#his mom keeps saying she has to cut back and etc
inner-community · 8 months
i really hate when the ppl i work for tell me they want me to work less for them because they need to cur back financially (despite all being very very well off)
i think it makes me feel like. rejected and unappreciated but moreso it’s like. this is my job this is all i have if you just decide you need your money more than i do… i just don’t have what i need. like if i am making less from my dogs i have to get more dogs and do less of the helpful work i enjoy… and i really prefer having a few people/dogs that i am close to and love than having to pick up any old walks because i can’t afford not to.
it makes me want to move away right now because i feel like i have outstayed my welcome or something. we were supposed to move last year and it didn’t work out and i was happy to get to keep seeing them but i just feel like if i had gone i would be sad but fulfilled. now i feel like i am just trying to stay relevant while the creatures and ppl important to me are trying to take everything away.
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chefkids · 3 months
Feel like it’s impossible to continue to ship them after that cold open with Carmy thinking about her at 5am. If he’s in love with Sydney he doesn’t know it - and I don’t think that’s even a thing. I don’t see how they come back from that.
Claire is not Carmy's future. She's "Wednesday".
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Being in denial about feelings and trying to repress them is definitely a thing. And if there's one thing Carmy has ever consistently done is be in denial and suppress. Like he did with Mikey, the NYC Chef trauma, his mother's alcoholism, Sydney when she quit etc. Part II was all about Carmy using Claire to avoid the restaurant/Sydney, even when we saw him being riddled with panic attacks every time he was with Claire. He was trying to make Claire his present/future but every time it kept pulling him back to his past. Part III was all Carmy trying to mentally rewrite his relationship with Claire and conveniently ignoring all the weird times and the panic attacks. Carmy does not think about happy times with Claire to feel happy. He thinks about them to stay in his cold pit of despair and to keep himself from moving on and accepting amusement or enjoyment in his life again. He's addicted to thinking about Claire like he's addicted to cigarettes. Both were not good for him and "a waste of time", and he "quit" both of them but he continues to think about them all the time because he is a self-destructive person.
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That long scene with Claire that he thought of at 5 am established several things. Primarily that Carmy is still in "Wednesday", both the literal day that it took place but as a concept. He's stuck in the past with Claire. Frozen in time. He says he used to love Wednesday's as a kid, just like he used to love Claire. Now Sydney is just trying to get past Wednesday, while Carmy tries to avoid thinking about his legacy and the future.
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His least favorite day is Sunday because the restaurant is closed and he has nothing to do and he can't turn off the "buzz" at night. Conveniently the only day he doesn't see Sydney. And it's also what Sydney lied about in order to get him to give her a job at The Beef. Then after thinking of Sunday's, Claire noticed his heart was beating really fast, in a seemingly calm situation. Buzzing one might even say.
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Then they talk about his hand scar from grabbing a hot pot. He really grabbed it and it's really deep, but he wasn't paying attention. In the very first episode when Sydney arrives, he's arguing with Richie and grabs a really hot pot and burns his hand. Syd is a hot pot that he hasn't been paying attention to and that is going to leave a very deep scar on him once she leaves him.
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Claire tells him a story about the girl who came into the ER on the 4th of July with a bunch of cuts, and that she almost killed her by not paying attention to her chart, but when she woke up from surgery she didn't even feel pain because it hurt so much that it didn't hurt at all yet. Then in that same episode Carmy cuts his hand and Sydney walks by, then she cuts her hand after telling him he is not communicating or paying attention. A small cut to the many that he has been adding to his relationship with Sydney. That scene remembering Claire was about how he is hurting people and himself but can't stop because he doesn't feel it yet, because he is frozen in the past, and despite his denial, he still can't "turn off" the buzz of Sydney from his head.
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In Apologies after Sydney left him when he realized he was thinking about her while making a dish and starting to allow amusement/enjoyment back in his life by asking Syd to come to Ever, he went back into the fridge to distract himself by thinking about Claire again the same way he did when he was trapped in the fridge, to try to turn off the "buzzing" from Sydney.
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Natalie had a similar early morning blue light flashback about her own unresolved issues, thinking about Marcus's mom's funeral and Donna. But by the end of the season we see that she has made peace with her past and Donna and has moved forward with being a mother.
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How does Carmy move on from a Claire obsessed season? He faces her reality and what his relationship was her was actually like, not just a highlight reel. He might feel guilt but does he actually want to even be with her again? Doesn't seem like she does based on her conversation with the Fak's.
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How does the show establish his feelings for Sydney have always been there? He actually explains to Syd why he wanted her as his partner at the end of Part I, why he was avoiding her/why he thought he could make his feelings for her go away by being with Claire in Part II, and why he was not letting Claire go in Part III and not letting himself feel amusement or enjoyment with her. The same way he explained why he wanted to build a restaurant with Mikey, why he avoided grieving him, and how he accepted the reality of the situation at the end of the end of Part I at al anon and the same way he opened up to her under the table to her in Part II. He is capable of using his words when he really wants to. Losing Claire might have put him in a funk, but if he loses Sydney? Everyone around him is going to be painfully aware of how much she actually means to him compared to Claire. Cause that guy could barely stay alive after she quit the first time. Mikey and Sydney are the only two people Carmy has ever made plans with for the future.
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trashmouth-richie · 11 months
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Series summary: Hawkins Annual Halloween Festival is in town, and this year you and your friends were lucky enough to work the event. But when some of your co-workers are missing, and a trail of blood leads to the woods behind the festival. Your friends work together to find out what’s going on. A killer is on the loose but who could it be? Or is it the town’s spooky secret of what really happened at Hawkins Lab?
series trigger warnings: blood, character death, murder, smut, p in v, drinking & smoking pot, themes of misuse of prescription pills, character killer, stranger things canon events, light mentions of domestic abuse, neglect, etc.
part 1 summary: a movie night with friends ends with a very scared Nancy and you and your best friend getting high in your room, when the lights flicker across town— you + Eddie brush it off as nothing— because Hawkins Indiana has always been a little strange.
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The popcorn bowl in your lap is nearly empty, only brown kernels left to shift noisily as Eddie’s hand scrapes around the bowl in chase of one last piece of the buttery snack.
Your eyes are glued to the screen, breath hitched in your throat as you watch Michael Myers stalk down the street. Even though you’ve seen it a dozen times, it still gets to you. Something about the rubbery, expressionless mask he dons as he chases and slashes through people's skin just rubs you the wrong way. 
“Ohhh fuck!” Eddie gleams, Michael’s knife cutting through Annie’s throat, “did ya see that?!”
“Trying not to,” Nancy muffles, her face buried into the broad shoulder of Steve, small hand clasped around her eyes, Steve’s arms pulling her closer into him.  
Movie nights in the Wheeler basement were a typical Friday for your group of friends. Something that you weren’t sure would continue to happen after you, Eddie and Steve graduated this past May. Being waitlisted for your dream school put your endeavors on hold and neither one of them had any grand plans of leaving Hawkins, especially since Steve and Nancy had rekindled their on-again-off-again relationship. 
Currently they were on again, and dipping into near pornography whenever they thought no one was watching or listening.
“I gotcha,” Steve purred into Nancy’s mouse brown hair, rubbing her back, “c’mon Munson, turn this shit off.”
“No!” You and Eddie both say at once. 
He smirks at you. The same dimpled closed mouth grin he had given you since you were thirteen years old. He clears his throat, “It’s almost over anyway.”
Eddie’s love for movies and music came at a young age. Anything to keep his mind busy while his parent’s fought. Anything to keep the noise of the screen door slapping shut as his mom fled their trailer again, his dad hot on her heels and swinging a fist through the dark night trying to make contact. Anything to drown out the noise and squeal of her tires kicking up rocks and dead grass against the aluminum trailer as she sped away, this time for the last time— without him.
He was your friend before his mom had left and any of that had started, and he had spent more nights sleeping on your couch than he had his own bed. You were comfortable with Eddie in ways that girls shouldn’t be with their best friends who were boys. But you could care less. It was always, and forever would be, platonic between you and Eddie Munson. 
Reaching over the laps of both Eddie and Steve, you tug Nancy’s shirt until she peeks over Steve’s collar. You mouth bathroom? And she nods, getting up and following you, trying not to trip over a very drunk Robin or passed out Johnathan. 
The light in the bathroom does absolutely nothing for Nancy’s complexion, playing on the peaked look of her skin and illuminating dark circles under her eyes that you normally had not seen. She sits on the sink and holds her arms against her chest as you finish up, washing your hands next to her. 
“How can you guys watch that stuff?” She half whispers and sniffs, rubbing a petite hand under her red nose. 
Drying your hands, you shrug, hanging the towel back up on the hook, looking back at your reflection and fixing your smudged eyeliner,  “it’s just a movie Nance,” you say to her through the mirror, “besides, the possibility of something like that happening in Hawkins, are pretty damn slim.”
She shakes her head of ill thoughts, “yeah, o-‘f course, I just,” a chill runs through her, tickling her spine and making her skin goosebump, “the thought of it is… scary.”
“I think that’s the whole point.”
Opening the door, Steve audibly gasps at the next jump scare, and Eddie claps along hooting and hollering as Michael’s next victim joins the dead. 
“I hate Halloween,”she mutters to herself, hopping down from the sink following you out to your friends. 
Nancy spent the remainder of the movie with a lamp on, reading over her English paper for Mrs. Click’s class that was due in a few weeks, huffing in disapproval at either the movie or her paper you weren’t sure. 
Robin wedges her way onto the couch with the four of you, whisper yelling about how stupid the characters are and how none of it makes any sense. 
“You’re ruining it Buckley, shh!” Eddie says, placing a ringed hand over her mouth. And you can’t help but laugh at them both. 
Robin licked the flat of his palm, her signature move, and Eddie squealed in disgust, “fucks sake Robin.” 
“Aww,” Robin says, squeezing his cheeks with her long chip painted fingers, “don’t be jealous Eddie-bear.. you probably won’t know this but that smell is puss— ow!”
Your elbow digs into her ribs, “shh!” you sneer, 
The ending credits roll and Eddie’s on his feet, ejecting the tape and slotting it into the paper protector. “Who’s up for the second one?”
He groans when the entire room yells no. Pouting and shoving the tape into his backpack. “What about you Byers?” he asks, kicking Jonathan’s leg to bring him back to life. 
“Huh?” he asks through a yawn, rubbing his shocking red eyes, “nah man I’m cool, need to get home, mom is working late and Will’s by himself.” 
He tosses the pillow he was using into the arm chair and trudges up the steps, saying see ya laters and thanks as he leaves. 
Eddie shoots you a wink and you stand reaching for the blankets you were cuddling with and fold them neatly onto the couch. 
Robin stumbles up the stairs behind Jonathan, trying to score a ride so she doesn't have to walk the three blocks to her place completely drunk. 
Steve pulls Nancy in his lap. She’s whispering to him with tears brimming her bright blue eyes, but you can’t hear what she’s saying.
“Yeah, c’mon” he whispers against her hairline, holding her up so they can both stand, “still have your toothbrush at mine… hey, we’re going to my place,” he announces to you and Eddie, just turn the lights off and we’ll see you tomorrow for opening day right?”
The Annual Hawkins Halloween Carnival was in town, and after two years of working the county fair in Roane County, you had all been asked to work at the carnival this fall. 
The carnival schedule was the weekend before Halloween to the weekend of Halloween. 
Seven days of thrills and chills. Pumpkin carving, face painting, a corn maze that seemed to go for miles, the best food in the Midwest, and finally the usual carnival rides with a sick twist of Halloween themed frights. 
Orientation was last week Saturday and Sunday a grueling 7am-7pm both days. Mr. Creel went over expectations and rules for you as staff to follow. 
It seemed easy enough. You and Eddie were put on rides just like you had been all summer. Nancy and Argyle were in charge of games, Tina and one of her cheerleader friends were doing the pumpkin carving. 
