#hockey hrpf
grittyreadsfic · 1 year
today is an important day-it is nico hischier's birthday. in honor of that, here's a rec list of some top tier nico fics!
collision course by greenteam : i have said it once and I will say it again, but greenteam always puts out some of my favorite aus, and this jack/nico fic is no exception
fire and flood by pretty_vacant: the devils ferda omegaverse is actually something that can be so personally. i have read this many times, and it always slaps
i want your belly (and that summer feeling) by clementiae: ngl this nico/bratter fic is just like. next level good. nothing will beat the high of reading this for the first time
this is where we both break free by overturnedgoal: obsessed with how they write nico/jack and also y'all know i love to read fics about trans joy
blood and oil by wilderhockey: exquisite concept (cyborgs! dystopia!) and also just as exquisite dynamic and banter between jack and nico. one of my favorite nico characterizations
lionheart by aliquis: prince nico/bodyguard jonas is actually the most apt depiction of them ever. I am, in fact, fully obsessed with this. 100000/10
i knew him well by adjacently: love is stored in the kitchen and also in getting into fwb situations with a healthy does of pining. my best friend's brother by victoria justice etc etc
take my hand, wreck my plan by passengers: absolute top tier nico/nolan fic right here (to no one's surprise, since it is ao3 user passengers). there is fake dating and nico is a teacher, what else could you need?
never bet the devil your head by philtatoi: as a noted lover of all of philtatoi's work, i do really love their devils fics most of all. this one has pining AND supernatural elements-truly has it all
kiss me on the mouth (and set me free) by coastalhighway: the vibes of this jack/nico fic are absolutely incredible, and it has some of my favorite world building. spectacular!!!
take the wheel by greenteam: if u see me reccing a second greenteam fic pls mind ur business!! this jacknico street racer au is, in fact, perfection! if i could lovingly kiss this fic on the forehead i would!
(self rec disclaimer but my jack/nico college au will always be one of my favorite things i've written)
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cheddaryouthanme · 10 months
Hockey RPF writers being known across fandoms as literary masters
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When I first started reading MattDrai fics on AO3 I remember thinking “wait what the HELL is going on why is this the most consistently well-written fanfiction I’ve read in any fandom? Is this a thing? Do people know??” And apparently it is and they do.
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adelphenium · 4 months
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for valentine's day!! fake dating sim screencaps my beloved 🫶💝
+ bonus leon getting into his gamer girl era:
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slaymiedrysdale · 3 months
I need 25 ao3 fics about this moment ASAP. The sexual tension is insane
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stillfertile · 5 months
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straight guy two beers in
the deweys have a chokehold on me I cant stop thinkinh about them, so have this silly comic I spent 6 hours on (way too much time)
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offside-the-lines · 30 days
MattDrai Fic Recs
So @irrelevanttous and @puckthisshift sent me the ask meme prompt for "what my favorite Mattdrai fic is" and I went on a JOURNEY lemme tell ya. I ended up figuring out how to download my AO3 history (in which I discovered that in the last year, I've read like literally 50% of all the MattDrai fics ever written) to help me figure out what my faves were. So here are some (most? I hope?), split into categories.
General Faves:
head above water by yourblues (@msmargaretmurry) 🔒 (E, 91.1k) This might be one of the best pieces of RPF ever written; it's a classic. I have visited this fic literally 21 times. It has everything: stupidity, pining, incredible sex, falling for each other, also more stupidity. Chapter 6 literally rips my entire soul out every time. I think this fic permanently altered my brain chemistry. It's a perennial re-read.
only fools rush in by @bropunzeling 🔒 (E, 94.9k) This is another fic that is a Must Read for HRPF as a whole. The entire time, I just want to reach through the screen and wring both of their necks for being so incredibly dense. And I love everything about this, especially just the way it's written is so incredible.
Growing Into Someone by @blaahaj 🔒 (E, 46.5k) God, I love this fic so much, I come back to it all the time. I think this must've been one of the first Mattdrai works I read. But I just love how natural the initial tension is, and how inevitable their falling in love is, and how the climax happens and resolves is just so incredible.
Undo Falling for You by crookedsilence (@csblogs) 🔒 (T, 16.1k) This is an AU I guess? I put it in this section because it's Hanahaki, so like only kinda AU. Either way, I am obsessed with this! It is just emotionally perfect. Highly recommend.
rough dream? by reticent 🔒 (M, 7.2k) So, this fic is probably the most "out there" suggestion because of the warning (I'll get to that part) but this fic is literally the most perfect microcosm of what Mattdrai fics tend to have: pining, lack of communication, falling in love while being terrified of falling in love, etc. This is a time loop fic where Matthew is stuck in the time loop but it's told from the perspective of Leon. It is absolutely incredible. I think about this fic ALL THE TIME. The warning is for a suicide, but no "actual" character death because the time loop resets.
i'll tell you when to stop by dogjuice 🔒 (E, 39.6k) (McMattDrai) This is the real answer to 'what fic do you send people if they want to get into MattDrai'. I have sent this to so many people because it is perfect. Everything about this is perfect. Matthew's internal dialogue and his anxiety, and his perception of what's happening. The second half of the fic is so well-written and suspenseful. Something I feel it will give me a heart attack even though I've read it like 10 times.
