#his parents obviously didnt really care because they didnt even know him
roe-and-memory · 3 months
i really love thinking about the potential of lightnings childhood. we have no idea what happened, but its up for interpretation, and i think thats great.
neglect - a common headcanon - seems to make so much sense for him. he hates help, he hates being told what to do, but also hes so lonely and in such desperate need of approval and validation that he’ll take the harshest words as long as theyre coming from someone who, at the end of the day, will give him at least one pat on the back for doing something right.
i think this, as we all know, is a major part of his character, but the idea of doc, taking this kid thats been so awfully treated his entire life - who isnt used to affection or any kind of positive attention, who hates being bossed around because he thinks he knows better and can be trusted more than other people would - and essentially finding a midway point so he can be lightnings crew chief in a way that both introduces the idea of gentle help (telling him when to pit, etc etc) and doesnt infringe on lightnings fear? hatred? of being told what to do and how to do it? its perfect. it introduces to this kid with severe abandonment issues the idea of sometimes needing or even just wanting help, and helps him change for the better without forcing him to immediately conform to the idea that oh, he HAS to need help.
lightnings previous crew chiefs are so much different than doc, because while doc takes the time to get to know lightning, to discuss ways they can work together to get around these issues he has while also being able to enforce proper rules within the sport, his crew chiefs before never did this. they didnt get to know him personally, they didnt care. they just knew he didnt listen and had a flaring temper, and it was never really that fair to lightning that they didnt give him a chance. obviously, not all blame is on them, because as much as they didnt put the effort in to find a groove that worked for their driver, he also didnt try to put this effort in (although, really, as an 18 year old with issues surrounding this job that are KNOWN it was never really his job to be the one to initiate finding a solution - hell, he probably didnt even know what the issue was.), he was ALSO the one to fire these people, so they’re both at fault for this in a way.
but, again, i love thinking about this whole childhood thing because not only is doc opening up the help that lightning was always consistently refused to the point he believed he just didnt need it - that all those times he wanted help when he was young was really just him being dramatic - but hes also opening up the option for Family that lightning never had either. doc takes all the awful morals that lightning taught himself (or that harv taught him) because he had no one to teach him the true ones, and flips them around. he becomes the father lightning never had and the guidance that no one had ever given him. god i love found family guys theyre literally father and son
also nobody imagine how silly the first time doc ever ruffles his silly ass sons hair is. lightning freezing because oh, no ones ever done that before, and doc being like ? how badly do i need to kick the shit out of your parents? that is like the most average father appreciation Ever wdym ur dad didnt do that to you at least Once.
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scoupsahoy · 2 years
sometimes you spend two hours out of your tuesday talking about the persistence of the "steve harrington is an idiot" narrative which is basically the most consistent thru-line in the entire show
sometimes you are watching stranger things 4 and eddie munson calls steve harrington "a pretty good dude" and "oh no," you think "is this the first positive thing anyone's said to him this season?" and then, even worse, "oh god, is this the first time in the show that someone directly tells steve that he's a good person?"
and then you write a lot of words about it
like. let's take a journey.
season 1: nancy doing her little "you are an idiot steve harrington" bit, which as been talked about, but also the fact that tommy and carol are constantly making fun of him for liking nancy, almost in a "aww he doesn't know that he's pathetic" kind of way. barb thinks he's an idiot. jonathan thinks he's an idiot. we know what happened when the duffers wrote him, he was supposed to be an idiot. nancy thought he was using her for sex, and she wanted to rebel! she didn't want to date him even though steve was just so clearly fucking besotted. even the kids thought he was trouble!
on top of that: we know that his parents are never home, that they think it's pathetic that he lost his fight with jonathan (probably just threw money at the situation honestly). we know he's popular, but decidedly not well-liked.
BUT. he's like. a good guy. he apologizes to jonathan for the shit he said. he would apologize to nancy later but he knew he fucked up with jonathan. called jonathan a queer, a freak, said shit about his family, he knew it was over the line and he wanted to fix it. he ran when he saw the monster but he came back inside to save them anyway. nancy gets back together with him. he buys jonathan a new camera and has nancy give it to him as a gift because he knows jonathan wouldn't take it from him. he is smart!
concussion tracker: 1
season 2: he writes his college admissions essay, but nancy doesn't think it's good, no one thinks it's good. he knows it's not good. he's visibly nervous about it, knows his parents are going to be disappointed if he doesn't get to college. there's no more "you are an idiot steve harrington" but a wider acknowledgement that he is Not Smart. he doesn't make the Right Decisions. not to his parents, not to nancy, not by listening to the government and not talking about barb, not by being worried about his family because the government will take everything away from him.
he's a fool in love. he doesn't even realize that nancy doesn't love him. she challenges him when he says so, too, calls him crazy for it, but he's right. he heard her say it to his face and he almost lets her pretend it never happened because he loves her so much.
he's not popular anymore, either, not in his senior year, not without tommy and carol, not with billy around. he can't even keep his girlfriend, that one everyone told him was a red flag, the one that is way smarter than him, way too good for him, he's only really making her worse and she thinks so too. steve, you're so stupid for thinking everything is okay when it's bullshit! when it's obviously bullshit, everything was and you clearly didn't care and everyone knew this was all smoke and mirrors except for you.
he's still good, though, still a good guy. he gives dustin bad (but well-meaning) advice. and the thing is that he doesn't even realize that it's bad advice. it always worked for him! harrington you idiot! naive. girls don't care if you like them, youre pretty! don't you know that's why?
still, he's good! he goes to nancy's place to ask for her back and to apologize even though he knows he didnt do shit wrong. he unquestioningly takes dustin where he needs to go, protects them all from billy even though he can't fight: really, very stupid of him to try. he loses and is literally passed out for a good chunk of time but the kids are okay! he can't see or hear but he knows that if he doesn't chaperone them into the upside down that they'll probably die so he gets up and does it.
he sends nancy to go be with jonathan because "i'm a pretty shitty boyfriend, but i'm not a half-bad babysitter" (and he says this literally knowing he didn't do anything wrong. he really believes he's a pretty shitty boyfriend. he's gotta be, he's too stupid for her, not good enough, couldn't make her happy, didn't let her be right in the way that she needed to be and that just must be a universal truth). it's supposed to be humbling when he takes dustin to the snow ball, now that he's the babysitter guy, he's finally been humbled! thank god! he had such a big ego before!
concussion tracker: 2
season 3: he didn't get into college (probably because he never ended up editing that college admissions essay) (probably also because he's had two serious head injuries) and he's really fallen from grace, now. girls don't even want anything to do with him, partly because he didn't get into college, partially because he's convinced he has no game. he's insecure about it, too, because even dustin has a girlfriend from his smart nerd camp and his advice from last year didn't turn out to be any good. and not to mention what is dad thinks about him.
and steve just. doesn't hesitate for a second to help dustin with the russian spy thing without even knowing it had anything to do with the upside down. like this was no longer life and death, dustin is just his friend and he likes him. and he still helped him even when he was struggling with translation, and he was the only reason they found out it they were operating from the mall, even though everyone else thought it was stupid that he was so focused on the song.
and then he gets tortured, and manages (for the most part) to protect everyone else, takes a fucking massive beating for it, only mentions a single name when he's drugged.
and this part is extremely important to me as a robin buckley defender to the death, she straight up tells steve all about how awful he was, how big of a dick he was in mrs. click's class. and he agrees! he knows! it's hit him that the person he was in high school was this miserable asshole who didn't care about anyone else even though we've only seen a version of steve that tries and cares. nobody remembers all that. not even steve. and later he confesses to her and is straight up waxing poetic about how much fun she is and how much he likes spending time with her and how great it is to be her friend. and yeah, he likes her, he has eyes and a brain. and she shuts him down and it takes about five seconds for his brain to recalibrate.
he's good. doesn't even take a full 1986 minute to feel sorry for himself, to feel stupid for barking up the wrong tree again. doesn't take a full aids epidemic world minute to be on her side. no shit this is the guy who called jonathan a queer and immediately went to apologize. he's used to it. he's used to being wrong and he's used to transforming his love into something platonic.
he doesn't hesitate to run his car directly into billy's or back in the direction of the mind flayer. he's unafraid. he's brave. no one calls him brave to his face but they all think it.
and then right at the end, he's trying to get a new job at the movie store, where he almost doesn't get hired because he's too stupid to know anything about movies and-- isn't it funny that he walks into that cardboard cutout that was right in front of him? there goes steve harrington. the bumbling idiot.
concussion tracker: at least 4 (he got his shit rocked by the russians at least twice)
season 4: this is where it gets good. it's where it gets interesting. by which i mean it gets awful and i hate it. it's where i want to rip my hair out of my head and eat it.
