#hm.... sof
aka-indulgence · 2 years
"what do you mean little flying stars? is it something like the 'stars' back underground..?"
You shake your head tugging on Sans' hand with a huge smile on your face as you lead him into the field of grass.
"You'll see."
His eyelights dart around, your excitement clearly infectious as though he tries to look suspicious, his smile is genuine. "i hope you're not pulling me out here to do something nefarious while no one's looking..."
"What, like I could kidnap a teleporting skeleton around?"
"you stole my heart, what else are you capable of?"
"Pssh- shut up!" You giggle, slapping him in his bony grin gently. "Look,"
It takes a second after turning off youe flashlight for your eyes to adjust. Adorably, Sans' immediately looks up at the stars.
"as much as i love the starry sky, i don't get...." Sans' voice gets quieter and quiter as you bring his gaze back down to your surroundings.
"what..." Sans says, breathless, "what are these?"
Little twinkling fireflies float around the two of you, unbothered by your presence. Sans looks downright hypnotized by their glowing and dimming, eyelights growing wider by the second.
"They're fireflies!" You tell him, "also called lightning bugs."
A silent 'wow' plays off his mouth, waving his hand over a small swarm of them.
"i can't believe these aren't monster bugs. they're like magic," Sans comments, eyelights lpoking around and landing on you, smiling wider. "you've got one on your head,"
You look up, and sure enough there was a tiny glowing firefly, just chilling on your head. It crawls for a bit before flying again.
A bony hand grasps yours.
"can... can we stay here a bit longer?" Sans pleads to you hopefully.
Your heart warms at his question, wanting nothing more than to pinch his face.
"That's the plan."
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rafecameronssl4t · 20 days
Misunderstandings || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Summary: Sofia knew what she was doing when mentioning Rafe to you, and she also knew what she was doing when she told you that he never mentioned you, his girlfriend.
Warnings: swearing, fluff at the end, angst
Word count: 873
A/n: kinda really don’t like Sofia 😄
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Divider by @yoonitos
“Hey, what can I get you?” asks a smiling girl you don’t recognize. She approaches the three of you as you and your close friends settle into the bar stools at the country club, ready to enjoy lunch and catch up. It’s been two weeks since you returned from visiting family overseas, and this gathering feels long overdue.
“Just the usual, please, Sofia,” your friends Kaycee and Jada say with a smile to the brunette server. Her natural beauty was almost unfair. “Coming right up. And for you?” she asks, turning to you. “Oh, uh, the same as them, please,” you respond.
She nods with a soft smile before turning around to start on your drinks. “Is she new?” you inquire, gesturing subtly towards Sofia as your friends glance over at her.
“Hm? Oh, yeah. She started just when you left,” Kaycee responds, her attention shifting back to the menu. You nod slowly in acknowledgment, taking in the information before refocusing your attention on the conversation.
“Is Rafe joining us?” Kaycee inquires, her tone laced with curiosity as she turns her gaze towards you. Just as you open your mouth to respond, Sofia interjects with unexpected enthusiasm, her eyes lighting up. “Rafe’s coming?” Her bubbly expression catches you off guard, and you exchange surprised glances with your friends, wondering why she’s so ecstatic about your boyfriend’s arrival.
There’s a brief moment of silence as you all process Sofia’s reaction, the atmosphere around the table becoming slightly more charged with curiosity. You can’t help but wonder if there’s more to Sofia’s excitement than meets the eye, but before you can dwell on it further, Jada interjects.
“Rafe is—” Before she can finish her sentence, you quickly kick her lightly on the shin to shut her up. “Yeah, he is. You know Rafe?” you smoothly interject, trying to keep your relationship with Rafe a secret for now.
You watch Sofia closely, intrigued by her sudden enthusiasm. To your surprise, she responds with a wide smile, her dimples on full display.
“Yeah. Yeah— he’s pretty cute. Great company too when I’m closing up,” Sofia remarks casually, her tone tinged with a hint of admiration. You raise an eyebrow at her words, sensing a shift in the conversation.
“Really?” you inquire, trying to conceal your surprise. Sofia chuckles softly as she dries a few cups, her movements graceful and effortless. “Yeah, you’d think he has a girlfriend, right? With all that charm he has,” she muses, a small sigh escaping her lips.
You exchange a quick glance with Jada and Kaycee, both of them wearing wide-eyed expressions that mirror your own astonishment.
Ignoring the wide-eyed looks from Jada and Kaycee and the unsettling feeling creeping up from your stomach, you clear your throat, attempting to maintain composure. “I for sure thought that he had a girlfriend,” you say, feigning innocence as you try to mask the rising anger within you.
Sofia shakes her head, her demeanor casual as she continues drying the cups. “Nope. He never mentioned he had one,” she replies, her tone nonchalant.
You roll your tongue against your cheek as you lean back, a wave of frustration nearly bubbling over. Despite your efforts to keep calm, the revelation leaves you feeling betrayed and unsure of what to make of Rafe’s silence about his relationship status.
Your phone suddenly pings, breaking the tension, and you glance down at it, noticing a text from Rafe saying he’s on his way. “That’s really interesting. Thanks for letting me know, Sof,” you say with forced politeness, though your lips purse together and you cross your arms, staring down at your feet, trying to process the mix of emotions swirling inside you.
“Letting you know what?” Sofia innocently chuckles, oblivious to the storm brewing in your mind. Without answering her, you and your friends silently agree to move to another table to have your meals, needing some distance from the uncomfortable conversation.
“What the fuck,” Jada whispers angrily as you walk away from the bar, her frustration palpable. “How does she not know you’re Rafe’s girlfriend? Everyone on this damn island knows it,” Kaycee adds, her voice tinged with disbelief.
As you find a new table, the weight of Sofia’s obliviousness hangs heavy in the air, leaving you to wonder how Rafe could have kept such a significant detail about your relationship hidden from someone you thought was just a casual acquaintance.
You scoff, the frustration and anger boiling over as you aggressively put your purse on the table. “Obviously not her, because Rafe made her believe that he was fucking single. What a fucking dick,” you huff, the bitterness evident in your voice.
The realization hits you like a ton of bricks. You thought you could trust Rafe, especially after being with him for years now and never bumping into an issue like this. You would have never thought he’d do something like this, keeping such a significant detail about your relationship hidden and potentially leading someone else on.m, especially with how protective he is of you outside.
Fifteen minutes later, you notice Jada and Kaycee awkwardly looking at something behind you, and you can sense that it’s Rafe approaching. You feel his arms wrap around your shoulders, and he leans down to kiss your cheek, but you keep your gaze fixed elsewhere, unimpressed by his display of affection.
The tension in the air is palpable as you struggle to maintain composure, feeling a mixture of resentment and disappointment toward Rafe for his recent actions.
“Hey,” Rafe says to you, but you remain quiet, refusing to engage with him. “Ladies,” he greets your friends with a forced smile as he takes off his sunglasses.
“Hi,” they both respond awkwardly, exchanging glances. The next few seconds are filled with tense silence as Rafe attempts to decipher your mood.
“Uh, we’re just gonna go to the bathroom,” Jada announces suddenly, her voice strained as she gets up, pulling Kaycee along with her. Rafe lets out a breath, his shoulders sagging slightly as he watches them leave. The lingering tension between you and him hangs heavy in the air, leaving both of you at a loss for words.
“What’s wrong, princess?” Rafe asks, his voice laced with concern as he places his large hand on your thigh. But you quickly remove it, unable to bear his touch.
You can feel the hurt in his expression as he recoils slightly, his hand dropping to his side. The silence between you stretches, heavy with unspoken words and unresolved tension. Despite his attempt to reach out, you remain distant, the sense of betrayal and disappointment still raw within you.
“Do you know Sofia?” you finally speak up, breaking the tense silence. “Who? Oh— yeah. Sof. What about her?” Rafe responds, his confusion evident. You let out a scoff at the nickname, unable to hide your annoyance. “How come she doesn’t know you have a girlfriend?” you demand, your frustration bubbling over.
Rafe’s eyebrows furrow at your word, shrugging, “How would I fuckin’ know—““Oh, I don’t know, Rafe, maybe because you’re the one that made her believe that,” you interject sarcastically, rolling your eyes at his attempt to feign innocence. The weight of your words hangs in the air, the tension between you escalating with each passing moment.
“Don’t give me that fucking attitude,” Rafe snaps angrily, his frustration evident. “You’re so full of shit, Rafe. You purposely left out the fact that you had a girlfriend so you could get into her pants!” you retort, your voice rising ever so slightly with indignation. He hushes you, casting a quick glance around the room before grabbing your hand and pulling you away from the table.
Sofia’s wandering eyes don’t go unnoticed as she looks at the two of you with furrowed eyebrows, her curiosity evident as Rafe leads you outside.
“Let go of me,” you demand, pushing Rafe’s hands away from you as you stand your ground, creating distance between the two of you. The intensity of your emotions swirls within you, a mixture of anger, hurt, and betrayal driving your actions.
“Look, I dunno what the fuck she said to you, but it’s not what it seems.” Your lips part in shock at his words. “Then go ahead, Rafe! Tell me!” you demand, throwing your arms up in exasperation. One of his hands pinches the bridge of his nose while the other rests on his hip, a sign of his growing frustration.
“Okay, okay, what—what’d she tell you?” His tone begins to calm down slightly. “She said you kept her company and never mentioned having a girlfriend—” Rafe cuts in sharply, “—she never asked—” “Shut the fuck up while I’m talking!” you retort, your voice laced with irritation at his interruption.
Your grip tightens on your handbag, your knuckles turning white as Rafe throws his head back in frustration, his eyes closing briefly as if trying to collect his thoughts. “She was new on the island and had no one. I was only talking about the places that she could visit around the island- that’s it- I swear.”
“What?” you snap, your eyes locking with Rafe’s as he stares at you intensely. “My phone was literally right under her nose, Y/N. She would’ve seen my lock screen of you,” he scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. His frustration is evident, but so is yours, each of you standing firm in your stance.
“Look, I’m sorry, alright? I thought I made it quite clear that I had a missus when I literally picked up your call in front of her on Saturday night.” Your eyes soften at his words. You remember the call vividly: the clinking of glasses and the murmur of conversations in the background when he mentioned he was at the country club.
You can still hear his voice, calm and steady, as he reassured you of his whereabouts. The memory tugs at your heart, causing a flicker of doubt about your initial assumptions. You begin to question whether you might have misunderstood the situation, your anger wavering as you process his explanation.
You let out a shaky breath, crossing your arms in an attempt to shield yourself from him. “I’m sorry. It’s just—the way Sofia made it out to be, you never mentioned me,” you quietly admit, your eyes fixed on your Hermès sandals. The silence stretches between you, heavy with unspoken tension, until suddenly you feel his arms enveloping you in a hug.
His embrace is warm and reassuring, melting away some of the lingering doubt and frustration. It’s a silent acknowledgment of your feelings, a wordless apology for any misunderstanding. You close your eyes, allowing yourself to lean into his embrace.
“Babe, ‘s fine, should’ve known she was a jealous little thing,” Rafe murmurs, his lips brushing against the crown of your head as he sighs. With the side of your face pressed against Rafe’s firm chest, your senses are filled with nothing but him. His heartbeat reverberates against your cheek, a steady rhythm that grounds you in the present moment.
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leonw4nter · 5 months
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Holding Our Dreams As You Lie To Rest
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Dad!RE4R!Leon x F!Reader
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“Time of birth, 2:31 AM.”
“Time of death, 2:31 AM.”
The nurse lays his newborn daughter on her mother’s still chest, the first and final time his daughter would ever get to feel her mother. Her unbroken cries drowned out the beeping of the heart monitor, a stark contrast to the state of eternal peace her mom will forever be in. They kept their daughter on her chest for a few more moments before lifting her back up, her cries growing louder as her tiny hands stretched out to try and hold on to her mom as if she knew she would never see, feel, hear or be with her again. Leon felt as if he’d been killed twice, losing a life in the same moment he gained a new one; he wanted to cry, to scream, and gently rock your body back and forth but he can’t– he has to be a father. He has to. He bends down, taking her cold hand in his trembling ones and presses kisses as he looks up at you. Eyelids curtained your eyes that once held a brightness greater than a million suns, pale lips fixed into a straight line; lips that would never smile again. He moves over to your face; you’re still beautiful, even when death stole the color and life from your features. He hugs you tight and buries his face in the nook of her neck, softly sobbing and whispering apologies as he strokes your hair one last time; you always loved it when he did that. Doctors come in and unplug her from the machines, fixing her before draping white linen over her body and taking that bed out of the hospital room. A nurse approaches Leon with a small voice, her own eyes slightly glossy as she extends her arms and gently moves the baby to Leon. He takes her in his arms, a flurry of overwhelming emotions overriding his ability to process this moment.
“I’m sorry, my dearest daughter.” he whispers. “I’m sorry for robbing you of the chance to have a mother.”
“She’s growing so fast, honey. She’s a strong girl just like her dad,” you softly say as you pat your growing belly. Leon is splayed out right on top of you, situating himself on your legs and nuzzling his cheek into the side of your belly.
“Yeah. 3 months more and I’ll have two girls in my life,” he softly says with a smile.
“Have you thought of names for her?”
“Hm… no. Not yet. I want you to be the one to name her. I mean– you’ll know her best. You’re going to be carrying her for nine months, it’s only right that you’ll get to name her.”
“Don’t you have any ideas for names?”
“I have some in mind.”
“Like what?”
“Araminta, but we can call her ‘Minty’ for short. It sounds cute, right? What about ‘Cassandra’? I was asking Hunnigan for some ideas and she offered that and I think it’s nice too. ‘Jewel’ sounds great too. Oh– what about ‘Stella’? I think it’s a very pretty name.”
A twinkling laughter escapes your lips as Leon lists out all the names he finds pretty, musing about possible combinations that sound prettiest. Another hand moves to the top of his head, gently ruffling white spun-sun strands in between your fingers, a pleased hum reverberating throughout Leon’s chest. The laughter stays short-lived when you feel a kick to your rib, causing you to jerk and yelp.
“You alright, Y/N?” Leon asks as he sits up, eyebrows creasing in concern.
“Yeah. The baby just kicked,” she says with a small smile. “Nothing too serious.”
Leon bends down as he places a kiss on the top of your bump, his hands resting on your waist as he draws small circle patterns with the rough pads of his fingers.
“My precious daughter, don’t kick your mom too much, okay? Don’t keep her up at night and give her some time to rest. Daddy’s going to be here for you, don’t worry. We can’t wait to meet you too.”
Leon would give up anything and everything if it means keeping his girls safe and sound. He’d hold the sky up if it meant providing a secure sense of safety and happiness for his wife and daughter.
