#his voice. he sounds like he's always about to cry (i'm not mocking him. that's also relatable)
shythalia · 7 months
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Riot Games finally making a relatable champion. 👌🏼
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inkskinned · 8 months
what is with men being mad any time a woman raises her voice where did that even come from. someone posted a video of a small electrical explosion, and the top comment was of course the woman screams. the second comment is women try not to scream challenge, level impossible. i had to go back and watch the video again. there is, somewhat fainty, a little gasp emitted off-camera, more of a yelp than a scream. it is mostly lost in the crack of the explosion. afterwards, you hear her voice, shaken, say, are you okay?
i am helping one of my friends train her voice pitch lower, because she wants to be taken seriously at work. she and i do each other's nails and talk about gender roles; and how - due to our appearance - neither of us have ever been able to be "hysterical" in public. we both appear young and sweet and feminine. she is cisgender, and cannot use her natural voice in her profession because people keep saying she appears to be "vapid". we both try to figure out if our purposeful voice lowering is technically sexist. is it promoting something when you are a victim to it?
a storm almost sends a pole through a car window. in the dashcam, you can hear the woman passenger say her partner's name twice, crying out in alarm. she sounds terrified. in the comments, she is lambasted for her lack of calm. how is that even fucking helping?
in high school, i taught myself to have a lower voice. i had been recorded when i was genuinely (and righteously) upset; and i hated how my voice sounded on the phone speakers when it was played back. i was defending my mom, and my voice cracked with emotion. it meant i was no longer winning the argument: i was just shrieking about it.
girls meet each other after a long summer and let out a little joyful scream. this usually stops around 12-14, because people will not tolerate this display of affection (as it has the effect of being passingly annoying). something about the fact that little girls can't ever even be annoying. we are trained to examine each part of our lives (even joy) for anything that could make us upsetting and disgusting. they act like teenage girls are breaking into houses and shrieking you awake at 3 in the morning. speaking as a public school educator: trust me, it's not that bad, you can just roll your eyes and move on. it does not compare to the ways boys end up being annoying: slurs in graffiti, purposefully mocking your body, following you after you said no. you know, just boy things.
there's another video of a man who is not allowed to yell in the house, so he snaps his fingers when he's excited about soccer. the comments are full of angry men, talking about how their brother is unfairly caged. let him express himself and this is terrible to do to someone. eventually the couple has to address it in a second video: they are married with a newborn baby. he was trying not to wake the infant up. there is no comment on the fact women are not allowed to yell indoors. or the fact that it could have been really alarming or triggering for his wife. sometimes i wonder if straight men even like women, if they even enjoy being in relationships with them.
for the longest time, i hated roller coasters because it always felt inappropriate and uncomfortable for me to scream. one of my friends called me on it, said it was unusual i'm so unwilling. i had to go to my therapist about it. i don't like to scream because i was not raised in a safe situation, and raising my voice would have brought unsafe attention towards me. even when i am supposed to scream, it feels shameful, guilty. i was not treated kindly, so i lack a basic form of self-protection. this is not a natural response. it is not good that in a situation of high adrenaline - i shut up about it.
something very bad is happening, i think. in between all the beauty standards and the stuff i've already discussed - this one feels new and cruel in a way i can't quite express. yes, it's scary and silencing. but there's something about how direct it is - that so many men agree with the sentiment that women should never yell, even in an emergency - it feels different.
is the word shriek gendered automatically? how about shrill or screech? in self defense class, one of the first things they tell you is to yell, as loud and as shrilly as you can. they say it will feel rude. most women will not do this. you need to practice overcoming the social pressure and just scream.
most women do not cry out, even when it's bad. we do not report it. we walk faster. we do not make a scene. what would be the point of doing anything else? no matter what we do, we don't get taken seriously. it is a joke to them. an instagram caption punchline. we have to present ourselves as silent, beautiful, captivating - "valuable."
a woman is outside watching her kids when someone throws a firecracker at them. she screams and runs towards her children. in the comments, grown men flock together in the thousands: god. women are so annoying.
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bloodyhoon · 1 month
7 minutes in heaven.
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pairing: fuck boy! sim jake x female! reader.
genre: smut.
warnings: virgin reader, fuck boy jake is actually a gentleman, kissing, fingering, insecurity, mentions of crying, slight corruption kink. english is not my first language so there may be grammal or spelling errors.
words: 3.8K
note: i didn't plan for this to be so long wtf
part 2.
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The not-so-little get-together at your best friend's house had become interesting when someone suggested playing 7 minutes in heaven. Everything was calm, several couples had entered and left the small closet, some only came out laughing after the exact 7 minutes that had to pass and others came out somewhat disheveled and with their clothes out of place after more than 7 minutes locked up, clearly showing what they had done and earning shouts and whistles from those outside waiting. Your world came crashing down when the bottle spun and pointed at you on one side and Sim Jaeyun on the other, the hot best friend of the guy your best friend was fooling around with. You all knew that he was a fuck boy, very experienced when it came to girls and casual encounters, every girl who had passed through his bed would speak highly of the boy.
And then there was you, one day everyone just started believing that you were some kind of fuck girl because of a stupid rumor that started spreading at school, but that created a certain reputation for you that you liked so you didn't try to deny it and things simply got out of hand and suddenly everyone said they had sex with you. You personally were not bothered by those rumors because you and your close friends knew perfectly everything about you. And the reality was different, you were a simple virgin terrified of the idea of ​​being intimate with some idiot like the ones your best friend always talked to you about.
"Nice!" the voice of one of the girls in the group sounded over the laughter. "Jaeyun and Y/n, who would have thought? But I don't think it's their first time-"
"Actually it is, but I don't deny having waited for this moment" Jaeyun's voice was a little mocking. You looked up from the bottle in the center of the floor and met his smirk. You fought hard with yourself not to act flustered and blush at the attractive boy. After all, you had a reputation to uphold.
"Well, this game is already boring" Yena spoke with a fake yawn. She of course knew your true personality and your shyness, and she knew that you wouldn't dare be confined in such a small space with the boy. She also didn't want anyone to pressure you into it, so she knew she had to intervene. "Let's better play-"
"Come on, don't ruin the mood like that" the previous girl's voice sounded again. "They also seem very enthusiastic."
"I'm more than ready." Jaeyun leaned back leaning on his hands, waiting for you to deign to speak to him. When you looked at him again, he had one of his eyebrows slightly raised waiting for an answer from you. "Unless she backs down. Are you scared, Y/n?" Silence reigned in the place and everyone turned their heads quickly towards you, waiting for one of your strong sarcastic responses.
"Scared of what? I don't think you have much there that I have to deal with" you looked away, mainly so he wouldn't notice the nervousness in your eyes.
"Do you want to find out?" His tone of voice was provocative, forcing you to return his gaze. Everyone was waiting for your answer and you couldn't give them anything other than what they expected.
"Should I?" you smiled slightly at him. The other teenagers who were already quite drunk made some noises and provocative comments. Jaeyun stood up from his place with a sideways smile on his face and relaxedly putting his hands in his pockets, he pointed at the closet with his head. You sighed and stood up, but the arm of your best friend next to you stopped you, almost making you fall.
“What the hell are you doing, Y/n?” his panicked voice whispered to you, rising above the noises of the crowd. “Are you sure what you're about to do?”
"Damn it, no" you denied several times, closing your eyes. "What did you want me to do? I'd look like a coward-"
"And what are you going to do when you gets in there? He won't-"
"Y/n?" the boy's voice called to you, he was standing by the door of the closet that was for the game, looking bored. "Do you think we have all night? Although, you know I wouldn't mind." He winked at you.
"Okay, wish me luck" you walked away from your best friend showing a false confidence and walked towards the closet, entering with the boy walking behind you. You heard the door close and the sound of voices and laughter suddenly died away.
The space was small, with luck a person would enter next to the shelves full of clothes that were stored. There were some decorations and old toys that used to belong to Yena and her sister. Above the highest shelves, small Christmas lights hung that illuminated little creating a comfortable place. When you turned in your spot, Jaeyun's body leaned over yours and quickly analyzing your expression, he approached and kissed you. Your back hit one of the shelves and Jaeyun cornered you with his body, placing both hands on the sides of your head. Your heart began to beat quickly when his perfume flooded your nose and his lips devoured yours, practically forcing you to follow him, which didn't bother you at all. His lips were soft and had the taste of the sweet drink that everyone had been sharing earlier. His hands went to your waist, hugging you and taking you off the shelves, pressing your body to his. You relaxed a little in his arms when you noticed that he was just kissing and hugging you, and things weren't going to escalate. Or so you thought at the moment. The boy separated from your lips and his hands gently went down the sides of your body, positioning themselves on your hips.
"Do you really want to find out?" he murmured against your red and swollen lips. You didn't know what to answer and your heart continued to beat rapidly while the boy was still attached to your body. "Are you speechless already?" he let out a laugh. Your trembling hands rested on his shoulders and you looked into his dark eyes, which went from your lips to your eyes with deep desire. You let your impulsive thoughts win and you desperately attached your lips to his again, wanting to feel them on you again. He smiled in the middle of that kiss and brought his hands to your butt firmly. You were wearing a short skirt so one of his hands decided to go down the side and gently caressed your thigh, causing your skin to crawl. His lips were still glued to yours while his tongue and yours intertwined with each other. Your hands squeezed his shoulders tightly as his hand slowly began to move up the inside of your thigh.
"Jaeyun-" you broke the kiss and still with your eyes closed you tilted your head back. The boy took advantage of that movement, leaving a trail of kisses down your jaw to your neck, sucking gently and leaving a purple hickey. Nervousness took over your body and your heartbeat was erratic, you didn't know how to stop the situation that was beginning to get out of hand. You wanted to stop it because you didn't know how things would end, but you were embarrassed to separate him from you and that the boy would find out that you were nothing more than a stupid girl with a false personality. Your eyes filled with tears and a soft sob escaped your lips when his hand brushed your core over your underwear. He pulled away from your neck and looked at you ready to mock you when he heard you, but his expression disfigured when he noticed the nervousness in your body and your teary eyes.
"Y/n?" His hands gently grabbed your arms and he looked at you with concern. You shook your head and threw your head back, closing your eyes in shame. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?" His voice was soft, completely different from that flirtatious tone he used to have whenever he talked to a girl.
"I'm a fake" you whimpered, embarrassed. "I can't do this, I'm not ready" you denied several times. His brow was furrowed while listening to you, but still his hands caressed your arms trying to calm you down.
"Are you-" He thought about his words for a moment, you opened your eyes and looked into his eyes nervously. Your eyes had an innocent gleam that said everything your mouth didn't. His gaze completely scanned your body, which moved uncomfortably in his hands and he separated himself as much as he could from you, although the space was very small. "You're virgin" he didn't ask you, he stated it. He noticed it in your look, he noticed it in your reactions to his touch and the way you had hesitantly reciprocated when he kissed you without warning.
"I'm a liar, but I can't do anything about it, everything got out of hand" you shrugged and looked down at your hands intertwined in front of your skirt. "And this image they have of me gives me a certain... confidence in myself. A confidence that I never had" Jaeyun remained silent as he listened to you and you were dying of anxiety for whatever was next, whatever he was about to say, what would happen when you both got out of there and if he would laugh at you in your face and then tell everyone in the house. You heard him laugh and a knot formed in your stomach, but you snapped your head up when he approached you again and stroked your hair kindly.
"You're so cute" he shook his head several times, not believing the current situation and continued caressing you, forcing you to raise your head. He looked at you tenderly, his eyes with a shine that you had not seen before. The colorful but dim Christmas lights above his head flickered and gave him barely any illumination. It was a beautiful sight in your eyes because the boy was extremely attractive. "You have nothing to worry about, darling and you have nothing to be ashamed of either."
"Yena told me the same thing, but I can't help it, I feel stupid and now that you found out, I feel even stupider" you honestly wanted the earth to open up and swallow you. You didn't know how things would continue from now on, you didn't know what you would do or say when you came out, or what he would say or do too. You were completely nervous and scared, you felt like your teenage life had ended right there.
"Look at me Y/n" he asked you, placing a hand on your jaw and gently lifting your head. You looked him in the eyes again and waited for him to speak. Jaeyun looked at you for a few seconds and then smiled at you. "You can leave and I will make up some story without going into details, anyway it is not difficult to create a scenario with the things I would do with you, you are the hottest girl I have ever seen in my life, although now I can only see your real side that is so innocent and pure." He laughed when, under the dim lights above you, noticed your cheeks turning red. "Or also, you can stay and we can do something about it, give you something to show off and meet the expectations of those waiting for us out there. Also give you a little experience, what do you think? You choose, pretty." His hand rested on your cheek this time and with his thumb he brushed your lower lip.
If your heart was already beating rapidly, it was now out of control. You felt that your legs were shaking and you would fall right there because of nerves. You wanted to stay there with him and see what happened, your curiosity was great but your insecurity was even greater, you were inexperienced in the whole realm of intimacy and he was so experienced that you were embarrassed to do something wrong, but you longed for him to continue kissing you and touching you like no one had ever done before. Neither of you knew how much time had passed since you had entered the closet, but no one had knocked on the door so you didn't worry and continued on your own world. Jaeyun of course noticed how your head was going a mile an hour and caressed your cheek.
"Don't be afraid, if you say yes, we won't do anything you don't want to do and I'll stop when you ask me to" he assured you. He was trying to convince you, but only because he could see in your eyes the desire to stay with him and your body clinging to his involuntarily told him what your mouth didn't. He noticed that you didn't know how to say yes. "Can I kiss you?" he asked, waiting for your positive response. If you hesitated too much, he would simply back away and let you go.
"Please" you didn't try to hide the desperation in your voice that revealed how you wanted to feel his lips on yours again and he smiled sideways, nodding. He leaned over you and joined your mouths together, the kiss was gentle at first, a soft touch of lips testing ground. He brushed the hair from your face and tilted his face to the side, deepening the kiss as your mouths opened slightly and both tongues rubbed against each other. Your hands moved to his shoulders, drawing him closer to you to feel him pressed against your body. His hand went down the side of your body and grabbed your thigh, lifting your leg and positioning one of his legs between yours and lightly rubbing your crotch. It didn't make you uncomfortable, rather it caused shivers to run through your body. Jaeyun could feel your heart pounding against your chest and that also made his heartbeat quicken as he separated from your lips.
"Can I touch you?" The question left his lips like a sigh and you just nodded. "Use your words, baby."
"Yes, touch me" your voice was muffled as you once again felt shame take over your body, but he gave you a short kiss on your lips and smiled tenderly at you. He didn't want to be too intrusive, so his hand slowly entered the bottom of your blouse and caressed your waist, going up with caution and aware of each of your reactions, and brushed the lower part of your breasts. You had skin bristling and your body cold with nerves contrasted against his warm touch as you clung to his shoulders with slightly trembling hands.