spoiler alert: ive only watched volume 2 once and im currently rewatching volume 1 (which actually sparked this rant obviously), so it's going to be a bit brief talking abt v2 compared to v1
just in the very first episode, we get: steve getting negged by his date about how he was bad at basketball, steve talking about how he wants a real relationship with someone who gives a shit about him instead of just... using him for sex, steve being vocally jealous about dustin's other older male friend, steve being the only one who saw lucas win the game (other than nancy who has like never spoken to lucas) and no one acknowledging it. he's like in an accumulative like five minutes of this episode probably.
in the next few episodes, we get a lot of dustin (bless him) straight up calling steve an idiot for
suggesting they contact the police on account of all of the horrible things theyve gotten involved with and the murder that just happened
not knowing how a compass works
being careful in rick's shed in case someone tries to kill them
not knowing how walkie talkies work
not knowing where the walkie talkies are?
then there's nancy who sticks him with the kids because he isn't smart enough to pretend to know things about psychology, they need a certain type of student, says that they're not even kids anymore, that it'll be easy, as if he's only capable of the easy tasks. meanwhile the kids are constantly fighting him because they're smart and know each other well and honestly do not want to be babysat. meanwhile instinct tells steve that max is in trouble and he's right and they still fight him on it.
there's the way robin dustin and eddie tell steve how he needs nancy back (even though he's like respecting her relationship with the guy that She Left Him For) (even though she told him directly and explicitly two years ago that she was never in love with him and that their relationship was bullshit) (even though last summer he told robin all about how he would probably always love her but he knows they wouldn't work again and he's ready to move on)
and like. nobody makes long speeches about what a great guy they think steve harrington is. they all figure: he must already know. only cares about his appearance and getting girls. didn't even bother going to college. probably will skate by on his parents' money. he was popular and a dick and he's kind of an airhead. but who cares, man? it's just steve harrington.
this is the worst for me, man, is when he thanks eddie in the upside down for saving his life, and eddie immediately deflects, and steve has no shit whatsoever to say. he goes up to eddie away from the girls and starts a conversation with a guy that he was convinced was a murderer, a guy he called a freak until they saw each other (eddie: hunt the freak, right?), and starts the conversation to be like: hey! thank you! those girls know how much they mean to me but you don't and i want you to know.
eddie's like "dustin told me you were a badass and i didnt believe him but he was right" and steve is genuinely like. thrown off. dustin doesn't tell him this stuff! he thinks steve is indestructible. and then the good part: "i guess i couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. rich parents, popular, chicks love him, not a douche?"
because people always stop before they get to that part! steve has rich parents (who cut him off and are never shown because they're never home), steve is popular (or, he was back in high school but we already went over that fall from grace), chicks love him (except they historically absolutely resolutely do not, not the way he wants to be loved by them, not nancy or robin or the girl he takes to the basketball game.) -- but not a douche? when i say this might be the only genuinely nice thing said to steve about his own character in the entire show i'm really struggling to find evidence otherwise. it's honestly nicer than 95% of the shit ever said about steve, to his face or anyone else.
really, the only thing steve is good for, the only thing he has acknowledged himself for being good at, the only thing other people have openly acknowledged he was good at: babysitting
which makes the end of the season hurt all that much more, doesn't it?
he's never been allowed to hang out with the older kids. not since season 1 (even though nancy and jonathan would have 100% died if he hadn't come back). and he loves those kids. he's good at being there for them. he's stood up directly from more than one serious brain injury and immediately did the right thing by them, for them, sacrificed himself for them, only really complained about it in season 4 because at that point it becomes personal, not circumstantial. he's not asked by the kids to help, he's asked by the older people who don't think he can handle any more than them.
i'll say this, too, because it hurts my feelings and idk where else to put it: when max is running up that hill, she calls for dustin and lucas. over and over again. when eddie calls the party over the walkie, he asks for dustin and nancy. steve is always there but no one asks for him. he's going to be there. he's going to instrumental in helping them. but they do not ask for him when theyre scared or in trouble. nobody does and he comes back every single time. he's always there to hear their desperation but he knows he's not who they want!
and i feel like the steve harrington that they want us to think existed would have a snarky comment every time: "i'm here too, you know" but he doesn't. something tells me he doesn't expect to be wanted.
it's just something i noticed.
and then volume 2 hits. they have this big plan. for once, he goes with the big kids. him and his two girls. he trusts eddie and dustin to keep each other safe. he lets max and lucas keep each other safe. he does this even though he always always makes sure they are safe first before saving himself. always. (getting the kids out of the upside down, getting the kids out of the rapidly closing russian elevator, ushering them out, actively putting himself in danger, using his body as a shield. he walks into battle every single time expecting to sacrifice himself for these kids. and this time he goes with robin and nancy to fight the big bad, leaves the smaller things to the kids who desperately want him to stop babysitting them. he figures: max and lucas can handle it themselves, they told me time and time again. dustin and eddie are close and they understand each other in a way i dont get to understand dustin, they can handle it themselves.
steve harrington, you bumbling idiot, listen to them for once! they're smarter than you, anyway, you really hold them back.
and then what? eddie dies, right there in dustin's arms. eddie who is the only person who has actually genuinely told steve that he's a good person that he likes spending time with. even though he told them both not to be a hero. because he knew he wouldnt be able to save them this one time. and dustin had to watch.
and then what? max dies and then lives and then gets put in a coma. he wasn't there like he was in the graveyard. he was the only reason they realized soon enough back then and this time he wasn't there to save her from vecna.
and then what? lucas and erica are nearly killed by jason and the other basketball goons, genuinely violently hate-crimed. and like. steve was wildly popular. he fell from grace but you know jason probably respected him in some weird jock way, would probably listen to steve as like a fucking white guy. and steve can throw a punch
before the got in the fight he and robin were like: i think we're going to lose
and i know steve feels like: i stepped away from my post. the only thing i was good at, the only thing anyone respected me for. i set up this plan and it got people killed. i was tired of being the babysitter and! now! look!
concussion tracker: still probably at least 4 but also i'd like to mention that he gets strangled literally twice this season for like a significant amount of time which is decidedly bad for your brain
tldr: steve harrington, fiercely loyal, canonically neglected, chronically self-sacrificial, disliked at some point by every single character on the show, constantly underestimated, openly self-conscious about his intelligence (both before and after sustaining several severe brain injuries) and how other people perceive him and if people like him and want him around, has given everything for the entire party and he needs to get something back in season 5.
he needs someone other than nancy to tell him he's a good person and a good force in their lives. he needs his final story arc to not be about his romance with nancy (they both need this). he needs dustin to open up to him about eddie's death. he needs someone to trust him with something other than their physical safety. he has never once turned someone away.
and, because he's my blorbo and i want to see him suffer, just a little bit, i want the show to acknowledge how badly he would take the blame for eddie and max and lucas specifically. it is the one time he was not there, it was the one time they lost. he's my steve harrington and i get to project my massive guilt complex onto him as much as i damn well please. and then i want someone to tell him how good he is. for the love of fucking god.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 6 months
oughhhhh rant under the cut about bads babies
Sorry im so ill about bad's kids tonight
I can imagine dapper obviously looks like him, but pomme looks like him, especially in her face.
I think the difference in dapper and pomme is Dapper follows in bad's current footsteps, self sacrificial and experimental but in a much different way than pomme. Dapper follows after bad in the way that he pays attention, and has been around long enough to listen to bad's stories and learn from them rather than having to experience them, but pomme's so little....
Being not only Bad's kid but etoiles and antoines..... A warrior with a strong moral compass, a seemingly passive immortal eldritch being, and another immortal being but not passive, with his own moral compass that differs from other people because of how long hes been around...
Etoiles is in his early years for lack of a better term, living what we can presume for now is a human lifespan, his morals as far as we can tell is based on those he loves, and maybe bad has that type of moral compass too, but theres such a strong difference when you've lived for as long as bad has.
As far as i know, Antoine doesnt talk as often about his lifespan, but Bad has actively and openly told his kids about people he's loved and lost, maybe not with the intentions of instilling any lessons in there but what else are we supposed to get from them??
Vesuvius, the unnamed lover from 500 years ago, hell even skeppy isnt around right now, although hes still alive.
I think theres a difference between them because Dapper, being bad's kid, was always under the expectation that he would outlive those he loved aside from bad and maybe foolish. We can see the extension of how bad treats foolish in how Dapper treats foolish, how they bond and how bad's wordlessly inflicted his "gift vs present" mindset that he had to explain to someone like Bagi, who made the mistake of telling bad she wanted to give someone a "gift" several times before realizing theres a difference and she had to specify she meant "present".
