#it once again makes me insanely curious to know how they first met
alexiethymia · 3 months
hitsuhina and choice
I mean I love all iterations of hitsuhina and any version of them and their backstory, but the fact that Hitsugaya and Hinamori didn’t actually live together gets me y’know? (despite that many people thought the same, like me too and I always loved reading fics with that premise).
Because the fact that they didn’t actually live together (in fact they weren’t even neighbors, Kubo just says they lived in the same neighborhood) just hammers down Hitsugaya's strong regard for her. Because sure you could always argue that Hitsugaya was protective over her because they lived together (I mean I’m pretty sure many people characterized their relationship as familial because of that), and yeah I could totally get behind that, but knowing that they didn’t actually live together shows that of all the kids in their neighborhood, it was Hinamori who he grew his bond with to the point that he was ready to murder for her. It’s such an intense emotional tie to a childhood friend (*cough like Gin with Rangiku*) that I always wondered what could have led to it.
And I think a lot of it has to do with choice. Like Hinamori was popular. Hinamori was well-liked. Hinamori already had friends in their neighborhood. Hinamori didn’t have to be friends with the ‘cold’ kid that everyone - children and adults alike - were wary of. But she still did. She still laughed and smiled at him, hung out with him and ate watermelons with him, kept on visiting him even when her other friends were scared of him. And from Hitsugaya’s pov, she didn’t have to. She wasn’t family like his Granny. And it wasn’t as if he was alone either precisely because he had his Granny. In those early days he must’ve been confused why this sunny and warm girl would choose him. And this is way before he eventually becomes a powerful and well-liked captain, way before he was a prodigy, way before he was discovered to have strong reiatsu. He must have kept wondering why this girl kept on choosing him when he felt like he had nothing to offer her back and when it might have been detrimental to her to keep on hanging out with him because of the chance that she could have been isolated as well, like what was in it for her?
And this goes into the core of why I love Hinamori so much, of this little thing being an integral part of her character where we see snippets of it in the manga (like with Byakuya, Zaraki and to an extent Gin) that she never really judges people by their looks, that she’s open and accepting. Even when people were generally creeped out by Gin, she was only on her guard when Hitsugaya warned her about him. Sure it could be seen to be a weakness, but for something I’m sure she thought nothing of, I’m sure it meant a whole lot to Hitsugaya, enough that he considered her laughter like a spring breeze. Like honestly, I could believe how that ended in Hitsugaya becoming so intense about her and becoming incoherent with rage with what Aizen did.
Because that something that she ended up beating herself up about in the aftermath of Aizen - her trusting and accepting nature which I’m sure she thought was a weakness that she had to change, that nature of hers which was trampled upon and taken advantage of by Aizen and Gin - it was that very same nature which in Hitsugaya’s view probably saved him from his loneliness. He couldn’t stomach how that very same thing which made Momo who she was, the very same nature of hers which saved him, was so carelessly used to hurt her. Like, how dare they? Even worse, how dare they make Momo doubt herself? It was no wonder then that he couldn’t even hope to control or bottle up his unstable emotions threatening to overflow until they eventually did, with disastrous consequences.
In the same way Momo chose him so long ago, he continues and always chooses her, time and time again. Even when her attention was drawn away, even when her bright smile was no longer solely his, he never begrudged her. Time and again, he continued to prove that he’d always choose her - her safety, her well-being, her happiness - always choosing to protect her, even sometimes above and beyond Soul Society.
It’s all about the choice.
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patricia-taxxon · 4 months
Attempting to extend sympathy to my younger self via self insert fiction.
"Hello there!"
I looked up from the lunchbox on my lap towards the source of the sudden loud voice, standing four or so feet away from me was a… dog? He stood on two legs, an eager look on his face. I looked around, none of the other kids were nearby.
"Hello?" I said back, a little confused.
"My name is Paul! What is your name?" The dog replied, both in an oddly formal tone of voice and… loudly, even though he was close enough to grab.
"My name's Bradley." I said, and went back to my PB&J.
"How old are you, Bradley?" asked Paul, in that same babyish but too-formal tone, almost like a robot.
"I'm eleven." I replied, without looking up.
"I'm ten!" He said back. "Nice to meet you!"
Several seconds passed, and he didn't move or look away. I realized he was waiting for me to say something.
"Nice to meet you too, Paul." His tail twitched as I said that, but he quickly moved his paw behind him to hold it in place until it settled. "Sorry," He said, before asking another question. "What do you like to do?"
His awkward storybook-speaking was offputting to me, but no one ever talked to me at recess, especially not completely out of nowhere like this. I answered his question, "I like playing Smash Bros," but I don't know why I thought of that first. I didn't really feel like finishing my lunch, I started to pack it away for later.
"What's that?" He said back. Was that a joke? He looked curious.
"Uh… it's a game, you can play as different Nintendo characters and fight each other." I waited for him to respond, but he was still listening. "You can uh… you can be Sonic."
"That's really cool!" He said. "Can I sit next to you?"
"Hm? Oh, okay, I guess." I replied. The dog's tail instantly sprung to life, and he once again moved his paw to stop it. "Sorry," he said, and moved swiftly to sit on the bench next to me, a bit closer than I thought he would. He looked up towards me like he wanted me to keep talking, or… it looked like he was looking at the top of my head, I wasn't sure.
Instead of explaining Smash Bros anymore, I asked a question myself to take the pressure off. "What do you like to play?" Paul blinked and his ears perked up. "I like Marble Blast Gold!" He almost yelped out, before drawing back. "But… shhh, don't tell anyone. I'm not supposed to talk about it."
That didn't make any sense. "Huh? What does that mean?" I asked.
"It's the best game ever, you like… you roll, and you have to… like, you have to get to the end. Uh." He stammered. "But I'm not… I'm not allowed to play it anymore, my teachers said I'm too obsessed."
"That's bullshit." I spat.
"Yeah!!" He yelled, leaping up onto his haunches, tail wagging up a storm, until he noticed again, and pressed his paw to stop it. "Sorry." he said.
"Why are you doing that?" I asked.
"Doing what?"
"Stopping your tail." I pointed to his butt. "Aren't you like… a dog, or something?"
Paul cocked his head like I asked him a really stupid question. "Yeah? Why." He said, carefully.
We stared at each other for another couple of seconds. I didn't know how to word my questions without sounding awkward. "I've met a lot of… dogs, and wagging tails is pretty normal." I felt insane saying it out loud.
"Well I'm special!" Paul beamed. "I can talk, I can stand on two legs!" He got up and stood upon the bench, barely reaching eye level with me. "I'm in a class for special dogs only." He bumped a fist on his chest.
"Oh… okay." I said, not really understanding. I guess the rules were different for dogs that talk. It felt weird watching him do that though, and saying sorry for it too. "Are special dogs… not supposed to wag?" I asked.
"Yeah. No wagging." He replied. "'Cus humans don't wag."
"But humans don't have tails in the first place." I looked behind myself to check. "So you don't actually know if humans would wag or not, right?" I was getting seriously weirded out by this conversation, but I just kinda kept going. "How'd you learn to talk, anyways?" I asked, Paul looked like he was processing what I said very slowly.
"Like I said, I'm special." Paul repeated. "I'm learning how to make it disappear, like everyone else. First I gotta learn how to keep it still, though, so the magic works."
"Magic?" I said back to him. I mean, it wasn't all that weird compared to meeting a talking dog, but the word still threw me off.
"Yeah, lookit!" The dog hopped off the bench, hunched over with his back facing me, and started screaming like he was about to go super saiyan. I didn't know what I was supposed to be looking at, I was too startled. I might have been imagining things, but I think I saw his tail slowly retracting into his body like a lazy snake.
"Paul! What the fuck are you doing??" I shouted, but instead of responding, Paul just… went silent and flopped onto his side. I quickly rushed over, yelling "Are you okay? What just happened?" I looked over his body, flat on the asphalt. His tail had grown all the way back and… his body shrunk. His head was halfway tucked into his shirt like a turtle. His paws barely poked out of his sleeves, pointing directly forward from his body. He didn't look like a kid anymore, he looked like a dog that someone stuffed into some kid's clothes.
After a second, I thought it wouldn't hurt to poke him. "Paul? Recess is almost over." I poked at his chest, and he rolled onto his back limply. I suddenly felt silly trying to talk to him, like I was trying to reason with a pet. I tried a different approach, I clapped my hands and rapped on my knees. "Hey! Up! Food!"
Paul's eyes shot open, and he sneezed, before wiggling his legs to right himself. He took an instant and a half to realize where he was, and he suddenly cowered, looking straight at me, shivering. "Hey, what's wrong?" I whispered. He looked side to side, back at his own doggish body, and back to me. He blinked, looking like he was about to run away.
"No, no, it's okay." I tried to be reassuring, I'd never had a dog before so I didn't really know what I was doing. I almost forgot that I'd just been talking about Smash Bros with him. "Uh… do you like granola bars?" His ears perked up, and his tail swayed, his new… anatomy making it hard to reach back and stop it this time. I grabbed my backpack from behind me and rummaged through it for leftovers, I got the other of the two bars inside the wrapper, the one I didn't eat, and held it out in front of me. Paul approached me slowly, his nose twitching. "Can you… eat this, even?" I asked, as he sniffed the crumbly rectangle. He licked it soon after, and started nibbling and snarfing after that. I watched carefully, scared to make any sudden moves.
Paul looked up at me again, and I noticed his eyes were a little different. More definition, like I could tell a little more what he was feeling. His new eyes looked concerned, like he was waiting for me to do something bad. He reached up with a paw, it was looking a bit more like a hand now. I let go, and he held the bar himself as he munched away, sitting plainly on his knees.
"What was that all about?" I asked.
"Maghic." The dog said through a full mouth.
"That was magic?" I replied. "I saw your tail shrink, I'm pretty sure."
Paul swallowed. "How much?"
I thought back, the image was still clear in my head. "Like… barely at all. A couple inches?"
"Aw…" He looked disappointed in himself.
We sat in silence for a bit, but there was a question I wanted to ask. "Why do you want to get rid of your tail? Like… that looked painful."
"Mrs. Millie said I can go to the regular class if I can turn human," the talking dog said, proudly.
"You're pretty bad at that." I chuckled, reaching out to ruffle his ears without thinking. Paul looked like he was about to take it personally, but suddenly lost his train of thought as my hand touched his head. "Bwuhhf…" He woofed under his breath, his tail twitched and his paws lost their thumbs again. I quickly pulled my hand back, "Sorry! I didn't…" Paul's eyes took a second to form together again, and he looked right at me, "That wasn't fair." he whined, but his tail was still wagging.
"You really are a dog!" I said, glancing sneakily behind him. Paul followed my gaze to his own tail, yelped, and quickly pressed it down with both paws.
"Oh, come on, stop it." I joked. "It's psyching me out, it looks like it hurts when you hold your tail in place like that."
Paul turned his head back at me. "It doesn't… hurt," he said, slowly and surely.
"Hm. Whatever you say." I got up and went back on the bench. After I turned around to sit down, Paul was already running towards me. I didn't have any time to think before he bounded into my lap and butted his head into my chest while his tail went crazy. The impact knocked the wind out of me, but he was pretty small, I got it back in just a second. Paul yipped and barked, maybe there were some normal words in there too, but I couldn't understand it. This is where I realized he wasn't a very special dog after all, I think he was just normal.
I scratched behind his head and stroked his back through those baggy clothes, and this time he didn't mind. He might have been crying, it was hard to tell, I didn't really know what dog crying looked like. Eventually, he settled down. I couldn't feel his shoulders anymore, he seemed in danger of falling out of his shorts if he wasn't careful. I had a dog in my lap, an extremely normal dog. He stretched his body up and rested his head on my shoulder. "I like you, Bradley." He said, a little too slowly, and a little too loudly. I didn't know what to say to that, he barely knew me. This was all very weird. "You're a good dog." I said back, just because it felt right.
I could feel Paul's body shaping up into a more human posture again as he regained composure. He let go, turned to the side, and sat down on the bench next to me again, staring at his paws in his lap. I leaned over, "You okay?" I asked. He didn't answer, he just put his paw on my wrist and started twirling the hair under my sleeve.
I quickly jerked my hand away and covered the hairy skin. "Don't look at that!" I snapped.
"You have fur too!" Paul yelled.
"No, no, that's hair. I'm just…" I didn't want to explain, it was too embarrassing. I looked like I had my dad's arms, I hoped that no one would see. "It's a condition."
"Oh. Okay." Paul stared into the distance again. We sat in silence for another couple awkward seconds before the bell rang.
"Bye, Bradley." the dog said, scampering off.
"Bye, Paul." I waved after him, being sure to hold my sleeve up with my other hand.
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authorhjk1 · 5 months
The Roman Goddess (part II)
Sana X Male Reader
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The taxi ride to her hotel feels like it's taking hours. Her white top still shows hints of your last moment alone. Since then, the two of you met not a lot of people. Only a couple of oblivious visitors and the taxi driver.
The later was staring at her for a couple of moments as the two of you got in. It wasn't your place to say something, she is married after all. But you can't really blame him.
Even after you just had her kneeling half naked in front of you, you still glance at her every two seconds.
You still feel like you are dreaming. How you managed to pull it off still remains a mystery to you. Or maybe she was looking for someone anyway? And you were just the first guy to hit on her?
Maybe. And even if that's the case, you don't really care. As long as she is taking you to her hotel room, you don't care why she is doing this.
"What's your name by the way?"
The taxi driver's radio is too loud for him to understand what the two of you are saying. Italian words echo through the car.
The young woman raises an eyebrow.
"Now you are curious? After you came on me?"
You feel your cheeks heating up, but you see how the left corner of her mouth moves upwards a little.
"Y-You asked me to."
She tilts her head as if she is trying to recall the scene in the museum.
"You sound like I forced you to do that."
Somehow she did. Or at least her body. Who wouldn't want to cum on her chest? Especially if she says she wants it?
You brake the silence after a couple of moments. Although it's anything but quiet in the car. As far as you can tell, the driver is listening to a soccer game.
"I'm not sure if I should tell you."
"I just came on your chest. Shouldn't you trust me by now?"
You see her smirking, intrigued by the way you used her words against her.
"I won't tell you my name. Just in case."
She finally turns her head towards you, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.
"Just call me Venus."
You can't help but chuckle.
"Didn't we already establish that you are like Aphrodite?"
'Venus' shrugs her shoulders. An elegant gesture coming from her.
"You said that Venus was more important."
You nod quietly.
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You feel out of place. You've never been to such a hotel before. Everything looks expensive. The white marble floor, the cedar wooden reception desk, the golden elevator doors with pretty engravings.
The lobby just looks insane to you. But Venus just walks through the big hall, her head raised high, her confident stride makes her heels klick on the floor.
Trailing behind her, you see how well dressed everyone is. It's not like your outfit sucks, a simple white shirt and jeans, but the other guests are wearing suits and dresses.
"Mrs. Minatozaki."
The receptionist greets her, handing her the key for her room. Her name sounds Japanese.
"And this is a package that just arrived. It's for you."
"Thank you."
Venus, or Mrs. Minatozaki, takes the small box and walks towards the elevator. You follow her, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself.
As soon as she throws the package on the bed, she turns around. You tried to see what her room looked like, or rather suite, but her intense gaze makes you focus on her.
"Come here."
She whispers, slinging her arms around your neck. You lean down, meeting her halfway as the two of you start to indulge into each other's lips.
You realize that your hands once again are exploring her body. As if you can't get enough. Her curves feel so good underneath the fabric.
"Fuck, your lips taste so good,-"
You catch her pause.
"I need a name for you too."
Her lips leave yours, before they kiss your cheek, moving towards your neck.
"Any suggestions? It should fit mine."
It's hard to concentrate, when you have a woman like Venus kissing your neck. Impossible even. But you luckily know your way around Roman mythology.
You feel one of her hands slide down your back.
"Mars fits the theme."
"And who is that?"
You don't know if she is pretending or not, but you feel her hand reaching your crotch. Yours are on her waist. Still amazed by how small it is, you try your best to explain.
"The Roman god of war. And agriculture."
You feel her chuckle into your neck.
"That's an interesting combination."
"Well,.. "
You can't stop it. Your history nerd side comes back to life. Despite the fact that Venus is slowly letting her fingers glide over your jeans.
"That combination is a characteristic of early Rome. Military and farming both have their peak during the summer. It makes sense to me."
You feel her bite you skin slightly.
"Are you gonna keep talking? Or do you want to fuck?"
"T-The second one."
"Me too. Mars."
She whispers, before backing away.
It feels weird to be called by a name of a god.
"Give me just a minute."
Venus takes the package and disappears into the bathroom.
Standing alone, you are not quite sure what to do. Take your clothes off? Stand in place? Get on the bed?
Your eyes roam the big room as you realize how much this must cost. Hundreds. Maybe even a thousand a night or something.
Even the bed looks like the best you've ever seen. It's almost three times as big as yours. Golden ornaments are decorating its wooden bed frame.
