#hizashi yamada headcannons
worriedjackal · 6 months
My headcannon Present Mic design
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Shouta: you love me
Hizashi: I would literally sell you for a glass of water
Shouta: last night you fixed my blankets, plugged in my phone, and kissed my forehead.
Hizashi: you... you weren't asleep?
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primedeathreship · 7 days
Please tell me we're gonna get Aizawa and Hizashi reacting to Midnights death.
They were classmates weren't they.
That would be cool if Kurogiri would react to her death so Shirakumo would wake up
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aboyinthebox · 9 months
ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ: ᴍʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ
Hizashi Yamada | Aizawa Shōta | Toshinori Yagi
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• He acts happy and excited all the time but when he's alone he's crushed by the overwhelming loneliness and self loathing
• He thinks he's really annoying
• He's good at lip reading
• He is good at imitating sounds and some voices
• Know the ASL
• He knows when to shut up
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• He gets annoyed easily
• When he gets embarrassed he hides his face under his capture bandages
• He picks up every stray cat he meets on the street and takes it home
• He can sleep anywhere but is not a heavy sleeper
• He takes notes about his students to figure out how to help them improve
• Espresso corrected with cognac or possibly Sambuca.
• He doesn't like sweets but always carries some candy with him
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• When he's sad he would like to lay down on the grass and look at the sky but he never does it
• It always feels like it's too much
• He often holds back from coughing to avoid frightening anyone with any bleeding
• He gets attached easily
• He's a good cook
• He's not good with technology
• Often he would like a hug
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
How You Two Sleep - BNHA (pt 2)
Keigo Takami
As the number two hero, he would probably have very little free time and would probably cherish his time with you, his wings would make cuddling positions pretty limited, but you can bet that wouldn't get in his way!
~ Takami stumbled into the apartment, trying desperately to be quiet to avoid waking you, his day had been long, he wanted nothing more than to go home and be in your arms, but The Commission decided he would be best on night patrol as well. ~ So here he was, struggling to stay awake as he finally gets home at three in the morning. ~ As he made his way to your shared room, he was stripping out of his heavy hero costume, thinking he would take care of the clothes strewn through the apartment when he wakes up. ~ Getting into your room, he sees you, sleeping peacefully, hoping he had avoided waking you. ~ Gently laying himself down on his side, he wrapped his strong arms around your waist, pulling you against him, your back to his chest. He curls his wings around the both of you, leaving a sweet kiss on your shoulder as he settles against your body, quickly losing consciousness.
Aizawa Shouta
We know this man loves sleep, probably because he doesn't get much of it. He's up most nights on patrol and then has to teach in the morning and then will come home and grade papers until late. Any chance he has to sleep, he'll take it and bring you with him!
~ Finally, summer vacation, Shouta wouldn't have to deal with children for another two months. Hallelujah. ~ He would still have patrol but he got the week off like he did at the end of every school year. He would spend this week the same way he'd spent it last year. Sleeping. ~ The only difference from last year, to this one, was that now you were in the picture. You were the newest member of staff, helping Recovery Girl in the infirmary. ~ Walking into your shared apartment, you had moved in recently, so there were still boxes everywhere that you were currently unpacking. ~ "Shouta! Welcome home!" You cheered, Shouta swore he felt his heart melt, he smiled, said hello and the two of you sat down with the cats for dinner. ~ As soon as that was over, Shouta gently took you by the wrist and pulled you towards the bedroom, tucking you in before getting comfortable himself. ~ His preferred position for sleep was on your chest, it was just so comfortable there! ~ So with his head on your chest, his arms around your waist and your legs tangled, he fell into restful sleep.
Toyomitsu Taishiro
I can picture Fatgum losing a lot of energy after he comes home from patrol, either a quiet one or a fight, he would want nothing more than to get comfy with you, in any way!
~ Taishiro came home exhausted, most of the heroes did, but he was still so pumped to see you! ~ He'd brought home a bunch of different take outs and snacks (cause the baby can eat a lot!) and he settled down with you on the couch, the two of you barely talking, preferring to be quiet when you both come home. ~ After eating and talking softly about your days, you had both settled down into bed. ~ Taishiro would prefer your head on his chest, even when he isn't using his quirk, he's still pretty tall and broad, and he likes the idea of being able to protect you even in your sleep. ~ I feel like Taishiro would wake up in the middle of the night often, either from nightmares from his job, worrying about his kids (Tamaki and Kirishima, yay Dadgum) or because he was hungry. ~ You didn't mind him waking up in the night for food, as long as he didn't eat in bed, whilst there wasn't any food left, crumbs attract ants! There had been issues…
Usagiyama Rumi
Rumi loves to be cuddled, as much as she wants to prove that she's strong, and she is, she loves being taken care of! So I can imagine her being similar when it comes to home life and sleeping!
