#hitsugaya adult version
tumbleier · 2 years
Hitsugaya Fan Art Collect
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alexiethymia · 6 months
hitsuhina and choice
I mean I love all iterations of hitsuhina and any version of them and their backstory, but the fact that Hitsugaya and Hinamori didn’t actually live together gets me y’know? (despite that many people thought the same, like me too and I always loved reading fics with that premise).
Because the fact that they didn’t actually live together (in fact they weren’t even neighbors, Kubo just says they lived in the same neighborhood) just hammers down Hitsugaya's strong regard for her. Because sure you could always argue that Hitsugaya was protective over her because they lived together (I mean I’m pretty sure many people characterized their relationship as familial because of that), and yeah I could totally get behind that, but knowing that they didn’t actually live together shows that of all the kids in their neighborhood, it was Hinamori who he grew his bond with to the point that he was ready to murder for her. It’s such an intense emotional tie to a childhood friend (*cough like Gin with Rangiku*) that I always wondered what could have led to it.
And I think a lot of it has to do with choice. Like Hinamori was popular. Hinamori was well-liked. Hinamori already had friends in their neighborhood. Hinamori didn’t have to be friends with the ‘cold’ kid that everyone - children and adults alike - were wary of. But she still did. She still laughed and smiled at him, hung out with him and ate watermelons with him, kept on visiting him even when her other friends were scared of him. And from Hitsugaya’s pov, she didn’t have to. She wasn’t family like his Granny. And it wasn’t as if he was alone either precisely because he had his Granny. In those early days he must’ve been confused why this sunny and warm girl would choose him. And this is way before he eventually becomes a powerful and well-liked captain, way before he was a prodigy, way before he was discovered to have strong reiatsu. He must have kept wondering why this girl kept on choosing him when he felt like he had nothing to offer her back and when it might have been detrimental to her to keep on hanging out with him because of the chance that she could have been isolated as well, like what was in it for her?
And this goes into the core of why I love Hinamori so much, of this little thing being an integral part of her character where we see snippets of it in the manga (like with Byakuya, Zaraki and to an extent Gin) that she never really judges people by their looks, that she’s open and accepting. Even when people were generally creeped out by Gin, she was only on her guard when Hitsugaya warned her about him. Sure it could be seen to be a weakness, but for something I’m sure she thought nothing of, I’m sure it meant a whole lot to Hitsugaya, enough that he considered her laughter like a spring breeze. Like honestly, I could believe how that ended in Hitsugaya becoming so intense about her and becoming incoherent with rage with what Aizen did.
Because that something that she ended up beating herself up about in the aftermath of Aizen - her trusting and accepting nature which I’m sure she thought was a weakness that she had to change, that nature of hers which was trampled upon and taken advantage of by Aizen and Gin - it was that very same nature which in Hitsugaya’s view probably saved him from his loneliness. He couldn’t stomach how that very same thing which made Momo who she was, the very same nature of hers which saved him, was so carelessly used to hurt her. Like, how dare they? Even worse, how dare they make Momo doubt herself? It was no wonder then that he couldn’t even hope to control or bottle up his unstable emotions threatening to overflow until they eventually did, with disastrous consequences.
In the same way Momo chose him so long ago, he continues and always chooses her, time and time again. Even when her attention was drawn away, even when her bright smile was no longer solely his, he never begrudged her. Time and again, he continued to prove that he’d always choose her - her safety, her well-being, her happiness - always choosing to protect her, even sometimes above and beyond Soul Society.
It’s all about the choice.
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For the fan fic asks, 30. How many fics have you written where Hitsugaya's uses his adult form, and can you list them? Or maybe you can recommend fics you've read that have his adult form? Considering how crazy the fandom went when it happened, I feel like there isn't enough fic out there where he uses it 😂
Fanfic asks
You know, I could've sworn I wrote more with the Completed Form! Turns out it's only 10 fics! XD But here they are anon (note: these are all hitsuhina):
Amongst the Ruins: After the abrupt conclusion of the battle with Gerard, Toshiro searches for Momo amongst the ruins. Rated K+ for mild violence
Familiar: In which Gerard was defeated in chapter 671, and instead of Byakuya, a certain someone else was there to catch Toshiro. Written for Hitsuhina Week 2019.
Give me a Hand?: Momo knows there’s only one way to be sure he was Toshiro. Written for 2019 Blog Anniversary fanfic requests.
I’ll Always Come for You: Written for the Hitsuhina Exchange 2020. After Gerard is defeated, Momo searches for Toshiro and her worst fears are confirmed.
In the Shadow of the Ice: After witnessing Toshiro’s new powers, Momo experiences an emotion she never expected to feel towards her childhood friend.
Petrichor: Toshiro is forced to transform into the Hyourinmaru’s Completed Form when a battle to protect a town in the World of Living from Huge Hollows turns dire, and Momo comes to understand the magnitude of her friend’s powers. Written for Hitsuhina Week 2022.
Reflections on the Ice: Toshiro reflects on his new-found powers and the motivation behind them.
Stand Behind Me: In which Momo protects Toshiro in childhood, and he repays the favour decades later. Rated K+ with mild violence.