"Calm down" he murmured against your lips. "Do you want me to stop?"
"No, no" you sighed and denied, convinced. He nodded again and cupped your breast in his hand, feeling your hard nipple underneath your bra. Your legs closed involuntarily and pressed his leg that kept them apart, he lowered his gaze and let out a mocking laugh.
"It seems like you want me to touch another part of you" his tone was mocking, but actually he was still analyzing each of your reactions and he didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed, he just wanted to play with you a little. "Do you want me to touch you there?"
"Yes, please" you responded quickly, your eyes squeezing shut to avoid his gaze. Your reactions drove him crazy, the way you moved desperately in your place and your cheeks were flushed waiting for his touch, how you asked please for everything.
"Just tell me if you want me to stop." he warned you. "Spread your legs a little, princess" you obeyed him and he undoubtedly brought his hand between your legs, caressing the inside of your thighs making you hold your breath as his hand began to go up to your crotch. "Breathe, baby" he giggled and you nodded too, laughing out of nerves. Jaeyun felt calm when he heard you laugh and regularize your breathing, noticing that you were nervous but comfortable with his touch, so with his fingers he touched your pussy over your soaked underwear. His eyes widened with some surprise and his breath caught in his throat. "Damn, why are you so wet?" he felt as if electricity ran through his body and was going to stop straight at his cock. He swallowed hard and focused on you.
"I-" a lump formed in your throat, you were so embarrassed you felt like you were going to cry and he noticed.
"Sh, don't worry" he assured you, with his free hand he caressed your face and kissed your cheek. "This is so hot. The way your body reacted to just a couple of my touches and how much you want me to touch you but your pretty little mouth doesn't dare say it" he left a peck on your lips. "But don't worry beautiful, I will become an expert in your body language." You felt like your heart was going to explode in your chest at his words, his voice and the way he said each sentence while his hand played with the elastic of your underwear. "Excuse me, I'm going to take this off" you nodded and he crouched down in front of you sliding your underwear down your legs, his fingers brushing your skin making it crawl. You didn't know where your underwear was after he stood up again and in front of you because your eyes were squeezed shut. "Open your eyes, Y/n" he asked, you took a deep breath and obeyed him. His eyes had a mischievous gleam as his lower lip was trapped between his teeth, looking at you with lust. He spread your thighs further, forcing you to open your legs a little more and his hand went to your crotch, sliding his fingers easily along the length of your pussy. You pressed your lips tightly, the shock your body gave from the wave of pleasure that grew in you as he caressed you. "It feels good?"
"Mhm" you nodded quickly and pressed your head against the shelves behind you, holding yourself tightly to his body.
"Don't hold back darling, I want to hear you" his fingers moved slowly but rhythmically in your core spreading all your fluids. "Let me hear how good you feel, don't worry about those outside, they must be drunk already and involved in another stupid game again to remember that we are here. Come on, moan for me." his fingertips probed your entrance and his middle finger slowly slid inside you. You couldn't stifle the moan that escaped your lips at the sudden intrusion, you felt strange but it was a pleasant sensation. It's not like you haven't touched yourself before, but his hands and fingers were clearly bigger than yours so it felt different. His fingers moved slowly inside you and you squirmed in place, digging your nails into his shoulders, thankful that he had his shirt on so you wouldn't hurt him, although he wouldn't mind at all.
“Keep going, please” you begged. He slid another finger inside you and your walls clenched as his fingers curled inside you, touching a specific spot that made your body shiver. “It feels good, Jaeyun.” When his name left your lips he felt his cock jerk and he thrust his fingers in and out of you, taking a faster pace inside your tight walls. You continued moaning loudly and this time you looked into his eyes, your eyes had tears and he didn't know if they were from pleasure or pain, so he stopped his movements.
"Relax, pretty" he caressed your face again and again slowly, you nodded and sighed. You both stayed still for a moment, you breathing heavily and him spreading kisses across your face to calm you down.
"Keep going Jaeyun" he put his fingers in you again and this time with his thumb he reached your clit, rubbing it in circles. Your mouth opened and your legs trembled from the strong shock of pleasure that your entire body received. "Oh God-"
"Feels good? Do you like it?"
"Yes, yes. Please" your eyes almost rolled back and your hips moved involuntarily to the rhythm of his hand and he knew you were close to your orgasm. "Don't stop."
"Whatever you ask for, princess" he continued fucking you with his fingers and playing with your clit quickly while in contrast his other hand gently removed the fine hair that fell on your pretty blushing face. "Are you going to cum?"
"Yes!" you almost screamed in pleasure and his fingers tightened in you, your body felt the wave of pleasure explode inside you as your head spun, your legs weakened and Jaeyun wrapped his arm around your waist to hold you tightly as his hand on your pussy slowed down their movements once your body relaxed. Your head fell against his shoulder and he rubbed your back, hugging you to him. "That was incredible" your voice sounded exhausted and you felt his body shake as he laughed. "Thank you" you murmured, separating yourself from him and meeting his dark gaze. Your eyes widened in panic and you stifled a gasp when he brought his fingers glistening with your fluids to his lips and inserted them into his mouth, cleaning them completely with his tongue.
"So sweet" a half smile adorned his face as your cheeks turned even redder. You didn't know where you got the courage from, but you put a hand on the back of his neck and pressed your lips to his, surprising him and causing him to moan that ended up lost between both mouths, while you could faintly feel a hint of the taste of your fluids on his tongue. He separated from you before everything got out of control again and looked at you from head to toe, adjusting your clothes and your hair so you can come out decent.
"M-my underwear?" you asked shyly, feeling very obviously that something was missing under your skirt.
"Ah, no" he shook his head. "It doesn't belong to you anymore, darling." You blinked in shock and then let out a laugh. Your gaze moved down his body and you noticed the very noticeable bulge in his pants.
“Oh, you-” he followed your gaze."Should I-"
"No. Don't worry" he reassured you."The important thing here is that you enjoyed yourself."
"But- I really want to do something about it" you were still shy and he couldn't believe it since minutes before he had his fingers buried inside your pussy and you had ended up trembling in his arms. He also couldn't believe how before entering that closet you had that arrogant look and your head held high, showing yourself confident and having everyone at your feet only to turn out to be all just a facade that hid a shy Y/n completely terrified of everything. Jaeyun definitely wanted to keep seeing those innocent eyes filling with tears from the pleasure your body had never experienced.
"Next time we will do something about it, rest assured" he winked at you and took your hand, you just nodded and followed him when he opened the door and you both left the closet -who knows how long later- and were greeted with extremely out-of-character comments from your friends.
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I feel like this deserves a second part or I just feel like writing even more idk
send me request for zb1, enhypen and stray kids.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 8 months
🎃 Good doggy
Begging CW: Stepping, Dom!Reader with whiny, sub!male
(Reader) looked down at the man on his hands and knees before them with mock disgust. They had to bite the inside of their cheek to prevent themselves from smiling at the pitiful little man kissing their foot while crying. They had known for a long time that their neighbor had been watching them, breaking into their apartment to steal their underwear and play with himself on their bed, but they never said anything. It was cute, the way he smiled so shyly at them, pulling at his pants to try to hide his boner from them.
They had waited in hiding, deciding it was finally time to catch him in the act. But it was so difficult pretending to be angry with him when seeing him whine on the floor was turning (Reader) on.
"What did you think was going to happen, Jackson?" (Reader) snarled, praying that they weren't blushing. He flinched, accidentally squeezing (Reader's) foot.
"I-I just-" He stuttered through his weeping, rubbing the foot on his cheek. "I'm so sorry!"
This was better than (Reader) could have hoped for. "Hmmm... I don't think you are." They heaved a deep sigh, turning their head away from him.
"What?" Large teary green eyes looked up at (Reader) pleading. "I am! I am sorry!"
"Sorry for what?" They kicked him back lightly, watching with glee as he fell onto his ass, exposing the tent in his pants. Jackson yelped, trying to cover himself in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry for breaking into your apartment!"
(Reader) fought to hold back a smirk as they pressed their bare foot past his hands and onto his erection. "Is that all you're sorry for? You're not sorry for being a pathetic little pervert?"
His thighs jolted under (Reader's) sole, bucking ever so slightly into their touch. "I'm- I'm sorry for being a pervert!"
The pressure grew heavier as (Reader) leaned more of their weight forward, rubbing his shaft through his pants. "I don't think you are... I think you like this."
(Reader) removed their foot, making the wreck cry harder. "I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" They ignored him, sitting on their bed as he crawled over towards them, eyes continuously flickering towards (Reader's) crotch. "Please forgive me!"
From their new position, (Reader) couldn't hold back their joy any longer, touching his dick so softly with their toes that he whimpered, shuffling even closer to grind (Reader's) foot into his pants. "Do you like this? You perv?"
"Yes!" His words were almost unintelligible through his panting.
"Hmmm." (Reader) pretending to think while stroking his cock. "You know, I've always wanted a dog.. maybe if you ask me really nicely, I'll consider taking you in."
Jackson gasped, smiling stupidly up at (Reader) "Please! Please make me your dog! I'll be a good boy for you, please I'll do such a good job!"
(Reader) added pressure, rubbing faster as Jackson's panting became uneven. "I don't know... doesn't sound like you really want it."
"No! I want it, please, please make me your dog, I want to be your dog, please!" He grabbed their leg with both hands, licking their knee as he grew closer to his climax.
"Pfft! Ew! Are you about to cum? Are you going to jizz on my foot, just from me stepping on your dick?" (Reader) loudly teased, raising their voice as he shrunk in shame, but they still kept their foot moving against his cock.
"I'm sorry! Yes, I'm gonna- I'm gonna-!" He couldn't finish, eyes fluttering shut as he came. (Reader) revelled in feeling his warm fluid through his pants, dampening their foot.
Jackson looked worried, sad that he came so quickly. He finally got (Reader's) attention but he ruined it by climaxing too early! But when he finally got the courage to look up at (Reader's) face, he was shocked to see a deep blush across their content smile, causing his love stricken heart to hammer in his chest so hard he thought it was going to burst.
"Good doggy..."
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ashwhowrites · 2 months
Can I request an Billy x reader x Eddie fic where either the three of them fight and then make up or Billy made Reader cry and Eddie got mad at him, and he then fixes it? I would love to see more of Mungrove x reader!
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it!! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻Mungrove is getting very fun
2 boyfriends but 1 girlfriend
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If there was anything that was a promise when dating Billy Hargrove, it was jealousy. Billy was popular with everyone. The boys idolized him, and the girls crawled at his feet. Billy was a loyal partner, Eddie and Y/N knew that. But Billy never was shy from the attention on him. He loved it. He loved being chased and all the girls swooning at his feet.
It didn't really bother Eddie. Eddie was never bothered by much, he shrugged everything off and moved on. He and Billy barely ever fought about it. But Y/N? She couldn't just shrug it off. It bothered her all the way into her skin and bones. Billy never saw the issue as it wasn't like he cheated. But to Y/N, being involved in flirting felt like cheating.
Saturday night meant date night. It turned out that having to compare three schedules was difficult. Billy always had basketball practice after school, Eddie had his campaign and band practice, and then Fridays were basketball games and singing gigs. But they all vowed that Saturdays would be their day.
It was late May and the weather was getting hot. Billy wanted to take a road trip off to the beach, so they did. The drive didn't feel that long once they pulled into the parking lot.
"We'll go grab a spot, and you unpack the car," Eddie said as he grabbed Y/N's hand. They ran through the hot sand and threw down their towels.
Y/N was basking in the sun as Eddie took dives in the water. She laughed behind her sunglasses as Eddie tried to do tricks for a rating. Usually, Billy would be with Eddie, both boys trying to one-up each other.
"I'M GONNA CHECK ON BILLY, DON'T DROWN," Y/N yelled as she stood up. Eddie gave her a thumbs-up before diving into the water once again. That boy loved to be in the water.
Y/N put on her sandals and began to walk towards the parking lot. She wasn't sure what took Billy so long, but she had a good feeling of why once she caught Billy with his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and his pearly whites on display.
Y/N walked up slowly, hearing Karen Wheeler flirting with her boyfriend. Billy was leaning close to her, making her laugh.
"Um, babe? You need any help with the stuff?" Y/N asked, she didn't want to sound rude or bitchy. She was more nervous and uncomfortable with the tight feeling in her stomach.
"Got it all handled, sweetie," Billy said, popping his gum. He didn't bother to look behind him at her, his eyes on Karen only.
"Eddie is starting his tricks and waiting for his competition." Y/N hinted she hoped he'd care enough to look at her this time.
"I'll be there in a minute," Billy said, his tone a little angry. Y/N gulped, she did not want to make him mad but she wanted time with her boyfriend.
"Will you be done soon? We've been here for thirty minutes and you know Saturday is o-" But Billy cut her off. He whipped around and his icy blue eyes glared at her.
"I said in a minute. I'm in the middle of a conversation, we have the whole godamn day for you to be on my ass." He snapped, and Y/N nodded. She bit her lip as she felt it tremble. Billy turned back to Karen and Y/N began to walk away. She sniffled as she tried to keep her tears back.
"Clingy one I see," Karen mocked, Billy let out a big laugh.
"You've got no idea."
Eddie was back on his towel when Y/N made it back, without Billy.
"Hey sweets, where's Billy? Does he need my help?" Eddie asked, pushing his sunglasses into his hair. He squinted as he looked over at Y/N.
"No, he's fine," Y/N said, her voice shaky as she sat on her towel.
Eddie frowned hearing her voice, he was quick to move his towel right next to her. His wet body against hers as he threw his arm over her shoulder.
"What's wrong?" Eddie asked, he saw his reflection in her sunglasses as she turned to look at him.
"He's too busy to join us because of Karen Wheeler." Y/N sighed, but Eddie knew there was more.
"I'm sorry he's being a dick," Eddie said, his lips pressed against her shoulder.
"Do you think I'm...clingy?" Y/N asked, she pushed her sunglasses into her hair as she looked into Eddie's eyes. His frown deepened as he saw her watery eyes.
"Not at all! Why do you ask?"
"Karen made a comment about it, and Billy laughed and agreed. It hurts when he flirts with every girl that breathes. It makes me insecure. Why am I not pretty enough to keep him from looking at other girls? He never looks at other guys." Y/N ranted, salty tears ran down her cheek.
"Oh, darling. I can't make an excuse for his dumb actions. But I promise you, you are enough. You are pretty enough, smart enough, funny enough, and everything more." Eddie said softly, he wiped away her tears.