“Oh? She stopped kicking.” you softly say with an amused lilt to your voice. “Guess all I needed was for you to speak for her.”
“She’s a smart girl, just like her mother. God, I’m too lucky to have you both in my life.”
“Claire, can… can you come over? She won’t stop crying and I don’t know what to do…” Leon hoarse at the other end of the line as he holds his daughter with one arm and his phone in the other. His daughter has been crying endlessly, depriving them both of sleep. He’s tried everything– soft singing, rocking her back and forth, feeding, checking her diapers, burping, readjusting the swaddling of her cloth but none would calm her down.
Oh, Y/N. I don’t know what to do. She needs you. I need you too. Can you come back to us? Please?
“Have you tried laying her near some of Y/N’s sweaters?” Claire suggests. “God you’re so stupid for not considering that. She might be missing her mom,” Leon thinks to himself. Placing the phone down, he rushes to his and Y/N’s room to find her favorite sweater. He lays the pastel lime-green sweater on her crib before placing her down, gently patting her belly and pressing kisses to her puffy cheeks.
“C’mon honey. Please… please stop crying. I-I don’t know what to do, I’m sorry that mom’s not here right now- Dad’s really sorry, sweetie.” Leon quietly says as he feels some of his own tears stream down his cheek.
Eventually, she stops crying and falls asleep. Leon looms over her, her tiny hand holding on to his thumb. He feels pity for her; he broke the promise of making sure she grows up in a perfect family. He feels as if he doesn’t deserve his daughter, he couldn’t even grant Y/N the dream of becoming a mother. She had long wished for a child of her own, to be able to be a mother and he couldn’t give her that. She carried his child for nine months, enduring morning sickness, swelling ankles, and every single bodily hysteric and he didn’t even give her a chance to see your daughter.
The faint noise of the doorbell from downstairs shakes Leon from his thoughts, putting on a shirt and going downstairs to pick up the door.
“You just suddenly dropped the call after I suggested the sweater thing so I came down and went here. How’s she? Is she asleep?”
“Yeah. The sweater did just the trick.” he bitterly says. A silence lingers between the two for a bit before he speaks up. “I miss her, Claire. I miss Y/N. I don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t know if–” his voice cracks. “I don’t know if I’m up for this without her.”
Claire moves to Leon and engulfs him in a tight hug, tears of her own flowing down her freckled cheeks. Y/N’s death was not easy for everyone who gracefully waltzed into her life– Chris, Claire, Rebecca, and Jill all hurting in their own way but not as profoundly deep and scarring as Leon.
“I know you do. We all miss her, Leon.”
Leon sobs into her shoulder, his body shaking as choked sobs leave him. Truly, he felt like the worst person in the world.
“Claire, look at me. Look at her– I took Y/N away from my own daughter. I stole her own mother away and she’s never fucking coming back! I’m lost and nothing without her, I don’t even know how to stop my daughter from crying. My daughter needs Y/N and I can’t give her that. All I can provide for her are pictures and her clothes because there’s no mother to sing and hold her.”
Claire holds him tighter, her hands gently patting Leon’s back as she stays silent and lets Leon spill all of his feelings.
“She wouldn’t be fucking dead had I brought her to the hospital two hours earlier. If only I listened to her and took her there when she started bleeding instead of choosing to mow the damn lawn I wouldn’t have ruined my daughter’s life from the start. Her heart would not have failed her– I wouldn’t have failed her if I was actually a decent man, Claire.”
“Leon, you’re more than decent. You’re doing everything you can for your daughter and that’s what matters–”
“But I’ll never fill in the Y/N shaped hole in her tiny heart. No one and nothing ever could, no matter how hard I try.”
Leon’s fought all kinds of monsters and abominations, barely making it back each time but it was worth it to see his Y/N’s brilliant face beaming at him everytime he stumbled home. If he could save someone from the horrors of bioterrorism, why couldn’t he save his own wife by simply sending her to the hospital two hours earlier than he should’ve?
Claire couldn’t say anything. It’s not that she agreed with whatever self depreciating fact Leon said but whatever words she would say won’t make anything feel better. Y/N shaped Leon into who he is now– changing and transforming him into a person no one knew Leon could be capable of becoming and her death simply left Leon a shattered and broken person; a shell of his former self. Leon would go through that fateful night in Raccoon City a hundred times again if it meant having her back– even if Y/N would fall out of love with him or be destined with someone else, as long as she was happy and alive. Happiness is the last thing Leon deserves right now. Standing at the doorway of his home, Claire held the shattered pieces of the blond and offered him a shoulder to cry his broken heart on.
Later that night, Leon laid down on his side of the bed whilst he moved his daughter to Y/N’s side so that she would be around her scent. He enjoyed silent nights with you, just laying in the same bed and smiling at the fact that he married the maker of all his dreams but now the silence was a painful reminder that a half of him perished forever. He left her things as they were before the two headed to the hospital, not wanting to wash the clothes she wore just to have some form of her around for just a little longer. He left the mug she drank from untouched as well and he didn’t bother to hide the bath products Y/N left behind in the shower. Her makeup products were still neatly lined up on the counter and he often wore her hair ties on his wrist but he avoided looking at the wedding band she took off. Y/N’s fingers have started swelling and on doctor’s advice, she took it off but kept it around her neck with a chain. The funeral was especially difficult, seeing her lie so stiffly with her features looking a little different. He didn’t have time to grieve because her parting gift needed him the most. Speaking of parting gift, he finds himself thinking that she left him a tiny version of herself to keep him company. She’d absolutely berate him if he gave up now so he hanged on with what little might he had left in him, giving his all for their daughter. He goes to sleep with the prayer that he’ll see Y/N, even for just a quick moment. Even if it’s just in his distant dreams.
6 years later.
“Do you want more sandwiches or is that enough already?” Leon asks his now 6 year old daughter.
“Nuh-uh. I’m full already.” she responds. Leon moves from his place and inches towards his daughter, a wet wipe in hand to wipe some crumbs from the corner of her lips before pulling out another wipe to wipe her greasy fingers.
“Wanna know something, daddy?” she suddenly asks.
“Hm? What is it?” he responds.
“Auntie Claire told me that our loved ones in heaven send us signs sometimes. She says her own mom sends her and she says she feels a lot better when her mom does. Has mommy ever sent us a sign?”
The question takes Leon off-guard, his gaze drifting to your marble headstone before returning back to his daughter. With a pained grin, he responds to her question.
“Yeah. Mommy likes simple things that make us happy, so to me, she appears as a warm drink on a cold day. Sometimes she’s a particularly nice ray of sunlight. Sometimes, she’s the rain that waters plants. I guess those are signs she sends us.” and I hope you send some more, Y/N. I still miss you.
“So does that mean Mommy’s sign can be a good bedtime story?”
She thinks a little more, getting up and giving her mom’s headstone a small pat. With a tiny finger, she traces her name and date of birth.
“We saw a tiny kitten with blue eyes on the way here, right daddy?”
“Mhm. Why? Do you want a kitten?”
“Maybe. But Uncle Chris told me that mommy’s favorite color was blue. I found it weird at first because blue is a boy’s color but Aunt Jill said that it’s a color for anyone. She also said that blue is mommy’s favorite color because it’s the color of your eyes.”
Leon fights back tears, a surprised laugh making its way through his throat despite a lump forming. He nods, his heart fluttering at the fact.
“Yeah, it was, though a lot of her things weren’t blue. Mommy’s an interesting person that way.” he fondly remembers.
Y/N’s death anniversary doesn’t get easier any year, the unbearable pain of remembering her longer than he’s known her weighing on his tattered heart. His daughter finally comes back to him and sits beside him on the picnic blanket, a tiny hand reaching out to hold Leon’s. He can’t believe his own daughter would want to hold the same hand that gets dirty with the blood and muck of biological hellions.
“Auntie Ashley told me you also used to have a friend named Luis when you were in Spain. She said he was funny and smart and nice. Do you think Mommy and Luis are best friends in heaven? She needs someone there too because we’re both still here.”
“Yeah. I hope they’re friends.” Leon had to respond in a more hushed voice to keep his voice from cracking and his tears from spilling, his daughter’s innocence both warming and shattering his heart. “You have her eyes and her lips. Your eyes wrinkle the same way as hers when something makes her smile bright and you scrunch your nose when something makes you laugh. In your face, she is alive.”
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NOTE - First angst on this blog!! Woooo!!!! I blasted Mitski while writing this and luckily I did NAWT cry (-> cried in the shower instead). If you're feeling a little sad now that I wrote this, feel free to check out my other fics that are NOT angst (shameless self-advertisement /j). That's all and thanks for reading!!!!! :) UPDATE: Leon photocards haven't arrived yet.
The wave dividers are made by @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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mrkis · 1 year
addicted to you. (l.dh)
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PAIRING: haechan x reader GENRE: smut WORD COUNT: 1k
SYNOPSIS: haechan is addicted to tasting you and fucking you.
CONTENT WARNINGS: explicit content, pwp mainly, oral (f receiving), dom!haechan, mean-ish!haechan, unprotected sex, light choking (haechan rests his hand on your neck), slight pussy slapping, dirty talk,
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“That’s it…” Haechan moans in between your legs, fingers digging into the flesh on your thighs that rest upon his shoulders as his tongue wiggles between your folds, slurping hungrily at your pussy that drips with cum. “Pretty thing, cum for me again. Good girl”
You’re shaking, wailing as you cum for the third time on his tongue, your hand locked on the back of his head with your fingers threading through his dark, thick hair. He laughs against your pussy, the vibrations causing you to arch your back and pull at his hair to try and tug him away but it’s no use when he’s got you caged.
The room spins and you pant heavily, blinking to regain your vision as he mouths at your pussy again, tongue flicking miniature circles around your clit and you’re mindlessly pleading for him to stop, to let you breathe and catch a break.
“You want me to stop? Hm?” He questions you teasingly, pushing himself up to rest on his knees and your legs flop motionlessly on the bed from his shoulders. Haechan crawls above you, trailing kisses from your navel to your cheeks, capturing your bottom lip between his teeth and nibbling down which causes you to whine. “I haven’t even fucked you yet… can’t I fuck your pretty little pussy, baby? Fill you up with my cum?”
“What are you pleading me for?” Haechan murmurs as he gently taps your cheek with his hand before caressing your face so lovingly that it has your heart fluttering in your chest. You don’t really know what you’re pleading him for, all you know is that right now you want him. “Want me to fuck you that bad? I thought you wanted me to stop?”
“Just—” You swallow thickly, licking at your lips. “Sensitive… s’too much”
“I’m sorry” Haechan gives you a patronising pout. “You know how much I want you. I can’t help myself when it comes to your pussy, baby… All for me, yeah? All of it?” You nod but you’re stopped when you feel the slight pressure in your cheeks from where Haechan squeezes. “Say it. Use your words”
“All for you”
“All for me” He repeats with a hum, one hand holding himself up beside your head with the other slips between your bodies to fist his cock, pushing his tip between your folds to gather the saliva and your cum left behind. “God baby I’m so addicted to you… you have no idea. Can’t get enough of you—your body, your taste, your pussy. You drive me crazy”
“I do?” Haechan meets your eyes with a smirk that sends a shiver down your spine, nudging his head against your entrance teasingly as he tilts his head to the side, lips brushing over yours, “Absolutely insane, baby”
You gasp once Haechan fills you up completely, legs tightening around his hips and whining at how sensitive you feel, pussy contracting around Haechan’s cock that stretches you out perfectly, leaving your thighs and cunt aching. 
His hand slides up from between your bodies to rest around your neck, squeezing gently as his lips mould with your own, leaving you breathless when his hips begin to thrust at a pace that has your mind whirling, feeling dizzy. 
The headboard rocks against the wall with each frantic thrust and you’re worried if the neighbours will hear and complain (although you really didn’t care a few minutes ago when Haechan had his head shoved between your legs). 
You reach your hand up to stop the headboard from hitting the wall but the second your fingertips make contact with the cold wallpaper, Haechan’s other hand curls around your wrist to drag it down, pressing it to the bedsheets with a tut as he pulls away from your lips.
“Someone might hear” You warn him, unable to draw your eyes away from his, the dark expression and swollen lips enough to make you whine softly. “They’ll hear, Haechan”
“Let them” He tells you, grunting as he shifts above you, dropping his head to mouth at your shoulder. “Let them hear how fucking addicted I am to you and how much you love my cock. I hope they can hear how wet you sound too… how your pretty pussy is sucking me in so sweetly—”
“You’re insane”
“I know” He hums, smirking against your skin as his fingers squeeze around your neck once more, fingers pressing gently against the pressure points that cause your breath to hitch at the back of your throat. “It’s your fault”
“My fault?”
“Mhm” Haechan nods as he pushes himself up to rest on his knees, releasing his hand around your neck to drag down your body, ghosting over your nipples and trailing down your stomach before resting above your pussy. 
You cry out in pleasure and in shock when he retracts his hand to slap it back down on your clit, electricity buzzing up your spine as your legs close around his figure but he laughs, using his thumb to rub small circular motions over your sensitive clit as he slowly fucks into you, cursing to himself as he watches his cock disappear into your pussy.
“Pussy so perfect” Haechan coos softly. “Can’t wait to fill you up… you’d like that? Yeah? Filling your cunt up with my cum. Do you want it?”
“I want it” You nod frantically. “I want it so bad”
“I know you do” He smiles down at you. “So fucking desperate for my cum to make a mess of your pussy, to fill you up so full… Can’t wait to have a taste, baby. Can’t wait to devour you all night”
Your eyes widen slightly but struggle to stay open due to Haechan’s thrusts, “All night?”
“Of course” Haechan loops his arms around your thighs this time, dragging you down the bed and flushed against him, resting your legs over his chest and pressing a chaste kiss to your knee. You gasp at the sudden movement, his cock buried deep inside of your pussy and your back arches, fingers gripping the bed sheets beneath you. “How else am I supposed to prove how fucking addicted I am to you?”
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laiiaaa · 8 months
MY LOVE, MINE ALL MINE — CARMEN BERZATTO 1. BUTTERSCOTCH — you finally say hello to a familiar face in the city after a little girl bumps into you. (2.7k) masterlist | next | taglist
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Carmen keeps track of the running grocery list in his head:
Green onions? Check. Shallots? Check. Rolled oats? Check.
“Alright,” he huffs into the phone, a stupid thing tucked snug between his shoulder and jaw.