Steve and Robin would be set up in a small booth sponsored by Scoops Ahoy from morning until 5 pm, later taking over on rides for Eddie while he and Corroded Coffin made their debut on stage at night. 
 Steve was still pissed that they were insistent on him wearing the blue sailor uniform, even though the mall burned down last July— they managed to have Mrs. Sinclair sew the outfit for him.  
Jonathan would help Argyle and Nancy with the nickel and dime games, ones designed to have parents shell out pockets of change to have their kids possibly win a stuffed animal that wasn’t even worth an entire dollar. 
Billy Hargrove— who you were certain fled town after the mall fire, was apparently still in Hawkins and now in charge of the haunted hay ride at night and the corn maze during the day. 
Him and Eddie used to be close during his senior year, but it all fell apart and you weren’t really sure why. When you asked, Eddie would shrug it off, claiming he had changed after graduation, and that was that. 
You were surprised that the staff was minimal even though the festival was bigger and had more events going on than the summer carnival did, but you didn’t want to jinx your chances of working for it next year. Rumor was, Creel paid double for the Halloween event, Eddie called it the chance of a lifetime, and you knew it’d  be stupid to mess it up by asking questions. 
“Thanks for letting me stay again,” Eddie mumbles after you toss him the sleeping bag from your closet, “didn’t know he’d be home tonight.” 
After you had drove home from Nancy’s you had barely gotten into your room when your phone rang, it was Eddie and he was at the payphone outside of Benny’s. 
It’s me, can I stay over?
you didn’t think twice, telling Eddie yes and hanging up the phone. 
His dad had been released from county two weeks ago after Eddie finally scraped enough bail money together to get him out. He swore this was the last time he’d do it but you knew better than that.
Eddie was a lot of things but he wouldn’t let his dad rot in some cell. Even though he deserved every single second of being there. 
Al Munson had been in and out of jail since you could remember, petty crimes this and grand theft auto that. He was hardly a stable male figure for Eddie. 
But to the doe eyed boy with brown curly hair— Al hung the moon. 
It nearly killed Wayne Munson to see Eddie stick up for his old man, but he still offered his home to Al whenever he came through town on his next stunt, bleeding Eddie’s pockets dry and taking every emotional spark left in him when he tore out of the driveway, just before the blue and red lights could follow.
“Don’t worry about it,” you shrug tossing him one of your pillows, “you know you’re more than welcome here, anytime.” 
Even though your parents hated the idea, you moved into the old apartments across town the week after graduation. Full of naive wonder and wanting some privacy you worked all the hours you could between Meldvald’s and Bradley’s Big Buy, earning just enough to have a couple hundred dollars left to go into savings after rent. 
The faucets leaked, the paint was chipping and probably poisonous, the front door didn’t even lock properly, but you could care less: it was freedom.
Eddie grabs the hem of his shirt and drags it over his head, revealing his tattooed chest and silver bar nipples, wincing when his shirt grazes the new piercing. His curls tickling his shoulders. 
“I know,” he grunts, unclasping his belt and chain from his jeans, tossing them to the floor beside his makeshift bed, “I just worry one day you’ll get sick of pitying the Munson charity case all the time.” 
He scoffs when you throw a pillow at him, “what I’m serious!”
“Knock it off, Bam Bam, you’re my best friend, I’m never getting sick of you.”
“oh Christ, listen—” he began, shaking his head in disgust and holding up a ringed hand to stop you, “this game only goes one way, babe, and that’s me calling you the same name I have since we were six.” 
You roll your eyes, a sudden heat to your cheeks that lately was becoming more and more prevalent each time Eddie used your nickname or an endearing name someone would use for a girlfriend. 
But that was just how Eddie was, he even called Ms. O’Donnell “honey” once to ace a test but all he got was a big fat ‘F’ and a week’s worth of detentions.  
Eddie reaches into his pocket for the plastic film, “besides, you only keep me around because you can smoke for free,” he says, presenting the pre-rolled joints and his trusty zippo. 
“Ooh, and he brings gifts? you shouldn’t have,” you mock in a terrible accent, fanning yourself with your hand as if you were a true southern bell, “it's not even my birthday, mister.” 
Eddie gets into the bit, sitting cross legged on your bed and dumping the contents of the bag onto your comforter, the skin of your knees touching, “well it’s not every day a lonely feller like me comes across a lady lookin’ as fine as you.”
Giggling he licks the end of the paper to seal it tight and you lick your own lips in greedy anticipation. You loved movie nights with all your friends, but there was always something special about being alone with Eddie. 
It was calming, but maybe it was just having him around that made the stress of bills and everything else just fade away. He had that special way about him. 
Holding the joint and lighter up for you his eyes locked with yours, and you swore his cheeks went pink, “ladies first, princess.” 
Across town, Steve was spending the evening with his lips on Nancy’s neck, huffing when she gasps when the bed creaks from his movement. 
“Sorry— I’m still a little freaked out.”
Steve brushes a lock of hair behind her ear, “there’s nothing to worry about honey— I promise, I’ll keep you safe. You know that right?”
She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. “I-I know that, I’m— it’s just this time of year that always gives me the creeps.” 
Nancy Wheeler had gained minor popularity when she struck the fancy of the king of Hawkins High. She wasn’t used to it, finding the glory of being Steve’s girlfriend suffocating. 
“Well I’ve got somethin that isn’t creepy,” he coos into the shell of her ear, “in fact, you always seem to like it.”  
He shushes her with his lips, and like she always did, Nancy found herself giving in to him. 
Fingers twirled between the bouncy rings of a telephone cord, Robin waited patiently— well as patiently as she could— for Vickie to pick up. 
Their relationship was secretive, only her closest friends knew of Vickie and Vickie didn’t tell a single soul about the nights spent tangled in the corn powder blue sheets with the pretty freckled faced clarinet player. 
They had a system. Vickie dealt the cards and made the rules, while Robin had a hand of jokers and mismatched suits, only she didn’t—couldn’t— see it for what it was. 
The phone rang and rang, and would continue to ring. Hard to answer the phone when you’re too busy being pressed into the mattress with your feet on your boyfriend's shoulders. 
“Yeah mom, I’m home now.” Jonathan answered annoyingly into the phone, “… W—No he’s asleep.. I’m sure he did… yeah, fine..I’ll go check.” 
The phone would have stretched easily into the small bathroom down the hallway of the Byers’ home so he could check that Will had taken his nightly medication, but instead he let the phone slap against the floor in a clankety thud. 
Jonathan Byers had been the man of the house since his dad left in seventh grade. He cooked, he did the laundry, and worked part time wherever he could. His mom was barely able to keep it together since Lonnie had left. And most days, she couldn’t. Somehow the last year she had gotten worse. 
She was rail thin, and never ate a thing. Absent minded. Constantly writing things out and scribbling nonsense onto scraps of paper. Strewn across the living room, the kitchen, any surface available. 
She was always worrying if Will would be okay, but never reciprocating that same kind of love and care to Jonathan. 
Joyce Byers loved her boys equally, but the youngest was given more attention, maybe it was because he was her last baby, or possibly because his father had rarely ever acknowledged his existence. Still, the relationship between mother and son was broken off, string rolling in on itself when it came to Jonathan. 
The pills in the slot marked ‘friday’ were gone, just like Jonathan knew they would be. His brother took his medications religiously, never ever skippinga day, he had it clocked down to the hour,  minute, and second— the same time every single day. 
A routine he had since last year. 
Jonathan looks back at his gaunt expression when he shuts the medicine cabinet, smiling fake and toothy, taking the usual freebie from the hoard of pills his mother was prescribed but never took. 
His lips under the faucet he swallows the white oval pill down. 
Will wasn’t the only one with his own pill routine. 
“Eddie, turn the lights off already it’s fuckin 2 am,” 
Without fully waking you throw a pillow down to where he was laying, it wasn’t unusual for him to get high and pass out with the lights still on, but it was annoying beyond belief. 
A muffled groan is heard from beneath the tossed pillow before Eddie wrestled it from his face, “the fuck are you throwing shit at me for?” 
“you left the lights on again.”
Head on a swivel Eddie looks from you, to the ceiling to the switch, “open your eyes Helen Keller, they’re not on.”
the sting of light is still shining bright in your face and when you peel your eyes open you see that he wasn’t lying. Your room was dark, but the street lamp was glowing brighter than usual.  
Your toes curl around the plush fibers of your rug and you pull the cord to open the blinds. Eddie’s weight shifts onto your mattress as a loud yawn escapes his lips, followed by a scratching noise that you’re hoping is his nails against his skull instead of his balls. 
“what the fuck?”
The street lamps up and down your street were buzzing and glowing in an emberred haze. The glow of yellow was straining brighter than could be deemed possible and it was pulsing with an ominous flicker. 
You were tantalized by it’s beauty, like a moth to a flame hypnotized by the menacing doom— you couldn’t look away, and for a split second the welcoming sunshine of the lamp turned blood red, a warning of terror before being blown to bits and shattering to the ground below. 
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie jumps behind your shoulder, “what the hell was that, you saw it right?”
You definitely had, it’s illuminating shadow still glowed bright when you blinked your eyes. You have heard of electric surges, currants going hot when wires were overloaded. But flickering like that then burning red before burning out? It was almost like a fallacy, something Eddie probably would have made up for Hellfire, it simply couldn’t have been true. 
You rubbed at your eyes like a tired child, “told you that second joint smelled funny,” you said sitting on your knees facing him and shoving his shoulder, a look of shock on his face.
He scoffs and shoves your shoulder back, rolling his eyes playfully, “it’s a new strain Rick concocted himself, red…red somethin’…” he lays partly on the bed and stretches his body to the floor fumbling into his jeans pocket in search of the cellophane plastic of the baggy. 
“Ah, here,” he says, shoving the bag into your hand, your thumb rubs over the black sharpie written in boy chicken scratch hand writing.
You read it the same time Eddie says it. 
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♡ hope you enjoyed, comment what you think will happen next; reblogs are appreciated
♡ part 2: A SLICE & A SCREAM ♡
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forfucksakesniall · 1 year
Heyy girll i really love your work so much and idk if u take requests but if u do can u do a lewis one where him and his wife have a daughter,(12,13yo) and lewis gets interviewed by his daughter in sky sports channel And she keep asking him funny questions etc.(like that vid when he got interviewed by a little boy)
Hello miss ma'am! Thank you so much for the support. I love this idea so much. I hope you like this.
The Interview
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Lewis and his daughter come into the studio, hand in hand, and everybody looks at them in awe. It is obvious that his daughter is a daddy's girl, with the way he dresses her and styles her hair. She has her own personal stylist, and she also likes it when you do it, her mommy, but she says it's different when her daddy does it.
As they reach the chairs and the cameras start rolling, she looks around and back at her dad, seeking a sign if she should start.
“Hello Darling,” Lewis says while smiling at her.
“No, daddy! Call me by name...” she tells him.
Lewis does his old man laugh and restarts the interview.
”Sorry, sorry, umm... Hello, Eleanor.”
“Hi, Sir Lewis Hamilton.”
“Oh no! That's weird, darling. Can't you just call me daddy?”
“It's an interview…”
“Alright, Alright...”
Cut to the interview.
"If you had to eat one super weird meal before every game, what would it be?” she asks.
“Well, I’ve tried some weird food around the world, a lot of foreign foods.”
“How about a sandwich filled with marshmallows, pickles, and chocolate sauce?” she suggests.
“Your mom sure enjoyed that one just because her craving is crazy, and I wouldn’t want to try that..”
“Yeah, me either. It's icky…” she adds.
They both laugh at your weird food cravings lately because of your pregnancy. But now it's news to everyone since Lewis has always been a private person, and getting this interview was even more rare.
"What's your go-to victory dance when you score or win a race? Can you show us a quick move?”
“I usually don't show it on camera, but you could say I've got some moves, right?”
She looks directly at the camera with a side-eye without needing to say anything more.
“What? Are you saying I don’t?” Lewis asks.
”Mommy said not to call you out when you're lying.”
Lewis bursts out laughing.
“I have a question for you now,” Lewis says.