Unwavering Light - I & II: a reunion after all the battles have been won and the dust has settled. First part is from Hinamori’s perspective, second part from Hitsugaya’s.
I tend to rewrite the same situation - Momo sees the Completed Form after Gerard's defeat and reacts. And you know what the sad thing is? I can still think of ways to reqrite that scenario! XD
In terms of fics I can recommend:
it was all a dream by @canariie: a little biased here seeing as she wrote this for me ;D Even so, this is a fic I still come and read again and again. It takes place after the TYBW arc and features Momo seeing the Completed Form after Toshiro stumbles into the division's garden. It's a scenario I wouldn't have thought of but it works really well and has some very fluffy and sweet moments :3
The Cave by @roguedarthskywalker: this is part of their untitied Hitsuhina oneshot collection, which I can also recommend! This fic takes place before the TYBW arc, when Toshiro is training in the caves. I liked how this is a fic where the two of them both react to the form (you'll understand what I mean once you've read it).
a cacophny in stillness by @visionen-im-spiegel : Although I've linked the Ao3 version, you can also find this one Tumblr here. There's just something about these three chapters/oneshots, and I think the title sums it up. There's a stillness to this fic, moments where the characters take a moment to think and reflect, but there's also a lot happening, whether it's the battle or the emotions racing through them. Love this one!
Thanks for sending this in! :D
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
For the Ask Meme!
For Byakuya: 🤡🤔🎲
For Renruki: 🎮 💀🎢
My screen totally went blank and I'm not sure if my previous one was sent (if so, please delete it, it's garbage, I wasn't done editing it lmao). Also the Ask screen is so different in the desktop vs phone/Ipad ugh...
(this is the only version I received, so fear not. Also, I know how Tumblr is)
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Byakuya does not generally get embarrassed, for the simple reason that he does not do things that he is not proud of, easy peasy. If you asked him what his most embarrassing moment was, he would instantly reply it was the time he failed to protect Soul Society (by getting his guts ripped out) and had to ask Ichigo for help. I think very few people would classify this as “dumb.”
However, lately (epilogue-era), there is one thing, which is that he occasionally accidentally reveals himself to have a Wikipedia-level knowledge of the late Captain Ukitake’s series of children’s books, Sōgyō's Refusal!
Byakuya is a classic hyperfixater, but he’s also well-aware that falls under “things he is not proud of”, so he tries to cultivate interests that make you sound smart and cultured to talk about at length (history, poetry, art, orchids) and has also carefully calibrated the depth to which he can talk about certain borderline topics (swordsmanship, kidou, shogi). If he reads a book and gets excited about it, he will carefully craft an “official take” on it, so if he is asked socially what he thought of it, he will respond in a normal, controlled way. Byakuya actually talking about a thing that he loves is a sign that he has either identified you as a like-minded individual (this is the basis of his friendship with Hitsugaya, and also a lot of what he likes about Renji) or just that he cares for someone deeply (Rukia, once she figured out what was going on, loves to hear Byakuya in this mode).
To that end, Sōgyō's Refusal! is among Ichika’s favorite things. Rukia has a bit of trouble with it, emotionally, so Byakuya took this on as a thing he does with his niece. He has read her all of the books, multiple times. He has played the role of nearly every character in imaginary games. He has answered every possible variation of “who would win in a fight?” and “what is every character’s favorite food?” He has drawn numerous comics starring Sōgyō (he often works the Wakame Ambassador and Ichika herself into these). He would do this because he loves his niece, of course, but the fact is... the books are kind of good?? Like, Ukitake was an educated and well-read man, and there are many references to the classic epics of Soul Society and allusions to historic events? The swordplay is always masterful, and Byakuya is really impressed with the simplicity of the descriptions, making it accessible to children? The are filled with a lot of legitimately funny absurdist humor?
Anyway, he’s slipped a couple of times, once to another noble who was also a parent, and once to Kensei, when the Bulletin was doing a reprint series. It was pretty mortifying both times, but not nearly as bad as he remembered the sensation of embarrassment to be. Both times, he just got a funny look and then they went on with their life. And anyway, there is nothing this man will not endure for the sake of his family.
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
Why the Ninth Squadron has no sleeves on their uniforms, not even in the winter. It seems foolishness.
(”It’s for the aesthetic, Captain.”
“I hear what you are saying, Lieutenant, but the aesthetic in question is horrible.”)
He also does not understand Lieutenant Hisagi’s facial tattoo and no one, not even Rukia, is willing to try and explain it to him.
🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list.
I used a random number generator for this gave me ->
🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids? Byakuya tends to regard children as just small, incompetent adults. On one hand, this means he is often impatient with them and doesn’t understand their limitations, but on the other, he tends to treat children with far more respect than many adults do.
Rukia and Renji are very intentional about keeping him updated on Ichika’s developmental stages and what their goals and intentions are toward her. He finds the developmental stuff really interesting, and this framing is really helpful for him in terms of tempering his expectations of her capabilities. He respects their parenting values for the most part, but if he wishes to buy a four-year old an eye-wateringly expensive kimono and take her out to a fancy sushi restaurant, is this not his prerogative as uncle? (Rukia and Renji knew he was going to be like this and they just deal with it)
🎮 - What’s their favorite game?
