warning: did not proof read lol
Part 1 ╫ Part 3
m.list ╫ mx masterlist
"What are you doing here Wonho." Mr. Ahn looked at the confused boy.
"I found (Y/N)'s wallet and the address lead me here....or so I thought." He was more confused as he looked around to the house number.
"No." He sighed. "(Y/N) lives here....well up there." He pointed to the staircase to the second door.
"She lives upstairs?" He was still confused.
"(Y/N) is my daughter." He finally said.
"What? Really?" He said shocked.
"Don't go telling the other employees, they might think it's unfair that (Y/N) is a higher position and complain because she is my daughter." He said annoyed.
"No worries sir...my lips are sealed." He smiled. He started to turn around to go up to your door.
"I'll give that to (Y/N), you can go home." He took the wallet being the protective father.
"Good night sir." Wonho was tempted to go to your mini apartment but didn't want to get caught. He felt a vibe from Mr. Ahn that he was being protective.
The next day you were in for a morning shift, while Wonho was closing once again. He only had a few days left, until he would be learning mornings with you. Your father need you to open so you didn't mind. You preferred morning.
You went around the counter and tripped over a step stool. You groaned in frustration scaring poor Minhyuk. "How many times do I have to tell at Changkyung to put things away.
"This would be the...." He started counting on his fingers. "The 11th time." He smiled.
"Hey!" You yelled as you saw Changkyung leaving an aisle. "What's this?" You pointed to the stool.
"Its a stool sir- ma'am." He corrected.
"And where does it belong?" You gave him a stern look.
"In the closet." He said.
"Yes....please put it there." He went over to you and picked up the stool all glum making you feel guilty. "Hey." He stopped to look at you as you calmed your voice.
"You're almost to your 90 days I.M, please don't make me change my mind on your raise." You said begging. "You're a good worker, just please remember to put things back."
He nodded and was on his way.
"(Y/N) I need to talk to for a second." Your father called.
You followed him into his office and he sat down at his desk. "Doni pointed out to me that you were 10 minutes late on closing the other day."
"Right, I'm sorry Sir, I was falling behind in my paperwork." You lied.
"Any problems with the paperwork?" He asked.
"No, I was just feeling a little unwell." You said.
"Okay. Just let me know if you need me to come and cover." Your father kindly offered.
"Thank you." You smiled.
"Doni, will be training Shownu on closing shifts so you can start opening with Wonho and how to get the store ready."
You smiled. Shownu got the promotion. You were beyond excited for him, you were just glad your father didn't have you training him on the night training. You needed a break.
"Okay." Your father smiled.
"Well, I'll be heading out in a minute....I'll see you at home."
You bowed as you left his office. "Hey Doni." You greeted as he entered for his shift.
You left the back and as you passed one of the aisles you saw the ladder open in one of the aisles. "I'm gonna kill them." You mumbled.
You went over and closed the latter putting it in the corner where it belonged.
"Hey." You jumped from the sudden voice.
Wonho, he finally arrived for his shift. "Please don't scare me like that." You said stressed but not towards him.
"I'm sorry." He smiled.
"You dyed your hair?" You asked.
"Shh, I'm hiding from the cops." He did his annoyingly attractive side smirk and it was already driving you crazy.
"I missed you." He leaned forward bringing your hips to his, feeling up your body.
"Not here." You blushed and smacked his hands away.
You started acting like you were fixing the shelves.
"You look beautiful." He leaned against the aisle.
"Thank you Wonho, but you can't show affection, their is camera's."
"I won't, I rather not have your dad fire me." He laughed.
"What?" You asked. He knew.
"Its okay, I already told your dad I won't tell."
"How did you find out?" You asked.
"I found your wallet and wanted to bring it to your house but I saw Mr.Ahn." He said amused.
"Wow." You giggled.
"Me liking you is becoming more difficult." He bit his lip.
"I know." You pushed your bangs out of your face.
"Don't worry, well figure something out." He winked and left you alone. You left the aisle and saw Jooheon playing on his phone.
"Hey." You said and he immediately put it away. "Did you use the ladder?"
"No Kihyun." He said.
"Oh- wait he's not here today." You folded your arms.
"It was Wonho." He saw Wonho at the register talking to Minhyuk.
"Nice try, he just got here....you don't have to lie, just please think about the customers safety and put things away."
"Yes ma'am, my apologies." He bowed.
"Just go help Hyungwon put the overstock away.
For the past hours, you were putting out the updated labels. You were leaving soon, so you wanted to take your time. Once you ran out of tape, you made your way to the supply closet to get more. You looked through the middle shelf when all of a sudden the door open.
