#his name is gatsby and he is my son
rorystr · 10 months
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all of you look at my kitty right now.
11 notes · View notes
havecourage-darling · 2 years
Teenage Dirtbag
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x short, plus-sized, girly-ish, female reader.
WC: ~9K
Warnings: cursing, eddie being a lil bit of a horndog, unrequited but not unrequited love
A/N: This song screamed Eddie Munson to me and I had to write it, I don't know what to say for myself lmao I thought it was going to be 1K at most. Welp.
Masterlist || AO3
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Eddie Munson knew he wasn’t the smartest person in town. He was far from the dumbest, Jason Carver took that title by a landslide.
In fact, Eddie would dare to say he was actually pretty intelligent. He wasn’t book smart, not with subjects he didn’t give a shit about, but he had common sense. Which, clearly, wasn’t so common – especially in Hawkins.
However, even Eddie had to admit that he was the dumbest son of a bitch on this planet sometimes.
The primary example was when he managed to fall in love with you, his English tutor. 
After Eddie had bombed the first major test – on his second go at his senior year – his teacher had assigned him a mandatory tutor.
“I know you think I don’t like you,” Ms. O'Donnell said, her sharp eyes softening when Eddie snorted, “but I want you to succeed. You’re smarter than you let on and I can see that.”
“Don’t feel bad. All teachers hate me,” Eddie joked, a thread of truth to it.
“Well not me,” she said, “and to prove it to you – I’m going to assign you a tutor.”
What? “Aw, come on,” Eddie groaned, “I’ll do better on the next one!”
Ms. O’Donnell rolled her eyes. “That’s what you said all last year. I was the one who signed off on you using my classroom for Hellfire Club you know. It’s been four years and I’ve seen some of the things you come up with. You’re good at writing, Mr. Munson. You just need to apply yourself.”
Wait, she knew about some of his campaigns? “Which I’ll do from now on!” The comical expression on her face indicated that Eddie was not getting through to her.
“Trust me,” she said, “she took my advanced placement course as a sophomore. She’s a senior, like you, and she’s willing to do it as a favor to me.”
“Is this mandatory?” Eddie winced when his teacher’s sharp gaze returned.
“Yes,” she said, her expression softening when Eddie slumped. “I’ll make you a deal, just let her tutor you for the next quiz. If you get higher than a C, with genuine effort, you can opt out.”
“Deal,” Eddie sighed.
And now here he was, four months later and definitely more than one aced quiz later, with you in your first sundress of the season. Eddie had been waiting for you at the library, the same table in the back – hidden behind the cookbook shelves – when you walked in. The thin straps drew his attention first, his eyes trailing down to the neckline which exposed the swell of your breasts in a way that had Eddie shifting nervously in his seat.
You’d apologized, sitting down hastily, your breath coming out in quick pants. Your car hadn’t started this morning so you had to ask Dustin, your neighbor, to borrow his bike to get here.
The image of you biking in that dress was something that he didn’t know he needed.
Like always, you pulled out your battered copy of The Great Gatsby and got to work. Eddie had read the book, you’d been right – he did like it – but spent most of the first hour watching you explain the chapters he’d been assigned.
There was just something about the way your eyes lit up when you started rambling about literary terms and characterization. You tended to speak with your hands, cherry-colored nails flying as you waved a hand in the air.
Oh, you were saying his name. “Are you listening Eddie?” You asked, eyes shooting him a knowing look.
“Shortcake, I always listen to every word you say,” Eddie joked, winking. A flustered expression overtook your face and Eddie watched your fingers come up to your hair, a sure sign that his comment had hit. He hated the rush of serotonin that gave him.
See? Complete dumbass behavior.
“Pay attention, you have a quiz next week and then we start working on your final paper,” you said, tapping his hand softly. The warmth of your skin sent an electric current up his arm and straight to his chest. “Here, I brought an outline of what I thought would be good topics for you to choose from. I’m partial to Shakespeare – oh don’t give me that look – but I listed other options too. Let me see if they finally got that book that I was looking for.”
Eddie nodded and failed to avert his eyes as you walked away. Your hips swayed as the black patterned dress rippled with your movement.
It wasn’t his fault, not really. Eddie glanced at the paper you’d handed him, your handwriting neat and precise. He’d been dreading meeting you when Ms. O’Donnell had mentioned your name. You weren’t a cheerleader but you basically friends with the whole squad. He’d seen you at parties when he was selling, you always seemed nice but Eddie knew from experience that the popular crowd were just vultures waiting for a sign of weakness. Eddie wasn’t going to be stupid enough to expose any.
“Oh, hey, Lucas!” Your voice carried from a few shelves away. Eddie straightened. “I haven’t seen you since the last campaign!”
Eddie couldn’t hear what Lucas answered but your quiet laughter sent the equally stupid butterflies in his ribcage into chaos. Eddie fought a groan and pinched the bridge of his nose. Honestly, he could hardly be at fault when you had the audacity to have a laugh as cute as that.
“Did you look over the outline? Oh, are you okay?” You asked, eyes pinched in concern. Eddie shook his head, his hair settling around his shoulders.
“I’m fine, just a little tired,” he lied. “Was that Sinclair I heard?”
You beamed at him and Eddie swore he felt his heart stop in his chest. Jesus H. Christ, he was going to send you the bill when you sent him to the ER. “It was! I can’t believe he’s taller than me now,” you said, wrinkling your nose when Eddie laughed, “oh shut up. I meant, I used to babysit them. They were all little munchkins a few minutes ago. Now they’re freshman. That’s wild.”
“Calm down there, grandma,” Eddie retorted as you rolled your eyes, “besides, it’s not exactly hard to be taller than you nowadays shortcake.”
Eddie could tell you were trying your best to bite back a grin. “You know, I’m the one who brought your grade up from a F to a B minus, you should be nicer to me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, did I offend you your highness?” Eddie swooned, hands on chest, as he leaned back in his chair. “How can I ever thank you for saving me?”
“By passing your last quiz of the year,” you said dryly, eyes lighting up, “and maybe picking Macbeth for your final essay.”
Eddie snorted. “Not likely.”
“And that’s how you treat your hero?” You asked him, batting your eyelashes.
Fuck, those should come with a goddamn warning.
“How about I make you a mixtape?” Eddie joked, chewing at the end of his pen and giving your outline another look.
Your face, however, completely lit up. “Deal!”
“What?” Eddie stammered, dropping the pen from his mouth.
“No take-backs Munson!” You laughed, shrinking when the librarian shot you a look. Eddie huffed a laugh at your contrite expression and watched you turn back to him. “You get a passing grade on these last two assignments and you make me a mixtape as a physical form of your eternal gratitude.”
“Shortcake, I don’t think we have the same music tastes,” he said, eyeing the Walkman you’d left at the corner of the table with your bag.
A haughty look cross your face and the stupid butterflies slammed into his small intestine painfully. “How would you know?” You asked. “You barely ask me anything outside of English.” The second part was quieter, almost involuntary and Eddie was suddenly struck by something.
Eddie had never pushed for anything more than you had freely given. He tried not to ask about what you were doing, what you liked, or what your weekend plans were. You’d smile to him in the hallways at school but you had completely different schedules so you rarely saw each other. Besides, Eddie had an ingrained self-preservation intuition and vehemently avoided any contact with the popular crowd.
While Eddie was not a betting man, he took calculated risks. You were – beyond the ability to analyze. But…the way your face had twisted, maybe he’d gotten his signals wrong? Had you wanted him to be your friend? He’d always assumed you were doing this to fulfill some extracurricular activity. Wouldn’t you be…embarrassed to be seen with him?
“Alright sweetheart,” Eddie said eventually, “educate me then.”
You stuck out your tongue, breaking the tension and tucked your Walkman into your bag. “Too late. You snooze you lose Munson,” you said, packing up your stuff. Eddie glanced at his watch and was once again astounded to realize two hours had flown by.
“I’ll see you next week at the same time?” You asked. “Drop your paper outline in my locker and I’ll take a look at it so we have something to cover.”
“Ma’am, yes, ma’am,” Eddie saluted.
“Oh,” you said, hand elbow deep in your bag, “you see Mike tomorrow, right? At Hellfire?”’
Eddie frowned, unsure. “Yeah?”
“Can you give him these?” You asked, dropping a set of die in his hands. “He wanted to borrow my old set.”
Glancing at the well cared for set in his hand, Eddie gaped. “Are these holographic?”
You grinned and pulled your backpack onto your shoulders. “Yeah! Dustin got them for me for my birthday a while ago. They’re custom! He painted them for me.”
Eddie felt his throat dry up and was almost positive he’d floated up into the stratosphere. Seriously, a semitruck could’ve trampled him and he would’ve been less surprised.
“You coming?” You asked, totally unaware of how close Eddie was to offering you his heart on a platter.
Spurred into action, Eddie pocketed the set carefully and grabbed his bag. “Yeah, I- I’m coming.” He took in your carefully stacked bracelets and dainty necklace. Your pink sandals echoed in the hallway as you made your way to the familiar bike chained outside. How did someone like you play dnd?
“Dustin taught me,” you said as you walked the bike next to his van.
You laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and squinting a little at the sun in your eyes. The air in his lungs caught at the sight of your skin in the light. Were you holographic? “Dustin and the other kids I babysat taught me how to play. I’m not very good,” you admitted sheepishly, “that’s why I never told you.”
“Oh,” he said, because his brain still wasn’t totally back from its trip into space.
“I’m an elf rogue,” you said, shrugging, “Will said it suits me since I used to practice archery.”
Eddie bit down on his cheek hard enough to almost draw blood. He fought every nerve in his body to not glare at the sky. Really universe? Really? Was his daily pining not enough?
“You’re a box of surprises, aren’t you, shortcake?” Eddie said, rocking on his heels.
You grinned. “I’m rusty at that too. My aunt lives in Indianapolis and she’s won a few competitions in archery. I’d stay with her over the summer breaks and she taught me. It was fun to run around thinking I was some kind of mini-Hawkeye or something.”
At that, he couldn’t hide his surprise. “Marvel?”
“I told you,” you said, looking incredibly flustered, as your eyes went down to your feet, “I babysat Dustin. For years. Some of it stuck.”
Say something, he urged, voice stuck in his throat.
“Uh, so I’m going to go,” you said, bright smile back on your face.
Eddie scratched the back of his neck. “Do you want a ride?” He asked, gesturing to his van. Great, that’s the best he could come up with?
You turned your smile in his direction and Eddie almost stumbled at the power of it. Jesus, he really needed to get a grip on himself. This couldn’t be healthy.
Nodding, you’d taken a step towards him when a loud honk popped the bubble you both were tucked into. Eddie glanced over your shoulder and felt reality sucker punch him in the throat.
“Hey baby!” Nick shouted, torso almost hanging out that stupid Camaro window. “I’ve been looking for you. Your sister said you’d be here.”
Aaaand that was the second reason he was a complete dumbass.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, looking embarrassed. “Thanks for the offer.”
“Mhmm, see ya,” Eddie said, darting towards his van and completely missing your look.
Eddie started his van and shot out of the parking lot. He risked a glance in his rearview mirror and immediately regretted it. You were tucked into the quarterback’s arms, his face ducking down to yours, and Eddie tightened his hold on the steering wheel.
You had a boyfriend – a jock no less – because of course you did, since when did life ever like to be fair to him? Why would it ever start now? Eddie scrambled for the cigarette carton in his passenger’s seat and lit one up. Nick Jackson had been the one who almost broke Gareth’s nose last year in gym class. Nick Jackson would absolutely kick his ass if he knew how gone he was on his girlfriend.
What type of asshole had two first names anyway? And how the hell had he managed to land someone like you?
He knew the answer, obviously, but he was still in shock despite the fact that Eddie had seen you two together for the past month.
Whatever. Fuck high school. The second he had that diploma in his hands he was driving out of here and not looking back.
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Eddie was over school. He’d finally gotten the news that he’d been given the green light to graduate and the first person he wanted to tell was you.
So, to mediate that, he decided to skip his last two classes and gone out to the picnic table in the woods behind the school to smoke. Taking another drag, Eddie leaned back onto the rough wood table and snorted. Who would’ve thought? He’d known ’86 was going to be his year.
Although it was in no small part thanks to you. Eddie had seen you this morning – dressed in a blue ruffled skirt, with a cardigan and a shirt that hid absolutely none of your curves. He’d felt like someone had slammed a locker door in his face, blood rushing to the bottom half of his body.
The sound of a branch snapping had Eddie jumping up, instinctively flinging the joint off towards the trees. He turned towards the sound, excuse on the tip of his tongue, when his throat closed. You stood there, shy smile on your face, hands gripping your bags strap tightly.
“Hey Munson,” you said, motioning to the table. “Can I join you?”
“Uh, yeah shortcake, please,” he gestured grandly to the old, rusted table like it was worth a million bucks. “Welcome to my hide out. Uh, sorry for the smell and the smoke.”
You laughed, eyes wrinkling and mouth turning up like he was hilarious. “I actually wanted to ask if I could buy some off of you,” you scrunched your nose and Eddie felt his heart stop. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“What?” Eddie smacked his hand to his chest exaggeratedly. “Me? Make fun? Of you? I’m insulted.”
“Ah yes, because you’re so friendly,” you joked. “I’ve never smoked before so could you sell me something already rolled?”
Eddie grinned. “You’re in luck shortcake,” he said, patting his denim vest for the bag he knew was keeping for later, “I’ve got some for you right here.”
“How much?” You asked, searching for your wallet.
Waving off your offer, Eddie dropped it onto your bag. “Consider it a thank you for helping me get to graduation.”
You froze, eyes darting up to his and Eddie couldn’t help the grin that grew on his face. “Oh my God, Eddie, don’t joke with me about this.”
“I’m not!” He laughed, opening his arms and throwing his head back. “I’m finally fucking out of here!”
Without warning, you threw your arms around him. Eddie stumbled, more than a little surprised, and stilled for a second. His arms, however, were much smarter and quicker than the rest of him because they settled immediately on the curves of your hips. You squeezed him tightly, your fingers scratching almost subconsciously at his back in soothing circles. “I’m so proud of you! I knew you could do it Eddie, I knew it.”
Eddie leaned back to see that you were beaming, eyes bright and smile so wide it looked like it could crack your face in two. The sun pierced through the shade of the trees, landing on you like a natural spotlight – because of course it did. “Well, it’s mostly thanks to you. I couldn’t have done it without you,” he said. Which, was a hundred percent true.
He watched your eyes drift down his face, and for a millisecond he could’ve sworn they landed on his lips, but before he could confirm – you’d darted away. Hands fluttering down your pink cardigan, you soothed out the non-existent wrinkles and frowned.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, “I didn’t mean – I know people hate when I – I’m sorry.”
“When you what?” Eddie furrowed his brows, confused. “Don’t be sorry.”
You wrung your hands together and Eddie hated how small you tried to become. “I – uh, Nick hated when I just hugged him out of nowhere,” you sighed, “I’m sorry.”
Reason number one that jock was a dumbass. If Eddie had the chance, he’d cling to you like a goddamn koala.
“Hey, what’d I say? We’re friends, right?” Eddie asked, ducking to try and catch your eyes.
“Are we?” You said, surprised.
Eddie clutched his heart, looking down at his hands as if there were blood, and blinked at you. “I didn’t know you came here to shoot me straight through the heart.”
A beat of silence echoed in the clearing before you laughed, delighted by his antics. Eddie smiled at your joy; you were one of the only people in his life that never complained about his general over the top flair. “I’m sorry,” you said, tone adorably earnest. “I didn’t mean it like that – I thought, well, I thought you didn’t want to be friends with me.”
He couldn’t help it, he really couldn’t but he let out an unattractive laugh and shot you a look. “Shortcake, if anyone was embarrassed to be seen with the other it’s definitely not me.”
An indignant sort of expression settled in your entire body. Eddie watched you, fascinated. He’d never seen you be anything but a human personification of a sunbeam.
“I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you,” you huffed, crossing your arms and Eddie’s eyes darted to the top of your head. Jesus Christ. He was not going to stare at your chest like a fucking pervert. He was not. Completely oblivious to his plight, you continued huffing. “I’ve tried to say hi to you like three times since I started tutoring you. You always looked like I was a lion who’d caught a mouse.”
“Because popular kids don’t talk to the outcasts, sweetheart. Don’t take it personally,” he sighed, “it’s a self-preservation tactic.”
You blinked at him. Eddie cringed internally – of course he fucked this up not even two minutes in. He scrambled to think of a way to rectify it when you sighed.
“Nick said he didn’t want me tutoring you anymore,” you said quietly.
Eddie didn’t know he could hear a heart shatter but he was positive that his just fell to the floor beneath him. That asshole. Didn’t he have enough? Thanks a lot universe.
“He said it wasn’t becoming of me to keep doing this so he wanted me to stop. I knew it was because he didn’t like you though,” you admitted.
Sighing, Eddie sat back down onto the table and pulled out another joint. Lighting it up he took a drag and blew the smoke towards his left. “So, I guess this is goodbye?”
A bird nearby sang, as if knowing he needed a soundtrack for this car crash waiting to happen. “No, you idiot,” you snapped, “I broke up with him.”
Everything tilted sideways and Eddie was sure someone had smacked him in the head with something. Maybe his hearing was off? “I’m sorry, I think I had a small seizure. Did you say you broke up with him?”
You nodded, coming over to sit across from him. “I never really liked him that much anyway. Chrissy thought we’d be cute together but I’m pretty sure I’m not his ideal type.”
“What, why is perfect too intimidating for him?” Eddie asked, the words out of his mouth before he could stop them. Jesus fucking – just take him out. Universe? You can take me out now! He screamed internally.
“Shut up,” you mumbled, ducking your head. Eddie saw the pleased smile on your face before you hid it away and it sent a stupidly happy pang through his body. “I meant, well – you know.”
“I really don’t.”
Sighing, you motioned to your body. “You know, someone skinny enough to be a flier on the cheerleading team.”
Eddie felt his spine solidify. “Did he…did he say that to you?” He asked, his vision darkening. “That absolute fucking shithead.” What an asshole. Not only did he have the hottest girl in the entire fucking town but he was taking jabs at you? Eddie wanted to punch something.
“Wait!” Your cool hand wrapped around his wrist and Eddie hadn’t even realized he’d stood and walked in the direction of the school. “Munson! It’s okay – he didn’t say it out loud! Holy shit you’re a lot stronger than you look.”
Eddie felt you wrap your torso around his arm in an attempt to stop him. Your chest pressed against his bicep and Eddie had to close his eyes and think of his great-aunt. A soft poke to his cheek had him looking down at you, amused. You looked like a squirrel clinging to a tree. With a slow nod, he let you walk him to the bench.
“Was that a dig at my body?” He asked. “Do I look weak?”
A mortified expression settled on your face and you immediately shook your head. “That’s not what I meant at all! I just – I meant, I’m – oh, you’re teasing me,” you said, exhaling a loud breath. “I hate you.”
Smiling, Eddie bumped your shoulder with his. “No, you don’t.”
“There’s no hurt feelings, I promise,” you told him, referring to Nick, “I wasn’t what he wanted and he wasn’t what I wanted.”
“Yeah?” Eddie took another drag of his discarded joint. “What’s your type? Swim team? Basketball team? Wait, soccer player.”
You rolled your eyes and bumped his shoulder again. “No,” you said, crossly. “I don’t know. For starters maybe someone who doesn’t think Metallica is just random noise.”
Eddie sighed. He looked up at the sky, a common occurrence at this point, and wondered if whoever was up there was having fun torturing him. You played dnd and you liked Metallica. Sure. Why not? He hoped Mother Nature or God, or whoever, was having a great laugh at his expense.
“I had you pinned for a Madonna girl,” he said eventually, reeling in the affection that seemed to be pouring off him in waves.
“I am, I like a ton of music,” you said, “I’m not condescending with my music tastes.”
Gaping, Eddie shot you a look and fought his smile at your mischievous look. You were going to be the death of him.
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“Hi Wayne!” Your voice floated through the front door. Eddie straightened, eyes darting around the room to make sure anything embarrassing was hidden away.
“Hi honey. You know you don’t have to bring me something every time you come over,” he said, sounding pleased. Eddie rolled his eyes. In the past two months, you and Eddie had become fast friends. In fact, Eddie didn’t know how he’d gone almost the entire second half of the school year without bombarding you with questions.
He wanted to know everything about you – he’d take any crumble you’d give him. You’d shown up to Hellfire a few times, went to movies together, and religiously showed up to the Hideout to see him play. Eddie wasn’t sure he remembered his life before you. So, obviously, like nephew like uncle and Wayne had instantly loved you the way Eddie had.
“Munson, you better be decent,” you said, not waiting for an answer and kicking the door down.