“How come you cheer on Mick when you watch the races?”
She blushes cutely.
“I don’t know… He looks like Ken... from Barbie.”
“Looks like I’ll be having a little talk with Mick then,” he teases.
“Daddy no! You always embarrass me when he is around…” she says back.
The interview went on with their father-daughter antics, and after a few hours, they finally finished, and it was time to head back home.
“You did great today, darling.”
“I know, Daddy.”
He smiles at his daughter's remark and kisses her on the head.
“Let's get back to your mommy and little baby, yea?”
She nods and takes his hand, heading to the car.
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mynameismckenziemae · 7 months
In Case You Didn’t Know
Part 5
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OFC
Summary: Jake takes you on the date he wishes he would’ve all those years ago.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, oral (m receiving), etc.
Jake’s phone vibrates on his nightstand as he gets into bed.
🐓: So? Did you talk? Was I right?
Jake: Yeah we talked.
🐓: And?
Jake: …you were right.
🐓: HELL YEAH! I fucking knew it! You could cut the tension between you two with a knife. Did you…you know 😏
Jake: I want to take her out on date first.
🐓: Where are you gonna take her?
Jake: I don’t know, kind of limited with the leg. I just want it to be special.
🐓: Where did you take girls for dates in high school? Do that with her.
Jake: We’d pick up food at the local car hop, park somewhere to eat then fool around in my truck bed.
🐓: Sounds…great?
Jake: 🖕🏻there wasn’t much to do for teenagers around here back then. But honestly, I think Charlie would love it. I’d have to ask my sister for my truck back though. She takes care of it while I’m gone for me.
🐓: Emma? She’s a 10 🥵
Jake: No.
🐓: She single yet?
Jake: She’s not interested.
🐓: So she is single.
Jake: I’m going to bed.
🐓: You realize I’m going to meet her at your wedding, right? You’re just putting off the inevitable.
Jake: Goodnight Bradshaw.
Jake smirks at the thought. Bradshaw probably thinks Jake’s just being a protective older brother but it’s just the opposite. Emma looks like a sweet southern belle but she would eat him alive.
He hesitates before biting the bullet and texting Emma; he’s always been a little scared of her.
Jake: Hey Emma Lou.
Emma: Hey! When did you make landfall? Everything go okay?
Jake: Almost 2 weeks, and not really. I was hit on the way back to the carrier and had to eject. I broke my leg and got a little beat up on the way down. I left the hospital forgetting Ma and Dad are gone so I’m staying with Charlie. They don’t know yet, please keep it that way. You know how much this trip means to them. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, my head was a little messed up and just didn’t want you to worry or take time off from that new job.
Emma: WTF!?!?? That’s fucking bullshit, Jake. I’m a large animal vet with 2 partners that are happy to cover for me. I wouldn’t have had an issue getting off of work and you know it.
Jake: I do know. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight.
Emma: No shit.
Emma: Are you okay?
Jake: Getting there. Charlie’s been doing my PT, I saw ortho and that’s healing okay. I have a video visit with a therapist tomorrow.
Emma: Therapist?
Jake: Diagnosed me with PTSD after the accident. I’m feeling better already but if I don’t go to therapy they’ll ground me longer.
Emma: The Navy grounding you will be the least of your worries once Mom finds out. I’m not gonna be the one telling her.
Jake: Thanks. I really am sorry. Any chance you’re coming this way in the next few days? I need the truck if you don’t.
Emma: How are you gonna drive it? Not sure how bad you hit your head but you need 2 feet for a manual.
Jake: I’m not, Charlie’s going to.
Emma: Did she get new furniture and not tell me?
Jake: No…it’s a lot to text. I’d rather tell you in person.
Emma: I’ve got a sick heifer to see in the morning but otherwise I’m free. I’ll be there around 11. I think Lee’s got a vet call in the area around 2 so I’ll see if he’ll take me back home so you can keep the truck.
Jake: Sounds good. Love you.
Emma: I’m still mad, but I love you too.
Jake’s up before you and has a cup of coffee waiting as you stumble into the kitchen with a yawn.
“Don’t make plans tonight. I’ve got something in mind,” he says, leaning on his good leg before pulling you into his chest.
“Mmkay,” you yawn, snuggling into his chest like you’ve always wanted to with his hugs. “Can’t wait.”
“I told Emma last night, she’s going to come over around 11 so we can talk,” Jake cringes.
“Will she be gone by the time I get back?” You joke, all too familiar with her temper.
“Why? You scared?” He teases.
“Yes. I know you are too,” you laugh.
You let him hold you for a few minutes, both enjoying the intimacy.
“I’d ask you to join me in the shower but that’s an accident waiting to happen,” you smile, pulling away from his chest to press a kiss to his lips.
His eyes fall closed at your words. “Soon enough.”
Jake stares at your butt in your scrubs from the porch as you walk to your car. You catch him looking as you open the door and quirk a brow at his sheepish grin.
“Can’t figure out if you’re wearing underwear, I didn’t see any panty lines.”
“You don’t get panty lines if you wear a thong,” you wink as you get in, laughing at the way his eyes widen.
You’re normally a no-show underwear kind of girl, but you felt like wearing something sexy today when Jake said he had plans.
You give him a little wave as you head to work.
Jake had just finished his virtual visit with the therapist when Emma pulls up in his grandpa’s old Chevy that he and his dad fixed up together.
Emma gives him a bone-crushing hug before smacking him upside the head.
“Ow,” Jake grumbles, rubbing the spot she hit him.
“You deserve a lot more than that. You’re lucky you’re injured,” Emma says before bending down to greet Cash.
“So why does Charlie need the truck?” Emma asks, throwing Cash’s ball.
“She doesn’t. I’m taking her out tonight. Well, she’s driving but I’m planning it.”
“Taking her out where? Why do you need the truck for that?”
“Ray’s and then up to Breakneck Hill,” he responds, not looking at her.
“Isn’t that where you used take your dates to park?”
It takes her a minute to catch on, but she jumps to her feet with a whoop when she does.
“Seriously?!” She laughs, “Man, it’s about fucking time.”
He looks at her puzzledly.
“You’ve been in love with each other for years,” she sighs. “That’s a great idea though. I just washed ‘er so the bed is clean. Want me to throw some blankets back there for you?”
“I didn’t think that far, but yeah, that’s a good idea.”
20 minutes later, Emma’s got the back of the truck filled with blankets and pillows, a perfect place to eat and watch the sunset.
“Perfect! Now you have a place to stretch out and bang. Do you need condoms? Wait no, forget them. I’m ready to be an auntie,” Emma says as she steps back to look.
“Uh, no. We haven’t-I mean, we aren’t-“ Jake stutters, flushing bright red.
“I’m kidding, Jesus. Don’t stroke out on me. Got anything for lunch?” Emma laughs, patting Jake on the shoulder, right where he’s bruised.
Emma wraps his cast and stays nearby just in case he falls while he showers.
“Lee’s almost here,” Emma says, giving Jake another hug. “Let me know how it goes. And tell Charlie I’m not mad at her, just you.”
Jake rolls his eyes but hugs her back. “Will do. Thanks, Em, love ya.”
“Love you too, don’t forget to forget the condoms!” She replies as she heads out the door.
You smile when you see Jake’s old truck in the driveway, wondering what he’s up to.
Jake’s asleep on the couch when you get inside, but he wakes up when you close the door.
“Oh hey, sorry I must’ve fallen asleep after Emma left,” he yawns.
“Let me change and I’ll be ready to go,” you say, pressing a kiss to his cheek and slipping off your top as you walk down the hall.
Jake sgets down the stairs and hobbles along to the driver's side of the truck, awkwardly opening the door for you.
“You want me to drive? I don’t think I’ve driven it since you got too wasted to drive at Clay Williams's graduation party,” you laugh, climbing up.
“Ugh, I can’t even smell Jäegermeister without gagging,” Jake shivers as he closes the door.
You lean over and open the passenger side, taking the crutches he hands over. He surprises you with how easily manages to get in with one leg.
“Where to?” You ask, pushing in the clutch and starting the truck.
“Ray’s,” he answers with a smile.
“Then to Breakneck to fool around?” You guess, wiggling your brows.
He nods. “Only if you want to, we don’t-“
“I want to. I’ve always wanted to,” you reply, leaving out how jealous you’d get when he’d take girls out there.
An hour later you’re sharing a chocolate milkshake in the back of the truck. It’s just the two of you in the empty lot.
“I wonder what my mom would think of us being together,” you say as you watch the sunset. The sky is a beautiful canvas of pinks, oranges, and reds.
“I think she’d like it,” he replies.
A flicker of movement catches your eye and you hold your breath when a butterfly lands on the hand that’s holding yours. It rests for just a moment, slowly flapping its orange wings before flying away.
“Me too,” you whisper.
“So what’s next? We ate our burgers, shared the milkshake, and watched the sunset. Is it a dry handjob while you rub me through my underwear for 10 seconds then ask if I came?”
“How’d you know?” He teases, leaning in for a kiss.
He kisses you slowly and lazily, committing every sigh to memory. As his tongue flicks yours you can’t help but imagine it elsewhere.
You soon grow impatient and find yourself straddling his lap again.
“Jake, touch me. Please?” You pant.
“‘Course sweetheart. Here?” He asks, pulling the top of your sundress down, exposing your braless chest to him. “Damn, Charlie,” he rasps, looking over your breasts hungrily before sucking a hardened bud into his mouth. His fingers come up to pay attention to the neglected side and he alternates; biting, sucking, and pinching you into a frenzy.
You find his free hand and bring it under your dress, running his fingers over the soaked material of your thong. He shudders when he feels the evidence of what he’s doing to you.
Before his fingers even touch you without the barrier of your underwear, you cry out, your fingers in his hair pull; your orgasm taking you both by surprise.
“Did you cum?” He chuckles breathlessly against your chest as you come down.
“I did,” you smirk, trying to catch your breath too as you climb off him, then unbuttoning his jeans. “Your turn, but I want to get my mouth on you.”
Your eyes widen as you pull him out. “Jesus. Not sure if you’ll fit, but I’m gonna try.”
“That’s not…I didn’t know that was an option-oh fuckkkk,” he gasps when you pull his tip into your mouth.
Your eyes drift closed and you moan at the salty taste of his precum. More you think as you swallow and suck more of him into your mouth, using your hands to stroke his base.
He’s making the hottest, most desperate sounds as his chest heaves. It hasn’t even been a minute before he’s warning you. “Char-Charlie, wait sweetheart. I’m gonna cum,” He pants, gently tugging at your hair to pull you off.
But you shake your head and moan; you want to taste it.
“Oh…oh God,” he whimpers as he finishes in your mouth, jolting when he feels you swallow his spend.
You pull up the top of your dress after you release it from your mouth and gently tuck him back into his jeans. He surprises you when he pulls you up for a deep kiss, groaning when he tastes himself on your tongue.
“You’re…that was…holy shit,” Jake chuckles. “So much better than a dry handjob.”
You laugh before pulling him back in for a kiss.
You’re so wrapped up in each other that you don’t notice the squad car pulling into the lot.
The smug voice of the local police officer over the megaphone has you jumping apart.
“Keep it in your pants ‘til you get home, Seresin. Don’t make me call your mama.”
A/N: First date ✅
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in comments/reblogs.
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may i request for somewhat of a aemond x wife!reader crackfic? i just cant get the thought of aemond's wife suddenly going "if you really love me, catch me" and she just randomly jumps off a window or cliff or smth, knowing fairly well how sturdy she is and that she'll survive with a few broken bones max. but aemond doesn't know that and so he prince-charming-style-on-a-dragon saves the stupid lump that is the love of his life and goes "i do not appreciate these tests to measure my loyalty and love for you. first the question of whether or not i would love you as a worm. and now this stunt? what's next? make me choose between you or something very absurd?" "now that's an idea."
The Test Of Love
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: There is a saying that people do crazy things for those they love... Aemond has come to terms with the fact you're simply crazy.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: fem!reader, wife!reader, mom!reader, exasperated!aemond, 'dear gods its genetic' -aemond, crackfic, fluff, typos, etc."