"I'm going to swim for a bit." Y/N said, she gave Eddie a soft kiss then left to head into the water.
Eddie flicked down his sunglasses and went right after Billy.
Just like Y/N said, Billy was talking to Karen without a care in the world. Eddie walked up to the car and grabbed a water bottle out of the cooler.
He cut in between Karen and Billy. His back to Billy as he glared at Karen through his sunglasses. He handed her the water with a smirk. "Since you are so thirsty, here's water. Now beat it."
Billy chuckled from behind Eddie as Karen walked away.
"My oh my, someone is hot when they are jealous." Billy teased. Eddie turned around and flicked Billy in the forehead.
"I'm not jealous. I'm pissed off at your attitude towards Y/N." Eddie argued.
"I didn't have an attitude. I asked her to give me a minute." Billy defended. He finally grabbed the stuff from the car and began walking towards the beach.
"I don't give a shit if you asked. You ditched us on our date so you could talk with gross Mrs. Wheeler. You know I don't care about flirting because I know who's dick you'll be sucking on. But it's different with Y/N. She gets insecure and you make her upset." Eddie explained, helping his boyfriend carry everything down into the sand.
"Why is her being insecure my fault? We all knew I was popular with the ladies." Billy scoffed.
Eddie waited until Billy dropped everything on the sand before he punched his arm.
"What the hell!" Billy growled as he rubbed the sore spot.
"It's your fault because she doesn't think she's pretty enough to keep your eyes on just her. News flash Hargrove, if you want to soak in all the attention from the "ladies" then don't be in a relationship." Eddie said, another punch at Billy's other arm.
"DAMMIT!" Billy yelled as he felt another bruise forming.
"That's for making her cry. If you don't see what I see in her, then maybe she isn't meant to be yours, just mine." Eddie glared.
"What? You are gonna take her from me?" Billy questioned. He had to admit, the thought made his stomach hurt.
"No, but I'm going to stop trying to make you a good guy."
Billy sighed as he walked into the water. His eyes take in the gorgeous girlfriend of his. Her warm skin and the bright color of her bikini. Water dropped down her hair and created droplets that ran down her back.
She didn't turn around and he kept walking closer. Once he reached her he wrapped his arms around her waist.
His mouth was against her ear, as his chin rested on her shoulder. Her skin was warm from the sun.
"I talked to Eddie. And I'm really sorry I upset you." Billy said softly, he squeezed her body as the waves brushed against his legs.
"It's whatever, Billy. I'll get over it like I always do." Y/N sighed. She groaned when Billy turned her around, now face to face as she held back her tears.
"No, I mean it this time. I'm done with the games and the flirting. Eddie and I don't see it as a big deal, but it means something to you. It hurts you and makes you question yourself. Which I never want you to do. I've been a dick and not appreciating you the way I should be. I'm incredibly lucky to have you as a girlfriend. " Billy kissed her neck, and she tried not to melt.
"My sexy and gorgeous girlfriend," more kisses, "who puts up with me when she shouldn't have to," more kisses, "loves me when I don't deserve it," more kisses, "and truly the only woman I'll ever love." The final kiss landed on her lips and she happily kissed back. Her arms were thrown over his shoulders as his tongue moved inside her mouth.
"Can you forgive me?" Billy whispered against her lips. His blue eyes were nervous and guilty.
"Yes but I swear you flirt with one more girl and I'm going to have Eddie truly kick your ass."
"He wishes, baby." Billy chuckled before kissing her again. His hands landed on her ass as his tongue entered her mouth once again.
"Great. Now I got a hard on." Eddie groaned as he used Billy's towel to cover his swim shorts.
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chosok-amo · 6 months
i dare you, ryomen sukuna
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you want to break up with your boyfriend, ryomen sukuna, so he dares you to say that to his face
nswf! sukuna x reader, slut, whore mentioned, chocked, over-stimulated reader
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You nervously leaned against the pantry table in your kitchen. One of your hands rested on your other hand which was curled over your stomach— you bit your nails. Your eyes focused on the flat object on the table in front of you. Many times you put your hand up to take the object but your intention was stopped a second later— you continued like that for a while until you finally decided to make up your mind. With a slight tremor, your finger presses something, producing a ringing sound.
sukuna :
yes, babydoll?
You were silent for a moment when you heard the deep voice of your lover, Ryomen Sukuna. Your guts suddenly shrink and your body fills with adrenaline. You bit your bottom lip and remained silent for a moment. Your head was spinning at what you had been thinking about the last few weeks. You no longer want to be in this toxic relationship. You were tired of fighting with Sukuna, spending your tears crying over him. You're tired of his big ego and his attitude. You're tired of your lover. So you sighed and made up your mind again.
you :
let's break up
Silence for a moment from across there. Your chest was pounding as you waited for a response from your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. You only heard Sukuna's heavy breathing before a mocking chuckle was heard. He's always like that, always never taking you seriously. He always chuckles, laughs mockingly and looks at you as if you are the stupidest and funniest person in the world.
sukuna :
say that to my face y/n, I fucking dare you
you :
I'm done with you, I want to break up
"Are you sure?"
You quickly raised your head when you heard Sukuna's voice only to find him standing not far across from you with a cell phone in his left hand pressed to his ear and in the other hand you could see several paper bags with well-known brands. He put his cell phone in the pocket of the trousers he was wearing and stepped closer. You pulled your lips straight as you lowered your phone and placed it on the pantry table. Sukuna was standing across from you— your bodies were blocked by a fairly large pantry table.
As usual, his pink hair was neatly styled, showing off his forehead. Tattoos adorn his handsome face which now looks expressionless. You corrected your posture and stood up straight. Your head is straight ahead looking at your lover confidently— at least try to look confident so that your lover knows that you mean it. But Sukuna can see you like an open book. He can read all your movements as if he had been studying you for decades.
“You know there's no breaking up in this relationship, y/n,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “I can't deal with you any longer, Sukuna. I'm tired of your bullshit,” you say. You looked at him lazily and crossed your arms in front of your chest. Sukuna raised an eyebrow as he looked at you. Slowly he stepped towards you and stopped when he was standing behind you. “If you are tired then take a nap,” he whispered into your ear from behind. His hands held your arms gently but firmly.
His skin touching yours sent a tingle of excitement and you held your breath as the heat from Sukuna's breath hit your bare neck. You gripped the pantry with both hands and closed your eyes as Sukuna pressed his lips to your shoulder. “N-no, I don't want to take a nap, I—” You try to move your body away from Sukuna who has now pushed the front of his body to the back of your body— until you can feel his bulge being pushed against your ass which is only covered in white lace underwear.
Before you had time to move away, Sukuna quickly cupped both of your breasts. You only wear a lilac crop top without a bra. Sukuna's big hands gently squeezed your breasts from under the t-shirt you were wearing. "What do you want baby? Tell me," he whispered in your ear in a low voice. A soft moan came out of your mouth as his two index fingers moved in circles on your protruding nipples. Sukuna knows all too well how that has always been your weakness. Your body leaned against Sukuna's hard-rock chest. With your eyes closed you stammered trying to answer, "I.. I want to- Ah!" You let out a small scream when Sukuna harshly pinched your nipple.
"What is it, sweetheart?"
You could feel him smirk at his tone. He sounded like he really enjoyed what he was doing to you. Sukuna's hands wildly played with your breasts and nipples— squeezing and pinching them. "Tell me, sweetheart. What do you want? I'm all ears," he teased as he licked behind your ear which succeeded in making your legs weaken and a delicious moan escaped your mouth. Hearing this, Sukuna grinned even more happily. You bit your bottom lip in hopes of holding back the moan that was forcing its way out. You moaned when Sukuna's hand slowly came down and pressed his finger firmly on your clitoris which was starting to swell.
"Already wet for me? You're such a slut, y/n, I barely touched you," he said. His long middle finger trailed across your folds, running them up and down. Sukuna's one hand was busy playing with your breasts while the other was busy with your pussy. You threw your head back, onto Sukuna's shoulder as he in gentle, sensual circular movements touched your clitoris, you felt very sensitive to his touch at the moment. Makes you unable to properly digest what is happening and you almost no longer remember what you said to your previous lover.
"Yes, my lady?"
Sukuna kissed your shoulders and neck alternately. He bites your neck in small pieces, sucks, and licks it until he leaves kiss marks everywhere. You know what he's doing— marking you, so you don't forget who you belong to. "Stop.. ah- Sukuna.. I want to—ah!" Sukuna didn't let you finish what you wanted to say as he quickly moved his finger on your pussy. Your body is filled with pleasures that only your boyfriend can give you.
“Talk to me, y/n,” he said, teasing you.
"I want to break up with you, for fuck sake!"
You took a sharp breath and tried to pull Sukuna's hand away from you. But he quickly took both of your hands— grabbed both of your wrists with one hand and pushed you against the pantry table until your chest was pressed against the cold surface. "Fuck, y/n. You never understand, do you?" he asked, now starting to look a little annoyed. He held your hands behind your back- trapping you so you couldn't move. "Guess I need to remind you who you belong to now, y/n. I hope this time it gets through that pretty little head of yours," he said. So with one pull Sukuna removed your panties and ruined them.
Sukuna slapped your ass hard, leaving redness there. You groaned in pain but Sukuna knew very well that you were enjoying it. He touched your thigh which was soaked with your own fluids. “Fuck, y/n..” he whispered to himself as he felt how wet you were. One of his free hands squeezed his penis which was now very hard from outside his trousers. Sukuna let out a sigh of pleasure before he pulled your hair until your head fell back. He inserted two fingers into your mouth from behind. “Suck,” he commands which you spontaneously go down on. You sucked his long finger, playing with your tongue there. "Such a whore, aren't you, my lady?" He said when he felt the warmth of your dirty mouth on his fingers.
Sukuna withdrew his fingers, placed one hand on your back and without further ado he inserted both fingers into your pussy, making you moan. His fingers slide in and out of your pussy, your supple walls hugging Sukuna's fingers. “S-sukuna.. please,” you moaned as you felt his fingers slowly stop moving. "What is it, y/n?" he asked. You swallowed hard, no longer concerned with your common sense, you just wanted to feel the pleasure your lover gave you. “I want to cum..” you whined pathetically.
“I can't hear you, y/n,” Sukuna said.
“Please, baby.. I want to cum, I want to feel your cock inside me,—” you cried. You feel like you can't take it anymore. Your body seemed to have a mind of its own and Sukuna's touch seemed to be a remote control. Sukuna chuckled evilly and he took his fingers out of your pussy. He eagerly undid the belt he was wearing before taking off his trousers and boxers alternately. You groaned when you felt Sukuna's long, thick, hardened cock slap against your ass.
“Fuck y/n! feel so good, always tight for me,” Sukuna moans while throwing his head back. Your body arches because of the pleasure as Sukuna inches by inches pushes himself inside you. Both of his large hands gripped your hips as your gummy wall hugged his long, thick-veined cock, sucking him to go further until the head touched your womb. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! your cunt hugs me so well, baby. Oh, god!” He keeps pushing until he's bottomed out.
“N-no, Sukuna— Ah.. too big, I-I can't—” Your hands moved behind you trying to push away Sukuna's body. You felt full— your body felt full of Sukuna's big cock. Sukuna shook his head and held your hand so you couldn't push him away. “Shh baby, don't say that, I know you can take me,” He shot gently. He pulled your body until your back touched his chest. One hand touched your tummy and the other grabbed your chin, guiding your face to look back. He pressed his lips to yours.
Passionately, he kissed you. He kissed your bottom lip, occasionally biting it there. Slowly he moves his hips in and out of you. He kissed your lips making your moans echo in his mouth, and vice versa with Sukuna. He bit your bottom lip again and pulled it between his teeth before kissing you again—this time with his tongue. He kissed you until you were out of breath and pulled your face away from him. A string of saliva connected between your tongue and his as both your mouths opened— trying to catch your breath.
Sukuna looked at your face with a happy heart and got more hornier. Just like he wanted— you were too fucked up to make sense of yourself. He saw how your cheeks were red, your lips parted to let out a dirty sigh, your eyelids almost closed. This is the effect it has on your body. He loves the idea he has of you so much that he is so crazy about it, just like he is so crazy about you. So with that Sukuna slammed his dick into your pussy so hard it made you gasp.
His hands roughly grabbed your neck, gripping it and pulling your face closer until your face was next to his. One of Sukuna's hands went down to your pussy. His finger found your clitoris again and rubbed it hard making your legs shake. “N-no, Sukuna— ah! please..” Sukuna ignored your moans and continued rubbing your clit until you couldn't take it anymore and released your juice, covering the pantry walls, you, and him. Sukuna smiled with satisfaction, “That's right slut, cum for me, feel good, hm? do you like it, y/n? Do you like it when I make you cum like a pretty little slut you are?” He talks dirty in your ear so sensually. Making your overstimulated cunt begging for more.
“Answer me, you slut!” He slapped your sensitive cunt making you yelp with pleasure. “Y-yes, I—” You can't continue with what you're about to say because Sukuna one more time pounds his cock roughly to your cunt. You can feel tears stream down your face because of how much pain yet pleasure you feel in your body. Sukuna brings you to cloud nine, making you want more. “Kuna, please.. f-faster, more, more, ah— please,” you begged.
Sukuna threw you a mocking chuckle as he gripped your neck tightly. He can feel your moan in his palm hand. “You want to break up with me yet here you are begging for more. Can't get enough of my cock aren't you, hm? You're such a slut, y/n, you're my slut,” he whispered his last sentence in your ear as he erotically bit your ear and licked it. He slowed down and pulled his cock out of your sloppy cunt. You let out a voice of protest and move your hips— looking for his cock, getting more needy the second you can't feel his cock. “Be patient and tell me that you want to break up with me,” he said to you.
You shake your head, “Please, kuna, fuck me, I want you,” you beg, shamelessly. You pushed your ass to Sukuna, hoping his gonna put his cock back at your horny cunt. Sukuna smirked, knowing damn well he got you in his finger, you never get enough of him, of his cock, that's for sure. Slowly, he pushed his still-hard cock back to your cunt. “Tell me, baby, tell me how much you want me to fuck you,” he whispered. You close your eyes and part your lips as you feel your cunt being full of Sukuna's thick cock again. “I want your cock— fuck! I want you to fill me in, I love you kuna,” you whispered without realising it, too fuck up to think straight.
The last sentence is enough for Sukuna to fuck you to oblivion. So he pushes your body back to the cold surface of the pantry. With one rough pound, his cock is fully inside your cunt. His swelling cock bullying your overstimulated cunt. “Now you know who you belong to, every time you ask for break up, I'm gonna fuck you so hard until you lost your mind and only remember I good I made you feel. How you being such a slut for this cock and taking me so well,” keeps pounding his cock to you. And Sukuna doesn't plan to stop anytime soon. He had a whole night to remind you that there is no breaking up in your relationship with him. You had no other choice, it's not like you don't enjoy being fuck by your boyfriend anyway.
