#hmmmmm wuv u
shriekshrike · 2 years
oka okay okay so we have 2 weeks to ruminate right but all EYE will be doing is praying to whatever listens to dykes pray that the bells r gonna rip shit bc these fuckers r BRUTAL
mostly thinkin abt my witches n orym bc I'm Like That
witches bc cmon. imogen already didnt rlly like dusk bc of a lil green eyed monster ('are you staring because you're jealous?') and laudna because. god. ok ive had this happen to me not quite to this extent but found out that a person who like. is so. wonderful to u. is also. not. Great. and a liar and manipulator. so ure stuck in that awful limbo of nothing they say can be trusted....what does that mean for me. o u c h. also bonus: imogen is gonna wreck shit bc laudna's involved as are her feelings so uh. *tugs on collar* y i k e s dusk. also! wouldnt be surprised if imogen feels a bit responsible bc she didnt say anything to anyone when she figured it out. hmmmmm delicious (edit 9.09 AM: i realized that i wrote laudna instead of dusk when i said imogen already doesn't like [BLANK] didnt mean that, imogen wuvs laudna anyway)
orym. bc he - and there is literal proof of this - has lost. a lot and he gets attached quick and tightly. like there r times in exu and in cr3 where we get to c orym b SUPER playful and it is truly a delish opp BUT one of the first times we...rlly see him get Real Playful (and this is a reach, but im leaning across the table, but i'll bet actual money that the spar w dusk? was the same way he would blow off steam and play w will food for thought 🥹) is when he spars with dusk!! he even says it 'i havent gotten to let loose like that in a while!' and then when dusk (in the process of being rejected which did have me ahootin n ahollerin simply for the context) says 'u wanna talk abt it?' and orym goes "raincheck" like. yoinks. orym only talked abt will once with chet and it was on watch w no one awake (also worth noting: orym is so severely and fiercely protective of the ppl who r his esp in light of what his job was and how he lost will like....dusk....whomever u r...ur ass is grass and not in a fun way)
fearne. my beloved. my darling. who felt so not alone. who said 'we are practically siblings' who trusted dusk beyond a shadow of a doubt. and dusk who made fearne feel not so alone in all this. who lended juuuuust enough comfort and familiarity for fearne to latch onto, the girl who lived her whole life without her parents, missing them like a mirage, more memory than reality. the girl who saw a woman with the same face, the same eyes and hair and legs. the girl who said '90 years' when her mother said '6 years'. the girl who watches, in horror, as the person she'd come to care for as a SIBLING as someone who UNDERSTOOD HER, transform before her eyes, grab her mother and her arms, whose mother says, horrified and scared 'you led them straight to us' and fearne says back 'i'm sorry but who?'
anyway maybe ill also do the rest of the party bc i have Thoughts abt chet n ash n fcg but for rn....im schleepy
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
ao3 wrapped: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 + bonus 25
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
oh jeez probably ridgefic?? which is funny bc on reread i do think its got some sloppy parts and you can definitely tell i wrote it out of order and in like four days but also i like how it came out a lot!!!!! there's a lot of dyssol Vibes i wanted to get in there and i think they came out well HOWEVER THAT SAID
i also think the sol+sym is very strong just like. objectively. i like it less on a personal level but at the same time i do think it came out probably the best of my exocolonist fic and im v glad it's the one that was like....... my Fandom Debut (sparkling) u kno
4 is finished!
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
this is the first fandom where ive posted 3sen on ao3 and been like. hey leave comments telling me which one was ur fave. and had ppl actually do it LGKHASDGLKHASLHKG dont get me wrong i get plenty of feedback on them on the site where i post them usually but theres smth nice abt getting ao3 comments abt them too WWWW im so used to not getting them at all gLKSHGLKSHGD
6. Favorite title you used
HMMMMM honestly im going to have to say 'part time lover, full time friend' even tho its series title and not for fic LOL i just think it's one that really encapsulates Solanaceae u kno. at the end of the day whether it's romantic or not they just have so much love in their heart for the ppl aroudn them u kno. and i love that abt them!!! it's good content. wuv sol.