They both love football and are the worst trashtalkers in the Gotei-13 futsal league. Renji plays defender for Squad 6, Rukia plays pivot (the primary offensive position) for Squad 13. They holler at each other on the field for forty minutes straight and then have to go straight home afterwards because they’re so horny for each other.
They also love any and all games that straddle the line between games and sports and that they can play together in order to humiliate their enemies. The Kuchiki family New Year’s hanetsuki (badminton) match is a bloodbath.
Rukia is a skilled shogi player and enjoys playing with both her brother and her captain.
Renji does not care for board games, and he especially does not care for the nightmare version of Candyland that Nemuri 8 and Ichika always make him play with them.
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
Rukia loooooves horror movies, of all varieties, it is her favorite genre, actually. Rukia is the kind of person who if you say, “hey, you wanna see something fucked up?” she will respond “YES” immediately. Renji likes some horror movies. He doesn’t care for torture porn, for example, and while doesn’t mind splatterfests, it is possible to gross him out. His favorite kind of horror is the more straightforward kind where some people are being chased by or possibly trying to stop a murderer or some sort of monster. He will often offer his opinion of what he would do in various situations. It’s not any sort of judgment on the characters in the movie, and he has no issues with idiotic characters, he just treats horror movies like Choose Your Own Adventures. Rukia does not mind this at all, she loves to hear Renji’s utterly unhinged survival schemes, even though she knows he would definitely die, just, immediately.
Renji gets choked up during Train to Busan.
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
They love amusement parks. As per the Momo version of this question, they got to go to one once on a class trip, but they’ve also been more recently with the Karakura Kids (probably to that place where Chad and Keigo went on a date once). Their actually favorite part of amusement parks is the food, and they are also both very fond of games where you can show off and win cute stuffed animals for Chad. Rukia’s taste in rides is very similar to Momo’s, but she has a slight preference for going fast over big drops, so roller coasters are her favorite. Renji is less impressed by thrill rides. He likes them okay, but if he wants to get a rush, he’d rather just jump off a cliff or ride a cart of questionable structural stability down a hill. The ride he really likes is the Gravitron. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a spaceship-looking thing that spins around really fast so that you get smashed into the walls with centripetal force. Sometimes a guy just likes the sensation of being a refrigerator magnet, okay? Both Rukia and Renji also love the extremely cheesy haunted house ride at the Karakura park, but they laugh so hard at it that Ichigo refuses to go on it with them anymore. 
For the record, Rukia felt much the same way about the Ferris Wheel that Momo did-- she loved the sensation of being high above the Earth, feeling simultaneously insignificant and transcendent. Renji does not remember any of that, but he also looks back on that Ferris Wheel ride with great fondness.
(original meme)
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fandomygoodness · 2 years
The Masterlist
Hello everyone I hope this is finding you well! This masterlist will include what I do and don’t write and, of course, what I write for! The only thing I require from you is your asks and a general prompt or theme as I do not have a list of them
Some dark themes (I’ll clarify this w/ the asks if it comes up)
Ships (If it’s a pairing I’m not familiar with I will try my best!)
Gore of any kind
Heavy dark themes (S/H, S/A, Unalive, etc)
Fandoms/Characters (I’m fine if you ask for characters that aren’t listed if you think I can write them)
Ichigo Kurosaki
Rukia Kuchiki
Orihime Inoue
Uryu Ishida
Byakuya Kuchiki
Renji Abarai
Toshiro Hitsugaya
Rangiku Matsumoto
Shinji Hirako
Hiyori Sarugaki
Momo Hinamori
Sosuke Aizen
Gin Ichimaru
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Ulquiorra Cifer
Nelliel Tu (Adult form only!)
Naruto Uzumaki
Sakura Haruno
Sasuke Uchiha
Hinata Hyuuga
Neji Hyuuga
Ino Yamanaka
Shikamaru Nara
Rock Lee
MHA(Anime only)
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Ochako Uraraka
Tsuyu Asui
Tenya Iida
Keigo Takami
Himiko Toga
Fumikage Tokoyami
Kyoka Jiro
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Mina Ashido
Momo Yaoyorozu
Mei Hatsume
Hitoshi Shinsou
Mirio Togata
Nejire Hado
Tamaki Amajiki
Damian Wayne/Robin
Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Tim Drake/Red Robin
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Rachel Roth/Raven
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
Wally West/Kid Flash
Jaime/Blue Beetle
Sailor Moon
Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars
Mina Aino/Sailor Venus
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask
Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus
Michiru Kaioh/Sailor Neptune
Allan/Ann (Doom Tree arc)
Seiya Kou/Sailor Star Fighter
Yaten Kou/Sailor Star Healer
Taiki Kou/Sailor Star Maker
Twisted Wonderland