You decide to get rid off your clothes. A moment later you are lying on the soft mattress, only in your underwear. Then, the door opens. You feel your jaw dropping in amazement.
Venus leans against the white doorframe.
Her black lace bra shows her porcelain like skin underneath. Her tits look a little bigger than before. Her panties match her bra. Black lace. It shows of how small her waist is. Her toned stomach really makes her look like a goddess. The black straps that connect her stockings with her panties each have a golden ring in the middle. The heels she is wearing complete her all black outfit
"I see you like it?"
You look down at your crotch. That's a very clear yes.
Watching her walk over to you almost makes you drool. Her hips sway from left to right, her hair, now lose, follows the same rhythm.
"I don't even remember the last time my pussy was filled."
She crashes down on you, not giving you time to react, when she reaches the bed. Landing on top of you, you feel her center rub against yours. Her hands in your hair. Her lips on yours once again.
The two of you exchange a passionate kiss, her hands slowly going through your hair. Yours are traveling down her back, until they reach their destination. You squeeze her cheeks, making Venus moan into your mouth.
"Naughty boy."
She coos, before she slides down your body. Her tits graze your covered crotch in the process. Once her face is on the right hight, she pulls your boxers off.
"I've already missed this so much."
She sighs, before diving in. Without a word of warning, you feel how Venus swallows your cock. Her warm mouth makes you groan as you sink into the cushions.
Reaching down, you hold her hair back as her head bobs up and down. Her blowjob is messy. Her saliva is starting to get everywhere. Your cock, your balls, your thighs, the mattress.
The only thing you can do is watch. Her eyes lock onto yours, trying to stare into your soul.
You groan, unable to withstand her attack.
"So delicious."
She murmurs as she let's her tongue dance along your shaft, before taking you back into her mouth.
You can feel how impatient she is. Her blowjob is gaining in pace, her hands moving along your thighs. She starts to fuck her face onto your cock.
With a load groan, you almost cum right there. She pulls away early enough. Your disappointment is quickly replaced by heart pounding excitement.
"Eat me, please."
She gets on her knees, pulling her panties to the side. The mouth watering view almost gives you goosebumps. Her folds are wet, her pussy cleanly shaven.
You pull her hips towards you, making Venus sit on your face. Her pussy tastes even better than it looks. You can't get enough after only one lick. Her hands are in your hair again, forcing you to bury yourself even deeper into her core.
"Yes, baby."
She sighs, her head rolling back. Your pace quickens as you insert a finger into her wet core, while you lick her clit. Her velvet walls clench around you, dying for any friction at all.
"More. More!"
Her moans become louder, her whines needier.
At one point, she starts to ride your face. Your finger is still inside of her, egging her on.
"So close. The museum made me so wet."
You can feel her orgasm slowly approaching. Her pussy clenches around your finger even harder.
She almost shouts as she cums on your face.
Her sweet nectar tastes like peaches as you are forced to drink it, her hands keeping you in place.
"That was so good."
She sighs, her body visibly relaxing on top of you.
"I don't even remember the last time..."
She trails off, glancing down at you.
"I need you inside of me, Mars. Fuck me hard."
You tighten the grip on her waist, suddenly sitting up. It makes her fall off you and she lands on her back. You are now kneeling in front of her wet core, your cock grazing her folds.
"Give it to me."
She watches with a satisfied look on her face as you start to penetrate her pussy. Her tightness makes it hard to fit all of your cock inside of her in one go. You have to slowly ease in and out a couple of times, until you finally bottom out.
"Fuck, you are big."
She sighs as she feels how you fill her. Her pussy hugs your cock as tight as it can.
Her hands grab the sheets as you start to fuck Venus. Her body rocks back and forth on the mattress. Your hands are placed on her hips as you enjoy her pussy. It almost feels like she is made for you.
Her head sinks into the sheets as you start to fuck her harder. Her legs wrap around you, trapping you, not allowing you to go anywhere but deeper. Not that you mind. If you could only stay inside of her forever...
Your body moves on its own, driven by your carnal desires. Every thrust makes her breasts jiggle slightly, despite the fact that they are still secure inside her bra. Her eyes are staring up at you, tracing the drops of sweat that form on your forehead, before they fall onto your chest or her tummy.
"Gosh, your cock..."
You see how her eyes become smaller, until they finally close. Her mouth is slightly open, moan after moan escaping her pretty lips.
"How are you so tight?"
You can't help but wonder. How is she this perfect? That face of hers would already be enough for every man to fall for her. But her body turns you into a slave to your animalistic instincts. And her pussy.. You can't describe it with words.
It feels like you are in paradise. And at the same time, you feel something like guilt. You shouldn't be doing this. You shouldn't be fucking her. She is a married woman. And yet, that fact somehow turns you on even more.
Venus should be off limits to you. Because she is way out of your league. And because she is married. But here you are. Fucking her, while she whines and mewls, asking you to go faster.
For a moment, you wonder if she is alone in Rome. Or is her husband with her? You haven't thought about this possibility yet. That he and her might have spent the night right here. In this bed. In the bed you are fucking his wife on.
Her loud moan brings you back to reality.
"I need it rougher! More!"
It's starting to feel like she just can't get enough.
You start to slow down, wanting to try another position. Maybe you can fuck her even deeper that way.
"Get up and turn around."
Venus seems to like the idea. She gets on all fours her ass facing you.
"Put it back in."
She smiles as she looks over her shoulder.
You let your hands run along her beautifully shaped cheeks. You knead them a couple of times, before you aling yourself with her wet cavern once again.
"Fuck me hard."
It's a mixture of plea and command.
Venus moans when you thrust forward, impaling her with your cock.
"Oh god!"
You lean over her, grabbing both of her arms. Pulling them back, you make her kneel. Only your hands on her arms keep her upright.
Fucking her from behind feels better than missionary. You are able to penetrate her deeper. You are able to rock her body back and forth properly. And you can really pull her onto your cock.
But as you keep pounding into her, her hair starts to fall, swinging from left to right. It hits her face, whenever you pull at her arms and thrust into her. She has to close her mouth, letting out needy whimpers. But she can't hold it in for very long. And soon, she has some of her own hair in her mouth as she moans for more.
The only downside is, you can't see her face. Her gorgeous features must be twisted in pleasure, but you are missing out on seeing them. Her hair starts to have a life on its own as the pace and force of your thursts increase. It starts to cover parts of her face, while most of it is still resting against her back.
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You focus on the rhythm of your thrusts as you feel how deep you are inside of her. It feels like her pussy is getting better and better by the second. Your own pleasure increases, the harder you fuck her.
Venus suddenly cums around your cock. You missed the fact that she has been dead silent for the last couple of moments. Now, she is letting it all out again. Lewd words spill from her lips, just like her juices spill out of her pussy. She starts to stain the sheets underneath, almost slipping because of her own liquids.
Her orgasm overwhelms you, bringing you closer towards your own edge. You have been holding on for now, but the sight of Venus cuming right in front of you eventually proves too much.
You feel how you are growing tired, her pussy contracting around you with every thrust into it.
"I think I'm gonna cum!"
You groan, trying to warn Venus.
"Paint me! Stain me with your cum!"
She mewls as she feels you picking up the pace one last time. Her hair is still in her face, but she is unable to put it back. Her arms still behind her.
You sigh as you finally pull out. You let go of her arms, letting Venus fall face first into the mattress. You hold your cock in your hand as you start to climax. Your cum hits her back. Rope after rope starts to stain her skin. Just like she wanted. Some of it gets onto the bra wire, the white globes visible on the black fabric.
"Fuck, I needed that."
You hear her mumble into the sheets, her voice muffled by the white cotton.
You still can't fully grasp what you just did. As soon as she came out of the bathroom it felt like someone else was controlling your body. It felt incredible nonetheless.
As you see Venus lying on her stomach in front of you, your cum on her back, you wonder what else there is to do. There is so much. There is so much the two of you could do. You whish you could explore even more of her body. To feel every inch of her skin.
When Venus finally turns her head to look up at you, you see her smile. Her eyes tell you that she is thinking the same thing.
"How do you want to fuck me next?"
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milksuu · 7 months
Hello! What do you think about a scenario where Aphelios and reader meet in OSU or another game?
Like reader creates maps and uses songs that aphelios actually likes and so he ends up being the player that she always sees on her stat map charts with almost always being top 1. And one of them gets curious so they reach out on the app/netsite and they get to know each other?? Like kinda how they met and how their relationship would evolve over time. I'm not good with words but yeah!
❥ prompt: You were a revered OSU! map creator. He was a map farming legend. Especially your maps. He was always at the top of the stat charts. Praised or scrutinized, he was the daily hot topic in the /osu subforums. His username was the only thing you knew about him : m00ncake. You had no idea he would end up being Aphelios from the band Heartsteel. That's until he showed up at your job by accident, and you connecting the dots. Oh, did you forget to mention you worked at a maid café? ❥ content/warnings: fluffy fluff, mild hurt/comfort, minor angst (?) ❥ characters/pairings: Heartsteel!aphelios / f!reader
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This was it. Your magnum opus! Once your song map hit the platform, thousands of players immediately clicked to dominate it. It wasn't going to be easy for them. You'd taken special care of making it more challenging than your previous maps....especially for one certain player.
m00ncake had a history of over-taking any map within the first try. After every song, there he was: placed at number one. With astronomical stats that would take days of practice for any top streamer to compete with. It's what made the whole scene that much more competitive.
But every gamer had their weakness. And you made this map specifically to exploit m00ncake. You had analyzed his replays. Over and over again. In the darkness of your room, till the desktop screen stung your eyes dry.
He was exceptionally good with rhythm, timing, and anything technical. If you could throw him off, even a little, you'd consider that a flawless victory. This time around you would delay the kick sliders, just by a fraction, before the uptick. The rhythm theoretically the same, but the minuscule margin of delay would throw any muscle memory built up from your previous maps alone.
You waited with baited breath. m00ncake played and finished your map. The stats were posted. Yet again, he proved to be the legend he was considered to be. Despite your best efforts. With the numbers alone, there was no way another player could possibly over-take him.
A few moments later, you received a direct message:
m00ncake: nice song. also fun map. can i ask a question?
You heart thumped inside your chest. Gulping, you allowed your fingers to type back:
mcreader: oh, thanks! and sure, go ahead. m00ncake: did you purposefully slow down the kick slider at certain parts? if you did, it was actually pretty challenging for me. i'm usually on auto-pilot so that kind of threw me off. haha
After that message, your friendship blossomed. Frequently messaging each other on the platform, to then adding each other on Discord. Whenever you posted a new map, m00ncake would call you, and have you listen to his insane key-board clicking sounds. The most intense ASMR one could experience, really.
It was always great to get feedback from him after he would finish. Being the professional OSU! player that he was, it was nice to get insight on possible map formations, songs, to just general technical suggestions. To no surprise, you both enjoyed the same style of music. It explained why his play history consisted of mostly your maps. Even your least popular ones.
But he never spoke. Not even a whisper. And you never pressed it. If he was just generally shy with speaking, you could understand. You didn't mind doing all of the talking, and him replying with short text, emojies or tts.
mcreader: i found a great song for a new map. but i have work now, so i'll probably do it later tonight. maybe post it if im not too sleepy. m00ncake: sounds good. i'm excited to play it when it comes out. i'm usually up at night so if you need some company, let me know. have a good day at work. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
mcreader: will do! and tysm! have a good day too! ttyl! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
You pressed your phone to your lips. m00ncake was always so sweet, supportive, and always a treat to talk to (Well, text to). You just wished you knew his name. Or anything more about him, really. He was always very secretive. It made you wonder why.
When you made it to work, you dressed and fitted into your maid outfit along with the rest of the girls coming in for shift. You heard giggles and whispers, "Hey, did you see that guy that's at that one table? He looks just like Aphelios from Heartsteel!" Another girl wiggled excitedly, nodding her head. "Totally. But it's so hard to tell. He's got his mask on and has his hoodie up. No, there's no way it's not him. As a die-hard fan, I can tell!"
"That's enough, girls." The manager clapped her hands at attention. "Everyone already has their table assignments. And there will be no switching. Whether we have a special customer or not, we always provide excellence in our service. Understood?"
After learning your table assignments, you were ready for your shift. And looked like you were assigned the very table everyone seemed to want. Whines erupted around you. "How come she get's to serve Apehlios? I bet she doesn't even know who Heartsteel is." The mass of complaints silenced as the manager clapped her hands once more.
They were right. You weren't too knowledgeable on the up and coming band. But if they were right, then that made you all the more nervous. It wasn't everyday you served someone of musical prestige. You usually served single college guys, the occasional cute couple, or a group of high-school girls on a fun after school date.
"Welcome back, Master! It's an honor to serve you again today." You sang your rehearsed spiel at the customers table. 'Masters' were always treated as if they had come home from a long journey. "I'm glad you're back safely. You must be tired after being away from home so very long. Please, let me recharge you by taking your food and drink order."
What on earth? You almost broke character. You watched as the young man had his phone out, playing OSU! in the most casual way imaginable. He rolled his blood-moon eyes to acknowledge you, expression veiled. He placed his phone on the table, but his fingers continued to tap his screen while he scanned the heart-shaped menu.
D-Did he memorize the whole song!? The whole scene was out of this world. So distracted by this detail, you almost didn't realize he was trying to communicate. You looked down. He pointed and tapped a finger at his order. A lavender latte and dessert combo.
"Wonderful choice, Master. I'll let the fairy's know right away. Your dessert and drink will be out shortly."
You scurried away with the order. When you returned with a tray, you sought to investigate your customer a little more. It was customary to draw art on the latte foam. You smiled sweetly, drawing the shape of a rabbit. "I'm so happy you returned home, Master. I was so worried because it had been so long. Once I heard you were coming back, I couldn't help but be excited for today. The day when we would finally see each other again."
Honestly, you were just trying to ramble and waste time. He never bothered reacting to your whole gimmick. That gave you security to scan your eyes over his phone screen. Your breath hitched. His username...his username...his username...
You practically squirted the whole bottle of chocolate sauce on the table. Recovering with an innocent laugh, and wiped the table dry, and ran away to take cover in the employee's only section. You pulled out your phone and opened Discord:
mcreader: hey! super weird question, but um, what're you doing rn??????? m00ncake: ...me? just out and about. having something to eat. why ( ° - °) ??????? mcreader: i was just wondering, and im sorry if this is random but...is....is your name aphelios by chance?
After pressing send, you peeked around the corner. You watched as the young man tapped on his phone. After a pause, his eyes snapped wide. Panicked, he looked around the space. As if trying to find a proper response to your question.
It is you, you pressed your lips firmly together. You went back to his table and took his wrist, encouraging him to follow you. "Oh! Master, let me guide you to the restroom." You announced loudly, leading him away. You dragged him into the dressing room. Since next shift wasn't for a few more hours, no one would bother walking in.
"m00ncake, Aphelios--whoever you are. What're you doing here?" How embarrassing. If you ever decided to meet in person, you didn't want it to be like this. With you and your silly frilly outfit and cringey maid character (even though you did enjoy it). But this was way over the top than you imagined!
Aphelio's backed up slowly against a locker. He didn't say a word. Blinking wildly at your question. You pulled out your phone, revealing your Discord and OSU! conversations with him.
"You see this? That's you! And now I know that it's you...you're m00ncake...and Aphelio's from Heartsteel...and I-I'm..."
Why? Why? Why? Why couldn't he have been anyone else than a supposed famous idol star? Why couldn't he have been some normal guy with an obsession with online rhythm games? Someone weirdly normal, like you.
So why....why did you have to like someone so out of your league?
Girlish talk and laughter bounced outside the changing room door. Fearing the worst, you dragged you and Aphelio's into your clothing locker. You made shushing gestures to your lips, which was ironic, since you knew at this point he never said a word.
A couple of girls walked in, laughing to one another. "Wow, I can't believe I lost one of my hair ties. Thanks for letting me borrow yours." The other then replied, "No problem! I always keep spares in my bag. Hey, look. Whose headphones are these?"
In the frantic mess of your actions, Aphelio's lost his headphones. The pair continued to laugh and talk, wondering exactly where the headset even came from. You shifted your gaze upwards. And your heart squeezed horribly inside your chest.
Aphelio's had his eyes half-lided, almost closed. Breathing laboriously through his mask. He looked as if he was in pain. Flinching whenever one of the girls giggled too loudly, or the other raised their voice in excitement. In the condensed space, he had no room to move his arms and cover his ears.
Your eyes widened at the realization. This...this is all my fault. Carefully, you squeezed your arms up, cupping his ears in your hands. In this angle, your cheek condensed into his chest. You felt the erratic thumping of his heart. Slowly, it settled to a steady rhythm. The heaves of his chest dissipating to normal breaths.
When the girls finally left, you uncovered his ears, both slipping out of the locker. You picked up his headphones, adjusting them against his ears. You then fitted the hoodie over his head, wearing a sad smile, "I'm so sorry. About all that. About everything, really. Can...can you forget about today? And don't worry about paying for your meal. I'll cover it."
