#hive crew
beartitled · 1 month
Hi Bear!
I bring a weapon idea for you! (or your sona I'm not sure lmao)
I present to youuuuu
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The first one has HIVE-ish colour and the second one has colours that would go better with ur sona's colours (I think-)
I originally had idea that your sona could have a hammer but brain said nuh uh and went BATTLE AXE
I'm not very familiar with drawing weapons so it's very simplified skkskskksk
Feel free to add some details if you would like to :D
I can't get this out of my head so there's a chance I might doodle more ideas lmao
Now I shall dissappear and hyperfixate on weapons
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@braisedhoney @insomniphic @idunnowhattowriteheretbh
I’m so happy I was able to finish it and take my time to experiment with colours ✨✨
Big thanks to you CR2868✨
This was such a fun ask to answer, I hope you enjoyed the comic ❤️
Just letting you guys know
🐝Hive asks are always welcome🐝
I always enjoy doing fan content for the Hive, I love this cozy honey ship 🫵❤️
(They will take time to answer most of the time, but ya know 💥 art time comics lost of time 💥💥)
Reminding ppl that
Hive belongs to @braisedhoney
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If you’re new here and have no idea what Hive is
👉Check out @talesaboardthehive👈
Also in my navigation header you can find a bunch of silly comics I did for the Hive
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❗️smol reminder, my comics are not canon to the official Hive lore (only if Ney decides they are 🫡/ silly)
bumblebee puppy 🐝
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(I love him)
(he’s stinky, but I love him)
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insomniphic · 8 months
I’m on the HIVE (@braisedhoney’s blog au?? Universe??? Thingy????) grind— even during school man.
Anyways, first day of my part time job! Nothing could ever go wrong.
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braisedhoney · 1 year
Hey Cap’n! Crewmate C1242 reporting in! I’m a bit of a longtime crewmate but haven’t had the time to file a check in before. No substantial problems in bio, oxygen levels doing just peachy, and research is going mighty fine!
Hope you’re doing well! Me and some of the other bio boys are planning to get some coffee on break, care to join?
[File 8730 - Reporter C1242]
hey, thanks for checking in—happy to have you aboard!
glad to hear things are doing well in your sector—with how chaotic things have gotten elsewhere it's nice to have simple reports where nothing is going wrong. let me know if you guys need any extra hands on deck. i know analysis gets kinda tricky with the parameters we've set for samples.
i'd be happy to hop down and join you all for a bit—just gotta take care of a few incoming messages between then and now. in the meantime, enjoy your break!
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phonification · 8 months
carapacian hollow knight au has been simmering in a little corner in my brain for a while
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spacewreck51 · 1 month
Tech week over!
Now just 4 two-hour shows :,)))))
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msmargaretmurry · 6 months
music anon once again and very on theme with the whole. music anon she bang: I DIDNT KNOW DYLANS GOAL SONG WAS THE MIDDLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need to hug him and cheer on him !!!!!!!!!!!! might become a caps girlie just for him ngl
music anon i am so glad to have brought this devastating factoid to your attention!!! please enjoy and be inconsolable with the rest of us in dylan strome nation every time we think about it for ❤️
highly recommend becoming a caps girlie just for dylan strome. not because the caps are good this season (they're not) or because they're fannishly popular (they're not) but because team leading goal scorer dylan strome deserves your love and support. also they have some incredibly intricate rituals going on over there. they're very weird and i love them, and they love dylan. and the loyal citizens of caps nation are also coming to love him the correct amount. at the awful game on friday i bonded with a lady who had a strome stadium series jersey from last season because i have a strome reverse retro from last season and we were like, yes this is the correct energy to have about dylan strome, buying the jersey before they even signed him to that extention.
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frogenjoyer · 2 years
listening to the magnus archives the first time:
oh how random that jane prentiss says some guy named oliver looked at her sadly in a crystal shop
I guess the last person to return the boneturners tale was some guy named Michael Crew, I wonder who that is
huh some lady named Sarah Baldwin.
listening to the magnus archives for the second time: OH
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A lot of the reasons for why is Orellia doing what she’s doing is spite and anger and I like to think for a flash of a second when she encountered Hollow Ground that purely and PURELY because they were so cocky and confident, she was so ready to change her villain career path to mob boss just so she could do it better
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herethereverywhere · 1 year
making myself sad thinking about rachel going to the queen willingly by the way
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black-arms-hivemind · 2 years
I've got something special in ToTT that I'm going to keep secret until release hehehe
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
🌿 💁 For Ryfraf
🌿 : How do they feel about Mistletoe? Have they ever used it / had it used on them?
