#hk tips
dooblebugss · 3 months
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this idea wouldnt leave my head
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dairyfreenugget · 4 months
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(Alt text under read more)
Refreshed their design and reference sheet a tiny bit :] Still unsure about the pupils, but we'll see if I keep them. They're meant to be barely visible anyways so I can just not draw them if I don't feel like it
ID start: A reference sheet for a human version of The Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight. Most of their skin is pitch black save for their white face, which has freckles and a small mole under their left eye. Their skin turns black right under their bone cheeks, and combined with their horns makes their face resemble the shape of their mask in-game. Their white hair is long and kept in a high ponytail. Their long bangs almost completely cover the right side of their face. On the left side of the reference sheet there are some close-up of their body parts and text describing the following traits: They're digitigrade, with long elf ears, sharp claws, and teeth with two sets of fangs, three spurs on the back of their forearms, a short spiky tail and almost pitch black eyes with only a small dark blue pupil visible. They have no true tongue and use void tendrils as a substitute. When shined on, their pupils widen and get brighter. They're wearing a white shirt with frilly popped up collar and frilly puffy sleeves ending with cuffs, and the sleeves have buttons around the spikes on their arm to make it easier to put on. The shirt is embroidered with various light blue and red floral patterns on the shoulders and around the collar. They're wearing dark blue pants with a blue cloth belt tied to the lest side and black leather shoes modified for their digitigrade stance. Behind their left ear, they have a small white flower with a pink hand red centre and two small green leaves. On the left of them are labelled colour swatches, and above that are their pronouns, "They/them it/its". End ID.
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nonuggetshere · 9 months
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(ID start: A species reference sheet for a fan interpretation of a wyrm from Hollow Knight. The animal in the picture is long and snake-like with sharp layered scales in the rows of three, vaguely resembling a pinecone in appearance. It has a cone-shapes muzzle that tappers in the end split into 6 sections, between each section there's an eye further up the head, 6 eyes total. It has two tiny front arms further down its body and multiple sets of hind legs resembling these of a centipede running from lower part of its body all the way to the tip of its tail. It's brown with its belly being a lighter shade, with light green eyes, pinkish eyelids and lips, and cream claws. On the top left corner of the picture there's text that reads: "Common Wyrm. Climate: Highly adaptable, but does best in arid and temperate climates. Diet: Carnivore." On the right side of the wyrm's head there's a close-up of the eye, showing its slightly milky colour and a white pupil, next to it the text reads: "Functionally blind, can only see light and vague shapes". In the middle top section of the picture there's a diagram showing the wyrm's mouth in more detail. On the left, a picture shows its mouth closed and where the hard armouring of its body ends and soft flesh of its lips and eyelids begins. On the right, a picture of its mouth open shows the different parts of its jaws, the front jaws split into 6 ections with large front facing teeth used for digging and fighting and its lips drawn back to reveal them, inside the larger jaw is a smaller set of mandibles split into 4 sections used for eating. In the top right corner is a black silhouette of the wyrm, The Hollow Knight and The Knight, the text reads: "Size comparison to the Pure Vessel and The Knight". The Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel reaches the wyrm's lower chest, while The Knight is roughly the size of the wyrm's forearm. On the right side of the picture there are close ups of the wyrm's front and hind limbs. The one labelled "Front paws" shows its stubby, segmented paw with 5 fingers and long, sharp claws. The one labelled "Hind legs" shows a one-clawed segmented leg resembling that of a centipede. Right below the wyrm, in the middle bottom part of the picture, there's text that reads: "Many hind legs, good for holding (prey, courting and brood rearing)". End ID.)
Pinecone looking ass
I originally wanted to just make every sub-species of wyrm I came up with and post them all at once but then I started drawing the different morphs and realises I couldn't do that LMAO
Also my toxic trait is forgetting to post my art here if I don't so it immediately after finishing it💜
More info + different morphs under the cut
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(ID: A picture depicting 4 wyrms, text on the top of the picture reads: "Common Wyrm morphs". Text in the middle reads: "(more saturated colours and very dark/light colours are rare)". The first wyrm, labelled "Solid", is a solid sandy colour with subtle darker gradient on the head, tail and back, green eyes, light pink lips and eyelids, and cream claws. The second wyrm, labelled "Two-tone", is a dusty brown colour with a lighter brown underbelly, a more visible dark gradient on its head, back and tail, amber eyes, dark pink lips and eyelids, and dark grey claws. The third wyrm, labelled "Point", is a pink colour that slowly turns into dark brown further up its head and down its tail, with yellow eyes, warm pink lips and eyelids the same colour as its main body, and brown-ish grey claws. The forth wyrm, labelled "Horizontal stripes", is a dusty, dark brown colour with a dark brown stripe running down its side, black thin stripes run down its body, one along its back and two on either side of the large brown stripe, it has green eyes, dark pink flesh and grey claws. End ID.)
