#hockey as tide pool
teekays · 1 year
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kent russell, Fighting With Their Fists to Put a Period in a Basket
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Louis is pining for Harry. We hope you’ll enjoy this list. We also have a mutual pining rec list here and we will have a pining Harry rec list eventually. Happy reading!
1) Down On Your Knees, You Don’t Look So Tall | Explicit | 3445 words
Louis and Harry are friends, and best ones at that. Louis loves Harry more fiercely more than he's ever loved anyone, so he doesn't really have a problem with it when they start doing this thing. this wonderful, wonderful thing.
2) You Had Me At Hello | Explicit | 4529 words
Louis works in the shop next to Harry's cupcake shop.   Louis pines after Harry until he goes into a heat and Harry finally catches up.
3) Just Like Live Wires | Explicit | 5427 words
Harry climbs into Louis’ bed when he’s cold. Louis pines.
4) Something To Live For | Mature | 5535 words
After over a century of waiting for Harry to realize they're mates,  Louis gets his heart broken when his friend announces he's found his 'one' in a human girl named Teresa. Wanting only happiness for Harry, Louis accepts that it just wasn't meant to be and decides it's time to let go of the immortal life.
5) Five Times Harry Styles Was Jealous | Mature | 6184 words
Harry's jealous all the time but there were five times that definitely stand out. Five times that changed Louis and Harry's relationship.
6) On My Mind All The Time, Say You're Mine | Explicit | 9261 words
“Dude, we’re inside, and it’s night time. Those don’t look as cool as you think they do.” Louis could kick himself, he sounded so stupid, but it certainly got the guy’s attention.
It was at that unfortunate moment that he noticed several other things about this hot asshole, that he hadn’t noticed just staring from afar. First, when Louis spoke to him, his gaze was kind of unfocused behind his sunglasses, and secondly, that he had a red and white cane folded up under his arm.
“I’m… Blind,” the man chuckled, awkwardly.  
Louis wanted to melt into a puddle out of pure embarrassment.
“I— am so sorry. I have to go.”
“Hey, wait, wait,” the man soothed, grabbing at Louis’ shoulders before he could get away.
“I’m sorry,” Louis repeated, looking down at his shoes.
“It’s alright,” He cackled. “I get it a lot. More than you know.”
7) Let The Beating Waves Come Drag Me Down | Explicit | 9447 words
“Just try it, the worst thing that could ever happen it’s that you won’t like it” Niall had told him. And there he was, on the way to one of these pubs created for perverts, willing to break up the routine to try something new, something that terrified as much as excited him.
One night to get swept up in passion, one night to let the devil get in.
"Tonight, I’m going to make you scream of ecstasy Louis,” he said with a raspy voice full of control, making him tremble with anticipation.
8) Got It Right Such A Long Time Ago | Explicit | 9699
There are a lot of people Harry might expect to find on his doorstep at three o’clock in the afternoon these days.
It could be the delivery man, come to drop off the pair of boots Harry impulsively ordered online last week. It could be one of his neighbors, dropping by to complain about how a party he’d thrown weeks ago had clogged up the street. It could also be any number of his friends in L.A., who stop by unannounced most days to mooch off Harry’s food or whisk him away to try some new yogurt shop.
As a rule, it definitely cannot be Louis Tomlinson, although Harry’s blinked at least three times now, and it’s still Louis standing there, a backpack slung over his shoulder and a duffel bag at his feet.
9) You Know What They Say | Explicit | 10232 words
Nice guys always finish last.
10) Call If You Need Me | Explicit | 10770 words
If anyone asks later on, Louis plans to tell them that it’s all Niall’s fault.
11) Love Is Like This; Not A Heartbeat, But A Moan | Explicit | 13150 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
In which Harry loves Louis, but Louis has been cold to him ever since he presented as an omega at age fifteen.
Eight years later, Louis approaches Harry with a request, and who is Harry to deny him?
12) Just Let Me | Mature | 14714 words
The party was going well. So well, Niall had already sworn undying love to one multi-tiered chocolate cake, two friendly corgi-poodle mixes, Zayn’s hair, and the entire population of Los Angeles. So well, Zayn had only laughed and ruffled Niall’s hair and not even twitched towards a cigarette. So well, nearly everyone had spilled far past the boundaries of the night’s original plans, extracting bottles of vodka from the cabinets and losing a lot of clothes. Harry had proclaimed that he was finally going to throw a small and very grownup dinner party and of course here they were three hours later, fifty people half-naked in the pool. Soon to be full-naked, if Louis had to guess. Everybody in LA loved a heated pool. Everybody loved Harry.
13) We’re the New Romantics | Explicit | 16054 words
Alternatively, a high school au where Louis pines and Harry is not who he seems to be. Featuring peanut butter banana milkshakes, motorcycles, and first times.
14) Wait For Me (To Come Home) | Explicit | 16066 words
A future fic of time stamps where Louis finally comes to grips with a love he'd denied for too long.
15) Deflower Me | Explicit | 20154 words
Louis is a proud virgin, and no matter how much society tries to make him feel like a freak for not acting on his natural urges, he doesn't suffer from his lack of experience. He has never felt drawn to someone in a way that made him want to get involved sexually with them, and he isn't planning on rushing himself so he can get some because people think it's what he should do.
In walks Fratboy, the Serial Haunter of His (wet) Dreams, who thankfully has a little business going on that might be just what Louis needs.
16) I Wanna Be More Than Friends | Not Rated | 20721 words
The one where Harry’s an alpha with no sense of smell, Louis’ an omega who isn’t allowed to scent his best friend, and that’s all they’ll ever be. Obviously.
17) The Way The Storm Blows | Explicit | 21649 words
Louis doesn’t have a habit of thinking about Harry’s dick.
That would be weird, seeing as they’re best mates, and they share a flat, and they’ve spent holidays at each other’s family homes. Their friendship hasn’t ever risen to a point where Louis should want to see his mate’s dick, and he’s happy to keep it that way.
Except, all that Louis can think about is exactly that. The size of it. The shape. The amount of people it’s been in.
Maybe it’s the tequila talking, or the fact that Louis’ just recently walked in to an eyeful of Harry taking turns on some slags that he’s never seen before, but. Louis’ mind can’t stop obsessing over the idea.
18) Ours Are The Moments I Play In The Dark | Mature | 30830 words
Jane Austen's Persuasion AU. Nine years ago Louis Tomlinson was persuaded to break off his engagement to Harry Styles, a poor sailor. Since then Louis has come to regret being so easily convinced to give up his one chance of happiness. Now Louis' family is in debt and his childhood home is being sold. In a complete reversal of fortune, Harry has returned to England a wealthy bachelor looking to settle down. Events conspire to bring them together once more though Louis is- must surely be- the last man on earth that Captain Styles would think of now.
19) If Ignorance Be Bliss | Mature | 30429 words
Uni AU: Harry is too experienced, and Louis just wants to get to experience him.
20) Where The Lights Are Beautiful | Mature | 31170 words
The accidental bonding a/b/o fic.
21) Mark My Word (We Gon’ Be Alright) | Explicit | 35524 words
"He’s always known that there would come a time when Harry would bond with some beautiful, quiet omega, and they would have lots of curly-haired pups and live happily ever after.
Knowing it and living it are two very different things, though. Watching the object of your affection desperately search for a mate and completely disregard you as an option is all sorts of painful, but it is what it is, and Louis is just going to have to learn to live with that."
22) Before We Knew | Explicit | 39831 words
Louis has been skeptical of soulmates for years so it seems like fate when he finally bumps into the owner of the obnoxiously large signature printed into his skin since age sixteen: Harry Styles, a human rights attorney who is firmly against soulmates.
23) Eyes Off You I Explicit | 39396 words
A Charlie’s Angels inspired fic where Louis is the brains, Harry is the charm, Liam is the muscle, and Niall drives the getaway car - and Zayn is there, too. sometimes.
24) Kiss Me On The Mouth And Set Me Free (Nut Please Don't Bite) | Mature | 42074 words
Harry is the CEO of Flora Corp, Louis is his new secretary.
"...Louis wanted him so badly. Wanted Harry to pick him up, bite him, and break him. Make Louis his, make Louis cry, make Louis a beautiful, plump, pregnant omega..."
25) Let Me Touch You Where Your Heart Aches | Explicit | 46625 words
A Friends with Benefits AU, in which Louis falls in love and Harry is jealous. There is some Karaoke singing somewhere in there, because how do you write a romantic comedy without a Karaoke scene?
26) Underneath The Moon | Mature | 46927 words
In five years’ time, Louis would be the one saying to his students about how he knew the great Harry Styles, in a time before he had ever put out an album or performed on a real stage. Harry fucking Styles had been his best friend and he still loved him, he always would. But they couldn’t stay that way.
27) The Sidelines | Explicit | 47078 words
Note: There are mentions of Top Louis.
Or Harry and Louis play hockey for Penn state and can’t stand one another, since they can’t keep their hatred off the ice their coach and team do what they can to keep their hard earned spot in the playoffs and their two star players from killing each other.
28) Waiting For The Tides To Meet | Explicit | 59873 words
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
29) Pinkies Never Lie | Explicit | 83615 words | Sequel
AU in which Louis hates his job and loves Harry, Harry just wants a distraction, everyone else wants them to get their shit together, and Louis learns the hard way that new beginnings are only possible when something ends.
30) Inevitable | Explicit | 185917 words
AU where Louis and Harry used to be more than friends, but everything had to change the day Harry introduces Louis to his new girlfriend.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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teamrocketmemes · 3 years
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ACNH - Pascal’s Deep Thoughts - Part 8
meme inspired by the shit pascal says in new horizons
The ocean covers most of the earth, but that's good, because it's the best part.
The ocean is salty, just like tears. Ever wonder if the earth is just crying it out?
The present is the past, maaan. By the time I finish saying this sentence, it'll already be history.
The sun never really sets. It just stands there doing its thing while we run circles around it.
The tide covers a lot of ground, maaan, but you never see it in a hurry.
There are two kinds of things: stuff that is [a native fruit], and stuff that is not [a native fruit], maaan.
There's no rules about when pants become shorts, maaan. Call 'em what you like. Except jorts. Jorts are jorts.
There's no way to describe a spider that doesn't make it sound like a bad time, maaan. Can't be done.
They always reboot movies, so why not food? And can I get a sequel to carbonara? Carbonara 2, maaan!
They don't make movies like they used to. They probably can't. That equipment must be busted by now.
They say "swing for the fences" and "go the whole nine yards," but, like, what if you don't play hockey?
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I wonder what else might fit in there?
They say dress for the job you want. Maaan, that's why I never wear a shirt.
They say every writer needs an editor, but who's editing all the skywriters, maaan?
They say light is the fastest thing there is, but where is it GOING, maaan?
They say not to cry over spilled milk. I say go ahead. Cry over whatever you need to. Maaan, just let it out.
They say not to make mountains outta molehills. But if you're making mountains, can you be that picky?
They say that runners can get a second wind, but, like, what if the first one is barely even a breeze?
They say that yesterday is gone, but I can still see it on my calendar, maaan.
They say the apple didn't fall far from the tree, but where else was it gonna fall? Gravity calls the shots, maaan.
They say the early bird gets the worm, but those evening birds seem to be doing just fine.
They say to ignore your thoughts when you meditate, but after a while, it starts to feel personal, maaan.
They say you can't compare apples to oranges, but that falls apart if you think about it for even one second.
They say you need to get your head in the game, but seems to me that's leaving a lotta limbs on the bench...
They say you should only sleep like a third of the day, but that's just a conspiracy by Big Consciousness.
They won't let you test an airplane at the dealership even if you put on a tuxedo. Waste of a tux rental, maaan.
They're called "sea stars," but how do we know who came first? Maybe stars should be called "sky fish."
Think about neckties, maaan. Neck. Ties. They're tied around your neck! What's next? Torso knots?
This hat's been hugging my head for a loooooong time now. In a few more years, it's gonna feel kinda awkward.
Tide pools are just time-shares for tiny fish, maaan.
Time is a sweetheart, always gifting you with the present. When do we give it something back, maaan?
Time is nuts. Sometimes a day feels like an hour. Then you skip forward a whole day. Chaos.
Trees are earth hair. And grass? A giant earth beard. Which means... deserts are the bald spots? Maaan!
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Island In The Sun
A/N: Finally the highly requested little (very long) vacation one shotttttttt, enjoy :)
Word Count: 7.8k
To you, summer was the best time of the year.
The weather was beautiful, the days were long, and the best part, Auston was off. Although you had nothing against hockey, you always loved the offseason because it allowed the two of you to relax and be together without worrying about being separated. As a parent, you loved it even more. 
One of your favourite things ever was seeing Auston and Mia interact together, and the summertime allowed you to witness that all the time. Whether it be them cuddled up on the couch watching a movie together, splashing around in the pool as Auston tried to teach your one and a half-year-old to swim, or even just the two of them walking ahead while you and Frank trailed right behind; you loved watching their bond grow. And there wasn't much more you appreciated than those special moments you got to share with your little family.  
However, since Mia was born, it had been a bit harder to find time for yourself. Not that you cared, though, because you loved your daughter more than anything in the world, but compared to before, it was much more complicated to do things and not have to worry about Mia's wellbeing as you did them.
It was even more challenging whenever you and Auston tried to have some alone time together. Sure, the two of you would cuddle up on the couch and watch Netflix every once in a while after putting Mia to bed, but going out or doing anything that was just the two of you for more than a couple of hours, simply had not been doable. 
Hockey season didn't help with that either. 
With Auston consistently coming and going for roughly six months of the year, the two of you struggled even more with getting some alone time. When Auston was home, of course, he'd want to spend time with you, but he also would be determined not to miss any time he could get with Mia. Therefore, making that much-needed husband and wife time more challenging to achieve. Sure, the two of you always took what you could get, but leading up to the end of the season, your friends and family would always go off on both you and Auston how a night to yourselves was necessary. 
Still, nothing extravagant happened. In complete honesty, the two of you were content with nights in that consisted of cuddling on the couch while Mia was asleep upstairs. It was simple. To you and Auston, it was perfect. Neither of you needed anything more than that, but then the opportunity to go on vacation with Auston's family came up.  
The Matthews family had plans to go to Cabo San Lucas in Mexico for a week-long trip at the end of July. They had vacationed in the same area a few years prior, back while you and Auston were still dating and long before Mia arrived, but you couldn't tag along for the trip because of things going on at home. That was fine, though, you still loved seeing the pictures and hearing all the stories, but this time around, you were very excited to join. 
Seeing as Mia was almost a year and a half old, it was the first time you and Auston were travelling outside of the US or Canada with her. You knew the flight from Phoenix to Cabo wouldn't be an issue seeing as she was ok on the much longer trip to Toronto, but you were still very interested to see how she was with being in a completely new setting. 
You were most excited to see how she'd like the Beach, and luckily for you, she loved it. 
The first half of your week-long trip flew by. The day everyone arrived mainly consisted of getting settled into accommodations and relaxing a bit before the fun actually started during the following days. 
Speaking of accommodations, they were unreal and so lovely.
Along with some family friends, the entire family was set up in three different places within walking distance of each other along the Beach. The first house was a little bungalow where Brian and Ema stayed, giving them their own relaxing space to go back to after a long day with the fam. The next one was a much larger house that was able to accommodate more people. It had a pool, games and all different types of activities just there and ready to use. That was where Alex, Bre, as well as the friends that tagged along stayed. It was also where everyone spent the most time as a group unless you were all out doing other things.
The last house was a kind of villa type thing. It was a bit larger than where Brian and Ema stayed, but nowhere near as big as the house between the two, and was the perfect size for your little family. The villa had two bedrooms, one smaller one that wasn't even used but was stunning, and a huge master bedroom with a large ensuite and walk-in closet. It had a little kitchen and living room with massive floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the Beach and was the perfect little oasis for you, Auston and Mia. Sure, it felt a little empty without Frank roaming around, but you knew he was living it up back in Scottsdale while being watched by a close friend of Auston's.
Your first full day in Cabo was nothing short of amazing. 
You started the morning off by meeting up with the rest of the group for breakfast at a restaurant nearby. Everyone discussed how things were as they settled in the night before, then moved on to talk about what the day's events would consist of. It was established that after breakfast, the guys and Bre were going to do a round of golf. As they did that, you and Mia decided to spend some time on the Beach with Ema and Alex. 
It was super peaceful.
You spent a fair bit of time in the water, gently pushing around a standup paddleboard while Mia sat on it with her little lifejacket, smiling widely and giggling as you moved her around. After doing that for a little while, Alex said she'd watch Mia so that you and Ema could explore a little bit. That went on for a couple of hours before eventually being joined by everyone else. 
"Hello, Miss Mia," Bre chimed as she sat down next to you on the beach blanket later that afternoon, immediately earning a response from your daughter from where she sat between your legs playing with a shovel. 
"Look who's back, Mia! Is that your Auntie Bre?" You asked your daughter as she held onto your hands to pull herself into a standing position before wobbling towards Bre. 
"Hi, sweet girl," Bre responded with outstretched arms so that she could pull Mia in for a hug once she was close enough. Mia hugged her tightly and let out a happy squeal before Bre set her down in her lap and looked back to you. "How's it going? What have you guys been up to all day?"