“I fucking love it. I put it up around the ship n then I A. get to see people Ignore it B. get to see people abuse it and C. KISS HOT PEOPLE. I mean I normally kiss hot people but this is an excuse to kiss them in public like REALLY nastily. I love kissing guys in front of people hahah. It’s fun. It pisses them off sometimes. Extra fun if you use the mistletoe as an excuse to grope them LOL. And it’s also a fun excuse to kiss people I’d normally not kiss lol. Like this one guy I work with who’s SO stuck up normally, but then I caught him under the mistletoe and gave him a fat kiss on the lips and he melted it was incredible.”
💁  : Would your muse work on Christmas if they had the option to?
“Fuck no????? Christmas is for lounging around and eating lots of food and getting fat and fucking people, I’m NOT fucking working on Christmas even if the government thinks they can fucking force me to. No. Fuck off. I live my own fucking life. No amount of overtime pay is worth me missing out on hanging out with my hive.”
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sparky-is-spiders · 7 months
So the thing with the Overseer is that he loves his family, and they’re all dead, and he needed to bring them back. And he reanimated the bodies but not the soul or the personality or whatever. And he’ll never be able to accept that it isn’t really them, because nothing comes back from death twice, and if he failed to bring them back the first time then everything he’s ever done has been for nothing, and they’re gone forever and he’ll never get them back. So they’re back to life (sort of) and they’re bonded with him (through necromancy, but also through the hive-minded nature of a group of grotles) and he loves them and they’re his family and they’ve always been these empty hollow husks and his mind and his fundamental belief systems are completely warped and wrapped around these ideas. And he’ll never let himself believe otherwise. He’ll lie and deny and twist himself in knots as long as it lets him believe. And he’ll never ever stop.
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kathaynesart · 2 months
If Leo can defeat his enemies easily by using the 'Portal Chop' move, wouldn't that mean he'll actually be the #1 priority for the whole Krang to kill when they spotted him? Even more so motivated to use their abilities to remove his ninpo to get rid of a 'bump on the road'?
Hehehe I’m glad someone asked! Yes he and his brothers are on the Krang’s most wanted list. But here’s the thing: only a few Krang are actually capable of sealing off mystic energy/ninpo. Specifically Krang 1. This is because there are different types of Krang with very different abilities (details under the cut).
To answer your question plainly, since Krang 1 is one of the few that can seal off the Ninpo powers, that has left the two sides at a stale mate. The turtles are DANGEROUS, and could do some lethal damage to Krang 1, but if Krang 1 gets the drop on them it’s all over for the turtles. Both sides KNOW this. What’s more I’ve given Krang 1 a weakness that he can only use this ability every so often. So he’d need to get the brothers all together in one fell swoop otherwise it leaves him vulnerable. For this reason the brothers seldom fight as all full set when in close proximity to him (another reason why Donnie normally stays back at HQ).
So we’ll have to wait and see how that pans out. Hope that answered your question. For those interested in the Krang types you can check out my ramblings under the cut:
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Sister Krang is a Brawler Type. She’s the most violent of the three, the strongest outside of her mech, and can keep going even after receiving a number of life threatening hits.
Brother Krang is an Infester Type. He can only speak through the people he’s infested, is physically weak, and goes down easily in battle. However he’s considered far more dangerous because of his ability to easily infest and transform prey to become part of the Krang hive mind. Infesters are also the tech crew and are best suited to drive the ships.
Krang 1 is a Prime Type, the rarest and most well rounded of the three. He has the brains and the brawn. Master tactician who can read the minds of his prey. He’s a powerful fighter (especially in his mech), and is able to use his connection to Empyrean to seal off mystic abilities such as Ninpo. While the Krang is considered a hive mind the Prime is the one in the driver seat as well as the “face man.” Normally there is only one or two Prime Types at a time.
From these three I’ve spawned several more types (including the Fighter type that end up killing Leo in the end) but I’ll save that for a proper Krang hierarchy post in the future.
If you’ve gotten this far thanks for reading my TED Talk.
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braisedhoney · 1 year
I’ve been here for a bit, and uh…
(*Indistinct blob noises*)
…Remember the space goop from last time?
Yeah, uh. It’s attached now.
(Please tell me this is just a prank from the Doc…)
(*Happy blob blobbing*)
…I don’t mind, just. Probably not good.
Please ignore any weird blob noises… what’s the protocols for this? I dunno if touching it is a good idea…
I should probably get going now before this causes any havoc.
Signing off,
Crewmate #2486
(OOC: On another note! I’m going to try and learn how to draw because damnit all the artists here deserve the world- you included!
Hopefully my wrists won’t hate me for this… Also, is it okay if I do connected asks such as this? If not, that’s okay! Thank you for the art, as always!)
ohhh no. yeah, that's probably something you're going to want to head to medbay to have checked out. i'm pretty sure that, despite his best efforts, the doc is uh. still not great at knowing what is and isn't safe for human crewmates aboard the ship. also he might be experimenting again, and we all know what can happen when he does that. head down, i'll let them know to set up a quarantined ward for you until we get it all sorted out.
and i'll have a word with the doc. he can't keep getting away with this—
best wishes (and good luck),
cap'n ney
(hey, that's incredible!! drawing is hell on the wrists but if you keep conscious of it and make sure to take breaks, you'll be alright. i'm bad at that part but do as i say, not as i do.)