~ When Rumi comes home to the smell of dinner already on the table, she can't help but swoon, she'd loved it since you moved in! ~ Dinner was lovely, but she wanted to get to the good bit! ~ Cuddles! (What were you guys thinking?) ~ I feel like the majority of your time with Rumi would be cuddling, in every position, but she would prefer being the little spoon, you behind her, cuddling around her waist. ~ But when you're sleeping, it's a bit different, the two of you cuddled up in bed, but even when sleeping, Mirko is still Mirko, filled with energy! ~ She would move around, probably bringing you with her, as she slept, physically lifting you and rotating the positions when she wanted, hope you're a heavy sleeper!
Kayama Nemuri
I honestly feel like Nemuri would be completely the opposite at home, than she would be in public. I feel like it would be very rare for her to be cuddly, even in the comfort of her own home.
~ When Nemuri came home from working long days at the school, or long nights on patrol, she would usually want to be left alone. ~ She loved you with all her being, but sometimes, she did just want to be on her own. ~ So she would eat what had been left over from the lovely dinner you'd cook (or order in) and then have a bubble bath, which she tended to do most days. ~ After a little pampering and treatment to keep herself looking young (though you assured her she looked gorgeous, you told her almost everyday), she would sneak into bed, smiling when she saw you sleeping, soft breath leaving your lips. ~ She would lay beside you, admiring you for a while, before beginning to drift off herself. ~ Getting herself comfortable, she would slide a little closer to you, not completely touching, but close enough. ~ She would leave a kiss on your forehead, seeing you stir ever so slightly, choosing to rest her own head against yours. ~ She fell into a contented sleep. ~ Though she would wake up with you a lot closer, usually cuddling into her chest.
Yamada Hizashi
Okay! Loud Boy! I feel like Hizashi would be SUPER cuddly, like, being on top of you, wouldn't be close enough, but he would damn well try!
~ It hadn't taken Hizashi long to get home, he was far too excited, he would run the whole way if he could, be he knew you wouldn't cuddle him if he was all hot and sweaty, so he casually jogged home. ~ Once he got there, you were sat on the couch, reading a book you had borrowed from Shouta, running over to you, he would be completely ready to glomp you, when you lifted a hand to stop him. ~ He stood, almost like he had been paused on a screen. ~ You finished the page you were on and marked it, placing it down and settling back in the cushions comfortably, giving your excitable love the all clear. ~ Letting out an excited shout (that had you covering your ears), he jumped into your awaiting arms, getting himself just as comfortable. ~ There would probably be small breaks between cuddling, for food and showers, then he'd be back in your arms, soft and sweet. ~ If we're being honest, that's probably where the two of you would drift off most of the time, Hizashi laying on top of you, head in your chest, arms around you and your fingers running through his hair (now not so pointy).
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freyrmichokolatte · 1 year
Rooftop Squad headcanons because they deserve the world (plus Alive!Oboro)
Shouta is the shortest while Oboro is the tallest (Shortzawa)
Oboro's fashion style is Art Hoe, Summer, and Vintage Pilot Aethetic. Hizashi's style is Neon and Daft punk while Shouta's is soft grunge or anything with sweaters, hoodies, and other baggy clothes. You already know Nemuri's, Tensei would dress up like those responsible smart rich dads
Other than cats, Oboro would also bring other small critters in his cloud like birds and puppies (He brought a ferret with him once, where did he find it? Only God knows)
Shouta and Tensei are the most responsible, thus claimed as "The parents" by the rest (despite their protest)
Shouta and Tensei are platonic soulmates and are in a queerplatonic relationship u can't tell me otherwise
Hizashi is a youtuber and twitch streamer, they all moved into a large apartment and the first time one of the squad accidentally interrupted his streams is when Shouta came back from patrol and went face first to the couch (Hizashi had to stream on the living room because his room hasn't been properly renovated yet)
Shouta has a younger sibling the same age as (baby) Tenya. He and Tensei would schedule playdates for them
Tensei likes fruit salads
All the boys carry a menstruation bag with them incase Nemuri got her period unexpectedly
Nemuri and Oboro likes to make crotched cat clothes and gived some of them to Shouta
Hizashi drinks Monster Energy
Shouta and Tensei are hardcore book nerds and would spend hours talking about Percy Jackson and Magisterium
They're all multilingual; they use this skill to talk shit about everyone and everything in front of people just to fuck with their heads and make them go mad
