#history freespace
chiropteracupola · 13 days
WIP Game - blade, sun, or delight?
sharpe-wears-a-dress fic I still don't have a more succinct name for:
With Teresa’s hands on him, carefully manipulating his jaw between her palms, turning his head in whichever direction she pleased, he wanted to lean into her, to let his mouth fall open and moan in contentment. But he could not — the least movement might send the blade astray, and Sharpe would bear another failure-mark in a cut across his face.
henry v werewolf au:
The oldest of Exeter’s nephews was at the head of the group — taking the lead, as Henry king of England was always wont to do — and he stopped, seemingly unsure of his next step. Sunlight caught his hair, left free from cloak and hood, as he turned, scanning the trees and undergrowth for any movement. A squirrel chattered from above, and a scattered flock of crows passed, wheeling and weaving, through the expanse of dawn-grey sky — had the birds taking flight been the great rustling movement they had seen?
flintlock fortress julien/judith fic*:
Her hair was threaded with silver-gilt that could not be owed to powder now, a ripple of frost running through their sweet-ripe summer’s-end where he had been so pleased to run his fingers through her locks. And he had delighted in her disassembly of him, the way she unfastened the ribbon holding back his hair and played with the long curling locks of it. Her narrow fingertip traced the scar that spanned his cheekbone — under Judith Thornton’s touch, it was a badge of honor, silken scarlet like the favor a lady might grant her knight.
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sssammich · 4 months
(upends all the -corps on your desk)
agent, guardian, reign, rojas, super, freespace for any i forgot?
god you're a bitch (affectionate)
im so sorry it's so long so please have a read more
also i give you 2 freespace -corps as a treat (to literally me and like 3 other people idk if anybody else cares about this)
agentcorp - NO
for all the potential they could have based on how i feel about their relationship to their respective siblings, i just don't care. im not vibing. just ready to nuke her? idk pass i guess. (did kara lie a gazillion times? yeah for sure. but also like she doesn't want lena dead dead so)
guardiancorp - (if you're referring to kelly, then YES; if james, then NO)
the potential for james guardiancorp could have been interesting but it's literally the same as agentcorp in that i end up not caring about it? no nuking tho and i think if it wasn't idk rammed into our eyeballs without friendship (that is the literal ticket to lena's heart, it's friendship so idk why they're not giving it to her), i might be more cool with it. but as it stands *shrugs* just not vibing lmao
the potential for kelly guardiancorp is that there is so much healing involved. not because she's idk a therapist or whatever and it's her job, i think kelly (for all the characterization she did get) i think it can pair as unlikely friends who click on well but turn into something more. it's slow but it doesn't burn, necessarily. i think their respective demons and skeletons in the closet are gonna come out and not necessarily war with one another, but come out at inopportune times. i think kelly might even last longer than jack, all things considered, because she knows about that pain or tension or darkness that lena needs. i think it could work. also i maintain that gun range headcanon
reigncorp - YES
sam is a also giver but i think because she's not silver spoon-grown the way the rest of lena's posse are, there's a grit to her that makes her different. at least to the likes of jack and andrea. there's history there, shared companionship, compatibility. literally a quality friends to lovers fic. the child complicates it, but lena is so starved for love just as she hungers for giving love. i think that sam (and ruby, as a result) are good people for that. i think of all the relationships to work out long term, this might be it, actually. especially if we're talking long term restorative healing journies. controversial take since i have never written anything to signify this, but *shrugs* they would be good for each other. i think this is like accidental eventual happy ending in the way that they've since stayed together through everything, it almost is a surprise when lena leans forward and sam closes the distance. but then when they kiss, it isn't. so, yeah.
rojascorp - YES
similar to how sam and lena have history, companionship, and compatibility, i'd like to think andrea was the blueprint for that. and then she betrayed lena and got into some bullshit and wrecked her life a bit before getting it slightly together. rojascorp is like redemption!arc endgame that i think would happen in light of a permanent supercorp rift. their dynamic would also serve to highlight just how vastly different their station in life is in comparison to the others. where the superfriends are decidedly middle class, lena and andrea literally are in the .05% of society. they live particular lives, have particular expectations thrust upon them, navigate the world so differently. lena is open to hang with the plebes people but staying around andrea keeps her up in the social circles of her family, despite their absence. aside from that, i think that andrea will fight for and with lena. i think she's the right type of pain and struggle that lena needs in her life. in some ways i also see this working out, but i can also see this couple getting as close to the Best and they get in each other's way by getting in the way of themselves. old wounds that have scabbed over might reopen at a moment of weakness, even with the progress they make, so that would be interesting on how can they survive again. if nothing else, that's how they define love with each other.
supercorp - YES
i mean (see my ao3 tag pls)
if you want a real answer, i think they have been set up so perfectly together that whatever it is that the show can't do, i know that i can do for myself (and the fandom as well). i'm also thinking about the emotional beats of their upbringing and complicated relationships they have with both male and female family members and what that entails, and also that they serve to complement and parallel each other in different ways. two women born out of circumstance and trauma, enduring of so many things, what's not to like. suffice it to say, other women on this list also share this with lena, so it's not like kara is unique, but i do think that the ways in which the two of them have stationed themselves where kara is the sun and lena orbits her (both canonically and fanonically, for literal better or worse) is fascinating in a way that i literally just can't get enough of. granted, that could be that kara is the titular character so we just see her more. but i've shipped pairs from nothing but the power of my imagination, so i don't think that's it, necessarily. i think that there is a bit of a serendipitous approach to their relationship's rise and fall. i think redemption!arc endgame, when done right between them, reassesses how they can be better than they were, this time with each other in mind. but it's a lot of work and i think they will have to really, really work at it - especially kara, to make it so that they never hurt each other in the way that they have in the past. kara has committed a thousand paper cuts on lena and i think she addresses that in her second chance with lena. and i think that's enough of that grounding pain that lena seeks, whether she realizes it or not. it's not all the way healthy, i'll admit, but they are also not all the way healthy, so.
freespace: rojaslettecorp (aka andrea, veronica, lena) - YES
it's a throuple of boarding school bitches with A Past, all rich and somewhat shady in various and compelling ways. what's not to love i guess. i headcanon that they are all soft (even veronica, but not all the way, just enough for the other two not to give up on her) and broken mostly through family trauma and expectations that they don't meet
but also think about the fact that they could very well come together as versions of their youthful selves, a little battered, a little broken, a little bit more criminal (they are rich, they literally already exist outside of the law for the most part) and there's a certain kind of recognition in that. the way it'll play though is that andrea and veronica will 100000% antagonize each other and lena will for sure play the straight man who just keeps the peace together long enough until it's time for her to pick a winning side, temporary that side may be.
freespace: imralucylena (what the fuck kind of corp are they?) - WHY NOT
a) i believe in myself so im vibing and can make this happen so jot that down
b) "in service of the greater good, even at the expense of one's personal good" is what i would sum this all up to be
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Fun Times for All
So I will be accepting some snippet requests as well as other things. I do want to do some more writing that isn't just threads. They are fun but there are times when I want to do small focused writing stuff like snippets. In addition, I do want to do some asks and have some fun small interactions with y'all. For that I'll separate what I'm looking/asking for from you guys as I go and give explanations.
So for the theme for these. This time around I will rip off from one of my mutuals and go with Mothers. So most if not all of the following things will be following this theme. I don't do themes often but perhaps I should for these to be a tad more interesting. This should be all that's needed to explain.
As mentioned before I am accepting snippet requests. The rules are the same as before. For these you simply send the name of the muse(s) to be involved. If you have a muse that has a history with mine you can include them. Or have a random muse be paired in the snippet, but note the main focus should be my own muses as I do not fully know other people's muses or interpretations so I cannot properly portray them as well as the original writer for them. This doesn't change much with my canon muses as they are simply how I interpret them. I normally am hesitant for this sort of thing due to lack of confidence but I am improving on it so this shouldn't be much of an issue. Once again you should be somewhat descriptive in the snippet or scenario so I have something to work off of and write towards. Requests that are too vague will be ignored.