“If you really want to see me in a state of undress so badly, all you have to do is ask shortcake,” he said, loving the flustered expression he could draw out of you so quickly.
“I hate you,” you said, daintily sitting on his bed and handing him a napkin full of cookies. You’d made it a habit of baking on the days you were coming over and while Eddie definitely appreciated it – he knew you were bringing them to Wayne. Who, like Eddie, completely fell for your sincerity.
“Whatever you need to tell yourself to get to sleep at night is fine with me,” Eddie said, eagerly throwing half the cookie into his mouth. “Denial isn’t healthy though.” He winked.
“Jesus, does this have an off button?” You grumbled, flopping down onto his bed.
Eddie gave himself five seconds to appreciate the way your skirt hitched up higher on your thighs as you laid down, the bright purple material easily the most colorful thing in his room. He felt his eyes glaze over a little, imagining his teeth sinking into the meaty part of your inner thigh, the noises you’d made. Suddenly, you shot up, and Eddie tried his best to look like he wasn’t just being a goddamn pervert.
“Oh, I love this song!” You said, eyes lighting up.
His heart tripped over itself at the sight but he tilted his head and realized he’d left his stereo on as he was stitching a new patch, one you’d gotten him last week onto his vest.
When you know that your time is close at hand
Maybe then you'll begin to understand
Life down here is just a strange illusion
“That’s Iron Maiden,” Eddie said, stupidly.
You rolled your eyes. “I know, shithead,” you joked and Eddie blinked – he didn’t know why the way you cursed like a sailor was still so strange to him. Someone who wore pastels, bright colors, was in track to be valedictorian, and had a smile that rivaled the sun wasn’t someone who he’d thought would be ready to swing at the first sight of conflict. “We’ve been over your music superiority complex already, remember? I’m a woman of many interests.”
Eddie grumbled. You were right – you’d been the one who had bought him Metallica’s new album at the record store downtown when it’d just released. He thought he’d have to fight his way into getting his hands on it but, like always, you were there.
“So, do you remember how much you love me?” You asked, teasing. Eddie’s pathetic heart thumped against his ribcage and he glanced up at you.
“Why does that sound like the prelude to something I’m going to hate?”
You smiled, batting your eyelashes, and pressing your folded hands under your chin. “I need someone to go to the mall with me on Saturday. Pretty, pretty, please? I’ll do anything you want!”
Eddie’s brain short circuited for brief moment, imagining the list of things he’d both dreamed and would trade his soul to be able to do to you before he realized you were waiting for an answer. “Shortcake, I treasure our friendship but there are some things my fading sanity can’t take.”
You quirked a brow and Eddie had to fight not to visible react to your pout. He often wondered how it’d feel if he bit down on it. “Eddie?”
“Sorry, what?” He shook his head, returning back to the present.
“I said, and the mall would zap the last bit of sanity you had?”
Eddie nodded emphatically. “I’m not that strong.”
“Well, despite your complete betrayal,” Eddie rolled his eyes, “Nancy said she’d go with me and helped me find a dress. I just wanted to see if you’d come with.”
“A dress?” Eddie asked. “You going somewhere fancy?”
Laughing, you shot him an incredulous look. “Wait, are you serious?”
“Yeah, where are you going?”
“Prom, Eddie,” you said with a weird look on your face, “aren’t you going?”
At that, Eddie snorted. “Me? At prom?”
“I mean, I’ll be there – so will Robin and Nancy. Gareth and Jeff told me they’re going too,” you mumbled.
“I – do you want me to go?” Eddie asked, confused. “I can drop you off and pick you up if you want. My chariot is your chariot.”
Something flashed across your face but it was gone before Eddie could decipher it.
“Oh, no, thanks. I think Robin’s getting a ride from Harrington and they’ll give me a lift,” you said.
Eddie hated how well you and Steve got along. He shouldn’t have been surprised, considering he ran in the circle you did, but when he introduced you to his friends, he hadn’t expected how quickly you bonded. It’d taken him four and half months to hurl himself out of the acquaintance zone and Steve did it in five minutes.
“Sure,” Eddie said, going back to sewing a new patch onto his vest and trying not to stab himself.
“Would you go if I asked?” You said after a beat of silence.
He was almost sure he’d snapped something important in his neck with the speed in which he turned to you. At his expression, you straightened. “I mean, like would you go to prom and hang out with us? You don’t need to go with me.”
Deflating, Eddie tried not to let it show. Of course, you hadn’t asked him to go with you. You probably had a date or at the very least someone interested. Even then, he didn’t want to lie to you.
“Yeah, shortcake, I’d go if you asked me to.”
The smile on your face was small and grew gradually into something blinding. His heart flipped, the butterflies yawned awake, and Eddie sighed. He was pathetic.
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Eddie knew his strengths and weaknesses. Thanks to Wayne, he was pretty decent at fixing cars. He knew more about music than most people he’d come across. And when it came to guitar? He wasn’t humble enough to deny how good he was. However, he was blatantly aware that math and science were subjects from the depth of hell. His driving had been criticized once or twice, and, he wasn’t that great at sounding particularly eloquent.
He'd never been more aware of that than in this exact moment. Eddie was leaning against Steve’s car. His red BMW was recently cleaned and Steve was hanging out the driver’s window, telling him about his most recent date. The tie around his neck felt like it was choking him but he wasn’t entirely sure it wasn’t due to the anticipation.
Wheeler and Byers stood by their car, fumbling with her corsage and his tie. Robin’s front door opened and she came bounding out, her suit a bright blue that fit her perfectly. Her hair had been curled and she only seemed to wobble once on her heels as she made her way to the car.
“Man, if I don’t break my ankle before the end of the night,” she muttered, leaning on Eddie for support. He helped her catch her balance and smiled when she flushed at the compliments from everyone.
“You look good Buckley,” he told her, nudging her with his elbow.
Robin beamed. “You clean up well too,” she said, pulling at the suit he’d borrowed from Wayne. It was a little too big but Nancy had assured him no one would be able to tell. “I see you couldn’t resist,” she said bumping his converse with her pointy heel. “Why do you get to wear comfy shoes? She wouldn’t let me go in mine!”
“Because it ruins the look, Rob!” Your voice said from the front steps. Eddie glanced up and immediately felt the world freeze. Your dress was…molded onto your body. It was a long, lavender, flowy thing. It dipped low in the back and Eddie sighed. If the neckline was enough to give him a stroke, the back was going to have him flatlining. Your heels clicked against the stone as you hugged Robin’s parents goodbye.
“For fuck’s sake,” Eddie said under his breath, “that’s just not fair.”
Robin and Harrington, clearly heard him, snorted. “Careful there Munson, you’ll drop too much of a hint of how deeply in love with her you are if you keep that up.”
Eddie’s jaw snapped and he turned to glare at Robin. “What?” She said after Harrington snorted. “It’s true. They’re idiots.”
“Let them figure it out themselves,” Steve said. “We promised.”
“It’s infuriating,” Robin said, narrowing her eyes. “You’re both infuriating.”
“Alright, I’m all set,” you said, leaning forward to squeeze Steve’s hand. “Thanks for the ride, Steve.”
“No problem, you wanna ride with me or Byers?” Steve asked, settling into the seat.
Turning to him, he saw the question in your eyes and he cleared his throat. “Uh, wherever you want to,” he croaked.
Robin snickered and headed towards the passenger seat. Eddie shot her a glare but was interrupted by your hand on his arm. “You look great,” you said quietly as you waved to Jonathan. They honked at you as they took off down the street. “Thank you for coming.”
“For you? Anything,” he said, his tone a little too sincere than what he meant it to be. The blinding smile on your face after though, made it worth it. “You look…incredible,” he finished lamely. He heard hushed laughter from the car and fought the urge to scratch the back of his neck.
“Thanks,” you said, picking up the bottom of your dress in one hand. “I was worried I’d look dumb but Nancy was adamant this was my dress.”
Eddie needed to get Wheeler a gift. “Remind me to thank her because, shortcake?” You glanced up at him. “That dress was made for you.”
With a shy and pleased smile, you slid into the backseat and settled close to Eddie. Holy shit, you smelled amazing. Eddie barely managed to keep from dropping his nose to the crook of your neck. He slowly dropped his arm over your shoulders and grinned when you leaned into him.
Grabbing a parking spot near the entrance, Steve pulled into the school. Hopping out, he offered his arm to Robin who took it gladly.
“Are you guys ready for the last night of your high school career?” Steve asked, eyes on the doors.
“Yeah,” Robin said, “fuck this place.”
Eddie bumped her fist and you grinned. “After party at your house, Harrington?” You asked.
He knew you had to have been invited to a few afterparties – Robin had promised to make an appearance at the house of some kid from band. He’d heard you tell Nancy that you’d be going with Robin. Steve had assured him that they’d tag along too.
“More like the after after party when you two are drunk off shitty vodka,” Steve said motioning to Robin, who rolled her eyes and made a silly face.
“It happens one time…”
Nancy waved a hand in the air before disappearing through the doors. “Come on!” She shouted over her shoulder. You huffed a laugh and linked your arm through his.
“Not really, but I’ll follow you into hell apparently.”
“You say the sweetest things,” you told him, deadpan. He snorted, other hand coming to squeeze the one you were resting on his forearm.
Eddie immediately squinted in the cloak of darkness that was the gym – he had to give it to the committee, he hardly recognized the place. A ridiculous pop song came on just as you waved to a few of your friends. “Look, Nancy found a table. Want to drop off our stuff and dance?” You asked the group. Robin nodded, already making her way towards the table and Eddie had to admit he felt a little out of place.
The itch under his skin yelled at him to run but the happy smile on your face when you patted the empty seat next to you kept him tethered to you – because how could it not? Eddie was sure you could ask for the disco ball and he’d risk his diploma to get it for you. 
“Drinks?” Eddie asked, overwhelmed by the five nodding heads. Byers, with a small smile, got up and offered his help.
While Eddie had grown, no matter how reluctantly, close to Robin and her sidekick Harrington. Jonathan had only recently become a new addition. His family had just moved back and he seemed too quiet to really like the chaos that Eddie knew he tended to attract. His kid brother however, Will, was one of his favorites. Not that he’d ever tell Dustin that. The kid had a jealousy streak a mile long.
They had both just settled into their seats, everyone with a drink in hand, when another pop mess song came on. Robin and you straightened, eyes going to each other before you scrambled to your feet. “I’ll be right back,” you said, dropping a kiss to his cheek that had him stunned for a moment. Robin grabbed your hand and you both ran towards the dance floor.
“It’s their favorite song,” Steve explained, watching them wave over a reluctant Nancy. You both bounced around, heads shaking, and zero care that a few people were shooting you looks. “You gonna ask her to dance tonight?”
Eddie shot Steve a look and hated that Steve felt comfortable enough now to ignore him.
“Don’t give me that look man,” Steve laughed, “you came together! You can’t not ask her to dance.”
“We didn’t come together,” Eddie muttered, taking a sip of the disgustingly sweet punch, “she made that pretty clear.”
“Or you heard what you wanted to,” Nancy said, finally standing with Jonathan’s and in hers. “Because from what I know, she thinks you’re here together.”
“Wait, what?” Eddie shouted at Nancy’s retreating back. He turned to Steve, who looked like he was hiding a laugh, “What the hell does that mean?”
“That you both have your heads stuck in the grass,” Steve sighed. “I promised Dustin that I’d let you two figure this shit out on your own but I’m giving you a needed shove. Come on Munson, we’re going to dance.”
He opened his mouth to protest but Steve put a hand under his arm and all but shoved him in your direction. Robin cheered when she saw him, her head bobbling wildly. You beamed, hands coming up to his and twirling prettily around him. His eyes were drawn to you like magnets, he couldn’t help it. You danced with abandon, graceful but chaotically at the same time. Eddie shouldn’t have been surprised but, he really wasn’t sure how much more in love with you he could get.
“I’m thirsty!” Robin shouted, pointing back to the table. Steve let her take his hand and dragged him off towards the sides.
You turned to Eddie, smile wide, and he watched it falter when the faintly familiar pop song turned slow. His feet froze and he glanced towards Wheeler – finding her arms around Jonathan’s as they swayed slowly. She widened her eyes and looked pointedly towards you.
Alright, he could take a hint. He wasn’t that stupid.
With a flourish, he bowed deeply and outstretched his hand. “Can I have this dance milady?”
Your laugh was muffled by the music but the electricity across his skin crackled as you took his warm hand with your cool one. How were you always so cold? He pulled your hands between his and tried to let some of his heat sink in. You grinned up at him, eyes soft, and he placed his own at your waist. “Okay?” He asked.
“More than,” you said, leaning your head onto his chest. He was worried you’d hear how fast his heart was racing but by the small, happy, sigh you let out – he didn’t think you’d mind.
“If you would’ve told me last year that I’d end up graduating this year, with a grade higher than a C, and that I’d be at prom with you – I would’ve laughed,” Eddie said.
You wrinkled your nose at him. “Am I that bad of a date?”
Date? Holy shit, was Wheeler being honest?
“Shortcake, you’re the best date. I just didn’t think you’d want to hang out with the likes of me,” he clarified, “I’m either invisible or a cult leader. Take your pick.” He tried to play it off as a joke but he knew you’d hear it.
“I’ve always noticed you, Eddie. You’re not invisible to me,” you said quietly, your big eyes looking up at him beneath your lashes. Jesus Christ, how much more of this could he take? For once, you seemed to share his sentiment because you took a step back, out of his arms and excused yourself. He watched you dart across the gym, grab a bewildered Robin, and pulled her into a solitary corner.
Mystified, Eddie walked back to the table and Steve raised one of his brows. “What’s happening? We’ve only been here for like an hour.”
“I have no idea,” Eddie admitted. He started to worry when he saw your purple nails from the distance flailing left and right as Robin’s hands came down on your shoulders. She said something that clearly stunned you. After a beat both of you turned towards him and he darted his eyes away to act like he wasn’t being nosey.
“Uh, that doesn’t look good,” Steve muttered. Eddie glanced back up and watched as you made your way quickly over to him. A determined expression was etched onto your face and Robin followed at a slower pace, a smug look on hers.
Without a word, you grabbed his sleeve and pulled him into the hallway when a teacher had their back turned. “Uh, shortcake?”
“Shh!” You admonished, still leading him down the hall. You don’t stop until you find an empty classroom, the lights were on and door unlocked but it was clearly deserted.
He watched your chest rise and fall quickly, like you’d run a mile, and before Eddie could ask you what was wrong – you all but chucked an envelope at him. He’d almost ducked instinctively but he managed to catch it in his hands. Where the hell had that even come from?
“What’s happening right now?” He asked, holding the envelope in his right hand. “What’s wrong?”
“Open it,” you said, your fingers went up to tug at a lock of your hair – a telltale sign that you were nervous.
“Eddie, open the envelope,” you stressed.
With a wary glance towards you, Eddie flipped the hastily taped tab and slid out a pair of tickets.
“Holy shit, are these floor tickets?” He squawked, hands shaking. You had Iron Maiden tickets! How the hell had you managed that? “Shortcake, where did you get these? I thought they were all sold out.”
“My dad knows someone,” you said waving a hand like it wasn’t important. Like you hadn’t just handed him a priceless gift. “I got VIP passes too.”
Eddie’s soul was gone. That’s it, it was back up on the moon, throwing a party.
“It’s not my birthday, you know,” he said, barely containing his excitement. He rocked back and forth on his heels. Holy shit, he was going to see Iron Maiden! With you!
“I know,” you said, biting your bottom lip. Eddie’s soul slammed back into his body and he realized you were wringing your hands again.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“These are for us,” you said, pointing at the tickets.
“I assumed so,” he joked.
You closed your eyes, shoulders tense. “No, like… a date.”
Eddie snorted and immediately regretted it when he saw your head duck down. Shit, you’d been serious? You couldn’t have been serious. He knew Steve and Robin gave you both shit for it these past few months but there was no way in hell that you’d ever want to go on a date with him. He would’ve noticed. He absolutely would’ve noticed the signs.
“Oh,” you said, you voice incredibly sad, and Eddie wanted to slap himself. Okay, maybe he wouldn’t have noticed.
Eddie scrambled forward; tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. “No, wait – I didn’t mean it like that,” he said quickly, words jumbling together. “I didn’t realize you were serious. I thought – I thought you were joking.”
You winced. “I get it. I’m not…your type, we’re friends, it’s fine. You can take both tickets and take one of the guys.” The expression on your face was enough to make him want to face plant. You turned on your heel and walked to the door.
Eddie’s heart dropped to his feet and he lurched forward, hands reaching for you. “Wait, wait, that’s not what – please. Shortcake, let me speak. I just need a moment to process.” You tried to wrestle your wrist out his grip but Eddie clung on for his life. You were not just going to turn and run after dropping a bomb like that on him.
“It’s fine, Eddie. I promise I’m not – I’ll get over it.”
“I didn’t even know you liked me!” You shot him a contemptuous look and he refused to cower back. You were scary when cornered but he knew you had a soft, gooey center. Whatever he said now was important. He had to get this right.
“Sweetheart. Look at me,” he said, pulling you away from the door. “I swear, I didn’t think you felt like that towards me.”
Your hardened look softened a little when he ducked down to catch your gaze. Blinking, you frowned a little and straightened. “You’re not joking?”
“I have never in my life been more serious,” he huffed, “and I really mean that.”
Exploding, you waved your animated hands in the air and Eddie jerked back to avoid being smacked by one. “How the hell did you not notice? Everyone noticed! Even the cheer squad knew. I asked you to go with me to prom!”
“What?” Eddie’s voice cracked. “You said not with you – to hang out or something!”
“Yeah, I only said that after you looked like I had smacked you over the head!”
Eddie groaned. “Because I didn’t think you’d ever want to go with me!”
You crossed your arms and rubbed one of your temples. “It’s against school policy to tutor a student for longer than a month or two. It’s not fair to the program so we swap consistently. It’s a way to make sure everyone gets the coverage they need from the different tutors. Didn’t you question why we went from meeting at the school to the public library?”
“Uh, no?”
“Well,” you huffed, looking a little embarrassed, “I liked you from like the first session. You, obviously, looked more interested in watching paint dry so I thought I could win you over. After the month I told Ms. O’Donnell that you just needed some guidance and I’d sign off on your paperwork. I told you that we needed to start meeting at the public library instead.”
“But, what about Nick?” Eddie was so confused. Had he entered an alternate dimension again? He glanced around for any sight of the dust. “You had a boyfriend up until like three months ago!”
“Because I thought it would make you jealous!” You huffed, exasperated.
“Well, it did!” Eddie shouted back, the words falling before he could stop them. “I wanted to punch his goddamn face in.”
You blinked. “But…you didn’t seem all that eager to be my friend. You barely asked me about my weekend plans. I couldn’t have dropped more hints!”
“Shortcake, you’re not only out of my league – you’re in a different dimension. I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable!”
“Well, you didn’t!”
“Are you going to keep trying to have the last word?” Eddie snorted.
You rolled your eyes but he saw your hands reach up for your hair. “I know I don’t dress like those girls at the hideout and wear too much yellow and pink and you think I’m popular and that my taste in music is overrated – which really proves my point that you’re pretentious – but –”
Eddie barely heard a word you were saying, his eyes watched your hands dance in the air, and your eyes dimming the more you spoke. How the fuck could you have ever believed that he wouldn’t like you? You still believed that, his mind supplied helpfully, anxiety evident in the rigid set of your shoulders. He knew from experience that if he let you keep going, you’d go on for hours. So, he grabbed your arms and pulled you into his chest. Startled, you stumbled and glared up at him.
“Please stop talking,” he said and dropped his lips to yours. Without hesitation, you wrapped your arms the best you could around his neck and pressed your body against his. Your cool fingers tangled themselves in his hair and he shuddered when your nails dragged along his scalp. Eddie, finally, bit down on your bottom lip and the low groan you let out shot straight to his dick.
Shit, even after imagining this moment for months – it really couldn’t compare. You tasted like punch, strawberries, and faintly of candy. He pulled back for air, your breath coming out in quick huffs. Eddie smiled, his heart racing at the sight of your dazed look. He did that. You liked him. He’d shared his life with you and you still liked him. Did shit like this really happen?
“So, you want to go to the concert with me?” You asked lightly, smile twisting your mouth.
Eddie threw his head back and laughed. “I want to go everywhere with you, shortcake.”
“Everywhere is good, I like everywhere,” you babbled, “...well, Steve’s house has a lot of rooms. Maybe everywhere can include that at the end of the night?”
Shutting his eyes, he valiantly tried to exercise self-control and not imagine you naked on a bed squirming beneath him. Failing, just a little, he nodded enthusiastically. “Should we go right now? Because I’ll grab Steve if we need to.”