I gotta wonder if Antoine didnt really instill the idea of immortality into his daughter, i mean like who would right?? But two immortal parents?? She has to come to terms with the idea eventually, but right now shes so small...
Bad's talked about how his presence has consistently brought bad luck - eruptions, mass plagues, falling of kingdoms and death of gods, etc. But most of the events he's talked about happened so long ago. Hundreds or thousands of years ago bad learned and relearned the message that people dont stick around, you gotta pick and choose who you really invest yourself in. And why wouldnt it be the eggs? Your kids are immortal, its probably safe to invest yourself in them!
Pomme is self sacrificial, and really caring. We can really see how Etoiles' hero heart definitely instilled itself on her, but theres gotta be a difference between that kind of moral compass when you live for that long and experience that much loss.
Dapper is a little older, and was initially raised a lot differently, and while we see him experiment on herself with the soul vultures, she doesnt talk about self sacrifice nearly as much as Pomme, previously one of the youngest eggs, and the self proclaimed sole target of the codes.
I rambled so fucking much there but just. Bad sees himself in both his kids, but the difference between them is so heavy and i feel so hard for Pomme... shes so tiny, she doesnt need that burden to shoulder, but how can bad help snap her out of it or learn to not do that when shes still so young, and hes fallen back into those habits himself??? I dont wanna say theres a maturity difference in how dapper and pomme go about throwing themselves to the lions but honestly there kinda is... i just dont know how to word it concisely
most of this is probably wrong im probably missing a lot of lore or some shit but its 4:30 am and i have a headache, just let me be ill kjbhyvjhbk
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Gamzee Makara from Homestuck vs Maeglin Lómion from The Silmarillion/The Fall Of Gondolin
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Gamzee Makara:
LOVE: - "Okay, so Gamzee is such a divisive character that I even hesitated on choosing "love". Sad clown with an absentee father raised in a fascist dictatorship. Was mind controlled into killing his friends and then mind controlled during a toxic relationship (or two). Suffers from addiction so fandom likes to go "Oh, how scary his withdraws are. Clearly being drugged up was the only thing keeping this THIRTEEN YEAR OLD from murdering his friends (who largely ignored him, insulted him, demeaned him and acted like they wanted nothing to do with him). Having one such friend gently touch his face didn't cure him of his issues (or the mind control) so obviously he is an irredeemable monster and an abuser. This is genetic." I know you've gotten tons of Vriska, so basically insert any of Vriska's apologists' points here." - "Gamzee is a complex character who is used as a puppet both by the other villains of Homestuck and by the arthur. Once someone takes a deeper look at him they might find a tragic character who had lots of chances where he could have gotten onto a better path but those chances were not able to be given or taken. On the flip side Gamzee suffers from some poor writing that leaves aspects of the character to based off poor stereotypes, he also lacks chances to show his internal character as thr story goes on and is treated like a tool by the story. He also killed some fan favorite characters and has a version of himself (homestuck is a multi timeline story) that abused a different fan favorite character." - "I know Vriska is the obvious pick for controversial HS blorbo, but consider: He is the world's shittiest boy. No one knows why he does the things he does he might just be a murderclown but he might be mind controlled or something no one knows and people have really strong opinions on him based on what they believe. He makes me very sad because I did think he was a cool character before he snapped." - "He was written so poorly 💔" - "when i was 12 i had a crush on him i was like a gamzee apologist and i was probably right i dont remember homestuck. i used to listen to icp and think wowww this is just like my clwon boyfriend and giggle and blush and kick my legs and i still do that with my fake boyfriend but hes not gamzee and its not icp and im not 12 but he kind of sounds like gamzee but thats because hes a smoker and he wouldnt listen to icp he likes techno. anyway i used to get so sad when people said they didnt like him because of the killings and i brought him up to my old therapist a couple times thats kind of funny looking back but i would do it again (but not with gamzee. with my fake chain smoker boyfriend who likes techno). anyway anyway my mom listens icp because her old friend from highschool who died was a juggalo and whenever i hear her listen to it i think about gamzee so i havent forgot about him yet. hes wasnt my favorite character thouhg my favorite character was the gemini one (i also had a crush on him when i was 12 i tried to lucid dream to see him once) (it didnt work). ok love you bye." - "-Funny clown -Cares about his friends -Absent parental figure :( -Did some murder but it wasn't his fault really he didn't have all of his mental faculties (see next point) -Got brainwashed by a universe-destroying god that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time through the form of a rapping marionette -The author(s) fucking hates him for some reason and retconned his previous characterization to make him a one-dimensional shitty villain and used canon text to make fun of fans who like him and no I'm not exaggerating -If I don't make him my blorbo who will"
Maeglin Lómion:
LOVE: - "LISTEN okay so he DID betray the city of Gondolin to the guy who literally invented evil, and that DID result in it getting destroyed and a whole bunch of people dying or being taken prisoner (which is probably worse in this instance), and also he DID attempt to throw his cousin's seven-year-old son off the city walls to his death during the attack. BUT. I love him. Also, and more substantially, a) he didn't go out of his way to betray the city, he was taken prisoner and threatened into it, b) he had an incredibly painful history with Gondolin involving both his parents' violent deaths happening like ten minutes after he arrived there, and he was legally not allowed to leave, and c) he was SO YOUNG (only 180! that's hardly anything for an elf!) and he is SO ANGSTY and INTERESTINGLY GOTH and SELF-HATING and I LOVE him. So." - "First of all he was LITERALLY CURSED TWICE OVER so there was NO WAY he was coming to a good end okay. Sure he had a crush on his cousin but he canonically didn't say anything and she only knew because she read his mind and he wasn't able to hide it from her. He had a major éowyn moment (iconic) and was trapped in cage after cage all his life and tbh after what he saw in the Nirnaeth I'm NOT surprised he voted to stay instead of go. Or just told the king what he wanted to hear. Anyway the POINT is that breaking under mental torment to morgoth, whose force and victory he'd seen firsthand, is NOT a moral failing, and idril started conspiring against him before he'd actually done anything wrong. The attempted murder was, admittedly, not great though. But he didn't even SUCCEED like c'mon he just got homoerotically yeeted from a cliff about it. In conclusion: maeglin did nothing wrong except all the things he did wrong, and the version in which he's most openly evil is also the one where both the narrative and the other elves are racist to him so like they had it coming"
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cure-typhoon · 5 months
Any thoughts on dynamic between Karkat and Kanaya in your dadkat au?
HMMMMM okey so these two had a really up and down relationship in their 20s because of Karkat's general...personality going down a hole, it was kinda hard to be around him because he was straight up a dick, and while Kanaya could understand he was going through a hard time, she was already turning thin on her patience with her, so one day she and Jade just told him ''Hey you need help'' because, well, he needed help, after the game, his mental health started declining rapidly and the death's of his friends starting to consume him internally (so does Kanaya but she hasnt gotten to her breaking point (yet) so she doesnt realize that) and after Dave left, things started roll down hill
And well, he got help, losing Dave was heartbreaking and he was not about to lose two more important people in his life
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So he got help, this obviously didnt fix all his issues, it took a lot of pride to even stay with one therapist at first, but it started working and well, their friendship started to repair itself bit by bit, Karkat also became the babysitter of the friendgroup
Their dynamic was kinda like, give and give, they both help eachother out when the other needs it, Kanaya doesnt take his bs so that helped a lot on his journey of self-improvement, Karkat helped her with babysitting because she knows her and Rose are really busy with the caverns/trying to get a book deal
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Karkat becomes a foster-parent and their dynamic changes immensely
So turns out, taking care of a child all day is VERY DIFFERENT to just babysitting for your friends, more if that child hates your guts and the guts of anyone around him, and it changes your friendships because the first time the kid meets the kids of your friends, he gets into a fight and almost breaks the nose of your bestfriend's son
This two have very styles of parenting and tbh, Kanaya is very worried about Luis because he is just some random kid that Karkat suddenly decided he was going to foster care, and Karkat is very adamant of giving a why he is doing all of this at first and is not really liking that Kanaya is trying to ''MEDDLE WITH HIS DECISIONS'' , its not like their frienship is about to break, but theyre are annoyed at eachother for a while
Though, after some communication things settle down, at least for their friendship, karkat life is now chaos because he ended up fostering Luis's two younger sisters, Kanaya helps Karkat get a job in the caverns and they become coworkers, though, theyre in different departments but they speak on the lunchtime, their coworkers dont really understand how two people so different became friends, until Kanaya says they meet ''In The Cult They Escaped From''
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Theyre like siblings at this point, i dont think they would ever use that word but they have been friends for like, 20 years, in the present day of the au, they criticize eachother and they help eachother out, they hang out like once a week and just, chat about their days, Karkat has been trying for her to go and talk to someone about having to kill Eridan but she refuses, but she is there if she ever wants to talk to him about it
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
what do you think would have happened if leo just SUCKED at training and didnt become the favourite?