“Carm, I’m serious—”
“Nat, I got it, alright? I’ll call the fuckin’ guy.” Strawberries? Check. Eggs? Check. “I’m at the store, ‘n I’ll be back, ‘n then I’ll call him. It’s fine.” Dino nuggets? Check. That way-too-sugary cereal Sofia likes—? Even though he wishes Richie never gave it to her—? Check, check, check, so fuckin’ checked. “Now, do you wanna talk to—”
He looks to his side, where Sofia once stood with chubby little fingers hooked on the cart, that raggedy old stuffed animal always caught in the other fist. Gone. Carmen’s heart stops and catches in his throat. 
Natalie’s voice again, much quieter now that the phone’s not at his ear. “Hello?”
He doesn’t even hear his sister, doesn’t process her words.
He turns around. “Sof?” But she’s not there.
He tries again, facing forward, a little louder. “Sofia?” Nothing. “Fuck,” he mumbles to himself, ending the call without a second thought. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck—” 
He shoves his phone into his pocket, abandons the cart altogether, pokes his head into the aisle over. “Sofia.” Nothing. “Shit—”
He can’t breathe. A closed fist shoots to his chest to try and soothe the droughted ache. The ceiling’s closing in from above, every aisle looks the same, his feet are too heavy to carry him fast enough through the store.
Where’s his fuckin’ kid?
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You’re spooked out of a fatigued trance by a clumsy little girl at your feet in the produce section. 
She can’t be older than four, her chubby little face framed by golden brown curls, dressed in a cute little black dress and pink tights, ballet flats to boot. By her hand is a well-loved stuffed animal: an orange tabby cat with lint fuzzies along its body, teetering on the edge of the display about to fall into the lettuce.
“Well, hello,” you start.
She peeks up at you through stray curls with a grin. “Hi.”
You do a quick scan of the immediate area but spot nothing other than a worker stocking bananas twenty feet away, another pushing a cart of mangoes. “Where’d you come from, hm?” You perch down next to her and try to offer a warm smile to keep her calm.
“I’m here with my daddy.”
“Yeah? Where’s he at?”
Her lips, shiny with drool, puff into a pout. “I…” Her little voice wobbles, and you know that fucking wobble, that precursor to something uncontrollable and wretched, and for a split second you consider letting her cry, just on the off chance her dad hears it.
But you come to your senses: it’ll take all but five, no more than ten minutes to cover the entire store ground. You graze your hand by her back and offer her the sorry excuse for a cat. “Hey, don’t worry, it’s alright. I’ll help you.”
“B-But…” Those pretty brown eyes of her turn glassy, ready for tears, and her lip quivers, her cheeks puff out.
“I’ll help you find him, okay? We’ll wait right here, and I promise he’ll find you. We won’t leave this spot til he does.”
She hesitates before she nods, gives you a warbled, “Okay.”
You give her your name—something you read or heard from word of mouth, how putting a name to your face makes you more trustworthy. “What’s yours?”
“Sofia,” you repeat. “That’s a very pretty name.”
The dimples that come through with her smile have you swooning, your chest filling with something sweet. A supercut you’ve long since abandoned flits through one of the best and worst years you’ve endured: kisses at the door for hello and goodbye, chilly Chicago mornings spent in someone else’s sheets, serving coffee in thick handmade mugs and being thanked for it with lips pressed to your cheek. But that was a year ago, and it’s long gone. You’re better off now—occupied with work, and running a business, and trying new things, and finding comfort in the solitude of an apartment that’s filled with nothing but the smell of coffee grounds.
Your pointer finger lifts her toy’s head: “And who’s this?”
“Butterscotch,” she says, Butter sounding a whole lot like Buttah.
“Yeah? Where’d you come up with that name?”
“My daddy’s a chef, he teached it to me.”
A chef, you hum, No wonder he’s here at seven in the morning.
And you do just about everything you’d want someone to do if this were your kid: you keep her right where she is like you promised her, you listen to all her stories she has with Butterscotch, you answer the silly questions she asks while she holds your finger in a squishy hand and bears a gummy smile.
A man wrought with stress approaches. Fitted white tee, loose denim on his hips, beat up Nikes that’ve probably seen better days. Golden brown curls like the little girl’s, only thicker, darkened with age, and half-straightened, probably from the way he runs his fingers through them like he does as he walks toward you and the girl. Buff arms, built shoulders, and they’re littered with tattoos…
Not what you expected. And he looks so fucking familiar, yet you can’t put your finger on it—
“Sofia,” he huffs, and she scurries over to him in tiny yet quickened steps and jumps into his arms, his eyes closing and brows furrowing with a relief that’s palpable as he tucks his nose into her swirling hair. “What’d I tell you about comin’ to the store w’me, huh?” A veiny hand with the letters S O U inked on the fingers cups the back of her head as he sways her from side to side, failing to give her much of a stern look at all despite his frustration. “You gotta stay by my side, I told you, you’ll get lost.”
“But I wasn’t lost, Daddy,” she pouts, “I was right here, and—and I had to find Butterscotch, and you—you weren’t there—”
“Okay,” he soothes, rubbing his hand along her back before he thumbs away budding tears from her fleshy cheeks. “Okay, hon…” He props her at his hip. “It’s okay. You’re okay. You just scared me ‘s all, alright? Didn’t know where you were, had me lookin’ all over for you.”
“...I’m sorry,” she mumbles, clearly upset, nuzzling into her dad’s shoulder as he presses a sweet kiss to her head.
He looks to you, then, and you lend him a sympathetic smile.
“Sorry about her, she’s, uh…” He peeks at her, so lovingly— “She can be a handful sometimes.”
“No, don’t apologize, she was great.” Your eyes drift to his hands. They’re big, strong, like he knows what to do with them around the house, with a baby girl...with her mother, too, though you wonder where that stands. You try not to. “She’s talkative, makes for a fun conversation. A great storyteller, too.”
He smiles, and it’s hearty, with a twitch of a brow as he draws just a bit closer—it’s slight, so slight you almost think you’re imagining things. “Think so? She doesn’t usually, um…doesn’t usually wanna talk to people, y’know?” He hikes her up again, and she turns so that she’s facing you. “Get all grumpy, don’t ya, Sof? Like with your Uncle Richie?”
“But she’s nice,” she chimes in, lifting her head from his shoulder and leaving the cat’s head peeking through. “Not mean like he is.”
Again with that smile, he looks at her with raised brows, bobs her up and down as he holds her tight, like she’s his entire world. “Yeah?” He shoots you back a look, half-impressed. “You don’t wanna see him today, huh?”
“No,” she grumbles, face smushed into his tee. “Can she come to work with us instead?”
“Sof…” He scoffs, cocking his head to the side, and his eyes dart between you and his girl. “That’s not—we can’t just—”
“Pretty please, Daddy…” She pouts at him, pulls on his neck with her arms looped around it, starts trying to lean back to stir up trouble but his hands hold her firm to his torso. “You said Eva and Vivi can’t play today…”
“I—I know, hon— . . . It’s just— . . .” Kissing his teeth, he contemplates for a moment. “She probably has work to do, y’know? Just like I have to work? And how sometimes you can’t come with me?”
“Where does she work?”
“Uhhh…” In an awkward pause, he seems to realize the dilemma. The expectant glance your way is almost painful. “Shit,” he hisses, holding Sofia with one hand to run fingers through his hair, “I’m sorry, I should’ve—I should introduce myself, right?” The pained look on his face makes you think the question is genuine, and he offers his right hand to you— “I’m Carmen, but, um, most people just call me Carmy.”
It clicks: He’s Carmen Berzatto. Not just some guy or some chef in the grocery store you’ve happened to meet, but the guy. The guy who owns the fine dining joint across the street from your cafe; the guy who showed up to the city a few years ago only to revamp his family-owned sandwich shop in its entirety; the guy you’d heard so much about from the gossip around the block between vendors; the guy who left his roots to be something so much bigger than anyone could’ve imagined; the guy who came back with a reputation with none to rival and a shattered family in its shadow. The prodigal son of Chicago. You heard of him but never met.
“Y-Yeah, right, right,” you nod, stumbling for the right words. “I thought you looked kinda familiar.” You take his hand graciously as you give him your name. His handshake is firm, solid, sure of himself, with a callused palm and dry skin and cracked knuckles, an inked-on hand with a knife through its palm on the back of his hand. “You own The Bear, right?”
“I do.” Sheepish, like it’s embarrassing to be successful.
“Cool, cool, I’ve, um, I’ve heard a lot of good things about it, but I’ve never been.”
“Yeah.” Something warm in your belly comes to the surface and you try to drown it. “I own the cafe across the street—? Just a, uh, a smaller place—” You shake your head as if to dismiss the thought of him even knowing about it. “I dunno if—”
“No, no, yeah, I know that one, a few doors down—” he nods, fervently— “Etta’s, right?”
You smile. He knew of it so quick, with so little detail you want to think it means something. “Yeah, that’s the one.” For fuck’s sake, the guy probably just likes to support his local businesses. Get a grip.
“My sister loves that place, goes there all the time. But I, uh…” A soft smile at his girl. “I don’t usually have much time to go myself…”
“Yeah, I can imagine you’re pretty busy with her.” Unless her mom is in the picture…?
But he doesn’t take the bait—he only smiles, hums with a subtle nod, gives Sofia a pat on the back to get her attention, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Hey, cub, guess what?”
She comes to only slightly, with pale blonde locks like angel’s hair tickling Carmen’s neck. Grumbles something akin to a Hm?
“You know those chocolate chip muffins you like? The ones your Aunt Natalie gets for you?”
Her curls are already caught in her eyelashes. “With the sparkles on top?”
He gives you a knowing look: sugar, not sparkles. “Yes, with the sparkles. Did you know our new friend here runs that shop?”
Her head perks up with a gasp. “What?” Her excitement is so soft, and she can’t even stave off a smile now, tiny teeth shining through to show the dimples in her cheeks again.
“You heard me.”
From her mouth is only a whisper, a doe-eyed look targeted right at you. “No way.”
You smile at her. “Yes way.”
She puts on those puppy dog eyes, looks at Carmen with a pout as she tugs on him again. “Daddy, can we please—”
 In one fell swoop, his hand whisks her hair out of her face. “Uh-uh. Nice try.”
Oh, but she’s a stubborn one. “But please—”
“Not today, baby, we gotta finish shopping, hm? Then go to work?” His eyes dart to meet yours in a knowing glance, a silent apology and excuse to leave. “Maybe I’ll ask Aunt Natalie to get them for you tomorrow. How’s that sound?”
She huffs and buries herself into his neck again, turning away from you now that she’s in a surly mood.
“Okay,” he sighs, smiling to himself, and you can’t deny the comfort in seeing his little girl so cozy with him, like he’s either the only parent around, or he’s really just that good of a father—and husband, or fiancé, or boyfriend, or whatever he might be. You don’t know if you should feel guilty for wanting to pry.
The conversation lulls to a hesitant stop, like neither one of you is sure how to bid farewell—or whether you want to do so at all.
“Y’know,” he starts, with a finality to his tone, “I’ve still gotta—”
“Yeah, me too—”
“And I left the cart in the other aisle—”
“Right, right, of course—”
“And they need me at the—”
“Same here, I need to, uh—”
“Right, yeah, so um—”
“I guess I should—”
“And, uh—…”
“It was nice to meet you, though,” you finish, maybe a little too enthusiastic for only having just done so minutes ago.
But if it were, Carmen doesn’t show it. “Yeah, it was nice to meet you, too. I’ll, uh…I’ll see you around.”
You offer a softened smile. “Guess so.”
And he leaves you with a curt nod before he turns around with Sofia’s face smushed into his shoulder, her arms loosely wrapped around his neck to leave Butterscotch hugged to the nape of it. That’s all you see, then: just a beaten up stuffed animal and springy golden curls as Carmen rounds the corner of the aisle, your breath gone short and face gone warm by the end of it.
Half of it, you’re sure, is the simple brevity of it all: consoling a lost child, to chatting with her father, to finding out he’s a business neighbor. And against your better judgment, the other half of it is a twinge of attraction to him.  Even though he has a kid, and he may very well be married, or at least in a relationship, and by the looks of it, stressed out of his goddamn mind…
But there’s just something about him.
The way he was worried about his daughter like he’s supposed to be, the way he holds her and dotes on her and rubs her back like it’s nothing but natural to him, the heartwarming smile that reaches his eyes just by looking at his precious girl. The hard-earned strength in his hands and arms, the symbolic imagery of his tattoos that you’ve yet to dwell upon in late night hours, the awkward demeanor about him like he doesn’t know if he’s allowed to talk to you—or if he even knows how. And all this, you see in a man working down the street, a man you’ve never spoken to until today, who could be the worst person in the world for all you know.
You don’t, is the thing. You don’t know his middle name, or his favorite color, or favorite food, or where he’s even worked, really, other than here in Chicago. You don’t know if Sofia’s mother is still around, or whatever happened to her if she isn’t, or if it’s a topic he breaches freely or not at all.
You don’t know enough about him yet to judge. You don’t know much at all. You don’t know if you want to, whether it’ll send you head first into a mess of pasts not unlike the one you’ve been trying to crawl out of alone for the past grueling months, if it’d upturn all the good you’ve tried to make stick.
But if there’s one thing you do know, it’s that you want to see him again. 
And that you’ll have to make a batch or two of muffins first.
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@knight4xmas @ajourneyforjoy @penguin876
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emmyspov · 1 year
Prioritise yourself (Thranduil x Reader)
author's note: happy easter to everyone who celebrates it and a happy weekend to all either way🪻this is honestly one of the most scary things i've posted because it's something so personal that i relate to a lot, but i thought maybe someone else might need it, too🥺 please always remember that nothing will ever be more important than your health and well-being 🩷
warnings: symptoms of burnout, lack of sleep, exhaustion, negative self-talk, skipping meals, mentions of food, nudity (for taking a bath together) - please please please let me know if I forgot something! 🩷
word count: 1.9k
edit is mine, all pics are from pinterest :)
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It had seemed like a smart idea when you offered Thranduil to help him with all the paperwork.
His days were filled with meetings and more often than not he only returned to your chambers once it was dark already.
So, for the past few months, you had been - more or less secretly - helping him with whatever you could: sending out invitations to other royals, filing away documents, re-writing contracts so all that would be left to do was sign them.
You were the king's partner after all and you wanted to help him as much as possible. This was your kingdom, your home, as much as it was his, as he regularly reminded you.
Thranduil noticed, obviously. The hours in his study were reduced since most things were taken care of in a perfect way already - he could return to your private rooms right after dinner and spend time with you instead which the Elvenking appreciated immensely.
However, over the past few weeks, things have taken a turn. And Thranduil noticed that, too.
How, on some days, you would get up earlier than him, how you would skip lunch and dinner with him - although it was one of your favorite things since you got to spend it with one another during your otherwise busy schedules - and instead eat by yourself, hunched over some papers. He noticed your tired eyes and dull skin and- lack happiness, to cut it short.