You didn't let him type or gesture a single word to you. Resuming character, you escorted him out of the maid café, with a take-home box in hand for his troubles.
Your shift dragged on. You didn't bother sending any messages to m00ncake. Or actually, Apehlios, you should say. And no messages came from him, either. Good...it's better this way. The two of you living in two separate worlds.
When end of shift came, the sky had darkened. With your dress bag slung over your shoulder, you left the café. When you stepped onto the sidewalk, someone familiar stood at the side.
"A-Aphelios, why did you..." before you finished, he messaged you on Discord. You opened the message:
m00ncake: i didn't want to forget about today. in fact, do you want to ride the train together?
You paused. A smile then formed across your lips. With a nod, you placed yourself at his side. In a comfortable silence, the two of you walked shoulder to shoulder. Your phone buzzed. Another ping:
m00ncake: i shouldn't probably say this but, i actually have a thing for girls in maid outfits. you can shove me in a locker and call me master anytime. (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
You blushed furiously, grabbing his arm and shaking it with a whine. Thinking maybe, just maybe, two totally different notes could be part of the same song.
an: omfg what a cute idea this was! honestly, im not versed in rhythm games, but i tried my best. maybe i went overboard too. thanks so much for the request @timetoeatthebread-blog!
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one-idea · 5 months
HIII, how are u doing?? hope everything's fine! I've just read the reverse strawhats au and I LOVE IT SO MUCH OMG YOUR BRAAAAAIIIN
if you'd like to share it, do you have plans about sabo and deuce's role in the au? I'm. totally normal and not insane at all about sabo haha (lies) so I'm very curious about what would have changed about his backstory (if anything) and how he would react to luffy's death and seeing ace again (which is gonna leave me an emocional wreck because omg their little brother DIED- that was their baby brother that they swore they'd protect and now he's dead and won't be able to realize his dream and sabo wasn't even there and ace had to see his baby brother die in his arms and was all alone and the GUILT that'd be eating sabo up would be just... GOD... and ace wondering why sabo left and didn't contact him at all during all these years... if that's even his brother at all or someone pretending to be him and ace would be livid!!)
as you can see I'm perfectly sane about the asl brothers. anyways! I'm also curious about what would have become of deuce if he didn't meet ace, would he even be a pirate at all? do they have any conection?
I loooveee your ideas for this au, thank you so much for sharing it with the world, we all appreciate it !!
Hello my friend, I’m doing well.
Ohhhh thank you so much!!!!
Oh Sabo and deuce my beloveds.
I have to be honest with you. I haven’t got to Sabo yet. I know his story beats but I’m just not there yet. So everything I say is still very fluid as it might change once I met him and get a firmer grasp on his character.
That being said I love everything you have here!!!
Right now I have Sabo mostly the same. He still grows up with Ace and Luffy. Still gets blown up by the celestial dragons. And still ends up with the revolutionary army.
Things will change a little. Luffy is executed for being Dragon’s son (and for a familiar straw hat on his head) I need to get through Marineford before I can speak on this to much. I don’t know if I want the revolutionary army showing up to Marineford.
Because it plays out two ways right now.
One Shanks comes to save Luffy, with support from Whitebeard
Shanks still has his connection to Luffy. He loves this kid. And the Marines are trying to kill Luffy before he even gets started. Not happening.
Whitebeard joins in because Ace is his boy. Ace might bot be part of the crew but for two-three years Ace’s crew has been hanging around the Whitebeards. They have an alliance. Whitebeard knows of Luffy. Knows that’s Ace’s baby brother. And he was captured by Blackbeard. Blackbeard is a Whitebeard problem. He wants to handle it ‘in house’
So those two show up. Shanks to save Luffy and Whitebeard to protect Ace’s baby brother while also ‘fixing’ what Blackbeard did. (Luffy shouldn’t die because Whitebeard trusted the wrong people)
Obviously Ace shows but the rest of the crew is separated.
What else happens is up in the air at this moment.
The second option is that the revolutionary army shows ups as well
Shanks and Whitebeard still roll in for the reasons stated above
But Dragon doesn’t want his son to die. (He loves his son. He just can’t be with him) so he sends some of his men.
Originally they were going to break Luffy out of Impel Down but Ace messed up their plans.
A small branch of the Revolutionary army fights at Marineford. They can’t come at full force. Dragon can’t sacrifice that much for ‘selfish’ reason. But he would put someone he trust in charge of it. Sabo
I can see him going with a mask on so no one knows his face. After all he still wants to keep his identity a secret for now.
Maybe he runs into Ace in Impel Down. And it’s horrible déjà vu. He’s been having an awful headache since he first saw Luffy’s picture and being around Ace makes it so much worse.
He doesn’t get his memory back until he’s at Marineford and hears Luffy and Ace calling for each other. Sees them fighting Side by side. And his brain kicks back in. And it’s to much. His visions going out but he can’t stop. These people are important to him. He doesn’t fully grasp why but he has to save them.
Just in time for 🍩 to happen.
He passes out and has to be saved by Koala (probably still making decisions)
When he comes to he finally has all of his memories. And Ace and Luffy were right there when he passed out. He needs to find them!
Only for him to be handed a news paper with THAT picture in it.
And he knows he’s failed. And he thinks both of his brothers are dead.
How could he fail? He had been with Ace. They were going to save Luffy. How could he fail? How could he not remember them earlier? If he had would he have succeeded? Taken risks where he didn’t? Fought harder? He and Ace would have coordinated better that’s for sure.
But none of that matters because his brothers are dead.
Or so he thinks until he a few days later when the news shows Ace’s return to Marineford.
Ace is alive! But where is he? And how can Sabo ever face him again? He can’t even say he wasn’t there, he was and he failed both of them.
Again this is a loose idea. I still need to get through this part of the show. Ace and Sabo won’t officially meet till dressarosa where they have a LOT to work through either way.
(As you can tell I’m very normal about the ASL brothers as well)
As for Masked Deuce!!!!
I have a few ideas I’m chewing on for him. But my current favorite is to Kobyfy him.
Ace still meets Deuce on Sixis and they get off the island together. And make their way to Shell town. On the way there they have a bunch of conversations about their family’s and their dreams. Deuce wants to be a writer.
When they get to Shell town and meet Kuina, Deuce knows that Kuina is Ace’s first mate. An emperor of the sea should have the world’s greatest swordswoman at his side.
Deuce decides to go his own way. But he keeps up with the story of the reverse Strawhats (who I really need to give a name to) writing their adventures. He pops up in different places interviewing the people who witnessed Ace and the crews escapades and writes them down and publishes them. It’s running like an anti newspaper. Something the marines can’t control or twist.
He bumps into the crew every now and then (he and Ace have the biggest crushes on each other, Ace’s crew teases him relentlessly over it)
I think he’d get so good at gathering information, or so popular that the revolutionary army picks him up at some point. Using his paper as an information gathering tool and a way to spread revolution.
But this is just an idea. I think it’s really fun with him ending up with Sabo at some point. He talks about Ace and the crew constantly (way to instagram stalk your crush Deuce) and Sabo hears about Ace for years before he sees his picture/face and realizes that his friend/co-worker has been openly pinning to him about his big brother.
It’s embarsing for both of them when Sabo reveals that Ace is his brother. Deuce wants to die. Has openly waxed poetics about Ace to Sabo for at least two years. Sabo and Koala already teased Deuce before. Now he’s stuck with
Sabo who as his friend finds it hilarious but as a little brother doesn’t know how to feel.
Koala who is bringing up his crush as often as possible because it makes Deuce blush and now has the added benefit of making Sabo SWIRM
And worst of all Nico Olivia who is basically Ace’s new mom and is talking about wedding details and her FUTURE son-in-law. Deuce craves death.
This is one idea but again it’s all fluid right now.
Koby’s roll will be played by both Deuce (was saved by Ace and is now a fan/admire) and Isuka (the marine who chases after Ace, I’m going to put her on Garp’s crew of the fun of it.)
It can’t be Koby in the beginning because he would be a literal baby going into the marines and no one deserves that.
But this is where we stand so far. Like I said all ideas here are fluid.
I’m so glad you like my AU I’m hoping to start officially writing it this spring. But feel free to keep asking questions!!!
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bright-and-burning · 8 months
No bc I love women and football tell me all the gossip with mccabe and foord and the ex (who is she) ☕️
alright this is going to be long im sorry but get me started on woso and i just blabber. uhh most of my sources cited but this is mostly me going back thru texts from during the world cup and grabbing facts/pictures from then so a few of these claims are a little
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BUT i promise i didnt make this up LOL i was Deep in google for the entirety of the world cup so i Know i got my info from somewhere
everything else under the cut bc this got SO long im actually so sorry
there's three primary people involved here:
katie mccabe: left back (but honestly left everything wonder woman). captains the irish national team. plays for WSL's arsenal, has been since 2015 (minus a lil bit loaned to glasgow in 2017). those are the two important facts here really but the below is ~flavor~.
also for context this world cup was ireland's wnt's first ever major tournament appearance. she's the first ever irish goal-scorer (of men and women!). she's amazing. here's her for arsenal:
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ruesha littlejohn: striker/midfielder. scottish-irish, but represents ireland at the senior level. 33 years old. has played for a lot of teams club-wise. currently plays for london city lionesses, a second tier team, but that wasnt announced til after the world cup. her most recent wsl team was aston villa (but i mean it, she's played like everywhere lol). 5'6 if you're curious.
here's her in ireland's kit:
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caitlin foord: forward! plays for australia internationally, and arsenal (so teammates with katie. this is important.) she's played for arsenal since 2020! used to play for the thorns in the nwsl once upon a time. 5'7, if, again, you're curious. she used to date a swiss footballer (lia walti, who's played for arsenal since 2018) but they broke up like six months before the world cup. walti unfollows the australian team on instragram right after they post a video of foord, it's all very dramatic (THEYRE STILL TEAMMATES AT ARSENAL THIS WHOLE TIME BTW). arsenal man, always at the scene of the crime.
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ok so now you've met our main players!!
world cup happened this past summer (2023), btw. to give you an idea of timing.
katie mccabe and ruesha littlejohn dated for 6-7 years (some articles say 6, some say 7). they came out in june 2019 and said they'd been dating for three years already. their breakup was confirmed right before the world cup (like THE SAME WEEK??), in an article where mccabe was like "yeah, ruesha, my partner at the time..." very casual.
and then. in JUNE. (world cup starts july 20th!!)
foord and mccabe go to ibiza w an ex-arsenal player (jordan nobbs). who (in june 2023, not anymore) played at aston villa with. you guessed it. littlejohn. so yeah your ex gf goes on a trip to ibiza w a new girl and your current teammate, you might be a lil pissed off. maybe.
the sun's (i know, BOOOO but this made me laugh so hard) caption on a pic from the trip had me cackling:
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(the title of the article was "inside the glam lifestyle of pals caitlin foord and katie mccabe after ireland’s star’s ex snubs world cup handshake." borderline galpals commentary like have writers there never heard of regular synonyms for friends?? there was also a line that just screamed please don't sue us: "However, The Sun does not suggest the Aussie forward had anything to do with McCabe and Littlejohn's break-up.")
so now we've got two exes on the irish national team going into their first world cup appearance, the captain of the swiss national team and an australian player having broken up like six months ago, and much more, but that isn't directly related to This Specifically.
while you, anon, presumably know how the world cup works, ill give a mini explainer for anyone lost: there's the group stage, where the teams get divided into groups (in this case, of four), and your team plays every other team in the group. you get three points for winning a game, one for a draw, and none for a loss. those points add up and top two teams move on. and then you go into the knockout stage, where you have to win to advance, and if you keep winning you make it to the final yay!!
but for this we only care about the group stage. and more specifically, about group B.
group B is made up of nigeria, canada, australia, and (drumroll please) ireland!!! it is the stuff reality tv shows WISH they could make happen.
ireland and australia play. it is (almost*) the very first game of the tournament (but it's still on july 20th). it is at 5am my time. you would not believe the timezone fuckery i went through that month.
(*ok new zealand played norway starting a bit earlier on the same day but that's not as dramatic sounding)
and you know how they shake hands with the other team before a game? yeah well here's littlejohn apparently refusing to shake foord's hand:
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here's a lovely photo of a Look from littlejohn to mccabe:
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here's a diff irish player (sullivan) separating littlejohn and foord after the game (australia wins 1-0, btw.):
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and i already shared this on @powerful-owl's post BUT. here's mccabe's little sister, supporting mccabe. please note the date (july 20th) and the comment from foord (from after the game, im like 99.99% sure) asking if she wants her jersey now. me personally if i just beat my totally platonic friend/teammate on the world's stage i wouldnt be pulling up in their sister's comments asking if she wants a jersey now (also implication of the word now as in previously discussed, etc etc. this was the thing that pushed me over the edge into insanity at like 9am after no sleep)
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i admittedly have not kept up to date on anything that's gone down since the world cup so it's entirely possible more has happened! in fact i would say that it is downright likely lol. i love soccer lesbians n the insane charts necessary to keep track of their relationships <3
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Hello! How's your week been?
I was wondering if you would be willing to write a Hunter x Basilisk!Reader? I think it would be interesting considering Hunter just found out he's a grimwalker.
Hello! My week has been great thank you for asking :) Sorry that it took me so long to write your request 😅
I made these in to HC since you weren't too specific on what scenario i sould write, so sorry if this isn't what you were asking :(
Anyway, since I'm dumb feel free to correct my mistakes if I get anything wrong :)
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To start things off the first encounter with Hunter and how he acts around you depends on what the scenario is
If he met you in a forest in your non basilisk form he would freak out and run away. Since, well you're a basilisk
But if he met you in the Noceda household he wouldn't be as scared
Yes he would still be very cautious around you but he'll warm up to you pretty quickly
Since we kind of know how exactly the hexsquad reacted the first time they saw Vee, assuming that Luz already told them about Vee when they were still in the Boiling Isles, let's make things easier for me and just say that you never appeared during the time that Luz was in the mirror world (idk how else to call it)
So the hexsquad would be pretty surprised but seeing Vee and Mrs Noceda so calm around you makes them somewhat relax
They would still be on edge for the most part but they will learn to warm up to you
Now back to Hunter
He would be extremely cautious around you, since he clearly remembers Luz only mentioning only one basilisk
So expect the cold shoulder around him and always feeling eyes on you when you knew no one was around for at least two weeks or so
The more Hunter inspects you the more he feels amazed
As we know Hunter is a huge nerd and he probably came across a book about creatures such as basilisk's at least once, and he probably knew tht they were extinct. So him seeing a basilisk, let alone two basilisk's he is amazed
But still because he knows the awful stories that are portraid in books he is very cautious, more around you that is, since again as I mentioned, Luz probably mentioned Vee back in the Boiling Isles
Now, onto the more fun part to write
When Hunter finally comes to the conclusion that you are in fact not a danger (which the others realized weeks before) he will feel a lot more comfortable
For example he will actually start talking to you and get to know you better
But as the days pass you two seem to grow a connection
The two of you would talk more. Go on walks around the park just to enjoy nature. Do fun activities together such as cooking (you're doing all of the work while Hunter watches). You even shapeshift in front of him to different people and do stupid stuff while Hunter laughs his ass of and tries to copy you
And then there's that one feeling that makes hunter question reality. You could probably guess what feeling I'm talking about
At first he wouldn't understand exactly what's going on with him, because of his time being Golden Guard he never exactly had the time to explore his emotion's
Plus the whole thing in Belos's mind got him even more confused on who he is and if he can even feel what others feel
And so he does what any curious boy does and goes to Luz to ask her about this weird thing he's feeling, of course him not knowing that the feeling is in fact love, or more realistically the feeling of like liking someone, he mentions your name
And to say Luz would be excited is an understatement
She would be squeeling like a fan girl and running around the room, jumping around as she talks to herself excitedly on what your shop name sould be
Hunter is just looking at her with one of his brows arched as he's asking why she's excited all of a sudden
When Luz explains that the feeling he is going through is love he'll be shocked
From then on hell me more awkward around you. Constantly fiddling with the ends of his sleeves and fingers, blushing insanely and his ears would wiggle slightly when you spoke up
Everyone would slowly pick up on Hunter having a crush on you (Luz probably told them a bit later on) but you would be the only clueless one, just thinking that Hunter's going through an awkward stage or something like that
Luz and Vee would probably drop little hints to you, not obvious hints of course, but they would leave you slightly confused
Hunter will be scolding them 100% but they would just make him even more embarrassed by making kissy faces and acting like him
But let's get into the thanks to them episode a bit more
You would notice that Hunter is acting strangely but you just brush it off as mood swings or something like that
But you would get a bit more worried when you saw Hunter running in to the woods and Luz running after him with a scared expression
You being curious, wanting to know what the hell is going on, you follow them
And the next moment you're fighting with a possessed Hunter
Your heart breaking every time he would get hurt, still knowing and trying to tell yourself that that wasn't Hunter
When Hunter finally comes back to his senses and throws the titans blood in to the lake (?)