Oboro has a collection of crocs and limited additon crocs in a small special room
Hizashi has hard hearing so they all learned sign language for him
Shouta is clingy when either drunk or he didn't get any sleep for days. He'll cling onto the closest person he knows like a koala. This first happened when the boys finished their final periodical test on 3rd year and he clung into Hizashi like his life depends on it
^^^The class took some pictures for memories because that is a fucking rare sight right there
They have movie nights every Wednesday and make a pillow fortress for the fun (It was Nemuri's idea)
It's normal for Nemuri to be catcalled but a guy took it too far so Shouta smashed his head with a tray
^^^The guy got concusion and almost got expelled for catcalling. Shouta didn't got into detention because that fucker is good at acting
Oboro, Tensei, and Nemuri are theater kids
Shouta doesn't look like it, but he's the most hyperactive kid alive. Bro's so talented he did parkour at a young age and knows how to shoot a gun at 11
They call eachother nicknames :) Nemuri: Nemi, Uri Shouta: Shou, Shouchan (Courtesy of Oboro and Nemuri) Hizashi: Zashi Oboro: Boro, Obi (Courtesy of Shouta) Tensei: Sei
Shouta and Tensei bought 3 dog leash for the 3 hooligans. You don't fucking know what those three might do if the other two aren't there to supervise
Hizashi came up with a dumb idea that probably got them arrested and Tensei just said what the hell let's do it. Shouta during the scene: FUCKING TRAITOR-
Nemuri planned an after graduation party for the boys by giving them free tickets to Hawaii
Even as adults, they still cause trouble. But it's very minor now
Since Tensei is paralyzed from the waist to down, most of their hangouts would be at cafes and malls just so he wouldn't feel left out
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keepingupwithkarasuno · 10 months
Erasermic adoption au and it’s just that bobs burgers episode where Tina rats out Louis for the trading cards like:
Mic: you told on your bother?
Denki: we were gonna get in more trouble and all might is huge and ):<
Aizawa: You went against the family denks you never go against the family! I would have taken him for you
Mic: okay shou that’s a bit dramatic
Midoryia glaring at denki through the car window where he’s refused to get out of
Denki: ): I’m sorry izu ):
Denks: what does that even mean?!
Shoto: can we have soba for dinner? I’m hungies
Katsuki: can you talk like a normal fucking person please
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starandcloud · 9 months
Present Mic Headcannons
Hizashi Yamada
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His favorite time of the year is actually winter
He likes the mountains
Hizashi's cute best friend moment is definitely when he gave Shouta his sweater and bought his favorite Candy, a very cute moment
Yamada will drum his fingers or bounce his knee when he's anxious or worried
He's definitely a doodler
I can see Hizashi being a Bi-romantic and a Asexual
He goes to Shouta for comfort, those two trauma-bonded
Yamada is HUGE on physical touch, it's a comfort thing for him
He's easy to make jealous
As mature as a 12 year old boy
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thelustdevil · 2 years
Working at a coffee place really fuels those café au’s in my head...
…in honor of that, here’s what some of the boys would order from my shop!
Part Two: Goodies!
Hitoshi S.
This man gets redbulls, idc what anyone else says. Lavender huckleberry lemonade. But if he’s craving coffee, an americano with cinnamon and almond milk.
Denki K.
Blended mango (purée) & passion fruit lemonade, he likes the sweetness and the crunch from the ice. If he wants something creamy he gets a blended matcha.
Katsuki B.
He enjoys cinnamon lattes, hot with the cinnamon either pulled with the shot or steamed into the milk. On hot days he gets black tea, iced with SF blackberry. (Two pumps only)
Izuku M.
This sweet sweet boy enjoys smoothies! Peach is his go to, if he’s feeling adventurous he’ll add strawberry. If it’s cold he likes white hot coco with a pump of peppermint.
Shoto T.
Tea? Tea. Sometimes he’ll ask the barista what tea they like. Does he pick their suggestions? Rarely. He’s a creature of habit. Chamomile tea with honey and cantaloupe if it’s iced. If not, honey and a little lemonade steamed in is perfect.
Eijirou K.
Sometimes he follows denki’s lead and gets a lemonade. Usually strawberry purée with peach. If not he likes a nice iced latte. A pump of vanilla and a pump of cheesecake. Almond milk!
Hanta S.
Sero likes iced teas, usually on the sweeter side. He will experiment, combining different flavors and add-ins. So far peach, raspberry and orange juice with black tea is his favorite.
Tenya I.
Our orange spice tea is a favorite of his. Hot or iced, with a bit of raw sugar. Just a packet or two. If it’s out, jasmine green tea is okay.
He doesn’t go to coffee shops the fuck. Mans drinks kraken out of a mug with a little bit of cold brew. Though he learned what cold foam was and sometimes likes to add it.