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snenbubs · 7 months
I did it. I did it and nobody stopped me. I'm unstoppable.
I love this horrible big man spider christmas tree ass guy, a bit too much. I've alr done general romantic HCs but IT WASNT ENOUGH.
... so here. Mammon (Helluva Boss) x GN reader NSFW headcannons. I need severe help, but so do you, so....
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NSFW Under the cut! 18+ Only!
♡ I've seen a few people claim he'd he a lazy lover, nd whilst i see where they're coming from, i completely disagree. He's the embodiment of Greed, not Sloth! I think, if anything, he's more like an overwhelming, smothering kind of lover ykwm.
- I've said this before, and I will reiterate it, his hands are gonna be on you, all over you. Four hands, might I add. 😋
- I like to think he'd keep one pair on your hips, holding you in place as close to him as he possibly can, because he just NEEDS every inch of you and the other pair would be constantly roaming your body, finding places to squeeze or hold.
- In addition to this i think he'd like any kind of position where he can be as close to you as possible. Your presence overwhelms him and he needs all of it at once so you better be prepared to be pressed flush against his fluffy body.
- His mouth? Always on you. He likes being able to taste you, in more than just one way; biting, kissing... and more...
Also, his tongue is forked. Just thought i'd mention it. Yk. A lil fun fact for your day.
♡ In regards to biting however, i mentioned in my other HCS that he's pretty possesive and that applies here too;
- He gets jealous easy and when he gets jealous he bites harder. Its like a mark, his special mark. He wants people to see you with those bruises, hickeys and bite marks coating your pretty flesh because it means everyone knows you're his.
- If he gets jealous, and bare in mind it does not take a lot to make him jealous, expect not to be able to walk in the morning.
- I feel, due to his needy nature, he's quite a rough lover. I want to believe he tries to be gentle because there will almost definitely be a size difference between you two and you could get hurt, but he can get caught up in the moment and i think he often ends up quite rough.
- Even rougher when jealous.
♡ In general though?
- He deffo drools. You can say "ew gross" all you want but to me? its hot, and he does it, and im the one writing this so theres NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.
- He definitely has a thing for master/pet relationships BUT i think he also gets a big kick out of hearing you cry out his name.
- I also don't think he's too loud during the act. He makes some noises, probably grunts and maybe a whine if your lucky, but he's mostly silent. If he has his hat on then the sound of jingling bells will probably be extremely overwhelming.
- The thing is, he has to be quiet! Because if he isn't quiet, then he can't hear the sweet sounds you'll be making. And oh, he just LOVES them. He could get drunk off of them. He DOES get drunk off of them.
- By no means though, will he shut his trap. He likes making fun of you, mocking you, making jokes and being generally mean. It's just who he is you gotta accept it.
- His voice is hot though so its a win.
- He probably has a control problem, in that he has to be the one doing everything. If you beg, he might let you take the lead for a bit but ultimately he'll take charge.
- Often though its probably just because you aren't doing things fast enough for him, he has a very high and extremely greedy libido and he knows what he wants.
- Webs. WEBS.
- He is not against tying you up with them, all you have to do is ask. A lot of time, he'll so it so that he can be ever closer to you than he already is.
- But like i said, its your word. If you give the thumbs up then he'll have you bound in no time at all. I'll leave it to your own imagination.
Thats all for now... mayhaps in future i'll do more, make a pt2 or smth but honestly i'm outta ideas.
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ozzgin · 6 months
I can order a yandere cute (kawaii), who maybe because of his cute and innocent appearance managed to get close to his beloved, but maybe this boy is not only cute and has a very disturbing past...
When you described a cute yandere with a messed up past, all I could think of was Kanato from Diabolik Lovers. This one's less of an asshole though. Hopefully. I also wasn't sure what you had in mind for 'disturbing past', I may have gone overboard.
Cute!Twisted! Yandere x Reader
Children will say the strangest things. Such as the marriage promise you’ve received from the little boy you befriended a long time ago, when you were rather young yourself. Yet sometimes the words aren’t entirely devoid of meaning. He definitely hasn’t forgotten his intentions, and your current fiancé is a mere delay to his plans.
TW: mentions of abuse, obsessive behavior, violence, small age gap, death
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He still remembers the day you met, so clearly and vividly. His most cherished memory. 
It was particularly cold despite the sun and his feet were hurting. He didn't have the time to put any shoes on, he ran out the moment he'd heard the sound of glass breaking. 
Mother was so scary when she'd get upset. The bulging eyes, the screaming mouth, the wild hair scattered over her face, darkening her features.
What if she were to follow him outside? No, she was never mean in front of others. Then again, the street was empty...He bit apart the skin on his fingers in panic. 
"Isn't it a bit late for pajamas?"
His eyes darted up and met hers. A girl somewhat taller and older, holding a basketball under her arm and staring intently, visibly confused. He was, after all, shivering outside by himself, barefoot and in sleeping garments in bright daylight. He blushed in embarrassment. 
"I snuck out for some fresh air."
"Rebellious already, huh?" She smirked and walked over, dropping herself on the sidewalk next to him. "I'm (Y/N). Do you live in the area? We could hang out when you feel like it. No need to sit by yourself."
She pointed to a house unexpectedly close. Has she always been nearby? Then again, he was never allowed outside. Besides the spontaneous escapades in order to avoid the burning rage, he didn't see other people much. It had always been him and Mother. 
For his own good, really. At least that's what Mother used to say. When she wasn't angry, she'd cry and hold him tight, telling him how much she pities him between hiccups and candid sobs. A vile creature like him would surely be mocked by the rest of the world. Not his fault, the poor little angel. Alas, his miserable fate still had a glimpse of hope, because Mother would never abandon him. He would always find acceptance from her all-forgiving heart.
And yet, there was always the seed of suspicion in the depths of his mind. Her sweet, soothing words felt like a hot slap over the blooming wounds already adorning his body, shaping a paradox.
Then he met you. You didn't seem to be disturbed by his presence. The following days, whenever he approached you, you'd welcome him with the same warm smile. Just like you promised. He couldn't find the ridicule he'd so often been warned about.
The puzzle pieces didn't fit together, and it became painfully obvious once Mother confronted him about his secret outings. Somehow her wrath had faded. Her shouts were mere waves echoing from somewhere distant, only grazing by his ears. She must've noticed his indifference, too, because she began rummaging her pockets for the basement key. Perhaps an old fashioned discipline would have helped him regain his voice. But the dark, cramped walls of the basement no longer frightened him. During his time spent outside, he had discovered a fact of stunning novelty:
He didn't have to listen to her. Staring into her ferocious, bottomless pits, he only found the reflection of (Y/N)'s face. Her peaceful, loving expression, devoid of pain, or fury, or punishment. 
His little hands reached for the box cutter.
"It's you that has to go downstairs, Mother. You're a liar. I hate liars."
Was it the right choice? His small outburst had ultimately cost him your company. That evening he politely called emergency to let them know his Mother had gone mad. And so they dispatched a couple of officers to investigate the gruesome cadaver, sprawled along the stairs with too many gashes to count. They shyly investigated the basement, and a social worker carefully inspected the little boy's abundant markings. This couldn't have been a suicide, but the tearful, frightened eyes of the child kept them from pressing further. Whoever had stepped foot into their home that day most likely did him a favor. Nonetheless, he was now essentially orphaned, requiring an adult, and was swiftly shipped to the first available relative.
He didn't have the time to meet you one last time. A shameful departure given his final meeting: completely inebriated with ardent affection, he dared to present to you his innermost wish. One day he'd marry you, he was certain of it. You chuckled and extended your pinky finger reassuringly. A sealed deal. 
All he had was your name and your promise and God, how dearly he clung to them every night, every passing year. His true glimmer of hope.
You're scrolling through your emails, waiting for the bus to arrive, when a gentle tap on the shoulder startles you. Behind you is a young man, although the soft, feminine features give him more of an androgynous appearance.
"May I help you?"
"You're (Y/N), aren't you?" he bats his eyelashes expectantly. 
"I am, but how do you-" 
You gaze at the stranger intently. The big, innocent eyes, the childish demeanor, there's a certain familiarity to it. Who could it be? Suddenly you're overwhelmed by nostalgia. 
"It's you! How many years...? And you haven't changed one bit!" You laugh merrily at the sight of your shy, quiet friend, all grown up. 
"H-hey now, surely I look more mature this time." He tries to emulate a somber frown as a way to prove his adulthood. "Do you have time? I'd love to catch up."
He missed you so much. 
"Right now is a little difficult, but I'll tell you what. Why don't you come over to our place in the near future?"
"This way I can introduce you to my fiancé!" You flash him your phone in order to exchange numbers, enthusiastic about the surprise reunion.
He vacantly stares at the lockscreen depicting an unknown man holding you close to him. When he searched for your name online, he didn't find anything regarding a relationship. He didn't expect this. He shouldn't have expected this. His fingers tighten around the small velvet box in his pocket. 
Did you forget your promise to him? Or was everything a lie? No, you wouldn't...you couldn't...He fucking hates liars. But you're not one of them, are you? You're not like Mother. No, no, no, no. Breathe. It's his fault. Of course, naturally. He vanished without a word and you must've thought he abandoned you. How careless of him. How terribly rude to blame you for his mistakes. It's okay, it's alright. He'll make it up to you. Sweet, darling (Y/N). 
"Are you okay?"
He looks up and notices your worried face. 
"Me? Yes, definitely. I was just a little surprised. Hehe. Who would've thought?" He grins and winks at you. "I have an even better idea! Why don't you two come to my apartment instead? I never got the chance to congratulate you for your engagement."
"Gosh, haha, don't worry about i-"
"Please. Pretty please?" He pouts dramatically, holding onto your coat, and you blush slightly at the adorable display. "It's my way of thanking you for the nice childhood memories."
"You really have your way to convince people, huh?" You ruffle his hair and he lowers his head, enjoying the touch. "I'll let my fiancé know."
"Such a cozy place you got yourself!" You beam at the lovely atmosphere of the room. Everything is bright and inviting. 
"Uh huh. The ladies must love you." Your fiancé follows up in agreement, snacking on the fancy appetizers. 
The young man places a tray on the table and hands you both a glass of sparkling wine. 
"Do you live alone? I refuse to believe you don't have a girlfriend." You joke and turn to your partner. "He was a real loner back then. Never saw him around other kids."
"Don't out me like that, (Y/N)!" He pinches your cheek humorously. "As a matter of fact, I do have a girlfriend."
Your fiancé raises his eyebrows, encouraging the boy to continue with details, while he gulps down the pleasantly aromatic drink. Must be expensive. 
"Then why didn't you bring her here? I want to meet her!" You whine. 
The man fiddles with his glass, observing the air bubbles that rush to the surface. 
"You already know her."
Distracted by this knowledge, you stretch for your own glass and accidentally grab the one belonging to your fiancé. Before you can bring it to your lips, your head swings to the side and you can instantly feel your cheek throb, numb from the abrupt impact of someone's hand. 
"Don't fucking touch it!"
Your childhood friend is standing before you, equally shocked by his act. He stares at his reddening palm and his face twists in terror.
"I-I'm...Oh God...I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I just, I didn't know what else to do. You have to understand, please. I'd never-"
As you listen to his erratic apology, you hear the wheezing coughs of your fiancé. His breathing is irregular and he scratches his throat, unable to verbalize his struggle to you. A white foam begins to form in the corners of his mouth. You try to get up, but the man's fingers dig into your face, forcing you back on the chair. 
"Shhh shhh, it sounds uglier than it actually is. Trust me. Do you see now? I had to be a little rough, otherwise you would've gotten hurt. Hey! Look at me." He cups your cheeks with both of his hands, squatting in front of you. "Let him settle down. It won't be long."
Your vision becomes blurry.
"He needs an ambulance. Please. What did you do with the drinks?" You manage to blurt out.
"Won't make a difference."
He rests his gaze on your features for a few moments, admiring them dreamily. 
"It breaks my heart when you're sad like this. Didn't I say this is an engagement celebration?"
Without breaking eye contact, he pulls out his treasured box and opens it in your lap, revealing a ring.
"I know I disappeared without a word, but I truly had no choice. This is my way of begging for your forgiveness. Not a day went by without thinking of you, (Y/N). I, heh...I actually got this many years ago. Just carried it in my pocket in case I ever found you again." 
He giggles awkwardly, stroking your cheek protectively. 
"So don't cry. I've kept my promise after all, didn't I? Aren't you proud of me~?"
By the time his little speech ends, the room has filled with silence. Your fiancé is slouching on the chair, still and quiet. The young boy picks up your limp body, humming cheerfully. 
"You'll be the prettiest bride in the world.
Mine and mine only."
566 notes · View notes
satorusluver · 8 months
Minors DNI
Reader x Sukuna smut
Warnings: Degradation, name calling (slut, whore), dubcon(?)
Idk, I'm not super familiar with all the warning terms but there's definitely an unhealthy power dynamic with the reader being implied to be a servant/concubine. I mean, this is Sukuna we're talking about, if you're not into sexy villainous assholes why would you be reading this? Lmao
Never written degradation before but Sukuna is hot and evil so I figured I'd branch out a little. This was pretty experimental for me, hopefully it's not terrible lol.
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True form Ryomen Sukuna who takes you roughly from behind, one pair of hands firmly gripping your ass, sharp nails digging into the skin slightly as he forces your hips back and forth so fast, using you as little more than a fleshlight. His other pair of hands cups your breasts, pinching and tugging on your nipples until they become all puffy. Lewd, sloppy, wet sounds can be heard from your sopping cunt as he pounds into you. And the sounds coming from Sukuna's mouth are almost more animalistic than human, deep growls and snarls and occasional cruel laughter when you whimper.
"Such a greedy cunt, it's c-clenching around me so hard, fuck." His voice is low and gruff, and each thrust is harder than the last. "I'm gonna fill this little cunt to the fucking brim with my cum, you hear me? Don't you fucking dare ask me to pull out."
He grins down at where his dick is disappearing into your wet hole, each thrust causing you to take his length all the way until the black rings around the base of his cock are hidden inside you. His hips snap back and forth, going as deeply as possible each time, and your eyes water at the feeling of the fat head of his dick ramming against your cervix. You whine, trembling beneath him at the mix of pleasure and pain his brutal pace causes you.
"Aww, does that hurt? Is it too much for my filthy little slut to take?" Sukuna mocks you, his face twisted into a cruel grin. "Well that's too fucking bad, because you're mine, you understand that? It's your job to take me, every. last. inch." He growls the last few words in time with his thrusts.