Worry didn't even remotely describe what he was feeling. He felt sick to his stomach when he thought about you being unhappy.
Today was no different.
You had gotten up before sunrise, leaving your husband a little love letter, before entering your own study to take care of all official things.
There was a lot to do. Other elves as much as people from Laketown and even dwarves were sending letters, hoping to schedule a meeting with the king himself to talk over whatever was bothering them.
You made it your mission to answer every single one of them, noting down appointments and also sending out excuses if Thranduil wasn't the right one to talk to when it came to certain matters.
By the end of the day, your head was pounding. You let out a yawn and rubbed your eyes, hoping to relieve some of the pressure behind them, but to no use.
Closing them for only a minute wouldn't hurt. You could still look for your husband afterwards.
A line had been crossed for the Elvenking.
It was the second day in a row that you skipped your shared meals and from what he just learned, you weren't eating them at all.
He needed to talk to you. He wouldn’t - and couldn’t - let you destroy yourself over some work. Your happiness and well being came first and he would make you realise that, no matter the cost.
After reaching your study and receiving no answer to his knocks, he let himself in with determined steps, only to stop abruptly as soon as he saw your sleeping figure. His eyes softened immediately.
"Oh, meleth."
With two big steps, he was by your side, crouching down until he was on eye level with you. Even in your sleep, you looked stressed, your eyebrows scrunched up, reminding him of the times you woke up from a bad dream.
"What are you doing to yourself, hm?"
Gentle, as if you would break like glass if he touched you with too much force, he picked you up and carried you out of the room and into your shared bed chamber where he set you down on the soft mattress and covered you with a fluffy blanket.
Thranduil left the room again for only a few moments so he could blow out the candle in your study and put everything where it belonged. He himself hated to work at a messy desk and didn't want you to deal with the same thing once you would return to work, although he didn't want to think about that yet. For now, you needed rest and all the love and care you could get.
He returned to your bedroom after he spoke to some of his subordinates to let them know neither he nor you would be available in the next three days.
You were still fast asleep, curled up into the blanket. The king walked over to you and slowly began to remove all your uncomfortable clothing before he himself put on a night gown.
Only then did he lay down next to you, carefully maneuvering your body into his arms, your head on his chest. Even in your sleep you wrapped your arm around his waist and entangled your legs, letting out a small sigh.
"Sleep, meleth, you've been working too hard", your husband whispered and brought his delicate fingertips up to brush some hair out of your face before letting them trail down to your back, rubbing some calming circles into your shoulder. "I'll watch over you, I promise."
And Thranduil kept his word.
He stayed up to make sure you slept through the night, occasionally pressing a kiss to your temple or the top of your head while his fingers were always touching you in some way.
It was nearly lunch time when you woke up the next day.
After noticing you were still cuddled up with your husband although the sun was already shining into the room, you immediately sat up.
"I- I overslept, oh Varda, there is so much to do. Why didn’t you wake me, my love?"
With a gentle force, Thranduil pressed you back onto the mattress.
"You've been overworking yourself for weeks and your health and happiness are suffering in return. I told everyone we wouldn't be available for the next few days. For the foreseeable future, we'll only take care of you."
You didn't want to cry. And you tried really hard to keep the tears at bay, but when the Elvenking looked at you with so much love in his eyes, you couldn’t stop them.
"I'm sorry for failing you, my king."
The elf wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. "Oh meleth, no. No, you didn't fail me, you never have. And you never will."
"I can't even take care of myself", you hiccuped, burying your face in the crook of his neck. "It's like the work and the pressure never stop and I'll never be good enough and now I am sitting here, crying to you, a literal king who has way more responsibility than me. I am so sorry to burden you with this."
Thranduil's heart was breaking. He couldn't believe this was how you saw yourself when, to him, you were the most beautiful being in all of Middle Earth.
"You are never a burden to me. Do you hear me? Never. We can fix this. You have to learn how to prioritise yourself. I can teach you. I will teach you. And we will start right now. You must be hungry, what do you want to eat?"
You fumbled around with your hands before looking up at the Elvenking. "Could I have some pancakes?"
Thranduil leaned forward to press a kiss against your nose. "Whatever you want, meleth nîn."
With one swift motion, he got up, put on one of his majestic robes and made his way to the kitchen to order your beloved pancakes and some additional treats as well as some hot and cold beverages.
He returned to your chambers with a first tray of food, watching your face lit up with delight at the sweet smell.
"Here you go, my love. Eat as much as you want and take all the time you need. There are no other things that need to get done today or the next few days."
You nodded and grabbed a plate, happily munching on the food the servants were bringing in over time.
The king was watching you carefully while he himself ate something. It was more than obvious that all the food was good for your mind, body and soul.
You let yourself fall back against the sheets when you were done, letting out a satisfied sigh. "That was good."
"It is about to get better. What do you think of a bath?"
Your eyes lit up. "Right now?"
The elf couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. "Is that what you want?"
You sat up, enthusiastically bouncing on the mattress and nodding your head. "Yes, please!"
Thranduil stood up again and walked into the bathroom, filling the tub with hot water and your favourite bath salts and flower petals before coming back to you.
With ease, he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off the bed, carrying you into the bathroom.
"Arms up", he ordered gently and removed your clothing, doing the same to himself afterwards.
"You're so handsome", you breathed out as you softly pressed your hand against his chest, right above his heart. "I'm so lucky to have you."
Thranduil's heart started to beat faster under your touch and praise and you smiled, feeling butterflies in your stomach at the fact that you still had this effect on him.
He lifted you into the tub, setting you down and lowering himself behind you, pulling your body flush against his chest.
"I'm the lucky one."
You shook your head before letting it fall back against his shoulder. "You take care of me when I can't do it myself."
The king's deft fingers brushed through your hair, letting them trail down your arm. "We take care of each other. You are the one who decreased my work load so I'd have more time."
You intertwined your hands. "Well, of course. I want you to be well."
A kiss was pressed against the top of your head. "Do you see my point?"
You nodded. "I think I do."
Thranduil let his thumb brush over the back of your hand. "Tomorrow, we can take a walk in the garden and look at all the blossoming flowers. Or we can do whatever else will make you happy."
A smile graced your lips. "Just being with you makes me happy."
Gently, the ellon grabbed your chin and turned your head around so he could kiss you. You melted into his embrace, smiling against his lips.
"Gi melin", he whispered after you two had parted for air and you replied with the same sentiment.
Once you two had soaked in the water for a while, the Elvenking grabbed your shampoo and lathered up his hands before bringing them up to your scalp to work in the product.
The more time you spend like this with your husband - in your little bubble of happiness and safety - the lighter your heart felt.
And it only got better when Thranduil's hands wandered down your head to your neck and shoulders, massaging your tense muscles to help you relax even further.
You shuddered and the king grinned to himself. He was just as pleased as you were earlier that his touch could, still, make you weak in the knees.
"Rest, meleth", he whispered as he continued to work on your upper back. "There will be time to talk about long-term adjustments and solutions, but for now, you can let yourself fall. I'll be there to catch you."
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Everything-Taglist: @shadowhuntyi @asgardianhobbit98 @fizzyxcustard
-> if you want to be added or removed from my taglist, just shoot me a message or an ask 🩷
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shoyoist · 2 years
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content: gn!reader. raw sex, body marking (scratching, biting.) a little masochistic behavior on izana's part + you call him princess, the term 'slut' used affectionately. collar & leash used w hanma. 
ft: inui seishu, kurokawa izana, ryuguji ken, kokonoi hajime & hanma shuji.—. 。˚ ♡ your boy looks even prettier all marked up.
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✿⁠ — : 𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐈 moans breathily into your mouth, fucking you in short, quick thrusts, letting your arms and legs tangle around his body as he adjusts his pace. his hair hangs in silky curtains around his face, bouncing lightly with each stroke of his cock inside you, and you reach over to tuck the loose strands behind his ear as he groans, twitching within your tight heat.
"seishu," you cry, gripping his muscled form tighter as he breaks the kiss to throw his head back and gasp for air. "seishu, you're so— fuck!"
"mmh," he responds, eyes lowering to meet yours as you lay under him. "what, baby? what am i?"
"so—" you're cut off again, when he thrusts into you harder, cock dragging in and out of you so well, but you swallow back the squeal that swells at your throat. "so pretty! you're so pretty, seishu."
"you're more, love." he grunts, cock shyly weeping precum into you as he says it, ever so receptive to your sweet praise. "there's nothin' prettier than you." he says that like it's the truth — but you're damned if your inui isn't the prettiest thing in the whole world.
he's so deliciously, elegantly muscled; and you can feel all of it as you scrape your nails down his back, muscles rippling with your stinging touch while he rolls his hips into you. his skin's flushed a rosy red as a result of your harsh scraping, your effort to hold onto him evident as he shoves his cock into you harder, chasing his high.
"s-shit," he stutters, lips pressing into the side of your neck, as he leans in and takes in a lungful of your scent. "you—" and you cut him off, raking your nails down the curve of his back, the tips of them digging into his skin, and he hisses sharply against your skin, pace stuttering along with his words. "god."
"pretty," you mumble, other hand latching onto the back of his neck, tugging him in for a kiss. "pretty boy gonna cum for me?"
he shivers with pleasure, feeling you squeeze around his length, ready to milk him of his cum as soon as he hits his orgasm and spills it into you. "f-fuck, yeah, gonna cum. gonna cum, baby."
"give it to me, then." you gently scrape your nails at his nape, at the same time that you run your other hand down his back again, sending a rush of delight flowing through his body and making him tremble against you with how fucking good it feels.
you imagine his back, the pale skin littered with red scratches and blushed lines at your behest, and the vision is so fucking hot you almost reach your own orgasm then and there. "give it to me, baby, please. so pretty right now. so, so pretty."
and inui thrusts into you deeper, cock sinking further into you as you spread your legs wider for him — eyes rolling back as he falls apart with your arms around him, your lips locking with his own.
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✿⁠ — : 𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐍𝐀's fingers itch, to grab you by the hair and shove his cock in your mouth — but every time the thought crosses his mind, overwhelmingly tempting, you seem to notice. and you let out a coo, click your tongue as you grab him by the wrists and set them back at his sides, whispering, "don't misbehave, princess."
so he sits still, legs spread open for you as you sit kneeled between them, whispering praise while you suck mark after mark into his inner thighs. his cock is stiff, leaking and begging for your mercy, but all you do is press the occasional kiss to his tip, before you go back to licking and sucking the sensitive skin of his thighs raw.
and god, it feels so good. when his cock's aching and his balls are heavy and strained like this — he thinks he could lay slack and enslaved by your ministrations like this forever. "hm," you say softly, looking up at him with your eyes half shut. "aren't you being a good boy today, 'zana."
"'s so good." he whines, slumping down a bit more, cock brushing your lips as he bucks his hips up and silently pleads you to take him in your mouth. "want more, though. please."
"can't wait any longer, you mean?" you laugh, and he feels his face heat up, embarrassment evident in his eyes — but he still pouts, nodding and confirming to you that he needs you to comply, needs you to please suck his dick and help him cum.
"that's a good lil' princess," you tell him, and his eyes light up at your gentler tone.
being obedient has its rewards, sometimes, and no matter how ruthless a leader izana is, he'll always submit to you, do whatever you say and be your sweet litte princess if it means you'll make him feel good.
a gasp escapes his parted lips when you finally take his cock in your mouth, and his hands curl into fists as they lay at his sides, with the effort it takes him to hold back from cumming instantly — but then, you hollow out your cheeks, one hand cupping his inner thigh, thumb stroking gently at the fresh marks you've left on him; and fuck, he can't control himself.
"g'nna cum. please, let me cum." he whispers, voice hoarse, the cutest lilt added to his begging by how close he is to emptying himself in your mouth.
"not yet, baby." you say, slipping his cock out from between your lips so you can lean up and make him bend down for a kiss. he moans helplessly in your mouth, hips jerking when you squeeze viciously at his balls—
but fuck, he's going to do as you say, no matter how much it hurts, because it always feels best when he obeys and you give him everything he needs and more, once you're satisfied.
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✿⁠ — : 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍 grabs your ass and pulls your body flush against his as you lay on top of him, his cock sheathed balls deep in you as you bounce up and down on him. a groan escapes his lips when he feels you clench around him, and he closes his eyes, relishing in the waves of bliss that wash over him while he snaps his hips up into you.
he breathes heavy in your ear, melting at the way you place such gentle kisses up his neck, muttering sweet nothings for you to indulge in as he focuses on emptying a second load into your squelching hole, his cock slick and glistening with his first orgasm as it pumps in and out of you.
"ken, ken," you moan, lips latching onto his collarbones. "so fuckin' big, ken. your cock — so big."
he just lets out an incoherent grunt of pleasure for you to interpret, calloused hands gripping your body as he thrusts into you, slow and deep, quickly getting overstimulated as he gets closer to his second high.
then, your mouth opens up, teeth clamping around his shoulder in an effort to keep yourself from moaning too loud when his tip bumps your sweetest spot — and his cock pulses inside you, vein throbbing as he groans, eyes fluttering open.
"heh," he lets out a low, raspy laugh, hips still bobbing up in time to your movements. "you tryin' to get a meal outta me, love?"
"fuck, ken." you moan into his shoulder, holding onto his biceps so hard you're digging little crescents into his skin. "so big."
your hand skitters from where it's gripping his arm, fingers tangling with the loose braid he's got his hair in — and when you give it a tug, the sound that leaves draken's lips is so fucking different from anything you've heard before.
his body jerks up, pelvis slapping against your ass as he tries to contain himself — "nngh, baby." he groans, "gonna cum again."
and you would respond if you could, tell him to cum and stuff you full of it — but you've gone too drunk on his cock to form words.
you bite down on his shoulder again, your teeth digging harshly into his skin as he fucks up into you, finding the right angle — repeatedly kissing at your favourite spots with his hot cockhead, and he lets out another heavy grunt, voice going higher as he gets closer and closer to his high.
"just like that, baby. k-keep going like that—" he hisses, hands tightening around your thighs as he seizes control over your pace, matching it to his favour.
you bite harder, and he knows he's going to have to keep his sleeves rolled down at work tomorrow, to save himself from any snooping eyes — but he can't care enough. "fuck, just like that, 'n i'll be giving you another load of cum."
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✿⁠ — : 𝐊𝐎𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐈 likes acting like the bigger person when he's out on the streets. his tongue is sharp, he dresses flashy, and he's always quick to take advantage of any given situation, and to put people in their places.
but in the sheets? when he's with you? he's the opposite. he's shy, quiet and just a little hesitant, too. afraid of looking vulnerable, perhaps, but the pretty blush on his face makes him look so cute that you can't help but toy with him anyway.
you've got him on his back, shirtless and spread out on the bed, and he tilts his face to a side and shuts his eyes, as you hover over him, kissing mark after mark up his waist and chest.