Your heart dropped when he jumped in. Already getting ready to jump in, but Camila was already one step ahead of you
Pulling him out of the water you were the first one to run up to him, hugging him close as tears build up in to your eyes
But flapjack was there to save the day, jumping on to Hunter's chest, and well... You know what happened next
Now, everyone was walking through the portal, Hunter the last one to enter, but he turned towards you
As he looked in to your eyes, and took in every single detail of your face he slowly walked towards you, grabbing on to your hand
And after a short but emotional confession he put his lips onto yours, putting a had on his cheek you turned your head slightly, smiling in to the kiss
You two pull away slowly and Hunter brushes your knuckles with his thumb, but the moment was ruined when the portal starts to flicker
He quickly runs through it and you're left there with a dumb smile on your face, looking at the portal as it slowly faded away
You were cut out of your thoughts when Vee starts to re-enact the moment you shared with Hunter
Leaving you embarrassed and leaving as Vee teased you while following you, suddenly remembering tha the keys to the car were still with Camila
But you couldn't help but repeat the kiss you and hunter shared over and over in your head. Already getting excited at the thought of seeing him again
Damn, this is way longer than I expected-
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this and feel free to correct any mistakes :)
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bellaxgiornata · 8 months
Idk this idea keeps rattling my brain— I must share and ramble to you about Matt hehe. AND LIKE I WANT UR INPUT ON THIS, idk how to flesh this out at all.
There’s a printer shop that also prints out braille papers for documents and stuff, right? So the reader is the one working in that printer shop, and my what if scenario is that usually Foggy or Karen picks up those files cuz Matt is out doing Daredevil things and befriends Foggy and Karen, and the reader was always like curious to who the braille papers are for.
THEN ONE DAY, Matt has to pick up those documents and legal papers from that store and he’s all flirty and the reader is like stumbling over her words and never expected him to ever show up.
I dunno, this idea has been rolling around in my brain 🥺😭
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(p.s. I just read seeking forgiveness and THE ANGST, ohmygod 😭 pls i’m DYING. MATT DONT BE DUMB GO BACK TO HER.)
OMG HI! I love seeing you in my asks! 💕
First off--OH I LOVE THIS! Do you know if it's just a one shot you want to write or is it a couple of parts? My advice would be to break it down by scene to start with (and you might think of more as you're writing). I'll just give examples of what I see from what you've said which might help you flesh it out or come up with scenes that you see happening. If that makes sense?
And because this is probably a long post, I'll put it after the cut off for those who aren't interested in my rambling.
I could totally see Reader having an interaction with Foggy or Karen as they're coming in to pick up the papers like they usually do--joking around, asking how the week is going, etc. Then we see Reader yet again wondering who it is they're always picking the papers up for as they're leaving. If she's become friends with them already, she must know that they work for Nelson & Murdock (or Nelson, Murdock, & Page if she's part of the firm), so she knows he's a lawyer but not much else. Or you could always have it be that Foggy and Karen think Matt would like her, so they scheme to make him go pick up the papers to finally have them meet. Especially if they've been getting to know her for awhile and have become friends with Reader. Maybe if they've been scheming to set them up, Foggy and Karen might've already been telling Reader a little about Matt and she thinks he sounds perfect and she already has a little crush on him without having met him.
Then maybe it cuts to a few nights later, she's doing her usual work and then she hears someone enter the shop and looks up and spots Matt. And is like...dumbstruck at first. Because one: he's insanely attractive. And two: she's never seen him in there before. So when she asks how she can help him, she's fumbling over her words. When he says he's there to pick up the order for the firm, flashing his charming smile because he can read that she's flustered, she's surprised he's that guy. Then he flirts a bit more before he leaves.
Cut to another night--it isn't Foggy or Karen picking up the papers this time, but Matt. Again. And he's flirty and charming and she's stunned that he showed up again, wondering why he's once again picking up the order when he usually never does. Then either that night or another night he stops back in to pick up the papers and he asks her on a date?
Just some suggestions on helping you flesh it out! Hopefully I didn't overstep with offering ideas, but I think you have a great idea there and you can certainly play around with it and come up with something great! If you write it please tag me or let me know because I'd love to read it!
And ahh!! Thank you!! You know I love the angst! You'll definitely see what you've been waiting for in part five with that series 🙃
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loonatic-moon · 16 days
Back again! You have a great point. 0 is what really revived the series in the west and Akiyama hasn’t really been prominent since before that. At least he was in 6! But yeah… not the most prominent… at least the Akikiryu food there was good.
I always thought Akiyama’s appearance fit in pretty well in 5 myself. Sure he didn’t really have a dream of his own to pursue (an interesting aspect to his character!), but in a way, his whole shtick is helping make dreams come true. To help those who need it most… but yeah I can also sorta see what people mean. 5 has to contain some of my all time favorite Akiyama moments though so I’m no doubt extremely biased.
And oh! You started with 5? Wild! Now that makes me super curious as to how you felt when you went back and played through 4 since I feel like there are slightly different vibes between the two. Not so much uncle/dad energy for one.
I can definitely see what you’re saying about Yagami! I’ve even seen some people say that Yagami’s fighting style (Crane really) fits what Akiyama wants to do. It makes a lot of sense.
True. I am happy to see Akiyama in whatever, even if he plays a minor role. He fits in pretty well as a supporting character so if that’s all RGG can/will do with him then… so be it. And yeah! Hana! Bring my girl back RGG! And hey, if Akiyama’s next role is in a turn based game, Hana would also work really well in that system! We know she can kick ass!
And omg if you write more Akikiryu, you’ll be my hero. I mean. You already are for feeding us fans with some great food, but more content of the moneylender with another man’s face on his necklace, a man he is definitely not yearning for, from you is a welcome treat!
Oh god, Y4 was a very different experience for so MANY reasons, lmao. I vastly prefer Y5 Akiyama to Y4 Akiyama to be honest, but there's something to be said about Y4's protrayal.
I went and played through Akiyama's Y4 bit right after I finished 5 because I had to know what this guy's deal was (and because I had already made the insane choice to jump in the deep end with the franchise). I definitely didn't love the whole Yasuko plot and being a dead ringer for his ex-gf, nor the shit that had also carried over into Y5 like having female clients work at a hostess club as a test. Questionable creative decisions at best. But like most other characters in the RGG universe, the narrative also doesn't make any bones about the fact that Akiyama is a flawed human in an industry that's often adjacent to the criminal underworld, despite his more noble philosophies. That's much of why I find this series so enjoyable, after all.
But anyway, after having played Y4 and the rest of the series by now, I personally still think Akiyama has one of the best opening/introduction scenes for any character in the franchise. I think his conversation with the baby yakuza is wonderfully done just from a narrative standpoint. And damn, all that shit he said to Kiryu in New Serena when they first met? Kinda confirmed my strong suspicions from Y5 that this guy has a Thing for Kiryu. Like most people, to be fair, but his Thing is with a capital-T. It was enough to prompt me to write Dragon and the Sky, haha.
Anyway, I didn't mean to go off on a rambly quasi-analysis, but I've thought a lot about the reasons his character fascinates me and has had staying power with fans-- not the least of which is he's like Kiryu in that he was once someone who was at the top of his game, who then took the fall for someone else and lost everything. I always found that to be an interesting template that RGG chose for him...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, as always!
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theredcuyo · 11 months
I just need to vent a bit-
So, its been a year and so now, isn't it?
It's curious to me how much Techno affected me even tho I wasnt one of his biggest fans at that time, and yet, I went thru some really, really hard times over this, and in some ways, I still am, up until recently I didn't feel the strength to watch his videos, up until recently even if I watched them I couldn't help but smile in a bittersweet way
Not too long ago I was finally able to laugh, to enjoy them again, to not think about how he's not here anymore while hearing his voice, and instead, have fun with what he left for us, and yeah, that's what everyone is been saying to do, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggled with actually doing it, because it IS hard, it's hard to not start to have fun and immediately remember "... He won't be doing this anymore now, huh?" and get sad all over again, even if we know he won't want us to still be crying
I got over it a week or so ago, I finally can watch the great potato war without sobbing for twenty minutes after watching it, and even if the grief won't go yet, I feel like im moving on, never leaving it all behind, but carrying the moments that made it hurt so much in first place, needless to say the happiest ones, in my heart, and overall, I'm full on energy, I've been inspired by him, by his all, like everyone, to do something, to give a meaning to what I do now, to be as strong as him-
And yet... The reason I write this is because of the grief left in me, I can't deny that whenever I go watch the qsmp streams a part of me can't help but wonder "wouldn't this have been so cool if Techno was here?, if he could've been here?"
I can't help but imagine him making fun of the eggs for practically being orphans, just to be forced to take care of one, can't help but imagine him immediately throwing one off of the wall, or maybe training Chayanne, and probably, growing to love Tallulah in a "I've had this child for five minutes, but in a anything happens to her I'll kill everyone in this server" kind of way
How he would tell Greek mythology stories to the eggs, but be the one person extremely against babysitting just to end up doing it a lot because of the insane amount of time he spends playing
Can't help but imagine how he would absolutely attempt presidential assassination against all the candidates and be completely against the federation without a doubt, and how he would've entered that dungeon left for them and absolutely destroyed it
Can't help but imagine Techno doing to forever the same thing he did whenever a baby zombie was near Philza
Can't help but wish the people who didn't get to know him outside of stories actually met him, and him talking to them with his bare knowledge of Spanish, and them reacting to the man himself talking about "blowing up a country" and "farming potatoes for +six months" or how "he once conquered the world" just to have them not believing it until Phil backed up the stories
Can't help but imagine a world where Tallulah didn't have to make an altar for him, and then i get back to reality to realize that... That's not the world where I live in, I live in the world where it's been more than a year since all of this possibilities became impossible and I feel genuinely hurt again, maybe more so over the thought of how much life he had ahead of himself, one that hurts me even more because he's the same age as my older brother
I like to wonder off in my mind sometimes, and imagine just for a bit of escapism, that he'd be giving Wilbur validation in his concerts, or that he would've bullied the life out of Dream when he did his face reveal, and also bullied Skeppy when he met up with bbh, or that he would've been in first line for Tommy's show
Technodad once mentioned on Reddit that Techno had been thinking of writing a story, and that too, would have been awesome to see, as much as all the plans he had and didn't get to do that I and all of his fans keep dreaming over
At the end, I think that the grief left in me, is over how much more time he should've had, over the future that we will never see
I'm sorry for this, I really just needed to vent, I don't want to sound disrespectful or anything really, just some thoughts I had inside of me and needed to get out, I'm sorry if it sounded weird or bad-
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tj4shy · 4 months
A silly and short Dutch Van der Linde x shifter reader fic thing
Okay so this is basically just a first interaction with Dutch van Der Linde I would have once i manage to shift to RDR2, but i decided to post it here in case any shifters need motivation/inspiration for their first day I hope you enjoy it x please don't criticize my writing, english isn't my first language and this is my first time genuenly posting something on tumblr
I wake up and I am met with Dutch staring down at me, I am pretty dizzy and distorted, I prop myself up on my elbows but before i can regain my consciousness fully i get questioned by him “Who are you?” I mumble my real name “Tjaša”, the name is foreign to him and he catches only a bit “Ash?” I stare at Dutch in slight disbelief that he managed to butcher my name this bad, but I am too disoriented to correct him or just to bother correcting him “yeah, that”, he then offers me a hand so i can pull myself up from the laying position, I take it, while he pulls me up he says “the name’s Dutch Van der Linde” as I stand up, I regain back my consciousness fully and try to make it look like I made a mental note in my mind of his name despite knowing it beforehand.
As I take in my surroundings I realise where I actually am, the realisation hits me like a truck, but I remain calm, i feel my body with my hands and swat off any dirt on me, as I look down I see my old black zip up hoodie, red t-shirt and my gray sweatpants accompanied by my red socks and Sketchers. After taking in my surroundings and grounding myself Dutch speaks up again.
“What happened to you? Arthur says that he found you knocked out on the side of the road” oh. that. I remember my stupid story that I am meant to sell them and begin explaining “I- I dont remember, sir” its polite to use proper official terms is it not? “Where am I?” i contrast the politeness before, by interrupting him as he was about to say something “Horseshoe Overlook, a minute on horseback away from Valentine” this is my first time here, no way I would know where it is despite the fact that I visited this location in my favorite videogame many many times “I’m sorry, where?” Dutch now picks up on my foreign accent, he at first brushed it off as dizziness from being knocked out, but now realises that it is a part of who I am “America, young lady” I give him an unamused look “I figured that part out, sir… what year is it?” let him figure it out on his own, I think to myself, if he hasnt picked the fact up by looking at my clothes, surely he will get it now, right? “1899” he says pridefully, clearly missing my hints, so i just serve it to him on a plate “fuck… this cant be right” he finally gives me the awaited puzzle look “What do you mean by that?” okay, here we go, now is the time to sell him the absolutely insane story “I am not supposed to be here… sir, I- I am from the year 2024” okay I sent it fully, now lets see the reaction “Lady, I am afraid you hit your head a bit too harshly” oh boy, now the convincing begins “Sir, look at my clothes, do they not look foreign?” he checks me out for the first time ever, not that he wont be doing much of that later on “Foreign yes, but from another time no, impossible” okay hes not easy to convince, lets pull the plastic trick… I remove one of my shoes and point on the end of a shoelace “this is plastic… it hasn’t even been invented yet” he carefully inspects this curious material I called plastic… “I don’t recognize it, but I still don’t believe you” shit okay, now we gotta pull out the tags on my clothes “see here? it says that it was produced in the year 2023, which isnt my year cause I had this hoodie for a year, but still its from the future” okay this better be it… he gives me a puzzled look not being able to come up with a reasonable explanation for it, he does a double take and looks at me in disbelief “And how are you here then?” he bought it, yes, lets proceed “No idea, but I want to go home, sir” he briefly tries to find a way for me to time travel back, but is met with no success, he sighs as if this is going to be the toughest news of my life “Miss, I am afraid I have no idea” of course you don’t, I am a shifter dumbass, but oh well at least you feel sorry for me.
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farfromstrange · 2 years
Foreigner's God: Chapter 9
Main Masterlist
Pairing: Matt Murdock x OFC
Chapter Summary: Stress can be a trigger for so many things, there is at least some truth in that statement. Whether good things come of it, that's to be determined. Or in other words, Eliza is pretty sure she has lost her mind, Matt looks like he's been run over by a bench trunk but he's Matt, so his first priority isn't him, it's her, and Foggy proves once again that has impeccable timing.
Warnings: blood, thoughts about relapsing, drugs, mentioned sexual assault, repeated use of the word 'rape', mentioned child abuse, Matt Murdock crying, making out
Other characters: Claire Temple, Foggy Nelson
Word Count: 11k
A/n: At the beginning of this story I was like (it's gonna take till at least chapter sixteen for the slow burn to stop burning slow) and then I reached chapter nine and was like fuck it! Let's give them some of what they want. Anyway, you're welcome!
Read Chapter 9: Block Me Out here on AO3!
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“Are you sure you’re gonna be alright?”
Claire stood in Matt’s living room, rubber gloves covered in blood. She had her little first-aid kit with her, and she was still wearing her light blue scrubs from work. Her shift had barely ended when she got the call. The kind person she was, she jumped into her car and headed for Matt Murdock’s apartment. She knew the path like the back of her hand by then. The many times she helped to stitch him up were in the tens, she figured. She told Matt she was done. She wasn’t doing this anymore. She didn’t want to. Being with him hurt her, he hadn’t been good for her. That was the reason why she drew the line underneath their ‘relationship’ if you could even consider it that. They surely didn’t share that much in common. She just had a very skilled chance and he tended to get hurt due to his desperate need to throw fists at criminals. They were nothing alike and yet Claire had never cared that much for a person before she met him. He was truly special but in a broken way. Broken people tend to do stupid things.
Though when the stranger’s voice sounded from the other line of the phone that night, she grew curious. When the woman told her Matt was on the verge of bleeding out and refused to be taken to a hospital, so she took him back to his apartment, barely breathing, and she didn’t know what to do, she packed her stuff and left the hospital in a hurry. She didn’t know Eliza, for all she knew it could’ve been a prank call, but it was the same number Matt gave her to call her and only her, and the woman was crying when she called. Only someone who was truly worried would’ve done something like this. The thought that she might’ve been a danger to Matt or her didn’t cross her mind for a second. She believed her instantly.
That was how the nurse got to where she was in the first place. She stitched Matt up, making sure he was alive and comfortable, before rising from her spot on the floor. Her eyes trailed over the young woman on the armchair across from the leather sofa. The billboard outside shone hues of red on them. She had her shirt taken off, only standing there in her bra, but she didn’t care. She was stitching herself up while Claire took care of the one who needed her attention more. Eliza couldn’t have cared less.
“I don’t know how you do it,” Claire said after her first question wasn’t answered. “I can’t even wax my own legs without crying and you’re threading a needle through a stab wound on your abdomen without batting an eye. It’s…” she shook her head, “It’s insane.”