"The only reason I even kept you is because of this fucking tight little hole you have here. Fucking sucks my cock right in every single time, shit."
His words are so fucking mean but his thrusts are so perfectly angled at your g-spot that you find yourself cumming around his dick, your inner walls clamping down on him, covering his length in your slick as you cry out his name.
"That's a good little whore. Fuck, I love when you tighten around me like that."
So many hands, one grabbing you by the back of your hair and pressing your face into the pillow, another still roughly pawing at your breast, another holding your waist to keep you in place, and yet another delivering a hard slap to your ass that has you yelping out in surprise.
And Sukuna has endless stamina, he'll fuck you until your hole is overflowing with his cum. Until you can't hold yourself up anymore, and you're nothing but a panting mess lying helpless on the bed, your sore, overused pussy leaking trails of his thick, white seed down your thighs.
"Look at you," Sukuna says as he stares down at the mess he's made of you, his voice taking on the closest thing to softness it's probably capable of. You think you might be imagining one of his hands running along your lower back in a way that could almost be described as gentle.
"You always take me so well, my pretty little cockslut. Such a good little servant, I think I'll keep you around for quite a while."
961 notes · View notes
emyladia · 22 days
Winter Break... | L. Nr
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pairing : lando norris x f!reader
summary : Booking a cottage in the moutains for winter break wih your friends sounds like a good idea. I mean it could have been, but with lando around this was meant for trouble.
genre : fluff, slightly suggestive
warning : cursing, pretty sure that's all
a/n : This was just so fun to write, great request I hope this is what was expected and that you'll all enjoy it. Loving the winter vibe even close to the summer. The end is kinda shitty but don't mind it please. 'So american' is totally an alternative title.
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Pietra's idea of booking a cottage sounded so great at first. This was a great way to spend time with your closest friends and enjoy winter holliday.
Until you realised what it actually meant, that meant close proximity h24 with Lando Norris.
You were Pietra's bestfriend and he was Max's bestfriend so you were used to spend time together, but if it wasn't for your friends you would already have ripped his head off of his body.
The guy was everything you hate, cocky, provoking, immature.
Saying he was not a big fan of yours was an euphemism. He hated you just as much as you hated him.
You were always trying to put on the best behavior when you were hanging out the four of you but a whole week ? Lost in the woods in the same house as him ?
Now that was something else.
But you couldn't say no.
Not when you had already agreed, and certainly not when Pietra was looking so happy and excited about it.
So here you were, at the back of the car singing to 'So American' by Olivia Rodrigo with your bestfriend, on your way to the mountains, regretting your life choices.
Max was driving, and Lando at the passenger seat was sighing heavily, making well known his annoyment at the two of you.
"What don't you like Olivia Rodrigo ?" Pietra asked Lando when the song was over.
"The problem isn't the song, it's the singers" He answered chuckling a bit.
God you were even hating the sound of his voice at this point. You rolled your eyes and stared at the window.
After a few more time you were finally all at the cottage. It was so lovely, big, all in wood, surrounded by a forest, and it was snowing.
You eyes were shining like a five years old girl, those hollidays were gonna be great with or without Lando.
"Finally smiling ?" The blond girl mocked you nudging your shoulder.
You let out a soft smile. "Sorry, I was just tired, those vacance are gonna be so cool"
She nodded widely at you before running towards the door where Max and Lando were already.
The inside of the house was even better, if it's possible. Every space was huge but yet cosy.
"I love it already" You exclamed happily. You could see that Pietra was as excited as you if it's not more.
"I'm gona check the bedrooms" She clasped her hand at this statement and went immediatly upsatairs.
You followed her letting the lungages to the boys.
When you were finally just on your owns Pietra took a serious face and spoke :
"Let's spend a great time okay ? Please don't fight with Lando"
You rolled your eyes at her comment, but she grabbed your hands insisting.
"Fine" You conceed, it's not like you could ever told her no anyways.
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You were laying on your bed, scrolling through instagram when you heard a knock on your door.
"Come in" You shouted, too lazy to actually move your ass and opened the door yourself.
The door creacked opened to a loving blond head.
"Hey Pietra what do you want ?" You questionned her putting your phone down?
"Max and I are going to town, I just wanted to let you know." She told you smiling.
"To town ?" You furrowed your eyebrow "But the closest town is one hour away from here"
"Yeah I know but we don't have marshmallows, how am I supposed to ugly cry on rom-coms without a hot chocolate with marshmallows ??" She said acting like a total drama.
You laughed loudly at her childlish behavior. "You're seriously making a two hours trip for marshmallows ?"
"Yes and ?"
"And Max is coming with you ? Dang, that boy is in love" You joked.
"I know right ? Anyways try not to fight too much with Lando" She warned you before exiting the room, letting you alone with your thoughts again.
They had left about twenty minutes ago when you decided to went downstairs.
You were still in the stairs when you noticed him, he was on the couch watching some emission about food on the TV.
Be friendly you remembered yourself, as you put on a smile and sat on the couch too (but the farther away possible from him).
"What you're watching ?" You asked him, trying to make conversation.
"Don't really know... Something about food" He replied not looking away from the screen.
Well this was starting well... Why was everything so awkward between the two of you, you couldn't help but thought.
He clearly wasn't in a mood to talk to you, not that he ever had been, so you just kept it shut and watched the TV too.
The silence between you and Lando was deafening, each passing moment filled with an uncomfortable tension that seemed to hang in the air like a heavy cloud.
You couldn't shake the feeling of unease, the knowledge that you were alone with the one person you couldn't stand.
As you watched the TV together in silence, you couldn't help but steal glances at Lando out of the corner of your eye.
Despite your animosity towards him, you couldn't deny that there was something undeniably attractive about him, from the way his jawline was perfectly chiseled to the way his eyes sparkled with mischief.
But as quickly as those thoughts entered your mind, you pushed them aside, reminding yourself of all the reasons why you couldn't stand him : He was arrogant, cocky, and infuriatingly immature, and the last thing you wanted was to be alone with him in the middle of nowhere.
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When you opened your eyes, the sky was already dark. You had fell asleep while watching the TV.
You rubbed your eyes and blinked a few time trying to adjust to the sudden light.
Lando wasn't on the couch and the TV was now off but you were hearing some noise coming from the kitchen so it was probably him.
You checked your phone, it was past 8 P.M.
Have you really slept that much ? You couldn't believe it, but the dark sky out there was telling you otherwise.
You headed to the kitchen to find Lando cooking something, you couldn't help but notice that you didn't knew that he was able to cook.
"Hey, have you seen Pietra ?" You asked him.
He turned away from the fryin pan to look at you right in the eyes. You hated it, or you were loving it, you didn't know, god what were you even thinking at this point ?!
There was just something about his eyes, they seemed so truthfull and yet full of mischief.
"They haven't come back yet" He answered before turning back again focusing on his recipe.
You frown immediatly "What do you mean they haven't come back ?"
He sigh visibly annoyed to be cut off again in the middle of cooking esoecially for a stupid question like that.
"I mean they're not home"
"But they have to be" You insisted and it seems to pissed him off even more.
"They are not. What is so wrong with your brain that you can't understand a simple sentence ?" He said harshly.
You got a bit taken aback by his behavior, you still haven't fight yet and it was kinda nice for once to just discuss like normal people. But it looks like it's done now.
"Cmon it's past 8, they should be here since at least one hour" You continued cause you were getting worried now.
"It's already 8 ?!" He was looking confused now, and a bit worried too.
You ran toward the entrance while dialing Pietra's number. Outside the parking area was still empty, but where the hell where they ?
And of course she wasn't answering the damn phone. You called again, but max this time, one ring... two... three...
"Yes ?"
You sighed from relief. "Where are you it's already past 8, did something happened ?"
Max stayed silent for a few second... "Well you should talk with Pietra, I swear it wasn't my idea" He told you, and you could heard that he was feeling sorry in his voice.
But what the hell was he sorry for ? And what the hell was he talking about ?
"Heyyyy Y/n !" Your bestfriend told you in an awkward manner. And suddenly you weren't worry at all anymore, you were even starting to be a little pissed off... Something wasn't clear.
"P ? What have you done ?" You snapped at her.
"I'm sorry" She immediatly blurted out. "I know you'll be mad but it's gonna be good for the two of you staying a bit together. You'll see you'll even grew closer maybe ? And I know that you're acting like you hate him but you most definitly don't hate him at all-"
What. The. Hell.
Between the blond saying nonsense and Lando now standing in front of you in the hallway waiting for news, you were feeling overwhelmed.
"Pietra what the fuck are you talking about ? When are you coming back ?" You cut her off.
"We're not"
"What ?"
"We're not coming back, it's you and him, cmon I know for sure you think he's cute. You can lie to yourself but not to me I have seen the way you look at him when you think no one is looking"
"No it's not, if you could just consider it you would se-" You hang up on the phone too nagry to continue talking to her anymore.
She had trapped you, into being locked up with goddamn Lando cause she thought you had a crush on him ???
Life is not a damn rom-com.
"Should've have known fucking marshmallows were bullshit" You mumbled.
You stormed out off the room, going upstairs to your room when Lando stopped you midtrack. Like it was not already shitty, he was the last person you wanted to see right now.
"So ?" He questionned you. Your brow furrowed.
"What ?"
"When are they coming back ? Are they alright ? And what about marshmallows ?"
"Well they're totally fine yeah and no they're not coming back, cause we're apparently two fools locked up in a nice cottage in the middle of nowhere" You immediatly escaped him and throw yourself on your bed after that.
Lando wasn't stupid, he would probably understand by himself wha was happening.
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You hadn't left your room since the call, and it was probably pretty late now.
Now that you were less angry, you had thought about it, maybe it could be okay all you had to do was keep ignoring Lando like you had done this evening.
The house was nice and the landscaped was beautiful, nothing shoudl stopped you from enjoying it.
You were still thinking about your little scheme to avoid Lando as much as possible when you heard a knock on your door.
You got up and opened it, without much suprised Lando was standing in front of it, a plate in his hands.
"Can I come in ?"
"Oh yeah sure" Mission avoid Lando : end now.
He smiled, visibly relieved that didn't slam the door on his face and entered the room. He put the plate on the desk before turning towards you.
The room was only lit up by your the lamp on your nighstand, and the little golden reflection on his face was making his skin glow.
He was pretty for sure. Saying otherwise would be lying.
"I made dinner but you kinda looked like you needed a bit of space so here it is" He told you pointing towards the plate.
"Since when are so nice ? It's not poisoned it is ?" You looked at him suspicioulsy.
He chuckled at your comment and god you just wanted to took that sound and keep it close to you forever. What the hell were you even thinking, what Pietra had said was really starting to get to your head now.
"I'm not always the bastard you try to make me look like" He just answered, that damn smile still plastered on his face.
"Whatever" I shrugged.
"So you're gonna eat or what" He asked you cocking an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah right I'm starving. What about you ?" It was all so strange, talking to Lando like that, like you were actually friends... You were kinda liking the sound of it.
"Well, I've already eat, it's pretty late you know" You glanced at your phone and it was past 10 P.M.
"Oh right... Yeah" And awkward silence fell between the two of you as you took your plate and sat on your bed to eat.
He started to move towards the door to let you eat in peace, and probably head to his bedroom. Perfect everything was coming to sense again maybe the mission : avoid Lando wasn't a lost cause after all.
"Could you stay ?" Who had said that ? Cause that could not be you, not in a million time in the world you could have possibly asked Lando to stay with you willingly.
He froze so you added immediatly "If you want cause I mean if you dan't want to it's okay, like I would understand. I mean we're really that close so maybe that's weird but it's I thought maybe you know. And eating alone is really sad but like you don't actually have to stay if you don't want. I don't want to force you-"
"Woaw slow down there" He chuckled a bit. You sigehd of frustration, now you were rambling. Just what was wring with you ?
He was probably thinking that you were completly crazy now.
But Lando wasn't looking at you like someone who's crazy, his eyes were soft and he was smiling fondly at you.
He sat down next to you and you both talked while you eat, actually even after. You have never talked so long with Lando, but everything just looked so easy.
When he finally left to get to his room you find yourself replying the evening and smiling like an idiot.
No. Absolutly no way.
You slapped yourself mentally, you couldn't have a crush on Lando that was ridiculous. You were hating him.
Okay maybe not anymore but you two could never be more than friends. Not possibly he was a lady's man, no string attached, f1 driver, flying acroos the world.
And you were... You. Hopeless romantic, who spended her night reading and listening to Olivia Rodrigo.
You and Lando was a total nonsense, and would never happened.
When you woke up the next morning and in the process of going downstairs bumped into a shirtless Lando mumbling a "Morning" with a sleepy voice you undertood that you were screwed.
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You had spend the next day ignoring him as much as you can. You couldn't let yourself fell for him like that.
So everytime he wanted to talked to you or spent time with you, you were making excuses.
And here you were again, pretending to be too focused on your book to joined him watching a movie. Actually that was half true, cause your book was really good.
The two protagonists were about to kiss for the first time when Lando bursted into your room. You nearly jumped out of your bed.
"What happened to knocking ?"
He completly ignored your remark and throw himself on your bed.
"Did I do something ?"
"What no ?"
"What are you avoiding me then?"
"I am not" You lied, and he gave a look, the you-don't-fool-me-with-your-bullshit look.
You avoid his gaze feeling a bit guilty, he sighed and dropped the subject but he was looking... Almost hurt ?
"What are you reading" He asked poiting toward the book you were still holding.
A blushed crept to you cheeks, you knew their was nothing to be ashamed about reading romance novel but still. "Nothing" You hid your book in your back.
"Cmon" He smirked trying to get the book from behind you.
Dammit that stupid man that has way more strenght than you. He eventually ended up catching it and start reading the page where your bookmark was.
"Her eyes were shining with desire as he was pinning her against the wall. He wanted her so bad and deep down he knew that she wanted him just as much..."
"Oh my god stop" You shouted basically jumping on the bed to get your book back but Lando rolled on the other side of the bed.
"But they couldn't get lost in their desire, they were enemies, people who despised each other. And yet the only thought that crossed their minds at the moment was one lustfull" He continued to read out loud.
"Okay really stop that is embarassing" You finally managed to take the book back.
He pouted as you closed the novel and put it on your nightstand.
"Hey, I want to know if they kiss" The curly haired boy spoke.
"Stop mocking me" You hid your fac efrom embarassment.
"I'm serious" You were expecting a laugh, that you could've handled. Mockery, and snarky remarks, that was somethong you knew and you could support.
But him, with that serious look, truly interessed in your stupid romance novel. No that was too much for your heart.