Any of the main houses
Obey Me
Any of the brothers
Miraculous Ladybug
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir
Felix Graham de Vanily/Culpa (Depends which version you want)
Luka Couffaine
Ty Lee
KNY/Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira
Shinobu Kocho
Nezuko Kamado
Mitsuri Kanroji
Rengoku Kyojuro
Iguro Obanai
Giyuu Tomioka
Allen Walker
Yuu Kanda
Lenalee Lee
Tyki Mikk
Red Queen
Mare Barrow
Maven Calore
Tiberias (Cal) Calore
Diana Farley
Shade Barrow
Kilorn Warren
Evangeline Samos
Kagome Higurashi
Kamisama Kiss
Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura Kinomoto
Li Syaoran
Meiling Li
Tomoyo Daidouji
Toya Kinomoto
Eriol Hiiragizawa
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Edward Elric
Winry Rockbell
Alphonse Elric
Roy Mustang
Riza Hawkeye
Ling Yao
Soul Eater
Maka Albarn
Soul Evans
Death the Kid
Patty Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson
Black Star
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Vampire Knight
Zero Kiryu
Kaname Kuran
Yuki Cross
Ruka Souen
Takumi Ichijo
Senri Shiki
Rima Toya
Akatsuki Kain
Hanabusa Aido
Any of the hosts
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inouesz · 2 years
Hii, welcome to my Tumblr 。>‿‿<。 
Hope you will like my content hehe. All my content it’s about anime headcanons moslty bleach/Blue lock and Jjk but you can do some requests !! For the requests it can be Sfw or Nsfw but be sure at least over 15 years old please ! ♡ 
For the bleach headcanons for the characters we have : 
Ichigo Kurosaki ‹𝟹 
Uryu Ishida ‹𝟹 
Shinji hirako ‹𝟹 
Sosuke Aizen ‹𝟹 
Byakuya Kuchiki ‹𝟹 
Kisuke Urahara ‹𝟹 
Renji Abarai ‹𝟹 
Toshiro Hitsugaya (adult version) ‹𝟹 
I can also write about women but moslty husbando cause yk hehe but for women we have : 
Kuchiki Rukia ৫
Orihime Inoue ৫
Rangiku Matsumoto ৫
Lisa yadomaru ৫
Unohana Retsu ৫
Nanao ise ৫
Yoruichi Shihoin ৫
Soifon ৫
🍣 — 
About Blue lock I just finish the manga and gosh there are so many fine men there 😫 anyway we have : 
Yoichi Isagi ꕤ⠀
Meguru Bachira ꕤ⠀
Asahi naruhaya ꕤ⠀
Reo Mikage ꕤ⠀
Sae Itoshi ꕤ⠀
Ryusei Shidou ꕤ⠀
— 🥡
And for Jjk we have : 
Gojo Satoru ᘒ
Yuji itadori ᘒ
Megumi fushiguro ᘒ
Geto suguru ᘒ
Ryomen sukuna ᘒ
Toji fushiguro ᘒ
Nanami lento ᘒ
Maki Zenin ᘒ
Inumaki toge ᘒ
Mei Mei ᘒ
Utahime ᘒ
Nobara kugisaki ᘒ
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pinkhairedlily · 4 years
The Spring He Came Back
Summary: Momo found herself face to face again with her childhood best friend after he left town ten years ago in the middle of winter. She waited every spring and fervently hoped for his arrival.
Set in an alternative universe where Soul Society is a normal town, and Momo and Hitsugaya are normal adults. 
Author’s note: Hello Tumblr! I’m back to posting fanfictions again. Thank you to @rays-of-fire-and-ice​​​ for hosting HitsuHina Day and being the most loyal blog out there! 
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It’s spring again. Hinamori took in the sight of the budding dogwood trees against the backdrop of the setting sun as she rode her bike on the way home. Ten spring seasons, but why am I counting? She sighed, dejected at the trail of her thoughts.
A lot of things have happened within that span of time - the town that was once a cozy enclave of memories has become an escape for the younger, rowdier bunch. This encouraged the rise of businesses that eventually took over natural spaces, like the meadow of daffodils where they used to hide from household chores, the riverfront where they tried to catch fish but they ended up falling anyway, and the hill where they used to stargaze well after the lights were out.
They. Hitsugaya and her. Hitsugaya, the scrawny kid with an ever irritated disposition.
Despite this, she thought herself the same. She had the same hobbies, went to the same market, bought her fruits from that one vendor, ordered her usual in the cafe by the corner of her flowershop which she bought just two years ago. Yet she found herself still waiting.
The next day
Her black tea went cold on the counter. Again. She was so busy updating the accounting books. It was fortunate that customers were scarce today. Just as she was stretching her arms from too much typing, the door to her shop opened.
“Shiro-kun?” His turquoise eyes levelled with her sight, and his face mirrored her shock.
“Hello?” The silver hair caught her eyes first, and then she saw him. The youngest postdoctorate professor of the town. He was featured countless times in major scientific journals and magazines. The most notable, Nobel Prize, just might do a piece on his work on physics.
And yet to her he was still her childhood best friend who disappeared during winter.
Hitsugaya gave a small smile and took a few steps closer to the counter. “Rangiku said this place is the best flower shop. I didn’t know you’re the owner.”
Probably because you went off the deep end when you left at 15. “I didn’t know you’re back.” Hinamori’s hands tried to grab scissors and some ribbons, but they all fumbled from her grasp. “So what flowers do you need?”
He did not reply to her earlier sentence, just stood there awkwardly with his hands inside his jeans’ pockets. She noticed he was a few inches taller than her, his hair quite longer, and his face more angled than what she remembered. He also wore glasses...which was weird because she knew he had a 20/20 eyesight.