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victoriadallonfan · 3 months
Having re-watched Alien (1979) and Aliens (1985), I think I've realized what went wrong with the further expanded film universe on a thematic level (this is not accounting for AVP films, which seem to exist within their own continuity atm).
The main issue is that these films made 2 intertwining mistakes:
Making the Xenomorph too animalistic
Removing the mystery of space
For the first part, Alien and Aliens are quite vague about the Xenomorph mind. Alien treats it almost like a serial killer at times, including a particularly interesting moment where it disregards Jones the Cat entirely, despite making a very easy target, and how it will sometimes meander up to the crew as if it knows it's inflicting terror upon them. This Xenomorph even seems to only flee when Parker goes to kill it with a knife and hides within the evac shuttle when it realizes that Ripley was going there as well.
Aliens forgoes this in favor of showing how terrifying their numbers are even in the face of superior (if greatly mislead) fire power, but then pulls the rug under our protagonists by (seemingly) cutting the power and testing the endurance of the auto-turrets. While the drones are not individually as intelligent as the original xenomorph from the first film, this is instead given to the Queen, who understands not only the danger Ripley poses to her Hive but hostage negotiations of the most blunt variety. And, of course, incredible spite and vengeance when Ripley burns her eggs.
Basically, the two films do a good job of making you wonder... how sapient and sentient are the Xenomorphs? Do we take Ash's word and think of them as simply Hostile Weapons or do we see them for the adaptable and complex - if instinct guided - parasites just trying to protect their hive? This is further food for thought when we learn that one of the cut endings would have had the Xenomorph kill Ripley, tentatively use the shuttles control panel, and speak into the intercom with Dallas voice (ala Predator).
Imo, that goes too far into making them human, but we'll circle back to that later. The point is that the Xenomorph is never clearly one thing or another, but rather, something that constantly foils our attempts to understand them completely.
Aliens 3, Alien: Resurrection, Prometheus, and Alien: Covenant fail in that regard, because they take the firm stance that the Xenomorph is... an animal. A very, very, dangerous and hostile animal but an animal nonetheless. It's not some vague horror that we struggle to comprehend and reason with, because all the facts (as they are for now) are laid out: the Xenomorphs are weaponized animals that just kill, reproduce, and kill etc etc.
Nothing is entirely new about the Xenomorphs in these movies (beyond the forms and one part of Covenant, but we'll circle back to that as well), but rather trying to recapture the formula of Alien and Aliens. And even when the film isn't necessarily about the Xenomorphs like Prometheus, it still goes out of its way to copy the play by play of Alien to an almost hilarious degree (except, somehow, having a cast entirely of stupid scientists).
The Xenomorph is used as a toll for the films to talk more about the human threats who would use them, which is fine, except the same message of "Weyland-Yutani wants Xenomorphs, They Failed" over and over again (except I guess for Alien: Resurrection, but that had Walmart as a plot point so...) gets tedious. It's not longer about the folley of mankind, but rather this one company led by a man (or Android?) who keeps fucking up.
Ditto goes for the second part: removing the mystery from space. Alien and Aliens treat the Space Jockey and other (non-Xenomorph) alien life at an arms distance. They are large, grand, ominous, and vaguely defined. We don't know much about WY in either movie, nor how much is them knowing versus independent people within the company (Burke mentions cutting out his own bosses for profit for example, and Bishop the company Android is heroic and horrified at the situation they are all in, a big difference to Ash). The Xenomorphs having a Queen was a huge reveal, because we literally had no idea until then if those were actual eggs or simply pods artificially created.
Aliens 3 tries to add some mystery with the prison colony, but it's also hamfisted and given a lot of exposition to explain the situation they are in, but I will give it kudos for making Weyland (???) look like Bishop as a twist. Aliens: Resurrection... yeah, no.
Prometheus and Alien Covenant gave us a plethora of seeming mysteries, but also gives us really super simple answers. Basically, Space Jockeys are just super humans seeding life across the planets and they wanted to bomb Earth into oblivion because we killed Jesus Christ (who was a Space Jockey). And one of our androids then - possibly - goes to their home planet and bombs them to oblivion thus wiping out the human race. And they made Xenomorphs yadda yadda.
Prometheus in particular seems to despise the idea of space being a mystery, with the conversation David has with a scientist being plainly spelled out as the theme of the film: "Sometimes, humans/space jockeys just build shit, and it goes wrong I guess. No gods or mysteries here, just hubris."