"Really ?" You finally met his eyes, so sincere in that exact moment. He simply nodded.
You sighed before taking the book back. "Okay but don't read at loud please, let's read it... Together ? Just tell me when you've finished the page"
He smiled brightly and sat next to you as you both started reading.
At first it was uncomfortable and awkward to read like that but as time pass you both grew more comfortable and it wasn't so bad reading with him.
It felt so intimate... Being pressed next to Lando so you can both look at the pages, but yet you weren't hating it. Not at all actually, and that was kinda scaring you.
When the dark had became too dark for you to read, you decided that it was time to stopped. Lando groaned about it, he only shut up when you promised him that you could read again the next day.
"I don't know about you but I start getting hungry" He told you.
"Hmmm... I can cook tonight but I can only make grilled cheese sandwich" You laughed a little.
"Like in 'anyone but you'" He commented and you turned to faced him.
"You know the movie ?" Your eyes were wide.
"There's a lot you don't know about me" He winked at you before rolling out of bed and heading towards the kitchen.
You followed him still confused. He was right, there was so much you didn't knew about him, he was nothing like you thought he would be.
You cooked and then you ate together and he burned himself cause he didn't wait to eat. And you laughed, you laughed so much this evening your cheeks were hurting.
When you got to bed you were more confused than te night before but you were sure of one thing : Lando Norris was bad for your heart.
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You hadn't answered any text from Pietra since the call, you weren't mad anymore but she gad tricked you, so you could at least do that to get back on her.
The location was for a week, you had been there for now 6 days and your little crush for Lando hadn't stop growing.
You had both read, a lot actually, played chess, throew snowballs at each other, watched movies, talked and more.
You knew that when you were gonna leave this cottage everything will became like before, but just thinking about it was hurting you. You weren't sure you were able to hate him anymore.
Being now Lando's friend also means discovered a whole new side of him, like the fact that he was extremely touchy-feely. It's not that you were hating it, in fact you were loving it a bit too much.
"What are you thinking about ?" The boy asked you, you were reading and you haven't turned a single page in 10 minutes.
"Nothing much just got lost in my thought" You answered him smiling weakly.
He looked at you like he didn't believed a single you said, but he did'nt push it more and simply nodded.
"Wanna see something fun ?" You turned to him intrigued.
"What are you thinking about ?"
"Do you trust me?" He looked at you straight into your eyes.
You nodded. He smiled and took your hand leading you downstairs. His warm hand in yours felt so great, you wished you could kept the feeling forever.
It was already dark oustide so when he told you put on your shoes and coat as he did the same you hesitated a second. Maybe he was about to murder you in that dark forest.
A bit dramatic maybe.
But you never know.
After coming to the conclusion that the idea was ridiculous and that he could've had killed you countless times if he wants, you did as he told you.
"Okay close your eyes" You frown but he only waited for you to do so, so you finally closed your eyes.
He led you outside, you heard the snow creacked under your footsteps. After a few more steps and spoke again :
"Okay opened them now"
As you were looking around you, you realised that you were right in front of the cottage in the middle of the snow, you looked at him confused.
"Up" He told you pointing towards the stars.
And that's when your jaw dropped, the sky was fulled of stars, so bright, that was the prettiest things you ahd ever seen in your life.
"Woaw" Was all you managed to say you were like a child in front of christmas present.
"This is beautiful" You murmured amazed.
"Yes it is" He said looking right at you.
You couldn't helped but laughed "God lando that line is old like the world, you can do better than that" He laughed with you.
You both sat on the porch to looked at the stars comfortably.
"What do you see?" He said poiting towards the sky.
You thought a little bit before answering. "Right there you can clearly see a gun, and those stars here 15 feet away are forming Mcdonald's logo"
"God you're so american" He chuckled. At those words your heart beat a little faster, you were getting stupid, no he wasn't quoting...
"And before you ask, yes I'm quoting Olivia Rodrigo"
Oh god you cheeks were on fire now, actually no, your whole body.
"I thought you hated her" You said him clearing your throat that was suddenly really dry.
"Wrong she's kinda right, I do laugh at all your jokes and I would like if you'd come everywhere I'd go" He confessed.
Now quoting the whole chorus, you were melting right in front of him, how could he said such things this easily ?
"Don't do that" You warned him, it was snowing, how could you be so hot right now ?
"That what ?"
"You know what I mean"
He smiled fondly at you before getting up.
"Alright american girl, let's go to sleep"
You both head back inside and as he deposed you to your room, you realised you didn't want him to go, not now. Not when tomorrow you would had to leave this place and all the moments you shared behind.
"You want to come inside ? To... Chat a bit ?" You sugggested to him visibly embarassed.
His eyes widened and you wonder if maybe you shouldn't have said that but he smiled and agreed.
You were both sitting on your bed, the room deadly silent, none of you daring to speak first.
"I've wanted to-"
"You go first" He told you.
"No you really, please"
"Okay, so... What did I need to do?"
"Sorry ?" You where caught off guard by his question.
"What can I do for you to finally look at me like i look at you?"
He was supposed to clarified himself with that sentence but you were just even more confused.
He groaned in front of your lack of reaction "Cmon, don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, but why do you think I would read romance and watched rom-com everyday ?? And actually learned lyrics of an Olivia Rodrigo song ?"
"Cause you liked them ?" He gave you a look that really said "Seriously ?"
"I don't know cause of your really sensible heart ?"
"Y/n..." He sighed at how clueless you were acting.
"I just don't know !" You shouted feeling lost and overwhelmed.
"You do know, you just don't want to admit it" He shouted back and you hated how right he was just now.
You send a death glare at him and as you were both staring at each other pupils you were hating so much. Oh god so much, he was freaking annoying.
How could you've had forgotten that.
That's why when he put a hand on your cheek and crahsed his lips on yours you put your arms around his neck and pulled him even closer.
Wait... What ?
You were kissing Lando. Everything was perfectly fine you were kissing Lando. OH. MY. GOD.
The kiss was rough and hungry, like he had wait for so long to do just that. Lando's lips were moving against yours but you wanted so much more.
Apparently him too, because at the second you opened your mouth a bit to gave him access he deepened the kiss. After what felt like an eternity but yet not enough he backed away a little from the kiss to breathed.
"Well..." He started but you cut him off. "Shut up"
You pulled him back into another kiss and god he wasn't complaining at all. Your lips were feeling so great against his, right were they belong.
His eyes widened when you pulled on the hem of his shirt. "Are you sure ?"
"Never been surer in my life" You replied tossing his shirt away in the room. He didn't waste anymore time "Can I ?" he asked his hands on the hem of your shirt.
"Sure, do whatever you want" He took off your shirt of you and started roaming your body with his hands.
"You really shouldn't say things like this."
Before you could replied his lips collapsed again with yours. That was a feeling he could never get used to, his favorite in the world, his lips on your lips.
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When you opened your eyes the next morning you're welcolmed by two eyes, and what beatiful eyes, staring at you.
"You're creepy" You chuckled while hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
"And you're gorgeous, morning beautiful" He told you with a sleepy voice, and you were loving that voice. This was definitly the best night you've ever had in your life.
"Morning" You said back snuggling a bit closer to him.
"I love you"
You're sleepiness disappear instantly at his words and you pushed yourslef on your elbows to look at him eyes widened.
"I'm sorry, that was really fast and-" He started apologizing, but you cut him with a chast kiss.
"I love you too Lan" You whispered like it was a secret.
And he smiled, the brightess smile you've had ever seen on his face.
"We should probably get up and make our suitcase" He suggested, and got you just wanted to stay all day long in this bed with him, but he was right.
Max and Pietra woulod probably came soon.
When their car parked on the driveway Lando and you were already in front of the cottage your suitcases in hand. You both seat in the back of the car.
As you and Lando gave your heart out on 'So american' by Olivia Rodrigo, Pietra and Max exchange a look.
"Looks like it works out at the end" She said and he just smiled at her agreeing.
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nhularin · 9 months
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PAIRING bf! jay x reader GENRE toxic! relationship, angst no comfort WARNINGS insecurities,there might be some grammar mistakes WC 0.9k series masterlist
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December 12, 2001
"so, how was your day?"
you looked at him, your voice soft as you asked. you and your boyfriend sat in his car, the air thick with tension. but jays response was anything but kind. his eyes narrowed as he looked straight ahead of the road, his voice filled with bitterness. "fine" he spit out and silence fell upon you once again
no, it's back and forth, did I say something wrong?
the tone of his voice made you recoil, your heart sinking. it was a typical thursday night and you haven't seen each other outside of school in what felt like forever. you had only wanted to check up on him, to show him that you cared about his well being. but his words sliced through you like a dagger, leaving you feeling small and insignificant.
"thats great!" you tried to sound cheerful, but your voice betrayed you when those words came out quieter and wobblier than expected. you looked outside of the passenger seat's window, attempting to ignore the unbearable silence in the car. you could hear the joy and euphoria from passing cars and you couldn't help but feel jealousy radiating through you
All I did was speak normally, somehow I still struck a nerve
"why are you always so sensitive?" jay continued, his voice dripping with disdain. "you make everything about yourself. cant you see that I have my own problems to deal with?"
jay could feel your discomfort, he had to. hell, the passing cars could probably feel it "dont be like this" he said, sighing heavily "why do you always ask me that? you saw me at school. did you see me crying? no. so dont ask obvious shit when you already know the answer."
your eyes welled up with tears, voice trembling. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just-" you paused, feeling your throat close up "we haven't hung out in a while and i just wanted to make sure that you were fine"
jay scoffed, his anger intensifying. "you think you can solve all my problems with a simple question? youre so naive. you don't understand anything. fine, coach Madson was a fucking asshole today but i knew you wouldn't understand. isnt a simple 'fine' enough? all you know is how to break out in song and dance with your theater friends"
im the love of your life until I make you mad
your heart shattered as his words echoed in your mind. you had hoped for a moment of connection, a chance to offer support. but instead, you found yourself facing his anger, his frustration, and his complete lack of empathy.
you longed for affection, for those sweet words of love to fall from his lips. but instead, you were met with a wall of unpredictability. one moment, he would hold your hand and make you feel like the most special person in the world. the next, he would push you away, leaving you wondering where you went wrong.
every little thing you did seemed to set him off, like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. his anger was swift and cutting, leaving you feeling small and insignificant. it was a rollercoaster of emotions, and you couldn't help but question if he truly loved you.
jays grip on the wheel tightened even further as you reached a familiar intersection. the red light seemed to mock your mess of a relationship, the halted traffic mirroring your damaged connection.
as the light turned green, he pressed down on the gas pedal, your heart pounding heavily in your chest. the car lurched forward, the engine roaring, but the noise was nothing compared to the deafening silence between you two. the streets blurred as you sped through the night.
in that moment, you realized that jay wasn't capable of providing the love and understanding you have craved. he was a storm of emotions and absolutely unpredictable, lashing out at anyone who dared to get close.
on your late night drives, you would often find yourself bracing for impact. would jay walk you home, or would he send you home crying again? it was a cruel game of chance, and you were trapped in its endless cycle.
"look" he sighed "im sorry for lashing out, im just stressed with-" he paused longer than expected "practice, AP calc, everything, okay? its nothing personal"
his apology didnt change the storm of emotions forming inside you but you tried to tame it as best as possible, trying to look unbothered by his constant outbursts of hatred.
when did it all go wrong? you have known him since forever, his toothy grin and messed up bangs permanently engraved in your head. you managed to form an awkward smile "its okay" its always okay, as long as you were with him
do you love me, want me, hate me?
finally, you arrived at your house, and jay pulled over. the quiet and calm suburb contrasting the chaos in your head. the car idled, the engine still rumbling.
there was a moment of silence, a moment where the weight of your emotions hung in the air. and then, without another word, jay reached over and opened the car door. his gesture made you feel giddy and hope filled your heart. as you stepped out, you gave him your biggest smile
"ill see you tomorrow, text me, okay? i love you"
he didnt say it back nor did he message you that night
no, I don't understand
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PERM TAGLIST @misokei @avocarua @sngvhs @essmarye @haechansbbg
SERIES' MASTERLIST @flwerfield @hyhees @mrchweeee @j1nniee @mikaluvsyouu @delulu4-life @mora134340 @beomsbeanie @leep0ems @cIphantom-hive @yla-aira @filmofhybe @nishik1
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ushiwhacka · 1 year
gojo satoru + gn! reader | 1,101 words | mdni | handjob, spit kink, cum play, degradation (gojo receiving), pet names (good boy), edging, established relationship, i'm sorry gojo is a little freak <3
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he’s doing it again. walking behind you as you pace around the apartment, pink lips barely concealing a mocking grin. he enjoys this. enjoys pushing and pushing some more until your irritation builds. you can feel it on the tips of your fingers, nails pressing into your palm. you can feel it in the way your throat constricts around your words. and you can feel it on your tongue, a hundred insults coating it, mean and cutting.
gojo is impossible to argue with. has a cheeky rebuttal to each of your arguments. it’s just a little game for him, fun even, seeing how far he can bend you before you snap. he always regrets it after, expensive gifts follow dramatic apologies. but there’s just something about the heated look in your eyes he can’t get enough of. 
“satoru.” another warning. “i’m not joking. can you be serious for one fucking second?”
“i am being serious!” he’s not. “you’re so hot when you’re mad.”
you take a deep, steadying breath. that’s the last straw. “you should be gagged.” then you’re pacing around the room, arms crossed, letting him know he’s being a man-child. he’s irritating. he’s irritating you. your temples throbbing with anger, eyes piercing.
and among all your huffing and puffing and lecturing you don’t notice how he’s sitting on the couch with his legs spread, hand running over the seam of his slacks. and you don’t notice when unzips his pants either, pulling them down just enough to take his hardening cock out. his fist lazily pumping up and down his length. 
but the sound of a low and breathy oh fuck stops you dead in your tracks. “what the fuck are you doing?” 
he has no sense of shame. “i told you, you’re sexy when you’re mad at me.”
“and you’re a disgusting little pervert.”
he doesn’t stop. “yeah, guess i am.” his dick throbbing at your words and the particularly sour tone of your voice. 
you’ve had this feeling before. a weird little itch, the need to put him in his place. gojo might be the strongest but he’s always been weak for you. and you’ve always known. and you have been so nice about it, pushing it down, never giving in to your needs. but now, now you want to see him beg. maybe even cry a little. 
hands push against his shoulders as you straddle him. excitement throbbing in his veins, pulsing in his neck. his cock is sitting so pretty against his stomach, all flushed and leaky and twitching just for you. satoru thinks he’s won, arms thrown over the back of the sofa, bottom lip tucked between his teeth, waiting to feel your lips on his neck. but all his delusions come crashing down on him when you wrap your hand around his plump balls and squeeze, just a little too tight for comfort. and you scoff at the strangled breath he lets out in response. 