“Are you busy? Can you show me around?” He asked instead. Hinamori wanted to shout in response. Why should I have to?
“I don’t think it’s rational that you can come right here and then ask me to give up a day’s business to be your tour guide,” she replied and eventually sighed. “But I guess you can be an exemption."
They walked together in fragile, awkward silence, held together by noise of the crowds. She showed him the top sights in town, reacquainting the stranger with the streets he once frequented before. Eventually, they arrived in front of the library.
“It’s still here, huh?” Hitsugaya stiffened his stance ever so slightly.
She was still the library’s dedicated visitor and reader but not for reasons in the past. While the haunting feelings lingered, I no longer felt guilt and pain, only regret for my younger, naïve self who didn’t know better. That person also left ten years ago. He plagiarized published works, and she was his willing assistant. Teenage shrieks broke through my reverie.
“Dr. Hitsugaya!” “He’s here! He’s the real deal!” “I can’t believe you came back to your hometown. Will you do consultations here?” “Can you sign my copy of your book, Professor?”
Hinamori took a few steps back, wavering from the newfound popularity surrounding Hitsugaya. When the little commotion died down, they found themselves again in company of the fragile, awkward silence. She was wondering if he wanted to go here to spite her.
“Do you despise me?” Momo suddenly blurted out. She kept her gaze on the library building, on its red brick walls, and the ivy leaves trailing its surfaces. On her periphery, she thought she saw pain flicker on his face. He left in the middle of winter, when nightmares were the strongest and ghosts were the loudest. She drowned in guilt and self-pity for a long time. Until she decided to take back her spring.
Hitsugaya sighed and ruffled his long silver hair. “Momo I-” He sighed again, probably phrasing the words in his head on how to deliver this to her in the best way possible. That was the academician’s training unlike his younger version where he can just say anything. “I’m sorry for leaving that way. I needed to.”
“I disgust you.” Momo knew this dulling pain. It was her most fervent fear, and it was coming true.
She felt him touch the locks of her long hair, and that made her look at him. He held her gaze. “You’ll never disgust me, Momo. It’s just.....you were so lost that time, and I thought you needed to heal on your own terms without me hovering and dictating what you should have done.”
Her eyes were brimming with ten winters’ worth of tears and worry. “But....I needed you, Shiro-kun. I was so lonely. I was ridden with guilt. My association with Dr. Aizen threatened your acceleration to the university because I was your friend.” It was the first time she said his name since the fiasco. And then it dawned on her. “They thought all your works were plagiarized too.”
“And I cannot put you through all that again. It was better for us that way, wasn’t it?”
“You left for me?”
“If I stayed, they would have called you multiple times for grueling discussions. Your communication was also tracked so I didn’t write to add to your burden. Besides, it was easy to find other better universities outside of town. I’m sorry I did not push through with our dream to study and graduate together.” A hint of a smile crept on his face. “I had the urge to replace him quickly, so this was the result.”
Momo reached out to touch his glasses. “No, please, Shiro. You are not him.” They were not graded lenses. “You are Hitsugaya, and you are more than him.”
She suddenly reddened with her statement. “Oh um.. So why are you looking for flowers earlier?” Wow nice change of topic, Momo.
“I asked Rangiku where you were and she gave me the address of the flower shop. I guessed I would find her in a bar, and I was right. But I couldn’t guess where you were.” Hitsugaya took off his glasses. He looked like he was flushing. “I was looking for you, Momo.”
"You’re so straightforward now.” Hinamori tried to laugh off this observation. It was true. He tiptoed around her before, avoiding any topic concerning feelings or emotions. She should meet him halfway then. “And I waited for you.”
Like spring blooming right after the harsh winter, Hitsugaya smiled at her reply. "To compensate for our lost time, would you consider it too fast if I asked you for a date?”
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eternal-echoes · 3 years
Tho tbh, there are moments in the Japanese version of Rurouni Kenshin when Kenshin sounds more like a 14 year old boy than an adult. Like Toshiro Hitsugaya in Bleach.
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tumbleier · 4 years
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atimefordragons · 4 years
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𝓡𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓷 𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓼 || 𝓘𝓣𝓤
☾♔; April 27, 2020 ☾♔; 8:56pm ☾♔; sotd: Invasion (Bleach OST) ☾♔; cotd: Hitsugaya Toshiro   ☾♔; Into the Unknown ☾♔; P̶r̶o̶c̶r̶a̶s̶t̶i̶n̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ Funsies Set
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: The eng dub version of Hyorinmaru's, Toshiro's Zanpakto, Shikai Release command.
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【𝕀ℕ𝕊ℙ𝕆 ℂℝ𝔼𝔻】@/maybones, @/ayzrules, & @/vampirkaninchen
also to Hitsugaya Toshiro for being my muse and allowing me to successfully create this high fashion or whatever the fuck collage layout set!
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How exactly am I supposed to just go about my day when there's a version of Hitsugaya Toshiro that looks like THAT?! WTF KUBO! We coulda had a whole ass snack like him the WHOLE time, for like, over a freaking decade, but instead we got kid him? I'm an adult now and I want the adult version of my boyfriend!
Yes, obviously I've created a character based on Hitsugaya for Into the Unknown. Of course I did!