A/N: THIS IS SO SPECIAL BECAUSE THIS IS MY FIRST AEMOND REQ HIHIHHHIHIHI HI NONNIE TYSM FOR THIS I HOPE YOU LIKE IT NONNIE MERRY CHRISTMAS ps i didnt name the child cos it seemed like too much responsibility nvm i felt bad for keeping him nameless also i used a translator for the high valyrian dont come for me if its wrong i like to imagine this gif is the moment aemond realized his wife is crazy and he's like 'aw shit' HAHAHHA Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda
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"Kepa, kepa!" a small voice calls, alerting Aemond, who had been in his study, going through some papers.
Aemond turns to the little boy, eye roving over his wide violet eyes and short, stubby legs, deciding in that moment, he was not injured or harmed.
"What is it, my love?" Aemond asks in High Valyrian. He straightens from his seat, lips curving into a soft smile as his son makes it to his side.
Aemond brings him to his lap. He brushes Aurion's hair back with one hand while the other is secured around the side of his soft belly.
"Mother is-"
The sound of his father humming cuts Aurion off. Aemond's brow quirks as he looks at his child.
Aurion sighs, placing his tiny hand on his tiny face, correcting himself, "muña."
"Kessa, muña," Aemond nods in confirmation, continuing in High Valyrian, "very good, my boy. What about mother? Is she calling for me?"
"Muña ivestretan nyke..." the boy starts as he racks his head, thinking of the next words to say.
Aemond hums, translating his Aurion's words, word per word, "mother told you..."
"Naejot ivestragon ao..."
"To tell you," Aemond trails off.
"...bona ziry's jumping hen se jimy."
Aurion turns to his father, watching his kepa's eye widen at the information he relayed. Aurion blows air out of his lips, making buzzing sounds as he shifts in his father's lap.
Aemond is tense as his Aurion places his clammy hands on his father's cheeks.
"Say that again, boy," Aemond knits his brows.
"In common tongue."
Aurion stands on his father's lap, stroking his kepa's long hair as he mumbled, "she said she was going to jump out the window, papa."
Aemond grabs his son's hand, making the child draw his eyes upon his father's worried one.
Aurion is indifferent as he continues, "she told me you were going to catch her before she f-"
A loud fit of laughs rip through the room when Aemond grabs Aurion and practically teleports outside, exactly where their bedroom window would be.
He didn't need to see to know you were there, as there were a bunch of worried servants outside, looking up with worried faced, making him worry ever more.
Aemond does not miss how one of them says, 'thank the gods the prince is here.'
Aemond drops his giggling son as he cranes his neck up.
I break into a wide smile and look over my shoulder when I hear my name being barked out, "hello, my love!"
Aemond's breath is extremely taxed as he walks beneath the ledge I was standing on, "GET INSIDE RIGHT NOW!"
I roll my eyes, not even turning to the open window as I opted to hammer on the stone wall before me. It was a bit difficult, seeing as my breast was pressed against the surface, as I did not have much room to walk on. Still, I pressed on so I could hang the twig figure my son made in a place it would get the attention it deserved, "I'm busy."
Aemond clenches his jaw, arms going out to the side in fear, ready to catch, if ever his extremely poor in decision making wife falls.
Aemond calls my name out again, more worried, less threatening.
I release a sigh and hang my child's creation on the nail, "Aurion, what did you tell your father? He's worried sick."
"That you were going to jump," the princeling plainly, making the servants around him exclaim in worry and horror.
I furrow my brows and snap my head Aurion, "that's not what-"
Alas, I do not get to finish, as my quick movements make my feet slip. I helplessly descend from the height. I grip the hammer tightly, not wanting it to crash on my husband's head.
With a huff and a heave, I find myself in Aemond's arms, Aemond, who is incredibly relieved and livid all at once.
"Hello, my lo-"
"You told him you were going to jump?!" Aemond quips, eye narrowing.
I raise a brow, throwing my arm around his shoulders, discarding the hammer off to the side with a loud thud, "I did not. I told him that if I fell, you would catch me."
Aemond's nostrils flair as he turns to look at his son, barking out his name impatiently, "what is the meaning of this?!"
Aurion shrugs, "I wanted to see mama jump."
Aemond eye twitches.
I scold him for this, but Aurion is all but affected by it. I turn to my husband and snort, kissing him quickly on the lips before jumping out of his arm. Aemond is frozen in his spot.
I beckon my son over. When he does, I point a finger at him, "what did I tell you about distorting the truth?"
Aurion sucks in his lips as he rolls back and forth on his heels. He avoids the question by saying, "you jumped anyway!"
"She did not jump, she fell," Aemond quips, stern expression moving from Aurion to me.
I knit my brows at him, "I chose to fall, because I knew you would catch me."
Aemond feels his false eye rattle in skull as he words darkly, "chose?"
"Oh, please," I roll my eyes, "I used to jump down from trees much higher than this as a child, Aemond."
"Mmm, right!" Aemond says tightly, "and you landed on a field of grass, not cold, hard, concrete!"
I shake my head at his words, "what does it matter? All this proves is that I was right."
"Right with madness?!" Aemond raises a hand, "right with what?!"
"That you would save me no matter what." I raise my chin when I say this.
Aemond is practically vibrating in anger, his stomach wound tightly with worry. It all evaporates when a hand goes to his face.
I smile at Aemond, rubbing the scar on his cheek.
He sighs, utterly defeated. He opts to lean into the affectionate touch.
I utter causally, "this reminds me of the time I jumped off Vhagar."
"YOU JUMPED OFF VHAGAR," Aurion exclaims with excitement and wonder
Aemond grabs my wrist as he pulls away, "I still have nightmares of it."
"Oh, please, you told me it was okay for me to do it."
I huff, pulling my hand away, "that was your mistake."
"I WANT TO JUMP OFF VHAGAR!" Aurion calls, jumping up and down.
"NO!" Aemond barks, pointing a finger between the two of us, "no one will ever jump off anything ever again!"
Aemond grunts where I laugh when Aurion dashes over to him. The boy crashes against his leg; the man reels back slightly. I snort when my husband looks away, knowing he was not strong enough to behold the puppy dog eyes that was surely being thrown at him.
"Pleaaaassseeee, kepa!" Aurion whines, "I'll promise I'll study High Valyrian even harder!"
Aemond scoffs, then peers down, eye narrowed, "say that in High Valyrian then."
Aurion scrunches his face in thought. He begins to turn a shade of scarlet. He slams his head onto his papa's thigh, "no fair..."
Aemond huffs, crouching down, gathering the boy into his arms, "I will not hear of this nonsense again, child."
"Enough," Aemond dismisses, turning to me. He reaches his hand out and I gladly take it. He sighs as he pulls me close, placing a kiss on my temple. When I lean into him, he shuts his eye and mutters, "kepa will not know what to do if anything ever happens to you and muña."
Our son makes a sound in protest, "but you will catch me if I fall, just like mama!"
I smile at the sentiment, reaching out to my child's cheek.
Aemond turns to his son, leaning his forehead onto his, "do me a favor and not follow into your mama's footsteps."
I snort, pulling away from Aemond.
"But mama's fun!" the boy pouts, "you're not."
Aemond presses his lips into a line.
I break into a fit of giggles, stopping in my tracks to bend over in amusement. Aemond is snorts and swiftly grabs me, cutting my laughter off. I am, without warning, manhandled over his shoulder. I shriek when my stomach is folds over him. I grab onto his back without much else left to do.
Hearing my sons giggles makes chuckles find their way out of my lips again.
"Spank your muña's bottom," Aemond commands. My son does not hesitate.
"You have been naughty," he quips, beginning to walk off, "and deserve every bit of punishment I will inflict on you tonight."
I am silenced by his words.
"Papa no!" Aurion exclaims, "mama's a good girl."
I bite my lips at the defense of my child.
"Mmm," Aemond hums, "we'll see about that."
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muldermuse · 8 months
please can we see more of jealous gator and maybe a pregnancy scare in two sinners?
i fuckin love these crazy kids
jealous gator is coming!!! i promise!!
pregnancy scare drabble below the cut
warnings: mentions of morning sickness, pregnancy terminations, slut shaming etc
part of the two sinners works
You’d been ill all week, unable to keep any food down and feeling a level of exhaustion that had settled deep in your bones. Gator had text to ask to meet up nearly every day but you honestly couldn’t think of anything worse than having a man near you right now. You’d called in sick and spent the week feeling very sorry for yourself whilst lying on the couch watching whatever trash was on the TV. Whenever you glanced in the mirror; you were taken aback by how awful you looked. Your eyes were dull with dark bags underneath and your skin was pale. Your stomach rumbled but the thought of food made you retch. A pang of raw pain struck your stomach and your nausea doubled as you thought, when was the last time you had a period?
Was it this month?
The month before?
The past few weeks had been a lot, your job becoming overwhelming and life had begun taking steady, yet hard, digs at you. First, you got a flat tyre, then you dropped your phone and smashed your screen. Later the same week, your favourite jeans ripped at the thigh seam and to top it all off, this new guy you’d been speaking to had got back with an ex. 
So yeah, it was fair to say that your focus had not been on your menstrual cycle.
Without getting changed or bothering to make yourself look more presentable, you grab your keys and head to your local store to buy a test.
Gator was bored. This was the kind of day shift where usually he’d drop by your place and grip his hands into the fact of your ass as you rode him. He’d been desperate to see you all week but you’d been too ill. The thought of your body and the things you could do to make him feel good plagued his mind. He’d spent every night this week fisting his cock in the shower to thoughts of you whilst Glenda was crocheting in the next room. A trill ring snaps him out of his thoughts and he groans before answering- it’s Glenda.
“Hi hon, everythin’ okay?” he sounds exasperated but he knows that Glenda won’t pick up on that. Sometimes, he thinks that Glenda calls him just to hear her own voice.
“Yeah yeah, all good hon. Hey, guess who I saw buying a pregnancy test at the store?”
He knows that it’s you before she even says your name.
He feels the blood drain from his face and Glenda’s voice fades into static in the background.
This cannot be fucking happening. 
When was the last time you had slept together? Would you keep it? Is he going to be a dad? He thinks that you’d be a great mom but before that thought can even embed itself further in his brain; he pushes it away.
He tunes back into Glenda’s voice as she continues to talk to herself, “well y’know hon it’s like I said, with that many guy friends she has- somethin’ like this was bound to happen, dontcha think?”.
“Yeah hon, listen I gotta go alright? I’ll uh- I’ll see you at home” She tells him that she loves him before he hangs but he doesn’t say it back.
He puts the sirens on the car as he races to your home. The thoughts in his head are spinning that quickly that he’s beginning to feel numb, becoming too overwhelmed to focus on anything but driving. He dumps his car on your front lawn and tries hard not to run into your home. He tries to take deep calming breaths with each step, he thinks of his father and how Roy would kill him if he ever found out. The door is unlocked so he lets himself inside.
The test is face down on your bathroom counter and so is your phone screen. The package promised instant results in ‘just three minutes’ and you’d set a timer on your phone. You know Gator’s footsteps, they’re always urgent and stomping on your stairs. His face is white as he walks through your bathroom door and makes eye contact with you.
You're sat on the rim of your bath, “Glenda?” you ask as he nods; his eyes wide in panic. You huff, “I fuckin’ knew I saw her at the store”.
He’s silent as he sits next to you, anxiety radiating off his body and his breath quick. Neither of you look at each other until the alarm rings out, you stop it with one tap and take a deep breath as you hold the test in your hand. It’s still turned face down so you don’t know the answer yet. 
Your voice is shaky and you can feel tears threatening to pour down your face, “I don’t wanna look”.
Gator’s warm hand settles on your knee, his thumb rubbing in a  calming motion; you don’t know if he’s doing this for you or for himself. “We don’t have to look yet”.