"Good, we've just been hanging around here," you told her with a smile. "I explored with your mom for a bit, then Alex and I got smoothies a little while ago, now they're out on the jet skis. Mia has been absolutely loving the Beach, but I haven't taken her swimming just yet. How was golf? Did you kick their butts?"
"You know it," she said matter of factly, making you chuckle. "Auston was a little cheesed."
"Of course, he was. Sore loser."
She then explained how Brian had plans to surprise Ema with a little dinner that night, so he was back at their bungalow, setting up a reservation for just the two of them. She also mentioned how Auston had gone back to your villa to shower and should be joining any minute. 
As the two of you chatted, neither of you noticed Ema and Alex as they docked their jet skis and began walking towards you until Mia got all smiley again.  
"What's got you all excited, huh?" Bre asked as Mia started reaching towards something behind her aunt, making you glance in the same direction to see who it was approaching. 
"She sees your mom," you replied while smiling and waving to the two women approaching. 
"Ah, no wonder," she chuckled and stood up from her spot to go greet them with Mia. 
"Oh, hello there," Ema said as Mia tackled her in a hug, indicating that she now wanted to be held by her grandmother. 
"Wow, Mia, nice to know who your favourite relative is," Alex joked as she sat down next to you, nudging you with her shoulder. "You ready to go shopping?"
"Yeah, whenever you guys are ready!"
"Is Mia coming?" Bre asked as she, Mia and Ema joined you and Alex again.
"I don't think so," you replied. "Auston wants to take her for a bit to hang around the pool before she needs a nap, I believe."
"Fair enough," Alex nodded and watched as Ema walked with Mia to where the tide flowed onto the shore. "We probably have a few minutes before he gets here, do you mind if I take Mia in the water as we wait?"
"Not at all, I'll have her towel ready."
"Wait, I'm coming!" Bre called after her sister as the two walked towards the water. 
You sat back and watched as your mother and sisters-in-law took turns wading into the water while holding onto Mia until a small waved formed and brushed passed them. It was so simple, but Mia loved every second of it. Each time she touched the water, Mia would let out a squeal of delight and laugh before splashing around a bit, earning some dramatic gasps from Alex and Bre.
As you watched, you couldn't help but smile as your heart swelled with so much love. These three women had become such important people in your life throughout your relationship with Auston. They always loved and supported you, welcomed you as one of their own, and built a significant and lasting relationship with you. That love was shared with your daughter from the moment she was born and had only grown ever since. You were well aware of how much Mia adored her aunts and grandparents, and it just made you so happy that she was going to grow up with these amazing people always watching out for her. 
After a few minutes went by, there was a sudden presence of a person sitting on the sand behind you and pulling you close to them. You didn't need to turn around to tell that it was Auston with the way his arms instantly wrapped around you protectively, and his facial scruff brushed against your skin as he leaned his chin onto your shoulder, quietly observing his mom and sisters play with Mia as well. 
"Hey, you," you said after a moment of just sitting there in comfortable silence, before looking at your husband and smiling. "How was golf?"
"Oh, I'm sure you already know how golf was," he responded with an eye roll.
"You lost that bad, huh?"
"Don't wanna talk about it."
You couldn't help but chuckle at the way he was acting, as he let out a huff and looked at you with a pointed glance. "Well, if it's any compensation, I'm glad that you're back even if you did lose to your little sister. Can't be better than everyone at everything, babe."
"Yeah, whatever, I'll take it," he replied with a grin. "Besides, I've got my prize right here, anyways."
He then leaned towards you, and you closed the remaining space between the two of you by meeting his lips with yours in a soft, sweet kiss. You could feel him smirk against you and had no intention to break away from him either until a voice interrupted. 
"Geez, get a room," Bre spoke up from where she stood in the water, sticking her tongue out jokingly once you looked at her. 
"Leave them be," Ema scolded her daughter before smiling at you and Auston. 
"Way to ruin the moment, Bre," Alex scoffed and stepped out of the water with your daughter. "But, I do think someone's excited to see you, Auston."
"Daddy!" Mia exclaimed and reached towards you and Auston as she and Alex approached. 
"Hi, baby," Auston grinned widely and reached up to take Mia from his sister's hold, not waiting any longer to snuggle her into his chest. "Did you have fun in the water?"
"Uh-huh," she replied as she leaned back to look at him and smile.
The two then started chatting, and you subtly moved from your spot between Auston's legs to grab Mia's towel so she wouldn't get cold. 
"Are you ready to hang out with me while your mom leaves us to go shopping with your aunts?" Auston asked Mia, making you roll your eyes as you stood up. Alex gave you a knowing look as the two of you just shook your heads.
"Yeah!" Mia said and cuddled closer to you as you took her from her dad and wrapped her in the towel.
"Mia, tell your dad that he's a drama queen," you spoke up and pecked her on the cheek.
"'Rama, daddy."
"Yes, drama!."
Alex started chuckling from where she stood beside you, while Auston huffed and looked at you with a pout. "You make it seem like Bre, and I are stealing her from you."
"Uh, have you seen the way the three of you shop? You guys won't be back for hours."
"Like you're any better," Bre deadpanned and gave her brother a look as she and Ema approached. "We'll be back before dinner. You'll be fine."
"Whatever," he said with a sigh before standing up and walking towards Ema. "At least mom wants to hang out with me."
Ema chuckled and shook her head. 
"I'm going with them. What do you mean?"
The look of absolute betrayal that washed over Auston's face as she said that was comedic and made everyone laugh but him. "Wow."
"Oh, babe, I promise next time you can come with us," you stated and walked towards your husband. Once you were close enough, Auston wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you close as he took Mia in his other arm. "We'll be back soon."
"Yeah, yeah," he replied and winked at you before glancing at Mia. "Looks like it's just me and you, baby girl. Is that alright with you?"
She didn't respond, just nodded before leaning against Auston's shoulder and knuckling at her eyes tiredly. You and Auston looked at each other knowingly after that. 
"I think I'm just going to take her back to the villa, cause someone needs a nap," your husband stated and brushed a little curl away from Mia's face. "You tired, mini?"
Whenever he called her that, you couldn't help but smile because of how true it was. Mia really was Auston's mini-me, and you loved it so freaking much. 
"Mhm," Mia replied before letting out a loud yawn. "Nemo, daddy?"
"Yes, sweets, we'll watch Nemo together," he said and leaned down to kiss her cheek before looking back to you. 
"We'll be back soon," you assured both Mia and Auston, but earned yourself an odd glance from your daughter.
"Mommy, come."
"No, baby," you responded quietly, your heart breaking a bit thanks to how she looked at you with her tired eyes expectantly. "Mommy will be back in a little bit, ok? I promise."
"Ok," she repeated before cuddling closer to Auston, showing just how exhausted she was. 
You then looked to Auston, who didn't miss a beat as he leaned down to peck your lips again. "Call me if you need anything, ok?"
"You know, I will. I'll see you soon," Auston said before giving you another quick kiss and then looking at his mom and sisters. "Have fun, ladies."
"Bye," the three of them said as you stood and watched him walk away with your baby. 
A moment later, someone nudged you with their shoulder to get your attention. 
"Ready to go?" Alex asked, already holding her folded up beach-blanket and other items. 
"Oh, yeah," you stated and moved to pick up your things before heading back to the house she and Bre were staying in. "Lead the way."
It didn't take long for the four of you to get where all the little shops and stores were, and it took even less time for the actual shopping to begin. You found a couple of cute clothes for yourself and even more adorable things for Mia, thanks to Bre and Alex's help. After that, you and Auston's sisters helped pick out a new outfit for Ema and somehow convinced her that she should wear it to dinner that night, although she was still unaware of her little date night with Brian. 
Once you finished shopping, the four of you returned to the Beach to get ready for the night ahead. Ema went back to the bungalow, while Bre and Alex helped you with the stuff you bought back to your villa. You were all excited to be back and see Mia again, but the house was empty when you entered. 
"Where do you think they went?" Bre asked as each of you set down the bags you were holding and looked around. 
"No clue," Alex replied and glanced at you. "Has Auston messaged you?"
"No, he hasn't," you told her and pulled out your cell phone to see that Ema had texted you instead. "But your mom did. She says to go over to your guys' place."
"That's where they must be," Bre said and started walking towards the door again. "Let's go. I wanna see my niece."
"I'm sure she wants to see you too," you chuckled as you followed after her and Alex back outside. 
The three of you walked down the Beach to the two-storey house you assumed everyone else was. It was early evening, so the sun was still up and would be for a few more hours, and you couldn't help but wonder what Auston and Mia had gotten up to while you were away. 
As soon as you stepped foot into the house, you got your answer.
"Y/N, go take a look by the pool," Ema said as she greeted you, Bre and Alex again. "I think there's something you might want to see."
Confused, you looked at Bre and Alex unsurely before walking by them and towards the back of the house. You could hear them and Ema following behind you and didn't know what to expect when you went outside, but your heart melted once you did. 
Brian waded in the pool with the other guys, while to the left of the door, Auston was passed right out on one of the lounge chairs, with Mia asleep on his chest. 
Mia was still wrapped in a towel, which made you think she mustn't have gone to sleep right away, so Auston brought her to the pool in an attempt to wear her out even more, but ended up making himself tired during the process as well.    
"They've been like that for an hour and a half now," Brian chuckled as he climbed onto a pool floaty. "Didn't even make it inside the house, they were both so exhausted."
"Please, I love them so much," you replied and couldn't keep yourself from awing at how cute the two of them were.
"They are pretty freaking adorable. I must admit," Bre spoke up as she placed her elbow on your shoulder and leaned against you as she observed the two sleeping beauties as well. 
"My favourite pair," Alex chimed in as she stood beside you and smiled. 
"Mine, too," you stated. "I don't want to wake them up."
But just as you said that Mia began stirring awake and started looking around as if trying to remember where she was. 
"Mama," she said with a yawn once her eyes landed on you, and Bre wasn't long in taking her arm off your shoulder so that you could go over to your little girl. 
"Hi, baby," you responded as you ducked under the broad umbrella and sat down on the edge of the lounge chair beside them, making sure to gently brush away some of the curls that fell in your daughter's face and smile at her. "Did you have a good nap with daddy?"
"Mhm," she nodded while still leaning against Auston's chest, which gradually woke him up as well. 
He stretched and groaned while wrapping his arm protectively around Mia before even opening his eyes, but when he finally did and saw you, he immediately grinned widely. 
"Hey, you're back," he said and sat up straight, his voice husky as he spoke. "Did you have fun?"
"We did," you replied, smiling as well before looking to Bre and Alex and winking at them. "Looks like you and Mia had some fun too."
"I don't even remember falling asleep," he admitted before looking down at Mia. "I guess we were both tired, huh, little miss?" 
"Yeah," Mia smiled before reaching towards you so that you'd hold her. 
"I bet," you stated while hugging your daughter close and looking back at your husband. "What do you say we head back to the villa and get changed for dinner?"
"Tee!" Mia called once she noticed Bre and Alex standing nearby, no longer paying any attention to you. 
"Well, I think that's a solid plan, but we may have trouble separating Mia from those two," Auston said as he stood up and glanced towards his sisters.
"Hi, baby girl," Alex spoke softly and crouched with her arms open as you set Mia down and watched as she wobbled to her aunt. 
"You know, you could always leave her with us as you went and got ready," Bre suggested as Alex stood back up, holding your daughter, and gave her arm a little squeeze. 
"Please, you'd never give her back," Auston scoffed, making you chuckle as you stood next to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. 
"And what about it?" Alex challenged while moving so that Bre could hold Mia. "I swear, you two never take any time to yourselves. This vacation is for the both of you too, you know?"
"Yes, and we love it," you answered honestly. "But, it's a different type of vacation now with Mia here, which is fine. Wouldn't have it any other way."
Bre and Alex both sent you soft smiles after that, before glancing at each other as if they were silently planning something. Auston seemed to notice their plotting too and glanced down at you before looking back at them suspiciously, but Bre spoke up again before either of you could say anything.   
"Fair," she shrugged and looked back to you and Auston. "But go get changed, we can watch her for twenty minutes. I'm sure you'll both be fine."
"But-," Auston started, but cut himself off as his sisters both turned around and headed back into the house with your daughter without saying another word, his eyebrows furrowing as he watched them go. "Did they just steal our daughter from us?"
"Looks like it," you giggled and turned around so that you'd be facing your husband. "C'mon, let's go get changed, and we'll have her back before you know it."
And so you did. The two of you headed back to your villa, telling Auston's family that you'd both be back in a few minutes. But what neither of you noticed was that both Bre and Alex came back outside with Mia and looked at their mom expectantly as soon as you and Auston were gone. 
"How are we supposed to get them to have a whole night that's just the two of them with Auston being so stubborn?" Bre asked as she sat at the edge of the pool, still carefully holding onto Mia.
"I definitely think Y/N will be easier to convince that it's a good idea for us to watch Mia for a night than Auston will be," Alex stated from where she stood before looking at Ema. "But we need to. Those two haven't had a date night in who knows how long, and what better time to do it than on vacation?"
"Exactly," Ema agreed as she walked into the pool and waded over to where Bre sat with Mia. "We're going to have to just bombard them with the fact that they're going to be alone for a night. Don't give them a chance to argue. They'll be fine if they keep busy, and besides, it's their anniversary soon. They deserve some alone time."
Bre and Alex nodded in agreement, and both began thinking of ways to make their plan work, while Brian continued floating around and became curious about how their plan would work out.
The evening was relatively lowkey after that. You and Auston returned to the house after getting changed, and everyone headed out to dinner. Once you all at the restaurant, Brain and Ema went their separate way away from everyone else for their little date night. While they were gone, the rest of the group ate a massive meal before eventually calling it a night and heading back home with plans to meet at the big house the following morning. 
The next day, everyone met up and went boating. Some snorkelled, some went tubing, and others just chilled on the boat and made the most of it before going back on land and doing other activities. 
That was what each day consisted of. 
There was always so much to do, as a whole or split up in groups, and being with Auston's family made it extremely enjoyable. Each busy day ended with everyone grabbing dinner together before going back to their respective homes to unwind and go to bed. But on one particular night later in the week, that changed. 
Everyone had finished eating and was just getting ready to start walking back to the houses when Ema picked Mia up from her chair and started walking away. 
"Are you going to stay with me tonight?" She asked your daughter as everyone started following after them, you and Auston being the last ones to trail behind.
"Yeah," Mia replied as she hugged her grandmother, making you and Auston come to a complete halt.
"Wait. What?" the two of you asked in unison, not noticing how Bre and Alex covered their mouths, attempting not to burst out laughing.
"What's going on?" Auston questioned, still obviously very confused. 
"Mia is going to stay with your dad and me tonight," Ema said as a matter of factly while she glanced at the two of you over her shoulder, making sure to send you a wink before looking at her son. "You and Y/N can have a night to yourselves tonight. Mia will be fine with us. We'll keep her busy and then tomorrow after dinner; I'll bring her back to the villa." 
"I think they planned this," you whispered as you leaned against your husband's shoulder while he stared back at his family completely dumbfounded. 
"Exactly," Bre stated. "You two have barely had any time that was just the two of you since Mia was born. Go, have a date night. Be a little reckless. We've got Mia."
"But not too reckless," Brian chimed in, making everyone but Auston chuckle. "Have some fun. The two of you are on vacation, one night away from your daughter won't kill you. Relax a little bit."
"But-," Auston started until you cut him off. 
"It's just a night, Aus," you told him, noticing how both Bre and Alex let out sighs of relief. "She's in safe hands. If anything happens, we're not very far away. I think a night to ourselves would be… nice."
"You should listen to your wife," Alex said while smiling at you and Auston. "We'll follow you back to the villa to get Mia's things, then let the two of you be."
"I-," he was ready to argue, but when he looked down at you and started thinking of how one night with you away from Mia wouldn't be too bad, he sighed in defeat before looking back at his family. "Ok, fine."
"Perfect, let's get going," Ema said and started leading the way back to the villa. 
"They definitely planned this," Auston grumbled as he wrapped a hand around your waist and continued walking next to you. 
"I know," you replied and shook your head while laughing. "Everyone has been trying to get us to have a date night, didn't know it was so bad that we'd have to be forced to do it."
"A date night with you isn't something I need to be forced to do. I'll take that any day."
"Good answer."
"Yeah," he chuckled too. "I've just gotten so used to being around Mia and not having to leave. This feels kind of weird, her leaving me for once."
"Oh, how the tables have turned," you teased and gave him a squeeze, to which he responded by leaning down and kissing the top of your head. 
"It'll be nice getting you alone," he said huskily, not noticing that it was loud enough for others to hear.
"Ok, at least keep it PG until we get Mia's things and leave," Bre groaned.
"Hey, you can blame yourself for this," Auston replied before reaching down to squeeze your butt, trying to get a rise from his sister. 
"Auston!" You scolded and stepped away from him. "God, you're such a pest."
"You love it," he responded cheekily as you let him pull you close again. 
"Debatable," you told him with a wink, before standing on your toes and pecking his lips before linking your hand with his and pulling him after everyone else. "C'mon, it's getting late, and Mia is going to need to go to bed soon."
"Yes, dear," he said and followed behind you all the wat back to the villa. 
Bre and Alex came over to help Ema gather Mia's things, but they didn't stay long. Before you knew it, they were all heading towards the door; getting Mia to blow kisses at you and Auston as they went.  
"Bye, mommy. Bye, daddy," she said while waving goodbye.