Also, OMG, I did the math, and I started watching Bleach somewhere between grades 5 and 6, which would make me approximately 10-11ish and now I'm fucking 24 going on 25, and you know what? Despite all the flaws, I do fucking love it. 11 year old me, you got it. You were stupid, but you like got it.
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bleachlists · 8 years
Bleach Characters as Tumblr Memes
As requested by anon. :)
I love meme lists. So here is the ultimate (?) meme list! Which actual memes are Bleach characters?
1. The “Surprise bitch” meme: Aizen
This is a meme about someone who you think is dead and gone, but then that person shows up in dramatic and snarky fashion. Or, in the case of Aizen, somebody you thought was in prison, who then just keeps showing up.
Aizen: Although it should not have been a surprise, since I planned this all along. From the day that I...
Aizen: ...
Aizen: Rude.
2. The “Quit telling everyone I’m dead” meme: Grimmjow
This is similar to the last meme, only instead of the presumed dead person being cool and in charge, this presumed dead-person just shouts off-stage that he’s not actually dead. That sounds like Grimmjow to me.
Ichigo: And in the end, he fought alongside us. That is why it is so sad that we lost him.
Ichigo: Sometimes I can still hear his voice.
3. “Dat boi” meme: Orihime
Okay, full confession: I don’t understand the “dat boi” meme. It’s just a unicycling frog, right? And then people write “here comes dat boi” “oh shit whaddup.” I even looked it up. And that is the only explanation I got. Why does this frog ride a unicycle? Where is he going? I don’t get it at all. So anyway, then I was wondering - who in Bleach likes absurdist humor that other people don’t understand? And that would be Orihime, of course.
Tatsuki: So...the unicycling frog is fighting the giant robot?
Orihime: They’re on the same side!
Tatsuki: Of course. That makes way more sense.
Orihime: I know!
4. “Bode”: Yoruichi
This is another absurdist meme. You post pictures of cats with the word “bode” written over the cat. It apparently came to someone in a dream. This one is good for Yoruichi because (a) cats and (b) it messes with people.
Yoruichi: Bode.
5. The “lost in a crowd” meme: Hitsugaya
This one is all about losing someone in a crowd and then shouting something significant to find them. Hitsugaya is short, and hence prone to lose people in crowds. Plus, he’s really good at shouting.
Hitsugaya: Hey! I’m an adult now sometimes!
Rukia: Wait...you’re an adult now?
Matsumoto: There she is!
6. The self-care meme: Kira
This is a meme where you define self-care as something impossible and/or ridiculous (self-care is tying balloons to your eyebrows and then going through a car wash). That feels Kira-like to me.
Kira: Self-care is drinking sake until you cry.
Hisagi: ...
Hisagi: That’s less a hilarious meme and more a cry for help, dude.
Kira: That line is so hard to navigate.
7.The “you tried” gold star: Mask de Masculine
‘Cause he gave one to Rose, remember? With that star-shaped wound right through Rose’s torso? 
Rose: ...that’s not funny.
Mask: I think it’s pretty funny.
8. The “15 minutes late with Starbucks” meme: Unohana
I’m not saying Squad 4 is often late with the healing...but Squad 4 is often late with the healing. And if anyone’s gonna stroll in fifteen minutes late with Starbucks, it’s Unohana. Nor will anyone say anything.
Unohana: I am here.
Shinji: That’s cool but most of us are already dead.
Unohana: Good thing I only brought one cup.
9. The “color of the sky” meme: Yhwach
The original “color of the sky” post was Aizen: sure the pictures are cool or whatever, but it’s too long. Way WAY WAY too long. Much like Aizen’s monologues. Then the meme came along, where you take the “color of the sky” post, truncate it, and had some sort of surprise at the end. And sure there’s relief that it doesn’t go on for so long, but it’s also not as cool as the original. Kinda reminds me of Yhwach, for some reason. *coughs*
Yhwach: Sometimes I just don’t feel appreciated.
10. The “shoving breadsticks in purse” meme: Riruka
You’re on a date. The date says something bad. You shove breadsticks in your purse as you leave the restaurant. So this meme goes. It sounded kinda like Riruka to me.
Riruka: So what’s more important - being cute or something else?
Date: Uh...something else?
Riruka: [shoving breadsticks angrily into her purse] I have to go
11. The “hoe don’t do it” meme: Ishida and Ichigo
For the first part of Bleach, it was always Ishida saying “Hoe don’t do it” and Ichigo doing it. Then at the end, it switched and Ishida was the one doing things while Ichigo said “Hoe don’t do it.” Symmetry. It’s what makes Bleach what it is.
Ichigo: And that’s why we’re basically the same person.
Ishida: Oh god no.
12. The “looks at smudged writing on hand” meme: Ichigo
Not because he doesn’t care. He’s just...really bad at names.
Ichigo: Wow! Great job helping defeat the Quincy, Inoue, Chad, and...
Ichigo: [looks at smudged writing on hand]
Ichigo: Ugly Itching?
14. The  “snail” meme: Chad
Wherein you take various words and replace the first consonant with “sn” to create a snail version. Snurch = snail church, snall = snail mall, etc. I feel like Chad would be on board with this mostly because he respects snail culture, as he respects all animals.