I’m so glad you asked cause that’s an idea I’ve been toying with. I see it going one of five ways, but here’s an interesting thing to consider: leo wasn’t actually that much better at first.
Splinter picked him when they were basically babies, because of what he perceived as signs of leo being better than the others. Leo is mostly better because he was raised to be. Splinter taught him the most, gave him the most attention, and expected more of him than he did the others. Sure, Leo liked training more than the others but that was majorly influenced by Splinter not being a complete ass to him.
so anyway, options 1-3 are just Splinter picking a different kid to favor. They’ve each got their talents, so maybe Splinter would pick Raph for brute strength, or Mikey for creativity in a fight, or Donnie for his tactical intelligence/creations. No matter what though, he’d carefully curate out the parts of them he doesn’t like as much. (Which he’s also done to Leo, hence why Leo sucks a lot)
If Donnie were picked, he'd be shamed into masking more thoroughly and would be encouraged to not be empathetic towards others. he'd end up being haughty & condescending & insufferable.
If Raph were picked, he'd be shamed out of showing his more gentle & caring side, and would be seen by most as mainly just a force of pure violence (and probably a lot of toxic masculine ideals hah but that could be said for all of them to different degrees). and he'd internalize that, too.
in this iteration he already kind of thinks of himself as like, a machine who's there to take care of his siblings. If Splinter had chosen him, all of that dehumanizing mindset would be shifted to him thinking of himself as a machine for Splinter to use instead.
and if Mikey were picked, he'd be shamed out of kindness and encouraged to be cruel to others for his own amusement. Mikey's constantly seeking stimulation (relatable) and with Splinters encouragement it wouldn't be too difficult for him to begin tormenting others for fun.
Obviously none of this is cut and dry, they'd all have reservations and their own personal feelings (none of them would WANT to be mean on purpose) but a parents influence is strong sooo, it'd be rough.
Option 4 is him picking none of them, which would suck real bad but have the upside of them all relating to each other and staying closer together.
Option 5 is him making them all actively compete for the spot of favorite, and they can gain and lose his favor at any time. This would be the most disastrous and volatile situation, because they would all be in constant brutal competition for his affection, and they would all believe that it was possible to attain his love, even if just for brief amounts of time. It would always be unsettlingly unclear how long you would be his favorite for. (really though, it depends mostly on Splinters mood and what he needs done at the moment. And they all sort of know that, deep down)
this would be the hardest one to break out of, because instead of 1 sibling vs 3 siblings, it's a more complex dynamic in which they've all spent years screwing each other over and hurting each other and themselves to get Splinters attention.
It's hard enough for one kid to come to terms with the fact that his parents are kind of terrible people, but it'd be way harder if all three of them refused to acknowledge it because they all have skin in the game.
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necrophiliak · 8 months
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umm. bhaal thoughts nd stuff under the cut. ive seen a lot of stuff mischaracterising/interpreting/whatever and it bothers me. i like him.
bg1+2+3 spoilers btw.
i dont wanna seem uhhh. confrontational or anything so this is just me airing thoughts out cz its true u dont rly Hear from him much directly in bg3 so i guess i get why ppl wouldnt know or think certain stuff. and im not the worlds expert on the topic as much as id like to be. but writing gods in stuff is never easy i think, especially as a fan, since they function on totally different ideas and have worldviews we could never possibly understand, etc etc
i think what bothers me the most is the misconception that bhaal would give a shit what the urge does. he definitely doesnt. the canon bg1+2 is a human male goodguy (derogatory) and even he was still supposedly favoured by bhaal (in that achieving slayer form was from a feeling of 'divine hatred' and not an actual gift since bhaal at the time was dead and he was favoured not for this but in that he was the strongest of all his spawn (this is bg2 stuff btw i highly recommend u play both those games if u liked bg3 durge)) i actually miss how bg2 introduced that form its way better than in 3 but thats a big tangent ToT and i get why since the durge was quite literally made with it in mind anyway he didnt care about the prev spawn because their only purpose was to die anyway. but he doesnt care abt what durge does either. he would not care if he was fucking gortash. the one constant w him is that all he cares about is the end goals, the process doesnt matter at all. i cant be bothered putting screenshots in rn but both the durge's old diary and sarevok say "bhaal cares only for death. death in numbers, death in droves." and the ingame proof is in that even if u refuse to kill isobel u can still get the slayer form by agreeing to accept his gift in the temple. whether u killed isobel or not just determines if u get slayer form early. the other proof is orin, who doesnt follow him as he would ideally want either (too focused on making 'art' with death instead of actually killing) but still gets to be his chosen if u play as tav instead of durge (he also doesnt like the way shes loyal to sarevok more than him) hes pretty pragmatic
also the other thing... abt the butlers. sceleritas isnt there to ensure u are loyal, thats his own prerogative and pride as a butler. tho i think the specifics of him in general are left intentionally vague. the rest of bhaals butlers are always imps, and his own was also an imp (theyre made in his imps image after all), bt sceleritas is made in bhaals image. since he has a glued on nose and the colouring on his face looks like a skull. and the earrings are mirroring the slayers facial horns. thats a bit of a tangent tho umm anyway, my point is that durge got a very special butler for reasons we can only guess at. (tho i enjoy thinking that he really was meant more as a nanny/standin parent figure)
anyway that got sort of long. i love dad a lot. everyones durge can be different frm canon obviously... bt bhaal is an established char, nd a super interesting one (i have a lot of thoughts abt the similarities w mystra+shar especially cz of bg3 and the way sheart+gale narrative's play out bt again thats uhhhhh a HUGE tangent and im not even sure how to word my thoughts)
anyway tldr bhaal is a very hands off parent and doesnt give a shit what u do as long as u get the job done (and i love him very much 🥺)
oh also if u math the years out, durge is 20yrs old at max. and that takes the assumption that bhaal made u ASAP after he was resurrected. trivia. if u wanna read the thing wheree he gets rezzed, its the 'murder at baldurs gate' story which also comes with a rly intensive worldbuilding manual for the city which could help w fanfic or whatever u want. i enjoyed reading it (helping w dnd stuff T_T).
another edit: i doubt anyone except me is rly interested bt i have soooo much to say on the topic of how bhaal treats the urge (positively+unconditionally), sceleritas in general, and the way the urges journey mirrors bhaals own fall from grace and coming back stronger, etc etc, i already wrote half of it on twitter anyway so if theres interest i can share it here too
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a-a-a-anon · 1 month
the chemistry between sally and vim in bad news - so black cat (sally) and golden retriever (vim) coded btw - is so strong that it has me creating headcanons between two characters who's interaction runtime is probably like 15 minutes or less
vim is preoccupied with fame/heavy metal and is a genuine fan of the music scene in bad news tour so i think he was already familiar with sally/her work before they met, like read her interviews or something
so there's that cut in bad news tour where den starts saying "i was sitting over there..." in the last shot so they all have to rearrange. vim had moved seats to sit next to sally and was inwardly pissed that den made him move back
vim's type is definitely someone who's smarter than him even if he doesn't understand what theyre saying, he definitely wasn't into the enthusiastic-without-substance wannabe groupie type. and sally is EXACTLY his type like she always asked questions he didnt even understand and he was into it. she's also the only one who'll listen to him go off about nothing ("we're more than heavy metal" and she was nodding her head while everyone was disagreeing but inside even she was going this man doesnt actually know what he's talking about /affectionate)
vim got into the spiritual/supernatural weird talking to dead people stuff in more bad news because sally kind of had a gothy aesthetic in bad news tour. that's why he was so excited to tell her. he also thought that having connections to famous muscians (in the afterlife) would impress her, bc she met way more famous musicians than him as an interviewer
in my head sally is genuinely successful as a heavy metal journalist so why agree to go back to interview and spend days with an absolutely trash band no one really cares about in more bad news? subconsciously it was partly to see vim again
during the word association game in more bad news the only band member she uses as a word is vim… she's Thinking of him
i think after she and vim reunited in more bad news they started being friends with benefits while the documentary was filming lmao (i think he still had some maturing to do before they got together for real, but we know they do end up married ofc)
so to me colin's parents (or connections from his parents) must've bailed colin (and den and spider) out in more bad news when they're arrested but colin was probably so pissed at vim he was calling his mummy to tell her to sue vim's ass not bail him out. two possibilities i'm entertaining: either sally bailed vim out (again, she's a successful journalist so she has some funds) or she talked to colin/colin's mummy/the police or something to help get vim out (she's obviously a good speaker and could convince them to ease up)
sally is an intelligent feminist and a good journalist which is why she grilled vim on warriors of genghis khan but she was also slightly... i don't wanna exactly say jealous, maybe like disappointed... that there was some random hot blonde to stand over vim in the music video/for the guys including vim to ogle at, which also motivated her to humble him in that moment
not really a hc but he's trying so hard to impress her with imogen/his "studio" in more bad news its adorable he's so dumb
vim definitely thought his record collection (despite being thrown around haphazardly) was gonna impress her when she came over in more bad news
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dayurno · 2 months
who are your favorite mdzs characters??