"Hey." It was Wonho.
"What are you working on?" You asked him still looking through the shelf.
"I just finished dry mopping." He put the broom in the corner.
You put your things down as you had to open the new box and suddenly you felt hands on your hips. He leaned in and started kissing your neck. You giggled from the sensation.
"Remember what I told You?" You said.
"Its just us." He whined kissing you neck once again and you felt the shivers up and down your spine.
"And if someone walks in." You leaned your head back taking in his touch.
"I locked the door." His voice vibrated against your skin.
"That's not suspicious, if someone trys to enter." You answered sarcastically.
"You said it yourself, they never put things away."
His hands rubbed your stomach moving down to the front of your jeans. Then his hands slipped inside the waist band of your jeans. "This is wrong." You whispered.
"It turns you on doesn't it?" His voice giving you butterflies.
He went further and and unbuttoned your jeans so he could have more access. His hands worked against feeling up your sensitive area.
You held onto the shelf for support. You could feel him rub himself against you. He was ready for you and you felt an urge of adrenaline. He started sliding your jeans down and you quickly stopped him.
"We can't do this."
He smiled and continued fidgeting with your body. "It's okay." He laughed before kissing you on your lips this time.
"I hate you....I need to get back to work." You teased turning around once again towards the shelf.
"(Y/N), what am I going to do about this then?" He leaned forward your hips again and you felt his strong erection.
"Jerk off in the bathroom." You smiled but he didn't see.
"I cant." He whined. He tugged your jeans down once again.
He went back to kissing your neck and you finally started feeling weak. You wanted him bit this was too risky.
"Just a quickie." You finally said.
And you heard him unzip his pants. He kissed up your ear, making you ticklish. You felt him push inside you making you squirm.
"Fuck." You whispered feeling the tightness.
"I can't believe this is happening." He brushed your hair out if your face as he thrusted against you.
You bit your lip trying not to moan, the feeling was intense.
You leaned over more, so he could have smoother access. He picked up the pace making you want to scream. Your nails dug into the metal shelf as you felt the pleasure rising.
You felt butterflies hearing his cute grunts, you could tell he was close from his grip, tightening. You leaned up and he helped hold you up as he continued gyrating his hips against yours at a steady pace. You leaned your head onto his shoulder weakly as you let him control your body.
"Fuck, I gonna-" You held onto Wonho from behind from your orgasm rising quickly. You couldn't contain your moans anymore, as you let one slip, Wonho quickly covered your mouth and kissed your cheek from you passing through.
His head weighed heavy on your shoulder as you finally felt him release. You smiled as he passed through his high.
Your heart was still beating as you tried to catch your breath. You felt him lift his head up and he started peppering kisses all around your face and neck.
"Okay okay, we better get going before we get caught."
He put himself together as you did and you finally turned around to face this man that has turned you into some weak and desperate person you never thought you would be.
He smiled at you cutely and you couldn't help but blush. "Can I take you out tonight?"
"Tonight? You work till 10." You arched your eyebrows.
"So." He smirked.
"Okay. Trouble....I'll see you then." You grabbed your things and made your way out of the supply closet sneakily.
You went up to the register and saw Minhyuk look at you confused. "Where have you been?" He asked with a smile.
"I ran out of tape, I couldn't find any."
"Where the hell is Wonho?" You saw Joonheon going through the aisles.
"Last I saw him he went to the back." You tried to cover.
Jooheon was on his way back bit before he could make it, Wonho was visible.
"Where were You?" He asked.
"I was in the bathroom...chill."
"You trying to get out of helping me." He pushed him into the floor aisle and he gave you a flirty grin in the process.
You shook your head trying to get back to work. This boy was too much and you didn't know what to do with him.
"I'm going home, I need a break from this day care....hey Shownu congrats on the big news." You smiled.
"Thank you." He smiled shyly.
"What's with the screw driver?" You asked.
"The supply closet is locked and I need something in there."
"Oh." Normally you would already be putting blame on someone but since it was your doing you didn't know how to lie. "That's weird....night guys." You left and Minhyuk was looking at you confused from your weird behavior.
"Do you think something is going on between her and Wonho?" Minhyuk asked.
"Yes." He said.
"What? Really?" He said shocked.
"I passed them in the aisle earlier and they looked pretty.....friendly." Shownu said.
"Wow, maybe (Y/N) isn't a hard was after all." Minhyuk laughed.
"Don't say anything, because you know she'll rip your head off."
"You think?"
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