"Bye, baby," you replied while leaning against Auston, suddenly feeling emotional over the thought of your little girl leaving. 
"We'll see you tomorrow, princess," Auston said and held you a little tighter as you both said goodbye to his mom and sisters, and they eventually disappeared out the door. Once they were gone, you looked up at Auston curiously. "Guess it's just us now."
"What do you propose that we do?" You asked. 
"Well, there's that jacuzzi tub in the washroom that hasn't been used yet. What do you say I pour us some wine, and we relax in there a little?"
"Sounds like a plan to me."
And that was how the two of you spent the night together. You relaxed in the tub, chatted, and just enjoyed each other's company before eventually getting out to shower off. However, neither of you made it to the shower because soon after wrapping yourself up in a towel, Auston was behind you, placing kisses along your exposed collarbone and holding you close. It didn't take long for things to get heated after that, and the night soon faded around the both of you as you made your way back into the bedroom. 
When you woke up the next morning, the space on the bed beside you was empty. A few beams of light peaked through the drawn blinds and danced across the room, illuminating the area just enough for you to take in the clothes strewn all over the place, and the thin bedsheet that clung to your body. 
The half-empty glasses of wine still sat on the bedside table, and your bra hung across the lamp on the other side of the room, but you didn't care. You were at peace as you snuggled into the pillows a little more and listened to the sound of waves as they crashed against the shore outside.
The waves soon faded into the sound of running water coming from the ensuite, and it was then you realized where Auston had gone off to so early on this day that was meant for the two of you to relax.
Wasting no time, you scrambled off the bed and wrapped the sheet around your body so you'd at least be a little covered as you greeted your husband and quickly made your way to the ensuite.
Once you entered the room, Auston immediately made eye contact with you in the mirror and smirked. His mouth was full of toothpaste as he finished brushing his teeth, and his eyes were very sleepy, indicating how much the activities from the night before seemingly wore him out. However, he still looked ridiculously hot to you as he stood there in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts.   
Without breaking eye contact, you walked up behind him and placed some soft kisses on the back of his shoulder before stepping beside him and beginning to brush your teeth as well. 
You kept sending each other glances as he moved on to shaving around his moustache a little, and once you both finished what you were doing, you were all over each other again. 
The next thing you knew, you were sitting on the vanity with your back pressed gently against the mirror and hands tangled in Auston's hair as he kissed you hungrily. You could feel the sheet slipping off with each movement you made and were quick in pulling it back up before too much could get shown off, making Auston chuckle as he continued kissing you shamelessly. 
A moment later, you both pulled away to catch your breath and look at each other knowingly. 
"Good morning," you were the first to speak as you leaned up to peck his lips once again, noting how swollen your's were already beginning to feel. 
"Good morning to you, too," he responded and gently tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear as a smug grin danced across his lips. "Did you have a good night last night?"
"Cheeky," you responded while rolling your eyes at how he referred to what the two of you did once you got back to the villa. "But, yes, I did, and I think today will be even better."
"I don't know. Last night was pretty great. Pretty sure I'm going to have to wear a T-shirt all day to cover the scratches on my back."
"I'm just messing with you," he laughed and leaned down to catch your lips in another sweet kiss, before moving away and walking towards the shower. "Well, we better start getting ready. We've got a busy day ahead of us."
"Busy?" You asked as you hopped off the counter and followed after him. "I thought we were supposed to, and I quote, relax. I mean, I'm down for anything. But I am missing Mia, though."
"Me too, which is why I think my family booked a bunch of things for us to do today. They want to keep us busy until we get her back tonight."
"What did they plan?"
"I honestly don't know," he shrugged and turned back around to face you. "I just woke up to a text from Alex saying we have to be down at the marina in an hour and a half, that's all I know. So I'm going to shower and get ready. Something is waiting for you in the kitchen if you want to check it out. Or you could join me in the shower, wouldn't be opposed to that either."
"Get in the shower, Matthews," you replied and rolled your eyes at his cheekiness again. "I'll make us some breakfast, then wash my hair."
You didn't leave much room for argument, because after that you were striding out of the washroom and back through the bedroom, not caring that you were still wearing a bedsheet dress. 
As you walked into the hallway, you wondered what the hell could be waiting for you in the kitchen, and was unable to keep yourself from gasping as you rounded the corner and saw a huge bouquet of flowers sitting on the counter. It wasn't hard to spot the little card resting in the flowers that had your name written on it, but before you could walk over and read it, a pair of hands gripped your waist and spun you back around. 
Auston's lips immediately crashed to yours, and you let out a surprised squeak, but quickly returned the kiss before pulling away slightly. 
"Happy anniversary," he mumbled against your lips before stepping back and smiling. 
But you were beyond confused and looked at him weirdly.
Anniversary? Anniversary of what? You raked your mind for ideas of what it was he talked about until something clicked, and your eyes went wide.
"Holy shit," was all you said before bolting back down the hallway towards the bedroom. 
You could hear Auston following behind you, but he was quiet as he watched you walk over to where your cell phone was sitting on the table and check the date. Sure enough, the date was exactly what you thought. 
July 30th, otherwise known as yours and Auston's first wedding anniversary, which you completely forgot about up until that moment.
Not a moment later, your phone chimed with a text from Steph wishing you and Auston a happy anniversary. Then came one from Mitch, then Alex, then Bre, then even more friends and family from home, which did not make you feel any better about the situation. 
"Oh, my God," you groaned and ran a hand down your face before eventually glancing back at your husband, who was looking at you with pure amusement. 
"You forgot our anniversary, didn't you?" He asked and stepped towards you. 
"No," you lied.
"Yes, you did, or else you wouldn't be so flustered."
"Ok fine, I forgot," you whined and flopped onto the bed, completely ashamed. Auston chuckled as he sat on the bed next to you and watched you sulk for a minute before finally looking back to him. "I'm sorry. We've just been having so much fun during this trip. I knew it was coming up, but I completely lost track of the days and didn't realize that it was today. Wow, I'm a terrible wife."
"No, you're not," Auston stated while shaking his head at your dramatics. 
"Yes, I am! Who forgets their first freaking wedding anniversary? Also, how are you so calm about this?"
"Because I'm not mad, Y/N."
"You're not?" You asked and lifted your head from the pillow to look at him better. "How? I mean, I would be. I suck."
"Because, babe, I get it," he told you seriously. "And no, you don't suck. Life gets crazy sometimes, and it's hard to keep track of things. Remember when I forgot Valentine's Day that one year?"
"Valentine's Day is not as important as our anniversary."
"Doesn't matter, I'm trying to prove that it's ok you forgot. I'm not going to hold a grudge against you over it."
It was impossible for you not to melt a little bit as he said that.
"Why are you so good to me?" You asked as he reached a hand towards you, and gently linked your fingers with his. 
"Because I love you," he replied. "Simple as that. How do you like the flowers, though?"
"I love them," you stated as you sat back up and quit your sulking. "They're beautiful, Auston. Thank you. Are you sure you're not mad?"
"Yes, I'm sure," he chuckled and shook his head before standing up. "I may never let you live it down, but no, I'm not mad."
"God, I think that might be worse than you just being pissed off at me."
"Not my fault you forgot our anniversary, now is it?"
"Auston!" You groaned and leaned back against the headboard, knowing that he most definitely would never let you live this down. 
"Love you," he singsonged as he leaned down to kiss you once more. 
"Love you too, even though you're a pain in my ass," you pouted before returning the kiss. 
"Your favourite pain," Auston stated as he moved back towards the ensuite. "But we really do need to get going, or Alex is going to be pissed that we missed whatever reservation she made."
Once the two of you were showered and dressed, you both made your way to the marina to see what the day had in store, but not without glancing at Ema and Brian's bungalow to see if you could see Mia as you went. 
When Auston gave the man who was waiting on the docks his name, the two of you were told that he was taking you both on a boat tour to see The Arch Of Cabo San Lucas and other tourist attractions such as the infamous Lovers Beach. 
"Fitting name," Auston said to you quietly as the two of you boarded the boat. 
"This kind of thing has Alex written all over it."  
"You think that's bad, Bre just texted me saying she booked us an hour at the driving range after this."
"Oh, god," you replied dramatically, but had to smile at how thoughtful and considerate it was of Auston's family to set everything up for the two of you. "As long as there's some type of alcohol, I'm game."
"Perfect," he responded as he sat next to you and the boat set sail. "Anything else you want to do before dinner?"
"I think I'll book us something at the spa," you told him with a smirk. "My treat."
"Sounds good to me."
The day couldn't have gone more perfect, and the fact that you and Auston spent it entirely together made it even more special. When evening came, you went to a dinner reservation for two, which was so lovely, but you were both a little antsy by the end of it.
"Think they'll let us take our daughter back now?" You asked your husband as you sipped on the last little bit of wine you had with dinner.
"God, I hope so," Auston said dramatically. "Not that I didn't love this time with you or anything, but I really miss her."
"I do too. This was needed, but I'm ready for us to get our little girl back."
"Couldn't agree more."
After you finished your drink, you and Auston walked hand in hand to Bre and Alex's house and couldn't wait to see everyone, especially Mia. Once the two of you arrived, it wasn't long before Ema opened the front door and pulled you both in for a hug.
"Happy anniversary!" 
"Thank you," both you and Auston replied while returning the hug.
"Did you two have a good day?" She asked and stepped back to let you enter the house.
"It was amazing," you told her honestly. "Thank you for doing this, Ema."
"Oh, don't thank just me. There was no way I would've been able to do it alone. Now, come."
You looked at Auston suspiciously as Ema began leading the two of you down the hallway, but he just shrugged. 
"Don't look at me," he started with a laugh. "They're up to something else, though. I feel it."
"Let's go you two," Ema's voice called from down the hall, not giving you a chance to respond.
"Guess we'll find out," you told your husband before making way down the hallway after your mother-in-law. 
But neither of you were prepared for what you saw once you entered the living room.
"Happy anniversary!" Everyone who came on vacation exclaimed. 
"'Versary!" Yelled Mia from where she stood between Bre and Brian.
It was then you were able to take in your surroundings finally. The room was decorated with balloons and banners all with 'Happy Anniversary' written across them.  There was also a cake resting on the table in the corner with a framed photo of you and Auston from your wedding day standing next to it. 
"You guys," you started as you covered your mouth and looked around at everyone with teary eyes. "Thank you."
"Yes, thank you," Auston said, and just couldn't stop smiling. He then looked down at you and pulled you in for a sweet kiss. "Happy anniversary, babe."
"Happy anniversary," you repeated before softly kissing him again, then pulling him in for a hug.
"Maybe I won't tell them that you forgot."
"Matthews, I swear to-." 
You were ready to ream him out but were interrupted by a small force tackling yours and Auston's legs. Immediately, you moved away from your husband and looked down to see Mia hugging you both tightly. 
"There's my girl!" Auston exclaimed as he bent down to pick up your daughter and hug her tightly, to which she returned. 
"Hi, sweet girl," you greeted as Mia looked your way and was soon tackling you in a hug as well. "Your daddy and I missed you today."
"'Versary!" She replied excitedly. 
"Yes, it's mommy and I's anniversary, princess," your husband said before leaning down to kiss her head. "Man, a lot has happened in a year. I just keep thinking of how small she was the day we got married."
"I know," you responded with wide eyes as you thought back to a year prior. "But, you know, although this past year was pretty amazing, I still think the best has yet to come."
"I think you're right," Auston agreed. "Can't wait to see what the next year brings us, and all the years after that."
"Me neither."
Both you and Auston were soon surrounded by everyone in his family, hugging and congratulating the both of you. They then went on to ask how yours and Auston's day went and had the biggest smile on your face as you relived it all. That smile remained for the rest of the evening as you mingled with Auston's, no, your family, and got even more excited with what the future was going to hold because you knew that with all of these amazing people in it, it was bound to be special.
// please let me know what you think! <3 //
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dcostanzo4-blog · 5 years
Should Surfing be in the Olympics?
Should Surfing Be in the Olympics?
Surfing has been a part of my life since I was extremely young, and because of this, it holds an extraordinary place in my heart.  There is just nothing like the taste of the saltwater and getting up a surfing a wave.  I started surfing when I was about five years old, and ever since then, I lived in the ocean. I always saw it as a competition, seeing who can catch the best wave and who can ride it the best. I was still interested in being able to perform tricks and mastering how to ride individual waves. It is a very technical sport, similar to skating and snowboarding. Snowboarding is the most similar and, as many know have always been in the Winter Olympics.  It has drawn in many great athletes such as Sean White and brought in a significant amount of popularity to the Olympics world round. Because of this popularity, many feel that Surfing deserves to be in the summer Olympics. There are many great athletes all around the globe, such as John John Florence and Kelly Slater, who have always advocated for making surfing an Olympic sport. Taking it all in, I am a massive advocate with believing Surfing should be in the summer Olympics.
  One reason I believe surging should be in the Summer Olympics is that it involves both genders. Every Olympic sport is split by genders and has a gender counterpart. For example, hockey has both men's hockey and female hockey.  If the current layout is used from the surfing world championships, the competition would have both men and female Surfing. Many famous female surfers advocate for this, such as Stephanie Gilmore and Sally Fitzgibbons. "Surfing is truly a global sport, more popular and more widely practiced than many current Olympic sports. Surfing is pursued in every corner of the world, in more than a hundred countries. There are now over 35 million surfers worldwide! Surfers are a strong and positive influence on young people around the world. They are a very relevant part of our youth culture and serve as inspirational figures, naturally representing Olympic values.", wrote Aguerre. Many other lead female surfers have come out expressing the same opinions.  They believe that it will bring even more attention to the sport and will be suitable for women in the Olympics. Women in sports are especially important in the political world we live in today. Women in sports are significant in making the world an equal place.  It will allow little girls to grow up dreaming about becoming Olympic surfers an actual reality, and it will give them more female leaders to look up to and be inspired to try surfing themselves. Introducing a sport that involves both genders would be a great addition to the Olympics.
Another reason Surfing should be in the Olympics is that it is already a profound sport around the world.  It is widely popular in the United States, along with Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Japan, Indonesia, and many more. Popularity takes out the question that commonly arises when talking about adding baseball and softball to the Olympics.  Baseball and softball have always been mainstream sports, but have been subjugated due to a lack of worldwide popularity. Surfing is extremely popular and well-watched on tv and streaming services such as YouTube. Studies have shown growth in Surfing has spiked in popularity since 2002.  An article on Surfer Today, one of the most popular used surfing blogs, said that. "Surfing is one of the most popular water sports on the planet. And, who knows, probably the number one water sport on the planet."
With statements like this, many people question where the proof to back it up is? A recent survey came out showing that the popularity is, in fact, genuine. In America, there are 13.5 million surfers, in Oceania 6.5 million surfers, in Asia 6 million surfers, in Europe, 4.5 million surfers, and in Africa, 4.5 million surfers.  These numbers beat other Olympic sports like curling by a mile. This leads to the question of why has surging not been in the Olympics?  The reason is most likely due to the location. Summer Olympics will need to be centered around beaches and, in particular, beaches with waves. The ocean is exceptionally unpredictable and is entirely unpredictable. Some days huge swells are bringing in high tides and others where it is very choppy or flat, and you can not ride the waves.  This will cause a rush to get the surfing event done with on the best possible day, leading for it to be incredibly crammed in.  From personal experience, swells are very inconsistent, and the forecast is often incorrect.  This is an issue that even effects professional surfing competitions.  This is why they are usually located in Indonesia, California, or Hawaii.  These locations are often very consistent and have some of the best swells in the country.  Sadly, the Olympics can not be held here every single time as they are already scheduled down the road for locations such as Japan, Paris, and many other countries.  This brings up the issue of if the area can host the competition.  If Surfing is labeled as a major Olympic sport down the road, the scheduled places will have to have right surfing spots; however, can the already scheduled spots host it?  It is believed that Japan can as they get a proper amount of swells, and technology is already being developed to assist in helping the prediction of the swells. Even so, this will always be an issue if Surfing is made an Olympic Sport.  However, if it is just scheduled for the best day of the week using forecasting and using a consistent location, these issues can be overcome with ease.  Another possible solution is Kelly Slatter’s idea of using surfing pools.  This idea completely relies on technology but would create the most balanced playing field.  This does take out some of the competition of finding the best wave, but it would work if possible.  So to end this point, Surfing is a worldwide sport and is very popular in a ton of countries and with current selections can easily be added to the Olympics.
Another bonus to Surfing being added to the Olympics is that it will bring a new sport and bring in an even bigger crowd. As previously discussed Surfing is a prevalent worldwide sport. It is estimated that "1.6 billion people love watching, or reading Twitter feeds, about Surfing! 1.6 billion, or as Stu Nettle points out, over 1/5 of the earth's population." This is an outstanding amount of people that watch the sport, topping a lot of games that are currently in both the Winter and Summer Olympics.  So the question of if Surfing is big enough to add to the Olympics is out of the problem as it is one of the biggest sports in the world.  This alone will bring in a massive payday for the Olympics; however, individual faces such as John John Florence will bring I'm the biggest payday.  John John Florence is arguably the most famous surfer worldwide as he has over 1.3 million followers on Instagram alone. For an athlete that is an insane amount to have on social media, it is sure to bring in many fans.  As for the female aspect, Sally Fitzgibbons has about 600 thousand followers on Instagram.  Six hundred thousand is another large amount of followers, considering the sport does not get a more substantial amount of coverage.  This situation would be a win-win for both the athletes and the Olympics.  The Olympics would be able to cover these athletes in-depth, and in return, the athletes would get a boost in followers to help grow their careers even more.  Along with athletes, Surfing also has many sponsors that would benefit the Olympics even more.  Major companies such as Red Bull Billabong, Rip Curl, Quicksilver, Vans, and many more would swarm around these events.  The coverage would be very well, and each professional surfer would likely bring in many of these major sponsors.  Considering all of this, Surfing would increase the amount of money, viewers, and followers for both the Olympics and the surfers would make. 