When it comes to kinks I am.usually pretty open but I can be a bit more specific here. Some kinks that are allowed are as follows:
Normal: bondage, gangbang, threesome, public, breeding, facial, bukkake, creampie
Extreme but allowed: noncon, incest, monster, hypnosis, mindbreak, pet play, futa (depends on use. IM for clarification)
Extreme not allowed: NTR, cheating, the really gross stuff (you should know what this is), inflation (some bloating is ok but not Prego+ level expansion. It's just too much imo)
Gif Use
One thing I should definitely mention is that I don't have a specific list of gifs that I'd prefer to use for inspiration for these. I don't have much patience to make those nor do I have that much time and freespace to do so. However, this shouldn't discourage you guys to send in any gifs you've seen on other lists or just ones you find online that seem fun. All you need do is provide a link for me to see it. Needless to say I may have one or two preferences on the types I like to view but that's not really what this is about. Send what you fancy.
Now we have a fun layout of things it's time we get to the list of muses for this. Granted I only have three muses that are mothers but this is not entirely limited to them. However most things with them will be prioritized.
Meet the MILFs:
Naru, Kushina Uzumaki, Android 21/Vomi
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These three are the priority targets but you are free to interact with the others in terms of either making them mothers or having them make someone into a mother. In that regard, basically the entire muse list is open to those. Go nuts and have them nut or have others nut onto/into them. XD
Ik this post is long but I'll keep this as brief as possible. It's not only snippets that are open here. This is for a fun means of interaction and development for some muses or just a fun thought experiment. You can freely ask the muses about their own mothers or if they want to be one, or even who they would rather make into one, and even what it's like to be one or about their kids if they are one. I reblog the "if they had a kid" meme a lot and I've answered a lot of them. But I'd like to toss the ball to you lot. Send me your ideas of what a kid between our muses would be like. Let's all have fun with this. The sky is the limit and there are lots of fun possibilities. Thank you for reading this far and let's have a fun ball with this!
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1ore · 8 months
I looooove seeing your music posts where you link stuff you like to listen to!! I was wondering if you have any band/specific song requests bc MAN do I need new music
THANK YOU… I like to share them if only as a diary entry for my future self, so it makes me happy to know others like to look at them. I find almost all of my music through my friends, too, so it also makes me happy when others do it. it's more music for me hee hee hee
I’m not sure if you had anything specific in mind, so I picked some songs that I’ve been enjoying lately but haven’t shared to my knowledge. feel free to ask for a specific genre/mood/etc if these aren’t what you had in mind. Otherwise you have my music tag, bandcamp history, or openwhyd playlists to look at.
Hot Rod – Dayglow But we both know the way it's gonna go In the same way, maybe I'm not all that you thought  
Atomic Garden – Bad Religion All my scientists are working on a deadline So my psychologist is working day and night time They say they know what's best for me But they don't know what they're doing  
Fury of the Gods (Mission) - Peter Gagliardi part of a killer Freespace-inspired soundtrack that was created for the modding community  
Punks and Poets - Elliot Root It's just a hopeful destination Saints and sinners, they're laughing all the same  
Prawn (tiny desk flavor) - Superorganism Oh, have you ever seen a prawn cause a world war? Have you ever kissed a prawn, got a cold sore? Have you ever seen a prawn kick off? Have you ever seen a prawn in a pair of handcuffs, oh You people make the same mistakes Over and over, it's really kinda dumb, oh Slow learning is kinda your thing  
Hi - Psapp I know what you're thinking I know how you see me Although it hurts You're probably right
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carli-meows · 1 year
One Cloud Gang: Sounds of Things to Come
Chapter One:
Here come the OCG y'all
Like the Scurra Could
GizMoe Quimp
Green Unicycle (That can turn into a monocycle)
Calm (down)
An Old Homie like that
I brought the candy
Funny Little Guy
Stay (collected)
Fury Filled Palm
I'll Fight for Y'all
Chapter II:
Here come that 123 the OCG
Like a Scurra Would
GooLi O'ZaeDeree
I'm like if Tony Hawk was a Myme and also a girl
Gooli's Espionage Theme (Bein' sneaky 'n' shit)
A new Homie like that
I brought the seltz
Stay (Calm 'n' collected)
Gunslung Gunpowder Clash
I'll Fight for Him
Chapter 3:
The One Cloud Gang Bitch
Like a Scurra Should
BucKie JaneJeen
Crazy Jyezter on a Pogostick (But watch out)
The Hush-Alley Pins
I'm that Homie
I brought you Fools (Jesties)
Stay Down (No Homie Left Behind)
Bliztering Black Blizzard
I'll Fight for It
Other Songs:
This story takes place on Not Planet Earth
The Somewhat Poorly Drawn Tank
I've been a Fool (get it? becuase clowns?)
We'll Fight With You
Don't draft our Story
Obscure Triatary Background Side-Plot Side-Character
Lavender but Periwinkle is a good answer
We Should've Been in a Band
Jesties (Gig Ver.)
God???? At the Kettlecorn Stand???
Suck My Dick About It Then
Get Fucked On
Jyezters Juggalos and Subjuggulators
The Nerd Gets the Bully
KaLe GoDosh
The Bully Gets the Nerd
This Empty Ass Desert Ain't A Set
A Vampire Werebitch and a Witch Walk Into a Club
Separate the Art from the Artist
Separate the (F)Art from the (F)Artist
We'll Fight With You (Reprise)
History Somehow Remembers Us Old Joaks
If Things Go Well
You'll Hear this Song and Read these Titles
So Much in this World I Haven't Made
I Love Using a Standalone SWF Player to make Music It's So Fun And Not Hard At All
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ghostchasersmagazine · 2 months
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Another really cool piece of Speedy Buggy development history, these are some unused story ideas from one of the show's writers Sandy Krinski. (We also get a bonus interesting bit of information with these that Speed Buggy that character was at one point in development known as "Chug-A-Bug".)
Full transcript under the cut:
(...) perfect replicas of the Speed Bugg kids and Chug-A-Bug, leading to all sorts of wild and fun-filled confusion before the kids work out a way to defeat him and his scheme.
(2) A scientist who has perfected vapor that ages everything it touches, instantly turning the Speed Bugg kids into old people - and then into infants when it runs amok. Chug-A-Bug, too, is aged by this vapor, becomes a rusty old pile of junk -- and then reverting into a brand-new (perhaps baby) car.
(3) A chemical engineer who has developed a ray that removes all iron from everything (like a giant magnet), causing buildings, bridges, and cars (like Chug-A-Bug) to fall apart.
(4) Creatures from another planet, who are far advanced over earth people -- except for that they do not have automobiles. So they want to take Chug-A-Bug back with them; they will learn to reproduce him on their planet -- and the kids struggle valiantly to save him from being whisked off to outer space.
(5) A heavy who has developed a method of converting himself to a mist or vapor, or any form of water or ice; this enables him to hide in fogs and streams and oceans, and thus elude his pursuers after he commites as evil act -- and it's only because of Chug-A-Bug's ingenuity that he is eventually trapped.
(6) A tall, thin villain who has the amazing ability to inhale and then swell up like a balloon, which enables him to float away from the scene of his nefarious activities before anyone can catch him. Tinker works out a way to inflate Chug-A-Bug -- enabling him to float, too, thus becoming the heavy's pursuer ... and eventual downfall.
SPEED BUGGY -- Premise
Tinker is servicing Speed Buggy and accidentally puts together a lubricating spray that completely eliminates friction. Speed Buggy tries a few drops, and, following Newton's Law for frictionless objects, he zips around like crazy until he hits something.
This draws the attention of Count Bingo von Freespace, the Macedonian game nut, who decides he must have the friction eliminator to help him defeat all of his opponents.