You laughed, the sound warming him even further. “We still need to go with Robin to that afterparty.”
Eddie let his head loll as he groaned. “Conformity is so much work.”
“I’m sure you’ll be okay,” you teased, kissing him again. “Come on, someone’s going to catch us if we stay away too long.” Honestly, Eddie was willing to risk it but he knew you didn’t want to miss this.  
As you both crept back towards the gym, your hand tucked in his, Eddie wondered if he was dreaming. He passed one of the wide windows in the hallway, the gym only a few yards away, and he pulled you to a stop.
“What?” You asked, peeking out through it.
Eddie ducked to look out the glass and caught sight of the dark sky and the full moon. He winked and pointed up at it. “You had me going there for a while, but this makes up for it. We’re even!”
“Who are you talking to?” You asked, glancing around.
“The moon. Or God. Maybe the universe?”
You nodded. “Okay,” you said, shrugging like it was completely normal.
Jesus Christ, he loved you.
The familiar chords of Kiss floated out of the open doors to the gym and Eddie perked up. “Is that…”
Tonight, I want to give it all to you
In the darkness, there's so much I want to do
“Kiss?” You asked, grinning. “Yeah, I promised the DJ half a gram from you if he’d play a few songs you like.”
Yeah, he was gone for you. Totally gone. If he had any dignity or pride left, he’d be a little embarrassed but he really couldn’t work up the energy.
“Come on!” You said, tugging him back into the gym and onto the dance floor. A few jocks looked disgruntled at the change of music but Robin and Nancy were out on the dance floor, so were a few others. You immediately jumped around, eyes bright, hips swaying, and Eddie’s heart felt like it’d jump out his chest at any moment.
“And I can't get enough of you, baby. Can you get enough of me?” You sang, turning to wink at him. Steve and Robin waggled their eyebrows, shooting him knowing looks and he shook his head. Nancy laughed, offering up her fist and Eddie couldn’t help but bump it.
Alright universe, he thought, you win, you totally win. I owe you for the rest of my life.
Eddie wrapped an arm around your waist and beamed when you leaned into his touch. Your lips came up to his jaw and he sighed. Maybe the shit show that was the entirety of high school was worth it if you were waiting for him at the end.
I was made for lovin' you, baby
You were made for lovin' me
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ruthplaysthesims · 3 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore
Ah anon! Sure thing. For this one, we're gonna go with my favorite boy <3333
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Before Gatsby took him in as a Secret Agent, he was a pianist at Tartosa's prestigious lounge. He would also be occasionally hired to play at the Laurent's wedding venue.
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He has a younger sister. Her name is Carla.
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In his teenage years, he was romantically involved with Greta Laurent, but because of his poor background, she left him for a socialite's son that visited Tartosa for a vacation (Fuck you, Greta!)
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Gatsby nicknamed Carlos his "killing machine" as he was able to take down one of San Myshuno's most wanted criminal, by beheading him with a katana he found while undercover. Which also happened to be the mission that put him in the hall of fame of secret agents. As much of a douche Gatsby is, he has grown very fond of Carlos and sees him as a son.
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He suffers from insomnia disorder and tends to rely on sleeping pills to get sleep. When he doesn't sleep, he either gets a book to read, or sits with a gun by his side, wanting to be prepared in case someone were to attack him.
Additional fun fact: There is an agent who is head over heels "in love" with him... and it's not Kaori (at least not yet)
And between me and y'all (>.>) (<.<) I don't like her....
Okay I'm done lol!
Poses: @natalia-auditore @maylilysims
Cc: @johnnysimmer @simandy @nucrests @northernsiberiawinds @caio-cc @sentate @golyhawhaw
Props: @natalia-auditore
Car: @sims4cars-breezemotors
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ohyoufool · 1 year
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I love supporting journalism but NYT is paywalled and we all need some GOOD NEW QUEER COMICS so posting the full article under the read more!
Original Article
By George Gene Gustines
June 9, 2023
‘The Dog Knight’
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Frankie Jude Bryant is a nonbinary middle school student who is dealing with identity, the usual academic challenges and, oh yes, trying to become the Dog Knight, a champion for humans and canines. Despite the presence of magical talking pooches, this journey of heroism and self-discovery feels grounded thanks to captions that get into the head of Frankie, who prefers they/them pronouns. On the first page, they think, “Do you ever feel like you don’t make sense?” Later, Frankie muses about their frenemy Dallas, who misgenders them: “She gets it wrong on purpose just to make a big deal about correcting it.” And when Frankie finds their tribe, “For the first time in a long time, I look in the mirror and I don’t feel a pain in the pit of my stomach.” Written by Jeremy Whitley, drawn by Bre Indigo and colored by Melissa Capriglione.
‘Marry Me a Little: A Graphic Memoir’
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The cartoonist Rob Kirby chronicles his 2013 march down the aisle in Minnesota with his longtime partner, John Capecci. The story highlights where gay marriage stood at the time (each state was making its own rules before same-sex unions became the law of the land in 2015) and looks back at Jack Baker and Michael McConnell, who somehow were able to obtain a marriage license in Minneapolis in 1971. The personal recollections are powerful and honest: Rob remembers when he first casually used the word “husband,” which felt like “a small but genuine political act.” He also acknowledges the white, middle-class privilege that allowed him ambivalence about getting married. His ultimate conclusion: “Marriage does not define a relationship. Unless you want it to.”
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The messages of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” — about social status, love and chasing dreams — are revisited in the present with a racially and sexually diverse set of characters in their 20s. Gatsby is a Black tech millionaire looking for a love who got away, and Lu Zhao, the stand-in for Nick Carraway, is visiting from Singapore and summering on Long Island (where a $5,000-plus afternoon shopping spree highlights the casual wealth). The main characters are refreshingly blasé about their sexuality: Lu’s girlfriend, Alexis, asks, “How do you identify?” But Lu’s answer does not really matter as Alexis says, “I love being on this journey with you. I’m here for you no matter what.” Written by Jeremy Holt, drawn by Felipe Cunha and colored by Dearbhla Kelly. 
‘Hex Americana’
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The cartoonist Bree Wolf spins a tale about auto racing, teen romance, monsters and ghosts. Flesh-and-blood Ken forms an unlikely alliance with Dante, who died in a previous race and haunts his car as a ghost. A successful partnership will allow Ken to compete in the annual Grand Prix and help Dante move on to the afterlife. The more than 300-page story packs in a lot of character growth, action, flashbacks and drama. The relationship between Ken and Karen, his mother, is particularly nuanced. Karen is supportive of her son, who is gay, but she struggles with how to correct her overbearing friend James when he makes thoughtless jokes about Ken. (Iron Circus Comics. Aug. 30.)
‘Death Drop: Drag Assassin’
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The Gayborhood, as it is called in this five-part series, has seen better days. Thugs feel empowered to assault young gay men, and a drag queen named Lunaira has gone missing from the club Posterior Delusions. Residents have little faith in the local police. Enter Death Drop, a former hit man and current drag queen, who is pushed by Mother Henny, the hostess of the club, to find Lunaira. “She’s a queen of color who has been missing for more than two days,” Mother Henny says. “You do the math.” It helps that Death Drop and Mother Henny used to date. Let the investigation begin. Written by David Hazan and drawn and colored by Alex Moore. (Scout Comics. June 14.)
‘Turtle Bread’
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Kim-Joy, a British baker and cookbook writer, teams up with the artist Alti Firmansyah for this story about Yan, who is struggling with low self-esteem and social anxiety. When Yan finds a local baking club, she is plagued by doubts about whether she will fit in or be liked, but she soon learns that everyone struggles in different ways. Yan eventually becomes confident enough to rally the club members to seek out and support one of their fellow bakers who needs it. Yan would qualify as an ally, but there are characters with significant roles in the story who are gay and lesbian. And there are recipes, including one that gives this story its title. (Comixology Originals. Available now.)
Original article
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tenjikubaby · 2 years
(self-indulgent Filipino AU Tenjiku ahead. Filipino terms are explained for non-Filos who want to read this) 
Thanks to @milkkicoffee for helping
Izana has his own band and Inupi and Shion are his bandmates (bassist and drummer, respectively). Teachers asked him to perform a few songs for the night. If you want a voice reference, listen to “Come Inside of My Heart” and imagine Izana singing. 
Imagine him in an all-black suit with his hair looking like this. (Let’s pretend Filipino schools allow boys to have long hair). 
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His band would also perform “Jopay” and the crowd goes crazy with people singing along for the chorus. Please also imagine him singing Buko by Jireh Lim or Misteryoso by Autotelic. People say he holds eye contact with some who stare at him and it almost feels like a Harana (serenade; part of old Filipino courting traditions.)
Izana at school has this quiet, artistic indie boy image so he would likely be a campus crush. This boy is desired. When the band is done, his admirers will be watching him, waiting for him to dance with someone. Most people were too shy to ask him to dance, though there were a few brave souls.
Shion’s mom spritzed (more like showered) him with his dad’s perfume so he smells like an older man. She and his grandma expressed their concern about him putting too much Gatsby Wax in his hair, but he insisted that he knew what he was doing. His mom wanted to take pictures of him too but he hurried to leave. 
Being in Izana’s band, he automatically thinks he's going to receive the attention that Izana and Inupi get from the ladies. That wasn't true. He confidently marches up to girls and asks them to dance, even acting like it’s such a privilege for them to be able to do so. The girls didn’t want to dance with a siga (a show-off, braggy person). This leaves him with no partner, so he ends up joke-dancing with Mocchi instead, who was too chicken to ask anyone to dance. At some point, they get tired of the prom atmosphere (what with all the lovey-dovey couples around!), so they hoard a bunch of food from the buffet and sneak into a classroom. There, they eat and play Mobile Legends. 
You can hear stressed student council member Kokonoi Hajime cursing from afar. “Tangina! Bakit ubos na agad yung fish fillet!” (”Son of a bitch! Why are we already out of fish fillet?”)
It’s not long before the two of them are caught by the principal and thrown out. To make things even worse, two older female teachers take them as partners. So there they were, dancing with old ladies to Gloria Gaynor’s “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You”. Yeah... they got filmed and laughed at. 
Now unlike Shion, Mocchi actually let his mom take a bunch of pictures of him. His mom later posted them on Facebook, saying “bilis nga nmn ng panahon. ky poging binata na ng anak q.” (Time flies. My son has grown into a fine young man.) The pic she chose is Mocchi doing the pogi sign. His aunts, grandparents, and grand-aunts are commenting on how handsome he is too, and how big he’s grown, and asking if he already has a girlfriend. His mom replies that he has a crush on someone and reveals their name. 
When they arrive to the venue, his mom makes him take a picture with each S62 boy and one last one with all of them to also post on Facebook. 
Caption: “mocchi with his friends :)” 
It gets even worse when Mocchi's crush walks by and his mom calls them over to take a picture with him.
Ran went on a whole spa trip before the day of the prom. On the very night, his stylist and his yaya (nanny) are circling him, making the finishing touches on his hair and makeup. , who has already finished getting ready an hour ago, is just sitting there waiting for Ran to finish.
You see, Ran wanted to be the emcee, but the role went to Mitsuya instead.  The teachers thought that Mitsuya's humor matched the students’ better so they would probably connect better to him. Ran was offended at the very idea that someone could be seen as more charimsatic than him.
He doesn’t let that get him down, though. He takes pictures EVERYWHERE. Rindou’s kinda just his unwilling personal photographer. He needs pictures with different angles, different poses, and different types of lighting. He needs a new Facebook DP (which he’ll probably caption with some unrelated quote from a famous person) and none of the pics turn out good enough for him.
After Izana’s band finishes their set, DJ Rindou would be up next. He got in trouble for playing an inappropriate Tagalog song (something like BMW) but he thinks it was worth it because everyone cheered him on. The teachers even found it funny until the principal came in looking pissed, so they had to be responsible teachers and step in.
Despite being one of the richer students, he doesn’t do clique-y behavior. (note: all i can say is that those cliques of mean, rich, classist people you see in fiction are real. sorry. ) He’s friends with everybody and is generally well-liked. So on prom night, Rin is jumping from table to table talking to everyone. He just knows how to vibe with different kinds of people! While Ran is more popular and admired, he feels less “accessible” to people outside his circle. People feel it’s easier to befriend Rindou. 
If Rindou has a date, I think it would be someone unexpected. Like, since he’s popular, he doesn’t take another popular person. It’s probably going to be some quiet person from his class that nobody has heard of (well, now they have). Like I said, he’s friends with everybody. 
Not prom-related but I wanted to add: Ran and Rindou are both conyos, but Rindou’s better at Tagalog than Ran. Ran understands Tagalog but can’t express himself well enough in it. Both their Tagalogs have accents and Ran’s is really thick. He can’t roll his Rs and often stresses the wrong syllables. You find it either cute or annoying depending on how you feel about them. 
*Ran probably doesn’t know what kinse (fifteen) means so he would just give the vendor a hundred-peso bill and leave. 
(Conyo: People who code-switch between English and Tagalog in their speech. Rich kids are stereotyped to speak like this. Knowing conyo’s original Spanish meaning, I think you can already see why they’re called this lol )
Kakucho groans at the idea of prom. He’s kinda dreading it until the actual night where you can see him having fun. He’s hyping up Izana and Rindou when they play music for the crowd. He also dances around no matter how awkward his movements are. At some point, he ends up getting bored and starts rough-housing with other boys. They end up destroying a table. Somehow, they also did something to make the disco ball crash down? 
What if he’s asked to dance? Though he’s a bit shy, he does try his best to socialize with his partner and make them comfortable. The same goes for if he had a date. I do see him asking a close friend to be his date instead of someone he barely knows though.
When Rindou’s off to somewhere, the role of Ran’s Photographer goes to Kakucho. 
*Kakucho also translates for Ran and Rindou when they have Filipino homework, assuming that they do their homework. 
I think Mucho arrives really early so the teachers task him with arranging tables and taking care of technical stuff. (Even in regular school days, teachers love to send him on errands i.e. fetching a projector from another classroom, carrying books into the faculty room). 
Would he get asked to dance? He’s so intimidating that it might never happen. Because of this, he’s another victim of dancing with the older female teachers. Unlike Mocchi and Shion, no one is brave enough to make fun of him. 
Soon enough, he’d feel bored all by himself because Sanzu’s getting attention left and right (The guy has long hair, quiet, mysterious, pretty, always wears a masks. I just know Filo school girls would go crazy over him if he were real) and the other S62 boys are off doing their own things. He goes to a quiet area of the school, maybe the roof, and just... ponders life there or something.
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elxctrics · 10 months
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"here's a glow at the face of the canyon and a sound blowing 'round says you're nowhere you've ever been before. take a plunge into the colorado river where you feel yourself for the very first time, i knew you'd be a friend of mine."
(—) ★ spotted!! PRESLEY ST. JAMES on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 45 year old looks like MILO VENTIMIGLIA, but i don’t really see it. while the ARTIST/PHOTOGRAPHER/MUSICIAN is known for being INTUITIVE my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be BROODY i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song CLARIE AND EDDIE by KINGS OF LEON { he/him / cismale }
  ˗ˏˋ * ‣ 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬    :  
connections || musings || instagram || headcanons
name: presley st. james
age: forty five
nicknames: none
date of birth: may 13th, 1978
astrological sign: taurus
place of birth: ouray, colorado
occupation: artist / photographer / musician
voice claim: caleb followill from kings of leon
label: the brooder
positive traits: creative, artistic, deep, talented
negative traits: broody, reclusive, grumpy a perfectionist, 
characters/celebrities she’s like: caleb followill, luke danes from gilmore girls, keith scott from one tree hill, alaric saltzman from the vampire diaries, rufus humphrey from gossip girl, nick carraway from the great gatsby, noah callhoun from the notebook
born and raised in mountain town, ouray colorado, presley was raised as the only son of claire and eddie st. james. 
claire was a singer in a local bar, the leon, and eddie was the owner of said bar and the two had a ‘love at first sight’ kind of love, however their relationship was an incredibly toxic one - filled with jealousy and booze and rage, although they did their best to shield young presley from it.
presley had always been a lone wolf, much too quiet for his own good and never had or kept many friends. he preferred being alone and could often be found painting in his school’s art room or learning instruments in his father’s bar before they opened for the evening.
while he wasn’t the best student, he excelled in the arts and for his thirteenth birthday, his parents got him his first camera and living in such a picturesque little town, he fell in love with capturing it’s beauty and went on to win many photography awards throughout high school.
he loved writing music and singing, too, but after attempting to perform at the school’s talent show and getting all choked up on stage, he realized he was far too shy for that kind of spotlight and preferred to be behind the camera.
when college came around, he got accepted into parson’s school of the arts in new york city and double majored in fine art and photography.
there, he got in with the artsy scene in new york and it wasn’t long before his paintings and photography were hanging in galleries across the city and eventually, the globe.
he was on a high, but art was fleeting, and people were always looking for the next best thing, so it wasn’t long until he had to do what most had to do and sell his soul to hollywood.
he became a world renounced photographer for the rich and famous, shooting vogue covers and the most high profile fashion campaigns and became incredibly sought after in the industry.
however, he felt like it was sucking the life out of him and he hated it, causing him to become rather grumpy and recluse and thus, he turned to drinking, just as his parents did years prior.
while in the heart of his creative slump just last year, he lost both of his parents within six months of one another and truly hit rock bottom, feeling as though life meant nothing and turned to writing to get him out of it.
after getting a little too drunk at a bar one night with his friends, he drunkly performed one of the songs he had written in the presence of all of his industry friends and after hearing his deep, raspy unique voice, they pushed him to start taking music seriously, which he did, since had nothing left to lose. 
he got a group of his buddies together and formed the band ‘kings of leon’ - named after the leon bar that his father owned in their small town.
now,  after the release of his debut album ‘only by the night’  and riding on the high of the success of his singles ‘sex on fire’ and ‘use somebody’, he’s in a better headspace and has a newfound confidence in himself that he didn’t before.
he still works on photography projects on the side, since that’s where his heart is, and still very much spends late night hours in his studio trying to paint something great again.
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autonomousllama · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈 🎉
It took me forever to get this done because my stupid computer was acting up, but here it is.
I figured it would be nice to acknowledge official representation within The Sims franchise that isn't in The Sims 4.
I messed around with pose player for the first time and used a different reshade preset called 90s nostalgia.
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"Dylan's preference for wearing suits might be the scandal of the century, but she doesn't mind. Audrey desperately wants a child, and now science has made it possible. What impact will a child have on their lives?"
Say hello to the Shear family from The Sims 3 store world 'Roaring Heights'. The first openly same-sex couple in the franchise to date. We have Audrey on the left, Dylan on the right and little Charlie in the middle.
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"On the outside, Rita and Mark appear to be a happily married couple but they've both fallen in love with other people. Will they risk scandal or work to stay together?"
Another two pairs from roaring heights it seems. Rita and Mark, who are both sat on the couch, are married, but are in secret same-sex relationships with the people behind them. According to the wiki, Rita and Mark are based of of Daisy and Thomas Buchanan from The Great Gatsby.
Rita is also said to be a refrence to writer Vita Sackville-West, who was the lover of writer Virginia Woolf, who the sim behind Rita (Virginia Supine) is based on.
Mark is also said to be based on a British Politician named Harold Nicolson who was the husband of Vita Sackville-West. His lover behind him is called Michael Dandy, who is said to be based on the main character of The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby. In the novel, Jay is in love with Daisy Buchanan, who Rita is based on. Here, they appear to have put a twist on the original novel, and made his love interest the husband instead.
Here are a few more honorable mentions.
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"With the loss of his partner, Leonard Ryan hated the thought of having to sell his home. He looked for a roommate so they wouldn't have to move out of town. Now he has time to devote to his son and to his research."
Sorry for the terrible quality pictures, these where literally all I could find for this family. The Ryan family are from The Sims 3 for console, living in Moonlight Bay.
Leonard Ryan (left) recently lost his husband, Jeffrey Ryan (middle) and now lives with roommates who are also single dad's in 'The Single Dads household' with his adopted son Logan.
Technically this would make them the first openly same-sex couple in The Sims franchise since it came out before Roaring Heights (I looked it up) but the sims wiki seems confused about which couple is the first. Maybe the whole dead husband thing disqualifies them.
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Kiki Blunt (left) is a villain in The Urbz: Sims In The City (the best spinoff, fite me). It doesn't happen in the game, but in a comic called Urbz Comix, "Central Station", Kiki is in a relationship with a cage fighter named 'Anna Kissed' (right). In the comic, local bully Urangoo Mcbain, bursts into the tattoo parlor, and demands to be serviced, as he wants to become Anna Kissed's 'Dream Punk'. After an exhausting session, Urangoo attemps to leave without paying, but is stopped by being hoisted up by the nipples, by a magnetic machine. Later, Anna Kissed is told the story, who finds it amusing, and states that she already has her 'Dream Punk' and points to Kiki Blunt. See the last page of the comic below.