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(ID: A picture depicting 4 wyrms, text on the top of the picture reads: "Common Wyrm morphs". Text in the middle reads: "(more saturated colours and very dark/light colours are rare)". The first wyrm, labelled "White back", is a vibrant orange colour that turns lighter on its head, a black stripe running on the side of its body and a creamy white back, with dark pink flesh, light grey eyes and light greyish cream claws. The second wyrm, labelled "Stripped point", is a vibrant yellow colour that turns brownish gold on its head and tail, stripped front paws and a stripped head, a brown stripe that runs down its side and gets lighter further down its body, cutting off at its front paws and beginning again from their hind legs and running all the way down the rest of its body, getting darker again at the tip of its tail, it has hazel eyes, redish flesh and dark grey claws. The third wyrm, labelled "Two-toned point-stripe", has a greenish-grey body that gets darker and more red at the head and tail, and the same pattern as the last wyrm but with a cream underbelly, it has green eyes, light pink flesh and dark grey claws. The fourth wyrm, labelled "Vertical stripes", is a light sandy wyrm whose colour gets more vibrant and orange further up its head with a thin orange stripe running down its back, one short black stripe on the side of its head, one black stripe on the top of its head and wide black horizontal stripes running all down its body that get lighter and more orange-brown the further down they go, eventually blending into the same colour as the stripe on its back, with its front two paws completely black, light green eyes, dark pink flesh and black claws. End ID.)
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(ID: A picture depicting 4 wyrms, text on the top of the picture reads: "Common Wyrm morphs". Text in the middle reads: "(more saturated colours and very dark/light colours are rare)". The first wyrm, labelled "Three-tone", is a greyish brown colour, with a grey underbelly and a dark brown wide stripe running down its back, orangeish red flesh, light grey eyes and cream claws. The second wyrm, labelled "Rosette", is a green-ish brown colour with an orange muzzle and tail, the top of its head is dark and turns into a blurry stripe running down its back, there are 8 large dark blotches running down its back starting from just behind its head with each one having a lighter yellow colour inside it that turns more orange the further down the body the blotches are, it has yellow stripes around its greenish yellow eyes, warm reddish pink flesh and dark grey claws. The third wyrm, labelled "Dorsal stripe", is a light pink colour that gets slightly darker on the back with a dusty pink thin stripe running down its back, redish light pink flesh, dark grey eyes and black claws. The fourth wyrm, labelled "Masked", is a dark dusty yellow colour with darker muzzle and tail, and brown stripes on its head and over its eyes, with the stripes on the top eyes link together with a stripe on its head and neck forming a sort of mask marking, many thin vertical stripes run down its body swapping between dark and lighter brown colours, it has dark green/light green heterochromia, dark pink flesh and black claws. End ID.)
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(ID: A picture depicting 4 wyrms, text on the top of the picture reads: "Common Wyrm morphs". Text in the middle reads: "(more saturated colours and very dark/light colours are rare)". The first wyrm, labelled "Leucistic", is a white colour with darker cream head, back and tail, pink flesh, dark brown eyes and dark grey claws. The second wyrm, labelled "Albino", is completely white with light pink flesh, light blue eyes and white claws. The third wyrm, labelled "Melanistic", is black with blue and red undertones, dark reddish pink flesh, dark brown eyes and black claws. The fourth wyrm, labelled "Piebald", is majority white with five blotches of colour on its body, one on the head, one on the tip of its tail and three down its back, the blotches are the same pattern and colour as "Horizontal stripes" morph but lighter, with yellow/blue heterochromia with the blue eye over the white blotch on the lower part of its head, dusty pink flesh and white and dusty dark cream claws. End ID.)
So here they are!
They're mostly Earthy and pink tones, with their eye colours ranging from green to orange with different saturation and hue - including grey and almost white and black eyes. Blue are mostly only possible when there's white over them or some sort of loss of pigment like in albinism. I mostly took inspo from earthworms and hammerhead worms for their markings and colours.
The most common, or at least most recognisable, species of wyrm in my AU. Second largest and highly adptable, these guys dig extensive tunnels spanning kilometres across and deep underground. They're essential to the ecosystem as their old tunnels provide safety for smaller organisms in the harsh wastelands.
They've got 6 eyes, each one between their six front mandibles. When they open them their eyes automatically close, though it isn't a problem as their vision is already poor.
Although they're capable of eating plants they're almost exclusively carnivores, specialising in hunting other colossal prey - including other wyrms. They hunt and fight by holding their prey down using their hind and front limbs and biting them with their powerful jaws.