on an individual fic level i think 'maybe i am right (where i'm supposed to be)' is also really good tho. song thats abt post therapy vace. please listen to life its soooo vacecore
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
this feels. pointed. god. techincally in 2022 i used multiple artists but over my entire ao3 life it's mother mother. it's absolutely mother mother i dont think i even have to check this to know. it's mother mother
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
not published on ao3 but yeah :) waiting eagerly for alm to post it....... (remembers theyre going to make me beta it first) h
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
I wuv him,,, I,, i wanna put him in my hand and, and- (( S Q U I S H )) is there an option to call him our pathetic little meow meow yet? /j
Rlly digging his hat ngl 👀👀 there's just smth about those types of hats that make me go mmmm nice when I see them- the fact that he wears a leather jacket greatly amuses me too, because leather jacket vampire man,, yeah of course he's Valentines Day 😒 /lh , he definitely activates my gremlin "fite me u lil shit-" mode in the most positive way possible. Def taking a liking to the Colors you picked for his hair (I bet he looks hilarious if you put him in pigtails hehe-)
Also loving the edit, not just because gawd dayum we already gettin personality scraps!? 👀👀 but also because from the way you edited the teeth, it implies that either Rory or Timmy's Dad only have a singular front tooth instead of teeth (this was prolly unintentional on your part but it's still hilarious LMAO)
Rory reminded me of the fact that I also had a ""vampire"" OC at some point, except he's just a Goth!Mosquito Hybrid with a Chuunibyou complex lol
-Ren'py anon
I'll be sure to put a mocking option when I'm work on his route 😎 he's a playa soooooo
I HATE him but I love him
THANK YOU SO NOTICING THE HAT. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE STUPID CAPTAIN HATS THEY'RE SO COOL. He wears a half/crop length leather jacket because he has a bad boy look for all the ladies he feasts on 😍
He prefers young women in the middle of college/university because they're dumb and looking for a 'thrill' (Not speaking for u though renpy nonny! Ur a smart cookie!) Or goodie two shoes that eat their veggies on a daily basis. 22 - 30 is the ripe age of, "Mm, yes this is the right amount of iron." He doesn't like people who drink or use substances too much though. Messes up taste.
Rory is if fight or flight was a physical being
And yeah, he's a MEANIE. All charms, no real kindness here 😭 maybe those pigtails will chill his ego out. He's looking emo asf already, what else is there to lose? His dignity? Yeah right.
I ALSO NOTICED THAT WHILE DRAWING IT. I was literally thinking, "Hmmmmm this looks weird, but it's Timmie's dad so he's supposed to be goofy looking 😇"
Speaking of your vampire mosquito hybrid oc, WE NEED MORE OCS WITH A CHUUNIBYOU COMPLEX. WHERE THEY HAVE THESE REALLY GREAT FANTASIES AND PRETEND TO BE ALL POWERFUL (Or maybe im reading this wrong, I've only seen an anime with this title lol)
Feel free to send him in :3
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envywara · 4 years
𝗢' 𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗚 𝗢𝗙 𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗘 & 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 , 𝗢𝗡𝗖𝗘 / 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘴 [ . . . ] what did Heylel fight for ?? nothing but a twisted sense of pride, entitlement to thrones that were not his to lay upon . God was his strength , even when God was naught but absence , silence . he: of all things saintly , holy , untouched by monkey hands . what was the beast but a cocoon of venomous hellfire ?? unholy , most unclean , wretched thing sang the angelical choirs in his essence . may it be that the stars are naught but fire . may it be that the nebulae are naught but dust . a cold chuckle left him . he vaquished the serpent once, he could do it again .
the slightest growl left him , something akin to both the lowly divine & the highest bestial . his fleshsuit itched with a suffocating discontent . a feeling of his ether being embraced by prickly wool for far , far too long . there was a primal need to shed this skin & bone , but alas he could not for there was still work to be done .
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ozlices · 2 years
What’s your favorite moment in PH? And what’s your favorite moment so far in VNC?
im gonna assume a majority of my followers atm are from my old blog, so im gonna answer with different answers to the obvious ch 41 cheek bite for ph, & "i will never set you free!" scene from ch 53 of vnc bc, like. i made entire metas abt those scenes on my old blog, y'all know how much i love them lol.
so. i suppose my second favorites would be...
ozlice's reunion from chapter 82 for ph
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aaannndd for vnc........ hmmmmm... tbh it's kinda hard to choose bc it's like. "i will never set you free!" is our most climatic point so far. & those kind scenes tend to be what impact me the most, being a very character driven person, lol. uhhmmm.
i think actually probably vanitas using the book in chapter 41. it's just so pretty (BOO anime for not even remotely doing it justice wtf). & also the awed look noe gives to vanitas is so good.
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yeah. for sure. so far that's def my second favorite. i am a sucker for pretty mochijun art. with a lil touch of romance being invented. yeah.
but also just bc i do resent that people have vagued me in the past as being the type of person who ~only sees my ships in everything~ when in reality i rly am just a character driven person,,, &. u know. relationships are all abt. characters so obvs i get invested in them,, but whatever anyway i will also mention my favorite not-ship moments.
this panel from chapter 48 of ph (this chapter as a whole is my fav chapter/one of my fav moments. i love my son he is such a peak little shit.)
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& this baby vani panel from vnc chapter 49. but, also, like. this particular flashback as a whole. every time vanitas goes feral over people being messy is gold. & blue moon found family makes me soft i wuv them v much <3
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ohnowegottaleave · 3 years
💌 for owolord or whirl? i wuv u
awwww I lwoe u too,,
jgdjgj whirl surrounded me by setted alarms while I slept
for me not to be late on math class
he's a sweetheart mmmmmwah
overlord hmmmmm.....havent vore me yet? is this sweet enough??