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Whew, that's all I could find.
I'm curious, how do you play the sims families I talked about?
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hightealowsociety · 1 year
Tom Wambsgans' American Dream
"Angry, and half in love [...], and tremendously sorry, I turned away." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
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Last Sunday, the fourth and final season of HBO's "Succession" premiered to critical acclaim. Many have waited with bated breath to learn the fate of Tom Wambsgans, the wimpy but cunning social climber, and his wife Siobhan "Shiv" Roy, the stubborn and hypocritical daughter of media magnate Logan Roy - who also happens to be Tom's boss and ally at the beginning of season 4. More specifically, many viewers - myself very much included - have been endlessly speculating about the future of their marriage since before the season even premiered. At the end of season 3, Tom backstabbed Shiv as she (along with her brothers Kendall and Roman) were on her way to stop their father from selling out Waystar Royco, the "family" media corporation that he built and that one of his four children was expected to inherit.
His marriage to Shiv has been fraught from the start, with Shiv cheating on Tom before asking for an open marriage on their wedding night, and Tom gaining control of the conservative news company that has been targeting Shiv's boss, Democratic presidential candidate Gil Eavis, for months. Another point of contention is their unequal footing in life, in part due to their unbelievably different upbringings. Shiv is the daughter of a British noblewoman and a multi-billionaire - Tom is the son of a lawyer from Saint Paul, Minnesota. Tom is a transplant to Shiv's native New York City, having moved there after studying at Cornell. He's spent his entire career trying to impress people and gain social capital, to both significant successes and failures. Tom uses his relationship with the beautiful, intelligent, and most importantly, wealthy, Shiv to gain leverage in the cutthroat upper echelon society that she was raised in. But, ultimately, his love for Shiv runs deep - and her various infidelities (both in the marital sense and in the business world once Shiv throws her unqualified hat in the ring for Waystar's CEO, a position Tom has been grasping for for years) wound him even deeper.
As the series has unfolded, I have been fascinated by Tom. He's not my favorite character, as that title belongs to Greg, the awkward cousin of the Roy family who has been stumbling upward into oblivion with the help of Tom for the past four seasons. He's not even my second or third favorite - that's Shiv and Kendall respectively. He barely makes it into the top five (Gerri, one of Logan's top and most ruthless advisors, cuts him out for fourth). But, he's my favorite to write about. I think the reason for that is how he embodies the prototypical American Dream in the modern age. He is a 21st-century Jay Gatsby without the charm, but with the grit to claw his way into high society.
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The Great Gatsby is one of my favorite novels of all time, for precisely the same reason that Tom is my favorite character to write about - I am fascinated with the idea that, with enough determination and work behind you, you can become anything. Jay Gatsby, much like Tom, plays the game of life with a false air of confidence and disposable income trailing behind him like a cheap dupe of an expensive French cologne. Gatsby sees Daisy Buchanan, his longtime love interest, as both the love of his life and as a prize to be won to cement his place in NYC society and gain legitimacy in the Old Money world that Daisy and her husband (also named Tom!) reside. T. Wambsgans' underhanded business practices - namely the covering-up of massive scale corporate crimes - and emotional bribery is also mirrored in Gatsby's illegitimate means of monetary gain. Ultimately, Gatsby cannot overcome his history. He's a puffed-up fraud, as the closest thing he has to a friend (Daisy's cousin and the ultimate unreliable narrator, Nick Carraway) discovers towards the end of Gatsby's life. Gatsby's entire backstory was fabricated, down to his name - he was not Jay Gatsby, born to mysterious luxury; he was James Gatz of North Dakota.
It's easy to see parallels between Wambsgans and Gatsby. Both come from less fortunate circumstances (to varying degrees) than their love interests. Both of their love interests doubly represent their career goals. Both are undaunted in the face of competition, so long as they get what they want out of it. Will both ultimately fail, having spent their lives in pursuit of the women, respect, and social status that they'll never get? Only time will tell when - or whether - Tom Wambsgans will wake up from his own American Dream.
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“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
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rxscss · 1 year
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“𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒'𝓈 𝒶 𝑔𝓁𝑜𝓌 𝒶𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓃𝓎𝑜𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝓌𝒾𝓃𝑔 '𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓃𝑜𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓋𝑒 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒. 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒶 𝓅𝓁𝓊𝓃𝑔𝑒 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓁𝑜𝓇𝒶𝒹𝑜 𝓇𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓇, 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝒻𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒, 𝒾 𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝒹 𝒷𝑒 𝒶 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒. 𝑜𝒽, 𝒻𝒾𝓇𝑒'𝓈 𝑔𝑜𝓃𝓃𝒶 𝓇𝒶𝑔𝑒 𝒾𝒻 𝓅𝑒𝑜𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒. 𝑜𝒽, 𝒶 𝓈���𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝓈𝑜 𝑜𝓁𝒹 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓈𝑜 𝑜𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓁”
(—) ★ spotted!! maverick ‘rick’ ledger on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 40 year old looks like charlie hunnam but i don’t really see it. while  the artist/photographer/musician is known for being creative my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be broody i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song claire and eddy by kings of leon { he/him cismale } - penned by candice, 25, cisfemale, she/her
wanted connections + connections || musings || pinterest || instagram || headcanons
name: maverick colton ledger
age: forty
nicknames: rick, ricky
date of birth: may, 13th, 1983
astrological sign: taurus
place of birth: ouray, colorado
occupation: artist/photographer/musician
voice claim: caleb followill from kings of leon
label: the brooder
positive traits: creative, artistic, deep, talented
negative traits: broody, reclusive, grumpy a perfectionist, 
characters/celebrities he’s like: caleb followill, luke danes from gilmore girls, keith scott from one tree hill, alaric saltzman from the vampire diaries, rufus humphrey from gossip girl, nick carraway from the great gatsby, noah callhoun from the notebook
born and raised in mountain town, ouray colorado, maverick was raised as the only son of claire and eddy ledger. 
claire was a singer in a local bar, the leon, and eddy was the owner of said bar and the two had a ‘love at first sight’ kind of love, however their relationship was an incredibly toxic one - filled with jealousy and booze and rage, although they did their best to shield young maverick from it.
maverick had always been a lone wolf, much too quiet for his own good and never had or kept many friends. he preferred being alone and could often be found painting in his school’s art room or learning instruments in his father’s bar before they opened for the evening.
while he wasn’t the best student, he excelled in the arts and for his thirteenth birthday, his parents got him his first camera and living in such a picturesque little town, he fell in love with capturing it’s beauty and went on to win many photography awards throughout high school.
he loved writing music and singing, too, but after attempting to perform at the school’s talent show and getting all choked up on stage, he realized he was far too shy for that kind of spotlight and preferred to be behind the camera.
when college came around, he got accepted into parson’s school of the arts in new york city and double majored in fine art and photography.
there, he got in with the artsy scene in new york and it wasn’t long before his paintings and photography were hanging in galleries across the city and eventually, the globe.
he was on a high, but art was fleeting, and people were always looking for the next best thing, so it wasn’t long until he had to do what most had to do and sell his soul to hollywood.
he became a world renounced photographer for the rich and famous, shooting vogue covers and the most high profile fashion campaigns and became incredibly sought after in the industry.
however, he felt like it was sucking the life out of him and he hated it, causing him to become rather grumpy and recluse and thus, he turned to drinking, just as his parents did years prior.
while in the heart of his creative slump just last year, he lost both of his parents within six months of one another and truly hit rock bottom, feeling as though life meant nothing and turned to writing to get him out of it.
after getting a little too drunk at a bar one night with his friends, he drunkly performed one of the songs he had written in the presence of all of his industry friends and after hearing his deep, raspy unique voice, they pushed him to start taking music seriously, which he did, since had nothing left to lose. 
he got a group of his buddies together and formed the band ‘kings of leon’ - named after the leon bar that his father owned in their small town.
now,  after the release of his debut album ‘only by the night’  and riding on the high of the success of his singles ‘sex on fire’ and ‘use somebody’, he’s in a better headspace and has a newfound confidence in himself that he didn’t before.
he still works on photography projects on the side, since that’s where his heart is, and still very much spends late night hours in his studio trying to paint something great again.
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bucklikethedollar · 1 year
i love a tag game i love talking about myself i love @knightrelic for tagging me in this
1. nickname: bucky actually is my nickname! my last name is buck, so bucky was kind of a natural next step lol. even my dad used to be called bucky when he was younger
2. sign: pisces sun, libra moon, gemini rising. i do not believe in astrology and the only one of those i knew off the top of my head was my sun sign lol
3. height: 5’11, but that bumps up to 6’ if i wear my docs
4. last thing you googled: “did chadwick boseman do his own singing in get on up”. my dad and i watched it last night and i was curious lol. for those interested: it was mostly recordings of james brown, but but boseman did do some singing in select parts (he was great btw) and all of his own dancing!
5. song stuck in your head: father and son by cat stevens. i have a playlist called “most beautiful songs ever written” and that’s on it
6. amount of sleep: i went to sleep at around 3, and technically woke up at like 10:15, even though i stayed in bed and chilled for like 45 minutes before getting up, so that’s ~7 hours
7. dream job: tattoo artist! saving up for my third tattoo rn, and i wanna see if there are any shops looking to take on apprentices or receptionists or something as soon as i have the time
8. wearing: cassette tape socks, green pants with a chain for a belt, plain black sweatshirt, red & blue flannel, and earrings that look like i have screws stuck through my ears
9. books/movies that define you: not 100% sure if i understand this one, but i’ll just ramble a little i guess lol. movies: my own private idaho, bill and ted’s excellent adventure, monty python’s meaning of life, the muppet movie, walk hard, the silence of the lambs, the wall. books: house of leaves (mark danielewski), johnny got his gun (dalton trumbo), the raw shark texts (steven hall), the martian (andy weir), the time machine (hg wells), eunoia (christian bök) , frankenstein (mary shelley), the great gatsby (f scott fitzgerald). that is… more than i intended to list for either category lol
10. favorite song: in general it’s the re-recorded version of bloodstains by agent orange, but i’ve been listening to a lot of showtunes recently so hosanna fro jesus christ superstar and try me from she loves me are up there too
11. instrument: i’m mainly a singer & guitarist, but i also play ukulele and harmonica (i’m a bit better on ukulele but it’s been a looong time since i’ve practiced lol). i’m working on learning poems, prayers, & promises by john denver on guitar rn and man is it a doozy. guy fucking loved his altered travis patterns huh
12. aesthetic: i have,, no idea. sometimes (usually when it’s warmer) i lean a little towards grungy, but nowadays i look a little more like a cool librarian just cause it’s cold, but then i tend to look kinda preppy when i have to dress up for something, and i also have “sexiest person at this grocery store” disease so it’s… kind of all over the place. i like fun socks? i wear a lot of jewel tones??
13. favorite author: there are very few authors of whose works i have read more than one, but my all-time favorite book (house of leaves) was written by mark danielewski, so i’ll go with him. that being said, madeline miller writes gorgeous prose, james joyce has fantastic control of the english language (even if ulysses murdered me), and andy weir is fucking hilarious
14. fun fact: ooo lemme think. my belly button is off-center. i can wiggle my ears. my mom owns a car that used to belong to billy joe armstrong and i got to drive it to my senior prom. i can tap dance. i have a small but growing collection of funny mugs i find at thrift stores. i don’t know how to dive. i once drank worcestershire sauce on a dare from my sister. i’ve lived in arizona my whole life but i’ve never seen the grand canyon.
i guess im supposed to tag 14 people for 14 questions but like bracken said i don’t know 14 peoples so i’ll just tag @commander-vas-normandy @mattmurdockspainkink and @localmvthman along with anyone else who wants to do it! :•)
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heavenzscent · 2 years
Jeankasa AU Ideas for anyone having a writing block
I have so many Ideas for Fics but I'm currently working on two very long ones and I thought it would be fun to see what other people could whip up with these ideas or maybe just help someone with writers block. I hope someone will enjoy these ideas!
Stranger Things
Jean would very much be similar to steve
Mikasa would be the cool over achiever that people consider to be icy and cold
or maybe she's the cool quiet girl who teaches an arobics class in the mall and Jean has been crushing on her and he is shocked when she tells him they went to school together and he realizes shes the goth girl who hangs out with those two quiet boys who play dungens and dragons.
Avatar AU
Teams consist of
Mikasa, Armin and Eren
Jean, Sasha and Connie
Reiner, Annie and Bertolt
Zeke, Pieck and Porco
I was thinking it could be an little enemies to lovers type thing. I think both Jean and Mikasa can be prideful so seeing them in competition would be a fun dynamic to write in my opinion.
A simple typical Avatar Au would be fun too like making the 104th/ survey corps into team avatar.
Jean has to move to a new town with his mom and switch schools during Senior year after a series of family misfortunes.
Jean is working hard on his college applications so he could get into a good college, make good money so can feel safe and secure in the future.
That plan gets turned upside down when he notices an odd but beautiful family.
Levi Ackerman is the towns best detective and he lives with his partner Erwin Smith who is the local community college history professor. They live with their three kids. Mikasa Ackerman Levis adopted cousin. Erwins son Armin Arlert and his adopted son Eren Jaeger.
Jean takes an interest in Mikasa and she seems absolutely repulsed by him but somehow he always feels her eyes on him.
We need more Jeankasa Uni AUs
I think it would be interesting to see Mikasa as a Jedi who left the order and Jean as a han solo type. I'm not deep into the starwars fandom but I think this would be fun to read.
Maybe Mikasa lost a Jedi who she close to in the past by the name of Eren and she is searching for her long lost friend Armin and Jean might have a ship or something that could help her with that search?
Mikasas Cat is living a double life his second owner is Jean (Meet Cute)
Mikasa as a singer and Jean as an artist
Marley AU
The Ackermans ended up siding with Marley
The Ackermans work with the Warrior units in Marely.
Ever since Jean saw Mikasa he admired her skill and along with becoming an honorary Marleyan he wants to fight by her side and gain her respect.
She is cold and is only close with a few people.
Jean is bestowed the honor of holding the Jaw titan
Jean learns that Mikasa and the Ackermans are restorationists and he makes the choice to join the fight to free eldians everywhere
Mikasa now seeing him as a true comrade begins to let him in and they become closer
Great Gatsby inspired
Mikasa marries the son of a doctor Eren Jaeger
When Jean returns from the war he works to gain her attention once again through lavish parties
Once they are reunited again they begin a reluctant affair, She doesn't care much for social rules or wealth but she is scared of loosing custody of daughter with Eren if she where the one to initiate a divorce. The affair becomes a dangerous thing Mikasa not wanting to loose her daughter if they are to be found out.
If anyone likes this idea and goes with it lets have a happy ending please.
I Want You Back inspired (Movie Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ_Zry9KLb8&t=90s)
Jean is modeled after Jenny Slates character
He is broken up with after his longest relationship of 18 months with Pieck for some guy named Porco.
Mikasa gets dumped by her high school sweetheart Eren after 10 years of dating
They work together to try to get their people back but fall for each other instead.
Remarried Empress inspired
Mikasa has been betrothed to Eren since they where young kids. They are the Empress and Emperor of Eastern Eldia now in their mid- twenties. Mikasa has worked hard her whole life to be the perfect Empress who both high society respects and the people can trust. The life she lives has gone just as she planned.
the long lost daughter of a regional lord gets introduced to high society and catches Erens eye . He finds her country flare and common upbringing to be charming
Everything Mikasa does seems to upset Eren and she is quickly losing the life and respect that she spent her whole life working for.
During the palaces annual new years ceramony she meets the first prince of the Western Eldian Empire Jean Kirstein and he gives her the support she needs to survive in court
Eren gets his mistress pregnant and since Mikasa has had no children he sees this as a chance to have a legitimate heir to the throne and patitions to devorce her and Marry his mistress.
Jean offers Mikasa the chance to start over and become queen of the Western Empire .
I think this AU would work because Mikasa is a strong and intellegent woman just like Navier.
I would love to see how people would make these ideas their own!!
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livingfictionsystem · 3 months
Frequent Fronters Survey!
Full name? Xanthe Crow Lutece Zeitstück.
Gender/Pronouns? Androgyne. They and it, but 'it' is moreso preferred!
Orientation? Very pansexual. As in, gender has never factored into my attraction at all.
Role in the System? Cohost/social protector, everyone's collective OC, Cult Smasher 5000.
Star sign? Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon, Virgo Rising.
Favorite films? V for Vendetta, 2013 Great Gatsby, Grand Budapest Hotel.
Favorite TV series? Peaky Blinders and Shadow and Bone!
Favorite book? The Picture of Dorian Gray, the Diviners series, and the Six of Crows duology.
Favorite music? Shayfer James, Charming Disaster, Sarah and the Safe Word, Starset.
Favorite video games? Saints Row 2 and the entirety of the Bioshock series.
Characters you relate to? If Captain Jack Sparrow, Magnus Bane, and Howl Pendragon had a queer child, it would just be me.
Who’s your inner-system circle? Kaspar, Phisoxa, Aberle, Sumire, Koji, Prosper, sometimes the Harveys and, when it's Really a party, Oscar Wilde.
What do you look like in the inworld? Not too different than the outerworld! My skin is darker and my eyes are wider, rounder, and lighter. My mouth is wider and I'm a bit shorter-- about 5"5. My hair is split blonde and black, but in the inworld, I have a blonde streak on the black side and a dark blue streak on the blonde side.
What’s your aesthetic? I think y'all know. No, I'm a Victorian fop with a love of jewel tones, especially blue and gold. Sometimes I go more pirate, sometimes more vampire, sometimes a constellation-clad library goblin. But yes, I love neo-Victorian, ouji, fancy pirate, etc.
What’s your internal origin story? I was essentially an OC Phisoxa created to entertain his adoptive son. In the story he created, I was an androgynous AFAB German who moved to London and lived in a clocktower, before discovering I was actually dead the whole time. Then I was rekilled for being queer and "masquerading as a boy." (I reworked Phisoxa's original story because, no offense, but I'm the better writer. It's for sale!) Then Phisoxa decided that she wanted to bring her OC to life, and collected bits of souls, includling her own, to create my personality. Once Phisoxa had like, the rough draft of me, he stuck it into a clockwork crow, then a blue and gold pocket watch, with the idea that someone would find a body to fling me into. Phisoxa made me to have a creation with pieces of his own soul and to also have someone that will "break the cycle." See, there's a curse involving how we always end up with abusive people, in the inworld. Which has really OBVIOUS applications in the outerworld, when I look at it. (Phisoxa uses she and he, if you're confused.)
What’s your day-to-day life internally? Anywhere from brilliantly fun to insanely stressful. Sometimes, I'm in a castle and drinking cocktails and watching two centuries-old vampires banter about petty shit, sometimes I'm trying to talk someone out of committing suicide via magical/possessed means, sometimes I'm fighting for my life and actively feeling everything, sometimes I'm flying as a crow to the abandoned European building. It seems like it's always me involved in setting fires or putting them out. I live an old inn in Prague and work there for room and board. I also spend a lot of time in dimensional rifts and timelocked places since some of my favourite people are actually dead/ghosts in modern times.
What’s your day-to-day life externally? Taking selfies, writing, reading, promoting my work. I love exploring Rochester and taking walks, especially past anywhere that has a "no trespassing" sign. I love working at the bar and bantering with my hotel friends. I eat and breathe literature and love to rewatch some of my favourite shows. I do have good friends around here but we're all chronically under-spooned groundhogs that just lift up flags that say "I SUPPORT YOU' when none of us have the energy to text back. More often, I'll lock myself into my study and have a controlled breakdown about what's happened to me and suddenly a masterpiece comes out of my fingertips.
What do you wish more people knew about you?
What you see is what you get. I'm not as bad as whatever ex you're flashing back to, I'm not as good as you want me to be. I'm a selfish, aggrandizing, pun-wielding drunk with my head in the clouds, but I do my best not to be a hypocrite and not hurt the people I care about. You're not going to save me and I'm not going to save you, but we can at least trade jokes hunt for the art and romance in this fetid reality.