Overall, Surfing would be a fantastic addition to the Olympics and should seriously be considered for the next upcoming Summer Olympics.  It will firmly grab the attention of people who are fans of the sport and people who are interested in it.  It will give the competition an even more mainstream platform and allow people to look up to many role models in the game thoroughly.  It is also a prevalent worldwide sport, drawing in fans and athletes from all across the so the viewer total will be extremely high.  And on top of this, it will also bring in many companies who sponsor many prominent named athletes who presumably will compete in the Olympics.  It is also prevalent among both genders, making the sport respect equality, as both male and female events will get the same amount of viewers.  In summation, adding Surfing to the Summer Olympics would be a fantastic decision that would benefit everyone with very little to no downside.
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
I.. [ ] am tall [ ] am in between [ ] am short [ ] am a blonde [ ] am redheaded [ ] am a brunette [ ] have black hair [ ] have blue eyes [ ] have brown eyes [ ] have green eyes [ ] have hazel eyes [ ] have grey eyes [ ] and wear glasses [ ] and wear contacts
[ ] have braces [ ] have freckles [ ] have piercings [ ] have a tattoo [ ] have long hair [ ] have short hair [ ] have mid-length hair
My nationality includes: [ ] chinese [ ] indian [ ] taiwanese [ ] japanese [ ] hispanic [ ] nicoya [ ] puerto rican [ ] chicana [ ] italian [ ] scottish [ ] filipino [ ] dutch [ ] english [ ] french [ ] german [ ] irish [ ] greek [ ] portuguese [ ] polish [ ] korean [ ] jamaican [ ] canadian [ ] lithuanian [ ] native american [ ] russian [ ] british [ ] danish [ ] african [ ] hungarian [ ] scandanavian [ ] armenian [ ] finnish [ ] other [ ] I don’t know
My favorite color(s) is(are): [ ] red [ ] pink [ ] yellow [ ] black [ ] green [ ] blue [ ] white [ ] silver [ ] purple [ ] brown [ ] orange
Some things I’ve done/played include: [ ] soccer [ ] cheerleading [ ] dancing [ ] lacrosse [ ] field hockey [ ] hockey [ ] football [ ] softball [ ] wrestling [ ] gymnastics [ ] track/cross country [ ] basketball [ ] baseball [ ] golf [ ] minigolf [ ] playing in the mud [ ] playing music [ ] hiking [ ] kayaking [ ] camping [ ] horseback riding
I am sometimes: [ ] annoying [ ] talkative [ ] shy [ ] funny [ ] serious [ ] bubbly [ ] spazzy [ ] fun-loving [ ] laid back [ ] strict [ ] hyper [ ] weird
I like _____ music: [ ] rap [ ] rock [ ] pop [ ] country [ ] hip hop [ ] r&b [ ] slow jams [ ] Christian [ ] classical [ ] techno [ ] oldies [ ] the 80s [ ] punk [ ] Metal [ ] reggae [ ] Goth [ ] Latin [ ] 90’s grunge [ ] musicals
The pet(s) I have is (are) a: [ ] cat [ ] dog [ ] lizard [ ] rat [ ] ferret [ ] rabbit [ ] fish [ ] bird [ ] tortoise/turtle [ ] snakes [ ] other
Clothes I like to wear are: [ ] plain t-shirts [ ] sweatshirts [ ] stockings [ ] high heels [ ] boots [ ] sneakers [ ] jeans [ ] pj pants [ ] dresses [ ] mini skirts [ ] long skirts [ ] watches [ ] necklace [ ] hoop earrings [ ] toe socks [ ] flip flops [ ] halter tops [ ] stilettos [ ] shorts [ ] sleeveless shirts
I like to wear my hair (in a): [ ] down [ ] ponytail [ ] pigtails [ ] messy bun [ ] half ponytail [ ] scrunched/curly [ ] bun [ ] crimped [ ] with a bandana [ ] French braids [ ] lots of little braids [ ] Gel [ ] hat [ ] messy hot guy hair [ ] fauxhawk
I am mostly labeled as: [ ] goth [ ] emo [ ] prep [ ] punk [ ] surfer [ ] athletic [ ] hippie [ ] nerd [ ] gangster [ ] ditzy [ ] hyper [ ] happy [ ] I have no idea
I eat/drink: [ ] dessert every night [ ] no meat [ ] diet stuff [ ] healthy foods [ ] junk foods [ ] a lot of carbs [ ] lots of meat [ ] salad [ ] seafood
A typical friday night: [ ] mall with your friends [ ] partying [ ] at a show/venue [ ] watching movies [ ] going to the club [ ] staying home [ ] babysitting [ ] hanging out with your friends [ ] hanging out with your boyfriend/girlfriend [ ] working while your friends are out having fun [ ] i don’t plan out my weekends
Currently I am: [ ] in a relationship [ ] single and loving it [ ] crushing [ ] single and looking for someone [ ] single and whatever happens, happens
Online, I use: [ ] lol [ ] sup [ ] =D [ ] lmao [ ] stfu [ ] ty [ ] jk [ ] ttyl [ ] g2g [ ] ^^ [ ] T_T [ ] x_x [ ] ^_^ [ ] o.o [ ] <3 [ ] “LOLZOHEMGEE” [ ] knai [ ] omg
I have: [ ] lied to my best friend [ ] dyed my hair [ ] dressed punk [ ] kissed a girl on the cheek [ ] lied to my parents [ ] cried in front of lots of people [ ] went barefoot in the snow [ ] played hockey [ ] made my own clothes
In the last 24 hours, I: [ ] got in a fight [ ] took a shower [ ] gave a dirty look to someone [ ] cried [ ] went to school [ ] shopped [ ] danced [ ] got sick [ ] did something I regret [ ] ate something gross [ ] discovered something new
At school I: [ ] run to class because I’m always late [ ] hide in the bathroom [ ] am smart [ ] am hyper [ ] am a nerd [ ] am somewhat popular [ ] don’t know
Right now I am: [ ] in my pjs [ ] drinking [ ] listening to music [ ] watching a movie [ ] IMing someone [ ] talking on the phone [ ] eating
Have you ever…. [ ] Ridden a skateboard? [ ] Played a piano? [ ] Been to New York? [ ] Seen the movie “Thirteen”? [ ] Ridden in an ambulance? [ ] Broken a bone? [ ] Broken somebody else’s bone? [ ] Been to sleepaway camp? [ ] Gone to another state without your parents? [ ] Babysat? [ ] Cried for no apparent reason? [ ] Laughed for no apparent reason? [ ] Shoplifted? [ ] Heard “The Tide” by The Spill Canvas? [ ] Been nothing for Halloween? [ ] Killed a bug with your bare hand? [ ] Met a celebrity? [ ] Moved? [ ] Played on a soccer team? [ ] Made a MySpace? [ ] Talked on the phone for over an hour? [ ] Got detention? [ ] Got suspended? [ ] Played pool?
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laresearchette · 6 years
Monday, March 04, 2019 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CURLING (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 10:00am: Tim Hortons Brier: Draw #6 (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 3:00pm: Tim Hortons Brier: Draw #7 (TSN/TSN3/TSN5) 8:00pm: Tim Hortons Brier: Draw #8
NHL HOCKEY (SN1/SN) 7:00pm: Oilers at Sabres (SNWEST/TSN4) 9:00pm: Leafs at Flames
MURDOCH MYSTERIES (CBC) 8:00pm (SEASON FINALE): Murdoch suspects John is being framed for murder by Inspector McWorthy and Brackenreid goes after the corrupt copper.
GRETCHEN CARLSON: BREAKING THE SILENCE (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: Award-winning journalist and women's advocate Gretchen Carlson travels the country uncovering untold stories of sexual harassment and abuse.
STREET LEGAL (CBC) 9:01pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Olivia Novak is prepared to launch a class-action lawsuit against a major drug manufacturer, but an ambitious startup files first, stealing the case from under her.
TOP SECRET SWIMMING HOLES (DTour) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): From diving into a bright green Greek tide pool to scuba diving in a rift between two continents, groups of friends have a blast exploring exotic and secret swimming holes around the world.
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itakesurveys · 6 years
Survey 252
Reblog | Bold what applies to you; 
[ ] am tall [ ] am in between [ ] am short [ ] am a blonde [ ] am redheaded [ ] am a brunette [ ] have black hair [ ] have blue eyes [ ] have brown eyes [ ] have green eyes [ ] have hazel eyes [ ] have grey eyes [ ] and wear glasses [ ] and wear contacts [ ] have braces [ ] have freckles [ ] have piercings [ ] have a tattoo [ ] have long hair [ ] have short hair [ ] have mid-length hair
My nationality includes: [ ] chinese [ ] indian [ ] taiwanese [ ] japanese [ ] hispanic [ ] nicoya [ ] puerto rican [ ] chicana [ ] italian [ ] scottish [ ] filipino [ ] dutch [ ] english [ ] french [ ] german [ ] irish [ ] greek [ ] portuguese [ ] polish [ ] korean [ ] jamaican [ ] canadian [ ] lithuanian [ ] native american [ ] russian [ ] british [ ] danish [ ] african [ ] hungarian [ ] scandanavian [ ] armenian [ ] finnish [ ] other [ ] I don’t know
My favorite color(s) is(are): [ ] red [ ] pink [ ] yellow [ ] black [ ] green [ ] blue [ ] white [ ] silver [ ] purple [ ] brown [ ] orange
Some things I’ve done/played include: [ ] soccer [ ] cheerleading [ ] dancing [ ] lacrosse [ ] field hockey [ ] hockey [ ] football [ ] softball [ ] wrestling [ ] gymnastics [ ] track/cross country [ ] basketball [ ] baseball [ ] golf [ ] minigolf [ ] playing in the mud [ ] playing music [ ] hiking [ ] kayaking [ ] camping [ ] horseback riding
I am sometimes: [ ] annoying [ ] talkative [ ] shy [ ] funny [ ] serious [ ] bubbly [ ] spazzy [ ] fun-loving [ ] laid back [ ] strict [ ] hyper [ ] weird
I like _____ music: [ ] rap [ ] rock [ ] pop [ ] country [ ] hip hop [ ] r&b [ ] slow jams [ ] Christian [ ] classical [ ] techno [ ] oldies [ ] the 80s [ ] punk [ ] Metal [ ] reggae [ ] Goth [ ] Latin [ ] 90’s grunge [ ] musicals
The pet(s) I have is (are) a: [ ] cat [ ] dog [ ] lizard [ ] rat [ ] ferret [ ] rabbit [ ] fish [ ] bird [ ] tortoise/turtle [ ] snakes [ ] other
Clothes I like to wear are: [ ] plain t-shirts [ ] sweatshirts [ ] stockings [ ] high heels [ ] boots [ ] sneakers [ ] jeans [ ] pj pants [ ] dresses [ ] mini skirts [ ] long skirts [ ] watches [ ] necklace [ ] hoop earrings [ ] toe socks [ ] flip flops [ ] halter tops [ ] stilettos [ ] shorts [ ] sleeveless shirts
I like to wear my hair (in a): [ ] down [ ] ponytail [ ] pigtails [ ] messy bun [ ] half ponytail [ ] scrunched/curly [ ] bun [ ] crimped [ ] with a bandana [ ] French braids [ ] lots of little braids [ ] Gel [ ] hat [ ] messy hot guy hair [ ] fauxhawk
I am mostly labeled as: [ ] goth [ ] emo [ ] prep [ ] punk [ ] surfer [ ] athletic [ ] hippie [ ] nerd [ ] gangster [ ] ditzy [ ] hyper [ ] happy [ ] I have no idea
I eat/drink: [ ] dessert every night [ ] no meat [ ] diet stuff [ ] healthy foods [ ] junk foods [ ] a lot of carbs [ ] lots of meat [ ] salad [ ] seafood
A typical friday night: [ ] mall with your friends [ ] partying [ ] at a show/venue [ ] watching movies [ ] going to the club [ ] staying home [ ] babysitting [ ] hanging out with your friends [ ] hanging out with your boyfriend/girlfriend [ ] working while your friends are out having fun [ ] i don’t plan out my weekends
Currently I am: [ ] in a relationship [ ] single and loving it [ ] crushing [ ] single and looking for someone [ ] single and whatever happens, happens
Online, I use: [ ] lol [ ] sup [ ] =D [ ] lmao [ ] stfu [ ] ty [ ] jk [ ] ttyl [ ] g2g [ ] ^^ [ ] T_T [ ] x_x [ ] ^_^ [ ] o.o [ ] <3 [ ] “LOLZOHEMGEE” [ ] knai [ ] omg
I have: [ ] lied to my best friend [ ] dyed my hair [ ] dressed punk [ ] kissed a girl on the cheek [ ] lied to my parents [ ] cried in front of lots of people [ ] went barefoot in the snow [ ] played hockey [ ] made my own clothes
In the last 24 hours, I: [ ] got in a fight [ ] took a shower [ ] gave a dirty look to someone [ ] cried [ ] went to school [ ] shopped [ ] danced [ ] got sick [ ] did something I regret [ ] ate something gross [ ] discovered something new
At school I: [ ] run to class because I’m always late [ ] hide in the bathroom [ ] am smart [ ] am hyper [ ] am a nerd [ ] am somewhat popular [ ] don’t know
Right now I am: [ ] in my pjs [ ] drinking [ ] listening to music [ ] watching a movie [ ] IMing someone [ ] talking on the phone [ ] eating
Have you ever…. [ ] Ridden a skateboard? [ ] Played a piano? [ ] Been to New York? [ ] Seen the movie “Thirteen”? [ ] Ridden in an ambulance? [ ] Broken a bone? [ ] Broken somebody else’s bone? [ ] Been to sleepaway camp? [ ] Gone to another state without your parents? [ ] Babysat? [ ] Cried for no apparent reason? [ ] Laughed for no apparent reason? [ ] Shoplifted? [ ] Heard “The Tide” by The Spill Canvas? [ ] Been nothing for Halloween? [ ] Killed a bug with your bare hand? [ ] Met a celebrity? [ ] Moved? [ ] Played on a soccer team? [ ] Made a MySpace? [ ] Talked on the phone for over an hour? [ ] Got detention? [ ] Got suspended? [ ] Played pool?
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hartlessfiction · 7 years
can you rec me some good stuff??
Oh boy! I’m not sure what you’re looking for when you say ‘good stuff’ but I’ll do my best!
Supernatural- Destiel
Anna’s Dad by @mscaptainwinchester​
Raiting: E - Word Count: 35,000When Charlie talked him into joining the prom committee, Dean was not happy about it. He’s not even interested in going to prom, let alone planning it. But a meeting at committee chairman Anna Novak’s house changes all that. When Dean meets her smoking hot dad, a punk gothic god covered in the most alluring tattoos, it alters his entire perspective. Now he’s hanging out with Anna all the time and finding every excuse to flirt with her gorgeous dad.Castiel Novak swore off romantic relationships when his mate died a decade ago. Now he writes novels, throws lavish Halloween parties, and drinks with his fuck-buddy, Meg. When he meets Anna’s stunning friend, Dean, all his determination to keep emotions out of the equation goes flying out the window. Now it’s all he can do to keep his hands to himself in the face of relentless temptation.Will Dean ever get to see how far down Mr. Novak’s tattoos go? Will Castiel get over his hang-ups and let Dean in? Or will they both go their separate ways without ever knowing if their explosive chemistry could be more than just a tryst behind the pool shed? Featuring sexist classmates, a champion robot named Leia, growly alphas, and a prom theme from Hell (er… Hogwarts).
One Thousand and Ninety-four Days Verse by @envydeanwrites​
Rating: E - Word Count 3,313 - Series w/ 3 fic’s still growingIn which Dean and Cas are in prison. Castiel Novak, murderer, cell mate and servicer. He doesn’t do it because he has to, he does it because he loves it. Nobody makes Castiel Novak do anything. Not in this joint.
Queer Eye for the “Straight” Guy by JessJesstheBest
Rating: G - Word Count: 6,945“Hi, and welcome to Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: celebrity edition. Where instead of the Fab Five, who are all experts in their fields, you have me, Dean Winchester, a bisexual hockey player who is slightly above average at these things.”
“Today’s victim is Castiel Novak: world renowned etymologist specializing in honey bees. His latest research publication is receiving all kinds of awards so he’s going to have a little celebration tonight. That’s where I’m here to help.”
Good Hands by aileenrose
Rating M - Word Count: 13,238Cas is the owner of a failing—and falling apart—B&B.
Dean might be able to help with that. Dean’s good with his hands.
Unexpected by @bloodandcream​
Rating E - Word Count: 3192Grunting, Castiel squirmed, pulling at the handcuffs until they hurt. Flinched as Dean stroked a hand gently down his thigh, took him into that lying mouth, soft heat and wonderful pressure as he sucked down, down.
Somehow, this was the most unexpected turn of the night yet.