(falling over myself panting and screaming) JIN LING ITS JIN LING JIN LING IS MY FAVORITE i will say i havent watched cql so i don't know anything about him in that but i love jin ling in the books and i loved that he was angry and that he was scared and that he was confused and i loved how hard it was for him to accept affection from wwx when he knew it was wwx, i love that he's the world's saddest and loneliest little boy, i love that his life is shaped by so much grief and trauma and that the adults around him have failed him constantly ever since the day he was born. and my only beef i'll ever have with wangji is that he has beef with jin ling. he's not a monster he's a 16 year old who misses his parents. so there!
other than that i'm easy and simple obviously i love wwx and lwj..... i'm a ride or die for xichen as well i think first of all there is something so kevin day about xichen in the sense that they're both positioned at the crux of so many issues and entirely unaware of it. the way jin guangyao and nie mingjue were passing xichen back and forth and xichen had no idea of the game they were playing because he wasn't invited into it at all. ugh! i love the jades of lan really, i think their relationship as brothers is so interesting and i think about their mother all the time. madam lan :(!
this is surprising even to me because on my first read through i didnt care if jiang cheng lived or died but now i actually think about him a lot. usually i don't enjoy jealousy plots but i think jiang cheng is so interesting and detailed and flawed and human..... he gets misunderstood a lot in my opinion so he's my friend now too. i know he'll never be happy but that's ok. he has jin ling and that will be enough. and also i love wen ning but i cant think too much about him or i start to get ill and sick. but i hope wen ning jiang cheng and jin ling can go out for dinner one day
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cartyrs · 5 months
How do you feel as a CielDoll shipper with recent chapters
this just reminded me that a new chapter is out and i just read it and i'm in the brain dimension. throwing this ask under a readmore bc it got long but it basically just sums up my opinions on the series as a whole rn:
my feelings on kuroshit have been complicated the past few years ngl! more than anything i'm very frustrated with how the story's been paced since the twin reveal, and i've found it very hard to stay engaged as a fan with how slow things are progressing. but that's also not what you asked so i won't rant about that LOL
I have very mixed feelings on this current arc - it's what finally got me back into reading bc DOLL! MY FAVORITE CHARACTER EVER! IS HERE AND I WAS RIGHT THAT SHE'D BE RELEVANT AGAIN!!! I'd really, really like it if Doll lives past this arc and is able to confront Ciel again. I think I might actually drop the series entirely if she dies here because it feels very pointless to me after all these years to bring her back if her whole point was just to [207 spoilers]. I'm really interested to see Ciel's reaction to her rebirth, esp if after coming clean about his true identity that he's able to be honest about the guilt he harbors over killing her. (SINCE YANA PUT DOLL AND JOKER IN THE SAME PANEL AS MADAM RED, CIELS PARENTS, AND R!CIEL IN CH 100, OVER 70 CHAPTERS AFTER NOAHS CIRCUS, ID GO CRAZY IF IT DIDNT MEAN ANYTHING)
I've always seen Doll as being one of if not the most significant character into understanding Ciel - his sympathy for her in Noah's Arc shows that despite how emphatic he is that he's forgone his soul, he does still care about people underneath it all. I'm pretty sure Yana's even said that if circumstances had been different (plot wise and also wealth wise), they could have been really good friends. I think Doll as a foil for Ciel reveals a lot about him - the biggest being her double-identity and reveal, as well as her playful, childish side vs. her cold, killing side (which even then, Doll doesn't want to kill - she just has to. I think deep down, Ciel is the same way). Same with Doll discovering Ciel's brand and having that empathetic moment with him over it, they don't go too deeply on it but Doll's backstory prior to living on the street is that she was abused by her parents and they scarred her face. She knows better than anyone else in the story what that permanent mark of abuse means for Ciel, and that's why she's so sorry she accidentally exposed his brand.
I've never shipped Doll/Ciel in a "canon" sense (like it just wouldn't make that much sense post-doll's "death", she despises him for killing her family, and after knowing what the circus did, she's nothing but a child kidnapper to him, criminal scum that's not worth anything). Their dynamic to me is so much about the "what if things had gone differently?" - which I also apply to Ciel's other friendships, particularly with Soma, Lizzy, and Alois (though season 2 is it's whole own discussion LOL). So much of Ciel's characater arc is about how he was willing to throw his own life and soul away thinking he had nothing after his parent's and r!ciel's deaths, as well as his own disgrace, but kuroshitsuji has shown us time and time again that there are people who deeply love and care about ciel, and if things had been different, if he hadn't sold his soul to the literal devil, he could have lived for them. i love Doll for him in this regard, because she's someone who doesn't know what happened to him. I think a big crux to Ciel's relationship with Lizzy (ignoring the incest aspect because of the period accuracy, but also because of the incest aspect I obviously do not ship them in a romantic sense) is that she knows more than most people about what happened to Ciel and his family, and that humiliates him. Pity and vulnerability humiliate him. This is a huge reason why he can't be honest with Lizzy about what happened - he doesn't want her pity, it only makes his reality that much worse. When he meets Doll, she's a stranger. And despite knowing nothing about him, she worms her way in and tries at every angle to befriend him. Also, given that his betrothal to Lizzy was by force (esp with how he steals her actual fiancees identity lol), I think if Ciel had been able to choose his own partner, he might have chosen someone like Doll.
ANYWAY - that's why I'll be really disappointed if they don't reunite at some point. I have some vague hope, since this is the last of the servant's arcs, maybe we'll get back to Ciel soon and Doll will get the confrontation she deserves. I actually really wasn't expecting [207 spoiler], that changes a lot for the character dynamics in this arc. I unfortunately haven't been a huge fan of Doll's actions in this arc, it feels horrifically out of character for me to believe that after her moral values are laid explicitly clear in circus arc (she feels guilty for kidnapping children and doesnt want to do it, but fears her older siblings retribution and fears Kelvin and feels an obligation to keep her family safe above all else), that she'd be willing to both make connections with the children at this orphanage as well as let them be used to keep her body alive... for what? To kill Ciel? Obviously she was brought back by Undertaker, but I doubt that Undertaker's true intentions are to kill Ciel, given how important the Phantomhives are to him (I think he's probably way more after Sebastian, but that's another thing entirely). So, why did Undertaker bring her back at all? Why is it Snake and Finny that find her, and not Ciel? Her personality once Snake and Finny discover the truth too is just all over the place, I don't particularly buy it.
I've felt that Yana's writing has seemed rushed and lazy since the twin reveal, whether it's her shifting her focus onto TWST, or that she's just trying to wrap up the series as fast as she can, while also still attempting to churn out monthly chapters (if you compare recent kuroshit volumes to old ones, old volumes had maybe 4-5 chapters, while new ones fit about 10 chapters at the same pagecount, so it's also waaay shorter chapters each month that don't quite move the story along). It's obvious to me that now that R!Ciel is out of the bag, the servant chapters have been a way for Yana to finally write plotpoints that she's had on the backburner since early on in the series (Meyrin, Bard, and Snake's backstories) - but IMO, terribly integrated. Finnys backstory in witch-arc is still some of my favorite parts of the series - because the arc itself is incredibly written, and Finny being highlighted fit in so well. It feels like with these mini arcs that Yana's just like oh shit what kind of plot should X servant's backstory come up in, and none of the newer plots/characters have felt deserved (i.e. the maids in meyrin/ran mao's story). Same thing goes for the characters in this arc, the children dressed like the phantomhive servants are just so weird and out of place to me. Why is this a thing??? An orphanage dedicated to making children act like ciel and sebastian and others and then sacrificing them as blood for Doll????? Why???? The whole scenario is weak and far-fetched IMO, I would've rather Doll's reentry (as well as Meyrin/Bard/Snakes backstories) been introduced in a more natural way, it genuinely feels like Yana is throwing all her cards on the table to wrap the series up without any loose strings.