-Xanthe 🪶
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thelovelybitten · 11 months
vera's first watch of south park -- season 4 (part 1)
bc i know this is about to be so very long
EPISODE 1: SEGA DREAMCAST Y'ALL KNOW WHAT IS UP no I FORBID Y'ALL USUING KENNY'S TEEF TIMMEHHHH aww he's so cute NO NOT KENNY'S TEETH DFDSBKGBKSD :'(((( y'all rly stripped my son nakey... SHAME ON U i chuckled at cartman being the tooth fairy kyle is MAD MAD i was mad when i found out santa wasn't real stan kinda slayed w his plan omg MAFIA TOOTH FAIRY THIS IS SO GOOD WHAT "tits" cartman REALLY DEBATING NKDGKNJGFDJKN main four mafia gang WENDY IN FRAME I LOVE HER no bc if stan showed up in a spiffy suit working for the tooth fairy brigade at 8 years old, i don't know why wendy WOULDN'T BE WHIPPED KENNY'S HAT kyle is in his delusional arc, cartman, leave him be wtf... kyle y'all rly left kenny in the river ihy EPISODE 2:
Tolkien slayed get him
please Wendy be in the select four
hc little Stan and little wendy are extremely competitive at sled racing and make it their whole personalities when the gangs hang out for the annual sled racing every year. they still got their little crush on each other but when they break up the first time OH THEY OUT FOR BLOOD.
Tolkien still ate and Cartman is a piece of shit
HATE CRIME ???? Ngl get ur Justice king
this is actually. so good I love when cartman gets what he deserves
Bebe and Kyle in the same frame it must be so
Kenny did not deserve that slap BYE
Kyle: what the fuck is happening
the girls gaslighting, girlbossing and gatekeeping AS THEY SHOULD
juvenile hall is. Sumth.
butters: I think Clyde is the next fattest kid SIR THE DISRESPECT ON MY SONS NAME FROM MY OTHER SON ITS PAINFUL. So hard to have multiple children out here
Girls are SLAYIN idc
Clyde is literally a perfect size wtf y’all on ABT
“Oh my god we killed Kenny”
“We killed Kenny?”
“We killed Kenny, we’re bastards”
Y’all hyping up cartmans ass LMAO
Bebe slayed
this is so gross I hate it here
Tolkien rich as fuck
cartman in his gaslight era AGAIN
Jesus he’s so manipulative but it’s kinda iconic
Lmao cartman is so heartless HAHA
Bebe on the gals team let’s goooo
okay. That was. An episode. Haha.
Kyle being up until 2:00 am UGH
Timmy doesn’t have ADD but oh my lord I’d die if I had to listen to an audio book of the great gatsby
mackey and victoria asleep REAL OF THEM
specifically stendy as their heads lean on one another 🥹🥹🥹
everyone hyping up Timmy as they should !!! Wendy, Clyde and Tolkien my babies
the kids: 😐😐😐
I hate this portrayal of Timmy’s disorder 😩
Stan ate that speech
stan so unbothered by this clown
contorting girlies got GAME
omg not them trying to do the same show LMAO
not the boys naked PLEASE
Kenny reading on how to sing JSJFBDJSKD WHOLESOME
he's so cute u guys that's my fucking son
the oldies getting frisky EWWWWWWWWWWWW
wait she's dead????
Kenny side quest I love it
lil Romania girlies getting a slice of America
not the girliessss
Kenny bffr come home
note: Kenny can SING
domestic core 4 board game time
not AIDS Cartman bffr
oh my god I'm actually scared for cartman for once
Kenny being worried abt this baby
Play catch! Cute
trying to stop him from having sex GENIUS
Jesus cartman I'm so sorry don't know yet
cartman nooooo
Kenny’s dad is going thru it
these men need jail time JAIL TIME
The actual trauma NO
thank god he's okay
But kennys dad i’m so sorry
wait it's kenny PLEASE
0 notes
moneflower · 1 year
A Spring Never Coming
Synopsis: Children are often the light in the relationship for parents to keep moving forward, despite the hardships and sacrifices that follow being one. As the saying goes, “all it takes is just one small change to change your life.”
But what happens when that light is snuffed out? Where do we go from there, and if so, is it possible to move on.
Opening Notes: For my first one it will be focused on two characters in the BSD world that I believe have an interesting dynamic to their real life counterparts and to the storyline: Fitzgerald, Nakahara, and minor parts of Oguri if you squint closely.
This will be a two-piece coinciding work: a mini analysis and creative work. The second part will be formatted in a poem-like structure in dedication to our favorite poet, Chuuya Nakahara- plus it’s more digestible that way.
Don’t worry if poems aren’t your thing because I’ll try to simplify it as much as I can without too many hidden metaphors or symbolism. It will all come from the heart, which I believe everyone to a certain extent is capable of feeling, right?
Warnings: Below contains contents of implied death, loss of a loved one, and grieving - mostly angtsy stuff.
In the context of children, we can say that in the world of BSD it’s quite lenient and loose in terms of laws and regulations regarding minors. But besides that, Asagari seems to be adding a lot of hidden ironies that the characters and real-life counterparts have.
First is Fitzgareld and his goal to find ‘the book’ to save his daughter. If you think this is sad, then as bearer of bad news: Chuuya, the author died without any offspring. I mean, he did have some, but they didn’t live long enough to carry on the bloodline.
His well known piece of work: ‘Spring May Never Come,’ explores this with his first son who unfortunately didn’t survive tuberculosis; the same very disease that killed his second infant son not long after, him, and many authors that are now characters of BSD.
Real life Fitzgerald had an only child who lived a pretty long life according to news articles that I read so I wonder if this tiny detail is a homage to the japanese author or added in for the sake of plot.
He did at one point spend all of his life savings after the success of his well known: Great Gatsby - that much is true, canon and real life. But the fact that his ability stems from capitalism, something explored upon in ‘The Great Gatsby’ hits the jackpot for me.
Lies Told in April
by Cerueusnight
Spring comes bearing wealth
such as flowers and fruits.
Like children is to mothers,
it keeps on giving
until it gives no more.
Some claim to bless
and revael in joy,
soon winter will be over
and the sun will rise.
Birds learn how to fly,
animals sprout from their burrows,
and soon they will be gone,
as if, leaving home for the first time.
Yet they lie,
for a season that claims to give
it takes until there’s no more.
Warmth feels like frost,
snow never melts.
The sun sets further,
until orange fades into black.
One unbefitting of spring,
yet stays true to it’s name:
a season of darkness
to remind those who left again.
A number that adds,
losing it’s value,
birthdays left behind,
and parents griveing alone.
A house filled with laugther
is now filled with silence.
From unfinished paintings,
half scribbled walls,
toys tidely kept in a corner
in hopes they will untidy themselves.
Yet days turn into years
and nothing seems to change:
from unbothered rooms, a kitchen left clean
there’s no one around,
no one to cry, laugh, or smile
at least anymore.
Winter turns into spring.
Children’s clothes grow to dress,
suits, and ties.
One for their graduation,
coming of age,
weddings of the future,
yet, despite silent whimpers
it continues to grow.
From birth to death
of clothing that will never be worn
because their owner has left,
an owner no longer here.
My spring, my youth.
A/N: This is just the surface of the iceberg to the tragedy in which bsd explores. Besides loss, the themes of parental figures and children are often brought up but never explored, so I hope I gave you another perspective.
Fitzgerald-Chuuya, A Spring Never Coming
Analysis: Spring May Never Come
Oneshot: Lies Told in April
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whereisten · 3 years
Stupid Cupid
A Taeyong fic that’s a part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: Cupid, also known as Taeyong, has never experienced real love. But when he meets you, he may finally have a chance.
Pairing: Cupid! Taeyong x female reader
Genre: romance, angst, fluff, smut, fantasy
Word Count: 13k
Warnings: oral (male receiving), penetration, breast fondling, cursing, alcohol use
(A/N: thank you guys so much for being so sweet and understanding and patient. I’ve always believed Halloween should be a celebration for multiple months out of the year and since the Halloween series is ongoing, it works 💀. Anyways, I’m so excited to share this with y’all. ❤️ One of my favorite songs is “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran. And the music video features Cupid so I was inspired. 👍🏼 I hope you guys enjoy it! I also was inspired by “The Consequences of Cursing Cupid” by @by-moonflower). I loved it!)
Cupid was one of God’s most prized pupils. He was also one of His most beautiful creations. His hair had the shades of pink you’d see at sunset and warm brown eyes that could claim the heart of almost anyone. His tan skin glowed, bringing a piece of heaven’s glow down to earth with him. His body was slender, elegant, and muscular. His true appearance was known to few mortals but overtime, historians were able to conclude that Cupid was as beautiful as any of the archangels.
God entrusted his son to bring love and hope to the world one couple at a time. With his bow and arrow, he was able to give people love every day. As the years have passed, though, the population of the world expanded and Cupid only had so much time in the day to bring couples together. God and Cupid carefully handpicked Cupid fledglings throughout the years. Cupid wasn’t alone in his work anymore and he could afford some downtime every few centuries. It was 2020 and it was time for Cupid, or, as he was known by his earthly name, Lee Taeyong, to take a vacation.
Taeyong arrived in the sunny coastal town of Isla one Sunday morning. He would stay here for a few months. Taeyong would’ve kept working if he hadn't been forced by his coworkers to take a leave of absence. He’d always been a huge workaholic and quite the perfectionist. He was the type of guy who liked to get things done by himself. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his team. He just had a fixation with doing things his own way, which caused many clashes over the years.
This time, God had to intervene and force Taeyong to step down so that newly realized Cupids like Haechan and Yangyang could step up in his absence. Taeyong moved into a beach house right by the beach. A whole mansion to himself, he grimaced. What the hell was he supposed to do in such an expansive and luxurious place all by himself? Well, he had some ideas.
As much of a workaholic Taeyong was....when he let loose, he really let loose. It was like there was an on/off switch in his brain when it came to his rebellion and since he was out of work for the foreseeable future, it was time to turn the switch on. All work and no play for so many years made him act out in rebellion, which was why God sent Cupids Sicheng and Kun to watch out for Taeyong this time around.
Taeyong heard a knock on the door of his beach house. He frowned in confusion.  
“Knock knock,” Kun said as he brought in suitcases and carried a backpack over his shoulder. Sicheng followed him in with his own bags as well.
Taeyong frowned. “What are you guys doing here?”
Sicheng beamed. “We’re here to make sure you don’t start up another orgy and anger many significant others…”
Kun nodded. “You’ll barely know we’re here.”
Taeyong brought out his angelic smile. “Is that so?”
Even with Kun and Sicheng on his tail, Taeyong was able to throw a massive party at the beach house the next night. A pretty face like Taeyong’s and a few likes on Instagram could attract many followers. And with followers, there was a great party. Celebrities even caught wind of the festivities. Taeyong was able to hire caterers and event planners to make the beach house a Hawaiian paradise. Tiki torches were lit all around the house. People lounged in the lagoon-shaped pool. There were party games in every room in the mansion.
Your friends convinced you to come with them to the hot new bachelor’s party. You could use a night out after working another six day work week at the local Isla Humane Animal Shelter. You wanted to let loose and dance with your friends. If only for a little while. Hopefully, you didn’t think about him now that you were able to relax.
Taeyong was having the time of his immortal life, dancing with one girl...one boy...after another. He was already hooking up with people on the dance floor in the backyard that overlooked the beach. He would grind behind one girl while another boy grinded against him from behind. Taeyong was in nothing but red swim trunks. His abs glistened with sweat and-
Your friend Jisoo said, “y/n, ask him to dance.”
You’d spent the last few minutes staring at the dancefloor. You couldn’t help but watch the pretty boy who stood at the center. You quickly gulped down your drink and shook your head. “Pass.”
Jisoo sucked her teeth. “Y/n, you’ve been staring at him for five minutes now.”
You rolled your eyes. “I like to observe my surroundings...It’s nothing.”
“You should ask the pretty boy to dance. It won’t hurt.”
“Nope. I’m fine right here, drinking my free pina colada...Not a care in the world.”
Jisoo replied, “Y/n, it’s been five months...”
You met Jisoo’s eyes. “Yeah, and I’m doing a lot better. You know this. My family knows it. All of the people who should be sorry to follow me on any social media know this.”
Jaehyun joined you two. “She's talking about how she’s over...him?”
Jisoo nodded. “And she clearly wants to dance with The Bachelor over there.”
Jaehyun watched him, also. “Well, for starters, he’s way cuter than that bastard but she should stay away from him. He’s trouble.”
Jisoo scoffed. “Who are you? Her father?”
Relieved that Jaehyun was on your side, you said, “Thank you, Jay! Now don’t worry about me, Jisoo...I’m great! I’m out of the house. I’m cutting a rug.”
Jisoo eyed you. “Okay…”
Now you had to admit that you thought about throwing caution to the wind and dancing close to the man, making ‘come hither’ eyes at him, kissing him in a closet, and calling it a night. The idea made you wet just thinking about it. But you knew yourself. You were the type to fall hard. And you fell hard once and it left you broken to this day.
Anyway, Pretty Boy seemed kind of busy so you turned the other way to join a game of poker in the living room.
Every human that spent an intimate moment with dear old Cupid was guaranteed the best orgasm of their lives. In Taeyong’s hands, his lover would feel treasured and adored and spoiled. Taeyong, a bringer of love, could bring paradise to anyone.
Now in his human form, Taeyong still had some of those divine powers. However, in a human body, he had limitations.
Like his alcohol tolerance, which, unfortunately for him, had never been good.
Before he could take anyone to paradise like he’d longed to do since he came to the Earthly plane, he was outside in his front lawn, vomiting all of the alcohol he downed in the past two hours.
Taeyong felt woozy. He wasn’t all there the moment when you first approached him. He looked awful. Pale and sweaty from puking so much.
Your concern outweighed your fear of talking to him so you approached him. You handed him a bottle of room temperature water and a wet towel from his kitchen so he could clean himself up.
Taeyong uncapped the water bottle and drank. He managed to say, “Thank you.”
You sighed, relieved to see that he was responsive. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I am...Thanks…What’s your-”
“Y/n! Time to go,” Jaehyun started. Jaehyun promised to take you home. You were supposed to go into the shelter tomorrow to finalize an adoption.
You shouted back, “Coming!” You turned to your friend. Taeyong couldn’t see your face now. You did smell heavenly, though. Like fresh berries and daisies.
You turned back to Taeyong and smiled. Even if he was a wreck, he was still the most gorgeous male you’d ever seen. “Great party. Take care of yourself.”
Taeyong was still trying to sober up but he was able to meet your eyes, the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen on this planet. In any realm, actually. “You, too…”
You left him there, curious about you. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to ponder further as he threw up again. Maybe these parties were getting old. He always found himself like this whenever he visited good ol’ planet Earth...
[One Month Later]
Taeyong continued to indulge in his debauchery, throwing parties every night. Part of him hoped you would return so he could properly thank you for your kindness.
Your eyes were sultry and your scent was intoxicating. He wished he could remember you.
Every night that he spent time with a different partner, he thought of you.
Without any hidden agenda to get in bed with him, you absolutely fascinated him. His clouded judgment that night only made him remember your eyes. That was all he had to go on. He couldn’t explain the need to see you again.
The need grew stronger and stronger.
He certainly couldn’t ask his coworkers or the big man upstairs for help. Surely, they’d misinterpret his actions. He simply wanted to see you again.
In the process, Taeyong slowly began to reevaluate his time on Earth. Like Gatsby before him, he threw even more parties in hopes of you showing up. But he had no idea about your hectic work schedule. The parties continued and Taeyong quickly grew bored. Maybe he needed to get out and explore the city if he ever hoped to see you again.
In the daytime, Taeyong found himself waking up earlier and sending his partners on their merry way. He took up a couple of hobbies at home, as well. Baking and playing games on his Nintendo Switch. For his outings, he’d go to the mall, the grocery store, the amusement park, and more. Everywhere he could think of. But you weren’t there. He had the ability to feel your presence but you were never within his radar and it frustrated him.
Taeyong finished swimming a couple of laps in the pool and went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Kun was making dinner and Sicheng was setting the table.
“Penny for your thoughts, boss?” Sicheng inquired.
Taeyong sighed. “I’m just wondering when you two will finally leave me be.”
Kun turned off the stove and let the stir fry cool. “When your sexual appetite ceases.”
Taeyong frowned. “Have you no shame to comment on my activities?”
Sicheng and Kun looked at each other and looked back at Taeyong. “No.”
Taeyong sighed. “If you must know, the parties will cease tonight. I have given up.”
“Given up on what?” Sicheng asked.
They couldn’t know about Taeyong’s true motive with his parties. “Parties, of course.”
“Really?” Kun asked as he washed his hands.
Taeyong sighed. “Yes. Now let’s eat.”
A few hours later, Taeyong went to the beach to get some sun. A few girls asked for his number and he simply pretended not to know English. He spoke Japanese and spoke broken English to throw them off. He was in no mood to frolick. He was frustrated.
It was because of you. He couldn’t explain it but he desperately wanted to see you. Wanted to know you. Wanted to feel you come alive under him as he pleased you. And he had no leads.
Maybe he should just throw in the towel. It was dangerous for him to entertain the idea of seeing someone as more than just a fling. Knowing his one night stand’s name was more information than he needed.
Perhaps you weren’t real. Oh, heavens. He knew you were real but maybe he should convince himself of the contrary so he could give up on you.
Meanwhile, you’d been busy non-stop. You couldn’t go out and unwind because of your extremely-packed schedule, which was just how you liked it. Whatever free time you had was spent at home curled up in bed before bedtime. It was how you preferred it, though. It helped you get over your ex much more quickly. Or so you thought, anyway.
One of your co-workers at the shelter was an adoption counselor who had a family event she needed to attend. So she asked you for a favor. You came in for the afternoon shift to help pair up families with pets.
You loved working at the shelter, helping animals find their forever homes. It broke your heart to see so many of them, neglected and homeless. You always knew you wanted to work with animals, though. In high school, you started at the shelter as a volunteer. Now, you were one of the managers. You helped with fundraisers and outreach events to get the shelter animals’ faces out there.
You went to check on the dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, and other residents of the shelter, like you always did. Then, you finished adopting out an Australian Shepherd. His new family already adored him. The shelter’s adoption process was strict so if a family really wanted to commit to a pet, they had to commit to the process to prove it. So you had high hopes that this adoption would be permanent.
On the off chance it wouldn’t, these animals always had a home here. You wouldn’t cease until you did everything you could to get a home for each animal that walked through the shelter’s front doors.
You took a picture of the happy family to post on the shelter’s social media. You sent them off. You felt like you were being watched so you turned to the front window where you recognized Jaehyun and the pink-haired man from the Hawaiian paradise party. They were talking like they knew each other.
You frowned and walked outside to greet them. “Jaehyun?”
The men faced you. Jaehyun beamed, “Y/n! I was passing through and I ran into Taeyong here who is looking to volunteer at the shelter.” Taeyong was about to cut in when Jaehyun continued. “Is there a volunteer orientation today?”
You shook your head. “It’s tomorrow, Jay.”
Taeyong just looked at you, not saying a word.
You tilted your head in confusion. “But...If you’re free, Taeyong, we’d love to have you.”
Jaehyun answered for him. “Of course he is. There’s no other place he’d rather be!”
Taeyong shot Jaehyun a look but his face softened as he looked at you. “Yeah...He’s right about that.”
Still confused, you smiled. “Okay, tomorrow it is.”
Taeyong headed home after his confrontation with the meddlesome Jaehyun. Just who was he to you, he wondered. How dare he cross a god?
Sure, Jaehyun was a beautiful specimen but he was not at his level, Taeyong thought to himself.
[A Few Hours Ago]
After his time at the beach, Taeyong took another stroll through the town, exploring small businesses and stumbling upon an animal shelter.
Through the front window, he saw a family with their Australian Shepherd. And that’s when his radar switched on. His heart squeezed and his breathing faltered. You were here. You greeted the family inside. They posed for a family photo together with their dog. They held a sign that read “Furrever Home” on it. The family thanked you and you sent them off.
You were exquisite. Your smile. The glimmer of hope in your eyes. Your laugh. You were out of breath from running around so much and from the excitement, he could tell. Even though you were stressed and tired, you were happy at that moment. You turned toward his direction and he read your name on your name tag: y/n.
Taeyong wanted to rush in and call for your name but his feet were planted to the ground.
“Hey, I remember you,” someone called out to him.
Taeyong snapped out of his daze and turned to find a handsome young man with black hair frowning at him. Taeyong started. “I’m sorry. I don’t-“
“You’re Taeyong. You throw parties at that beach house and you’re the city’s most eligible bachelor. It’s all over social media.”
“Yes, and?”
The stranger glared as he nodded at you through the window. “You’ve been watching her, haven't you?”
Taeyong smirked. “And what about it?”
The man looked down at Taeyong’s pants where his member betrayed him. Jaehyun lifted his eyebrows.
Taeyong shrugged. “It’s rude to stare at a stranger’s crotch.”
He laughed. “You’re pretty easy to read, Taeyong. But I gotta warn you: don’t waste her time if you’re not fully committed.”
Taeyong laughed. “And who are you to tell me this?”
“Someone who refuses to see his friend’s heart broken again.”
Again, Taeyong wondered. “Well, I have no plans to let it get that far.”
He rolled his eyes. “Right.”