"hajime," you mumble, lips sticky on his stomach as you nip at the soft skin. "why so quiet?"
"shut up," he hisses, stomach tensing up when your teeth click together, seemingly done bruising up his torso. "j-just ... hurry."
"that's all you have to say?" you mock, lacing your voice with faux sadness, as you crawl further on top of him, till your eyes are level with eachother and you can drop down and kiss his lips. "not even a please?"
and he groans, narrow eyes opening up to look at yours, face going redder, the burn in the tips of his ears betraying to himself just how blushed he is right now. your teasing feels good — it makes him go breathless, taut with expectancy, chewing on his lower lip and waiting impatiently for you to be done so he can finally cum.
"please." he gives in, and you laugh, brushing away the messy locks of his death hawk away, revealing his forehead to you. pressing a gentle kiss to his temple, you prop yourself over him on your elbows — letting your bodies meet before you grind your hips onto him, the friction so heavenly that it instantly pulls a moan from both of you, together.
"that's a good boy," you say, voice so sweet, and he knows you're only saying that because you know it embarrasses him, but fuck it. he loves it. "want me to mark you up a little more?" your question sends a thrill down his spine immediately, but he takes his time answering, trying to act like he isn't so fucking down bad for the way you treat him. "want me to turn you over 'n suck some pretty hickeys onto your back, yeah?"
and he nods shortly, eyes refusing to meet yours. which of course, ends with you grabbing his face — squishing his cheeks between your fingers as you force him to look into your eyes. he inhales sharply, slitted pupils dilating as he takes in the sight of you.
"use your words, hajime." you hum, and he feels his cock throb under the sweats he's got on. maybe it's the fact that with you, he's able to let down his guard and be coddled, that makes him love this so much, despite how needy it makes him feel.
he likes the attention. the way you want him. the way you slowly drag him to heaven, without him having to do anything about it.
so he uses his words, showing off how prettily the crimson liner around his eyes has been smudged, as he looks up at you. "mm, want you to mark me up. and — and after that, please. want you on my cock."
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✿⁠ — : 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐌𝐀 adores the feeling of being owned by you, as much as he likes letting you know that he owns you.
large, tattooed hands take hold of your calves and pull you closer — your ass flush against his thighs and your cunt pressed to his length. he towers over you even though he's on his knees, as you lay on your back under him. "sh-shuji," you whimper, tears staining your lashline. "need you in me now."
"shhh," he brings an index finger to his lips, amber eyes glinting viciously in the low light as he looks down at you, ravishing your body with just his gaze.
his cock bobs stiff and weighty, drooling down its own length, but he ignores the way his body's begging — and shakes his head, rattling the collar and chain wrapped around his throat. "come on, doll — tug on it a little. teach me what to do, yeah?"
and really, you'd play this game with him, you would. but hanma has always been such a daunting presence, playing and teasing with you, fucking you dumb without effort, so dominant in every way that it's hard to think of doing it to him.
you think he might just be joking anyway, with this whole collaring thing, because clearly — he's still giving you that unfaltering grin, letting one of his hands rest on your lower stomach, fingers pressing suggestively into your skin as you lay under him.
you're caged, even with the leash in your hands.
the metal chain is cold as you grip it tighter, your eyes following the way it goes up, connecting to the collar around hanma's neck. he watches the way you contemplate it so hesitantly, and sighs. "tell ya what, pretty doll. you tug on this thing f'me, yank me down and steal a kiss from me — and i'll give you this big cock of mine. y'like that idea, hm?"
you do like that idea. you want it so bad.
so you blink back the tears that have formed in your eyes from all the tension your body's in, and get a firmer grip on the stupid chain. one harsh yank, and hanma's being pulled forward, golden eyes glittering with ecstasy as the collar digs into his neck and chafes, the sensation delicious to him.
but before he can fall, he steadies himself with one strong arm, pushing himself back up and wrapping his other hand around his cock. the slight release his fist gives him makes him tilt his head up and moan, precum beading down his fingers. "that's right, doll. keep at it." he breathes, taunting you. "get what you want from me."
with a whine dragging itself out your lungs, you yank harder, and hanma loves the thrill the collar gives him, as it forces him down ontop of you.
"fuck— 's a little tight, i think." he says after a second, pretending to choke — and he laughs when you open your eyes, concern lacing your features for a second.
"so soft for me, baby." he sings, and your concern melts away into indignance. alright, if he wants to play, then you'll fucking play.
brows knitting together as you shoot him a glare, you grab the leash with both hands, and pull again — with all the strength you've got.
the rim of the collar has definitely bruised hanma's neck by now, as his elbows buckle, a surprised grunt pushing at his throat as he's pulled down to you so suddenly.
"shuji," you say again, his bright, gold eyes and his pretty lips just centimetres away from your own. "i want that kiss."
"fine." he grins, finally giving in — but he straightens up again, shushing you when you whine. he lines his cock up at your entrance as he says, "i'll give it to ya. in here. with my cock, mhm?"
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Prized Possession
Marc Spector + Steven Grant X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - Requested By @lonelyisamyw-0love
Kinks - Possessiveness + Double Penetration
Your boyfriends Steven and Marc finally give you something you've wanted to try.
NSFW, the boys are in separate bodies, the boys are not related, poly relationship, double penetration, anal, p in v sex, p in v creampie, anal creampie, squirting, praise kink, soft marc, sex, smut
Word Count: 1,209
You, Steven and Marc had talked about this before, but you hadn’t done it until today. You’d been dating for a while, but you’d never taken them both at once, they usually took turns, and that was always fine with you, but not today. Today, you were on your back, laying against Marc’s chest with Steven in front of you. Steven’s hands were holding the backs of your knees, keeping you spread out for them.
“We got you all good and ready ahead of time baby, so this shouldn’t hurt too much, okay?” Marc said softly in your right ear.
You nodded, “okay.”
“I can feel you shaking love, you sure you’re ready for—”
“She can take it, she’s fine,” Marc cut him off with a forceful tone, “you can take anything right, honey? Just make sure to breathe through it.”
You took a deep breath and nodded again, closing your eyes as Marc pushed through your well prepped, lesser used hole. Your eyes shot open wide, meeting with Steven’s beautiful but concerned gaze. You gave him a gentle but wobbly smile to reassure him that you were fine.
He looked down, seeing Marc’s thick length disappearing into you, stretching your hole out around him. Steven impatiently lined himself up to your cunt, feeling the slick of your arousal coating his girth while he dragged it over your folds. Steven’s grip around the backside of your knees tightened as he slid forward, bottoming himself out inside your wet heat. His entire body trembled as he felt Marc through the thin barrier.
“Oh shit, love.”
The three of you let out a unified and pleasure filled groan into the apartment. They began alternating thrusts, pistoning back and forth into you at a moderate pace, letting you get used to having yourself stuffed with both of them at once. Steven tossed his head back, messy curls falling into his eyes while Marc kissed the side of your neck, just below your earlobe from behind you. You’d never felt so full in all your life, you felt like no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t breathe properly. 
“How’s that feel, honey? How’s it feel being fucked in both of your little holes, hm? I can feel you squeezing so tight around me…fuck.” The breath in his lungs punched out, hot on your cheek.
“I feel so…so full, Marc. So. Full.” You grabbed Steven’s strong biceps for stability while his hands stayed firmly around the back of your thighs, holding you open.
“Shit, you feel that Steven? Baby if you don’t relax I’m not going to l-last.” Marc reached one hand up to squeeze around your breast and the other moved between your legs, fingers rolling over your swollen clit.
You arched into them both, angling in a way that made Steven shudder and glide in deeper, bumping your cervix on the next thrust.
“Oh my—love, you feel so good, look how well you’re taking us. These tight little holes are always so good and ready for us love, they know who they belong to, right? That’s why you drip like a little fountain when we take you, yeah?”
“Y-yeah, yes Steven—ohhh!”
“You’re doing so good, such a good girl for us, honey. Taking us both so well.” His middle finger continued to glide over your hardened clit, moving faster now.
“Can feel you Marc, fuckin’ her so good, can feel it on my—oh I can feel it inside her. Go faster please.” Steven looked at you with lust etched into every pore, “you can take it right love? Been doing great so far, it just feels so…please Marc, fuck—please.”
You whimpered as Marc started fucking you faster at Steven’s command, both cocks punching into you at an unforgiving pace. Marc shushed you, nipping your neck softly and moving his finger over your clit in a more satisfying motion. You felt the unmistakable burning in your core…you were getting close.
Marc could feel Steven too while he thrusted harder and faster into your ass. He knew you’d tell him if it was too much. Your shaky moans and whimpers of pure intoxicated pleasure told him you were doing more than fine. 
“Oh love, your sounds are so pretty, that must feel good, yeah? Having two big cocks fuckin’ both your holes at once? You look so lovely.”
Steven looked down at where you were connected and tilted his head. Your pussy lips were swallowing his girth, while your tight rim did the same for Marc. He could see how your arousal dripped out of your hole, trickling over his cock and leaking down onto Marc’s length. You were wetter than he’d ever seen you. When he looked back into your eyes, you looked like a cock drunk mess…just how they liked you.
“You doing alright, honey? Oh fu—of course you are, can feel you about to—oh there you go, feel that, Steven? There you go baby, let it out.”
You were nearly screaming, body tensing while they continued fucking both of your holes through your orgasm. You threw your head back, feeling Marc latch his lips down over your throat. Your mind stopped working completely.
Steven’s and Marc’s did too. The way your holes squeezed around them, clamping down in waves while they continued alternating their rocking hips. They were close, but not quite there yet. You were completely spent though. Marc didn’t stop rubbing your clit, despite your cries for him to stop.
“Shh, you’re ok baby, I’m almost there, we’re almost there. Come on Steven, keep going. Shhh, honey, I know you can take it. You’re doing so good for us.”
It wasn’t their assault on your holes that made it difficult, it was the way Marc was still toying with your clit. You couldn’t take the over stimulation. It was building inside, and you felt like you were going to…oh no you were about to…
“Steven, Steven move I’m gonna—FUCK!”
Marc knew what it was you were doing. They’d never made you squirt before, but oh you sounded so beautiful when you did. Steven could tell right away that this was something new, not urine, not cum, but something else entirely, and it was amazing. Your entire body was trembling over them, cunt clenching around him even harder. Steven’s abdomen was covered in this new liquid. It soaked him and trickled down his thighs to the bedding. Marc was…the man was a genius.
“Did you just—? You’re so wet, love, I’m gonna— not gonna make it love. Oh god, oh god —ahhh!”
“Yeah that’s it, Steven, fill her little hole, you feel that, honey? You like getting stuffed full, don’t you? Don’t you? Oh shiiiit— gonna fill you up too baby—shit!”
They were both groaning through their simultaneous orgasms while they fucked their cum deeper into you. You felt numb at the end there, like your body was just a sack of potatoes stuck between them. When they were finished, both going soft inside of you, they each were kissing your cheeks and lips telling you how perfect you were for them, and how well you did. As you all came back to reality, the door to the bedroom opened and the three of you looked over in surprise…Jake.
Moon Knight Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Post
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ladygoth · 7 months
⛦˙♱⋆♱˙⛧ꜰᴏᴏʟ ʜɪᴍ ᴏɴᴄᴇ, ꜰᴏᴏʟ ʜɪᴍ ᴛᴡɪᴄᴇ⛦˙♱⋆♱˙⛧
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i am not copying anything since i am the original creator of babydoll, my n1ght4ngel account just got deleted, but thankfully i was able to upload the previous chapters on archive of our own this is chapter five of the black dahlia series, but you can begin to read from here :)
summary - you had ghost fooled and you know you will pay.
18+ daddy kink.
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“Let me go with you,” he said as he pulled himself up to his feet, it had been two days since you had met with Fraizer and Ghost himself had to meet with his team-mates in a nearby pub the day after, you had figured that Ghost had been informed of the mission, had carried the intel that Task Force 141 would be teaming up with a group called the Black Dahlias.
You had been sure that they didn’t share your identities because that would’ve meant that Ghost would’ve been aware of your association with the Black Dahlias, and that would’ve led into an awkward and intense conversation.
“You don’t need to go with me to pick up female essentials,” you smiled, ever since you had returned from your meeting with Fraizer, you had been behaving oddly, you did bring back groceries like you have said you would, but as the observant man Ghost had been, he had identified the cold look in your eyes as you had put the objects away.
“Hm,” he grunted, “maybe I just want to spend some time with you before I go away,” he shrugged and thoughtful you had pressed your lips into a thin line before you shrugged in approval. “Don’t know how long I’ll be gone Babydoll,” he shared, “but I’ll be thinking of you every day.”
“Already thinking of the future,” you smiled while the two of you exited your home. “I’ll be by your side, don’t worry.”
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One more day until Ghost finally knows who you really are and you could feel your anxiety rise every second, the way he would look at you, it would appear as if he’d knew, but he would eventually say something following after that makes it come off as if he was oblivious to the fact that you were a mercenary and a spy.
To ease your anxiety, you would pull yourself to his lap and guide him into fucking you, you’d ride him like there’d be no tomorrow and currently that’s what you had been doing, to make him less suspicious whenever you appeared like you were hiding something from him. It was bad enough when he had his mask on, so all you would feel was his two piercing eyes examining you, but it was worse when he didn’t have his mask on.
Bare, his face would seem like it was deciphering something, and that was when you’d pull him into a kiss, and pull yourself on top of his lap and gently rock your covered cunt against his length, he’s so easily turned on, so when his size would stretch your sex, he would dive himself into an obsession of fucking his cock up your cunt, his pretty face knitted in a pleased frown while the pad of his fingers would dig into your buttocks, bouncing you up and down his size.
 “Simon, right there!” You whimpered, “ah, you feel so good!”
“I know Babydoll,” he grunted, “so tight around me, bounce on my cock, just like that Babydoll,” he whined, his length twitching inside you, but stubborn, he would hold his load back, edging himself into a plethora wickedness. He would lean his head back, his raspy whines lewd as he would buck his length into you, the head of his shaft licking the soft sponginess of your heat, and compact, your sex would tautly wrap itself around him. “Hold yourself back,” he demanded and tense, you bit down your bottom lips.
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as slick love droll would trickle down your chin, desperate to cum but punished by the large man who had sat beneath you. Yet, eventually, with a few more humps, Simon would bring his face closer to yours, his tongue licking your lower mouth before capturing the rest of your lips into an enticing embrace, the kiss strong and passionate as he would continue to buck his hips upwards, his cum eventually quick and warm, coating the softness of your walls with his sticky load. “Oh Babydoll,” he’d whisper, his eyes soft with pure affection and desire.