SO, I don't have like, a TON of hope for Ciel and Doll's story to be wrapped up in a way I personally find satisfying for their character arcs, I'm vaguely hopeful that they'll at least just meet again, but as you can read I've had very mixed feelings on the direction that the series has taken for years now (servant backstory arc has been going on since MARCH 2019 LMAO..), so I'm sorry that your very simple question turned into a rant HAHA but this is like, the crux of my relationship with Kuroshitsuji atm.
Kuroshit has had its fair share of problems, many of which I'll be the first person to go out of my way to critique. I've been able to rationalize being a fan by touting just how good the manga's story is. Nowadays, really not so sure I can stand by that opinion! However, Doll's also like... is The character of all time for me. I've even been contemplating getting her tattooed lately LOL. So, regardless of the direction the series takes, even if it just absolutely tanks, she'll always remain incredibly special to me, as will Ciel and all the characters I've loved over the years.
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freakkisser · 1 month
also, can you tell me a little bit more abt all of your black butler f/os and you? i don't know much (if anything) abt black butler but you and ciel are so interesting, i want to hear abt the rest 💕💕💕 :D
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thank you for this! i love talking about the sillies! also some spoilers for black butler!
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grell and felix
grell and felix dont really have many interactions till she kills madam red, felix and ciels aunt, that makes felix have mixed feelings towards her almost immediately. he wasnt close to his aunt but she is some of the only family he had left so it is bitter. grell also threatens to kill ciel and felix and by proxy sebastian so theres some fearfulness towards her in their first real interactions.
but as the story goes on grell just keeps popping up. all the time she somehow finds a way to show up around him. unbeknownst to felix shes taken a bit of a liking to the boy, so not only does she show up where she does in the canon story, but any time felix is by himself shell find a way to just show up and bother him.
eventually he warms up to her and they just develop this unspoken bond that is definitely a queer platonic relationship. sebastian and ciel arent too fond of it because neither of them like grell too much, but they both agree shes useful so they dont try to interfere with felix and grells relationship.
sebastian and felix
sebastian and felix are complicated. they have an odd relationship and its not really queer platonic but its not really friends either. sebastian and felix met very soon after ciel returned with him. felix rushed back home from the religious school he was staying at to reunite with his brother who he thought was dead, and thats when he met sebastian. he knew something was up with sebastian right away. he was odd and felix didnt know where he came from either. it was a miracle his brother was alive in the first place but with some new fancy butler too?
felix learned about sebastian being a demon and his pact with ciel pretty quickly too. ciel was trying to keep it from him but with how fond of his older brother he was it wasnt that long before ciel dumped it all onto felix. when it came to sebastian being a demon felix wasnt entirely surprised, the school he went to taught about demons and such but the way Sebastian presented himself was what really caught him off guard. felix vowed to find a way to get ciel out of sebastian and his deal which made sebastian and felix have a bit of a rough relationship.
over time though they both grew to respect each other in a weird way. felix respected sebastian for how well he took care of and protected ciel and sebastian found solace in having another individual to talk to as more of an equal. (even if sebastian didnt really look at felix as an equal) felix is still trying to get ciel out of the deal, and sebastian knows but they have a mutual understanding of one another and a sort of respect for one another so its not a constant feud between them or anything.
ciel and felix
felix was obviously the oldest of the three phantomhive brothers (surprise noe ciel is actually a twin in canon) so when they were younger he was supposed to take on the heir to the phantomhive name. but something happened to get his parents to practically disown him (no spoilers one day im gonna write a fic about it) which led to him getting sent off to the religious school.
when they were kids though ciel and felix were always close, there was 5 years between them but felix loved his little brother and ciel always clung onto felix the most. i talked about them as kids a bit in another post so tldr for that, ciel had a crush on his big brother that didnt go away and felix developed feelings for ciel when they were older.
after the phantomhive manor burned down and felix assumed all his family had passed he returned for the funeral, but when asked if he was going to take over the funtom company or rebuild the manor he said no. returning to his school for the two years ciel was missing, but when he heard the news that ciel had returned alive and well (ish) he rushed back to where he was.
ciel was cold and distant at first, trying to hide things from felix (and honestly thats a fair way to respond to that much trauma) but eventually ciel broke down and confessed everything that happened. he was vulnerable with his brother just like he was when they were little. that was the true start of them really getting close, knowing that they were basically each others only family now they had to stick together. and so they kept confiding in each other and growing their relationship until it became more than that of familial love.
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If it's ok to ask, what do you think the other weasels' parenting styles would be? How do you think they'd respond after finding out they were dads? We have Smartass and his daughter, but what about the others?
Ooooooh, interesting!! Sorry for the late reply anon ^^ Warning, these are all them as good parents... obviously these guys would actually have their issues... but I wanted to write the fluffy things ^^ I will put one bad thing at the end.
Toon Patrol (Sans Smartass) as Parents || Blurbs + Headcanons
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When he gets told: ... *Deadpanned* Of course. Like?? The one time he actually gets someone in bed and THIS happens!! Of course. Of course! He's so done XD Fine, bring it on.
... he's actually not bad at the father thing?? Slightly overbearing, embarrassing at times, and loose-lipped about shit that a child doesn't need to hear from their father- but he knows them, he's reasonable enough to take care of a child, and he never intimidates them. To his kid/s, Greasy Weasel is actually a doofus XD (As they grow older they do learn how scary he can also be... that is never aimed at them though).
He can tell if there is something up with them immediately. It is his sixth sense. When they were infants he somehow new seconds before they started crying, when they were children he could tell from so far away he couldn't even see their facial expressions if they were unhappy coming out of school, and when they were teenagers this talent of his was the bane of their existence XDD
He is OVERJOYED to have a child (or more) around that he can teach Spanish too!! He loves loves loves chatting to them in the language. Makes him feel so at home and comforted ^^ He loves them even more for bringing that back to him ^^
(As they get into their teenage years he and his kid do it around the other toon patrol members and make it seem like they're talking about THEM- drives Smartass insane.)
Accidentally teaches them curse words in both languages when they're really little XD
One Bad Thing: Deeeeefinetly attempted to use them to pick up chicks. Didnt work, obviously, but he did try. The other weasels surprise adopted his kid from him a couple of times when they could see it in his eyes.
When he gets told: Psycho did not see this coming. It does not compute. You say 'We're having a baby', and he's like '??? for lunch ???' Goodluck to you explaining that he is going to be a father. He partly doesnt wanna hear it and partly is shook.
@marinerainbow and I have of course talked about this XDD Basically Psycho would be the dad at the kids sporting events who is not really paying attention to the sport, instead harassing the poor snack vendor- but if his child were to get hurt?? If they bleed??? He'll be there in half a second. He can smell it XD
So, yeah. Fiercely protective, in an animalistic way. He hisses and immediately takes his baby away from someone if he doesn't like how they were holding them, he whines when they cry, etc.
Another animalistic-type thing he does with them is he nudges them with his nose when they learn to walk (And will continue to do this as they grow older. Like, its their first day at school? Nose nudge to get them through the gate. They get dinner? Nose nudge to tell them to take what they need first. Theirs a danger? Nose nudge to tell them to go.).
Likes to stare into their eyes as infants as a way to bond with them. Some men hold the babies to their bare skin- Psycho stares into their souls. Its a little characteristic, weird thing that becomes a comfort for the kid/s because its a Dad Thing.
Also watches them sleep. Will continue to do this no matter how old they are. He just loves it, seeing them breath- like good. They're alive. I love this one so much.
One Bad Thing: Psycho is very close with his kids (I mean who is gonna try and get in between this maniac and his bubbas?? not me!) and creates separation anxiety issues in them.
When he gets told: Ohhhh boy, you're gonna see Stupid really step up (Once he gets it) XD He recognises he's not the sharpest bloke on the block, its his name for a reason. So y'all are gonna have to read books, now. And go to classes. He will ask a gazillion questions until he fully understands how to care for his child- he'll even approach mothers he sees on the street with their babies and asks them what they're doing XD This will be painful for you, but at least he's taking this seriously.
This child... is not going to be touch starved. That is for sure. He loves cuddling them- having them in his lap with his hand on their lil belly so they don't fall, laying them on the mattress next to him for naps, walking around with them sleeping with their lil adorable smush face on his shoulder, etc. And don't worry, he will never drop them. Ever. He is on top of it.
As they grow older he still wants to cuddle them but it of course becomes less common ^^ Big bear hugs when they get out of school/come back from a sleepover or camp are still definitely a thing though! And they know his shoulder is always there if they need to cry.