In It For The Long Haul by @ltleflrt​
Rating: E - Word Count: 25,495Long haul trucking can be a lonely business. Sure, Dean can chat up other drivers on the CB, and when Sam’s not in class or drowning in homework he’ll let Dean talk his ear off on the phone. But it’s still hours and hours of staring at the road and scanning the radio dial for local stations because he’s too lazy to upgrade the truck to satellite radio. And then a flirty waiter in a 24 hour truck stop restaurant sits down with him to chat while he eats his dinner, and suddenly his life no longer feels quite so empty.
Photography doesn’t pay much, and insomnia is a bastard. Which is why Castiel accepts his cousin’s offer of employment at the truck stop restaurant. The graveyard shift is perfect for his fucked up sleep schedule, and Gabriel doesn’t mind if he sneaks a free meal now and then. Besides, all the most interesting people come into the restaurant in the middle of the night. Including the gorgeous man with the sad green eyes that makes Castiel want to pull out all the stops to make him smile.
The Dic Pic Verse by @dangerousnotbroken​
Rating: E - Word Count: 67,550 -Multi Fic Verse CompleteIn which Dean Winchester gets an unsolicited dick pic from an unknown sender which is both totally not disappointing in that it’s a really nice dick pic, and incredibly disappointing in that it’s clearly a downloaded picture of his favorite porn star.
There’s absolutely no way it’s actually this porn star sending it to him, right?
A Flash of Black and Gold by @osirisapollo​
Rating: G - Word Count: 2,094Gabriel is acting very strange when Castiel gets to the Great Hall for breakfast. It’s easy enough to ignore, until Dean Winchester starts acting strange as well.
Wisteria by @unforth-ninawaters​
Rating E - Word Count 3,379Tumblr ficlet written in response to the prompt: So what about witch or mage dean who accidentally enchants his plants in a spell gone twisted. So what about witch or mage dean who accidentally enchants his plants in a spell gone twisted. The kinkier the better.
The Guy by @mscaptainwinchester​
Rating: E - Word Count 2,803Castiel’s boss is convinced that he would be perfect for her son, and is determined to get him to come to the Christmas party so they can meet. Castiel is still hung-up on his first and only one-night-stand. Or more specifically his dick.
The Unspoken Rule by @spnhell​
Rating E - Word Count 14,205Dean’s just a boy the first time he travels, wrenched through time and space only to be found by a strange man, one that never seems to age no matter how many years pass. He grows up with Cas, with their snatched moments in the spiral of time, and what starts as friendship eventually starts to grow into something more.
Revealed by Valinde (Valyria)
Rating: E - Word Count 10,822When a ritual backfires and Dean ends up with wings, they reveal things that he’d much rather keep hidden. Prompt fill.
And Cause After putting this whole list together I’d like to think you’d want to read my fic’s too… so:
Magical Misconceptions by @hartlessfiction
Rating: G - Word Count: 7,991This came about from the following prompt on Discord, which was then playfully dubbed the ‘NotAWitch!Cas’ Verse: “Me, in my cottage, in front of the wood stove, sipping tea. Looking outside, my bees are pollinating my expansive garden. My goats and chickens and cows are happy and safe. I feel content with my choices and my future. I unconditionally and recklessly love myself. The local children believe I am a witch"  The prompt is in first person POV but the fic is not written in the first person, it’s from Cas’s pov. I hope you enjoy this warm and fuzzy holiday season themed fic with so much beautiful art by FoxyMoley.
That’s Why I’m Your Sweetheart by @hartlessfiction
Rating: T - Word Count: 2,839Dean didn’t think his life could get any better. He had the mate of his dreams, a really nice apartment in the heart of the city, and a comfortable position at one of the leading architectural firms. At least that’s what he thought when he stepped off the elevator after a long, late shift at the office. The smell of cookies baking is supposed to make a man feel happy and hungry, but to Dean’s sensitive nose it sparks a warning bell. There’s no other explanation for it, Cas is stress baking.
The Battle by @hartlessfiction
Rating G - Word Count: 770The silence should have been Gabriel’s first sign that something was off. When you have two six-year-old boys in the house, it should never, ever, not even for one moment, be quiet.
Teen Wolf -Sterek 
(only cause i’ve been really into this recently)
Parallels by inatshej
Rating: E - Word Count: 21,299Stiles slowly pulls in a mouthful of curly fries, dumbly focused on the task.’'It’s weirdly homoerotic how you do this,” muses Derek, eyeing him.Stiles chokes and Derek’s lips curl up into an almost smile. It’s so easy to get the reaction he wants from Stiles.“Yeah, it’s disgusting, Stilinski,” says Jackson, looking at the boy with distaste.Derek turns to him, letting his eyebrows rise. “And who asked you, Whittemore?”Jackson glances at him, surprised. “I’ve just agreed with y-”“No one cares,” Derek interrupts him. “Fuck off.”
Love Runs Wild by DevilDoll
Rating: E - Word Count: 9,494“You’ve got a hickey on the back of your neck!” A Neckz 'n Throats story.Or the one where Stiles shows up fro work as a model for Neckz ‘n Throats with a hickey on his neck and Derek doesn’t take it well.
Free Consultation by DevilDoll
Rating E - Word Count: 12,691Stiles Stilinski, professional knotting surrogate. Derek Hale, lonely Alpha.
Hunger by DiscontentedWinter
Rating: M - Word Count: 55,382Beacon Hills.Two lost souls.A homeless boy, a lone wolf, and people who will stop at nothing to destroy them both.
Do Not Go Gentle by MojoFlower
Rating: E - Word Count: 195,867Derek Hale, Beacon Hills Alpha and Dom, wakes up in a dark cell already housing another captive – a mute, traumatized sub with a cruel collar around his neck. His only goal is to get them both free of their brutal circumstances; but even as he tries to get his young companion home, a bond between them grows. Nothing comes easily: danger and harrowing echoes of their ordeal shadow every step they take.
Red Witch by rootbeer
Rating T - Word Count: 34,271The red hair of a banshee. The red eyes of an alpha. The red hoodie of a mage. The red of fire burning.Derek Hale has been a prisoner to the hunters since they burned his family alive. But now someone has come to save him: skinny, defenseless Stiles–147 lbs of skin and fragile bones. Turns out, sarcasm isn’t his only weapon.
The One with the Mail-Order Brides and A/B/O Dynamics by Stoney
Rating: E - Word Count: 16,149Wolves aren’t meant to be alone. Laura tells Derek this repeatedly. Which… is why Derek knows he’s losing his mind, as Laura has been dead for more than six years. Wolves aren’t meant to be alone.And so he sends away for a companion. JUST for a companion, not for a mate. The universe, however, has a different plan in store for him.
Ok Nonny, I hope that tides you over for a while…. 
slinks off back into the bowels of the internet.
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fotomonday · 6 years
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Caiti Borruso - Whale Creek is Flooding
The road, down by the bay, used to flood every day when the tide was high; after the hurricane, it was perpetually underwater. Now they've raised it three feet and it doesn't flood unless it rains. The drains in the middle of the field hold all of the runoff; they absorb the water, they spit it back up. Across the park, over in the lot, there's still the white painted outline of a crime scene and candles lit every night for the most recent dead boy. They reinstalled the police cameras, and they flash every time something spooks past their motion sensor.
I have a good memory but this place has a better one. I could spew off specific dates, or I could take you down to the beach and show you how it knows, how it keeps track better than I ever could. I am so small, and this swatch of land feels impossibly big. Look, here - where the pool used to be, where I scraped my knees. Look, here - the hurricane took out the hockey rink and the dunes and the road. Look here, and here, and here. And here. And I am spinning around, I am trying to show you everything I can within eyesight but also here, behind this tree, and here, down the road - look - look - look, can't you understand, do you see how the sky slips into gray from pink to purple to blue, do you see how the water comes up to swallow you whole?
There is something to be said about the earth, how it holds tightly to whatever you give it. The same goes for this part right here, this tiny spot where New Jersey's waist gets tight. The water swells at the same time every day, and recedes, leaving a jagged line on the sand. It is always coming and it is always going.
2015 - 2016
Source: http://www.caitiborruso.com/cwb
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stardust brought to life (we have only just begun)
[museum au part 1/2—lexa works at the museum of natural history & clarke works at the hayden planetarium. lexa’s seen some shit but yknow they get to fall in love, all that jazz. v hap, v gay]
stardust brought to life (we have only just begun)
what we do know, and what we can assert without further hesitation, is that the universe had a beginning. the universe continues to evolve. and yes, every one of our body’s atoms is traceable to the big bang and to the thermonuclear furnaces within high-mass stars that exploded more than five billion years ago.
– neil degrasse tyson, astrophysics for people in a hurry
your shoulder still aches.
you try not to think about that, though, especially right now, because it’s the first snow of the year and it’s beautiful, and clarke waves to you, her cheeks flushed pink from the cold. it almost knocks you off your feet, how pretty she is, so you casually lean against the railing so you don’t fall down the stairs.
‘hey lex,’ she says, settling next to you, seemingly happy to stand on the stairs instead of heading to the planetarium where she’s supposed to be.
‘good morning, clarke.’
‘always so formal,’ she says, then tugs on your arm lightly before starting up the stairs. ‘octavia is in the café today, let’s get coffee for free before kane is here and can tell us not to.’
she rolls her eyes, tugs on your hand. ‘you can get hot chocolate or tea or whatever if you’re still on your insane kick to give up caffeine.’
‘that’s not—’
she stops and turns toward you, glaring. it’s soft, though, made softer by her tone: ‘it’s the first snow, lexa. live a little.’
you sigh and scuff your boot on the marble stairs once, then nod. ‘whatever. fine.’
clarke laughs and takes off again.
your stomach hurts sometimes too, aches all the way into your chest, into your shoulder, but you try not to think about that either. you think about the size of the universe instead, about how last year there were 23,237 recorded live trees in maine.
clarke doesn’t let go of your hand all the way to the fourth floor, and it maybe hurts a little less.
you’re trying to eat your pizza slowly, but you’re sweaty and starving and your hands are barely warming up from the cold but you don’t really care. anya had convinced you to join this stupid intermural hockey league this year—‘you can’t keep making excuses, alexandria, for the things you still love,’ and for a moment you were sure you weren’t talking about hockey’—and you’d wanted to get in a fight right then and there earlier when you’d seen clarke and raven and octavia cheering on the bleachers.
anya had laughed when you’d checked her into the boards, especially because you were on the same team, but the game is over now and you’re at a pizza place near the park that clarke had suggested, and she’s drinking wine and laughing and she’d convinced you to have some too.
you all walk to the subway together, and clarke doesn’t hesitate for a moment before giving you a long, warm hug, the same as always, even though you’re sweaty and probably smell terrible.
you have the impulse to kiss her cheek but you don’t, and when you’re icing your shoulder later that evening with anya, passing a bottle of bourbon back and forth while you watch reruns of game of thrones, she laughs a little when you smile at your phone.
‘is that clarke?’
you debate lying, but you’re really bad at it and you’re also drunk, so there’s no point. ‘yeah.’
‘she’s hot.’
you sigh and anya grins.
‘keep showing her those big hockey muscles,’ anya says, and you roll your eyes when she flexes, ‘and i’m sure she’ll reciprocate.’
‘fuck off.’
‘unbutton that polo every once in a while, lex.’
‘suck my dick, anya.’
she takes a swig of the bourbon and then hands it to you. ‘just take your shirt off during one of those sleepovers you chaperone.’
you cough on your mouthful of alcohol, and it burns all the way down your throat. ‘there are children there.’
anya just laughs, delighted, while you sulk, trying not to cough more.
‘you have abs, lexa, children or not.’
your cheeks burn and you try not to smile. you don’t let her have any more of your bourbon that night.
raven invites you to a post-finals party. you think it could either be the best or worst idea you’ve ever had, willfully allowing yourself to get drunk around clarke, who will also be getting drunk, but you really do try to act your age every now and again.
apparently, you’re having this party at clarke’s parents’ apartment, because they’re out of town for a conference her dad is presenting at. as you walk with raven, she tells you all about his work in robotics, because they’re friends, you guess? she keeps rubbing at her hip as you walk and you fish around in your backpack and find your trusty bottle of advil, offer her two without a word. she takes them without pausing, throws them back and swallows them without any water or anything, and then just keeps talking about stem cells and nanorobotics and she’s let you talk her ear off about endemic plant species in south africa, so you smile into your scarf all the way down park avenue.
clarke’s parents’ apartment is huge, as far as you’re concerned. you grew up in a little house in a little town on the coast of maine, and you didn’t want for anything—you’d had your tide pools and hockey skates and books, a pretty girl you loved and your uncle who would let you walk to the top of the light house with him at night.
but this is something altogether entirely, and you feel a little out of place in your sweater that has a hole in the sleeve and the same boots you wear everyday to work in the winter. raven doesn’t seem to care at all, though, and clarke skids in from the kitchen wearing a t-shirt (a very tight, lowcut t-shirt that leaves very little to the imagination) and jeans, wool socks with little penguins on them, and she hugs you both at the same time, groaning when octavia changes the music blaring to bodak yellow because ‘i love this song too, guys, but it’s not even 9 and this is the sixth time they’ve put this on.’
clarke takes one look at the little bundt cake you’d brought—you’d made it in your dorm kitchen, it’s full of quinoa and pumpkin and you’d bought real powdered sugar over the top—and seems to kind of melt.
raven laughs. ‘griffin, how drunk are you already?’
clarke shrugs, tugging you both with her to the kitchen where lincoln smiles, so handsome, as he mixes drinks while octavia sits on the counter, swinging their legs and rapping every word to bodak yellow.
‘my parents took me to brunch before they flew out,’ clarke starts to explain.
‘and then we just kept goin,’ octavia says, turning to you with a grin. lincoln seems far more sober, but you think he might just be better at faking it.
‘well i guess we better catch up,’ raven says, and clarke and octavia cheer, handing you both a shot.
it feels like a bad idea, but it also feels like a really good one.
clarke’s parents’ apartment has a rooftop garden, and it affords you an entire view of central park and the rest of the city, which you discover because clarke takes you there later, when the place is packed and you’re pretty sure you’ve heard bodak at least twelve times. you know you could call anya if you wanted to go home, but clarke is smiling and you should be cold, because it’s supposed to snow and it’s windy, but you’re warm.
‘anyway, okay, so like, yes, i want to be a surgeon,’ she explains, ‘but also we’re so young, you know, and i want to spend time with my friends and not have my mother breathing down my neck before residency in a billion years, because she’ll probably rig it so that i get matched with her program.’
‘it is one of the best in the country,’ you say, taking a sip of your beer. ‘you said so yourself.’
clarke leans close with a fond huff. ‘you’re supposed to be on my side, lexa.’
you laugh, and the motion brings you close to clarke, closer than you’d really meant to be. you swallow, suddenly far colder and more sober than you’d been seconds ago.
clarke’s eyes dart to your lips, and then your eyes, and then your lips again.
the wind whips your hair around your faces and you credit that for the tears in your eyes as you lean forward and kiss her.
you know that the moon is 1/4000th the size of the sun, but that the moon is 4000 times closer to the earth than the sun, which allows everyone on earth to see them as relatively the same size. it’s the only place in our solar system that this happens, and you think about this as you kiss clarke in the dead of winter, the stars pulled down into streetlamps and headlights.
the city, usually so loud, quiets.
you kiss her for a long time, until one of your sniffles snot from being so cold and the other laughs and she leads you back into her parents’ apartment. the party is winding down and you’re getting sleepy and when people start to leave and she invites you to stay the night, you want to say no but then you think of how tired you are and how much you want to be held.
she leads you to her old room, which is full of paintings and sketches and polariods, certificates of awards for a variety of academic achievements, a letterman jacket from her highschool still slung over her desk chair.
you run your fingers over it as she goes shuffles through her drawer for pajamas for you. ‘what’d you letter in?’
she laughs. ‘chess. i was nationally ranked, actually.’
‘wow,’ you say, delighted. ‘that’s—‘
‘—nerdy, i know.’
‘no,’ you say. ‘i was going to say impressive.’
‘sure, sure,’ she says, laughing. she turns and hands you pajamas and you want to ask, maybe, how she can sense you don’t want to have sex, because you’d just kissed her for at least twenty minutes on a rooftop in manhattan and most people would probably get some mixed messages from that.
you’re so drunk you don’t really care about going into a bathroom or whatever at this point to change, because you’re pretty sure clarke doesn’t care at all, so you start to take your pants off while clarke changes too. ‘did you letter in anything?’
‘hockey,’ you say.
‘right,’ clarke says, slightly muffled by her shirt. ‘makes sense.’
‘do not tell anyone this, but i also lettered in jazz band.’
clarke lets out a laugh. and you turn to her as you slip into some of her worn, soft boxers. they’re a little big so you roll them up and she takes a deep breath and then lets it out through her nose. you smile—you’re a little pleased and a little apologetic—and then she starts to ask another question, something about a saxophone or a trumpet, as you pull your sweater over your head. you’re drunk so you’d forgotten, for the first time in years, but when you go to deposit your sweater in a pile on top of your socks and jeans, clarke is quiet and fighting between staring at you and the corner of her room.
‘you’re my same age and you’re from maine,’ she says, things seemingly clicking into place.
you take your sweater and pull it over your head again, and your hands start shaking and your eyes press with tears.