Chad: And this is the “snouse” (snail house) I built for my new “snuddies” (snail buddies) with their “snard” (snail yard) and their “snailbox” (mailbox).
Ichigo: ...
Chad: what?
15. “Bitch, where?” meme: Charlotte
This is a meme about someone calling you ugly, and you responding, “Bitch, where?” That sounds like Charolotte to me.
Charlotte: And that shinigami was all, “You ugly” and I was all, “Bitch, where?”
Yumichika: You’re ugly under the makeup too, though.
Charlotte: Bitch, where?
Yumichika: ...I walked right into that one.
16. Kinkshaming meme: Kensei
I just feel like Kensei must spend a lot of time kinkshaming his fellow visored.
Shinji: I love being upside down!
Love: Personally I think nothing can top being a superhero.
Rose: Unless it’s a long, deep talk with your guitar.
Hiyori: Whatever. As if that’s as good as hitting people in the face with your shoes.
Mashiro: I prefer hitting them in the face with a super kick!
Lisa: Or ignoring them because you are too busy reading porn.
Kensei: ...I’m gonna have to kinkshame you all.
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missstormcaller · 8 years
WE DO knot ALWAYS LOVE YOU Part 8 Full translation.
report 4 part 3/3
"Renji, let's get everyone something to eat or drink soon."
"Right! Please, we beg your assistance!"
Hearing Renji's request, the nakai turned her body towards everyone.
"Then, we will begin....How about beverages?" She asked whilst bowing deeply in a seated position.
"It's okay if we request whatever we want, captain Kuchiki’s treat right!? Then let's have your most expensive sake please~!"
Rangiku said in a cheery voice, Ikkaku also added "Bring bottles!"
”Both of you are shameless.....ah, sake cups for each person please.”
Hisagi's face looked as if he wanted to say "don't you drink yourself after all, Yumichika!"
"The captain doesn't need a sake cup~. It’s believed your growth will stop when you drink sake right? Captain."
Looking at Rangiku's broad grin, Hitsuguya felt a twitch in his temple.
"....It is a special celebratory occasion. I will also drink."
"Is that okay?~ You won't grow taller, isn't that right?~ No matter how much time passes, you won't mature like that 'Daiguren Hyourinmaru handsome edition' time?~"
"Be quite Matsumoto!! Besides that's not the name of that form anyway!!"
Rangiku is speaking about the appearance of Hitsugaya's Bankai at the time it was shown in the 'Protection of the Soul King Great War'. When the ice petals that bloom in mid air disappear, Daiguren Hyourinmaru exhibits its true worth, corresponding with that power, Hitsugaya temporarily grows into the body of a young man.
"That's right Rangiku san. That's 'Daiguren Hyourinmaru version two~noble son of ice~' is it not?"
"I conclude that it's 'Dai-Daiguren Hyourinmaru." (*Dai=big)
"Ayasegawa, Madarame! Why are you both naming it as you please!? ......And Hisagi! What were you writing down just now!?"
"Well umm....If I publicly advertise the name in 'Seireitei communication' it will raise up excitement, won't it...."
"Absolutely not!!"
Elsewhere from the clamor of voices arguing back and forth, Hinamori, with a smiling face told the nakai "some fruit sake for me please."
"Hey captain~ please let me take pictures when you grow into an adult. At that time, I didn't have my denreishinki* because I was carried in the medical treatment pod, I couldn't take a photograph~!" (*Soul reaper mobile device)
"I refuse!!"
"The same as everyone else for me is fine" said Izuru.
"By the way, Rangiku san what were you doing at that time? didn't see you on the battlefield"
"Me, well I was told by the captain, everyone was doing as they pleased, causing a scene and the destroyed Soul King Palace wreckage was falling down on Seireitei, I was breaking it up with Haineko until it became an okay size! Simple~! The fact is, I was doing my best!"
"Really? it was like that....! Since I was swiftly attacked and on the verge of death the whole time, I can't remember anything at all.....pff that is pitiful!!"
Next to Kiyone who raked a hand through her hair, Hanataro whispered his request for some green tea to the nakai.
"[‘Great war - persons of distinguished service behind the scenes special feature'].....Not bad at all!"
Hisagi muttered, writing down his idea for a special feature in his notebook.
"……It's been a long time since things have been lively like this"
Renji laughed a little, Rukia also nodded in agreement "That's right".
Prior to the Great War, it was part of everyday life that troops from each squad would gather and drink sake together after work. But now, every squad is busy with reconstruction operations, even if you just drink with people of the same squad, troops of several squads gathering as drinking parties was extremely rare.
The couple were deeply grateful that these troops were able to accept their invitation under such circumstances.
------1 hour and 3_ minutes since the start of the banquet.
The drunkards, Rangiku, Yumichika and Kiyone, were persistent, only when they finished listening about the couples meeting up to the marriage proposal, information that they had inquisitively pried from them, did they finally set the pair free with a look of satisfaction.
"And? When is the ceremony?"
Ikkaku said whilst gulping down the expensive sake like water.
"I discussed it with Rukia, but we've planned to not conduct a ceremony, we will only register the marriage."
"It’s such a time like this, so just being able to celebrate with everyone in this way...."
"You can't do that!!"