Definitely plays games with them and puts all their artwork on the fridge. Will take stuff down or cover stuff up to make room, too. Like, Smartass are you still using this schedule??... you are?... alright well you can still see it if you lift up this lil handprint up. Isn't it cute boss??
Yeah, so Stupid may not be the smartest, more responsible father (He tries, but its not in his nature)... but he genuinely likes them, he wants them, and he will always be there if they need him. Always. Always, always, always.
He really shines as a parent when they're young but when they're older and going through an asshole phase, he will still love them blindly ^^ Always call them Little Bean.
One Bad Thing: ... Its possible he may... asphyxiate them in his arms. But they're toons so... uh 😅😅😅 They'll be fine?
When he gets told: *Immediately starts smoking harder* Wheezy understands fully the actual weight involved with having a child. The responsibilities- not just keeping them alive and putting them in good schools, but making sure they turn out to be good people who are well adjusted and happy ^^ And he is TERRIFIED he will fuck them up.
Seems like a very chill father but lays awake at night wandering to himself if little things he did that day were the right thing... This makes him also very easy to bond with if you're taking care of the kid at any time in their younger years (Like if you're working at a childcare centre he takes them to, you babysit, you're their primary school teacher, or whatever) because you just tell him he's doing a good job and the kid is so happy ^^ He'll be so relieved and he'll ask questions and then, boom. You have a gang member in your corner.
He's chill... but not like, in a way that's damaging to the kid. If they hurt another child he will have them apologise (y'aint turning out like smartass. now go say you're sorry you punched the kid), if they want to go somewhere dangerous at night he's just gonna be like 'nope. you're gonna stay home and watch the bachelor with me' or 'fine... but you gotta take stupid with you', if they want to go to a sleepover when he's grounded them he has no qualms with calling the other parents 'nah dont count on (kids name) coming they're spendin the night playing monopoly with me. yeah. their idea actually. yep.'. etc.
Calls them kiddo, rugrat, hon, cutie, his itty bitty weasel, etc.
Ruffles their hair ^^
Told them bed time stories when they were a kid without a book, so they were mostly made up. Some of them are still running jokes between them.
One Bad Thing: ... well. You know. He does not set the best example with his addiction.
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i-sveikata · 8 months
Do you think Pete's loyalty was lowered after learning Korn faked his death? Not only was it very horrible for his sons to experience but also a very brutal tactic to lure Gun into a major family home. Gun knew he was capable of this but still decided to attack. Did he knew about Namphueng? In the series it was shown that he was pretty surprised seeing her alive, so I wonder if you made more changes here. Also I'm curious if you decided who killed Porsche's parents (dad) which was left open ended in the series (no need to answer if it's too much of a spoiler 😅).
About the rings.. Are there only two, rings for minor and major family? If so how did Vegas have it, wasn't he only an heir unlike Kinn? If there were more rings it would make sense but I'm not sure which path you took. I've read some fics where there are more than one for each family.
In terms of Pete's loyalty he must have some negative emotions towards Kinn and Korn. I think he was ready to kill Gun anyway.
In the series Porsche takes the ring because they took it from Gun's dead body (which btw ew 💀).
I wonder if in their universe having the ring is like having a holy stick to all the power or is it more like a formality. This is nice because I've never read this kind of thing happening. Mostly it stayed with Vegas. If he was ready to die did he think Pete would rule the minor family? Or maybe he knew he would survive anyway and it was the safest place to keep it. I mean, I really like how you made it because even if the rings are not holy sticks it still holds a lot of meaning for them all. Which is insane!!
Obviously I have my own ideal ending but it requires one more person dead 👀
Considering it will take months for Vegas to recover - do you plan on doing any time skips? Or just the usual day to day or week narrative?
Please don't feel pressured into answering all of these. It's just my mind keeps wondering while I wait for my bus home from work 😅
I'm still in awe of all planning and world building. How it all makes sense. Not that I'm looking for loop holes 😅 it just shows the awesome skill you have!
Take care and happy Halloween 🙏❤️
hey there!!! i actually don't think that necessarily??? in my mind, even though pete knows he's loyal to the main family i can see him actually applying that loyalty to the specific people he actually deals with instead i.e, kinn, tankhun, chan. i think with his upbringing he would find it difficult to blindly put his trust into korn, a man who hes barely spoken to and hardly interacts with at all. so while yes he was disgusted with what korn did in terms of hurting his own family it didnt necessarily lower his feelings of loyalty because they werent particularly directed at korn in the first place??? if that makes sense. i think his loyalty took a much worse hit when he returned from the safehouse and kinn treated him badly after everything hed sacrificed.
hmm i dont actually think he did know about namphueng being alive? he defs didnt trust korn though he wasnt necessarily certain that hed faked his death either. but the coup was absolutely motivated by namphueng and how that situation was handled- it was less about the minor family feeling slighted like hed told vegas and always drilled into him, and more about how his obsession with nampheung meant that he could never let his resentment go until korn was out of the picture and hed honoured her even in death. but we also know that he never takes responsibility for his actions so of course he would blame korn for everything regardless of who was actually responsible.
i dont particularly have any interest in which one of them actually killed her husband tbh? i find its a good summation of their characters in the fact that you couldnt really trust either at their word and wed never quite know for certain who did it regardless of what they say
in my head there are two family rings and vegas only had it because that was his father's reward for the coup, like his coming of age moment was his father finally acknowledging him as a successor (and it was the only way he could sweeten the deal when vegas started to show reluctance for the coup because of pete. so his father threw in the two things he desperately wants, ceremonial acknowledgement of his power and place in the family, and a guarantee that he wont get any resistance from his father about his relationship with pete) so although things are still going to follow the show i.e korn promoting porsche to the head of the family (as a punishment to vegas and a way to try and keep pete from gaining power and authority) porsche still aint getting that ring (sorry porsche!) not because pete wouldnt give it if porsche asked but because of the messiness of the situation, porsche doesn't ask. doesnt actually want it.
haha holy stick of power lol but yeah kinda?? i take it as whoever wears the ring is the head of that family or is set to be the successor/is temporarily acting as the head (in the event of someone else being ill like korn was at the beginning when kinn took over)
so yes vegas was showing how seriously he values pete and i think hes also aware that pete would still treat his men decently in spite of their history and get them out alive so when he knew there was a likelihood of his own death he was both passing it on to pete and also knowing hed keep it safe (and maybe trusting hed give it to the right person if pete didnt end up wanting the responsibility himself). but not only that the ring also holds a very significant power for vegas, its a symbol of everything that he wants in life so for him to give it to pete even when he still chose in that moment to abandon him that was his way of signaling to pete his importance even in spite of vegas' actions. it was a very definite way of say i love you and i value you and thats exactly what pete picked up on when he realised what vegas had given him. and thats why he was thinking 'of course vegas has to give two answers'
yeah lol i kinda want korn dead for real too but we shall see if that actually comes to fruition in the story! hmm not too sure about the time jumps as of yet but i am going to focus on the current events following the aftermath because those will be important to the story itself. there will be a time skip of sorts because we should be shifting over into vegas POV in the next chap ish and thats going to take some time because he'll be seriously out of it on pain medication so hes not going to be entirely lucid for a while. the rest i am making it up as i go along so i will predict there will likely be time skips? will just have to see how it all fits really
oh no not at all!! i do like answering these questions and having a think about it i dont feel pressured :) hahahahahh thank you so much that's really nice!
happy halloween to you too!!
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
can u write headcanons how the Lis characters would comfort u after u have just been stood up by your "best friends" on your birthday because they wanted to get their stuff because they were supposed to sleep at ur house but they didnt came back?
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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 - Chloe, Rachel, Victoria, Nathan, Kate 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, semi-angst, fluff, sad reader at parts, more fluff, name calling (mostly me to ur friends), fluff
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - screw them, i bet you're awesome and super swag and you deserve much better friends because they obviously can't handle your super cool prescence. there's always more fish in the sea, don't take the poisonous ones home take care hon <3
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☆ 𝐂𝐡𝐥𝐨𝐞 - Ooo, she might commit a crime, but for better judgement decides not to. So instead, she's ready to rumble. Karoke, dance party, snacks, baking and laughing. All of your favorite movies ready to go and even TV shows if you want.
Chloe would do anything for you. You want something to do, tell her. She would absolutely do it, even if she hated it. Chloe would hold back every complaint because you were smiling, and looking at her with glee. And not remembering the shitbirds who left.
Because who needs them? They're obviously not good friends, she's your friend and there's a million more out there. So screw them, it's time to go to the convenience store to get your favorite snack so that you can watch your favorite movies and TV shows with her until the sun rises.
And probably piss off a few neighbors with your spontaneous karaoke party Chloe hosted to get you laughing.