He lures the kids and car to his castle. There, each room is a larger-than-life mock-of a different game. For example:
When Tinker won't "confess" the formula (which he doesn't know to begin with), the Count coats the soles of his shoes with the friction eliminator and shows him into his Pin-Ball-Room. Tinker rebounds from pillar to post and back to pillar -- racking up a fantastic score -- while the Count in his balcony control room deftly works on the giant "flippers".
When the Speed Buggs finally turn the tables for the climatic chase, the Count coats himself with the last of the spray and becomes a streak of greased lightning that no one can hold onto...
SPEED BUGGY -- Premise
The kids and Speed Buggy are taking part in a cross country sports rally. They find themselves behind what appears to be a gasoline truck. When it stops at a traffic light, some of its contents slosh out through an overflow valve. Speed Buggy, hot, dry, and almost out of fuel, laps up a few of the drops. Then the light changes and he begins to zip around like crazy. Even in his lowest gear he is almost out of control.
Now, what they have accidentally stumbled across is the evil Professor Quicksilver's super-soapy liquid that completely eliminates friction. In the hopes of finding something to cure Speed Buggy's condition, they turn him into a mechanical bloodhound who tracks the truck to Professor Quicksilver's mansion. There they discover that the liquid has one additionally property and with it, Quicksilver intends to take over the world. Behind his mansion, he has constructed a gigantic bubble blowing machine. Using the super-soapy liquid, he will blow three-mile-wild bubbles, capture rain clouds within them, and thus create a drought that will wither crops, dry up rivers and bring the nation to its knees.
The kids and car are captured and Quicksilver treats them to a private demonstration of things to come by encapsulating the kids within bubbles and by applying the frictionless liquid to Speed Buggy's tires and shoving him into the "ballroom". Without friction to slow him, Speed Buggy rebounds from walls, pillars and furniture as if in a giant pin-ball machine.
Eventually, he discovers a way out, frees the kids, and turns the tables on Quicksilver.
And Quicksilver, living up to his name, tried to get away by coating himself with the liquid -- thus becoming a human greased pig that no one can hold onto ..... a condition that finally does him in when he finds he can't hold onto anything either. He can't pick up a glass or a sandwich or turn a doorknob and, when he tries to rest on his curved chaise, he keeps slipping off into the pool.
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andresome04 · 4 years
Duty of a Medic
“Save yourself,” said the wounded
“I’m staying here with you” replied the medic
From the Ballad of the Medic
It is the duty of a medic to care and preserve all life.
No matter the history, function, or significance.
A level of care must be followed dutifully
For how could a medic be a medic
if the oaths are not adhered to
The oath of Care
To practice and promote the quality and
equal availability of medical care.
For even if the most stubborn patients
prove to be troublesome,
A duty of care must be abided, for
It is the gentlest of touches
that can truly tame the hardest of exteriors.
The oath of Professionalism
To maintain professional competence,
striving always for excellence
in the delivery of patient care.
To take responsibility for one’s actions and judgment
To always think for the greater good
for all of creation.
To always maintain composure
during the good and the bad,
For when the odds are unfavorable,
When the best decision must be the hardest one to make.
The oath of Good Judgement
To know how to make the right decision
To decide the correct calls in any given situation
To realize when to give that final call
even when it is the most difficult one
any medic can make;
To be brave and strong enough
to Let Go
It is the duty of a medic
To be the voice of reason and have a stable front.
Think logically and critically
Act accordingly and swiftly
To be the symbol of hope for those without
To bring the utmost comfort and care to every patient
With soothing, gentle hands,
and a drive to heal.
To be a beacon, capable of stilling chaos,
lulling those in need to a calm,
reassuring that help is on the way
Like the soothing call of an ambulance.
We Love an Ambulance
Day 7: Freespace
Day 1     Day 2      Day 3       Day 5     Day 6
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read-watch-sleep · 4 years
Now with chapter 4!
Written for tma-safehouse-fest freespace!
Fourteen families in Victorian England call upon their Gods for fortune and power. Throughout history, they have banded together, and created their own society, politics and relations. When young heirs come of age and come of power, they look to the other houses for a match. Between balls and rituals, pride and power, Martin Lukas has to contend with an infuriating Seer, the distant heir to his father's fortune, and his sister getting shot by a ghost.
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nina-dina-blog · 5 years
What is "FREE SPACE"?
Every two years, the Venice Biennale will opens up new ideas for the future of architecture. The introspects, predicts and critiques the architectural culture, presenting more possibility through the collisions between architecture and all human phenomena.
In the exhibition in 2018, the theme was "Free Space". The curators Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara explain, the FREESPACE is a word which describes a generosity of spirit and a sense of humanity at the core of architecture's agenda. This theme hints at many interconnected views: about freedom, generosity, and human’s happiness and dignity.
In the book, Go with the flow: Architecture, infrastructure and the everyday experience of mobility Architecture in the Space of flows, defines "flow" as an irreducible flux of becoming; a continuous force to which people and space are subject, and through which they express themselves and evolve ... Rather than a hermetic building, it becomes a space in-between, a fluid and discontinuous built form that transforms through time and tide.
The core idea of ​​this Venice Biennale 2018 is that the definition of this formless "flow" exists between people and buildings. Good space provides the opportunity to emphasize nature's free gifts of light-sunlight and moonlight, air, gravity, materials-natural and man -made resources (Architecture- FORM, SPACE, AND ORDER).
So free space is more like an open social space, it has no single definition, but according to our experience, it goes beyond the necessity of architecture itself. This type of space would gather people together. It’s the only mission, not even need to have specific functions.
Free space could cover so many different values ​​and definitions: free space for thought, free space for history, free space for time, and free space for imagination… As architects, we must review the past, learn from history, and look forward to the future. For us, free space means building a space that fits the entire community and meets the needs of residents. Free space encourages reviewing ways of thinking, new ways of seeing the world, of inventing solutions where architecture provides for the well-being and dignity of each citizen of this fragile planet. From thematic pavilions from around the world, we saw Definitions of freedom are caring from different angles.
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jonathanli777 · 3 years
research of M+
“Not just a Museum” M+‘s ambition
"M+ Story" is M+'s new online platform, helping viewers to understand the contemporary visual culture of Hong Kong and around the world. In "M+ Story", you can read blog articles about M+'s two and three things, watch short videos about artists and collections, browse interactive online exhibitions and digital artworks, and read insightful online journals.
While hoping to deepen the audience’s understanding of contemporary visual culture, M+ is also growing up with the meaning of art culture and art museums. During these nine years, it has given the M+ team enough to explore, investigate, and think about what architecture is. The best way for a cultural communication field.
#Uli Sigg's 1510 collections In 2012, Uli Sigg, a former ambassador to China and an art collector, donated a large number of contemporary Chinese art works to the M+ Museum in Hong Kong. This batch of collections totals 1,510 items, of which 1,463 items were donated, and 47 items were purchased by the Hong Kong government for HK$177 million.
Sigg’s donation of a large number of collections to M+ also laid the foundation for the M+ Museum’s exhibition, extending the exploration of visual art on the basis of the history of contemporary Chinese art.
#period M+'s definition of "period" will be handled flexibly in consideration of the nature, field and display method of the work. The discussion of chronological order is to respond to and focus on the new trends and existing research of visual culture, in order to reflect the hybrid and contemporary characteristics of positioning and work.
#area The M+ collection takes Hong Kong’s visual culture as its core, covering important works from the 20th to the 21st century, including works by predecessors and new artists, reflecting the historical development and contemporary narrative of cultural production; The comprehensive Chinese visual cultural works have been extended to other parts of Asia and even the world.
西九文化区West Kowloon Cultural District
The West Kowloon Cultural District is one of the largest cultural projects in the world. The vision is to create a colorful new cultural zone for Hong Kong on the 40-hectare reclaimed land adjacent to Victoria Harbour. Investing so much land for the construction of cultural and artistic infrastructure, the SAR government's efforts and determination to promote culture and arts can be seen from this.