She tossed the needle back into the kidney dish. Small droplets of her blood covered her sterile fingers. She took the bandage she had prepared before and slapped it on. “Yeah, well, I’ve been doing this for a long time. Eventually, you grow numb to it,” she said.
“You shouldn’t have to though. I mean, isn’t experiencing pain what makes us human?”
“I’m not… it’s a long story.”
“I guess that’s the thing about you heroes, right? Everything’s too complicated. You don’t think anyone would understand.”
Eliza forced a smile. “Something like that, yeah.” She flinched when she got up from the armrest. The stitches began to pull and she was forced back into the reality of the situation. She woke up for the first time that night. Her mouth parted. Silently, she gasped. “Ouch!”
Claire stretched her arm out. In her hand, she was holding a small orange bottle. “Ibuprofen,” she stated. “I would offer you aspirin, but-”
“Aspirin thins the blood,” she finished. “Yeah, I know.” She switched her gaze between the nurse and the drugs in her possession. Innocent painkillers, at least to most people. Ibuprofen doesn’t tend to cause addiction without being attached to other, heavier painkillers beforehand. Still, the consumption could trigger a relapse. It still takes away the pain, only in a much different way than morphine would.
She forced her eyes away from the bottle. “I’m good, thanks.”
“You sure?” she cocked an eyebrow. “Seems like you’re in pain.”
“I’m just sore. Thanks though. I appreciate it.”
“Alright.” Claire stuffed the Ibuprofen back into her bag. “If he needs some, he’s got some pills in his medicine cabinet in the bathroom. The key’s under the soap bottle on the sink.”
Eliza looked at Matt in his bedroom. The door was open and he was snoring softly. “The medicine cabinet in the bathroom?” she asked.
“Thank you.”
The cold of the pack of peas nudged at her forearm. “Here,” Claire said. “Put that on your eye. It should keep the swelling down.”
“Thanks,” Eliza smiled back. It wasn’t a genuine smile, only to ease her conscience.
“You care about him, don’t you?”
“Matt, you care about him,” she said.
“Is it that obvious?”
“I can see it in your eyes. You were scared, still are.”
“I just can’t lose him,” Eliza admitted. “Maybe that’s selfish,” she said, “but I don’t care. I’d do anything to make sure he’s okay.”
“I don’t blame you,” Claire collected the last supplies she’d scattered around the living room. “Matt is something, alright.”
She looked at his sleeping frame. “Yeah, he is.”
“I just want you to be careful. Matt’s almost like a broken vase; there’s a high chance you could cut yourself on the pieces as you try to pick him up, or simply by being around him. He might not even realize it, and by the time he finally does, you might’ve already bled out.”
The words struck a place within her she had long ignored. The place first opened after he revealed his identity to her, but his pain blinded her. She felt sorry for him; she wanted to make everything alright again just to make him smile. But the man was broken, he pushed without thinking and he was so laser-focused on pleasing his savior complex that he didn’t realize the pain he was causing to the people around him until it was inevitably too late.
Eliza liked him, she truly did, but she didn’t know if it was the right thing to let herself fall closer into his trap – she was broken too. It isn't like math, two negatives don't make a positive, and two broken parts don't necessarily make a whole. They could hold each other, but there would always come a time when either of them would hurt the other. The pain would drive a stake through their hearts, make them bleed, and then they’d run toward each other again until there was nothing left but broken bones.
It wasn’t fair. She didn’t deserve that and neither did he. They were too broken to care for someone else – to care for someone else without hurting each other. Life was cruel to them, it made them lose control. They needed to focus on themselves rather than gain feelings for another. Mental issues aren’t fixed by relationships. Mental issues will persist until they’re taken care of individually.
It’s easy to fall in a time of need, but how do you get up when all you can hold onto are the sharp ends of broken pieces?
Eliza wiped her cheeks. She straightened her shoulders. The world was frustrating and she hated it. “I know Matt’s, uh, not the easiest person to be around,” she said. “But I know what I’m getting myself into. I’m broken too and believe me, there’s plenty of space to cut yourself on my edges, too. What I think he needs is someone to stay and never leave, not even when times get rough.”
Claire shouldered her bag. “You gotta ask yourself if it’s worth it,” she said.
“I know.”
“But if you truly care about him, there’s nothing you can’t conquer. I see it in your eyes. You’re persistent. I don’t know you, but it has to be you if there’s anyone good for him.“
“I’m not so sure about good, but I think… I know that there will be pain, lots of it, and I’m not sure if what I’m doing is even the right thing, but there is something between us. I can’t ignore that, not right now. Not when I need him – when I need Daredevil – the most.”
“Well, whatever it is,” Claire said as she reached for the door, “I believe you’ll find your way.“
“Thank you, Claire. If there’s anything I can do,” she said, but the nurse interrupted her.
“There’s no need. Just make sure that he doesn’t almost die next time. I made my peace with never being involved in his drama again and I’d like to keep my distance.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
“I wish you the best of luck,” she said. “I’m sure there’s a way where all of this-“ she motioned around her, “ends well.”
Eliza gave her an appreciative nod. Claire didn’t say anything else.
The sudden loneliness made her knees tremble. She reached for the light switch, making the world disappear into the darkness and the flickering billboard outside. She stared at the colors and watched them play on her face in the reflection of the windows.
She made her way into the bathroom like she did earlier that evening. She hadn’t realized the cabinet before. When she stepped in, she looked around with a changed perception. She caught the metal cabinet almost instantly. The key was, as predicted, underneath the bottle of soap. She wondered why he kept it there. Had it been Claire’s idea or his own? She stuck it into the lock. Her fingers trembled. It had been a while since they did that. As she turned it, her stomach dropped.
“What are you doing?” she muttered.
The rational, the left side of her brain, seemed to fail miserably to answer the question. She didn’t have any self-control. The door to the land of dreams opened. Orange bottles lined the shelf. There was also nasal spray and cough syrup in the top right corner. Typical cold medication, only to use when needed. She also found a bottle of Hetlioz, but it seemed like he wasn’t taking it anymore. The medication is used to cure Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder. She read about it the other night, after first meeting Matt at the police station. She researched the issue of blindness to understand him better and the medication popped up since Non-24 was a popular disorder among the blind. Matt seemed to have struggled with it, but since his Daredevil schedule made him lose sleep anyway - and his senses kept him awake, even with medication, she figured - he didn’t need it anymore, so he stopped taking it.
Underneath the specific medication and ordinary I’ve-got-a-virus-and-the-pharmacy-gave-me-this medication, the row of painkillers began. Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Tylenol and Advil - over the counter medication. The question was, why did he have so many painkillers on him? Then again, he was Daredevil. He religiously went out, beat up bad guys, and got stabbed at least every two days. He was probably in desperate need of relief every once in a while. She couldn’t blame him. Though when she looked deeper, she saw the lonely bottle of Codeine in the corner. She expected a lot, but not prescription medication on his shelves. He didn’t look like the type of man to go to the doctor’s office and get himself medication for whatever plagued him. Matt liked to suffer.
She took the orange bottle which the narcotic was filled into. His name was on the label. Matthew Murdock. There was no reason for the prescription on it. Maybe he had an accident once, or maybe he’d had surgery. Maybe Claire stole it from the hospital. Who knew?
“How’s your chest?” Nick Fury asked casually.
She was lying in the uncomfortable hospital bed, her body completely coated in white bandages, but she could barely feel it. “It’s fine,” she told him.
“You look better than the last time I saw you.”
“The last time you saw me, I was bleeding out.”
“Yeah. Well, you’re not anymore.”
“So, what did the doctor say? Any news on recovery?”
She shook her head. “He gave me some Oxy and told me to get a physical therapist or I might never be able to work again. But at least I got some jello.” She pointed at the small red cup on the table over her lap.
Fury nodded curtly. “I know a good physical therapist,” he said. “I’ll hire him for you as soon as you get out of here. I think it’s in both of our best interests that you can get back to work as soon as possible.”
“Thanks.” She dug into the strawberry jello. “I appreciate it.”
Before he left, he told her, as casually as possible for Nick Fury, which said a lot, “Glad you didn’t die.” And he patted her shoulder, a nice gesture. He’d never done that before.
The nice nurse taking care of her came in when he left. She was carrying the small plastic cup alongside the glass of still water.
“Time for your meds!” she chirped. “Some antibiotics, vitamins, and painkillers. How’re you feeling?”
“Better now,” she answered. “Thank you, Sarah. I appreciate it.”
“It’s my job, darling.”
She swallowed the three pills - the antibiotics and vitamins - easily, though before she inserted the Oxycodone into her mouth, she stared at the white capsule. One hand held the water while the other clutched the drug.
Sarah tilted her head. “Is there a problem?”
She was quick to shake her head. The pill tasted slightly bitter on the tip of her tongue. “All good.”
Eliza swallowed it without a second thought.
She smacked the bottle of Codeine back into the cabinet and shut the door so loudly, she was afraid she woke up the whole neighborhood. At least to her, it seemed that loud. The blood was rushing in her ears. Her fingers itched uncomfortably, still feeling the residue of the orange bottle heavy in her hands. The air weighed a ton, as did her heart.
Eliza leaned against the sink. She looked at her face in the mirror, clear as day, with the soft yellow light in the background. Her eyes were sunken, the bags dark, and the circles even darker. She had a pimple here and there, and her eyebrows had started to grow out. The peas didn’t help much to help the swelling around her eye. The skin began to discolor into a bluish-purple. Her jaw was also bruised, but the skin there turned green instead. The crack in her lip had dried blood all around it - she hadn’t washed her face yet and neither did she brush her hair. She was a dead woman walking.
She opened the tap. Cold water ran into her hands. She sprayed it on her face. The wounds burned slightly, finally being cleaned. She stared at herself again. “What is wrong with you?” she asked out loud. “What. Is. Wrong. With. You? Get it together!”
Something crashed in the bedroom next door. Quickly, she broke through the door just to see Matt thrashing around. He was awake, eyes wide open, and his breathing came labored. His hands felt around for something familiar.
Eliza sighed. “Matt!” she called his name. He didn’t hear her at first. She slowly moved to the edge of the bed. “Matt,” she said and reached out to him. He grabbed her hand, intending to push her away or fight her or both, but when he felt her pulse, he relaxed slowly.
“It’s me. I’m here. You’re okay. You’re home now.”
Matt pulled at his hair, eyes darting around the room, still frantic.
“Hey.” She touched his cheek gently. She turned his head towards her. “You’re safe, okay? I’m here."
“You’re here.” He held onto her wrists. He repeatedly stroked her pulse points as if to make sure she was still alive. A few seconds later, his hands moved to her face. He felt her up gently, checking her features, and he searched for all the injuries she might have had. He caught the split lip, and the bruise around her eye until he moved to her torso. He placed his finger over the bandage on her side. His fingers bunched the fabric of the oversized shirt - his, no doubt. She smelled like him, too.
She tilted his chin up. “Are you okay?” she asked.
He took a deep breath and nodded, “Yeah. Are you?"
"Okay, good. Good,” he said.
She cradled his head as he fell into her neck. He sniffed her. If it had been anyone else, she would’ve been creeped out, possibly even disgusted, but this was Matt. He used his sense of smell as means to see the world. By smelling her, he felt like he saw her.
He wrapped his arms around her form. “You’re alive,” his nose brushed against her throat.
“I’m alive,” she said.
“I had a dream. It was s-so real.”
“If it involves you getting stabbed and then almost getting blown up in a warehouse with a Russian psychopath, I hate to break it to you, but that wasn’t a dream.”
“You died,” he said. “In my arms. I couldn't-” he grunted, "I couldn't save you."
She took his hand to place it above her heart. "Feel that? I'm alive."
He struggled to get the words into his head. For all he knew, his senses could be playing tricks on him. They did it before.
"Matthew," she called his name sternly. "I'm alive. My heart is beating. I'm okay."
"It was so real," he whispered.
"I know, but it wasn't. It was just a dream."
He exhaled. "Just a dream."
"Yeah, just a nightmare."
His muscles eased.
"You are the one who gave me a heart attack," she admitted then. "You almost died in my arms. That was real. Do me a favor," she peaked up at him, "Don't ever do that again?"
He chuckled. “Are you sure it wasn't a drea- Ah!” His hip screamed in protest and he fell back into the mattress. “Fuck!”
“You probably shouldn’t have done that.” She checked the bandage to see if anything happened, but he looked fine. “The wound was bad, but Claire stitched you up. You know, the nice nurse you told me to call because you wouldn't go to a hospital? She told me you had way worse. I think she was trying to calm me down, but it only made things worse."
He groaned as he shifted again. “Yeah, I remember.”
“Good, that means your head’s still intact. Here,” she fluffed his pillow, “Lay back down. You need sleep.”
“You too,” Matt said and he scoffed at her shocked expression. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I just asked you to kill your dog.”
“Same difference,” she said. She rose from the bed.
His arm shot out. “No.” He squeezed her forearm. “Stay.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“You want to sleep on the couch. You don’t have to. I’ve heard it’s pretty uncomfortable.”
“From who? Other women?”
“People,” he corrected her. His eyes softened slightly. “Stay with me, please. Just for tonight? I promise I will stay on my side of the bed. I just…” He hated to say it. He didn’t even want to. “I don’t want to be alone,” finally, he admitted.
Eliza played with his t-shirt absentmindedly. He was asking her to stay. She couldn’t just lie by his side and act like the world was okay - it wasn’t. But at the same time, she was in pain and she needed to get out of her head. She needed sleep, so to say.
“Okay,” she said.
The relief washed over him like an ocean. A lonely tear escaped his eye. “Thank you.”
She walked to the other side of the bed. Her shoulders were tense, her muscles throbbing. The day spun around in her head. She hadn’t taken the time to reflect on all that happened and while she wanted to, she couldn’t bring up the strength to do so. Tears stuck to her cheeks. The second her head hit the pillows, her eyes grew heavy.
The tightrope was getting thinner and she was getting drunker. Any second and her feet would slip. The fall was several meters high and the ground at the bottom was covered in needles. Her fall would result in the return to old patterns, and she knew better than anyone that old patterns meant a definite death sentence. She knew the chances of survival this time were zero to nil.
She rolled to the side, focused on Matt. She listened to his breathing. He was alive, she had to remind herself of that. All the blood and destruction only claimed Ivan’s life. The man that mattered most was alive next to her, sleeping peacefully, and the danger was averted for the time being. She could rest.
Eliza inched closer to him. His warmth lulled her in. She placed her head just above his shoulder. He surely wouldn’t mind, she thought. As she tangled her legs with his, she reminded herself that this was home. She didn’t have anything to get back to. This was it. She had left everything else behind for this one thing, and Matt was the only constant that remained.
“Are you crying?”
She lifted her head. “No,” she lied.
“You are,” he stated.
She rolled over to the side, her back turned to him.
“Don’t ignore me.”
“I’m not.” Her sobs were stifled through the bedsheets. “Go to sleep, Matthew.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m not asking you to leave, only to sleep.”
“I can’t just lie here and listen to your sobs.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not an idiot.” She felt his hand on her back. “Tell me, what’s going on in that little head of yours?” he asked.
His gentle touch only made the tears flow faster and the sobs grow harder. “I don’t- I can’t-”
One swift motion and Matt had her turned around. She fought against him, but even injured his hold was strong, and she eventually decided it was of no use to fight him. She allowed him to curl her into his chest and simply hold her while she cried. The tears pearled off his bare chest.
“I just wish-” she was interrupted by another fit of sobs that made it hard to breathe. “I just wish he’d killed me.” It felt good to say it.
Matt cradled her head in his hand. “Shh,” he pressed his lips to her scalp, “I know.”
“I don’t want to feel that way, but I do and it’s scaring me because the last time I felt so hopeless, I didn’t care, I just-”
“You went into my medicine cabinet,” he didn’t ask.
“I’m so sorry!”
“Did you take anything?” He already knew she hadn’t.
She shook her head. “No.”
“Good. Good. I’m proud of you.”
“Don’t,” she cried, “because I shouldn’t have thought about it but I did and now I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I can’t- I can’t do this anymore, Matt. I’m so tired.”
“I know. I know. I’m sorry,” he said. He kept kissing her scalp repeatedly. “I’m so sorry. You’re gonna be okay.”
“I don’t know.”
“I do.” He shushed her again. “Just promise me you won’t open the cabinet again.”
“I won’t. I’m sorry.” Her sobs slowly turned into small hick-ups. His hand smoothed down her back to help her through it. The aftershocks wrecked her world.
Matt wiped her cheeks. “It’s okay. You okay?”
“I’m okay,” she said.
Morning came too soon. Eliza barely fell into the endless spiral of sleep when soft sun rays kissed her awake rather roughly. Of course, Matt wouldn’t need blinds to cover his windows. He could sleep soundly with the brightest of lights, and Eliza understood that but she wasn’t an early bird and she certainly hated getting out of bed, especially when she didn’t wake up on her account. She got really grumpy and even Matt’s blindness didn’t matter at that moment because goddamnit, she’d slept so peacefully.