‘lexa,’ she says, stepping toward you quickly, which only makes your heart race more. you’re drunk, you’re drunk, and you know you’re safe but your ears are ringing. ‘i’m sorry i just—i didn’t—god,’ she says. maybe she notices you trembling, maybe she notices the way you’ve seemingly forgot how to button your pants, but she straightens up and says, ‘lexa,’ just firmly enough of your to meet her eyes.
they’re so blue. you want to find comfort in them, and maybe you will, but everything is too loud right now.
‘i have to go,’ you get out, barely, all gritted teeth and you remember what it was like to choke on your own blood.
‘lexa,’ she says again, differently this time, pleading. ‘i’m sorry.’
you shake your head. ‘i’m not mad,’ you say, and you’re surprised you were able to express a thought as coherent as that. ‘it’s not—i have to go.’
she very gently helps you button your pants and then nods. ‘okay.’
you breathe a sigh of relief because clarke is kind, because clarke is fun and young and wild but she’s gentle, and your brain is trying to convince your body that it’s about to die again, but later you’ll remember this moment with such tenderness.
‘let me get your coat. i’ll get you a car too.’
you follow her out, nodding, maybe, and she helps you into your coat, walks you down and makes sure you get into a black towncar, makes sure her driver knows your address.
when you get to your dorm, you knock on anya’s door and she lets you in, mostly asleep, without a word.
‘you’re here,’ she tells you, helping you out of your clothes and into her bed, while she sets up a little nest of blankets on the floor. ‘you’re in new york and it’s winter and—‘ she pauses for a moment, then lets out a laugh— ‘you have a hickey on your neck, for sure.’
it shocks you just enough, happily, that your heart slows down a bit. ‘from clarke,’ you say, and her name feels solid on your tongue, quiet and present.
‘i never would’ve guessed,’ anya drawls from the floor.
it takes you a while to fall asleep and you have nightmares, but you do have a hickey from a very pretty girl when you wake up the next day, so.
there’s that.
it’s all very confusing: one minute you’re holding your piece of pizza, walking to the table you always sit at, every day, with your girlfriend and your friends. you’re tired and your hip is sore from hockey, your eyes hurt from reading the same history primary sources over and over again on the shitty library computers. costia is beautiful, though, and the pizza today looked less burnt than usual, and your uncle had promised to take you fishing this weekend.
one minute you’re holding your piece of pizza, and you’re sixteen, and then there’s a very distinct series of pops, a single click, and your pizza is on the floor because you can’t feel your hand. your arm is on fire and it takes you a few moments, but then everyone is screaming and there are so many pops, and it’s loud.
it occurs to you that you were shot, that this is a school shooting, that all of your classmates—your friends—are dying. Dead.
costia is rushing to you and then there’s another pop and you’re doubled over, because you can’t breathe and you can’t see because pain is shooting up from your abdomen and everyone is screaming, everyone won’t stop screaming, and costia is brushing hair out of your eyes but you can’t breathe, and it hurts.
‘lexa,’ costia is saying, ‘lexa.’
you swallow and you nod and costia is crying, and she presses down on your shoulder and then on your stomach, and you think you might pass out from the pain.
‘don’t go to sleep,’ she says, and her tears are falling onto your face. ‘don’t fall asleep, lexa, please,’ she says, chokes out on the edge of a sob.
‘it’s okay,’ you say, taste the copper and iodine of your own blood. you don’t know what drives you to say it, because there are so many gunshots and you know there are so many bodies but you can’t look away from costia’s perfect skin, her dark eyes, her pretty mouth. you don’t know where your friends are, and it registers somewhere that you might die, that you were shot and you have to have massive internal bleeding because you’re coughing up blood and you can’t feel your left hand.
but costia is saying your name and trying to keep your blood in your body. she’s saying your name, over and over again, her hands pressing hard into your skin, your gut. she’s saying your name until she’s not, until she’s slumped over you in a single instant.
you want to scream, and you hadn’t been scared until now. you want to scream but you can’t, and her breathing is ragged and she coughs up blood into the crook of your neck.
‘it’s okay,’ you say again, as clearly as you can, as best as you can, and you feel her nod, just slightly.
one minute ago you were sixteen years old, thinking about pizza and calculus and the federalist papers, walking to a table where you were going to sit with your friends and kiss your girlfriend, tuck your hands into the pockets of your letterman as you walked home.
costia’s breathing stops, you feel it stop, and it’s so loud, but you hear her heart stop. maybe you don’t, maybe that’s not possible, but you’re sure you’re going to die, and costia already has. it makes you feel sick, but she’s on top of you and you can’t move anyway, you can’t feel your hands or your legs and you can’t breathe.
one minute ago you were a child. you think you are going to die.
you will never be a child again.
anya tells you that you were asleep for four days. when you wake up in the hospital—in boston, with your shoulder shattered, your arm in a sling, two of your fingers still numb, your stomach cut open and stitched back together, from three different surgeries—when you wake up in the hospital you don’t think you’ll ever breathe again.
anya tells you, solemnly but without crying, that 27 people died. your friends, your classmates, people who have annoyed you since kindergarten.
you don’t have to ask if costia died because you know she died, but you ask anyway. your uncle is slumped over silently on the other side of your bed and you’re shocked you have tears left in you but you do, and the sob that works its way through your body burns.
they send a therapist in to talk to you, and you know you have ptsd and you tell her that you don’t know if you’ll ever feel real again, that you don’t really want to try to fall in love again. that you used to care about calculus and hockey ap us history, that all you wanted to do after school was make out with a very pretty girl in the back of your jeep. that you were excited about pizza.
she sits down and she sighs and she tells you that those things might never go away. but you tell her, a few weeks later, while you’re squeezing a stress ball as hard as you can, even though your hand isn’t working quite right, and your entire abdomen still aches when you try to stand up straight—you tell her that you still love trees. the ocean. your tidepools and all the words that have gone along with them.
you get to go home. it’s not the same—it’s hollow and it’s empty and gustus offers to move so you don’t have to go back to the same school. but you’re better enough now to wander along the craggy cliffs with your arm tucked around his study one. you have to pause a few times climbing to the top of his lighthouse, but you make it.
there’s a meteor shower, and you should’ve died.
you will never be a child again but there are shooting stars. you watch them above your head, and you watch them fall silently into the water below.
clarke finds you on sunday morning, far before the museum is open. she has flowers and two coffees and you’re blushing already.
‘first of all, i don’t want to trigger anything,’ she says, in a rush, and it makes you smile, ‘so i just wanted to say i think you’re beautiful and maybe some time you could stay and i promise not to ruin it.’
she kind of thrusts the bouquet in your face and you grin. you’re thrilled, because clarke is usually so confident and sure, and maybe she likes you just as much as you like her.
‘someone shot me and half of my school,’ is what comes out of your mouth, even though you hadn’t intended for it to at all. you hurry to keep talking after that one. ‘you didn’t ruin anything.’
she sighs in relief. ‘okay,’ she says. ‘i’m still—you know.’
she waits a beat for you to say anything else, and when she senses that that’s it, she smiles gently and wraps her hand around your arm. you’re holding a bouquet of chrysanthemums in the dinosaur room and a pretty girl is laughing about the compsognathus, and you correct her because they lived during the jurrasic era, not the triassic, and when you’re kissing her again, beside the triceratops skeleton, it doesn’t feel nearly as terrifying as the end of your world, as the end of anything at all.
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born2battle · 4 years
Return to the Cradle of Military Leadership ( June 1980 to Nov 1982)
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    Myself & Sanjivani reached the prestigious National Defence Academy on 13 Jun 1980. It was with a sense of pride and achievement that we entered the Pashan Gate, crossed the Equitation Training area and the Gole market. Then, we proceeded along the Trishakti Marg crossing the Cadets Mess, all the Squadrons enroute and halted at the Ashoka Pillar. The site of the iconic Sudan Block evoked fond memories of my soujourn as a cadet of 38th Course at the NDA, precisely a decade ago. We moved along the Trishakti Marg crossing the Drill Square, now named as Khetarpal Parade Ground, in honour of the Param Vir Chakra awardee. We finally reached the Officers Mess where we were allotted a two room suite as our temporary accommodation. We quickly settled down in this beautiful abode.
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     On 16 Jun, I reported my arrival to the Adjutant in the Sudan Block. He welcomed me and directed me to report as the Divisional Officer (popularly called Div O) in Kilo Squadron. I requested him to change my posting to Echo Squadron which was my “Home” as a cadet in the 38th Course. However, my request was not accepted, clarifying the reason that as per the policy, all newly posted ex-NDA Officers were being sent to Squadrons other than the Squadron from where they passed out. Thus, began my association with Kilo Squadron. I reported to Lt Cdr PR Sen, who was the Squadron Commander( popularly called Squadi). He along with three Div Os, one each from Army, Navy and Air Force welcomed me to the Killer family. Later, I was welcomed and interviewed by the Battalion Commander who gave his valuable advice about performing my new role as an instructor, guide and a mentor in Tri~ Services environment.
     Next day, all the newly posted Officers assembled in Habibullah Hall for a welcome address by Air Vice Marshal MJ Dotiwalla, the Commandant of NDA. He congratulated all of us for being selected as instructors at the premier training institution. He expected total dedication and devotion from all us in the process of grooming the future military leaders. We then proceeded to the venue for the Orientation Capsule in the Sudan Block. The Orientation Training of three days covered the charter of duties and responsibilities, the training calendar and the syllabus of Military Subjects to be taught by us. In addition, we were briefed about the assessment policy, the development of Officer Like Qualities ( OLQ ), the punishment policy and the methodology of counselling. The method of maintaining the dossiers for each cadet was explained in detail, since it was the basic task for all the Div Os. There was no need for a familiarisation tour since most of us being ex- NDAs were already conversant with the campus layout. It was also emphasized that the Div Os must attend all sessions of outdoor training.
     Meanwhile, the cadets of 63rd Course reported as first termers and were guided by respected Div Os. The cadets of remaining Courses reported after the term break by end Jun, with 59th Course being in the Sixth term. The Autumn Term commenced with the usual tempo. It was indeed satisfying when I got a chance to teach and guide my cadets as the training progressed. During July, Moscow Olympics was held in which India achieved the distinction of winning the Gold medal in Hockey. I had allotted the task of coverage of Olympic Games to the cadets of First to Third term. These presentations were conducted in the Study period in the afternoons. This activity was very educative as it improved both the knowledge and the public speaking skills. I could also get to know the capability of the cadets, to some extent.
     I got accustomed to my new responsibilities within a month and fitted easily into the team of selected instructors from Army/ Navy/ Air Force. On the home front, even Sanjivani got used to my daily routine and nature of work ( vastly different from Deolali ). I had to go thrice a day i.e. Morning session of Outdoor Training, Post- Breakfast session of Military Subjects Training and Evening session of Games and Sports. In addition, all instructors had to perform the duty of Battalion Duty Officer (BDO) by rotation twice a month. The BDO had to spend the night in the Duty Room in the Squadron and carry out surprise checks. Sports competitions & Camps added to our busy schedule. Yet, we found time on Sundays & holidays for picnics at Peacock Bay.
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     The responsibility of training the cadets for Camp Rover was assigned to me. It gave me the opportunity to practice the cadets of Kilo Squadron in improving the standards of Map reading & Night Navigation, Field Craft and Endurance runs. We proceeded to the camp site which was at a different location as compared to the Camp in our times. However, nothing else had changed in the conduct of the camp. The Camp terminated with the campfire ( same taste of Tipsy Pudding ) and the Josh Run ( same display of Team Spirit ). I felt nostalgic to rekindle the memories of the Camp except for the fact that now I was only an observer with a “detached attachment" approach. 
     Various sports competitions were conducted as per the schedule. It enabled me to gauge the potential of the cadets in different sports. Simultaneously, in each Term, all the instructors had to qualify  in the BPET ( Battle Physical Efficiency Tests) and Small Arms Firing tests for marksmanship, to maintain their combat efficiency.   I took casual leave and both of us went to Dadar in mid Sep. Sanjivani stayed back with her parents since we were expecting a new arrival in our family. Therefore, I returned  to NDA alone and got busy with the preparations for another major activity.
     The next major event was Camp Torna which was traditionally the toughest of all the camps. The Camp was conducted at the same location, in the same manner, as we had experienced in our Sixth Term. I felt proud that I could share my experiences of the 1971 War for the first time with the cadets. Finally, this Camp proved to be yet another journey down the memory lane.
     On 31 Oct 1980, my father- in- law rang me up and gave me the much awaited good news about Sanjivani having been blessed with a daughter. I thanked the Almighty for his blessings, took casual leave and rushed to Dadar to meet and greet our little angel. I was so ecstatic when I embraced our young baby for the first time.
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     Both of us felt equally elated for our promotion as young parents. I wished that I could have stayed on with our daughter a little longer but had to return for the most important event --- the  Passing Out Parade and associated events. It was again nostalgic to witness the magnificent POP at the Khetarpal Parade Ground --- named in memory of my Coursemate ---- Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal, who was awarded the PVC in 1971 War. Thereafter, in the Term break, we had a grand naming ceremony in Dadar and welcomed our little princess formally as ASHVINI…
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     Meanwhile, we were allotted our permanent accommodation, a small Bungalow numbered~  E3 / 121. It was on a ridge enroute to the Peacock Bay of Khadakwasla Lake. I had to shift out from my accommodation in the Officers Mess, which we had occupied for five months.  However, the new “House” could be converted into a” Home” only after the arrival of Sanjivani , in the beginning of Jan. We felt happy to unpack all our bags and baggage ( total of 20 trunks/ packages )  and settle down finally. Soon thereafter, I was detailed for the Junior Command Course at College of Combat, Mhow. The Course was scheduled from Apr to Jul 1981. There were two more officers also detailed for the same Course. We went together, studied together & excelled together in this important Course. It was considered a stepping stone for preparation for Staff College Exam.
       On return to NDA, we continued the routine of the next Term when 61st Course became Sixth termers. In Sep, I appeared for the Part D Promotion Exam which was mandatory for being promoted as a Major. The results were declared after a month & I felt so happy with my score of 80 percent. It is often said that “ Time and Tide waits for none. “ In our case, time seemed to fly faster with my involvement in all the training activities while both of us were equally busy with our new bundle of joy. Both of us really enjoyed our new role as doting parents, during the toddler stage of our daughter. In this Term, I was given the additional responsibility of Camp Adjutant of Camp Torna. It was a new learning experience which gave me tremendous satisfaction of working in a tri- services environment. We developed new bonds of friendship which we always cherish.
     After the POP in May 1982, myself and three other Div Os started joint preparations for the entrance exam for the Staff College. The scope of the exam covered six diverse subjects namely:
Military Law
Military History
Administration & Morale
Current Affairs
     We planned to meet as a Syndicate, thrice a week during the term break & only on Sundays during the Term, for joint study for a duration of 12 hours on each day.  This idea enabled quick revision, mutual discussions and exchange of views on latest topics. We ensured that the joint study did not interfere with any of our routine duties. Of course, we attended all the Camps and outdoor training with the same enthusiasm.
                   My Impressions as a Fauji Wife at NDA...
     There were so many memories of our stay in NDA. The first event which we always remember was celebration of our first wedding anniversary. It was a novel experience for me to shift with our bag and baggage to the spacious accommodation in the Officers Mess. The two room suite had a balcony with a magnificent view of the swimming pool where the cadets underwent swimming training. We had our meals in the Officers Mess since cooking facility was not existing in our room. In the very first two days, my husband took me on a tour of the entire campus starting with the Echo Squadron, which was his second home for three years, while he was a cadet. The entire infrastructure of the campus was indeed very impressive and the atmosphere was pristine, specially in the rainy season. We continued to stay in this temporary accommodation for 5 months. In Jan 1981, we shifted to our permanent accommodation- Bungalow no. E3/ 121. It was a spacious bungalow with two lawns at the entrance and servant quarters at the rear. We bought all the necessities such as a refrigerator, gas connection, curtains & carpets. We slowly adjusted to the routine after settling down adequately.
      We began our social interaction by holding informal  gatherings             with other Gunner Officers and Course mates posted in NDA. I was introduced to the custom of 'Calling On’ which was meant to be a formal courtesy call lasting not more than 40 minutes. I felt a little more comfortable as I began interacting with wives of other officers also. Some of them requested if my father( fondly called Tatya ) could organise a demonstration of NIRLEP Non- stick Cookware ( One of the best Non- stick cookware in the world ) in our Ladies Club. Tatya had already conducted similar demonstrations in different defence establishments. He willingly agreed and conducted an engrossing  demonstration, for the first time in the ladies club of NDA. Consequently, NIRLEP  as a brand name gained popularity in NDA also. I kept on supplying NIRLEP cookware, whenever I received any demands.
      I was lucky to witness so many ceremonial events during the very first year of our stay. The very first event was the celebration of the NDA Raising Day on 16 Jan 1981. Next month, we witnessed the Sailing regatta in the Khadakwasla lake which was a breathtaking experience. In the end of the Term, the PT and Equestrian Display in the Bombay Stadium was again an awesome performance by our cadets. We attended the ceremonial dinner with the parents & cadets of the Passing out Course, just before the POP. This was a unique experience for me in the magnificent Cadets Mess. Passing Out Parade on the Khetarpal Parade Ground was the grand finale as the cadets passed out over the Quarter Deck while the NDA Band played the Auld Lang Syne .