His hands now at each side of your hips, aiding you into a climatic high, his length still hard and eager for the hearth of your cunt, his lower lips tucked behind his teeth, the expression on his face so provocative and seductive that you could feel the heat of your sex become even more damp intensely. “Daddy,” you shakily breathed out, your hardened nipples printed against your shirt and your bud stinging with arousal, your moans now racing into a higher pitch as you could feel yourself drown into a puddle of peak, your orgasm coating around his size merging with his nectar.
Breathy, you had felt your body gently collapse against his, your face dipped into the crook of his neck. “Your libido has been crazy these days,” he smirked.
“Maybe it’s because I already missed you,” you smiled.
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It was the day and you had been averse of what was to come, you had been informed Task Force 141 had been travelling to the Black Dahlia base and you had been teased by Fraizer who had pointed out how you’d been playing with your fingers.
Your closest team-mate AJ who you had been guilty for not being in contact with had been by your side, you two had been brought into the Black Dahlias together and had trained side by side, AJ was an excellent fighter, and was good at the avail of a sniper.
You were a bomb specialist, excellent with guns and had excelled hand-to-hand combat. You were able to make explosives with objects people wouldn’t expect to be bombs, thus that’s how you were able to eliminate high political figures with no suspicion being directed to you.
Your most special creation was a sticker implant, had been the size of a pill and transparent, all you had to do was touch someone, stick it against their skin and with a press of a button they would detonate. Due to you being a skilful asset, Argent, the captain of the entire crew had never wanted to let you go, amongst other eccentric reasons.
“Call me Soap,” and immediately you had been broken out of your train of thoughts, you had heard the name Soap before, you had remembered Simon complaining about him, “think I’ve seen you before,” he hummed and immediately you had felt all eyes fall on you.
Ghost hadn’t been there, so you had played with your fingers, pondered where he might’ve been. “Me?” You asked and sure, Soap beckoned his head.
“You have a pretty distinct face,” he replied and humoured, AJ cocked both of her eyebrows, infatuated with what he had meant.
“Hook-up culture, Blade?” AJ questioned and immediately you had scrunched your face.
“No, never seen him before,” you shrugged and stubborn the man had examined you once again.
“Hm, does he know you’re one?” Soap asked and reticent you had nibbled on your bottom lip, nervous before you shook your head. “The rest of the crew are waiting; Ghost is out there.”
Silent, you had placed your hands against your hips. “You’re telling me you’re with Ghost and you’ve never told me?” AJ asked and embarrassed your eyes had fell to your feet.
“Enough talking about my love life,” you muttered, “We have a mission to do.”
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You could feel his eyes burn into the back of your head the moment you entered the vehicle, there had been many transportations, some Black Dahlias and 141 Soldiers pushed into one of each, and with luck playing with your face, as per usual; you had been stuck in the vehicle with Soap and Ghost, fortunately with AJ by your side.
Though, it didn’t make you feel better that you had Fraizer in the driver’s seat, who would undoubtedly instigate a heated conversation between the two of you. The Humvee had been silent, awkward glances being shared between you and AJ and sometimes Soap who could feel the anger radiate from Ghost’s essence.
You had him fooled.
He had left earlier than you, he had expected you to be at work, as you said, but the moment Ghost had left your premises, you had sent Coco to Jasmine who was willingly open to take care of your pet. An hour later you had made way to the Black Dahlia base and not the 9-5 job Ghost thought you had been occupied in.
He had thought you were a civilian, protected from this area of work, but once again, you had fooled him. A whole side of you he was unaware of, people have their secrets, he knows that, but this data was something he had wished you had spoken to him about.
So, he could avoid this rush of emotions that had poured through him, he had hated what he had felt, and this was all because of you, because you were a lying femme fatale, distracting him with your beauty and sex, and like the fool he was, he didn’t question your odd behaviour, your intense need to keep simple things away from him that would lead into bigger commodities.
He was foolish, and you had him outfoxed, and when the time was to come, he’d be eager to show how deceived and misled he had felt.
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to make things less confusing, babydoll from the text messaging series is the same babydoll here, the text messages series is before everything in the black dahlia :)
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mrsurahara · 10 months
ఌ︎ p. Steve Harrington x f!reader // g. fluff
ఌ︎. cw. established relationship, original character, kissing, Steve being great with kids, talks about wanting kids, talks of marriage, no use of y/n— let me know if i missed any!
ఌ︎. wc. 1.4k
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Your baby sister, Madilyn, is the textbook definition of an angel. Of course she has her moments, she’s a kid, but for the most part, she’s the best tiny human ever. Which is why you had no problems looking after her while your parents were on their anniversary trip for the weekend.
The two of you were on the sofa watching Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown while dinner was finishing on the stove. Ending the day with dumb cartoons and your favorite human was a win in your book.
Suddenly, the phone rang drawing your attention away from the television. A part of you wanted to ignore it, but if it was your parents and they had to call again, you’d get a never ending earful. Approaching the blush pink landline on the wall you answer it.
“Hi, Babydoll,” your boyfriend’s smooth voice sounded over the receiver. You leaned against the wall, a smile playing on your lips.
“Hi, Stevie,” your voice sounded breather than anticipated. Even after almost two years together, Steve Harrington still makes you feel like a girl with an elementary school crush.
Introducing Steve, Hawkins’ resident rich boy, to your family was nerve-wracking. The day he picked you up for your first date, you opened the door with a then two-year-old Madilyn on your hip. She shied away and hid half of her face in your neck. After greeting you with a kiss on the cheek he turned to the girl in your arms, “Is this little Madilyn that likes Care Bears?” he asked excitedly and the rest is history.
Your baby sister successfully stole your boyfriend.
But there are no hard feelings because watching the two of them interact with each other is a beautiful sight. Steve’s patience and ability to keep up with the toddler’s often nonsensical rambles, make you firmly believe that he would make a great father; hopefully to your own kids someday.
“How’s babysitting going?”
“It’s been good, you know Maddie’s a good kid,” you shrugged watching the little girl curled up on the couch with her stuffed bunny.
“Mm,” he hummed as he exhaled, “You two want company? Or is it strictly sister bonding time?”
“Hm, I think the kid and I can go for a night with our favorite guy,” your smile widened as you twirled the coiled line around your finger.
“Well in that case, I’ll see you in 10.”
“Steve…you live twenty minutes away,” you said skeptically.
“Like I said, 10 minutes— I love you,” you could practically hear the smile on his face.
“I love you too and please drive safely,” sincerity coating your words. With a promise to see each other soon, you hang up and join your sister on the couch.
Maddie shifted over to curl into your side. You looked down at the girl and squished her closer. Becoming a big sister is easily one of the best things to happen to you. Sure fourteen year old you was skeptical and a little jealous about your first sibling, but as soon as you held the newborn in your arms for the first time, you knew you would do anything for her.
A loud knock on the door had you both alert and looking toward the front hallway. Upon opening the door, you were met with a very sexy looking Steve Harrington. His sunglasses were perched on his nose and the yellow Polo shirt was unbuttoned showcasing his chest hair. He smiled cockily and removed his sunglasses, “you can eye fuck me inside, doll,” he pushed past you and into the house. Closing and locking the door for you, Steve wound his arm around your waist and pulled you into a deep kiss.
“Hi,” you smiled before pressing another short kiss to his lips. Taking him by the hand, you walked back into the living room. “Maddie, look who’s here!” you caught the girl’s attention. Propping herself up on the back of the sofa, she smiled widely and waved her hand so fast, it was just a blur.
“Hi, Steve!” she said excitedly. She held out her arms, her bunny long forgotten, and Steve scooped her up and gave her a big hug.
“Hi Mads, how was your day?” he asked. That led to her talking a mile a minute, not leaving a single detail out about her day.
The timer starts to ring and you walk over to the stove to turn off the burner. You stirred the hot pot of jambalaya, the smell making your mouth water.
You poked your head back into the living room, “You two. Table. Now please,” you hollered over their conversation. Their voices carried into the dining room and Steve helped Maddie into her booster seat. You sat her plate and a cup of watered down apple juice in front of her. Bringing in yours and Steve's plates, you all sat down together and continued to chat over your meal. Every so often either you or Steve had to remind her to finish chewing before talking.
After finishing up dinner, you took Maddie up for a bath and wrapped her hair up for the night. She still had about an hour left before her bedtime so you brought her back down to finish her movie.
When you got back to the kitchen, Steve was putting away the clean and dried dishes. After putting the last of them away you took ahold of his hands and pulled him into you.
“You didn’t have to clean up, I could’ve done it.”
“You were already getting Mads ready for bed, It’s the least I could do,” he shrugged. You smiled, guiding him back to the living room where you were gonna watch the rest of the movie until you saw Maddie knocked out on the couch, soft snores escaping from her. Letting go of your hand, Steve picked the sleeping girl up while you turned off the tv and all the lights then you two walked her up the stairs. You pulled back the sheets and Steve laid her down. You tucked her in with her bunny, leaving a kiss on her forehead.
Retreating from her room as quietly as possible, you two made it back to your room and began getting yourselves ready for bed. Slipping underneath the cool sheets, you and Steve settled in together. “Thank you for coming over, I really do appreciate it,” you smiled, giving him a kiss on the back of his hand.
“Of course,” he returned the kiss to one of your hands, “I need the practice anyway.”
“Practice for…?” you asked. Steve pulled you into his chest, his hand lightly gripping your hip.
“The six kids I dreamt of running around our house. You in a pretty little dress baking fucking cinnamon rolls with our girls while the boys wrestle in the living room.”
“What if the boys wanna bake and the girls wanna wrestle?” you smirked, hooking your leg over his hip.
“Doesn’t matter, as long as our kids,” he took your hand and kissed your bare ring finger, “and my wife are happy and healthy.”
You felt the heat building in your face as a smile played on your lips. “Mm, being acknowledged as ‘Mrs. Harrington’ does sound pretty great.”
“Hell yeah it does, sweetheart,” he kissed you deeply. A knock on the door forced you to break the kiss off sooner than you would’ve liked. The door opened and Maddie poked her head into the room.
“You okay Mads?” you sat up.
“Can I sleep in here?” she rubbed her eye, still sleepy.
“Of course, baby girl,” you pulled the sheets back so she could crawl in between the two of you. Getting her settled, she quickly fell back asleep, stuffed bunny tucked in her arms. You adjusted her bonnet and slightly adjusted the comforter, knowing she hates having her face covered. When you finally looked back at Steve his eyes were already on you.
“I love you,” he mouthed so as not to wake the sleeping child between the two of you.
“I love you too,” you replied.
Soon all of your breaths evened out and you all slept through the night. Even with a four year old beating you up in her sleep.
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devils-dares · 1 year
Top of the Class
summary: you and matt could not be further from each other, he's unlike you in every way and you hate him for it, but something always draws the two of you back to each other.
pairing: college!matt murdock x fem!reader
warnings: NSFW 18+ minors DNI, this is basically hate sex with a little softness at the end, semi-established relationship?? (they're enemies)
wordcount: 858
a/n: first smut whaaaat?
feedback is always appreciated!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The noise of his headboard hitting the wall did absolutely nothing to deter you from making even more noise, the pistoning of his hips stealing away any semblance of thought from you. His large forearms bracket your head, his lips mere inches from yours.
"How's it feel, huh? How's it feel being fucked 'by the likes of me'?" He uses your earlier words against you, having overheard a conversation between you and your friends.
You moan pathetically in response, nails dragging down his back to leave raised red tracks in their wake, he curses and drops his head, sucking marks into your skin.
"Did you finally realize you're nothing but a whore? Fucking around with all those prep boys yet you're sneaking into my room at night just to get a good fuckin’? Such a naughty girl." One of his hands leaves the support he has on the bed to hold your neck, squeezing just enough to limit your air intake and have that delicious emptiness in your brain become evermore delirious.
"Can't even fucking talk, hm? You gonna cum?" You nod, and he laughs at you, "Poor you, too bad. Hold it." You whine at his words but do as he says. You have no reason to, but his domineering position has you in literally and figuratively a chokehold, so you comply anyways.
He sits up, grabbing your thighs to push your legs over his shoulders. He gives you no warning but a little smirk and a dark chuckle before he resumes fucking you. He hits that spot, which annoyingly, only he can hit and you squeal.
"Don't hold back," he whispers, "I want everyone in this goddamned house to hear you scream.'' He starts thrusting harder, resulting in you and the bed being the loudest you possibly can.
"Matty, Matty, please," you say and he laughs at you again.
"What are you begging for, brat? Use your big girl words for a change, thought you were top of your class." You're afraid to request, however, feeling as though he'd make fun of you for what you wanted.
"Say what you want, whatever you wish I'll grant it." He says, and you're left wondering how he can exert so much energy yet have so much breath left to talk to you.
"Closer, pl-please." His hips stutter for half a second, and then he picks up the pace.
"Awh, you want me closer? Alright babybug." You hated when he called you petnames, but so long as he granted your wish, which he did, you didn't care.
"Gonna cum!" You squeal into his shoulder. He brings you impossibly closer to his body, and you can feel his abs flex with every thrust.
"Matty please," you beg, "can I cum?" He tuts at you.
"You're so far gone, aren't you, pretty girl? Yes, you can cum for me." He feels you tighten around him, grunting as you arch your back into him and practically scream his name. He fucks you through it, and only slows when he feels you squeezing his shoulder.
"Too much?" He asks softly, and you nod.
"I can stop, princess." You shake your head quickly.
"I want-" You have to take a breath to finish your statement, the aftershocks of your orgasm still washing over you, "want you to finish in me." He squeezes your hips and drops his head to your shoulder.
"Can't just say stuff like that, angel." You feel him tenderly resume his thrusts, groaning deeply into your neck as you squeeze around him.
You feel him throb inside of you, and if the tightening of his hands on your hips is anything to go by, he's close. You bring one of your hands up to his hair and give a gentle tug, coaxing him to "give it to me, Matty." He groans, and you feel him fill you up. You convince him to stay, his softening cock still tucked up inside of you while he lays his body weight on you.
"You alright?" He was always kind and gentle to you in the moments after, a stark contrast to your relationship outside the bedroom. You nod, feeling your eyes droop.
"I gotta go. Gonna fall asleep if I stay."
"Stay," he talks softly as if he were trying to lull you to dreamland, "I'll take care of you. Let me clean you up and dress you, I'll grab you a glass of water."
"You don't ha-"
"I'm offering, angel, let me." You nod and he does just as he says.