“Jaehyun?” You started.
Then, the conniving Jaehyun set Taeyong up to be a volunteer at the animal shelter without his consent. Well, Taeyong could’ve said no at any time but he didn’t want to disappoint you. Besides, this would be an opportunity to get to know you. Jaehyun may not be so bad, after all, Taeyong mused.
Jaehyun left Taeyong with these parting words. He grinned, showing his dimples. “If you hurt her, I will run you out of this town.”
Taeyong smiled. “I’d like to see you try.”
To anyone else, it would’ve seemed like two friends were parting ways but in reality, it was more like a declaration of war.
Your friend Jaehyun was very protective of you, Taeyong realized. He wondered if Jaehyun was enamored with you. And your nickname of “Jay” for him made Taeyong’s stomach turn.
Who was he to you? And why was he butting in on Taeyong’s pursuit of you? And what did Jaehyun mean by you getting your heart broken again? Who broke your heart? And why was he still breathing, unless Jaehyun failed to mention your ex’s funeral?
Taeyong wasn’t going to break your heart. He wasn’t that stupid. He spent enough time on this planet to set boundaries and never fall in too deep with a human.
It didn’t matter if you made him feel different than any other human has after twenty seconds of an interaction.
[The Next Day]
Taeyong wasn’t sure how he would feel about working with animals because he’s never interacted with them before. He envied any family who had a pet, though.
It was a kind of love he didn’t get to see frequently. His job was primarily focused on romantic love so it always fascinated him to see familial love, love between friends, and now love between man and man’s best friend.
You led the volunteer orientation. It was a relatively full house. You gave the new recruits the rundown on maintenance, walking the dogs, socializing with the animals, feeding, laundry, and safety. Taeyong was so impressed by how skilled and informative you were at work. You were a no-nonsense girl when you needed to be.
When the orientation ended, Taeyong lingered behind in the staff meeting room. You had to admit that seeing Taeyong again made your heart do weird things. You’d dreamed of him for a few nights and part of you wished you could’ve gone to another one of his parties. Your friends told you he’d thrown so many this past month that they lost count. So you were shocked to see this wealthy party boy at an animal shelter of all places. You did notice as you gave your talk that his eyes never strayed from yours.
After the orientation, you began, “Hey, Taeyong. How did you like the orientation?”
He smiled. “You were brilliant.”
Your face heated up. “Thanks.”
He asked, “I was wondering if you were free tonight to-“
A volunteer popped in. “Y/n, code leash with Ruby!” Code leash meant a dog was loose in the shelter without a leash on.
You started. “Oh, God. Sorry, Taeyong, I have to help catch one of our dogs.”
You looked distressed so Taeyong decided to help. He didn’t know where this altruism came from but it was there. “I can help.”
“Thank you. I have to warn you, though. She’s not friendly with most people. So be careful.”
You and Taeyong teamed up to catch Ruby while some of the other volunteers also teamed up elsewhere. Ruby had hidden under one of the benches near the cat corner of the shelter.
Ruby was a Papillon, also known as a Continental Toy Spaniel. She was a reserved dog. She was adopted as a puppy but when she was a year old, her owners gave her up for adoption when they were expecting a baby. With the betrayal she’d experienced, she closed herself off from most people and most animals. It took a few weeks for her to warm up to you.
Ruby had cute ears that resembled a butterfly’s, which explained the name of her breed, the Papillon.
With her leash in your hands, you crouched down to greet her. “Hi, Ruby…”
She surprised you by running over to Taeyong, who froze in his tracks. Ruby jumped against his legs and cried. She wanted his attention.
You looked at them in shock. Ruby had never taken so quickly to someone before. You were impressed.
Taeyong’s eyes doubled in size as he slowly backed up. Ruby continued to jump against his legs, regardless. “What’s happening? Is she trying to kill me?”
You fought back a laugh. “No...She wants you to hold her.”
He looked mystified. “Uh...I’ve never…”
“You’ve never…?”
For the first time, he looked shy. “I’ve never held a dog before…”
You approached them and called Ruby again. “Ruby, I’ll help you.”
You picked Ruby up and guided Taeyong. “Just raise your arms and cradle her. It’s okay.”
You handed Ruby to Taeyong and he was shocked at this new feeling he felt in his chest. It was this overwhelming joy and worry and affection he’d never felt. He would die for this dog.
Well, if he could die, he would.
So this is what familial love must be like.
Ruby licked him all over his face and he giggled like a little boy.
You were overjoyed to see Ruby with another person. This was promising. “She really likes you. It took me weeks to get her to warm up to me.”
Taeyong stared at you. “Really? I can’t imagine that…”
“You saved the day, Taeyong. Not bad for your first day as a volunteer.” You laughed.
You led him and Ruby back into her room. You stepped into her small room where she resided alone. She had a big fluffy bed and toys to play with. Even so, it could definitely get cramped in there after a few hours. You would take her for a walk later.
Taeyong asked, concerned. “She lives by herself? She must be so lonely.”
You told Taeyong her story and he understood her circumstances. He was furious at Ruby’s previous owners and he finally understood why places like this shelter existed.
You said, “She needs someone who will remain faithful to her all of their life. I hope she finds them soon.”
Taeyong rubbed Ruby’s belly. “So do I.”
“I have to get back to work. You’re not on the schedule until tomorrow but you are more than welcome to spend some time with the dogs…”
Taeyong was in his own bubble with Ruby.
You giggled. “Or maybe just Ruby.”
You left them be and got back to work.
Taeyong spent the next hour playing with Ruby, taking her for a walk, taking pictures of her, and cradling her to sleep. He hoped to catch up with you later but he couldn’t let go of his attachment to this dog now.
There was something about this town that made him attached to others. First, it was you. Then, it was Ruby.
It was unusual.
Ruby fell asleep and Taeyong checked his phone. He received a text over half an hour ago.
Where are you? Kun says you’re not home :( -Yooa
Crap, he’d forgotten all about Yooa. His “date”.
Taeyong realized he’d be getting earful from Kun later. He texted Yooa he was on his way.
[2 Weeks Later]
The first few days were rough for Taeyong because he’d never done manual labor in his life. He was willing to try and with your and other volunteers’ guidance, he was able to pick up on everything quickly. Everyone thought Taeyong was as strange as he was beautiful. They thought he was a sheltered rich boy who was learning how to care for someone else for the first time. Well, they weren’t far off from the truth.
Taeyong volunteered almost everyday at the shelter. He did everything he could possibly do as a volunteer and still had the energy to take the dogs on more walks than required. He was a god, after all. His energy on Earth was higher than that of any normal human’s. He hoped to impress you, too. He tried to ask you out or even for your phone number but you were always busy with shelter tasks. It was very hard to tell if there was a connection between you two.
At the end of each shift, Taeyong always left Ruby for last because she was his favorite shelter animal. “Alright Ruby, today is the day I finally ask y/n out.”
Ruby snoozed in response. Taeyong sighed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
You were the last person to leave the shelter and lock up. Everyone had already left an hour ago but you were finishing up some emails. You found Taeyong waiting outside the door. “Taeyong!”
He waved and smiled, not looking disheveled at all after a full-day shift.
You, on the other hand, could use a shower. “Everything okay?”
Taeyong asked, “Are you free?”
“I was wondering if you…”
Your eyes as you watched him left Taeyong in nearly almost a trance. The way your hair fell over your eyes when you adjusted your work bag. The breeze caused your perfume to creep into his nose and he had to catch his breath. Even your little yawn after a long day was cute. Damn it.
You started, “Taeyong?”
Taeyong tried to say something but his throat went dry. Why wasn’t he able to say words? He was prepared to say. Come away with me tonight. I’ll take us to dinner and then...Well, it’s your call, y/n.
And here he was, his palms sweaty. His cheeks were red. He was so close to trembling from the new anxiety that crept up on him.
You asked, “Are you okay?”
Taeyong shook his head to shove his fears away. “Are you free?”
He invited you over to his house for dinner as a thank you for showing him the ropes around the shelter. You felt bad for assuming that he was asking you out. It appeared that he wanted to keep this platonic and you were relieved.
You’re a chicken, Taeyong thought to himself. The ball was in his court and he missed his shot to take things further with you. Even so, you’d said yes so all in all, you two were headed somewhere.
You followed Taeyong in your car over to his place. You entered the extravagant beach house, which was surprisingly neat and homey. The furniture looked comfortable, like you could easily fall asleep on it. The lighting was at a low, almost romantic setting. The house was tranquil and all you could hear was the crash of waves in the distance.
Taeyong said, “Please take a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Can I offer you some wine?”
“Yes, please. Thank you.”
Taeyong smiled warmly at you before he departed for the kitchen.
Another young man appeared as he came down the stairs, calling out. “Sicheng and I will be back in a few days. Our Lord needs us in Beijing for an emergency match-up.” He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and merely stared at you. “Seriously, another ‘appointment’?”
Taeyong darted out of the kitchen. “Kun.”
You got up and waved. “Uh, hi. I’m Taeyong’s friend, y/n. From the animal shelter?”
Sicheng joined the group. “Friend?”
Kun’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re just friends with him?”
You looked at everyone around the living room. “Yes…”
Although you had to wonder what Kun meant by “appointment”. If you had to guess, you weren’t the first girl Taeyong brought home. This week.
You knew Taeyong was a player from the first night you met him. But you were attracted to him so the possibility of a one night stand with him didn’t repel you. You weren’t about to ask for it, though. You were already going out of your comfort zone, coming over to his house for dinner.
And then...Taeyong’s personality surprised you these past few weeks. He was warm and hard-working and kind. You had to admit you had a little crush on him. You wouldn’t let that truth see the light of day, though. A player was a player, no matter what.
Sicheng smiled as he greeted you, “Y/n, welcome to our home. I’m Sicheng. Our rude friend right here is Kun. We are Taeyong’s coworkers and roommates.”
“It’s nice to meet you. What is it that you guys do? You mentioned a match-up?”
Taeyong eyed his friends. “They...”
Kun continued, “We...are dating gurus!”
You replied, “I see. So you’re headed to Beijing? That’s exciting!”
The boys told you they worked for a dating website for high-profile people and traveled to countries like China and South Korea to counsel them on dating. It was unheard of and unusual. At least for you, anyway. But it was kind of fascinating. Kun and Sicheng told you that Taeyong had been working nonstop for years now as a dating guru so now he was taking some time off. They excused themselves and headed off to the airport.
You accompanied Taeyong to the kitchen as he cooked some New York strips for the two of you. He refused your help and wanted you to sit down and relax. “I didn’t know you were a dating guru.”
He chuckled nervously. “I don’t really like to talk about it.”
“Oh, well, we don’t have to…We could always talk about something else. Like where you’re from?”
Taeyong chopped some vegetables as he mulled over his answer, avoiding your eyes. How was he going to say he came from Heaven? First of all, it would be ludicrous to you. And second, it sounded like a pickup line that would only stroke his ego. There was no way to win by telling the truth. “Abroad.”
You sipped your glass of wine. He was so vague. “Abroad? Where?”
“My Lor-...father traveled all the time when I was growing up so we always moved. And once I got to work with the dating website, the traveling continued.” Nice save, he thought to himself.
“Oh? Wow, that’s sad, isn’t it?”
Taeyong looked at you. “Sad?”
“I mean, maybe it wasn’t...What I meant was that it must have been difficult getting uprooted all the time. Having to get accustomed to a new place...Only to have to start over somewhere else.”
You had no idea, Taeyong thought. You read him like a book so he had to ask. “How did you know?”
You understood his situation very well. “My dad is a lieutenant general. We’ve moved around a lot until I was eighteen. Come to think of it...Are your parents in the military?”
Taeyong knew he had to come up with something. Quick, he told himself, think of something believable. The first thought that came into his mind was Jurassic Park after he watched it last night. “No...He’s a...paleontologist.”
That was an uncommon job but you were impressed. After all, Jurassic Park was one of your favorite movies. You asked him about the places his dad took him, what dinosaur bones his dad uncovered, and more. Taeyong had to get creative and being dumb about the subject didn’t hinder his case. He claimed that remembering the names of species was impossible for him. You were riveted, regardless. You spent most of the time talking about Jurassic Park, anyway. You told him about Universal Studios’ Islands of Adventure and a Jurassic Park feature located at the park. You suggested you two could go together sometime and Taeyong’s eyes lit up, then. His doe eyes caught you off-guard.
You continued talking about your interests and your pasts. Well, you did. Taeyong had to get a little creative when topics such as his “childhood” and “family” came into conversation. But other than that, he enjoyed having you in his home. You were full of warmth and generosity. You laughed at his jokes and asked him about how he was doing. It left him speechless. He wasn’t sure what you were really thinking or if you were even interested. You were equally unsure and found yourself considering what you’d been fighting since the moment you first laid eyes on him.
Taeyong served dinner. His cooking was incredible. The steak and baked potato were paradise on your taste buds. “Taeyong, oh my God, this is incredible. You should be a five-star chef and open a restaurant.”
Taeyong chuckled. “Thank you, y/n but I’m more of a pastry chef than anything else.”
“What’s your price for a batch of chocolate cupcakes?” You teased.
He smiled. “Free of charge.”
“Well, if you were free to watch Jurassic Park 2 with me this week, then I would consider it.”
“I’ll take it.”
Taeyong was excited that you two would see each other outside of work again. Taeyong served you cookie dough ice cream with fudge.
You ate your ice cream. “Thank you so much for inviting me over. I haven’t been able to hang out with friends in a while so this means a lot.”
Friends. Taeyong was a little hurt at your label of him. He thought there was something between you. Maybe this wasn’t the right time to make a move so he forced a smile. “I’m glad we’re friends, too.”
[2 months later]
Taeyong continued to volunteer at the shelter. His ego took a nice, deserving blow after you told him you were just friends. He was still happy that he got to spend time with you. You became so close that you spent most of your time with him outside of work. You played video games and watched movies. You also fostered some animals together on the weekends.
Taeyong hadn’t thrown a party or gone to one since he started spending time with you. His phone started lighting up a lot less as the weeks passed. The truth was Taeyong had stopped hooking up with anyone else. He was focused on you. Getting to know you.  
You even told him about your ex Jaemin. You and Jaemin were going strong for 11 months. The biggest player at your university, Jaemin worked hard to get you to say yes to dating him. The romance started off beautifully and ended abruptly when Jaemin said he didn’t want to be unfair to you. The day after the breakup you saw him out with another girl like it was nothing. And a month later, they were engaged to be married. Now, they were married and expecting a child together. It seemed that he genuinely loved his wife. The way he looked at her with such affection the day after he broke up with you. It broke you because that was how you used to look at him. You thought he was the one and up to a certain point, he told you you were the one for him. You wondered how he moved on so quickly to this day.
Since then, you didn’t want to date anyone, much less a playboy. Hook-ups were something you would’ve considered but you were still hurting. Taeyong had been the first boy you looked at in five months but you still weren’t ready. However, now that you two were getting to know each other...Maybe, just maybe…
Taeyong wanted to track down Jaemin and destroy him, break up his family, and kill him. Well, maybe not to that extreme. But he wanted to avenge you for how Jaemin could’ve been so swift in hurting you and moving on like nothing. He had to wonder…
If maybe one of his coworkers had something to do with it. He’d never had a hand in pairing up a Na Jaemin with anyone. If that were the case, he would’ve never forgiven himself for pursuing you.
He finally understood that you were guarding your heart and he didn’t want to push you. He would wait for as long as it takes to…Well, he wasn’t sure...Kiss you? Take you out on a date? He wasn’t sure how romance or courting worked.
It took some convincing but Taeyong finally decided to foster Ruby for the week. He didn’t refuse before because he didn’t want Ruby. He was scared of being ill-prepared for taking care of her or that his house had some hazards for the little dog.
You drove Taeyong and Ruby back to his house. The three of you stood outside his front door. He had Ruby on a leash.
Taeyong started. “Are you sure, y/n? What if Ruby falls in the pool when I go take a shower? What if she chews at my phone charger and gets electrocuted?”
You laughed. “Taeyong, how is she going to get in the backyard? Are her paws going to magically turn into hands so that she can turn the doorknob to the back door?”
“So long as you keep her active and give her toys and activities, she will have no reason to chew at your charger or go on an online shopping spree while you’re asleep.”
Taeyong frowned, knowing that you were mocking him now. “Fine. But if anything happens, I’m taking you down with me.”
Your eyes danced. “Fine with me.”
You three went to the beach and Ruby was having fun playing on the shoreline. Taeyong giggled like a little boy as he played fetch with her. You watched them and smiled. It was beyond you why Taeyong wouldn’t adopt Ruby. They clearly loved each other very much. Maybe today you could finally convince him.
You returned to the beach house as you ate ice cream cones from the boardwalk ice cream shop. Ruby ran back inside to drink from her water bowl. You and Taeyong lingered on the outside deck by the pool and watched the sunset. Taeyong’s chocolate ice cream cone was melting at the sides and you regretted not buying chocolate so without thinking, you licked his melting ice cream. Taeyong was caught by surprise and you looked up at him before getting back to your ice cream cone.
The innocent but teasing glint in your eye made him shocked and aroused. He paid a little too much attention to your tongue. As quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. And he longed for it to worship his body.
You winked. “Sorry. You’re a slow eater and it was melting…” You handed him your vanilla ice cream cone. “You can have some of mine.”
He snapped out of it and licked the cone as suggestively as he could to try and get a reaction out of you. And that he did. His big brown eyes had a mischievous glint to them. He smirked. You avoided his eyes completely. “Y/n.”
You bent down and pretended to tie your shoe and realized you weren’t wearing sneakers but sandals. You got back up, embarrassed and still looking away from him. “Yeah?”
“I like you.”
You looked back up at him. “Taeyong-”
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I just wanted to say it. At least once.” He liked you for a long time now. The more time he spent with you and went out of his way to be with you every moment he could made him realize that maybe what he longed for with you wasn’t simply one night of pleasure.
He wanted more. He didn’t know exactly what that meant. But he just liked to be with you. Your kindness, your wit, your sense of humor, everything about you made Taeyong feel that heaven could be found in another person.
He didn’t want to push you, not at all. He did wonder about what things would be like if you gave into each other. But he would still wait for as long as it took for you to consider him.
You admitted, “Taeyong, I like you, too.”
He sighed in relief. “Oh, thank heavens. Let’s go out on Friday.” Hundreds of plans were running through his mind of how he wanted to spoil you for your first date. He’d been doing research on where he could take you in the city and debated whether or not a road trip to Universal Studios would be too much.
You smiled in spite of yourself. “That’s so sweet…”
“I don’t know if I’m ready...Or if I can trust you...You’re very…experienced.”
Taeyong looked at you in confusion as he finished his ice cream cone. “What do you mean? I’ve never dated.”
“I mean...Sexually…” You muttered the last word. Your face was hot and Taeyong only looked at you like you’d said the sky was blue.
“Taeyong, before we met, you were partying every night and sleeping with multiple people. Are you going to tell me that you’re not that person anymore? Because you know what happened with Jaemin...I don’t want that again. If we are going to take this any further, you have to be honest with me. When you want to end it, show me your heart. Don’t leave me wondering what I did wrong...” He could see your eyes get bigger and redder. They were welling up. Your voice broke and it broke him to hear it.
He hated seeing you unhappy. You didn’t deserve to be burned the way you had. He wrapped his arms around you, then. For the first time. “I would never do that to you. I would never-”
You hugged him back. “Please don’t make promises you can’t keep. Let’s just take this slow...Okay?”
He never felt as close and vulnerable with someone. Then you came along and he was ready to do what he could to be with you. To at least try. “Okay.”
He caressed your face and pulled you in for a kiss. He lifted you off the ground and sat you on a ledge as he leaned down to kiss you deeper. His tongue intertwined with yours. You both tasted like ice cream and it made you both crazy with longing. You were the first to stop the kiss and reminded him, “Slow.”
He kissed your forehead. “Slow.”
[4 Months Later]
You and Taeyong took your new relationship slow. It drove you both crazy that you put off sleeping together for so long. You wanted to get to know Taeyong better. So did he. Even if this was the longest dry spell Taeyong had undergone, it was worth it.
“What’s got you so happy, boss?” Sicheng asked, visiting from New York. Sicheng and Kun moved out months ago when they saw that Taeyong wasn’t causing any trouble. Sicheng held Ruby in his lap. Taeyong adopted Ruby not too long after you two agreed to date.
Taeyong was worried, though. Just how far could he take things with you before he was summoned back by God? It could be five years or fifty years before He called him back to Heaven. Taeyong had to tell someone what was eating at him and Sicheng was one of his closest friends. “I need to tell you something.”
After Taeyong told Sicheng about you and what transpired all this time, Sicheng sighed, “Taeyong, this is trouble. We are not supposed to get involved with humans.”