Rangiku shot up and slapped the low table with a *bang*. With eyes bulged open, she thrust her index finger towards the pair.
"You must absolutely conduct a ceremony!!"
Rangiku spoke with hopeful eyes to Rukia who was at a loss for words.
"For sure, I want you to plan it because it's such a time like this....! Everyday I'm receiving reports like 'that squad house has been repaired, that facility has been reopened', you know? I think this is bright news. But then again, everything is usually just "this is restored back to its former self"....!"
Hearing of the reconstruction advancement was a pleasant thing. That sentiment was no lie.
Although it was no lie------
"When I received an email from Renji this morning, 'is this a marriage announcement?' That's what I thought, for the first time in a long while it truly felt like my heart was boiling over in excitement! I was so cheerful!……since you two made me feel so great, how you decided not to hold a ceremony……such a thing like that....I absolutely will not tolerate it!"
After saying that, Rangiku gave a tender smile. It was not merely a consequence of drunkenness, that the area around her eyes were slightly tinged with red. Hinamori cried loudly as if the sake she had consumed had slackened her tear glands, "I also want you two to hold a wedding ceremonyyyyy....!"
"Oh~ there there……Hey Abarai Kuchiki-i! Hinamori is crying like this! Take some responsibility, hold a ceremony!!"
Kiyone barked embracing Hinamori's head closely.
"I also agree! Besides, Renji……if you don't hold a ceremony, what if captain Kuchiki doesn't remain silent~?"
Ikkaku emptied his sake cup with a gulp.
"At any rate, it gives captain Kuchiki a reason to want to celebrate. If this one celebratory occasion is wasted, he'd be offended."
Saying that, Yumichika with a confident expression looked at Renji. Blood drained from Renji's face.
"[The true revival begins from here-----Abarai, Kuchiki, two vice captains, marriage ceremony special feature]……50 pages, fully loaded opening spread wedding photos……not bad!!"
"It's not good to connect anything to work right now, Hisagi san"
Without paying attention to Izuru's candid advice, Hisagi reviewed the draft of the magazine's content from next month onwards.
"There are rarely marriages like this between fellow lieutenants. No one complains when you celebrate on a grand scale."
Hitsugaya said, calmly tilting back his sake cup.
"……thank you very much. Truly……how we are so blessed……!"
Rukia placed her hands on her knees grasping tightly, she looked at Renji.
"Let's hold a ceremony, Renji! let's allow everyone to celebrate this to the marrow of our bones!"
Though it could've been written off as a desperate proposal, Rukia's eyes however were sparkling with happiness. Renji hit the palm of his hand with his fist "alright! Let's do it!" he reciprocated with a smile.
"Everyone, we will have your attendance! Will you please accept this responsibility and come?"
Everyone gladly nodded to Renji's invitation.
"If it's been decided as such then I need to make preparations for a kimono in a hurry~! And putting in a booking for measurements!"
Rangiku excitedly took out her denreishinki and began to send an electronic message to a familiar draper.
"Matsumoto……just the other day you said you have too many kimonos that you can't wear them all, wasn't a cabinet brought over to you from my office……?"
Hitsugaya was uninterested in garments, he only had a few clothes himself. For that reason, originally there were two cabinets placed in the Captain's office, now one remains without much use. It was absolutely no problem to have things that do not get used, but considering there was already twenty cabinets crammed into the lieutenant's room; Rangiku's passion to purchase even more new things whilst also possessing that many kimonos, was no small wonder to Hitsugaya.
"I will also go for new kimono tailoring……!"
"Ah! Well then Hinamori, shall we go together?"
"Uhh, is that okay!? I definitely want to go with you!"
Kiyone raised her hand "me too, me too!" At that exchange, Rukia's eyes also shined.
"Lieutenant Matsumoto, me too……!"
"Kuchiki you can't! Isn't it captain Kuchiki who should be deciding the arrangements for your kimono~? He will undoubtedly give orders for the highest quality things, so behave yourself!"
Rangiku said, Rukia feeling slightly abashed nodded her head in agreement.
"Err……I, have no experience in something like this…… what's  appropriate for a man to wear……?"
Hanataro enquired after timidly raising his hand.
"Well, I think it's okay for the guys to wear their shihakusho. After all this is acceptable uniform. Also I have no money to buy"
So when he saw Hisagi laughing that it was okay and he need not worry, Hanataro exhaled a large breath of air and said "that's good……"
"It seems there is no money because Hisagi San does nothing but waste it…… Yamada kun, if you go to a draper store and tell them about the sort of budget you have and what kind of thing you want to wear, they will choose something precisely adequate for you. Try going there once."
"Th…thank you very much, lieutenant Kira"
Hanataro bowed his head to Izuru over and over again until he was halted by Izuru who said "that's enough!".
"I, should wear Western clothes~! I wonder if you will invite Ichigo and Orihime chan too?"
"That's right……! Of course we will speak with them!"
Renji replied to Yumichika, he then asked Rukia "is that okay?"
Rukia nodded  'of course' enthusiastically.
"……for a while, things will become more busy now……"
Uttering that her face radiated bright with joy.
Fixed thanks anon!
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animehajimemashou · 8 years
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A more adult version of our Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro. Isn't he just gorgeous? 😍
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