You’re both in limbo; unsure how much time has passed. It could be five minutes or it could be an hour. The sun is still high in the clear sky and shining through the small window in your bathroom. It’s becoming stiflingly hot but you feel paralysed with fear. You’ll have to research clinics where you can have a termination, are you going to have to travel out of state? You and Gator could never be a family but, maybe you could keep the child a secret. Maybe you could move out of state together and raise your baby together. Maybe, in another town, you could both start afresh. You could be young lovebirds who are looking forward to starting a family together. No one would have to know what you’d both run from. The baby would never have to know about their psychotic grandfather. You have options and you feel a wave of calm wash over you. 
Before you can overthink it; you turn the test in your hands.
Not pregnant.
You both let out a shaky breath of relief.
“I’ve uh- I bought a few more, just in case it’s like a false negative or whatever. I’ll probably do two more now and then do one tomorrow maybe” you can feel the confidence returning to your voice. 
“Yeah, of course, I’ll go sit downstairs just y’know- do what you gotta do” you both exchange a quick smile before Gator heads downstairs. 
His heart is still pounding as he sits down on your couch, he isn’t sure if he’s relieved or upset. What the fuck is he thinking? Of course, he’s relieved. The two of you having a baby is completely out of the question. Maybe this scare should make him more concerned about sleeping with you and he considers that it could be time to stop this. His daddy is starting to pressure him more about proposing to Glenda and she’s dropping hints about marriage basically every day at this point. All these thoughts evaporate when you walk into the room holding three negative pregnancy tests. You straddle him and his hands grab your hips. You both spend the rest of the afternoon making out and trying to push the fear of the past few hours to the back of your mind. 
He can’t stop this.
He can’t let go of you.
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Due to farms having to deal with coyotes, foxes and hawks etc attacking livestock. Has there been any injuries fending them off? 
This takes place after the farm move, but before Prototype came to live with the group, so... First month of farm life!
Yet another scar
Dogday whimpered, staring away from Delight's hands. She sighed in response, holding a cloth now wet with blood. His open wound seemed to pulse, and it hurt like hell. Not the same he faced when his lower half was torn apart, but it was still awful.
"Stop twitching, Oskar", Delight ordered. "It's going to hurt more if you keep on like this!"
"I know– ouch!"
He almost said a swear as he shivered.
He looked up to Catnap, who was fidgeting with a stress ball. The feline's tail moved in an anxious movement, not calming down even when Angel gently petted his shoulders. His leg was covered in bandages and he had a nasty cut on his back, but nothing more. Lucky him.
Lucky him...
"Warn me when you try to put a new product on my skin!", Dogday growled at Delight. She grunted. "Katherine!"
"I warned you!"
The two immediately stopped bickering, both turning their heads to Angel. Dogday fidgeted, sighing. "Sorry, mom".
"You two need to calm down", Angel added, massaging the back of their head. "You gave me the scare of my life..."
"We weren't expecting the coyotes", Dogday responded, biting his own tongue as Delight continued to clean his wound. "But they were nothing, mom, I promise you. I went through much worse".
"You going through worse doesn't undo your wounds, pup. You were lucky Catnap heard you!"
The feline didn't dare move. Angel kept on saying things about how Dogday should have just called for help instead of facing the group alone, even if it was to protect the sheep, and he silently listened. Or at least tried to.
When Catnap finally stared at his eyes, Dogday smiled. Thank you, is what he wanted to say, but didn't have to. Catnap headbonked Angel's shoulder, and they stopped their ramble to give him a hug. "I'm glad you two are safe".
"Me too", Dogday agreed. The other critter purred, nodding along.
This was progress, he thought.
Maybe the day where Oskar could call Theo his best friend without a hint of bittersweet feelings was closer than he ever expected it to be.
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periracha · 9 months
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 ☾ pairing: Dad!Chan x Mom!Reader  ☾ wc: 2k  ☾  genre: fluff, boring domesticity (gasp)  ☾ cw: Christmas themes, kids, suggestive jokes, me trying to be funny idk, language, chan being chan ☾ summary: the bangs get in the holiday spirit!   ☾ a/n: wanted to get a whole aesthetic and masterlist up for this blog before i posted anything but this little idea had my brain in a chokehold all day so,,,,enjoy ! also, let me know if I should continue writing this family so i can give them names, etc.  yes this piece is fluff but this blog is 18+, MDNI
Ripples start to splash against the inside of your mug as you set it down on the coffee table that has been pushed aside for the evening to allow enough room for you and your husband. 
“Clearing the living room floor the second both kids are down and out?” Chan asks with a wiggle of his eyebrow. 
“Bit risky but I can work with this” he says while straining his neck and pulling his left arm across his chest in a stretch in preparation. 
You look up at him when a scoff falls from your lips, “ha yeah you wish. Now get the wrapping paper from the closet” 
“Please” you add with a sarcastic smile and sweet like honey tone. 
He blinked at you silently for a split second before he huffed out a big sigh, “Oh thank god. I don’t think my back could handle these hardwood floors like it used to” he finishes as he makes his way to the hallway closet. 
“Mmm unfortunately the only action these floors have been getting lately is spilled juice and probably some dusty cheetos the kids kicked under the couch” you joke as Chan meets you on the floor with wrapping supplies and gifts. 
A quiet laugh in agreement leaves his lips. 
“She’s gonna love this” Chan says with a grin so wide it meets his eyes. 
He’s holding up a Bluey plushie that plays a few catchphrases from the show when its paw is squeezed. 
“She better…. I’m running out of reasons why she can’t buy it every time we go to the store” you say as you cut wrapping paper big enough to wrap the doll and hand it to him. 
Your daughter had wanted this little plushie for months now, always asking to stop by the toy section whenever you visit your local department store. You quickly learned that simply telling her the store didn’t have anymore wasn’t gonna fly with her. She always found a way to swindle you into the toy aisles, finding the plushie every time. Distracting her with books or other small toys could only get you so far; luckily Christmas was only a few days away and you both would soon see the joy on her face when she opened her gift. 
“How do you even wrap these things??” Chan huffed out with a bewildered look on his face; his brows drawn tight and his eyes wide open. The piece of wrapping paper you had given him was creased all over, and covered in way too many pieces of tape that didn’t actually do anything to keep the paper together. 
A giggle started in your chest but you choked it down with a fake cough. Chan was used to being good at almost anything he put his mind to. 
Dancing? Easy.
Singing? No Problem. 
Writing thousands of unique songs that differed in their own ways? Piece of cake. 
Sports? Absolutely. 
Wrapping a small gift for his three year old daughter? Not so much. 
Carefully, you took the small doll from his hand and replaced it with a box of bath toys for your son. 
“Here, let me handle this…and you wrap these” you said nonchalantly as soon as you made the switch; immediately working on your new task at hand. 
Chan gawked at you with a goofy smile on his face, “You don’t think I can do it?...you’re demoting me to only wrapping boxes?” he laughed while feigning offense. 
“No no no!”, you waved off, “you’re just soooo good! Better than me! The best actually!” you rushed out while trying to contain your laughter but ultimately failing. 
Chan looked at you with pointed eyes, but had a wide smile plastered on his face the entire time. He looked like he was going to say something in retaliation but decided against it, letting out a small chuckle and shaking his head instead while he got to work on the box. 
Many presents later you were both feeling the ache deep in your lower back from hunching over on the floor. 
“Okay that's enough for me, I’m tapping out,” Chan said stretching his back with a yawn. 
You yawned and simply shook your head up and down in agreement, thinking about how you were too tired to even keep your eyes open. 
You got up and gathered all your wrapping supplies to store away. 
“Oh! Can you take all those and put them under the tree?” you asked him while pointing to the group of gifts. 
He hummed a quick mhm and started gathering them in his arms. 
“Make sure to put Bluey on top of the one of the taller presents so they can’t get to it” you called out as you made your way to your room. 
“Yep, got it” Chan quickly responded before placing all the presents down and making his way to follow you to your bedroom. 
The next day went blissfully as usual; waking up way too early to cries before the sun is even fully out, only to finally get your son back down and you barely back in bed before your daughter barges in demanding French toast stat. 
Did you even have all the ingredients for french toast? 
You already got one kid handled, Chan could handle this one.
You lightly kicked him in the leg as he laid beside you to wake him up before you made yourself comfortable to fall back asleep. 
When you did wake up, you grabbed your son and met your husband and daughter in the living room, setting him down to crawl around the rug.
“Good morning love”, Chan greeted you with a kiss to your cheek and sliding his arms around your waist in a loose hug. 
You hummed a good morning back before resting your head against his chest. 
“My turn! My turn!” your daughter yelled entirely too close to your eardrum as she stood on the couch in an attempt to be as eye level as she could with you. 
“Coffee?” Chan asked with a smirk as he let you go and made his way to the kitchen. 
“Ohhh yeah” you answered before turning your attention fully on your daughter. 
She puckered her lips and stood on her tiptoes in an attempt to copy her dad’s previous actions. You bent down and she kissed your cheek, “Good morning, mommy!”, she giggled before flopping down on the couch. 
“Oh it is a good morning!” you smiled back to her before tickling her to get some hugs in. 
Chan met you back in the living room with your fresh cup of coffee as you both sat on the couch, watching your children play together in the early morning hours. 
Your son crawled towards the christmas tree and before you could get up to grab him he had already bumped into a few presents, causing one of them to go off. 
“Hello! Hehehe”  
The noise immediately caught your daughter's attention and her head snapped towards the tree before her eyes widened. You could see the wheels starting to turn in her head to try and make sense of what just happened when you looked over at Chan who was sporting a mortified look. Jaw hung open and downward, eyes widening and moving around the room at everyone’s faces. 
The damn Bluey doll had gone off and one of her most wanted presents was most likely spoiled now. 
“WHAT WAS THAT?” she rushed out, walking closer to the tree.
“Your brother!” Chan blurted out way too quickly before tightening his lip into a flat line, realizing what he just did. 
Your daughter stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the both of you. 
“What???” she asked again, her eyes darting between yours and Chan’s a few times. 
“He can talk??, “ she screamed, bewildered at the new information being thrown at her all too quickly, pointing at him and eyes wide as saucers.
You let out a huff of air and forced yourself to take a sip of your coffee, hoping to buy you some time, waiting for your brain to kick on. It was too early for this.
Chan looked at you waiting for you to come in and save the conversation but you had nothing. How were you supposed to convince a 3 year old that her 8 month old brother could now speak when he’s never done that before. 
You’re on your own here. You thought to yourself as your eyes met Chan’s again. His face still stuck in the same shocked expression. 
“Uhh…yeah..yeah…?” Chan tried to get out nonchalantly but it ended up coming out more like a question and high pitched tone, before clearing his throat. 
Your son had now crawled toward your daughter and started grabbing at her legs to get her attention. 
You needed a moment to think but your daughter would absolutely follow you wherever you went to…. Unless…?
You coughed into your arm dramatically, “ooooh mommy needs medicine, I will be right back” you said before quickly standing up and making your way to the hallway cabinets before she could stop you.
Even the possibility of being around cough medicine, seeing it with her own eyes, was enough to keep your daughter from following you. She was not about to risk having to take that, yucky grape stuff, as she likes to call it. 
Chan followed after you, staying in the open area to keep an eye on the two kids. 
“So our 8 month old is saying full words now is he?” you asked, raising your eyebrows when he got closer to you. 
“I panicked okay!”, he screamed in a hushed tone. 
“So you blame it on the baby?!” you asked in disbelief, a laugh starting in the bottom of your throat. You tightened your lips in an effort to stop the smile you knew was coming. 
“What else was I supposed to say it came from?” Chan asked with a strained laugh, “you were no help!” he accused, pointing his finger and narrowing his gaze. 
“I don’t know Chan! The TV? Your phone?” you huffed out off the top of your head and throwing your hands in the air.
“Hm. yeah that would’ve been good”, he said staring at the floor, realizing just how easy those would’ve been to explain away to a child. 
He stepped back from you to get a better look at your kids a few steps away. His brow furrowed so you stepped forward to see what he was looking at. 