Caramel macchiato when he feels fancy. If not some good lemonade is a nice second. Or a peach Italian soda, or-
Mirio T.
Nejire introduced him to iced oatmilk lavender lattes and he was into it. He used to stay away from coffee, he wasn’t into the bitterness. But now it’s his go to.
Tamaki A.
Sweet shy angel enjoys a simple vanilla raspberry steamer when he doesn’t crave caffeine. When he does have coffee, a raspberry white mocha never fails.
Shota A.
Black coffee with amaretto or Irish cream. Hitoshi once brought him a huckleberry redbull and occasionally he’ll get that.
Hizashi Y.
He loves to try the new monthly drinks. He’ll settle on a favorite and continually order it until the next month’s drinks. However a latte from last Spring stuck with him. Toasted coconut macchiato.
*based on my view of them & their personalities*
Let me know if you want to see the girls next!!
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thatonefatgumsimp · 2 years
Quick EraserMic hc (cuz I'm bored and I just thought of it randomly):
Sometimes when he's tired, wants attention, misses Mic, a mix of two, or all three of those, Aizawa sits in Mic's lap with his head on his shoulder and Mic lightly rubs his scalp with his fingertips (like you do with a cat! 😊)
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wolf-nir · 9 months
bnha headcanons: present mic
Here's a list of headcanons for Yamada Hizashi - Present Mic I've never used and never will, but I don't want to leave them sitting on the shelf:
Present Mic is part of the punk scene. He discovered the genre at some point in high school and simply decided to adapt his whole style to it. Cue the sickening amount of leather and combat/plataform boots in his wardrobe.
He has at least two battle vests that he customized himself and one that he modified to use with his hero-suit; and a huge collection of buttons that make reference to the punk scene of the pre-quirk era.
After graduating from U.A., Hizashi was the lead singer of a punk band for a few years before retiring from his career due to his inability to consolidate his hero work and his hangover after gigs.
He and his band had some success in the alternative scene and sold a few hundred albums, but they never made the popular music charts or played concerts in large stadiums, even though he was a well-known hero.
Present Mic's most precious and rare hero merchandise is actually his band albums or photos from his time as lead singer. The teachers at the U.A each have a copy of one of his signed albums - yes, even Nedzu.
Nemuri has at least two photo albums full of pictures of Mic drunk, half-naked or being arrested during the only tour his band has ever done.
A little extra:
The only ones who seem to know about Present Mic's "dark past" from class 1-A are Midoriya (obsessed with heroes, duh) and Jirou (her parents are fans of the band and are one of the lucky few who have managed to get their hands on one of his albums).
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hizashi-lover193 · 2 years
Tag list: @frostburn-shoto @imloudafsocoveryourears
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Present Mic loves physical contact. He especially loves it when you fall asleep on him. One time, you fell asleep on him on the couch, and he stayed on that couch. He didn't move one inch.
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priarity · 1 year
headcanon: mic has the ultimate earth shattering dad sneeze
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wigglywispy · 2 years
Aizawa Headcanon
Is a couple of hc that I have on my mind 。◕‿◕。
⚠️Tw: homofobia
Shouta lived in a modern house with his parents and his old brother
His parents used to travel a lot for work and the most part of the time it was just him and his brother
Shouta was not so open with his parents but he was very communicative with his brother
When he joined UA and met his friends, he even became more open with his parents and was willing to change his relationship.
But when he started dating Hizashi in sophomore year his parents started being openly homophobic towards him, they were even rude in Hizashi's presence.
His parents forced him to break up with Hizashi but he couldn't do that, after much crying, his older brother convinced him that he should lie to his parents about the breakup.
Shouta was always afraid of his parents and always obeyed them blindly, this decision was a bit hard to accept after years of harsh discipline but he did it
With the money from the hero internships he amassed during his years at UA, he moved into a small apartment not as modern as his old home when he graduated.
After moving he took his relationship with Hizashi to his parents and after so many insults he cut ties with them but he keeps talking to his brother and on some special dates of the year he stays with Shouta, Hizashi and their children, Hitoshi and Eri
Sorry if something is spelled wrong, English is not my first language. ❤️‍🩹 enjoy!
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littletealights · 2 years
head canon that kayama didn’t know how to wink until her second year debuted and snipe and rooftop gang tease her about it constantly
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Okay, so hear me out
What if Hizashi is actually really blunt and to the point at home or without other civilians around and Aizawa is just is actually really just shy.
Hizashi: kid, are you spending the night at your friends house
The kid(s) they adopted (whomever that may be): no. Why?
Hizashi: because we’re having sex.
Kid and Aizawa: *extreme blush*
Kid: BYE!
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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