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      I was so inspired with all these spectacular events that I invited our parents & relatives for witnessing these events in the subsequent Terms. We also invited our friends from Deolali to witness these events. I felt very confident after learning the intricacies of Fauji life, in a special culture of officers from all the three Services. It was  customary for the Div Os to invite the cadets of the Passing out Course for a farewell dinner at their residence. It gave us immense pleasure to host the cadets of 61st Course of Kilo Squadron at our residence, in the last week before their POP. It was the first big get together that we organised for a total strength of 40 invitees (  26 cadets & 14 officers incl wives ). I realised how all cadets always looked upto their Div Os as Role models while the Div Os groomed their cadets as their own children!!
         In Sep 1982, my husband received his posting order to rejoin his parent Regiment. The date of reporting was after two months. It clashed with the schedule of Staff College exam. So, my husband requested for annual leave which was sanctioned. However, we had to vacate the accommodation and yet stay in NDA till completion of the exam. Every problem has a solution!! We again depended on our Fauji family without any worry about --- where to stay, how to stay & for how long to stay? I remembered that in Deolali, we had shifted into the houses of  officers who had gone on annual / casual leave. In NDA, we were helped in a different manner. Capt. Chachra, who was also appearing for the Staff College exam offered to share his Bungalow which was a welcome surprise. We packed up our luggage and sent it by truck to the new location. Thereafter, we vacated our Bungalow with nostalgic feelings and moved to Capt  Chachra’s Bungalow. We shared the accommodation till completion of the Staff College exam. It is pertinent that we still cherish this bond of friendship.It changed my perspective completely as I understood the mutual feelings of  a brother officer & the larger Army family. In the ultimate analysis, I consider it my privilege that we got a chance to enjoy the tenure at NDA, which deserved to be respected as my husband’s Alma Mater and a Cradle of Military Leadership!!
     In the first week of Sept 1982, I was surprised to receive my posting orders back to 98 Field Regiment, which was located at Jaurian in J & K. The posting was to be completed by 30 Nov 1982. This date also coincided with the schedule of the Entrance Exam for Staff College. Therefore, I requested for Annual Leave for a month which was sanctioned by Lt Col Jagir Singh, who was the CO of 98 Field Regiment. I continued my final preparations and appeared in the Staff College exam at the Exam Centre in CME. Subsequently, I escorted Sanjivani & Ashvini to Dadar to stay with her parents, since we were expecting yet another addition in our family. Thereafter, I left by the direct train from Bombay to Jammu Tawi, looking forward eagerly to return to the Jat Balwan family in Jaurian --- a Field Area close to the LOC.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
My Phoneless 11-Year-Old Was Lost in Manhattan and Survived
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My kids are awesome and I’m doing what I can to keep them that way. Even though nearly every kid in sixth grade has a smartphone, my husband and I have chosen to delay getting them for our daughters, who are 10 and 11.On the sixth grade circuit, this decision is about as far from cool as you can get. It means that sometimes our kids feel excluded. It also means having regular, difficult conversations about why we believe this is the right choice for our family. One night last month, this choice was put to the test.That night I found myself in the emergency room of a hospital on the Upper East Side with one daughter with a broken hand (she plays hockey) while the other daughter was at swim team practice in Battery Park.Their dad was out of the country on business, so I was juggling logistics by myself. It takes lots of planning to travel from our home in Brooklyn to the girls’ school in Manhattan and sports in every far-flung direction of the city. But I was feeling pretty confident in my ability to manage the logistics of two kids solo for a weekend.My 11-year-old knew to call me from the front desk at the pool when her swim practice ended. Since it was looking like I might be in the E.R. all night with her sister, and we were all far from home, I arranged for her to meet a classmate’s babysitter at the Starbucks two blocks away from the pool. The sitter was to pick her up and take her back to the friend’s nearby apartment for a sleepover. A sleepover on a school night? Surely, I would earn some “best mom ever” points.I sat in the E.R. waiting room basking in the fact that I had A) arranged an impromptu sleepover and B) seamlessly communicated the plan to one kid while C) simultaneously calming down her 10-year-old sister who had a bone sticking out of her hand. Who run the world? Moms!Except not quite.About 30 minutes after the babysitter and my daughter were to have met at Starbucks, I got a text from the sitter: “I’ve been in Starbucks for 30 minutes and I don’t see her.” My heart started to race. My perfect little plan had just blown up into an epic fail. Where could she be? It’s dark. She has no phone. So much for my high and mighty plan to swim against the smartphone tide. Now she’s unreachable. Alone. In New York City. It’s dark. Damn you, Netflix true crime specials, for putting visions in my head. Also, damn you, Liam Neeson, for those “Taken” movies.After a frantic text exchange with the babysitter, I reconfirmed that my child was indeed lost.There I was in the E.R. triage area, watching other frantic parents enter with newborn fevers, bad coughs and chubby fingers hurt from getting stuck in doorways. All I could think was that losing a kid on the streets of New York was much worse than any accident that was going to walk through those doors.I was a terrible parent.Suddenly, my phone rang from an unknown number.It was my daughter.“Mom, hi, it’s me,” she said, totally calm, with no hint of being “Taken” in her voice. I panted into the phone, unable to speak as waves of relief started to hit me.She went on. “I waited in Starbucks for a really long time.” She didn’t see her friend’s babysitter, but she ordered a drink. The line was long and the barista got her order wrong, so she had little confidence that the Starbucks employees were going to be much help. So she left.I finally mustered some words:“Where are you? Are you O.K.?” I panted.“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said. “I walked to the really nice apartment building next to Starbucks and asked the doorman to use the phone.”Insert choir of angels here. My child was alive and unscathed. It turned out she and the babysitter were each waiting at a different Starbucks within a block of one another! Pro tip: Always plan your coffee shop rendezvous using a precise address.My daughter had assessed the situation and used social cues to look for a capable (non-kidnapper-y) adult who could help. After receiving less than stellar customer service from those in charge of making her mango passion tea, she opted for the swank Tribeca lobby with a doorman. She had to muster the confidence to enter a strange building and ask to use the phone.She nailed it.After doing a mini happy dance on a stretcher (much to the chagrin of my other daughter waiting for the bone in her hand to be set) I got in touch with the sitter, who promptly collected my child from the apartment lobby. She got to her friend’s house, watched “Dancing With the Stars” with her family and had a wonderful weeknight sleepover.For me, the incident provided reassurance that my kid was actually quite safe without a smartphone. Not only was her face not glued to a screen as she sat alone in a coffee shop, unaware of her surroundings, instead she was alert and observing the people around her. She spoke to an adult, advocated for herself and calmly handled the situation, making good choices. Score one for the analog world. And score one for any parent bearing down on the hard road of delaying a smartphone.What I learned that night was that devices don’t make our kids safer; we do. We are the ones who can teach them how to deal with challenges better than any gadget. But I concede that I also saw how my anti-phone stance could have backfired. Certainly, communication becomes a necessity as tweens and teens begin to travel alone.Our family is now shopping for a screen-free flip phone. Nope, not cool at all. And I’m totally O.K. with that for now. Because I know that my kid will be just fine swimming against the tide.I’m also planning to sit both girls down for a “Taken” movie marathon for good measure.Micaéla Birmingham is an Emmy Award-winning writer-director and executive producer at Scary Mommy. Read the full article
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oliveratlanta · 5 years
9 amazing vacation homes for rent in late winter, spring across Georgia
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Where to take in the scenic beauty of the North Georgia mountains in comfort. | Airbnb
All come with panoramic views, outdoor living spaces, and lots of natural Peach State beauty
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The North Georgia Mountains and Georgia coast continue to be year-round draws for Atlantans, thanks to natural and manmade attractions. Hiking, mountain-biking, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, and horseback riding are just the beginning of activities for visitors itching to get outside and enjoy the region’s natural beauty, no matter the season.
But a wealth of manmade attractions—ranging from Blue Ridge’s growing culinary scene to Ellijay’s thriving winery selections and St. Simons Island’s historic sites—offers much beyond Mother Nature’s charms.
Perhaps the best part is that these destinations are easily reached in less than five hours from downtown Atlanta, making them ideal for a quick weekend jaunt, as well as a longer family vacation, girlfriends getaway, or couples retreat.
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Relax outside with indoor amenities at this mountain retreat.
Aska Adventure Area cabin, Blue Ridge
Located in a gated community in the Aska Adventure Area near Blue Ridge, this three-bedroom, three-bathroom cabin sleeps up to eight. In addition to a massive covered porch complete with a stacked stone fireplace, you’ll also enjoy vaulted ceilings, a double-sided fireplace, a recreation room with air hockey table, a wet bar, hot tub, and internet service. Average nightly rates start at $338, but increase with owner’s and service fees.
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Beach fun is just steps away from this oceanfront home.
Buena Vista Beach Club, Tybee Island
One-half of an oceanfront duplex, this four-bedroom, four-bathroom home sleeps up to 10, yet doesn’t feel crowded at all given it has 2,200 square feet. Inside, amenities include WiFi, satellite TVs, washer and dryer, and DVD player. While you can enjoy ocean views from the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, the better spot is the expansive back deck overlooking the sand dunes and ocean. Average rates are $244 per night, plus fees.
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Soaring ceilings add to the airy feel provided by mountain views around Helen.
Sautee Nacoochee cabin (on the cheap), Helen
Just six miles from downtown Helen, this two-bedroom, two-bathroom cabin sleeps up to eight—including the family dog. Enjoy panoramic mountain views from the comfort of the large, vaulted living room, or, in the loft, challenge friends to a game of pool. Head outside for a soak in the hot tub, or relax on the screened-in porch. Rates can start as low as $74 per night but average $175 per night, particularly when you add in the “owner’s fees.”
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Enjoy oceanfront views without leaving the living room.
Hide Tide B, St. Simons Island
Located on the beach of St. Simons Island, this two-story condo features three bedrooms and three bathrooms. While you can enjoy ocean views from the comfort of the couch, you’ll also find plenty of relaxing spots outside on the shaded porches or the private lawn. Amenities include flat-screen TVs, Wi-Fi, washer and dryer, hair dryer, and two parking spaces. In addition, you’re just a 10-minute walk from the nearby village and the St. Simons Pier. Average rates are $272 per night, although cleaning fees can bump that up quite a bit.
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You definitely don’t have to go outside to feel like you’re outside.
Cloud 9, Cleveland
With three bedrooms and three bathrooms, this property actually includes not one, but two cabins. The first is home to two bedrooms, with the third bedroom in the second cabin. A deck connects the two structures and contains a sunken hot tub and freestanding fireplace. Entertainment options include a pool table, ping-pong, smart TVs, Wi-Fi, Play Station 4, and a Game Cube. Rates start at $250 per night, plus fees.
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You’ll find lots of places to relax along the river.
Deer Creek, Ellijay
A new riverfront cabin in the gated Coosawattee River Resort in Ellijay, this three-bedroom, four-bathroom property welcomes visitors who want to relax to the sounds of nature. Outside, a fireplace dominates a large covered deck, while a hot tub, fire pit, and second deck offer additional opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. Inside, relax in the spacious living room, or indulge in pool, foosball, or Xbox tournaments. Rates start at $239 per night, plus fees.
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From dawn to dusk, mountain views surround this cabin.
Arbor Hill, Blue Ridge
For those wanting a mountain retreat loaded with modern amenities, Arbor Hill in Blue Ridge answers the call. USB charging ports, free Wi-Fi, and smart TVs are just the start of contemporary comfort in this three-bedroom, three-bathroom cabin. Outside, hammock swings, a hot tub, and a fire pit all vie for your attention. There’s even an air-hockey table in the downstairs den. Rates start at $187 per night, plus fees.
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A home away from home in Big Canoe.
Galt’s Gulch, Big Canoe
The largest property of the bunch, and the closest to Atlanta, Galt’s Gulch in Big Canoe between Jasper and Dawsonville is a five-bedroom, five-bathroom residence that claims to be a “true luxury mountain home.” Mountain views are prevalent in the winter, but are a bit more obscured from spring through fall when the leaves remain. Amenities include two entertainment rooms with pool, ping-pong, air hockey, two decks, and high-end furnishings and appliances. Rates can be as low as $180 but average $240 per night, plus fees.
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Who needs TV when you have “mountain views everywhere”?
Chasing Fireflies, Blue Ridge
In this two-bedroom, three-bathroom cabin, there are “mountain views everywhere.” Although the aesthetic is pure rustic, it’s done with a modern spin, which is reflected in the kitchen and bathrooms—and the dynamite exterior. The screened deck is loaded with a hot tub, ping-pong, darts, swing, hammock, 65-inch TV, fireplace, and wine fridge. Rates start at $227 per night, plus fees. (Note: The no-children or tobacco policy sounds strictly enforced.)
source https://atlanta.curbed.com/2019/4/30/18513138/vrbo-airbnb-vacation-cabins-rentals-georgia-mountains-beach
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laresearchette · 4 years
Friday, March 05, 2021 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Capital vs. Bruins (SN) 10:00pm: Knights vs. Sharks
FRAMING BRITNEY SPEARS (Crave)  7:35pm:  People close to Britney Spears and lawyers tied to her conservatorship reassess her phenomenal career as she battles her father in court.
marketplace (CBC) 8:00pm
DESIGNED WITH LOVE (City) 8:00pm: Sparks fly between an ambitious fashion designer and a handsome entrepreneur as they work together to develop a mobile business.
DINO HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):   Dinosaur fossil season has begun, and Montana rancher Clayton Phipps finds what might be an extremely rare and valuable fossil on his family's property.
PUNKY BREWSTER (1984) (YTV) 8:00pm/8:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE): If you’d like to check out the original series about a kid with a dog (named after legendary actor Marlo Brandon) and the old guy from the Police Academy movies, today’s your lucky day.
ARCTIC VETS (CBC) 8:30pm: Former movie wolf Gambit isn't eating; on the tundra, Dr. Stephen gets between an aggressive male polar bear that threatens another momma bear and cubs; Jackie and Heather investigate a rescued polar bear's injured paw.
2021 TIM HORTONS BRIER (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 8:30pm: Pool Play
THE NATURE OF THINGS (CBC) 9:00pm: Kingdom of the Polar Bears - Pt. 2: Veteran polar bear guide Dennis Compayre watches as a mother bear teaches her young cubs to hunt and discovers how they are struggling to adapt to a rapidly warming Arctic.
THE HARDY BOYS (YTV) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  After a devastating tragedy, Joe and Frank Hardy move to Bridgepoint to spend the summer with Aunt Trudy; the boys discover their father has taken on a secret investigation and take it upon themselves to start an investigation of their own.
FIRST COW (Crave) 9:00pm:  Two travelers, on the run from a band of vengeful hunters in the 1820s Northwest, dream of striking it rich -- but their tenuous plan to make their fortune on the frontier comes to rely on the secret use of a landowner's prized dairy cow.
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yuckitup-jwd · 5 years
Fulldeckisms Part 1
A couple of blocks behind the parade.
A mind like wet tennis shoes... Makes squishy noises when running.
A notch off the timing mark.
A one-bit brain with a parity error.
A prime candidate for natural deselection.
A square with only three sides.
A victim of retroactive birth control.
A statue in a world of pigeons.
About half smart.
Adult child of alien invaders.
Afraid she'll void her warranty if she thinks too much.
Aliens zapped him with a stupidity ray -- twice.
All the sex appeal of a wet paper bag.
Already visualizing the duct tape over his mouth.
An experiment in Artificial Stupidity.
Answers the door when the phone rings.
Argues with herself -- and loses!
As handy as a whiskbroom and twice as intelligent. -- Peter DeVries
As happy as if he had brains / was in his right mind.
Barney's his hero.
Born a day late and like that ever since.
Both oars in the water, but on the same side of the boat.
Brain permanently in power saving / 8-bit mode.
Brain transplant donor.
Cackles a lot, but I ain't seen no eggs yet.
Calling her stupid would be an insult to stupid people.
"Body by Fisher -- brains by Mattel."
$HOME = /dev/null.
3K RAM free, no EMS.
A .22 caliber intellect in a .357 Magnum world.
A 1.0 in a 4.5 installation.
A 10K brain attached to a 9600 baud mouth.
A 20th century man... The guy has no future.
A 3.5-inch drive, but data on punch cards.
A barnacle on the ship of progress.
A black-and-white mind working on a color-coded problem.
A brain like a BB in a boxcar / box of Corn Flakes.
A butter knife in a steak / prime rib world.
A candidate for optorectomy. (Disconnection of optic nerve fromrectum, to repair a crappy outlook on life.)
A day late and a dollar short.
A deadbolt with a broken cylinder.
A dim bulb in the marquee of life.
A face designed in a wind tunnel.
A flash of light, a cloud of dust, and... What was the question?
A great deal of pride, but very little to be proud of.
A gross ignoramus -- 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus.
A hemorrhoid on the face of the world.
A hop, skip, and jump from success, but to get there he'd have togive up chewing gum.
A kangaroo loose in her top paddock.
A lap behind the field.
A legend in his own mind.
A logically defunct twit.
A looney tune.
A lot of feathers but not much chicken. -- Kim Mitchell
A medical mystery.
A mental midget with the IQ of a fencepost. -- Tom Waits
A mind as empty as the sleeping pill concession at a honeymoon hotel.
A modest little person, with much to be modest about. -- Churchill
A natural talent for finding subliminal messages in ice cubes.