In the future, the West Kowloon Cultural District will not only become Hong Kong’s cultural business card, but also a center connecting Chinese and foreign cultures. The cultural zone is equipped with various theaters, performance spaces and museums that produce and hold world-class exhibitions, performances and cultural and artistic activities; it will provide 23 hectares of public space, including a two-kilometer promenade.
there will be more than 15 art and cultural performance spaces here, and their goal is to become the most well-known performing arts and cultural center in Asia and the world. The core facilities of the West Kowloon Cultural District, including the Xiqu Center, Exhibition Center, M+ Museum, Music Center, and Music Theater, will be constructed in three phases. The first phase currently under construction includes the Xiqu Center, Freespace and M+ Museum.
The Xiqu Center is the first completed project in the West Kowloon Cultural District, and will be the first to open at the end of 2018. Hong Kong has played an important role in the development of contemporary Cantonese opera. The construction of the Xiqu Center in the West Kowloon Cultural District of Hong Kong aims to preserve, promote and develop the art of Chinese opera and build a world-class opera stage to attract more international audiences.
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
WIP WORDS FOR THEE: heart, hearth, hearsay
henry v temeraire au:
Montjoy ran a hand across the row of saints’-medals that hung from Honoré’s harness — St. Martha with her broom and her lead for the dragon, and St. John and St. Christopher for his rider. The patrons of aviators and travellers, and of Montjoy’s own name-day, had served them well before, but of the three, he knew not which could aid him against the fear that had so seized his heart. But he could try to pray, at the very least, and so Montjoy drew his rosary from the bag at his waist, and settled back againt Honoré’s side, his cloak pulled close about his shoulders. Honoré gave another little sigh, and laid his head upon his folded forepaws, draping his wings down in preparation to take his rest. Montjoy laid one of his own hands against his dragon’s smooth scales, and felt the great heart beneath beating slow and steady in the darkness. By this rhythm, he told his beads over, and matched his breaths to Honoré’s. Ave Maria, gratia plena, he began…
foth - first snowfall at ardroy:
Keith had passed the day in drowsing before the fire, his finger lying still on the page of the book left open on his lap. It had been an hour or more since he had opened his eyes enough to read a line farther, and, lying so sleepy and comfortable in the hearth-warmth, he had no particular desire to do so.
and no instances for hearsay!
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architectnews · 3 years
Singapore Architecture News: New Buildings
Singapore Architectural News 2021, Buildings in South East Asia, Architects, Asian Design Images, Projects
Singapore Architecture News
Key Building Developments in southeast Asia: Built Environment Updates
post updated 31 July 2021
Singapore Building News
Singapore Architectural News, latest at the top
Singapore Architecture Designs – chronological list
See the latest luxury residential properties for this small South East Asian country at this link:
Singapore Houses
31 July 2021 CapitaLand News
CapitaLand engages retail investors on merits of proposed restructuring at SIAS dialogue session
Singapore – CapitaLand held a virtual dialogue session with shareholders as part of its retail outreach for the proposed strategic restructuring and listing of CapitaLand Investment (CLI). More than 150 retail shareholders participated in the live virtual dialogue session on 28 July 2021, facilitated by the Securities Investors Association (Singapore) (SIAS).
– With CapitaLand’s Group CEO Mr Lee Chee Koon (left) and Group CFO Mr Andrew Lim (right) engaged over 150 retail shareholders in a virtual dialogue session, facilitated by the Securities Investors Association (Singapore) (SIAS). They highlighted the key rationale and benefits of the proposed transaction before addressing questions posed by Mr Robson Lee (middle), Assistant Honorary Secretary of SIAS, on behalf of CapitaLand retail shareholders:
Mr Lee Chee Koon, Group CEO of CapitaLand Group and Mr Andrew Lim, Group CFO of CapitaLand Group started the dialogue by highlighting the key rationale and benefits of the proposed transaction before addressing questions posed by Mr Robson Lee, Assistant Honorary Secretary of SIAS, on behalf of CapitaLand retail shareholders.
– With CapitaLand’s strong track record in growing fee income for its Fund and Lodging Management businesses, and disciplined capital recycling, CapitaLand is confident that the proposed restructuring will allow CLI shareholders to potentially benefit from the substantial long-term value that it aims to unlock. Pictured is Capital Tower and 79 Robinson Road, two assets that will come under CLI post-proposed transaction:
The following key points were raised at the session:
• Rationale for the proposed restructuring – Mr Lee said: “With our strong track record in growing fee income for our Fund and Lodging Management businesses, and our disciplined capital recycling, we are confident that CapitaLand’s proposed restructuring will allow CLI shareholders to potentially benefit from the substantial long-term value that we will aim to unlock.”
• CLI’s competitive advantage as a REIM with leadership in Asia – Mr Lee said: “CLI’s long standing presence in Asia will give us an edge over non-Asian based REIMs, drawing on our own heritage, history and strengths in Asia. We need to chart our own path, identity our areas of competitiveness, and become an asset manager that is globally competitive with a very strong foundation in Asia.”
• Asset-light lodging management platform a good fit for CLI – Mr Lim said: “The underlying principle of both platforms is the same – we are managing third-party capital and earning a fee. Therefore, these two capital efficient businesses are complementary, and a good fit for CLI.”
• Prudent dividend policy – Mr Lim said: “The management team has made the decision to keep our dividend policy unchanged for now, that is to declare a dividend of at least 30% of our cash PATMI. This is for two reasons. One, to give our current shareholders, and hopefully shareholders of CLI going forward, a familiar reference. Two, we are cognisant that we are emerging from a difficult operating environment caused by the pandemic. We are in a period of recovery, which while positive, remains uncertain. The management team has thus elected to maintain an unchanged dividend policy for CLI in the near term.”
– CapitaLand’s strong reputation in Asia, with over 20 years of experience in markets including Singapore, China, India and Vietnam, gives it the ability to access different investment opportunities. The opening of Raffles City The Bund (pictured), CapitaLand’s third Raffles City development in Shanghai, affirms the Group’s commitment to grow its presence and investor base in China by leveraging the signature Raffles City brand:
– CLI will consolidate the Group’s investment management and lodging businesses, both of which are capital-efficient. As the lodging platform continues to scale towards the planned target of 160,000 units under management by FY 2023, it expects to contribute materially to CLI’s overall earnings on a recurring basis. Somerset Feliz Ho Chi Minh City (pictured) opened in July 2021, adding to Ascott’s growing global portfolio and further strengthening its position as a leading international lodging owner-operator:
6 July 2021 Kandis Residence Design: ONG&ONG photo courtesy of architects office Kandis Residence Set within an idyllic location in northern Singapore, Kandis Residence contains 130 condominium units housed within four residential blocks – one three-storey block, along with three seven-storey blocks. The project was predicated on the concept of “homes in the woods”, envisioned as a green, immaculately landscaped sanctuary that accommodates the modern urban lifestyle.
28 Apr 2021 Park Nova Luxurious Green Tower Park Nova Luxurious Green Tower
20 Apr 2021 10 Design Singapore Studio News 10 Design Singapore Office News International architecture practice, 10 Design, is pleased to announce the opening of a new design studio in Singapore. It is established to support the practice’s ongoing and new projects in SE Asia.
11 Nov 2020 Climate and biodiversity emergency Singapore Leading Singaporean landscape architecture firms are calling on local and international landscape architects to act in response to climate change and biodiversity loss.
10 Nov 2020 CapitaLand Sustainability X Challenge
30 Sep 2020 Tropical Avant-Garde
17 Sep 2020 Apple Marina Bay Sands Design: Foster + Partners photo : Finbarr Fallon Apple Marina Bay Sands A new distinctive 30-metre-diameter structure is a fully glazed dome with a black glass base, complementing the sister pavilions through its scale and materiality.
9 Sep 2020 Rochester Commons
6 July 2020 Aedas Singapore Office Interior Design Architects: Aedas image courtesy of architects office Aedas Singapore Offices Interior Design Just off a busy thoroughfare in Singapore’s science and technology hub, Buona Vista lies a busy business hub. Once a quiet neighbourhood is now dotted with high technology offices, young working professionals, shopping and entertainment centres and contemporary residential developments.