“Sex is okay but dating and marriage are out of the question? How does that make sense?”
Sicheng frowned, reminding Taeyong of Kun at that moment. “Sex was never okay. In moderation and with zero strings attached? Sure...But you’ve crossed several lines...You’re playing with fire by pursuing y/n.”
Taeyong sighed in frustration. “I know but Sicheng, I’m falling…”
Sicheng watched Taeyong that night and witnessed how he changed after he met you. He put a hand on Taeyong’s shoulder. “I know. You’ve fallen since that first night. Five seconds.”
It took Taeyong five seconds to fall in love with you.
Taeyong continued, “I want to make this work. Let our Lord find out from me.”
“But-” Sicheng started.
“I appreciate you for not ratting me out to our Father, Sicheng. You’re a good friend.”
Later that night, Taeyong picked you up from your apartment and wanted to surprise you. He blindfolded you as you sat in the passenger seat of his car. Taeyong whispered into your ear. “Can you hear me?”
You laughed and bit your lip. “Taeyong, it’s a blindfold. Not ear plugs. Why are you whispering?”
He whispered even lower and the warmth of his breath made you fidget and press your thighs harder together. “It’s fun. That’s all.”
He could tell you were aroused. He could see your nipples through your black dress and he had to control his cock from making an early appearance. It was a good thing he blindfolded you.
Taeyong drove you two in silence and his giggles made you laugh. You held hands. It didn’t take too long to reach your destination. He escorted you out of the car and removed your blindfold.
You were at the Isla Central Marina and you stood before the entrance of a yacht named Cupid’s Bow. The boat was decorated with white Christmas lights.
“Taeyong, what is all this…”
He smiled as he led you onto the boat. “It’s where we’re having dinner tonight.”
You sat down at the table set at the center of the yacht. It was decorated with white daisies. Taeyong chose white daisies because their scent reminded him of you. And for their significance.
He sat you down at your seat and squeezed your shoulders.
You looked around in wonder. The night sky was clear as the full moon shone down on you both. “This is amazing. I can’t believe you did this for me.”
Taeyong sat across from you and smiled brightly. “I want to give you the world, y/n. If you let me, I will.”
Your face felt flushed and you stared down at your lap. “You’re so corny.”
He asked for your hand and you gave it to him. He kissed it and looked at you with what could be described as bedroom eyes. He tried to seduce you a couple of times now because he loved to tease you. You’d tease him back and pretend to consider sleeping with him. Fair’s fair.
But tonight? The teasing would stop.
Someone else cleared their throat. “Welcome to Cupid’s Bow. Thank you for dining with us tonight. I will be your server, Kun.”
You gasped and laughed. “Kun, what are you doing here?”
Dressed as a waiter, Kun said, “Taeyong needed a hand for tonight. And our friend Sicheng will be maneuvering this vessel.”
You turned to Sicheng as he waved from the steering wheel. He was wearing a captain’s outfit. You fought back a laugh. They were a cheesy group of guys.
Kun started you guys off with drinks as the boat departed the marina. You sailed around the bay that connected to the ocean. The bay led into downtown Isla where the city lights shone brightly. It was a beautiful modern-day fairytale.
Taeyong started up a playlist from his Bluetooth speakers and asked you to dance. “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran played.
Taeyong was a great dancer. He must have been classically trained for years. He spun you in circles and dipped you, pretending he was about to drop you to tease you. He pulled you close and hummed along to the lyrics. You laughed and held him tightly.
The songs continued as you and Taeyong watched the view. He held you from behind. The night was perfect.
“Y/n,” he said into your ear softly.
“I love you.”
You turned back to him and smiled. “I love you, too.” You kissed him.
You liked Taeyong ever since that night you met. But you started falling in love after you saw how he was with Ruby. He carried a lot of love and loyalty in his heart that it left you in awe every time you were with him. There was more to him than the wealthy bachelor persona he emitted. That wasn’t who he was. He was a man who loved fiercely. He was your best friend. And now you wanted him to be your lover.
You sat down together and ate Italian cuisine. Kun was an incredible chef. You and Taeyong share lasagna and chicken Alfredo. It was delicious. For dessert, you two fed each other gelato.
When Cupid’s Bow returned to the dock, you and Taeyong sat in the car, awkward.
Taeyong waited for you to tell him to take you home but it never came. You wanted him to suffer for a few more seconds.
You started. “Thank you for tonight.”
He cleared his throat. “I had the best time.”
“Can I stay the night?” You asked softly.
Taeyong was hearing things. “I’m sorry?”
“Let’s spend the night together.”
Taeyong was about to jump out of the driver’s seat and scream. He played it cool and his face was unreadable as he said, “Okay.”
You giggled. Taeyong was an enigma but you could see the blush creeping onto his cheeks.
You returned to the beach house and darted to the pool. Taeyong ran after you. You removed your dress and turned to him, biting your lip because you knew he loved it.
You were down to your black and red lingerie and Taeyong was so close to salivating. He longed to worship your body. He stood there, unable to move. He watched you slowly descend the steps into the pool and wait for him.
He walked slowly over to you, like a tiger about to pounce on his prey. He wanted you. You could see the desire in his gaze. He unbuttoned his shirt and you could see his abs glisten against the reflection of the pool. He smirked again, knowing it drove you crazy when he did that. He slowly unbuckled his belt and you could see his bulge better as he pulled down his pants.
“Wow,” you said.
Taeyong was down to his briefs. He pulled them down and chucked them away. His physique was like that of a statue of a Greek god. He was rock solid. You swam into the deep end, waiting for him to follow you in.
Taeyong got into the pool and dove down. You couldn’t see him now.
You were waiting for him to surprise you but time passed and you wondered if something was wrong.
“Yong?” You started. “Yong!”
He crept up behind you then, pulling your panties down in the process. “Boo.”
You smacked him. “Jerk. I thought you were dying.”
Taeyong chuckled. “I wasn’t down there for that long.”
“You’re kidding, right? I counted. It was at least a minute.”
Maybe he crossed the line with his immortal abilities, then. He sighed. “What can I say? I have incredible lung capacity.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why don’t we put that to the test?” You put your arms around him and kissed him deeply.
Taeyong’s heart skipped a beat. Your soaked body got him harder. You got onto his lap and he kissed your cleavage. His kisses were everything. You had been thinking about your first night with him for a long time now.
Taeyong lowered the strap of your bra and kissed your shoulder, silently asking if he could unclasp your bra. You nodded. He adored your breasts, biting and sucking at them.
You lowered your hand to his pelvic region and felt his large cock. He grunted as you clasped it. You kissed his neck and nipped at his ears.
You both loved teasing each other so now that you were spending the night together, neither of you was going down without a fight.
After a few minutes, Taeyong carried you out of the pool. You looked up at him, admiring his flawless profile. He dried you off and he took your hand and led you upstairs to his shower.
He started up the shower and you looked up at him. He took your face into his hands and gave you a peck on the lips. He smiled.
He started washing you with his body wash. It was Jo Malone Lime Basil & Mandarin. It smelled just like Taeyong and you wished you could smell like this all the time. He carefully navigated your body like you were a fragile vase and kissed you all over. He saved your chest for the end and could feel your heartbeat against his palm. He looked up at you through hooded eyes and you kissed his nose.
You washed him and teased him as you washed around his crotch, lightly tracing it with your fingers. His skin was soft while his body was muscular. He was the most beautiful contradiction in the world.
Taeyong pulled you in for another kiss and you wrapped your arms around each other. He turned the shower off. You both dried off.
He scooped you up, making you giggle. He laid you down gently. You stretched your body against the mattress and Taeyong admired all of your angles.
“I’m going to fuck you until the sunrise, y/n,” Taeyong said as he looked down at your body. Your eyes lock on him. They were no longer doe-like.
“I bet you are,” you said, feeling a little nervous now.
He straddled you and kissed you. His cock teased its entrance into your folds. “My stars, you are the most gorgeous creature,” he said as his face was mere centimeters from yours.
You pulled him closer and you kissed again, running your hands over his back. He traced his fingers around your folds, teasing your entrance. You whimpered as you held him tightly.
You pushed him off of you and laid him back as you gripped his cock and pumped. “You think you’re the only who’s been dying for this moment?”
Taeyong gaped at you. You were the first partner to take charge. His other lovers usually let him take the lead. He didn’t mind it much but to see you cater to his needs made him dizzy.
You took his cock into your mouth and your throat burned from the contact. You couldn’t take all of him in so you had to love the rest of him with your hand. You started bobbing your head back and forth, licking the veins of his throbbing member. Taeyong grunted. “Fuck, y/n.”
You looked up at him and his heart nearly stopped again. He gripped your hair. He came into your mouth and you swallowed his seed.
“You taste better than I imagined,” you said as you wiped your mouth.
You were generous in all aspects of life but in the bedroom? Taeyong was floored. “Allow me to pamper you.”
He laid you against his bed frame and brought out handcuffs.
“Well, you came prepared. Are those new?” You hoped they were.
“Yes. They came in yesterday…Good timing, wouldn’t you say?”
You nodded as he unlocked the cuffs. “Lift your arms up, y/n.”
You obeyed and he cuffed you. Your breasts were raised beautifully and Taeyong sighed. “Breathtaking.”
You averted your gaze and Taeyong shook his head. He took your chin and turned your face to him. “No, no...Don’t get shy on me now...Not when you fucked me with that pretty little mouth of yours.”
You loved how low his voice became and you felt your pussy tremble underneath him. He fondled your breasts, squeezing your nipples and biting them. He kissed around your folds. He traced his tongue at your entrance and breathed against it, making you whimper. He started whispering sweet nothings in multiple languages. He spoke in almost ten languages and you wondered who this man really was. You came once he spoke dirty French into your ear.
You were already soaked and Taeyong wanted to indulge in torturing you for a few minutes before he entered you. He started by slipping one finger into your entrance and carefully avoided your G-spot to rile you up.
“Taeyong, please,” you cried.
He stopped and kissed your forehead. “We have all night, y/n.”
You pouted. “You’re too good at torturing me.”
He smiled. “Am I torturing you? I didn’t think so.”
You wrapped your legs harder around his abdomen. “Get inside me. Now.”
He sighed. “You seem to forget that I’m calling the shots, y/n.”
You licked your lips. “Are you?”
He frowned and slipped his fingers out of your folds. “Do you not like it?”
You shook your head. “I do. I do. I do.”
He smirked. “Then, let me work.”
He continued to fingerfuck you until you cried. “Yong, please…”
“I love when you call me Yong. It destroys me,” he said as he finally entered you.
You cried out loud as his cock entered and hit you in the right places. You could feel him go deeper and could feel his cock twitching in your belly. You climaxed quickly and Taeyong quickly pulled out and came right after.
Taeyong cleaned you both up, not removing you from the cuffs just yet.
“Uh, Taeyong?”
“Yes, darling?”
“You forgot something?” You looked up at the cuffs.
“Oh, you’re right. I did forget something.” He kissed your forehead. “I love you.”
He walked out of the room.
Your arms started to hurt from having been raised for so long. “You are so funny!”
He returned with a tray that had two glasses of water and a bowl of strawberries and whipped cream.
“Are you hungry?” Taeyong asked, acting oblivious.
“Taeyong, I think it’s your turn to try on the cuffs…”
He beamed. “Exactly what I was thinking, y/n.”
“Okay, great. Now if you can get these off of me, the chances of me choking you to death will be lower.”
He laughed. “You’re so funny.”
He sat next to you in bed. And fed you a strawberry with whipped cream on top, popping it into your mouth. He carefully slipped his finger out and licked his finger. “Mmm.”
He took the whipped cream and drew out shapes onto your body, tracing his tongue over the shapes and eating the whipped cream. It drove you crazy.
“Now that I’ve had my dessert. It’s only fair that you enjoy yours.” He uncuffed you.
You cuffed him and had your way with him. You even took it a step further and pulled out another set of handcuffs from the drawer. “I see you got an extra pair.”
He smiled. “Can never be too prepared.”
You returned his smile. “Let’s kick it up a notch. Shall we?”
You cuffed his ankles, as well. He laid in bed and waited for you to get to work on him but you decided to get the bowl of strawberries and whipped cream and eat a couple slowly. You even fed a couple to Taeyong.
You started, “This is nice.”
Taeyong grumbled in Korean.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. I’m just waiting here. Patient.”
“Like the good boy that you are,” you cooed.
Your voice made him harder. You took the whipped cream and traced it over your collar bone. “Lick,” you commanded.
He licked across your collarbone. Then, you drew shapes onto his body, drawing a heart around his pelvic region. You saved it for last and slowly licked around it. You kissed his tip. He groaned. You straddled him and kissed him passionately.
You teased each other like that all night and made love for hours. You fell asleep in each other’s arms, holding each other tightly. The sun had risen a few hours ago. You woke up first and found Taeyong holding you tightly to his chest. He felt your movement in his sleep and he held you tighter. The sun lit up his features. He looked like an angel.
You kissed his cheek and his eyes opened slowly. “Good morning.”
You smiled. “Hi.”
He stretched and held you again. “I need to check on Ruby.”
You shook your head. “I’ll take care of her. You sleep.”
He whined. “It’s okay. You rest.”
You giggled. “It’s okay.”
You and Taeyong got cleaned up. You borrowed some of Taeyong’s clothes. You took Ruby for a walk around the neighborhood. You spent a quiet day together, living in utter bliss.
[1 Week Later]
Taeyong was on cloud nine. Having you in his life made him complete. He can’t imagine it getting better than this. You were at work and Taeyong was preparing dinner for you as you were sleeping over later. He was going to ask you to move in.
He finished his homemade pepperoni pizza and put it in the oven. He heard the doorbell ring. Ruby barked and he joined her to see who was at the door. It couldn’t be you. It was too early. He opened the door to find Mark at the door.
“Mark!” Taeyong smiled and hugged him. Mark was another one of his coworkers and close friends. Taeyong regarded him as a little brother.
“Taeyong, it’s great to see you…Wow, you are glowing.” Mark eyed him carefully.
He smiled, thinking about you. “Yeah...I guess I am. Come in!”
After they sat down and caught up with each other, Mark said, “I’ll cut to the chase...I’m here in Isla for my next pairing session.”
“Is that so?”
He nodded. The usually lighthearted boy looked serious. “I know about y/n.”
Taeyong’s smile faded. Ruby snuggled tighter to Taeyong as she rested on his lap. “Who-“
He shook his head. “I found out myself. Y/n is my next assignment.”
Taeyong felt his world crashing down onto him. “No…”
Mark sighed. “I expected one of the fledglings to get into this mess but you? Our mentor? It’s absurd.”
“Father doesn’t know…Imagine his disappointment when he finds out. He doesn’t have to. If you end it now.”
Taeyong’s chest was on fire. Tears were threatening to fall. “No.”
Mark frowned. “What?”
“You heard me, Mark. I’m not leaving her.”
Mark sighed. “Once I strike the arrows at her and her partner, it’ll be over.”
Taeyong shook his head. “Mark, please.”
Mark hurt for his friend but his duty as a Cupid came first. “I’m sorry, Taeyong. This is how our world works. You’re the one who told me so.”
Taeyong hated this. He hated the world he knew before you. How could he go  back to a world of bringing love to others and have no love himself? He couldn’t. Not after meeting you. You’d been burned before. No doubt by one of the Cupids interfering. He wasn’t about to let that happen again.
“Taeyong, if you interfere with y/n’s pairing...There’s no telling what the consequences will be.”
“I’ll be the one to deal with that, Mark. But I won’t let you come between us.”
After their exchange, Mark left. Taeyong retired to the kitchen to check on the pizza. It was ready.
“What is he saying, Taeyong?” You started.
“Y/n?!” Taeyong jumped as he found you waiting for him at the kitchen island. 
You’d snuck in earlier to surprise him with sweet potatoes you bought from the farmer’s market. You wanted to scare him because it was a bit of yours. You snuck through the back door with your own set of keys he gave you.
You were about to duck your head into the living room when you heard Taeyong say he wouldn’t leave you. Your heart sank.
He wanted to hold you. “Y/n…”
You crossed your arms. “What is going on? Who is Mark? And who exactly is your father? What exactly is your job, Taeyong? Because I’m beginning to suspect you’re not a dating guru.”
Taeyong sighed. “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”
“Try me.”
Taeyong checked the schedules of the fledglings at work in Isla. The best way for him to prove his identity to you was to show you how Cupids worked. “Come with me.”
He drove you to an amusement park. You turned to him. “You are not taking me on a date right now.”
He shook his head. “I’m not. Just follow me.”
He led you into the park and you sat down on a bench by the haunted house.
Taeyong started. “See that guy in the leather jacket? That’s my coworker Shotaro.”
“I don’t see him…” There was no one by that description where Taeyong was pointing.
“Y/n, hold my hand.”
“Taeyong, now’s not the time.”
“Please. Just do it.”
You gave in and held his hand and suddenly, a young man in a leather jacket appeared. Shotaro was carrying a bow and a bag of arrows. He prepared his arrow to shoot at someone leaving the haunted house.
“Taeyong, what is he doing?!” You yelled.
Taeyong shushed. “Y/n, just watch.”
You put a hand over your mouth and you were about to run over and stop this madness. Taeyong held you back.
Shotaro released the arrow and hit the young woman first. She looked at her best friend and kissed her cheek. Shotaro then shot another arrow at the best friend. She kissed the first young woman on the lips, then. The arrows vanished just as quickly as they pierced both women. It was as if they were never struck. Shotaro noticed Taeyong and waved before he faded away.
You rubbed your eyes. “Taeyong?”
“What the hell was that?”
“More like what the heaven was that…”
Taeyong explained everything to you. How he was Cupid. How there were Cupids all over the world bringing people together. Taeyong was the original Cupid and he was on vacation. You took it all in and a lot of things started to make sense. Why he never spoke about his family or his job. How a lot of things were so new to him. It wasn’t because he was a sheltered rich boy. He wasn’t even human. He was a god.
This also meant that your concept of love was completely wrong. Cupids had their hand in romance all over the world. Which made you realize...
“So…When Jaemin broke up with me, it was because of you guys?”
Frustrated that you brought up Jaemin, Taeyong managed to say, “Yes…”
Tears fell from your eyes. “And you were never going to tell me?”
“It wasn’t my place to-“
“Oh, hell, if it’s not...How long were you going to play me like this? You were going to leave, anyway. What was the plan? Lead me on and then dump me like Jaemin did?”
Stabbed by your words, he begged, “Stop saying his name.”
“Well? How long were you planning to lead me on for? I’m sure you have a carefully crafted schedule for your next victim ready.”
Taeyong shook his head. “You don’t mean that.”
Tears fell onto your lap. “Taeyong, I loved you. Did you ever love me?”
The past tense killed him to hear. “Y/n, I love you. I’ve never loved anyone in all my years. You’re the only one for me.”
“Taeyong, you’re going to leave me.” You sobbed.
He shook his head. “I won’t leave you. I’ll fight for us.”
You hugged him tightly and he shushed you. He bought you a funnel cake with a large cup of lemonade to share. You both ate in silence for a few minutes.
You broke the silence.“When Mark said I had a pairing session, that means that I’m being matched with someone. Someone that isn’t you…”
“Taeyong, I don’t want to be matched with someone else. What are we going to do?”
“I have a plan.”
You sighed. “I’m being selfish.” “What? No...Why would you think that?”
You took a sip of the lemonade. “The consequences of you disobeying...God, I still can’t believe it....I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Taeyong replied, “Let me deal with that, y/n. I will fight for us. It’ll take some convincing but after all of my years with Father, he has to listen to me.”
[The Next Day]
Tonight was the animal shelter’s fundraising gala in downtown Isla. It was held at the lavish Sun and Moon Hotel’s ballroom. Your potential partner would be in attendance tonight but you didn’t care. All you cared about was Taeyong and what he had up his sleeve. Mark was mingling with the other guests. He didn’t know that you were in on his plans with you. He met your eyes and smiled, playing the part of the oblivious but charming young man.
As far as Mark knew, you and Taeyong broke up last night so you had to look miserable. And frankly, you felt miserable not knowing what was about to happen with Taeyong. There was a chance you could lose him forever tonight. But you held onto the chance of remaining with him.
You forced a smile and continued to mingle with the guests. Meanwhile, Taeyong disguised himself and kept an eye on Mark. Mark may have been a well-established Cupid by now but he was not at Taeyong’s level. He was off by a few centuries.
The shelter had received a lot of donations from many local businesses and celebrities. You gave a thank you speech to all the attendees for their generosity and raised your glass to them. The uncertainty was killing you underneath it all.