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fallenrepublick · 4 years
hmmmm I want to become friends with 🐛 anon but I'm a dumbass and also dont want to reveal my identity hmmmmm
yall what should I do (also 🐛 anon I wuv u 💗💗💗💗)
If y'all wanna talk, dm me and I'll set you guys up
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water-mellie-seeds · 4 years
my brain no work rn :// but reminder i wuv u n ur super cool, u can take dis ask 2 say w/e da fuck u want or maybe like 1 fact abt u/smtn u rlly like okie gn 💗🧡💞🧡💖💞🧡💙💝💝💞💖💛💞💘💕🖤💚💛❤💛💗💜💚💜💗💜💚🧡💖🧡💖💗💜💚💛💖💛💕💜💗💝💚💛💗🧡💕💜💗🧡💖🧡💞💜💖💜💞💜💖💜💗💜💖💜💖🧡💕💜💓🧡💗🧡💗🧡💗💜💚💗💜💚💜💗🧡
My brain never works fjshckshxjd
I lov u 2!!! I hope u have a good sleep and super sweet dreams!!!💞💞💞💞💞
Hmmmmm 1 fact abt me,,,
I rlly like buttercups?? A lot of ppl dont bc theyre 'weeds" but fuck u theyre pretty
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moon-jellie · 4 years
hewwo i wuv u
hmmmmm. lock her up
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claudia-kishi · 4 years
1, 9, 10, 24 + leverage!!
1. top five episodes
RACHEL I’M GOING TO SUFFER FROM TRYING TO CHOOSE. i’m just going to pick the first five i love bc i can’t. the juror #6 job, the second david job, the two livecrew job, the inside job, and the boost job...!!!!!!
9. season ranking
GOD THIS IS HARD TOO... honestly i haven’t rewatched in a long time so my memory of s4 and s5 are hazy... i think i love s1 the most, s2 and s3 are close behind. kinda tied though imo. 
10. character you relate the most to
alec hardison... my honey... i wuv u 
24. most visually stunning episode?
HMMMMM i’m not sure actually. i can’t really think of any moments off the top of my head hahaha
send me a show and some numbers!
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ram-drawings · 5 years
Howdy there! If you still want to do the get to know the mun thingie :v ! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ಠ_ಠ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) (ง'̀-‘́)ง (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧ ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ ♥‿♥ ◕‿◕ oK hAVe FuN-
OH MY DATS A WHOLE LOT it makes me happy ;;;;;;. Thank you so much ;;;;;
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°):  relationship status?
Single af
ಠ_ಠ:  what is your biggest pet peeve?
I don't think I have one actually, I dunno (It is a mystery)
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ:  what is your favorite animal?
CATS, I LOVE CATS. And sea slugzzzz.
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜):  who is someone you can tell everything to?
Hmmmmm I don't tell things to people a lot but I tell a lot to @kagamin3ko because I trust her the most I think ;;;;
(ง'̀-‘́)ง:  are you okay?
WhAT iZ beInG oK????????! Jk I'm meh.
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:  ・゚✧: sexual orientation?
I don't knoooowww but I think I'm bi. Wuv u all.
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻:  how do you let your anger out?
I never let it out
ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪:  what are your favorite band(s)/artist(s)?
It changes a lot but I love Sayuri, Cavetown, and I don't remember the others lol my memory sucks.
♥‿♥:  tell us about your crush!
WELL I don't have one :^: I had one but he doesn't likes me back, but we're really good friends now.
◕‿◕:  what is your guilty pleasure?
I like drinking soda when I'm sad, the bubbles makes me happy.
ANYWAY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE QUESTIONS I really appreciate you made my day little kind anon, I wish you all the best and a very good night or day!!
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itsthesinbin · 5 years
Octane and Gibraltar for the ask meme! (- mirage-babey)
hewwo fwiend i wuv u
🎥Octane: How would you personally present yourself if you were to participate in the Apex Games? 
Hmmmmm.... I’ve never rly thought abt it, bc I never made like... my own Legend or anything sdkjdsj. I’d definitely be support class, tho. Presentation wise, I’d probably be kinda close to Mirage honestly sdfkjdfskjsdkj. I’m goofy and stutter over my words a lot, and talk to myself.
🛡Gibraltar: Favourite in-game relationship? (platonic, romantic, whatever kind)
Octane’s and Lifeline’s. I like the fact they already knew each other beforehand, and I wish it was explored more :(
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sasster · 6 years
amb is here to validate u, Friend, i wuv u
hmmmmm !!! sounds fake!!
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memser · 7 years
i wuv u
ilyt but….. hmmmmm…… i wonder…………. who this could be…………….. ;)
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