7 May 2020 ADDP Architects Office Lobby
1 Mar 2020 Seductive Simplicity House
28 Feb 2020 Ninety 7 House
21 Nov 2019 Liang Court Design: City Developments Limited and CapitaLand Limited image : CapitaLand / CDL Liang Court Towers City Developments Limited (CDL), CapitaLand Limited (CapitaLand) and Ascott Residence Trust (Ascott Reit) have teamed up to redevelop the Liang Court site1 into an integrated development following the proposed sale by CDL Hospitality Trusts (CDLHT) of its total interest in Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay.
6 Nov 2019 Raffles Hotel Singapore Restoration, 1 Beach Road Design: Aedas image courtesy of architecture office Raffles Hotel Restored and refurbished this classic hotel building officially reopened in August 2019. It first opened back in 1887.
31 Oct 2019 Founders Memorial Design: Cox Architecture image courtesy of architects office Founders Memorial This project aims to create a world-renowned public building that embodies the democratic principles that Singapore has been built upon. It will do this by being a place for the Singaporean people and visitors to gather and celebrate the achievements of past, present and future Singaporeans.
22 Oct 2019 Sentosa-Brani Master Plan
11 Oct 2019 Robinson Tower Design: KPF / Architects 61 photo : Tim Griffith Robinson Tower Building News Landscape architects Grant Associates has scooped an award at the Singapore Landscape Architecture Awards 2019 for Robinson Tower.
1 Jul 2019 New Science Centre at Jurong Lake Gardens
21 May 2019 Funan Singapore Shopping Mall news
More contemporary Singapore Architecture News online soon on e-architect
Singapore Architecture News 2018
27 Nov 2018 UNStudio Buildings in Singapore Buildings completed by this celebrated Dutch architecture office in the city to date:
V on Shenton Building
Scotts Tower
The Ardmore Residence Tower
Singapore University of Technology and Design
31 Oct 2018 The Forever House, Serangoon Architects: Wallflower Architecture + Design photograph : Marc Tey Photography New House in Serangoon
2 Oct 2018 CapitaLand ‘office of the future’ ecosystem image courtesy of architects Capitaland Office of the Future CapitaLand initiated its ‘office of the future’ strategy aimed at engendering a culture of innovation, promoting talent attraction and retention and optimising cost efficiency for tenants of its office properties.
4 Jul 2018 Marina One Singapore, 5 Straits View Design: Ingenhoven Architects image © ingenhoven architects / photo : HGEsch Marina One in Singapore The high-density building complex with its mix of uses extends to over 400,000 square meters and, with its group of four high-rise buildings, defines the Green Heart—a public space extending over several stories. This three-dimensional green oasis reflects the diversity of tropical flora.
4 May 2018 Venice Biennale Singapore Pavilion image courtesy of exhibition organisers Venice Biennale Singapore Pavilion Curated by the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in collaboration with the National University of Singapore’s Department of Architecture (NUS), the Singapore Pavilion asks if there is indeed No More Free Space? in the island state, in response to the overarching theme Freespace conceptualised by curators Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara.
11 Apr 2018 Early Learning Village Design: Bogle Architects photo © Bogle Architects-Infinitude Early Years Village Singapore Building A world first in pre-school facilities, the ELV delivers a multicultural, flexible environment with capacity for 2,100 children from nursery to kindergarten age, as well as 400 support staff
10 Apr 2018 Changi Airport Interior Design: Moment Factory image courtesy of architecture office Changi Airport Building Singapore’s Changi Airport, voted by air travellers as the World’s Best Airport for the sixth consecutive year, is taking its passenger experience to a new level with Terminal 4. As part of their quest for excellence, Changi Airport Group commissioned Moment Factory to produce two media features designed to entertain passengers as they navigate the airport’s remarkable interior.
9 Feb 2018 Raffles Place Singapore: 88 Market Street Development images courtesy of architects Raffles Place Singapore: 88 Market Street Development CapitaLand Limited (CapitaLand), CapitaLand Commercial Trust (CCT) and Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd (MEC), the joint venture partners for the redevelopment of Golden Shoe Car Park, today unveiled more details on the ‘future of work’ blueprint for the new integrated development at its groundbreaking ceremony.
More Singapore Architecture News online here soon
Building Design Updates 2017
5 Sep 2017 Singapore High Line Park Signage and Wayfinding Consultants: The Buchan Group, Brisbane Architect: Nikken Sekkei, Architects with Tierra Design and Arup Singapore image courtesy of architects Singapore High Line Park A South East Asia version of New York City’s High Line is fast becoming a reality, with the masterplan and concept design of the first stage of turning an unused rail corridor into public space now complete.
The Paper Pavilion – Radical Retail
Jubilee Bridge
10 Oct 2017 Sandcrawler Office Building Design: Andrew Bromberg at Aedas photography © Paul Warchol Sandcrawler Office Building – more offices at Singapore Office Buildings
MediaCorp Buona Vista: Mediapolis
Resorts World Sentosa Buildings
Gardens by the Bay Singapore – Supertrees
5 Sep 2017 Shan Shui Shi Lin Cultural Centre Design: Park + Associates photo : Edward Hendricks © Park + Associates Pte Ltd Shan Shui Shi Lin Cultural Centre The key challenge was working around existing structure the limits to fulfil tough programmatic requirements – indoor sports hall, a 500-seater auditorium, and an alumni Board of Directors lounge – while also generating the maximum amount of open space for landscaping.
30 Aug 2017 House 24
28 Aug 2017 Masterplan for Jurong Lake District Design: KCAP Architects&Planners ; SAA Architects ; Arup ; S333 & Lekker picture © KCAP/SAA/Arup/S333/Lekker Masterplan for Jurong Lake District The Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has unveiled the masterplan for Jurong Lake District in Singapore, the city’s future second Central Business District. The JLD masterplan is exhibited till mid-September and invites the public to share their views.
29 May 2017 Apple Orchard Road – first Apple Flagship in Singapore Architects: Foster + Partners photo courtesy of architects Apple Orchard Road Singapore Apple Orchard Road is the first Apple Flagship in Singapore, highlighting its role as a global centre for creativity. Its design reflects the vibrancy and innovative spirit of the city-state. The project is another example of the close collaboration between Foster + Partners and the design team at Apple led by chief design officer, Sir Jonathan Ive and Angela Ahrendts, senior vice president of Retail and Online Stores.
page updated 27 Oct 2016 with new photos National Gallery Singapore, 1 St Andrew’s Road Design: Studio Milou Singapore, in partnership with CPG Consultants photo courtesy of architects National Gallery in Singapore Building This visual arts institution is home to Singapore’s National Collection, the largest public collection of visual arts from Singapore and Southeast Asia from the 19th century to the present day.
20 Feb 2017 Singapore High Speed Station Building Design – overall: AECOM ; architectural – Farrells and Architects 61
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has appointed AECOM Singapore to conduct an advanced engineering study for Singapore stretch of the Singapore-Kuala Lumpur high-speed rail (HSR) infrastructure.
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Location: Singapore, South East Asia
Singapore Architecture
Singapore Architecture
Singapore Architecture Tours by e-architect
Singapore building designs selection:
Scotts Tower – Residential tower building Design: Rem Koolhaas Architect / OMA Singapore Tower
Moulmein residential tower Design: WOHA Architects Singapore tower building
New Singapore Architecture
Singapore Buildings Archive
The Interlace Singapore Residential Development Design: Ole Scheeren of OMA The Interlace Singapore Complex
Marina Bay Financial Center towers Design: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates Marina Bay Financial Center Singapore
Farrer Court – residential development Design: Zaha Hadid Architects Farrer Court Towers
Singapore Architects Offices
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Unfolding Pavilion 2021
The Authors
In September 2020, twelve international architects spent a one-week residency in an abandoned house on a private island in the Venetian lagoon. Their works, created in complete solitude while being confined in each of the 12 tiny units of The House for the Participant who Refused to Participate, have been unveiled for the first time by the Unfolding Pavilion in Venezia and by its digital counterpart www.ritualsofsolitude.com⁠.⁠
                                                                          Unit 1 contains a kitchen sink.