Your daughter was sitting directly across from your son with a serious expression on her face, no more playing going on in sight. 
“What..what are you guys doing?” Chan asked loud enough for your kids to hear. 
Your daughter looked back at him, “Waiting,” she said matter of factly before refocusing her attention back on her brother. 
“Waiting foorrr?” Chan asked, raising his eyebrows as you both took a step toward them. 
“Him to talk again” she answered without bothering to even look at Chan this time, her serious gaze never leaving her brother's face. He was babbling and drooling while playing with the legs of her pajama pants. 
You both couldn’t contain the laughs that came from your mouths. Today was going to be a long day. 
You couldn’t wipe the smile from your face as you thought about your family’s antics. Never a boring day in the Bang household, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“Hey Chan, what did you do with the matching talking Bingo we wrapped last night?” 
©periracha, 2023.
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Some sad Ballister and money headcanons
pt 1? maybe?
Ballister has a very complicated relationship to money
Growing up poor, the threat of not having basic things like a home, food, or other necessities hung heavy over his head. He might not have understood the full scope of it, but he was a smart kid and understood enough to feel its affects
He didn't have nice toys, his clothes were full of holes, their meals were small. He knew other families had more, he would see them walking down the street, but knew that wasn't for him or his family
He wouldn't ask for ice cream in the summer, wouldn't complain when they ate the same stew for dinner every day for a week because that's all there was, never cried or whined the few times he asked for something and was told "no"
It bled into guilt. When his mom offered to cut his hair one summer when he was sweating up a storm, he said no. He didn't want to bother her; she already was so busy and stressed. She assured him that it would take five minutes and wouldn't cost anything but still he refused
Or one fall, he helped a neighbor fix his heater (he held the tools) and got paid $10. He was so excited; this was money all for himself! His first thought was to give it to his parents because he knew how much they needed it but this was his money. He bought himself a sandwich for $6. The rest of it he gave to his parents. They didn't want to take it from him but he insisted and eventually they gave in
That night, he cried. He wanted to help, he knew how much they needed the money and how hard his parents worked, and he had selfishly spent over half of it on a single meal. $10 would have been much more helpful than $4 but he just had to treat himself, didn't he? He knew those fancy, expensive foods weren't for him but he bought it anyway
It was around this time that he decided he wanted to be a knight. They were so brave and strong and helped so many more people than he could. And they probably got paid pretty well, their armor was always so shiny
So he would pick up any odd jobs people could give to a kid (walking someone's dog, watering their plants while they were away, sorting recycling from garbage, etc) while dreaming about being a knight. The jobs only paid somewhere between $5 - $10 but it wasn't about the money. He was a hero of the realm and they only needed the safety of their people to be satisfied
But he would go home and count every dollar before he went to bed
When the Queen offered to keep him at the Institute and train him to be a knight, neither him nor his family could believe what they were hearing. There was some back and forth about what this would mean but ultimately, they let him go. He would have food, shelter, stability and all the things they couldn't provide
Joining the Institute was very overwhelming for many reasons but Balister did have to say he did enjoy not worrying about money all the time. He never had to worry about if the lights would shut off or where his next meal would come from. He didn't have to budget his few dollars and didn't feel guilty for wanting things. The other kids had so much stuff, surely he could have some too
This... wasn't totally true. Even though his life was more stable now, he still didn't have the latest sneakers or stories about long vacations to country houses or anything else that these kids had. He tried to ignore it but it was a glaring middle finger to the face every time someone casually mentioned their new pet pony or other ridiculous bullshit
The first few years of his training were fine, they were all using fake swords with plastic armor on straw dummies. But as he reached his teen years and training got more serious, he realized he was going to be left behind again
The Institute and the Queen did provide some things for him but it turns out that most of those kids' families provided their knight equipment for them. Ballister's family would be expected to do the same and he knew there was no way that was going to happen. He had come here to make his dreams a reality but if he had to choose between his future or his family starving/being homeless because all their money went to his armor, he would go home in a heartbeat. It would kill him but, in his heart, he knew it's what he would do
So he went to class everyday with only a sword that wasn't his. Ambrosius gave him a sword when he first got to the Institute and saw he didn't have one. At the time he was thrilled but told him he couldn't accept it, Ambrosius needed it. The blond boy had simply shrugged and said "You can keep it, I have a whole bunch." He was ecstatic to finally get a real-life sword but now it was a reminder that these other kids could trade these thousand dollar weapons like baseball cards. The monetary value meant nothing to them
Despite having a sword already, he didn't have any armor and got his ass handed to him so many times. Turns out having protection against people thrusting blades at you was important. Todd and the other knights made of him mercilessly but he would just have to endure it because there was no way in hell he was going to tell his parents he needed equipment. He was going to have to deal with it himself
At first the Director wanted him to stop training until he was able to afford armor but he begged her to keep going. He got really good at blocking attacks, because if he didn't, he would get hurt, but he knew it wasn't enough
It was nearly impossible because training took all day and then left him dog-tired but he started picking up odd jobs on the weekends again. People paid much better in the wealthier neighborhoods and he could get quite a decent sum for cleaning someone's gutter or mowing their lawn. It was embarrassing that he had to do this while the other kids could relax but it was worth it to not be covered in bandages all the time
He had saved halfway to his goal when he got seriously hurt. Sparing gone wrong, he fell for a fake-out right move and got slashed across his left side. It was bleeding a lot and he was whisked away to the informatory. After he got stitched up, the Queen came to see him. He hadn't expected her but apparently the accident was big enough to reach her
She asked him how this happened and embarrassedly, he admitted he wasn't wearing armor during practice. She was shocked and asked "why in the world not???" After a moment debate, he admitted that he didn't have any. That opened the floodgates, and everything came pouring out. He was ashamed that he got hurt, he was embarrassed he didn't have armor, he was guilty that he didn't ask for help, he was stressed that his parents would help him at their own expense, he was tired from spending every second he wasn't in class working
The Queen comforted him, letting him cry on her shoulder and combing his hair. It only added to his shame, this was no way for anyone to be treating the QUEEN. He pulled away and then the unspeakable happened. She offered to buy him a suit of armor. He sputtered, trying to refuse it, or at least let him pay for the part he had money for but she refused to negotiate. It was unacceptable that one of her knight cadets was left without the basic equipment required to succeed, that the Director did nothing to fix the problem, and that the environment of the Institiute made Balister feel too ashamed to ask for help and got him seriously injured
She bought him his thick black armor and the first day he wore it to class, he couldn't stop grinning. He beat the shit out of everybody who dared spar with him
Time went on and Ballister's armor got chipped and dented but he never wanted to buy a new pair like all his classmates in their shiny chest plates. This armor was old but it was his, he was allowed to have this
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notedchampagne · 2 months
Is now the right time to ask even though it was a while ago about the Pyrrhawake pirate au you did😭I still think about it the designs were soooo good
teehee id gladly speak about it! a lot of these are cooypasted from discord so its a little disorganized but anyway
btw this au is now called nonapelagic zone. "The pelagic zone includes all ocean waters away from shores. The term pelagic is derived from the Greek word pelagos, meaning "open sea."" and they have nine seas now just because
in this au necromancy is a thing. harrowhark has a literal skeleton crew and gideons onboard it as a sort of prisoner as well
before gideon was with harrow she was raised by john like his little princess. she does rapier and normal swords because she needs the enrichment but god shes so depressed. one day she grabs some of johns money and tries to get one of his boats to ride around on. maybe to never come back in maybe to die in she doesnt care. then harrow ransacks her. kiris held hostage and made to swab the decks because she might be the prince BUT. shes not staying on that boat doing nothing
harrow has a davy jones type thing going on with alecto, who is kept in a well in brackish water underneath johns castle. harrows been looking for alecto for years
the other ship groups on here are pyrrhawake (broken up bc wakes in prison), the rest of boe (riding with pal and cam because theyre on their own atlantic type adventure to go to islands and log research), and the tridentarii (they are rich and have a silly yacht)
boe is a group of smaller ships with the hopers, wakers etc and they all have an "alliance" but only out of mutual distaste. all the houses are Lands but ninth was a little shitty island so after the death of harrows parents she took her loyal ones and made a ship
wake stole one of johns ships and ransacked him a few times before. she also sinks his other ships for the hell of it until she got captured and is behind bars. pyrrhas been trying to get her back
pyrrhas ship temporarily took over harrows and thats when pyr bonded with gideon, then returned her to john so that she could sneak in and release wake. a beautiful reunion + betrayal combo
some years later kiri runs away AGAIN. shes really truly so desperate bc johns trying to set her up for marriage to the third to see if itll make her normal. shes on the boats shes about to go off but then she sees a boat explode. and then another. hi wake. you picked a bad time to try and leave gideon. her revenge era where shes really intent on racking up bodies
gideon gets onto wakes ship, realizes shes her mom and that shes crazy, takes her leave and dips before she gets killed. she finds harrow in a cave with a little tattered sailboat still searching for alecto
harrow: aww. did the prince try to kill herself again
gideon: yes
harrow: say it
gideon: i dont WANT to go on your stupid ship
harrow: i will cut your blood on the tide pools and watch the sharks cut you holes
gideon: SHUT UP!!! just give me the fucking mop and a sword ok
after a few more brief adventurings w the sixth and second (john sent them to find kiriona) they go back to johns castle and harrow tries to rescue alecto, chained to the bottom of a well
you have to do cpr on alecto to wake her up harrow keeps trying to swim down there but ooooh. its so deep. shes trapped shes asleep harrow has to hold her breath and breathe it into her and then come back up alive. its tough
gideon comes in now because its been 2 hours and harrows not back and she finds alecto out and harrow half dead. harrow breathes life into alecto gideon does cpr on harrow ok. ok. its the rituals
meanwhile the sixth have been speedrunning treason in the bg like a fun cameo. theyve been imprisoned too and they helped griddlehark break out
johns mad at them i think this is about as far as it goes. alectos free YAY
there was a previous sidequest where the fourth are baby sailors trying to capture gh and they had to fucking return them back to land where theyre allied w the fifth laaaame
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
A very random mix but totally good and funny: North Blue Lenguage (or NBL like I started to call this) + Loved!Sanji
Judge thinks his experiments on his childrens go 100% well, when in truth just half works. (They have feelings, all of them)
Sora discovers her plan worked and decides to run away with all her kids. Because fuck it, she may be sick but letting her precious childs with Judge is a big no.
After this, things kind of go like NBL, Mihawk finding them and taking them with him to Kuraigana, Sora and Mihawk falling in love, etc etc etc. Just now it's not one but five kids.
Since just Sanji wants to be a cook, when he starts to work at Baratie, his siblings stay at Kuraigana. They still see each other but usually with their parents.
And for security, Sanji don't mention his siblings too. So no one knows about them until Karai Barai.
(This could have Acesan too, with Mihawk saving Ace and Luffy 'cause, y'know, they're Sanji's boyfriend and captain. So in Kuraigana during some time there is Zoro, Luffy and Ace recovering, all confused about WHY there's two womans and three boys who look a lot like the cook – until they found a family picture with Sanji and the chaos start, for different reasons, of course)
I've also started calling it NBL! It's still tagged as North Blue language though so it stays all falls under that. It gets long under the cut and Buggy is still competent! Also a hilarious image of Mihawk, five children and Sora all on his tiny boat. Chances are he's like 'fuck it, I'm a pirate' and steals a bigger boat.
Mihawk who is staring at these six individuals, almost all of them look identical if it weren't for the colored hair and eyebrows. Four of them have them curled one way, one has them curled the other, and their mom has normal brows. He's basically taking complete strangers to his home and the kids are all so fucking helpful it's weird. To their mom, to him, to each other, and four of them are really protective of Sanji.
Mihawk blinks at the names they have and the girl, Reiju, explains what happened to them, to Sora, who Judge is and what he did to Sanji specifically. Mihawk has fury burning inside him as he listens that he's never heard before but the kids and Sora take to him extremely well and he takes to them just as well and much quicker. Mihawk doesn't know what is going on with him.