She opened her eyes to the weight on her chest. Sometime during the night, he must’ve escaped his side of the bed, replacing the mattress with her chest. His large frame covered her body almost entirely. Eliza scratched her nails along his scalp. He was deep in slumber. She almost cursed herself for choosing to push him off of her.
Matt didn’t seem to mind though. He rolled over with a pained groan, hugging one of the blue silk pillows close to his chest and that was it. He slept like a baby. She still pulled the blanket further up his body.
Eliza lifted herself off the mattress. The stitches on her side pulled with every move she made. She suppressed the groan that threatened to escape. The pain was nasty, but she had worse. She forced herself out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where she downed at least two cups of water before the burning in her chest subsided.
There was a strange pressure behind her eyes. It pulled at her scalp, her temples, and even her sinuses. She pinched her nose, searching for some kind of relief. Her first guess was stress headache. Her entire body was sore in one way or another, this could just be her muscles seeking revenge for the rough handling in the past couple of days. Her mental breakdown hadn’t been much of a help either. Her eyes were swollen and she looked, quite frankly, high as fuck, although she wasn’t. She was glad she wasn’t, that she put the bottle down and admitted it to Matt. God knows what would’ve happened if she followed through with it. She was angry at herself for even letting it get this far.
She scoffed. “Guess we’re weaker than we thought,” she thought. She did it out loud, whyever that was.
Eliza checked her new phone. There was nothing on it, but she had to follow her habits as if nothing happened. She opened the search bar to type in two words. As soon as she did, several sites popped up. She went straight to Google Maps.
Addicts Anonymous. Hell’s Kitchen, NYC, 900m from your current location. Starts at 12 pm.
The pain hit her like a freight train. A sharp knife drilled straight through her skull. It seeped through every bone in her head, she even felt it on her lips. She heard every sound in close vicinity to the apartment complex. Cars honking, people laughing, loud shouting over the many tourists scouting the city. Like an alarm, the high-pitched ringing shot through her ears out of nothing at all. It just appeared and it made sure to cause damage. She tried to massage her head, but the second she lifted her hand, her entire body went stiff.
Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She was back there again, in the red wasteland of her imagination. She stood in the middle of the desert. The pain was only a mild throbbing in the back of her head. She stared at the space before her, confused and scared. Yes, Eliza was scared, something she would never admit proudly.
In the smoke, a figure began to emerge. She changed her stance, fists clenched at the sides. If she was going to be attacked in her mind, she might as well try to fight it. For all she knew, she was simply hallucinating. This could be just a migraine, she figured. With her powers, everything was possible.
The figure became clearer. “Who are you?” she asked. She was surprised her voice even sounded in the place of nothingness. The smoke parted. White peaked through the red. A white dress, small feet, even smaller frame. It was a child, a girl, barely seven. She stared up at her through hooded eyes, hair standing wildly in all directions.
"You should have known you'd eventually meet me back here," the voice came from behind her. She twirled around to see the same face that haunted her at the compound.
Eliza switched her eyes between the little girl and the personification of her own evil thoughts. Her doppelganger walked up to her younger self, the suit she wore a mixture of black and red with a torn-apart cape.
She sighed. "But you hate to listen, don't you?"
“They’re coming for us,” the little girl’s voice was dooming.
"See? It had to come down to this. Bringing therapy metaphors to life."
Eliza took a deep breath. "Is this real?" she asked and pointed at the girl.
Her reflection shrugged. "What isn't? You know," she said, "every time you use the word reality, I start to think you might have finally started to remember, and yet every time, I'm disappointed. Honestly, if you hadn't ignored the truth right in front of your eyes for so long, I wouldn't have had to come here. But here we are! Weird, isn't it?"
The circles around her eyes were black and blue. With her skin as pale as the night, fake Eliza looked anything but healthy, and neither did it look like her. She couldn't remember a time when she carried such a dead look in her eyes, evil etched into her features. The woman in front of her was made out of black morals while hers were mildly grey, at best.
She started to pace the floor, drawing circles around her. The girl stood rooted to her spot. It seemed like the taller one was in control of her. She was in control of everything.
"The device was good, I have to give Ivan that," she said, "but you saw what happened. There is nothing that can cage the kind of power you have. Well, we have. I sometimes forget I'm not just some random stranger. My bad." Her laugh sounded manic, and it echoed in the void space.
“Wh- what are you even talking about?" Eliza asked.
"Do you like our new look?" she retorted instead.
"I went for crazy bimbo at a funeral. You know, considering Eliza might die soon. Hopefully, before they get the chance to kidnap us, I'm not picky."
Third-person point of view. This was slowly starting to freak her out. "I'm not gonna die."
"You're not. Eliza is. Are you even listening?"
She threw her hands up, groaning loudly. "Who even are you?"
The woman sighed in response. "Here's where it gets complicated..."
"How so? It's not like you've been messing with my head the past twenty-four hours."
"The problem is I can't tell you without you figuring out yourself," she explained. "I don't have a hand in this. I can only stand by and act ominous, waiting for you to come around so we can finally worry about what's really going on with you. It's not like Hydra is the only reason you're changing right now."
"What?" Eliza couldn't follow. She tried to, but her mind blocked out any viable thoughts. She was an idiot in her own head. The other side of her was just toying with her. She had to be going insane. Perhaps she was suffering from a psychosis of some kind. Or she was on drugs and didn't even know it.
The fake rolled her eyes. "You're not high," she said.
"How did you even-"
"Did you miss the part where I said that I am you?"
"Yeah, right, because any of this makes absolute sense. Like, what's that kid doing here?" She pointed at the girl. "She doesn't even fit in."
"Nothing fits in here," she said.
"You certainly don't."
"I'm the most fitting thing in this place and that says a lot."
"Okay," Eliza waved her off with an exasperated sigh. "Get to the point, me!"
The fake snapped her fingers. She wasn't really fake, but she surely wasn't real, so any other word would have been useless to describe her.
The little girl snapped out of her trance. She repeated her previous words. "They're coming for us," she said.
"Who’s coming?” Eliza questioned.
“There’s something in us. Something they want. You can’t let them win. Don’t let them win!”
“You mean Hydra?”
The girl tilted her head. “They’re all coming,” she clarified.
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" the fake Eliza seemed to have just as much of an impatience problem as the real one. She placed a hand on the girl's head. "She's boring me." With one push, she had her falling through the smoke and beyond the secret world, she had built for herself. It was just the two of them now.
Eliza cocked an eyebrow. "Seriously?"
"Hydra's coming," she stated. "And they're coming for you, which also entails me because I'm the one who has to keep saving your ass."
What was happening? This wasn't her. Couldn't be. Though the way she used the words with sarcasm reminded her so much of what she heard come out of her mouth on the daily. It was strange, terrifying even.
"What's wrong with you?" she asked, breathlessly.
“I just want to go home." Something human glistened in her eyes.
Eliza wondered, “Home where?”
The next event was a bit of a blur. Eliza stared at the hand as it wrapped around her wrist. The fake's eyes began to glow with the familiar shade of crimson. It was like she was staring right into a mirror. And it wasn't just a threatening feeling this time. This was real, as real as it could possibly get.
Smoke danced around the air, but it was clearer, more dominant, and almost sluggish looking. It crawled its way out of her body and wrapped around Eliza’s limbs. She tried to return to her consciousness, but the foreign substance shot into her chest, right through her heart. Her chest bloomed with new life.
The power she felt was surreal. Her body was on fire and yet she needed more heat. She wanted to burn even brighter. Eliza gasped loudly. Her body slouched. The slug disappeared and she was left empty, shaking. She was on her knees then, alone in the wasteland of her creation. She caught herself on one hand, almost elegantly.
“What was that?” she called out.
“Power,” the fake told her.
“What did you just do to me?” Eliza frantically touched her body up and down, but everything was where it needed to be. “What was that? Oh, my God!”
“Your mind has been closed for so long, you don’t even know who you are. You're finally starting to see, but it's taking far too long. We're in danger, alright? Terrible, terrible danger and there is little we can do as useless as we are without you discovering your true potential."
Now it was getting kind of personal.
“They want us and they know who we are,” she urged. “Your mind is finally starting to open, but they want to use us. We can’t let them use us. The fate of the universe is at stake.”
She seemed to disappear with the growing storm of red sand. Her eyes stayed the same color, boring into her own with such intensity, she could only return the favor.
“What?” Eliza asked. “You haven’t even told me what this is!”
“Figure it out,” was all she said before she disappeared completely.
One last shot of sharp pain and she was back in Matt’s kitchen, sweating, panting, and on fire. The glass slipped from her fingers. She didn’t have the time to react, the glass just crashed against the floor. The sound knocked her back into reality, but not without leaving her confused and speechless.
“Shit!” she cursed at the mess she made.
I won't be able to stick around much longer.
She tilted her head at the broken glass on the kitchen floor. The water was running in her direction. Small whispers broke out of prison. She couldn’t tell what they were saying or if they were even real, but she felt compelled to try something.
Eliza lifted her hand slowly. The shards slowly came back together. They fit together like puzzle pieces. She did a damn good job for someone who hated puzzles. With the glass, the water formed a small lake before making its way back to where it came from. She watched in awe as the red smoke crossed like the curtain before a screen - she thought about putting the glass back together and in an instant, it was back on the counter. Her bare feet were no longer standing in tap water but rather on the cold kitchen tiles.
Somehow it seemed real but also it didn’t. She felt like a stranger in her own body, an alien on earth. She touched the glass, careful as ever. There were no cracks, no glue residue, nothing out of the ordinary other than the fact the glass that had been broken only seconds ago was no longer making a mess on Matt’s floor. She didn’t turn back time, that was for sure. The coffee machine was still running. If she had turned back time, the cup would’ve been empty. She changed something else. It was like she changed reality. She didn’t use telepathy to put the glass back together, she didn’t even touch it. She single-handedly changed what happened to fit her view of the world better, only with the power of her mind and an outstretched arm.
Her knuckles tightened around the glass. Why she did it, she couldn’t figure out, but as fast as they had closed around it, her fingers opened and the glass slid back out. Once again, it shattered on the floor, and it was loud, louder than the first time. She flinched. The water splattered on her toes.
Why did you do that?
“What the-” Eliza pulled out the paper towels in a frenzy. She saw her reflection in one of the tiles. “What is happening to me?” she wondered. The reflection cocked her head. The same black, veiny eyes stared back at her, just without the smoke surrounding them this time, and she also didn't seem to be backing her into a corner. She was trapped behind the tiles.
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were going slightly insane. But since I do know better, I think you know what you have to do.
“What are you doing?” Matt’s morning voice was still groggy.
Her head shot up. She couldn’t explain it, could she? Perhaps she was insane. It certainly felt that way. She looked up from the compromising position. Her reflection was gone. Somehow she always disappeared whenever she wasn't alone anymore, especially in Matt's presence.
Was fake Eliza afraid of him?
No. He's just really doing it for us.
She turned with a slight frown. The voice was most definitely back in her head, still daunting, still knowing better than her.
“You shouldn’t be standing up,” Eliza stated. She kept her voice steady, attempting not to arouse too much suspicion. She could easily blame it on health issues, the way her heart was bouncing, and she would find an excuse for the monologuing too.
Matt stood in the doorway, hand pressed to his several injuries. “I’m fine,” he lied. “What’s wrong? I heard the glass shatter.”
Glass, singular. He only heard the first one.
“Nothing, I’m just clumsy.“
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not- I just had a headache, that’s all. I might have taken it a bit too far yesterday," she said.
"Yeah, you might have."
"Trust me, I'm cursing myself for it plenty, you can get in line. What you doing up anyway?" She furrowed her eyebrows at him. He shivered under her intense glare. "You should lie back down, Matt, before you pop your stitches.”
He made his way from the door towards the sofa. One of his sweaters was draped over the back. “I can handle it,” he said.
Eliza huffed. She knew there was nothing she could do to change his mind. “You want any coffee?” she asked instead.
“Coffee would be great.”
“Okay, but you gotta sit down.”
“Fine,” he sighed.
She had already made acquaintance with his coffee machine, so it took only a couple of tries until she managed to get two piping cups of coffee out of it. She sat down next to him. Matt sipped the caffeine – he was surprised she remembered how he liked his coffee. The liquid parted slightly at his breathing pattern. Eliza seemed to have the same thing on her mind for she placed her cup down at the same time he did.
“About last night-“ they stared at each other, the words coming out in unison.
He cocked his head and she laughed. His lip twitched into a smile at the shyness of it.
“Sorry,” she said.
“You go first-“ again, they spoke at the same time.
Matt laughed, too, this time. “Please,” he said.
Eliza pulled one knee up to her chest, the coffee warming her cold hands. She looked at the man across from her – they were oddly in synch. Not that she minded. The experience was entirely new. As someone who had gotten used to being alone, being abandoned, and being the second choice, always, she didn’t have many stories that went the same. She still had to get used to being so excruciatingly open.
“About last night,” she began, this time without interruptions. “I’m sorry how it went down.”
“It’s not your fault,” he said. “You gotta stop saying that every time something goes wrong.”
“But it’s true! If I hadn’t pushed us to go in there, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.”
“It would’ve happened, either way, Eliza. You know that.”
“Jesus!” She threw her head back. “I know, it’s just… I’m trying to find an explanation and this one makes the most sense to me. I’m going crazy here. Last night- I was so incredibly triggered. If I don’t explain what happened with something that makes sense to me, I think I’m gonna throw up and die.”
He pouted.
“Anyway. They - the press - are saying it was a gas leak,” she stated.
“I know, I can hear my neighbors downstairs listening to the news,” Matt said. “But wait, can we talk about what else happened last night-”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she blocked him.
“Eliza, you almost-”
“I don’t want to talk about it!”
He sighed. He fell silent until he found something to say. “Do you have meetings you go to?”
“God!” she groaned. “What do you not understand about what I just said?” she asked him. “Why do you have to keep pushing it?”
She was being unfair, but defensive people mostly are.
“This is not something you should ignore,” he shot back.
“I’m not ignoring, I’m delaying dealing with it.”
“You wanted to hurt yourself.”
“Yes,” she said, “I wanted to. Now I don’t. Case closed. Is that enough for you or do you need that in handwriting?”
Matt lifted his shoulders, hands above them. “I’m sorry. You’re right. It’s your life,” he said.
“But I meant it when I said I won’t watch you get hurt.”
“And you won't have to.” She shrugged. “I’m fine. I just need to find these people and bring them to justice. Can we focus on that, please? Just for today?”
“Of course,” he smiled.
Eliza got up. She took his empty cup and her own and traveled back to the kitchen. She stepped over the spot where the broken glass had just been, trying not to cut her feet open. “This is what Hydra wants,” she said as she poured them another. “They want us to lose ourselves. We can’t let that happen.”
Ivan’s words nagged her. Everything about the situation felt wrong. She couldn’t explain it, the sensation bubbled deep in her stomach and made her throat dry. “Ivan knew what he was doing,” she said more to herself, but this was Matt she was talking to. He caught onto her words.
“Who was he, exactly?” he asked.
“A power-hungry Hydra soldier who always wanted to be the best. Back then, I was still in his way, but after I was gone, he could easily climb the ladder.”
“Was what he said true?”
She had been waiting for the dreaded question.
“Partially,” she said.
“How so?”
“I killed the diplomat’s daughter, yes, but when I did, I was her age. And no, I didn’t enjoy it. At that moment, I was focused on what Hydra wanted. I didn’t know what I was doing. I wasn’t in control.” She didn’t dare to look at him. “I killed her. She died because of me, but everything else, especially the reason for why I did that, is on Hydra. I’m not like them, not anymore.”
His words nudged her, “I believed him for a second, but then I heard your heartbeat and I knew it wasn’t true. I know you, and the Eliza I know would never intentionally hurt a child.”
“I, myself, was a child,” she whispered.
“I know. You didn’t do it for you, you did it because they wanted you to. These are two entirely different things.”
“Yeah,” she slid the fresh cup of coffee over to him, “Ivan gets in your head easily though. I wouldn’t have blamed you for still believing him.”
Matt chuckled. “He’s not as good as you think he is.”
“Not everyone is a human lie detector.”
“They should be,” it was a joke. She snorted. “At least you can laugh again. It’s nice,” he said.
“I just- this doesn’t feel right,” Eliza admitted. “I know Ivan. This isn’t his MO. Other operatives, yes, but not Ivan. He wouldn’t make a sacrifice like that without a plan. I mean, they found bodies but who’s to say he didn’t make it out?”
“Eliza,” his lip twisted into an amused smile, “The entire warehouse blew up. I don’t think anyone survived that.”
“Just because he held the box doesn’t mean he died. I looked into it, there wasn’t a bomb when I first checked.”
Matt raised his eyebrows. “You think he switched them out?” he asked. His fists tightened around the porcelain cup.
“What other explanation is there? Ivan’s always been so adamant about being the man on the top, of surpassing everyone. Why would he kill himself? Just because of the serum? No, he wouldn’t do that. I don’t think he would. From what you heard, do you think he would?”
“I honestly don’t know."