“you like it when i call you disgusting?” you bring your other hand to the tip of his cock, fingers gently feathering over it, smearing the little beads of precum around it. 
he nods. 
“no, no. use your words.”
“y- yes, fuck.”
your thumb is pressing into the fleshy head as you rub circles around it, fingers wrapping tightly around his shaft. he tries to push his high-pitched moans back down his throat but you just squeeze harder and they come tumbling right out. and you find a twisted sense of satisfaction in ruining him. 
then you focus your touch over his slit. it’s relentless and unforgiving. and satoru is whimpering. it’s too much and not enough at the same time. and, oh god, his cock is leaking, jumping at every ghost of a touch. 
“come on,” he chokes out, “you’re so mean.”
“i thought you liked it when i’m mean?” you coo, pressing into his frenulum. “ask nicely.”
“please,” his breaths laboured, “move your hand.”
“please baby,” he whines, “just make me cum, please. i’ll do anything.”
god, you love it. you love it a bit too much. the desperation that seeps out of his every pore, that pours out with every whine and whimper. he looks a little bit pathetic, lids heavy and blue eyes glazed over. and he’s being so, so good for you. he deserves a small reward, right? you trace your pre-covered fingers over his glossy lips, slide them inside his mouth, push against his tongue. it’s soft and fleshy under your touch as drool pools over it, coating your skin.
the spit mixing with his precum as you slide your hand gently down his length. he throws his head back, trying to steady his breathing. but the air is knocked out of his lugs when you tightly grip the base of his cock. he’s staring at you with wide, glassy eyes, full of a million pleas but he doesn’t have the words to voice any of them now. just blabbering a string of quiet little please, please, please.
you work your fist over his cock so excruciatingly slowly, your other hand still squeezing his balls. the squelching sound of slick skin against skin. his face twists in pleasure and his knuckles go white as he cutches at the pillows. it’s almost maddening, but he’s never felt better. switching between fast strokes and running the tips of your fingers over his shaft, he groans at every change of pace. every time he gets close you pull away, giggling at him.
“do you want to cum?” there's such an innocent tone to your voice, your lips pulled together in a pout. the strongest reduced to such a state, lips hanging open, the most slutty moans you have ever heard crawling past his lips, lithe fingers gripping at anything within reach. you don’t expect an answer. “awww i know, baby, i know. come on, be a good boy, cum for me.”
in an instant, he’s twitching in your hands, cum dripping between your fingers and down your wrist. and it’s so warm and thick and milky white. there’s so much of it too. your body trembles as you bring your hand to his lips. the power you wield over him so exhilarating. but he doesn’t even hesitate. tongue peeking out to lick his release off your skin, the taste slightly sweet in his mouth. 
gojo huffs out a laugh, chest still heaving. “i should annoy you more often.”
“satoru, you’re an idiot.” you push his face away.
his large hand wraps around the back of your neck. “yeah, yeah, now give me a kiss.”
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thank you for reading! interaction is very much appreciated! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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radiant-reid · 2 years
Do you think Spencer would say something to y/n when she’s showing pregnancy symptoms and she hasn’t really noticed?
If so can we get a little blurb??
DAD!SPENCE !!!!!! and i have two for this because i cannot decide which was better
"You didn't touch your coffee after you begged for it," Spencer notes after you've finished breakfast, staring at the full mug next to your empty plate.
You scrunch your nose. It smelt good, which is why you begged for it after he told you it wasn't a good idea. "I mean, I did spend the morning throwing up, so I guess that put me off."
"I'm sorry." He apologizes. "I must have made it wrong." He knows that's not true, but he's a textbook overthinker, especially when it comes to potential diagnoses and he doesn't want to force it on you.
He'd almost be able to forget that, file it into the back of his memory, but then other things happen and he starts to connect the dots.
"I'm so fucking sick of these pants." You complain, tugging on the button that won't fit over your stomach correctly like it used to the last time you wore them.
Spencer's always ready to offer you assurance about your insecurities and stands up from where he's sitting in the armchair in your room to meet you in the walk-in wardrobe.
He's much more worried when you burst into tears uncharacteristically. You have no idea what brought it on. It just happened.
"Oh, hey, darling." He coos, wrapping you in a hug and letting you cry into his chest. "What's going on?" He asks the question like he doesn't know. He's just looking for the right way to bring it up.
You shake your head. "I don't know."
"You're so beautiful." He assures you. "And I really don't want you to take this the wrong way."
You know him well enough to know he wouldn't say something offensive. "Tell me."
"I think you could, uh, be preg-pregnant." He mentions delicately, soft voice speaking to you calmly.
You pull back from shock, hand clamping over your mouth. It takes you a full moment of comprehension before you take it away. "Is that good?"
He's grinning, widely, which you don't notice until then. "I'm ready. We're good, you know? But, more importantly, what do you think?"
The answer is right there, it doesn't take a second for you to think of it. "Yes. How did you figure that out before I did?"
He rests his hand over your lower stomach. "It didn't just come from this. There was the nausea, taste changes, and, if I was not as intelligent as I'm proved to be, I would add mood swings to that list."
You giggle, hitting him lightly on the chest. "Good thing you're a genius then."
"Shut up." You roll your eyes, throwing a shirt from your bag at Spencer, who puts it in the machine.
"Thought you married me because I'm funny." He smirks smugly, leaning against the wall while you finish putting the laundry on.
You shake your head. "Nope. I married you for bragging rights. Do you know how much status your genius-ness gives me?"
He follows you as you walk to the living room and plops down on the couch next to you. "Since I'm a genius, you should listen to me." He implores. "You are pregnant. P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T."
"You are annoying. A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G." You mock him.
He rests his head on your lap, so he can look up at you at an angle that's probably not flattering. "Baby, we fuck like rabbits. Without condoms because of how much you love having cum in you." He reminds you, sounding so soft while he talks so dirty. "All. The. Time."
"Oh." You mumble, clenching your teeth as you look down at him. "Those are some good points."
"Thanks." He winks, only because he knows you're not freaking out. Like he said, it was expected. He turns his head, so he's facing your lower stomach, pushing up your shirt before kissing your skin. "One day, you'll know I'm always right."
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a-random-weeb · 7 months
Hii can I request yandere fyodor with a fem reader who’s a Broadway actor so almost every night he makes her sing for him so reader escapes only for him to show up in one of the readers musicals in the crowd while smirking at her
i know like nothing about Broadway. I know I'm 19, I know I'm supposed to be knowledgeable, but I never paid enough attention to this kind of stuff. I know basically what it is, I'm not 5 (That sounds so suspicious I promise I am above the age of 5, and am 100% a fellow Homo sapien just trust me) , just don't yell at me if I get a fact wrong or something, I tried my best 😭
Idk why I always get carried away with how dark I make Fyodor in my writing, so... enjoy whatever this is
Warnings: murder, stalking (ig), Yandere themes, r*pe mentions, forced cannibalism he's really ooc, idk what else
〰⊹𖦹⋆✿₊ ⊹𖦹⋆✿₊ ⊹𖦹⋆✿₊ ⊹𖦹⋆✿₊ ⊹𖦹⋆✿₊ ⊹𖦹⋆✿₊ ⊹𖦹⋆〰
This is a bad idea. You know it's a bad idea. He could find you but... this is the first time you've felt happy in forever. The rush of adrenaline as you sing and dance across the stage, it's too good, too addicting. Plus, it's not like he's here... Right? There's no way! Don't be silly! You escaped 3 months ago, there's no way he could have found you! Well, actually, you are a big actor, you guess this was a really bad idea.
As you bow to close off your performance with the rest of your fellow actors, but the moment glance out at the crowd, your eyes widden in horror. Deep within the crowd, you spot him. How- why- huh? Your heart drops in your stomach and you feel like you could throw up at any moment. You don't know how you maintain the huge, now fake smile spread across your face as you take on final bow and exit the stage.
You attempt to exit the place unnoticed, keeping your hood up in case he is still in the area. You look around, taking note of all your surroundings. Well, apparently everything accept what's infront of you because you bumped right into a guy. Stumbling backwards, you pay no mind to your flimsy hood falling down as you stutter apologies. Your whole face fills with hate, shock, horror, anger, everything, as you stare up at the man before you.
"It's perfectly fine, Myshka." The dark haired man looks down at you with a cunning smile. You stumble backwards, but he pulls you in by your waist. "Try to run and I shoot you, ok?" He chuckles maniacally. You're whole body freezes, you desperately try to scream, move, tell him off, anything! But all that comes out is a quiet whimper. He gently lifts a cloth to your mouth and everything goes dark...
You groan, your head aching and your heart pounding as your eyes flutter open. You freeze as you realize you're in a place you think of as hell. Fyodors punishment room. Sometimes it's sexual, sometimes it's just torture. The sexual ones are better, sure, it's r*pe, and he's sadistic, doesn't let you come and cuts you. But his torture punishments are much, much worse.
He enters the room with the most shit-eating grin you've ever seen. Tears stream down your face as you notice that in his hands lays the head of your brother.
"Hey~ You ran away for a few months, and that really hurt mwy fweelings!" He mocks, "Now it's my turn for some revenge~ now sing those cute little songs you sang in broadway, and maybe I won't shove your brothers remains down your throat!"
You sing and sing for hours, even getting you to dance. Eventually, you start to lose your voice, and that's when his face darkens.
"It's only been 4 hours. How are you losing your voice?" He glares, and the room goes silent for a minute. His sigh breaks the quiet, as he shoves one of your brothers eye balls in your mouth. You feel disgusted as he makes you bite down, the texture disturbingly mushy and chewy. He shoves the other eye in your mouth as you cry, his eyes lighting up in sadistic glee.
"Next time, it'll be your sister. Then your father, then your mother. Oh, but don't worry, that'll only happen if you try to run again!" He chuckles in mock sympathy. "Now, you'll be eating the rest of him if you act up, now, why don't you go get some rest? You did great on Broadway, I'm sure you're tired!" He says like he didn't just make you a cannibale. You sit on the floor, still trying to process everything. You regret ever running away, and now you sit on the cold, hard floor belonging to the man you hate the most... Fyodor Dostoevsky.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 2 months
CW: Referenced/implied abuse, past abuse, thoughts of worthlessness, unconventional self harm. AgeRe content.
Simon who gets tense around people who don't hurt him. Throughout his whole life, even when he was safe bouncing around squads in the military, people roughed him up. Insults, punches, mocks. No matter his size, attitude or status. So when the 141 doesn't do it, he waits. He waits thinking they will eventually, waiting for the other shoe to drop. The most they do with him is spar or tease him about things that don't hurt. They don't go for his soft spots. He doesn't understand why they don't want to hurt him, he doesn't get that it's because they care.
So he tries first. Why won't they fight back with more than a snort and a pat on the shoulder? Why don't they argue?
Price doesn't show more than a slight sadness about Simon's attempts to get someone to hurt him. He pulls out the only thing he thinks will do anything. The mama voice. He can't fight with Simon, not when he can see that Simon feels soft. Breakable.
Why is Price so gentle when he sits him down? Called him in there with his title anyways. This was it, right? They'll fight, like he's been wanting. To prove what? That he doesn't deserve softness? That he's bad like Roba and his father instilled in him?
But Price doesn't yell. He sits in front of Simon on his desk and talks to him. How can he feel safe and threatened at the same time? Was it Price's gaze or his stance? Was it how he was so obviously the weaker of the two, or the hands that would pick him back up that made him feel that way? Price couldn't get angry and hurt him, but he doesn't. He's slow, patient and kind. Something Simon is hardly used to. His heart squeezes in his chest.
The mama voice is what makes Simon tear up. He's not being scolded, but it still feels so firm. Not mean, but with an edge to it. He looked down at his hands. Bad. Unworthy. Rude.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you." His mother and father would say. But Price softens as he looks at Simon.
"We don't have to talk now, Ghost." Ever so gentle with how he handles Simon. Respecting his wishes to not say his name but Simon ached to hear it out of his Captain's mouth. To hear his name softly said, without anger or malice. Especially without the slur of alcohol consumption.
"Are you going to get rid of me, Sir?" Simon's voice breaks. When Price pauses, his shoulders tense. Is this it? Is he done with him?
"Simon..." There it is. His name a soft sound on Price's lips. Warm, coated in concern. Don't leave. Don't leave. Please don't go.
"We're a team. No one gets left behind." Words Simon would later repeat to Johnny in the los vaqueros safe house.
"Why?" Simon questions. He hears the slight pained sound Price makes as he asks. I'm sorry. Don't go.
"We don't want to leave you... You're stuck with us." Price tries to be light-hearted, but stops when Simon frowns behind the mask. So expressive, usually when he doesn't want to be.
"I'm sorry." Sorry for what? Being argumentative? Being distressed?
"Hey," Price crouches down next to him, following the way Simon's eyes dart to look anywhere but him, "You didn't do anything wrong." Gentle, guiding him like a child.
He felt like a child. Small. Weak. Breakable.
He hasn't heard anyone say it was okay before. No one comforted him like that. Not as a kid. Not as a teen. Not with his superiors. Because it hadn't been okay. Because he did do bad things.
And now he wasn't bad, it was okay. His mind didn't know how to deal with that.
Simon flinches as Price's hand rests on his knee.
"Simon, you're okay here. What can I do?"
Simon shakes his head. What could Price possibly do? Hold him? Tell him it was okay until it felt like it was? Let him cry it out like a kid? God he felt like a kid. Smaller and smaller the more Price talked.
He'd seen Johnny and Kyle small around him, but never let himself break. He always left as soon as he could. Now he wonders if it hurt them when he left so fast.
"'m sorry." The words come out faster, broken in the syllables. Forced and rushed. Will the other shoe drop?
"I know, Si, I know..." Price murmurs, looking up at him from his crouched position. It can't be comfortable, but neither comment.
Simon wants to fall forward into his arms the longer he looks at him so sweetly. Like Simon wasn't damaged goods. Like he was just as small as Kyle and Johnny. He feels smaller.
"Help..." He weakly mutters. He says it on the off chance that this won't hurt. That he'll be okay.
And Price doesn't leave, he promises to stay and help. Never pushing further than Simon wanted to go. He waited till he was okay to hold hands, then waited till he was okay being picked up. Then until he let himself cry. Price didn't have to work hard to notice just how small Simon made himself, how easy he could break. Simon, not Ghost. Price vowed to protect him once the sobs died down and Simon fell asleep on his chest. There in his office, on the couch in an uncomfortable position. Like he was a cat, Price didn't go anywhere.