☆ 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 - Ready to get the hell out of there. You both sneak out on a long drive, she doesn't care where and doesn't 'borrowing' her or your care even one of your parents cars to do it.
You guys just drive, every fast food place becomes your victim, eating random shit you've never tried from the dollar menu. She will pay for you, she does not care how much you argue.
It's your birthday, and even when you guys get back and tumble back into the house, laughing trying to stay quiet. She's ready to do whatever you want. Any show or movie, any game or stupid activity like playing charades while trying to stay quiet but it being almost impossible.
She believes the best comeback is showing them how unbothered you are about them leaving. Bye bye bitches, Rachel could care less about your presence because yours... yours is one to pay attention to.
Also, yes, your friends regret everything because Rachel shows no mercy.
☆ 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 - Ooo, they better be ready to apologize. Victoria Chase will reign terror. But for now, she's on a mission to make you smile and have a good night. It's spa night baby, with your favorite things set out that she'd already planned to do when just you and her hung out the next day.
But you're doing it now, not that she isn't happy to spend time with you. She loves you with all her heart. But Victoria wanted your plans to go your way, but now she's here to save the day.
Watching every show and movie you love, even if she minds them incredibly stupid or just not interesting. Definitely makes you do a facemask with you and posts tons of pictures to make sure your 'friends' know that you still had a good time.
Also makes sure that you get enough sleep for all the activities and fun things she had planned. So F them, Victoria Chase is always the better choice.
☆ 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 - FURIOUS. He already didn't really care or like your friends. But seeing you sad really makes him mad, especially on your birthday. So, he does everything for you, waiting on you hand and foot.
Massages, dumb pictures, facemasks, terrible singing, a very aggressive game of truth or dare that distracts you after he drinks a very gross concoction. Your laughing your ass off at his jokes about those baboons who thought they would have a better night then you.
Even posts some cute pictures of you, an the very expensive present he made sure not to forget to flaunt.
☆ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 - Feels terrible. She's so upset for you, probably more so seeing your sad face. Get ready to get the hugs and kisses of your life because Kate isn't letting you go.
Comfort movie already on the TV along with her freshly baked cookies you both made to distract you, music playing in the background making her laugh while you spun her around.
By the end of it, those dickweasels have been forgotten because you've got Kate Marsh reading to you in funny voices while some weird movie you found plays on the TV.
By the way, Kate is hilarious while pretending to me someone opposite of her personality. She's quite the actress.
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yappinggggg · 1 month
Wanted to share my thoughts on who everything did stuff wrong and why :>
(I havent finished the novel just yet so there might be some errors)
Also: Spoiler warning
The count and countness:
Their intentions were right but what they did wasn't really right. I mean- i understand completely that they didnt want harm Deon and all... but come on- Deon didnt even know about any of that. They could have sat him down- or written him a letter- and explain why they treated him differently than Cruel. Or maybe shown that they cared in a bit more obvious way? Of course no parent is perfect but i think they really messed it up while they could have still saved Deon somewhat
Duke Illuster:
This man is unfixable. What he did was so- idk how to put it into words. His greed alone was the reason Deon even got involved with the demon king, emperor and the war. Dude could have done something else but he seems to desperately want some powers fast. He should be tortured the same way Deon was - he should feel what its like to be in Deons position. (He wouldnt feel it exactly like Deon but somehow grasp it)
Next on to Nemeseus:
I really dislike him and ill explain why.
First of all: he simply blamed poor Deon for giving himself a split personality- like dude? He was a CHILD- what did u expect? He wanted to live and that was the only way he managed to survive!
Second: he only tried stepping in to check up on Deon when it was too late- u saw him the whole time. U witnessed what he saw and did on the battlefield- and u feel that u have the right to judge Deon?
Third: he called a broken child a monster(i mean Deon here)- what did this man expect Deon to do? He wanted to live- can u blame him for choosing this?
I think what showed the most how f***ed up this man is is that he killed all his siblings because of something he didnt even verify if that was true. He had the ability to do that- even if he was mad and blinded by emotions at the time- there was a better way.
Theres also the part where he actively manipulates Deon and gaslights him but i dont think i need to say much to this- we all saw what he did :>
The princess and prince:(yes,they get included)
The fact that they decided to just accept what their uncle did and forgive him is pretty messed up, if u ask me. Sure- family is family, but come on guys. He killed ur parents even when he didnt know if he was right fully killing them.
And they decided to just- help him with his plans? Support the things he did to Deon?
Not only support: they actively tried hard themselves to manipulate Deon
Of course: they are still young and so on but i think they could certainly have made a better decsion.
But i cant really blame them for choosing to stay and support their uncle- afterall they only had him and themselves. They also probably wouldnt have lasted long either if they hadnt accepted their uncles offer. Their chances of living a good life would literally drop down so much
Demon king (cant leave our toxic king out of this):
This man is a demon so he obviously is known to be cruel and so on.
Also since he had lived for for a thousand years so he is obviously bored to death- and he doesnt care about life anyway so why would he start caring for Deon? And why would he care about the fact that he ruined Deons life?(at least took part in it)
Edit: adding to the dk
So i found out that he actually cared for Deon....
Like what :D THATS NOT HOW U TREAT THE PERSON U LIKE but he was nice to Deon most of the time so he may get forgiven (lmao)
[Sorry,i dont know much about the demon king right now so i cant say much about him ):>]
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f0point5 · 2 months
Okay this is raging but my thoughts on max f, initially seemed really sweet, came across as a nice guy, vibes, cool, until I started watching more quadrant videos (no longer cause most of the "team" are raging hypocrites and slightly cuntish) and he just never seems happy, like he has a job and dudes not happy, yes we can all have jobs and not be happy but I don't doubt for one second that lando didnt go how can i get my mate a job and wack him into quadrant. He just seems to sit on his ass all day. (I feel real bad for even saying any of this) Cause let's be real what does Max have going for him. No real education, focused purely on racing, stopped racing, now is a streamer that doesnt rake in that much... Obviously from the outside it looks like he purely does quadrant and hey maybe he does have another job, but outside it looks like he does quadrant and streaming only. It's not like he's pulling big streaming numbers anyway... getting back on track, he just never seems thrilled to be there, annoyed and pissed off... we all have off days (I feel mean even bad mouthing a guy I don't know but I gotta get over it) but he just seems like a prick. Then I saw some things of him and his gf and she seems like a piece of work tbh always snotty and rude, kinda up herself when at the end of the day she ain't dating anyone relevant he's the side guy to lando norris and still there are other side guys who are more famous after meeting lando and within the f1 circus. I've read some questionable things about him and people bring up questionable things, but it seems alot of him living and clout chasing lando... hell dude lived with him while he was still uk based and then loved back home to the parents. Honestly he's got nothing going for him. Nothing. He could have easily turned from being a f2/f3 driver into something more even if he wasn't driving, commentary, idk something but he just isn't motivated.
Overall, clout chaser who always has to mention lando and only super fans actually like and support his twitch account, gf is up herself and honestly he's punching above his weight cause let's be real she may seem like a royal bitch but she's gorgeous and he's average. He's nothing without lando.
(Omg I literally feel terrible cause he could be going through things but at what point do you just step away and be behind the scenes and work on whatevers going on if anything is, it's not like he doesn't have the time or money to do so)
I haven’t watched enough content to comment on his mood ngl. But I do agree that it drives me a bit nuts when people are being miserable in content. Only because, this is 1. Your job. You don’t have to be happy all the time but when you’re at work a certain attitude is expected even if it’s fake and 2. Something you can film at any time. If you’re having such a bad day that you can’t act chill for a couple of hours, stay off the stream, film the video next week, take care of your mental health. But don’t come on the internet and be annoying.
On the other hand, we don’t know what the guy does all day in terms of work. Quadrant seems like it would be a pretty full time job with all the avenues they have. And even if he does sit on his ass all day, that’s literally fine if he can afford it.
I give anyone who has to deal with a camera being shoved in their face an incredible amount of grace and a bit of a license to be a bitch because I would not be any kinder to strangers stopping my boyfriend in the street. Sorry to fans who do that but if I were famous or famous-adjacent I would hate it. So I’m not surprised that the energy they get towards people is a bit standoffish. The girl could be a nightmare, I don’t know her, but I won’t judge her based on fan interactions.
That said, her and Max give me… “habibi come to dubai” type vibes. And this is no shade to anyoneee in that scenario because I know those girls, I’ve been those girls, I am friends with those guys. Consenting adults can do whatever. But that is the vibe I get from them, so idk how much Max is making at quadrant 😂
Yeah, I don’t know enough about these people to offer any further thoughts
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