Of course when he and Sora get together all the kids celebrate and it's actually very sweet. Sanji cooks better than Mihawk and everyone loves it. The kids all have PTSD, obviously Sanji has it the worst but Reiju isn't far behind. Mihawk and Sora talk constantly about how to best keep them secret to stop Judge from finding them, so when the opportunity to become a warlord comes up he takes it.
Imagine Ace and Sanji start dating and sending letters back and forth when Ace eats at Baratie once before he and the Spadille Pirates head to the Grand Line and he tells his family all about him and what he's like and what he's up to and how sweet they are on each other makes Sora and Reiju coo and 124ji gag and Mihawk rolls his eyes because he gets it. He's the same way with Sora after all. All the siblings want to go give Ace a shovel talk and Mihawk shuts that down. Then a couple years later Sanji sends a letter after Mihawk spared Zoro saying he joined Luffy's crew and he's setting sail and they'll be in the Grand Line soon.
They read the paper, cringe at his poster and freak out about Enies Lobby and then Perona appears. She is once again adopted and then Zoro appears and freaks out about the cook being in front of him when the crew was all sent to different places. He has no idea where anyone is and he needs to get back to Sabaody and Sora is giving Mihawk a look. But then he gets a denden call.
For a summons to serve at Ace's execution.
Mihawk immediately goes to talk to Sora and the kids, minus Perona and Zoro and they talk about him leaving the Warlord system to save Ace if it's a possibility. They all immediately agree. They can handle the backlash, Sanji had a dream and a love, those were more important than their secret. They were stronger now, they could protect themselves.
So he goes and sees Luffy and Ace and the fleet so it's a possibility and he is willing to take it so he aids in the fight. He helps free Ace and aids in fighting the admirals and vice admirals and he even cuts the lava fist that is supposed to kill Ace with a haki laced Yoru. Mihawk is unwilling to let them die and sends them off to take over the fight.
"This isn't your fight!" Ace yells at him and Mihawk stands in between him and Akainu.
"Boy, if you don't run and live for those who care for you I will follow you to Hell and drag you out myself!" Mihawk threatens. "Go!" So they do, Ace and Luffy go but Akainu throws a punch around him that hits Ace and Luffy but isn't going to kill them. Mihawk might actually be pissed enough to behead Akainu, but doesn't. When Shanks shows up and ends the war Mihawk manages to find Bepo and gives him directions to Kuraigana.
Ichiji and Yonji bring them in and Mihawk thanks Law who says the normal 'too interesting to let die' which Mihawk agrees with. He sees off the heart crew and checks on the newcomers and Zoro who has Luffy curled around him and yelling as Niji is yelling at him to lay down.
"Why are there so many Sanji's?" Luffy asks after he's calmed down about Zoro as Ace is blinking at the almost clones of his boyfriend before he has the realization.
"Oh no." Ace whispers in horror at his realization.
"If you thought I would let Sanji's love die, you're wrong." Mihawk says. "I'm not the one you should be scared of about this either."
"Huh, what does that mean?" Zoro asks.
"Our mom is scarier." Niji says.
"Your dad is the world's greatest swordsman and your mom is scarier?" Zoro demands.
"If you get us killed I'm going to haunt your ass for the next four lives." Perona threatens as she peels Luffy off him.
"You all should sleep, and you need to be in your bed." Reiju says to Luffy. Luffy whines that he and his brother almost died and Reiju says that's exactly why because Law said if he reopens his chest wound he will die. So Ace and Zoro try to cajole Luffy into his own bed and he's out fairly quickly.
Sora is bringing them food at some point and Ace asks about what Niji said because there's a reason he hasn't introduced Sanji to the fleet and that reason is the amount of shovel talks Sanji would get and Sora laughs and pats his cheek, tells him not to worry about that. Luffy asks if the rest of the crew is here since Zoro and Sora says no but they'll find the crew and check on them for him while they are off training or such.
I feel like Mihawk takes the two brothers and Zoro to Rayleigh and the Shirohige fleet, one so they can spend more time together, and two so Mihawk doesn't come back to a Zoro filled with bullet holes from his wife. Mihawk is sure she wouldn't kill him but he'd probably almost die again so off he goes with them.
"You have a lot of gall trading sides like that." Rayleigh says, almost teasingly to Mihawk.
"He dates my son and has been for some years. I'd say it was rather tasteless of you and the other members of the former Roger Pirates aside from Shanks and Buggy of all people to not step in and help." Mihawk says smoothly. Rayleigh blinks at him as Zoro grumbles about the clown and Luffy says he's lame.
"Oh, I should probably let B know I'm alive. Chances are he knows and I'm on my way back because of his network." Ace mumbles.
"His what?" Zoro and Rayleigh ask.
"You guys really think he would be that useless?" Ace yells at them.
"Well, yeah, he's lame." Luffy says while picking his nose.
"I've only heard rumors of it, a lot of information brokers use him to gauge rookies from the East Blue as well as the Revolutionary Army for their routes if I'm not mistaken." Mihawk nods.
"Wait, you have a son?" Rayleigh asks and claps Mihawk on the shoulder. "I remember when you challenged Roger and got your ass kicked." He laughs.
"I was eighteen, and I have five children." Mihawk says shrugging Rayleigh's hand off his shoulder. He ignores the balking questions from Rayleigh as Zoro and Ace hug Luffy before they head to the White Beard fleet to drop Ace off with Marco who thanks him.
"Just so you're aware whenever you inevitably meet Sanji I would appreciate it if the entire fleet did not give him a shovel talk. Ace was only told to be afraid of my wife in regards to dying." Mihawk says and Marco laughs.
"Sorry, someone married you? And had kids with you? Fuck, she would be terrifying. I think that's something we can handle." Marco nods as he ruffles Ace's hair.
"Well, I basically adopted them and then married their mother." Mihawk explains.
"They all look the same, except they have different colored hair. Sanji's eyebrows curl differently though." Ace says.
"Okay, buddy, go find something to eat." Marco says as Ace bows to them and leaves. "Okay so tell me about your wife? Does Shanks know? Does the government? How did this happen?" Marco rattles off.
"Goodbye, Marco." Mihawk says as he and Zoro leave.
When the two years are up Ace joins the crew and Sanji and Ace have their own room on the Sunny. Sabo in Dressrosa asks about them after getting punched in the face by Luffy and the stomach by Ace. Luffy excitedly tells Sabo Ace is dating Sanji and Sanji's family is so cool because his dad is Mihawk and all his siblings look just like him almost! Sabo is staring at Ace, not blinking as Luffy rattles all this off. Ace shrugs sheepishly and says they've been dating five years at that point which makes Sabo yell at him and Ace yell back.
when WCI rolls around Ace goes with. He thinks Pudding is fine but he and Sanji have been dating, albeit long distance until recently but the cook also never mentioned his family. Never. So when he sees the fight and Sanji "breaking up" with him he's pissed because he knows Sanji doesn't want to be doing this.
Of course on the way out Judge is yelling at Sanji about the best parts of him being failures and he should have followed suit with his mother and siblings and die. Sanji knows they aren't dead. He knows it but he keeps his fucking mouth shut and holds Ace back as Luffy asks why he started listing all of Sanji's good qualities and if he knows about his family. Judge demands to know what he means by that and Sanji says he'll find out soon enough.
And then a very big poster sized wanted poster comes out on the way to Wano. A family photo of Mihawk, Sora, and the kids and their individual bounties, close up photos(a decent one of Sanji too)comes out of the paper, as well as the rescue team's updated bounties.
When they eventually all go to Karai Bari because Sanji still has a separate bounty from his family the Wano team doesn't know and most of the rescue team have seemingly forgotten. So the amount of screaming is absurd to Crocodile and Mihawk but Ace is hugging Buggy and calling him Uncle B as Buggy keeps asking him if he's eating properly, how is Marco, keeps telling him where Richie is. Then Ace pulls Sanji over and introduces him as his boyfriend. 0124 look at them, then the clown, and then their parents.
"Did you already forget who my parents are?" Sanji deadpans to Ace.
"Wow, they really do all look alike." Chopper says as he looks over the kids.
"I should hope so, the boys are quadruplets. Reiju is only a few years older than them." Sora laughs.
"I'm sorry, what? Quadruplets?" Usopp asks.
"Yeah! Our mom drank poison so that Judge's experiments failed kind of, mostly Sanji failed and then the rest of us are really hard to kill." Yonji says.
"Huh?" Buggy and Ace ask.
"Check this out!" Yonji yells.
"How did it go in Tottoland?" Sora asks as Yonji shoots his hands away, Ichiji fires lasers from his eyes and Niji jokingly shocks Luffy since he's rubber.
"I think Judge got killed by Big Mom." Sanji says. "Awful otherwise."
"Well that's one less thing to worry about." Mihawk says
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rosewaterandivy · 4 months
poolside - the bewilderment of esmé and the unveiling of steve
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The Carvers definitely have an in-ground lagoon style pool at the house in Hawkins. But Eddie insists on schlepping down to the local community pool for Zoë’s swim lessons.
Never mind that she is a literal baby, but whatever.
Pale as the day is long, in the most ridiculous swim trunks you’d ever had the misfortune to see, and positively slathered in SPF.
Your doing, to his dismay.
But you don’t mind, lanes to swim in and an hour free of child-rearing while Eddie and the other moms go to the morning tater tots class with their kiddos.
“Esmé?” Someone asks before you can kick-turn and begin your next set of laps.
You pry the goggles from your eyes and squint at the man standing before you.
He is wearing a speedo and has dropped his kit at the end of the lane. The end of your lane. A bright yellow flipper flops out of the bag.
“Guilty as charged.” You say, hoping the tone is enough to convey how annoyed you are.
He squats down at eye-level all loose-limbed ease. His smile is easy and genuine. You almost feel bad for acting so surly.
“Mind if I join? We can circle swim.”
And you’d been hoping to avoid this. Hoped your general off-putting demeanor would be enough to warn the residents of Hawkins off— steer clear, here there be dragons, etc.
But this guy.
Reluctantly, you shove over in the lane and say, “Might as well.”
From across the way in the kiddie pool, you can just make out Eddie with his haphazard bun pouring what appears to be a colander filled with water over Zoë’s head. They’re singing the welcome song and spelling out her name as he does so. She coos and babbles gleefully all the while.
Dean, at least you’re pretty sure that’s his name, has his goggles and swim cap on by the time you glance back.
How does he get all that hair in there? And at what cost?
Setting your watch you countdown 3-2-1 before launching down the lane in a breast stroke, Dean not long behind you.
The rest of the hour passes uneventfully, your swim partner turns out to be pretty decent in the water and keeps up without complaint.
Coming to the end of your cool down, you see another set of feet at the end of the lane, but distinctly paler than the last.
Breaching the surface, your arms come to rest at the edge of the tiled wall, legs lazily cutting through the water.
“How’d it go?”
Eddie shrugs, “Pretty well, she didn’t cry this time. Meanwhile, Harper wouldn’t stop howling for love or money.”
“Is that a fact?”
“Yep,” He says with smirk, “Tried bribing her with a crisp twenty and was met with disdain.”
“Well, the going rate is a crisp fifty now, inflation y’know.”
Seeing your raised arms, he passes Zoë off to you and sits on the damp concrete. He waves to Dean at the opposite end of the pool as you tread water with Zoë in hand.
She clings to your side, wary of her new surroundings, and takes in the sights and sounds of the competition pool. You’ve always been a strong swimmer and don’t have trouble with the new addition.
There’s a distant sound of splashing as Dean swims toward you, Zoë focused on the fast approaching man under the blue water.
Eddie says something in greeting as the other man surfaces. You’ve floated away from the wall with Zoë, softly murmuring reassurances to the babe in your arms.
A call of your name draws your attention back to the men at the wall.
“Is that okay?” Eddie asks, voice raised slightly to carry among the background splashes and whistles of the crowded pool.
“Is what okay?”
He rolls his eyes and waves for you to swim closer.