(ab)Normal is a creative agency engaged in the multidisciplinary exploration of areas such as design, architecture, scenography and graphic design. (ab)Normal has been published in magazines such as Domus and Abitare and has contributed with his works to various cultural events related to design and architecture, such as the Oslo Triennale (OAT2019), the Ljubljana Biennale (BIO26), The Swiss Architecture Museum (S AM), Triennale of Milan, Haus der Architektur in Graz (HDA). (ab)Normal has been founded in 2017 by Marcello Carpino, Mattia Inselvini, Davide Masserini and Luigi Savio.
                                                                          Unit 2 contains a kitchen stove.
Bart Lootsma⁠ (Amsterdam, 1957) is a historian, critic and curator in the fields of architecture, design and the visual arts. He is a former Dean and Professor for Architectural Theory at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Innsbruck.  He was also Guest Professor for Architecture, European Urbanity and Globalization at the University of Luxemburg; Head of Scientific Research at the ETH Zürich, Studio Basel; a Visiting Professor at the Academy of Visual Arts in Vienna; at the Academy of Visual Arts in Nurnberg; at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna; at the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam and Head of the Department of 3D-Design of the Academy of Arts in Arnhem. Bart Lootsma was guest curator of among others ArchiLab 2004 in Orléans and curated the 2016 Montenegrin Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Currently he curates an exhibition on the Austrian Avantgarde of the nineteen sixties and seventies at the Design Museum Den Bosch. He was an editor of among others Forum, de Architect, ARCHIS, ARCH+, l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Daidalos, DOMUS, GAM and L’Industria delle Costruzioni. Bart Lootsma published numerous articles in magazines and books. Together with Dick Rijken he published the book 'Media and Architecture’ (VPRO/Berlage Institute, 1998). ‘SuperDutch’, on contemporary architecture in the Netherlands, was published by Thames & Hudson, Princeton Architectural Press, DVA and SUN in the year 2000; ‘ArchiLab 2004 The Naked City’ by HYX in Orléans in 2004; and ‘Reality Bytes, Selected Essays 1995-2015, was published by Birkhäuser in 2016. ‘Italian Collage’, edited together with Davide Tommaso Ferrando and Kanokwan Trakulyingcharoen, is published by LetteraVentidue in 2020.
                                                                          Unit 3 contains a dining table and a chair.
James Taylor-Foster⁠ is a Stockholm-based writer, editor, designer, and broadcaster working in the fields of architecture, design, e-culture, and technology. He is the curator of contemporary architecture and design at ArkDes, Sweden’s national center for architecture and design. Formerly European editor-at-large at ArchDaily, the world’s most visited architecture platform, he has practiced architecture in the UK and The Netherlands. In 2016 he co-curated the Nordic Pavilion at the 15th Biennale Architettura di Venezia and in 2018 at the 16th Biennale he participated in the central exhibition Freespace. With bylines at Metropolis, PIN-UP, Domus, Volume, Monocle, Mousse, Disegno, and Real Review, he is also a regular voice on Monocle 24 radio. James has been a visiting critic or lecturer in architecture at the University of Cambridge, The Bartlett (UCL), University College Dublin, the Architectural Association, the CASS, the Strelka Institute, TU Delft, the Berlage Institute, and MIT. He is also on the advisory board of the Future Architecture Platform. Anton Valek is a young Swedish architect. He graduated in 2019 from the Umeå School of Architecture and is currently taking his masters at The Royal School of Architecture in Stockholm (KTH).
                                                                          Unit 4 contains a refrigerator.
Fala Atelier was founded in Porto in 2013 by Filipe Magalhães (Porto, 1987), Ana Luisa Soares (Porto, 1988) and Ahmed Belkhodja (Lausanne, 1990) to make the most of the diverse professional input they had experienced at SANAA, Toyo Ito, Harry Gugger Studio and Atelier Bow-Wow. Fala Atelier describes itself as “a naïve architecture practice” whose work ranges from private residences to shops, temporary displays and structures for public use in Portugal and abroad. In addition to giving talks and academic courses in Europe, the US and Australia, the Fala members participated in the 2015 and 2017 Chicago Architecture Biennial and the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennial. Exhibitions of the office’s work have been hosted at Fundação de Serralves (2017) in Porto and at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal (2016) in Paris. In February 2020, Fala Atelier received the Spotlight Award from the Rice University School of Architecture in Houston, which “recognises the work of exceptionally gifted national and international architects in the early stages of their professional career who have demonstrated design excellence and curiosity through their body of work.” In 2017, Fala published 01, a collection of its early projects. In January 2020, the international architecture journal 2G dedicated the monographic issue number 80 to the office.
                                                                          Unit 5 contains a sleeping bed.
WAI Think Tank is a planetary studio practicing by questioning the political, historical, and material legacy and imperatives of architecture and urbanism. Founded in Brussels in 2008 by Puerto Rican architect, artist, curator, educator, author and theorist Cruz Garcia and French architect, artist, curator, educator, author and poet Nathalie Frankowski, WAI is one of their several platforms of public engagement that include Beijing-based anti-profit art space 'Intelligentsia Gallery', and the free and alternative education platform and trade-school 'Loudreaders'. The work of Garcia and Frankowski has been part of the inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial and exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art New York, Neues Museum in Nuremberg, and the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology Lisbon. They are authors of 'Narrative Architecture: A Kynical Manifesto', 'Pure Hardcore Icons: A Manifesto on Pure Form in Architecture', 'A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education', and the upcoming book 'From Black Square to Black Reason: A Post-Colonial Architecture Manifesto'. Through the constant ethos of asking ‘What about it’, WAI Architecture Think Tank is a workshop for architecture intelligentsia that speculates on the possibility of: Workshops for Anti-Racist Imaginaries Workshops for Anti-Ableist Imaginaries Workshops for Anti-Capitalist Imaginaries Workshops for Anti-Alienating Imaginaries Workshops for Anti-Imperialist Imaginaries Workshops for Anti-Heteropatriarcal Imaginaries
                                                                          Unit 6 contains a study table and chair.
Microcities is the architectural practice founded by Mariabruna Fabrizi and Fosco Lucarelli. Mariabruna and Fosco are architects, educators and curators. They are currently based in Paris where they have founded Microcities and the website Socks-studio. They taught design studios and theory courses at the Éav&t, in Paris, at the EPFL in Lausanne and at the MIARD in Rotterdam. F.Lucarelli was 2017-18 Garofalo fellow at the UIC School of Architecture in Chicago; he is the recipient of a grant from the Graham Foundation and he was a 2018 fellow at the American Academy in Rome. M.Fabrizi is currently head of the Architectural Drawing and Representation Department at the Éav&t, in Paris. Fabrizi and Lucarelli have been guest-curators at the 2016 Lisbon Architecture Biennale and have curated the exhibition “Inner Space” for the Lisbon Triennale 2019. Their works have been awarded and exhibited in New York, Paris, Rome, Orléans, Seoul, Chicago. Giaime Meloni is a visual researcher with a PhD in Architecture, currently living between two islands: Île-de-⁠France and Sardinia. The aim of his work is to explore the role of the photography as a sensible instrument⁠ to narrate the space complexity. ⁠His researches has been published in various publications (MAM Saint Etienne, INTRU). In 2017, he was shortlisted for⁠ Premio Graziadei with his long-term project Das Unheimiliche. He teaches photography as an instrument of the making of the architectural design between France and Italy.⁠
                                                                          Unit 7 is empty.