Taeyong watched Mark prepare his arrow, then. Mark was no longer seen by humans. You realized Mark and Taeyong were missing, which meant it was time. Taeyong prepared his arrows. He stabbed himself with his own arrow as he watched you. Right before Mark shot his arrow, Taeyong shot at you. You turned to him, then, finally able to see him. Mark realized too late what he had done.
Mark yelled. “What have you-”
Taeyong and Mark vanished.
[5 Years Later]
The year you spent with Taeyong had vanished from your memory. The night of the gala after Taeyong and Mark disappeared, you continued on with your life. Living with an inexplicable hole in your heart. You thought it was because you were being dramatic. Seeing a lot of your friends get married and have kids didn’t help your case either. Meanwhile, you were alone. Working hard and thriving, sure. But emotionally, you weren’t all there.
None of your friends or family remembered Taeyong either. It was as if he never existed to any of you. One day, Jisoo introduced you to one of her friends from her gym. You two hooked up not too long afterwards. The night was fun. It was a one-time thing.
However, that one-time thing ended up in your pregnancy. The father wanted nothing to do with your child so he skipped town. You didn’t hold it against him. The child was unplanned and you decided to carry on with the pregnancy on your own. Your friends and family were very supportive. You gave birth to a baby girl named Daisy.
The emptiness in your heart was filled by your love for Daisy. She was your world. She was your partner in crime. You wanted to give her everything good the world had to offer. Maybe someday you could give her a father.
After dropping her off at pre-school, you stopped by the post office to send out a letter to your pen pal. Isla recently started up a pen pal program for its citizens to send each other letters and gifts. You were paired up with someone who shared a lot of the same interests as you: favorite movies, foods, and animals.
You were paired up with a man named Lee Taeyong.
Dear Taeyong,
I’m sending you a copy of my favorite movie of all time, Jurassic Park. Please let me know if you like it. If you do, there’s a bunch of stickers in it for you. I hope you have safe travels to Munich and Budapest.
Taeyong had faced serious consequences for interfering with your pairing session. The work that had to be put in to pair up y/n’s original partner, Nakamoto Yuta, with someone else put everyone into a frenzy. Thankfully, the damage was repaired.
However, the Lord was pissed. Taeyong disobeyed him. Even though God adored him, he knew he had to be punished. For every second it took for Taeyong to fall in love with you, it would take a year for you two to reunite.
God relieved Taeyong of his Cupid duties and wished him a wonderful life as a human. He looked forward to Taeyong returning to him again one day.
Taeyong returned to Isla with an established job as a pilot. Ruby remained with him. His friends Sicheng and Kun would look after her while Taeyong was away now and then. He loved traveling the world but he loved coming home to Ruby most of all. He tried dating a couple of times but it never clicked with anyone. And hook-ups were a thing of the past. He wanted something serious. He hoped to find someone to call his person someday.
He recently sent his pen pal a letter before departing for his flight to Paris.
Dear y/n,
I loved Jurassic Park. I can’t believe I wasted so many years of my life not knowing this movie. Don’t hold back on the stickers. I’m sending you a copy of one of my favorite movies. It’s called Train to Busan. Try not to swoon too hard over Gong Yoo or I might get a little jealous.
You two exchanged letters frequently and after a few more months, you decided to meet up at the cafe right next to the shelter. Taeyong walked past the shelter, arriving early for your meet-up. He was thrilled to meet you and finally put a face to your name. He looked at the windows where adoptions were currently underway.
That was when he saw you.
And just like that everything flooded back to him. How you two already knew each other once. How you became friends and grew together. How you fell in love.
He ran into the shelter and called your name. “Y/n!”
You were answering a volunteer’s question when you heard someone call your name. When you turned to the person who called you, it all came rushing back to you. All of the memories. All of the love for him that you carried in your heart. 
“Taeyong…” Your eyes welled up.
You ran towards each other. You jumped into his arms, then. You laughed and cried together. You took a ten minute break to sit outside with Taeyong.
“I can’t believe it’s you…” He cried.
“Me neither...It’s been five years…”
“Five years...A year for every second it took for me to fall in love with you…” Geez, he thought, God was so unfair and so corny at the same time.
Five years without each other was too much for either of you to bear. You caught up on each other’s lives. Taeyong was shocked to find out you have a daughter. You were shocked that Taeyong was a human now.
But now this meant that you two could grow old together. Daisy could finally have a father. And you couldn’t wait to hold Ruby again.
[1 Year Later]
After a year of dating and getting to know each other again, you and Taeyong got married. Daisy and Taeyong adored each other. Ruby was happy to see you again and more than happy to welcome Daisy into her life. It was a beautiful union.
All of your friends were in attendance. Jisoo was weeping so hard. Jaehyun and his boyfriend Johnny were in attendance. Taeyong was shocked that it hadn’t been Jaehyun who claimed your heart after all this time. It turned out that Jaehyun was just a concerned friend. They became good friends.
You got married at the beach. You wore a stunning mermaid white gown. You walked down the aisle with a train decorated with white daisies. The white daisies translated to: “I love you truly.” Sicheng, a violinist, played his rendition of “All My Life” by K-Ci & JoJo. It was yours and Taeyong’s song.
Taeyong donned a black tuxedo. A daisy decorated his lapel. He nearly broke down in tears at how lovely you looked. You couldn’t help the huge smile on your face.
You recite your vows to each other. You started, “Taeyong, from the moment we first met...My life became tinted in shades of pinks and oranges again. I could see that the world could be beautiful. You helped me find happiness again. A happiness I didn’t know I needed until I met you. I adore you and will adore you even into the afterlife. Whatever happens, I will always be here for you. You have my heart. My everything. I cannot wait to spend our lives together with Daisy, Ruby, and our future children. I love you.”
Taeyong replied, “Y/n, you are my world. I found love in you. You are the light of my life. You made me a better person and you made me want to live and enjoy life. The world is beautiful because of you. I love you with all of my heart. I promise you that we will always be together. No matter what life...and the after life...will throw at us. I am yours. I will always be with you. My love. My darling y/n...I love our family. Daisy and Ruby, we love you so much. I cannot wait to raise our family together, y/n. I love you.”
Officiant Kun continued, “By the power vested in me by the State of Sweetwater, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Taeyong scooped you up and kissed you, earning applause from your friends and family.
A magical day of many. You two lived happily ever after.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Conferences (Maxwell Lord/Lorenzano x f!teacher!Reader)
Summary: Alistair Lorenzano is a third grader in your class, whom you absolutely adore. Upon meeting his father, Maxwell, you suddenly have much more interest in the Lorenzano family. Set after WW84.
W/C: 2.9k
Warnings: language, flirting, talk of divorce and trauma, lots of talk of children and such, especially Alistair. brief nondescript mentions of Maxwell’s shitty childhood. uh. Spoilers for The Great Gatsby lmao
A/N: well! I haven’t written for max in a long time but the ship request (which are CLOSED) i received here really made me inspired! hope u guys like it :)
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Alistair Lorenzano was a joy to have in class. You mean it too, not like when you don’t have a comment for a child’s report card and you just stick that phrase on the bottom. No, Alistair is a genuinely good kid.
The little dark haired boy walked in proudly on the first day, even as none of the other children came over to say hello or pal around with him. He seemed lonely, but he marched up to your desk and placed a beautiful apple on the desk, giving you a gap-toothed grin and introducing himself with a handshake. Alistair didn’t talk to his other classmates much that day, or any other day really. He was usually preoccupied with a book of some sort.
He sits alone at lunch and recess, usually burying his nose in a book as the other children play. He’s progressed quite quickly, reading big wordy books the other fourth graders surely couldn’t handle. When a child has no one to play with, Alistair will sit with them and talk. He’ll always help a struggling classmate with their long division or come up with a good synonym for them. He rarely raises his hand, but he’s almost always correct.
He’ll come in early most mornings. He doesn’t talk much about his family, but he says his dad works early in the morning and that he has to drop him off earlier. That’s fine with you; the kid is a good conversationalist and will read quietly while you arrange lesson plans or grade spelling tests.
You wonder what his family is like. All you know about his father is that he works early in the morning. His mother has dropped him off late several times, but that always led to more early mornings; presumably his father’s doing.
As a teacher, you tend to shy away from family-based assignments. You’re fully aware that some of your students won’t want to share what their parents do for a living, or talk about them at all. That’s why you don’t know much about the Lorenzano family- you don’t ask and Alistair doesn’t share.
Conferences are approaching soon as you approach the midpoint of the first semester. Most parents don’t come if their children are doing well; typically, only the parents of struggling children make appearances. That’s why you’re surprised to read the note Alistair hands you when he walks in, thirty minutes before class begins, as always.
You frown reading the little note of paper, pushing your glasses up your nose. “You’re sure that your father needs a conference?” You ask the little boy. He looks confused. “I’d love to meet him,” you say hurriedly, sipping your morning coffee. “It’s just that… you’re a very smart kid, Alistair. Usually it’s the parents of kids who don’t do so well that sign up for conferences.”
Alistair shrugs, taking off his puffy fall jacket and hanging it on his hook near your desk. “I don’t know. Dad just said he wanted that time,” he says, pointing at your paper.
Dramatically uncapping a colored flare pen, you make a show out of writing down the name for your 7:30 time slot: Mr Lorenzano. “Well, I will see your dad then,” you tell the kid with a smile. He seems pleased that you’re excited. “What’s his name?”
“Maxwell,” Alistair informs you, sitting at his desk and cracking open his book.
You repeat the name, writing it down in the purple pen you chose. “Your family has very elegant names,” you tease Alistair.
Alistair shrugs. “Dad likes to sound fancy.”
Maxwell has never met you, but he feels that he knows you like an old friend. Alistair absolutely adores you, tells his father about you at any chance he gets.
You sound wonderful. He supposes that Alistair would adore any female figure in his life right now. Vanessa, the former Mrs. Lord, has all but rejected her son. When Alistair would spend time at her place, she’d practically ignore her own kid, prioritizing whatever she wanted to do. Several days, Alistair was late to or completely missed school thanks to Vanessa’s ignorance.
That’s why Maxwell has taken nearly full custody now. Vanessa didn’t argue it. She was glad to have Alistair out of her hair. Besides, she resented Maxwell for endless reasons, usually unfounded. She wanted to see him struggle.
But Maxwell thrived. Alistair and his father are as close as can be. Maxwell now works a menial job, after the whole Dreamstone fiasco, but he’s managing to make ends meet. When they have enough money left over, he’ll take Alistair to the movies or buy him a new lego kit.
Maxwell hasn’t found love since Vanessa, but he thinks you might be the one for him. One could call him a hopeless romantic; his heart builds and breaks as easily as a wave on the shore. You sound so nurturing and lovely, so wonderful to the one Maxwell loves most. That’s partially why he scheduled the conference with you.
The other part was that Alistair is a budding genius in Maxwell’s eyes. He flies through thick books day in and day out, and Max wants to accommodate the skills in his son. He constantly tells him how proud of him he is, but he wants to make sure he can keep helping him learn.
On the day of the conference, Maxwell is nervous. Why is he nervous? He combs his closet several times to find one of the nice suits from his glory days, but decides it to be ridiculous. He’s not sure how much Alistair tells you about his family, but he’s sure you know he is no longer the television personality Max Lord. Instead, he settles for a dress shirt and pants, tossing on a light jacket over it. The fall air is turning crisp, especially in the evenings.
Doña Gloria from next door knocks on the door at promptly 7:00, and Alistair pops up to answer it. He loves the old woman, and wraps her in a big hug. Gloria walks inside the apartment, grinning at the sight of Maxwell’s outfit. “Ah, making a good impression on the boy’s teacher,” she nods in approval.
“Hoping to,” he nods and adjusts the suede jacket over his lapels, fidgeting with the zipper. “Alistair, why don’t you go find that game you wanted to play with Doña Gloria?”
The child runs off obediently and the woman straightens his collar for him. “Little Maxie has a crush,” she sings.
“Gloria,” he frowns as he messes with the cuffs. “I’ve never even met the woman.”
She gives a knowing smile. “But you know her. You know her through Alistair, all his stories. I’m sure she will love you, mijo.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter,” he sighs and pats his pockets, checking for his wallet. “She’s Alistair’s teacher. I can’t just-“
“You can do whatever the hell you want, Mr. Lorenzano,” the woman chuckles and reassures him. “Go get her.”
He shakes his head. “It’s a conference, not a date,” he says as he walks towards the door.
“It can be both!” Is the last thing he hears before he shuts the door, making him laugh.
Conferences, as always, are a pain in the ass. You sit and make small talk with parents, discussing their child’s skills with their times table versus their writing proficiency, their standardized test scores and how they stack up.
As the night passes, you grow more frazzled. Your hair, neatly tucked back, falls out in strands, and your glasses seem to slide down your nose more and more often. Some parents verbally abuse you for their children’s poor scores on their science test. Others try to get to know you a little too personally. All part of a day’s work.
A hopeful smile dares to peek out as you read your schedule and arrange your sampling of Alistair’s works. You’re eager to meet his father, to meet the man Alistair so rarely talks about but clearly adores.
There’s a knock on your classroom door at 7:30 on the dot. Shoving your glasses up your nose one time, you hurry to the door and allow the man in. “Hi, nice to meet you, Mr. Lorenzano,” you tell him and shake his hand, leading him to your desk.
Something about him seems familiar. He’s very attractive, that’s something. He doesn’t have his son’s dark, nearly black hair, but rather a light brown with bits of blonde interjected throughout. He has his son’s deep brown eyes, and his very presence makes you smile. He looks put together, dressed similarly to other fathers you’ve seen tonight.
You tuck your skirt under you as you sit in your chair. The man’s voice is smooth and beautiful as he speaks. “It’s nice to meet you as well. Alistair talks endlessly about you at home.”
Smiling, you shuffle some of his papers. The man is distractingly handsome, you find as you scramble to grab Alistair’s math test. “Well, he’s a very special kid. I adore having him in my class, truly. Your son is going places, Mr. Lorenzano.”
“Please, Max,” he shakes his head, producing something from a pocket. “Oh, and… for you.”
The sight makes you nearly laugh, but instead you break into a grin. The man’s large hand holds a shiny red apple, perfectly shaped. “Thank you,” you laugh and set it on your desk. “You know, I have no idea where that silly custom comes from.”
“I should ask Alistair,” Maxwell chuckles, his face heating as he takes in the beauty of your smile. “He knows so much. It wouldn’t be a stretch for him to know that.”
Nodding, you hand over an assortment of Alistair’s schoolwork and artwork. “He really does. I appreciate having a fellow avid reader in my class. He’s so bright, it’s… wild, really. Do you or… Mrs. Lorenzano,” you say, treading lightly, “do anything supplementary that advances his learning?”
Max looks down at the papers. “Well, she isn’t Mrs. Lor- Lorenzano anymore,” he shakes his head, his eyes not meeting yours for a moment. He stumbles, nearly using his former business name of Lord. “But no. I have nearly full custody of Alistair, and he flies through books. It’s absurd,” the man laughs, his pride in his eyes as he looks at you. “I mean, neither of us were ever as smart as this. I don’t know where he got it from.”
You frown at that. “You seem very smart, Max. May I ask what you do for a living?”
His brow furrows. “Alistair hasn’t told you?”
You shake your head, adjusting your glasses. God, Maxwell wants to do that for you, push them up your nose or better yet, take them off and kiss you deeply. “I don’t push kids to talk about their home lives. Some don’t want to share,” you shrug.
“I wish I would’ve had a teacher like you in my day,” he chuckles sadly. “I... well, I work currently for a corporate office in Arlington. It’s nothing very exciting, or anything that requires skill.”
You shrug, smiling a little. “It must be an important job or they wouldn’t pay you to do it.”
His chuckle is a little more upbeat. “I suppose. I just… my family was very poor when I was a child. I don’t want Alistair to feel ashamed that I don’t make as much money as his other classmates. Tell me, he doesn’t seem very social. Is he…?”
You want to phrase it properly, so you stutter for a moment. “Well, to put it plainly, no. Alistair does not talk much with his classmates. He’s a very quiet boy, as I’m sure you know. It’s not that they ostracize him, but rather that he chooses to be alone. He’s always reading rather than playing soccer or whatever,” you shrug. “It’s most certainly not exclusion on the basis of… having less money.”
Maxwell’s shoulders relax a little. “Well, I’m glad. Honestly, I don’t mind that he’s quiet. I’m glad he’s learning.”
“I’d usually disagree, but I have to say the same,” you chuckle. “He’s a really good kid, Max. You should be proud to have him as a son. Don’t tell anyone, but he’s my favorite student.”
He’s absolutely beaming with pride. “That’s all I could ask for. Thank you.”
“Of course! How could I not love that kid?” you chuckle as you admire a drawing Alistair made of a scene from his favorite book. “Was that all you wanted to talk about?” You ask, unsure if he had more concerns.
Maxwell’s almost startled by the question. “Oh! Yes, I got sidetracked,” he chuckles, pushing his hair out of his eyes. He’s painfully beautiful, and his laugh makes you laugh in return. It’s safe to say you really like the Lorenzano family. “He just goes through book after book, it’s endless. Do you have any recommendations for continued reading? I want him to keep going like this, truly.”
Tapping a pen against your gradebook, you think on it for a moment. “I guess the best way would be positive reinforcement, but not reward. If you, say, incentivized it, he might see it as a chore to earn the money or toy or whatever.”
Maxwell nods as he listens, a small smile on his face as he listens to your voice and intellect. Yes, his theory earlier was correct. He does have a crush on you. “Naturally.”
“So, my recommended course of action would really just be praise and support. Tell him you’re proud of him. Offer to take him to the library to pick out some more. Those little things mean more to a kid than we can know.”
Max does know, actually. He knows because he was deprived of them as a child, because he tries to use them as often as he can so Alistair never feels the way he felt. “I can most definitely do that.”
“Great,” you nod, fidgeting with the stem of the apple in front of you. “If he ever wants to do more math or puzzles or such, the library has lots of great resources for that as well. I also have lots of worksheets I could send home with him.”
“If I can tear him away from that book,” Maxwell chuckles. “Do you have any favorites? You mentioned you read a lot.”
“Oh, god,” you laugh, and Maxwell is enchanted by the sound. “There are too many options! My favorite book of all time would probably have to be the Great Gatsby. I love the classics.”
Maxwell’s smile turns bittersweet. Jay Gatsby’s life reminds him far too much of his own for comfort now. Before, he’d call himself a Gatsby in reference to lavish parties and living large. Now, he feels like Gatsby dead in the water. “Wonderful book,” he nods. “F. Scott Fitzgerald is a literary mastermind.”
“Do you read too?” You ask, intrigued. His personality shows more and more and you’re desperate for even more of it.
He shakes his head. “Not as much as Alistair, I’m afraid, but when I have the time.”
You grin. “My plans for tonight are to go home and read with some takeout. No one to disturb me or anything. I’m very much a homebody, so it’s usually just me and my gradebook and my houseplants. Takeout is the most excitement I get. I’m looking forward to working through this book though; I’m currently reading Wilde.”
“Ah, what book?”
“Picture of Dorian Gray,” you smile and look down at your tote bag with the book tucked into the side. “If I have any brainpower left. Most of these conferences are energy-suckers.”
“How many do you have left?” He asks, curious.
“You’re the last of the night, actually,” you chuckle and cross your arms on the desk, looking over at him and silently hoping he reads your interest.
“The night you have planned sounds lovely, I must say,” Maxwell chuckles. “I do love takeout, but I know of a wonderful place near here. I… we could go get dinner, if you’d like.”
Tilting your head to the side, you scrunch your nose to push your glasses back up. “That sounds wonderful, Max. It’s nice to converse with someone who isn’t 9 years old for a while. And someone so interesting,” you openly flirt now that you can tell he’s picking up on your messages.
“Me? Hardly,” he shakes his head and laughs. “I’m sure you have much more fascinating stories than me.”
“I am a third grade teacher, Max,” you laugh. “If you want stories that involve boogers, the ever-present cooties, and long division, I’m your gal, but it hardly extends past that.”
“I guess we’ll just have to find out. Do you like Italian food?”
“I love it,” you grin. “Does that mean wine?”
“Always,” Maxwell says in a mockingly offended voice, as if you’d even dare to ask such a thing, with a look of disgust.
“Thank fucking god,” you laugh before clapping a hand over your mouth. “Oh shit. Oh-“ you wince as you try to cover your curse with another curse. “Sorry. When school hours are out, I can’t hold back any longer.”
“No need to,” he assures you. “A woman like you could do whatever she wants and I’d be happy to just be in her presence.”
“Mr. Lorenzano,” you tease. “This is a parent-teacher conference!”
“Then let’s head to dinner and continue this in a nonprofessional capacity, shall we?” He asks, standing and pushing back his rolling chair.
“That sounds great,” you smile. Alistair’s father sure is something. Yes, you certainly like the Lorenzano family.
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