Future Fics
Saving the Best for Last by @puckingtrash 🔒 (E, 100.1k) This is the fic that made me obsessed with Future Fics of current rivals. There's just a level of camaraderie and understanding that happens after that many years in the same league; it doesn't matter how much beef you had. And this fic is just so incredible. I love thinking about what these guys do after retirement. A must read IMO.
home by now by daisysusan (@hopetorun) 🔒 (E, 102.3k) Probably one of the best fics. I love the way this builds up and keeps you on edge. It really mirrors how Matty feels, just this general unease of knowing something is wrong but not knowing what. The laying of the pining with the hurt and confusion is just so well done.
back to where we lasted by @ohtemporas 🔒 (E, 34.4k) Trade fics are always so interesting with these two. Especially in the situation where they are exes. And one of them (Leon in this case) has fucked up greatly, and they need to figure out how to get past it because neither of them are over it. Or in this case, figure out how to do it again, but properly.
Old Flames Burn Brighter by @cisumox (E, 25k) I love this fic so much because of the way they are both clearly affected by what happened and how much they still want to love each other. I think about this one al the time. Warning: this does involve a career ending injury.
settle down in the Sunshine State by @puckthisshift 🔒 (E, 14.7k) This has my fave Mattdrai trope where one of them is a fucking idiot, and is so in their head about it. And they have absolutely no idea what literally every single other person knows. In this case, it's Matthew. I absolutely love this fic. I read it all the time.
gather your broken lessons and move by rumandwhine 🔒 (E, 30.5k) This one is super interesting because it doesn't involve a trade, or them in the same place. It is the same as it was before, but different. How are they doing to figure out what went wrong and how are they going to make sure they don't make the same mistakes? They are older now, but are they any less stupid. Keep reading to find out. (Also featuring an absolutely hilarious situation with Drai and his rookie).
linger by @bropunzeling 🔒 (E, 65.5k) (Omegaverse) This is another all timer. It is so incredible: the way they are just so inexplicably drawn to each other, and obsessed but so worried about their obsession. And the way Leon treats Matthew as something really special from the beginning (and how Matthew just doesn't seem to pick up on that). The way that things build towards the climax, with the ASG 2023 moment (which makes me want to rip my eyeballs out every time; it HURTS). It has all the best parts of omegaverse and explores their relationships with their dynamics so thoughtfully.
whatever promises I made by @puckthisshift 🔒 (E, 360k) (Omegaverse) Yet another all timer for the genre as a whole. The way that omegaverse is explored here is so interesting. It was the fic that really got me on board with the AU. It is so core to the way the characters interact with each other and the world, and the inherent traumas it brings really parallels some of the experiences of populations in the real world (e.g. women).
so is the longing by dogjuice 🔒 (E, 44.7k) (Omegaverse) When I tell you I have read this fic sooooo many times. It is so so good (and so hot). Matthew is so incredibly oblivious and Leon is pining so hard and down soooooo bad. I think Leon's love for Matthew can be seen from like Alpha centauri and yet Matthew totally misses it (among other things). This is SO good.
Egos and Eligibility by @puckthisshift 🔒 (E, 91.1k) (Regency & Omegaverse) I will continue to suck up to my good friend Iris LOL. But seriously, I read this before I even knew it was her and I love it so much. I adore Regency Matthew and the way Leon is literally ever MMC from the era (Mr Darcy) is so funny to me (why so pissy Leon). Regency is such a perfect setting for the Omegaverse tropes of courting and, also again, exploring the societal impact of having these dynamics in play. I think the part where Matthew goes into heat is SO funny and well written. Bridgerton wishes.
Royal Pain by lavender_hazyy 🔒 (E, 48.9k) + Sequel Rules of Engagement (E, 37.8k) (Medieval/Royalty/Bridgerton/Robin Hood) That sounds like the most bonkers combination of things, but it's truly so so so good. I recommend this one SO much. It's so much fun to read, and their interactions are so funny. Poor Connor is always experiencing the Horrors in the background. Everything about this is perfection. THE FUCKING LOVE LETTERS OMG.
bittersweet and strange by @puckthisshift 🔒 (E, 53.4k) (Fairytale Curses) Will I ever stop thinking about this? Probably not. :) I think so much of this is a metaphor for the "beast" that Matthew portrays himself to be (maybe believes himself to be) irl. Also, I will never get enough of Taryn as a character; she is just incredible. I will literally never forget the reveal at the end (and ever villain I ever write will be henceforth inspired by you). (Also, curly haired tiger Matthew, you will always be real to me. Leon + me *handshake emoji* wanting to tough Matthew's fur).
I honestly don't even think this is ALL of the Mattdrai fics I think about regularly/reread regularly. But these are at least a lot of them. There are also so many good recommendation lists on this website when you search for "mattdrai fic recs" that will include even more fics than the ones I've selected.