Fosbury Architecture is a collective of design and research. Fosbury’s work has been awarded prizes in various international contests, including Europan13 (Leeuwarden), the Museum of Natural Sciences (Turin), YAC (Bologna) and Recycling Socialism (Tallinn Architecture Biennale). Fosbury took part in the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2016, and has been invited to display its work as part of various group exhibitions, such as: Re-Constructivist Architecture, Ierimonti Gallery (New York) and RIBA (London); Adhocracy (Athens); Re-Drawing the Theory Re-Drawing the House (Milan); and Capitalism is Over, (Milan, Fuori Salone 2017). The collective was the youngest Italian group chosen to take part in the Chicago Architecture Biennial in 2017, Make New History. Fosbury Architecture are: Giacomo Ardesio, Alessandro Bonizzoni, Nicola Campri, Veronica Caprino, and Claudia Mainardi.
                                                                          Unit 8 contains a living seat. Shumi Bose is a teacher, curator and editor based in London. She is a senior lecturer in Architecture at Central Saint Martins, and teaches Critical and Historical Studies at the Royal College of Art. She is also curator of exhibitions at the Royal Institute of British Architects. Exhibitions include Freestyle: Architectural Adventures in Mass Media with Space Popular; A Home For All: Six Experiments in Social Housing & Conservatism, or The Long Reign of Pseudo Georgian Architecture, with Pablo Bronstein in 2017. Shumi co-curated Home Economics at the British Pavilion, for the 15th Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2016, together with Jack Self and Finn Williams. In 2012, she was curatorial collaborator and publications editor for Sir David Chipperfield on Common Ground, the 13th Venice Biennale of Architecture.  Shumi contributes editorially to titles including PIN UP, Metropolis and Avery Review. In 2015, she co-founded the REAL Foundation and the publication Real Review. She has previously held teaching positions at the Bartlett UCL and the Architectural Association until 2017. Recent publications include Spatial Practices: Modes of Action and Engagement with the City (ed. Mel Dodd, Routledge, 2019), Wherever You Find People (Park Books, 2017) & Home Economics (The Spaces, 2016). Space Popular is directed by Lara Lesmes and Fredrik Hellberg, both graduates from the Architectural Association in London (2011). They founded the practice in Bangkok (2013) and have been based in London since 2016. Space Popular creates spaces, objects, and events in both physical and virtual space, concentrating on how the two realms will blend together in the near future. The studio has completed buildings, exhibitions, public artworks, furniture collections, and interiors across Asia and Europe, as well as virtual architecture in the Immersive Internet. Their clients, collaborators, and commissioners include national institutions such as The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design –ArkDes, Stockholm, Sweden; Royal Institute of British Architects, London, UK; National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea; as well as independent galleries such as MAGAZIN, Vienna, Austria; and Sto Werkstatt, London, UK. Lesmes and Hellberg both have extensive academic experience having taught architectural design design studio since 2011, first at INDA, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, and since 2016 at the Architectural Association in London. They also lecture and teach workshops and seminars in universities across the world. Their current MArch design and research unit at the Architectural Association investigates visions for civic architecture in the virtual realm.
                                                                          Unit 9 contains a bath sink.
Salottobuono is an architectural office run by Matteo Ghidoni in Milan. Salottobuono has served as editor of the “Instructions and Manuals” section of Abitare magazine (2007-10) and as creative director of Domus magazine (2011, 2012). The office has taken part in the Venice Biennale (2008, 2012, 2014), and designed the Italian Pavilion in 2010. Salottobuono published the “Manual of Decolonization” (2010) and “Fundamental Acts” (2016). Matteo Ghidoni – architect – was a founding partner of the research agency Multiplicity from 2002 to 2006. His work with Multiplicity was exhibited at Kunstwerke in Berlin (2003), the Venice Biennale (2003), the Musée d’art moderne in Paris (2003), the ZKM in Karlsruhe (2004) and the Beijing Biennial (2004). Ghidoni founded the architectural office Salottobuono in 2005. He has been a guest professor at the Istituto Universitario d’Architettura di Venezia (Venice) in the Faculty of Architecture, the Politecnico in Milan, the Royal Danish Academy of Arts in Copenhagen and the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotà. He has given guest lectures at several schools and institutions including the Berlage Institute, Berkeley, and Columbia University. Ghidoni is co-founder and editor in chief of "San Rocco", an independent international publication about architecture.
                                                                          Unit 10 contains a bathtub.
Aristide Antonas’ work spans philosophy, art, literature and architecture. He published novels, short stories, theatre scripts and essays. His principal topics of interest are “protocols as architecture”, “infrastructure of the domestic sphere”, “stability from the exaggeration of data flow”; texts combined with traditional design techniques use often references to legislation and archaeology. Antonas holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Paris X. Aristide has been a visiting tutor in the Bartlett UCL, the Architectural Association, the ETH Zurich and the Art Academy of Vienna. His art and architecture work has been featured among other places in documenta 14, Kassel, Istanbul biennial, Venice biennale, Sao Paulo biennale, Display Prague, the New Museum in New York and had solo institutional presentations in Basel’s Swiss Architecture Museum, in Austria’s Vorarlberger Architektur Institut and in the French FRAC, Orleans.
                                                                          Unit 11 contains a shower.
MAIO is an architectural office based in Barcelona and New York that works on spatial systems that permit theoretical positions materialize. The practice has developed a wide range of projects, from housing blocks or urban planning to furniture or exhibition design. MAIO’s members combine professional activities with academic, research and editorial ones. They have been in charge of the magazine Quaderns d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme (2011-16), and currently teach at Columbia GSAPP, the Architectural Association and the School of Architecture of Barcelona ETSAB/ETSAV. MAIO has lectured at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Barbican Center, GSAPP-Columbia University, RIBA, UC Berkeley, Yale School of Architecture and Piet Zwart Institute among other places. MAIO’s work has been published in magazines such as Domus, AIT, Volume, Blueprint, A10 and Detail, and exhibited at the MOMA of New York, the Guggenheim Bilbao, the Art Institute of Chicago and Storefront for Art and Architecture. Lately MAIO has participated at Venice Biennial 2016 in the Spanish Pavillion, awarded with the golden Lion, at Chicago Architecture Biennial (2015 & 2017 editions) and co-curated a Weekend Special at the Biennale di Venezia 2014 together with SPACE CAVIAR and DPR-Barcelona. MAIO is run by Maria Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López and Anna Puigjaner, who recently has been nominated finalist of the Rolex Mentor & Protégé Initiative 2016 and awarded with the Wheelwright Prize, Harvard GSD.
                                                                          Unit 12 contains a toilet.
Traumnovelle is a militant faction founded by three Belgian architects: Léone Drapeaud, Manuel León Fanjul and Johnny Leya. Traumnovelle uses architecture and fiction as analytical, critical and subversive tools to emphasize contemporary issues and dissect their resolutions. Traumnovelle alternates between cynicism and enthusiasm all the while advocating for critical thinking in architecture. Traumnovelle champions a multi-disciplinary approach with architecture at the crossroads. Traumnovelle distances itself from current forms of naive architecture and refuses to glorify the mundane. Traumnovelle sides with those who have not sacrificed ambition and criticism.
                                                                            Illustrations: 1. © Jason M. Robinson. >
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And so we begin..
As with any other journey there needs to be a starting point, a launch pad into the unknown, a spark of curiosity.. mine, the Unit 21 brief (found here)
The site location drew me in, Deptford. An area with a fascinating history and a intriguing future. It’s an area which ever so frequently has been overlooked, however people are starting to standup and take notice. It won’t belong until the neighbourhood gets its injection of money, fueling rapid change. For the better or worse only time will tell. I only hope Deptford stays true to itself, clings on to its uniqueness and its ties to its past. If only so many other London neighbourhoods were strong enough to do so we wouldn’t be in such a mess.
The play with theatre of learning and technology in the brief also grabbed me. They are both linked, advancements in technology opens up new axes and  avenues of learning thus increasing the arsenal of strands which pedagogy has at its’ disposal. I will admit my learning has always been hindered by conforming to the traditional methods of status quo in the educational system.  I would like to unlock my most efficient method of learning through research for this project and in turn fueling a complimentary growth of both my personal awareness and body of work. I like the idea of creating a library of my research. Archiving thoughts and ideas with snipets and trinkets of the past. A collage of history. I find this process agrees with the way in which I work and I would go as far to say it is a good ‘pedagogy’.