Price gains another little that day, but he didn't bring it up until Simon came to him. Until Simon needed his help again. It's all on his time, Price doesn't push. He's the most giddy he ever had been when Simon crawls into bed with him and falls asleep safely. Cooing in his sleep. Price hadn't felt that happy before about being needed. Simon came to him for comfort. For safety. He holds it to the highest honour.
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ikkosu · 2 months
(adopting gn!human reader)
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a/n : been wanting a cute fluffy request I hope I wrote them uh satisfactorily 😭😭 I actually enjoyed writing about baby and cdrw maybe I’ll write more scenarios with this little family ughhh so cute
"Alright folks, we're leaving in thirty minutes!" Rodimus's voice echoed through the speaker.
"It's either you get on or get off the ship forever— Er, ah...oh what's that? We're not allowed to leave when— Damn it. Apologies, there's been a restatement by Ultra Magnus declaring it's illegal, you guessed it, for whatever reasons I'm not bothered enough to care. Blah, blah blah. Oh, shut it drift. Anyways, latecomers are welcomed in the brig. Buckle up in thirty! Rodimus out."
Rewind swivelled his gaze from the rock nestled on the grass, then to the ship, hovering not too far from where he's crouching. "Huh, guess I'm taking a detour." Then, his camera skims over the verdant fields of rolling hills. Red lights, blinking. "Won't hurt, would it?"
The LL had a short break stopping on Earth, mostly for refuelling, fresh air, stretching limbs,,,totally not because Brainstorm blew up the left wing again and The Science Team had to patch things up discreetly
Seriously, where is HR when you need it?
And, obviously, the Archivist is not missing the opportunity to explore, of course. It's earth! Home to,,,well,,,,the most complex (derogatory) kinds in the cosmos. And, this rock he's been examining? It's an extraterrestrial mineral. Figments of rocks from asteroids, comets, and the like originating outside of the Earth. Crazy, huh.
Better keep that for safekeeping.
Aside from, ah, well wandering where he's able to film stuff, occasionally animals and cows of the like, it's more like a need, at the moment, for a bit of (lets put this gently) space away from his conjunx — since, he's been acting like an ass of late.
Ahem, going behind his, ahem back to doing ahem Mnemosurgery....again.
It's not even an 'again' anymore, it's just borderline often
Why does he even bother to listen? You can't break old habits, as Ratchet would say. They'd break themselves before they could ever stop.
"So that's it? You're just going to ignore me like that?" Footsteps pattered behind him
Rewind huffs, walking faster. "Took you long enough to figure it out, genius."
He groans. "Oh for— Primus sake, Rewind, come on. Don't do this. We can talk."
"Oh sure, sure! Talk." He threw his hands up, whirling around to face his conjux. "That's what you always say, promising me like you're going to get your eyes gorged out if you didn't. What else, tell Red Alert to stop being paranoid and Whirl, a psychopathic ass?"
Chromedome palms his face. Primus, this apology isn't going well as he expected it to. "Look, I messed up. I breached a trust you had in me. I shouldn't have done it. That was very... inconsiderate....of me..."
"What is this, eight grade? Spelling bee on who's responsible?"
"That's not the point! You can't just—"
And, so it begins. The bickering. The blaming. Hand pointing. Arguments ablaze, never listening. Voice raising — just the tip of the iceberg, not even close to it's full potential.
"I bet my words doesn't mean anything to you now, does it?"
"It's does, Rewind. It does!"
"Hey! Stay there! Don't even come any closer or I swear to Primus I'll—"
A cry gurgled out amidst the bushes.
The Mnemosurgeon stiffens. He looking around for the source of the cry when he notices conjux was staring at him. "What?"
"Wow. Wow. Low blow, Chrome dome." Rewind puffs and presses his fists on his hips. " Low blow. I didn't think you'd do this. You're gonna resort to mocking me, now?"
He sputters. " You think that was me?"
"Yeah, blame it on the cows. Blame it on 'em like you do when avoid all responsibility."
"What's even a cow? Oh, for—" Then suddenly he lets out a surprised sound, dropping to crouch next to a bush. Rewind doesn't bother to look. Why would he? He's busy sulking and he wants that Mnemo-no-to-the-o to see it. Though, his audials tuned into a rustle of leaves when—
"There! Primus, Rewind look at this."
Said Archivist was still sulking, arms crossed, looking away. "Nuh, uh."
"Don't you nuh uh me." CD chuffs and figured actions were bigger than words so he scooped up the bundle of blankets and shoved it up his face. "Well? Still got film for this?"
Rewind takes a moment to register the visage.It was, if he knew his terms correctly, a human child. No, wait. A baby. It's the size of a sparkling but....smaller. And, significantly softer.
Most of all, it's crying. Coolant— er, tears streaming down the side of it's cheek. Gently, his servos curled around the scoop, nestling it softly against his chassis. He felt a kind of pull in is spark. Something fond pulsing. Chromedome loosened, looking away. What's the point? The mask already hid his smile.
"Seems pretty far from it's residential zone." Chromedome peers across the horizon searching for even the most recognizable specks of rooftops.
Nope, nothing.
Just rolls and rolls of green foliage.
"Hey there little fella." The Archivist coos, digit caressing the cheek to soothe it. The baby sniffled then blink, lifting up it's tiny fingers to bap his index. "What's a baby doing here of all places?Aren't human, uh, carrier, sires are very protective of their offsprings?"
Chromedome doesn't know what to say, he's not Ratchet or Percy, but he's sure as hell relieved their argument took a turn into park. "Misplacement, maybe."
"...How do you misplace a baby in a bush?"
"Things like that can happen, you know."
"If anything, it seemed like it's deliberately thrown in there. Look! It's even wrapped in a blanket."
He held it up for the Mnemosurgeon to see who, in turn, simply shrugged.
"Yeah. To keep it warm."
"Until someone finds them."
Chromedome narrows his optics. He's got a bad feeling about this. "Rewind. What are you trying to say?"
"What I'm trying to say is that this child is deliberately left here to be found. We can't just leave it out here—"
"Are you saying we should steal it?''
"I'm not saying we should- ugh yes! I'm saying we should steal it—"
"You're kidnapping children now?"
Ratchet cuts through both of their comms, immediately barraging them, "Are you two idiots done squabbling with whatever stupid problem you have or are we gonna have to wait another fraggin' hour until you both make up and kiss?"
They had to take the baby, much to CD's dismay.
Ultra Magnus was losing his mind. What do you mean you found a baby in a ditch, in a bush, in a field of all places?! Even worse, literally miles and miles away from the nearest habitual region!
Purely, coincidental. He'll have to look in his files for crimes like this lest another is let loose for havoc. The young are the future for society! Something Cybertron is severely lacking in
Unacceptable. Simply unacceptable. Oh, and by the way, you're both going in the brig. You're late.
"Chromedome stalled me."
"Here, we go again."
Everyone is busy cooing and taking turns prodding the bab, and can someone please keep whirl away from the child he's armed, (with the exception of Megatron, the medics and UM) who didn't, mostly for the fear of passing diseases to it, mostly stood far with unimpressed looks on their faces.
First Aid, though, eventually took matters into his own hand,,, by taking it into his own hands and putting it in a glass box (shut up Brainstorm we're not using your stupid Polyhex Quadrilateral Box or whatever) to scan it's vitals and conditions
Everyone was outside, peering through the glass, prodding, helms jut at odd angles to see through the crowd — while the medics delicately assessed its condition.
Ratchet had to explain poor Rewind that not everyone wants children and not every parents are deserving of it so. He's seen this a lot in human culture.
"So they abandon babies just for the fun of it?!"
Well, he's got a point. Most of it at least. "Rewind.... no."
When they were done ensuring the baby is in optimal condition, Ratchet comes up to the, er couple, if he had to put it that way and crossed his arms, a brow raised.
"Do you trust yourselves enough to look after the child?"
"Might as well." CD sighs. ".... I've got enough responsibility on my plate, already."
"Nobody forced you to go back and take it." Rewind mutters.
Ratchet held up a servo to cut off another argument brewing. " I'm going to put this out clear."
A digit points to them. Ratchet grits his dentas and every word that spooled out of his vocalizer, more intense.
"You both are going to have to put your differences aside. You're going to resolve that problem of yours, and resolve it clean — not in front of the child, but behind. Go hide in a broom closet for all i care. Mutilate or incapacitate each other's limbs, if it helps. Fight all you want, kill each other if you have to. But this baby? This baby? You're going to give this child the most loving, caring family it can have. You hear?"
Shenanigans ensue.
Obviously, given they're Cybertronians, human anatomy isnt a topic they're very well versed with. Rewind does know a thing or two. But consulting videos are not really the best way to go when neither of them have the tools to feed the baby
Percy and Nautica (because he doesnt trust brainstorm) are tasked with concocting the milk formula. They're seen tinkering away in the lab, barring the other scientist against a let-me-in charade. Lab doors are locked and padlocked with a specific colde — suck it BS.
All elements, minerals and resources as such are to be provided Rodimus (begrudingly), then fact-checked by the medics, very, very carefully.
They're like guts deep in space and very far from earth. A quantum jump to said planet, in case of an emergency, can affect the only organic living onboard.
Moreover, Ratchet doesn't trust CDRW to learn the stuff themselves, so he holds five hour long sessions daily on how to provide sufficient needs for the baby. You know, handling them, playing with them, learning their gestures, mannerisms,,,etc
CD loves holding baby by the armpit, and especially loves it when he does that, baby tries to bap his face, squealing and babbling, trying to reach him— he finds that his chassis always melts a little.
Rewind, on the other hands, adores cradling baby in a blanket. He likes how warm and soft it is against his arms. And how easily it his to nestle baby under his chin as he walks.
He is the most affectionate from the two. And definitely records everything. Soccer mom-esque, cheering loud whenever baby does something' monumental, for instance, blabbering dada coherently. But also the most rigid. Like, lattice structured rigid.
''Rewind you watch snuff films you hypocrite, a Sunday cartoon getting a liiiiittle violent is nothing compared to the archives you go through." Rodimus wags the CD in front of the Archivist, an upturned pleading pout, pulling his features. He looked comical hunching to regard the smaller Archivist with baby nestled under his chin.
It was an obvious ploy to fiddle with the baby. Everyone's trying to get a nab of their little squeals, these days. Why wouldn't they?
Those adorable fats for cheeks, soft and cuddly, crawling around the habsuite like a cretin, gumming on everything they could find.
Skids managed dodging through the vents after a successful glimpse of peek-a-boo (Rewind forbids physical touch. He's not risking any disease that can be transferred.)
He slinked down and baby immediately latched onto his pedes, babbling for an upsie. It took him a while, and much restraint, not to take it through the vents
Swerve almost poisoned baby with the engex again because, in his own words, what's a little harm in trying new things?
He's now locked up in the brig, banned from touching baby ever .
This entire crew is a hazard and Rewind wasn't having it.
"Is this the same captain known for illegal conduct of meteor surfing?"
"....Oh, shut it."
Chromedome's not very affectionate but is less-rigid when it comes to baby. He's the type to cave in when they want something. Sweets? Oh, you want sweets? He doesn't care if the Lost Light is miles away from the nearest planet. He's going there and he's going now.
Stop him and he'll plunge those long, needle-like nails into mecha's skull, their ancestors could see Primus's aft whole again.
Hoards like,,,,around fifty satchels of sweets. It was only until Ambulon had a private chat with the Mnemosurgeon, that, yes, the baby is going to die eating that much.
So, he offered safer alternatives if baby wanted something sweet. Boiled potatoes, ripe avocados and fruits could help. (They'll have to frequent the nearest planets)
CD is like the most cynical ass ever to exist so Rewind find himself with an existential crises, staring off into a wall, when baby would scrunch up their face, the way CD does when he's displeased.
"That mask stays on."
"But I didn't even—"
"It stays on."
But he also finds, a little begrudingly, that CD is a lot more understandable these days. Mostly always cradling baby and humoring the little cretin . Arguments are close to nill. He barely has to raise his voice
Cybertronians naturally have harsh edges, given they're metal (duh), so their rooms would be congruent in terms of features as well. Not exactly a pleasant thought when an organic is dawdling about.
So to be safe, in their habsuite, Chromedome installed padded cushions everywhere. Even the ceiling is padded, mecha's kibbles are also padded (much to Rodimus's chagrin)
And, every inch and crevice of that room is filled with scribbles. (Scribbles only Swerve can decipher, but he's busy lounging in the brig so there's that.)
Red Alert, during a habsuite check, once blacked out inside the room because he didn't recognize the new change. It was so pastel-ish, bright and soft, he justs goes away
Chromedome finds the poor mech on the ground, baby on top with their crayons, assaulting said mecha's face while squealing at the teal green against stark red paint
"A new paint job, huh."
"Chromedome, get the poor guy up for Primus's sake!"
Baby is limited to the Library and Med-bay (as per Rewind's request). Library because Megatron is there and they know for a fact he's more trustworthy with the baby than anyone. And, Med-bay because, well, medics
But obviously, baby is like, a little cretin who thinks rules are a no-go and said social construct a danger to society. And, by who's declaration? Rodimus. It's Rodimus.
Rewind is going to murder that speedster of a captain
So , it's a given mech's will see CD scampering across the halls upon spotting baby dangling off a goddamn beam. Or, hanging off someone's shoulder, (said bot doesn't know, because baby is so small, the sensors didn't pick up), then sees the mnemosurgeon slumping onto the ground in relief, passed out for a minute
What's baby doing there?!
Rip CD's spark rate.
And, since they've got to play the part of a happy family, Rewind has to sleep in the same berth as his conjux. Not that they didn't ever
After the reveal (CD going behind his back doing unethical things w/ his fingers) Rewind was obviously displeased so they sported separate berths. Now? They'll manage squeezing in the same bed.
Rewind tried to act all huffy about it, glancing to one side, as though he doesn't want to be there. He does. He's just sulking.
Chromedome silently stares at the ceiling. Baby is between them, chewing on a miniature Rung figure (that Rung gave because, somehow, it calms the little thing)
Baby notices the silence and wants attention, so they bap their hands on the surface when both mechs weren't listening. And does it again for the fifth time. CD sighs and decides to humor baby, a little.
"It's past bed-time." He says quietly, patting their head
With a squeal, baby plays with CD's servo and curls it over their head. He scoops the little bundle up into his arms and loosened up a little.
Rewind swivels to find baby nuzzling his conjux, both deeply asleep. Something soft thrums in his spark, and while he’d rather bash his conjux’s a skull with a hammer, he can’t deny the lovely visage of him cuddling their child. So, he scoots over a little, resting his helm on CD's shoulder. He doesn't flinch when a servo lands on his shoulder plate, pulling him close.
Maybe, it wasn’t so bad.
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