Legitimately, thank you to all Mattdrai writers out there for being the fucking GOATs. I don't know what I would be reading if not this.
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pierremcguire · 3 months
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diningchairs · 4 months
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more deweys
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puckluckfest · 3 months
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Puck Luck Fest 2024 — a hrpf magical realism prompt meme!
let your characters live in a world where wishes made on the stanley cup come true! stick 'em in a time loop! make the hockey gods real, and have them curse some guys for real! we are using the hrpf fandom's interpretation of magical realism for this fest, where most things about characters' lives are the same. except ... there's a truth curse, or soulbonds, or a wishbaby, or someone transforms into an animal, etc. fic with a more urban fantasy flavor (everything's the same except that werewolves or vampires or witches, etc. are real) is also totally welcome in this fest. basically — any prompt or fic where the premise is 'hockey + some brand of magic' is welcome here! you can get as high concept as you want and develop lore and rules for magic to tell your story. or you can also keep things lowkey, and let your characters be completely shocked to find out they live in a world where their captain gets de-aged after a bad game.
ao3 collection  —  HERE!
faq  —  HERE!
rules  —  HERE!
Prompts & Sign-Ups Open: March 22, 2024
Prompts & Sign-Ups Close: April 12, 2024
Fics due: July 22, 2024
Fics go live: July 24, 2024
Authors revealed: July 26, 2024
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adelphenium · 4 months
consider ….sidney in nate’s hoodie
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this was all i could think about when i saw it.. boyfriend.... hoodie.......
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stillfertile · 7 months
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When we saw the Battle of Alberta Heritage Classic outfits we were all wondering the same thing right? What if Matthew Tkachuck was still a flame?
well I couldnt stop thinking about it so I drew it (ft. bonus davo and leon reaction)
version below without the cowboy hat for all the tkachuk curls lovers out there
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primaryassist · 1 year
decently long hockey rpf fic recs that i couldn’t put down
King and Lionheart by thehoyden. this is a sidgeno arranged marriage fic and it is incredible! it also has the most kudos on the whole hrpf tag which is pretty cool too.
running under the wrong assumption by swedishsnail. natecale baseball au and as both an avid natecale enthusiast and a baseball fan, this is great! love the characterization of both of them. and cale as a catcher is a perfect match.
Cor et Anima by Anonymous. this is a sidgeno soulmate fic and this is so sweet! i love the way geno’s hugs are described.
Looking Through You by nordalanche. It’s a mattdrai d/s fic and i loved the ending!
sail by Anonymous. it’s still ongoing, but it’s kreidbanejad where chris has anxiety and so far, it is incredible!
head above water by yourblues because who doesn’t love a good old mattdrai rivals to fuckbuddies to lovers?
Hate Is A Strong Word by Anonymous. natecale enemies (sounds weird but it makes sense if you read it) to friends to lovers
all the beyonds were his by heartequals. this is gravy/cale and i’ve never read their pairing until now and i’m pleasantly surprised at how much i like it! gravy sending postcards to cale is so amazing.
light the world up by shellies. matthew/sasha throughout the first round against the bruins. i love colin’s questions throughout it too.
parentheses all clicking shut by the undiagnosable. there’s so romantic pairing but this captures the character of jt so well.
once in twenty lifetimes by coastalhighway. jt/mo because i eat rarepairs for breakfast. jt is a vampire too and i love it.
red lights i’ll run (what i got you need it) by Japery. this is gabe/tyson and it makes me mourn tyson on the avs. comph/josty in there too.
torch this place we know by theundiagnosable. mitch/aus where mitch gets traded to pittsburgh (my dream tbh). it’s angsty and amazing.
The Only One for Me is You by Anonymous. another angsty natecale fic coming right up!
Tropism by Anonymous. flower/geno, love that rarepair. it’s a hanahaki fic and i’m a sucker for those.
somewhere this works by cuprun. it’s a sid/claude time loop and omg i love it. there’s background tk/np and that’s incredible too.
One Day We’ll Only Be Memories by swaymarks. there’s goalie magic and tbh that’s the best type of magic
i’ll be adding more if i come across new ones, so if you like these then check back!
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hrpffandomeventblog · 2 months
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It's April!
Time for Moodboards!
Give us your favorite idiots, your best enemies to lovers takes, your bros5eva, your attempts to bait writers into creating fic based on YOUR moodboard, a moodboard of your favorite fic(contact writer)!
All through April we will promote your moodboards (which means you gotta tag us or message us)!
Add your moodboards to the AO3 Collection!
(Help us promote and tag all your friends and PLEASE reblog)
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jiminy-crickets · 27 days
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happy first day of men's worlds to luke hughes and brady tkachuk ONLY
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diningchairs · 4 months
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natecale at the asg + georgie being done with their bs
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ikealamps · 2 months
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more kraken as textposts
part one
*shoutout to krakencord, who helped me make some final decisions with this, love you guys
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