The two of you lay in his bed, he's dressed in just boxers and you've thrown on panties and his shirt. Your ear is pressed against his chest, his heartbeat willing you to sleep.
"Thank you." You say sleepily.
"For?" He asks softly, hands running up and down your bare thighs.
"Letting me in."
"I'm not quite sure what that means, angel." But he won't get an answer, for you've fallen asleep on his chest. He vows to your sleeping figure that he won't move until you've woken, pressing a secret kiss to your forehead.
"Thank you too, angel."
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sysboxes · 1 month
fav sets of pronouns (including any type. So “traditional”, neos, xenos, archeo, etc)? Either in general or some alters favourites?
Doesn’t have to be pronouns you use
-Mod Weeping ❤️ (there’s more but there’s some)
he/him, 他/他(when using mandarin/hanzi, pinyin is Tā/Tā, xi/xer, rrom/rroma, 🫁/🫀/🥩s/🔪self , tx/tex/texs/texas, lux/ray/luxs/rayself /triassic/jurrassic/cretaceous/paleo honestly? dumb/bitch that shit EATS oh and tyranno/saurusrex
-mod Luxray
-Mod Starry 🌌
and idk the full set but i know some people who unironically use nor/mal and i love that for them
-mod wonder
Ngl I really like it/its pronouns.
- Mod Avon 📖
hm maybe hy/hymn/hys? There’s something about them that I find pretty neat I guess
- Mod morpho 🦋
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Idk why people are suprised about Dan & Donna or Melissa (Pre HM) being loved. Fans here have been attaching onto small/background characters for ages. Fuck we LOVED Peter before he was known as Pete and was just "hot chocolate boy". People used to have Danny and Sof in fics all the time. People ship Gary Goldstein and Man in a Hurry. Before npmd, Cineplex Teen was imagined to be Pete's friend. And some people ship Dan & Donna and some people loved Melissa before HM, particularly ppl really mostly liked when all we had was just tgwdlm. That hasn't stopped either, currently people love Trevor, Ruldoph and Brooke. People just like small/background characters, probably because you kinda just make them whatever you want for the most part so there's so little known about them.
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adidastain · 6 months
i have something to tell you
90s matt stone x ftm reader (blurb)
a/n: this is something i whipped up real quick for my own comfort cus i've felt so shitty the past few days. i'm actually really glad i wrote this cus not only did it make me feel better but i also don't hate it and it's my first time writing ftm reader (i'm ftm. idk if you could assume from my prns (he/him) despite the fact that i primarily write fem reader fics but yes i am ftm) so this is for all my t-brothers in the mattrey fandom <3 obviously if you're cis you can read it all you want i love u all no matter what :) enjoy
other notes: some suggestive dialogue at the end, all lowercase, 2847 words
“hey,” matt said to me. i was standing in the kitchen, washing dishes from the night before. i hated touching the food grime stuck to the porcelain, but it needed to be done.
“hi,” i said, putting on a small smile and leaning sideways to accept his kiss to my cheek, which he held for a few seconds. i felt my face grow warm. he was so good at making me blush. 
my smile quickly faded, however. something had been on my mind all day that kept me constantly terrified. i just hoped that he would make me feel better, enough so that my gloom would go away and i wouldn’t bring his mood down too. 
matt set his coat and stuff down on the kitchen table, before coming back over to me and wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. i leaned back against his broad chest, tilting my head as he kissed the crook of my neck. 
“how was your day?” he asked me. 
“fine,” i hummed, scrubbing the inside of a plastic cup. 
“not,” he said, furrowing his eyebrows. “you know i know that ‘fine’ means not fine.” 
“it was fine,” i insisted, looking at him. “just uneventful.” 
“m’kay,” he said, still suspicious. “i missed you a lot.” 
“i missed you too,” i sighed. that was true. i missed him more and more every day. nothing in our lives had changed, i just felt like he was slipping away from me solely because i was the distant one. i just tried to cherish what i had before it would all go to shit. i was terrified. 
“wanna watch a movie tonight?” he asked, kissing my ear. i felt matt’s hand travel down my waist, rubbing over the swell of my ass and giving it a light squeeze. 
i giggled, pushing him away with my back. i was relieved that he was still able to make me laugh and feel all warm inside. i loved him so much. 
“hm?” he hummed, pushing his question. 
“sure,” i said, washing the dish germs off my hands before drying them off with a towel. 
we ended up choosing a pretty depressing movie. neither of us knew it would be such a rough watch, but we got through it and i felt pretty shitty. matt pulled me closer as the credits rolled, most likely able to see that i was troubled. 
no words were said; he just caressed my face with both hands and looked into my eyes. i stared back, taking in the feeling that it gave me to share that contact with him. it would be gone soon, i was sure of it. that look of love he gave me would soon turn into one of betrayal, disgust, disappointment. 
of course, the thought brought tears to my eyes, which he immediately noticed. 
“i’m sorry,” he apologized. “i didn’t know the movie was like that. i’m sorry.” 
“it’s okay,” i exhaled, swallowing harshly through a tight throat. “i’m okay.” 
i giggled slightly, hoping to rid him of his concern and make myself feel a little better too. matt buried his slender fingers into my hair, holding my head close to his shoulder. for a moment, i sat there, letting him hold me. my hands tentatively made their way around his neck, pressing him against me as i felt a sob threatening to escape me. 
“i don’t think you are,” he sighed, his voice cracking. that pushed me over the edge. i broke down, tears soaking spots in his shirt as i buried my face in his shoulder. 
matt adjusted so that his arms were wrapped completely around my waist, holding my body flat against his. his lips pressed against my neck and cheek periodically, warm and soft. 
“talk to me,” he told me, his hand trailing up and down my back. “you haven’t been yourself lately.
i didn’t understand what he meant by that. i guess he could tell that i had been feeling down, but it was ironic. i’d been feeling down because i was terrified to tell him what i’d discovered about myself. how everything i hated about myself throughout my entire life was all because of one thing that i was absolutely petrified to share with him. it was myself, yet he had no idea. 
“i don’t want to make you upset,” i sobbed, gripping the fabric of his t-shirt as if he were trying to get away and i didn’t want him to leave. 
“baby,” he said softly. he smiled, looking into my eyes. “i don’t want you to be upset either. whatever it is, it’ll be better if we talk about it.” 
maybe he was right. maybe we could work it out. maybe he would be willing to give himself a different label and call me by a different name, if we could work it out. 
i sniffled, staring into his eyes and wishing he could just read my mind so i didn’t have to put it into words and fuck everything up. i could ruin my entire life with my next words.  
matt sat patiently, looking at me with concerned yet infinitely loving eyes. i spent my last few seconds with those eyes taking in their beauty, relishing the feeling they gave me when they peered into me with dilated pupils and relaxed lids. just a few more seconds, and i may never get them back. 
“i hate myself,” i choked, practically whispering. matt’s face dropped, his eyebrows furrowing. 
“i’m not finished,” i squeaked, my voice wavering as i felt tears welling again. “please believe me when i say… i-i love you more than anything, matt. you are so important to me a-and-“ 
i cut myself off when i felt his thumb wipe a tear away from my eye. that only made me cry more. 
“you’re killing me,” matt swallowed. “i’m getting really worried.” 
“i’m sorry,” i said, nearly gauging my eyes out with how harshly i wiped my tears away. 
“i’m listening, baby,” he whispered. “i promise.” 
i took a deep breath, picking my fingertips as my entire body trembled. here we go. 
ruining my life in 3, 2… 
“i’m tired of being… of being a-a girl,” i mumbled, my voice faltering. yep. it was over. gone. finished. 
i first noticed his eyebrows furrow deeper than i’d ever seen them. he cocked his head slightly. he did that whenever he was confused. 
“what are you talking about?” he asked cautiously, meeting my eyes. concern still lingered in his gaze. i still felt the love there, but i hadn’t said entirely what i needed to say. 
“i don’t wanna be a girl anymore,” i sniffled, looking down as i spoke. “i don’t think i’ve ever wanted to be a girl.” 
silence filled the space between us as matt seemed to be deep in thought. “so…” he pondered out loud, not entirely sure what he was going to say, just as i was. 
“i’m… i’m trans. transgender. i-i think,” i said, swallowing harshly. my eyes burned from drying tears. my body just shook, saving the rest of the tears for later. 
i noticed matt’s expression relax for the most part, one small wrinkle still sitting between his subtly furrowed brows. he always sort of had a resting angry face, but now he looked frustrated for real. he was staring into space, just sitting there, thinking.
i looked away from him, pulling away slightly so that i wasn’t sitting on top of him anymore. i felt cold; i’d ripped myself away from his warmth before i gave myself the chance to cherish it. 
there it was before me. my life, broken and shattered into millions of pieces. 
“can… can i ask you-“ he started. 
“yeah,” i exhaled. i didn’t realize that i’d been holding my breath. 
“how, um, how do you know that?” matt asked softly. “i just mean-“ 
“it’s fine,” i swallowed. “i-i just… i don’t- i don’t know how to explain it. i-it’s… you know how i like wearing baggy clothes and overall just, y’know, men’s clothes?” 
matt nodded, staying quiet. he had his listening face on. jaw clenched shut, chewing on the inside of his cheek, eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. 
“it’s like, i don’t… i don’t wanna be a girl dressing like a man. i wanna be a man dressing like a man. even as a kid i wanted to wear boy’s clothes,” i explained. my voice cracked towards the end of my sentence, tears filling my eyes once again. 
i knew matt had little, if not zero experience with this, and to be honest, i barely did myself. and based on some of the stuff i’d seen and heard from his work, it didn’t seem like he ever wanted to have experience to begin with. 
“so… would you… change your name and stuff?” he asked, scratching the back of his neck. 
“mhm,” i hummed, sniffling. i wiped my eyes, cringing at the stinging sensation. 
“what name are-… w-what name would you prefer?” he asked, his voice softer than i’d ever heard it. 
did he really want to know? part of me didn’t want to tell him. part of me felt scared to death that he would tell his friends and they would mock me. 
“i, um… i like y/n,” i mumbled. i felt a small smile trying to creep up my face. it felt good to finally say that out loud. “feels good. i’ve always liked that name.” 
“y/n?” he repeated. 
i nodded, swallowing. i finally worked up the courage to look at him again. i felt better, but i still felt dread over what he was going to say next. 
“come here, y/n,” he said, beckoning me over with his index finger. good god. it felt unbelievably good to hear him call me that, regardless of whether what was to follow. 
i climbed back over to him, melting in his arms. matt ran his fingers through my hair. i could feel his heartbeat, racing nearly as fast as mine. he still felt just as warm as he did a few minutes ago. 
i let one hand caress his back while my other hand played with one of his curls on the back of his head. he let out a heavy exhale, his body relaxing under me. 
“i love you so much,” he said quietly in my ear. “you know that.” 
i nodded, pulling him closer. i said “i love you too,” but it was practically silent and only came out as a breath.
“i wish i knew more about this,” he said, his own voice starting to waver slightly. he placed a small kiss on my ear, moving my hair out of the way. 
“it’s okay,” i choked. i closed my eyes and pressed my face against his hair, letting his soft curls brush against my skin. “i understand if you… if you don’t wanna have to- …y’know.” 
“have to what?” he pressed. “call you my boyfriend?” 
i nodded. matt looked at me, wiping my tears away again. i could see his own eyes watering slightly, even through his glasses. my lip quivered as i remembered why i was so scared in the first place. 
 “i was so scared,” i laughed slightly, gulping. 
matt held both of my hands with one of his, the other reaching up to caress my jaw as he slowly leaned in and placed a soft, passionate kiss on my lips. 
even after letting go, his face lingered close to mine. we remained still, breathing each other in for a moment. his hand slipped away from my face, lowering to meet the rest of the bundle of hands that sat in my lap. 
“i didn’t want to lose you,” i whispered, barely audible. “i didn’t want to tell you ‘cause i was so scared that you would leave a-and-“ 
“i still love you,” he said. he gave me a small smile, showing off his dimples. “i don’t want to leave you. ever. not in a million years. you’re the brightest part of my entire fucking life.” 
i started crying again, hiding my face from him. i really thought he was going to be upset. i was so sure he would push me away. i guess i just didn’t read him correctly. 
“and who the fuck cares if i’m gay?” he laughed, pulling my hands away from my face. “everyone pretty much already believes that i am.” 
“but are you?” i asked, still sobbing. “there’s a difference between saying you’re gay and actually being gay.” 
“yeah, i mean-“ 
“it’s not a joke,” i swallowed. “are you attracted to men?” 
matt’s face dropped slightly. i didn’t mean to, but i had snapped at him a bit. my arms and hands were still shaking. i felt bad for interrogating him like this, but i would have preferred to get my heart broken now than later on, after thinking that i might have been spared of it. 
“i…” matt choked slightly. he cleared his throat. i saw tears welling in his eyes again. “i don’t know.” 
i sighed, looking away. i put my face in my hands again, taking a deep, shaky breath to keep more tears at bay. 
“but that doesn’t mean i can’t try new things, right?” he said softly, running a hand through my hair. i lifted my head up, tucking some stray strands of hair behind my ears. 
“i guess,” i squeaked, swallowing harshly. i looked at him, unintentionally giving him somewhat of a puppy-eyed look. i reached towards his face, carefully removing his glasses so that i could wipe a tear away from his cheek. matt turned his head to kiss the palm of my hand, before grabbing it and pressing it against his face. 
“i’m not going anywhere,” he mumbled, his words muffled by my skin against his mouth. smooch. “whether i’m gay or not, you can’t get rid of me.” 
i smiled slightly, looking down as i felt heat rise in my cheeks. “i don’t think it works like that,” i said. “but okay.”
matt smiled and let my hand rest on his cheek. i swallowed, scooting a little bit closer so i could lean forward and softly kiss him. 
the kiss lasted a few seconds, breaking every so often to we could just breath each other in and look into each other’s eyes. i still held his glasses in my hand, resting in my lap as my arms and legs stopped shaking so much. 
matt’s fingertips grazed my jaw. “i love you so much, y/n,” he said softly into my lips. i smiled at the sound of my name in his voice, speaking so softly yet passionately. 
“i love you more,” i said, trying not to grin from ear to ear. 
“is there anything else you wanna tell me?” he asked, stroking my cheek with his thumb. “anything else on your mind?” 
i shook my head, pecking his lips. i curled up in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. 
“okay,” he hummed. matt pushed my hair away from my face. 
“can i tell you who i wanna look like?” i asked, grazing my fingertip back and forth on his neck. 
“who?” he asked, putting his glasses back on. 