“None of what happened last night makes sense. Why would they be so careless? If this was the last bit of the serum they had left, they would’ve been smarter than that. The bomb I get, Hydra has done this many times before, but the sacrifices? Something isn’t right.”
“Maybe they wanted us to believe that we got onto them.” He reached for her hand. “All cards on the table. Now.”
Are you going to tell him or are you going to chicken out, like you always do?
Her heart fluttered. “What?” She wasn't sure who she was talking to.
“You were talking about someone," Matt prompted.
“No," she was deep enough in denial to forget the name whenever she wanted to, and she wasn't going to put it at risk.
Eliza got up as fast as she could. Matt’s arm hit the table. He sighed in defeat, or was it exhaustion? She wasn’t sure.
“If you know who’s behind all of this,” he said.
“I don’t!” the words came harsh. “I don’t know who’s behind this. I don’t even know what they want. It’s Hydra, they’re as unpredictable as they come.”
“You were talking about a man, with Ivan. The one who told them to kidnap you. I think I know who it is, judging by the way your heartbeat just picked up. It did the same the night you told me about your past. I know we’re talking about the same man, but I need you to open up to me.”
“What does it matter?” she asked.
“Maybe we can find a connection-“
“He doesn’t exist! No one knows who he is. He’s a ghost, okay? Even if I told you his name, it wouldn’t help us much. For all I know, he’s dead somewhere. I hope he is. If he’s alive… I don’t want to think about it. God!” She pressed her palms into her eye sockets. “Stop making me think about it!��
“Sweetheart,” his gaze softened.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Sweetheart,” Matt said again, and her body shook with tremors he could’ve heard without even trying. “Talk to me, please.”
“I can’t,“ the breath got caught in her throat.
Tears welled up in her eyes. The world turned into a threatening box again. She hid behind her hands, but the demons were already in her head and she couldn’t escape their gigantic claws as they sucked the life out of her.
“Every time I think about his face,” she choked out, “I remember everything he did to me. It makes me sick. He makes me sick. I just want to scrub his dirty hands off my body.”
Matt wanted nothing more than to get up and catch her in his arms. She tried so hard to keep the tears at bay, afraid to be weak, afraid to cry again, but her body had other plans. He wanted to wrap her in cotton until he had made the world whole again, only so she wouldn’t have to cry anymore. She was like this broken thing he felt responsible for, and while that was wrong thinking, he couldn’t help the way he felt. His heart ached.
“Can you come here?” he asked.
Eliza shook her head. “No,” her voice cracked.
That seemed to confuse her. “Okay?”
“Yeah, you expect me to force you?” Matt caught onto even the smallest change in her behavior. It didn’t take long for him to piece the puzzle together. “He forced you to do things you didn’t want to do,” he realized. “Did he- did he touch you?” His stomach churned at the idea alone.
“Matt,” she begged.
“I just want to understand.”
“I don’t know what to say. He- after SHIELD finished with my interrogation and got all the information they needed – and it wasn’t much because while I do remember his torture, I don’t remember the details – I swore never to say his name again."
Eliza shuddered. This time, the tremors stemmed straight from anger. “He thought he had this sadistic claim over me,” she admitted. “Sometimes I was his daughter, other times, his plaything. He made me,” she scoffed. “He shaped me in any way he saw fit and every time I disobeyed even in the slightest, he punished me. He conditioned me to follow his every demand and I did, just like that. I would’ve worshipped at his fucking feet if it meant I’d get his gratitude. I was his favorite child because I was proof he achieved something no one did before and I guess I just needed someone to love me, so I accepted every piece of affection I was offered, as twisted as it was. I let him touch me because I knew it would give me the recognition I wanted.”
He looked away. The brown of his eyes was so much darker. He pursed his lips, sucked them in, then released them again. His fists clenched in his lap. She couldn’t read him.
“He didn’t rape me if that’s what you’re thinking,” she said.
Matt shook his head. He still refused to look at her. She was slowly growing anxious.
“He just… sometimes, he would lie with me. He would, like, stroke my back and- and he really liked to watch my thighs when I was wearing something short. He liked to make me put my hair up and wear make-up so I could put on a show for him. Did you know I used to dance ballet?” Once again, he didn’t move. “Well, he liked to watch me dance, and whenever I did what he wanted, I’d get a reward. But he never raped me. I don’t- at least I don’t think it’s called rape when something like this happens.”
“Did he touch you?” he asked. His voice vibrated deep in his chest.
“Did he touch you somewhere you wouldn’t let a random man touch you?”
“I-” she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Did he get off on it?”
“Sometimes he would… but he didn’t- he never- no, he never raped me.”
He nodded knowingly, still looking anywhere but at her. “Did he ask for consent?”
“Then he sexually assaulted you, Eliza.”
She realized why he wasn’t looking at her then.
“Doesn’t matter if he- it’s still sexual assault when someone inappropriately touches you without your consent, especially when he gets off on it.”
“Matt,” she called softly.
The only reason why he wasn’t looking at her was the fact he was crying. He didn’t want her to see the tears staining his cheeks, nor did he want her to catch the angry look on his face. She squeezed her lips shut. He was crying because of the things she said and it made her feel so endlessly guilty.
“I’m sorry,” she said again. “I didn’t mean to-”
“Stop,” he cut in. “Just stop apologizing. None of this was your fault, so it doesn’t need an apology.” Finally, he turned back to her. “You didn’t deserve this.” He cracked. “You didn’t deserve any of this. God, I’m so sorry!”
She sat down in the chair next to him. His hand trembled when he wiped his cheeks. The sobs turned into silent groans at the back of his throat.
“No one should be allowed to touch you without your consent. No one should- he should have never used your body for his pleasure.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No. If I ever see him,” he said and his eyes found a spot just below her ear, “I’m going to kill him.”
Eliza ran a hand through his hair. “No, you won’t,” she said. “You know why?”
“Because you’re Matt Murdock and you’re better than this.”
He had his index finger under her chin. Had they been this close before? He used the rough calluses of his fingers to guide her head a little further up and to the side. He was searching for her eyes with his - the unseeing gaze went anywhere but where he wanted them to, but that was okay. Eventually, they landed on her lips. She couldn’t help but stare back. His scent invaded her senses. The disinfectant from the night before was thick in the air, but he still smelled like sandalwood and rain and him. His natural scent was indescribable.
If you had told Eliza at the beginning of the year that she would end up like this, she would’ve declared you crazy. She was prone to taking risks, but she was also careful around strangers. Daredevil was, essentially, a stranger. He wasn't in her usual crowd. She didn’t hang with vigilantes. She never really hung with anyone other than the Avengers. And the men she had spent time with in the past were nowhere near as sincere as Matt Murdock. He set out to steal her heart from the beginning and he was starting to succeed.
She never saw herself in a situation like this, but she had imagined it a couple of times before.
Eliza stared at his lips. He licked over them. She couldn’t stop, she was getting closer by the second, but at this point, she didn’t care. They were both addicted to something, although different kinds of substances, and since neither of them could get their fix, they chose to fall into each other. It was human nature. And this time, they refused to refuse each other this sweet moment of relief.
She wasn’t sure who decided to close the gap. Perhaps it was the both of them. When their lips collided for the first time, she forgot how to breathe. It was gentle at first. They barely touched, but she felt him and he felt her, and she could taste the coffee they shared only moments before.
He listened to her heart for an answer. It jumped. She was waiting for him to make the next move.
He dove in with more pressure the second time. This one was certainly more passionate than the first. The millions of butterflies flew out of their cages in her stomach and fluttered to her heart where they began to build their nest.
Eliza grabbed his cheeks eagerly. She wanted to drown in him. He felt so good and tasted even better. They became one. His lips were soft and the way they moved against hers in the perfect rhythm had her seeing stars. She was an addict; the first taste had her longing for more. She needed more.
Matt moved his finger from under her chin and instead grabbed her face in his. The other stayed just below her neck, his fingers hot yet cold against her shivering skin. She had goosebumps everywhere, even places she hadn’t fathomed as possible. The man wasn’t human. He felt like heaven and tasted sweet as hell. He was the apple Eve stole from the tree, the snake that tempted her, and the Devil that corrupted her. Matt was Eliza’s temptation. The second she gave in, she was doomed, but in the most beautiful sense possible.
The pair breathed heavily between wet, messy kisses. She had her hand tangled in his chestnut hair, pushing him further against her lips. He melted into her.
When her breath ran out, she moved back slightly. Her eyes remained closed, lids way too heavy to open them. Matt sought her out. His lips traveled aimlessly until they found her cheek and he kept kissing there while she tried to breathe. She couldn’t.
His thumb traced her bottom lip. He parted them slowly. She was terrible at taking hints, but this one seemed clear as day. Her tongue darted out. The tip of his thumb pressed down on it, testing the waters, and in an instant, she sucked him in. He moved back in surprise, only so his lips were no longer attached to her skin. He grumbled a string of curses, tongue circling around his digit. Her mouth was so warm and her spit so wet against his heated skin, he felt the desperate need to shove it further down her throat. But he didn’t.
She released his finger with a sinfully wet sound.
“What are we doing?” she asked.
He could have asked her what she was doing, but his brain wasn’t quite connected to the language center of his brain and so all that came out was an incoherent sound.
As an answer, he pressed his swollen, plump lips back to hers. Their teeth clashed. His tongue darted out to force her lips apart, and she let him. Her own fought back against him, neither of them wanting to give in. In the end, he won, and he explored her mouth like Indiana Jones on a mission.
He was way too good at that. The way he guided her face, his tongue in her mouth, and his lips moving against hers in such a beautiful rhythm, made her moan into the kiss. She was embarrassed. A simple kiss wasn’t supposed to rile her up like this, though Matt Murdock seemed to be doing it for her. He took her breath and he stole her heart.
Matt broke the kiss first. His forehead fell against her nose. Eliza was late to catch her breath.
“Foggy,” he breathed.
She only slowly blinked back to life. “What?” she said.
The knocking repeated itself, steadily growing noisier. “It’s Foggy,” he said.
“Matt, I know you’re in there!” the man’s voice yelled from the outside of the apartment. “Come on, open the door! I need to talk to you.”
He pressed another kiss to her forehead. “Hide.”
“Excuse me?” She frowned at him.
“You need to hide. Go into the bedroom and close the door.”
“What the-“ they had just kissed and he was trying to hide her like a teenage boy whose parents had just gotten home early, “Matt.” He shoved her into his bedroom. She stumbled over her own feet, onto the bed and the silk sheets. She stared at him, still shocked about the sudden change of events. Her body was still aching from the kiss, and that was when she realized he could tell. He made sure to linger his fingers a few seconds too long because he knew.
He tucked at her arm, pulling her into his chest. His heart was hammering underneath his skin. He kissed her again. She had to lift herself up a little to reach him and he helped her by slinging his arm around her waist. She had nowhere to go. His palm was pressed between her shoulder blades. The knocking continued, but Matt stayed unbothered. He reveled in the feeling of her against him, the sensation of her mouth dancing against his, and the way her heart beat fast against his.
He pulled back when the yelling started to hurt his ears. She stumbled out of his bruising grasp. Her legs turned to jelly. She could barely stand on her own. Their fingers stayed intertwined as he stepped away, and only slowly did they part ways. It was their middle fingers that held them together the longest, but then he was suddenly too far away and she lost her hold on him.
She was met with the milky glass of his bedroom door. Foggy wasn’t supposed to see them together. He would’ve asked questions and then he would’ve been involved and Matt wanted to prevent that. One less person to worry about. And he loved Foggy, so to keep him out of the line of fire was something he had dedicated his life to when he became Daredevil. Didn’t work so well for the most part, but he was trying and that was admirable, even though sometimes, he used the wrong means to make sure he was alright.
Eliza pressed her ear to the door. Of course, she wanted to know what was happening. She wasn’t the good girl some might think she was. She needed to know more about Foggy’s sudden appearance.
“Hey man,” she heard him say, followed by loud footsteps. “What took you so long?”
“I was looking for a shirt,” Matt said. He was quick on his feet with the lies. Remarkable.
It was silent for a moment. “You went out Daredevil-ing again,” he stated. The disappointment in his voice was clear, yet the worry was heavier.
Matt didn’t speak and Foggy accepted his silence as an answer. “Did you get hurt again?”
Once again, no answer.
“Jesus, Matt!”
Eliza had no idea why she felt guilty for Matt’s inability to tell his friend the truth, but she did. It irked her a little because this, for a change, wasn’t her fault.
“Is it bad?” Foggy asked. “Is that why you won’t answer your phone?”
Her eyes fell on the device next to the bed. His phone was on the nightstand, but it wasn’t plugged in. She checked. The battery was dead.
“My battery died,” she heard Matt say. At least that wasn’t a lie.
“Sure it did after you went out beating up bad guys!”
“Foggy, please-”
“You know that I get a heart attack every time you don’t answer your phone after a night out? I always expect to find you half-dead again.”
“I’m fine,” he insisted.
Foggy scoffed. “Are you? I mean, have you checked the time?”
“The time?” She only imagined Matt frowning. “What time is it?”
Eliza peaked at the alarm clock. How was it twelve already?
“You didn’t show up to work,” he said. “And you didn’t answer your phone. I thought something happened to you, Matt! I was worried sick. What happened?”
“It’s-” he took a deep breath, “It’s complicated. You just have to trust me, Fog. Everything’s fine.”
“Well, I don’t trust you! And I don’t believe you either. Not when I can see the blood on the floor and that there is an obviously female shadow behind your fucking bedroom door.”
She looked up. Shit.
“So either you did some really kinky shit last night or you were involved in that gas leak that blew up a warehouse at the docks.”
There was no way Matt could smart his way out of that one. Their cover was blown and they didn’t even do anything. Foggy appeared to be better at this than first expected.
“If it’s not true,” he continued, “Then you won’t mind if I just check your bedroom, huh?”
“Foggy,” Matt warned.
“Don’t ‘Foggy’ me! I barely even know you anymore. I thought we were friends.” His steps came closer as did the silhouette she caught through the door. “Friends don’t lie to each other, Matt! I’m tired of being excluded from your life every time you get yourself in trouble. I told you, we either do this together or not at all. And if that means exposing your lies to force you to tell me the whole story, I fucking will!”
He pushed the door open so hard, the hinges creaked.
“Who do you have in- WHAT THE FUCK?!”
“Listen,” Eliza said, standing at the foot of the bed, and her hands fidgeted awkwardly in front of her body, “I can explain.”
But instead of listening to the pathetic classic line people tend to use whenever something goes wrong and they’re not sure what to say to prevent a catastrophe – and this went wrong plenty – Foggy shut the door right in her face.
Fuck, indeed.
