#historically accurate alexander hamilton
a-maniac-making-art · 2 months
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They are just bros being bros.
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yomawari · 3 months
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Wise up, Eyes up.
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hammyham-o-o · 2 months
hi :)
I was just rewatching some old Hamilton animatics *as one does* and I just gotta share this one with all the historical lams shippers on here because AHHH it's so GOOD
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lil-gae-disaster · 3 months
in regards of my last post:
July - Noah Cyrus is either Lams or John Laurens coded
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Hamilton knows about your.. wife?
No, he doesn’t…
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kingofthescene · 9 months
Burr: Part 01.
As someone who has been doing research on Aaron Burr for years and years now, something that genuinely frustrates me about "Hamilton: An American Musical" is how Burr's character is treated throughout the entirety of it. It's very strange because to me, it seemed as though they were downplaying/disregarding Burr's own accomplishments in order to bring light to Hamilton's and put him on a pedestal instead. The way they go about this in the musical is very odd. Burr has been dehumanized and villainzed throughout history and his actual life due to his enemies - men like Hamilton himself, Thomas Jefferson, and so on. Vindictive people who made it their life/were dedicated to ruining Burr's life and reputation. Many lyrics stand out to me and I can't help but roll my eyes at some of them. Even in the first song of the musical alone; "His enemies destroyed his rep, America forgot him." That line speaks more to Burr than it does to Hamilton. The damage Burr's enemies, Hamilton included, still lingers around today and he's still known as one of the most hated men in history. Even more so because of how many people refuse to do actual research on him, they watch a musical, or read two pages from a very biased and not very credible book (Chernow, I'm coming for you), then come to a conclusion/form an opinion on someone they truly know nothing about simply due to the fact that they didn't care enough to educate themselves. Lin Manuel Miranda himself admitted that when he was writing this play that Burr was an after thought, didn't see him as human. Though with how much he praised Chernow's book - to the point where he wrote an entire musical based off that nonsense - I would be lying if I said I was surprised, I didn't expect anything more or less. The historical inaccuracies and lack of research always did bother me when it came to this musical in particular. The little "America forgot him" line bothers me as well because as small of a line as it is, it just is not true. Hamilton's family have been fighting for him since the day of his death (for over 100 years), saving his reputation and painting him in the best light in order to secure his legacy. He's the guy on the ten dollar bill, numerous statues of this man posted not only in New York, but in Boston, Chicago, etc. There's one in the U.S Capitol. What about this screams "forgotten"?
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Being in a system is so weird especially as a fictive with different sources
Imagine being in my shoes
Your husband is now 19, dating a man, and looks vaugely like Lin Manuel Miranda
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a-maniac-making-art · 1 month
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I found more of Johns Laurens Closet
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yr-obedt-cicero · 1 year
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The Woodstock Herald states, upon the assurance of a very respectable gentleman, that a son of Aaron Burr, and a son of Alexander Hamilton, both write in the same office at St. Louis, Missouri and are upon the most friendly terms.
Western Sun & General Advertiser, Volume 14, Number 34,Vincennes, Knox County, 20 September 1823
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not-ever-normal · 1 year
Starting a Hamilton dedicated sketchbook. Give me ideas! <3 (Ships allowed :) )
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pub-lius · 2 years
reading hamilton’s letters fucking KILLS ME bc this mf will send a long ass letter to livingston being like “this shit is fucking ridiculous, burgoyne is absolutely worthless and yet the ENTIRE ARMY is worried about him but we don’t even know where tf howe is and im clearly the only one who cares and now fucking gates is in charge of new york which is just fucking dumb” and then he’ll write correspondence for washington to putnam like “yeah get ready to fight burgeoyne i guess bye”
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kfc-bucketman · 1 year
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unicornsaures · 3 months
You KNOW a fic is good when it makes You break your incógnito mode just to show the writer something
Anyways here's some doodles i made, here's the dialogue on the hairstyling part because i wrote it myself featuring ham having a detail with him and being drive into a flustered rage cuz god can't he just accept it and Jack snapping at him cuz it's such a warm gesture and he's touching his hair and it's getting to him way todo much
The dialogue:
. I can do this MYSELF You KNOW?!
.good lord just SHUT. UP you're INSUFERRABLE
. I can SURE Say the same
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Ham is NOT having any of this(he messed up laurens' hair its his job to fix it)(hes not happy about it)(yes he is)
AND TYSM!! ^.^
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lil-gae-disaster · 3 months
Side quest
I was working on an artpiece for my Hamilton Fanfic (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53322013/chapters/134948959) when I got bored and instead drew mini sad:c™️ Hamilton w historical accuracy (as far as i could remember) w Henry Laurens' letter that John's dead.
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ich war am zeichnen eines Fanarts für meine Fanfic (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53322013/chapters/134948959), und dann wars mir zu langweilig und ich hab stattdessen einen historischen mini sad:c™️ Hamilton mit Henry Laurens' brief, dass John tot ist, gemalt.
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icarusbetide · 2 months
the random p*rn bots sprinkled in between the lengthy text posts and artworks with #alexander hamilton are making the tag more historically accurate god bless
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spectres-fulcrum · 4 months
ALSO! I started Duty and Inclination, a published Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens romance novel that is wonderfully historically accurate and is feat. the Washington military family and I love it to bits. The only complaints I have is I've noticed a couple grammar issues but legit everything else is fantastic
The romance is fantastic. Like every bit one up the last scene. I think I really have to love the earliest parts the most though
Hamilton spending days/weeks wondering Lauren's true hair color and is so shocked-even though it was SO coming- the night after they discussed that Laurens cannot keep powdering his hair forever Laurens comes down with unpowdered hair and is just like. Amazed by the color. Honey hair.
Honestly I had never considered the romantic possibility of unpowdered hair but it was amazing pre feelings realization tension and I just. Top 5 romantic things
Also Hamilton finding John's art and not realizing it and the way it leads to their first kiss and it's all okay. God I loved it. \
The dance lessons!
Stolen moments and kisses and touches and wait Dress fits them
John telling Alexander to call him Jack when Alexander is sick and they're talking about St Croix! Alexander saying all his struggles back there was preferable to losing "My Sweet" when John had the musket wound!
The final birthday gift!
I just love them
Also also also also when Laurens first arrives to the encampment the sentries tell him Washington's tent is very French at the current moment... I grinned cause, yeah, we know he loves Lafayette(And sure enough Lafayette was in the tent)
The family though!!!! Horsegirlie Meade! Teasing Tilghman for destroying stuff! The way everyone hates Reed but loves and adores and supports each other! Washington insisting they do dinner together almost every night for a family activity! He and Lafayette worrying over how worried John was for Hamilton!
The morning Hamilton changed tried to change Laurens bandages but Meade took over for him babying John and being too slow and then Fitzgerald was awake and Tilghman slept on and Hammie was just like Oh, good morning :D to John and Tilghman groans, like that woke him and Meade laughed, Fitz scolded him, and John just looks at the sunlight in Hammie's hair and it's all golden.
Favorite Fitzgerald line: "Happy Birthday, Laurens. Have a war." Truer words were never spoken
I'm about to start Ch 10, Lady Washington Comes To Valley Forge and I'm super excited cause in this house we ship George Washington/Lafayette AND love Martha(and cry over her daughter and love the fact that she and George didn't hide their disabled daughter(Well technically his stepdaughter but the marriage happened when Patsy was two so she was basically his daughter) away when her seizures started or at any point, encouraging her to live a normal life until she died during a seizure.) So I hope that Martha brings a lot of fun.
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