A Neanderthal brain in a Cro-Magnon body.
A pacifist out of necessity / always loses in a battle of wits.
A PBS mind in an MTV world.
A penalty kick over the bar. (in soccer)
A peripheral visionary.
A poor excuse for protoplasm.
A quart low.
A real rocket scientologist.
A real space cadet.
A return with no gosub.
A room temperature IQ -- centigrade.
A semitone flat on the high notes.
A single-cylinder brain in a V8 world.
A socketless drone in a plug-and-play world.
A standard deviant.
A teapot with a cracked lid.
A titanic intellect... In a world full of icebergs.
A vacuum-tube brain in a microchip world.
A VGA card and a Herc monitor.
A violin minus the bow.
A walking argument for birth control / post-natal abortion.
A waste of skin.
A wind-up clock without a key.
Airhead / bubble-brain.
Alive today only because it's illegal to kill him.
All booster, no payload.
All cassette, no tape.
All crown, no filling.
All fetch and no execute.
All foam, no beer.
All foliage, no fruit.
All hammer, no nail.
All hat and no cattle.
All hawk and no spit. -- Molly Ivins talking about Ross Perot
All he remembers about his middle name is the first letter.
All his eggs in the same basket.
All his learning curves look like Mount Everest.
All icing, no cake.
All lime and salt, no tequila.
All missile, no warhead.
All of his bytes are odd.
All Preparation, no H.
All shot, no powder.
All signs and no scenery. -- John Taylor
All the lights don't shine in her marquee.
All the notes, none of the music.
All the personality of linoleum flooring / plasticene / putty /caulking / saran wrap / a bowl of oatmeal / a plastic spoon.
All thrust/mach, no vector.
All wax and no wick.
Alphabetizes junk mail / T-shirts / canonical lists.
Always in the right place, but at the wrong time.
Always late... Her ancestors arrived on the June Flower.
Always needs to have jokes explained.
Always responds to "Make Money Fast" postings on the Net.
Always sharpening his sleeping skills.
Always speaks her mind, so usually she's speechless.
An 8080 in a 68000 environment.
An alligator. (All mouth, no ears.)
An Apple //e on UUCP.
An early example of the Peter Principle.
An ego like a black hole.
An example of how the dinosaurs survived for millions of yearswith walnut-sized brains.
An expert on the historical significance of cottage cheese.
An inch short and a stroke early.
An innundated receptacle of primordial ooze.
An intellect rivaled only by garden tools.
An XT clone in a Pentium zone.
Ano-fossal ambiguity. (Can't tell his ass from a hole in the ground.)
Another engineering prototype that should not have been shipped.
Any connection between his reality and ours is purely coincidental.
Any similarity between him and a human being is purely coincidental.
Any slower and he'd be in reverse. -- Gignac
Any smarter and he'd be retarded.
Argues with herself -- and loses!
As bent as a corkscrew.
As bright as a nightlight / small appliance bulb / tulip bulb.
As dumb as an ox.
As focused as a fart.
As happy as the village idiot.
As popular as a French kiss at a family reunion.
as popular as a pork pie at a Jewish wedding.
As quick as a corpse.
As rare as a nine bob note. (Very English.)
As sharp as a bag of wet mice. -- Foghorn Leghorn
As sharp as a marble / bowling ball / beachball / pin head /wet sponge / bowl of Jello / mashed potato sandwich,and twice as smart.
As smart as a politician/lawyer is honest.
As smart as bait / an automatic email responder script.
As smart as Christie Brinkley is ugly.
As strong as an ox and as dumb as two.
As thick as champ. (Irish; champ is mostly mashed spuds and cabbage.)
As thick as two short planks / two half bricks.
As useful as a back pocket in a vest. (Very English.)
As useful as a brick lifevest.
As useful as a cheese sandwich to a drowning ferret.
As useful as a chocolate teapot / fireguard.
As useful as a football bat.
As useful as a fur-lined walking stick.
As useful as a glass hammer.
As useful as a hip pocket on a T-shirt.
As useful as a kickstand on a horse.
As useful as a lead parachute.
As useful as a mint-flavored suppository.
As useful as a spit valve on a guitar.
As useful as a top hat with pockets.
As useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
As useful as an inflatable cheeseknife.
As useful as bolognese sauce on shoe laces.
As useful as bookends down a well.
As useful as green stop lights.
As useful as reverse gear on a lawn mower.
At least he has a positive attitude about his destructive habits.
Attic's a little dusty.
Back burners not fully operating.
Bad spot on the disk.
Baler done run out of twine.
Bandwidth limited.
Bats have flown the belfry, and now he's all alone.
Bats in the belfry.
Batteries not included.
Been napping in front of the ion shield again.
Been one too many times through the wormhole.
Been playing with his wand too much.
Been playing with the pharmacy section again.
Been short on oxygen one time too many.
Been using her head as a mass driver.
Better at sex than anyone; now all he needs is a partner.
Blew his O-rings.
Blew the hatch before the lock sealed.
Blocked one too many hockey pucks / soccer balls / puncheswith his head.
Blown/leaking head gasket.
Born during low tide in / swimming in the shallow end ofthe gene pool.
Born too late -- he'd have been a great Neanderthal.
Born ugly and built to last.
Brain as busy as a hog farmer in Israel/Iran/...
Brain is running on empty.
Brain like a hard drive with no read/write head.
Bright as a Zippo lighter without a flint.
Bright as Alaska in December.
Bright as an acetylene torch -- without an oxygen supply.
Brings a knife to a gunfight. -- Sean Connery, The Untouchables
Brings binoculars to submarine races.
Broadcasts static.
Bubbles/leaks in her think tank.
Buddy breathing with himself. (SCUBA term.)
Built a special showcase for his herd of pet rocks.
Busier than a one-armed paper hanger.
Busier than a one-legged cat trying to cover its excretaon a frozen pond.
Busy as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
Caboose seems to be pulling the engine.
Calling him a pea brain would be an undeserved compliment.
Calls people to ask them their phone number.
Can be outwitted by a jar of Marshmallow Fluff.
Can discern facts and form predictions with the acumen of an economist.
Can easily be confused with facts.
Can only remember her old passwords.
Can only shoot pool with a left-handed cue stick.
Can't count his balls and get the same answer twice.
Can't dial 911 because she can't find "11" on the phone.
Can't find his ass with two hands and a periscope/compass/map/flashlight/bloodhound/GPS receiver (in a locked closet).
Can't find his couch in the living room.
Can't find log base two of 65536 without a calculator.
Can't hold water in a bucket. (Can't keep a secret.)
Can't program his way out of a for-loop.
Car's only got three wheels, and one's going flat.
Carrier wave unmodulated.
Carries a tire gauge in her purse.
Cart can't hold all the groceries.
Cauliflower for brains.
Cerebrum vaccuoso. (Empty head.)
Changes hands and picks up a stroke.
Charming as a carbuncle.
Cheats when filling out opinion polls.
Cheezwiz for brains.
Chimney's clogged.
Clock doesn't have all its numbers.
Closer to the edge than a bicycle on the autobahn.
Cold / flat / dry as a witch's tit.
Colder than a well-digger's ass in the Klondike.
Collects cards for Craig.
Communications with him is limited to ping.
Confused as a baby in a topless bar.
Confused as a lesbian in a fishmongers.
Conserves toilet paper by using both sides.
Consumes hard drugs as vitamins.
Contributes to collections like this one without searching firstto see if their little gem is already listed.
Contributes to the population problem.
Could only be loved/missed if the minister read someone else's eulogy.
Could qualify as a houseplant if he learned to photosynthesize.
Couldn't balance a checkbook if Einstein helped.
Couldn't be shown that his ass was on fire with a flashlight anda three-way mirror.
Couldn't count to 21 if he were barefoot and without pants.
Couldn't engineer his way out of a wet paper bag.
Couldn't figure it out if God gave him the instruction manual.
Couldn't find his way through a maze even if the rats helped him.
Couldn't find oil with a dipstick.
Couldn't find two Saint Bernards if they were in the sametelephone booth with him.
Couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field full ofhorny clues if he smeared his body with clue musk anddid the clue mating dance.
Couldn't get laid if he crawled up a chicken's rear end andwaited his turn.
Couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a sack ofbananas. -- David Spade
Couldn't hit sand if he fell off a camel.
Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if he were standing inside.
Couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat.
Couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery. (Common in Australia.)
Couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
Couldn't run out of sight on a dark night / in a week.
Couldn't scratch his ass with a hand full of fish hooks.
Couldn't tell which way the elevator was going if he had two guesses.
Couldn't think/pee/fight his way out of a paper bag.
Couldn't write dialog for a porno flick.
CPU doesn't pick up on all clock cycles.
CPU is always in powersave mode.
CPU not connected to the bus.
Cranial cavity filled with neutronic matter. (Really dense.)
Cranio-rectally inverted.
Creates his swap file in a RAM disk.
Cunning as a dodo bird.
Cursor's flashing but there's no response.
Dealing with him is less fun than going to the dentist.
Dealing with him is one angst worse than a blind date.
Deep as her dimples / reflection in a mirror.
Defective hard drive / boot sector.
Dense as a London fog.
Depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.
Diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
Diarrhea of the mouth; constipation of the ideas.
Differently clued. -- Dave Clark
Dock doesn't quite reach the water.
Does aerobics... in his head.
Does everything the hard way, like making love standing upin a hammock.
Does the work of three men: Larry, Curly, and Moe. (Three Stooges)
Doesn't adjust for leap years.
Doesn't consider his drive a slice unless it lands two fairways over.
Doesn't have a fart's prayer in a hurricane.
Doesn't have a round in every chamber.
Doesn't have all his cornflakes in one box.
Doesn't have all his dogs on one leash / cups in the cupboard /groceries in the same bag.
Doesn't have all the dots on his dice / pens in her plotter.
Doesn't have both oars in the water -- can't even find the damn boat.
Doesn't have elastic in both of his socks.
Doesn't have his belt through all the loops.
Doesn't have sixteen annas to the rupee.
Doesn't have the brain power to toast a crouton.
Doesn't have the sense God gave an animal cracker.
Doesn't have two neurons to rub together.
Doesn't just know nothing; doesn't even suspect much.
Doesn't just wear perfume, she marinates in it.
Doesn't know much, but leads the league in nostril hair. -- Billing
Doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his balls.
Doesn't know which side the toast is buttered on.
Doesn't need to worry about excess knowledge.
Doesn't put the cross-hairs on the target.
Doesn't quite sample at the Nyquist rate.
Doesn't suffer from ear pressure when flying at altitude.
Doesn't suffer from stress, she's a carrier.
Don't blame him, he's from Uranus.
Don't know what his problem is, but it's hard to pronounce.
Donated her body to science fiction.
Donated her body to scientists... Before she was done using it.
Downhill skiing in Iowa.
Driveway doesn't quite reach the garage.
Driving at night with the lights off.
Driving down the road of life with his sun shield in place.
Driving with his tailgate down (and stuff is falling out).
Driving with two wheels in the sand / not all wheels on the pavement.
Dropped his second stage too soon.
Dropped on his head as a child.
Dumb as asphalt / dirt / a mud fence / a stump / a sack of hammers.
Dumber than a chicken / box of hair/rocks / sled tracks.
During evolution his ancestors were in the control group.
Ears are redirected to /dev/null.
Easier to count the bricks left than the bricks missing.
Echoes between the ears.
Eight pawns short of a gambit.
Either the good twin or the evil one, hard to say.
Electroencephalographically challenged.
Elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor / penthouse /mezzanine.
Elevator goes all the way to the top but the door doesn't open.
Elevator is on the ground floor and he's pushing the Down button.
Elevator to the brain suite is out of order.
Emails a one-line contribution to this list with a full copy ofthe list attached.
End of season sale at the cerebral department. -- Gareth Blackstock
Enjoys listening to telemarketers.
Enough sawdust between the ears to bed an elephant.
Even a two button mouse gives him too many options.
Even in victory, he's a loser.
Evidence for the theory of a missing link.
Evolved from a toxic waste dump.
Failed the Turing test.
Fell out of the family tree.
Fifty-one cards short of a full deck.
Fighting the war with a starter pistol / water pistol /pop gun / cap gun.
Finds a flat by swapping tires.
Finds canonical humor collections amusing.
Finds Sesame Street / knock-knock jokes challenging.
Fired from McDonald's for having a short attention span.
Fired her retro-rockets a little late.
Flying on a cold shot. (Inadequate force from a steam catapultlaunch on an aircraft carrier.)
Flying/landing on one engine.
Focused like a 12 gauge shotgun.
Fog rolled in the day he was born, and a bit of it never rolled out.
Folds ace plus red jack hand when playing blackjack.
For those who never forget a face, his is an exception.
Foreign substances float in his cranial fluids.
Forgot to pay his brain bill.
Found his marbles, but is playing jacks with them.
Four bits short of a full DEC.
Four bows short of a string quartet.
Four cents short of a nickel.
Fruit looking for a cake to happen.
Full of wisdumb.
Full throttle, dry tank.
Fur coat and no knickers. (Scottish expression.)
Gasoline engine, diesel fuel.
Gates/barriers are down, the lights are flashing, but thetrain isn't coming.
Gavel doesn't quite hit the bench.
Gears grind/don't always mesh.
Gets a charge out of pissing on electric fences.
Gets her mail at an unknown zip code.
Gets his orders from another planet.
Gets hypnotized on the de-spun section.
Gets lost in thought -- it's unfamiliar territory.
Gets parity errors under load.
Gives a lot of bull for somebody what ain't got no cattle.
Goalie for the dart team.
God might still use him for miracle practice.
God's favorite target for lightning strikes.
Goes with the flow... He's a bed wetter.
Good at quantum tunneling but not much else.
Got a life, but wasn't sure what to do with it.
Got help, but it didn't help. -- Bob Thaves
Got his brains as a stocking stuffer.
Got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching.
Got up on the wrong side of bed again this morning -- like always.
Guillotining him would make only an aesthetic difference.
Gyros are loose.
Habits explainable if he was raised by wolves.
Had a head crash / her server's crashed.
Had his brain been constructed of silk, he would have beenhard-pressed to find the material to make a canarya set of cami-knickers. -- P.G. Wodehouse
Half a bubble off plumb. -- attributed to Mark Twain
Happiness is seeing her picture on a milk carton.
Hard to distinguish from the tail end of a horse.
Hard to tell if he has an ace up his sleeve or if the ace ismissing from his deck altogether.
Has 100-meter talent, but is half a mile into the marathon of life.
Has a bird's-eye view, and a brain to match.
Has a bus fault problem.
Has a divide-by-zero look on his face.
Has a face only a mother could love -- but she hates it too.
Has a few wait states.
Has a full six-pack but lacks the plastic thing to hold them together.
Has a leak in his ceiling.
Has a mind like a mousetrap, but should let some of those poor mice go.
Has a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.
Has a personality all her own... No one else wanted it. -- Jim Davis
Has a pulse, but that's about all.
Has a random memory fault.
Has a slow clock.
Has a sparse matrix. (Beware, "matrix" comes from the Latin "womb".)
Has a two-bit operating system.
Has achieved inner peace, but still displays outer obnoxiousness.
Has all her bricks, but no cement holding them together.
Has all the brains God gave a duck's ass.
Has an hourglass figure, but most of the sand is on thep.m. side. -- Thaves
Has an inferiority complex, but not a very good one.
Has an IQ one lower than it takes to grunt.
Has been seen tossing bread crumbs to helicopters.
Has change for a seven dollar bill.
Has delusions of adequacy.
Has FINO (first in never out) memory.
Has her headquarters where her hindquarters should be.
Has his brain on cruise control again.
Has his solar panels aimed at the moon.
Has it floored in neutral.
Has lots of books, but all he does is lick the ink off the pages.
Has no discretionary intellect.
Has no upper stage.
Has nothing to say, but delights in saying it.
Has only one chopstick in the chowmein.
Has over 1000 funny insults saved in a file, but can'tremember any of them.
Has plenty of talent and vision, just doesn't give a damn.
Has resonance where others have brains.
Has signs on both ears saying "Space for Rent".
Has so few thoughts that when he free associates, it's likewatching tennis.
Has the attention span of an overripe grapefruit.
Has the brains of a house plant / turnip (cooked).
Has the Grand Canyon under the crew cut.
Has the IQ of a salad bar / an ice cube / three below houseplant.
Has the keen awareness of an ostrich in hiding.
Has the mental agility of a soap dish. -- National Lampoon
Has the personality of a snail on Valium.
Has the same talent as Dr. Doolittle.
Has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it.
Hasn't caught on that X and Y are relative values.
Hasn't got all his china in the cupboard.
Hasn't got the brains God gave a cat.
Hasn't got the brains of a retarded anvil/oyster.
Hasn't lost his mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
Having a party in his head, but no one else is invited / dancing.
He came, he saw, he clutched.
He can push but he can't pop.
He demonstrates that beauty times brains is a constant.
He donated his brain to science but they made an early withdrawal.
He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
He has a bad brains-to-balls ratio.
He has a good point... Six inches above his eyes.
He has the wisdom of youth, and the energy of old age.
He has two left feet.
He hasn't a single redeeming vice. -- Oscar Wilde
He is a man of few words and he does not know what eitherof them mean. -- Prachett
He is a mouth-breather.
He knows computers... He's not fit for contact with humans.
He went off to cry to mommie/auntie.
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