The concept of free space is still vague to me. The idea it is nothing but everything simultaneously is a romantic one as a designer, where I’ve always looked to tailor solutions to problems it goes against my current grain. However examples still spring to mind. Ones that are still very much relevant to London. If you cast an eye over South American cities you’ll find favelas. Areas that were once free and uninhabited now represent the living fabric of the city better then anything else. They quickly grow to solve the problem of mass urban migration, addressing problems with a lack of housing in the city at a rate and scale which modernist Corbusian housing blocks could only dream of. Allowed to grow and unfold with little to no legislatation or barriers to hinder its’ growth.
The housing crisis in London has been widly reported. Could we see a London favela growing in the freespaces of Deptford as a response?  Possibly, however Deptford already has a large quantity of high density housing all very central to the high street and ammenities. The old Royal Dockyard is perhaps the largest and most obvious free space. Walking around it you can not help but get a sense of its industrial nautical past, as if haunted by the ghost ships of a distant past. Could we see a collaboration between these ghost ships and favalas? Using a fabrication lab as a revamped nod to its industrial past? Complex rigging replaced with wiring, tall masts with pylons?
These ghost ships have become shipwrecked, marooning its exotic cultures and content from distant lands onto the shores of Deptford. The seeds have been cast and now we can see their products growing, becoming engrained into the fabric of this hypothetical island; what was once exotic is now the norm. Is there a ship on the horizon ready for the rescue, or does it need rescuing at all?… Time will tell. The site has enough narrative to create such a beast.
You can already see the brief has started to tease out of me some quite strong views of my home city and my frustration with its current state. One day I will thrash it out down onto paper for all to read. That day though is not today.
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squatsteader · 6 years
On not allowing living under a criminal administration to dominate our lives.
We gotta fight this motha fuker. That’s abt as true as any truth ever told. But the entire wave length-- both tv, and net are dominated by the moment to moment fuck ups of this low intelligence realestate gangster. And that in a way is feeding into his own infantile hunger for attention. See? Even now I write abt this infection called a human being. But there it is.
The necessity is to maintain a balance. To reward ourselves by living a rich lifestyle, not monetarily, but experiencially, while still fighting, still revolting against the current, and most likely future admins, and the conglomerates that dominate them. I hope that is what SQUATSTEADER can be. A way to find strength in our crazed world. To spend time in the wilds, to find succor in urban retreats such as community gardens and freespaces like that recently began by the burner movement.
I’ve seen fellow revolutionaries become so obsessed with the current fucked-up-ed-ness of our world as to totally burn out. So a balance must be found.
Another critical element is to understand that trump is not a sudden fluke, some mistake, but a symptom of a long festering disease thats infected this country. Its not ALLABOUTTRUMP. Its about ignoring his bullshit, taking him to court, convicting him, and putting him in a 6/10 foot trump hotel ….where he deserves to be. But we need to see through and beyond the fatass phenomenon, suss out what got him elected, and forge a path towards a post obeses wanna be dictator future.
The last answer, I believe, can be found in the midterm elections, within those young, impatient women that want to change the world. A GREEN NEW DEAL? HOW DARE THEY? Dare they do, and as well they should, because our kids livlihoods depend on it. As outraged as the moderate democtrats-conservative retardlicans have been, where is their answer to the climatologists’ dire predictions of a global warming that has every indication of being a threat to our very civilization. That sounds like hyperbole  I know.   But read the most recent reports. Its scary. We are in a collective avoidance while fixating on a sociopathic fathead. He will soon be gone, take it to the bank. (Just not Deutschebank)
What we need to be concerned with is  the voting block that supported Rump. How aggressive might they be? Is it possible to connect with at least a small percentage of them to allow them to understand Rumpty-dumpty is totally scamming them? And that the moderate demos no longer give a rats ass about them? We cannot allow this mass hysteria fed by Russian bots and right wing news to grow, to perhaps multiply or become violent when Rump gets prosecuted.  The good news is his right wing voiceboxes have begun to suspect Rump’s commitment to old school Republicans.   His complete unpredictability, loyalty to Russian gangster, and utter inexperience with something called ‘reality’ all begins to come to play. The military have not become blind bird-dogs to his erratic whims. The intel community despise him.
No, its more his shard core, alt right (read white male racist) supporters I fear, and how they might morph into something even more extreme, especially when the green new dealers take over, feeding a hatred from the right, which I can promise you will happen.
So, where form here? Dr Coyote Dave’s advice: Take a deeeep breath. Take time away from the echo chamber and walk into a wilderness where history will immediately forget this abomination. In fect wildness doesn’t give a rats ass about this dude Dumptyrump, he’s already a skeleton being gnawed on by hungry buzzards. Breathe some oxygen. Write a poem. Livealittle.
What I’d  like to discuss in later blogs is my personal philosophy of living a low consumption-hi experiential lifestyle. Its an immensely popular club called Hobo Aristocrats. A bit of tongue in cheek way of being, of living in luxury, which doesn’t mean in a massive mcmansion with a dozen undocumented women to pick up all your useless material gadgetry…
no, it means hiking up to a glacial lake in the sierras, fish yr dinner, hang a yucatan hammock….and dig life. Read. Play a blues harp to the ravens and buzzards. Scream full throated on a ridge where even the echo will not reach another soul. Dream, then remember and learn from them. Understand that death comes in the next heart beat, that in the scheme of things you/i /we are not but pebbles in a creekbed.
that’s what its all abt.   President Lardass is already done.
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warsofasoiaf · 8 years
What genres of video games do you like and what was the last one you played and if you could change one thing about it what would it be?
Well, the last game I played today was a multiplayer game of For Honor with my buddies who are stationed overseas. I’ve went into what I would change here, namely, I would have had a full story mode full of heroism, betrayal, and military maneuvers. It is just too fascinating a concept to not have a story mode to match it.
As you might imagine from my personality, I’m a big fan of strategy games, though I prefer games like Total War and Paradox to Civilization or Starcraft (though I like the character of Jim Raynor, and not just because we share the same first name). I’m addicted to the complexity.
I’m a big fan of base building and survival games. I play Dwarf Fortress off and on, though I’m not a crazy science madman. My only superweapon was a high-powered water cannon to use as an obsidianizer. I just picked up RimWorld, haven’t had a chance to really dig into that yet. Evil Genius was an underappreciated gem of a game, really. I’ve played Long Dark and Kona, both are great games that I can’t wait for the full build. Sunless Sea is another good one, Fallen London is incredibly atmospheric and mysterious, and exploring the Zee is wonderful. I sadly didn’t know about it when it was being Kickstarter’d, but I did back Sunless Skies.
I like RPG’s, especially if they have a cool story. RPG’s are wonderful vectors for telling stories. I like darker stories, especially involving the tolls of war and heroism consuming the hero, to get it away from the power fantasy that they too often become (power fantasies are a huge dealbreaker for me). The Souls games are nice for that, as was Spec Ops: The Line (though there were also other delicious meta reasons for liking that game, and it’s not an RPG, but whatevs). I enjoyed Mass Effect 2, but I had big problems with the end of Mass Effect 3, and I think Bioware is moving their RPG’s in a way where I’m enjoying them less and less.
If there’s a game that tries to bring a period of history alive, I’ll usually give it the good eye. That’s one thing I like about the Total War and Paradox games is that they really make you feel like you’re a part of that era of history. As a proponent of interactive learning in history, these sorts of games not only are entertaining, but they help enhance the player’s knowledge of history. Eternal Darkness was great for this, since it’s concept was essentially: “Lovecraft Throughout History.” 
Most games that offer a military component to their game I tend to take a pass on, usually because they don’t get the feel right. For a game that did this very well, check out Freespace 2, the space sim so good that it killed the genre. They had the perfect blend of making the missions depend on you while not making you feel like you were the only functional human in the entire military.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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