Which, if handled well, is still a fascinating idea (I think it's a pretty interesting 'take-that' against the stupidity of Ancient Alien Conspiracy Theorists)... but it's not handled well. At all. And certainly doesn't work well when trying to write Xeno-Horror.
So, what COULD work?
Well, I think we need to look at how Alien and Aliens made the Xenomorphs, Space Jockey's, and Space itself all work.
For the xenomorphs, I think back to one scene I actually thought was interesting in Alien: Covenant; as a chestburster is born from a hapless scientist, it lays its eyes (???) on David and replicates his movements, mimicking the first living thing it witnesses. Nothing is ever done with this (of course), but think about the potential that could be used! Plenty of animals like crows, ravens, dolphins, octopi, killer whales etc etc can use mimicry in voices and actions, and that includes things like tool-use! And of course, the fact that they take on new forms from hosts helps with that.
For the Space Jockey's: scrap them. They had their time, the mystery is basically solved. Show us new and different alien civilizations long past. Were they also victims of the Xenomorphs? From some other threat entirely? Surely, there are extraterrestrial predators out there that don't follow the Xenomorph formula. Why not have them share the splotlight, with just as little explanation?
For space itself: stop with trying to recapture Alien and Aliens. Alien: Isolation is the only successor specifically because of the format of the medium. Alien and Aliens rely heavily on the shock factor of sudden reveals. Remove that, and you are given "bug hunt" games and movies ala discount Starship Trooper. Focus more on making human space feel almost alien and beyond our understanding as well, but just enough that we can recognize the purpose that we would have them for our society.
How I would write an Alien Story:
(This would all be backstory and setup for the actual story)
I would set it within a colony satellite with an explicit task: a skyscraper ecological time-capsule for deep space experimentation of wildlife.
It would have levels, with humans situated at the second uppermost and an AI as the manager at the top level of the satellite, with all the other animals in different levels fit for their habitats (including some non-earth, non-xenomorph aliens). It's a religious sponsored and run organization, offshoots of [Insert Church Here] that is trying to get good press with cutting edge AI and biological research.
The prize is an alien lifeform that looks like a cross between a crocodile and a panther. Usually docile when fed, it has been growing more and more agitated, harming several workers on the job. Most assume it may be some late-stage degenerative disease within it's brain.
Not all things are as it seems, as at the bottom of the station, a location no one but a select few faithful engineers are sent to maintain, a pod is damaged. A young attendant watches in shock and horror as a bloody and maimed chest burster crawls out of the pod, possibly having injured itself to burn through the lock. The creature is mewling in pain, but the young attendant makes a choice: leaving food, water, and blanket for the creature. Watching as the creature watches them, before going to feast. All under the gaze of a camera.
The xenomorph grows and grows, eating more, getting bolder and allowing its "caretaker" to feel more comfortable. Soon it begins to recognize certain sounds as they pray when he feasts, and association occurs. One day, its hiss sounds suspiciously like "Lord".
This is when the young attendant reaches out to higher, but trusted, priests to share this miraculous revelation. The first one is shocked, terrified, but intrigued as the creature mimics words like "Lord" and "Mighty". Barely audible, some would say hallucinatory, but they believe they can here this humanoid creature speak their language.
The second is equally shocked, terrified, but listens and becomes a believer.
The third one does not believe. Rightfully horrified and full of questions. Their arguments in front of the beast escalate into violence and when the young attendant shoves the priest to the ground, it is the Xenomorph that pounces. Blood is shed. the creature rises in front of it's faithful, and the Xenomorph uses the same sounds it heard over the fight. Lord. Mighty. Here-tik.
They can't be delusional or driven by guilt! This is a sign... right? This creature is speaking to them!
The faith grows. Never large. Can't risk word getting out or people noticing too many missing priests. The satellite is just barely large enough that people can excuse going missing for a few days between objectives.
But key individuals are brought in. The creature is worshiped. Animal offerings are delivered. It's changing, slowly. Growing larger (not a Xenomorph Queen, it's too maimed, but adapting to a steady diet).
Things might have escalated, had one of the priests killed not had an estranged sibling/spouse/loved one who had the pull to make a formal investigatory complaint.
The investigator arrives with his repertoire, this supposed garden of eden in deep space, none the wiser to what he would uncover. (Again, this would be the backstory, not revealed except through character investigations and evidence found during that. Defeats the purpose if it's spelled out like this).
It would play with the idea of how sapient/sentient the Xenomorphs are (do they care? do they understand? if not, why act like this? if yes, what does this mean for their continued slaughter), how much one puts into faith versus delusions, and leaves lingering questions: who put the xenomorph on the ship, why is the AI so complicit with the deaths and disappearances, and why is the one non-xenomorph alien acting so dangerously agitated despite being far away from the xenomorph's quarters?
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