“Robin and Steve wanna stop by later, maybe a few others.” Eddie says as you plop Zoë to sit on the top of the tiled wall. “A cookout pool party thing, maybe?”
You nod along, mentally going through the schedule for the day. It should be fine, no appointments for Zoë or meetings for you. And Eddie sent off his last round of pages earlier this week for line edits.
“Sure, but who’s Steve?”
Eddie’s resounding cackle sounds like a gunshot through the space. Several people stop their conversations to gawk in annoyance.
“Me,” Dean says, a blush slowly creeping up his chest and neck. “I’m Steve.”
“You never said anything!” You sputter, realizing in horror that you’d been referring to this man by the wrong name in front of him for the better part of two months.
He shrugs, like it’s no big deal.
“S’fine,” Dean Steve says, as Zoë kicks water into his face.
He smiles and waves to her as Eddie begins packing up, chuckling to himself every so often.
“You could’ve corrected me at any time.”
Another shrug.
“You were just so confident,” He supplies.
It’s not enough.
“Yeah,” Eddie clucks, “Confident in her wrongness.”
“Shut it, Munson,” You warn lifting yourself from the pool to sit on its edge by Zoë. “You’re on my shit list.”
He rolls his eyes and shoulders the swim bags, “As if I’d be on any other.”
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ago0112 · 3 months
S3 The Bear, Sleight of Hand
This season is all about what's done in the in-between. There are so many background details and I know I haven't found them all. But why not start listing them? Some of them I'm not sure of the meaning yet so, please help a girl out and feel free to comment.
Has anyone else noticed the smoke? When Carmy is in the AA meeting the lady beside him on the right has a plume of smoke around her
When him and Ritchie are shown staring at each other with the wall of the kitchen shown dividing them. There is something smoking in the background. There is a 3rd place I saw smoke but cannot think of it so if you see it please let me know.
This one is hilarious! In Marcus's mom's funeral episode later on by the dish pit on the left it says in tape, Fuck you 1.03pm. If you run the episode time back to 1.03 Carmy and Cousin are walking down the aisle of the church together to get in a pew. Since they can't say it to each other at a funeral service lol 😆
When Ted is talking to Gary, Ted's jacket says Matter of Fak Supplies...they do supply the facts regardless if we like it or not this season
Paul Rudd cardboard cut out behind Sydney when she's changing and trying to figure out how to talk to Carmy
Bradley Cooper's picture on the picture board in Forever. (Same universe as the movie Burnt.)
The Computer shows them a recipe card. On the back it says FUCKED.
Boxes...boxes....boxes. Which I need more time with this one. Or please help me out someone. I know Fak is afraid of them.
Haunting. I need more time with this one. But our core cast of characters are in their own heads and it's eating them apart. They only get better when they ask for help.
That something seems to interrupt Syd and Carmy connecting. It starts wayyy back with a Claire and Carmy scene, i think, in e3? Where Claire talks about the cuts on the girl. They ask if each other is ok and Claire says something like, let's just ask each other a bunch of times if we are ok. (Carmy and Sydney's thing.) She's kinda annoyed by it and laughs it off. To summarize, she also says it's going to get worse before it gets better. So, let's move ahead when Carmy tries to talk to Syd about her dad she cuts herself on a knife and right before when Syd just walked in he cuts himself.
How Carmy can say I love you to other people like Ritchie, Nat, Fak etc. But Claire sends him into the deep end...like when he is forced to say it to his mom and Mikey.
2 of something. They keep highlighting things in pairs. Things work better with 2 or more people. The Faks. Nat and Ritchie , Marcus and Tina, Tina and Syd. Nat comments about Stars - Nat says one star is excellent but 2 is better. TK with the 2 wishbones.
There are probably tons more. Feel free to add to them or enlighten me on some regardless if you agree or not :)
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insideliascrazyhead · 11 months
High & Low Couple Headcanons
Todoroki,Shibaman and Tsuji
-Overprotective as fuck
-patching up after fights comes with extra scolding about don´t get yourself hurt unspoken: don´t make me worry like that
-Todoroki trying to pretend not to be totally fond of Shibaman and Tsuji´s typical little behaviors that everyone has that would piss others off but not your loved ones cause they´re used to it
-Todoroki smiles.A lot more.
-He also loves it when Shibaman and Tsuji get a Ichigo Milk scolding
-When they´re not at Oya they´re usually at Shibaman´s since his sister isn´t home a lot
-They all met his sister though and Todoroki is her favorite
-and he loves it there,it´s a lot more home-y than his own
-domestic as fuck
-try to get into each others interests
-Todoroki going on a concert with them
-Shiba and Tsuji reading one of Todoroki´s books,failing miserably to understand that complicated shit and ask if there´s a movie for it instead
-especially during date night,where they switch up what they do
-shockingly stumbling across Murayama in the early morning on his way home form Cobra
Tsukasa and Fujio
-Fujio´s mom loves Tsukasa
-two domestic bitches
calling each other on face time speaking until fall asleep
-trying to be romantic then laugh about it
-god Tsukasa loves when Madoka scolds Fujio
-movie night dates
-dates in the amusement park
-clingy and adorable
-love language are probably gifts and quality time
-cuddles all the time
-bickering like old married couples
-soo many nicknames from Fujio
-patching up each others injuries after every fight
-probably adopted Jamuo as their child
-cooking dates until Fujio cut or burns something and get´s banned from the kitchen so he sits on the counter as emotional support and even tried cheering Tsukasa on once,who just shoved some food into Fujio´s mouth
Yasushi and Shidaken
-they´re normally at Shidaken´s since he lives alone
-horror movie nights even tho Shidaken´s doesn´t necessarily like them and nearly vomits sometimes
-gross food and candy combinations,also dare each other to eat it
-sneaking around thinking they´re good at keeping it a secret
-teasing like crazy
-any romantic couple things,yeah matching brain damadge
-lovingly insult each other
-kicking each others ass on occasion
-Shidaken loves when Yasushi goes crazy on some random thugs
-Shidaken bickering constantly with Kiyoshi
-always eat takeout,they tried to cook once.The pan caught fire and they started fighting and screaming,not knowing what the fuck to do.If odajima wouldn´t have come by that day,the flat would´ve burned down.Dumbasses still fighting while being open flame grilled
-Yasushi probably drowns in Shidakens clothes so he hits him with the sweater paws,always when he least expects it.
-The most agressive mother henning ever
-he met Shidaken´s mother,she thinks Yasushi´s a total sweetheart -You can behave?Yeah you can go eat me.Maybe later.Yasushi violently choking on nothing.
-Probably say fuck you instead of I love you
-You hate this guy.Nah we hate this guy.That kinda loyality.Now it´s on sight for the two.
-When Yasushi fell in love he thought the fluttering in his stomach is the flu.
Cobra and Murayama
-Murayama shamelessly flirting with Cobra and freezing like a deer in the headlights when Cobra flirts back
-road trips with the motorcycles together
-will probably get married on a roadtrip down the route 66
-would be the cool childless tequila uncles
-shovel talk by Yamato and Noboru get´s interrupted by Naomi who scares the shit out of Murayama
-Seki and Furuya try to intimidate Cobra too
-Kohaku nearly pisses himself laughing meeting Murayama cause of course Cobra falls in love with a guy thats so much like his old self
-Cobra get´s nicknames by Dan:cougar,sugar daddy etc.
-sexual jokes in revenge telling Dan that he´s still single
-mother henning Cobra into eating more,taking care of himself
-Murayama would mature a lot and Cobra would be happier
-wanna hear stories from Mugen and early Sannoh Rengokai
-first time he hears Cobra laugh he probably drops whatever he´s holding
-domestic routine quickly but when Murayama learns about Mugen Cobra he tries to bring him back out.
-Crazy date ideas by Murayama and Cobras weirdly always down
-Murayama tried to out eat Yamato once and nearly died
-also Dan and Tetsu are so happy to get a better chance with woman but still fail
Todoroki and Odajima
-comfortable silence
-fishing dates
-private and reserved in public
-cute couple selfies
-Odajima tries reading books Todoroki is interested in,sleeps in
-ass kicking as date
-they´re actually the best at sneaking around
-Yes,Todoroki sometimes carries a exhausted Odajima like Jinkawa does
-Odajima is cuddly and clingy
-screaming instead of talking even tho they´re not fighting
-they all think they´re fighting and threatening each other.No that´s flirting
-crazy overprotectivness
-total ride or die
-violence as love language
-so many hickeys
-make out sessions after fighting other gangs
-think they´re sneaky.they´re not
-inseperable as usually
-move in with each other without noticing
-Jealous as fuck if you come up towards their boyfriend so help you god.Run.
-Possessive like crazy
-“at least this way no one stabs Kiyoshi anymore!“
„Nah.Did you even met this guy?“ „Stabbing each other is probably their foreplay.“
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findafight · 2 years
I have been thinking of my Swimmer Steve au babyyyy...
Except. It isn't Will that gets stuck in the upsidedown. Its Dustin. His mom flips her shit and reports it that night, calling Karen and then Sue and then Joyce. No one's seen her boy.
Susan holds her hand as she looks through pictures for his missing poster. (they have been best friends since childhood and Lucas and Dustin have know each other since birth). She refuses to believe Dustin ran away or got lost in the woods because he knows better than that. Wouldn't have left Will by himself just to get lost in the woods!!
Joyce gets Jonathan to help put up posters at the highschool, and Robin and Steve see it and are like oh that's sad...but how are we, fifteen and sixteen year olds, supposed to help. And continue on with their regularly scheduled Tuesday plans.
Which is why Steve swims in his pool for probably the last time of the season, it's getting way too cold and he should have drained it before Halloween anyways, and pulls on sweats and a hoodie before tugging the pool cover, accidentally cutting his hand on the crank. (It's getting cold and his hands are drying out so his skin just caught and tore a little) and then he's gone.
Last post etc. Robin freaks and bikes to the police station to report Steve missing at lunch. His parents won't be home for another week and no one else besides his coach would even really care he's gone except maybe Nancy, who Steve is sorta dating after the teasing about Brazilian Gymnast made it clear that Buckley and Harrington weren't dating (yet, some say) but Nancy doesn't know his schedule well enough to know something's wrong soon enough.
And when asked how she knows he wouldn't skip town by a disinterested police officer OR Jonathan Byers I haven't decided which, (disregarding the fact his car was still in the driveway) a stressed and upset Robin says "because he would have taken me with him!" Because he would have. They'd talked about it, leaving Hawkins once they graduate and not looking back. Getting an apartment together and maybe working the same shitty retain job to make ends meet as she coaches him into gold medals.
If Steve were to run away, he would have taken her with him. But he didn't. Robin was still in Hawkins and Steve was gone. He didn't run away.
And then Dustin's "body" is found. Claudia knows it's not her boy. They didn't let her close to him but she saw, she saw, that the corpse on the table had front teeth, and her Dustin didn't. Susan Sinclair is beside her, nodding, and stands behind her as she tells Chief Hopper this. That it couldn't be her son because he had a condition, his teeth hadn't come in yet and he didn't have collar bones.
Meanwhile, Jonathan develops the pictures he took while going through the woods trying to help look for Dustin. He has one of Steve, standing bare footed in the pool gutter with his sweats rolled up, grimicing at his sliced hand, as something looms behind him. No Robin don't worry about the picture of shirtless and dripping Steve before that it's nothing a misshot don't mention it again
Dustin, who was pretty ambivalent about Hawkins' resident Olympic hopeful, clings to him in the upsidedown. He's glad he's bigger than Dustin and strong enough to be able to carry him if they need to run fast. Steve's gotten a bat out, already splattered with gore from whatever thing dragged them here, using shoes from the weird, nasty version of his house, and tells Dustin funny stories about his adventures with Robin as he keeps watch while Dustin tries to talk to his mom on the phone or to get the Christmas lights to blip in Morse code.
As Claudia and Sue discuss what's happening and how to get someone to believe them, the lights in the Henderson house keep flickering.
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