They're known to be territorial and violent, the kingdoms made by wyrms having a reputation for being very war-focused.
They have litters of 1 to 13 young and are known for being very protective and highly attentive parents, rearing their young until they're old enough to survive on their own.
There was once a time where wyrms and their kingdoms were plenty, but with their rapidly dwindling numbers they're now a rare sight to behold - and wyrm-led kingdoms an even rarer one. Although mostly a solitary species the fear of extinction brought some of them together, and now it's not that unheard of for wyrms to stay in small family groups, with some of them choosing to shed their former bodies to live in larger groups together. These wyrm villages make it easier to find a mate and to find enough food, though because of their inherent territorial nature they're still not that common despite their benefits.
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nyctophobia-au · 2 years
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They are very Gender and they deserve to get to wear cute clothing, so I drew them in various 'fits. :]
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flukeseveryday · 5 months
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Day 9: plant I grew turned out weird, any advice?
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reksink · 1 year
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The Speculative Molts of Lycosid Magnusannelid
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hollypies · 8 months
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Woag. Slug upon you
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cb-writes-stuff · 2 months
I tried to play hollow knight but got like to the first boss and was bad at it. any tips for when I pick it back up
Hmm… I’ll assume you mean False Knight. If you find the fight too difficult, there might be a way to get out of the arena once the fight starts… Maybe try smacking some walls if that’s what you want.
As a general tip, it’s okay to take your time. Don’t get greedy with hits. Just be careful, focus on dodging, and learn the patterns. Identify the openings when it’s safe to get a hit or two in. Also identify when you have time to Focus. If you have the SOUL, heal up when you can, but don’t try to heal if it’s not safe. You’ll probably just get interrupted, taking more damage and wasting SOUL.
(Specific tips for False Knight below the cut.)
For False Knight specifically, you’re usually safe to Focus once whenever he gets downed. Once you’ve Focused, hit him as much as you can to refill on SOUL before he gets back up. And for getting hits on him, you can usually give him a little swipe when he jumps to you. Just once, then you gotta get out of there before he whacks you. When he has his tantrum and makes the rock things fall down, your best bet is hiding on the edge of the arena. You can hit the rocks back at him, so do that when they fall close enough to you.
I said a lot, which maybe wasn’t what you were looking for, but I hope it helps!
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malwarechips · 2 years
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monomon has the vibe of bill wurtz videos to me i think
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hollowedartist · 1 year
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A comic I’m never gonna finish most likely
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dooblebugss · 15 days
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Little Graphic with some of the songs on my Hornet Playlist! There's a lot more, but I wanted to keep it to one artist, one song.
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grimweaver666 · 10 months
HIHIHI! So I started speedrunning hollow knight and it’s hard!!!! If anyone has any tips or smth it’s appreciated!!! Thx!!!!
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nonuggetshere · 2 years
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Hands you a glow stick hands you a glow stick hands you a-
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ask-the-moths · 3 months
Easy way to cheese the shade fight
Little known way to cheese the shade fight is by dream nailing them. It autokills them.
Not sure if it works on siblings, haven’t gotten to the abyss yet.
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goblinbugthing · 11 months
hi @alaskaartz i made a Thingy with the Thingies :)
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honestly i wanted to make more, but i haven’t finished the designs for ANYONE ELSE except for holly 💀
and making more doodles with my other au designs would mean actually making the designs. and im too tired for that rn. hell even just making this aged me about 5 million years and i am now but a corpse that refuses to rot
ANYWAY enjoy this silly lil sketch of these two just standing next to each other bc i think the height difference is funny
more of my bullshit under the cut
oh yeah i made a thing for me to reference abt their heights. feat aus of my au bc i don’t know self control
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also, since ghost is the shade lord and i hc that they can change their height at will, they can be SO MUCH TALLER than they are in their shell. im not even joking, they can grow to be the size of the entire abyss if they so desire. so around 400 feet tall at maximum.
and holly’s interactions with hollow would probably end up being hilarious, considering both the 60 year age gap and the differences between our aus’ settings and storylines. i can just imagine them being so confused about each other………
i think they should meet and like. talk to each other a bit. maybe take some other characters along and have them interact with their other versions.
oh and dont even get me STARTED on the OTHER aus—
actually i should simply. stop now. and post this. ok im done enjoy your thing 👍
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nerdlebirdle · 1 year
Someone give me the strength to finish Hollow Knight. I wanna follow the tag here but im STRUGGLING on the final boss... and dont want NO SPOILERS on it.
I have avoided it soo long
I just want to finish it i love the game so much but like that final boss is KICKING MY ASS
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