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valdederon · 9 months
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #22 novas first dungeon dive
nova,valdederon and raykore continue training over the next few days when she finaly can create a golden shield around her self for atleast an hour per day.. or for short burst in combat.
valdederon--- im so proud of you little pup.
raykore--- you did well but you still have a long way to go.
nova sticks her tongue out at raykore and giggles.
nova---thank you big brother.. mmmph im so sleepy now..
valdederon--- ok my sweet princess come on into the tent and you can sleep in my tail fluff again.
nova blushes and nods taking 2 steps forward before falling face first into the grass promptly flalling asleep with a heavy snore making raykore valdederon and draggo laugh softly.
valdederon smiles nad gently picks up the conked out aura pupy and gently takes her into the tent with him and draggo preparing some food for when she wakes .
draggo--- ha ha ha looks like she fell asleep while walking.. hope the little one gets some good rest
valdederon sets her in his tail and rubs her back as she grabs hold with her paws purring happily as she wiggles instinctualy to burry her self in the warm furr.
valdederon--- well i think we should look for a low level dungeon quest at the guild and get her used to how they can be.. before we go to it we need ground rulles for her to follow number one among them do not fight . shes only going to be there to observe.
draggo--- are you sure on that
valdederon sighs with a sense of pain and worry recalling near death experiances from his training being put in dungeons by rakore making her chuckle as she sees the look in his eyes.
valdederon---yes im 100% sure.. my training was brutal and part of it was going alone.. into dungeons..unprepared and with only light armor my magic and a dagger with a shield off hand. nova atleast has us to guide here.. and raykore.. make now mistake if you throw her into anything unprepared.. there will be consequences.
he throws her a look of pure murderous malicious confirmation that its a promise and not a threat making her yelp startled by the once obediant aprentice's sudden firmness
raykore--- well youve grown alot havent you my young pupil… i have to say that was rather unexpected.. ha ha you were never so direct in our old world.. im proud of you and you have my word i wont put her in danger like that.
draggo looks between them throughly confused and sighs
raykore-- so draggo waht was your species called again.. im curious to learn more about this world.. what i wouldnt give to eat some meat again.. and actualy fuking taste it god spiritual food has no….. has nothing.. no taset no depths no feel.. ugh im going insane over here..
draggo--- well my species is.. techincly 3 different animals there is goomy sliggoo and then goodra.. the world of pokemon even to us pokemon is still a mystery to us all.
raykore burst out laughing quietly.
raykore-- aint that the damed universal truth.. i havet met a single speceies who truly knows thier kind inside and out we all have mysteries in us.. even my own kind were mysterious.. i was the runt of the litter. even so most humanoids are shorter then me.
draggo--- interesting got any preferences on what youd want to be if you were pokemon.
raykore-- i havent put much thought into it honestly.. ive been cofusing my energy into training our star pupils little sister.. ha ha even he fell asleep.
draggo---he sometimes doesnt sleep well.
raykore with a heavy sigh and flick of her smoking pipe.
raykore--not surprising honestly it honestly terrafied me at first just how strong willed he was as a kid one look into his eyes and i knew he was angry..wasnt untill the knights told me were and hoe he was found that i took him in, nightmares.. flash backs.. ha ha ha, i had to put him back in diapers because he couldnt stip wetting or soiling his bed at night.. that passed pretty quick though only about 4 weeks before his body adjusted to his stress.
draggo--- did you ever wonder what he would have done if you werent there to guid him..to divert his rage some what.
her ears twitch as she rolls her eyes perking her tails up with force.
raykore-- gods.. i dont even want to know just how much damage he would have caused if i hadnt trained him magic.. its a living thing and if you dont have a grasp on it..anything froma town destroyed to the ground shattered acrosss continents.. even the fabric of reality could be shattered by un controlled rage filled magic like his..
dragos eyes widen realising the gravity of what that would entail.
raykore looks up at the rising night moons all 7 of them.
raykore--- 7 moons.. when was the last time i even saw a single moon rise.. let alone 7 moons at once,. you know despite the chaos this world is in.. i feel .. valdederon can realy grow.. heal..and be happy here. ha ha ha.. some times i think he forgets he was a human once. and im ok with that.
the night drags by slowly evryone byt raykore sleeping while she stares at the moons thinking back on her long life then looking back at valdederon and novaa sense of pride welling up in her soul as he turns back into spirit form to rest.
the next day nova yawns waking up beeing carried by valdederon into the guilds quest board room. nova looks around yawning and rubs he eyes and while at the quest board gets out of valdederons tail furr with a heavy thump and a loud puppy like yipe startling valdederon as he looks down were nova faceplanted grogily onto the hard wood floor and she sits up holding her nose witch had begin to bleed alittle .
valdederon--- are you ok hun.
nova---mmmmph..do i look ok.. i just bashed my face into the floor.
he chuckle using healing magic on her nose and ruffling her head furr.
valdederon--- well how about you head on into the mess hall and draggo and i will meet you there and we can have a big breakfeast.
she smiles tail wagging and bolts down the hall to the mess hall ocasionaly stumbling evryso often still half asleep.
draggo--- hows this one sound.. looking for a team to clear a dungeon full of goblins and rescue a lost miltank and a clutch of snivy hatchlings..
valdederon--- perfect goblins are weak so her aura shield will be more then enough to keep her safe but make no mistake goblins are a big threat.. they tend to explode in numbers and reproduce like rabits on drugs.
draggo--- oooofff that sounds bad.
valdederon-- if unchecked goblins can eventualy overun kingdoms plunging them into hell basicly.
they both grab the quest paper and get it stamped and head to the mess hall were a charmeleon is laughing while nova whimpers covered with food and draggo looks directly at valdederon who fell dead silent the moment he opend the door to the site and in seconds the once loud mess hall falls spookily silent as evryone picks up on the sudden rage boiling forth from valdederon .
draggo---.well…ill see my self… out.
he bolts as valdederon fists clenched walks into the mess hall all mon inside avoiding eye contact seeing the death glare coming from them all accept the arrogant charmeleon who laughs at the sudden arival of a bright pink delphox.
valdederon with out a word kicks the small lizard pokemon with brutal force witch sends him flying into the wall shattering several glass windows on impact and making him cough up a spurt of blood and fall down only to be grabed by the throat .
valdederon--- THINK ITS FUNNY TO BULLY OTHERS DO YA… well target my little sister. and youl find a verry pissed off delphox.. i havent seen you… you new around here
the charmeleon curls his tail up a silent pitter of liquid hitting the floor beneath him as he nods terrified of th sudden outburst of rage his face turning red realizing hes in full view of the mess hall
valdederon-- dont ever cross me or my sister again.. i wont hesitate getting rid of you in a second if you become a threat to us.. or the guild.. i dont tollerate bullies and clean up your mess
valdederon drops him into the pungent puddle formed by fear and walks off and cleans nova up and takes his lunch hers and draggos out .
valdederon--- were gona go on a mission later on after lunch hun will you be ok.
nova--… you made him have an accident.. that was mean buba.
valdederon-- i wasnt trying to do that.. it just happens when some one is scared stiff like that..
nova--- i hope he and i can become friends.. i think hes lonely
valdederon-- well he will have to apologize for bullying you first.
nova nods and eats with valdederon and draggo. all 3 of them staying silent mean while in the mess hall the charmeleon whimpers and begins to sob runing out embarrased confused and scared eventualy ending up in the infirmary to recive treatment for the minor wounds he got from his encou nter with valdederon.
nova--- so whats the mission.
draggo--- a dungeon clear and rescue mission a miltank and snivy hatchlings got lost inside
valdederon--- your there to watch and learn as we clear it .. youl also carry a bag with medical supplies. be sure to keep up your aura sheild in combat ok hun.
she nods nervous but also excited. later on that day they head out to the dungeon. while on the wy there nova keeps close with valdederon and draggo both of them also keeping an eye on here and around them as they move soon entering the dungeon entrance heading down inside whilemoving slow and steady.
nova whispering-- this place feels creepy.
valdederon--were inside the dungeon keep close and quiet watch around us as well. gobims are near probably already watching us.. if you see side paths let us know.. those are places they ambush un aware adventurers from..
nova nods keeping an eye out un knowingly pusling ora like a radar pulse. after a few hours nova yelps and puts up her shield up as an arrow flies out.
she whimpers and holds to valdederon as he lifts up his staff and unleases fire ball attacks burning 40 goblins at once thier scraches echoing through the cavernous dungon before falling silent more coming from the other directions as they are at a divergance point with 12 different tunnel openings…
valdederon--- well done nova--- now keep that shield up and let us fight…
draggo--- i wont let a single filthy creton touch you little pup.
nova---… im an adult already…no ..fair…
she pouts but does as shes told knowing she doesnt have any combat experiance and for the next few hours they fight on and off while going through and ending up finding a miltank tinged green with goblin blood and bits and pices evry were her eyes heavy with exaustion ..
valdederon-- nova go check them out ok.. check for injuries.. goblins use poisin so give the hatchlings and
nova rushes over as the miltank falls over into valdederons grasp panting body burning with fever having been fighting for days on end with little food and water..
draggo--- she doesnt look to hot.
valdederon--were lucky we got here when we did.. malnorusihed dehydrated.. dam it shes been holding of goblins alone for god knows how long..
nova--- the baby snivy are all healthy ..
draggo--- come over and help the miltank over here hun
valdederon.. can you speak hun.. whats your name
the miltank wheases and nods..
nina-- my name is nina.. please get the little ones out leave me.
valdederon bats her on the nose with his paw and sternly looks at her.
valdederon--- were here to get evryone out not just the snivy..
nova gives the miltank a pile of berries to eat while draggo stands guard at the entrance.
nina eats the berries and sits up as valdederon starts cleaning her furr then bandaging it up while nova helps were she can after a few minutes they all group up with the baby snivy who are all hungry
nova--- come on kids hold out paws .
valdederon--- we will be heading back to the guild via teleport… nina you might end up throwing up so fair warning
Draggo--- im ready to head back.
valdederon makes sure evryone then taps his badge in a flash evryone is inside the guild psychics lair and nina whimpers and holds her stomach but manages to hold it in before promptly passing out .
valdederon--- call for ever green we need him. urgently
the psychics nod and teleport evergreen who falls on his tail with a yelp and sees the week clutch of snivy and the week miltank and begins getting them taken care of having his assitants come dwon and carryi the miltank while he walks with the snivy.
nova--t..that w.was scary.
valdederon--- this was the lowest of low level dungeons we could take you on hun..from here on they only get harder and more dangerous… after a couple days rest we start more combat training when you can land a hit on me… then ill let you go with us on a dungeon were you can get some fighting experiance.. but you have to listen when we tell you to do somthing.
she nods and hugs his leg shaking heavily.
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seijorhi · 2 years
asymmetry asks <33
ily guys
Your fic for  haitani brothers was really unexpected. But I'm not complaining 'cause I love them so much. I already liked  crumble you showed  of them in "sink in the depth". Not pressure you but i hope to see more content about them later 🥵. I also hope also that reader can hold her liquor since i have a feeling Ran likes to make her drink
Btw I want to know haitani 's side story please 🙏🏽 .
when and why ran became interested in reader and why he forced reader to stay the first time they met, did he try to mess with her? And was rin ok to share his soulmate (ex-soulmate?) with his brother?  
Does reader really get a tattoo? I mean the tattoo artist must have asked her consent or seen that she didn't want to do it.
Sorry if it's too long but i'm really curious about it😆!
ran definitely likes plying her with drinks hehe 
but yeah ran essentially low key cyber stalked the reader; set up fake social media profiles/whatever to check up every now and then, at that point more out of curiosity than any real obsession. 
and the first time he actually meets her, he’s doing it because he wants to see her squirm and fight back tears while rin flat out ignores her – basically being a giant fucking dick for the sake of his own amusement. he wants to keep her around for rin’s sake too, because there’s a part of him – big brother intuition, if you will – that gets the sense that he’s not quite as uninterested as he’s letting on. 
of course that all spirals real quick, and ran starts developing his own very unhealthy fascination with the reader. i was working under a word limit so couldn’t include absolutely EVERYTHING i wanted to, but i did have ideas for a scene where ran pushes the boundaries a little, feeling the reader up or trying to get her to suck him off behind the bar, taunting her when she tries to refuse because her own soulmate’s currently mid way through fucking some other woman, and fair’s fair, right? 
or he’d ask her in front of rindou whether she thought they were supposed to be soulmates instead.
of course rindou’s more than aware of what’s going on with his brother, but there’s a healthy amount of respect (and a touch of fear) there. he has no problems sharing – once he finally admits he wants her in the first place, that is. 
as for the tattoo thing, yes they do make her go through with it. and you’d probably be right about the whole consent thing – if they were going to take her to a regular tattoo parlour, but they’ve got a friend who owns his own studio, the same guy who did their matching pieces, and he owes them a favour. he’s good, the discreet type. knows when to keep his mouth shut and look the other way.
Ahhhh your latest fic was to die for!!! Great work once again. I’m curious how do you think Rin feels knowing that the reader went through and got the mark removed? Is he pissed? do you think he’s just gonna make her get his name tattooed on again? Oh gosh the pain of getting it removed just to have it branded on her again would be so insane. 
rin was furious. begrudgingly impressed, perhaps, that she actually had the balls to go through with it, but beyond pissed. 
You're really making me want to watch tokyo rev just so i can know more about the characters. i dont even know much about it except there's gangs, i heard about it through you😮. they should thank you for the promo 
ya where is my cut of the profits wakui??? huh?? 
ghfjdkfghfjdks ah but that’s so nice of you to say! my goal is and has always been to convert as many people hahah. the fun thing about tokrev is that unlike haikyuu where all the characters i write about are, in canon, good, loving, genuine people, most of the tr characters have at least one timeline where they go off the walls so i’m really not stretching the truth that much hahaha
i will say if you do start the anime (and also you should definitely read the manga that’s where most of the good stuff is) you just have to get through the first few eps until the toman boys properly arrive. like no offence to takemichi and his friends but that’s when it gets interesting ghfdjkjvbhfjd
i think i remember you answered some asks before about how the miya twins share, but how do you think the haitanis are with it? thx<33 
not as competitive, i think. 
the haitani’s are a team, a brutal, effective unit. unlike the twins who fight on an even playing field, rindou defers to his brother’s authority when it matters, even if he isn’t thrilled about it. they’re more likely to tag team you though.
asymmetry was my favorite thing ive read this weekend! thank you for blessing us with it ❤️ 
ily nonnie thank you!
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twelverriver · 2 years
hi again! no prob :3 thank YOU for making it and thank you to chasingfictions for making a hell of a connection. i was wondering -- because back when i made edits (different blog different (pre-covid) times) i would usually analyze the heck out of whatever text i was using to compare to the characters. what was your thought behind the line "the best that i could offer was to miss your calls"? because we have miss (not intercept)/ miss (to feel the absence of), were you using one definition, both? the best that i could give you was to disappear? the best that i could give to you (while pushing you away) was to feel your absence acutely, to wish you were with me completely and i with you the same way? not necessarily expecting you to have an answer- once again, just curious. and i think that the ambiguity of the dream sequence also goes perfectly with the ambiguity of that line. "the best i could do was to pull away, to not listen when you called my name" "the best i could do was to love you, even as i tried to tear you apart" which really doesn't that describe them? buffy, begging faith to let her in. faith, running with all her might and hoping buffy will keep reaching for her all the same. (also "the most that i could give to you was nothing at all" as a line for faith makes me absolutely insane -- but also as a line for buffy. because these two met at a time where they were both so freshly traumatized that reaching out all the way to touch the other (metaphorically speaking) wasn't possible for either of them. the tragedy that if they had just reached a little further the other could have seen how loudly they cared.)
hi again! first of all, please know that your ask destroyed me in the best way possible - "the best i could do was to love you, even as i tried to tear you apart". help. @chasingfictions said:
oooh ok i love that ask -- personally i was thinking of it in a like, literally not receiving her calls sense? fuffy phone calls are a True and Real trope to me mostly bc of alittlebitmaybe my beloved's fuffy fic (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29335587), and that made me incorporate it into my own faith series. like there's something about faith and buffy orbiting each other so closely for a year straight but never being quite on the right alignment to meet in the middle. and then when buffy stabs faith it's like she knocks them both out of that orbit. they were once face to face so close they were almost fusing into one person and now the closest they have is continually missing each other by just a little bit each time -- meeting in dreams. meeting face to face but then immediately swapping bodies and separating again. reuniting after that in LA but they can't see each other as they truly are in that moment because there's too much between them. reuniting again in season 7 after years of disconnect and it's simply not what it was -- neither of them has a current conception of each other. and to me that translates into the transformative works trope of them communicating in strained phone calls in the interim between s4 and s7. but ALSO the other reading of "miss" is kind of destroying me?? /the best i could do was to pull away, not listen when you called my name / /the best i could do was to love you, even as i tried to tear you apart/ . personally i think it should be illegal to say that <3 to be honest this was one of the lines where i just went with what jaime said for it, however, i do think it's kind of literal in the way of we're not seeing faith for a longer time?? thanks for sending in that ask in <3
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sleepymim · 2 years
Writing Updates
Alrighty y’all, I’ve been meaning to do something like this for a while now but Twitter doesn’t really lend itself to longer texts, so I figured I’d do it over here. (I also briefly considered doing it on dreamwidth, but I still have no idea how that site works, so. If anyone wants to help me figure it out, I wouldn’t say no)
ANYWAY! This is really just supposed to be a more detailed writing update sort of post, where I tell you where I’m at with all the fics I’m writing or have been talking about over on Twitter. If you’re especially curious about any of these, feel free to ask away. 
A three chapter matchablossom fic. This is completely outlined, and considering how quickly I wrote the first chapter, I think I’ll get the other two done pretty quickly as well. Currently estimating it’ll be around 15k once it’s done. Hoping to have the whole thing up by the end of November.
by some miracle: 
I think I currently have about 2k of chapter 2 written? And another 2k of chapter 3. Finishing chapter 2 has been a real struggle, I’m not gonna lie. There’s one scene that’s been difficult to get the way I want it to be, but I’m really really hoping I can finish the chapter this month. I’ll definitely upload it before the end of the year. Feel free to hunt me down if I don’t. overall, this will probably be around five or six chapters, most of them around 5k in length, and it’s completely outlined, so I’m hoping updates will be quicker once chapter 2 is out of the way! 
to the stars: 
The next installment will not have any eggs (i know, disappointing), but it will have the story of how Levi and Erwin first met! This, too, is completely outlined - it’ll be three chapters, ca. 10-15k I think, and it’ll be my next priority once chapter 2 of by some miracle is done. I don’t want to make any promises, but maybe keep your eyes open for this one in January. (There will be, by my current estimation, about 20 installments in this series overall. Yes, I know that’s insane. No, I do not care. I can’t tell you at all how long it’ll take for this thing to be finished. Probably years. Oh well. I’m in this for the long haul)
anything else?
I don’t actually know! I think these are the most important ones right now, but I’m probably forgetting a bunch of stuff. After the next part of to the stars, I’ll try to finish by some miracle up asap, and then it’ll probably be Eruri Matchmaking season again, and I have a looooong list of fics of various lengths for various fandoms that I want to get to, but this is what to expect in the next few months (provided everything goes according to plan, which, let’s be real, it almost never does haha)
If you’re wondering about any other fics I’ve ever mentioned, feel free to ask me about them and I’ll tell you if they’re still happening or when they might be happening! Alright that’s all, bye!
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