“george michael,” i mumbled, grinning slightly. 
matt giggled. “he is a beautiful man.” 
i laughed, shoving him playfully. matt just grinned, caressing my chin and pulling me in for another, much deeper kiss. 
i exhaled, relaxing my body for the first time in weeks as he kissed me over and over. it was dizzying, but i loved it. all the fear i held inside for so long about never being able to feel his lips on mine or his body pressed up against me ever again was behind me. that was the best thing i could have asked for. 
i let him slip his tongue between my lips, taking his time exploring the inside of my mouth and feeling my own tongue against his. i heard him him slightly into the kiss, leaning deeper into it. 
suddenly, he pulled away, causing a string of saliva between our lips to break. 
“what do you say we wear that name in?” he purred, biting his lip and stroking my jaw. there it was, that look of love. the one i was so sure i would never see again.
i rolled my eyes, feeling myself blush heavily. i made an “ugh” sound and pushed his chest away. 
“i’m serious,” he grinned. “i told you i would try new things.” 
“i know, i know,” i said, standing up. it had been quite a few days since we last… had fun. i’d been so distant and down in the dumps that i never really felt like it and i guess he could kind of tell that was the case. “c’mon.” 
i could have sworn i heard him giggle in excitement as he too stood up from the couch and followed me towards our bedroom, barely able to keep his hands to himself during our short walk down the hallway. 
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theogclownboy · 3 months
Hewo!! I saw you was doing stuffies now an wanna know if you could draw ma stuffie Tech? Someday he gonna have sof crown an a red cape wif fuffys on da bottom!! I cuddln hm rn cuz i gotsm teffs removd :(
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rainflower, chapter one
welcome, welcome to 'basil had an idea and ran with it'! important notes; legend is referred to as 'flower' for a good portion, since they dont know their name and wild picked one at random. legend has only done three adventures. a link to the past, a link between worlds, and links awakening. youll see why it ends at that one wild and flora arent really together? but honestly, interpret it however you want i dont actually care about that
anyways, enjoy!
ao3 link; x
Link frowned, walking with an axe held tightly in his hands. He felt something calling him, and he was led all the way to what looked like a cave, at first. Instead, when he’d walked in, he’d discovered it was some sort of dungeon, not dissimilar to the divine beasts. It was designed to keep something in. Or to keep others out. …but, sorry to whoever designed it; Link is curious. Very curious. That’s how he found himself staring at the last door inside the dungeon, eyes locked onto the slot where his slate should go. He took a breath, placing his slate in the designated place, watching as the doors opened. It’s…not what he was expecting. The room was small, and there was a fair amount of water on the floor, making Link very glad that he wasn’t wearing shoes at the minute. Ha. Take that, everyone who tried to make him wear them this morning. What’s most concerning, though, is that there’s…a soft, pink glow coming from a wooden box in the corner.
What the hell..?
At first, he thought it was a fairy—but fairies don’t glow that much, and this pink is more vibrant than soft. He inched closer cautiously, nudging the box open with the blade of the axe. His heart sank. Inside the box appears to be a child. Pinkish hair going down to their mid-back, a red dress torn at the bottom, scars littering their body, and they didn’t even have shoes on. Is this..? Before his thought was finished, he watched the child shift onto their back, eyes wide and filled with confusion. Pink and gold. Pretty. “W-Wh…where am I..? W-What’s…going on?!”The child panicked, sitting up quickly. Link frowned, waving his hands to try and calm the child. When he was sure that they weren’t in danger of having a panic attack, he crouched down next to the box, placing the axe down. “H..ello. What’s..your name?” The child stared back, whimpering in fear. “It’s alright, it’s alright. I’m Link. What’s your name?”He tried again, holding a hand out for them. “I…I don’t…”The child bit their lip, tears welling up in their eyes. “I don’t…remember my name.” The realisation hit Link like a brick, and he frowned softly as he helped the kid up, letting them step out of the box. “That’s alright.”Link smiled. “How about a nickname for now, until you remember?” “A…nickname..?” “Yeah!”Link smiled, holding the child’s hand as he carefully led them out. “It’s not a real name, it’s something your friends call you in replacement. When you remember your name, I’ll call you that, but for now…hm.”Link looked around as they stepped out of the cave, eyes landing on a small patch of flowers. “How about flower?” “Fl..ower?” “Yeah! Cause your hair’s pink, like a flower.”Link grinned softly, looking at them to gauge the reaction. They looked like they were thinking, before smiling softly. “I…like it,”They mumbled, eyes darting around in pure fascination.
“W…Woah…” “It’s pretty, right?”He smiled softly, leading them down the hill. “Careful—it’s a little steep.” “Where…are we?”Flower tilted their head, looking up at Link. “Oh, right. This is the kingdom of Hyrule!”Link smiled faintly. “It’s…still recovering from the calamity, but we’re getting there!” Flower slowly nodded, looking at a nearby apple tree. Link noticed, and smiled softly. “You’re hungry, huh? Here—”He took an apple out of the slate, handing it to Flower. “You can have this while we walk, and when we get to my house I’ll cook you something better! Okay?” Flower just let out a soft hum of understanding, biting into the apple happily. Link let out a soft chuckle, looking ahead again.
The champions are eerily quiet right now. Usually, they’d be yelling their own opinions at him for this; telling him he should find the kid’s parents, that he’s not fit to look after a child—but they’re not saying anything. Maybe he should consult Zelda. She might know what to do. “Um…Link?” Link snapped out of it, glancing at Flower briefly, shooting them a smile before looking forward. “What’s up, Flower?” “Um…do..you know me?” Link wishes he did. He wishes he could have the answers for Flower, but…he doesn’t. “I don’t. Sorry. But I’ll help you get your memories back, and find your family. Okay?” Flower pouted, clearly a little disappointed, but nodded softly. “Okay…thank you Link.” Link hummed gently, making sure to keep to the road for once so he wasn’t dragging the amnesiac child into danger. About halfway to Hateno, Flower looks tired, and Link stopped abruptly. “Flower? We’re almost there, okay? Do you want me to carry you?” Flower nodded slowly, rubbing their eyes as Link made to pick them up, wrapping them in his cloak to keep them warm. The rest of the walk was generally quiet, only the sounds of the wildlife heard and, of course, his own footsteps. Glancing down at the small form in his arms, he frowned. He hopes he can find out who Flower’s parents are, let them know their kid is okay, let Flower have their parents and feel safe. But…as much as he hates it? That isn't likely. Instead, he decided he’ll look after this kid for as long as he can. “Link, what the hell is this?”Zelda sighed, more exhausted than irritated. “I…found them.”Link frowned, tucking Flower into his bed. “They don’t know anything. They don’t even know who they are, Zelda..” “You found them? Where?” “In a cave. They—They were in a box. It was closed. I don’t…I don’t think it was an accident but—fuck. Can you please tell me if anyone has reported their kid missing?” “...I’ll keep an eye and ear out.”Zelda looked over at Flower, frowning softly. “How old is this kid..?” “I don’t know. They don’t know either.” “Maybe Purah can figure it out…I want to check over their injuries when they’re awake enough to consent, as well.” Link nodded, heading downstairs with the princess as he began to do kitchen prep to make dinner. “I thought they were dead at first. The box was entirely shut, didn’t even seem like breathing was possible in it.” “It’s a miracle they’ve survived..”Zelda frowned. “Did it seem intentional?” “I don’t know.”He frowned. “I hope not. They’re so little..” “I’m going to go and get Purah.”Zelda decided suddenly. “She might be able to help them in some way—we need to know more about them to be able to help.” “Let them sleep first.” “Link—” “They’re exhausted, and have been through a lot today already.”He sighed, then glanced at her. “Can you watch over this and make sure it doesn’t burn?” “Where are you going?” “I’m going to buy Flower some clothes. Their ones are torn up.”He explained briefly, before heading out and trusting that she wouldn’t burn the house down. Link made a beeline for the clothing store in town, hoping they had childrens clothes—or even just smaller clothes than the ones he wears. Stepping inside the store, he shot Sophie a soft smile. “Heya Soph.” The girl looked up, waving shyly at him. “N-Need something?” While she isn’t as shy as she was before, she’s still relatively reserved. At least she’s not hiding in the corner now, at least. “Yeah, um, I was wondering if you have the hylian tunic in a smaller size, or any clothes for kids?” “A-Ah? We…have smaller versions of the hylian tunic and hylian trousers..” “Sweet!”Link grinned. “Could I buy those then?” “O-Oh, sure! That’s..210 rupees,”She muttered, accepting the payment from the hero as she went to go and fetch the two items. “Um…h-here you go!” “Thank you!”Link smiled, taking his purchase and heading back out.
The clothes admittedly look like they’ll be a little big on Flower, but…slightly too big will be better than drowning in cloth. “I’m back,”He declared as he stepped inside, blinking slowly when he saw Flower sitting on the floor, Zelda making sure the dinner didn’t burn while also checking to see if Flower needed any immediate help. “Link!”Flower hopped up, scrambling over to him and hiding behind his leg. “Wh—hey, Flower, it’s okay.”He smiled. “Look, I got you something.” Upon hearing that, they tilted their head curiously as Link kneeled down, holding the clothes out to them. “They might be a little big on you, but I thought you’d want to wear something less…ripped.” Flower stared at the clothes for a while, holding them carefully when Link handed the items over. “You can go up and get changed, okay? We’re just making dinner. By we, I mean me, cause she’s no good at it.”He stuck his tongue out, causing Flower to laugh softly before they headed upstairs. Link let out a breath, biting down on his lip. “I should teach them how to use a weapon.” “Link.” “Zelda, it’s still dangerous. Especially with all the blood moons. They need to at least know self defence…you know?”Link frowned. “I know you’re worried but…they’re only young, Link. Do they need to know how this early?” “I knew by their age.”He stated confidently, then frowned slightly before adding, “I think.” Zelda sighed gently, nodding and looking up the stairs. “I hope you know what you’re getting into here.” “I do not.”Link grinned at her. “Link—”Zelda sighed, shaking her head in defeat. “Nevermind..” Link cheered in the wake of his victory, turning his attention to Flower when they returned. “...Flower, where are the trousers?”He snorted. “I…I didn’t like the way they felt…”Flower mumbled, playing with the edge of the tunic. Link was right—it is still too big. It looks more like a dress than anything. But Flower looks comfortable in it. “That’s alright.”Link shrugged. “At least it looks more comfortable than what you had on before.” Flower nodded quietly, sitting on the floor with their legs crossed. “I’m hungry.” “I’m almost done cooking, Flower! Promise.” “We need to wash their hair,”Zelda muttered to Link quietly, causing the hero to grin at her. “You can’t even convince me to do that.” “You’re right. Sidon and Tulin are the only two that can get you to.” “True that.”Link snorted loudly, serving up dinner.
It feels a little odd plating for three people, but he’ll get used to it. “Alright kid, dinner’s done.” Flower perked up, finally getting up off of the floor and sitting at the table with the two, tilting their head. “What is it?” “Oh, it’s just potatoes and meat,”He explained between mouthfuls. “It’s simple to make. I could teach you sometime if you want?” “Really?”Flower looked almost excited about the idea, then their eyes dulled. “But…what if I don’t remember it?” “Then we can try again. No biggie.” The smaller one nodded, carefully picking up a fork and eating some of the potatoes. “I could write down what you get taught, as well,”Zelda offered as she carefully cut up her own food. “Then you’ll be able to look back on it if you forget.” Flower simply nodded happily in response, ears twitching when there was a sudden knock on the door. Zelda frowned, getting up to answer the door. “Hello?” “Hello, is there…someone named Link here?” Link took the opportunity to walk over to the door, trying not to laugh when he noticed Flower following along like a little duckling. “I’m Link, can I help ya?”He grinned, looking at the group outside. There was seven people there; one with only one eye and wearing golden armour, one with cool dark face tattoos that Link swears he’s seen somewhere before, what looked like two children—one with shoulder-length hair and the worlds ugliest tunic, the other with short curly hair, wearing a blue lobster shirt—, a brown-haired boy who looked a bit nervous, a man with a feather in his hair who looked half asleep, and another one with a bright blue scarf. Flower peeked from behind Link, blinking slowly at the newcomers. “It…may be a bit of a shock, but we are all named Link,”The shortest member spoke up, placing a hand on their hip. “We’re all the heroes of courage, blah blah, whatever. We’re on an adventure across timelines, and Hylia has decided you’re being dragged into this too! This is not a choice. It’s a warning.” “Four,”The one with markings scolded, glancing at Link, and then trailing to Flower. “Oh. You have a kid.” Link frowned, glancing at Flower. “...kid?” Flower looked kind of out of it. “Hero…I-I…why do I feel weird about that word?” “How so?”Zelda kneeled down next to him. “It feels…um…familiar.”Flower frowned. “I-I don’t…remember why,” “Hey, hey Flower, don’t worry about it. Don’t stress.”Link sighed softly, glancing at the group. “Give me a day or two, alright?” “That’s alright. Let us introduce ourselves, yes? We’re using nicknames to avoid confusion.” Link sighed and let them inside, gently guiding Flower back to the table. “You can just finish eating, okay?” Flower quietly nodded, still watching the group. “Alright. They call me Time,”One of them spoke up. “This here is Four and Wind. They’re about the same age as your boy there.”He gestured to the two kids as he spoke.
The smallest one—Four, apparently—had walked over to Flower at this point, the two having a quiet conversation. Something about Four’s tunic, which wouldn’t be surprising. The whole way to Hateno, Flower was getting excited about anything colourful. “I’m Twilight,”The one with the familiar markings spoke. ���That loser is Warriors.”He shoved the one wearing the scarf, who laughed and shoved him back. “And I’m Sky,”The sleepy one yawned. “This is Hyrule, our local healer!”He ruffled the hair of the brunette. Link hummed, nodding slowly. “I guess…you wanna come up with one for me, too?” “Yup!”Wind smiled brightly. “I like your hair.” “Oh, thank you!”He smiled faintly. “Don’t compliment it, he hasn’t washed it for weeks.” “Washing…hair? What…”Flower frowned. “What’s that?” “Oh.”Link frowned. “It’s basically putting water and soap in your hair to maintain it, making your hair feel nicer I guess.” Flower nodded, turning back to the conversation with Four. “How about Wild?”Hyrule mumbled, tilting his head. “Since…your hair has sticks and leaves in it. Yanno?” “Wild?”He blinked, glancing at Flower. “Hey, does that sound okay? Wild?” “Umm…”They tapped their chin, before nodding. “Wild…yeah, that’s easy to say.” “Wild it is.”Link—Wild nodded, sitting in a chair. “This is Flower. They have amnesia, no they’re not my kid, but I’m looking after them.” Flower nodded, chewing on another potato with a happy hum. Surveying the room, with his newly acquired child and the seven new people dragging him on a new adventure, Wild let out a soft groan. This was going to take some getting used to.
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